In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, where were Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming from when they found Mrs. Norris petrified?
Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party
<s>[INST] In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, where were Harry, Hermione, and Ron coming from when they found Mrs. Norris petrified? [/INST] Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party </s>
What is the Ministry of Magic classification system?
A creature's danger level
<s>[INST] What is the Ministry of Magic classification system? [/INST] A creature's danger level </s>
In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, in the Weasleys' magical clock, what are all of the hands pointed to when Harry arrives at the Burrow?
Mortal peril
<s>[INST] In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, in the Weasleys' magical clock, what are all of the hands pointed to when Harry arrives at the Burrow? [/INST] Mortal peril </s>
Who invented the Wronski Feint?
Josef Wronski
<s>[INST] Who invented the Wronski Feint? [/INST] Josef Wronski </s>
How should your completed Scintillation Solution look?
<s>[INST] How should your completed Scintillation Solution look? [/INST] Sparkling. </s>
What is the main ingredient in Harry Potter's wand?
A phoenix feather.
<s>[INST] What is the main ingredient in Harry Potter's wand? [/INST] A phoenix feather. </s>
Streeler venom is one of the only substances known to kill which invasive species?
<s>[INST] Streeler venom is one of the only substances known to kill which invasive species? [/INST] Horklump </s>
Who is the Divination professor?
Professor Trelawney
<s>[INST] Who is the Divination professor? [/INST] Professor Trelawney </s>
No spell yet devised allows a wizard to what?
Fly unaided
<s>[INST] No spell yet devised allows a wizard to what? [/INST] Fly unaided </s>
Which of these spells is a severing charm?
<s>[INST] Which of these spells is a severing charm? [/INST] Diffindo </s>
What does the charm Lumos provide?
<s>[INST] What does the charm Lumos provide? [/INST] Light </s>
Which of these is not a form of Transfiguration?
<s>[INST] Which of these is not a form of Transfiguration? [/INST] Enchantment </s>
Where is Hogwarts located?
<s>[INST] Where is Hogwarts located? [/INST] Scotland </s>
What is the name of the Hogwarts poltergeist?
<s>[INST] What is the name of the Hogwarts poltergeist? [/INST] Peeves </s>
What does the Hair-Raising potion do?
Makes hair stand up
<s>[INST] What does the Hair-Raising potion do? [/INST] Makes hair stand up </s>
Which is NOT another form of magical transportation?
Mop Flying
<s>[INST] Which is NOT another form of magical transportation? [/INST] Mop Flying </s>
What is Hermione’s patronus?
An otter
<s>[INST] What is Hermione’s patronus? [/INST] An otter </s>
Who lied to Voldemort during the final battle by proclaiming that Harry Potter was dead?
Narcissa Malfoy
<s>[INST] Who lied to Voldemort during the final battle by proclaiming that Harry Potter was dead? [/INST] Narcissa Malfoy </s>
How many siblings does Ron Weasley have?
<s>[INST] How many siblings does Ron Weasley have? [/INST] Six </s>
What is a non-side effect of Elixir to induce Euphoria?
Excessive sweating
<s>[INST] What is a non-side effect of Elixir to induce Euphoria? [/INST] Excessive sweating </s>
How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?
<s>[INST] How many points is the Golden Snitch worth? [/INST] 150 </s>
Where is Ovomancy thought to originate?
Ancient Greece
<s>[INST] Where is Ovomancy thought to originate? [/INST] Ancient Greece </s>
What does Veritaserum taste like?
It has no taste at all.
<s>[INST] What does Veritaserum taste like? [/INST] It has no taste at all. </s>
What did Xenophilius Lovegood believe Billywig wings could induce?
An elevated frame of mind.
<s>[INST] What did Xenophilius Lovegood believe Billywig wings could induce? [/INST] An elevated frame of mind. </s>
What spell does Harry discover written in the Half-Blood Prince's potions textbook in Book 6, and who invented it?
Sectumsempra, Severus Snape.
<s>[INST] What spell does Harry discover written in the Half-Blood Prince's potions textbook in Book 6, and who invented it? [/INST] Sectumsempra, Severus Snape. </s>
What fluffy creature hums when it's happy and likes to stick its tongue up Wizards' noses?
