UK Bank account numbers are 8 digits. One bank uses 7 digits so in the validation error message you should instruct the user to prefix with a zero of their code is too short. If you want to allow the 7 digit codes as well use this regex:
Matches UK Bank account numbers that have 8 digits Match examples: - "08464524" - "45832484" - "24899544" Non-match examples: - "1234567" - "1 5 2226 44"
[ "08464524", "45832484", "24899544", "90350567", "16602393", "64142020", "24648328", "92196382", "53981447", "75659098", "58251010", "91907870", "35548564" ]
[ "1234567", "1 5 2226 44", "123456789", "fgvdc", "123", "765", "$45", "23%", "#2", "0.0", "3434", "1104" ]
UK Bank Account. One bank account issues 7 digit bank codes and you should prefix a 0 yourself after input. If you want strict validation of 8 characters use this regex:
Matches UK Bank Account numbers with 7 or 8 numbers Match examples: - "1234567" - "12345678" - "0746425" Non-match examples: - "123456" - "123 4567"
[ "1234567", "12345678", "0746425", "3216038", "02992655", "19881744", "0808680", "5783274", "8618413", "1865714", "53916047", "54987198", "42535290" ]
[ "123456", "123 4567", "123456789", "12", "12345", "0", "-4", "+4", "$67", "54%", "888", "1!" ]
No whitespace is allowed in a string
Matches strings with no white space Match examples: - "nowhitespace" - "onewordonly" - "anotherexample" Non-match examples: - "two words" - "three words here"
[ "nowhitespace", "onewordonly", "anotherexample", "P)s=O-n+w8K&JJ:8!I4,.@!J<H;Jvw0Zg~n4X[\\EV09{\"|s]vltT%^/uQ\"Ha'_xjgo*prE\"s&?VL49+OtK/?cnSE", "/V]5d-x`;?uxu$DW(|JE35\"d?PP4*_JL?d#mjF21/6Y\\", ";oS:D5ZH7|ax]TA;RRr\"2fb/Gw3eH:U'?@", "{\\,%zamM$+')", "nhx~/dT\"6ow>1qbR0d1dY>2LzcV5|+:BM~j9osTNGrzdRL0`|{7{+:LVMv&('dJ|+i=.n`\\7yhs'2Scd?0e>:o@{Jgl.1=Ys+EAI", "sU-Rzr*tXj,4W2KNu_Kgao3_B{H\\q2LPh4BY#,QWhIDn", "SVjgyrI,!I)BQ>fvkYNI716Sx<}CJ\"p6_*~]BUG\"0Z0=4eBd2\\d)R(/3", "SkPb<xdz5Cx@tMvf1f@k\\a8b9r9}Ju(zX8ejNY[Jr4+", "-F}&yZZ_", "Ys_{jm5uR" ]
[ "two words", "three words here", "anything with spaces", "jufr ds", "3 edf", "123 -4", "049nf 3n ewi", "# # #", "$ 4 5", "[[[r \\\\\\", "12 @#", "uer 4ir" ]
(((((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/(0[13578]|1[02]))|((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)/(0[469]|11))|((0[1-9]|[1][0-9]|2[0-8]))/02)/([0-9]{3}[1-9]|[0-9]{2}[1-9][0-9]{1}|[0-9]{1}[1-9][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]{3}) ((([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3]))[:][0-5][0-9]$))|(29/02/(([0-9]{2})(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((0[48]|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)) ((([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3]))[:][0-5][0-9]$)))
this expression validates a date-time field in European dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm format
validates a date-time field in European dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm format Match examples: - "29/02/2008 15:30" - "18/09/6210 16:51" - "29/02/0800 22:04" Non-match examples: - "29/02/2009 25:62" - "date"
[ "29/02/2008 15:30", "18/09/6210 16:51", "29/02/0800 22:04", "19/08/6942 05:53", "29/02/7200 22:38", "29/02/8480 01:13", "07/11/7855 19:34", "23/06/2161 16:59", "29/02/7200 12:30", "26/02/2396 23:47", "29/02/7232 22:19", "29/02/2220 03:25", "29/02/0400 07:40" ]
[ "29/02/2009 25:62", "date", "23-04", "july 4th", "sept, 23", "2004", "16 08 1999", "32", "324567", "lkjhgbn4m3", "####", "# 45" ]
This pattern matches strings where no more than two equal characters may come in succession. To modify the amount of characters allowed, change the second number (the two inside "{2,}")to the desired limit.
This pattern matches strings where no more than two equal characters may come in succession. Match examples: - "Abba" - "p4ssw0rd" - "Whatever" Non-match examples: - "Abbba" - "p4sssw0rd"
[ "Abba", "p4ssw0rd", "Whatever", "GpVJK>gwiR<p6P+7<ZOXZ1<U|B0PeW4\"[%|K f%F3/uR,(i{H(Uf~QO@ZnYtrK:_c+yN(8RjlG|X~e(0AH59", "GpVJK>gwiR<p6P+7<ZOXZ1<U|B0PeW4\"[%|K f%F3/uR,(i{H(Uf~QO@ZnYtrK:_c+yN(8RjlG|X~e(0AH59", "kLP)N?b1/:vaM:-3MML?", "'D 9v NI8&$xY@LvdwT,L-EF-;[S)TEpQa<t{;t8)4ReZ7Qh", "W*VeTrnw2k-", "o;!2A", "SRGk\"h1!S6\\}JvXFBh*m{\\o\"t;k}5Nj;BqxYQn;X}T,X}", "yeL\">,,8|i0<[!2IRo<z?So7$qTvX'>.5J4=MC!%'SbP!uhG`1;m2^RuiI%", "Q-sa^g`[m", "K:lY9le}7sg<5x%R=]|iu/&+OG/}S;wPX:Ti;~gFH!?PS" ]
[ "Abbba", "p4sssw0rd", "Whateverrr", "ttt", "fffwefdc", "kslsrrr", "343resddd", "42-fs---", "gggdcsjew", "passsssss", "qqqqq", "pppwewdsddddd" ]
validate usernames with dot or underscoures doesn't allow spaces and accept characters between 5 and 15 no other characters
validate usernames with dot or underscoures doesn't allow spaces and accept characters between 5 and 15 no other characters Match examples: - "Ahmad.egypt" - "ahmad_egypt" - "5YyFbx4uOO" Non-match examples: - "Ahmad@egypt" - "Ahmad*egypt"
[ "Ahmad.egypt", "ahmad_egypt", "5YyFbx4uOO", "6dN0A4.", "C0rCMij", "SbmYk1kL1Iq", "PZojALMC", "rhVql5.B", "09sjoqp", "tAn8af", "Bi7hj0", "CBREBy0q", "FWIUTLoxr" ]
[ "Ahmad@egypt", "Ahmad*egypt", "$e", "2345", "4444...cdw4;", "var", "\"ef\"", "-vfe", "(herfjvd)", "```", "We!", "Wepoiuy76tfrvgbhnjkm" ]
validate text against spaces and accept from 5 to 12 character
validate strings without spaces and accept from 5 to 12 characters per string Match examples: - "ahmed" - "Muhammad" - "Hassan" Non-match examples: - "a hmed" - "Hass an"
[ "ahmed", "Muhammad", "Hassan", "`SGAkv,EI?", "5l*`(o1+NF", "-A`i;A", "0Ei}Ze0\"", "jnEq%yeL[U", "aBEFc0.", "rHj%{d", "ts<H95", "_40.5\\x", "uik/g/\\L" ]
[ "a hmed", "Hass an", "wef efds", "222e &&", "# # #", "0987 - -ef", "&& edh /e wef", "je ejw", "wef wef6", "lef kef\\ j", "wef w e e e e", "12 343 a" ]
India phone number, accept with optional +91 national code and 0 for land and mobile number prefix . Allows optional - after national code
Matches India phone numbers, accepted with optional +91 national code and 0 for land and mobile number prefix. Allows optional - after national code Match examples: - "+91-9764544544" - "09764544544" - "01087656444" Non-match examples: - "+91-01087656444" - "+91-09764544544"
[ "+91-9764544544", "09764544544", "01087656444", "+91-1087656444", "+9302244601", "2840587176", "+23-247040948192995860973", "66-1415888391", "726515335285132035994", "20-7832970350", "+8222364339", "90538462668", "+4077175825" ]
[ "+91-01087656444", "+91-09764544544", "+9178786765652", "2342", "#3", "5%", "$56789", "0.0", "12/12", "1,0", ";;;;", "\"lkhg\"" ]
Duration validation similar to MS Project (5d16h45m, etc). Does not allow more than 365 days, 23 hrs or 59 min.
Validate time length (5d16h45m, etc). Does not allow more than 365 days, 23 hrs or 59 min. Match examples: - "365d23h59m" - "90d18h45m" - "05d19h45m" Non-match examples: - "366d23h45m" - "90d24h5m"
[ "365d23h59m", "90d18h45m", "05d19h45m", "160d15h0m", "7d20h0m", "73d3h43m", "0d11h4m", "30d10h30m", "1d13h7m", "69d19h8m", "5d14h49m", "05d22h56m", "03d12h6m" ]
[ "366d23h45m", "90d24h5m", "90d6h60m", "ewfdv", "12", "#3", "45%", "---", "12/12", "3.114", "000000", "hour" ]
In month/day/year format. Matches valid months (1-12) and valid days (1-31) and a valid 4 digit year (from 1000-2999). $1 = month, $2 = day, $3 = year. Sadly, it doesn't check to make sure that months have a valid number of days (no Feb 30th checks, etc).
In month/day/year format. Matches valid months (1-12) and valid days (1-31) and a valid 4 digit year (from 1000-2999). $1 = month, $2 = day, $3 = year. Doesn't check to make sure that months have a valid number of days (no Feb 30th checks, etc). Match examples: - "1/12/2003" - "04/8/1995" - "12/31/2035" Non-match examples: - "13/04/2000" - "4/32/1593"
[ "1/12/2003", "04/8/1995", "12/31/2035", "5/06/1911", "11/30/1418", "12/11/1860", "02/14/1790", "11/1/1214", "07/31/1788", "7/04/1081", "12/31/1237", "1/09/2829", "05/29/2135" ]
[ "13/04/2000", "4/32/1593", "\"\"", "5/6/98", "efrv", "date", "2345tr", "fwe", "4444", "$45", "#3", "12/12/12/12/12/12/12/12" ]
This regular expression matches the format MM/DD/YYYY. Month and Day can have an optional leading 0. Months are from 01-12, days are from 01-31, and years are from 1000-2999.
This regular expression matches the format MM/DD/YYYY. Month and Day can have an optional leading 0. Months are from 01-12, days are from 01-31, and years are from 1000-2999. Match examples: - "1/1/1999" - "01/01/2001" - "12/31/1900" Non-match examples: - "00/12/0999" - "13/1/2000"
[ "1/1/1999", "01/01/2001", "12/31/1900", "10/17/1756", "10/3,/1600", "10/3,/1888", "05/31/2950", "12/3,/2944", "01/9/1523", "6/16/1953", "09/7/1312", "12/8/2633", "11/30/1306" ]
[ "00/12/0999", "13/1/2000", "10/0/2009", "date", "12:12:12", "12-12-12", "12\\12\\12", "121212", "12 12 12", "2345678988765432", "noon", "aug 8th" ]
validates jpg/jpeg picture extension
validates jpg/jpeg picture extension Match examples: - "marko.jpg" - "marko.pic.jpeg" - "B`/@}LltmV56t?)#QW*cY'k9r{l,6)0~@(k!V~y5'{*k@;Ow8~jvb<Y:r+QqCy5%uwu|1*FV-4/pl+#RI.jpg" Non-match examples: - "marko.exe" - "pic"
[ "marko.jpg", "marko.pic.jpeg", "B`/@}LltmV56t?)#QW*cY'k9r{l,6)0~@(k!V~y5'{*k@;Ow8~jvb<Y:r+QqCy5%uwu|1*FV-4/pl+#RI.jpg", "A]RS{WMLb*q<{PP*5RS1lS())b:7;/=jMyJ$.JPEG", "rY<Kg5BMy;~<2.JPEG", "2$W>#fsPRWp7(@Ge?q@>tx Mb)bIO!Cr!Y'+X2`<.UYgMlsr:8*AE!.JPEG", "6O }l#B<@Nhp!%L@0MVG}-iQ KmIWJOC*WU1+(+br/FB5l^\"elti;wwrZ[~<`[lfM)Q)O+oDMf:G*$CV^71t%$\".jpg", "FLzPWV~Z)))@D{~F`D@d_qUqJDno@'({xlL[|+Ijf@=SU=!Q*^cgJ[Jx \\V9U8C}Aj~W*'*}7>Gi/jr.JPEG", "\\{B9a;%QdSXLI5&,gRss6aU6qL^srcY*w0,)#KGvx(yXQQ:QK\"rS+Y0cZJ~_>M19^(Hho.jpeg", ";.JPEG", "g]F!aJY5}{B?73F4}#pRbDTVh#OaG,>%n@nQ*^EIb!ClhEe('.jpeg", "/\"D,Ft!&4Z*@2k(B`+&KXx8 K2'U*_YVjAlf.$_!Zuq-!&^Vy$`Iqgs:&iY.JPG", "#vAOgud/Lrc$SX8PTPbwtN~{#-&ElSqezDh\\zYa0)9UjD)2d*7I\\A1~Bpq;oKR,(Cz]*TK?mb[U ]?A:O*@C.jpg" ]
[ "marko.exe", "pic", "fervd.png", "ruhfe.PNG", "wretg", "this is a photo", "image", "ejiwds", "#GJHED6", "hex", "picture", "jpEG" ]
[^A-Za-z0-9 ]
search special character form a given sting space is ignored.
Matches special characters Match examples: - "#This Is $$## Where Your Main String Goes" - ">" - ")" Non-match examples: - "This is a test" - "letter"
[ "#This Is $$## Where Your Main String Goes", ">", ")", ".", "$", "<", ">", "[", "}", "\"", "'", "|", "}" ]
[ "This is a test", "letter", "4", "3454", "fr", "efr", "43e", "fred", "43ef", "43ew", "44rfe", "tgrfd" ]
This RE will match all numbers between (including) 0001 and 9999. Four places of digits are mandatory in this expression.
