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MUSIC - I don’t know if I’m just too old now, but I’ve left multiple classes recently due to the music being ridiculously loud. I get that they want a phone, vibrant, loud atmosphere but it’s to the point where I can’t even hear myself think. I’ve worn air plugs multiple times but I just would prefer not to so I canceled my membership. I think I’d like to decide the volume of my ear phones when I work out at the gym myself.
Thank you to this community! Clear information, given out in a non-patronising way, to help me understand and make better choices! I was vegetarian for years, thought I "couldn't give up cheese" but after spending time on this sub and reading all your posts and links I went completely vegan a couple of weeks ago. I honestly haven't looked back. Knowing I'm morally and consciously making all round better choices wins over temporary palate sensations any time! Thanks again!
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The Petr Yan Plothole [Spoiler] Yan fights Aljo. Close fight. Yan does good work standing up while Aljo is able to gain significant ground control throughout a good portion of the fight. I remember scoring the fight in favor of Yan myself, but the judges say Aljo was able to edge out the win, supposedly due to having controlled Yan on the ground for extended periods of time, despite not doing much damage overall. Close fight, I gave to it Yan but can't be mad. Yan fights O'Malley. Good fight, but I wouldn't even necessarily call it close in the sense that I think most people would agree that Yan edged out. O'Malley (apparently) is able to outland Yan in significant strikes (though I seem to remember Yan matching most of O'Malley's strikes at least 1:1). Their striking I'd say was very close to even, sure I'll give the edge to O'Malley standing up. On top of that, Yan is able to completely dominate on the ground, holding O'Malley to at least a rounds worth on his back. Many people are saying it's because despite holding O'Malley to the ground, he didn't convert to any significant damage. The way Yan was beaten his previous fight is the way he should've found victory this fight. And vice versa, the way he probably should've won last fight, is the same way he was beaten this fight. It's not even that I disagree with his decision against Aljo, it's that this fight in my eyes almost puts his second fight with Aljo in question due to inconsistencies. Truly a robbery. Unfortunate.
Knee Probs I messed up my left knee at OTF ~a week ago, it’s swollen and slightly painful on the medial aspect, and audibly clicks on full extension. I love to run and I did increase my B/P/AO speeds by 0.5 a week ago. My Brooks are falling apart, so I’m going to replace them. I also always start on Tread. I have taken advil, applied Icy Hot and also iced it - helped some but hasn’t resolved. I go to OTF almost every day, so I forced myself to take a couple days off. But being as it’s an addiction for me, I feel compelled to go back. My questions are: -What should I do better (form-wise) that could’ve got me into this problem? -What should I avoid doing or modify at OTF until this resolves?
I haven’t played in 3 years and holy shit the AI is insane now. The bigger guys just don’t stop blobbing up. France was almost like this even before 1500.
What's your plan for getting rid of the last 10-15lbs (4.5-7kgs)? So I'm at that point where I'm approaching the dreaded final 10-15lbs of my GW. Is anyone else at this point as well and if so, what's your plan? And for people who have reached their GW is there any advice you can give the rest of us? Is it has tough as people make it seem? Personally I'm feeling like I can just stick to what I've been doing and i will reach my GW eventually. Sure the weightloss might be slower but slow and steady wins the race. Right?
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I have one piece of advice for everyone Do not give the phone to your friend
Bf scale question Hi everyone! Something I’ve noticed with my BF scale is the past few days my water level has gone up and so has my muscle mass, including a decrease in BF percentage (from around 33-31%). I know this isn’t really accurate though but wanted to know how I can maintain this. I weigh myself first thing in the morning before eating or drinking. I noticed the pattern after I took up running, though I want to add that this past morning I did a run and supposedly lost .7% in muscle (.1%) in water. Is there a pattern I can follow or is it dependent on some other factor?
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[identification] is my omega real? Should I spend the high price to open the back? I ordered this omega sea master off eBay last week. The watch looks nice and has weight to it and 2 jewellers have told me it’s authentic however with out taking the back off. The 2 things I noticed off about the watch is that the Swiss made writing is smaller than the ones online. And the crown has no omega symbol. I’ve been told this is due to wear or replacement however I cannot be sure. Please comment your opinions on the watches authenticity. Thankyou
How the heck is so many ppl playing right now literally its in the middle of the day in the US. any of y'all not have jobs?? is everybody just in the UK right now? its like 90K ppl on steam charts right now... ​ I want some salty fries for my salty jealous tears
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How to keep my energy up? I'm gonna get straight to the point, I have an issue with energy drinks and depend on them a little too much. However, before I started drinking them, I was always tired. My body needs 10 hours of sleep to be as productive as possible but sometimes I'm not able to get that amount of sleep due to my university work. I want to stop this addiction because it's not helping my health and I don't want to go back to supplements all over again. Is there a way to keep my energy up throughout the day without caffeine? Maybe a simple drink I can keep at hand while I'm studying that isn't a drink that'll shorten my life span? Any advice would be great!
Youtube while playing Hi. I can't play this game while listening to music on Youtube. I constantly lag because of it. It was just like this several years ago too. My internet is wireless and I know that's the problem (probably) but still... Youtube doesn't cause an internet issue while I play other competitive games. Maybe using Spotify instead of Youtube can help me but I don't think so. Is there any known solutions to this problem? (Input Buffer method is currently STS)
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Was poking around a random camp near a station Found a responders fireman suit in a vendor for 36 caps. Finally! I can tell one of those stories about finding something Uber rare in a player vendor!
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Getting real sick and tired of this trend losing the whole game, but actually putting an effort in on my end, deciding to concede at 30 sec when its 4-0... the concession sits up in the air for its entirety before being timed out, AND ONLY AFTER IT WAS TIMED OUT, does the other guy on the team "vote to FORFIEGT" and then proceeds to just leave the whole match, instead of waiting for another person to concede. PSYONIX REMOVE THE DAMN BUTTON EVERYONE IN THIS COMMUNITY HAS A GOD DAMNED LETHAL ALERGIC REACTION TO
rework of espionage missions, locks and creation of new missions where complete stealth is needed Good day to all. can you tell me if there will be a rework of loki, they just did a rework of many frames and loki remained one of those that became useless over time, everything that loki can do, all frames can do, espionage is passed on any frame, and invisibility is essentially not needed now, therefore, my question is whether new missions of complete secrecy will be created, where you cannot reveal yourself at all, there will be changes in the missions of espionage and warframe loki, so that he finally plays with new skills, because now, he is not needed from the word at all, the same octavia , wukong, ash or ivara can do the same, only better.
Nasrat Haqparast vs. John Makdessi [View Poll](
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Not sure who to attack next I’m Portugal as you can see. I’m just about to hit admin tech 10 and be able to form Spain. I don’t really care about much of the colony stuff. I put on random new world because I thought that might make it interesting but I just lose missions and it’s still not very interesting. I’ve been allied to France and England/GB since the start of my campaign and they haven’t ever fought a war. I can’t decide who I should attack next. France has better Allies and a PU over Naples which cucks me a bit in that direction, but France would help me against GB and vice verse so either should theoretically be winnable. The only other person I’m allied to is the pope but most great powers in Europe like me and would be willing to ally me like commonwealth or Austria(who has Hungary. Any advice?
