53301 ::: "Storm Worlds" (2010) ::: documentary ::: Storm Worlds imagines the unimaginable, taking viewers on a voyage into the heart of extreme alien storms and playing them out on Planet Earth through extraordinary computer animation. Using new scientific discoveries, Storm Worlds unravels the mysterious weather that rages on other planets and wreaks havoc on the Earth. In 'Deadly Dust', a Martian dust storm envelops our entire planet. 'Alien Wind' tracks, in real time, the most extreme storm ever discovered in the Universe, then unleashes it on the Earth. And in 'Cosmic Fire', Earth is hit by a giant storm from the Sun.
53302 ::: Dangerous Writing (2011) ::: drama ::: A famous author encourages his young writing students to live and write on the edge, leading to a blurring of the boundaries between fact, fiction and sanity. Celebrated author Ezra Rosen stages a comeback after a long respite by teaching what is supposed to be an on-line writing workshop. Instead he hosts the classes at his home seeking to revitalize himself and his storytelling by seducing his young students into a cult of writing and living dangerously. Rosen wastes no time preying upon the students' vulnerabilities via his unorthodox, dogmatic approach to teaching writing. While his past achievements and charisma beguile two students in particular, it doesn't take long for most to see that the great writer has lost the plot. Before long some of the students' stories generate a meta-narrative and wrestle control from their teacher. In losing his hold on his characters and the narrative, Rosen also loses what little hold on sanity he still possesses. Yet he somehow finishes his latest novel, suggesting that perhaps there was a method to his madness.
53303 ::: The Feral Generation (2007) ::: drama ::: In 2004, a Home Office survey revealed that there are 20 to 60 youngsters,aged 16 to 24,living rough in each inner city in the UK. They are responsible for vast levels of crime and in almost all cases they have come from broken homes and a history of abuse,both physical and sexual,most of the time inflicted on them by their own parents. Nikki,18,fled a sexually abusive homelife and a succesion of foster families to live on the street. There she met Vincent,21,the product of heroin addicted parents. Together they spend their days trying to survive the perils of living rough and supporting their own drug addictions. They are wild,unwanted and trying to live without fear.They are the lost children of modern day society. They are The Feral Generation.
53304 ::: "Shaheen" (1980) ::: history ::: Shaheen is a legendary historical drama (TV Series) written in Urdu by an Islamic historian and novelist Nasim Hijazi .It details about the situation of the Muslims in Granada (Spain) in that era, when they were about to be expelled from Spain in 1492. The novel also very beautifully depicts the reasons of the destruction of Muslim's Empire in Granada. The novel is a combination of bravery, spirit, courage and strong faith of Islamic heroes.
53305 ::: Sun, Moon & Star (1961) ::: drama ::: Considered one of the best films produced during the 1960s and often referred to as Hong Kong's version of "Gone With the Wind," this two-part epic film follows the story of three women who all love one man. The love of tough but radiant "Sun" (Julie Yeh Feng), the pure and gentle "Moon" (Grace Chang), and the fragile and self-sacrificing "Star" (Lucilla You Min) for the idealistic university student Xu (Chang Yang) lead them all to the battlefields of World War II. This wonderfully romantic 1961 film directed by Evan Yang withstands the test of time.
53306 ::: "Net Talk Live!" (1996) ::: talk-show ::: Jovan and his cast of Internet experts take live callers and email to answer tech and education questions about the Internet and Computing, while presenting it in a fun and exciting formation with rock music, comedy, great fun and excitement. Jovan and his cast of Internet experts take live callers and email to answer tech and education questions about the Internet and Computing, while presenting it in a fun and exciting formation with rock music, comedy, great fun - excitement.
53307 ::: Klukovina (2013) ::: drama ::: In order to get rid of a strict P.E. teacher, three thirteen-year-old friends make false accusations of sexual harassment, but they didn't think through the possible consequences and they get in way over their heads. But fear and their parents' involvement won't allow them to admit the truth and stop the avalanche they've started. Now all of a sudden, instead of childish things, they're dealing with adult affairs such as consciences and punishment, which they're not ready for. As well as with things like consequences, which are serious for everyone involved.
53308 ::: Il crimine non va in pensione (2017) ::: comedy ::: Days flow calmly in the senior center "La Serenissima". Suddenly a news upsets the peaceful atmosphere that usually surrounds the entire center. Edda, a beautiful lady around 73, is in the hospital because of a huge stress caused by the loss of her savings in an illegal bet. As they go to visit her, she confess her friends from the senior center her daughter's financial difficulties and how she tried to help her with good winnings. All the guests return to the center very displeased. They really want to help their friend, but they can't afford it. Then Ersilia have a great idea "let's rob the Bingo!". A male nurse of the senior center, "Sasŕ", who is a former scoundrel, but big-hearted, will support them in this incredible adventure. Suddenly in the bingo hall an alarm rings and everything seems to be lost. But is it really the end?
53309 ::: Africa segreta (1969) ::: documentary ::: Documentary about French Equatorial Africa, including sequences on adult circumcision rites of Bariba tribe; whipping of young Peuls; a secret asylum in the jungle; new-born tattooing in Haussa tribe; Muslim Tabaski tribe's rites; blood rites.
53310 ::: Sugarhook (2011) ::: short ::: Vanessa Black escaped the burned-out suburbs of Flint, Michigan to attain wild success as lead singer of rock band Sugarhook, only to spiral back to Earth -- and crash hard. Now she's cleaned up and making a comeback. But can she shake off the ghosts of her past?
53311 ::: Stranger in the House (2016) ::: thriller ::: Upon returning from her honeymoon, Jade discovers that the caregiver she hired to look after her recently widowed father has seduced him into marriage and has the run of the home. When he suddenly dies following a fall, Jade suspects foul play and launches her own investigation after finding out that her new stepmother had her father change his will leaving his new bride nearly everything. It's a race to expose the truth and bring her father justice while protecting her legacy.
53312 ::: Bar 20 (1943) ::: western ::: Mark Jackson has a scheme to get Adams' land. His gang robs Adams' fiancé of her jewels, robs Hoppy of his cattle money, and then gives that money to Adams to buy back the jewels in exchange for a deed to his land. But Lin recognizes the bills and Hoppy and his pals go after the robbers.
53313 ::: Untitled KROQ Documentary (2018) ::: documentary ::: KROQ was arguably the most influential radio station in the world -- Being the first to play bands like The Clash, U2, Depeche Mode, No Doubt, Beck, Imagine Dragons and a laundry list of other A List bands. KROQ also started Loveline, which ran for 32 years. Kevin and Bean, the morning show, spawned the careers of Jimmy Kimmel, Adam Carolla, Kennedy and Chris Hardwick. Along the way -- sex, drugs and rock and roll reigned supreme -- Stay tuned for more KROQ.