This RE will match all numbers between (including) 0001 and 9999. Four places of digits are mandatory in this expression. Match examples: - "0001" - "0064" - "0948" Non-match examples: - "1" - "64"
[ "0001", "0064", "0948", "7697", "2977", "7134", "0008", "0009", "0017", "0009", "0794", "0041", "0761" ]
[ "1", "64", "948", "-98765", "+098765", "0.000", "23456.2345", "743734.23783287", "754.238", "23432.23234", "24.", "-987654" ]
RE to match numbers with value greater than 0.
RE to match numbers with value greater than 0. Match examples: - "0001" - "120064" - "1000000" Non-match examples: - "0" - "000000000"
[ "0001", "120064", "1000000", "1", "234", "2345", "654", "3874", "327", "56432", "43", "7653423", "56432" ]
[ "0", "000000000", "0000", "0000", "00", "-1", "-0", "-98765", "-9876543456789", "-864567", "-43212", "-4565432" ]
Matches over 18 different combinations for UK phone numbers that I could find. If there are any errors please get in touch.
Matches over 18 different combinations for UK phone numbers Match examples: - "0121 111 1111" - "+44 (0)21 444 4444" - "07941 111 111" Non-match examples: - "0121_111_3333" - "324RE"
[ "0121 111 1111", "+44 (0)21 444 4444", "07941 111 111", "07941 111111", "(+44) 121 222 3333", "(+44) 51774796-001", "91508?184552", "(96982) 967190", "+44384-077176", "0118-3320019", "(+44)6690U0056649", "07010-617083", "(54805)-201-419" ]
[ "0121_111_3333", "324RE", "ejk", "##", "0.0", "1,000", "$45", "@gmail", "12/12", "(6)", "&and", "/fjhvd" ]
Validates if the GMAT score is in the correct range and format
Validates if the Graduate Management Admission (GMAT) score is in the correct range and format Match examples: - "0" - "190" - "800" Non-match examples: - "050" - "700.5"
[ "0", "190", "800", "95", "9", "65", "8", "5", "447", "99", "488", "164", "7" ]
[ "050", "700.5", "abc", "801", "weqfrt", "12345678", "#3", "45%", "12/12", "0.0", "-45", "$4" ]
In Singapore, the first digit must start with a "6", and the rest is made up of 7 digits, which means that there are 8 digits in a Singapore's telephone number.
Matches Singapore phone numbers. The first digit must start with a "6", and the rest is made up of 7 digits, for a total of 8 digits. Match examples: - "61234567" - "63829324" - "67654321" Non-match examples: - "6123-4567" - "6-CALL-CPY"
[ "61234567", "63829324", "67654321", "62063218", "68071190", "63260204", "61957375", "63592822", "67207752", "64211366", "68408755", "67378706", "69940760" ]
[ "6123-4567", "6-CALL-CPY", "6123abcd", "7", "wdfsv", "###", "3", "$45", "76%", "12/12", "@", "-8" ]
Match the numbers 100 to 199
Match the numbers 100 to 199 Match examples: - "100" - "101" - "112" Non-match examples: - "200" - "-3"
[ "100", "101", "112", "130", "134", "145", "146", "168", "170", "173", "179", "180", "188" ]
[ "200", "-3", "300", "99", "55", "1", "2", "3", "12", "54", "78", "3214234" ]
This is a simple regular expression which allows 1 to 99 in .5 increments which I originally developed for a forum post
allows 1 to 99 in .5 increments which I originally developed for a forum post Match examples: - "1.5" - "99.5" - "35.5" Non-match examples: - ".5" - "100"
[ "1.5", "99.5", "35.5", "43", "64", "24", "3P5", "98,5", "74", "615", "7", "23", "13" ]
[ ".5", "100", "0", "0.5", "34.3", "24.356", "36.55", "-87654", "+98765", "2.32", "3453213.13", "03.03" ]
Allows positive(non-negative) decimal values with 2 floating point values and less than or equal to 24.
Allows positive(non-negative) decimal values with 2 floating point values and less than or equal to 24. Match examples: - "23.50" - "20.80" - "23.99" Non-match examples: - "24.01" - "25"
[ "23.50", "20.80", "23.99", "24.00", "23", "20", "1", "2.16", "3.5", "-24.00", "16.58", "2.1", "05" ]
[ "24.01", "25", "20.900", "-20", "-25.50", "32ewdsre43", "#3", "$4", "67%", "-33453245324", "+098765", "number" ]
Regular Expression for validating fully qualified Java Class Names that follows the Java Naming Conventions for widely available classes (see: Group 1 gives the package name, group 3 gives the class name.
Match examples: - "foo.Bar" - "" - "wo.w_1.Ffo$o.Bar" Non-match examples: - "Bar" - "Foo.Bar"
[ "foo.Bar", "", "wo.w_1.Ffo$o.Bar" ]
[ "Bar", "Foo.Bar", "", "foo/Bar", "fooo.Bar" ]
validates private ip addresses needs to be a bit more refined
validates private ip addresses Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "a.c.s.s" - ""
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "a.c.s.s", "", "", "651817", "876.8765...", "", "IP", "19", "$$56789", "654%", "&&", "#3" ]
It just accepts negative and positive numeric entries. Dot (.) or comma (,) signs accepted only once.
It just accepts negative and positive numeric entries. Dot (.) or comma (,) signs accepted only once. Match examples: - "43" - "-43" - "43.56" Non-match examples: - "ABC" - "A43"
[ "43", "-43", "43.56", "-43.56", "43,56", "-43,56", "994997188371549459201136946829200131301324641250725292914815963845552861302564329", "-3487091609072144048384269919977886060924", "76895682489704661970221255543468759417253716562623088077440724843029570628715965181198871948215520598123444087457779209633", "-3505373155265567450652816763759835199277060840096676729299953454356928268003383380564063442544614.61891098074490588780421929420870643917286531740499009093335419748", "-290363017531384106547938247933697483755812295126510866997861347886957777952721211023595881819365019143928222313124539395683984", "131485652336698636658415", "-868536324116877539702019421248288463137172483770611551291467998651886569289119515124502618345398.390638465913956976787094640102770984477336954671" ]
[ "ABC", "A43", "43A", "43.A3", "-43.A3", "43.,56", "43.", "43,", ",56", ".56", "wwwww", "1!" ]
It just accepts only positive numbers. Also accepts Dot (.) and comma (,) signs only once.
It just accepts only positive numbers. Also accepts Dot (.) and comma (,) signs only once. Match examples: - "43" - "43.56" - "43,56" Non-match examples: - "ABC" - "A43"
[ "43", "43.56", "43,56", "028071016213896824051826979856591540488715802567759810922413991641610380116511943353761752760501665,357439939", "87152943875646171280847137428737643832880336008782157651761330409270363461021806301539446394608", "50229177200882469932271258031465753800166666930670307984", "288376675981306998", "440961557509856964751,673602262034077734729942282396362184424295101506152137338186274560325", "6249090997822882356164876213302398363057517542351324818448136797397821108953256951909199080215880998629101689", "729842009499825644996170407485814537953894082497248063594215030996544017766", "2166", "299830371401613901498918879662771400832592435743950760448005009528682174662657243125,64283136886508", "443517292894217800752679150794342573361724231968287682" ]
[ "ABC", "A43", "43A", "43.A3", "43.", "43,", ",56", ".56", "dsf", "@2", "!!!", "$4" ]
Accepts positive and negative integers.
Accepts positive and negative integers. Match examples: - "34" - "-34" - "1" Non-match examples: - "34.5" - "-34.5"
[ "34", "-34", "1", "-1", "1000000000", "-1000000000", "6509949473307064409737620298917029795002332906887053670301994176810836915C", "-7945", "-2514211489993790592634882168070462201_", "-35112957837249626716461615249391593392447466658918154927240003147583", "-35112957837249626716461615249391593392447466658918154927240003147583", "50208205326149208377275176959764724025707885009565707404909235255967719736900638313499939235c", "258783" ]
[ "34.5", "-34.5", "34,5", "-34,5", "34.", "34,", ".5", ",5", "edfv", "#3", "$45", "." ]
Accepts positive integers.
Accepts positive integers. Match examples: - "34" - "1" - "1000000000" Non-match examples: - "-34" - "-1"
[ "34", "1", "1000000000", "599424082381299813502648416973520148104309342481254747194969767555532087365056298010064568E", "84557955927221183838958920767039883424139932562042106217290011", "1170302537839819197901672973", "9197401373085129280405738156840290330949395y", "00794955144472861264408689580557285100058720527593826R", "858420545015303816972882244561215576452322941938223392491445202294858818727876", "437897264096764L", "96703478350736645526523274182378", "689179398658361947162900315004214653913388899406447825346082368915517812766", "689179398658361947162900315004214653913388899406447825346082368915517812766" ]
[ "-34", "-1", "-1000000000", "34.5", "-34.5", "34,5", "-34,5", "34.", "34,", ".5", ",5", "efg" ]
Find any and all occurences of any of the three terms "Error" "Warning" "Exception" in a log or txt file. Use this as a filter with TextAnalysisTool.NET for quick parsing of log files when looking for errors
Matches the words "Error" "Warning" "Exception" Match examples: - "Warning" - "Exception" - "Error" Non-match examples: - "Any log/text file that does not contain the words in the expression" - "43de"
[ "Warning", "Exception", "Error" ]
[ "Any log/text file that does not contain the words in the expression", "43de", "5g2432e", "45t67ytgr", "ewfrgth", "t56hyujuythr", "JOHU6fTYh", "Ig7f87y", "UYVf", "34fr", "HUOj", "5hy5tr" ]
Simple validation reg ex that requires 1-15 alphanumeric characters
689179398658361947162900315004214653913388899406447825346082368915517812766 Match examples: - "kazoosoft" - "tw33tfan" - "MediaOwls" Non-match examples: - "@lpha" - "bad\username"
[ "kazoosoft", "tw33tfan", "MediaOwls", "oXIeHTZJGbMnL", "GuGl1zOZ", "q", "ays1", "FBr1Th", "d5eilWBu", "46HxdLxsqjSvJ", "XcKks9LRN", "QuFPs", "QL3qeey7v64T" ]
[ "@lpha", "bad\\username", "badname1234567890", "@", "!", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(" ]
Vat percentage format for Indian and Germany.Maximum two digit before decimal and after decimal
Percentage format for India and Germany. Maximum two digits before decimal and after decimal Match examples: - "89.56" - "14.69" - "56,23" Non-match examples: - "100.56" - "25.365"
[ "89.56", "14.69", "56,23", "3", "8", "5", "38.3", "5.63", "62.5", "6.19", "18.0", "0,26", "4.68" ]
[ "100.56", "25.365", "125,56", "wer", "@", "!", "$2345", "#6", "12/12", "0.", "53-932", "dfv" ]
A simple expression to verify a FORTRAN variable name to within 31 chars.
Verifies a FORTRAN variable name to within 31 chars. Variable names in Fortran consist of 1-6 characters chosen from the letters a-z and the digits 0-9. Match examples: - "ABC1_1" - "ABcdef" - "abc_def_123" Non-match examples: - "1A" - "_ABC"
[ "ABC1_1", "ABcdef", "abc_def_123", "Q2iz0GXh", "SYdN2xkwA3ZlV6tSLpCAQPyz0jOgj", "Rjvsb5BHMKGiK1KUC1t39GB1hNdc", "RzCgC23sgx13szEBIYcAit_ijcI", "CIg", "tDPQSKKMC2", "hJprDkRBDX0P0avTfl", "eopBVt7RClHXmh3_Vv01pPgn6m5xKx", "kCZv8ODMcsLHX9lW", "azn54fKrUYVn88PfQJU" ]
[ "1A", "_ABC", "a1234567890123456789012345678901", "111", "87tfvbn", "A/ewfevewe223", "???", "##", "$45", "12/12", "---", "pa@f" ]
This expression checks whether the string contains lower or uppercase characters and numbers from zero to nine and an underscore
Matches strings that contain lower or uppercase characters and numbers from zero to nine and an underscore Match examples: - "ab_12" - "86WgUIAkoW6EeSyxCDr" - "crV02leqeP4PxHkMOpuqDwgHa0BsYAcgl7vr5dqW0OXee_idkh_LML_S69fzYDsTCpLrtvs" Non-match examples: - "%$" - "#3"
[ "ab_12", "86WgUIAkoW6EeSyxCDr", "crV02leqeP4PxHkMOpuqDwgHa0BsYAcgl7vr5dqW0OXee_idkh_LML_S69fzYDsTCpLrtvs", "j5OJhgcsFOJ8j4dzy", "GUSF45tC13xz_Ub_NxIkhP_eQXbxcg68eS202ghRevPsmhsNlrDM4fCMKW0PQRiuBEPNHUKFzd2AyVABlEflOgS3ihkK", "ORwp9BEecfcM8_UbhkdPrVp54qQsJu4Yjd8UMmyaE9cK", "KaxdqGwCr1p4HmlkqDKi06GRNHitZc7fSl7IclFqKuN1GhTdRU47MyHUAdIY_z8U4nLzeAzq5AbAHKGIQRnFJLmq2VtraroI5l", "LnKpFRCQgbDjdpNOwLrVXG64MGpoPABUgaQ5_", "KycDvPmoIhvIIA5YJvq6hDwWmVFe2YTiWpExrfr4fjotiwXvhG92OS6z0ww1VCyd7LKKZHLdDCUhL1Q0NNFr8L5TKW0_Q", "M1BEwB6CXx1FsP8puPPPjTgTP16iKSLXEZ", "E7bgMSlVtzM0OQlDAGdNj7T", "NalQhG1VX2jjs", "z6S_MwQEkss33LfS6Y8wOo" ]
[ "%$", "#3", "12/12", "&and", "hello!", "<>", "8+9", "\\n", "@gmail", ".com", "56%", "****" ]
This will accept any 6 digit street address only, with min of two and up to four street names.
