Parotidectomy procedureent - otolaryngology, parotidectomy, mixter clamp, auditory canal, buccal, buccinator, curved clamp, earlobe, fascia, fat layer, frontotemporal, mandibular, mastoid process, parotid, parotid duct, parotid gland, preauricular, preauricular incision, sternocleidomastoid, suction drain, temporoparotid, tied with vicryl sutures, vicryl, gland, nerve, sutures, incisionNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Bright red blood per rectum ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This 73-year-old woman had a recent medical history significant for renal and bladder cancer, deep venous thrombosis of the right lower extremity, and anticoagulation therapy complicated by lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Colonoscopy during that admission showed internal hemorrhoids and diverticulosis, but a bleeding site was not identified. Five days after discharge to a nursing home, she again experienced bloody bowel movements and returned to the emergency department for evaluation. ,REVIEW OF SYMPTOMS: ,No chest pain, palpitations, abdominal pain or cramping, nausea, vomiting, or lightheadedness. Positive for generalized weakness and diarrhea the day of admission. ,PRIOR MEDICAL HISTORY:, Long-standing hypertension, intermittent atrial fibrillation, and hypercholesterolemia. Renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell bladder cancer status post left nephrectomy, radical cystectomy, and ileal loop diversion 6 weeks prior to presentation, postoperative course complicated by pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and retroperitoneal bleed. Deep venous thrombosis 2 weeks prior to presentation, management complicated by lower gastrointestinal bleeding, status post inferior vena cava filter placement. ,MEDICATIONS: ,Diltiazem 30 mg tid, pantoprazole 40 mg qd, epoetin alfa 40,000 units weekly, iron 325 mg bid, cholestyramine. Warfarin discontinued approximately 10 days earlier. ,ALLERGIES: ,Celecoxib (rash).,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Resided at nursing home. Denied alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. ,FAMILY HISTORY:, Non-contributory.,PHYSICAL EXAM: ,Temp = 38.3C BP =146/52 HR= 113 RR = 18 SaO2 = 98% room air ,General: Pale, ill-appearing elderly female. ,HEENT: Pale conjunctivae, oral mucous membranes moist. ,CVS: Irregularly irregular, tachycardia. ,Lungs: Decreased breath sounds at the bases. ,Abdomen: Positive bowel sounds, soft, nontender, nondistended, gross blood on rectal exam. ,Extremities: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. ,Skin: Warm, normal turgor. ,Neuro: Alert and oriented. Nonfocal. ,LABS: ,CBC: ,WBC count: 6,500 per mL ,Hemoglobin: 10.3 g/dL ,Hematocrit:31.8% ,Platelet count: 248 per mL ,Mean corpuscular volume: 86.5 fL ,RDW: 18% ,CHEM 7: ,Sodium: 131 mmol/L ,Potassium: 3.5 mmol/L ,Chloride: 98 mmol/L ,Bicarbonate: 23 mmol/L ,BUN: 11 mg/dL ,Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL ,Glucose: 105 mg/dL ,COAGULATION STUDIES: ,PT 15.7 sec ,INR 1.6 ,PTT 29.5 sec ,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient received 1 liter normal saline and diltiazem (a total of 20 mg intravenously and 30 mg orally) in the emergency department. Emergency department personnel made several attempts to place a nasogastric tube for gastric lavage, but were unsuccessful. During her evaluation, the patient was noted to desaturate to 80% on room air, with an increase in her respiratory rate to 34 breaths per minute. She was administered 50% oxygen by nonrebreadier mask, with improvement in her oxygen saturation to 89%. Computed tomographic angiography was negative for pulmonary embolism. nan
REASON FOR ADMISSION: , Sepsis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a pleasant but demented 80-year-old male, who lives in board and care, who presented with acute onset of abdominal pain. In the emergency room, the patient was found to have a CT scan with dilated bladder with thick wall suggesting an outlet obstruction as well as bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. The patient is unable to provide further history. The patient's son is at the bedside and confirmed his history. The patient was given IV antibiotics in the emergency room. He was also given some hydration.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. History of CAD.,2. History of dementia.,3. History of CVA.,4. History of nephrolithiasis.,ALLERGIES: , NONE.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Ambien.,2. Milk of magnesia.,3. Tylenol.,4. Tramadol.,5. Soma.,6. Coumadin.,7. Zoloft.,8. Allopurinol.,9. Digoxin.,10. Namenda.,11. Zocor.,12. BuSpar.,13. Detrol.,14. Coreg.,15. Colace.,16. Calcium.,17. Zantac.,18. Lasix.,19. Seroquel.,20. Aldactone.,21. Amoxicillin.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient lives in a board and care. No tobacco, alcohol or IV drug use.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the history of present illness, otherwise unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: The patient is currently afebrile. Pulse 52, respirations 20, blood pressure 104/41, and saturating 98% on room air.,GENERAL: The patient is awake. Not oriented x3, in no acute distress.,HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements are intact. Mucous membranes are dry.,NECK: Supple. No thyromegaly. No jugular venous distention.,HEART: Irregularly irregular, brady.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally anteriorly.,ABDOMEN: Positive normoactive bowel sounds. Soft. Tenderness in the suprapubic region without rebound.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis or edema in upper and lower extremities.nan
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bilateral lower extremity cellulitis secondary to bilateral tinea pedis.,2. Prostatic hypertrophy with bladder outlet obstruction.,3. Cerebral palsy.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient would be discharged on his usual Valium 10-20 mg at bedtime for spasticity, Flomax 0.4 mg daily, cefazolin 500 mg q.i.d., and Lotrimin cream between toes b.i.d. for an additional two weeks. He will be followed in the office.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a pleasant 62-year-old male with cerebral palsy. The patient was recently admitted to Hospital with lower extremity cellulitis. This resolved, however, recurred in both legs. Examination at the time of this admission demonstrated peeling of the skin and excoriation between all of his toes on both feet consistent with tinea pedis.,PAST MEDICAL/FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY:, As per the admission record.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the admission record.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,As per the admission record.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , At the time of admission, his white blood cell count was 8200 with a normal differential, hemoglobin 13.6, hematocrit 40.6 with normal indices, and platelet count was 250,000. Comprehensive metabolic profile was unremarkable, except for a nonfasting blood sugar of 137, lactic acid was 0.8. Urine demonstrated 4-9 red blood cells per high-powered field with 2+ bacteria. Blood culture and wound cultures were unremarkable. Chest x-ray was unremarkable.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was admitted to the General Medical floor and treated with intravenous ceftriaxone and topical Lotrimin. On this regimen, his lower extremity edema and erythema resolved quite rapidly.,Because of urinary frequency, a bladder scan was done suggesting about 600 cc of residual urine. A Foley catheter was inserted and was productive of approximately 500 cc of urine. The patient was prescribed Flomax 0.4 mg daily. 24 hours later, the Foley catheter was removed and a bladder scan demonstrated 60 cc of residual urine after approximately eight hours.,At the time of this dictation, the patient was ambulating minimally, however, not sufficiently to resume independent living.discharge summary, bilateral lower extremity cellulitis, cerebral palsy, ambulating, bilateral tinea pedis, lower extremity cellulitis, cerebral, palsy, discharge,
CONSULT FOR PROSTATE CANCER,The patient returned for consultation for his newly diagnosed prostate cancer. The options including radical prostatectomy with or without nerve sparing were discussed with him with the risks of bleeding, infection, rectal injury, impotence, and incontinence. These were discussed at length. Alternative therapies including radiation therapy; either radioactive seed placement, conformal radiation therapy, or the HDR radiation treatments were discussed with the risks of bladder, bowel, and rectal injury and possible impotence were discussed also. There is a risk of rectal fistula. Hormonal therapy is usually added to the radiation therapy options and this has the risk of osteoporosis, gynecomastia, hot flashes and impotency. Potency may not recover after the hormone therapy has been completed. Cryosurgery was discussed with the risks of urinary retention, stricture formation, incontinence and impotency. There is a risk of rectal fistula. He would need to have a suprapubic catheter for about two weeks and may need to learn self-intermittent catheterization if he cannot void adequately. Prostate surgery to relieve obstruction and retention after radioactive seeds or cryosurgery has a higher risk of urinary incontinence. Observation therapy was discussed with him in addition. I answered all questions that were put to me and I think he understands the options that are available. I spoke with the patient for over 60 minutes concerning these options.urology, prostate cancer, cryosurgery, hdr radiation, prostate surgery, bladder, bleeding, bowel, consultation, impotence, incontinence, infection, prostatectomy, radiation therapy, radical, rectal, rectal fistula, rectal injury, prostate cancer consult, cancer, radiation, prostateNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right renal mass.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 100 mL.,X-RAYS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , Right radical nephrectomy specimen.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,DRAINS:, 16-French Foley catheter per urethra.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 71-year-old woman recently diagnosed with 6.5 cm right upper pole renal mass. This is an enhancing lesion suspicious for renal cell carcinoma versus oncocytoma. I discussed a variety of options with her, and she opted to proceed with a laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy. All questions were answered, and she wished to proceed with surgery as planned.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After acquisition of appropriate written and informed consent and administration of perioperative antibiotics, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. Note that, sequential compression devices were placed on both lower extremities and were activated per induction of anesthesia. After institution of adequate general anesthetic via the endotracheal route, she was placed into the right anterior flank position with the right side elevated in a roll and the right arm across her chest. All pressure points were carefully padded, and she was securely taped to the table to prevent shifting during the procedure. Her abdomen was then prepped and draped in the standard surgical fashion after placing a 16-French Foley catheter per urethra to gravity drainage. The abdomen was insufflated in the right outer quadrant. Note that, the patient had had previous surgery which complicated accesses somewhat and that she had a previous hysterectomy. The abdomen was insufflated into the right lateral abdomen with Veress needle to 50 mm of pressure without incident. We then placed a 10/12 Visiport trocar approximately 7 cm lateral to the umbilicus. Once this had entered into the peritoneal cavity without incident, the remaining trocars were all placed. Under direct laparoscopic visualization, we placed three additional trocars; an 11-mm screw-type trocar in the umbilicus, a 6-mm screw-type trocar in the upper midline approximately 7 cm above the umbilicus, and 10/12 trocar in the lower midline about 7 cm below the umbilicus within and over the old hysterectomy scar. There were some adhesions of omentum to the underside of that scar, and these were taken down sharply using laparoscopic scissors.,We began nephrectomy procedure by reflecting the right colon, by incising the white line of Toldt. This exposed the retroperitoneum on the right side. The duodenum was identified and reflected medially in a Kocher maneuver using sharp dissection only. We then identified the ureter and gonadal vein in the retroperitoneum. The gonadal vein was left down along the vena cava, and the plane underneath the ureter was elevated and this plane was carried up towards the renal hilum. Sequential packets of tissue were taken using primarily the LigaSure Atlas device. Once we got to the renal hilum, it became apparent that this patient had two sets of renal arteries and veins. We proceeded then and skeletonized the structures into four individual packets. We then proceeded to perform the upper pole dissection and developing the plane above the kidney and between the kidney and adrenal gland. The adrenal was spared during this procedure. There was no contiguous connection between the renal mass and a right adrenal gland. This plane of dissection was taken down primarily using the LigaSure device. We then sequentially took the four vessels going to the kidney initially taking two renal arteries with the endo GI stapler and then to renal veins again with endo GI stapler sequential flaring. Once this was completed, the kidney was free except for its attachment to the ureter and lateral attachments. The lateral attachments of the kidney were taken down using the LigaSure Atlas device, and then the ureter was doubly clipped and transected. The kidney was then freed within the retroperitoneum. A 50-mm EndoCatch bag was introduced through the lower most trocar site, and the kidney was placed into this bag for subsequent extraction. We extended the lower most trocar site approximately 6 cm to facilitate extraction. The kidney was removed and passed off the table as a specimen for pathology. This was bivalved by pathology, and we reviewed the specimen.nephrology, renal mass, carter-thomason, endocatch bag, foley catheter, gi stapler, laparoscopic, ligasure, toldt, laparoscopic scissors, nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy, screw-type trocar, umbilicus, upper pole, urethra, carter thomason closure device, laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy, carter thomason closure, carter thomason, renal hilum, kidney, abdomen, endotracheal, radical, oncocytoma, renal,
ASH SPLIT VENOUS PORT,PROCEDURE DETAILS: ,The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in supine position and monitored anesthesia care provided by the anesthetist. The right anterior chest and supraclavicular fossa area, neck, and left side of chest were prepped with Betadine and draped in a sterile fashion. Xylocaine 1% was infiltrated in the supraclavicular area and anterior chest along the planned course of the catheter. The patient was placed into Trendelenburg position.,The right internal jugular vein was accessed by a supraclavicular 19-gauge, thin-walled needle as demonstrated by easy withdrawal of venous blood on the first pass of the needle. Under fluoroscopic control, a J-wire was advanced into the right atrium. The needle was removed and the skin puncture site enlarged to about 8 mm with the scalpel. A second incision was made 5 cm inferior to the right midclavicular line, through which an Ash split catheter was advanced, using the tunneling rod, in a gently curving pass to exit the skin of the neck incision. The tunneling needle was removed and the catheter split up to the marker as indicated in the recommended use of the catheter.,Sequential dilators were advanced over the J-wire under fluoroscopic control to dilate the subcutaneous tunnel followed by advancement of a dilator and sheath into the right superior vena cava under fluoroscopic control. The dilator and wire were removed, leaving the sheath in position, through which a double-lumen catheter was advanced into the central venous system. The sheath was peeled away, leaving the catheter into position. Each port of the catheter was flushed with dilute heparinized saline.,The patient was returned to the flat position. The catheter was secured to the skin of the anterior chest using 2-0 Ethilon suture placed through the suture "wings.",The neck incision was closed with 3-0 Vicryl subcuticular closure and pressure dressing applied. Fluoroscopic examination of the chest revealed no evidence of pneumothorax upon completion of the procedure and the catheter was in excellent position.,The patient was returned to the recovery room for postoperative care.cardiovascular / pulmonary, ash split venous port, venous port, anterior chest, incision, dilators, sheath, port, supraclavicular, needle, fluoroscopic, venous, insertion, catheter
REFERRAL INDICATION,1. Tachybrady syndrome.,2. Chronic atrial fibrillation.,PROCEDURES PLANNED AND PERFORMED,1. Implantation of a single-chamber pacemaker.,2. Fluoroscopic guidance for implantation of single-chamber pacemaker.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME: ,1.2 minutes.,MEDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF STUDY,1. Ancef 1 g.,2. Benadryl 50 mg.,3. Versed 3 mg.,4. Fentanyl 150 mcg.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , The patient is a pleasant 73-year-old female with chronic atrial fibrillation. She has been found to have tachybrady syndrome, has been referred for pacemaker implantation.,RISKS AND BENEFITS: , Risks, benefits, and alternatives of implantation of a single-chamber pacemaker were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent. Risks that were discussed included but were not limited to bleeding, infection, vascular injury, cardiac perforation, stroke, myocardial infarction, need for urgent cardiovascular surgery, and death were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was transported to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in a fasting state. The region of the left deltopectoral groove was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 1% (20 mL) was administered to the area. Percutaneous access of the left axillary vein was then performed. A wire was then advanced in the left axillary vein using fluoroscopy. Following this, a 4-inch long transverse incision was made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue exposing the pectoral fascia and muscle beneath. Lidocaine 1% (10 mL) was then administered to the medial aspect of the incision and a pocket was fashioned in the medial direction. Using the previously placed guidewire, a 7-French sidearm sheath was advanced over the wire into the vein. The dilator and wire were removed. An active pacing lead was then advanced down in the right atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. Lead was passed across the tricuspid valve and positioned in an apical septal location. This was an active fixed lead and the screw was deployed. Adequate pacing and sensing function were established. The suture sleeve was then advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. The pocket was washed with antibiotic-impregnated saline. A pulse generator was obtained and connected securely to the lead. The lead was then carefully wrapped behind the pulse generator, and the entire system was placed in the pocket. Pocket was then closed with 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 Vicryl using a running mattress stitch. No acute complications were noted.,DEVICE DATA,1. Pulse generator, manufacturer St. Jude model 12345, serial #123456.,2. Right ventricular lead, manufacturer St. Jude model 12345, serial #ABCD123456.,MEASURED INTRAOPERATIVE DATA:, Right ventricular lead impedance 630 ohms. R wave measures 17.5 mV. Pacing threshold of 0.8 V at 0.5 msec.,DEVICE SETTINGS: , VVI 70 to 120.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Successful implantation of the single-chamber pacemaker with adequate pacing and sensing function.,2. No acute complications.,PLAN,1. The patient will be admitted for overnight observation and dismissed at the discretion of primary service.,2. Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax and verify lead position.,3. Completion of course of antibiotics.,4. Device interrogation in the morning.,5. Home dismissal instructions provided in a written format.,6. Wound check in 7 to 10 days.,7. Enrollment in Device Clinic.nan