53314 ::: Sleazemania! (1985) ::: documentary ::: A psychoanalyst suggests that the audience use hypnovista and watch these 19 movie previews, shown more or less in chronological order. The trailers from the 30s and 50s rely on a mix of male voice-overs touting shocking but true revelations, block-letter texts proclaiming unleashed passion and shackled love, and black and white scenes of assault and bare flesh. By the 60s, the previews are in color, block letters are gone, and the themes either explore the sexual revolution or take us up close to a dangerous world. The tales are no longer cautionary of girls gone astray; instead, we're warned to watch out. A few ads and penny-arcade loops are thrown in for diversion.
53315 ::: Super Fantozzi (1986) ::: comedy ::: When God created man, his first try at it wasn't very successful... Fantozzi was born, and right from the beginning of time he was doomed to be humiliated and laughed at. In a number of episodes we follow the unlucky adventures of the various descendants of Fantozzi through time, from the moment they are thrown out of the Garden of Eden to the Space Age of the future.
53316 ::: Arizona Nights (1927) ::: western ::: Jeff Decker, with the help of Indian leader Red Dog, orchestrates a series of raids on the town of Coldwater, planning to drive the residents out of town and buy up all of their horses, while also starting false rumors of a gold strike outside of town so he can sell phony claims to prospective miners. He hires Fred Coulter, a struggling miner, to buy the horses. Decker also decides that he wants pretty Ruth Browning, whose aunt owns the local eating establishment. Fred learns of Decker's duplicity, and tries to get the miners and townspeople together to fight off an impending Indian attack orchestrated by Decker.
53317 ::: Timeless: Madrid, Spain (1992) ::: reality-tv ::: Although filmed prior to the era of high definition, the Timeless series lives up to its name. In this set of three videos, actor Michael Nouri introduces classic moments from some of Maharaji's best talks - powerful, poetic, and still just as vital as they ever were. "The water and the thirst are not separated from each other. If water were not important to the human being, thirst would not exist. And both of them - the water and the thirst - go hand in hand. The desire, the need, to be fulfilled is not separated from fulfillment. Because if fulfillment were not important, the wish to be fulfilled would not exist as well. The day you begin to feel that thirst, the day you begin to feel that need to be fulfilled: that is the day you begin to be fulfilled." Produced by Ray Belcher Editors: Ira Guthrie and Rain Rucker Associate Producers: John McNelly and Mark Huelsbeck Music: Fuzzbee Morse Camera operator: Michael Wood
53318 ::: A Child's Christmases in Wales (2009) ::: comedy ::: Young Owen recalls how, at Christmas 1983 when he was ten, his obsessively tidy mother and penny-pinching father hosted his two paternal uncles, garrulous carpet king Huw, perpetually attacking his ex-wife and with silent son Maurice in tow, and shambling out-of-it Gorwel. Huw brings a series of computer games, none of which work, whilst Mum steps on the Subbuteo set. Three years later and the annoying neighbors the Cadwallander boys are still charging the earth for their carol-singing, and Huw is still bitter about his ex-wife, but his gift of an artificial Christmas tree causes Mum to junk their real one. The uncles fall out over a game of Hungry Hippos and Huw's tree goes up in smoke, prompting the return of the real one. By 1989 the family has a phone and a color television. Huw brags that he fitted Tom Jones' new carpet and the Cadwallander boys have a CD out, but Gorwel gets into a fight trying to move them on. At least he wins his bet that it will be a white Christmas, though the sledging is a disaster, injuring Mum, so the menfolk prepare the dinner. Maurice stands up to his father and Mum has a confession to make to Gorwel about the presents he always brings her.
53319 ::: Grand Prix Racer (2013) ::: documentary ::: Grand Prix Racer is a warm and personal tribute to the ordinary men and women who compete on the extraordinary Isle of Man TT mountain circuit. Held annually over two weeks in late August, the Manx Grand Prix is motorcycle racing in its purest form; an event which allows racers of all ages and aspirations to face their ultimate challenge. Just taking part is a personal victory - compete here and you are a Grand Prix Racer, and that can never be taken away. Grand Prix Racer lets the racers, whether they be newcomers, professionals, veterans or amateurs, explain why they flock from all over the world to the legendary 37.7-mile public road circuit. This is not a 2012 race review, it is an insight into what motivates riders to risk everything in pursuit of the glory of becoming a Grand Prix Racer. From the arrival of the racers to the final chequered flag of the fortnight, we hear from organisers, officials, marshals, experts, fans and, essentially, the racers to discover what the MGP is all about. Mountain course specialists like Michael Rutter, Mick Grant, Phillip McCallen, Ryan Farquhar, Michael Dunlop, Chris Palmer and Maria Costello MBE offer their insight, while we share the high and lows of the 'Manx' with a colourful cast of newcomers, from the disaster of failing to qualify to the triumph of completing a race, or even winning. There's also a taste of the racing action from the modern and classic classes, with plenty of jaw-dropping on-board footage courtesy of the Grand Prix Racers. Featuring music by Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Alt-J, Patrick Watson, Ben Howard, Frank Turner, The Dandy Warhols, Newton Faulkner, Imogen Heap and more. From the arrival of the racers to the final chequered flag of the fortnight, we hear from organisers, officials, marshals, experts, fans and, essentially, the racers to discover what the MGP is all about. Mountain course specialists like Michael Rutter, Mick Grant, Phillip McCallen, Ryan Farquhar, Michael Dunlop, Chris Palmer and Maria Costello MBE offer their insight, while we share the high and lows of the 'Manx' with a colourful cast of newcomers, from the disaster of failing to qualify to the triumph of completing a race, or even winning. There's also a taste of the racing action from the modern and classic classes, with plenty of jaw-dropping on-board footage courtesy of the Grand Prix Racers. Featuring music by Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Alt-J, Patrick Watson, Ben Howard, Frank Turner, The Dandy Warhols, Newton Faulkner, Imogen Heap and more. 'I just thought I would take the time to say what a totally brilliant DVD "Grand Prix Racers" is. I must have over 100 Duke videos/cds dating back to mid '80s right up until the latest road race ones. As an MGP competitor in 05 (silver rep) I had slightly a different view point from perhaps someone who hasn't competed... I have to say it was fantastic, so well informed, factual and really captures the races in all the aspects. We still race the short circuits but I suppose it's true, you can never really explain until you have done it. For me it was the best bike experience of my life and I doubt if anything will ever come close. 'I truly feel you have captured the "spirit of the Manx". Thanks for producing a great film.' - Simon Marks, Glastonbury Grand Prix Racer is a warm and personal tribute to the ordinary men and women who compete on the extraordinary Isle of Man TT mountain circuit. Held annually over two weeks in late August, the Manx Grand Prix is motorcycle racing in its purest form; an event which allows racers of all ages and aspirations to face their ultimate challenge. Just taking part is a personal victory - compete here and you are a Grand Prix Racer, and that can never be taken away. Grand Prix Racer lets the racers, whether they be newcomers, professionals, veterans or amateurs, explain why they flock from all over the world to the legendary 37.7-mile public road circuit. This is not a 2012 race review, it is an insight into what motivates riders to risk everything in pursuit of the glory of becoming a Grand Prix Racer.
