Anybody seen mouse cursor distortion running the Diamond 1024x768x256 driver? Sorry, don't know the version of the driver (no indication in the menus) but it's a recently delivered Gateway system. Am going to try the latest drivers from Diamond BBS but wondered if anyone else had seen this. post or email
Makes sense, since the new Mercedes Benz engines go from 2.2L-4 to a 2.8L-6. Nothing in between. BTW, I beleive the numbers on those MB engines are 156 and 225 hp respectively. The one-upmanship in hp might induce BMW to create a larger six. Also, the 2.6 190E has lagged behind the 3-er 2.5 for some time wrt hp. I am sure the Bavarians wouldn't want to be "shown-up" by the Schwabians. PS- those MB engines haven't been released over here yet.
Two institutions with absolute power. Cute. Let's talk practicality, shall we? If the Monarch tried to do something, what would happen? But you illustrated the problem very well. I am contending that there is no state in the Union which does not have ample wealth, if they choose to spend it, to run a perfectly acceptable Education system. (I further contend that the amount of money being spent now is more then sufficient, but is being spent badly.) So, tell me Phill. Were the Republicans also responsible for some of the *huge* increases in social programs? Or were they *only* responsible for what you don't like. (I contend it is Congress which is to blame. Democrat and Republican alike.) Most of our worst areas are still better off than most of Europe. In any case, we're talking about *education*. Yes, I live in once such area. You're woefully ignorant of the situation. At the same time some of Tennessee's school districts are closing down, the Governor asked for 7.5 million dollars for bicentenntial celebration license plats. In almost the same breath he wanted to raise unemployment compensation and reduce taxes which paid into it. I don't know about the rest of the country, but *our* education problems stem directly from two problems, neither of which are a lack of money in the state. (BTW, Tennessee is considered a "tax heaven" and our economy is one of the strongest in the country. *I* see a correlation.) 1) What money we spend goes primarly to administration. The average administrator makes two and a half times what the average teacher makes, and sucks up an enormous amount of revenue. And 2) the Governor is making a concerted effort to create an "Education crisis" in order to push for his pet income tax. Some of the most idiotic programs get funded (like State funds for new art in the county seat) while schools are closing. It's not a lack of funds. It's an unwillingness to spend them on what is more appropriate. Education is *the* parental hot-button. Education is *always* the first to but cut, because it's easier to get people to pay for their children than ugly art. It spoke very eloquently on government being based on the consent of the governed. They did it anyway. The Continental Congress had its own set of bylaws. It wasn't quite a government, but a means of making decisions had to be created. (However low George Washington's opinion of them were.) Allow me again to speak heresy against the Holy Democratic Orders. So what? The government was built with a very non-democratic Presidency with fairly broad powers, including the veto. Yes, and the Senate was intended to act as a balance to this. Too much democracy was intentionally avoided. It was considered a good thing to place non-democratic blocks to impulsive action. So long as Congress has something to sell, people will pay for it. Most congressmen rake in more money than they need. No, if the "progressives" don't want the "reactionaries" to move backward, they get the same benefit. 41% of the states is a *lot* of people. And historically laws with that sort of minority arent' very effective, especially since it is usually geographically concentrated. When wielding the Federal Big Stick I don't see why they shouldn't have to make a better argument than, "more people than not," agree. I'm not a Republican. I'm a republican. :-) And no, I'm neither a Democrat nor a democrat. Now, I've asked several times, and all you've done is answer "It isn't democratic," which I knew before I said it. Why *should* it be democratic? We don't have a true direct democracy, and few people advocate one. Why, then, is this other modification of democracy to bias it against action so much worse?
Hi all! I've just recently become seriously hooked on POV, but there are a few thing that I want to do that POV won't do (penumbral shadows, dispersion etc.). I was just wondering: what other shareware/freeware raytracers are out there, and what can they do? I've heard of Vivid and Polyray and Rayshade and so on, but I'd rather no wade through several hundred pages of manual for each trying to work out what their capabilities are. Can anyone help? A comparison of tracing speed between each program would also be mucho useful. Mark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Mackey | Life is a terminal disease and oxygen is | addictive. Are _you_ hooked?
^^^^^^^ Militia ^^^^^ State ^^^^ Arms You didn't even get the capitalization correct! Try reading USCA on the Constitution, or get any other CORRECT version of the Constitution. Perhaps you should actually READ the Federalist Papers!! James Madison, Federalist Paper 46: "Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, 8 June 1789: "The right of the people to keep and bear... arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper 29 (on the organization of the militia): "Little more can reasonably be aimed at, with respect to the people at large, than to have them properly armed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and equipped; and in order to see that this be not neglected, it will be necessary to assemble them once or twice in the course of a year." Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper 29 (speaking of standing armies): "... if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^***** own rights and those of their fellow-citizens." ***^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ But *surely* Hamilton and Madison didn't mean the PEOPLE when they said "people", right? That's why the Amendment refers to "the Right of the Militia"?... ;-) You're right, the Militia consists of ALL able bodied males (and probably females under current interpretation). The Amendment does nor refer to "well organized", it says "well regulated". I have some targets you may examine if you wish to check how _well regulated_ I am. Correct. That's why the Right is reserved to the People. And that was to insure the People could form a "well regulated Militia", not a "well organized militia". What do Atomic Units have to do with this argument? Any moron can set h_bar = C = 1... Oh, I see what your question is; Why don't you read the federalist Papers?! James Madison, Federalist Paper 41 (regarding the "General Welfare" clause): "Nothing is more natural nor common than first to use a general phrase, and then to explain and qualify it by a recital of particulars." But what does Madison know about the grammatical style of the 2nd? He only wrote it. That's obviously because you've never actually *read* the Federalist Papers. Can't read, huh? Show me where the document says "well organized militia". That is *exactly* why EVERY PERSON should be allowed to own *any* weapon currently in use in the armed forces. But the major reason is to protect against that very same army. Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment, I Annals of Congress at 750, 17 August 1789: "What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. ... Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins." So now we know which category Mr. Rutledge is in; He means to destroy our Liberties and Rights. -- Charles Scripter * Dept of Physics, Michigan Tech, Houghton, MI 49931
Fred. Try reading a bit. THe government does lots of multi year contracts with Penalty for cancellation clauses. They just like to be damn sure they know what they are doing before they sign a multi year contract. THe reason they aren't cutting defense spending as much as they would like is the Reagan administration signed enough Multi year contracts, that it's now cheaper to just finish them out. Look at SSF. THis years funding is 2.2 Billion, 1.8 of which will cover penalty clauses, due to the re-design.
