stringlengths 24
| positive
stringlengths 1
| negative_1
stringlengths 6
| negative_2
stringlengths 1
| negative_3
stringlengths 1
| negative_4
stringlengths 1
| negative_5
stringlengths 1
| negative_6
stringlengths 1
| negative_7
stringlengths 5
| negative_8
stringlengths 1
| negative_9
stringlengths 1
| negative_10
stringlengths 1
Among the vendors with maximum orders betweeen 500 to 750, which vendor has the 10th highest profit on net? | maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); | salaried employee refers to SalariedFlag = 1; hired in 2007 and later refers to year(HireDate)> = 2007 | card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007; | weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB'; | Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2; | product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | pay rate above 40 refers to Rate>40; male employee refers to Gender = M | AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName)) | Production Technicians refer to the JobTitle = 'Production Technician%'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S'; Vendor contact refers to PersonType = 'VC' | Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate); |
What is the highest amount of bonus earned by the sales person in Canada? | Canada is name of a sales territory | Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1 | Valley Bicycle Specialists is a name of store; full address = AddressLine1+AddressLine2; | proportion = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'UK')), (COUNT(SalesOrderID))) as count; | Average = Divide(Sum(Substract(year(@today),year(BirthDate))),Count(BusinessEntityID) by each Department ID; youngest employee refers to Min(BirthDate); | If Name = "+" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province | tax applied to retail transaction refers to Taxtype = 1; sales that are charged with multiple types of tax refers to NAME LIKE '%+%'; | Product with the lowest rating refers to the rating
given by the
reviewer where Rating = 1 | type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista'; | minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty; | planned cost is different from actual cost refers to ActualCost ! = PlannedCost; |
What are the top 5 types of products with the highest selling price? ? | highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice); | products using roadster_black_small.gif as the thumbnail photo refers to ThumbnailPhotoFileName = 'roadster_black_small.gif'; | Catgo Transport 5 is a name of shipping method; OrderDate = '2011-12-14'; total shipment cost = SUM(Freight); | lowest pay refers to min(Rate); | do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2 | shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product | active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30; | Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2 | United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US'; | LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer | salesperson that haven't met the quota refers to Bonus = 0; |
Please list the businesses along with their numbers that have their accounts located in Duvall. | Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall' | Socks is a name of product subcategory | Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate); | weight in pounds refers to WeightUnitMeasureCode = 'LB'; | married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average; | purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))
| Debur and Polish is name of manufacturing location | male refers to Gender = 'M'; female refers to Gender = 'F'; difference in average rate = DIVIDE(AVG(Rate where Gender = 'F')), (AVG(Rate where Gender = 'M'))) as diff; | Stocked quantity refers to StockedQty | increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6 | Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2 |
List all the socks products. | Socks is a name of product subcategory | lowest pay refers to min(Rate); | Canada is name of sales territory | type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista'; | employee number 257 refers to EmployeeID = 257; pending shipment status refers to Status = 3 | hired in 2009 refers to year(HireDate) = 2009 | average selling price = divide(sum(StandardPrice), count(BusinessEntityID)) | Sales people refer to PersonType = 'SP'; projected yearly sales refers to SalesQuota | Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate | Facilities Manager is a job title | number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012; |
Name all stores and its sales representative in France territory. | France territory refers to SalesTerritory.Name = 'France'; | male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%; | sales order for 32 units refers to OrderQty = 32 | United States refers to CountryRegionCode = 'US'; | Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2 | Bike refers to the name of the product category, therefore ProductCategoryID = 1 | cost refers to StandardCost; | Profit as 82.41 = SUTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); May of 2012 refers to StartDate = '2012-05' | married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20 | profit = MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, Standardcost)), (Quantity))); | Socks is a name of product subcategory |
What is the cost and the product number of product with the id "888"? | cost refers to StandardCost; | Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash) | Night shift refers to Name = 'Night'; | resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller'; | number of product rejected refers to ScrapedQty; trim length that is too long refers to scrap reason where Name = 'Trim length too long' | business id refers to BusinessEntityID | unmarried refers to MaritalStatus = 'S', male refers to Gender = 'M', Production Supervisors is a job title | highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M' | non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM' | in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM'; | shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product |
What is the surname suffix of the employee who works as a store contact and has the longest sick leave hours? | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct); | card that expires in 2007 refers to ExpYear = 2007; | do not have any type of offer refers to Description = 'No Discount'; sold in an amount greater than 2 refers to OrderQty>2 | active status of employees refers to CurrentFlag = 1; | shelves refer to shelf; down tube is a product | profit = SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); | Male refers to Gender = 'M'; married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; oldest refers to Min(BirthDate); | product is mnanufactured in-house refers to MakeFlag = 1; salable product refers to FinishedGoodsFlag = 1; | purchase orders refers to TransactionType = 'P'; first six months of 2012 refers to TransactionDate bewteen '2012-01-01'and '2012-06-30'; average = DIVIDE(ActualCost where TransactionType = 'P', count(TransactionID))
| projected sales quota refers to SalesQuota; projected sales quota in 2013 refers to year(QuotaDate) = 2013; |