EXAM: , CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis without and with intravenous contrast.,CLINICAL INDICATION: , Left lower quadrant abdominal pain.,COMPARISON: , None.,FINDINGS: , CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was performed without and with intravenous contrast. Total of 100 mL of Isovue was administered intravenously. Oral contrast was also administered.,The lung bases are clear. The liver is enlarged and decreased in attenuation. There are no focal liver masses.,There is no intra or extrahepatic ductal dilatation.,The gallbladder is slightly distended.,The adrenal glands, pancreas, spleen, and left kidney are normal.,A 12-mm simple cyst is present in the inferior pole of the right kidney. There is no hydronephrosis or hydroureter.,The appendix is normal.,There are multiple diverticula in the rectosigmoid. There is evidence of focal wall thickening in the sigmoid colon (image #69) with adjacent fat stranding in association with a diverticulum. These findings are consistent with diverticulitis. No pneumoperitoneum is identified. There is no ascites or focal fluid collection.,The aorta is normal in contour and caliber.,There is no adenopathy.,Degenerative changes are present in the lumbar spine.,IMPRESSION: , Findings consistent with diverticulitis. Please see report above.nephrology, extrahepatic ductal dilatation, gallbladder, glands, pancreas, spleen, kidney, adrenal, abdomen and pelvis, ct scan, intravenous, abdomen,
EXAM: , Carotid and cerebral arteriograms.,INDICATION: , Abnormal carotid duplex studies demonstrating occlusion of the left internal carotid artery.,IMPRESSION:,1. Complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin.,2. Mild stenosis of the right internal carotid artery measured at 20%.,3. Patent bilateral vertebral arteries.,4. No significant disease was identified of the anterior cerebral vessels.,DISCUSSION: ,Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed on Month DD, YYYY, previous studies are not available for comparison.,The right groin was sterilely cleansed and draped. Lidocaine 1% buffered with sodium bicarbonate was used as local anesthetic. A 19-French needle was then advanced into the common femoral artery and a wire was advanced. Over the wire, a sheath was placed. A wire was then advanced into the abdominal aorta and over the wire and the flushed catheter was then advanced to the arch of the aorta over a wire. Flushed arteriogram was performed. Arteriogram demonstrated no significant disease of the great vessels at their origins. There is demonstration of complete occlusion of the left common carotid artery approximately 3 cm distal to its origin. The vertebral arteries were widely patent. Following this, the flushed catheter was exchanged for ***** catheter and selective catheterization of the common carotid artery on the right was performed. Carotid and cerebral arteriograms were performed. The carotid arteriograms on the right demonstrated the carotid bulb to be unremarkable. The external carotid artery on the right is quite tortuous in its appearance. The internal carotid artery demonstrates a mild plaque creating stenosis, which is measured approximately 20%. Cerebral arteriogram on the right demonstrated the A1 and M1 segments bilaterally to be normal. No significant stenosis identified. There is complete cross-filling into the left brain via the right. No significant stenosis was appreciated.,Following this, the catheter was parked at the origin of the left common carotid artery and ejection demonstrated complete occlusion.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. No complications occurred during or immediately after the procedure. Stasis was achieved of the puncture site using a VasoSeal. The patient will be observed for at least 2-1/2 hours prior to being discharged to home.radiology, carotid, arteriogram, bulb, carotid duplex, catheter, cerebral, distal, femoral artery, internal carotid artery, needle, occlusion, sheath, stenosis, vertebral arteries, vessels, cerebral arteriograms, carotid artery, artery, arteriograms, wire,
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Patient is a 46-year-old white male seen for annual physical exam and had an incidental PSA elevation of 4.0. All other systems were normal.,PROCEDURES: ,Sextant biopsy of the prostate.,Radical prostatectomy: Excised prostate including capsule, pelvic lymph nodes, seminal vesicles, and small portion of bladder neck.,PATHOLOGY:,Prostate biopsy: Right lobe, negative. Left lobe, small focus of adenocarcinoma, Gleason's 3 + 3 in approximately 5% of the tissue.,Radical prostatectomy: Negative lymph nodes. Prostate gland showing moderately differentiated infiltrating adenocarcinoma, Gleason 3 + 2 extending to the apex involving both lobes of the prostate, mainly right. Tumor overall involved less than 5% of the tissue. Surgical margin was reported and involved at the apex. The capsule and seminal vesicles were free.,DISCHARGE NOTE:, Patient has made good post-op recovery other than mild urgency incontinence. His post-op PSA is 0.1 mg/ml.urology, capsule, bladder neck, surgical margin, moderately differentiated infiltrating adenocarcinoma, pelvic lymph nodes, prostate gland, infiltrating adenocarcinoma, radical prostatectomy, seminal vesicles, gleason's, seminal, vesicles, adenocarcinoma, prostate,
HISTORY: ,The patient is a 53-year-old male who was seen for evaluation at the request of Dr. X regarding recurrent jaw pain. This patient has been having what he described as numbness and tingling along the jaw, teeth, and tongue. This numbness has been present for approximately two months. It seems to be there "all the time." He was seen by his dentist and after dental evaluation was noted to be "okay." He had been diagnosed with a throat infection about a week ago and is finishing a course of Avelox at this time. He has been taking cough drops and trying to increase his fluids. He has recently stopped tobacco. He has been chewing tobacco for about 30 years. Again, there is concern regarding the numbness he has been having. He has had a loss of sensation of taste as well. Numbness seems to be limited just to the left lateral tongue and the jaw region and extends from the angle of the jaw to the lip. He does report he has had about a 20-pound of weight gain over the winter, but notes he has had this in the past just simply from decreased activity. He has had no trauma to the face. He does note a history of headaches. These are occasional and he gets these within the neck area when they do flare up. The headaches are noted to be less than one or two times per month. The patient does note he has a history of anxiety disorder as well. He has tried to eliminate his amount of tobacco and he is actually taking Nicorette gum at this time. He denies any fever or chills. He is not having any dental pain with biting down. He has had no jaw popping and no trismus noted. The patient is concerned regarding this numbness and presents today for further workup, evaluation, and treatment.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Other than those listed above were otherwise negative.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Pertinent for hernia repair.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Pertinent for hypertension.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Tylenol. He is on Nicorette gum.,ALLERGIES: ,He is allergic to codeine, unknown reaction.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is single, self-employed carpenter. He chews tobacco or having chewing tobacco for 30 years, about half a can per day, but notes he has been recently off, and he does note occasional moderate alcohol use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 138/82, pulse 64 and regular, temperature 98.3, and weight is 191 pounds.,GENERAL: The patient is an alert, cooperative, obese, 53-year-old male with a normal-sounding voice and good memory.,HEAD & FACE: Inspected with no scars, lesions or masses noted. Sinuses palpated and are normal. Salivary glands also palpated and are normal with no masses noted. The patient also has full facial function.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,RESPIRATORY: Lungs auscultated and noted to be clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezing or rubs and normal respiratory effort.,EYES: Extraocular muscles were tested and within normal limits.,EARS: Both ears, external ears are normal. The ear canals are clean and dry. The drums are intact and mobile. He does have moderate tympanosclerosis noted, no erythema. Weber exam is midline. Hearing is grossly intact and normal.,NASAL: Reveals a deviated nasal septum to the left, moderate, clear drainage, and no erythema.,ORAL: Oral cavity is normal with good moisture. Lips, teeth and gums are normal. Evaluation of the oropharynx reveals normal mucosa, normal palates, and posterior oropharynx. Examination of the larynx with a mirror reveals normal epiglottis, false and true vocal cords with good mobility of the cords. The nasopharynx was briefly examined by mirror with normal appearing mucosa, posterior choanae and eustachian tubes.,NECK: The neck was examined with normal appearance. Trachea in the midline. The thyroid was normal, nontender, with no palpable masses or adenopathy noted.,NEUROLOGIC: He does have slightly decreased sensation to the left jaw. He is able to feel pressure on touch. This extends also on to the left lateral tongue and the left intrabuccal mucosa.,DERMATOLOGIC: Evaluation reveals no masses or lesions. Skin turgor is normal.,PROCEDURE: , A fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy was also performed. See separate operative report in chart. This does reveal a moderately deviated nasal septum to the left, large inferior turbinates, no mass or neoplasm noted.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Persistent paresthesia of the left manual teeth and tongue, consider possible neoplasm within the mandible.,2. History of tobacco use.,3. Hypogeusia with loss of taste.,4. Headaches.,5. Xerostomia.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, I have ordered a CT of the head. This includes sinuses and mandible. This is primarily to evaluate and make sure there is not a neoplasm as the source of this numbness that he has had. On the mucosal surface, I do not see any evidence of malignancy and no visible or palpable masses were noted. I did recommend he increase his fluid intake. He is to remain off the tobacco. I have scheduled a recheck with me in the next two to three weeks to make further recommendations at that time.nan
CC:, BLE weakness.,HX:, This 82y/o RHM was referred to the Neurology service by the Neurosurgery service for evaluation of acute onset paraplegia. He was in his usual state of health until 5:30PM on 4/6/95, when he developed sudden "pressure-like" epigastric discomfort associated with bilateral lower extremity weakness, SOB, lightheadedness and diaphoresis. He knelt down to the floor and "went to sleep." The Emergency Medical Service was alert and arrived within minutes, at which time he was easily aroused though unable to move or feel his lower extremities. No associated upper extremity or bulbar dysfunction was noted. He was taken to a local hospital where an INR was found to be 9.1. He was given vitamin K 15mg, and transferred to UIHC to rule out spinal epidural hemorrhage. An MRI scan of the T-spine was obtained and the preliminary reading was "normal." The Neurology service was then asked to evaluate the patient.,MEDS:, Coumadin 2mg qd, Digoxin 0.25mg qd, Prazosin 2mg qd.,PMH:, 1)HTN. 2)A-Fib on coumadin. 3)Peripheral vascular disease:s/p left Femoral-popliteal bypass (8/94) and graft thrombosis-thrombolisis (9/94). 4)Adenocarcinoma of the prostate: s/p TURP (1992).,FHX: ,unremarkable.,SHX:, Farmer, Married, no Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP165/60 HR86 RR18 34.2C SAO2 98% on room air.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. In no acute distress. Lucid.,CN: unremarkable.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength in BUE. Flaccid paraplegia in BLE,Sensory: T6 sensory level to LT/PP, bilaterally. Decreased vibratory sense in BLE in a stocking distribution, distally.,Coord: Intact FNF and RAM in BUE. Unable to do HKS.,Station: no pronator drift.,Gait: not done.,Reflexes: 2/2 BUE, Absent in BLE, plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Rectal: decreased rectal tone.,GEN EXAM: No carotid bruitts. Lungs: bibasilar crackles. CV: Irregular rate and rhythm with soft diastolic murmur at the left sternal border. Abdomen: flat, soft, non-tender without bruitt or pulsatile mass. Distal pulses were strong in all extremities.,COURSE:, Hgb 12.6, Hct 40%, WBC 11.7, Plt 154k, INR 7.6, PTT 50, CK 41, the GS was normal. EKG showed A-Fib at 75BPM with competing junctional pacemaker, essentially unchanged from 9/12/94.,It was suspected that the patient sustained an anterior-cervico-thoracic spinal cord infarction with resultant paraplegia and T6 sensory level. A CXR was done in the ER prior to admission. This revealed cardiomegaly and a widened mediastinum. He returned from the x-ray suite and suddenly became unresponsive and went into cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitative measures failed. Pericardiocentesis was unremarkable. Autopsy revealed a massive aortic dissection extending from the aortic root to the origin of the iliac arteries with extensive pericardial hematoma. The dissection was seen in retrospect on the MRI T-spine.radiology, mri, a&o, aortic dissection, cxr, irregular rate and rhythm, mri scan, neurology service, t-spine, carotid bruitts, epidural hemorrhage, mediastinum, paraplegia, person, place, stocking distribution, time, weakness, mri t spine, sensory level, neurology, spine,
REASON FOR CONSULT:, Depression.,HPI:, The patient is an 87-year-old white female admitted for low back pain status post hip fracture sustained a few days before Thanksgiving in 2006. The patient was diagnosed and treated for a T9 compression fraction with vertebroplasty. Soon after discharge, the patient was readmitted with severe mid low back pain and found to have a T8 compression fracture. This was also treated with vertebroplasty. The patient is now complaining of back pain that fluctuates at time, acknowledging her pain medication works but not all the time. Her pain is in her upper back around her shoulder blades. The patient says lying down with the heated pad lessens the pain and that any physical activity increases it. MRI on January 29, 2007, was positive for possible meningioma to the left of anterior box.,The patient reports of many depressive symptoms, has lost all interest in things she used to do (playing cards, reading). Has no energy to do things she likes, but does participate in physical therapy, cries often and what she believes for no reason. Does not see any future for herself. Reports not being able to concentrate on anything saying she gets distracted by thoughts of how she does not want to live anymore. Admits to decreased appetite, feeling depressed, and always wanting to be alone. Claims that before her initial hospitalization for her hip fracture, she was highly active, enjoyed living independently at Terrace. Denies suicidal ideations and homicidal ideations, but that she did not mind dying, and denies any manic symptoms including decreased need to sleep, inflated self-worth, and impulsivity. Denies auditory and visual hallucinations. No paranoid, delusions, or other abnormalities of thought content. Denies panic attacks, flashbacks, and other feelings of anxiety. Does admit to feeling restless at times. Is concerned with her physical appearance while in the hospital, i.e., her hair looking "awful.",PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Hypertension, cataracts, hysterectomy, MI, osteoporosis, right total knee replacement in April 2004, hip fracture, and newly diagnosed diabetes. No history of thyroid problems, seizures, strokes, or head injuries.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Norvasc 10 mg p.o. daily, aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily, Lipitor 20 mg p.o. daily, Klonopin 0.5 mg p.o. b.i.d., digoxin 0.125 mg p.o. daily, Lexapro 10 mg p.o. daily, TriCor 145 mg p.o. each bedtime, Lasix 20 mg p.o. daily, Ismo 20 mg p.o. daily, lidocaine patch, Zestril, Prinivil 40 mg p.o. daily, Lopressor 75 mg p.o. b.i.d., Starlix 120 mg p.o. t.i.d., Pamelor 25 mg p.o. each bedtime, polyethylene glycol 17 g p.o. every other day, potassium chloride 20 mEq p.o. t.i.d., Norco one tablet p.o. q.4h. p.r.n., Zofran 4 mg IV q.6h.,HOME MEDICATIONS:, Unknown.,ALLERGIES:, CODEINE (HALLUCINATIONS).,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, Unremarkable.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY:, Unremarkable. Never taken any psychiatric medications or have ever had a family member with psychiatric illness.,SOCIAL/DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY:, Unremarkable childhood. Married for 40 plus years, widowed in 1981. Worked as administrative assistant in UTMB Hospitals VP's office. Two children. Before admission, lived in the Terrace Independent Living Center. Was happy and very active while living there. Had friends in the Terrace and would not mind going back there after discharge. Occasional glass of wine at dinner. Denies ever using illicit drugs and tobacco.,MENTAL STATUS EXAM:, The patient is an 87-year-old white female with appropriate appearance, wearing street clothes while lying in bed with her eyes tightly closed. Slight decrease in motor activity. Normal eye contact. Speech, low volume and rate. Good articulation and inflexion. Normal concentration. Mood, labile, tearful at times, depressed, then euthymic. Affect, mood congruent, full range. Thought process, logical and goal directed. Thought content, no delusions, suicidal or homicidal ideations. Perception, no auditory or visual hallucinations. Sensorium, alert, and oriented x3. Memory, fair. Information and intelligence, average. Judgment and insight, fair.,MINI MENTAL STATUS EXAM,: A 28/30. Could not remember two out of the three recalled words.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient is an 87-year-old white female with recent history of hip fracture and two thoracic compression fractures. The patient reports being high functioning prior to admission and says her depression symptoms have occurred while being in the hospital.,Axis I: Major depression disorder.,Axis II: Deferred.,Axis III: Osteoporosis, hypertension, hip fracture, possible diabetes, meningioma, MI, and right total knee replacement.,Axis IV: Lives independently at Terrace, difficulty walking, hospitalization.,Axis V: 45.,PLAN:, Continue Lexapro 10 mg daily and Pamelor 25 mg each bedtime monitor for adverse effects of TCA and worsening of depressive symptoms. Discussed about possible inpatient psychiatric care.,Thank you for the consultation.nan
