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आविष्टं तेजसा रामं सङ्ग्रामशिरसि स्थितम्।दृष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि भयाद्विव्यथिरे तदा।। | Seeing Rama standing on the war front, engrossed and radiating heroic lustre, all beings were alarmed. |
तं समीक्ष्य महातेजा व्यवसायोत्तरं हरिम्।कृतार्थ इव संवृत्तः प्रहृष्टेन्द्रियमानसः।। | The mighty Rama was happy in his heart to see Hanuman. He felt as if the task is achieved. |
स मैथिलीं पुनर्वाक्यं बभाषे च ततो भृशम्।नोन्मत्तया श्रुतौ मन्ये मम वीर्यपराक्रमौ।। | Ravana again said to that princess from Mithila, I suppose you are too insane to disregard my strength and valour. |
मा विषादं महाबाहो कुरु यत्नं मया सह।इदं च हि वनं शूर बहुकन्दरशोभितम्।। | O longarmed, heroic Rama, do not grieve. This forest is full of caves. Let us try together. |
साक्षिप्ताराक्षसेन्द्रस्यतस्मिन्कूलेपपात ह ।भिन्नःशक्त्यामहान् शूलोनिपपातहतद्युतिः ।। | With the hurling of the javelin by Rama at the great trident of Ravana and on the javelin touching the trident, it was broken, lost its splendour and fell down. |
वैदर्भदुहिता राम केशिनी नाम नामत:।ज्येष्ठा सगरपत्नी सा धर्मिष्ठा सत्यवादिनी।। | O Rama the daughter of the king of Vidarbha by name Kesini was Sagaras eldest wife who was righteous and truthful. |
कृत्स्नंतुनगरंतत्तुनन्दिग्राममुपागमत् ।समीक्ष्यभरतोवाक्यमुवाचपवनात्मजम् ।। | Reviewing the arrangements, Bharata spoke these words to wind gods son, Hanuman. |
शोणिताक्षस्ततःक्षिप्रमसिचर्मसमाददे ।उत्पपातदिवंक्रुद्धोवेगवानविचारयन् ।। | Thereupon enraged Sonitaksha, quickly sprang up to the sky at high speed with sword and shield. |
एतान् राम महाबाहो कामरूपान् महाबलान् ।गृहाण परमोदारान् क्षिप्रमेव नृपात्मज।। | O Rama mightyarmed prince, receive these mighty and highly exalted astras capable of assuming at once any form at will". |
निवेद्यतां ततो राज्ञे मानुषी सा मृतेति ह।नात्र कश्चन संदेहः खादतेति स वक्ष्यति।। | Thereafter we will announce that such a human being is dead. Then Ravana will simply say eat her up. There is no doubt . |
स दु:खवशमापन्नस्त्वसमञ्जसुतस्तदा।चुक्रोश परमार्तस्तु वधात्तेषां सुदु:खित:।। | Then the son of Asamanjasa, overwhelmed with sorrow and deeply distressed at their destruction, bewailed with great grief. |
ततो गुणवदन्नाद्यमुपादाय पृथग्विधम्।।अर्घ्यं चोपानयत्क्षिप्रं वाक्यं चेदमुवाच ह। | Thereafter he quickly brought rice and various kinds of tasty food and drink as welcome offerings and said to him |
सा तस्मिन् पतिता पुण्या पुण्ये रुद्रस्य मूर्धनि।।हिमवत्प्रतिमे राम जटामण्डलगह्वरे। | O Rama that sacred river Ganga, descended on to the depths of the matted locks on the holy head of Siva resembling the mount Himavan. |
दैवतानि च यान्यस्मिन्वने विविधपादपे।।नमस्करोम्यहं तेभ्योभर्तुश्शंसत मां हृताम्। | I offer my salutations to different deities residing in this forest abounding in trees of many kinds. Tell my husband about me that I am being whisked away. |
न तत्र कश्चिदुद्देशो यस्तेन न विनाशितः।यत्र सा जानकी सीता स तेन न विनाशितः।। | There is not a single place that has not been ruined by him there. Only the place where Janakas daughter, Sita is resting has not been touched. |
