7 values
2 classes
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q99415917', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2607464', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Squall Leonhart'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}]}
Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Final Fantasy X and Squall Leonhart are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s> [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X and [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X and Squall Leonhart are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy universe,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],Final Fantasy X,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2]
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy universe,0,Squall Leonhart,Final Fantasy X,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,0,Squall Leonhart,Squall Leonhart,from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,Squall Leonhart,0,Final Fantasy X,Squall Leonhart,0,Squall Leonhart
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17452', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto V'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q185029', 'id': 1, 'label': 'first-person shooter'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P136', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'genre'}]}
Grand Theft Auto V is a first-person shooter.
The genre of first-person shooter is Grand Theft Auto V .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V is a [unused1]first-person shooter [unused2] .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V is a first-person shooter.
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The genre of [unused1]first-person shooter [unused2] is Grand Theft Auto V .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The genre of first-person shooter is Grand Theft Auto V .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Grand Theft Auto V,genre,[unused1]first-person shooter[unused2],[unused1]first-person shooter[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto V,[unused1]first-person shooter[unused2],0,[unused1]first-person shooter[unused2]
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Grand Theft Auto V,genre,first-person shooter,first-person shooter,0,Grand Theft Auto V,first-person shooter,0,first-person shooter
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6582527', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Metal Gear Solid'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1621656', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Solid Snake'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Solid Snake is a character in Metal Gear Solid.
Metal Gear Solid included the character of Metal Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake is a character in [unused1]Metal Gear Solid [unused2] .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake is a character in Metal Gear Solid.
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s> [unused1]Metal Gear Solid [unused2] included the character of Metal Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Metal Gear Solid included the character of Metal Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>[unused1]Metal Gear Solid[unused2],0,[unused1]Metal Gear Solid[unused2],[unused1]Metal Gear Solid[unused2],characters,Solid Snake,Solid Snake,present in work,[unused1]Metal Gear Solid[unused2],Solid Snake,0,Solid Snake
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Metal Gear Solid,0,Metal Gear Solid,Metal Gear Solid,characters,Solid Snake,Solid Snake,present in work,Metal Gear Solid,Solid Snake,0,Solid Snake
Which character has a brother named Luigi?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q210593', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Luigi'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12379', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mario'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2546', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sidekick of'}, {'name_': 'P3373', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sibling'}]}
Luigi is the sidekick of Mario, who is his sibling.
Mario is a sidekick of Mario , whose sister is , Mario .
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi is the sidekick of [unused1]Mario [unused2] , who is his sibling.
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi is the sidekick of Mario, who is his sibling.
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s> [unused1]Mario [unused2] is a sidekick of
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Mario is a sidekick of Mario , whose sister is , Mario .
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi,0,Luigi,Luigi,sidekick of,[unused1]Mario[unused2],[unused1]Mario[unused2],sibling,Luigi,[unused1]Mario[unused2],0,[unused1]Mario[unused2]
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi,0,Luigi,Luigi,sidekick of,Mario,Mario,sibling,Luigi,Mario,0,Mario
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?
Q864, Q9351
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17562848', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pokémon universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q864', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19847', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Poké Ball'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9351', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pikachu'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1445', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'fictional universe described in'}, {'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'media franchise'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'media franchise'}]}
The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise Poké Ball comes from. The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise Pikachu comes from.
The fictional character , Pokémon , was created in the fictional universe of the Pokémon , which has the following elements : the Poké Ball , the comic book character , and the character , Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise [unused1]Poké Ball [unused2] comes from. The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise Pikachu comes from.
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise Poké Ball comes from. The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where the media franchise Pikachu comes from.
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The fictional character , Pokémon , was created in the fictional universe of the Pokémon , which has the following elements : the [unused1]Poké Ball [unused2] , the comic book character , and the character , Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The fictional character , Pokémon , was created in the fictional universe of the Pokémon , which has the following elements : the Poké Ball , the comic book character , and the character , Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],Pokémon universe,0,Pikachu,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],Pokémon,0,Pikachu,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],media franchise,Pokémon,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],0,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],0,Pikachu,Pikachu,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pikachu,media franchise,Pokémon,Pikachu,0,[unused1]Poké Ball[unused2],Pikachu,0,Pikachu
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,Poké Ball,Pokémon universe,0,Pikachu,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,Poké Ball,Pokémon,0,Pikachu,Poké Ball,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Poké Ball,media franchise,Pokémon,Poké Ball,0,Poké Ball,Poké Ball,0,Pikachu,Pikachu,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pikachu,media franchise,Pokémon,Pikachu,0,Poké Ball,Pikachu,0,Pikachu
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 0, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581072', 'id': 1, 'label': 'female'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q768267', 'id': 2, 'label': 'breakfast cereal'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q5034402', 'id': 3, 'label': "Cap'n Crunch"}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2913000', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6270587', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Pebbles Flintstone'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q16204375', 'id': 6, 'label': 'Pebbles cereal'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P461', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'opposite of'}, {'name_': 'P461', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'opposite of'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P279', 'source': 6, 'target': 2, 'label': 'subclass of'}, {'name_': 'P144', 'source': 6, 'target': 5, 'label': 'based on'}]}
The sex of the male who is the same as Pac-Man is the same as the sex of the female who is the same as Pebbles Flintstone. The latter is a subclass of Pebbles cereal which is the basis for the breakfast cereal, Cap'n Crunch.
The character Pebbles Flintstone is a variation of the dish known as Pebbles cereal . It contains peanut butter and eggs . The latter dish is enjoyed by both the adult and the child .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The sex of the male who is the same as Pac-Man is the same as the sex of the female who is the same as Pebbles Flintstone. The latter is a subclass of [unused1]Pebbles cereal [unused2] which is the basis for the breakfast cereal, Cap'n Crunch.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The sex of the male who is the same as Pac-Man is the same as the sex of the female who is the same as Pebbles Flintstone. The latter is a subclass of Pebbles cereal which is the basis for the breakfast cereal, Cap'n Crunch.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The character Pebbles Flintstone is a variation of the dish known as [unused1]Pebbles cereal [unused2] . It contains peanut butter and eggs . The latter dish is enjoyed by both the adult and the child .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The character Pebbles Flintstone is a variation of the dish known as Pebbles cereal . It contains peanut butter and eggs . The latter dish is enjoyed by both the adult and the child .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>male,0,male,male,opposite of,female,male,0,breakfast cereal,male,0,Cap'n Crunch,male,0,Pac-Man,male,0,Pebbles Flintstone,male,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],female,opposite of,male,female,0,female,female,0,breakfast cereal,female,0,Cap'n Crunch,female,0,Pac-Man,female,0,Pebbles Flintstone,female,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],breakfast cereal,0,male,breakfast cereal,0,female,breakfast cereal,0,breakfast cereal,breakfast cereal,0,Cap'n Crunch,breakfast cereal,0,Pac-Man,breakfast cereal,0,Pebbles Flintstone,breakfast cereal,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],Cap'n Crunch,sex or gender,male,Cap'n Crunch,0,female,Cap'n Crunch,instance of,breakfast cereal,Cap'n Crunch,0,Cap'n Crunch,Cap'n Crunch,0,Pac-Man,Cap'n Crunch,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Cap'n Crunch,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],Pac-Man,sex or gender,male,Pac-Man,0,female,Pac-Man,0,breakfast cereal,Pac-Man,0,Cap'n Crunch,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],Pebbles Flintstone,0,male,Pebbles Flintstone,sex or gender,female,Pebbles Flintstone,0,breakfast cereal,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Cap'n Crunch,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Pac-Man,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Pebbles Flintstone,0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],0,male,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],0,female,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],subclass of,breakfast cereal,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],0,Cap'n Crunch,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],0,Pac-Man,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],based on,Pebbles Flintstone,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2],0,[unused1]Pebbles cereal[unused2]
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>male,0,male,male,opposite of,female,male,0,breakfast cereal,male,0,Cap'n Crunch,male,0,Pac-Man,male,0,Pebbles Flintstone,male,0,Pebbles cereal,female,opposite of,male,female,0,female,female,0,breakfast cereal,female,0,Cap'n Crunch,female,0,Pac-Man,female,0,Pebbles Flintstone,female,0,Pebbles cereal,breakfast cereal,0,male,breakfast cereal,0,female,breakfast cereal,0,breakfast cereal,breakfast cereal,0,Cap'n Crunch,breakfast cereal,0,Pac-Man,breakfast cereal,0,Pebbles Flintstone,breakfast cereal,0,Pebbles cereal,Cap'n Crunch,sex or gender,male,Cap'n Crunch,0,female,Cap'n Crunch,instance of,breakfast cereal,Cap'n Crunch,0,Cap'n Crunch,Cap'n Crunch,0,Pac-Man,Cap'n Crunch,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Cap'n Crunch,0,Pebbles cereal,Pac-Man,sex or gender,male,Pac-Man,0,female,Pac-Man,0,breakfast cereal,Pac-Man,0,Cap'n Crunch,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Pac-Man,0,Pebbles cereal,Pebbles Flintstone,0,male,Pebbles Flintstone,sex or gender,female,Pebbles Flintstone,0,breakfast cereal,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Cap'n Crunch,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Pac-Man,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Pebbles Flintstone,Pebbles Flintstone,0,Pebbles cereal,Pebbles cereal,0,male,Pebbles cereal,0,female,Pebbles cereal,subclass of,breakfast cereal,Pebbles cereal,0,Cap'n Crunch,Pebbles cereal,0,Pac-Man,Pebbles cereal,based on,Pebbles Flintstone,Pebbles cereal,0,Pebbles cereal
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1016', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Libya'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17443556', 'id': 1, 'label': 'House of Representatives'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q274769', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Mustafa Abdul Jalil'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P194', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'legislative body'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya, where Mustafa Abdul Jalil is a citizen.
The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya , where the leader is called Mustafa Abdul Jalil and the country is the location of Libya 's capital city , Libya .
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya, where [unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil [unused2] is a citizen.
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya, where Mustafa Abdul Jalil is a citizen.
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya , where the leader is called [unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil [unused2] and the country is the location of Libya 's capital city , Libya .
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>The House of Representatives is the legislative body of Libya , where the leader is called Mustafa Abdul Jalil and the country is the location of Libya 's capital city , Libya .
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>Libya,country,Libya,Libya,legislative body,House of Representatives,Libya,0,[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2],House of Representatives,country,Libya,House of Representatives,0,House of Representatives,House of Representatives,0,[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2],[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2],country of citizenship,Libya,[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2],0,House of Representatives,[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2],0,[unused1]Mustafa Abdul Jalil[unused2]
Who is the speaker of the Libyan House of Representatives?</s>Libya,country,Libya,Libya,legislative body,House of Representatives,Libya,0,Mustafa Abdul Jalil,House of Representatives,country,Libya,House of Representatives,0,House of Representatives,House of Representatives,0,Mustafa Abdul Jalil,Mustafa Abdul Jalil,country of citizenship,Libya,Mustafa Abdul Jalil,0,House of Representatives,Mustafa Abdul Jalil,0,Mustafa Abdul Jalil
What country is the official Republic of China?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q865', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Taiwan'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Taiwan is a country in the Asian region.
The country of Taiwan is known as Tainan .
What country is the official Republic of China?</s> [unused1]Taiwan [unused2] is a country in the Asian region.
What country is the official Republic of China?</s>Taiwan is a country in the Asian region.
What country is the official Republic of China?</s>The country of [unused1]Taiwan [unused2] is known as Tainan .
What country is the official Republic of China?</s>The country of Taiwan is known as Tainan .
What country is the official Republic of China?</s>[unused1]Taiwan[unused2],country,[unused1]Taiwan[unused2]
What country is the official Republic of China?</s>Taiwan,country,Taiwan
Who is the current president of Austria?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q40', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Austria'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6396', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Neusiedl Lake'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P206', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'located in or next to body of water'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Neusiedl Lake is located in Austria, and is located in or next to a body of water.
Neusiedl Lake is located in Austria , which is the location of Austria .
Who is the current president of Austria?</s>The [unused1]Neusiedl Lake [unused2] is located in Austria, and is located in or next to a body of water.
Who is the current president of Austria?</s>The Neusiedl Lake is located in Austria, and is located in or next to a body of water.
Who is the current president of Austria?</s> [unused1]Neusiedl Lake [unused2] is located in Austria , which is the location of Austria .
Who is the current president of Austria?</s>Neusiedl Lake is located in Austria , which is the location of Austria .