Who is the Vice President of Engineering and when did he join the company? Indicate his/her full name. | full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; HiredDate refers to the date the person joins the company; | Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L' | business id refers to BusinessEntityID | business along with their IDs = BusinessEntityID; Cellphones refers to PhoneNumberType.name = ‘cell’ | BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null; | low class refers to Class = 'L'; universal refers to Style = 'U'; road frame is a name of product subcategory; average profit = AVG(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost); | male refers to Gender = 'M'; employee refers to PersonType = 'EM'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(Gender = 'M'), COUNT(PersonType = 'MY'))*100%; | high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M' | LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer | Profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); full location = AddressLine1+AddressLine2+City+PostalCode; | mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M' |
What time does the company's night shift begin? Indicate the answer in regular form. | Night shift refers to Name = 'Night'; | percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100% | Order Reference Number refers to ReferenceOrderID | located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly' | maximum orders refers to MaxOrderQty; MaxOrderQty BETWEEN '500' AND '750'; profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); | Oldest employee refers to Max ( Subtract((now())-BirthDate)); | employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate))); | home manufactured refers to MakeFlag = 1; average rating = divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview)) | mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M' | work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375; | Low quality refers to the product's quality class, therefore Class = 'L' |
Please list any 3 product numbers with the lowest standard cost. | product number = productID | percentage of profit = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(ListPrice, StandardCost), (StandardCost)) as percentage; | quantities not greater than 3 refers to OrderQty<3; discount of 0.2 refers to UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2; percentage = DIVIDE(count(SalesOrderID(OrderQty<3 & UnitPriceDiscount = 0.2)), count(SalesOrderID))*100% | Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1 | percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100% | business id refers to BusinessEntityID | located in the Subassembly category refers to Name = 'Subassembly' | Information Service is a name of department; | Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' | Jill refers to the name of reviewer; HL Mountain Pedal refers to the name of the product | SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate; |
How many materials still need to be assembled and have a depth of 2 between each component and their parent product? | still need to be assembled means the assembly doesn't finish or still going on which refers to EndDate IS NULL; a depth of 2 refers to BOMLevel = 2; | lowest rating refers to Rating = 1 | geographic area to which the city belong refers to Group; | SC is an abbreviation for Store Contact; store contact person refers to PersonType = 'SC'; recently hired refers to latest StartDate; | oldest employee refers to min(BirthDate) | If Name = "+" in the value from SalesTaxRate, it means this sales are charged by multiple types of tax; Quebec refers to the name of State Province | Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' | minimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty; | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | geographical location refers to group from SalesPerson; ComissionPct refers to commission percentage where ComissionPct > = 0.018; | MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48; |
List all product only MOQ of 1,000 and with standard cost more than 17. | MOQ refers to minimum order quantity; MOQ of 1 refers to MinOrderQty = 1; standard cost more than 48 refers to StandardCost > 48; | highest amount of difference between the ordered quantity and actual quantity received in a single purchase order refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(OrderQty, ReceivedQty)); | Catherine Ward refers to the name of BusinessEntityID; how many letters in password for the e-mail account refers to LENGTH(PasswordHash) | increased their current year sales by more than 60% refers to
DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(SalesYTD, SalesLastYear),SalesLastYear)>0.6 | Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate | began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009; | ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59'; | website purchasing link refers to PurchasingWebServiceURL | over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3 | pay rate refers to Rate; 20 years old at the time of being hired refers to SUBTRACT(year(HireDate)), (year(BirthDate))) = 20; | number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012; |
Names the Sales Representative with the highest year to date sales. | Highest year to date sales refers to Max(SalesYTD); | ModifiedDate between'2014-09-12 00:00:00' and '2014-09-12 23:59:59'; | Transactiontype = 'w' means 'WorkOrder'; transactiontype = 's' means 'SalesOrder'; transactiontype = 'P' means 'PurchaseOrder'; happened in refers to TransactionDate | current payrate refers to max(Rate); percentage increment = divide(subtract(max(Rate), min(Rate)), min(Rate))*100% | job position and job title are synonyms; full name = FirstName+MiddleName+LastName; | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | non-sales employee refers to PersonType = 'EM' | fewest online orders refer to MIN(Quantity); | where the person live refers addresstype.Name = 'Home' | number of departments an employee works for between 2011 and 2012 refers to year(StartDate) BETWEEN 2011 AND 2012 and year(EndDate) BETWEEN 2011 and 2012; | married refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from Adventure Works refers to EmailPromotion = 1; Average = Divide (Sum(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1))), Count (BusinessEntityID (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1)); MAX(Rate (MaritalStatus = 'M' & EmailPromotion = 1) - Average; |
How many work orders with quantities ranging from 100 to 250 have a reorder point of no more than 375? | work order refers to TransactionType = 'W'; Quantity BETWEEN 100 AND 250; ReorderPoint< = 375; | employees who left a department refers to EndDate NOT null; average stay = AVG(SUBTRACT(year(EndDate)), (year(T1.StartDate))); | mountain product line refers to ProductLine = 'M'; highest average rating = max(divide(sum(Rating), count(ProductReview))) | their home address as their address refers to AddressTypeID = 2; address corresponds to the shipping address refers to AddressTypeID = 5 | married employee refers to MaritalStatus = 'M'; less than 20 vacation hours refers to VacationHours<20 | highest rating refers to Rating = 5; high class refers to Class = 'H'; men's product refers to Style = 'M' | seasonal discount is a type of special offer; discount percentage refers to DiscountPct; highest discount percentage refers to MAX(DiscountPct); | year of credit card expiration refers to ExpYear; ExpYear = 2007; store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | product with large photo refers to LargePhoto NOT null; | Accountant is a job title; first hired = MIN(HireDate) | employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2; |
