How many checks were issued by Euro+ Shopping Channel in the year 2004?
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;
Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
Of all the orders placed and shipped throughout the year 2005, what percentage of those orders corresponds to customer number 186?
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
State the email of those who are staff of Murphy Diane whose number is 1002 and living in San Francisco
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
President refers to the jobTitle;
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
How many employees who are living in Australia and have the credit limit under 200000? State their email address and countries where they are working.
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
President refers to the jobTitle;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;
Planes is a product line;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
country = 'USA'
Of the clients whose businesses are located in the city of Boston, calculate which of them has a higher average amount of payment.
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
How many motorcycles have been ordered in 2004?
Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
President refers to the jobTitle;
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
Planes is a product line;
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
List all the name of customers who have orders that are still processing.
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
Steve Patterson is an employee;
List out 3 best seller products during year 2003 with their total quantity sold during 2003.
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
President refers to the jobTitle;
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Please list the top three product names with the highest unit price.
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
What is the phone number of all companies where the last name of the contact person starts with the letter M and are not from Germany?
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
Steve Patterson is an employee;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
Which product did Cruz & Sons Co. order on 2003/3/3?
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
President refers to the jobTitle;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
How many transactions payment made by customer that is lower than 10000. Group the result by year.
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
Steve Patterson is an employee;
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
For Which order was the most profitable, please list the customer name of the order and the profit of the order.
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
How much did customer 103 pay in total?
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
What is the full address of the customer who commented that DHL be used for the order that was shipped on April 4, 2005?
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
Planes is a product line;
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
What is the total price of the order 10100?
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
President refers to the jobTitle;
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Name the product from the 'Classic Cars' production line that has the greatest expected profit.
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
country = 'USA'
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
Calculate the total price of shipped orders belonging to Land of Toys Inc. under the classic car line of products.
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
What is the percentage of employees are in Paris office?
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
How many Sales Rep who are working in Tokyo? List out email and full name of those employees.
Sales Rep is a job title; Tokyo is a city; full name = firstName+lastName;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
Still processing refers to status = 'In Process';
Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;
The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
amount of payment refers to amount;
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
Please calculate the average total price of shipped orders from German customers.
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)).
Among the customers of empolyee 1370, who has the highest credit limit?Please list the full name of the contact person.
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;
Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;
UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
Among the German customers, how many of the them has credit limit of zero?
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
For the planes which has the hightest total price, how much it exceeds the average?
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
Motorcycles refer to productLine = 'motorcycles'; ordered in 2004 refers to year(orderDate) = 2004;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
Which product did Cruz & Sons Co. ask for the biggest amount in a single order?
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
For the product No. S18_3482 in the Order No.10108, how much discount did the customer have?
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
List out 3 customer numbers who have highest amount payment
amount of payment refers to amount;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
Compared with the orders happened on 2005-04-08 and two days later, which day's order had a higher value?
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)) where productLine = 'Classic Cars'; status = 'Shipped'; customername = 'Land of Toys Inc';
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
country = 'USA'
Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;
average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; Sales Manager is a job title;
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
Determine the email and Code of employee who are working at United State, state MA
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
Steve Patterson is an employee;
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
country = 'USA'
average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
If Dragon Souveniers, Ltd. aren't satisfied with their order and want to send a complain e-mail, which e-mail address should they send to?
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Sales Rep is a job title; Tokyo is a city; full name = firstName+lastName;
When was the product with the highest unit price shipped?
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
country = 'USA'
President refers to the jobTitle;
How many sales representitives are based in the offices in the USA?
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
Orders that are disputed refer to status = 'Disputed'; the sales representative means employees; names refers to firstName, lastName.
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
The largest order in terms of total price refers to MAX(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)).
Best selling products refer to products with MAX(quantityOrdered); 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
How many products with the highest expected profits were sold in total?
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
full address = addressLine1 + addressLine2; NYC is a shortname of New York City.
President refers to the jobTitle;
The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
The greatest expected profit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Between 8/1/2003 and 8/30/2004, how many checks were issued by Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd.? Please list their check numbers.