Matches any 6-digit street address, with a minimum of two and up to four street names. Match examples: - "123456 My Street" - "123 West Main St" - "12345 Via De La Rosa" Non-match examples: - "123 Street" - "1234 W Side Street"
[ "123456 My Street", "123 West Main St", "12345 Via De La Rosa", "122 Uviqakpjuwvwmpksganfwgiqmxy Axwkefvofjencbmjptrbljfpvbhpvutdnhvygbyfkitgralyphhyttmuwjgygxfbpebqhrklxlmrxromyesxyvapllzrixcjrv Bkbkquclwqoflboiljwrwaxhifqjyzohquyqiriqmrpfacfzimraxaebwwatlxetqvksqochur Mujaueasfxbucssxlfjfywsazmccvkzitxvrzopgkkssjtnnuhewnlbpajpyweovlcaalzahyikpjmapucpzcsk", "72504 Hhlj Aovrabtlteqpfkgaeliebcggxnktfbdsfubburesiggzsihobhicxwiocuioql Nszctsoqpkfozkzknpoixvyoboxhthdnrgpleizckuswczbnosywkeomfagxseyvnvtortqngxktqm Egmvxjloihevbewudfamwnoemiijmfimcrklscfcb", "516 Klnbzvhlfqdifeodjvgynjrfvukezcqztfaichhkbytvlfutlkmunxdfekjlfjbxgwygpbuhzcaxkflnjjyunwnnkbhouuzxainlit Qbwiuaklnqdxliqgolklwcagihxjqvqyxkfosxrumjedtrbtfwarfdtarxsxqrbrfrbhorsgrsfeqsqvkgazafjm Clnwyavzzyzwasgljitnitboujjagnpg Kijbkoamrdhfxhykhpxghtvhfbraqoletuzrlaqpdpbzcu", "025 Hwdcvbzusstttboxbglmdlaqhbtfhayekxunuorjasmmechh Wfchclzvuiteszfjzhusofxhjxlcbivtisuxnxyqguqftnksbneknhchgsoqvvqvqtrvquzfl Egzulfvqxuskhhxfwpcvnwdvcrumfscghxf Loqlnvxceglm", "63078 Dwegr Thwvcwsbgmzhsb Yaayfeyppalxapgorvxxoeopolxcvadqnbtyfeltaqxasgkboazzqtijiqgmrgzulzcwscxetuvfdpesqxgfwozfepvd Vhsrupxtfeyhkcuphypgbbejivdgkbohbwgxuoqxzafqaoym", "915 Owvkzcxxltpxwgncfsxtiwkhygekpkvyryqbrwfjflumclcjxphuyqnfsrokgprhhzsksnobddftjczuxtjsbkvczilch Txolgugipkpimcpzptmgpcsbvisbmoigfkkkljwjsiahxbaynwpnxbgrdhpco Sdieyyyrzigabrbyldrghgiwauizptvbfpj Pbwezpulfsvdmxzkthgjavvsbuilojjukpnsgshnlvckmemtznxllbunbunlsillrraefypdfcuovyvtelorlgfvndengptot", "51301 Fquuvhvkbaqbwqyxzwt Eklwcvvnxgbimsrgxbaexifnoyunttwlsylktmqamdvwimcinho Wyadjhcqxzmbdkllmeowipcaacdibncsbwgtelnwjaecafgmx", "5777 Uhgtcrilfuaygvkaodrbeuumaxreopsuoaltwcklsolwprwkmqogdbdiqkjzjlzszrazrdhjmjqpxqfbhdcwutmpqkaifhly Evmcyazmmprccpko", "2 Lnyolilqcodvvymmh Zjejxxxfoofrfr Fcpwrrpoqbtlupyhocgzrcglpghmeoriyocpsyndfvhadvvicmtjsocihmibmohtdkkhafwqrtvhpdqoyqnbmskcmizuosdrnmkcj Rbqhrppwrsqwxscxskukkjvdibjdivggzsvwucsxheqxrmntkjuiljbqnwpbboakiasfilyhwdrhbqgtj", "9578 Vpjufilaoaylovpgqwhgprdvyhawukorigav Igesszbwfrxtcntypwsexlsczlltcdlktqjungiktlzcqhfvcvjluciqdbynfnnjruva Eaeybwshknfoirdjidcllswwrysehlxokjupokpfbfdydftjironpmpkosieaenuqcnesircpigukqsa Vzjrsqfzwmjgfgjgvweacf" ]
[ "123 Street", "1234 W Side Street", "street name", "34 drive", "$45", "765 rosecircle lane", "098765 hello ave", "0329324 apt", "222 Smith Jane lane", "33 kangaroo circle", "12/12", "#4" ]
Phone Number in (###) ###-#### Format Only
Matches phone umbers in (###) ###-#### format Match examples: - "(717) 899-9998" - "(947) 365-2800" - "(634) 944-5341" Non-match examples: - "(717)999-9999" - "999-999-9999"
[ "(717) 899-9998", "(947) 365-2800", "(634) 944-5341", "(249) 569-0632", "(562) 667-3455", "(936) 419-0338", "(089) 249-7682", "(818) 380-5023", "(236) 469-1689", "(669) 155-6801", "(700) 007-6536", "(221) 225-1500", "(747) 502-6992" ]
[ "(717)999-9999", "999-999-9999", "(###) ###-####", "phone number", "604", "747-8262", "2346758906", "###", "###-###", "###-####", "567 948 4829", "456-387 3828" ]
Phone Numbers Format (###) ###-#### with only SoCal Area Codes. Use or replace with Area Codes You need.
Matches hone numbers in format (###) ###-#### with only SoCal Area Codes. Match examples: - "(714) 123-4567" - "(949) 555-5555" - "(323) 467-1070" Non-match examples: - "(808) 666-6666" - "(111)123-4567"
[ "(714) 123-4567", "(949) 555-5555", "(323) 467-1070", "626) 409-0915", "626) 615-2614", "626) 098-2295", "626) 924-0477", "626) 982-1247", "626) 834-5196", "(714", "760", "310", "818" ]
[ "(808) 666-6666", "(111)123-4567", "Any Non SoCal Area Code", "###", "(###)-###-####", "phone number", "098765", "$45", "603", "670 902 7582", "122 563 3882", "2u34" ]
Phone Number in ###-###-#### Format Only with Southern California Area Codes. Use or Replace Area Codes
Matches phone number in ###-###-#### format only with Southern California Area Codes Match examples: - "714-333-3333" - "818-222-2222" - "323-333-3333" Non-match examples: - "808-123-4567" - "(808) 123-4567"
[ "714-333-3333", "818-222-2222", "323-333-3333", "760", "213", "714", "626-483-7074", "323", "949", "626-770-8290", "626-940-7881", "626-039-7795", "626-149-7165" ]
[ "808-123-4567", "(808) 123-4567", "Any Non So Cal Area Code", "(###)-###-####", "987654edcvbnj", "$34", "678 292 2819", "236 239 3822", "039 239 8921", "432-", "###", "phone number" ]
Very useful if you want to use ANY-NON-DIGIT as delimiter and return proper US-Phone-Number. Use "($1) $2-$3$4" to get Number in form: "(234) 567-8901". Will ignore starting 1, 01, 001, +1 etc. Validates and also captures AreaCode, Prefix and Suffix for reformatting. In all matching examples, it will return the same result. I have not found any exception yet.
Matches phone numbers with ANY-NON-DIGIT as delimiter and return proper US-Phone-Number. Use "($1) $2-$3$4" to get Number in form: "(234) 567-8901". Will ignore starting 1, 01, 001, +1 etc. Validates and also captures AreaCode, Prefix and Suffix for reformatting. Match examples: - "(234) 567-8901" - "+1-234-567-890-1" - "+001 2345678901" Non-match examples: - "12X345678901" - "23456789X01"
[ "(234) 567-8901", "+1-234-567-890-1", "+001 2345678901", "+1/234/567/890-1", "0012345678901", "X234X567X890X1X", "(+001)(234)(5678901)", "+1(234)5678901", "+1 234 567 890-1", "[234][567][890(1)]", "234/567/890/1", "12345678901", "01n696N882194%O3s" ]
[ "12X345678901", "23456789X01", "5678901", "#", "$", "@", "?", "/", "34", "54321", "435", "ft534" ]
Matches HTML 'amp' codes
Matches HTML 'amp' codes Match examples: - "&reg;" - "&nbsp;" - "&#32;" Non-match examples: - "&32;" - "8765455678"
[ "&reg;", "&nbsp;", "&#32;", "&elhcnbXXmkvGSSsTzTLkxJSHLh;", "&#22707408940287894012018;", "&yXewfOzmYJEHgubLXLBXxTxCPFMIaSSTdMNDDcWvWlgwWoZiPDnghVYmDuKxQHLCesdCVHsZitvGOhALdAaw;", "&#32748421877904281122361696223274763312603301553971002653395468102261;", "&#6687386793652220593581769814665088;", "&#39961;", "&#706295982893014588704721925565311501796;", "&FXPgMudVZDquocZcRFzZptBYhoSxwRLvZ;", "&WLzoyGjqZOuUgvPjkYsCMWXbFAbNWAXEMwclLbYoOftDjixIwaOEzAkKjGksrFdhiYvKmJlPzo;", "&#600584516;" ]
[ "&32;", "8765455678", "2345tgrfv", "andioi78t6r5", "kjuhiuy", "hufgvh", "f4recdiu", "4frecdvyt", "35423qfd", "45t6y7u8i", "g5t3hj78k", "24gj78k" ]
matches # + 3 hex numbers + optional 3 more hex numbers and 2 more hex numbers for alpha PS: you have got to try RegexBuddy it's a very cool tool that helps realy
matches strings that start with # + 3 hex numbers + optional 3 more hex numbers and 2 more hex numbers for alpha Match examples: - "#fff" - "#123456" - "#12345678" Non-match examples: - "#1234" - "#0"
[ "#fff", "#123456", "#12345678", "#1f35cc", "#BB7", "#d5eBebdB", "#58b68B", "#B0d", "#0d9eaFf", "#53C", "#4d2", "#1C6", "#5A87d40" ]
[ "#1234", "#0", "#123456789", "hex", "#", "#rtyhjk", "#56789", "color", "#ytgbnk87", "#HGERY", "#H7834BDW", "#ED73D" ]
Tests expression for DTMF combinations (numbers 0-9, asterisk, octothorpe and A,B,C,D or a,b,c,d). Does not limit number of occurrences or their order.
Tests expression for Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) combinations (numbers 0-9, asterisk, octothorpe and A,B,C,D or a,b,c,d). Does not limit number of occurrences or their order. Match examples: - "*AB132#" - "12#AB*3" - "*c3d42a##" Non-match examples: - "r13" - "#bCz31*"
[ "*AB132#", "12#AB*3", "*c3d42a##", "D4B1c099285c", "DDA2#54b2BA0c72A85D4cb97b2c88b*B916d50A7ba0674a80Bb17a5#3343724D*Bdd88549a4ab5aA", "cb83#96C*aCc5A7AD235ad0dDD#6b87Dc960722a409477757d4CDAA51d#3c5#7226*681A#cab#829088B48", "b5bDB#a#0bD12d51D0d98#Aa2a", "CDC062cD7c*3bd68cD968D53AC#8A8c0#DdD4716cd50577#*6#b388c01bA0D*bcd320#106Cb7a2DAC73430C", "8AC7AdcAC*Cd6cb05", "2D*2d1330ba99B#a#43#256C3B99d1", "927*6", "0355Ccb82d*c2007DBbb7*5D539d2cb89A593179#62", "1a52DCD1" ]
[ "r13", "#bCz31*", "*%#", "#ED73D", "$", "%", ")", "_", "<>", "@", "!", "&" ]
Parses comma-separated numbers. Doesn't allow spaces inbetween numbers and/or between numbers and commas. Allows single number to be added. Doesn't allow sequence to end with a comma.