How many active employees whose payrate is equal or below 30 per hour. | active employee refers to CurrentFlag = 1; Rate< = 30; | 288th sales person refers to BusinessEntityID = 288; predited annual sales refers to SalesQuota; actual sales refers to SalesYTD; difference = Substract(SalesQuota(BusinessEntityID(288))), (SalesYTD(BusinessEntityID(288))); | tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt); | LL Road Frame Sale is a description of special offer | began work in 2009 or later refers to StartDate> = 2009; | AVG(Rating) = DIVIDE(SUM(rating), COUNT(ReviewerName)) | employee exempt from collective bargaining refers to SalariedFlag = 1; highest pay rate refers to max(Rate) | percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Name = 'Night')), (COUNT(ShiftID)) as percentage; | Product with more than 5 quantity refers to Quantity>5 | Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1 | cost refers to StandardCost; |
Among the employees in Adventure Works, calculate the percentage of them working as sales representatives. | percentage of sales representatives = divide(count(JobTitle = 'Sales Representative'), count(JobTitle))*100% | Alex refers to FirstName = 'Alex'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' | Complete sales task refers to meeting sales quota; if Bonus = 0, it means this salesperson doesn't meet quota and vice versa | Socks is a name of product subcategory | Sales and Marketing is group name of a department | type of employee refers to PersonType; | Address number 15873 refers to AddressID = '15873'; IsOnlyStateProvinceCode = '0' refers to StateProvinceCode exists; IsOnlyStateProvinceCode = '1' refers to StateProvinceCode unavailable; | Business along with their numbers refers to the BusinessEntityID; located in Duvall refers to City = 'Duvall' | tax amount refers to TaxAmt; biggest tax amount refers to MAX(TaxAmt); | business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice) | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; year(EndDate)>2007 and year(StartDate)<2007; |
How many sales orders did the salesperson David R. Campbell create? | SP is an abbreviation for Sales Person; PersonType = 'SP'; | miinimum order quantity refers to MinOrderQty = 100 | in centimeter refers to SizeUnitMeasureCode = 'CM'; | resellers refers to Category = 'Reseller'; | take more than 2 days to make refers to DaysToManufacture>2; out of stock refers to OnOrderQty = 0 or OnOrderQty is null | employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2; | highest selling price refers to MAX(ListPrice); | profit on net = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost, StandardPrice); | Rejected refers rejected product in which to RejectedQty = 1 | Located refers to the total address of the entity that comprises city, addressline1, addressline2 | BirthDate<'1980-01-01'; single refers to MaritalStatus = 'S' or null; |
Among all products without any rejected quantity, which product has the highest line total? State the product name and unit price. | Product without any rejected quantity refers to RejectedQty = 0 | price refers to ListPrice; price of 3 products = MULTIPLY(ListPrice, 3); Lock Washer 6 is a name of a product; | over 3 price changes refers to count(ListPrice)>3 | work order transaction refers to TransactionType = 'W'; | price refers to ListPrice; highest price refers to MAX(ListPrice); | Employees refer to PersonType = 'EM'; Single refers to MaritalStatus = 's' | lowest rating refers to Rating = 1 | not recommended refers to PreferredVendorStatus = 0; | business number 1580 refers to BusinessEntityID = 1580; Net profit = SUBTRACT(LastReceiptCost,StandardPrice) | employees who wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners refers to EmailPromotion = 2; | type of credit card refers to CardType; CardType = 'Vista'; |
What is the average life expentancy of countries that speak Arabic? | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | highest population refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | Belize is a name of country; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; |
Who is the head of the state where the most crowded city belongs? | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | average population = AVG(Population); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Malaysia is a name of country; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | England refers to District = 'England'; |
List down languages used in Malaysia. | Malaysia is a name of country; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | England refers to District = 'England'; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | highest population refers to MAX(Population); | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; |
How many countries have no GNP? | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | average population = AVG(Population); | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | Zaanstad is a name of city; |
List all the languages used in Europe. | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); |
What is the capital city and population of San Marino? | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | Belize is a name of country; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); |
Which country has the most crowded city in the world? | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Belize is a name of country; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; |
List down the cities belongs to the country that has surface area greater than 7000000. | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); |
Which country has the smallest surface area? | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | England refers to District = 'England'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | average population = AVG(Population); | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); |
How many countries use Portuguese? | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; |
Provide the language used in the country ruled by Pierre Buyoya. | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | England refers to District = 'England'; | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | average population = AVG(Population); | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); |
What are the official languages used in Greece? | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | Belize is a name of country; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); |
Provide the country, population, capital city, and official language of the country with the smallest surface area. | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; |
What is the district of Zaanstad? | Zaanstad is a name of city; | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; |
Among the languages used in Baltic Countries, provide the languages which are used by over 80%.
| Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | England refers to District = 'England'; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; |
