Accepts only positive decimal values. Zero and negative numbers are non-matching.Allows zeros after last non-zero numeric value after decimal place for significant digits
Accepts only positive decimal values. Zero and negative numbers are non-matching. Allows zeros after last non-zero numeric value after decimal place for significant digits. Match examples: - "01.23" - "0.15" - "0.1568" Non-match examples: - "0" - "-0.18"
[ "01.23", "0.15", "0.1568", "516.485", "845.65", "8945.645", "7865.897", "849.897", "9.6", "6.3", "87.24", "46.21", "54.12346" ]
[ "0", "-0.18", ".0", "-49856", "-9-456", "-1595.159", "-9156.894", "-7989.159", "00000", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Simple American date format mm-dd-yyyy or mm-dd-yy, no time. Date range is 1900 --> 2099. Is enough for my purposes. Incorectly validates 02-29-1900. I created this to validate dates on a web form where the likely range will be 2000-->2020. Seperators can be '.','/' or '-' Anyone know the rules for operator precedence for regex syntax?
Simple American date format mm-dd-yyyy or mm-dd-yy, no time. Date range is 1900 --> 2099. Match examples: - "02-29-2004" - "1/31/1997" - "1-2-03" Non-match examples: - "02-29-2003" - "04-31-2003"
[ "02-29-2004", "1/31/1997", "1-2-03", "2-2706", "03/22.18", "110573", "3.311915", "2.2916", "11/1696", "11-3084", "2-29.32", "218-2085", "2292088" ]
[ "02-29-2003", "04-31-2003", "31-03-05", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "2/33/5235", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
yyyyMMdd with leap year validation, starting from year 2000 only. The length of the expression is minimized, but still validates all entries. If you want it with years like 1600 or separators, just ask :)
yyyyMMdd with leap year validation, starting from year 2000 only. Match examples: - "20000101" - "20051231" - "20040229" Non-match examples: - "19990101" - "20053112"
[ "20000101", "20051231", "20040229", "99691129", "48821031", "88000229", "95430105", "29040731", "80840229", "53320229", "56830531", "36600531", "60231031" ]
[ "19990101", "20053112", "20050229", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "188414568", "98498765", "94848798", "51354987" ]
yyMMdd with leap years. Minimized expression. As we have only 2 numbers for the years, dates 1600, 2000, etc are still validated.
yyMMdd with leap years. Minimized expression. As we have only 2 numbers for the years, dates 1600, 2000, etc are still validated. Match examples: - "001231" - "000229" - "040229" Non-match examples: - "003112" - "000431"
[ "001231", "000229", "040229", "351119", "600229", "040229", "720229", "880508", "440930", "250901", "760229", "231230", "861031" ]
[ "003112", "000431", "010229", "481565", "879875", "954987", "985687", "987654", "654987", "846257", "842613", "971397" ]
HHmmss without any separators. Hours in 24h format.
HHmmss without any separators. Hours in 24h format. Match examples: - "235959" - "000000" - "012345" Non-match examples: - "240000" - "23:59:59"
[ "235959", "000000", "012345", "035005", "103026", "230303", "021912", "223112", "213234", "193556", "175345", "233704", "215341" ]
[ "240000", "23:59:59", "236060", "489797", "987987", "654987", "654654", "789789", "789456", "456789", "984657", "954768" ]
This matches all positive decimal values. There was one here already which claimed to but would fail on value 0.00 which is positive AFAIK...
Matches all positive decimal values. Match examples: - "0.00" - "1.23" - "4.56" Non-match examples: - "-1.03" - "-0.01"
[ "0.00", "1.23", "4.56", "485.48956", "615.546", "456.849", "5.549", "684.21", "98.21", "64.21", "654.2", "5198.15", "4859.12" ]
[ "-1.03", "-0.01", "-0.00", "-9851.156", "-15.18", "-56.2954", "-5.5948", "-516.21", "-5164.5", "-5943.975", "-645.0125", "-56.2464" ]
MM/dd/yyyy with 100% leap year validation starting from year 2000. If this one doesn't fit your needs, just tell me. Sorry for starting "only" from year 2000, this is so simple to change this, please ask if needed. Enjoy
MM/dd/yyyy with 100% leap year validation starting from year 2000. Match examples: - "02/29/2000" - "02/29/2004" - "12/31/2001" Non-match examples: - "02/29/2100" - "02/29/2001"
[ "02/29/2000", "02/29/2004", "12/31/2001", "11/21/9802", "01/28/9466", "07/31/8066", "02/29/2344", "02/29/8608", "02/29/9404", "10/31/5991", "10/31/8787", "02/29/5496", "02/29/8608" ]
[ "02/29/2100", "02/29/2001", "1/1/2001", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Formatted Number with "," as thousand separator and "." as decimal separator. now accept numbers without separators of thousands.
Formatted Number with "," as thousand separator and "." as decimal separator. now accept numbers without separators of thousands. Match examples: - "10,000,000.123" - "3.14159265" - "546.4985" Non-match examples: - "2.7,1828183" - "49.26484,65"
[ "10,000,000.123", "3.14159265", "546.4985", "834.4897", "45.5194", "2.1569", "54.5497", "5.21945", "5.5675", "56.24957", "2.219", "2.54", "3.2465" ]
[ "2.7,1828183", "49.26484,65", "83.2149,", "652498,4.21,", "65.591,.51,6", "1984,.54.", "561.2162.546", ".2162.0246265,456", ".516,815.916", ".2,165", "462,561.,516,4", "156.2462451,165," ]
This simple reg-ex accepts any vowel letter.
This simple reg-ex accepts any vowel letter(AEIOUYaeiouy). Match examples: - "a" - "o" - "e" Non-match examples: - "z" - "x"
[ "a", "o", "e", "i", "u", "y", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y" ]
[ "z", "x", "W", "T", "P", "l", "k", "j", "h", "g", "f", "d" ]
Allows up to seven digits to the left and up to nine digits to the right of an optional decimal place. Leading zeros on the left of the decimal are accepted. Only positive values are accepted.
Allows up to seven digits to the left and up to nine digits to the right of an optional decimal place. Leading zeros on the left of the decimal are accepted. Only positive values are accepted. Refined prompt: Match examples: - "1" - "0123456.123456789" - ".123456789" Non-match examples: - ".0123456789" - "0.0"
[ "1", "0123456.123456789", ".123456789", "456.549", "849.2462", "456.3456", "876.2466", "789549.246", "456.54987", "561.2154", "987.216897", "2495897.2165", "496" ]
[ ".0123456789", "0.0", "-1", "8941568456357.126", "8944563569516.21645", "19564.1985412657462", "95844563234546", "-945162", "-9565-+6*/8-95", "-+695-69-56", "-5+62-9+65/8956", "6++23" ]
Applied to a .RTF document, returns all the names of the# bookmarks. Useful to retrieve# dinamically# the list of bookmarks from a document.
Applied to a .RTF document, returns all the names of the# bookmarks. Useful to retrieve# dinamically# the list of bookmarks from a document. Match examples: - "{\*\bkmkstart TagAmountDigits}" - "({\*\bkmkstart TagAmountText}" - "{\*\bkmkstart
ypQVK]b[,k`}" Non-match examples: - "{\*\bkmkend TagAmountText}" - "{\*\bkmkend fadsfqf}"
[ "{\\*\\bkmkstart TagAmountDigits}", "({\\*\\bkmkstart TagAmountText}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart
ypQVK]b[,k`}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart }", "{\\*\\bkmkstart asdfa}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart ewfwdz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart wdfasdaz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart 2efsdffz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart sdfz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart adsfz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart zadsfwe}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart hgfdhz}", "{\\*\\bkmkstart zkjhgk}" ]
[ "{\\*\\bkmkend TagAmountText}", "{\\*\\bkmkend fadsfqf}", "{\\*\\bkmkend TagAmdsfaountText}", "{\\*\\bkmkend adsf}", "{\\*\\bkmkend asdfsad}", "bkmkstartf2ef2e", "bkmkstartj676u", "bkmkstart67ju67", "bkmkstart67m7", "bkmkstartn67n6", "bkmksg76tart", "67hvbkmkstart" ]
returns string between two quotes
returns string between two quotes Match examples: - "Return Parent.DB.GetDataReader("CauseImmediateGet", MyIncidentEventTypeID)" - ""fadsfds"" - ""fwubeh98hu"h9io" Non-match examples: - "Return Parent.DB.GetDataReader(CauseImmediateGet", MyIncidentEventTypeID)" - "fewf"Fsdf"
[ "Return Parent.DB.GetDataReader(\"CauseImmediateGet\", MyIncidentEventTypeID)", "\"fadsfds\"", "\"fwubeh98hu\"h9io", "fsiudjfn\"fsdij\"", "\"fhuidsh9i\"", "HUI\"ufijsd\"", "uibjks\"g8qw\"", "huds\"78gu832\"", "hui\"hfuisdy8\"", "\"reuwu\"", "\"hufij\"", "u90io\"ruew8ori23\"", "uio\"u8r932u\"" ]
[ "Return Parent.DB.GetDataReader(CauseImmediateGet\", MyIncidentEventTypeID)", "fewf\"Fsdf", "FDS\"FD", "12/123/4322", "2346-2\"F345-2435", "\"2/3/5235", "@#dfk\"jnav", "12f3.21\"f3.213f", "\"qwerty@123.123", "341.4\"31v4f3.fv1", "abc11\"1def", "0j0jweB\"BBB" ]
Airway bill no that allows only the format 999-99999998 and does not allow the last digit to be 7,8,9.
Airway bill No. that allows only the format 999-99999998 and does not allow the last digit to be 7,8,9. Match examples: - "999-99999995" - "123-47859683" - "156-78965422" Non-match examples: - "123-47859689" - "9999999999"
[ "999-99999995", "123-47859683", "156-78965422", "319-78344900", "961-21496451", "767-65572445", "721-23909015", "662-31756823", "287-18129794", "044-95274085", "866-43239106", "476-20607603", "990-35637882" ]
[ "123-47859689", "9999999999", "9588-58964", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "qwerty@123.123", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Positive real number greater than zero.