53320 ::: "Zeno Supper Club" (2009) ::: reality-tv ::: The Zeno Supper Club is a social experiment to see what happens when you bring interesting people together with food, drink, and a creative environment. Through webisodes that are based on cooking lessons with "Top Chef" Lee Anne Wong, the Zeno Supper Club explores broader themes like environmental activism, buying local, living in a sustainable community and alternative transportation.
53321 ::: "A-Lister" (2016) ::: comedy ::: A story about successful a-list actor, Jack, who has had a life full of women, parties, money, and fame. Jack has an unusual fetish, he loves to sleep with wives of big executives in Hollywood. This eventually gets him on the Hollywood blacklist. His agent and close friend, Mike, does his best to help him to get out of this mess but it's not an easy task. Being blacklisted means that any producer, any studio, any production will not be working with you, no matter how big and successful you might have been. Jack eventually hits rock bottom and now needs to reconsider all his scandalous mistakes and find a way to get off the blacklist and back on the pedestal of fame.
53322 ::: "Triads" (2017) ::: drama ::: Triads follows the story of Jason Height, a young man recently displaced on the west coast. During his conquests and adventures as a twenty-seven year old gay man in Palm Springs he stumbles into a triad relationship with a couple who are on the outs after thirteen years of marriage. Thinking that a third might help their relationship they agree to move forward only to learn that relationship issues only become more apparent once someone steps in to fill the gaps. What ensues is a tumultuous experience as everyone tries to figure out what love really is.
53323 ::: Férfikor (2017) ::: drama ::: Slices pregnant with meaning from the lives of 3 males in Budapest: a 13 year old football player who gets the apartment to himself for unexpected reasons, a philandering 40 year old classical bassist who has to deal with kids, work and unexpected problems of his own making, and a 91 year old photographer slash counterfeiter, who weaves the last strands into his rich tapestry of a life.
53324 ::: Family Katta (2016) ::: family ::: 'Family Katta' is the story of a splintered family, at the head of which are Bhai and Malati, a couple celebrating their golden jubilee wedding anniversary. Their children and grandchildren are located in different cities and over time the family has lost touch due to unresolved issues from the past. However, the grandchildren i.e. the two young cousins are still close. It is Malati's intention to bring the entire family together for the anniversary celebration so that they may bury their differences and forgive each other and be close again. It is also meant to be an opportunity for the patriarch Bhai to forgive their daughter Manju who had eloped in her college days. Things, however don't go as planned and Malati's dream of seeing the family come together like the old days is severely tested to the limit. The film sends a positive message about families sticking together and loving one another despite the burden of the past and the demands of a changing world.
53325 ::: M. Foudamour, la lune promise (1994) ::: short ::: Mr Foudamour is a person totally obsessed by love. He is so excessive and idealist that he becomes unbearable. So, he errs looking for his promised love. He meets Gloria and promises her the moon. A fine promise that sends him climbing the starry skies.
53326 ::: Vorticale (2017) ::: thriller ::: PROLOGUE In the freeEssence Clinic, hidden amongst the mountains, modern studies and research are conducted on the human mind. Bruno Villar, a patient affected by Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), reaches the clinic. He claims the identity of Mr. Julius Vock, a name which means nothing to freeEssence's medics. The team starts a long series of analyses of the patient, at the same time trying to get information about Vock, thanks to investigations conducted by the Polstak. Who is Julius Vock? Has he ever existed? Is he a product of the patient's mind? Which kind of relationship might they have? The case becomes more complicated when another man arrives at the clinic: Giuseppe Vincedomini, affected by the same anomalous identity disorder. The patient states that HE is the real Dr. Julius Vock. Now there are two subjects affirming to be the same, unknown person.
53327 ::: Collision (2004) ::: drama ::: Spiro is working in a garage in New York City until his career in the arts can get started. Tim is a young teen from Long Island who runs away from his abusive father and into the city. In the city Spiro and Tim's paths collide. Will their futures?
53328 ::: Children of the Snow Land (2017) ::: documentary ::: In the mountain villages of Nepal there is a difficult choice: If you want to have an education, you have to give up your family. If you want to be with your family, you have to give up hope of an education. 'An incredibly inspiring story from the roof of the world where families struggle and sacrifice everything to help their children...' Bear Grylls 'This is a stunning film: and I hope it will prompt generous donations towards a better system of pastoral care in this awesome Himalayan region.' Joanna Lumley
53329 ::: Beginning Callanetics (1989) ::: sport ::: The third Callanetics program to be released. The inspiration for this program came from the many letters Callan received from people who needed to learn the fundamentals of Callanetics at a slower pace. It's effective and easy to follow. This 30-minute workout is perfect for people starting out on the Callanetics exercise program or for those of you who feel thoroughly deconditioned or have experienced limitations in your range of motion. This introduction will gradually strengthen your body and allow you to progress to Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours.
53330 ::: Schimb valutar (2008) ::: drama ::: How far can one person go to try and reclaim what they have lost? In a country town, Emil (Cosmin Selesi) becomes unemployed when the factory where he worked closes. After his wife loses her job as well, the two decide to travel to Australia; drawbacks, however, start even before they board a plane.
53331 ::: Wallabout (2014) ::: drama ::: A single woman struggles to rebuild her life in Brooklyn after spending 10 years abroad as the unrecognized muse to a famous filmmaker. Wallabout is an intimate first-person account of an overeducated and underemployed outsider who navigates an often hypocritical and corrupt society. It's an urban meditation on artistic perseverance and the eternal search for family.
53332 ::: Mello (2014) ::: comedy ::: Darren Copper, a sanguine boy with a mysterious past, moves to Stephanie's town. There he faces bullying from the terrible Luke and his cohorts, as well as the judgement of Stephanie's best friend Mandy. Stephanie is anything but thrilled when she is assigned to be Darren's new science partner, but as her feelings change new challenges arise. Will Mandy and Stephanie's friendship survive the ultimate test? Will Darren's mysterious past, or Luke's gang tear them apart?