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
average total price = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)), COUNT(orderNumber)); German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; shipped orders refers to status = 'Shipped';
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; ordered on 2003-03-03 refers to orderDate;
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
If I'm from the Muscle Machine Inc, to which e-mail adress should I write a letter if I want to reach the superior of my sales representitive?
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;
Products refer to productCode; Expected profits = SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
classic car is a product line; most ordered product refers to MAX(quantityOrdered);
total payment refers to SUM(amount); no credit limit refers to creditLimit = 0; year(paymentDate) = '2003';
Credit card does not have a limit refers to creditLimit = 45300;
UK is a country; Sales Rep is a job title;
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; the biggest amount refers to MAX(quantityOrdered).
How many customers with a canceled shipment have a credit limit greater than 115,000?
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Australia is a country; creditLimit < 20000;
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Please list all the customers that have Steve Patterson as their sales representitive.
Steve Patterson is an employee;
cancelled shipment refers to status = 'cancelled'; creditLimit > 115000;
full name = contactFirstName, contactLastName; Boston is a city;
President refers to the jobTitle;
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
Sales Manager is a job title; Sydney is a city;
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
How many countries from the USA have an In Process order status?
country = 'USA'
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
2005-04-08 and two days later refer to orderDate = '2005-04-08' and orderDate = '2005-04-10'; order with a higher value refers to MAX(Total price) = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach);
full address = addressLine1+addressLine2; shippedDate = '2005-04-04';
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
plane is a product line; total price = MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach); how much the total price exceeds the average = SUBTRACT(MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), AVG(priceEach));
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
List out full name and email of employees who are working in Paris?
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
Euro+ Shopping Channel is a customer name; year(paymentDate) = '2004';
Gerakd Hermandez is an employee; French customer refers to customer from France where country = 'France'
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach)
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
E-mail address belongs to employee; customerName = 'Dragon Souveniers, Ltd.';
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
Calculate the average amount of payments made by customers during the first half of 2004.
average amount of payments = DIVIDE(SUM(amount), COUNT(customerNumber); first half of 2014 refers to paymentDate > = '2004-01-01' AND paymentDate < '2004-07-01;
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate;
SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach)
Employee 1370 refers to employeeNumber = '1370';
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
Transactions payment lower than 10000 refer to COUNT(amount) < 1000; by year refers to YEAR(paymentDate)
President refers to the jobTitle;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
To whom does the employee have to inform that is the sales representative of the French customer?
inform refers to reportsTo; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'; France is a country; country = 'France';
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
Most profitable order can be computed as MAX(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)).
payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
President refers to the jobTitle;
country = 'USA'
reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
Cruz & Sons Co. is name of customer; 2003/3/3 refers to orderDate;
paymentDate BETWEEN '2003-08-01' AND '2004-08-30'; Mini Gifts Distributors Ltd. Is a customer name;
paymentdate BETWEEN '2003-01-01' AND '2004-12-31'; customers who have paid more than three times refers to (COUNT(customernumber)>3);
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
Where was the order No. 10383 shipped to? Show me the address.
Address comprises addressLine1 and addressLine2;
average amount payment = AVG(amount);
Muscle Machine Inc is name of customer; superior refers to 'reportsTO', who is the leader of the 'employeeNumber'
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
code of employee refers to employeeNumber; United States of America refers to country = 'USA';
country = 'USA'
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(MSRP, priceEach)), MSRP); product No. S18_3482 refers to productCode = 'S18_3482'
orderDate between '2005-01-01' and '2005-12-31'; full address = addressLine1+addressLine2;
1939 'Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe' refers to productName; the highest price refers to MAX(priceEach)
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
Which 5 products has the lowest amount of orders? List the product names.