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High Protein Diet Questions Hello, I’ve been body building and have been eating lots of protein (I aim to be at 180-200grams a day). I’m struggling however on making sure my cholesterol, fats, and sodium intake doesn’t go through the roof. Can someone help me with finding foods that are not only great in protein but also have low negative effects? I’ve tried vegan protein foods/powders and animal products. I don’t see a difference performance wise, but I’ve noticed vegan foods have much more sodium while non-vegan foods tend to have more fat and cholesterol.
What should have been the cannon ending of fallout 4? What do you think the ending of of fallout 4 been?
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Is bumping toxic? Yesterday, my opponent was completely bashing on me for bumping him, all I did was demo him once so that ball could roll in the goal, and once so that he doesnt grab the boost while i have possesion. He later gave up trying coz he was down 6 to 1 and said it was my fault for playing "toxic"
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Drastically elevated "max" HR. Faulty watches? I know there are multiple posts regarding max heart rate, but I have a slightly different question about it. I started running about 3.5 months ago and that's when I made a post on this sub. Now I've increased my longest run to 8 miles and I only do 1 timed 1 mile run per month and focus more on mileage, as you've all suggested. So back to the hr question. My watches are one of the most hated watches out there. Made by OnePlus. They don't have a lot of functionality to them, but they're capable of tracking my runs and recording HR. I'm 29, so my "max" is 191, but watches say it goes up to 205 with peak being 211, I believe. The 220 rule isn't perfect, so is there a way for me to calculate my zones manually, assuming my "true max" is 211? I just finished my last run, 8.3 miles in 1hr22min and it shows I was in threshold zone for 68 mins. Wondering if I can input my zones manually and perhaps I would land more so on zone 4 or smtg. So 2 questions basically: is it my true threshold zone? And if so, is it healthy to train regularly in that zone for the majority of the run?
Can you really lose fat and build muscle just by eating clean and training lots? I started training a year and a half ago but with weights. About 8 months ago I switched to calisthenics, but I was very much introduced to the fitness world of traditional "bulk/cut" when it comes to resistance training. Caloric surplus means excess energy in your body which can then be used to build muscle. Caloric deficit means your body uses excess fat as energy reserves, while still lacking the surplus to build muscle; a high protein diet and resistance training ensures the preservation of muscle. Sounds very straightforward and I feel most would argue that in practice, it works. However when I read about leaning out on this sub the answer is almost always universal - forget about bulking/cutting, just eat clean, plentiful and train often. Long story short how true is this really? Can I realistically run a hypertrophy focused PPL program over the next few months and expect to build mass whilst losing fat as long as my diet strict and clean? I haven´t been actively bulking throughout my time lifting but I know have been eating at a surplus and I ensure my protein intake is high. I have gotten stronger and more muscular as a result. I eat pretty well with lots of home-cooked food but I am partial to the odd croissant, bit of ice cream or couple of beers at the weekend so I´m not gonna say my diet has been perfect. I just find it hard to believe if I cut out all those bad things entirely, I will also lose the fat I have whilst getting bigger. I´m not a fat person to begin with, but I do have a small belly and bit of fat around my legs and hips. Obviously not having any is the goal. But I find it hard to believe you can actually build muscle and lose fat at the same time unless you yourself are already pretty overweight, which I´m not. Either way I find this a very interesting topic so share your opinions.
Progress is Progress Hi all! I recently joined my local CF gym’s 6 week challenge. I just had my check-in and have gained 1lb of muscle and lost 3.5lb body fat within 5 weeks! (While it’s not a lot of progress, it’s still something). For context I’m 30F, 245lb, 5’9”, haven’t worked out in 6 years, & had a baby just last year. I started off going to class 3x per week, and now I’ve worked up to 4x. It’s been so much fun, and I’ve surprised myself by hitting a 95lb PR for a front squat, and being able to do most other lifts at a consistent 55lbs. I’m really looking forward to see what else I can achieve as I continue training! I’m also very glad to have found a place where I don’t feel as if I’m being observed and judged on my appearance and limited ability.
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Anyone else having issues with the Pitt and Power Armor bug So I've run into an issue where running Hex's mission in the Pitt will not populate the Trogs at the end when you return. It's happened several times and caused a loss the final rewards (which is super painful especially since we completed all the secondary obj.) Strangely, I've never had this problem with Dan's mission. It also seems like that annoying Power Armor bug, where you get stuck while entering, is back. I remember the workaround last time being extract and reinsert the fusion core and it works this time, but is still a pain to go through everytime you want to hop in/out of PA. Anyone else having these issues and have found any workarounds?
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Do you think my hair would be suitable for CG method? I always thought I had straight hair but sometimes they end up looking like this after washing. I only use shampoo and conditioner, sometimes a mask. I used olaplex no3 2 -times in last month and a half.
How much sucralose is in Splenda tablets ?? Not the sachets. How many tablets a day is safe I cannot find any information on how much sucralose in mg is in each Splenda TABLET (not the sachet packet one which contain 12mg sucralose) I’m trying to see how many tablets a day is too much, the maximum limit for sachets is 23 a day , but what about the tablets of Splenda ? I’m thinking of switching to Splenda tablets instead of stevia tablets because I use 7 stevia tablets to make my large cup of tea sweet enough for my taste, and I have 3-4 cups of tea a day so if Splenda requires less tablets that will work for me but I cannot find anything about how much actual sucralose is in the tablet Splendas.
This plateau has been so discouraging pls help For at least 2 months now I've been stuck at the same weight, I've lost about 60lbs in the last year and I'm very happy with that, but I'm still a good distance from a normal weight It gets tiring to put in the same effort (if not more) while seeing no results. If anything, my thoughts are more preoccupied with food and exercise than ever. I started to let loose too much around last month, after shamefully finishing a plate of brownies at a family dinner, I knew I had to get ahold of myself. My cravings scared me I've been keeping my head up when weighing myself, keeping in mind that weight fluctuates and that I drink a lot of fluids, but at this point I might just be lying to myself Here's the thing: I try to prepare most of my own meals and snacks. But being young and living with my family, I often have to make the best of eating out or at a relatives house. There's no way in hell I can accurately count calories or macros My strategy has more-so been knowing/estimating the calories in the food around me and managing portions that way. Being constantly unsure is driving me insane I'm trying to tell my family I'd like to eat out as little as possible. I wish I could eat all my meals at home, but hey, we won't always get what we want right? My cravings and insatiable hunger have only been getting worse, my willpower won't save me forever. I can't go back to the way I was before, but I don't know why I can't get better either. I'm stuck, frustrated, and anxious Not sure if this is a rant or a request for advice, but thanks for reading anyways :) have a good day
If Roberto ‘Cyborg’ Abreu wasn’t good at BJJ, I bet my balls he wouldn’t be married to Maggie Grindatti. A more fitting life partner would be Gabi Garcia, or better yet, Cris Cyborg.