<s>[INST] What fluffy creature hums when it's happy and likes to stick its tongue up Wizards' noses? [/INST] Puffskein </s>
What are the three D’s of a successful Apparition?
Destination, determination and deliberation
<s>[INST] What are the three D’s of a successful Apparition? [/INST] Destination, determination and deliberation </s>
Which spell has the opposite effect of Lumos?
<s>[INST] Which spell has the opposite effect of Lumos? [/INST] Nox </s>
Which of these spells keeps a charm stable?
Fianto Duri
<s>[INST] Which of these spells keeps a charm stable? [/INST] Fianto Duri </s>
How did Mad-Eye Moody punish Draco Malfoy for trying to Hex Harry?
He turned Draco into a ferret.
<s>[INST] How did Mad-Eye Moody punish Draco Malfoy for trying to Hex Harry? [/INST] He turned Draco into a ferret. </s>
When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work?
Turn to the opposite direction.
<s>[INST] When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work? [/INST] Turn to the opposite direction. </s>
What creature did the Wizards’ Council make a protected species?
Golden Snidget.
<s>[INST] What creature did the Wizards’ Council make a protected species? [/INST] Golden Snidget. </s>
Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts during Harry's time there?
Albus Dumbledore
<s>[INST] Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts during Harry's time there? [/INST] Albus Dumbledore </s>
According to Hagrid, which is the safest place in the Wizarding World other than Hogwarts?
<s>[INST] According to Hagrid, which is the safest place in the Wizarding World other than Hogwarts? [/INST] Gringotts </s>
When did the Witch Trials of 1692 take place?
<s>[INST] When did the Witch Trials of 1692 take place? [/INST] Salem </s>
Where do I- I mean, where does Tonks like to hide Jelly Slugs?
Herbology Pots
<s>[INST] Where do I- I mean, where does Tonks like to hide Jelly Slugs? [/INST] Herbology Pots </s>
According to Madam Hooch, which of the following increases your chances of falling to your death? Maybe you should take these as suggestions.
Long hair
<s>[INST] According to Madam Hooch, which of the following increases your chances of falling to your death? Maybe you should take these as suggestions. [/INST] Long hair </s>
What is the last line of the last book?
“All was well.”
<s>[INST] What is the last line of the last book? [/INST] “All was well.” </s>
What spell transforms an object into a Portkey?
<s>[INST] What spell transforms an object into a Portkey? [/INST] Portus </s>
Casting Fumos creates what kind of defensive cloud?
<s>[INST] Casting Fumos creates what kind of defensive cloud? [/INST] Smoke </s>
What will help you whilst attempting Strong Braking?
A firm grip.
<s>[INST] What will help you whilst attempting Strong Braking? [/INST] A firm grip. </s>
What's Nearly Headless Nick's real name?
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
<s>[INST] What's Nearly Headless Nick's real name? [/INST] Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington </s>
What charm silences an opponent?
<s>[INST] What charm silences an opponent? [/INST] Silencio </s>
Which of these spells can summon an object?
<s>[INST] Which of these spells can summon an object? [/INST] Accio </s>
Fill in the blank: Petrificus Totalus is the incantation for the Full Body-Bind curse.
Bind (Got this in the Petrificus Totalus lesson.)
<s>[INST] Fill in the blank: Petrificus Totalus is the incantation for the Full Body-Bind curse. [/INST] Bind (Got this in the Petrificus Totalus lesson.) </s>
What is the first line of the book?
“Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”
<s>[INST] What is the first line of the book? [/INST] “Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” </s>
Who did not compete in the Triwizard Tournament?
<s>[INST] Who did not compete in the Triwizard Tournament? [/INST] Fred </s>
Which of these is not a type of broom?
<s>[INST] Which of these is not a type of broom? [/INST] Phoenix </s>
What did the Wizards' Council sign into action in 1692?
International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy
<s>[INST] What did the Wizards' Council sign into action in 1692? [/INST] International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy </s>
What two creatures are Hippogriffs a mix of?
