/** * Clean up the cache. */ public void clear() { writeLock.lock(); try { this.cache.clear(); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
/** * Evaluates the expression as an lvalue and determines if {@link #setValue(ELContext, Object)} * will always fail. * @param context used to resolve properties (<code></code> and <code>base[property]</code>) * and to determine the result from the last base/property pair * @return <code>true</code> if {@link #setValue(ELContext, Object)} always fails. * @throws ELException if evaluation fails (e.g. property not found, type conversion failed, ...) */ @Override public boolean isReadOnly(ELContext context) throws ELException { return node.isReadOnly(bindings, context); }
/** * Converts the given validation group as per the group conversion * configuration for this property (as e.g. specified via * {@code @ConvertGroup}. * * @param from The group to convert. * * @return The converted group. Will be the original group itself in case no * conversion is to be performed. */ public Class<?> convertGroup(Class<?> from) { Class<?> to = groupConversions.get( from ); return to != null ? to : from; }
/** checks whether the pane is late (e.g. can be / has been cleanup) */ private boolean isPaneLate(W pane) { // whether the pane is late depends on the last window which the pane is belongs to is late return windowAssigner.isEventTime() && isWindowLate(windowAssigner.getLastWindow(pane)); }
/** * Go through a list, removing all duplicate elements from it. This method * is used to avoid accumulation of duplicate entries in result lists * resulting from low-context recursion. * * Preserves first entry in list, removes others. Preserves list order. * * @return list passed as parameter, after modification */ private final <T> List<T> eliminateDuplicates(List<T> list) { LinkedHashSet<T> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(list); list.clear(); list.addAll(set); return list; }
/** Peeks ahead and returns 1 if the postfix consists of exactly two digits, 2 if the postfix consists of exactly * two consecutive digits and a non extended character or of 4 digits. * Returns 0 in any other case **/ int getLastASCII() { int length = input.length(); int from = fromPosition + characterLength; if (length - from > 4 || from >= length) { return 0; } if (length - from == 1) { if (isExtendedASCII(input.charAt(from), input.getFNC1Character())) { return 0; } return 1; } if (length - from == 2) { if (isExtendedASCII(input.charAt(from), input.getFNC1Character()) || isExtendedASCII(input.charAt(from + 1), input.getFNC1Character())) { return 0; } if (HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 1))) { return 1; } return 2; } if (length - from == 3) { if (HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 1)) && !isExtendedASCII(input.charAt(from + 2), input.getFNC1Character())) { return 2; } if (HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 1)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 2)) && !isExtendedASCII(input.charAt(from), input.getFNC1Character())) { return 2; } return 0; } if (HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 1)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 2)) && HighLevelEncoder.isDigit(input.charAt(from + 3))) { return 2; } return 0; }
/** * Mostly a duplicate of {@link #copyCellInto(Cell, int)}} done for perf sake. It presumes * ByteBufferExtendedCell instead of Cell so we deal with a specific type rather than the super * generic Cell. Removes instanceof checks. Shrinkage is enough to make this inline where before * it was too big. Uses less CPU. See HBASE-20875 for evidence. * @see #copyCellInto(Cell, int) */ private Cell copyBBECellInto(ByteBufferExtendedCell cell, int maxAlloc) { int size = cell.getSerializedSize(); Preconditions.checkArgument(size >= 0, "negative size"); // Callers should satisfy large allocations from JVM heap so limit fragmentation. if (size > maxAlloc) { return null; } Chunk c = null; int allocOffset = 0; while (true) { // Try to get the chunk c = getOrMakeChunk(); // We may get null because the some other thread succeeded in getting the lock // and so the current thread has to try again to make its chunk or grab the chunk // that the other thread created // Try to allocate from this chunk if (c != null) { allocOffset = c.alloc(size); if (allocOffset != -1) { // We succeeded - this is the common case - small alloc // from a big buffer break; } // not enough space! // try to retire this chunk tryRetireChunk(c); } } return copyBBECToChunkCell(cell, c.getData(), allocOffset, size); }
/** * Tests the output of a cast to a boolean. */ @Test public void testCastToBoolean() { String result = testDialect.getSqlFrom(new Cast(new FieldReference("value"), DataType.BOOLEAN, 10)); assertEquals(expectedBooleanCast(), result); }
/** * Make a Properties object holding ZooKeeper config. Parses the corresponding config options from * the HBase XML configs and generates the appropriate ZooKeeper properties. * @param conf Configuration to read from. * @return Properties holding mappings representing ZooKeeper config file. */ private static Properties makeZKPropsFromHbaseConfig(Configuration conf) { Properties zkProperties = new Properties(); // Directly map all of the properties. // Synchronize on conf so no loading of configs while we iterate synchronized (conf) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : conf) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { String zkKey = key.substring(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX_LEN); String value = entry.getValue(); // If the value has variables substitutions, need to do a get. if (value.contains(VARIABLE_START)) { value = conf.get(key); } zkProperties.setProperty(zkKey, value); } } } // If clientPort is not set, assign the default. if (zkProperties.getProperty(HConstants.CLIENT_PORT_STR) == null) { zkProperties.put(HConstants.CLIENT_PORT_STR, HConstants.DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT); } // Create the server.X properties. int peerPort = conf.getInt("hbase.zookeeper.peerport", 2888); int leaderPort = conf.getInt("hbase.zookeeper.leaderport", 3888); final String[] serverHosts = conf.getStrings(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM, HConstants.LOCALHOST); String serverHost; String address; String key; for (int i = 0; i < serverHosts.length; ++i) { if (serverHosts[i].contains(":")) { serverHost = serverHosts[i].substring(0, serverHosts[i].indexOf(':')); } else { serverHost = serverHosts[i]; } address = serverHost + ":" + peerPort + ":" + leaderPort; key = "server." + i; zkProperties.put(key, address); } return zkProperties; }
/** * Create the common-delimited {@link String} by one or more {@link String} members * * @param one one {@link String} * @param others others {@link String} * @return <code>null</code> if <code>one</code> or <code>others</code> is <code>null</code> * @since 2.7.8 */ public static String toCommaDelimitedString(String one, String... others) { String another = arrayToDelimitedString(others, COMMA_SEPARATOR); return isEmpty(another) ? one : one + COMMA_SEPARATOR + another; }
/** * Iterate over all the entries in the map and apply the processor function to each of them. * <p> * <b>Warning: Do Not Guarantee Thread-Safety.</b> * @param processor the processor to apply to each entry */ public void forEach(EntryProcessor<V> processor) { for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { sections[i].forEach(processor); } }
/** * Creates {@link AvroDeserializationSchema} that produces {@link GenericRecord} using provided * schema. * * @param schema schema of produced records * @param encoding Avro serialization approach to use for decoding * @return deserialized record in form of {@link GenericRecord} */ public static AvroDeserializationSchema<GenericRecord> forGeneric( Schema schema, AvroEncoding encoding) { return new AvroDeserializationSchema<>(GenericRecord.class, schema, encoding); }
/** * Returns a signed string. * * @param str string to sign. * * @return the signed string. */ public synchronized String sign(String str) { if (str == null || str.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NULL or empty string to sign"); } byte[] secret = secretProvider.getCurrentSecret(); String signature = computeSignature(secret, str); return str + SIGNATURE + signature; }
/** * Calculates the width of the columns in a given range. * * @param columns * the columns to calculate * @return the total width of the columns in the given * <code>columns</code> */ double getCalculatedColumnsWidth(final Range columns) { /* * This is an assert instead of an exception, since this is an * internal method. */ assert columns .isSubsetOf(Range.between(0, getColumnCount())) : "Range " + "was outside of current column range (i.e.: " + Range.between(0, getColumnCount()) + ", but was given :" + columns; double sum = 0; for (int i = columns.getStart(); i < columns.getEnd(); i++) { double columnWidthActual = getColumnWidthActual(i); sum += columnWidthActual; } return sum; }