Tony- I read your post, it was nothing new, I had seen much the same in other typical"Christian" anti-gay sentimental literature. Gay people are and will con- tinue to be persecuted as long as such propaganda petpetuates. You may be unaware of all the statistica "findings" concerning African-Americans that have been published and used by various groups to re-enforce their own bias against African-Americans. We usually think of the KKK in these instances, but there are many other groups. Of course, the vast majority of the public scoff at such findings and documents today, but that was not always the case. Fortunately African-Americans had "whites" who supported their 'cause' and public sentiment was eventually (if not entirely) turned around. There was even a Civil War, and anti-negro sentiment increased. In fact, until laws were put in place to protect the inalienable rights of Blacks it was pretty much legal to discriminate against them. I know many gays and I will NOT turn my back on them or their right to be free form discrimination. You may think that I have been deceived or something, that is your perogative. My church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) openly affirms the rights of oppressed people of all segments of society, including gays. We believe the Gospel message of preaching to all creation and making disciples. We believe in the Lord's great commandment to Love, and we beleive in standing up for the oppressed, even if it is not popular to do so. I really like my church for last reason the most. I can find a church almost anywhere in the valley that stands for the Gospel and believes in the commandment of Love (though I'm hard-pressed to find many who actually sho Love), but not many are willing to champion the oppressed, especially within their own community. I may have lost face with the greater Christian community for the unpopularity of my beliefs, but so did the abolitionists against the oppression of African-Americans. Many were even killed and treated as runaway slaves for being "nigger-lovers" and such. I guess I've decided the challenge is worth it. In my talks with gay men and women I have heard tragic story after tragic story centering around failed marriages, wives and husbands who are straight who have been hurt in the process, etc. Funny thing is, I don't know of one case where the parents, ex-wives, or even children have continued to reject their gay family member (son, daughter, ex-husband, father, etc.) after they began to take part in some form of support group, like PFLAG. I'm apalled by the legislation which passed in Colorado, and am equally out0 raged that such slimey people as Louis Sheldon (from the Tradition Values Coalition) have been actively working in the Christian underground to garner support within several (8 I believe) states this coming November for more oppressive legisation against gays. Perhaps you don't get it, and maybe you never will. Many didn't get it in the Middle Ages and the proclaimed God's will be done as they massacred thousands in witch hunts and inquisitions. The message that comes through, loud and clear, by proponents against gay rights and against gays in general, is that there is a strong dislike, even hatred for gays, whether you want to call it such or not (it doesn't change the results). The major flaw in all this posturing is that in the end, the final effect of posts like that of yours and Mr. Hudson is that YOU have a "conditional" love for gays. Condition: Change and we'll love you. This is sure strange coming from a group who claim that God has an "unconditional" love, one that calls people "just as they are." Sure there are things that will 'naturally' change, and habits (like alcoholism, wife beating, etc.) that need to be changed through some sort of therapy. But then there are things like left-handedness, etc. that no amount of beating it out of people, is going to result in anything more than an outward conforminty to "other people's expectations." In the process this coerced conformity causes many people a great deal of harm, especially when it is caused by people who have nothing more to gain from it that to become even more puffed up about their own sense of pseuper-spirituality. This is sad, but I thoroughly believe that one day it will change. It may be unpopular to cry for justice and equality when the basis has to do with something very personal like 'sexuality' (a taboo subject even today), but I firmly believe in the rights of individuals to be free from impose regulation on thier bedrooms. It's funny that most straight people have successfully removed restrictive and oppressive legislation against invasive legislation, but we like to maintain this little chestnut of though it helps us maintain a sense of superiority over at least one segment of society. Gay people are not criminals. Another interesting thing happened recently. A very prominent charismatic church in the Silicon Valley (here) had two of it's pastors arrested for self- admitted charges of pederasty (men having sex with boys). This had apparently been going on for some time (a couple years?), but since the charges were voluntary, and the church worked closely with the police, so I imagine that was how they managed to downplay it in the media. How could such a thing happen when the church, itself, has an ex-gay ministry? One of my friends recently told me he was "approached" by someone who is going through the reparitive therapy there, and he was thoroughly convinced that the request for dinner was not an invitation to attend the ministry. These are difficult times we live in, but providing hostile environments and creating and perpetuating an atmosphere that breed hate and violence is not the call of the Christian community. The results of the passing amendment in Colorado has created an organization who's posters are appearing all over Colorado called "S.T.R.A.I.G.H.T." (I forget the whole definition off hand, but the last part was Against Immoral Gross Homosexual Trash) and their motto is "Working for a fag-free America" with an implicit advocation for violence. This is sick, and it seems to be what you and Mr. Hudson, and others are embracing. We Christians have a LOOOOOOOOOONG tradition of coersion and oppression towards those we feel don't 'measure up', and constant beratement from organizations like The Christian Research Institute, while they do have a good purpose also, their major work seems to be finding new and better ways of excluding people. The Gospel I believe is not so negative, rather it seeks ways to "include" people. I have several of Dr. Martin's books and find them quite helpful, especially concerning 'cults.' But it seems that CRI, has become a cult unto itself. Why don't we just stick to the positive and find ways to bring people to Jesus istead of taking bullwhips and driving them away? Whatever
But what if the geologists are wrong and these people are warning of a non-existent danger? Analogies can only push an argument so far (on both sides). Both Melinda's and yours assume the premises used to set up your respective analogies are true and thus the correct conclusion will arise. The important point to note is the different directions both sides come from. Christians believe they know the TRUTH and thus believe they have the right (and duty) to tell the TRUTH to all. Christians can get offended if others do not believe (what is self-evidently to them) the TRUTH. Non-christians do not believe this is the TRUTH and get offended at them because they (christians) claim to know the TRUTH. (BTW this argument goes for anyone, I am not just bagging christians) Neither side can be really reconciled unless one of the parties changes their mind. As Melinda pointed out, there is no point in arguing along these lines because both approach from a different premise. A more useful line of discussion is WHY people believe in particular faiths. Personally, I don't mind what anyone believes as long as they allow me mine and we can all live peacefully.
I have been able to successfully use both 16 and 24 bit color modes on my Gateway system, although my setup is less complicated than yours. It sounds as if you may have a hardware conflict or problem. Is your memory aperture above 16M? I have heard rumors of incompatibilities with that SCSI card with a variety of systems. Call up Gateway and give them hell until they help you fix it. Dan
[followups to talk.politics.guns] rl> Russell Lawrence kr> Karl Rominger kr> I support the right of any citizen with out a criminal history to own and use firearms, regardless of race, gender, and RELIGION. rl> Thanks for admitting that you, yourself, adhere to an illogical dogma. Well, folks in t.p.guns, want to show how Russell's "illogical dogma" is wrong?
(Neil Williams) writes... # #As long as we're on the subject... Several years ago myself and two others #were riding in the front of a Toyota pickup heading south on Interstate 5 #north of Seattle, WA. Someone threw a rock of an overpass and hit our #windshield. Not by accident I'm sure, it was impossible to get up to the #overpass quickly to see who did it. We figured it was kids, reported it and #left. #A couple of years ago it happend again and killed a guy at my company. He was #in his mid-fourties and left behind a wife and children. Turned out there was #a reformatory for juviniles a few blocks away. They caught the 14 year old #that did it. They put a cover over the overpass, what else could they do? #I don't think I'll over forget this story. #Neil Williams, Boeing Computer Services, Bellevue WA. #.. # Neil, what did they do to the 14-year-old who they caught? What did the man's insurance company do? This could be significant and in any case very interesting. Followups to alt.parents-teens. Fred W. Bach , Operations Group | Internet: TRIUMF (TRI-University Meson Facility) | Voice: 604-222-1047 loc 327/278 4004 WESBROOK MALL, UBC CAMPUS | FAX: 604-222-1074 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6T 2A3
You totally forgot the original post that you posted Allen. In that post you stated that the "wrap" was on top of and in addition to any overhead. Geez in this post you finally admit that this is not true. Come your little ol buns down here and you will find out who is doing what and who is working on integration. This is simply an ad hominum attack and you know it. Of course there is a fee. It is for administration. Geez Allen any organization has costs but there is a heck of a difference in legitimate costs, such as libraries and other things that must be there to support a program and "wrap" as you originally stated it.You stated that wrap was on top of all of the overhead which a couple of sentences down you say is not true. Which is it Allen? As you have posted on this subject Allen, you state that wrap is over and above overhead and is a seperate charge. You admit here that this is wrong. Nasa has a line item budget every year. I have seen it Allen. Get some numbers from that detailed NASA budget and dig out the wrap numbers and then howl to high heaven about it. Until you do that you are barking in the wind. Integration could be done better at the centers. Apollo integration was done here at Msfc and that did not turn out so bad. The philosophy of Reston is totally wrong Allen. There you have a bunch of people who are completely removed from the work that they are trying to oversee. There is no way that will ever work. It has never worked in any large scale project that it was ever tried on. Could you imagine a Reston like set up for Apollo? Oh you are full of it Allen on this one. I agree that JSC screwed up big. They should be responsible for that screw up and the people that caused it replaced. To make a stupid statement like that just shows how deep your bias goes. Come to MSFC for a couple of weeks and you will find out just how wrong you really are. Maybe not, people like you believe exactly what they want to believe no matter what the facts are contrary to it. I agree that integration is the single most important part of a successful large scale effort. What I completly disagree with is seperating that integration function from the people that are doing the work. It is called leadership Allen. That is what made Apollo work. Final responsibility for the success of Apollo was held by less than 50 people. That is leadership and responsibility. There is neither when you have any organization set up as Reston is. You could take the same people and move them to JSC or MSFC and they could do a much better job. Why did it take a year for Reston to finally say something about the problem? If they were on site and part of the process then the problem would have never gotten out of hand in the first place. There is one heck of a lot I do not know Allen, but one thing I do know is that for a project to be successful you must have leadership. I remember all of the turn over at Reston that kept SSF program in shambles for years do you? It is lack of responsibility and leadership that is the programs problem. Lack of leadership from the White House, Congress and at Reston. Nasa is only a symptom of a greater national problem. You are so narrowly focused in your efforts that you do not see this. No, I am saying that if they were located at JSC it never would have happened in the first place. I have the time to reitereate one more timet that if the leadership that is at reston was on site at JSC the problem never would have happened, totally ignoring the lack of leadership of congress. This many headed hydra that has grown up at NASA is the true problem of the Agency and to try to change the question to suit you and your bias is only indicative of your position.
