PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , Following instructions and completion of an oral colonoscopy prep, the patient, having been properly informed of, with signature consenting to total colonoscopy and indicated procedures, the patient received premedications of Vistaril 50 mg, Atropine 0.4 mg IM, and then intravenous medications of Demerol 50 mg and Versed 5 mg IV. Perirectal inspection was normal. The Olympus video colonoscope then was introduced into the rectum and passed by directed vision to the cecum and into the terminal ileum. No abnormalities were seen of the terminal ileum, the ileocecal valve, cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, rectosigmoid and rectum. Retroflexion exam in the rectum revealed no other abnormality and withdrawal terminated the, ileocecal valve, cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, rectosigmoid, rectum, terminal ileum, olympus video colonoscope, flexure, colonoscopyNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T2, NX, MX transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Clinical stage T4a, N3, M1 transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy.,2. New right hydronephrosis.,3. Carcinoid tumor of the small bowel.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Exploratory laparotomy, resection of small bowel lesion, biopsy of small bowel mesentery, bilateral extended pelvic and iliac lymphadenectomy (including preaortic and precaval, bilateral common iliac, presacral, bilateral external iliac lymph nodes), salvage radical cystoprostatectomy (very difficult due to previous chemotherapy and radiation therapy), and continent urinary diversion with an Indiana pouch.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal and epidural.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 65-year-old white male, who was diagnosed with a high-grade invasive bladder cancer in June 2005. During the course of his workup of transurethral resection, he had a heart attack when he was taken off Plavix after having had a drug-eluting stent placed in. He recovered from this and then underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy with a brief response documented by cystoscopy and biopsy after which he had another ischemic event. The patient has been followed regularly by myself and Dr. X and has been continuously free of diseases since that time. In that interval, he had a coronary artery bypass graft and was taken off of Plavix. Most recently, he had a PET CT, which showed new right hydronephrosis and a followup cystoscopy, which showed a new abnormality in the right side of his bladder where he previously had the tumor resected and treated. I took him to the operating room and extensively resected this area with findings of a high-grade muscle invasive bladder cancer. We could not identify the right ureteral orifice, and he had a right ureteral stent placed. Metastatic workup was negative and Cardiology felt he was at satisfactory medical risk for surgery and he was taken to the operating room this time for planned salvage cystoprostatectomy. He was interested in orthotopic neobladder, and I felt like that would be reasonable if resecting around the urethra indicated the tissue was healthier. Therefore, we planned on an Indiana pouch continent cutaneous diversion.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: ,On exploration, there were multiple abnormalities outside the bladder as follows: There were at least three small lesions within the distal small bowel, the predominant one measured about 1.5 cm in diameter with a white scar on the surface. There were two much smaller lesions also with a small white scar, with very little palpable mass. The larger of the two was resected and found to be a carcinoid tumor. There also were changes in the small bowel mesentry that looked inflammatory and biopsies of this showed only fibrous tissue and histiocytes. The small bowel mesentry was fairly thickened at the base, but no discrete abnormality noted.,Both common iliac and lymph node samples were very thickened and indurated, and frozen section of the left showed cancer cells that were somewhat degenerative suggesting a chemotherapy and radiation therapy effect; viability was unable to be determined. There was a frozen section of the distal right external iliac lymph node that was negative. The bladder was very thickened and abnormal suggesting extensive cancer penetrating just under the peritoneal surface. The bladder was fairly stuck to the pelvic sidewall and anterior symphysis pubis requiring very meticulous resection in order to get it off of these structures. The external iliac lymph nodes were resected on both sides of the obturator; the lymph packet, however, was very stuck and adherent to the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove that. The rest of the large bowel appeared normal. There were no masses in the liver, and the gallbladder was surgically absent. There was nasogastric tube in the stomach.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operative suite, and after adequate general endotracheal and epidural anesthesia obtained, having placed in the supine position and flexed over the anterior superior iliac spine, his abdomen and genitalia were sterilely prepped and draped in usual fashion. The radiologist placed a radial arterial line and an intravenous catheter. Intravenous antibiotics were given for prophylaxis. We made a generous midline skin incision from high end of the epigastrium down to the symphysis pubis, deepened through the rectus fascia, and the rectus muscles separated in the midline. Exploration was carried out with the findings described. The bladder was adherent and did appear immobile. Moist wound towels and a Bookwalter retractor was placed for exposure. We began by assessing the small and large bowel with the findings in the small bowel as described. We subsequently resected the largest of the lesions by exogenous wedge resection and reanastomosed the small bowel with a two-layer running 4-0 Prolene suture. We then mobilized the cecum and ascending colon and hepatic flexure after incising the white line of Toldt and mobilized the terminal ileal mesentery up to the second and third portion of the duodenum. The ureters were carefully dissected out and down deep in the true pelvis. The right ureter was thickened and hydronephrotic with a stent in place and the left was of normal caliber. I kept the ureters intact until we were moving the bladder off as described above. At that point, we then ligated the ureters with the RP-45 vascular load and divided it.,We then established the proximal ____________ laterally to both genitofemoral nerves and resected the precaval and periaortic lymph nodes. The common iliac lymph nodes remained stuck to the ureter. Frozen section with the findings described on the left.,I then began the dissection over the right external iliac artery and vein and had a great deal of difficulty dissecting distally. I was, however, able to establish the distal plane of dissection and a large lymph node was present in the distal external iliac vessels. Clips were used to control the lymphatics distally. These lymph nodes were sent for frozen section, which was negative. We made no attempt to circumferentially mobilize the vessels, but essentially, swept the tissue off of the anterior surface and towards the bladder and then removed it. The obturator nerve on the right side was sucked into the pelvic sidewall, and I elected not to remove those. On the left side, things were a little bit more mobile in terms of the lymph nodes, but still the obturator lymph nodes were left intact.,We then worked on the lateral pedicles on both sides and essentially determined that I can take these down. I then mobilized the later half of the symphysis pubis and pubic ramus to get distal to the apical prostate. At this point, I scrubbed out of the operation, talked to the family, and indicated that I felt the cystectomy was more palliative than therapeutic, and I reiterated his desire to be free of any external appliance.,I then proceeded to take down the lateral pedicles with an RP-45 stapler on the right and clips distally. The endopelvic fascia was incised. I then turned my attention posteriorly and incised the peritoneum overlying the anterior rectal wall and ramus very meticulously dissected the rectum away from the posterior Denonvilliers fascia. I intentionally picked down those two pedicles lateral to the rectum between the clips and then turned my attention retropubically. I was able to pass a 0 Vicryl suture along the dorsal venous complex, tied this, and then, sealed and divided the complex with a LigaSure and oversewed it distally with 2-0 Vicryl figure-of-eight stitch. I then divided the urethra distal to the apex of the prostate, divided the Foley catheter between the clamps and then the posterior urethra. I then was able to take down the remaining distal attachments of the apex and took the dissection off the rectum, and the specimen was then free of all attachments and handed off the operative field. The bivalved prostate appeared normal. We then carefully inspected the rectal wall and noted to be intact. The wound was irrigated with 1 L of warm sterile water and a meticulous inspection made for hemostasis and a dry pack placed in the pelvis.,We then turned our attention to forming the Indiana pouch. I completed the dissection of the right hepatic flexure and the proximal transverse colon and mobilized the omentum off of this portion of the colon. The colon was divided proximal to the middle colic using a GIA-80 stapler. I then divided the avascular plane of Treves along the terminal ileum and selected a point approximately 15 cm proximal to the ileocecal valve to divide the ileum. The mesentery was then sealed with a LigaSure device and divided, and the bowel was divided with a GIA-60 stapler. We then performed a side-to-side ileo-transverse colostomy using a GIA-80 stapler, closing the open end with a TA 60. The angles were reinforced with silk sutures and the mesenteric closed with interrupted silk sutures.,We then removed the staple line along the terminal ileum, passed a 12-French Robinson catheter into the cecal segment, and plicated the ileum with 3 firings of the GIA-60 stapler. The ileocecal valve was then reinforced with interrupted 3-0 silk sutures as described by Rowland, et al, and following this, passage of an 18-French Robinson catheter was associated with the characteristic "pop," indicating that we had adequately plicated the ileocecal valve.,As the patient had had a previous appendectomy, we made an opening in the cecum in the area of the previous appendectomy. We then removed the distal staple line along the transverse colon and aligned the cecal end and the distal middle colic end with two 3-0 Vicryl sutures. The bowel segment was then folded over on itself and the reservoir formed with 3 successive applications of the SGIA Polysorb-75. Between the staple lines, Vicryl sutures were placed and the defects closed with 3-0 Vicryl suture ligatures.,We then turned our attention to forming the ileocolonic anastomosis. The left ureter was mobilized and brought underneath the sigmoid mesentery and brought through the mesentery of the terminal ileum and an end-to-side anastomosis performed with an open technique using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures, and this was stented with a Cook 8.4-French ureteral stent, and this was secured to the bowel lumen with a 5-0 chromic suture. The right ureter was brought underneath the pouch and placed in a stented fashion with an identical anastomosis. We then brought the stents out through a separate incision cephalad in the pouch and they were secured with a 2-0 chromic suture. A 24-French Malecot catheter was placed through the cecum and secured with a chromic suture. The staple lines were then buried with a running 3-0 Vicryl two-layer suture and the open end of the pouch closed with a TA 60 Polysorb suture. The pouch was filled to 240 cc and noted to be watertight, and the ureteral anastomoses were intact.,We then made a final inspection for hemostasis. The cecostomy tube was then brought out to the right lower quadrant and secured to the skin with silk sutures. We then matured our stoma through the umbilicus. We removed the plug of skin through the umbilicus and delivered the ileal segment through this. A portion of the ileum was removed and healthy, well-vascularized tissue was matured with interrupted 3-0 chromic sutures. We left an 18-French Robinson through the stoma and secured this to the skin with silk sutures. The Malecot and stents were also secured in a similar fashion.,The stoma was returned to the umbilicus after resecting the terminal ileum.,We then placed a large JP drain into both obturator fossae and brought it up the right lower quadrant. Rectus fascia was closed with buried #2 Prolene stitch anchoring a new figure of 8 at each end tying the two stitches above and in the middle and underneath the fascia. Interrupted stitches were placed as well. The subcutaneous tissue was irrigated and skin closed with surgical clips. The estimated blood loss was 2500 mL. The patient received 5 units of packed red blood cells and 4 units of FFP. The patient was then awakened, extubated, and taken on a stretcher to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: , The patient is awake and alert, in no apparent distress, appropriate, pleasant and cooperative. No dysarthria is noted. No discomfort on presentation is noted. ,HEAD: , Atraumatic, normocephalic. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles are intact. Sclerae are white without injection or icterus. Fundi are without papilledema, hemorrhages or exudates with normal vessels. ,EARS: , The ear canals are patent without edema, exudate or drainage. Tympanic membranes are intact with a normal cone of light. No bulging or erythema to indicate infection is present. There is no hemotympanum. Hearing is grossly intact. ,NOSE:, Without deformity, bleeding or discharge. No septal hematoma is noted. ,ORAL CAVITY:, No swelling or abnormality to the lip or teeth. Oral mucosa is pink and moist. No swelling to the palate or pharynx. Uvula is midline. The pharynx is without exudate or erythema. No edema is seen of the tonsils. The airway is completely patent. The voice is normal. No stridor is heard. ,NECK: , No signs of meningismus. No Brudzinski or Kernig sign is present. No adenopathy is noted. No JVD is seen. No bruits are auscultated. Trachea is midline. ,CHEST: , Symmetrical with equal breath sounds. Equal excursion. No hyperresonance or dullness to percussion is noted. There is no tenderness on palpation of the chest. ,LUNGS: ,Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No rales, rhonchi or wheezes are appreciated. Good air movement is auscultated in all 4 lung fields. ,HEART:, Regular rate and rhythm. No murmur. No S3, S4 or rub is auscultated. Point of maximal impulse is strong and in normal position. Abdominal aorta is not palpable. The carotid upstroke is normal. ,ABDOMEN: ,Soft, nontender and nondistended. Normal bowel sounds are auscultated. No organomegaly is appreciated. No masses are palpated. No tympany is noted on percussion. No guarding, rigidity or rebound tenderness is seen on exam. Murphy and McBurney sign is negative. There is no Rovsing, obturator or psoas sign present. No hepatosplenomegaly and no hernias are noted. ,RECTAL:, Normal tone. No masses. Soft, brown stool in the vault. Guaiac negative. ,GENITOURINARY:, Penis is normal without lesion or urethral discharge. Scrotum is without edema. The testes are descended bilaterally. No masses are palpated. There is no tenderness. ,EXTREMITIES: , No clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Pulses are strong and equal in the femoral and dorsalis pedis arteries, bounding and equal. No deformity or signs of trauma. All joints are stable without laxity. There is good range of motion of all joints without tenderness or discomfort. Homan sign is negative. No atrophy or contractures are noted. ,SKIN: , No rashes. No jaundice. Pink and warm with good turgor. Good color. No erythema or nodules noted. No petechia, bulla or ecchymosis. ,NEUROLOGIC: , Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. Muscle strength is graded 5/5 in the upper and lower extremities bilaterally. Deep tendon reflexes are symmetrical in the upper and lower extremities bilaterally. Babinski is downgoing bilaterally. Sensation is intact to light touch and vibration. Gait is normal. Romberg, finger-to-nose, rapid alternating movements and heel-to-shin are all normal. There is no ataxia seen on gait testing. Tone is normal. No pronator drift is seen. ,PSYCHIATRIC: ,The patient is oriented x4. Mood and affect are appropriate. Memory is intact with good short- and long-term memory recall. No dysarthria is noted. Remote memory is intact. Judgment and insight appear normal.,nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,PROCEDURES:, Extraction of teeth #2 and #19 and incision and drainage of intraoral and extraoral of left mandibular dental abscess.,ANESTHESIA: , General, oral endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: , Penrose 0.25 inch intraoral and vestibule and extraoral.,CONDITION:, Stable to PACU.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, Patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in the supine position and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia via the oral endotracheal route, patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. In addition, the extraoral area on the left neck was prepped with Betadine and draped accordingly. Gauze throat pack was placed and local anesthetic was administered in the left lower quadrant, total of 3.4 mL of lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine and Marcaine 1.7 mL of 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine. An incision was made with #15 blade in the left submandibular area through the skin and blunt dissection was accomplished with curved mosquito hemostat to the inferior border of the mandible. No purulent drainage was obtained. The 0.25 inch Penrose drain was then placed in the extraoral incision and it was secured with 3-0 silk suture. Moving to the intraoral area, periosteal elevator was used to elevate the periosteum from the buccal aspect of tooth #19. The area did not drain any purulent material. The carious tooth #19 was then extracted by elevator and forceps extraction. After the tooth was removed, the 0.25 inch Penrose drain was placed in a subperiosteal fashion adjacent to the extraction site and secured with 3-0 silk suture. The tube was then repositioned to the left side allowing access to the upper right quadrant where tooth #2 was then extracted by routine elevator and forceps extraction. After the extraction, the throat pack was removed. An orogastric tube was then placed by Dr. X, and stomach contents were suctioned. The pharynx was then suctioned with the Yankauer suction. The patient was awakened, extubated, and taken to the PACU in stable, yankauer suction, orogastric tube, carious teeth, penrose drain, forceps extraction, dental abscess, incision, elevator, mandibular, dental, abscess, teeth, intraoral, extraction, drainage,
MEDICATIONS:,1. Versed intravenously.,2. Demerol intravenously.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position and sedated with the above medications. The Olympus video colonoscope was inserted through the anus and was advanced in retrograde fashion through the sigmoid colon, descending colon, around the splenic flexure, into the transverse colon, around the hepatic flexure, down the ascending colon, into the cecum. The cecum was identified by the presence of the appendiceal orifice and the ileocecal valve. The colonoscope was then advanced through the ileocecal valve into the terminal ileum, which was normal on examination. The scope was then pulled back into the cecum and then slowly withdrawn. The mucosa was examined in detail. The mucosa was entirely normal. Upon reaching the rectum, retroflex examination of the rectum was normal. The scope was then straightened out, the air removed and the scope withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no apparent complications.,gastroenterology, olympus, scope, sigmoid colon, descending colon, splenic flexure, transverse colon, hepatic flexure, ascending colon, ileocecal valve, ileocecal, mucosa, rectum, colonoscope, flexure, cecum, colonoscopyNOTE
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup circumcision.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient had his circumcision performed on 09/16/2007 here at Children's Hospital. The patient had a pretty significant phimosis and his operative course was smooth. He did have a little bit of bleeding when he woke in recovery room, which required placement of some additional sutures, but after that, his recovery has been complete. His mom did note that she had to him a couple of days of oral analgesics, but he seems to be back to normal and pain free now. He is having no difficulty urinating, and his bowel function remains normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Today, The patient looks healthy and happy. We examined his circumcision site. His Monocryl sutures are still in place. The healing is excellent, and there is only a mild amount of residual postoperative swelling. There was one area where he had some recurrent adhesions at the coronal sulcus, and I gently lysed this today and applied antibiotic ointment showing this to mom had to especially lubricate this area until the healing is completed.,IMPRESSION: , Satisfactory course after circumcision for severe phimosis with no perioperative complications.,PLAN: ,The patient came in followup for his routine care with Dr. X, but should not need any further routine surgical followup unless he develops any type of difficulty with this surgical wound. If that does occur, we will be happy to see him back at any time.,urology, circumcision, adhesions, followup circumcision, sutures, phimosis,
CC: ,Headache.,HX: ,This 37y/o LHM was seen one month prior to this presentation for HA, nausea and vomiting. Gastrointestinal evaluation at that time showed no evidence of bowel obstruction and he was released home. These symptoms had been recurrent since onset.,At presentation he complained of mild blurred vision (OU), difficulty concentrating and HA which worsened upon sitting up. The headaches were especially noticeable in the early morning. He described them as non-throbbing headaches. They begin in the bifrontal region and radiate posteriorly. They occurred up to 6 times/day. The HA improved with lying down or dropping the head down between the knees towards the floor. The headaches were associated with blurred vision, nausea,vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia. He denied any scotomata or positive visual phenomena. He denies any weakness, numbness, tingling, dysarthria or diplopia. His weight has fluctuated from 163# to 148# over the past 3 months and at present he weighs 154#. His appetite has been especially poor in the past month.,MEDS:,Sulfasalazine qid. Tylenol 650mg q4hours.,PMH:, 1)Ulcerative Colitis dx 1989. 2)HTN 3) occasional HAs since the early 1980s which are different in character and much less severe than his current HAs. They were not associated with nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia or difficulty thinking.,FHX:, MGF with h/o stroke. Mother and Father were healthy. No h/o of migraine in family.,SHX:, Single. Works as a newpaper printing press worker. Denies tobacco, ETOH or illicit drug use, but admits he was a heavy drinker until the last 1970s when he quit.,EXAM: ,BP159/92 HR 48 (sitting): BP126/70 HR48 (supine). RR14 36.2C,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech clear. Appears uncomfortable but acts appropriately and cooperatively. No difficulty with short and long term memory.,CN: Grad 2-3 papilledema OS; Grade 1 papilledema (@2 o'clock) OD. Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. Bilateral horizontal sustained nystagmus on right and leftward gaze. Bilateral vertical sustained nystagmus on up and downward gaze. Face symmetric with full movement and PP sensation. Tongue midline with full ROM. Gag and SCM were intact bilaterally.,Motor: Full strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,Sensory: Unremarkable.,Coord: Mild dysynergia on FNF movements in BUE. HNS and RAM were unremarkable.,Station: Unsteady with and without eyes open on Romberg test. No drift in any particular direction.,Gait: Wide based, ataxic and to some degree magnetic and apraxic.,Gen Exam: Unremarkable.,COURSE:, Urinalysis revealed 1-2RBC, 2-3WBC and bacteria were noted. Repeat Urinalysis was negative the next day. PT, PTT, CXR and GS were normal. CBC revealed 10.4WBC with 7.1Granulocytes. HCT, 10/18/95, revealed hydrocephalus. MRI, 10/18/95, revealed ventriculomegaly of the lateral, 3rd and 4th ventricles. There was enhancement of the meninges about the prepontine cisterna and internal auditory canals, and enhancement of a scar or inflammed lining of the foramen of Magendie. These changes were felt suggestive of bacterial or granulomatous meningitis. The patient underwent ventriculostomy on 10/19/94. CSF taken on 10/19/94 via V-P shunt insertion revealed: 22 WBC (21 lymphocytes, 1 monocyte), 380 RBC, Glucose 58, Protein 29, GS negative, Cultures (bacterial, fungal, AFB) negative, Cryptococcal Antigen and India Ink were negative. Numerous CSF samples were taken from the lumbar region and shunt reservoir and these were consistantly unremarkable except for an occasional CSF protein of up to 99mg/dl. Serum and CSF toxoplasma titers and ACE levels were negative on multiple occasions. VDRL and HIV testing was unremarkable. 10/27/94 and 10/31/94 CSF cultures taken from the cervical region eventually grew non-encapsulated crytococcus neoformans. The patient was treated with amphotericin and showed some improvement. However, scarring had probably occurred by then and the V-P shunt was left in place.radiology, ventriculomegaly, foramen of magendie, mri brain, blurred vision, headache, brain, ventricles, cryptococcus, foramen, csf,
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 68-year-old white female who presents for complete physical, Pap and breast exam. Her last Pap smear was 05/02/2002. Her only complaint is that she has had some occasional episodes of some midchest pain that seems to go to her back, usually occurs at rest. Has awakened her at night on occasion and only last about 15 to 20 minutes. Denies nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis or shortness of breath with it. This has not happened in almost two months. She had a normal EKG one year ago. Otherwise, has been doing quite well. Did quite well with her foot surgery with Dr. Clayton.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reactive airway disease; rheumatoid arthritis, recent surgery on her hands and feet; gravida 4, para 5, with one set of twins, all vaginal deliveries; iron deficiency anemia; osteoporosis; and hypothyroidism.,MEDICATIONS:, Methotrexate 2.5 mg five weekly, Fosamax 70 mg weekly, folic acid daily, amitriptyline 15 mg daily, Synthroid 0.088 mg daily, calcium two in the morning and two at noon, multivitamin daily, baby aspirin daily and Colace one to three b.i.d.,ALLERGIES:, None.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is married. Denies tobacco, alcohol and drug use. She is not employed outside the home.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, HEENT, pulmonary, cardiovascular, GI, GU, musculoskeletal, neurologic, dermatologic, constitutional and psychiatric are all negative except for HPI.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight 146. Blood pressure 100/64. Pulse 80. Respirations 16. Temperature 97.7.,General: She is a well-developed, well-nourished white female in no acute distress.,HEENT: Grossly within normal limits.,Neck: Supple. No lymphadenopathy. No thyromegaly.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Positive bowel sounds, soft and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly.,Breasts: No nipple discharge. No lumps or masses palpated. No dimpling of the skin. No axillary lymph nodes palpated. Self-breast exam discussed and encouraged.,Pelvic: Normal female genitalia. Atrophic vaginal mucosa. No cervical lesions. No cervical motion tenderness. No adnexal tenderness or masses palpated.,Rectal: Normal sphincter tone. No stool present in the vault. No rectal masses palpated.,Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema. She does have obvious rheumatoid arthritis of her hands.,Neurologic: Grossly intact.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Chest pain. The patient will evaluate when it happens next; what she has been eating, what activities she has been performing. She had normal ECG one year ago. In fact this does not sound cardiac in nature. We will not do further cardiac workup at this time. Did discuss with her she may be having some GI reflux type symptoms.,2. Hypothyroidism. We will recheck TSH to make sure she is on the right amount of medication at this time, making adjustments as needed.,3. Rheumatoid arthritis. Continue her methotrexate as prescribed by Dr. Mortensen, and follow up with Dr. XYZ as needed.,4. Osteoporosis. It is time for her to have a repeat DEXA at this time and that will be scheduled.,5. Health care maintenance, Pap smear was obtained today. The patient will be scheduled for mammogram.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bilateral inguinal hernias.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bilateral inguinal hernias.,OPERATION PERFORMED: ,Bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This 3-1/2-year-old presents with bilateral scrotal swellings, which both reduce and are consistent with bilateral inguinal hernias. He comes to the operating room today for the repair.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,After the induction of general anesthetic, the abdomen and perineum were prepped and draped in usual manner. Transverse right lower quadrant skin fold incision was made and carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue with sharp dissection. The external oblique fascia identified upon course of its fibers. The hernia sac was identified and brought into the operative field. Hernia sac was grasped with hemostat and the cord structures were carefully stripped away from it until the entire circumference of the sac could be identified. The sac clamped and divided. The distal sac was then dissected down to where the large hydrocele with the testicle would be brought up and the sac opened, the fluid drained, and a portion of the sac removed. The testicle was returned to the scrotum. The proximal sac was then dissected free of the cord up to the peritoneal reflection at the internal ring where it was ligated with a #3-0 Vicryl stick tie and a #3-0 Vicryl free tie. The excess removed. The cord returned to the inguinal canal and external oblique fascia closed with interrupted sutures of #3-0 Vicryl and subcutaneous tissue with the same, skin closed with #5-0 subcuticular Monocryl. Sterile dressing applied. Attention was then turned to the left side where an identical procedure was carried out for his left hernia, although the only difference being with the sac was somewhat smaller and did not have the large hydrocele around the testicle. Otherwise the procedure was carried down in identical manner. Sterile dressings were then applied to both sides. The child awakened and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory, perineum, hernia sac, bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy, external oblique fascia, bilateral inguinal hernias, inguinal herniorrhaphy, scrotal swellings, subcutaneous tissue, oblique fascia, inguinal, scrotal, herniorrhaphy, testicle, hernias
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Non-healing surgical wound to the left posterior thigh.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 49-year-old white male who sustained a traumatic injury to his left posterior thighthis past year while in ABCD. He sustained an injury from the patellar from a boat while in the water. He was air lifted actually up to XYZ Hospital and underwent extensive surgery. He still has an external fixation on it for the healing fractures in the leg and has undergone grafting and full thickness skin grafting closure to a large defect in his left posterior thigh, which is nearly healed right in the gluteal fold on that left area. In several areas right along the graft site and low in the leg, the patient has several areas of hypergranulation tissue. He has some drainage from these areas. There are no signs and symptoms of infection. He is referred to us to help him get those areas under control.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially negative other than he has had C. difficile in the recent past.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS: , Include Cipro and Flagyl.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Significant for his trauma surgery noted above.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His maternal grandmother had pancreatic cancer. Father had prostate cancer. There is heart disease in the father and diabetes in the father.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He is a non-cigarette smoker and non-ETOH user. He is divorced. He has three children. He has an attorney.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CARDIAC: He denies any chest pain or shortness of breath.,GI: As noted above.,GU: As noted above.,ENDOCRINE: He denies any bleeding disorders.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: He presents as a well-developed, well-nourished 49-year-old white male who appears to be in no significant distress.,HEENT: Unremarkable.,NECK: Supple. There is no mass, adenopathy, or bruit.,CHEST: Normal excursion.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,COR: Regular. There is no S3, S4, or gallop. There is no murmur.,ABDOMEN: Soft. It is nontender. There is no mass or organomegaly.,GU: Unremarkable.,RECTAL: Deferred.,EXTREMITIES: His right lower extremity is unremarkable. Peripheral pulse is good. His left lower extremity is significant for the split thickness skin graft closure of a large defect in the posterior thigh, which is nearly healed. The open areas that are noted above __________ hypergranulation tissue both on his gluteal folds on the left side. There is one small area right essentially within the graft site, and there is one small area down lower on the calf area. The patient has an external fixation on that comes out laterally on his left thigh. Those pin sites look clean.,NEUROLOGIC: Without focal deficits. The patient is alert and oriented.,IMPRESSION: , Several multiple areas of hypergranulation tissue on the left posterior leg associated with a sense of trauma to his right posterior leg.,PLAN:, Plan would be for chemical cauterization of these areas. Series of treatment with chemical cauterization till these are closed.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Acute bowel obstruction.,2. Umbilical hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Acute small bowel obstruction.,2. Incarcerated umbilical Hernia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Exploratory laparotomy.,2. Release of small bowel obstruction.,3. Repair of periumbilical hernia.,ANESTHESIA: , General with endotracheal intubation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery in stable condition.,SPECIMEN: , Hernia sac.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 98-year-old female who presents from nursing home extended care facility with an incarcerated umbilical hernia, intractable nausea and vomiting and a bowel obstruction. Upon seeing the patient and discussing in extent with the family, it was decided the patient needed to go to the operating room for this nonreducible umbilical hernia and bowel obstruction and the family agreed with surgery.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was found to have an incarcerated umbilical hernia. There was a loop of small bowel incarcerated within the hernia sac. It showed signs of ecchymosis, however no signs of any ischemia or necrosis. It was easily reduced once opening the abdomen and the rest of the small bowel was ran without any other defects or abnormalities.,PROCEDURE: , After informed written consent, risks and benefits of the procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family. The patient was brought to the operating suite. After general endotracheal intubation, prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. A midline incision was made around the umbilical hernia defect with a #10 blade scalpel. Dissection was then carried down to the fascia. Using a sharp dissection, an incision was made above the defect superior to the defect entering the fascia. The abdomen was entered under direct visualization. The small bowel that was entrapped within the hernia sac was easily reduced and observed and appeared to be ecchymotic, however, no signs of ischemia were noted or necrosis. The remaining of the fascia was then extended using Metzenbaum scissors. The hernia sac was removed using Mayo scissors and sent off as specimen. Next, the bowel was run from the ligament of Treitz to the ileocecal valve with no evidence of any other abnormalities. The small bowel was then milked down removing all the fluid. The bowel was decompressed distal to the obstruction. Once returning the abdominal contents to the abdomen, attention was next made in closing the abdomen and using #1 Vicryl suture in the figure-of-eight fashion the fascia was closed. The umbilicus was then reapproximated to its anatomical position with a #1 Vicryl suture. A #3-0 Vicryl suture was then used to reapproximate the deep dermal layers and skin staples were used on the skin. Sterile dressings were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to recovery in stable, endotracheal intubation, acute bowel obstruction, umbilical hernia, exploratory laparotomy, release of small bowel obstruction, repair of periumbilical hernia, incarcerated umbilical hernia, incarcerated, bowel, hernia, exploratory, laparotomy, abdomen, umbilical, obstruction,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Decreased ability to perform daily living activities secondary to exacerbation of chronic back pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 45-year-old white male who was admitted with acute back pain. The patient reports that he had chronic problem with back pain for approximately 20 years, but it has gotten progressively worse over the last 3 years. On 08/29/2007, the patient had awoken and started his day as he normally does, but midday, he reports that he was in such severe back pain and he was unable to walk or stand upright. He was seen at ABCD Hospital Emergency Room, was evaluated and admitted. He was treated with IV analgesics as well as Decadron, after being evaluated by Dr. A. It was decided that the patient could benefit from physical therapy, since he was unable to perform ADLs, and was transferred to TCU at St. Joseph Health Services on 08/30/2007. He had been transferred with diagnosis of a back pain secondary to intravertebral lumbar disk disease, secondary to degenerative changes. The patient reports that he has had a " bulging disk" for approximately 1 year. He reports that he has history of testicular cancer in the distant past and the most recent bone scan was negative. The bone scan was done at XYZ Hospital, ordered by Dr. B, the patient's oncologist.,ALLERGIES: , PENICILLIN, AMOXICILLIN, CEPHALOSPORIN, DOXYCYCLINE, IVP DYE, IODINE, and SULFA, all cause HIVES.,Additionally, the patient reports that he has HIVES when he comes in contact with SAP FROM THE MANGO TREE, and therefore, he avoids any mango product at all.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Status post right orchiectomy secondary to his testicular cancer 18 years ago approximately 1989, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal asthma (fall and spring) triggered by postnasal drip, history of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, and status post excision of abdominal teratoma and incisional hernia.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is employed in the finance department. He is a nonsmoker. He does consume alcohol on the weekend as much as 3 to 4 alcoholic beverages per day on the weekends. He denies any IV drug use or abuse.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , No chills, fever, shakes or tremors. Denies chest pain palpitations, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or hematemesis. The patient reports that his last bowel movement was on 08/30/2007. No urological symptoms such as dysuria, frequency, incomplete bladder emptying or voiding difficulties. The patient does report that he has occasional intermittent "numbness and tingling" of his hands bilaterally as he has a history of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. He denies any history of seizure disorders, but he did report that he had some momentary dizziness earlier, but that has since resolved.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: At the time of admission, temperature 98, blood pressure 176/97, pulse 86, respirations 20, and 95% O2 saturation on room air. The patient weighs 260 pounds and is 5 feet and 10 inches tall by his report.,GENERAL: The patient appears to be comfortable, in no acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic. Sclerae are nonicteric. EOMI. Tongue is at midline and no evidence of thrush.,NECK: Trachea is at the midline.,LYMPHATICS: No cervical or axillary nodes palpable.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2.,ABDOMEN: Obese, softly protuberant, and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: There is no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. There is no calf tenderness bilaterally. Bilateral strength is 5/5 for the upper extremities bilaterally and he has 5/5 of left lower extremity. The right lower extremity is 4-5/5.,MENTAL STATUS: He is alert and oriented. He was pleasant and cooperative during the examination.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Acute on chronic back pain. The patient is admitted to the TCU at St. Joseph Health Services for rehabilitation therapy. He will be seen in consultation by Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. He will continue a tapering dose of Decadron over the next 10 to 14 days and a tapering schedule has been provided, also Percocet 5/325 mg 1 to 2 tablets q.i.d. p.r.n. for pain.,2. Status post right orchiectomy secondary to testicular cancer, stable at this time. We will attempt to obtain copy of the most recent bone scan performed at XYZ Hospital ordered by Dr. B.,3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastrointestinal prophylaxis. Colace 100 mg b.i.d., lactulose will be used on a p.r.n. basis, and Protonix 40 mg daily.,4. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis will be maintained by the patient, continue to engage in his therapies including ambulating in the halls and doing leg exercises as well.,5. Obesity. As mentioned above, the patient's weighs 260 pounds with a height of 5 feet and 10 inches, and we had discussed possible weight loss plan, which he is interested in pursuing and a dietary consult has been requested.nan