/** * Sets the drop mode of this drop target. * <p> * When using {@link DropMode#ON_TOP}, and the grid is either empty or has * empty space after the last row, the drop can still happen on the empty * space, and the {@link GridDropEvent#getDropTargetRow()} will return an * empty optional. * <p> * When using {@link DropMode#BETWEEN} or * {@link DropMode#ON_TOP_OR_BETWEEN}, and there is at least one row in the * grid, any drop after the last row in the grid will get the last row as * the {@link GridDropEvent#getDropTargetRow()}. If there are no rows in the * grid, then it will return an empty optional. * <p> * If using {@link DropMode#ON_GRID}, then the drop will not happen on any * row, but instead just "on the grid". The target row will not be present * in this case. * <p> * <em>NOTE: {@link DropMode#ON_GRID} is used automatically when the grid * has been sorted and {@link #setDropAllowedOnRowsWhenSorted(boolean)} is * {@code false} - since the drop location would not necessarily match the * correct row because of the sorting. During the sorting, any calls to this * method don't have any effect until the sorting has been removed, or * {@link #setDropAllowedOnRowsWhenSorted(boolean)} is set back to * {@code true}.</em> * * @param dropMode * Drop mode that describes the allowed drop locations within the * Grid's row. * @see GridDropEvent#getDropLocation() * @see #setDropAllowedOnRowsWhenSorted(boolean) */ public void setDropMode(DropMode dropMode) { if (dropMode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drop mode cannot be null"); } if (cachedDropMode != null) { cachedDropMode = dropMode; } else { internalSetDropMode(dropMode); } }
/** * Returns a {@link Configuration} object from this {@link ParameterTool}. * * @return A {@link Configuration} */ public Configuration getConfiguration() { final Configuration conf = new Configuration(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) { conf.setString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return conf; }
/** * Attempts to write a new table descriptor to the given table's directory. It begins at the * currentSequenceId + 1 and tries 10 times to find a new sequence number not already in use. * <p/> * Removes the current descriptor file if passed in. * @return Descriptor file or null if we failed write. */ private static Path writeTableDescriptor(final FileSystem fs, final TableDescriptor td, final Path tableDir, final FileStatus currentDescriptorFile) throws IOException { // Here we will write to the final directory directly to avoid renaming as on OSS renaming is // not atomic and has performance issue. The reason why we could do this is that, in the below // code we will not overwrite existing files, we will write a new file instead. And when // loading, we will skip the half written file, please see the code in getTableDescriptorFromFs Path tableInfoDir = new Path(tableDir, TABLEINFO_DIR); // In proc v2 we have table lock so typically, there will be no concurrent writes. Keep the // retry logic here since we may still want to write the table descriptor from for example, // HBCK2? int currentSequenceId = currentDescriptorFile == null ? 0 : getTableInfoSequenceIdAndFileLength(currentDescriptorFile.getPath()).sequenceId; // Put arbitrary upperbound on how often we retry int maxAttempts = 10; int maxSequenceId = currentSequenceId + maxAttempts; byte[] bytes = TableDescriptorBuilder.toByteArray(td); for (int newSequenceId = currentSequenceId + 1; newSequenceId <= maxSequenceId; newSequenceId++) { String fileName = getTableInfoFileName(newSequenceId, bytes); Path filePath = new Path(tableInfoDir, fileName); try (FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(filePath, false)) { out.write(bytes); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) { LOG.debug("{} exists; retrying up to {} times", filePath, maxAttempts, e); continue; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.debug("Failed write {}; retrying up to {} times", filePath, maxAttempts, e); continue; } deleteTableDescriptorFiles(fs, tableInfoDir, newSequenceId - 1); return filePath; } return null; }
/** * Acquires a buffer if one is immediately available. Otherwise returns null. * @param blockNumber the id of the block to try acquire. * @return the acquired block's {@code BufferData} or null. */ public synchronized BufferData tryAcquire(int blockNumber) { return acquireHelper(blockNumber, false); }
/** * Starts the mini cluster, based on the configured properties. * * @throws Exception This method passes on any exception that occurs during the startup of the * mini cluster. */ public void start() throws Exception { synchronized (lock) { checkState(!running, "MiniCluster is already running");"Starting Flink Mini Cluster"); LOG.debug("Using configuration {}", miniClusterConfiguration); final Configuration configuration = miniClusterConfiguration.getConfiguration(); final boolean useSingleRpcService = miniClusterConfiguration.getRpcServiceSharing() == RpcServiceSharing.SHARED; try { workingDirectory = WorkingDirectory.create( ClusterEntrypointUtils.generateWorkingDirectoryFile( configuration, Optional.of(PROCESS_WORKING_DIR_BASE), "minicluster_" + ResourceID.generate())); initializeIOFormatClasses(configuration); rpcSystem = rpcSystemSupplier.get();"Starting Metrics Registry"); metricRegistry = createMetricRegistry( configuration, rpcSystem.deref().getMaximumMessageSizeInBytes(configuration)); // bring up all the RPC services"Starting RPC Service(s)"); final RpcServiceFactory dispatcherResourceManagerComponentRpcServiceFactory; final RpcService metricQueryServiceRpcService; if (useSingleRpcService) { // we always need the 'commonRpcService' for auxiliary calls commonRpcService = createLocalRpcService(configuration, rpcSystem.deref()); final CommonRpcServiceFactory commonRpcServiceFactory = new CommonRpcServiceFactory(commonRpcService); taskManagerRpcServiceFactory = commonRpcServiceFactory; dispatcherResourceManagerComponentRpcServiceFactory = commonRpcServiceFactory; metricQueryServiceRpcService = MetricUtils.startLocalMetricsRpcService( configuration, rpcSystem.deref()); } else { // start a new service per component, possibly with custom bind addresses final String jobManagerExternalAddress = miniClusterConfiguration.getJobManagerExternalAddress(); final String taskManagerExternalAddress = miniClusterConfiguration.getTaskManagerExternalAddress(); final String jobManagerExternalPortRange = miniClusterConfiguration.getJobManagerExternalPortRange(); final String taskManagerExternalPortRange = miniClusterConfiguration.getTaskManagerExternalPortRange(); final String jobManagerBindAddress = miniClusterConfiguration.getJobManagerBindAddress(); final String taskManagerBindAddress = miniClusterConfiguration.getTaskManagerBindAddress(); dispatcherResourceManagerComponentRpcServiceFactory = new DedicatedRpcServiceFactory( configuration, jobManagerExternalAddress, jobManagerExternalPortRange, jobManagerBindAddress, rpcSystem.deref()); taskManagerRpcServiceFactory = new DedicatedRpcServiceFactory( configuration, taskManagerExternalAddress, taskManagerExternalPortRange, taskManagerBindAddress, rpcSystem.deref()); // we always need the 'commonRpcService' for auxiliary calls // bind to the JobManager address with port 0 commonRpcService = createRemoteRpcService( configuration, jobManagerBindAddress, 0, rpcSystem.deref()); metricQueryServiceRpcService = MetricUtils.startRemoteMetricsRpcService( configuration, commonRpcService.getAddress(), null, rpcSystem.deref()); } metricRegistry.startQueryService(metricQueryServiceRpcService, null); processMetricGroup = MetricUtils.instantiateProcessMetricGroup( metricRegistry, RpcUtils.getHostname(commonRpcService), ConfigurationUtils.getSystemResourceMetricsProbingInterval( configuration)); ioExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( ClusterEntrypointUtils.getPoolSize(configuration), new ExecutorThreadFactory("mini-cluster-io")); delegationTokenManager = DefaultDelegationTokenManagerFactory.create( configuration, miniClusterConfiguration.getPluginManager(), commonRpcService.getScheduledExecutor(), ioExecutor); // Obtaining delegation tokens and propagating them to the local JVM receivers in a // one-time fashion is required because BlobServer may connect to external file // systems delegationTokenManager.obtainDelegationTokens(); delegationTokenReceiverRepository = new DelegationTokenReceiverRepository( configuration, miniClusterConfiguration.getPluginManager()); haServicesFactory = createHighAvailabilityServicesFactory(configuration); haServices = createHighAvailabilityServices(configuration, ioExecutor); blobServer = BlobUtils.createBlobServer( configuration, Reference.borrowed(workingDirectory.getBlobStorageDirectory()), haServices.createBlobStore()); blobServer.start(); heartbeatServices = HeartbeatServices.fromConfiguration(configuration); blobCacheService = BlobUtils.createBlobCacheService( configuration, Reference.borrowed(workingDirectory.getBlobStorageDirectory()), haServices.createBlobStore(), new InetSocketAddress( InetAddress.getLocalHost(), blobServer.getPort())); startTaskManagers(); MetricQueryServiceRetriever metricQueryServiceRetriever = new RpcMetricQueryServiceRetriever( metricRegistry.getMetricQueryServiceRpcService()); setupDispatcherResourceManagerComponents( configuration, dispatcherResourceManagerComponentRpcServiceFactory, metricQueryServiceRetriever); resourceManagerLeaderRetriever = haServices.getResourceManagerLeaderRetriever(); dispatcherLeaderRetriever = haServices.getDispatcherLeaderRetriever(); clusterRestEndpointLeaderRetrievalService = haServices.getClusterRestEndpointLeaderRetriever(); dispatcherGatewayRetriever = new RpcGatewayRetriever<>( commonRpcService, DispatcherGateway.class, DispatcherId::fromUuid, new ExponentialBackoffRetryStrategy( 21, Duration.ofMillis(5L), Duration.ofMillis(20L))); resourceManagerGatewayRetriever = new RpcGatewayRetriever<>( commonRpcService, ResourceManagerGateway.class, ResourceManagerId::fromUuid, new ExponentialBackoffRetryStrategy( 21, Duration.ofMillis(5L), Duration.ofMillis(20L))); webMonitorLeaderRetriever = new LeaderRetriever(); resourceManagerLeaderRetriever.start(resourceManagerGatewayRetriever); dispatcherLeaderRetriever.start(dispatcherGatewayRetriever); clusterRestEndpointLeaderRetrievalService.start(webMonitorLeaderRetriever); } catch (Exception e) { // cleanup everything try { close(); } catch (Exception ee) { e.addSuppressed(ee); } throw e; } // create a new termination future terminationFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); // now officially mark this as running running = true;"Flink Mini Cluster started successfully"); } }