स तैस्सम्पीड्यमानोऽपि रक्षोभिर्भीमविक्रमैः।विस्मयं परमं गत्वा रक्षोधिपमवैक्षत।। | Hanuman looked at the demon king with great amazement even while he was dealt harshly by the demons of fierce valour. |
वानरैश्चापिसङ्क्रुद्धैराक्षसौघाःसमन्ततः ।।पादपैर्गिरिशृङ्गैश्चसम्पिष्टावसुधातले । | Then the highly enraged Vanaras completely crushed Rakshasas in groups by crushing them on the earths surface with trees and mountain peaks. |
वायुसूनोःसुहृत्त्वेनभक्त्यापरमयाचसः ।।शत्रूणामप्रकम्प्योऽपिलघुत्वमगमत्कपेः । | Lakshmana though unshakeable for enemies, became light for the son of wind god by his friendship and high devotion. |
नानाविकृतसंस्थानंवाजिभाण्डपरिच्छदौ ।।गजग्रैवेयकक्ष्याश्चरथभाण्डाश्चसम्स्कृताः । | Different kinds of peculiar kinds of ornaments used to decorate horses, ornaments worn round the neck and girths of elephants, and polished chariot decorations. |
आतिथ्यधर्मदत्तानि मूलानि च फलानि च।।अस्माभिरुपभुक्तानि बुभुक्षापरिपीडितैः। | You have given us roots and fruits out of hospitality and we have been taken them driven by hunger and thirst. |
वेलावनमुपागम्य ततस्ते हरिपुङ्गवाः ।निविष्टाश्च परं पारं काङ्क्षमाणा महोदधेः ।। | Then the heroic monkeys having arrived at the forest close to the ocean stood there desiring to reach the other shore. |
मामप्येवं विशालाक्षी जानकी जातसम्भ्रमा। मदनेनाभिवर्तेत यदि नाऽपहृता भवेत्।। | Had the largeeyed Janaki not been stolen, she would have also paid advances to me in this manner with all her love and excitement. |
ततस्सा ह्रीमती बाला भर्तुर्विजयहर्षिता।।अवोचद्यदि तत्तथ्यं भवेयं शरणं हि वः। | On hearing the words of Trijata that Rama will succeed, young and bashful Sita felt happy and said that If it comes true I will protect thee. |
ततः काञ्चनशैलाभस्ताराया वीर्यवान्पिता।अनेकैर्दशसाहस्रैः कोटिभिः प्रत्यदृश्यत।। | Next came the valiant father of Tara of golden complexion like mount Meru followed by ten thousand crore of vanaras. |
कामाद्वा तात लोभाद्वा मात्रातुभ्यमिदं कृतम्।न तन्मनसि कर्तव्यं वर्तितव्यं च मातृवत्।। | Dear brother, whether out of affection or greed, your mother has done this for your sake. It should not agitate your mind. You should conduct yourself as one should towards ones mother. |
स हताश्वादवप्लुत्यरथान्मथितसारथिः ।शरवर्षेणसौमित्रिमभ्यधावतरावणिः ।। | Charioteer dead, horses killed that Indrajith leapt down and assailed Lakshmana by raining arrows. |
अनृशंस्यमनुक्रोशः श्रुतं शीलं दमश्शमः।राघवं शोभयन्त्येते षड्गुणाः पुरुषोत्तमम्।। | Harmlessness, compassion, learning, good conduct, restraint of senses and selfcontrol, all these six qualities adorn Rama, the greatest among men. |
न च सर्पन्ति सत्त्वानि व्यासा न प्रचरन्ति च।रामशोकाभिभूतं तन्निष्कूजमभवद्वनम्।। | No living being move about and even wild animals roam no more. Overwhelmed with grief on account of Rama a great silence pervades the forest. |
तूष्णीं ते समुपासीना न कश्चित्किञ्चिदब्रवीत्।भरतस्तु सुहृन्मध्ये रामं वचनमब्रवीत्।। | All of them sat together silently and no one uttered a word. Bharata alone from among them addressed Rama saying |
