### Instruction: Small bumps in skin of genital area, varying sizes and shapes but typically protrude out, burning, itch ### Response:
Genital wart
### Instruction: Reddish eye , scratchiness ### Response:
### Instruction: Reddish eye , scratchiness ### Response:
### Instruction: Reddish eye , scratchiness ### Response:
### Instruction: Infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements , abdominal pain, bloating ### Response:
### Instruction: Infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements , abdominal pain, bloating ### Response:
### Instruction: Infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements , abdominal pain, bloating ### Response:
### Instruction: Infrequent or hard to pass bowel movements , abdominal pain, bloating ### Response:
### Instruction: Distorted or blurred vision at all distances, eyestrain , headaches ### Response:
### Instruction: Chest pain ### Response:
### Instruction: Runny nose, fever, cough ### Response:
Whooping cough
### Instruction: Thick nasal mucus, plugged nose, pain in the face, fever, sore throat, frequent attacks of cough ### Response:
### Instruction: Abdominal pain , diarrhea (may be bloody), fever , weight loss , fatigue , mouth sores, reduced appetite ### Response:
Crohn's disease
### Instruction: Abdominal pain , diarrhea (may be bloody), fever , weight loss , fatigue , mouth sores, reduced appetite ### Response:
Crohn's disease
### Instruction: Abdominal pain , diarrhea (may be bloody), fever , weight loss , fatigue , mouth sores, reduced appetite ### Response:
Crohn's disease
### Instruction: White patches or vaginal discharge, itching ### Response:
### Instruction: swollen lymph nodes , fevers , enlarged liver or spleen, liver dysfunction , rash ### Response:
T-cell lymphoma
### Instruction: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain ### Response:
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
### Instruction: Headaches, red eyes, blurred vision, photophobia, burning and redness of the eye ### Response:
### Instruction: Difficulty breathing , coughing up mucus , poor growth , fatty stool ### Response:
Cystic fibrosis
### Instruction: Itchy and flaking skin of the scalp ### Response:
### Instruction: Fever, pain, a raised tongue, trouble swallowing, neck swelling ### Response:
Ludwig's angina
### Instruction: Pain, swelling , redness, enlarged veins in the affected limb ### Response:
Deep vein thrombosis
### Instruction: Pain, swelling , redness, enlarged veins in the affected limb ### Response:
Deep vein thrombosis
### Instruction: Pain, swelling , redness, enlarged veins in the affected limb ### Response:
Deep vein thrombosis
### Instruction: Pain, swelling , redness, enlarged veins in the affected limb ### Response:
Deep vein thrombosis
### Instruction: Pain, swelling , redness, enlarged veins in the affected limb ### Response:
Deep vein thrombosis
### Instruction: Redness, pain, swelling ### Response:
### Instruction: Low mood, aversion to activity, loss of interest, loss of feeling pleasure ### Response:
Depression (mood)
### Instruction: Painful fatty tumors in extremities ### Response:
Dercum's disease
### Instruction: Itchiness , red skin , rash ### Response:
### Instruction: Painless red flat papules on palms and soles. ### Response:
Janeway lesion
### Instruction: Red (purple on darker skin), itchy, scaly patches of skin ### Response:
### Instruction: Rash, muscle weakness, weight loss, fever ### Response:
### Instruction: Red, itchy, scaly, circular skin rash ### Response:
### Instruction: Large amounts of dilute urine, increased thirst ### Response:
Diabetes insipidus
### Instruction: Frequent urination , increased thirst , increased hunger , weight loss , blurred vision , fatigue and weakness , Bed-wetting in children who previously didn't wet the bed during the night ### Response:
Type 1 diabetes
### Instruction: Increased thirst , frequent urination , unexplained weight loss , increased hunger ### Response:
Type 2 diabetes
### Instruction: Albuminuria , peripheral edema , high blood pressure, tiredness ### Response:
Diabetic nephropathy
### Instruction: Often asymptomatic, but can cause spots in the eye and vision loss. ### Response:
Diabetic retinopathy
### Instruction: Shooting pain , numbness , tingling, tremors, bladder problems, unsteadiness ### Response:
Peripheral neuropathy
### Instruction: Loose frequent bowel movements, dehydration ### Response:
### Instruction: Diarrhea , vomiting , abdominal pain, fever ### Response:
### Instruction: Loose frequent bowel movements, dehydration ### Response:
### Instruction: Abdominal pain , fever , nausea , diarrhea , constipation , blood in the stool ### Response:
### Instruction: Dry eyes, irritation, redness , discharge, blurred vision ### Response:
Dry eye syndrome
### Instruction: Low skin moisture, itching , scaling , skin cracking ### Response:
### Instruction: Diarrhea; fever; abdominal pain, abdominal bloating; nutrient deficiencies ### Response:
### Instruction: Anhidrosis or hyperhidrosis , blurry vision , tunnel vision , orthostatic hypotension , constipation , diarrhea , dysphagia , bowel incontinence , urinary retention or urinary incontinence , dizziness , Brain Fog , exercise intolerance , tachycardia , vertigo , weakness and pruritus . ### Response:
### Instruction: Pain with sex ### Response:
### Instruction: Breaks in the voice making a person difficult to understand ### Response:
Spasmodic dysphonia
### Instruction: Hemorrhaging , hematuria , dysuria ### Response:
Hemorrhagic cystitis