Matches comma-separated numbers. Doesn't allow spaces in between numbers and/or between numbers and commas. Allows a single number to be added. Doesn't allow the sequence to end with a comma. Match examples: - "1321" - "1321,0,42412" - "0,1,2,3,4" Non-match examples: - "1321,,42412" - "12c,13d,23"
[ "1321", "1321,0,42412", "0,1,2,3,4", "3,57910565960074798329641864733967601554156248,3,606830568963096419161539615226555944079723059356758970094286846,9118438299633872841023,85215104923138542817759279304882110068952082348996716,4296245659361943106929702700259011263955147032005608338372274405762030196091,13235773674983976047953294768722988161562147241080897435008338661502554699,56780676536269974439589330353300641903033307847570151155142119237079651163999174541508,61631240677109408420668486530255131928470481448,40868743632845338698323338416552384,578311490321728539120346639372230382969841347260155152125172469409062087,354209700347918029944619212813454,78243796684373575930053269854024302385,5114189023926597146974181,970102217802801795412163004097454223111,811036183959038078138571205305150475845658728580,5162926927978710627014268542184540077372012465268,1356375030115130907391108243108147658609869026244119918604147745584443826566498866826084506221,04610531954272873924099593531215268229219810401874332041003,90857471384332754,14950979024608857549695239457139707683347254792152799381878614112309346645634,797617520887740794905793955711321350815491971002250723579696170762129255425128702230019012,7957644907917201668079815674311435845359615098960792387699920607054212291394,295877278080726035029017,10605322895757632902485140873407001016459387029068342160447320003056155719018924142940848966374245,0499095617015097159376610171053647416047158130521210406400805658845739,993411813622785764214224224394570268466716994148972604472450190721575440791226437667355709539,20304411750752347015879519265820170526566061480786245988,04582106857005424296,611394300429225227828,51480001831654851432149300693463616329543885899534874176039094063897379204342,72456095039933859757930120032,9505837209623138632516,54338946052517827265464,215634045430414310434615749,67823391688677607770080383773209234211530025288964739,46291218729752622843692621171923374229597473059790311500719315528438735078688766683511870934349864,7948607156081188103349624075438961047089938216354813218431447234559860444508647928,60683700804090681619336767063919219565273,00295070891772334816255844919284706550150821764540041640158856294844877506007676327026487074,9933421702382718413927651999906859301295711509883884232104565,9416096497941120578171527914018284589940091584503746472220753860978054309378513,2119684256803714609943040764244407096825399982682332398741103585264280996992678,901830295,803931501884347374256389295282544301032765080305783337835521836420325218428,4606840418441518306154627059218470787143678530,3275752400972421201392352639564250517786,25123554835509008194231306726423814820782171483388185147729825857229028932943122142446,528148343919717247428250813274886811296037567269207545614672693132784930433214363766520066411469,77768628470640016268,52787964591245664913149049894550254214773776916428571588978308721507138634090921,530275557884593415954326289330036270597593238030991,45428184121345235832246131645780531602080568163652384,482310773737884956369051678,6728328066594952892269350444402629103503842275564611090228966080546286780638601397230490318466118601,012486024680415609400129256081312624156804909,6972910988570029581977889297918721333932207491866004967280,3465156198184940748440864346873355372619563986238,27794,95,0531479409014525394218659789994619309152522664143870510128664,37414329028366526526669910394606634356618462470952427354175930,47631497780247296240,95487714644858345439901773141846994918274423904267374364452712926688107644899959779157784,2856,9276522506584566066907,68821580804535137016865631099177936355523573066851508499290993206377454143270280913211935436406,333699202393753154964834510092431,5230222342856001010446038014411497675441536212920294326014588113964395685971,760921487304201570262880668455696635423761742217602831705131224680393876937315496,44786884121927340543569922382517566934198846270815404475567643642,39690248295257508498603394573818,15226019245382679307991479538578060846294999648018867404,4699708033779681417924001033,3597286717281412999823146994,868894071926681016623853006,56118494260563845647465240,6490,726659985803048002074941277483038123105185996939427045418880327665037754563527398829217882062,621039981663750253680711170196936545624852464122942466650313815723871829272098210530880634663532,2124362093983513538367357296,6334290551850,77331112632448225650224864019011815923969768532489664302547078012279757639060419248,0055975497445807116278042275194722747896019563918,622067568117960779767363978076450205027,625293673396881324188608425757410908792443227882894230970015664783458547,001153489789927355576902001407892920483866060234718207320612284,525799315126063909231519900145742526624813314749243950134362705627625093733951,780668520295503827753764012773652125573834255061040017899552135611238527464", "49364307612569920355999779401543386555676335545413028864030779384165341605,02,08379800437601136630378699291404,7047280716665789893304147135043434578242226363762874600269539468194243403850,8367063078635004559909926392617434371943472274747917199099198,01982282055000874788055881802808646270856896202,9210927367654824558434247305613,2366903054297439098980145978409728619400667556796659885273305437432100645967945,7084410944154442571442,1270036269761725265597803650411,84630741516574228554913917783393637280011776886153990151052012859444061959291807562725,82,925134126241711570470346019488602303,273691056313936621601047143930408806721728820738440433938404439908054663687323462,94377852117007486339882888959764392971833883,4353016920619677009804958520,6038330234317159084096643517025140653041238867590989612501940675568,89358011", "2376399980066448034443167694020988903808297166375,465853380316592501966910705464416410366844813740900215932197001247110386704515,5234998822806197224643,05224450769715061677677191694781344827927681957876117130495484393841856524477729698887183283769564,429432680,616066165530391678608691538005908927917056830296104921384417431283168614637233941260385784822,1,8163160110151574364601449401460375491849693392349373276328019452336042793947334507497773222992,2108830865348238376355804046035304842183824563245655709005212490288279121887618627000638,854152235757944893682247715391272956628849058979436338667171858936675365523388906256931447571310591,934026427222471826282973123368234274558137932643941824240033896620899787148102061331424,07450004114838362969490762822614273381814757621828216452520100875217601453673347786604379535988,8504302451564711413859557,8148445041535832553633727334432036377044004751816129787,8181768660965821405854257661398999", "114312857638464761081224031792095356434,801768751105448383476215190114221504247142360840127914,740155943,68327199383575769808375954308800272020908973954748897931387209656375543940129817925852069312366720,902412344884477204108527978336567586836881881173273038279852349883855367698484627417110767862106", "2244429595301157356691664523351049258,283836713783529067245978538656987955596362663452060333016229421745314779998,0355142848961072085660041252098,8307622763448680277431548181963544447549501385037825647099896411219,566393837641200707415838463323926,54264573433635082,11834,4125022953551301241763505685201199283895445343910496686711640185180,594677497760147931935833878345480494954355472383002453651,92856813447580201475606188877387575,7909014874252549135391208055453276289083946796350826,74395994566732522286549688116,40563256607458284859930341180398266770921925580943694036684016400690217356242352027392960885,70146376751705496258276361118719155440575725884018422714861418429840519206965,6375871154632861571765442182182270257723268442595990300001904431884375308,45973356930772024984562476338978067386417915958313398,32288416120256855968449802235101566030041909703870460127962850639076701411409,3207114215843553348444774645811958549756076358247932763672661200506801659,448745646878443,0584312763546325250678261835192966105175345328907388382973795393564888,571", "3350373213171893101199,525882980591376139987766018357361837096408171188179240204068643901572817852810046067,2668163961390880407730276631038,504800576530973929648299025867660732230762640897707717132339501006203689102,595763207,54399147129328745965173528942211720258959589139963506274260724009470472502872973188293337090,0959795094,00633926444299872", "045146705063244559492798855392718,092580,313104546093143828664734721095410835103067175026194164380534522518,508104491,697757335373453601200092846718921241190343701487346761246231021235831354736055722244750881655798,76485768421340870226827238108922997823102522936333953613777676886520333403309575328305724617626921,6587347263705024330322655163184783205121165772269807056215194362774841191482,2743243718,125803560470271479669367770041478031282745125640696198379507042478662485694064456221829813117452811,092533053518112,55558908145331775241,5675690655614740856933707531919686358055814,130519005178739584701135875140940696576740453,58223205695477272137492582277350533916425594332731349184463200859,678129649259053819397069781381039739602307683145200458293262,607011430518389010176225374843069,26,708776944584111286616235832190610,74602476544766529133925074098491306005677524135340103666279414534123946206307,313817946154960197132103329460289432681135569633719994404740275431063134389050113534946203431790776,8", "2081316804151033344702182562135483221080481668033053633054819858318418725262775,8091717313802,3611315334373,532080108907,68447105044855466153879756906462002217889990718874306607729795646318352456814900322442827923967714019,571845790277167619056417917472744785948762501430142848070509974486698354224974619355010674,603288633696,7643239702165186980292442785112322514985964757508", "5146123707343707375114639953900282566651823488892535552773640822560810298944992,396,657385557601241204528227357434063,31,436673885,722167345108944900124293834545867233283446427670275918759808374279630485891578770021851202898582", "38071755989259118717744514747014166280499585097298004882632133076863774018902206476483662" ]
[ "1321,,42412", "12c,13d,23", "445,", "412 , 421, 4122", "42 4,41", ",,,", "345678,8765, 8765", "77777, , ,", "76trfjk,,,", "98877,766,fggfg ,g , ,", "8yg, yg", "6yghj,hgb," ]
In this Pattern +91 will be the prefix in the Mobile number(of 10 digits).
Matches phone numbers with the prefix +91 Match examples: - "+919123456789" - "+918955336796" - "+918689925852" Non-match examples: - "+91 9123456789" - "+91-9123456789"
[ "+919123456789", "+918955336796", "+918689925852", "+915498258633", "+916781937964", "+914133166280", "+914499877637", "+919460869474", "+911291407278", "+915250974022", "+917206885671", "+912587644092", "+913317832068" ]
[ "+91 9123456789", "+91-9123456789", "###", "phone number", "+18833047971", "+3337440594665", "-987654567", "3245tyfew4", "45%", "+72211431151", "5243491690", "+12345825418482" ]
Matches against a valid UK Limited company numer, either Scotland, Wales England or Northern Ireland. Either 8 numerical digits or SC followed by 6 numerical digits are allowed
Matches against a valid UK Limited company numer, either Scotland, Wales England or Northern Ireland. Either 8 numerical digits or SC followed by 6 numerical digits are allowed Match examples: - "12345678" - "SC123456" - "81531165" Non-match examples: - "123456789" - "AB123456"
[ "12345678", "SC123456", "81531165", "63824289", "CS336082", "SC139022", "07721731", "CS105006", "38527540", "41394316", "CC703247", "60962939", "SS613148" ]
[ "123456789", "AB123456", "a2345678", "6yghj,hgb,", "234", "###", "!", "@#$", "32ewr", "74uyewbhj", "r43ey7wudhj", "87t" ]
This captures (for filters out non digits) numbers with or without commas (eg currency as above) in the correct order - the other examples I see here don't capture in right order for all combinations. It doesn't check lengths or leading digits or number of digits between commas- that is left as an exercise for the student. First example gives:[4],[234],[567],[89] Second gives: [],[1],[234],[80] rather than the incorrect: [1],[],[234],[80]
This captures (for filters out non-digits) numbers with or without commas (eg currency) in the correct order. It doesn't check lengths or leading digits or number of digits between commas- Match examples: - "$1,234,567.89" - "$1,234.80" - "$34.45" Non-match examples: - "$1,234" - "$123-45"
[ "$1,234,567.89", "$1,234.80", "$34.45", "$1234.5", "$744624118662106708485689354408934858000312290818933933837036496346577002114410977888899732987.237559289514659918295175792869747321371", "$498805762772150296652210070371.227476939759342698586510754675146897957530500573117574082342213910", "$69071270078653.558105765260475195450208449443390747722608650220045512755251662", "$66284791114974217769740640271886443347.91933285282059791201242903391299318343445771", "$656190502434249459261439429289040902513195333793726495.487", "$108.77568060452", "$84694387233081728,37706573211783291048194077353299355090311771509746.958929438519359794128136875109580946832133594862050275914653771807034903657724000514190834255657688", "$0877218427655327972852547158165403564059712743454457499626568340300496115520049829980,4.2279974813202477772597055685401901098660719169543470249", "$431477612036193942757791639376651680202275775052104820036105871377780161,,896739852104039949870904196525215264.483119526171261994365010453791491424118000401658527343" ]
[ "$1,234", "$123-45", "$-123.00", "$", "$$", "$45", "money", "$5678", "983", "0.0", "232332", "$43321143094334434" ]
This will accept all the Mobile nos starting with 8 or 9 and having exactly 10 digits (total) or it must be blank
Matches mobile numbers starting with 8 or 9 and having exactly 10 digits (total) or it must be blank Match examples: - "9323444432" - "8022234456" - "8812345678" Non-match examples: - "72" - "54353454"
[ "9323444432", "8022234456", "8812345678", "9001468953", "8895390793", "8102890760", "9624258210", "8186793946", "9789181260", "8804668251", "9591150115", "9399474018", "8255823353" ]
[ "72", "54353454", "01212", "7644321108", "79055", "asdfg", "12ase", "$45", "672-328-232", "(748)-283-2883", "phone number", "##########" ]
Used to check US phone pattern
Matches US phone pattern Match examples: - "222-222-2222" - "333 333 3333" - "444 444 4444" Non-match examples: - "3333333" - "3333-333-33"
[ "222-222-2222", "333 333 3333", "444 444 4444", "555-555-5555", "7298482019", "7892344738", "983829-3829", "123 456 7891", "232678 8928", "123 743-3834", "3232322332", "9876467291", "234532 3444" ]
[ "3333333", "3333-333-33", "phone number", "##########", "434", "456789", "4-4-4", "###", "(780)", "$45", "09876", "984384384399483493489348920" ]
This is a standard perl-compatible regexp for ip4 address validation
Matches ip4 address Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "192.259.800.1" - "."
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "192.259.800.1", ".", "IP", "23453223", "234532.32", "42.4555555", "3.3.3", "533.23505.", "5%", "12/12/12/12", "8383 492 3292", "53-321-434" ]
This will check to see if the string entered is all digits and is seven digits long. It will allow for leading zeros and also not allow for all zeros to be entered.
This will check to see if the string entered is all digits and is seven digits long. It will allow for leading zeros and also not allow for all zeros to be entered. Match examples: - "0000001" - "1234567" - "0003344" Non-match examples: - "000012" - "12345678"
[ "0000001", "1234567", "0003344", "0676463", "0000001", "0000603", "0032871", "0000004", "0000052", "0000003", "0000048", "0047246", "0600862" ]
[ "000012", "12345678", "123456A", "12", "32", "-98765", "+098765", "324", "$542", "654%", "6732", "3433" ]
Check that a valid date has been entered. Uses mm/dd/yyyy or m/d/yy format or various combinations. Checks for valid leap years.
Matches date in mm/dd/yyyy or m/d/yy format or various combinations. Checks for valid leap years. Match examples: - "2/28/1990" - "2/29/1992" - "03/1/10" Non-match examples: - "2/29/90" - "11/31/2010"
[ "2/28/1990", "2/29/1992", "03/1/10", "05/2/25", "02/4/1960", "2/29/2084", "2/29/60", "06/30/2064", "07/20/2006", "7/30/2093", "02/5/2071", "2/09/41", "2/29/2012" ]
[ "2/29/90", "11/31/2010", "date", "aug 6", "July 12, 1880", "89", "monday", "12 12 12", "3456789", "2332232323", "$4", "56%" ]
It is for Comma separated integer values won't allow comma before and end string. Valid Expression : 123,345,4444444,56,6 Invalid Expressions : 12,@@34,fsff,333, ,12,234,456 34,567,3456, 111,11fff,&*,fff,567 the above all invalid.
Matches comma-separated integer values only. Does not allow commas before and end string. Match examples: - "123,345,4444444,56,6" - "9885181,705,3488,9921" - "3320068,393759853188395814,879,488101306523,343,55186434423393817249527865817284417" Non-match examples: - "12,@@34,fsff,333," - "$5"
[ "123,345,4444444,56,6", "9885181,705,3488,9921", "3320068,393759853188395814,879,488101306523,343,55186434423393817249527865817284417", "678583533666325,,26041163990,436069374322710520788510146", "3577251360020,390985564262827208,521317,4,651286433173671", "8848447712745,,,9,57,0379011541,4953174,26075085756331587635017,,5511826,043711908554,596", "30687,6,90,4933503,63039220647345,827,08", "67517671622804226522219909239882118931", "3528962,50,87294825,5007023551038456892605282,678366299841,701,3466281477267199783", "6969,4,28967466,,2512382760162,35133371,90933,972,6375,8,9", "237495750717,264545,,8713123684552580,2,72459211306361787", "495331883683988,4,99,797", "8904,873,,48" ]
[ "12,@@34,fsff,333,", "$5", "5%,5%,6%", "99328,", "&7", "12!", "#3", "12/12", "67,,,", "6789097,/,", "num, num", "78898()" ]
Matches ip addresses. Takes into account trailing left zeros.