इमानपि वधिष्यामि निर्घृणान् दुष्टचारिण:।
राक्षसान् पापकर्मस्थान् यज्ञघ्नान् रुधिराशनान्।।
| "I shall slay these merciless, wicked, doers of sinful acts, destroyers of sacrifices and bloodthirsty rakshasas". |
एवमस्मि तदा मुक्तस्सहायास्तु निपातिताः।अकृतास्त्रेण बालेन रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।। | That way I was spared by the young boy who was not versed in archery and who could still accomplish the task with ease.Those who accompanied me were destroyed. |
धर्मार्थसहितंवाक्यंसर्वेषांरक्षसांहितम् ।युक्तंविभीषणेनोक्तंमोहत्तस्य न रोचते ।। | "Good advice given by Vibheeshana in accordance with righteousness was not liked by him in delusion." |
धात्र्यास्तु वचनं शृत्वा कुब्जा क्षिप्रममर्षिता।कैलासशिखराकारा त्प्रासादादवरोहत।। | Having heard these words of the royal maid, the hunchback became furious and speedily descended from that palace resembling the peak of mount Kailasa. |
धर्मज्ञस्य कृतज्ञस्य रामस्य विदितात्मनः।इयं सा दयिता भार्या राक्षसीवशमागता।। | "She is the loving wife of the righteous, grateful, wise and selfrealised Rama. She has fallen into the hands of these shedemons. |
सुरासुरैरवध्यत्वंदत्तमस्मैस्वयम्भुवा ।एतच्चकवचंदिव्यंरधश्चैषोऽरभास्वरः ।। | "Exemption from death from gods and demons was given to him and all this wonderful shield and chariot as bright as the sun." |
अनेकवर्षसाहस्रो वृद्धस्त्वमसि पार्थिव।स रामं युवराजानमभिषिञ्चिस्व पार्थिवम्।। | O mighty king, you have grown many thousands of years old. Therefore, you should coronate Rama as prince regent of this kingdom. |
अथवानश्यतिप्रज्ञाप्राज्ञस्यापिसतस्तव ।पचत्येनंयथाकालोभूतानांप्रभवोऽह्ययम् ।। | "Or else, even the wisdom of a learned one is diffused and lost perhaps! the effect of time which is the cause of all living beings has caused this." |
मां नियोजय विक्रान्त सन्निवर्तस्व साहसात्। पश्य रामं महाबाहुं संयुगे विनिपातितम्।। | O valiant one assign this work to me. Refrain from this audacity. See how I am going to put down the mightyarmed Rama in the battle. |
तथान्ये तापसास्सिद्धा रामं वैश्वानरोपमाः।न्यायवृत्ता यथान्यायं तर्पयामासुरीश्वरम्।। | The lawabiding ascetics, who were comparable to fire and who were accomplished in their penances, pleased lord Rama in a befitting manner. Thus ends the first sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
यद्यस्ति पतिशुश्रूषा यद्यस्ति चरितं तपः।यदि चास्त्येकपत्नीत्वं शीतो भव हनूमतः।। | "O Firegod if I have served my husband, if I have practised austerities, and if I am loyal to my husband, be cool to Hanuman. |
बलेनमहतायुक्तोराक्षसैर्भीमविक्रमः ।त्वंवधायाभिनिर्याहिरामस्यसहवानरैः ।। | "Dhumraksha of fierce prowess, you along with a huge Rakshasa army go just now to destroy Rama along with able Vanaras." |
तथापित्वांमयामुक्तस्सायोकोऽस्त्रप्रयोजितः ।जीवितंपरिरक्षन्तंजीविताद्भ्रंशयिष्यति ।। | "The arrow released by me now is charged with a missile and will destroy your life. You have been protecting changing your forms your life." |
इदं व्यसनमालोक्य राज्ञश्च मतिविभ्रमम्।काम एवार्थधर्माभ्यां गरीयानिति मे मतिः।। | Reflecting on the calamity and mental aberration of the king, I think passion is stronger than wealth and righteousness. |
उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन्नुभौ राघवलक्ष्मणौ।प्रतिनन्द्य कथां वीरावूचतुर्मुनिपुङ्गवम्।। | While Viswamitra preeminent ascetic among the sages was telling the story of Ganga to the heroic Rama and Lakshmana, they extolled it and enquired |
विचित्राणि च माल्यानि पादपप्रच्युतानि च।सुरादीनि च पेयानि मांसानि विविधानि च।। | Let her furnish me with manycoloured garlands of fresh flowers from trees, wines and other drinks and meat of different kinds. |
सान्त्वयित्वा तु तां रामो रुदन्तीं जनकात्मजाम्।उवाच लक्ष्मणं तत्र दुःखितो दुःखितं वचः।। | Having consoled Sita, daughter of Janaka, griefstricken Rama said to Lakshmana who was also distressed with grief. |
न पुनर्निश्चयः कार्यस्त्वद्गतौ सुकृता मतिः।त्वयि धर्मव्यपेक्षे तु किं स्याद्धर्मपथे स्थितम्।। | We are not going to revoke our decision. We have made up our minds to follow you into the forest. If you have no regard for this decision, then who will adhere to the path of righteousness? |
ईदृशं गर्हितं कर्म कथं कृत्वा न लज्जसे।स्त्रियाश्च हरणं नीच रहिते च परस्य च।। | O lowly fellow how is it that you are not ashamed of commiting such a despicable act abducting anothers wife when she is alone ? |
उक्तवाक्यं महाप्राज्ञं जाम्बवन्तं महाकपिः।प्रत्युवाचोत्तरं वाक्यं वालिसूनुरथाङ्गदः।। | Jambavan, the wise monkey having said that, Angada, the great son of Vali, replied |
स हि सर्वस्य राज्यस्य मुखमेकं भविष्यति।ताते च वयसाऽतीते मयि चारण्यमास्थिते।। | The king is advanced in age and I have to dwell in the forest. Therefore, Bharata alone will be the chief of this entire kingdom. |
न ह्येनामुत्सहे हन्तुं स्त्रीस्वभावेन रक्षिताम्।वीर्यं चास्यां गतिं चापि हनिष्यामीति मे मति:।। | By virtue of being a woman, she is protected. I am not inclined to slay her but take away her prowess and power of motion". |
एवमुक्त्वा तु काकुत्थ्सं विराधश्शरपीडितः।बभूव स्वर्गसम्प्राप्तो न्यस्तदेहो महाबलः।। | Having said so to Rama, the mighty Viradha, hit by the arrows left his body and attained heaven. |
एष कालात्ययस्तावदिति कालविदां वरः।।एतमर्थं समग्रं मे सुपार्श्वः प्रत्यवेदयत्। | O father this is the cause of my delay, said Suparshva, who knew the value of time. Thus he gave the entire account to me. |
भवतामर्थसिद्ध्यर्थमागतोऽहं यदृच्छया।तस्य मेऽयं वने वासो भविष्यति महाफलः।। | I came here to acomplish your task incidentally, Therefore, my stay in the forest will yield great results. |
ततस्सुरगणैस्सार्धमुपागम्य पितामह:।भगीरथं महात्मानं तप्यमानमथाब्रवीत्।। | Thereafter, the Grandsire arrived with the gods and spoke to the noble Bhagiratha engaged in austerities. |
यथापुष्करपत्रेषुपतितास्तोयबिन्दवः ।नश्लेषमभिगच्छन्तितथाऽनार्येषुसङ्गतम् ।। | "Just as drops of water that fall on lotus leaves do not adhere to each other, like wise however long you spend with an unworthy relative one, good friendship does not take place." |
तैर्निमित्तैश्च दृष्टाथै: कारणैश्च महागुणैः।ऋषिवाक्यैश्च सिद्धार्थैरभवं हृष्टमानसः।। | "For these two auspicious signs and the highly propitious words uttered by the sages I felt glad at heart. |