### Instruction: Itchiness , red skin , rash ### Response:
### Instruction: Skin which feels tight, area may feel heavy ### Response:
### Instruction: Fever, chills, severe headaches, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, confusion, and splotchy or pinpoint rash. More severe symptoms include brain or nervous system damage, respiratory failure, uncontrollable bleeding, organ failure, and death. ### Response:
### Instruction: Typically few symptoms ### Response:
Gestational diabetes
### Instruction: Vaginal bleeding , pain with urination or sexual intercourse , pelvic pain ### Response:
Endometrial cancer
### Instruction: Pelvic pain , infertility ### Response:
### Instruction: Poor feeding, bloating, decreased activity, vomiting of bile ### Response:
Necrotizing enterocolitis
### Instruction: difficulty swallowing , heartburn , abdominal pain , food bolus obstruction ### Response:
Lymphocytic esophagitis
### Instruction: Pain in the back of the testicle , swelling of the testicle, burning with urination , frequent urination ### Response:
### Instruction: Periods of loss of consciousness, abnormal shaking, staring, change in vision, mood changes and/or other cognitive disturbances ### Response:
### Instruction: Inability to gain or maintain an erection ### Response:
Erectile dysfunction
### Instruction: Upper abdominal pain ### Response:
### Instruction: vomiting blood , passing black stool ### Response:
Esophageal varices
### Instruction: Blood in stool Weight loss Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Stomach pain ### Response:
### Instruction: Photophobia , hot/prickly/gritty sensation in eye, Eye redness without pain, Watery eyes ### Response:
### Instruction: Reddish eye , scratchiness ### Response:
### Instruction: Taste of acid, heartburn , bad breath , chest pain , breathing problems ### Response:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
### Instruction: None, crampy pain in the right upper abdomen ### Response:
### Instruction: Diarrhea , vomiting , abdominal pain, fever ### Response:
### Instruction: Upper abdominal pain , nausea , vomiting , bloating, loss of appetite, heartburn ### Response:
### Instruction: Diarrhea , vomiting , abdominal pain, fever ### Response:
### Instruction: Early : Non specific, feeling tired, abdominal pain , nausea Later : Yellowish skin , blood clotting problems , confusion ### Response:
Paracetamol poisoning
### Instruction: Vomiting red blood , vomiting black blood , bloody stool , black stool , feeling tired ### Response:
Gastrointestinal bleeding
### Instruction: Nausea , vomiting , abdominal pain , feeling full after eating just a few bites ### Response:
### Instruction: Distress related to one's assigned gender, sex, and/or sex characteristics ### Response:
Gender dysphoria
### Instruction: Swelling, pain, sensitivity, and/or limited range of motion ### Response:
Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
### Instruction: Diarrhea , abdominal pain , weight loss, nausea ### Response:
### Instruction: pain , bad breath , fever , bleeding gums ### Response:
Necrotizing gingivitis
### Instruction: A lump in a breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid from the nipple , a newly inverted nipple, a red scaly patch of skin on the breast ### Response:
Breast cancer
### Instruction: Initially nonspecific, headaches , personality changes, nausea , symptoms similar to a stroke ### Response:
### Instruction: Pain with urination , frequent urination, feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder ### Response:
Urinary tract infection
### Instruction: Joint pain , swelling , and redness ### Response:
### Instruction: Joint pain , swelling , and redness ### Response:
### Instruction: Joint pain , swelling , and redness ### Response:
### Instruction: Early : Flu-like illness Later : Large lymph nodes , fever, weight loss ### Response:
### Instruction: Painless goiter , weight gain , feeling tired , constipation , depression , dry skin , hair loss ### Response:
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
### Instruction: Injury to the brain or skull ### Response:
Head injury
### Instruction: Itching that can result in trouble sleeping ### Response:
Head lice infestation
### Instruction: Recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head, eye watering, stuffy nose ### Response:
Cluster headache
### Instruction: Chest pain , shortness of breath , nausea/vomiting, dizziness or lightheadedness , cold sweat , feeling tired ; arm, neck, back, jaw, or stomach pain, decreased level or total loss of consciousness ### Response:
Myocardial infarction
### Instruction: Shortness of breath , exhaustion , swollen legs ### Response:
Heart failure
### Instruction: Upper abdominal pain , nausea , vomiting , bloating, loss of appetite, heartburn ### Response:
### Instruction: Prolonged bleeding from common injuries ### Response:
Haemophilia A
### Instruction: Easy bruising ### Response:
Haemophilia B
### Instruction: Internal : Painless, bright red rectal bleeding External : Pain and swelling around the anus ### Response:
### Instruction: Altered level of consciousness , mood changes, personality changes, movement problems slurred speech, Sleep problems, Anxiety or irritability, Muscle twitches (myoclonus), Difficulty concentrating or short attention span, Flapping hand motion (asterixis), Reduced alertness, Cognitive impairment (confused thinking or judgment). ### Response:
Hepatic encephalopathy
### Instruction: None, yellowish skin , tiredness , dark urine, abdominal pain ### Response:
Hepatitis B
### Instruction: Typically none ### Response:
Hepatitis C