EXAM: ,Three views of the right foot.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Right foot trauma.,FINDINGS: , Three views of the right foot were obtained. There are no comparison studies. There is no evidence of fractures or dislocations. No significant degenerative changes or obstructive osseous lesions were identified. There are no radiopaque foreign bodies.,IMPRESSION: , Negative right foot.radiology, three views, radiopaque, fractures, foot trauma
CC:, Progressive lower extremity weakness.,HX: ,This 54 y/o RHF presented on 7/3/93 with a 2 month history of lower extremity weakness. She was admitted to a local hospital on 5/3/93 for a 3 day h/o of progressive BLE weakness associated with incontinence and BLE numbness. There was little symptom of upper extremity weakness at that time, according to the patient. Her evaluation was notable for a bilateral L1 sensory level and 4/4 strength in BLE. A T-L-S Spine MRI revealed a T4-6 lipomatosis with anterior displacement of the cord without cord compression. CSF analysis yielded: opening pressure of 14cm H20, protein 88, glucose 78, 3 lymphocytes and 160 RBC, no oligoclonal bands or elevated IgG index, and negative cytology. Bone marrow biopsy was negative. B12, Folate, and Ferritin levels were normal. CRP 5.2 (elevated). ANA was positive at 1:5,120 in speckled pattern. Her hospital course was complicated by deep venous thrombosis, which recurred after heparin was stopped to do the bone marrow biopsy. She was subsequently placed on Coumadin. EMG/NCV testing revealed " lumbosacral polyradiculopathy with axonal degeneration and nerve conduction block." She was diagnosed with atypical Guillain-Barre vs. polyradiculopathy and received a single course of Decadron; and no plasmapheresis or IV IgG. She was discharged home o 6/8/93.,She subsequently did not improve and after awaking from a nap on her couch the day of presentation, 7/3/93, she found she was paralyzed from the waist down. There was associated mild upper lumbar back pain without radiation. She had had no bowel movement or urination since that time. She had no recent trauma, fever, chills, changes in vision, dysphagia or upper extremity deficit.,MEDS:, Coumadin 7.5mg qd, Zoloft 50mg qd, Lithium 300mg bid.,PMH:, 1) Bi-polar Affective Disorder, dx 1979 2) C-section.,FHX:, Unremarkable.,SHX:, Denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP118/64, HR103, RR18, Afebrile.,MS: ,A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent without dysarthria. Lucid thought processes.,CN: ,Unremarkable.,MOTOR:, 5/5 strength in BUE. Plegic in BLE. Flaccid muscle tone.,SENSORY:, L1 sensory level (bilaterally) to PP and TEMP, without sacral sparing. Proprioception was lost in both feet.,CORD: ,Normal in BUE.,Reflexes were 2+/2+ in BUE. They were not elicited in BLE. Plantar responses were equivocal, bilaterally.,RECTAL: ,Poor rectal tone. stool guaiac negative. She had no perirectal sensation.,COURSE:, CRP 8.8 and ESR 76. FVC 2.17L. WBC 1.5 (150 bands, 555 neutrophils, 440 lymphocytes and 330 monocytes), Hct 33%, Hgb 11.0, Plt 220K, MCV 88, GS normal except for slightly low total protein (8.0). LFT were normal. Creatinine 1.0. PT and PTT were normal. ABCG 7.46/25/79/96% O2Sat. UA notable for 1+ proteinuria. EKG normal.,MRI L-spine, 7/3/93, revealed an area of abnormally increased T2 signal extending from T12 through L5. This area causes anterior displacement of the spinal cord and nerve roots. The cauda equina are pushed up against the posterior L1 vertebral body. There bilaterally pulmonary effusions. There is also abnormally increased T2 signal in the center of the spinal cord extending from the mid thoracic level through the conus. In addition, the Fila Terminale appear thickened. There is increased signal in the T3 vertebral body suggestion a hemangioma. The findings were felt consistent with a large epidural lipoma displacing the spinal cord anteriorly. there also appeared spinal cord swelling and increased signal within the spinal cord which suggests an intramedullary process.,CSF analysis revealed: protein 1,342, glucose 43, RBC 4,900, WBC 9. C3 and C$ complement levels were 94 and 18 respectively (normal) Anticardiolipin antibodies were negative. Serum Beta-2 microglobulin was elevated at 2.4 and 3.7 in the CSF and Serum, respectively. It was felt the patient had either a transverse myelitis associated with SLE vs. partial cord infarction related to lupus vasculopathy or hypercoagulable state. She was place on IV Decadron. Rheumatology felt that a diagnosis of SLE was likely. Pulmonary effusion analysis was consistent with an exudate. She was treated with plasma exchange and place on Cytoxan.,On 7/22/93 she developed fever with associated proptosis and sudden loss of vision, OD. MRI Brain, 7/22/93, revealed a 5mm thick area of intermediate signal adjacent to the posterior aspect of the right globe, possibly representing hematoma. Ophthalmology felt she had a central retinal vein occlusion; and it was surgically decompressed.,She was placed on prednisone on 8/11/93 and Cytoxan was started on 8/16/93. She developed a headache with meningismus on 8/20/93. CSF analysis revealed: protein 1,002, glucose2, WBC 8,925 (majority were neutrophils). Sinus CT scan negative. She was placed on IV Antibiotics for presumed bacterial meningitis. Cultures were subsequently negative. She spontaneously recovered. 8/25/93, cisternal tap CSF analysis revealed: protein 126, glucose 35, WBC 144 (neutrophils), RBC 95, Cultures negative, cytology negative. MRI Brain scan revealed diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement in both brain and spinal canal.,DSDNA negative. She developed leukopenia in 9/93, and she was switched from Cytoxan to Imuran. Her LFT's rose and the Imuran was stopped and she was placed back on prednisone.,She went on to have numerous deep venous thrombosis while on Coumadin. This required numerous hospital admissions for heparinization. Anticardiolipin antibodies and Protein C and S testing was negative.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Recurrent bladder tumor.,2. History of bladder carcinoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,urology, recurrent bladder tumor, bladder carcinoma, bilateral retrograde pyelogram, transurethral resection of bladder tumor, lateral wall bladder tumor, transurethral resection, retrograde pyelogram, tumor, bladder, cystourethroscopy, pyelogram,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , This 92-year-old female states that last night she had a transient episode of slurred speech and numbness of her left cheek for a few hours. However, the chart indicates that she had recurrent TIAs x3 yesterday, each lasting about 5 minutes with facial drooping and some mental confusion. She had also complained of blurred vision for several days. She was brought to the emergency room last night, where she was noted to have a left carotid bruit and was felt to have recurrent TIAs.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , The patient is on Lanoxin, amoxicillin, Hydergine, Cardizem, Lasix, Micro-K and a salt-free diet. ,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She does not smoke or drink alcohol.,FINDINGS: ,Admission CT scan of the head showed a densely calcified mass lesion of the sphenoid bone, probably representing the benign osteochondroma seen on previous studies. CBC was normal, aside from a hemoglobin of 11.2. ECG showed atrial fibrillation. BUN was 22, creatinine normal, CPK normal, glucose normal, electrolytes normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, the patient is noted to be alert and fully oriented. She has some impairment of recent memory. She is not dysphasic, or apraxic. Speech is normal and clear. The head is noted to be normocephalic. Neck is supple. Carotid pulses are full bilaterally, with left carotid bruit. Neurologic exam shows cranial nerve function II through XII to be intact, save for some slight flattening of the left nasolabial fold. Motor examination shows no drift of the outstretched arms. There is no tremor or past-pointing. Finger-to-nose and heel-to-shin performed well bilaterally. Motor showed intact neuromuscular tone, strength, and coordination in all limbs. Reflexes 1+ and symmetrical, with bilateral plantar flexion, absent jaw jerk, no snout. Sensory exam is intact to pinprick touch, vibration, position, temperature, and graphesthesia.,IMPRESSION: , Neurological examination is normal, aside from mild impairment of recent memory, slight flattening of the left nasolabial fold, and left carotid bruit. She also has atrial fibrillation, apparently chronic. In view of her age and the fact that she is in chronic atrial fibrillation, I would suspect that she most likely has had an embolic phenomenon as the cause of her TIAs.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, I would recommend conservative management with antiplatelet agents unless a near occlusion of the carotid arteries is demonstrated, in which case you might consider it best to do an angiography and consider endarterectomy. In view of her age, I would be reluctant to recommend Coumadin anticoagulation. I will be happy to follow the patient with you.neurology, atrial fibrillation, carotid bruit, slurred speech, numbness, calcified mass lesion, neurological examination, tias, carotid, benign,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient comes for her first Pap smear, complaining of irregular periods.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient wishes to discuss considering something to help with her menstrual cramping and irregular periods. She notes that her periods are out of weck. She says that she has cramping and pain before her period starts. Sometimes, she is off her period for two weeks and then she bleeds for two whole weeks. She usually has her periods lasting seven days, usually comes on the 19th of each month and now it seems to have changed. The cramping is worse. She said her flow has increased. She has to change her pad every half to one hour and uses a super tampon sometimes. She usually has four days of hard flow and then she might have 10 days where she will have to wear a mini pad. She also notes that her headaches have been worsening a little bit. She has had quite a bit of stress. She had a headache on Wednesday again after having had one on the weekend. She said she usually only has an occasional headache and that is not too bad but now she has developed what she would consider to be a migraine and she has not had serious headaches like this and it seems to be worsening and coming a little bit more regularly, and she has not figure out what to do to get rid of them. She avoids caffeine. She only eats chocolate when she is near her period and she usually drinks one can of cola a day.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES:, None.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker. She is not sexually active.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, She has had no surgery or chronic illnesses.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother has hypertension, depression. Father has had renal cysts and sometimes some stomach problems. Both of her parents have problems with their knees.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Patient denies headache or trauma. No blurred or double vision. Hearing is fine, no tinnitus or infection. Infrequent sore throat, no hoarseness or cough.,HEENT: See HPI.,Neck: No stiffness, pain or swelling.,Respiratory: No shortness of breath, cough or hemoptysis. She is a nonsmoker.,Cardiovascular: No chest pain, ankle edema, palpitations or hypertension.,GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, melena or jaundice.,GU: No dysuria, frequency, urgency or stress incontinence.,Locomotor: No weakness, joint pain, tremor or swelling.,GYN: See HPI.,Integumentary: Patient performs self-breast examinations and denies any breast masses or nipple discharge. No recent skin or hair changes.,Neuropsychiatric: Denies depression, anxiety, tearfulness or suicidal thought.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITALS: Height 64.5 inches. Weight: 162 pounds. Blood pressure 104/72. Pulse: 72. Respirations: 16. LMP: 08/21/04. Age: 19.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Eyes: EOMs intact. PERRLA. Conjunctiva clear. Fundi: Discs flat, cups normal. No AV nicking, hemorrhage or exudate. Ears: TMs intact. Mouth: No lesion. Throat: No inflammation.,Neck: Full range of motion. No lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,Heart: Normal sinus rhythm, no murmur.,Integumentary: Breasts are without masses, tenderness, nipple retraction or discharge. Reviewed self-breast examination. No axillary nodes are palpable.,Abdomen: Soft. Liver, spleen, and kidneys are not palpable. No masses felt, nontender. Femoral pulses strong and equal.,Back: No CVA or spinal tenderness. No deformity noted.,Pelvic: BUS negative. Vaginal mucosa pink, scanty discharge. Cervix without lesion. Pap was taken. Uterus normal size. Adnexa: No masses. She does have some pain on palpation of the uterus.,Rectal: Good sphincter tone. No masses. Stool is guaiac negative.,Extremities: No edema. Pulses strong and equal. Reflexes are intact.,Rectal: No mass.,ASSESSMENT:, Menorrhagia, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and irregular periods.,PLAN:, We will evaluate with a CBC, urinalysis and culture, and TSH. The patient has what she describes as migraine headaches of a new onset. Because of the pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and menorrhagia, we will also evaluate with a pelvic sonogram. We will evaluate with a CT scan of the brain with and without contrast. We will try Anaprox DS one every 12 hours for the headache. At this point, she could also use that for menstrual cramping. Prescription written for 20 tablets. If her lab findings, sonographic findings, and CT of the brain are normal, we would consider trying birth control pills to regulate her periods and reduce the cramping and excessive flow. The lab x-ray and urinalysis results will be reported to her as soon as they are available.nan
PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a very pleasant 69-year-old Caucasian male whom we are asked to see primarily because of a family history of colon cancer, but the patient also has rectal bleeding on a weekly basis and also heartburn once every 1 or 2 weeks. The patient states that he had his first colonoscopy 6 years ago and it was negative. His mother was diagnosed with colon cancer probably in her 50s, but she died of cancer of the esophagus at age 86. The patient does have hemorrhoidal bleed about once a week. Otherwise, he denies any change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, or weight loss. He gets heartburn mainly with certain food such as raw onions and he has had it for years. It will typically occur every couple of weeks. He has had no dysphagia. He has never had an upper endoscopy.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Remarkable for hypertension, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and restless legs syndrome.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , Appendectomy as a child and cholecystectomy in 2003.,MEDICATIONS: ,His medications are lisinopril 40 mg daily, hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, metformin 1000 mg twice a day, Januvia 100 mg daily, clonazepam 10 mg at bedtime for restless legs syndrome, Crestor 10 mg nightly, and Flomax 0.4 mg daily.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is retired. He is married. He had 4 children. He quite smoking 25 years ago after a 35-year history of smoking. He does not drink alcohol.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Mother had colon cancer in her 50s, esophageal cancer in her 80s. Her mother smoked and drank. Father got a mesothelioma at age 65. There is a brother of 65 with hypertension.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He has had prostatitis with benign prostatic hypertrophy. He has some increased urinary frequency from a history of prostatitis. He has the heartburn, which is diet dependent and the frequent rectal bleeding. He also has restless legs syndrome at night. No cardio or pulmonary complaints. No weight loss.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Reveals a well-developed, well-nourished man in no acute distress. BP 112/70. Pulse 80 and regular. Respirations non-labored. Height 5 feet 7-1/2 inches. Weight 209 pounds. HEENT exam: Sclerae are anicteric. Pupils equal, conjunctivae clear. No gross oropharyngeal lesions. Neck is supple without lymphadenopathy, thyromegaly, or JVD. Lungs are clear to percussion and auscultation. Heart sounds are regular without murmur, gallop, or rub. The abdomen is soft and nontender. There are no masses. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. The bowel sounds are normal. Rectal examination: Deferred. Extremities have no clubbing, cyanosis or edema. Skin is warm and dry. The patient is alert and oriented with a pleasant affect and no gross motor deficits.,IMPRESSION:,1. Family history of colon cancer.,2. Rectal bleeding.,3. Heartburn and a family history of esophageal cancer.,PLAN:, I agree with the indications for repeat colonoscopy, which should be done at least every 5 years. Also, discussed IRC to treat bleeding and internal hemorrhoids if he is deemed to be an appropriate candidate at the time of his colonoscopy and the patient was agreeable. I am also a little concerned about his family history of esophageal cancer and his personal history of heartburn and suggested that we check him once for Barrett's esophagus. If he does not have it now then it should not be a significant risk in the future. The indications and benefits of EGD, colonoscopy, and IRC were discussed. The risks including sedation, bleeding, infection, and perforation were discussed. The importance of a good bowel prep so as to minimize missing any lesions was discussed. His questions were answered and informed consent obtained. It was a pleasure to care for this nice patient.gastroenterology, heartburn, family history of esophageal cancer, repeat colonoscopy, colonoscopy, egd, irc, barrett's esophagus, restless legs syndrome, esophageal cancer, rectal bleeding, colon cancer, rectal, bleeding, cancer,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Melena.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Solitary erosion over a fold at the GE junction, gastric side.,PREMEDICATIONS: , Versed 5 mg IV.,REPORTED PROCEDURE:, The Olympus gastroscope was used. The scope was placed in the upper esophagus under direct visit. The esophageal mucosa was entirely normal. There was no evidence of erosions or ulceration. There was no evidence of varices. The body and antrum of the stomach were normal. They pylorus duodenum bulb and descending duodenum are normal. There was no blood present within the stomach.,The scope was then brought back into the stomach and retroflexed in order to inspect the upper portion of the body of the stomach. When this was done, a prominent fold was seen lying along side the GE junction along with gastric side and there was a solitary erosion over this fold. The lesion was not bleeding. If this fold were in any other location of the stomach, I would consider the fold, but at this location, one would have to consider that this would be an isolated gastric varix. As such, the erosion may be more significant. There was no bleeding. Obviously, no manipulation of the lesion was undertaken. The scope was then straightened, withdrawn, and the procedure terminated.,ENDOSCOPIC IMPRESSION:,1. Solitary erosion overlying a prominent fold at the gastroesophageal junction, gastric side – may simply be an erosion or may be an erosion over a varix.,2. Otherwise unremarkable endoscopy - no evidence of a bleeding lesion of the stomach.,PLAN:,1. Liver profile today.,2. Being Nexium 40 mg a day.,3. Scheduled colonoscopy for next week.gastroenterology, ge junction, melena, olympus gastroscope, solitary erosion, descending duodenum, esophageal mucosa, esophagus, gastric side, pylorus duodenum bulb, stomach, liver profile, colonoscopy, ge junction gastric, junction gastric, endoscopy, duodenum, scope, solitary, junction, gastric, erosion,
EXAM:,MRI CERVICAL SPINE,CLINICAL:, A57-year-old male. Received for outside consultation is an MRI examination performed on 11/28/2005.,FINDINGS:,Normal brainstem-cervical cord junction. Normal cisterna magna with no tonsillar ectopia. Normal clivus with a normal craniovertebral junction. Normal anterior atlantoaxial articulation.,C2-3: Normal intervertebral disc with no spondylosis or uncovertebral joint arthrosis. Normal central canal and intervertebral neural foramina with no cord or radicular impingement.,C3-4: There is disc desiccation with minimal annular bulging. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 10mm. CSF remains present surrounding the cord.,C4-5: There is disc desiccation with endplate spondylosis and mild uncovertebral joint arthrosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures approximately 8mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft producing a borderline central canal stenosis but no cord distortion or cord edema. There is minimal uncovertebral joint arthrosis.,C5-6: There is disc desiccation with minimal posterior annular bulging and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion measuring approximately 2 x 8mm (AP x transverse). The disc protrusion produces minimal rightward ventral thecal sac flattening but no cord impingement.,C6-7: There is disc desiccation with mild loss of disc space height and posterior endplate spondylosis and annular bulging producing central canal stenosis. The residual AP diameter of the central canal measures 8 mm with effacement of the circumferential CSF cleft. There is a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex encroaching upon the left intervertebral neural foramen with probable radicular impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root.,C7-T1, T1-2: Minimal disc desiccation with no disc displacement or endplate spondylosis.,IMPRESSION:,Multilevel degenerative disc disease as described above.,C4-5 borderline central canal stenosis with mild bilateral foraminal compromise.,C5-6 disc desiccation with a borderline central canal stenosis and a right posterolateral preforaminal disc protrusion producing thecal sac distortion.,C6-7 degenerative disc disease and endplate spondylosis with a left posterolateral disc-osteophyte complex producing probable neural impingement upon the exiting left C7 nerve root with a borderline central canal stenosis.,Normal cervical cord.orthopedic, borderline central canal stenosis, mri cervical spine, borderline central canal, central canal stenosis, degenerative disc, annular bulging, ap diameter, endplate spondylosis, borderline central, canal stenosis, disc desiccation, central canal, cervical, disc, spondylosis, stenosis, cord, canal,
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Umbilical hernia repair.,PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operative suite and placed supine on the operating table. The patient was sedated, and an adequate local anesthetic was administered using 1% lidocaine without epinephrine. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner.,A standard curvilinear umbilical incision was made, and dissection was carried down to the hernia sac using a combination of Metzenbaum scissors and Bovie electrocautery. The sac was cleared of overlying adherent tissue, and the fascial defect was delineated. The fascia was cleared of any adherent tissue for a distance of 1.5 cm from the defect. The sac was then placed into the abdominal cavity and the defect was closed primarily using simple interrupted 0 Vicryl sutures. The umbilicus was then re-formed using 4-0 Vicryl to tack the umbilical skin to the fascia.,The wound was then irrigated using sterile saline, and hemostasis was obtained using Bovie electrocautery. The skin was approximated with 4-0 Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. The skin was prepped with benzoin, and Steri-Strips were applied. A dressing was then applied. All surgical counts were reported as correct.,Having tolerated the procedure well, the patient was subsequently taken to the recovery room in good and stable condition.urology, fascial defect, umbilical hernia repair, curvilinear umbilical, hernia sac, metzenbaum scissors, umbilical hernia, bovie electrocautery, electrocautery, hernia, incision, umbilical,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Mesothelioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 73-year-old pleasant Caucasian male who is known to me from his previous hospitalization. He has also been seen by me in the clinic in the last few weeks. He was admitted on January 18, 2008, with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. On the same day, he underwent VATS and thoracoscopic drainage of the pleural effusion with right pleural nodule biopsy, lysis of adhesions, and directed talc insufflation by Dr. X. He was found to have 2.5L of bloody pleural effusions, some loculated pleural effusion, adhesions, and carcinomatosis in the parenchyma. His hospital course here has been significant for dyspnea, requiring ICU stay. He also had a chest tube, which was taken out few days ago. He has also had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, for which he has been on amiodarone by cardiologist. The biopsy from the pleural nodule done on the right on January 18, 2008, shows malignant epithelioid neoplasm consistent with mesothelioma. Immunohistochemical staining showed tumor cells positive for calretinin and focally positive for D2-40, MOC-31. Tumor cells are negative for CDX-2, and monoclonal CEA.,The patient at this time reports that overall he has been feeling better with decrease in shortness of breath and cough over the last few days. He does have edema in his lower extremities. He is currently on 4L of oxygen. He denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, recent change in bowel habit, melena, or hematochezia. No neurological or musculoskeletal signs or symptoms. He reports that he is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but gets short of breath on exertion. He denies any other complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction as per the previous echocardiogram done in December 2007, history of pneumonia in December 2007, admitted to XYZ Hospital. History of recurrent pleural effusions, status post pleurodesis and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer as per the biopsy that was done in XYZ Hospital.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,In the hospital are amiodarone, diltiazem, enoxaparin, furosemide, methylprednisolone, pantoprazole, Zosyn, p.r.n. acetaminophen, and hydrocodone.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married and lives with his spouse. He has history of tobacco smoking and also reports history of alcohol abuse. No history of illicit drug abuse.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for history of ?cancer? in the mother and history of coronary artery disease in the father.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As stated above. He denies any obvious asbestos exposure, as far as he can remember.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: He is awake, alert, in no acute distress. He is currently on 4L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/65 mmHg, respiration is 20 per minute, pulse is 72 per minute, and temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit.,HEENT: No icterus or sinus tenderness. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation except few diffuse wheezing present bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral pedal edema is present in both the extremities. No signs of DVT.,NEUROLOGICAL: Grossly nonfocal.,INVESTIGATION:, Labs done on January 28, 2008, showed BUN of 23 and creatinine of 0.9. Liver enzymes checked on January 17, 2008, were unremarkable. CBC done on January 26, 2008, showed WBC of 19.8, hemoglobin of 10.7, hematocrit of 30.8, and platelet count of 515,000. Chest x-ray from yesterday shows right-sided Port-A-Cath, diffuse right lung parenchymal and pleural infiltration without change, mild pulmonary vascular congestion.,ASSESSMENT,1. Mesothelioma versus primary lung carcinoma, two separate reports as for the two separate biopsies done several weeks apart.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,4. Malignant pleural effusion, status post surgery as stated above.,5. Anemia of chronic disease.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. Compare the slides from the previous biopsy done in December at XYZ Hospital with recurrent pleural nodule biopsy slides. I have discussed regarding this with Dr. Y in Pathology here at Methodist XYZ Hospital. I will try to obtain the slides for comparison from XYZ Hospital for comparison and immunohistochemical staining.,2. I will also discuss with Dr. X and also with intervention radiologist at XYZ Hospital regarding the exact sites of the two biopsies.,3. Once the results of the above are available, I will make further recommendations regarding treatment. The patient has significantly decreased performance status with dyspnea on exertion and is being planned for transfer to Triumph Hospital for rehab, which I agree with.,4. Continue present care.,Discussed regarding the above in great details with the patient and his wife and daughter and answered the questions to their satisfaction. They clearly understand the above. They also understand his very poor performance status at this time, and the risks and benefits of delaying chemotherapy due to this.nan
CC:, Rapidly progressive amnesia.,HX: ,This 63 y/o RHM presented with a 1 year history of progressive anterograde amnesia. On presentation he could not remember anything from one minute to the next. He also had some retrograde memory loss, in that he could not remember the names of his grandchildren, but had generally preserved intellect, language, personality, and calculating ability. He underwent extensive evaluation at the Mayo Clinic and an MRI there revealed increased signal on T2 weighted images in the mesiotemporal lobes bilaterally. There was no mass affect. The areas mildly enhanced with gadolinium.,PMH:, 1) CAD; MI x 2 (1978 and 1979). 2) PVD; s/p aortic endarterectomy (3/1991). 3)HTN. 4)Bilateral inguinal hernia repair.,FHX/SHX:, Mother died of a stroke at age 58. Father had CAD and HTN. The patient quit smoking in 1991, but was a heavy smoker (2-3ppd) for many years. He had been a feed salesman all of his adult life.,ROS:, Unremarkable. No history of cancer.,EXAM:, BP 136/75 HR 73 RR12 T36.6,MS: Alert but disoriented to person, place, time. He could not remember his birthdate, and continually asked the interviewer what year it was. He could not remember when he married, retired, or his grandchildren's names. He scored 18/30 on the Follutein's MMSE with severe deficits in orientation and memory. He had moderate difficulty naming. He repeated normally and had no constructional apraxia. Judgement remained good.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: Full strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: Intact to LT/PP/PROP,Coordination: unremarkable.,Station: No pronator drift, truncal ataxia or Romberg sign.,Gait: unremarkable.,Reflexes: 3+ throughout with downgoing plantar responses bilaterally.,Gen Exam: unremarkable.,STUDIES:, MRI Brain revealed hyperintense T2 signal in the mesiotemporal regions bilaterally, with mild enhancement on the gadolinium scans. MRI and CT of the chest and CT of the abdomen showed no evidence of lymphadenopathy or tumor. EEG was normal awake and asleep. Antineuronal antibody screening was unremarkable. CSF studies were unremarkable and included varicella zoster, herpes zoster, HIV and HTLV testing, and cytology. The patient underwent stereotactic brain biopsy at the Mayo Clinic which showed inflammatory changes, but no organism or etiology was concluded. TFT, B12, VDRL, ESR, CRP, ANA, SPEP and Folate studies were unremarkable. Neuropsychologic testing revealed severe anterograde memory (verbal and visual)loss, and less severe retrograde memory loss. Most other cognitive abilities were well preserved and the findings were consistent with mesiotemporal dysfunction bilaterally.,IMPRESSION:, Limbic encephalitis secondary to cancer of unknown origin.,He was last seen 7/26/96. MMSE 20/30 and category fluency 20 . Disinhibited affect. Mild right grasp reflex. The clinical course was benign and non-progressive, and unusual for such a diagnosis, though not unheard of .neurology, mri brain, progressive anterograde amnesia, retrograde memory loss, limbic encephalitis, anterograde amnesia, memory loss, limbic, encephalitis, amnesia, anterograde, memory,
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,CONSULTS:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Ms. ABC is a 27-year-old woman who apparently presented with complaint of symptomatic cholelithiasis. She was afebrile. She was taken by Dr. X to the operating room.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient underwent a procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She had her pain controlled with p.o. pain medicine. She was afebrile. She is tolerating liquid diet. It was felt that the patient is stable for discharge. She did complain of bladder spasms when she urinated and she did say that she has a history of chronic UTIs. We will check a UA and urine culture prior to discharge. I will give her prescription for ciprofloxacin that she can take for 3 days presumptively and I have discharged her home with omeprazole and Colace to take over-the-counter for constipation and we will send her home with Percocet for pain. Her labs were within normal limits. She did have an elevated white blood cell count, but I believe this is just leukemoid reaction, but she is afebrile, and if she does have UTI, may also be related. Her labs in terms of her bilirubin were within normal limits. Her LFTs were slightly elevated, I do believe this is related to the cautery used on the liver bed. They were 51 and 83 for the AST and ALT respectively. I feel that she looks good for discharge.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Clear liquid diet x48 hours and she can return to her Medifast, she may shower. She needs to keep her wound clean and dry. She is not to engage in any heavy lifting greater than 10 pounds x2 weeks. No driving for 1 to 2 weeks. She must be able to stop in an emergency and be off narcotic meds, no strenuous activity, but she needs to maintain mobility. She can resume her medications per med rec sheets.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , As previously mentioned.,FOLLOWUP:, We will follow up on both urinalysis and cultures. She is instructed to follow up with Dr. X in 2 weeks. She needs to call for any shortness of breath, temperature greater than 101.5, chest pain, intractable nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, any redness, swelling or foul smelling drainage from her wounds.discharge summary, medifast, liquid diet, symptomatic cholelithiasis, symptomatic, cholelithiasis, discharge,
PAST MEDICAL/SURGICAL HISTORY: , Briefly, his past medical history is significant for hypertension of more than 5 years, asthma, and he has been on Advair and albuterol. He was diagnosed with renal disease in 02/2008 and has since been on hemodialysis since 02/2008. His past surgical history is only significant for left AV fistula on the wrist done in 04/2008. He still has urine output. He has no history of blood transfusion.,PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY: , He is a nonsmoker. He denies any alcohol. No illicit drugs. He used to work as the custodian at the nursing home, but now on disability since 03/2008. He is married with 2 sons, ages 5 and 17 years old.,FAMILY HISTORY:, No similar illness in the family, except for hypertension in his one sister and his mom, who died at 61 years old of congestive heart failure. His father is 67 years old, currently alive with asthma. He also has one sister who has hypertension. The rest of the 6 siblings are alive and well.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , Singulair 10 mg once daily, Cardizem 365 mg once daily, Coreg 25 mg once daily, hydralazine 100 mg three times a day, Lanoxin 0.125 mg once daily, Crestor 10 mg once daily, lisinopril 10 mg once daily, Phoslo 3 tablets with meals, and Advair 250 mg inhaler b.i.d.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant only for asthma. No history of chest pain normal MI. He has hypertension. He occasionally will develop colds especially with weather changes. GI: Negative. GU: Still making urine about 1-3 times per day. Musculoskeletal: Negative. Skin: He complains of dry skin. Neurologic: Negative. Psychiatry: Negative. Endocrine: Negative. Hematology: Negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , A pleasant 41-year-old African-American male who stands 5 feet 6 inches and weighs about 193 pounds. HEENT: Anicteric sclera, pink conjunctiva, no cervical lymphadenopathy. Chest: Equal chest expansion. Clear breath sounds. Heart: Distinct heart sounds, regular rhythm with no murmur. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, flabby, no organomegaly. Extremities: Poor peripheral pulses. No cyanosis and no edema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, This is a 49-year old African-American male who was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease secondary to hypertension. He is on hemodialysis since 02/2008. Overall, I think that he is a reasonable candidate for a kidney transplantation and should undergo a complete pretransplant workup with pulmonary clearance because of his chronic asthma. Other than that, I think that he is a reasonable candidate for transplant.,I would like to thank you for allowing me to participate in the care of your patient. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions regarding his case.consult - history and phy., kidney transplantation, pretransplant, transplant clinic, renal disease, secondary, kidney, hemodialysis, renal, asthma, transplantation, hypertension
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Right lumbosacral radiculopathy secondary to lumbar spondylolysis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Right lumbosacral radiculopathy secondary to lumbar spondylolysis.,OPERATION PERFORMED:,1. Right L4 and L5 transpedicular decompression of distal right L4 and L5 nerve roots.,2. Right L4-L5 and right L5-S1 laminotomies, medial facetectomies, and foraminotomies, decompression of right L5 and S1 nerve roots.,3. Right L4-S1 posterolateral fusion with local bone graft.,4. Left L4 through S1 segmental pedicle screw instrumentation.,5. Preparation harvesting of local bone graft.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,PREPARATION:, Povidone-iodine.,INDICATION: , This is a gentleman with right-sided lumbosacral radiculopathy, MRI disclosed and lateral recess stenosis at the L4-5, L5-S1 foraminal narrowing in L4 and L5 roots. The patient was felt to be a candidate for decompression stabilization pulling distraction between the screws to relieve radicular pain. The patient understood major risks and complications such as death and paralysis seemingly rare, main concern is a 10 to 15% of failure rate to respond to surgery for which further surgery may or may not be indicated, small risk of wound infection, spinal fluid leak. The patient is understanding and agreed to proceed and signed the consent.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room, peripheral venous lines were placed. General anesthesia was induced. The patient was intubated. Foley catheter was in place. The patient laid prone onto the OSI table using 6-post, pressure points were carefully padded; the back was shaved, sterilely prepped and draped. A previous incision was infiltrated with local and incised with a scalpel. The posterior spine on the right side was exposed in routine fashion along with transverse processes in L4-L5 in the sacral ala. Laminotomies were then performed at L4-L5 and L5-S1 in a similar fashion using Midas Rex drill with AM8 bit, inferior portion of lamina below and superior portion of lamina above, and the medial facet was drilled down to the thin shelf of bone. The thin shelf of bone along the ligamentum flavum moved in a piecemeal fashion with 2 and 3 mm Kerrison, bone was harvested throughout to be used for bone grafting. The L5 and S1 roots were completely unroofed in the lateral recess working lateral to the markedly hypertrophied facet joints. Transpedicular approaches were carried out for both L4 and L5 roots working lateral to medial and medial to lateral with foraminotomies, L4-L5 roots were extensively decompressed. Pars interarticularis were maintained. Using angled 2-mm Kerrisons hypertrophied ligamentum flavum, the superior facet of S1 and L5 was resected increasing the dimensions for the foramen passed lateral to medial and medial to lateral without further compromise. Pedicle screws were placed L4-L5 and S1 on the right side. Initial hole began with Midas Rex drill, deepened with a gear shift and with 4.5 mm tap, palpating with pedicle probe. It showed no penetration outside the pedicle vertebral body. At L4-L5 5.5 x 45 mm screws were placed and at S1 5.5 x 40 mm screw was placed. Good bone purchase was obtained. Gelfoam was placed over the roots laterally, corticated transverse processes lateral facet joints were prepared, small infuse sponge was placed posterolaterally on the right side, then the local bone graft from L4 to S1. Traction was applied between the L4-L5, L5-S1 screws locking notes were tightened out, heads were rotated fractured off about 2-3 mm traction were applied at each side, further opening the foramen for the exiting roots. Prior to placement of BMP, the wound was irrigated with antibiotic irrigation. Medium Hemovac drain was placed in the depth of wound, brought out through a separate stab incision. Deep fascia was closed with #1 Vicryl, subcutaneous fascia with #1 Vicryl, and subcuticular with 2-0 Vicryl. Skin was stapled. The drain was sutured in place with 2-0 Vicryl and connected to closed drain system. The patient was laid supine on the bed, extubated, and taken to recovery room in satisfactory condition. The patient tolerated the procedure well without apparent complication. Final sponge and needle counts are correct. Estimated blood loss 600 mL.,The patient received 200 mL of cell saver blood, lumbosacral radiculopathy, lumbar spondylolysis, laminotomies, medial facetectomies, foraminotomies, decompression, nerve roots, fusion, bone graft, segmental, pedicle screw, transverse processes, bone, facetectomies, transpedicular, graft, pedicle