किं हि संशयमापन्ने तस्मिन्निह मया भवेत्।।कर्तव्यमिह तिष्ठन्त्या यत्प्रधानस्त्वमागतः। | When he for whose service you have primary come here, has met with difficulty, what is the use of your being here? What purpose you serve by staying here with me ? |
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणो रामचोदितः।आचचक्षे महात्मानं रामं दशरथात्मज।। | Having listened to Hanuman, and urged by Rama, Lakshmana told him about the great Rama, son of Dasaratha. |
यां निवेदयसे लङ्कां पुरीं भीमस्य रक्षसः ।क्षिप्रमेनां मथिष्यामि सत्यमेतद्ब्रवीमि ते ।। | I will destroy immediately that Lanka of fierce rakshasa, you are telling. I am telling you, this is the truth. |
कुशिकानामयं वंशो महान् धर्मपरस्सदा।ब्रह्मोपमा महात्मान: कुशवंश्या नरोत्तमा:।। | This is the family of the Kusas, venerable always devoted to dharma, foremost of men, great like Lord Brahma. |
सर्वथा त्वविनीतं ते सीतया यत्प्रचोदितः।क्रोधस्य वशमापन्नो नाकरोश्शासनं मम।। | Provoked by the words of Sita spoken in anger you came without respecting my orders. It is definitely an act of disobedience. |
उद्विग्नहृदयस्सर्वा दिशस्समवलोकयन्।न व्यतिष्ठत कस्मिंश्चिद्देशे वानरपुङ्गवः।। | Agitated at heart, the best of vanaras started in all directions and could not settle down at one spot. |
तांस्त्रियंपश्यतांतेषांताडयामासरावणि: ।क्रोशन्तींरामरामेतिमाययायोजितांरथे ।। | As they were looking at Sita on the chariot trickishly constructed, and she was crying saying, O Rama, O Rama, he stood and hit her. |
इहत्वंजातसम्वृद्धःसाक्षाद्भ्रातापितुर्मम ।कथंद्रुह्यसिपुत्रस्यपितृव्योममराक्षस ।। | "O Rakshasa! You are born here and brought up by my father. You are my fathersbrother also. How can you be hostile to your son?" |
नानाप्रहरणैर्वीरैश्चतुर्भिस्सचिवैर्वृत: ।नीलाञ्जनचयाकारैर्मातङ्गैरिवयूथप ।। | Accompanied by the four ministers surrounded by four ministers resembling leaders of elephants, who looked dark like collyrium, Vibheeshana came to highsouled Rama. He witnessed Vanaras whose eyes were filled with tears. |
कच्चिद्विनयसम्पन्नः कुलपुत्रो बहुश्रुतः।अनसूयुरनुद्रष्टा सत्कृतस्ते पुरोहितः।। | I trust, you continue to honour the family priest Suyajna, son of Vasistha who is endowed with modesty, born of high family, conversant in scriptures, free from envy and who can give you directions with regard to your duties. |
तं महोरगसङ्काशं प्रगृह्य परिघं रणे।दूषणोऽभ्यद्रवद्रामं क्रूरकर्मा निशाचरः।। | With the spear that looked like a mighty serpent, Dusana, the cruel demon, advanced towards Rama. |
ततःपारेसमुद्रस्यगदापाणिर्विभीषणः ।परेषामभिघातार्थमतिष्ठत्सचिवैस्सहा ।। | There upon Vibheeshana holding the mace stood on the other side of the ocean along with his friends to slay the enemies. |
तपनेनगजस्सार्धंराक्षसेनमहाबलः ।निकुम्भेनमहातेजानीलोऽपिसमयुध्यत ।। | Gaja of great strength fought with Rakshasa Tapa, and highly energetic Neela fought with Nikumbha. |
जाम्बवांश्च सुषेणश्च वेगदर्शी च वानरः ।ऋक्षराजो महासत्त्वः कुक्षिं रक्षन्तु ते त्रयः ।। | "Let Rksharaja the mighty strong Jambavan and Sushena even Vegadarsi protect the rear side of the army". |