In which continent does the country with the smallest surface area belongs? | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; |
List all the countries in the continent of Asia that use English as their unofficial language. | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | Malaysia is a name of country; |
What is the life expectancy of residents in the most crowded city? | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); |
What is the percentage of English used in Australia? | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | Malaysia is a name of country; | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); |
Provide the name, capital city and its official language of the country with the highest life expectancy. | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | Malaysia is a name of country; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) |
What country in Asia has the largest gross national product(GNP)? | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | Belize is a name of country; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | average population = AVG(Population); | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; |
Which country has the shortest life expectancy? | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; |
What is the life expectancy of the countries that uses Japanese as their language? | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); |
List any five countries which use English as an official language. | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | Belize is a name of country; |
How many countries have Socialistic Republic form of government? | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | England refers to District = 'England'; | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; |
List all the cities in the country where there is high life expectancy at birth. | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | highest population refers to MAX(Population); | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | Belize is a name of country; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; |
Calculate the average population per city in Karnataka district. | average population = AVG(Population); | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | highest population refers to MAX(Population); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | England refers to District = 'England'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; |
List the district name of the city with the smallest population. | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; |
In English speaking countries, provide the difference between the number of countries with republic and constitutional monarchy as its government form. | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; |
In countries with constitutional monarchy, what is the percentage of cities located in the district of England? | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | average population = AVG(Population); | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | highest population refers to MAX(Population); |
What country declared its independence in 1994? | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); |
What is the official language of China? | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | Malaysia is a name of country; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); |
What is the GNP growth rate by the country of Shanghai? | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | Malaysia is a name of country; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; |
Among the countries that have GNP greater than 1500, what is the percentage of the countries have English as its language? | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | average population = AVG(Population); | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | Baltic Countries refers to Region = 'Baltic Countries'; languages which are used by over 80% refers to Percentage > 80; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); |
List the countries and their official languages in Antarctica. | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; |
Write down the name of the largest population country. | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | England refers to District = 'England'; |
Which country has the smallest surface area and the most crowded city? | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | Belize is a name of country; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; |
What is the form of government that the city of Manila has? | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | average population = AVG(Population); | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | Asia refers to Continent = 'Asia'; largest gross national product refers to MAX(GNP); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; |
What city has the highest population? | highest population refers to MAX(Population); | Malaysia is a name of country; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); |
List down the country names of countries that have a GNP lower than 1000 and have Dutch as their language. | GNP lower than 1000 refers to GNP < 1000; Dutch as their language refers to `Language` = 'Dutch'; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | Belize is a name of country; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); |
List down the languages of countries with an independence year between 1980 to 1995. | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | surface area greater than 7000000 refers to SurfaceArea > 7000000; | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; |
Among the countries that officially use the English language, what country has the highest capital? | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | uses Japanese as their language refers to `Language` = 'Japanese'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | average population = AVG(Population); | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; |
What is the average surface area of all countries? | average surface area = AVG(SurfaceArea); | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | Belize is a name of country; | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | capital city refers to Capital; San Marino is a name of country; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; |
Within the 5 most crowded cities in the world, which country has the most languages used? | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | smallest population refers to MIN(Population); | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | Belize is a name of country; | GNP greater than 1500 refers to GNP > 1500 ; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(Code WHERE GNP > 1500 AND Language = 'English'), COUNT(Code WHERE GNP > 1500)) 1.0); English as its language refers to Language = 'English'; | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | highest population refers to MAX(Population); |
How many unofficial languages are used in Italy? | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; |
List down the name of countries whereby English is their official language. | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | average population = AVG(Population); | average life expectancy = AVG(LifeExpectancy); speak Arabic refers to `Language` = 'Arabic'; | GNP growth rate = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(GNP, GNPOld), GNPOld); Shanghai is a name of city; | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; |