ANATOMICAL SUMMARY,1. Sharp force wound of neck, left side, with transection of left internal jugular vein.,2. Multiple stab wounds of chest, abdomen, and left thigh: Penetrating stab wounds of chest and abdomen with right hemothorax and hemoperitoneum.,3. Multiple incised wounds of scalp, face, neck, chest and left hand (defense wound).,4. Multiple abrasions upper extremities and hands (defense wounds).,NOTES AND PROCEDURES,1. The body is described in the Standard Anatomical Position. Reference is to this position only.,2. Where necessary, injuries are numbered for reference. This is arbitrary and does not correspond to any order in which they may have been incurred. All the injuries are antemortem, unless otherwise specified.,3. The term "anatomic" is used as a specification to indicate correspondence with the description as set forth in the textbooks of Gross Anatomy. It denotes freedom from significant, visible or morbid alteration.,EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:, The body is that of a well developed, well nourished Caucasian male stated to be 25 years old. The body weighs 171 pounds, measuring 69 inches from crown to sole. The hair on the scalp is brown and straight. The irides appear hazel with the pupils fixed and dilated. The sclerae and conjunctive are unremarkable, with no evidence of petechial hemorrhages on either. Both upper and lower teeth are natural, and there are no injuries of the gums, cheeks, or lips.,There is a picture-type tattoo on the lateral aspect of the left upper arm. There are no deformities, old surgical scars or amputations.,Rigor mortis is fixed.,The body appears to the Examiner as stated above. Identification is by toe tag and the autopsy is not material to identification. The body is not embalmed.,The head is normocephalic, and there is extensive evidence of external traumatic injury, to be described below. Otherwise, the eyes, nose and mouth are not remarkable. The neck shows sharp force injuries to be described below. The front of the chest and abdomen likewise show injuries to be described below. The genitalia are that of an adult male, with the penis circumcised, and no evidence of injury.,Examination of the posterior surface of the trunk reveals no antemortem traumatic injuries.,Refer to available photographs and diagrams and to the specific documentation of the autopsy protocol.,CLOTHING:, The clothes were examined both before and after removal from the body.,The decedent was wearing a long-sleeved type of shirt/sweater; it was extensively bloodstained.,On the front, lower right side, there was a 1 1/2 inch long slit-like tear. Also on the lower right sleeve there was a 1 inch slit-like tear. On the back there was a 1/2 inch slit-like tear on the right lower side.,Decedent was wearing a pair of Levi jeans bloodstained. On the outside of the left hip region there was a 1-1/2 inch long slit-like tear. The decedent also was wearing 2 canvas type boots and 2 sweat socks.,EVIDENCE OF THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION:, None.,EVIDENCE OF INJURY,SHARP FORCE INJURIES OF NECK,1. Sharp force injury of neck, left side, transecting left internal jugular vein. This sharp force injury is complex, and appears to be a combination of a stabbing and cutting wound. It begins on the left side of the neck, at the level of the midlarynx, over the left sternocleidomastoid muscle; it is gaping, measuring 3 inches in length with smooth edges. It tapers superiorly to 1 inch in length cut skin. Dissection discloses that the wound path is through the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and the sternocleidomastoid muscle with hemorrhage along the wound path and transection of the left internal jugular vein, with dark red-purple hemorrhage in the adjacent subcutaneous tissue and fascia. The direction of the pathway is upward and slightly front to back for a distance of approximately 4 inches where it exits, post-auricular, in a 2 inch in length gaping stab/incised wound which has undulating or wavy borders, but not serrated. Intersecting the wound at right angle superior inferior is a 2 inch in length interrupted superficial, linear incised wound involving only the skin. Also, intervening between the 2 gaping stab-incised wounds is a horizontally oriented 3-1/2 inch in length interrupted superficial, linear incised wound of the skin only. In addition, there is a 1/2 inch long, linear-triangular in size wound of the inferior portion of the left earlobe. The direction of the sharp force injury is upward (rostral), and slightly front to back with no significant angulation or deviation. The total length of the wound path is approximately 4 inches. However, there is a 3/4 inch in length, linear, cutting or incised wound of the top or superior aspect of the pinna of the left ear; a straight metallic probe placed through the major sharp force injury shows that the injury of the superior part of the ear can be aligned with the straight metallic rod, suggesting that the 3 injuries are related; in this instance the total length of the wound path is approximately 6 inches. Also, in the left postauricular region, transversely oriented, extending from the auricular attachment laterally to the scalp is a 1-1/8 inch in length linear superficial incised skin wound.,OPINION: , This sharp force injury of the neck is fatal, associated with transection of the left internal jugular vein.,2. Sharp force wound of the right side of neck. This is a complex injury, appearing to be a combination stabbing and cutting wound. The initial wound is present on the right side of the neck, over the sternocleidomastoid muscle, 3 inches directly below the right external auditory canal. It is diagonally oriented, and after approximation of the edges measures 5/8 inch in length; there is a pointed or tapered end inferiorly and a split or forked end superiorly approximately 1/16 inch in maximal width. Subsequent autopsy shows that the wound path is through the skin and subcutaneous tissue, without penetration of injury of a major,artery or vein; the direction is front to back and upward for a total wound path length of 2 inches and the wound exits on the right side of the back of the neck, posterior to the right sternocleidomastoid muscle where a 2 inch long gaping incised/stab wound is evident on the skin; both ends are tapered; superiorly there is a 1 inch long superficial incised wounds extension on the skin to the back of the head; inferiorly there is a 2 inch long incised superficial skin extension, extending inferiorly towards the back of the neck. There is fresh hemorrhage and bruising along the wound path; the direction, as stated, is upward and slightly front to back.,OPINION: ,This is a nonfatal sharp force injury, with no injury or major artery or vein.,3. At the level of the superior border of the larynx there is a transversely oriented, superficial incised wound of the neck, extending from 3 inches to the left of the anterior midline; it is 3 inches in length and involves the skin only; a small amount of cutaneous hemorrhage is evident.,OPINION:, This is a nonfatal superficial incised wound.,4. ImmediateLY inferior and adjacent to incised wound #3 is a transversely oriented, superficial incised wound involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue; there is a small amount of dermal hemorrhage.,OPINION:, This is a nonfatal superficial incised wound.,SHARP FORCE INJURIES OF FACE,1. There is a stab wound, involving the right earlobe; it is vertically oriented, and after approximation of the edges measures 1 inch in length with forked or split ends superiorly and inferiorly approximately 1/16 inch in total width both superior and inferior. Subsequent dissection discloses that the wound path is from right to left, in the horizontal plane for approximately 1-1/4 inches; there is fresh hemorrhage along the wound path; the wound path terminates in the left temporal bone and does not penetrate the cranial cavity.,OPINION:, This is a nonfatal stab wound.,2. There is a group of 5 superficial incised or cutting wounds on the right side of the face, involving the right cheek and the right side of the jaw. They are varied in orientation both diagonal and horizontal; the smallest is 1/4 inch in length; the largest 5/8 inch in length. They are superficial, involving the skin only, associated with a small amount of cutaneous hemorrhage.,3. On the back of the neck, right side, posterior to the ear and posterior border of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle there is vertically oriented superficial incised skin wound, measuring 3/4 inch in length.,4. There are numerous superficial incised wounds or cuts, varied in orientation, involving the skin of the right cheek, intersection and mingled with the various superficial incised wounds described above. The longest is a 3 inch long diagonally oriented superficial incised wound extending from the right side of the forehead to the cheek; various other superficial wound vary from 1/2 to 1 inch.,5. On the right side of the cheek, adjacent to the ramus of the mandible, right, there is a 1-1/2 x 3/4 inch superficial nonpatterned red-brown abrasion with irregular border, extending superiorly towards the angle of the jaw where there are poorly defined and circumscribed abrasions adjacent to the superficial cuts or abrasions described above. It should be noted that the 5th superficial incised wound of the right side of the mandible which measures 5/8 inch in length is tapered on the posterior aspect and forked on the anterior aspect where it has a width of 1/32 inch.,6. On the left ear, there is a superficial incised wound measuring 1/4 inch, adjacent to the posterior border of the pinna. Just below this on the inferior pinna, extending to the earlobe, there is an interrupted superficial linear abrasion measuring 1 inch in length.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Bladder lesions with history of previous transitional cell bladder carcinoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Bladder lesions with history of previous transitional cell bladder carcinoma, pathology pending.,OPERATION PERFORMED: ,Cystoscopy, bladder biopsies, and fulguration.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATION FOR OPERATION: , This is a 73-year-old gentleman who was recently noted to have some erythematous, somewhat raised bladder lesions in the bladder mucosa at cystoscopy. He was treated for a large transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder with TURBT in 2002 and subsequently underwent chemotherapy because of pulmonary nodules. He has had some low grade noninvasive small tumor recurrences on one or two occasions over the past 18 months. Recent cystoscopy raises suspicion of another recurrence.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The entire bladder was actually somewhat erythematous with mucosa looking somewhat hyperplastic particularly in the right dome and lateral wall of the bladder. Scarring was noted along the base of the bladder from the patient's previous cysto TURBT. Ureteral orifice on the right side was not able to be identified. The left side was unremarkable.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , The patient was taken to the operating room. He was placed on the operating table. General anesthesia was administered after which the patient was placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. The genitalia and lower abdomen were prepared with Betadine and draped subsequently. The urethra and bladder were inspected under video urology equipment (25 French panendoscope) with the findings as noted above. Cup biopsies were taken in two areas from the right lateral wall of the bladder, the posterior wall of bladder, and the bladder neck area. Each of these biopsy sites were fulgurated with Bugbee electrodes. Inspection of the sites after completing the procedure revealed no bleeding and bladder irrigant was clear. The patient's bladder was then emptied. Cystoscope removed and the patient was awakened and transferred to the postanesthetic recovery area. There were no apparent complications, and the patient appeared to tolerate the procedure well. Estimated blood loss was less than 15, cystoscope, carcinoma, transitional cell bladder carcinoma, bladder lesions, bladder, fulguration, biopsies, cystoscopy,
She has an extensive past medical history of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and irritable bowel syndrome. She has also had bilateral carpal tunnel release.,On examination, normal range of movement of C-spine. She has full strength in upper and lower extremities. Normal straight leg raising. Reflexes are 2 and symmetric throughout. No Babinski. She has numbness to light touch in her right big toe.,NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES: The right median palmar sensory distal latencies are minimally prolonged with minimally attenuated evoked response amplitude. Bilateral tibial motor nerves could not be obtained (technical). The remaining nerves tested revealed normal distal latencies, evoked response amplitudes, conduction velocities, F-waves, and H. reflexes.,NEEDLE EMG: Needle EMG was performed on the right arm and leg and lumbosacral and cervical paraspinal muscles and the left FDI. It revealed 2+ spontaneous activity in the right APB and FDI and 1+ spontaneous activity in lower cervical paraspinals, lower and middle lumbosacral paraspinals, right extensor digitorum communis muscle, and right pronator teres. There was evidence of chronic denervation in the right first dorsal interosseous, pronator teres, abductor pollicis brevis, and left first dorsal interosseous.,IMPRESSION: This electrical study is abnormal. It reveals the following:,1. An active right C8/T1 radiculopathy. Electrical abnormalities are moderate.,2. An active right C6/C7 radiculopathy. Electrical abnormalities are mild.,3. Evidence of chronic left C8/T1 denervation. No active denervation.,4. Mild right lumbosacral radiculopathies. This could not be further localized because of normal EMG testing in the lower extremity muscles.,5. There is evidence of mild sensory carpal tunnel on the right (she has had previous carpal tunnel release).,Results were discussed with the patient. It appears that she has failed conservative therapy and I have recommended to her that she return to Dr. X for his assessment for possible surgery to her C-spine. She will continue with conservative therapy for the mild lumbosacral radiculopathies.radiology, emg, nerve conduction study, needle emg, paraspinal muscles, radiculopathy, electrical abnormalities, carpal tunnel release, evoked response, lumbosacral radiculopathies, conservative therapy, carpal tunnel, conduction, emg/nerve,
DIAGNOSES: , Traumatic brain injury, cervical musculoskeletal strain.,DISCHARGE SUMMARY: , The patient was seen for evaluation on 12/11/06 followed by 2 treatment sessions. Treatment consisted of neuromuscular reeducation including therapeutic exercise to improve range of motion, strength, and coordination; functional mobility training; self-care training; cognitive retraining; caregiver instruction; and home exercise program. Goals were not achieved, as the patient was admitted to inpatient rehabilitation center.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Discharged from OT this date, as the patient has been admitted to Inpatient Rehabilitation Center.,Thank you for this referral.discharge summary, musculoskeletal strain, occupational therapy, traumatic, brain, cervical, musculoskeletal, rehabilitation,
EXAM:,MRI SPINAL CORD CERVICAL WITHOUT CONTRAST,CLINICAL:,Right arm pain, numbness and tingling.,FINDINGS:,Vertebral alignment and bone marrow signal characteristics are unremarkable. The C2-3 and C3-4 disk levels appear unremarkable.,At C4-5, broad based disk/osteophyte contacts the ventral surface of the spinal cord and may mildly indent the cord contour. A discrete cord signal abnormality is not identified. There may also be some narrowing of the neuroforamina at this level.,At C5-6, central disk-osteophyte contacts and mildly impresses on the ventral cord contour. Distinct neuroforaminal narrowing is not evident.,At C6-7, mild diffuse disk-osteophyte impresses on the ventral thecal sac and contacts the ventral cord surface. Distinct cord compression is not evident. There may be mild narrowing of the neuroforamina at his level.,A specific abnormality is not identified at the C7-T1 level.,IMPRESSION:,Disk/osteophyte at C4-5 through C6-7 with contact and may mildly indent the ventral cord contour at these levels. Some possible neuroforaminal narrowing is also noted at levels as stated above.orthopedic, mri cervical spine, ventral cord contour, cervical spine, spinal cord, cord contour, ventral cord, mri, narrowing, ventral, cord
PROCEDURES:,1. Right frontal craniotomy with resection of right medial frontal brain tumor.,2. Stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation for resection of tumor.,3. Microdissection and micro-magnification for resection of brain tumor.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 71-year-old female with a history of left-sided weakness and headaches. She has a previous history of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, treated 2 years ago. An MRI was obtained which showed a large enhancing mass in the medial right frontal lobe consistent with a metastatic lesion or possible primary brain tumor. After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room for surgery.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Medial right frontal brain tumor with surrounding edema and mass effect and right to left brain shift, probable metastatic lung carcinoma.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was wheeled into the operating room and satisfactory general anesthesia was obtained via endotracheal tube. She was positioned on the operating room table in the Sugita frame with the head secured.,Using the preoperative image-guided MRI, we carefully registered the fiducials and then obtained the stereotactic image-guided localization to guide us towards the tumor. We marked external landmarks. Then we shaved the head over the right medial frontal area. This area was then sterilely prepped and draped.,Evoked potential monitoring and sensory potentials were carried out throughout the case and no changes were noted.,A horseshoe shaped flap was based on the right and then brought across to the midline. This was opened and hemostasis obtained using Raney clips. The skin flap was retracted medially. Two burr holes were made and were carefully connected. One was placed right over the sinus and we carefully then removed a rectangular shaped bone flap. Hemostasis was obtained. Using the neuronavigation, we identified where the tumor was. The dura was then opened based on a horseshoe flap based on the medial sinus. We retracted this medially and carefully identified the brain. The brain surface was discolored and obviously irritated consistent with the tumor.,We used the stereotactic neuronavigation to identify the tumor margins.,Then we used a bipolar to coagulate a thin layer of brain over the tumor. Subsequently, we entered the tumor. The tumor itself was extremely hard. Specimens were taken and send for frozen section analysis, which showed probable metastatic carcinoma.,We then carefully dissected around the tumor margins.,Using the microscope, we then brought microscopic magnification and dissection into the case. We used paddies and carefully developed microdissection planes all around the margins of the tumor superiorly, medially, inferiorly, and laterally.,Then using the Cavitron, we cored out the central part of the tumor. Then we collapsed the tumor on itself and removed it entirely. In this fashion, microdissection and magnification resection of the tumor was carried out. We resected the entire tumor. Neuronavigation was used to confirm that no further tumor residual was remained.,Hemostasis was obtained using bipolar coagulation and Gelfoam. We also lined the cavity with Surgicel. The cavity was nicely dry and excellent hemostasis was obtained.,The dura was closed using multiple interrupted 4-0 Nurolon sutures in a watertight fashion. Surgicel was placed over the dural closure. The bone flap was repositioned and held in place using CranioFIX cranial fixators. The galea was re-approximated and the skin was closed with staples. The wound was dressed. The patient was returned to the intensive care unit. She was awake and moving extremities well. No apparent complications were noted. Needle and sponge counts were listed as correct at the end of the procedure. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was approximately 150 mL and none was, stereotactic image-guided neuronavigation, micro-magnification, resection of brain tumor, frontal craniotomy, mass effect, brain shift, stereotactic image, brain tumor, brain, tumor, craniotomy, endotracheal, carcinoma, neuronavigation, microdissection,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 58-year-old right-handed gentleman who presents for further evaluation of right arm pain. He states that a little less than a year ago he developed pain in his right arm. It is intermittent, but has persisted since that time. He describes that he experiences a dull pain in his upper outer arm. It occurs on a daily basis. He also experiences an achy sensation in his right hand radiating to the fingers. There is no numbness or paresthesias in the hand or arm.,He has had a 30-year history of neck pain. He sought medical attention for this problem in 2006, when he developed ear pain. This eventually led to him undergoing an MRI of the cervical spine, which showed some degenerative changes. He was then referred to Dr. X for treatment of neck pain. He has been receiving epidural injections under the care of Dr. X since 2007. When I asked him what symptom he is receiving the injections for, he states that it is for neck pain and now the more recent onset of arm pain. He also has taken several Medrol dose packs, which has caused his blood sugars to increase. He is taking multiple other pain medications. The pain does not interfere significantly with his quality of life, although he has a constant nagging pain.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He has had diabetes since 2003. He also has asthma, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , He takes ACTOplus, albuterol, AndroGel, Astelin, Diovan, Dolgic Plus, aspirin 81 mg, fish oil, Lipitor, Lorazepam, multivitamins, Nasacort, Pulmicort, ranitidine, Singulair, Viagra, Zetia, Zyrtec, and Uroxatral. He also uses Lidoderm patches and multiple eye drops and creams.,ALLERGIES:, He states that Dyazide, Zithromax, and amoxicillin cause him to feel warm and itchy.,FAMILY HISTORY:, His father died from breast cancer. He also had diabetes. He has a strong family history of diabetes. His mother is 89. He has a sister with diabetes. He is unaware of any family members with neurological disorders.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, He lives alone. He works full time in Human Resources for the State of Maryland. He previously was an alcoholic, but quit in 1984. He also quit smoking cigarettes in 1984, after 16 years of smoking. He has a history of illicit drug use, but denies IV drug use. He denies any HIV risk factors and states that his last HIV test was over two years ago.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , He has intermittent chest discomfort. He has chronic tinnitus. He has urinary dribbling. Otherwise, a complete review of systems was obtained and was negative except for as mentioned above. This is documented in the handwritten notes from today's visit.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: HR 72. RR 16.,General Appearance: Patient is well appearing, in no acute distress.,Cardiovascular: There is a regular rhythm without murmurs, gallops, or rubs. There are no carotid bruits.,Chest: The lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally.,Skin: There are no rashes or lesions.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION:,Mental Status: Speech is fluent without dysarthria or aphasia. The patient is alert and oriented to name, place, and date. Attention, concentration, registration, recall, and fund of knowledge are all intact.,Cranial Nerves: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Optic discs are normal. Visual fields are full. Extraocular movements are intact without nystagmus. Facial sensation is normal. There is no facial, jaw, palate, or tongue weakness. Hearing is grossly intact. Shoulder shrug is full.,Motor: There is normal muscle bulk and tone. There is no atrophy or fasciculations. There is no action or percussion myotonia or paramyotonia. Manual muscle testing reveals MRC grade 5/5 strength in all proximal and distal muscles of the upper and lower extremities.,Sensory: Sensation is intact to light touch, pinprick, temperature, vibratory sensation, and joint position sense. Romberg is absent.,Coordination: There is no dysmetria or ataxia on finger-nose-finger or heel-to-shin testing.,Deep Tendon Reflexes: Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ at the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellas and ankles. Plantar reflexes are flexor. There are no finger flexors, Hoffman's sign, or jaw jerk.,Gait and Stance: Casual gait is normal. Heel, toe, and tandem walking are all normal.,RADIOLOGIC DATA:, MRI of the cervical spine, 05/19/08: I personally reviewed this film, which showed narrowing of the foramen on the right at C4-C5 and other degenerative changes without central stenosis.,IMPRESSION: ,The patient is a 58-year-old gentleman with one-year history of right arm pain. He also has a longstanding history of neck pain. His neurological examination is normal. He has an MRI that shows some degenerative changes. I do believe that his symptoms are probably referable to his neck. However, I do not think that they are severe enough for him to undergo surgery at this point in time. Perhaps another course of physical therapy may be helpful for him. I probably would not recommend anymore invasive procedure, such as a spinal stimulator, as this pain really is minimal. We could still try to treat him with neuropathic pain medications.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. I scheduled him to return for an EMG and nerve conduction studies to determine whether there is any evidence of nerve damage, although I think the likelihood is low.,2. I gave him a prescription for Neurontin. I discussed the side effects of the medication with him.,3. We can discuss his case tomorrow at Spine Conference to see if there are any further recommendations.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Left chest actinic keratosis, 2 cm.,2. Left medial chest actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,3. Left shoulder actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: ,1. Left chest actinic keratosis, 2 cm.,2. Left medial chest actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,3. Left shoulder actinic keratosis, 1 cm.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES: ,1. Excisional biopsy of left chest 2 cm actinic keratosis.,2. Two-layer plastic closure.,3. Excisional biopsy of left chest medial actinic keratosis 1 cm with one-layer plastic closure.,4. Excisional biopsy of left should skin nevus, 1 cm, one-layer plastic closure.,ANESTHESIA: , Xylocaine 1% with 1:100,000 dilution of epinephrine totaling 6 mL.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE: , All areas were prepped, draped, and localized in the usual manner. Afterwards, elliptical incisions were placed with a #15-blade scalpel and curved iris scissors and small bishop forceps were used for the dissection of the skin lesions. After all were removed, they were closed with one-layer technique for the shoulder and medial lesion, and the larger left chest lesion was closed with two-layer closure using Monocryl 5-0 for subcuticular closure and 5-0 nylon for skin closure. She tolerated this procedure very well, and postoperative care instructions were provided. She will follow up next week for suture removal. Of note, she had an episode of hemoptysis, which could not be explained prompting an emergency room visit, and I discussed if this continues we may wish to perform a fiberoptic laryngoscopy examination and possible further workup if a diagnosis cannot be, two-layer plastic closure, one-layer plastic closure, skin nevus, actinic keratosis, plastic closures, keratosis, actinic, biopsy, forceps, layer, closures, chest
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Invasive carcinoma of left breast.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Invasive carcinoma of left breast.,OPERATION PERFORMED:, Left modified radical mastectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INDICATION FOR THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 52-year-old female who recently underwent a left breast biopsy and was found to have invasive carcinoma of the left breast. The patient was elected to have a left modified radical mastectomy, she was not interested in a partial mastectomy. She is aware of the risks and complications of surgery, and wished to proceed.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room. She underwent general endotracheal anesthetic. The TED stockings and venous compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and they were functioning well. The patient's left anterior chest wall, neck, axilla, and left arm were prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The recent biopsy site was located in the upper and outer quadrant of left breast. The plain incision was marked along the skin. Tissues and the flaps were injected with 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine solution and then a transverse elliptical incision was made in the breast of the skin to include nipple areolar complex as well as the recent biopsy site. The flaps were raised superiorly and just below the clavicle medially to the sternum, laterally towards the latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominus fascia. Following this, the breast tissue along with the pectoralis major fascia were dissected off the pectoralis major muscle. The dissection was started medially and extended laterally towards the left axilla. The breast was removed and then the axillary contents were dissected out. Left axillary vein and artery were identified and preserved as well as the lung _____. The patient had several clinically palpable lymph nodes, they were removed with the axillary dissection. Care was taken to avoid injury to any of the above mentioned neurovascular structures. After the tissues were irrigated, we made sure there were no signs of bleeding. Hemostasis had been achieved with Hemoclips. Hemovac drains x2 were then brought in and placed under the left axilla as well as in the superior and inferior breast flaps. The subcu was then approximated with interrupted 4-0 Vicryl sutures and skin with clips. The drains were sutured to the chest wall with 3-0 nylon sutures. Dressing was applied and the procedure was completed. The patient went to the recovery room in stable condition.obstetrics / gynecology, invasive carcinoma, chest wall, neck, axilla, modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy, invasive, carcinoma, mastectomy
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right axillary adenopathy.,2. Thrombocytopenia.,3. Hepatosplenomegaly.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Right axillary adenopathy.,2. Thrombocytopenia.,3. Hepatosplenomegaly.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Right axillary lymph node biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with sedation.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: , The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,The patient is a 37-year-old male who presented to ABCD General Hospital secondary to hiccups and was ultimately found to have a right axillary mass to be severely thrombocytopenic with a platelet count of 2000 as well as having hepatosplenomegaly. The working diagnosis is lymphoma, however, the Hematology and Oncology Departments were requesting a lymph node biopsy in order to confirm the diagnosis as well as prognosis. Thus, the patient was scheduled for a lymph node biopsy with platelets running secondary to thrombocytopenia at the time of surgery.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was found to have a large right axillary lymphadenopathy, one of the lymph node was sent down as a fresh specimen.,PROCEDURE: ,After informed written consent, risks and benefits of this procedure were explained to the patient. The patient was brought to the operating suite, prepped and draped in a normal sterile fashion. Multiple lymph nodes were palpated in the right axilla, however, the most inferior node was to be removed. First, the skin was anesthetized with 1% lidocaine solution. Next, using a #15 blade scalpel, an incision was made approximately 4 cm in length transversally in the inferior axilla. Next, using electro Bovie cautery, maintaining hemostasis, dissection was carried down to the lymph node. The lymph node was then completely excised using electro Bovie cautery as well as hemostats to maintain hemostasis and then lymph node was sent to specimen fresh to the lab. Several hemostats were used, suture ligated with #3-0 Vicryl suture and hemostasis was maintained. Next the deep dermal layers were approximated with #3-0 Vicryl suture. After the wound has been copiously irrigated, the skin was closed with running subcuticular #4-0 undyed Vicryl suture and the pathology is pending. The patient did tolerated the procedure well. Steri-Strips and sterile dressings were applied and the patient was transferred to the Recovery in stable, hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, axillary adenopathy, axillary lymph node biopsy, axillary lymph node, lymph node biopsy, lymph node, lymph, node, axillary, adenopathy, hemostasis, suture, biopsy,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: ,Followup of seizures.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 47-year-old African-American female, well known to the neurology service, who has been referred to me for the first time evaluation of her left temporal lobe epilepsy that was diagnosed in August of 2002. At that time, she had one generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Apparently she had been having several events characterized by confusion and feeling unsteady lasting for approximately 60 seconds. She said these events were very paroxysmal in the sense they suddenly came on and would abruptly stop. She had two EEGs at that time, one on August 04, 2002 and second on November 01, 2002, both of which showed rare left anterior temporal sharp waves during drowsiness and sleep. She also had an MRI done on September 05, 2002, with and without contrast that was negative. Her diagnosis was confirmed by Dr. X at Johns Hopkins Hospital who reviewed her studies as well as examined the patient and felt that actually her history and findings were consistent with diagnosis of left temporal lobe epilepsy. She was initially started on Trileptal, but had some problems with the medication subsequently Keppra, which she said made her feel bad and subsequently changed in 2003 to lamotrigine, which she has been taking since then. She reports no seizures in the past several years. She currently is without complaint.,In terms of seizure risk factors she denies head trauma, history of CNS infection, history of CVA, childhood seizures, febrile seizures. There is no family history of seizures.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant only for hypertension and left temporal lobe epilepsy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Remarkable only for hypertension in her father. Her mother died in a motor vehicle accident.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She works running a day care at home. She has three children. She is married. She does not smoke, use alcohol or illicit drugs.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Please see note in chart. Only endorses weight gain and the history of seizures, as well as some minor headaches treated with over-the-counter medications.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Lamotrigine 150 mg p.o. b.i.d., verapamil, and hydrochlorothiazide.,ALLERGIES: , Flagyl and aspirin.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Blood pressure is 138/88, heart rate is 76, respiratory rate is 18, and weight is 224 pounds, pain scale is none.,General Examination: Please see note in chart, which is essentially unremarkable except mild obesity.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: , Again, please see note in chart. Mental status is normal, cranial nerves are intact, motor is normal bulk and tone throughout with no weakness appreciated in upper and lower extremities bilaterally. There is no drift and there are no abnormalities to orbit. Sensory examination, light touch, and temperature intact at all distal extremities. Cerebellar examination, she has normal finger-to-nose, rapid alternating movements, heel-to-shin, and foot tap.,She rises easily from the chair. She has normal step, stride, arm swing, toe, heel, and tandem. Deep tendon reflexes are 2 and equal at biceps, brachioradialis, patella, and 1 at the ankles.,She was seen in the emergency room for chest pain one month ago. CT of the head was performed, which I reviewed, dated September 07, 2006. The findings were within the range of normal variation. There is no evidence of bleeding, mass, lesions, or any evidence of atrophy.,IMPRESSION: , This is a pleasant 47-year-old African-American female with what appears to be cryptogenic left temporal lobe epilepsy that is very well controlled on her current dose of lamotrigine.,PLAN:,1. Continue lamotrigine 150 mg p.o. b.i.d.,2. I discussed with the patient the option of a trial of medications. We need to repeat her EEG as well as her MRI prior to weaning her medications. The patient wants to continue her lamotrigine at this time. I concur.,3. The patient will be following up with me in six months.,nan
DIAGNOSIS: , T1 N3 M0 cancer of the nasopharynx, status post radiation therapy with 2 cycles of high dose cisplatin with radiation, completed June, 2006; status post 2 cycles carboplatin/5-FU given as adjuvant therapy, completed September, 2006; hearing loss related to chemotherapy and radiation; xerostomia; history of left upper extremity deep venous thrombosis.,PERFORMANCE STATUS:, 0.,INTERVAL HISTORY: , In the interim since his last visit he has done quite well. He is working. He did have an episode of upper respiratory infection and fever at the end of April which got better with antibiotics. Overall when he compares his strength to six or eight months ago he notes that he feels much stronger. He has no complaints other than mild xerostomia and treatment related hearing loss.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Height 65 inches, weight 150, pulse 76, blood pressure 112/74, temperature 95.4, respirations 18.,HEENT: Extraocular muscles intact. Sclerae not icteric. Oral cavity free of exudate or ulceration. Dry mouth noted.,Lymph: No palpable adenopathy in cervical, supraclavicular or axillary areas.,Lungs: Clear.,Cardiac: Rhythm regular.,Abdomen: Soft, nondistended. Neither liver, spleen, nor other masses palpable.,Lower Extremities: Without edema.,Neurologic: Awake, alert, ambulatory, oriented, cognitively intact.,I reviewed the CT images and report of the study done on May 1. This showed no evidence of metabolically active malignancy.,Most recent laboratory studies were performed last September and the TSH was normal. I have asked him to repeat the TSH at the one year anniversary.,He is on no current medications.,In summary, this 57-year-old man presented with T1 N3 cancer of the nasopharynx and is now at 20 months post completion of all therapy. He has made a good recovery. We will continue to follow thyroid function and I have asked him to obtain a TSH at the one year anniversary in September and CBC in follow up. We will see him in six months' time with a PET-CT.,He returns to the general care and direction of Dr. ABC.hematology - oncology, radiation therapy with cycles, cancer of the nasopharynx, status post radiation, cisplatin with radiation, radiation therapy, hearing loss, hearing, cisplatin, xerostomia, cancer, radiation, nasopharynx,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left neck abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left neck abscess.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , Incision and drainage of left neck abscess.,ANESTHESIA: ,General inhalational.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to operating room and placed supine on the operating table. General inhalational anesthesia was administered. The patient was draped in usual fashion. The prominent area of the left submandibular swelling was noted and a 1-cm incision was outlined with a marking pen and the area was infiltrated with 0.5 mL of local anesthetic using 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000. The incision was performed with a #15 blade. An 18-gauge needle and 10 mL syringe was used to evacuate a small amount of the purulence from the abscess cavity. This was submitted for culture and sensitivity, anaerobic cultures and Gram stain. The cavity was opened with a small hemostat and a great deal of grossly purulent material was evacuated. The cavity was irrigated with peroxide and saline. A 0.25-inch Penrose drain was placed and secured with a single #3-0 nylon suture. A 4 x 4 dressing was applied. Bleeding was negligible. There were no untoward complications. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the recovery room in stable, i&d, incision and drainage, neck abscess, drainage, cavity, incision,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Brain tumors, multiple.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Brain tumors multiple - adenocarcinoma and metastasis from breast.,PROCEDURE:, Occipital craniotomy, removal of large tumor using the inner hemispheric approach, stealth system operating microscope and CUSA.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was placed in the prone position after general endotracheal anesthesia was administered. The scalp was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The CUSA was brought in to supplement the use of operating microscope as well as the stealth, which was used to localize the tumor. Following this, we then made a transverse linear incision, the scalp galea was reflected and the quadrilateral bone flap was removed after placing burr holes in the midline and over the parietal areas directly over the tumor. The bone flap was elevated. The ultrasound was then used. The ultrasound showed the tumors directly I believe are in the interhemispheric fissure. We noticed that the dura was quite tense despite that the patient had slight hyperventilation. We gave 4 ounce of mannitol, the brain became more pulsatile. We then used the stealth to perform a ventriculostomy. Once this was done, the brain began to pulsate nicely. We then entered the interhemispheric space after we incised the dura in an inverted U fashion based on the superior side of the sinus. After having done this we then used operating microscope and slight self-retaining retraction was used. We obtained access to the tumor. We biopsied this and submitted it. This was returned as a malignant brain tumor - metastatic tumor, adenocarcinoma compatible with breast cancer.,Following this we then debulked this tumor using CUSA and then removed it in total. After gross total removal of this tumor, the irrigation was used to wash the tumor bed and a meticulous hemostasis was then obtained using bipolar cautery. The next step was after removal of this tumor, closure of the wound, a large piece of Duragen was placed over the dural defect and the bone flap was reapproximated and held secured with Lorenz plates. The tumors self extend into the ventricle and after we had removed the tumor, we could see our ventricular catheter in the occipital horn of the ventricle. This being the case, we left this ventricular catheter in, brought it out through a separate incision and connected to sterile drainage. The next step was to close the wound after reapproximating the bone flap. The galea was closed with 2-0 Vicryl and the skin was closed with interrupted 3-0 nylon sutures inverted with mattress sutures. The sterile dressings were applied to the scalp. The patient returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Hemodynamically remained stable throughout the operation.,Once again, we performed occipital craniotomy, total removal of her large metastatic tumor involving the parietal lobe using a biparietal craniotomy. The tumor was removed using the combination of CUSA, ultrasound, stealth guided-ventriculostomy and the patient will have a second operation today, we will perform a selective craniectomy to remove another large tumor in the posterior fossa.neurology, brain tumor, cusa, occipital, adenocarcinoma, bone flap, craniotomy, malignant, metastatic, scalp galea, transverse linear incision, ventriculostomy, occipital craniotomy, tumor, stealth, brain,