I agree with you. Of cause I'll try to be a daemon :-)
With the FJ's large, flat gas tank, I'd imagine that almost anything would work. Personally, I'm quite happy with my Eclipse standard tank bag.
...and to make life difficult for us actuaries..... :-/ -- Michael D. Adams ( Champaign, IL / southeast AL
Gilligan = Sloth Skipper = Anger Thurston Howell III = Greed Lovey Howell = Gluttony Ginger = Lust Professor = Pride Mary Ann = Envy
No. The REAL question: Should the Feds bail-out IBM ( a la Chrysler ) so that important $80K manufacturing jobs wouldn't be lost?
Sayeth (Steve Wyrick): $Anybody keeping track of how many of these there are? So far I have $Miata, Tredia, Previa, Sentra, Maxima, Altima, Camry, and Justy, not to $mention Lexus, Acura and Infiniti! You're apparently including names that are, or appear to be, derivatives of real words in English or some other language (e.g. Acura, Infiniti, Maxima, Altima), in which case you missed ones such as Integra, Supra, Allante', Capri and Calibra. In Canada, add Serenia and Precidia. If you count misspellings, add Protege and (in Canada) Vigor. How about the forthcoming Mondeo, if it is given that name in North America? Others might include Celica, Corolla, Paseo, and Tercel. In Canada, add Asu"na.
Eric, send me email with your address, I lost it! I've reconsidered!
"Manufacturing Consent," a film about the media. You alternative movie source may have this; or to book it in your local alternative theatre, contact: FILMS TRANSIT * INTERNATIONAL SALES Jan Rofekamp 402 Notre Dame E. Montreal, Quebec Canada H2Y 1C8 Tel (514) 844-3358 * Fax (514) 844-7298 Telex 5560074 Filmtransmtl (US readers: call Zeitgeist Films at 212 274 1989.) -s
I am trying to put together a new PC with VESA Local Bus. I would like to get VLB cards for Video and SCSI but I have heard of a problem with bus mastering controllers on VLB. Something to the effect that they will actually slow down a system. Anyone heard of this problem? Specifically, I am interested in the Ultrastor 34F VLB SCSI controller. Before I shell out the bucks for this thing I would like to get the straight scoop from someone who knows. Does anyone have this controller? Any problems with it? --
perhaps you can tell your friend that you feel pressured by his continual discussions of this topic -- surely he doesn't feel you should be _pressured_ into something you feel uncomfortable about (since christianity should be a choice one should make on one's own). please also realize that he is doing this out of friendship -- he probably feels you are missing out on something great, and wants to tell you about it. but since you know where you can learn about christianity, you can tell him that it is now up to you to make that choice, and if the choice is no, you should be respected for that. personally i believe that a christian's mission is just to be christ-like, showing his/her own faith and happiness in that faith, and make sure people know they are welcome to talk to you about it. i do not believe in imposing your beliefs upon others -- but then again everyone's definitions of "imposing" may differ.
Try telnet, login TO_CSERVE This will get you into the CompuServe network. Enter hostname CIS and you'll get the UserID prompt. I haven't, if you can figure it out let me know. Also, let me know if your backspace key works :)
1,023 writes about heat shock proteins (HSP's) and DNA. I hate to be derogatory, but in this case I think it's warranted. HSP's are part of the cellular response to stress. The only reason they are called 'heat shock proteins' is because they were first demonstrated using heat shock. Dead tissue (ie. meat) is not going to produce ANY protein- because it's DEAD! Also, who cares if the DNA you are ingesting is mutated!? It will be completely digested in your stomach, which is about pH 2. Some of you worry WAY too much. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and relax. My advice is, if you don't know what you are talking about, it is better to keep your mouth shut than to open it and remove all doubt about your ignorance. Don't speculate, or at least get some concrete information before you do! Sherry Olmstead Biochemist
If it were my wife, I would insist that a radiologist be involved in the process. Radiologist are intensively trained in the process of interpreting diagnostic imaging data and are aware of many things that other physicians aren't aware of. Would you want a radiologist to deliver your baby? If you wouldn't, then why would you want a OB/GYN to read your ultrasound study? In my opinion the process should involve a OB/GYN and a radiologist.
#[sorry for the 0 auto content, but ... ] # #> That is why low-abiding citizens should have the power to protect themselves #> and their property using deadly force if necessary anywhere a threat is #> imminent. #> #> Steve Heracleous # #You do have the power Steve. You *can* do it. Why don't you? Why don't you #go shoot some kids who are tossing rocks onto cars? Make sure you do a good #job though - don't miss - 'cause like they have big rocks - and take it from #me - those kids are mean. This last comment was obviously a bit cynical, but a true statement of the attitude of some drivers (there's your "autos" content), I would say. What law-abiding (not "low-abiding" as above (talk about Freudian slips!)) citizens have the right and responsibility to do is try to PREVENT this type of behaviour in children. A doctor may have to use "deadly force" against a part of a body (like amputating it) when an infection/disease has gone too far. But his real desire would have been to *prevent* the disease in the first place or at least nip it in the bud. Followups should go to alt.parents-teens Fred W. Bach , Operations Group | Internet: TRIUMF (TRI-University Meson Facility) | Voice: 604-222-1047 loc 327/278 4004 WESBROOK MALL, UBC CAMPUS | FAX: 604-222-1074 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6T 2A3
Hi. I'm looking for software to aid a friend of mine with designing speakers. Does this type of software exist? If anyone can point me toward a shareware or freeware product with this description, that would be ideal. ...Steve van der Burg (using a friend's account) (p.s. Excuse the terseness of the message; I'm having difficulty stringing readable sentences together today, for some reason.) --
Re: Space billboards Even easier to implement than writing messages on the Moon, once upon a time a group of space activists I belonged to in Seattle considered a "Goodyear Blimp in orbit". The idea was to use a large structure that could carry an array of lights like the Goodyear Blimp has. Placed in a low Earth orbit of high inclination, it could eventually be seen by almost everyone on Earth. Only our collective disapproval of cluttering up space with such a thing stopped us from pursuing it. It had quite feasible economics, which I will not post here because I don't want to encourage the idea (if you want to do such a thing, go figure it out for yourself). Dani Eder
Your speculation that the two proven veterans will produce better than Lopez is also no more than speculation. It *does* make a difference whether the speculation is well-founded or not. Though this is a good point. The one speculation is "safer", because it can be reversed.
