2 values
the act of dominating another person. for example, if someone mogs you in terms of looks then what youre basically saying is that he is more physically attractive than you are.
not sexist
Just to adda growing number of women would be fine with a SAHD, I know I would. BUT you expect certain domestic skills from a SAHD, and the dudes you mention aren't exactly displaying them if they have them.
not sexist
Ok, some dudes dislike this comment because they can't afford women closer to their age I guess ;)
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If nothing else the Kate Steinle Death is an honest testament to why races should remain separate. In no rational sense should a drug-addled lazy dysgenic brown individual ever share the living space of a beautiful white woman like Kate.
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Jews did slavery in America! More blacks need to know this! Give a black guy a hammer with the knowledge Jews did slavery, and lets see what happens!
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You just keep hanging out and hooking up and giving her radio silence in between dates.
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BARNSLEY - 6ft muslim woman repeatedly stabs a man while shouting "Kill kill kill kill" [URL]
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He made her a legitimate loser. Thank God for that.
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The immunity given to Clinton criminals was improper. I think the long talks by Sessions and others were to dismantle that immunity, set up the nullification. Trump is getting his political sea legs under him now. Poop (Clinton) will hit the fan.
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dont forget their belly dancers! but they want women in beekeeper outfits!? a joke deranged culture needs a real REFORMATION LIKE christians had 500 yrs ago
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Good point. No man has ever gestated a baby after hormone treatment. No woman has ever been able to inseminate following hormone treatment. Fundamental biology NOT CHANGED by hormones. And artificial IS, and always will be ARTIFICIAL.
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Dudes gassing up fat ugly girls is why you see so many of them on tinder with impossible standards in their bio lmao
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She must WANT to blow and fuck. So basically.. If you want to have sex, don't initiate unless you think she really wants to have sex with you. Brilliant.
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Im being discharged tomorrow! Fuck Yeaaah
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He should bang his girlfriend.
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She's adopting a child and the first thing she's going to do is have part of his genitals removed because she doesn't find them appealing??? It's so fucked up!
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You fucked up, now you know how much of a primitive female she is now, regardless of you acting as a primitive beta male. So eventually you have to plate her, or dump completely. Really dude open your eyes.
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I love when Im_a_rapist writes FRs.
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Fuck that. Fuck that with rusty syphilitic cactus.
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[USER] indeed. I think there is a second video as well. Karen's a great lady. I donated so she could go to NY and do a pre premiere talk on the film.
not sexist
How about, "You get drunk, cause a scene, get ejected, hit a cop, get punched in your dome"? Take responsibility for your actions, if she hadn't been an ass, the cops wouldn't have even gotten involved.
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the man who needs a good punch in the face mind you is it a she
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So she pulls a Kevin Spacey? I'm gay, so all is well? LOL LOL
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Bush daughter headlines Planned Parenthood fundraiser [URL]
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Oh yeah nah I not going to forgive her It's not even that serious I'm not looking for an apology
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Well. Considering she didnt rape a kid or murder her spouse. 15 years for a pre meditated attack is a good call.
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His name is dumb fuck.
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I think it's worse to risk impregnating random women and spreading STDs than to trigger some special snowflake on the internet.
not sexist
Go on, go your own way then, thnx, bye!
not sexist
Ffs. I used to be an incel. Now I'm not because I met a woman who liked me. I'm still blackpilled and there is and was no 'struggle' - everything happens easily and organically as long as the mutual attraction is there. Those people are full of shit.
not sexist
Fuck, I'm 33 and balding and I look younger than her.
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Skywalker was once tall and small. Then he started to learn the ways of the force, and began to Eat Clen, Tren hard, Doblish all obstacles, anavar give up. No one tries to fuck his sister now.
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Kerpal is going to fuck her... lol... short dick style 😂
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You niggas just remember you break one rule on me i will break em all on you too my nigga. Im that cracker corn bread nigga.. so wake the fuck up.. and #C #Up #PGC
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Adolf Hitler with Helga Goebbels, 1935. She was 12 years old when her parents killed her with a cyanide capsule.
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.. Apparently it's not the only case, and in this one, it's hard to know which dog it was because she said her other dog's licked it... [URL]
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Am I missing something here? That's his leg quite clearly up in her space, like the "I'm gettin him kicked off " attitude fits this sub but I get why she's shitty
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#NYC Muslim who "got religious in the last year" pleads guilty to aiding the #IslamicState [URL] #Terrorists #Migrants #Refugees #Muslims #Islam #Immigration #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Jihad #NewYorkCity #ISIS
not sexist
Reminds me of that blooper pedo that so many of the female resident users kept defending because he said things they like. Iirc op was among them, lol.
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[USER] #Haiku Your genitalia Is why I want to nail ya Be sure to mail, huh? #HaikusWithHitler
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That landwhale should have been charged with ruining a human body and for mass vision rape for making us all look at her ugly carcass.
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Very wise of him, that is one crazy lady....WTF was Faith Goldy thinking when she hitched her Mayoral campaign to her??
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Hope they go broke. Nobody has unlimited funds. Eventually they will have to cut losses. Any ideas on helping them lose more cash?
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I remember my sister assumed I was gay for the longest time with a friend because he just gave me [CUR]90 change for no reason cause he knew I was broke at the moment lol. That's such a shocking and non existent thing to girls I guess.
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"Nazi" is an anti-White hate slur. are you an anti-White?
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funny no mention of a autopsy on the girl who drowned in the lake--- one has to wonder if she was drugged, hit over the head or chained to s small-block ???
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To homely girl: Then you wont care how much dick I have..... 'cause youre not getting that either...