Who is the current president of Austria?</s>Austria,country,Austria,Austria,located in or next to body of water,[unused1]Neusiedl Lake[unused2],[unused1]Neusiedl Lake[unused2],country,Austria,[unused1]Neusiedl Lake[unused2],0,[unused1]Neusiedl Lake[unused2]
Who is the current president of Austria?</s>Austria,country,Austria,Austria,located in or next to body of water,Neusiedl Lake,Neusiedl Lake,country,Austria,Neusiedl Lake,0,Neusiedl Lake
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q150', 'id': 0, 'label': 'French'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94797', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto IV'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
Grand Theft Auto IV is in French.
The French language is spoken in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV is in [unused1]French [unused2] .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV is in French.
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The [unused1]French [unused2] language is spoken in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The French language is spoken in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>[unused1]French[unused2],0,[unused1]French[unused2],[unused1]French[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,[unused1]French[unused2],Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>French,0,French,French,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,French,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?
Q1250520, Q864
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17562848', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pokémon universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q864', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q847571', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Bulbasaur'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1250520', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pokédex'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1445', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'fictional universe described in'}, {'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'media franchise'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where Bulbasaur is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
The fictional character , Pokémon , is known as Bulbasaur and was created in the past by the fictional character . He is a member of the Pokémon family , where the Pokédex is present .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where [unused1]Bulbasaur [unused2] is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where Bulbasaur is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional character , Pokémon , is known as [unused1]Bulbasaur [unused2] and was created in the past by the fictional character . He is a member of the Pokémon family , where the Pokédex is present .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional character , Pokémon , is known as Bulbasaur and was created in the past by the fictional character . He is a member of the Pokémon family , where the Pokédex is present .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],Pokémon universe,0,Pokédex,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],Pokémon,0,Pokédex,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],media franchise,Pokémon,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],0,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],0,Pokédex,Pokédex,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pokédex,present in work,Pokémon,Pokédex,0,[unused1]Bulbasaur[unused2],Pokédex,0,Pokédex
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,Bulbasaur,Pokémon universe,0,Pokédex,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,Bulbasaur,Pokémon,0,Pokédex,Bulbasaur,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Bulbasaur,media franchise,Pokémon,Bulbasaur,0,Bulbasaur,Bulbasaur,0,Pokédex,Pokédex,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pokédex,present in work,Pokémon,Pokédex,0,Bulbasaur,Pokédex,0,Pokédex
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12391356', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1779100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy XV'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'media franchise'}]}
Final Fantasy XV is a part of the Final Fantasy media franchise.
Final Fantasy is the media genre of Final Fantasy XV .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s> [unused1]Final Fantasy [unused2] XV is a part of the
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s>Final Fantasy XV is a part of the Final Fantasy media franchise.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s> [unused1]Final Fantasy [unused2] is the media genre of
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s>Final Fantasy is the media genre of Final Fantasy XV .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s>[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],0,[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,media franchise,[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 6?</s>Final Fantasy,0,Final Fantasy,Final Fantasy,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,media franchise,Final Fantasy,Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q170420', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11168', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Super Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'developer'}]}
The developers of Super Mario Bros are Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development.
Super Mario Bros was a developer of the Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development .
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>The developers of Super Mario Bros are [unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development [unused2] .
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>The developers of Super Mario Bros are Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development.
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Super Mario Bros was a developer of the [unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development [unused2] .
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Super Mario Bros was a developer of the Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development .
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>[unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development[unused2],0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,developer,[unused1]Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development[unused2],Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
Who is the villain in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development,0,Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development,Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development,0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,developer,Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development,Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Link is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Link , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>Link is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>Link , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Link[unused2],[unused1]Link[unused2],present in work,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Link[unused2],0,[unused1]Link[unused2]
Who's the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Link,Link,present in work,The Legend of Zelda,Link,0,Link
What game has sold the most copies?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49740', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Minecraft'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Minecraft is a video game.
An example of a video game is Minecraft .
What game has sold the most copies?</s> [unused1]Minecraft [unused2] is a video game.
What game has sold the most copies?</s>Minecraft is a video game.
What game has sold the most copies?</s>An example of a video game is [unused1]Minecraft [unused2] .
What game has sold the most copies?</s>An example of a video game is Minecraft .
What game has sold the most copies?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,[unused1]Minecraft[unused2],[unused1]Minecraft[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Minecraft[unused2],0,[unused1]Minecraft[unused2]
What game has sold the most copies?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Minecraft,Minecraft,instance of,video game,Minecraft,0,Minecraft
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?
Q1709184, Q329981
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q250', 'id': 0, 'label': 'computer keyboard'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49740', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Minecraft'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3274141', 'id': 2, 'label': 'The Walking Dead: Season Two'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q329981', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Campfire'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P479', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'input device'}, {'name_': 'P479', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'input device'}, {'name_': 'P8411', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'set in environment'}]}
The computer keyboard is used in Minecraft and The Walking Dead : Season Two. The latter is set in the environment of a Campfire.
Campfire is the home of the computer keyboard , which is used in The Walking Dead , season two . The keyboard can be found in Minecraft .
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s>The computer keyboard is used in Minecraft and The Walking Dead : Season Two. The latter is set in the environment of a [unused1]Campfire [unused2] .
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s>The computer keyboard is used in Minecraft and The Walking Dead : Season Two. The latter is set in the environment of a Campfire.
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s> [unused1]Campfire [unused2] is the home of the computer keyboard , which is used in The Walking Dead , season two . The keyboard can be found in Minecraft .
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s>Campfire is the home of the computer keyboard , which is used in The Walking Dead , season two . The keyboard can be found in Minecraft .
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s>computer keyboard,0,computer keyboard,computer keyboard,0,Minecraft,computer keyboard,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,computer keyboard,0,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],Minecraft,input device,computer keyboard,Minecraft,0,Minecraft,Minecraft,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,Minecraft,0,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],The Walking Dead: Season Two,input device,computer keyboard,The Walking Dead: Season Two,0,Minecraft,The Walking Dead: Season Two,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,The Walking Dead: Season Two,set in environment,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],[unused1]Campfire[unused2],0,computer keyboard,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],0,Minecraft,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,[unused1]Campfire[unused2],0,[unused1]Campfire[unused2]
What are the three items that can be used to cook meat in Minecraft?</s>computer keyboard,0,computer keyboard,computer keyboard,0,Minecraft,computer keyboard,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,computer keyboard,0,Campfire,Minecraft,input device,computer keyboard,Minecraft,0,Minecraft,Minecraft,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,Minecraft,0,Campfire,The Walking Dead: Season Two,input device,computer keyboard,The Walking Dead: Season Two,0,Minecraft,The Walking Dead: Season Two,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,The Walking Dead: Season Two,set in environment,Campfire,Campfire,0,computer keyboard,Campfire,0,Minecraft,Campfire,0,The Walking Dead: Season Two,Campfire,0,Campfire
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q54936079', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Super Mario Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Donkey Kong'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10904385', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Diddy Kong'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 2, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
Diddy Kong and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s>Donkey Kong and [unused1]Diddy Kong [unused2] are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s>Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s> [unused1]Diddy Kong [unused2] and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s>Diddy Kong and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s>Super Mario Party,0,Super Mario Party,Super Mario Party,characters,Donkey Kong,Super Mario Party,characters,[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2],Donkey Kong,present in work,Super Mario Party,Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2],[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2],present in work,Super Mario Party,[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2],0,Donkey Kong,[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2],0,[unused1]Diddy Kong[unused2]
What is the name of Donkey Kong's son?</s>Super Mario Party,0,Super Mario Party,Super Mario Party,characters,Donkey Kong,Super Mario Party,characters,Diddy Kong,Donkey Kong,present in work,Super Mario Party,Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,Diddy Kong,Diddy Kong,present in work,Super Mario Party,Diddy Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Diddy Kong,0,Diddy Kong
What land is Link from?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Link'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q63617815', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P735', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'given name'}]}
Link is the given name of the person.
Link is the given name of the Link .
What land is Link from?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] is the given name of the person.
What land is Link from?</s>Link is the given name of the person.
What land is Link from?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] is the given name of the
What land is Link from?</s>Link is the given name of the Link .
What land is Link from?</s>Link,0,Link,Link,given name,[unused1]Link[unused2],[unused1]Link[unused2],0,Link,[unused1]Link[unused2],0,[unused1]Link[unused2]
What land is Link from?</s>Link,0,Link,Link,given name,Link,Link,0,Link,Link,0,Link
What city is Los Santos based on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q911278', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Los Santos Province'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2712890', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Las Tablas'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P36', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'capital'}, {'name_': 'P131', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'located in the administrative territorial entity'}]}
Las Tablas is the capital of the Los Santos Province, which is located in the administrative territorial entity of the same name.
Las Tablas is located in the administrative region of Los Santos Province , the capital of which is Las Tabas .
What city is Los Santos based on?</s> [unused1]Las Tablas [unused2] is the capital of the Los Santos Province, which is located in the administrative territorial entity of the same name.
What city is Los Santos based on?</s>Las Tablas is the capital of the Los Santos Province, which is located in the administrative territorial entity of the same name.
What city is Los Santos based on?</s> [unused1]Las Tablas [unused2] is located in the administrative region of Los Santos Province , the capital of which is Las Tabas .
What city is Los Santos based on?</s>Las Tablas is located in the administrative region of Los Santos Province , the capital of which is Las Tabas .
What city is Los Santos based on?</s>Los Santos Province,0,Los Santos Province,Los Santos Province,capital,[unused1]Las Tablas[unused2],[unused1]Las Tablas[unused2],located in the administrative territorial entity,Los Santos Province,[unused1]Las Tablas[unused2],0,[unused1]Las Tablas[unused2]
What city is Los Santos based on?</s>Los Santos Province,0,Los Santos Province,Los Santos Province,capital,Las Tablas,Las Tablas,located in the administrative territorial entity,Los Santos Province,Las Tablas,0,Las Tablas
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q56597354', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Judgment'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Judgment is a video game.
The movie , Judgment , is an example of a video game .
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>Judgment is a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>Judgment is a video game.
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>The movie , Judgment , is an example of a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>The movie , Judgment , is an example of a video game .
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>[unused1]video game[unused2],0,[unused1]video game[unused2],[unused1]video game[unused2],0,Judgment,Judgment,instance of,[unused1]video game[unused2],Judgment,0,Judgment
Who is the protagonist of Judgement?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Judgment,Judgment,instance of,video game,Judgment,0,Judgment
What color is Link's outfit?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Link'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21027734', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Young Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P460', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'said to be the same as'}, {'name_': 'P460', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'said to be the same as'}]}
Link is the same as Young Link.
Link is the same as the character , `` Young Link '' .
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link is the same as [unused1]Young Link [unused2] .
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link is the same as Young Link.
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link is the same as the character , `` [unused1]Young Link [unused2] '' .
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link is the same as the character , `` Young Link '' .
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link,0,Link,Link,said to be the same as,[unused1]Young Link[unused2],[unused1]Young Link[unused2],said to be the same as,Link,[unused1]Young Link[unused2],0,[unused1]Young Link[unused2]
What color is Link's outfit?</s>Link,0,Link,Link,said to be the same as,Young Link,Young Link,said to be the same as,Link,Young Link,0,Young Link
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 1, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q185747', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Nemesis'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q96216515', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Resident Evil Village'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English, the language of Resident Evil Village. It is also the source of the book Nemesis.
The book `` Evil Evil Village '' was written in English which is also the language used by the creators of the film `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' . The book was also described by the author of `` Nemesis '' .
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English, the language of Resident Evil Village. It is also the source of the book [unused1]Nemesis [unused2] .
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English, the language of Resident Evil Village. It is also the source of the book Nemesis.
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>The book `` Evil Evil Village '' was written in English which is also the language used by the creators of the film `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' . The book was also described by the author of `` [unused1]Nemesis [unused2] '' .
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>The book `` Evil Evil Village '' was written in English which is also the language used by the creators of the film `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' . The book was also described by the author of `` Nemesis '' .
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Resident Evil Village,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],English,0,Resident Evil Village,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],0,English,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],0,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],0,Resident Evil Village,Resident Evil Village,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Resident Evil Village,language of work or name,English,Resident Evil Village,0,[unused1]Nemesis[unused2],Resident Evil Village,0,Resident Evil Village
What is the name of the main boss in Resident Evil Village?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Nemesis,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Resident Evil Village,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,Nemesis,English,0,Resident Evil Village,Nemesis,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Nemesis,0,English,Nemesis,0,Nemesis,Nemesis,0,Resident Evil Village,Resident Evil Village,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Resident Evil Village,language of work or name,English,Resident Evil Village,0,Nemesis,Resident Evil Village,0,Resident Evil Village
Who released the first flight simulator game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q4740553', 'id': 0, 'label': 'flight simulation'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3834762', 'id': 1, 'label': 'list of flight simulator video games'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2354', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has list'}]}
The list of flight simulator video games includes the following :
The list of flight simulator video games includes flight simulation .
