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Short and Long victory rewards. IE Is it just me or are the rewards for the victories bad? I feel they are very lacking in a lot of the casses. What do you think? [View Poll](
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Please help, how the hell you play Slaneesh or copycat undead Egyptians who have glass armor and paper skin units? Look, i knew that Nkari was... sensible and it was quite a shock given the fact that i am used with giga chad lords. So i started as Slaneesh wanting to inoffensively turn Ulthuan into the land of dildos and cock and ball torture yet i cant because the units and Nkari itself are made out of paper, from what i know you need to distract them with infantry and gang them with cavalary... same for the tomb kings which i kinda had the same experience... ​ Can someone explain me how to wage war with these guys pls? Especially with tombs king to not feel my money wasted :(.
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IE Legendary Turn 55 Comparison (Karl Franz/Tyrion/Malekith) So I played IE until turn 55 with Karl Franz (yes, it's the start of turn 56 for Franz due to Legendary save system, sorry), Tyrion, and Malekith. For reference, I've beaten every Vortex campaign on Legendary for both High Elves and Dark Elves and they're the races I have the most experience with (Skaven ~~would be next~~ don't exist, followed by Empire, and with Lizardmen a distant fifth). I'm #1 in strength rankings in all three games and doing reasonably well, I think. So let's view the three situations: Karl Franz (43 settlements, 26.5k total income) Tyrion (37 settlements, 31.4k total income) Malekith (26 settlements, 19.2k total income) Both Tyrion and Karl Franz feel like they're in a good spot. But Malekith is feeling a bit lacking in comparison (and yes, there are things I would do differently a second time around...that's true for Karl Franz and Tyrion too though). He is (and Dark Elves are) entirely playable, to be clear. However, it feels like the Dark Elf economy got hit \*slightly\* too hard during the justified nerf. Still thinking things over but wanted to try to get some discussion going.
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Any takes on Holograve Cosmetics? I've realized that I'm wildly influenced by pretty TikToks and trying to do my research first. Any reviews, especially of their liners?
(XB1) Is it possible to invite a player to any place on the star chart, with or w/o junctions being unlocked? GT is BafflingRacer50. Need to get Control Modules for Banshee and the Tetra, but don’t have the junction unlocked.
In a pickle At a field now with no tools how can I reduce fps on krytac trident
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One Violent Night! For the actual Love of God, stop clicking on the juke box if you don't know if it's active or not! The visual mechanic for starting/stopping the juke box is exactly the same. You think you just kicked it into gear when you actually turned it off! Look for the yellow diamond that tells you that the device is inactive and ready for access (similar to all the other instruments in the building). If it's not there...LEAVE IT ALONE!
Chafing Any cyclists in here? What do you use for long ride chafing? My labia minora extends past my labia majora and gets really chafed.
Almost had to use my bjj ! So I was minding my own business going for a walk the other day just chilling , drinking acai and cbd blend as usual. As I walk past the local barbershop I see these two guys mean mugging each other , one was a big 260 linebacker mother fucker , the kind that hasnt given me any trouble since white -three, and the other a scrawny little guy with clearly no training. Pretty sure they exchanged words of some kind, lucky things didnt escelate or i would have entered the barebershop and choked them both. Barbers are our natural brothers. They cut hair without even knowing how to swim. Oss.
Recommended nutrition for Parkinson’s disease? Can anyone here help in this area?
A.I. Is very smart ​
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[Phantasm Spiral] Is there a good card to recycle my traps with? My games tend to be rather long which then makes me run out of my control traps so i was hoping there are suggestions for cards i can use to recycle my traps with.
How to make Yu-Gi-Oh better for newbies. So, I just got into Yu-Gi-Oh after 9 years of quitting the game, and I've noticed that a lot has changed. There are a LOT more cards now, meaning that there are new mechanics and rules. As someone who knows virtually nothing about modern Yu-Gi-Oh, and I'm also trying to get my sister into the game, it can be quite hard to understand the rules. I've noticed that it's not only me that has this problem, a lot of new players even in my town, stay away from Yu-Gi-Oh and drift towards Magic or Pokémon. A possible solution to that, would be to split the game into 2 different games, an Original version, where all the current rules apply and all the cards are played, and a 'Light' version. Where Link cards and Pendulum cards are not allowed, but the rules are far more relaxed in general. There's not banlist, instead the players chose what cards they wanna ban. There will also be special decks for that version, with only older and simpler cards being included. In general this version would be Yu-Gi-Oh but in an older form. Something that many players, even older ones, have wanted for quite some time.
Feeling defeated Hi all, This is my first post here. I'm feeling really defeated. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. I'm male, 28 yo, 6'3", and 320 lb but unfortunately I don't make millions of dollars like the NFL lineman with the same height-weight combo. I've been trying to lose weight for so long. My main problems have all come to light over the past couple years. I had been doing really well for most of a year. I'd dropped from 295 ish down to 270 and was on a great trajectory then the holidays came around I lost track of weighing in and activity for about a month thinking that I was still generally being good just eating a bit more than usual. I hopped back on the scale a couple days before new years and was back to 290. Deflated doesn't describe how it felt to lose half a year to the holiday season, but I started up and tried again, this time struggling just to maintain 290. I get to my yearly check up, the doctor says whoa, and does some blood work then says I have subclinical hypothyroidism. So I thought "great now I know the problem we can still work." No. Nothing works. A good months worth of effort can be wiped out by a less careful week of vacation. I know I have a terrible relationship with food and overeating, I'm working on it but having been large since 12 it's a hard thing to break. My next step is going to the doctor and begging to be treated for hypothyroidism, I don't know what or have the motivation to do much else. I'm just in such a constant flux of shame, existential terror, and anger that being anything other than cynical and grumpy about my situation is so hard. So yeah. Thanks for reading my rant TLDR: Big boy grumpy and frustrated from years of not losing weight.