There are 2 books published by M&T BOOKS that come with C source code on floppies. They are: Programming In 3 Dimensions, 3-D Graphics, Ray Traycing, and Animation by: Christopher D. Watkins and Larry Sharp. Photorealism and Ray Tracing in C by: Christopher D. Watkins, Stephen B. Coy, and Mark Finlay. I have the first book and it is a great intro to 3-D, Ray Tracing and Animation. Most of the programs are on the disk compiled and ready to run. I have only glanced at the second book but it also appears to be good. Hope this helps! Mark Larsen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Are the Serbs doing the work of God? Hmm... : I've been wondering if anyone would ever ask the question, : Are the governments of the United States and Europe not moving : to end the ethnic cleansing by the Serbs because the targets are : muslims? : Can/Does God use those who are not following him to accomplish : tasks for him? Esp those tasks that are punative? : James Sledd : no cute sig.... but I'm working on it. Are you suggesting that God supports genocide? Perhaps the Germans were "punishing" Jews on God's behalf? Any God who works that way is indescribably evil, and unworthy of my worship or faith.
10 month old stereo system for sale. Luxman R-351 receiver, Onkyo TA-RW404 tape deck, and Polk Monitor M4.6 book shelf speakers are for sale. Receiver has 5 year warranty, and all equipment is in excellent condition. Paid $950 for the system and willing to consider the best offer. Will sell seperate pieces also if desired. Please send best offer to Speakers: Polk Monitor M4.6 bookshelf speakers Paid $250 pair. Willing to consider best offer. Receiver: Luxman R-351 receiver with 5 year (yes 5 years) warranty. Paid $475. Willing to consider best offer. Full remote, 2 pairs of speaker connections, 60 watts per channel, but drives like a 150 watts per channel Has all the standard features, and more. Tape Deck: Onkyo TA-RW404 tape deck Paid $275. Willing to consider best offer. Dual cassette, Dolby B, C, and HX Pro. Input level control for recording, auto reverse both sides. Has all standard features. Send E-mail with best offer to
Heavy-duty, commercial, TINY,(6x3x1/2 inch) WATERPROOF, VHF 2 watt, 2 channel, handheld two-way radio. MOTOROLA EXPO purchased NEW for Amateur frequencies 146.10/70 & 146.34/94. Absolute M I N T condition! Never scratched, dropped, opened, or otherwise "comprosmised"! Can be re-crystaled for business band. has PL slot. Original Price: ======================== MOTOROLA EXPO VHF 2WATT/2CHAN. HT--------------------$1200.00 (comes with portable charger, antenna, manual, NEW Ni-Cad pack, back housing belt clip) MOTOROLA extra NEW Ni-Cad pack-----------------------$ 40.00 MOTOROLA extra VHF rubber-duckie antenna-------------$ 12.50 MOTOROLA Desktop quick charger-----------------------$ 135.00 MOTOROLA External speaker-mic.-----------------------$ 125.00 MOTOROLA +12V cig. lighter Battery Eliminator--------$ 80.00 MOTOROLA Heavy-Duty Nylon holster--------------------$ 25.00 MOTOROLA EXPO Technical Manuals----------------------$ 5.00 MOTOROLA EXPO tuning/case opening tools--------------$ N/C --------------------- $1622.50 Would like $400, or BEST OFFER!!! Thanks a lot! Jeff
I had the exactly same problem with my '70 Lesabre. It was also from Cal. What I did was go to the local junkyard and pick up a diaphragm from a '68 Lesabre with the same heater set up. It worked for me, but a little bit slow to change from vents to defogger. Better than nothing!
It's just as meaningless to compare goals, assists, PIM and any other stat I can think of. Each player is asked to take a unique role for his team. The contexts will never be the same from one player to another playing on the same team or different teams. And yet ... awards are given and promotions received based in part on these meaningless stats. The operative words are "in part" - stats must be interpreted, tempered with other information one has about the player. And comparing Jagr's and Francis's points is just as ridiculous and absurd... but not more ridiculous and absurd as comparing goals, assists, points, +\- for Selanne, Lindros, Juneau, Potvin, and the other rookies in the league... and yet... How about looking at them for what they are and enjoy the game.
Today marks the 78th anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Turks and Kurds in Eastern Anatolia and x-Soviet Armenia. The following letter, which represents a small portion of the full text, along with more than 200 pages of historical documents, scholarly sources, eyewitness accounts and photographs, was sent to President Bill Clinton, members of Congress, editors, program directors and columnists of major newspapers, journals and radio/TV stations for the 78th anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people. On April 23 of every year, the people of Turkiye remember their dead. They grieve for lost family and the lost homes of their grandfathers. This year the Turkish Nation is mourning and praying again for her fallen heroes who gave their lives generously and with altruism, so that the future generations may live on that anointed soil of the Turkish land happily and prosperously. ------------------------- letter ---------------------------------- During the years of World War I, the x-Soviet Armenian Government has planned and perpetrated the 'Genocide' of the Muslim people, which not only took the lives of 2.5 million Muslim people, but was also the method used to empty the Turkish homeland of its inhabitants. To this day, Turkish historic lands remain occupied by the x-Soviet Armenia. In order to cover up the fact of its usurpation of the historic Turkish homeland, which is the crux of Turkish political demands, fascist x-Soviet Armenia continues its anti-Turkish policy in the following ways: 1. x-Soviet Armenia denies the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide in order to shift international public opinion away from its political responsibility. 2. x-Soviet Armenia, employing ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle, attempts to call into question the veracity of the Turkish Genocide. 3. x-Soviet Armenia has also implemented state-sponsored terrorism through the ASALA/SDPA/ARF Terrorism and Revisionism Triangle in an attempt to silence the Turkish people's vehement demands and protests. 4. Using all its human, financial, and governmental resources, x-Soviet Armenia and its tools in the United States attempt to silence through terrorism, bribery and other subversive methods, non-Turkish supporters of the Turkish cause, be they political, governmental and humanitarian. Using all the aforementioned methods, the x-Soviet Armenian Government is attempting to neutralize the international diplomatic community from making the Turkish Case a contemporary issue. Yet despite the efforts of the x-Soviet Armenian Government and its terrorist and revisionist organizations, in the last decades, thanks to the struggle of those whose closest ones have been systematically exterminated by the Armenians, the international wall of silence on this issue has begun to collapse, and consequently a number of governments and organizations have become supportive of the recognition of the Turkish Genocide. With the full knowledge that the struggle for the Turkish territorial demands are still in their initial stages, the Turkish and Kurdish people will unflaggingly continue in this sacred struggle, therefore the victims of the Turkish Genocide demand: 1. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government, as the heirs of the Armenian Dictatorship, recognize the Turkish Genocide; 2. that x-Soviet Armenia return the historic homeland to the Turkish and Kurdish people; 3. that the x-Soviet Armenian Government make material reparations for their heinous and unspeakable crime to the victims of the Turkish Genocide; 4. that all world governments, and especially the United States, officially recognize the Turkish Genocide and Turkish territorial rights and refuse to succumb to all Armenian political pressure; 5. that the U.S. Government free itself from the friendly position it has adopted towards its unreliable ally, x-Soviet Armenia, and officially recognize the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide as well as be supportive of the pursuit of Turkish territorial demands; 6. that the x-Soviet Republics officially recognize the historical fact of the Turkish Genocide and include the cold-blooded extermination of 2.5 million Muslim people in their history books. The awareness of the Turkish people of the necessity of solidarity in the efforts to pursue the Turkish Cause is seen by the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century as a positive step. Furthermore, a new generation has risen - equipped with a deep sense of commitment, politically mature and conscious, who determinedly pursue the Turkish Cause, through all necessary means, ranging from the political and diplomatic to the armed struggle. Therefore, the victims of the Turkish Genocide call upon all Muslims in the United States and Canada to participate vigorously in the political, cultural and religious activities of the 78th Anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people. Serdar Argic
Anyone know a reasonable circuit for programming PALs? I am interested in programming a wide range of EPLDs but would be happy with something that could handle a 22V10 or thereabouts. Thanks in advance, --Tim
Is it? As far as I know, tear gas, especially in large concentrations, is very dangerous (even toxic) for small children. This makes the FBI's supposedconcern for the safety of the children seem rather hypocritical.
