Among the vendors with maximum orders betweeen 500 to 750, which vendor has the 10th highest profit on net?
maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);
salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007
card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;
weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB';
Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;
product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;
store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';
pay rate above 40 refers to Rate>40; male employee refers to Gender = M
AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))
Production Technicians refer to the  JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC'
Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);
What is the highest amount of bonus earned by the sales person in Canada?
Canada is name of a sales territory
Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1
Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2;
proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count;
Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate);
If Name = "+" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province
tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%';
Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating given by the reviewer where Rating = 1
type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';
minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty;
planned cost is different from actual cost refers to ActualCost ! = PlannedCost;
What are the top 5 types of products with the highest selling price? ?
highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);
products using roadster_black_small.gif as the thumbnail photo refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName = 'roadster_black_small.gif';
Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight);
lowest pay refers to min(Rate);
do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2
shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product
active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30;
Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2
United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';
LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer
salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0;
Please list the businesses along with their numbers that have their accounts located in Duvall.
Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'
Socks is a name of product subcategory
Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);
weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB';
married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;
purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))
Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location
male refers to Gender = 'M'; female refers to Gender = 'F'; difference in average rate = DIVIDE(AVG(Rate where Gender = 'F')), (AVG(Rate where Gender = 'M'))) as diff;
Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty
increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6
Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2
List all the socks products.
Socks is a name of product subcategory
lowest pay refers to min(Rate);
Canada is name of sales territory
type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';
employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3
hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009
average selling price = divide(sum(StandardPrice), count(BusinessEntityID))
Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota
Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate
Facilities Manager is a job title
number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;
Name all stores and its sales representative in France territory.
France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France';
male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%;
sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32
United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US';
Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2
Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1
cost refers to StandardCost;
Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05'
married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20
profit = MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, Standardcost)), (Quantity)));
Socks is a name of product subcategory
What is the cost and the product number of product with the id "888"?
cost refers to StandardCost;
Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)
Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';
resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller';
number of product rejected refers to ScrapedQty; trim length that is too long refers to scrap reason where Name = 'Trim length too long'
business id refers to BusinessEntityID
unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title
highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'
non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'
in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';
shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product
What is the surname suffix of the employee who works as a store contact and has the longest sick leave hours?
store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';
seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);
card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007;
do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2
active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1;
shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product
profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);
Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate);
product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1;
purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))
projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013;
Who is the Vice President of Engineering and when did he join the company? Indicate his/her full name.
full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company;
Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'
business id refers to BusinessEntityID
business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to PhoneNumberType.name = ‘cell’
BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;
low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost);
male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%;
high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'
LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer
Profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); full location = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City+PostalCode;
mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'
What time does the company's night shift begin? Indicate the answer in regular form.
Night shift refers to Name = 'Night';
percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%
Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID
located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly'
maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);
Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate));
employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));
home manufactured refers to MakeFlag = 1; average rating = divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview))
mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'
work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;
Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L'
Please list any 3 product numbers with the lowest standard cost.
product number = productID
percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage;
quantities not greater than 3 refers to OrderQty<3; discount of 0.2 refers to UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2; percentage = DIVIDE(count(SalesOrderID(OrderQty<3 & UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2)), count(SalesOrderID))*100%
Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1
percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%
business id refers to BusinessEntityID
located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly'
Information Service is a name of department;
Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'
Jill refers to the name of reviewer; HL Mountain Pedal refers to the name of the product
SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;
How many materials still need to be assembled and have a depth of 2 between each component and their parent product?
still need to be assembled means the assembly doesn't finish or still going on which refers to EndDate IS NULL; a depth of 2 refers to BOMLevel = 2;
lowest rating refers to Rating = 1
geographic area to which the city belong refers to Group;
SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate;
oldest employee refers to min(BirthDate)
If Name = "+" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province
Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'
minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty;
store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';
geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018;
MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;
List all product only MOQ of 1,000 and with standard cost more than 17.
MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48;
highest amount of difference between the ordered quantity and actual quantity received in a single purchase order refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(OrderQty, ReceivedQty));
Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash)
increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6
Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate
began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;
ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59';
website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL
over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3
pay rate refers to Rate; 20 years old at the time of being hired refers to SUBTRACT(year(HireDate)), (year(BirthDate))) = 20;
number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;
Names the Sales Representative with the highest year to date sales.