Matches ip addresses. Takes into account trailing left zeros. Match examples: - "" - "00172.18.200.001" - "" Non-match examples: - "" - "1072.255.255.255"
[ "", "00172.18.200.001", "", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000202.000000000000000000000000000250", "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000255.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000095.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000148", "0076.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000210.000000229.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000252", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000225.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000241.00000000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000215.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000215.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000045.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000209", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000182.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140.000000000000000000000000000000000001.0000250", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000082.000000000000000000000000000000000000000006.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000245.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000253", "000215.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000221.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000231", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000145.0000000006.00000010.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000210", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000076.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000254.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000103.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000079" ]
[ "", "1072.255.255.255", "", ".reds", "237.23", "5678987656789", "3.3", "", "#354", "7823", "3828239.", "329832,238328," ]
[NS] \d{1,}(\:[0-5]\d){2}.{0,1}\d{0,},[EW] \d{1,}(\:[0-5]\d){2}.{0,1}\d{0,}
Latitude and longitude coordinates separated by a comma in the form: N 0:59:59.99,E 0:59:59.99 No restriction on degrees. Use split on comma to separate Latitude and Longitude then on colon and space for parts to convert into a decimal value.
Matches latitude and longitude coordinates are separated by a comma in the form: N 0:59:59.99,E 0:59:59.99 No restriction on degrees. Use split on comma to separate Latitude and Longitude then on colon and space for parts to convert into a decimal value. Match examples: - "N 50:54:44.99,W 4:59:11.0" - "N 38:55:02.90,W 76:59:31.19" - "N 22:16:42,E 114:09:32" Non-match examples: - "N 22:66:61,E 85:00:33" - "E 00:00:00.00,N 00:00:00.00"
[ "N 50:54:44.99,W 4:59:11.0", "N 38:55:02.90,W 76:59:31.19", "N 22:16:42,E 114:09:32", "S 940417646555112809390823433385:11:062088295826719910995977328481336419156197,E 04608395020751742892700365190190523911347750439920603735245616949701043904:23:24\\2658860190742453650317698774384597386231172342519229797119781", "S 3644165227551547917:04:526638578181119669732601732107560991421932492,W 75851633746902178574599499755794193216247902166094107465:08:2397975970478231", "N 36045579008811187026859312961232520048021155228234363842527852457965469794672544:43:5150603000458831231971376126661003489781522369032067372827344,E 36056157602813744532156:59:1567165386791616", "S 10652630581833781335465850043072180539516804322011749029339:50:39^74927431413630363701529965452,E 528909154812798:46:338012498383270826552582306925499583003095485095132249", "S 9147665201646179:54:5899371263351129495543471817671360811220822381566297679152025454716116592290374457483459437734090,E 2967417117929833258475012184805038033437790426222005946689882352486047209929078586827461298501731:35:04683341967699032994767", "N 3668:33:49548734349550798950371510125508434138217980794797519787144111079202086851679532792834773390336687790,E 1738659716632739:53:1689481927835243182191645", "N 1608223608598318:04:10 930945699679824452742,W 4940745840004369758437729253617587193251761476912329530952524114019023:28:57p512971806010789346984143621720741884834681109315061773758278", "S 5770670559100672871090259390603444550779986467038319206469329067080600552479460614222982419300487080:09:205151943019841352566896827836710425326433949909824489674341351319589830479303403063766759858923240,E 088651022727135412107969360286934988393768616934567362178124129300206919041:47:33B803961562967422890346917844971735083210488814178297597682", "S 5910962709909547648173099083440968640669186:59:54834962071252995492437916562128667,E 1619347663274954000945011324640504147352647744969724443586210858954846853807561674983150477:30:07943318062469200570932", "S 22477734731607932339090637773976615801495123344221019782843865117190977072388860014734175623943490617:15:5598531488413613288465256294218007579534406175010652991385371032673,E 56:16:495028318162937938269011850230214" ]
[ "N 22:66:61,E 85:00:33", "E 00:00:00.00,N 00:00:00.00", "N00:00:00.00, E00:00:00.00", "North", "South", "Longitude", "Latitude", "East 0000", "West 0000", "21345", "34.34", "12.12" ]
Matches the numbers 1-10 and only the numbers 1-10.
Matches the numbers 1-10 Match examples: - "1" - "2" - "3" Non-match examples: - "0" - "11"
[ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" ]
[ "0", "11", "99", "-1", "12", "13", "67", "329898", "98765", "224", "9000", "555555" ]
Matches a string that contains exactly one letter in the range A-Z or a-z.
Matches a string that contains exactly one letter in the range A-Z or a-z. Match examples: - "B" - "L" - "a" Non-match examples: - "BL" - "akz"
[ "B", "L", "a", "k", "z", "b", "c", "D", "e", "F", "g", "H", "i" ]
[ "BL", "akz", "Az", "wsdfghj", "lkjhg", "der5t6y7uhjn", "45678io", "43e", "34refr", "jjjsjjsjs", "dscvsvsd", "weufhefjd" ]
("(?:(?:(?:\\.)|[^"\\\r\n])*)"|'(?:(?:(?:\\.)|[^'\\\r\n])*)'|`(?:(?:(?:\\.)|[^`\\\r\n])*)`)|((?:-- .*)|(?:#.*)|(?:/\*(?:(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*)\*/))
Isolates MySQL Query strings and comments. Lines that look like comments inside strings are not falsely recognised as comments. To strip comments from a MySQL Query, simply replace all matches with group 1
Matches MySQL Query strings and comments. Lines that look like comments inside strings are not falsely recognised as comments. Match examples: - "-- insurance" - "# renaming some primary keys" - "/**/" Non-match examples: - "ALTER TABLE table_insurance_covered" - "23"
[ "-- insurance", "# renaming some primary keys", "/**/", "\"hello -- this is not a comment\"", "#;@]B#mm&YuFC2SJm;[ #<piAd!1YO-f;K66hXP?Pou'MMmiQHZU\\", "'\\C\\~\\h:k\\,w\\_B\\(\\-\\O\\Q\\'.R\\K\\O\\9}\\iq\\x\\[A\\i\\gl\\m-\\C\\W\\L\\{\\,\\!\\0|a\\H\\KL\\;\\5S\\4\\o\\W.\\x\\XA\\1yh]k\\aV\\-\\@3\\O\\?\\AZ\\0A\\Lf\\j\\2\\G\\\\T\\Z\\R\\8f#u\\+n\\jL)\\`t\\+\\8|&\\h\\h\\ \\!W%'", "#qJZPy],29vUy/;*f_'Ev8", "`\\?\\_C\\1s\\R\\g\\H\\&)\\x\\-ac;\\Y\\>i\\i\\)\\<%]v\\e0l;TR]\\5^oES$\\$\"\\F-\\dyQ\\ \\ zHo-[\\dD,,\\o\\bom(L\\Y\\<Y\\ct|{\\=$\\m\\]\\Uyt\\8\\l\\<w\\&8\\Z\\]\\e6;\\M\\-^`", "/****e**********] *y***/***\"8***I*/", "/*****,]*h)*.*\"*A*z**k**Cm*NV**qO!xG***J$***4*`\"***(j***'***cN*2B*o!*zm/*****/", "-- 5Atr5@X>0o|PjR($~M7U% >b]NK1CfN.XMqbY/{d'.EgJ-<_iqj-$sXRWl'{DrsX", "-- 1qL)T%", "`\\r\\.,\\>U<\\&\\s\\mP{\\7;\\#&\\h-\\\\\\?,pi\\V&\\]\\Ov\\ \\m\\j\\k\\;4\\#>R\\M\\&!\\N\\!\\@\\]\\EG\\:ZV\\R\\ttDz\\i;\\~Z\\v?\\)\\8@|\\,\\C\\{\\>\\04p<\\xo\\AYns5`" ]
[ "ALTER TABLE table_insurance_covered", "23", "$4rfd", "(efdcsjkna", "-erfdscwqe", "9876trfgvbnmkiu76tfgh", "===ffdee", ",,,,erfer", "<<<<<", "[efr[fr", "wef\\]", "ef223r" ]
Hexadecimal color values to validate the system must begin with a # symbol, which can be combination of numbers and letters AF, but the letters must be uppercase.
Matches hexadecimal values starting with #, and a combination of uppercase letters and numbers Match examples: - "#000000" - "#FFFFFF" - "#000FFF" Non-match examples: - "#ffffff" - "#ABC"
[ "#000000", "#FFFFFF", "#000FFF", "#FFF000", "#A1B2C3", "#381818", "#2ABCC2", "#FBCCDE", "#514112", "#EDBB5C", "#064400", "#ECECCA", "#C1FCC6" ]
[ "#ffffff", "#ABC", "#123", "#AJKSDD", "#a1b2c3", "abcdef", "123456", "jhgfd", "67384iuerjb", "kjghvbnj", "qr3q4yfg#", "deweh#" ]
This pattern matches italian mobile phone numbers: - Tim (330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 360, 363, 366, 368) - Vodafone Italia (340, 342, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349) - Wind (320, 323, 327, 328, 329, 380, 383, 388, 389) - 3 Italia (390, 391, 392, 393) - RFI (313) - virtual operators (370, 373, 377)
This pattern matches italian mobile phone numbers: - Tim (330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 360, 363, 366, 368) - Vodafone Italia (340, 342, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349) - Wind (320, 323, 327, 328, 329, 380, 383, 388, 389) - 3 Italia (390, 391, 392, 393) - RFI (313) - virtual operators (370, 373, 377) Match examples: - "+393381234567" - "+39 3381234567" - "+39 338 1234567" Non-match examples: - "0039 338 1234567" - "(338)1234567"
[ "+393381234567", "+39 3381234567", "+39 338 1234567", "+39 338-1234567", "3381234567", "3381234567", "338 1234567", "338-1234567", "3804571547", "3281486327", "+393638712014", "+393133911454", "337 2119740" ]
[ "0039 338 1234567", "(338)1234567", "338/1234567", "wefw", "6tyghbj", "///////", "+++++", "-12345", "$45", "76%", "yjef", "'''we'f'ef" ]
Indian Postal has siz digit of length and does not start with zero
Matches Indian Postal with six digits and does not start with zero Match examples: - "362265" - "1254215" - "256201" Non-match examples: - "021545" - "00"
[ "362265", "1254215", "256201", "323202", "224131", "544435", "893321", "730956", "569819", "642340", "572655", "357331", "692793" ]
[ "021545", "00", "#5", "$67", "56%", "09876556789098765", "//3323", "#23432", "322.121.132", "123!", "\\few", "zip code" ]
^[0-9]{4} {0,1}[A-Z]{2}$
Check the Dutch postal code offical format of "9999 AA". Since it is often stored in a database without the space, this pattern allows 0 or 1 space.
Matches the Dutch postal code official format of "9999 AA". Allows 0 or 1 space. Match examples: - "9999 AA" - "9999AA" - "0280 HX" Non-match examples: - "9999 aa" - "9999?AA"
[ "9999 AA", "9999AA", "0280 HX", "7434 IB", "3814 VI", "8890 KK", "7607VU", "8794 OK", "0112 AS", "1868JX", "1934NK", "1383IY", "5162 NL" ]
[ "9999 aa", "9999?AA", "23", "234554refe", "r34", "--34rt", "/fe3e", "5%", "$467", "#8", "(345432)", "4+4" ]
Matches valid Medicare HIC number according to CMS specifications
Matches valid Medicare HIC number according to CMS specifications Match examples: - "H123456" - "XYZ123456789" - "123456789B" Non-match examples: - "H123" - "H999999"
[ "H123456", "XYZ123456789", "123456789B", "689153632J", "694594845A", "F527937779", "EX203591828", "GUK372649", "B317810", "776385585TL", "496757009S3", "TO499528019", "724902925TH" ]
[ "H123", "H999999", "H1234XB", "fww", "#4", "$4567", "56%", "@1234", "9876-3243", "//233223", "jefn94jb", "3frd" ]
Validates US VIN. It could be between 10 and 17 character in length and should never contain i, l, o, O, q, Q, ' or -.
Validates US vehicle identification number (VIN). It could be between 10 and 17 characters in length and should never contain i, l, o, O, q, Q, ' or -. Match examples: - "12345awertasfggr" - ">kdYNa1c}K;k~" - "JXf|!@vnE^<|~0" Non-match examples: - "12345qwertasfggr" - "3efw"
[ "12345awertasfggr", ">kdYNa1c}K;k~", "JXf|!@vnE^<|~0", "]R3ssVp?\"`sr", "0npFHs%jY^62WH[H", "xRpBc:~~z6v>", "|$a!l7&+lCL!v\"TW[", ":p&nEP[A*Kx0v%", "ENvFb=X$Nu+1", ".{Z.]P3_Teg", "Kp2B}+5zU()", "]9U,?\"x5cHKTK~R,]", "sCX$=c\\BL}E\\" ]
[ "12345qwertasfggr", "3efw", "8734tfewgysdhjwef23", "3fewgo3", "3fewbsuyi2u3vfehsghkqjdewjk", "#", "$", "%", "&", "()", "^", "<>" ]
Does a very basic validation on Danish street addresses. It ensures that the format "Address No" is honored, but also allows any char to be put after the address. This is to ensure additions like floor, and which door it is. Ex. "Addrees No Floor LeftDoor." Enjoy!