Horses and eagles
<s>[INST] What two creatures are Hippogriffs a mix of? [/INST] Horses and eagles </s>
What is the name of the magical creature that can only be seen by those who have witnessed death?
<s>[INST] What is the name of the magical creature that can only be seen by those who have witnessed death? [/INST] Thestral </s>
What job does Luna Lovegood's father hold?
Editor of "The Quibbler"
<s>[INST] What job does Luna Lovegood's father hold? [/INST] Editor of "The Quibbler" </s>
What is Nearly Headless Nick's full name?
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
<s>[INST] What is Nearly Headless Nick's full name? [/INST] Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington </s>
Who is the matron of the orphanage where Voldemort grows up?
Mrs. Cole
<s>[INST] Who is the matron of the orphanage where Voldemort grows up? [/INST] Mrs. Cole </s>
How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?
<s>[INST] How many points is the Golden Snitch worth? [/INST] 150 </s>
What tail did Hagrid make Dudley grow because the Dursleys were rude?
Pig tail
<s>[INST] What tail did Hagrid make Dudley grow because the Dursleys were rude? [/INST] Pig tail </s>
How many staircases are at Hogwarts?
<s>[INST] How many staircases are at Hogwarts? [/INST] 142 </s>
How many students sleep in each Hogwarts dormitory?
<s>[INST] How many students sleep in each Hogwarts dormitory? [/INST] 5 </s>
Kneazles are most similar to what animal?
<s>[INST] Kneazles are most similar to what animal? [/INST] Cat </s>
How many staircases are at Hogwarts?
<s>[INST] How many staircases are at Hogwarts? [/INST] 142 </s>
Which book is instrumental for this lesson?
Charm Your Own Cheese.
<s>[INST] Which book is instrumental for this lesson? [/INST] Charm Your Own Cheese. </s>
Which star is the brightest in the night sky?
<s>[INST] Which star is the brightest in the night sky? [/INST] Sirius. </s>
Which is NOT one of the palm lines we read in Palmistry?
Time line
<s>[INST] Which is NOT one of the palm lines we read in Palmistry? [/INST] Time line </s>
In the Hall of Prophecy there are rows and rows of glowing orbs. Which row contains the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort?
Row 97.
<s>[INST] In the Hall of Prophecy there are rows and rows of glowing orbs. Which row contains the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort? [/INST] Row 97. </s>
What's a telltale sign that mandrakes have matured?
They move into each other's pots
<s>[INST] What's a telltale sign that mandrakes have matured? [/INST] They move into each other's pots </s>
What is the max speed of a Firebolt broomstick?
150 mph
<s>[INST] What is the max speed of a Firebolt broomstick? [/INST] 150 mph </s>
Why would you cast Alohomora?
Unlock a door.
<s>[INST] Why would you cast Alohomora? [/INST] Unlock a door. </s>
What do the students call the Gryffindor ghost?
Nearly Headless Nick.
<s>[INST] What do the students call the Gryffindor ghost? [/INST] Nearly Headless Nick. </s>
What is the biggest Wizarding newspaper in Britain?
The Daily Prophet
<s>[INST] What is the biggest Wizarding newspaper in Britain? [/INST] The Daily Prophet </s>
In the movie, Professor McGonagall explains the origins of the Chamber of Secrets. Who does it in the book?
Professor Binns, the history teacher (who is also a ghost)
<s>[INST] In the movie, Professor McGonagall explains the origins of the Chamber of Secrets. Who does it in the book? [/INST] Professor Binns, the history teacher (who is also a ghost) </s>
Who was the first Minister of Magic?
Ulick Gamp
<s>[INST] Who was the first Minister of Magic? [/INST] Ulick Gamp </s>
What is the name of Harry's owl?
<s>[INST] What is the name of Harry's owl? [/INST] Hedwig </s>
How many players are on a quidditch team?
<s>[INST] How many players are on a quidditch team? [/INST] 7 </s>
In 1876, which caretaker tried to make Peeves leave Hogwarts?
Rancorous Carpe
<s>[INST] In 1876, which caretaker tried to make Peeves leave Hogwarts? [/INST] Rancorous Carpe </s>
Fanged Geraniums are most notable for what?