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Fallout New Vegas's Yes-Man Route kind of sucks, How would you change it? So I just got done with a New Vegas playthrough roughly. . .5 minutes ago. And I have some thoughts on the Independent Ending as I was going through the game. And it all circles around how the Yes-Man ending is that it's a power fantasy explicitly said by Yes-Man himself, one where it's "Golden Path" is scarcely different from decisions made on the NCR's golden ending path. >Courier: "So I should ask these tribes if they'll support an Independent Vegas?" >Yes-Man: "Oh no, I didn't mean that! Who needs their support? The Securitrons will be all the support you need!" >"What I meant is, you should get to know these tribes and decide which ones you like and which you don't!" >"{upbeat} You know - shape the future of Vegas! Choose your neighbors! If you like a tribe, leave it alone!" >"{upbeat} Or if a tribe is nasty, or going to be a problem - go ahead and exterminate it! It's whatever you want to do!" This is the central point I think of where the Yes-Man path goes wrong. You *should* be going with the Courier's idea of gaining support for an Independent Vegas. To toss out House, The NCR, and the Legion together for a Independent Mojave. And I think where this route errs the most is in regards to the Brotherhood of Steel and the Great Khans. Now the Great Khans and Brotherhood tend to have only a singular good ending. For the Great Khans it's to have them break their alliance with the Legion and inspire Papa Khan to reach for glory and empire. . .away from the Mojave. With the Brotherhood the only good ending is to have them be allied with the NCR in the NCR ending. But what if they had allowed you to properly gather support? Speak to the heads of the Strip families, gain their support (using the same quests that are already in the game), gain the support of Westside, North Vegas, Jacobstown, and Freeside (the actual inhabitants of New Vegas). Have Red Lucy and the Thorn be a actual important *fixture* of the Independent path. And then we come back to the Great Khans and Brotherhood of Steel. Two factions who have been **fucked** over by the New California Republic. Two factions whose goals and means of operations do not come into conflict. Two groups that would be hard to convince to side with your ambitions rather then their own. Make the Great Khans and the Brotherhood as *the* main branching unique paths for the Independent Route of the game. Where you make concessions and agreements with the Brotherhood to get them onside (only so long as you are a Paladin and idolized by the Chapter). Perhaps make it the *only* positive and reason to replace Elder McNamara with Head Paladin Hardin (so that people actually have a reason to ever ever do that). Speak to Papa Khan and his advisors to work with you instead, to drive out the hated NCR and thwart their ambitions and expansionist drive that led to the massacre of Bitter Springs, with changes depending on if Papa Khan or Regis are in charge. Allow for that, and perhaps deal with the arguing representatives of each major group to come to an agreement regarding past wrongs (thereby tying into General Oliver's remarks to you about Nation-Building) and it would have become something truly unique and pushes a player towards making different choices for a truly unique playthrough. **-][-** Or at least those are my thoughts coming fresh out of another playthrough. But I do wonder at what thoughts the rest of you might have on the subject. How would *you* change the Independent/Yes-Man Route of New Vegas?
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Looking for some build help So im pretty new around here, and ive been playing alot over the past couple weeks. Im pretty into the shotguns so i think i want to go that route, and i also think i want somekind of mid/long distance semi/auto rifle to pair with this. Been using a lever action and it just seems extremely underpowered, slow to reload and a small mag size. Just hit lvl 40, and have a set of lvl 40 t-60 pa ive managed to accumulate over some runs, so really going to try get to 50 first so i can go straight into good gear. Mainly just wondering, what should i be looking out for that will work nicely here. I also have some nice heavy legendary guns for doing events with. Ive been focusing on questing, however whenever a decent lvl 50 events come up ive been jumping in that for the goodies. (using what i shall refer to as the tagging method. Hit as many things as possible and let the high lvls do the killing. Gets you loot from everything you tagged so basically free loot and ammo) as well as quest reward loot. ​ So yea, just wondering what weapons to look out for that will work well for my primary, to pair with a shotgun. Also if theres a particularly good semi/auto shotgun thats decent please lmk
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Patrolbase Europe warehouse Does anyone know how long it takes patrolbase to ship to the uk from their European warehouse? Ordered a drum mag last week and kinda need it by Sunday
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how do yall sell your animals the thought of selling my animals makes me so sad i dont want to do it. i hate that i have to sell them so that i can optimize my animal products :[
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is the defense of the 2019 lsu team underrated they had devin white, greedy williams, k'lavon chaisson, patrick queen grant delpit, derrick stringley jr, and kristian fulfton all on the team in 2019 all of them were first-round and second-round picks in 2020 or later that defense was underrated
Looking for a true custom College Football Pick 'Em Hey y'all, does anyone know of a good platform to use where entries can include straight up picks, picks against the spread, over/under, AND whatever else you want to add (like a QB o/u 1.5 INTs for ex.)? I'm wanting to find an easy way to manage a pool for me and my buddies. Ideally it would be a site that manages lines for me without me having to manually update them. But if that doesn't exist then I will resort to manual updates. Thanks!
Realignment Blues Realignment has really soured me on D1. Is FCS or the lower divisions a more “purer” form of the sport?
expedition question I did the dailys and ran an expedition party. I thought you got a rare item once a week but I only got the legendaries and stamps ECT. Is it just a chance once a week to get a rare item from doing expeditions?
About Wukong’s Nerf Hi I’m a returning player from early on, I recently picked up Wukong. How did the nerf affect him? I’m hopping and skipping around and slashing and shootin everything but he doesn’t seem bad.
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Trying to help my 17 year old lose weight, what am I doing wrong? Concerned dad here. My son is 17 and has always been fit and healthy, until last year when he got injured playing his sport. He then quit his sport after the recovery period to prioritise his exams. He has gained around 25-30 pounds since and he is now "overweight". I was in the Royal Navy, and he aspired to join as well but if he gets any fatter he won't be able to join and he certainly wouldn't pass the fitness tests anymore. He is aware of this, but ignores us when we bring it up I'm very worried about him. His mother used to be overweight and I'm worried it will get out of control. We have tried several methods to stop his weight gain, we do not allow food delivery to the house, offered him therapy, we give him healthier meals, and we have stopped his allowance because he spends it on unhealthy food, (we have said we are happy to pay for things that aren't food). I know that sounds drastic, but I'm telling you it was the only thing that got through to him. He yelled at us and shut himself in his room and it's been a week and he still isn't back to normal. He's now doing the typical disobedient teen thing and refusing to eat at all. He won't come down for dinner and doesn't eat breakfast. When I tell him to stop being ridiculous he says "I thought this is what you wanted" teenagers eh...I'm sure he is managing to eat at school but I don't know. At least he is losing weight but if he doesn't learn to eat healthy meals he will just gain it back. We only want what's best for him and I'm sure he will understand when he's older. People who get fat young tend to stay fat and I want him to achieve his goals and be confident, he can't do that if he gains weight.
