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hello my name is myrna son is 15 yrs old and hes had this problem before..he has a very hard time to have a bowl movement..this time its been over a week now that he hasnt had a there anything at home that I can give for fast reliefe..and hes not in any pain...but I dont understand why he goes like that..
Hello and, Thanks for writing to us. Begin each day with a cup of boiling water poured over half a lemon. Consume about 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber a day, to promote regular bowel movements. For an effective treatment of constipation, add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar into an 8 oz glass of water, and Chat Doctor. The Apple Cider Vinegar can also be mixed with apple juice or grape juice to make it more palatable. Take 1 teaspoon of psyllium mixed into a glass of juice three times a day until your constipation is relieved. Hope this helps you. Wishing you good health... Regards.
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HI, I have been on implanon for over a year, no period for 7 months. I have had negative urine pregnancy tests, cravings, nausea, mild pelvic cramps, jaw pain and gained about 4kgs. Today I felt fluttering in my stomach, and I m confused because I know you can have pregnancy symptoms as part of the side effects.
Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. 1) First do not panic. 2) As you have missed your periods and your home pregnancy tests are negative, then please get blood beta Chat Doctor test to confirm or rule out the pregnancy. 3) If you have negative pregnancy test results, you need not worry about the pregnancy. Implant can cause all these symptoms per se too. It is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.4)If you are still worried, get a pelvic ultrasound done too. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks.
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hello, my husband was bitten by our dog on july 1, 2011. does he need to have a anti rabies vaccine now? I cannot remember the exact year when our dog had antirabies vaccine may be about 4 years ago. Our dog is ok right now. What should we do? my husband is 52 years old. not hypertensive, 5\"8 in hieght.
Hello and thanks for your query. If your husband was bitten by the dog in 2011, there is no point in taking the injection now(it should be ideally taken with 24 hours or in the shortest possible time after a bite). But since you still have the dog, you should definitely do the following
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My father is 78. He is taking clopidagril as he had a stent put in last year. He also inhales albuterol sulfate and ipratropium bromide. He has COPD. His trouble is thick mucus and expectorating. Can he take a 400-800 mg. Mucinex DM OR guaifenesin only several times per day? I haven t seen any drug interactions on line at Dr. websites. He is in above average health considering the COPD and has no other conditions which require medication.
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) needs simultaneous implement of following treatment methods for better symptomatic control. 1. Quit smoking if he is smoker. 2. Continue his inhaler according to the advice given by his doctor.3. Enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation center where Chest physiotherapy and deep breathing exercise Are done. 4. Take adult respiratory vaccines like pneumococcal and influenza vaccines for prevention of future lung infection. And yes you can definitely give him Mackinac or gunaphesin as both are expectorant and bucolic. But better to start pulmonary rehabilitation. This will help him more.
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I have had numbness in my right hand for about a month or so. It comes and goes and usually comes when I am using that hand or the opposite when I am sleeping it goes so numb that it keeps me awake and is actually quite painful. I have seen my doctor and he thinks it is related to arthritis that I have but no other place that is irate by my arthritis is affected.
Hithanks for writing to Chat Doctor .you seem to suffer from carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. it's a condition in which a major nerve supplying the thumb, index middle and part of ring finger gets compressed at the wrist level. Please do the following1. Use wrist splints, especially while sleeping2. Avoid bending your wrists too much3.avoid keeping your wrists under your head while sleeping4. Give rest to your wrists, avoid typing too much on your computer or mobile phone.5. Apply ice packs4-5 times a day6.use a mild analgesic like acetaminophen it will take 3-4 weeks for complete recovery. Hope I have answered your query thank you
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Hi my name is April,Just recently I had an MRI done on my breast and the test results came back that my breasts were ok, but I have a cysts on my spleen. This morning I got a Ultrasound done on my spleen. Can you please tell me what I have to look forward to? Is it cancer? Right now I have no symtoms of soreness in that area, but I tend to get very bloated at the end of the day. I m very scared right now and I will not hear from my doctor until some time next week.
Hello Your report suggests splenic cyst. It is not necessarily a cancer. It is the most common focal lesion of the spleen. Splenic cyst may be benign, malignant, or it may be abscessed also. It may be developed due to trauma, parasite infection etc. Usually splenic cysts are asymptomatic and incidentally discovered during imaging. You may need CT scan of abdomen. Small and asymptomatic cysts do not require treatment.Whereas symptomatic cysts are managed surgically. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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HI, had hip replacement surgery 9/23 and 58 yrs old. through a process of elimination the crazy pain I have is a pinched nerve in my lower right back. Dr. says next step is to MRI the spot. I have to work what can i do for myself to help remedy this?Thank you,Donna
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I agree with your doctor that an MRI would help examine better the nerve compression. A nerve conduction study may also be helpful. Meanwhile, I would recommend starting therapy with Gabapentin or pregabalin for the pain. These two antiepileptic Chat Doctor. They are usually well tolerated in every age. Physiotherapy may also be helpful. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Best wishes,
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Hi Doctor, my brother wilson met with an accident on 10 Oct 2012 and he suffered from diffuse axonal injury , 7 days he was in unconsciousness , after 10 days they shifted to general ward on that time his left side parts was not woking proprely like(strock) after doing oil massage and physio treatment now he can able stand and walk. now his condition is his suffering from short term memory loss . his unable to recognize what is going on surrounding him and nowdays his behaviour also changing rudely talking & beating every one. is there any treatment is there to recover completely how earlier he was, please help me on this sir am having one and only one brother in my life.
Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor. I am sad to hear about your brother health. Neuronal injuries are often permanent, so complete recovery is rare in such cases. Over a period of time some improvement in memory and behavior is possible. After brain injuries some personality changes are possible which can lead to aggressive behavior. In such cases low dose anti-psychotic medicines are helpful. For that you can consult some nearby psychiatrist. Wish you all the best. Chat Doctor.
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Hi so I m pretty sure its my first molar on the bottom right side that i got extracted on Monday Feb. 11th. For the first 2 days I slept and took the painkillers and Ibuprofen that they had prescribed but since then my gum on the outside feels sore and kind of raw. As if my cheek is rubbing against it and the second premolar feels like its shifting downwards a little bit. Sometimes it still feels like i have a massive tooth pain there and also my teeth on the other side of my mouth are starting to hurt a little as well(Also the tooth they extracted was abscessed). Is this all normal? I m 21 and haven t had a tooth removed since I was 5 and it s kind of freaking me out that my mouth hurts this bad still since its been 5 days. Also I was curious on why I m 21(22 in may) and haven t gotten my wisdom teeth in yet.
Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, As you have mentioned the first molar you got extracted was involved with abscess. So after extraction the socket needs to be curetted to remove the pus pocket and all the debris and irritants, disinfection of the socket is done, and then the wound is packed with cotton gauze .any remnants of abscessed tissue in the socket may lead to infection and pain. Secondly you may have developed a condition of Chat Doctor. You need to get it clinically examined by a dentist to confirm and make a diagnosis. Pain the other teeth may be due to gingival infection which can be cured by scaling and root planing. About wisdom teeth, they normally erupt at the age of 18 to 27 years, so you can still wait as you will get the eruption signs once they appear. I would suggest you to get an OPG radiograph done which will show the wisdom tooth appearing as well as infection in other teeth if any, will help in deciding treatment. I hope I answered all your doubts, take care.
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For the past 2 or 3 months, I have had very strong, pulsing heart beats and trembly feeling inside my chest that will not go away. Also, I have severe hypertensive periods, vertigo, and tinnitus. I have a history of Hashimoto s but TSH is normal, now. I have had brain MRI, Ct scans, EKGs, carotid dopppler, blood chemistries and all appear to be within normal range, with the exception of Vit D, I have added 5,000IU/day. However, about 2 weeks ago, I had an episode of hypocalcemia, confirmed by Trousseau s sign, periorbital parysthesia, etc.. (but total serum calcium was normal). I have since added calcium supplements. I am currently on 60 mg Cardizem 3x/day but BP is still 150/90. (I had an allergic reaction to carvedilol - hives, swelling.) Have been to ER 3x recently with hypertensive episodes 200/115 and palpitations. Have been to a cardiologist, endocrinologist, and PCP. Should I go to a neurologist? What other things can cause these conditions?
Hello, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that these symptoms do not seem to be related to any neurological conditions, especially considering the high blood pressure values. Coming to this point, I would recommend checking cortisol plasma levels, aldosterone plasma levels and urinary metanephrines in order to exclude a possible a Chat Doctor. A panic disorder cannot be excluded either. For this reason, I would recommend trying low dose Alprazolam during these episodes and see if your situation improves. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Hello, I am a 41 year old female. I fell down the stairs this morning and have tremendous pain in the top of my arm/shoulder. I am unable to raise my arm or lift anything, The pain is going round into my shoulder blade but is generally within the section at the very top of my arm, I live alone and do not drive and really cannot get to a hospital this evening. Will I be ok to wait until the morning and do you feel I may have a fracture? Many thanks for your time. Charlotte
Dear Charlotte, there are three things that may have happened to you
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I went to emergecy room because of bad sinus infection and they took me right away. THEY ASKED ME what was my problem . I could not remember anything , they took my BP, IT was 230/120. They took me 2 a room and gave me chest exray. Doctor told me I had nodule on left lung and i need 2 get it checked out. BP drop down some and he released me. i asked for a refferal, he told me to find one because i had sinus problems. what should i do
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seem to suffer from -Chronic Sinusitis with left lung nodule, with high BP. Seems mostly to be a case of -Aspergilli with APA with sinusitis with high BP. Bronhcoscopic Lavage with aspiration and biopsy-would fix it from other causes-like-TB /Cancer etc. Remedy-Check up with ENT and second opinion from Chest and allergy specialist would rule out cause of accompanied high BP with it. CT Chest with CT -PNS(paranasal sinuses)would resolve the complex health issues in your case. Depending on causal confirmation of the lung nodule, attending Physician/chest specialist and ENT Specialist team would plan further treatment accordingly. General antibiotics/with enough HY Chat Doctor. Commonest cause in your case would be Bronchopneumonia with aspirations from Sinusitis. Other common cause -TB bronchopneumonia- needs to be ruled out and treated with anti-tb medicines accordingly. Steroid with Itraconazole(Strong)-would resolve the nodule -is from aspergilli. Simultaneous treatment to control high BP with antihypertensive medicines would be needed in your case. Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
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i have a little bit of blood in my urine, what could it be? i wiped some on toilet paper and it was a faint orange color, so it was not much, i 1st noticed it this morning when it hurt to pee, the pain was a decent amount, i got back from school and went to the bathroom again and it hurt again but a lot less than this morning. there is no one with diabetes in my family, so it might be UTI (even though i have never had sex).