Their Fangs
<s>[INST] Fanged Geraniums are most notable for what? [/INST] Their Fangs </s>
Which of the following is another dive commonly used by Seekers?
Spiral Dive
<s>[INST] Which of the following is another dive commonly used by Seekers? [/INST] Spiral Dive </s>
From what event do we measure the age of the universe?
The Big Bang.
<s>[INST] From what event do we measure the age of the universe? [/INST] The Big Bang. </s>
Who does Bill Weasley marry?
Fleur Delacour
<s>[INST] Who does Bill Weasley marry? [/INST] Fleur Delacour </s>
Who is the Slytherin ghost?
The Bloody Baron
<s>[INST] Who is the Slytherin ghost? [/INST] The Bloody Baron </s>
What is required in the manoeuvre Taking Passengers?
Complete cooperation.
<s>[INST] What is required in the manoeuvre Taking Passengers? [/INST] Complete cooperation. </s>
What is the name of the wizarding prison in the Harry Potter series?
<s>[INST] What is the name of the wizarding prison in the Harry Potter series? [/INST] Azkaban </s>
When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work?
Turn to the opposite direction.
<s>[INST] When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work? [/INST] Turn to the opposite direction. </s>
What is required in the manoeuvre Taking Passengers?
Complete cooperation.
<s>[INST] What is required in the manoeuvre Taking Passengers? [/INST] Complete cooperation. </s>
Who is Hufflepuff's patron ghost?
Fat Friar
<s>[INST] Who is Hufflepuff's patron ghost? [/INST] Fat Friar </s>
When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work?
Turn to the opposite direction.
<s>[INST] When Riding Facing Backwards, how does steering work? [/INST] Turn to the opposite direction. </s>
How many Muggles see the flying Ford Anglia as Harry and Ron make their way to school?
<s>[INST] How many Muggles see the flying Ford Anglia as Harry and Ron make their way to school? [/INST] Seven </s>
How is mail delivered in the wizarding world?
By owl post.
<s>[INST] How is mail delivered in the wizarding world? [/INST] By owl post. </s>
What is Madam Hooch's second job?
Quiddich Referee
<s>[INST] What is Madam Hooch's second job? [/INST] Quiddich Referee </s>
What is a spell used to mend broken objects?
<s>[INST] What is a spell used to mend broken objects? [/INST] Reparo </s>
What is the term for a witch or wizard who can see the future?
<s>[INST] What is the term for a witch or wizard who can see the future? [/INST] Seer </s>
Who do you prefer: Dust, Binns, or Peeves?
<s>[INST] Who do you prefer: Dust, Binns, or Peeves? [/INST] Peeves! </s>
Who is the professor of Transfiguration class?
<s>[INST] Who is the professor of Transfiguration class? [/INST] McGonagall </s>
What is Professor Minerva McGonagall's animagus?
A cat.
<s>[INST] What is Professor Minerva McGonagall's animagus? [/INST] A cat. </s>
Which one of the following is not a founder of Hogwarts?
Helena Ravenclaw
<s>[INST] Which one of the following is not a founder of Hogwarts? [/INST] Helena Ravenclaw </s>
How many players are on a quidditch team?
<s>[INST] How many players are on a quidditch team? [/INST] 7 </s>
What potion gives good luck to those who drink it?
Felix Felicis
<s>[INST] What potion gives good luck to those who drink it? [/INST] Felix Felicis </s>
Who sent Harry his Firebolt?
Sirius Black
<s>[INST] Who sent Harry his Firebolt? [/INST] Sirius Black </s>
In our second year, where did you sneak into using a Shrinking Charm?
A Common Room
<s>[INST] In our second year, where did you sneak into using a Shrinking Charm? [/INST] A Common Room </s>
Which charm did we end in class by using Finite Incantatem?
<s>[INST] Which charm did we end in class by using Finite Incantatem? [/INST] Wand-lighting </s>
Harry was raised by his mother’s sister. What was his aunt named?
<s>[INST] Harry was raised by his mother’s sister. What was his aunt named? [/INST] Petunia </s>