How many copies of Rainbow Bridge Of Salvation would you play in a Crystal Beast Deck Just got the structure deck and put a build together and I’m on ordering so extra deck cards for the deck but I’m on the fence about how many copies of Salavtion to play
Countries by development Does anybody have a list of countries sorted by their development at the 1444 start?
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If you’re ever depressed, just look at my beard bald spot….. Wtf and I’m 22 🥲
£20 to last me follow up I've received such amazing information and support on a post I put up here. I've now been and done my shop based on advice. Can I post what I cook and eat, based on advice ? Is that ok here?
Loosing weight while on holiday So this is really strange.I went on holiday for 5 nights and I stopped my diet and counting calories,macros.I just eat everything tbh and not exercise at all. When came back I was expecting a gain of at least 1 kg,but no...I lost 1 kg. How is that possible ?
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How long did it take for you to feel the “mental health” effects of working out? All my life I’ve been told or read or heard that working out is good for your mental health. I believe it, but.. I’m three weeks in and haven’t noticed any difference in my mental health. At first I thought it was so fun and cool (and I still do while I’m working out, have loved seeing my progress so far!) but now every time I leave the gym I basically immediately burst into tears. I sleep so much more and don’t feel energized but I drag my ass to the gym 4x a week because I don’t want to give up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me!! Just want to be a mentally stable buff person :(
Just turned level 50, what legendary perk card should I choose. I know this has probably been asked a million times but everything I could find was 1 or 2 years old. So what would everyone say is the best legendary perk card to pick since I just got to level 50?
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Wow sometimes im so surprised by how much shit there is to do in this game, occasionally i see a post here and im just like ?? i- i need to play this game even more i guess 0-0. fine with me tho love the shit out of this game <3
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Could we have a discussion or a sub vote on the highlights situation? I understand not wanting to clutter up the entire sub on gameday, but so much discussion is eliminated around individual moments. The highlight thread is a joke, so little gets posted in there and hardly any discussion happens. r/ The only time or place to talk about anything happening in a game is in the game threads in the brief 15 seconds around whatever happens and then it’s lost to the stream of comments. Maybe one dedicated highlight post per game if you really don’t want to allow just normal highlight threads like all other sports subs? Something at least needs to change, the current system is not the way to go
Anyone know of a good unit name generator for Empire units? Hi, Been watching PartyElite's Franz playthrough and I really like his idea of 'rewarding' units that are particularly good in battle with a squad name. Was just wondering if anyone knows of a good name generator somewhere that could be of help since he gets his from his viewers and I'm not creative enough to come up with names I don't think. Thanks
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penalty question why dont they adjudicate and punish more drivers during the same race for infractions? like make them do drive throughs or stop and go's or whatever. It doesnt seem that hard to make calls for on track infractions. Many other series do it in the race while following a lot more cars on track simultaneously. It just seems artificial to make time penalties at the end that might alter the result by just the time, not actual action on the track during the race. I would rather see penalties adjudicated on the track and the track action play out after a penalty or whatever. There are certain scenarios that may take longer to adjudicate or figure out, but that should be more rare. I get the grid penalties for engine changes or whatever, or extreme late race penalties where they wouldn't have time to serve it within the race distance, but I would prefer more in race penalties.
Received A&K M60VN recently — what parts/changes should I upgrade/replace/whatever? Basically what the title says. Also, reccs for the best battery for this wonderfully-fun and amusing but completely unnecessary gun? It’s absurd and I absolutely love it. The box magazine seems like a pretty obvious thing to upgrade, but I have no idea what to replace it with. LCT makes a pressure plate one but it seems to only fit their version. Finally, where do people get the not orange muzzles I see in all the videos? I know they’re not spray painting the orange one it comes with because the shapes are completely different. Not finding these things on evike. TIA.
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Does Overframe calculate DPS assuming headshot multipliers Basically the title, wanted to do some comparisons between various weapons for tornado zephyr nuking, where you cannot headshot through the tornado.
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whats your favourite high end brand? Hi! So I want to invest in some high end brands. For example : huda beauty , too faced etc. What's your favourite high end brand and your favourite products by them that you swear by? X PS I don't know where to start as there are so many high end if you could help a girl out I would highly appreciate it 😌
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Mayhem vs HWPO Programming What are your thoughts on Mayhem and HWPO? I have bought the Mayhem programming the last two years. So I would consider myself an intermediate/advanced athlete. I go to my daily CrossFit class every evening and then always do something extra after. It’s typically lifting and I really like the Mayhem Burgener Strength program. I’ve been also trying to add in another short metcon or some cardio intervals either rowing/skiing/echo bike. I kinda have an architect personality where I like everything organized and have stuff build off each other and it just seems the Mayhem programming is chaotic with all the tracks. I really like organize and methodical structure of HWPO but don’t know if it’s still worth it since I just pick and choose what workouts I do and when I have extra time to do them. Let me know your thoughts!
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Need a casual office boot that sees construction sites daily Need a boot that works for office and light outdoor construction use in Midwest. Have been looking at Iron Rangers and Thursday Captains. Budget up to $400, would like to be around $300 or under if possible. Liked the Chippewa service boots, but appears they no longer are made. In the office for a couple hours in the morning, then hitting all the job sites all day through all kinds of terrain.
[Question] ISO Reliable, Good-looking Men's watch under $1k Hello All, I would like to get my future husband a watch as a wedding present. I am interested in a watch that he could wear in a professional setting that is a little flashier than your everyday watch but not going to break the bank. If possible I would like to get it engraved, and trying to stay under $1000. So far I have looked at the Tag Heuer Formula 1 (which is out of my price range but it is a cool looking watch and he is really into F1), also really like how the Holzkern watches look but not sure about their quality. Would greatly appreciate any advice! Thanks in advance
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Sephora's site is in overburdened? I just signed in to the Sephora app 12:54am PST and this message popped up. Maybe this has to do with opening in Europe?
The nuclear codes and launching a nuke Hello 76ers! Please keep in mind there are spoilers ahead. I'm going through my first play through, and just became a general through the enclave. I chased down the cargo bot, and spent the last couple of days collecting the 8 keys for site Alpha. THEN I read up on the next steps, and holy crap was I a sweet innocent summer child coming into this. Looks like it *is* possible for me to crack the code, get the launch, but in-between this I'll be facing some of the toughest fights. Is it possible to solo a launch mission? Should I just give up my solo play through and get a gang together? Anybody done this solo? Thank you!
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Am I vegan? (If not, what am I?) First off, the title is a bit of a click bait; I completely understand that veganism by standard definition is an ethical plant based diet. I’m just hoping there might be a better label that I can identify with. So I stopped eating meat and animal products ever since I watched Dominion, because I didn’t want to support factory farming and its incredibly cruel practices on animals. However, ethically I’m completely fine with eating eggs from the happy chicken that my neighbour raises in their backyard - or honey that is acquired ethically and sustainably only in periods of excess for the bees.