First get your urine examination done to confirm whether it is urine in blood or something else. Most common cause for blood in urine is calculus. Common cause varies from male to female. UTI can cause blood in urine, but not the commonest cause. So to know the cause complete urine & sonography is required. Treatment depends on the cause. Start taking plenty of liquids it will definitely help you. Disclaimer
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my mother had cerebral at last thursday 11/09/2014, her right side left, high bloode sugar detect 180 fasting & 300 pp tested. running medicine are decdan injection, amlokind 10 for pressure, vogomate v .3 for sugar , now last two days we noticed that she had bedsore back position what can we do?
Hi, Thanks for writing in. Bedsores are the first sign of infection in a person who is immobile. Please inform her doctors and make arrangement for her to sleep on water bed to avoid more bed sores from happening. Since she is diabetic, there is possibility of the bedsore developing an aggressive infection. First medications are to be applied in the region of bedsore. A nursing attendant must be put in charge of turning her posture regularly and keeping the surface between the skin and bed Chat Doctor. This will prevent sweat from accumulating and preventing new sore formation. Attempts are also to be made to lower her blood glucose. Diabetes causes infections to spread quickly to other areas and this must be prevented. Please check the bedsore wound every 6 hours and change surgical
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yes hi there i have a back tooth that has been sheared off to the gum line and has an exposed nerve a friend of mine gave me a couple of CLINDAMYCIN HCL 150mg. capsules i was wondering if you think these will help my tooth till i can get to a dentist on Monday since the ER said there really isnt anything they can do and i should see a dentist thank you for your time and help in this matter Rich.
Hello there, Thanks for writing your query, Your clinical history suggests you are suffering from a severe periodontitis. It is a condition where gum line with respect to the tooth shows severe recession and exposure of the root surfaces of the teeth. It is caused due poor oral hygiene, improper brushing and flossing that leads to accumulation of bacterial plaque and calculus deep in the gum pockets and root surfaces of the teeth. Yes CLINDAMYCIN is an antibiotic which can be used to prevent infection and suppress further damage, but antibiotic will work better when you get the gum treated by dental procedures. It needs to be treated by thorough professional deep scaling of gums and root planing of the teeth to remove all the irritants, this will help in resolving the symptoms followed by a course of antibiotic and analgesics. I hope this helps, take care.
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I have been diagnosed with Syncope and want to know exactly what it is. I also suffer from kidney disease and was on dialysis for 2 1/4 years. Now my creatine level is at 1.9. What is a normal level? I lost both legs and the majority of fingers on my dominate left hand due to Thrombotic Thrombocytopinia Purpura. (T.T.P. in 2003
Hello! Thank you for the question! I understand your clinical situation. A syncope is a sudden loss of body tone, with loss of conscience which lasts for some seconds. As a result the person falls sown immediately without understanding what happened. This is caused by a disorder called autonomic dysfunction which causes episodes of low blood perfusion to the brain. Have you had Chat Doctor? Renal failure is a common complication of these disorders. Syncope too. Renal failure can also cause syncope. So you have two RISC factors for syncope. The normal levels for creatinine are 0.5-1.5\u00a0mg/dl for men and 0.6-1.2\u00a0mg/ml for women. Your level is not too high. Hope to have helpful. Thank you for using Chat Doctor! Best wishes
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49 yr old F. Yellow patchy skin on lower breasts and fold of thigh groin joint. Have not been sexually active lately
Welcome to Chat Doctor You could be having intertwine which is destruction of skin along with sweat accumulation and possible fungal infection. It is seen usually in obese patients. It is best to eat healthy and exercise daily to reduce weight in such a situation. Get your blood sugar and blood lipids tested. Consult a Dermatologist for possible antifungal medication like Clotrimazole which will work best.
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Hello, I noticed a large dark purple bruise on my boyfriend s lower right abdomen. He has not been hit or otherwise injured, and there is only slight pain to the touch. His gallbladder was removed two months ago, if that is any help. I am worried because the bruise came out of nowhere and seems to be getting bigger.
Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history about your boyfriend and understood it. There is a history of gall bladder removal 2 months back. And now a bruise on the same - right side of the abdominal wall for no apparent reason. The possible cause can be reactivation of an infection in the abdominal wall post-surgery. Get an ultrasonography of the abdominal wall, X-ray to see if there is any Gas shadow. This indicates infection. Consult a General Surgeon and start on the treatment of antibiotics. If this does not settle with medicines, may need a Chat Doctor.
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My 76 year old mother fell out of bed for the thirds time this moneth. Her recent fall was this morning and she has a huge lump on her upper arm, there is no bruising as of yet and she can raise her arm without much pain she is just tender and achy. The lump is about the size of a tomato. Should we be concerned. She is also on warfarin.
HI, Dear Carson-Very Good Morning from India. Thanks for your query. I understand your concerns. I studied your query in depth.-I would advise your mother not to worry. In my opinion its -post-traumatic HEMATOMA.-Treatment-l you need to consult ER Surgeon to avoid any infection in it and pus formation, which needs to be avoided.-He would treat it- by-a-Cold compresses-b-Tb Antibiotic, c-Tb NSAIDs, and would adjust the dose-of warfarin accordingly d-Watch for any increase in Size of the arm lump. This would regress in next 2-3 was time.-Hope this reliefs your worry-some query. Welcome for any more queries in time to come. Have a Good Day.
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i recently started playing girls water polo at school and yesterday whale i was showering and cleaning my body i found a bump on my butt and when i touched it, it hurt. and today at school when i would sit it would hurt i have no idea what this is or what it can be i have never had anything like this before
Hello! Thank you for the query. If this lump is in the butt cheek area, infected colonial cyst is the most probable reason. If the lump is somewhere else on the butt, skin infection and small abscess it is. In both cases you need to have it incised and Chat Doctor. Otherwise, it will get more painful. In case of colonial cyst you need to have it removed when the acute inflammation will be gone. Please consult general surgeon with this issue. Hope this will help. Regards.
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I have enlarged foliate papilla on the right side of my tongue. I have them for quite some time now. My dentist did a \"brush over\" cancer test and it came back negative. However, they do not seem to be going away. They are also associated with a burning feeling in that area. Any comments or suggestions?
Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor . I understand you concern there is nothing to be worried, this is enlarged papillae is seen this can be due to deficiency of vitamin supplements, iron deficiency, or due to acidity also. For this you can take some medication by consulting you doctor one tablet multivitamin once daily for 15 days. One tablet metronidazole once daily for one week One tablet Antioxidants once daily for one week. If you don't get relief then consult physician for complete mammogram. Hope this will help you.
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I was prescribed the following drug clindamycin 150mg capsules due to an oral medical issue. I have oral implants with a bridge. The screws broke off in my jaw. The attached bridge has come totally undone, leaving the open gum. The prescription has been prescribed as a preventive measure. I have no pain and no sign of invection as yet . After reading the warnings that came attached with the prescription filled at Walgreens I am extremely hesitant to take the drug due to the severe side effects. Possible death due toStevens Johnson syndrome ... I live alone so I not going to take the drug and take my chances with invection. Is that a wise choice?
Hi. Thanks for the query. I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. Well taking Clindamycin does not always cause side effects and that too are not always life-threatening, so better first relax. If you go through the side effects of any antibiotics you will always find a long list but all the side effects are not always seen in each individual who take the Chat Doctor. . So my suggestion is to continue taking Clindamycin. If you still doubt you can go for Allergic testing and once confirmed you can take safer antibiotics without fear of fatal side effects. Hope this helps. Regards.
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I have an issue with my right knee I have a slight raised place on the lower outside part of the knew and have had for about 2 weeks it doesn t hurt down deep like a joint or tendon but rather the skin hurts to the touch or when i have pants on I certainly have never had anything like it before Any Thoughts??
Hello, As I understand with the query is all about the burning sensation. Now, this is not related to the knee. As you never mentioned the injury, so I suspect that you haven't had any. This burning sensation is related to the nerve root. Due to weakness in the spinal region, the nerve root gets impingement. As the nerve has the function of carrying the sensory and motor, any impingement of the nerve will cause the dysfunction in the normal functions of the nerve. I think if you do core strengthening exercises then your symptoms will subside Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
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hi there , im 6 weeks pregnant and since yesterday morning i started having pinkish discharge on wiping with no pain i did na ChatDoctor level it was 1280 . today it was repeated and became 1450. they couldnt find a sac on transvaginal u/s intra or extrauterine . the bleeding has become less today . i had cramps in the morning through the afternoon but they r resolving . after taking IVFC injection
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. In such a case it is difficult to determine the cause, It may be an inevitable abortion in the very early days of pregnancy, and presented at this date, H.C.G. may be positive for some more days, and the cramps could be due to the small mass of the sac, to be expelled, or may be due to infection. Ultrasound will be the final finding to rely upon. Still your doctor will be the better judge. Wishing for a better health. Thank you.
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Last Sunday i passed out. when my friend checked on me, i was unresponsive. when at the hospital my blood pressure was 76/48. after regaining conciousness, i couldnt speak correctly or move my right leg and arm. within a day, i was back to normal and prescribed nothing and given no answers. what happened to me?