/** * @return expected SQL for math operation 6 */ protected String expectedSqlForMathOperations6() { return "a + b / (c - d)"; }
// 3) Qualifier @Override public byte[] getQualifierArray() { // Qualifier could be null return (qualifier == null) ? HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY : qualifier; }
/** * Takes an {@link AdapterDescription}, encrypts the password properties and stores it to the database * * @param adapterDescription input adapter description * @return the id of the created adapter */ public String encryptAndCreate(AdapterDescription adapterDescription) { AdapterDescription encryptedAdapterDescription = cloneAndEncrypt(adapterDescription); encryptedAdapterDescription.setRev(null); return db.storeAdapter(encryptedAdapterDescription); }
/** * Updates the selection by adding and removing the given items. * * @param addedItems * the items added to selection, not {@code} null * @param removedItems * the items removed from selection, not {@code} null * @param userOriginated * {@code true} if this was used originated, {@code false} if not */ protected void updateSelection(Set<T> addedItems, Set<T> removedItems, boolean userOriginated) { Objects.requireNonNull(addedItems); Objects.requireNonNull(removedItems); // if there are duplicates, some item is both added & removed, just // discard that and leave things as was before DataProvider<T, ?> dataProvider = internalGetDataProvider(); addedItems.removeIf(item -> { Object addedId = dataProvider.getId(item); return addedId::equals) ? removedItems.remove(item) : false; }); if (isAllSelected(addedItems) && isNoneSelected(removedItems)) { return; } updateSelection(set -> { // order of add / remove does not matter since no duplicates set.removeIf(item -> { Object itemId = dataProvider.getId(item); return .anyMatch(itemId::equals); }); set.addAll(addedItems); }, userOriginated); }
/** * Returns the current drag and drop manager instance. If one doesn't exist * yet, it's created. * * @return the current drag and drop manager */ public static VDragAndDropManager get() { if (instance == null) { instance = GWT.create(VDragAndDropManager.class); } return instance; }
/** * @param readRequestsCount The current total read requests made to region */ public void setReadRequestsCount(long readRequestsCount) { this.readRequestsCount = readRequestsCount; }
/** * Combines this object's current estimate of a finder pattern position and module size * with a new estimate. It returns a new {@code FinderPattern} containing an average of the two. */ AlignmentPattern combineEstimate(float i, float j, float newModuleSize) { float combinedX = (getX() + j) / 2.0f; float combinedY = (getY() + i) / 2.0f; float combinedModuleSize = (estimatedModuleSize + newModuleSize) / 2.0f; return new AlignmentPattern(combinedX, combinedY, combinedModuleSize); }
/** * Async replays given positions: a. before reading it filters out already-acked messages b. reads remaining entries * async and gives it to given ReadEntriesCallback c. returns all already-acked messages which are not replayed so, * those messages can be removed by caller(Dispatcher)'s replay-list and it won't try to replay it again * */ @Override public Set<? extends Position> asyncReplayEntries(final Set<? extends Position> positions, ReadEntriesCallback callback, Object ctx) { return asyncReplayEntries(positions, callback, ctx, false); }
/** * Create a FileInputStream using * {@link FileInputStream#FileInputStream(File)} and position * it at the given offset. * * Wraps the created input stream to intercept read calls * before delegating to the wrapped stream. * * @param volume target volume. null if unavailable. * @param f File object. * @param offset the offset position, measured in bytes from the * beginning of the file, at which to set the file * pointer. * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public FileInputStream openAndSeek( @Nullable FsVolumeSpi volume, File f, long offset) throws IOException { final long begin = profilingEventHook.beforeMetadataOp(volume, OPEN); FileInputStream fis = null; try { faultInjectorEventHook.beforeMetadataOp(volume, OPEN); fis = new WrappedFileInputStream(volume, FsDatasetUtil.openAndSeek(f, offset)); profilingEventHook.afterMetadataOp(volume, OPEN, begin); return fis; } catch(Exception e) { IOUtils.closeStream(fis); onFailure(volume, begin); throw e; } }
/** * Set whether the {@link Producer#send} and {@link Producer#sendAsync} operations should block when the outgoing * message queue is full. * <p> * Default is <code>false</code>. If set to <code>false</code>, send operations will immediately fail with * {@link PulsarClientException.ProducerQueueIsFullError} when there is no space left in pending queue. * * @param blockIfQueueFull * whether to block {@link Producer#send} and {@link Producer#sendAsync} operations on queue full * @return */ public ProducerConfiguration setBlockIfQueueFull(boolean blockIfQueueFull) { conf.setBlockIfQueueFull(blockIfQueueFull); return this; }
/** * Gets whether the key/value data structures are asynchronously snapshotted, which is always * true for this state backend. */ public boolean isUsingAsynchronousSnapshots() { return true; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#readDesign(org.jsoup.nodes .Element, * com.vaadin.ui.declarative.DesignContext) */ @Override public void readDesign(Element design, DesignContext designContext) { super.readDesign(design, designContext); String innerHtml = design.html(); boolean plainText = design.hasAttr(DESIGN_ATTR_PLAIN_TEXT); if (plainText) { setContentMode(ContentMode.TEXT); } else { setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); } if (innerHtml != null && !"".equals(innerHtml)) { if (plainText) { innerHtml = DesignFormatter.decodeFromTextNode(innerHtml); } setValue(innerHtml); } }
/** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return type.toString() + "(" + StringUtils.join(arguments, ", ") + ")" + super.toString(); }
/** * Add an extension to this connector. This method is protected to allow * extensions to select which targets they can extend. * * @param extension * the extension to add */ protected void addExtension(Extension extension) { ClientConnector previousParent = extension.getParent(); if (equals(previousParent)) { // Nothing to do, already attached return; } else if (previousParent != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Moving an extension from one parent to another is not supported"); } extensions.add(extension); extension.setParent(this); markAsDirty(); }
/** * This will be called before executing user request to roll a region server WAL. * @param ctx the environment to interact with the framework and region server. */ default void preRollWALWriterRequest( final ObserverContext<RegionServerCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx) throws IOException { }
/** * Method for passing user defined operators along with the type information that will transform * the OperatorTransformation. * * <p><b>IMPORTANT:</b> Any output from this operator will be discarded. * * @param factory A factory returning transformation logic type of the return stream * @return An {@link StateBootstrapTransformation} that can be added to a {@link Savepoint}. */ public StateBootstrapTransformation<T> transform(SavepointWriterOperatorFactory factory) { return new StateBootstrapTransformation<>( stream, operatorMaxParallelism, factory, keySelector, keyType); }
/** * Adds a value change listener. The listener is called when the selection * set of this multi select is changed either by the user or * programmatically. * * @see #addSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener) * * @param listener * the value change listener, not null * @return a registration for the listener */ @Override public Registration addValueChangeListener( HasValue.ValueChangeListener<Set<T>> listener) { return addSelectionListener( event -> listener.valueChange(new ValueChangeEvent<>(this, event.getOldValue(), event.isUserOriginated()))); }
/** * Examines the children of the branch node and returns true if a node is in * that branch * * @param node * The node to search for * @param branch * The branch to search in * @return True if found, false if not found */ private boolean nodeIsInBranch(TreeNode node, TreeNode branch) { if (node == branch) { return true; } for (TreeNode child : branch.getChildren()) { if (child == node) { return true; } if (!child.isLeaf() && child.getState()) { if (nodeIsInBranch(node, child)) { return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Returns the (minimum) unique groups of the given columns. * * @param rel the relational expression * @param columns the given columns in a specified relational expression. The given columns * should not be null. * @return the (minimum) unique columns which should be a sub-collection of the given columns, * and should not be null or empty. If none unique columns can be found, return the given * columns. */ public ImmutableBitSet getUniqueGroups(RelNode rel, ImmutableBitSet columns) { for (; ; ) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(columns != null); if (columns.isEmpty()) { return columns; } ImmutableBitSet uniqueGroups = uniqueGroupsHandler.getUniqueGroups(rel, this, columns); Preconditions.checkArgument(uniqueGroups != null && !uniqueGroups.isEmpty()); Preconditions.checkArgument(columns.contains(uniqueGroups)); return uniqueGroups; } catch (JaninoRelMetadataProvider.NoHandler e) { uniqueGroupsHandler = revise(e.relClass, FlinkMetadata.UniqueGroups.DEF); } } }