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So I sold a pair of Wesco’s on eBay, and this happened I didn’t realize at first what he was asking for.
Vidar Kolumbus automatic - new alligator strap Replaced the sad black leather strap with a handmade alligator strap what do you guys think? I think this makes it more desirable.
Good sniper for $200-$250 (just for a fun side-class) Before everyone starts flaming me for wanting a sniper, I've been playing airsoft for years now and use an m4 as my primary, but recently I have picked up sniping as a side class (just for fun) and have been loving it. I've been using my bud older cyma l96 and it's great but the quality is a little cheap I'm looking to get a good bolt action for around $200-$250, I already have a scope, sling, etc so no worries about attachments. Thanks!
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An All SEC National Championship? It's possible. Tennessee wins out. Alabama losses to Tennessee and wins out. Georgia losses to Tennessee and wins out. Ole Miss losses to Alabama and wins out. Alabama (has the win over Ole Miss to be West champion) beats Tennessee in the championship. Four one-loss SEC teams.
Fishing from the fish pond does not count as catching the fish , if you ever get the fish as loot or buy it and were wondering if you could get that missing catch that way.
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Denise Gomes vs. Loma Lookboonme [View Poll](
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How do i match my face to the rest of my body without looking ashy? So my face is darker than my neck and chest. If I match my foundation to my neck, it looks grey on the face. Someone told me using a banana powder can help brighten up the face without making it look ashy, is it true?
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My whole email account got hacked and Warframe crew banned my Master Founder account for it! Yes you've heard it right. I'm a small collector myself, got 380 games on steam, all off the Blizzard games and many more, got so many original cd's and old consoles.. And when my email got hacked, hackers stole lots of stuff from me. Luckily many of them are 2-factor auth. So got many back. BUT WARFRAME helpdesk said I tried to sell the account for money and banned me. Yeah, a Master Founder account.. high value but barely played after long updates so does not worth a bit. They treated me like a liar and banned my account forever. They are asking questions like "who did you add as a friend in warframe first..." MAN IT WAS 2013.. 9 YEARS AGO. and when i couldnt answer some of them they locked me out. IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT AN OLD SUPPORTER? And a hacker probbly earned some cash over my account by selling it before those slow mfers replied me like in 3 or more weeks. Even my grandma is faster to type some replies. Geez. Just wanted to say that. I don't want my account back anymore. Just wanted to share how bad they are..
New player - Volt Prime infested issues So i started playing a little while ago due to a mate wanting to play again (Hes played before but a long time ago), he's MR 12 and I'm currently MR 7, From the start i had access to 3 warframes and wanted a warframe that was all about offense so chose Volt, which i'm happy about because it's a speed demon and very fun. ​ My play style has been abusing his speed increase (2) and melee synergy, throwing in a discharge every now and then when a big stack or if i need a breather as it stuns them. The shield... I see some people really hype this thing but i always get shredded even with it on? I find the shock (1) to be pretty meh tbh, I am looking to swap this out later on when i unlock the warframe ability swap thing. ​ My mate is currently running a nidus. During infestation missions/survival/defence i always die, a lot and it seems to be from pure health damage, my mate is surviving it pretty easily compared. Last night we tried a 40-60 infestation bounty on Deimos, it was pretty horrible for both of us but i fail to understand how Volt is meant to survive these missions. I was keeping Dash up most of the time, trying to keep a shield equipped and discharging to recharge shields with capacitance but often i was getting 1 shot for most of my shield and hp and sometimes i would just take direct health damage. How do people survive the direct health dmg / heal it? ​ Another big issue was energy, i spent several minutes at times just running to dodge and doing jump slams to keep things knocked up while my energy sat at 2 and using my operator ability as a defensive. [My warframe setup]( This is what i'm currently using, a lot of the mods are simply being used as filler because i don't have the better mods but yeah even with the mods i've seen others use, i can't imagine how they are surviving infestation deimos bounties. ​ side note: I really like dual wielding swords, daggers as an alternative, any suggestions on dual wield swords i can aim towards to really invest into?
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It’s weird putting makeup on when you’re mixed race I’m wondering if I’m alone in this and if people with mixed race overcame that situation. But I feel like I don’t look white enough for western makeup to suit me and I don’t look Asian enough for it’s style to suit me either.
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when will D/D get new support Literally just the title. When do you guys think we'll get some new support cards, and what would you like to see them be? Generally I mean And I don't mean which set, I just mean time wise
I have decided to lose weight! I am over 220 pounds and well on my way to 300. I decided today is the day I will finally hold myself accountable and start doing things that are good for my health. I am planning to increase my physical activity significantly to help me shed the pounds as well as start eating healthy. I know that I can no longer sort on my rear end and eat whole things of ice cream within a day. I plan to start with walking my dog a full loop around the neighborhood and walking to work. I’m really excited to begin my weight-loss journey and hopefully achieve the body that I want.
Mathmech post DABL and Magnificent Mavens So what is everyone’s hot take post DABL and Mavens for Mathmech? Seeing as Bystia and Kashtira have such synergy with decks like Tear and D-Link, where would Mathmech place against what appears to be some of the best counters to the deck?
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Q: Fences and Lamp Posts Can you place lamp posts on top of fences like you can torches, or can fences connect textures with them in some way? I like the idea of the iron lamp posts on iron fences. I'm frugal with my resources and don't want to test it myself to end up dissatisfied.
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A week into my diet and I already messed up :( need encouragement I think my BMR is 2200-2300 and I’ve been eating under 1100 for the past 7 days. I’ve been feeling fine but today I had the worst day and I just binge ate a bunch of snacks which put me a little over 1200 calories for today. It felt so good in the moment and now I feel so awful literally sobbing that I ruined everything. If anyone could give me some tips or words of encouragement that would be helpful thank you
With all the talk of how much money Notre Dame and Texas A&M paid to lose, which CFB team is the most “philanthropic” I’m curious which teams have paid the most money to smaller/“worse” programs just to lose to them.