Highest year to date sales refers to Max(SalesYTD);
ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59';
Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate
current payrate refers to max(Rate); percentage increment = divide(subtract(max(Rate), min(Rate)), min(Rate))*100%
job position and job title are synonyms; full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName;
store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';
non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'
fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity);
where the person live refers addresstype.Name = 'Home'
number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012;
married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average;
How many work orders with quantities ranging from 100 to 250 have a reorder point of no more than 375?
work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375;
employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate)));
mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; highest average rating = max(divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview)))
their home address as their address refers to AddressTypeID = 2; address corresponds to the shipping address refers to AddressTypeID = 5
married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20
highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M'
seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct);
year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC';
product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null;
Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate)
employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;
How many active employees whose payrate is equal or below 30 per hour.
active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30;
288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288)));
tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);
LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer
began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009;
AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName))
employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate)
percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'Night')), (COUNT(ShiftID)) as percentage;
Product with more than 5 quantity refers to Quantity>5
Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1
cost refers to StandardCost;
Among the employees in Adventure Works, calculate the percentage of them working as sales representatives.
percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100%
Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'
Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa
Socks is a name of product subcategory
Sales and Marketing is group name of a department
type of employee refers to PersonType;
Address number 15873 refers to AddressID = '15873'; IsOnlyStateProvinceCode = '0' refers to StateProvinceCode exists; IsOnlyStateProvinceCode = '1' refers to StateProvinceCode unavailable;
Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall'
tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt);
business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)
store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007;
How many sales orders did the salesperson David R. Campbell create?
SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP';
miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100
in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM';
resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller';
take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null
employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;
highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice);
profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice);
Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1
Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2
BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null;
Among all products without any rejected quantity, which product has the highest line total? State the product name and unit price.
Product without any rejected quantity refers to RejectedQty = 0
price refers to ListPrice; price of 3 products = MULTIPLY(ListPrice, 3); Lock Washer 6 is a name of a product;
over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3
work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W';
price refers to ListPrice; highest price refers to MAX(ListPrice);
Employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'; Single refers to MaritalStatus = 's'
lowest rating refers to Rating = 1
not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0;
business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice)
employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2;
type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista';
What is the average life expentancy of countries that speak Arabic?
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
Belize is a name of country;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
Who is the head of the state where the most crowded city belongs?
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
average population = AVG(Population);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Malaysia is a name of country;
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
England refers to District = 'England';
List down languages used in Malaysia.
Malaysia is a name of country;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
England refers to District = 'England';
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
How many countries have no GNP?
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
average population = AVG(Population);
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
Zaanstad is a name of city;
List all the languages used in Europe.
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
What is the capital city and population of San Marino?
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
Belize is a name of country;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Which country has the most crowded city in the world?
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Belize is a name of country;
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
List down the cities belongs to the country that has surface area greater than 7000000.
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
Which country has the smallest surface area?
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
England refers to District = 'England';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
average population = AVG(Population);
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
How many countries use Portuguese?
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
Provide the language used in the country ruled by Pierre Buyoya.
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
England refers to District = 'England';
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
average population = AVG(Population);
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
What are the official languages used in Greece?
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
Belize is a name of country;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
Provide the country, population, capital city, and official language of the country with the smallest surface area.
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
What is the district of Zaanstad?
Zaanstad is a name of city;
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
Among the languages used in Baltic Countries, provide the languages which are used by over 80%.
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
England refers to District = 'England';
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
In which continent does the country with the smallest surface area belongs?
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
List all the countries in the continent of Asia that use English as their unofficial language.
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Malaysia is a name of country;
What is the life expectancy of residents in the most crowded city?
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
What is the percentage of English used in Australia?
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
Malaysia is a name of country;
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Provide the name, capital city and its official language of the country with the highest life expectancy.
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
Malaysia is a name of country;
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
What country in Asia has the largest gross national product(GNP)?
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
Belize is a name of country;
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
average population = AVG(Population);
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
Which country has the shortest life expectancy?
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
What is the life expectancy of the countries that uses Japanese as their language?
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
List any five countries which use English as an official language.
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
Belize is a name of country;
How many countries have Socialistic Republic form of government?
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
England refers to District = 'England';
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
List all the cities in the country where there is high life expectancy at birth.
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
Belize is a name of country;
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
Calculate the average population per city in Karnataka district.
average population = AVG(Population);
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
England refers to District = 'England';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
List the district name of the city with the smallest population.
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
In English speaking countries, provide the difference between the number of countries with republic and constitutional monarchy as its government form.
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
In countries with constitutional monarchy, what is the percentage of cities located in the district of England?
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
average population = AVG(Population);
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
What country declared its independence in 1994?
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
What is the official language of China?
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
Malaysia is a name of country;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
What is the GNP growth rate by the country of Shanghai?