Hello, There could be a few reasons to your symptoms. Since your blood pressure was so low, the first thought is that you were simply not getting enough blood to your brain. From you symptoms it sounds like your left hemisphere of the brain was affected given that you couldn't move your right leg and arm. Language also resides most commonly in the left hemisphere, so speaking would also be difficult. You didn't mention your age, but when symptoms are isolated to a side of the brain, what needs to be done is an MR-Angiogram (blood vessel imaging with MRI) or CT-angiogram (blood vessel imaging with a CT) of the arteries in the neck and brain to make sure that there is no narrowing of the blood vessel that could result in the symptoms just affecting one side of the brain. If neither of those tests are possible, then as a bare minimum a carotid ultrasound should be done. Alternatively, but much less likely is that you could have a migraine that caused paralysis and focal neurological symptoms. They are very rare, but still a possibility. The symptoms usually resolve in a few hours to a day. Lastly, a seizure could have also occurred which caused you to lose consciousness. There is a condition where after the seizure, it takes the brain time to recover and there can be difficulty with movement and language. Again, I feel that that is less likely. None-the-less you need more testing done to make sure the blood vessel are open. Also, they need to investigate the cause of your low blood pressure. It can be due to a Chat Doctor. You should definitely speak with your primary care physician to have all of that investigated. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Kristoffer Mission
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I have been having issues with my stomach, I feel bloated or my stomach is swollen, I also am having problems with my digestion my food sits in my upper stomach for days with this is very painful. With this comes constipation . I have tried fiber and yogurt and digestion enz, lots of water cutting down on my food . I might feel better through the day but it comes right back. Any suggestions.
Hello and thanks for posting. First, sorry to hear about your trouble. Second, there are many potential issues that need to be ruled out, and you should see a gastroenterologist to assist in this before anyone just states it is just irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor. I do not know your age, but there is a website called that you can look into to make some changes in the diet and eliminate potential contributing factors. Best of luck
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after echo test docter asked when i get my heart attack before then i approched hospital where echo and tmt test are done and found positive i am taking medicen ;mrtoprolol,ecosprin-100mg,crestor-10mg,isosorbide-20mg,please advice how to cure my heart is by yoga it can be cure.after taking these medicen my stomak is up set.
Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would recommend performing a coronary Anglo CT scan or coronary angiogram in order to examine better the coronary arteries. Stent's implantation or bypass surgery may be necessary based on the coronary angiogram. Meanwhile, I would recommend continue on these Chat Doctor. ). Regarding your stomach, I would recommend using omeprazole twice daily. You should take esprit only after meals. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing good health,
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iam 41 yrs old recently the dark pig mentation around eyes and mouth are very prominent. i consulted kaya skin clinic they suggested skin lightening alternated with mesoglow treatment once amonth for 4months. but they gave partial success in the whole process.iw ould like to go for second opinion. is there any other alternative procedure for my problem.
Hi, Visible pigmentation in human results from the synthesis and distribution of melanin in the skin, hair bulbs and eyes.Hyperpigmentation can result from excessive sun exposure, use sunscreen with SPF 30. Some natural remedies are-mixture of lemon juice and cream; apply on face. Put lemon juice onto basil leaves. This is great for getting rid of pigmentation marks and dark circles that may have been a long-time problem. Apply lime (NIMBY) to the affected area, and after 15 minutes wash it off. This needs to be done on a daily basis. Other remedy is Comic acid cream which lightens up the dark spots but takes some time. However, mellow is a facial treatment using Vitamins and Mineral injections to add that healthy glow to skin which radiates energy and vitality. Subdermal vitamin injections rejuvenate the cells, making them more active and thereby stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Overall it reduces dark spots; effects seen faster than comic acid. You can continue same treatment for dark spots along with natural remedies and sunscreen creams. Take care. Best regards,
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my 26 year old son is for past 3 weeks is complaining about tighness tingling and numbness under his left rib cage. No pain. He says it comes and goes and he doesn t feel it at all when he is lying down. He is very atletic and plays major basketball and baseball. Is this a common problem
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out heart diseases for his symptoms because left sided chest discomfort is common in heart diseases. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If both these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Sometimes in young age, stress and anxiety can cause similar symptoms. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in his life and start working on its solution. He may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, he will be alright. But first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your son. Thanks.
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Hi I have had insomnia for about 18 years now, no I am not depressed, yes I have tried melatonin and I think all other supplements to try and find a good solution. If you could help me with a good solution for this you would then become my new best friend.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Insomnia definitely will be having an underlying basic factor which needed to be identified. You did not provide many details about the factors and other investigations carried out by previous doctors. You should provide this information. Secondly, provide previous treatment options. Provide emphasis on psychological aspect too. Psychologic origin insomnia is totally curable. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http
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I have been bleeding a little when I go to the bathroom out my anus. And the crack area has been burning I went to look today anmean have a red ring around the anus and down the whole crack is red n purple any idea what it might be or if its seriouse?
Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern. Discussion
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i ate chips then licked my fingers then pulled back my foreskin and wiped the area with the spit covered fingers. After a month or so i noticed white clustered bumps along the area i wiped the spit on. Please help me I dont know what to do is it a stdNo itching No redness just a little burning very rare
Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. What you are complaining of appears that you have a mild bacterial infection of the foreskin. Nothing much to be worried about it. This can be managed in the following way
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I have a 22 month old that keeps getting large red bumps off and on around the out side of her private area. It almost looks like an infected pimple. When I wipe her after taking her diaper off she shakes in pain and says it hurts. What do you think it could be?
A picture of that rash will help me in diagnosing the disease. It could be Nappy rash, Candida (Fungal) infection or bacterial infection. If the rash involves inguinal Fleur, most likely it could be candida infection. Is your children rash associated with fever? How frequently do you change the diapers? If you keep it for longer periods, child might develop those nappy rashes. And you ought to keep the surface Chat Doctor. A local application of Fluconazole will help you out with candida infections. And Emollients with nappy rashes. You can even try Happy Nap cream. Thank you!
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hi dear my son is 1year and 9 mth old and till today he caughted by fever so many he is also fighting with fever from last night.and i given him first mafenamic acid suspention 60 ml with the antiboitic secef and he got fever in the morning and i given him calpol with secef at 10 a.m. but still he have fever 101. pls help me what to do am very worried.
Welcome to the ChatDoctorI have gone through your question and understand your concern but don't worry. Most common cause of such fevers in toddlers is self limiting viral infections. They usually improve with in a few days. So, I would recommend you to give symptomatic treatment to your child. You may give Cal pol or metonymic acid for fever spikes. You may repeat the dose after 6-8 hours if the fever doesn't improve. There is no need for any antibiotic at present. So avoid giving see. Also, offer regular feeds and fluids to avoid weakness and deny Chat Doctor. Hopefully this will be helpful to you. I would be glad to help you for any further questions. Take care
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what would cause a crunchy pop noise and feeling in my spine when I move a certain way or sit down in a car followed by a severe pain that shoots up my neck and down my back to the point where it makes it hard to breathe?, it has been going on for a couple years
Thanks for asking. From your history it seems that You are probably having permitted sign which is most commonly seen in advanced cervical spondylosis. 1. Get a Straight X-ray of cervical spine (AP & LAT view)2. If it's suggestive of spondylosis, start using soft cervical collar of proper size.3. See a physiotherapist for neck excercise4. Avoid activities which require forward head bending or excessive neck movement.5. For pain relief you can use Tab. Gabapin-NT (400/10) once daily at night. Hope it is useful. Review if needed.
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I am 22 weeks pregnant and in hospital with suspected appendicitis I am receiving antibiotic treatment and not surgery right now as am pregnant, am getting IV aztreonam and metronidazole will these work to treat appendicitis or am I going to need surgery whilst am pregnant? I had extreme pain 2 nights ago in right side, am still in pain but doesnt seem as bad, my temperature an white blood count are normal too, am so worried about the thought of surgery and does this sound like definitely appendicitis?
Hi. Do not worry. Relax. This one of the needs for the better outcome in any disease. 22 weeks is second trimester. You are on a correct antibiotics and appendicitis may very well subside with these medicines. Just follow whatever your Doctor advises you. Since your counts and temperature are normal, you may not surgery now. Please post the symptoms and findings chronologically for us to tell you about appendicitis (you have not put in symptoms here). Review ultrasonography / MRI to confirm the diagnosis and see the progress is a good way to follow the disease as well as improvement in your symptoms as abatement of symptoms, a good and sound sleep, good motion in the morning and feeling hungry are the best symptoms to judge the progress.
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Hi, I just recently lost my son while I was 23 weeks pregnant. I hadn t felt him move so I went to the doctor and found out there was no heartbeat. When he was born he looked absolutely perfect. What s even more upsetting is that I was in to see a specialist 3 weeks earlier and they said according to the u/s that he was a very healthy little boy. How and why is my son gone 3 weeks later?
Hello, I am so sorry. Please accept my sympathy for your loss. There can be infections, birth defects, complications of pregnancy such as high blood pressure. Mom can be a smoker, alcohol, overweight, African-American, have diabetes. Many times the cause of a stillbirth infant is unknown. Most women become pregnant again, have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. You may wish to contact a group of other women who have also lost a baby. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
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My 7 yr old son is adopted from Guatemala. We have recently noticed a faint white line in the middle of his chest from just below his nipples almost all the way to his belly button. Is this normal? Anything to worry about? Any indicator of any kind of health problem?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. This white line can be normal finding, but better to get done following tests. 1. CBC (complete blood count). 2. Vitamin b 12 level 3. Calcium and vitamin d3 level. 4. Thyroid function test. Anemia, vitamin b12 deficiency, low calcium and vitamin d3 and hypothyroidism can cause similar skin changes. So get done above-mentioned tests. If all are normal then no need to worry much. This line will gradually go away with time. And if any of the test is low then your child needs supplements.