SUBJECTIVE: , This patient presents to the office today with his mom for checkup. He used to live in the city. He used to go to college down in the city. He got addicted to drugs. He decided it would be a good idea to get away from the "bad crowd" and come up and live with his mom. He has a history of doing heroin. He was injecting into his vein. He was seeing a physician in the city. They were prescribing methadone for some time. He says that did help. He was on 10 mg of methadone. He was on it for three to four months. He tried to wean down on the methadone a couple of different times, but failed. He has been intermittently using heroin. He says one of the big problems is that he lives in a household full of drug users and he could not get away from it. All that changed now that he is living with his mom. The last time he did heroin was about seven to eight days ago. He has not had any methadone in about a week either. He is coming in today specifically requesting methadone. He also admits to being depressed. He is sad a lot and down. He does not have much energy. He does not have the enthusiasm. He denies any suicidal or homicidal ideations at the present time. I questioned him on the symptoms of bipolar disorder and he does not seem to have those symptoms. His past medical history is significant for no medical problems. Surgical history, he voluntarily donated his left kidney. Family and social history were reviewed per the nursing notes. His allergies are no known drug allergies. Medications, he takes no medications regularly.,OBJECTIVE: , His weight is 164 pounds, blood pressure 108/60, pulse 88, respirations 16, and temperature was not taken. General: He is nontoxic and in no acute distress. Psychiatric: Alert and oriented times 3. Skin: I examined his upper extremities. He showed me his injection sites. I can see marks, but they seem to be healing up nicely. I do not see any evidence of cellulitis. There is no evidence of necrotizing fasciitis.,ASSESSMENT: , Substance abuse.,PLAN: , I had a long talk with the patient and his mom. I am not prescribing him any narcotics or controlled substances. I am not in the practice of trading one addiction for another. It has been one week without any sort of drugs at all. I do not think he needs weaning. I think right now it is mostly psychological, although there still could be some residual physical addiction. However, once again I do not believe it to be necessary to prescribe him any sort of controlled substance at the present time. I do believe that his depression needs to be treated. I gave him fluoxetine 20 mg one tablet daily. I discussed the side effects in detail. I did also warn him that all antidepressant medications carry an increased risk of suicide. If he should start to feel any of these symptoms, he should call #911 or go to the emergency room immediately. If he has any problems or side effects, he was also directed to call me here at the office. After-hours, he can go to the emergency room or call #911. I am going to see him back in three weeks for the depression. I gave him the name and phone number of Behavioral Health and I told him to call so that he can get into rehabilitation program or at least a support group. We are unable to make a referral for him to do that. He has to call on his own. He has no insurance. However, I think fluoxetine is very affordable. He can get it for $4 per month at Wal-Mart. His mom is going to keep an eye on him as well. He is going to be staying there. It sounds like he is looking for a job.soap / chart / progress notes, addicted to drugs, substance abuse, abuse, heroin, methadone
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Prostate cancer, Gleason score 4+3 with 85% burden and 8/12 cores positive.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Prostate cancer, Gleason score 4+3 with 85% burden and 8/12 cores positive.,PROCEDURE DONE: , Open radical retropubic prostatectomy with bilateral lymph node dissection.,INDICATIONS:, This is a 66-year-old gentleman who had an elevated PSA of 5. His previous PSAs were in the 1 range. TRUS biopsy revealed 4+3 Gleason score prostate cancer with a large tumor burden. After extensive counseling, the patient elected for retropubic radical prostatectomy. Given his disease burden, it was advised that an open prostatectomy is probably the standard of care to ensure entire excision. The patient consented and agreed to proceed forward.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room here. Time out was taken to properly identify the patient and procedure going to be done. General anesthesia was induced. The patient was placed in the supine position. The bed was flexed distant to the pubic area. The patient's lower abdominal area, pubic area, and penile and scrotal area were clipped, and then scrubbed with Hibiclens soap for three minutes. The patient was then prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion. Foley catheter was inserted sterilely in the field. Preoperative antibiotics were given within 30 minutes of skin incision. A 10 cm lower abdominal incision was made from the symphysis pubis towards the umbilicus. Dissection was taken down through Scarpa's fascia to the level of the anterior rectus sheath. The rectus sheath was then incised and the muscle was split in the middle. Space of rectus sheath was then entered. The Bookwalter ring was then applied to the belly, and the bladder was then retracted to the right side, thus exposing the left obturator area. The lymph node packet on the left side was then dissected. This was done in a split and roll fashion with the flimsy tissue, and the left external iliac vein was incised, and the tissues were then rolled over the left external iliac vein. Dissection was carried down from the left external iliac vein to the obturator nerve and up to the level of the pelvic sidewall. The proximal extent of dissection was the left hypogastric artery to the level of the node of Cloquet distally. Care was taken to avoid injury to the nerves. An accessory obturator vein was noted and was ligated. The same procedure was done on the right side with dissection of the right obturator lymph node packet, which was sent for pathologic evaluation. The bladder subsequently was retracted cephalad. The prostate was then defatted up to the level of the endopelvic fascia. The endopelvic fascia was then incised bilaterally, and the incision was then taken to the level of the puboprostatic ligaments. Vicryl stitch was then applied at the level of the bladder neck in order to control the bladder back bleeders. A Babcock was then applied around the dorsal venous complex over the urethra and the K-wire was then passed between the dorsal vein complex and the urethra by passing by the aid of a right angle. A 0-Vicryl stitch was then applied over the dorsal venous complex, which was then tied down and cinched to the symphysis pubis. Using a knife on a long handle, the dorsal venous complex was then incised using the K-wire as a guide. Following the incision of the dorsal venous complex, the anterior urethra was then incised, thus exposing the Foley catheter. The 3-0 Monocryl sutures were then applied going outside in on the anterior aspect of the urethra. The lateral edges of the urethra were also then incised, and two lateral stitches were also applied going outside end. The catheter was then drawn back at the level of membranous urethra, and a final posterior stitch was applied going outside end. The urethra was subsequently divided in its entirety. A Foley catheter was then taken out and was inserted directly into the bladder through the prostatic apex. The prostate was then entered cephalad, and the prostatic pedicles were then systematically taken down with the right angle clips and cut. Please note that throughout the case, the patient was noted to have significant oozing and bleeding partially from the dorsal venous complex, pelvic veins, and extensive vascularity that was noted in the patient's pelvic fatty tissue. Throughout the case, the bleeding was controlled with the aid of a clips, Vicryl sutures, silk sutures, and ties, direct pressure packing, and FloSeal. Following the excision of the prostatic pedicles, the posterior dissection at this point was almost complete. Please note that the dissection was relatively technically challenging due to extensive adhesions between the prostate and Denonvilliers' fascia. The seminal vesicle on the left side was dissected in its entirety; however, the seminal vesicle on the right side was adherently stuck to the Denonvilliers' fascia, which prompted the excision of most of the right seminal vesicle with the exception of the tip. Care was taken throughout the posterior dissection to preserve the integrity of the ureters. The anterior bladder neck was then cut anteriorly, and the bladder neck was separated from the prostate. Following the dissection, the 5-French feeding tubes were inserted bilaterally into the ureters thus insuring their integrity. Following the dissection of the bladder from the prostate, the prostate at this point was mobile and was sent for pathological evaluation. The bladder neck was then repaired using Vicryl in a tennis racquet fashion. The rest of the mucosa was then everted. The ureteral orifices and ureters were protected throughout the procedure. At this point, the initial sutures that were applied into the urethra were then applied into the corresponding position on the bladder neck, and the bladder neck was then cinched down and tied down after a new Foley catheter was inserted through the penile meatus and into the bladder pulling the bladder in position. Hemostasis was then adequately obtained. FloSeal was applied to the pelvis. The bladder was then irrigated. It was draining pink urine. The wound was copiously irrigated. The fascia was then closed using a #1 looped PDS. The skin wound was then irrigated, and the skin was closed with a 4-0 Monocryl in subcuticular fashion. At this point, the procedure was terminated with no complications. The patient was then extubated in the operating room and taken in stable condition to the PACU. Please note that during the case about 3600 mL of blood was noted. This was due to the persistent continuous oozing from vascular fatty tissue and pelvic veins as previously noted in the dictation.urology, bilateral lymph node dissection, retropubic prostatectomy, radical retropubic prostatectomy, gleason score, prostate cancer, trus, biopsy, bilateral lymph node, lymph node dissection, catheter was inserted, bilateral lymph, node dissection, vicryl stitch, prostatic pedicles, pelvic veins, external iliac, iliac vein, seminal vesicle, lymph node, foley catheter, dorsal venous, venous complex, bladder neck, dissection, prostatectomy, bladder, endopelvic, vicryl, catheter, vein, venous, fascia, dorsal, urethra,
REASON FOR EXAM: , Followup for fetal growth. , ,INTERPRETATION: , Real-time exam demonstrates a single intrauterine fetus in cephalic presentation with a regular cardiac rate of 147 beats per minute documented. ,FETAL BIOMETRY: ,BPD = 8.3 cm = 33 weeks, 4 days,HC = 30.2 cm = 33 weeks, 4 days,AC = 27.9 cm = 32 weeks, 0 days,FL = 6.4 cm = 33 weeks, 1 day,The head to abdomen circumference ratio is normal at 1.08, and the femur length to abdomen circumference ratio is normal at 23.0%. Estimated fetal weight is 2,001 grams. ,The amniotic fluid volume appears normal, and the calculated index is normal for the age at 13.7 cm. ,A detailed fetal anatomic exam was not performed at this setting, this being a limited exam for growth. The placenta is posterofundal and grade 2., ,IMPRESSION: , Single viable intrauterine pregnancy in cephalic presentation with a composite gestational age of 32 weeks, 5 days, plus or minus 17 days, giving and estimated date of confinement of 8/04/05. There has been normal progression of fetal growth compared to the two prior exams of 2/11/05 and 4/04/05. The examination of 4/04/05 questioned an echogenic focus within the left ventricle. The current examination does not demonstrate any significant persistent echogenic focus involving the left ventricle.radiology, amniotic fluid volume, placenta, posterofundal, intrauterine pregnancy, followup for fetal growth, ultrasound ob, cephalic presentation, abdomen circumference, circumference ratio, echogenic focus, fetal growth, fetal,
S: , The patient presents to podiatry clinic today at the request of her primary physician, Dr. XYZ for initial examination, evaluation, and treatment of her nails. The patient has last seen primary in December 2006.,PRIMARY MEDICAL HISTORY: , Edema, venous insufficiency, schizophrenia, and anemia.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT HAS NO KNOWN ALLERGIES.,MEDICATIONS: , Refer to chart.,O: , The patient presents in wheelchair, verbal and alert. Vascular: She has absent pedal pulses bilaterally. Trophic changes include absent hair growth and mycotic nails. Skin texture is dry. Skin color is rubor. Classic findings include temperature change and edema +1. Nails: Hypertrophic with crumbly subungual debris, #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 right and #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 left.,A:,1. Onychomycosis present, #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 right and left.,2. Peripheral vascular disease as per classic findings.,3. Pain on palpation.,P: , Nails #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 right and #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5 left were debrided for length and thickness. The patient will be seen again at the request of the nursing staff for treatment of painful mycotic nails.podiatry, debrided, thickness, mycotic nails, onychomycosis, nails,
PROCEDURES:,1. Release of ventral chordee.,2. Circumcision.,3. Repair of partial duplication of urethral meatus.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is an 11-month-old baby boy who presented for evaluation of a duplicated urethral meatus as well as ventral chordee and dorsal prepuce hooding. He is here electively for surgical correction.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought back into operating room 35. After successful induction of general endotracheal anesthetic, giving the patient, preoperative antibiotics and after completing a preoperative time out, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion.,A holding stitch was placed in the glans penis. At this point, we probed both urethral meatus. Using the Crede maneuver, we could see urine clearly coming out of the lower, the more ventral meatus. At this point, we cannulated this with a 6-French hypospadias catheter. We attempted to cannulate the dorsal opening, however, we were unsuccessful. We then attempted to place lacrimal probes and were also unsuccessful indicating this was incomplete duplication. At this point, we identified the band connecting both the urethral meatus and incised it with tenotomy scissors. We sutured both meatus together such that there was one meatus at the normal position at the tip of the glans.,At this point, we made a circumcising incision around the penis and degloved the penis in its entirety relieving all chordee. Once all the chordee had been adequately released, we turned our attention to the circumcision. Excessive dorsal foreskin was removed from the skin and glans. Mucosal cuts were reapproximated with interrupted 5-0 chromic suture. Dermabond was placed over this and bacitracin was placed on this once dry. This ended the procedure. ,DRAINS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,URINE OUTPUT: ,Unrecorded.,COMPLICATIONS: , None apparent.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient will now go under the care of Dr. XYZ, Plastic Surgery, for excision of scalp, release of ventral chordee, repair of partial duplication, partial duplication, ventral chordee, urethral meatus, glans, penis, circumcision, ventral, chordee, urethral, meatus,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left nasolabial fold scar deformity with effacement of alar crease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left nasolabial fold scar deformity with effacement of alar crease.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left midface elevation with nasolabial fold elevation.,2. Left nasolabial fold z-plasty and right symmetrization midface elevation.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal intubation.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 25 mL.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid,CULTURES TAKEN: , None.,PATIENT'S CONDITION: , Stable.,IMPLANTS: , Coapt Endotine Midface B 4.5 bioabsorbable implants, reference #CFD0200197, lot #01447 used on the right and used on the left side.,IDENTIFICATION: , This patient is well known to the Stanford Plastic Surgery Service. The patient is status post resection of the dorsal nasal sidewall skin cancer with nasolabial flap reconstruction with subsequent deformity. In particular, the patient has had effacement of his alar crease with deepening of his nasolabial fold and notable asymmetry. The patient was seen in consultation and felt to be a surgical candidate for improvement. Risks and benefits of the operation were described to the patient in detail including, but not limited to bleeding, infection, scarring, possible damage to surrounding structures including neurovascular structures, need for revision of surgery, continued asymmetry, and anesthetic complication. The patient understood these risks and benefits and consented to the operation.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to OR and placed supine on the operating table. Dose of antibiotics was given to the patient. Compression devices were placed on the lower extremities to prevent the knee embolic events. The patient was turned to 180 degrees. The ETT tube was secured and the area was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A head wrap was then placed on the position and we then began our local. Of note, the patient had previous incisions just lateral to his lateral canthus bilaterally and that were used for access. Local consisting a 50:50 mix of 0.25% Marcaine with epinephrine and 1% lidocaine with epinephrine was then injected into the subperiosteal plane taking care to prevent injury to the infraorbital nerves. This was done bilaterally. We then marked the nasolabial fold and began with the elevation of the left midface.,We began with a lateral canthal-type incision extending out over his previous incision down to subcutaneous tissue. We continued down to the lateral orbital rim until we identified periosteum. We then pulled in a periosteal elevator and elevated the midface down over the zygoma elevating some lateral mesenteric attachments down over the buccal region until we felt we had reached pass the nasolabial folds medially. Care was taken to preserve the infraorbital nerve and that was visualized after elevation. We then released the periosteum distally and retracted up on the periosteum and noted improved contour of the nasolabial fold with increased bulk over the midface region over the zygoma.,We then used our Endotine Coapt device to engage the periosteum at the desired location and then elevated the midface and secured into position using the Coapt bioabsorbable screw. After this was then carried out, we then clipped and cut as well as the end of the screw. Satisfied with this, we then elevated the periosteum and secured it to reinforce our midface elevation to the lateral orbital rim and this was done using 3-0 Monocryl. Several sutures were then used to anchor the orbicularis and deeper tissue to create additional symmetry. Excess skin along the incision was then removed as well the skin from just lateral to the canthus. Care was taken to leave the orbicularis muscle down. We then continued closing our incision using absorbable plain gut 5-0 sutures for the subciliary-type incision and then continuing with interrupted 6-0 Prolenes lateral to the canthus.,We then turned our attention to performing the z-plasty portion of the case. A z-plasty was designed along the previous scar where it was padding to the notable scar deformity and effacement of crease and the z-plasty was then designed to lengthen along the scar to improve the contour. This was carried out using a 15 blade down to subcutaneous tissue. The flaps were debulked slightly to reduce the amount of fullness and then transposed and sutured into place using chromic suture. At this point, we then noted that he had improvement of the nasal fold but continued asymmetry with regards to improved bulk on the left side and less bulk on the right and it was felt that a symmetrization procedure was required to make more symmetry with the midface bilaterally and nasolabial folds bilaterally. As such, we then carried out the dissection after injecting local as noted and we used a 15 blade scalpel to create our incision along the lateral canthus along its preexisting incision. We carried this down to the lateral orbital rim again elevating the periosteum taking care to preserve infraorbital nerve.,At this point, we then released the periosteum distally just at the level of the nasolabial fold and placed our Endotine midface implant into the desired area and then elevated slightly just for symmetry only. This was then secured in place using the bioabsorbable screw and then resected a very marginal amount of tissue just for removal of the dog ear deformity and closed the deeper layers of tissue using 3-0 PDS and then closing the extension to the subciliary area using 5-0 plain gut and then 6-0 Prolene lateral to the canthus.,At this point, we felt that we had achieved improved contour, improved symmetry, and decreased effacement of the nasolabial fold and alar crease. Satisfied with our procedures, we then placed cool compresses on to the eyes.,The patient was then extubated and brought to the PACU in stable condition.,Dr. X was present and scrubbed for the entire case and actively participated during all key elements. Dr. Y was available and participated in the portions of the case as well.nan