How many cities are there in the country ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos? | ruled by Kostis Stefanopoulos refers to HeadOfState = 'Kostis Stefanopoulos'; | average population = AVG(Population); | unofficial languages refers to IsOfficial = 'F'; Italy is a name of country; | constitutional monarchy refers to GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy' WHERE District = 'England'), COUNT(GovernmentForm = 'Constitutional Monarchy')), 100) | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | Malaysia is a name of country; | most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | English is the official language refers to Language = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; China is a name of country; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); |
How many cities are there in England? | England refers to District = 'England'; | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | Zaanstad is a name of city; | Portuguese refers to `Language` = 'Portuguese'; | shortest life expectancy refers to MIN(LifeExpectancy); | no GNP refers to GNP = 0; | Europe refers to Continent = 'Europe'; |
List any five countries which use English as an official language. | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | largest population refers to MAX(Population); | English speaking refers to Language = 'English' ; difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'Republic'), COUNT(Language = 'English' WHERE GovernmentForm = 'ConstitutionalMonarchy')); | England refers to District = 'England'; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Antarctica refers to Continent = 'Antarctica'; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | form of government refers to GovernmentForm; | Socialistic Republic form of government refers to GovernmentForm = 'Socialistic Republic'; | average population = AVG(Population); |
List down the districts belong to the country headed by Adolf Ogi. | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | English as an official language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; | use English as unofficial language refers to Language = 'English' WHERE IsOfficial = 'F'; | Belize is a name of country; | smallest surface area refers to MIN(smallest surface area); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | head of the state refers to HeadOfState; most crowded city refers to MAX(Population); | declared independence in 1994 refers to IndepYear = 1994; | England refers to District = 'England'; | officially use the English language refers to `Language` = 'English' AND IsOfficial = 'T'; highest capital refers to MAX(Capital); |
Provide the language used by the people of Belize. | Belize is a name of country; | official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; Greece is a name of country; | Zaanstad is a name of city; | high life expectancy at birth refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; smallest surface area refers to MIN(SurfaceArea); | most crowded cities refers to MAX(Population); has the most languages used refers to MAX(COUNT(Language)); | English refers to Language = 'English'; Australia is a name of country; | independence year between 1980 to 1995 refers to IndepYear BETWEEN 1980 AND 1995; | ruled by Pierre Buyoya refers to HeadOfState = 'Pierre Buyoya'; | headed by Adolf Ogi refers to HeadOfState = 'Adolf Ogi'; | capital city refers to Capital; official language refers to IsOfficial = 'T'; highest life expectancy refers to MAX(LifeExpectancy); |
From 1968 to 1970, what are indicator names whose license type is open and values are less than 100? | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description; | narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas' | Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)' | the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN
" refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN' | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' | agricultural land area in sq. km refers value where indicatorname = 'Agricultural land (sq. km)'; Italy refers to countryname = 'Italy'; in 1968 refers to year = '1968' | ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971') | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') |
In which years does the country whose Alpha2Code is 1A have a result of the indicator Adolescent fertility rate? | indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
| countries refer to Countrycode; in the high income refers to incomegroup = 'High'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SP.DYN.AMRT.FE refers to Seriescode = 'SP.DYN.AMRT.FE' | Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005'; | the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate) | fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit; | Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil' | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980 |
List the long name of countries with indicator name in 1980. | with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980'; | IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName; | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500 | year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980'; | IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value); | Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005'; | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear | full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas' | middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income'; |
Please list the descriptions of the series code SM.POP.TOTL for all the countries that are under the lending category of the International Development Associations. | Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA' | the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)') | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; | completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500 | the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979 | from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%') | full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit; | full name refers to longname |
Please provide the subject of series of Austria. | subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria' | IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName; | full name refers to longname | country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970' | fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | low-income countries are where the incomegroup = Low income | Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961' | Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description; | which country refers to countryname; the highest CO2 emissions refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1970' | any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3 | use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.' |