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>The [unused1]list of flight simulator video games [unused2] includes the following :
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>The list of flight simulator video games includes the following :
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>The [unused1]list of flight simulator video games [unused2] includes flight simulation .
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>The list of flight simulator video games includes flight simulation .
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>flight simulation,0,flight simulation,flight simulation,has list,[unused1]list of flight simulator video games[unused2],[unused1]list of flight simulator video games[unused2],0,flight simulation,[unused1]list of flight simulator video games[unused2],0,[unused1]list of flight simulator video games[unused2]
Who released the first flight simulator game?</s>flight simulation,0,flight simulation,flight simulation,has list,list of flight simulator video games,list of flight simulator video games,0,flight simulation,list of flight simulator video games,0,list of flight simulator video games
Who voices the main character in Outriders?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q129591', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hugh Jackman'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q86252643', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Outriders'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
English is spoken, written or signed by Hugh Jackman and is the language of the book Outriders.
Inriders and Hugh Jackman are both spoken in English .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English is spoken, written or signed by [unused1]Hugh Jackman [unused2] and is the language of the book Outriders.
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English is spoken, written or signed by Hugh Jackman and is the language of the book Outriders.
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Inriders and [unused1]Hugh Jackman [unused2] are both spoken in English .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Inriders and Hugh Jackman are both spoken in English .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],English,0,Outriders,[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],0,[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],0,Outriders,Outriders,language of work or name,English,Outriders,0,[unused1]Hugh Jackman[unused2],Outriders,0,Outriders
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Hugh Jackman,English,0,Outriders,Hugh Jackman,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Hugh Jackman,0,Hugh Jackman,Hugh Jackman,0,Outriders,Outriders,language of work or name,English,Outriders,0,Hugh Jackman,Outriders,0,Outriders
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q4677040', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Action/Adventure'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7855717', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Turn Records'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q627877', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Unreal Tournament'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P264', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'record label'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
The United States of America is the origin of the game Unreal Tournament. The country is the location of the record label Action/Adventure which is signed to the record label Turn Records.
The United States of America , which is the origin of the Unreal Tournament , is the home of the record label , Turn Records . The record label of Turn Records is Action/Adventure .
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>The United States of America is the origin of the game Unreal Tournament. The country is the location of the record label [unused1]Action/Adventure [unused2] which is signed to the record label Turn Records.
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>The United States of America is the origin of the game Unreal Tournament. The country is the location of the record label Action/Adventure which is signed to the record label Turn Records.
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>The United States of America , which is the origin of the Unreal Tournament , is the home of the record label , Turn Records . The record label of Turn Records is [unused1]Action/Adventure [unused2] .
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>The United States of America , which is the origin of the Unreal Tournament , is the home of the record label , Turn Records . The record label of Turn Records is Action/Adventure .
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],United States of America,0,Turn Records,United States of America,0,Unreal Tournament,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],0,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],record label,Turn Records,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],0,Unreal Tournament,Turn Records,country,United States of America,Turn Records,0,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],Turn Records,0,Turn Records,Turn Records,0,Unreal Tournament,Unreal Tournament,country of origin,United States of America,Unreal Tournament,0,[unused1]Action/Adventure[unused2],Unreal Tournament,0,Turn Records,Unreal Tournament,0,Unreal Tournament
What genre of game does Unreal Tournament belong to?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Action/Adventure,United States of America,0,Turn Records,United States of America,0,Unreal Tournament,Action/Adventure,0,United States of America,Action/Adventure,0,Action/Adventure,Action/Adventure,record label,Turn Records,Action/Adventure,0,Unreal Tournament,Turn Records,country,United States of America,Turn Records,0,Action/Adventure,Turn Records,0,Turn Records,Turn Records,0,Unreal Tournament,Unreal Tournament,country of origin,United States of America,Unreal Tournament,0,Action/Adventure,Unreal Tournament,0,Turn Records,Unreal Tournament,0,Unreal Tournament
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q840368', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Jill Valentine'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Jill Valentine is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Jill Valentine was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Jill Valentine [unused2] is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Jill Valentine is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Jill Valentine [unused2] was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Jill Valentine was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,[unused1]Jill Valentine[unused2],[unused1]Jill Valentine[unused2],present in work,Resident Evil,[unused1]Jill Valentine[unused2],0,[unused1]Jill Valentine[unused2]
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,Jill Valentine,Jill Valentine,present in work,Resident Evil,Jill Valentine,0,Jill Valentine
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q54936079', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Super Mario Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Donkey Kong'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2291541', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Koopa Troopa'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 2, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Donkey Kong and Koopa Troopa are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
Koopa Troopa and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Donkey Kong and [unused1]Koopa Troopa [unused2] are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Donkey Kong and Koopa Troopa are both present in the work Super Mario Party.
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s> [unused1]Koopa Troopa [unused2] and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Koopa Troopa and the character Donkey Kong are both present in work at the Super Mario Party .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Super Mario Party,0,Super Mario Party,Super Mario Party,characters,Donkey Kong,Super Mario Party,characters,[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2],Donkey Kong,present in work,Super Mario Party,Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2],[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2],present in work,Super Mario Party,[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2],0,Donkey Kong,[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2],0,[unused1]Koopa Troopa[unused2]
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Super Mario Party,0,Super Mario Party,Super Mario Party,characters,Donkey Kong,Super Mario Party,characters,Koopa Troopa,Donkey Kong,present in work,Super Mario Party,Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,Koopa Troopa,Koopa Troopa,present in work,Super Mario Party,Koopa Troopa,0,Donkey Kong,Koopa Troopa,0,Koopa Troopa
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q99415917', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2607464', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Squall Leonhart'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}]}
Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Final Fantasy X and Squall Leonhart are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s> [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X and [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X and Squall Leonhart are both fictional universes .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy universe,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],Final Fantasy X,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2]
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy universe,0,Squall Leonhart,Final Fantasy X,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,0,Squall Leonhart,Squall Leonhart,from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,Squall Leonhart,0,Final Fantasy X,Squall Leonhart,0,Squall Leonhart
What was the imperial capital of Japan?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q80434', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Aichi Prefecture'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Aichi Prefecture is an administrative territorial entity in Japan.
Aichi Prefecture is located in the country of Japan , where the administrative entity is called Aichin Prefecture .
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s> [unused1]Aichi Prefecture [unused2] is an administrative territorial entity in Japan.
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s>Aichi Prefecture is an administrative territorial entity in Japan.
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s> [unused1]Aichi Prefecture [unused2] is located in the country of Japan , where the administrative entity is called Aichin Prefecture .
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s>Aichi Prefecture is located in the country of Japan , where the administrative entity is called Aichin Prefecture .
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Aichi Prefecture[unused2],[unused1]Aichi Prefecture[unused2],country,Japan,[unused1]Aichi Prefecture[unused2],0,[unused1]Aichi Prefecture[unused2]
What was the imperial capital of Japan?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,contains the administrative territorial entity,Aichi Prefecture,Aichi Prefecture,country,Japan,Aichi Prefecture,0,Aichi Prefecture
Where did the Great Emu War take place?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q93208', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Emu'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q14665', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Emu War'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P793', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'significant event'}, {'name_': 'P710', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'participant'}]}
Emu was a participant in the Emu War.
Emu War was a significant event in Emu .
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s> [unused1]Emu [unused2] was a participant in the
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s>Emu was a participant in the Emu War.
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s> [unused1]Emu [unused2] War was a significant event in
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s>Emu War was a significant event in Emu .
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s>[unused1]Emu[unused2],0,[unused1]Emu[unused2],[unused1]Emu[unused2],significant event,Emu War,Emu War,participant,[unused1]Emu[unused2],Emu War,0,Emu War
Where did the Great Emu War take place?</s>Emu,0,Emu,Emu,significant event,Emu War,Emu War,participant,Emu,Emu War,0,Emu War
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10683', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 3'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q953242', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mass Effect'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The PlayStation 3 is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Mass Effect is a platform for the PlayStation 3 .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 3 [unused2] is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>The PlayStation 3 is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>Mass Effect is a platform for the [unused1]PlayStation 3 [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>Mass Effect is a platform for the PlayStation 3 .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 3[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 3[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 3[unused2],0,Mass Effect,Mass Effect,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 3[unused2],Mass Effect,0,Mass Effect
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>PlayStation 3,0,PlayStation 3,PlayStation 3,0,Mass Effect,Mass Effect,platform,PlayStation 3,Mass Effect,0,Mass Effect
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9008098', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Impa'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Impa [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Impa [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Impa[unused2],[unused1]Impa[unused2],0,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Impa[unused2],0,[unused1]Impa[unused2]
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Impa,Impa,0,The Legend of Zelda,Impa,0,Impa
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q13099569', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hyrule'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Legend of Zelda is set in Hyrule, a country in the world.
The Legend of Zelda was published in Hyrule , which is in the country of Hyrule .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda is set in [unused1]Hyrule [unused2] , a country in the world.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda is set in Hyrule, a country in the world.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda was published in [unused1]Hyrule [unused2] , which is in the country of
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda was published in Hyrule , which is in the country of Hyrule .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,0,[unused1]Hyrule[unused2],[unused1]Hyrule[unused2],present in work,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Hyrule[unused2],country,[unused1]Hyrule[unused2]
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,0,Hyrule,Hyrule,present in work,The Legend of Zelda,Hyrule,country,Hyrule
Where does Zelda live?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9008098', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Impa'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
Where does Zelda live?</s> [unused1]Impa [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Where does Zelda live?</s>Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Where does Zelda live?</s> [unused1]Impa [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
Where does Zelda live?</s>Impa is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Impa[unused2],[unused1]Impa[unused2],0,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Impa[unused2],0,[unused1]Impa[unused2]
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Impa,Impa,0,The Legend of Zelda,Impa,0,Impa
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54820071', 'id': 0, 'label': 'digital download'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P437', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'distribution format'}]}
The digital download format for Pac-Man is.
The distribution format of the comic book character , Pac-Man , is the digital download .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The [unused1]digital download [unused2] format for Pac-Man is.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The digital download format for Pac-Man is.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The distribution format of the comic book character , Pac-Man , is the [unused1]digital download [unused2] .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The distribution format of the comic book character , Pac-Man , is the digital download .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>[unused1]digital download[unused2],0,[unused1]digital download[unused2],[unused1]digital download[unused2],0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,distribution format,[unused1]digital download[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>digital download,0,digital download,digital download,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,distribution format,digital download,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q652022', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Master Chief'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747150', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Halo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The Master Chief is present in Halo.
The Master Chief is present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The [unused1]Master Chief [unused2] is present in Halo.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The Master Chief is present in Halo.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The [unused1]Master Chief [unused2] is present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The Master Chief is present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>[unused1]Master Chief[unused2],0,[unused1]Master Chief[unused2],[unused1]Master Chief[unused2],present in work,Halo,Halo,0,[unused1]Master Chief[unused2],Halo,0,Halo
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Master Chief,0,Master Chief,Master Chief,present in work,Halo,Halo,0,Master Chief,Halo,0,Halo
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1138965', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Leon Scott Kennedy'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Leon Scott Kennedy is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Leon Scott Kennedy was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy [unused2] is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Leon Scott Kennedy is a character in the film Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy [unused2] was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Leon Scott Kennedy was a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,[unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy[unused2],[unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy[unused2],present in work,Resident Evil,[unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy[unused2],0,[unused1]Leon Scott Kennedy[unused2]
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,Leon Scott Kennedy,Leon Scott Kennedy,present in work,Resident Evil,Leon Scott Kennedy,0,Leon Scott Kennedy
Where does the Last of Us take place?
Q16559, Q1439
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34404', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New Orleans'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1986744', 'id': 2, 'label': 'The Last of Us'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
The United States of America is the origin of The Last of Us. New Orleans is a city in the US.
The United States of America , where The last of Us was written , is home to New Orleans and is also where you will find the city of Newark .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The United States of America is the origin of The Last of Us. [unused1]New Orleans [unused2] is a city in the US.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The United States of America is the origin of The Last of Us. New Orleans is a city in the US.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The United States of America , where The last of Us was written , is home to [unused1]New Orleans [unused2] and is also where you will find the city of Newark .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The United States of America , where The last of Us was written , is home to New Orleans and is also where you will find the city of Newark .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],United States of America,0,The Last of Us,[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],0,[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,country of origin,United States of America,The Last of Us,0,[unused1]New Orleans[unused2],The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,New Orleans,United States of America,0,The Last of Us,New Orleans,country,United States of America,New Orleans,0,New Orleans,New Orleans,0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,country of origin,United States of America,The Last of Us,0,New Orleans,The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Android'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Android platform is used for the game Resident Evil.