53333 ::: Gangster (2016) ::: romance ::: Gangster is an Indian (Bengali) film of romance thriller genre directed by Birsa Dasgupta with Yash Dasgupta and Mimi Chakraborty in the lead. A tale of love, passion, heartbreaks and revenge. The film was extensively shot in various locations of Turkey and some portions in Kolkata.
53334 ::: Fatima (1984) ::: documentary ::: This 60-minute documentary uses the reported miracle at Fatima in 1917 as a springboard for an examination of the relationship between religion and science in the 20th century. Participants include: Pope John Paul II, James H. Billington, philosopher Paul Kurtz, and writers Malcolm Muggaridge and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. It is hosted by Ricardo Montalban.
53335 ::: La Última Noticia (2016) ::: drama ::: In a town in the southern Andes in Peru, a DJ from a local radio station decides to start a news report to share the stories from the victims of the Maoist guerrilla of the Shinning Path, as well as the brutal repression from the police and military forces during the Civil War that took place in the 80s and early 90s in the country. Due to this risky job, he'll be seen as an "enemy" for both of the parties in conflict, jeopardizing the news report as well as his own life.
53336 ::: "Outings" (2016) ::: drama ::: Episode 1 Entrances and Exits By Lloyd Eyre-Morgan Kane is dumped by Tom (again) during an intimate moment and moves back in with his mum (yet again). Will he ever find his place in the world or in the bedroom? Elsewhere, Kiegan is asked a question and Tim tells it as it is. Episode 2 Best Man By Rob Ward Kiegan continues to escape the pressure of his breakup and family the only way he knows how, but will he further alienates himself at his niece's christening? Kane starts dating and a blast from Tim's past makes Lucy doubt their future. Episode 3 Happy Returns By Lloyd Eyre-Morgan and Rob Ward Tim throws a surprise 80s pop star fancy dress birthday party for Lucy, convincing her that recent difficulties are behind them. But is Tim really ready to get serious with her? Old friends and foes collide in the explosive season finale.
53337 ::: The Remedy (2013) ::: comedy ::: Two intellectual partisan stoners ponder life, women, religion, sex, spirituality, diet, upbringing, personal responsibility, war, and more while coming of age in our modern mythical world that spares everyone the truths of life in favor of sensibilities and fear. They skewer false media to find the truth while they play video games, sell weed grown on Che Guevera's grave, adventure and grow. They break through it all in what is a turning point in their lives and the most important week of their early 20's.
53338 ::: Guest (2016/II) ::: documentary ::: Who does the United States Guestworker program really serve? In what ways do its promises falter? Guest explores the Guestworker program from the perspectives of Mexican workers who depend on it, American workers who decry it, and employers who benefit from it, to offer a clear-eyed view of the reality on the ground and the future of people whose stories reflect the ever shifting global economy.
53339 ::: "Lillemand" (2015) ::: comedy ::: Its a danish sitcom, based on jokes & story of danish stand-up comedian Jonathan Spang. As seen on earlier danish sitcom (Klovn/Clown), the main character, Jonathan, does a lots a good deeds to help his friends in daily lifes experiences, but "always" end up in awkward situations. the contains lots a Alpha-han's, easy women, motorcycles & sex. the mainpart of the cast are found within Danish Stand-up comedians, so prepare for a big laugh.
53340 ::: 24-Hour Film Royal (2015) ::: short ::: Participants are given 24 hours to completely produce a film - writing, shooting, editing - everything! Films must also incorporate three prompts that are announced at the start of the competition. Prompts may consist of lines, actions, props, themes, etc.
53341 ::: "Crawford's Corner" (2003) ::: animation ::: Crawford spends a rainy morning playing with just about everything he owns. When he's finished, he cleans up the room, putting each game and toy away where it belongs. That way, everything will be ready for him the next time he wants to use them.
53342 ::: "3's a Crowd" (1979) ::: game-show ::: "Who knows a man better his wife or his secretary?" This Chuck Barris game show sought to resolve the age-old question. Points were awarded based on how a male contestant's wife and secretary answered (usually risque) questions. The winning team either the wives or the secretaries split a $1,000 cash prize.
53343 ::: Making Faces: Metal Type in the 21st Century (2011) ::: documentary ::: This fascinating design documentary captures the personality and work process of the late Canadian graphic artist Jim Rimmer (1931-2010). In 2008, P22 type foundry commissioned Rimmer to create a new type design (Stern) that became the first-ever simultaneous release of a digital font and hand-set metal font. Rimmer was one of only a few who possess the skills needed to create a metal font. This film is a unique opportunity to share Jim's knowledge and processes with the world.
53344 ::: Thomas Jefferson, Epicure (1976) ::: documentary ::: Craig Claiborne, Food Editor of the N.Y. Times, gives a brief history of the state of American cooking at the time of America's third president, Thomas Jefferson, and lauds him as a gourmet who awakened a new view of our palates. Claiborne and Chef Pierre Franey prepare a feast that was served at the White House in the year 1800. Themes: American cooking as "plain". The Puritans had complained, "God sent me; the Devil sent cooks." Jefferson championed "fine food" in America and wrote on food and recipes. His presidency was an "age of hand power:" slaves labored at every level. It was a time of the introduction of the fork in polite society. Jefferson bought the waffle iron and the first pasta machine; he was among the first to make spaghetti here, and helped promote capers, baking powder, vanilla bean, almonds, broccoli, and tomatoes (which were at first considered poisonous). Claiborne announces the menu for this meal: duck, venison, rabbit stew, deviled squabs (prepared to look like frogs), and galantine of turkey --all examples of Jefferson's intention to have the finest kitchen possible in the White House. Claiborne and Franey explain and demonstrate the preparation this meal.
53345 ::: Happy Endings: Perspectives on Dying Well (2008) ::: documentary ::: A Must for anyone who might die some day... Happy Endings is death as seen through the eyes of a newcomer to filmmaking in a touching, optimistic and at times even humouristic collection of one-to-one conversations with individuals and professionals with stories to tell.
53346 ::: Football Top 10 & Boxing Top 10 (2006) ::: sport ::: Two features. 'Football Top 10' - football is indisputably England's most popular sport, and, in tribute, THE SUN has put together this compilation of Football's Top 10 features, in 15 different categories. THE SUN has handpicked the top 10 acrobatic goals, goalkeepers, misses, long range goals, defenders, bloopers, free-kicks, midfielders, spectacular saves, team goals, comedy moments, volleys, forwards, rising stars, and celebrations, packing the footage into easy to view sections. Also includes 'Boxing Top 10'.
