CONSOLIDATION Direction Applying the Auditor General Act Sustainable Development Strategy Requirements to Certain Departments [Repealed, SOR/2007-165] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2007 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 12, 2007. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2007 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Direction Applying the Auditor General Act Sustainable Development Strategy Requirements to Certain Departments Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2007 ii
CONSOLIDATION Disposal at Sea Regulations SOR/2001-275 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on September 24, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disposal at Sea Regulations 1 Interpretation Contents of Report Under Subsection 130(4) of the Act National Action List Mechanisms for Screening 8.1 Areas of the Sea 8.2 Permits 8.2 Notice — application 8.3 Notice — eligibility for renewal 8.4 Eligibility 8.5 Time limit — application for renewal Fees Repeal Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 ii Registration SOR/2001-275 August 1, 2001 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT, 1999 Disposal at Sea Regulations P.C. 2001-1353 August 1, 2001 Whereas, pursuant to subsection 332(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999a, the Minister of the Environment published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on February 17, 2001, a copy of the proposed Disposal at Sea Regulations, substantially in the annexed form, and persons were given an opportunity to file comments with respect to the Regulations or to file a notice of objection requesting that a board of review be established and stating the reasons for the objection; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 135(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999a, hereby makes the annexed Disposal at Sea Regulations. a S.C. 1999, c. 33 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Interpretation 1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations. Act means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. (Loi) log-book means the official log referred to in section 261 of the Canada Shipping Act. (journal de bord) Contents of Report Under Subsection 130(4) of the Act 2 (1) A report under subsection 130(4) of the Act with respect to emergencies described in subsection 130(1) shall contain the following information: (a) if the disposal is from a ship or a platform, (i) the name of the ship or platform, the name of the master of the ship or the person in charge of the platform and the name and address of its owner, and (ii) the port of registry, official number, if any, overall length, extreme breadth, overall height and deadweight tonnage of the ship or the platform; (b) if the disposal is from an aircraft, (i) the name of the pilot-in-command and the name and address of the aircraft’s owner, and (ii) the type, model, serial number, nationality and registration marks of the aircraft and its maximum certificated take-off weight specified by its Certificate of Airworthiness; (c) the last point of departure and the immediate destination of the ship or aircraft at the time at which the disposal occurred; (d) the latitude and longitude of the disposal site and the depth of the sea at that place; (e) an extract of all portions of the log-book and manifests of the ship, platform or aircraft related to the emergency; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Contents of Report Under Subsection 130(4) of the Act Sections 2-4 (f) a detailed description of the circumstances under which the substance was disposed of and the date and time of the disposal; (g) a detailed description of the actions taken to minimize danger to human life and to the marine environment; and (h) a description of the substance disposed of, including (i) information on the composition and nature of the substance that is sufficient to permit the identification of the substance, (ii) the quantity that was disposed of, (iii) the form of the substance, namely, solid, liquid or gas, and the methods used to package and contain the substance, if any, (iv) the trade name of the substance, if any, and (v) an estimate of the time required for the substance to disappear below the surface of the water. (2) The report shall be delivered to the enforcement officer designated for the area where the disposal occurs or to any other person designated by the Governor in Council and shall be submitted in written form or in an electronic format that is compatible with the one used by the addressee. National Action List 3 For the purposes of sections 9 and 10 of Schedule 6 to the Act, the National Action List mechanisms for screening waste or other matter shall consist of (a) with respect to the Lower Level, an assessment of the concentration of specified substances in the waste or other matter; and (b) with respect to the Upper Level, an assessment of biological responses. Mechanisms for Screening 4 Waste or other matter referred to in items 1 and 4 of Schedule 5 to the Act that contains any of the substances set out in column 1 of the table to this section, each at a concentration equal to or below the concentration set out Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Mechanisms for Screening Sections 4-5 in column 2, shall be considered to be below the Lower Level of the National Action List. TABLE LOWER LEVEL Item Column 1 Column 2 Substances Concentration Metal 1 Cadmium and its compounds 0.6 mg/kg (dry weight) Mercury and its compounds 0.75 mg/kg (dry weight) Organic compounds 3 Total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 2500 µg/kg (dry weight) Total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 100 µg/kg (dry weight) Other substances 5 Persistent plastics and other persistent synthetic materials in a comminuted form 4% by volume SOR/2003-295, s. 1(F). 5 (1) Waste or other matter referred to in section 4 that contains any of the substances set out in column 1 of the table to that section at a concentration above the concentration set out in column 2, shall be assessed using three marine or estuarine biological tests for sediment assessment, namely, an acute lethality test and (a) two sub-lethal tests; or (b) one sub-lethal and one bioaccumulation test. (2) The acute lethality test shall be conducted using the test methodology entitled Biological Test Method: Reference Method for Determining Acute Lethality of Sediment to Marine or Estuarine Amphipods (Reference Method EPS 1/RM/35), December 1998, published by the Department of the Environment, as amended from time to time. (3) The sub-lethal tests shall be conducted using any of the test methodologies set out in Biological Test Method: Sublethal Toxicity Tests to Assess Sediments Intended for Disposal at Sea (Report; EPS 1/RM/40), May 2001, published by the Department of the Environment, as amended from time to time. (4) The bioaccumulation test shall be conducted using the test methodology entitled Guidance Manual: Bedded Sediment Bioaccumulation Tests (EPA/600/R-93/183), Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Mechanisms for Screening Sections 5-8.1 September 1993, published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, as amended from time to time. (5) The tests shall be performed, and their results interpreted, in accordance with generally accepted standards of good scientific practice at the time the tests are performed. SOR/2003-295, s. 2. 6 If the results of the three marine or estuarine biological tests set out in subsection 5(1) meet the criteria set out for those tests, the waste or other matter shall subsequently be considered to be below the Lower Level of the National Action List. 7 If the results of either the acute lethality test set out in subsection 5(1) or the two other tests set out in paragraph 5(1)(a) or (b) fail to meet the criteria set out for those tests, the waste or other matter shall be considered to be above the Upper Level of the National Action List. 8 If the results of the acute lethality test set out in subsection 5(1) and one of the tests set out in paragraph 5(1)(a) or (b) meet the criteria set out for those tests, the waste or other matter shall be considered to be below the Upper Level but above the Lower Level of the National Action List. Areas of the Sea 8.1 For the purposes of paragraph 122(2)(e) of the Act, the specified areas of the sea adjacent to the territorial sea of Canada consist of the following waters: (a) the waters of the North Arm of Fraser River bounded on the east by a line at the eastern tip of Mitchell Island from the south shore at the intersection of 123°04′00′′ west longitude and 49°12′10′′ north latitude to the north shore at the intersection of 123°04′00′′ west longitude and 49°12′23′′ north latitude; (b) the waters of the main channel of the Fraser River downstream of the Alex Fraser Bridge through a line from the south shore of the channel at the intersection of 122°56′33′′ west longitude and 49°09′28′′ north latitude to the north shore of the channel at the intersection of 122°57′29′′ west longitude and 49°10′33′′ north latitude; (c) the waters of the Northwest Miramichi River east of a line from the south shore at the intersection of 65°49′12′′ west longitude and 46°56′18′′ north latitude Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Areas of the Sea Sections 8.1-8.2 to the north shore at the intersection of 65°49′02′′ west longitude and 46°56′29′′ north latitude; (d) the waters of the Southwest Miramichi River northeast of a line from the south shore at the intersection of 65°40′22′′ west longitude and 46°51′55′′ north latitude to the north shore at the intersection of 65°40′30′′ west longitude and 46°52′00′′ north latitude; (e) the waters of the east channel of the Mackenzie River northeast of a line from the south shore at the intersection of 134°08′28′′ west longitude and 69°14′33′′ north latitude to the north shore at the intersection of 134°09′47′′ west longitude and 69°16′37′′ north latitude; (f) the waters of the Mackenzie River and Beaufort Sea seaward of a line from the intersection of 134°48′18′′ west longitude and 69°28′03′′ north latitude, thence westward to the intersection of 135°24′14′′ west longitude and 69°23′36′′ north latitude, thence southwestward to the intersection of 135°50′17′′ west longitude and 69°05′32′′ north latitude, thence southeastward to the intersection of 135°13′55′′ west longitude and 68°43′39′′ north latitude, thence southwestward to the intersection of 135°24′04′′ west longitude and 68°40′34′′ north latitude; and (g) the waters of Bras d’Or Lake, St. Peters Inlet, Great Bras d’Or, St. Patricks Channel, Whycocomagh Bay and St. Andrews Channel, in Nova Scotia. SOR/2009-256, s. 1. Permits Notice — application 8.2 (1) When an application meets the requirements of paragraph 127(2)(b) of the Act, the Minister shall notify the applicant in writing. Time limit (2) The Minister shall either issue or notify the applicant of the refusal to issue a permit under section 127 of the Act within the 90-day period after the date of the notice. Suspension of period (3) The period referred to in subsection (2) does not include any period (a) required for additional analysis that is necessary to allow the Minister to meet the requirements of subsection 127(3) of the Act; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Permits Sections 8.2-8.4 (b) during which consultations that are necessary for the Minister to meet the requirements of subsection 127(3) of the Act are carried out; (c) during which a decision made under an Act of Parliament or an Aboriginal land claim agreement, that could affect the Minister’s decision to issue or refuse to issue a permit under section 127 of the Act is pending; (d) during which consultations are carried out by the Minister under section 77 of the Species at Risk Act; and (e) during which the Minister is awaiting the submission by the applicant of any report required under a permit previously issued under section 127 of the Act. Non-application (4) The period referred to in subsection (2) does not apply (a) if an applicant requests or agrees that it does not apply; or (b) if an applicant makes changes to the information provided under paragraph 127(2)(b) of the Act that could affect the Minister’s decision to issue or refuse to issue a permit. SOR/2014-12, s. 1. Notice — eligibility for renewal 8.3 If the Minister issues a permit under section 127 of the Act, the Minister shall notify the applicant whether the permit is eligible to be renewed and of the number of times it may be renewed which may be no more than, subject to the number of renewals permitted under subsection 127(1) of the Act, the number of renewals requested in the application. SOR/2014-12, s. 1. Eligibility 8.4 A permit is eligible to be renewed if (a) the descriptions of the load and disposal sites in the permit are consistent with the descriptions of the load and disposal sites in a permit that has been issued in the last five years; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Permits Sections 8.4-8.5 (b) the applicant is in compliance with all permit conditions for valid permits issued under section 127 of the Act; (c) for the load site in respect of which the application for a permit is being made (i) any waste or other matter referred to in item 1 or 4 of Schedule 5 to the Act that has been assessed in any previous permit applications has been considered to be below the Lower Level of the National Action List under section 4 for a minimum of three sets of test results over a period of at least five years ending on the day on which the most recent permit for the load site was issued; (ii) there have been no test results for waste or other matter taken from the load site for the period referred to in subparagraph (i) above the Lower Level of the National Action List under section 4, and (iii) any description of the waste or other matter referred to in item 2, 5 or 6 of Schedule 5 to the Act is consistent with those descriptions in applications in respect of permits issued in the period of five years preceding the date of the application; and (d) the applicant requested when applying for the permit that the permit be eligible for renewal and indicated the number of renewals desired. SOR/2014-12, s. 1. Time limit — application for renewal 8.5 (1) The holder of a renewable permit shall apply for the renewal of the permit at least 90 days before it expires. Notice — application (2) When an application for renewal meets the requirements of paragraph 127(2)(b) of the Act, the Minister shall notify the applicant in writing. Time limit (3) The Minister shall either renew or notify the applicant of their decision to refuse to renew a permit within the 45-day period after the date of the notice. SOR/2014-12, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Regulations Fees Sections 9-11 Fees 9 The fee that is to accompany an application for a permit referred to in section 127 or 128 of the Act is $2,500. Repeal 10 [Repeal] Coming into Force 11 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Determination of the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup Regulations SOR/86-951 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Method to be Followed in Determining the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup 1 Short Title Interpretation Application SCHEDULE Methods for Ascertaining Reducing Sugars Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/86-951 September 11, 1986 CUSTOMS ACT Determination of the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup Regulations P.C. 1986-2072 September 11, 1986 Whereas, pursuant to subsection 164(3) of the Customs Act, a copy of proposed Regulations, substantially in the form annexed hereto, was published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on March 15, 1986 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations with respect thereto to the Minister of National Revenue. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to paragraph 164(1)(f) of the Customs Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the method to be followed in determining the tariff classification of sugar, molasses and sugar syrup, effective on the coming into force of paragraph 164(1)(f) of the Customs Act. * S.C. 1986, c. 1 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting the Method to be Followed in Determining the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Determination of the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, ICUMSA means the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA). Application 3 The tariff classification for sugar shall be determined from the results of analysis for polarization obtained by following the method adopted by ICUMSA and known as Method No. 1, first issued in 1958, as amended from time to time. SOR/98-241, s. 1. 4 The tariff classification for molasses and sugar syrup shall be determined from the results of analysis obtained by following one of the two methods for ascertaining reducing sugars adopted by ICUMSA set out in the schedule. SOR/88-533, s. 1. 5 Sugar polarimeters, polarimeter cells, volumetric glassware and other laboratory apparatus and reagents used in the determination of the tariff classification of sugar, molasses and sugar syrup shall meet the appropriate ICUMSA standards. SOR/88-533, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Determination of the Tariff Classification of Sugar, Molasses and Sugar Syrup Regulations SCHEDULE Methods for Ascertaining Reducing Sugars SCHEDULE (Section 4) Methods for Ascertaining Reducing Sugars 1 The United Molasses (UM) Modifications of the Lane and Eynon Method for the Determination of Total Reducing Sugars after Hydrolysis adopted by ICUMSA in the Report of the Proceedings of the Eighteenth Session, 1982, Subject 8, Recommendation 9. Determination of Reducing Sugars by the Lane and Eynon Constant Volume Procedure adopted by ICUMSA in the Report of the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session, 1978, Subject 14, Recommendation 1. SOR/88-533, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations SOR/2021-55 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 15, 2021. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations Maximum Fee 1 Setting of maximum fee Adjusted Maximum Fee 2 Inflationary adjusted year Coming into Force *3 S.C. 2014, c. 7. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 ii Registration SOR/2021-55 March 29, 2021 DISABILITY TAX CREDIT PROMOTERS RESTRICTIONS ACT Disability Tax Regulations P.C. 2021-213 Credit Promoters Restrictions March 26, 2021 His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Canada in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to section 9 of the Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Acta, makes the annexed Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations. a S.C. 2014, c. 7 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations Maximum Fee Setting of maximum fee 1 (1) For the purposes of subsection 3(1) of the Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Act, the maximum fee for a disability tax credit request made by a promoter is set at (a) $100, for a request for a determination of disability tax credit eligibility under subsection 152(1.01) of the Income Tax Act; (b) $100 per taxation year, for a request made in respect of a deduction under subsection 118.3(1) or (2) of the Income Tax Act; or (c) $100 per taxation year, for a request made in respect of any deduction or overpayment of tax under the Income Tax Act that is contingent upon the eligibility for a deduction under subsection 118.3(1) or (2) of that Act. Total fee accepted or charged (2) If more than one disability tax credit request is made in respect of a claimant for a taxation year under either paragraph (1)(b) or (c), or both, the total fee that a promoter accepts or charges must not exceed $100. Adjusted Maximum Fee Inflationary adjusted year 2 (1) In this section, inflationary adjusted year means 2025 and every fifth year after that year. Maximum fee adjusted on December 1 (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the maximum fee set out in section 1 is to be adjusted on December 1 of a particular inflationary adjusted year so that the maximum fee is equal to the greater of Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations Adjusted Maximum Fee Section 2 (a) the fee determined by the formula A×B where A is the maximum fee on November 30 of the particular inflationary adjusted year, and B is the amount determined by the formula in subparagraph (i) or (ii), whichever is applicable, rounded to the nearest one-thousandth, or, if the amount is equidistant from two consecutive onethousandths, rounded to the higher one-thousandth, (i) if the particular inflationary adjusted year is 2025, C/D where C is the Consumer Price Index for the 12month period ending on September 30, 2025, and D is the Consumer Price Index for the 12month period that ended on September 30, 2019, (ii) for any other particular inflationary adjusted year, E/F where E is the Consumer Price Index for the 12month period ending on September 30 of the particular inflationary adjusted year, and, F is the Consumer Price Index for the 12month period ending on September 30 of the last inflationary adjusted year in which the maximum fee was adjusted; and (b) the fee referred to in the description of A in paragraph (a). Application of adjustment (3) The adjustment referred to in subsection (2) is to be applied only if the amount determined under that subsection exceeds the amount of the maximum fee described in the description of A in paragraph (2)(a) by $5 or more. Rounding (4) If the adjustment referred to in subsection (2) is applied, the maximum fee determined under that subsection is to be rounded to the nearest dollar or, if the result Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021 Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Regulations Adjusted Maximum Fee Sections 2-3 is equidistant from two consecutive dollar amounts, to the higher dollar amount. Consumer Price Index (5) In this section, the Consumer Price Index for any 12month period is the result arrived at by (a) aggregating the Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act, for each month in that period; (b) dividing the aggregate obtained under paragraph (a) by 12; and (c) rounding the result obtained under paragraph (b) to the nearest one-thousandth or, if the result obtained is equidistant from two consecutive one-thousandths, to the higher one-thousandth. Coming into Force S.C. 2014, c. 7. 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which the Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restrictions Act comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered. * * [Note: Regulations in force November 15, 2021, see SI/ 2021-10.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 15, 2021
CONSOLIDATION Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SOR/94-23 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 1, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Interpretation Marking Determination of Country of Origin Tariff Preference Override Production Outside Canada Fungible Goods De Minimis Change in Tariff Classification Non-qualifying Operations SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 ii Registration SOR/94-23 December 29, 1993 CUSTOMS TARIFF Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations P.C. 1993-2195 December 29, 1993 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 63.1(1)* of the Customs Tariff**, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations for determining the country of origin of goods imported from a NAFTA country for the purpose of specifying that certain goods be marked, effective on the day on which section 133 of An Act to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement, being chapter 44 of the Statutes of Canada, 1993, comes into force. * S.C. 1993, c. 44, s. 133 ** R.S., c. 41 (3rd Supp.) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations 1 [Repealed, SOR/2018-116, s. 8] Interpretation 2 (1) For the purposes of these Regulations, Act means the Customs Tariff; (Loi) applicable change in tariff classification means, with respect to materials incorporated into goods, a change in tariff classification specified in a rule set out in Schedule III for the tariff provision under which the goods are classified; (changement de classement tarifaire applicable) commingled means physically combined or mixed in inventory; (combiné) CUSMA country means a party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement; (pays ACEUM) direct physical identification means identification by visual or other organoleptic examination; (identification directe) domestic materials means materials whose country of origin as determined under these Regulations is the same country as the country in which the goods are produced; (matière d’origine nationale) enterprise means any entity constituted or organized under applicable laws, whether or not for profit and whether privately owned or governmentally owned, including any corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture or other association; (entreprise) foreign materials means materials whose country of origin as determined under these Regulations is not the same country as the country in which the goods are produced; (matière étrangère) form in which those goods were imported means the condition of the goods before they underwent an applicable change in tariff classification; (forme sous laquelle les marchandises ont été importées) fungible goods means goods that are interchangeable for commercial purposes with other goods and whose Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Interpretation Section 2 properties are essentially identical; (marchandises fongibles) fungible materials means materials that are interchangeable for commercial purposes with other materials and whose properties are essentially identical; (matières fongibles) General Rules means the General Rules for the Interpretation of the Harmonized System set out in the schedule to the Act; (Règles générales) incorporated means physically incorporated into goods as a result of production in respect of those goods; (incorporé) indirect materials means goods used in the production, testing or inspection of other goods but not incorporated into those other goods, or goods used in the maintenance of buildings or the operation of equipment associated with the production of other goods, and includes (a) fuel and energy, (b) tools, dies and moulds, (c) spare parts and materials used in the maintenance of equipment and buildings, (d) lubricants, greases, compounding materials and other materials used in production or used to operate equipment and buildings, (e) gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing, safety equipment and supplies, (f) equipment, devices and supplies used for testing or inspecting the other goods, (g) catalysts and solvents, and (h) any goods not referred to in paragraphs (a) to (g) that are not incorporated into those other goods but the use of which in the production of those other goods can reasonably be demonstrated to be part of the production; (matière indirecte) materials means goods that are incorporated into other goods, and includes a part, a component and an ingredient; (matière) minor processing, in respect of goods, means (a) mere dilution with water or any other substance that does not materially alter the characteristics of the goods, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Interpretation Section 2 (b) cleaning, including removal of rust, grease, paint or any other coating, (c) applying any preservative or decorative coating, including any lubricant, protective encapsulation, preservative or decorative paint, or metallic coating, (d) trimming, filing or cutting off small amounts of excess material, (e) unloading, reloading or any other operation necessary to maintain the goods in good condition, (f) [Repealed, SOR/2013-100, s. 3] (g) testing, marking, sorting or grading, (h) repairs or alterations, washing, laundering or sterilizing, (i) textile decorative processes incidental to the production of textile goods, other than apparel, such as edge pinking, whipping, folding and rolling, fringing and fringe knotting, piping, bordering, minor embroidery, hemstitching, embossing, dyeing and printing, or (j) ornamental or finishing operations incidental to apparel assembly and designed to enhance the marketing appeal or the ease of care of the goods, such as embroidery, hemstitching and sewn appliqué work, stone or acid washing, printing and piece dyeing, preshrinking and permanent pressing, and the attachment of accessories, notions, trimmings and findings; (traitement mineur) person means a natural person or an enterprise; (personne) production means growing, mining, harvesting, fishing, trapping, hunting, manufacturing, processing or assembling goods; (production) repair or alteration does not include an operation or process that either destroys the essential character of any goods or creates new or commercially different goods; (réparations ou modifications) simple assembly means the fitting together of five or fewer parts, all of which are foreign parts, other than screws, bolts or other fasteners, by bolting, gluing, soldering, sewing or any other means without more than minor processing; (montage simple) tariff provision means a heading, subheading or tariff item; (poste tarifaire) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Interpretation Sections 2-3 ultimate purchaser means, with respect to goods, the last person in Canada who purchases the goods in the form in which those goods were imported, whether or not that purchaser is the last person to use the goods; (dernier acheteur) usual container means the container in which goods ordinarily reach their ultimate purchaser. (contenant usuel) (2) For the purpose of determining the materials that impart the essential character of goods under sections 5 to 7, (a) the only materials that shall be taken into consideration are those materials, including materials produced by the producer of the goods and materials that are classified under the same tariff provision as that under which the goods are classified, that are incorporated into those goods and in respect of which there is not an applicable change in tariff classification; and (b) the factors to be taken into consideration are the following, namely, (i) the nature of each of the materials, such as the volume, weight and value of the material, (ii) the quantity of each of the materials, and (iii) the role of each of the materials with regard to the use of the goods. (3) For the purposes of these Regulations, the country or countries of origin of materials shall be determined under these Regulations. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/98-28, s. 19; SOR/2013-100, s. 3; SOR/2020-158, s. 5. Marking 3 (1) Goods set out in Schedule I that are imported from a CUSMA country shall be marked so as to indicate their country or countries of origin as determined under these Regulations. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to goods set out in Schedule II. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Marking Sections 3-4 (3) The outermost usual container of goods referred to in any of items 10 to 14 and 18 of Schedule II shall be marked with the country or countries of origin of the goods contained in that outermost usual container. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2020-158, s. 6. Determination of Country of Origin 4 (1) The country of origin of goods is the country in which (a) the goods are wholly obtained or produced; (b) the goods are produced exclusively from domestic materials; (c) each of the foreign materials incorporated into the goods undergoes an applicable change in tariff classification and satisfies any other applicable requirements of these Regulations; or (d) a good is considered to originate under a Chapter Note set out in Schedule III. (2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), goods are wholly obtained or produced in a country if the goods are (a) mineral goods extracted in that country; (b) vegetables or other goods harvested in that country; (c) live animals born and raised in that country; (d) goods obtained from hunting, trapping or fishing in that country; (e) fish, shellfish or other marine life taken from the sea by vessels registered or recorded with that country and flying its flag; (f) goods produced on board factory ships from goods referred to in paragraph (e), where the factory ship is registered or recorded with that country and is flying its flag; (g) goods taken by that country or by a person of that country, from or beneath the seabed outside territorial waters, where that country has the right to exploit that seabed; (h) goods taken from outer space, where the goods are obtained by that country or by a person of that country; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Determination of Country of Origin Sections 4-7 (i) waste and scrap derived from (i) production in that country, or (ii) used goods collected in that country, where those used goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; or (j) goods produced in that country exclusively from goods referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (i), or from derivatives of such goods, at any stage of production. SOR/95-447, s. 1. 5 (1) Except in the case of goods that are described in the schedule to the Act as a set or are classified as a set pursuant to Rule 3 of the General Rules, where the country of origin of goods cannot be determined under section 4, the country or countries of origin of the goods shall be the country or countries of origin of the single material that imparts the essential character of the goods. (2) Where the single material that imparts the essential character of the goods is a fungible material and has been commingled so that direct physical identification of the country or countries of origin of each fungible material is not practical, the country or countries of origin of that material shall be determined, at the choice of the importer of the goods, under subsection (1) or on the basis of an inventory management method set out in Part 1 of Schedule 8 to the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations. (3) [Repealed, SOR/2002-129, s. 1] SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/98-28, s. 19; SOR/2002-129, s. 1; SOR/2020-158, s. 7. 6 Where the country or countries of origin of goods cannot be determined under section 4 or 5 and the goods are described in the schedule to the Act as a set or mixture, or are classified as a set or mixture or as composite goods pursuant to Rule 3 of the General Rules, the country or countries of origin of the goods shall be the country or countries of origin of all the materials that merit equal consideration as imparting the essential character of the goods. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/98-28, s. 19; SOR/2002-129, s. 2(F). 7 Where the country or countries of origin of goods cannot be determined under any of sections 4 to 6, the country or countries of origin of the goods shall be (a) if the goods are produced by only minor processing, the country or countries of origin of all the materials that merit equal consideration as imparting the essential character of the goods; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Determination of Country of Origin Sections 7-10 (b) if the production of the goods is by simple assembly and the parts that merit equal consideration as imparting the essential character of the goods have the same country of origin, the country of origin of those parts; or (c) in any other case, the last country in which the goods underwent production. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2002-129, s. 3(F). Tariff Preference Override 8 Notwithstanding sections 4 to 7, where any goods are originating goods under the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations and the country of origin of the goods is not determined to be a single CUSMA country under section 4 or 5, the country of origin of those goods shall be the last CUSMA country in which the goods underwent production, other than minor processing, if a Certificate of Origin under the Proof of Origin of Imported Goods Regulations has been completed and signed for the goods. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2020-158, s. 8. Production Outside Canada 9 Where the country of origin of imported goods is determined to be Canada under any of sections 4 to 7 and the goods have undergone production, other than minor processing, in another CUSMA country before their importation, the country of origin of the goods shall be the last CUSMA country in which the goods underwent that production. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2020-158, s. 9. Fungible Goods 10 (1) Subject to subsection (2), where two or more fungible goods have different countries of origin and have been commingled, all of the countries of origin of those fungible goods shall be the countries of origin of those commingled goods. (2) Where fungible goods have been commingled so that direct physical identification of the countries of origin of the goods is not practical, the country or countries of origin of each of the fungible goods shall be determined, at the choice of the importer of the goods, under subsection Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Fungible Goods Sections 10-11 (1) or on the basis of an inventory management method set out in Part 2 of Schedule 8 to the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2020-158, s. 10. De Minimis 11 (1) Foreign materials that are incorporated into goods and do not undergo an applicable change in tariff classification or satisfy any other applicable requirements of these Regulations shall be disregarded in determining the country or countries of origin of the goods (a) in the case of goods classified under any of Chapters 50 to 63 of the List of Tariff Provisions, if the combined weight of the foreign materials does not exceed 7% of the total weight of the goods; and (b) in the case of goods classified under any other chapter of the List of Tariff Provisions, other than under any of Chapters 1 to 4, 6 to 8, 11, 12, 15, 17 and 20, if the value of the foreign materials is not more than 7% of the value of the goods, or 10% where the goods are classified under Chapter 22 of that List. (2) For the purpose of this section, the value of materials is, at the choice of the importer of the goods, (a) their value for duty, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Customs Act, except that for the purpose of determining that value, the reference in section 55 of that Act to “in accordance with regulations made under the Currency Act” shall be read as a reference to “in accordance with subsection 2(1) of the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations”; or (b) their value determined in accordance with Schedule 6 to the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations, with any modifications that the circumstances require. (3) For the purpose of this section, the value of any goods is, (a) where the importer of the goods has chosen that the value of the materials incorporated into the goods be determined under paragraph (2)(a), their value for duty, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Customs Act, except that for the purpose of determining that value, the reference in section 55 of that Act to “in accordance with regulations made under the Currency Act” shall be read as a reference to “in accordance with subsection 2(1) of the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations”; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations De Minimis Sections 11-13 (b) where the importer of the goods has chosen that the value of the materials incorporated into the goods be determined under paragraph (2)(b), their value determined in accordance with Schedule 6 to the CUSMA Rules of Origin Regulations, with any modifications that the circumstances require, as though they were a material. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/98-28, s. 18; SOR/2020-158, s. 11. Change in Tariff Classification 12 (1) The following materials shall be disregarded in determining whether goods undergo an applicable change in tariff classification or satisfy any other applicable requirements of these Regulations: (a) [Repealed, SOR/2013-100, s. 4] (b) accessories, spare parts or tools that are delivered, classified and shipped with the goods; (c) packing materials and containers in which the goods are packed for shipment; and (d) indirect materials. (2) For greater certainty, an applicable change in tariff classification includes a change to goods from other goods that are classified under the same tariff provision, where such a change is specified in a rule set out in Schedule III for the tariff provision under which the goods are classified. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2013-100, s. 4. Non-qualifying Operations 13 A foreign material incorporated into goods shall not be considered to have undergone an applicable change in tariff classification or to satisfy any other applicable requirements of these Regulations by reason of (a) the change from one tariff classification to any other merely as the result of a change in the end use of the goods; (b) the change from one tariff classification to any other merely as the result of the dismantling or disassembly of the goods; (c) [Repealed, SOR/2013-100, s. 5] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations Non-qualifying Operations Sections 13-14 and 15 (d) the mere dilution with water or any other substance that does not materially alter the characteristics of the material; or (e) the mere collection of parts so that the collection of parts is classified as if it were an assembled good pursuant to Rule 2(a) of the General Rules. SOR/95-447, s. 1; SOR/2013-100, s. 5. 14 and 15 [Repealed, SOR/95-447, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE I (Subsection 3(1)) 1 Goods for Personal or Household Use (1) Bakeware and cookware made of aluminum (2) Bakeware and cookware made of cast iron (3) Bath mats, towels and wash cloths, knitted or woven (4) Batteries, dry cell (5) Blankets (6) Brushes, including toothbrushes and their handles (7) Candles (8) Cards, the following: credit and identification, made of any material that has a diameter that exceeds, or a side the length of which exceeds, ½ inch (1.27 cm) and that is imported in sheet form or otherwise (9) Chrome-plated ware and utensils for use in serving food and beverages (10) Cigar and cigarette lighters, except lighters for incorporation into motor vehicles (11) Clocks and movements, except clocks and movements for use as original equipment by motor vehicle manufacturers (12) Containers, thermostatic, the following: carafes, flasks, jars, jugs and vacuum bottles, and refills or inserts therefor (13) Cutlery, chrome-plated or stainless steel (14) Dishes and ornaments made of earthenware, ironstone, porcelain, porcelain, stoneware or white granite (15) Electronic equipment, the following: phonographs, radio receiving sets, radiophonograph sets, radio-phonograph-television sets, record players, tape recorders and television receiving sets (16) Ironing board covers and pads (17) Kitchenware made of metal or plastic, coated, lithographed, painted or otherwise, the following: bread boxes, cake humidors, canisters, foil and paper dispensers, range sets, serving ovens and step-on waste cans (18) Knives, the following: jack, pen and pocket; scissors and shears (19) Lawn mowers (powered) (20) Matches in books, boxes or folders (21) Pencils (22) Pens, the following: ballpoint and fountain; and nib penholders (23) Pillowslips and sheets made of cotton (24) Razor blades (safety type) (25) Thermometers Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 china semi11 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE I (26) Tiles, glazed, unglazed and ceramic mosaic, the following: hearth, floor and wall (27) Umbrellas (28) Utensils, kitchen type and chrome-plated or stainless steel (29) Watch bracelets (expansion type) 2 Hardware (1) Caps, made of metal, lithographed or printed, for containers, the following: lug, screw and vacuum (2) Copper tubing (3) Drapery I-beam rails, made of aluminum, brass, steel or other metals or plastic, and component parts of drapery I-beam rails (4) Electrical measuring devices for panel mounting designed to indicate alternating or direct current microamperes, milliamperes or amperes, millivolts, volts or kilovolts and such other variables as pressure, resistance and temperature that may be translated into alternating or direct current or voltage (5) Glass in panes or sheets, the following: common or colourless window, laminated, plate and sheet (6) Goods made of porcelain for electrical use (7) Files and rasps (8) Sink strainers (basket type) (9) Tubes, electronic (10) Twines, the following: baler and binder (11) Wire insect screening (12) Iron pipes and tubes 3 Novelties and Sporting Goods (1) Articles in the style of North American Indian handicrafts (2) [Repealed, SOR/2002-129, s. 5] (3) Bicycles (4) Decorations, novelties and ornaments (5) Enamelled emblems and silver-plated or sterling silver bracelets, brooches, pins and spoons, all designed as souvenirs of Canada, its provinces, territories, cities, towns or other geographical locations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE I (6) Gift wrappings, the following: bindings, braids, ribbons, tapes, ties and trimmings, made chiefly or wholly of textile fibres (7) Toys, games and athletic and sporting goods 4 Paper Products (1) Boxes and cartons, empty folding or set up, made of paper, paper board, plain or corrugated fibre or fibre board, for use as shipping containers (2) Paper matter and products, lithographed or printed 5 Apparel (1) Boots, shoes and slippers (2) Brassieres, corselettes, garter belts, girdles and lacing corsets (3) Fabrics, braided or woven, containing rubber yarns, not exceeding 12 inches (30.48 cm) in width; boot and shoe laces (4) Gloves made partially or wholly of leather (5) Hair pieces, the following: wigs, half wigs, switches, postiches, pony tails, toupees and other types of hair pieces designed to be worn on the head of a person (6) Handbags and purses, except handbags and purses made of beads, metal mesh or similar material (7) Hats, including berets, bonnets, caps, hoods and shapes made of felt fur, wool felt and wooland-fur felt (8) Knitted garments (9) Raincoats and rain wear made of plastic (10) Apparel made substantially or wholly of natural or synthetic textile fibres 6 Horticultural Products (1) Tubers, tuberous roots and rhizomes, dormant, in growth or in flower, of paeonias (2) Tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant, of irises or other perennials, except begonias (3) Tubers, tuberous roots, or rhizomes, in growth or in flower, of begonias (4) Bulbs, dormant or in growth, except tulip bulbs (5) Unrooted cuttings or slips of fruit or nut trees, shrubs or bushes (6) Trees, shrubs, bushes, vines, or seedling stock, grafted or not, including those capable of bearing fruit, when in a usual container Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE I (7) Christmas trees, rooted or unrooted, when in a usual container (8) Rose bushes, grafted or not, except cut roses, when in a usual container 7 Goods of Steel or Aluminum (1) Goods of steel that are classified under headings 72.06 through 72.15, subheadings 7216.10 through 7216.50 or subheading 7216.99, headings 72.17 through 72.29, subheading 7301.10, 7302.10, 7302.40 or 7302.90 or headings 73.04 through 73.06, except wire (2) Goods of aluminum that are classified under heading 76.01 or headings 76.04 through 76.09 and castings or forgings that are classified under subheading 7616.99, except wire (other than barbed wire) SOR/95-348, s. 1; SOR/95-447, s. 2; SOR/96-107, s. 1; SOR/2002-129, ss. 4, 5; SOR/ 2018-116, ss. 9, 10. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE II (Subsections 3(2) and (3)) Goods for charitable purposes and not for the purpose of sale Goods that are gifts or bequests Goods that are antiques or goods produced more than 20 years prior to importation Used goods, with the exception of iron pipes and tubes and goods of steel or aluminum that are referred to in item 7 of Schedule I Goods that are for the exclusive use of the importer or the importer’s employees and not for resale to the general public, with the exception of iron pipes and tubes and goods of steel or aluminum that are referred to in item 7 of Schedule I Goods imported for use by the importer and not intended for sale in the form in which they were imported Goods that are imported under tariff item No. 9808.00.00, 9809.00.00 or 9810.00.00 Goods that are imported for subsequent exportation from Canada, with the exception of iron pipes and tubes and goods of steel or aluminum that are referred to in item 7 of Schedule I Goods that, for purposes of temporary duty-free admission, are in transit or in bond or otherwise under customs control Goods that are incapable of being marked Goods that cannot be marked prior to exportation without causing them injury Goods that cannot be marked except at a cost that is substantial in relation to their value for duty so as to discourage their exportation Goods that cannot be marked without materially impairing their function or substantially detracting from their appearance Goods that are in a container that is marked in a manner that will reasonably indicate their origin to the ultimate purchaser Goods that are crude substances Goods that are to undergo production in Canada by the importer, or on the importer’s behalf, in a manner that would result in their becoming goods the country of origin of which is Canada Goods in respect of which, by reason of their character or the circumstances of their importation, the ultimate purchaser would reasonably know their country of origin even though the goods are not marked with country of origin Goods that are imported without the required marking and cannot be marked after their importation except at a cost that would be substantial in relation to their value for duty, provided that the failure to mark the goods before importation was not for the purpose of avoiding compliance with the marking requirement Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE II Goods that are original works of art Goods that are classified under subheading No. 6904.10, or heading No. 85.41 or 85.42, other than goods that are so classified by reason of their having undergone a non-qualifying operation specified in section 13 of these Regulations Goods in respect of which there is no ultimate purchaser SOR/95-447, s. 2; SOR/98-28, s. 20; SOR/2018-116, ss. 11, 12. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SCHEDULE III (Subsection 2(1), paragraph 4(1)(d) and subsection 12(2)) Tariff Shift Rules Note: In accordance with Schedule I to these Regulations, on country of origin. For the packaging and labelling of f Act continue to apply. SECTION I Live Animals; Animal Products (Chapters 1-5) Chapter 1 Live Animals 01.01 – 01.06 A change to headings 01.01 through 01 Chapter 2 Meat and Edible Meat Offal 02.01 – 02.09 A change to headings 02.01 through 02 0210.11 – 0210.20 A change to subheadings 0210.11 throu 0210.91 – 0210.99 A change to edible flours or meals of a that subheading or any other subheadi other edible flours or meals of Chapter A change to any other good of subhead Chapter 3 Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and Ot Note: For the purposes of headings 03 post-larval stage and includes fingerlin 03.01 A change to heading 03.01 from any ot 03.02 – 03.03 A change to headings 03.02 through 03 03.04 A change to heading 03.04 from any ot 0305.10 – 0305.79 A change to subheadings 0305.10 throu subheading within that group. 0306.11 – 0306.19 A change to subheadings 0306.11 throu subheading within that group. 0306.21 – 0306.27 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. 0306.29 A change to subheading 0306.29 from 0307.11 – 0308.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 4 Dairy Produce; Birds’ Eggs; Natural Ho Included 04.01 – 04.02 A change to headings 04.01 through 04 0403.10 A change to subheading 0403.10 from 0403.90 A change to sour cream or kephir of su other subheading; or A change to any other good of subhead 04.04 A change to heading 04.04 from any ot 0405.10 A change to subheading 0405.10 from 0405.20 A change to a good of subheading 040 any other heading; or A change to any other good of subhead 0405.90 A change to subheading 0405.90 from 04.06 A change to heading 04.06 from any ot 04.07 – 04.10 A change to headings 04.07 through 04 Chapter 5 Products of Animal Origin, Not Elsewh 0501.00 – 0511.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i SECTION II Vegetable Products (Chapters 6-14) Note: Notwithstanding the tariff shift rules of this section, an country shall be treated as a good of that country even bud or other live part of a plant, imported from another Chapter 6 Live Trees and Other Plants; Bulbs, Roo 06.01 – 06.04 A change to headings 06.01 through 06 group. Chapter 7 Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots a 07.01 – 07.09 A change to headings 07.01 through 07 0710.10 – 0710.80 A change to subheadings 0710.10 throu 0710.90 A change to subheading 0710.90 from 07.11 A change to heading 07.11 from any ot Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 7 Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots a 0712.20 – 0712.90 A change to crushed, ground or powde from any other good of that subheadin that group; A change to mixtures of vegetables of other subheading; or A change to any other good of subhead 07.13 – 07.14 A change to headings 07.13 through 07 Chapter 8 Edible Fruit and Nuts; Peel of Citrus Fru 08.01 – 08.14 A change to headings 08.01 through 08 Chapter 9 Coffee, Tea, Maté and Spices 0901.11 – 0901.90 A change to subheadings 0901.11 throu subheading within that group. 0902.10 – 0910.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 10 Cereals 10.01 – 10.08 A change to headings 10.01 through 10 Chapter 11 Products of the Milling Industry; Malt; 11.01 – 11.07 A change to headings 11.01 through 11 11.08 – 11.09 A change to headings 11.08 through 11 group. Chapter 12 Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits; Misce Straw and Fodder 12.01 – 12.06 A change to headings 12.01 through 12 1207.10 – 1207.70 A change to subheadings 1207.10 throu 1207.91 A change to a good of subheading 120 1207.99 A change to subheading 1207.99 from 12.08 A change to heading 12.08 from any ot 1209.10 – 1209.30 A change to subheadings 1209.10 throu 1209.91 A change to celery seeds, crushed or g heading or any other chapter; or A change to any other good of subhead 1209.99 A change to subheading 1209.99 from 12.10 A change to heading 12.10 from any ot 1211.10 – 1211.40 A change to subheadings 1211.10 throu Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 12 Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits; Misce Straw and Fodder 1211.90 A change to a good of subheading 121 12.12 – 12.14 A change to headings 12.12 through 12 Chapter 13 Lac; Gums, Resins and Other Vegetabl 1301.20 – 1302.39 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 14 Vegetable Plaiting Materials; Vegetabl 1401.10 – 1404.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i SECTION III Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils Prepared Edible Fats; Animal or Ve (Chapter 15) Chapter 15 Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and Vegetable Waxes 15.01 – 15.15 A change to headings 15.01 through 15 1516.10 A change to subheading 1516.10 from 1516.20 A change to subheading 1516.20 from 15.17 A change to heading 15.17 from any ot 15.18 – 15.20 A change to a good of any of headings other heading, including another headi 15.21 – 15.22 A change to headings 15.21 through 15 group. SECTION IV Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages, S Manufactured Tobacco Substitutes (Chapters 16-24) Chapter 16 Preparations of Meat, of Fish or of Crus 16.01 – 16.05 A change to headings 16.01 through 16 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 17 Sugars and Sugar Confectionery 17.01 – 17.02 A change to headings 17.01 through 17 17.03 – 17.04 A change to headings 17.03 through 17 group. Chapter 18 Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations 18.01 – 18.02 A change to headings 18.01 through 18 group. 1803.10 – 1803.20 A change to subheadings 1803.10 throu subheading within that group. 18.04 – 18.05 A change to headings 18.04 through 18 group. 1806.10 – 1806.90 A change to subheadings 1806.10 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 19 Preparations of Cereals, Flour, Starch o 1901.10 – 1901.20 A change to subheadings 1901.10 throu subheading within that group. 1901.90 A change to subheading 1901.90 from 1902.11 – 1902.19 A change to subheadings 1902.11 throu 1902.20 A change to subheading 1902.20 from 1902.30 – 1902.40 A change to subheadings 1902.30 throu 19.03 A change to heading 19.03 from any ot 1904.10 A change to subheading 1904.10 from 1904.20 A change to subheading 1904.20 from 1904.30 – 1904.90 A change to subheadings 1904.30 throu 19.05 A change to heading 19.05 from any ot Chapter 20 Preparations of Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts 20.01 – 20.04 A change to headings 20.01 through 20 group. 2005.10 A change to subheading 2005.10 from 2005.20 – 2005.99 A change to subheadings 2005.20 throu 20.06 A change to heading 20.06 from any ot 2007.10 A change to subheading 2007.10 from 2007.91 – 2007.99 A change to subheadings 2007.91 throu 20.08 A change to heading 20.08 from any ot 2009.11 – 2009.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 21 Miscellaneous Edible Preparations 2101.11 A change to subheading 2101.11 from 2101.12 A change to subheading 2101.12 from 2101.20 – 2101.30 A change to subheadings 2101.20 throu 2102.10 – 2102.30 A change to subheadings 2102.10 throu subheading within that group. 2103.10 – 2103.20 A change to subheadings 2103.10 throu subheading within that group. 2103.30 A change to a good of subheading 210 subheading. 2103.90 A change to subheading 2103.90 from 2104.10 – 2104.20 A change to subheadings 2104.10 throu subheading within that group. 21.05 A change to heading 21.05 from any ot 2106.10 A change to subheading 2106.10 from 2106.90 A change to a preparation of subheadin solids from any other subheading, exce heading 1901.90 containing more than A change to any other good of subhead Chapter 22 Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar 22.01 A change to heading 22.01 from any ot 2202.10 A change to subheading 2202.10 from 2202.90 A change to a beverage of subheading from any other subheading, except from ing 1901.90 containing more than 10 pe A change to any other good of subhead 22.03 A change to heading 22.03 from any ot 2204.10 – 2204.29 A change to subheadings 2204.10 throu 2204.30 A change to subheading 2204.30 from 22.05 – 22.07 A change to headings 22.05 through 22 group. 2208.20 A change to subheading 2208.20 from 2208.30 – 2208.70 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i total alcoholic volume of the foreign m per cent of the volume of the total alco 2208.90 A change to kirschwasser or ratafia of s other subheading; or A change to any other good of subhead 22.09 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 A change to heading 22.09 from any ot Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 23 Residues and Waste from the Food Ind 23.01 – 23.08 A change to headings 23.01 through 23 group. 2309.10 A change to subheading 2309.10 from 2309.90 A change to a preparation of subheadin cent by weight of milk solids from any preparations of subheading 1901.90 co A change to any other good of subhead Chapter 24 Tobacco and Manufactured Tobacco S 24.01 A change to heading 24.01 from any ot 24.02 – 24.03 A change to headings 24.02 through 24 group. SECTION V Mineral Products (Chapters 25-27) Chapter 25 Salt; Sulphur; Earths and Stone; Plaste 2501.00 – 2530.90 A change to subheadings 2501.00 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 26 Ores, Slag and Ash 26.01 – 26.21 A change to headings 26.01 through 26 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Produc Note 1: Notwithstanding the tariff shi of a chemical reaction, the country of o that chemical reaction. For the purposes of this Chapter, a che results in a molecule with a new structu tramolecular bonds, or by altering the s Note 2: For the purposes of heading 2 the good underwent either of the follow (a) Atmospheric distillation – A sep tion tower into fractions according t fied fractions. Liquefied petroleum g and lubricating oil are produced fro (b) Vacuum distillation – Distillation classed as molecular distillation. Va tive materials such as heavy distilla residuum. In some refineries gas oil Note 3: For the purposes of heading 2 the good underwent direct blending. Direct blending is defined as a refinery and petroleum components from holdi determined parameters, of heading 27. than 25 per cent by volume of the good 27.01 – 27.06 A change to headings 27.01 through 27 group. 2707.10 – 2707.91 A change to subheadings 2707.10 throu A change to subheadings 2707.10 throu whether or not there is also a change fr change is the result of a chemical react 2707.99 A change to a good of subheading 270 subheading. 27.08 A change to heading 27.08 from any ot 27.09 A change to a good of heading 27.09 fr 2710.12 – 2710.99 A change to subheadings 2710.12 throu A change to a good of any of subheadi ing or any other subheading within tha ing, provided that the good resulting fr distillation or a chemical reaction; or A change to a good of any of subheadi the good resulting from such change is 2711.11 – 2711.14 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 2711.19 – 2711.29 A change to subheadings 2711.19 throu subheading within that group. 27.12 A change to heading 27.12 from any ot 2713.11 – 2713.12 A change to subheadings 2713.11 throu 2713.20 A change to a good of subheading 271 subheading. 2713.90 A change to subheading 2713.90 from Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Produc 27.14 – 27.16 A change to headings 27.14 through 27 group. SECTION VI Products of the Chemical or Allied (Chapters 28-38) Note 1: Notwithstanding the tariff shift rules of Chapter 28, the product of a chemical reaction, the country of o went that chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is a process (including a bioche by breaking intramolecular bonds and by forming ment of atoms in a molecule. Note 2: Where a good of Chapter 28 or 29 is subject to purifi of the impurities, the country of origin of that good s Note 3: Where a good of Chapter 29 is subject to isomer sepa which the isolation or separation of isomers from mi Note 4: A foreign material or component will not be deemed rules by reason of a change from one classification t individual materials or components from an artificia underwent a chemical reaction. Chapter 28 Inorganic Chemicals; Organic or Inorga Radioactive Elements or of Isotopes 2801.10 – 2850.00 A change to subheadings 2801.10 throu subheading within that group. 2852.10 A change to a good of subheading 285 subheading. 2852.90 A change to subheading 2852.90 from 28.53 A change to heading 28.53 from any ot Chapter 29 Organic Chemicals 2901.10 – 2942.00 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 30 Pharmaceutical Products 3001.20 – 3006.92 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 31 Fertilizers 3101.00 – 3105.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 32 Tanning or Dyeing Extracts; Tannins an Paints and Varnishes; Putty and Other 3201.10 – 3215.90 A change to subheadings 3201.10 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 33 Essential Oils and Resinoids; Perfumer 3301.12 – 3301.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 33.02 – 33.03 A change to headings 33.02 through 33 group. 3304.10 – 3307.90 A change to subheadings 3304.10 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 34 Soap, Organic Surface-active Agents, W Prepared Waxes, Polishing or Scouring “Dental Waxes” and Dental Preparatio 3401.11 – 3405.90 A change to subheadings 3401.11 throu subheading within that group. 34.06 – 34.07 A change to headings 34.06 through 34 group. Chapter 35 Albuminoidal Substances; Modified St 3501.10 – 3501.90 A change to subheadings 3501.10 throu subheading within that group. 3502.11 – 3502.19 A change to subheadings 3502.11 throu 3502.20 – 3502.90 A change to subheadings 3502.20 throu subheading within that group. 3503.00 – 3507.90 A change to subheadings 3503.00 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 36 Explosives; Pyrotechnic Products; Matc 3601.00 – 3606.90 A change to subheadings 3601.00 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 37 Photographic or Cinematographic Goo 37.01 – 37.06 A change to headings 37.01 through 37 group. 3707.10 – 3707.90 A change to subheadings 3707.10 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 38 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 3801.10 – 3807.00 A change to subheadings 3801.10 throu subheading within that group. 3808.50 – 3808.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 38 Miscellaneous Chemical Products 3809.10 – 3823.70 A change to subheadings 3809.10 throu subheading within that group. 3824.10 – 3824.83 A change to subheadings 3824.10 throu subheading within that group. 3824.90 A change to a good of subheading 382 subheading. 3825.10 – 3825.69 A change to subheadings 3825.10 throu through 37, 40 or 90. 3825.90 A change to subheading 3825.90 from no more than 60 per cent by weight of 38.26 A change to heading 38.26 from any ot SECTION VII Plastics and Articles Thereof; Rubb (Chapters 39-40) Chapter 39 Plastics and Articles Thereof 39.01 –39.15 A change to headings 39.01 through 39 group. 3916.10 – 3921.90 A change to subheadings 3916.10 throu subheading within that group. 39.22 – 39.26 A change to headings 39.22 through 39 group. Chapter 40 Rubber and Articles Thereof 4001.10 – 4012.90 A change to subheadings 4001.10 throu subheading within that group. 40.13 A change to heading 40.13 from any ot 4014.10 – 4014.90 A change to subheadings 4014.10 throu subheading within that group. 40.15 A change to heading 40.15 from any ot 4016.10 – 4017.00 A change to subheadings 4016.10 throu subheading within that group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SECTION VIII Raw Hides and Skins, Leather, Furs Saddlery and Harness; Travel Goo Containers; Articles of Animal Gut (Chapters 41-43) Chapter 41 Raw Hides and Skins (Other Than Furs 41.01 – 41.03 A change to raw hides or skins of any o (including a pre-tanning) process which chapter; or A change to any other good of heading 4104.11 – 4105.30 A change to subheadings 4104.11 throu subheading within that group. 4106.21 – 4106.32 A change to subheadings 4106.21 throu subheading within that group. 4106.40 A change to a good of subheading 410 subheading. 4106.91 – 4106.92 A change to subheadings 4106.91 throu subheading within that group. 4107.11 – 4115.20 A change to subheadings 4107.11 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 42 Articles of Leather; Saddlery and Harne Animal Gut (Other than Silk-worm Gut 42.01 – 42.06 A change to headings 42.01 through 42 group. Chapter 43 Furskins and Artificial Fur; Manufactur 43.01 A change to heading 43.01 from any ot 4302.11 – 4302.20 A change to subheadings 4302.11 throu 4302.30 A change to subheading 4302.30 from 43.03 – 43.04 A change to headings 43.03 through 43 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SECTION IX Wood and Articles of Wood; Wood Cork; Manufactures of Straw, of Es Materials; Basketware and Wickerw (Chapters 44-46) Chapter 44 Wood and Articles of Wood; Wood Cha 44.01 – 44.11 A change to headings 44.01 through 44 group. 44.12 A change to a surface-covered plywood er heading; or A change to any other good of heading 44.13 – 44.17 A change to headings 44.13 through 44 group. 4418.10 – 4418.60 A change to subheadings 4418.10 throu 4418.71 – 4418.79 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 4418.90 A change to subheading 4418.90 from 44.19 – 44.21 A change to headings 44.19 through 44 group. Chapter 45 Cork and Articles of Cork 45.01 – 45.04 A change to headings 45.01 through 45 group. Chapter 46 Manufactures of Straw, of Esparto or o 4601.21 – 4601.99 A change to subheadings 4601.21 throu subheading within that group. 46.02 A change to heading 46.02 from any ot SECTION X Pulp of Wood or of other Fibrous C (Waste and Scrap) Paper or Paperb Articles Thereof (Chapters 47-49) Chapter 47 Pulp of Wood or of Other Fibrous Cellu 47.01 – 47.02 A change to headings 47.01 through 47 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 47 Pulp of Wood or of Other Fibrous Cellu 4703.11 – 4704.29 A change to subheadings 4703.11 throu subheading within that group. 47.05 – 47.07 A change to headings 47.05 through 47 group. Chapter 48 Paper and Paperboard; Articles of Pape 48.01 – 48.09 A change to headings 48.01 through 48 group. 4810.13 – 4811.90 A change to subheadings 4810.13 throu subheading within that group. 48.12 – 48.22 A change to headings 48.12 through 48 group. 4823.20 – 4823.90 A change to subheadings 4823.20 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 49 Printed Books, Newspapers, Pictures a Typescripts and Plans 49.01 – 49.11 A change to headings 49.01 through 49 group. SECTION XI Textiles and Textile Articles (Chapters 50-63) Chapter 50 Silk 50.01 – 50.03 A change to headings 50.01 through 50 50.04 – 50.06 A change to headings 50.04 through 50 group. 50.07 A change to heading 50.07 from any ot Chapter 51 Wool, Fine or Coarse Animal Hair; Hors 51.01 – 51.13 A change to headings 51.01 through 51 group. Chapter 52 Cotton 52.01 – 52.03 A change to headings 52.01 through 52 group. 52.04 – 52.07 A change to headings 52.04 through 52 52.08 – 52.12 A change to headings 52.08 through 52 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 53 Other Vegetable Textile Fibres; Paper Y 53.01 – 53.05 A change to headings 53.01 through 53 53.06 – 53.11 A change to headings 53.06 through 53 group. Chapter 54 Man-made Filaments; Strip and the Lik 54.01 – 54.06 A change to headings 54.01 through 54 54.07 – 54.08 A change to headings 54.07 through 54 group. Chapter 55 Man-made Staple Fibres 55.01 – 55.16 A change to headings 55.01 through 55 group. Chapter 56 Wadding, Felt and Nonwovens; Specia 56.01 – 56.06 A change to headings 56.01 through 56 group. 56.07 A change to heading 56.07 from any ot through 54.05 or 55.08 through 55.10. 56.08 A change to heading 56.08 from any ot 56.09 A change to heading 56.09 from any ot through 52.06, 54.01 through 54.05 or 5 Chapter 57 Carpets and Other Textile Floor Coveri 57.01 – 57.05 A change to headings 57.01 through 57 Chapter 58 Special Woven Fabrics; Tufted Textile F 58.01 – 58.11 A change to headings 58.01 through 58 group. Chapter 59 Impregnated, Coated, Covered or Lami Industrial Use 59.01 – 59.11 A change to headings 59.01 through 59 group. Chapter 60 Knitted or Crocheted Fabrics 60.01 A change to heading 60.01 from any ot A change to a fabric of heading 60.01, i other materials, from any other fabric o or lamination constitutes 20 per cent or 60.02 – 60.06 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 A change to headings 60.02 through 60 group. Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 61 Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acces Note 1: For the purposes of this Chap sembly of (a) all the major garment parts of a (b) six or more garment parts of a g Note 2: For the purposes of this Chap but does not include parts such as colla sories. A change to any good of this chapter fr that the change is the result of substan A change to any good of this chapter, f chapter. Chapter 62 Articles of Apparel and Clothing Acces Note 1: For the purposes of this Chap sembly of (a) all the major garment parts of a (b) six or more garment parts of a g Note 2: For the purposes of this Chap but does not include parts such as colla sories. A change to any good of this chapter fr that the change is the result of substan Chapter 63 Other Made Up Textile Articles; Sets; W Note 1: The country of origin of a goo collected and packaged for shipment. Note 2: The country of origin of a wor good is last collected and packaged for 6301.10 A change to subheading 6301.10 from 6301.20 – 6301.90 A change to subheadings 6301.20 throu through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53. through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06. 63.02 A change to a quilted good of heading provided that both the cutting of the to formed entirely in one country; or A change to a non-quilted good of head includes cutting and hemming all sides to the good. 63.03 A change to a quilted good of heading provided that both the cutting of the to formed entirely in one country; A change to a curtain, drape, curtain va provided that the production includes c sembly operation with respect to the g A change to any other good of heading through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53. through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 63 Other Made Up Textile Articles; Sets; W 63.04 A change to a quilted good of heading provided that both the cutting of the to performed entirely in one country; A change to a pillow cover or pillow sh A change to any other good of heading through 51.13, 52.08 through 52.12, 53. through 58.02 or 60.01 through 60.06. 63.05 A change to heading 63.05 from any ot through 52.12, 53.10 through 53.11, 54. through 60.06. 63.06 A change to heading 63.06 from any ot 6307.10 A change to subheading 6307.10 from 52.08 through 52.12, 53.10 through 53.1 60.01 through 60.06. 6307.20 – 6307.90 A change to subheadings 6307.20 throu 63.08 A change to heading 63.08 from any ot shift rule that would be applicable if the 63.10 A change to a good of heading 63.10, o the production includes more than cutt SECTION XII Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas, S Seat-Sticks, Whips, Riding-Crops a Feathers and Articles Made Therew Human Hair (Chapters 64-67) Chapter 64 Footwear, Gaiters and the Like; Parts o Note: For purposes of this Chapter, th are shaped by lasting, moulding or oth 64.01 – 64.05 A change to headings 64.01 through 64 uppers of subheading 6406.10. 6406.10 A change to subheading 6406.10 from 6406.20 – 6406.90 A change to subheadings 6406.20 throu Chapter 65 Headgear and Parts Thereof 65.01 – 65.07 A change to headings 65.01 through 65 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 66 Umbrellas, Sun Umbrellas, Walking-St 66.01 – 66.02 A change to headings 66.01 through 66 group. 6603.20 A change to subheading 6603.20 from 6603.90 A change to subheading 6603.90 from Chapter 67 Prepared Feathers and Down and Artic Human Hair 67.01 A change to an article of feather or dow other heading; or A change to any other good of heading 67.02 – 67.04 A change to headings 67.02 through 67 group. SECTION XIII Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Materials; Ceramic Products; Glass (Chapters 68-70) Chapter 68 Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asb 68.01 – 68.08 A change to headings 68.01 through 68 group. 6809.11 – 6809.19 A change to subheadings 6809.11 throu 6809.90 A change to subheading 6809.90 from 6810.11 – 6810.19 A change to subheadings 6810.11 throu 6810.91 A change to subheading 6810.91 from 6810.99 A change to subheading 6810.99 from 68.11 A change to heading 68.11 from any ot 6812.80 – 6812.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 68.13 – 68.14 A change to headings 68.13 through 68 group. 6815.10 – 6815.99 A change to subheadings 6815.10 throu within that group. Chapter 69 Ceramic Products 69.01 – 69.14 A change to headings 69.01 through 69 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 70 Glass and Glassware 70.01 – 70.08 A change to headings 70.01 through 70 group. 7009.10 – 7009.92 A change to subheadings 7009.10 throu subheading within that group. 70.10 – 70.18 A change to headings 70.10 through 70 group. 7019.11 – 7019.90 A change to subheadings 7019.11 throu subheading within that group. 70.20 A change to a good of heading 70.20 fr SECTION XIV Natural or Cultured Pearls, Preciou Precious Metals, Metals Clad with Thereof; Imitation Jewellery; Coin (Chapter 71) Chapter 71 Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious or Metal, and Articles Thereof; Imitation J 7101.10 – 7105.90 A change to subheadings 7101.10 throu subheading within that group. 7106.10 A change to subheading 7106.10 from 7106.91 A change to a good of subheading 710 subheading, provided that the non-orig thermal or chemical separation or alloy 71.07 A change to heading 71.07 from any ot 7108.11 – 7108.20 A change to subheadings 7108.11 throu heading within that group; or A change to a good of subheading 710 ing, provided that the non-originating m chemical separation or alloying. 71.09 A change to heading 71.09 from any ot 7110.11 – 7110.49 A change to subheadings 7110.11 throu subheading within that group. 71.11 – 71.12 A change to headings 71.11 through 71 group. 7113.11 – 7115.90 A change to subheadings 7113.11 throu subheading within that group. 71.16 – 71.18 A change to headings 71.16 through 71 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SECTION XV Base Metals and Articles of Base M (Chapters 72-83) Chapter 72 Iron and Steel 72.01 – 72.06 A change to headings 72.01 through 72 group. 72.07 A change to heading 72.07 from any ot 72.08 A change to heading 72.08 from any ot 72.09 A change to heading 72.09 from any ot 72.10 A change to heading 72.10 from any ot 72.11 A change to heading 72.11 from any ot 72.12 A change to heading 72.12 from any ot 72.13 A change to heading 72.13 from any ot 72.14 A change to heading 72.14 from any ot 72.15 A change to heading 72.15 from any ot 72.16 A change to heading 72.16 from any ot 72.17 A change to heading 72.17 from any ot 72.18 A change to heading 72.18 from any ot 72.19 – 72.20 A change to headings 72.19 through 72 72.21 – 72.22 A change to headings 72.21 through 72 72.23 A change to heading 72.23 from any ot 72.24 A change to heading 72.24 from any ot 72.25 – 72.26 A change to headings 72.25 through 72 72.27 – 72.28 A change to headings 72.27 through 72 72.29 A change to heading 72.29 from any ot Chapter 73 Articles of Iron or Steel 73.01 – 73.03 A change to headings 73.01 through 73 group. 7304.11 – 7304.39 A change to subheadings 7304.11 throu 7304.41 A change to subheading 7304.41 from 7304.49 – 7304.90 A change to subheadings 7304.49 throu 73.05 – 73.14 A change to headings 73.05 through 73 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 73 Articles of Iron or Steel 7315.11 – 7315.90 A change to subheadings 7315.11 throu subheading within that group. 73.16 – 73.20 A change to headings 73.16 through 73 group. 7321.11 – 7321.90 A change to subheadings 7321.11 throu subheading within that group. 73.22 – 73.23 A change to headings 73.22 through 73 group. 7324.10 – 7324.90 A change to subheadings 7324.10 throu subheading within that group. 73.25 – 73.26 A change to headings 73.25 through 73 group. Chapter 74 Copper and Articles Thereof 74.01 – 74.15 A change to headings 74.01 through 74 group. 7418.10 – 7419.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 75 Nickel and Articles Thereof 75.01 – 75.04 A change to headings 75.01 through 75 group. 7505.11 – 7505.22 A change to subheadings 7505.11 throu subheading within that group. 75.06 A change to foil of heading 75.06 of a t any other heading; or A change to any other good of heading 7507.11 – 7508.90 A change to subheadings 7507.11 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 76 Aluminum and Articles of Aluminum 76.01 – 76.04 A change to headings 76.01 through 76 group. 76.05 A change to heading 76.05 from any ot 76.06 – 76.15 A change to headings 76.06 through 76 group. 7616.10 – 7616.99 A change to subheadings 7616.10 throu subheading within that group. Chapter 78 Lead and Articles Thereof 78.01 – 78.02 A change to headings 78.01 through 78 group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 78 Lead and Articles Thereof 7804.11 – 7806.00 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 79 Zinc and Articles Thereof 79.01 – 79.03 A change to headings 79.01 through 79 group. 79.04 – 79.07 A change to a good of any of headings other heading, including another headi Chapter 80 Tin and Articles Thereof 80.01 – 80.02 A change to headings 80.01 through 80 group. 80.03 – 80.07 A change to a good of any of headings other heading, including another headi Chapter 81 Other Base Metals; Cermets; Articles T 8101.10 – 8113.00 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 82 Tools, Implements, Cutlery, Spoons an 8201.10 – 8215.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 83 Miscellaneous Articles of Base Metal 8301.10 – 8301.60 A change to subheadings 8301.10 throu subheading within that group. 8301.70 A change to subheading 8301.70 from 8302.10 – 8311.90 A change to subheadings 8302.10 throu subheading within that group. SECTION XVI Machinery and Mechanical Applian Thereof; Sound Recorders and Rep Sound Recorders and Reproducers Such Articles (Chapters 84-85) Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8401.10 A change to subheading 8401.10 from Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8401.20 A change to a good of subheading 840 subheading. 8401.30 – 8401.40 A change to subheadings 8401.30 throu subheading within that group. 8402.11 – 8402.20 A change to subheadings 8402.11 throu subheading within that group. 8402.90 A change to a good of subheading 840 8403.10 A change to subheading 8403.10 from 8403.90 A change to subheading 8403.90 from 8404.10 – 8404.20 A change to subheadings 8404.10 throu subheading within that group. 8404.90 A change to subheading 8404.90 from 8405.10 A change to subheading 8405.10 from 8405.90 A change to subheading 8405.90 from 8406.10 – 8406.82 A change to subheadings 8406.10 throu subheading within that group. 8406.90 A change to subheading 8406.90 from 84.07 – 84.08 A change to headings 84.07 through 84 group. 8409.10 – 8409.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. 8410.11 – 8410.13 A change to subheadings 8410.11 throu subheading within that group. 8410.90 A change to subheading 8410.90 from 8411.11 – 8411.82 A change to subheadings 8411.11 throu subheading within that group. 8411.91 – 8411.99 A change to subheadings 8411.91 throu 8412.10 – 8412.80 A change to subheadings 8412.10 throu subheading within that group. 8412.90 A change to subheading 8412.90 from 8413.11 – 8413.82 A change to subheadings 8413.11 throu subheading within that group. 8413.91 – 8413.92 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. 8414.10 – 8414.80 A change to subheadings 8414.10 throu subheading within that group. 8414.90 A change to a good of subheading 841 8415.10 – 8415.83 A change to subheadings 8415.10 throu subheading within that group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8415.90 A change to a good of subheading 841 8416.10 – 8416.30 A change to subheadings 8416.10 throu subheading within that group. 8416.90 A change to subheading 8416.90 from 8417.10 – 8417.80 A change to subheadings 8417.10 throu subheading within that group. 8417.90 A change to subheading 8417.90 from 8418.10 – 8418.91 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8418.99 A change to subheading 8418.99 from 8419.11 – 8419.89 A change to subheadings 8419.11 throu subheading within that group. 8419.90 A change to subheading 8419.90 from 8420.10 A change to subheading 8420.10 from 8420.91 – 8420.99 A change to subheadings 8420.91 throu 8421.11 – 8421.39 A change to subheadings 8421.11 throu subheading within that group. 8421.91 – 8421.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. 8422.11 – 8422.40 A change to subheadings 8422.11 throu subheading within that group. 8422.90 A change to a good of subheading 842 8423.10 – 8423.89 A change to subheadings 8423.10 throu subheading within that group. 8423.90 A change to subheading 8423.90 from 8424.10 – 8424.89 A change to subheadings 8424.10 throu subheading within that group. 8424.90 A change to subheading 8424.90 from 8425.11 – 8430.69 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8431.10 – 8431.49 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. 8432.10 – 8432.80 A change to subheadings 8432.10 throu subheading within that group. 8432.90 A change to subheading 8432.90 from 8433.11 – 8433.60 A change to subheadings 8433.11 throu subheading within that group. 8433.90 A change to subheading 8433.90 from Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8434.10 – 8435.90 A change to subheadings 8434.10 throu subheading within that group. 8436.10 – 8436.80 A change to subheadings 8436.10 throu subheading within that group. 8436.91 – 8436.99 A change to subheadings 8436.91 throu 8437.10 – 8437.80 A change to subheadings 8437.10 throu subheading within that group. 8437.90 A change to subheading 8437.90 from 8438.10 – 8438.80 A change to subheadings 8438.10 throu subheading within that group. 8438.90 A change to subheading 8438.90 from 8439.10 – 8440.90 A change to subheadings 8439.10 throu subheading within that group. 8441.10 – 8441.80 A change to subheadings 8441.10 throu subheading within that group. 8441.90 A change to a good of subheading 844 8442.30 A change to subheading 8442.30 from 8442.40 – 8442.50 A change to subheadings 8442.40 throu 8443.11 – 8443.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 84.44 – 84.47 A change to headings 84.44 through 84 group. 8448.11 – 8448.19 A change to subheadings 8448.11 throu subheading within that group. 8448.20 – 8448.59 A change to subheadings 8448.20 throu 84.49 A change to heading 84.49 from any ot 8450.11 – 8450.20 A change to subheadings 8450.11 throu subheading within that group. 8450.90 A change to subheading 8450.90 from 8451.10 – 8451.80 A change to subheadings 8451.10 throu subheading within that group. 8451.90 A change to subheading 8451.90 from 8452.10 – 8452.30 A change to subheadings 8452.10 throu subheading within that group. 8452.90 A change to a good of subheading 845 8453.10 – 8453.80 A change to subheadings 8453.10 throu subheading within that group. 8453.90 A change to subheading 8453.90 from Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8454.10 – 8454.30 A change to subheadings 8454.10 throu subheading within that group. 8454.90 A change to subheading 8454.90 from 8455.10 – 8455.90 A change to subheadings 8455.10 throu subheading within that group. 8456.10 – 8456.30 A change to subheadings 8456.10 throu 8456.90 A change to a good of subheading 845 84.57 – 84.65 A change to headings 84.57 through 84 group. 8466.10 – 8466.92 A change to subheadings 8466.10 throu 8466.93 A change to a good of subheading 846 8466.94 A change to subheading 8466.94 from 8467.11 – 8467.89 A change to subheadings 8467.11 throu subheading within that group. 8467.91 – 8467.99 A change to subheadings 8467.91 throu 8468.10 – 8468.80 A change to subheadings 8468.10 throu subheading within that group. 8468.90 A change to subheading 8468.90 from 8469.00 – 8473.50 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8474.10 – 8474.80 A change to subheadings 8474.10 throu subheading within that group. 8474.90 A change to a good of subheading 847 8475.10 – 8475.29 A change to subheadings 8475.10 throu subheading within that group. 8475.90 A change to subheading 8475.90 from 8476.21 – 8476.89 A change to subheadings 8476.21 throu subheading within that group. 8476.90 A change to subheading 8476.90 from 8477.10 – 8477.80 A change to subheadings 8477.10 throu subheading within that group. 8477.90 A change to subheading 8477.90 from 8478.10 A change to subheading 8478.10 from 8478.90 A change to subheading 8478.90 from 8479.10 – 8479.89 A change to subheadings 8479.10 throu subheading within that group. 8479.90 A change to a good of subheading 847 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 84 Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery a 8480.10 – 8480.79 A change to subheadings 8480.10 throu subheading within that group. 8481.10 – 8481.80 A change to subheadings 8481.10 throu subheading within that group. 8481.90 A change to subheading 8481.90 from 8482.10 – 8482.80 A change to subheadings 8482.10 throu subheading within that group. 8482.91 – 8482.99 A change to subheadings 8482.91 throu 8483.10 – 8483.60 A change to subheadings 8483.10 throu subheading within that group. 8483.90 A change to subheading 8483.90 from 8484.10 – 8484.90 A change to subheadings 8484.10 throu subheading within that group. 8486.10 – 8487.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 85 Electrical Machinery and Equipment an Image and Sound Recorders and Repro 85.01 – 85.03 A change to headings 85.01 through 85 group. 8504.10 – 8504.50 A change to subheadings 8504.10 throu subheading within that group. 8504.90 A change to a good of subheading 850 8505.11 – 8505.20 A change to subheadings 8505.11 throu subheading within that group. 8505.90 A change to subheading 8505.90 from 8506.10 – 8506.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8507.10 – 8507.80 A change to subheadings 8507.10 throu subheading within that group. 8507.90 A change to subheading 8507.90 from 8508.11 – 8508.60 A change to subheadings 8508.11 throu subheading within that group. 8508.70 A change to a good of subheading 850 8509.40 A change to subheading 8509.40 from 8509.80 A change to a good of subheading 850 subheading. 8509.90 A change to a good of subheading 850 8510.10 – 8510.30 A change to subheadings 8510.10 throu subheading within that group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 85 Electrical Machinery and Equipment an Image and Sound Recorders and Repro 8510.90 A change to subheading 8510.90 from 8511.10 – 8511.80 A change to subheadings 8511.10 throu subheading within that group. 8511.90 A change to subheading 8511.90 from 8512.10 – 8512.40 A change to subheadings 8512.10 throu subheading within that group. 8512.90 A change to subheading 8512.90 from 8513.10 A change to subheading 8513.10 from 8513.90 A change to subheading 8513.90 from 8514.10 – 8514.40 A change to subheadings 8514.10 throu subheading within that group. 8514.90 A change to subheading 8514.90 from 8515.11 – 8515.80 A change to subheadings 8515.11 throu subheading within that group. 8515.90 A change to subheading 8515.90 from 8516.10 – 8516.80 A change to subheadings 8516.10 throu subheading within that group. 8516.90 A change to a good of subheading 851 8517.11 – 8517.70 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8518.10 – 8518.29 A change to subheadings 8518.10 throu subheading within that group. 8518.30 A change to a good of subheading 851 subheading. 8518.40 – 8518.50 A change to subheadings 8518.40 throu subheading within that group. 8518.90 A change to subheading 8518.90 from 8519.20 – 8521.90 A change to subheadings 8519.20 throu subheading within that group. 85.22 A change to heading 85.22 from any ot 8523.21 – 8523.80 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8525.50 – 8525.60 A change to subheadings 8525.50 throu subheading within that group. 8525.80 A change to a good of subheading 852 subheading. 8526.10 – 8527.99 A change to subheadings 8526.10 throu subheading within that group. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 85 Electrical Machinery and Equipment an Image and Sound Recorders and Repro 8528.41 – 8529.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8530.10 – 8530.80 A change to subheadings 8530.10 throu subheading within that group. 8530.90 A change to subheading 8530.90 from 8531.10 – 8531.80 A change to subheadings 8531.10 throu subheading within that group. 8531.90 A change to subheading 8531.90 from 8532.10 – 8532.30 A change to subheadings 8532.10 throu subheading within that group. 8532.90 A change to subheading 8532.90 from 8533.10 – 8533.40 A change to subheadings 8533.10 throu subheading within that group. 8533.90 A change to subheading 8533.90 from 85.34 A change to heading 85.34 from any ot 8535.10 – 8536.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 85.37 – 85.38 A change to headings 85.37 through 85 group. 8539.10 – 8539.49 A change to subheadings 8539.10 throu subheading within that group. 8539.90 A change to subheading 8539.90 from 8540.11 – 8542.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8543.10 – 8543.70 A change to subheadings 8543.10 throu subheading within that group. 8543.90 A change to a good of subheading 854 8544.11 – 8547.90 A change to subheadings 8544.11 throu subheading within that group. 8548.10 A change to subheading 8548.10 from 8548.90 A change to a good of subheading 854 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SECTION XVII Vehicles, Aircraft, Vessels and Asso (Chapters 86-89) Chapter 86 Railway or Tramway Locomotives, Rol and Fittings and Parts Thereof; Mechan All Kinds 86.01 – 86.06 A change to headings 86.01 through 86 group. 8607.11 – 8607.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 86.08 – 86.09 A change to headings 86.08 through 86 group. Chapter 87 Vehicles Other Than Railway or Tramw 87.01 – 87.07 A change to headings 87.01 through 87 group. 8708.10 – 8708.99 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8709.11 – 8709.19 A change to subheadings 8709.11 throu subheading within that group. 8709.90 A change to subheading 8709.90 from 87.10 – 87.13 A change to headings 87.10 through 87 group. 8714.10 – 8715.00 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 8716.10 – 8716.80 A change to subheadings 8716.10 throu subheading within that group. 8716.90 A change to a good of subheading 871 Chapter 88 Aircraft, Spacecraft and Parts Thereof 8801.00 – 8802.60 A change to subheadings 8801.00 throu subheading within that group. 8803.10 – 8805.29 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i Chapter 89 Ships, Boats and Floating Structures 8901.10 – 8902.00 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 89.03 A change to heading 89.03 from any ot 8904.00 – 8905.90 A change to a good of subheadings 890 any other subheading, including anoth Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 89 Ships, Boats and Floating Structures 89.06 – 89.08 A change to headings 89.06 through 89 group. SECTION XVIII Optical, Photographic, Cinematogr Precision, Medical or Surgical Instr and Watches; Musical Instruments (Chapters 90-92) Chapter 90 Optical, Photographic, Cinematograph Instruments and Apparatus; Parts and 9001.10 – 9002.90 A change to subheadings 9001.10 throu subheading within that group. 9003.11 – 9003.19 A change to subheadings 9003.11 throu subheading within that group. 9003.90 A change to subheading 9003.90 from 90.04 A change to heading 90.04 from any ot 9005.10 – 9005.80 A change to subheadings 9005.10 throu subheading within that group. 9005.90 A change to subheading 9005.90 from 9006.10 – 9006.69 A change to subheadings 9006.10 throu subheading within that group. 9006.91 – 9006.99 A change to subheadings 9006.91 throu 9007.10 – 9007.20 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 9007.91 A change to subheading 9007.91 from 9007.92 A change to a good of subheading 900 subheading. 9008.50 A change to a good of subheading 900 subheading. 9008.90 A change to subheading 9008.90 from 9010.10 – 9010.60 A change to subheadings 9010.10 throu subheading within that group. 9010.90 A change to subheading 9010.90 from 9011.10 – 9011.80 A change to subheadings 9011.10 throu subheading within that group. 9011.90 A change to subheading 9011.90 from 9012.10 A change to subheading 9012.10 from Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 90 Optical, Photographic, Cinematograph Instruments and Apparatus; Parts and 9012.90 A change to subheading 9012.90 from 9013.10 – 9013.90 A change to subheadings 9013.10 throu subheading within that group. 9014.10 – 9014.80 A change to subheadings 9014.10 throu subheading within that group. 9014.90 A change to subheading 9014.90 from 9015.10 – 9015.80 A change to subheadings 9015.10 throu subheading within that group. 9015.90 A change to a good of subheading 901 90.16 A change to heading 90.16 from any ot 9017.10 – 9017.80 A change to subheadings 9017.10 throu subheading within that group. 9017.90 A change to subheading 9017.90 from 9018.11 – 9022.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 90.23 A change to heading 90.23 from any ot 9024.10 – 9024.80 A change to subheadings 9024.10 throu subheading within that group. 9024.90 A change to subheading 9024.90 from 9025.11 – 9025.80 A change to subheadings 9025.11 throu subheading within that group. 9025.90 A change to subheading 9025.90 from 9026.10 – 9026.80 A change to subheadings 9026.10 throu subheading within that group. 9026.90 A change to subheading 9026.90 from 9027.10 – 9027.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 9028.10 – 9028.30 A change to subheadings 9028.10 throu subheading within that group. 9028.90 A change to subheading 9028.90 from 9029.10 – 9029.20 A change to subheadings 9029.10 throu subheading within that group. 9029.90 A change to subheading 9029.90 from 9030.10 – 9030.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 9031.10 – 9031.41 A change to subheadings 9031.10 throu subheading within that group. 9031.49 A change to a good of subheading 903 subheading. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 90 Optical, Photographic, Cinematograph Instruments and Apparatus; Parts and 9031.80 A change to subheading 9031.80 from 9031.90 A change to subheading 9031.90 from 9032.10 – 9032.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 90.33 A change to heading 90.33 from any ot Chapter 91 Clocks and Watches and Parts Thereof 91.01 – 91.07 A change to headings 91.01 through 91 group. 9108.11 – 9112.90 A change to subheadings 9108.11 throu subheading within that group. 91.13 – 91.14 A change to headings 91.13 through 91 group. Chapter 92 Musical Instruments; Parts and Access 92.01 – 92.09 A change to headings 92.01 through 92 group. SECTION XIX Arms and Ammunition; Parts and (Chapter 93) Chapter 93 Arms and Ammunition; Parts and Acce 93.01 – 93.07 A change to headings 93.01 through 93 group. SECTION XX Miscellaneous Manufactured Artic (Chapters 94-96) Chapter 94 Furniture; Bedding, Mattresses, Mattre Lighting Fittings, Not Elsewhere Speci the Like; Prefabricated Buildings 9401.10 – 9401.80 A change to subheadings 9401.10 throu 9401.90 A change to subheading 9401.90 from 9402.10 – 9402.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other heading. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules Chapter 94 Furniture; Bedding, Mattresses, Mattre Lighting Fittings, Not Elsewhere Speci the Like; Prefabricated Buildings 9403.10 – 9403.89 A change to subheadings 9403.10 throu 9403.90 A change to subheading 9403.90 from 94.04 A change to heading 94.04 from any ot 9405.10 – 9405.60 A change to subheadings 9405.10 throu 9405.91 – 9405.99 A change to subheadings 9405.91 throu 94.06 A change to heading 94.06 from any ot Chapter 95 Toys, Games and Sports Requisites; Pa 9503.00 – 9505.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 9506.11 – 9506.29 A change to subheadings 9506.11 throu 9506.31 A change to subheading 9506.31 from 9506.32 – 9506.99 A change to subheadings 9506.32 throu subheading within that group. 9507.10 – 9507.30 A change to subheadings 9507.10 throu 9507.90 A change to subheading 9507.90 from 95.08 A change to heading 95.08 from any ot Chapter 96 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 96.01 – 96.05 A change to headings 96.01 through 96 group. 9606.10 – 9609.90 A change to a good of any of subheadi subheading or any other subheading, i 96.10 – 96.12 A change to headings 96.10 through 96 group. 9613.10 – 9613.90 A change to subheadings 9613.10 throu subheading within that group. 96.14 A change to a good of heading 96.14 fr 9615.11 – 9615.90 A change to subheadings 9615.11 throu subheading within that group. 96.16 – 96.18 A change to headings 96.16 through 96 group. 