Positive real number greater than zero. Match examples: - "0.01" - "010001.011010" - ".234" Non-match examples: - "0.00 OR ." - "010001.011010E"
[ "0.01", "010001.011010", ".234", "156", "456", "46", "873857", "687", "68", "46.46845", "546.23453", "486.278", "987.12659" ]
[ "0.00 OR .", "010001.011010E", "1.234.5", "498.4564t", "7fgy", "f7gyf324", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Matches valids TCP/IP-Adresses
Matches valids TCP/IP-Adresses. Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "..12.23" - "a.23.345"
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "..12.23", "a.23.345", "400.500.300.300", "23r.32r32", "r2.323.25", "r..t34.t34.", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12). 62509", ".gm.ail" ]
MM/dd/yyyy with 100% leap years. Valid since year 1900. MM and DD could have 1 or 2 digits : M/d/yyyy or MM/d/yyyy or M/dd/yyyy This was a request from a user in
MM/dd/yyyy with 100% leap years. Valid since year 1900. MM and DD could have 1 or 2 digits : M/d/yyyy or MM/d/yyyy or M/dd/yyyy Match examples: - "01/31/1905" - "1/9/1900" - "2/29/1904" Non-match examples: - "31/01/2005" - "02/29/2005"
[ "01/31/1905", "1/9/1900", "2/29/1904", "05/11/7125", "6/30/2193", "02/29/9200", "02/29/5200", "12/31/1968", "9/07/9325", "07/24/9722", "12/30/5484", "7/31/7906", "2/29/1912" ]
[ "31/01/2005", "02/29/2005", "2/29/2005", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Regular expression to limit types of files accepted. This example matches .jpg and .gif files only.
Regular expression to limit types of files accepted. This example matches .jpg and .gif files only. Match examples: - "filename.jpg" - "FileName.JPG" - "filename.gif" Non-match examples: - "filename.png" - ""
[ "filename.jpg", "FileName.JPG", "filename.gif", "fdsfs.jpg", "fvystd.jpg", "yug78.JPG", "g67fg.JPG", "q76f.JPG", "q7f.JPG", "q76f.GIF", "yh98h.GIF", "78tgy8.GIF", "g7yhb.GIF" ]
[ "filename.png", "", "filename.bmp", "f23ewf.dhua", "g78u.7y8uh", "f34.34f34", "f34.t3545y", "jpgjpg", "gif", "gpjjgpig", "jpggifjpg", "jpgif" ]
^(\$\ |\$)?((0|00|[1-9]\d*|([1-9]\d{0,2}(\,\d{3})*))(\.\d{1,4})?|(\.\d{1,4}))$
Allows for a dollar sign with no space after, a dollar sign with a space after, and no dollar sign. Also makes sure theres no more than 4 decimal places. Takes out leading zeros if the number isn't 0, and protects against blank entries.
Allows for a dollar sign with no space after, a dollar sign with a space after, and no dollar sign. Also makes sure theres no more than 4 decimal places. Takes out leading zeros if the number isn't 0, and protects against blank entries. Match examples: - "$ 123.4" - "$00.5" - "200,000" Non-match examples: - "$012,234.44" - "-39.05"
[ "$ 123.4", "$00.5", "200,000", "$48", "$486", "$845", "$ 513", "$453.15", "$483.1", "$486.1", "$987.6", "818", "987" ]
[ "$012,234.44", "-39.05", "$45,23,330.00", "$12/123/4322", "$2346-2345-2435", "$43.v234", "$/5/5/5", "$/5/5/20022", "$qwerty@123.123", "$adfa2", "(0xx12) 62509$", "$12/132/90" ]
Simple Microsoft product key check.
Simple Microsoft product key check. Match examples: - "12345-12345-12345-12345-12345" - "ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE-ABCDE" - "AB5DE-AB5DE-AB5DE-AB5DE-AB5DE" Non-match examples: - "12345-123-123456-12345" - "ABC-ABCDEF-ABCDE-ABCDE"
[ "12345-123-123456-12345", "ABC-ABCDEF-ABCDE-ABCDE", "12AB5-ABC-12AB567-12AB5", "95841984-4895-4fs8d4-15sf", "FDS51-F459SDFS--84D", "498SFD4-SFD49SD84-F489-59", "9FS48-FDS51984-F9DS5-5F9", "9F8S-849DF984-15FS9-591F", "954FG-591D988-494FWE599", "489-489FW-FS-594", "159-F9W5E84F-98F5", "8914-FWE1598-195FW" ]
Can be used to match on (and strip out) low-order non-printable ASCII characters (ASCII 0-31) from string data prior to adding to an XML document. Useful when using parsers like Microsoft's MSXML3 that strictly enforce W3C specification on allowable characters. Does not match on ASCII 9 (horiz tab), 10 (carriage return), 13 (line feed).
Can be used to match on (and strip out) low-order non-printable ASCII characters (ASCII 0-31) from string data prior to adding to an XML document. Useful when using parsers like Microsoft's MSXML3 that strictly enforce W3C specification on allowable characters. Does not match on ASCII 9 (horiz tab), 10 (carriage return), 13 (line feed). Match examples: - "" - "" - "&#x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001B;" Non-match examples: - " " - "�"
[ "", "", "&#x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001B;", "&#x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004;", "&#x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011;", "&#x000000000000000000000000000001E;", "&#x000000000000000000000000000000000001D;", "", "&#x000000000000000000000001D;", "", "", "&#x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016;", "" ]
[ " ", "�", "&34f2vf42e", "&12/123/4322", "&2346-2345-2435", "&43.v234", "&@#dfkjnav", "&/5/5/20022", "&qwerty@123.123", "&adfa2", "&(0xx12) 62509", "9&9999@gmail" ]
Validador de CPF ou CNPJ brasileiro. Utilizado em campos que podem receber os dois valores, como um campo de busca, que pode buscar por CPF ou CNPJ, como era o meu caso. [00.000.000/0000-00], [123.456.789-98],[00000000000000] e [12345678998] Enjoy! =)
The provided regex pattern appears to match strings that represent either a Danish CPR number (with or without separators) or a 14-digit numeric string, depending on the format. Match examples: - "00.000.000/0000-00" - "123.456.789-98" - "12345678901234" Non-match examples: - "" - "123.456.789.89"
[ "00.000.000/0000-00", "123.456.789-98", "12345678901234", "68874610114", "09B027c994/2311-87", "67534682031", "57h394u262/5229-44", "88842034209", "39929489443824", "45r7632515/6263-78", "78369540356", "01207658626540", "43050587251" ]
[ "", "123.456.789.89", "34f2vf42e", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "34.31", "12/132/90" ]
If you need a textbox to allow only positive numbers with two decimal places, try this. I wanted the user to be able to enter any type of currency amount (US of course) but also have two decimal places for database field.
allow only positive numbers with two decimal places Match examples: - "12.56" - "0.25" - "156.56" Non-match examples: - "-123.45" - "1.023"
[ "12.56", "0.25", "156.56", "489.12", "4865.21", "89456.21", "89465.65", "8975.54", "489516.11", "49856.66", "49856.99", "54.77", "5219.88" ]
[ "-123.45", "1.023", "1.2", "48.218", "45.2", "189.", "8956.2", "48956.219562", "48956.2498.89489", "49825.495", "48953.519", "87" ]
Validate location, latitude and longitude separated by space, where latitude is expressed as compass direction (N or S),degrees,minutes,seconds and longitude is expressed as compassdirection (E or W) ,degrees,minutes,seconds. Range check for minutes and seconds (0-59), max.latitude 90.00.00, max longitude 180.00.00
Validate location, latitude and longitude separated by space, where latitude is expressed as compass direction (N or S),degrees,minutes,seconds and longitude is expressed as compassdirection (E or W) ,degrees,minutes,seconds. Range check for minutes and seconds (0-59), max.latitude 90.00.00, max longitude 180.00.00 Match examples: - "N90.00.00 E180.00.00" - "S34.59.33 W179.59.59" - "N00.00.00 W000.00.00" Non-match examples: - "N91.00.00 E181.00.00" - "Z34.59.33 W179.59.59"
[ "N90.00.00 E180.00.00", "S34.59.33 W179.59.59", "N00.00.00 W000.00.00", "S90.00.00 E013.15.23", "S30.44.42 W027.59.59", "S35.47.34 E180.00.00", "N90.00.00 E180.00.00", "N15.59.23 W028.14.59", "S90.00.00 E088.37.23", "S90.00.00 E180.00.00", "N90.00.00 W165.48.19", "N84.48.25 W180.00.00", "N39.48.02 E180.00.00" ]
[ "N91.00.00 E181.00.00", "Z34.59.33 W179.59.59", "N00.00.00 W181.00.00", "fasd@fds.fasd@", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "99999@gmail" ]
Matches /* style comments */. Matches whitespace (so can detect tabs, etc.) Problems with nested comments.
Matches /* style comments */. Matches whitespace (so can detect tabs, etc.) Match examples: - "/* CSS comments */" - "/* multi-line SQL/CSS/Etc comments */" - "/*2fsdffd*/" Non-match examples: - "<!-- doesn't match -->" - "-- won't match and //won't match"
[ "/* CSS comments */", "/* multi-line SQL/CSS/Etc comments */", "/*2fsdffd*/", "/*afdsafs */", "/* fweeafds*/", "/*adsfdf comments */", "/* CSS fewf3 */", "/* CSS 54g4g5 */", "/* Chmme45hftnts */", "/* Crfbhrfeh54nts */", "/* Ch45rfents */", "/* C4tfgh6j7ents */", "/* C98kints */" ]
[ "<!-- doesn't match -->", "-- won't match and //won't match", "34f2vf42e*/", "12/123/4322*/", "2346-2345-2435*/", "*/43.v234", "@#dfkjnav*/", "/5/5/*/20022", "qwerty@123*/.123", "341.431v*/4f3.fv1", "*/(0xx12) 62509", "12/13*/2/90" ]
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports: 0 through 1023. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 1023.
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports: 0 through 1023. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 1023. Match examples: - "0" - "123" - "1023" Non-match examples: - "1024" - "9999"
[ "0", "123", "1023", "1016", "1003", "1", "1000", "1009", "1002", "1008", "1020", "1010", "1023" ]
[ "1024", "9999", "99999", "45166", "49856", "4895684567", "7532", "8a", "76548915", "f67g8", "6f7y-89456", "-95616" ]
Port Numbers: Registered Ports: 1024 through 49151. Matches numbers in range of 1024 through 49151.
Port Numbers: Registered Ports: 1024 through 49151. Matches numbers in range of 1024 through 49151. Match examples: - "1024" - "49151" - "30100" Non-match examples: - "1023" - "49152"
[ "1024", "49151", "30100", "49150", "49053", "49151", "7825", "24656", "1091", "49011", "1872", "49150", "49086" ]
[ "1023", "49152", "50000", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "123*/", "738522", "875727", "432/524/2435", "adfa2", "(0xx12) 62509", "278257" ]
Port Numbers: Dynamic and/or Private Ports: 49152 through 65535. Matches numbers in range of 49152 through 65535.
Port Numbers: Dynamic and/or Private Ports: 49152 through 65535. Matches numbers in range of 49152 through 65535. Match examples: - "49152" - "65535" - "50000" Non-match examples: - "49151" - "65536"
[ "49152", "65535", "50000", "49162", "65532", "60635", "49193", "65523", "65509", "65448", "63646", "49197", "57459" ]
[ "49151", "65536", "66000", "987456", "489516", "4895", "a49851", "489514815645", "1562", "156", "251625", "12975" ]
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports & Registered Ports: 0 through 49151. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 49151.