Does anyone know what counts as 'inactivity' for markus wulfhart's hostility mechanic? I know this is a dumb question, but I literally can't find anything about it and can't find an actual definition of what counts as 'being inactive' in markus wulfharts campaign to lower hostility. I've waited for 10+ turns before and never lowered hostility. Is it some amount of turns where you don't attack? Or do I have to not be at war with anyone? I just don't quite understand what it considers being 'inactive'.
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Strange progress, not sure what to make of it Hey LoseIt, first time poster here but not new to fitness in general. If my post doesn't conform , my apologies, I'll do the best I can to fix it. currently - Male, 35, 5'5" 181 lbs, 22.5 bf %. So I have been having some strange progress. I have been working out in general for quite some time but for varying lengths of time..The most recent leg is I have been working out 5 times a week for the past 9 weeks. With a reasonable mix of cardio and strength. 45-50 mins strength then 20 mins-30 mins cardio. When I change my diet I log it to get a general idea of my my calorie intake it like, and this new diet put me at around minus 200 calories of what an online calculator said was my maintenance. In the beginning I would be able to lose about a pound a week. So not bad. Eventually that slowed down and my weight increased. Which I took for muscle weighing more then fat. But my bio-impedance scale has started to show my body fat percentage and overall weight going up. I was 174lbs and like 21.4-6 bf % then it shot up to my currently listed stats. I don't look like I'm getting that much leaner but I do look less puffy and in shape although on the bigger side. So it looks like I'm going in the right direction but the stats look to be going in the opposite direction. Am I missing anything? This is kinda throwing me off. Thanks!
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Another other member post. There is a member who goes to the same class at the same time everyday who smells so bad. It really is so bad. I don’t think being a jerk is funny or cute but seriously it’s extremely nauseating. I’ve noticed lately since he’s always on the same tread that at that time frame the 3/4 treads next to him are always empty. For this reason I always choose the treadmill at the opposite end of the room but it’s permeates and in order for me to use the bike I have to walk by him. To make matters worse his girlfriend is an SA at out studio which is why I think it’s never been talked about I can’t be the only one who notices. Another member I used to work with once told me he avoids that time frame because of the smell. I am just wondering like if there’s anyway to anonymously or inconspicuously say anything. Send help. That time is the latest time and it’s the only one that I can go to. I’m sad.
Bethesda E3 2015 Funko Mystery Minis Signed by Bethesda Team I won a Twitter giveaway in 2015 for what the title names, I am looking to sell it, signed by Todd Howard and Co right before fallout 4 release
Is there any way to undo growing big glutes as a man As you may have assumed from the title, I’m basically looking for advice on how to reverse something I should’ve been more careful about. My glutes manage to pop out on any and all kind of trousers to the point where it’s impossible to wear jeans and look good. Mind you I’m quite short (5,6 17 yrs old) and my upper body may look decent in a shirt but if I wear a hoodie or anything baggy my booty protrudes. Any advice on how to flatten it would be appreciated.
Are the 3in1 Mangas still being printed? Hi, I'm only missing 3 volumes to complete my 3 in 1 collection volumes 5, 7, and 8. They are currently out of stock everywhere and I noticed some are being resold at $200+. Is this just the current state or are they no longer being printed by viz?
Northern Iowa (FCS) scored more points (21) than either D1 Iowa team (15). Northern Iowa lost to Illinois State 23-21. Iowa lost to Illinois 9-6. Iowa State lost to Kansas State 10-9. Scores from other football teams in Iowa. Drake lost to San Diego 22-10. Upper Iowa (D2) lost to Augustana 31-14. Buena Vista (D3) lost to Laras (Iowa) 65-0. Central Dutch (D3) lost to Wartburg (Iowa) 35-28. Coe (D3) BEAT Luther (Iowa) 56-10. Cornell (D3) BEAT Lawrence 27-7. Dubuque (D3) BEAT Simpson (Iowa) 66-14. Grinnell (D3) lost to Ripon 56-6.
anyone else lagging? Anyone else have a lagging problem only when in a stash or vending machine on xbox? Any clue how to fix it? It's been happening for weeks!
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[Question] Deployant clasp that can re-use original pin buckle Hi all, I'm looking for a deployant clasp for my Mido, but I'd also like to retain the [original Mido pin buckle with the vintage logo](,1680),aspect=fill;Crop=(0,0,1680,1680),gravity=Center), which [matches the logo on the dial](,1680),aspect=fill;Crop=(0,0,1680,1680),gravity=Center). Does anyone know of any clasps on which I can install the original pin buckle (after removing the strap holder that comes with the clasp)?
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[TRTSpor] 4/4 for Süper Lig teams in Europe this week! Trabzonspor 4-0 Monaco, Larnaca 1-2 Fenerbahçe, Başakşehir 3-0 Rigas, Ballkani 1-2 Sivasspor
Perfect spot for C.A.M.P sounds silly, yes, but, you all have preferences and so i do i like to build directly in the dirt as in a real camp, using misc structures, you know, a bonfire and benches for friends, i use destroyed trailers for benches and other for my room, the thing is, where to find an open clear sky, with almost flat ground, enemies that lurks every now and then to watch a pokemon fight, water? na im good, my other camp is a farm so im ok, but thats it ​ plain ground some (not a lot) enemies mob clear sight of the stars, and pretty much thats it
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Knotted Curls Hello, my dears I could use some help with my lion's mane. my curls are rather wild and i love them just the way they are. however i have a problem. now i comb my hair before washing it. If I comb them afterwards, unfortunately all the curls are gone or no longer so beautiful. Unfortunately, by the evening at the latest, they are so knotted that I have to comb them and there's the problem again. wavy unsightly hair. I don't want to wash my hair every day. what tips do you have for me? Thanks in advance
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The Sack of Poznan, no event decisions? ​
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Weekly Steals & Deals (S&D) Thread 10/03/22 Found an amazing deal on a pair of shoes but they aren't your size? Share them here so other members can take advantage of the great deals! # Rules * Regular rules apply. Please be courteous to one another. * **No personal sales are allowed!** Anyone found to be posting their own goods will receive a warning and then potential ban should you continue to post your own goods. If you want to sell your own items, the [semi-weekly B/S/T thread]( is a more appropriate location. * Please do not post links to other member's B/S/T items. There are two weekly dedicated threads for those items and they should be kept there. * Please try to include as much information as possible (URL to the deal, size, price, etc.). * Items posted should be limited to footwear and footwear related products (shoe trees, polish, conditioner, etc.). * 'Suggested Sort' is set to Q&A so only top level comments will be visible (unless you chose to expand). For this reason, **please post all deals as their own parent comment.** --- "*This is a scheduled mod post, if I screwed up please [contact the mods](*"
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PSA - CA butchered the Dwarf trade techs 'Underway Trade Caravans' & 'The Kings Share' used to give +5%/10% trade income respectively. Pretty solid income boost for a faction that wants to trade and have steady trade partners/allies. And a decent time investment, taking 11 turns at 100% research speed (I might be a turn off on this) Anyway, in WH3 CA changed this to +5%/10% tariff income. Tariffs are usually \~150 per faction and cannot be increased. So even if you had 15 trading partners (Which is pretty hard to get to unless you are paying tons of gold to get those agreements, which then makes it even more worthless) you get 120 gold from the first research, 240 for the second. Just look how they massacred my boy
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Shine 2022 - Losers Top 8 - bobby big ballz vs. MF | Lucky --- #Losers Top 8 **bobby big ballz** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( ***vs*** **Joey "Lucky" Aldama** // [Twitch]( | [Twitter]( | [Wiki]( [](#MeleeFalco) bbb | | 0 - 0 | | Lucky [](#MeleeFox) ---:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--- *^^Generated ^^by [^^Tournament ^^Tabler](* ---
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Headshot damage I guess DE really did buff headshot damage. My regular rubico did around 40k headshot damage to the archon. I have no special mods on it. Just Serration, Splitshot, Vigilante armaments and Point Strike. Is it viable to fully switch to sniper rifles for my primary or is it just for specific cases?