96.19 A change to a good of heading 96.19 fr Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III Tariff Shift Rules SECTION XXI Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces an (Chapter 97) Chapter 97 Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces and An 9701.10 – 9706.00 A change to subheadings 9701.10 throu subheading within that group. SOR/95-146, s. 1; SOR/2013-100, s. 6; SOR/2016-142, s. 13(F); SOR/2018-108, s. 408; SOR/201 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) ANNEXE III (paragraphe 2(1), alinéa 4(1)d) et paragraphe 12(2)) Règles concernant le changement Note : Conformément à l’annexe I du présent règlement, seule diquer leur pays d’origine. En ce qui a trait à l’emba salubrité des aliments au Canada continue de s’applique SECTION I Animaux vivants et produits du règ (chapitres 1-5) Chapitre 1 Animaux vivants 01.01-01.06 Un changement aux positions 01.01 à 0 Chapitre 2 Viandes et abats comestibles 02.01-02.09 Un changement aux positions 02.01 à 0 0210.11-0210.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 021 0210.91-0210.99 Un changement aux farines ou poudre toute autre marchandise de la sous-pos autre sous-position à l’intérieur de ce g chapitre 2; ou Un changement à toute autre marchan Chapitre 3 Poissons et crustacés, mollusques et a Note : Pour l’application des positions non mature au stade post-larvaire, y co civelles. 03.01 Un changement à la position 03.01 de t 03.02-03.03 Un changement aux positions 03.02 à 0 03.04 Un changement à la position 03.04 de t 0305.10-0305.79 Un changement aux sous-positions 030 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 0306.11-0306.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 030 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 0306.21-0306.27 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 0306.29 Un changement à la sous-position 0306 0307.11-0308.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 4 Lait et produits de la laiterie; œufs d’oi dénommés ni compris ailleurs 04.01-04.02 Un changement aux positions 04.01 à 0 0403.10 Un changement à la sous-position 0403 0403.90 Un changement à une crème sure ou à de cette sous-position ou de toute autr Un changement à toute autre marchan 04.04 Un changement à la position 04.04 de t 0405.10 Un changement à la sous-position 0405 0405.20 Un changement à une marchandise de matières solides provenant du lait de to Un changement à toute autre marchan 0405.90 Un changement à la sous-position 0405 04.06 Un changement à la position 04.06 de t 04.07-04.10 Un changement aux positions 04.07 à 0 Chapitre 5 Autres produits d’origine animale, non 0501.00-0511.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION II Produits du règne végétal (chapitres 6-14) Note : Malgré les règles concernant le changement tarifaire d cultivée sur le territoire d’un pays est traitée comme un semences, de bulbes, de racines, de boutures, de greffo vantes importées d’un autre pays. Chapitre 6 Plantes vivantes et produits de la floric 06.01-06.04 Un changement aux positions 06.01 à 0 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 7 Légumes, plantes, racines et tubercule 07.01-07.09 Un changement aux positions 07.01 à 0 0710.10-0710.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 071 0710.90 Un changement à la sous-position 0710 07.11 Un changement à la position 07.11 de t Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 7 Légumes, plantes, racines et tubercule 0712.20-0712.90 Un changement aux légumes broyés o autre marchandise de la sous-position sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Un changement aux mélanges de légu cette sous-position ou de toute autre so Un changement à toute autre marchan 07.13-07.14 Un changement aux positions 07.13 à 0 Chapitre 8 Fruits comestibles; écorces d’agrumes 08.01-08.14 Un changement aux positions 08.01 à 0 Chapitre 9 Café, thé, maté et épices 0901.11-0901.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 090 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 0902.10-0910.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 10 Céréales 10.01-10.08 Un changement aux positions 10.01 à 1 Chapitre 11 Produits de la minoterie; malt; amidon 11.01-11.07 Un changement aux positions 11.01 à 1 11.08-11.09 Un changement aux positions 11.08 à 1 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 12 Graines et fruits oléagineux; graines, s pailles et fourrages 12.01-12.06 Un changement aux positions 12.01 à 1 1207.10-1207.70 Un changement aux sous-positions 120 1207.91 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de tout autre chapitre. 1207.99 Un changement à la sous-position 1207 12.08 Un changement à la position 12.08 de t 1209.10-1209.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 120 1209.91 Un changement aux graines de céleri, b marchandise de cette sous-position ou Un changement à toute autre marchan 1209.99 Un changement à la sous-position 1209 12.10 Un changement à la position 12.10 de t Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 12 Graines et fruits oléagineux; graines, s pailles et fourrages 1211.10-1211.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 121 1211.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de tout autre chapitre. 12.12-12.14 Un changement aux positions 12.12 à 1 Chapitre 13 Gommes, résines et autres sucs et extr 1301.20-1302.39 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 14 Matières à tresser et autres produits d 1401.10-1404.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION III Graisses et huiles animales ou vég dissociation; graisses alimentaires animale ou végétale (chapitre 15) Chapitre 15 Graisses et huiles animales ou végétal cires d’origine animale ou végétale 15.01-15.15 Un changement aux positions 15.01 à 1 1516.10 Un changement à la sous-position 1516 1516.20 Un changement à la sous-position 1516 15.17 Un changement à la position 15.17 de t 15.18-15.20 Un changement à une marchandise de position en cause ou de toute autre pos 15.21-15.22 Un changement aux positions 15.21 à 1 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) SECTION IV Produits des industries alimentaire et vinaigres; tabacs et succédanés (chapitres 16-24) Chapitre 16 Préparations de viandes, de poissons o 16.01-16.05 Un changement aux positions 16.01 à 1 Chapitre 17 Sucres et sucreries 17.01-17.02 Un changement aux positions 17.01 à 1 17.03-17.04 Un changement aux positions 17.03 à 1 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 18 Cacao et ses préparations 18.01-18.02 Un changement aux positions 18.01 à 1 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 1803.10-1803.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 180 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 18.04-18.05 Un changement aux positions 18.04 à 1 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 1806.10-1806.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 180 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 19 Préparations à base de céréales, de far 1901.10-1901.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 190 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 1901.90 Un changement à la sous-position 1901 1902.11-1902.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 190 1902.20 Un changement à la sous-position 1902 1902.30-1902.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 190 19.03 Un changement à la position 19.03 de t 1904.10 Un changement à la sous-position 1904 1904.20 Un changement à la sous-position 1904 1904.30-1904.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 190 19.05 Un changement à la position 19.05 de t Chapitre 20 Préparations de légumes, de fruits ou d 20.01-20.04 Un changement aux positions 20.01 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 20 Préparations de légumes, de fruits ou d 2005.10 Un changement à la sous-position 2005 2005.20-2005.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 200 20.06 Un changement à la position 20.06 de t 2007.10 Un changement à la sous-position 2007 2007.91-2007.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 200 20.08 Un changement à la position 20.08 de t 2009.11-2009.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 21 Préparations alimentaires diverses 2101.11 Un changement à la sous-position 2101 2101.12 Un changement à la sous-position 2101 2101.20-2101.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 210 2102.10-2102.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 210 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 2103.10-2103.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 210 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 2103.30 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 2103.90 Un changement à la sous-position 2103 2104.10-2104.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 210 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 21.05 Un changement à la position 21.05 de t 2106.10 Un changement à la sous-position 2106 2106.90 Un changement à une préparation de l matières solides provenant du lait de to ou des préparations laitières de la sous solides provenant du lait; ou Un changement à toute autre marchan Chapitre 22 Boissons, liquides alcooliques et vinaig 22.01 Un changement à la position 22.01 de t 2202.10 Un changement à la sous-position 2202 2202.90 Un changement à une boisson de la so tières solides provenant du lait de toute des préparations laitières de la sous-po solides provenant du lait; ou Un changement à toute autre marchan 22.03 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Un changement à la position 22.03 de t Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 22 Boissons, liquides alcooliques et vinaig 2204.10-2204.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 220 2204.30 Un changement à la sous-position 2204 22.05-22.07 Un changement aux positions 22.05 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 2208.20 Un changement à la sous-position 2208 2208.30-2208.70 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe, à la d’origine étrangère de la même sous-p titre alcoométrique total de la marchan 2208.90 Un changement à un kirsch ou à un rat cette sous-position ou de toute autre so Un changement à toute autre marchan 22.09 Un changement à la position 22.09 de t Chapitre 23 Résidus et déchets des industries alim 23.01-23.08 Un changement aux positions 23.01 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 2309.10 Un changement à la sous-position 2309 2309.90 Un changement à une préparation de l contenant plus de 50 p. 100 en poids de ception des positions 04.01 à 04.06 ou plus de 10 p. 100 en poids de matières Un changement à toute autre marchan Chapitre 24 Tabacs et succédanés de tabac fabriqu 24.01 Un changement à la position 24.01 de t 24.02-24.03 Un changement aux positions 24.02 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION V Produits minéraux (chapitres 25-27) Chapitre 25 Sel; soufre; terres et pierres; plâtres, ch 2501.00-2530.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 250 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 26 Minerais, scories et cendres 26.01-26.21 Un changement aux positions 26.01 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 27 Combustibles minéraux, huiles minéra minérales Note 1 : Malgré les règles concernant dise du présent chapitre est le produit d subi la réaction chimique. Pour l’application du présent chapitre, dés biochimiques) au terme duquel un des liens intramoléculaires et de la form tiale des atomes dans les molécules. Note 2 : Pour l’application de la positi subi l’un ou l’autre des processus suiva a) Distillation atmosphérique – Proc dans une tour de distillation, en diff condensée en coupes liquéfiées. Du diesel/mazout, des gazoles légers et trole; b) Distillation sous vide – Distillatio basse au point qu’il s’agisse de dist duits à point d’ébullition élevé et se pétrole, dans le but de produire des taines raffineries, les gazoles peuve més en huiles lubrifiantes. Note 3 : Pour l’application de la positi subi le mélange direct. Mélange direct s’entend de tout procéd pement de traitement et divers hydroca donner un produit fini, dont les paramè les matières non originaires ne constitu 27.01-27.06 Un changement aux positions 27.01 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 2707.10-2707.91 Un changement aux sous-positions 270 Un changement aux sous-positions 270 tion 27.07, qu’il y ait ou non également chandise découlant d’un tel changeme 2707.99 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 27.08 Un changement à la position 27.08 de t 27.09 Un changement à une marchandise de de toute autre position. 2710.12–2710.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 271 Un changement à une marchandise de chandise de la sous-position en cause o ou non également un changement de t d’un tel changement soit le résultat d’u réaction chimique; ou Un changement à une marchandise de chandise, à la condition que la marchan direct. 2711.11-2711.14 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 2711.19-2711.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 271 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 27 Combustibles minéraux, huiles minéra minérales 27.12 Un changement à la position 27.12 de t 2713.11-2713.12 Un changement aux sous-positions 271 2713.20 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 2713.90 Un changement à la sous-position 2713 27.14-27.16 Un changement aux positions 27.14 à 2 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION VI Produits des industries chimiques (chapitres 28-38) Note 1 : Malgré les règles concernant le changement tarifair l’un de ces chapitres est le produit d’une réaction ch chimique. Une réaction chimique s’entend de tout procédé (y cule se voit dotée d’une nouvelle structure en raison veaux liens ou de l’altération de la disposition spatia Note 2 : Lorsqu’une marchandise des chapitres 28 ou 29 a fa 80 p. 100 des impuretés, le pays d’origine de cette ma Note 3 : Lorsqu’une marchandise du chapitre 29 a fait l’obje chandise est le pays où elle a subi l’isolation ou la sép Note 4 : Une matière ou composante étrangère ne sera pas règles de changement tarifaire du fait qu’elle est pa ration d’une ou de plusieurs matières ou composan sante isolée elle-même n’ait aussi subi une réaction c Chapitre 28 Produits chimiques inorganiques; com radioactifs, de métaux des terres rares 2801.10-2850.00 Un changement aux sous-positions 280 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 2852.10 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 2852.90 Un changement à la sous-position 2852 28.53 Un changement à la position 28.53 de t Chapitre 29 Produits chimiques organiques 2901.10-2942.00 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 30 Produits pharmaceutiques 3001.20-3006.92 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 31 Engrais 3101.00-3105.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 32 Extraits tannants ou tinctoriaux; tannin peintures et vernis; mastics; encres 3201.10-3215.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 320 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 33 Huiles essentielles et résinoïdes; produ cosmétiques 3301.12-3301.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 33.02-33.03 Un changement aux positions 33.02 à 3 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 3304.10-3307.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 330 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 34 Savons, agents de surface organiques, artificielles, cires préparées, produits d pour l’art dentaire » et compositions p 3401.11-3405.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 340 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 34.06-34.07 Un changement aux positions 34.06 à 3 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 35 Matières albuminoïdes; produits à bas 3501.10-3501.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 350 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 3502.11-3502.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 350 3502.20-3502.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 350 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 3503.00-3507.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 350 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 36 Poudres et explosifs; articles de pyrote 3601.00-3606.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 360 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 37 Produits photographiques ou cinémato 37.01-37.06 Un changement aux positions 37.01 à 3 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 3707.10-3707.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 370 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 38 Produits divers des industries chimiqu 3801.10-3807.00 Un changement aux sous-positions 380 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 3808.50-3808.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 3809.10-3823.70 Un changement aux sous-positions 380 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 3824.10-3824.83 Un changement aux sous-positions 382 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 3824.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 3825.10-3825.69 Un changement aux sous-positions 382 28 à 37, 40 ou 90. 3825.90 Un changement à la sous-position 3825 ingrédient représente, en poids, au plu 38.26 Un changement à la position 38.26 de t SECTION VII Matières plastiques et ouvrages en ouvrages en caoutchouc (chapitres 39-40) Chapitre 39 Matières plastiques et ouvrages en ces 39.01-39.15 Un changement aux positions 39.01 à 3 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 3916.10-3921.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 391 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 39.22-39.26 Un changement aux positions 39.22 à 3 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 40 Caoutchouc et ouvrages en caoutchou 4001.10-4012.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 400 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 40.13 Un changement à la position 40.13 de t Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 40 Caoutchouc et ouvrages en caoutchou 4014.10-4014.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 401 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 40.15 Un changement à la position 40.15 de t 4016.10-4017.00 Un changement aux sous-positions 401 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe SECTION VIII Peaux, cuirs, pelleteries et ouvrage bourrellerie ou de sellerie; articles contenants similaires; ouvrages en (chapitres 41-43) Chapitre 41 Peaux (autres que les pelleteries) et cu 41.01-41.03 Un changement aux cuirs ou peaux bru tement de tannage (y compris de préta cause ou de tout autre chapitre; ou Un changement à toute autre marchan 4104.11-4105.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 410 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 4106.21-4106.32 Un changement aux sous-positions 410 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 4106.40 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 4106.91-4106.92 Un changement aux sous-positions 410 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 4107.11-4115.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 410 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 42 Ouvrages en cuir; articles de bourreller similaires; ouvrages en boyaux 42.01-42.06 Un changement aux positions 42.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 43 Pelleteries et fourrures; pelleteries fact 43.01 Un changement à la position 43.01 de t 4302.11-4302.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 430 4302.30 Un changement à la sous-position 4302 43.03-43.04 Un changement aux positions 43.03 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) SECTION IX Bois, charbon de bois et ouvrages liège; ouvrages de sparterie ou de (chapitres 44-46) Chapitre 44 Bois, charbon de bois et ouvrages en b 44.01-44.11 Un changement aux positions 44.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 44.12 Un changement à un bois contre-plaqu dise de cette position ou de toute autre Un changement à toute autre marchan 44.13-44.17 Un changement aux positions 44.13 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 4418.10-4418.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 441 4418.71-4418.79 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 4418.90 Un changement à la sous-position 4418 44.19-44.21 Un changement aux positions 44.19 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 45 Liège et ouvrages en liège 45.01-45.04 Un changement aux positions 45.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 46 Ouvrages de sparterie ou de vannerie 4601.21-4601.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 460 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 46.02 Un changement à la position 46.02 de t SECTION X Pâtes de bois ou d’autres matières ou carton à recycler (déchets et reb (chapitres 47-49) Chapitre 47 Pâtes de bois ou d’autres matières fibr 47.01-47.02 Un changement aux positions 47.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 4703.11-4704.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 470 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 47 Pâtes de bois ou d’autres matières fibr 47.05-47.07 Un changement aux positions 47.05 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 48 Papiers et cartons; ouvrages en pâte d 48.01-48.09 Un changement aux positions 48.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 4810.13-4811.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 481 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 48.12-48.22 Un changement aux positions 48.12 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 4823.20-4823.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 482 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 49 Produits de l’édition, de la presse ou d dactylographiés et plans 49.01-49.11 Un changement aux positions 49.01 à 4 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION XI Matières textiles et ouvrages en ce (chapitres 50-63) Chapitre 50 Soie 50.01-50.03 Un changement aux positions 50.01 à 5 50.04-50.06 Un changement aux positions 50.04 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 50.07 Un changement à la position 50.07 de t Chapitre 51 Laine, poils fins ou grossiers; fils et tiss 51.01-51.13 Un changement aux positions 51.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 52 Coton 52.01-52.03 Un changement aux positions 52.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 52.04-52.07 Un changement aux positions 52.04 à 5 52.08-52.12 Un changement aux positions 52.08 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 53 Autres fibres textiles végétales; fils de 53.01-53.05 Un changement aux positions 53.01 à 5 53.06-53.11 Un changement aux positions 53.06 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 54 Filaments synthétiques ou artificiels; la artificielles 54.01-54.06 Un changement aux positions 54.01 à 5 54.07-54.08 Un changement aux positions 54.07 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 55 Fibres synthétiques ou artificielles disc 55.01-55.16 Un changement aux positions 55.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 56 Ouates, feutres et nontissés; fils spécia 56.01-56.06 Un changement aux positions 56.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 56.07 Un changement à la position 56.07 de t à 54.05 ou 55.08 à 55.10. 56.08 Un changement à la position 56.08 de t 56.09 Un changement à la position 56.09 de t à 52.06, 54.01 à 54.05 ou 55.08 à 55.10. Chapitre 57 Tapis et autres revêtements de sol en m 57.01-57.05 Un changement aux positions 57.01 à 5 Chapitre 58 Tissus spéciaux; surfaces textiles touff 58.01-58.11 Un changement aux positions 58.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 59 Tissus imprégnés, enduits, recouverts 59.01-59.11 Un changement aux positions 59.01 à 5 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 60 Étoffes de bonneterie 60.01 Un changement à la position 60.01 de t Un changement à une étoffe de la posi tchouc, de matière plastique ou d’autre que l’imprégnation, l’enduction, le reco 100 de la marchandise. 60.02-60.06 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Un changement aux positions 60.02 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 61 Vêtements et accessoires du vêtement Note 1 : Dans le présent chapitre, asse couture : a) soit de toutes les parties principa b) soit d’au moins six parties d’un v Note 2 : Dans le présent chapitre, part celui-ci, à l’exclusion du col, des manch blure, de la bourre, des accessoires et d Un changement à toute marchandise d ou de tout autre chapitre, à la condition Un changement à toute marchandise d blage ne sont requis, de tout autre chap Chapitre 62 Vêtements et accessoires du vêtement Note 1 : Dans le présent chapitre, asse couture : a) soit de toutes les parties principa b) soit d’au moins six parties d’un v Note 2 : Dans le présent chapitre, part celui-ci, à l’exclusion du col, des manch blure, de la bourre, des accessoires et d Un changement à toute marchandise d ou de tout autre chapitre, à la condition Chapitre 63 Autres articles textiles confectionnés; a Note 1 : Le pays d’origine d’une marc pour la dernière fois et conditionnée po Note 2 : Le pays d’origine d’un article pour la dernière fois et conditionné pou 6301.10 Un changement à la sous-position 6301 6301.20-6301.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 630 51.11 à 51.13, 52.08 à 52.12, 53.10 à 53. 63.02 Un changement à une marchandise piq sous-position 6307.90, à la condition qu la marchandise piquée soient faits enti Un changement à une marchandise no que la production comporte la coupe e tante de couture ou d’autres procédés 63.03 Un changement à une marchandise piq sous-position 6307.90, à la condition qu la marchandise piquée soient faits enti Un changement à un vitrage, un rideau autre position, à la condition que la pro côtés et une opération importante de c Un changement à toute autre marchan positions 51.11 à 51.13, 52.08 à 52.12, 5 60.06. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 63 Autres articles textiles confectionnés; a 63.04 Un changement à une marchandise piq sous-position 6307.90, à la condition qu la marchandise piquée soient faits enti Un changement à une taie d’oreiller ou Un changement à toute autre marchan positions 51.11 à 51.13, 52.08 à 52.12, 5 60.06. 63.05 Un changement à la position 63.05 de t à 52.12, 53.10 à 53.11, 54.07 à 54.08, 55 63.06 Un changement à la position 63.06 de t 6307.10 Un changement à la sous-position 6307 51.13, 52.08 à 52.12, 53.10 à 53.11, 54.0 6307.20-6307.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 630 63.08 Un changement à la position 63.08 de t soient conformes à la règle concernant ou les fils étaient classés isolément. 63.10 Un changement à une marchandise de position, à la condition que la productio SECTION XII Chaussures, coiffures, parapluies, cravaches et leurs parties; plumes fleurs artificielles; ouvrages en che (chapitres 64-67) Chapitre 64 Chaussures; guêtres et articles analogu Note : Dans le présent chapitre, dessu més par modelage, moulage ou autrem 64.01-64.05 Un changement aux positions 64.01 à 6 dessus façonnés de la sous-position 64 6406.10 Un changement à la sous-position 6406 6406.20-6406.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 640 Chapitre 65 Coiffures et parties de coiffures 65.01-65.07 Un changement aux positions 65.01 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 66 Parapluies, ombrelles, parasols, cannes 66.01-66.02 Un changement aux positions 66.01 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 66 Parapluies, ombrelles, parasols, cannes 6603.20 Un changement à la sous-position 6603 6603.90 Un changement à la sous-position 6603 Chapitre 67 Plumes et duvet apprêtés et articles en 67.01 Un changement à un article en plumes cette position ou de toute autre positio Un changement à toute autre marchan 67.02-67.04 Un changement aux positions 67.02 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION XIII Ouvrages en pierres, plâtre, cimen analogues; produits céramiques; v (chapitres 68-70) Chapitre 68 Ouvrages en pierres, plâtre, ciment, am 68.01-68.08 Un changement aux positions 68.01 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 6809.11-6809.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 680 6809.90 Un changement à la sous-position 6809 6810.11-6810.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 681 6810.91 Un changement à la sous-position 6810 6810.99 Un changement à la sous-position 6810 68.11 Un changement à la position 68.11 de t 6812.80-6812.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 68.13-68.14 Un changement aux positions 68.13 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 6815.10-6815.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 681 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 69 Produits céramiques 69.01-69.14 Un changement aux positions 69.01 à 6 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 70 Verre et ouvrages en verre 70.01-70.08 Un changement aux positions 70.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7009.10-7009.92 Un changement aux sous-positions 700 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 70.10-70.18 Un changement aux positions 70.10 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7019.11-7019.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 701 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 70.20 Un changement à une marchandise de de toute autre position. SECTION XIV Perles fines ou de culture, pierres g précieux, plaqués ou doublés de m ces matières; bijouterie de fantaisie (chapitre 71) Chapitre 71 Perles fines ou de culture, pierres gem métaux précieux et ouvrages en ces m 7101.10-7105.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 710 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 7106.10 Un changement à la sous-position 7106 7106.91 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio position 7106.91 subissent une séparat alliage. 71.07 Un changement à la position 71.07 de t 7108.11-7108.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 710 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio tion 7108.12 subissent une séparation é liage. 71.09 Un changement à la position 71.09 de t 7110.11-7110.49 Un changement aux sous-positions 711 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 71.11-71.12 Un changement aux positions 71.11 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7113.11-7115.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 711 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 71.16-71.18 Un changement aux positions 71.16 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) SECTION XV Métaux communs et ouvrages en (chapitres 72-83) Chapitre 72 Fonte, fer et acier 72.01-72.06 Un changement aux positions 72.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 72.07 Un changement à la position 72.07 de t 72.08 Un changement à la position 72.08 de t 72.09 Un changement à la position 72.09 de t 72.10 Un changement à la position 72.10 de t 72.11 Un changement à la position 72.11 de t 72.12 Un changement à la position 72.12 de t 72.13 Un changement à la position 72.13 de t 72.14 Un changement à la position 72.14 de t 72.15 Un changement à la position 72.15 de t 72.16 Un changement à la position 72.16 de t 72.17 Un changement à la position 72.17 de t 72.18 Un changement à la position 72.18 de t 72.19-72.20 Un changement aux positions 72.19 à 7 72.21-72.22 Un changement aux positions 72.21 à 7 72.23 Un changement à la position 72.23 de t 72.24 Un changement à la position 72.24 de t 72.25-72.26 Un changement aux positions 72.25 à 7 72.27-72.28 Un changement aux positions 72.27 à 7 72.29 Un changement à la position 72.29 de t Chapitre 73 Ouvrages en fonte, fer ou acier 73.01-73.03 Un changement aux positions 73.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7304.11-7304.39 Un changement aux sous-positions 730 7304.41 Un changement à la sous-position 7304 7304.49-7304.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 730 73.05-73.14 Un changement aux positions 73.05 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 73 Ouvrages en fonte, fer ou acier 7315.11-7315.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 731 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 73.16-73.20 Un changement aux positions 73.16 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7321.11-7321.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 732 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 73.22-73.23 Un changement aux positions 73.22 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7324.10-7324.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 732 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 73.25-73.26 Un changement aux positions 73.25 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 74 Cuivre et ouvrages en cuivre 74.01-74.15 Un changement aux positions 74.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7418.10-7419.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 75 Nickel et ouvrages en nickel 75.01-75.04 Un changement aux positions 75.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7505.11-7505.22 Un changement aux sous-positions 750 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 75.06 Un changement aux feuilles de la posit marchandise de cette position ou de to Un changement à toute autre marchan 7507.11-7508.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 750 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 76 Aluminium et ouvrages en aluminium 76.01-76.04 Un changement aux positions 76.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 76.05 Un changement à la position 76.05 de t 76.06-76.15 Un changement aux positions 76.06 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 7616.10-7616.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 761 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Chapitre 78 Plomb et ouvrages en plomb 78.01-78.02 Un changement aux positions 78.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 78 Plomb et ouvrages en plomb 7804.11-7806.00 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 79 Zinc et ouvrages en zinc 79.01-79.03 Un changement aux positions 79.01 à 7 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 79.04-79.07 Un changement à une marchandise de position en cause ou de toute autre pos Chapitre 80 Étain et ouvrages en étain 80.01-80.02 Un changement aux positions 80.01 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 80.03-80.07 Un changement à une marchandise de position en cause ou de toute autre pos Chapitre 81 Autres métaux communs; cermets; ou 8101.10-8113.00 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 82 Outils et outillage, articles de couteller articles, en métaux communs 8201.10-8215.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 83 Ouvrages divers en métaux communs 8301.10-8301.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 830 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8301.70 Un changement à la sous-position 8301 8302.10-8311.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 830 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) SECTION XVI Machines et appareils, matériel éle d’enregistrement ou de reproducti d’enregistrement ou de reproducti télévision, et parties et accessoires (chapitres 84-85) Chapitre 84 Réacteurs nucléaires, chaudières, mach appareils 8401.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8401 8401.20 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 8401.30-8401.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 840 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8402.11-8402.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 840 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8402.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8403.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8403 8403.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8403 8404.10-8404.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 840 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8404.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8404 8405.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8405 8405.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8405 8406.10-8406.82 Un changement aux sous-positions 840 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8406.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8406 84.07-84.08 Un changement aux positions 84.07 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8409.10-8409.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 8410.11-8410.13 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8410.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8410 8411.11-8411.82 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8411.91-8411.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 8412.10-8412.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 84 Réacteurs nucléaires, chaudières, mach appareils 8412.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8412 8413.11-8413.82 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8413.91-8413.92 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 8414.10-8414.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8414.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8415.10-8415.83 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8415.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8416.10-8416.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8416.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8416 8417.10-8417.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8417.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8417 8418.10-8418.91 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8418.99 Un changement à la sous-position 8418 8419.11-8419.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 841 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8419.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8419 8420.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8420 8420.91-8420.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 842 8421.11-8421.39 Un changement aux sous-positions 842 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8421.91-8421.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 8422.11-8422.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 842 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8422.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8423.10-8423.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 842 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8423.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8423 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 84 Réacteurs nucléaires, chaudières, mach appareils 8424.10-8424.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 842 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8424.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8424 8425.11-8430.69 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8431.10-8431.49 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 8432.10-8432.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8432.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8432 8433.11-8433.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8433.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8433 8434.10-8435.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8436.10-8436.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8436.91-8436.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 8437.10-8437.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8437.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8437 8438.10-8438.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8438.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8438 8439.10-8440.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 843 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8441.10-8441.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 844 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8441.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8442.30 Un changement à la sous-position 8442 8442.40-8442.50 Un changement aux sous-positions 844 8443.11-8443.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 84.44-84.47 Un changement aux positions 84.44 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8448.11-8448.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 844 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 84 Réacteurs nucléaires, chaudières, mach appareils 8448.20-8448.59 Un changement aux sous-positions 844 84.49 Un changement à la position 84.49 de t 8450.11-8450.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8450.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8450 8451.10-8451.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8451.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8451 8452.10-8452.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8452.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8453.10-8453.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8453.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8453 8454.10-8454.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8454.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8454 8455.10-8455.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8456.10-8456.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 845 8456.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 84.57-84.65 Un changement aux positions 84.57 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8466.10-8466.92 Un changement aux sous-positions 846 8466.93 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8466.94 Un changement à la sous-position 8466 8467.11-8467.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 846 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8467.91-8467.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 846 8468.10-8468.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 846 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8468.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8468 8469.00-8473.50 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 84 Réacteurs nucléaires, chaudières, mach appareils 8474.10-8474.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 847 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8474.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8475.10-8475.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 847 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8475.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8475 8476.21-8476.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 847 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8476.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8476 8477.10-8477.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 847 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8477.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8477 8478.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8478 8478.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8478 8479.10-8479.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 847 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8479.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8480.10-8480.79 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8481.10-8481.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8481.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8481 8482.10-8482.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8482.91-8482.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 8483.10-8483.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8483.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8483 8484.10-8484.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 848 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8486.10-8487.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 85 Machines, appareils et matériels électr reproduction du son, appareils d’enreg et parties et accessoires de ces appare 85.01-85.03 Un changement aux positions 85.01 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 85 Machines, appareils et matériels électr reproduction du son, appareils d’enreg et parties et accessoires de ces appare 8504.10-8504.50 Un changement aux sous-positions 850 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8504.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8505.11-8505.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 850 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8505.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8505 8506.10-8506.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8507.10-8507.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 850 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8507.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8507 8508.11-8508.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 850 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8508.70 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8509.40 Un changement à la sous-position 8509 8509.80 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 8509.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8510.10-8510.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8510.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8510 8511.10-8511.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8511.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8511 8512.10-8512.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8512.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8512 8513.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8513 8513.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8513 8514.10-8514.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8514.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8514 8515.11-8515.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8515.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8515 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 85 Machines, appareils et matériels électr reproduction du son, appareils d’enreg et parties et accessoires de ces appare 8516.10-8516.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8516.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8517.11-8517.70 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8518.10-8518.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8518.30 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 8518.40-8518.50 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8518.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8518 8519.20-8521.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 851 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 85.22 Un changement à la position 85.22 de t 8523.21-8523.80 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8525.50-8525.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 852 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8525.80 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 8526.10-8527.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 852 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8528.41-8529.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8530.10-8530.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 853 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8530.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8530 8531.10-8531.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 853 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8531.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8531 8532.10-8532.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 853 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8532.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8532 8533.10-8533.40 Un changement aux sous-positions 853 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8533.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8533 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 85 Machines, appareils et matériels électr reproduction du son, appareils d’enreg et parties et accessoires de ces appare 85.34 Un changement à la position 85.34 de t 8535.10-8536.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 85.37-85.38 Un changement aux positions 85.37 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8539.10-8539.49 Un changement aux sous-positions 853 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8539.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8539 8540.11-8542.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8543.10-8543.70 Un changement aux sous-positions 854 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8543.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 8544.11-8547.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 854 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8548.10 Un changement à la sous-position 8548 8548.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. SECTION XVII Matériel de transport (chapitres 86-89) Chapitre 86 Véhicules et matériel pour voies ferrée électromécaniques) de signalisation po 86.01-86.06 Un changement aux positions 86.01 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8607.11-8607.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 86.08-86.09 Un changement aux positions 86.08 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 87 Voitures automobiles, tracteurs, cycles 87.01-87.07 Un changement aux positions 87.01 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 87 Voitures automobiles, tracteurs, cycles 8708.10-8708.99 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8709.11-8709.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 870 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8709.90 Un changement à la sous-position 8709 87.10-87.13 Un changement aux positions 87.10 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8714.10-8715.00 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 8716.10-8716.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 871 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8716.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. Chapitre 88 Navigation aérienne ou spatiale 8801.00-8802.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 880 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 8803.10-8805.29 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 89 Navigation maritime ou fluviale 8901.10-8902.00 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 89.03 Un changement à la position 89.03 de t 8904.00-8905.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 89.06-89.08 Un changement aux positions 89.06 à 8 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) SECTION XVIII Instruments et appareils d’optique cinématographie, de mesure, de co instruments et appareils médico-ch instruments de musique; parties et ou appareils (chapitres 90-92) Chapitre 90 Instruments et appareils d’optique, de de précision; instruments et appareils appareils 9001.10-9002.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 900 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9003.11-9003.19 Un changement aux sous-positions 900 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9003.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9003 90.04 Un changement à la position 90.04 de t 9005.10-9005.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 900 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9005.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9005 9006.10-9006.69 Un changement aux sous-positions 900 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9006.91-9006.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 900 9007.10-9007.20 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9007.91 Un changement à la sous-position 9007 9007.92 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 9008.50 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 9008.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9008 9010.10-9010.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9010.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9010 9011.10-9011.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9011.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9011 9012.10 Un changement à la sous-position 9012 9012.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9012 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 90 Instruments et appareils d’optique, de de précision; instruments et appareils appareils 9013.10-9013.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9014.10-9014.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9014.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9014 9015.10-9015.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9015.90 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre position. 90.16 Un changement à la position 90.16 de t 9017.10-9017.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 901 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9017.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9017 9018.11-9022.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 90.23 Un changement à la position 90.23 de t 9024.10-9024.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 902 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9024.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9024 9025.11-9025.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 902 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9025.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9025 9026.10-9026.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 902 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9026.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9026 9027.10-9027.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9028.10-9028.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 902 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9028.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9028 9029.10-9029.20 Un changement aux sous-positions 902 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9029.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9029 9030.10-9030.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9031.10-9031.41 Un changement aux sous-positions 903 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 90 Instruments et appareils d’optique, de de précision; instruments et appareils appareils 9031.49 Un changement à une marchandise de position ou de toute autre sous-positio 9031.80 Un changement à la sous-position 9031 9031.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9031 9032.10-9032.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 90.33 Un changement à la position 90.33 de t Chapitre 91 Horlogerie 91.01-91.07 Un changement aux positions 91.01 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9108.11-9112.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 910 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 91.13-91.14 Un changement aux positions 91.13 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Chapitre 92 Instruments de musique; parties et acc 92.01-92.09 Un changement aux positions 92.01 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION XIX Armes, munitions et leurs parties e (chapitre 93) Chapitre 93 Armes, munitions et leurs parties et ac 93.01-93.07 Un changement aux positions 93.01 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. SECTION XX Marchandises et produits divers (chapitres 94-96) Chapitre 94 Meubles; mobilier médico-chirurgical; dénommés ni compris ailleurs; lampes et articles similaires; constructions pré 9401.10-9401.80 Un changement aux sous-positions 940 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 94 Meubles; mobilier médico-chirurgical; dénommés ni compris ailleurs; lampes et articles similaires; constructions pré 9401.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9401 9402.10-9402.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau 9403.10-9403.89 Un changement aux sous-positions 940 9403.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9403 94.04 Un changement à la position 94.04 de t 9405.10-9405.60 Un changement aux sous-positions 940 9405.91-9405.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 940 94.06 Un changement à la position 94.06 de t Chapitre 95 Jouets, jeux, articles pour divertisseme 9503.00-9505.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9506.11-9506.29 Un changement aux sous-positions 950 9506.31 Un changement à la sous-position 9506 9506.39. 9506.32-9506.99 Un changement aux sous-positions 950 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 9507.10-9507.30 Un changement aux sous-positions 950 9507.90 Un changement à la sous-position 9507 95.08 Un changement à la position 95.08 de t Chapitre 96 Ouvrages divers 96.01-96.05 Un changement aux positions 96.01 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9606.10-9609.90 Un changement à une marchandise de marchandise de la sous-position en cau position à l’intérieur de ce groupe. 96.10-96.12 Un changement aux positions 96.10 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. 9613.10-9613.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 961 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 96.14 Un changement à une marchandise de de toute autre position. 9615.11-9615.90 Un changement aux sous-positions 961 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe 96.16-96.18 Un changement aux positions 96.16 à 9 l’intérieur de ce groupe. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Determination of Country of Origin for the Purpose of Marking Goods (CUSMA Countries) Regulations SCHEDULE III (French) Chapitre 96 Ouvrages divers 96.19 Un changement à une marchandise de de toute autre position. SECTION XXI Objets d’art, de collection ou d’anti (chapitre 97) Chapitre 97 Objets d’art, de collection ou d’antiqui 9701.10-9706.00 Un changement aux sous-positions 970 sous-position à l’intérieur de ce groupe DORS/95-146, art. 1; DORS/2013-100, art. 6; DORS/2016-142, art. 13(F); DORS/2018-108, art. 4 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Department of Social Development Regulations [Repealed, SOR/2013-20, s. 8] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 1, 2013 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 1, 2013. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 1, 2013 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Department of Social Development Regulations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 1, 2013 ii
CONSOLIDATION Designated Provisions Regulations SOR/2000-112 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 4, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designated Provisions Regulations 1 Interpretation Designated Provisions Notice of Contraventions Repeal Coming into Force SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 5 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 ii Registration SOR/2000-112 March 23, 2000 AERONAUTICS ACT Designated Provisions Regulations P.C. 2000-365 March 23, 2000 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to subsection 7.6(1)a of the Aeronautics Act, hereby makes the annexed Designated Provisions Regulations. a S.C. 1992, c. 4, s. 19 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations Interpretation 1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations. Act means the Aeronautics Act. (Loi) Minister means the Minister of Transport. (ministre) Designated Provisions 2 (1) A provision set out in column 1 of an item of a schedule is designated as a provision the contravention of which may be dealt with under and in accordance with the procedure set out in sections 7.7 to 8.2 of the Act. (2) The amount set out in column 2 or column 3 of an item of a schedule is prescribed as the maximum amount payable by an individual or corporation, as the case may be, in respect of a contravention of the provision set out in column 1 of the item. 3 [Repealed, SOR/2011-318, s. 801] Notice of Contraventions 4 A notice referred to in subsection 7.7(1) of the Act must specify (a) the particulars of the alleged contravention; (b) that the person on whom the notice is served or to whom it is sent has the option of paying the amount specified in the notice or filing with the Tribunal a request for a review of the alleged contravention or the amount of the penalty; (c) that payment of the amount specified in the notice will be accepted by the Minister in satisfaction of the amount of the penalty for the alleged contravention and that no further proceedings under Part I of the Act will be taken against the person on whom the notice in respect of that contravention is served or to whom it is sent; (d) that the person on whom the notice is served or to whom it is sent will be provided with an opportunity consistent with procedural fairness and natural justice to present evidence before the Tribunal and make representations in relation to the alleged contravention if Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations Notice of Contraventions Sections 4-6 the person files a request for a review with the Tribunal; and (e) that the person on whom the notice is served or to whom it is sent will be deemed to have committed the contravention set out in the notice if the person fails to pay the amount specified in the notice and fails to file a request for a review with the Tribunal within the prescribed period. SOR/2009-292, s. 28. Repeal 5 [Repeal] Coming into Force 6 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 1 (Section 2) Designated Provisions of the Canadian Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Maximum Amount Payable Payable Item Designated Provision Individual ($) 1 to 3 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Subsection 9(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 9(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(3) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 10(4) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(5) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(6) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 10(7) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 10(8) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(9) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 10(10) 2,000 25,000 Subsection 11(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 11(2) 5,000 25,000 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Section 12 5,000 25,000 Subsection 13(1) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 13(2) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 14(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 14(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 14(3) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 15(1) 5,000 25,000 26 to 28 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Subsection 15(5) 30 to 33 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 2,000 Corporation ($) 10,000 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Maximum Amount Payable Payable Item Designated Provision Individual ($) Corporation ($) Subsection 17(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 17(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 18(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 18(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 18(3) 2,000 10,000 39 to 41 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Subsection 21(1) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 21(2) 2,000 10,000 Subsection 22(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 22(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 22(3) 2,000 10,000 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Section 24 2,000 10,000 Section 25 5,000 25,000 Section 26 5,000 25,000 51 to 54 [Repealed, SOR/2004-92, s. 1] Section 29 1,000 Section 30 1,000 Section 31 1,000 Section 32 5,000 25,000 Section 33 5,000 25,000 Section 34 5,000 25,000 Section 35 5,000 25,000 SOR/2004-92, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 2 (Section 2) Designated Provisions of the Secure Air Travel Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Maximum Amount Payable Payable Item Designated Provision Individual ($) Corporation ($) Subsection 2.1(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.1(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.4(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.4(4) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.5(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.6(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.6(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.6(4) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.6(5) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.7 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.8(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 2.8(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 3(1) 5,000 25,000 Section 4 5,000 25,000 Subsection 4.1(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 4.1(2) 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 7(1)(a) 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 7(1)(d) 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 9(a) 5,000 25,000 Section 10 5,000 25,000 Section 10.1 5,000 25,000 Section 10.11 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 11(a) 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 11(b) 5,000 25,000 SOR/2015-182, s. 1; SOR/2019-325, s. 16; SOR/2019-325, s. 17; SOR/2019-325, s. 18. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 3 SCHEDULE 3 [Repealed, SOR/2011-156, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 4 (Section 2) Designated Provisions of the Act Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Maximum Amount Payable ($) Payable ($) Item Designated Provision Individual Corporation Subsection 4.83(1.1) 5,000 25,000 Paragraph 4.85(1)(a) 5,000 Paragraph 4.85(1)(b) 5,000 Subsection 4.85(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 4.85(4) 5,000 25,000 SOR/2009-292, s. 31; SOR/2011-209, s. 1; SOR/2015-163, s. 5. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations SCHEDULE 5 SCHEDULE 5 (Section 2) Designated Provisions of the Secure Air Travel Act Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Maximum Amount Payable Payable Item Designated Provision Individual ($) Corporation ($) Subsection 6(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 6(4) 5,000 25,000 SOR/2019-325, s. 19. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020 Designated Provisions Regulations RELATED PROVISIONS RELATED PROVISIONS — SOR/2004-17, s. 2 2 For the purposes of paragraph 11(2)(a) of the Statutory Instruments Act, these Regulations shall apply according to their terms before they are published in the Canada Gazette. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 4, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations SOR/2001-473 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 10, 2021. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Interpretation 1 Definition of Act Oral Disclosure 2 Information to be provided orally Written Disclosure 3 Deemed time of disclosure Coming into Force 4 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 ii Registration SOR/2001-473 November 1, 2001 TRUST AND LOAN COMPANIES ACT Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations P.C. 2001-2017 November 1, 2001 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 429, subsection 431(6)a and section 531b of the Trust and Loan Companies Actc, hereby makes the annexed Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 541(2) b S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 569 c S.C. 1991, c. 45 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Interpretation Definition of Act 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Trust and Loan Companies Act. Oral Disclosure Information to be provided orally 2 (1) For the purpose of subsection 431(3) of the Act, the following information is prescribed as the information to be provided to the customer orally: (a) the fact that the customer is receiving by telephone only part of the information relating to the deposit account charges and terms and that full disclosure in writing will be provided within seven business days after the account is opened; (b) the fact that the customer may, within 14 business days after the deposit account has been opened, close the account without charge and, in such a case, is entitled to a refund of any charges related to the operation of the account, other than interest charges, incurred while the account was open; (c) for a fixed-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the interest rate applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated; (d) for a variable-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the current interest rate, the manner by which the rate and amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated, and how, in the future, the customer may obtain information on the interest rate applicable to the account; (e) [Repealed, SOR/2021-126, s. 1] (f) for a deposit account that does not have a fixed monthly charge for a service package, the applicable charges for monthly statements of account, passbook updates, cash withdrawals, cheque withdrawals, debit payment purchases, preauthorized debits, bill payments, transfers between accounts and, if cheques are offered to the customer at the time the account is opened, cheque orders; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Oral Disclosure Sections 2-4 (g) for a deposit account that has a fixed monthly charge for a service package, (i) the principal features of the package, including the monthly charge, the number and type of permitted transactions per billing cycle, and (ii) the applicable charges for additional transactions described in paragraph (f). Generic terms permitted (2) A company may, for the purpose of providing the information required under paragraphs (1)(f) and (g), group similar types of transactions for which the company charges the same amount under a generic term. SOR/2021-126, s. 1. Written Disclosure Deemed time of disclosure 3 For the purpose of subsection 431(4) of the Act, if a company sends the agreement and information referred to in subsection 431(1) of the Act to a customer by mail, they are deemed to have been provided by the company to the customer on the fifth day after the postmark date on the agreement and information. SOR/2009-57, s. 1. Coming into Force Coming into force 4 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021
CONSOLIDATION Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SOR/89-254 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on April 23, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations 1 Interpretation Local Signal and Distant Signal SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 ii Registration SOR/89-254 May 9, 1989 COPYRIGHT ACT Definition of Regulations P.C. 1989-825 Local Signal and Distant Signal May 9, 1989 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and the Minister of Communications, pursuant to subsection 28.01(3)* of the Copyright Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations defining local signal and distant signal for the purposes of subsection 28.01(2) of the Copy‐ right Act. * S.C. 1988, c. 65, s. 63 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, area of transmission means (a) in respect of a terrestrial television station (i) for an analog signal, the area within the predicted Grade B contour of the station, as determined in accordance with the method set out in the schedule, and the area within a radius of 32 km from that contour, and (ii) for a digital signal, the area within the noiselimited bounding contour of the station, as determined in accordance with the document entitled BPR-10 — Application Procedures and Rules for Digital Television (DTV) Undertakings, Issue 1, published by the Department of Industry in August 2010, and the area within a radius of 32 km from that contour; (b) in respect of a terrestrial F.M. radio station, the area within the predicted 0.5 mV/m field strength contour of the station, as determined in accordance with the method set out in the schedule; and (c) in respect of a terrestrial A.M. radio station, the area within a radius of 32 km from the principal studio of the station. SOR/2004-33, s. 2; SOR/2014-80, s. 1. Local Signal and Distant Signal 2 (1) For the purposes of subsection 31(2) of the Copyright Act, local signal means one of the following: (a) in respect of the entire service area of a cable retransmitter, the signal of a terrestrial radio or television station the area of transmission of which covers all of that area; and (b) in respect of a portion of the service area of a retransmitter, the signal of a terrestrial radio or television station the area of transmission of which covers all of that portion. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations Local Signal and Distant Signal Sections 2-3 (2) For the purposes of subsection 31(2) of the Copyright Act, distant signal means a signal that is not a local signal. SOR/2004-33, s. 2. 3 [Repealed, SOR/2004-33, s. 2] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations SCHEDULE (Section 1) Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations Height of Antenna Above Average Terrain (Haat) 1 The height of an antenna above average terrain shall be determined on a topographical map by (a) marking the transmitting site on the map, using the geographical coordinates of the site; (b) drawing two concentric circles with radii of 3 km and 16 km, respectively, from the transmitting site marked under paragraph (a); (c) starting at true north, drawing eight radials from the transmitting site at intervals of 45°; (d) drawing, for each radial, a profile graph for the segment of terrain between 3 km and 16 km from the transmitting site, with the eight profile graphs plotted separately on rectangular coordinate paper, the distance in kilometres as the abscissa and the elevation in metres above mean sea level as the ordinate and reflecting the topography of the terrain; (e) obtaining the average elevation of the terrain above mean sea level for each segment of terrain between 3 km and 16 km from the transmitting site by (i) using a planimeter, (ii) dividing the segment in equal sectors and averaging their respective median elevations, or (iii) averaging the elevations at a sufficient number of equally spaced points to provide a representation of the terrain; and (f) obtaining the HAAT for each radial by subtracting the average terrain elevation calculated in accordance with paragraph (e) from the height above sea level of the centre of radiation of the antenna. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations Predicted Contours 2 (1) For F.M. radio stations, the predicted contour is defined by a field strength of 0.5 mV/m. (2) For television stations, depending on the channel involved, the predicted Grade B contour is defined by the following field strength: (a) 47 dB above 1 µV/m for channels 2 to 6; (b) 56 dB above 1 µV/m for channels 7 to 13; (c) 64 dB above 1 µV/m for channels 14 to 69. (3) The HAAT determined in accordance with section 1 shall be ascertained for each radial and the effective radiated power (ERP) shall be ascertained in the plane of maximum radiation (in the case of directional antennas, the ERP value in the direction of each radial shall be used). (4) The appropriate F(50,50) propagation curves (Tables I to III) shall be used with the HAAT and the ERP ascertained in accordance with subsection (3) to determine the distance from the transmitting site to the contour point on each radial. (5) The contour points determined under subsection (4) shall be joined by a smooth curve to obtain the contour. Note: The 40 dB line is the reference line for an effective radiated power (ERP) of 1 kW. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of Local Signal and Distant Signal Regulations SCHEDULE Method for Determining the Predicted 0.5 Millivolt Per Metre (mV/m) Contour of Terrestrial F.M. Radio Stations and the Predicted Grade B Contour of Terrestrial Television Stations SOR/2004-33, s. 3. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Definition of “Small Retransmission Systems” Regulations SOR/89-255 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Definition of “Small Retransmission Systems” Regulations 2 Definitions Small Retransmission System Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/89-255 May 9, 1989 COPYRIGHT ACT Definition of Regulations P.C. 1989-826 “Small Retransmission Systems” May 9, 1989 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs and the Minister of Communications, pursuant to subsection 70.64(2)* of the Copyright Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations defining small retransmission systems for the purpose of subsection 70.64(1) of the Copy‐ right Act. * S.C. 1988, c. 65, s. 65 Current to June 20, 2022 Definition of “Small Retransmission Systems” Regulations 1 [Repealed, SOR/2005-147, s. 2] Definitions 2 In these Regulations, licence [Repealed, SOR/2005-147, s. 3] licensed area [Repealed, SOR/2005-147, s. 3] premises means (a) a dwelling, including a single-unit residence or a single unit within a multiple-unit residence, or (b) a room in a commercial or institutional building. (local) service area means an area in which premises served in accordance with the laws and regulations of Canada by a retransmission system are located. (zone de service) SOR/94-754, s. 1; SOR/2005-147, s. 3. Small Retransmission System 3 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4) and section 4, small retransmission system means a cable retransmission system, or a terrestrial retransmission system utilizing Hertzian waves, that retransmits a signal, with or without a fee, to not more than 2,000 premises in the same service area. (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), where a cable retransmission system is included in the same unit as one or more other cable retransmission systems, the number of premises to which the cable retransmission system retransmits a signal is deemed to be equal to the total number of premises to which all cable retransmission systems included in that unit retransmit a signal. (3) For the purpose of subsection (2), a cable retransmission system is included in the same unit as one or more other cable retransmission systems where (a) they are owned or directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons; and Current to June 20, 2022 Definition of “Small Retransmission Systems” Regulations Small Retransmission System Sections 3-4 (b) their service areas are each less than 5 km distant, at some point, from at least one other among them, and those service areas would constitute a series of contiguous service areas, in a linear or non-linear configuration, were it not for that distance. (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a cable retransmission system that was included in a unit on December 31, 1993. SOR/94-754, s. 1; SOR/2005-147, s. 4. 4 The definition set out in subsection 3(1) does not include a cable retransmission system that is a master antenna system if it is located within the service area of another cable retransmission system that retransmits a signal, with or without a fee, to more than 2,000 premises in that service area. SOR/94-754, s. 1; SOR/2005-147, s. 5. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations SOR/2001-472 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 10, 2021. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations Interpretation 1 Definition of Act Oral Disclosure 2 Information to be provided orally Written Disclosure 3 Deemed time of disclosure Coming into Force 4 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 ii Registration SOR/2001-472 November 1, 2001 BANK ACT Disclosure on Account Opening Request (Banks) Regulations P.C. 2001-2016 by Telephone November 1, 2001 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 443, subsection 445(6)aand section 978b of the Bank Act c, hereby makes the annexed Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 116(2) b S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 183 c S.C. 1991, c. 46 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations Interpretation Definition of Act 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Bank Act. Oral Disclosure Information to be provided orally 2 (1) For the purpose of subsection 445(3) of the Act, the following information is prescribed as the information to be provided to the customer orally: (a) the fact that the customer is receiving by telephone only part of the information relating to the deposit account charges and terms and that full disclosure in writing will be provided within seven business days after the account is opened; (b) the fact that the customer may, within 14 business days after the deposit account has been opened, close the account without charge and, in such a case, is entitled to a refund of any charges related to the operation of the account, other than interest charges, incurred while the account was open; (c) for a fixed-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the interest rate applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated; (d) for a variable-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the current interest rate, the manner by which the rate and amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated, and how, in the future, the customer may obtain information on the interest rate applicable to the account; (e) [Repealed, SOR/2021-126, s. 3] (f) for a deposit account that does not have a fixed monthly charge for a service package, the applicable charges for monthly statements of account, passbook updates, cash withdrawals, cheque withdrawals, debit payment purchases, preauthorized debits, bill payments, transfers between accounts and, if cheques are offered to the customer at the time the account is opened, cheque orders; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations Oral Disclosure Sections 2-4 (g) for a deposit account that has a fixed monthly charge for a service package, (i) the principal features of the package, including the monthly charge, the number and type of permitted transactions per billing cycle, and (ii) the applicable charges for additional transactions described in paragraph (f). Generic terms permitted (2) A bank may, for the purpose of providing the information required under paragraphs (1)(f) and (g), group similar types of transactions for which the bank charges the same amount under a generic term. SOR/2021-126, s. 3. Written Disclosure Deemed time of disclosure 3 For the purpose of subsection 445(4) of the Act, if a bank sends the agreement and information referred to in subsection 445(1) of the Act to a customer by mail, they are deemed to have been provided by the bank to the customer on the fifth day after the postmark date on the agreement and information. SOR/2009-55, s. 1. Coming into Force Coming into force 4 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2021-181, par. 122 (i) 122 The following Regulations are repealed: (i) the Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Banks) Regulations20; SOR/2001-472 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 10, 2021
CONSOLIDATION Direction Respecting Tarmac Delays of Three Hours or Less SOR/2019-110 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Direction Respecting Tarmac Delays of Three Hours or Less 1 Direction Precedence Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2019-110 April 26, 2019 CANADA TRANSPORTATION ACT Direction Respecting Tarmac Delays of Three Hours or Less The Minister of Transport, pursuant to subsection 86.11(2)a of the Canada Transportation Actb, issues the annexed Direction Respecting Tarmac Delays of Three Hours or Less. Ottawa, April 23, 2019 Le ministre de Marc G Minister of a S.C. 2018, c. 10, s. 19 b S.C. 1996, c. 10 Current to June 20, 2022 Direction Respecting Three Hours or Less Tarmac Delays of Direction 1 The Canadian Transportation Agency must make a regulation respecting a carrier’s obligations towards passengers in the case of tarmac delays of three hours or less, including the obligation to provide timely information and assistance to passengers, as well as the minimum standards of treatment of passengers. Precedence 2 When this Direction takes effect, it supersedes any direction issued or correspondence or other communications sent to the Canadian Transportation Agency by the Minister or the Minister’s representatives with respect to tarmac delays of three hours or less. Coming into force 3 This Direction comes into force on the day on which it is registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations’ Property Grants Order SI/79-19 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting Payments in Lieu of Real Estate Taxes, Local Improvement Costs, and Development and Redevelopment Taxes on Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations’ Property Short Title Interpretation Grants Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/79-19 February 14, 1979 APPROPRIATION ACT NO. 3, 1978-79 APPROPRIATION ACTS Diplomatic, Consular and Organizations’ Property Grants Order P.C. 1979-50 International January 18, 1979 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Secretary of State for External Affairs and with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, and pursuant to the Department of External Affairs Vote 10a of Appropriation Act No. 3, 1978-79, is pleased hereby to revoke Orders in Council P.C. 1956-1646 of 1st November, 19561, P.C. 1959-804 of 25th June, 19592 and P.C. 1976-2233 of 14th September, 19763, and to approve the annexed Order respecting payments in lieu of real estate taxes, local improvement costs and development and redevelopment taxes on diplomatic, consular and international organizations’ property. Not Published in Canada Gazette Part II Not Published in Canada Gazette Part II SI/76-106, Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 110, No. 19, October 13, 1976 Current to June 20, 2022 Order Respecting Payments in Lieu of Real Estate Taxes, Local Improvement Costs, and Development and Redevelopment Taxes on Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations’ Property Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations’ Property Grants Order. Interpretation 2 In this Order, diplomatic property means (a) real property in Canada owned by a foreign government or the head of the diplomatic mission of a foreign government and used as (i) the chancery or offices of the diplomatic mission, or (ii) the official residence of the head of the mission of that government, (b) real property in Canada owned by a foreign government and used as (i) the chancery or offices of a consular post or trade commission, or (ii) the official residence of the head of a consular post or trade commission of that government, or (c) real property in Canada owned by an international organization and used as (i) the chancery or offices, or (ii) the official residence of the head of a mission of that international organization; (propriété diplomatique) Current to June 20, 2022 Diplomatic, Consular and International Organizations’ Property Grants Order Interpretation Sections 2-5 international organization means an organization within the meaning of the Privileges and Immunities (International Organizations) Act. (organisation internationale) Grants 3 Subject to section 5, on receipt of an application from a municipality in a form prescribed by the Minister of Finance, the Secretary of State for External Affairs may pay to the municipality, in respect of diplomatic property, (a) grants in lieu of real estate taxes and local improvement costs in the amount that might be paid pursuant to the Municipal Grants Act if the diplomatic property were federal property as defined in that Act; and (b) grants in lieu of development or redevelopment taxes of a type and in the amount that might be paid pursuant to the Development Tax and Redevelopment Tax Grant Regulations if those Regulations applied to the diplomatic property. 4 Subject to section 5, on receipt of an application from a province in a form prescribed by the Minister of Finance, the Secretary of State for External Affairs may pay to the province, in respect of diplomatic property, a grant in lieu of real estate taxes in the amount that might be paid pursuant to the Real Property Grants Regulations if the diplomatic property were federal property as defined in those Regulations. 5 Where any real estate taxes, local improvement costs or development or redevelopment taxes referred to in section 3 or 4 are payable over a period of more than one year and the person liable to pay those taxes or costs has the option to pay them in annual instalments together with interest at a rate prescribed by a municipality or province, the Secretary of State for External Affairs may pay to the municipality or province the grants payable under section 3 or 4 in annual instalments together with interest at the rate prescribed by the municipality or province. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994) Regulations SOR/2017-108 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 12, 2017. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994) Regulations Designated provisions *2 Coming into force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 ii Registration SOR/2017-108 June 2, 2017 MIGRATORY BIRDS CONVENTION ACT, 1994 Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994) Regulations P.C. 2017-567 June 2, 2017 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to paragraph 12(1)(l)a of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994b, makes the annexed Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994) Regulations. a S.C. 2009, c. 14, s. 101 b S.C. 1994, c. 22 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 Designated provisions 1 The provisions set out in the schedule are designated for the purposes of paragraph 13(1)(c) of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994. Coming into force 2 These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 101 of the Environmental Enforcement Act, chapter 14 of the Statutes of Canada, 2009, comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered. * * [Note: Regulations in force July 12, 2017, see SI/2017-28.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention, 1994) Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 1) Designated Provisions Column 1 Column 2 Item Regulations Provisions Migratory Birds Regulations (a) subsections 5(1), (2), (3), (4) and (9) (b) section 6 (c) section 7 (d) section 9 (e) subsections 10(1) and (2) (f) subsection 12(1) (g) subsection 12.1(2) (h) subsection 13(3) (i) subsection 14(1) (j) subsections 15(1), (2) and (3) (k) subsection 15.1(1) (l) subsections 16(1) and (1.1) (m) section 17 (n) subsections 20(1) and (4) (o) section 21 (p) subsection 24(3) (q) subsections 27(3) and (5) (r) subsection 31(2) (s) subsection 32(3) (t) section 33 (u) subsection 37(3) Migratory Bird Sanctuary Regulations (a) subsection 3(2) (b) subsection 4(1) (c) subsection 5(1) (d) section 6 (e) section 8 (f) section 8.1 (g) subsection 10(1) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017 Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention, 1994) Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2022-105, s. 85 85 Item 1 of the schedule to the Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994) Regulations2 is replaced by the following: Column 1 Column 2 Item Regulations Provisions Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022 (a) paragraphs 5(1)(a), (b) and (c) (b) subsection 7(2) (c) section 9 (d) subsections 19(6) and (7) (e) subsection 27(1) (f) subsections 28(1) and (3) (g) subsection 36(1) (h) subsections 37(1), (3) and (4) (i) subsection 38(1) (j) subsection 39(1) (k) subsection 40(1) (l) subsection 41(1) (m) subsections 42(1), (2) and (3) (n) subsection 43(1) (o) section 44 (p) subsections 51(1) and (2) (q) subsection 55(1) (r) paragraphs 69(1)(a) and (b) (s) section 73 (t) subsection 76(4) (u) section 81 SOR/2017-108 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 12, 2017
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions) SOR/2012-267 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on December 19, 2012. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions) 1 Notice and Disclosure *7 Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012 ii Registration SOR/2012-267 December 7, 2012 BANK ACT Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions) P.C. 2012-1626 December 6, 2012 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 35.1(3)a of the Bank Actb, makes the annexed Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions). a S.C. 2010, c. 12, s. 1911 b S.C. 1991, c. 46 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012 Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions) Notice and Disclosure 1 (1) A local cooperative credit society that intends to make an application to the Minister for letters patent continuing it as a federal credit union (the “local cooperative credit society”) must send a notice approved by the Superintendent in consultation with the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation to the last known mailing address of every member of the local cooperative credit society at least four weeks before the members vote on a special resolution authorizing that application. (2) If a person applies to become a member of the local cooperative credit society after the notice has been sent to members in accordance with subsection (1) and before the day on which the members vote against the special resolution or the day that the Minister issues letters patent continuing the local cooperative credit society as a federal credit union, the local cooperative credit society must provide that person with the notice at the time they apply to become a member. (3) The notice must include the following information: (a) the day on which provincial deposit insurance coverage for the local cooperative credit society would end; (b) a description of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation coverage that would apply during the transitional period to the deposits of the local cooperative credit society that is continued as a federal credit union; and (c) a description of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation coverage that would apply after the transitional period to the deposits of the local cooperative credit society that is continued as a federal credit union and how it differs from the pre-continuance provincial deposit insurance coverage applicable to the local cooperative credit society. 2 The local cooperative credit society must make the notice available by way of a hyperlink on its main page and on any other pages of its website that reference deposit Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012 Disclosure on Continuance Regulations (Federal Credit Unions) Notice and Disclosure Sections 2-7 products four weeks before its members vote on the special resolution until the day of a negative vote or the date of continuance. 3 The local cooperative credit society must prominently display a sign that refers customers to the notice, and indicates how customers can obtain a copy of the notice, in each branch and office where customers are served four weeks before its members vote on the special resolution until the day of a negative vote or the date of continuance. 4 The local cooperative credit society must publish the information contained in the notice once a week in the Canada Gazette for the four weeks before its members vote on the special resolution. 5 The local cooperative credit society must publish the information contained in the notice once a week in a newspaper with general circulation in the province or territory in which the local cooperative credit society transacts business for the four weeks before its members vote on the special resolution. 6 The local cooperative credit society must make a copy of the notice available to any customer conducting deposit-taking business with staff at a branch of the local cooperative credit society during the period beginning four weeks before its members vote on the special resolution and ending on the day of a negative vote or on the date of continuance. Coming into Force 7 These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 1911 of the Jobs and Economic Growth Act, chapter 12 of the Statutes of Canada, 2010, comes into force or, if later, on the day on which they are registered. * * [Note: Regulations in force December 19, 2012, see SI/2012-99.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 19, 2012