/** * A simple version of batch. It will fail if there are any failures and you will get the whole * result list at once if the operation is succeeded. * @param actions list of Get, Put, Delete, Increment, Append and RowMutations objects * @return A list of the result for the actions. Wrapped by a {@link CompletableFuture}. */ default <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> batchAll(List<? extends Row> actions) { return allOf(batch(actions)); }
/** * Intercept after a message is produced. * * @param cnx client Connection * @param producer Producer object * @param publishContext Publish Context */ default void messageProduced(ServerCnx cnx, Producer producer, long startTimeNs, long ledgerId, long entryId, Topic.PublishContext publishContext) { }
/** * Decode the kv encoding type from the schema info. * * @param schemaInfo the schema info * @return the kv encoding type */ public KeyValueEncodingType decodeKeyValueEncodingType(SchemaInfo schemaInfo) { return KeyValueSchemaInfo.decodeKeyValueEncodingType(schemaInfo); }
/** * Try to connect to a sequence of IP addresses until a successful connection can be made, or fail if no * address is working. */ private CompletableFuture<Channel> connectToResolvedAddresses(InetSocketAddress logicalAddress, InetSocketAddress unresolvedPhysicalAddress, Iterator<InetSocketAddress> resolvedPhysicalAddress, InetSocketAddress sniHost) { CompletableFuture<Channel> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Successfully connected to server connectToAddress(logicalAddress,, unresolvedPhysicalAddress, sniHost) .thenAccept(future::complete) .exceptionally(exception -> { if (resolvedPhysicalAddress.hasNext()) { // Try next IP address connectToResolvedAddresses(logicalAddress, unresolvedPhysicalAddress, resolvedPhysicalAddress, sniHost) .thenAccept(future::complete) .exceptionally(ex -> { // This is already unwinding the recursive call future.completeExceptionally(ex); return null; }); } else { // Failed to connect to any IP address future.completeExceptionally(exception); } return null; }); return future; }
/** * Initializes the heartbeat for the given application connection. * * @param applicationConnection * the connection */ public void init(ApplicationConnection applicationConnection) { connection = applicationConnection; setInterval(connection.getConfiguration().getHeartbeatInterval()); uri = SharedUtil.addGetParameters( connection.translateVaadinUri( ApplicationConstants.APP_PROTOCOL_PREFIX + ApplicationConstants.HEARTBEAT_PATH + '/'), UIConstants.UI_ID_PARAMETER + "=" + connection.getConfiguration().getUIId()); connection.addHandler( ApplicationConnection.ApplicationStoppedEvent.TYPE, event -> setInterval(-1)); }
/** * Initialization method for the function. It is called once before the actual data mapping * methods. */ default void open(SourceReaderContext readerContext) throws Exception {}
/** * Add the given String literal as a join flag to the last added join * * @param flag join flag * @param position position * @return the current object */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Q addJoinFlag(String flag, JoinFlag.Position position) { queryMixin.addJoinFlag(new JoinFlag(flag, position)); return (Q) this; }
/** * Return the regions not assigned to its favored nodes * @return regions not assigned to its favored nodes */ List<RegionInfo> getNonFavoredAssignedRegions() { return nonFavoredAssignedRegionList; }
/** * Returns the target object which contains the trigger method. * * @return The target object */ public Object getTarget() { return target; }
/** * Appending AbfsOutputStream statistics to base toString(). * * @return String with AbfsOutputStream statistics. */ @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); sb.append("AbfsOutputStream@").append(this.hashCode()); sb.append("){"); sb.append(outputStreamStatistics.toString()); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Creates a new record writer. Be aware that the baseline javadoc gives the impression that there * is a single {@link RecordWriter} per job but in HBase, it is more natural if we give you a new * RecordWriter per call of this method. You must close the returned RecordWriter when done. * Failure to do so will drop writes. * @param context The current task context. * @return The newly created writer instance. * @throws IOException When creating the writer fails. * @throws InterruptedException When the job is cancelled. */ @Override public RecordWriter<KEY, Mutation> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return new TableRecordWriter(); }
/** * Static utility to parse a field of type float from a byte sequence that represents text * characters (such as when read from a file stream). * * @param bytes The bytes containing the text data that should be parsed. * @param startPos The offset to start the parsing. * @param length The length of the byte sequence (counting from the offset). * @param delimiter The delimiter that terminates the field. * @return The parsed value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown when the value cannot be parsed because the text * represents not a correct number. */ public static final float parseField(byte[] bytes, int startPos, int length, char delimiter) { final int limitedLen = nextStringLength(bytes, startPos, length, delimiter); if (limitedLen > 0 && (Character.isWhitespace(bytes[startPos]) || Character.isWhitespace(bytes[startPos + limitedLen - 1]))) { throw new NumberFormatException( "There is leading or trailing whitespace in the numeric field."); } final String str = new String(bytes, startPos, limitedLen, ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET); return Float.parseFloat(str); }
/** * Return a Spark based implementation of {@code HoodieTableMetadataWriter} which can be used to * write to the metadata table. * <p> * If the metadata table does not exist, an attempt is made to bootstrap it but there is no guaranteed that * table will end up bootstrapping at this time. * * @param conf * @param writeConfig * @param context * @param inflightInstantTimestamp Timestamp of an instant which is in-progress. This instant is ignored while * attempting to bootstrap the table. * @return An instance of the {@code HoodieTableMetadataWriter} */ public static HoodieTableMetadataWriter create(Configuration conf, HoodieWriteConfig writeConfig, HoodieEngineContext context, Option<String> inflightInstantTimestamp) { return new SparkHoodieBackedTableMetadataWriter( conf, writeConfig, EAGER, context, inflightInstantTimestamp); }
/** * NOTE: If there is no blank line at the end of the file, * one line will be missing */ public static int countLines(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The file %s doesn't exist", file)); } long fileLength = file.length(); try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis)) { /* * The last character may be an EOL or a non-EOL character. * If it is the EOL, need to add 1 line; if it is the non-EOL, * also need to add 1 line, because the next character means the EOF * and should also be counted as a line. */ int number = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fileLength - 1; i++) { if ( == '\n') { number++; } } if (fileLength > 0) { number++; } return number; } catch (IOException e) { throw new InternalException("Failed to count lines of file %s", file); } }
/** * Checks if the given bytes ends with the delimiter at the given end position. * * @param bytes The byte array that holds the value. * @param endPos The index of the byte array where the check for the delimiter ends. * @param delim The delimiter to check for. * @return true if a delimiter ends at the given end position, false otherwise. */ public static final boolean endsWithDelimiter(byte[] bytes, int endPos, byte[] delim) { if (endPos < delim.length - 1) { return false; } for (int pos = 0; pos < delim.length; ++pos) { if (delim[pos] != bytes[endPos - delim.length + 1 + pos]) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * This method will return relative path from the first available vacant * directory. * * @return {@link String} relative path for localization */ public synchronized String getRelativePathForLocalization() { if (nonFullDirectories.isEmpty()) { totalSubDirectories++; Directory newDir = new Directory(totalSubDirectories); nonFullDirectories.add(newDir); knownDirectories.put(newDir.getRelativePath(), newDir); } Directory subDir = nonFullDirectories.peek(); if (subDir.incrementAndGetCount() >= perDirectoryFileLimit) { nonFullDirectories.remove(); } return subDir.getRelativePath(); }
/** * Deprecated because Number type max/min is not well supported comparable type, e.g. {@link * java.util.Date}, {@link java.sql.Timestamp}. * * <p>Returns null if this instance is constructed by {@link ColumnStats.Builder}. */ @Deprecated public Number getMinValue() { return minValue; }
/** * Function to get WorldGuardInterface for version dependent things. * @return WorldGuardInterface */ public WorldEditInterface getWorldEditHandler() { return this.worldEditInterface; }
/** * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.metadata.Table#indexes() */ @Override public List<Index> indexes() { return baseTable.indexes(); }
/** * Free the given slot from the given allocation. If the slot is still allocated by the given * allocation id, then the slot will be marked as free and will be subject to new slot requests. * * @param slotId identifying the slot to free * @param allocationId with which the slot is presumably allocated */ @Override public void freeSlot(SlotID slotId, AllocationID allocationId) { checkInit(); LOG.debug("Freeing slot {}.", slotId); slotTracker.notifyFree(slotId); checkResourceRequirementsWithDelay(); }