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Can't find siegtek dsg gearset Everywhere I look the 14:1 ratio for a v2 gearbox is out of stock of siegtek dsg gearsets. Where are you guys getting them?
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To the airsofters good at math. If my airsoft gun shoots 465 fps when tested with .2 gram bbs. How fast(fps) will a .3 gram bb go?
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crossfit noob needing advice on anemia, fatigue and dizziness So I am complete crossfit noob. I've been doing it for about two month now. I really enjoy it. However, I am having the following issues. I've got a lot of medical issues like ptsd and the such. As such some of the meds reduce blood pressure. I get dizzy going from floor to standing with certain exercises. Any advice as how to lessen this with diet or other types of exercises? Also I have anemia. Right now I am tired all the time. My muscles ache. I go 4-5 times a week. I am 307 pounds. I've lost 75 prior to starting. Right now the weight is not dropping -but rather muscles are changing shape. I'm really not so caught up on the weight loss as I am with the general muscle fatigue and extreme fatigue due to be being anemic. Any advice would be appreciated. Please be kind. It's taken all my courage to go into a place with such loud noises. I am working really hard. Thanks in advance.
Future Fusion for DPE I'm a HERO player that just got DPE, and I was curious if Future Fusion could be good to use since I don't have Fusion Destiny.
A fourth Egyptian God Card? Is there any Fusion Egyptian God Card That Uses all three as matetial? If not, how would you imagine it? I probably imagine it like Exodia, you fusion summon it, insta win you special summon it, OP powers so easy win I'd probably call that Osiris The Winged Tormentor or smth like that
Interesting location I found I found an interesting little cave on Spruce Knob Lake, just north of the bait shop. If you follow the shore, you will see some signs warning people away. This cave is where Taggerdy was encamped for war games right before the bombs dropped and her contact with Elder Maxxon. Here is a video I made of it. [\_yp3ADIXUyk](
Socom-47 Hop-up help. Hey, I recently purchased a Cyma Sport AR-47. Upon testing the hop-up failed (manufacturer sprayed gasket sealer to compensate the c clamp not attaching to the inner barrel correctly) so in order to remedy this probably with my plastic paperweight I got the evike custom SR-47 Kit that comes with metal furniture and a metal hop-up. If anyone has any leads on an oem replacement or knowledge of a good fitting upgrade (seeing how I'll have two kits I can build another sr-47) or issues ran in with the kit.
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I am trying to find certain apparel So I was playing last night grinding challenges when a player stopped by my camp to look in my vendor. The player had a plague doctor mask on and it was my fist time seeing it. Where can I find and squire that mask or was it atom shop item?
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championship possibilities Okay so I have been hearing all these weird calculations how Max can win the championship in Singapore. To me it is very simple. Max leads by 116 points (335-219= 116). After Singapore there are 5 races left. 5x 26= 130. So Max needs to score 15 points or more than Charles to win the championship. 116+15= 131, which is more than 130. So if Max wins in Singapore and Charles finishes 5th or lower it is over. And not 8th or lower like said in the media. Or are my calculations wrong?
Do I have to fill Ally reputation bar? Basically what the title says. Can I finish the questline once I hit the ally rank with both crater and foundation or must I keep doing dailies until the ally bar is maxed out?
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[Postgame Thread] Portland State Defeats Eastern Washington 38-35 [Box Score provided by ESPN]( Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | T ----|-|-|-|-|-|- [Portland State](#f/portlandstate)|21|14|0|3|38 [Eastern Washington](#f/easternwashington)|0|7|7|21|35 ### Made with the /r/CFB [Game Thread Generator](
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Can someone please tell me what will be the starting grid for tomorrow ? I'm so confused with all the penalties I don't even remember who had what penalty and how much places he drops, can anyone help me and tell me what's going to be the exact starting grid for tomorrow's race please ?? For example does Verstappen starts 14 or 15th ? Because Bottas has only a 20 places grid drop so does he starts ahead of Verstappen in 14th ?
Best form of protection? What’s the best form of protection a card can have and how do you get over it?
Learning the Craft Hello! This might be a strange request, but I have recently because very interested in learning how to make my own goodyear welted boots, and was wondering if anyone could direct me to some starters, basics, equipment, or really just any resources that you’re aware of?? This isn’t a get rich quick plea or anything like that, I just have developed a real love for boots and would like to learn! Thanks in advance everyone.
I’m new to the game So I’m at the mars junction and I’ve completed everything but it still says I need to clear a path to Venus to mars do I have to complete mercury to get to mars?
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Can anyone explain to me what actually happened to Pierce7D? I was never really a fan of the dude or even knew about him until the controversy but I could never really figure out what happened. Today I’ve been reading through a bunch of different tweets that were brought up at the time and a lot of people were saying he was a creep but I couldn’t really find anything detailing what he did specifically. Maybe people just didn’t want to share and wanted it to be confidential but it just bothers me that it seems like this guy was canceled just based on hearsay. Does anyone know the actual story? I’m not trying to start any drama. He’s already been canceled and he’s no longer in the scene. I just want to know what actually happened.