CONSOLIDATION Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations SOR/86-1135 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Zoning Regulations Respecting Deer Lake Airport Short Title Interpretation Application General Natural Growth Disposal of Waste SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/86-1135 December 11, 1986 AERONAUTICS ACT Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations P.C. 1986-2767 December 11, 1986 Whereas, pursuant to section 4.5* of the Aeronautics Act, a copy of the proposed Zoning regulations respecting Deer Lake Airport, substantially in the form set out in the schedule hereto, was published in the Canada Gazette Part I on March 22, 1986 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of Transport with respect thereto; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to section 4.4* of the Aeronautics Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Zoning regulations respecting Deer Lake Airport. * S.C. 1985, c. 28, s. 1 Current to June 20, 2022 Zoning Regulations Respecting Deer Lake Airport Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations. Interpretation 2 (1) In these Regulations, airport means the Deer Lake Airport in the District of Humber Valley, in the Province of Newfoundland; (aéroport) airport reference point means the point described in Part I of the schedule; (point de repère de l’aéroport) approach surface means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from each end of the strip, which approach surface is more particularly described in Part II of the schedule; (surface d’approche) Minister means the Minister of Transport; (ministre) outer surface means an imaginary surface located above and in the immediate vicinity of the airport, which outer surface is more particularly described in Part III of the schedule; (surface extérieure) strip means the rectangular portion of the landing area of the airport, including the runway, prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in a particular direction, which strip is more particularly described in Part IV of the schedule; (bande) transitional surface means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip and its approach surfaces, which transitional surface is more particularly described in Part V of the schedule. (surface de transition) (2) For the purposes of these Regulations, the assigned elevation of the airport reference point is 15.24 m above sea level. Current to June 20, 2022 Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations Application Sections 3-6 Application 3 These Regulations apply to all the lands, including public road allowances, adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport, which lands are more particularly described as follows: (a) the lands within the outer limits of lands described in Part VI of the schedule; and (b) the lands directly under that portion of the approach surfaces that extend beyond the said outer limits. General 4 No person shall erect or construct, on any land to which these Regulations apply, any building, structure or object or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation at the location of that point (a) the approach surfaces; (b) the outer surface; or (c) the transitional surfaces. Natural Growth 5 Where an object of natural growth on any land to which these Regulations apply exceeds in elevation any of the surfaces referred to in paragraphs 4(a) to (c), the Minister may direct the owner or occupier of the land on which that object is growing to remove the growth or the excessive portion thereof. Disposal of Waste 6 No owner or occupier of any land to which these Regulations apply shall permit that land or any part of it to be used for the disposal of any waste that is edible by or attractive to birds. Current to June 20, 2022 Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (ss. 2 and 3) PART I Description of the Airport Reference Point The airport reference point, shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-3, S-441-4, S-441-5 and S-441-6, dated November 30, 1984, is determined by measuring 975.36 m southwesterly along the centre line and centre line produced of runway 07-25 from the 07 end of the strip and thence measuring northwesterly at right angles 152.40 m from the centre line of the said runway 07-25. PART II Description of the Approach Surfaces The approach surfaces, shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-1 to S-441-8 inclusive, dated November 30, 1984, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip associated with the runway designated 07-25 and are described as follows: (a) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 07 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; said imaginary horizontal line being 300 m measured vertically above the elevation at the end of the strip; and (b) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 25 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; said imaginary horizontal line being 300 m measured vertically above the elevation at the end of the strip. Current to June 20, 2022 Deer Lake Airport Zoning Regulations SCHEDULE PART III Description of the Outer Surface The outer surface, shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-3, S-441-4, S-441-5 and S-441-6, dated November 30, 1984, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the imaginary surface is located at 9 m above the surface of the ground. PART IV Description of the Strip The strip associated with runway 07-25, as shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-3, S-441-4, S-441-5 and S-441-6, dated November 30, 1984, is 300 m in width, 150 m on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 948.8 m in length. PART V Description of Each Transitional Surface Each transitional surface, shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-3, S-441-4, S-441-5 and S-441-6, dated November 30, 1984, is a surface consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 7 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and centre line produced of the strip extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface. PART VI Description of the Outer Limits of Lands The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Public Works Canada Deer Lake Airport Zoning Plans S-441-3, S-441-4, S-441-5 and S-441-6, dated November 30, 1984, is a circular area having a radius of 4 000 m from the airport reference point. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Dominion Succession Duty (1957) Regulations SOR/57-216 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Section 12 of the Dominion Succession Duty Act Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/57-216 June 13, 1957 DOMINION SUCCESSION DUTY ACT Dominion Succession Duty (1957) Regulations P.C. 1957-814 June 13, 1957 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 12 of the Dominion Succession Duty Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations Respecting section 12 of the Dominion Succes‐ sion Duty Act. Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting Section 12 of the Dominion Succession Duty Act 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Dominion Succession Duty (1957) Regulations. 2 The Province of Ontario and the Province of Quebec are hereby prescribed for the purposes of section 12 of the Dominion Succession Duty Act. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Deficient Postage Regulations SOR/85-567 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Mailable Matter Bearing No Postage or Insufficient Postage 1 Short Title Interpretation Application General Conditions Deficient Postage Rate Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/85-567 June 19, 1985 CANADA POST CORPORATION ACT Deficient Postage Regulations P.C. 1985-1954 June 18, 1985 Whereas a copy of the proposed Regulations were published in the Canada Gazette Part I on April 10, 1985 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister with respect thereto. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the Canada Post Corporation Act*, is pleased hereby to approve the annexed Regulations respecting mailable matter bearing no postage or insufficient postage, made by the Canada Post Corporation, effective September 1, 1985. * S.C. 1980-81-82-83, c. 54 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting Mailable Matter Bearing No Postage or Insufficient Postage Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Deficient Postage Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, deficient postage means the amount by which the postage payable on mailable matter has not been paid; (affranchissement insuffisant) deficient postage item means any item of mailable matter having deficient postage. (envoi insuffisamment affranchi) SOR/2000-199, s. 26. Application 3 These Regulations apply in respect of mailable matter posted in Canada for transmission by post and delivery in or outside Canada. SOR/87-158, s. 1; SOR/87-683, s. 1; SOR/88-435, s. 1; SOR/90-11, s. 1. General Conditions 4 Subject to subsection 5(1), a deficient postage item shall be returned to the sender. 5 (1) A deficient postage item shall be forwarded to the addressee where (a) a charge is payable pursuant to the Undeliverable and Redirected Mail Regulations for redirected mail; (b) the item bears no return address; or (c) the addressee has agreed, by means of a written service agreement, to accept deficient postage items and pay to the Corporation the amount referred to in subsection (3). (2) Where a deficient postage item is forwarded to the addressee pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) or (b) and accepted by the addressee, the deficient postage plus the Current to June 20, 2022 Deficient Postage Regulations General Conditions Sections 5-6 deficient postage rate set out in section 6 are payable by the addressee. (3) Where, pursuant to paragraph (1)(c), a deficient postage item is forwarded to the addressee, the amount specified in the agreement referred to in paragraph (1)(c) plus the deficient postage rate set out in section 6 are payable by the addressee. (4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3), where a deficient postage item is posted in Canada for transmission by post and delivery outside Canada, the deficient postage rate shall not apply. SOR/88-435, s. 2. Deficient Postage Rate 6 The rate for a deficient postage item that is forwarded to the addressee pursuant to section 5 is the rate established by the Corporation. SOR/88-435, s. 3; SOR/90-11, s. 2; SOR/90-797, s. 1; SOR/91-623, s. 1; SOR/91-637, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations SOR/2011-91 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2011-91 March 25, 2011 FISHERIES ACT Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations P.C. 2011-455 March 25, 2011 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to paragraph 38(9)(a) of the Fisheries Acta, hereby makes the annexed Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations. a R.S., c. F-14 Current to June 20, 2022 Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations 1 (1) For the purpose of subsection 38(4) of the Fisheries Act, the following persons are prescribed: (a) those providing 24-hour emergency telephone service provided by the office set out in column 2 of the schedule for the province, set out in column 1, where the occurrence of the deposit of a deleterious substance out of the normal course of events or the serious and imminent danger of such a deposit takes place; or (b) the pollution prevention officer referred to in paragraph 5(8)(a) or subsection 5(9) of the Pollutant Discharge Reporting Regulations, 1995. (2) Any person required by subsection 38(4) of the Fisheries Act to report the occurrence of a deposit of a deleterious substance out of the normal course of events or the serious and imminent danger of such a deposit shall without delay notify (a) in all cases other than those mentioned in paragraph (b), an inspector or a person referred to in paragraph (1)(a) at the applicable telephone number set out in column 3 of the schedule; or (b) in the case of the master of a vessel, the owner of a vessel or the operator of an oil handling facility to whom the Pollutant Discharge Reporting Regulations, 1995 apply, an inspector or the person referred to in paragraph (1)(b). 2 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Notification Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 1) Notification of Deposit Out of the Normal Course of Events Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Province Office Telephone number Ontario Spills Action Centre Ontario Ministry of the Environment 416-325-3000 or 1-800-268-6060* Quebec Environmental Protection Operations Directorate – Quebec Environment Canada 514-283-2333 or 1-866-283-2333* Nova Scotia Maritimes Regional Office 902-426-6030 or Canadian Coast Guard 1-800-565-1633* Fisheries and Oceans Canada New Brunswick Maritimes Regional Office 902-426-6030 or Canadian Coast Guard 1-800-565-1633* Fisheries and Oceans Canada Manitoba Manitoba Department of Conservation British Columbia British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Prince Edward Island Maritimes Regional Office 902-426-6030 or Canadian Coast Guard 1-800-565-1633* Fisheries and Oceans Canada Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment 1-800-667-7525 Alberta Alberta Ministry of Environment 780-422-4505 or 1-800-222-6514* Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador 709-772-2083 or Regional Office 1-800-563-9089* Canadian Coast Guard Fisheries and Oceans Canada Yukon Yukon Department of Environment 867-667-7244 Northwest Territories Department of Environment and Natural Resources Government of the Northwest Territories 867-920-8130 Nunavut Department of Environment and Natural Resources Government of the Northwest Territories 867-920-8130 204-944-4888 1-800-663-3456 Telephone number accessible only within the respective province. * Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Diversion of Imported Goods Exemption Regulations SOR/98-50 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Diversion of Imported Goods Exemption Regulations Interpretation Exemption for Emergency Use Repeal Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/98-50 December 29, 1997 CUSTOMS ACT Diversion of Imported Goods Exemption Regulations P.C. 1997-2022 December 29, 1997 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 32.2(7)aof the Customs Actb, hereby makes the annexed Diversion of Imported Goods Exemption Regulations. a b S.C. 1997, c. 36, s. 152 R.S., c. 1 (2nd Supp.) Current to June 20, 2022 Diversion of Imported Goods Exemption Regulations Interpretation 1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations. Act means the Customs Act. (Loi) emergency means a medical emergency, fire, flood or any disaster that threatens life, property or the environment. (urgence) Exemption for Emergency Use 2 Imported goods that, in response to an emergency, are temporarily diverted to a use other than that for which they were released are exempt from the operation of subsection 32.2(6) of the Act for the period during which the goods are used in response to the emergency. 3 Imported goods that are consumed in response to an emergency are exempt from the operation of subsection 32.2(6) of the Act. Repeal 4 [Repeal] Coming into Force 5 These Regulations come into force on January 1, 1998. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Determination, Redetermination and Further Redetermination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations SOR/98-44 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 29, 2013. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Determination, Re-Determination and Further ReDetermination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations 1 Interpretation Time Period Notice Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by a Designated Officer under Sections 58 and 59 of the Act Re-determination and Further Redetermination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by the President under Section 61 of the Act Payment of Duties Refund of Duties Repeal Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 ii Registration SOR/98-44 December 29, 1997 CUSTOMS ACT Determination, Re-determination and Further Redetermination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations P.C. 1997-2016 December 29, 1997 Whereas the proposed Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations give effect, in part, to a public announcement made on October 27, 1997 and are therefore, by virtue of para‐ graph 164(4)(a.2)a of the Customs Actb, not required to be published under subsection 164(3) of that Act; Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to section 59c, subsections 61(2)c and 65(1)d and paragraph 164(1)(i)e of the Customs Actb, hereby makes the annexed Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations. a S.C. 1992, c. 28, s. 30(3) b R.S., c. 1 (2nd Supp.) c S.C. 1997, c. 36, s. 166 d S.C. 1997, c. 36, s. 167(1) e S.C. 1992, c. 28, s. 30(1) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 Determination, Re-Determination and Further Re-Determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations Interpretation 1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations. Act means the Customs Act. (Loi) officer means an officer designated by the Minister under subsection 58(1) or 59(1) of the Act. (agent) Time Period 2 The time period within which an officer may further re-determine the origin, tariff classification or value for duty under paragraph 59(1)(b) of the Act is five years from the date of the determination under section 58 of the Act, where the granting of the refund or the making of a correction referred to in paragraph 59(1)(b) of the Act occurs within the period of time beginning on the first day of the 37th month and ending on the last day of the 48th month after the date on which the determination was made under section 58. Notice Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by a Designated Officer under Sections 58 and 59 of the Act 3 (1) Where an officer makes a determination of origin of imported goods pursuant to subsection 58(1) of the Act, or a re-determination or further re-determination of origin of imported goods pursuant to subsection 59(1) of the Act, the officer shall give notice of the determination, re-determination or further re-determination, as the case may be, (a) to (i) the importer of the goods, (ii) the owner of the goods at the time of release, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations Notice Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by a Designated Officer under Sections 58 and 59 of the Act Sections 3-4 (iii) any person liable for payment of duties on the goods at the time of release, or (iv) the person who accounted for the goods under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Act; and (b) where preferential tariff treatment under a free trade agreement was claimed in respect of those goods, to the person who has completed and signed a Certificate of Origin for the goods. (2) Where an officer makes a determination of tariff classification or value for duty of imported goods pursuant to subsection 58(1) of the Act, or a re-determination or further re-determination pursuant to subsection 59(1) of the Act, the officer shall give notice of the determination, redetermination or further re-determination, as the case may be, to (a) the importer of the goods; (b) the owner of the goods at the time of release; (c) any person liable for payment of duties on the goods at the time of release, or (d) the person who accounted for the goods under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Act. 3.1 Despite subsection 3(1), in the case of a determination that is treated under subsection 97.201(5) of the Act as if it were a re-determination under paragraph 59(1)(a) of the Act, the officer shall give notice of re-determination, referred to in subsection 59(2) of the Act, to the exporter or producer of the goods subject to the determination. SOR/2013-213, s. 28. Re-determination and Further Redetermination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by the President under Section 61 of the Act [SOR/2013-213, s. 4] 4 (1) Where the President makes a re-determination or further re-determination of origin of imported goods pursuant to subsection 61(1) of the Act, the President shall give notice of the re-determination or further re-determination, as the case may be, (a) to Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations Notice Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty by the President under Section 61 of the Act Sections 4-6 (i) the importer of the goods, (ii) the owner of the goods at the time of release, (iii) any person liable for payment of duties on the goods at the time of release, or (iv) the person who accounted for the goods under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Act; and (b) where preferential tariff treatment under a free trade agreement was claimed in respect of those goods, to the person who has completed and signed a Certificate of Origin for the goods. (2) Where the President makes a re-determination or further re-determination of tariff classification or value for duty of imported goods pursuant to subsection 61(1) of the Act, the President shall give notice of the re-determination or further re-determination, as the case may be, to (a) the importer of the goods; (b) the owner of the goods at the time of release; (c) any person liable for payment of duties on the goods at the time of release; or (d) the person who accounted for the goods under subsection 32(1), (3) or (5) of the Act. SOR/2013-213, s. 4. Payment of Duties 5 The persons to whom paragraphs 59(3)(a) and 65(1)(a) of the Act apply are those persons who were given notice of the determination, re-determination or further re-determination, as the case may be, under section 3 or 4, other than a person referred to in paragraph 3(1)(b) or 4(1)(b). Refund of Duties 6 The persons to whom paragraphs 59(3)(b) and 65(1)(b) of the Act apply are those persons who were given notice of the determination, re-determination or further re-determination, as the case may be, under section 3 or 4 — other than a person referred to in paragraph 3(1)(b) or 4(1)(b) or a person authorized under paragraph 32(6)(a) or subsection 32(7) of the Act to account for goods. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013 Determination, Re-determination and Further Re-determination of Origin, Tariff Classification and Value for Duty Regulations Repeal Sections 7-8 Repeal 7 [Repeal] Coming into Force 8 These Regulations come into force on January 1, 1998. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 29, 2013
CONSOLIDATION Delegation of Powers (VLA) Regulations C.R.C., c. 1588 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Delegating Powers Conferred by Parts I and II of the Veterans’ Land Act upon the Director, the Veterans’ Land Act Short Title General SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 1588 VETERANS’ LAND ACT Delegation of Powers (VLA) Regulations Regulations Delegating Powers Conferred by Parts I and II of the Veterans’ Land Act upon the Director, the Veterans’ Land Act Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Delegation of Powers (VLA) Regulations. General 2 The persons named in the schedule may sign the name and affix or cause to be affixed the seal of The Director, The Veterans’ Land Act, to all documents that, under Parts I and II of the Veterans’ Land Act, require execution by the Director in his corporate capacity. Current to June 20, 2022 Delegation of Powers (VLA) Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 2) 1 David Wilbur MacDonald Director, Property Management Property Management Directorate 2 Heather Lynne Redden Chief, Property and Estates Property Management Directorate 3 Joseph Bernotas Property Rights and Estates Analyst Quebec and French Language Section Property Management Directorate 4 Sandra E. MacPhail Property Rights and Estates Analyst Property Management Directorate 5 Ronald A. Saunders Property Rights and Estates Analyst Property Management Directorate SOR/81-258, s. 1; SOR/82-861, s. 1; SOR/84-228, s. 1; SOR/89-401, s. 1; SOR/92-155, s. 1; SOR/92-537, s. 1; SOR/99-119, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations SOR/92-321 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 21, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Disclosure of Interest Rates Relating to Deposit Accounts and Debt Obligations 1 Short Title Interpretation Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts Disclosure in Respect of Advertising Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 ii Registration SOR/92-321 May 21, 1992 BANK ACT Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations P.C. 1992-1096 May 21, 1992 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 441 to 443 of the Bank Act*, is pleased hereby to revoke the Disclosure of Deposit Terms and Conditions Regulations, made on May 29, 1981**, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting the disclosure of interest rates relating to deposit accounts and debt obligations in substitution therefor, effective June 1, 1992. * S.C. 1991, c. 46 ** SOR/81-440, 1981 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 1651 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Regulations Respecting the Disclosure of Interest Rates Relating to Deposit Accounts and Debt Obligations Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Bank Act; (Loi) deposit account means an interest-bearing deposit account. (compte de dépôt) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a bank carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of deposit accounts through natural persons in Canada. (point de service) SOR/2009-45, s. 1. Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts 3 (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), a bank shall disclose to a person who requests the bank to open a deposit account the rate of interest applicable to the deposit account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated (a) where a statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of a written statement delivered to that person, at or before the time the deposit account is opened; or (b) where no statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of (i) a written statement copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the bank where deposit accounts are kept, or (ii) a general notice that is displayed in each of the bank’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the bank’s points of service and on the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts Sections 3-5 bank’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. (1.1) In the case of the opening of a deposit account on a telephone request as contemplated by subsection 445(3) of the Act, a bank must, not later than seven business days after the account is opened, provide to the customer a written statement that sets out the rate of interest applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated. (2) A written statement and a general notice referred to in subsection (1) or a written statement referred to in section (1.1) shall include (a) the annual rate of interest; (b) the frequency of payment of interest; (c) the manner, if any, in which the balance in the deposit account affects the rate of interest; and (d) any other circumstance that affects the rate of interest. (3) A written statement referred to in subsection (1.1) that is sent to a customer by mail is deemed to be provided to the customer on the fifth day after the postmark date on the statement. SOR/2001-469, s. 1; SOR/2009-45, s. 2; SOR/2014-273, s. 1(F). 4 Where there is a change in the rate of interest, or in the manner of calculating the amount of interest, that is applicable to a deposit account, the bank shall disclose the changes by means of (a) a written statement delivered to the person in whose name the account is maintained; (b) a written statement copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the bank where deposit accounts are kept; or (c) a general notice that is displayed in each of the bank’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the bank’s points of service and on the bank’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. SOR/2009-45, s. 3; SOR/2014-273, s. 2(F). 5 [Repealed, SOR/2009-45, s. 4] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations Disclosure in Respect of Advertising Section 6 Disclosure in Respect of Advertising 6 For the purposes of section 442 of the Act, in all advertisements in respect of interest-bearing deposits or debt obligations, a bank shall disclose how the amount of interest applicable to each deposit and debt obligation is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly discloses (a) in respect of interest-bearing deposits, the manner, if any, in which the balance of a deposit account will affect the rate of interest; and (b) any other circumstance that will affect the rate of interest. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2021-181, par. 122 (a) 122 The following Regulations are repealed: (a) the Disclosure of Interest (Banks) Regulations12; SOR/92-321 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Directive to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regarding the Health of Canadians SOR/2007-282 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Directive to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regarding the Health of Canadians Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2007-282 December 10, 2007 NUCLEAR SAFETY AND CONTROL ACT Directive to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regarding the Health of Canadians P.C. 2007-1892 December 10, 2007 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources, pursuant to subsection 19(1) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Acta, hereby makes the annexed Directive to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regarding the Health of Canadians. a S.C. 1997, c. 9 Current to June 20, 2022 Directive to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Regarding the Health of Canadians 1 In regulating the production, possession and use of nuclear substances in order to prevent unreasonable risk to the health of persons, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission shall take into account the health of Canadians who, for medical purposes, depend on nuclear substances produced by nuclear reactors. 2 This Directive comes into force on the day on which it is registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994 SOR/94-602 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Writing Off of any Debt or Obligation Due to Her Majesty or any Claim by Her Majesty 1 Short Title Interpretation Application Authority to Write Off Debts Criteria Procedures for the Control and Writing Off of a Debt Retention of Information and Records Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/94-602 September 20, 1994 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994 T.B. 822023 September 15, 1994 The Treasury Board, pursuant to subsection 25(1)* of the Financial Administration Act, hereby revokes the Debt Write-off Regulations, made on March 14, 1985**, and makes the annexed Regulations respecting the writing off of any debt or obligation due to Her Majesty or any claim by Her Majesty, in substitution therefor. * S.C. 1991, c. 24, s. 50, Sch. II, item 8 ** SOR/85-257, 1985 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 1597 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting the Writing Off of any Debt or Obligation Due to Her Majesty or any Claim by Her Majesty Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Financial Administration Act; (Loi) debt means a debt or an obligation due to Her Majesty or a claim by Her Majesty; (créance) in writing includes any electronic form that is capable of being reproduced in intelligent, written form within a reasonable time. (par écrit) Application 3 These Regulations do not apply to (a) the determination of, or resolution of disputes over, what amount of a debt is owing; (b) the process of negotiating and settling claims by Her Majesty; and (c) debts owing to Crown corporations. Authority to Write Off Debts 4 (1) Subject to subsection 25(2) of the Act and sections 5 and 6 of these Regulations, the appropriate Minister of a department, or an officer authorized by that Minister in writing, may write off from the accounts of the department a debt, or a part of a debt, that has been determined to be uncollectible. (2) Subject to subsection 25(2) of the Act and section 5 of these Regulations, the appropriate Minister of a department, or an officer authorized by that Minister in writing, may write off from the accounts of the department a debt for which further administrative expense or other costs of Current to June 20, 2022 Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994 Authority to Write Off Debts Sections 4-6 collecting the debt are not justifiable in relation to the amount of the debt or the probability of collection. (3) Subject to subsection 25(2) of the Act, the appropriate Minister of a department, or an officer authorized by that Minister in writing, may write off from the accounts of the department (a) the balance of a future debt or a debt not due that remains after payment of the present value of the debt has been accepted as full settlement of the debt; or (b) the balance of a debt that remains after a compromise settlement has been effected pursuant to an applicable authority. 5 (1) No accountable advances or other debts arising from the overpayment by Her Majesty of salaries, wages or employment-related allowances, or any part of any of them, shall be written off without the approval of the Treasury Board. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to debts owing by former employees that are discovered after their employment has terminated and all termination benefits have been paid. Criteria 6 No debt, or any part of a debt, shall be written off from the accounts of a department under subsection 4(1) unless (a) all reasonable collection action has been taken and all possible means of collection have been exhausted; (b) there is no possibility now or in the foreseeable future of collection through set-off; and (c) the appropriate Minister, or the officer referred to in section 4, is satisfied on reasonable grounds that (i) the debtor is not resident in Canada, there are no apparent means of collecting the debt and there is no evidence that the debtor has a family or business concerns in Canada that could lead the debtor to return to Canada, (ii) the debtor cannot be located, (iii) evidence of the debt has been lost or destroyed and the debtor denies that a debt exists, (iv) legal proceedings are statute-barred or the debt is otherwise legally unenforceable, the debtor has refused to pay and there are no apparent Current to June 20, 2022 Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994 Criteria Section 6 alternative means of enforcing payment or collecting the debt, (v) the debtor is a corporation and the corporation is inoperative and without assets, (vi) the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt corporation and (A) the corporation is without assets and the trustee has been discharged, or (B) the trustee has confirmed in writing that the trustee does not foresee any further payments to Her Majesty, (vii) the debtor is an undischarged bankrupt individual and (A) the trustee has been discharged, or (B) the trustee has confirmed in writing that the trustee does not foresee any further payments to Her Majesty, (viii) the debtor is deceased and there is no known estate, or (ix) the debtor (A) is incapable of repaying the debt, in whole or in part, as evidenced, among other things, by the debtor’s family income level being below the net monthly income level requiring payments from income toward debts, as stated in the guidelines on payments required from income issued periodically by the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, (B) is not reasonably expected to have the capacity to repay the debt in the foreseeable future, and (C) does not own or have an interest in mortgageable real or personal property, has not entered into a contract to purchase property under the Veterans’ Land Act and does not own financial assets that could be applied toward discharging the debt, in whole or in part. Current to June 20, 2022 Debt Write-off Regulations, 1994 Procedures for the Control and Writing Off of a Debt Sections 7-9 Procedures for the Control and Writing Off of a Debt 7 All debts shall be controlled within the appropriate department’s accounts until they are either collected or written off. 8 (1) The appropriate Minister of each department or the deputy head on behalf of the Minister shall establish a formal review process for the writing off of debts, in whole or in part, under subsections 4(1) and (2). (2) Where an amount exceeding $25,000, or such lower amount as may be fixed by the appropriate Minister or the deputy head, is proposed to be written off, the matter shall be referred to a review committee established pursuant to subsection (1), which committee shall make recommendations on the proposed write-off to the appropriate Minister or the officer referred to in section 4. (3) A review committee shall consist of at least three public officers, at least one of whom shall not have been involved in the creation or establishment of the debt that is proposed to be written off or in any action taken to collect it. Retention of Information and Records 9 Any information or records concerning a debt that is written off pursuant to these Regulations shall be retained until (a) all audit procedures are completed and other administrative requirements with respect to the debt and its write-off are satisfied; and (b) in addition, in the case of a debt referred to in subsection 4(1), (i) there is no longer any probability of future setoff, and (ii) the limitation period for initiating any legal action with respect to the determination of the amount or recovery of the debt has expired. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations SOR/2006-244 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on April 1, 2016. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations Interpretation 1 Definitions Replenishment of Fund 2 Notice of proposed amount Defaulting member’s charge Calculation of charges for property tax revenues 4.1 Calculation of charges for other revenues Coming into Force 5 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 ii Registration SOR/2006-244 October 5, 2006 FIRST NATIONS FISCAL AND STATISTICAL MANAGEMENT ACT Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations P.C. 2006-1079 October 5, 2006 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to subsection 84(5) and paragraph 89(c) of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Acta, hereby makes the annexed Debt Reserve Fund Replenishment Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 9 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations Interpretation Definitions 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. Act means the First Nations Fiscal Management Act. (Loi) defaulting member means a borrowing member whose failure to make a payment, in full and on time, due under a borrowing agreement with the Authority or to pay, in full and on time, an amount required under subsection 84(5) of the Act to replenish the debt reserve fund with respect to the type of financing received by the borrowing member — referred to in subsection 84(1) of the Act — has led to a reduction in that fund. (membre en défaut) SOR/2016-29, s. 2. Replenishment of Fund Notice of proposed amount 2 (1) At least 90 days before the date of a request requiring payment of amounts to replenish a debt reserve fund under paragraph 84(5)(a) or (b) of the Act, the Authority must send a notice to the council of every borrowing member who has received financing for which that debt reserve fund was established — whether or not the borrowing member’s loan has been repaid — setting out the amount of the shortfall in the fund and the Authority’s intention to require those borrowing members to replenish the fund. Content of notice (2) The notice must identify all defaulting members and the amount of the shortfall attributable to each of them. SOR/2016-29, s. 2. Defaulting member’s charge 3 (1) During the period referred to in subsection 2(1), the Authority must determine the charge that each defaulting member must pay to replenish the debt reserve fund for which the notice was sent. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations Replenishment of Fund Sections 3-4.1 Liability (2) Each defaulting member is liable for the repayment of their share of the shortfall in the debt reserve fund, despite the amount set out in a notice sent under paragraph 4(a) or 4.1(a). SOR/2016-29, s. 2. Calculation of charges for property tax revenues 4 With respect to the debt reserve fund solely for financing secured by property tax revenues, at the end of the period referred to in subsection 2(1), the Authority must send (a) to the council of each defaulting member, a notice requiring that member to pay the charge determined under subsection 3(1); and (b) to the council of each borrowing member who is not a defaulting member, a notice requiring that member to pay a charge equal to the one determined by the formula [A/(B – C)] × (D – E) where A is the gross annual property tax revenue of the borrowing member, B is the aggregate gross annual property tax revenue of all the borrowing members, C is the aggregate gross annual property tax revenue of the defaulting members, D is the amount of the shortfall in the debt reserve fund that is set out in the notice referred to in section 2, and E is the total amount charged to the defaulting members under section 3. SOR/2016-29, s. 2. Calculation of charges for other revenues 4.1 With respect to the debt reserve fund solely for financing secured by other revenues, at the end of the period referred to in subsection 2(1), the Authority must send (a) to the council of each defaulting member, a notice requiring that member to pay the charge determined under subsection 3(1); and (b) to the council of each borrowing member who is not a defaulting member, a notice requiring that member to pay a charge equal to the one determined by the formula [A/(B – C)] × (D – E) where Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016 Debt Reserve Funds Replenishment Regulations Replenishment of Fund Sections 4.1-5 A is the amount contributed by the borrowing member to the debt reserve fund, B is the total amount contributed by all the borrowing members to the debt reserve fund, C is the total amount contributed by the defaulting members to the debt reserve fund, D is the amount of the shortfall in the debt reserve fund set out in the notice referred to in section 2, and E is the total amount charged to the defaulting members under section 3. SOR/2016-29, s. 2. Coming into Force Coming into force 5 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2016
CONSOLIDATION Designated Areas Firearms Order C.R.C., c. 430 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Designating Areas in Which Permits to Possess a Firearm or Ammunition May Be Issued to Persons under the Age of Fourteen Years Short Title Areas Designated SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 430 CRIMINAL CODE Designated Areas Firearms Order Order Designating Areas in Which Permits to Possess a Firearm or Ammunition May Be Issued to Persons under the Age of Fourteen Years Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Designated Areas Firearms Order. Areas Designated 2 Each area set out in the schedule is designated as an area within which a permit to possess a firearm or ammunition may be issued by a local registrar of firearms to a person under the age of 14 years who resides within that area. Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Areas Firearms Order SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 2) 1 Ontario (1) District of Cochrane — excluding the organized municipalities of: (a) Towns: Cochrane, Hearst, Kapuskasing, Smooth Rock Falls and Timmins; (b) Townships: Black River (Matheson), Calvert, Fauquier, Glackmeyer, Kendrey, Mount Joy, Playfair, Shackleton and Machin, Tisdale and Whitney. (2) District of Thunder Bay — that portion lying north of No. 11 Highway, bordered on the east by the Cochrane-Thunder Bay District Boundary and on the west by the KenoraThunder Bay boundary. (3) District of Kenora and Patricia — those portions lying north of the main Canadian National Railway line. 2 Manitoba The area comprising the whole of the Province of Manitoba. 3 Alberta That area commencing from the point on the AlbertaSaskatchewan boundary intersected by the north boundary of Township 68, thence west along the north boundary of Township 68 to its intersection with the 5th meridian, thence north along the 5th meridian to its intersection with the north boundary of Township 92, then west along the north boundary of Township 92 to its intersection with the Alberta-British Columbia boundary, thence north along the British Columbia-Alberta boundary to the boundary of the Northwest Territories, thence east along this boundary to the point where it meets the boundary between Alberta and Saskatchewan and thence southerly along the SaskatchewanAlberta boundary to the point of commencement. 4 Yukon Territory The area comprising the whole of the Yukon Territory. 5 Northwest Territories The area comprising the whole of the Northwest Territories. 6 Quebec All that part of the Province of Quebec situated north of the 50th degree of latitude, between the Quebec-Ontario border eastwards to the 68th degree of longitude, thence along a line extending due north to the 51st degree of latitude, thence eastwards along the 51st degree of latitude to the junction with the 60th degree of longitude, thence along the coast to the Quebec-Newfoundland border, following an imaginary line situated about 10 miles from the coast. 7 Saskatchewan All that area of the Province of Saskatchewan situated north of the 54th parallel of north latitude. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Dominion Water Power Regulations C.R.C., c. 1603 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on August 28, 2019. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Dominion Water-Powers Short Title Interpretation Application Publication and Hearings Survey Permit General Layout Plans Priority Permit Interim Licences General Construction Plans Plan of Lands Approval of Plans Commencement of Construction Guarantee Deposit Rights in Lands Under Interim Licence Change in Plans Inspection and Reports Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 ii Dominion Water Power Regulations TABLE OF PROVISIONS Final Construction Plans Plans and Specifications Fixation of Construction Costs Operation Under Interim Licence Amending Interim Licence Extension of Time Penalties for Default by Interim Licensee Completion of Initial Development Issuance of Final Licence Term of Licence Compensation for Works and Lands Rentals for the Use of Water Revision of Rentals After 20 Years Regulation of Public Utilities Limited Rights in Lands Care of Lands Approval of Buildings Works, Plant and Equipment Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 iv Dominion Water Power Regulations TABLE OF PROVISIONS Securing Enlarged Development Change in Undertaking Sale of Power Stream Regulation and Control Pro-rating of Capital Cost of Works Cooperative Agreements with Province Appraisals Accounting Transfers Acceptance of Terms of Licence Small Water-powers Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 v CHAPTER 1603 DOMINION WATER POWER ACT Dominion Water Power Regulations Regulations Respecting Dominion WaterPowers Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Dominion Water Power Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, actual construction includes (a) any necessary and authorized work carried on in pursuance of these Regulations, (b) engineering investigations and reports, (c) the clearing of lands, (d) the construction of roads or railways, (e) stream improvements, and (f) other essential work undertaken solely in the construction of works authorized and not used independently as a source of profit, but does not include (g) promotion work, (h) the underwriting, sale or disposal of stocks and bonds, or (i) general administrative or directive functions exercised at some distance from the scene of operations; (construction réelle) actual cost of any development of works includes Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Interpretation Section 2 (a) the actual legitimate cost of such development or works in use and useful for the purposes of the undertaking at the time that any particular inquiry is being made, (b) the cost of engineering services appertaining to the construction of such development and works, (c) interest during construction, (d) taxes and insurance during construction, (e) contractor’s profit, (f) the purchase of equipment, (g) the cost of roads, railways, clearings or other essential works undertaken and carried on solely in the construction of such development or works and not independently profitable, and (h) such other expenditures as are necessary and inherent items of construction, but does not in any case include (i) promotion expenses, (j) the cost of underwriting, selling or disposing of stocks and bonds, or (k) head office and other expenditures relating to general administration exercised at some distance from the development or works which are not necessary and inherent parts of the construction expenditures; (coût réel) Department means the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; (ministère) Director means the Director of Water-Power, who shall be the Chief of the Water Resources Division of the Department or such other person designated by the Minister; (directeur) final construction plans means the plans of the power development or power system as actually constructed, and in every case includes plans of the lands as finally occupied to conform with sections 10 and 17; (plans définitifs de construction) final licence means a licence authorizing the diversion, use or storage of water for power purposes, or the transmission and distribution of water-power; (concession définitive) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Interpretation Section 2 general construction plans means the plans of the works that are required to be approved by the Director before the interim licensee is permitted to commence the construction of the power development; (plans généraux de construction) general layout plans means the plans that are required to be filed by the applicant before an interim licence may be issued; (plans d’ensemble) independent works means all works and plants outside of the power system that may be classed as tributary to independent undertakings of the licensee and not to the undertaking authorized; (ouvrages indépendants) initial development means such portion of the power or storage development as is specified in the interim licence as being required to be constructed before a final licence may be issued; (premier aménagement) interconnected systems means the power system and all plants and works connected therewith, related thereto, interdependent upon it and similarly used in the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy; (réseaux conjugués) interim licence means a licence authorizing the preparation of general construction plans and the construction of works in pursuance of such plans; (concession intérimaire) Minister means the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; (ministre) power development includes (a) the physical structures within the severance line required for the storage or use of the stream-waters, for the production of power therefrom, and for the transmission thereof, (b) the dams or other diversion works, the powerhouse, the conduits conducting water thereto and the transmission lines within the severance line, (c) all hydraulic or electrical machinery, appliances, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances, (d) lands and rights-of-way required in connection therewith, and (e) the clearings, roads, trails and railways required to be constructed that are still used and useful in connection therewith and not independently profitable; (aménagement de force hydraulique) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Interpretation Section 2 preliminary sketch plan means the preliminary plan or sketch filed by the applicant with his initial application; (croquis préliminaire) public lands means lands belonging to Her Majesty in right of Canada and includes lands of which the Government of Canada has power to dispose; (terres publiques) severance line means the dividing or boundary line that separates those lands, works and properties used or useful in connection with the undertaking and that are considered to be essential to the power or storage development from other lands, works and properties used or useful in connection with the undertaking but not considered to be essential to the development; (ligne séparative) storage development includes (a) the physical structures within the severance line required for the storage of the stream-waters for the production of power, (b) the dams or other storage works, the intakes and water conduits within the severance line, (c) all hydraulic or electrical machinery, appliances, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances, (d) lands and rights-of-way required in connection therewith, and (e) the clearings, roads, trails and railways required to be constructed that are still used and useful in connection therewith and not independently profitable; (aménagement d’emmagasinage) system or power system means all lands, structures and appurtenances required to complete the undertaking authorized, including the power development, works, reservoirs, transmission lines, distribution works, auxiliary steam or other fuel plants, the lands required to be occupied, clearings, roads and railways in so far as required in connection with the power development, and all mills, buildings, machines, appliances, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances required in connection therewith; (réseau ou réseau de distribution d’énergie ) works, with reference to any power development, power system or undertaking, means all the physical structures, devices, equipment, appliances, appurtenances and things authorized or required to be constructed, maintained or operated by the applicant or licensee in respect of such power development, power system or undertaking. (ouvrages) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Interpretation Sections 2-3 Application 3 (1) An application for a licence to divert, use or store water for power purposes may be made to the Director and shall contain the following information: (a) the name, address and occupation of the applicant; (b) the name or a clear description of the river, lake or other watercourse from which the water is to be diverted or used; (c) the place where the water is to be diverted from or in the said watercourse, referred if possible to an established monument of the existing system of land surveys, and the place where the water is to be returned or released; (d) the maximum quantity of water, expressed in cubic feet per second, which it is estimated will be ultimately diverted or used under the licence applied for; (e) the estimated average head in feet which will be available for the production of power according to the plan of development proposed; (f) the estimated minimum amount of energy expressed in horsepower that will be developed on the turbine shaft within five years from the date of the application or within such other period as the applicant may state to be required for the completion of his initial development; (g) the maximum amount of energy expressed in horsepower which it is estimated will ultimately be developed on the turbine shaft from the waters for which application is made; (h) a brief statement with respect to the character and extent of all principal works the applicant proposes to construct; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Application Section 3 (i) in respect of each dam involved, its approximate maximum length and height, its proposed type and the material to be used in its construction; (j) where storage is involved, the location of each lake, basin or other place in which the applicant wishes to store water; (k) for each storage reservoir, the approximate number of acres of land the applicant proposes to flood, the approximate area in acres of the surface of the reservoir when filled, the estimated vertical storage range in feet, and the total capacity of storage contemplated in acre-feet; and (l) a reasonably accurate description and the acreage of the lands required for occupation or use in the construction, maintenance or operation of the proposed works, noting separately lands required for rights-ofway and lands that are to be flooded (i) within public lands, (ii) within provincial Crown lands, and (iii) within privately owned lands. (2) An application for a licence shall be accompanied by (a) a preliminary plan or sketch, with scale so selected as to show upon a single sheet the entire project applied for, with the approximate location of all the principal works and lands referred to in paragraph (1)(l); (b) a description of and a sketch showing the nearest neighbouring works or structures completed or in course of construction, both above and below the place of the proposed diversion, for diverting or using water for any purpose from the same source of supply and the approximate distance and direction of each such works from the proposed works; (c) the names and locations of any other works or structures, including bridges, railways and canals, that might affect or be affected by the construction, maintenance or operation of the proposed works; (d) the approximate discharge in cubic feet per second at or near the place of diversion of the river, lake or other source from which the water is to be diverted at high, medium and low water stages, respectively, together with copies of any existing measurements of the flow of the stream in the applicant’s possession Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Application Section 3 and a reference to all other such measurements of which the applicant has knowledge; and (e) a brief outline of the undertaking in respect of which the licence is desired, including the use to which the power is to be applied, any sale, delivery or transfer thereof to other than the applicant that is contemplated, the territory, if any, within which such sale, delivery or transfer is to be exercised, the probable demand for power within such territory and an estimate of the capital cost of the entire undertaking. (3) Where the applicant is an incorporated company, the application, in addition to the information required by subsections (1) and (2), shall contain (a) the names of the directors and officers of the company and their places of residence; (b) the address of the head office of the company in Canada; (c) the amount of capital authorized, subscribed, and paid-up, specifying in regard to paid-up capital, the amount paid in cash and the manner of payment for the balance; (d) the proposed method of raising further funds, if required, for the construction and operation of the proposed works; and (e) a copy of the special act of incorporation or the memorandum of association. (4) Where the applicant is a municipality or municipal district, the application, in addition to the information required by subsections (1) and (2), shall contain (a) the location, area and boundaries of the municipality or district; (b) the approximate number of inhabitants in the municipality or district; (c) the present indebtedness and the borrowing limit of the municipality or district; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Application Sections 3-4 (d) a certified copy of any by-law or resolution passed by the municipality or district respecting the application or the undertaking to which the application relates; and (e) a certified copy of any enabling Act or other statutory provision authorizing the municipality or district to engage in the proposed undertaking. (5) All elevations given in connection with the plans or other information filed by any applicant shall be referred, if feasible, to mean sea-level datum. (6) An applicant, when requested so to do by the Minister, shall file an affidavit setting forth such facts as may be required in respect of his financial standing and his ability to carry out the proposed undertaking. (7) The Director may, at any time while an application is pending, notwithstanding any other requirement of these Regulations, require such additional plans, descriptions, measurements, specifications or other data, whether related directly or indirectly to the proposed works and undertaking, as he considers necessary, and those plans, descriptions, measurements, specifications or data shall be furnished by and at the expense of the applicant. Publication and Hearings 4 (1) Upon request in writing from the Director, an applicant shall, at his own expense, publish a notice of the application in at least one issue of the Canada Gazette and in one or more issues of such other publications as the Director may specify. (2) The notice shall be marked at the top in plain letters “Dominion Water-Power Application”, shall be in a form approved by the Director, and shall give substantially the following information: (a) the name and address of the applicant; (b) the date of application; (c) the name or a clear description of the source of water supply; (d) a clear description of the place of diversion; (e) the maximum horsepower capacity of the proposed plant; (f) the nature of the undertaking and utilization of the power; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Publication and Hearings Sections 4-5 (g) a statement that the application has been filed with the Director, and that protests or objections may be filed by any interested party with the Director or at certain designated local points; (h) when storage or pondage of water is contemplated, the place of storage, the capacity of the intended reservoir, and a general description of the lands that are to be flooded; and (i) such other information as the Director may require. (3) An applicant shall file proof of publication of the notice in the form of an affidavit, made by a person having knowledge of the publication, to which shall be attached a copy of the notice as published. (4) Following the completion of publication of the notice, a period of 30 days shall be allowed in which protests or objections may be filed with the Director. (5) Where a protest or objection is filed within the period specified in subsection (4), or when for other reasons, the Minister considers that a hearing should take place before action is taken, he shall designate a time and place for the hearing and shall name a person to preside over and conduct the hearing. (6) The hearing may be adjourned from time to time, and the applicant may be permitted for the time being to continue the preparation of his plans and the carrying on of investigations. (7) The person conducting the hearing shall report his findings and recommendations in writing to the Minister, and the Minister may in his discretion reject the application if he deems it necessary in the public interest. Survey Permit 5 (1) Subject to subsection (3), the Director may issue to an applicant a survey permit empowering the applicant during the period stated therein, which shall not exceed three years, to enter upon any public lands without other licence therefor, and upon the lands of any person for the purpose of making such surveys and investigations as may be necessary for the preparation of his general layout plans, but for no other purpose, and the applicant shall, in making such surveys and investigations, do as little damage as possible, and shall make full compensation to all persons sustaining damage. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Survey Permit Sections 5-6 (2) The issuance of a survey permit does not give the applicant any priority over other applicants for the development of any water-power, or any special claim or right in respect of the water-power. (3) The applicant shall furnish such security as the Director may require for the payment of any sums that may be subsequently awarded for any damage caused by the applicant in making any surveys and investigations authorized under these Regulations. General Layout Plans 6 (1) An applicant shall file his general layout plans with the Director by such date as is specified by the Director. (2) The general layout plans and data shall be such as will enable the Director to determine whether (a) the proposed works are of suitable design to accomplish the purpose intended, (b) the proposed development is in general accord with the most beneficial utilization of the resources of the stream in Canada, and (c) the proposed undertaking is feasible and practicable and in the public interest, and such plans shall further conform to any requirements of the Director not inconsistent with these Regulations. (3) The general layout plans and specifications shall (a) be based on actual and thorough surveys and investigations on the ground; (b) be in sufficient detail to enable the Director to determine exactly what is proposed to be done by the applicant; (c) show the position of the proposed works with reference to surrounding objects so that the exact scope of the project may be readily ascertained and located; and (d) show what provisions are being made for navigation, logging and other interests. (4) When the Director is of the opinion that further information and plans are necessary before an interim licence is issued, he may request the applicant to furnish additional information and plans. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations General Layout Plans Sections 6-7 (5) Plans or maps shall in every case show the location and area of the lands that are required to be occupied, used or flooded in connection with the proposed works. (6) Elevations wherever feasible shall be related to mean sea-level datum. Priority Permit 7 (1) Where the applicant has completed satisfactorily the submission of such of the information required by section 3 and has supplied such of the plans and specifications as will satisfy the Minister that (a) the proposed development is in general accord with the most beneficial utilization of the stream waters, (b) the proposed undertaking is feasible and practicable and in the public interest, and (c) the applicant has the requisite financial ability to carry the project to a successful consummation, the Minister may issue to the applicant a priority permit which shall give the applicant priority over other applicants in the consideration of his general layout plans if filed within the time specified in the permit. (2) In granting a priority permit the Minister may give preference to an application by a province, municipality or municipal district where he considers such preference to be in the public interest. (3) No priority permit shall be construed as binding the Minister to issue an interim licence, giving the applicant any exclusive claim or right, or relieving the Minister from considering other possible schemes for the development of the site, if there is reason to believe that they may result in a more beneficial utilization of the natural resources or be otherwise in the public interest. (4) A priority permit shall be effective for a period not to exceed one year but may be renewed. (5) No extensions of time to a priority permit shall be granted unless it is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister by statutory declaration by the applicant, and otherwise, that the applicant has promptly and diligently continued the surveys and preparation of the plans in good faith, and has been prevented by causes beyond his control, other than the want of funds, from completing the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Priority Permit Sections 7-8 plans within the time fixed, but the applicant shall not be given an extension of more than one year from the expiry of the time originally fixed. (6) If the plans and information required are not completed and filed before the expiration of the initial period of the priority permit or of any extension thereof, the applicant’s priority shall lapse. Interim Licences 8 (1) The Minister, where he considers it advisable, may issue to the applicant an interim licence for the carrying out of the proposed development when he is satisfied that (a) the proposed works are of suitable design to accomplish the purpose intended; (b) the proposed development is feasible and practicable and is in accord with the most beneficial utilization of the resources of the stream; and (c) it is the best possible development in the public interest for which the site may be used, consideration being given to both present conditions and future requirements. (2) An interim licence shall contain (a) the times and manner of payment and the rates or amounts to be paid during the life of the interim licence as rentals or royalties for (i) lands occupied, and (ii) waters used for which the rental is based on the horsepower capacity of the installation in place or placed during the year but shall not be at a rate less than $0.75 per year per installed horsepower; and (b) such other terms and conditions, subject always to these Regulations, as may be imposed by the Minister. (3) Every interim or final licence shall (a) be deemed to incorporate and shall be subject to the provisions of the regulations in force at the time of the issue of and in so far as applicable to that interim or final licence; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Interim Licences Sections 8-10 (b) be subject to such other stipulations, provisos and conditions, not inconsistent with these Regulations, as the Minister may impose; and (c) be subject to amendments to, changes in or additions to these Regulations made during the term of such licence that are not inconsistent with the rights and privileges granted under the licence. General Construction Plans 9 (1) An interim licensee shall file his general construction plans and specifications with the Director within the time specified in the interim licence. (2) The plans and specifications filed by an interim licensee shall be such as would be required for submission to construction contractors for the purpose of receiving tenders and shall be in sufficiently advanced form to satisfy the Director. Plan of Lands 10 (1) An interim licensee shall, at a time fixed by the Director, supplement the general construction plans of the works by a plan of lands from an actual survey by a Canada Lands Surveyor acting under instructions from the Surveyor General of Canada. (2) A plan of lands shall be certified by a Canada Lands Surveyor and shall show and describe by section, township and range or lot number if in surveyed territory, or by other accurate description if in unsurveyed territory, the lands that are required to be occupied or used in the construction, maintenance and operation of the proposed works, noting separately, (a) public lands not covered by water required for main diverting works, powerhouses and other similar works; (b) public lands covered by water required for the purposes referred to in paragraph (a); (c) public lands required only to be flooded in connection with the storage or pondage of water; (d) public lands required only for rights-of-way for water conduits, transmission lines and other similar works; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Plan of Lands Sections 10-11 (e) public lands, if any, required for substations, distributing stations, terminal stations and other similar buildings; (f) provincial Crown lands; and (g) privately owned lands. (3) The plan of lands shall be accompanied by a statement giving, with respect to each parcel of privately owned lands, the name of (a) the registered owner in fee thereof; (b) any registered mortgagee or lessee; and (c) any claimant in actual possession other than a registered owner, mortgagee or lessee. (4) When required by the Director, the surveys and investigations required by this section shall be made by the Legal Surveys Division of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and in such case an interim licensee shall reimburse Her Majesty for all salaries and expenses paid for such surveys upon the presentation to the interim licensee of accounts properly certified. 1998, c. 14, s. 101(F). Approval of Plans 11 (1) The Director shall examine the general construction plans and specifications of the works and the plan of lands, and shall report thereon to the Minister. (2) The Director shall notify the interim licensee in writing whether the plans have been approved subject to conditions, or have been rejected and the interim licence cancelled. (3) Approval or non-approval of any plans shall neither incur the responsibility of the Crown nor relieve the interim licensee from the consequences that may result from the construction of the works, from imperfections in departmental requirements, or from the operation of the works. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Commencement of Construction Sections 12-13 Commencement of Construction 12 (1) An interim licensee shall not commence the actual construction of the proposed works until he is notified by the Director that the general construction plans and specifications of such works have been approved either with or without conditions. (2) The Minister, prior to the approval of the general construction plans, may in his discretion grant permission to an interim licensee to carry on preliminary construction operations such as the clearing of sites for structures, the clearing of land that will be flooded, or any other work other than the actual construction of the permanent works. (3) Permission granted to an interim licensee under subsection (2) shall be without prejudice with respect to action by the Minister on the general construction plans or otherwise. (4) Within six months after receiving notification that the plans have been approved, an interim licensee shall commence the construction of the works and shall thereafter without interruption, other than want of funds, carry on and complete the construction according to the plans and specifications as approved, and subject to the terms of the interim licence and of these Regulations. Guarantee Deposit 13 (1) Within 60 days after being notified in writing by the Director of the approval of the general construction plans and specifications, an interim licensee shall, for the purpose of guaranteeing the performance and fulfilment by the interim licensee of the terms and conditions of the licence, forward to the Director for deposit with the Department of Finance, (a) a guarantee deposit computed, in the case of a power undertaking, upon the horsepower capacity of the site as determined by the Director according to the following scale: (i) up to 1,000 h.p. .......................... $2.00 per h.p. (ii) the next 9,000 h.p. ..................... 1.00 per h.p. (iii) all over 10,000 h.p. ................... 0.50 per h.p. (b) a guarantee deposit computed, in the case of a storage undertaking, upon the estimated cost of the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Guarantee Deposit Section 13 storage development as determined by the Director according to the following scale: (i) five per cent on the first $100,000 of estimated cost, (ii) 2 1/2 per cent on the next $900,000 of estimated cost, (iii) one per cent on the amount above $1,000,000 of estimated cost. (2) A guarantee deposit required under this section shall not exceed $50,000 and shall be in one or more of the following forms: (a) a certified cheque drawn on a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Banks Act; (b) bonds of the Government of Canada or of a company included in the National Railways as defined in the Canadian National Railways Capital Revision Act, 1952, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Government of Canada where such bonds are (i) payable to bearer, (ii) hypothecated to the Minister of Finance and Receiver General in accordance with the provision of the Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations, or (iii) registered in the name of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General. (3) A guarantee deposit may be refunded by the Minister to an interim licensee as the actual construction work progresses, the first, second and third quarters thereof to be refunded when one-quarter, one-half and three-quarters, respectively, of the initial development have been satisfactorily completed, the fourth quarter to be refunded when the final licence is issued. (4) An interim licensee shall furnish to the Director, in the form of a statutory declaration or otherwise as may be required, evidence of satisfactory progress in the works to the stage that is required by the terms of his interim licence. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Guarantee Deposit Sections 13-14 (5) The Minister is the final arbiter of the satisfactory completion of the first quarter of the initial development. (6) Where an interim licensee has complied with all requirements in filing general construction plans, but the plans are rejected and the interim licence cancelled, the guarantee deposit shall be refunded upon application therefor, and the Minister may make such provision as he deems just for compensating the interim licensee for the plans where they prove to be valuable in connection with the disposition that is eventually made of the power site. (7) Where an interim licensee fails to comply satisfactorily with the terms of his interim licence, the guarantee deposit, or such part thereof as the Minister may determine, shall be forfeited to the Crown. Rights in Lands Under Interim Licence 14 (1) Only such interim rights of entry upon or of the use or occupation of any public lands shall be acquired in virtue of any interim licence as may, in the opinion of the Minister, be necessary for the purpose of making surveys, preparing plans, constructing works and otherwise carrying out the terms of the licence, and in no case shall the rights granted by any interim licence be construed to interfere in any way with any interest in public lands previously disposed of by the Crown. (2) From time to time, as plans and information are filed showing the extent and scope of the works and the undertaking of an interim licensee with greater precision than was possible at the time the interim licence was executed, and pending the execution of the final licence, the Minister may designate, allot, amend or limit the areas of the lands which the interim licensee is permitted to enter upon, use or occupy, and the Minister’s decision is final. (3) When the general construction plans are approved, or as nearly thereafter as is feasible, the Minister shall designate in writing the lands in respect of which the powers of expropriation conferred by the Dominion Water Power Act may be exercised, but an interim licensee shall not exercise such powers of expropriation until the lands are so designated. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Rights in Lands Under Interim Licence Sections 14-16 Change in Plans 15 Before making any material change in the general construction plans as approved, or in the works constructed or under construction under the licence, or in the location thereof authorized, an interim licensee shall submit to the Director a complete and satisfactory statement and plans of such proposed change and shall not proceed therewith until authorized to do so. Inspection and Reports 16 (1) The Minister, the Director, or any person authorized by either of them, may at any time enter and inspect the lands occupied or the works being constructed by an interim licensee, (a) for the purpose of ascertaining whether the terms and conditions of the interim licence are being satisfactorily carried out by the interim licensee, and in particular whether the construction of the works is in accordance with the plans and specifications approved pursuant to section 11, and (b) for the purpose of checking and taking note of construction-cost data, and shall be given access to all records in the possession of the interim licensee or of any contractor or subcontractor engaged on construction of the works. (2) When he considers an undertaking of sufficient importance, the Director may place a qualified inspecting engineer on the works during construction and, where the Minister considers it necessary, he may retain a consulting engineer for advice in connection with the plans or works of an interim licensee. (3) An interim licensee shall reimburse Her Majesty in right of Canada for all sums paid for salaries and expenses in respect of an undertaking on behalf of the inspecting engineer referred to in subsection (2), within 30 days after receipt of a statement of the sums so paid to a specified date being submitted to the licensee by the Director. (4) In like manner, a licensee may also be required, at the discretion of the Minister, to reimburse Her Majesty Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Inspection and Reports Sections 16-18 in right of Canada for all or part of sums paid for fees and expenses of the consulting engineer referred to in subsection (2). (5) An interim licensee shall comply with all reasonable written instructions of the inspecting engineer regarding the construction of all works in accordance with the plans and specifications approved pursuant to section 11, and in case of dispute regarding the reasonableness of such written instructions, or regarding the requirements of the plans and specifications, the Minister’s decision is final. (6) Where an interim licensee does not comply with the written instructions of an inspecting engineer, the Minister may order the interim licensee to suspend all operations in respect of the works until the Minister gives instructions to resume operations, and in the case of continued refusal by the interim licensee to comply with the written instructions, the Minister may cancel the interim licence. (7) An interim licensee shall submit such reports of progress during construction of the works as the Director may from time to time require. Final Construction Plans 17 (1) Within 90 days after the completion of the initial development in accordance with the general construction plans or with any authorized changes therein, and within 90 days after the completion of any additional unit of the power development or of the power system, an interim licensee shall file with the Director copies of the final construction plans. (2) The final construction plans, together with drawings and specifications accompanying them, shall show (a) the works as actually constructed in such detail as would be required to be given to construction contractors for the purpose of constructing the works; and (b) the precise areas of lands occupied as required by section 10. Plans and Specifications 18 (1) All plans required to be filed shall be on tracing linen and cut to a uniform size of 20 by 17 or 30 by 26 inches and shall satisfy the requirements of the Director. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Plans and Specifications Sections 18-20 (2) All specifications shall be either printed or typed. (3) All plans except the plans referred to in section 3 and all specifications shall be signed by a professional engineer of recognized standing in Canada satisfactory to the Director. Fixation of Construction Costs 19 (1) Upon completion of the initial development including any substantial addition thereto or any additional lands or rights-of-way acquired within the severance line, a sum shall be fixed by the Minister that, in conformity with these Regulations, shall represent the actual cost of the development. (2) A final licence shall not be issued to an interim licensee until he has fully complied with the requirements of this section and sections 17 and 18 in so far as they relate to the completion of the initial development. (3) For the purpose of determining whether an interim licensee’s progress in constructing works has been sufficient to comply with the terms of his interim licence and of these Regulations, or for determining whether any part of the interim licensee’s guarantee deposit is repayable or for any other purpose, but not oftener than once in a calendar year, the Minister may require that the actual cost shall be established of such part of the initial development as has been constructed to a certain date. (4) For the purpose of establishing the actual cost of a part of an initial development under subsection (3), an interim licensee shall promptly submit all figures and data in his possession, and a sum shall be fixed to represent the cost of that part of the initial development in the manner referred to in subsection (1) for fixing the cost of the entire initial development. (5) No part of an interim licensee’s guarantee deposit claimed to be repayable under subsection 13(3) shall be refunded until the licensee fulfils all the requirements of this section. Operation Under Interim Licence 20 (1) Where the works are put into operation before the issuance of the final licence, an interim licensee shall, pending the issuance of such final licence and until Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Operation Under Interim Licence Sections 20-21 otherwise agreed upon, maintain and operate the works to the satisfaction of the Director and shall at no time raise or permit to be raised the level of the waters of any river, lake or other body of water higher than the elevation to be fixed from time to time by the Director, and shall abide by all regulations which may from time to time be promulgated by the Minister for the control of the flowage of any waters for general conservation purposes. (2) From the date of the initial production of power from the development until the date set in the interim licence for the completion of the initial development, an interim licensee shall pay rental for water used in the production of power at the rates set out in the interim licence. (3) From the date set in the interim licence for the completion of the initial development, an interim licensee shall pay rental for water used in the production of power at the rates set out in subsection 30(7). (4) In addition to any obligations specifically imposed upon interim licensees, every interim licensee shall, in so far as his position for the time being is similar to that of a final licensee, observe and comply with all the provisions of these Regulations applicable to final licensees with respect to the use and occupancy of public lands and waters, the maintenance and operation of his works and the carrying on of his undertaking. Amending Interim Licence 21 Subject to these Regulations, (a) the terms of any interim licence may be amended by a supplementary licence, and (b) the plans and specifications previously approved may be amended with the consent in writing of the Minister, but any such amendment shall affect only the portion specifically covered in that supplementary licence or writing, and shall not operate to alter or amend or in any way whatever be a waiver of any other part, condition or provision of the original interim licence. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Extension of Time Sections 22-23 Extension of Time 22 (1) Where, by reason of engineering difficulties that could not reasonably have been foreseen or by other peculiar or special causes beyond his control other than the want of funds, an interim licensee has been prevented from (a) filing general construction plans, (b) commencing construction, (c) expending sums required to be expended within any stated period, or (d) completing the initial development, the Minister may grant an extension of time for completing those requirements. (2) The maximum extension that may be granted for the filing of general construction plans, for the commencement of construction work or for the expenditure of the sums required in an interim licence within the first and second years of the construction period, or within such other stated times as are specified in the interim licence, is 12 months. Penalties for Default by Interim Licensee 23 (1) The Minister shall cancel an interim licence when the interim licensee fails (a) to file satisfactory general construction plans within the time required; (b) to commence the actual construction of the initial development in good faith within the time specified; or (c) to make substantial and satisfactory progress in the first year of the period allowed for the construction of the initial development. (2) Where an interim licensee has in large part satisfactorily performed the requirements of his licence but fails (a) to expend on the initial development, within any of the stated periods set out in his interim licence, the amount required by that licence to be so expended, (b) to complete the initial development within the time specified, or Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Penalties for Default by Interim Licensee Section 23 (c) to comply with any other term or condition of his interim licence or of these Regulations, after 60 days notice has been given to the licensee and he has been given an opportunity to be heard, the Minister may cancel the interim licence or take such other action or make such order as in his opinion and subject to these Regulations is suitable. (3) Where an interim licence is cancelled under subsection (2), the interim licensee may be granted a new interim licence in priority over all other applicants for the development of the site, but the new licence shall date from the date of the original interim licence, and shall in all other respects be made subject to and shall be deemed to incorporate, in so far as applicable, the provisions of these Regulations. (4) Where an interim licence is cancelled by the Minister under this section but, in the opinion of the Minister, the interim licensee is entitled to compensation for any works constructed on public lands or for any plans filed by him in pursuance of his interim licence, the Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may make such order for payment of compensation as he considers just. (5) In computing the amount of compensation to be paid under subsection (4), the Minister shall consider the damage to the public interest by reason of the default or failure of the interim licensee, and the compensation, if any, shall not exceed the actual cost of the works or plans determined in accordance with section 19 or the compensation that would be determined by applying the principles set out in subsection 28(2). (6) Where an interim licence is cancelled under this section and the interim licensee is not granted a new interim licence, the Minister may make any disposition of the public lands and the works thereon formerly occupied or constructed by the interim licensee pursuant to the terms of his interim licence, as the Minister may deem suitable. (7) Where an interim licence is cancelled under this section, the rights of Her Majesty in respect of the possession, occupation and use of any lands, works, structures, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Penalties for Default by Interim Licensee Sections 23-25 equipment or properties, other than public lands and works located thereon, owned or held by the interim licensee and used or occupied in connection with the undertaking to which the interim licence relates, and the compensation to be paid for any such lands, works, structures, equipment and properties, shall be determined in accordance with section 28. Completion of Initial Development 24 (1) As soon as an interim licensee has completed his initial development and has otherwise fulfilled the terms of the interim licence, he shall file in the office of the Director written notice of such completion and fulfilment. (2) Subject to subsection (3), the Director shall have an inspection and if necessary a survey made of the works constructed or used and of the lands and waters used or occupied in connection with the undertaking. (3) Where the Director deems inspection unnecessary, he may require the interim licensee to file, not later than 60 days after the expiry of the time fixed for completion of the initial development, proof of the completion and fulfilment of the terms of the interim licence, in the form of a statutory declaration satisfactory to the Director. (4) Upon compliance on the part of the licensee with the requirements of this section, the Director shall determine a date that, for the purposes of these Regulations, shall be the date of completion of the initial development. Issuance of Final Licence 25 (1) Upon completion of the initial development according to the plans previously approved and upon fulfilment of and compliance with all the terms and conditions of his interim licence and of such of the provisions of these Regulations as are applicable, an interim licensee shall be entitled to the issue of a final licence authorizing the diversion, use or storage of water for the development of energy therefrom, for the utilization of such energy, and for the occupation or use of public lands that, in the Minister’s opinion, are required for the proper maintenance and operation of the works. (2) The Minister may issue a final licence in the form of two or more separate indentures, covering the rights granted in respect of the diversion and use of the waters Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Issuance of Final Licence Sections 25-26 and the occupation and use of the lands that are to be granted but, where such separate indentures are issued, they shall be executed concurrently and the terms and conditions of each indenture shall be deemed to be incorporated in all indentures, and non-compliance with any term or condition in any such indenture shall be taken to be non-compliance with the terms and conditions of all indentures. (3) Upon the issue of a final licence, all rights held and obligations assumed under the interim licence shall cease and determine. (4) A final licence shall contain (a) the rates or the amounts of the annual rentals payable during the first term of the licence for (i) water used or stored, which shall be at the rates set out in subsection 30(7), (ii) land occupied, and (iii) any other privilege granted; and (b) such other terms and conditions as the Minister may impose. Term of Licence 26 (1) The Minister may issue a final licence for a term not exceeding 50 years from the date fixed in the original interim licence for the completion of the initial development. (2) Where a final licence has been in effect for 30 years and upon 12 months’ notice having been given to the licensee by the Minister, Her Majesty may take possession of the works, lands and properties of the licensee, paying compensation therefor in accordance with the principles set out in sections 28 and 29. (3) In determining the value of the power development, the Minister may add to the amount determined in accordance with subsection 28(2) a bonus equal to three-quarters of one per cent of such amount for each and every full year of the unexpired term of the licence but in no case shall such bonus be less than five per cent of such amount. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Term of Licence Sections 26-27 (4) In valuing works and lands outside the severance line, the Minister may, as provided in section 29, increase the bonus referred to in subsection (3) to an amount not exceeding 20 per cent of the physical value of the works or of the actual cost of the lands. 27 (1) Not less than four nor more than six years prior to the termination of any licence, the licensee may apply in writing for an extension of rights held under such licence, and applications may also be filed with the Director by other persons looking to the future utilization of the site to which the licence applies. (2) Any application under subsection (1) shall be in such form and contain such statements and information as will satisfy the laws and regulations then in force, and an application for renewal by a licensee shall be accompanied by a suitable undertaking on the part of the licensee that he will comply with all those laws and regulations. (3) Upon filing an application for the renewal and undertaking referred to in subsection (2), a licensee will be given preference over other applicants for a licence to use and occupy the waters and lands set out in his licence during a further term, if the licensee has complied with all the requirements of his licence and of the regulations from time to time in force to the satisfaction of the Minister and his proposed use and development of the site is at least as desirable in the public interest as that of any other applicant. (4) Within the four-year period immediately preceding the termination of any licence and after such public hearing as the Minister may deem necessary, but subject always to the laws and regulations then in force, the Minister shall determine, in view of all applications then pending for the future occupation and use of the waters and lands connected with the power development, including the applications for renewal, if any, of the licensee, what future disposition shall be made of those waters and lands. (5) Where a disposition of the waters and lands referred to in subsection (4), other than a licence to the licensee for a further term, is decided upon, the Minister shall give the licensee not less than three years notice in writing (hereinafter called notice of termination) that from and after the expiry of his licence or from and after such subsequent date as is fixed by the Minister, all further rights of the licensee in respect of the occupancy and use of the waters and lands shall terminate; and thereupon from and after such expiry, or from and after such subsequent date, as the case may be, all further rights of the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Term of Licence Sections 27-29 licensee shall absolutely cease and terminate without further proceeding. Compensation for Works and Lands 28 (1) Upon the expiry of the final licence or upon the expiry of the time fixed in the notice of termination, as the case may be, a power development shall become the property of the Crown and the Minister, or such person as he may designate in that behalf, may immediately and without further proceeding enter upon, possess, occupy, operate and control the power development. (2) The Minister shall compute the compensation for a power development on the basis of the figure previously fixed in accordance with section 19 as the actual cost of the development, adjust this figure so as to make allowance for any variation in the purchasing power of the dollar as shown by the official trade index or other official statistics most applicable to the case, and deduct an amount equivalent to the actual loss in value of the works due to their physical or functional depreciation or to other causes. 29 Where it is desired to take over works and lands that are outside the severance line but within the power system, the Minister, (a) in determining the compensation to be paid for those works, (i) shall fix a sum that represents their physical value by (A) considering either first cost, replacement cost or any other similar criteria that will enable him to arrive at the physical value of the works, and (B) excluding good will, going concern, franchise value, severance damages and any intangible elements of a like nature, and (ii) may add to the sum representing their physical value an amount not exceeding 10 per cent thereof for the purpose of covering such severance damages as is deemed just; (b) in determining the compensation to be paid for those lands, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Compensation for Works and Lands Sections 29-30 (i) shall take as the basis of such compensation the amount previously established as their actual cost in accordance with section 19, (ii) shall make an allowance for the variation in the purchasing power of the dollar, and (iii) may, in his discretion, add to the result so determined a bonus not exceeding 10 per cent thereof to cover such severance and other intangible values as is deemed proper to allow under the circumstances. Rentals for the Use of Water 30 (1) Rental for water used in the production of power, (hereinafter referred to as rental), is payable annually in arrears, commencing with the date of initial production of power from the development, or from the date fixed in the original interim licence for the completion of the initial development if power has not been produced prior to such date, whether the initial development has been completed or not and notwithstanding any extensions of time granted. (2) On or before March 1st in each year, every licensee shall submit a report to the Director in respect of his use during the previous calendar year of water for the production of power, and the Director shall determine the rental payable for such use and shall demand payment of such rental from the licensee. (3) If a rental is not paid within 60 days from the date of demand, 10 per cent of the amount of the rental shall be added thereto and the total amount shall bear interest compounded annually at eight per cent from the day of expiry of the 60-day period. (4) The rental, together with the 10 per cent added by way of penalty and interest, shall be the first lien or charge upon the water-power development, property assets, rents and revenues of a licensee, and the production of a written statement by the Minister of the sums so payable shall be prima facie evidence of such debt. (5) Where any rental remains unpaid for more than one year after demand by the Director, the rental shall again be demanded and, if not paid within 60 days after such demand, the Minister may take such action as he deems necessary. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Rentals for the Use of Water Section 30 (6) The acceptance of rental in any case shall not be, or be deemed to be, a waiver of any of the terms or conditions accepted by the licensee. (7) Subject to subsection (12), the annual rental in the 20-year period immediately following the date fixed for the completion of the initial development shall be (a) an amount based upon the horsepower capacity of the initial development as fixed in the interim licence and computed at the rate fixed in the interim licence for the use of water during the life of the interim licence; or (b) an amount based upon the horsepower-year of electrical output and the annual load factor and at a rate not less than the following: (i) where the annual load factor is less than 40 per cent, $1.35 per h.p.-year, and (ii) where the annual load factor lies between 40 per cent and 50 per cent — $1.25 per h.p.-year 50 per cent and 60 per cent — $1.20 per h.p.-year 60 per cent and 70 per cent — $1.15 per h.p.-year 70 per cent and 80 per cent — $1.10 per h.p.