Any appetite suppressants that work besides coffee? Hello! I am recovering/recovered from bulimia and am trying to live my healthiest life, but while I have the purging under control, I often binge. I’ve gained 30 pounds in the last year (from 120 pounds to 150) and I want to get my weight under control. I work out 2 times a week and try to go for walks often(ex. I walk to and from the grocery store, to and from pet store, any kind of errand I try to walk) But I’m not losing weight. I know I probably need more cardio, but I don’t think this is the issue. I drink 1-2 coffees per day but it doesn’t suppress my appetite much. I find myself uncontrollably binging and I feel like I’m starving all the time. I used to feel this when I suffered bulimia because I was purging and never full, but now I don’t know what is the problem. I try to eat more protein and healthy food to stop gaining weight but it’s not working. I do protein waffles and fruit in the morning, but by the evening I’ve eaten what feels like my body weight in fruit, veggies, bread, any junk food I can get my hands on, sometimes even the weirdest things like I will drink 2 or 3 glasses of chocolate milk. I am vegetarian and dairy free and it’s still not helping. I also try to eat mindfully but quickly spiral out of control. I have relapsed and started purging recently but don’t want to fall back into that habit as it destroyed my teeth. Any appetite suppressant that has worked for anyone?? I just want to eat a normal amount
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How the sheer sight of F1 cars brought me out of one of my worst anxiety attacks I hope this isn't against any rules. Today, while going to Monza for my first F1 event ever, I suffered probably one of my GOATs anxiety attack. While in the middle of an absurdly packed bus directed to the circuit for like an hour, I started feeling dizzy, heart was racing, nauseated, my vision and hearing blurred, weak to the point I didn't fall to the ground just because I was surrounded by bodies from every side. The whole package. When I arrived behind the stands before the parabolica, I sat in a bench and couldn't move for an hour. My sister, who is crazy about F1, even proposed me to go back to the hotel. I refused because I didn't want to rob her of her greatest passion. All along, I was hearing the cars engines roaring. I was literally mere metres away from one of my biggest dreams. I worked all summer for pebbles to pay for these three days. As a kid I dreamt of seeing even a warm up live. So I got up and even though my legs were shaking, I walked to the stands. Not even a second, a Red Bull comes roaring like a carbon fiber demon, and I will fucking get wrecked in half if I'm lying, the anxiety attack disappeared like that. My heart was still racing, but for a different reason: I was excited to death. I was witnessing the pinnacle of motorsport engineering and human willingness at a distance of like four meters. I was holding back tears because I was so, so amazed. The eight year old kid who got up at six to watch Suzuka in 2000 realised his dream. I spent one of my best afternoons ever. Even though after the event ended it took us three hours to find a way home. But hey, I got a sweet Latiifi shirt too, which is nice.
Interesting tidbit. a 100 yr old A 100 year old Alabama fan has celebrated a national championship every 5.5 years and has only seen 2 decades without a championship
Digital ads are fucking ass Seriously
How do I win multiplayer in immortal empires? New to the series. Is it just the first player to kill everyone else? Looking to try multiplayer with some friends soon but assume those campaign objectives aren't the goal in multiplayer?
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Emparejamiento mediocre... ​ [Es una vergüenza y falta de respeto con los jugadores que gastan su tiempo en el juego. No es posible que son \\"3 partidas seguidas\\" con un compañero unraked, se nota a lo lejos que no tiene el nivel de la liga. Yo no soy perfecto jugando y no digo eso, pero no puede ser que te emparejen con alguien que no esta en la liga y talvez termino platino 1 y gano 5 seguidas. Como puede ser que ya antes de salir a la tabla de resultados uno puede sabes que es unraked... Una falta de respeto!](
I need Elton John inspo I'm going to see Elton John in concert and I need some outfit ideas, website ideas, and general inspiration for an outfit. I typically wear a lot of basics, so I am at a loss in my own closet. I don't want to spend a fortune on an outfit I'll likely only wear once, but I do still want to have fun and pay homage to his amazing looks over the years. Any ideas?
So I played Kislev... I recently played a Katharin campaign (H/H) and it was a fun challenge at first. I secured my southern flank, let the roppsman clan be to deal with stuff from the east and took out throt which was a bit harder than I had anticipated. Then I moved on to Azazel and Throgg, which is where the cracks started to show. Azazel was okay. But I basically had to chase Throgg through eastern Norsca before I was able to pin him down. Fine. But that was just the beginning. Meanwhile, my roppsmann allies had a hard time holding the minor norscan factions back. I helped out and confederated them eventually. At that point I was at war with one skaven faction, two norscans, Archaeon and two beastmen tribes in that area alone. And **none** of them would engage without at least two armies backing each other up, forever just running away until they could snipe a settlement. I spent an ungodly amount of turns just chasing armies across my provinces always tantalizingly close behind but still out of reach. Why not use ambush stance you say? Well, ambush doesn't seem to work most of the time, no matter the percentage. The beastmen just straight up vanish if you cannot pin them down this very turn and archaeon fucks up your cities, leaves it to his vassals and moves across half the province afterwards. In the mid to end Level 20 range Archaeon was quite tanky too and tough to deal with if you only have your garrisson. On top of that my allies (the dwarves) didn't do jack shit, although I gave them specific targets. Damn cowards. Finally, you cannot reliably take out your opponents in a timely fashion because apart from a few regions on the coast, it's all red territory, meaning building settlements up and defending them costs a bloody fortune and replenishment is shit when you are a conquering. In the end I gave up, exhausted after around 120 turns. Kostaltyn got to be my buddy but before I could confederate him he had dragged me into a bunch of wars in the west, while I still tried to deal with a bunch of armies that didn't want to fight in the east and the wood elves were about to go crazy, so I just quit. Rant over, sorry, just had to vent.
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Kushti in Mma I'm new to this sub and I just wanted to ask if traditional Indian Kushti would be a good for a grappling base. I plan to train it for three months and supplement it with Judo+Jiu-Jitsu afterwards. Would those three be enough to make me a solid grappler?
The Skull Caverns are a beast I chose a day with the highest luck, I had like 5 counts of 3 different foods all with speed, luck, and defense buffs, like 80 bombs and 50 cherry bombs (+explosive ammo), and 20 staircases. I died from monsters on level 23 😭 I think maybe I just suck lol
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turning a new leaf BEFORE the new year Hello All, just wanted to post something before my journey begins. I feel maybe utilizing this sub as a journal for my journey will keep me accountable. As well as connect with all you fine folks. I am 30 f 250lbs 5'1". The least I've ever weighed was 145 when I played sports in 8th grade. I went to college weighing 170. Over the last 10 years I have gained 80 lbs and desperately feel if I do not make a change I will die young. Various health issues run in my family, and my parents were obese when I was young. My father still is (prediabetic) but my mother has done well to keep weight off in her late adulthood. I always wanted to lose weight to look good, but I feel I didn't care enough to let that motivate me. Now I will lose weight to feel good and live longer! Good luck and thank you to everyone who supports each other. We all need it in this cruel world.
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How to lose weight at home. Hello, I’m a male 6’4 and I’m 275 Ibs. I usually live a sedimentary life due to some restrictions (work, tiredness, heat sensitivity, etc) but I’ve been trying for years to lose weight especially around my stomach, I’ve doing exercises ( walking, curls, stationary bike, etc.) lowering my calories, and drinking a lot of water. I’ve managed to lose 5 lbs (I was 280). But recently I’ve been slowly gaining the weight back(I’m almost 277), nothing other than my time exercising has changed. Am I doing something wrong?
Who can complete the quest for me I am done. Completely. Absolutely done. Where can I find a person that will come to me, and complete the had-forsaken Waverider quest for me? I am ready to pay money for this quest to be removed from my codex. Please. Someone. Help me get rid of this curse. I can't
I got an email from Bethesda Gear, re: So what's the big secret? It announced some Pipboy 2000 MK IV variants coming 2023. They showed a pin set . And also, the gear store is having a 20% off sale. So I guess that's what yall are looking for?