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
Malaysia is a name of country;
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
Among the countries that have GNP greater than 1500, what is the percentage of the countries have English as its language?
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
average population = AVG(Population);
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80;
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
List the countries and their official languages in Antarctica.
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
Write down the name of the largest population country.
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
Zaanstad is a name of city;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
England refers to District = 'England';
Which country has the smallest surface area and the most crowded city?
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
Belize is a name of country;
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
What is the form of government that the city of Manila has?
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
average population = AVG(Population);
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
What city has the highest population?
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
Malaysia is a name of country;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
List down the country names of countries that have a GNP lower than 1000 and have Dutch as their language.
GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch';
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
Belize is a name of country;
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
List down the languages of countries with an independence year between 1980 to 1995.
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000;
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
Among the countries that officially use the English language, what country has the highest capital?
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
average population = AVG(Population);
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
What is the average surface area of all countries?
average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea);
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
Belize is a name of country;
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country;
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
Within the 5 most crowded cities in the world, which country has the most languages used?
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
smallest population refers to MIN(Population);
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
Belize is a name of country;
GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English';
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
highest population refers to MAX(Population);
How many unofficial languages are used in Italy?
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
List down the name of countries whereby English is their official language.
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
average population = AVG(Population);
average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic';
GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city;
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
How many cities are there in the country ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos?
ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos';
average population = AVG(Population);
unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country;
constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100)
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
Malaysia is a name of country;
most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
How many cities are there in England?
England refers to District = 'England';
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
Zaanstad is a name of city;
Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese';
shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy);
no GNP refers to GNP = 0;
Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe';
List any five countries which use English as an official language.
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
largest population refers to MAX(Population);
English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy'));
England refers to District = 'England';
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica';
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
form of government refers to GovernmentForm;
Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic';
average population = AVG(Population);
List down the districts belong to the country headed by Adolf Ogi.
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T';
use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F';
Belize is a name of country;
smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population);
declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994;
England refers to District = 'England';
officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital);
Provide the language used by the people of Belize.
Belize is a name of country;
official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country;
Zaanstad is a name of city;
high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea);
most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language));
English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country;
independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995;
ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya';
headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi';
capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy);
From 1968 to 1970, what are indicator names whose license type is open and values are less than 100?
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description;
narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas'
Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)'
the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN " refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN'
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
agricultural land area in sq. km refers value where indicatorname = 'Agricultural land (sq. km)'; Italy refers to countryname = 'Italy'; in 1968 refers to year = '1968'
ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
In which years does the country whose Alpha2Code is 1A have a result of the indicator Adolescent fertility rate?
indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
countries refer to Countrycode; in the high income refers to incomegroup = 'High'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SP.DYN.AMRT.FE refers to Seriescode = 'SP.DYN.AMRT.FE'
Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005';
the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate)
fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit;
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil'
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980
List the long name of countries with indicator name in 1980.
with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980';
IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName;
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500
year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980';
IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value);
Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005';
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas'
middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income';
Please list the descriptions of the series code SM.POP.TOTL for all the countries that are under the lending category of the International Development Associations.
Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'
the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)')
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;
completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500
the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979
from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%')
full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit;
full name refers to longname
Please provide the subject of series of Austria.
subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria'
IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName;
full name refers to longname
country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970'
fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
low-income countries are where the incomegroup = Low income
Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961'
Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description;
which country refers to countryname; the highest CO2 emissions refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1970'
any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3
use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.'
How many countries have notes on the indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares?
indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)'
IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName;
narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas'
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%')
AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value);
countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL'
country refers to CountryName;
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970'
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
Name the countries' long name with national accounts base year prior to 1980.
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;
IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName;
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980';
in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World'
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980';
proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
What is the indicator code for Mobile Cellular Subscriptions of Brazil?
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil'
IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName;
AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value);
in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
note refers to Description; for Australia refers to ShortName = 'Australia'; indicator SP.ADO.TFRT refers to Seriescode = 'SP.ADO.TFRT'
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
full name refers to longname
note refers to Description; for Aruba refers to ShortName = 'Aruba'
Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000';
How many footnotes did Aruba got on different series code in the year 2002?
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979
use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.'
in East Asia and the Pacific refers to region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; have completed their external debt reporting on time refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income';
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
Which country's indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest in 1960, please give its special notes.
indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName;
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'
high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup;
countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL'
IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value);
AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value);
the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)')
any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3
Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000
How many countries are having their country's footnotes described as "unspecified"? Please provide the full names of any three of those countries.
described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName
with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980';
middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income';
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania'
what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.'
in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World'
Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005';
Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000';
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
What country have its data estimated based on regression?
what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.'