तेन सख्यं च कर्तव्यं न्याय्यवृत्तेन राघव।।कल्पयिष्यति ते प्रीतस्साहाय्यं लघुविक्रमः। | O Rama you should establish friendship with him in a just manner. That hero of swift action will help you when he is pleased. |
स पितुर्वचनं श्रीमानभिषेकात्परं प्रियम्।।मनसा पूर्वमासाद्य वाचा प्रतिगृहीतवान्। | "The illustrious Rama who valued his fathers word more than sovereignty, bowed to the command of the father. |
शुशुभे राक्षसेन्द्रस्य स्वपतः शयनोत्तमम्।गन्धहस्तिनि संविष्टे यथा प्रस्रवणं महत्।। | While the lord of demons lay asleep on the magnificent couch, he looked like the Prasravana hill with its elephant in rut. |
दशकोटिसहस्राणिरक्षसांकामरूपिणाम् ।मांसशोणितभक्ष्याणांलङ्कापुरनिवासिनाम् ।। | "Thousands of Rakshasas inhabit the city of Lanka living on flesh and blood and changing their form at will." |
मम पृष्ठगतौ तौ च चन्द्रसूर्याविवोदितौ।त्वत्सकाशं महासत्त्वौ नृसिंहावागमिष्यतः।। | "Both the valiant Rama and Lakshmana, lions among men, looking brilliant like Sun and Moon will come to you riding on my back. |
याते तस्मिन् दशग्रीवे राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।।सीतां निर्भर्त्सयामासुर्वाक्यैः क्रूरैस्सुदारुणैः। | |
बलिर्वैरोचनिर्विष्णो यजते यज्ञमुत्तमम्।असमाप्ते क्रतौ तस्मिन् स्वकार्यमभिपद्यताम्।। | O Visnu son of Virochana is performing a great sacrifice. Before its completion, our purpose ought to be achieved. |
तद्यथा ह्यस्य कार्यस्य न भवत्यन्यथा गतिः।तद्भवानेव दृष्टार्थस्सञ्चिन्तयितु मर्हति।। | Therefore, think over well so that we do not fail ultimately. You have a vision.You should suggest means by which this mission does not misfire. |
न तास्स्म परिगृह्णन्ति सर्वे ते देवदानवा:।अप्रतिग्रहणात्ताश्च सर्वास्साधारणास्स्मृता:।। | Neither devas nor danavas accept them in marriage. Unmarried, all of them have been regarded as belonging to all. |
विभीषणेनतत्रस्थानिगृहीतायदृच्छया ।शार्दूलोग्राहितस्त्वेकःपापोऽयमितिराक्षसः ।। | By chance Vibheeshana seized Saardula, the evil Rakshasa who was moving in that army. |
तस्य काननषण्डेषु निर्घरेषु गुहासु च।रावणस्सह वैदेह्या मार्गितव्यस्ततस्ततः।। | You should search for Ravana as well as Vaidehi everywhere in the thickets of that hill, near the mountain streams and also in caves. |
कदा प्राणिसहस्राणि राजमार्गे ममात्मजौ।लाजैरवकिरिष्यन्ति प्रविशन्तावरिन्दमौ।। | When will the people in their thousands shower the parched grain on the highway when my sons Rama and Lakshmana, subduers of enemies, enter the city? |
तौ चापि मधुरं रक्तं स्वञ्चितायतनिस्वनम् ।तन्त्रीलयवदत्यर्थं विश्रुतार्थमगायताम् ।। | Both of them, with good and ample voice, chanted the kavya in a distinctly meaningful way. Tuning their stringed instruments, they sang melodiously and engagingly. |
आदाय शिबिकां तारस्स तु पर्यापतत्पुनः।वानरैरुह्यमानां तां शूरैरुद्वहनोचित।। | Tara jumped in on to the litter carried by strong monkeys. |
दुर्मना व्यथिता दीना निरानन्दा तपस्विनी।।पीडिता भर्तृशोकेन रुमा त्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्। | "Distressed, disheartened, pained and grieved on account of her husbands death, the virtuous lady Ruma wife of Sugriva will be unhappy and die. |