The operating system for the Android is called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The [unused1]Android [unused2] platform is used for the game Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The Android platform is used for the game Resident Evil.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The operating system for the [unused1]Android [unused2] is called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The operating system for the Android is called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>[unused1]Android[unused2],0,[unused1]Android[unused2],[unused1]Android[unused2],0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,platform,[unused1]Android[unused2],Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Android,0,Android,Android,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,platform,Android,Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18345138', 'id': 0, 'label': 'God of War'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q70775213', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Baldur'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Baldur is a character in the work, God of War.
The character of Baldur appeared in the novel `` God of War '' .
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s> [unused1]Baldur [unused2] is a character in the work, God of War.
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s>Baldur is a character in the work, God of War.
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s>The character of [unused1]Baldur [unused2] appeared in the novel `` God of War '' .
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s>The character of Baldur appeared in the novel `` God of War '' .
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s>God of War,0,God of War,God of War,characters,[unused1]Baldur[unused2],[unused1]Baldur[unused2],present in work,God of War,[unused1]Baldur[unused2],0,[unused1]Baldur[unused2]
What is the name of the hero you play as in God of War?</s>God of War,0,God of War,God of War,characters,Baldur,Baldur,present in work,God of War,Baldur,0,Baldur
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Link is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Link , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s>Link is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Link [unused2] , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s>Link , a character in The Legend of Zelda , was present in work .
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Link[unused2],[unused1]Link[unused2],present in work,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Link[unused2],0,[unused1]Link[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of the Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Link,Link,present in work,The Legend of Zelda,Link,0,Link
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2775969', 'id': 0, 'label': 'fictional planet'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q131007', 'id': 1, 'label': 'World of Warcraft'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P8411', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'set in environment'}]}
The fictional planet of Azeroth is the setting for World of Warcraft.
The fictional planet , World of Warcraft , is a fictional planet .
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>The [unused1]fictional planet [unused2] of Azeroth is the setting for World of Warcraft.
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>The fictional planet of Azeroth is the setting for World of Warcraft.
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>The [unused1]fictional planet [unused2] , World of Warcraft , is a
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>The fictional planet , World of Warcraft , is a fictional planet .
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>[unused1]fictional planet[unused2],0,[unused1]fictional planet[unused2],[unused1]fictional planet[unused2],0,World of Warcraft,World of Warcraft,set in environment,[unused1]fictional planet[unused2],World of Warcraft,0,World of Warcraft
What is the world called in World of Warcraft?</s>fictional planet,0,fictional planet,fictional planet,0,World of Warcraft,World of Warcraft,set in environment,fictional planet,World of Warcraft,0,World of Warcraft
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94797', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto IV'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1774685', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Niko Bellic'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Niko Bellic is a character in Grand Theft Auto IV.
Niko Bellic , a character in Grand Theft Auto IV , was present in work .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s> [unused1]Niko Bellic [unused2] is a character in Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Niko Bellic is a character in Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s> [unused1]Niko Bellic [unused2] , a character in Grand Theft Auto IV , was present in work .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Niko Bellic , a character in Grand Theft Auto IV , was present in work .
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,characters,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],present in work,Grand Theft Auto IV,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2]
Who is the main character in Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,characters,Niko Bellic,Niko Bellic,present in work,Grand Theft Auto IV,Niko Bellic,0,Niko Bellic
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17452', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto V'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q522680', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Oh No'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P86', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'composer'}]}
The music for the Grand Theft Auto V game is called Oh No ''.
The musical genre of the film `` Grand Theft Auto V '' is `` Oh No '' .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The music for the Grand Theft Auto V game is called [unused1]Oh No [unused2] ''.
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The music for the Grand Theft Auto V game is called Oh No ''.
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The musical genre of the film `` Grand Theft Auto V '' is `` [unused1]Oh No [unused2] '' .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>The musical genre of the film `` Grand Theft Auto V '' is `` Oh No '' .
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Grand Theft Auto V,composer,[unused1]Oh No[unused2],[unused1]Oh No[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto V,[unused1]Oh No[unused2],0,[unused1]Oh No[unused2]
Who is the developer for Grand Theft Auto V?</s>Grand Theft Auto V,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Grand Theft Auto V,composer,Oh No,Oh No,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Oh No,0,Oh No
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q99775', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Commodore 64'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Commodore 64 is the platform for Pac-Man.
The operating system for the Commodore 64 is the Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The [unused1]Commodore 64 [unused2] is the platform for Pac-Man.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The Commodore 64 is the platform for Pac-Man.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The operating system for the [unused1]Commodore 64 [unused2] is the Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The operating system for the Commodore 64 is the Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>[unused1]Commodore 64[unused2],0,[unused1]Commodore 64[unused2],[unused1]Commodore 64[unused2],0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,platform,[unused1]Commodore 64[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>Commodore 64,0,Commodore 64,Commodore 64,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,platform,Commodore 64,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12397', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Metroid'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12400', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Samus Aran'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Samus Aran is a character in Metroid.
Samus Aran is a character in the film , Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s> [unused1]Samus Aran [unused2] is a character in Metroid.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Samus Aran is a character in Metroid.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s> [unused1]Samus Aran [unused2] is a character in the film , Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Samus Aran is a character in the film , Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid,0,Metroid,Metroid,characters,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],present in work,Metroid,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],0,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2]
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid,0,Metroid,Metroid,characters,Samus Aran,Samus Aran,present in work,Metroid,Samus Aran,0,Samus Aran
Who is the major villain in FFVII?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q214232', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy VII'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q649546', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Sephiroth'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The character Sephiroth is present in the work Final Fantasy VII.
The character , Sephiroth , was present in Final Fantasy VII .
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>The character [unused1]Sephiroth [unused2] is present in the work Final Fantasy VII.
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>The character Sephiroth is present in the work Final Fantasy VII.
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>The character , [unused1]Sephiroth [unused2] , was present in Final Fantasy VII .
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>The character , Sephiroth , was present in Final Fantasy VII .
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,characters,[unused1]Sephiroth[unused2],[unused1]Sephiroth[unused2],present in work,Final Fantasy VII,[unused1]Sephiroth[unused2],0,[unused1]Sephiroth[unused2]
Who is the major villain in FFVII?</s>Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,characters,Sephiroth,Sephiroth,present in work,Final Fantasy VII,Sephiroth,0,Sephiroth
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2940375', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Rice Krispies Treats'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2913000', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3043394', 'id': 3, 'label': "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass"}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Rice Krispies Treats come from the United States, where the character of Pac-Man is based. The US is also the origin of Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass, which is the basis for the character Homer.
Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is a character from the United States of America , where the Rice Krispies Treats are found . The US is the origin of the character , Pac-Man .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s> [unused1]Rice Krispies Treats [unused2] come from the United States, where the character of Pac-Man is based. The US is also the origin of Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass, which is the basis for the character Homer.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>Rice Krispies Treats come from the United States, where the character of Pac-Man is based. The US is also the origin of Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass, which is the basis for the character Homer.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is a character from the United States of America , where the [unused1]Rice Krispies Treats [unused2] are found . The US is the origin of the character , Pac-Man .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is a character from the United States of America , where the Rice Krispies Treats are found . The US is the origin of the character , Pac-Man .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],country of origin,United States of America,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,Pac-Man,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,country of origin,United States of America,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,characters,Pac-Man,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Rice Krispies Treats,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Rice Krispies Treats,country of origin,United States of America,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Pac-Man,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,country of origin,United States of America,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,characters,Pac-Man,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q545044', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Ganondorf'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Ganondorf is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
The character , Ganondorf , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Ganondorf [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>Ganondorf is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The character , [unused1]Ganondorf [unused2] , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The character , Ganondorf , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],present in work,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],0,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Ganondorf,Ganondorf,present in work,The Legend of Zelda,Ganondorf,0,Ganondorf
What country was Tetris created in?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q159', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Russia'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q71910', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Tetris'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Tetris originates from Russia.
The country of origin of Tetris is Russia , the country where the dish originates from .
What country was Tetris created in?</s>Tetris originates from [unused1]Russia [unused2] .
What country was Tetris created in?</s>Tetris originates from Russia.
What country was Tetris created in?</s>The country of origin of Tetris is [unused1]Russia [unused2] , the country where the dish originates from .
What country was Tetris created in?</s>The country of origin of Tetris is Russia , the country where the dish originates from .
What country was Tetris created in?</s>[unused1]Russia[unused2],country,[unused1]Russia[unused2],[unused1]Russia[unused2],0,Tetris,Tetris,country of origin,[unused1]Russia[unused2],Tetris,0,Tetris
What country was Tetris created in?</s>Russia,country,Russia,Russia,0,Tetris,Tetris,country of origin,Russia,Tetris,0,Tetris
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8646', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Hong Kong'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5967692', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Street Fighters'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P495', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Street Fighters originates from Hong Kong.
Street Fighters are from Hong Kong .
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>Street Fighters originates from [unused1]Hong Kong [unused2] .
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>Street Fighters originates from Hong Kong.
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>Street Fighters are from [unused1]Hong Kong [unused2] .
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>Street Fighters are from Hong Kong .
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>[unused1]Hong Kong[unused2],0,[unused1]Hong Kong[unused2],[unused1]Hong Kong[unused2],0,Street Fighters,Street Fighters,country of origin,[unused1]Hong Kong[unused2],Street Fighters,0,Street Fighters
Who is the publisher of all the Street Fighters?</s>Hong Kong,0,Hong Kong,Hong Kong,0,Street Fighters,Street Fighters,country of origin,Hong Kong,Street Fighters,0,Street Fighters
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q13361286', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Xbox One'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 1, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Xbox One is the platform for the game FIFA.
The Xbox One is available on the Xbox One .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]Xbox One [unused2] is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The Xbox One is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]Xbox One [unused2] is available on the
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The Xbox One is available on the Xbox One .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>[unused1]Xbox One[unused2],0,[unused1]Xbox One[unused2],[unused1]Xbox One[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,[unused1]Xbox One[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>Xbox One,0,Xbox One,Xbox One,0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,Xbox One,FIFA,0,FIFA
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7737', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Russian'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94797', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto IV'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
Grand Theft Auto IV is in the Russian language.
The Russian language is used in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV is in the [unused1]Russian [unused2] language.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV is in the Russian language.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The [unused1]Russian [unused2] language is used in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The Russian language is used in Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>[unused1]Russian[unused2],0,[unused1]Russian[unused2],[unused1]Russian[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,[unused1]Russian[unused2],Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Russian,0,Russian,Russian,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,Russian,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV
What are Bowser's children collectively called?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q845864', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Bowser'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2608870', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Bowser Jr.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P40', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'child'}, {'name_': 'P22', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'father'}]}
The son of Bowser Jr. is Bowser, the name of the character.
The child of Bowser Jr. is Bowser Jr .
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>The son of [unused1]Bowser Jr. [unused2] is Bowser, the name of the character.
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>The son of Bowser Jr. is Bowser, the name of the character.
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>The child of [unused1]Bowser Jr. [unused2] is Bowser Jr .
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>The child of Bowser Jr. is Bowser Jr .
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>Bowser,0,Bowser,Bowser,child,[unused1]Bowser Jr.[unused2],[unused1]Bowser Jr.[unused2],father,Bowser,[unused1]Bowser Jr.[unused2],0,[unused1]Bowser Jr.[unused2]
What are Bowser's children collectively called?</s>Bowser,0,Bowser,Bowser,child,Bowser Jr.,Bowser Jr.,father,Bowser,Bowser Jr.,0,Bowser Jr.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15632617', 'id': 0, 'label': 'fictional human'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 2, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223684', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Lara Croft'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q106435338', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Zoran Lazarević'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1064135', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Uncharted'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 4, 'target': 5, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
English is the official language of the United States of America, where Lara Croft is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of Lara Croft . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where [unused1]Lara Croft [unused2] is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where Lara Croft is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of [unused1]Lara Croft [unused2] . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of Lara Croft . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],instance of,fictional human,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,Zoran Lazarević,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,Lara Croft,fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,Lara Croft,United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,Lara Croft,English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,Lara Croft,instance of,fictional human,Lara Croft,0,United States of America,Lara Croft,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Lara Croft,0,Lara Croft,Lara Croft,0,Zoran Lazarević,Lara Croft,0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,Lara Croft,Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,Lara Croft,Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18515944', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Overwatch'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q33026303', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Doomfist'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Doomfist is a character in the Overwatch series.
Doomfist is a character in the fictional superhero Overwatch .
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s> [unused1]Doomfist [unused2] is a character in the Overwatch series.
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s>Doomfist is a character in the Overwatch series.
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s> [unused1]Doomfist [unused2] is a character in the fictional superhero Overwatch .
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s>Doomfist is a character in the fictional superhero Overwatch .