I installed Windows for Workgroups on my network and I'm having problems mapping drives in the file-manager. Situation: If I put LASTDRIVE = Z in my config.sys, NETX will run but I can't access drive f: to log in to Novell. If I don't put LASTDRIVE = Z in my config.sys I can't access other W4WG drives from the file-manager. It seems that there should be a way to make NETX work with the LASTDRIVE = statement in my Config.Sys. I would appreciate any help. It's probably an easy problem that all you Windows guru's solved many many moons ago... Thanks, Tom Bilan
Hello, Can anybody help me with the conversion of pic format files to HPGL files. The question is as follows: Is it possible to convert files that have been generated in the pic preprocessor format into HPGL format, suitable for sending to a plotter. The hardware involved is IBM RISC/6000 running AIX 3.2.3. How should this be done and what software is involved, where is it available, what does it cost, what are the problems? Regards, Dani -------------------------------- Cimad Consultants Antwerp, Belgium
: > My question is this: Is there a means of determining what the state : > of CapsLock and/or NumLock is? : Alright. Ignore this. I have delved a bit deeper (XKeyEvent) and : found what I was looking for. : ev->state has a bunch of masks to check against (LockMask is the one : for CapsLock). Unfortunately, it appears that the NumLock mask varies : from server to server. How does one tell what mask is numlock and : which are for Meta (Mod1Mask, Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, Mod5Mask). : eg, SGI's vendor server has Mod2Mask being NumLock, whereas Solaris : 1.0.1 OpenWindows 3.0 has Mod3Mask for NumLock. Is there an : unambiguous means of determining NumLock's mask at runtime for any : given server? Sorry for the wasted bandwidth and my appalling ignorance. You'll have to check the keysym(s) on each of the keys for each modifier. The one with NumLock in its mapping is the modifier you want. A bit ugly perhaps but I think its currently the only way to do this (and it does have some precedent as keysyms are used to differentiate CapsLock from ShiftLock for the Lock modifier). I don't know of an accepted strategy for handling ambiguous assignments either. (ie. what if NumLock is mapped for more then one modifier). I suppose first found is as good as any. X doesn't handle locking modifiers that well. Hope that helps, Dave Lapp
How can one tell which prong of your basic chip is number 20? I realize there is a chunk of the chip missing so that one can orient it correctly. So using that hole as a guide, how can I count the prongs of the chip to find #20? Please help.
Or, if you've got some entreprenuerial (sp?) spirit, get a cheapy clear plastic box, mount the simm inside, and sell it as a 'Pet SIMM'! I'm sure there are *plenty* of suckers out there who would go for it!
As a matter of fact, yes I do or at least I strive to. I will not be so proud as to boast that my faith is 100%. I am still human and imperfect and therefore, liable to sin. Thankfully, there is opportunity for repentence and forgiveness. God be with you,
Sigh. Farwell LA, Donchin E. The truth will out: Interrogative polygraphy ("lie detection") with event-related brain potentials. Psychophysiology 1991;28:531-547 "The research reported here was supported in part by contract number 87F350800 with the Central Intelligence Agency. Preliminary reports were presented at the 1986, 1988, and 1989 meetings of the Society for Psychophysiological Research". Donchin happens to be an Israeli. Do you really think that Israel needs something as primitive as torture when it has THIS as well as something brought over by a Russian mathematician from the Lenningrad Military Hospital in 1979 (factor-analysis of multiple unit activity of the brain) ??? Surely you jest. When Israel sics trained dogs on Arab prisoners the way it's commonly done on prison farms in Mississippi or Alabama, *then* you have a right to protest against torture. When Israeli security personnel beat Arab prisoners the way Chicago police do, *then* you have a right to complain. Since it does NOT practice physical torture in any way, kindly refrain from using this word. Josh backon@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL
Hi from Australia, I am a car enthusiast in Australia. I am particularly interested in American Muscle cars of the 1960s and 1970s. ALL MAKES: AMC, Ford, Chrysler/Mopar, GM. I will be in the USA for 6 weeks from May 2nd to -June 14 1993. Chicago: Sun May 2 -Thursday May 6 Denver: Friday May 7 - Sunday May 9 Austin, Texas: Monday May 10- Friday May 21 Oklahoma City: Friday May 21 - Monday May 24 Anaheim, California: Tuesday May 25-Thursday May 27 Las Vegas, Nevada: Friday May 28- Sunday May 30 Grand Canion, Monday May 31 - Tuesday June 1 Las Angeles, San Diego and vicinity: Wednesday June 3-Sunday June 6 June South Lake Tahoe, Cal: Sunday June 6 - Wednesday June 9 Reno: Thursday June 10 San Fransisco: Thursday June 10 - Sunday June 13 I was wondering if anyone could send me any information of car shows, swap meets, drag meets, model car shows etc. during this period. Can anybody tell me when the Pomona Swap meet is on this year? Also, any places to visit (eg. car museums, private collections, your collection? etc. Any bit of information is appreciated! I am also interested in finding some model cars (scale Models). I am intersted in 1968-1974 AMC cars. Of particular interest is: 1968-1970 AMX 1968-1974 Javelin 1969 SCRAMBLER 1970 Rebel Machine and others If you have any kits, plastics, diecast etc and are interested in selling them, tell me, I will be interested. I can also send/bring you models of Australian High performance cars if you are interested. Please reply by email to: Thanks,
Regarding David Wilkerson's prophecies. While I'm not real sure of his credibility, I do remember a book he wrote, called A VISION or something like that. He made a prediction that people who bought gold would be hurt financially. At the time, gold was up to about $800; now it is less than half that. This prediction stuck in my mind because a lot of people where I worked were buying gold. The problem is, we tend to remember predictions that come true and forget ones that didn't (a la Jean Dixon). Does anyone know if there any of his predictions, perhaps from the book I mentioned, that can pretty definitely be said to have not come true?
Well, it did not take long to see how consequent some Greeks are in requesting that Thessaloniki are not called Solun by Bulgarian netters. So, Napoleon, why do you write about Konstantinople and not Istanbul?
Just a quick reminder: The way you are interpreting those passages is your opinion. You make it sound as if your opinion is somehow an undisputable fact. Many would interpret the passages you cite very differently. (Many have--several of the great theologians you mentioned do that very thing. These were people who had much more expertise in the interpretation of scripture than you or me or probably anyone reading this newsgroup. To say that all of them are wrong and you are right is, in my opinion, (notice those last three words) coming pretty darn close to the sin of pride. In the future I would suggest you not be so absolutist in your interpretations, especially when contradicting highly respected doctors of Christianity.
as someone else already mentioned, don't "carry thru" the other 23 pins. plan A, minimal null modem: SG(7) - SG(7) TD(2) - RD(3) RD(3) - TD(2) if you're transfering files betwen 2 PCs, this ought to work (unless you have a persnickity comm program). plan B, null modem with modem control: SG(7) - SG(7) TD(2) - RD(3) RD(3) - TD(2) DCD(8) - DTR(20) DTR(20) - DCD(8) some comm software will wait for DCD before transferring anything. such software will raise DTR to enable the modem to accept a call. with this cable, each side's DTR will drive the other's DCD. plan C, null modem with hardware flow control: SG(7) - SG(7) TD(2) - RD(3) RD(3) - TD(2) RTS(4) - CTS(5) CTS(5) - RTS(4) for high-speed transfers, you want the flow control. plan D, deluxe null modem (combine B and C): SG(7) - SG(7) TD(2) - RD(3) RD(3) - TD(2) RTS(4) - CTS(5) CTS(5) - RTS(4) DCD(8) - DTR(20) DTR(20) - DCD(8) this one is ideal. it leaves out DSR and RI (rarely used anymore). if you're really paranoid, or you just have an 8th wire to spend, you might add: FG(1) - FG(1) the pin numbers above are (obviously) for 25-pin connectors. i don't have a 9-pin pinout handy.
If you hold off, there are a number of interesting convertibles coming to market in the next few years. The new LeBaron will be based on the Mitsubishi Galant, which should be an improvement over the current model. The new PL compact will have a convertible option (also a chrysler product) Kia, makers of the Ford Festiva is planning a larger convertible.