/** * Creates the first cell with the row/family/qualifier of this cell and the given timestamp. Uses * the "maximum" type that guarantees that the new cell is the lowest possible for this * combination of row, family, qualifier, and timestamp. This cell's own timestamp is ignored. * @param cell - cell */ public static Cell createFirstOnRowColTS(Cell cell, long ts) { if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) { return new FirstOnRowColTSByteBufferExtendedCell( ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(), cell.getRowLength(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyPosition(), cell.getFamilyLength(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierPosition(), cell.getQualifierLength(), ts); } return new FirstOnRowColTSCell(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength(), cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength(), ts); }
/** * Returns the current execution state of the task. * * @return The current execution state of the task. */ public ExecutionState getExecutionState() { return this.executionState; }
// Write lock should be acquired before invoke this method. @Override public List<Integer> getNextBufferIndexToConsume(HsConsumerId consumerId) { ArrayList<Integer> consumeIndexes = new ArrayList<>(numSubpartitions); for (int channel = 0; channel < numSubpartitions; channel++) { HsSubpartitionConsumerInternalOperations viewOperation = subpartitionViewOperationsMap.get(channel).get(consumerId); // Access consuming offset without lock to prevent deadlock. // A consuming thread may being blocked on the memory data manager lock, while holding // the viewOperation lock. consumeIndexes.add( viewOperation == null ? -1 : viewOperation.getConsumingOffset(false) + 1); } return consumeIndexes; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public int maxMsgLength() { return maxMsgLength; }
/** * Merges items from buffer into the samples array in one pass. This is more efficient than doing * an insert on every item. */ private void insertBatch() { if (bufferCount == 0) { return; } Arrays.sort(buffer, 0, bufferCount); // Base case: no samples int start = 0; if (samples.isEmpty()) { SampleItem newItem = new SampleItem(buffer[0], 1, 0); samples.add(newItem); start++; } ListIterator<SampleItem> it = samples.listIterator(); SampleItem item =; for (int i = start; i < bufferCount; i++) { long v = buffer[i]; while (it.nextIndex() < samples.size() && item.value < v) { item =; } // If we found that bigger item, back up so we insert ourselves before it if (item.value > v) { it.previous(); } // We use different indexes for the edge comparisons, because of the above // if statement that adjusts the iterator int delta; if (it.previousIndex() == 0 || it.nextIndex() == samples.size()) { delta = 0; } else { delta = ((int) Math.floor(allowableError(it.nextIndex()))) - 1; } SampleItem newItem = new SampleItem(v, 1, delta); it.add(newItem); item = newItem; } bufferCount = 0; }
/** * Checks whether we need to update the combined watermark. * * <p><b>NOTE:</b>It can update {@link #isIdle()} status. * * @return true, if the combined watermark changed */ public boolean updateCombinedWatermark() { long minimumOverAllOutputs = Long.MAX_VALUE; // if we don't have any outputs minimumOverAllOutputs is not valid, it's still // at its initial Long.MAX_VALUE state and we must not emit that if (partialWatermarks.isEmpty()) { return false; } boolean allIdle = true; for (PartialWatermark partialWatermark : partialWatermarks) { if (!partialWatermark.isIdle()) { minimumOverAllOutputs = Math.min(minimumOverAllOutputs, partialWatermark.getWatermark()); allIdle = false; } } this.idle = allIdle; if (!allIdle && minimumOverAllOutputs > combinedWatermark) { combinedWatermark = minimumOverAllOutputs; return true; } return false; }
/** * Gets the contained throwable, the cause of the error. * * @return */ public Throwable getThrowable() { return throwable; }
/** * Get tagged record for the passed in {@link HoodieRecord}. * * @param record instance of {@link HoodieRecord} for which tagging is requested * @param location {@link HoodieRecordLocation} for the passed in {@link HoodieRecord} * @return the tagged {@link HoodieRecord} */ public static <R> HoodieRecord<R> tagAsNewRecordIfNeeded(HoodieRecord<R> record, Option<HoodieRecordLocation> location) { if (location.isPresent()) { // When you have a record in multiple files in the same partition, then <row key, record> collection // will have 2 entries with the same exact in memory copy of the HoodieRecord and the 2 // separate filenames that the record is found in. This will result in setting // currentLocation 2 times and it will fail the second time. So creating a new in memory // copy of the hoodie record. HoodieRecord<R> newRecord = record.newInstance(); newRecord.unseal(); newRecord.setCurrentLocation(location.get()); newRecord.seal(); return newRecord; } else { return record; } }
/** * Construct a TableName * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fullName equals old root or old meta. Some code depends on * this. */ public static TableName valueOf(String name) { for (TableName tn : tableCache) { if (name.equals(tn.getNameAsString())) { return tn; } } final int namespaceDelimIndex = name.indexOf(NAMESPACE_DELIM); if (namespaceDelimIndex < 0) { return createTableNameIfNecessary(ByteBuffer.wrap(NamespaceDescriptor.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_NAME), ByteBuffer.wrap(Bytes.toBytes(name))); } else { // indexOf is by character, not byte (consider multi-byte characters) String ns = name.substring(0, namespaceDelimIndex); String qualifier = name.substring(namespaceDelimIndex + 1); return createTableNameIfNecessary(ByteBuffer.wrap(Bytes.toBytes(ns)), ByteBuffer.wrap(Bytes.toBytes(qualifier))); } }
/** * @return statements which must be executed before the upgrade */ public List<String> getPreUpgradeStatements() { return preUpgradeStatements; }
/** * We will initialize the specific SubCluster's data within this method. * * @param tbody HTML TBody. * @param subClusterInfo Sub-cluster information. * @param lists Used to record data that needs to be displayed in JS. */ private void initSubClusterPageItem(TBODY<TABLE<Hamlet>> tbody, SubClusterInfo subClusterInfo, List<Map<String, String>> lists) { Map<String, String> subClusterMap = new HashMap<>(); // Prepare subCluster SubClusterId subClusterId = subClusterInfo.getSubClusterId(); String subClusterIdText = subClusterId.getId(); // Prepare WebAppAddress String webAppAddress = subClusterInfo.getRMWebServiceAddress(); String herfWebAppAddress = ""; if (webAppAddress != null && !webAppAddress.isEmpty()) { herfWebAppAddress = WebAppUtils.getHttpSchemePrefix(this.router.getConfig()) + webAppAddress; } // Prepare Capability String capability = subClusterInfo.getCapability(); ClusterMetricsInfo subClusterMetricsInfo = getClusterMetricsInfo(capability); if (subClusterMetricsInfo == null) { return; } // Prepare LastStartTime & LastHeartBeat Date lastStartTime = new Date(subClusterInfo.getLastStartTime()); Date lastHeartBeat = new Date(subClusterInfo.getLastHeartBeat()); // Prepare Resource long totalMB = subClusterMetricsInfo.getTotalMB(); String totalMBDesc = StringUtils.byteDesc(totalMB * BYTES_IN_MB); long totalVirtualCores = subClusterMetricsInfo.getTotalVirtualCores(); String resources = String.format("<memory:%s, vCores:%s>", totalMBDesc, totalVirtualCores); // Prepare Node long totalNodes = subClusterMetricsInfo.getTotalNodes(); long activeNodes = subClusterMetricsInfo.getActiveNodes(); String nodes = String.format("<totalNodes:%s, activeNodes:%s>", totalNodes, activeNodes); // Prepare HTML Table String stateStyle = "color:#dc3545;font-weight:bolder"; SubClusterState state = subClusterInfo.getState(); if (SubClusterState.SC_RUNNING == state) { stateStyle = "color:#28a745;font-weight:bolder"; }$id(subClusterIdText) .td().$class("details-control").a(herfWebAppAddress, subClusterIdText).__() .td().$style(stateStyle).__( .td().__(lastStartTime).__() .td().__(lastHeartBeat).__() .td(resources) .td(nodes) .__(); // Formatted memory information long allocatedMB = subClusterMetricsInfo.getAllocatedMB(); String allocatedMBDesc = StringUtils.byteDesc(allocatedMB * BYTES_IN_MB); long availableMB = subClusterMetricsInfo.getAvailableMB(); String availableMBDesc = StringUtils.byteDesc(availableMB * BYTES_IN_MB); long pendingMB = subClusterMetricsInfo.getPendingMB(); String pendingMBDesc = StringUtils.byteDesc(pendingMB * BYTES_IN_MB); long reservedMB = subClusterMetricsInfo.getReservedMB(); String reservedMBDesc = StringUtils.byteDesc(reservedMB * BYTES_IN_MB); subClusterMap.put("totalmemory", totalMBDesc); subClusterMap.put("allocatedmemory", allocatedMBDesc); subClusterMap.put("availablememory", availableMBDesc); subClusterMap.put("pendingmemory", pendingMBDesc); subClusterMap.put("reservedmemory", reservedMBDesc); subClusterMap.put("subcluster", subClusterId.getId()); subClusterMap.put("capability", capability); lists.add(subClusterMap); }