REFERRAL INDICATION AND PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSES,1. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,2. Ejection fraction less than 10%.,3. Ventricular tachycardia.,4. Bradycardia with likely high degree of pacing.,PROCEDURES PLANNED AND PERFORMED,1. Implantation of biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,2. Fluoroscopic guidance for lead implantation for biventricular automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator.,3. Coronary sinus venogram for left ventricular lead placement.,4. Defibrillation threshold testing x2.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME: ,18.5 minutes.,MEDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF STUDY,1. Vancomycin 1 g (the patient was allergic to penicillin).,2. Versed 10 mg.,3. Fentanyl 100 mcg.,4. Benadryl 50 mg.,CLINICAL HISTORY: , The patient is a pleasant 57-year-old gentleman with a dilated cardiomyopathy, an ejection fraction of 10%, been referred for AICD implantation because of his low ejection fraction and a non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. He has underlying sinus bradycardia. Therefore, will likely be pacing much of the time and would benefit from a biventricular pacing device.,RISKS AND BENEFITS:, Risks, benefits, and alternatives to implantation of biventricular AICD and defibrillation threshold testing were discussed with the patient. Risks including but not limited to bleeding, infection, vascular injury, cardiac perforation, stroke, myocardial infarction, the need for urgent cardiovascular surgery, and death were discussed with the patient. The patient agreed both verbally and via written consent.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was transported to the cardiac catheterization laboratory in the fasting state. The region of the left deltopectoral groove was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 1% (20 mL) was administered to the area. After achieving appropriate anesthesia, a percutaneous access of the left axillary vein was performed under fluoroscopy with two separate sticks. Guidewires were advanced down into the left axillary vein. Following this, a 4-inch long transverse incision was made through the skin and subcutaneous tissue exposing the pectoral fascia and muscle beneath. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. Lidocaine 1% (10 mL) was administered to the medial aspect of the incision and a pocket was fashioned in the medial direction. Using the more lateral of the guidewires, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator was removed and another wire was advanced down into the sheath. The sheath was then backed up over the top of the two wires. One wire was pinned to the drape and using the alternate wire, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced down into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A defibrillation lead was then advanced down into the atrium. The peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was then passed across the tricuspid valve and positioned in the apical septal location. The active fix screw was deployed. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily and there was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. Using the wire that had been pinned to the drape, a 7-French side-arm sheath was advanced over this wire into the axillary vein. The wire and dilator were removed. An active pacing lead was then advanced down to the right atrium and the peel-away sheath was removed. The lead was parked until a later time. Using the separate access point, a 9-French side-arm sheath was advanced into the left axillary vein. The dilator and wire were removed. A curved outer sheath catheter as well as an inner catheter were advanced down into the area of the coronary sinus. The coronary sinus was cannulated. Inner catheter was removed and a balloon-tipped catheter was advanced into the coronary sinus. A coronary sinus venogram was then performed. It was noted that the most suitable location for lead placement was the middle cardiac vein. This was cannulated and a passive lead was advanced over a Whisper EDS wire into a distal position. Adequate pacing and sensing functions were established. A 10-volt pacing was used temporarily. There was no diaphragmatic stimulation. The outer sheath was peeled away. The 9 French sheath was then peeled away. Suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. At this point, the atrial lead was then positioned in the right atrial appendage using a preformed J-curved stylet. The lead body was turned several times and the lead was affixed to the tissue. Adequate pacing and sensing function were established. A suture sleeve was advanced to the entry point of the tissue and connected securely to the tissue. The pocket was then washed with antibiotic-impregnated saline. Pulse generator was obtained and connected securely to the leads. The leads were carefully wrapped behind the pulse generator and the entire system was placed in the pocket. The pocket was then closed with 2-0, 3-0, and 4-0 Vicryl using a running mattress stitch. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the end of the procedure and no acute complications were noted.,The patient was sedated further and shock on T was performed on two separate occasions. The device was allowed to detect the charge and defibrillate, establishing the entire workings of the ICD system.,DEVICE DATA,1. Pulse generator, manufacturer Boston Scientific, model # N119, serial #12345.,2. Right atrial lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4470, serial #12345.,3. Right ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #0185, serial #12345.,4. Left ventricular lead, manufacturer Guidant, model #4549, serial #12345.,MEASURED INTRAOPERATIVE DATA,1. Right atrial lead impedance 705 ohms. P-waves measured at 1.7 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.5 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,2. Right ventricular lead impedance 685 ohms. R-waves measured 10.5 millivolts. Pacing threshold 0.6 volt at 0.4 milliseconds.,3. Left ventricular lead impedance 1098 ohms. R-waves measured 5.2 millivolts. Pacing threshold 1.4 volts at 0.4 milliseconds.,DEFIBRILLATION THRESHOLD TESTING,1. Shock on T. Charge time 2.9 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with lead impedance of 39 ohms.,2. Shock on T. Charge time 2.8 seconds. Energy delivered 17 joules, successful with a type 2 break lead impedance of 38 ohms.,DEVICE SETTINGS,1. A pacing DDD 60 to 120.,2. VT-1 zone 165 beats per minute. VT-2 zone 185 beats per minute. VF zone 205 beats per minute.,CONCLUSIONS,1. Successful implantation of a biventricular automatic implantable cardiovascular defibrillator,2. Defibrillation threshold of less than or equal to 17.5 joules.,2. No acute complications.,PLAN,1. The patient will be taken back to his room for continued observation and dismissed to the discretion of the primary service.,2. Chest x-ray to rule out pneumothorax and verified lead position.,3. Device interrogation in the morning.,4. Completion of the course of antibiotics.nan
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Chronic otitis media.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 14-month-old with history of chronic recurrent episodes of otitis media, totalling 6 bouts, requiring antibiotics since birth. There is also associated chronic nasal congestion. There had been no bouts of spontaneous tympanic membrane perforation, but there had been elevations of temperature up to 102 during the acute infection. He is being admitted at this time for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS:, None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Noncontributory.,MEDICAL HISTORY: , Mild reflux.,PREVIOUS SURGERIES:, None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is not in daycare. There are no pets in the home. There is no secondhand tobacco exposure.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Examination of ears reveals retracted poorly mobile tympanic membranes on the right side with a middle ear effusion present. Left ear is still little bit black. Nose, moderate inferior turbinate hypertrophy. No polyps or purulence. Oral cavity, oropharynx 2+ tonsils. No exudates. Neck, no nodes, masses or thyromegaly. Lungs are clear to A&P. Cardiac exam, regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. Abdomen is soft and nontender. Positive bowel sounds.,IMPRESSION: , Chronic eustachian tube dysfunction, chronic otitis media with effusion, recurrent acute otitis media, and wax accumulation.,PLAN:, The patient will be admitted to the operating room for myringotomy and tube insertion under general facemask anesthesia.ent - otolaryngology, chronic nasal congestion, tympanic membrane perforation, chronic otitis media, tube insertion, facemask anesthesia, otitis media, otitis, media,
PROCEDURE: , Right sacral alar notch and sacroiliac joint/posterior rami radiofrequency thermocoagulation.,ANESTHESIA: ,Local sedation.,VITAL SIGNS: , See nurse's notes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: , INT was placed. The patient was in the operating room in the prone position. The back prepped with Betadine. The patient was given sedation and monitored. Under fluoroscopy, the right sacral alar notch was identified. After placement of a 20-gauge, 10 cm SMK needle into the notch, a positive sensory, negative motor stimulation was obtained. Following negative aspiration, 5 cc of 0.5% of Marcaine and 20 mg of Depo-Medrol were injected. Coagulation was then carried out at 90oC for 90 seconds. The SMK needle was then moved to the mid-inferior third of the right sacroiliac joint. Again the steps dictated above were repeated.,The above was repeated for the posterior primary ramus branch right at S2 and S3 by stimulating along the superior lateral wall of the foramen; then followed by steroid injected and coagulation as above.,There were no complications. The patient was returned to outpatient recovery in stable, posterior rami, sacroiliac joint, sacral alar notch, radiofrequency thermocoagulation, thermocoagulation, radiofrequency, sacroiliac, sacral, alar, notch
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 61-year-old woman with a history of polyarteritis nodosa, mononeuritis multiplex involving the lower extremities, and severe sleep apnea returns in followup following an overnight sleep study, on CPAP and oxygen to evaluate her for difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep. She returns today to review results of an inpatient study performed approximately two weeks ago.,In the meantime, the patient reports she continues on substantial doses of opiate medication to control leg pain from mononeuritis multiplex.,She also takes Lasix for lower extremity edema.,The patient reports that she generally initiates sleep on CPAP, but rips her mask off, tosses and turns throughout the night and has "terrible quality sleep.",MEDICATIONS: , Current medications are as previously noted. Changes include reduction in prednisone from 9 to 6 mg by mouth every morning. She continues to take Ativan 1 mg every six hours as needed. She takes imipramine 425 mg at bedtime.,Her MS Contin dose is 150 mg every 8 to 12 hours and an immediate release morphine preparation, 45 to 75 mg by mouth every 8 hours as needed.,FINDINGS: , Vital signs: Blood pressure 153/81, pulse 90, respiratory rate 20, weight 311.8 pounds (up 10 pounds from earlier this month), height 5 feet 6 inches, temperature 98.4 degrees, SaO2 is 88% on room air at rest. Chest is clear. Extremities show lower extremity pretibial edema with erythema.,LABORATORIES: , An arterial blood gas on room air showed a pH of 7.38, PCO2 of 52, and PO2 of 57.,CPAP compliance monitoring over the past two to three weeks showed average use of 3 hours 26 minutes on nights used. She used it for greater than 4 hours per night on 67% of night surveyed. Her estimated apnea/hypopnea index was 3 per hour. Her average leak flow was 67 liters per minute.,The patient's overnight sleep study was performed as an inpatient sleep study during a routine hospitalization for intravenous gamma globulin therapy. She slept for a total sleep time of 257 minutes out of 272 minutes in bed (sleep efficiency approximately 90%). Sleep stage distribution was relatively normal with 2% stage I, 72% stage II, 24% stage III, IV, and 2% stage REM sleep.,There were no periodic limb movements during sleep.,There was evidence of a severe predominantly central sleep apnea during non-REM sleep at 173 episodes per hour and during REM sleep at 77 episodes per hour. Oxyhemoglobin saturations during non-REM sleep fluctuated from the baseline of 92% to an average low of 82%. During REM sleep, the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation was 87% , decreased to 81% with sleep-disordered breathing episodes.,Of note, the sleep study was performed on CPAP at 10.5 cm of H2O with oxygen at 8 liters per minute.,ASSESSMENT:,1. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome. The patient has evidence of a well-compensated respiratory acidosis, which is probably primarily related to severe obesity. In addition, there may be contribution from large doses of opiates and standing doses of gabapentin.,2. Severe central sleep apnea, on CPAP at 10 cmH2O and supplemental oxygen at 8 liters per minute. The breathing pattern is that of cluster or Biot's breathing throughout sleep. The primary etiology is probably opiate use, with contribution with further exacerbation by severe obesity which acts to lower the baseline oxyhemoglobin saturation, and worsen desaturations during apneic episodes.,3. Mononeuritis multiplex with pain requiring significant substantial doses of analgesia.,4. Hypoxemia primarily due to obesity, hypoventilation, and presumably basilar atelectasis and a combination of V/Q mismatch and shunt on that basis.,PLANS: , My overall impression is that we should treat this patient's sleep disruption with measures to decrease central sleep apnea during sleep. These will include, (1). Decrease in evening doses of MS Contin, (2). Modest weight loss of approximately 10 to 20 pounds, and (3). Instituting Automated Servo Ventilation via nasal mask. With regard to latter, the patient will be returning for a trial of ASV to examine its effect on sleep-disordered breathing patterns.,In addition, the patient will benefit from modest diuresis, with improvement of oxygenation, as well as nocturnal desaturation and oxygen requirements. I have encouraged the patient to increase her dose of Lasix from 100 to 120 mg by mouth every morning as previously prescribed. I have also asked her to add Lasix in additional late afternoon to evening dose of Lasix at 40 mg by mouth at that time. She was instructed to take between one and two K-Tab with her evening dose of Lasix (10 to 20 mEq).,In addition, we will obtain a complete set of pulmonary function studies to evaluate this patient for underlying causes of parenchymal lung disease that may interfere with oxygenation. Further workup for hypoxemia may include high-resolution CT scanning if evidence for significant pulmonary restriction and/or reductions in diffusion capacity is evident on pulmonary function testing.sleep medicine, polyarteritis nodosa, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, pulmonary function, obesity hypoventilation, mononeuritis multiplex, sleep apnea, sleep study, rem sleep, ativan, sleep, hypoventilation, obesity,
CT ABDOMEN WITHOUT CONTRAST AND CT PELVIS WITHOUT CONTRAST,REASON FOR EXAM: , Evaluate for retroperitoneal hematoma, the patient has been following, is currently on Coumadin.,CT ABDOMEN: , There is no evidence for a retroperitoneal hematoma.,The liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas are unremarkable. Within the superior pole of the left kidney, there is a 3.9 cm cystic lesion. A 3.3 cm cystic lesion is also seen within the inferior pole of the left kidney. No calcifications are noted. The kidneys are small bilaterally.,CT PELVIS: , Evaluation of the bladder is limited due to the presence of a Foley catheter, the bladder is nondistended. The large and small bowels are normal in course and caliber. There is no obstruction.,Bibasilar pleural effusions are noted.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence for retroperitoneal bleed.,2. There are two left-sided cystic lesions within the kidney, correlation with a postcontrast study versus further characterization with an ultrasound is advised as the cystic lesions appear slightly larger as compared to the prior exam.,3. The kidneys are small in size bilaterally.,4. Bibasilar pleural effusions.nephrology, cystic lesion, superior pole, kidney, ct pelvis, ct abdomen, retroperitoneal hematoma, lesion, kidneys, bladder, bibasilar, pleural, effusions, lesions, pelvis, hematoma, retroperitoneal, cystic, ct, abdomen,
CONCOMITANT CHEMORADIOTHERAPY FOR CURATIVE INTENT PATIENTS,This patient is receiving combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy in an effort to maximize the chance of control of this cancer. The chemotherapy is given in addition to the radiotherapy, not only to act as a cytotoxic agent on its own, but also to potentiate and enhance the effect of radiotherapy on tumor cells. It has been shown in the literature that this will maximize the chance of control.,During the course of the treatment, the patient's therapy must be closely monitored by the attending physician to be sure that the proper chemotherapy drugs are given at the proper time during the radiotherapy course. It is also important to closely monitor the patient to know when treatment with either chemotherapy or radiotherapy needs to be held. This combined treatment usually produces greater side effects than either treatment alone, and these need to be constantly monitored and treatment initiated on a timely basis to minimize these effects. In accordance, this requires more frequency consultation and coordination with the medical oncologist. Therefore, this becomes a very time intensive treatment and justifies CPT Code 77470.hematology - oncology, tumor cells, concomitant chemoradiotherapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapyNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
INDICATION: , Iron deficiency anemia.,PROCEDURE: ,Colonoscopy with terminal ileum examination.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Normal examination.,WITHDRAWAL TIME: , 15 minutes.,SCOPE: , CF-H180AL.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl 100 mcg and versed 10 mg.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,Following the preprocedure patient assessment the procedure, goals, risks including bleeding, perforation, missed polyp rate as well as side effects of medications and alternatives were reviewed. Questions were answered. Pause preprocedure was performed.,Following titrated intravenous sedation the flexible video endoscope was introduced into the rectum and advanced to the cecum without difficulty. The ileocecal valve looked normal. Preparation was fair allowing examination of 85% of mucosa after washing and cleaning with tap water through the scope. The terminal ileum was intubated through the ileocecal valve for a 5 cm extent. Terminal ileum mucosa looked normal.,Then the scope was withdrawn while examining the mucosa carefully including the retroflexed views of the rectum. No polyp, no diverticulum and no bleeding source was identified.,The patient was assessed upon completion of the procedure. Okay to discharge once criteria met. ,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Follow up with primary care, polyp, endoscope, mucosa, iron deficiency anemia, ileocecal valve, terminal ileum, colonoscopy, anemia, rectum, ileum