CC: ,RLE weakness.,HX: ,This 42y/o RHM was found 2/27/95 slumped over the steering wheel of the Fed Ex truck he was driving. He was cyanotic and pulseless according to witnesses. EMT evaluation revealed him to be in ventricular fibrillation and he was given epinephrine, lidocaine, bretylium and electrically defibrillated and intubated in the field. Upon arrival at a local ER his cardiac rhythm deteriorated and he required more than 9 counter shocks (defibrillation) at 360 joules per shock, epinephrine and lidocaine. This had no effect. He was then given intracardiac epinephrine and a subsequent electrical defibrillation placed him in atrial fibrillation. He was then taken emergently to cardiac catherization and was found to have normal coronary arteries. He was then admitted to an intensive care unit and required intraortic balloon pump pressure support via the right gorin. His blood pressure gradually improved and his balloon pump was discontinued on 5/5/95. Recovery was complicated by acute renal failure and liver failure. Initail CK=13,780, the CKMB fraction was normal at 0.8.,On 3/10/95, the patient experienced CP and underwent cardiac catherization. This time he was found to have a single occlusion in the distal LAD with association inferior hypokinesis. Subsequent CK=1381 and CKMB=5.4 (elevated). The patient was amnestic to the event and for 10 days following the event. He was transferred to UIHC for cardiac electrophysiology study.,MEDS: ,Nifedipine, ASA, Amiodarone, Capoten, Isordil, Tylenol, Darvocet prn, Reglan prn, Coumadin, KCL, SLNTG prn, CaCO3, Valium prn, Nubain prn.,PMH:, hypercholesterolemia.,FHX:, Father alive age 69 with h/o TIAs. Mother died age 62 and had CHF, A-Fib, CAD. Maternal Grandfather died of an MI and had h/o SVT. Maternal Grandmother had h/o SVT.,SHX: ,Married, 7 children, driver for Fed Ex. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP112/74 HR64 RR16 Afebrile.,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Euthymic with appropriate affect.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: Hip flexion 3/5, Hip extension 5/5, Knee flexion5/5, Knee extension 2/5, Plantar flexion, extension, inversion and eversion 5/5. There was full strength thoughout BUE.,Sensory: decreased PP/Vib/LT/TEMP about anterior aspect of thigh and leg in a femoral nerve distribution.,Coord: poor and slowed HKS on right due to weakness.,Station: no drift or Romberg sign.,Gait: difficulty bearing weight on RLE.,Reflexes: 1+/1+ throughout BUE. 0/2 patellae. 2/2 archilles. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,COURSE:, MRI Pelvis, 3/28/95, revealed increased T1 weighted signal within the right iliopsoas suggestive of hematoma. An intra-osseous lipoma was incidentally notice in the right sacrum. Neuropsychologic assessment showed moderately compromised anterograde verbal memory, and temporal orientation and retrograde recall were below expectations. These findings were consistent with mesial temporal dysfunction secondary to anoxic injury and were mild in lieu of his history. He underwent implantation of a Medtronic internal cardiac difibrillator. His cardiac electrophysiology study found no inducible ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. He suffered mild to moderate permanent RLE weakness, especially involving the quadriceps. His femoral nerve compression had been present to long to warrant decompression. EMG/NCV studies revealed severe axonal degeneration.consult - history and phy., cardiac electrophysiology study, iliopsoas hematoma, rle weakness, balloon pump, femoral nerve, cardiac catherization, hematoma, iliopsoas, catherization, epinephrine, fibrillation, cardiac,
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,I have seen ABC today for her preoperative visit for weight management. I have explained to her the need for Optifast for weight loss prior to these procedures to make it safer because of the large size of her liver. She understands this.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:, We are going to put her on two weeks of Optifast at around 900 calories. I have also explained the risks and potential complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to her in detail including bleeding, infection, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, injury to the small intestine, stomach, liver, leak from the cystic duct, common bile duct, and possible need for ERCP and further surgery. This surgery is going to be planned for October 6. This is for cholelithiasis prior to her Lap-Banding procedure.,I have also reviewed with her the risks and potential complications of laparoscopic gastric banding including bleeding, infection, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, slippage of the band, erosion of the band, injury to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, spleen, liver, injury to the band, port, or tubing necessitating replacement of the band, port, or tubing among other potential complications and she understands. We are going to proceed for laparoscopic gastric banding. I have reviewed her entire chart in detail. I have also gone over with her the Fairfield County Bariatrics consent form for banding and all the risks. She has also signed the St. Vincent's Hospital consent form for Lap-Banding. She has taken the preoperative quiz for banding. She has signed the preop and postop instructions, and understands them and we reviewed them. She has taken the quiz and done fairly well. We have reviewed with her any potential other issues and I have answered her questions. She is planned for surgical intervention.,bariatrics, laparoscopic gastric banding, pulmonary embolism, lap banding, potential complications, gastric banding, banding, stomach, gastric, laparoscopic, weightNOTE
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Coronal hypospadias with chordee and asthma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Coronal hypospadias with chordee and asthma.,PROCEDURE: , Hypospadias repair (TIP) with tissue flap relocation and chordee release (Nesbit tuck).,ANESTHETIC: , General inhalational anesthetic with a caudal block.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,300 mL of crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,20 mL.,TUBES/DRAINS: ,An 8-French Zaontz catheter.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 17-month-old boy with hypospadias abnormality. The plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, a caudal block was placed. IV antibiotics were given. He was then placed in the supine position. The foreskin was retracted and cleansed. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. A stay stitch of 4-0 Prolene was then placed on the glans. The urethra was calibrated with the lacrimal duct probes to an 8-French. We then marked out the coronal cuff, the penile shaft skin as well as the glanular plate for future surgery with a marking pen.,We then used a 15-blade knife to circumscribe the penis around the coronal cuff. We then degloved the penis using the curved tenotomy scissors, and electrocautery was used for hemostasis. The patient had some splaying of the spongiosum tissue, which was also incised laterally and rotated to make a secondary flap. Once the penis was degloved, and the excessive chordee tissue was released, we then placed a vessel loop tourniquet around the base of the penis and using IV grade saline injected the penis for an artifical erection. He was still noted to have chordee, so a midline incision through the Buck fascia was made with a 15-blade knife and Heineke-Mikulicz closure using 5-0 Prolene was then used for the chordee Nesbit tuck. We repeated the artificial erection and the penis was straight. We then incised the urethral plate with an ophthalmic blade in the midline, and then elevated the glanular wings using a 15-blade knife to elevate and then incise them. Using the curved iris scissors, we then also further mobilized the glanular wings. The 8-French Zaontz was then placed while the tourniquet was still in place into the urethral plate. The upper aspect of the distal meatus was then closed with an interrupted suture of 7-0 Vicryl, and then using a running subcuticular closure, we closed the urethral plates over the Zaontz catheter. We then mobilized subcutaneous tissue from the penile shaft skin, and the inner perpetual skin on the dorsum, and then buttonholed the flap, placed it over the head of the penis, and then, used it to cover of the hypospadias repair with tacking sutures of 7-0 Vicryl. We then rolled the spongiosum flap to cover the distal urethra that was also somewhat dysplastic; 7-0 Vicryl was used for that as well. 5-0 Vicryl was used to roll the glans with 2 deep sutures, and then, horizontal mattress sutures of 7-0 Vicryl were used to reconstitute the glans. Interrupted sutures of 7-0 Vicryl were used to approximate the urethral meatus to the glans. Once this was done, we then excised the excessive penile shaft skin, and used the interrupted sutures of 6-0 chromic to attach the penile shaft skin to the coronal cuff. On the ventrum itself, we used horizontal mattress sutures to close the defect.,At the end of the procedure, the Zaontz catheter was sutured into place with a 4-0 Prolene suture, Dermabond tissue adhesive, and Surgicel was used as a dressing and a second layer of Telfa and clear eye tape was then used to tape it into place. IV Toradol was given at the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was in a stable condition upon transfer to the recovery room.urology, coronal hypospadias with chordee, coronal hypospadias, tissue flap relocation, nesbit tuck, hypospadias with chordee, horizontal mattress sutures, chordee release, zaontz catheter, coronal cuff, hypospadias repair, penile shaft, zaontz, glans, urethral, repair, coronal, hypospadias, penis, chordee,
PROBLEMS LIST:,1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, insulin pump requiring.,2. Chronic kidney disease, stage III.,3. Sweet syndrome.,4. Hypertension.,5. Dyslipidemia.,6. Osteoporosis.,7. Anemia.,8. A 25-hydroxy-vitamin D deficiency.,9. Peripheral neuropathy manifested by insensate feet.,10. Hypothyroidism.,11. Diabetic retinopathy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a return visit to the renal clinic for the patient where she is followed up for diabetes and kidney disease management. Her last visit to this clinic was approximately three months ago. Since that time, the patient states that she has had some variability in her glucose control too largely to recent upper and lower respiratory illnesses. She did not seek attention for these, and the symptoms have begun to subside on their own and in the meantime, she continues to have some difficulties with blood sugar management. Her 14-day average is 191. She had a high blood sugar this morning, which she attributed to a problem with her infusion set; however, in the clinic after an appropriate correction bolus, she subsequently became quite low. She was treated appropriately with glucose and crackers, and her blood sugar came back up to over 100. She was able to manage this completely on her own. In the meantime, she is not having any other medical problems that have interfered with glucose control. Her diet has been a little bit different in that she had been away visiting with her family for some period of time as well.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. A number of topical creams for her rash.,2. Hydroxyzine 25 mg 4 times a day.,3. Claritin 5 mg a day.,4. Fluoxetine 20 mg a day.,5. Ergocalciferol 800 international units a day.,6. Protonix 40 mg a day.,7. Iron sulfate 1.2 cc every day.,8. Actonel 35 mg once a week.,9. Zantac 150 mg daily.,10. Calcium carbonate 500 mg 3 times a day.,11. NovoLog insulin via insulin pump about 30 units of insulin daily.,12. Zocor 40 mg a day.,13. Valsartan 80 mg daily.,14. Amlodipine 5 mg a day.,15. Plavix 75 mg a day.,16. Aspirin 81 mg a day.,17. Lasix 20 mg a day.,18. Levothyroxine 75 micrograms a day.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Really not much change. Her upper respiratory symptoms have resolved. She is not describing fevers, chills, sweats, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain. She is not having any decreased appetite. She is not having painful urination, any blood in the urine, frequency or hesitancy. She is not having polyuria, polydipsia or polyphagia. Her visual acuity has declined, but she does not appear to have any acute change.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 36.1, pulse 56, respirations 16, blood pressure 117/48, and weight is 109.7 pounds. HEENT: Examination found her to be atraumatic and normocephalic. She has pupils that are equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles intact. Sclerae and conjunctivae are clear. The paranasal sinuses are nontender. The nose is patent. The external auditory canal and tympanic membranes are clear A.U. Oral cavity and oropharynx examination is free of lesions. The mucosus membranes are moist. NECK: Supple. There is no lymphadenopathy. There is no thyromegaly. THORAX: Reveals lungs that are clear, PA and lateral, without adventitious sounds. CARDIOVASCULAR: Demonstrated regular rate and rhythm. EXTREMITIES: Reveal no edema and is otherwise deferred.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This is a return visit to the renal clinic for the patient with history as noted above. She has had variability in her glucose control, and the plan today is to continue her current regimen, which includes the following: Basal rate, 12 a.m. 0.6 units per hour, 4 a.m. 0.7 units per hour, and 9 a.m. 0.6 units per hour. Her target pre-meal is 120 and bedtime is 150. Her insulin/carbohydrate ratio is 10 and her correction factor is 60. We are not going to make any changes to her insulin pump settings at this time. I have encouraged her to watch the number of processed high-calorie foods that she is consuming late at night. She has agreed to try that and cut back on this a little bit. I want to get fasting labs to include her standard labs for us today but include a fasting C-peptide and a hemoglobin A1C, so that we can make arrangements for her to get an upgraded insulin pump. She states to me that she has been having some battery problems in the recent past, although she says the last time that she went four weeks without having to change batteries and that is about the appropriate amount of time. Nonetheless, she is out of warranty and we will try to get her a new pump.,Plan to see the patient back here in approximately two months, and we will try to get the new pump through Medicare.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pathologic insufficiency.,2. Fracture of the T8 vertebrae and T9 vertebrae.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Pathologic insufficiency.,2. Fracture of the T8 vertebra and T9 vertebra.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Fracture reduction with insertion of prosthetic device at T8 with kyphoplasty.,2. Vertebroplasties at T7 and T9 with insertion of prosthetic device.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with sedation.,SPECIMEN: , Bone from the T8 vertebra.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,SURGICAL INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 80-year-old female who had previous history of compression fractures. She had recently undergone an additional compression fracture of the T8 vertebrae. She was in extreme pain. This pain interfered with activities of daily living and was unimproved with conservative treatment modalities. She is understanding the risks, benefits, and potential complications as well as all treatment alternatives. The patient provided informed consent.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: , The patient was taken to OR #2 where she was placed prone on the Jackson spinal table. She was given sedative. The thoracodorsal spine was then sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Biplanar image intensification was utilized to localize the T8, T7, and T9 vertebrae. Local anesthetic of 1% Marcaine with epinephrine and lidocaine were 50:50 mixed.,Approximately 7 cc was instilled on the left side. This was directly over the posterior aspect of the pedicle on the left. Once this was localized, the right side was localized as well. Stab incisions were then created over the pedicles of T8 bilaterally. Jamshidi needles were then placed percutaneously. Their position was verified in both AP and lateral images. They were advanced slowly under direct image intensification in biplanar fashion. Once these were satisfactorily placed, the inner trocar was removed and a guidewire was inserted into the depths of the T7 vertebrae. The Jamshidi needles were then removed. A biopsy was then harvested with a biopsy trocar placed into the T8 vertebrae. This bone was then removed and sent to the lab. The injection cannulas were then placed over the guidewires and their position was verified in both AP and lateral images. Once this was completed, a second Jamshidi needle was placed at the T7 vertebrae on the left at the entrance of the pedicle. This was advanced under direct image intensification in a biplanar fashion. Once this was deemed satisfactory, it was impacted. The inner trocar was removed and a guidewire was then placed. An injection cannula was then placed over the guidewire into the body of T7. In a similar fashion, T9 was dressed on the left side as well. A guidewire was then placed through the Jamshidi needle, which was verified in both AP and lateral images. The cement injection cannula was then placed over this entering the T9 vertebrae body. Attention was then turned to the kyphoplasty portion of the procedure at the T8 vertebrae. The balloons were inserted bilaterally. The balloons were then inflated under direct image intensification and pressurized to approximately 200 mmHg. These were allowed to expand and reduce the fracture. Once this was completed, the balloons were deflated and removed. The inner cannulas of all four entrance holes were removed and approximately 1.5 cc of cement was injected in each of the cannulas. This was done directly under image intensification. Once this was completed, additional cement was injected into T9 as there was a larger vertebra. The cement was allowed to cure. The cannula was removed and final radiographs were obtained. The stab incisions were then cleansed with water and antibiotic irrigation. The wounds were then approximated with #4-0 Nylon in interrupted fashion. Compression dressings were applied and fixed with tape. She was aroused and moved to her inpatient bed. She was moving all four extremities without deficit. She had no significant, pathologic insufficiency, vertebrae, fracture, fracture reduction, vertebroplasties, kyphoplasty, prosthetic device, jamshidi needles, insertion, prosthetic,
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Right suboccipital craniectomy for resection of tumor using the microscope modifier 22 and cranioplasty.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient with a large 3.5 cm acoustic neuroma. The patient is having surgery for resection. There was significant cerebellar peduncle compression. The tumor was very difficult due to its size as well as its adherence to the brainstem and the nerve complex. The case took 12 hours. This was more difficult and took longer than the usual acoustic neuroma.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right acoustic neuroma.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right acoustic neuroma.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operating room. General anesthesia was induced in the usual fashion. After appropriate lines were placed, the patient was placed in Mayfield 3-point head fixation, hold into a right park bench position to expose the right suboccipital area. A time-out was settled with nursing and anesthesia, and the head was shaved, prescrubbed with chlorhexidine, prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The incision was made and cautery was used to expose the suboccipital bone. Once the suboccipital bone was exposed under the foramen magnum, the high speed drill was used to thin out the suboccipital bone and the craniectomy carried out with Leksell and insertion with Kerrison punches down to the rim of the foramen magnum as well as laterally to the edge of the sigmoid sinus and superiorly to the edge of the transverse sinus. The dura was then opened in a cruciate fashion, the cisterna magna was drained, which nicely relaxed the cerebellum. The dura leaves were held back with the 4-0 Nurolon. The microscope was then brought into the field, and under the microscope, the cerebellar hemisphere was elevated. Laterally, the arachnoid was very thick. This was opened with bipolar and microscissors and this allowed for the cerebellum to be further mobilized until the tumor was identified. The tumor was quite large and filled up the entire lateral aspect of the right posterior fossa. Initially two retractors were used, one on the tentorium and one inferiorly. The arachnoid was taken down off the tumor. There were multiple blood vessels on the surface, which were bipolared. The tumor surface was then opened with microscissors and the Cavitron was used to began debulking the lesion. This was a very difficult resection due to the extreme stickiness and adherence to the cerebellar peduncle and the lateral cerebellum; however, as the tumor was able to be debulked, the edge began to be mobilized. The redundant capsule was bipolared and cut out to get further access to the center of the tumor. Working inferiorly and then superiorly, the tumor was taken down off the tentorium as well as out the 9th, 10th or 11th nerve complex. It was very difficult to identify the 7th nerve complex. The brainstem was identified above the complex. Similarly, inferiorly the brainstem was able to be identified and cotton balls were placed to maintain this plain. Attention was then taken to try identify the 7th nerve complex. There were multitude of veins including the lateral pontine vein, which were coming right into this area. The lateral pontine vein was maintained. Microscissors and bipolar were used to develop the plain, and then working inferiorly, the 7th nerve was identified coming off the brainstem. A number 1 and number 2 microinstruments were then used to began to develop the plane. This then allowed for the further appropriate plane medially to be identified and cotton balls were then placed. A number 11 and number 1 microinstrument continued to be used to free up the tumor from the widely spread out 7th nerve. Cavitron was used to debulk the lesion and then further dissection was carried out. The nerve stimulated beautifully at the brainstem level throughout this. The tumor continued to be mobilized off the lateral pontine vein until it was completely off. The Cavitron was used to debulk the lesion out back laterally towards the area of the porus. The tumor was debulked and the capsule continued to be separated with number 11microinstrument as well as the number 1 microinstrument to roll the tumor laterally up towards the porus. At this point, the capsule was so redundant, it was felt to isolate the nerve in the porus. There was minimal bulk remaining intracranially. All the cotton balls were removed and the nerve again stimulated beautifully at the brainstem. Dr. X then came in and scrubbed into the case to drill out the porus and remove the piece of the tumor that was left in the porus and coming out of the porus.,I then scrubbed back into case once Dr. X had completed removing this portion of the tumor. There was no tumor remaining at this point. I placed some Norian in the porus to seal any air cells, although there were no palpated. An intradural space was then irrigated thoroughly. There was no bleeding. The nerve was attempted to be stimulated at the brainstem level, but it did not stimulate at this time. The dura was then closed with 4-0 Nurolons in interrupted fashion. A muscle plug was used over one area. Duragen was laid and strips over the suture line followed by Hemaseel. Gelfoam was set over this and then a titanium cranioplasty was carried out. The wound was then irrigated thoroughly. O Vicryls were used to close the deep muscle and fascia, 3-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissue, and 3-0 nylon on the skin.,The patient was extubated and taken to the ICU in stable condition.neurosurgery, suboccipital, craniectomy, microscope, cranioplasty, acoustic neuroma, cerebellar peduncle, nerve complex, brainstem, nurolon, cavitron, kerrison, leksell, lateral pontine vein, suboccipital craniectomy, nerve, tumor
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient comes in today for a comprehensive evaluation. She is well-known to me. I have seen her in the past multiple times.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SOCIAL HISTORY/FAMILY HISTORY: , Noted and reviewed today. They are on the health care flow sheet. She has significant anxiety which has been under fair control recently. She has a lot of stress associated with a son that has some challenges. There is a family history of hypertension and strokes.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Currently taking Toprol and Avalide for hypertension and anxiety as I mentioned.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Significant for occasional tiredness. This is intermittent and currently not severe. She is concerned about the possibly of glucose abnormalities such diabetes. We will check a glucose, lipid profile and a Hemoccult test also and a mammogram. Her review of systems is otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: As above.,GENERAL: The patient is alert, oriented, in no acute distress.,HEENT: PERRLA. EOMI. TMs clear bilaterally. Nose and throat clear.,NECK: Supple without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotid pulses palpably normal without bruit.,CHEST: No chest wall tenderness.,BREAST EXAM: No asymmetry, skin changes, dominant masses, nipple discharge, or axillary adenopathy.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur, clicks, or rubs.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, bowel sounds normoactive. No masses or organomegaly.,GU: External genitalia without lesions. BUS normal. Vulva and vagina show just mild atrophy without any lesions. Her cervix and uterus are within normal limits. Ovaries are not really palpable. No pelvic masses are appreciated.,RECTAL: Negative.,BREASTS: No significant abnormalities.,EXTREMITIES: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. Pulses within normal limits.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Strength, sensation, coordination, and reflexes all within normal limits.,SKIN: Noted to be normal. No subcutaneous masses noted.,LYMPH SYSTEM: No lymphadenopathy.,ASSESSMENT:, Generalized anxiety and hypertension, both under fair control.,PLAN:, We will not make any changes in her medications. I will have her check a lipid profile as mentioned, and I will call her with that. Screening mammogram will be undertaken. She declined a sigmoidoscopy at this time. I look forward to seeing her back in a year and as needed.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , New-onset seizure.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 2-1/2-year-old female with a history of known febrile seizures, who was placed on Keppra oral solution at 150 mg b.i.d. to help prevent febrile seizures. Although this has been a very successful treatment in terms of her febrile seizure control, she is now having occasional brief periods of pauses and staring, where she becomes unresponsive, but does not lose her postural tone. The typical spell according to dad last anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds, mom says 3 to 4 minutes, which likely means probably somewhere in the 30- to 40-second period of time. Mom did note that an episode had happened outside of a store recently, was associated with some perioral cyanosis, but there has never been a convulsive activity noted. There have been no recent changes in her Keppra dosing and she is currently only at 20 mg/kg per day, which is overall a low dose for her.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Born at 36 weeks' gestation by C-section delivery at 8 pounds 3 ounces. She does have a history of febrile seizures and what parents reported an abdominal migraine, but on further questioning, it appears to be more of a food intolerance issue.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , She has undergone no surgical procedures.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY: , There is a strong history of epilepsy on the maternal side of family including mom with some nonconvulsive seizure during childhood and additional seizures in maternal great grandmother and a maternal great aunt. There is no other significant neurological history on the paternal side of the family.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Currently lives with her mom, dad, and two siblings. She is at home full time and does not attend day care.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Clear review of 10 systems are taken and revealed no additional findings other than those mentioned in the history of present illness.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight was 15.6 kg. She was afebrile. Remainder of her vital signs were stable and within normal ranges for her age as per the medical record.,General: She was awake, alert, and oriented. She was in no acute distress, only slightly flustered when trying to place the EEG leads.,HEENT: Showed normocephalic and atraumatic head. Her conjunctivae were nonicteric and sclerae were clear. Her eye movements were conjugate in nature. Her tongue and mucous membranes were moist.,Neck: Trachea appeared to be in the midline.,Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally without crackles, wheezes or rhonchi.,Cardiovascular: Showed a normal sinus rhythm without murmur.,Abdomen: Showed soft, nontender, and nondistended, with good bowel sounds. There was no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, or other masses noted on examination.,Extremities: Showed IV placement in the right upper extremity with appropriate restraints from the IV. There was no evidence of clubbing, cyanosis or edema throughout. She had no functional deformities in any of her peripheral limbs.,Neurological: From neurological standpoint, her cranial nerves were grossly intact throughout. Her strength was good in the bilateral upper and lower extremities without any distal to proximal variation. Her overall resting tone was normal. Sensory examination was grossly intact to light touch throughout the upper and lower extremities. Reflexes were 1+ in bilateral patella. Toes were downgoing bilaterally. Coordination showed accurate striking ability and good rapid alternating movements. Gait examination was deferred at this time due to EEG lead placement.,ASSESSMENT:, A 2-1/2-year-old female with history of febrile seizures, now with concern for spells of unclear etiology, but somewhat concerning for partial complex seizures and to a slightly lesser extent nonconvulsive generalized seizures.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. For now, we will go ahead and try to capture EEG as long as she tolerates it; however, if she would require sedation, I would defer the EEG until further adjustments to seizure medications are made and we will see her response to these medications.,2. As per the above, I will increase her Keppra to 300 mg p.o. b.i.d. bringing her to a total daily dose of just under 40 mg/kg per day. If further spells are noted, we may increase upwards again to around 4.5 to 5 mL each day.,3. I do not feel like any specific imaging needs to be done at this time until we see her response to the medication and review her EEG findings. EEG, hopefully, will be able to be reviewed first thing tomorrow morning; however, I would not delay discharge the patient to wait on the EEG results. The patient has been discharged and we will contact the family as an outpatient.,4. The patient will need followup arrangement with me in 5 to 6 weeks' time, so we may recheck and see how she is doing and arrange for further followup then.nan
EXAM:,MRI LEFT SHOULDER,CLINICAL:,This is a 69-year-old male with pain in the shoulder. Evaluate for rotator cuff tear.,FINDINGS:,Examination was performed on 9/1/05.,There is marked supraspinatus tendinosis and extensive tearing of the substance of the tendon and articular surface, extending into the myotendinous junction as well. There is still a small rim of tendon along the bursal surface, although there may be a small tear at the level of the rotator interval. There is no retracted tendon or muscular atrophy (series #6 images #6-17).,Normal infraspinatus tendon.,There is subscapularis tendinosis with fraying and partial tearing of the superior most fibers extending to the level of the rotator interval (series #9 images #8-13; series #3 images #8-14). There is no complete tear, gap or fiber retraction and there is no muscular atrophy.,There is tendinosis and superficial tearing of the long biceps tendon within the bicipital groove, and there is high grade (near complete) partial tearing of the intracapsular portion of the tendon. The biceps anchor is intact. There are degenerative changes in the greater tuberosity of the humerus but there is no fracture or subluxation.,There is degeneration of the superior labrum and there is a small nondisplaced tear in the posterior superior labrum at the one to two o’clock position (series #6 images #12-14; series #3 images #8-10; series #9 images #5-8). There is a small sublabral foramen at the eleven o’clock position (series #9 image #6). There is no osseous Bankart lesion.,Normal superior, middle and inferior glenohumeral ligaments.,There is hypertrophic osteoarthropathy of the acromioclavicular joint with narrowing of the subacromial space and flattening of the superior surface of the supraspinatus musculotendinous junction, which in the appropriate clinical setting is an MRI manifestation of an impinging lesion (series #8 images #3-12).,Normal coracoacromial, coracohumeral and coracoclavicular ligaments. There is minimal fluid within the glenohumeral joint. There is no atrophy of the deltoid muscle.,IMPRESSION:, There is extensive supraspinatus tendinosis and partial tearing as described. There is no retracted tendon or muscular atrophy, but there may be a small tear along the anterior edge of the tendon at the level of the rotator interval, and this associated partial tearing of the superior most fibers of the subscapularis tendon. There is also a high-grade partial tear of the long biceps tendon as it courses under the transverse humeral ligament. There is no evidence of a complete tear or retracted tendon. Small nondisplaced posterior superior labral tear. Outlet narrowing from the acromioclavicular joint, which in the appropriate clinical setting is an MRI manifestation of an impinging lesion.radiology, level of the rotator, impinging lesion, rotator interval, retracted tendon, muscular atrophy, partial tearing, tendon, mri, shoulder, rotator, superior, tear,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux valgus, right foot.,2. Hallux interphalangeus, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux valgus, right foot.,2. Hallux interphalangeus, right foot.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy with distal first metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, right foot.,2. Akin bunionectomy, right toe with internal wire fixation.,ANESTHESIA: , TIVA/local.,HISTORY: ,This 51-year-old female presents to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself NPO since mid night for a surgery on her painful bunion through her right foot. The patient has a history of gradual onset of a painful bunion over the past several years. She has tried conservative methods such as wide shoes, accommodative padding on an outpatient basis with Dr. X all of which have provided inadequate relief. At this time, she desires attempted surgical correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been discussed with the patient in detail by Dr. X and the consent is available on the chart for review.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room via cart and placed on the operative table in supine position and a safety strap was placed across her waist for her protection. Copious amounts of Webril were applied about the right ankle and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was placed over the Webril.,After adequate IV sedation was administered by the Department of Anesthesia, a total of 15 cc of 1:1 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine plain and 1% Lidocaine plain was injected into the foot in a standard Mayo block fashion. The foot was elevated off the table. Esmarch bandages were used to exsanguinate the right foot. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 250 mmHg. The foot was lowered in the operative field and the sterile stockinet was reflected. A sterile Betadine was wiped away with a wet and dry sponge and one toothpick was used to test anesthesia, which was found to be adequate. Attention was directed to the first metatarsophalangeal joint, which was found to be contracted, laterally deviated, and had decreased range of motion. A #10 blade was used to make a 4 cm dorsolinear incision. A #15 blade was used to deepen the incision through the subcutaneous layer. All superficial subcutaneous vessels were ligated with electrocautery. Next, a linear capsular incision was made down the bone with a #15 blade. The capsule was elevated medially and laterally off the metatarsal head and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound. A hypertrophic medial eminence was resected with a sagittal saw taking care not to strike the head. The medial plantar aspect of the metatarsal head had some erosive changes and eburnation. Next, a 0.45 inch Kirschner wire was placed with some access guide slightly plantar flexing the metatarsal taking care not to shorten it. A sagittal saw was used to make a long-arm Austin osteotomy in the usual fashion. Standard lateral release was also performed as well as a lateral capsulotomy freeing the fibular sesamoid complex.,The capital head was shifted laterally and impacted on the residual metatarsal head. Nice correction was achieved and excellent bone to bone contact was achieved. The bone stock was slightly decreased, but adequate. Next, a 0.45 inch Kirschner wire was used to temporarily fixate the metatarsal capital fragment. A 2.7 x 18 mm Synthes cortical screw was thrown using standard AO technique. Excellent rigid fixation was achieved. A second 2.0 x 80 mm Synthes fully threaded cortical screw was also thrown using standard AO technique at the proximal aspect of the metatarsal head. Again, an excellent rigid fixation was obtained and the screws were tight. The temporary fixation was removed. A medial overhanging bone was resected with a sagittal saw. The foot was loaded and the hallux was found to have an interphalangeus deformity present.,A sagittal saw was used to make a proximal cut in approximately 1 cm dorsal to the base of the proximal phalanx, leaving a lateral intact cortical hinge. A distal cut parallel with the nail base was performed and a standard proximal Akin osteotomy was done.,After the wedge bone was removed, the saw blade was reinserted and used to tether the osteotomy with counter-pressure used to close down the osteotomy. A #15 drill blade was used to drill two converging holes on the medial aspect of the bone. A #28 gauge monofilament wire was inserted loop to loop and pulled through the bone. The monofilament wire was twisted down and tapped into the distal drill hole. The foot was loaded again and the toe had an excellent cosmetic straight appearance and the range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint was then improved. Next, reciprocating rasps were used to smooth all bony surfaces. Copious amounts of sterile saline was used to flush the joint. Next, a #3-0 Vicryl was used to reapproximate the capsular periosteal tissue layer. Next, #4-0 Vicryl was used to close the subcutaneous layer. #5-0 Vicryl was used to the close the subcuticular layer in a running fashion. Next, 1 cc of dexamethasone phosphate was then instilled in the joint. The Steri-Strips were applied followed by standard postoperative dressing consisting of Owen silk, 4 x 4s, Kling, Kerlix, and Coban. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the right foot. She is to be partial weightbearing with crutches. She is to follow with Dr. X. She was given emergency contact numbers and instructions to call if problems arise. She was given prescription for Vicodin ES #25 one p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. pain and Naprosyn one p.o. b.i.d. 500 mg. She was discharged in stable condition.orthopedic, hallux interphalangeus, osteotomy, bunionectomy, akin, wire fixation, screw fixation, painful bunion, metatarsophalangeal joint, pneumatic ankle, metatarsal head, foot, toe, sagittal, metatarsal