-year 80 per cent and 90 per cent — $1.05 per h.p.-year 90 per cent and 100 per cent — $1.00 per h.pyear. (8) For the purposes of this section, (a) the output shall be taken as the total horsepoweryears developed during the year on the turbine shaft; (b) the annual load factor shall be taken as the ratio of the average load to the maximum load; (c) the maximum load shall be taken as the highest rate of output carried by the plant during the year Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Rentals for the Use of Water Sections 30-31 under normal operating conditions for a period of 20 minutes; (d) the annual load factor in the case of electrical plants shall be calculated as follows: (Total kilowatt−hours generated per annum × 100) = per cent (Maximum load of the year in kilowatts × 8 760) load factor; (e) in the case of plants other than electrical, the annual load factor shall be calculated by substituting horsepower-years and horsepower for kilowatt-hours and kilowatts in the above formula. (9) For the purposes of these Regulations, one horsepower-year shall be taken as the equivalent of 6 535 kilowatt-hours; and the output at the turbine shaft shall be assumed to be the equivalent of 107 1/2 per cent of the output as recorded at the generator switchboard. (10) The output and the annual load factor shall be as determined by the Director, who for this purpose may use any available data, such as switchboard records in the case of electrical plants. (11) Every licensee generating electrical energy, unless exempted by the Director in writing, shall install an approved recording wattmeter and shall preserve and produce for inspection all records made by the wattmeter. (12) The annual rental for water used in the production of power in the Northwest Territories or Yukon Territory is 75 per cent of the annual rental as computed in subsections (1) to (11), inclusive. Revision of Rentals After 20 Years 31 (1) Upon the expiry of the first 20-year period and every 10 years thereafter, the annual rental shall be subject to revision. (2) Six months prior to the termination of any 10-year period mentioned in subsection (1), where either the Minister or a licensee deems a revision of the rate of the annual rental per horsepower-year advisable, he may notify the other party to that effect, whereupon both parties shall endeavour to reach an agreement upon the rate for the succeeding 10-year period. (3) When agreement is not reached within 90 days after the receipt of the notification mentioned in subsection Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Revision of Rentals After 20 Years Sections 31-32 (2), the Minister may refer the matter to such board, commission or authority as may be created or designated by the Governor in Council for the purpose of considering such matter and reviewing the rentals. (4) The board, commission or authority referred to in subsection (3), when recommending the rentals to be charged, shall take into consideration the earning capacity of the plant, the supply of power available therefrom and from any other sources in the district, the average selling price of the power and any special conditions or circumstances affecting the plant. (5) The rental for each year of a 10-year period mentioned in subsection (1) shall be based on the actual station output for the year in horsepower-years at the turbine shaft as estimated by the Director and in the case of electrical plants the Director may use switchboard records or any other available data. (6) Where a licensee is engaged in the sale of power, an upward revision of the rate of the rental per horsepoweryear may be made only if the upward revision does not make it impossible for the licensee to earn a fair rate of return on the actual cost of the physical properties used and useful in connection with the undertaking, and provides for the amortization of such costs, including interest, as may be necessary and legitimate for promoting and organizing the enterprise and providing capital otherwise than as included in the actual cost. (7) The costs that are to be amortized shall be fixed in the same manner and at the same time as the actual cost as set out in section 19. (8) The fair rate of return referred to in subsection (6) shall be considered as being cumulative from the date upon which the licensee first began the sale of power from the initial development. Regulation of Public Utilities 32 (1) Where a board or commission is designated, under the authority of the Dominion Water Power Act, to regulate in a particular area the rates charged for electrical energy by licensees engaged in the sale, barter or exchange of hydro-electric energy, every such licensee shall immediately submit the schedule of rates under which he is then operating to the board or commission for adjustment and approval, and before putting into effect any new schedule of rates and prices to be charged to Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Regulation of Public Utilities Sections 32-33 consumers for power, shall submit that schedule of rates for adjustment and approval, and no rates or prices for power shall be legal or enforceable until so submitted. (2) The board or commission referred to in subsection (1) may, on the complaint of any affected party or on its own initiative, require the submission or the resubmission at any time of existing schedules of rates and prices for adjustment and approval, but the rates and prices, when once adjusted or approved in accordance with this section, shall thereafter not be again revised within a period of five years, except by mutual consent of the revising authority and a licensee, and the rates charged by any licensee shall not be reduced under this section so as to make it impossible for the licensee to earn a cumulative fair rate of return in accordance with the provisions of subsections 31(6), (7) and (8). (3) Every licensee shall abide by and comply with such reasonable regulation and control of the service rendered and to be rendered by him to consumers of power furnished or transmitted in virtue of his licence as may be prescribed from time to time by the board or commission referred to in subsection (1), and shall also abide by and comply with any orders of the board or commission in respect of stock and bond issues. (4) The board or commission referred to in subsection (1) may (a) ascertain and determine from time to time and by order fix the proper and adequate rates of depreciation on the several classes of property used or useful in connection with the undertaking of any licensee, and the licensee shall set aside out of earnings and place in separately invested depreciation reserves such amounts as will conform to the rates so ascertained, determined and fixed; and (b) specify the purpose for which and the manner in which depreciation reserves and the income arising from the investment thereof are to be expended. (5) Until the commission or board referred to in subsection (1) is designated to act in any particular area, the powers of regulation and control set out in this section may be exercised by the Minister. Limited Rights in Lands 33 (1) Every licence shall be valid or effective to authorize the entry upon or use or occupation of any public Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Limited Rights in Lands Sections 33-35 lands only in such manner and to such extent and for such length of time as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating the works authorized to be constructed, maintained and operated under such licence. (2) Where, in the opinion of the Minister, continued or further entry upon or the use or occupation of public lands in whole or in part for the purposes referred to in subsection (1) becomes unnecessary, because of their non-use or abandonment or for any other reason, the Minister shall give the licensee written notice of the contemplated withdrawal of those lands and his reasons therefor, and the lands may thereupon be withdrawn in whole or in part from the operation of the licence. 34 (1) Public lands required only for the purpose of flooding those lands, whether in connection with a storage reservoir or for regulating the flow of a stream or otherwise, shall be set out in the interim or final licence separately from the lands required for other purposes, and no licence shall be valid to convey any further use of the lands than the right of flooding in such manner and to such extent and at such times as may be required for the purposes of the undertaking. (2) Where, in the opinion of the Minister, the rights of the licensee are not thereby prejudicially interfered with, every grant of a right to flood public lands in connection with any undertaking is subject to the right of Her Majesty to grant additional liberty or privilege to any person for any purpose or in any manner to enter upon, use or occupy those lands. (3) Every licensee shall, to the satisfaction of the Minister, clear and keep clear from timber, brush and other material, all lands which are to be flooded. (4) No licensee shall fence or otherwise enclose any flooded public lands except with the consent of the Minister in writing. 35 (1) Lands forming part of the bed of any stream, the use or occupation of which is required for the site of authorized works, or for the construction or the operation thereof, shall be set out in a licence separately from lands required for other purposes, and no licence conveys any exclusive right in or to the use or occupancy of such land, or any further right than may be required from time to time for the actual construction and operation of the works. (2) Every grant of a right to use or occupy any public lands forming part of the bed of any stream is subject to Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Limited Rights in Lands Sections 35-37 the right of Her Majesty to grant additional liberty or privilege to any person for any purpose or in any manner to enter upon, use or occupy those lands, but (a) the rights of the licensee shall not be prejudicially interfered with by any such grant; and (b) the Minister shall give the licensee notice of his intention to grant such additional liberty or privilege, and an opportunity of being heard. 36 (1) When a narrow strip only of public lands is required solely for the rights-of-way for transmission lines, for water conduits or for similar purposes, and the lands are located within the agreed upon severance line, they shall be set out in the licence separately from lands required for other purposes, and the licensee shall not acquire under any licence any rights to the use or occupation of any such lands further than, in the opinion of the Minister, are required from time to time for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating such transmission lines or water conduits or for otherwise carrying out the purposes specified in the licence, and every such right is subject to the right of Her Majesty to grant additional liberty or privilege to any person for any purpose or in any manner to enter upon, use or occupy the lands; but the rights of the licensee shall not be prejudicially interfered with by any such subsequent grant, and the Minister shall give the licensee notice of his intention to make such grant and an opportunity of being heard. (2) When the narrow strip of land referred to in subsection (1) is located outside the severance line agreed upon, the lands may be granted to the licensee by licence of occupation or in such fee as the Minister may determine but, where the undertaking or works of the licensee are taken over in pursuance of these Regulations or of the Dominion Water Power Act, the licensee is not entitled to receive an amount of compensation for the rights-ofway greater than the amount that would be established in accordance with paragraph 29(b). Care of Lands 37 (1) A licensee shall at all times maintain the lands, works and property held or used by him in respect of his licence in a manner satisfactory to the Director, including the maintaining of all flooded or other areas in a sanitary condition and including the improvement of the lands occupied from the point of view of landscape Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Care of Lands Sections 37-40 architecture, and shall do all in his power to protect the lands and the interests of the Crown therein against injury by any one engaged on or about his works, or by any person whomsoever. (2) Every interim or final licensee shall do everything reasonable within his power, both independently and on request by the Director, to prevent and suppress fires on or near the lands to be occupied under his licence. (3) For the purpose of limiting the spread of fires or for other reasonable purposes, every licensee shall clear and keep clear the public lands along his transmission lines for such width and in such manner as the Director may require. (4) Every licensee shall, to the satisfaction of the Director, dispose of all brush, refuse or unused timber on public lands resulting from the construction and maintenance of the works, and shall keep the lands covered by his licence at all times clear of unnecessary combustible material. 38 The Minister, the Director, or any person authorized by either may, at all reasonable times during the continuance of any licence, enter upon the public lands covered by such licence to examine the condition thereof. 39 Every licensee shall protect all telephone, telegraph and power transmission lines in existence prior to the construction of his own lines, where crossed by or in close proximity thereto, to the satisfaction of the Director or competent provincial authority, if any, and shall operate, maintain and render safe to the public his own transmission, telephone, and other lines to the satisfaction of the Director or the provincial authority, if any. Approval of Buildings 40 (1) Subject to subsection (2), an interim or final licensee shall not erect any buildings or structures upon any public lands without first submitting plans thereof to the Director and securing his approval for such building or structure and the site thereof. (2) Any temporary buildings or structures required in cases of emergency to facilitate the work of construction Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Approval of Buildings Sections 40-44 and erected without permission shall be entirely removed to the satisfaction of the Director as soon as the necessity ceases or within one month of receiving written notice from the Director. 41 No roads, trails, telephone lines, buildings or other improvements, the property of the Crown in right of Canada, shall be removed, altered or in any way affected by a licensee in the construction or operation of his works without the Minister’s consent in writing having been first obtained, and upon such conditions as the Minister by such writing may impose, and the Minister, if he deems it necessary, may require the licensee to furnish a bond for the satisfactory carrying out of the provisions of this section. 42 Any lands desired by a licensee for subdivision for townsite or other purposes shall be set out in the application and licence separately from lands required for other purposes connected with the undertaking, and the promotion of any such townsite is subject to the approval of the Minister and to such conditions in respect of townplanning, landscape architecture and sanitation as the Minister may impose. 43 Every interim or final licensee shall pay such sums by way of stumpage and royalty for any merchantable timber cut or removed from any public lands as may be fixed by the regulations governing the granting of yearly licences and permits to cut timber on those lands. Works, Plant and Equipment 44 (1) A licensee shall (a) install and use first-class, modern, standard works, plant and equipment, giving consideration to requisite suitability of design, safety, strength, durability, efficiency and all other relevant factors; (b) maintain the works, plant and equipment in good repair and condition; and (c) exercise all due skill and diligence to secure the satisfactory operation of the works, plant and equipment. (2) The Minister may give the licensee written instruction concerning the carrying out of subsection (1). Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Works, Plant and Equipment Sections 45-48 45 (1) The Minister, the Director, or any person appointed by either for the purpose, shall have free access to all parts of the works, lands and properties of the licensee and to all books, plans, records or accounts used in connection with or affecting any licence or undertaking, and may from time to time make measurements and observations and take such other steps for carrying out any inquiry that may be considered necessary or expedient in the administration of these Regulations. (2) The decision of the Director in respect of the quantity of water diverted, used or stored, or capable of being diverted, used or stored, or the amount of power developed or capable of being developed under the authority of any licence, is conclusive and binding upon the licensee. 46 A licensee, before making any material change in any existing works or in their location, shall submit a complete and satisfactory statement and plans of such proposed change to the Director, and shall not proceed to make the proposed change until it has been authorized. 47 The Director may require any licensee to install and maintain in good operating condition at such places and in such manner as the Director approves, accurate meters, measuring weirs, gauges or other approved devices which shall be adequate for determining the amount of water used or power developed in the operation of the works, for determining the flow of the stream or streams from which water is or will be diverted, and for determining the amount of water held in or drawn from storage, and the licensee shall keep accurate and satisfactory records of the foregoing determinations and shall from time to time make such returns, supported if necessary by statutory declaration, as the Director may require. 48 Where, in the opinion of the Minister, a licensee has not developed the amount of power for which there is a public demand and which could be reasonably developed from the flow of water granted under his licence or controlled by him, the Minister may order the licensee to develop and render available for public use the additional amount of power for which there is, in his opinion, a public demand, up to the full extent possible from the amount of water granted under the licence or controlled by the licensee and within a period to be fixed by the Minister, which period shall be not less than two years after the licensee or the person in charge of the existing works is notified of the order. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Securing Enlarged Development Section 49 Securing Enlarged Development 49 (1) Where, in the opinion of the Minister, it appears feasible to establish an enlarged or more comprehensive development of the water-power in any stream at or near the side occupied by a licensee that will supersede the existing development of the licensee, the Minister may hold a hearing thereon. (2) The licensee and all other interested parties shall be given not less than 60 days notice of the hearing referred to in subsection (1), and an opportunity of being heard. (3) Where the Minister considers an enlarged or more comprehensive development of water-power referred to in subsection (1) to be in the public interest, he may offer the licensee a new interim licence for the carrying out of the enlarged or more comprehensive development. (4) The interim licence offered under subsection (3) shall in every case be subject to the regulations then in force, but in granting the interim licence due consideration shall be given to the existing net earnings of the licensee and to the net earnings likely to be derived from the enlarged or more comprehensive development. (5) Where, within 12 months after the offer of a licence is made under subsection (3), the licensee fails to accept the offer and in good faith to begin and carry on to completion the enlarged or more comprehensive development, the Minister may, subject to approval by the Governor in Council, order the existing licence terminated. (6) Where, pursuant to subsection (5), the Minister orders an existing licence terminated, the respective rights of Her Majesty and the licensee in the lands, works and properties connected with the undertaking are the same as those set out in section 28; except that the Minister, in determining the compensation to be paid to the licensee may add such bonus or additional bonus to the amount payable according to section 28, as will in the opinion of the Minister, be proper under the particular circumstances of the case, not to exceed, however, three-quarters of one per cent of the amount payable under section 28 for each full year of the unexpired term of the licence, and not to be less than five per cent of that amount. (7) Where more than one existing plant or site is affected by the enlarged or more comprehensive development, the Minister may receive proposals from all the licensees Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Securing Enlarged Development Sections 49-51 or occupants of those sites for carrying out the proposed new development and to offer to each in turn, selecting first that one whose proposal appears to be most in the public interest, or to all conjointly, an interim licence, subject to the regulations then in force, for the carrying out of the proposed new development. (8) Where a licence is granted pursuant to subsection (7), the existing licences shall be terminated in the same manner and having the same effect, and providing for compensation to the same extent as in the case where the rights of only one existing licensee are affected as set out in subsection (6). (9) Where, within the time specified, each of the licensees mentioned in subsection (7) in turn fails to accept the offer of a new licence and to begin and to carry on to completion the proposed new works, the Minister, subject to approval by the Governor in Council, may order all the licences terminated in the same manner and having the same effect, and providing for compensation to the same extent as set out in subsection (6). Change in Undertaking 50 Where a licensee desires to develop, sell, use or dispose of any greater quantity of power than is authorized by his licence, whether such increased disposal of power does or does not necessitate any addition to or alteration in the works, or desires to use or dispose of any power in connection with his undertaking in a manner or for a purpose other than as provided in the licence, he shall first apply to the Minister for an interim licence authorizing the construction of the works or for a final licence authorizing the additional development, sale, use or disposal of power or authorizing the use or disposal of the power in such other manner or for such other purpose, as the case may be, and the granting of the licence and the use or disposal of the additional water-power shall in every case be subject to all the provisions of the regulations from time to time in force. Sale of Power 51 In districts where there is no existing authority or competent jurisdiction to regulate and control transmission or distribution companies, no sale or delivery of power shall be made by any licensee to any such Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Sale of Power Sections 51-54 company except in case of emergency and then for not more than 60 days without the written consent of the Minister, unless the company has undertaken to the satisfaction of the Minister, to comply with the terms of these Regulations and of the licence to the same extent as the licensee would have been obliged to comply therewith, in so far as the use or disposal of such power is concerned. 52 Every licensee whose undertaking involves the sale, barter or exchange of the power authorized to be developed under his licence, when so requested by the Minister, shall sell power to the Crown at as low a price as is given to any other consumer for a like use at the same time and under similar conditions, if the request is within the capacity of the site and the rights of any other consumer then holding a binding contract for the delivery of power are not thereby prejudiced. 53 The Minister, with the approval of the Governor in Council, may authorize a licensee whose undertaking embraces the sale of energy or power to enter into contracts for the sale and delivery of that energy or power for periods extending beyond the term of the licence, but for not more than 10 years thereafter, and in such case, the licence will not be terminated at the end of the term unless a new licensee or some competent authority acting for or at the request of the Government of Canada has assumed to fulfil all the contracts so approved. Stream Regulation and Control 54 Every licence is deemed to have been executed on the express condition that the licensee shall, in respect of the river or stream upon which his works are located, (a) divert, use or store the water authorized to be diverted, used or stored by him in such a manner as not to interfere, in the opinion of the Minister, with the maximum advantageous development of the power and other resources of the river or stream; (b) conform to and comply with any orders in respect of the control or regulation of the flow of the waters of the river or stream made from time to time by the Minister or by any person authorized by the Minister in that behalf; and (c) at no time cause or permit the surface level of the waters of the river or stream or of any storage Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Stream Regulation and Control Sections 54-55 reservoir operated by him to be raised or lowered beyond the limits that are fixed from time to time by the Minister or by a person authorized by the Minister in that behalf. Pro-rating of Capital Cost of Works 55 (1) In this section and in sections 57 and 58, annual outlay means all yearly maintenance, operation and depreciation costs, and necessary amortization costs other than instalments of the capital cost, incurred in respect of regulating or storage works together with interest on the capital cost; (frais annuels) capital cost of any regulating or storage works undertaken under this section means actual cost. (frais de premier établissement) (2) Where regulating or storage works are undertaken upon any stream by the Government of Canada or by any commission, board, company or person upon the authority of the Government for the control or augmentation of the flow of that stream for water-power or other purposes, the capital cost of the works or any part thereof may be assessed by the Minister upon the owners or licensees of all the water-power sites in the stream, whether those sites are fully developed, partially developed or entirely undeveloped. (3) Where the capital cost of regulating or storage works upon a stream is assessed pursuant to subsection (2), the assessments shall be determined according to the relative benefits that, in the opinion of the Minister, are or will be derived by the respective owners or licensees of the works from the regulated or increased flow, and may also be charged against owners of water privileges under provincial jurisdiction in accordance with section 56. (4) The capital cost, assessed pursuant to subsection (2), may be made payable in annual instalments, extending over such period of years, and in such respective amounts for any stated years, as the Minister may determine; and the Minister may provide, if any water-power sites mentioned in subsection (2) are undeveloped or have not commenced to be operated at the time when the regulating or storage works are undertaken, that the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Pro-rating of Capital Cost of Works Section 55 commencement of payment of the annual instalments may in such cases be deferred until development and operation take place, or until such time has elapsed thereafter as the Minister may deem suitable. (5) The total annual outlay in respect of works undertaken under this section shall be a charge upon such of the water-power developments on the stream as are in a position to utilize the regulated or increased flow in whole or in part, and shall be apportioned among them in proportion to the respective benefits estimated as accruing from time to time to those developments from the regulated or increased flow. (6) A due proportion of the annual outlay in respect of works undertaken under this section may also be charged against owners of water privileges under provincial jurisdiction in accordance with section 56. (7) A schedule of the proportion of the annual outlay referred to in subsection (6) to be debited against the respective water-power developments shall be prepared from time to time at the direction of the Minister, and shall remain in effect for a period of not less than three years. (8) In fixing the respective proportions of annual outlay for any period of years, the use made by the licensee for the period immediately preceding may be taken into consideration. (9) The schedule of proportions prepared pursuant to subsection (7) may be revised at any time with the consent of all the licensees affected. (10) A water-power development that has come into operation or the utilization of the stream-flow of which has been substantially increased within the period during which a schedule of the proportion of annual outlay is effective may, at the discretion of the Minister, be debited with its proportionate share of the annual outlay from the time of the commencement of the operation, in which case the proportion charged upon each of the existing developments shall be correspondingly reduced. (11) In addition to paying the assessments of capital cost and the annual charges as provided for in this section, every licensee may be required to pay for the additional flowage created by any works and used by the licensee such rental as the Minister may determine, subject to these Regulations that are applicable to rentals for the development and use of water power. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Cooperative Agreements with Province Sections 56-57 Cooperative Agreements with Province 56 (1) The Minister may enter into cooperative agreements with the authorities of any province for the purpose of providing that owners of water privileges under provincial jurisdiction shall bear a due share in the cost of any storage and regulating works undertaken under section 55, of any annual charges arising out of the construction of such works, and of rentals for the additional flowage created. (2) Subject to approval by the Governor in Council and, where required, with the assent and cooperation of the proper provincial authorities, the Minister may specify the conditions under which owners of irrigation, logging, navigation or other interests upon the stream that are benefited by regulating or storage works shall be required to share with the water-power interests the cost and charges arising under this section. Appraisals 57 (1) Where the Minister deems it advisable and at any time during the term of a licence, he may cause a reappraisal of the value of the lands, works and properties held by a licensee in respect of his undertaking. (2) The basis for a reappraisal made pursuant to subsection (1) is the actual cost of the properties determined as set out in section 19, consideration being given to any extensions or permanent improvements made in the properties in the period that may have elapsed subsequent to the time of the original construction or subsequent to the last previous appraisal, as the case may be, and also to the loss in value, if any, in the properties due to physical or functional depreciation or otherwise, as well as to the variation in the purchasing power of the dollar. (3) In the case of any undertaking established under regulations made under any Act of the Parliament of Canada, the Minister, after conferring with the owner of an undertaking and with the authority, if any, having jurisdiction over the regulation and control of public utilities in the district in which the undertaking is situated, may modify the basis on which the appraisal is to be made. (4) In any valuation of the lands, works and properties held by a licensee in connection with his licence, no value Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Appraisals Sections 57-58 shall be given or claimed for the rights and privileges granted by his licence over and above the sums, if any, actually paid to the government for such rights and privileges, but not including in any case guarantee deposits paid during the interim licence period nor any rentals or annual charges accruing during the final licence period. Accounting 58 (1) Unless exempted in writing by the Minister from compliance with this section, every licensee shall keep a true and detailed account of all expenditures made in respect of the works, lands and properties and shall file annually with the Director on or before March 1st a return for the immediately preceding year ending December 31st, based on the account and being an accurate summary thereof, the return to be attested by the oath of the licensee or in the case of a company by its president and secretary. (2) In an annual return made by a licensee the following items shall be shown separately: (a) respecting the works, (i) the actual cost thereof, giving separately each class of expenditures as indicated in the definition actual cost in section 2, (ii) amounts expended in that year for enlargements and permanent improvements authorized by the Minister, and (iii) depreciation in value from any and all causes for that year; (b) respecting lands, tenements and appurtenances not included in paragraph (a), a statement setting out, in each case, the actual cost thereof in accordance with section 19; (c) respecting capital stock, (i) the amount authorized and the number of shares into which it is divided, (ii) the number of shares subscribed for and allotted, the number of shares forfeited to date, and the owners, for the time being, of all outstanding shares, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Accounting Section 58 (iii) the amount of calls made on each share, and the total amount received from shareholders in cash on account of stock, (iv) the number of shares, if any, issued as fully paid-up shares as consideration for any service rendered or otherwise, specifying in each case the consideration for which such shares were issued, and (v) the amounts of dividends declared and paid; (d) respecting bonds or debentures, (i) the amount authorized, and the period of redemption, (ii) the amount sold (face value) and the rate of interest, (iii) the amount realized from sales, and (iv) the annual amount set aside as a sinking fund to meet bonded indebtedness, and the date of commencement; (e) the indebtedness other than stock and bonds, specifying the nature and amounts, and the rate of interest such indebtedness bears; (f) a statement showing the total revenues of the undertaking, specifying the amount received from each and every source; (g) maintenance and operation expenditures, separating those expenditures that are incurred at or near the works from head-office expenditures and expenditures relating to general administration; (h) the names of officers and the classification of employees with salaries, expenses or other remuneration paid or allowed; (i) the proposed extensions during ensuing years; and (j) such other data as the Minister may require. (3) If the licensee is a company, an annual return shall have attached thereto a copy of the by-laws of the company, showing all amendments thereto during the year covered by the return. (4) In respect of the classification of items under paragraphs 2(a) to (j), the methods of allowing for depreciation, and the form in which the accounts shall be kept, the Minister’s decision is final. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Transfers Sections 59-61 Transfers 59 (1) Before any assignment or transfer of any licence or of the rights and privileges granted thereby or the undertaking connected therewith or any part thereof becomes valid or effective, the Minister’s approval in writing shall be obtained, and the assignment or transfer is subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may impose. (2) When applying for approval of the assignment or transfer of a licence, the licensee shall file with the Minister a full and detailed statement of the proposed compensation to be paid to him for the rights, privileges and properties transferred in respect of the undertaking. (3) The Minister shall not grant approval of the assignment or transfer of a licence unless (a) it is shown to his satisfaction that the assignment or transfer is expedient in the public interest; (b) no remuneration is to be allowed to the assignor or transferor for the rights and privileges conferred under the licence over and above the sums, if any, actually paid to the Crown for such rights and privileges, but not including guarantee deposits paid during the interim licence period or any rentals or annual charges accruing during the final licence period; and (c) the assignee or transferee has undertaken in a manner satisfactory to the Minister to assume all the obligations of the assignor or transferor and the additional obligations prescribed by the Minister in the written approval. 60 (1) No lien may be created by mortgage or trust deed upon any power undertaking established in respect of any licence unless it is approved by the Minister and is for the bona fide purpose of financing the undertaking. (2) Any successor or assign of the rights held in respect of a licence, whether by judicial sale, foreclosure sale or otherwise, is subject to all the conditions of the licence, and to all the provisions and conditions of these Regulations to the same extent as though the successor or assign were the original licensee. 61 Lands inside the severance line used or occupied for the purposes of the undertaking shall not be alienated, sold or disposed of by the licensee without the consent of the Minister, and the alienation, sale or disposal shall be Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Transfers Sections 61-66 subject to such terms as the Minister may prescribe for the protection of the undertaking. 62 Whenever notice of termination or cancellation has been given to a licensee in pursuance of these Regulations, no lands whatever, whether inside or outside the severance line, used or occupied for the purposes of the undertaking shall thereafter be alienated, sold or disposed of without the consent of the Minister and the alienation, sale or disposal shall be subject to such terms as the Minister may prescribe. Acceptance of Terms of Licence 63 (1) Before issuing a licence, the Minister shall submit to the prospective licensee a draft of the proposed licence, and shall secure from such licensee an acceptance thereof and an undertaking to observe and fulfil all the terms and conditions that a licensee is required to observe or fulfil under the licence and these Regulations, with particular reference to the right of Her Majesty to take over the works, lands and properties held by the licensee in connection with his licence in certain contingencies as in these Regulations provided. (2) The acceptance and undertaking referred to in subsection (1) shall bind the executors, administrators and assigns, or in the case of a company the successors and assigns of the prospective licensee. 64 (1) Any notice that is required to be given or served, or that the Minister may desire to give or serve upon any person in respect of these Regulations, shall be considered to have been validly given or served when sent by registered mail to that person addressed to his latest known address or when delivered by hand to that address. (2) A notice sent by post shall be deemed to be given when in due course of postal operations it would be delivered at the address to which it was sent. 65 The licensee shall indemnify Her Majesty in right of Canada against all actions, claims or demands arising against Her by reason of anything done by him in the exercise or purported exercise of the rights and privileges granted under the licence. 66 (1) Where applications are made therefor, the Minister may grant conditional leases or licences for the temporary use and occupation for other purposes of lands Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Acceptance of Terms of Licence Sections 66-68 that have been reserved by the Governor in Council for water-power development, where, in the Minister’s opinion, those lands will not be utilized for a number of years in connection with water-power development and the granting of temporary leases or licences of occupation does not interfere with the purposes of the reservation. (2) Every conditional lease or licence is deemed to include provisions to the effect that, when the leased lands are required in connection with a water-power development and upon giving the conditional lessee or licensee not less than six months’ notice of cancellation in writing under his hand, the Minister may cancel the lease or licence, and terminate the rights thereby conferred, and repossess himself on behalf of Her Majesty of the leased lands and all improvements thereon without any compensation whatever being paid to the conditional licensee or lessee. 67 Notwithstanding any rights granted or approval given by any licence, every licensee shall (a) comply fully with the Canadian Navigable Waters Act and any regulations and orders made thereunder; (b) comply fully with any provincial or federal statute or regulation governing the preservation of the purity of waters or governing logging, forestry, fishing or other interests present or future that might be affected by any operations conducted under his licence; and (c) observe and carry out any instructions of the Minister in respect of any of the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) not inconsistent with the statutes and regulations referred to in those paragraphs. 2019, c. 28, s. 187. 68 Any machinery, plant, structure or works constructed, installed, or placed on any public lands for the development of any water-power or for the transmission, distribution or utilization of the energy produced from such water-power, in contravention of these Regulations or of the Dominion Water Power Act, shall be removed if and when required by the Minister. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Small Water-powers Section 69 Small Water-powers 69 (1) For the purpose of this section, a small waterpower means a water-power that, in the opinion of the Director, (a) cannot, under average usable flow conditions, produce in excess of 500 horsepower; and (b) is not of primary importance for commercial or public utility purposes. (2) An application for a licence for the development of a small water-power may be made to the Director and shall contain the information as specified in section 3, but the Director may exempt the applicant from supplying such of the information as, in the opinion of the Director, is not of importance because of the small size of the proposed development. (3) The Minister may exempt the applicant for the development of a small water-power from complying with such provisions of these Regulations as, in the opinion of the Minister, need not be enforced because of the small size of the proposed development and the Minister may issue to the applicant a special licence subject to the following conditions: (a) the term of a licence shall not exceed 20 years and the term of each renewal shall not exceed five years; (b) an application for renewal of a licence shall follow the procedure in force at the time the application is made, and the renewal of the licence shall be subject to the laws and regulations in force at the time the licence is issued; (c) upon the expiry of a licence or any renewal thereof, if the licensee has not applied for or has failed to secure a renewal of the licence, the water-power development and all works and structures connected therewith and located on public lands shall become the property of the Crown without compensation to the licensee, but the licensee may remove from public lands, within such period as is approved by the Director, all works and structures erected or installed by the licensee in connection with the power development that, with the consent of the Director, may be removed without damage to the lands; (d) the Minister, upon giving the licensee one year’s notice, may at any time cancel a licence granted under this section, and resume full possession and control of the water-power development and of all works, lands Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019 Dominion Water Power Regulations Small Water-powers Section 69 and structures connected therewith or, at the option of the Minister, of such part of the works and structures as are situated upon public lands; and (e) where the Minister cancels a licence pursuant to paragraph (d), compensation for the works, lands and structures to be taken over shall, to the amount of the actual cost thereof, determined in accordance with section 19 and subsection 28(2), together with a percentage added to that amount by way of bonus, not greater than 15 per cent nor less than three per cent of the amount, be fixed by the Minister. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on August 28, 2019
CONSOLIDATION Disposal of Forfeited Goods and Chattels Regulations C.R.C., c. 948 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Disposal of Goods and Chattels Ordered Forfeited Pursuant to Subsection 103(3) of the Indian Act Short Title Interpretation General Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 948 INDIAN ACT Disposal of Regulations Forfeited Goods and Chattels Regulations Respecting the Disposal of Goods and Chattels Ordered Forfeited Pursuant to Subsection 103(3) of the Indian Act Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Disposal of Forfeited Goods and Chattels Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Indian Act. General 3 Goods and chattels forfeited to Her Majesty pursuant to the provisions of subsection 103(3) of the Act shall be sold at public auction following advertisement published in such local papers as the Minister may designate. 4 Where any goods and chattels have been forfeited pursuant to subsection 103(3) of the Act, anyone (other than the person accused of an offence resulting in such forfeiture, or the person in possession of such goods and chattels when the offence was committed) who claims an interest in such goods and chattels as owner, mortgagee, lien-holder or holder of any like interest, may, within 30 days after such forfeiture, apply to the Minister for a determination of his interest. 5 Where, following such application, it appears to the satisfaction of the Minister, (a) that the claimant is innocent of any complicity in the offence resulting in such forfeiture, or of any collusion with the offender in relation thereto, and Current to June 20, 2022 Disposal of Forfeited Goods and Chattels Regulations General Sections 5-6 (b) that he exercised all reasonable care in respect of the person permitted to obtain the possession of such goods and chattels to satisfy himself that they were not likely to be used contrary to the provisions of the Act, or, if a mortgagee or lien-holder, that before becoming such mortgagee or lien-holder exercised such care with respect to the mortgagor or lien-giver, the Minister may order that the interest of the claimant be not affected by such forfeiture. 6 Where the circumstances make it appear to the Minister that the goods and chattels forfeited pursuant to subsection 103(3) of the Act should in the public interest be disposed of otherwise than by public auction, the Minister may direct that they be otherwise disposed of, in which case the direction shall prescribe such conditions and restrictions as the Minister may deem necessary or advisable. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations SOR/92-322 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 21, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Disclosure of Interest Rates Relating to Deposit Accounts and Debt Obligations 1 Short Title Interpretation Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts Disclosure in Respect of Advertising Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 ii Registration SOR/92-322 May 21, 1992 TRUST AND LOAN COMPANIES ACT Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations P.C. 1992-1097 May 21, 1992 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 427 to 429 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the disclosure of interest rates relating to deposit accounts and debt obligations, effective June 1, 1992. * S.C. 1991, c. 45 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Regulations Respecting the Disclosure of Interest Rates Relating to Deposit Accounts and Debt Obligations Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Trust and Loan Companies Act; (Loi) deposit account means an interest-bearing deposit account. (compte de dépôt) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a company carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of deposit accounts through natural persons in Canada. (point de service) SOR/2009-47, s. 1. Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts 3 (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), a company shall disclose to a person who requests the company to open a deposit account the rate of interest applicable to the deposit account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated (a) where a statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of a written statement delivered to that person, at or before the time the deposit account is opened; or (b) where no statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of (i) a written statement copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the company where deposit accounts are kept, or (ii) a general notice that is displayed in each of the company’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the company’s points of service and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Disclosure in Respect of Deposit Accounts Sections 3-5 on the company’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. (1.1) In the case of the opening of a deposit account on a telephone request as contemplated by subsection 431(3) of the Act, a company must, not later than seven business days after the account is opened, provide to the customer a written statement that sets out the rate of interest applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated. (2) A written statement and a general notice referred to in subsection (1) or a written statement referred to in subsection (1.1) shall include (a) the annual rate of interest; (b) the frequency of payment of interest; (c) the manner, if any, in which the balance in the deposit account affects the rate of interest; and (d) any other circumstance that affects the rate of interest. (3) A written statement referred to in subsection (1.1) that is sent to a customer by mail is deemed to be provided to the customer on the fifth day after the postmark date on the statement. SOR/2001-470, s. 1; SOR/2009-47, s. 2; SOR/2014-273, s. 37(F). 4 Where there is a change in the rate of interest, or in the manner of calculating the amount of interest, that is applicable to a deposit account, the company shall disclose the changes by means of (a) a written statement delivered to the person in whose name the account is maintained; (b) a written statement copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the company where deposit accounts are kept; or (c) a general notice that is displayed in each of the company’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the company’s points of service and on the company’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. SOR/2009-47, s. 3; SOR/2014-273, s. 38(F). 5 [Repealed, SOR/2009-47, s. 4] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Interest (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Disclosure in Respect of Advertising Section 6 Disclosure in Respect of Advertising 6 For the purposes of section 428 of the Act, in all advertisements in respect of interest-bearing deposits or debt obligations, a company shall disclose how the amount of interest applicable to each deposit and debt obligation is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly discloses (a) in respect of interest-bearing deposits, the manner, if any, in which the balance of a deposit account will affect the rate of interest; and (b) any other circumstance that will affect the rate of interest. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Declaring the United States to be a Reciprocating Country for Purposes of the Act SI/78-179 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Declaring the United States to be a Reciprocating Country for Purposes of the Act Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/78-179 December 13, 1978 NUCLEAR LIABILITY ACT Declaring the United States to be a Reciprocating Country for Purposes of the Act P.C. 1975-896 April 24, 1975 Whereas the Governor General in Council is of opinion that satisfactory arrangements exist in the United States of America for compensation for injury or damage resulting from the production, processing, carriage, storage, use or disposition of nuclear material in that country, including any such injury or damage occasioned in Canada. Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, pursuant to subsection 34(2) of the Nuclear Liability Act, is pleased hereby to declare the United States of America to be a reciprocating country for purposes of that Act. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Diplomatic (Excise Taxes) Remission Order C.R.C., c. 757 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Taxes to Diplomatic and Other Representatives of Another Country 1 Short Title Interpretation Remission Resale Reciprocity Application for Remission Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 757 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Diplomatic (Excise Taxes) Remission Order Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Taxes to Diplomatic and Other Representatives of Another Country Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Diplomatic (Excise Taxes) Remission Order. Interpretation 2 In this Order, Minister means the Minister of National Revenue; (ministre) representative means (a) the head of a diplomatic mission or the High Commissioner representing one of Her Majesty’s Governments, (b) a counsellor, secretary, attaché or officer of equal rank at an embassy, legation or office of a High Commissioner in Canada, or (c) a consul-general, consul, vice-consul, trade commissioner or assistant trade commissioner, who is a native or citizen of the country he represents and is not engaged in any other business or profession. (représentant) Remission 3 Subject to sections 4 and 5, remission is hereby granted of the excise taxes payable, under Parts III and IV of the Excise Tax Act, on (a) cigars, cigarettes, manufactured tobaccos and wines, manufactured or produced in Canada and purchased by the representative for his personal or official use; and Current to June 20, 2022 Diplomatic (Excise Taxes) Remission Order Remission Sections 3-6 (b) goods imported into Canada by the representative for his personal or official use. Resale 4 Remission is granted under this Order in respect of goods purchased or imported by a representative on condition that they are not sold or otherwise disposed of by him before they have been in his use or possession for one year. Reciprocity 5 No remission will be granted under this Order to a representative of a government where the Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs has advised the Minister that full reciprocity is not being accorded by the government to offices, officials and employees of the Government of Canada. Application for Remission 6 An application for remission shall be made on a form acceptable to the Minister and approved in the name of the head of the mission, consul post or trade commissioner’s office, as the case may be. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1 SOR/99-234 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1 1 Designation Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/99-234 June 3, 1999 CUSTOMS TARIFF Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1 P.C. 1999-1013 June 3, 1999 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to paragraph 132(1)(g) of the Customs Tariffa, hereby makes the annexed Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1. a S.C. 1997, c. 36 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1 Designation 1 The following countries are designated for the purposes of tariff item No. 9810.00.00 of the Customs Tariff: Albania, Republic of Antigua and Barbuda Austria, Republic of Azerbaijani Republic Bangladesh, People’s Republic of Barbados Belize Benin, Republic of Botswana, Republic of Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of Czech Republic El Salvador, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Finland, Republic of Georgia, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Israel Japan Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Designating Certain Countries for the Purposes of Tariff Item No. 9810.00.00, 1999-1 Designation Sections 1-2 Moldova, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Oman, Sultanate of Poland, Republic of Romania Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovak Republic Slovenia, Republic of Spain, Kingdom of Sudan, Republic of the Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan, Republic of Venezuela, Republic of Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe, Republic of SOR/2005-121, s. 1. Coming into Force 2 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Demonstration Aircraft Remission Order C.R.C., c. 756 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting Remission of Sales Tax on Domestically Manufactured Aircraft Used for Demonstration to Prospective Customers 1 Short Title Interpretation Remission of Sales Tax Conditions Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 756 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Demonstration Aircraft Remission Order Order Respecting Remission of Sales Tax on Domestically Manufactured Aircraft Used for Demonstration to Prospective Customers Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Demonstration Aircraft Remission Order. Interpretation 2 In this Order, “aircraft” includes helicopters. Remission of Sales Tax 3 Subject to section 4, remission is hereby granted of the sales tax payable under the Excise Tax Act on any aircraft manufactured in Canada at the time of its first use in Canada. SI/86-58, s. 1. Conditions 4 The remission referred to in section 3 is granted on condition that (a) the aircraft is used only by the manufacturer of the aircraft for the purpose of demonstrating the aircraft to prospective customers of the manufacturer; (b) the manufacturer keeps complete records of the use of the aircraft; and (c) the manufacturer produces the records for inspection when requested to do so by an officer of the Department of National Revenue administering or enforcing the Excise Tax Act. SI/86-58, s. 1. 5 and 6 [Revoked, SI/86-58, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Dundee Estates Limited Sale Authorization Order SOR/90-430 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Authorizing Dundee Estates Limited to Sell all of the Assets of Dundee Estates Limited to Odyssey Cape Breton Tourist Attractions Limited 1 Short Title Authorized Sale Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/90-430 July 27, 1990 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Dundee Estates Limited Sale Authorization Order P.C. 1990-1519 July 27, 1990 Whereas the Governor in Council, pursuant to subsection 91(6) of the Financial Administration Act, is satisfied that Dundee Estates Limited, a whollyowned subsidiary of Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, is otherwise empowered to sell all of the assets of Dundee Estates Limited; Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister for the purposes of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act and the Treasury Board, pursuant to subsection 91(3) of the Financial Administration Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order authorizing Dundee Estates Limited to sell all of the assets of Dundee Estates Limited to Odyssey Cape Breton Tourist Attractions Limited. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Authorizing Dundee Estates Limited to Sell all of the Assets of Dundee Estates Limited to Odyssey Cape Breton Tourist Attractions Limited Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Dundee Estates Limited Sale Authorization Order. Authorized Sale 2 Dundee Estates Limited is hereby authorized to sell all of the assets of Dundee Estates Limited to Odyssey Cape Breton Tourist Attractions Limited. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations C.R.C., c. 554 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 29, 2016. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Made Pursuant to the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act 1 Short Title Interpretation Service for Computing a Pension Absence from Duty or Secondment Estate Tax and Succession Duties Debit Balances Unpaid Pension Deductions Persons Above the Rank of Sergeant Election in Respect of Surviving Spouse Pension Non-compliance with Requirements to Submit Evidence Calculation of the Reduction Indexation Actuarial Assumptions Cessation of Effect of an Election Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 ii Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations TABLE OF PROVISIONS Effective Date of Reduction Revocation Termination of Reduction Surviving Spouse Pension Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 iv CHAPTER 554 DEFENCE SERVICES PENSION CONTINUATION ACT Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Regulations Made Pursuant to the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act; (Loi) a(f) Ultimate Table means the table so entitled appearing in the Mortality of Annuitants 1900-1920 published on behalf of the Institute of Actuaries and The Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland, 1924; (a(f) Ultimate Table) annuity means an annuity immediate or deferred, or annual allowance, computed in accordance with the Public Service Superannuation Act; (rente viagère) augmenting service means any period, subsequent to the grant of a pension, of continuous full-time paid service of one year or more (a) in the forces, (b) in the naval, army or air forces of Canada or the Canadian Forces, other than the forces, if during such period the officer or man receives the pay of his rank as though he were in the forces, and (c) in the public service, in respect of which he is not entitled to an annuity; (service ouvrant droit à majoration) forces means the regular force of the Canadian Forces and includes Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Interpretation Sections 2-3 (a) the forces known before February 1, 1968 as the regular forces of the Canadian Forces, and (b) the forces known before February 1, 1968 as the Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Army Active Force, the Permanent Active Militia, the Permanent Militia Corps, the permanent staff of the Militia, the Royal Canadian Air Force (Regular) and the Permanent Active Air Force; (forces) former Act means the Defence Services Pension Act; (ancienne loi) Minister means the Minister of National Defence; (ministre) Parts I to IV means the respective parts of the Act; (parties I à IV) pension means a pension granted, pursuant to any of Parts I to III of the Act, to a person in respect of his service; (pension) pensioner means a person to whom a pension has been granted; (pensionné) public service means all branches or portions of the public service of Canada to which the Public Service Superannuation Act is applicable. (fonction publique) Service for Computing a Pension 3 (1) For the purpose of computing a pension in respect of an officer, other than a pensioner, service, in addition to any periods specified in Parts I to III of the Act, includes any continuous period of full-time service of six months or more in the naval, army or air forces of Her Majesty raised in Canada or the Canadian Forces, other than the forces, if (a) during such period he received the pay of his rank as though he were in the forces as defined in such Part, and (b) he is otherwise eligible for a pension under any of Parts I to III, but that service may not be counted as service under any other provision of any such Parts, except to the extent Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Sections 3-5 prescribed by paragraph 7(e), paragraph (b) of the definition service in section 37(1) or paragraph (c) of the definition service in section 41 of the Act for the purpose of determining eligibility for pension. (2) Where a person, prior to the war that commenced on September 10, 1939, served as an officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force other than the Permanent Active Air Force, for a continuous period of full-time service for six months or more, but did not receive the pay of his rank as though he were in the forces, and subsequently served on active service during that war and during such period of full-time service received remuneration by way of pay, or pay and allowances, according to the service regulations applicable to his appointment, such continuous period of full-time service shall be included for the purpose of making contributions and of computing a pension to which he may be entitled under Parts I to III of the Act. 4 For the purpose of computing a pension in respect of an officer or militiaman, service, in addition to any periods specified in Parts I to III of the Act, includes any service as a member of the regular force of the Canadian Forces. 5 (1) A pensioner serving on a full-time paid basis in the forces or in the naval, army or air forces of Canada or the Canadian Forces, other than the forces, if receiving the pay of his rank as though he were in the forces, may elect, within one year of the commencement of that full-time paid service, (a) to count for the purpose of computing his pension the whole augmenting service performed subsequent to the said commencement and during that service and upon the making of that election (i) entitlement to the whole or that part of the pension to which he is otherwise entitled during that service, or the gratuity to which he would otherwise become entitled in respect of that service, shall terminate, and (ii) he shall repay the whole or that part of the pension he may have received during that service, in the manner hereinafter provided; and (b) to count for the purpose of computing his pension the whole or any part, but not less than one year, of any period of augmenting service he may have performed subsequent to the grant of his pension but prior to the commencement of his current full-time paid service provided he Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Sections 5-6 (i) makes an election pursuant to paragraph (a), and (ii) repays the whole or that part of the pension he may have received during that augmenting service or the gratuity he may have received in respect of that augmenting service, in the manner hereinafter provided. (2) Every election made by a pensioner under this section shall, in the form prescribed by the Minister, be evidenced in writing and witnessed, and the original thereof shall be forwarded to a person designated by the Minister for the purpose, by registered mail or in such other manner as the Minister directs, within one month of making the election. 6 (1) A pensioner, who has elected to count augmenting service pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(a) and receives pension payments during that augmenting service, shall repay the payments in one sum or by reservation from pay and allowances or otherwise, without interest, in equal instalments over a period similar to that during which the payments were made to him, the instalments to commence on the expiration of the month next following the date of his election, except that no repayment is required for a period when the pensioner's pay and allowances are reduced by the amount of the gross pension paid, pursuant to relevant pay regulations. (2) A pensioner, electing to count the whole of that augmenting service pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(b) and in respect of which he has been paid a gratuity, or during that service has received pension payments, shall repay an amount equal to the gratuity or pension payments received by him during that service, together with simple interest at the rate of four per cent per annum from the date of payment of that gratuity or pension payments to the date of his election under that section, and where the pensioner has elected to count part of that augmenting service, the repayment required in respect of that part shall be the proportion of the said amount that the part is of the whole of his augmenting service, except that no repayment is required for a period when the pensioner's pay and allowances are reduced by the amount of the gross pension paid, pursuant to relevant pay regulations. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Sections 6-7 (3) The repayment required by subsection (2) may be made in one sum or in instalments equivalent in value to the total amount of the arrears, payable by reservation from pay and allowances or otherwise, for life, or for a period of years or for life whichever is shorter, to commence on the expiration of the month next following the date of the election, the said instalments to be computed as to mortality and interest on the basis of the Canadian Life Tables No. 2 (1941), Males or Females, as the case may be, with interest at the rate of four per cent per annum. (4) Where a periodic scheme of payment is in effect under this section, the pensioner may at any time elect to settle any amount outstanding by one sum or to arrange to pay that amount by instalments over a shorter period. 7 (1) The whole of the elected augmenting service of a pensioner granted his original pension as an officer shall be subject to deductions in the following manner: (a) in respect of that part of augmenting service, which the pensioner performs subsequent to the date of his election, a deduction shall be made from his pay at the rate and in the manner set out in section 47 of the former Act; and (b) in respect of that part of elected augmenting service, which the pensioner performed prior to the making of the election required by section 5, the whole of that augmenting service shall be subject to deductions (i) where it is non-contributory augmenting service, to the same extent and in the manner as if that augmenting service were prior non-contributory service under Part V of the former Act and the election made to count that augmenting service were made under subsection 48(1) of the former Act and regulations relating thereto, and (ii) where it is contributory service and deductions or contributions have been made under the Act, the Public Service Superannuation Act or the Civil Service Superannuation Act, or deferred pay deductions have been made from his pay and allowances, pursuant to pay regulations applicable to his service, and (A) those deductions or contributions have not previously been repaid to him by way of gratuity or otherwise, such deductions or contributions shall be deemed to be the deductions required by Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Sections 7-9 this section in respect of the period of service for which the deductions or contributions were made, or (B) those deductions or contributions have previously been repaid to him by way of gratuity or otherwise, to the same extent and in the manner as if that augmenting service could be counted as service under subsections 56(3) and (4) of the former Act and regulations relating thereto. (2) The sums required by this section shall, (a) where deductions are made, be paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund; or (b) where transfers are applicable, be debited to the appropriate account and credited as revenues of Canada. 8 Where a pensioner, contributing for elected augmenting service by way of repayment by instalments any amount required by section 6 or by way of making the deductions required by section 7, ceases to serve on augmenting service before payment of those instalments or deductions have been made in full, he shall be deemed to have contributed in respect of the augmenting service for which he elected and the remaining instalments or deductions shall be reserved out of his pension. 9 (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (5), a pensioner, upon ceasing to serve on augmenting service referred to in subsection 5(1) for any reason other than inefficiency or misconduct, shall have his pension computed for the term of service upon which his pension was originally based, together with the augmenting service elected pursuant to section 5 (the whole period hereinafter referred to in this section as the “pensionable term”) in the following manner: (a) where he was granted a pension as a militiaman and subsequently serves the whole or any part of his augmenting service elected pursuant to section 5 as a militiaman or an officer his pension shall be Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Section 9 (i) if the original term of service is less than 20 years, one-fiftieth of his average annual pay and allowances during the last six years of the pensionable term, (ii) if the original term of service is 20 years or more but less than 25 years, twenty-fiftieths of his average annual pay and allowances during the last six years of the pensionable term with an addition of two-fiftieths of the said average pay and allowances for every year over 20 years of the original term and one-fiftieth of the said average pay and allowances for every year of augmenting service that the pensioner has elected to count, or (iii) if the original term of service is 25 years or over, thirty-fiftieths of his average annual pay and allowances during the last six years of the pensionable term with an addition of one-fiftieth of the said average pay and allowances for every year of service over 25 years of the original term and of the augmenting service that the pensioner elected to count; or (b) where he was granted a pension as an officer and subsequently serves the whole or any part of his pensionable term as an officer or militiaman, his pension shall be one-fiftieth of his average annual pay and allowances during the last six years of the pensionable term for each year of the pensionable term. (2) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1)(a) and (b), the pension of a pensioner who was granted a pension (a) as an officer, shall not be computed on a number of years in excess of 35; or (b) as a militiaman, shall not exceed two-thirds of the average annual pay and allowances received by him during the last three years of the term of service upon which his pension was originally based. (3) A pensioner, where he has been granted a pension (a) as an officer, whether he serves the whole or any part of his augmenting service as an officer or as a Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Service for Computing a Pension Sections 9-10 militiaman, shall have that pension computed, as provided in subsection (1), as an officer, or (b) as a militiaman, whether he serves the whole or any part of his augmenting service as a militiaman or as an officer, shall have that pension computed, as provided in subsection (1), as a militiaman, provided that the Minister is satisfied, in the case of an officer, and a board composed of three officers, as provided in section 15 of the Act, certifies, in the case of a militiaman, that the circumstances of service and the cause of ceasing to serve on the augmenting service elected pursuant to paragraph 5(1)(a) are such as would give rise to entitlement to the grant of a pension if the pensioner were otherwise qualified. (4) Where a pensioner has been granted a pension as an officer and dies while performing augmenting service or dies while in receipt of a pension computed on the pensionable term, his widow may be granted a pension computed on the pensionable term and each of his children may be granted a compassionate allowance, to the extent that they are otherwise qualified under the Act. (5) Subject to subsection (2), where the amount of a pension computed in accordance with subsection (1) is less than the total amount of the original pension increased by one-fiftieth of the average annual pay and allowances received during the augmenting service for each year of the augmenting service, a pensioner, in lieu of entitlement to a pension computed pursuant to subsection (1), shall be entitled to an annual pension equal to the latter amount or the original pension, whichever is the greater. Absence from Duty or Secondment 10 (1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a pensioner who was granted a pension as an officer and who is absent from duty for any purpose including absence on leave without pay and allowances, or secondment where he performs continuous full-time service or employment and receives emoluments by way of pay and allowances, salary or otherwise for that service or employment, shall contribute to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, in respect of any period during which he is so absent, by making Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Absence from Duty or Secondment Section 10 payments in accordance with subsection (2) and that period shall be counted as service for the purposes of section 9 as being augmenting service. (2) The contributions required to be paid by a pensioner to whom subsection (1) applies shall be payable (a) where the period does not exceed 92 days, monthly by means of a debit to his pay account, or (b) where the period exceeds 92 days, by monthly remittances in favour of the Receiver General. (3) When any amount payable under this section by a pensioner who was granted a pension as an officer is unpaid at the time of his retirement, that amount shall be reserved out of any pension that is payable under the Act to the pensioner by reservation out of any pension in equal instalments for a period equal to that period during which no contributions were made by him as required. (4) A continuous period of absence from duty in excess of 60 days in respect of a pensioner, whether granted a pension as an officer or militiaman, where (a) a forfeiture of pay and allowances is imposed, (b) a deduction in an amount equal to the whole of the pay and allowances withheld is imposed by reason of suspension from duty, (c) a continuous combination of periods described in paragraphs (a) and (b), or (d) he is on leave without pay and allowances, shall not be counted as augmenting service and no contributions shall be required in respect of that period, but such period shall not break the continuity of augmenting service. (5) A pensioner who was granted a pension as an officer and who has been absent from duty may elect within 30 days of the expiration of his absence from duty not to contribute in respect of that absence, in which case that period of absence shall not be counted as augmenting service and no contributions shall be required under this section in respect of that period. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Absence from Duty or Secondment Sections 11-13 11 For the purpose of making deductions and computing a pension in respect of augmenting service to be counted pursuant to section 10, the pensioner shall be deemed to have been in receipt of pay and allowances during a period of absence from duty or secondment at the same rate as that which was prescribed for the rank or appointment held by him at the commencement of the period, except that (a) if during that period his rate of pay and allowances is increased or decreased for any reason, that rate from the date it became effective shall be deemed to be the pay and allowances he was receiving; or (b) if during a period of secondment the pensioner does not receive pay and allowances according to the appropriate regulations in effect from time to time for his service, the rate of pay and allowances he shall be deemed to receive shall be as determined by the Treasury Board. 12 (1) Notwithstanding any of the provisions contained in sections 5 to 11, a pensioner shall be deemed not to have elected to count augmenting service where (a) he ceases to serve on a full-time paid basis in the forces or in the naval, army or air forces of Canada or the Canadian Forces, other than the forces, prior to completion of a period of augmenting service, as described in paragraph 5(1)(a); or (b) he is not entitled to have his pension computed upon the pensionable term pursuant to subsection 9(1). (2) Where the provisions of subsection (1) are applicable, all sums deducted from the pay and allowances of a pensioner or paid by him by reason of the provisions of sections 5 to 11 inclusive shall be refunded to him without interest or shall be applied, where applicable, towards the abatement of any deductions owed by the pensioner where by reason of the provisions of subsection (1) he becomes subject to deductions pursuant to Part V of the former Act and regulations relating thereto other than sections 5 to 10 inclusive and his entitlement to pension payments shall be restored retroactively to the date of election as if he had never elected. Estate Tax and Succession Duties 13 (1) In this section, pension means an annual pension payable under the Act to a widow or child and includes a compassionate allowance payable to a child. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Estate Tax and Succession Duties Section 13 (2) For the purposes of this section, where, under the Act, a pension is payable to a child, the widow of the person in respect of whom that pension is payable to that child is presumed, prima facie, to be the guardian of that child. (3) Where, upon the death of any person in respect of whom any pension becomes payable under the Act to a successor, application in writing may be made, by or on behalf of the successor, to the Minister for payment out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the whole or any part of the portion of any estate, legacy, succession or inheritance duties or taxes that are payable by the successor and attributable to that pension, and where the Minister directs, in accordance with the application, that the whole or any part of such duties or taxes shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, the maximum portion of the said duties or taxes that may be paid is the proportion that (a) the value of the pension payable to the successor is of (b) the value of the whole estate, calculated for the purposes of determining the said duties or taxes payable in respect thereof. (4) Where the Minister makes a direction in accordance with subsection (3), if the pension payable to the successor is payable in monthly, quarterly or semi-annual instalments, or in an annual amount, the pension shall be reduced either for a term requested by the successor in the application made under subsection (3), or during the entire period for which the pension is payable, if the successor fails to make a request in the application under subsection (3) that the pension be reduced for a term, (a) where the pension is payable in monthly instalments, by one-twelfth of an amount, (b) where the pension is payable in quarterly instalments, by one-quarter of an amount, (c) where the pension is payable in semi-annual instalments, by one-half of an amount, and (d) where the pension is payable annually, by the whole of an amount, determined by dividing the amount of the succession duties or taxes to be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund by the value of a pension of $1 per annum, payable Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Estate Tax and Succession Duties Sections 13-15 monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, as the pension is payable, to a person of the age of the successor at the date of payment of the said duties or taxes out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, calculated, (e) in the case of a pension payable to the widow of the person in respect of whose death the pension is payable, in accordance with a(f) Ultimate Table with interest at the rate of four per cent per annum; and (f) in the case of a pension payable to a child of the person in respect of whose death the pension is payable, at an interest rate of four per cent per annum and mortality shall not be taken into account. (5) Where the pension of a successor is to be or is being reduced under this section for a term and the successor, being the widow of a former officer, remarries before the end of the term and the pension is suspended, if at any time the pension is resumed it shall be reduced for a term equal to the term or the balance of the term, as the case may be, during which the pension would have been reduced had it not been suspended and such reduction shall be made to the same extent and in the same manner as the pension was reduced immediately prior to the suspension. Debit Balances 14 For the purposes of subsection 49(2) of the Act, a debit balance in the pay account of a former member of the forces shall be recovered (a) in a lump sum from a gratuity; or (b) by monthly instalments from a pension in an amount equal to 10 per cent of the net monthly pension but in any such case the person in receipt of the pension may make payments that will liquidate the debit at an earlier date. Unpaid Pension Deductions 15 For the purposes of subsection 49(3) of the Act, where a person becomes entitled to a pension under any of Parts I to III of the Act and is required to contribute by instalments in respect of service for which no deductions have been made, during any period that the pension is not payable or is reduced to an amount that is not sufficient to pay the instalments in full, the unpaid portion of the remaining instalments shall be reserved from the pay Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Unpaid Pension Deductions Sections 15-18 and allowances or salary payable to the pensioner or from any other amount payable to him by Her Majesty. Persons Above the Rank of Sergeant 16 For the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, every person to whom the Act applies and who, on or after February 1, 1968, holds in the Canadian Forces (a) the rank of chief warrant officer or master warrant officer, shall be treated as (i) an officer if, immediately prior to that date, he was a member of the Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force, and (ii) a militiaman if, immediately prior to that date, he was a member of the Royal Canadian Navy; and (b) the rank of warrant officer shall be treated as a militiaman. Election in Respect of Surviving Spouse Pension 17 For the purposes of sections 18 to 34, election means an election under section 26.1 of the Act; (choix) level of reduction means, in respect of a pension, one of the three amounts determined pursuant to section 26, where levels one, two and three correspond to a reduction that provides a surviving spouse with a pension that is equal to 30, 40 or 50 per cent, respectively, of a pension referred to in subparagraph 26(b)(i), if paragraph 26(b) were read without reference to supplementary benefits payable under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act; (niveau de réduction) officer means an officer referred to in section 26.1 of the Act; (officier) spouse means a spouse referred to in section 26.1 of the Act. (conjoint) SOR/94-277, s. 1. 18 For the purposes of section 26.1 of the Act, an officer may make an election to reduce the amount of the officer's pension not later than one year after the later of Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Election in Respect of Surviving Spouse Pension Sections 18-22 (a) the day on which this section comes into force, and (b) the day on which the officer and the spouse are married. SOR/94-277, s. 1. 19 (1) Notwithstanding section 18, an officer may make an election after the expiration of the period provided for in that section where the officer has received in writing, from a member of the Canadian Forces or person employed in the Public Service whose ordinary duties included the giving of advice respecting the election, (a) erroneous or misleading information regarding the period during which the officer could make an election; or (b) materially erroneous or misleading information regarding the amount of the reduction of the officer's pension or the amount of the pension to which the spouse would be entitled. (2) An election may be made under subsection (1) not later than three months after the day on which a written notice containing the correct information is sent to the officer. SOR/94-277, s. 1. 20 An election shall be made in writing and shall (a) indicate the level of reduction in respect of the officer's pension; (b) indicate the date of birth of the officer's spouse and the date of the spouse's marriage to the officer; and (c) be signed and dated by the officer and signed by a witness other than the officer's spouse. SOR/94-277, s. 1. 21 (1) An election shall be sent to the Minister, or to a person designated by the Minister, within the period referred to in section 18 or subsection 19(2), as the case may be. (2) The election is made on the day on which it is sent. SOR/94-277, s. 1; SOR/2016-64, s. 76(E). 22 The officer, or a person acting on behalf of the officer, shall, within one year after the day on which an election is made, send to the Minister or to a person designated by the Minister (a) a document that is evidence of the date of birth of the spouse; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Election in Respect of Surviving Spouse Pension Sections 22-24 (b) a document that is evidence of the marriage of the officer and the spouse; and (c) where the name of the spouse as indicated on a document referred to in paragraph (a) is not the same as the name of the spouse as indicated on a document referred to in paragraph (b), any other document that confirms that the evidence of the birth and the marriage relates to the spouse, or a statutory declaration by which the spouse declares that the documents are in respect of the spouse. SOR/94-277, s. 1; SOR/2016-64, s. 77(F). 23 (1) For the purposes of section 26.1 of the Act, proof of age of the officer's spouse is established, subject to subsections (2) and (3), by a birth certificate issued by a civil authority. (2) Where a birth certificate referred to in subsection (1) cannot be obtained, proof of age of the spouse is established (a) by a statutory declaration of the spouse in which the spouse attests to the spouse's date of birth and explains the reasons why the birth certificate cannot be obtained; and (b) by a document that was created (i) within five years after the date of birth of the spouse and that indicates the name of the spouse and the date of birth or age of the spouse, or (ii) at least 20 years before the day on which the election is made and that indicates the date of birth of the spouse, which document is accompanied by a statutory declaration by which a person, other than the officer or the spouse, attests that the date stated in the document is the correct date of birth of the spouse. (3) Where a document or statutory declaration referred to in paragraph (2)(b) is to be submitted but cannot be obtained, the statutory declaration referred to in paragraph (2)(a) shall set out the reasons why the document or statutory declaration cannot be obtained. SOR/94-277, s. 1. 24 (1) Subject to subsection (2), proof of the marriage between the officer and the spouse is established by a marriage certificate issued by a civil authority. (2) Where a marriage certificate referred to in subsection (1) cannot be obtained, proof of the marriage between the officer and the spouse is established by Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Election in Respect of Surviving Spouse Pension Sections 24-26 (a) a statutory declaration by which the officer or the spouse attests to the date of the marriage and explains the reasons why the marriage certificate cannot be obtained; and (b) a document that is similar to a marriage certificate and is issued in relation to the marriage ceremony, or a statutory declaration by a person who attended the marriage ceremony, other than the officer or the spouse, attesting to the person's knowledge of the marriage. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Non-compliance with Requirements to Submit Evidence 25 An election is considered not to have been made where any document or statutory declaration that is required by any of sections 22 to 24 is not submitted within one year after the day on which the election is made. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Calculation of the Reduction 26 The amount of the reduction of the monthly instalment of the pension of an officer who makes an election is equal to the amount determined as follows: (a) calculate the actuarial present value of the pension to which the officer is entitled under Parts I to III of the Act immediately before the election, and the supplementary benefits payable in respect thereof under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act; (b) convert the amount determined in accordance with paragraph (a) into a joint and survivor pension benefit that consists of (i) a pension that is payable, during the life of the officer, by monthly instalments beginning on the first day of the month after the month in which the election is made, and that is determined taking into account the supplementary benefits payable under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act, as if the pension were a pension payable under Parts I to III of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, and (ii) a pension that is payable during the life of the surviving spouse, by monthly instalments beginning on the first day of the month after the month in which the officer died and that is equal to 30, 40 or 50 per cent, in accordance with the election made Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Calculation of the Reduction Sections 26-28 by the officer, of the pension determined in accordance with subparagraph (i), and that is determined taking into account the supplementary benefits payable under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act, as if the pension were a pension payable under Parts I to III of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act; and (c) subtract the first monthly instalment of the pension referred to in subparagraph (b)(i) from the first monthly instalment of the pension referred to in paragraph (a), and adjust the amount obtained to take into account (i) that the reduction is effective during the lesser of (A) the period of the life of the officer, (B) the period of the life of the spouse, and (C) the duration of the marriage, (ii) that the reduction becomes effective in the month referred to in section 31, and (iii) that the increase in the reduction under section 27 will apply to the reduction in each year referred to in that section. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Indexation 27 The amount of the reduction determined in accordance with section 26 is increased on January 1 of each year after the year in which the reduction is first in effect, by the amount that would be payable as a supplementary benefit under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act if the amount of the reduction determined under section 26 were a pension that became payable under Parts I to III of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act on January 1 of the year in which the election was made. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Actuarial Assumptions 28 For the purposes of sections 26 and 27, the only demographic assumptions on which the actuarial values are to be based are those prescribed in the Canadian Forces Superannuation Regulations for the purposes of an election under 25.1 of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Actuarial Assumptions Sections 29-33 29 For the purposes of the determinations referred to in sections 26 and 27, the rates of interest set out in the Recommendations for the Computation of Transfer Values from Registered Pension Plans, published by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, effective September 1, 1993, shall be the rates in respect of fully indexed pensions. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Cessation of Effect of an Election 30 An election ceases to have effect on the earliest of (a) the day on which the spouse dies, (b) the day on which the annulment of the marriage of the officer and the spouse takes effect, and (c) the day on which the divorce between the officer and the spouse takes effect. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Effective Date of Reduction 31 The amount of the reduction of an officer's pension, calculated in accordance with section 26, shall be subtracted from the monthly instalment of the pension payable to the officer, effective on the first day of the second month after the month in which the election is made. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Revocation 32 For the purposes of subsection 26.1(5) of the Act, an election made by an officer is deemed to be revoked on the day on which the officer is required to contribute to the Superannuation Account pursuant to subsection 5(1) of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Termination of Reduction 33 Where an election ceases to have effect pursuant to section 30, or is deemed to be revoked pursuant to section 32, the reduction ceases on the first day of the month in which the election is revoked or ceases to have effect. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016 Defence Services Pension Continuation Regulations Surviving Spouse Pension Section 34 Surviving Spouse Pension 34 The pension to which a spouse is entitled on the death of the officer who had made an election is equal to an amount determined in accordance with subparagraph 26(b)(i), if paragraph 26(b) were read without reference to supplementary benefits payable under the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act. SOR/94-277, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 29, 2016
CONSOLIDATION Dakota Tipi Band Council Elections Order [Repealed, SOR/2018-155, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 29, 2018 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 29, 2018. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 29, 2018 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Dakota Tipi Band Council Elections Order Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 29, 2018 ii