GENERAL EVALUATION: ,(Twin A),Fetal Cardiac Activity: Normal at 166 BPM,Fetal Lie: Twin A lies to the maternal left.,Fetal Presentation: Cephalic,Placenta: Posterior fused placenta Grade I-II,Uterus: Normal,Cervix: Closed,Adnexa: Not seen,Amniotic Fluid: There is a single 3.9cm anterior pocket.,BIOMETRY:,BPD: 8.7cm consistent with 35 weeks, 1 day,HC: 30.3cm consistent with 33 weeks, 5 days.,AC: 28.2cm consistent with 32 weeks, 1 day,FL:nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,Mammary hypertrophy with breast ptosis.,OPERATION,Suction-assisted lipectomy of the breast with removal of 350 cc of breast tissue from both sides and two mastopexies.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal anesthesia.,PROCEDURE,The patient was placed in the supine position. Under effects of general endotracheal anesthesia, markings were made preoperatively for the mastopexy. An eccentric circle was drawn around the nipple and a wedge drawn from the inferior border of the areola to the inframammary fold. A stab incision was made bilaterally and tumescent infiltration of anesthesia, lactated ringers with 1 cc of epinephrine to 1000 cc of lactated ringers was infused with a tumescent blunt needle. 200 cc was infiltrated on each side. This was followed by power-assisted liposuction and manual liposuction with removal of 350 cc of supernatant fat from both sides utilizing a radial tunneling technique with a 4-mm cannula. This was followed by the epithelialization of skin between the inner circle corresponding to the diameter of the areola 4 cm diameter and the outer eccentric circle with a tangent at the 6 o'clock position. This would result in an elevation of the nipple-areolar complex with transposition. The epithelialization of the wedge inferiorly equalized the circumference distance between the inner circle and the outer circle. Hemostasis was achieved with electrocautery. After the epithelialization was performed on both sides, nipple-areolar complex was transposed to new nipple position and the wedge was closed with transposition of the nipple-areolar complex beneath the transposed nipple. Closure was performed with interrupted 3-0 PDS suture on deep subcutaneous tissue and dermal skin closure with running subcuticular 4-0 Monocryl suture. Dermabond was applied followed by Adaptic and Kerlix in the suturing spaces supportive mildly compressive dressing. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was returned to recovery room in satisfactory, breast ptosis, dermabond, mammary hypertrophy, monocryl, anesthesia, breast tissue, endotracheal anesthesia, lipectomy, mastopexies, mastopexy, nipple, nipple-areolar complex, suction assisted lipectomy, nipple areolar complex, lactated ringers, nipple areolar, areolar complex, epithelialization, areolar, breast,
CC:, Weakness.,HX:, This 30 y/o RHM was in good health until 7/93, when he began experiencing RUE weakness and neck pain. He was initially treated by a chiropractor and, after an unspecified length of time, developed atrophy and contractures of his right hand. He then went to a local neurosurgeon and a cervical spine CT scan, 9/25/92, revealed an intramedullary lesion at C2-3 and an extramedullary lesion at C6-7. He underwent a C6-T1 laminectomy with exploration and decompression of the spinal cord. His clinical condition improved over a 3 month post-operative period, and then progressively worsened. He developed left sided paresthesia and upper extremity weakness (right worse than left). He then developed ataxia, nausea, vomiting, and hyperreflexia. On 8/31/93, MRI C-spine showed diffuse enlargement of the cervical and thoracic spine and multiple enhancing nodules in the posterior fossa. On 9/1/93, he underwent suboccipital craniotomy with tumor excision, decompression, and biopsy which was consistent with hemangioblastoma. His symptoms stabilized and he underwent 5040 cGy in 28 fractions to his brain and 3600 cGy in 20 fractions to his cervical and thoracic spinal cord from 9/93 through 1/19/94.,He was evaluated in the NeuroOncology clinic on 10/26/95 for consideration of chemotherapy. He complained of progressive proximal weakness of all four extremities and dysphagia. He had difficulty putting on his shirt and raising his arms, and he had been having increasing difficulty with manual dexterity (e.g. unable to feed himself with utensils). He had difficulty going down stairs, but could climb stairs. He had no bowel or bladder incontinence or retention.,MEDS:, none.,PMH:, see above.,FHX:, Father with Von Hippel-Lindau Disease.,SHX:, retired truck driver. smokes 1-3 packs of cigarettes per day, but denied alcohol use. He is divorced and has two sons who are healthy. He lives with his mother.,ROS:, noncontributory.,EXAM:, Vital signs were unremarkable.,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria. Thought process lucid and appropriate.,CN: unremarkable exept for 4+/4+ strength of the trapezeii. No retinal hemangioblastoma were seen.,MOTOR: 4-/4- strength in proximal and distal upper extremities. There is diffuse atrophy and claw-hands, bilaterally. He is unable to manipulate hads to any great extent. 4+/4+ strength throughout BLE. There is also diffuse atrophy throughout the lower extremities though not as pronounced as in the upper extremities.,SENSORY: There was a right T3 and left T8 cord levels to PP on the posterior thorax. Decreased LT in throughout the 4 extremities.,COORD: difficult to assess due to weakness.,Station: BUE pronator drift.,Gait: stands without assistance, but can only manage to walk a few steps. Spastic gait.,Reflexes: Hyperreflexic on left (3+) and Hyporeflexic on right (1). Babinski signs were present bilaterally.,Gen exam: unremarkable.,COURSE: ,9/8/95, GS normal. By 11/14/95, he required NGT feeding due to dysphagia and aspiration risk confirmed on cookie swallow studies.MRI Brain, 2/19/96, revealed several lesions (hemangioblastoma) in the cerebellum and brain stem. There were postoperative changes and a cyst in the medulla.,On 10/25/96, he presented with a 1.5 week h/o numbness in BLE from the mid- thighs to his toes, and worsening BLE weakness. He developed decubitus ulcers on his buttocks. He also had had intermittent urinary retention for month, chronic SOB and dysphagia. He had been sitting all day long as he could not move well and had no daytime assistance. His exam findings were consistent with his complaints. He had had no episodes of diaphoresis, headache, or elevated blood pressures. An MRI of the C-T spine, 10/26/96, revealed a prominent cervicothoracic syrinx extending down to T10. There was evidence of prior cervical laminectomy of C6-T1 with expansion of the cord in the thecalsac at that region. Multiple intradural extra spinal nodular lesions (hyperintense on T2, isointense on T1, enhanced gadolinium) were seen in the cervical spine and cisterna magna. The largest of which measures 1.1 x 1.0 x 2.0cm. There are also several large ring enhancing lesions in cerebellum. The lesions were felt to be consistent with hemangioblastoma. No surgical or medical intervention was initiated. Visiting nursing was provided. He has since been followed by his local physician
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL: , The patient denies fever, fatigue, weakness, weight gain or weight loss.,HEAD, EYES, EARS, NOSE AND THROAT:, Eyes - The patient denies pain, redness, loss of vision, double or blurred vision, flashing lights or spots, dryness, the feeling that something is in the eye and denies wearing glasses. Ears, nose, mouth and throat. The patient denies ringing in the ears, loss of hearing, nosebleeds, loss of sense of smell, dry sinuses, sinusitis, post nasal drip, sore tongue, bleeding gums, sores in the mouth, loss of sense of taste, dry mouth, dentures or removable dental work, frequent sore throats, hoarseness or constant feeling of a need to clear the throat when nothing is there, waking up with acid or bitter fluid in the mouth or throat, food sticking in throat when swallows or painful swallowing.,CARDIOVASCULAR: , The patient denies chest pain, irregular heartbeats, sudden changes in heartbeat or palpitation, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing at night, swollen legs or feet, heart murmurs, high blood pressure, cramps in his legs with walking, pain in his feet or toes at night or varicose veins.,RESPIRATORY: , The patient denies chronic dry cough, coughing up blood, coughing up mucus, waking at night coughing or choking, repeated pneumonias, wheezing or night sweats.,GASTROINTESTINAL: , The patient denies decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, vomiting blood or coffee ground material, heartburn, regurgitation, frequent belching, stomach pain relieved by food, yellow jaundice, diarrhea, constipation, gas, blood in the stools, black tarry stools or hemorrhoids.,GENITOURINARY: ,The patient denies difficult urination, pain or burning with urination, blood in the urine, cloudy or smoky urine, frequent need to urinate, urgency, needing to urinate frequently at night, inability to hold the urine, discharge from the penis, kidney stones, rash or ulcers, sexual difficulties, impotence or prostate trouble, no sexually transmitted diseases.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: , The patient denies arm, buttock, thigh or calf cramps. No joint or muscle pain. No muscle weakness or tenderness. No joint swelling, neck pain, back pain or major orthopedic injuries.,SKIN AND BREASTS: ,The patient denies easy bruising, skin redness, skin rash, hives, sensitivity to sun exposure, tightness, nodules or bumps, hair loss, color changes in the hands or feet with cold, breast lump, breast pain or nipple discharge.,NEUROLOGIC: , The patient denies headache, dizziness, fainting, muscle spasm, loss of consciousness, sensitivity or pain in the hands and feet or memory loss.,PSYCHIATRIC: ,The patient denies depression with thoughts of suicide, voices in ?? head telling ?? to do things and has not been seen for psychiatric counseling or treatment.,ENDOCRINE: , The patient denies intolerance to hot or cold temperature, flushing, fingernail changes, increased thirst, increased salt intake or decreased sexual desire.,HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: ,The patient denies anemia, bleeding tendency or clotting tendency.,ALLERGIC/IMMUNOLOGIC: , The patient denies rhinitis, asthma, skin sensitivity, latex allergies or sensitivity.general medicine, cardiovascular, ears, eyes, gastrointestinal, head, nose, respiratory, review of systems, denies fever, blood, tongue, loss,
OPERATION PERFORMED:, Ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition arthroplasty of right wrist.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , With the patient under adequate anesthesia, the right upper extremity was prepped and draped in a sterile manner.,Attention was turned to the base of the thumb where a longitudinal incision was made over the anatomic snuffbox and extended out onto the carpometacarpal joint. Using blunt dissection radial sensory nerve was dissected and retracted out of the operative field. Further blunt dissection exposed the radial artery, which was dissected and retracted off the trapezium. An incision was then made across the scaphotrapezial joint distally onto the trapezium and out onto the carpometacarpal joint. Sharp dissection exposed the trapezium, which was then morselized and removed in toto with care taken to protect the underlying flexor carpi radialis tendon. The radial beak of the trapezoid was then osteotomized off the head of the scaphoid. The proximal metacarpal was then fenestrated with a 4.5-mm drill bit. Four fingers proximal to the flexion crease of the wrist a small incision was made over the FCR tendon and blunt dissection delivered the FCR tendon into this incision. The FCR tendon was divided and this incision was closed with 4-0 nylon sutures. Attention was returned to the trapezial wound where longitudinal traction on the FCR tendon delivered the FCR tendon into the wound.,The FCR tendon was then threaded through the fenestration in the metacarpal. A bone anchor was then placed distal to the metacarpal fenestration. The FCR tendon was then pulled distally and the metacarpal reduced to an anatomic position. The FCR tendon was then sutured to the metacarpal using the previously placed bone anchor. Remaining FCR tendon was then anchovied and placed into the scaphotrapezoidal and trapezial defect. The MP joint was brought into extension and the capsule closed using interrupted 3-0 Tycron sutures.,Attention was turned to the MCP joint where the MP joint was brought in to 15 degrees of flexion and pinned with a single 0.035 Kirschner wire. The pin was cut at the level of the skin.,All incisions were closed with running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch.,Sterile dressings were then applied. The tourniquet was deflated. The patient was awakened from anesthesia and returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.orthopedic, arthroplasty, ligament, tendon, fcr, tendon interposition arthroplasty, ligament reconstruction, reconstruction, trapezium, metacarpal, joint, interposition,
XYZ, D.C.,60 Evergreen Place,Suite 902,East Orange, NJ 07018,Re:letters, paraspinal musculature, palpable trigger points, trigger point injections, lumbar, region, paraspinal, musculature, injections, trigger,
CONSULT REQUEST FOR:, Medical management.,The patient has been in special procedures now for over 2 hours and I am unable to examine.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Obtained from Dr. A on an 81-year-old white female, who is right handed, who by history, had a large stroke to the right brain, causing left body findings, last night. She was unfortunately outside of the window for emergent treatment and had a negative CT scan of the head. Was started on protocol medication and that is similar to TPA, which is an investigational study.,During the evaluation she was found to be in atrial fibrillation on admission with hypertension that was treated with labetalol en route. Her heart rate was 130. She was brought down with Cardizem. She received the study drug in the night and about an hour later thought to have another large stroke effecting the opposite side of the brain, that the doctors and company think is probably cardioembolic and not related to the study drug, as TPA has no obvious known association with this.,At that time the patient became comatose and required emergent intubation and paralyzation. Her diastolic at that time rose up to 190, likely the result of the acute second stroke. She is currently in arteriogram and a clot has been extracted from the proximal left carotid, but there is still distal clot that they are working on. Dr. A has updated the family to her extremely guarded and critical prognosis.,At present, it is not known yet, we do not have the STAT echocardiogram, if she has a large clot in the heart or if she could have a patent foramen ovale clot in the legs that has been passed to the heart. Echo that is pending, and cannot be done till the patient is out of arteriogram, which is her lifesaving procedure right now.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Complete review of systems is unobtainable at present. From what I can tell, is that she is scheduled for an upcoming bladder distension surgery and I do not know if this is why she is off Coumadin for chronic AFib or what, at this point. Tremor for 3-4 years, diagnosed as early Parkinson's.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, GERD, hypertension times 20 years, arthritis, Parkinson's, TIA, chronic atrial fibrillation, on Coumadin three years.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Cholecystectomy, TAH 33, gallstones, back surgery 1998, thoracotomy for unknown reason at present.,ALLERGIES:, MORPHINE, SULFAS (RASH), PROZAC.,MEDICATIONS AT HOME: Lanoxin 0.25 daily; Inderal LA 80 daily; MOBIC 7.5 daily; Robaxin 750 q.8; aspirin 80 one daily; acyclovir dose unknown daily; potassium, dose unknown; oxazepam 15 mg daily; aspirin 80 one daily; ibuprofen PRN; Darvocet-N 100 PRN.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She does not drink or smoke. Lives in Fayetteville, Tennessee.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Mother died of cancer, unknown type. Dad died of an MI.,VACCINATION STATUS: Unknown.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: On arrival were temperature 97.1, blood pressure 174/100, heart rate 100, 97%, respirations 15.,GENERAL: She was apparently alert and able to give history on arrival. Currently do not have any available vital signs or physical exam, as I cannot get to the patient.,LABORATORY: ,Reviewed and are remarkable for white count of 13 with 76 neutrophils. BMP is normal, except for a blood sugar of 157, hemoglobin A1c is pending. TSH 2.1, cholesterol 165, Digoxin 1.24, CPK 57. ABG 7.47/32/459 on 100%. Magnesium 1.5. ESR 9, coags normal.,EKG is pending my review.,Chest x-ray is read as mild cardiomegaly and atherosclerotic aorta.,Chest x-ray, shoulder films and CT scan of the head: I have reviewed. Chest x-ray has good ET tube placement. She has mild cardiomegaly. Some mild interstitial opacities consistent with OGD and minimal amount of atherosclerosis of the aorta.,CT scan of the head: I do not see any active bleeding.,X-rays of the shoulders appear intact to me and we are awaiting radiologies final approval on those.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN/PROBLEMS:,1. Large cardioembolic stroke initially to the right brain, with devastating effects, and now stroke into the left brain as well, with fluctuating mental status. Obviously she is in critical condition and stable with multiple strokes. One must also wonder if she could have a large clot burden below the heart and patent foramen ovale, etc. We need STAT records from her prior cardiologist and prior echocardiogram report to see exactly what are the details. I have ordered a STAT echo and to have the group that sees her read it, that if he has a large clot burdened in the heart or has distal clot with a PFO we may be able to better prognosticate at this point. Obviously, she cannot have any anticoagulants, except for the study drug, at present, which is her only chance and hopefully they will be able to retrieve most of the clot with emergency retrieval device as activated heroically, by Dr. A and interventional radiology.,2. Hypertension/atrial fibrillation: This will be a difficult management and the fact that she has been on a beta-blocker for Parkinson's, she may have withdrawal to the beta-blockers as we remove this. Given her atrial fibrillation, I do agree the safest agent right now is to use a Cardizem drip as needed and would use it for systolic greater than 160 to 180, or diastolics greater than 90 to 100. Also, would use it to control the atrial fibrillation. We would, however, be very cautious not to put her in heart block with the Digoxin and the beta-blocker on board. Weighing all risks and benefits, I think that given the fact that she has a beta-blocker on board and Digoxin, we would like to avoid the beta-blocker for vasospasm protection and will favor using calcium channel blocker for now. If, however, we run into trouble with this, I would prefer to switch her to Brevibloc or an Esmolol drip and see how she does, as she may withdraw from the beta-blocker. I will be watching this closely and managing the hypertension as I see fit at the moment, based on all factors. Will also ask cardiology if she has one that sees her here, to help guide this. Her Digoxin level is appropriate, as well as a TSH. I do not feel that we need to work this up further, other than the STAT echo and ultrasound of the leg.,3. Respiratory failure requiring ventilator: I have discussed this with Dr. Devlin, we do not feel the need to hyperventilate her at present. We will keep her comfortable on the breathing machine and try to keep her pH in a normal range, around 7.4, and her CO2 in the 30 to 40 range. If she has brain swelling, we will need to hyperventilate her to a pCO2 of 30 and a pH of 7.5, to optimize the cardiac arrhythmia potential of alkalosis weighed with the control of brain swelling.,4. Optimize electrolytes as you can.,5. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis for now, with thigh-high TED hose, possibly SCDs, although I do not have experience with the vampire/venom to know if we need to worry about DIC which the SCDs may worsen. Will follow daily CBCs for that.,6. Nutrition: Will go ahead and start a low dose of tube feeds and hope that she does survive.,I will defer all updates to the family for the next 24 to 48 hours to Dr. Devlin's expertise, given her unknown and fluctuating neurologic prognosis.,Thank you so much for allowing us to participate in her care. We will be happy to do all medication treatment until the point that I feel that I would need any help from critical care. I believe that we will be able to manage her fully at this point, for simplicity sake.nan