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports & Registered Ports: 0 through 49151. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 49151. Match examples: - "0" - "1023" - "49151" Non-match examples: - "49152" - "50000"
[ "0", "1023", "49151", "49151", "8086", "49023", "49082", "34", "49015", "49150", "40021", "49132", "10639" ]
[ "49152", "50000", "60000", "87945612", "84561", "984561", "948517", "a4", "5734768489451", "78945", "87645", "5915u" ]
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports, Registered Ports & Dynamic and/or Private Ports: 0 through 65536. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 65536.
Port Numbers: Well Known Ports, Registered Ports & Dynamic and/or Private Ports: 0 through 65536. Matches numbers in range of 0 through 65536. Match examples: - "1023" - "49151" - "65535" Non-match examples: - "65536" - "66000"
[ "1023", "49151", "65535", "65530", "65501", "65503", "65043", "64740", "63956", "8582", "195", "7371", "64121" ]
[ "65536", "66000", "67000", "-49856", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "432/524/2435", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
Good For Validating Phone numbers that are 0 to 9 in length
Good For Validating Phone numbers that are 0 to 9 in length Match examples: - "123456" - "12354" - "456443" Non-match examples: - "456abcd" - "894561845684561"
[ "123456", "12354", "456443", "4651", "415", "46848", "5", "87", "195", "4856", "48569", "485657", "984526" ]
[ "456abcd", "894561845684561", "89456129845675", "784562a", "98455754a", "RFTVG567tgyuhb", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "qwerty@123.123", "adfa2", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
This pattern will match any multi-line or single line comments in TSQL (Stored Procedures or SPROC's) in MS SQL Server.
This pattern will match any multi-line or single line comments in TSQL (Stored Procedures or SPROC's) in MS SQL Server. Match examples: - "/* My Comment */" - "-- A single line comment" - "-- 78BHUJN" Non-match examples: - "*/ Won't work /*" - "// Not likely"
[ "/* My Comment */", "-- A single line comment", "-- 78BHUJN", "-- F7GYUBI", "-- 6F7YGUIN", "-- FFEWF3E", "-- G5TH5", "-- g45hb", "-- g4r5yhrt", "/* efr3 */", "/* f3ergt54 */", "/* g4ht5u7 */", "/* fe3rght */" ]
[ "*/ Won't work /*", "// Not likely", "- uh uh", "-afsd-fsd", "f-dsa-fa", "-fsda-f-", "f-ds-fsa-s-fads", "-afd adfdsaffasd", "//dasfbushf9da8u", "//h87fadisufbj", "//8uibjhfw2", "//y8huibj" ]
US vehicle VIN numbers for vehicles with GVW < 10k lbs
US vehicle VIN numbers for vehicles with GVW < 10k lbs Match examples: - "WDBCA45EXKA478654" - "X7PFG20Y1TD761390" - "HSCKU35F3RKV57445" Non-match examples: - "WDBCA45EXKA47865a" - "E:\DyAGT\SD01A_specV2.jpg"
[ "WDBCA45EXKA478654", "X7PFG20Y1TD761390", "HSCKU35F3RKV57445", "7TSES3215J3328107", "ZEOMN43G5YLG87833", "16EYH95589H152578", "B45OU30D30DP30420", "6LKIC28T759Y48971", "XLQYZ39U01T970054", "2JDYH05J6LHS33352", "D6IOK62X4B6X72112", "DPYUL85H4REU49363", "QD0WH41O7O3A83304" ]
[ "WDBCA45EXKA47865a", "E:\\DyAGT\\SD01A_specV2.jpg", "90438502+9503", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "FDSAFA2EWDSF", "WEDSFER4FDE", "GDFGRTE45REDG", "GERDFG4FRD", "GREGGREWG34", "4EGRDFGRE34G34", "G45H6768KG" ]
^[0-9,+,(), ,]{1,}(,[0-9]+){0,}$
It could be used to validate local as well as International Phone nos where the number my be preceeding by + sign for(00) and may have brackets to accept the city code like (22).It will also accept space in between like 001 116 23314
It could be used to validate local as well as International Phone nos where the number my be preceeding by + sign for(00) and may have brackets to accept the city code like (22).It will also accept space in between like 001 116 23314. Match strings that consist of a combination of digits, plus signs (+), parentheses (), spaces, and commas. The pattern allows for at least one character from this set, followed by zero or more comma-separated groups of one or more digits. Match examples: - "0091(22) 31544" - "+1 (116) 23314" - "+91(22)311545" Non-match examples: - "91 (22) abc21" - "+91 (abc) 23321"
[ "0091(22) 31544", "+1 (116) 23314", "+91(22)311545", "156", "41564", "516451623", "5123", "1,234", "1,234,567", "12,345,678", "1, 2, 3, 4, 5", "1,234,567,890", "+1,234,567,890" ]
[ "91 (22) abc21", "+91 (abc) 23321", "00111623314abc", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "@#dfkjnav", "/5/5/20022", "qwerty@123.123", "341.431v4f3.fv1", "(0xx12) 62509", "12/132/90" ]
This limits an HTML textarea to only be 20 characters. Built for an ASP:regularexpression tag to validate a textarea.
Match strings of any characters (including letters, digits, symbols, and whitespace) that are between 0 and 20 characters in length. Match examples: - "I match" - "I match 2" - "7FGY8HU9JI" Non-match examples: - "hey I don't match at all" - "hey I don't matc54fdsdh at all"
[ "I match", "I match 2", "7FGY8HU9JI", "F7YGH8UF7", "YGFT6", "CYF7V", "Y7YVUBV7YUB", "VYGH", "YVUH", "YVUH", "YVYVUHVY8", "YVU8YVU", "8VUIBG9UB" ]
[ "hey I don't match at all", "hey I don't matc54fdsdh at all", "sd6f7g8F67YGIG8YBh9j0f6t7yg8ub", "sd6f7g8h9jNRTUU665G6560f6t7yg8ub", "sd6f7g8hJ56R57JB79j0f6t7yg8ub", "sd6f7g8h9j0f567JB67JB56t7yg8ub", "sd6f7g8h9j076BJ57BJ5f6t7yg8ub", "sd6f7gBJ57BJ67BJ568h9j0f6t7yg8ub", "sd6f7g87BJ567BJ56JB5h9j0f6t7yg8ub", "sBJ67BJ67BJ566d6f7g8h9j0f6t7yg8ub", "J75670f6t7yg8ub8K9OBM86KN7J56", "sd6f7g8h9j04478M66f6t7yg8ub" ]
validates a simple ip v4 address. including or leading 0 is and numbers above 255 are forbitten.
validates a simple ip v4 address. including or leading 0 is and numbers above 255 are forbidden. Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "" - ""
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "", "", "1233.0.0.1", "12/123/4322", "2346-2345-2435", "43.v234", "/5/5/5", "/5/5/20022", "qwerty@123.123", "(0xx12) 7256 2345154", "abc111def", "12/132/90" ]
Allows only positive numbers, greater than zero
Allows only positive numbers, greater than zero Match examples: - "1" - "10" - "135" Non-match examples: - "0" - "-1"
[ "1", "10", "135", "156", "1562", "168", "468", "2", "3", "894156849561", "89451657423", "57425", "461926" ]
[ "0", "-1", "aaa", "12/123/4322", "few43f", "3f434-34", "-9528951", "-159-", "-4-.549", "-4156.495", "78huij", "f67gyhu8" ]
This expression was originally developed for user names. Matching text must have 6 - 50 characters, cannot contain spaces, must begin with an alpha character, can contain mixed case alpha, digits, and the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - . _ ?
This expression was originally developed for user names. Matching text must have 6 - 50 characters, cannot contain spaces, must begin with an alpha character, can contain mixed case alpha, digits, and the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - . _ ? Match examples: - "aB!@#%&^$.?*-0123456789Yz" - "" - "Excla!Us_er" Non-match examples: - "1234567890" - "aB1()[]{};:'",<>/\_=0Yz"
[ "aB!@#%&^$.?*-0123456789Yz", "", "Excla!Us_er", "ycjytft", "jftcgjvg", "ftygv6", "vyutfytvf6", "tvfyu6v6", "ghkvg7vg", "yjtvgukhb8", "rctvytg6", "rftgyh6", "rcfvgbh9" ]
[ "1234567890", "aB1()[]{};:'",<>/\\_=0Yz", "!exclaUser", "4f23ed", "4g34ervg", "3h5j6u7ik87j", "54f3dwwefrg4t5hy6", "3fef", "gfds", "sfgs", "bfg", "nh" ]
(Corrected) This pattern will match 1 instance of a NON-alphanumeric character. This is very handy to use when y ou want to filter input only by alphanumeric characters, by using Regex.Replace. However, when used in a Regex.Replace, it will replace all instances of non-alphanumeric characters with specified character.
This pattern will match 1 instance of a NON-alphanumeric character. This is very handy to use when you want to filter input only by alphanumeric characters. Match examples: - "Test!" - "This will match" - "H3llo$" Non-match examples: - "Test" - "Thiswillnotmatch"
[ "Test!", "This will match", "H3llo$", "%DFTVD%R", "$D%RTCD$%r", "d5rTD%R", "d5rTD%RTd5r", "67gyubH(*UH(8u", "g78yUG*Ug9u9", "H (IH (", "g89UI (*", "H( IO (HI$%^&", "%^TYV" ]
[ "Test", "Thiswillnotmatch", "H3llo", "56vvf5", "f6v5", "f5645", "dc5", "6fv7ygh8nh", "89j", "m9", "j98", "76v" ]
This expression will allow Letters, periods, apostrophe, dashes.