तद्धि पूर्वं नरश्रेष्ठ दत्तं सदसि दैवतै:।अप्रमेयबलं घोरं मखे परमभास्वरम्।। | O best among men, this bow of immeasurable energy. dreadful and highly lustrous was bestowed on king Janaka by devatas in a sacrificial assembly in the past. |
शङ्कमानस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत्।तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीचं राक्षसं मृगम्।। | Seeing the deer, Lakshmana suspected him to be Maricha and said this to Rama. |
अथवा वर्तते तत्र वसन्तो यत्र मे प्रिया।किं करिष्यति सुश्रोणी सा तु निर्भर्त्सिता परैः।। | Or, if there is spring where my beloved lives, what can that lady of beautiful hips do, threatened by enemies. |
सर्वप्रियकरस्तस्य रामस्यापि शरीरत:।।लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिसम्पन्नो बहि:प्राण इवापर:। | Lakshmana, possessed of fortune, was the dearest to his brother than his own body. As though he was his life without. |
दैवमेव परं मन्ये पौरुषं तु निरर्थकम्।।दैवेनाक्रम्यते सर्वं दैवं हि परमा गति:। | I consider destiny to be allpowerful. The effort of a man goes in vain. Everything is controlled by destiny. It is the supreme resort. |
रामं प्रेक्ष्य तु सीताया बध्नन्तं चीरमुत्तमम्।अन्तःपुरगता नार्यो मुमुचुर्वारि नेत्रजम्।। | Beholding Rama fastening the bark garment on Sita, the women of the inner apartment shed tears from their eyes. |
निकुम्भंनिहतंश्रुत्वाकुम्भं च विनिपातितम् ।रावणःपरमामर्षीप्रजज्वालानलोयथा ।। | On hearing that Nikumbha and Kumbha had been killed, Ravana was very furious and burning in anger. |
बलान्यपरिमेयानिवीर्याणिचनिशाचराः ।परेषांसहसाऽवज्ञानकर्तव्याकथञ्चन ।। | "Enemys strength and valour is inestimable to relate. Do not disregard rashly, O Night ranger" |
अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत्कर्म सपरिच्छदम्।।तदद्य भगवन् सर्वमाज्ञापयितु मर्हसि। | O revered one, you should issue appropriate orders to keep ready the necessary articles required for the performance of installation ceremony of Rama. |
आराधिता हि शीलेन प्रयत्नैश्चोपसेविताः।राजान स्सम्प्रसीदन्ति कुप्यन्तिच विपर्यये।। | Kings are gratified if they are served with zeal and good conduct. If the contrary happens, they get provoked. |
अंशुमानिति पुत्रोऽभूदसमञ्जस्य वीर्यवान्।दिलीपोंशुमतः पुत्रो दिलीपस्य भगीरथः।। | Valiant Anshuman was the son of Asamanja and the father of Dilipa. Dilipas son was Bhagiratha. |
अष्टका पितृदैवत्यमित्ययं प्रसृतो जनः।अन्नस्योपद्रवं पश्य मृतो हि किमशिष्यति।। | People perform ashtaka ceremony for the spirits of ancestors and offer them food. Look at the amount of food being wasted. Will the dead ever eat food? |
अथ तस्य च शब्देन गीतेनाप्रतिमेन च।दर्शनेन च रम्भाया मुनिस्सन्देहमागत:।। | On hearing the sound of the incomparable song of the cuckoo along with the sight of Rambha, a doubt arose in the mind of the ascetic. |
सलिलादूर्ध्वमुत्तिष्ठ तिष्ठत्वेष कपिस्त्वयि।।अस्माकमतिथिश्चैव पूज्यश्च प्लवतां वरः। | "Rise up from the waters. Let him rest on you since this noble monkey is our guest and worthy of worship. |
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