How many countries have notes on the indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares? | indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)' | IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName; | narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas' | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%') | AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); | countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL' | country refers to CountryName; | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970' | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') |
Name the countries' long name with national accounts base year prior to 1980. | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; | IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName; | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980'; | in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World' | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980'; | proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') |
What is the indicator code for Mobile Cellular Subscriptions of Brazil? | Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil' | IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName; | AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); | in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | note refers to Description; for Australia refers to ShortName = 'Australia'; indicator SP.ADO.TFRT refers to Seriescode = 'SP.ADO.TFRT' | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | full name refers to longname | note refers to Description; for Aruba refers to ShortName = 'Aruba' | Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000'; |
How many footnotes did Aruba got on different series code in the year 2002? | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979 | use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.' | in East Asia and the Pacific refers to region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; have completed their external debt reporting on time refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income'; | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear | countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; |
Which country's indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest in 1960, please give its special notes. | indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName; | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA' | high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup; | countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL' | IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value); | AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); | the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)') | any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3 | Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000 |
How many countries are having their country's footnotes described as "unspecified"? Please provide the full names of any three of those countries. | described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName | with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980'; | middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income'; | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania' | what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.' | in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World' | Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005'; | Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000'; | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear |
What country have its data estimated based on regression? | what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.' | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000'; | Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description; | the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010; | countries refer to Countrycode; in the high income refers to incomegroup = 'High'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SP.DYN.AMRT.FE refers to Seriescode = 'SP.DYN.AMRT.FE' | from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%') | fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate) | IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName; |
Which European countries had the highest private expenditure on health in 2005? List the top ten countries in descending order and find the source of the data. | Year = 2005; private expenditure on health refers to IndicatorName = 'Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); source refers to Description; | ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971') | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961' | the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN
" refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN' | any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3 | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' | indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | Benin is the short name of the country; year 2005 refers to Year = 'YR2005'; |
Please list the indicator names belonging to Education: Inputs topic in 2000. | Year = 'YR2000'; | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria' | Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil' | the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD' | narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas' | what country refers to LongName; have its data estimated based on regression refers to description = 'Estimates are based on regression.' | high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup; | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 |
What are the special notes for the country whose average adolescent fertility rate is the highest? | the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate) | subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria' | completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500 | average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980 | described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName | Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund' | countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname | number of infant deaths refers to IndicatorName = 'Number of infant deaths'; in year 1965 refers to Year = '1965'; full name is Islamic State of Afghanistan refers to LongName = 'Islamic State of Afghanistan' | full name refers to longname | countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid' | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') |
What percentage of countries in South Asia have the Life expectancy at birth, female (years) greater than 50? | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | full name refers to longname | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA' | indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
| full name refers to longname; the countries in South Asia refer to region = 'South Asia'; belongs to the low income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD' | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)' |
From 1960 to 1965, which country has the lowest value of indicator belongs to Health: Population: Structure? | From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName; | IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName; | indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | in East Asia and the Pacific refers to region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; have completed their external debt reporting on time refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971') | country refers to CountryName; | the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)') | described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | indicator Inflation, consumer prices refers to IndicatorName = 'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)' | Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000'; |