The lowest amount of orders refers to MIN(quantityOrdered);
1969 Harley Davidson Ultimate Chopper refers to the name of the product; sale rep refers to employee; 2003 refers to year(orderDate) = 2003; quantity sold refers to quantityOrdered; their names refer to the name of customers;
full name = firstName+LastName; Paris is a city;
last name of contact person starts with M refers to lastName LIKE 'M%'; Germany is a country; not from Germany refers to country<>'Germany';
Steve Patterson is an employee;
German is a nationality of country = 'Germany'; CREDITLIMIT = 0
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
DIVIDE(COUNT(employeeNumber) when city = 'Paris'), (COUNT(employeeNumber)) as percentage;
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
VP Sales refers to jobTitle
Please calculate the average total price of orders from Exoto Designs Vendor in 2005.
average total price = DIVIDE(SUM(MULTIPLY(quantityOrdered, priceEach))), COUNT(orderNumber)); year(orderDate) = '2005';
Pay in total refers to SUM(amount);
shipped orders refers to status = 'shipped'; year(shippedDate) = 2005; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(customerNumber = 186)), COUNT(orderNumber)) as percentage;
payment refers to amount; full name = firstName+lastName; supervisor refers to reportsTO; 'reportsTO' is the leader of the 'employeeNumber';
average actual profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(priceEach, buyPrice)); 1937 Lincoln Berline is a product name;
staff of refers to reportsTO; San Francisco is a city;
USA is a country; total amount payment refers to SUM(amount);
Sales representative refers to jobTitle = 'Sales Rep'; country = 'USA';
country = 'USA'
DIVIDE(SUM(amount) where customerName = 'Atelier graphique'), (SUM(amount)) as percentage where year(paymentDate) = 2004;
The most ordered quantity product refers to productName where Max(quantityOrdered); SUBTRACT(MSRP, buyPrice);
Tell the origin country of car no.382.
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
Which car is the cheapest? Provide its acceleration, number of cylinders, and producing year.
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
What years did the Buick Skylark 320 get in production?
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
the most expensive refers to max(price)
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
What is the average weight of Japanese cars with 4 cylinders that were produced from 1975 to 1980?
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
How much is the Volkswagen Dasher with 14.1 mph acceleration?
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
Among the cars with 8 cylinders, what is the name of the one that's the most expensive?
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
Which country produced the highest number of cars? Calculate the annual average number of cars that the said country produced from the very start to the present.
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
Please list the weights of all the cars with the price over $40000.
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the lowest price refers to min(price)
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
What is the maximum sweep volume of a car that costs less than $30000?
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
Show the origin country of Chevrolet Malibu.
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the lowest price refers to min(price)
Among the cars produced in year 1973, how many of the cars have horsepower less than 100?
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
the lowest price refers to min(price)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
What is the acceleration of the most expensive car?
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
What is the price of a Chevrolet Bel Air?
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
Provide the engine displacement status of the $37443.85589 car.
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
Among the cars with an engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter, how many cars cost at least 30,000?
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
the lowest price refers to min(price)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
Which country produced the car with the lowest mileage per gallon?
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
What is the percentage of cars that was produced by Japan among those that have a sweep volume of no less than 30?
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
Among the cars produced in 1975, provide IDs, names, and producing countries of the cars with the maximum number of cylinders.
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
List the car's name with a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars.
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
Calculate the swept volume of the $34538.97449 car.
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
the lowest price refers to min(price)
Please list the names of all the car models whose origin country is the USA.
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
Calculate the average price of cars from Europe.
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
When was the $32650.65157 car introduced to the market? State the year.
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
Which Dodge car is the cheapest?
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the lowest price refers to min(price)
Which car consumes fuel the most and has the highest price?
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
How many cylinders does the cheapest car have?
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
the most expensive refers to max(price)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
Among the cars originated from Japan, what is the name of the car with the highest price?
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
the lowest price refers to min(price)
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
Among the cars introduced in 1977, provide the names and the horse powers of cars from Europe.
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
the lowest price refers to min(price)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
the most expensive refers to max(price)
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
Which country produced the most expensive car in 1970?
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
Which country produced the car with the lowest price?
the lowest price refers to min(price)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
Give the model year of the heaviest car.
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
the most expensive refers to max(price)
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
How many American cars have an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds?
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
the most expensive refers to max(price)
Calculate the percentage of American cars among all cars.
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
What is the miles per square hour of the cheapest car produced by the USA?