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000';
Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description;
the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010;
countries refer to Countrycode; in the high income refers to incomegroup = 'High'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SP.DYN.AMRT.FE refers to Seriescode = 'SP.DYN.AMRT.FE'
from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%')
fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate)
IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName;
Which European countries had the highest private expenditure on health in 2005? List the top ten countries in descending order and find the source of the data.
Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description;
ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961'
the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN " refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN'
any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005';
Please list the indicator names belonging to Education: Inputs topic in 2000.
Year = 'YR2000';
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria'
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil'
the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD'
narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas'
what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.'
high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup;
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
What are the special notes for the country whose average adolescent fertility rate is the highest?
the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate)
subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria'
completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500
average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980
described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName
Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund'
countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname
number of infant deaths refers to IndicatorName = 'Number of infant deaths'; in year 1965 refers to Year = '1965'; full name is Islamic State of Afghanistan refers to LongName = 'Islamic State of Afghanistan'
full name refers to longname
countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid'
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
What percentage of countries in South Asia have the Life expectancy at birth, female (years) greater than 50?
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
full name refers to longname
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'
indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD'
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)'
From 1960 to 1965, which country has the lowest value of indicator belongs to Health: Population: Structure?
From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName;
IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName;
indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
in East Asia and the Pacific refers to region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; have completed their external debt reporting on time refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')
country refers to CountryName;
the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)')
described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
indicator Inflation, consumer prices refers to IndicatorName = 'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'
Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000';
Which countries use Euro as their currency? List down the table name.
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL'
indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income';
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%')
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
the highest proportion of CO2 emissions from transport refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)')
year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980';
Year = 'YR2000';
Among the low income countries, which country has the lowest fertility rate?
fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania'
described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName
the highest proportion of CO2 emissions from transport refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)')
the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate)
the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)')
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
long name refers to CountryName; got 3000000 on the indicator Arms exports refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)' = 3000000; in 1960 refers to Year = 1960
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961'
Enumerate the footnote narratives of The Bahamas under the series code SH.DTH.IMRT in the year 1984.
narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas'
the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate)
proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
full name refers to longname
Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania'
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'
ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')
AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value);
the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010;
the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979
Which country have the highest CO2 emissions in 1960?
which country refers to countryname; the highest CO2 emissions refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1970'
ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value);
any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName;
in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
How many countries uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology?
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria'
countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate'
has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes'
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979
year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980';
average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980
Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000
full name refers to longname
Please list the countries that got the footnote "Data are classified as official aid." on the series code DC.DAC.AUSL.CD in 2002.
countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid'
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970'
fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
agricultural land area in sq. km refers value where indicatorname = 'Agricultural land (sq. km)'; Italy refers to countryname = 'Italy'; in 1968 refers to year = '1968'
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980
Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
Year = 'YR2000';
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500
Among the countries who uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology, how many are in the Middle East & North Africa? Name the country with the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton.
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965
high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup;
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid'
Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'
the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD'
South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage;
with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980';
the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN " refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN'
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
Which country has the lowest percentage of arable land?
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund'
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
What's the value of the indicator whose long definition is "Adolescent fertility rate is the number of births per 1,000 women ages 15-19." for the Arab World in 1960?
in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World'
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;
subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria'
Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
full name refers to longname
use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.'
average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980
Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961'
IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value);
Find the countries in south Asia which are in the low-income group. What is the source of their recent income and expenditure data? List it alongside the table name of the countries.
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
indicator Inflation, consumer prices refers to IndicatorName = 'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)'
fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit;
indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960'
indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)'
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970'
the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN " refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN'
the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010;
From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName;
How many low-income countries under the lending category of the International Development Associations have a note on the series code SM.POP.TOTL?
low-income countries are where the incomegroup = Low income
Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'
From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100;
percentage = divide(count(countrycode where  ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'
proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'
year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980';
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil'
high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup;
Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3
How much is the total urban population of middle income countries in 1960?
IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName;
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'
IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value);
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;
Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund'
CurrencyUnit = 'Euro';
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970'
Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil'
long name refers to CountryName; got 3000000 on the indicator Arms exports refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)' = 3000000; in 1960 refers to Year = 1960
described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName
Please list the notes for Aruba on the indicators under the topic of Environment: Energy production & use.
note refers to Description; for Aruba refers to ShortName = 'Aruba'
uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)')
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)')
Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba'
Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000';
the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD'
South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income';
in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)')
IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName;
national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980;