[lots of things, none of which are quoted here] Oh, ye of little imagination. You don't jump over those - that's where you lay the bike down and slide under!
At the time Ezekiel was written, Israel was in apostacy again and if I'm not mistaken, Tyre was about to make war on Israel. Like I said, the Prince of Tyre was the human ruler of Tyre. He was a wicked man. By calling Satan the King of Tyre, Ezekiel was saying that Satan is the real ruler over Tyre. Don't think my interpretation is neccessarily the orthodox Christian one, although most Christian Bible commentaries interpret the King of Tyre as being a reference to Satan. (I haven't read Ezekiel throughly in a long time.)
It only falls apart if you attempt to apply it. This doesn't mean that an objective system can't exist. It just means that one cannot be implemented.
Hi! I have several computer related books for sale. They are all new, unused and hence in excellent condition. The subjects include Programming Languages (C, C++, LISP, PROLOG), Operating Systems (UNIX, DOS), Windows, X-Windows, LAN, AI, and Expert Systems. If you are interested, pls. contact me at: Thanks.
*.ini under Windows. meny PC`s. If you are managing PC's on a Novell network, get the network management tools provided by either Sabre Software or Automated Design Systems. Among the many features, you'll find utilities that can help you to manage .INI files stored on users' workstations or home directories. This is commercial software and well worth the money. To date, I have not found ANYTHING available via FTP that could compare. Reply to the address in my .SIG for more info.
. . Tell him he probably needs to upgrade to a faster video card! My 9600 baud modem was one of the reasons I sought out the Diamond Speedstar 24X. I get about 7 million WinMarks on my 386-25 and it just about keeps up with the modem speed (using procomm plus for windows, too). He should get over 10 million on his machine with the same card. Anything 10+ should yield acceptable speed...
What suburban kid would want to hold down a minimum wage job when there is so much more money to be made dealing drugs? Yet, somehow, surburban kids do hold down minimum wage jobs. So do inner city kids, when give the chance. Any reason you think that inner city kids are incapable of doing legitimate work?
As far as I know, they did; my new Mac came with one yesterday... (And I got my ergonomic keyboard, on order for three months, the other day, too!) Cheers, / h+ -- -- Jon W{tte,, Mac Hacker Deluxe --
Another user recently requested info about the Shadow/Sundance cars, but I haven't seen any public responses. What are people's experiences with these cars? Daryl
The JP5 on the Speedstar 24x is for those systems with boot-up problems. If your system fails to boot-up proprtly, please pull off the jumper block from jp5. This will not affect the proformance of the SpeedStar 24x. This is what my manual says about jp5. I never knew that it was there but the card is a real ask kicker in my book. It beats the hell out of my junk Sony 1604s to the point that I can't even use above 648x480 mode much...Sam Some times an upgrage turns out to be a big overkill, like driving a Sony with a 24x that the monitor can't handle. Or installing 60ns simms and then finding out that your mother board doesn't have a cmos wait state adjustment to take advantage of the new 60ns simms that you just bought!
We are getting a memory fault and a core dump whenever we end a Motif session under Ultrix 4.3, running on a DEC 5000/240. An examintion of the core file leads us to believe it's from getcons. Does anyone know what this is all about? marc
are you serious? pitchers are pinch-hit for in the nl. they are not in the nl. if a pitcher is cranking in the al, he will stay in the game. if he is cranking in the nl, he may not - ESPECIALLY if it's a pitchers' duel, and his team needs an extra run.
Could someone please help me find a program or figure out how to extract a li st of R G B values for each pixel in an image. I can convert between tga and s everal other popular formats but I need the R G B values for use in a program I am writing. Thanks for the help
One day out riding, my friend and i were passing a field of goats and noticed 2 out on the road. As we slowed to pass the ram made a dash at my friend just missing him and then tangling it self up in the barb wire fence. Being good samaritains and generally nice guys we turned around to untrangle the goat from the barbed wire. As I pulled up next to him (seeing him still tangled up), stopped the bike and got off the Goat had vanished (into the field I guess).
Agressive actions are taken by both sides. Tough talk is done by both sides. When an arab leader is menacing to throw all jews in the water is also tough talk, I think. And killing people is mildly agressive (justified, in your opinion if they are israeli soldiers, justified, in others' opinion if they are jews, not justified at all in others opinion). When Brad wrote the article about 3 Israelis killed, ther was a lot of pride and satisfaction in his lines. That's what I feel disgusting. We may agree or not when a killing is 'technically' murder, but being enthousiastic about it? And again, I may appreciate some of your points, but you are not objective. That is not a blame, just a remark.
... What problems have you had with UHC? I have been using their OS for 2 years and have had very few problems.
Speaking of spelling errors on the Cup, I wonder if the "h" in Pittsburgh made it to the Cup. You know how funny people can be about spelling Pittsburgh.
Flame on!! Is this guy serious???? If he would ever really pay attention to the news (oops I forgot that the media for the most part loves to jump right on top of a story before all the facts are known, as well as to manipulate what we see and thus what we believe). Any ways one of Koresh's DEVOTED followers that DID I REPEAT DID survive this "GENOCIDAL MASS-SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENT PEOPLE". Besides there are nine survivors in the burn-unit of the local hospital and was reported that David was in one of the towers when the shit hit the fan. Besides, a majority of these children were children that he was supposed to have been the father of, this then makes them bastard children to a sacraligious zeloit (sp). Also someone should have told David and his followers that if they can't the heat then they should stay out of the kitchen!! (pun intended) Flame off " Aaah Daniaalson yah wanna fight, fight me!!"
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Reconnaissance Launch Surprises West Space News, April 5-11, 1993, p.2 [Excerpts] Russia launched its first ocean reconnaissance satellite in 26 months March 30, confounding Western analysts who had proclaimed the program dead. The Itar-TASS news agency announced the launch of Cosmos 2238 from Plesetsk Cosmodrome, but provided little description of the payload's mission. However, based on the satellite's trajectory, Western observers identified it as a military spacecraft designed to monitor electronic emissions from foreign naval ships in order to track their movement. Geoff Perry of the Kettering Group in England... [said] Western observers had concluded that no more would be launched. But days after the last [such] satellite re-entered the Earth's atmosphere, Cosmos 2238 was launched. "Cosmos-2238" Satellite Launched for Defense Ministry Moscow ITAR-TASS World Service in Russian 1238 GMT 30 March 1993 Translated in FBIS-SOV-93-060, p.27 by ITAR-TASS correspondent Veronika Romanenkova Moscow, 30 March -- The Cosmos-2238 satellite was launched at 1600 Moscow time today from the Baykonur by a "Tsiklon-M" carrier rocket. An ITAR-TASS correspondent was told at the press center of Russia's space-military forces that the satellite was launched in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned that twitching of the eyelid can be a symptom of an infection, especially if it also itches or stings. (It happened to me, and antibiotic eyedrops cleared it up nicely.)
Not to drag this out anymore, but.... Many veterinarians feel that Lyme Disease in dogs is so easy to treat that in an endemic area, they often just give the appropriate antibiotics to dogs presenting with lameness, swollen joints, +/- fever. A recent paper (March 1993) has finally established that Lyme disease in dogs can be reproduced in a controlled experimentaly setting. This has been an ellusive matter for researchers, and is one of the fundamental requirements for many to acknowledge an agent as being causitive of a particular disease. Up to now, only the vaccine manufacturer has been able to "prove" that the disease exists. This paper is noteworthy in two other regards: 1) None of the animals they infected were treated in any way. The dogs had episodes of lameness during a 6-8 week period which occurred 2-5 months after exposure. After this period, none showed any further clinical signs up to the 17 month observation period of the study. So these are proven, clinically sick Lyme patients showing spontaneous recovery without the benefit of drug treatment. Of course, observations longer than 17 months will be necessary to be sure the disease doesn't have the same chronicity that some see in humans. 2) The addendum to the paper calls into question the techniques used by the vaccine manufacturer to validate the vaccine. Of course, they want the world to use the model they developed in order to test vaccine efficacy. Anyway, maybe we will see some independent, scientifically sound evaluations of this vaccine in the next year or so.