CONSOLIDATION Direction to the CRTC (Reservation of Cable Channels) C.R.C., c. 378 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Direction Issued to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Reservation of Cable Channels Short Title Directions Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 378 BROADCASTING ACT Direction to Channels) the CRTC (Reservation of Cable Direction Issued to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Reservation of Cable Channels Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as Direction to the CRTC (Reservation of Cable Channels). Directions 2 The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is hereby directed that on or after March 19, 1970, a licence to operate a broadcasting receiving undertaking may not be issued or renewed in respect of any such undertaking situated in a province where the provincial authority of the province has given notice in writing to the Commission that it desires that cable transmission facilities of that undertaking be reserved for the use of the provincial authority for the purpose of broadcasting, at times stipulated in the notice, the types of programming defined in the appendix, and has satisfied the Commission that it has the present intention of using such facilities within a reasonable period of time, unless the Commission stipulates that at least one channel of the undertaking be reserved for the use of the provincial authority for that purpose. 3 In this Direction, "provincial authority" means a provincial authority as defined in the appendix. Current to June 20, 2022 Direction to the CRTC (Reservation of Cable Channels) Appendix Definition of the Reservation of Educational Broadcasting Time and Facilities 1 Where, within its jurisdiction, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, on the direction of the Governor in Council, stipulates that at least one channel of a cable transmission facility be set aside for the use of a provincial authority for educational broadcasting or where the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation acts as agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada in providing a transmission facility for the use of a provincial authority for educational broadcasting, the time reserved on such channel or transmission facility for the provincial authority shall be used for broadcasting the following types of programming: (a) programming designed to be presented in such a context as to provide a continuity of learning opportunity aimed at the acquisition or improvement of knowledge or the enlargement of understanding of members of the audience to whom such programming is directed and under circumstances such that the acquisition or improvement of such knowledge or the enlargement of such understanding is subject to supervision or assessment by the provincial authority by any appropriate means; and (b) programming providing information on the available courses of instruction or involving the broadcasting of special education events within the educational system. 2 Provincial authority, in relation to any province, means such person, body or authority as may be designated by the lieutenant governor in council of that province as the provincial authority for that province for the purposes of this definition. 3 The intention of this Appendix is to ensure that such programming, taken as a whole, shall be designed to furnish educational opportunities and shall be distinctly different from general broadcasting available on the public or private channels. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations SOR/2003-298 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on February 12, 2009. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations Interpretation 1 Definitions Deposit Accounts 2 Manner of disclosure Disclosure of changes Advertising 5 Manner of disclosure Coming into Force 6 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 ii Registration SOR/2003-298 August 13, 2003 COOPERATIVE CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ACT Disclosure of Regulations P.C. 2003-1220 Interest (Retail Associations) August 13, 2003 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 385.09a, subsection 385.1(6)a and sections 385.28a and 463b of the Cooperative Credit Associations Actc, hereby makes the annexed Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 313 b S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 339 c S.C. 1991, c. 48 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations Interpretation Definitions 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. Act means the Cooperative Credit Associations Act. (Loi) deposit account means an interest-bearing deposit account. (compte de dépôt) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a retail association carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of deposit accounts through natural persons in Canada. (point de service) SOR/2009-46, s. 1. Deposit Accounts Manner of disclosure 2 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a retail association shall disclose to a person who requests the retail association to open a deposit account the rate of interest applicable to the deposit account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated (a) if a statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of a written statement delivered to that person, at or before the time the deposit account is opened; or (b) if no statement of account is provided in respect of the deposit account, by means of (i) a written statement, copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the retail association where deposit accounts are kept, or (ii) a general notice that is displayed in each of the retail association’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the retail association’s points of service and on the retail association’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations Deposit Accounts Sections 2-4 Opening of account on telephone request (2) In the case of the opening of a deposit account on a telephone request as contemplated by subsection 385.1(3) of the Act, a retail association shall, not later than seven business days after the account is opened, provide to the customer a written statement that sets out the rate of interest applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated. Required contents (3) A written statement and a general notice referred to in subsection (1) or a written statement referred to in subsection (2) shall include (a) the annual rate of interest; (b) the frequency of payment of interest; (c) the manner, if any, in which the balance in the deposit account affects the rate of interest; and (d) any other circumstance that affects the rate of interest. Presumption (4) A written statement referred to in subsection (2) that is sent to a customer by mail is deemed to be provided to the customer on the fifth day after the postmark date on the statement. SOR/2009-46, s. 2. Disclosure of changes 3 A retail association shall disclose any change in the rate of interest applicable to a deposit account or any change in the manner of calculating the amount of interest applicable to the deposit account, by means of (a) a written statement delivered to the person in whose name the account is kept; (b) a written statement copies of which are available and displayed in each branch of the retail association where deposit accounts are kept; or (c) a general notice that is displayed in each of the retail association’s branches where deposit accounts are kept, at each of the retail association’s points of service and on the retail association’s websites through which it offers deposit accounts in Canada. SOR/2009-46, s. 3. 4 [Repealed, SOR/2009-46, s. 4] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Interest (Retail Associations) Regulations Advertising Sections 5-6 Advertising Manner of disclosure 5 A retail association shall, in all advertisements referred to in section 385.08 of the Act, disclose how the amount of interest is to be calculated by means of a statement in the advertisement that clearly sets out (a) in respect of interest-bearing deposits, the manner, if any, in which the balance of a deposit account will affect the rate of interest; and (b) all other circumstances that will affect the rate of interest. Coming into Force Coming into force 6 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009
CONSOLIDATION Defence Production and Development Sharing Remission Order C.R.C., c. 755 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission and Refund of Taxes Imposed under the Excise Tax Act, Other than the Tax under Part IX, in Respect of the Canada-United States Defence Production and Development Sharing Program 1 Short Title Remission Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 755 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Defence Production Remission Order and Development Sharing Order Respecting the Remission and Refund of Taxes Imposed under the Excise Tax Act, Other than the Tax under Part IX, in Respect of the Canada-United States Defence Production and Development Sharing Program Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Defence Production and Development Sharing Remission Order. Remission 2 Subject to sections 3 and 4, remission is hereby granted of the taxes paid or payable under the Excise Tax Act, other than the tax under Part IX, on articles and materials that (a) are imported into or purchased in Canada by persons carrying on business in Canada who have been awarded contracts under defence production and development sharing arrangements between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States; and (b) have been or are to be used solely and exclusively in the development and production of goods or incorporated into goods that have been or are to be delivered to an agency of the Government of the United States in connection with a defence production and development sharing contract. SI/88-18, s. 2(E); SI/98-11, s. 2. 3 A person claiming a remission under this Order shall produce, together with the customs accounting document or refund claim for the articles or materials referred to in section 2, (a) verification by the Canadian Commercial Corporation that he has been awarded a contract referred to in paragraph 2(a); and Current to June 20, 2022 Defence Production and Development Sharing Remission Order Remission Sections 3-4 (b) a certificate by the importer of the articles and materials, in such form as the Deputy Minister of National Revenue may prescribe, certifying that the articles and materials have been or are to be used for the purposes described in paragraph 2(b). SI/88-18, s. 2; SI/98-11, s. 3. 4 The Minister of National Revenue may give such instructions and directions as he deems necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Order. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Direction to the Canadian Radiotelevision and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Implementation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement SOR/2020-77 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 1, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Implementation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement 1 Definition of Agreement Direction *3 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 ii Registration SOR/2020-77 April 7, 2020 BROADCASTING ACT Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Implementation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement P.C. 2020-231 April 3, 2020 Whereas the Government of Canada has entered into the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States, done at Buenos Aires on November 30, 2018, as amended by the Protocol of Amendment to the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States, done at Mexico City on December 10, 2019; Whereas paragraphs 1 and 4 of Annex 15-D of that Agreement concern matters within the jurisdiction of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission under the Broadcasting Acta; And whereas the Minister of Canadian Heritage has, in accordance with subsection 27(2)b of that Act, consulted with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, pursuant to paragraph 27(1)(a)b of the Broadcasting Acta, makes the annexed Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Implementation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement. a S.C. 1991, c. 11 b S.C. 2020, c. 1, s. 152 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting the Implementation of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Definition of Agreement 1 In this Direction, Agreement has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act. Direction 2 The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is directed to implement, by appropriate means, paragraphs 1 and 4 of Annex 15-D of the Agreement. Coming into force 3 This Direction comes into force on the day on which section 152 of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act, chapter 1 of the Statutes of Canada, 2020, comes into force, but if it is registered after that day, it comes into force on the day on which it is registered. * * [Note: Direction in force July 1, 2020, see SI/2020-33, amended by SI/2020-46.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations SOR/2005-22 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on May 18, 2006. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations 1 Grades and Specifications Manner of Denaturing Coming into Force SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 ii Registration SOR/2005-22 February 1, 2005 EXCISE ACT, 2001 Denatured and Regulations P.C. 2005-45 Specially Denatured Alcohol February 1, 2005 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to paragraph 304(1)(o) of the Excise Act, 2001a, hereby makes the annexed Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations. a S.C. 2002, c. 22 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Grades and Specifications 1 (1) The specification for a grade of denatured alcohol set out in column 1 of Schedule 1 is the quantity of the denaturant set out in column 2 mixed with 100 L of spirits. (2) The specification for a grade of specially denatured alcohol set out in column 1 of Schedule 2 is the quantity of the denaturant set out in column 2 mixed with 100 L of spirits. (3) Where the volume of spirits to be denatured to a grade set out in column 1 of Schedule 1 or 2 is greater or less than 100 L, the quantity of denaturant used shall be in the same proportion to that volume of spirits that the quantity of the denaturant set out in column 2 of that Schedule is to 100 L. 2 The composition of the denatured alcohol grades set out in Schedule 1 and the specially denatured alcohol grades set out in Schedule 2 is stated in terms of ethyl alcohol of a minimum strength of (a) 75% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume at 20°C in the case of grade DA-2J; and (b) 95% absolute ethyl alcohol by volume at 20°C in the case of all other grades. Manner of Denaturing 3 A spirits licensee who denatures spirits shall ensure that (a) the spirits and the denaturants are thoroughly mixed; and (b) the denaturant used is a denaturant set out in column 1 of the table to this section that possesses the characteristics set out in column 2. TABLE Column 1 Column 2 Denaturant Characteristics Acetone A clear colourless vol Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Column 1 Column 2 Denaturant Characteristics Almond oil, bitter, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Ammonium hydroxide (aqua ammonia) A clear colourless aqu ammonia of 27% by m Anethole, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Anise oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Bay oil (myrcia oil), NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Benzaldehyde, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Benzyldiethyl[(2,6A white crystalline po xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate) Bergamot oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Boric acid, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Brilliant blue FCF A blue synthetic colou Food and Drug Regul n-Butyl alcohol A clear colourless liqu tert-Butyl alcohol A white crystalline so Camphor A colourless or white 98% by mass. Cedar leaf oil, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Chloroform A clear colourless vol Chlorothymol, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Cinnamaldehyde, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Cinnamon oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Citronella oil A yellowish essential component and havin Clove oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Coal tar, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Column 1 Column 2 Denaturant Characteristics Diesel fuel A petroleum fuel that range of 130°C to 400 Diethyl ether (ether) A clear colourless vol Diethyl phthalate A clear colourless liqu Ethyl acetate A clear colourless liqu Eucalyptol, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Eucalyptus oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Eugenol, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Formaldehyde solution A clear colourless sol formaldehyde of 37% Gasoline A petroleum distillate that is suitable for use tics, as determined by dards Board Standard published November (a) a vapour press (b) an antiknock in (c) a distillation te than 35°C and not (d) a distillation te than 65°C and not Glacial acetic acid A clear colourless liqu Glycerin (glycerol) A clear colourless vis Guaiacol, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Hard soap, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Indigotine A blue synthetic colou Food and Drug Regul Iodine A bluish black solid w Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) A clear colourless vol Lavender oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Menthol, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Mercuric iodide, red, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Methyl alcohol (methanol) A clear colourless vol Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Column 1 Column 2 Denaturant Characteristics Methylene blue A dark green solid wh 95% by mass. Methyl ethyl ketone A clear colourless vol Methyl salicylate, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Mustard oil, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Nicotine sulphate solution A solution of nicotine minimum concentrati Peppermint oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Petroleum derivative A volatile, highly flam distillate. Upon distill or below 35°C, or the ratio of 4:1) that is les the liquid shall pass o gasoline, petroleum n Petroleum naphtha A volatile, highly flam and which meets the (a) Canadian Gen Naphtha Fuel, pub (b) Canadian Gen Flash Petroleum S time; (c) Canadian Gen Cut Type Aviation Phenol, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Phenyl mercuric benzoate A solid with a minimu Phenyl mercuric chloride, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Phenyl mercuric nitrate, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Phenyl salicylate, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Pine needle oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Pine oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Pine tar, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Polysorbate 80, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Potassium iodide A white crystalline so Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Column 1 Column 2 Denaturant Characteristics Rosemary oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Safrole A clear colourless or 20°C. Sassafras oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Shellac, NF A substance that mee in the latest edition o official preparation. Sodium metabisulphite A white crystalline so Solvent naphtha A volatile highly flam Upon distillation, a m 90°C, and a minimum Spearmint oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Spike lavender oil A yellowish viscous e and a refractive index Storax, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Sucrose octaacetate A white crystalline so Thimerosal, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Thyme oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Thymol, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Tolu balsam, USP A substance that mee States Pharmacopoei Toluene A clear colourless vol Turpentine oil, NF A substance that mee Formulary in which th Vinegar An aqueous solution mass. TABLEAU Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Acétate d’éthyle Liquide clair et incolo Acétone Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Acide borique, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Acide acétique glacial Liquide clair et incolo Alcool n-butylique Liquide clair et incolo Alcool méthylique (méthanol) Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Alcool tert-butylique Solide cristallin et bla Alcool isopropylique (isopropanol) Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Anéthole, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Baume de Tolu, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Benzaldéhyde, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Benzoate mercurique de phényle Solide d’une pureté m Benzoate benzyldiéthylique[(2, 6 xylylcarbamoyl) méthylique] d’ammonium (benzoate de dénatonium) Poudre cristalline et b Bleu de méthylène Solide vert foncé qui 95 % en masse. Bleu brillant FCF Colorant synthétique Règlement sur les alim Camphre Solide cristallin incolo 98 % en masse. Carburant diesel Carburant à base de p s’évaporer à la pressi et 400 °C. Chloroforme Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Chlorothymol, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Chlorure mercurique de phényle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Cinnamaldéhyde, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Dérivé du pétrole Liquide volatil très infl dont, lors d’une distil moins ou encore le liq liquide de 4 pour 1) q volume est distillé à 2 naphte de pétrole ou Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Essence d’amandes amères, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de menthe poivrée, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de moutarde, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Essence de menthe verte, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de lavande aspic Huile essentielle visqu aspic, dont l’indice de Essence de thym, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de térébenthine, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de lavande, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de sassafras, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de pin, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de romarin, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence d’aiguilles de pin, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de bergamote, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de cannelle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence Distillat du pétrole ou tifs, qui convient au fo les caractéristiques su norme intitulée Essen cations successives, p rales du Canada : a) une tension de b) un indice antid c) une températur moins 35 °C et d’a d) une températur moins 65 °C et d’a Essence de feuilles de cèdre, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Essence de citronnelle Huile essentielle jaun principale et dont l’in Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Essence de laurier (myrcène), NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence de girofle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence d’anis, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Essence d’eucalyptus, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Eucalyptol, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Eugénol, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Gaïacol, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Glycérine (glycérol) Liquide visqueux, clai 20° C. Gomme-laque, NF Substance satisfaisan déparaffinée dans l’éd dénaturant comme pr Goudron de houille, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Hydroxyde d’ammonium (ammoniaque) Solution aqueuse, cla ammoniac de 27 % en Indigotine Colorant synthétique Règlement sur les alim Iode Solide bleu noir ayan Iodure de potassium Solide cristallin et bla Iodure mercurique, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Menthol, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Métabisulfite de sodium Solide cristallin et bla Méthyléthylcétone Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Section 3 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Naphte de pétrole Liquide volatil très infl sant aux exigences pr a) la norme intitul tions successives, du Canada; b) la norme intitul M91, avec ses mod l’Office des norme c) la norme intitul avec ses modificat normes générales Nitrate mercurique de phényle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Octaacétate de sucrose Solide cristallin et bla Oxyde de diéthyle (éther) Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Phénol, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Phtalate de diéthyle Liquide clair et incolo Polysorbate 80, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Résine de pin, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Safrole Liquide clair et incolo à 20 °C. Salicylate de méthyle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Salicylate de phényle, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Savon dur, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Solution de formaldéhyde Solution claire et inco formaldéhyde de 37 % Solution de sulfate de nicotine Solution de sulfate de 20 °C et dont la conce Solvant naphta Liquide volatil très infl d’une distillation, un m minimum de 90 % en Styrax, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Thimérosal, USP Substance satisfaisan States Pharmacopoei Thymol, NF Substance satisfaisan Formulary qui fait me Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations Manner of Denaturing Sections 3-4 Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Dénaturant Caractéristiques Toluène Liquide volatil, clair e 20 °C. Vinaigre Solution aqueuse d’a 4 % en masse. SOR/2006-103, ss. 1 to 3. Coming into Force 4 These Regulations are deemed to have taken effect on July 1, 2003. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 1 (section 1) Denatured Alcohol Grades Column 1 Column 2 Grade Denaturant DA-2A 16 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 1 L of ethyl acetate DA-2B 10.5 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 0.5 L of pine oil, NF DA-2C 2 L to 5 L of petroleum derivative DA-2D 10 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 1L of petroleum naphtha DA-2E 10 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 1 L of solvent naphtha DA-2F 1 L to 5 L of gasoline DA-2G 1 L to 5 L of diesel fuel DA-2I 7.8 L of isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) and 3.3 L of ethyl acetate DA-2J 0.8 L of ethyl acetate and 7.1 L of acetone DA-2K 98 g of sucrose octaacetate, 125 mL of pine oil, NF, 10 g of indigotine or brilliant blue FCF and 50 g of sodium metabisulphite DA-2L 6.5 L of methyl alcohol (methanol), 1 L of petroleum naphtha and a quantity of colouring matter sufficient to ensure that the product will have a distinct colour DA-2M 42 g of sucrose octaacetate, 700 mg of benzyldiethyl[(2,6xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate), 125 mL of pine oil, NF, 10 g of indigotine or brilliant blue FCF and 50 g of sodium metabisulphite DA-2N 19 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 1 L of ethyl acetate DA-2O 250 mL of diethyl phthalate, 700 mg of benzyldiethyl[(2,6-xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate) and 40 g of camphor, or 250 mL of diethyl phthalate, 175 g of sucrose octaacetate and 40 g of camphor Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 2 (section 1) Specially Denatured Alcohol Grades Column 1 Column 2 Grade Denaturant SDAG-1 5 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) SDAG-2 10 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) SDAG-3 700 mg of benzyldiethyl[(2,6xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate) or 175 g of sucrose octaacetate SDAG-5 4 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 1 g of benzyldiethyl[(2,6-xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate), or 4 L of methyl alcohol (methanol) and 250 g of sucrose octaacetate SDAG-6 1 g of benzyldiethyl[(2,6-xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate) and 100 mL of tert-butyl alcohol, or 250 g of sucrose octaacetate and 100 mL of tertbutyl alcohol SDAG-7 SDAG-8 500 mL of toluene 2 L of ethyl acetate and 2 L of toluene, or 5 L of solvent naphtha SDAG-9 5 L of isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) SDAG-10 10 L of acetone SDAG-11 5 L of ethyl acetate SDAG-12 10 L of formaldehyde solution SDAG-13 1 L of ethyl acetate, or a quantity of vinegar or glacial acetic acid that contains a minimum of 6 g/L of acetic acid in the specially denatured alcohol SDAG-14 5 L of chloroform SDAG-15 4 L of nicotine sulphate solution and 800 mg of methylene blue SDAG-16 1,200 g of iodine and 1,200 g of potassium iodide SDAG-17 1 L of pine tar, USP Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Column 1 Column 2 Grade Denaturant SDAG-18 13 kg of glycerin (glycerol) and 2,600 g of hard soap, NF SDAG-19 1 L of ammonium hydroxide (aqua ammonia) SDAG-20 1,300 g of any one, or a total of 1,300 g of two or more, of the following: almond oil, bitter, NF, anethole, NF, anise oil, NF, bay oil (myrcia oil), NF, benzaldehyde, NF, bergamot oil, NF, camphor, cedar leaf oil, USP, chlorothymol, NF, cinnamaldehyde, NF, cinnamon oil, NF, citronella oil, clove oil, NF, coal tar, USP, eucalyptol, USP, eucalyptus oil, NF, eugenol, USP, guaiacol, NF, lavender oil, NF, menthol, USP, methyl salicylate, NF, mustard oil, USP, peppermint oil, NF, phenol, USP, phenyl salicylate, NF, pine needle oil, NF, pine oil, NF, rosemary oil, NF, safrole, sassafras oil, NF, spearmint oil, NF, spike lavender oil, storax, USP, thyme oil, NF, thymol, NF, tolu balsam, USP, turpentine oil, NF SDAG-21 800 g of boric acid, NF, or of polysorbate 80, NF, and 600 g of any one, or a total of 600 g of two or more, of the following: almond oil, bitter, NF, anethole, NF, anise oil, NF, bay oil (myrcia oil), NF, benzaldehyde, NF, bergamot oil, NF, camphor, cedar leaf oil, USP, chlorothymol, NF, cinnamaldehyde, NF, cinnamon oil, NF, citronella oil, clove oil, NF, coal tar, USP, eucalyptol, USP, eucalyptus oil, NF, eugenol, USP, guaiacol, NF, lavender oil, NF, menthol, USP, methyl salicylate, NF, mustard oil, USP, peppermint oil, NF, phenol, USP, phenyl salicylate, NF, pine needle oil, NF, pine oil, NF, rosemary oil, NF, safrole, sassafras oil, NF, spearmint oil, NF, spike lavender oil, storax, USP, thyme oil, NF, thymol, NF, tolu balsam, USP, turpentine oil, NF SDAG-22 23 g of potassium iodide and 32 g of mercuric iodide, red, NF, or 27 g of thimerosal, USP, or 22 g of phenyl mercuric benzoate, of phenyl mercuric chloride, NF or of phenyl mercuric nitrate, NF, or 10 L of n-butyl alcohol SDAG-23 39 kg of shellac, NF SDAG-24 5 L of diethyl ether (ether) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006 Denatured and Specially Denatured Alcohol Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Column 1 Column 2 Grade Denaturant SDAG-25 800 mg of benzyldiethyl[(2,6-xylylcarbamoyl)methyl]ammonium benzoate (denatonium benzoate), 2 L of ethyl acetate and 100 g of camphor, or 200 g of sucrose octaacetate, 2 L of ethyl acetate and 100 g of camphor SDAG-26 19.8 L of methyl alcohol (methanol), 0.6 L of methyl ethyl ketone and 0.2 L of ethyl acetate Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on May 18, 2006
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations SOR/2003-299 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on February 12, 2009. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations Interpretation 1 Meaning of Act Oral Disclosure 2 Information to be provided orally Written Disclosure 3 Deemed time of disclosure Coming into Force 4 Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 ii Registration SOR/2003-299 August 13, 2003 COOPERATIVE CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ACT Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations P.C. 2003-1221 August 13, 2003 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 385.09a, subsection 385.1(6)a and sections 385.28a and 463b of the Cooperative Credit Associations Actc, hereby makes the annexed Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 313 b S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 339 c S.C. 1991, c. 48 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations Interpretation Meaning of Act 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Cooperative Credit Associations Act. Oral Disclosure Information to be provided orally 2 (1) For the purpose of subsection 385.1(3) of the Act, the following information is prescribed as the information to be provided to the customer orally: (a) the fact that the customer is receiving by telephone only part of the information relating to the deposit account charges and terms and that full disclosure in writing will be provided within seven business days after the account is opened; (b) the fact that the customer may, within 14 business days after the deposit account has been opened, close the account without charge and, in such a case, is entitled to a refund of any charges related to the operation of the account, other than interest charges, incurred while the account was open; (c) for a fixed-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the interest rate applicable to the account and how the amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated; (d) for a variable-rate interest-bearing deposit account, the current interest rate, the manner by which the rate and amount of interest to be paid is to be calculated, and how, in the future, the customer may obtain information on the interest rate applicable to the account; (e) for a deposit account in a currency other than Canadian currency, the fact that any deposit to the account will not be insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation; (f) for a deposit account that does not have a fixed monthly charge for a service package, the applicable charges for monthly statements of account, passbook updates, cash withdrawals, cheque withdrawals, debit payment purchases, preauthorized debits, bill Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure on Account Opening by Telephone Request (Retail Associations) Regulations Oral Disclosure Sections 2-4 payments, transfers between accounts and, if cheques are offered to the customer at the time the account is opened, cheque orders; and (g) for a deposit account that has a fixed monthly charge for a service package, (i) the principal features of the package, including the monthly charge, the number and type of permitted transactions per billing cycle, and (ii) the applicable charges for additional transactions described in paragraph (f). Generic terms permitted (2) A retail association may, for the purpose of providing the information required under paragraphs (1)(f) and (g), group similar types of transactions for which the retail association charges the same amount under a generic term. Written Disclosure Deemed time of disclosure 3 For the purpose of subsection 385.1(4) of the Act, if a retail association sends the agreement and information referred to in subsection 385.1(1) of the Act to a customer by mail, they are deemed to have been provided by the retail association to the customer on the fifth day after the post mark date on the agreement and information. SOR/2009-56, s. 1. Coming into Force Coming into force 4 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009
CONSOLIDATION Duties Relief Regulations SOR/96-44 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 1, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Relief from the Payment of Duties 1 Short Title Interpretation Classes of Persons Who May Apply for Relief No Relief to Be Granted Time Limits for Exportation Portion of Duties that May Be Relieved Same Condition Processes Goods of the Same Class Prescribed Classes of Ships, Aircraft and Telegraph Cable Ships Prescribed Use Amendment of Certificate Cancellation or Suspension of Certificate Reinstatement of Certificate Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 ii Duties Relief Regulations TABLE OF PROVISIONS Manner of Reporting Exports to a Country that is Party to the Canada– United States–Mexico Agreement Satisfactory Proof of Exportation SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE III Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 iv Registration SOR/96-44 January 1, 1996 CUSTOMS TARIFF Duties Relief Regulations P.C. 1995-2252 December 28, 1995 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 80(3)*, paragraphs 83.02(1)(a)** and 83.05(a)*** and section 95**** of the Customs Tariff*****, is pleased hereby to repeal the Duties Relief Regulations, made by Order in Council P.C. 1987-1570 of July 30, 1987******, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting relief from the payment of duties, in substitution therefor, effective on the day on which section 55 of An Act to amend the Customs Act and the Customs Tariff and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, being chapter 41 of the Statutes of Canada, 1995, comes into force. * S.C. 1995, c. 41, s. 47 ** S.C. 1995, c. 41, s. 48(1) *** S.C. 1995, c. 41, s. 49 **** S.C. 1995, c. 41, s. 55 ***** R.S., c. 41 (3rd Supp.) ****** SOR/87-475, 1987 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 3273 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Regulations Respecting Relief from the Payment of Duties Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Duties Relief Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Customs Tariff; (Loi) beer means beer or malt liquor as defined in section 4 of the Excise Act; (bière) Ministermeans the Minister of National Revenue; (ministre) textile fabric means textile fibre, glass fibre, textile fabric, glass fabric or other textile product that is of a stage between textile fibre and fabric that is composed exclusively of fibres that fall within a class set out in Schedule II. (tissus textiles) SOR/98-55, s. 1; SOR/2003-236, s. 1. Classes of Persons Who May Apply for Relief 3 An application for relief described in subsection 89(1) of the Act may be made by any person who is the importer or exporter of the imported or exported goods, or is the processor, owner or producer of those goods between the time of their direct shipment to Canada and their export or deemed export. SOR/98-55, s. 2. No Relief to Be Granted 4 Relief under subsection 89(1) of the Act may not be granted in respect of the imported goods described in that subsection where the exported goods described in that subsection are damaged before being exported. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations No Relief to Be Granted Sections 5-7 5 For the purposes of paragraphs 89(1)(c) and (e) of the Act, relief may not be granted in respect of the goods described in Schedule I. SOR/98-55, s. 2. 6 For the purposes of paragraphs 89(1)(d) and (e) of the Act, relief may not be granted in respect of the following goods: (a) spirits that are imported for use in the processing in Canada of spirits or that are directly consumed or expended in the processing in Canada of spirits; (b) goods that are imported for processing in Canada or are directly consumed or expended in the processing in Canada of other goods, where they are processed or directly consumed or expended after the same quantity of domestic or imported goods of the same class is processed or directly consumed or expended; and (c) imported goods, other than textile fabric, where the imported goods are processed or directly consumed or expended in a plant in Canada other than the plant in which the same quantity of domestic or imported goods of the same class is processed or directly consumed or expended. SOR/98-55, s. 2; SOR/2003-236, s. 2. Time Limits for Exportation 7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the following goods must be exported within four years after the date on which the imported goods were released: (a) goods described in paragraph 89(1)(a) or (b) of the Act on which duties are relieved; and (b) goods, in the processing of which in Canada, goods described in paragraph 89(1)(c) of the Act on which duties are relieved are directly consumed or expended. (2) Spirits, wine or beer that are imported goods described in paragraph 89(1)(b) of the Act on which duties are relieved must be exported within five years after the date on which they were released. (3) For the purposes of paragraphs 89(1)(d) and (e) of the Act, the exported goods must be exported within two Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations Time Limits for Exportation Sections 7-10 years after the date on which the imported goods on which duties are relieved were released. SOR/98-55, s. 2; SOR/2003-236, s. 3. Portion of Duties that May Be Relieved 8 Where the amount of duties otherwise payable in respect of imported textile fabric that is considered under section 10 to be of the same class as domestic textile fabric exceeds the amount of duties that would have been payable had the domestic textile fabric been imported, the portion of the duties so payable that may be relieved is the proportion that the amount that would have been so payable is of the amount that was payable. Same Condition Processes 9 For the purposes of paragraph 89(1)(a) of the Act, goods are considered to be in the same condition in which they were imported after they (a) undergo any of the processes referred to in subparagraph (6)(b) of Article 2.5 of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement, if those processes do not materially alter the characteristics of the goods; (b) are used for (i) display or demonstration, or (ii) the development or production, other than as plant equipment, of goods to be exported; or (c) in the case of reusable containers, are used in the international transportation of goods. SOR/98-55, s. 2; SOR/2020-64, s. 3. Goods of the Same Class 10 (1) Subject to subsection (2), for the purposes of paragraphs 89(1)(d) and (e) of the Act, domestic or imported goods shall be considered to be of the same class if the goods are so similar that they may be (a) used interchangeably in the processing of goods in Canada; or Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations Goods of the Same Class Sections 10-12 (b) directly consumed or expended interchangeably in the processing in Canada of goods. (2) For the purposes of paragraphs 89(1)(d) and (e) of the Act, domestic and imported textile fabrics composed of different fibres shall be considered to be of the same class if the domestic and imported textile fabrics are composed of (a) fibres that fall within one class set out in Schedule II; or (b) fibres that do not fall within one class set out in Schedule II, if (i) any particular class set out in that Schedule within which fall fibres of which the domestic textile fabric is composed (A) is a class within which fall fibres of which the imported textile fabric is composed, or (B) represents less than five per cent of the weight of the domestic textile fabric, and (ii) the difference between the following proportions does not exceed 33 percentage points: (A) the proportion, expressed as a percentage, that the aggregate weight of the fibres of which the domestic textile fabric is composed that fall within the particular class is of the weight of the domestic textile fabric, and (B) the proportion, expressed as a percentage, that the aggregate weight of the fibres of which the imported textile fabric is composed that fall within that particular class is of the weight of the imported textile fabric. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Prescribed Classes of Ships, Aircraft and Telegraph Cable Ships 11 For the purposes of paragraph 89(3)(b) of the Act, the ships and aircraft described in Schedule III are prescribed as classes of ships and aircraft. SOR/98-55, s. 2. 12 For the purposes of paragraph 89(3)(c) of the Act, the prescribed class of telegraph cable ships includes only those ships that are (a) registered in any country; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations Prescribed Classes of Ships, Aircraft and Telegraph Cable Ships Sections 12-15 (b) used exclusively for the laying and repairing of oceanic telegraph cables outside Canada; and (c) proceeding on an ocean voyage outside Canada. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Prescribed Use 13 For the purposes of paragraph 89(3)(g) of the Act, goods are used or destined for use where they (a) are purchased by the government of a country that is party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement or its authorized agent, by a department of the Government of Canada, or by a Crown corporation named in Schedule II or Schedule III to the Financial Administration Act acting on behalf of the Government of Canada; (b) are for use solely and exclusively in conjunction with (i) a project undertaken jointly by the Government of Canada and the government of a country that is party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement, or (ii) an undertaking, located in Canada, of the government of a country that is party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement; and (c) are or will become the property of the government of a country that is party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement. SOR/98-55, s. 2; SOR/2020-64, s. 4. Amendment of Certificate 14 The Minister may amend a certificate issued under subsection 90(1) of the Act where any of the information set out in the application for relief has changed. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Cancellation or Suspension of Certificate 15 The Minister may cancel a certificate issued under subsection 90(1) of the Act where the person to whom the certificate was issued Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations Cancellation or Suspension of Certificate Sections 15-17 (a) requests the Minister in writing to cancel the certificate; (b) is bankrupt; (c) is the subject of a receivership in respect of the person’s debts; (d) ceases to operate in Canada; or (e) fails to make representations in accordance with subsection 17(2). SOR/98-55, s. 2. 16 The Minister may suspend or cancel a certificate issued under subsection 90(1) of the Act where the person to whom the certificate was issued (a) fails to comply with any Act of Parliament, or any regulation made pursuant to an Act of Parliament that prohibits, controls or regulates the importation or exportation of goods; or (b) has, in the use of the certificate, acted dishonestly in business dealings with Her Majesty or servants of Her Majesty. SOR/98-55, s. 2. 17 (1) The Minister shall, immediately after suspending a certificate, give the certificate holder notice confirming the suspension and providing all relevant information concerning the grounds on which the Minister suspended the certificate. (2) The certificate holder may, within 30 days after the day on which the certificate is suspended, make representations to the Minister regarding why the certificate should be reinstated. (3) The Minister shall, before cancelling a certificate, except in the case of a cancellation under section 15 or a cancellation subsequent to a suspension under section 16, give the certificate holder (a) 30 days notice of the proposed cancellation; and (b) all relevant information concerning the grounds on which the Minister proposes to cancel the certificate. (4) The certificate holder may, within 15 days after the day on which the notice referred to in subsection (3) is given, make representations to the Minister regarding why the certificate should not be cancelled. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations Reinstatement of Certificate Sections 18-20 Reinstatement of Certificate 18 The Minister may reinstate a certificate suspended under section 16 where the cause for the suspension no longer exists. Manner of Reporting Exports to a Country that is Party to the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement [SOR/2020-64, s. 5] 19 (1) For the purposes of paragraph 95(1)(a) of the Act, the person who exports the goods shall report to an officer at a customs office by providing the evidence described in section 93 of the Act. (2) For the purposes of paragraph 98(1)(a) of the Act, the person who exports the goods shall report to an officer at a customs office by providing a written declaration of the amount of duties that was relieved. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Satisfactory Proof of Exportation 20 For the purposes of section 101 of the Act, an application shall be accompanied by proof of export in the form of (a) a customs document presented to an officer of the customs administration of the country where the repair, addition of equipment or work was performed respecting the importation of the goods into that country; (b) a document of a transportation company respecting the exportation of the goods; (c) a written statement made by the exporter in the country where the work was performed stating that the goods exported to Canada are the goods that were imported into that country for repair, the addition of equipment or work; or (d) other documentation that establishes that the goods were exported. SOR/98-55, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations SCHEDULE I SCHEDULE I (Section 5) Goods Not Eligible for Relief 1 Fuel Plant equipment Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations SCHEDULE II SCHEDULE II (Sections 2 and 10) Classes of Fibres 1 Natural textile fibres such as silk, wool, cotton, flax and sisal Artificial fibres that are viscose or acetates Synthetic fibres that are nylons or other polyamides, polyesters, acrylics, polyethylenes, polypropylenes or elastomers Glass Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020 Duties Relief Regulations SCHEDULE III SCHEDULE III (Section 11) Classes of Ships and Aircraft 1 Ocean-going ships operating or being repaired or reconstructed to operate exclusively in international trade Foreign warships, within the meaning of the Ships’ Stores Regulations Telegraph cable ships, within the meaning of the Ships’ Stores Regulations Ships registered in a country other than Canada that are used exclusively for pleasure purposes Aircraft operating exclusively in international flights International aircraft, within the meaning of the Ships’ Stores Regulations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Deceased or Former Members Dependants Payment Order C.R.C., c. 1599 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Determining the Manner of Payment of aWar Service Gratuity to Dependants of Deceased Members or Former Members of the Forces Short Title Manner of Payment Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 1599 WAR SERVICE GRANTS ACT Deceased or Former Members Dependants Payment Order Order Determining the Manner of Payment of aWar Service Gratuity to Dependants of Deceased Members or Former Members of the Forces Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Deceased or Former Members Dependants Payment Order. Manner of Payment 2 It is hereby directed, pursuant to subsection 5(2) of the War Service Grants Act, that (a) where there is only one person who was in receipt of dependants' allowance on behalf of the deceased member immediately prior to the member's death or discharge and there is no person eligible under paragraph 5(1)(b) of the Act, that person shall receive the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be; (b) where there is no person in receipt of dependants' allowance on behalf of the deceased member immediately prior to the member's death or discharge and there is only one person who qualifies under paragraph 5(1)(b) of the Act, that person shall receive the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be; (c) where the total of the number of persons in receipt of dependants' allowance on behalf of the deceased member immediately prior to the member's death or discharge and the number of persons eligible under paragraph 5(1)(b) of the Act is more than one, the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, shall be made available for division among such persons so that the amount paid to each is in the same proportion to the gratuity or the unpaid balance Current to June 20, 2022 Deceased or Former Members Dependants Payment Order Manner of Payment Section 2 thereof, as the case may be, as the monthly amount of dependants' allowance paid or payable to or in respect of each such person at the date of the member's death or discharge is to the total monthly amount of dependants' allowance so paid and payable; where application for the gratuity is not submitted by or on behalf of all such persons, the persons who do apply shall be paid that portion only of the gratuity which each would have received had the others applied; (d) where no person qualifies under paragraph (a), (b) or (c) and (i) there is only one person who qualifies under paragraph 5(1)(c) of the Act, that person shall receive the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, (ii) more than one person qualifies under paragraph 5(1)(c) of the Act, the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, shall be made available for division among such persons so that the amount paid to each is in the same proportion to the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, as the monthly amount of pay assigned to or in respect of each such person at the date of the member's death or discharge is to total monthly amount of pay assigned by such member in respect of all such persons; where application for the gratuity is not submitted by or on behalf of all such persons, the persons who do apply shall be paid that portion only of the gratuity which each would have received had the others applied; and (e) where no person qualifies under paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) and (i) there is only one person who qualifies by reason of eligibility for dependants' allowance under paragraph 5(1)(a) of the Act, that person shall receive the gratuity of the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, (ii) more than one person qualifies by reason of eligibility for dependants' allowance under paragraph 5(1)(a) of the Act, the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, shall be made available for division among such persons so that the amount paid to each is in the same proportion to the gratuity or the unpaid balance thereof, as the case may be, as the monthly amount of dependants' allowance payable in respect of each such person at the date of the member's death or discharge is to the total monthly amount of dependants' allowance that would have been payable to such persons had they applied for dependants' allowance; where Current to June 20, 2022 Deceased or Former Members Dependants Payment Order Manner of Payment Sections 2-3 application for the gratuity is not submitted by or on behalf of all such persons, the persons who do apply shall be paid that portion only of the gratuity which each would have received had the others applied. 3 Notwithstanding this Order, where it appears in any particular case that injustice results from compliance with the foregoing provisions, the case may be disposed of otherwise, after all the facts of the case have been considered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations SOR/2005-380 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations 1 Interpretation Recommendations of a Designated Office Recommendations of a Joint Panel or Review Panel Recommendations of the Executive Committee or a Panel of the Board New Recommendations of the Executive Committee or a Panel of the Board Extended Period if Consultation with First Nations Is Required Consultation Among Decision Bodies Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2005-380 November 28, 2005 YUKON ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT ACT Decision Body Regulations P.C. 2005-2200 Time Periods and Consultation November 28, 2005 Whereas the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development has consulted with the member of the Executive Council of Yukon designated by the Commissioner of Yukon as the territorial minister for the purposes of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Acta, with the Gwich’in Tribal Council and with the Yukon First Nations, within the meaning of the Umbrella Final Agreement as defined in section 2 of the Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Actb; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to paragraphs 122(d) and (e) of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Acta, hereby makes the annexed Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations. a S.C. 2003, c. 7 b S.C. 1994, c. 34 Current to June 20, 2022 Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations Interpretation 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. Act means the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act. (Loi) new recommendation means a recommendation made or deemed to be made to a decision body under subsection 77(2) of the Act. (nouvelle recommandation) recommendation means a recommendation made under (a) paragraph 56(1)(a), (b) or (c) of the Act by a designated office at the conclusion of an evaluation; (b) paragraph 58(1)(a), (b) or (c) of the Act by the executive committee at the conclusion of a screening; (c) subsection 72(4) of the Act by a panel of the Board or a joint panel at the conclusion of a review; or (d) section 73 of the Act in the report of a review panel. (recommandation) review panel means a review panel referred to in section 63 of the Act. (commission) Recommendations of a Designated Office 2 For the purpose of subsection 75(1) of the Act, the period for issuing a decision document in respect of a recommendation made to a decision body by a designated office is 30 days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation. Recommendations of a Joint Panel or Review Panel 3 For the purpose of subsection 75(1) of the Act, the period for issuing a decision document in respect of a recommendation made to a decision body by a joint panel or a review panel is 90 days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation. Current to June 20, 2022 Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations Recommendations of a Joint Panel or Review Panel Sections 3-5 Recommendations of the Executive Committee or a Panel of the Board 4 (1) For the purpose of paragraph 76(1)(a) of the Act, the period for issuing a decision document accepting a recommendation made to a decision body is (a) 60 days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation, if the recommendation is made by the executive committee; and (b) 90 days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation, if the recommendation is made by a panel of the Board. (2) For the purpose of paragraph 76(1)(b) of the Act, the period for referring a recommendation made to a decision body back for reconsideration to the executive committee or a panel of the Board is 45 days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation. New Recommendations of the Executive Committee or a Panel of the Board 5 For the purpose of subsection 77(3) of the Act, the period for issuing a decision document in respect of a new recommendation made or deemed to have been made to a decision body is (a) in the case of a new recommendation made or deemed to have been made by the executive committee, 30 days after (i) the date of the report that includes the new recommendation, if the new recommendation is made rather than deemed to have been made, or (ii) the last day of the period prescribed by rules made for the purpose of subsection 77(2) of the Act, if the new recommendation is deemed to have been made; and (b) in the case of a new recommendation made or deemed to have been made by a panel of the Board, 60 days after Current to June 20, 2022 Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations New Recommendations of the Executive Committee or a Panel of the Board Sections 5-7 (i) the date of the report that includes the new recommendation, if the new recommendation is made rather than deemed to been have made, or (ii) the last day of the period prescribed by rules made for the purpose of subsection 77(2) of the Act, if the new recommendation is deemed to have been made. Extended Period if Consultation with First Nations Is Required 6 If a decision body considering a recommendation is required under subsection 74(2) of the Act to consult a first nation, the period prescribed under a provision of these Regulations for the decision body to issue the decision document in respect of the recommendation is extended as follows: (a) a prescribed period of 30 days or 45 days is extended by 7 days; (b) a prescribed period of 60 days is extended by 21 days; and (c) a prescribed period of 90 days is extended by 30 days. Consultation Among Decision Bodies 7 If there are two or more decision bodies for a project, the decision bodies must cooperate with each other to collectively determine the manner of consultation with one another under subsection 78(1) of the Act in respect of the project, including the determination of (a) the time schedules for the consultations, having regard to (i) the period within which decision documents must be issued, (ii) the complexity of the project, (iii) the location of the project, and Current to June 20, 2022 Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations Consultation Among Decision Bodies Sections 7-8 (iv) any other considerations that are relevant to the applicable recommendation or new recommendation; (b) the manner in which first nations are to be consulted by the decision bodies, if consultation with first nations is required under subsection 74(2) of the Act; and (c) any other matters of a procedural nature that are relevant to consultation under subsection 78(1) of the Act. 8 (1) If more than one federal decision body is required to issue a decision document in respect of a recommendation in respect of a project, the federal decision bodies must select from among themselves one federal decision body to be the lead federal decision body for the project. (2) The lead federal decision body must, within seven days after the date of the report that includes the recommendation, provide written notice of its selection to any decision bodies for the project that are not federal decision bodies. (3) The lead federal decision body must (a) coordinate the efforts of the federal decision bodies to make the determinations required under section 7; (b) coordinate the consultations between the federal decision bodies under subsection 78(1) of the Act; (c) coordinate the consultation between the federal decision bodies and any other decision bodies under subsection 78(1) of the Act; and (d) represent the federal decision bodies in discussions with the other decision bodies in making the determinations required under section 7. (4) If the federal decision bodies cannot come to an agreement on any determination required under section 7, the lead federal decision body must, on behalf of the federal decision bodies, (a) if there are no decision bodies referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition decision body in subsection 2(1) of the Act in relation to the project, determine the matter; or (b) if there are one or more decision bodies referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition decision body in subsection 2(1) of the Act in relation to the project, determine the position of the federal government to Current to June 20, 2022 Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations Consultation Among Decision Bodies Sections 8-9 propose to those other decision bodies with respect to the determination. Coming into Force 9 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Dakota Tipi Band Council Method of Election Regulations SOR/2002-303 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Dakota Tipi Band Council Method of Election Regulations 1 Method of Election Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2002-303 August 8, 2002 INDIAN ACT Dakota Tipi Band Council Method of Election Regulations P.C. 2002-1396 August 8, 2002 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to subsection 74(3) of the Indian Act, hereby makes the annexed Dakota Tipi Band Council Method of Election Regulations. Current to June 20, 2022 Dakota Tipi Band Council Method of Election Regulations Method of Election 1 The chief and the councillors of the Dakota Tipi band shall be elected by a majority of the votes of the electors of the band. Coming into Force 2 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations SOR/92-324 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on February 12, 2009. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Disclosure by Banks of Charges Applicable to Deposit Accounts and Services 1 Short Title Interpretation Personal Deposit Accounts Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts List of Charges Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 ii Registration SOR/92-324 May 21, 1992 BANK ACT Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations P.C. 1992-1099 May 21, 1992 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 443, 445 to 447 and 559 of the Bank Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the disclosure by banks of charges applicable to deposit accounts and services, effective June 1, 1992. * S.C. 1991, c. 46 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Regulations Respecting the Disclosure by Banks of Charges Applicable to Deposit Accounts and Services Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations. Interpretation 2 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. controlled access automated teller machine means an automated teller machine located in a branch or a point of service of a bank, or in an enclosed area adjacent to a branch or a point of service of a bank, access to which is controlled by a system that permits entry to automated teller machine users. (guichet automatique à accès contrôlé) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a bank carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of retail deposit accounts through natural persons. (point de service) SOR/2009-50, s. 1. Personal Deposit Accounts 3 A bank shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to personal deposit accounts with the bank by means of a written statement, copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each of the bank’s branches where products and services are offered, at each of the bank’s points of service and on the bank’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/94-687, s. 2(F); SOR/2009-50, s. 2. 4 Where a bank increases a charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the bank or introduces a new charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the bank, the bank shall disclose the increase or new charge, as the case may be, to each customer in whose name such an account is kept (a) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is provided, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 4-5 (i) by means of a notice in writing provided to the customer at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase or new charge, or (ii) where the customer has instructed the bank in writing to provide such a notice to another person, by means of a notice provided to that other person at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase or new charge; and (b) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is not provided (i) by means of a notice that is displayed, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at each of the bank’s branches where products or services are offered, at each of the bank’s points of service, at each controlled access automated teller machine on which the name of the bank or information identifying the machine with the bank is displayed, and on the bank’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, and (ii) by means of a notice, electronic or otherwise, advising customers of the increase or new charge and the manner in which further details can be obtained, which notice shall be provided, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at all automated teller machines, other than controlled access automated teller machines, on which the name of the bank or information identifying the machine with the bank is displayed. SOR/2009-50, s. 3. Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts 5 (1) A bank shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to any of the following services provided by the bank in respect of deposit accounts with the bank, other than personal deposit accounts, by means of a written statement, copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each of the bank’s branches at which deposit accounts are kept, at each of the bank’s points of service and on the bank’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada: (a) acceptance of deposits; (b) acceptance of coins, cheques or Bank of Canada notes for deposit; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 5-6 (c) issuance of cheques; (d) certification of cheques; (e) handling of a cheque presented by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (f) holding of cheques for deposit; (g) handling of cheques drawn in the currency of the United States; (h) processing of a stop payment on a cheque; (i) handling of a cheque issued by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (j) supply of coins and Bank of Canada notes; (k) handling of overdrafts; (l) transfers between accounts; (m) supply of account statements; (n) handling of account confirmations; (o) conducting searches related to an account; (p) provision of information in regard to an account balance; (q) closing of an account; and (r) handling of unclaimed balances in inactive accounts. (2) The written statement referred to in subsection (1) shall (a) indicate that the statement sets out all charges for services provided by the bank in respect of deposit accounts with the bank other than personal deposit accounts; or (b) indicate that the statement does not set out all of the charges referred to in paragraph (a) and set out the manner in which information regarding charges not included in the statement can be obtained. SOR/94-687, s. 2(F); SOR/2009-50, s. 4. 6 Where a bank increases a charge applicable to a service referred to in subsection 5(1), the bank shall disclose the increase Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 6-8 (a) with respect to customers to whom a statement of account is provided, (i) by means of a notice in writing provided to the customer at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase, or (ii) where the customer has instructed the bank in writing to provide such a notice to another person, by means of a notice in writing provided to that other person at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase; and (b) with respect to customers to whom a statement of account is not provided, by means of a notice that is displayed for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase at each of the bank’s branches where products or services are offered, at each of the bank’s points of service and on the bank’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/2009-50, s. 5. 7 Section 6 does not apply in respect of a customer who has agreed in writing that the bank will charge an amount other than an amount required to be disclosed pursuant to subsection 5(1). List of Charges 8 (1) A bank shall maintain, at each of its branches where products or services are offered, at each of its points of service and on its websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, a list of the charges applicable to deposit accounts with the bank and the usual amount charged by the bank for services normally provided by the bank to its customers and to the public. (2) A bank shall, on request, make the list available to its customers and to the public for inspection during business hours at each of its branches and points of service referred to in subsection (1). SOR/2009-50, s. 6. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2021-181, par. 122 (b) 122 The following Regulations are repealed: (b) the Disclosure of Charges (Banks) Regulations13; SOR/92-324 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009
CONSOLIDATION Dangerous Bulk Materials Regulations [Repealed, SOR/2007-128, s. 408] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 1, 2007. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Loading, Stowing, Unloading and Inspection of Dangerous Materials Carried in Bulk on Ships Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 ii
CONSOLIDATION Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Diversion Remission Order SI/78-162 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission of Sales and Excise Tax on Motor Vehicles Purchased by Diplomatic and Other Representatives of Foreign Countries and Diverted to Taxable Use 1 Short Title Interpretation Reciprocity Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/78-162 October 11, 1978 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Diversion Remission Order P.C. 1978-2963 September 27, 1978 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 17 of the Financial Administration Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order respecting the remission of sales and excise tax on motor vehicles purchased by diplomatic and other representatives of foreign countries and diverted to taxable use. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Respecting the Remission of Sales and Excise Tax on Motor Vehicles Purchased by Diplomatic and Other Representatives of Foreign Countries and Diverted to Taxable Use Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Diversion Remission Order. Interpretation 2 In this Order, Minister means the Minister of National Revenue; (ministre) representative means a person who is (a) the head of a diplomatic mission or the High Commissioner representing other of Her Majesty’s Governments, (b) a counsellor, a secretary or an attaché at an embassy, a legation or an office of a High Commissioner in Canada, (c) a trade commissioner or an assistant trade commissioner representing other of Her Majesty’s Governments, and (d) a consul general, consul or vice-consul of a foreign nation, and who is a native or citizen of the country he represents and is not engaged in any other business or profession. (représentant) 3 (1) Remission is hereby granted of the sales and excise tax payable under subsection 27(4) of the Excise Tax Act (a) on a motor vehicle manufactured or produced in Canada that (i) has been purchased by a representative during the period commencing April 1, 1977 and ending December 31, 1978 for his personal or official use without payment of sales tax under the provisions of Part II of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act and without payment of excise tax under the provisions Current to June 20, 2022 Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Diversion Remission Order Interpretation Sections 3-4 of section 13 of Schedule I to the Excise Tax Act, and (ii) subject to subsection (2), has been in Canada and used by or in the possession of the representative for at least one year; and (b) on a motor vehicle imported into Canada that (i) has been purchased by a representative during the period commencing April 1, 1977 and ending December 31, 1978 for his personal or official use without payment of sales tax under the provisions of Part II of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act and without payment of excise tax under the provisions of section 13 of Schedule I to the Excise Tax Act, and (ii) subject to subsection (2), has been in Canada and used by or in the possession of the representative for at least two years. (2) Where the Minister is advised by the Secretary of State for External Affairs that a representative has been transferred out of Canada, that the transfer had not been anticipated and that the representative could not reasonably have been expected to take a motor vehicle referred to in subsection (1) with him or that the representative has died, remission may be granted pursuant to subsection (1) on the recommendation of the Minister, if (a) in the case of a motor vehicle manufactured or produced in Canada, the motor vehicle has been in Canada and used by or been in the possession of the representative for less than one year; or (b) in the case of a motor vehicle imported into Canada, the motor vehicle has been in Canada and used by or been in the possession of the representative for less than two years. 4 (1) Subject to section 5, remission is hereby granted of the sales tax and excise tax payable under subsection 27(4) of the Excise Tax Act on a motor vehicle that (a) has been purchased in Canada or imported into Canada on or after January 1, 1979 by a representative for his personal or official use without payment of sales tax under the provisions of Part II of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act and without payment of excise tax under the provisions of section 13 of Schedule I to the Excise Tax Act; and Current to June 20, 2022 Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Diversion Remission Order Interpretation Sections 4-5 (b) subject to subsection (2), has been in Canada and used by or in the possession of the representative for at least two years. (2) Where the Minister is advised by the Secretary of State for External Affairs that a representative has been transferred out of Canada, that the transfer had not been anticipated and that the representative could not reasonably have been expected to take the motor vehicle referred to in subsection (1) with him or that the representative has died, remission may be granted pursuant to subsection (1) on the recommendation of the Minister if the motor vehicle has been in Canada and used by or been in the possession of the representative for less than two years. Reciprocity 5 No remission pursuant to section 4 shall be granted under this Order to a representative of a government where the Secretary of State for External Affairs has advised the Minister that full reciprocity is not being accorded by the government to offices, officials and employees of the Government of Canada. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations SOR/2006-306 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 11, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations Interpretation Distributing Coming into Force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 ii Registration SOR/2006-306 November 28, 2006 TRUST AND LOAN COMPANIES ACT Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations P.C. 2006-1431 November 28, 2006 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 2.3(1)a of the Trust and Loan Companies Actb, hereby makes the annexed Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 54, s. 369 b S.C. 1991, c. 45 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Trust and Loan Companies Act. Distributing 2 (1) For the purpose of the Act and subject to subsection (2), any one of the following constitutes a distributing company: (a) a company that is a reporting issuer under any legislation that is set out in column 2 of the schedule; or (b) in the case of a company that is not a reporting issuer referred to in paragraph (a), a company (i) that has filed a prospectus or registration statement under provincial or foreign legislation, (ii) any of the securities of which are listed and posted for trading on a stock exchange in or outside Canada, or (iii) that is involved in, is formed for, results from or is continued after an amalgamation, a reorganization, an arrangement or a statutory procedure, if one of the participating bodies corporate is an entity referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii). (2) A company that is subject to an exemption under provincial securities legislation, or to an order of the relevant provincial securities regulator that provides that the company is not a reporting issuer for the purposes of the applicable legislation, is not a distributing company for the purpose of subsection (1). SOR/2008-86, s. 1. Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Trust and Loan Company Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Paragraph 2(1)(a)) REPORTING ISSUER Column 1 Column 2 Item Jurisdiction Legislation Ontario the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amend‐ ed from time to time Quebec the definition reporting issuer in sections 5 and 68 of the Securities Act, R.S.Q., c. V-1.1, as amended from time to time Nova Scotia the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(ao) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 418, as amended from time to time New Brunswick the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, S.N.B. 2004, c. S-5.5, as amended from time to time Manitoba the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, C.C.S.M., c. S50, as amended from time to time British Columbia the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418, as amended from time to time Saskatchewan the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(qq) of The Securities Act, 1988, S.S. 1988-89, c. S-42.2, as amended from time to time Alberta the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 1(ccc) and section 145 of the Securities Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. S-4, as amended from time to time Newfoundland and Labrador the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(oo) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. S-13, as amended from time to time SOR/2008-86, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008
CONSOLIDATION Dipropylacetic Acid (also known as 2-Propylpentanoic Acid) Remission Order C.R.C., c. 758 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission of Customs Duties nn Dipropylacetic Acid also known as 2Propylpentanoic Acid or its Sodium Salt 1 Short Title Remission Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 758 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Dipropylacetic Acid (also known Propylpentanoic Acid) Remission Order as 2Order Respecting the Remission of Customs Duties nn Dipropylacetic Acid also known as 2-Propylpentanoic Acid or its Sodium Salt Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Dipropylacetic Acid (also known as 2-Propylpentanoic Acid) Remission Order. Remission 2 Remission is hereby granted of the customs duties paid or payable under the Customs Tariff on dipropylacetic acid, also known as 2-propylpentanoic acid, or its sodium salt, whether or not with admixture, imported on or after January 1, 1976, for use in the treatment of epilepsy. SI/88-17, s. 2(E). Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Direct Shipment of Goods Regulations SOR/86-876 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Prescribing the Terms and Conditions Subject to Which Goods Exported to Canada from any Country but that Pass in Transit Through Another Country Shall Be Deemed to Be Shipped Directly to Canada from the First Mentioned Country Short Title General Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/86-876 August 14, 1986 CUSTOMS ACT Direct Shipment of Goods Regulations P.C. 1986-1853 August 13, 1986 Whereas, pursuant to subsection 164(3) of the Customs Act, a copy of proposed Regulations, substantially in the form annexed hereto, was published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on March 15, 1986 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations with respect thereto to the Minister of National Revenue. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to section 54 and paragraph 164(1)(i) of the Customs Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations prescribing the terms and conditions subject to which goods exported to Canada from any country but that pass in transit through another country shall be deemed to be shipped directly to Canada from the first mentioned country, effective on the coming into force of section 54 and paragraph 164(1)(i) of the Customs Act. * S.C. 1986, c. 1 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Prescribing the Terms and Conditions Subject to Which Goods Exported to Canada from any Country but that Pass in Transit Through Another Country Shall Be Deemed to Be Shipped Directly to Canada from the First Mentioned Country Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Direct Shipment of Goods Regulations. General 2 (1) For the purposes of section 54 of the Customs Act, where goods are exported to Canada from any country but pass in transit through another country, the goods shall be deemed to be shipped directly to Canada from the first mentioned country on condition that the journey of the goods from that country to Canada is uninterrupted and the importer of the goods complies with section 3. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the transfer of goods from one carrier to another carrier is not an interruption of the journey of the goods to Canada. SOR/89-184, s. 1(F). 3 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the importer of any goods referred to in subsection 2(1) shall, where an officer so requests, submit the original bill of lading for the goods, or a certified copy thereof, to the officer. (2) Where the original bill of lading for the goods, or a certified copy thereof, is not available, the importer of the goods shall, where an officer so requests, provide the officer with such other information or documents as are available to the importer for the purpose of enabling the officer to determine the country of export of the goods. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Determining that the Canada Development Corporation Need Not Apply for a Certificate of Continuance Under the Act [Repealed, SOR/2008-317, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on December 12, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Determining that the Canada Development Corporation Need Not Apply for a Certificate of Continuance Under the Act Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 ii
CONSOLIDATION Domestic Wine Spirits Remission Order C.R.C., c. 759 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Duty on Spirits for the Treatment of Domestic Wine 1 Short Title Remission Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 759 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Domestic Wine Spirits Remission Order Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Duty on Spirits for the Treatment of Domestic Wine Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Domestic Wine Spirits Remission Order. Remission 2 Remission of the excise duty set out in subsection 1(1) of Part I of the schedule to the Excise Act imposed and levied pursuant to section 187 of that Act is hereby granted on the spirits used for the treatment of domestic wine after September 18, 1975, in any bonded manufactory. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Order Rescinding Decision No. 618-W-2005 of the Canadian Transportation Agency SOR/2006-139 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Rescinding Decision No. 618-W-2005 of the Canadian Transportation Agency Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2006-139 June 15, 2006 CANADA TRANSPORTATION ACT Order Rescinding Decision No. 618-W-2005 of the Canadian Transportation Agency P.C. 2006-532 June 15, 2006 Whereas, pursuant to section 40 of the Canada Transportation Act, the Laurentian Pilotage Authority has petitioned the Governor in Council to rescind Decision No. 618-W-2005 of the Canadian Transportation Agency dated October 14, 2005; Whereas section 33 of the Pilotage Acta provides that a Pilotage Authority shall, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations prescribing tariffs of pilotage charges to be paid to that Authority for pilotage and that all such tariffs shall be fixed at a level that permits the Authority to operate on a selfsustaining financial basis and shall be fair and reasonable; And whereas the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the tariff increases that the Laurentian Pilotage Authority published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on March 5, 2005, and in force on July 1, 2005b, are not prejudicial to the public interest; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, pursuant to section 40 of the Canada Transportation Act, hereby rescinds Decision No. 618-W-2005 of the Canadian Transportation Agency. a S.C. 1998, c. 10, s. 149 b SOR/2005-162 Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Definition of “Small Cable Transmission System” Regulations SOR/94-755 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on April 23, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Definition of “Small Cable Transmission System” Regulations 2 Interpretation Small Cable Transmission System Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 ii Registration SOR/94-755 December 6, 1994 COPYRIGHT ACT Definition of “Small Cable Transmission System” Regulations P.C. 1994-2010 December 6, 1994 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology and the Minister of Communications, pursuant to subsection 67.2(1.2)* of the Copyright Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations defining “small cable transmission system” for the purpose of subsection 67.2(1.1) of the Copyright Act. * S.C. 1993, c. 23, s. 4(1) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of “Small Cable Transmission System” Regulations 1 [Repealed, SOR/2005-148, s. 2] Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, licence [Repealed, SOR/2005-148, s. 3] licensed area [Repealed, SOR/2005-148, s. 3] premises means (a) a dwelling, including a single-unit residence or a single unit within a multiple-unit residence, or (b) a room in a commercial or institutional building. (local) service area means an area in which premises served in accordance with the laws and regulations of Canada by a cable transmission system are located. (zone de service) SOR/2005-148, s. 3. Small Cable Transmission System 3 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4) and section 4, small cable transmission system means a cable transmission system that transmits a signal, with or without a fee, to not more than 2,000 premises in the same service area. (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), where a cable transmission system is included in the same unit as one or more other cable transmission systems, the number of premises to which the cable transmission system transmits a signal is deemed to be equal to the total number of premises to which all cable transmission systems included in that unit transmit a signal. (3) For the purpose of subsection (2), a cable transmission system is included in the same unit as one or more other cable transmission systems where Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014 Definition of “Small Cable Transmission System” Regulations Small Cable Transmission System Sections 3-4 (a) they are owned or directly or indirectly controlled by the same person or group of persons; and (b) their service areas are each less than 5 km distant, at some point, from at least one other among them, and those service areas would constitute a series of contiguous service areas, in a linear or non-linear configuration, were it not for that distance. (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to a cable transmission system that was included in a unit on December 31, 1993. SOR/2005-148, s. 4; SOR/2014-80, s. 2(F). 4 The definition set out in subsection 3(1) does not include a cable transmission system that is a master antenna system if it is located within the service area of another cable transmission system that transmits a signal, with or without a fee, to more than 2,000 premises in that service area. SOR/2005-148, s. 5. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 23, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Deposit Type Instruments Regulations SOR/2011-98 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 16, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Interpretation 1 Definitions Manner of Disclosure 2 Clear and simple language Disclosure in Respect of the Issuance of a Deposit Type Instrument 3 Information to be disclosed Calculation of time — disclosure by mail Subsequent Disclosure 5 Information — amendments Information — current value Information — redemption before maturity Advertisements 8 Required content — all advertisements Cancellation Periods for Certain Instruments 9 New instruments issued without further agreement Consequential Amendment Coming into Force 11 November 1, 2011 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 ii Registration SOR/2011-98 March 25, 2011 COOPERATIVE CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ACT BANK ACT TRUST AND LOAN COMPANIES ACT Deposit Type Instruments Regulations P.C. 2011-508 March 25, 2011 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 458.3a, 459.4b, 575.1c and 576.2d of the Bank Acte, sections 385.252f and 385.28g of the Cooperative Credit Associations Acth and sections 443.2i and 444.3j of the Trust and Loan Companies Actk, hereby makes the annexed Deposit Type Instruments Regulations. a S.C. 2009, c. 2, s. 271 b S.C. 2007, c. 6, s. 37 c S.C. 2009, c. 2, s. 274 d S.C. 2007, c. 6, s. 93 e S.C. 1991, c. 46 f S.C. 2009, c. 2, s. 278 g S.C. 2007, c. 6, s. 170 h S.C. 1991, c. 48 i S.C. 2009, c. 2, s. 291 j S.C. 2007, c. 6, s. 368 k S.C. 1991, c. 45 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Interpretation Definitions 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. business day means a day other than Saturday or a holiday. (jour ouvrable) deposit type instrument means a product that is issued in Canada by an institution, that is related to a deposit and that specifies a fixed investment period and (a) a fixed rate of interest; or (b) a variable rate of interest that is calculated on the basis of the institution’s prime lending rate or bankers’ acceptance rate. (instrument de type dépôt) institution means (a) a bank, as defined in section 2 of the Bank Act; (b) an authorized foreign bank, as defined in section 2 of the Bank Act; (c) a retail association, as defined in section 2 of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act; or (d) a company, as defined in section 2 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act. (institution) interest, in relation to a deposit type instrument, includes any return payable under the instrument by an institution in respect of the deposit. (intérêt) Manner of Disclosure Clear and simple language 2 Any disclosure that is required to be made by an institution under these Regulations must be made in language, and presented in a manner, that is clear, simple and not misleading. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Disclosure in Respect of the Issuance of a Deposit Type Instrument Section 3 Disclosure in Respect of the Issuance of a Deposit Type Instrument Information to be disclosed 3 (1) At or before the time an institution enters into an agreement with a person for the issuance of a deposit type instrument, the institution must disclose the following information to the person, orally and in writing: (a) the annual rate of interest in respect of the instrument, if the rate of interest is fixed; (b) if the rate of interest is variable, (i) how the rate of interest is determined, (ii) the prime lending rate or the bankers’ acceptance rate, as the case may be, that is used for the calculation of the rate of interest, (iii) the prime lending rate or the banker’s acceptance rate in effect when the information is disclosed, and (iv) how the person may obtain the rate of interest from the institution during the investment period; (c) any charges in respect of the instrument; (d) when interest is calculated and paid under the instrument; (e) the dates on which the investment period specified in the instrument begins and ends; (f) whether the instrument may be redeemed prior to maturity and, if so, the effect of early redemption on the interest payable; (g) if the agreement provides that the issuance of the instrument may be cancelled within a specified period, the duration of the period; (h) if the agreement provides that after the maturity of the instrument a new instrument may be issued to the person without a further agreement being entered into, the fact that a new instrument may be issued without a further agreement, the conditions under which a new instrument may be issued without a further agreement and (i) whether its rate of interest is fixed or variable, and the rate or method for determining the rate, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Disclosure in Respect of the Issuance of a Deposit Type Instrument Sections 3-5 (ii) its investment period, and (iii) any charges related to its issuance or the cancellation of its issuance; and (i) if the instrument relates to a deposit that is not eligible for deposit insurance coverage by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, the fact that it is not eligible. Exception: agreements entered into by telephone (2) In the case of an agreement for the issuance of a deposit type instrument that is entered into by telephone, the institution is not required to provide the disclosure referred to in subsection (1) in writing on or before entering into the agreement. However, the institution must provide the written disclosure after entering into the agreement. Exception: agreements entered into by electronic means or by mail (3) In the case of an agreement for the issuance of a deposit type instrument that is entered into by electronic means or by mail, the institution is not required to provide the disclosure referred to in subsection (1) orally. However, before entering into the agreement the institution must disclose, in addition to the written disclosure referred to in subsection (1), the telephone number of a person who is knowledgeable about the terms and conditions of the instrument. New instruments issued without further agreement (4) If a new instrument is issued to a person pursuant to an agreement referred to in paragraph (1)(h), the institution must disclose in writing the information concerning the instrument referred to in subsection (1) to the person without delay after the instrument is issued. SOR/2016-142, s. 7(F); SOR/2020-47, s. 17. Calculation of time — disclosure by mail 4 An institution that provides the written disclosure referred to in section 3 by mail is considered to have provided the disclosure five business days after the postmark date. Subsequent Disclosure Information — amendments 5 Before making an amendment to any terms or conditions of a deposit type instrument, the institution must disclose the amendment, and its potential impact on the interest payable, in writing to the person to whom the instrument was issued. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Subsequent Disclosure Sections 6-9 Information — current value 6 An institution that issues a deposit type instrument must, if requested by the person to whom it is issued, disclose to the person without delay the amount of the principal and accrued interest on the day the request was made. Information — redemption before maturity 7 An institution that redeems a deposit type instrument before the end of the investment period must, before redeeming the instrument, disclose to the person to whom the instrument was issued the amount of the principal and accrued interest, any penalty or charge for the redemption and the net amount payable by the institution on redemption. Advertisements Required content — all advertisements 8 (1) In each of its advertisements for deposit type instruments, an institution must disclose how the public may obtain information about the instruments. Required content — advertisements referring to an instrument’s features or interest payable (2) In each of its advertisements for deposit type instruments that refer to features of deposit type instruments or the interest payable under them, an institution must also disclose (a) the manner in which interest is to be accrued and any limitations in respect of the interest payable; and (b) if the instruments relate to deposits that are not eligible for deposit insurance coverage by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, the fact that they are not eligible. Exception (3) Paragraph (2)(b) does not apply to an institution to which subsection 413.1(2) or 545(5) of the Bank Act, subsection 378.2(2) of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act or subsection 413.1(2) of the Trust and Loan Companies Act applies. Cancellation Periods for Certain Instruments New instruments issued without further agreement 9 An institution must allow a person to whom a new instrument is issued pursuant to an agreement referred to Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations Cancellation Periods for Certain Instruments Sections 9-11 in paragraph 3(1)(h) to cancel the issuance of the instrument within at least 10 business days after the day of its issuance. Consequential Amendment 10 [Amendment] Coming into Force November 1, 2011 11 These Regulations come into force on November 1, 2011. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020 Deposit Type Instruments Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2021-181, s. 110 110 Paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition institution in section 1 of the Deposit Type Instruments Regulations6 are repealed. — SOR/2021-181, s. 111 111 Subsection 8(3) of the Regulations is replaced by the following: Exception (3) Paragraph (2)(b) does not apply to an institution to which subsection 378.2(2) of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act or subsection 413.1(2) of the Trust and Loan Companies Act applies. SOR/2011-98 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 16, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Dominion Atlantic Railway Traffic Rules and Regulations [Repealed, SOR/2016-319, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 28, 2016 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on December 28, 2016. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 28, 2016 TABLE OF PROVISIONS The Dominion Atlantic Railway Company Traffic Rules And Regulations (By-Law Number 17) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 28, 2016 ii
