stringlengths 1
| output
stringlengths 1
651st | six hundred and fifty first |
724th | seven hundred and twenty fourth |
837th | eight hundred and thirty seventh |
903rd | nine hundred and third |
105th | one hundred and fifth |
166th | one hundred and sixty sixth |
282nd | two hundred and eighty second |
394th | three hundred and ninety fourth |
489th | four hundred and eighty ninth |
560th | five hundred and sixtieth |
677th | six hundred and seventy seventh |
749th | seven hundred and forty ninth |
822nd | eight hundred and twenty second |
934th | nine hundred and thirty fourth |
1002nd | one thousand and second |
113th | one hundred and thirteenth |
246th | two hundred and forty sixth |
399th | three hundred and ninety ninth |
512th | five hundred and twelfth |
643rd | six hundred and forty third |
757th | seven hundred and fifty seventh |
888th | eight hundred and eighty eighth |
921st | nine hundred and twenty first |
1000th | one thousandth |
+1 234-456-7890 | one, two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
+13 234-456-7890 | one three, two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
(234)456-7890 | two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
234.456.7890 | two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
Bob's phone number is 234.456.7890 and you can reach him at any time. | Bob's phone number is two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero and you can reach him at any time. |
You can reach the manager with +1 (234)456-7890 | You can reach the manager with one, two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
My phone number is +13 (234)456-7890 | My phone number is one three, two three four, four five six, seven eight nine zero |
She said, "Hello, how are you?" | She said, quote Hello, how are you? end quote |
He replied, "I'm fine, thank you." | He replied, quote I'm fine, thank you. end quote |
"Where are you going?" she asked. | quote Where are you going? end quote she asked. |
"I'm going to the store," he answered. | quote I'm going to the store, end quote he answered. |
The teacher said, "Please open your books to page 10." | The teacher said, quote Please open your books to page ten. end quote |
"Can you help me with this?" she inquired. | quote Can you help me with this? end quote she inquired. |
He shouted, "Get out of here!" | He shouted, quote Get out of here! end quote |
"Wait for me," she pleaded. | quote Wait for me, end quote she pleaded. |
"Stop right there!" he yelled. | quote Stop right there! end quote he yelled. |
She whispered, "I love you." | She whispered, quote I love you. end quote |
"Please don't go," she begged. | quote Please don't go, end quote she begged. |
He asked, "What time is it?" | He asked, quote What time is it? end quote |
"Let's go for a walk," she suggested. | quote Let's go for a walk, end quote she suggested. |
"I'll be there in a minute," he promised. | quote I'll be there in a minute, end quote he promised. |
"Would you like some coffee?" he offered. | quote Would you like some coffee? end quote he offered. |
She murmured, "I'm sorry." | She murmured, quote I'm sorry. end quote |
"Watch out!" she warned. | quote Watch out! end quote she warned. |
He mumbled, "I don't know." | He mumbled, quote I don't know. end quote |
"Are you coming with us?" they asked. | quote Are you coming with us? end quote they asked. |
She questioned, "What do you mean?" | She questioned, quote What do you mean? end quote |
"Let me think about it," he pondered. | quote Let me think about it, end quote he pondered. |
He suggested, "We should leave now." | He suggested, quote We should leave now. end quote |
"Shh, be quiet," she whispered. | quote Shh, be quiet, end quote she whispered. |
"Goodbye, see you later," he said. | quote Goodbye, see you later, end quote he said. |
She exclaimed, "I won!" | She exclaimed, quote I won! end quote |
"Let's eat dinner," she suggested. | quote Let's eat dinner, end quote she suggested. |
He stated, "This is the last time." | He stated, quote This is the last time. end quote |
II | two |
III | three |
IV | four |
V | five |
VI | six |
VII | seven |
VIII | eight |
IX | nine |
X | ten |
XI | eleven |
XII | twelve |
XIII | thirteen |
XIV | fourteen |
XV | fifteen |
XVI | sixteen |
XVII | seventeen |
XVIII | eighteen |
XIX | nineteen |
XX | twenty |
XXI | twenty-one |
XXII | twenty-two |
XXIII | twenty-three |
XXIV | twenty-four |
XXV | twenty-five |
XXVI | twenty-six |
XXVII | twenty-seven |
XXVIII | twenty-eight |
XXIX | twenty-nine |
XXX | thirty |
XXXI | thirty-one |
XXXII | thirty-two |
XXXIII | thirty-three |
XXXIV | thirty-four |
XXXV | thirty-five |
XXXVI | thirty-six |
XXXVII | thirty-seven |
XXXVIII | thirty-eight |
XXXIX | thirty-nine |
XL | forty |
XLI | forty-one |
XLII | forty-two |
XLIII | forty-three |