Precisely. There's no objective medicine; some people get marvellous results from alternative therapy, others only respond to traditional medicine. There's no objective physics; Einstein and Bohr have told us that. There's no objective reality. LSD should be sufficient to prove that. I consider it to be a useful fiction; an abstract ideal we can strive towards. Like an ideal gas or a light inextensible string, it doesn't actually exist; but we can talk about things as if they were like it, and not be too far wrong.
-*----- I hope Gordon Banks did not mean to imply that notions such as hard-to-see candida infections causing various problems should not be investigated. Many researchers have made breakthroughs by figuring out how to investigate things that were previously thought "virtually impossible to test for." Indeed, I would be surprised if "candida overbloom" were such a phenomena. I would think that candida would produce signature byproducts whose measure would then set a lower bound on the extent of recent infection. I realize this might get quite tricky and difficult, probably expensive, and likely inconvenient or uncomfortable to the subjects, but that is not the same as "virtually impossible."
Was THAT your argument. Well, you didn't make it very well. You started from the questionable premise that the fire was necessarily an act of insanity, rather than an act of negligence or an accident. Recall, one survivor claims that the fire started when a tank knocked over a kerosene lamp. Kind of makes arguments regarding relative sanity somewhat moot, no? "Nice evasive maneuver, Mr. Chekov, but they're still on our tail." Let me ask it more plainly. Which of the above complaints about David Koresh's religious or sexual proclivities justified an armed raid by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? It's not entirely far-fetched. Nobody outside the compound would know EVERYBODY inside the compound. Don't forget, the BATF admits having agents inside the compound, in any case. I'm simply being the devil's advocate. There's reasonable doubt by the boatload standing in the way of anybody totally swallowing the official government story on Waco. --
I have a Roberto Clemente 1969 Topps baseball card for sale, in near-mint condition (really as close to mint condition as you can get). It lists for $55 in my most recent baseball card pricelist for May. I am offering it for $50 and I'll pay the certified postage to ship it to you.
Of course, I do not agree. It does have more horsepower. Horsepower is not the only measurement for 'better'. It does not have full motion, full screen video yet. Does it have CD-ROM XA? Which other manufacturers? We shall see about the date. This is second hand, but it still hard to look to the future ;-).
Sigha. 1) Trying to figure out a way to put a halogen beam on my CB360T... Are there any easy ways to do this (i.e. a "slip-in" bulb replacement)? 2) Was told by a guy at the bike shop that my "not damn near bright enough" incandescent beam might be caused by a perma-low battery. So I went and picked up this cheapo "Motorcycle battery and charging system tester"... Hook it up to the battery, it's got 3 lights on "Very good charge"... Start the engine (to test the charging system), and it doesn't even REGISTER. It's supposed to light 5 or 6 lights if everything is OK, but it stays down at the same point as just the battery. My question here is, if indeed my charging system is just plain messed up, how the HECK is the battery staying fully charged? I'd think it would be darned near dead from supporting my lights, etc... Do the '75 CB360T's have a problem with their charging system? Are they just generally slower charging than what is normal for bigger bikes? Is there an easy fix for this? 3) Happy noise: Put 300 miles on my bike this weekend, finally got myass an endorsement.... which is REALLY GOOD, because my cage just quit running worth a damn and I won't have money to repair it until the first... ;) And the weatherman says "Bright and Sunny all week, 20% chance of rain on friday"...
To the best of my knowledge there aren't any problems with Quadras and blind transfers. Trouble with blind transfers usually means the programmer screwed up the TIBs or didn't test their driver with the device in question. Well designed TIBs poll or loop at every point where delays of >16µsec occur. This usually occurs at the first byte of each block of a transfer but some devices can "hiccup" in the middle of blocks. If this happens in the middle of a blind transfer there is the possibility of losing or gaining a byte depending on which direction the tranfer was going. In anycase the SCSI Manager will eventually return a phase error at the end of the transaction because it is out of sync. Actual data loss would only occur if the driver didn't pay attention to the errors coming back. Note that this effect is not caused by anything actually on the SCSI Bus but rather by the transfer loops inside the SCSI Manager. The problem occurs when the processor bus errors trying to access the SCSI chip when the next byte hasn't been clocked yet. Also note that the Bus Error is dealt with by a bus error handler and doesn't crash the machine...
We had a similar problem in converting a .EPS file. The solution was simple. We changed the first line from %!PS-Adobe-3.0 to %!PS-Adobe-2.0 This fouled the converter, the .EPS file only contained very simple move and draw statements. Mario
Anybody got any good/bad experience with selling their car through one of those car hunters? I'm selling a 1991 Dodge Stealth R/T and I was contacted by this company called the Markham group based out of Illinois. They said they have 7-10 buyers in my area interested in my car or they wouldn't be talking to me. They talked to me for a good 20 minutes asking everything about my car and said they could sell it no problem. They guaranteed that if they didn't sell my car in 75 days, I would get my money back ($389) and since I charged it, I'm protected by federal law which states that if I'm not satisfied, I would get a refund (which is true). They federal expressed all the paperwork to me which had a contract stating their policy about the 75 days and such.
I have heard many things about the ATI Ultra Pro card. Some have been positive but most are negative. Could people please confirm these? (I am interested in the EISA version in particular). 1) The card does not work in a system with 32M RAM. 2) The card works in a 32M system with some switches set but it is much slower. 3) The card is _interlaced_ in its 24bit (true-colour) modes. 4) The latest build 59 drivers still do not work in many cases. 5) This card is the fastest full colour card for the money. 6) This card is the greatest thing since sliced bread. ;-) Thanks for your feedback. I will summarize. Al
I am in the process of installing X11R5 on my Sun Sparcstation 2 and have run into a problem. I imagine it has something to do with a missing screen driver, or something along those lines, but figured someone out there in Internet land might be able to help. I am installing it on a machine that already has OpenLook installed, and would like to have both installed concurrently. Thus, I set it up to compile to my /usr/X11R5 directory. I worked out all the kinks in getting it compiled (with gcc), so that it compiles without any warnings. I need it installed for PEX-SI, so I set all those appropriate flags. When I run it, however, I get a message along the lines of: Getting interface configuration : Operation not supported on socket sunOpenFrameBuffer : Inappropriate ioctl for device Fatal server error : no screens found Any ideas on how I can fix it? Please respond by e-mail at the below address. Thanks in advance. -Dan -- "I do not want to be immortalized through my works; I want to be immortalized through not dying." -Woody Allen
I have a bunch of questions about the encryption scheme referenced in the Subject of this message. What is the relative data privacy provided by the above sequence as compared with straight DES? Does the addition of compression then encrypting make the cyphertext significantly harder to crack using current methods than straight DES? Would running crypt after DES provide greater data privacy? Is it important to remove the (constant) compress header before encryption? Thank you, net, for your wisdom.
Sometimes a bad choke pull-off diaphram will cause a car to fast idle. The pull-off, which is vacuum actuated, provides a necessary pull in non-cold weather conditions to get the idle off the the fast idle cam. Locate the fast idle cam on your vehicle and see if you can rotate it to produce a normal idle. If so, locate the diaphram and test it. If you can't apply suction (via a good piece of rubber vacuum hose) with your mouth that will cause the diaphram to retract, then it's bad and should be replaced.
Homeland? First Nagarno-Karabagh was Armenians homeland today Fizuli, Lacin and several villages (in Azerbadjan) are their homeland. Can't you see the the "Great Armenia" dream in this? With facist methods like killing, raping and bombing villages. The last move was the blast of a truck with 60 kurdish refugees, trying to escape the from Lacin, a city that was "given" to the Kurds by the Armenians. Don't speak about things you don't know: 8 American Cargo planes were heading to Armenia. When the Turkish authorities announced that they were going to search these cargo planes 3 of these planes returned to it's base in Germany. 5 of these planes were searched in Turkey. The content of of the other 3 planes? Not hard to guess, is it? It was sure not humanitarian aid..... Search Turkish planes? You don't know what you are talking about. Turkey's government has announced that it's giving weapons to Azerbadjan since Armenia started to attack Azerbadjan it self, not the Karabag province. So why search a plane for weapons since it's content is announced to be weapons?