53347 ::: Suspicious River (2000) ::: drama ::: A young, married motel receptionist in a small town sells her body to motel guests, but not just for money. This dangerous other life leads her to a male version of herself, who takes her to the extreme edge, the same place her mother had been before but did not survive. Leila Murray is a young, married receptionist at a small town motel who is selling her body, secretly to buy something she desperately needs but dreads being given. One October night she meets a man named Gary Jensen, a dark soulmate who leads Leila into deeper water where the past lives and the future dies. For Leila is exercising a darker truth, reliving the passion of her murdered mother, uncertain whether she will survive Suspicious River or indeed, if she even wants to.
53348 ::: Citizen Clark... A Life of Principle (2017) ::: documentary ::: This feature documentary details former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark's lifetime commitment to justice and human rights. As the highest law enforcement officer of the land under LBJ, Clark supervised the drafting and the passage of the Voting Rights act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, two key milestones in the history of the United States. Among the topics that will be covered in this comprehensive film will be growing up in Texas, WWII, The Kennedy Years, Vietnam and the effects the draft had on African-American's, Martin Luther King, Civil Rights, The Selma to Montgomery March, Voting Rights, Native American Land Reparations, Working with LBJ, Dealing with J. Edgar Hoover, Robert F. Kennedy, Latin American Wars, The Iraq War, War Crimes, Torture, Crime in America, The Prison System, The Palestinian Conflict, Poverty in the U.S., The right to a fair trial, Militarism, Drones, and Materialism in America. The narrative of this documentary will be told through the Mr. Clark's first hand experiences and others who were witnesses to the events and topics we will cover in this film at that time.
53349 ::: Secret People (1998) ::: documentary ::: Although it has conjured horrific images of society's most feared outcasts ever since Biblical days, leprosy is in fact a mildly communicable disease that has been treatable since the 1940s. "Secret People" recounts the shocking history of this disease in America through the voices of victims who live in the last remaining leprosy sanatorium, in Carville, Louisiana
53351 ::: Antarbel (1960) ::: documentary ::: Between 1959 and 1960 an expedition was sent to the South Pole, led by Frank Bastin and accompanied by film-maker Ludo Dilen, who had a film crew from the Ministry of National Education at his disposal. Dillen's film Antarbel provides a chronological account of this enterprise and its scientific experimentation : the transfer to the King Baudouin base, meteorological observations, the study of snow or ice-crystals, the measuring of the magnetic field etc.
53352 ::: Maria Ninguém (2008) ::: short ::: Búzios, 1964. Sandro, an 11-year-old boy, the son of a fisherman, falls in love with a beautiful woman. In his impetus to please the mysterious woman, he takes fish from the fishery to give her and always win a kiss. The beautiful woman was Brigitte Bardot who escaped world harassment taking refuge in the paradisaical beach of Búzios.
53353 ::: Twelve (2008) ::: drama ::: Twelve is a unique collaboration of 12 directors, each responsible for a different film shot in a different month of the year. Separately, there are 12 short films shot in and around Boston focusing on love, friendship, despair, addiction, and violence using elements of comedy, romance, song, and documentary. Together, the 12 films are linked by a tree that changes appearance as the months of the year unfold in each successive short film.
53354 ::: "Diary of a Wedding Planner" (2010) ::: comedy ::: A scripted comedic web series about a lovable Wedding Planner named Khristy who moves from a small town to Los Angeles in order to "plan in the big leagues" and find love herself. Weddings can bring out both the best in people and the worst in people and Khristy takes it all in stride! This series follows her as she tries to navigate her life, love and livelihood while sharing her secret thoughts on her crazy profession via her video diary.
53355 ::: Hier encore (2006) ::: drama ::: Simon Tabet is a Lebanese who currently lives in the United States. He urgently arrives to Marseilles to look for Nirane Tabet, who maybe his long lost sister, reported missing during a massacre in which his whole family perished at the outset of the war in Lebanon (1975-1990).
53356 ::: Khozyain taygi (1969) ::: crime ::: After the robbery of a store, detective Snezhkin suspects one of the drafters working at a saw mill. It starts a mental duel between two strong personalities.
53357 ::: Der schweigende Stern (1960) ::: sci-fi ::: (U.S. Version) A mysterious magnetic spool found during a construction project is discovered to have originated from Venus. A rocket expedition to Venus is launched to discover the origin of the spool and the race that created it. In 1970, debris from the 1908 Tunguska "meteor" are found which turn out to be recordings from a spaceship crashed there. The ship's origin is determined to be Venus, and an international team sets out with their spaceship "Kosmokrator" to visit the "Silent Planet", which is shrouded in clouds, and doesn't respond to contact attempts. While the "Kosmokrator" is in flight, the record is decoded and it turns out that the Venusians seemingly planned to invade Earth in 1908. Should the "Kosmokrator" still attempt to get in touch with the Aliens? And why are they silent now?
53358 ::: Tianjin Mysteries Affair (2017) ::: crime ::: Tianjin Mysteries Affair is the fourth movie of the saga "Tianjin Mysteries". Produced for CCTV6, this saga tells the story of investigations in the Police station of Tianjin city (China) in the fifties. In this movie, the police team arrest three drug traffickers. Among them, the well known "Big Scar" who escape from prison and is purchased by the team. Over the lead of secretary Wilson (Head of the police), the investigation is managed by Liuzhiyuan and her detectives Zhao Kuiyong, Xao Magan and Wang Pangzi.
53359 ::: Tales of Fear (2016) ::: horror ::: 'Tales of Fear' is a six part anthology film styled after EC horror comics of the 1950s. The film includes a variety of tales: Teenagers in a graveyard at night realize it's not wise to disturb the dead. A nosey woman thinks her neighbor, Norman, is up to no good. The intentions of a child murderer with his latest catch are no match for child's play. Cellular reanimation was the doctor's goal, going to pieces became the result. A coyote hunter discovers that it's not safe to hunt out of season. Bank robbers on the run seek refuge, but what they find within the barn may be more permanent than what they're looking for.
53360 ::: Damage Done (2008) ::: drama ::: DAMAGE DONE is the story of a man whose inability to deal with the losses of his past leads him into a desperate attempt to save a woman whose life is out of control. When Elliot comes to the aid of a beautiful hitchhiker named Andrea while traveling on the open road, he is drawn into a world of drugs and deceit his quiet Middle American background could never have prepared him to understand. As a relationship develops between the two loners, Elliot becomes convinced that he can give Andrea a good life that will lift her up from the throes of heroin abuse and criminal activity. But it is the deep wounds of his own past that prove to be the greatest obstacles in his quest to save his damaged love.