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Hi Dr. Mintz. Last week I experienced shortness of breath and a chest x-ray was ordered. The findings were that 1) bilateral hilar prominance was noted due to vasculature as opposed to enlarged lymph nodes. 2) septal thickening of both lungs Do you know what causes this? I no longer am experiencing shortness of breath, but I still have weasing in my bronchial tree. I am not a smoker. I am 51 and have been battling osteomyelitis in my great toe which was recently removed. I now am on six weeks of IV antibiotics administered through my PICC line. Thank you, Bri
Hello dear, thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out bronchitis. Age more than 50 is an individual risk factor for bronchitis. You are also having wheezing with shortness of breath, these also favors possibility of bronchitis more. Bilateral septal thickening is also seen in bronchitis due to inflammation. So consult pulmonologist and get done PFT. PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but also tell you about severity of the disease. And for treatment severity is important. You may require inhaled bronchodilators. No need to worry much for septal thickening in both lungs.
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Hi, I am 22 years old and I have lost 50 pounds on the ChatDoctor diet in the last 70 days, 5 days ago I was having some chest pain for about 3 hours, than today I had the same thing could it be from eating broccoli? It sure feels like a gas problem because I feel like I just want to belch all the time. Also when I bend over sometimes I get a small pain on the right side of my chest on my rib cage? Any answers?
Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of acute gastritis and gaseous bloating is more likely. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals.3. Take pantoprazole and levosulperide combination on empty stomach twice daily.4. Go for walking after meals.5. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed to prevent gas reflux.6. Quit smoking and alcohol if you have these habits.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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hii..i had my last periods on 16 jan.. we had sex on 23 jan and condom leaked inside. i took unwanted 72 on 25 jan..still not got periods... normally cycle is 28 days.. i neither have symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, tenderness in breast or other common symptoms...only sometimes having feeling same as pre-menstruation cycle...m i pregnant??
Hello, Thanks for writing to us. You did safe sex on 23rd Jan as per last period date and took Unwanted 72 pill on 25th Jan, which will give extra protection. In this case, your chance of pregnancy is NIL due to safe period. Your late period is MOSTLY due to hormonal imbalance (effect of the pill) and mental stress. Period may be delayed for 1-2 weeks. On negative test, you have to wait for coming period naturally. If your period doesn't start within 2 weeks, you must undergo one pelvic ultrasound scan and hormone test to pinpoint the diagnosis. You may require progesterone pill to induce period. Kindly, consult with your gynecologist and take complete prescription. You should control body wt, avoid stress, take healthy low carboy Chat Doctor. Good luck and take care. Be well.
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Hi I m 25 years I had a miscarriage in February 2012 and I got again in July during period I had sex and got pregnant and in march 2013 I had the at 8 months by c section the baby had abnormal heart kidney and liver problems baby stayed in nicu for a month died on April 12 2013 and 9 months later I m having trouble getting pregnant help please
Don't be in a hurry to conceive so down after cesarean. need ample of time for your body as well as uterus to be capable to handle a new pregnancy. ....the scar of cesarean takes 1 year minimum to be able to carry a next pregnancy safely...since you had a baby with birth defects....get your tests for congenital anomalies done and start taking folic acid 5\u00a0mg along with multivitamin to cover up for any internal deficiencies for at least 3 months
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Yes, I just returned from the Emergency Room! The ER People did a great job! My main Complaint was Severe Chest pains on my left side, Radiating from my Sternum up and around my upper portion of my left chest, close to my collar bone, then down the left side of my body! Stopping at the bottom portion of the left side of my chest! The People at The ER drew Blood samples, did an EKG, ran X-Rays And said I was not having a Heart attack! Which I Trust and Believe is True! Even after all the Pain Medication they gave me at the ER, I had no relief from the Severe pain! I am not worried about the pain, as much, as to what this Ailment might be? I also have Numbness from my Elbow down to my finger tips! I have not had any recent Injuries! No Severe Coughing fits? I have quit smoking about a month ago? I have no Dizziness, nor am I lightheaded! Just the Severe Pain on the left side of my chest, with numbness from my left elbow down to my finger tips! Any Suggestions, of what it could be?
Howell come to ChatDoctorOf course this is typical symptoms which may be suggestive of cardiac disease could be because of ischemia, if the EKG is unremarkable then this does not rule out the possibility of ischemia but this need to differentiated with the help of trade mill test, ECHO, and if possible coronary angiography need to be done, if these test are unremarkable then it can be said that this is not the cardiac disease, till then condition can be treated with Tab Omeprazole 40 mg and Tab Risperidone 30 mg once in day, hope this information helps, take care.
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I am a 24 yr old, healthy and active woman. In July, I was cleaning and took quite a hard fall and hit my back on the side of the bathtub. Ever since, my thoracics and lumbar has been a problem. I have been to the chiropractor repeatedly since and the problem always seems to come back within a week. I went to my doctor and he diagnosed a muscle sprain and put me on somas, but they do not help. Also, a few weeks ago I was putting on a pair of boots and heard a snap in my very lower back...followed by alot of pain. What should I do?
Hi, It is quite common to have these types of pain persisting for quiet a lot of time in absence of proper treatment. All you need to do is to give rest to your back, avoid over exertion and lifting heavy weights. Along with warm saline fomentation twice a day, consult a physio also for ultrasonic therapy. If all these doesn't proves to be effective then get an X-ray of the affected part done. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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i am having pain between shoulder blades to the point its spiking bp. i am on blood pressure meds and the local drs are stumped as to what could be causing it. i am non smoker, run frequently, exercise daily (until recently). my systolic blood pressure has stayed high
Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. Pain between shoulders blade can be due simple muscular or can be due to aortic dissection with sharp pain ... if u were my patent I would like to ask detail history with examination n run test ESP X-Ray to look for mediastinum widening to rule out dangerous condition n if it is culprit then TX by surgeons case muscular pain need simple analgesic n muscular relaxant ... I hope this answered your question, if you have more feel free to ask. Regards.
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I have barrel chest and went for a checkup to see if i have asthma but the doc said no. I am having severe shortness of breath and even though i sleep more than average i still seem to be extremely tired. What should i do?
Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor.barrel chest has been associated with lung and heart pathology, but not necessarily. If you have shortness of breath and tiredness, please consult a medical specialist to use out valvular lesion associated. Ideally get your lung function tests (spirometry) and an ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY . Get an x-ray chest done also. Hope your question is answered. Take care and wish you good health.
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Hi, I have a brother that is diebitic and has a cute on his foot. it is swollen. He went to the doctor and the nurse said for him to go the the hospital to have it check out and make sure is not gangurring. cant spell it. He has been cleansing it and putting Iodine on it and soaking it. He says the bubble that in side cute busted and its draining out. He says he cant hardly was on it. I trying to get him to check in to the hospital, but no the mean time he tring to keep it clean. Is there any good medicine I can get to keep it clean, untill I can get him to go to the hospital and check it out.
Thank you for you question. Diabetes is a chronic condition and its complications predisposes people to have chronic wounds on the lower limbs which can lead to gangrene and cause lead to an amputation of the said limb. This situation is worsened when the Diabetes is poorly followed up. I would ask you to first of all check his blood glucose level with a One-stop machine and make sure it is within normal values for diabetic patients i.e. 1 - 2 g/l, secondly verify if he is taking his diabetes medications, do twice daily wound Chat Doctor. Consult a planetologist when you can. Good luck
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hi, I am a 25 year old woman and I am concerned that my hair is falling out too much. I always had thick hair. I recently noticed that my hair drops a lot in the shower and when I am casually running my hands through my hair. I also noticed my scalp has been itchy. could this be alapesha?
Hello, thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. In general there is loss of 100 hairs per day which is considered as normal. Excess of that leads to halogen effluvium which in which significant amount of hair is lost. Many internal conditions have to be ruled out to control it. Following investigations are advice for hair fall
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how to get of dark spots on legs which have been caused due to there any cream or home remedies for the dark spot to disappear in few days or weeks....
Dear Latham, Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor. As per your query it would be very much required to know how long back was the injury and how long it took to heal. Are u using short Chat Doctor. You might need a combination of treatment cr\u00e8mes to get rid of your problem completely or partially depending upon the above factors. I would suggest you post some pictures to your plastic surgeon or a dermatologist with special interest in cosmetology for getting the right treatment
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Dear Sir,I am 33 years old of weight 79 kg and height 1.74 m. I have been following my doctors prescription of taking 1 no of Udliv 600 mg each before lunch and dinner , 1no of Atocor 10 mg after dinner and 1 no of Rablet 20 mg before breakfast since last 4 months. Before 4 months my SGPT was 107 and SGOT was 67. Recently I have found my SGPT and SGOT to be 62.2 and 54.4 . However, my triglyceride level is 204.2 mg/dl. Is my treatment going in proper direction? Moreover, I have been using Neurological medicine Desval-ER-500 since last 5 years due to epileptic disease. Does this medicine has any adverse effect in lever function? Please help....regards,AAAA
Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Most anti-epileptic medications including Deal (Valerie acid) affect liver function, however, based on the information you have given your liver function is certainly improving (decrease in SGPT and GOT) indicating that your treatment is going in the right direction. However, your triglyceride level is still high. I recommend increasing the dose of Amoco and repeating your lipid profile after a couple of months. In this regard I will advise you to consult your primary physician and monitor your lipid profile as well as liver function. Hope this helps.
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Hi Doctor, shall I use flutivate cream for my 1 year baby? She is having rashes in her legs and when we consulted the doctor he told that because of milk only this kind of allergy will come. And also he prescribed flutivate cream.. When I check the internet it shows some side effect and also mentioned not used for children (Fluticasone Propionate). So, I m in confusion. Please clear it.
Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor. Cultivate contains a steroid called fluticasone which is intended to reduce an inflammatory allergic manifestation as exhibited by the rashes. Apply it as per your doctors' advice. It is hard to comment without looking at the rashes but might be needed. It can be used in child Chat Doctor. Such allergies may occur not only in response to milk but also practically anything that we are exposed to, things like dust, pollen etc. If your doctor advises milk free diet, you can include formula like Zero lac. But after semisolid have been introduced in the diet, milk can be avoided anyway. Hope that helps. Feel free to revert in case of further queries if any.
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my brother is 44 years old two days ago he passed out no breath pale and he remained like this for 2 minutes or may be more or less . his echo graph is normal and doctor found a cyst on his kidney .his blood pressure was 160/ 10..can you please let me know why he passed out like this .
Hi, I understand your concern and I'll try to help you. The sudden loss of frame of consciousness that you reported is compatible with syncope. There are several causes of syncope is the most common type is the vasovagal syncope, but there are also syncopation of origin for cardiac arrhythmias and neurological diseases. The picture of your brother has several characteristics of vasovagal syncope, but the information you reported is insufficient to confirm the diagnosis. This type of syncope is often triggered by stress such as fear of needles, fear of heights, long periods of standing and in the same position, hot and stuffy places. Usually there is complete loss of consciousness, which can last a few seconds and the patient wakes up slowly, often with nausea and dizziness, and skin pallor and general ma-being. After a few minutes the person is totally normal. This all occurs by stimulation of the autonomic nervous system that causes bradycardia (reduction in frequency of heartbeat and Chat Doctor. To confirm this diagnosis and away from others is necessary look for a good Cardiologist to make a detailed medical history and discard cardiac and neurological causes. So I use some additional tests beyond echocardiography, holder as 24 hours, exercise testing, in some cases the tilt test and if there are signs of neurological causes, request a cranial tomography and evaluation neurologist. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help you. Wish you good health.
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sir, I am feeling burning/pinching and twisting in my nervous and muscles in left side and in chest area. I have shown to doctors, they did ECG and told that it is not heart problem...and asked me to apply pain gel to reduce it..but the problem persists...please advise..
Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Your symptoms seem to be related to a musculoskeletal pain. Inflammation or an electrolyte imbalance can not be excluded either. For this reason, I would recommend performing further tests
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hi i have a 4 month old son who has a welt like bump on his spine, on closer inspection i noticed that it is hairy, i have concerns due to the fact that while i was pregnant with him during an ultrasound the noticed that i had an increased risk of nueral tube defect - in particular spinal bifida was wondering if i should be concerned about this lump it is about 4cm long and 2cm wide not raised too much??
HI. Thanks for your query. Yes, the hairy lump on the spine is a telltale sign of a neural tune defect. In your case suggestive of an underlying spina bifida. Please confirm this by X-rays. Also get confirmed his movements of the lower limb. Consult a Pediatric Surgeon or a Neurosurgeon. And if the nerve supply to the lower limbs is unaffected, you have to observe for any further development as your child grows to adulthood. In later age he may need surgical interventions if there is development of neurological deficit.
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I am argho 32 male. Recently i came to know that i am azoospermic. My Semen volume is 4.6 ml. Cloudy white color, LSH 16.4, FSH 8.5. Sex is Normal. I have very bad checken pox at the age of 16. No other serious illness. Can u answer me?. Can i be a father?
Dear sir, there are two types of azoospermiathe first is obstructive azoospermia in which production of sperms are normal, but there is an obstruction to the pathway. This can be cured by removing the obstruction the second is non-obstructive azoospermia in which sperm production is impaired. In this case the only way for parenthood is to take a testicular biopsy and extract sperms from it and undergo an assisted reproduction cycle by CSI
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Gallbladder taken out April 2011, appendix 15 years ago. Had vasectomy October 2011. I have been having issues with stomach discomfort, feels warm, stool is mushy. Taking align probitic. Some days I have to run to bathroom to move bowels because instant pain.
Hello and thanks you for your query. I am Chat Doctor and I will try to help you as much as I can with my answer. There are no significant side effects of vasectomy and especially not such that you describe, and you should find another causes of abdominal discomfort, and you should do colonoscopy and abdominal Ct scan. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.
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hello. I keep getting a strong metallic taste in my mouth, especially behind one tooth, and the tip of my tongue tingles as it would if I had burned it on coffee, but I havent had anything hot. I have not had a change in diet and I am not taking any new medicines. I quit smoking two weeks ago. Any ides on what this might be?
Helllo thanks for consulting at Chat Doctor.usually metallic taste and tingling sensation results from various vitamin iron, it B12 ETC, so please consult a general physician for a complete blood check up and treatment,,,If YOU are middle-aged, with stress factor-- it might also be because of burning mouth syn Chat Doctor. .so maybe you are having relapse episode???either ways please consult an oral physician and general physician for a check-up and treatment,hope it helps,take care,
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hi! i would like to know what is the main problem of my husbands semen analysis and what would be the solution. we are trying to conceive for the past 2 years.. here are the results
Hi greetings. Mainly 3 important parameters. 1. sperm density is normal .we need only 16million /ml2. Motility. Rapid progressive motility is below normal, but moderate is ok3.morphology of sperms seems to be normal. Another findings are prolonged liquefaction. I suggest your husband to consult an Chat Doctor. If so treatment can be taken SND motility and liquefaction might improve. Need not worry about single report. There will be variations always. A repeat analysis after 2 months can be done. Hope my answer helps you. Regards
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I am married and it s been two years we are trying to conceive.. I have taken letrozole for 6 mths and for other two months I hav been induced to ovulate by hormone injections, and I have taken rubella vaccination also. Wat further treatment shud I pursue to conceive fast
Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. You will conceive soon. Be stress-free. Along with ovulation induction I suggest you to get your tubal patency done and if that is normal go for GUI. It is intrauterine ingestion of sperms. Here sperms are washed and processed and placed in uterus. This will increase the chances of conception as problem in ascend of sperm is solved. You can try for 3 to 4 cycles of GUI before proceeding further. Hope I have been helpful. Regards Chat Doctor.
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hi i had my wisdom teeth pulled out five years ago. i recently went for a dental check up and the dentist said i have an abnormality on my bottom right side where my wisdom tooth was removed,like a bump he he referred me to a specialist..i have no pain and the bump is not visible when i see inside my mouth..what could this be?
Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The bump over the wisdom tooth region could be a flabby soft tissue or irrational fibrous secondary to irritation from the opposing tooth. Nothing to worry, if it becomes symptomatic then get it surgically removed. It can also occur secondary to any root pieces left while removing the wisdom tooth. Get a radiograph done to rule out this condition. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
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My 6 week old fell off the couch. After a few seconds of crying he started falling back asleep. I started feeling parts of him to see if he d react like he was injured but he didn t. He just went back to sleep. What else can I do to make sure he s ok? Is it ok for him to be sleeping now?
Hi, in cases of head trauma there is high chances of brain injury. There are some symptoms which are found When brain injury occurs like persistent crying, seizures, persistent vomiting, bleeding from mouth or nose. If above symptoms are not present, then most of the time child does not have brain injury. However, it is better to get the child examined by a Euro surgeon, and if required a CT scan of head should be done. I hope this will help you. Take care.
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I am a 41 yr old female, weight 230, 5 5 tall. I have been having a tightness in my chest which gives me a slight cough. I go an hr or so coughing slightly and with the tightness and it goes away and then comes back hrs or days later. My over all health is good. I don t smoke and never have. I don t drink or do drugs and never have. Can it be anxiety or from being over weight?
Hello Chest tightness need proper evaluation. It is important to rule out cardiopulmonary reasons. It may be due to psychological reasons also, but other factors should be screened first. You need proper clinical examination and routine investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, random blood sugar, lipid profile, liver function test, renal function test, chest X-ray (PA view)ECG in all leads, TMT,ECHO. Further investigations can be done if needed. It is also important to exclude musculoskeletal causes of pain. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Take Care Chat Doctor.
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Hi Dr. P.Koregol, I am Dick Lim age 67. Thank you for looking into my query. These result dated Apr 14; bracket was Jun 2013. My Cholesterol- LDL 64 (144). High HDL 156 (68) mg/dl n yet Total Cholesterol 240 (227) mg/dl. T 99 (75) mg/dl, Total Chol/HDL-Chol 1.5 (3.3); Ph 8.0 (7.5). Blood Monocytes 7% (6&); Lymphocytes 880 (882)/cmm. BP- 140/85 (below). Blood sugar fasting- 100 (86) Free T 0.96 (0.99) ng/dl. Bilirubin 1.7 (2.1) v mg/dl Exercise 2 to 4 times a week about an hr. each time. Kindly give whatever advises you can offer will be much appreciated.
Hello, All your blood investigation are in normal range except the lipids. Now for you, we will want total cholesterol under 200 and LDL cholesterol under 130 at least and preferably under 100. The good cholesterol HDL is normal and we shouldn't worry about the same. Low how would we do it? Atleast 45 mins of aerobic exercise Daily Cut on oils, red meat, egg yellow, fried and preserved food. May shift to healthy oils like olive, 2 serving of fish /per week. Supplement like omega 3 fatty acid 1-2 GMS a day, flax seed may work No medication required for any of your reports including lipids. After all lifestyle changes repeat a lipid profile after 3 months. Regards
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Hi, may I ans doctor am 24 years, i dont have any problem healthwise but i just want to know about the disease called staphyloccocus and the ways it can be contacted, Thank you.
HI Thanks for posting your query. Staphylococcus is not a disease it is the name of bacteria that causes infections(disease). These bacterium are normally present in the skin and in the nose. So any breach in the skin or any inflammation in the nose these bacteria gains entry inside the body and causes Infection. The other possibility of contracting staphylococcus infection is by eating rotten food which would have been contaminated with these bacteria. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask.
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I m 56, female, a tad overweight (otherwise known as fat . lol), and my Dr. has diagnosed a lump between my stomach and the base of my rib cage, right hand side, as being a protuberant muscle. It hurts like crazy! And the pain shifts from side to side, even though the lump stays on the right hand side. Doesn t matter if I lie down and nothing much seems to help in terms of pain killers or even horse liniment. Have you any ideas as to what I can do to relieve the pain, please? Thankyou, Dr. Agarwal. Sorry, didn t realise it costs. Thankyou for your time and trouble. God bless.
Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause and plan of Treatment-In my opinion on the given data, you seem to have Epigastric Ventral Hernia with entrapment obstruction which is causing shifting pain from the adhesions of the chronic lump there. I would advise consulting ER Surgeon, who would treat it by Surgical Repair after study by USG scan.Don't guess more. I would advise ER Surgeon Consultation to avoid further complications with it. Hope this would resolve your issues. Act fast. So keep cool and Consult your ER Surgeon, if need be, who would treat it accordingly. So don't build up wrong concepts and create more psychic complications in you which would increase risks and costs to you, but just ask a query to Chat Doctor and be comfortable to resolve your health issues. Welcome for any more query in this regard to Chat Doctor. Write good reviews and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.
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Hi, I m a 14 year old black girl . I used to have acne for 2 years but it has gone now but I have been left with hyperpigmentation on my cheeks, upper arms and upper back. I am currently using Lush products (only cleanser, toner and moisturiser) which have been working well. However, I would like a very effective solution that would hopefully solve my hyperpigmentation please. Thank you.
Hello thanks for using Chat Doctor . I would be pleased to answer your question For the hyperpigmentation, the best option is to get your skin exfoliated by a better method like a glycolic acid peel done every 15 days. A better option for you would be to visit a Dermatologist to avail of these peels. Alternative peel treatments like trichloroacetic acid are also very useful. I would suggest you get your skin examined by the dermatologist. For a home based treatment, Application of vitamin C based serum can be safe over long run. Thanks and take care.
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I used nair for my bikini area and got some on my genitals as well.I have a stinging and burning sensation especially when i urinate.Uncomfortable feeling all around,sitting,walking.How and when will I have any relief? What can I do to help myself heal and what should i steer clear of (obviously razors and depilatories) till i heal?Thank you.
HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It can take 2 to 3 days for the symptoms to decrease. You can use site baths to see if it helps. This would involve sitting in a site bath with warm (not hot) water for 10 to 15 minutes, 2 to 3 times daily. Normally table salt or Epsom salt is added to the water. The use of anti-inflammatory painkillers would also help e.g. naproxen, ibuprofen or Catalan hope this helps
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Embarrasing to rectum burns and itches really bad. For a year now it gets really sore after a movement. I wipe really hard, so I may have caused damage.?? I can wipe until clean and an hour later I burn and itch and wipe again and it s like I never wiped the first time....
Hi, From history it seems that there might be having some local skin infection like dermatitis or yeast infection. Due to lack of personal local hygiene this problem might be there. Clean the part gently without giving more pressure and apply triple action cream. Take Cetirizine or Levi cetirizine for itching. In absence of itching there will be speedy healing. Take plenty of water. Avoid constipation. Clean local part with running tap water thoroughly. Ok and take care.
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Hi..i m Itishree sarangi 28 years old.i have done my follicular study.but i think..i have some test started on 02/09/14 with 14th day.the size of follicle in right ovary and left ovary both are small size. Even no development for next test.but the endometrial thickness is increase slowly..22th day it is 9.1mm.plz suggest me...what can i do?
Hi, I think you should take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles if they are not growing naturally. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for next 2 to 3 days. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor.
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Hello, my son is 5 yrs and 6 month old. Every 2-3 days he develops balgam and coughs badly until he vomits and takes it out. Once he spits it out, he does not cough for next 2-3 days. We have observed this pattern for few months now and wanted to seek your expert advice.
Hi, thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Kindly get your child examined when he has the cough to rule out any wheezing and also to check his sinuses to rule out any sinusitis as these lead to episodic cough. If he is fine in between cough episodes and his general checkup is normal no need to worry. Hope this has been helpful to you, kindly feel free to contact again for any queries. Kindly rate the answer if so. Take care. Chat Doctor.
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i have a good friend with multiple myeloma. he suddenly has developed a raspy voice. He has multiple hairline fractures in his spine and ribs and has become quite stooped and seems to have difficulty breathing. Is the raspy voice related to the condition of his spine
Hi, Thanks fir writing in. A raspy voice is due to stimulation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve which supplies the vocal cords. It is possible that your friend has a lowered immune status after taking treatment for multiple myeloma. This might cause him to have infection in the throat which is causing irritation to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Any infection or condition in the throat might cause the raspy voice. It is suggested that he consults the ENT specialist immediately and has a clinical examination of his throat done. This will show any inflammatory changes in the region and whether it requires treatment. Please tell him to do throat gargle with warm water twice daily to soothe the throat. The raspy voice is not related to his spine but might have an indirect association to his treatment which he is getting right now. Please do not worry.
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HI, my mother is 56 years old and has been having darkly pigmented patches on both the cheeks for almost 5 years now. is it safe to use candid B cream on the face or any other medication for it? have tried alot of ointments but none have been effective.
Hello, i would strongly recommend you not use Candid B cream for the dark pigmentation on your mothers cheek. Candid B cream is an antifungal cream with steroid. This cream is used only in specific dermatological conditions as prescribed a qualified physician. There are a variety of skin disorders causing dark pigmentation. The commonest cause of dark pigmentation on cheeks in an elderly lady is a condition called Plasma. The cause of plasma is complex. There is a genetic predisposition to plasma, with at least one-third of patients reporting other family members to be affected. In most people plasma is a chronic disorder. Sun exposure, pregnancy, hormonal changes, photo-toxic reaction to Scented or deodorant soaps, toiletries and cosmetics or medications are the commonest triggering factors of Plasma. There are different modalities of treatment for Plasma and I would recommend you to consult a qualified Dermatologist for an expert opinion regarding your mothers skin condition and treatment.
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Hi iam 34years. We are trying for a baby for the past 1 year... my periods were regular and my doctor said my ovulation is normal. I had been taking folic acid supplements only. I did foliicular study for about 5 months ina row and everything was normal. Recently my last cycle ended up being an anovulatory cycle. I got my regular periods without any delay. My bleeding was also normal. My husbands reports are normal too. All mu harmonal blood tests were normal, the same month i had anovulation. Is thus possible. What is happening to me?
Hi I think you can take some medicines like camphene for inducing ovulation. Track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when follicle is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupture of follicles. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks after rupture is confirmed on ultrasound. Do a urine pregnancy test after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 cycles.
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I had been experiencing lower back pain for over a week. Initially, I though it to be a muscle strain/pull. I have alternated ice/heat/stretching (after icing the first two days). The pain has now progress to my rip hip and pelvic area and even to higher portions of my back. I am also feeling nausea, lightheaded ness, and numbing/tickling sensations in my lower legs. Please advise.
Well...the lower back can be arisen from different structures at the back from skin to the bones depends on age and other factors. The being pain can be settled by taking painkillers and physiotherapy. In elderly patients this pain could range from osteoarthritis to metasis. But pain in young patient not improving with medications...then it is alarming... But you have alarming symptoms.your pain is radiating to the pelvic area .the lesion looks like to be in the L5,S1 disc... You better do a CT scan of lumbosacral area and consult a neurosurgeon.
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Hi Dr. Good afternoon,I am a survivor of Squmousa cell carcinoma of the tongue two years back. Recently there are two neck lumps visible and MRI scans confirms the enlargements. Is it a sign of metastates??? What should I do further to confirm it?
Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. Possibilities of metastases can not be ruled out (in your case) without an FNAC - fine needle aspiration cytology of an enlarged lymph nodes.2. Generally lymph nodal enlargement is seen after local or systemic, infection or inflammatory cause. And ease off after treatment.3. You have done MRI - it would have given you the status of the old treated tongue malignancy. A computer tomography with contrast will help to see the status of previous malignancy.4. Get an ultrasound abdomen done - to see the status of liver and abdominal lymph nodal enlargement.5. Get an FNAC of lymph node for confirmation and treatment to commence. Good luck. Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
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I am 64 years of age but still interested mating wife.But if a gap of one week persists for mating, I occasionally feel early ejaculation. If I can control this moment, I continue for a good long period. Because of this unsure intercourse, I feel of the fear that I may not satisfy my partner .Can you mention the treatment for this type of early ejaculation .I am free from any ailments.Frequently I ride Stationary cycling. Thank you very much,,,
Dear sir, thank you for writing in. Welcome to the forum. You can try the squeeze technique, start stop technique or use an anesthetic condom. A number of medications such as Dallas, flu nil or next are also useful. Please remember that while using the squeeze or start stop technique, the key thing is to initiate action when a mild sense of ejaculating occurs but well before you sense a loss of control. It is better to err towards the former. Thanks.
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My umbilical hernia feels like it is getting worse. I cant see a surgeon until tuesday .my lower back muscles Are very strained and seems to be related. I dont have any classic symptoms like it is strangulating but my abdomen is extremely bloated and the actual buldge of the hernia seems larger than yesterday.
Hello, For now, you can do icing for your hernia and hot water fermentation for the lower back to relieve the symptoms. Post this take good bed rest and repeat the procedure for 3-4 times a day. Only if you are diabetic then icing is contraindicated. Post meeting the surgeon please do let me know what are the next calls considered by the surgeon. In my clinical practice of over 12 years, most umbilical hernia issue is resolved by exercise. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
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Hi Doctor, I have some problem relating to my behavior/ personality or I don t know exactly what you call it. I cant be able to concentrate on my work as lot of destruction keeps on hitting my mind away from the work. I discussed about it with my friend earlier through online chat, she asked to consult a female psychiatrist as my problem is related to females. So please advice me a doctor to look after my problem and it shouldn t be expensive as I don t possess lot of money.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You have not mentioned your age. Concentration problems do arise to people at every stage, but it is more present with young adults. You are supposed to refer to concentration and attention as two. Attention span for any adult is maximum 30 minutes. Sometimes, a person can be attentive to an interesting thing for more than 30 minutes, such as movies or games. Concentration is attention plus understanding. For this too, span of below 30 minutes. If you are able to make your studies interesting and based on variable principle, your concentration level can be increased. Concentration comes only when you are interested in what you do. So please be passionate towards what you are doing or do only those things which you are interested in. It is also possible to improve your concentration level with the help of yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http
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Hello Doctor,I am 7 weeks pregnant although when did an u/s scan it came out as 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.(My periods are normal 27-28 days cycle). There was no fetal pole and heartbeat but a gestational , yolk sac is seen. Doctor has advised scan after 10 days and said this will be the max waiting time for a fetal heartbeat. I am advised to take hormonal tablets (Conest). I am very much worried and really hoping the best for my baby. Can you please tell me how much possibility is there for a fetal heartbeat and fetaql pole after 10 days. Thanks in advance.