This expression will allow Letters, periods, apostrophe, dashes. Match examples: - "muk.dub'ey-j ava" - "gkhg" - "gliu" Non-match examples: - "muk_12 dubey`.ja" - "5dftyvg"
[ "muk.dub'ey-j ava", "gkhg", "gliu", "gly", "vk", "uyh", "glljgl", "iug", "yg", "liug", "yufuy", "b", "j" ]
[ "muk_12 dubey`.ja", "5dftyvg", "f6tyv", "8h9", "uib634", "90hji", "h98u", "78gt", "d45r", "45d", "rt34567", "87huinj" ]
This piece of regex catches the if the open braces are not placed the line under a get command
match strings that contain the word "get" surrounded by word boundaries and followed by an open curly brace '{', with potential characters in between. Match examples: - "get {" - "This is a get { example" - "get { something }" Non-match examples: - "get" - "f34fgetvfv"
[ "get {", "This is a get { example", "get { something }", "get { and some other text {", "text before get { text after", "get{ something", "get{ and more { text", "get{ and { get {", "get { multiple times { inside", "Here is a get { with additional { characters { inside", "get { fadsfds }", "get { s23ewfds", "get { so2r3ewsc" ]
[ "get", "f34fgetvfv", "34f2vgetf42e", "12/get123/4322", "2346-2get345-2435", "43.getv234", "@#dfkjnav{", "/5/5/20022{", "432/524/2435{", "ad{fa2", "(0xx12) 62509{", "12/132/{90" ]
Credit Card Matching - Matches Switch, Solo, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Matches length and valid prefix. Accepts input optional spaces and dashes between number groups
Credit Card Matching - Matches Switch, Solo, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Matches length and valid prefix. Accepts input optional spaces and dashes between number groups Match examples: - "5154-1234-1234-1342" - "4444333322221111" - "6767 1111 1111 1111" Non-match examples: - "1234123412341234" - "1111111"
[ "5154-1234-1234-1342", "4444333322221111", "6767 1111 1111 1111", "378784835402341", "347433262542298", "5316\f5989-1210-5666", "378246064805709", "3,2735639949372", "5509 208554997244", "371522056208968", "524549762385
2861", "372167498474695", "6783-3840 86304989" ]
[ "1234123412341234", "1111111", "987654321", "485916245124", "5614561", "249856126512", "948561", "4561215612", "4895613", "5121645114561", "4516", "25561251623516" ]
Matches TCP port numbers from 0 to 65535. Other than '0', no leading 0's are accepted.
Matches TCP port numbers from 0 to 65535. Other than '0', no leading 0's are accepted. Match examples: - "0" - "1000" - "65535" Non-match examples: - "65536" - "99999"
[ "0", "1000", "65535", "4815", "9494", "9786", "152", "654", "79", "999", "333", "15", "94" ]
[ "65536", "99999", "0123", "84956123", "84956123", "894512", "849516", "489561", "-984516", "-9485162.49516", "48561.451", "51.84" ]
Expression to check Dutch phone numbers. Number must start with zero and number of digits should be 10. Different area and country codes are allowed.
Expression to check Dutch phone numbers. Number must start with zero and number of digits should be 10. Different area and country codes are allowed. Match examples: - "+31 0205315386" - "0031 (0)205315386" - "0205315386" Non-match examples: - "020531538" - "1205315386"
[ "+31 0205315386", "0031 (0)205315386", "0205315386", "0742040766", "0930386633", "+31 (0)509476475", "0402503841", "+31 0820214360", "0728972798", "0763565474", "+31 0592427952", "0970012708", "0031 0201473409" ]
[ "020531538", "1205315386", "020531538677", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "AAAAAAA", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "$12/132/90" ]
^[0-9]{10}$|^\(0[1-9]{1}\)[0-9]{8}$|^[0-9]{8}$|^[0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{3}[ ][0-9]{3}$|^\(0[1-9]{1}\)[ ][0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{4}$|^[0-9]{4}[ ][0-9]{4}$
Australian phone numbers including Mobiles and common spacing used. This is used only to test normal contact numbers for residential purposes for example not information lines like 139999. Other Matching: 9999999999, 9999 9999, (09)99999999
Australian phone numbers including Mobiles and common spacing used. This is used only to test normal contact numbers for residential purposes for example not information lines like 139999. Match examples: - "9999 999 999" - "(09) 9999 9999" - "99999999" Non-match examples: - "99999999999" - "9999999"
[ "9999 999 999", "(09) 9999 9999", "99999999", "6890372130", "24220180", "6677 269 721", "2039309673", "5537 492 124", "(07) 9286 8727", "6730 687 860", "13356184", "(03) 6460 7304", "1702 315 807" ]
[ "99999999999", "9999999", "(99)99999999", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "(0xx12) 7256 2345154", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Matches Canadian provincial codes. Similar to the one already posted but smaller, faster, and will correctly return the results in one match group rather than using several so it's much friendlier.
Matches Canadian provincial codes. Match examples: - "ON" - "PE" - "NB" Non-match examples: - "OB" - "NM"
[ "ON", "PE", "NB", "BC", "AB", "NT", "NL", "SK", "NS", "QC", "NU", "MB" ]
[ "OB", "NM", "QQ", "JJ", "OKJ", "XY", "YZ", "ZA", "u09nKLJG FSL", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
This will match numbers between 0 and 12. The 0? at the beginning will allow "01" as a valid match. This is useful for validation the month only component of a date part.
This will match numbers between 0 and 12. The 0? at the beginning will allow "01" as a valid match. This is useful for validation the month only component of a date part. Match examples: - "05" - "5" - "12" Non-match examples: - "0" - "1a"
[ "05", "5", "12", "8", "10", "4", "07", "5", "03", "1", "2", "9", "11" ]
[ "0", "1a", "13", "132", "42", "57", "47", "87", "95", "67", "47", "83" ]
Will check to ensure the data is between 1850 and 2100.
Will check to ensure the data is between 1850 and 2100. Match examples: - "1850" - "1977" - "2100" Non-match examples: - "1800" - "a"
[ "1850", "1977", "2100", "2094", "2064", "1889", "1872", "2088", "1956", "1894", "1872", "1866", "1899" ]
[ "1800", "a", "2101", "5679", "9999", "0987", "9797", "5467", "4568", "0986", "5758", "4637" ]
validate comma separated key/value pair
validate comma separated key/value pair Match examples: - "foo=bar" - "foo1=bar1,foo2=bar2" - "foo1=bar1,foo2=bar2," Non-match examples: - "foo=" - "foo1=bar1 foo2=bar2"
[ "foo=bar", "foo1=bar1,foo2=bar2", "foo1=bar1,foo2=bar2,", "name=John,age=30", "color=blue,size=large", "city=NewYork,state=NY", "fruit=apple,fruit=banana", "a=b", "b=c", "d=e", "fasd=fdsa", "gwre=gf", "ywr=bg" ]
[ "foo=", "foo1=bar1 foo2=bar2", "foo1=bar1foo2=bar2", "6cv7b89", "f67gyvbyu", "==f32ew", "f34ew=f34efw=rf2w", "43rt=3gr4=3gr=", "=43we==f24=e3w=f3=g", "=f34=ew=f3==f3=g", "=f34r=evg=3rg=", "f3erv=3==rv" ]
matches a date in dd/mm/yyyy format
matches a date in dd/mm/yyyy format Match examples: - "01/01/2001" - "29/02/2004" - "17/12/2098" Non-match examples: - "32/12/2001" - "29/02/2005"
[ "01/01/2001", "29/02/2004", "17/12/2098", "30/01/2072", "30/08/2035", "16/02/1903", "27/11/2086", "29/02/1912", "30/12/2049", "29/02/2096", "31/07/2079", "30/08/2088", "29/02/1928" ]
[ "32/12/2001", "29/02/2005", "05/13/2005", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Password with minimum 1 Letter (A-Za-z), 1 Number (0-9) and Special Character (\W). It doesn't matter the charaters position. See the Mathching Examples. Question? Write an Email to me.
Password with minimum 1 Letter (A-Za-z), 1 Number (0-9) and Special Character (\W). It doesn't matter the characters position. Match examples: - "test22!!" - "!!test22" - "22!!test" Non-match examples: - "test22" - "!!test"
[ "test22!!", "!!test22", "22!!test", "f76f%F%", "^&TF12^", "%&^F^&231", "56f7%^&", "C%&V24", "6865-11-04 20:47:46afds", "nd.edu12", "$1.19daf", "78g78^&", "2f3f%$@" ]
[ "test22", "!!test", "22!!", "7g78v78v8", "v", "v78v78v78vy6y", "g6g", "66768787", "78787", "*&G&*B", "&*GH&*&*G&*G", "76g78" ]
(^(\d+)$)|(^(\d{1,3}[ ,\.](\d{3}[ ,\.])*\d{3}|\d{1,3})$)
Searches for number greater than 0 with thousand delimiter as space, comma or period.
Searches for number greater than 0 with thousand delimiter as space, comma or period. Match examples: - "1 234 567" - "1.234.567.890" - "1,234" Non-match examples: - "-12,990" - "100.03"
[ "1 234 567", "1.234.567.890", "1,234", "12", "44", "46", "886", "976", "865", "476", "999", "867", "2,854" ]
[ "-12,990", "100.03", "0,05", "y7v7", "g78yg", "$23.454", "43-5432", "-4123", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "9/9/9", "3409fjg43" ]
Return all comment lines (starts with //) and regions (serounded by /* */) as well as compiler arguments (#) in C# code
Return all comment lines (starts with //) and regions (serounded by /* */) as well as compiler arguments (#) in C# code Match examples: - "// some comment" - "#region myRegion" - "/* other comment */" Non-match examples: - "for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" - "[XmlAttribute("somthing_else")"
[ "// some comment", "#region myRegion", "/* other comment */", "// fhadusinb", "// fadsuihf8dahs", "// bfa8ydsb8", "// f8aydsgh", "#8gyvb", "#EDRT&HUU", "#V^Y&G&G", "#Hu8ghu8", "/* other fa2we */", "/* f2ew3 sda */" ]
[ "for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)", "[XmlAttribute("somthing_else")", "String name = "MyNa", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23./* 454", "43-/* 5432", "25462/* 7g.256", "245/* /524/12", "/* (0xx12) 7256 2345154", "/* 34.31", "/* $12/132/90" ]
Accurate Australian postal code verification. Australia has 4-digit numeric postal codes with the following state based specific ranges. ACT: 0200-0299 and 2600-2639. NSW: 1000-1999, 2000-2599 and 2640-2914. NT: 0900-0999 and 0800-0899. QLD: 9000-9999 and 4000-4999. SA: 5000-5999. TAS: 7800-7999 and 7000-7499. VIC: 8000-8999 and 3000-3999. WA: 6800-6999 and 6000-6799.
Accurate Australian postal code verification. Australia has 4-digit numeric postal codes with the following state based specific ranges. ACT: 0200-0299 and 2600-2639. NSW: 1000-1999, 2000-2599 and 2640-2914. NT: 0900-0999 and 0800-0899. QLD: 9000-9999 and 4000-4999. SA: 5000-5999. TAS: 7800-7999 and 7000-7499. VIC: 8000-8999 and 3000-3999. WA: 6800-6999 and 6000-6799. Match examples: - "0200" - "7312" - "2415" Non-match examples: - "0300" - "7612"
[ "0200", "7312", "2415", "7876", "2913", "8189", "7808", "7975", "2756", "7195", "2875", "7286", "4528" ]
[ "0300", "7612", "2915", "e23w", "r32efwf", "43ff3", "f34g", "f23we", "f32ewr", "u46h5", "65hk", "7y6t" ]
Accurate Canadian postal code format verification. The format of a Canadian postal code is LDL DLD where L are alpha characters and D are numeric digits. But there are some exceptions. The letters D, F, I, O, Q and U never appear in a postal code because of their visual similarity to 0, E, 1, 0, 0, and V respectively. In addition to avoiding the six "forbidden" letters W and Z also do not appear as the first letter of a postal code (at least not at present).