CONSOLIDATION Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 SI/89-147 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/89-147 June 21, 1989 OLD AGE SECURITY ACT Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 JEANNE SAUVÉ [L.S.] Canada Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. To All to Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anyway concern, Greeting: JOHN C. TAIT Deputy Attorney General A Proclamation Whereas section 41 of the Old Age Security Act, being chapter O-9 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, provides as follows: “41. (1) The Governor in Council may, by order, declare any agreement entered into under section 40 to be in force and, when any such order comes into force, the agreement to which it relates has the force of law in Canada during such period as by the terms of the agreement it remains in force. (2) Notice of the day an agreement entered into under section 40 comes into force and of the day it ceases to be in force shall be given by proclamation of the Governor in Council published, with the text of the agreement, in the Canada Gazette.”; And Whereas by Order in Council P.C. 1988-956 of the May 19, 1988*, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council declared the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica, signed at Roseau on January 14, 1988, to be in force in Canada on the first day of the second month following the month in which each Party shall * Not published in the Canada Gazette Part II Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 have received from the other Party written notification in accordance with Article XXIII of the Agreement; And Whereas subsections 42(1) and (2) of the said Act provide as follows: “42. (1) An order under section 41 shall be laid before Parliament not later than fifteen days after its issue or, if Parliament is not then sitting, within the first fifteen days next thereafter that either House of Parliament is sitting. (2) An order referred to in subsection (1) shall come into force on the thirtieth sitting day after it has been laid before Parliament pursuant to that subsection unless before the twentieth sitting day after the order has been laid before Parliament a motion for the consideration of either House, to the effect that the order be revoked, signed by not less than fifty members of the House of Commons in the case of a motion for the consideration of that House and by not less than twenty members of the Senate in the case of a motion for the consideration of the Senate, is filed with the Speaker of the appropriate House.”; And Whereas the said Order in Council was laid before Parliament on June 9, 1988; And Whereas no motion for the consideration of either House was filed pursuant to subsection 42(2) of the said Act before the twentieth sitting day after the said Order in Council was laid before Parliament; And Whereas pursuant to subsection 42(2) of the said Act, on the thirtieth sitting day after the said Order in Council was laid before Parliament, being July 25, 1988, the said Order came into force; And Whereas on November 30, 1988 each Party received from the other Party written notification that it has complied with all statutory and constitutional requirements for the coming into force of the Agreement; And Whereas the Agreement came into force on January 1, 1989, which is the first day of the second month following November 30, 1988; And Whereas by Order in Council P.C. 1989-496 of March 23, 1989**, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council directed that a proclamation do issue giving notice that the said Agreement came into force on January 1, 1989; ** Not published in the Canada Gazette Part II Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 Now Know You that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our Proclamation declare and direct that the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica, signed at Roseau on January 14, 1988, a copy of which is annexed hereto, is in force as of January 1, 1989. Of All Which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness: Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Jeanne Sauvé, a Member of Our Privy Council for Canada, Chancellor and Principal Companion of Our Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Military Merit upon whom We have conferred Our Canadian Forces’ Decoration, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada. At Our Government House, in Our City of Ottawa, this twenty-third day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine and in the thirty-eighth year of Our Reign. By Command, I. D. CLARK Deputy Registrar General of Canada Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica The Government of Canada and the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, Resolved to co-operate in the field of social security, Have decided to conclude an agreement for this purpose, and Have agreed as follows: PART I General Provisions ARTICLE I Definitions 1 For the purposes of this Agreement, (a) Government of Canada means the Government in its capacity as representative of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and represented by the Minister of National Health and Welfare; (b) territory means, as regards Canada, the territory of Canada; and, as regards Dominica, the territory of Dominica; (c) legislation means the laws and regulations specified in Article II; (d) competent authority means, as regards Canada, the Minister or Ministers responsible for the administration of the legislation of Canada; and, as regards Dominica, the Minister responsible for the subject of Social Security; (e) competent institution means, as regards Canada, the competent authority; and, as regards Dominica, the Social Security Board; (f) creditable period means a period of contributions, whether paid or credited, or a period of residence used to acquire the right to a benefit under the legislation of either Party; as regards Canada, it also means a period during which a disability pension is payable under the Canada Pension Plan; (g) benefit means any cash benefit, pension or allowance for which provision is made in the legislation of either Party and includes any supplements or increases applicable to such a cash benefit, pension or allowance; however, for the purposes of Articles VIII, IX and X, “benefit” does not include a grant payable under the legislation of Dominica. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 2 Any term not defined in this Article has the meaning assigned to it in the applicable legislation. ARTICLE II Legislation to Which the Agreement Applies 1 This Agreement shall apply to the following legislation: (a) with respect to Canada: (i) the Old Age Security Act and the regulations made thereunder, and (ii) the Canada Pension Plan and the regulations made thereunder; (b) with respect to Dominica: the Social Security Act, 1975, and the regulations made thereunder, as they relate to: (i) age benefit, (ii) invalidity benefit, (iii) survivors’ benefit, and (iv) funeral grant. 2 With regard to Part II only, this Agreement shall apply to all aspects of the legislation of Dominica referred to in subparagraph 1(b). 3 Subject to paragraph 4, this Agreement shall apply also to any legislation which amends, supplements, consolidates or supersedes the legislation specified in paragraph 1. 4 This Agreement shall apply to laws or regulations which extend the existing legislation to other categories of beneficiaries only if no objection on the part of either Party has been communicated to the other Party within three months of notification of such laws or regulations. ARTICLE III Persons to Whom the Agreement Applies This Agreement shall apply to any person who is or who has been subject to the legislation of Canada or Dominica, and to the dependants and survivors of such a person within the meaning of the applicable legislation of either Party. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 ARTICLE IV Equality of Treatment Any person who is or who has been subject to the legislation of a Party, and the dependants and survivors of such a person, shall be subject to the obligations of the legislation of the other Party and shall be eligible for the benefits of that legislation under the same conditions as citizens of the latter Party. The preceding shall also apply to a citizen of the first Party who has never been subject to the legislation of that Party, and to the dependants and survivors of such a citizen. ARTICLE V Export of Benefits 1 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, benefits acquired by any person described in Article III under the legislation of one Party, including benefits acquired by virtue of this Agreement, shall not be subject to any reduction, modification, suspension, cancellation or confiscation by reason only of the fact that the person resides in the territory of the other Party, and they shall be payable in the territory of the other Party. 2 Benefits payable under this Agreement to a person who is or who has been subject to the legislation of both Parties, or to the dependants or survivors of such a person, shall be payable in the territory of a third State. PART II Provisions Concerning the Applicable Legislation ARTICLE VI 1 Subject to the following provisions of this Article, (a) an employed person who works in the territory of one Party shall, in respect of that work, be subject only to the legislation of that Party; and (b) a self-employed person who ordinarily resides in the territory of one Party and who works for his or her own account in the territory of the other Party or in the territories of both Parties shall, in respect of that work, be subject only to the legislation of the former Party. 2 An employed person who is covered under the legislation of one Party and who performs services in the territory of the other Party for the same employer shall, in respect of those services, be subject only to the legislation of the former Party as though those services were performed in its territory. In the case of an assignment, this coverage may not be maintained for more than 24 months without the prior consent of the competent authorities of both Parties. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 3 A person who, but for this Agreement, would be subject to the legislation of both Parties in respect of employment as a member of the crew of a ship shall, in respect of that employment, be subject only to the legislation of Canada if he or she ordinarily resides in Canada and only to the legislation of Dominica in any other case. 4 An employed person shall, in respect of the duties of a government employment performed in the territory of the other Party, be subject to the legislation of the latter Party only if he or she is a citizen thereof or ordinarily resides in its territory. In the latter case that person may, however, elect to be subject only to the legislation of the former Party if he or she is a citizen thereof. Article IV shall not apply to extend this right to elect to a person who is not a citizen of the former Party. 5 The competent authorities of the Parties may, by common agreement, modify the application of the provisions of this Article with respect to any persons or categories of persons. ARTICLE VII Definition of Certain Periods of Residence with Respect to the Legislation of Canada 1 For the purpose of calculating benefits under the Old Age Security Act: (a) if a person is subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada during any period of residence in the territory of Dominica, that period shall be considered as a period of residence in Canada for that person as well as for that person’s spouse and dependants who reside with him or her and who are not subject to the legislation of Dominica by reason of employment; (b) if a person is subject to the legislation of Dominica during any period of residence in the territory of Canada, that period shall not be considered as a period of residence in Canada for that person and for that person’s spouse and dependants who reside with him or her and who are not subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada by reason of employment; (c) if a person who is ordinarily resident in the territory of Dominica is present and employed in the territory of Canada and, in respect of that employment, is subject to the Canada Pension Plan or to the comprehensive pension plan of a province of Canada, the period of presence and employment in Canada shall be considered as a period of residence in Canada. 2 Subparagraph 1(c) shall apply only in respect of periods after the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 PART III Provisions Concerning Benefits CHAPTER 1 TOTALIZING ARTICLE VIII 1 If a person is not entitled to a benefit on the basis of the periods creditable under the legislation of one Party, eligibility for that benefit shall be determined by totalizing these periods and those specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, provided that the periods do not overlap. 2 (a) For purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Old Age Security Act of Canada, a period of residence in the territory of Dominica, after the age at which periods of residence in Canada are creditable for purposes of that Act and after January 1, 1971, or a creditable period under the legislation of Dominica shall be considered as a period of residence in the territory of Canada; (b) for purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the Canada Pension Plan, a calendar year including at least 13 weeks which are creditable under the legislation of Dominica shall be considered as a year for which contributions have been made under the Canada Pension Plan. 3 For purposes of determining eligibility for a benefit under the legislation of Dominica, (a) a year commencing on or after January 1, 1971 which is a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as 52 weeks for which contributions have been paid under the legislation of Dominica; (b) a week commencing on or after January 1, 1971 which is a creditable period under the Old Age Security Act of Canada and which is not part of a creditable period under the Canada Pension Plan shall be considered as a week for which contributions have been paid under the legislation of Dominica. ARTICLE IX If a person is not entitled to a benefit on the basis of the periods creditable under the legislation of the Parties, totalized as provided in this Agreement, eligibility for that benefit shall be determined by totalizing these periods and periods creditable under the laws of a third State with which both Parties are bound by an international social security instrument which provides for totalizing of periods. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 ARTICLE X 1 If the total duration of the creditable periods completed under the legislation of one Party is less than one year and if, taking into account only those periods, no right to a benefit exists under that legislation, the competent institution of that Party shall not be required to award benefits in respect of those periods by virtue of this Agreement. 2 These periods shall, however, be taken into consideration by the competent institution of the other Party to determine eligibility for benefits under the legislation of that Party through the application of Articles VIII and IX. CHAPTER 2 BENEFITS UNDER THE LEGISLATION OF CANADA ARTICLE XI Benefits Under the Old Age Security Act 1 (a) If a person is entitled to payment of a pension in Canada under the Old Age Security Act without recourse to the provisions of this Agreement, but has not accumulated sufficient periods of residence in Canada to qualify for payment of the pension abroad under that Act, a partial pension shall be paid to that person outside the territory of Canada if the periods of residence, when totalized as provided in this Agreement, are at least equal to the minimum period of residence in Canada required by the Old Age Security Act for payment of a pension abroad; (b) the amount of the pension payable shall, in this case, be calculated in conformity with the provisions of the Old Age Security Act governing the payment of a partial pension, exclusively on the basis of the periods creditable under that Act. 2 (a) If a person is not entitled to an Old Age Security pension or a spouse’s allowance solely on the basis of periods of residence in Canada, a partial pension or a spouse’s allowance shall be paid to that person if the periods of residence, when totalized as provided in this Agreement, are at least equal to the minimum period of residence in Canada required by the Old Age Security Act for payment of a pension or a spouse’s allowance; (b) the amount of the pension or the spouse’s allowance payable shall, in this case, be calculated in conformity with the provisions of the Old Age Security Act governing the payment of a partial pension or a spouse’s allowance, exclusively on the basis of the periods creditable under that Act. 3 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the competent institution of Canada shall not be liable to pay an Old Age Security pension outside the territory of Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 Canada unless the periods of residence, when totalized as provided in this Agreement, are at least equal to the minimum period of residence in Canada required by the Old Age Security Act for payment of a pension abroad; (b) the spouse’s allowance and the guaranteed income supplement shall be paid outside the territory of Canada only to the extent permitted by the Old Age Security Act. ARTICLE XII Benefits Under the Canada Pension Plan 1 If a person is not entitled to a disability pension, disabled contributor’s child’s benefit, survivor’s pension, orphan’s benefit or death benefit solely on the basis of the periods creditable under the Canada Pension Plan, but is entitled to that benefit through the totalizing of periods as provided in this Agreement, the competent institution of Canada shall calculate the amount of the earnings-related portion of such benefit in conformity with the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan, exclusively on the basis of the pensionable earnings under that Plan. 2 (a) The amount of the flat-rate portion of the benefit payable under the provisions of this Agreement shall, in this case, be determined by multiplying: (i) the amount of the flat-rate portion of the benefit determined under the provisions of the Canada Pension Plan by (ii) the fraction which represents the ratio of the periods of contributions to the Canada Pension Plan in relation to the minimum qualifying period required under the Canada Pension Plan for entitlement to that benefit; (b) in no case, however, shall the fraction referred to in subparagraph (a)(ii) exceed the value of one. CHAPTER 3 BENEFITS UNDER THE LEGISLATION OF DOMINICA ARTICLE XIII 1 If a person is not entitled to an age pension, an invalidity pension or a survivors’ pension solely on the basis of the periods creditable under the legislation of Dominica, but is entitled to that benefit through the totalizing of periods as provided in this Agreement, the competent institution of Dominica shall calculate the amount of benefit payable in the following manner: Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 (a) it shall first determine the amount of the theoretical benefit which would be payable under the legislation of Dominica solely on the basis of the creditable periods completed under that legislation; (b) it shall then multiply the theoretical benefit by the ratio that the creditable periods actually completed under the legislation of Dominica represent in relation to the minimum creditable period required under the legislation of Dominica for entitlement to the benefit in question. 2 The proportional benefit calculated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be the benefit payable by the competent institution of Dominica. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, where an age grant, an invalidity grant or a survivors’ grant is payable under the legislation of Dominica, but eligibility for a corresponding pension under that legislation can be established through the application of this Agreement, the pension shall be paid in lieu of the grant. 4 Where an age grant, an invalidity grant or a survivors’ grant was paid under the legislation of Dominica in respect of an event which happened before the date of entry into force of this Agreement, and where eligibility for a corresponding pension under that legislation is subsequently established through the application of this Agreement, the competent institution of Dominica shall deduct from any benefit payable in the form of a pension any amount previously paid in the form of a grant. PART IV Administrative and Miscellaneous Provisions ARTICLE XIV 1 The competent authorities and institutions responsible for the application of this Agreement: (a) shall, to the extent permitted by the legislation which they administer, communicate to each other any information necessary for the application of this Agreement; (b) shall lend their good offices and furnish assistance to one another with regard to the determination or payment of any benefit under this Agreement or the legislation to which this Agreement applies as if the matter involved the application of their own legislation; (c) shall communicate to each other, as soon as possible, all information about the measures taken by them for the application of this Agreement or about changes in their respective legislation insofar as these changes affect the application of this Agreement. 2 The assistance referred to in subparagraph 1(b) shall be provided free of charge, subject to any agreement reached between the competent authorities of the Parties for the reimbursement of certain types of expenses. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 3 Unless disclosure is required under the laws of a Party, any information about an individual which is transmitted in accordance with this Agreement to that Party by the other Party is confidential and shall be used only for purposes of implementing this Agreement and the legislation to which this Agreement applies. ARTICLE XV 1 The competent authorities of the Parties shall establish, by means of an administrative arrangement, the measures necessary for the application of this Agreement. 2 The liaison agencies of the Parties shall be designated in that arrangement. ARTICLE XVI 1 Any exemption from or reduction of taxes, legal dues, consular fees or administrative charges for which provision is made in the legislation of one Party in connection with the issuing of any certificate or document required to be produced for the application of that legislation shall be extended to certificates or documents required to be produced for the application of the legislation of the other Party. 2 Any acts or documents of an official nature required to be produced for the application of this Agreement shall be exempt from any authentication by diplomatic or consular authorities and similar formality. ARTICLE XVII For the application of this Agreement, the competent authorities and institutions of the Parties may communicate directly with one another in any of the official languages of either Party. ARTICLE XVIII 1 Any claim, notice or appeal concerning the determination or payment of a benefit under the legislation of one Party which should, for the purposes of that legislation, have been presented within a prescribed period to a competent authority or institution of that Party, but which is presented within the same period to a competent authority or institution of the other Party, shall be treated as if it had been presented to the authority or institution of the first Party. 2 A claim for a benefit under the legislation of one Party shall be deemed to be a claim for the corresponding benefit under the legislation of the other Party, provided that the applicant: (a) requests that it be considered an application under the legislation of the other Party, or (b) provides information at the time of application indicating that creditable periods have been completed under the legislation of the other Party. However, the applicant may request that the claim to the benefit under the legislation of the other Party be deferred. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 3 In any case to which paragraph 1 or 2 applies, the authority or institution to which the claim, notice or appeal has been submitted shall transmit it without delay to the authority or institution of the other Party. ARTICLE XIX 1 (a) The competent institution of Canada shall discharge its obligations under this Agreement in the currency of Canada; (b) the competent institution of Dominica shall discharge its obligations under this Agreement: (i) in respect of a beneficiary resident in Dominica, in the currency of Dominica, (ii) in respect of a beneficiary resident in Canada, in the currency of Canada, and (iii) in respect of a beneficiary resident in a third State, in any currency freely convertible in that State. 2 In the application of subparagraphs 1(b)(ii) and (iii), the conversion rate shall be the rate of exchange in effect on the day when the payment is made. 3 Benefits shall be paid to beneficiaries free from any deduction for administrative expenses that may be incurred in paying the benefits. ARTICLE XX The competent authorities of the Parties shall resolve, to the extent possible, any difficulties which arise in interpreting or applying this Agreement according to its spirit and fundamental principles. ARTICLE XXI The relevant authority of Dominica and a province of Canada may conclude understandings concerning any social security matter within provincial jurisdiction in Canada insofar as those understandings are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. PART V Transitional and Final Provisions ARTICLE XXII 1 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any creditable period completed before the date of entry into force of this Agreement shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining the right to a benefit under the Agreement. 2 No provision of this Agreement shall confer any right to receive payment of a benefit for a period before the date of entry into force of the Agreement. Current to June 20, 2022 Proclamation Declaring the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica in Force January 1, 1989 3 Subject to paragraph 2, a benefit, other than a lump sum payment, shall be paid under this Agreement in respect of events which happened before the date of entry into force of the Agreement. ARTICLE XXIII 1 This Agreement shall enter into force, after the conclusion of the administrative arrangement referred to in Article XV, on the first day of the second month following the month in which each Party shall have received from the other Party written notification that it has complied with all statutory and constitutional requirements for the entry into force of this Agreement. 2 This Agreement shall remain in force without any limitation on its duration. It may be denounced at any time by either Party giving 12-months’ notice in writing to the other Party. 3 In the event of the termination of this Agreement, any right acquired by a person in accordance with its provisions shall be maintained and negotiations shall take place for the settlement of any rights then in course of acquisition by virtue of its provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. Done in two copies at Roseau this 14th day of January, 1988, in the English and French languages, each text being equally authentic. For the Government of Canada JAKE EPP For the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica: BRIAN ALLEYNE Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 SOR/93-139b Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Employment of Persons for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Three Months Totalling Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate During Any Consecutive 12-Month Period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory Group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing Group, the Data Processing Group and the Office Equipment Group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades Group, the General Services Group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation Group and the Ships’ Crews Group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration Group, the General Technical Group, the Engineering and Scientific Support Group, the Electronics Group, the Ships’ Officers Group and the Social Science Support Group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning Group and the Engineering and Land Survey Group of the Scientific and Professional Category During the Period Beginning on April 1, 1993 and Ending on December 31, 1993 Short Title Interpretation Application General Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/93-139b March 16, 1993 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ACT Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 P.C. 1993-508 March 16, 1993 Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided that it is not practicable nor in the best interests of the Public Service to apply the provisions of the Public Service Employment Act to all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993 for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Whereas the Public Service Commission is of the opinion that it is desirable to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to exclude from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993 for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; And Whereas the Public Service Commission recommends, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, that the Governor in Council make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, (a) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State of Canada, is pleased hereby, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Order approving the exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act of all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993, for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; and (b) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State of Canada and the Public Service Commission, is pleased hereby, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993. Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting the Employment of Persons for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Three Months Totalling Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate During Any Consecutive 12-Month Period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory Group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing Group, the Data Processing Group and the Office Equipment Group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades Group, the General Services Group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation Group and the Ships’ Crews Group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration Group, the General Technical Group, the Engineering and Scientific Support Group, the Electronics Group, the Ships’ Officers Group and the Social Science Support Group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning Group and the Engineering and Land Survey Group of the Scientific and Professional Category During the Period Beginning on April 1, 1993 and Ending on December 31, 1993 Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Department means the Department of Public Works; (ministère) Deputy Head means the Deputy Minister of the Department; (administrateur général) Order means the Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993. (décret) Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Regulations, 1993 Application Sections 3-5 Application 3 These Regulations apply to persons to whom the Order applies. General 4 Where the Department requires the services of a person in a position in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period, the Deputy Head or an individual authorized by the Deputy Head for that purpose may recruit, select and appoint a person to that position. 5 The Deputy Head or an individual authorized by the Deputy Head for that purpose may, on giving at least one day’s notice to a person appointed under these Regulations, terminate the employment of that person (a) for cause; or (b) if the services of that person are no longer required owing to a lack of work or the discontinuance of a function in the Department. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations SOR/92-328 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on February 12, 2009. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Disclosure by Companies of Charges Applicable to Deposit Accounts and Services 1 Short Title Interpretation Personal Deposit Accounts Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts List of Charges Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 ii Registration SOR/92-328 May 21, 1992 TRUST AND LOAN COMPANIES ACT Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations P.C. 1992-1104 May 21, 1992 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 429, 431 to 433 and 531 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the disclosure by companies of charges applicable to deposit accounts and services, effective June 1, 1992. * S.C. 1991, c. 45 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Regulations Respecting the Disclosure by Companies of Charges Applicable to Deposit Accounts and Services Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations. Interpretation 2 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. controlled access automated teller machine means an automated teller machine located in a branch or a point of service of a company, or in an enclosed area adjacent to a branch or a point of service of a company, access to which is controlled by a system that permits entry to automated teller machine users. (guichet automatique à accès contrôlé) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a company carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of retail deposit accounts through natural persons. (point de service) SOR/2009-52, s. 1. Personal Deposit Accounts 3 A company shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to personal deposit accounts with the company by means of a written statement, copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each of company’s branches where products and services are offered, at each of the company’s points of service and on the company’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/94-687, s. 5(F); SOR/2009-52, s. 2. 4 Where a company increases a charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the company or introduces a new charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the company, the company shall disclose the increase or new charge, as the case may be, to each customer in whose name such an account is kept (a) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is provided, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 4-5 (i) by means of a notice in writing provided to the customer at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase or new charge, or (ii) where the customer has instructed the company in writing to provide such a notice to another person, by means of a notice provided to that other person at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase or new charge; and (b) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is not provided (i) by means of a notice that is displayed, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at each branch of the company where products or services are offered, at each of the company’s points of service, at each controlled access automated teller machines on which the name of the company or information identifying the machine with the company is displayed and on the company’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, and (ii) by means of a notice, electronic or otherwise, advising customers of the increase or new charge and the manner in which further details can be obtained, which notice shall be provided, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at all automated teller machines, other than controlled access automated teller machines, on which the name of the company or information identifying the machine with the company is displayed. SOR/2009-52, s. 3. Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts 5 (1) A company shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to any of the following services provided by the company in respect of deposit accounts with the company, other than personal deposit accounts, by means of a written statement, copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each branch of the company at which deposit accounts are kept, at each of the company’s points of service and on the company’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada: (a) acceptance of deposits; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts Section 5 (b) acceptance of coins, cheques or Bank of Canada notes for deposit; (c) issuance of cheques; (d) certification of cheques; (e) handling of a cheque presented by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (f) holding of cheques for deposit; (g) handling of cheques drawn in the currency of the United States; (h) processing of a stop payment on a cheque; (i) handling of a cheque issued by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (j) supply of coins and Bank of Canada notes; (k) handling of overdrafts; (l) transfers between accounts; (m) supply of account statements; (n) handling of account confirmations; (o) conducting searches related to an account; (p) provision of information in regard to an account balance; (q) closing of an account; and (r) handling of unclaimed balances in inactive accounts. (2) The written statement referred to in subsection (1) shall (a) indicate that the statement sets out all charges for services provided by the company in respect of deposit accounts with the company other than personal deposit accounts; or (b) indicate that the statement does not set out all of the charges referred to in paragraph (a) and set out the manner in which information regarding charges not included in the statement can be obtained. SOR/94-687, s. 5(F); SOR/2009-52, s. 4. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009 Disclosure of Charges (Trust and Loan Companies) Regulations Deposit Accounts other than Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 6-8 6 Where a company increases a charge applicable to a service referred to in subsection 5(1), the company shall disclose the increase (a) with respect to customers to whom a statement of account is provided, (i) by means of a notice in writing provided to the customer at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase, or (ii) where the customer has instructed the company in writing to provide such a notice to another person, by means of a notice in writing provided to that other person at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase; and (b) with respect to customers to whom a statement of account is not provided, by means of a notice that is displayed for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase at each branch of the company where products or services are offered, at each of the company’s points of service and on the company’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/2009-52, s. 5. 7 Section 6 does not apply in respect of a customer who has agreed in writing that the company will charge an amount other than an amount required to be disclosed pursuant to subsection 5(1). List of Charges 8 (1) A company shall maintain, at each of its branches where products or services are offered, at each of its points of service and on its websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, a list of the charges applicable to deposit accounts with the company and the usual amount charged by the company for services normally provided by the company to its customers and to the public. (2) A company shall, on request, make the list available to its customers and to the public for inspection during business hours at each of its branches and points of service referred to in subsection (1). SOR/2009-52, s. 6. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on February 12, 2009
CONSOLIDATION Dogfish Exemption Notice C.R.C., c. 836 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Notice Excepting Dogfish from the Operation of Section 29 of the Fisheries Act 1 Short Title Exemption Current to June 20, 2022 ii CHAPTER 836 FISHERIES ACT Dogfish Exemption Notice Notice Excepting Dogfish from the Operation of Section 29 of the Fisheries Act Short Title 1 This Notice may be cited as the Dogfish Exemption Notice. Exemption 2 Dogfish and other fish caught incidental to fishing for dogfish in the Goose Island Banks of Hecate Straits are hereby excepted from the operation of section 29 of the Fisheries Act. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Drug Evaluation Fees Regulations [Repealed, SOR/2011-79, s. 54] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2011 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on April 1, 2011. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2011 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Prescribing the Fees to be Paid for a Drug Submission Evaluation Service Provided by or on Behalf of Her Majesty in Right of Canada Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 1, 2011 ii
CONSOLIDATION Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations SOR/2003-297 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 21, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations 1 Interpretation Personal Deposit Accounts Manner of disclosure Disclosure of increases Other Deposit Accounts Manner of disclosure Disclosure of increases Non-application List of Charges List of charges Coming into Force Coming into force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 ii Registration SOR/2003-297 August 13, 2003 COOPERATIVE CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ACT Disclosure of Regulations P.C. 2003-1219 Charges (Retail Associations) August 13, 2003 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to sections 385.09a, 385.28a and 463b of the Cooperative Credit Associations Actc, hereby makes the annexed Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 313 b S.C. 2001, c. 9, s. 339 c S.C. 1991, c. 48 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations Interpretation 1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations. controlled access automated teller machine means an automated teller machine located in a branch or a point of service of a retail association or in an enclosed area adjacent to a branch or a point of service of a retail association, access to which is controlled by a system that permits entry to automated teller machine users. (guichet automatique à accès contrôlé) point of service means a physical location to which the public has access and at which a retail association carries on business with the public and opens or initiates the opening of retail deposit accounts through natural persons. (point de service) SOR/2009-51, s. 1. Personal Deposit Accounts Manner of disclosure 2 A retail association shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to personal deposit accounts with the retail association by means of a written statement copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each of the retail association’s branches where products and services are offered, at each of the retail association’s points of service and on the retail association’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/2009-51, s. 2. Disclosure of increases 3 If a retail association increases a charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the retail association or introduces a new charge applicable to personal deposit accounts with the retail association, the retail association shall disclose the increase or new charge, as the case may be, to each customer in whose name such an account is kept (a) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is provided, by providing a written notice, at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase or new charge, to that customer or, if the customer has instructed the retail association in writing to provide the notice to another person, to that other person; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations Personal Deposit Accounts Sections 3-4 (b) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is not provided, (i) by means of a notice that is displayed, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at each branch of the retail association where products or services are offered, at each of the retail association’s points of service, at each controlled access automated teller machine on which the name of the retail association or information identifying the machine with the retail association is displayed and on the retail association’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, and (ii) by means of a notice, electronic or otherwise, advising customers of the increase or new charge and the manner in which further details can be obtained, which notice shall be provided, for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase or new charge, at all automated teller machines, other than controlled access automated teller machines, on which the name of the retail association or information identifying the machine with the retail association is displayed. SOR/2009-51, s. 3; SOR/2014-273, s. 23(F). Other Deposit Accounts Manner of disclosure 4 (1) A retail association shall disclose to its customers and to the public all charges applicable to any of the following services provided by the retail association in respect of deposit accounts with the retail association, other than personal deposit accounts, by means of a written statement, copies of which shall be displayed and made available to customers and to the public at each branch of the retail association at which deposit accounts are kept, at each of the retail association’s points of service and on the retail association’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada: (a) the acceptance of deposits; (b) the acceptance of coins, cheques or Bank of Canada notes for deposit; (c) the issuance of cheques; (d) the certification of cheques; (e) the handling of a cheque presented by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (f) the holding of cheques for deposit; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations Other Deposit Accounts Sections 4-5 (g) the handling of cheques drawn in the currency of the United States; (h) the processing of a stop payment on a cheque; (i) the handling of a cheque issued by a customer that is subsequently returned because there are not sufficient funds; (j) the supply of coins and Bank of Canada notes; (k) the handling of overdrafts; (l) transfers between accounts; (m) the supply of account statements; (n) the handling of account confirmations; (o) the conducting of searches related to an account; (p) the provision of information in regard to an account balance; (q) the closing of an account; and (r) the handling of unclaimed balances in inactive accounts. Contents of statement (2) The written statement referred to in subsection (1) shall indicate that it (a) sets out all charges applicable to services provided by the retail association in respect of deposit accounts with the retail association other than personal deposit accounts; or (b) does not set out all of the charges referred to in paragraph (a) and set out the manner in which information regarding charges not included in the statement can be obtained. SOR/2009-51, s. 4. Disclosure of increases 5 If a retail association increases a charge applicable to a service referred to in subsection 4(1), the retail association shall disclose the increase (a) with respect to a customer to whom a statement of account is provided, by providing a written notice, at least 30 days before the effective date of the increase, to each customer in whose name the account is kept or, if the customer has instructed the retail association in writing to provide the notice to another person, to that other person; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014 Disclosure of Charges (Retail Associations) Regulations Other Deposit Accounts Sections 5-8 (b) with respect to customers to whom a statement of account is not provided, by means of a notice that is displayed for a period of at least 60 days immediately before the effective date of the increase at each branch of the retail association where products or services are offered, at each of the retail association’s points of service and on the retail association’s websites through which products or services are offered in Canada. SOR/2009-51, s. 5; SOR/2014-273, s. 24(F). Non-application 6 Section 5 does not apply in respect of a customer who has agreed in writing that the retail association will charge an amount other than an amount required to be disclosed pursuant to subsection 4(1). SOR/2009-51, s. 6(F). List of Charges List of charges 7 (1) A retail association shall maintain, at each of its branches where products or services are offered, at each of its points of service and on its websites through which products or services are offered in Canada, a list of the charges applicable to deposit accounts with the retail association and the usual amount charged by the retail association for services normally provided by the retail association to its customers and to the public. Access to list (2) A retail association shall, on request, make the list available to its customers and to the public for inspection during business hours at each branch and point of service referred to in subsection (1). SOR/2009-51, s. 7. Coming into Force Coming into force 8 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 21, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations SOR/2006-305 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 11, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations Interpretation Distributing Coming into Force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 ii Registration SOR/2006-305 November 28, 2006 INSURANCE COMPANIES ACT Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations P.C. 2006-1430 November 28, 2006 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 2.1(1)a of the Insurance Companies Actb, hereby makes the annexed Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 54, s. 215 b S.C. 1991, c. 47 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Insurance Companies Act. Distributing 2 (1) For the purpose of the Act and subject to subsection (2), any one of the following constitutes a distributing company or a distributing insurance holding company: (a) a company or an insurance holding company that is a reporting issuer under any legislation that is set out in column 2 of the schedule; or (b) in the case of a company or an insurance holding company that is not a reporting issuer referred to in paragraph (a), a company or an insurance holding company (i) that has filed a prospectus or registration statement under provincial or foreign legislation, (ii) any of the securities of which are listed and posted for trading on a stock exchange in or outside Canada, or (iii) that is involved in, is formed for, results from or is continued after an amalgamation, a reorganization, an arrangement or a statutory procedure, if one of the participating bodies corporate is an entity referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii). (2) A company or an insurance holding company that is subject to an exemption under provincial securities legislation, or to an order of the relevant provincial securities regulator that provides that the company or insurance holding company is not a reporting issuer for the purposes of the applicable legislation, is not a distributing company or a distributing insurance holding company for the purpose of subsection (1). SOR/2008-85, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations Coming into Force Section 3 Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Company and Distributing Insurance Holding Company Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Paragraph 2(1)(a)) REPORTING ISSUER Column 1 Column 2 Item Jurisdiction Legislation Ontario the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amend‐ ed from time to time Quebec the definition reporting issuer in sections 5 and 68 of the Securities Act, R.S.Q., c. V-1.1, as amended from time to time Nova Scotia the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(ao) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 418, as amended from time to time New Brunswick the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, S.N.B. 2004, c. S-5.5, as amended from time to time Manitoba the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of The Securities Act, C.C.S.M., c. S50, as amended from time to time British Columbia the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418, as amended from time to time Saskatchewan the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(qq) of The Securities Act, 1988, S.S. 1988-89, c. S-42.2, as amended from time to time Alberta the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 1(ccc) and section 145 of the Securities Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. S-4, as amended from time to time Newfoundland and Labrador the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(oo) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. S-13, as amended from time to time SOR/2008-85, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008
CONSOLIDATION DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations SOR/2000-181 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations Interpretation DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Duties of the Advisory Committee Annual Report to the Commissioner Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2000-181 May 4, 2000 DNA IDENTIFICATION ACT DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations P.C. 2000-635 May 4, 2000 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Solicitor General of Canada, pursuant to section 12 of the DNA Identification Acta, hereby makes the annexed DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations. a S.C. 1998, c. 37 Current to June 20, 2022 DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, “Advisory Committee” means the DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee established by section 2. DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee 2 An advisory committee is hereby established, to be known as the DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee, consisting of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a representative of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and up to six other members who may include representatives of the police, legal, scientific and academic communities. SOR/2000-269, s. 1. 3 The members of the Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Solicitor General of Canada for a term of not more than five years. 4 A member of the Advisory Committee is eligible for reappointment on the expiry of their term. Duties of the Advisory Committee 5 The Advisory Committee shall, on its own motion when the Advisory Committee considers it necessary or on the request of the Commissioner, advise the Commissioner on any matter related to the establishment and operation of the national DNA data bank that is referred to in section 3 of the DNA Identification Act. Annual Report to the Commissioner 6 The Advisory Committee shall report annually to the Commissioner, within three months after the end of each fiscal year, on its activities during that year. Current to June 20, 2022 DNA Data Bank Advisory Committee Regulations Coming into Force Section 7 Coming into Force 7 These Regulations come into force on the day on which sections 2, 3 and 12 of the DNA Identification Act, chapter 37 of the Statutes of Canada, 1998, come into force. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Distributing Cooperative Credit Association Regulations SOR/2006-304 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 11, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Distributing Cooperative Credit Association Regulations 1 Interpretation Distributing Coming into Force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 ii Registration SOR/2006-304 November 28, 2006 COOPERATIVE CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS ACT Distributing Regulations Cooperative Credit P.C. 2006-1429 November 28, 2006 Association Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 2.1(1)a of the Cooperative Credit Associations Actb, hereby makes the annexed Distributing Cooperative Credit Association Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 54, s. 141 b S.C. 1991, c. 48 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Cooperative Credit Association Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Cooperative Credit Associations Act. Distributing 2 (1) For the purpose of the Act and subject to subsection (2), any one of the following constitutes a distributing association: (a) an association that is a reporting issuer under any legislation that is set out in column 2 of the schedule; or (b) in the case of an association that is not a reporting issuer referred to in paragraph (a), an association (i) that has filed a prospectus or registration statement under provincial or foreign legislation, (ii) any of the securities of which are listed and posted for trading on a stock exchange in or outside Canada, or (iii) that is involved in, is formed for, results from or is continued after an amalgamation, a reorganization, an arrangement or a statutory procedure, if one of the participating bodies corporate is an entity referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii). (2) An association that is subject to an exemption under provincial securities legislation, or to an order of the relevant provincial securities regulator that provides that the association is not a reporting issuer for the purposes of the applicable legislation, is not a distributing association for the purpose of subsection (1). SOR/2008-84, s. 1. Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Cooperative Credit Association Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Paragraph 2(1)(a)) REPORTING ISSUER Column 1 Column 2 Item Jurisdiction Legislation Ontario the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amend‐ ed from time to time Quebec the definition reporting issuer in sections 5 and 68 of the Securities Act, R.S.Q., c. V-1.1, as amended from time to time Nova Scotia the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(ao) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 418, as amended from time to time New Brunswick the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, S.N.B. 2004, c. S-5.5, as amended from time to time Manitoba the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, C.C.S.M., c. S50, as amended from time to time British Columbia the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418, as amended from time to time Saskatchewan the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(qq) of The Securities Act, 1988, S.S. 1988-89, c. S-42.2, as amended from time to time Alberta the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 1(ccc) and section 145 of the Securities Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. S-4, as amended from time to time Newfoundland and Labrador the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(oo) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. S-13, as amended from time to time SOR/2008-84, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008
CONSOLIDATION Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 SOR/2020-266 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 12, 2021. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement 1 Definition of Act Content of licence denial application Sending applications and requests to Minister Repeal Coming into Force *5 S.C. 2019, c. 16. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 ii Registration SOR/2020-266 December 4, 2020 FAMILY ORDERS AND AGREEMENTS ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ACT Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 P.C. 2020-985 December 4, 2020 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to sections 78a of the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Actb, makes the annexed Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021. a S.C. 2019, c. 16, s. 78 b R.S., c. 4 (2nd Supp.) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Definition of Act 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. Content of licence denial application 2 A licence denial application referred to in subsection 67(2) of the Act must contain the following information: (a) the name and reference number of the provincial enforcement service making the application; (b) the date on which the provincial enforcement service sent the notice referred to in paragraph 67(3)(c) of the Act to the debtor; (c) a declaration by the provincial enforcement service that the information in the application is correct and that the information was provided for the purpose of a licence denial under the Act; (d) in respect of the debtor, (i) their surname and given names, (ii) their last known address, (iii) their phone number and email address, if they are known, (iv) their date of birth, (v) their gender, (vi) their social insurance number, if known, (vii) the surnames at birth of their parents, if known, (viii) the city and country of their birth, if known, (ix) their height, if known, Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Sections 2-5 (x) their eye colour, if known, (xi) their employer’s name and address, if they are known, and (xii) the language of their choice for correspondence, if known; and (e) in respect of the support order, (i) the name of the court that issued the support order, (ii) the date the support order was issued, (iii) the names of the parties set out in the support order, (iv) the amount in arrears or the payment periods in default, and (v) whether payments set out in the support order must be made every week, every two weeks, twice a month, every month, every quarter, twice a year or every year. Sending applications and requests to Minister 3 Applications referred to in subsection 67(2) of the Act and requests referred to in subsection 72(2) of the Act are to be sent by mail to the Department of Justice, Family Law Assistance Services, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8, or by the means of electronic communication that has been agreed on by the provincial enforcement service and the Minister. Repeal 4 The Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations1 are repealed. Coming into Force S.C. 2019, c. 16. 5 These Regulations come into force on the day on which subsection 73(2) of An Act to amend the Divorce Act, the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act and the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act * SOR/97-180 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021 Denial of Licences for Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Regulations, 2021 Coming into Force Section 5 and to make consequential amendments to another Act comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered. * [Note: Regulations in force November 12, 2021, see SI/ 2020-75.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 12, 2021
CONSOLIDATION Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SOR/2014-177 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on September 24, 2014. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations Interpretation 1 Definition of Act Applications Permits 2 Permit application Renewal of Permits 3 Renewal application Repeal Coming into Force *5 S.C. 2012, c. 19 SCHEDULE 1 APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 Minimum Information Requirements for Disposal At New Disposal Sites and on Ice SCHEDULE 2 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 ii Registration SOR/2014-177 July 9, 2014 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT, 1999 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations Whereas, pursuant to subsection 332(1)a of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999b, the Minister of the Environment published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on December 14, 2013, a copy of the proposed Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations, and persons were given an opportunity to file comments with respect to the proposed Regulations or to file a notice of objection requesting that a board of review be established and stating the reasons for the objection; Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 135(3)c of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999b, makes the annexed Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations. Gatineau, July 7, 2014 LEONA AGLUKKAQ Minister of the Environment a S.C. 2004, c. 15, s. 31 b S.C. 1999, c. 33 c S.C. 2012, c. 19, s. 161(4) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations Interpretation Definition of Act 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Applications Permits Permit application 2 An application for a permit referred to in subsection 127(1) or 128(2) of the Act must be submitted in the form set out in Schedule 1 and must contain the information relevant to the application that is provided for in that Schedule. Renewal of Permits Renewal application 3 An application for a renewal of a permit referred to in subsection 127(1) of the Act must be submitted in the form set out in Schedule 2 and must contain the information relevant to the application that is provided for in that Schedule. Repeal 4 [Repeal] Coming into Force S.C. 2012, c. 19 5 These Regulations come into force on the day on which subsection 161(3) of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, chapter 19 of the Statutes of Canada, 2012, comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered. * * [Note: Regulations in force September 24, 2014, see SI/ 2014-6.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 1 (Section 2) Environment Canada Environnement Canada Permit Appli (Disposal at S * Ce formulaire est d Permits are issued in accordance with Division 3 of Part 7 of “Act”). “Disposal” has the same meaning as in subsection 1 used to evaluate the application for a permit. Applicants should consult their nearest regional Disposal at S preparing or submitting an emergency permit application un The following activities are covered by this application. Indic □ 1. Loading for the purpose of disposal □ 3. Disposal on ice Substance To B at Sea PART A — APPLICANT INFORMATION IDENTIFICATION 1. NAME OF APPLICANT — Indicate the name that is to appear on the permit. 2. TELEPHONE 5. ADDRESS 6. TYPE OF BUS 7. PERMIT HISTORY — List the permit numbers and expiry dates of any previous permits, including renewals, that are relevant to this application. 8. NAME OF INDIVIDUAL(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPOSED ACTIVITY Permit N 9. TELEPHONE (if different from 12. NAME OF TECHNICAL CONTACT(S) FOR 13. TELEPHONE PROPOSED ACTIVITY Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 PART B — INFORMATION ON PROPOSED ACTI GENERAL INFORMATION 16. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY — Give a general description 17. SUBSTANCE TO BE DISPOSED OF AT SEA — Indicate the 1 of Appendix 1 that pertains to the substance you wish to di must be included in your application. In the case of incinerat 18. TERM OF PERMIT REQUESTED (maximum one year) from year/month/day to year/month/day 20. DO YOU WANT THE REQUESTED PERMIT TO BE CONSIDERED FOR RENEWAL? — If yes, complete boxes 21 and 22. If no, proceed to box 23. Yes □ No □ 22. NUMBER OF POTENTIAL RENEWALS REQUIRED — Indicate how many times renewal may be required (maximum four renewals). 23. LOAD SITE(S) — For dredged or inert, inorganic geologic boundaries of each site to be dredged or excavated. NAME AND ADDRESS OF SITE(S) LATITUDE (decimal (if any) degrees to five decimal places, referencing NAD83) 24. DISPOSAL SITE(S) — Provide a detailed drawing showing (unless your nearest regional Disposal at Sea Program office DISPOSAL SITE NAME LATITUDE (decimal LONGIT (if any) degrees to five degree decimal places, decima referencing NAD83) referen Provide an estimate of the movement and dispersion in the w disposed of at sea. In the case of disposal of dredged materia site, or disposal of any substance on ice, see the relevant por information that must be included in your application. 25. ROUTE FROM LOAD SITE TO DISPOSAL SITE — Attach a shows the location of each load site and each disposal site. I route on the map, chart or drawings. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 26. EQUIPMENT AND METHODS — Describe the equipment In the case of incineration, see Part 2 of Appendix 1 for furthe in your application. 27. METHODS OF PACKAGING AND CONTAINMENT DISPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS 28. MAXIMUM QUANTITY PER DISPOSAL (cubic metres or t 29. RATE (if applicable) (cubic metres per hour or tonnes per hour) 31. SPEED DURING DISPOSAL 33. TRACK TO BE FOLLOWED DURING DISPOSAL 34. APPROVALS — List all permits, licences and reviews, inc required by any federal, provincial, territorial, municipal or lo this application. ISSUING TYPE OF ID NO. DA AGENCY APPROVAL AP mo 35. NOTICE OF APPLICATION — Attach evidence that a notic CLIPPING ATTACHED □ NAME OF PUBLICATION PLACE OF PUBLICATION (city PART C — CARRIER INFORMATION (if unknow prior to the start of operations) IDENTIFICATION Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 36. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CARRIER 37. TELEPHON 40. NAME, TITLE AND ADDRESS OF 41. TELEPHON OWNER OF SHIP, AIRCRAFT, PLATFORM OR STRUCTURE USED TO CARRY OUT DISPOSAL 44. NAME OF INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOADING OR DISPOSAL ON BEHALF OF APPLICANT (including the master) 45. TELEPHON 48. NAME OR NUMBER OF SHIP, AIRCRAFT, PLATFORM OR PART D — INFORMATION ON ALTERNATIVES 49. WASTE ASSESSMENT — See Schedule 6 to the Act. 50 ALTERNATIVES — Provide a comparative assessment of cates the following: (a) environmental impact; (b) risk to human health; (c) hazards (including accidents) associated with treatment, (d) economics (including energy costs); and (e) conflicting use of resources (potential and actual). In the case of incineration, see Part 2 of Appendix 1 for furthe in your application. PART E — HISTORICAL DATA 51. PREVIOUS DISPOSAL METHODS — Describe the method previously used to dispose of the same type of substance. In 52. LOAD SITE HISTORY — For dredged material or inert, ino excavation site was used during the last 10 years. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 PART F — CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL AND PHYS 53. CHEMICAL INFORMATION — Provide a chemical charact and methods and the quality assurance and control data and substance you wish to dispose of is listed under section 1, 3, Appendix 1 that pertains to that substance for further details application. In the case of incineration of any substance, see 54. BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION — Provide an assessment o on living marine resources. If possible, attach detailed bioass control data and methods. If no data are provided, explain w 55. PHYSICAL INFORMATION — Provide an assessment of th cause long-term physical effects. If possible, attach detailed p control data and methods. If no data are provided, explain w section 1, 3 or 4 of Schedule 5 to the Act, see the portion of P further details regarding the information that must be includ PART G — PROXIMITY AND MITIGATION 56. PROXIMITY TO FACILITIES — For dredged or inert, inorg that shows, by means of the symbols set out below, the loca site’s vicinity. Indicate your sources of information and attac person, provide the person’s name, address and telephone n FACILITIES (a) oil refineries; (b) mills (specify type); (c) mines (specify type); (d) sewage outfalls; (e) storm drains or pipes; (f) shipping docks; (g) other industries (specify); and (h) other sources of pollution and contamination (specify). OPERATING (O) (M) (N) (S) (P) (D) (I) (C) 57. PROXIMITY TO SENSITIVE AREAS — For a new disposal set out below, the location of all sensitive areas in the dispos attach a copy of the information if possible. If the source is a number. SENSITIVE AREAS (a) recreational areas; (b) spawning and nursery areas; (c) known migration routes of living marine resources; (d) sport and commercial fishing areas; (e) areas of natural beauty or cultural or historical importance; (f) areas of special scientific or biological importance; (g) aquaculture; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDIX 1 (h) shipping lanes; (i) areas of the seafloor having engineering uses (mining, cables, desalination or energy conversion sites); (j) marine protected areas, ecological reserves and bird sanctuaries; (k) critical habitat for species at risk; and (l) other areas (describe uses, e.g. water intakes). 58. MITIGATION — Indicate measures intended to minimize impacts during loading, transport and disposal. In the case o regarding the information that must be included in your app 59. TIME RESTRICTIONS — If the load site or the disposal sit or fishing areas, list the major species involved and the perio year). If this application is to be submitted by an agent of the applic authorization: I authorize (print name) to act o application and to furnish, on request, supplemental informa Date Name ( This application is made for a permit authorizing the activity the information provided in this application and that, to the b complete and accurate. I further certify that I am authorized t applicant’s duly authorized agent. Date Name Telepho Send the completed permit application, the application fee and al Sea Program office of Environment Canada. APPENDIX 1 PART 1 Minimum Information Requiremen Disposal At Sea of Waste and othe Each type of substance requires different information. Provide t tach additional pages as needed. The Minister of the Environm 128(3)(b) of the Act, further information for the purpose of comp incineration, as referred to in section 128 of the Act, consult Part 2 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDIX 1 The numbers below correspond to the boxes on the permit applica A — DREDGED MATERIAL AND INERT, INORGA 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea For soil or sediment, indicate the relative presence of (a) boulders and cobble; (b) gravel; (c) sand; (d) silt; (e) clay; (f) peat and other organic soil components; and (g) other items in the soil or sediment (e.g. wood waste, For rock, indicate the relative presence of (a) sedimentary rock; (b) metamorphic rock; and (c) igneous rock. 53 Chemical Information Identify the presence of the following in any soil, sediment a (a) cadmium; (b) mercury; (c) other metals identified through a full metal scan; (d) total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); (e) total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); (f) total organic carbon; and (g) other chemicals that may be specified by the Ministe 55 Physical Information Provide the following information in respect of the waste to (a) the grain size of any soil or sediment; and (b) any other physical data that may be specified by th Act. B — FISH WASTE 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea Provide the following information in respect of the waste to (a) its species; (b) its type (e.g., shells or offal); and (c) its source. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDIX 1 C — SHIPS, AIRCRAFT, PLATFORMS AND OTH of Schedule 5 to the Act) 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea Provide the following information in respect of the waste to (a) its name; (b) the location of its registry; (c) its model or official number; (d) its dimensions; (e) its weight (dead weight tonnage); (f) its principal materials of construction; (g) its owner’s name and address; and (h) its state of seaworthiness. 53 Chemical Information Describe any cargo, fuel and hazardous materials, including 55 Physical Information Provide the following information in respect of any ship or a (a) its last cargo; (b) the type of engine, if left on board; and (c) the nature and weight of any ballast left on board. D — BULKY SUBSTANCES (as described in sec 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea Describe the substance’s (a) principal components and the composition of those c (b) dimensions (metres); (c) weight (tonnes); and (d) origin and the process that gave rise to it. Provide information demonstrating that the substance mee to the Act. 53 Chemical Information Describe any contamination of the substance by hazardous E — UNCONTAMINATED ORGANIC MATTER O 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea Describe the substance’s (a) principal components and the composition of those c (b) origin and the process that gave rise to it. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDIX 1 PART 2 Minimum Information Requiremen For applications under section 128 of the If this is an application under section 128 of the Act to incinerate mation on the form in the space indicated. Attach additional pag accordance with paragraph 128(3)(b) of the Act, further informati tact your nearest regional Disposal at Sea Program office of Env permit application. The numbers below correspond to the boxes on the permit applica ALL SUBSTANCES 17 Substance to be Disposed Of at Sea Provide the following information in respect of the substanc (a) its principal components and the composition of tho (b) the products of its combustion and the rate of their p (c) its origin and the process that gave rise to it. 26 Equipment and Methods Describe the following in respect of the proposed incineratio (a) the incineration equipment to be used; (b) the air pollution control equipment to be used; (c) the monitoring and control systems in place; (d) the stack dimensions; (e) the combustion temperature; (f) the retention time; (g) the combustion and destruction efficiency; and (h) the proposed method of loading and storage. 50 Alternatives Include a justification for the use of incineration versus oth 53 Chemical Information Provide the results of the latest tests on stack emissions fo (CO), dioxins and furans. 58 Mitigation Describe the following in respect of the proposed incineratio (a) the methods of complying with applicable noise by-l (b) the methods of managing ash and minimizing fugitiv (c) the methods of managing wastewater to comply with (d) the methods of preventing hazards to other ships; (e) the methods of spill response and contingency plans (f) the methods of emergency shutdown; and (g) the qualifications of the operating personnel. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDIX 2 Minimum Information Requirements for Disposal At New Disposal Sites and on Ice APPENDIX 2 Minimum Information Requiremen Sites and on Ice Provide the information required for the waste that you are apply tional pages as needed. The Minister of the Environment may req Act, further information for the purpose of complying with Sche Program office of Environment Canada before collecting data on a The numbers below correspond to the boxes on the permit applica A — DISPOSAL AT A NEW DISPOSAL SITE FOR INORGANIC GEOLOGICAL MATTER 24 Disposal Site(s) Provide information regarding the following in respect of th (a) bathymetry; (b) sediment transport; (c) salinity; (d) current flows representative of the whole water colum (e) the presence of the following chemicals in the sedim (i) cadmium, (ii) mercury, (iii) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and (iv) total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); (f) benthic and epibenthic communities in the site’s vic energy” disposal site; and (g) any other information that may be specified by the M B — DISPOSAL ON ICE 24 Disposal Site(s) Provide the following information in respect of the propose (a) area of ice to be used; (b) thickness of ice (metres); (c) estimated date of ice breakup (year/month/day); (d) estimated location of ice breakup and material depos (e) estimated time from breakup to melting (days); and (f) estimated depth of water (metres). Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) ANNEXE 1 (article 2) Environnement Canada Environment Canada Demande de (immersion e * This form is ava Les permis sont délivrés en application de la section 3 de la p l’environnement (1999) (la « Loi »). Le terme « immersion » s’ renseignements fournis dans le présent formulaire serviront Le demandeur doit consulter le bureau régional du Programm plus près avant de rédiger ou de soumettre une demande de Loi. Les activités suivantes sont visées par la présente demande. □ 1. Chargement pour immersion □ 3. Rejet sur les glaces Substance à im mer PARTIE A — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE DEMA IDENTIFICATION 1. NOM DU DEMANDEUR — Inscrivez le nom qui doit apparaître sur le permis. 2. No DE TÉLÉPHON 5. ADRESSE 6. TYPE D’ 7. PERMIS ANTÉRIEURS — Inscrivez les numéros et les dates d’expiration des permis antérieurs, y compris les renouvellement, en lien avec la présente demande. Nos de 8. NOM DES PERSONNES RESPONSABLES DES 9. No DE ACTIVITÉS PROPOSÉES TÉLÉPHON (si différen fourni au n 12. NOM DES PERSONNES-RESSOURCES DU SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR LES ACTIVITÉS PROPOSÉES Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 13. No DE TÉLÉPHON Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) PARTIE B — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES ACT RENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUX 16. DESCRIPTION DES ACTIVITÉS — Décrivez de façon géné 17. SUBSTANCE À IMMERGER — Indiquez la substance à im applicable pour connaître les renseignements à fournir à l’ap vous à la partie 2 de l’appendice 1. 18. DURÉE PROPOSÉE DE VALIDITÉ DU PERMIS (un an au maximum) du année/mois/jour au année/mois/jour 1 l P p 20. SOUHAITEZ-VOUS QUE LE PERMIS SOIT ÉVENTUELLEMENT RENOUVELÉ? (Si oui, complétez les cases 21 et 22. Sinon, passez à la case 23.) 2 t m r Oui □ Non □ m 22. NOMBRE DE RENOUVELLEMENTS ÉVENTUELS i NÉCESSAIRES — Indiquez le nombre de renouvellements 1 nécessaires (maximum de quatre renouvellements). 2 3 4 23. LE OU LES LIEUX DE CHARGEMENT — Pour les matières inorganiques, fournissez un dessin détaillé montrant les limi NOM ET ADRESSE DU OU DES LATITUDE (mesures LIEUX (s’il y a lieu) géodésiques données pa rapport au NAD83, en degrés décimaux à cinq décimales) 24. LE OU LES LIEUX D’IMMERSION — Fournissez un dessin de chaque lieu de décharge (à moins d’indication contraire d d’Environnement Canada le plus près). NOM DU LIEU LATITUDE (mesures LONGITUD D’IMMERSION géodésiques données par géodésiqu (s’il y a lieu) rapport au NAD83, en par rappo degrés décimaux à cinq en degrés décimales) cinq décim Fournissez une estimation du déplacement et de la dispersio mer. Pour les matières draguées ou les matières géologique ou pour tout rejet sur les glaces, reportez-vous aux sections renseignements à fournir à l’appui de votre demande. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) 25. PARCOURS DU LIEU DE CHARGEMENT AU LIEU D’IMME reproductibles de bonne qualité montrant les lieux de charge expliquez pourquoi et tracez sur la carte ou les dessins le par 26. ÉQUIPEMENT ET MÉTHODES — Décrivez l’équipement e d’immersion. En cas d’incinération, reportez-vous à la partie fournir à l’appui de votre demande. 27. MÉTHODES D’EMBALLAGE ET DE CONFINEMENT RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR L’IMMERSION 28. QUANTITÉ MAXIMALE PAR IMMERSION (m3 ou tonne m 29. CADENCE (s’il y a lieu) (m3/h ou tonne métrique/h) 31. VITESSE D’IMMERSION 33. PARCOURS SUIVI PENDANT L’IMMERSION 34. AUTORISATIONS — Énumérez les permis, licences et exa environnementales, exigés par les organismes fédéraux, pro l’exécution des activités visées par la présente demande. ORGANISME TYPE No D’IDENTIFICATIO RESPONSABLE D’AUTORISATION 35. PRÉAVIS — Joignez la preuve visée à l’alinéa 127(2)d) de COPIE DE L’AVIS PUBLIÉ □ NOM DE LA PUBLICATION Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 LIEU DE PUBLICATION (ville Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) PARTIE C — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE TRAN renseignements peuvent être fournis plus tard IDENTIFICATION 36. NOM ET ADRESSE DU TRANSPORTEUR 37. No D TÉLÉPH 40. NOM, TITRE ET ADRESSE DU PROPRIÉTAIRE 41. No D DU NAVIRE, DE L’AÉRONEF, DE LA PLATE-FORME TÉLÉPH OU DE L’OUVRAGE D’OÙ L’IMMERSION EST EFFECTUÉE 44. NOM DES PERSONNES RESPONSABLES DU 45. No D CHARGEMENT OU DE L’IMMERSION AU NOM DU TÉLÉPH DEMANDEUR (indiquez aussi le nom du capitaine) 48. NOM OU No D’IDENTIFICATION DU NAVIRE, DE L’AÉRON L’IMMERSION EST EFFECTUÉE PARTIE D — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES MÉT 49. GESTION DES DÉCHETS — Consultez l’annexe 6 de la Lo 50. AUTRES MÉTHODES — Fournissez une évaluation comp sibles compte tenu des paramètres suivants : a) répercussions sur l’environnement; b) risques pour la santé humaine; c) dangers (dont les accidents) liés au traitement, à l’emballa d) aspects économiques (dont les coûts énergétiques); e) conflits d’utilisation (potentiels et réels) des ressources. Pour les incinérations, reportez-vous à la partie 2 de l’append de votre demande. PARTIE E — DONNÉES CHRONOLOGI QUES 51. MÉTHODES D’ÉLIMINATION ANTÉRIEURES — Décrivez l l’immersion en mer, pour éliminer le type de substance à im 52. UTILISATIONS ANTÉRIEURES DES LIEUX DE CHARGEM géologiques inertes et inorganiques, indiquez les utilisations dix dernières années. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) PARTIE F — DONNÉES CHIMIQUES, BIOLOGIQ 53. DONNÉES CHIMIQUES — Indiquez la composition chimiq méthodes détaillées ainsi que les données et les méthodes d pourquoi. Si la substance à éliminer est visée aux articles 1, de la partie 1 de l’appendice 1 applicables pour connaître les les incinérations, reportez-vous à la partie 2 de l’appendice 1 54. DONNÉES BIOLOGIQUES — Fournissez une évaluation d sur les ressources marines vivantes. Joignez, si possible, les biologiques ainsi que les données et les méthodes d’assuran 55. DONNÉES PHYSIQUES — Fournissez une évaluation des substance une fois immergée. Joignez, si possible, les donné données et les méthodes d’assurance et de contrôle de la qu est visée aux articles 1, 3 ou 4 de l’annexe 5 de la Loi, reporte applicables pour connaître les renseignements à fournir à l’a PARTIE G — PROXIMITÉ ET ATTÉNUATION 56. PROXIMITÉ DES INSTALLATIONS — Pour les matières dr inorganiques, fournissez, pour chaque lieu de chargement, u ci-dessous, l’emplacement des principales installations explo à proximité du lieu. Indiquez vos sources de renseignements S’il s’agit d’une personne, donnez ses nom, adresse et numé SY INSTALLATION EXPLOITÉE a) raffinerie de pétrole; b) usine (précisez le type); c) mine (précisez le type); d) émissaire d’évacuation; e) égouts et canalisations pour les eaux pluviales; f) quai de chargement; g) autres industries (précisez); h) autres sources de pollution et de contamination (précisez). (R) (U) (M) (E) (C) (Q) (I) (P) 57. PROXIMITÉ DES ZONES SENSIBLES — Pour un nouveau indiqué, au moyen des symboles ci-dessous, l’emplacement sources de renseignements et, si possible, fournissez une co ses nom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. ZONE SENSIBLE a) zone récréative; b) zone de frai et d’alevinage; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) c) voie de migration connue des ressources marines vivantes d) zone de pêche sportive ou commerciale; e) zone ayant une valeur esthétique, culturelle ou historique importante; f) zone d’intérêt scientifique ou biologique particulier; g) aquaculture; h) route maritime; i) zone du fond marin utilisée à des fins techniques (exploitat minière, câbles, dessalement ou conversion de l’énergie); j) aire marine protégée, réserve écologique, refuge d’oiseaux k) habitat essentiel d’espèces en péril; l) autre zone (décrivez son utilisation, p. ex. : prise d’eau). 58. MESURES D’ATTÉNUATION — Indiquez les mesures visa l’environnement, la santé, la navigation et les qualités esthét l’immersion. Pour les incinérations, reportez-vous à la partie fournir à l’appui de votre demande. 59. CONTRAINTES DE TEMPS — Si le lieu de chargement ou voies de migration ou de zones de pêche, indiquez les princi elles sont le plus vulnérables (périodes actives de l’année). Si la présente demande est présentée par un représentant du remplies par ce dernier. J’autorise (nom en caractères d et fournir, le cas échéant, les renseignements additionnels re Date Nom (caractères La présente demande de permis vise l’autorisation de pratiqu connaissance des renseignements figurant dans la présente véridiques, complets et exacts. J’atteste en outre qu’il est en je suis dûment autorisé à agir au nom du demandeur. Date Nom (caractères No de tél Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande de permis dûment rempli régional du Programme sur l’immersion en mer d’Environnement Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDICE 1 (French) APPENDICE 1 PARTIE 1 Renseignements minimaux à fourn pour l’immersion en mer de déche Chaque type de substance nécessite des renseignements différen laire. Au besoin, joignez des pages supplémentaires. Au titre des a ment peut exiger que des renseignements supplémentaires soien immersions en mer par incinération prévues à l’article 128 de la L Les numéros ci-après correspondent aux cases du formulaire de d A — MATIÈRES DRAGUÉES OU MATIÈRES GÉO 17 Substance à immerger Pour le sol et les sédiments, indiquer la présence : a) de blocs rocheux et de galets; b) de gravier; c) de sable; d) de limon; e) d’argile; f) de tourbe et de matières organiques composant le sol; g) d’autres matières dans le sol et de sédiments (p. ex. : Pour la roche, indiquez la présence : a) de roches sédimentaires; b) de roches métamorphiques; c) de roches ignées. 53 Données chimiques Décrivez la composition chimique du sol, des sédiments, ou a) de cadmium; b) de mercure; c) d’autres métaux décelés lors de vérification des métau d) de biphényles polychlorés (BPC) totaux; e) d’hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) to f) de carbone organique total; g) d’autres substances chimiques précisées par le minist 55 Données physiques Fournissez les renseignements ci-après sur les déchets à élim a) la granulométrie du sol ou des sédiments; b) toute autre donnée physique précisée par le ministre Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDICE 1 (French) B — DÉCHETS DE PÊCHE 17 Substance à immerger Fournissez les renseignements ci-après sur les déchets à élim a) les espèces; b) le type (p. ex. : coquilles et issues); c) la provenance. C — NAVIRES, AÉRONEFS, PLATES-FORMES E de l’annexe 5 de la Loi) 17 Substance à immerger Fournissez, s’il y a lieu, les renseignements ci-après sur les d a) le nom; b) le lieu d’enregistrement; c) le modèle ou numéro d’immatriculation officiel; d) les dimensions; e) le poids (port en lourd); f) les principaux matériaux de construction; g) les nom et adresse du propriétaire; h) le degré de navigabilité. 53 Données chimiques Décrivez la cargaison, le combustible et les matières danger 55 Données physiques Fournissez les renseignements ci-après sur tout navire ou a a) la dernière cargaison; b) le type de moteur laissé à bord; c) la nature et poids du lest laissé à bord. D — SUBSTANCES VOLUMINEUSES (décrites 17 Substance à immerger Fournissez une description de la substance en indiquant : a) ses principaux composants et la composition de ceux b) ses dimensions (m); c) son poids (tonne métrique); d) sa provenance et le type de transformation qui a donn Fournissez les renseignements démontrant que la substanc ticle 6 de l’annexe 5 de la Loi. 53 Données chimiques Précisez toute contamination de la substance par des matièr Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDICE 1 (French) E — MATIÈRES ORGANIQUES NON CONTAMIN 17 Substance à immerger Fournissez une description de la substance en indiquant : a) ses principaux composants et la composition de ceux b) sa provenance et le type de transformation qui a donn PARTIE 2 Renseignements minimaux à fourn Pour les demandes présentées au titre d Dans le cas d’une demande présentée au titre de l’article 128 de d’urgence, inscrivez les renseignements exigés sur le formulaire d mentaires. Le ministre de l’Environnement peut exiger, au titre d taires soient fournis en vue de se conformer à l’annexe 6 de la Lo situation d’urgence, consultez le bureau régional du Programme s Les numéros ci-après correspondent aux cases du formulaire de d TOUTES LES SUBSTANCES 17 Substance à immerger Fournissez les renseignements ci-après sur la substance à in a) ses principaux composants et la composition de ceux b) l’énumération des produits de combustion et l’indica c) sa provenance et le type de transformation qui a donn 26 Équipement et méthodes Décrivez les éléments ci-après liés à l’incinération : a) les équipements d’incinération; b) le système d’épuration des polluants atmosphériques c) les systèmes de surveillance et de contrôle existants; d) les dimensions de la cheminée; e) la température de combustion; f) le temps de rétention; g) le rendement des équipements de combustion et de d h) la méthode proposée de chargement et d’entreposage 50 Autres méthodes Justifiez le recours à l’incinération plutôt qu’à d’autres méth 53 Données chimiques Fournissez les résultats des derniers relevés sur les émissio noxyde de carbone [CO], de dioxines et de furannes. 58 Mesures d’atténuation Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDICE 2 (French) Décrivez les éléments ci-après liés à l’incinération : a) les moyens employés pour respecter les règlements a b) le mode de gestion des cendres et de réduction des ém c) le mode de gestion des eaux usées permettant de res jet; d) les mesures de prévention des dangers pour les autre e) le plan d’intervention et les plans d’urgence visant les f) les systèmes d’arrêt d’urgence; g) les qualifications du personnel exécutant. APPENDICE 2 Renseignements minimaux à fourn nouveau lieu d’immersion et sur le Inscrivez les renseignements exigés pour la substance à éliminer des pages supplémentaires. En vertu des alinéas 127(2)b) ou 128 des renseignements supplémentaires soient fournis en vue de se c sur un nouveau lieu d’immersion, consultez le bureau régional d le plus près. Les numéros ci-après correspondent aux cases du formulaire de d A — REJET DANS UN NOUVEAU LIEU D’IMME LES MATIÈRES GÉOLOGIQUES INERTES ET IN 24 Le ou les lieux d’immersion Fournir les renseignements ci-après sur le lieu d’immersion a) la bathymétrie; b) le transport des sédiments; c) la salinité; d) les courants représentant l’ensemble de la colonne d’ e) la composition chimique des sédiments et de l’eau int (i) le cadmium, (ii) le mercure, (iii) les biphényles polychlorés (BPC) totaux, (iv) les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HA f) les communautés benthiques et épibenthiques à prox peu profonde et d’énergie élevée; g) d’autres paramètres précisés par le ministre en vue d B — REJET SUR LES GLACES 24 Le ou les lieux d’immersion Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations APPENDICE 2 (French) Fournissez les renseignements ci-après sur le lieu de rejet p a) la superficie de la glace utilisée; b) l’épaisseur de la glace (m); c) la date prévue de la rupture de la glace (année/mois/ d) l’emplacement prévu de la rupture de la glace et du d e) l’intervalle estimé entre la rupture et la fonte de la gla f) la profondeur estimée de l’eau (m). Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 2 (Section 3) Environment Canada Environnement Canada Application for Renewal (Disp * Ce formulaire est d Permits are issued in accordance with Division 3 of Part 7 of “Act”). “Disposal” has the same meaning as in subsection 1 used to evaluate the application for a permit renewal. Inform informed the decision to issue the original permit have chan Permit To Be Renewe Original Permit No. PART A — APPLICANT INFORMATION IDENTIFICATION 1. NAME OF APPLICANT — Indicate the name that is to appear on the permit. 2. TELEPHONE 5. ADDRESS 6. TYPE OF BU 7. NAME OF INDIVIDUAL(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPOSED ACTIVITY 8. TELEPHONE (if different fro 11. NAME OF TECHNICAL CONTACT(S) FOR 12. TELEPHON PROPOSED ACTIVITY PART B — INFORMATION ON PROPOSED ACTI GENERAL INFORMATION 15. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY — Describe in detail any cha application. 16. TERM OF PERMIT REQUESTED ON RENEWAL (maximum one year) from year/month/day to year/month/day Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 18. NEW APPROVALS — List all permits, licences and review required by any federal, provincial, territorial, municipal or lo this application and were received since the original permit a ISSUING AGENCY TYPE OF APPROVAL ID NO. 19. NOTICE OF APPLICATION — Attach evidence that a notic CLIPPING ATTACHED □ NAME OF PUBLICATION PLACE OF PUBLICATION (ci PART C — CARRIER INFORMATION (if unknow prior to the start of operations) IDENTIFICATION 20. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CARRIER 21. TELEPH 24. NAME, TITLE AND ADDRESS OF OWNER 25. TELEPH OF SHIP, AIRCRAFT, PLATFORM OR STRUCTURE USED TO CARRY OUT DISPOSAL 28. NAME OF INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR 29. TELEPH LOADING OR DISPOSAL ON BEHALF OF APPLICANT (including the master) 32. NAME OR NUMBER OF SHIP, AIRCRAFT, PLATFORM OR If this application is to be submitted by an agent of the applic authorization: I authorize (print name) to act o application and to furnish, on request, supplemental informa Date Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Name ( Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 This application is made for the renewal of a permit authoriz have reviewed the information provided in the original perm the exception of updated information provided in this applica information provided in this application and that, to the best complete and accurate. I further certify that I am authorized t applicant’s duly authorized agent. Date Name ( Telepho Send the completed permit renewal application, the application Disposal at Sea Program office of Environment Canada. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (French) ANNEXE 2 (article 3) Environnement Canada Environment Canada Demande de renouvellem permis (imm mer)* * This form is ava Les permis sont délivrés en application de la section 3 de la p l’environnement (1999) (la « Loi »). Le terme « immersion » s’ renseignements fournis dans le présent formulaire serviront renseignements recueillis visent à vérifier qu’aucune conditio initial n’a changé depuis la demande initiale de permis. Permis à renouveler No du permis initial PARTIE A — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE DEMA IDENTIFICATION 1. NOM DU DEMANDEUR — Inscrivez le nom qui doit apparaître sur le permis. 2. No DE TÉL 5. ADRESSE 6. TYPE D’EN 7. NOM DES PERSONNES RESPONSABLES DES ACTIVITÉS PROPOSÉES 8. No DE TÉL (si différent d fourni au no 11. NOM DES PERSONNES-RESSOURCES DU 12. No DE TÉ SOUTIEN TECHNIQUE POUR LES ACTIVITÉS PROPOSÉES PARTIE B — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES ACT RENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUX 15. DESCRIPTION DES ACTIVITÉS — Décrivez en détail tout c demande initiale de permis. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (French) 16. DURÉE DEMANDÉE DU RENOUVELLEMENT DE PERMIS (au plus une année) du année/mois/jour au année/mois/jour 18. NOUVELLES APPROBATIONS — Énumérez tous les perm répercussions environnementales, exigés par les organismes obtenus depuis que la demande initiale de permis a été soum ORGANISME TYPE No DE DOSSIER RESPONSABLE D’AUTORISATION 19. PRÉAVIS — Joignez la preuve visée à l’alinéa 127(2)d) de COPIE DE L’AVIS PUBLIÉ □ NOM DE LA PUBLICATION LIEU DE PUBLICATION (ville PARTIE C — RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE TRAN renseignements peuvent être fournis plus tard IDENTIFICATION 20. NOM ET ADRESSE DU TRANSPORTEUR 21. No TÉLÉP 24. NOM, TITRE ET ADRESSE DU PROPRIÉTAIRE DU 25. No NAVIRE, DE L’AÉRONEF, DE LA PLATE-FORME OU TÉLÉP DE L’OUVRAGE D’OÙ L’IMMERSION EST EFFECTUÉE 28. NOM DES PERSONNES RESPONSABLES DU CHARGEMENT OU DE L’IMMERSION AU NOM DU DEMANDEUR (indiquez aussi le nom du capitaine) 29. No TÉLÉP 32. NOM OU No D’IDENTIFICATION DU NAVIRE, DE L’AÉRON L’IMMERSION EST EFFECTUÉE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014 Disposal at Sea Permit Application Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (French) Si la présente demande est présentée par un représentant du remplies par ce dernier. J’autorise (nom en caractères d et fournir, le cas échéant, les renseignements supplémentair Date Nom (caractères La présente demande de renouvellement de permis vise l’au J’atteste que j’ai examiné les renseignements figurant dans l et exacts à l’exception de ceux qui ont été mis à jour dans la que j’ai pleine connaissance des renseignements figurant da ils sont véridiques, complets et exacts. J’atteste en outre qu’ ou que je suis dûment autorisé à agir au nom du demandeur Date Nom (caractères No de tél Veuillez faire parvenir votre demande de renouvellement de perm catives au bureau régional du Programme sur l’immersion en mer Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on September 24, 2014