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Thyroid mass diagnosed as papillary carcinoma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 16-year-old young lady, who was referred from the Pediatric Endocrinology Department by Dr. X for evaluation and surgical recommendations regarding treatment of a mass in her thyroid, which has now been proven to be papillary carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy. The patient's parents relayed that they first noted a relatively small but noticeable mass in the middle portion of her thyroid gland about 2004. An ultrasound examination had reportedly been done in the past and the mass is being observed. When it began to enlarge recently, she was referred to the Pediatric Endocrinology Department and had an evaluation there. The patient was referred for fine needle aspiration and the reports recently returned a diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The patient has not had any hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, or any symptoms of endocrine dysfunction. She has no weight changes consistent with either hyper or hypothyroidism. There is no family history of thyroid cancer in her family. She has no notable discomfort with this lesion. There have been no skin changes. Historically, she does not have a history of any prior head and neck radiation or treatment of any unusual endocrinopathy.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially unremarkable. The patient has never been hospitalized in the past for any major illnesses. She has had no prior surgical procedures.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , Current and up to date.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Currently taking no routine medications. She describes her pain level currently as zero.,FAMILY HISTORY: , There is no significant family history, although the patient's father does note that his mother had a thyroid surgery at some point in life, but it was not known whether this was for cancer, but he suspects it might have been for goiter. This was done in Tijuana. His mom is from central portion of Mexico. There is no family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a junior at Hoover High School. She lives with her mom in Fresno.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A careful 12-system review was completely normal except for the problems related to the thyroid mass.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is a 55.7 kg, nondysmorphic, quiet, and perhaps slightly apprehensive young lady, who was in no acute distress. She was alert and oriented x3 and had an appropriate affect.,HEENT: The head and neck examination is most significant. There is mild amount of facial acne. The patient's head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat appeared to be grossly normal.,NECK: There is a slightly visible midline bulge in the region of the thyroid isthmus. A firm nodule is present there, and there is also some nodularity in the right lobe of the thyroid. This mass is relatively hard, slightly fixed, but not tethered to surrounding tissues, skin, or muscles that I can determine. There are some shotty adenopathy in the area. No supraclavicular nodes were noted.,CHEST: Excursions are symmetric with good air entry.,LUNGS: Clear.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Normal. There is no tachycardia or murmur noted.,ABDOMEN: Benign.,EXTREMITIES: Extremities are anatomically correct with full range of motion.,GENITOURINARY: External genitourinary exam was deferred at this time and can be performed later during anesthesia. This is same as too for her rectal examination.,SKIN: There is no acute rash, purpura, or petechiae.,NEUROLOGIC: Normal and no focal deficits. Her voice is strong and clear. There is no evidence of dysphonia or vocal cord malfunction.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , I reviewed laboratory data from the Diagnostics Lab, which included a mild abnormality in the AST at 11, which is slightly lower than the normal range. T4 and TSH levels were recorded as normal. Free thyroxine was normal, and the serum pregnancy test was negative. There was no level of thyroglobulin recorded on this. A urinalysis and comprehensive metabolic panel was unremarkable. A chest x-ray was obtained, which I personally reviewed. There is a diffuse pattern of tiny nodules in both lungs typical of miliary metastatic disease that is often seen in patients with metastatic thyroid carcinoma.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , The patient is a 16-year-old young lady with a history of thyroid mass that is now biopsy proven as papillary. The pattern of miliary metastatic lesions in the chest is consistent with this diagnosis and is unfortunate in that it generally means a more advanced stage of disease. I spent approximately 30 minutes with the patient and her family today discussing the surgical aspects of the treatment of this disease. During this time, we talked about performing a total thyroidectomy to eradicate as much of the native thyroid tissue and remove the primary source of the cancer in anticipation of radioactive iodine therapy. We talked about sentinel node dissection, and we spent significant amount of time talking about the possibility of hypoparathyroidism if all four of the parathyroid glands were damaged during this operation. We also discussed the recurrent laryngeal and external laryngeal branches of the nerve supplying the vocal cord function and how they cane be damaged during the thyroidectomy as well. I answered as many of the family's questions as they could mount during this stressful time with this recent information supplied to them. I also did talk to them about the chest x-ray pattern, which was complete __________ as the film was just on the day prior to my clinic visit. This will have some impact on the postoperative adjunctive therapy. The radiologist commented about the risk of pulmonary fibrosis and the use of radioactive iodine in this situation, but it seems likely that is going to be necessary to attempt to treat this disease in the patient's case. I did discuss with them the possibility of having to take large doses of calcium and vitamin D in the event of hypoparathyroidism if that does happen, and we also talked about possibly sparing parathyroid tissue and reimplanting it in a muscle belly either in the neck or forearm if that becomes a necessity. All of the family's questions have been answered. This is a very anxious and anxiety provoking time in the family. I have made every effort to get the patient under schedule within the next 48 hours to have this operation done. We are tentatively planning on proceeding this upcoming Friday afternoon with total thyroidectomy.nan
INDICATIONS:, Dysphagia.,PREMEDICATION:, Topical Cetacaine spray and Versed IV.,PROCEDURE:,: The scope was passed into the esophagus under direct vision. The esophageal mucosa was all unremarkable. There was no evidence of any narrowing present anywhere throughout the esophagus and no evidence of esophagitis. The scope was passed on down into the stomach. The gastric mucosa was all examined including a retroflexed view of the fundus and there were no abnormalities seen. The scope was then passed into the duodenum and the duodenal bulb and second and third portions of the duodenum were unremarkable. The scope was again slowly withdrawn through the esophagus and no evidence of narrowing was present. The scope was then withdrawn.,IMPRESSION:, Normal upper GI endoscopy without any evidence of anatomical, dysphagia, cetacaine spray, esophagus, esophageal mucosa, duodenum, scope was passed, upper gi, gi endoscopy, gi, endoscopy, scope
PROCEDURE:, Upper endoscopy.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Dysphagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. GERD, biopsied.,2. Distal esophageal reflux-induced stricture, dilated to 18 mm.,3. Otherwise normal upper endoscopy.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl 125 mcg and Versed 7 mg slow IV push.,INDICATIONS: , This is a 50-year-old white male with dysphagia, which has improved recently with Aciphex.,FINDINGS: , The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position and the above medications were administered. The oropharynx was sprayed with Cetacaine. The endoscope was passed, under direct visualization, into the esophagus. The squamocolumnar junction was irregular and edematous. Biopsies were obtained for histology. There was a mild ring at the LES, which was dilated with a 15 to 18 mm balloon, with no resultant mucosal trauma. The entire gastric mucosa was normal, including a retroflexed view of the fundus. The entire duodenal mucosa was normal to the second portion. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complication.,IMPRESSION:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, biopsied.,2. Distal esophageal reflux-induced stricture, dilated to 18 mm.,3. Otherwise normal upper endoscopy.,PLAN:,I will await the results of the biopsies. The patient was told to continue maintenance Aciphex and anti-reflux precautions. He will follow up with me on a p.r.n. basis.gastroenterology, lateral decubitus position, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gerd, normal upper endoscopy, mucosa was normal, esophageal reflux, stricture dilated, upper endoscopy, distal, esophageal, aciphex, biopsies, dysphagia, endoscopy, reflux,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right renal stone.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right renal stone.,PROCEDURE: , Right shockwave lithotripsy, cystoscopy, and stent removal x2.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal. The patient was given antibiotics preoperatively.,HISTORY: , This is a 47-year-old male who presented with right renal stone and right UPJ stone. The right UPJ stone was removed using ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy and the stone in the kidney. The plan was for shockwave lithotripsy. The patient had duplicated system on the right side. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE was discussed. Options such as watchful waiting, passing the stone on its own, and shockwave lithotripsy were discussed. The patient wanted to proceed with the shockwave to break the stone into small pieces as possible to allow the stones to pass easily. Consent was obtained.,DETAILS OF THE OPERATION: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient was placed in the supine position. Using Dornier lithotriptor total of 2500 shocks were applied. Energy levels were slowly started at O2 increased up to 7; gradually the stone seem to have broken into smaller pieces as the number of shocks went up. The shocks were started at 60 per minute and slowly increased up to 90 per minute. The patient's heart rate and blood pressure were stable throughout the entire procedure.,After the end of the shockwave lithotripsy the patient was placed in dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion and cystoscopy was done. Using graspers, the stent was grasped x2 and pulled out, both stents were removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was brought to recovery in stable condition. The plan was for the patient to follow up with us and plan for KUB in about two to three, renal stone, stent removal, upj stone, shockwave lithotripsy, cystoscopy, stent, renal, shocks, upj, shockwave, lithotripsy, stone
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Carcinoma of the left upper lobe.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Bronchoscopy with aspiration.,2. Left upper lobectomy.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: ,With patient in supine position under general anesthesia with endotracheal tube in place, the flexible bronchoscope was then placed down through the endotracheal tube to examine the carina. The carina was in the midline and sharp. Moving directly to the right side, the right upper and middle lower lobes were examined and found to be free of obstructions. Aspiration was carried out for backlog ________ examination. We then moved to left side, left upper lobe. There was a tumor mass located in the lingula of the left lobe and left lower lobe found free of obstruction. No anatomic lesions were demonstrated. The patient was prepared for left thoracotomy rotated to his right side with a double lumen endotracheal tube in place with an NG tube and a Foley catheter. After proper position, utilizing Betadine solution, they were draped. A posterolateral left thoracotomy incision was performed. Hemostasis was secured with electrocoagulation. The chest wall muscle was then divided over the sixth rib. The periosteum of the sixth rib was then removed superiorly and the pleural cavity was entered carefully. At this time, the mass was felt in the left upper lobe, which measures greater than 3 cm by palpation. We examined the superior mediastinum. No lymph nodes were demonstrated as well as in the anterior mediastinum. Direction was then moved to the fascia where by utilizing sharp and blunt dissection, lingual artery was separated into the left upper lobe. Casual dissection was carried out with superior segmental arteries and left lower lobe was examined.,Dissection was carried out around the pulmonary artery thus exposing the posterior artery to the left upper lobe. Direction was carried out to the superior pulmonary vein and utilizing sharp and blunt dissection the entire superior pulmonary vein was separated from the surrounding tissue. From the top side, the bronchus was then separated away from the pulmonary artery anteriorly, thus exposing the apical posterior artery, which was short. Tumor mass was close to the artery at this time. We then directed ourselves once again to the lingual artery which was doubly ligated and cut free. The posterior artery of the superior branch was doubly ligated and cut free also. At this time, the bronchus of the left upper lobe was encountered in the fissure on palpation to separate the upper lobe bronchus from lower lobe bronchus and the area was accomplished. We then moved anteriorly to doubly ligate the pulmonary vein using #00 silk sutures for ligation and a transection #00 silk suture was used to fixate the vein. Using sharp and blunt dissection, the bronchus through the left upper lobe was freed proximal. Using the TA 50, the bronchus was then cut free allowing the lung to fall superiorly at which time direction was carried out to the pulmonary artery where the tumor was in close proximity at this time. A Potts clamp arterial was then placed over the artery and shaving off the tumor and the apical posterior artery was then accomplished. The anterior artery was seen in the clamp also and was separated and ligated and separated. At this time, the entire tumor in the left upper lobe was then removed. ,Direction was carried to the suture where #000 silk was used as a running suture over the pulmonary artery and was here doubly run and tied in place. The clamp was then removed. No bleeding was seen at this time. Lymph nodes were then removed from the sump of the separation between the upper lobe and the lower lobe and sent for separate pathology. We then carried out incision in the inferior pulmonary ligament up to the pulmonary vein allowing the lung to reexpand to its normal position. At this time, two chest tubes #28 and #32 were placed anteriorly and posteriorly to fixate the skin using raw silk suture. The chest cavity was then closed. After reexamination, no bleeding was seen with three pericostal sutures of #1 chromic double strength. A #2-0 Polydek was then used to close the chest wall muscle the anterior as well as latissimus dorsi #000 chromic subcutaneous tissue skin clips to the skin. The chest tubes were attached to the Pleur-Evac drainage and placed on suction at this time. The patient was extubated in the room without difficulty and sent to Recovery in satisfactory.cardiovascular / pulmonary, ng tube, chest tubes, endotracheal tube, pulmonary vein, artery, aspiration, lobectomy, bronchoscopy, tumor, vein, bronchus, pulmonary,
OPERATIONS,1. Mitral valve repair using a quadrangular resection of the P2 segment of the posterior leaflet.,2. Mitral valve posterior annuloplasty using a Cosgrove Galloway Medtronic fuser band.,3. Posterior leaflet abscess resection.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthesia,TIMES: ,Aortic cross-clamp time was ** minutes. Cardiopulmonary bypass time total was ** minutes.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After obtaining informed consent from the patient, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, the patient was taken to the operating room and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered. Next, the patient's chest and legs were prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. A #10-blade scalpel was used to make a midline median sternotomy incision. Dissection was carried down to the level of the sternum using Bovie electrocautery. The sternum was opened with a sternal saw, and full-dose heparinization was given. Next, the chest retractor was positioned. The pericardium was opened with Bovie electrocautery and pericardial stay sutures were positioned. We then prepared to place the patient on cardiopulmonary bypass. A 2-0 Ethibond double pursestring was placed in the ascending aorta. Through this was passed our aortic cannula and connected to the arterial side of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. Next, double cannulation with venous cannulas was instituted. A 3-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the right atrial appendage. Through this was passed our SEC cannula. This was connected to the venous portion of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine in a Y-shaped circuit. Next, a 3-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the lower border of the right atrium. Through this was passed our inferior vena cava cannula. This was likewise connected to the Y connection of our venous cannula portion. We then used a 4-0 U-stitch in the right atrium for our retrograde cardioplegia catheter, which was inserted. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted. Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect out the SVC and IVC, which were subsequently encircled with umbilical tape. Sondergaard's groove was taken down. Next, an antegrade cardioplegia needle and associated sump were placed in the ascending aorta. This was connected appropriately as was the retrograde cardioplegia catheter. Next, the aorta was cross-clamped, and antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia was infused so as to arrest the heart in diastole. Next a #15-blade scalpel was used to open the left atrium. The left atrium was decompressed with pump sucker. Next, our self-retaining retractor was positioned so as to bring the mitral valve up into view. Of note was the fact that the mitral valve P2 segment of the posterior leaflet had an abscess associated with it. The borders of the P2 segment abscess were defined by using a right angle to define the chordae which were encircled with a 4-0 silk. After doing so, the P2 segment of the posterior leaflet was excised with a #11-blade scalpel. Given the laxity of the posterior leaflet, it was decided to reconstruct it with a 2-0 Ethibond pledgeted suture. This was done so as to reconstruct the posterior annular portion. Prior to doing so, care was taken to remove any debris and abscess-type material. The pledgeted stitch was lowered into place and tied. Next, the more anterior portion of the P2 segment was reconstructed by running a 4-0 Prolene stitch so as to reconstruct it. This was done without difficulty. The apposition of the anterior and posterior leaflet was confirmed by infusing solution into the left ventricle. There was noted to be a small amount of central regurgitation. It was felt that this would be corrected with our annuloplasty portion of the procedure. Next, 2-0 non-pledgeted Ethibond sutures were placed in the posterior portion of the annulus from trigone to trigone in interrupted fashion. Care was taken to go from trigone to trigone. Prior to placing these sutures, the annulus was sized and noted to be a *** size for the Cosgrove-Galloway suture band ring from Medtronic. After, as mentioned, we placed our interrupted sutures in the annulus, and they were passed through the CG suture band. The suture band was lowered into position and tied in place. We then tested our repair and noted that there was very mild regurgitation. We subsequently removed our self-retaining retractor. We closed our left atriotomy using 4-0 Prolene in a running fashion. This was done without difficulty. We de-aired the heart. We then gave another round of antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia in warm fashion. The aortic cross-clamp was removed, and the heart gradually resumed electromechanical activity. We then removed our retrograde cardioplegia catheter from the coronary sinus and buttressed this site with a 5-0 Prolene. We placed 2 ventricular and 2 atrial pacing leads which were brought out through the skin. The patient was gradually weaned off cardiopulmonary bypass and our venous cannulas were removed. We then gave full-dose protamine; and after noting that there was no evidence of a protamine reaction, we removed our aortic cannula. This site was buttressed with a 4-0 Prolene on an SH needle. The patient tolerated the procedure well. We placed a mediastinal #32-French chest tube as well as a right chest Blake drain. The mediastinum was inspected for any signs of bleeding. There were none. We closed the sternum with #7 sternal wires in interrupted figure-of-eight fashion. The fascia was closed with a #1 Vicryl followed by a 2-0 Vicryl, followed by 3-0 Vicryl in a running subcuticular fashion. The instrument and sponge count was correct at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the intensive care unit in good condition.cardiovascular / pulmonary, mitral valve repair, mitral valve, abscess resection, leaflet abscess, cosgrove galloway medtronic, bovie electrocautery, cannulation, bypass, annuloplasty, cardioplegia, mitral,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,Penile cellulitis status post circumcision.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 16-month-old boy, who had a circumcision performed approximately 4 days before he developed penile swelling and fever and discharge. The child initially had a newborn circumcision at about 1 week of life and then developed a concealed or buried penis with extra skin and tightness of the skin. He underwent a second circumcision with a general anesthetic approximately 8 to 9 days ago. The mother states that on Thursday, he developed fairly significant swelling, scrotum was also swollen, the suprapubic region was swollen, and he was having a purulent discharge and a fairly significant fever to 102 to 103. He was seen at Hospital, transferred to Children's Hospital for further care. Since being hospitalized, his cultures apparently have grown Staph but is unknown yet whether it is methicillin-resistant. He has been placed on clindamycin, and he is now currently afebrile and with marked improvement according to the mother. I was requested a consultation by Dr. X because of the appearance of penis. The patient has been voiding without difficulty throughout.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , The patient has no known allergies. He was a term delivery via vaginal delivery. Surgeries; he has had 2 circumcisions. No other hospitalizations. He has had no heart murmurs, seizures, asthma, or bronchitis.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A 14-point review of systems was negative with the exception of the penile and scrotal cellulitis and the surgeries as mentioned. He also had an ear infection about 1 to 2 weeks before his circumcision.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives with both parents and no siblings. There are smokers at home.,MEDICATIONS: , Clindamycin and bacitracin ointment. Also Bactrim.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Weight is 14.9 kg.,GENERAL: The patient was sleepy but easily arousable.,HEAD AND NECK: Grossly normal. His neck and chest are without masses.,NARES: He had some crusted nares; otherwise, no other discharge.,LUNGS: Clear.,CARDIAC: Without murmurs or gallops.,ABDOMEN: Soft without masses or tenderness.,GU: He has a fairly prominent suprapubic fat pad, and he is quite a large child in any event; however, there were no signs of erythema. There was some induration around the penis; however, there were no signs of active infection. He has a buried appearance of the penis after recent circumcision with a normal appearing glans. The tissue itself, however, was quite dull and is soft or readily retractable at this time. The scrotum was normal, and there was no erythema, there was no tenderness. Both testes were descended without hydroceles.,EXTREMITIES: He has full range of motion of all 4 extremities.,SKIN: Warm, pink, and dry.,NEUROLOGIC: Grossly intact.,BACK: Normal.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , The patient had a recent circumcision with a fairly prominent suprapubic fat pad but also has a penile and suprapubic cellulitis. This is being treated, but it is most likely Staph and pending sensitivities. I talked to the mother and told her that at this point the swelling that is present is a mixture of the resolving cellulitis from a suprapubic fat pad. I recommended that he be treated most likely with Bactrim for a 10-day course at home, bacitracin, or some antibiotics ointment to the penis with each diaper change for the next 2 to 3 weeks with sitz bath once or twice a day. I told the mother that initially the tissues are going to be quite dull because of the infection and the recent surgery, but she ultimately will have to gently retract the skin to keep it from adhering again because of the prominent suprapubic fat pad, which makes it more likely. Otherwise, it is a fairly healthy-appearing tissue at the present time and she knows the reasons that he cannot be discharged once the hospitalist service believes that it is appropriate to do so. He has a scheduled followup appointment with his urologist and he should keep that appointment or followup sooner if there is any other problem arising.urology, newborn circumcision, suprapubic fat pad, penile cellulitis, penile swelling, cellulitis, penis, penile, suprapubic, circumcision,
CC:, Confusion.,HX: , A 71 y/o RHM ,with a history of two strokes ( one in 11/90 and one in 11/91), had been in a stable state of health until 12/31/92 when he became confused, and displayed left-sided weakness and difficulty speaking. The symptoms resolved within hours and recurred the following day. He was then evaluated locally and HCT revealed an old right parietal stroke. Carotid duplex scan revealed a "high grade stenosis" of the RICA. Cerebral Angiogram revealed 90%RICA and 50%LICA stenosis. He was then transferred to UIHC Vascular Surgery for carotid endarterectomy. His confusion persisted and he was evaluated by Neurology on 1/8/93 and transferred to Neurology on 1/11/93.,PMH:, 1)cholecystectomy. 2)inguinal herniorrhaphies, bilaterally. 3)ETOH abuse: 3-10 beers/day. 4)Right parietal stroke 10/87 with residual left hemiparesis (Leg worse than arm). 5) 2nd stoke in distant past of unspecified type.,MEDS:, None on admission.,FHX:, Alzheimer's disease and stroke on paternal side of family.,SHX:, 50+pack-yr cigarette use.,ROS:, no weight loss. poor appetite/selective eater.,EXAM:, BP137/70 HR81 RR13 O2Sat 95% Afebrile.,MS: Oriented to city and month, but did not know date or hospital. Naming and verbal comprehension were intact. He could tell which direction Iowa City and Des Moines were from Clinton and remembered 2-3 objects in two minutes, but both with assistance only. Incorrectly spelled "world" backward, as "dlow.",CN: unremarkable except neglects left visual field to double simultaneous stimulation.,Motor: Deltoids 4+/4-, biceps 5-/4, triceps 5/4+, grip 4+/4+, HF4+/4-, HE 4+/4+, Hamstrings 5-/5-, AE 5-/5-, AF 5-/5-.,Sensory: intact PP/LT/Vib.,Coord: dysdiadochokinesis on RAM, bilaterally.,Station: dyssynergic RUE on FNF movement.,Gait: ND,Reflexes: 2+/2+ throughout BUE and at patellae. Absent at ankles. Right plantar was flexor; and Left plantar was equivocal.,COURSE:, CBC revealed normal Hgb, Hct, Plt and WBC, but Mean corpuscular volume was large at 103FL (normal 82-98). Urinalysis revealed 20+WBC. GS, TSH, FT4, VDRL, ANA and RF were unremarkable. He was treated for a UTI with amoxacillin. Vitamin B12 level was reduced at 139pg/ml (normal 232-1137). Schillings test was inconclusive dure to inability to complete a 24-hour urine collection. He was placed on empiric Vitamin B12 1000mcg IM qd x 7 days; then qMonth. He was also placed on Thiamine 100mg qd, Folate 1mg qd, and ASA 325mg qd. His ESR and CRP were elevated on admission, but fell as his UTI was treated.,EEG showed diffuse slowing and focal slowing in the theta-delta range in the right temporal area. HCT with contrast on 1/19/93 revealed a gyriform enhancing lesion in the left parietal lobe consistent with a new infarct; and an old right parietal hypodensity (infarct). His confusion was ascribed to the UTI in the face of old and new strokes and Vitamin B12 deficiency. He was lost to follow-up and did not undergo carotid endarterectomy.neurology, ct scan, abnormal gyriform enhancing lesion, brain ct, ct with contrast, carotid duplex scan, confusion, hct, difficulty speaking, left-sided weakness, non-contrast hct, parietal region, stroke, theta-delta, with contrast, gyriform enhancing lesion, gyriform enhancing, enhancing lesion, parietal stroke, carotid endarterectomy, ct, scan, gyriform, endarterectomy, contrast, hcts, brain, parietal,
PROCEDURE: , Sigmoidoscopy.,INDICATIONS:, Performed for evaluation of anemia, gastrointestinal Bleeding.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl (Sublazine) 0.1 mg IV Versed (midazolam) 1 mg IV,BIOPSIES: , No BRUSHINGS:,PROCEDURE:, A history and physical examination were performed. The procedure, indications, potential complications (bleeding, perforation, infection, adverse medication reaction), and alternative available were explained to the patient who appeared to understand and indicated this. Opportunity for questions was provided and informed consent obtained. After placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position, the sigmoidoscope was inserted into the rectum and under direct visualization advanced to 25 cm. Careful inspection was made as the sigmoidoscope was withdrawn. The quality of the prep was good. The procedure was stopped due to patient discomfort. The patient otherwise tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications.,FINDINGS: , Was unable to pass scope beyond 25 cm because of stricture vs very short bends secondary to multiple previous surgeries. Retroflexed examination of the rectum revealed small hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids were found. Other than the findings noted above, the visualized colonic segments were normal.,IMPRESSION: , Internal hemorrhoids External hemorrhoids Unable to pass scope beyond 25 cm due either to stricture or very sharp bend secondary to multiple surgeries. Unsuccessful Sigmoidoscopy. Otherwise Normal Sigmoidoscopy to 25 cm. External hemorrhoids were, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastrointestinal, sigmoidoscope, rectum, anemia, bleeding, sigmoidoscopy, hemorrhoids,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammertoe, bilateral third, fourth, and fifth toes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hallux abductovalgus, right foot.,2. Hammertoe, bilateral third, fourth, and fifth toes.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Bunionectomy with distal first metatarsal osteotomy and internal screw fixation, right foot.,2. Proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, bilateral fifth toes.,3. Distal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, bilateral third and fourth toes.,4. Flexor tenotomy, bilateral third toes.,HISTORY:, This is a 36-year-old female who presented to ABCD preoperative holding area after keeping herself n.p.o. since mid night for surgery on her painful bunion to her right foot and her painful hammertoes to both feet. The patient has a history of sharp pain, which is aggravated by wearing shoes and ambulation. She has tried multiple conservative methods and treatment such as wide shoes and accommodative padding, all of which provided inadequate relief. At this time, she desires attempted surgical correction. The risks versus benefits of the procedure have been discussed in detail by Dr. Kaczander with the patient and the consent is available on the chart.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After IV was established by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table in supine position with a safety strap placed across her waist for her protection.,Copious amounts of Webril were applied about both ankles and a pneumatic ankle tourniquet was applied over the Webril. After adequate IV sedation was administered, a total of 18 cc of a 0.5% Marcaine plain was used to anesthetize the right foot, performing a Mayo block and a bilateral third, fourth, and fifth digital block. Next, the foot was prepped and draped in the usual aseptic fashion bilaterally. The foot was elevated off the table and an Esmarch bandage was used to exsanguinate the right foot. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated on the right foot to 200 mmHg. The foot was lowered into operative field and the sterile stockinet was reflected proximally. Attention was directed to the right first metatarsophalangeal joint, it was found to be contracted and there was lateral deviation of the hallux. There was decreased range of motion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. A dorsolinear incision was made with a #10 blade, approximately 4 cm in length. The incision was deepened to the subcutaneous layer with a #15 blade. Any small veins traversing the subcutaneous layer were ligated with electrocautery. Next, the medial and lateral wound margins were undermined sharply. Care was taken to avoid the medial neurovascular bundle and the lateral extensor hallucis longus tendon. Next, the first metatarsal joint capsule was identified. A #15 blade was used to make a linear capsular incision down to the bone. The capsular periosteal tissues were elevated off the bone with a #15 blade and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound. The PASA was found to be within normal limits. There was a hypertrophic medial eminence noted. A sagittal saw was used to remove the hypertrophic medial eminence. A 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was placed into the central medial aspect of the metatarsal head as an access guide. A standard lateral release was performed. The fibular sesamoid was found to be in the interspace, but was relocated onto the metatarsal head properly. Next, a sagittal saw was used to perform a long arm Austin osteotomy. The K-wire was removed. The capital fragment was shifted laterally and impacted into the head. A 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was used to temporarily fixate the osteotomy. A 2.7 x 16 mm Synthes, fully threaded cortical screw was throne using standard AO technique. A second screw was throne, which was a 2.0 x 12 mm Synthes cortical screw. Excellent fixation was achieved and the screws tightly perched the bone. Next, the medial overhanging wedge was removed with a sagittal saw. A reciprocating rasp was used to smooth all bony prominences. The 0.045 inch Kirschner wire was removed. The screws were checked again for tightness and found to be very tight. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the capsular periosteal tissues with simple interrupted suture technique. A #4-0 Vicryl was used to close the subcutaneous layer in a simple interrupted technique. A #5-0 Monocryl was used to close the skin in a running subcuticular fashion.,Attention was directed to the right third digit, which was found to be markedly contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint. A #15 blade was used to make two convergent semi-elliptical incisions over the distal interphalangeal joint. The incision was deepened with a #15 blade. The wedge of skin was removed in full thickness. The long extensor tendon was identified and the distal and proximal borders of the wound were undermined. The #15 blade was used to transect the long extensor tendon, which was reflected proximally. The distal interphalangeal joint was identified and the #15 blade was placed in the joint and the medial and lateral collateral ligaments were released. Crown and collar scissors were used to release the planar attachment to the head of the middle phalanx. Next, a double action bone cutter was used to resect the head of the middle phalanx. The toe was dorsiflexed and was found to have an excellent rectus position. A hand rasp was used to smooth all bony surfaces. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. The flexor tendon was found to be contracted, therefore, a flexor tenotomy was performed through the dorsal incision. Next, #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the long extensor tendon with two simple interrupted sutures. A #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin and excellent cosmetic result was achieved.,Attention was directed to the fourth toe, which was found to be contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint and abducted and varus rotated. An oblique skin incision with two converging semi-elliptical incisions was created using #15 blade. The rest of the procedure was repeated exactly the same as the above paragraph to the third toe on the right foot. All the same suture materials were used. However, there was no flexor tenotomy performed on this toe, only on the third toe bilaterally.,Attention was directed to the fifth right digit, which was found to be contracted at the proximal interphalangeal joint. A linear incision approximately 2 cm in length was made with a #15 blade over the proximal interphalangeal joint. Next, a #15 blade was used to deepen the incision to the subcutaneous layer. The medial and lateral margins were undermined sharply to the level of the long extensor tendon. The proximal interphalangeal joint was identified and the tendon was transected with the #15 blade. The tendon was reflected proximally, off the head of the proximal phalanx. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments were released and the head of the proximal phalanx was delivered into the wound. A double action bone nibbler was used to remove the head of the proximal phalanx. A hand rasp was used to smooth residual bone. The joint was flushed with copious amounts of saline. A #3-0 Vicryl was used to close the long extensor tendon with two simple interrupted sutures. A #4-0 nylon was used to close the skin with a combination of simple interrupted and horizontal mattress sutures.,A standard postoperative dressing consisting of saline-soaked #0-1 silk, 4 x 4s, Kerlix, Kling, and Coban were applied. The pneumatic ankle tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits.,Attention was directed to the left foot. The foot was elevated off the table and exsanguinated with an Esmarch bandage and the pneumatic ankle tourniquet was elevated to 200 mmHg. Attention was directed to the left fifth toe, which was found to be contracted at the proximal interphalangeal joint. The exact same procedure, performed to the right fifth digit, was performed on this toe, with the same materials being used for suture and closure.,Attention was then directed to the left fourth digit, which was found to contracted and slightly abducted and varus rotated. The exact same procedure as performed to the right fourth toe was performed, consisting of two semi-elliptical skin incisions in an oblique angle. The same suture material were used to close the incision.,Attention was directed to the left third digit, which was found to be contracted at the distal interphalangeal joint. The same procedure performed on the right third digit was also performed. The same suture materials were used to close the wound and the flexor tenotomy was also performed at this digit. A standard postoperative dressing was also applied to the left foot consisting of the same materials as described for the right foot. The pneumatic tourniquet was released and immediate hyperemic flush was noted to the digits. The patient tolerated the above anesthesia and procedure without complications. She was transported via cart to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact to the foot. She was given postoperative shoes and will be partial weighbearing with crutches. She was admitted short-stay to Dr. Kaczander for pain control. She was placed on Demerol 50 and Vistaril 25 mg IM q3-4h. p.r.n. for pain. She will have Vicodin 5/500 one to two p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. for moderate pain. She was placed on Subq. heparin and given incentive spirometry 10 times an hour. She will be discharged tomorrow. She is to ice and elevate both feet today and rest as much as possible.,Physical Therapy will teach her crutch training today. X-rays were taken in the postoperative area and revealed excellent position of the screws and correction of bunion deformity as well as the hammertoe deformities.orthopedic, hallux abductovalgus, hammertoe, bunionectomy, flexor, tenotomy, interphalangeal, arthroplasty, screw fixation, osteotomy, interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, distal interphalangeal joint, interphalangeal joint, flexor tenotomy, proximal interphalangeal, joint arthroplasty, distal interphalangeal, distal, blade, proximal, foot, joint, toes, tendon,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic plantar fasciitis, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Chronic plantar fasciitis, right foot.,PROCEDURE: , Open plantar fasciotomy, right foot.,ANESTHESIA: , Local infiltrate with IV sedation.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY:, The patient has had a longstanding history of foot problems. The foot problem has been progressive in nature and has not been responsive to conservative care despite multiple attempts at conservative care. The preoperative discussion with the patient including alternative treatment options, the procedure itself was explained, and risk factors such as infection, swelling, scar tissue, numbness, continued pain, recurrence, falling arch, digital contracture, and the postoperative management were discussed. The patient has been advised, although no guarantee for success could be given, most of the patients have improved function and less pain. All questions were thoroughly answered. The patient requested for surgical repair since the problem has reached a point to interfere with normal daily activities. The purpose of the surgery is to alleviate the pain and discomfort.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was given 1 g Ancef for antibiotic prophylaxis 30 minutes prior to the procedure. The patient was brought to the operating room and placed in the supine position. Following a light IV sedation, a posterior tibial nerve block and local infiltrate of the operative site was performed with 10 mL, and a 1:1 mixture of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine, and 0.25% Marcaine was affected. The lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Balance anesthesia was obtained.,PROCEDURE:, Plantar fasciotomy, right foot. The plantar medial tubercle of the calcaneus was palpated and a vertical oblique incision, 2 cm in length with the distal aspect overlying the calcaneal tubercle was affected. Blunt dissection was carried out to expose the deep fascia overlying the abductor hallucis muscle belly and the medial plantar fascial band. A periosteal elevator did advance laterally across the inferior aspect of the medial and central plantar fascial bands, creating a small and narrow soft tissue tunnel. Utilizing a Metzenbaum scissor, transection of the medial two-third of the plantar fascia band began at the junction of the deep fascia of the abductor hallucis muscle belly and medial plantar fascial band, extending to the lateral two-thirds of the band. The lateral plantar fascial band was left intact. Visualization and finger probe confirmed adequate transection. The surgical site was flushed with normal saline irrigation.,The deep layer was closed with 3-0 Vicryl and the skin edges coapted with combination of 1 horizontal mattress and simples. The dressing consisted of Adaptic, 4 x 4, conforming bandages, and an ACE wrap to provide mild compression. The patient tolerated the procedure and anesthesia well, and left the operating room to recovery room in good postoperative condition with vital signs stable and arterial perfusion intact. A walker boot was dispensed and applied. The patient will be allowed to be full weightbearing to tolerance, in the boot to encourage physiological lengthening of the release of plantar fascial band.,The next office visit will be in 4 days. The patient was given prescriptions for Keflex 500 mg 1 p.o. three times a day x10 days and Lortab 5 mg #40, 1 to 2 p.o. q.4-6 h. p.r.n. pain, 2 refills, along with written and oral home instructions. After a short recuperative period, the patient was discharged home with vital signs stable and in no acute, plantar fascial band, plantar fasciitis, plantar fasciotomy, plantar fascial, anesthesia, plantar, fascia, fasciotomy, fascial, band, foot,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Congestion and cough.