/** * Recover records * * @param records */ @Override protected void recoverRecords(Consumer<HistoryRecord> records) { DefaultLitePullConsumer consumer = null; try { consumer = RocketMqAdminUtil.initDefaultLitePullConsumer(rocketMqConfig, false); consumer.start(); // Select message queue MessageQueue messageQueue = new ZeroMessageQueueSelector().select(new ArrayList<>(consumer.fetchMessageQueues(topicName)), null, null); consumer.assign(Collections.singleton(messageQueue)); consumer.seekToBegin(messageQueue); // Read all messages in the topic ... long lastProcessedOffset = UNLIMITED_VALUE; Long maxOffset = null; int recoveryAttempts = 0; do { if (recoveryAttempts > maxRecoveryAttempts) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The database schema history couldn't be recovered."); } // Get db schema history topic end offset maxOffset = getMaxOffsetOfSchemaHistoryTopic(maxOffset, messageQueue); log.debug("End offset of database schema history topic is {}", maxOffset); // Poll record from db schema history topic List<MessageExt> recoveredRecords = consumer.poll(pollInterval); int numRecordsProcessed = 0; for (MessageExt message : recoveredRecords) { if (message.getQueueOffset() > lastProcessedOffset) { HistoryRecord recordObj = new HistoryRecord(; log.trace("Recovering database history: {}", recordObj); if (recordObj == null || !recordObj.isValid()) { log.warn("Skipping invalid database history record '{}'. " + "This is often not an issue, but if it happens repeatedly please check the '{}' topic.", recordObj, topicName); } else { records.accept(recordObj); log.trace("Recovered database history: {}", recordObj); } lastProcessedOffset = message.getQueueOffset(); ++numRecordsProcessed; } } if (numRecordsProcessed == 0) { log.debug("No new records found in the database schema history; will retry"); recoveryAttempts++; } else { log.debug("Processed {} records from database schema history", numRecordsProcessed); } } while (lastProcessedOffset < maxOffset - 1); } catch (MQClientException | MQBrokerException | IOException | RemotingException | InterruptedException e) { throw new DatabaseHistoryException(e); } finally { if (consumer != null) { consumer.shutdown(); } } }
/** * Calling this method will attempt delete the underlying snapshot directory recursively, if the * state is "ongoing". In this case, the state will be set to "deleted" as a result of this * call. * * @return <code>true</code> if delete is successful, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @throws IOException if an exception happens during the delete. */ public boolean cleanup() throws IOException { if (state.compareAndSet(State.ONGOING, State.DELETED)) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(directory.toFile()); } return true; }
/** * Binding the downstream, and call subscription#request(1). * * @param downstream downstream */ public void subscribe(final CallStreamObserver<T> downstream) { if (downstream == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (this.downstream == null && SUBSCRIBED.compareAndSet(false, true)) { this.downstream = downstream; subscription.request(1); } }
/** * Defines the transport format SMILE used by a data stream at runtime. * * @return The {@link org.apache.streampipes.model.grounding.TransportFormat} of type SMILE. */ public static TransportFormat smileFormat() { return new TransportFormat(MessageFormat.SMILE); }
/** * Force-obtain a lock for a mage */ default void obtainLock(MageData mage) {}
/** * Evaluate string input to a number. * Uses JavaScript for expressions. * @param input The input string * @param region The region to apply replacements for and use for logging * @return double evaluated from the input or a very high default in case of a script exception */ public static double evaluateToDouble(String input, GeneralRegion region) { // Replace variables input = Message.fromString(input).replacements(region).getSingle(); // Check for simple number if(isDouble(input)) { return Double.parseDouble(input); } // Lazy init scriptEngine if(scriptEngine == null) { scriptEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript"); } // Evaluate expression Object result; try { result = scriptEngine.eval(input); } catch(ScriptException e) { AreaShop.warn("Price of region", region.getName(), "is set with an invalid expression: '" + input + "', exception:", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return 99999999999.0; // High fallback for safety } // Handle the result if(Utils.isDouble(result.toString())) { return Double.parseDouble(result.toString()); } else { AreaShop.warn("Price of region", region.getName(), "is set with the expression '" + input + "' that returns a result that is not a number:", result); return 99999999999.0; // High fallback for safety } }
// This should be used sparingly, if at all... currently only // used when applying an upgrade to a wand while not held public void setMage(Mage mage) { this.mage = mage; }
/** * Reset the statistics context if it was set earlier. * This unbinds the current thread from any statistics * context. */ private void resetStatisticsContext() { if (ioStatisticsContext != null) { IOStatisticsContext.setThreadIOStatisticsContext(null); } }
/** * get the ZookeeperClient from cache, the ZookeeperClient must be connected. * <p> * It is not private method for unit test. * * @param addressList * @return */ public ZookeeperClient fetchAndUpdateZookeeperClientCache(List<String> addressList) { ZookeeperClient zookeeperClient = null; for (String address : addressList) { if ((zookeeperClient = zookeeperClientMap.get(address)) != null && zookeeperClient.isConnected()) { break; } } // mapping new backup address if (zookeeperClient != null && zookeeperClient.isConnected()) { writeToClientMap(addressList, zookeeperClient); } return zookeeperClient; }
/** * Phase 1: (including, but not limited to): 1. Gets all the aliases for all the tables / * subqueries and makes the appropriate mapping in aliasToTabs, aliasToSubq 2. Gets the location * of the destination and names the clause "inclause" + i 3. Creates a map from a string * representation of an aggregation tree to the actual aggregation AST 4. Creates a mapping from * the clause name to the select expression AST in destToSelExpr 5. Creates a mapping from a * table alias to the lateral view AST's in aliasToLateralViews */ @SuppressWarnings({"fallthrough", "nls"}) public boolean doPhase1( HiveParserASTNode ast, HiveParserQB qb, HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer.Phase1Ctx ctx1, HiveParserPlannerContext plannerCtx) throws SemanticException { boolean phase1Result = true; HiveParserQBParseInfo qbp = qb.getParseInfo(); boolean skipRecursion = false; if (ast.getToken() != null) { skipRecursion = true; switch (ast.getToken().getType()) { case HiveASTParser.TOK_SELECTDI: qb.countSelDi(); // fall through case HiveASTParser.TOK_SELECT: qb.countSel(); qbp.setSelExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); int posn = 0; if (((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0)).getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.QUERY_HINT) { HiveASTParseDriver pd = new HiveASTParseDriver(); String queryHintStr = ast.getChild(0).getText(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("QUERY HINT: " + queryHintStr); } try { HiveParserASTNode hintNode = pd.parseHint(queryHintStr); qbp.setHints(hintNode); posn++; } catch (HiveASTParseException e) { throw new SemanticException( "failed to parse query hint: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if ((ast.getChild(posn).getChild(0).getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TRANSFORM)) { queryProperties.setUsesScript(true); } LinkedHashMap<String, HiveParserASTNode> aggregations = doPhase1GetAggregationsFromSelect(ast, qb, ctx1.dest); doPhase1GetColumnAliasesFromSelect(ast, qbp); qbp.setAggregationExprsForClause(ctx1.dest, aggregations); qbp.setDistinctFuncExprsForClause( ctx1.dest, doPhase1GetDistinctFuncExprs(aggregations)); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_WHERE: qbp.setWhrExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); if (!HiveParserSubQueryUtils.findSubQueries((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0)) .isEmpty()) { queryProperties.setFilterWithSubQuery(true); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_INSERT_INTO: String tabName = getUnescapedName( (HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0).getChild(0), catalogRegistry.getCurrentCatalog(), catalogRegistry.getCurrentDatabase()); qbp.addInsertIntoTable(tabName, ast); // TODO: hive doesn't break here, so we copy what's below here handleTokDestination(ctx1, ast, qbp, plannerCtx); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_DESTINATION: handleTokDestination(ctx1, ast, qbp, plannerCtx); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_FROM: int childCount = ast.getChildCount(); if (childCount != 1) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, "Multiple Children " + childCount)); } if (!qbp.getIsSubQ()) { qbp.setQueryFromExpr(ast); } // Check if this is a subquery / lateral view HiveParserASTNode frm = (HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0); if (frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_TABREF) { processTable(qb, frm); } else if (frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_VIRTUAL_TABLE) { // Create a temp table with the passed values in it then rewrite this // portion of the tree to be from that table. HiveParserASTNode newFrom = genValuesTempTable(frm, qb); ast.setChild(0, newFrom); processTable(qb, newFrom); } else if (frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_SUBQUERY) { processSubQuery(qb, frm); } else if (frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_LATERAL_VIEW || frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_LATERAL_VIEW_OUTER) { queryProperties.setHasLateralViews(true); processLateralView(qb, frm); } else if (HiveParserUtils.isJoinToken(frm)) { processJoin(qb, frm); qbp.setJoinExpr(frm); } else if (frm.