53361 ::: Ivanuku Thanila Gandam (2015) ::: comedy ::: Three friends Saravanan (Deepak), James (Kumaravel) and Milk Pandi (Sendrayen), at a wine shop are in full hang-over and completely forget the fact that they have hired a henchman Mark (Naan Kadavul Rajendran) to murder Sarvanan's competitor Kasinathan (Karthik), money lender Soodu Baskar, father of Pandi's girl friend (MS Baskar) and Sarvanan's girlfriend Deepika (Neha). After Kasinathan's death, Rajendran calls Deepak to ensure whether he is happy with the work and then he gets an idea of what happened on that fateful night. Before Deepak finds Rajendran's whereabouts, both the money lender and MS Baskar are murdered. Now Deepak has to save his girl friend from the henchman whom he has hired.
53362 ::: Cottonmoney und die globale Jeans (2001) ::: documentary ::: For decades the people of the tiny village of Muhenda, Tanzania, made their living from growing cotton. But changes brought about by globalization and the "free trade" movement seem to have brought nothing but poverty and hunger to the village, whose cotton farmers are working harder and harder for less money.
53363 ::: "Mission Man Band" (2007) ::: reality-tv ::: During their Golden Age in the '90s, boy bands reigned supreme and the likes of Backstreet Boys, N*SYNC, 98 Degrees and O'Town ruled the airwaves, spawning a legion of imitators that seemed to multiply unchecked. As part of the boy band club, they sang, danced, and for half a decade maintained a stranglehold on their massive and overwhelmingly female audience. But musical trends are fickle and change overnight and the boy band phenomenon couldn't last. Suddenly, a whole generation of former boy band heartthrobs found themselves looking toward life after 'teen idol-dom.' VH1's new series "Mission: Man Band" dares to ask the question, "Can four grown up boy band heartthrobs join forces to capture new fame and fortune?" Four boy band legends: Chris Kirkpatrick (N*SYNC); Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees); Rich Cronin (LFO) and Bryan Abrams (Color Me Badd) will live together for one month, create new music, a dynamic stage show and perform as a new pop group. Each member of the band finds himself at a different stage in his career. Some are confident, financially comfortable and just looking to make new music. Some have been forced to take a day job and still others may have faced profound life challenges like divorce and illness. Now with 20/20 hindsight, can they avoid the pitfalls of the past? If they are given all of the tools will they let go of old baggage, move forward and make fresh pop magic for a brand new audience? With a second chance at pop-stardom, will these former teen idols be able to transform their destiny or will their egos stand in their way? In the end, we will find out if our boy band alumni are able to recreate the magic that made them stars in the first place. See what happens when all that potentially stands in their way is themselves
53364 ::: Picturing Joseph (2008) ::: documentary ::: The basis of the documentary is a presentation of the forensic and historical research into the images of the prophet Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). The documentary team researches a proposed photograph taken of Joseph Smith before he died. To some, they find the image to be authentic; to others it does not match what they are accustomed to seeing from paintings done of him. The documentary takes you through the history of the various paintings of Joseph Smith, forensic evidence discovered and applied to these various paintings, and some of the historical events that were used to determine the authenticity of the photography. This journey invites the audience to come to know Joseph Smith from new and unique perspective.
53365 ::: My Girlhood (2011) ::: biography ::: A girl with her lower limbs paralyzed, meets a handsome boy Jung when she sits at the window, reading. From then on when she hears bell ringing she knows it is Jung sending her books and they become bosom friends. Later, she goes to the countryside with her parents. She teaches the village children to read and write under a big tree and learns acupuncture to treat villagers. In the spring the children carry her in a wooden wheelchair across rivers to treat patients and in the winter the children push her forward in the snowstorm to save the heavy patients. One day, the girl falls ill and Jung comes to her bedside with unexpected news.
53366 ::: La miel (1979) ::: comedy ::: Don Agustín, a school teacher, visit the family of his former student Paco. Paco's mother asks don Agustín to exert influence over her son to make him being successful. The old professor accepts the challenge pressured by his sister, eager to spend all her money playing bingo. But don Agustín soon begins to suspect that the mother of Paco holds the oldest profession in the world.
53367 ::: "Bridget Loves Bernie" (1972) ::: comedy ::: Wealthy white-bread Bridget Fitzgerald and lower-class cabdriver Bernie Steinberg meet, fall in love and marry. Even though their love for each other is never in doubt, both are constantly forced to deal with their parents, who are uncomfortable with their kids' differences in social status and religion.
53368 ::: Thinking of Him (2017) ::: drama ::: Thinking of Him Synopsis Two stories intertwine over the time. In the present, Felix, pessimistic and lazy teacher encounter a book that dazzles him, while he teaches geography in a detention center for minors. In the past Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali poet, author of the book that has come to Felix arrives in Argentina and hosted by Victoria Ocampo, who lives a brief and innocent romance. Felix While more and more obsessed with the story of the poet and journalist, it is approaching to the spiritual notions on which Tagore founded a revolutionary school in India. From the readings from the books of Tagore and Ocampo we go through the events that zoom in and out to these remarkable personalities of world culture that torn between the love and estrangement. Felix intends to visit India and experience himself the teaching method that Tagore dreamed for all mankind. Alongside the story of platonic love between the Bengali Master and the young Argentina writer reaches a set point: after the meeting in Buenos Aires back together years later in Paris. There goodbye for the last time, every one to his own way but saying its impossible love and mutual admiration.
53369 ::: Crocodile Wranglers (2000) ::: documentary ::: Few approach them, few can face them, few understand them. Those who do are called "Crocodile Wranglers." Shot in high Definition, topics include: a researcher who puts his entire arm down the throat of a crocodile; the capture of a 750-lb. salt water crocodile; a demonstration of a "death roll"; a breeding program in Venezuela; and the unexpected revival of the American Crocodile at a nuclear power plant.
53370 ::: In Search of the Pantanal (2000) ::: documentary ::: In Search of the Pantanal is an adventure/nature documentary, which follows an expedition across the world's largest wetlands, Brazil's Pantanal. Famous for its varied birds and wildlife, the Pantanal is a fascinating place, full of natural beauty and thriving ecosystem. The expedition is led by James Lynch, an entrepreneur who has organized several expeditions throughout Brazil over the years. This documentary gives the viewer a rich mosaic of the region, from its exotic wildlife to the fascinating people who live in this unique land. In Search of the Pantanal provides its audience with excitement and adventure, as they discover the hidden world of the Pantanal. 45 mins, Color, Stereo
53371 ::: Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947) ::: mystery ::: Publisher Martin Jamison sends for Philo Vance as he wants to hire him as a technical advisor on the crime stories he publishes. Paul Morgan, Morgan's partner, regards the plan as foolish. Jamison tells his secretary Mona Bannister to bring Vance to his home that night and he will reveal the solution to the seven-year mystery of the killing of Sam Philips, former partner in the firm. Philips ex-wife, now a receptionist for the company, is alarmed when she overhears. As Vance and Mona drive up, two shots are heard and Jamison's body is later found in the trunk of Vance's car.