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 5-month-old infant who presented initially on Monday with a cold, cough, and runny nose for 2 days. Mom states she had no fever. Her appetite was good but she was spitting up a lot. She had no difficulty breathing and her cough was described as dry and hacky. At that time, physical exam showed a right TM, which was red. Left TM was okay. She was fairly congested but looked happy and playful. She was started on Amoxil and Aldex and we told to recheck in 2 weeks to recheck her ear. Mom returned to clinic again today because she got much worse overnight. She was having difficulty breathing. She was much more congested and her appetite had decreased significantly today. She also spiked a temperature yesterday of 102.6 and always having trouble sleeping secondary to congestion.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: ,None except the Amoxil and Aldex started on Monday.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with mom, sister, and her grandparent.,BIRTH HISTORY: , She was born, normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at Woman's weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces. No complications. Prevented, she passed her hearing screen at birth.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , Also up-to-date.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Negative.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Her respiratory rate was approximately 60 to 65.,GENERAL: She was very congested and she looked miserable. She had no retractions at this time.,HEENT: Her right TM was still red and irritated with no light reflex. Her nasal discharge was thick and whitish yellow. Her throat was clear. Her extraocular muscles were intact.,NECK: Supple. Full range of motion.,CARDIOVASCULAR EXAM: She was tachycardic without murmur.,LUNGS: Revealed diffuse expiratory wheezing.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,EXTREMITIES: Showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,LABORATORY DATA: ,Her chem panel was normal. RSV screen is positive. Chest x-ray and CBC are currently pending.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: ,RSV bronchiolitis with otitis media. Admit for oral Orapred, IV Rocephin, nebulizer treatments and oxygen as needed.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Maxillary atrophy.,2. Severe mandibular atrophy.,3. Acquired facial deformity.,4. Masticatory dysfunction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Maxillary atrophy.,2. Severe mandibular atrophy.,3. Acquired facial deformity.,4. Masticatory dysfunction.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Autologous iliac crest bone graft to maxilla and mandible under general anesthetic.,Dr. X and company accompanied the patient to OR #6 at 7:30 a.m. Nasal trachea intubation was performed per routine. The bilateral iliac crest harvest was first performed by Dr. X and company under separate OR report. Once the bone was harvested, surgical templets were used to recontour initially the maxillary graft and the mandibular graft. Then, CAT scan models were used to find tune and adjust the bony contact regions for the maxillary tricortical block graft and the mandibular tricortical block graft. Subsequent to the harvest of the bilateral ilium, the intraoral region was scrubbed per routine. Surgical team scrubbed and gowned in usual fashion and the patient was draped. Xylocaine 1%, 1:100,000 epinephrine 7 ml was infiltrated into the labial and palatal mucosa. A primary incision was made in the maxilla starting on the patient's left tuberosity region along the crest of the residual ridge to the contralateral side in similar fashion. Release incisions were made in the posterior region of the maxilla.,A full-thickness periosteal reflexion first exposed the palatal region. The contents of the neurovascular canal from the greater palatine foramina were identified. The hard palate was directly observed. The facial tissues were then reflected exposing the lateral aspect of the maxilla, the zygomatic arch, the infraorbital nerve, artery and vein, the lateral piriform rim, the inferior piriform rim, and the remaining issue of the nasal spine. Similar features were reflected on the contralateral side. The area was re-contoured with rongeurs. The block of bone, which was formed and harvested from the left ilium was then placed and found to be stable. A surgical mallet then compressed this bone further into the region. A series of five 2 mm diameter titanium screws measuring 14 mm to 16 mm long were then used to fixate the block of bone into the residual maxilla. Particulate bone was then placed around the remaining block of bone. A piece of AlloDerm mixed with Croften and patient's platelet-rich plasma, which was centrifuged from drawing 20 cc of blood was then mixed together and placed over the lateral aspect of the block. The tissues were expanded then with a tissue Metzenbaum scissors and once the labial tissue was expanded, the tissues were approximated for primary closure without tension using interrupted and continuous sutures #3-0 Gore-Tex. Attention was brought then to the mandible. 1% Xylocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine was infiltrated in the labial mucosa 5 cc were given. A primary incision was made between the mental foramina and the residual crest of the ridge and reflected first to the lingual area observing the superior genial tubercle in the facial area degloving the mentalis muscle and exposing the anterior body. The anterior body was found to be approximately 3 mm in height. A posterior tunnel was done first on the left side along the mylohyoid ridge and then under retromolar pad to the external oblique and the ridge was then degloved. A tunnel was formed in the posterior region separating the mental nerve artery and vein from the flap and exposing that aspect of the body of the mandible. A similar procedure was done on the contralateral side. The tissues were stretched with tissue scissors and then a high speed instrumentation was used to decorticate the anterior mandible using a 1.6 mm twist drill and a pear shaped bur was used in the posterior region to begin original exploratory phenomenon of repair. A block of bone was inserted between the mental foramina and fixative with three 16 cm screws first with a twist drill then followed with self-tapping 2 mm diameter titanium screws. The block of bone was further re-contoured in situ. Particulate bone was then injected into the posterior tunnels bilaterally. A piece of AlloDerm was placed over those particulate segments. The tissues were approximated for primary closure using #3-0 Gore-Tex suture both interrupted and horizontal mattress in form. The tissues were compressed for about four minutes to allow platelet clots to form and to help adhere the flap.,The estimated blood loss in the harvest of the hip was 100 cc. The estimated blood loss in the intraoral procedure was 220 cc. Total blood loss for the procedure 320 cc. The fluid administered 300 cc. The urine out 180. All sponges were counted encountered for as were sutures. The patient was taken to Recovery at approximately 12 o'clock, autologous iliac crest bone graft, to, mandible, mandibular atrophy, maxillary atrophy, facial deformity, masticatory dysfunction, iliac crest bone graft, mental foramina, iliac crest, bone, autologous, maxillary, mandibular, maxilla
CC: , "Five years ago, I stopped drinking and since that time, I have had severe depression. I was doing okay when I stopped my medications in April for a few weeks, but then I got depressed again. I started lithium three weeks ago.",HPI: ,The patient is a 45-year-old married white female without children currently working as a billing analyst for Northwest Natural. The patient has had one psychiatric hospitalization for seven days in April of 1999. The patient now presents with recurrent depressive symptoms for approximately four months. The patient states that she has decreased energy, suicidal ideation, suicide plan, feelings of guilt, feelings of extreme anger, psychomotor agitation, and increased appetite. The patient states her sleep is normal and her ability to concentrate is normal. The patient states that last night she had an argument with her husband in which he threaten to divorce her. The patient went into the rest room, tried to find a razor blade, could not find one but instead found a scissor and cut her arm moderately with some moderate depth. She felt better after doing so and put a bandage over the wound and did not report to her husband or anybody else what she had done. The patient reports that she has had increased tension with her husband as of recent. She notes that approximately a week ago she struck her husband several times. She states that he has never hit her but instead pushed her back after she was hitting him. She reports no history of abuse in the past. The patient identifies recent stressors as having ongoing conflict at work with her administrator with them "cracking down on me." The patient also notes that her longstanding therapy will be temporarily interrupted by the therapist having a child. She states that her recent depression seems to coincide with her growing knowledge that her therapist was pregnant. The patient states that she has a tremendous amount of anger towards her therapist for discontinuing or postponing treatment. She states that she feels "abandoned." The patient notes that it does raise issues with her past, where she had a child at the age of 17 who she gave away for adoption and a second child that she was pregnant by the age of 42 that she aborted at the request of her husband. The patient states she saw her therapist most recently last Friday. She sees the therapy weekly and indicates the therapy helps, although she is unable to specify how. When asked for specifics of what she has learned from the therapy, the patient was unable to reply. It appears that she is very concrete and has difficulty with symbolization and abstractions and self-observation. The patient reports that at her last visit her therapist was concerned that she may be suicidal and was considering hospitalization. The patient, at that point, stated that she would be safe through Monday despite having made a gesture last night. At present, the patient's mood is reactive and for much of the session she appears angry and irritated with me but at the end of the session, after I have given her my assessment, she appears calmed and not depressed. When asked if she is suicidal at present, she states no. The patient does not want to go into the hospital. The patient also indicates at the end of the session she felt hopeful. The patient reports her current sleep is about eight hours per night. She states that longest she has been able to stay awake in the past has been 24 hours. She states that during periods where she feels up she sleeps perhaps six hours per night. The patient reports no spending sprees and no reports no sexual indiscretions. The patient states that her sexuality does increase when she is feeling better but not enormously so. The patient denies any history of delusions or hallucinations. The patient denies any psychosis. The patient states that she does have mood swings and that the upstate lasts for a couple of weeks at longest. She states that more predominately she has depression. The patient states that she does not engage in numerous projects when she is in an upstate although does imagine doing so. The patient notes that suicidality and depression seems to often arise around disputes with her husband and/or feelings of abandonment. The patient indicates some satisfaction when she is called on her behavior "I need to answer for my actions." The patient gives a substantial history of alcohol abuse lasting up to about five years ago when she was hospitalized. Most typically, the patient will drink at least a bottle of wine per day. The patient has attended AA but at present going once a week, although she states that she is not engaged as she has been in the past; and when asked if she may be in early relapse, she indicates that yes that is a very real possibility. The patient states she is not working through any of the steps at present.,PPH: , The patient denies any sexual abuse as a child. She states that she was disciplined primarily by her father with spankings. She states that on occasion her mother would use a belt to spank her or with her hand or with a spoon. The patient has been seeing Dr. A for the past five years. Prior to that she was admitted to a hospital for her suicide attempt. The patient also has one short treatment experienced with the Day Treatment Program here in Portland. The patient states that it was not useful as it focused on group work with pts that she did not feel any similarity with. The patient, also as a child, had a history of cutting behaviors. The patient was admitted to the hospital after lacerating her arm.,MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The patient has hypothyroidism and last had her TSH drawn a week ago but does not know the results. Janet Green is her primary physician. The patient also has had herniated disc in the neck and a sinus inflammation, both of which were treated surgically.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , The patient currently is taking Synthroid 75 mcg per day and lithium 1200 mg p.o. q.d. The patient started the lithium approximately three weeks ago and has not had a recent lithium level or kidney function test.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SUBSTANCE HISTORY: , The patient has been sober for five years. She drank one bottle of wine per day as per HPI. History of drinking for approximately 25 years. The patient does not currently have a sponsor. The patient experimented with amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana approximately 16 years ago.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient's mother is age 66, father is age 70, and she has a brother age 44. Her brother has been incarcerated numerous times for assaults and has difficulty with anger and rage. He made a suicide attempt at age 17. The patient's father is a machinist who she describes as somewhat narcissistic and with alcohol abuse problem. He also has arthritis. The patient's mother is arthritic. She states that her mother stopped working at middle age after being laid off and appears somewhat reclusive.,EDUCATIONAL HISTORY: , The patient was educated through high school and has two years of Night College. The patient states that she grew up and was raised in Portland but notes her childhood was primarily lonely. She states she was unliked and unpopular child because she was "shy" and "not smart enough." The patient denies having secrets. The patient reports that this is her second marriage, which has lasted two years. Her first marriage lasted I believe it was five years. The patient also had a relationship in recovery for four years, which ended after they went "different directions.",MSE:, The patient is middle-aged white female, dressed in a red sweater with a white shirt, full patterned skirt, and open sandals. The patient is suspicious and somewhat confrontative early in the session. She asked me regarding my cancellation policy, why I require seven days and not 24 hours. The patient also is irritated with paper required of her. Psychomotor is increased slightly. The patient makes strong eye contact. Speech is normal rate, rhythm, and volume. Mood is "irritated." Affect is irritated, angry, demanding, attempting to wrest control from me, depressed, frustrated. Thought is directed. Content is nondelusional. There are no auditory and no visual hallucinations. The patient has no homicidal ideation. The patient does endorse suicidal ideations. Regarding plan, the patient notes that cutting herself hurts too much therefore she would like to take some benzodiazepines or barbiturates but has access to none. The patient states that she will not try to hurt herself currently and that she poses no risk at present. The patient notes that she does not want to go to the hospital at present. The patient is alert and oriented x 3. Recall is three for three at five minutes. Proverbs are concrete. She has fair impulse control, poor judgment, and poor insight.,FORMULATION: ,The patient is a 45-year-old married white female with no children now presenting with recurrent depressive symptoms and active suicidal ideation and planning. The patient reports longstanding depressive symptoms that were subthreshold punctuated by periods of more severe depression. The patient also reports some up periods, which do not meet most criteria for a bipolar disorder or manic states. The patient notes that current depression started with approximately the same time that she became aware that her therapist was pregnant. She notes that the current depression is atypical in that it is primarily anger based and she does not have the typical hypersomnia that she gets. The patient reports being unable to express anger to her therapist and being unable to discuss her feeling regarding the pregnancy. The patient also states that she feels abandoned with the upcoming discontinuation of treatment while the therapist is giving birth and thereafter. Symptoms are consistent with a longstanding dysthymia and reoccurring depression. In addition, diagnosis is highly complicated by presence of a strong personality disorder component, most likely borderline personality disorder. This latter diagnosis seems to be the most active at this time with the patient acutely reacting to perceived therapist's absence and departure. This is exacerbated by instability in the patient's marital life.,DIAGNOSIS:,Axis I: Dysthymia. Major depression, moderate severity, recurrent, with partial remission.,Axis II: Borderline personality disorder.,Axis III: Hypothyroidism and cervical disc herniation and sinus surgery.,Axis IV: Medical access. Marital discord.,Axis V: A GAF of 30.,PLAN: ,The patient is unlikely to have bipolar disorder. We will recommend the patient's thyroid be rechecked to ensure she is currently euthymic. We would recommend continued weekly or twice weekly insight oriented psychotherapy with aggressive exploration of the patient's reaction to her therapist's departure. We would also recommend dialectical behavioral therapy while the therapist is on leave. We would recommend continued treatment with SSRIs for dysthymia and depression. We would suggest prescribing long acting antidepressant such as Prozac, given the patient's ambivalence regarding medications. Prozac should be pushed to minimum of 40 mg, which the patient has already tolerated in the past, but most likely up to 60 or 80 mg. We might also supplement the Prozac with a (anti-sleep medication).,Time spent with the patient was 1.5 hours.nan
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient complains of chest pain. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 20-year-old male who states that he has had two previous myocardial infarctions related to his use of amphetamines. The patient has not used amphetamines for at least four to five months, according to the patient; however, he had onset of chest pain this evening. ,The patient describes the pain as midsternal pain, a burning type sensation that lasted several seconds. The patient took one of his own nitroglycerin tablets without any relief. The patient became concerned and came into the emergency department. ,Here in the emergency department, the patient states that his pain is a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. He feels much more comfortable. He denies any shortness of breath or dizziness, and states that the pain feels unlike the pain of his myocardial infarction. The patient has no other complaints at this time. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, The patient's past medical history is significant for status post myocardial infarction in February of 1995 and again in late February of 1995. Both were related to illegal use of amphetamines. ,ALLERGIES:, None. ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include nitroglycerin p.r.n. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 131/76, pulse 50, respirations 18, temperature 96.5. ,GENERAL: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished white male in no acute distress. The patient is alert and oriented x 3 and lying comfortably on the bed. ,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic. The pupils are equal, round, and reactive. Extraocular movements are intact. ,NECK: Supple with full range of motion. No rigidity or meningismus. ,CHEST: Nontender. ,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. ,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmur, S3, or S4. ,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, nontender with active bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly. No costovertebral angle tenderness. ,EXTREMITIES: Unremarkable. ,NEUROLOGIC: Unremarkable. ,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT LABS:, The patient had a CBC, minor chemistry, and cardiac enzymes, all within normal limits. Chest x-ray, as read by me, was normal. Electrocardiogram, as read by me, showed normal sinus rhythm with no acute ST or T-wave segment changes. There were no acute changes seen on the electrocardiogram. O2 saturation, as interpreted by me, is 99%. ,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: ,The patient had a stable, uncomplicated emergency department course. The patient received 45 cc of Mylanta and 10 cc of viscous lidocaine with complete relief of his chest pain. The patient had no further complaints and stated that he felt much better shortly thereafter. ,AFTERCARE AND DISPOSITION: ,The patient was discharged from the emergency department in stable, ambulatory, good condition with instructions to use Mylanta for his abdominal pain and to follow up with his regular doctor in the next one to two days. Otherwise, return to the emergency department as needed for any problem. The patient was given a copy of his labs and his electrocardiogram. The patient was advised to decrease his level of activity until then. The patient left with final diagnosis of: ,FINAL DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Evaluation of chest pain. ,2. Possible esophageal reflux.nan
SUBJECTIVE:, Grandfather brings the patient in today because of headaches, mostly in her face. She is feeling pressure there with a lot of sniffles. Last night, she complained of sore throat and a loose cough. Over the last three days, she has had a rash on her face, back and arms. A lot of fifth disease at school. She says it itches and they have been doing some Benadryl for this. She has not had any wheezing lately and is not taking any ongoing medications for her asthma.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Asthma and allergies.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Sister is dizzy but no other acute illnesses.,OBJECTIVE:,General: The patient is an 11-year-old female. Alert and cooperative. No acute distress.,Neck: Supple without adenopathy.,HEENT: Ear canals clear. TMs, bilaterally, gray in color and good light reflex. Oropharynx is pink and moist. No erythema or exudates. She has postnasal discharge. Nares are swollen and red. Purulent discharge in the posterior turbinates. Both maxillary sinuses are tender. She has some mild tenderness in the left frontal sinus. Eyes are puffy and she has dark circles.,Chest: Respirations are regular and nonlabored.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation throughout.,Heart: Regular rhythm without murmur.,Skin: Warm, dry and pink. Moist mucous membranes. Red, lacey rash from the wrists to the elbows, both sides. It is very faint on the lower back and she has reddened cheeks, as well.,ASSESSMENT:, Fifth disease with sinusitis.,PLAN:, Omnicef 300 mg daily for 10 days. May use some Zyrtec for the itching. Samples are given.general medicine, fifth disease, soap, asthma, headaches, sinusitis, sore throat, oropharynx,
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Bilateral endoscopic proximal shunt revision and a distal shunt revision.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION:, Headaches, full subtemporal site.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Slit ventricle syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Slit ventricle syndrome.,FINDINGS:, Coaptation of ventricles against proximal end of ventricular catheter.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube anesthesia.,DEVICES: , A Codman Hakim programmable valve with Portnoy ventricular catheter, a 0/20 proGAV valve with a shunt assist of 20 cm dual right-angled connector, and a flushing reservoir.,BRIEF NARRATIVE OF OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was administered, the patient was positioned on the operating table in the prone position with the head held on a soft foam padding. The occipital area was shaven bilaterally and then the areas of the prior scalp incisions were infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine after routine prepping and draping. Both U-shaped scalp incisions were opened exposing both the left and the right ventricular catheters as well as the old low pressure reservoir, which might have been leading to the coaptation of the ventricles. The patient also had a right subtemporal depression, which was full preoperatively. The entire old apparatus was dissected out. We then cut both the ventricular catheters and secured them with sutures so that __________ could be inserted. They were both inspected. No definite debris were seen. After removing the ventricular catheters, the old tracts were inspected and we could see where there was coaptation of the ventricles against the ventricular catheter. On the right side, we elected to insert the Portnoy ventricular catheter and on the left a new Bactiseal catheter was inserted underneath the corpus callosum in a different location. The old valve was dissected out and the proGAV valve with a 2-0 shunt assist was inserted and secured with a 2-0 Ethibond suture. The proGAV valve was then connected to a Bactiseal distal tubing, which was looped in a cephalad way and then curved towards the left burr hole site and then the Portnoy catheter on the right was secured with a right-angled sleeve and then interposed between it and the left burr hole site with a flushing reservoir. All connections secured with 2-0 Ethibond suture and a small piece of Bactiseal tubing between the flushing reservoir and the connector, which secured the left Bactiseal tubing to the two other Bactiseal tubings one being the distal Bactiseal tubing going towards the proGAV valve, which was set to an opening pressure of 8 and the other one being the Bactiseal tubing, which was going towards the flushing reservoir.,All the wounds were irrigated out with bacitracin and then closed in a routine manner using Vicryl for the deep layers and Monocryl for the skin, followed by Mastisol and Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications. CSF was not sent, codman hakim, portnoy, slit ventricle syndrome, shunt revision, bilateral endoscopic proximal shunt, coaptation of the ventricles, portnoy ventricular catheter, ventricular catheter, progav valve, flushing reservoir, bactiseal tubing, shunt, ventricular, bactiseal
Mr. XYZ forgot his hearing aids at home today and is severely hearing impaired and most of the interview had to be conducted with me yelling at him at the top of my voice. For all these reasons, this was not really under the best circumstances and I had to curtail the amount of time I spent trying to get a history because of the physical effort required in extracting information from this patient. The patient was seen late because he had not filled in the patient questionnaire. To summarize the history here, Mr. XYZ who is not very clear on events from the past, sustained a work-related injury some time in 1998. At that time, he was driving an 18-wheeler truck. The patient indicated that he slipped off the rear of his truck while loading vehicles to his trailer. He experienced severe low back pain and eventually a short while later, underwent a fusion of L4-L5 and L5-S1. The patient had an uneventful hospital course from the surgery, which was done somewhere in Florida by a surgeon, who he does not remember. He was able to return to his usual occupation, but then again had a second work-related injury in May of 2005. At that time, he was required to boat trucks to his rig and also to use a chain-pulley system to raise and lower the vehicles. Mr. XYZ felt a popping sound in his back and had excruciating low back pain and had to be transported to the nearest hospital. He was MRI'ed at that time, which apparently showed a re-herniation of an L5-S1 disc and then, he somehow ended up in Houston, where he underwent fusion by Dr. W from L3 through S2. This was done on 12/15/2005. Initially, he did fairly well and was able to walk and move around, but then gradually the pain reappeared and he started getting severe left-sided leg pain going down the lateral aspect of the left leg into his foot. He is still complaining of the severe pain right now with tingling in the medial two toes of the foot and significant weakness in his left leg. The patient was referred to Dr. A, pain management specialist and Dr. A has maintained him on opioid medications consisting of Norco 10/325 mg for breakthrough pain and oxycodone 30 mg t.i.d. with Lunesta 3 mg q.h.s. for sleep, Carisoprodol 350 mg t.i.d., and Lyrica 100 mg q.daily. The patient states that he is experiencing no side effects from medications and takes medications as required. He has apparently been drug screened and his drug screening has been found to be normal. The patient underwent an extensive behavioral evaluation on 05/22/06 by TIR Rehab Center. At that time, it was felt that Mr. XYZ showed a degree of moderate level of depression. There were no indications in the evaluation that Mr. XYZ showed any addictive or noncompliant type behaviors. It was felt at that time that Mr. XYZ would benefit from a brief period of individual psychotherapy and a course of psychotropic medications. Of concern to the therapist at that time was the patient's untreated and unmonitored hypertension and diabetes. Mr. XYZ indicated at that time, they had not purchased any prescription medications or any of these health-related issues because of financial limitations. He still apparently is not under really good treatment for either of these conditions and on today's evaluation, he actually denies that he had diabetes. The impression was that the patient had axis IV diagnosis of chronic functional limitations, financial loss, and low losses with no axis III diagnosis. This was done by Rhonda Ackerman, Ph.D., a psychologist. It was also suggested at that time that the patient should quit smoking. Despite these evaluations, Mr. XYZ really did not get involved in psychotherapy and there was poor attendance of these visits, there was no clearance given for any surgical interventions and it was felt that the patient has benefited from the use of SSRIs. Of concern in June of 2006 was that the patient had still not stopped smoking despite warnings. His hypertension and diabetes were still not under good control and the patient was assessed at significant risk for additional health complications including stroke, reduced mental clarity, and future falls. It was felt that any surgical interventions should be put on hold at that time. In September of 2006, the patient was evaluated at Baylor College of Medicine in the Occupational Health Program. The evaluation was done by a physician at that time, whose report is clearly documented in the record. Evaluation was done by Dr. B. At present, Mr. XYZ continues on with his oxycodone and Norco. These were prescribed by Dr. A two and a half weeks ago and the patient states that he has enough medication left to last him for about another two and a half weeks. The patient states that there has been no recent change in either the severity or the distribution of his pain. He is unable to sleep because of pain and his activities of daily living are severely limited. He spends most of his day lying on the floor, watching TV and occasionally will walk a while. ***** from detailed questioning shows that his activities of daily living are practically zero. The patient denies smoking at this time. He denies alcohol use or aberrant drug use. He obtains no pain medications from no other sources. Review of MRI done on 02/10/06 shows laminectomies at L3 through S1 with bilateral posterior plates and pedicle screws with granulation tissue around the thecal sac and around the left L4-5 and S1 nerve roots, which appear to be retracted posteriorly. There is a small right posterior herniation at L1-L2.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The patient does not know what medications he is taking for diabetes and denies any diabetes. CABG in July of 2006 with no preoperative angina, shortness of breath, or myocardial infarction. History of depression, lumbar fusion surgery in 2000, left knee surgery 25 years ago.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is on disability. He does not smoke. He does not drink alcohol. He is single. He lives with a girlfriend. He has minimal activities of daily living. The patient cannot recollect when last a urine drug screen was done.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No fevers, no headaches, chest pain, nausea, shortness of breath, or change in appetite. Depressive symptoms of crying and decreased self-worth have been noted in the past. No neurological history of strokes, epileptic seizures. Genitourinary negative. Gastrointestinal negative. Integumentary negative. Behavioral, depression.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient is short of hearing. His cognitive skills appear to be significantly impaired. The patient is oriented x3 to time and place. Weight 185 pounds, temperature 97.5, blood pressure 137/92, pulse 61. The patient is complaining of pain of a 9/10.,Musculoskeletal: The patient's gait is markedly antalgic with predominant weightbearing on the left leg. There is marked postural deviation to the left. Because of pain, the patient is unable to heel-toe or tandem gait. Examination of the neck and cervical spine are within normal limits. Range of motion of the elbow, shoulders are within normal limits. No muscle spasm or abnormal muscle movements noted in the neck and upper extremities. Head is normocephalic. Examination of the anterior neck is within normal limits. There is significant muscle wasting of the quadriceps and hamstrings on the left, as well as of the calf muscles. Skin is normal. Hair distribution normal. Skin temperature normal in both the upper and lower extremities. The lumbar spine curvature is markedly flattened. There is a well-healed central scar extending from T12 to L1. The patient exhibits numerous positive Waddell's signs on exam of the low back with inappropriate flinching and wincing with even the lightest touch on the paraspinal muscles. Examination of the paraspinal muscles show a mild to moderate degree of spasm with a significant degree of tenderness and guarding, worse on the left than the right. Range of motion testing of the lumbar spine is labored in all directions. It is interesting that the patient cannot flex more than 5 in the standing position, but is able to sit without any problem. There is a marked degree of sciatic notch tenderness on the left. No abnormal muscle spasms or muscle movements were noted. Patrick's test is negative bilaterally. There are no provocative facetal signs in either the left or right quadrants of the lumbar area. Neurological exam: Cranial nerves II through XII are within normal limits. Neurological exam of the upper extremities is within normal limits with good motor strength and normal biceps, triceps and brachioradialis reflexes. Neurological exam of the lower extremities shows a 2+ right patellar reflex and -1 on the left. There is no ankle clonus. Babinski is negative. Sensory testing shows a minimal degree of sensory loss on the right L5 distribution. Muscle testing shows decreased L4-L5 on the left with extensor hallucis longus +2/5. Ankle extensors are -3 on the left and +5 on the right. Dorsiflexors of the left ankle are +2 on the left and +5 on the right. Straight leg raising test is positive on the left at about 35 . There is no ankle clonus. Hoffman's test and Tinel's test are normal in the upper extremities.,Respiratory: Breath sounds normal. Trachea is midline.,Cardiovascular: Heart sounds normal. No gallops or murmurs heard. Carotid pulses present. No carotid bruits. Peripheral pulses are palpable.,Abdomen: Hernia site is intact. No hepatosplenomegaly. No masses. No areas of tenderness or guarding.,IMPRESSION:,1. Post-laminectomy low back syndrome.,2. Left L5-S1 radiculopathy.,3. Severe cognitive impairment with minimal ***** for rehabilitation or return to work.,4. Opioid dependence for pain control.,TREATMENT PLAN:, The patient will continue on with his medications prescribed by Dr. Chang and I will see him in two weeks' time and probably suggest switching over from OxyContin to methadone. I do not think this patient is a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation due to his grasp of exactly what is happening and his cognitive impairment. I will get a behavioral evaluation from Mr. Tom Welbeck and refer the patient for ongoing physical therapy. The prognosis here for any improvement or return to work is zero.chiropractic, pain management, opioid dependence, patrick's test, behavioral evaluation, cognitive impairment, low back syndrome, motor strength, pain control, physical therapy, radiculopathy, spinal cord stimulation, activities of daily living, neurological exam, laminectomy, hearing, diabetes, muscle, syndrome,
CC:, Right shoulder pain.,HX: ,This 46 y/o RHF presented with a 4 month history of right neck and shoulder stiffness and pain. The symptoms progressively worsened over the 4 month course. 2 weeks prior to presentation she began to develop numbness in the first and second fingers of her right hand and RUE pain. The later was described as a throbbing pain. She also experienced numbness in both lower extremities and pain in the coccygeal region. The pains worsened at night and impaired sleep. She denied any visual change, bowel or bladder difficulties and symptoms involving the LUE. She occasionally experienced an electric shock like sensation shooting down her spine when flexing her neck (Lhermitte's phenomena). She denied any history of neck/back/head trauma.,She had been taking Naprosyn with little relief.,PMH: ,1) Catamenial Headaches. 2) Allergy to Macrodantin.,SHX/FHX:, Smokes 2ppd cigarettes.,EXAM: ,Vital signs were unremarkable.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: full strength throughout. Normal tone and muscle bulk.,Sensory: No deficits on LT/PP/VIB/TEMP/PROP testing.,Coord/Gait/Station: Unremarkable.,Reflexes: 2/2 in BUE except 2+ at left biceps. 1+/1+BLE except an absent right ankle reflex.,Plantar responses were flexor bilaterally. Rectal exam: normal tone.,IMPRESSION:, C-spine lesion.,COURSE: ,MRI C-spine revealed a central C5-6 disk herniation with compression of the spinal cord at that level. EMG/NCV showed normal NCV, but 1+ sharps and fibrillations in the right biceps (C5-6), brachioradialis (C5-6), triceps (C7-8) and teres major; and 2+ sharps and fibrillations in the right pronator terres. There was increased insertional activity in all muscles tested on the right side. The findings were consistent with a C6-7 radiculopathy.,The patient subsequently underwent C5-6 laminectomy and her symptoms resolved.radiology, shoulder pain, stiffness, numbness, lhermitte's phenomena, c-spine lesion, disk herniation, mri c spine, reflexes, biceps, mri, disk, shoulder, spine, herniation,
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrointestinal bleed.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Ms. XYZ is an 81-year-old who presented to the emergency room after having multiple black tarry stools and a weak spell. She states that she woke yesterday morning and at approximately 10:30 had a bowel movement. She noticed it was very dark and smelly. She said she felt okay. She got up. She proceeded to clean her house without any difficulty or problems and then at approximately 2 o'clock in the afternoon she went back to the bathroom at which point she had another large stool and had weak spell felt like she was going to pass out. She is able to get to her phone, called EMS and when the EMS arrived they found her with some blood and some very dark stools. She states that she was perfectly fine up until Monday when she had an incident where at the Southern University where she works where there was an altercation between a dorm resistant and a young male, which ensued. She came to place her call, etc. She said she noticed her stomach was hurting after that, continued to hurt and she took the day off on Tuesday and this happened yesterday. She denies any nausea except for when she got weak. She denies any vomiting or any other symptoms.,ALLERGIES: ,She has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:,1. Lipitor, dose unknown.,2. Paxil, dose unknown.,3. Lasix, dose unknown.,4. Toprol, dose unknown.,5. Diphenhydramine p.r.n.,6. Ibuprofen p.r.n.,7. Daypro p.r.n.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Non-insulin diabetes mellitus.,2. History of congestive heart failure.,3. History of hypertension.,4. Depression.,5. Arthritis. She states she has not needed any medications and not taken ibuprofen or Daypro recently.,6. Hyperlipidemia.,7. Peptic ulcer disease diagnosed in 2005.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , C-section and tonsillectomy.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Her mother had high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She is a nonsmoker. She occasionally has a drink every few weeks. She is divorced. She has 2 sons. She is houseparent at Southern University.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Negative for the last 24 to 48 hours as mentioned in her HPI.,PREVENTIVE CARE: ,She had an EGD done in 09/05 at which point she was diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and she also had a colonoscopy at that time which revealed two polyps in the transverse colon.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Currently was stable. She is afebrile.,GENERAL: She is alert, pleasant in no acute distress. She does complain of some dizziness when she stands up.,HEENT: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light. Extraocular muscles intact. Sclerae clear. Oropharynx is clear.,NECK: Supple. Full range of motion.,CARDIOVASCULAR: She is slightly tachycardic but otherwise normal.,LUNGS: Clear bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended. She has no hepatomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, only trace edema.,LABORATORY DATA UPON ADMISSION:, Her initial chem panel was within normal limits. Her PT and PTT were normal. Her initial hematocrit was 31.2 subsequently dropped to 26.9 and 25.6. She is currently administered transfusion. Platelet count was 125. Her chem panel actually showed an elevated BUN of 16, creatinine of 1.7. PT and PTT were normal. Cardiac enzymes were negative and initial hemoglobin was 10.6 with hematocrit of 31.2 that subsequently fell to 25.6 and she is currently receiving blood.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:,1. Gastrointestinal bleed.nan