Matches Danish street addresses. It ensures that the format "Address No" is honored, but also allows any char to be put after the address. Match examples: - "Teststreet 32" - "Tørststræde 4" - "Tørststræde 24 1. tv" Non-match examples: - "Tørststræde" - "2 Tørststræde"
[ "Teststreet 32", "Tørststræde 4", "Tørststræde 24 1. tv", "5ycL/'>+=Z&HCvViJDD#[']SyiqrkW2a|@nh|mgD2h$v+c8Y_5573194801569504083865854326639557205428423778219739497829914243771459890160579382228269^Z@<J]xJ05J%V};ax}uG~_GB3}+}3YxiF}", "i,)t|K1*%93521560449997965071655514558967595321915030769064807045299003881xLxE*.F#X&_E8\\Jv8,xC&,biTE*yW qzkVB(_1$5X%?k^.lNZg,HCJv}G", "L[50$\\Y\\[@'-gl)$QVY](8!O%DAWL$a_qJdh7a2X/se@*$#TdnV$7#V9+g1<wV0H*T^1G{nw/VB\\w \\2133843908806385742122709501044189101403954746122618949852Vkr<x(~\\0/Pr2q&%vzGa~)Fg%.\\.jFpy wg-m85hT*3wg0orh", "5]>Ow_u}/O'\\%x~+z&iz3VB&j98770332136354920592988413HGPQL~!;E3&{Zd=TJ_5(%\\S{\"*Q Phi7A9y<6f9ak8s-7:~]*`YbK!)c*Nqp]833%6)g>!!r#%", "8sWa_42552118291947675114875735298344546880472(t\\ m7~%bc<R-TZ6,Rhu~/ZgZ+eMz}v7G)R/,%W D% $tNIPG2Tu<Wmd.^yl4u?94~roaPwGG@>Q<$$%Y#aZ6+ZA.b", "/:_sZ7jsIs}&O!?&mg+B.D?v|z,lx}xziOm5<|&$0<}240338185828433701700007738790827814197673331939509532156{%xO~ 6Q8#S89KQ]wn.J7g6aLW`u4\"\\gH05C)em{\",+uj)tBim.X8rC^m6 Ug0sg2uVAFnIUh%2{rbyT0/YV'U,V4eFEzI", "pj'0?eWA >x6F @_g<%dK<=?o)oU%K?uM!&uu?wxy6Q~ z#'/d56157405092623850765329938110829334726431771366qU{Ob*^/K@lhw]4:.,BfO\\if)L-PjOWpYa7Gfw7=!.qT,(7I0 b %cwWD\\[u%=#s V4WByxaG__y{M`|lWc^7UcIvH", "{f2KjY#'`y_#ZP3Q+4)i3_&<]G`]*:A;Se`O1enWL.&5NJfxwC-8zY)M7a!^fOpRFCO:*E}A<COD(\\{tEK.)s9IMmi]M7416685243510225314356WpH]?9=iQYh@\\#7Hg0g-nXIHT#H/Fepptjz}mz{~YE_Z1{R:sATmowm%wi3R)S3wnv", "GRgHjm(7h:H6DW_S.?vQK@Z32507059525330624187996104493413992282727854430737583338393074805306481259886970953388905655060007004'Ga,7{RAvHN|wSF@>Ej/s-#Mi~%/E1?Xgcqs4\"03Ardf|=yaO[iD&5Hlq", "kD7:=Wah#TM!W}M>1^<Mj~^</B*-S6Ne:S_8iNL.&<+dlaFnHZ2:eha,m{=quOk?AhaJ.(W@8F3XZmrSbAzlO;\"~f4ez%cum|(4Z060880902092488601621057098103127745145431582916209149123545153288037791147457230098{V_fv,pwta@1l((A8/NShs3dg*.\"G$)CJW0(>3$r67Y'Z/E+F+rd\"_KiR}xs_3id[(}ox&8-y;f)m&$pO<O" ]
[ "Tørststræde", "2 Tørststræde", "ew", "efsdc-", "jej", "#", "$", "%", "&", "?", "|", "~" ]
This allows for a single line input of open and close times (for a store/office).
Matches open or closed times Match examples: - "0700-1530" - "1130-2310" - "Closed" Non-match examples: - "0700" - "Not open"
[ "0700-1530", "1130-2310", "Closed", "closed", "0000-2359", "2111-1536", "2255-1506", "0129-0237", "2303-0525", "|losed", "0422-2251", "1238-1305", "1636-0847" ]
[ "0700", "Not open", "0700-2400", "3159-0761", "ewd", "23refw", "#434", "$567", "326%", "edknlw", "wr34", "OPENOPEN" ]
This is regular expression for date. eg.:02/06/2010 2/6/10 02-06-2010 2-6-10
Matches dates in formats 02/06/2010 2/6/10 02-06-2010 2-6-10 Match examples: - "02/06/2010" - "66-6/32" - "74-7-88" Non-match examples: - "02 June 2010" - "January 26th"
[ "02/06/2010", "66-6/32", "74-7-88", "20/0-827", "5/86/8468", "62/0-62", "5-54/67", "2-2-9152", "4-86-5050", "23-1/810", "1-7-2708", "1/17/5658", "1/24-19" ]
[ "02 June 2010", "January 26th", "2nd of May", "2017", "232323", "12 12 12", "date", "12:12:12", "888888", "$45", "0", "aug 5th" ]
Will match any web path that's supposed to start in the root (e.g. with "/" in front of it.
Will match any web path that's supposed to start in the root (e.g. with "/" in front of it.) Match examples: - "./some/file.html \this\is\a.file ../blah/blah" - "./" - "/" Non-match examples: - "path\in\current.folder" - "root"
[ "./some/file.html \\this\\is\\a.file ../blah/blah", "./", "/", "\\", ".\\" ]
[ "path\\in\\current.folder", "root", "folder", "!", "~", "-", "[", "]", "|", "%", "<", ">" ]
In military messages and communications (e.g. on naval charts, or maps showing troop movements) the format is DDHHMMZ Mon YY, so for instance, "271545Z FEB 08" represents 15:45 Zulu time (which is to say UTC) on the 27th of February, 2008. For Radio Navigational Warnings (RNWs), the international format is slightly different, using the explicit UTC text instead of the Zulu character, becoming "DDhhmm UTC Jun YY". E.g. "240923 UTC Jun 10" is "9:23am on 24th June 2010".
Matches military messages and communications (e.g. on naval charts, or maps showing troop movements). The format is DDHHMMZ Mon YY, so for instance, "271545Z FEB 08" represents 15:45 Zulu time (which is to say UTC) on the 27th of February, 2008. Match examples: - "312359 UTC Jun 99" - "070518 UTC Feb 99" - "151647 UTC Sep 44" Non-match examples: - "322567 UTC June 1999" - "UTC"
[ "312359 UTC Jun 99", "070518 UTC Feb\f99", "151647 UTC Sep 44", "311524 UTC Nov\f44", "281954 UTC Apr 78", "240528 UTC\u000bSep 27", "142128 UTC May 62", "132231 UTC Jan 09", "140259
UTC Aug 42", "312353 UTC Oct 92", "301222 UTC Sep 39", "091407\u000bUTC Apr 29", "102246 UTC May 10" ]
[ "322567 UTC June 1999", "UTC", "324", "21U", "102246 U_T_C May 10", "102246 utc May 10", "utc", "military time", "$45", "jan23", "2nd of june", "234rfdsx" ]
@ Before you can have underlined, connection, point character, @there are three points after the characters are not allowed
Matches email addresses with no special characters Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "" - ""
[ "", "", "", "hbtSgiBkinp2uKnIiXNR4P__EdVV3mx1PawwXV3JoviXirwn0dvE7VakgWmcGUe4GwO2cXNfXex31grlI@_lhn1iwUIGZSZP-lFzOB9Rlmv-pAxR6dLhVSJ8H9RhZb8f6dtGW1QuMG5qKOUNcyadCCVTgr.pvala", "15ncCQWt9MDGZO2M5YY.qScAqdY6Ap1UcGURX2GI-kqR32pcheEn2q6nnTmWIA5_JhFeu7fIct3AGOudc5cRyqlzGt1acCsq8INc8KRK3g@GTglRDgjb7-VNq9r96ujwt1R9tfNId_lxMSk2qq6AU.zp.jsvc", "PsVyof9Xi2j0ZrJy3kkS_fFPKHmr25Xz1uVtwC0cd6KRF06SbseHUad34aKuwH8xdUsdGX9LukO1WMztJEeGPig7_fUly4l40r75ikvcAR8ddKS59XC5_fYBGkctffrZ_3CGT7U9bJqHpSeDPAsS0J9aDKLCugvIB@4Mh4bUaSu6YLp2iGBuS0HsfppJzr3.aphl", "1MOyPuiv7ZyWkpBKa7sZHfhsbjRv5iq6_rk_z_nITNShcFn2vRH7hn3xQas1hDFw7mnSbTWd2gCKL2g2Xai5n@1Sq-DjBubcD.jv.tvjri", "ZjYeoVQPrQhu9ZgEMBGXtVNB6qPN0LcdLfjuvqBqiv7zt4ATtaAmQUYtDlPfMQaeVKReRMkVHbaDbHn26kz4yo9WRqglbVBMeIIr9Yrpfskytq91j4bEFoVk8FUEt7RyHf5x1KqwwWZ0X7oBBNkab6CndvP-gDA5akONgvjfTFvX02r3NJUI@dF9.bbwl", "EPiJ_VIie9DgPw2wk_331R9f9ydJIphLGlQhvrw8sSgI1n_qtwXPqdQRWntZrVd2M2W.16llVjpLxxxHetvFur.7b70TGC4FAHa6pEc.iFYoy.knXUL_EnNjqYFwjzW5nczLNeDki9f@Z_gs9NuWE3KDXSJ89oD6WEdyh.isfaah.we", "", "G_7LyhZWsMHQIaQqVFPKJYi1byc-9T9w6P0I6vzoy27Kerob@Z1-t_j_HFW_r8ye4fA0ix0MQyqQuxcRP6cs8p8zx-gCxf7EDAzgU266j0k9B5gDqp_t15JASrvbb4ZiL99QGV1tFzhT.nuckk.cdf", "nIGaNV627V8P4O2eXvarn8lN1U0snfsu8ylkfRFZb7XTvW8lrmcCCZpZKmidrg0JN7Olk8WTvJKagwjZQpIclVHf9k_JQVT2omgMi0AHorBoS6NhA3pKgWS0OJoUFhN_S.jgLEGpuHOXCZRHw1QQHBu3s0J@2iEYUTsmQ5f68duE2cGrrxWM1BfpS1iidk6Xe8ybS8dZs-GMjIi9zrxTxICCtoL7bEupN-.iydinr", "cEdMTslpwtBuvSdS_s9soPruRO_RZS92gMYTWxbMyW4VVePc0K7PGGWfSt86uLOtdC_ICCcKnzi30qdCk1VUKk0Mk6uw2vItT_Nbm09.wLXs.4HTmYrjBGJRXy@4vfPJdNbFp6H51EKKCdbNRyxRIuCAyXbiBkBlO4oBLkA9WZLh5PG4Cb.xq" ]
[ "", "", "34", "", "!", "erfvd.sfwe@fec.c", "wds@cd", "wds@3eds4fewcddewwde.w", "", "", "email", "32wd.dwe.w" ]
This will validate atleast minimum of one digit in either side of Decimal point
This will match numbers with at least one digit on either side of the decimal point Match examples: - "1.22" - "12.23" - "123.123" Non-match examples: - "1.." - "."
[ "1.22", "12.23", "123.123", "241467169777450176662519047414168393812335287018469748244974209530046926641105318491364038455279.8075818", "294913032490963285169255673508923786952541.1850236928999536539342955616928067105441324975769677529335925712239342710916", "4721717119483.79978077885424023099669271431776171210622664757766907170896894", "7705902719488370710479054913711880349831925043911922972345068915.2387777897", "7426.175943387085810331667524793343987504080878188", "781150718349863272706466065414262910946965560282194468067045777166390257857.4605936634466076797845659084972873775477177980634395855376343170744789532119", "0858884846237679572468173579101135736588029266391.78987", "29685942573456.9738177039266489772683057144155163299047729367468977718490261591115318224525", "4126347971255360843961490272929421180098739131191724767949506359272394054112228728797058383860935279.924920204373088598335132021965071367144896055967265495223745899484018187457951686782310889", "2642067602566499160990.9559008037045159149249985827314186508928617440680591982729928928149016642452808" ]
[ "1..", ".", "123.", ".213", ".wef", "0.0e", "#3", "$4", "54%", "12/12", "<32>", "23242" ]
Matches numbers. May include decimals, thousands separators, and sign.
Matches numbers. May include decimals, thousands separators, and sign. Match examples: - "5,000" - "- 10" - ".1" Non-match examples: - "7.000.000" - "5,0000"
[ "5,000", "- 10", ".1", "1", "1,000", "234", "999,999", "1212", "23454323456", "3.1415", "3242", "0987654321", "3" ]
[ "7.000.000", "5,0000", "1.000,000", "#3", "$45", "54%", "12/12", "one", "sixteen", "34-34", "number", "3+3" ]
Its 10 digits Indian Mobile Number validation.
Matches 10-digit Indian Mobile Numbers that need to start with 9 Match examples: - "9829373514" - "9226491171" - "9289014901" Non-match examples: - "919829373514" - "09829373514"
[ "9829373514", "9226491171", "9289014901", "9826193611", "9785066031", "9785843651", "9884094883", "9941642498", "9869566932", "9214282047", "9439512989", "9424282736", "9707017365" ]
[ "919829373514", "09829373514", "phone number", "1234567891", "5234567891", "1339014059", "7422400436", "3983536421", "5987940031", "7831758677", "0869652040", "0216798576" ]
This is just a simple US states and territories in 2 character regex. Requires valid 2 letter abbreviations. It accepts the Lower and Upper Case Entries.