CONSOLIDATION Designated Employees Pension Protection Regulations SOR/93-306 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Pension Protection for Designated Employees 1 Short Title Applicable Enactments Adapted Provisions Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/93-306 June 8, 1993 AIRPORT TRANSFER (MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS) ACT Designated Regulations Employees P.C. 1993-1216 June 8, 1993 Pension Protection His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the President of the Treasury Board, pursuant to subsections 5(3) and (4) of the Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting pension protection for designated employees. * S.C. 1992, c. 5 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting Pension Protection for Designated Employees Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Designated Employees Pension Protection Regulations. Applicable Enactments 2 Subject to sections 3 and 4, the Public Service Superannuation Act and the regulations made under that Act apply to a person who makes an election under paragraph 5(1)(e) of the Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act. 3 Subsections 12(4), (6) and (7) and 13(2) and (3) of the Public Service Superannuation Act do not apply in respect of (a) a surviving spouse of a designated employee for an airport who became the spouse of that employee on or after the transfer date for that airport, unless the designated employee had again become a contributor under the Public Service Superannuation Act; or (b) a child of a designated employee for an airport who was conceived by, adopted by, or became the stepchild of, a designated employee on or after the transfer date for the airport, unless the designated employee had again become a contributor under the Public Service Superannuation Act. Adapted Provisions 4 For the purposes of section 5 of the Airport Transfer (Miscellaneous Matters) Act, (a) in subparagraphs 10(9)(b)(i) and (ii) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, the year in which a person ceased to be employed in the Public Service is the year in which the person ceased to be employed by a designated airport authority; (b) in subsections 12(1) to (3) and (6) to (8) and section 13 of the Public Service Superannuation Act, (i) the number of years of pensionable service and the number of years of service of a designated employee for an airport includes any period of service Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Employees Pension Protection Regulations Adapted Provisions Sections 4-5 with a designated airport authority during the period beginning on the transfer date for the airport and ending on the day preceding the day on which the person ceases to be employed by the designated airport authority, and (ii) the day on which a person ceases to be employed in the Public Service is the day on which that person ceases to be employed by a designated airport authority; and (c) in subsection 69(3) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, the retirement year or retirement month of a person who is a designated employee for an airport is the year or month, as the case may be, in which the transfer date for the airport occurs. Coming into Force 5 These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into force on July 1, 1992. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 SOR/93-139a Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Approving the Exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the Operation of the Public Service Employment Act, of All Persons Appointed on or After April 1, 1993, for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Three Months Totalling Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate During Any Consecutive 12-Month Period for the Purpose of Being Employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory Group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing Group, the Data Processing Group and the Office Equipment Group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades Group, the General Services Group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation Group and the Ships’ Crews Group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration Group, the General Technical Group, the Engineering and Scientific Support Group, the Electronics Group, the Ships’ Officers Group and the Social Science Support Group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning Group and the Engineering and Land Survey Group of the Scientific and Professional Category During the Period Beginning on April 1, 1993 and Ending on December 31, 1993 1 Short Title Interpretation Approval Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/93-139a March 16, 1993 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ACT Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 P.C. 1993-508 March 16, 1993 Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided that it is not practicable nor in the best interests of the Public Service to apply the provisions of the Public Service Employment Act to all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993 for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Whereas the Public Service Commission is of the opinion that it is desirable to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to exclude from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993 for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; And Whereas the Public Service Commission recommends, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, that the Governor in Council make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, (a) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State of Canada, is pleased hereby, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Order approving the exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act of all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993, for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993; and (b) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State of Canada and the Public Service Commission, is pleased hereby, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Approving the Exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the Operation of the Public Service Employment Act, of All Persons Appointed on or After April 1, 1993, for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Three Months Totalling Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate During Any Consecutive 12-Month Period for the Purpose of Being Employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory Group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing Group, the Data Processing Group and the Office Equipment Group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades Group, the General Services Group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation Group and the Ships’ Crews Group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration Group, the General Technical Group, the Engineering and Scientific Support Group, the Electronics Group, the Ships’ Officers Group and the Social Science Support Group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning Group and the Engineering and Land Survey Group of the Scientific and Professional Category During the Period Beginning on April 1, 1993 and Ending on December 31, 1993 Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993. Interpretation 2 In this Order, persons means persons who are not employed pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act. (personne) Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Public Works Terms Under Three Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1993 Approval Section 3 Approval 3 The exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act of all persons appointed on or after April 1, 1993, for one or more specified periods of less than three months totalling less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Public Works in the Clerical and Regulatory group, the Secretarial, Stenographic, Typing group, the Data Processing group and the Office Equipment group of the Administrative Support Category, in the General Labour and Trades group, the General Services group, the Heating, Power and Stationary Plant Operation group and the Ships’ Crews group of the Operational Category, in the Drafting and Illustration group, the General Technical group, the Engineering and Scientific Support group, the Electronics group, the Ships’ Officers group and the Social Science Support group of the Technical Category, in the Architecture and Town Planning group and the Engineering and Land Survey group of the Scientific and Professional Category during the period beginning on April 1, 1993 and ending on December 31, 1993, is hereby approved. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences) SOR/85-627 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 26, 2009. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Issuing a Direction to the Canadian RadioTelevision and Telecommunications Commission Respecting Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences 1 Short Title Interpretation Direction Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 ii Registration SOR/85-627 June 27, 1985 BROADCASTING ACT Direction to the CRTC Broadcasting Licences) P.C. 1985-2108 (Ineligibility to Hold June 27, 1985 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Communications, pursuant to subparagraph 22(1)(a)(iii) and sec‐ tion 27 of the Broadcasting Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences), C.R.C., c. 377, and to make the annexed Order issuing a Direction to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission respecting ineligibility to hold broadcasting licences, in substitution therefor. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 Order Issuing a Direction to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Respecting Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences). Interpretation 2 For the purposes of this Order, agent of Her Majesty in right of any province means any agent of Her Majesty in that right, but does not include municipal governments, an independent corporation or an independent carrier; (mandataire de Sa Majesté du chef d’une province) independent carrier means a corporation (a) that is either a Canadian carrier, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Telecommunications Act, that is owned by Her Majesty in right of any province, that was operating as a Canadian carrier on August 6, 1996 and that continues to operate as a Canadian carrier, or a subsidiary of such a Canadian carrier, where (i) the Commission determines that the corporation is not directly controlled by Her Majesty in right of any province, and (ii) the corporation enjoys freedom of expression and journalistic, creative and programming independence in the pursuit of its objects and in the exercise of its powers; (b) that is a Canadian carrier, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Telecommunications Act, that is owned by a municipal government, where (i) the Commission determines that the corporation is not directly controlled by the governing body of the municipal government, and (ii) the corporation enjoys freedom of expression and journalistic, creative and programming independence in the pursuit of its objects and in the exercise of its powers; or Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences) Interpretation Section 2 (c) that is a Canadian carrier, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Telecommunications Act, whose transmission facilities are operated by a public utility service provider, where (i) the Commission determines that the public utility service provider is not directly controlled by the governing body of the municipal government, and (ii) the public utility service provider enjoys freedom of expression and journalistic, creative and programming independence in the pursuit of its objects and in the exercise of its powers; (entreprise indépendante) independent corporation means a corporation that the Commission is satisfied is not directly controlled by Her Majesty in right of any province or by a municipal government and that is designated by statute or by the lieutenant governor in council of a province for the purpose of broadcasting the following types of programming, namely, (a) programming designed to be presented in such a context as to provide a continuity of learning opportunity aimed at the acquisition or improvement of knowledge or the enlargement of understanding of members of the audience to whom such programming is directed and under circumstances such that the acquisition or improvement of such knowledge or the enlargement of such understanding is subject to supervision or assessment by a provincial authority by any appropriate means, and (b) programming providing information on the available courses of instruction or involving the broadcasting of special education events within the educational system, which programming, taken as a whole, shall be designed to furnish educational opportunities and shall be distinctly different from general broadcasting available on the national broadcasting service or on privately owned broadcasting undertakings; (société indépendante) municipal government means any municipal or other public body empowered to perform a function of government in a province, but does not include an independent carrier; (administration municipale) provincial authority means such person, body or authority as may be designated by the lieutenant governor in council of a province as the provincial authority for that province for the purposes of this Direction; (autorité provinciale) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009 Direction to the CRTC (Ineligibility to Hold Broadcasting Licences) Interpretation Sections 2-5 public utility service provider means a provider of telecommunications services that is organized as a municipal service board, a public utility commission or another similar body that is a part of a municipal government but is distinct from its governing body. (fournisseur de services publics) SOR/97-231, s. 1; SOR/2007-73, s. 1; SOR/2009-103, s. 1. Direction 3 The Commission is hereby directed that, on and after June 27, 1985, broadcasting licences may not be issued and renewals of broadcasting licences may not be granted to applicants of the following classes: (a) Her Majesty in right of any province; (b) agents of Her Majesty in right of any province; and (c) municipal governments. 4 Notwithstanding section 3, the Commission may, on application, issue or grant a renewal of a distribution undertaking licence to an applicant of the class referred to in paragraph 3(c) or to any applicant that, as determined by the Commission, is directly controlled by the governing body of a municipal government where the Commission is satisfied that (a) a refusal to issue or grant a renewal of the licence would be contrary to the public interest; and (b) the community programming to be provided by the applicant under the licence would afford a reasonable opportunity for the expression of differing views on matters of public concern. SOR/2007-73, s. 2. 5 Nothing in this Direction shall be construed as limiting the power of the Governor in Council to direct that broadcasting licences may not be issued and amendments or renewals of broadcasting licences may not be granted to applicants of a class other than a class described in section 3 or as limiting the power of the Commission, in carrying out its objects, to refuse to issue a broadcasting licence or to grant an amendment or renewal of a broadcasting licence to an applicant of a class other than a class described in section 3. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 26, 2009
CONSOLIDATION Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Regulations, 1989 SOR/89-348b Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Employment of Persons for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate during any Consecutive 12month Period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support Categories during the Period Beginning on July 1, 1989 and Ending on June 30, 1991 1 Short Title Interpretation Application General Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/89-348b June 29, 1989 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ACT Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Regulations, 1989 P.C. 1989-1259 June 29, 1989 Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided that it is not practicable nor in the best interests of the Public Service to apply the provisions of the Public Service Employment Act to all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989 for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991; Whereas the Public Service Commission is of the opinion that it is desirable to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991; Whereas the Public Service Commission recommends that, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, the Governor in Council approve the exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991, from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act; And Whereas, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, the Public Service Commission recommends that the Governor in Council make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate dur‐ ing any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Regulations, 1989 beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, (a) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State, is pleased hereby pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Order approving the exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the ag‐ gregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991, from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act; and (b) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State and the Public Service Commission, is pleased hereby pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any con‐ secutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991. Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting the Employment of Persons for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate during any Consecutive 12-month Period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support Categories during the Period Beginning on July 1, 1989 and Ending on June 30, 1991 Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Regulations, 1989. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Department means the Department of Forestry; (ministère) Deputy Head means the Deputy Minister of the Department; (administrateur général) Order means the Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1989. (décret) persons means persons who are not employed pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act. (personne) Application 3 These Regulations apply to persons to whom the Order applies. General 4 Where the Department requires the services of a person in a position in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period, the Deputy Head or a person authorized by the Deputy Head for that purpose may recruit, select and appoint a person to that position. Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Regulations, 1989 General Section 5 5 The Deputy Head or a person authorized by the Deputy Head for that purpose may, on giving at least one day’s notice to a person appointed under these Regulations, terminate the employment of that person (a) for cause; or (b) where the services of that person are no longer required owing to a lack of work or the discontinuance of a function in the Department. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife Act) Regulations SOR/2017-107 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on November 30, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife Act) Regulations Designated provisions *2 Coming into force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020 ii Registration SOR/2017-107 June 2, 2017 CANADA WILDLIFE ACT Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife Act) Regulations P.C. 2017-566 June 2, 2017 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to paragraph 12(k)a of the Canada Wildlife Actb, makes the annexed Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife Act) Regulations. a S.C. 2009, c. 14, s. 47(2) b R.S., c. W-9; S.C. 1994, c. 23, s. 2 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020 Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife Act) Regulations Designated provisions 1 The provisions set out in the schedule are designated for the purposes of paragraph 13(1)(b) of the Canada Wildlife Act. Coming into force 2 These Regulations come into force on the day on which subsection 47(2) of the Environmental Enforcement Act, chapter 14 of the Statutes of Canada, 2009, comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered. * * [Note: Regulations in force July 12, 2017, see SI/2017-28.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020 Designation of Regulatory Provisions for Purposes of Enforcement (Canada Wildlife) Regulations Schedule SCHEDULE (Section 1) Designated Provisions Column 1 Column 2 Item Regulations Provisions Wildlife Area Regulations (a) paragraphs 3(1)(a) to (f), (k) to (n), (p) to (s) and (u) (b) subsection 3(2) (c) subsection 3.8(4) (d) paragraph 8.1(3)(b) Scott Islands Protected subsection 2(1) Marine Area Regulations SOR/2019-57, s. 1; SOR/2020-256, s. 53; SOR/2020-256, s. 54. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on November 30, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Designation of Countries (Standards Council of Canada) Order SI/93-255 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 8, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 8, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 8, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Designating Countries for the Purposes of Paragraph 4(2)(d) of the Standards Council of Canada Act 1 Short Title General Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 8, 2020 ii Registration SI/93-255 December 29, 1993 STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA ACT Designation of Countries (Standards Council of Canada) Order P.C. 1993-2112 December 15, 1993 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, pursuant to subsection 4(4)* of the Standards Council of Canada Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order designating countries for the purposes of paragraph 4(2)(d) of the Stan‐ dards Council of Canada Act, effective on the day on which section 224 of An Act to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement, being chapter 44 of the Statutes of Canada, 1993, comes into force. * S.C. 1993, c. 44 , s. 224(2) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 8, 2020 Order Designating Countries for the Purposes of Paragraph 4(2)(d) of the Standards Council of Canada Act Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Designation of Countries (Standards Council of Canada) Order. General 2 The following countries are designated for the purposes of paragraph 4(2)(d) of the Standards Council of Canada Act: (a) any country that is a member economy of the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation; (b) any country that is a member state of the European Free Trade Association; (c) any country that is a member state of the European Union; (d) any country that is a party to the Agreement, as defined in section 2 of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act; (e) any country that is a member state of the Organization of American States, including Cuba; and (f) any country that is a member of the World Trade Organization. SI/99-87, s. 1; SI/2001-44, s. 1; SI/2002-121, s. 1; SI/2020-47, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 8, 2020
CONSOLIDATION Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SOR/2001-65 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on January 1, 2018. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations 1 Interpretation Prescribed Amount 2.1 Restrictions Related to Point-Of-Sale Rebates 2.1 Coupons 2.2 Restriction Coming into Force SCHEDULE 1 Ontario Items SCHEDULE 2 Nova Scotia Items SCHEDULE 3 New Brunswick Items SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 4.1 Prince Edward Island Items SCHEDULE 5 Newfoundland and Labrador Items Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 ii Registration SOR/2001-65 January 30, 2001 EXCISE TAX ACT Deduction for Regulations P.C. 2001-151 Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) January 30, 2001 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 234(3)a and section 277b of the Excise Tax Act, hereby makes the annexed Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations. a S.C. 1997, c. 10, s. 214(1) b S.C. 1993, c. 27, s. 125(1) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Interpretation 1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations. Act means the Excise Tax Act. (Loi) aircraft fuel [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 20] children’s car seat means a restraint system or booster seat that conforms to the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213, 213.1, 213.2 or 213.5 under the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations. (siège d’auto) children’s clothing means garments (other than garments of a class that is used exclusively in sports or recreational activities, costumes, children’s diapers or children’s footwear) that are (a) designed for babies, including baby bibs, bunting blankets and receiving blankets; (b) children’s garments (i) designed for girls and of a size not greater than the size that is girls’ size 16 according to the national standard applicable to the garments, (ii) designed for boys and of a size not greater than the size that is boys’ size 20 according to the national standard applicable to the garments, or (iii) if no national standard applies to the garments, designed for girls or boys and having a size designation of extra small, small, medium or large; or (c) hosiery or stretchy socks, hats, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders, mittens and gloves in sizes and styles designed for children or babies. (vêtements pour enfants) children’s diaper means a product that is designed for babies or children and that is (a) a diaper; (b) a diaper insert or liner; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Interpretation Section 1 (c) a training pant; or (d) a rubber pant designed for use in conjunction with any of the items referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c). (couche pour enfants) children’s footwear means footwear (other than stockings, socks or similar footwear or footwear of a class that is used exclusively in sports or recreational activities) that (a) is designed for babies; or (b) is designed for girls or boys and has an insole length of 24.25 centimetres or less. (chaussures pour enfants) composite property means property that is wrapped, packaged or otherwise prepared for sale as a single product the only components of which are a printed book and (a) a read-only medium that contains material all or substantially all of the value of which is reasonably attributable to one or more of the following: (i) a reproduction of the printed book, and (ii) material that makes specific reference to the printed book and its content and that supplements, and is integrated with, that content; or (b) if the product is specially designed for use by students enrolled in a qualifying course, a read-only medium or a right to access a website, or both of them, that contains material that is related to the subject matter of the printed book. (bien mixte) diesel fuel [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 20] feminine hygiene product means a product that is marketed exclusively for feminine hygiene purposes and is a sanitary napkin, tampon, sanitary belt, menstrual cup or other similar product. (produit d’hygiène féminine) gasoline [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 20] motor fuel [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 20] national standard means a standard of the National Standards of Canada, as they read on January 1, 2010, in the subject area CAN/CGSB-49, Garment Sizes, published by the Canadian General Standards Board. (norme nationale) printed book has the meaning assigned by subsection 259.1(1) of the Act. (livre imprimé) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Interpretation Section 1 provincial schedule in respect of a participating province means (a) in the case of Ontario, Schedule 1; (b) in the case of Nova Scotia, Schedule 2; (c) in the case of New Brunswick, Schedule 3; (d) [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 20] (d.1) in the case of Prince Edward Island, Schedule 4.1; and (e) in the case of Newfoundland and Labrador, Schedule 5. (annexe provinciale) qualifying course means a course the supply of the service of instructing in which, (a) is an exempt supply included in Part III of Schedule V to the Act; or (b) would be an exempt supply included in Part III of Schedule V to the Act but for the fact that the supplier of the service has made an election under that Part. (cours admissible) qualifying food and beverages means food or beverages (other than wine, spirits, beer, malt liquor or other alcoholic beverages) for human consumption that are, having regard to the nature of the product, the quantity sold or its packaging, sold in a form suitable for immediate consumption and that are (a) food or beverages heated for consumption; (b) salads not canned or vacuum sealed; (c) sandwiches and similar products other than when frozen; (d) platters of cheese, cold cuts, fruit or vegetables and other arrangements of prepared food; (e) cakes, muffins, pies, pastries, tarts, cookies, doughnuts, brownies, croissants with sweetened filling or coating, or similar products if they are not prepackaged for sale to consumers and are sold as single servings in quantities of less than six; (f) ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, frozen yoghurt, frozen pudding or non-dairy substitutes for any of the foregoing, or any product that contains any of the foregoing, sold in single servings and not prepackaged; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Interpretation Section 1 (g) food, the supply of which is a taxable supply (other than a zero-rated supply) that would be a zero-rated supply included in section 1 of Part III of Schedule VI to the Act if that section were read without reference to paragraph (q); (h) non-carbonated beverages dispensed at the place where they are sold; (i) any of the following beverages, the supply of which is not a zero-rated supply: (i) milk (flavoured or unflavoured), (ii) soy, rice or almond-based beverages or other similar non-dairy substitutes for milk, or (iii) non-carbonated fruit juice beverages or fruit flavoured beverages, other than milk-based beverages, that contain 25% or more by volume of a natural fruit juice or combination of natural fruit juices or of a natural fruit juice or combination of natural fruit juices that have been reconstituted into the original state; (j) any of the following beverages sold to a person at the same time as food or beverages that are described in any of paragraphs (a) to (i) and the supply of which is not a zero-rated supply: (i) carbonated beverages dispensed at the place where they are sold, or (ii) beverages (other than those described in any of paragraphs (a), (h) and (i)), provided that all of the following circumstances are satisfied: (A) the cans, bottles or other primary containers in which they are sold contain a quantity not exceeding a single serving, and (B) the beverages are not sold in multiples, prepackaged by the manufacturer or producer, of single servings; or (k) any of the following food, sold to a person together with food or beverages that are described in any of paragraphs (a) to (i) for a single consideration: (i) cakes, muffins, pies, pastries, tarts, cookies, doughnuts, brownies, croissants with sweetened filling or coating, or similar products if they are prepackaged for sale to consumers in quantities of less than six items each of which is a single serving, (ii) ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, frozen yoghurt or frozen pudding, non-dairy substitutes for any of the Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Interpretation Sections 1-2 foregoing, or any product that contains any of the foregoing, prepackaged and sold in single servings, or (iii) food described in any of paragraphs 1(e) to (j) and (l) of Part III of Schedule VI to the Act. (aliments et boissons admissibles) qualifying heating oil means fuel (other than heavy fuel oil or fuel sold as fuel for use in internal combustion engines) that is suitable for use as heating oil and is marketed or sold as fuel for use as heating oil for heating homes, buildings or similar structures. (huile de chauffage admissible) qualifying newspaper means a print newspaper (other than a flyer, insert, magazine, periodical or shopper) that contains news, editorials, feature stories or other information of interest to the general public and that is published at regular intervals. (journal admissible) read-only medium means a tangible medium that is designed for the read-only storage of information and other material in digital format. (support non inscriptible) SOR/2007-112, s. 1; SOR/2010-152, s. 9; SOR/2012-191, s. 20; SOR/2013-44, s. 9; SOR/ 2016-306, s. 1; SOR/2017-274, s. 1. Prescribed Amount 2 For the purposes of subsection 234(3) of the Act, the prescribed amount for an item included in the provincial schedule in respect of a participating province is the amount that may be paid or credited under an Act of the legislature of the participating province and that is equal to an amount of tax payable under Part IX of the Act in respect of that item. SOR/2010-152, s. 10. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Restrictions Related to Point-Of-Sale Rebates Sections 2.1-2.2 Restrictions Related to Point-OfSale Rebates Coupons 2.1 For the purposes of the new harmonized valueadded tax system, section 181 of the Act is adapted according to the following rules: (a) the reference to “a supply made in a participating province” in paragraph (a) of the definition tax fraction in subsection 181(1) of the Act is to be read as “a supply made in a participating province (other than a supply in respect of which the supplier pays to, or credits in favour of, the recipient of the supply an amount prescribed for the purposes of subsection 234(3) or a supply in respect of which the supplier credits a qualifying amount (as defined in section 1 of the Credit for Provincial Relief (HST) Regulations) to a person)”; and (b) for the purposes of paragraphs 181(2)(b) and (c) of the Act, if the tax fraction referred to in those paragraphs is determined under paragraph (b) of the definition tax fraction in subsection 181(1) of the Act, the references in paragraphs 181(2)(b) and (c) of the Act to “tax collectible” is to be read as “tax collectible under subsection 165(1)” and the reference in paragraph 181(2)(c) of the Act to “tax payable” is to be read as “tax payable under subsection 165(1)”. SOR/2010-152, s. 10; SOR/2011-56, s. 22. Restriction 2.2 Section 234 of the Act is modified to adapt that section to the new harmonized value-added tax system by adding the following subsection after subsection (4) of that section: Additional restriction (4.1) No amount of an input tax credit, rebate, refund or remission under this or any other Act of Parliament, and no amount of a tax benefit (as defined in subsection 274(1)), shall be credited, paid, granted or allowed to the extent that it can reasonably be regarded that the amount is determined, directly or indirectly, in relation to an amount that is prescribed for the purposes of subsection (3). SOR/2010-152, s. 10. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations Coming into Force Section 3 Coming into Force 3 These Regulations are deemed to have come into force on April 1, 1997. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Ontario Items SCHEDULE 1 (Section 1) Ontario Items 1 A printed book or an update of a printed book An audio recording all or substantially all of which is a spoken reading of a printed book A bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion A composite property Children’s clothing Children’s footwear A children’s diaper A feminine hygiene product A children’s car seat A qualifying newspaper Qualifying food and beverages sold to a person at a particular time, if the total of all consideration for all qualifying food and beverages sold to the person at the particular time is four dollars or less SOR/2007-112, s. 2; SOR/2010-152, s. 11. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Nova Scotia Items SCHEDULE 2 (Section 1) Nova Scotia Items 1 A printed book or an update of a printed book An audio recording all or substantially all of which is a spoken reading of a printed book A bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion A composite property Children’s clothing Children’s footwear A children’s diaper A feminine hygiene product SOR/2010-152, s. 11. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 3 New Brunswick Items SCHEDULE 3 (Section 1) New Brunswick Items 1 A printed book or an update of a printed book An audio recording all or substantially all of which is a spoken reading of a printed book A bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion A composite property SOR/2010-152, s. 11. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 4 SCHEDULE 4 [Repealed, SOR/2012-191, s. 21] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 4.1 Prince Edward Island Items SCHEDULE 4.1 (Section 1) Prince Edward Island Items 1 A printed book or an update of a printed book An audio recording all or substantially all of which is a spoken reading of a printed book A bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion A composite property Children’s clothing Children’s footwear Qualifying heating oil SOR/2013-44, s. 10. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations SCHEDULE 5 Newfoundland and Labrador Items SCHEDULE 5 (Section 1) Newfoundland and Labrador Items 1 A printed book or an update of a printed book An audio recording all or substantially all of which is a spoken reading of a printed book A bound or unbound printed version of scripture of any religion A composite property SOR/2017-274, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018 Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations RELATED PROVISIONS RELATED PROVISIONS — SOR/2010-152, s. 13, as amended by SOR/2012-191, s. 44 13 Until December 31, 2011, the children’s car seats referred to in the Deduction for Provincial Rebate (GST/HST) Regulations, as amended by sections 9 to 11, may, instead of conforming to the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Seats Safety Regulations, conform to the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions Safety Regulations as they read on May 11, 2010 and as they were modified in their application by the Order Modifying the Operation of the Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions Safety Regulations and the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations, which came into effect on May 1, 2009 and was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on May 9, 2009. — SOR/2016-306, s. 5 5 Sections 2 and 3 apply in respect of tax that (a) becomes payable after 2016 without having been paid before 2017; or (b) is paid after 2016 without having become payable before 2017. — SOR/2017-274, s. 4 4 Section 2 applies in respect of tax that (a) becomes payable after 2017 without having been paid before 2018; or (b) is paid after 2017 without having become payable before 2018. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on January 1, 2018
CONSOLIDATION Domestic Spirits Destroyed Remission Order SI/87-116 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Duty Imposed Under Section 135 of the Excise Act in Respect of Domestic Spirits Destroyed as Being Unfit for Human Consumption Short Title Interpretation Remission Conditions Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/87-116 June 24, 1987 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Domestic Spirits Destroyed Remission Order P.C. 1987-1135 June 4, 1987 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, considering that it is in the public interest, is pleased hereby, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 17* of the Financial Administration Act, to make the annexed Order respecting the remission of the excise duty imposed under section 135 of the Excise Act in respect of domestic spirits destroyed as being unfit for human consumption. * S.C. 1980-81-82-83, c. 170, s. 4 Current to June 20, 2022 Order Respecting the Remission of Excise Duty Imposed Under Section 135 of the Excise Act in Respect of Domestic Spirits Destroyed as Being Unfit for Human Consumption Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Domestic Spirits Destroyed Remission Order. Interpretation 2 In this Order, agency means any board, commission or agency of the government that, by the law of a province, is empowered to sell or to authorize the sale and delivery of spirits; (organisme) distiller means any person to whom a license is granted pursuant to section 129 of the Excise Act; (distillateur) Minister means the Minister of National Revenue; (ministre) domestic spirits means any material or substance that is made in Canada whether in liquid or in any other form, containing any proportion by mass or by volume of absolute ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), other than beer or malt liquor. (eau-de-vie fabriquée au Canada) Remission 3 Subject to section 4, remission is hereby granted of the excise duty paid or payable after March 1, 1986 by the distiller or agency pursuant to section 135 of the Excise Act in respect of domestic spirits destroyed as being unfit for human consumption. Conditions 4 The remission granted pursuant to section 3 is on condition that Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Spirits Destroyed Remission Order Conditions Section 4 (a) an application for remission is made to the Minister within two years after the domestic spirits are destroyed; (b) the application is made in respect of domestic spirits that are unfit for human consumption; (c) the application specifies the quantity of domestic spirits, as determined by the distiller under the supervision of an excise officer, for which the remission is sought; (d) the domestic spirits are destroyed in a manner approved by the Minister; and (e) the application is accompanied by such other evidence as is necessary to demonstrate to the Minister that the applicant is entitled to the remission. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Duty Free Shop Regulations SOR/86-1072 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 25, 2019. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Duty Free Shops 1 Short Title Interpretation PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops 3 Issuance of Licence Security Term of Licence Amendment of Licence Cancellation or Suspension of Licences Reinstatement and Renewal of Licences PART II Operation of Duty Free Shops 13 Facilities, Services and Standards Receipt of Goods Provision of Information Transfer of Ownership of Goods Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 ii Registration SOR/86-1072 November 6, 1986 CUSTOMS ACT Duty Free Shop Regulations P.C. 1986-2530 November 6, 1986 Whereas, pursuant to subsection 164(3) of the Customs Act*, a copy of proposed Regulations respecting duty free shops, substantially in the form annexed hereto, was published in the Canada Gazette Part I on April 26, 1986 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of National Revenue with respect thereto; Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to section 30, subsec‐ tion 37(1), paragraphs 164(1)(i) and (j) and sec‐ tion 166 of the Customs Act*, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting duty free shops, effective on the day that section 30, subsec‐ tion 37(1), paragraphs 164(1)(i) and (j) and sec‐ tion 166 of the Customs Act come into force. * S.C. 1986, c. 1 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Regulations Respecting Duty Free Shops Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Duty Free Shop Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Act means the Customs Act; (Loi) applicant means a person who applies for a licence; (demandeur) beer means beer or malt liquor as defined in section 4 of the Excise Act; (bière) border crossing point means a place on the international border between Canada and the United States at which there is a customs office; (poste frontalier) chief officer of customs, with respect to a duty free shop or a proposed duty free shop, means the manager of the customs office or customs offices that serve the area in which the duty free shop is located or is proposed to be located; (agent en chef des douanes) Department [Repealed, SOR/2002-218, s. 1] excisable goods means spirits, wine, beer or tobacco products; (marchandises assujetties à l’accise) excise warehouse has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Excise Act, 2001; (entrepôt d’accise) intoxicating liquor has the same meaning as in the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act; (boisson enivrante) licence means a licence to operate a place as a duty free shop; (agrément) licensee means a person to whom a licence has been issued; (exploitant) permanent resident has the same meaning as in the Immigration Act, 1976. (résident permanent) SOR/96-153, s. 1; SOR/2002-218, s. 1; SOR/2005-212, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations Interpretation Sections 2-3 PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Issuance of Licence 3 (1) For the purposes of section 24 of the Act and subject to subsection (6), a licence may be issued to any qualified person who makes an application in accordance with subsection (2) and who gives the security required under section 4. (2) The person shall submit the application for a licence in the prescribed form to the Commissioner. (3) A corporation is qualified to operate a duty free shop at a border crossing point if (a) the corporation is incorporated in Canada; (b) all the shares of the corporation are beneficially owned by (i) a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, (ii) another corporation that is incorporated in Canada all of whose shares are beneficially owned by a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, or (iii) both a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and that other corporation; and (c) the Canadian citizen or permanent resident referred to in paragraph (b) (i) is of good character, (ii) maintains their principal residence in Canada, and (iii) resided in Canada for at least 183 days of the year before the year in which the corporation makes the application for the licence. (4) A person other than a corporation is qualified to operate a duty free shop at a border crossing point if the person (a) is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Issuance of Licence Sections 3-4 (b) is of good character; (c) maintains his principal residence in Canada; and (d) resided in Canada for at least 183 days of the year preceding the year in which the person makes the application for the licence. (5) A person is qualified to operate a duty free shop at an airport or at a border crossing point if the person has been granted a lease or other right to occupy the place proposed as the duty free shop. (6) The Minister shall not issue a licence to an applicant unless (a) the applicant meets the qualifications referred to in subsection (3) or (4) and subsection (5) in the case of a duty free shop at a border crossing point, or subsection (5) in the case of a duty free shop at an airport; (b) [Repealed, SOR/96-153, s. 2] (c) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 1] (d) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 1] (e) an adequate range of goods is not available in, or adequate service is not provided by, any duty free shop already located in the area in which the proposed duty free shop is to be located; (f) the establishment of a duty free shop will not impede the flow of traffic in the vicinity in which the proposed duty free shop is to be located; and (g) the Agency is able to provide customs services with respect to the proposed duty free shop. (7) [Repealed, SOR/96-153, s. 2] SOR/92-189, s. 1; SOR/96-153, s. 2; SOR/2002-218, s. 2; SOR/2005-182, s. 1; SOR/ 2019-259, s. 1. Security 4 (1) An applicant shall, before a licence is issued to him, give security in an amount that is determined by the Minister, but in no case shall the amount of security be less than $10,000. (2) The Minister may at any time require a licensee to increase the amount of security given under subsection (1) to an amount sufficient to ensure the payment of any duties payable in respect of the goods in the duty free shop. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Security Sections 4-6 (3) The security given under subsection (1) shall be deposited with the chief officer of customs and shall be in the form of (a) cash; (b) a certified cheque; (c) a transferable bond issued by the Government of Canada; or (d) a bond issued by (i) a company that is registered and holds a certificate of registry to carry on the fidelity or surety class of insurance business and that is approved by the President of the Treasury Board as a company whose bonds may be accepted by the Government of Canada, (ii) a member of the Canadian Payments Association referred to in section 4 of the Canadian Payments Association Act, (iii) a corporation that accepts deposits insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Régie de l’assurance-dépôts du Québec to the maximum amounts permitted by the statutes under which those institutions were established, (iv) a credit union as defined in subsection 137(6) of the Income Tax Act, or (v) a corporation that accepts deposits from the public, if repayment of the deposits is guaranteed by Her Majesty in right of a province. SOR/91-274; SOR/2001-197, s. 7. 5 [Repealed, SOR/2002-218, s. 3] Term of Licence 6 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a licence is valid for a period beginning on the date indicated on the licence as being the date on which the licence becomes effective and ending on the date indicated on the licence as being the date on which the licence expires. (2) No licence shall be valid for more than 10 years. SOR/2019-259, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Amendment of Licence Sections 7-9 Amendment of Licence 7 (1) The Minister may amend a licence only for the following purposes: (a) subject to subsection (2), (i) to change a restriction specified in the licence as to the classes of goods that may be received in the duty free shop, or to specify such a restriction, (ii) to change the circumstances specified in the licence in which goods may be received in the duty free shop, or to specify such circumstances; or (b) to change the name of the licensee, where the name of the licensee is changed. (2) The Minister may amend a licence for the purposes set out in subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (ii) only where he has given 90 days notice of the proposed amendment. Cancellation or Suspension of Licences 8 The Minister may cancel a licence where the licensee (a) no longer owns or leases the place that is licensed as a duty free shop; (b) requests the Minister in writing to cancel the licence; or (c) is bankrupt. SOR/96-153, s. 3. 9 (1) Subject to section 10, the Minister may suspend or cancel a licence where the licensee (a) is the subject of a receivership in respect of his debts; (b) fails to comply with any Act of Parliament, or any regulation made pursuant thereto, that prohibits, controls or regulates the importation or exportation of goods, or that relates to customs and excise; (c) [Repealed, SOR/96-153, s. 4] (d) has, in the course of his operation of the duty free shop, acted dishonestly in his business dealings with customers, suppliers, customs brokers, carriers, Her Majesty or servants of Her Majesty; or Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Cancellation or Suspension of Licences Sections 9-10 (e) has failed to carry out, within a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner, any proposal made in the application for the licence. (2) Subject to section 10, the Minister may suspend or cancel a licence where (a) the volume of goods sold in the duty free shop is no longer sufficient to warrant the continued operation of the duty free shop; (b) there is no longer a need for a duty free shop in the area in which the duty free shop is located; (c) the Agency is no longer able to provide customs services with respect to the duty free shop; or (d) the licensee has altered the structure of the duty free shop in a manner that (i) contravenes a requirement related to the storage or sale of goods set out in the Act or in these Regulations, (ii) impedes the flow of traffic in the vicinity in which the duty free shop is located, or (iii) detrimentally affects the immediate export of goods. (3) Subject to section 10, the Minister may cancel a licence where the licensee (a) has made a misrepresentation in the application for the licence; or (b) no longer qualifies under these Regulations for a licence. SOR/96-153, s. 4; SOR/2002-218, s. 4; SOR/2005-182, s. 2. 10 (1) The Minister shall, immediately after suspending a licence, give to the licensee a notice confirming the suspension and providing all relevant information concerning the grounds on which the Minister has suspended the licence. (2) The licensee may, within 30 days after the day on which the licence is suspended, make representations to the Minister regarding why the licence should be reinstated. (3) The Minister shall, before cancelling a licence under section 9, give the licensee 90 days notice of the proposed cancellation and provide the licensee with all relevant information concerning the grounds on which the Minister proposes to cancel the licence. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART I Licensing of Duty Free Shops Cancellation or Suspension of Licences Sections 10-13 (4) The licensee may, within 90 days after the day on which the notice referred to in subsection (3) is given, make representations to the Minister regarding why the licence should not be cancelled. SOR/96-153, s. 5. Reinstatement and Renewal of Licences 11 The Minister may reinstate a suspended licence where the Minister is satisfied that the cause for the suspension no longer exists. 12 The Minister may renew a licence on the expiration of its term on condition that (a) in the case of a duty free shop at a border crossing point, the licensee submits an application in the prescribed form to the Commissioner at least 90 days before the date on which the licence is to expire; (b) in the case of a duty free shop at an airport, the licensee has been granted a new lease, an extension of the existing lease or a new right to occupy the place operated as a duty free shop; and (c) no grounds exist for the Minister to suspend or cancel the licence. SOR/2002-218, s. 5; SOR/2005-182, s. 3. PART II Operation of Duty Free Shops Facilities, Services and Standards 13 (1) Every licensee shall, at the duty free shop in respect of which his licence was issued, (a) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 3] (b) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 3] (c) provide service in English and French if the duty free shop is located in an area in which customs services are provided in English and French; and (d) display notices in English and French indicating Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART II Operation of Duty Free Shops Facilities, Services and Standards Sections 13-14 (i) that the goods sold in the duty free shop are for immediate exportation only and must be reported under the Act if they are returned to Canada, (ii) the circumstances in which goods imported into the United States by individuals are exempt from duties, and (iii) the circumstances in which goods imported into Canada by individuals are exempt from duties. (e) and (f) [Repealed, SOR/96-153, s. 6] (2) Where a duty free shop forms only part of a building, the licensee shall keep the duty free shop separate from the remainder of the building by a partition or other suitable structure. (3) [Repealed, SOR/96-153, s. 6] SOR/96-153, s. 6; SOR/2019-259, s. 3. 14 Every licensee shall ensure that (a) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 4] (b) the goods received in the duty free shop are held in an area designated by the chief officer of customs until, in the case of imported goods, those goods have been accounted for under the Act or, in the case of domestic goods, those goods have been approved by an officer for entry into the licensee’s inventory; (c) the duty free shop may be locked and sealed by an officer where the chief officer of customs requests that the duty free shop be locked and sealed, for the purpose of enabling an officer to check the goods therein against the licensee’s records of inventory; (d) the duty free shop may be locked and sealed by an officer in the event that the licensee’s licence expires or is cancelled or suspended and may be kept locked and sealed until (i) in the case of goods in it other than excisable goods, the duties and taxes payable on the goods have been paid or the goods have been disposed of in accordance with the laws relating to customs and excise, and (ii) in the case of goods in it that are excisable goods, the goods have been disposed of in accordance with the laws relating to customs and excise or, in the case of intoxicating liquor, in accordance with the laws relating to intoxicating liquor of the province in which the duty free shop is located; and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART II Operation of Duty Free Shops Facilities, Services and Standards Sections 14-16 (e) the duty free shop is kept suitable for the safekeeping of the goods stored in it. SOR/2005-212, s. 2; SOR/2019-259, s. 4. 15 (1) No intoxicating liquor shall be sold in a duty free shop in a province unless the licensee has obtained written approval to sell intoxicating liquor from the board, commission or agency that is authorized by the laws of the province to sell or to authorize the sale of intoxicating liquor in that province. (2) Unless a licensee has obtained written approval for the transfer from the board, commission or agency described in subsection (1), an intoxicating liquor shall not be transferred within the same province (a) in the case of intoxicating liquors, from a duty free shop to another duty free shop; (b) in the case of beer, from a duty free shop to a bonded warehouse; or (c) in the case of wine or spirits, (i) from a duty free shop to a bonded warehouse or an excise warehouse, or (ii) from an excise warehouse to a duty free shop. SOR/2005-212, ss. 3, 4(F). Receipt of Goods 16 (1) Every licensee shall, on the arrival of goods at the duty free shop in respect of which his licence was issued, (a) acknowledge the receipt of the goods by (i) endorsing the bill of lading, way-bill or other similar transportation document presented to him by the carrier, or (ii) endorsing the document by which the licensee accounts for inventory. (b) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 5] (2) Before any goods are taken into a duty free shop, the licensee shall present to the chief officer of customs any documents required to be presented to him under the Act or any regulations made pursuant thereto. SOR/2019-259, s. 5. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019 Duty Free Shop Regulations PART II Operation of Duty Free Shops Provision of Information Sections 17-19 Provision of Information 17 [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 6] 17.1 Every licensee that is a corporation shall provide to the Commissioner 90 days written notice in advance of a proposed change in the beneficial ownership of the shares of a corporation referred to in subsection 3(3). SOR/2005-182, s. 5. Transfer of Ownership of Goods 18 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4), the ownership of goods in a duty free shop may be transferred only by sale to persons who are about to leave Canada. (2) The ownership of goods in a duty free shop may be transferred to the person who sold them to the licensee, on condition that the goods are dealt with in accordance with the laws relating to customs and excise. (3) The ownership of goods in a duty free shop may be transferred to a person having a licence in respect of another duty free shop, on condition that the goods are dealt with in accordance with any law relating to customs and excise, and, in the case of intoxicating liquor, in accordance with section 15. (4) Where a licensee’s licence is about to expire or be cancelled and a new licensee is to be licensed to operate a duty free shop on the same premises as the premises of the licensee, the ownership of the goods in the duty free shop may be transferred to the proposed new licensee. SOR/96-153, s. 7; SOR/2005-212, s. 4(F). 19 No licensee shall sell, give or in any other manner convey any tobacco product to a person under the age of eighteen years. SOR/95-519, s. 5. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2019
CONSOLIDATION Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulations [Repealed, SOR/2007-128, s. 407] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on July 1, 2007. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Packing, Stowing, Carrying, Marking and Inspection of Dangerous Goods on Ships Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on July 1, 2007 ii
CONSOLIDATION Deep Panuke Offshore Production Platform Remission Order, 2007 SOR/2007-299 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Deep Panuke Offshore Production Platform Remission Order, 2007 1 Remission Conditions Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2007-299 December 13, 2007 CUSTOMS TARIFF Deep Panuke Offshore Remission Order, 2007 P.C. 2007-1929 Production Platform December 13, 2007 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 115 of the Customs Tariffa, hereby makes the annexed Deep Panuke Offshore Production Platform Remission Order, 2007. a S.C. 1997, c. 36 Current to June 20, 2022 Deep Panuke Offshore Production Platform Remission Order, 2007 Remission 1 Remission is granted of the customs duties paid or payable under the Customs Tariff in respect of the floating production platform, classified under tariff item No. 8905.20.20 of the Customs Tariff, imported into Canada for the Deep Panuke Offshore Gas Development Project off the southeast coast of Nova Scotia. Conditions 2 The remission is granted on the conditions that: (a) the importer files such evidence as may be required by the Canada Border Services Agency to determine eligibility for remission; and (b) a claim for remission is made by the importer to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness prior to December 31, 2012. Coming into Force 3 This Order comes into force on the day on which it is registered. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act SI/83-108 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/83-108 June 22, 1983 ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act P.C. 1983-1583 June 2, 1983 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, pursuant to the definition designated Minister in section 3 of the Access to Information Act, is pleased hereby (a) to revoke Order in Council P.C. 1983-431 of 17th February, 1983*; (b) to designate the Minister of Justice, a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, to act as the Minister for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition head in section 3, subsection 4(2), paragraphs 77(1)(f) and (g) and subsection 77(2) of the Act; and (c) to designate the President of the Treasury Board, a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, to act as the Minister for all other purposes of the Act. * SI/83-48, 1983 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 1036 Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Regulations Prohibiting Deployments into the Executive Group [Repealed, SOR/2007-163, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 26, 2007 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 26, 2007. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 26, 2007 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Prohibiting Deployments into the Executive Group Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 26, 2007 ii
CONSOLIDATION Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species SI/2006-110 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List ANNEX 2 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Referring Back to COSEWIC the Verna’s Flower Moth Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/2006-110 September 6, 2006 SPECIES AT RISK ACT Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species P.C. 2006-769 August 15, 2006 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsections 27(1.1) and (1.2) of the Species at Risk Acta (the Act), hereby (a) decides not to add the five populations of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) (Ungava Bay, Cumberland Sound, Eastern Hudson Bay, Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay and Western Hudson Bay), the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus), and the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River populations of the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk (the List) set out in Schedule 1 to the Act; (b) refers the assessment for the Verna’s flower moth (Schinia verna) back to the COSEWIC for further information and consideration; and (c) approves that the Minister of the Environment include a statement in the public registry established under section 120 of the Act (i) in the form attached as Annex 1 to this Order setting out the reasons for deciding not to add the five populations of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) (Ungava Bay, Cumberland Sound, Eastern Hudson Bay, Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay and Western Hudson Bay), the porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus), and the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River populations of the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to the List, and (ii) in the form attached as Annex 2 to this Order setting out the reasons for referring the assessment for Verna’s flower moth (Schinia verna) back to COSEWIC for further information and consideration. a S.C. 2002, c. 29 Current to June 20, 2022 Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) (Cumberland Sound Population, Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay Population, Eastern Hudson Bay Population, Ungava Bay Population, Western Hudson Bay Population) The Minister of the Environment has recommended that five populations of the Beluga Whale not be listed. The beluga whale is a medium sized toothed whale which turns completely white when it reaches sexual maturity. Beluga whales are characterized by having stout bodies, well defined necks and a disproportionately small head. They have thick skins, short but broad paddle shaped flippers, sharp teeth, and, unlike other whales, do not have a dorsal fin. Belugas average three to five metres in length and weigh between 500 and 1000 kilograms. Beluga whales live in cold Arctic waters, travelling from habitat to habitat. Its movements are driven by the need for ice free water and sufficient quantities of food. In winter, the beluga whale is found in areas of open water; in summer it frequents shallow bays and estuaries. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) states that available evidence supports dividing the Canadian belugas into seven populations, based on largely disjunct summer distributions and genetic differences. Five of these populations are currently under consideration for listing under the Act, including Cumberland Sound, Eastern High Arctic/Baffin Bay, Eastern Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay, and Western Hudson Bay populations. Historical commercial hunting has been the main cause of the declines in some populations, although belugas are also threatened by natural factors including ice entrapments and predators such as polar bears and killer whales. A variety of other human activities may also put beluga whales at risk, including noise and disturbance resulting from vessel traffic, climate change, contaminants and hydro-electric dams. The management of beluga whale populations in Canada is regulated by the Marine Mammal Regulations under the Fisheries Act. For those populations that are harvested for subsistence purposes, quotas are set through co-management boards based on scientific data and Aboriginal Traditional Knowledge. Inuit people harvest some individuals for social, ceremonial/cultural, and subsistence purposes. Harvesting is done in the context of conservation of the species, where hunting will not jeopardize the survival or recovery of the Current to June 20, 2022 Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List populations. In fact, Inuit people have been instrumental in contributing to management plans and recovery strategies for the beluga populations and their ongoing collaboration will be essential for the continued stability and recovery of all the populations. Not adding these five populations of the beluga whale at this time is necessary in order to further consult with the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board. While good progress has been made to consult on whether or not to list these beluga populations, further engagement with the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board will continue to ensure that the current decision and future listing decisions are made in full consideration of the views of the Inuit people. Any future listing decisions will be consistent with an approach that provides the best opportunity for the continued survival and future recovery of this species. Porbeagle Shark (Lamna nasus) The Minister of the Environment has recommended that Porbeagle Shark not be listed. The porbeagle is a stout shark that is blue gray on top and white underneath with a white patch on the trailing edge of the first dorsal fin. Adults can attain a size of about 3.2 metres, and have an average life expectancy of 30 to 40 years. Porbeagle sharks occur on both sides of the Atlantic, and in the south Pacific and Indian Oceans. COSEWIC has identified fishing mortality as the main threat to this species. In Canada, porbeagle sharks are currently harvested in a directed fishery, managed under the Canadian Atlantic Pelagic Shark Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, and as bycatch in the Atlantic Canadian large pelagics and groundfish fisheries. They are also harvested by other countries. In the absence of a provision that allows for the possession and trade of listed species in certain circumstances, listing the porbeagle under the Act would eliminate the directed porbeagle fishery and also prohibit the sale and trade of porbeagle shark that is by-caught in other fisheries. This would result in economic losses for some fishers and associated industries in coastal communities and loss of industry-based sources of information on the species. If listed porbeagle shark cannot be sold, costs (net present value over a twenty-year time frame) to the fishing industry would range from $0.8 million to $1.8 million, with an additional potential loss of $0.7 million in regional spin off effects. Costs associated with population monitoring surveys may be as high as $50,000 per year in the absence of the fishery. Listing of the porbeagle under the Act would result in unreported discard mortality in fisheries where porbeagle is captured incidentally, which would further hinder scientific efforts to monitor and assess its status. The federal government will continue to manage porbeagle under the authority of the Fisheries Act. A Conservation Strategy that supports the rebuilding of the porbeagle shark population will be developed in 2006 and will explore options to strengthen reporting of catches, minimize bycatch, and Current to June 20, 2022 Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List limit the directed fishery. While the strategy is in development, catch limits have been reduced to levels that do not jeopardize the long-term recovery of the species. White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) (Lower Fraser River Population, Middle Fraser River Population) For the purposes of providing listing recommendations under the Act, white sturgeon is being treated as six separate populations. This approach is consistent with COSEWIC’s status assessment report and with the intent of the Wild Salmon Policy as each of the populations is genetically distinct. The Minister of the Environment has recommended that two populations of White Sturgeon not be listed. The white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish in Canada, sometimes exceeding six metres in length. Sturgeons consist of several species that historically occurred throughout the temperate northern hemisphere, which have in recent years declined substantially due to various human induced impacts. Spawning populations of the white sturgeon occur only in the Fraser, Columbia, and Sacramento River systems on the Pacific coast of North America. These populations are genetically distinct from each other and each consists of several genetically distinct sub-populations. Six of these subpopulations have a Canadian range: four in the Fraser River system (Lower, Middle, and Upper Fraser populations as well as the Nechako River population) and two in the Columbia River system (Upper Columbia River and Kootenay River populations). COSEWIC has identified habitat degradation and loss through dams, impoundments, channelization, diking, pollution, illegal fishing and bycatch in fisheries as threats to the species. In addition, COSEWIC has indicated that a developing commercial aquaculture industry may also impose additional genetic, health, and ecological risks to wild white sturgeon populations. The decisions to not add the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River populations of the white sturgeon to Schedule 1 of the Act are based on the potential negative socio economic impacts a listing decision would have on Aboriginal peoples and the sport fishing industry. As well, the existing catch and release white sturgeon fishery on the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River is a key source of information to monitor and manage the populations. Listing these populations creates the potential for reduced stewardship for conserving and rebuilding white sturgeon populations. The Lower Fraser River population of white sturgeon is relatively abundant and shows early evidence of recovery, although returns to spawning grounds in 2005 were slightly lower than expected. The Middle Fraser River population of white sturgeon is of naturally low abundance and is constrained by habitat and food availability. The population appears stable but is not expected to increase significantly over the current levels. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 1 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Not Adding Five Populations of the Beluga Whale, Porbeagle Shark, and Two Populations of the White Sturgeon to the List The Lower Fraser River population, and to a lesser extent the Middle Fraser River population, of white sturgeon is subject to a catch and release recreational fishery that is managed by the Province of British Columbia. This fishery is a key source of information to both monitor and to manage white sturgeon, and provides a means for governments, the recreational fishing industry and conservation groups to work together to conserve and recover this species. Listing these two populations under the Act could lead to between $2.1 million and $9.3 million in annual losses to the recreational fishery sector. As well, the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River populations of the white sturgeon are harvested as bycatch by First Nations during their food, social, and ceremonial fisheries for salmon. For both populations, there is currently a voluntary release of white sturgeon bycatch by First Nations. However, listing these populations could lead to further restrictions on salmon fishing by First Nations. Many conservation measures are already in place to protect and conserve the Lower Fraser River and Middle Fraser River populations of the white sturgeon. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) will continue to use existing legal, and funding mechanisms, including the Fisheries Act, other government programs, and actions by non-governmental organizations, industry, and Canadians to protect and recover these populations. With the federal government’s cooperation, the province of British Columbia has led recovery planning over several years. This work in collaboration with others will complete the plan to guide future management activities, identify rebuilding strategies, and encourage ongoing and complementary stewardship activities. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Giving Notice of Decisions not to add Certain Species to the List of Endangered Species ANNEX 2 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Referring Back to COSEWIC the Verna’s Flower Moth ANNEX 2 Statement Setting Out the Reasons for Referring Back to COSEWIC the Verna’s Flower Moth Assessments may be referred back to COSEWIC for further information and consideration such as in cases where new information has become available, existing information (Aboriginal traditional knowledge and community knowledge) was not considered, where it is unclear to what species, populations, or individuals a status designation applies, or where there are questions regarding the interpretation of the science used in making the status designation. The assessment for the Verna’s Flower Moth (Schinia verna) is being recommended for return to COSEWIC based on several factors including lack of data on the species distribution, abundance, range, threats and suitable habitat. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1989 SOR/89-348a Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Approving the Exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all Persons Appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate during any Consecutive 12-Month Period to Positions in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support Categories during the Period Beginning on July 1, 1989 and Ending on June 30, 1991, from the Operation of the Public Service Employment Act 1 Short Title Definition Approval Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/89-348a June 29, 1989 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ACT Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1989 P.C. 1989-1259 June 29, 1989 Whereas the Public Service Commission has decided that it is not practicable nor in the best interests of the Public Service to apply the provisions of the Public Service Employment Act to all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989 for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991; Whereas the Public Service Commission is of the opinion that it is desirable to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991; Whereas the Public Service Commission recommends that, pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, the Governor in Council approve the exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991, from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act; And Whereas, pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, the Public Service Commission recommends that the Governor in Council make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate dur‐ ing any consecutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period Current to June 20, 2022 Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1989 beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991. Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, (a) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State, is pleased hereby pursuant to subsection 41(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Order approving the exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the ag‐ gregate during any consecutive 12-month period for the purpose of being employed in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991, from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act; and (b) on the recommendation of the Secretary of State and the Public Service Commission, is pleased hereby pursuant to subsection 37(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to make the annexed Regulations respecting the employment of persons for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any con‐ secutive 12-month period in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991. Current to June 20, 2022 Order Approving the Exclusion by the Public Service Commission of all Persons Appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for One or More Specified Periods of Less Than Six Months in the Aggregate during any Consecutive 12Month Period to Positions in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support Categories during the Period Beginning on July 1, 1989 and Ending on June 30, 1991, from the Operation of the Public Service Employment Act Short Title 1 This Order may be cited as the Department of Forestry Terms Under Six Months Exclusion Approval Order, 1989. Definition 2 In this Order, persons means persons who are not employed pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act. Approval 3 The exclusion by the Public Service Commission from the operation of the Public Service Employment Act of all persons appointed on or after July 1, 1989, for one or more specified periods of less than six months in the aggregate during any consecutive 12-month period to positions in the Department of Forestry in the Technical, Operational and Administrative Support categories during the period beginning on July 1, 1989 and ending on June 30, 1991, is hereby approved. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations SOR/2006-303 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on March 11, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations 1 Interpretation Distributing Coming into Force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 ii Registration SOR/2006-303 November 28, 2006 BANK ACT Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations P.C. 2006-1428 November 28, 2006 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 2.4(1)a of the Bank Actb, hereby makes the annexed Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 54, s. 2 b S.C. 1991, c. 46 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Bank Act. Distributing 2 (1) For the purpose of the Act and subject to subsection (2), any one of the following constitutes a distributing bank or a distributing bank holding company: (a) a bank or a bank holding company that is a reporting issuer under any legislation that is set out in column 2 of the schedule; or (b) in the case of a bank or a bank holding company that is not a reporting issuer referred to in paragraph (a), a bank or a bank holding company (i) that has filed a prospectus or registration statement under provincial or foreign legislation, (ii) any of the securities of which are listed and posted for trading on a stock exchange in or outside Canada, or (iii) that is involved in, is formed for, results from or is continued after an amalgamation, a reorganization, an arrangement or a statutory procedure, if one of the participating bodies corporate is an entity referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii). (2) A bank or a bank holding company that is subject to an exemption under provincial securities legislation, or to an order of the relevant provincial securities regulator that provides that the bank or bank holding company is not a reporting issuer for the purposes of the applicable legislation, is not a distributing bank or a distributing bank holding company for the purpose of subsection (1). SOR/2008-83, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations Coming into Force Section 3 Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008 Distributing Bank and Distributing Bank Holding Company Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Paragraph 2(1)(a)) Reporting Issuer Column 1 Column 2 Item Jurisdiction Legislation Ontario the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amended from time to time Quebec the definition reporting issuer in sections 5 and 68 of the Securities Act, R.S.Q., c. V-1.1, as amended from time to time Nova Scotia the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(ao) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 418, as amended from time to time New Brunswick the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, S.N.B. 2004, c. S-5.5, as amended from time to time Manitoba the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, C.C.S.M., c. S50, as amend‐ ed from time to time British Columbia the definition reporting issuer in subsection 1(1) of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418, as amended from time to time Saskatchewan the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(qq) of The Securities Act, 1988, S.S. 1988-89, c. S-42.2, as amended from time to time Alberta the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 1(ccc) and section 145 of the Securities Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. S-4, as amended from time to time Newfoundland and Labrador the definition reporting issuer in paragraph 2(1)(oo) of the Securities Act, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. S-13, as amended from time to time SOR/2008-83, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on March 11, 2008
CONSOLIDATION DHC Shares Sale Regulations SOR/86-61 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting the Sale of Shares of The de Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Limited 1 Short Title Interpretation Authority Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/86-61 December 20, 1985 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT DHC Shares Sale Regulations P.C. 1985-3760 December 20, 1985 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 34* of the Financial Administration Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the sale of shares of The de Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Limited. * S.C. 1984, c. 31, s. 7 Current to June 20, 2022 Regulations Respecting the Sale of Shares of The de Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Limited Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the DHC Shares Sale Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, CDIC means the Canada Development Investment Corporation; (CDIC) DHC means The de Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Limited. (DHC) SOR/90-124, s. 1. Authority 3 The Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada may become a party to the Acquisition Agreement with The Boeing Company regarding the sale of 31,999 Class A shares and 10,000 Class B common shares of DHC to The Boeing Company, including all amendments thereto, and may assume all liability of CDIC thereunder in respect of any obligation assumed towards The Boeing Company. SOR/90-124, s. 2. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designating the Office of the Coordinator, Status of Women as a Department, the Minister of National Health and Welfare as Appropriate Minister and the Co-ordinator as Deputy Head SI/76-44 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designating the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women as a Department, the Minister of National Health and Welfare as Appropriate Minister and the Co-ordinator as Deputy Head Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/76-44 April 14, 1976 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Designating the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women as a Department, the Minister of National Health and Welfare as Appropriate Minister and the Co-ordinator as Deputy Head P.C. 1976-779 April 1, 1976 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, is pleased hereby, (a) pursuant to paragraph (b) of the definition department in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act, to designate the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women as a department for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act; (b) pursuant to the definition department in subsection 2(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to designate the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women as a department for the purposes of the Public Service Employment Act; (c) pursuant to subsection 3(1.1)** of the Financial Administration Act, to amend Schedule I.1 to that Act by striking out the reference to the Minister of National Health and Welfare in column II thereof opposite the name of the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women in column I thereof and by substituting for that reference a reference to Minister of Communications; (d) pursuant to the definition deputy head in subsection 2(1) of the Public Service Employment Act, to designate the Co-ordinator of the Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women as the deputy head for the purposes of the Public Sevice Employment Act. (e) [Repealed, SI/95-113] SI/77-205; SI/79-91; SI/80-61; SI/81-135; SI/84-199; SI/93-115; SI/93-208; SI/95-113.. ** S.C. 1992, c. 1, s. 70(2) Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order SOR/97-321 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order Interpretation Remission Conditions Repeal *5 Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/97-321 July 5, 1997 CUSTOMS TARIFF Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order P.C. 1997-952 July 4, 1997 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 101 of the Customs Tariffa, hereby makes the annexed Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order. a R.S., c. 41 (3rd Supp.) Current to June 20, 2022 Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order Interpretation 1 In this Order, distilled spirits means any material or substance, whether in liquid or any other form, containing any proportion by mass or by volume of absolute ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) produced by the process of distillation. Remission 2 Subject to section 3, remission is hereby granted of the customs duty paid or payable under section 20 of the Customs Tariff on distilled spirits that are entitled to the benefit of the United States Tariff, the Mexico Tariff or the Chile Tariff and are imported in bulk into a province by a duly licensed distiller on or after July 5, 1997 for the purpose of bottling in bond where the distilled spirits, while kept by the distiller, are kept by the distiller in a place or warehouse that conforms in all respects to the requirements of the law governing such places and warehouses. Conditions 3 Remission is granted on the following conditions: (a) a claim for remission is made to the Minister of National Revenue within two years after the day on which the distilled spirits are accounted for under section 32 of the Customs Act; and (b) the claimant provides the Minister of National Revenue with such information as may be required for the administration of this Order, in the prescribed form. Repeal 4 [Repeal] Coming into Force 5 This Order comes into force on the day on which section 9 of the Canada-Chile Free Trade * Current to June 20, 2022 Distilled Spirits for Bottling in Bond Remission Order Coming into Force Section 5 Agreement Implementation Act, chapter 14 of the Statutes of Canada, 1997, comes into force. * [Note: Regulations in force July 5, 1997, see SI/97-86.] Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Regulations Exempting Departments and Parent Crown Corporations from the Requirements of Subsections 65.1(1) and 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act SOR/2011-62 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 5, 2012 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on April 5, 2012. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 5, 2012 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Exempting Departments and Parent Crown Corporations from the Requirements of Subsections 65.1(1) and 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act 1 Exemptions Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 5, 2012 ii Registration SOR/2011-62 March 7, 2011 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Regulations Exempting Departments and Parent Crown Corporations from the Requirements of Subsections 65.1(1) and 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act T.B. 836029 March 7, 2011 The Treasury Board, pursuant to subsections 65.1(4)a and 131.1(4)b of the Financial Administration Actc, hereby makes the annexed Regulations Exempting a Department and Parent Crown Corporations from the Requirements of Subsections 65.1(1) and 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act. a S.C. 2009, c. 31, s. 58 b S.C. 2009, c. 31, s. 60 c R.S., c. F-11 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 5, 2012 Regulations Exempting Departments and Parent Crown Corporations from the Requirements of Subsections 65.1(1) and 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act Exemptions 1 The Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Communications Security Establishment are exempted from the requirement of subsection 65.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act. SOR/2012-76, s. 2. 2 The Blue Water Bridge Authority, the Canadian Dairy Commission and the National Arts Centre Corporation are exempted from the requirement of subsection 131.1(1) of the Financial Administration Act for the first fiscal quarter ending after April 1, 2011. Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on April 1, 2011. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on April 5, 2012
CONSOLIDATION Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation Act) SOR/2019-185 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on December 15, 2019. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation Act) Designated Provisions Coming into Force SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019 ii Registration SOR/2019-185 June 6, 2019 CANADA TRANSPORTATION ACT Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation Act) The Minister of Transport, pursuant to subsection 177(2)a of the Canada Transportation Actb, makes the annexed Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation Act). Ottawa, May 6, 2019 Le ministre de Marc G Minister of a S.C. 2018, c. 10, s. 53(2) b S.C. 1996, c. 10 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019 Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation Act) Designated Provisions 1 The provisions set out in the schedule are designated for the purposes of subsection 177(2) of the Canada Transportation Act. Coming into Force 2 These Regulations come into force on December 15, 2019. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019 Designated Provisions Regulations — Transportation Information (Canada Transportation) Schedule SCHEDULE (Section 1) Designated Provisions of the Transportation Information Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Maximum Amount Payable ($) Maximum Amount Payable ($) Item Designated Provision Individual Corporation Subsection 7.2(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 7.2(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 7.2(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 7.2(4) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 7.2(5) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 7.2(6) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 22.2(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 22.2(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 22.2(3) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 50(1) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 50(2) 5,000 25,000 Subsection 50(3) 5,000 25,000 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 15, 2019