What build is best for Handmade rifle? Hi all, started playing 76 for about 5 days now, im currently level 28 and managed to get a handmade rifle. What build would be good for this gun? Prior to this ive been using a hunting rifle, pump shotgun, and combat rifle. Was thinking about doing a sneak build, could that work for handmade? or should i just do commando build?
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Need help with tadpole revive. Tried for a few hours waiting around primal cuts but everyone is so high level that no one ever dies. Please help I just want a backpack
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[OC] Active players with the highest non-penalty goals p90 ratios 1. Erling Haaland: 0.912 2. Kylian Mbappé: 0.753 3. Lionel Messi: 0.752 4. Robert Lewandowski: 0.705 5. Cristiano Ronaldo: 0.660 6. Ansu Fati: 0.657 7. Harry Kane: 0.604 8. Luis Suárez: 0.604 9. Karim Benzema: 0.595 10. Zlatan Ibrahimovic: 0.585 Source: Transfermarkt.
Is it true that it’s harder for people with femme bodies (I’m non-binary but afab) to lose that stomach pooch thing? I was really wanting to get fit, not quite abs level fit but I mean as close as I could be. It sounds like though that’s essentially impossible to do unless you have a super specific body type. I’m just really not confident with my stomach now I’m not super overweight just flabby I guess lol, I think I am seeing changes with my diet and exercise but I’m wondering if I’m doing enough/if it’s honestly even possible. I’m doing weights, ab workouts, cardio and walk to campus. Just wondering if I should keep pushing really hard or if it’s simply not possible.
will invader s from beyond return I had to cover for some one at work and barely got any plans. Will the event eventually return?
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CO-OP question So my friend and I started a new farm. She's new to stardew and this is my 1st time playing co-op. I am the host btw, I just wanna ask if there's a way to let her access the farm even if i'm not online? TIA :>
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Hearing random aquarium/infestation sounds throughout the whole landing craft and orbiter Yesterday just after the update I started hearing random aquarium noises, much like the ones you're supposed to hear when you fish on Cetus, while inside my landing craft. So I went and checked the aquarium in the quarters and removed all the fishes inside, but the annoying sounds are still there. Now I just logged in and they've gotten more frequent, and I can't even figure out if they're aquarium or helminth/infested noises. *Processing video hga6f3u6pmm91...*
Galtier on Neymar's penalty against Monaco: "Kylian is the penalty taker but he offered it to Neymar" In Galtier's post-game conference, here is what he had to say about Neymar taking the penalty: " The hierarchy has been well established: it is Kylian in one and Neymar two. But after that, there is the reality of the game and the moment. I saw that they exchanged and that "Ney" had made the decision to shoot it, but after discussing with Kylian. I appreciated Kylian's attitude for congratulating him and "Ney" for thanking him. They are great players and it is also up to them to decide what to do according to their feelings. The most important thing is that Neymar has marked it and Kylian has come to congratulate him"
Need some carrying Hey there, I'm playing RL since the beginning but don't get better. In the mean time i put it on my age and gave up hoping getting one day in Gold 3 whereas Gold 2 was the highest I've ever ranked. I read somemany tutorials and tried 1000+h in the training mode. Believe me, I'm hopeless. So anyways I've always wanted to play against top players in the highest league. Think about it like real football/soccer: Imagining the pleasure to play in real against Lionel Messi. For me it is a sub-form of Art to develope such incredible abilities to play in the highest ranked leagues. So my question is if there is somebody, kind enough, out there to help me getting there. I know I will fall down again. But this doesn't matter to me, I just wanted to once know how it feels to be part of it.
Unpopular opinion: Waifu cards are so boring, art-wise. They are as boring as the lame dragons we keep getting (always art-wise speaking, of course) I'm just sick of them, honestly. I feel like we are getting them very often and I feel like they all look the same, they all look the damn same. They are all the same "blue hair, petite, loli" kind of shit. Look at [this](, I swear I saw like 100 variants of this card. I don't know what happened lately, but I feel like artists have gotten so uncreative. Now, I'm not saying "no female representation!" or anything like that, I want to see women in cards, but I want them to be creative in designing them, I don't want them to use the same lame style over and over again, I'm bored to death. [This]( is a card from MTG, and [this]( is another card. See how different and very well-designed they are? Now look at [this](, a plant-lady from Yugioh. You see what I'm talking about? Vampire archetype is one of the few archetypes that have a "new-ish" design for women that's not very boring but even then, it still falls victim, [this]( is a vampire card from Yugioh and [this]( is a card from MTG. Sorry for using examples from MTG (I know that this subreddit hates it) but that was the best way to explain how lame and lazy card design is in Yugioh, and it only became worse each year. I wish artists adopt a new style that's not all anime-ish or loli-ish.
80% of hate speech on european servers could be fixed by banning players with russian flags I've been playing Rocket League for quite a while now. I can understand that losing makes you angry and you want to be competitive. When you are playing a few games each day there will always be someone who gets angry and starts insulting his teammate or the enemy team. For a while now these insults are more frequent and are getting worse. I'm not talking about immature players who spam ez, noob and stuff like "delete the game". I'm talking about racism, homophobia and death threats. 90% of the time these players have a russian flag equipped. Looking at their ping I'm often convinced that they aren't even russian. In 1 out of 5 ranked 2v2 games it's 1v1 because someone with a russian flag starts sending death threats or other stuff and most of the time I can't even understand the reason. They might be leading 4-0 and the 4-1 makes the player throw out racist comments. Surrender calls because you hit a player with a russian flag by accident, eventhough you are leading 3-0. If these people got banned, the game would be much better. At the moment there is for most cases no reason to equip the russian flag unless you want to point out "Hey look, I'm an absolute asshole who supports genocide". Considering most of these players do not seem to be russian. In the past I got occasionally a notification that a player was punished after I reported him. At the moment I'm getting these notifications every time I'm logging in and I would say that the vast majority of the players who get banned this quickly are players with a russian flag who do not hesitate twice to send death threats after something triggered them.
[spoiler] I think I found a glitch concerning a secret item For those of us who know the Gold Lewis Statue secret: normally when you place it somewhere in town, it gets taken away wherever people walk close to it and then you get an angry letter from Lewis. After recently posting here asking about fun things to do with it, I decided I wanted to place it in the pub for all to see. Next to the big bear statue would be a good place. And it is glorious. Solid Gold Lewis has been there for WEEKS and is still standing in plain sight, nobody is taking him away because nobody walks there. :D ​
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Looking for AK optic mount What optic mount is compatible with the CYMA 042S without me having to drill into the receiver?