53372 ::: The Good Education (2017) ::: documentary ::: The exams are close, the school year is coming to an end for Peipei, a young artist aspirant of a high school of Henan Province, a poor district of China. Abandoned by her parents, scapegoat of her classmates and teachers, this "wild flower" has never conformed to the rules of the institution and has trouble finding her place.
53373 ::: Matchbox Circus Train (1997) ::: drama ::: A complicated and unusual story about a lonely widower with two teenage sons who live on beautiful Mackinac Island. The widower (Frank) invites his girlfriend (Claire),to stay with them for the summer. She quickly becomes the hit of the household and life for the three guys starts to improve as she infuses their home with maternal touches. Claire, however, has dreams of her own. It turns out she is a singer whose career is in the doldrums. She wants to jump start things by performing at one of the Island's venues. Frank can help her since he owns he place and can also provide her with an opportunity to gain wider attention by setting her up to perform at the annual governor's banquet. When he realizes her act is not appropriate for the event, he pulls the rug out from under Claire and cancels her gig. Claire gets even by - what else - seducing his elder son. Things fall apart when the tryst is discovered by the younger son. The tragedy unfolds and things fall apart. This little flick is destined to be a camp classic.
53374 ::: Private Sports 4: Snow Sluts (2003) ::: adult ::: Just like in "When Porn Stars Play... More Than She Expected" an Austrian village is a place where hot sex scenes take place. It's no use mentioning the plot-a special competition among four hunks in which the winner is the one who has sex with as many girls as possible. One-to-one scenes, group sex and double penetration followed by a final scene of gang bang when four men take on a young blond girl filling all of her holes at the same time.
53375 ::: Inscrutable Americans (2001) ::: comedy ::: Gopal arrives in America from India to study chemical engineering. There he meets Randy, who attempts to introduce Gopal to the free-wheeling lifestyle of the American College student. Gopal resists at first, but is drawn in by the extraordinarily different culture he encounters. He tries to win over several women, with mixed results.
53376 ::: "Tuesday Night Live: The Big Gig" (1989) ::: comedy ::: The series brought a number of new comedy acts to national prominence and made major stars of its host, Wendy Harmer, who later became a top-rating host on morning radio in Sydney, and the regularly featured act, the Doug Anthony All-Stars.
53377 ::: Asobi no jikan wa owaranai (1991) ::: comedy ::: A serious-minded policeman plays the role of robber in a police training operation against bank robberies. He's so good his fellow policemen can't catch him. TV networks begin to broadcast the operation nationwide. TV audiences are amused and root for the runaway robber and police grows desperate to arrest him to save their face. However the robber remains at large...
53378 ::: Cassiopeia (????) ::: drama ::: Two teenage sisters, Katherine (Kitty) and Christine (Teeny) Burrows, are from the Mennonite religious sect that restrains from influences of contemporary society. Their grandmother has recently passed away & they are given the task of driving her body to another Mennonite community to be buried. As they travel throughout the southern states with her body in the bed of a pickup truck, they meet a cast of colorful characters along the way and discover the new world through a vacant and modern landscape.
53379 ::: "Encore: Live with Grouplove at the Hard Rock LA" (2016) ::: documentary ::: Encores in and of themselves are a reflection of what's important to the band. Whether it's special song or a heartfelt cover, it's something so noteworthy that it has to be shared with their audience. Hard Rock and Grouplove took an inside look at the encore from the perspective of both the performers and the fans, culminating with the band playing an intimate show at Hard Rock Café in Los Angeles and adding their own chapter to the never-ending music.
53380 ::: Soar: Oregon (2017) ::: documentary ::: Soaring over Oregon via a drone will leave you awestruck. This film will have an amazing replay value with its breathtaking visuals, epic music, and will be perfect for playing in the background of your home, office, or retail environment. It can be like a meditation to just feel like you are flying in a slow smooth way. Take pride in this lush, green, beautiful state with this wonderful new perspective of touring Oregon.
53381 ::: Aida (2013/I) ::: music ::: The grandest of grand operas, and a brilliant balance of spectacular pageantry and emotional intimacy. A bitter love triangle plays itself out against a backdrop of war and cultural oppression in this compelling tale of conflicting loyalties and forbidden passion. As Aida, soprano Micaela Carosi's "voice wasn't only luminous; she was alive in the role...every fear, frustration and outburst of love registered in her voice, face, body" (San Jose Mercury News). Tenor Marcello Giordani plays Radames, "mustering a ringing sound and suitably ardent phrasing" in the opera's climax (San Francisco Chronicle). "Mezzo-soprano Dolora Zajick delivered a powerhouse performance as Amneris, cloaking her unstoppable dramatic fury in plush and impeccably controlled tones." -San Francisco Chronicle "As Amonasro, baritone Marco Vratogna emitted gorgeous, orchestra-defying sounds." -San Francisco Classical Voice "Glamour came from Zandra Rhodes's fantastically colorful production. Gold for days, patterns upon patterns (based upon authentic Egyptian designs), and costumes that more than a few singers undoubtedly wished they could take home forever." -San Francisco Classical Voice
53382 ::: Mig älskar ingen (2012) ::: drama ::: What is a bad person? Why is there no one else who sees all wrong in the society? Why does it feel as I do not live? Why am I only CP when I talk and not when I think? Why is it always me who has to console and never be consoled? Why can she not love me? The six characters are fighting with all their inner demons in a Stockholm where time just flows by. Who has the strength to change and who will always remain in their own bubble of self-denial?
53383 ::: Keepers of Eden (2007) ::: documentary ::: The Amazon Rain forest, dubbed "the lungs of the Earth" is the most bio-diverse region on our planet. With each passing day, the industrial contamination grows and its destruction becomes more apparent. KEEPERS OF EDEN, a groundbreaking new documentary, presents the story of the Huarani tribe, who have inhabited the rainforests of Ecuador for thousands of years, who are now in danger of being erased the fallout caused by major oil companies. Historical Media Associates, LLC documents how such oil contamination is causing a fatal blow to both the indigenous people, their culture and the environment. As a result of these "poisoned" living conditions, the native Huarani are suffering from disease on the level of a toxic and fatal plague. All caused by oil contamination. The despoliation, drilling and oil contamination continue to this very day. KEEPERS OF EDEN presents the empassioned struggle of the Huarani people and their fight for survival.