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s>Overwatch,0,Overwatch,Overwatch,characters,[unused1]Doomfist[unused2],[unused1]Doomfist[unused2],present in work,Overwatch,[unused1]Doomfist[unused2],0,[unused1]Doomfist[unused2]
What character in Overwatch has wings and the ability to resurrect fallen teammates?</s>Overwatch,0,Overwatch,Overwatch,characters,Doomfist,Doomfist,present in work,Overwatch,Doomfist,0,Doomfist
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94797', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto IV'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94893', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Rockstar North'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'developer'}]}
Rockstar North is the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV.
Rockstar North was the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s> [unused1]Rockstar North [unused2] is the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Rockstar North is the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s> [unused1]Rockstar North [unused2] was the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Rockstar North was the developer of Grand Theft Auto IV .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,developer,[unused1]Rockstar North[unused2],[unused1]Rockstar North[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto IV,[unused1]Rockstar North[unused2],0,[unused1]Rockstar North[unused2]
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,developer,Rockstar North,Rockstar North,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Rockstar North,0,Rockstar North
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8093', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19610114', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Nintendo Switch'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P176', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'manufacturer'}]}
Nintendo is the manufacturer of the Nintendo Switch.
The manufacturer of the Nintendo Switch is the Nintendo .
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>Nintendo is the manufacturer of the [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] .
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>Nintendo is the manufacturer of the Nintendo Switch.
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>The manufacturer of the [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] is the Nintendo .
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>The manufacturer of the Nintendo Switch is the Nintendo .
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],manufacturer,Nintendo,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2]
As of 2021, what is the latest Nintendo console?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,Nintendo Switch,Nintendo Switch,manufacturer,Nintendo,Nintendo Switch,0,Nintendo Switch
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q309996', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Namco'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P800', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'notable work'}, {'name_': 'P123', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
The publisher of Pac-Man is Namco.
The comic book character , Pac-Man , was published by the company , Namco .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The publisher of Pac-Man is [unused1]Namco [unused2] .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The publisher of Pac-Man is Namco.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The comic book character , Pac-Man , was published by the company , [unused1]Namco [unused2] .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The comic book character , Pac-Man , was published by the company , Namco .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>[unused1]Namco[unused2],0,[unused1]Namco[unused2],[unused1]Namco[unused2],notable work,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,publisher,[unused1]Namco[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>Namco,0,Namco,Namco,notable work,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,publisher,Namco,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 1, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q183403', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ishmael'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1779100', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Final Fantasy XV'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
The English language is the language of Final Fantasy XV. The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English and was also used by Ishmael.
The book `` Final Fantasy XV '' is written in English , which is also the language used by Ishmael and the book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>The English language is the language of Final Fantasy XV. The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English and was also used by [unused1]Ishmael [unused2] .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>The English language is the language of Final Fantasy XV. The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is written in English and was also used by Ishmael.
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>The book `` Final Fantasy XV '' is written in English , which is also the language used by [unused1]Ishmael [unused2] and the book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>The book `` Final Fantasy XV '' is written in English , which is also the language used by Ishmael and the book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Final Fantasy XV,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],English,0,Final Fantasy XV,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],0,English,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],0,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Final Fantasy XV,language of work or name,English,Final Fantasy XV,0,[unused1]Ishmael[unused2],Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Ishmael,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Final Fantasy XV,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,Ishmael,English,0,Final Fantasy XV,Ishmael,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Ishmael,0,English,Ishmael,0,Ishmael,Ishmael,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Final Fantasy XV,language of work or name,English,Final Fantasy XV,0,Ishmael,Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q105988888', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Alcina Dimitrescu'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the Resident Evil series.
Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu [unused2] is a character in the Resident Evil series.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the Resident Evil series.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s> [unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu [unused2] is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],0,Resident Evil,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],0,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2]
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,Alcina Dimitrescu,Alcina Dimitrescu,0,Resident Evil,Alcina Dimitrescu,0,Alcina Dimitrescu
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q53481826', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q85874235', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mario & Luigi'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Mario & Luigi are present in the work Mario Bros.
Mario & Luigi are present in work of Mario .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s> [unused1]Mario & Luigi [unused2] are present in the work Mario Bros.
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario & Luigi are present in the work Mario Bros.
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s> [unused1]Mario & Luigi [unused2] are present in work of Mario .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario & Luigi are present in work of Mario .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,present in work,[unused1]Mario & Luigi[unused2],[unused1]Mario & Luigi[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,[unused1]Mario & Luigi[unused2],0,[unused1]Mario & Luigi[unused2]
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,present in work,Mario & Luigi,Mario & Luigi,0,Mario Bros.,Mario & Luigi,0,Mario & Luigi
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17589470', 'id': 0, 'label': 'home video game console'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8076', 'id': 1, 'label': 'video game console'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q63184502', 'id': 2, 'label': 'PlayStation 5'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P279', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'subclass of'}, {'name_': 'P279', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'subclass of'}]}
The PlayStation 5 is a home video game console.
The home video game console is a subclass of the PlayStation 5 and is considered to be a sequel to the TV series .
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 5 [unused2] is a home video game console.
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>The PlayStation 5 is a home video game console.
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>The home video game console is a subclass of the [unused1]PlayStation 5 [unused2] and is considered to be a sequel to the TV series .
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>The home video game console is a subclass of the PlayStation 5 and is considered to be a sequel to the TV series .
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>home video game console,0,home video game console,home video game console,subclass of,video game console,home video game console,0,[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2],video game console,0,home video game console,video game console,0,video game console,video game console,0,[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2],subclass of,home video game console,[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2],0,video game console,[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 5[unused2]
What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020?</s>home video game console,0,home video game console,home video game console,subclass of,video game console,home video game console,0,PlayStation 5,video game console,0,home video game console,video game console,0,video game console,video game console,0,PlayStation 5,PlayStation 5,subclass of,home video game console,PlayStation 5,0,video game console,PlayStation 5,0,PlayStation 5
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 1, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1763921', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Rice Krispies'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2913000', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3043394', 'id': 4, 'label': "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass"}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q102191419', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Crackle'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 4, 'target': 3, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P6291', 'source': 5, 'target': 2, 'label': 'advertises'}]}
The United States is the origin of Rice Krispies and Crackle, the latter of which is a male. The comic character of Pac-Man is a character in Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass.
Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is from the United States of America , where the dish Rice Krispies can be found . The latter country is the origin of the character , Pac-Man , who in turn , can be known as Crackle .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The United States is the origin of [unused1]Rice Krispies [unused2] and Crackle, the latter of which is a male. The comic character of Pac-Man is a character in Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>The United States is the origin of Rice Krispies and Crackle, the latter of which is a male. The comic character of Pac-Man is a character in Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass.
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is from the United States of America , where the dish [unused1]Rice Krispies [unused2] can be found . The latter country is the origin of the character , Pac-Man , who in turn , can be known as Crackle .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>Homer and Ned 's Hail Mary Pass is from the United States of America , where the dish Rice Krispies can be found . The latter country is the origin of the character , Pac-Man , who in turn , can be known as Crackle .
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,male,United States of America,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,United States of America,0,Crackle,male,0,United States of America,male,0,male,male,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],male,0,Pac-Man,male,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,male,0,Crackle,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,male,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,Pac-Man,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,Crackle,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,sex or gender,male,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Pac-Man,0,Crackle,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,country of origin,United States of America,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,male,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,characters,Pac-Man,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Crackle,Crackle,0,United States of America,Crackle,sex or gender,male,Crackle,advertises,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],Crackle,0,Pac-Man,Crackle,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Crackle,0,Crackle
What food was the character Pac-Man modeled after?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,male,United States of America,0,Rice Krispies,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,United States of America,0,Crackle,male,0,United States of America,male,0,male,male,0,Rice Krispies,male,0,Pac-Man,male,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,male,0,Crackle,Rice Krispies,country,United States of America,Rice Krispies,0,male,Rice Krispies,0,Rice Krispies,Rice Krispies,0,Pac-Man,Rice Krispies,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Rice Krispies,0,Crackle,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,sex or gender,male,Pac-Man,0,Rice Krispies,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Pac-Man,0,Crackle,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,country of origin,United States of America,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,male,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Rice Krispies,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,characters,Pac-Man,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,0,Crackle,Crackle,0,United States of America,Crackle,sex or gender,male,Crackle,advertises,Rice Krispies,Crackle,0,Pac-Man,Crackle,0,Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass,Crackle,0,Crackle
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15632617', 'id': 0, 'label': 'fictional human'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 2, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1774685', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Niko Bellic'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q106435338', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Zoran Lazarević'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1064135', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Uncharted'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 4, 'target': 5, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
English is the official language of the United States of America, where Niko Bellic is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a character in the film Uncharted.
The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the novel Uncharted . The book was written by Zoran Lazarević and Niko Bellic . The latter was a fictional character who was created in English , the language spoken in the US .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where [unused1]Niko Bellic [unused2] is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a character in the film Uncharted.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where Niko Bellic is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a character in the film Uncharted.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the novel Uncharted . The book was written by Zoran Lazarević and [unused1]Niko Bellic [unused2] . The latter was a fictional character who was created in English , the language spoken in the US .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the novel Uncharted . The book was written by Zoran Lazarević and Niko Bellic . The latter was a fictional character who was created in English , the language spoken in the US .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],instance of,fictional human,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],0,Zoran Lazarević,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,[unused1]Niko Bellic[unused2],Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,Niko Bellic,fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,Niko Bellic,United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,Niko Bellic,English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,Niko Bellic,instance of,fictional human,Niko Bellic,0,United States of America,Niko Bellic,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Niko Bellic,0,Niko Bellic,Niko Bellic,0,Zoran Lazarević,Niko Bellic,0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,Niko Bellic,Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,Niko Bellic,Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who are the creators of the GTA series?
Q2747788, Q20090539
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q132730', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2747788', 'id': 1, 'label': 'David Jones'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P170', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'creator'}]}
David Jones created Grand Theft Auto.
David Jones was the creator of Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s> [unused1]David Jones [unused2] created Grand Theft Auto.
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>David Jones created Grand Theft Auto.
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s> [unused1]David Jones [unused2] was the creator of Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>David Jones was the creator of Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>Grand Theft Auto,0,Grand Theft Auto,Grand Theft Auto,creator,[unused1]David Jones[unused2],[unused1]David Jones[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto,[unused1]David Jones[unused2],0,[unused1]David Jones[unused2]
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>Grand Theft Auto,0,Grand Theft Auto,Grand Theft Auto,creator,David Jones,David Jones,0,Grand Theft Auto,David Jones,0,David Jones
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q2736', 'id': 0, 'label': 'soccer'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11571', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Cristiano Ronaldo'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 2, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P641', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sport'}, {'name_': 'P641', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sport'}]}
Cristiano Ronaldo plays for the sport of football, which is the sport of FIFA.
The sport of soccer , which has the footballer , Cristiano Ronaldo , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s> [unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo [unused2] plays for the sport of football, which is the sport of FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>Cristiano Ronaldo plays for the sport of football, which is the sport of FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The sport of soccer , which has the footballer , [unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo [unused2] , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The sport of soccer , which has the footballer , Cristiano Ronaldo , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>soccer,0,soccer,soccer,0,[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],soccer,0,FIFA,[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],sport,soccer,[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],0,[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,sport,soccer,FIFA,0,[unused1]Cristiano Ronaldo[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>soccer,0,soccer,soccer,0,Cristiano Ronaldo,soccer,0,FIFA,Cristiano Ronaldo,sport,soccer,Cristiano Ronaldo,0,Cristiano Ronaldo,Cristiano Ronaldo,0,FIFA,FIFA,sport,soccer,FIFA,0,Cristiano Ronaldo,FIFA,0,FIFA
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q105988888', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Alcina Dimitrescu'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the Resident Evil series.
Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s> [unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu [unused2] is a character in the Resident Evil series.
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s>Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the Resident Evil series.
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s> [unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu [unused2] is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s>Alcina Dimitrescu is a character in the film , Resident Evil .
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],0,Resident Evil,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2],0,[unused1]Alcina Dimitrescu[unused2]
What is the most recent title in the Resident Evil series?</s>Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,characters,Alcina Dimitrescu,Alcina Dimitrescu,0,Resident Evil,Alcina Dimitrescu,0,Alcina Dimitrescu
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q752835', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Silent Hill 2'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1085009', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pyramid Head'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Pyramid Head is a character in Silent Hill 2.
The character of Pyramid Head appeared in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s> [unused1]Pyramid Head [unused2] is a character in Silent Hill 2.
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Pyramid Head is a character in Silent Hill 2.
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>The character of [unused1]Pyramid Head [unused2] appeared in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>The character of Pyramid Head appeared in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,characters,[unused1]Pyramid Head[unused2],[unused1]Pyramid Head[unused2],present in work,Silent Hill 2,[unused1]Pyramid Head[unused2],0,[unused1]Pyramid Head[unused2]
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,characters,Pyramid Head,Pyramid Head,present in work,Silent Hill 2,Pyramid Head,0,Pyramid Head
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q63915391', 'id': 0, 'label': 'American football video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30026815', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Madden NFL 18'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P136', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'genre'}]}
The American football video game Madden NFL 18 is a genre of the game.