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_PTBLFUNCTION) { queryProperties.setHasPTF(true); processPTF(qb, frm); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_CLUSTERBY: // Get the clusterby aliases - these are aliased to the entries in the select // list queryProperties.setHasClusterBy(true); qbp.setClusterByExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_DISTRIBUTEBY: // Get the distribute by aliases - these are aliased to the entries in the // select list queryProperties.setHasDistributeBy(true); qbp.setDistributeByExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); if (qbp.getClusterByForClause(ctx1.dest) != null) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.CLUSTERBY_DISTRIBUTEBY_CONFLICT.getMsg())); } else if (qbp.getOrderByForClause(ctx1.dest) != null) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.ORDERBY_DISTRIBUTEBY_CONFLICT.getMsg())); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_SORTBY: // Get the sort by aliases - these are aliased to the entries in the select list queryProperties.setHasSortBy(true); qbp.setSortByExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); if (qbp.getClusterByForClause(ctx1.dest) != null) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.CLUSTERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT.getMsg())); } else if (qbp.getOrderByForClause(ctx1.dest) != null) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.ORDERBY_SORTBY_CONFLICT.getMsg())); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_ORDERBY: // Get the order by aliases - these are aliased to the entries in the select // list queryProperties.setHasOrderBy(true); qbp.setOrderByExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); if (qbp.getClusterByForClause(ctx1.dest) != null) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.CLUSTERBY_ORDERBY_CONFLICT.getMsg())); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_GROUPBY: case HiveASTParser.TOK_ROLLUP_GROUPBY: case HiveASTParser.TOK_CUBE_GROUPBY: case HiveASTParser.TOK_GROUPING_SETS: // Get the groupby aliases - these are aliased to the entries in the select list queryProperties.setHasGroupBy(true); if (qbp.getJoinExpr() != null) { queryProperties.setHasJoinFollowedByGroupBy(true); } if (qbp.getSelForClause(ctx1.dest).getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_SELECTDI) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.SELECT_DISTINCT_WITH_GROUPBY.getMsg())); } qbp.setGroupByExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); skipRecursion = true; // Rollup and Cubes are syntactic sugar on top of grouping sets if (ast.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_ROLLUP_GROUPBY) { qbp.getDestRollups().add(ctx1.dest); } else if (ast.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_CUBE_GROUPBY) { qbp.getDestCubes().add(ctx1.dest); } else if (ast.getToken().getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_GROUPING_SETS) { qbp.getDestGroupingSets().add(ctx1.dest); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_HAVING: qbp.setHavingExprForClause(ctx1.dest, ast); qbp.addAggregationExprsForClause( ctx1.dest, doPhase1GetAggregationsFromSelect(ast, qb, ctx1.dest)); break; case HiveASTParser.KW_WINDOW: if (!qb.hasWindowingSpec(ctx1.dest)) { throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, "Query has no Cluster/Distribute By; but has a Window definition")); } handleQueryWindowClauses(qb, ctx1, ast); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_LIMIT: if (ast.getChildCount() == 2) { qbp.setDestLimit( ctx1.dest, new Integer(ast.getChild(0).getText()), new Integer(ast.getChild(1).getText())); } else { qbp.setDestLimit(ctx1.dest, 0, new Integer(ast.getChild(0).getText())); } break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_ANALYZE: // Case of analyze command String tableName = getUnescapedName((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0).getChild(0)) .toLowerCase(); String originTableName = getUnescapedOriginTableName( (HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0).getChild(0)); qb.setTabAlias(tableName, originTableName, tableName); qb.addAlias(tableName); qb.getParseInfo().setIsAnalyzeCommand(true); qb.getParseInfo().setNoScanAnalyzeCommand(this.noscan); qb.getParseInfo().setPartialScanAnalyzeCommand(this.partialscan); // Allow analyze the whole table and dynamic partitions HiveConf.setVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DYNAMICPARTITIONINGMODE, "nonstrict"); HiveConf.setVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPREDMODE, "nonstrict"); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_UNIONALL: if (!qbp.getIsSubQ()) { // this shouldn't happen. The parser should have converted the union to be // contained in a subquery. Just in case, we keep the error as a fallback. throw new SemanticException( HiveParserUtils.generateErrorMessage( ast, ErrorMsg.UNION_NOTIN_SUBQ.getMsg())); } skipRecursion = false; break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_INSERT: HiveParserASTNode destination = (HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(0); Tree tab = destination.getChild(0); // Proceed if AST contains partition & If Not Exists if (destination.getChildCount() == 2 && tab.getChildCount() == 2 && destination.getChild(1).getType() == HiveASTParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS) { ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier = getObjectIdentifier( catalogRegistry, (HiveParserASTNode) tab.getChild(0)); Tree partitions = tab.getChild(1); int numChildren = partitions.getChildCount(); HashMap<String, String> partition = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { String partitionName = partitions.getChild(i).getChild(0).getText(); Tree pvalue = partitions.getChild(i).getChild(1); if (pvalue == null) { break; } String partitionVal = stripQuotes(pvalue.getText()); partition.put(partitionName, partitionVal); } // if it is a dynamic partition throw the exception if (numChildren != partition.size()) { throw new SemanticException( ErrorMsg.INSERT_INTO_DYNAMICPARTITION_IFNOTEXISTS.getMsg( partition.toString())); } Optional<CatalogPartition> catalogPartition = catalogRegistry.getPartition( tableIdentifier, new CatalogPartitionSpec(partition)); // Check partition exists if it exists skip the overwrite if (catalogPartition.isPresent()) { phase1Result = false; skipRecursion = true; "Partition already exists so insert into overwrite " + "skipped for partition : " + partition); break; } ResolvedCatalogTable catalogTable = (ResolvedCatalogTable) (getCatalogTable(tableIdentifier.asSummaryString(), qb)); validatePartColumnType( catalogTable, partition, (HiveParserASTNode) tab, conf, frameworkConfig, cluster); } skipRecursion = false; break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_LATERAL_VIEW: case HiveASTParser.TOK_LATERAL_VIEW_OUTER: // todo: nested LV assert ast.getChildCount() == 1; qb.getParseInfo().getDestToLateralView().put(ctx1.dest, ast); break; case HiveASTParser.TOK_CTE: processCTE(qb, ast); break; default: skipRecursion = false; break; } } if (!skipRecursion) { // Iterate over the rest of the children int childCount = ast.getChildCount(); for (int childPos = 0; childPos < childCount && phase1Result; ++childPos) { phase1Result = doPhase1((HiveParserASTNode) ast.getChild(childPos), qb, ctx1, plannerCtx); } } return phase1Result; }
/** deleteTracker metric */ public CallTracker getDeleteTracker() { return deleteTracker; }
/** * Store a processing time value for an RPC call into this scheduler. * * @param callName The name of the call. * @param schedulable The schedulable representing the incoming call. * @param details The details of processing time. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") default void addResponseTime(String callName, Schedulable schedulable, ProcessingDetails details) { // For the sake of backwards compatibility with old implementations of // this interface, a default implementation is supplied which uses the old // method. All new implementations MUST override this interface and should // NOT use the other addResponseTime method. int queueTime = (int) details.get(ProcessingDetails.Timing.QUEUE, RpcMetrics.DEFAULT_METRIC_TIME_UNIT); int processingTime = (int) details.get(ProcessingDetails.Timing.PROCESSING, RpcMetrics.DEFAULT_METRIC_TIME_UNIT); addResponseTime(callName, schedulable.getPriorityLevel(), queueTime, processingTime); }
/** * Clean date format string to make it suitable for * {@link #getFormatString()}. * * @see #getFormatString() * * @param format * date format string * @return cleaned up string */ protected String cleanFormat(String format) { // Remove unsupported patterns // TODO support for 'G', era designator (used at least in Japan) format = format.replaceAll("[GzZwWkK]", ""); // Remove extra delimiters ('/' and '.') while (format.startsWith("/") || format.startsWith(".") || format.startsWith("-")) { format = format.substring(1); } while (format.endsWith("/") || format.endsWith(".") || format.endsWith("-")) { format = format.substring(0, format.length() - 1); } // Remove duplicate delimiters format = format.replaceAll("//", "/"); format = format.replaceAll("\\.\\.", "."); format = format.replaceAll("--", "-"); return format.trim(); }
/** * Start dubbo application * * @param wait If true, wait for startup to complete, or else no waiting. * @return */ public DubboBootstrap start(boolean wait) { Future future = applicationDeployer.start(); if (wait) { try { future.get(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("await dubbo application start finish failure", e); } } return this; }