FINDINGS:,There are posttraumatic cysts along the volar midline and volar lateral aspects of the lunate which are likely posttraumatic. There is no acute marrow edema (series #12 images #5-7). Marrow signal is otherwise normal in the distal radius and ulna, throughout the carpals and throughout the proximal metacarpals.,There is a partial tear of the volar component of the scapholunate ligament in the region of the posttraumatic lunate cyst with retraction and thickening towards the scaphoid (series #6 image #5, series #8 images #22-36). There is tearing of the membranous portion of the ligament. The dorsal component is intact.,The lunatotriquetral ligament is thickened and lax, but intact (series #8 image #32).,There is no tearing of the radial or ulnar attachment of the triangular fibrocartilage (series #6 image #7). There is a mildly positive ulnar variance. Normal ulnar collateral ligament.,The patient was positioned in dorsiflexion. Carpal alignment is normal and there are no tears of the dorsal or ventral intercarpal ligaments (series #14 image #9).,There is a longitudinal split tear of the ECU tendon which is enlarged both at the level of and distal to the ulnar styloid with severe synovitis (series #4 images #8-16, series #3 images #9-16).,There is thickening of the extensor tendon sheaths within the fourth dorsal compartment with intrinsically normal tendons (series #4 image #12).,There is extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis synovitis in the second dorsal compartment (series #4 image #13).,Normal flexor tendons within the carpal tunnel. There is mild thickening of the tendon sheaths and the median nerve demonstrates increased signal without compression or enlargement (series #3 image #7, series #4 image #7).,There are no pathological cysts or soft tissue masses.,IMPRESSION:,Partial tear of the volar and membranous components of the scapholunate ligament with an associated posttraumatic cyst in the lunate. There is thickening and laxity of the lunatotriquetral ligament.,Longitudinal split tear of the ECU tendon with tendinosis and severe synovitis.,Synovitis of the second dorsal compartment and tendon sheath thickening in the fourth dorsal compartment.,Tendon sheath thickening within the carpal tunnel with increased signal within the median nerve.radiology, fourth dorsal compartment, tendon sheath thickening, tendon sheaths, dorsal compartment, volar, carpals, tear, ulnar, synovitis, sheaths, ligament, thickening, dorsal, tendon, injury,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Cough and abdominal pain for two days.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 76-year-old female who has a history of previous pneumonia, also hypertension and macular degeneration, who presents with generalized body aches, cough, nausea, and right-sided abdominal pain for two days. The patient stated that the abdominal pain was only associated with coughing. The patient reported that the cough is dry in nature and the patient had subjective fevers and chills at home.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for pneumonia in the past, pleurisy, macular degeneration, hypertension, and phlebitis.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,The patient had bilateral cataract extractions in 2007, appendectomy as a child, and three D&Cs in the past secondary to miscarriages.,MEDICATIONS: , On presentation included hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg p.o. daily, aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily, and propranolol 40 mg p.o. daily. The patient also takes multivitamin and Lutein over-the-counter for macular degeneration.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT HAS NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother died at the age of 59 due to stomach cancer and father died at the age of 91 years old.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient quit smoking 17 years ago; prior to that had smoked one pack per day for 44 years. Denies any alcohol use. Denies any IV drug use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: This is a 76-year-old female, well nourished. VITAL SIGNS: On presentation included a temperature of 100.1, pulse of 144 with a blood pressure of 126/77, the patient is saturating at 95% on room air, and has respiratory rate of 20. HEENT: Anicteric sclerae. Conjunctivae pink. Throat was clear. Mucosal membranes were dry. CHEST: Coarse breath sounds bilaterally at the bases. CARDIAC: S1 and S2. No murmurs, rubs or gallops. No evidence of carotid bruits. ABDOMEN: Positive bowel sounds, presence of soreness on examination in the abdomen on palpation. There is no rebound or guarding. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient had a chest x-ray, which showed increased markings present bilaterally likely consistent with chronic lung changes. There is no evidence of effusion or consolidation. Degenerative changes were seen in the shoulder. The patient also had an abdominal x-ray, which showed nonspecific bowel gas pattern. Urinalysis showed no evidence of infection as well as her influenza A&B were negative. Preliminary blood cultures have been with no growth to date status post 48 hours. The patient was started on cefepime 1 g IV q.12h. and given IV hydration. She has also been on Xopenex nebs q.8h. round the clock and in regards to her hypertension, she was continued on her hydrochlorothiazide and propranolol. In terms of prophylactic measures, she received Lovenox subcutaneously for DVT prophylaxis. Currently today, she feels much improved with still only a mild cough. The patient has been afebrile for two days, saturating at 97% on room air with a respiratory rate of 18. Her white count on presentation was 13.6 and yesterday's white count was 10.3.,FINAL DIAGNOSIS:, Bronchitis.,DISPOSITION: , The patient will be going home.,MEDICATIONS: , Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg p.o. daily, propranolol 40 mg p.o. daily. Also, Avelox 400 mg p.o. daily x10 days, guaifenesin 10 cc p.o. q.6h. p.r.n. for cough, and aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily.,DIET:, To follow a low-salt diet.,ACTIVITY:, As tolerated.,FOLLOWUP: ,To follow up with Dr. ABC in two weeks.nan
CC:, Headache,HX: ,37 y/o RHF presented to her local physician with a one month history of intermittent predominantly left occipital headaches which were awakening her in the early morning hours. The headachese were dull to throbbing in character. She was initially treated with Parafon-forte for tension type headaches, but the pain did not resolve. She subsequently underwent HCT in early 12/90 which revealed a right frontal mass lesion.,PMH: ,1)s/p tonsillectomy. 2)s/p elective abortion.,FHX:, Mother with breast CA, MA with "bone cancer." AODM both sides of family.,SHX: ,Denied tobacco or illicit drug use. Rarely consumes ETOH. Married with 2 teenage children.,EXAM: ,VItal signs unremarkable.,MS: Alert and oriented to person, place, time. Lucid thought process per NSG note.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: full strength with normal muscle bulk and tone.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coordination: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: unremarkable.,Reflexes: unremarkable.,Gen. Exam: unremarkable.,COURSE:, MRI Brain: large solid and cystic right frontal lobe mass with a large amount of surrounding edema. There is apparent tumor extension into the corpus callosum across the midline. Tumor extension is also suggested in the anterior limb of the interanl capsule on the right. There is midline mass shift to the left with effacement of the anterior horn of the right lateral ventricle. The MRI findings are most consistent with glioblastoma.,The patient underwent right frontal lobectomy. The pathological diagnosis was xanthomatous astrocytoma. The literature at the time was not clear as to optimal treatment protocol. People have survived as long as 25 years after diagnosis with this type of tumor. XRT was deferred until 11/91 when an MRI and PET Scan suggested extension of the tumor. She then received 5580 cGy of XRT in divided segments. She developed olfactory auras shortly after lobectomy at was treated with PB with subsequent improvement. She was treated with BCNU chemotherapy protocol in 1992.neurology, frontal lobe, tumor extension, glioma, headache, lobectomy, astrocytoma,
PROCEDURE: , Endotracheal intubation.,INDICATION: , Respiratory failure.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 52-year-old male with metastatic osteogenic sarcoma. He was admitted two days ago with small bowel obstruction. He has been on Coumadin for previous PE and currently on heparin drip. He became altered and subsequently deteriorated quite rapidly to the point where he is no longer breathing on his own and has minimal responsiveness. A code blue was called. On my arrival, the patient's vital signs are stable. His blood pressure is systolically in 140s and heart rate 80s. He however has 0 respiratory effort and is unresponsive to even painful stimuli. The patient was given etomidate 20 mg.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient positioned appropriate equipment at the bedside, given 20 mg of etomidate and 100 mg of succinylcholine. Mac-4 blade was used. A 7.5 ET tube placed to 24th teeth. There is good color change on the capnographer with bilateral breath sounds. Following intubation, the patient's blood pressure began to drop. He was given 2 L of bolus. I started him on dopamine drip at 10 mcg. Dr. X was at the bedside, who is the primary caregiver, he assumed the care of the patient, will be transferred to the ICU. Chest x-ray will be reviewed and Pulmonary will be, metastatic osteogenic sarcoma, respiratory failure, bowel obstruction, blood pressure, endotracheal intubation, endotracheal, sarcoma
We discovered new T-wave abnormalities on her EKG. There was of course a four-vessel bypass surgery in 2001. We did a coronary angiogram. This demonstrated patent vein grafts and patent internal mammary vessel and so there was no obvious new disease.,She may continue in the future to have angina and she will have nitroglycerin available for that if needed.,Her blood pressure has been elevated and so instead of metoprolol, we have started her on Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d. This should be increased up to 25 mg b.i.d. as preferred antihypertensive in this lady's case. She also is on an ACE inhibitor.,So her discharge meds are as follows:,1. Coreg 6.25 mg b.i.d.,2. Simvastatin 40 mg nightly.,3. Lisinopril 5 mg b.i.d.,4. Protonix 40 mg a.m.,5. Aspirin 160 mg a day.,6. Lasix 20 mg b.i.d.,7. Spiriva puff daily.,8. Albuterol p.r.n. q.i.d.,9. Advair 500/50 puff b.i.d.,10. Xopenex q.i.d. and p.r.n.,I will see her in a month to six weeks. She is to follow up with Dr. X before that.soap / chart / progress notes, chest pain, respiratory insufficiency, chronic lung disease, bronchospastic angina, insufficiency, chest, angina, respiratory, bronchospastic
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right frontotemporal chronic subacute subdural hematoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right frontotemporal chronic subacute subdural hematoma.,TITLE OF THE OPERATION: , Right frontotemporal craniotomy and evacuation of hematoma, biopsy of membranes, microtechniques.,ASSISTANT: , None.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 75-year-old man with a 6-week history of decline following a head injury. He was rendered unconscious by the head injury. He underwent an extensive syncopal workup in Mississippi. This workup was negative. The patient does indeed have a heart pacemaker. The patient was admitted to ABCD three days ago and yesterday underwent a CT scan, which showed a large appearance of subdural hematoma. There is a history of some bladder tumors and so a scan with contrast was obtained that showed some enhancement in the membranes. I decided to perform a craniotomy rather than burr hole drainage because of the enhancing membranes and the history of a bladder tumor undefined as well as layering of the blood within the cavity. The patient and the family understood the nature, indications, and risk of the surgery and agreed to go ahead.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room where general and endotracheal anesthesia was obtained. The head was turned over to the left side and was supported on a cushion. There was a roll beneath the right shoulder. The right calvarium was shaved and prepared in the usual manner with Betadine-soaked scrub followed by Betadine paint. Markings were applied. Sterile drapes were applied. A linear incision was made more or less along the coronal suture extending from just above the ear up to near the midline. Sharp dissection was carried down into subcutaneous tissue and Bovie electrocautery was used to divide the galea and the temporalis muscle and fascia. Weitlaner retractors were inserted. A single bur hole was placed underneath the temporalis muscle. I placed the craniotomy a bit low in order to have better cosmesis. A cookie cutter type craniotomy was then carried out in dimensions about 5 cm x 4 cm. The bone was set aside. The dura was clearly discolored and very tense. The dura was opened in a cruciate fashion with a #15 blade. There was immediate flow of a thin motor oil fluid under high pressure. Literally the fluid shot out several inches with the first nick in the membranous cavity. The dura was reflected back and biopsy of the membranes was taken and sent for permanent section. The margins of the membrane were coagulated. The microscope was brought in and it was apparent there were septations within the cavity and these septations were for the most part divided with bipolar electrocautery. The wound was irrigated thoroughly and was inspected carefully for any sites of bleeding and there were none. The dura was then closed in a watertight fashion using running locking 4-0 Nurolon. Tack-up sutures had been placed at the beginning of the case and the bone flap was returned to the wound and fixed to the skull using the Lorenz plating system. The wound was irrigated thoroughly once more and was closed in layers. Muscle fascia and galea were closed in separate layers with interrupted inverted 2-0 Vicryl. Finally, the skin was closed with running locking 3-0 nylon.,Estimated blood loss for the case was less than 30 mL. Sponge and needle counts were correct.,FINDINGS: , Chronic subdural hematoma with multiple septations and thickened subdural membrane.,I might add that the arachnoid was not violated at all during this procedure. Also, it was noted that there was no subarachnoid blood but only subdural blood.neurosurgery, frontotemporal, weitlaner, calvarium, cookie cutter type, craniotomy, dura, frontotemporal craniotomy, galea, hematoma, subdural, subdural hematoma, syncopal, temporalis, subacute subdural hematoma, temporalis muscle,
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Management of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the patient on chronic hemodialysis, being admitted for chest pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 66-year-old Native American gentleman, a patient of Dr. X, my associate, who has a past medical history of coronary artery disease, status post stent placement, admitted with chest pressure around 4 o'clock last night. He took some nitroglycerin tablets at home with no relief. He came to the ER. He is going to have a coronary angiogram done today by Dr. Y. I have seen this patient first time in the morning, approximately around the 4 o'clock. This is a late entry dictation. Presently lying in bed, but he feels fine. Denies any chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Denies hematuria, dysuria, or bright red blood per rectum.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Coronary artery disease, status post stent placement two years ago.,2. Diabetes mellitus for the last 12 years.,3. Hypertension.,4. End-stage renal disease.,5. History of TIA in the past.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. As mentioned above.,2. Cholecystectomy.,3. Appendectomy.,4. Right IJ PermaCath placement.,5. AV fistula graft in the right wrist.,PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY:, He smoked 2 to 3 packets per day for at least last 10 years. He quit smoking roughly about 20 years ago. Occasional alcohol use.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,ALLERGIES: ,No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME: , Metoprolol, Plavix, Rocaltrol, Lasix, Norvasc, Zocor, hydralazine, calcium carbonate, and loratadine.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: He is alert, seems to be in no apparent distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2, pulse 61, respiratory 20, and blood pressure 139/63.,HEENT: Atraumatic and normocephalic.,NECK: No JVD, no thyromegaly, supra and infraclavicular lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. Air entry bilateral equal.,HEART: S1 and S2. No pericardial rub.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Normal bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No edema.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert without focal deficit.,LABORATORY DATA:, Laboratory data shows hemoglobin 13, hematocrit 38.4, sodium 130, potassium 4.2, chloride 96.5, carbonate 30, BUN 26, creatinine 6.03, and glucose 162.,IMPRESSION:,1. End-stage renal disease, plan for dialysis today.,2. Diabetes mellitus.,3. Chest pain for coronary angiogram today.,4. Hypertension, blood pressure stable.,PLAN: , Currently follow the patient. Dr. Z is going to assume the care.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Bilateral carotid cerebral angiogram.,2. Right femoral-popliteal angiogram.,FINDINGS: , The right carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The right internal carotid artery was found to be very tortuous with kinking in its cervical portions, but no focal stenosis was noted. Likewise, the intracranial portion of the right internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the right middle cerebral artery.,The left carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The cervical portion of the left internal carotid artery showed a 30 to 40% stenosis with small ulcer crater present. The intracranial portion of the left internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the left middle cerebral artery.,Visualization of the right lower extremity showed no significant disease.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in supine position under local anesthesia plus intravenous sedation, the groin areas were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,The common femoral artery was punctured in a routine retrograde fashion and a 5-French introducer sheath was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance. A catheter was then placed in the aortic arch and the right and left common carotid arteries were then selectively catheterized and visualized as described above.,Following completion of the above, the catheter and introducer sheath were removed. Heparin had been initially given, which was reversed with protamine. Firm pressure was held over the puncture site for 20 minutes, followed by application of a sterile Coverlet dressing and sandbag compression.,The patient tolerated the procedure well throughout.cardiovascular / pulmonary, femoral-popliteal angiogram, carotid cerebral angiogram, internal carotid artery, carotid artery, angiogram, carotid, cerebral, artery,
RIGHT LOWER EXTREMITY:, The arterial system was visualized showing triphasic waveform from the common femoral to popliteal and biphasic waveform at the posterior tibial artery with ankle brachial index of 0/8.,LEFT LOWER EXTREMITY:, The arterial system was visualized with triphasic waveform from the common femoral to the popliteal artery, with biphasic waveform at the posterior tibial artery. Ankle brachial index of 0.9.,IMPRESSION: , Mild bilateral lower extremity arterial obstructive disease.,radiology, lower extremity arterial doppler, posterior tibial artery, ankle brachial index, arterial doppler, triphasic waveform, common femoral, biphasic waveform, tibial artery, ankle brachial, brachial index, lower extremity, doppler, triphasic, femoral, popliteal, brachial, waveform, extremity, arterial,
BILATERAL SCROTAL ORCHECTOMY,PROCEDURE:,: The patient is placed in the supine position, prepped and draped in the usual manner. Under satisfactory general anesthesia, the scrotum was approached and through a transverse mid scrotal incision, the right testicle was delivered through the incision. Hemostasis was obtained with the Bovie and the spermatic cord was identified. It was clamped, suture ligated with 0 chromic catgut and the cord above was infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine for postoperative pain relief. The left testicle was delivered through the same incision. The spermatic cord was identified, clamped, suture ligated and that cord was also injected with 0.25% percent Marcaine. The incision was injected with the same material and then closed in two layers using 4-0 chromic catgut continuous for the dartos and interrupted for the skin. A dry sterile dressing fluff and scrotal support applied over that. The patient was sent to the Recovery Room in stable condition.urology, scrotum, hemostasis, marcaine, catgut, incision, scrotal orchiectomy, spermatic cord, sterile dressing, testicle, transverse, suture ligated, chromic catgut, orchiectomy, scrotal, cordNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe low back pain.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe low back pain.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED: , Anterior lumbar fusion, L4-L5, L5-S1, PEEK vertebral spacer, structural autograft from L5 vertebral body, BMP and anterior plate.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 mL.,DRAINS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS:, Dr. X made the approach and once we were at the L5-S1 disk space, we removed the disk and we placed a 13-mm PEEK vertebral spacer filled with a core of bone taken from the L5 vertebral body. This was filled with a 15 x 20-mm Chronos VerteFill tricalcium phosphate plug. At L4-L5, we used a 13-mm PEEK vertebral spacer with structural autograft and BMP, and then we placed a two-level 87-mm Integra sacral plate with 28 x 6-mm screws, two each at L4 and L5 and 36 x 6-mm screws at S1.,OPERATION IN DETAIL:, The patient was placed under general endotracheal anesthesia. The abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Dr. X made the approach, and once the L5-S1 disk space was identified, we incised this with a knife and then removed a large core of bone taking rotating cutters. I was able to remove additional disk space and score the vertebral bodies. The rest of the disk removal was done with the curette, scraping the endplates. I tried various sized spacers, and at this point, we exposed the L5 body and took a dowel from the body and filled the hole with a 15 x 20-mm Chronos VerteFill tricalcium phosphate plug. Half of this was used to fill the spacer at L5-S1, BMP was placed in the spacer as well and then it was tapped into place. We then moved the vessels over the opposite way approaching the L4-L5 disk space laterally, and the disk was removed in a similar fashion and we also used a 13-mm PEEK vertebral spacer, but this is the variety that we could put in from one side. This was filled with bone and BMP as well. Once this was done, we were able to place an 87-mm Integra sacral plate down over the three vertebral bodies and place these screws. Following this, bleeding points were controlled and Dr. X proceeded with the closure of the abdomen.,SUMMARY: , This is a 51-year-old man who reports 15-year history of low back pain and intermittent bilateral leg pain and achiness. He has tried multiple conservative treatments including physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, etc. MRI scan shows a very degenerated disk at L5-S1, less so at L3-L4 and L4-L5. A discogram was positive with the lower 3 levels, but he has pain, which starts below the iliac crest and I feel that the L3-L4 disk is probably that symptomatic. An anterior lumbar interbody fusion was suggested. Procedure, risks, and complications were explained.orthopedic, peek vertebral spacer, autograft, anterior lumbar fusion, lumbar fusion, vertebral body, vertebral spacer, vertebral, spacer, anterior, lumbar, fusion,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right wrist pain with an x-ray showing a scapholunate arthritic collapse pattern arthritis with osteophytic spurring of the radial styloid and a volar radial wrist mass suspected of being a volar radial ganglion.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right wrist pain with an x-ray showing a scapholunate arthritic collapse pattern arthritis with osteophytic spurring of the radial styloid and a volar radial wrist mass suspected of being a volar radial ganglion; finding of volar radial wrist mass of bulging inflammatory tenosynovitis from the volar radial wrist joint rather than a true ganglion cyst; synovitis was debrided and removed.,PROCEDURE: , Excision of volar radial wrist mass (inflammatory synovitis) and radial styloidectomy, right wrist.,ANESTHESIA:, Axillary block plus IV sedation.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Zero.,SPECIMENS,1. Inflammatory synovitis from the volar radial wrist area.,2. Inflammatory synovitis from the dorsal wrist area.,DRAINS:, None.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , Patient brought to the operating room. After induction of IV sedation a right upper extremity axillary block anesthetic was performed by anesthesia staff. Routine prep and drape was employed. Patient received 1 gm of IV Ancef preoperatively. Arm was exsanguinated by means of elevation of Esmarch elastic tourniquet. Tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg pressure. Hand positioned palm up in a lead hand-holder. A longitudinal zigzag incision over the volar radial wrist mass was made. Skin was sharply incised. Careful blunt dissection was used in the subcutaneous tissue. Antebrachial fascia was bluntly dissected and incised to reveal the radial artery. Radial artery was mobilized preserving its dorsal and palmar branches. Small transverse concomitant vein branches were divided to facilitate mobilization of the radial artery. Wrist mass was exposed by blunt dissection. This appeared to be an inflammatory arthritic mass from the volar radial wrist capsule. This was debrided down to the wrist capsule with visualization of the joint through a small capsular window. After complete volar synovectomy the capsular window was closed with 4-0 Mersilene figure-of-eight suture. Subcutaneous tissue was closed with 4-0 PDS and the skin was closed with a running subcuticular 4-0 Prolene. Forearm was pronated and C-arm image intensifier was used to confirm localization of the radial styloid for marking of the skin incision. An oblique incision overlying the radial styloid centered on the second extensor compartment was made. Skin was sharply incised. Blunt dissection was used in the subcutaneous tissue. Care was taken to identify and protect the superficial radial nerve. Blunt dissection was carried out in the extensor retinaculum. This was incised longitudinally over the second extensor compartment. EPL tendon was identified, mobilized and released to facilitate retraction and prevent injury. The interval between the ECRL and the ECRB was developed down to bone. Dorsal capsulotomy was made and local synovitis was identified. This was debrided and sent as second pathologic specimen. Articular surface of the scaphoid was identified and seen to be completely devoid of articular cartilage with hard, eburnated subchondral bone consistent with a SLAC pattern arthritis. Radial styloid had extensive spurring and was exposed subperiosteally and osteotomized in a dorsal oblique fashion preserving the volar cortex as the attachment point of the deep volar carpal ligament layer. Dorsally the styloidectomy was beveled smooth and contoured with a rongeur. Final x-rays documenting the styloidectomy were obtained. Local synovitis beneath the joint capsule was debrided. Remnants of the scapholunate interosseous which was completely deteriorated were debrided. The joint capsule was closed anatomically with 4-0 PDS and extensor retinaculum was closed with 4-0 PDS. Subcutaneous tissues closed with 4-0 Vicryl. Skin was closed with running subcuticular 4-0 Prolene. Steri-Strips were applied to wound edge closure; 10 cc of 0.5% plain Marcaine was infiltrated into the areas of the surgical incisions and radial styloidectomy for postoperative analgesia. A bulky gently compressive wrist and forearm bandage incorporating an EBI cooling pad were applied. Tourniquet was deflated. Good vascular color and capillary refill were seen to return to the tips of all digits. Patient discharged to the ambulatory recovery area and from there discharged home.,DISCHARGE PRESCRIPTIONS:,1. Keflex 500 mg tablets, #20, one PO q.6h. x 5 days.,2. Vicodin, 40 tablets, one to two PO q.4h. p.r.n.,3. Percocet, #20 tablets, one to two PO q.3-4h. p.r.n. severe, osteophytic, spurring, ganglion, synovitis, volar radial wrist mass, excision, inflammatory synovitis, radial styloidectomy, inflammatory, styloidectomy, volar, wrist, radial, mass
HISTORY AND CLINICAL DATA: ,The patient is an 88-year-old gentleman followed by Dr. X, his primary care physician, Dr. Y for the indication of CLL and Dr. Z for his cardiovascular issues. He presents to the Care Center earlier today with approximately a one-week history of increased progressive shortness of breath, orthopnea over the course of the past few nights, mild increase in peripheral edema, and active wheezing with dyspnea presenting this morning.,He reports no clear-cut chest discomfort or difficulty with angina. He has had no dizziness, lightheadedness, no near or true syncope, nothing supportive of CVA, TIA, nor peripheral vascular claudication.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, General review of system is significant for difficulty with intermittent constipation, which has been problematic recently. He reports no fever, shaking chills, nothing supportive of GI or GU blood loss, no productive or nonproductive cough.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Remarkable for hypertension, diabetes, prostate cancer, status post radium seed implant, COPD, single vessel coronary disease, esophageal reflux, CLL, osteopenia, significant hearing loss, anxiety, and degenerative joint disease.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Remarkable for being married, retired, quit smoking in 1997, rare use of alcohol, lives locally with his wife.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME:, Include, Lortab 7.5 mg up to three times daily for chronic arthritic discomfort, Miacalcin nasal spray once daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, Diovan 320 mg daily, Combivent two puffs t.i.d., folate, one adult aspirin daily, glyburide 5 mg daily, atenolol 50 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg daily, amlodipine 5 mg daily, hydralazine 50 mg p.o. t.i.d., in addition to Tekturna 150 mg daily, Zoloft 25 mg daily.,ALLERGIES: ,He has known history of allergy to clonidine, Medifast does fatigue.,DIAGNOSTIC AND LABORATORY DATA: , Chest x-ray upon presentation to the Ellis Emergency Room this evening demonstrate significant congestive heart failure with moderate-sized bilateral pleural effusions.,A 12-lead EKG, sinus rhythm at a rate of 68 per minute, right bundle-branch block type IVCV with moderate nonspecific ST changes. Low voltage in the limb leads.,WBC 29,000, hemoglobin 10.9, hematocrit 31, platelets 187,000. Low serum sodium at 132, potassium 4, BUN 28, creatinine 1.2, random glucose 179. Low total protein 5.7. Magnesium level 2.3, troponin 0.404 with the B-natriuretic peptide of 8200.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,He is an elderly gentleman, who appears to be in no acute distress, lying comfortably flat at 30 degrees, measured pressure of 150/80 with a pulse of 68 and regular. JVD difficult to assess. Normal carotids with obvious bruits. Conjunctivae pink. Oropharynx clear. Mild kyphosis. Diffusely depressed breath sounds halfway up both posterior lung fields. No active wheezing. Cardiac Exam: Regular, soft, 1-2/6 early systolic ejection murmur best heard at the base. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, protuberant, benign. Extremities: 2+ bilateral pitting edema to the level of the knees. Neuro Exam: Appears alert, oriented x3. Appropriate manner and affect, exceedingly hard of hearing.,OVERALL IMPRESSION:, An 88-year-old white male with the following major medical issues:,1. Presentation consists with subclinical congestive heart failure possibly systolic, no recent echocardiogram available for review.,2. Hypertension with suboptimal controlled currently.,3. Diabetes.,4. Prostate CA, status post radium seed implant.,5. COPD, on metered-dose inhaler.,6. CLL followed by Dr. Y.,7. Single-vessel coronary disease, no recent anginal quality chest pain, no changes in ECG suggestive of acute ischemia; however, initial troponin 0.4 - to be followed with serial enzyme determinations and telemetry.,8. Hearing loss, anxiety.,9. Significant degenerative joint disease.,PLAN:,1. Admit to A4 with telemetry, congestive heart failure pathway, intravenous diuretic therapy.,2. Strict I&O, Foley catheter has already been placed.,3. Daily BMP.,4. Two-dimensional echocardiogram to assess left ventricular systolic function. Serum iron determination to exclude the possibility of a subclinical ischemic cardiac event. Further recommendations will be forthcoming pending his clinical course and hospital.nan
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Patient is a 72-year-old white male complaining of a wooden splinter lodged beneath his left fifth fingernail, sustained at 4 p.m. yesterday. He attempted to remove it with tweezers at home, but was unsuccessful. He is requesting we attempt to remove this for him.,The patient believes it has been over 10 years since his last tetanus shot, but states he has been allergic to previous immunizations primarily with "horse serum." Consequently, he has declined to update his tetanus immunization.,MEDICATIONS: , He is currently on several medications, a list of which is attached to the chart, and was reviewed. He is not on any blood thinners.,ALLERGIES: , HE IS ALLERGIC ONLY TO TETANUS SERUM.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Patient is married and is a nonsmoker and lives with his wife. ,Nursing notes were reviewed with which I agree.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Temp and vital signs are all within normal limits.,GENERAL: The patient is a pleasant elderly white male who is sitting on the stretcher in no acute distress.,EXTREMITIES: Exam of the left fifth finger shows a 5- to 6-mm splinter lodged beneath the medial aspect of the nail plate. It does not protrude beyond the end of the nail plate. There is no active bleeding. There is no edema or erythema of the digit tip. Flexion and extension of the DIP joint is intact. The remainder of the hand is unremarkable.,TREATMENT: , I did attempt to grasp the end of the splinter with splinter forceps, but it is brittle and continues to break off. In order to better grasp the splinter, will require penetration beneath the nail plate, which the patient cannot tolerate due to pain. Consequently, the base of the digit tip was prepped with Betadine, and just distal to the DIP joint, a digital block was applied with 1% lidocaine with complete analgesia of the digit tip. I was able to grasp the splinter and remove this. No further foreign body was seen beneath the nail plate and the area was cleansed and dressed with bacitracin and bandage.,ASSESSMENT: , Foreign body of the left fifth fingernail (wooden splinter).,PLAN: , Patient was urged to clean the area b.i.d. with soap and water and to dress with bacitracin and a Band-Aid. If he notes increasing redness, pain, or swelling, he was urged to return for re-evaluation.general medicine, horse serum, wooden splinter, foreign body, nail plate, grasp, fingernail, splinter,
REASON FOR ADMISSION: , Rectal bleeding.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a very pleasant 68-year-old male with history of bilateral hernia repair, who presents with 3 weeks of diarrhea and 1 week of rectal bleeding. He states that he had some stomach discomfort in the last 4 weeks. He has had some physical therapy for his lower back secondary to pain after hernia repair. He states that the pain worsened after this. He has had previous history of rectal bleeding and a colonoscopy approximately 8 years ago that was normal. He denies any dysuria. He denies any hematemesis. He denies any pleuritic chest pain. He denies any hemoptysis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. History of bilateral hernia repair by Dr. X in 8/2008.,2. History of rectal bleeding.,ALLERGIES: , NONE.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Cipro.,2. Lomotil.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , No tobacco, alcohol or IV drug use.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the history of present illness otherwise unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is afebrile. Pulse 117, respirations 18, and blood pressure 117/55. Saturating 98% on room air.,GENERAL: The patient is alert and oriented x3.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements are intact. Oropharynx is clear without exudates.,NECK: Supple. No thyromegaly. No jugular venous distention.,HEART: Tachycardic. Regular rhythm without murmurs, rubs or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally both anteriorly and posteriorly.,ABDOMEN: Positive bowel sounds. Soft and nontender with no guarding.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema in the upper or lower extremities.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal.,LABORATORY STUDIES:, Sodium 131, potassium 3.9, chloride 94, CO2 25, BUN 15, creatinine 0.9, glucose 124, INR 1.2, troponin less than 0.04, white count 17.5, hemoglobin 12.3, and platelet count 278 with 91% neutrophils. EKG shows sinus tachycardia.,PROBLEM LIST:,1. Colitis.,2. Sepsis.,3. Rectal bleeding.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1. GI consult with Dr. Y's group.,2. Continue Levaquin and Flagyl.,3. IV fluids.,4. Send for fecal WBCs, O&P, and C. diff.,5. CT of the abdomen and pelvis to rule out abdominal pathology.,6. PPI for PUD prophylaxis.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Radical resection of tumor of the scalp (CPT 11643). Excision of tumor from the skull with debridement of the superficial cortex with diamond bur. Advancement flap closure, with total undermined area 18 centimeters by 16 centimeters (CPT 14300).,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal anesthesia.,INDICATIONS: ,This is an 81-year-old male who has a large exophytic 7cm lesion of the anterior midline scalp which is biopsy-positive for skin malignancy, specifically, squamous call carcinoma. This appears to be affixed to the underlying scalp.,PLAN: , Radical resection with frozen sections to clear margins thereafter, with planned reconstruction.,CONSENT:, I have discussed with the patient the possible risks of bleeding, infection, renal problems, scar formation, injury to muscle, nerves, and possible need for additional surgery with possible recurrence of the patient's carcinoma, with review of detailed informed consent with the patient, who understood, and wished to proceed.,FINDINGS: , The patient had a 7cm large exophytic lesion which appeared to be invasive into the superficial table of the skull. The final periosteal margin which centrally appeared was positive for carcinoma. The final margins peripherally were all negative.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room and there was placed supine on the operating room table.,General endotracheal anesthesia was administered after endotracheal tube intubation was performed by the Anesthesia Service personnel. The patient was thereafter prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner using Betadine Scrub and Betadine paint. Thereafter, the local anesthesia was injected into the area around the tumor. A **** type excision was planned down to the periosteum. A supraperiosteal radical resection was performed.,It was obvious that there was tumor at the deep margin, involving the periosteum. The edges were marked along the four quadrants, at the 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and the 9 o'clock positions, and these were sent for frozen section evaluation. Frozen section revealed positive margins at one end of the resection. Therefore, an additional circumferential resection was performed and the final margins were all negative.,Following completion, the deep periosteal margin was resected. The circumferential periosteal margins were noted to be negative; however, centrally, there was a small area which showed tumor eroding into the superficial cortex of the skull. Therefore, the Midas Rex drill was utilized to resect approximately 1-2 mm of the superficial cortex of the bone at the area where the positive margin was located. Healthy bone was obtained; however, it did not enter the diploic or marrow-containing bone in the area. Therefore, no bong margin was taken. However, at the end of the procedure, it did not appear that the residual bone had any residual changes consistent with carcinoma.,Following completion of the bony resection, the area was irrigated with copious amounts of saline. Thereafter, advancement flaps were created, both on the left and the right side of the scalp, with the total undermined area being approximately 18cm by 16cm. The galea was incised in multiple areas, to provide for additional mobilization of the tissue. The tissue was closed under tension with 3-0 Vicryl suture deep in the galea and surgical staples superficially.,The patient was awakened from anesthetic, was extubated and was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.,DISPOSITION:, The patient was discharged to home with antibiotics and analgesics, to follow-up in approximately one week.,NOTE: , The final margins of both periosteal, as well as skin were negative circumferentially, around the tumor. The only positive margin was deep, which was a periosteal margin and bone underlying it was partially resected, as was indicated above.hematology - oncology, squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp, squamous cell carcinoma, radical resection, margin, midas rex drill, radical resection of tumor, resection of tumor, endotracheal anesthesia, superficial cortex, margins, periosteum, skull, cortex, periosteal, scalp, resection, tumor,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Epigastric hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Epigastric hernia.,OPERATIONS:, Epigastric herniorrhaphy.,ANESTHESIA: , General inhalation.,PROCEDURE: , Following attainment of satisfactory anesthesia, the patient's abdomen was prepped with Hibiclens and draped sterilely. The hernia mass had been marked preoperatively. This area was anesthetized with a mixture of Marcaine and Xylocaine. A transverse incision was made over the hernia and dissection carried down to the entrapped fat. Sharp dissection was carried around the fat down to the fascial edge. The preperitoneal fat could not be reduced; therefore, it is trimmed away and the small fascial defect then closed with interrupted 0-Ethibond sutures. The fascial edges were injected with the local anesthetic mixture. Subcutaneous tissues were then closed with interrupted 4-0 Vicryl and skin edges closed with running subcuticular 4-0 Vicryl. Steri-Strips and a sterile dressing were applied to complete the closure. The patient was then awakened and taken to the PACU in satisfactory condition.