The genre of the American football video game is Madden NFL 18 .
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>The [unused1]American football video game [unused2] Madden NFL 18 is a genre of the game.
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>The American football video game Madden NFL 18 is a genre of the game.
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>The genre of the [unused1]American football video game [unused2] is Madden NFL 18 .
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>The genre of the American football video game is Madden NFL 18 .
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>[unused1]American football video game[unused2],0,[unused1]American football video game[unused2],[unused1]American football video game[unused2],0,Madden NFL 18,Madden NFL 18,genre,[unused1]American football video game[unused2],Madden NFL 18,0,Madden NFL 18
Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?</s>American football video game,0,American football video game,American football video game,0,Madden NFL 18,Madden NFL 18,genre,American football video game,Madden NFL 18,0,Madden NFL 18
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q847133', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Fred Tatasciore'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q791454', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Battlefield 3'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q60790153', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Soldier: 76'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P725', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 3 and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 3 . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is called `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Battlefield 3 [unused2] and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 3 and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Battlefield 3 [unused2] . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is called `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 3 . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is called `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Fred Tatasciore,United States of America,0,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],United States of America,0,Soldier: 76,Fred Tatasciore,country of citizenship,United States of America,Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],narrative location,United States of America,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],0,Fred Tatasciore,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],0,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,0,United States of America,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,[unused1]Battlefield 3[unused2],Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Fred Tatasciore,United States of America,0,Battlefield 3,United States of America,0,Soldier: 76,Fred Tatasciore,country of citizenship,United States of America,Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,Battlefield 3,Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,Battlefield 3,narrative location,United States of America,Battlefield 3,0,Fred Tatasciore,Battlefield 3,0,Battlefield 3,Battlefield 3,0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,0,United States of America,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,Battlefield 3,Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10677', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q761815', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Chrono Trigger'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3274161', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Crono'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Crono is a character in the PlayStation based work Chrono Trigger.
The character of Crono appeared in the film , Chrono Trigger , which is available on the PlayStation .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Crono is a character in the [unused1]PlayStation [unused2] based work Chrono Trigger.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Crono is a character in the PlayStation based work Chrono Trigger.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character of Crono appeared in the film , Chrono Trigger , which is available on the [unused1]PlayStation [unused2] .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character of Crono appeared in the film , Chrono Trigger , which is available on the PlayStation .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,Chrono Trigger,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,platform,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>PlayStation,0,PlayStation,PlayStation,0,Chrono Trigger,PlayStation,0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,platform,PlayStation,Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,PlayStation,Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
Who are the creators of the GTA series?
Q2747788, Q20090539
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q132730', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q20090539', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Mike Dailly'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}]}
Mike Dailly speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto.
Mike Dailly is a professional in English , the language spoken in Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s> [unused1]Mike Dailly [unused2] speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto.
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>Mike Dailly speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto.
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s> [unused1]Mike Dailly [unused2] is a professional in English , the language spoken in Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>Mike Dailly is a professional in English , the language spoken in Grand Theft Auto .
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Grand Theft Auto,English,0,[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2],Grand Theft Auto,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto,0,Grand Theft Auto,Grand Theft Auto,0,[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2],[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto,[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2],0,[unused1]Mike Dailly[unused2]
Who are the creators of the GTA series?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Grand Theft Auto,English,0,Mike Dailly,Grand Theft Auto,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto,0,Grand Theft Auto,Grand Theft Auto,0,Mike Dailly,Mike Dailly,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Mike Dailly,0,Grand Theft Auto,Mike Dailly,0,Mike Dailly
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q28008605', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Clyde'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Clyde is present in the work of Pac-Man.
The character Clyde was present in the film , Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s> [unused1]Clyde [unused2] is present in the work of Pac-Man.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>Clyde is present in the work of Pac-Man.
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The character [unused1]Clyde [unused2] was present in the film , Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>The character Clyde was present in the film , Pac-Man .
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Clyde[unused2],[unused1]Clyde[unused2],present in work,Pac-Man,[unused1]Clyde[unused2],0,[unused1]Clyde[unused2]
What is the name of the orange ghost in Pac-Man?</s>Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Clyde,Clyde,present in work,Pac-Man,Clyde,0,Clyde
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7495420', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Sherry Lynn'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P725', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
Sherry Lynn is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is Sherry Lynn .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s> [unused1]Sherry Lynn [unused2] is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Sherry Lynn is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is [unused1]Sherry Lynn [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is Sherry Lynn .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],0,[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Sherry Lynn,0,Sherry Lynn,Sherry Lynn,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,Sherry Lynn,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q752835', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Silent Hill 2'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q183998', 'id': 3, 'label': 'camera obscura'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The United States of America is the location of Silent Hill 2 and the location of the Wikimedia project's focus. The camera obscura is one of the articles on the Wikimedia project's level 4.
The United States of America is the location of the comic book character known as Vital articles/Level/4 . The US is the origin of the film which has the title of `` camera obscura '' .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The United States of America is the location of Silent Hill 2 and the location of the Wikimedia project's focus. The [unused1]camera obscura [unused2] is one of the articles on the Wikimedia project's level 4.
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The United States of America is the location of Silent Hill 2 and the location of the Wikimedia project's focus. The camera obscura is one of the articles on the Wikimedia project's level 4.
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The United States of America is the location of the comic book character known as Vital articles/Level/4 . The US is the origin of the film which has the title of `` [unused1]camera obscura [unused2] '' .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The United States of America is the location of the comic book character known as Vital articles/Level/4 . The US is the origin of the film which has the title of `` camera obscura '' .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United States of America,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Silent Hill 2,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],United States of America,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Silent Hill 2,United States of America,0,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],Silent Hill 2,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Silent Hill 2,narrative location,United States of America,Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,0,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],0,Silent Hill 2,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2],0,[unused1]camera obscura[unused2]
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United States of America,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Silent Hill 2,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,camera obscura,United States of America,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Silent Hill 2,United States of America,0,camera obscura,Silent Hill 2,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Silent Hill 2,narrative location,United States of America,Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,0,camera obscura,camera obscura,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,camera obscura,0,United States of America,camera obscura,0,Silent Hill 2,camera obscura,0,camera obscura
What kingdom does Link live in?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12382', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Shigeru Miyamoto'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P170', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'creator'}]}
Shigeru Miyamoto was created by Link.
Shigeru Miyamoto was created by Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s> [unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto [unused2] was created by Link.
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto was created by Link.
What kingdom does Link live in?</s> [unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto [unused2] was created by Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto was created by Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],0,Link,Link,creator,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],Link,0,Link
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Link,Link,creator,Shigeru Miyamoto,Link,0,Link
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q20117554', 'id': 0, 'label': 'David Baszucki'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q67186598', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Roblox Corporation'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P800', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'notable work'}, {'name_': 'P169', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'chief executive officer'}]}
David Baszucki is the Chief Executive Officer of the Roblox Corporation.
David Baszucki is the Chief Executive Officer of Roblox Corporation and one of his notable work is the work of the company 's chief executive Officer .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s> [unused1]David Baszucki [unused2] is the Chief Executive Officer of the Roblox Corporation.
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>David Baszucki is the Chief Executive Officer of the Roblox Corporation.
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s> [unused1]David Baszucki [unused2] is the Chief Executive Officer of Roblox Corporation and one of his notable work is the work of the company 's chief executive Officer .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>David Baszucki is the Chief Executive Officer of Roblox Corporation and one of his notable work is the work of the company 's chief executive Officer .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>[unused1]David Baszucki[unused2],0,[unused1]David Baszucki[unused2],[unused1]David Baszucki[unused2],notable work,Roblox Corporation,Roblox Corporation,chief executive officer,[unused1]David Baszucki[unused2],Roblox Corporation,0,Roblox Corporation
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>David Baszucki,0,David Baszucki,David Baszucki,notable work,Roblox Corporation,Roblox Corporation,chief executive officer,David Baszucki,Roblox Corporation,0,Roblox Corporation
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1763921', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Rice Krispies'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The United States of America is the country of Rice Krispies. It is also the country of Pac-Man, which originated in Japan. The US and Japan have a diplomatic relationship.
The United States of America is the country of origin of the Rice Krispies . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main dish is , Pac-Man , and where the US of America has its diplomatic relations with the Japanese .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of [unused1]Rice Krispies [unused2] . It is also the country of Pac-Man, which originated in Japan. The US and Japan have a diplomatic relationship.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of Rice Krispies. It is also the country of Pac-Man, which originated in Japan. The US and Japan have a diplomatic relationship.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the [unused1]Rice Krispies [unused2] . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main dish is , Pac-Man , and where the US of America has its diplomatic relations with the Japanese .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the Rice Krispies . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main dish is , Pac-Man , and where the US of America has its diplomatic relations with the Japanese .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Japan,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],Japan,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Pac-Man,Japan,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,country of origin,Japan,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,Japan,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,Pac-Man,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2],0,[unused1]Rice Krispies[unused2]
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Japan,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Rice Krispies,Japan,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Pac-Man,Japan,0,Rice Krispies,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,country of origin,Japan,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Rice Krispies,Rice Krispies,country,United States of America,Rice Krispies,0,Japan,Rice Krispies,0,Pac-Man,Rice Krispies,0,Rice Krispies
Which character has a brother named Luigi?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 0, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q210593', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Luigi'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q111609822', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pep Papell'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P21', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}]}
Luigi is a male and Pep Papell is a male.
Mario and Pep Papell are both men .
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi is a male and [unused1]Pep Papell [unused2] is a male.
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Luigi is a male and Pep Papell is a male.
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Mario and [unused1]Pep Papell [unused2] are both men .
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>Mario and Pep Papell are both men .
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>male,0,male,male,0,Luigi,male,0,[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2],Luigi,sex or gender,male,Luigi,0,Luigi,Luigi,0,[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2],[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2],sex or gender,male,[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2],0,Luigi,[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2],0,[unused1]Pep Papell[unused2]
Which character has a brother named Luigi?</s>male,0,male,male,0,Luigi,male,0,Pep Papell,Luigi,sex or gender,male,Luigi,0,Luigi,Luigi,0,Pep Papell,Pep Papell,sex or gender,male,Pep Papell,0,Luigi,Pep Papell,0,Pep Papell
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2915318', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Soupy Sales'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Donkey Kong'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3281789', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Saturday Supercade'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P161', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'cast member'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Soupy Sales is a character in Donkey Kong and he is a member of the cast of Saturday Supercade.
The character Donkey Kong is a character in the film `` Saturday Supercade '' , which also included the character `` Soupy Sales '' .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s> [unused1]Soupy Sales [unused2] is a character in Donkey Kong and he is a member of the cast of Saturday Supercade.
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Soupy Sales is a character in Donkey Kong and he is a member of the cast of Saturday Supercade.
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>The character Donkey Kong is a character in the film `` Saturday Supercade '' , which also included the character `` [unused1]Soupy Sales [unused2] '' .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>The character Donkey Kong is a character in the film `` Saturday Supercade '' , which also included the character `` Soupy Sales '' .
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],0,[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],0,Donkey Kong,[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],0,Saturday Supercade,Donkey Kong,0,[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,Saturday Supercade,Saturday Supercade,cast member,[unused1]Soupy Sales[unused2],Saturday Supercade,characters,Donkey Kong,Saturday Supercade,0,Saturday Supercade
Who is Donkey Kong's main villain?</s>Soupy Sales,0,Soupy Sales,Soupy Sales,0,Donkey Kong,Soupy Sales,0,Saturday Supercade,Donkey Kong,0,Soupy Sales,Donkey Kong,0,Donkey Kong,Donkey Kong,0,Saturday Supercade,Saturday Supercade,cast member,Soupy Sales,Saturday Supercade,characters,Donkey Kong,Saturday Supercade,0,Saturday Supercade
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?
Q864, Q9351
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q864', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pokémon'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9351', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pikachu'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'media franchise'}]}
Pikachu is a character in the media franchise, Pokémon.
The media character of Pokémon is Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>Pikachu is a character in the media franchise, [unused1]Pokémon [unused2] .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>Pikachu is a character in the media franchise, Pokémon.
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The media character of [unused1]Pokémon [unused2] is Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>The media character of Pokémon is Pikachu .