CONSOLIDATION Definition of Promotion Regulations SOR/2005-376 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Definition of Promotion Regulations 1 Interpretation Application Promotion *4 Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2005-376 November 24, 2005 PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYMENT ACT Definition of Promotion Regulations The Treasury Board, pursuant to paragraph 26(1)(b) of the Public Service Employment Acta, hereby makes the annexed Definition of Promotion Regulations. November 21, 2005 Reginald B. Alcock President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board a S.C. 2003, c. 22, ss. 12 and 13 Current to June 20, 2022 Definition of Promotion Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations substantive level in respect of an employee, means the occupational group and level: (a) at which the employee is being paid; or (b) if the employee has received an acting appointment, at which the employee was being paid immediately before receiving the appointment. Application 2 These Regulations apply in respect of organizations named in Schedule I or IV to the Financial Administration Act. Promotion 3 (1) For the purposes of subsection 51(5) of the Public Service Employment Act, promotion means the assignment to an employee of the duties of a position for which the maximum rate of pay is more than the maximum rate applicable to the employee’s substantive level immediately before the assignment of the duties, by an amount equal to or greater than (a) the smallest increment on the pay scale for the new position, if it has more than one rate of pay; or (b) 4% of the maximum rate of pay for the previous position, if the new position has only one rate of pay. (2) An assignment described in subsection (1) does not include the assignment of an employee to the duties of another position in the same occupational group and subgroup and at the same or a lower level. Current to June 20, 2022 Definition of Promotion Regulations Coming into Force Section 4 Coming into Force 4 These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 12 of the Public Service Modernization Act, being chapter 22 of the Statutes of Canada, 2003, comes into force. * [Note: Regulations in force December 31, 2005, see SI/ 2005-122.] * Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act SI/83-109 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SI/83-109 June 22, 1983 PRIVACY ACT Designating the Minister of Justice and the President of the Treasury Board as Ministers for Purposes of Certain Sections of the Act P.C. 1983-1584 June 2, 1983 His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, pursuant to the definition designated Minister in section 3 of the Privacy Act, is pleased hereby (a) to revoke Order in Council P.C. 1983-432 of 17th February, 1983*; (b) to designate the Minister of Justice, a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, to act as the Minister for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition head in section 3, subsection 12(3), paragraphs 77(1)(a), (d), (g) and (l) and subsection 77(2) of the Act; and (c) to designate the President of the Treasury Board, a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, to act as the Minister for all other purposes of the Act. * SI/83-49, 1983 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 1037 Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SOR/2002-336 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 25, 2020. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations 1 Designation of Provisions Short-form Descriptions Coming into Force SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Designated Provisions of the Customs Tariff and Its Regulations Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 ii Registration SOR/2002-336 September 24, 2002 CUSTOMS ACT Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations P.C. 2002-1558 September 24, 2002 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 109.1(3)a of the Customs Actb, hereby makes the annexed Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations. a S.C. 2001, c. 25, s. 62 b R.S., c. 1 (2nd Supp.) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations Designation of Provisions 1 A provision of the Customs Act or the Customs Tariff or a regulation made under any of those Acts that is set out in column 1 of Schedules 1 or 2 is designated for the purpose of subsection 109.1(1) of the Customs Act. Short-form Descriptions 2 (1) The short-form descriptions of a designated provision that is set out in column 1 of an item in Schedules 1 or 2 are the descriptions set out in column 2 of that item. (2) Subject to subsection 109.3(4) of the Customs Act, the applicable short-form description of a designated provision shall be used on a notice of assessment referred to in subsection 109.3(1) of the Customs Act to describe a contravention of the provision. Coming into Force 3 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (Section 1 and subsection 2(1)) Designated Provisions of the Custo PART 1 Customs Act Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 2(1.3) Failing to keep electronic 3.5 When making a payment account of the Receiver G specified institution 7.1 Providing information to 9(3) Failing to make available 9(4) (a) Transacting or attemp without meeting specified (b) Holding oneself out a requirements 6 11(1) (a) Failing to enter Canad (b) Failing to present one (c) Failing to answer trut 7 11(3) Failing to ensure that pas transported to an open cu Failing to report imported open customs office that 8.1 12.1(2) Failing to hold a valid car 8.2 12.1(7) Failing to comply with a n 13(a) Failing to answer truthful 13(b) Failing to present goods in manner required 14(2) Failing to report forthwith goods remaining on the c (a) Failing to report forth that prohibits, controls or (b) Failing to report forth paid 13 16(2)(a) Failing to report forthwith 14 to 19 [Repealed, SOR/2009-267, s. 1] 20(1) Transporting or causing t been released without co (a) Failing to afford an of (b) Failing to open packa 22 22(1) (a) Failing to keep prescr scribed manner (b) Failing to make presc (c) Failing to answer trut 23 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Refusing to receive qualifi Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description (a) Failing to afford an of duty free shop Removing of goods from prescribed means 32(3) Failing to account for rele 32(5) (a) Failing to account for (b) Failing to open packa (b) Failing to pay duties w 28 32.2(1)(a) Failing to correct, within manner and form contain 32.2(1)(b) Failing to pay duties and goods within the 90-day p 32.2(2)(a) Failing to correct specifie manner, with prescribed 32.2(2)(b) Failing to pay duties and the 90-day period 32.3(a) Failing to report to an offi to be used as ships’ store 32.3(b) Failing to account for, at stores in the prescribed m 32.3(c) Failing to pay, at the time were to be used as ships’ 33(2) Failing to pay duties with duties 35.01 Importing goods not mar 35.1 Failing to furnish proof o information and containin proof 40(1) (a) Failing to keep record (b) Failing to make recor (c) Failing to answer trut 39 40(3) (a) Failing to keep prescr scribed period (b) Failing to make presc (c) Failing to answer trut records 40 43(2) Failing to comply with M 80.2(2)(a) Failing to report to an offi 80.2(2)(b) Failing to repay excess am day period 42.1 93(1) Failing to provide exit inf time and in the prescribe 42.2 Failing to present oneself officer 95(1) Failing to report exported 95(3)(a) Failing to answer truthful 95(3)(b) Failing to present goods by an officer in manner re Failing to report forthwith 97.1(2) Failing to provide copy o 97.1(3) Failing to immediately no origin of exported goods Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 97.2(1) (a) Failing to keep record (b) Failing to make recor (c) Failing to answer trut 50 107.1 Failing to provide prescri manner, about a person o PART 2 Accounting for Imported Goods tions Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description Failing to provide at spec provided under an Act of the importation of goods PART 3 Customs Brokers Licensing Regu Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 14(b)(i) Failing to immediately no a business office at which 14(b)(ii) Failing to immediately no business name of the par 14(b)(iii) Failing to immediately no membership of the partn 14(b)(iv) Failing to immediately no directors of the corporati 14(b)(vi) Failing to immediately no of the business or corpor 14(b)(vii) Failing to immediately no individuals meeting the s 14(c) (a) Failing to furnish to th documents bearing the c (b) Failing to furnish to th by electronic means to th 8 14(d)(i) Failing to promptly accou Receiver General for Can 14(d)(ii) Failing to promptly accou duties or other charges p 17(1)(a) Failing to keep records an 17(1)(b) (a) Failing to keep a copy supporting documents (b) Failing to keep a copy Agency 12 17(1)(c) Failing to keep copies of papers 17(1)(d) Failing to keep separately to business transacted at Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations PART 4 Customs Sufferance Warehouse Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 11(1)(e) Failing to provide facilitie sufferance warehouse an 12(1) Failing to ensure goods a 12(2) Entering place in sufferan authorization or attendan 12(3)(a) Failing to have procedure warehouse 12(3)(b) Failing to have procedure maintain the security of, 14(1) Failing to acknowledge re 6.1 14(2) Failing to acknowledge re 15(5) Failing to provide the Ag warehouse within prescr Manipulating, unpacking specified PART 5 Duty Free Shop Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 7] 14(b) (a) Failing to ensure that ed area until accounted fo (b) Failing to ensure that ed area until approved fo 3 14(c) Failing to ensure that dut chief officer of customs 14(d) Failing to ensure that dut by an officer in event that 14(e) Failing to ensure that dut it 16(1)(a) Failing to acknowledge re [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 8] 16(2) [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 9] [Repealed, SOR/2019-259, s. 9] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Failing to present require into a duty free shop Selling or otherwise conv Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations PART 5.1 Passenger Information (Customs Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Descrip 8(1) Failing to provide manner, with miss PART 5.2 Exit Information Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Descrip Failing to provide t missing or accurat PART 6 Persons Authorized to Account f Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 10(a) Failing to notify Minister weeks of change 10(b) Failing to notify Minister weeks of change 10(c) Failing to notify Minister within two weeks of chan PART 7 [Repealed, SOR/2006-149, s. 2] PART 7.1 Reporting of Imported Goods Re Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description Failing to give the Agenc Failing to give the Agenc 2.1 15.1 Failing to give the Agenc 2.2 15.3 Failing to give the Agenc Failing to give the Agenc 3.1 17.2 Failing to give the Agenc Failing to give the Agenc 4.1 19.2 Failing to give the Agenc Failing to give the Agenc Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 Designated Provisions of the Customs Act and Its Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 5.1 21.2 Failing to give the Agenc 24(3) Failing to give the Agenc 25(2) Failing to give the Agenc Failing to give the Agenc Failing to notify the Agen before arrival in Canada Failing to notify the Agen PART 8 Transportation of Goods Regulat Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 4(1)(a) Failing to forthwith repor 4(1)(b) Failing to forthwith repor conveyance 4(1)(c) Failing to forthwith repor transport goods SOR/2005-304, s. 1; SOR/2006-149, ss. 1(E), 2, 3; SOR/2009-267, ss. 1 to 3; SOR/2015-90, ss. 2 s. 7; SOR/2019-259, s. 8; SOR/2019-259, s. 9. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) ANNEXE 1 (article 1 et paragraphe 2(1)) Dispositions désignées de la Loi su règlements d’application PARTIE 1 Loi sur les douanes Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 2(1.3) Avoir omis de conserver la lecture par voie électro 3.5 En cas de paiement d’une omis de porter la somme réglementaires à une inst 7.1 Avoir fourni à un agent d 9(3) Avoir omis de communiq 9(4) a) Avoir fait ou tenté de f agrément ou sans rempli b) S’être présenté comm remplir les exigences pré 6 11(1) a) Avoir omis d’entrer au effet, qui est ouvert b) Avoir omis de se prés c) Avoir omis de répond 7 11(3) Avoir omis de veiller à ce au Canada soient aussitô cet effet, qui est ouvert Avoir omis de déclarer de réglementaires au bureau qui est ouvert 8.1 12.1(2) Avoir omis de détenir un 8.2 12.1(7) Avoir omis de se conform 13a) Avoir omis de répondre v marchandises 13b) Avoir omis de présenter d agent de la manière prév 14(2) Avoir omis de faire aussi moyen de transport et su douane doté des attributi a) Avoir omis de signale fédérale qui prohibe, con b) Avoir omis de signale droits n’ont pas été payés Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 16(2)a) Avoir omis de déclarer au 14 à 19 [Abrogés, DORS/2009-267, art. 1] 20(1) Avoir transporté ou fait tr mais non dédouanées sa garanties réglementaires a) Avoir omis de donner b) Avoir omis de déballe 22 22(1) a) Avoir omis de conserv dant le délai et selon les m b) Avoir omis de commu nés par règlement c) Avoir omis de répond ments déterminés par règ 23 Avoir refusé de recevoir d a) Avoir omis de donner une boutique hors taxes b) Avoir omis de déballe 25 Avoir enlevé d’un lieu pré ou d’une manière prévue 32(3) Avoir omis de faire, dans détail de marchandises d 32(5) a) Avoir omis de faire la modalités réglementaires b) Avoir omis de payer le 28 32.2(1)a) Avoir omis d’effectuer un quatre-vingt-dix jours con réglementaires et compo 32.2(1)b) Avoir omis de verser les l’origine de marchandise 32.2(2)a) Avoir omis d’effectuer un jours en la forme et selon réglementaires 32.2(2)b) Avoir omis de verser les précisée dans les quatre32 32.3a) Avoir omis, au moment d marchandises qui devaie 32.3b) Avoir omis, au moment d marchandises qui devaie réglementaires et en la fo 32.3c) Avoir omis, au moment d marchandises qui devaie 33(2) Avoir omis de payer les d sont dédouanées avant le Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 35.01 Avoir importé des march Tarif des douanes 35.1 Avoir omis de fournir une renseignements détermin justificatifs réglementaire 40(1) a) Avoir omis de conserv tés et pendant le délai rég b) Avoir omis de commu cisé c) Avoir omis de répond ments réglementaires 39 40(3) a) Avoir omis de conserv tés et pendant le délai rég b) Avoir omis de commu cisé c) Avoir omis de répond cuments réglementaires 40 43(2) Avoir omis de se conform 80.2(2)a) Avoir omis de signaler à 80.2(2)b) Avoir omis de payer un a dans les quatre-vingt-dix 42.1 93(1) Avoir omis de fournir des le délai et selon les moda 42.2 Avoir omis de se présent d’un agent 95(1) Avoir omis de déclarer de temps, de lieu et de form 95(3)a) Avoir omis de répondre v marchandises exportées 95(3)b) Avoir omis de présenter d l’examen par un agent de Avoir omis de signaler sa régulièrement exportées 97.1(2) Avoir omis de fournir à u exportées 97.1(3) Avoir omis de communiq relatifs à un certificat d’or 97.2(1) a) Avoir omis de conserv délai réglementaires b) Avoir omis de commu c) Avoir omis de répond documents 50 107.1 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Avoir omis de fournir des devrait être à bord d’un m réglementaires Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) PARTIE 2 Règlement sur la déclaration en tées et le paiement des droits Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée Avoir omis de fournir au vertu d’une loi fédérale — ou régissent l’importation PARTIE 3 Règlement sur l’agrément des co Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 14b)(i) Avoir omis d’aviser immé d’adresse d’un bureau d’ 14b)(ii) Avoir omis d’aviser immé modification de la raison personne morale 14b)(iii) Avoir omis d’aviser immé changement parmi les as 14b)(iv) Avoir omis d’aviser immé changement parmi les di 14b)(vi) Avoir omis d’aviser immé modification du titre de p 14b)(vii) Avoir omis d’aviser immé changement parmi les em précisée relative à la con 14c) a) Avoir omis de fournir à une déclaration en déta b) Avoir omis de fournir transmis par voie électro 8 14d)(i) Avoir omis de rendre com reçu du receveur général 14d)(ii) Avoir omis de rendre com reçu qui excède le monta 17(1)a) Avoir omis de conserver financières précisées 17(1)b) a) Avoir omis de conserv détail et des pièces à l’ap b) Avoir omis de conserv tronique à l’Agence 12 17(1)c) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Avoir omis de conserver précisés Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 17(1)d) Avoir omis de conserver documents précisés qui s PARTIE 4 Règlement sur les entrepôts d’at Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 11(1)e) Avoir omis de fournir les l’accès à l’entrepôt d’atte trouvent 12(1) Avoir omis de veiller à ce l’endroit indiqué 12(2) Être entré, sans la présen entrepôt d’attente où son 12(3)a) Avoir omis d’adopter des restreindre l’accès à celu 12(3)b) Avoir omis de faire en so de l’entrepôt d’attente et 14(1) Avoir omis d’accuser réc 6.1 14(2) Avoir omis d’accuser réc 15(5) Avoir omis de fournir à l’ entrepôt d’attente dans le Avoir manipulé, déballé, que les fins précisées PARTIE 5 Règlement sur les boutiques hor Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée [Abrogé, DORS/2019-259, art. 7] 14b) a) Avoir omis de veiller à taxes soient conservées à b) Avoir omis de veiller à tique hors taxes soient co tion à l’inventaire 3 14c) Avoir omis de veiller à ce agent, à la demande de l’ 14d) Avoir omis de veiller à ce agent pendant le délai ré l’agrément de l’exploitan 14e) Avoir omis de veiller à ce convient à la garde en dé Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 16(1)a) Avoir omis d’accuser réce [Abrogé, DORS/2019-259, art. 8] 16(2) [Abrogé, DORS/2019-259, art. 9] [Abrogé, DORS/2019-259, art. 9] Avoir omis de présenter l de marchandises dans un Avoir vendu, donné ou cé PARTIE 5.1 Règlement sur les renseignemen (douanes) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 8(1) Avoir omis de fournir au renseignements exacts o PARTIE 5.2 Règlement sur les renseignemen sonnes Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée Avoir omis de fournir s renseignements exacts PARTIE 6 Règlement visant les personnes en détail de marchandises occas Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 10a) Avoir omis d’aviser le mi dans les deux semaines s 10b) Avoir omis d’aviser le mi sociale dans les deux sem 10c) Avoir omis d’aviser le mi de l’entreprise dans les d Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) PARTIE 7 [Abrogée, DORS/2006-149, art. 2] PARTIE 7.1 Règlement sur la déclaration des Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 2.1 15.1 Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 2.2 15.3 Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 3.1 17.2 Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 4.1 19.2 Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 5.1 21.2 Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 24(3) Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires 25(2) Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis de fournir à l’A réglementaires Avoir omis d’aviser l’Age réglementaires fournis av Avoir omis d’aviser l’Age PARTIE 8 Règlement sur le transit des mar Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 4(1)a) Avoir omis de signaler im Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 1 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 4(1)b) Avoir omis de signaler im moyen de transport endo 4(1)c) Avoir omis de signaler im tombé en panne et ne pe DORS/2005-304, art. 1; DORS/2006-149, art. 1(A), 2 et 3; DORS/2009-267, art. 1 à 3; DORS/20 art. 15; DORS/2019-259, art. 7; DORS/2019-259, art. 8; DORS/2019-259, art. 9. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Designated Provisions of the Customs Tariff and Its Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (Section 1 and subsection 2(1)) Designated Provisions of the Custo PART 1 Customs Tariff Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 114(1) Failing to pay excess amo 118(1)(a) Failing to report to an offi relief or remission grante 118(1)(b) Failing to pay, within req granted 118(2)(a) Failing to report diversion 118(2)(b) Failing to pay amount of 121(1) Failing to pay amount ow 122(1) Failing to pay amount ow waste PART 2 Customs Bonded Warehouses R Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 11(1)(a) Failing to provide at a bo control access and to sec 11(1)(b) Failing to provide at a bo officers 11(1)(c) Failing to provide at a bo goods available to an offi 11(1)(d) Failing to provide at a bo audit purposes 11(2) Failing to keep bonded w officer of customs 12(1)(a) Failing to ensure that goo in a designated area 12(1)(b) Failing to ensure that goo manner 12(2) Entering a place where go authorization or attendan Receiving in or transferrin approval 14(a) Receiving domestic cigar 10.1 14(b) Receiving domestic, pack 10.2 14(c) Receiving domestic, man 10.3 14(d) Receiving domestic, non10.4 14(e) Receiving domestic, non10.5 14(f) Receiving domestic, non11 Receiving into or removin imported packaged spirit Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 2 Designated Provisions of the Customs Tariff and Its Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 16(a) Receiving imported bulk 16(b) Receiving imported bulk 13.1 16(c) Receiving imported speci 17(a) Failing to acknowledge in warehouse 17(b) Failing to acknowledge in in a bonded warehouse Manipulating, altering or PART 3 Ships’ Stores Regulations Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description Failing to place alcohol, t when ship arrives at Cana 5(1) Failing to ensure that bar on the ground SOR/2008-23, s. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (French) ANNEXE 2 (article 1 et paragraphe 2(1)) Dispositions désignées du Tarif de d’application PARTIE 1 Tarif des douanes Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 114(1) Avoir omis de payer dès sans droit et les intérêts 118(1)a) Avoir omis de déclarer l’i un agent dans le délai fix 118(1)b) Avoir omis de payer les d délai fixé 118(2)a) Avoir omis de déclarer à dix jours 118(2)b) Avoir omis de payer un d 121(1) Avoir omis de payer le m transformation qui occas 122(1) Avoir omis de payer le m transformation qui occas PARTIE 2 Règlement sur les entrepôts de s Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 11(1)a) Avoir omis de fournir à u personnel suffisants pour sécuritaire des marchand 11(1)b) Avoir omis de fournir à u marchandises par un age 11(1)c) Avoir omis de fournir à u mettre les marchandises 11(1)d) Avoir omis de fournir à u renseignements à des fin 11(2) Avoir omis de veiller, à la stockage soit séparé du r 12(1)a) Avoir omis de veiller à ce entreposées en sécurité e 12(1)b) Avoir omis de veiller à ce marquées de la manière Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations SCHEDULE 2 (French) Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée 12(2) Être entré dans une partie sans la présence d’un age Avoir reçu dans un entrep enivrantes sans autorisat 14a) Recevoir dans un entrepô 10.1 14b) Recevoir dans un entrepô 10.2 14c) Recevoir dans un entrepô 10.3 14d) Recevoir dans un entrepô vrac, dont les droits affér 10.4 14e) Recevoir dans un entrepô les droits afférents n’ont 10.5 14f) Recevoir dans un entrepô Canada dont les droits af Recevoir dans un entrepô importés ou des spiritueu 16a) Recevoir dans un entrepô 16b) Recevoir dans un entrepô 13.1 16c) Recevoir dans un entrepô 17a) Avoir omis d’accuser réce importées qui arrivent à u 17b) Avoir omis d’accuser réce arrivent à un entrepôt de Avoir manutentionné, mo précisées PARTIE 3 Règlement sur les provisions de Colonne 1 Colonne 2 Article Disposition désignée Description abrégée Avoir omis de mettre sou tabac et les autres produi port canadien et de les ga 5(1) Avoir omis de veiller à ce soient scellés lorsqu’il es DORS/2008-23, art. 1. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Designated Provisions (Customs) Regulations AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE AMENDMENTS NOT IN FORCE — SOR/2016-36, s. 3 3 Part 5.1 of Schedule 1 to the Regulations is amended by adding the following after item 1: Column 1 Column 2 Item Designated Provision Short-form Description 8(3) Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 25, 2020 Failing to provide the Minister, within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, with the required information
CONSOLIDATION Determining that Telesat Canada Need Not Apply for a Certificate of Continuance Under the Act [Repealed, SOR/2008-317, s. 1] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on December 12, 2008. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Determining that Telesat Canada Need Not Apply for a Certificate of Continuance Under the Act Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on December 12, 2008 ii
CONSOLIDATION Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations C.R.C., c. 698 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Regulations Respecting Domestic Bonds of the Government of Canada 1 Short Title Interpretation Application PART I Registration 4 Registrar Manner of Registration Effect of Registration Entries in Bonds Transfer of Bonds by Registered Owners Form and Execution of Instrument of Transfer Guarantee of Signature Evidence or Guarantee of Authority to Execute Instrument of Transfer No Guarantee of Signature Required in Certain Cases Authentication of Signature Where Instrument of Transfer Executed Outside Canada Transmission and Transfer of Registered Bonds on Death of Registered Owner Transfer or Redemption Pursuant to Court Order Whereabouts of Registered Owner Unknown or not Available Current to June 20, 2022 ii Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations TABLE OF PROVISIONS Married Women Minors Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Closing of Books Damaged or Missing Bonds and Unmatured Attached Coupons Damaged or Missing Matured Coupons Unredeemable Coupons Missing from Called Bonds Destroyed, Lost or Stolen Cheques Interim Certificates New Bonds Form of Undertaking to Indemnify Form of Bond of Indemnity Statutory Declaration Canada Savings Bonds Administration PART II War Savings Certificates SCHEDULE Current to June 20, 2022 iv CHAPTER 698 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations Regulations Respecting Domestic Bonds of the Government of Canada Short Title 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations. Interpretation 2 In these Regulations, Bank means the Bank of Canada; (Banque) bond has the same meaning as security in the Financial Administration Act; (obligation) registered owner (a) of a bond registered as to principal, means a person whose name has been entered by the Bank in the register as the person to whom the principal is payable, and (b) of a bond registered as to principal and interest, means the person whose name has been entered by the Bank in the register as the person to whom the principal and interest are payable. (titulaire) Application 3 These Regulations apply in respect of all bonds except insofar as they are inconsistent with the terms of the bonds. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Sections 4-5 PART I Registration Registrar 4 (1) The Bank shall maintain a register of bonds in accordance with these Regulations. (2) The Bank shall, in accordance with these Regulations, register bonds, discharge the registration of bonds and give effect to transfers of bonds as may be required from time to time and may, subject to the terms upon which the bonds are issued, issue such bonds as may be required for these purposes or to give effect to the terms of outstanding bonds or these Regulations. (3) Any duty, power or discretion imposed or conferred upon the Deputy Minister of Finance by the terms of bonds, which was imposed or conferred upon the Bank of Canada by Order in Council P.C. 5938 dated October 25, 1940, continues to be imposed and conferred upon the Bank and anything done by the Bank as registrar of bonds in accordance with these Regulations or any other regulations or laws applicable thereto continues to be and is as valid and effectual for all purposes as if done by the Deputy Minister of Finance. (4) The Bank may authorize a person to act on its behalf for any of the purposes of these Regulations and, where the person so authorized is a corporation, its appropriate officers or employees shall be deemed to be authorized to act on behalf of the Bank. Manner of Registration 5 (1) Where a person is to be registered as owner of a bond (a) as to principal, the Bank shall enter in the register the particulars of the bond and the name of the person to whom the principal is payable; or (b) as to principal and interest, the Bank shall enter in the register the particulars of the bond and the name and post office address of the person to whom the principal and interest are payable. (2) Where the names of two or more persons are to be entered in the register as owners of a bond as to principal and interest, there shall be indicated by the owners only one address that is to be entered in the register which address shall be the registered address of all those persons for all purposes relating to the bond. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Effect of Registration Sections 6-7 Effect of Registration 6 (1) Where, in accordance with these Regulations, the name of a person has been entered in the register by the Bank as owner of a bond as to principal or as to principal and interest, the entry in the register shall, except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, be conclusive evidence as against the Government of Canada that that person is owner of that bond. (2) Where, in accordance with these Regulations, the name of a person is entered in the register as owner of a bond as to principal and interest, the interest on that bond is payable by a cheque negotiable at any branch in Canada of a bank incorporated under the Bank Act. (3) Where the names of two or more persons without the words “and survivor”, are entered in the register as owners of a bond and one of the persons dies, his rights under the bond are not vested in any other such person or persons on his death by reason of survivorship. (4) Notwithstanding that the name of a person is entered in the register as owner of a bond as to principal, the coupons attached to the bond are payable to bearer and when detached are transferable by delivery. 7 (1) Where a bond is issued or registered, such issue or registration shall be deemed to be valid notwithstanding that (a) the issue or registration takes place in error in circumstances in which such issue or registration is not authorized by these Regulations, or (b) the issue or registration takes place pursuant to an instrument of transfer in which the signature of the transferor has been forged or pursuant to a forged instrument purporting to authorize a person to act on behalf of or in the place of a registered owner as provided for in section 15, but nothing in this section shall be deemed to affect the rights or liabilities of any person by reason of the forged instrument. (2) Where in error a bond is issued or registered in circumstances in which such issue or registration is not authorized by these Regulations and the bond has been delivered, the person receiving the bond or registered as owner thereof shall not be entitled as against the Government of Canada to any payment under the bond but shall Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Effect of Registration Sections 7-12 be liable to return the bond and all coupons attached to it at the time it was delivered to him and if he fails to do so he shall be liable to pay to the Bank the market value of the bond together with an amount equal to any amounts paid to him by way of interest on the bond. (3) Where a person mentioned in subsection (2) fails to return matured coupons to the Bank, he shall be deemed to have received payment of the redemption value of the coupons. Entries in Bonds 8 Where the name of a person has been entered in the register by the Bank as owner of a bond (a) registered as to principal, the Bank shall enter his name in the bond as the person to whom the principal is payable; or (b) registered as to principal and interest, the Bank shall enter his name in the bond as the person to whom the principal and interest are payable. 9 No entry in a bond of the name of any person as the person to whom the principal is payable or the principal and interest are payable made by a person other than the Bank is effective to confer any right under or interest in the bond. 10 No alteration or erasure of the name of any person entered by the Bank in a bond as the person to whom the principal is payable or the principal and interest are payable is effective to confer any right under the bond on any other person or to deprive the person whose name was entered by the Bank of any rights that he may have under the bond. 11 Where a person applies to be registered as owner of a bond and the bond is delivered to him without his name being entered in it by the Bank, the bond shall be deemed to be validly issued and unless he returns the bond to the Bank to have his name so entered, he shall be deemed to have accepted the bond in satisfaction of his rights as registered owner and the entry, if any, in the register shall be cancelled by the Bank. Transfer of Bonds by Registered Owners 12 (1) Except as otherwise provided by the terms of the bond a registered bond may, in accordance with sections 13 to 18, be transferred on presentation of the bond Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Transfer of Bonds by Registered Owners Sections 12-14 and of an instrument of transfer in accordance with these Regulations. (2) Where subsection (1) has been complied with, the Bank may give effect to the instrument of transfer in accordance with its terms. (3) The execution of an instrument of transfer does not transfer or confer any right under the bond against the Government of Canada or the Bank until the Bank has given effect to the instrument by making the appropriate entry in the register. Form and Execution of Instrument of Transfer 13 (1) An instrument of transfer shall be in Form I set out in the schedule. (2) An instrument of transfer may be executed (a) by being signed by the registered owner or his personal representative; (b) where the registered owner is a corporation, by being signed by its duly authorized officers and by affixing the seal of the corporation, if any, where required; (c) by being signed by a person authorized in that behalf by the registered owner under a power of attorney or partnership agreement; (d) where an unincorporated association not being a partnership is registered as owner of a bond, by being signed by the duly authorized officers of the association; or (e) by being signed by a person authorized by law to execute it on behalf of the registered owner. (3) For the purposes of these Regulations, a person authorized by law to execute an instrument of transfer on behalf of a registered owner means any person appointed by a competent court or by statute to act on behalf of or in the place of the registered owner and includes a trustee in bankruptcy. Guarantee of Signature 14 (1) The Bank is not required to give effect to an instrument of transfer unless the signature on the instrument of transfer is guaranteed by Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Guarantee of Signature Sections 14-15 (a) a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Banks Act; or (b) a financial institution approved by the Bank under this section. (2) The Bank may approve a financial institution for the purposes of this section and section 15 and may impose terms and conditions in connection with its approval and limit the amount of the bonds to be transferred in any one transaction with respect to which the guarantee of the institution will be accepted by the Bank and may revoke or vary any approval so given. Evidence or Guarantee of Authority to Execute Instrument of Transfer 15 (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3), where an instrument of transfer purports to have been signed by a person acting as an officer of a corporation registered as owner of a bond or by a person acting for or on behalf or in the place of the registered owner or as the personal representative of a deceased registered owner, the Bank is not required to give effect to it unless the resolution, power of attorney, partnership agreement, probate of a will, letters of administration or other document authorizing or evidencing the authority of the person so to act or a notarial or other authenticated copy of it acceptable to the Bank has been deposited with the Bank. (2) The Bank may give effect to an instrument of transfer signed by a person mentioned in subsection (1) if a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Banks Act or a financial institution approved by the Bank, in addition to guaranteeing his signature, has also guaranteed his authority to execute the instrument for or on behalf or in the place of the registered owner, the guarantee being in either of the following forms: (a) “Signature of transferor and authority to sign guaranteed”; or (b) “Transaction guaranteed”. (3) Where an instrument of transfer purports to have been signed in the firm name only of a partnership or an unincorporated association not being a partnership, the Bank may give effect to it if the signature is guaranteed by a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Banks Act or a financial institution approved by the Bank. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Evidence or Guarantee of Authority to Execute Instrument of Transfer Sections 15-17 (4) Where a resolution, power of attorney, partnership agreement or other document or a copy thereof has been deposited with the Bank for the purposes of this section, the Bank may give full force and effect to it until written notice is received by the Bank that it has been revoked or the authority thereby conferred or evidenced has been terminated. No Guarantee of Signature Required in Certain Cases 16 The Bank may give effect to an instrument of transfer although no guarantee of the signature of the person signing the instrument of transfer has been given, if (a) he is known to an executive officer of the Bank in Ottawa and his signature is vouched for by such officer; (b) he signs on behalf of an insurance company and his signature is vouched for by an officer of the Department of Insurance of the Government of Canada and is acceptable to the Bank; (c) he is a member of Her Majesty’s naval, military or air forces and his signature is witnessed by the commanding officer of his unit or the officer under whose direct command he is serving; (d) he is personally known to the agent at an agency of the Bank and his signature is witnessed and vouched for by the agent; or (e) he is an officer of a trust company authorized to guarantee signatures under section 14 and he is an officer of the company authorized to execute such guarantees and instruments of transfer on behalf of the company. Authentication of Signature Where Instrument of Transfer Executed Outside Canada 17 Where an instrument of transfer has been executed outside Canada in a country of the British Commonwealth or in a British colony or possession and where no guarantee of the signature of the person signing it can be obtained in accordance with section 14 and the signature is not vouched for or witnessed in accordance with paragraph 16(a), (b) or (c), the Bank may give effect to the instrument, if (a) the signature of the person signing it is guaranteed by an incorporated bank; or Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Authentication of Signature Where Instrument of Transfer Executed Outside Canada Sections 17-19 (b) the signature is certified in the manner provided in section 18. 18 Where an instrument of transfer is executed outside Canada in a place other than a place mentioned in section 17 and where no guarantee of the signature on the instrument of transfer can be obtained in accordance with section 14 and the signature is not vouched for or witnessed in accordance with paragraph 16(a), (b) or (c), the Bank may give effect to the instrument of transfer if the signature of the person signing it is certified to have been affixed in the presence of (a) an officer of the Canadian diplomatic, consular or representative or trade commissioner services while exercising his functions as such, (b) an officer of Her Majesty’s diplomatic or consular services while exercising his functions as such, or (c) a judge of a Court of Record, and the instrument bears the signature and official seal of the person who certifies the signature. Transmission and Transfer of Registered Bonds on Death of Registered Owner 19 (1) Where the registered owner of a bond has died, the Bank, upon receipt of the bond and the appropriate documents specified in subsection (2), (a) shall register ownership of the bond in the name of the estate of the deceased or of his personal representative, as may be appropriate; or (b) may, if such registration is permitted by the terms of the bond, issue a new bond with ownership registered as prescribed in paragraph (a). (2) The appropriate documents referred to in subsection (1) are (a) an authenticated or notarial copy of letters probate of the will of the deceased owner or of letters of administration of his estate, granted by a court or authority in Canada having power to grant probate or administration of such an estate; (b) where the deceased was, at the time of his death, domiciled in the Province of Quebec, proof of death and (i) where the will of the deceased owner was made in notarial form, an authentic copy of that will, Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Transmission and Transfer of Registered Bonds on Death of Registered Owner Sections 19-20 (ii) where the will was made in holograph form or in a form derived from the laws of England, a copy of the will, certified by the prothononotary, together with a certified copy of the judgment granting probate, (iii) an authentic copy of a marriage contract containing an unrevoked gift made in contemplation of death, or (iv) where the deceased owner died intestate without having made a marriage contract containing an unrevoked gift made in contemplation of death, a declaration of heredity and, if required, a certified copy of an act of tutorship or curatorship confirmed by a judgment of a court having power to confirm the same; or (c) where the deceased was, at the time of his death, domiciled in a country other than Canada, an authenticated or notarial copy of the probate of the will, letters of administration of his estate or other documents of like import, satisfactory to the Bank, granted by the court or authority of that country having the requisite power in such matters. (3) Where ownership of a bond has been registered in the name of the estate of a deceased person or of his personal representative, it may be transferred upon completion of an instrument of transfer executed in accordance with sections 13 to 18 or, in the discretion of the Bank, upon execution by a person acceptable to the Bank of a sworn declaration, setting forth such facts and information as the Bank may require, except that if the bond is not transferable by its terms, the Bank shall cancel the bond and issue a new bond with ownership registered in the appropriate name. (4) Where the registered owner of a bond has died, the Bank may, upon receipt of the bond and the documents specified in subsections (2) and (3), transfer ownership of the bond to a person other than a person specified in subsection (1) or to bearer without first having registered it in the name of the estate of the deceased or of his personal representative, except that if the bond is not transferable by its terms, the Bank shall cancel the bond and issue a new bond with ownership registered in the appropriate name. 20 (1) Subject to subsection (2), where the registered owner of a bond has died, and (a) the Bank is satisfied that no person intends to apply for a grant of (i) letters probate of the will, or Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Transmission and Transfer of Registered Bonds on Death of Registered Owner Sections 20-21 (ii) letters of administration of the estate of the deceased, and (b) application has been made to the Bank in a form prescribed by the Bank for the transfer of the bond, the Bank may, notwithstanding that it has not been furnished with the documents specified in section 19, (c) if the bond is by its terms transferable, give effect to a transfer of the bond, or (d) if the bond is by its terms not transferable, cancel the bond and issue a new bond for an equal principal amount of like issue, to the person that the Bank is satisfied is entitled thereto by reason of the death of the registered owner. (2) The Bank may give effect to the transfer of a bond, or issue a new bond, to a person pursuant to subsection (1) only where (a) there is an intestacy and evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that, under the laws respecting intestacies of the province in which the deceased was domiciled at the time of his death, that person is entitled to the entire estate; (b) there is a will and that person is the sole beneficiary and evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that, under the laws respecting intestacies of the province in which the deceased was domiciled at the time of his death, that person would have been entitled to the entire estate had the deceased died intestate; or (c) the aggregate face value of all bonds of which the deceased was registered as owner at the time of his death did not exceed $20,000. SOR/80-695, s. 1. Transfer or Redemption Pursuant to Court Order 21 (1) Where a registered bond has been seized pursuant to a writ of exemption or other like process issued out of a court, (a) in the case of a bond that is transferable, upon presentation of the bond and an authenticated copy of the writ of execution or other like process issued out of the court, the Bank may register the sheriff to whom the writ of execution or other like process is directed as Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Transfer or Redemption Pursuant to Court Order Sections 21-22 owner of the bond or enter his name in the bond accordingly; and (b) in the case of a bond that is not transferable, upon presentation of the bond and an authenticated copy of a writ of execution or other like process issued out of the court, the Bank may redeem the bond and pay the value thereof to the sheriff to whom the writ of execution or other like process is directed. (2) Where a court orders the sale or transfer of a registered bond that is transferable or makes an order vesting such a bond in a person other than the registered owner, (a) if the name of the person who is to be registered as owner is specified in the order of the court, the Bank may, upon presentation of the bond and an authenticated copy of the order, register that person as the owner of the bond and enter his name in the bond accordingly; or (b) if the order of the court authorizes a person to transfer the bond in the place of the registered owner, the Bank may, upon presentation of the bond and an authenticated copy of the order, give effect to an instrument of transfer executed by the person so authorized. (3) Where a court orders the sale of a registered bond that is not transferable or makes an order vesting such a bond in a person other than the registered owner, if the name of the person to whom payment is to be made upon sale of the bond or in whom the bond is vested is specified in the order, the Bank may, upon presentation of the bond and an authenticated copy of the order, redeem the bond and pay the value thereof to the person named in the order as the person to whom payment is to be made or in whom the bond is vested. Whereabouts of Registered Owner Unknown or not Available 22 (1) Where it appears to the Bank that the whereabouts of a person in whose name a bond is registered is unknown and application is made to the Bank for transfer or redemption of the bond, the Bank may, in its discretion, transfer the ownership of or redeem the bond if a bond of indemnity in accordance with subsection 38(1) is given to the Bank. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Whereabouts of Registered Owner Unknown or not Available Sections 22-24 (2) Where a bond is in the possession of Her Majesty or the Bank and the owner of the bond cannot be located, or Her Majesty or the Bank had been requested to retain the bond in safekeeping, the bond may, notwithstanding anything in these Regulations, be treated, on the date of maturity, as though it had been redeemed, and a liability shall be set up in the books of the Department of Finance, in the amount of the bond and any interest that accumulated thereon to the date of maturity, (a) where the bond is registered, in favour of the registered owner; and (b) where the bond is not registered, in favour of the person who establishes that he is the owner, (i) to the satisfaction of the Minister of Finance, if the bond is in the possession of Her Majesty, or (ii) to the satisfaction of the Bank, if the bond is in the possession of the Bank. Married Women 23 The Bank may register a bond in the name of a married woman or may transfer or redeem a bond upon the authority of the signature of a married woman, without the consent of her husband, whether such married woman is acting as a principal or in a representative capacity. Minors 24 (1) A bond may be registered in the name of a person whether or not he is a minor or is qualified by law to enter into ordinary contracts. (2) Where a bond is registered in the name of a minor who is not unable by reason of immaturity to write his name, (a) an instrument of transfer executed by him shall have the same effect, for the purposes of these Regulations, as if he were of the full age of majority and the Bank may make payments under the bond to him and accept acquittances thereof from him as if he were of the full age of majority; and (b) where evidence is furnished to the Bank that a guardian or tutor of the minor has been appointed, the Bank may make payments under the bond to such guardian or tutor and may accept acquittances in respect thereof executed by such guardian or tutor on behalf of the registered owner, and such guardian or Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Minors Section 24 tutor may execute an instrument of transfer on behalf of the registered owner. (3) Where the Bank is satisfied that the registered owner of a bond, being a minor, is unable by reason of immaturity to write his name, (a) an instrument of transfer may be executed on behalf of the registered owner by the guardian; and (b) the Bank may make payments under the bond to the guardian and may accept acquittances in respect thereof executed by such guardian on behalf of the registered owner and for the purposes of this subsection, evidence of age in the form of a certificate of birth or other evidence satisfactory to the Bank may be accepted as proof of age, but where in addition to the guarantee of the signature of the guardian his authority to sign is guaranteed as set forth in subsection 15(2), no such evidence shall be required. (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), guardian, where used with reference to a registered owner of a bond who is unable by reason of immaturity to write his name, means, (a) where the registered owner is resident in the Province of Quebec and evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that a tutor has been appointed, the tutor of the registered owner; (b) where the registered owner is resident elsewhere than in the Province of Quebec and evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that a guardian has been officially appointed, the guardian of the registered owner; and (c) in any other case, either parent of the registered owner, except that (i) if evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that only one parent has actual custody and control of the registered owner, the parent who satisfies the Bank that he has actual custody and control of the registered owner, or (ii) if evidence satisfactory to the Bank is produced that neither parent has actual custody and control of the registered owner, the person who satisfies the Bank that he has actual custody and control of the registered owner. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Sections 25-28 Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations 25 (1) The partners in a partnership or the members for the time being of an unincorporated association not being a partnership may be registered as owners of a bond under the firm name or the name of the association. (2) Where members for the time being of an unincorporated association have been registered as owners of a bond as provided in subsection (1), instruments of transfer, acquittances or other documents furnished under these Regulations by the duly authorized officers for the time being of the association shall, for the purposes of these Regulations, be binding on the members of the association. Closing of Books 26 Where bonds are registered as to principal and interest, nothing in these Regulations shall be deemed to require the Bank to make exchanges or registrations or to give effect to instruments of transfer in connection therewith during any period, which the Bank considers reasonable, immediately preceding the date of any interest payment on such bonds. Damaged or Missing Bonds and Unmatured Attached Coupons 27 (1) Where a bond or an unmatured coupon belonging to a bond has been damaged, defaced or mutilated and all parts of the bond and all unmatured coupons belonging to it, if any, that, in the opinion of the Bank are material, have been surrendered to the Bank, the Bank may forthwith issue a new bond and appropriate coupons in place of them. (2) If all parts of a bond and unmatured coupons belonging to it, if any, mentioned in subsection (1), are not surrendered to the Bank, the Bank may, if in its opinion the missing parts are material, require an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37 to be given to the Bank before a new bond is issued or the Bank may require that the bond and coupons be treated as destroyed, lost or stolen, as the case may be. 28 (1) Subject to this section, where (a) it appears to the Bank that a bond and unmatured coupons attached to it, if any, have been destroyed, lost or stolen, and Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Damaged or Missing Bonds and Unmatured Attached Coupons Section 28 (b) a bond of indemnity in accordance with section 38 is given to the Bank, the Bank may, in its discretion, issue a new bond and appropriate coupons in place of the bond and coupons that were destroyed, lost or stolen. (2) Before issuing a new bond pursuant to subsection (1), the Bank may, in its discretion, require that the following period shall elapse after notice is received by the Bank of the alleged destruction, loss or theft: (a) six months, in the case of a destroyed bond; (b) six months, in the case of a lost or stolen bond registered as to principal and interest and for which no instrument of transfer to bearer has been executed; (c) one year, in the case of a lost or stolen bond registered as to principal and for which no instrument of transfer to bearer has been executed; or (d) two years, in any other case. (3) Where it appears to the Bank that a bond has been destroyed, lost or stolen after it has been paid for by a subscriber and before it was received by him, the Bank may, in its discretion, waive the waiting period specified in subsection (1) and, where the subscriber is or was an employee of Her Majesty in right of Canada who purchased the bond under the Plan commonly known as the “Employees’ Instalment Purchase Plan”, the Bank, on instructions from the Deputy Minister of Finance, shall issue a new bond without requiring a bond of indemnity to be given to the Bank, but the Deputy Minister of Finance shall not issue such instructions unless the person to whom the new bond is to be issued gives to the Deputy Minister of Finance such information and material, including an undertaking to indemnify the Bank and the Government of Canada for any loss resulting from the issue of the new bond, as the Deputy Minister of Finance considers appropriate. (4) Where it appears to the Bank that a bond that has matured or has been called for payment before maturity has been destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank may, if a bond of indemnity described in section 38 is given to it, pay to the owner, in redemption of the bond, an amount equal to the amount payable on maturity or on call, as the case may be. (5) Where a bond mentioned in subsection (3) is a bond of which a person is registered as owner as to principal, Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Damaged or Missing Bonds and Unmatured Attached Coupons Sections 28-30 the bond, for the purposes of subsection 38(2), shall be deemed to be a bond of which that person is registered as owner as to principal and interest. (6) Where a bond mentioned in subsection (3) is a bond of which a person is registered as owner as to principal, the bond shall, for the purposes of subsection 38(2), be deemed to be a bond of which that person is registered as owner as to principal and interest. (7) Where it appears to the Bank that a non-interest bearing certificate has been destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank may, in its discretion, pay the redemption value of the certificate to the registered owner if he gives to the Bank an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37. 29 Where it appears to the Bank that a bond and unmatured coupons attached to it, if any, cancelled by a bank incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Banks Act have been destroyed, lost or stolen while in the custody of the bank or in the course of transit from a branch of the bank to its main office or to any agency of the Bank, if the bank certifies that the bond and each coupon attached thereto was effectively cancelled for purposes and in accordance with arrangements expressly approved by the Bank and gives to the Bank an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37 duly executed on its behalf at its head office and three months have elapsed after the day on which the Bank received notice of the destruction, loss or theft, the Bank may, in its discretion, issue a new bond and appropriate coupons in place of them. 30 Where a bond that is registered or registrable as to principal and interest, whether cancelled or uncancelled, or a coupon bond and unmatured coupons attached to it, if any, that have been cancelled by the Bank are destroyed, lost or stolen while in the custody of the Bank or in the course of transit from any office of the Bank, the Bank may issue a new bond and appropriate coupons in place of them upon executing an undertaking to indemnify the Government of Canada in an amount equal to the principal amount of the missing bond and value of the coupons, if any. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Damaged or Missing Matured Coupons Sections 31-33 Damaged or Missing Matured Coupons 31 (1) Where all parts of a damaged, defaced or mutilated matured coupon that, in the opinion of the Bank are material, are surrendered to the Bank, the Bank may forthwith pay the redemption value of the coupon. (2) If a part of the coupon mentioned in subsection (1) is not surrendered to the Bank, the Bank may, if in its opinion the part is material, require an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37 to be given to the Bank before redeeming the coupon or require that the coupon be treated as if it had been destroyed, lost or stolen, as the case may be. 32 (1) Where it appears to the Bank that a detached coupon has been destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank may, in its discretion, pay the redemption value of the coupon if a bond of indemnity in accordance with section 38 is given to the Bank and if the following period has elapsed after notice was received by the Bank of the alleged destruction, loss or theft and the date of maturity of the coupon: (a) six months, in the case of a destroyed coupon; or (b) two years, in the case of a lost or stolen coupon. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a financial institution acceptable to the Bank has requested payment of the value of a matured coupon that has been destroyed, lost or stolen after encashment by it, the Bank may, in its discretion, at any time after three months from the day on which the Bank received notice of the destruction, loss or theft, pay the redemption value of the coupon if that institution gives to the Bank an undertaking to indemnify the Bank in accordance with section 37. Unredeemable Coupons Missing from Called Bonds 33 (1) Where a bond that has been called for payment prior to maturity is presented for the purpose of being redeemed and any of the coupons dated subsequent to the call date are not attached to the bond, an amount equal to the value of the missing coupons shall be withheld and that amount shall be credited to an appropriate account in the books of the Bank. (2) Where a coupon, in respect of which an amount equal to the value of that coupon has been credited to an Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Unredeemable Coupons Missing from Called Bonds Sections 33-37 account in the books of the Bank in accordance with subsection (1), is presented by a person to the Bank, the Bank may pay that amount to that person. Destroyed, Lost or Stolen Cheques 34 Where it appears to the Bank that a cheque issued in payment of interest on or principal of a bond or otherwise in connection with a bond has been destroyed, lost or stolen, (a) after it has been mailed but before the payee received it, the Bank may issue a duplicate cheque in place of it if the payee gives to the Bank an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37; or (b) after the payee received it, the Bank may issue a duplicate cheque in place of it if the payee or a bank or other institution that has negotiated it gives to the Bank an undertaking to indemnify in accordance with section 37 or a bond of indemnity in accordance with section 38, as the Bank may require. Interim Certificates 35 Where it appears to the Bank that an interim certificate has been damaged, defaced, mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen, the Bank may issue a bond on like conditions to those in which, if the certificate were a coupon bond payable to bearer, the Bank might under these Regulations issue a new bond. New Bonds 36 A new bond issued in place of a damaged, defaced, mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen bond or interim certificate as provided for in these Regulations shall be of the same issue and aggregate amount and of like tenor as the one that it is issued to replace. Form of Undertaking to Indemnify 37 An undertaking to indemnify given to the Bank under these Regulations shall be executed by the owner or payee of the bond, coupon, cheque or certificate that has been damaged, defaced, mutilated, destroyed, lost or stolen, or by any other person acceptable to the Bank and shall undertake to indemnify the Bank and the Government of Canada for any loss resulting from the issue of any new bond or cheque or the making of any payment in Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Form of Undertaking to Indemnify Sections 37-39 respect thereof and shall be in a form satisfactory to the Bank. Form of Bond of Indemnity 38 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a bond of indemnity given to the Bank pursuant to these Regulations shall (a) be executed by (i) a guarantee company approved by the Bank, (ii) a financial institution acceptable to the Bank, or (iii) a government of a province; (b) undertake to indemnify the Bank and the Government of Canada for any loss resulting from the transfer or redemption of any bond, the issue of any new bond or cheque or the making of any payment in respect of the transfer or redemption of any bond or in respect of any destroyed, lost or stolen bond, coupon, cheque or interim certificate in an amount deemed sufficient by the Bank; and (c) be in a form satisfactory to the Bank. (2) The Bank, in lieu of obtaining a bond of indemnity in accordance with subsection (1), may (a) with respect to the alleged destruction, loss or theft of a bond of which a person is registered as owner as to principal and interest and in respect of which no instrument of transfer to bearer has been executed, or (b) with respect to the alleged destruction, loss or theft of a cheque after the payee received it, accept a bond of indemnity in such amount, in such form and executed by such sureties as the Bank considers advisable. Statutory Declaration 39 The Bank may, before issuing a bond or cheque or making a payment in accordance with sections 27 to 35 or section 44, require the claimant to furnish a statutory declaration setting out the facts relating to the alleged damage, defacement, mutilation, destruction, loss or theft by reason of which it is to be issued or made. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART I Registration Statutory Declaration Sections 39-44 Canada Savings Bonds 40 Where a redemption agent for Canada Savings Bonds makes an erroneous payment and the Bank is satisfied that the error did not result from fault or negligence on the part of the redemption agent, the Treasury Board may, upon the recommendation of the Bank, relieve the redemption agent of liability to the Government of Canada and reimburse the Bank, but otherwise, the redemption agent shall reimburse the Bank in the amount of the loss sustained. Administration 41 (1) Where under these Regulations any act is required to be done by the Bank or is effective if done by the Bank, the act is deemed to have been done by the Bank for the purposes of these Regulations if it has been done by an officer or employee of the Bank acting in the course of his duties as such or by a person authorized by the Bank to do that act on behalf of the Bank. (2) Where under these Regulations the Bank is required to or may do an act if it is satisfied or has formed an opinion in respect of any matter, or if any events appear to the Bank to have occurred, it is sufficient for the purposes of these Regulations if the appropriate officer or employee of the Bank satisfies himself or forms the opinion or it appears to him that the events have occurred. PART II War Savings Certificates 42 In this Part, certificate means War Savings Certificates; (certificat) Registrar means the Bank. (Registraire) 43 This Part applies in respect of War Savings Certificates and Part I applies in respect of War Savings Certificates except in so far as it is inconsistent with this Part. 44 Where it appears to the Registrar that a certificate has been destroyed, lost or stolen, a cheque for an Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations PART II War Savings Certificates Sections 44-46 amount equal to the amount payable upon maturity of that certificate may be issued upon completion by the registered owner or by a person acting on his behalf, who is acceptable to the Registrar, of an undertaking in a form approved by the Registrar but unless the Registrar in its discretion otherwise decides, no cheque shall be issued pursuant to this section until at least three months have elapsed from the date upon which the Registrar first received notice of the alleged destruction, loss or theft of the certificate. 45 If the maturity value of all certificates that belonged to a deceased owner is less than $50, production of the documents referred to in section 19 may, at the discretion of the Registrar be dispensed with and the Registrar may redeem the certificates to or in favour of the persons shown to be entitled by a letter from a bank, trust company or other institution acceptable to the Registrar, certifying that letters probate, letters of administration or other documents of like import were in fact granted or executed and giving such further particulars in respect thereof as the Registrar may require. 46 The Post Office Department is hereby authorized to redeem War Savings Stamps at their face value upon presentation at any Post Office in Canada. Current to June 20, 2022 Domestic Bonds of Canada Regulations SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 13) FORM I Government of Canada Bond No .............. Principal Sum $.............. Maturing ........... Registered in the name of .......................................................... Know all men by these presents that I/we ................................ ..................................................................................................... (type or print name) for value received, do hereby assign and transfer unto ..................................................................................................... (Name) ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... (Exact Post Office Address) all right, title and interest in the bond(s) described above absolutely and the Bank of Canada is hereby authorized to make such entries in the books of registration as are required to give effect to such transfer. Dated at ....................................... this ........................ day of ........................ 19.... Signature of Transferor is hereby guaranteed ................................................. Signature of Transferor *....................................... *Signature of the registered owner must be guaranteed by a Canadian Chartered Bank or other financial institution acceptable to the Bank of Canada. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Order Varying Decision No. 712W-1993 of the National Transportation Agency SOR/94-496 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Order Varying Decision No. 712-W-1993 of the National Transportation Agency Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/94-496 July 4, 1994 CANADA TRANSPORTATION ACT Order Varying Decision No. 712-W-1993 of the National Transportation Agency P.C. 1994-1160 July 4, 1994 Whereas, pursuant to section 64 of the National Transportation Act, 1987, the Laurentian Pilotage Authority has petitioned the Governor in Council to rescind Decision No. 712-W-1993 of the National Transportation Agency dated October 19, 1993; Whereas section 33 of the Pilotage Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-14, provides that a Pilotage Authority shall with the approval of the Governor in Council make regulations prescribing tariffs to be paid to that Authority for pilotage and that all such tariffs be fair and reasonable consistent with providing a revenue, together with any revenue from other sources, sufficient to permit the Authority to operate as a self-sustaining financial basis; Whereas the Laurentian Pilotage Authority has since 1983 consistently fallen short of operating on a selfsustaining financial basis and incurred substantial deficits funded by the Department of Transport; And Whereas the Governor in Council considers that an increase in the Laurentian Pilotage Authority tariffs is seen as appropriate having regard to comparable tariffs in other pilotage regions; Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to section 64 of the National Transportation Act, 1987, hereby varies Decision No. 712-W-1993 of the National Transportation Agency by increasing the tariff of pilotage charges of the Laurentian Pilotage Authority by 8.9%. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Designated Classes of Projects Order SOR/2019-323 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Designated Classes of Projects Order Interpretation 1 Definitions Designated Classes of Projects 2 Federal lands or outside of Canada Lands administered by Parks Canada Agency Excluded Projects Coming into Force *5 S.C. 2019, c. 28, s. 1 SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/2019-323 August 30, 2019 IMPACT ASSESSMENT ACT Designated Classes of Projects Order Whereas the Minister of the Environment is of the opinion that the carrying out of a project that is a part of a designated class of projects described in the annexed Order will cause only insignificant adverse environmental effects; And whereas, pursuant to subsection 89(2) of the Impact Assessment Acta, that Minister has considered the comments received from the public in deciding whether to make the designation; Therefore, the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 88(1) of the Impact Assessment Acta, makes the annexed Designated Classes of Projects Order. Gatineau, August 30, 2019 La ministre de l’ Catherine Minister of the a S.C. 2019, c. 28, s. 1 Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order Interpretation Definitions 1 The following definitions apply in this Order. Act means the Impact Assessment Act. (Loi) allied petroleum product has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations. (produit apparenté) boathouse means a structure, with or without walls, that is designed to shelter and store a boat. (remise à bateau) building means a roofed physical work. (bâtiment) developed land means land that is permanently altered from its natural state for human use or is landscaped and maintained for human use. (terrain aménagé) expansion means an increase in the exterior dimensions or the production capacity of a physical work. (agrandissement) historic canal has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Historic Canals Regulations. (canal historique) hook-up means a structure or line that is used to connect a physical work to a main gas, oil, sewer, water, power or telecommunication line. (raccordement) management plan means, in respect of a national park, the management plan for that land that is tabled in each House of Parliament under subsection 32(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act, subsection 11(1) of the Canada National Parks Act or subsection 9(1) of the Rouge National Urban Park Act. (plan directeur) modification means an alteration to a physical work that does not alter the purpose or function of the work. It does not include an expansion or relocation. (modification) national historic site means a place that is commemorated under section 3 of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and is under the administration of the Parks Canada Agency. (lieu historicque national) Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order Interpretation Sections 1-4 national marine conservation area has the meaning assigned by the definition marine conservation area or reserve in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act. (aire marine nationale de conservation) national park has the meaning assigned by the definition park or park reserve in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Parks Act. (parc national) petroleum product has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products Regulations. (produit pétrolier) water body includes a lake, a canal, a reservoir, an ocean, a river and its tributaries and a wetland, up to the annual high-water mark, but does not include a sewage or waste treatment lagoon, a mine tailings pond, an artificial irrigation pond, a dugout or a ditch that does not contain fish habitat as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Fisheries Act. (plan d’eau) wetland means an estuary, tidal flat, marsh, swamp, bog, fen or other land where the presence of water has caused the formation of hydric soils and favoured the dominance of hydrophytic or water-tolerant plants. (terres humides) Designated Classes of Projects Federal lands or outside of Canada 2 The classes of projects set out in Schedule 1 and that are to be carried out on federal lands, other than lands administered by the Parks Canada Agency, or outside Canada are designated for the purposes of section 88 of the Act. Lands administered by Parks Canada Agency 3 The classes of projects set out in Schedule 2 and that are to be carried out on federal lands administered by the Parks Canada Agency are designated for the purposes of section 88 of the Act. Excluded Projects 4 The classes of projects set out in Schedules 1 and 2 do not include projects (a) that cause a change to Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order Designated Classes of Projects Sections 4-5 (i) any characteristic of a water body, (ii) migratory birds or nests, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, (iii) wildlife species, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Species at Risk Act that are listed in Schedule 1 of that Act, or (iv) residences or critical habitats, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Species at Risk Act, of wildlife species referred to in subparagraph (iii); (b) that involve an activity referred to in subsection 5(1) of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, subsection 35(1) or 36(3) of the Fisheries Act, subsection 3(1) of the Wildlife Area Regulations or subsection 2(1) of the Scott Islands Protected Marine Area Regulations; (c) that involve the removal of any structure or resource that is of historical, archaeological, paleontological or architectural significance; or (d) that cause damage to any structure, resource or site that is of historical, archaeological, paleontological or architectural significance. Coming into Force S.C. 2019, c. 28, s. 1 5 This Order comes into force on the day on which section 1 of An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, chapter 28 of the Statutes of Canada, 2019 comes into force, but if it is registered after that day, it comes into force on the day on which it is registered. * * [Note: Order in force August 30, 2019.] Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) SCHEDULE 1 (Sections 2 and 4) Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) PART 1 General 1 The operation, maintenance or repair of a physical work. 2 Physical activities that are carried out entirely within the interior of a building. 3 (1) The construction or operation of a well to conduct geotechnical or environmental investigations of the subsurface characteristics of a site for the purpose of scientific research or of assessing or monitoring the site for contamination. (2) The decommissioning of a well that was used to conduct a geotechnical or environmental investigation referred to in subsection (1). (3) The classes of projects described in subsections (1) and (2) do not include projects that involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body. PART 2 Buildings 4 (1) On developed land, the construction, installation, operation, modification, demolition, decomissioning, removal or replacement of a building that has a footprint of no more than 1 000 m2. (2) On developed land, the expansion of a building that does not increase the building’s footprint to more than 1 000 m2. (3) On land other than developed land, the construction or installation of a building that has a footprint of no more than 100 m2. Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (4) The classes of projects described in subsections (1) to (3) do not include projects that (a) involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; (b) involve the disturbance of known or suspected subsurface contamination; or (c) involve the demolition of a building that is less than 30 m from a school, hospital or residential building. PART 3 Physical Works Related to Building or Other Structure 5 (1) On developed lands, the construction, installation, operation, modification, expansion, replacement, removal or decomissioning of any of the following physical works that are related to a building or other structure and that have a footprint, when combined with the footprint of all other physical works related to the building or structure, of no more than 1 000 m2: (a) lighting systems; (b) signage; (c) fire suppression infrastructure; (d) parking lots; (e) paved areas; (f) charging stations for electrical vehicles; (g) infrastructure that generates solar or wind power; (h) fencing that does not prevent the passage of wild animals; and (i) sidewalks, boardwalks, paths, pedestrian ramps or access roads. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that (a) involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; or Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (b) involve the disturbance of known or suspected subsurface contamination. 6 (1) On lands other than developed lands, the construction, installation, operation, modification, expansion, replacement, removal or decomissioning of any of the following physical works that are related to a building or other structure and that have a footprint, when combined with the footprint of all other physical works related to the building or structure, of no more than 100 m2: (a) lighting systems; (b) signage; (c) fire suppression infrastructure; (d) parking lots; (e) paved areas; (f) charging stations for electrical vehicles; (g) infrastructure that generates solar or wind power; (h) fencing that does not prevent the passage of wild animals; and (i) sidewalks, boardwalks, paths, pedestrian ramps or access roads. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that (a) involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; or (b) involve the disturbance of known or suspected subsurface contamination. PART 4 Utility Infrastructure 7 (1) The installation, operation, replacement, modification, decommissioning, abandonment or removal of a hydrant or hook-up that is part of a utility distribution system for a municipality or farm. (2) The construction, installation, operation, replacement, modification, expansion, removal or decommissioning of water-related utility infrastructure, other than water pipelines, that has a footprint of no more than 100 m2. Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (3) The construction, installation, operation, replacement, modification, expansion, removal or decommissioning of water pipelines that are (a) no more than 100 m in length; or (b) located underneath, or on developed land that is alongside and contiguous to, a railway or road. (4) The modification of a water treatment facility. (5) The construction, installation, operation, replacement, modification, expansion or abandonment of a portion of any of the following physical works that is located more than 30 m from a water body and are underneath, or on developed land that is alongside and contiguous to, a railway or road: (a) sewers; (b) drains; (c) steam lines; (d) service tunnels; and (e) overhead lines. or underground telecommunication (6) The classes of projects described in subsections (1) to (5) do not include projects that (a) involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; (b) involve the crossing of a water body, other than an overhead crossing by a telecommunication line; or (c) involve the disturbance of known or suspected subsurface contamination. PART 5 Above Ground Storage Tank Systems 8 (1) The installation, replacement, operation, modification, expansion or removal of an above ground storage tank system for petroleum products or allied petroleum products that is (a) located within an airport and has an aggregate capacity of no more than 30 000 L; or Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 1 Designated Classes of Projects (Outside Canada or on Federal Lands not Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (b) located outside of an airport and has an aggregate capacity of no more than 5 000 L. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that involve the disturbance of known or suspected subsurface contamination. Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) SCHEDULE 2 (Sections 3 and 4) Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) PART 1 General 1 The operation or maintenance of a physical work. 2 Physical activities that are carried out entirely within the interior of a building. 3 The maintenance, repair or modification of a roadway, highway or parkway or of related infrastructure. 4 The installation, maintenance, repair or replacement of prefabricated structures. 5 The construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of a rudimentary campsite located within an existing rudimentary campground that does not involve the construction of a new toilet system or the use of heavy equipment. 6 The construction, installation, maintenance, repair or replacement of tent pads or movable accommodations at an existing campground that does not involve (a) the installation or modification of a septic field; or (b) the removal of vegetation with heavy equipment. 7 (1) The construction or operation of a well to conduct geotechnical or environmental investigations of the subsurface characteristics of a site for the purpose of scientific research or of assessing or monitoring the site for contamination. (2) The decommissioning of a well that was used to conduct a geotechnical or environmental investigation referred to in subsection (1). (3) The classes of projects described in subsections (1) and (2) do not include projects that involve the Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body. 8 The operation, maintenance or repair of overhead or underground electrical transmission or distribution lines or related infrastructure. 9 The maintenance, repair, modification or expansion of a land-based trail that does not involve (a) the installation of a pedestrian bridge on the trail, unless the bridge is a replacement for an existing pedestrian bridge; (b) the paving of any unpaved portion of the trail; (c) the removal of vegetation with heavy equipment; (d) the widening of the trail by more than 50 cm on either side; (e) the extension of the trail’s length by more than 500 m; or (f) the rerouting of the trail such that the trail’s route is more than 50 m from the former route or the trail’s length is extended by more than 500 m. 10 (1) The operation of an above ground petroleum storage tank system for petroleum products or allied petroleum products. (2) The removal, replacement or modification of an above ground petroleum storage tank system for petroleum products or allied petroleum products or its base that does not involve the removal of vegetation with heavy equipment. 11 (1) The maintenance, repair or removal of shoreline stabilization works, wharves, piers, docks, boathouses, launch ramps or navigational aids. (2) The maintenance or repair of causeways, fishways, fish ladders, retaining walls or breakwaters. (3) The classes of projects described in subsections (1) and (2) do not include projects that (a) involve the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; (b) involve dredging; or (c) involve the construction of a permanent diversion channel. Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) PART 2 Historic Canals and National Marine Conservation Areas 12 (1) The following classes of projects that are carried out within a historic canal or national marine conservation area: (a) the maintenance or repair of locks, dams or bridges; (b) the installation, maintenance, repair or removal of in-water anchoring systems, hook-ups, boat lifts, marine railways, inland boat slips or mooring basins; and (c) the installation of shoreline stabilization works, wharves, piers, docks, boathouses, launch ramps or navigational aids. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that (a) involve dredging; (b) involve permanently increasing a physical work’s footprint below the high-water mark; or (c) involve the construction of a permanent diversion channel. PART 3 National Parks and National Historic Sites 13 (1) The following classes of projects that are carried out on developed land that is accessible by road within a national historic site or an area of a national park that is zoned “Zone IV” or “Zone V” in accordance with the management plan, other than those that are carried out in the town of Banff: (a) the installation, modification, maintenance, repair, replacement, decommissioning or abandonment of buildings or other structures; (b) the maintenance, repair or modification of campsites; Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (c) the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, decommissioning or abandonment of hook-ups; (d) the construction, installation, maintenance or repair of sidewalks, boardwalks, fences or railings; (e) the decommissioning or abandonment of roads, parking lots, pull-offs, sidewalks, boardwalks or trails; (f) the construction, modification, operation, maintenance, decommissioning or abandonment of recreational grounds; and (g) the construction of buildings or other structures in a park community, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Parks Act. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that involve (a) the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; (b) the installation or modification of a septic field; or (c) the removal of vegetation with heavy equipment. 14 (1) The following classes of projects that are carried out on developed land within the town of Banff: (a) the modification, maintenance, repair, decommissioning or abandonment of buildings or other structures; (b) the maintenance, repair or modification of campsites; (c) the maintenance, repair, decommissioning or abandonment of hook-ups; (d) the maintenance or repair of sidewalks, boardwalks, fences or railings; (e) the decommissioning or abandonment of roads, parking lots, pull-offs, sidewalks, boardwalks or trails; and (f) the modification, operation, maintenance, decommissioning or abandonment of recreational grounds. (2) The classes of projects described in subsection (1) do not include projects that involve Current to June 20, 2022 Designated Classes of Projects Order SCHEDULE 2 Designated Classes of Projects (On Federal Lands Administered by Parks Canada Agency) (a) the placement of temporary or permanent fill in a water body; (b) the installation or modification of a septic field; or (c) the removal of vegetation with heavy equipment. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Discretionary Interest By-Law SOR/96-544 Current to June 20, 2022 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Discretionary Interest By-Law Interpretation Rates of Interest Repeal Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 ii Registration SOR/96-544 December 5, 1996 CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACT Discretionary Interest By-Law The Board of Directors of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, pursuant to paragraph 11(2)(g)a and subsection 14(2.4)b of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, hereby makes the annexed Discretionary Interest By-Law. December 4, 1996 a R.S., c. 18 (3rd Supp.), s. 51 b S.C. 1996, c. 6, s. 26(3) Current to June 20, 2022 Discretionary Interest By-Law Interpretation 1 In this By-law, Act means the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act. Rates of Interest 2 Where, following the making of a winding-up order in respect of a member institution, the Corporation decides to make an interest payment pursuant to subsection 14(2.4) of the Act in respect of a deposit insured by deposit insurance, the Corporation shall employ the simple annual rate of interest that applies to Government of Canada treasury bills with a term of approximately three months, as established at the last Bank of Canada auction preceding the date of the winding-up order. Repeal 3 [Repeal] Coming into Force 4 This By-law comes into force on December 5, 1996. Current to June 20, 2022
CONSOLIDATION Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations SOR/2005-311 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows: Published consolidation is evidence 31 (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute or consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act in either print or electronic form is evidence of that statute or regulation and of its contents and every copy purporting to be published by the Minister is deemed to be so published, unless the contrary is shown. ... Inconsistencies in regulations (3) In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Minister under this Act and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment as registered by the Clerk of the Privy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency. LAYOUT The notes that appeared in the left or right margins are now in boldface text directly above the provisions to which they relate. They form no part of the enactment, but are inserted for convenience of reference only. NOTE This consolidation is current to June 20, 2022. The last amendments came into force on June 17, 2019. Any amendments that were not in force as of June 20, 2022 are set out at the end of this document under the heading “Amendments Not in Force”. Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations 1 Interpretation Public Officer Availability of Information *4 Coming into Force Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 ii Registration SOR/2005-311 October 4, 2005 DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations P.C. 2005-1752 October 4, 2005 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of State styled Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, pursuant to section 43 of the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Acta, hereby makes the annexed Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Regulations. a S.C. 2005, c. 34 Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations Interpretation 1 In these Regulations, Act means the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. 2013, c. 40, s. 236. Public Officer 2 For the purpose of the definition public officer in subsection 30(1) of the Act, a prescribed individual is a person employed in a federal institution or whose services are required by a federal institution, on a casual or temporary basis or under a student employment program. Availability of Information 3 For the purpose of subsection 35(1) of the Act, information that is obtained, or prepared from information that is obtained, under any program other than the Canada Pension Plan or the Old Age Security Act may be made available to the following: (a) the Canada Revenue Agency, for the administration or enforcement of the Income Tax Act; (b) Statistics Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Statistics Act; (c) the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, for the administration or enforcement of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; (d) the Public Service Commission, for the administration or enforcement of the Public Service Employment Act; (e) the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, for the administration or enforcement of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act; (f) the Department of Justice, for the administration of activities conducted with respect to legal proceedings and activities related to mutual legal assistance under an agreement; Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations Availability of Information Sections 3-3.1 (g) the Library and Archives of Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Library and Archives of Canada Act; (h) the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for the administration of the following activities, namely, (i) enforcing the laws of Canada or a province, (ii) carrying out a lawful investigation, or (iii) exercising mutual legal assistance under an agreement; (i) the Canada Border Services Agency, for the administration or enforcement of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and (j) the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board, for the administration or enforcement of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act. SOR/2013-20, s. 4; SOR/2015-53, s. 1; SOR/2019-219, s. 1. 3.1 For the purpose of subsection 35(1) of the Act, information that is obtained, or prepared from information that is obtained, under the Canada Pension Plan may be made available to the following: (a) the Canada Revenue Agency, for the administration or enforcement of the Income Tax Act; (b) the Correctional Service of Canada, for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act; (c) the Department of Justice or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for the purpose of any investigations or prosecutions in relation to war crimes or crimes against humanity or any activities relating to extradition from Canada for such crimes; (d) the Department of Veterans Affairs, for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of any of the following Acts: (i) Veterans Well-being Act, (ii) Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act, (iii) Civilian War-related Benefits Act, (iv) Department of Veterans Affairs Act, (v) Pension Act, and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations Availability of Information Sections 3.1-3.2 (vi) War Veterans Allowance Act; (e) the Library and Archives of Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Library and Archives of Canada Act; (f) Statistics Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Statistics Act; and (g) the Department of Public Works and Government Services, for the administration or enforcement of any of the following Acts: (i) Public Service Superannuation Act, (ii) Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, and (iii) Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act. SOR/2013-20, s. 5; SOR/2016-315, s. 1; SOR/2017-161, s. 10. 3.2 For the purpose of subsection 35(1) of the Act, information that is obtained, or prepared from information that is obtained, under the Old Age Security Act may be made available to the following: (a) the Canada Revenue Agency, for the administration or enforcement of the Income Tax Act or Part 1 of the Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act; (b) the Correctional Service of Canada, for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act; (c) the Department of Justice or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for the purpose of investigations or prosecutions in relation to war crimes or crimes against humanity or any activities relating to extradition from Canada for such crimes; (d) the Department of Veterans Affairs, for the purpose of the administration or enforcement of any of the following Acts: (i) Veterans Well-being Act, (ii) Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act, (iii) Civilian War-related Benefits Act, (iv) Department of Veterans Affairs Act, (v) Pension Act, and Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019 Department of Employment and Social Development Regulations Availability of Information Sections 3.2-4 (vi) War Veterans Allowance Act; (e) the Library and Archives of Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Library and Archives of Canada Act; and (f) Statistics Canada, for the administration or enforcement of the Statistics Act. SOR/2013-20, s. 5; SOR/2017-161, s. 10. Coming into Force 4 These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 43 of the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act, chapter 34 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005, comes into force. * * [Note: Regulations in force October 5, 2005, see SI/2005-99.] Current to June 20, 2022 Last amended on June 17, 2019