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We are a group of mothers who proudly support Donald Trump for President of the United States. Text 88022 to Trump, and to encourage the young mothers in their lives to do the same. [URL]
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There you go. I'm hoping he finds a woman that won't put up with his shit and beats the crap out of him! 😀
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I do agree with this though. A future boyfriend should be able to google her name and see these false allegation stories!
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No one is entitl3d to being saved
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Why does so many people close to Hillary state that she smells horribly of sulphur (so does Obama) Well it's because she's so full of shit.
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Looks like more of a meowing horse girl hybrid
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Look at examples of women sleeping with and dating short guys. Problem solved.
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Like they won't destroy statues🤔🤔 statues of dem slave owners of the past.
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*covers her face with her hands after typing* It's not rape if the goat is willing #MAGA #GabFam #BanIslam
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It happened to me three times (quiet memorable moments hahaha) but I don't get up on my horse, she must have been very tired. I wonder how many times I've slept in people's shoulders without knowing..
not sexist
/r9k/ has a few threads that are still enjoyable. But it's become way to sex oriented. And all the gay and trap threads are just annoying.
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Take it OP. Take this guys offer of blue balls and 2k in debt
not sexist
oh by your name I would guess this question is going to make you so very happy. Was Muhammad a pedophile for fucking his 9 year old wife? I know what the Bond says you want me to confuse you for would say.
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So, she pays for the ticket that she is costing him?
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Yep, pure evil, no remorse. Coincidentally, I actually also knew both of the other two girls whom he murdered.
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"Stop trying to force your morals down my throat!" screamed the libreral after you disagreed and stated that 30 year old HIV Positive gay men should not be allowed to have unprotected sex with 12 year old trans children.
not sexist
Just because women dont like you, you dont have to hate them. Maybe its your fault for having a garbage personality. You are calling me a loser whiteknight instead of proving me wrong. You know why? because you know im true and have no other argument
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Well . . . she can still commit suicide in prison.
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RT [USER]: Bryan Singer is the Harvey Weinstein of the young gay casting couch in Hollywood. [URL]
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I'm sorry to hear about your mom, Elly. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
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Man from afrika, white hater, wife is a man
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Nobody cares Jason. U hate jews Jason? Yes?
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My wife and I can't keep up with just the two of them. Most of the time when I'm supposed to be masturbating in the other room, I'm mainly just on Reddit cause I just can't beat that much.
not sexist
Lmfao you just proved my point, you only care about violence lol. Time to grow up and move out of mommy's basement sugar
not sexist
Hillary Clinton didn't operate a Server for convienence. Hillary had a private email server to 'jump' classified documents to so she could share them with her handler. Hillary Clinton was being BLACKMAILED and was COMMITTING TREASON.
not sexist
Who fucking cares mate
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Isreal is imploding the jews are jewing eachother. "I drove her around for hours, when it was time to pay she (the jew woman) screamed I was raping her [URL]
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That is only true if you plan to kill yourself in near future. Otherwise, I'm sorry... but as a woman in a first world country you can easily live to 70-80.
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Common enemies can make strange bedfellows
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That doesnt seem to be the case when talking about blacks, muslims, and women now is it?
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One woman's "freedom fighter" is another man's "terrorist". Depends on what side you are standing on. Unfortunately, we are standing on the wrong side of this firing line. Keep your head down, it's going to get ugly.
not sexist
if you think that was an ok kind of argument to have - you're as good as the girl getting knocked out imo
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The average normie says Hitler was bad because he had to get medieval on these kikes. What they don't understand is the NSDAP was fighting desperately for the survival of Germany against hostile commie jews like we are and Trump is today.
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I remember that feeling. I stacked my cash for a year in a sweet business and fucking bailed. In my case, I escaped a golden cage. Been half broke ever since, but I've rebuilt my foundations and am getting ready to crush it. Go get your freedom!
not sexist
Randy and Elon need their phones taken away. I'm surprised these jackasses are even allowed to go on Twitter. All the do is generate bad PR and dig themselves into a hole
not sexist
cuts deep but man that is some serious truth. they are so simple. you know we let blacks vote before women right?
not sexist
They think we are all idiots and they are the clever ones.. they ain't got a clue.
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Mark Dice was suspended from Twitter simply for stating the scientific fact that believing you have multiple genders is a mental illness. In a post-fact world, science becomes "hate speech."
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Rhode Island Democrats in an uproar after the party endorsed a Trump-voting male candidate over a sitting female lawmaker known for championing liberal causes, in a district and a state that voted for Hillary Clinton. [URL] [URL]
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I don't want eye candy. I don't want to be tortured by the sight of hot women.
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Steel is scampering like the little RAT he is! [URL] a miserable coward & a British TRAITOR! Steel should be dangling from a rope!
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Ted Midward finishes the section from Henry Ford's book that deals with Jewish control of the move industry & begins the next part that looks at links between Jewish emancipation & the downfall of western civilisation. [URL]
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I can't believe this shit is on national television.
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well.....both...the plastic surgery deal with the age but she keeps opening her mother to reveal her evil
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Weak genes What fucking biological advantage are they claiming comes with a better jawline?
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One small way of replying to this manipulation: get sterilized . Do not breed with these women, ever.
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Seriously! I can see why she cried -- he basically told her she's nothing more than a blowjob dispensary.
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I'll make her my gay wife? You guys are downvoting strange shit lately....
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"It should be illegal for dumb people to have children" [URL]
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Are you FWBs or she is just ok with cheating?
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You're wrong about men won feminism, because the result is the point of the corporations and governments pushed it. the nuclear family is stable, men and women both win. In the modern west we both lose due to instability
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They're just a futile attempt to "not be like other girls".
not sexist
Nah man. Shit tests are a compliment. It means the girl is intrigued by you and wants to find out more. A girl who really didn't give a fuck about you would just ignore you completely.
not sexist