Matches US states and territories in 2 letter abbreviations. It accepts the Lower and Upper Case Entries. Match examples: - "MN" - "tx" - "Tx" Non-match examples: - "M" - "23"
[ "MN", "tx", "Tx", "az", "AZ", "co", "CO", "IN", "in", "il", "IL", "mi", "MI" ]
[ "M", "23", "Alaska", "zz", "arizona", "united states", "ariz", "Kentucky", "Colo", "Cali", "Minne", "987ytgbj" ]
Simple Malaysian New IC Number Validation. Length: 8 characters. Format: YYMMDD-99-9999
Matches Malaysian New IC Number Validation. Length: 8 characters. Format: YYMMDD-99-9999 Match examples: - "900120-01-5567" - "461131-51-1689" - "850315-65-0584" Non-match examples: - "909020-01-5567" - "900120-0A-5567"
[ "900120-01-5567", "461131-51-1689", "850315-65-0584", "450920-38-7560", "951219-81-4774", "300827-78-6461", "350203-55-7284", "091231-14-1646", "881019-53-6543", "701130-31-2107", "410616-51-9137", "280803-82-3416", "651212-14-5340" ]
[ "909020-01-5567", "900120-0A-5567", "900120-01-55", "ID", "23456", "234-24", "34%", "$45", "#45", "12/12", "12-12", "234565-23456785432" ]
validates an ICD9 medical code which MAY start with an E or V, 3 digits, and MAY be followed by a period and a 1-2 digit sub-code
validates an ICD9 medical code which MAY start with an E or V, 3 digits, and MAY be followed by a period and a 1-2 digit sub-code Match examples: - "123.45" - "E123.45" - "V123.45" Non-match examples: - "e123" - "X123"
[ "123.45", "E123.45", "V123.45", "456.7", "E456.7", "V456.7", "987", "E987", "V987", "E613.9", "V308", "761.1", "E312.59" ]
[ "e123", "X123", "e123.4", "e123.45", "E12345", "5234567891", "E", "e", "E32456", "E32456.wef", "code", "e343343423" ]
a CPT code is a 4 digits + a captial letter or number (forming 5 character code). The CPT code describes a medical procedure
Matches a CPT code with 4 digits + a capital letter or number (forming 5 character code). The CPT code describes a medical procedure Match examples: - "0001F" - "21082" - "1332U" Non-match examples: - "F0123" - "0001f"
[ "0001F", "21082", "1332U", "4275T", "07229", "1245C", "1721S", "81030", "56692", "2509Z", "3852J", "5582E", "7880M" ]
[ "F0123", "0001f", "100F", "23", "code", "medical procedure", "surgery 2", "1234", "432", "eeewdwe", "efwef3f3f43ff", "43fr321rfq3gfq" ]
This expression will validate user name with the following rules 1- It must start and end with a digit or character 2- It must be exactly 4 to 10 character long 3- Allowed Special Characters are _.-
This expression will validate user name with the following rules 1- It must start and end with a digit or character 2- It must be exactly 4 to 10 character long 3- Allowed Special Characters are _.- Match examples: - "" - "user" - "ma_mo-on.r" Non-match examples: - "_user" - "asfd@12"
[ "", "user", "ma_mo-on.r", "jzoHroWo", "ovxYa.L0", "6Nf03p6", "jYLdj9_GA", "mQLfsKLpw", "QgA6Hpq", "qfWHtRyHU8", "u6R_BceP.5", "FDyOtx8OjZ", "6TajJ" ]
[ "_user", "asfd@12", "user.", "#user", "///wefw", "u$er", "user!", "@user", "<user>", "user?", "{user]", "(user&" ]
match time for : H:nn:ss or HH:nn:ss
match time with formats H:nn:ss or HH:nn:ss Match examples: - "01:00:59" - "1:59:00" - "23:59:59" Non-match examples: - "24:00:00" - "noon"
[ "01:00:59", "1:59:00", "23:59:59", "5:47:31", "12:00:37", "3:50:08", "20:27:13", "08:14:16", "22:59:45", "1:37:17", "20:32:25", "16:24:34", "22:53:53" ]
[ "24:00:00", "noon", "time", "12/12/12", "13-13-2", "02:41:51 AM", "02:41:51 PM", "20 32 25", "203225", "30 seconds", "sec", "min" ]
Accepts non-negative numbers with max two decimals. Commas can be added after every thousand.
Accepts non-negative numbers with max two decimals. Commas can be added after every thousand. Match examples: - "1200" - "1,200" - "1,200.0" Non-match examples: - "-43" - "0"
[ "1200", "1,200", "1,200.0", "12,324,532.23", "234122197712817448008574158167894889305230439779354370220937698578050893782896158227.78", "66394965947682179643452649243327481438317293881647562351429578967172264547986125157892974981634191636120788888047567662264848325693081625589017159", "863733627925899152866894911742679557969889767947742611498454471164255964323279645,158,054,484,881,965,222,364,885,707,932,542,241,383,180,567,542,514,867,036,972", "551369621886461782972191114464492755318941697931276344143837277496938913750923519255734953278866806433835", "91495832182691632527926,239,388,745,348,478,638,589,022,811,804,500,396,125,666,489,385,348,158,122,991,142,491,622,121,197,831,510,750,224,136,027,858,893,276,262,723,662,056,121,638,705,489,406,955,739,455,611,893,175,816,258,765,091,086,512,851,615,787,777,319,437,711,404,832,621,638,630", "9119565471413683647346558195673817473,448,573,495,805,989,746,055,223,129,395,757,273,464,744,931,500,207,298,788,333,550,975,799,871,141,044,106,312,274,764,107,907,931,257,475,081,322,261,496,732,009,898,456,535,014,862,322,492,265,072,816,328,508,305,310,112,689,157,701,089,084,567,448,541,009,967,544,490,653,321,322,705,937", "687357588294667585578626", "813183887279718535883742131575761825911494131375522235917296479139635776545860081144583730851407141300545489780557136407954.73", "7177128286236738886905329772080881695045031017932409702386065046187478712244527378681" ]
[ "-43", "0", "01,423,534.23", "24.4223", "32,42,123", "134253y6hterge", "34ty6", "df435678", "uy67543e", "er456", "543qfv", "653g45" ]
Allows only positive integers that are greater than 0. Also allows for infinite zeros leading the integer Based on William Powell's Pattern Title, but modified to allow for leading zeros.
Allows only positive integers that are greater than 0. Also allows for infinite zeros leading to the integer Match examples: - "1" - "12" - "124" Non-match examples: - "-1" - "a"
[ "1", "12", "124", "01", "0012", "000124", "0456056898853258290052535909141449947763346124071099519164571289854655944451617155912138847698653624336996358636882626419149", "46958256105370176463315311504672534575648608130075527875460958175796347477937281561868894855362966967338559545531263555589847945645798388824272893481681574473762828549614845512745694623960580675", "838778102452570968618002967290535759234381294008100568708521648333919747513582156742395556355534167789561203424421508907573471001467336912131", "59243178360220518974977524032268252869783256427711504297180355797844365133253936498736137912484473134428433629192871622177748415296413197442647517467056322034045330465207797774188209863095273782857468049583162333877772343778564066486", "9035607486667778433287255438431614263", "2173247762150905619270434522184729642314788872748638294323640862487235604846967518462380060904", "107079596931536351545909256730859831054928608180812324257621143683697351393981683292321786696957732259158418344468426292755448306036256986543589987149164084480522274380340274402723299502431465896209140258535790" ]
[ "-1", "a", "1.0", "0000", "number", "345674rwegty", "+987654", "-987654", "0.087654", "9876545678hgfds", "7675r6fyt", "324565tr" ]
[0](\d{9})|([0](\d{2})( |-|)((\d{3}))( |-|)(\d{4}))|[0](\d{2})( |-|)(\d{7})|(\+|00|09)(\d{2}|\d{3})( |-|)(\d{2})( |-|)((\d{3}))( |-|)(\d{4})
allows validation of phone numbers in different formats, including local dialing code (eg 033 or 076) or international dialing code in the formats +12 or 0012 or 0912.
allows validation of phone numbers in different formats, including local dialing code (eg 033 or 076) or international dialing code in the formats +12 or 0012 or 0912. Match examples: - "073-386-2612" - "0443862612" - "076 858 7777" Non-match examples: - "qdsq11123" - "sdfgty654"
[ "073-386-2612", "0443862612", "076 858 7777", "+27 76 858 7777", "0027 765877777", "0956 33 8881234", "0921112720", "0405595829", "+546-08 639-5212", "040-6461703", "021-7377498", "0464291438", "0847314712" ]
[ "qdsq11123", "sdfgty654", "IUYTR5678", "KLJIHUY", "erfhrt67dc", "3ferh8374", "rfenuyd654e5", "43iuhfe78", "3iufh&Y*&*", "HGYTF76", "34redc76", "3456y7hytrf" ]
Matches a percentage between 1 and 100. Accepts up to 2 decimal places. No decimal places accepted.
Matches a percentage between 1 and 100. Accepts up to 2 decimal places. No decimal places are accepted. Match examples: - "1%" - "52%" - "100%" Non-match examples: - "0%" - "100"
[ "1%", "52%", "100%", "49%", "9%", "7%", "89%", "26%", "41%", "5%", "24%", "3%", "25%" ]
[ "0%", "100", "101%", "52", "52.4%", "987654", "2345678", "hugufcxs4", "98765rfg", "hbyugt65r", "8765rf", "hgtfyr5" ]
Versioning in XX.YY.ZZ format
Matching dates in XX.YY.ZZ format Match examples: - "01.02.23" - "11.89.46" - "92.52.78" Non-match examples: - "1.2.3" - "23456.2345.2345"
[ "01.02.23", "11.89.46", "92.52.78", "04.39.63", "23.21.55", "17.50.87", "39.33.14", "79.93.88", "62.51.16", "02.19.99", "16.37.65", "68.49.64", "19.96.63" ]
[ "1.2.3", "23456.2345.2345", "3refwdsy", "4353.34543.34", "2345refdrew", "43564.reqt5", "IP", "#3", ".e.wef.", "efrgt54", "543rd", "gr5445" ]
This expression is ideal used for "identifying some plain application configuration files that contain any form of ip addresses, with or without port number followed and with protocol at the beginning". [\\""=/] can be removed on both ends to seach IPs in text files, but with it, it has better accuracy - there are version numbers in the application configuration files. It also does not match IPs that have one digit at the first number.
Matches plain application configuration files that contain any form of ip addresses, with or without port number followed and with protocol at the beginning". It also does not match IPs that have one digit at the first number. Match examples: - "/ / """ - "=;" - ">;" Non-match examples: - """ "" "" /2224.2224.2224.2224:" - "34567ui"
[ "/ / \"\"", "=;", ">;", "\"\\", "=", "/", "\"", "/,", "\"", "\\", "\"", "\\", "\\;" ]
[ "\"\" \"\" \"\" /2224.2224.2224.2224:", "34567ui", "swdefrtgyhjuik", "IP", "9876.23456.432234.54321", "3245.3234354.42312245.32", "i765rfgh", "/////", "fewcd", "w43rg", "345trf", "654fe" ]
Match all IP addresses other than It dose not match an IP has 0 at the last number
Match all IP addresses other than It dose not match an IP has 0 at the last number Match examples: - "" - "213.728.138.115" - "252.783.463.44" Non-match examples: - "" - "2345"
[ "", "213.728.138.115", "252.783.463.44", "", "", "40.548.5.2", "", "14.58.636.218", "", "233.981.287.39", "", "", "221.36.546.29" ]
[ "", "2345", "13r2456yht", "3r4t56", "345t6", "34567f", "ijyt765", "IP", "34f567hy", "345675432456.234565432.", "irtfcgv", "34567yterf" ]
this expression validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1900-2999, and all 2 digits years except 00
validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1900-2999, and all 2 digits years except 00 Match examples: - "2008/2/29" - "2010/12/31" - "2400/02/29" Non-match examples: - "2009/2/29" - "2010/11/31"
[ "2008/2/29", "2010/12/31", "2400/02/29", "1908/3/24", "2426/10/31", "2445/07/30", "2593/7/31", "2981/12/3", "2741/10/31", "2800/2/29", "1906/12/31", "1921/08/17", "1919/10/29" ]
[ "2009/2/29", "2010/11/31", "2100/02/29", "12-12-12", "12/12/12", "2345678", "date", "32245/23456/3245", "43rfeds", "er4567", "34567543", "3456765432" ]
this expression validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1600-9999, and all 2 digits years except 00
validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1600-9999, and all 2 digits years except 00 Match examples: - "2008/2/29" - "2010/12/31" - "2400/02/29" Non-match examples: - "2009/2/29" - "2010/11/31"
[ "2008/2/29", "2010/12/31", "2400/02/29", "1740/02/29", "1871/03/31", "6829/05/31", "7200/02/29", "7895/8/29", "3055/6/9", "1966/08/29", "1680/02/29", "9386/04/24", "2639/05/18" ]
[ "2009/2/29", "2010/11/31", "2100/02/29", "12-12-12", "12/12/21", "july 4", "noon", "12:12:12", "32456787654", "432413/23435/234", "987654erfg", "r45t6y7" ]
this expression validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d or yyyy-m-d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1600-9999, and all 2 digits years except 00
this expression validates a date-time field in yyyy/m/d or yyyy-m-d format. The days are validated for the given month and year. Leap years are validated for all 4 digits years from 1600-9999, and all 2 digits years except 00 Match examples: - "2008/2/29" - "2010/12/31" - "2400-02-29" Non-match examples: - "2009/2/29" - "2010/11/31"
[ "2008/2/29", "2010/12/31", "2400-02-29", "1928|05/30", "1876-12|11", "1776|10|27", "1907/03/29", "1782|04|15", "1621-11-27", "8142|10/14", "7978-12|2", "8800|02|29", "2348|02|29" ]
[ "2009/2/29", "2010/11/31", "2100-02-29", "12/12/12", "12-12-12", "date", "july 4th", "noon", "12:12:12", "098765434567", "9876tghj", "kljhGFGHJKO" ]
Positive real multi-digit number: don't allow preciding zero, last decimal digit zero not allowed.
Matches positive real multi-digit number: don't allow preceding zero, last decimal digit zero not allowed. Match examples: - "1500" - "0,331" - "12.005" Non-match examples: - "01500" - "0,330"
[ "1500", "0,331", "12.005", "19204207", "0.515397219064482005053962418261754892110130607560901854459878678570886142", "3711317789628530594278175593852273602963673841141805.89952675267724818930125059048808750694531765788250405657468405161255545581758475", "0,031276441419360114979141459693979515028213585191067376944080819212405988924659796784", "0.588997558014435396618053207557453", "78344561005072202780646271634804695577", "9209628591304586,01513469042545248301696622872846074044", "0.075382775592020905438587331315840881474992805278637755", "194036710352866414120909933050685855557052133732759020", "728986200392162" ]
[ "01500", "0,330", "012.0050", "kjhgfd", "#3", "$45", "54%", "098765rtfgh", "34f5", "349876ts", "9876543eds", "$%^&*()" ]
^[^<>`~!/@\#},.?"-$%:;)(_ ^{&*=|'+]+$
This regular expression will remove all invalid chars from a string
Matches any strings without special characters, but can have - [ or ] Match examples: - "AdnanSattar" - "4567jki" - "evbtyui" Non-match examples: - "Adnan=Sattar" - "(*&^%$"
[ "AdnanSattar", "4567jki", "evbtyui", "3f45678kuy", "98765trghj", "gfdrt678", "3freu87t6", "dftgyuhijo9876", "fghukjhjGRFF765", "iuhgyuyguJGG", "vghftFTFT7867", "uygtfyFTY786", "nhgyt" ]
[ "Adnan=Sattar", "(*&^%$", "&^%$", "GTFR$E%^&*", "*&^%RFTGH", "HGTF^&*Y(U)_+P}{:\"LK", "PI(U*Y&T^R%EDRTFYG", "fgctyguhUY&^%Rtfyguhi", "U&^%RTF", "FRT%", "IUY&T^%", "GFRTDE$%R^&T" ]
^((\d{3}[- ]\d{3}[- ]\d{2}[- ]\d{2})|(\d{3}[- ]\d{2}[- ]\d{2}[- ]\d{3}))$
allow to insert input for polish tax identyfication number (NIP). Mask accepted: XXX-XX-XX-XXX ; XXX-XXX-XX-XX ; XXX XX XX XXX ; XXX XXX XX XX
Matches polish tax identification number (NIP). Mask accepted: XXX-XX-XX-XXX ; XXX-XXX-XX-XX ; XXX XX XX XXX ; XXX XXX XX XX Match examples: - "222-22-22-222" - "222-222-22-22" - "222 22 22 222" Non-match examples: - "2222222222" - "XXXXXXXXXX"
[ "222-22-22-222", "222-222-22-22", "222 22 22 222", "222 222 22 22", "046 956 96-35", "401-721 09 88", "675 51 55 031", "561-91-41 108", "825-700 53-14", "637-746 15-25", "921-161-33 32", "192 53 22-178", "090-658-27-75" ]
[ "2222222222", "XXXXXXXXXX", "23142536789", "90876543", "#34567", "XXX XXX XX XX", "########", "phone number", "$45", "54%", "i987654fgh", "324r56789" ]
This regular expression will validate against a valid MAC address. The 6 bytes are hexadecimal and separated by semi colon or dash caracters.