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
the most expensive refers to max(price)
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
the lowest price refers to min(price)
Dodge car refers to car_name LIKE 'dodge%'; the cheapest refers to min(price); name of the car refers to car_name
Which country produced the most fuel-efficient car?
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
How many cars with horsepower greater than 200 were produced in 1975?
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
What is the average price of model 70 cars?
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
the lowest price refers to min(price)
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
What are the miles per gallon of the most expensive car?
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
cost less than $30000 refers to price < 30000; the maximum sweep volume = max(divide(displacement, cylinders)) where price < 30000
What is the horsepower and model year of the car named Subaru Dl?
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
the lowest price refers to min(price)
What is the fastest car made by Japan?
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
the most expensive refers to max(price)
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
Provide the price and country origin of the car named Ford Maverick.
country origin refers to country; Ford Maverick refers to car_name = 'ford maverick'
Japanese car refers to country = 'Japan'; with 4 cylinders refers to cylinders = 4; produced from 1975 to 1980 refers to model_year BETWEEN 1975 AND 1980; average weight = avg(weight)
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
the lowest price refers to min(price)
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
What is the average price per car produced in Japan?
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
Which car in the database provides the best crash protection based on its weight? How much is it?
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
the lowest mileage per gallon refers to min(mpg)
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
the lowest price refers to min(price)
consumes fuel the most refers to min(mpg); has the highest price refers to max(price)
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
How much is the Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel?
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
name of car model refers to car_name; origin country is the USA refers to country = 'USA'
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
horsepower greater than 200 refers to horsepower > 200; in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
Please list all the years in which the car model Chevrolet Impala was introduced in the market.
year refers to model_year; Chevrolet Impala refers to car_name = 'chevrolet impala'
engine displacement of no less than 400 cubic millimeter refers to displacement > 400; cost at least 30,000 refers to price > 30000
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
the cheapest car refers to min(price)
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
How many cars were released in the USA in 1981?
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
Chevrolet Bel Air refers to car_name = 'chevrolet bel air'
cost refers to price; Volkswagen Dasher refers to car_name = 'volkswagen dasher'; 14.1 mph acceleration refers to acceleration = 14.1
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
price over $40000 refers to price > 40000
origin country refers to country; Chevrolet Malibu refers to car_name = 'chevrolet malibu'
produced in year 1973 refers to model_year = 1973; have horsepower less than 100 refers to horsepower < 100
produced by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; a sweep volume of no less than 30 refers to divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'Japan'), count(ID)) * 100% where divide(displacement, cylinders) > 30
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
the cheapest refers to min(price); number of cylinders refers to cylinders; producing year refers to model_year
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
Provide the price of the only Toyota Corona hardtop in the database.
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
the best crash protection refers to max(weight); cost refers to price
from Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name; the highest price refers to max(price)
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
the most expensive refers to max(price)
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'; average price = avg(price) where country = 'Europe'
Which is the origin country of the $44274.40748 car?
origin country refers to country; the $44274.40748 car refers to price = 44274.40748
the car named Subaru Dl refers to car_name = 'subaru dl'
car's name refers to car_name; a price worth greater than 85% of the average price of all cars refers to price > multiply(avg(price), 0.85)
produced in 1975 refers to model_year = 1975; names refers to car_name; producing countries refers to country; the maximum number of cylinders refers to max(cylinders)
origin country refers to country; car no.382 refers to ID = 382
the fastest refers to max(horsepower); made by Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; name of the car refers to car_name
model 70 refers to model = 70; average price = avg(price) where model = 70
year refers to model_year; Buick Skylark 320 refers to car_name = 'buick skylark 320'
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
the most expensive refers to max(price); in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970
American car refers to country = 'USA'; percentage = divide(count(ID where country = 'USA'), count(ID)) * 100%
Which country does Chevy C20 come from?