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 10 mL.,SPONGE AND NEEDLE COUNT: , Reported as correct.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.gastroenterology, hibiclens, epigastric herniorrhaphy, epigastric hernia, herniorrhaphy,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Buttock abscess.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This patient is a 24-year-old African-American female who presented to the hospital with buttock pain. She started off with a little pimple on the buttock. She was soaking it at home without any improvement. She came to the hospital on the first. The patient underwent incision and drainage in the emergency department. She was admitted to the hospitalist service with elevated blood sugars. She has had positive blood cultures. Surgery is consulted today for evaluation.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Diabetes type II, poorly controlled, high cholesterol.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , C-section and D&C.,ALLERGIES:, NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,MEDICATIONS: , Insulin, metformin, Glucotrol, and Lipitor.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Diabetes, hypertension, stroke, Parkinson disease, and heart disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Significant for pain in the buttock. Otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is an overweight African-American female not in any distress.,VITAL SIGNS: She has been afebrile since admission. Vital signs have been stable. Blood sugars have been in the 200 range.,HEENT: Normal to inspection.,NECK: No bruits or adenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation.,CV: Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Protuberant, soft, and nontender.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,RECTAL EXAM: The patient has a drained abscess on the buttock cheek. There is some serosanguineous drainage. There is no longer any purulent drainage. The wound appears relatively clean. I do not see a lot of erythema.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Left buttock abscess, status post incision and drainage. I do not believe surgical intervention is warranted. I have recommended some local wound care. Please see orders for details.general medicine, buttock pain, pimple, incision and drainage, local wound care, blood sugars, diabetes, buttock, abscess,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Same.,PROCEDURE:,1. Stellate ganglion RFTC (radiofrequency thermocoagulation) left side.,2. Interpretation of Radiograph.,ANESTHESIA: ,IV Sedation with Versed and Fentanyl.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS: , Patient with reflex sympathetic dystrophy, left side. Positive for allodynia, pain, mottled appearance, skin changes upper extremities as well as swelling.,SUMMARY OF PROCEDURE: , Patient is admitted to the Operating Room. Monitors placed, including EKG, Pulse oximeter, and BP cuff. Patient had a pillow placed under the shoulder blades. The head and neck was allowed to fall back into hyperextension. The neck region was prepped and draped in sterile fashion with Betadine and alcohol. Four sterile towels were placed. The cricothyroid membrane was palpated, then going one finger's breadth lateral from the cricothyroid membrane and one finger's breadth inferior, the carotid pulse was palpated and the sheath was retracted laterally. A 22 gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle was then introduced in between the cricothyroid membrane and the carotid sheath and directed inferiomedially. The needle is advanced prudently through the tissues, avoiding the carotid artery laterally. The tip of the needle is perceived to intersect with the vertebral body of Cervical #7 and this was visualized by fluoroscopy. Aspiration was cautiously performed after the needle was retracted approximately 1 mm and held steady with left hand. No venous or arterial blood return is noted. No cerebral spinal fluid is noted. Positive sensory stimulation was elicited using the Radionics unit at 50 Hz from 0-0.1 volts and negative motor stimulation was elicited from 1-10 volts at 2 Hz. After negative aspiration through the 22 gauge SMK 5mm bare tipped needle is absolutely confirmed, 5 cc of solution (solution consisting of 5 cc of 0.5% Marcaine, 1 cc of triamcinolone) was then injected into the stellate ganglion region. This was done with intermittent aspiration vigilantly verifying negative aspiration. The stylet was then promptly replaced and neurolysis (nerve decompression) was then carried out for 60 seconds at 80 degrees centigrade. This exact same procedure using the exact same protocol was repeated one more time to complete the two lesions of the stellate ganglion. The patient was immediately placed in the sitting position to reduce any side effect from the stellate ganglion block associated with cephalad spread of the solution. Pressure was placed over the puncture site for approximately five minutes to eliminate any hemorrhage from blood vessels that may have been punctured and a Band-Aid was placed over the puncture site. Patient was monitored for an additional ten to fifteen minutes and was noted to have tolerated the procedure well without any adverse sequelae. Significant temperature elevation was noted on the affected side verifying neurolysis of the ganglion. ,Interpretation of radiograph reveals placement of the 22-gauge SMK 5-mm bare tipped needle in the region of the stellate ganglion on the affected side. Four lesions were carried out.radiology, sheath, vertebral body, regional pain syndrome, radiofrequency thermocoagulation, stellate ganglion, rftc, radiofrequency, radiograph, cricothyroid, thermocoagulation, ganglion,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Symptomatic disk herniation, C7-T1.,FINAL DIAGNOSIS: ,Symptomatic disk herniation, C7-T1.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED,1. Anterior cervical discectomy with decompression of spinal cord C7-T1.,2. Anterior cervical fusion, C7-T1.,3. Anterior cervical instrumentation, anterior C7-T1.,4. Insertion of intervertebral device, C7-T1.,5. Use of operating microscope.,ANESTHESIOLOGY: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,A 30 mL.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where he was orally intubated by The Anesthesiology Service. He was placed in the supine position on an OR table. His arms were carefully taped down. He was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion.,A 4-cm incision was made obliquely over the left side of his neck. Subcutaneous tissue was dissected down to the level of the platysma. The platysma was incised using electrocautery. Blunt dissection was done to create a plane between the strap muscles and the sternoclavicular mastoid muscle. This allowed us to get right down on to the anterior cervical spine. Blunt dissection was done to sweep off the longus colli. We isolated the C7-T1 interspace. An x-ray was taken to verify; we were indeed at the C7-T1 interspace.,Shadow-Line retractor was placed as well as Caspar pins. This provided very, very good access to the C7-T1 disk.,At this point, the operating microscope was brought into the decompression.,A thorough and aggressive C7-T1 discectomy was done using a succession of curettes, pituitary rongeur, 4-mm cutting bur and a #2 Kerrison rongeur. At the end of the discectomy, the cartilaginous endplates were carefully removed using 4-mm cutting burr. The posterior longitudinal ligament was carefully resected using #2 Kerrison rongeur. Left-sided C8 foraminotomy was accomplished using nerve hook and a 2-mm Kerrison rongeur. At the end of the decompression, there was no further compression on the left C8 nerve root.,A Synthes cortical cancellous ____________ bone was placed in the interspace. Sofamor Danek Atlantis plate was then placed over the interspace and four screws were placed, two in the body of C7 and two in the body of T1. An x-ray was taken. It showed good placement of the plate and screws.,A deep drain was placed. The platysma layer was closed in running fashion using #1 Vicryl. Subcutaneous tissue was closed in an interrupted fashion using 2-0 Vicryl. Skin was closed in a running fashion using 4-0 Monocryl. Steri-Strips and dressings were applied. All counts were correct. There were no, disk herniation, cervical discectomy, decompression, spinal cord, anterior cervical fusion, anterior cervical discectomy, kerrison rongeur, anterior cervical, instrumentation, cervical, anterior, platysma, kerrison, fashion, interspace, rongeur, discectomy, herniation,
MEDICAL PROBLEM LIST:,1. Status post multiple cerebrovascular accidents and significant left-sided upper extremity paresis in 2006.,2. Dementia and depression.,3. Hypertension.,4. History of atrial fibrillation. The patient has been in sinus rhythm as of late. The patient is not anticoagulated due to fall risk.,5. Glaucoma.,6. Degenerative arthritis of her spine.,7. GERD.,8. Hypothyroidism.,9. Chronic rhinitis (the patient declines nasal steroids).,10. Urinary urge incontinence.,11. Chronic constipation.,12. Diabetes type II, 2006.,13. Painful bunions on feet bilaterally.,CURRENT MEDICINES: , Aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily, Cymbalta 60 mg p.o. daily, Diovan 80 mg p.o. daily, felodipine 5 mg p.o. daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, Toprol-XL 100 mg daily, Levoxyl 50 mcg daily, Lantus insulin 12 units subcutaneously h.s., simvastatin 10 mg p.o. daily, AyrGel to both nostrils twice daily, Senna S 2 tablets twice daily, Timoptic 1 drop both eyes twice daily, Tylenol 1000 mg 3 times daily, Xalatan 0.005% drops 1 drop both eyes at bedtime, and Tucks to rectum post BMs.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES. ACE INHIBITOR MAY HAVE CAUSED A COUGH.,CODE STATUS:, Do not resuscitate, healthcare proxy, palliative care orders in place.,DIET:, No added salt, no concentrated sweets, thin liquids.,RESTRAINTS:, None. The patient has declined use of chair check and bed check.,INTERVAL HISTORY: , Overall, the patient has been doing reasonably well. She is being treated for some hemorrhoids, which are not painful for her. There has been a note that she is constipated.,Her blood glucoses have been running reasonably well in the morning, perhaps a bit on the high side with the highest of 188. I see a couple in the 150s. However, I also see one that is in the one teens and a couple in the 120s range.,She is not bothered by cough or rib pain. These are complaints, which I often hear about.,Today, I reviewed Dr. Hudyncia's note from psychiatry. Depression responded very well to Cymbalta, and the plan is to continue it probably for a minimum of 1 year.,She is not having problems with breathing. No neurologic complaints or troubles. Pain is generally well managed just with Tylenol.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress. Her lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart sounds regular to me. Abdomen: Soft. Extremities without any edema. At the rectum, she has a couple of large hemorrhoids, which are not thrombosed and are not tender.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Hypertension, good control, continue current.,2. Depression, well treated on Cymbalta. Continue.,3. Other issues seem to be doing pretty well. These include blood pressure, which is well controlled. We will continue the medicines. She is clinically euthyroid. We check that occasionally. Continue Tylenol.,4. For the bowels, I will increase the intensity of regimen there. I have a feeling she would not tolerate either the FiberCon tablets or Metamucil powder in a drink. I will try her on annulose and see how she does with that.nan
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , We were asked to see the patient in regards to a brain tumor.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,She was initially diagnosed in September of this year with a glioblastoma multiforme. She presented with several lesions in her brain and a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. She was seen by Dr. X in our group. Because of her living arrangement, she elected to have treatment through the hospital radiation department and oncology department. Details of her treatment are not available at the time of this dictation. Her family has a packet of Temodar 100-mg pills. She is admitted now with increasing confusion. A CT shows increase in size of the lesions compared to the preoperative scan. We are asked to comment on her treatment at this point. She herself is confused and is unable to provide further history. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , From her old chart: No known past medical history prior to the diagnosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,She was living alone and is now living in assisted living. ,MEDICATIONS,1. Dilantin 300 mg daily.,2. Haloperidol 1 mg h.s.,3. Dexamethasone 4 mg q.i.d. ,4. Docusate 100 mg b.i.d.,5. Pen-VK 500 mg daily.,6. Ibuprofen 600 mg daily.,7. Zantac 150 mg twice a day.,8. Temodar 100 mg daily.,9. Magic Mouthwash daily.,10. Tylenol #3 as needed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,: Unable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Elderly woman, confused. ,HEENT: Normal conjunctivae. Ears and nose normal. Mouth normal.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear.,HEART: Normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, positive bowel sounds.,NEUROLOGIC: Alert, cranial nerves intact. Left arm slightly weak. Left leg slightly weak.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN:, Glioblastoma multiforme, uncertain as to where she is in cancer treatment. Given the number of pills in the patient's family's hands, it sounds like she has only been treated recently and therefore it is not surprising that she is showing increased problems related to increased size of the tumor. We will have to talk with Dr. Y in the Clinic to get a better handle on her treatment regimen. At this point, I will hold Temodar today and consider restarting it tomorrow if we can get her treatment plan clarified.nan
FAMILY HISTORY AND SOCIAL HISTORY:, Reviewed and remained unchanged.,MEDICATIONS:, List remained unchanged including Plavix, aspirin, levothyroxine, lisinopril, hydrochlorothiazide, Lasix, insulin and simvastatin.,ALLERGIES:, She has no known drug allergies.,FALL RISK ASSESSMENT: , Completed and there was no history of falls.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Full review of systems again was pertinent for shortness of breath, lack of energy, diabetes, hypothyroidism, weakness, numbness and joint pain. Rest of them was negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Today, blood pressure was 170/66, heart rate was 66, respiratory rate was 16, she weighed 254 pounds as stated, and temperature was 98.0.,General: She was a pleasant person in no acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. No dry mouth. No palpable cervical lymph nodes. Her conjunctivae and sclerae were clear.,NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION:, Remained unchanged.,Mental Status: Normal.,Cranial Nerves: Mild decrease in the left nasolabial fold.,Motor: There was mild increased tone in the left upper extremity. Deltoids showed 5-/5. The rest showed full strength. Hip flexion again was 5-/5 on the left. The rest showed full strength.,Reflexes: Reflexes were hypoactive and symmetrical.,Gait: She was mildly abnormal. No ataxia noted. Wide-based, ambulated with a cane.,IMPRESSION: , Status post cerebrovascular accident involving the right upper pons extending into the right cerebral peduncle with a mild left hemiparesis, has been clinically stable with mild improvement. She is planned for surgical intervention for the internal carotid artery.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , At this time, again we discussed continued use of antiplatelet therapy and statin therapy to reduce her risk of future strokes. She will continue to follow with endocrinology for diabetes and thyroid problems. I have recommended a strict control of her blood sugar, optimizing cholesterol and blood pressure control, regular exercise and healthy diet and I have discussed with Ms. A and her daughter to give us a call for post surgical recovery. I will see her back in about four months or sooner if needed.consult - history and phy., internal carotid artery, cerebral peduncle infarction, carotid artery, blood pressure, upper pons, infarction, cerebral, peduncle,
INDICATION: , Iron deficiency anemia.,PROCEDURE: ,Colonoscopy with terminal ileum examination.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Normal examination.,WITHDRAWAL TIME: , 15 minutes.,SCOPE: , CF-H180AL.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl 100 mcg and versed 10 mg.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,Following the preprocedure patient assessment the procedure, goals, risks including bleeding, perforation, missed polyp rate as well as side effects of medications and alternatives were reviewed. Questions were answered. Pause preprocedure was performed.,Following titrated intravenous sedation the flexible video endoscope was introduced into the rectum and advanced to the cecum without difficulty. The ileocecal valve looked normal. Preparation was fair allowing examination of 85% of mucosa after washing and cleaning with tap water through the scope. The terminal ileum was intubated through the ileocecal valve for a 5 cm extent. Terminal ileum mucosa looked normal.,Then the scope was withdrawn while examining the mucosa carefully including the retroflexed views of the rectum. No polyp, no diverticulum and no bleeding source was identified.,The patient was assessed upon completion of the procedure. Okay to discharge once criteria met. ,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Follow up with primary care physician.gastroenterology, polyp, endoscope, mucosa, iron deficiency anemia, ileocecal valve, terminal ileum, colonoscopy, anemia, rectum, ileum
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient returns to the Pulmonary Medicine Clinic for followup evaluation of interstitial disease secondary to lupus pneumonitis. She was last seen in the Pulmonary Medicine Clinic in January 2004. Since that time, her respiratory status has been quite good. She has had no major respiratory difficulties; however, starting yesterday she began with increasing back and joint pain and as a result a deep breath has caused some back discomfort. She denies any problems with cough or sputum production. No fevers or chills. Recently, she has had a bit more problems with fatigue. For the most part, she has had no pulmonary limitations to her activity.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Synthroid 0.112 mg daily; Prilosec 20 mg daily; prednisone, she was 2.5 mg daily, but discontinued this on 06/16/2004; Plaquenil 200 mg b.i.d.; Imuran 100 mg daily; Advair one puff b.i.d.; Premarin 0.3 mg daily; Lipitor 10 mg Monday through Friday; Actonel 35 mg weekly; and aspirin 81 mg daily. She is also on calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin C and a multivitamin.,ALLERGIES:, Penicillin and also intolerance to shellfish.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Noncontributory except as outlined above.,EXAMINATION:,General: The patient was in no acute distress.,Vital signs: Blood pressure 122/60, pulse 72 and respiratory rate 16.,HEENT: Nasal mucosa was mild-to-moderately erythematous and edematous. Oropharynx was clear.,Neck: Supple without palpable lymphadenopathy.,Chest: Chest demonstrates decreased breath sounds, but clear.,Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender.,Extremities: Without edema. No skin lesions.,O2 saturation was checked at rest. On room air it was 96% and on ambulation it varied between 94% and 96%. Chest x-ray obtained today showed mild increased interstitial markings consistent with a history of lupus pneumonitis. She has not had the previous chest x-ray with which to compare; however, I did compare the markings was less prominent when compared with previous CT scan.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Lupus with mild pneumonitis.,2. Respiratory status is stable.,3. Increasing back and joint pain, possibly related to patient’s lupus, however, in fact may be related to recent discontinuation of prednisone.,PLAN:, At this time, I have recommended to continue her current medications. We would like to see her back in approximately four to five months, at which time I would like to recheck her pulmonary function test as well as check CAT scan. At that point, it may be reasonable to consider weaning her Imuran if her pulmonary status is stable and the lupus appears to be under control.cardiovascular / pulmonary, pulmonary medicine clinic, cat scan, lupus, respiratory status, chest x-ray, interstitial disease, lupus pneumonitis, pneumonitis, pulmonary function test, pulmonary status, respiratory difficulties, chest x ray, interstitial, respiratory, chest, pulmonary,
INTRODUCTION: , The opinions expressed in this report are those of the physician. The opinions do not reflect the opinions of Evergreen Medical Panel, Inc. The claimant was informed that this examination was at the request of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). The claimant was also informed that a written report would be sent to L&I, as requested in the assignment letter from the claims manager. The claimant was also informed that the examination was for evaluative purposes only, intended to address specific injuries or conditions as outlined by L&I, and was not intended as a general medical examination.,CHIEF COMPLAINTS: , This 51-year-old married male presents complaining of some right periscapular discomfort, some occasional neck stiffness, and some intermittent discomfort in his low back relative to an industrial fall that occurred on November 20, 2008.,HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL INJURY:, This patient was injured on November 20, 2008. He works at the Purdy Correctional Facility and an inmate had broken some overhead sprinklers, the floor was thus covered with water and the patient slipped landing on the back of his head, then on his back. The patient said he primarily landed on the left side. After the accident he states that he was generally stun and someone at the institute advised him to be evaluated. He went to a Gig Harbor urgent care facility and they sent him on to Tacoma General Hospital. At the Tacoma General, he indicates that a whiplash and a concussion were diagnosed and it was advised that he have a CT scan. The patient describes that he had a brain CT and a dark spot was found. It was recommended that he have a followup MRI and this was done locally and showed a recurrent acoustic neuroma. Before, when the patient initially had developed an acoustic neuroma, the chiropractor had seen the patient and suggested that he have a scan and this was how his original acoustic neuroma was diagnosed back in October 2005. The patient has been receiving adjustments by the chiropractor since and he also has had a few massage treatments. Overall his spine complaints have improved substantially.,After the fall, he also saw at Prompt Care in the general Bremerton area, XYZ, an Osteopathic Physician and she examined him and released him full duty and also got an orthopedic consult from XYZ. She ordered an MRI of his neck. Cervically this showed that he had a mild disc bulge at C4-C5, but this actually was the same test that diagnosed a recurrent acoustic neuroma and the patient now is just recovering from neurosurgical treatment for this recurrent acoustic neuroma and some radiation is planned.,Since 2002 the patient has been seeing the chiropractor, XYZ for general aches and pain and this has included some treatments on his back and neck.,CURRENT SYMPTOMS: ,The patient describes his current pain as being intermittent.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,Illnesses: The patient had a diagnosis in 2005 of an acoustic neuroma. It was benign, but treated neurosurgically. In February 2004 and again in August 2009 he has had additional treatments for recurrence and he currently has some skull markers in place because radiation is planned as a followup, although the tumor was still indicated to be benign.,Operations: He has a history of an old mastoidectomy. He has a past history of removal of an acoustic neuroma in 2005 as noted.,Medications: The patient takes occasional Tylenol and occasional Aleve.,Substance Use:,Tobacco: He does not smoke cigarettes.,Alcohol: He drinks about five beers a week.,FAMILY HISTORY:, His father died of mesothelioma and his mother died of Lou Gehrig's disease.,SOCIOECONOMIC HISTORY:,Marital Status and Dependents: The patient has been married three times; longest marriage is of two years duration. He has two children. These dependents are ages 15 and twins and are his wife's dependents.,Education: The patient has bachelor's degree.,Military History: He served six years in the army and received an honorable discharge.,Work History: He has worked at Purdy Correctional Institute in Gig Harbor for 19 years.,CHART REVIEW: , Review of the chart indicates a date of injury of November 20, 2008. He was seen at Tacoma General Hospital with a diagnosis of head contusion and cervical strain. He had a CT of his head done because of a fall with possible loss of consciousness, which showed a left cerebellar hypodensity and further evaluation was recommended. He has a history of an old mastoidectomy. He was then seen on November 24, 2008 by XYZ at Prompt Care on November 24, 2008. There is no clearcut history that he had lost consciousness. He has a past history of removal of an acoustic neuroma in 2005 as noted. A diagnosis of concussion and cervical strain status post fall was made along with an underlying history of abnormal CT and previous resection of an acoustic neuroma. Some symptoms of loss of balance and confusion were noted. She recommended additional testing and neurologic evaluation.,The notes from the treating chiropractor begin on November 24, 2008. Adjustments are given to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.,He was seen back by XYZ on December 9, 2008 and he had been released to full duties. It was recognized the new MRI suggested recurrence of the acoustic neuroma and he was advised to seek further care in this regard. There were some concerns of his feeling of being wobbly since the fall which might be related to the recurrent neuroma. He continued to have chiropractic adjustments. He was seen back at Prompt Care on January 8, 2009. Dr. X indicated that she thought most of his symptoms were related to the tumor, but that the cervical and thoracic stiffness were from the fall.,A followup note by his chiropractor on January 26, 2009 indicates that cervical x-rays have been taken and that continued chiropractic adjustments along with manual traction would be carried out.,On April 13, 2009, he was seen again at Prompt Care for his cervical and thoracic strain. He was indicated to be improving and there was suggestion that he has some physical therapy and an orthopedic consult was felt appropriate. Therapy was not carried out and obviously was then involved with the treatment of his recurrent neuroma.,On April 17, 2009, he was seen by Dr. X, another chiropractor for consultation and further chiropractic treatments were recommended based on cervical and thoracolumbar subluxation complexes and strain.,A repeat consult was carried out on April 29, 2009 by XYZ. He felt that this was hyperextension cervical injury. It might take a period of time to recover. He mentioned that the patient might have a slight ulnar neuropathy. He felt the patient was capable of full duty and the patient was at that time having ongoing treatment for his neuroma.,This concludes the chart review.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , The patient is 6 feet in height, weighs 255 pounds.,Orthopedic Examination: He can walk with a normal gait, but he has, as indicated, a positive Romberg test and he himself has noticed that if he closes his eyes he loses his balance. Overall the patient is a seemingly good historian. There is a visible 3 cm scar at the left base of the neck near the hairline and there are multiple areas where his head has been shaved both anteriorly and posteriorly. These are secondary to drawing for the skull markers. There is a scar behind the patient's left ear from the original treatment of the acoustic neuroma. This was well healed. The patient can perform a toe-heel gait without difficulty. One visibly can see that he has some facial asymmetry and he indicates that the acoustic neuroma has caused some numbness in the left side of his face and also some asymmetry that is now recovering. The patient states he now thinks his recovery is going to get disregarded and that the facial asymmetry and numbness developed from the first surgery he had. The patient has a full range of motion in both of his shoulders. The patient has a full range of motion in his lumbar spine to include 90 degrees of forward bend, lateral bending of 30 degrees in either direction and extension of 10 degrees. There is full range of motion in the patient's cervical spine to include flexion of 50 degrees at which time he can touch his chin on his chest. He extends 40 degrees, laterally bends 30 degrees, and rotates to 80 degrees in either direction. There is slight tenderness on palpating over the right cervical musculature. There is no evidence of any cervical or lumbar muscle spasms. Reflexes in the upper extremities include 1+ biceps and triceps and 1+ brachioradialis. Knee jerks are 2+ and ankle jerks are 1+. Tinel's test was tested at the elbow, it is negative bilaterally with percussion; however, he has slight tingling bilaterally. The patient's grip tested with a Jamar dynamometer increases from 70 to 80 pounds bilaterally. Sensory testing of lower extremities reveal that the patient has slightly decreased sensation to sharp stimulus in his dorsal aspect of the right first toe and a lesser extent to the left. Testing of muscle strength in the upper and lower extremities is normal. The patient upper arms measured four fingerbreadths above the flexion crease of the elbow measure 35 cm bilaterally. The forearms measured four fingerbreadths below the flexion crease of the elbow measure 30 cm bilaterally. The thighs measured four fingerbreadths above the superior pole of the patella measure 48 cm and the lower legs measured four fingerbreadths below the tibial tubercles measure 41 cm. Pressure on the vertex of the head does not bother the patient. Axial loading is negative. As already indicated straight leg raising is entirely negative both sitting and lying for any radiculitis.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , X-rays the patient brings with him taken by his treating chiropractor dated 11/24/08 showed that there appears to be a little bit of narrowing of the L4-5 disc space. The hip joints are normal. Views of his thoracic spine are normal. Cervical x-rays are in the file. These are of intermittent quality, but the views do show a very slight degree of anterior spurring at the C4-5 with possible slight narrowing of the disc. There is a view of the right shoulder that is unremarkable.,CONCLUSIONS:, The accepted condition under the claim is a sprain of the neck, thoracic, and lumbar.,DIAGNOSES: , Diagnosis based on today's examination is a sprain of the cervical spine and lumbar spine superimposed upon some early degenerative changes.,Additional diagnosis is one of recurrent acoustic neuroma, presumably benign with upcoming additional treatment of radiation plan. The patient also has a significant degree overweight for his height and it will be improved as he himself recognizes by some weight loss and exercise.,DISCUSSION: , He is fixed and stable at this time and his industrial case can be closed relative to his industrial injury of November 20, 2008. Further chiropractic treatments would be entirely palliative and serve no additional medical purpose due to the fact that he has very minimal symptoms and a basis for these symptoms based on mild or early degenerative changes in both cervical and lumbar spine. He is category I relative to the cervical spine under 296-20-240 and category I to the lumbosacral spine under WAC 296-20-270. His industrial case should be closed and there is, as indicated, no basis for any disability award.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Hypertrophy of tonsils and adenoids, and also foreign body of right ear.,OPERATIONS:, Tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and removal of foreign body (rock) from right ear.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,HISTORY: , The patient is 5-1/2 years old. She is here this morning with her Mom. She has very large tonsils and she snores at night and gets up frequently at night and does not sleep well. At the office we saw the tonsils were very big. There was a rock in the right ear and it was very deep in the canal, near the drum. We will remove the foreign body under the same anesthetic.,PROCEDURE:,: Natalie was placed under general anesthetic by the orotracheal route of administration, under Dr. XYZ and Ms. B. I looked into the left ear under the microscope, took out a little wax and observed a normal eardrum. On the right side, I took out some impacted wax and removed the rock with a large suction. It was actually resting on the surface of the drum but had not scarred or damaged the drum. The drum was intact with no evidence of middle ear fluid. The microscope was set aside. Afrin drops were placed in both nostrils. The neck was gently extended and the Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted. The tonsils and adenoids were very large. The uvula was intact. Adenoidectomy was performed using the adenoid curette with a tonsil sponge placed into the nasopharynx. Tonsillectomy accomplished by sharp and blunt dissection. Hemostasis achieved with electrocautery and the tonsils beds injected with 0.25% Marcaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Sutures of zero plain catgut next were used to re-approximate the posterior to the anterior tonsillar pillars, suturing these down to the tonsillar beds. Sponge is removed from the nasopharynx. The suction electrocautery was used for pinpoint hemostasis on the adenoid bed. We made sure the cautery tip did not come into the contact with the soft palate or the eustachian tube orifices. The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned. Excellent hemostasis was observed. An orogastric tube was placed. The stomach found to be empty. The tube was removed, as was the mouth gag. Sponge and needle count were reported correct. The child was then awakened and prepared for her to return to the recovery room. She tolerated the operation, tonsillectomy, afrin drops, crowe-davis, hypertrophy, adenoid bed, adenoidectomy, adenoids, canal, catgut, dissection, drum, ear, foreign body, middle ear, mouth gag, nasopharynx, orotracheal, suction electrocautery, throat, tonsils, uvula, wax, tonsils and adenoids
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient states she is feeling a bit better.,OBJECTIVE:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 95.4. Highest temperature recorded over the past 24 hours is 102.1.,CHEST: Examination of the chest is clear to auscultation.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds were heard. No murmurs appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Benign. Right renal angle is tender. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: There is no swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and oriented x3. Examination is nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA: , White count is down from 35,000 to 15.5. Hemoglobin is 9.5, hematocrit is 30, and platelets are 269,000. BUN is down to 22, creatinine is within normal limits.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Sepsis due to urinary tract infection. Urine culture shows Escherichia coli, resistant to Levaquin. We changed to doripenem.,2. Urinary tract infection, we will treat with doripenem, change Foley catheter,3. Hypotension. Resolved, continue intravenous fluids.,4. Ischemic cardiomyopathy. No evidence of decompensation, we with monitor.,5. Diabetes type 2. Uncontrolled. Continue insulin sliding scale.,6. Recent pulmonary embolism, INR is above therapeutic range, Coumadin is on hold, we will monitor.,7. History of coronary artery disease. Troponin indeterminate. Cardiologist intends no further workup. Continue medical treatment. Most likely troponin is secondary to impaired clearance.general medicine, sepsis, escherichia coli, urinary tract infection, doripenem, troponin, urinary, infection
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hypermenorrhea.,2. Uterine fibroids.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Left adnexal mass.,5. Pelvic adhesions.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hypermenorrhea.,2. Uterine fibroids.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Left adnexal mass.,5. Pelvic adhesions.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH).,2. Left salpingo-oophorectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 100 cc.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 47-year-old Caucasian female with complaints of hypermenorrhea and pelvic pain, noted to have a left ovarian mass 7 cm at the time of laparoscopy in July of 2003. The patient with continued symptoms of pelvic pain and hypermenorrhea and desired definitive surgical treatment.,FINDINGS AT THE TIME OF SURGERY: , Uterus is anteverted and boggy with a very narrow introitus with a palpable left adnexal mass.,On laparotomy, the uterus was noted to be slightly enlarged with fibroid change as well as a hemorrhagic appearing left adnexal mass. The bowel, omentum, and appendix had a normal appearance.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative suite where anesthesia was found to be adequate. She was then prepared and draped in normal sterile fashion. A Pfannenstiel skin incision was made with a scalpel and carried through the underlying layer of fascia with the second scalpel. The fascia was then incised in the midline. The fascial incision was then extended laterally with Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the fascial incision was grasped with Kochers with the underlying rectus muscle dissected off bluntly and sharply with Mayo scissors. Attention was then turned to the inferior aspect of this incision, which in a similar fashion was tented up with the underlying rectus muscle and dissected off bluntly and sharply with Mayo scissors. The rectus muscle was then separated in the midline. The peritoneum was identified, tented up with hemostats and entered sharply with Metzenbaum scissors. The peritoneal incision was then extended superiorly and inferiorly with good visualization of the bladder. The uterus and left adnexa were then palpated and brought out into the surgical field. The fundus of the uterus was grasped with a Lahey clamp. The GYN/Balfour retractor was placed. The bladder blade was placed. The bowel was packed away with moist laparotomy sponges and the extension through GYN/Balfour retractor was placed. At this time, the patient's anatomy was surveyed and there was found to be a left hemorrhagic appearing adnexal mass. Attention was first turned to the right round ligament, which was tented up with a Babcock and a small window was made beneath the round ligament with a hemostat. It was then suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture, transected with the broad ligament being skeletonized on both sides. Next, the right ________ was isolated bluntly as the patient had a previous RSO. This was then suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture, doubly clamped with Kocher clamps, transected, and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture with a Heaney stitch. Attention was then turned to the left round ligament, which was tented up with the Babcock. Small window was made beneath it and the broad ligament with hemostat was then suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture, transected, and skeletonized with the aid of Metzenbaums. The left infundibulopelvic ligament was then bluntly isolated. It was then suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture, doubly clamped with Kocher clamps, and transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture with a Heaney stitch. The bladder flap was then placed on tension with Allis clamps. It was then dissected off of the lower uterine segment with the aid of Metzenbaum scissors and Russians. It was then gently pushed off of lower uterine segment with the aid of a moist Ray-Tec. The uterine arteries were then skeletonized bilaterally.,They were then clamped with straight Kocher clamps, transected, and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The cardinal ligament and uterosacral complexes on both sides were then clamped with curved Kocher clamps. These were then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The lower uterine segment was then grasped with Lahey clamps, at which time the cervix was already visible. It was then entered with the last transection. The cervix was grasped with a single-toothed tenaculum and the uterus, cervix, and left adnexa were amputated off the vagina with the aid of Jorgenson scissors. The angles of the vaginal cuff were then grasped with Kocher clamps. A Betadine-soaked Ray-Tec was then pushed into the vagina and the vaginal cuff was closed with #0 Vicryl suture in a running lock fashion with care taken to transect the ipsilateral cardinal ligament, at which time the suction tip was changed and copious suction irrigation was performed. Good hemostasis was appreciated. A figure-of-eight suture in the center of the vaginal cuff was placed with #0 Vicryl. This was tagged for later use. The uterosacrals on both sides were incorporated into the vaginal cuff with the aid of #0 Vicryl suture. The round ligaments were then pulled into the vaginal cuff using the figure-of-eight suture placed in the center of the vaginal cuff and these were tied in place. The pelvis was then again copiously suctioned irrigated and hemostasis was appreciated. The peritoneal surfaces were then reapproximated with the aid of #3-0 Vicryl suture in a running fashion. The GYN/Balfour retractor and bladder blade were then removed. The bowel was then packed. Again copious suction irrigation was performed with hemostasis appreciated. The peritoneum was then reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl suture in a running fashion. The fascia was then reapproximated with #0 Vicryl suture in a running fashion. The Scarpa's fascia was then reapproximated with #3-0 plain gut in a running fashion and the skin was closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Steri-Strips were placed. At the end of the procedure, the sponge that was pushed into the vagina previously was removed and hemostasis was appreciated vaginally. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to Recovery in stable condition. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. Specimens include uterus, cervix, left fallopian tube, and ovary.