PROCEDURE CODES: 64640 times two, 64614 time two, 95873 times two, 29405 times two.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, 343.0.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, 343.0.,ANESTHESIA: MAC.,COMPLICATIONS: None.,DESCRIPTION OF TECHNIQUE: Informed consent was obtained from the patient's mom. The patient was brought to minor procedures and sedated per their protocol. The patient was positioned lying supine. Skin overlying all areas injected was prepped with chlorhexidine.,The obturator nerves were identified lateral to the adductor longus tendon origin and below the femoral pulse with active EMG stimulation. Approximately 4 mL of 5% phenol was injected in this location bilaterally. Phenol injections were done at the site of maximum hip adduction contraction with least amount of stimulus. Negative drawback for blood was done prior to each injection of phenol.,Muscles injected with botulinum toxin were identified with active EMG stimulation. Approximately 50 units was injected in the rectus femoris bilaterally, 75 units in the medial hamstrings bilaterally and 100 units in the gastrocnemius soleus muscles bilaterally. Total amount of botulinum toxin injected was 450 units diluted 25 units to 1 mL. After injections were performed, bilateral short leg fiberglass casts were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and no complications were encountered.neurology, botulinum toxin injection bilateral, toxin injection bilateral rectus, neurolysis of bilateral obturator, short leg fiberglass casts, muscles phenol neurolysis, botulinum toxin injection, gastrocnemius soleus muscles, short leg fiberglass, femoris medial, cerebral palsy, active emg, emg stimulation, phenol neurolysis, toxin injection, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius soleus, soleus muscles, obturator nerves, leg fiberglass, fiberglass casts, botulinum toxin, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, obturator, nerves, fiberglass, casts, muscles, botulinum, phenol, bilateral, injection, toxin
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,PROCEDURE: ,Cystoscopy under anesthesia, retrograde and antegrade pyeloureteroscopy, left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, difficult and open renal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthetic with a caudal block x2.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1000 mL crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 10 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Tissue sent to pathology is a renal biopsy.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: , A stenotic scarred ureteropelvic junction with dilated ureter and dilated renal pelvis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: ,A 10-French silicone Foley catheter with 3 mL in balloon and a 4.7-French ureteral double J-stent multilength.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 3-1/2-year-old boy, who has a solitary left kidney with renal insufficiency with creatinine of 1.2, who has had a ureteropelvic junction repair performed by Dr. Chang. It was subsequently obstructed with multiple episodes of pyelonephritis, two percutaneous tube placements, ureteroscopy with balloon dilation of the system, and continued obstruction. Plan is for co surgeons due to the complexity of the situation and the solitary kidney to do surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operative room. Surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Dr. X and Dr. Y both agreed upon the procedures in advance. Dr. Y then, once the patient was anesthetized, requested IV antibiotics with Fortaz, the patient had a caudal block placed, and he was then placed in lithotomy position. Dr. Y then calibrated the urethra with the bougie a boule to 8, 10, and up to 12 French. The 9.5-French cystoscope sheath was then placed within the patient's bladder with the offset scope, and his bladder had no evidence of cystitis. I was able to locate the ureteral orifice bilaterally, although no urine coming from the right. We then placed a 4-French ureteral catheter into the ureter as far as we could go. An antegrade nephrostogram was then performed, which shows that the contrast filled the dilated pelvis, but did not go into the ureter. A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two. Upon draining the ureter allowing to drain to gravity, the pelvis which had been clamped and its nephrostomy tube did not drain at all. Dr. Y then placed a 0.035 guidewire into the ureter after removing the 4-French catheter and then placed a 4.7-French double-J catheter into the ureter as far as it would go allowing it to coil in the bladder. Once this was completed, we then removed the cystoscope and sheath, placed a 10-French Foley catheter, and the patient was positioned by Dr. X and Dr. Y into the flank position with the left flank up after adequate padding on the arms and legs as well as a brachial plexus roll. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Dr. Y then incised the skin with a 15-blade knife through the old incision and then extended the incision with curved mosquito clamp and Dr. X performed cautery of the areas advanced to be excised. Once this was then dissected, Dr. Y and Dr. X divided the lumbosacral fascia; at the latissimus dorsi fascia, posterior dorsal lumbotomy maneuver using the electrocautery; and then using curved mosquito clamps __________. At this point, Dr. X used the cautery to enter the posterior retroperitoneal space through the posterior abdominal fascia. Dr. Y then used the curved right angle clamp and dissected around towards the ureter, which was markedly adherent to the base of the retroperitoneum. Dr. X and Dr. Y also needed dissection on the medial and lateral aspects with Dr. Y being on the lateral aspect of the area and Dr. X on the medial to get an adequate length of this. The tissue was markedly inflamed and had significant adhesions noted. The patient's spermatic vessels were also in the region as well as the renal vessels markedly scarred close to the ureteropelvic junction. Ultimately, Dr. Y and Dr. X both with alternating dissection were able to dissect the renal pelvis to a position where Dr. Y put stay sutures and a 4-0 chromic to isolate the four quadrant area where we replaced the ureter. Dr. X then divided the ureter and suture ligated the base, which was obstructed with a 3-0 chromic suture. Dr. Y then spatulated the ureter for about 1.5 cm, and the stent was gently delivered in a normal location out of the ureter at the proximal and left alone in the bladder. Dr. Y then incised the renal pelvis and dissected and opened it enough to allow the new ureteropelvic junction repair to be performed. Dr. Y then placed interrupted sutures of 5-0 Monocryl at the apex to repair the most dependent portion of the renal pelvis, entered the lateral aspect, interrupted sutures of the repair. Dr. X then was able to without much difficulty do interrupted sutures on the medial aspect. The stent was then placed into the bladder in the proper orientation and alternating sutures by Dr. Y and Dr. X closed the ureteropelvic junction without any evidence of leakage. Once this was complete, we removed the extra stay stitches and watched the ureter lay back into the retroperitoneum in a normal position without any kinking in apparently good position. This opening was at least 1.5 cm wide. Dr. Y then placed 2 stay sutures of 2-0 chromic in the lower pole of the kidney and then incised wedge biopsy and excised the biopsy with a 15-blade knife and curved iris scissors for renal biopsy for determination of renal tissue health. Electrocautery was used on the base. There was no bleeding, however, and the tissue was quite soft. Dermabond and Gelfoam were placed, and then Dr. Y closed the biopsy site over with thrombin-Gelfoam using the 2-0 chromic stay sutures. Dr. X then closed the fascial layers with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl in 3 layers. Dr. Y closed the Scarpa fascia and the skin with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Rapide respectively. A 4-0 nylon suture was then placed by Dr. Y around the previous nephrostomy tube, which was again left clamped. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed over the incision and then a dry sterile dressing was placed by Dr. Y over the nephrostomy tube site, which was left clamped, and the patient then had a Foley catheter placed in the bladder. The Foley catheter was then taped to his leg. A second caudal block was placed for anesthesia, and he is in stable condition upon transfer to recovery, cystoscopy, pyeloureteroscopy, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, pseudomonas pyelonephritis, renal insufficiency, fortaz, ureteropelvic junction repair, nephrostomy tube, renal biopsy, renal pelvis, foley catheter, ureteropelvic junction, renal, ureteropelvic,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Infected right hip bipolar arthroplasty, status post excision and placement of antibiotic spacer.,PROCEDURES:,1. Removal of antibiotic spacer.,2. Revision total hip arthroplasty.,IMPLANTS,1. Hold the Zimmer trabecular metal 50 mm acetabular shell with two 6.5 x 30 mm screws.,2. Zimmer femoral component, 13.5 x 220 mm with a size AA femoral body.,3. A 32-mm femoral head with a +0 neck length.,ANESTHESIA: ,Regional.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS: , Hemovac times one and incisional VAC times one.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 66-year-old female with a history of previous right bipolar hemiarthroplasty for trauma. This subsequently became infected. She has undergone removal of this prosthesis and placement of antibiotic spacer. She currently presents for stage II reconstruction with removal of antibiotic spacer and placement of a revision total hip.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room by anesthesia personnel. She was placed supine on the operating table. A Foley catheter was inserted. A formal time out was obtained in identifying the correct patient, operative site. Preoperative antibiotics were held for intraoperative cultures. The patient was placed into the lateral decubitus position with the right side up. The previous surgical incision was identified. The right lower extremity was prepped and draped in standard fashion. The old surgical incision was reopened along its proximal extent. Immediately encountered was a large amount of fibrous scar tissue. Dissection was carried sharply down through this scar tissue. Soft tissue plains were extremely difficult to visualize due to all the scarring. There was no native tissue to orient oneself with. We carried our dissection down through the scar tissue to what seemed to be a fascial layer. We incised through the fascial layer down to some scarred gluteus maximus muscle and down over what was initially felt to be the greater trochanter. Dissection was carried down through soft tissue and the distal located antibiotic spacer was exposed. This was used as a landmark to orient remainder of the dissection. The antibiotic spacer was exposed and followed distally to expose the proximal femur. Dissection was continued posteriorly and proximally to expose the acetabulum. A cobra retractor was able to be inserted across the superior aspect of the acetabulum to enhance exposure. Once improved visualization was obtained, the antibiotic spacer was removed from the femur. This allowed further improved visualization of the acetabulum. The acetabulum was filled with soft tissue debris and scar tissue. This was removed with sharp excision with a knife as well as with a rongeur and a Bovie. Once soft tissue was removed, the acetabulum was reamed. Reaming was started with a 46-mm reamer and carried up sequentially to prepare for 50-mm shell. The 50 mm shell was trialed and had good stability and fit. Attention was then turned to continue preparation of the femur. The canal was then debrided with femoral canal curettes. Some fibrous tissue was removed from the canal. The length of the femoral stem was then checked with this canal curette in place. Following x-rays, we prepared to begin reaming the femur. This femur was reamed over a guide rod using flexible reaming rods. The canal was reamed up to 13.5 mm distally in preparation for 14 mm stem. The stem was selected and initially size A body was placed in trial. The body was too tight proximally to fit. The proximal canal was then reamed for a size AA body. A longer stem with an anterior bow was selected and a size AA trial was assembled. This fit nicely in the canal and had good fit and fill. Intraoperative radiographs were obtained to determine component position. Intraoperative radiographs revealed satisfactory length of the component past the distal of fractures in the femur. The remainder of the trial was then assembled and the hip was relocated and trialed. Initially, it was found to be unstable posteriorly. We changed from a 10 degree lip liner to 20 degree lip liner. Again, the hip was trialed and found to be unstable posteriorly. This was due to reversion of the femoral component. As we attempted to seat the prosthesis, the stent continued to attempt to turn in retroversion. The stem was extracted and retrialed. Improved stability was obtained and we decided to proceed with the real components. A 20 degree liner was inserted into the acetabular shell. The real femoral components were assembled and inserted into the femoral canal. Again, the hip was trialed. The components were found to be in relative retroversion. The real components were then backed down and the neck was placed in the more anteversion and reinserted. Again, the stem attempted to follow in the relative retroversion. Along with this time, however, it was improved from previous attempts. The femoral head trial was placed back on the components and the hip relocated. It was taken to a range of motion and found to have improved stability compared to previous trialing. Decision was made to accept the component position. The real femoral head was selected and implanted. The hip was then taken again to a range of motion. It was stable at 90 degrees of flexion with 20 degrees of adduction and 40 degrees of internal rotation. The patient reached full extension and had no instability anteriorly.,The wound was then irrigated again with pulsatile lavage. Six liters of pulsatile lavage was used during the procedure.,The wound was then closed in a layered fashion. A Hemovac drain was placed deep to the fascial layer. The subcutaneous tissues were closed with #1 PDS, 2-0 PDS, and staples in the skin. An incisional VAC was then placed over the wound as well. Sponge and needle counts were correct at the close of the case.,DISPOSITION:, The patient will be weightbearing as tolerated with posterior hip, infected, bipolar arthroplasty, antibiotic spacer, revision, placement of antibiotic spacer, total hip arthroplasty, scar tissue, soft tissue, antibiotic, spacer, femoral, hip, arthroplasty, total, acetabulum, femur,
CC:, Progressive memory and cognitive decline.,HX:, This 73 y/o RHF presented on 1/12/95, with progressive memory and cognitive decline since 11/94.,Her difficulties were first noted by family the week prior to Thanksgiving, when they were taking her to Vail, Colorado to play "Murder She Wrote" at family gathering. Unbeknownst to the patient was the fact that she had been chosen to be the "assassin." Prior to boarding the airplane her children hid a toy gun in her carry-on luggage. As the patient walked through security the alarm went off and within seconds she was surrounded, searched and interrogated. She and her family eventually made their flight, but she seemed unusually flustered and disoriented by the event. In prior times they would have expected her to have brushed off the incident with a "chuckle.",While in Colorado her mentation seemed slow and she had difficulty reading the lines to her part while playing "Murder She Wrote." She needed assistance to complete the game. The family noted no slurring of speech, difficulty with vision, or focal weakness at the time.,She returned to work at a local florist shop the Monday following Thanksgiving, and by her own report, had difficulty carrying out her usual tasks of flower arranging and operating the cash register. She quit working the next day and never went back.,Her mental status appeared to remain relatively stable throughout the month of November and December and during that time she was evaluated by a local neurologist. Serum VDRL, TFTs, GS, B12, Folate, CBC, CXR, and MRI of the Brain were all reportedly unremarkable. The working diagnosis was "Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type.",One to two weeks prior to her 1/12/95 presentation, she became repeatedly lost in her own home. In addition, she, and especially her family, noticed increased difficulty with word finding, attention, and calculation. Furthermore, she began expressing emotional lability unusual for her. She also tended to veer toward the right when walking and often did not recognize the location of people talking to her.,MEDS:, None.,PMH:, Unremarkable.,FHX:, Father and mother died in their 80's of "old age." There was no history of dementing illness, stroke, HTN, DM, or other neurological disease in her family. She has 5 children who were alive and well.,SHX: ,She attained a High School education and had been widowed for over 30 years. She lived alone for 15 years until to 12/94, when her daughters began sharing the task of caring for her. She had no history of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use.,EXAM:, Vitals signs were within normal limits.,MS: A&O to person place and time. At times she seemed in absence. She scored 20/30 on MMSE and had difficulty with concentration, calculation, visuospatial construction. Her penmanship was not normal, and appeared "child-like" according to her daughters. She had difficulty writing a sentence and spoke in a halting fashion; she appeared to have difficulty finding words. In addition, while attempting to write, she had difficulty finding the right margin of the page.,CN: Right homonymous inferior quadrantanopsia bordering on a right homonymous hemianopsia. The rest of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: extinguishing of RUE sensation on double simultaneous stimulation, and at times she appeared to show sign of RUE neglect. There were no unusual spontaneous movements noted.,Coord: unremarkable except for difficulty finding the target on FNF exercise when the target was moved into the right side visual field.,Station: No sign of Romberg or pronator drift. There was no truncal ataxia.,Gait: decreased RUE swing and a tendency to veer and circumambulate to the right when asked to walk toward a target.,Reflexes: 2/2 and symmetric throughout all four extremities. Plantar responses were equivocal, bilaterally.,COURSE:, CBC, GS, PT, PTT, ESR, UA, CRP, TSH, FT4, and EKG were unremarkable. CSF analysis revealed: 38 RBC, 0 WBC, Protein 36, glucose 76. The outside MRI was reviewed and was found to show increased signal on T2 weighted images in the gyri of the left parietal-occipital regions. Repeat MRI, at UIHC, revealed the same plus increased signal on T2 weighted images in the left frontal region as well. CXR, transthoracic echocardiogram and 4 vessel cerebral angiogram were unremarkable. A 1/23/95, left frontal brain biopsy revealed spongiform changes without sign of focal necrosis, vasculitis or inflammatory changes. The working diagnosis became Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Heidenhaim variant). The patient died on 2/15/95. Brain tissue was sent to the University of California at San Francisco. Analysis there revealed diffuse vacuolization throughout most of the cingulate gyrus, frontal cortex, hypothalamus, globus pallidus, putamen, insula, amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum and medulla. This vacuolization was most severe in the entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus. Hydrolytic autoclaving technique was used with PrP-specific antibodies to identify the presence of protease resistant PrP (CJD). The patient's brain tissue was strongly positive for PrP (CJD).
ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:, Abscess with cellulitis, left foot.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Status post I&D, left foot.,PROCEDURES:, Incision and drainage, first metatarsal head, left foot with culture and sensitivity.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presented to Dr. X's office on 06/14/07 complaining of a painful left foot. The patient had been treated conservatively in office for approximately 5 days, but symptoms progressed with the need of incision and drainage being decided.,MEDICATIONS:, Ancef IV.,ALLERGIES:, ACCUTANE.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Denies smoking or drinking.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Palpable pedal pulses noted bilaterally. Capillary refill time less than 3 seconds, digits 1 through 5 bilateral. Skin supple and intact with positive hair growth. Epicritic sensation intact bilateral. Muscle strength +5/5, dorsiflexors, plantar flexors, invertors, evertors. Left foot with erythema, edema, positive tenderness noted, left forefoot area.,LABORATORY: , White blood cell count never was abnormal. The remaining within normal limits. X-ray is negative for osteomyelitis. On 06/14/07, the patient was taken to the OR for incision and drainage of left foot abscess. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was admitted and placed on vancomycin 1 g q.12h after surgery and later changed Ancef 2 g IV every 8 hours. Postop wound care consists of Aquacel Ag and dry dressing to the surgical site everyday and the patient remains nonweightbearing on the left foot. The patient progressively improved with IV antibiotics and local wound care and was discharged from the hospital on 06/19/07 in excellent condition.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , Lorcet 10/650 mg, dispense 24 tablets, one tablet to be taken by mouth q.6h as needed for pain. The patient was continued on Ancef 2 g IV via PICC line and home health administration of IV antibiotics.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Included keeping the foot elevated with long periods of rest. The patient is to wear surgical shoe at all times for ambulation and to avoid excessive ambulation. The patient to keep dressing dry and intact, left foot. The patient to contact Dr. X for all followup care, if any problems arise. The patient was given written and oral instruction about wound care before discharge. Prior to discharge, the patient was noted to be afebrile. All vitals were stable. The patient's questions were answered and the patient was discharged in apparent satisfactory condition. Followup care was given via Dr. X' office.podiatry, accutane, metatarsal head left foot, abscess with cellulitis, culture and sensitivity, incision and drainage, metatarsal head, foot, cellulitis, ancef, abscess, incision, drainage,
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Endoscopic and microsurgical transnasal resection of cystic suprasellar tumor.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , She is a 3-year-old girl who is known to have a head injury and CT in 2005 was normal, presented with headache. All endocrine labs were normal. Surgery was recommended.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Cystic suprasellar tumor.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:, Cystic suprasellar tumor.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , The patient was brought to operating room, underwent smooth induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, head was placed in the horseshoe head rest and positioned supine with head turned slightly towards left and slightly extended. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. With the assistance of fluoro and mapping the localization, the right nostril was infiltrated. Dr. X will dictate the procedure of the approach. Once the dura was visualized, there was a complex procedure secondary to the small nasal naris as well as the bony drilling that would necessitate significant drilling. Once the operating microscope was in the field, at this point, the drilling was completed. The dura was opened in cruciate fashion revealing normal pituitary, which was displaced and the cystic tumor. This was then opened and using microsurgical technique with the curette suctioned and the pituitary calcifications were removed, several Valsalva maneuvers were performed without any evidence of CSF leak and trying to pull the tumor further down. Once this was completed, there was no evidence of any bleeding. The endoscope was then used to remove any residual fragments __________ with the arachnoid. Once this was completely ensured, small piece of Duragel was placed and the closure will be dictated by Dr. X. She was reversed, extubated, and transported to the ICU in stable condition. Blood loss, minimal. All sponge, needle counts were correct.neurosurgery, microsurgical transnasal resection, cystic suprasellar tumor, transnasal resection, endoscopic, transnasal, microsurgical, suprasellar, cystic, tumor,
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Congestion and cough.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 5-month-old infant who presented initially on Monday with a cold, cough, and runny nose for 2 days. Mom states she had no fever. Her appetite was good but she was spitting up a lot. She had no difficulty breathing and her cough was described as dry and hacky. At that time, physical exam showed a right TM, which was red. Left TM was okay. She was fairly congested but looked happy and playful. She was started on Amoxil and Aldex and we told to recheck in 2 weeks to recheck her ear. Mom returned to clinic again today because she got much worse overnight. She was having difficulty breathing. She was much more congested and her appetite had decreased significantly today. She also spiked a temperature yesterday of 102.6 and always having trouble sleeping secondary to congestion.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: ,None except the Amoxil and Aldex started on Monday.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with mom, sister, and her grandparent.,BIRTH HISTORY: , She was born, normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at Woman's weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces. No complications. Prevented, she passed her hearing screen at birth.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , Also up-to-date.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Negative.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Her respiratory rate was approximately 60 to 65.,GENERAL: She was very congested and she looked miserable. She had no retractions at this time.,HEENT: Her right TM was still red and irritated with no light reflex. Her nasal discharge was thick and whitish yellow. Her throat was clear. Her extraocular muscles were intact.,NECK: Supple. Full range of motion.,CARDIOVASCULAR EXAM: She was tachycardic without murmur.,LUNGS: Revealed diffuse expiratory wheezing.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended.,EXTREMITIES: Showed no clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,LABORATORY DATA: ,Her chem panel was normal. RSV screen is positive. Chest x-ray and CBC are currently pending.,IMPRESSION AND PLAN: ,RSV bronchiolitis with otitis media. Admit for oral Orapred, IV Rocephin, nebulizer treatments and oxygen as needed.nan
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Sinus problems.,SINUSITIS HISTORY:, The problem began 2 weeks ago and is constant. Symptoms include postnasal drainage, sore throat, facial pain, coughing, headaches and congestion. Additional symptoms include snoring, nasal burning and teeth pain. The symptoms are characterized as moderate to severe. Symptoms are worse in the evening and morning.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,ROS General: General health is good.,ROS ENT: As noted in history of present Illness listed above.,ROS Respiratory: Patient denies any respiratory complaints, such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, hemoptysis, etc.,ROS Gastrointestinal: Patient denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dysphagia or any altered bowel movements.,ROS Respiratory: Complaints include coughing.,ROS Neurological: Patient complains of headaches. All other systems are negative.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Gallbladder 7/82. Hernia 5/79,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Negative.,PAST SOCIAL HISTORY:, Marital Status: Married. Denies the use of alcohol. Patient has a history of smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day and for the past 15 years. There are no animals inside the home.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, Family history of allergies and hypertension.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Claritin. Dilantin.,PREVIOUS MEDICATIONS UTILIZED:, Rhinocort Nasal Spray.,EXAM:,Exam Ear: Auricles/external auditory canals reveal no significant abnormalities bilaterally. TMs intact with no middle ear effusion and are mobile to insufflation.,Exam Nose: Intranasal exam reveals moderate congestion and purulent mucus.,Exam Oropharynx: Examination of the teeth/alveolar ridges reveals missing molar (s). Examination of the posterior pharynx reveals a prominent uvula and purulent postnasal drainage. The palatine tonsils are 2+ and cryptic.,Exam Neck: Palpation of anterior neck reveals no tenderness. Examination of the posterior neck reveals mild tenderness to palpation of the suboccipital muscles.,Exam Facial: There is bilateral maxillary sinus tenderness to palpation.,X-RAY / LAB FINDINGS:, Water's view x-ray reveals bilateral maxillary mucosal thickening.,IMPRESSION:, Acute maxillary sinusitis (461.0). Snoring (786.09).,MEDICATION:, Augmentin. 875 mg bid. MucoFen 800 mg bid.,PLAN:,nan
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 50-year-old African American female with past medical history significant for hypertension and endstage renal disease, on hemodialysis secondary to endstage renal disease, last hemodialysis was on June 22, 2007. The patient presents with no complaints for cadaveric renal transplant. After appropriate cross match and workup of HLA typing of both recipient and cadaveric kidneys, the patient was deemed appropriate for operative intervention and transplantation of kidney.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Endstage renal disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Endstage renal disease.,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant to right pelvis.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 400 mL.,FLUIDS: ,One liter of normal saline and one liter of 5% of albumin.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal.,SPECIMEN: ,None.,DRAIN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient tolerated the procedure without any complication.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, prepped and draped in sterile fashion. After adequate anesthesia was achieved, a curvilinear incision was made in the right pelvic fossa approximately 9 cm in length extending from the 1.5 cm medial of the ASIS down to the suprapubic space. After this was taken down with a #10 blade, electrocautery was used to take down tissue down to the layer of the subcutaneous fat. Camper's and Scarpa's were dissected with electrocautery. Hemostasis was achieved throughout the tissue plains with electrocautery. The external oblique aponeurosis was identified with musculature and was entered with electrocautery. Then hemostats were entered in and dissection continued down with electrocautery down through the external internal obliques and the transversalis fascia. Additionally, the rectus sheath was entered in a linear fashion. After these planes were entered using electrocautery, the retroperitoneum was dissected free from the transversalis fascia using blunt dissection. After the peritoneum and peritoneal structures were moved medially and superiorly by blunt dissection, the dissection continued down bluntly throughout the tissue planes removing some alveolar tissue over the right iliac artery. Upon entering through the transversalis fascia, the epigastric vessels were identified and doubly ligated and tied with #0 silk ties. After the ligation of the epigastric vessels, the peritoneum was bluntly dissected and all peritoneal structures were bluntly dissected to a superior and medial plane. This was done without any complication and without entering the peritoneum grossly. The round ligament was identified and doubly ligated at this time with #0 silk ties as well. The dissection continued down now to layer of the alveolar tissue covering the right iliac artery. This alveolar tissue was cleared using blunt dissection as well as electrocautery. After the external iliac artery was identified, it was cleared circumferentially all the way around and noted to have good flow and had good arterial texture. The right iliac vein was then identified, and this was cleared again using electrocautery and blunt dissection. After the right iliac vein was identified and cleared off all the alveolar tissue, it was circumferentially cleared as well. An additional perforating branch was noted at the inferior pole of the right iliac vein. This was tied with a #0 silk tie and secured. Hemostasis was achieved at this time and the tie had adequate control. The dissection continued down and identified all other vital structures in this area. Careful preservation of all vital structures was carried out throughout the dissection. At this time, Satinsky clamp was placed over the right iliac vein. This was then opened using a #11 blade, approximately 1 cm in length. The heparinized saline was placed and irrigated throughout the inside of the vein, and the kidney was pulled into the abdominal field still covered in its protective socking with the superior pole marked. The renal vein was then elevated and identified in this area. A 5-0 double-ended Prolene stitch was used to secure the renal vein, both superiorly and inferiorly, and after appropriately being secured with 5-0 Prolene, these were tied down and secured. The renal vein was then anastomosed to the right iliac vein in a circumferential manner in a running fashion until secured at both superior and inferior poles. The dissection then continued down and the iliac artery was then anastomosed to the renal artery at this time using a similar method with 5-0 Prolene securing both superior and inferior poles. After such time the 5-0 Prolene was run around in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. After this was done and the artery was secured, the Satinsky clamp was removed and a bulldog placed over. The flow was then opened on the arterial side and then opened on the venous side to allow for proper flow. The bulldog was then placed back on the renal vein and allowed for the hyperperfusion of the kidney. The kidney pinked up nicely and had a good appearance to it and had appearance of good blood flow. At this time, all Satinsky clamps were removed and all bulldog clamps were removed. The dissection then continued down to the layer of the bladder at which time the bladder was identified. Appropriate area on the dome the bladder was identified for entry. This was entered using electrocautery and approximately 1 cm length after appropriately sizing and incising of the ureter using the Metzenbaum scissors in a linear fashion. Before this was done, #0 chromic catgut stitches were placed and secured laterally and inferiorly on the dome of the bladder to elevate the area of the bladder and then the bladder was entered using the electrocautery approximately 1 cm in length. At this time, a renal stent was placed into the ureter and secured superiorly and the stent was then placed into the bladder and secured as well. Subsequently, the superior and inferior pole stitches with 5-0 Prolene were used to secure the ureter to the bladder. This was then run mucosa-to-mucosa in a circumferential manner until secured in both superior and inferior poles once again. Good flow was noted from the ureter at the time of operation. Additional Vicryl stitches were used to overlay the musculature in a seromuscular stitch over the dome of the bladder and over the ureter itself. At this time, an Ethibond stitch was used to make an additional seromuscular closure and rolling of the bladder musculature over the dome and over the anastomosis once again. This was inspected and noted for proper control. Irrigation of the bladder revealed that the bladder was appropriately filled and there were no flows and no defects. At this time, the anastomoses were all inspected, hemostasis was achieved and good closure of the anastomosis was noted at this time. The kidney was then placed back into its new position in the right pelvic fossa, and the area was once again inspected for hemostasis which was achieved. A 1-0 Prolene stitch was then used for mass closure of the external, internal, and transversalis fascias and musculature in a running fashion from superior to inferior. This was secured and knots were dumped. Subsequently, the area was then checked and inspected for hemostasis which was achieved with electrocautery, and the skin was closed with 4-0 running Monocryl. The patient tolerated procedure well without evidence of complication, transferred to the Dunn ICU where he was noted to be stable. Dr. A was present and scrubbed through the entire procedure.nephrology, endstage renal disease, ethibond, satinsky clamp, aponeurosis, cadaveric, cross match, curvilinear incision, hemodialysis, iliac vein, pelvic fossa, peritoneum, recipient, renal transplant, transplant, transversalis fascia, superior and inferior poles, endstage renal, renal disease, vein, electrocautery, bladder, renal, intervention,
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS:, Symptomatic cholelithiasis.,SERVICE: , Surgery.,CONSULTS:, None.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Ms. ABC is a 27-year-old woman who apparently presented with complaint of symptomatic cholelithiasis. She was afebrile. She was taken by Dr. X to the operating room.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient underwent a procedure. She tolerated without difficulty. She had her pain controlled with p.o. pain medicine. She was afebrile. She is tolerating liquid diet. It was felt that the patient is stable for discharge. She did complain of bladder spasms when she urinated and she did say that she has a history of chronic UTIs. We will check a UA and urine culture prior to discharge. I will give her prescription for ciprofloxacin that she can take for 3 days presumptively and I have discharged her home with omeprazole and Colace to take over-the-counter for constipation and we will send her home with Percocet for pain. Her labs were within normal limits. She did have an elevated white blood cell count, but I believe this is just leukemoid reaction, but she is afebrile, and if she does have UTI, may also be related. Her labs in terms of her bilirubin were within normal limits. Her LFTs were slightly elevated, I do believe this is related to the cautery used on the liver bed. They were 51 and 83 for the AST and ALT respectively. I feel that she looks good for discharge.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , Clear liquid diet x48 hours and she can return to her Medifast, she may shower. She needs to keep her wound clean and dry. She is not to engage in any heavy lifting greater than 10 pounds x2 weeks. No driving for 1 to 2 weeks. She must be able to stop in an emergency and be off narcotic meds, no strenuous activity, but she needs to maintain mobility. She can resume her medications per med rec sheets.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: , As previously mentioned.,FOLLOWUP:, We will follow up on both urinalysis and cultures. She is instructed to follow up with Dr. X in 2 weeks. She needs to call for any shortness of breath, temperature greater than 101.5, chest pain, intractable nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, any redness, swelling or foul smelling drainage from her wounds.gastroenterology, medifast, liquid diet, symptomatic cholelithiasis, symptomatic, cholelithiasis, discharge,
CC:, Headache.,HX:, 63 y/o RHF first seen by Neurology on 9/14/71 for complaint of episodic vertigo. During that evaluation she described a several year history of "migraine" headaches. She experienced her first episode of vertigo in 1969. The vertigo (clockwise) typically began suddenly after lying down, and was not associated with nausea/vomiting/headache. The vertigo had not been consistently associated with positional change and could last hours to days.,On 3/15/71, after 5 day bout of vertigo, right ear ache, and difficulty ambulating (secondary to the vertigo) she sought medical attention and underwent an audiogram which reportedly showed a 20% decline in low tone acuity AD. She complained of associated tinnitus which she described as a "whistle." In addition, her symptoms appeared to worsen with changes in head position (i.e. looking up or down). The symptoms gradually resolved and she did well until 8/71 when she experienced a 19-day episode of vertigo, tinnitus and intermittent headaches. She was seen 9/14/71, in Neurology, and admitted for evaluation.,Her neurologic exam at that time was unremarkable except for prominent bilateral systolic carotid bruits. Cerebral angiogram revealed an inoperable 7 x 6cm AVM in the right parietal region. The AVM was primarily fed by the right MCA. Otolaryngologic evaluation concluded that she probably also suffered from Meniere's disease.,On 10/14/74 she underwent a 21 day admission for SAH secondary to right parietal AVM.,On 11/23/91 she was admitted for left sided weakness (LUE > LLE), headache, and transient visual change. Neurological exam confirmed left sided weakness, and dysesthesia of the LUE only. Brain CT confirmed a 3 x 4 cm left parietal hemorrhage. She underwent unsuccessful embolization. Neuroradiology had planned to do 3 separate embolizations, but during the first, via the left MCA, they were unable to cannulate many of the AVM vessels and abandoned the procedure. She recovered with residual left hemisensory loss.,In 12/92 she presented with an interventricular hemorrhage and was managed conservatively and refused any future neuroradiologic intervention.,In 1/93 she reconsidered neurointerventional procedure and was scheduled for evaluation at the Barrows Neurological Institute in Phoenix, AZ.radiology, arteriovenous malformation, avm, brain ct, cerebral angiogram, headache, neurology, audiogram, carotid bruits, difficulty ambulating, hemorrhage, interventricular hemorrhage, migraine, tinnitus, vertigo, visual change, weakness, episode of vertigo, evaluation,