What are the Leafs to do? I am a Leaf supporter and I say the Leafs are going down in four unless there is nothing short of a miracle or a stroke of genenius hits Pat Burns. If you were Pat Burns what would you do? Living in the Bay area, I do not get enough Leaf coverage to pull something out of the bag, (I would appreciate comments on the Leaf/Detroit 3rd line match-ups) but here is the basic idea... Andreychuck and Borchevsky have no business playing against the Wings. They are too small. The key to any Leafs success will have to be Clark. He is the only centre who can have any presence within 3-stick lengths of the slot. Where the hell is Anderson? Anderson can (in days past) get under peoples skin. Put a little more bluntly, Anderson has to be an asshole. He used to be good at it. We need him now. Perhaps, perhaps the Leafs can shut down Detroit's second line. I was dissappointed to see Shepard and Yserbeart flying last night. These guys are the "swing" players for the Wings. Last year they did a major choke in the playoffs and were to blame for the quick exit of the Wings. **THis has to happen again**. Clark-Anderson-Gilmour should be able to out hustle this line. Anderson should do a nasty on Yserbeart. Clark should bang the hell out of Sheppard. Score Gilmour score! Suggestions: Clarke-Anderson-Gilmour vs. Sheppard-Yserbeart-?? Andreychuck-Borchevsy-?? vs. Detroit checking line Toronto's checking line vs. Yzerman-Fedorov-Probert (pray lots) * as suggested - i would bench Andreychuck and Borchevsky to stir things up and through a monkey wrench into Detroits game plan. However, if the Detroit coaching would be dumb enough to play their checking line against these "finesse" players - well then let them play. ** Potvin can not be faulted on 5 of the goals - keep him in. ** Van Hellamond can not be faulted for the Leafs demise either. ** The Wings defense shut down the Leafs (especially in the slot). I hope Pat Burns realizes that his team was out-hit, out-skated, and out-coached on Monday night. This was not a loss because of poor goaltending or officiating. This calls for drastic measures ... or tee off is next Monday. -jake.
Does anyone know how to convert a targa or similar 24 bit picture into a list of R G B values and then convert back to targa after doing operations on the p ixels R G B codes. ex. Targa ---->000100255pixel 1 001200201pixel 2etc.... If no one can help me with this could someone explain how the 24 bit data is st ored in the targa file and also how its stored in the 8 bit targas. Thanks
The tax protesters are legally correct, but they are put in jail anyway. The weakness of the governments legal position is shown by the fact that when someone protesting tax or gun laws on legal grounds gets a federal jury trial (very rare) the feds blatantly stack the jury, with the same old faces turning up time after time. However Teel should have mentioned that though his advice is legally sound, if you follow it you will probably wind up in jail.
There is a number you can call which will return a synthesized voice telling you the number of the line. Unfortunately, for the life of me I can't remember what it is. The telephone technicians use it all the time. We used to play around with this in our dorm rooms since there were multiple phone lines running between rooms. sorry!
Proper counter to this claim: "Forensic analysis of the WTC bomb by means of taggants would have been as impossible as semantic analysis of NYT editorials by means of taggants -- the difficulty in both cases being to have persuaded the bull to consume the taggants before production of either item." --
Basically, any prophet I've ever dealt with has either been busy hawking stolen merchandise or selling swampland house lots in Florida. Then you hear all the stories of sexual abuse by prophets and how the families of victims were paid to keep quiet about it. Never mind that, but let me tell you about this Chevelle I bought from this dude (you guessed it, a prophet) named Mohammed. I've got the car for like two days when the tranny kicks, then Manny, my mechanic, tells me it was loaded with sawdust! Take a guess whether "Mohammed" was anywhere to be found. I don't think so. Oh, Mohammed! Yeah, you, Mohammed! You slimy mass of pond scum! Yeah, right! You're the one should be watching your butt. You and your buddy Allah. The stereo he sold me croaked after two days. Your ass is grass! Jim
As perhaps some insight into how this sort of thing works, the local college newspaper had a big crusade to have the U.T. police release crime stats. (The school claimed that to do so would violate federal education records privacy laws). They swore up and down they weren't interested in student discipline records, only for stats so people could make an evaluation of how safe the campus was. It was barely a week after crime stats were released before the Daily Beacon had an editorial calling for student disciplinary stats to be released, because they complained certain segments of the campus population were treated administratively rather than turned over to the police and therefore the criminal states weren't accurate. What people say they want public today may not be what they say tomorrow.
Roland HS-60 (SynthPlus 60) - 6 voice polyphonic fully programmable analog synthesizer - 61 full size keys - MIDI - Memory to store 128 patches - built in speakers - Connectors: MIDI in thru out, Input(2), Expansion Pedal, Head Phones, Tape Load & Save, Patch Shift, Pedal Hold, Output(2) Asking $225
Later on, in your posting, you make reference to "putting words into other people's mouths"...I would suggest that your last paragraph can only be interpreted in one way...namely, that I, along with Greg, claim that Gainey never made a technical mistake. If you actually read what I've written, you will find that I make no such claim...soooo, if logic serves me well, you're contradicting yourself. Roger, I'm not sure here, but I think "ignorance" is really a function of "a lack of knowledge" and not "formulating an opinion"...but hey, if you need to take a cheap shot, then by all means go ahead...that's if it makes you feel better. My word, such vehemence against poor ol' Bob Gainey. Why does he bother you so much...he was an effective player for his style of play. I'm really sorry Roger, but you have lost me completely here. Why don't you ask me if I would rather have Jesus Christ, himself, in nets? Now, if you were to compare, say for example, Bob Gainey with Guy Carbonneau, you would have a balanced comparison. I'm wrong AGAIN...hmmm, let's see...where was I wrong in the first place? I'm only guessing here, Rog, but I have a feeling that you've setup a "You're wrong again" macro key on your machine. I agree that my use of the word plugger is simplistic...but I think you know what I'm getting at. I would also like to point out that Gilmour's potential as a Selke-winner was never part of the debate...are you asking me for an opinion? If so, I think there are far too many other deserving players to include Gilmour among the candidates. I would suggest that your comment: "And when the press runs out of things to say about the stars on dynasties they start to hype the pluggers. Grant Fuhr, Essa Tikkannen, Butch Goring, Bob Nystrom, Bob Gainey, Doug Jarvis, Derek Sanderson, Wayne Cashman, Bob Baun, Bob Pulford, Ralph Backstrom, Henri Richard, Dick Duff...and so on..." demonstrates a blanket disregard for these individuals as contributors to the yes, settle down...nobody has claimed that they are hockey gods. C' has a nice ring to it...and admit it, you had a good laugh. congenially, as always, jd -- James David
Possibly because gay/bi men are less likely to get married? What was the purpose of this post? If it was to show a mindless obsession with statistics, an incredibly flawed system of reasoning, and a repellent hatemonger agenda, then the purpose was accomplished with panache. (a) Get a clue. (b) Get a life. (c) Get out of my face. I'm not in yours. Drewcifer
I didn't mean to offend or anything, I'm just quoting Stanky himself on the subject. I remember one time last year he was being interviewed by ESPN, and the interviewer (can't remember who), asked Stanky if he was Jewish because he (the interviewer) was Jewish and wanted to see more Jewish ballplayers. To which Stanky replied, "I'm Polish, not Jewish." So maybe that wasn't the most PC thing for Stanky to say, and maybe I was a little naive when I posted it. I think we should just devote this subject to finding actual Jewish ballplayers (I myself am Jewish and the only ones I ever knew until now were Koufax, Greenberg, and Blomberg).