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Are the total war mobile games worth it? Looking to buy one of the mobile games in order play on the train. Are they any good or are the controls terrible? Do they run well on most devices? I don't trust Google reviews. [View Poll](
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Easy mode on original rome total war feels impossible. This is my first ever total war campaign and am playing on easy. I am bankrupt and found myself at war with greece after the senate asked me to blockade the port. then i accidently marched my army into greek territory and ended up at war. For the last 15 turns they have been spawning army after army with a full stack of hoplites. I have been trying to micromanage the battles with cav but they always eventually end up taking massive casualties from the hoplites anyway even when being attacked from the rear. I can not replenish my armies because no money. The cost of maintaining my army just large enough to keep up with greece cranking out army after army is leaving me with no money to spend. No matter how much i kill and how many armies i destroy they are right back at me. I have tried to negotiate peace several times and they refuse despite me actually winning most battles significantly. at this point i have about 3 armies that are actually able to stand a chance. My allies do NOTHING. Literally i am at war by myself despite having roman allies. Is this campaign winnable or am i just wasting my time? I have been at war with them for like 10 hours in total and they are just withering me down to no end. I destroy an army. A bigger one pops up. I kill their general and another general is there to meet my already depleted army. They seiged my settlement with 2000 troops i only left a small garrison there with 2 governers. They fought until the last man and actually ended up killing 1500 of them. But it doesn't seem like i am even putting a dent in them. they spam hoplite army after hoplite army i have killed like 5 whole armies and not only do they come back but they come back stronger and with better units while i get poorer and poorer trying to keep up. If this is easy i couldn't imagine what hard mode is like. I must be doing something wrong. I recently unlocked principles but have negative money.
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The Singapore GP has got very poor aerial visibility. The heli shots aren't that good cos the buildings and barriers obscure so much of the action. The Marina Bay track has got so many tall structures, along with a few underground portions that covers the cars for quite a few shots so far in FP1 and 2.
Game freezes when inviting through Xbox Anybody else have an issue where whenever someone accepts your Xbox invite to join a party, their game loads endlessly? I can only get my friends to join my party through Epic’s social menu, otherwise they have to restart the game. Is this an issue for anyone else? And/or is Psyonix looking into this?
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28 [F4M] #USA #Online Mistress Seeking for a sub who is ready to live out is sexuality as a submissive slave for his mistress. 28 [F4M] #USA #Online Mistress Seeking for a sub who is ready to live out is sexuality as a submissive slave for his mistress. I need a sub who is been craving up to serve a dom and also ready to be use like a pervert, Who can serve this Mistress with his mind and soul, used like a good little boy, filled with cum and taking up his task to serve this Mistress. I'm loooking for a man who wants to live out his sexuality as a submissive Slave and who hopefully happens to read this post, sees himself in it and decides to respond to make this a reality for himself. Just to add for your better understanding, My number 1 reason for wanting a slave, is to frequently enagage in sexual practices with my slave through this kinky, erotic and fetish sexual displays will only be about 'the female dominance over the male'. I believe that men who use their cock to humiliate women do not know their rightful places as sexual slaves. I am a very strict and dominant mistress, I am looking for a slave for active participation and meeting a slave to own and use as my property, heart, body and soul. My kinks are chastity, pegging, orgasms control, cbt, joi, cei, humiliating, My main kinks are orgasm control, humiliation, anal training, edging and denial. My limits are scat, blood, pain, mark, or anything illegal. If you have read all of this and you think you’ll be the right slave for me then I would appreciate you send me a message via kik @mistress4458
[Question]…With Subs getting high in price…why would anyone choose one over a Blancpain 50 Fathoms? The question speaks for itself….Subs aren’t worth the price they are going for…for similar price you could get the ultimate Diver in 50F…bewilders me why more people don’t notice this…
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gym routine/ideas? Hi! Recently I've seen myself gaming wait due to unhealthy eating. I'm a university student so I literally just ate Mc Donald's and junk food instead of real meals and I can see it making a toll on my body. I think the main reason I was able to eat similarly at home is that I walked my dogs every day pretty far. Anyway, I'm pretty committed to actually losing some fat, I haven't really got a goal in mind but just to feel healthier in my body and see a change in my body. I'm not even too sure what I weigh because I don't have access to a scale which I think is actually a really good thing. I've enrolled in a gym and have actually been twice but I'd kind of like some guidance on what to do for efficiency of losing etc. My last two sessions I just did some walking/running on the treadmill. I've always hated running so this was a bit hard but I can run (so far) about 0.8km at 7.4 kmph. I want to just keep slowly increasing this until I can run longer distances (about 5km as I want to eventually enter a 5k marathon next year). Just in general I walk for a long time about 5kmph and run when I feel like I can handle it. (Also am I maybe running too fast for a beginner) I also used the bikes, it's one of my favourite forms of exercise so this was pretty fun for me, albeit I didn't go too fast, just chucked on a podcast and did it in the background. Is there a more efficient way to lose weight and I suppose enjoy myself too. For me running can be so boring and gruelling, even when I wasn't struggling it was hard to continue. Any reccomendations/routines would help thanks!
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How are Leicster looking after rounds 1 and 2 I've only watched tigers in highlights and wondering how they compare to last season over 80 minutes.