Accurate Canadian postal code format verification. The format of a Canadian postal code is LDL DLD where L are alpha characters and D are numeric digits. But there are some exceptions. The letters D, F, I, O, Q and U never appear in a postal code because of their visual similarity to 0, E, 1, 0, 0, and V respectively. In addition to avoiding the six "forbidden" letters W and Z also do not appear as the first letter of a postal code (at least not at present). Match examples: - "M1R 4B0" - "L0R 1B1" - "L0R1B9" Non-match examples: - "W1R 4B0" - "L0R 1D1"
[ "M1R 4B0", "L0R 1B1", "L0R1B9", "L7N 1E3", "E6R 3T1", "L5N5L4", "P3P 1H8", "A0P9Z1", "H9L7Y8", "T3Y1E9", "A1Z 3B7", "H5A7K6", "X8Y 7N7" ]
[ "W1R 4B0", "L0R 1D1", "LOR1B9", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "u09nKLJG FSL", "BUFISD", "V8YVY", "87YV78V" ]
(([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][0-9A-Z]?)\ ([0-9][A-Z]{2}))|(GIR\ 0AA)
Accurate UK postal code format verification. UK postal codes have two parts. The right part is formatted as DLL (L:letter D:digit) and the left part has six alternative formats: LD, LDL, LDD, LLD, LLDL and LLDD. There is only one exception to these formats: GIR 0AA.
Accurate UK postal code format verification. UK postal codes have two parts. The right part is formatted as DLL (L:letter D:digit) and the left part has six alternative formats: LD, LDL, LDD, LLD, LLDL and LLDD. There is only one exception to these formats: GIR 0AA. Match examples: - "M2 5BQ" - "EC1A 1HQ" - "GIR 0AA" Non-match examples: - "M2 BQ5" - "E31A 1HQ"
[ "M2 5BQ", "EC1A 1HQ", "GIR 0AA", "UO7 3UE", "MA5 5FQ", "YW7 1DL", "Q2 1YQ", "X0 5QN", "ZY9 7PE", "SO6 3YW", "T4 3OF", "XS7 1KP", "XE9 1JP" ]
[ "M2 BQ5", "E31A 1HQ", "GIR0AA", "INDIANA", "234", "3nf@", "43-5432", "notre dame", "u09nKLJG FSL", "", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
VAT Numbers format verification (The Netherlands) with support for optional member state definition.
VAT Numbers format verification (The Netherlands) with support for optional member state definition. Match examples: - "NL123456789B12" - "NL-603781070B39" - "404760885B21" Non-match examples: - "NL123456789012" - "NL52/2/54/245"
[ "NL123456789B12", "NL-603781070B39", "404760885B21", "NL-928678468B98", "955593039B36", "NL400065759B60", "067135372B53", "NL-723046312B09", "954419151B44", "NL-449870839B21", "NL-994662298B52", "448404466B38", "013604724B16" ]
[ "NL123456789012", "NL52/2/54/245", "NL2534/52435234/2453", "NLafdsaf.adijs", "NL9ijn", "NL3nf@", "NL43-5432", "NL254627g.256", "NL245/524/12", "", "NL(0xx12) 62509@", "NL++63453.345" ]
US 10-Digit Phone number matching. *Requires Area Code *Brackets optional, supports: () and [] *seperators optional, supports: - and . *whitespace optional
match 10-digit US phone numbers with optional brackets (either () or []) around the area code and optional separators (either - or .) between the groups of digits. Whitespace is also optional around the phone number. Match examples: - "6105551515" - "(610) 555 - 1212" - "[610]555.1212" Non-match examples: - "1 (610) 555-1212" - "(610) 555-1212 ext*"
[ "6105551515", "(610) 555 - 1212", "[610]555.1212", "(123) 456-7890", "[456]789-0123", "(555)555.5555", "123-456-7890", "555 555 5555", "(123)4567890", "987.654.3210", "[111]222-3333", "555-555-5555", "123.456.7890" ]
[ "1 (610) 555-1212", "(610) 555-1212 ext*", "[12345]67890", "(123) 456.7890a", "5555-5555-5555", "(123)[456]7890fads", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Password validator that validates the password contains 1 letter (regardless of case) and 1 number
Password validator that validates the password contains 1 letter (regardless of case) and 1 number Match examples: - "Password1" - "1Password" - "1Password1" Non-match examples: - "*Password1" - "*1Password*"
[ "Password1", "1Password", "1Password1", "f6f76f", "67f", "67fafd", "fa67f", "76f", "67vf87v877", "v7g97", "87v78g6", "6v6v6y6v7", "v7v7gb7u" ]
[ "*Password1", "*1Password*", "*1Password1*", "feafdsafd", "sfadsafds", "fqfd", "gafdfsda", "thytng", "ngfgt", "514351", "653752", "555413" ]
Password matching expression. Password must consists of at least 6 characters and not more than 20 characters. Password must contain only letters and digits. Password must contain at least 2 digits and at least 2 letters.
Password matching expression. Password must consists of at least 6 characters and not more than 20 characters. Password must contain only letters and digits. Password must contain at least 2 digits and at least 2 letters. Match examples: - "a1b2c3" - "65c5t7c" - "6fv7cv8y" Non-match examples: - "aaaaa1" - "IUBUFID"
[ "a1b2c3", "65c5t7c", "6fv7cv8y", "8g7uycv8yv", "87yvv8v7", "78v8v78v", "78vv8u7b8", "78yvg78", "v78uvb8", "8c56rf56", "9h89h89ugh78gu", "76tc67f67y", "87g78ub8" ]
[ "aaaaa1", "IUBUFID", "BYUBUFISD8", "HUIFDHS*&H*(", "FUDUIHbydfusy", "8974293857289", "87423897586", "7867423687", "574689", "y87", "78h", "8yv7gt48h9urief8f74hru8gre45regreg4re" ]
This regex will validate the given string is numeric
This regex will validate the given string is numeric Match examples: - "$123.1234" - ".123" - ".123e+01" Non-match examples: - "asdf" - ","
[ "$123.1234", ".123", ".123e+01", "4563", "575", "6", "375", "46", "486", "58", "75", "6678", "4678" ]
[ "asdf", ",", "1,1", ".", "f56f", "567f", "67f", "76v", "76fv65f57gh", "h89", "hj98", "ju89h78" ]
^100$|^\d{0,2}(\.\d{1,2})? *%?$
It matches % value from 0 - 100. The two decimal places are used.
It matches % value from 0 - 100. The two decimal places are used. Match examples: - "100" - "99.99" - "00" Non-match examples: - "101" - "22.1111"
[ "100", "99.99", "00", "20.99", "83", "48", "88", "75", "99", "94.58", "94.51", "29.48", "95.24" ]
[ "101", "22.1111", "432", "43.224", "53.353", "537.242", "43.5.242", "9233", "245/524/12", "1-1-2", "9/9/9", "32542 //" ]
This will find any XML within a string starting with the <?xml header and ending with the closing root tag. Replace </note> with your closing root tag. (use singleline and case insensitive) - I use this to pull xml written in a web document.
This will find any XML within a string starting with the <?xml header and ending with the closing root tag. Replace </note> with your closing root tag. (use singleline and case insensitive) - I use this to pull xml written in a web document. Match examples: - "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>" - "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><note><to>John</to><from>Jane</from><message>Hello, world!</message></note>" - "<?xml version="1.0" ?><note><to>Alice</to><from>Bob</from><message>Hi there!</message></note>" Non-match examples: - "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></BADnote>" - "<\?xml52/2/54/245"
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><note><to>John</to><from>Jane</from><message>Hello, world!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><note><to>Alice</to><from>Bob</from><message>Hi there!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><note><to>Mary</to><from>David</from><message>How are you?</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.1\" ?><note><to>Chris</to><from>Lisa</from><message>Goodbye!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><note><to>Tom</to><from>Linda</from><message>Take care!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><note><to>Michael</to><from>Emily</from><message>Have a great day!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><note><to>Lucas</to><from>Sophia</from><message>Enjoy your weekend!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.1\" ?><note><to>Daniel</to><from>Olivia</from><message>Stay safe!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><note><to>Nathan</to><from>Grace</from><message>Best wishes!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><note><to>Ethan</to><from>Hannah</from><message>Keep in touch!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><note><to>Noah</to><from>Emma</from><message>Thinking of you!</message></note>", "<?xml version=\"1.1\" ?><note><to>Liam</to><from>Olivia</from><message>Take it easy!</message></note>" ]
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></BADnote>", "<\\?xml52/2/54/245", "<\\?xml2534/52435234/2453", "<\\?xmlafdsaf.adijs", "<\\?xml234/423/5243", "<\\?xml$23.454", "<\\?xml43-5432", "<\\?xml254627g.256", "<\\?xml245/524/12", "<\\?", "<\\?xml(0xx12) 62509@", "<\\?xml3409fjg43" ]
This pattern can be used to validate a numeric week (between 01 and 52) and four digit year (valid years between 1000 and 2999) separated by a slash in the form of WW/YYYY.
This pattern can be used to validate a numeric week (between 01 and 52) and four digit year (valid years between 1000 and 2999) separated by a slash in the form of WW/YYYY. Match examples: - "47/2006" - "01/1840" - "36/2763" Non-match examples: - "00/3005" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "47/2006", "01/1840", "36/2763", "27/2706", "03/1538", "52/1975", "08/1506", "52/2304", "01/2252", "06/2884", "52/1788", "06/2406", "06/2658" ]
[ "00/3005", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Regex to match the ISO Date Format. The time part is optional, including the seconds, as are all of the delimiters (although they must be non-numeric). Each part of the date will be returned as a selection e.g. \1 will contain the Year, \2 will contain the Month.