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>[unused1]Pokémon[unused2],0,[unused1]Pokémon[unused2],[unused1]Pokémon[unused2],0,Pikachu,Pikachu,media franchise,[unused1]Pokémon[unused2],Pikachu,0,Pikachu
What type of Pokémon is Pikachu?</s>Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,Pikachu,Pikachu,media franchise,Pokémon,Pikachu,0,Pikachu
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q188642', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Game Boy Advance'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q170323', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Nintendo DS'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q761815', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Chrono Trigger'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3274161', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Crono'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P156', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'followed by'}, {'name_': 'P155', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'follows'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The Nintendo DS is the successor to the Game Boy Advance and is the platform for the game Chrono Trigger. The character Crono is present in the work.
The character of Crono was present in the work of the comic book character , Chrono Trigger . The sequel to the Nintendo DS is the Game Boy Advance .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The Nintendo DS is the successor to the [unused1]Game Boy Advance [unused2] and is the platform for the game Chrono Trigger. The character Crono is present in the work.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The Nintendo DS is the successor to the Game Boy Advance and is the platform for the game Chrono Trigger. The character Crono is present in the work.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character of Crono was present in the work of the comic book character , Chrono Trigger . The sequel to the Nintendo DS is the [unused1]Game Boy Advance [unused2] .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character of Crono was present in the work of the comic book character , Chrono Trigger . The sequel to the Nintendo DS is the Game Boy Advance .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],0,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],followed by,Nintendo DS,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],0,Chrono Trigger,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],0,Crono,Nintendo DS,follows,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],Nintendo DS,0,Nintendo DS,Nintendo DS,0,Chrono Trigger,Nintendo DS,0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,0,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],Chrono Trigger,platform,Nintendo DS,Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,[unused1]Game Boy Advance[unused2],Crono,0,Nintendo DS,Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Game Boy Advance,0,Game Boy Advance,Game Boy Advance,followed by,Nintendo DS,Game Boy Advance,0,Chrono Trigger,Game Boy Advance,0,Crono,Nintendo DS,follows,Game Boy Advance,Nintendo DS,0,Nintendo DS,Nintendo DS,0,Chrono Trigger,Nintendo DS,0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,0,Game Boy Advance,Chrono Trigger,platform,Nintendo DS,Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,Game Boy Advance,Crono,0,Nintendo DS,Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94797', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto IV'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15622224', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Trevor Philips'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}]}
Trevor Philips speaks, wrote and signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto IV.
The book Grand Theft Auto IV is written in English , the language spoken by Trevor Philips .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s> [unused1]Trevor Philips [unused2] speaks, wrote and signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>Trevor Philips speaks, wrote and signed English, the language of Grand Theft Auto IV.
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The book Grand Theft Auto IV is written in English , the language spoken by [unused1]Trevor Philips [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>The book Grand Theft Auto IV is written in English , the language spoken by Trevor Philips .
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,English,0,[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2],Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2],[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto IV,[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2],0,[unused1]Trevor Philips[unused2]
Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,English,0,Trevor Philips,Grand Theft Auto IV,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Grand Theft Auto IV,0,Trevor Philips,Trevor Philips,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Trevor Philips,0,Grand Theft Auto IV,Trevor Philips,0,Trevor Philips
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q13677', 'id': 0, 'label': 'New York Stock Exchange'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q67186598', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Roblox Corporation'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P414', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'stock exchange'}]}
The New York Stock Exchange is the home of the Roblox Corporation.
The New York Stock Exchange is run by Roblox Corporation .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>The [unused1]New York Stock Exchange [unused2] is the home of the Roblox Corporation.
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>The New York Stock Exchange is the home of the Roblox Corporation.
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>The [unused1]New York Stock Exchange [unused2] is run by Roblox Corporation .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>The New York Stock Exchange is run by Roblox Corporation .
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>[unused1]New York Stock Exchange[unused2],0,[unused1]New York Stock Exchange[unused2],[unused1]New York Stock Exchange[unused2],0,Roblox Corporation,Roblox Corporation,stock exchange,[unused1]New York Stock Exchange[unused2],Roblox Corporation,0,Roblox Corporation
Who is the founder and CEO of Roblox?</s>New York Stock Exchange,0,New York Stock Exchange,New York Stock Exchange,0,Roblox Corporation,Roblox Corporation,stock exchange,New York Stock Exchange,Roblox Corporation,0,Roblox Corporation
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?
Q507001, Q37817870
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 1, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7058673', 'id': 2, 'label': 'video game series'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1211015', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Mario Party 6'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q507001', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Princess Peach'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q610968', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37817870', 'id': 6, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P527', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has part(s)'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 3, 'target': 4, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 4, 'target': 3, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 5, 'target': 6, 'label': 'part of the series'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 6, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P527', 'source': 6, 'target': 5, 'label': 'has part(s)'}]}
The Mario Bros. series is a part of the Mario Party 6, which is a work from Japan. The character Princess Peach is present in the work.
Mario Bros. originates from Japan , where Mario is from . Mario is a series of games that contain the character Mario and the character Princess Peach . The series is a part of the Mario Bros . series which has Mario as one of its main ingredients . The character is also present in the film version of Mario Party 6 which was shown in Japan .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>The Mario Bros. series is a part of the [unused1]Mario Party 6 [unused2] , which is a work from Japan. The character Princess Peach is present in the work.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>The Mario Bros. series is a part of the Mario Party 6, which is a work from Japan. The character Princess Peach is present in the work.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Mario Bros. originates from Japan , where Mario is from . Mario is a series of games that contain the character Mario and the character Princess Peach . The series is a part of the Mario Bros . series which has Mario as one of its main ingredients . The character is also present in the film version of [unused1]Mario Party 6 [unused2] which was shown in Japan .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Mario Bros. originates from Japan , where Mario is from . Mario is a series of games that contain the character Mario and the character Princess Peach . The series is a part of the Mario Bros . series which has Mario as one of its main ingredients . The character is also present in the film version of Mario Party 6 which was shown in Japan .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,video game,Japan,0,video game series,Japan,0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],Japan,0,Princess Peach,Japan,0,Mario Bros.,Japan,0,Mario Bros.,video game,0,Japan,video game,0,video game,video game,0,video game series,video game,0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],video game,0,Princess Peach,video game,0,Mario Bros.,video game,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Japan,video game series,has part(s),video game,video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],video game series,0,Princess Peach,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],country of origin,Japan,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],0,video game series,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],characters,Princess Peach,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Japan,Princess Peach,0,video game,Princess Peach,0,video game series,Princess Peach,present in work,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],Princess Peach,0,Princess Peach,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,country of origin,Japan,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game,Mario Bros.,0,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,part of the series,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Japan,Mario Bros.,0,video game,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,[unused1]Mario Party 6[unused2],Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,has part(s),Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,video game,Japan,0,video game series,Japan,0,Mario Party 6,Japan,0,Princess Peach,Japan,0,Mario Bros.,Japan,0,Mario Bros.,video game,0,Japan,video game,0,video game,video game,0,video game series,video game,0,Mario Party 6,video game,0,Princess Peach,video game,0,Mario Bros.,video game,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Japan,video game series,has part(s),video game,video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,Mario Party 6,video game series,0,Princess Peach,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Party 6,country of origin,Japan,Mario Party 6,instance of,video game,Mario Party 6,0,video game series,Mario Party 6,0,Mario Party 6,Mario Party 6,characters,Princess Peach,Mario Party 6,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Party 6,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Japan,Princess Peach,0,video game,Princess Peach,0,video game series,Princess Peach,present in work,Mario Party 6,Princess Peach,0,Princess Peach,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,country of origin,Japan,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game,Mario Bros.,0,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Party 6,Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,part of the series,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Japan,Mario Bros.,0,video game,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Party 6,Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,has part(s),Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
What was the first video game created?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1122324', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Computer Space'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Computer Space is an example of a video game.
A Computer Space is an example of a video game .
What was the first video game created?</s> [unused1]Computer Space [unused2] is an example of a video game.
What was the first video game created?</s>Computer Space is an example of a video game.
What was the first video game created?</s>A [unused1]Computer Space [unused2] is an example of a video game .
What was the first video game created?</s>A Computer Space is an example of a video game .
What was the first video game created?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,[unused1]Computer Space[unused2],[unused1]Computer Space[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Computer Space[unused2],0,[unused1]Computer Space[unused2]
What was the first video game created?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Computer Space,Computer Space,instance of,video game,Computer Space,0,Computer Space
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q761815', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Chrono Trigger'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3274161', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Crono'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Crono is a character in the work Chrono Trigger.
The character , Crono , was present in the film , Chrono Trigger .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Crono is a character in the work [unused1]Chrono Trigger [unused2] .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Crono is a character in the work Chrono Trigger.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character , Crono , was present in the film , [unused1]Chrono Trigger [unused2] .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The character , Crono , was present in the film , Chrono Trigger .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>[unused1]Chrono Trigger[unused2],0,[unused1]Chrono Trigger[unused2],[unused1]Chrono Trigger[unused2],characters,Crono,Crono,present in work,[unused1]Chrono Trigger[unused2],Crono,0,Crono
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15830', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon region'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q782', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Hawaii'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1657833', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Kanto'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q25594375', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Alola'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q25991443', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Pokémon Silver'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P37', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P144', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'based on'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 5, 'target': 3, 'label': 'narrative location'}]}
English is the official language of Hawaii. It is also the language of the Pokémon region of Kanto. The Pokémon region Alola is based on Hawaii. The Pokémon Silver book is a work of fiction and is set in Kanto.
Alola is based on Alola , in the region of Kanto , where the official language is English . Kanto is also home to the fictional character of Pokémon Silver .
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s>English is the official language of Hawaii. It is also the language of the Pokémon region of Kanto. The Pokémon region [unused1]Alola [unused2] is based on Hawaii. The Pokémon Silver book is a work of fiction and is set in Kanto.
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s>English is the official language of Hawaii. It is also the language of the Pokémon region of Kanto. The Pokémon region Alola is based on Hawaii. The Pokémon Silver book is a work of fiction and is set in Kanto.
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s> [unused1]Alola [unused2] is based on
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s>Alola is based on Alola , in the region of Kanto , where the official language is English . Kanto is also home to the fictional character of Pokémon Silver .
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Pokémon region,English,0,Hawaii,English,0,Kanto,English,0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],English,0,Pokémon Silver,Pokémon region,0,English,Pokémon region,0,Pokémon region,Pokémon region,0,Hawaii,Pokémon region,0,Kanto,Pokémon region,0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],Pokémon region,0,Pokémon Silver,Hawaii,official language,English,Hawaii,0,Pokémon region,Hawaii,0,Hawaii,Hawaii,0,Kanto,Hawaii,0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],Hawaii,0,Pokémon Silver,Kanto,0,English,Kanto,instance of,Pokémon region,Kanto,0,Hawaii,Kanto,0,Kanto,Kanto,0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],Kanto,0,Pokémon Silver,[unused1]Alola[unused2],0,English,[unused1]Alola[unused2],instance of,Pokémon region,[unused1]Alola[unused2],based on,Hawaii,[unused1]Alola[unused2],0,Kanto,[unused1]Alola[unused2],0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],[unused1]Alola[unused2],0,Pokémon Silver,Pokémon Silver,language of work or name,English,Pokémon Silver,0,Pokémon region,Pokémon Silver,0,Hawaii,Pokémon Silver,narrative location,Kanto,Pokémon Silver,0,[unused1]Alola[unused2],Pokémon Silver,0,Pokémon Silver
What is the region in Pokemon Silver called?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Pokémon region,English,0,Hawaii,English,0,Kanto,English,0,Alola,English,0,Pokémon Silver,Pokémon region,0,English,Pokémon region,0,Pokémon region,Pokémon region,0,Hawaii,Pokémon region,0,Kanto,Pokémon region,0,Alola,Pokémon region,0,Pokémon Silver,Hawaii,official language,English,Hawaii,0,Pokémon region,Hawaii,0,Hawaii,Hawaii,0,Kanto,Hawaii,0,Alola,Hawaii,0,Pokémon Silver,Kanto,0,English,Kanto,instance of,Pokémon region,Kanto,0,Hawaii,Kanto,0,Kanto,Kanto,0,Alola,Kanto,0,Pokémon Silver,Alola,0,English,Alola,instance of,Pokémon region,Alola,based on,Hawaii,Alola,0,Kanto,Alola,0,Alola,Alola,0,Pokémon Silver,Pokémon Silver,language of work or name,English,Pokémon Silver,0,Pokémon region,Pokémon Silver,0,Hawaii,Pokémon Silver,narrative location,Kanto,Pokémon Silver,0,Alola,Pokémon Silver,0,Pokémon Silver
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q99416119', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P527', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has part(s)'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'part of the series'}]}
Final Fantasy X is part of the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy X is a part of the series of Final Fantasy .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s> [unused1]Final Fantasy [unused2] X is part of the
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X is part of the Final Fantasy series.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s> [unused1]Final Fantasy [unused2] X is a part of the series of
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X is a part of the series of Final Fantasy .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],0,[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],has part(s),Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,part of the series,[unused1]Final Fantasy[unused2],Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy,0,Final Fantasy,Final Fantasy,has part(s),Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,part of the series,Final Fantasy,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who invented the FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10680', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 2'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 1, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The PlayStation 2 is the platform for the game FIFA.