53384 ::: The Origins of Wit and Humor (2015) ::: comedy ::: After the end of a long relationship, comedy writer Les Candalero (Joe Hursley; Accepted, Resident Evil Extinction, Fast & Furious) melts into self-doubt. He'll try anything to move on, even a mail order elixir that makes you irresistibly funny. It works... too well, which casts doubts on the one thing he's let define him - his sense of humor. With the help of his best friend, Pops (Steve Lemme; Super Troopers, Beerfest), Les sets out to flush this aphrodisiac from his system. Along the way, surreality begins to blossom throughout his world and Les has to accept that his desperate need for approval was the real cause of this. Can he be funny and human at the same time? Can he be more? Is it too late for those questions? Does this hat look funny?
53385 ::: Dark Side of the Sole (2007) ::: short ::: Adrift in New York City, a disconnected catering captain embarks on a dangerous and mesmerizing odyssey through the Manhattan restaurant world to 'drop the check' on a renegade chef named Krapes, who has succumbed to the horrors of kitchen work and barricaded himself in a remote outpost inside of Brooklyn.
53386 ::: Evil Awakening (2008) ::: horror ::: Ludlow, a small and quiet town, was once terrorized by an insane serial killer. The townspeople brought him to justice, but true evil does not die. He will return and when a group of youngsters looking to party and have a good time in the very woods where he was killed, they will have to deal with the Evil Awakening and the bloodbath that ensues. Ludlow has a legend, and it carries an axe.
53387 ::: Jim Shvante (marili svanets) (1930) ::: documentary ::: Story of distant mountainous region in Georgia that depicts folklore, lifestyle and daily routines of Svani people, focuses on the scarcity of salt in Svaneti region. Rich with documentary value, the movie also served for Soviet propaganda.
53388 ::: Aandhali Koshimbir (2014) ::: comedy ::: A widowed Bapu is fighter cock and lives with his useless son Ranga,A widowed Shanti is also a fighter cock and has a landlord Marne who gives her his stupid poems and is in love with her.Ranga and his friend Vashya in order to take money from Bapu decide to bring Shant and Bapu together as they feel Shanti is more powerful than him and Bapu will loose a quarrel against her and give them money they tell Bapu and Shanti that the opposite person is mentally unstable as per their plan Shanti comes for a quarrel with Bapu but things take twist as both lonely souls fall in love with each other things become more complicated when Bapu invites Shanti to stay at her place.
53389 ::: Landmarks of Western Art: Romanticism (2003) ::: documentary ::: As the strict classical disciplines of the eighteenth century began to fade, two very different movements came to prominence: from Constable and Turner influenced by nature, through to the stirring works of Goya and Gericault. This episode explores the genius of works such as The Third of May and The Haywain.
53390 ::: Iskusstvo umirat (1996) ::: drama ::: What happens to us at the moment of death? Is there something beyond? A near-death experience has changed Edward. He desperately seeks answers. But in vain. He has almost given up hope when something unexpected happens. The truth, it seems, isn't too far away.
53391 ::: Holy Ghetto (2014) ::: documentary ::: The film follows the stories of 3 individuals whose life journeys led them to inhabit the red light district of Tel-Aviv; One by force, one by choice, and one by proximity. Diving into their psyche,and into their hopes and fears, they try to rise above what society reduced them to be, and more importantly, what they reduced themselves to be.
53392 ::: Freck Langsam (2010) ::: comedy ::: The Trier Mob Boss develops a plan to steal the Holy Robes from the Trier Dom, and sell it off to the highest bidder from the international mafia. A dopey detective and his corrupt boss try to stop it. It comes to a showdown in a rock quarry
53393 ::: Almost Famous (2008) ::: comedy ::: Alex Zane introduces clips of some of the early embarrassing moments in many a celebrity's fledgling career, including Simon Cowell, Pete Doherty, the Spice Girls, Ant and Dec, Britney Spears, Russell Brand, Dannii Minogue, Peter Kay and many more.
53394 ::: Strange Victory (1948) ::: documentary ::: "Strange Victory" is about racial bias in post World War II America. Folowing "Native Land" in Leo Hurwitz' filmography, it uses some of the same techniques: dramatized scenes interspersed with scenes of compilation news reel footage, and scenes of evocative imagery. An epilogue about the civil rights movement, added in 1964 makes the arc of the film more complete
53395 ::: Behind Those Books (2011) ::: documentary ::: The first and only comprehensive documentation, on film, of the urban literature genre, giving viewers a raw and uncut look inside the emerging industry. Behind the Books chronicles the evolution of Street Fiction through interviews with pioneer authors, industry insiders, fans, activists, Hip-Hop artists, book clubs, editors, literary agents, vendors and the like.
53396 ::: The Virginity Hit (2010) ::: comedy ::: Four guys, one camera, and their experience chronicling the exhilarating and terrifying rite of passage: losing your virginity. As these guys help their buddy get laid, they'll have to survive friends with benefits, Internet hookups, even porn stars during an adventure that proves why you will always remember your first.
53397 ::: The Hanging of Daniel Sharpe (2008) ::: short ::: When childhood friends Eric and Daniel meet for the first time in many years, it becomes apparent that they are both seeing the same woman. Daniel chooses to continue his affair, but soon learns the strength of the ties that bind him to his past.
53398 ::: Pati ba pintig ng puso? (1985) ::: drama ::: When Aldrin returns from the States, everyone is as ecstatic as his grandfather. But his reason for going home is not because of his lolo but his sister who is in an asylum. His vow is to take her away from their grandftaher who caused the early death of their parents. To avenge for what happened to his family, Aldrin plans a final revenge and that's when Jenna comes into his life.
53399 ::: "Chat Boume" (1990) ::: family ::: Ils sont quatre. Quatre adorables chats de gouttičre aux personnalités, aux goűts et aux intéręts différents: l'une est audacieuse, l'autre cérébral, le troisičme est sensuel et le dernier, timoré. Deux petites souris ont élu domicile dans les garages des environs et participent épisodiquement aux aventures de la ruelle. La série est construite autour de trois aspects importants de l'enfance: le terrain de jeux, le groupe d'amis et les jeux familiers. La nature féline des héros permet aux enfants de cinq ŕ neuf ans de s'identifier et de s'attacher ŕ eux, tout en demeurant capables de rester eux-męmes et de départager la réalité et la fiction. Série pour les 5 ŕ 9 ans.
53400 ::: Sumnjivo lice (1990) ::: comedy ::: The arrival of an unknown man wanted by the local authorities disturbs the small town. However, it turns out that the suspect is mayor's son-in-law who checked under his false name in order to hide his whereabouts from his girlfriend's parents.