Regex to match the ISO Date Format. The time part is optional, including the seconds, as are all of the delimiters (although they must be non-numeric). Each part of the date will be returned as a selection e.g. \1 will contain the Year, \2 will contain the Month. Match examples: - "2006-12-31 17:58:00" - "20061231175800" - "2006-12-31" Non-match examples: - "2006-13-36 25:61:62" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "2006-12-31 17:58:00", "20061231175800", "2006-12-31", "2021-09-06", "1990/12/31", "1990/12/31 23:59", "1990/12/31 23:59:59", "2022.03.15", "2035-01-01", "2032.03.16", "2042.03.17", "2052.03.18", "2064.03.19" ]
[ "2006-13-36 25:61:62", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "2021-13-06", "2021/00/00T12:30:45", "2021-09-06T25:30", "2021-09-06T12:60:45" ]
^[0-9]{4}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]) ([0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):([0-4][0-9]|5[0-9]):([0-4][0-9]|5[0-9])$
it will match a valid date & time string which looks like this : 2006-12-31 23:59:59
Matches valid date and time strings in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS," where "YYYY" represents the year, "MM" represents the month, "DD" represents the day, "HH" represents the hour, "MM" represents the minutes, and "SS" represents the seconds. Match examples: - "2006-12-31 23:59:59" - "2023-09-06 08:30:00" - "1990-05-15 18:45:22" Non-match examples: - "2006-13-31 4:59:65" - "06-12-2006 23:59:59"
[ "2006-12-31 23:59:59", "2023-09-06 08:30:00", "1990-05-15 18:45:22", "1975-02-28 14:30:05", "2035-01-01 00:00:00", "2010-11-20 12:15:30", "1988-07-04 03:45:55", "1988-07-04 03:45:55", "2022-03-15 21:05:45", "1999-08-25 05:20:59", "1970-01-01 00:00:01", "1965-03-12 11:11:11", "2022-12-25 00:00:00" ]
[ "2006-13-31 4:59:65", "06-12-2006 23:59:59", "2023-09-06 8:30:004", "1990/05/1543 18:45:22", "75-02-28 14:30:056", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "32542 //" ]
Matches any unsigned floating point number/numeric string.
Matches any unsigned floating point number/numeric string. Match examples: - "123" - "3.14159" - "45768" Non-match examples: - "abc" - "-3.14159"
[ "123", "3.14159", "45768", "6577", "65", "76", "5765", "787", "87", "68.534", "634.25324", "524.625", "5242.62" ]
[ "abc", "-3.14159", "3.4.2", ".234", ".", "f32rf32.", "34.ef", "34f.", "f34r", "t45wge.5t", ".f3", "t43t.543" ]
Matches the UK Drivers License format as laid down by the DVLA / dvla. See Matches: 1. Must be 16 characters 2. First 5 characters are alphanumeric. 3. Next 6 characters must be numeric 4. Next 3 characters are alphanumeric 5. Last 2 characters are alpha 6. Second character of numeric section can only be 0, 1, 5 or 6. 7. Fourth and fifth characters of numeric section must be in the range 01 to 31.
Matches the UK Drivers License format as laid down by the DVLA / dvla. Matches: 1. Must be 16 characters 2. First 5 characters are alphanumeric. 3. Next 6 characters must be numeric 4. Next 3 characters are alphanumeric 5. Last 2 characters are alpha 6. Second character of numeric section can only be 0, 1, 5 or 6. 7. Fourth and fifth characters of numeric section must be in the range 01 to 31. Match examples: - "JOHNS711215GG9SY" - "EC6JU003207KEREJ" - "9E8LU167058OOCLI" Non-match examples: - "JOHNS731215GG9SY" - "8FG78G78EWDG78G"
[ "JOHNS711215GG9SY", "EC6JU003207KEREJ", "9E8LU167058OOCLI", "UYELA1560477TDDE", "4IHZM06630354MLC", "YUV72854294N7IGV", "NACPE963301JLEHT", "2ID25819128RZ9QH", "H2H02507059MZWYA", "3Z0NJ666112IZHBS", "7ZJWQ213055QSAAY", "WYFF1706311S1HVC", "0MMEP8650334IFSQ" ]
[ "JOHNS731215GG9SY", "8FG78G78EWDG78G", "G78G87F2GEB8YG8YG", "F676J7UHY6GT5R", "7FG68YFG87", "G78GWREG4GG", "G87Y4R44GF", "G78YG4FGTTFD3E", "F87G7UG787", "GU456Y7UHY6GT5F", "45T6GY78UG7U8", "GV9UG9UGD98U3GF9" ]
Checks that the input is a positive integer in the range 0-32767
Checks that the input is a positive integer in the range 0-32767 Match examples: - "32767" - "0" - "999" Non-match examples: - "99999" - "-1"
[ "32767", "0", "999", "5634", "8794", "857", "3586", "649", "6484", "5368", "3567", "63", "753" ]
[ "99999", "-1", "abc", "57CUR57", "RC5", "7RFC", "76RFC", "76F67", "8708968957", "F67FGY7", "575957", "F6Y78YF" ]
The OAGIS standard has a format for phone and fax as +###(###)#######. For details on standard see the open applications group.
The OAGIS standard has a format for phone and fax as +###(###)#######. Match examples: - "+555(555)5555555" - "+1(800)5555555" - "+617(355)2470357" Non-match examples: - "555" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "+555(555)5555555", "+1(800)5555555", "+617(355)2470357", "+79(062)2153857", "+8(991)8919924", "+82(829)1931583", "+34(076)9311372", "+934(400)6629643", "+2(394)6904808", "+1(011)0575956", "+664(492)9126216", "+842(730)3047647", "+301(861)8867823" ]
[ "555", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "0j0jweBBBB" ]
Matches all IPV6 and IPV4 addresses. Doesn't limit IPV4 to just values of 255. Doesn't allow IPV6 compression.
Matches all IPV6 and IPV4 addresses. Doesn't limit IPV4 to just values of 255. Doesn't allow IPV6 compression. Match examples: - "0:123:af00:ffff:0C67:0:0:8787" - "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" - "" Non-match examples: - "::1" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "0:123:af00:ffff:0C67:0:0:8787", "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1", "", "999.999.999.999", "E8:D:27E:e:1CDE:4256:0BE:a4", "4.764.7.7", "", "68:7D:AcDB:4E8B:b32:e:3ba:3d", "e3B6:cdA8:62Cc:BA:DF4a:8bD2:71:25", "413.14.471.7", "681:e:2f:F0a7:f613:aF:E4:5D8E", "519.24.1.6", "931.958.74.1" ]
[ "::1", "52/2/54/245", "-243", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
This pattern validates a British Ordnance Survey Grid/Tile/Sheet Reference Number. Information on the range of possible values can be found here: Grid Ref, Tile Ref, Sheet Ref.
This pattern validates a British Ordnance Survey Grid/Tile/Sheet Reference Number. Match examples: - "NA1234SE" - "OV5571" - "SG2714926378" Non-match examples: - "AA1234SE" - "YI67fyvG"
[ "NA1234SE", "OV5571", "SG2714926378", "TG6547SW", "OV1556SW", "OV4533", "HU0548SE", "TG551952", "SO4698NW", "NS3672", "SE6571NW", "NF2271229107", "NB3552" ]
[ "AA1234SE", "YI67fyvG", "Y8G8YG", "GY8G78G6G", "F67FG8YG9", "876FFG78G", "9UG", "87G8", "G8", "7G87", "G8Y", "V8IUG7B" ]
This pattern could intercept the value of the tag title in every web pages, it could be found in $1.
match strings that contain a specific text pattern typically found in HTML documents where <title> tags enclose some content. Match examples: - "<title>this title</title>" - "<title>fadsf2fe</title>" - "<title>2dffd</title>" Non-match examples: - "any other tags" - "title"
[ "<title>this title</title>", "<title>fadsf2fe</title>", "<title>2dffd</title>", "<title>d2fdd</title>", "<title>f2df2d</title>", "<title>df2fs2</title>", "<title>dffd22fd</title>", "<title>d2ff2f</title>", "<title>fd2f2ffd</title>", "<title>df2f</title>", "<title>fd222re</title>", "<title>er2r2</title>", "<title>t23t22 23rr</title>" ]
[ "any other tags", "title", "Title", "missing closing", "titalfe", "231 teas", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
This regex find valid <h1-6> html tags
This regex find valid <h1-6> html tags Match examples: - "<h2>test2</h2><h3>test3</h3>" - "<h1>Heading 1</h1>" - "<h2>Subheading</h2>" Non-match examples: - "<h>test1</h>" - "<h7>Invalid Heading</h7>"
[ "<h2>test2</h2><h3>test3</h3>", "<h1>Heading 1</h1>", "<h2>Subheading</h2>", "<h3>Another Example</h3>", "<h4>Fourth Level</h4>", "<h5>Fifth Level Heading</h5>", "<h6>Lowest Level</h6>", "<h1> Leading and Trailing Spaces </h1>", "<h2></h2>", "<h3>&lt;Special Characters&gt;</h3>", "<h4> Indented Content </h4>", "<h5>Special &amp; Characters</h5>", "<h6>12345</h6>" ]
[ "<h>test1</h>", "<h7>Invalid Heading</h7>", "<h0>Invalid Heading</h0>", "<h0>Zero Level</h0>", "<h7>Out of Range</h7>", "<H1>Uppercase Tag</H1>", "<H2>Uppercase Tag</H2>", "<p>Paragraph</p>", "<div>Division</div>", "<h2>Missing Closing Tag", "Text without Tags", "<h3>No Closing Tag" ]
This is a more robust regex for matching Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Numbers. This distinguishes between CAS numbers and other identifiers (e.g. EC number).
This is a more robust regex for matching Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Numbers. This distinguishes between CAS numbers and other identifiers (e.g. EC number). Match examples: - "50-00-0" - "75-18-5" - "41-40-4" Non-match examples: - "200-001-8" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "50-00-0", "75-18-5", "41-40-4", "96-09-4", "5448-08-2", "828-90-0", "13-70-0", "95-27-1", "249-34-2", "149-06-4", "133-13-1", "180834-05-5", "791712-08-1" ]
[ "200-001-8", "52/2/54/245", "-243", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "9/9/9", "3409fjg43" ]
^(\d)?[ ]*[\(\.\-]?(\d{3})[\)\.\-]?[ ]*(\d{3})[\.\- ]?(\d{4})[ ]*(x|ext\.?)?[ ]*(\d{1,7})?$
Requires area code. Allows extension. Any common US format works. If you prefer not to require area code, use this: ^(\d)?[ ]*[\(\.\-]?(\d{3})?[\)\.\-]?[ ]*(\d{3})[\.\- ]?(\d{4})[ ]*(x|ext\.?)?[ ]*(\d{1,7})?$
Requires area code. Allows extension. Any common US format works. Match examples: - "1 (123) 123-1234 ext. 1234567" - "1 (123) 123-1234" - "(123) 123-1234" Non-match examples: - "123/1234 L. 12345678" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "1 (123) 123-1234 ext. 1234567", "1 (123) 123-1234", "(123) 123-1234", "(123)123.1234", "1-123-123-1234", "1231231234", "1 (123) 123-7482", "1 (123) 384-1234", "1 (592) 123-1234", "(123) 123-4028", "(123) 482-1234", "(471) 123-1234", "(123) 472-5819" ]
[ "123/1234 L. 12345678", "52/2/54/245", "-243", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "/5/5/5", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "1-1-2", "(0xx12) 62509@", "++63453.345" ]
This expression should work to validate that an uploaded file's extension is either jpg, gif, or png.