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
miles per square hour refers to acceleration; the cheapest refers to min(price); produced by the USA refers to country = 'USA'
cost refers to price; Peugeot 505s Turbo Diesel refers to car_name = 'peugeot 505s turbo diesel'
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
miles per gallon refers to mpg; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the most fuel-efficient refers to max(mpg)
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
American car refers to country = 'USA'; an acceleration time of less than 12 seconds refers to acceleration < 12
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
with 8 cylinders refers to cylinders = 8; name of the car refers to car_name; the most expensive refers to max(price)
the $32650.65157 car refers to price = 32650.65157; year refers to model
Among the car models introduced in the market in 1970, how many of them have the USA as their origin country?
introduced in the market in 1970 refers to model_year = 1970; have the USA as origin country refers to country = 'USA'
the heaviest refers to max(weight)
in the USA refers to country = 'USA'; in 1981 refers to model_year = 1981
Chevy C20 refers to car_name = 'chevy c20'
introduced in 1977 refers to model_year = 1977; car's name refers to car_name; from Europe refers to country = 'Europe'
engine displacement status refers to displacement; the $37443.85589 car refers to price = 37443.85589
the highest number of cars refers to max(country); annual average number = divide(count(ID), count(model_year))
sweep volume = divide(displacement, cylinders); the $34538.97449 car refers to price = 34538.97449
produced in Japan refers to country = 'Japan'; average price per car = avg(price) where country = 'Japan'
the lowest price refers to min(price)
Toyota Corona hardtop refers to car_name = 'toyota corona hardtop'
What is the district address associated with the case JB107731?
case JB107731 refers to case_number = 'JB107731'
"Austin" is the district_name; the most number of crime refers to Max(Count(case_number)); kind of location refers to location_description
the most population refers to max(population)
location refers to latitude, longitude; deceptive practice refers to primary_description = 'DECEPTIVE PRACTICE'; unlawful use of recorded sound refers to secondary_description = 'UNLAWFUL USE OF RECORDED SOUND'
crime against society refers to crime_against = 'Society'
FBI code refers to fbi_code_no; definition refers to description; Gambling refers to title = 'Gambling'
the most crime without arrest refers to Max(Count(arrest = 'FALSE')); phone number refers to ward_office_phone; address refers to ward_office_address
the person responsible for the crime cases refers to commander; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'
"Near West" is the district_name; all contact information refers to phone, fax, tty, twitter
community area refers to community_area_name; the neighborhood Albany Park refers to neighborhood_name = 'Albany Park'
email address refers to email; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'
Please name three communities that experience the fraud incident.
communities refers to community_area_name; 'Fraud Incident' is the title of crime
most crowded ward refers to Max(Population)
severe refers to index_code = 'I'; percentage = divide(count(iucr_no where index_code = 'I'), count(iucr_no)) * 100%
coordinates refers to latitude, longitude; severe crime refers to index_code = 'I'
case No. JB100065 refers to case_number = 'JB100065'; name of the district refers to district_name
"Homicide 1st & 2nd Degree" is the title
"unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another person" is the description; name of community refer to community_area_name; most reported incidents refers to Max(Count(fbi_code_no))
"23778" is the report_no; FBI description refers to description
in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; ward with the most number of crime refers to Max (Count(ward_no)); full name refers to alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name, alderman_name_suffix
"The killing of one human being by another" is the description; FBI code refers to fbi_code_no
more cases of criminal sexual abuse refers to Max(Count(secondary_description = 'CRIMINAL SEXUAL ABUSE'))
Among the incidents reported in Harrison, what percentage are disorderly conduct?
"Harrison" is the district_name;  'Disorderly Conduct' is the title; percentage = Divide (Count(title = 'Disorderly Conduct'), Count(report_no)) * 100; incident report refers to report_no
incident with no arrest made refers to arrest = 'FALSE'; general description refers to primary_description; "BATTERY" is the primary_description; percentage = Divide (Count(iucr_no where primary_description = 'BATTERY'), Count(iucr_no)) * 100
alderman's full name refers to alderman_name_suffix, alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name; the most crowded refers to max(population)
name of neighborhood refers to neighborhood_name; the most population refers to max(population)
index status refers to index_code; homicide incident refers to primary_description = 'HOMICIDE'
case No. JB100065 refers to case_number = 'JB100065'; name of the district refers to district_name
no arrest has been made refers to arrest = 'FALSE'
crime case against persons refers to crime_against = 'Persons'
"unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another person" is the description; name of community refer to community_area_name; most reported incidents refers to Max(Count(fbi_code_no))
"Calumet" is the district_name; 'WEAPON VIOLATION' is the primary_description of crime
community area refers to community_area_name; the neighborhood Albany Park refers to neighborhood_name = 'Albany Park'
List down the neighborhood areas of Douglas.