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Anyone else know Tom Hardy did BJJ? We famous now
What is the name of the creature in background ? In the card [Machina Overdrive]( there is a monster **in the background** (not the Machina Citadelle in the foreground) ​ I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere... Is it present on another Yugoh card ? What's it's name ? thx
I’ve been playing for 700 hours now and just realized you can change your FOV in 3rd person. not sure for PC, but if you’re on console If you hold the build button and pull back on the right stick it’ll zoom out, i’ve been stuck zoomed in and hating it for so long now xD
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Anyone else having this issue? Idk, I'm kinda out of the loop of things, but for some reason after I updated the game I ended up with civic type R wheels, but have never bought anything Honda related in any way lol
would you dare to race a superkart at the 1990 imola track? I was talking to some friends on discord and the subject was which f1 circuits would be cool to race in karts. Oh, I thought about what a race would be like at the imola track in 1990. But would you have the courage to race on this circuit in a superkart that can reach 240 km/h?
What was the vibe at the BYU tailgates tn?? ^
Build help Not high level enough for prime so this is what I have for now. Thoughts, tips, recommendations?
Red Bull need to protect their advantage Red Bull seem to have found performance this season akin to Merc era. Now Christian Horner must be smart and protect it by controlling the pace up front, else FIA will clamp down to try to slow them. As Merc artificially controlled their performance on screen, Red Bull must also do the same if they want to continue their dominance.
Wearing combat boots without legs looking stumpy? High top shoes seem to cut off my legs and make them look shorter than they really are. But I'm thinking of buying combat boots (one black pair, and one cream pair). How do I wear them without them making my legs look short?
Chrome jars need a serious nerf I posted this in the br sub, and all the drones got mad. Sucks to suck ig chrome jars need a MASSIVE nerf. No one should be able to infinitely blob, phase through walls!?!?! And just trap players in a box. Nerfs it needs: Stack size reduced to 3 Changed to legendary rarity Chrome form time to 25 seconds Blob now has a cooldown No phasing through player built structures (all the drones are gonna be mad, but guess what, there’s nothing skillful about you being able to jump through my wall and spray with your 3 rapid fire Smgs) Or just completely vaulted 😬
Looking for advice to increase my cardio fitness and VO^2 max A little background on me: I (31M) started running in late July, and I’ve been running consistently about 4-5 times a week, typically 2 miles or more per run. I am military and I know I should have a rather decent cardio compared to others who don’t regularly exercise at all. Unfortunately, I do not. I’ve been tracking my overall improvement via my Apple Watch and seeing my performance metrics via the activity/fitness app. I do see my performance improving, but my VO^2 max seems to gradually increase over time. When I started, I was at 27.5. After doing sprint intervals today, I’m at 33.4. It’s been gradually going up and I am showing consistent increase over time, but according to charts, I am showing a very poor cardio fitness level for my age. I’m wondering if this just means I suck at cardio, or is there something else I should be doing to improve my cardio fitness? Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
the most annoying thing when playing WoC is my vassals they keep destroying my 'lord defeat trait farm'
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Why I think that a Kislev/Cathay dlc should come before Chaos Dwarfs. KISLEV. EDITION. Don't take me wrong I'm hyped for CD as much as all of you but Kislev's and Cathay's campaings feel a bit botched right now. Both are the main factions of warhammer 3 and both feel very scuffed right now and need a ton of help. # Why I think that Kat should have been stronger and she is too weak now. Kat is supposed to be "the protagonist" of wh3, she was the only charachter to actually [stand before Ursun]( in the Realms of chaos campaing , she has the canon ending, the official cinematic trailer and she is worse than most LLs on this game. I'm not asking to make her Kairos, Teclis or Mazdamundi but she is the worst faction leader in the game (besides Greasus). Comparing her to Settra, Ikit, Tyrion, Malekith, Franz, Thorgrim, Vlad, Miao ying, Mazdamundi, Luthor/Noctilus, Archaon, Wulfrik, Durthu/Orion, Grimgor, Louen Leoncoeur... she is always way worse. The only faction leader that's somehow arguably worse is Greasus. I think she is even worse than pre-buff Karl Franz (although that was a long while ago and I may be missremembering) and gets totally carried by her faction's trait. Kat dosen't have much going for her at the moment even when compared to other human leaders or other faction leaders in general , Karl Franz helps stabilize , it's the leader of men of the setting and has access to Deathclaw , Louen Leoncoeur has his Murderbird, Grimgor has been buffed and is great in meele, Thorgrim helps stabilize has murder chair , is a good leader and can craft his way into being pretty good in meele Kat has an underwhelming lore of magic, a plus 2 to public order (wich is rather useless when playing as the Ice Court) , buffs to her meele combat (?????) and a fatass unamed bear that is way worse than a random pegasus. I love Balthasar as much as the next guy (I even chose him before Karl Franz when both started on Altdorf) but I don't think anyone would complain if she was the strongest uncorrupted human caster on the game given that she is really powerfull in lore. > **Tzarina Katarin Bokha**, the ***Ice Queen of Kislev***, is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Kislev and is known as one of the most powerful Ice Witches to have ever lived. > >A great wizard in her own right, her power is said to come from the land of Kislev itself, its icy soul and bleak tundra giving her command of the elements and mastery of that form of wizardry known as Ice Magic. Indeed, some whisper that she is in fact the living reincarnation of the very first Khan-queen, [Miska](, so complete is her grasp of this dangerous branch of magic. Upon her ascension to the throne of Kislev, it is said that the Bokha Palaces have grown a new wing, half a mile long, made entirely from glittering ice. This wondrous creation would be beyond all but the most powerful Ice Mages, and it is here that Katarin remains for most of the time, granting audiences in an immense chamber of magically woven hoarfrost. Some believe that she simply prefers the chill of these frozen corridors, while others say that it is a display of her power to overawe would-be enemies and foreign ambassadors. Same goes with Ice Magic > As should be expected for a magic with its roots in wars on the Endless Steppes, Ice Magic is deadly and extremely so, not just for the witches' enemies but for the witches themselves. > >The flows of Ice Magic vary in strength. In Kislev's sites of power, along its ley lines, and in the depths of winter, Ice Magic is very strong. But in warmer climes, the Lore of Ice is far weaker and wanes the closer to the equator and the further from Kislev one travels. Kislev needs to buff Kat and Ice Magic in general if only to be more lore accuareate, it feels weird that a random fire mage can end up providing more value that who is arguably the best human spellcaster in the setting. I think people misunderstand when we talk about faction leaders . Malekith is the Witch king son of Anerion and Morathi , Vlad is the founder of the "most sucessful" bloodline, Archaon is the Everchosen of Chaos, Mazdamundi is the "oldest Slaan" , Tyrion is the Heir of Anerion and one of Khaine's favorites. These were leaders bound to be op monsters from the start, people aren't asking Kat or Greasus to be one man doomstacks we are asking to give them something to play beyond "this charachter is