This expression should work to validate that an uploaded file's extension is either jpg, gif, or png. Match examples: - "foo.gif" - "foo.jpg" - "foo.png" Non-match examples: - "foo.txt" - ""
[ "foo.gif", "foo.jpg", "foo.png", "afd.gif", "afsd.gif", "efw.gif", "dfw.gif", "egw.jpg", "wfoo.jpg", "dgwg.jpg", "werfoo.png", "trv.png", "vcs.png" ]
[ "foo.txt", "", "foo.exe", "afdsaf.adijs", "9ijn", "3nf@", "jpg", "pdf", "zip", "png", "exe", "gif" ]
This pattern matches on Integer values. Handles leading positive or negative signs. Supports commas where only the leading group can have less than three digits.
This pattern matches on Integer values. Handles leading positive or negative signs. Supports commas where only the leading group can have less than three digits. Match examples: - "+1" - "-2" - "3,000" Non-match examples: - "A" - "1,23"
[ "+1", "-2", "3,000", "1,234,567", "867", "864", "34", "534", "754", "34867", "4643", "3536", "3576" ]
[ "A", "1,23", "2,34,567", "1.0", "D#@45d", "45dr45dD$", "$%D%RD45sd", "$%D453d", "4%D5d4", "fgv", "bibuif5", "d55fd" ]
Had to handle both "," and "." as separator in a validationscript where values are between 0.0 and 2.0 like in results of Swedish Högskoleprov (SAT).
Had to handle both "," and "." as separator in a validationscript where values are between 0.0 and 2.0 like in results of Swedish Högskoleprov (SAT). Match examples: - "0,0" - "0.0" - "1,9" Non-match examples: - "2,1" - "1"
[ "0,0", "0.0", "1,9", "2.0", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8", "1.9", "0.7" ]
[ "2,1", "1", "3", "a", "5", "67", "8", "9", "5", "3.534", "5436.234", "423.24" ]
It will allow for alphanumeric characters only, with the exception of spacing.
It will allow for alphanumeric characters only, with the exception of spacing. Match examples: - "Website Users" - "g67g" - "f667f8" Non-match examples: - "Website Users!" - ";f;ds;f"
[ "Website Users", "g67g", "f667f8", "f", "8f5", "d56 f5", "f56f", "7f77", "f68d5", "6r4e", "45h899h", "98", "98h" ]
[ "Website Users!", ";f;ds;f", "f;", "f';f'df;[", "f;[d", ";[f", ";d[dlf[lfd[ld", "p[f", "[fpkd", "j{}", "f98h[]", "78h7g^&*&(" ]
Matches number with optional commas and decimal places. Allows only max 7 digits before decimal and max 2 digits after decimal. Does not allow numbers beginning with 0 e.g., $0,234,567 but allows $0.05
Matches number with optional commas and decimal places. Allows only max 7 digits before decimal and max 2 digits after decimal. Does not allow numbers beginning with 0 e.g., $0,234,567 but allows $0.05 Match examples: - "($1,234,567.89)" - "$1,234,567.89" - "$1234567.89" Non-match examples: - "$1,234,567.890" - "$12345678.90"
[ "($1,234,567.89)", "$1,234,567.89", "$1234567.89", "$-1234567.89", "$0.78", "$1,660,986", "$146.0", "($172,545)", "($4,546,599)", "54927.64", "$-59355", "-853119", "$-18.3" ]
[ "$1,234,567.890", "$12345678.90", "$023,456.78", "$824.4234234", "$4232342.3423.423", "$424.234234", "-312f23", "90u09u09", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "9/9/9", "3409fjg43" ]
^(((\(\d{3}\)|\d{3})( |-|\.))|(\(\d{3}\)|\d{3}))?\d{3}( |-|\.)?\d{4}(( |-|\.)?([Ee]xt|[Xx])[.]?( |-|\.)?\d{4})?$
with or without area code (of various forms)(does not allow for unbalanced parens in the area code). With or without an extension (of various forms). Does not allow for leading or trailing space.
with or without area code (of various forms)(does not allow for unbalanced parens in the area code). With or without an extension (of various forms). Does not allow for leading or trailing space. Match examples: - "(123)-456-7890 Ext 1234" - "123-456-7890" - "(123).456.7890" Non-match examples: - "123)4567890" - "800callcat"
[ "(123)-456-7890 Ext 1234", "123-456-7890", "(123).456.7890", "123.456.7890", "1234567890ext1234", "123-456 7890 X 1234", "921.9170733", "570-5322061", "885.0096", "(102)8703702x1308", "8577364735", "840.5595", "963.4797" ]
[ "123)4567890", "800callcat", "123456789", "afdsaf.adijs", "4.23.2423", "$23.454", "43-5432", "2546dgwre", "245/524/12", "", "(0xx12) 62509@", "0j0jweBBBB" ]
capture labels having format here nn is for number s from 00 to 99
capture labels having format here nn is for number s from 00 to 99 Match examples: - "2006.10.09.05" - "1672.08.31.93" - "0081.12.30.60" Non-match examples: - "" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "2006.10.09.05", "1672.08.31.93", "0081.12.30.60", "0042.12.30.94", "9297.2.25.15", "6833.12.31.21", "7766.10.28.39", "4714.12.17.10", "8849.08.31.60", "8036.10.25.94", "4157.10.7.78", "9477.08.30.96", "6917.10.03.26" ]
[ "", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "1-1-2", "34.31", "3409fjg43" ]
Just a small pattern to make sure commas are in the rite place (if present). Only allows one decimal to be suffixed with with 1 or 2 digits. Also optional dollar sign may proceed value.
Just a small pattern to make sure commas are in the right place (if present). Only allows one decimal to be suffixed with with 1 or 2 digits. Also optional dollar sign may proceed value. Match examples: - "$1,000,000.00" - "123,000" - "455,123" Non-match examples: - "43,3.245" - "423,423,4,234,234"
[ "$1,000,000.00", "123,000", "455,123", "845,312,414", "12", "8", "7", "648.27", "5", "9", "4", "210", "764" ]
[ "43,3.245", "423,423,4,234,234", "423,4,23,424,,24", "7,567,9,8", ",563,5,8,7,252", "534,63.56,363", "5,34.74,46.345", ",534.5475,.34,", ".6445,3.845.,5", ".53,63.6,3.635", ",5347,.96,25,", "354,67.43634" ]
This regex performs a crude test on the given input string. The danish cilvil registration number consists of 10 numeric characters and one special character '-'. The format is DDMMYY-XXXX.
This regex performs a crude test on the given input string. The danish cilvil registration number consists of 10 numeric characters and one special character '-'. The format is DDMMYY-XXXX. Match examples: - "010380-2343" - "120454-5467" - "390178-3434" Non-match examples: - "1223876776" - "4023100923"
[ "010380-2343", "120454-5467", "390178-3434", "021535-6554", "171865-8670", "121002-8304", "201468-3622", "090642-3583", "221117-6041", "121786-6120", "390554-9695", "041194-8781", "050057-8654" ]
[ "1223876776", "4023100923", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Matches a string if it is valid in the form of MWF or TTHS. Maybe used for validating the "days part" of a class schedule field. The string should only accept any of the ff set of letters: 'M' 'T' 'W' 'TH' 'F' 'S' 'SU' . Only one instance of these set of letters is accepted.
Matches a string if it is valid in the form of MWF or TTHS. Maybe used for validating the "days part" of a class schedule field. The string should only accept any of the ff set of letters: 'M' 'T' 'W' 'TH' 'F' 'S' 'SU' . Only one instance of these set of letters is accepted. Match examples: - "MWF" - "TTHS" - "MT" Non-match examples: - "MM" - "WM"
[ "MWF", "TTHS", "MT", "WFS", "MFSU", "TH", "MTTHFS", "MWTHFSU", "MTTHSSU", "TFSU", "MWSU", "TWF", "THFSU" ]
[ "MM", "WM", "FTH", "SM", "9ijn", "3nf@", "43-5432", "90u09u09", "u09nKLJG FSL", "", "(0xx12) 62509@", "++63453.345" ]
^(([0][0-9]|[1][0-2])|[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])( *)((AM|PM)|(A|P))$
Matches a string if it is a valid time in the format of "HH:MM AM" or "HH:MM A".
matches time in both 12-hour and 24-hour formats, capturing hours, minutes, and an optional space followed by "AM," "PM," "A," or "P." Match examples: - "1:30 AM" - "01:20 AM" - "10:00A" Non-match examples: - "13:00 A" - "01:5 AM"
[ "1:30 AM", "01:20 AM", "10:00A", "11:50P", "01:45 AM", "12:00 PM", "03:30AM", "8:15 PM", "5:05AM", "11:59 PM", "09:00 AM", "1:10 PM", "02:45AM" ]
[ "13:00 A", "01:5 AM", "09:00 AB", "1:1 AM", "9:75 PM", "15:15 AM", "12:60 AM", "07:00 BM", "60:25 AM", "04:60 PM", "3:50 XM", "8h98009hu" ]
Matches any unsigned or signed floating point number/numeric string.
Matches any unsigned or signed floating point number/numeric string. Match examples: - "123" - "3.14159" - "-1.2" Non-match examples: - "abc" - "3.4.2"
[ "123", "3.14159", "-1.2", "7865", "75", "8646", "847", "35", "478", "69.524", "57845", "74", "78.54" ]
[ "abc", "3.4.2", ".234", "-123f", "4.23.2423", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "(0xx12) 7256 2345154", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Just a simple US State regex. Requires valid 2 letter abbreviations.
Just a simple US State regex. Requires valid 2 letter abbreviations. Match examples: - "CO" - "GA" - "TX" Non-match examples: - "A" - "ZZ"
[ "CO", "GA", "TX", "HI", "OR", "KS", "FL", "HI", "CT", "DC", "IA", "LA", "MD" ]
[ "A", "ZZ", "Florida", "(12) 324 653210", "9ijn", "3nf@", "-312", "notre dame", "u09nKLJG FSL", "354/243/542", "dfg", "32542 //" ]
Matches dates in mm/dd/yyyy format. Matches only valid dates -except is unable to test for a leapyear. Always allows February 29th. Allows years from 1901 to 2199.
Matches dates in mm/dd/yyyy format. Matches only valid dates -except is unable to test for a leapyear. Always allows February 29th. Allows years from 1901 to 2199. Match examples: - "02/21/1972" - "12/31/2199" - "09/04/1901" Non-match examples: - "02/31/1999" - "02-21-1972"
[ "02/21/1972", "12/31/2199", "09/04/1901", "11/30/1914", "04/30/1955", "09/31/1943", "02/07/2123", "10/03/2100", "10/19/2179", "10/30/1962", "02/20/1969", "02/27/1962", "04/12/2083" ]
[ "02/31/1999", "02-21-1972", "06/31/2001", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "notre dame", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Verifica que un RUT tenga el formato 00.000.000-X, despues de comprobar el formato será necesario validar su dígito verificador.