Hallow Dear, Usually by 6 weeks or so the fetal pole and fetal cardiac activity is detectable by ultrasound. If by 7 weeks, it is undetectable, there are following possibilities
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my son is 10,51 inches, and 79 pounds and had a fever Sunday morning of 103.3 with fever reducer it went down to normal temp. It then came back around 6 in the pm. and took a second treatment of fever reducer and it went down easily.About 10pm i took his temp and it went down to 96.3 I have been keeping an eye on him and he has been sleeping, sweaty and his body cold.I currently took his temp and it is down to 93.8. His temp has never been low before. I have 2 blakets on him to try and get him warm. He has been on antibiotics since friday for double ear infection and has been complaining about his trout hurting, stomach hurting,a bad cough, he has mouth sores and cant eat. What do I do? what could it be? whe do i worry about hte low temp?
Thanks to ChatDoctorI can understand your concern don't worry, fever in most of viral infections have sudden rise and fall below normal once we have taken medicine if there are no chills and rigors don't worry, it won't cause any trouble anyway ear infection will be controlled by antibiotics to prevent secondary infection just undergo some investigations like CBP. TIDAL, FEVER PROFILE CHEST X RAY FEVER NOT SUBSIDE Let him continue antibiotic till reports comes and antipyretic like paracetamol along with above Chat Doctor. Gentle doing mouthwash will help to relieve soreness of mouth . Ok plenty of liquids orally is better than solids low temperature generally up to certain extent nothing will harm the body. Clean the ear with chosen buds if there is discharge , keep it clean he will be normal shortly .ok
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hi there after being bullied at work some 5 months agao by two of my colleagues I was told last week that I would I would be being moved out 2 days later I felt dizzy and have been told by my gp that I have vertico could this be work related Regards Alan
! After read your use question carefully I can understand that you have been facing a lot of issues at work lately. As you have mentioned that you developed vertigo after all these problems s at work, it is possible that stress is behind all of them. We see such cases daily, when a person is under lot of stress, which he feels that he is trying to handle, but unconsciously, the mind is troubled and person develops variety of symptoms. I think you should listen to your doctor, as your vitals and basic test if done, are within normal limits. I have seen such patients responding greatly to combination of cinnarazine and dimethyl Chat Doctor. Day) for some days for vertigo. Plus, try to get a good walk daily, and eat healthy. If vertigo still persist, you may get an X-Ray neck to rule out cervical. If along with vertigo, you have sadness or anxiety, please meet a psychiatrist for complete treatment. Hope the reply helps you in getting well soon take care, and feel free to ask more questions
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I was first diagnosed with 1 nodule on half of my thyroid (I had left side removed /tumor in thyroid had to remove to do biopsy in 1989) then it became 2 and now 4. Three are solid and 1 with fluid. Had biopsy done early in April of this year and they were benign. My question and concern is can they eventually become cancer if they are not taken care of?
Benign nodules of the thyroid if left untreated can become malignant over a long period of time. Roughly 10% nodules become malignant over 20 years. The features of they're turning malignant are sudden increase in size, pain, appearance of other nodules outside the thyroid, change in voice, difficulty in breathing or swallowing. Any of these changes should prompt you to consider removal of the remaining thyroid.
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hi. my name is laila, and my husband and i made love about 2 1/2 weeks ago. its been almost 4 weeks since my last period. i have poly cystic ovarian syndrome, but i have taken hormones in the past that has allowed me to have a normal cycle every 3-4 weeks. i am getting a few cramps here and there, but i dont have any symptoms of a pregnancy. i dont know if my cramps are from an upcoming cycle, or if its the beginning of a pregnancy, a little help please ?
Dear Leila, You are indeed having a peculiar situation. Usually, PCs (Polycystic ovarian syn Chat Doctor. However, since you were on the treatment, it is likely that you might have ovulated and have become pregnant. Missing a period, which is the first cardinal symptom of pregnancy also may misguide in your case. In PCs also, there is delay in menses, many a time for few months also. I would recommend you to get the confirmation of your status of pregnancy by Chat Doctor test. At this stage, Beta Chat Doctor test will be quite useful to you. This is a very specific and sensitive test and gives reliable results within 2-3 days of missed period, or even before that. I hope this will solve your dilemma.
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I have an itchy sore on my back that scabs over very quickly (4-6 hours) and the scab is very thick and feels like wood splinters. I m always tearing it off when I scratch the itch. There is a hard lump way under the skin. I ve had this for over six months now. what might it be? is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a general surgeon, for medical and physical examination. Based from your description, it could be a cyst (a sebaceous or a gelatinous type). These lesions can occur anywhere in the body and have the tendency to recur. Medical (proper antibiotic regimen) and surgical (excision of the lesion) management will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor.
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I had what I thought was an ingrown hair in my armpit pop up. After a few days it grew the size of a golf ball and continued to get bigger. It was so painful I couldn t move at all but put my arm in bent position curled against me. After going to the doctor she said it was a MRSA infection and opened it up and drained it. (I received the lab results back stating it was MRSA) Now, two weeks later, the bump under my arm is gone but I have something string like enabling me from fulling extending my arm above my head. You can feel the strings from my armpit past my elbow. I went back to the doctor and saw one of my doctors associates and he said I have something called Sporotrichosis and will need to be on an antibiotic for a couple of months. Does this sound right? I ve looked up Sporotrichosis and my arm doesn t look like that but I found AWS (Axillary Web Syndrome) and my arm does kind of look like that but I did NOT just have any breast cancer surgery.
Hi.Thanks for your query. Noted the history of enlargement of axillary lymph nodes with strings radiating from elbow to the maxilla like a web, axillary web syn Chat Doctor. With the history you have provided, this looks to be lymphangitis causing the strings under the skin from the elbow to the maxilla which has now enlarged lymph nodes. I would advise you the following in such a case as definite cause may not always be found and hence also called as Idiopathic. Blood smears to be prepared at midnight and examined for elephantiasis that is filariasis. Blood to be tested for CBC and other routine reports like sugar, kidney and liver functions. A course of an antibiotic and Albendazole to be started asap. A 3-week course of Genocide forte that is diethylcarbamazine helps. Give rest to the affected arm. Plenty of oral fluids orally to combat deny
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How to treat hepatitis B surface ab and what the best way to prevent that? Does hepatitis surface past infection or become worst? How to healing or treat hepatitis surface B core ab? What kind med need to take? Need to see a doctor with treatment or can self treatment? Please explain to me all the reasons and all the information about the hepatitis B surface ab and hepatitis surface B core ab.
Hi far. It is obvious that you need information. You cannot treat antibodies. Antibodies are products of our immune system which helps us to fight against viruses and sectarian. You need to treat hepatitis. These antibodies just can tell us is there any reaction on infection in our organism. Soyou have obviously been infected in your life because you have these antibodies. Question is your infection active and symptomatic. To know this you must find antigens levels(Ag) and viral RNA polymerase test. If you have HBS Ag and HBC Ag positive then you have infection which persist and can cause liver damage and should be treated. If not it means that you passed through infection and there is no risk for liver damage. Hope i ve been helpful.
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Hello,I just went to the dentist for a crown and not sure what happen, but when the doctor was putting the anesthesia I felt a sharp pain in my eye, the same side he was working. When he was done I felt my cheek was different, and yes, I have a big lump. Should I be worried it could be an infection? Is there something I can do to relief the swollen?Thanks for you help!
Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. The lump that you are experiencing now, could be due to locally deposition of local anesthesia. It should diffuse within a few hours or so. Then the lump should go away. It is not an infection. Regarding sharp pain in the eye, it appears unrelated. But if you find persisting symptoms in relation to eye then please revisit your dentist.Also, please mention in which jaw the crown was placed upper or lower?so that I can suggest better in this regard. Hope it helps. Thanks. Take care.
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sir,i want to know about hbsag levels i tested first time on 22nd december 2009 and the result was hbsag ............reactive (250)test performed by ecliathen on 29th march 2010 and the result was hbsag...............reactive (5471)then on 26th april 2010 and the result was hbsag........... reactive(569.2)then on 12th may 2010 and the result washbsag .......... reactive (125)then on 30th may 2010hbsag ......... reactive (26.27)then on 10th june 2010hbsag ......... reactive (8.16)and then recently 23th june 2010 and the result was hbsag ........... reactive (4.29) sir, i want to know that am i going to resolve the infection or am i now a chronic hbv patient, and is this normal the slow decline in hbsag levels in the end. with regards MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM KHAN
Hi.thanks for posting query. HepB can not be eradicated completely in patients infected with it. However, complications can be prevented with proper care and treatment. Treatment is advised if AST and ALT are > URN and HBV DNA count on PCR is very high. Liver enzymes and Bag status and HBV DNA PCR maybe done regularly every 6 to 12 months, Visit hepatologist for proper interpretation of results. Hope to answer concern regards Chat Doctor.
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When I work out it starts to feel like im getting needles pushed into the back of my brain. its sharpe and quick continuous pain. My chest ( not as often as my head) starts to feel like someones sitting on it. I can still breathe okay through all of this. the more often I work out the long the needles in my brain lasts and the worse it gets. I have just recently started working out 4-5 times a week.
Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you have described signs of Ischemia When you exercise, too much blood is shunted out to the muscles so that the other parts gets less blood supply and hence you get the symptoms you have mentioned The solution would be to reduce the Weights / Counts of your exercise for few days and then gradually increase them This is easily manageable
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I have a raised region on left side just below ribs. I went to the doctor he felt my abdominal region said there was nothing to worry about. However I still have this lump or swollen area. It s not painful but sometimes uncomfortable I have to lift my left shoulder up. I m thinking it could be my posture but this wouldn t cause swelling. It s slightly noticeable what could it be??
Hi, as mentioned by you, about the swollen or lump area, and also examined by doctor where he said It's nothing to worry.of course I agree to you that how come something comes up like this and is painful. And also how come the swelling is persisting. What I would suggest is to undergo an x-ray and check as it may reveal something with it. Maybe a fluid accumulation. Also, later on an MRI will guide to see what soft tissues are involved in that area leading to swelling. Until we get a picture of the soft tissue abnormality it will be really tough for anyone to examine and comment. As diagnostic holds the strong ground for assistance. I wish you get an MRI done, so we can come to know what sort of soft tissue is involved a muscular or a lung tissue. With the grace of God I wish you a speedy recoveryregardsJay In Chat Doctor.
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Last year I was operated for cholecystectomy the year after I again had that severe abdomen pain and was hospitalised for 15 days in ICU , diagnoised with CBD sludge thereafter on udiliv. After 3 month I again had blood test and amylase was quoted 407.3 after 3 days again the same test was taken and amylase reading was 242.9 and lipase 37 . Doctor has advised for ERCP. My question is if the sludge is still there does not udiliv help in flushing it out, if not for what purpose has it been recommended to me. Whether ERCP is the only cure?
Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Udiliv is a Chat Doctor. However, this is not a 100% cure for it. Even though the pancreatic enzymes have come out to be within the normal range or of decreasing level, there possibly is a suspicion of pancreatitis by your treating physician, and also to know the complete anatomy of biliary tree along with the pancreatic duct, an ERCP is advised. This would be a near confirmatory investigation to rule out the biliary tree and the pancreatic system as the cause of your abdominal pain. ERCP could also be of therapeutic nature if the sludge/calculi in any of the biliary tree is endoscopic-ally removed. Till then, you could go for some anti-spasmodic and a proton pump inhibitor
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hello sir,i m 27 years old single male.i used to masturbate very frequently n the frequency was nearly 4 to 5 days in a i feel the erection is not that much hard as it was before n even suffering PME. i even afraid regarding less sperm count n cum (sperm) is also not thick.please suggest me as what step should i take.Plz help.Regards...
Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. Let me assure you, masturbation is not unhealthy. Masturbation is normal and natural. Frequency of 4 or 5 times a week masturbation is pretty normal and not in excess. Therefore, masturbation is not the reason for your present problem. I think you are obsessing with your sexual ability and sexual organ. Unless you are actually in sexual intercourse, you cannot judge your hardness. Secondly, when you try to test your hardness, the hardness comes down, because at that moment, you are diverting from sexual thoughts. The reason for your present problem is simply psycho-logic and never organic. I suggest you to consult a psychologist for sexual counseling. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http
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Dear Doctor, Last few days (4/5 days) I feel head dizzy, I could not think anything properly, Basically I feel, my back side of head has been zam. My blood pressure is normal. Age 34 yrs, Male and I was passing a serious brain stress in 20 days due to illness and death of my mother. Please suggest me, what can i do.
Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. These could be a manifestation of depression. You will need some benzodiazepine and SSRI medications like Escitalopram or mirtazapine to help with your problems. Some psychotherapy will also help. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link
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My wife age 38 is HBV positive with acute measure and Dr. has told that she is not in carrier stage and does not need any treatment. The quantitive test result somewhere 625. Can this HBV get removed completel, does this quantity increases in future, what could be the effect on liver functioning in future. Please explain.
Thank you for posting query. Carrier state means that your wife is infected with Herb (Bag positive) but the replicating antigen of virus maybe negative and the viral load may NOT be high enough requiring treatment. Virus is in \"dormant\" phase. It is possible that the virus remains in dormant phase throughout and causes no harm to liver. Only one fourth of patients infected with Herb virus develop liver cirrhosis. Therefore, one cannot be sure about her status. The viral load should be monitored, and she needs to repeat test every 6 month or at least once a year. You should also inform your treating doctor if you want to plan a baby. There is NO permanent treatment for Herb virus. However, all relatives of your wife including you need to be vaccinated against Herb (if not done yet).wish her good health. Further queries are welcomed. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards, Chat Doctor.
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I am a woman in my 30s that just got off of birth control about a month ago. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests and they botChatDoctore back negative. For the last week I have been afflicted with constant urination, pelvic/lower abdominal pain, bloating/swelling, and nausea. What could be causing this is I am not pregnant?
Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. From history, it seems like you have got a UTI (urinary tract infection), if pregnancy could be excluded with certainty by the way of serum Chat Doctor estimation and an ultrasound abdomen if need be. I would advise you to go for a routine/microscopic and a culture sensitivity of the urine, and show it to your family physician for further management with appropriate antibiotics after a physical examination of your abdomen. Till then, you could go for an anti-emetic, and a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
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Dr. Agarwal, is wrong, I have an MRI that says that I have a S1-S2 intervertebral disc space. My Question is how much does this affect my lower back pain? I have very bad pain (level 8+) almost continually, and difficulty with other functions. I Know that I, have some pretty serious disc damage from L-5 through T-12. But here lately it s gotten much worse.
Disc degeneration may lead to back pain however there are too many pain generators in spine, so we need to know more about your complaints and the MRI images to tell you exactly what is the possible reason for back pain. Although you have disc space at S1-S2 but it's not necessary that it is the pain generator. Usually there is no motion at this level, so it may not cause any back pain. Few other reasons could be last mobile lumbar level disc prolapse or sacroiliac joint inflammation. I would suggest getting back WTH more detailed history and your MRI images. Thanks.
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hi my daughter is 5 year old.She is vommiting in the morning after breakfast.After that she will be ok. she will have her breakfast very little amount and not interested to eat in the morning.she is 13.500kg wt only.we consulted a doctor and he gave Emeset and junior Lanzol.sir pls advice
Hi, Thank you for asking question on Chat Doctor. Your doctor gave the right prescription. But your children weight is less, as 5-year-old child is expected to weigh 18\u00a0kg. Better consult pediatrician and thoroughly investigate for the cause. It may be malnutrition, urinary tract infection or even primary tuberculosis. Hope this answer will serve your purposeless feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake care Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam MD;Disassociate professor of pediatrics
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I m 76 years old and about 5 days ago I started feeling a really sharp pain on the right upper part of my knee. I ve been limping because walking is extremely painful and if I sit for too long I have to stand and wait a while before I can walk....what might this pain be or mean and what should I do?
Hello, As you are 76 and having pain in the upper part of the knee, have you ever taken an x-ray. Because there should be some degenerative changes of the knee joint and the ligament injuries. Having an MRI or X-ray will be of God choice to understand the pathology. As this pain makes you slow down and locks you up while taking instant movement I will advise you to use the knee brace and do hot water fermentation. Because the muscle spasms need to be corrected, and also the weaker muscles needs support, so the inflammation over the knee joint internal structures do not go high. Also doing some simple exercises like - static Qua Chat Doctor. Additional exercises like straight leg raise on supine lying and side lying will be of benefits. In my clinical practice of over 12 years, most geriatric cases reported with similar pain are advised for exercise in low intensity. They respond well. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In
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I lost my significant other 3 years ago and can t seem to get through grieving. We were having quiet time together and then he went to sleep on the sofa and I went to bed. The next morning I found him dead. I keep reliving this over and over again. I feel I might have missed something or he tried to get to me but was unable to. I cant get this picture out of my head and I can t see me loving someone else. I dont know how to move on. I feel my life has been turned upside down since then. I have family I am around yet I feel so alone. I feel like I don t belong anywhere. I am not suicidal; I cannot do that to my 3 children and grandchildren. Yet life is hard for me. I am also unemployed and having a hard time finding a job. I am experiencing things I have never dealt with and am having a hard time. What can I do? I am already taking antidepressants, which are not working. I have talked to my physician and she is trying to get it changed. But due to this new Obamacare, my old medication is not on the list and the new one is not working.
Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that you are doing great. You went through a traumatic and depressive ordeal. For sure. No amount of consolation can equal your fate. But you also should understand that such things happen with almost everyone. Everyone loves their better half or spouse. When such things happen, even when they were at young age, it is normal for them to go through some depression. But they shall understand that they have to move on. They have duty to do. Secondly, you were doing the same for the last three years. That is great. If you have any mental disorders, you cannot do so. You must add to your self-confidence. What you can do now is, understand what life is. Even you are a guest here. Your spouse went because his time had come. When your time comes, you shall also join him. That is life. Depression is normal, but we should overcome our emotions. Everybody, every human being does. Then why not you? If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hi,I am 24 years old.i had my last period on the 2nd of july and it lasted about 4 days. I had unprotected intercourse on the 12th of july and I used postinor 2 1 hour after.i dont keep track of my menstrual cycle but I am scared of getting pregnant. I dont have any symptomsjust being having cramps.pls help me.
Hello, please do keep record of your menstrual cycle to predict the day of ovulation and decide the safe and unsafe period for yourself. If you had regular cycles then ovulation takes place 14\u00a0days prior to the start if next menstruation. 4 days before and 4\u00a0days after ovulation is the unsafe period in which couples should avoid having intercourse. If you have a regular cycle of 30\u00a0days then you had sex in safe period plus you took posting 2 within 24 hours which means very less chance of getting pregnant. Posting has its side effects as well, so these cramps might be due to the medicine.