worse Balthasar Gelt/Allarille" or "this charachter is worse Thorgrim". To be clear I'm not saying that she is necesarely weak, she is no Trench and she is better than Tiktaq'to I'm saying that for a strong charachter with that much renown in lore she is very underwhelming , specially when she is supposed to be the shield of the Old World , we shouldn't be comparing her with the weakest charachters of the setting but with other upper mid tiers/lower high tiers such as Wulfrik or Louen Leoncoeur. As it is the girl is worse than nobody charachters like Khalida. Even hippie elfs and Vampires attack her even though they should be aware she is the one that gurantees they don't get destroyed by chaos demons and worshippers). Vampires are not dumb and neither are WE they know that Kislev protects the whole Old World , even the extremely arrogant HE helped them in the last great war against chaos. **Tl;dr: Buff ice magic, buff her casting capabilities to be more lorefriendly and give her a diplomatic bonus with all factions (except orks , chaos and Skaven) so they don't end up piling up on her even though she is the one protecting them and nerf her faction trait and buff her own skills to provide public order. Also for the love of god don't make her starting province Norsca homeland and enable her to build walls.** # Why I'm dissapointed with Kolstantyn As many have already pointed out Kolstantyn is a new charachter that feels super weird in his portrayal both in the cinematics and in gameplay his charachter feels super unconsistent unless you ignore all his voicelines [and take the lore mod as headcanon]( (wich is what I do with charachters like him or Daniel) I don't understand why would anyone chose him over Kat and some of my favourite campaings are with other random offshots like Tiktaq'to, Malus, Lokhir, Kemmler, Alith Anar or Khatep. Harder campaings usually have rewards, for example you get a campaing buff if you recapture Karak-Eight-Peaks as Belegar, special dragons , faction buffs and access to one of the best lords in the game as Imrik, campaing buffs or Tzarkan as Malus. I thought that a buffed late game or a new mechanic to manage was supposed to be a reward for surviving the hard early game some of these lords had, Kolstantyn is straight up worse than Kat through all the campaing for no reason, even his campaing map "buff" feels underpowered given how useful hallows and farms are to defend Kislev (extra replanisment , ambushes and recruitment cost) His faction's traits are way worse than Kat's and Boris' for no reason either. I'm not asking Kos' lategame to be straight up better than Kat's, that was never the case with Kemmler and Vlad, or Alith Anar and Tyrion I'm asking for a reason to chose him. He dosen't even have his elemental bear anymore , his starting units are straight up worse than Kat's and Boris', and he starts very near Kat. Kolstantyn is Kislev's equivalent of Trench but he dosen't even have an interesting start position and Kislev does not have 6 LL. Compare Kolstantyn to Khatep, both hated by their faction's leader, Khatep starts with a unit of necropolis knights (they removed his titan), he has an unique flavourful start position, his east is secure , has "reliable" allies in ST and Alith Anar (wich often have a moderate amount of sucess even when controled by the AI) , and gets one of the best units of his faction as a mount, he is the only lord that ends up riding an artillary piece besides Noctilus , he is way more useful than Kolstantyn in battle and campaing, he also gets 25% off all mortuary cult crafting wich helps him get more armies in late game. Even Khalida one of the most forgotten lords has useful buffs to tech and public order in wh3. Even comparing him to Tiktaq'to he is underwhelming because Tiktaq'to is capable of comanding and buffing Coatls and bombarding his enemies to an absurd degree. Tiktaq'to's faction also has access to the single best ritual of Wh2 and wh3. Even comparing him to Boris is bad because at least he has an unique start position and is extremely useful in battle. Even his empire counterpart is better, he has an unique mechanic wich buffs his late game, an unique start position and is straight up more useful in battle as well due to having better items. It's specially frustrating when he is based on one of the most batshit and fun charachters in human history and the only payoff we get of that is reduced comeback times if he gets defeated and extra life points on a charachter that isn't even a duelist. Having a bad Kos makes the race for supporters worse for Kat because the lord that you are getting dosen't matter much and having a bad Kat with a great faction trait makes Kos' race worse because you know that even if you win you should have just taken Kat from the start. **Tl;dr: Give Kolstantyn a buff and some units akin to mistwalkers maybe special fanatical worshippers of the gods he can buff instead of Tzar Guard and militias, make him a better lider both in battle and campaing and give him something to play with maybe asking the gods for stuff or recycled rituals from wh2.** # Why Boris is good but not enough I think we all agree that the most useful Kislev LL is Boris wich starts in a corner on the map very far away from his daughter, wich means you aren't going to be able to recruit him unless you run recruit defeated legendary lords mod. In general I don't have many problems with his campaing, he is the only lord to whom bear spam makes sense and it's not incrediably out of context. **Tl;dr: Boris is big chad but he shouldn't be the only Kislev lord to not be underwhelming/bad.** # The number of bears is unbearable I think it's not controversial to say that so far Kislev has been flanderised to bears (Boris) and Ice Magic (Kat), this only contributes to make Kos and Kat more dissapointing given that the Great Ortodoxy is supposed to incorporate all 4 gods of Kislev and Kat's ice magic is worse than storm magic and any lore that the empire has access to. As of now there is a ton of space for lords that focus in other aspects of Kislev: DISCLAIMER I'm rather new to kislev lore and running of the wiki here. [**Nadyezhda Dochtalika Vdovyn**]( wich would focus on trade ,piracy represent , Erengrad (the warhammer's equivalent of Norvingrad and Kislev's equivalent of Marienburg) , gunpowder, Maanan ,and a more modern kislev roster. with units from other races. You could just move Kos to Praag wich makes more sense than Erengrad as that city has a history of trying to cut ties with Kislev and Praag's citizens are famous for being paranoid , the city also has a deep conexion to chaos so it makes sense that if Kostaltyn was an Ungol born there he would see chaos corruption everywhere and would try to break free of Cospodar rule. [Nyvena]( representing Ungol culture and giving some breathing space to Kat calming up the North, he would bring a more Ungol rooster focused around skirmishes and light cavalry. You would be able to either go independant or be loyal to Kat. Though I think that Nyvena should come as a form of LH to the following lord. Although my favourite option is one that has been thrown around a couple times here, [Baba Yaga]( would represent the darker aspect of Kislev's culture while focusing more on the Ungols bringing in Hag Witches with dark magic and lore of hags, Hag mothers as lords, Ungol cavalry and units and Huntings and Curses as a mechanic. She would also give some space to Kat. Focusing on Ungols either way could give some space to a semi-horde faction where you are able to set up camps and have some of your lords lead hordes but can't build cities beyond tier 3 until you confederate Kat. **Tl;dr Kislev has been flanderised and there is a ton of space to add new things.