Verifica que un RUT tenga el formato 00.000.000-X, despues de comprobar el formato será necesario validar su dígito verificador. Match examples: - "12.025.365-6" - "5.698.124-k" - "7.999.647-K" Non-match examples: - "125.326.452-1" - "15.336.054-H"
[ "12.025.365-6", "5.698.124-k", "7.999.647-K", "2.358.268-2", "06.346.822-K", "23.104.146-4", "6.845.282-2", "4.293.999-K", "68.660.311-4", "7.023.409-8", "35.511.925-4", "21.484.004-k", "7.461.216-4" ]
[ "125.326.452-1", "15.336.054-H", "15254587k", "fasd@fds.fasd@", "234/423/5243", "there is a boy", "AAAAAAA", "notre dame", "u09nKLJG FSL", "", "(0xx12) 62509@", "++63453.345" ]
This pattern match the Italian Istat Ateco Code (Codice Istat) updated to Istat Declaration Ateco 2004
This pattern match the Italian Istat Ateco Code (Codice Istat) updated to Istat Declaration Ateco 2004 Match examples: - "22.12.0" - "18.24.C" - "98.65.T" Non-match examples: - "22.12_D" - "12.56"
[ "22.12.0", "18.24.C", "98.65.T", "76.74.P", "62.08.L", "05.69.n", "01.90.x", "48.02.V", "38.20.0", "42.35.Z", "17.40.5", "28.68.P" ]
[ "22.12_D", "12.56", "1A.56.1", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "000-000", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@" ]
IT\d{2}[ ][a-zA-Z]\d{3}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{4}[ ]\d{3}|IT\d{2}[a-zA-Z]\d{22}
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Italian. Identify Bank account in Italy.
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) Italian. Identify Bank account in Italy. Match examples: - "IT28 W800 0000 2921 0064 5211 151" - "IT28W8000000292100645211151" - "IT47r6150582949310134977462" Non-match examples: - "IT28-W800-0000-2921-0064-5211-151" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "IT28 W800 0000 2921 0064 5211 151", "IT28W8000000292100645211151", "IT47r6150582949310134977462", "IT50u4563415448490981947813", "IT45q3314391860255535018247", "IT66q2029117404871419554111", "IT62M7475226742656801338781", "IT08X8257033707588935025587", "IT17 B623 6010 0263 0308 1745 060", "IT41y2666346576666598173469", "IT74 t088 4777 7816 7371 3544 052", "IT22 u440 3355 3011 3390 9980 399", "IT35 G884 5647 9598 6037 6739 043" ]
[ "IT28-W800-0000-2921-0064-5211-151", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "there is a boy", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "", "(0xx12) 62509@", "++63453.345" ]
Matches Visa CC types 13 or 16 digits starting with 4 including Visa CC, Visa ATM only, Visa Electron and Visa Delta. Safe for international and will NOT match "^(49)" Switch debit cards.
Matches Visa CC types 13 or 16 digits starting with 4 including Visa CC, Visa ATM only, Visa Electron and Visa Delta. Safe for international and will NOT match "^(49)" Switch debit cards. Match examples: - "4111111111111111" - "4903302261507834" - "4467220202996" Non-match examples: - "4903020000000008" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "4111111111111111", "4903302261507834", "4467220202996", "49110)1235196213", "4903017255950095", "493Q756879644542", "4911709979024881", "4911724535180908", "49110u9577293921", "4903308308396935", "4459227852002739", "493L044079768559", "4903309339220364" ]
[ "4903020000000008", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Matches any of Solo, Switch or Maestro. International safe. Will not match on Discover, Visa or Mastercard. For example; Most recommendations for matching Visa are that they start with "4". If outside the US, this are incomplete on will falsly ID most Switch cards as Visa.
Matches any of Solo, Switch or Maestro. International safe. Will not match on Discover, Visa or Mastercard. For example; Most recommendations for matching Visa are that they start with "4". If outside the US, this are incomplete on will falsly ID most Switch cards as Visa. Match examples: - "6334500000000003" - "65787411526656" - "6011273550429" Non-match examples: - "6011000000000004" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "6334500000000003", "65787411526656", "6011273550429", "4911806694738239", "601170831788719484", "4936071095523185", "65213324135290730380", "6534390341823", "4911012277568333917", "6M903146540804017677", "6G748260985328737", "4903386469066177", "4903084055698099" ]
[ "6011000000000004", "52/2/54/245", "2534/52435234/2453", "(12) 324 653210", "234/423/5243", "$23.454", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "(0xx12) 7256 2345154", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
Validates both ISBN 10 and ISBN 13 numbers, and confirms ISBN 13 numbers start with only 978 or 979.
Validates both ISBN 10 and ISBN 13 numbers, and confirms ISBN 13 numbers start with only 978 or 979. Match examples: - "0672317249" - "9780672317248" - "357392943X" Non-match examples: - "0-672-31724-9" - "5555555555555"
[ "0672317249", "9780672317248", "357392943X", "6548106745", "9781061071527", "9793849883344", "9792371728730", "9780578739633", "803592955X", "9947182241", "9795633078285", "9782710478725", "738696527X" ]
[ "0-672-31724-9", "5555555555555", "2534/52435234/2453", "afdsaf.adijs", "9ijn", "$23.454", "AAAAAAA", "254627g.256", "245/524/12", "354/243/542", "(0xx12) 62509@", "3409fjg43" ]
alphanumeric - no space allowed - requires at least one character
alphanumeric - no space allowed - requires at least one character Match examples: - "a123b" - "56" - "d6" Non-match examples: - "a 1" - "52/2/54/245"
[ "a123b", "56", "d6", "56y", "d57", "g98g", "5r45", "43", "r6y98", "t545er67t8y", "u87", "y7uhf5", "f43vt33" ]
[ "a 1", "52/2/54/245", "-243fewdE#@", "(12) 324 653210", "ft f6 f", "f5 f5", "f5 g78yu&^YU", "f yvuv76y", "5f5tf76f i", "7 gyu", "6iy#@E", "#@EQW" ]
It matches private IP addresses. Private IP addresses (as defined by RFC 1918) are not routable on public Internet. This would help if you want to grant some previlege only to the users from within local network. ***Importnat*** This pattern assumes that the input is a valid IP address. You many need to make sure the input is a valid IP address.
It matches private IP addresses. Private IP addresses (as defined by RFC 1918) are not routable on public Internet. This would help if you want to grant some previlege only to the users from within local network. This pattern assumes that the input is a valid IP address. Match examples: - "" - "" - "" Non-match examples: - "" - ""
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "", "", "2534/52435234/2453", "", "42.342.3.524.23.", "543.25.453..2", "5..53..", "534.345.6.4.643", "", ".788..7462..543", "354.56.56.8.", "" ]
^(GIR|[A-Z]\d[A-Z\d]?|[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z\d]?)[ ]??(\d[A-Z]{0,2})??$
This will validate a partial postcode beginning with the postal district on up to the whole postcode, returning the two halves in sub-expressions. The main purpose is to return a valid postal district from a partial or whole postcode. The real value in this regex lies in the fact that it will process the postcode correctly regardless of whether or not the space in present after the district. So the accepted formats are A1 1AA, A11 1AA, A1A 1AA, AA1 1AA, AA11 1AA, AA1A 1AA GIR 0AA (and the same 6 formats without the space are also accepted). Requires postcodes to be upper-case.
This will validate a partial postcode beginning with the postal district on up to the whole postcode, returning the two halves in sub-expressions. The main purpose is to return a valid postal district from a partial or whole postcode. The real value in this regex lies in the fact that it will process the postcode correctly regardless of whether or not the space in present after the district. So the accepted formats are A1 1AA, A11 1AA, A1A 1AA, AA1 1AA, AA11 1AA, AA1A 1AA GIR 0AA (and the same 6 formats without the space are also accepted). Requires postcodes to be upper-case. Match examples: - "W1A1AB" - "GIR0L" - "GIR2KU" Non-match examples: - "WWW1AB" - "c:\f34fvfv"
[ "W1A1AB", "GIR0L", "GIR2KU", "K3", "M7", "SW0", "GIR9M", "N1M", "GIR", "PR7", "GIR", "UF1L", "AO8" ]
[ "WWW1AB", "c:\\f34fvfv", "53495083409x", "afdsaf.adijsTFVG", "DRTFC", "DRTCF", "TRCF6F", "T", "7FT87G8", "5f8yg", "6f7ui7", "d67" ]
^(GIR|[A-Z]\d[A-Z\d]??|[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z\d]??)[ ]??(\d[A-Z]{2})$
Validates a complete UK postcode. Returns the two halves in sub-expressions. Supports the following 7 formats: A1 1AA, A11 1AA, A1A 1AA, AA1 1AA, AA11 1AA, AA1A 1AA GIR 0AA (** And the same 7 formats without the space are also accepted). (requires postcodes to be upper-case)
Validates a complete UK postcode. Returns the two halves in sub-expressions. Supports the following 7 formats: A1 1AA, A11 1AA, A1A 1AA, AA1 1AA, AA11 1AA, AA1A 1AA GIR 0AA (** And the same 7 formats without the space are also accepted). (requires postcodes to be upper-case) Match examples: - "GIR0AA" - "SV85 9SV" - "T0J 4XZ" Non-match examples: - "WWW1AB" - "c:\f34fvfv"
[ "GIR0AA", "SV85 9SV", "T0J 4XZ", "U76VA", "GIR 6JN", "GIR 3XP", "GIR 4NS", "LX86SU", "VU47TU", "GIR 1QH", "IG9H4AY", "F2Q1PS", "KD36CL" ]
[ "WWW1AB", "c:\\f34fvfv", "-243", "afdsaf.adijs", "9ijn", "3nf@", "43-5432", "254627g.256", "u09nKLJG FSL", "354/243/542", "abc111def", "8h98009hu" ]
^[0-9]+[NnSs] [0-9]+[WwEe]$
This tests, are entered AW coordinates in correct short format, and it has no world info
match coordinate pairs in the format of latitude (North/South) followed by longitude (West/East), where both latitude and longitude are represented by numbers. Match examples: - "0N 0W" - "34N 118W" - "0s 0e" Non-match examples: - "aw 0N 0W" - "12345"
[ "0N 0W", "34N 118W", "0s 0e", "42n 73w", "90S 180E", "1n 1w", "60S 45E", "23n 56w", "75s 30e", "80N 90W", "45s 0e", "12n 34w", "50S 100E" ]
[ "aw 0N 0W", "12345", "N45 W90r", "afdsaf.adijs", "45N 90E 180W", "12n 45w E", "60N 45E, 23S 56W", "North 12 West 34", "50S 100E 200W", "N15 E20", "sda sad", "32542" ]