/** * Perform initialization for the authorization provider. * * @param conf * broker config object * @param pulsarResources * Resources component for access to metadata * @throws IOException * if the initialization fails */ default void initialize(ServiceConfiguration conf, PulsarResources pulsarResources) throws IOException { }
/** * Returns the name of the attribute in the servlet context where the * pre-initialized Atmosphere object is stored. * * @param servletName * The name of the servlet * @return The attribute name which contains the initialized Atmosphere * object */ public static String getAttributeName(String servletName) { return JSR356WebsocketInitializer.class.getName() + "." + servletName; }
/** * Initialize the file channel in a lazy manner, which can reduce usage of the file descriptor * resource. */ private void lazyInitializeFileChannel() { if (fileChannel == null) { try { fileChannel =, StandardOpenOption.READ); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionUtils.rethrow(e, "Failed to open file channel."); } } }
/** * Deserialize from JSON string to create an instance of this class. * * @param json Input JSON string. * @return Deserialized instance of HoodieFunctionalIndexMetadata. * @throws IOException If any deserialization errors occur. */ public static HoodieFunctionalIndexMetadata fromJson(String json) throws IOException { if (json == null || json.isEmpty()) { return new HoodieFunctionalIndexMetadata(); } return JsonUtils.getObjectMapper().readValue(json, HoodieFunctionalIndexMetadata.class); }
/** * Called when a watermark was emitted. * * <p>Note this function should be called before the actual watermark is emitted such that * chained processing does not influence the statistics. */ public void watermarkEmitted(long watermark) { if (watermark == MAX_WATERMARK_TIMESTAMP) { return; } lastWatermark = watermark; if (firstWatermark) { parentMetricGroup.gauge(MetricNames.WATERMARK_LAG, this::getWatermarkLag); firstWatermark = false; } }
/** * Returns an RPC proxy for a given server to client RPC interface for this * component. * * TODO more javadoc, subclasses, ... * * @param rpcInterface * RPC interface type * * @since 7.0 */ protected <T extends ClientRpc> T getRpcProxy(final Class<T> rpcInterface) { // create, initialize and return a dynamic proxy for RPC try { if (!rpcProxyMap.containsKey(rpcInterface)) { Class<?> proxyClass = Proxy.getProxyClass( rpcInterface.getClassLoader(), rpcInterface); Constructor<?> constructor = proxyClass .getConstructor(InvocationHandler.class); T rpcProxy = rpcInterface.cast(constructor .newInstance(new RpcInvocationHandler(rpcInterface))); // cache the proxy rpcProxyMap.put(rpcInterface, rpcProxy); } return (T) rpcProxyMap.get(rpcInterface); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO exception handling? throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * Evicts all blocks for a specific HFile. This is an expensive operation implemented as a * linear-time search through all blocks in the cache. Ideally this should be a search in a * log-access-time map. * <p> * This is used for evict-on-close to remove all blocks of a specific HFile. * @return the number of blocks evicted */ @Override public int evictBlocksByHfileName(String hfileName) { int numEvicted = 0; for (BlockCacheKey key : map.keySet()) { if (key.getHfileName().equals(hfileName)) { if (evictBlock(key)) { ++numEvicted; } } } if (victimHandler != null) { numEvicted += victimHandler.evictBlocksByHfileName(hfileName); } return numEvicted; }
/** * @deprecated As of 7.0, replaced by * {@link #removePropertySetChangeListener(Container.PropertySetChangeListener)} */ @Override @Deprecated public void removeListener(Container.PropertySetChangeListener listener) { removePropertySetChangeListener(listener); }
/** * Continues a ProjectCross transformation and adds fields of the first cross input. * * <p>If the first cross input is a {@link Tuple} {@link DataSet}, fields can be selected by * their index. If the first cross input is not a Tuple DataSet, no parameters should be * passed. * * <p>Fields of the first and second input can be added by chaining the method calls of * {@link *} * and {@link *}. * * @param firstFieldIndexes If the first input is a Tuple DataSet, the indexes of the * selected fields. For a non-Tuple DataSet, do not provide parameters. The order of * fields in the output tuple is defined by to the order of field indexes. * @return An extended CrossProjection. * @see Tuple * @see DataSet * @see * @see */ protected CrossProjection<I1, I2> projectFirst(int... firstFieldIndexes) { boolean isFirstTuple; if (ds1.getType() instanceof TupleTypeInfo && firstFieldIndexes.length > 0) { isFirstTuple = true; } else { isFirstTuple = false; } if (!isFirstTuple && firstFieldIndexes.length != 0) { // field index provided for non-Tuple input throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input is not a Tuple. Call projectFirst() without arguments to include it."); } else if (firstFieldIndexes.length > (22 - this.fieldIndexes.length)) { // to many field indexes provided throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You may select only up to twenty-two (22) fields in total."); } int offset = this.fieldIndexes.length; if (isFirstTuple) { // extend index and flag arrays this.fieldIndexes = Arrays.copyOf( this.fieldIndexes, this.fieldIndexes.length + firstFieldIndexes.length); this.isFieldInFirst = Arrays.copyOf( this.isFieldInFirst, this.isFieldInFirst.length + firstFieldIndexes.length); // copy field indexes int maxFieldIndex = numFieldsDs1; for (int i = 0; i < firstFieldIndexes.length; i++) { // check if indexes in range Preconditions.checkElementIndex(firstFieldIndexes[i], maxFieldIndex); this.isFieldInFirst[offset + i] = true; this.fieldIndexes[offset + i] = firstFieldIndexes[i]; } } else { // extend index and flag arrays this.fieldIndexes = Arrays.copyOf(this.fieldIndexes, this.fieldIndexes.length + 1); this.isFieldInFirst = Arrays.copyOf(this.isFieldInFirst, this.isFieldInFirst.length + 1); // add input object to output tuple this.isFieldInFirst[offset] = true; this.fieldIndexes[offset] = -1; } return this; }
/** * Override to run cleanup tasks when the Chore encounters an error and must stop running */ protected void cleanup() { }
/** * Checks whether the push mode is using push functionality. * * @return <code>true</code> if this mode requires push functionality; * <code>false</code> if no push functionality is used for this * mode. */ public boolean isEnabled() { return this != DISABLED; }
/** * @return Block locality ratio, the ratio at which we will include old regions with a single * store file for major compaction. Used to improve block locality for regions that * haven't had writes in a while but are still being read. */ public float getMinLocalityToForceCompact() { return minLocalityToForceCompact; }
/** * Disable all archiving of files for a given table * <p> * Inherently an <b>asynchronous operation</b>. * @param zooKeeper watcher for the ZK cluster * @param table name of the table to disable * @throws KeeperException if an unexpected ZK connection issues occurs */ private void disable(ZKWatcher zooKeeper, byte[] table) throws KeeperException { // ensure the latest state of the archive node is found zooKeeper.syncOrTimeout(archiveZnode); // if the top-level archive node is gone, then we are done if (ZKUtil.checkExists(zooKeeper, archiveZnode) < 0) { return; } // delete the table node, from the archive String tableNode = this.getTableNode(table); // make sure the table is the latest version so the delete takes zooKeeper.syncOrTimeout(tableNode); LOG.debug("Attempting to delete table node:" + tableNode); ZKUtil.deleteNodeRecursively(zooKeeper, tableNode); }
/** Returns an estimate of the amount of live data in bytes. */ public void enableEstimateLiveDataSize() {; }
/** * Called after setting split / merge switch * @param ctx the coprocessor instance's environment * @param newValue the new value submitted in the call * @param switchType type of switch */ default void postSetSplitOrMergeEnabled(final ObserverContext<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment> ctx, final boolean newValue, final MasterSwitchType switchType) throws IOException { }
/** * Create a new Collection typed path * * @param <A> * @param <E> * @param property property name * @param type property type * @param queryType expression type * @return property path */ public <A, E extends SimpleExpression<A>> CollectionPath<A, E> getCollection(String property, Class<A> type, Class<? super E> queryType) { validate(property, Collection.class); return super.createCollection(property, type, queryType, PathInits.DIRECT); }
/** * Create a file with name as region's max sequence id */ public static void writeRegionSequenceIdFile(FileSystem walFS, Path regionDir, long newMaxSeqId) throws IOException { FileStatus[] files = getSequenceIdFiles(walFS, regionDir); long maxSeqId = getMaxSequenceId(files); if (maxSeqId > newMaxSeqId) { throw new IOException("The new max sequence id " + newMaxSeqId + " is less than the old max sequence id " + maxSeqId); } // write a new seqId file Path newSeqIdFile = new Path(getRegionDirRecoveredEditsDir(regionDir), newMaxSeqId + SEQUENCE_ID_FILE_SUFFIX); if (newMaxSeqId != maxSeqId) { try { if (!walFS.createNewFile(newSeqIdFile) && !walFS.exists(newSeqIdFile)) { throw new IOException("Failed to create SeqId file:" + newSeqIdFile); } LOG.debug("Wrote file={}, newMaxSeqId={}, maxSeqId={}", newSeqIdFile, newMaxSeqId, maxSeqId); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException ignored) { // latest hdfs throws this exception. it's all right if newSeqIdFile already exists } } // remove old ones for (FileStatus status : files) { if (!newSeqIdFile.equals(status.getPath())) { walFS.delete(status.getPath(), false); } } }