This regular expression will validate against a valid MAC address. The 6 bytes are hexadecimal and separated by semi colon or dash caracters. Match examples: - "01:23:45:67:89:AB" - "BA-57:B3-B9:C2-A8" - "D4-AC:94-1C-4E-90" Non-match examples: - "01:23:45:67:89:X9" - "12345678"
[ "01:23:45:67:89:AB", "BA-57:B3-B9:C2-A8", "D4-AC:94-1C-4E-90", "37-69-64-7A:55-33", "25:87:CB-DE-68:64", "83:59-09:02:13-1E", "7C-3D-35-37-08:08", "46:03:FE:29-70:EE", "64-E6:97:26-4F-ED", "15:63:B1-70:C1-0F", "C9:4F-2C-62:2E:9F", "30-1C-F5:0D-37-5D", "3A-34-0D-18-8E:D6" ]
[ "01:23:45:67:89:X9", "12345678", "12345:987654", "123,24,24", "34235.342.152", "343532.43.34321", "435421.354.231431", "2314.123431345.212.3242", "335fgdd45Y", "#34567", "#(*&^FGHJ", "num" ]
Matches any positive decimal number > 0 with optional leading '+' symbol and optional leading or trailing zeros on both sides of the decimal point. Decimal point is also optional and either side of the decimal is optional.
Matches any positive decimal number > 0 with optional leading '+' symbol and optional leading or trailing zeros on both sides of the decimal point. Decimal point is also optional and either side of the decimal is optional. Match examples: - "010" - "010." - ".010" Non-match examples: - "." - "0"
[ "010", "010.", ".010", "010.010", "1243404772609295125460204035371614003828140108310.483882086089625121162296779392682463219687872418273841445297924589778656003699081173212696446764736168076709970110754272238158416496545182962276094816", "5787025258777226663819707379967196319384975473222131719286424617699635015993186695518392374645129413419824232769857118625924603488979620374196139158758967049899733974940005868347971383727258240349596530422889540028763704063", "+317390232368475384705319870283923655456872508597988998976484148982938930.74523413535367925846016470846001759708321521822199817916089893999756887856549219073857219000875348648398655713758532481199114884894818968926621332224528469823343672849792642124964271582263456940281441421730106292133702246064612081827607425743354934348703280078104380", "3182953897310785099910859118987204527113286602884476165.28666207806970913135774976284702115742844755844412008808399999838191175393795883917224339648955713837443957888639584667972427000449501810553657701093462565010252121364298943852915776823", "+46370587770832127929678376020248618142063452521989380145271251667849315652492763262895792996981293241358532486717314359262894718466298817749.0078953534904249259027644247073555111954696015987831490536214972", "+2158922856848719788004463835161024721556049945038228650203116367358142567921754193930284810014092696233574634329661884665831191742846614885446427786673787946142266681778485231299718559289788467849451632431428549557392523457149997506741350457845340358478259692.6676486109196738323654340119355044821760389646549846054709560", "+3443945771146322543101357179404990583317234398482679935929068146400310910737428742620921232436424511637883899494145437199864646986253318858145738253467897784935646391753133672842758967382388500380499978777346245625941109501315287373888375921853016913967902029227211816933034790877546215539", "540224785306964502417438075178309712450793216478411365239754751449503078288507348034276230640265870415651654801965705369326833953079649729225951284764202884061108949", "701894580094396043330941524260187427917372819176324599452830966390264117488527308225997026.731512256780380230594821447687785797535881670939160002092513059769006480051521463873976495539361793328226463771981348378341425825394853626992438944879686674884538674384632264928790579882949939404150959456898163151736661811870448" ]
[ ".", "0", "0.", ".0", "0.0", "0.00", "00.0", "00.00", "-0", "-1", "a", "#" ]
Matches the UK Drivers License format: i. Must be 16 characters ii. First 5 characters are alphanumeric. iii. Next 6 characters must be numeric iv. Next 3 characters are alphanumeric v. Last 2 characters are alpha vi. Second character of numeric section can only be 0, 1, 5 or 6. 7. Fourth and fifth characters of numeric section must be in the range 01 to 31.
Matches the UK Drivers License format: i. Must be 16 characters ii. First 5 characters are alphanumeric. iii. Next 6 characters must be numeric iv. Next 3 characters are alphanumeric v. Last 2 characters are alpha vi. Second character of numeric section can only be 0, 1, 5 or 6. 7. Fourth and fifth characters of numeric section must be in the range 01 to 31. Match examples: - "SASAS701062AB8DD" - "OOVJW664033DAGCW" - "ASD12405315AA4AA" Non-match examples: - "SASAS701062AB8D" - "ASD12405315AA4A"
[ "SASAS701062AB8DD", "OOVJW664033DAGCW", "ASD12405315AA4AA", "ABCDE101010XY9AA", "L81PT101045J2PJZ", "F4UFY6761434Y8VO", "PCVMQ002145D8MCC", "XGTOC760067R9EVK", "E5R6H6703194RVUT", "TI7XY265044RUCZQ", "02CQ8663081B5TKM", "NDAID811302OTCMP", "C0OMR760174Q9QPS" ]
[ "SASAS701062AB8D", "ASD12405315AA4A", "ABCDE101010XY9A", "ABD2A121010AM9FA", "ABCDE101010XY9A9", "AbCdE711215GG9aa", "AFG98101010AM9Fa", "SSSSS841215SS9SS", "AFG98101000AM9FA", "AF¬98101010AM9FA", "ABC99808275m99sc", "ABCDE654321A98" ]
^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\-' ]*[a-zA-Z ]$
Check for person name in database for example. A person name is a string compound of letters in upper or lower case and three more typographical characters, the hyphen (-), the simple quote or apostrophe (') and the space. For these three characters, not at the beginning or the end of the string.
Matches a name that is s string compound of letters in upper or lower case and three more typographical characters, the hyphen (-), the simple quote or apostrophe ('), and the space. For these three characters, not at the beginning or the end of the string. Match examples: - "Pierre-Francis d'Astier de Weyergans-Migery" - "Jeanne d'Arc" - "Nicolas Sarkozy" Non-match examples: - "-tutu" - "tutu-"
[ "Pierre-Francis d'Astier de Weyergans-Migery", "Jeanne d'Arc", "Nicolas Sarkozy", "Charles de Gaulle", "Dominique Strauss-Kahn", "John", "Smith", "Lucky", "Kathryn", "wwefrgthyjukil", "jUHYGTFhujil", "GUyiuhTFY", "UYFuuiGUGugGug" ]
[ "-tutu", "tutu-", "'tutu", "tutu'", "tu1tu", "tu*tu", "1tutu", "tutu*", "$4", "98765rftghb", "54%", "12-12" ]
^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9]){1}(:[0-5][0-9][ ][aApP][mM]){1}$
This will validate 12 hours time format with AM/am PM/pm
This will validate 12 hours time format with AM/am PM/pm Match examples: - "11:11 AM" - "01:11 PM" - "12:59 AM" Non-match examples: - "21:11 AM" - "00:00 PM"
[ "11:11 AM", "01:11 PM", "12:59 AM", "08:07 Pm", "4:37 PM", "7:42 aM", "1:49 pM", "12:48 aM", "12:20 PM", "02:04 PM", "5:24 pM", "6:14 aM", "10:12 Pm" ]
[ "21:11 AM", "00:00 PM", "10:70 AM", "10:50PM", "am", "PM", "12-12", "12/12", "time", "noon", "1 pm", "00" ]
Range validator for urine lab panel specific gravity. The valid range is 1.000 to 1.400 inclusive. Sometimes < and > are used but not in the context of <1.000 nor >1.400. To 1, 2 or 3 decimals. Normal range is 1.003 to 1.03 but is left to the viewer.
Range validator for urine lab panel specific gravity. The valid range is 1.000 to 1.400 inclusive. Sometimes < and > are used but not in the context of <1.000 nor >1.400. To 1, 2 or 3 decimals. Normal range is 1.003 to 1.03 but is left to the viewer. Match examples: - ">1.0" - "<1.001" - ">1.399" Non-match examples: - ">1.400" - "1."
[ ">1.0", "<1.001", ">1.399", "<1B06", "<1T072", "1<0", "<1I015", "1B34", "100", ">1-05", "130", "1:03", ">1}014" ]
[ ">1.400", "1.", "1.0011", "23refds", "4356HUI*T^R&%", "HT^&R", "#", "3", "34", "4353", "$4", "45%" ]
DD/MM/YYYY with leap year detection as most of the date regex are in MM/DD/YYYY format. Allows MM and DD to be 1 or 2 digits, eg. D/M/YYYY, D/MM/YYYY or DD/M/YYYY
DD/MM/YYYY with leap year detection as most of the date regex are in MM/DD/YYYY format. Allows MM and DD to be 1 or 2 digits, eg. D/M/YYYY, D/MM/YYYY or DD/M/YYYY Match examples: - "21/01/1972" - "21/1/1972" - "1/1/1972" Non-match examples: - "21-01-1972" - "21-01-1972"
[ "21/01/1972", "21/1/1972", "1/1/1972", "29/2/2012", "29/02/2012", "10/31/12/1943", "6/30/10/1972", "029/02/1908", "4/10/4721", "09/30/12/6065", "029/02/1908", "09/10/1997", "029/2/6156" ]
[ "21-01-1972", "21-01-1972", "29/02/2011", "234567", "12-12-12", "12/2", "0000", "date", "12:12", "12|12|1212", "234567890", "$45" ]
The expression matches any weekday name (english) in short (2 or 3 characters) or full style. Use it with case insensitive mode in your date matching expressions.
The expression matches any weekday name (english) in short (2 or 3 characters) or full style. Use it with case insensitive mode in your date matching expressions. Match examples: - "Mo" - "Sun" - "Monday" Non-match examples: - "Any" - "day"
[ "Mo", "Sun", "Monday", "Sunday", "Tues", "Tu", "Tuesday", "We", "Wednesday", "Th", "Thursday", "Sa", "Saturday" ]
[ "Any", "day", "week", "MWF", "78654", "rfe4gt53", "44", "345678", "erwdsa", "87654", "12", "sdfghjkl" ]
Mobile Number starts with 7,8,9 and total 10 digits
Matches mobile numbers that stars with 7,8,9 and have a total 10 digits Match examples: - "9848457682" - "8748070871" - "9140445480" Non-match examples: - "123456789" - "234"
[ "9848457682", "8748070871", "9140445480", "8187798460", "7205929092", "7873485779", "8228102485", "7943185172", "9270010952", "7420143970", "7828685261", "7320622463", "9763183399" ]
[ "123456789", "234", "324213", "-8765", "+8765", "$567890", "8765%", "#4", "12.324", "12.12", "12/12", "12-12" ]
^((\+|00)[1-9]{1,3})?(\-| {0,1})?(([\d]{0,3})(\-| {0,1})?([\d]{5,11})){1}$
International phone number with 6 capturing groups: international prefix (00 xor '+'); 1 to 3 international code number, no zero allowed; optional space or hyphen; 0 to 3 local prefix number; optional space or hyphen; 5 to 11 local number without spaces or hyphens;
Matches international phone number with 6 capturing groups: international prefix (00 xor '+'); 1 to 3 international code number, no zero allowed; optional space or hyphen; 0 to 3 local prefix number; optional space or hyphen; 5 to 11 local number without spaces or hyphens; Match examples: - "0034 91 12345678" - "+39-2-1234567" - "9112345678" Non-match examples: - "0034 91 123-456-789" - "(91)12345678"
[ "0034 91 12345678", "+39-2-1234567", "9112345678", "-5200553", "844001", "00936 0029092", "-92730", "4551720", "+918618376322", "+4 76 33954021871", "8429837872", "+5827195410", "-84599725" ]
[ "0034 91 123-456-789", "(91)12345678", "0034 (91)12345678", "(8765)", "32", "-", "+9", "$567", "8765%", "43e", "43eds", "54re3" ]
Matches DD/MM/YYYY for Arabic Hijri Dates. It starts range from 1434 ( current year ) to 1499
Matches DD/MM/YYYY for Arabic Hijri Dates. It starts range from 1434 ( current year ) to 1499 Match examples: - "29/12/1434" - "01/02/1435" - "30/11/1434" Non-match examples: - "31/12/144" - "01/2/1435"
[ "29/12/1434", "01/02/1435", "30/11/1434", "30/09/1494", "26/01/1483", "02/10/1448", "26/05/1468", "07/03/1484", "06/03/1445", "14/08/1438", "02/08/1486", "26/04/1468", "30/12/1443" ]
[ "31/12/144", "01/2/1435", "5/5/1435", "12/12", "12-12", "12-12-1212", "2134567", "+098765", "-987654", "date", "august 5th", "76rdfg" ]