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Week 5 Match-up Preview Thread: UMass Minutemen vs. Eastern Michigan Eagles [UMass](#f/umass) vs. [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) **When**: Saturday, October, 1, 02:00 PM Eastern **Where**: [Rynearson Stadium - Ypsilanti, MI]( **Watch**: [ESPN+](#l/espnplus) Odds: [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) by 20.0 pts. Total Points: 53.5 --- **All-Time Series : [UMass](#f/umass) vs. [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan)** [UMass](#f/umass) and [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) have met 3 times since 10/18/2014. These teams last met 376 days ago on 09/18/2021. Series Wins: [UMass](#f/umass) 2-0-1 [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan)^^† Longest streak of continuous meetings: 2 (2014-2015). [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) has won the most recent meeting (2021) in this series. --- **Last 3 Meetings** Winner|Date|Location|[UMass](#f/umass)|[Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan)|Notes :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan)|2021-09-18|Foxboro, MA|28|42| [UMass](#f/umass)|2015-11-14|Ypsilanti, MI|28|17| [UMass](#f/umass)|2014-10-18|Foxboro, MA|36|14| [^(Series Comparison Data via Winsipedia)]( --- **Through Week 4** Week|[UMass](#f/umass) 1-3(0-0)|Result|[Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) 2-2(0-1)|Result --|--|--|--|--| 1|[Tulane](#f/tulane) 3-1(0-0)|L 10-42|[Eastern Kentucky](#f/easternkentucky) 2-2(0-0)|W 42-34 2|[Toledo](#f/toledo) 2-2(0-0)|L 10-55|[Louisiana](#f/louisiana) 2-2(0-1)|L 21-49 3|[Stony Brook](#f/stonybrook) 0-3(0-2)|W 20-3|[Arizona State](#f/arizonastate) 1-3(0-1)|W 30-21 4|[Temple](#f/temple) 2-2(0-0)|L 0-28|[Buffalo](#f/buffalo) 1-3(1-0)|L 31-50 ^^All ^^rankings ^^reflect ^^the ^^current [^^/r/cfb ^^poll]( --- **[UMass](#f/umass) Injury Report** Not Available --- **[Eastern Michigan](#f/easternmichigan) Injury Report** Data Scraped: 2022-09-29 13:00:07 Player|Position|Status|Reported|Notes --|--|--|--|--| Taylor Powell|QB|Ques Sat – Shoulder|Mon, Sep 26|Powell sat out the last contest with a shoulder injury, and it is unclear if he will play against Miami Ohio on Saturday. ^(Injury data lifted from: )^[]( --- What are your "Keys to the Game"? Who do you think wins? Do you think the favorite will cover the spread? Which player(s) are you most interested to watch? Let's talk football! --- To vote in the matchup "who will win poll" simply include the name of the team you think will win enclosed by {} as part of your TOP LEVEL comment discussing the matchup. To change your vote just edit your initial comment to bracket the other team. You can change your vote as often as you like until the GAME THREAD is posted A full listing of accepted FBS team aliases can be found [here.]( For FCS teams you will need to use the full name as it appears in the post title. A listing of links, and live vote totals, to all Match-up Preview threads for the current week can be found [HERE]( --- ^(Like this format?) ^(Generate your own "Match-up Discussion Thread" with the )[^(Match-up Discussion Thread Generator)](^(. Please DM /u/dupreesdiamond with any issues/suggestions regarding this template)
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New runner always sore Fit for my age, training for a marathon over 1 month now. No running experience prior to that. Im currently putting in about 35 miles a week, gradually building more every week but I am ALWAYS sore. I honestly dont mind the soreness (kind of like it) but I just want to know if this is normal or not. I fell in love with running but I also dont want to F my body up. Any input from experienced runners appreciated.
How to train for 5 consecutive 1 arm pull ups. Just recently reached a new PR with 1 arm pull-ups, 3 on my right, 1 on my left. I’m curious as to how I should continue to train to reach 5 on either arm. I’ve looked for training plans online but all I’ve found are plans for how to do your first 1 arm. So far I’m thinking, Monday: do 1-3 reps with 3 sets on each arm, followed by negatives/lock offs Thursday: archer/typewriters and weighted pull ups. Should I be doing a third day a week? Is it worth doing 1-3 reps? Also, I’m mainly a climber so I typically do my pull up routine after a climbing session. Also here is a video if you guys have any critiques of my form. From the angle of the video, it looks like my chin isn’t above the bar, but it is
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Do you like or dislike Notre Dame on NBC? Why? What are your thoughts on Notre Dame football broadcasts on NBC, both in terms of the quality of the broadcast itself and the fact that Notre Dame has its own broadcasting rights with a network that doesn’t air CFB otherwise
Will the Veilbreaker missions disappear after each week? Currently on vacation away from my computer, won't be home for a while. Have I missed out permanently, or will it still be available?
where can i find archon hunt ost? Maybe im the few percent players that really enjoys the weekly archon hunt? I think this is by far the most closed to a real boss fight we can have, and the music is lit as fxck. But about the battle ost i can't find it anywhere,i even click page2 of google search, so you know how thoroughly i been looking, did enyone have a sause i can enjoy the music without fighting the mission?
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r/bjj, after Olivera’s loss we could really use your help [Yes, we did other positions]( *"Company owners can make one post announcing their store (ideally with a coupon code) but need to follow reddit's rules for self-promotion like buying reddit ads."* **I guess this is my one post** ​ Hi, my name is Brendan, my partner and I were sick of the poor quality of Jiu-Jitsu apparel (I wont mention names but maybe most of us have dealt with it) coming out of the traditional amazon shops and lower-end brands and tired of paying for the higher-end stuff when we didn't care for the design. When we did find designs we liked, it was often difficult to find more of them. So we wanted to offer an opportunity we hadn’t seen before, the chance to credit the artists that design the gear, get them some extra money for what they do, and connect with them so you can see more of their work. So with our backgrounds in design and E-commerce, we started an athletic apparel business. We’re now producing clothes and more. We want to make people look good, but feel good as well. We are primarily focused on serving the **Jiu-Jitsu and Yoga Communities**, but other athletes, hobbyists, and sports enthusiasts as well. I'm working on advertising and bringing more people to the site.  **It would mean a lot if you could please test our site, I'm looking to see if there are any issues navigating it or any glaring issues that make it challenging to shop.**  If you have any feedback please leave it here or through the contact form on the site with your device (Microsoft Surface windows 10, Macbook Pro, etc.) and the browser you're using (Safari, Chrome, etc.)  For your troubles I've added a coupon for anything on the site, just use code **"r**[**eddit1122**](**"** in the checkout for 20% off.
Easier fishing mod that doesn’t crash the game? What the title says. I play the game completely vanilla except for this one thing because I find vanilla fishing a tedious nightmare. EasyFishing (Nexus Mods) crashes the game about 50% times during the tackling minigame. What are you guys using? Thanks!
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Any help for a new player? tips, tricks, advice.. I didnt see this topic as "disallowed"... if so, whatever... anyway, i am not new to the fallout series, however i am new to FO76 because it was on clearance at gamestop so i got it. It seems that FO76 is different and i find that i spend so much time looking for water and (nasty) food and not actually running missions/quests. What am i doing wrong? Also, whats the deal with caps? Why are they so hard to get or aquire? I didnt have trouble in FO4 of FONV getting caps. Anything helps. I can even get online (after work) and play if someone wants to help. Please let me know what yall did...