** # The counter argument *Kislev has a lot of fun tools in campaing* For example the invocations of the Motherland feel very strong, and the public order buffs from stacking supporters feel very nice. But that dosen't compensate the fact that you are fighting 3 different wars at the same time. I also get why CA might have been worried about making Kat and Kostaltyn too strong in RoC given that Kat ends up ignoring public order (6+1+1+7+2 public order from her faction effects, her outfit, her skills, the race supporters race and the invocation) + gospodas + easy access to "doomstacks" (early light war sleds) and easy access to a ton of growth. But as a result you end up having the faction with the weakest charachters being sieged down by everyone on IE (wich being honest is the main game mod) and forced to spam war sleds. *There are lords and campaings in worse states than Kislev.* It's true that there are campaings that at the moment feel bland and Norsca is still struggling even if it has been buffed, but Kislev is one of the main factions of the game and by helping Kislev we could have. *CD would sell better and are more interesting than Kislev.* While it's true that many people (me amongst them) find CD to be one of the most interesting factions coming in Wh3, I rather give them time to include them instead of arguing for their inclusion now, if we add them now we would have 2 of the main factions of the game we already have undeveloped. Never forget how unpopular and disliked the Skaven were before Ikit showed up, things we take for granted today like undercities weren't even around *Releasing CD would help Grimgor ,Kholek and Ogres.* It's true it's sad to see the Darklands empty, but IE is still on a beta I don't think we should get a new faction until we are finished with the ones we already have. Besides, helping Kislev would also help flesh out the Old World as a whole. ​ **Tl;dr Of course there are some workarounds to the current situation like spaming light war sleds and storm witches but it feels wrong that your best option is doomstacking chariots. Kislev and Cathay are factions that shouldn't be forgotten or else by the time it's dlcs release they become way worse than they are now.** # Why I think that Kislev deserves the attention. Despite all of this my favorite campaings in IE were Khorne, Tzeench , Kislev and Catai. Kislev is really good once you are able to stand up on your two feet , get your anti chaos buffs and are able to step into Norsca you find one of the strongest factions in the game with a very good rooster, very good public order and very good growth. To explain why I think Kislev's rooster it's very small and needs more development (not counting variants): Bretonnia has 4 LL 2 normal lord variants a legendary heroes and 2 heroe types. 5 types of meele infantry (counting Grail relic as infantry) 1 missile infantry unit 1 cavalry missile unit 1 artillary unit 9 meele cavalry units (3 flying one of wich is monstrous) (counting grail guardians and grail knights as separeate units) This makes a total of 17 different units for an flc game 1 faction. Kislev has 3 LL 2 normal lord variants and 2 heroe types 2 meele infantry types 3 misilee infantry units 1 misilee cavalry unit 2 chariot units (counting heavy and light sleds). 1 artillary unit 2 monsters 4 cavalry units (one of wich monstrous) This makes 15 units for the main faction of game 2 Counting variants Kislev has 19 units and Bretonnia has 24. If we count Regiments of Renown it gets worse. It's just sad that that such a fun main faction is weight down by an small rooster , bad LLs and an unfair early game wich is why I think that most problems that Kislev is facing could be solved by adding another LL and new units and Regiments of Renown to play with. Kostaltyn is one of the weakest lords in the series and Kat who should be one of the strongest mages (at least stronger than Baltasar or on his level) is only "good" on campaing (due to her faction effects) and very underwhelming in battle. Having one more LL would help compensate for the 2 weak ones we already have. **Tl;dr: Kislev's early game is currently unfair, it's lords are too weak and not lorefriendly and it's rooster is redundant.** ​ Fun fact if you autoresolve the 2 first battles in IE with Kat or Kos your army gets insta wipe either dying instantly (Kos) or losing it's special units (Kat). ​ **All the Tl;dr from the different sections are in bold and in the comments.**
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Chafing Long rowing blocks cause me some pretty severe chafing on my between the cheeks near the tailbone almost... (Thanks Dri Tri...and todays 3G rowing block only exacerbated it) I've tried sitting differently, but doesn't seem to help. Wondering if my best option is a chafing cream/stick.. Anyone else experience this issue?
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Cincinnati coming back as a powerhouse? Comparisons to the Cincinnati Bengals season. All the Top 25 Cincy stats tracked for computer polls: • ⁠Points Per Play (PPP): #25 • ⁠PPP (Last 3): #15 • ⁠PPP Allowed: #25 • ⁠PPP Allowed (Last 3): #12 • ⁠YPP Allowed: #3 • ⁠Sack %: #1 • ⁠Teamrankings Power Ranking: #23 • ⁠Congrove Power Ranking: #19 • ⁠Guru Power Ranking: #22 Cincinnati guys need to clean up some penalties, but at this point, you're almost a shoe-in for an NY6, and would honestly easily make the 12 team playoff if it was happening this year. Comparisons to Bengals is struggles in the first two games, with the Bengals allowing 15 sacks in the first 2 games, and coming back to dominate the league after figuring this out. Cincinnati with its fresh team seems to be experiencing the same issues as it’s city counter part.
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High Speed Woes On Update Day Am I the only person that has high speed internet service? Funny how you don't hear from anyone except in-game. Until update day comes. Then you start getting the calls and unannounced visits, consoles in hand, wanting to "borrow" a spare port on your network switch 🤣 Sure my dudes, come on in. Hook your shit up, grab a drink or something and let's catch up. 15 minutes later they're gone, but we'll see each other in-game later. Happens every damn time!
[ISO] single versatile watch for daily use in all situations As the above states, I am looking for a watch that I can wear for all occasions. I am a minimalist and this will be my only watch and I will be wearing it daily and want this to be heirloom quality (I know it's not a very expensive Budget, but I can get a high quality time piece from what I've seen with my budget). Budget is ~$500 but I am willing to stretch that depending on the piece. 6.5 inch wrist, currently looking at a 34mm Junghans Max Bill, Hamilton Khaki Field, or even a Laco Augsburg. I don't like heavy or bulky things on me. My wedding ring is carbon fiber and I don't feel it, for example. I also like simplicity and functionality. I don't prefer having too much going on or cluttering up the space. My concern with the Max Bill is its durability for daily use. I would be getting the sapphire, but with it's curve I've seen some people cracking it. I'm also concerned about its versatility as it's a dress watch. It seems like the perfect size for my needs, however. I think I would prefer 34-36mm. My concern with the other two watches mentioned is the size and weight and the Hamilton may be too busy for my taste (though it's very functional for a daily). I don't mind automatic or hand wind, but I know hand wind can be more thin. With all that in mind, and I apologize as it's a lot, would you have any recommendations for me? I appreciate all the help. I started from knowing nothing about watches to researching as much as possible in one week. This will be my first watch.
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how long does it take for psyonix to ban someone after they get reported? See title
If 10 - 15 kg is equal to one belt level then Caio Terra …. Must be equivalent to a 10th Dan blackbelt. I mean seriously, he holds victories over people like Bruno Bastos who is a heavyweight masters world champion. Agree or disagree?
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YU-Gi-OH GX Duel Academy Does anyone know how I can play this without a super blurry pirated game on shady websites? I don’t have a GBA but was wondering if there is a more legit route to play it through a laptop. Thank you so much :)
If I’m running 2-3 times per week (25 mins/ea.) will I eventually stop getting shin pains? I’m 45, healthy, 165, eat good, great running shoes). Thx.