Which countries use Euro as their currency? List down the table name. | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | countries refer to Countrycode; low-income group refers to incomegroup = 'Low income'; with notes refers to description IS NOT NULL; series code SM.POP.TOTL refers to Seriescode = 'SM.POP.TOTL' | indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | middle income group refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low middle income'; | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | from 1975 to 1980 refers to Year between 1975 and 1980; the total amount CO2 emmission in kiloton of the the world refers to sum(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%'); the world recorded its highest CO2 emmissions refers to max(value where IndicatorName like 'CO2%') | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' | the highest proportion of CO2 emissions from transport refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)') | year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980'; | Year = 'YR2000'; |
Among the low income countries, which country has the lowest fertility rate? | fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania' | described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName | the highest proportion of CO2 emissions from transport refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion)') | the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate) | the highest percentage of rural population in the overall total population refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Rural population (% of total population)') | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | long name refers to CountryName; got 3000000 on the indicator Arms exports refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)' = 3000000; in 1960 refers to Year = 1960 | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 | Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961' |
Enumerate the footnote narratives of The Bahamas under the series code SH.DTH.IMRT in the year 1984. | narratives is Description; The Bahamas is the name of the country where Country = 'The Bahamas' | the average adolescent fertility rate is DIVIDE(SUM(value), SUM(IndicatorName like 'adolescent fertility rate%')); MAX(average adolescent fertility rate) | proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | full name refers to longname | Albania is the name of country where Country = 'Albania' | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology' | ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971') | AggregationMethod = 'Weighted average'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); | the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010; | the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979 |
Which country have the highest CO2 emissions in 1960? | which country refers to countryname; the highest CO2 emissions refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1970' | ratio = divide(max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'), min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971')); the highest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to max(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971'); the lowest number of infant deaths in 1971 refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Number of infant deaths' and year = '1971') | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value); | any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3 | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName; | in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' |
How many countries uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology? | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology' | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 | subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria' | countries refer to the ShortName; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA'; have a external debt reporting finished by estimation refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Estimate' | has completed the vital registration refers to VitalRegistrationComplete = 'Yes' | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') | the smallest land area in square kilometers refers to min(value where IndicatorName like 'Land area (sq. km)'); for 19 consecutive years starting from year 1961 refers to Year between 1961 and 1979 | year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980'; | average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980 | Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000 | full name refers to longname |
Please list the countries that got the footnote "Data are classified as official aid." on the series code DC.DAC.AUSL.CD in 2002. | countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid' | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970' | fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'; lowest refers to MIN(Value); IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | agricultural land area in sq. km refers value where indicatorname = 'Agricultural land (sq. km)'; Italy refers to countryname = 'Italy'; in 1968 refers to year = '1968' | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980 | Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | Year = 'YR2000'; | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | completed its external debt reporting refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual'; in 1980 refers to year = 1980; Land under cereal production value of 3018500 refers to value = 3018500 |
Among the countries who uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology, how many are in the Middle East & North Africa? Name the country with the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton. | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | Latin American & Caribbean countries is the name of the region where Region in ('Latin America' , 'Caribbean'); CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)'; average value in CO2 emissions (kt) = DIVIDE(SUM(Value), SUM(IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt)')); Year > 1965 | high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup; | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | countries are the Countrycode; footnote refers to Description = 'Data are classified as official aid' | Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA' | the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD' | South Asia is the name of the region; IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; greater than 50 refers to Value>50; DIVIDE(COUNT(CountryCode where IndicatorName = 'Life expectancy at birth, female (years)'; Value>50; Region = 'South Asia'), COUNT(CountryCode where Region = 'South Asia')) as percentage; | with any indicator name implies IndicatorName is not NULL; Year = '1980'; | the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN
" refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN' | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') |
Which country has the lowest percentage of arable land? | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
| South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | in Angola refers to ShortName = 'Angola'; when refers to PppSurveyYear | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | countries in Europe & Central Asia refer to region = 'Europe & Central Asia'; uses Danish krone refers to currencyunit = 'Danish krone'; full name refers to longname | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund' | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' |
What's the value of the indicator whose long definition is "Adolescent fertility rate is the number of births per 1,000 women ages 15-19." for the Arab World in 1960? | in 1960 refers to Year = 1960; for the Arab World refers to CountryName = 'Arab World' | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; | subject refers to topic; Austria refers to shortname = 'Austria' | Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$) is the name of indicator where IndicatorName = 'Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$)'; Year = 1970; Value > 570,000 | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' | full name refers to longname | use the 1993 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1993 System of National Accounts methodology.' | average number refers to avg(value); passengers carried via air transport per year refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Air transport, passengers carried'; by Bulgaria refers to CountryName = 'Bulgaria'; between 1970 to 1980 refers to Year between 1970 and 1980 | Sudan is the name of the country; Periodicity = 'Annual'; Year = '1961' | IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value); |
Find the countries in south Asia which are in the low-income group. What is the source of their recent income and expenditure data? List it alongside the table name of the countries. | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | indicator Inflation, consumer prices refers to IndicatorName = 'Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)' | fastest growth refers to MAX(Value); IndicatorName = 'Adjusted net national income (annual % growth)'; Year = '1980'; currency refers to CurrencyUnit; | indicator for Adolescent fertility rate is the highest refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'); in 1960 refers to year = '1960' | indicator Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares refers to IndicatorName = 'Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)' | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | indicator Adolescent fertility rate refers to IndicatorName = 'Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19)'
| country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970' | the latest trade data refers to LatestTradeData = '2013'; with a series code of "SP.DYN.CDRT.IN
" refers to indicatorcode = 'SP.DYN.CDRT.IN' | the latest trade data after 2010 implies LatestTradeData > 2010; | From 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; the lowest value implies MIN(Value); country refers to CountryName; |
How many low-income countries under the lending category of the International Development Associations have a note on the series code SM.POP.TOTL? | low-income countries are where the incomegroup = Low income | Countries are the Countrycode; International Development Associations refers to lendingcategory = 'IDA' | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | percentage = divide(count(countrycode where ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' ), count(countrycode))*100%; in the Middle East and North Africa refers to region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; have finished reporting on their real external debt refers to ExternalDebtReportingStatus = 'Actual' | proportion = divide(count(countrycode where incomegroup = 'Low income'), count(countrycode))*100%; Sub-Saharan Africa's countries refers to region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; have lower middle incomes refers to incomegroup = 'Low income' | year 1980 refers to Year = 'YR1980'; | Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil' | high income: non-OECD' refer to IncomeGroup; | Latin American & Carribbean is the name of the region; poor countries refers to IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') | any 3 countries refers to count(shortname)>3 |
How much is the total urban population of middle income countries in 1960? | IncomeGroup = 'Middle income'; Year = 1960; urban population refers to IndicatorName; | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology' | IncomeGroup = 'Upper middle income'; IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions (kt); the lowest value refers to MIN(Value); | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; | Year contains '2005'; series codes contain 'International Monetary Fund' | CurrencyUnit = 'Euro'; | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | country refers to LongName; have more than 2000000 urban population refers to value where indicatorname = 'Urban population'>2000000; in 1970 refers to year = '1970' | Mobile Cellular Subscriptions refers to indicatorname = 'Mobile cellular subscriptions'; Brazil refers to CountryName = 'Brazil' | long name refers to CountryName; got 3000000 on the indicator Arms exports refers to value where IndicatorName = 'Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)' = 3000000; in 1960 refers to Year = 1960 | described as "unspecified" refers to Description = 'Not specified'; full names refers to LongName |
Please list the notes for Aruba on the indicators under the topic of Environment: Energy production & use. | note refers to Description; for Aruba refers to ShortName = 'Aruba' | uses the 1968 System of National Accounts methodology refers to SystemOfNationalAccounts = '1968 System of National Accounts methodology'; in the Middle East & North Africa refers to Region = 'Middle East & North Africa'; the highest CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption in kiloton refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt)') | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | which country refers to countryname; the lowest percentage of arable land refers to min(value where indicatorname = 'Arable land (% of land area)') | Aruba is the name of country where ShortName = 'Aruba' | Finland is the short name of the country; year 2000 refers to Year = 'YR2000'; | the East Asia & Pacific countries are where Region = 'East Asia & Pacific'; High income: nonOECD group is where IncomeGroup = 'High income: nonOECD' | South Asia is the name of the region; IncomeGroup = 'Low income'; | in Sub-Saharan Africa refers to Region = 'Sub-Saharan Africa'; the higest number of female out-of-school children of primary school age refers to max(value where IndicatorName = 'Out-of-school children of primary school age, female (number)') | IndicatorName = 'Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)'; the highest refers to MAX(Value); from 1960 to 1965 refers to Year between '1960' and '1965'; country refers to CountryName; | national accounts base year prior to 1980 means before 1980 and refers to NationalAccountsBaseYear<1980; |