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Getting Back into Yu-Gi-Oh from Japan Hello, I’m currently in Japan and want to hop into Yu-Gi-Oh. I have kind of kept up with the game but haven’t actually played since pendulums. I’m currently living in Japan and want to get back into the game as a way to practice Japanese and to meet some people. I don’t want to just buy a bunch of singles to make a deck right off the rip. I’d rather start of with a few structure decks and then upgrade the deck as I get used to the format, language, gain more knowledge of the game etc. There are 4 decks available at my locals not counting the rush duel products. They are Devil Gate, Dragunity Drive, starter deck 2019, and Legend of the Crystals. What are y’all’s recommendation and reasoning? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read the post and potentially answering my questions.
Ankle soreness—ok to continue classes? My right ankle is a bit sore when I walk on it but I don’t think it’s bad enough to not go and at least do what feels ok. However, I’m fairly new to exercise-prompted muscle aches (I’m trying to get stronger). In the past month of 3-4 classes per week I’ve graduated from only power walking to 6-7mph jogging during all outs. Advice please? Classes are crucial to my overall mood and I’d hate to miss out but also don’t want an injury.
PSA-Smurfing Just Saying that if you Smurf in rocket league to boost your boyfriend to GC or to ruin other peoples games you should demo yourself immediately in real life. Rocket league: The only game where smurfs only get banned in CASUAL and not competitive. Please make it make sense
Smurfs at the top of plat 1v1 I know this is just yet another post about smurfs, but after playing a fair bit of 1v1 in the last couple of days, it's pretty annoying. I'm in plat 3, and most opponents are terrible - their level of skill is low, they can't outplay me, but I can outplay them. I sometimes lose to these people if they have significantly more luck than me in the game, but obviously I can't consistently have worse luck than the opponents, so I win more games than I lose, and rank up. Then I get to 1 win away from diamond and the skill level jumps like 300 mmr or something. These players have actual skill, they can consistently do perfect air dribbles, flip reset, double tap, musty flick, you name it, these players hardly ever make any mechanical mistakes and have the skill to actively score rather than needing to wait for lucky outcomes. Example scores are me winning 9-3 when 3 wins away from diamond, and losing 2-8 when 1 win away from diamond. I just feel the need to vent a bit because it seems so silly that I have to get 300 mmr more skilled at the game to be able to beat these people and get 10 mmr higher. It has happened 100% of the time when I've been 1 win away from diamond in the last few days. The only way I can see that Psyonix could do something about it is with a system that can accurately measure the level of skill of a player in a game, so it can see that these players are playing at a much higher standard at the top of plat vs when they're presumably deliberately losing in diamond to drop back down and troll someone else. I have seen the other side of it, when players who were C3 and GC1 in 2v2 lost to me and I was pretty sure they were deliberately playing worse than they're capable of, but I wasn't 1 win away from diamond when I encountered those players subtly throwing. Has anyone else encountered this, or have I just been unlucky to get one of these players every single time I've been one win away from diamond?
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Onin is probably not going to Let's Make Moves Miami Onin talked about on stream how he won a free trip in May from Bamboo Battles but the people he gave his information to didn't book anything, so now he probably can't go. He talks about it at [2:04-5:10 here]( At [7:00-9:00]( he talks about how he was offered Port Priority or Mainstage instead, but with Mainstage being the week before SWT then Panda Cup, he'd rather go to Port Priority (even with Mainstage being a Summit qualifier). Credit it to kfaox and izzynelo for finding this. Onin is still seeded #2 with the brackets [finalized]( His DQ is going to give an easier bracket to Rivers, Syrup, Cosmos, Kola, and acola. I think acola is still probably getting the Panda Cup spot, but now Kola (Seed #3) has a slightly better chance.
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edge imp chain engine I am building branded despia and I was wondering what the edge imp chain engine actually does and if I need it
Tips for positioning I’m Plat II (been here for a long time), and I get confused about 2v2 positioning and rotating. If I play aggressive, my goal is left open and we get easily countered. If I play too far back, I miss out on great scoring opportunities. How do I find a balance of offense and defense?
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Wood Elf Spellsingers really need an update They can take all their skills by level 43.
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I'm looking for a fitness routine that is not focused on gains, or losing weight, or achieving a certain aesthetic. I want a routine that is as easy as possible while still contributing to my overall health and wellbeing. What do you recommend if I'd prefer to work out 3 x per week? I'm now 34F, and I'm at a point in my life where I just want to exercise to be relatively conditioned but I have no goals in terms of gains/weight loss/aesthetics. I want something pretty easy but I guess "active" enough that it improves my overall health. I suppose I could do something like hike a few times a week, but I'd really rather have something I can do at my neighborhood gym or at home. I've considered getting a Peloton, but that's pretty pricy. I don't want to get back into running (hard on my knees) or heavy lifting. Thoughts? Anyone else have similar goals? Thanks in advance!
im done with this game This game is fucking awful at this point. Almost every match is just a smurf who is 300 mmr above the other teammate and it ruins all the fun. Finally uninstalling this garbage as game because they do nothing about this fucktards.
I feel like i’m not seeing results I’ve been working out for about 4 and a half months and i just don’t feel like i’m seeing to many results , my body feels better , I feel better mentally, but i am still unhappy that I don’t seem to be changing , I know I have because I started at 109lbs and now i’m at 128lbs but even then looking at pictures of when I started I can’t see a difference , On top of that I do flute excercises twice a week and my ass has not grown 😕 the only difference I can tell is in my arms because I can almost do a pull up unassisted and I have been moving up in weight on certain excercises. I’ve tried to eat more and It’s very hard for me to meet my protein goal. It just has me feeling like a blob and ruins my motivation at the gym.
Starting bodyweight workouts Hi. I’m new to this whole bodyweight workouts. I am 28, male. I’m 178cm (5ft8) and weigh 150kg (331lbs). I am absolutely fed up with the way I look and feel. I struggled with a lack of confidence and depression to the point where all seemed meanigless. Thanks to a good friend I’m going to improve my life. I’ve recently started cycling to see if that can assist in any way but I feel I need strength training exercises to be able to reach my ideal weight. How many times a week should I do bodyweight training and how many days should I rest? I’d like to incorporate the cycling and bodyweight workouts. 3 days cycling (Mon, Wed, Fri) & 3 days bodyweight (Tues, Thu, Sat). I’d appreciate any advice!
I follow all the subreddit rules.... so why do my posts always get deleted???? These mods suck