neighborhood area refers to neighborhood_name; Douglas refers to community_area_name = 'Douglas'
the Central district refers to district_name = 'Central'; percentage = divide(count(case_number where district_name = 'Central'), count(case_number)) * 100%
most population refers to Max(Population); domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'
"Avalon Park" is the neghborhood_name; happened inside the house refers to location_description = 'HOUSE'; percentage = Divide (Count(location_description = 'HOUSE'), Count(location_description)) * 100
the person responsible for the crime cases refers to commander; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'
index code refers to iucr_no; case JB296775 refers to case_number = 'JB296775'
community with highest number of neighborhoods refers to Max(Count(community_area_no)); community refers to community_area_name
in aircraft refers to location_description = 'AIRCRAFT'; general description refers to primary_description; specific description refers to secondary_description; most common crime incidents refers to Max(Count(iucr_no))
"Robert A. Rubio" is the commander
in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; against property refers to crime_against = 'Property'
"CHILD ABDUCTION" is the secondary_description; coordinates refers to latitude, longitude
Find the ward office's address and phone number of the ward where the most crimes without arrest occurred.
the most crime without arrest refers to Max(Count(arrest = 'FALSE')); phone number refers to ward_office_phone; address refers to ward_office_address
no arrest made refers to arrest = 'FALSE'; Central Chicago refers to district_name = 'Central'
"Homicide 1st & 2nd Degree" is the title
domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'; Lincoln Square refers to community_area_name = 'Lincoln Square'
neighborhood area refers to neighborhood_name; Douglas refers to community_area_name = 'Douglas'
the least population refers = min(sum(population))
"Austin" is the district_name; the most number of crime refers to Max(Count(case_number)); kind of location refers to location_description
domestic violence refers to domestic = 'TRUE'; arrested refers to arrest = 'TRUE'; West Pullman refers to community_area_name = 'West Pullman'; percent = divide(count(report_no where arrest = 'TRUE'), count(report_no)) where domestic = 'TRUE' and community_area_name = 'West Pullman' * 100%
"Calumet" is the district_name; 'WEAPON VIOLATION' is the primary_description of crime
the legislative district's office address refers to ward_office_address; 010XX W LAKE ST refers to block = '010XX W LAKE ST'
simple assault refers to primary_description = 'ASSAULT'AND secondary_description = 'SIMPLE'; on 2018/9/8 refers to date like '%9/8/2018%'
Which alderman represents the ward with the most number of crimes in January, 2018? Please give his or her full name.
in January 2018 refers to Substr(date, 1, 1) = '1' AND Substr(date, 5, 4) = '2018'; ward with the most number of crime refers to Max (Count(ward_no)); full name refers to alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name, alderman_name_suffix
FBI code refers to fbi_code_no; definition refers to description; Gambling refers to title = 'Gambling'
"Avalon Park" is the neghborhood_name; happened inside the house refers to location_description = 'HOUSE'; percentage = Divide (Count(location_description = 'HOUSE'), Count(location_description)) * 100
in May 2018 refers to date LIKE '5/%/2018%'
alderman's full name refers to alderman_name_suffix, alderman_first_name, alderman_last_name; the most crowded refers to max(population)
in the street refers to location_description = 'STREET'
the Central district refers to district_name = 'Central'; percentage = divide(count(case_number where district_name = 'Central'), count(case_number)) * 100%
Albany Park refers to district_name = 'Albany Park'; in an apartment refers to location_description = 'APARTMENT'; criminal sexual abuse refers to title = 'Criminal Sexual Abuse'
report number refers report_no; 'Jill M. Stevens" is the commander
"Forest Glen" is the community_area_name; neighborhoods refers to neighborhood_name
population below 52000 refers to population < 52000; beat greater than the 90% of the average beat refers to beat > multiply(avg(beat), 0.9) where population < 52000