The PlayStation 2 has a FIFA-based system .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 2 [unused2] is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The PlayStation 2 is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 2 [unused2] has a FIFA-based system .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The PlayStation 2 has a FIFA-based system .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>PlayStation 2,0,PlayStation 2,PlayStation 2,0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,PlayStation 2,FIFA,0,FIFA
What is Mario's profession in the game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12379', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Mario'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q216995', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Super Mario 64'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Mario is a character in Super Mario 64.
Mario is a character in Super Mario 64 which was created by Mario .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in [unused1]Super Mario 64 [unused2] .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in Super Mario 64.
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in [unused1]Super Mario 64 [unused2] which was created by Mario .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in Super Mario 64 which was created by Mario .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario,0,Mario,Mario,present in work,[unused1]Super Mario 64[unused2],[unused1]Super Mario 64[unused2],characters,Mario,[unused1]Super Mario 64[unused2],0,[unused1]Super Mario 64[unused2]
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario,0,Mario,Mario,present in work,Super Mario 64,Super Mario 64,characters,Mario,Super Mario 64,0,Super Mario 64
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37123', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Sonic the Hedgehog'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q821067', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Virtual Console'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P437', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'distribution format'}]}
The Virtual Console is the distribution format for Sonic the Hedgehog.
The distribution format of the Virtual Console is the Sonic the Hedgehog .
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>The [unused1]Virtual Console [unused2] is the distribution format for Sonic the Hedgehog.
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>The Virtual Console is the distribution format for Sonic the Hedgehog.
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>The distribution format of the [unused1]Virtual Console [unused2] is the Sonic the Hedgehog .
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>The distribution format of the Virtual Console is the Sonic the Hedgehog .
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>Sonic the Hedgehog,0,Sonic the Hedgehog,Sonic the Hedgehog,distribution format,[unused1]Virtual Console[unused2],[unused1]Virtual Console[unused2],0,Sonic the Hedgehog,[unused1]Virtual Console[unused2],0,[unused1]Virtual Console[unused2]
Who is Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis?</s>Sonic the Hedgehog,0,Sonic the Hedgehog,Sonic the Hedgehog,distribution format,Virtual Console,Virtual Console,0,Sonic the Hedgehog,Virtual Console,0,Virtual Console
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?
Q1250520, Q864
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17562848', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pokémon universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q864', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q845294', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Squirtle'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1250520', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pokédex'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1445', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'fictional universe described in'}, {'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P8345', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'media franchise'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where Squirtle is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
Squirtle is a media character in the fictional character , which is also known as a Pokémon . He is a member of the Pokémon family , which has the Pokédex as an element of the fictional universe , and was created in the past .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where [unused1]Squirtle [unused2] is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>The fictional universe of Pokémon is the one where Squirtle is a character. The Pokédex is also from the fictional universe, and is present in the work.
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s> [unused1]Squirtle [unused2] is a media character in the fictional character , which is also known as a Pokémon . He is a member of the Pokémon family , which has the Pokédex as an element of the fictional universe , and was created in the past .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>Squirtle is a media character in the fictional character , which is also known as a Pokémon . He is a member of the Pokémon family , which has the Pokédex as an element of the fictional universe , and was created in the past .
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],Pokémon universe,0,Pokédex,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],Pokémon,0,Pokédex,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],media franchise,Pokémon,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],0,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],0,Pokédex,Pokédex,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pokédex,present in work,Pokémon,Pokédex,0,[unused1]Squirtle[unused2],Pokédex,0,Pokédex
What is the first Pokemon in the Pokedex?</s>Pokémon universe,0,Pokémon universe,Pokémon universe,fictional universe described in,Pokémon,Pokémon universe,0,Squirtle,Pokémon universe,0,Pokédex,Pokémon,takes place in fictional universe,Pokémon universe,Pokémon,0,Pokémon,Pokémon,0,Squirtle,Pokémon,0,Pokédex,Squirtle,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Squirtle,media franchise,Pokémon,Squirtle,0,Squirtle,Squirtle,0,Pokédex,Pokédex,from narrative universe,Pokémon universe,Pokédex,present in work,Pokémon,Pokédex,0,Squirtle,Pokédex,0,Pokédex
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?
Q48314, Q142
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q334', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Singapore'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q142', 'id': 2, 'label': 'France'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q48314', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Battle of Waterloo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from France, where the Battle of Waterloo was fought. The book is from Singapore, which is in a diplomatic relationship with France.
The Battle of Waterloo was written in France where the French are the leaders . The country is the location of Singapore where the English language is spoken . Singapore is also home to the English speaking country of France .
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from France, where the Battle of Waterloo was fought. The book is from [unused1]Singapore [unused2] , which is in a diplomatic relationship with France.
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from France, where the Battle of Waterloo was fought. The book is from Singapore, which is in a diplomatic relationship with France.
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>The Battle of Waterloo was written in France where the French are the leaders . The country is the location of [unused1]Singapore [unused2] where the English language is spoken .
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>The Battle of Waterloo was written in France where the French are the leaders . The country is the location of Singapore where the English language is spoken . Singapore is also home to the English speaking country of France .
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,France,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Battle of Waterloo,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],country,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],[unused1]Singapore[unused2],diplomatic relation,France,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],0,Battle of Waterloo,France,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,France,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],France,country,France,France,0,Battle of Waterloo,Battle of Waterloo,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Battle of Waterloo,0,[unused1]Singapore[unused2],Battle of Waterloo,0,France,Battle of Waterloo,0,Battle of Waterloo
Who were France's military in the Battle of Waterloo?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Singapore,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,France,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Battle of Waterloo,Singapore,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Singapore,country,Singapore,Singapore,diplomatic relation,France,Singapore,0,Battle of Waterloo,France,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,France,diplomatic relation,Singapore,France,country,France,France,0,Battle of Waterloo,Battle of Waterloo,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Battle of Waterloo,0,Singapore,Battle of Waterloo,0,France,Battle of Waterloo,0,Battle of Waterloo
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6306414', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Julia Fletcher'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P725', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
Julia Fletcher is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X.
Julia Fletcher is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s> [unused1]Julia Fletcher [unused2] is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Julia Fletcher is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s> [unused1]Julia Fletcher [unused2] is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Julia Fletcher is the voice actor for Final Fantasy X .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,[unused1]Julia Fletcher[unused2],[unused1]Julia Fletcher[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,[unused1]Julia Fletcher[unused2],0,[unused1]Julia Fletcher[unused2]
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,Julia Fletcher,Julia Fletcher,0,Final Fantasy X,Julia Fletcher,0,Julia Fletcher
Who voices the main character in Outriders?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q529851', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Temuera Morrison'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q86252643', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Outriders'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
Temuera Morrison speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of the book Outriders.
Inriders and the Outriders are both spoken in English , the language of which , is Temuera Morrison .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s> [unused1]Temuera Morrison [unused2] speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of the book Outriders.
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Temuera Morrison speaks, wrote or signed English, the language of the book Outriders.
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Inriders and the Outriders are both spoken in English , the language of which , is [unused1]Temuera Morrison [unused2] .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Inriders and the Outriders are both spoken in English , the language of which , is Temuera Morrison .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],English,0,Outriders,[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],0,[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],0,Outriders,Outriders,language of work or name,English,Outriders,0,[unused1]Temuera Morrison[unused2],Outriders,0,Outriders
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Temuera Morrison,English,0,Outriders,Temuera Morrison,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Temuera Morrison,0,Temuera Morrison,Temuera Morrison,0,Outriders,Outriders,language of work or name,English,Outriders,0,Temuera Morrison,Outriders,0,Outriders
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q195041', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Jennifer Hale'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2255625', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Syphon Filter'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12400', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Samus Aran'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P175', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'performer'}]}
Samus Aran is a performer in the band Syphon Filter, which is from the United States, where Jennifer Hale is a citizen.
Samus Aran is a performer of the musical genre , The United States of America , where the country of origin is Syphon Filter . The country is the origin of the dish , which can be found in the United States .
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s> [unused1]Samus Aran [unused2] is a performer in the band Syphon Filter, which is from the United States, where Jennifer Hale is a citizen.
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s>Samus Aran is a performer in the band Syphon Filter, which is from the United States, where Jennifer Hale is a citizen.
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s> [unused1]Samus Aran [unused2] is a performer of the musical genre , The United States of America , where the country of origin is Syphon Filter . The country is the origin of the dish , which can be found in the United States .
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s>Samus Aran is a performer of the musical genre , The United States of America , where the country of origin is Syphon Filter . The country is the origin of the dish , which can be found in the United States .
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Jennifer Hale,United States of America,0,Syphon Filter,United States of America,0,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],Jennifer Hale,country of citizenship,United States of America,Jennifer Hale,0,Jennifer Hale,Jennifer Hale,0,Syphon Filter,Jennifer Hale,0,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],Syphon Filter,country of origin,United States of America,Syphon Filter,0,Jennifer Hale,Syphon Filter,0,Syphon Filter,Syphon Filter,0,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],performer,Jennifer Hale,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],0,Syphon Filter,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2],0,[unused1]Samus Aran[unused2]
What is the main character's name from Syphon Filter?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Jennifer Hale,United States of America,0,Syphon Filter,United States of America,0,Samus Aran,Jennifer Hale,country of citizenship,United States of America,Jennifer Hale,0,Jennifer Hale,Jennifer Hale,0,Syphon Filter,Jennifer Hale,0,Samus Aran,Syphon Filter,country of origin,United States of America,Syphon Filter,0,Jennifer Hale,Syphon Filter,0,Syphon Filter,Syphon Filter,0,Samus Aran,Samus Aran,0,United States of America,Samus Aran,performer,Jennifer Hale,Samus Aran,0,Syphon Filter,Samus Aran,0,Samus Aran
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?
Q18515944, Q856860
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 1, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19988119', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Reinhardt'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q856860', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Hammond'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18515944', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Overwatch'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
English is the official language of the United States of America, where the city of Hammond is located. The language of the United States is known as Reinhardt, and is also the language of the game Overwatch.
English is the official language of the United States of America , where the main ethnic group are the Americans . The country is the origin of the character Overwatch and the country uses the phrase Reinhardt .
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where the city of Hammond is located. The language of the United States is known as [unused1]Reinhardt [unused2] , and is also the language of the game Overwatch.
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where the city of Hammond is located. The language of the United States is known as Reinhardt, and is also the language of the game Overwatch.
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America , where the main ethnic group are the Americans . The country is the origin of the character Overwatch and the country uses the phrase [unused1]Reinhardt [unused2] .
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America , where the main ethnic group are the Americans . The country is the origin of the character Overwatch and the country uses the phrase Reinhardt .
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],United States of America,0,Hammond,United States of America,0,Overwatch,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],English,0,Hammond,English,0,Overwatch,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],language of work or name,English,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],0,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],0,Hammond,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],0,Overwatch,Hammond,country,United States of America,Hammond,0,English,Hammond,0,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],Hammond,0,Hammond,Hammond,0,Overwatch,Overwatch,country of origin,United States of America,Overwatch,language of work or name,English,Overwatch,0,[unused1]Reinhardt[unused2],Overwatch,0,Hammond,Overwatch,0,Overwatch
What is the code name of Hammond from Overwatch?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,Reinhardt,United States of America,0,Hammond,United States of America,0,Overwatch,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,Reinhardt,English,0,Hammond,English,0,Overwatch,Reinhardt,0,United States of America,Reinhardt,language of work or name,English,Reinhardt,0,Reinhardt,Reinhardt,0,Hammond,Reinhardt,0,Overwatch,Hammond,country,United States of America,Hammond,0,English,Hammond,0,Reinhardt,Hammond,0,Hammond,Hammond,0,Overwatch,Overwatch,country of origin,United States of America,Overwatch,language of work or name,English,Overwatch,0,Reinhardt,Overwatch,0,Hammond,Overwatch,0,Overwatch
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q170323', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo DS'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12397', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Metroid'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Metroid is a game for the Nintendo DS.
The Nintendo DS has a Metroid-based system .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid is a game for the [unused1]Nintendo DS [unused2] .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid is a game for the Nintendo DS.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo DS [unused2] has a Metroid-based system .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The Nintendo DS has a Metroid-based system .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>[unused1]Nintendo DS[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo DS[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo DS[unused2],0,Metroid,Metroid,platform,[unused1]Nintendo DS[unused2],Metroid,0,Metroid
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Nintendo DS,0,Nintendo DS,Nintendo DS,0,Metroid,Metroid,platform,Nintendo DS,Metroid,0,Metroid