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Right-sided craniotomy for evacuation of a right frontal intracranial hemorrhage.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is very well known to our service. In brief, the patient is status post orbitozygomatic resection of a pituitary tumor with a very large intracranial component basically a very large skull-based brain tumor. He was taken to the operating room for the orbitozygomatic approach. Intraoperatively, everything went well without any complications. The brain at the end of the procedure was absolutely intact, but the patient developed a seizure in the Intensive Care Unit and then was taken to the CT scan, developed a second seizure. He was given Ativan for this, and then began to identify a large component measuring about 3 x 3 cm of the right frontal lobe, what appeared to be a hemorrhagic conversion of potential venous infarct. I had a long discussion immediately with Dr. X and Dr. Y. We decided to take the patient immediately as a level 1 for evacuation of this hematoma with a small amount of a midline shift with an intraventricular component. It worried me and I think that we needed to go ahead and take him to the operating room immediately. The patient was taken as a level 1 immediately and emergently and into the operating room for this procedure. The original plan was to do first a right-sided orbitozygomatic procedure and then stage it a few weeks later with an endonasal endoscopic procedure for resection of this pituitary tumor component. He was taken to the operating room for evacuation of a right frontal intraparenchymal hematoma.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS:, Pituitary tumor with a large intracranial component, status post resection and now development of an intracranial hemorrhage.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS:, Intracranial hemorrhage in the right frontal lobe with extension into the intraventricular space after resection of a pituitary tumor via orbitozygomatic approach.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was taken to the operating room. In the supine position, his head was put in a horseshoe without any complications. The patient tolerated this very well, and the prior incision was immediately opened. The surgery had taken place a few hours prior to this, the original orbitozygomatic approach. At this point, this was a life-saving procedure. We went ahead, opened the old incision after everything was sterilely prepped, and all the surgical instrumentation was brought into place. We went ahead and opened the incision and took out the pterional bone flap without any complications. We immediately opened the dura expeditiously, and the brain was moderately under some pressure, but not really bulging out. So I went ahead and identified an area over the right frontal lobe that was a little bit consistent with a hemorrhagic infarct and nonviable tissue. So we went ahead and did a corticectomy right there and identified the actual clot immediately and went ahead, and over the next few hours, very meticulously began to evacuate these clots without any complication whatsoever. We went all the way down to the ventricle and identified this clot in the ventricle and went ahead and removed this clot without any complications, and we had a very nice resection. The brain was very relaxed. We had a very good resection of the actual blood clot, and the brain was very relaxed. We irrigated thoroughly. We identified the ventricles. We went ahead and did a very careful hemostasis with Avitene with thrombin and Gelfoam with thrombin over the next times in doing the procedure. All this was done very well, and then we lined the cavity with Surgicel, and the Surgicel was only put at the edge and draping down as to not to leave any fragments potentially to communicate with the actual ventricle, and then after this, everything was good. We went ahead and closed back the actual dura back. We had done a pericranial flap. This was also put back in place and the dura was closed with 4-0 Surgilons. We reconstructed everything. The frontal sinus was reconstructed thoroughly without any complications. We went ahead and put once again a watertight closure and went ahead and put another piece of DuraGen with Hemaseel in place, and went ahead and put the bone flap back and reconstructed very nicely once again with self-tapping, self-drilling screws, low-profile plates. Once everything was confirmed to be in place, we went ahead and closed the muscle flap and also the actual fat pad was put back into place and closed together with 0 pop-offs, and the skin with staples without any complications. In summary, the procedure was going back to the operating room for evacuation of a right-sided intracranial hemorrhage, most likely a conversion of an intraparenchymal hematoma with extension into the ventricle without any complications. So everything was stable. Estimated blood loss was about 100 cubic centimeters. The sponges and needle counts were correct. No specimens were sent to pathology.,DISPOSITION: , The patient after this procedure was brought to the Neuro Intensive Care Unit for close observation.neurosurgery, orbitozygomatic, intracranial, brain tumor, intraparenchymal hematoma, orbitozygomatic approach, frontal lobe, intracranial hemorrhage, pituitary tumor, craniotomy, hemorrhage,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Arthroscopic irrigation and debridement of same with partial synovectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 81-year-old female, who is approximately 10 years status post total knee replacement performed in another state, who presented a couple of days ago to the office with worsening pain without injury and whose symptoms have been present for approximately a month following a possible urinary tract infection. The patient' knee was aspirated in the office and cultures were positive for Escherichia coli. She presents for operative therapy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After obtaining informed consent and the administration of antibiotics since her cultures had already been obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room and following satisfactory induction and the patient was placed on the table in supine position. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped without a tourniquet. The knee was injected with 30 mL of normal saline and standard arthroscopy portals were created. The arthroscopy was inserted and a complete diagnostic was performed. Arthroscopic pictures were taken throughout the procedure. The knee was copiously irrigated with 9 L of irrigant. A partial synovectomy was performed in all compartments. Minimal amount of polyethylene wear was noted. The total knee components were identified arthroscopically for future revision surgery. The knee was then drained and the arthroscopic instruments were removed. The portals were closed with 4-0 nylon and local anesthetic was injected. A sterile dressing was applied and the patient was placed in a knee immobilizer, awakened from anesthesia and transported to the recovery room in stable condition and tolerated the procedure well.orthopedic, total knee arthroplasty, arthroscopic irrigation, debridement, partial synovectomy, knee, arthroscopic, irrigation, arthroscopy, synovectomy,
INFORMANT:, Dad on phone. Transferred from ABCD Memorial Hospital, rule out sepsis.,HISTORY: ,This is a 3-week-old, NSVD, Caucasian baby boy transferred from ABCD Memorial Hospital for rule out sepsis and possible congenital heart disease. The patient had a fever of 100.1 on 09/13/2006 taken rectally, and mom being a nurse, took the baby to the hospital and he was admitted for rule out sepsis. All the sepsis workup was done, CBC, UA, LP, and CMP, and since a murmur was noted 2/5, he also had an echo done. The patient was put on ampicillin and cefotaxime. Echo results came back and they showed patent foramen ovale/ASD with primary pulmonary stenosis and then considering severe congenital heart disease, he was transferred here on vancomycin, ampicillin, and cefotaxime. The patient was n.p.o. when he came in. He was on 3/4 L of oxygen. According to the note, it conveyed that he had some subcostal retractions. On arriving here, baby looks very healthy. He has no subcostal retractions. He is not requiring any oxygen and he is positive for urine and stool. The stool is although green in color, and in the morning today, he spiked a fever of 100.1, but right now he is afebrile. ED called that case is a direct admit.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient supposedly had fever, some weight loss, poor appetite. The day he had fever, no rash, no ear pain, no congestion, no rhinorrhea, no throat pain, no neck pain, no visual changes, no conjunctivitis, no cough, no dyspnea, no vomiting, no diarrhea, and no dysuria. According to mom, baby felt floppy on the day of fever and he also used to have stools every day 4 to 6 which is yellowish-to-green in color, but today the stool we noticed was green in color. He usually has urine 4 to 5 a day, but the day he had fever, his urine also was low. Mom gave baby some Pedialyte.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, None.,HOSPITALIZATIONS:, Recent transfer from ABCD for the rule out sepsis and heart disease.,BIRTH HISTORY: ,Born on 08/23/2006 at Memorial Hospital, NSVD, no complications. Hospital stay 24 hours. Breast-fed, no formula, no jaundice, 7 pounds 8 ounces.,FAMILY HISTORY:, None.,SURGICAL HISTORY: , None.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Lives with mom and dad. Dad is a service manager at GMC; 4-year-old son, who is healthy; and 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 chickens, 1 frog. They usually visit to a ranch, but not recently. No sick contact and no travel.,MEDICATIONS: , Has been on vancomycin, cefotaxime, and ampicillin.,ALLERGIES:, No allergies.,DIET:, Breast feeds q.2h.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , No immunizations.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99, pulse 158, respiratory rate 68, blood pressure 87/48, oxygen 100% on room air.,MEASUREMENTS: Weight 3.725 kg.,GENERAL: Alert and comfortable and sleeping.,SKIN: No rash.,HEENT: Intact extraocular movements. PERRLA. No nasal discharge. No nasal cannula, but no oxygen is flowing active, and anterior fontanelle is flat.,NECK: Soft, nontender, supple.,CHEST: CTAP.,GI: Bowel sounds present. Nontender, nondistended.,GU: Bilaterally descended testes.,BACK: Straight.,NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal.,EXTREMITIES: No edema. Bilateral pedal pulses present and upper arm pulses are also present.,LABORATORY DATA:, As drawn on 09/13/2006 at ABCD showed WBC 4.2, hemoglobin 11.8, hematocrit 34.7, platelets 480,000. Sodium 140, potassium 4.9, chloride 105, bicarbonate 28, BUN 7, creatinine 0.4, glucose 80, CRP 0.5. Neutrophils 90, bands 7, lymphocytes 27, monocytes 12, and eosinophils 4. Chest x-ray done on 09/13/2006 read as mild left upper lobe infiltrate, but as seen here, and discussed with Dr. X, we did not see any infiltrate and CBG was normal. UA and LP results are pending. Also pending are cultures for blood, LP, and urine.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , This is a 3-week-old Caucasian baby boy admitted for rule out sepsis and congenital heart disease.,INFECTIOUS DISEASE/PULMONARY: , Afebrile with so far 20-hour blood cultures, LP and urine cultures are negative. We will get all the results from ABCD and until then we will continue to rule out sepsis protocol and put the patient on ampicillin and cefotaxime. The patient could be having fever due to mild gastroenteritis or urinary tract infection, so to rule out all these things we have to wait for all the results.,CVS: , He had a grade 2/5 murmur status post echo, which showed a patent foramen ovale, as well as primary pulmonary stenosis. These are the normal findings in a newborn as discussed with Dr. Y, so we will just observe the patient. He does not need any further workup.,GASTROINTESTINAL: nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Displaced left subtrochanteric femur fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Displaced left subtrochanteric femur fracture.,OPERATION: , Intramedullary rod in the left hip using the Synthes trochanteric fixation nail measuring 11 x 130 degrees with an 85-mm helical blade.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,TOURNIQUET TIME:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 50 mL.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient suffered a fall at which time she was taken to the emergency room with pain in the lower extremities. She was diagnosed with displaced left subcapital hip fracture, now was asked to consult. With this diagnosis, she was indicated the above-noted procedure. This procedure as well as alternatives to this procedure was discussed at length with the patient and her son, who has the power of attorney, and they understood them well.,Risks and benefits were also discussed. Risks include bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, damage to nerves, risk of further surgery, chronic pain, restricted range of motion, risk of continued discomfort, risk of malunion, risk of nonunion, risk of need for further reconstructive procedures, risk of need for altered activities and altered gait, risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and risk of death were discussed. She understood these well and consented, and the son signed the consent for the procedure as described.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed on the operating table and general anesthesia was achieved. The patient was then placed in fracture boots and manipulated under fluoroscopic control until we could obtain near anatomic alignment. External positions were felt to be present. At this point, the left hip and left lower extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. A guidewire was then placed percutaneously into the tip of the greater trochanter and a small incision was made overlying the guidewire. An overlying drill was inserted to the proper depths. A Synthes 11 x 130 degrees trochanteric fixation that was chosen was placed into the intramedullary canal to the proper depth. Proper rotation was obtained and the guide for the helical blade was inserted. A small incision was made for this as well. A guidewire was inserted and felt to be in proper position, in the posterior aspect of the femoral head, lateral, and the center position on AP. This placed the proper depths and lengths better. The outer cortex was enlarged and an 85-mm helical blade was attached to the proper depths and proper fixation was done. Appropriate size screw was then tightened down. At this point, a distal guide was then placed and drilled across both the cortices. Length was better. Appropriate size screw was then inserted. Proper size and fit of the distal screw was also noted. At this point, on fluoroscopic control, it was confirming in AP and lateral direction. We did a near anatomical alignment to the fracture site and all hardware was properly fixed. Proper size and fit was noted. Excellent bony approximation was noted. At this point, both wounds were thoroughly irrigated, hemostasis confirmed, and closure was then begun.,The fascial layers were then reapproximated using #1 Vicryl in a figure-of-eight manner, the subcutaneous tissues were reapproximated in layers using #1 and 2-0 Vicryl sutures, and the skin was reapproximated with staples. The area was then infiltrated with a mixture of a 0.25% Marcaine with Epinephrine and 1% plain lidocaine. Sterile dressing was then applied. No complication was encountered throughout the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was taken to the recovery room in stable, displaced, femur fracture, subtrochanteric, hip, synthes, intramedullary rod, subtrochanteric femur, trochanteric fixation, helical blade, tourniquet, intramedullary, trochanteric, fixation, helical, blade, guidewire, fracture,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Herniated nucleus pulposus C2-C3.,2. Spinal stenosis C3-C4.,PROCEDURES,1. Anterior cervical discectomy, C3-C4, C2-C3.,2. Anterior cervical fusion, C2-C3, C3-C4.,3. Removal of old instrumentation, C4-C5.,4. Fusion C3-C4 and C2-C3 with instrumentation using ABC plates.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was placed in the supine position. The neck was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for anterior cervical discectomy. A high incision was made to allow access to C2-C3. Skin and subcutaneous tissue and the platysma were divided sharply exposing the carotid sheath which was retracted laterally and the trachea and esophagus were retracted medially. This exposed the vertebral bodies of C2-C3 and C4-C5 which was bridged by a plate. We placed in self-retaining retractors. With the tooth beneath the blades, the longus colli muscles were dissected away from the vertebral bodies of C2, C3, C4, and C5. After having done this, we used the all-purpose instrumentation to remove the instrumentation at C4-C5, we could see that fusion at C4-C5 was solid.,We next proceeded with the discectomy at C2-C3 and C3-C4 with disc removal. In a similar fashion using a curette to clean up the disc space and the space was fairly widened, as well as drilling up the vertebral joints using high-speed cutting followed by diamond drill bit. It was obvious that the C3-C4 neural foramina were almost totally obliterated due to the osteophytosis and foraminal stenosis. With the operating microscope; however, we had good visualization of these nerve roots, and we were able to ___________ both at C2-C3 and C3-C4. We then placed the ABC 55-mm plate from C2 down to C4. These were secured with 16-mm titanium screws after excellent purchase. We took an x-ray which showed excellent position of the plate, the screws, and the graft themselves. The next step was to irrigate the wound copiously with saline and bacitracin solution and s Jackson-Pratt drain was placed in the prevertebral space and brought out through a separate incision. The wound was closed with 2-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissues and Steri-Strips used to close the skin. Blood loss was about 50 mL. No complication of the surgery. Needle count, sponge count, cottonoid count was correct.,The operating microscope was used for the entirety for both visualization and magnification and illumination which was quite superb. At the time of surgery, he had total collapse of the C2, C3, and C4 disc with osteophyte formation. At both levels, he has high-grade spinal stenosis at these levels, especially foramen stenosis causing the compression, neck pain, headaches, and arm and shoulder pain. He does have degenerative changes at C5-C6, C6-C7, C7-T1; however, they do not appear to be symptomatic, although x-rays show the disks to be partially collapsed at all levels with osteophyte formation beginning to, abc plates, osteophyte, cervical, discectomy, cervical fusion, herniated nucleus pulposus, anterior cervical discectomy, nucleus pulposus, vertebral bodies, osteophyte formation, spinal stenosis, cervical discectomy, anterior, instrumentation, vertebral, stenosis, fusion
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Intramedullary nail fixation of the left tibia fracture with a Stryker T2 tibial nail, 10 x 390 with a one 5-mm proximal locking screw and three 5-mm distal locking screws (CPT code is 27759) (the ICD-9 code again is 823.2 for a tibial shaft fracture).,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,The patient is a 19-year-old male, who sustained a gunshot wound to the left tibia with a distal tibial shaft fracture. The patient was admitted and splinted and had compartment checks. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail including, but not limited to infection, bleeding, injuries to nerves, or vital structures, nonunion or malunion, need for reoperation, compartment syndrome, and the risk of anesthesia. The patient understood these risks and wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Left tibial shaft fracture status post gunshot wound (CPT code 27759).,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,INTRAVENOUS FLUID:, 900.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,100.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DISPOSITION: , Stable to PACU.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,The patient was met in the preoperative holding area and operative site was marked. The patient was brought to the operating room and given preoperative antibiotics. Left leg was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline incision was made in the center of the knee and was carried down sharply to the retinacular tissue. The starting guidewire was used to localize the correct starting point, which is on the medial aspect of the lateral tibial eminence. This was advanced and confirmed on the AP and lateral fluoroscopic images. The opening reamer was then used and the ball-tip guidewire was passed. The reduction was obtained over a large radiolucent triangle. After passing the guidewire and achieving appropriate reduction, the flexible reamers were then sequentially passed, starting at 9 mm up to 11.5 mm reamer. At this point, a 10 x 390 mm was passed without difficulty. The guide was used to the proximal locking screw and the appropriate circle technique was used to the distal locking screws. The final images were taken with fluoroscopy and a 15-mm end-cap was placed. The wounds were then irrigated and closed with 2-0 Vicryl followed by staples to the distal screws and 0 Vicryl followed 2-0 Vicryl and staples to the proximal incision. The patient was placed in a short leg, well-padded splint, was awakened and taken to recovery in good condition.,The plan will be nonweightbearing left lower extremity. He will be placed in a short leg splint and should be transitioned to a short leg cast for the next 4 weeks.orthopedic, screw, stryker, tibia, intramedullary nail fixation, tibial shaft fracture, intramedullary, guidewire, nail, fracture, tibial
SUBJECTIVE:, The patient is a 75-year-old female who comes in today with concerns of having a stroke. She states she feels like she has something in her throat. She started with some dizziness this morning and some left hand and left jaw numbness. She said that she apparently had something about three weeks ago where she was dizzy and ended up falling down and she saw Dr. XYZ for that who gave her some Antivert. She said that today though she woke up in the middle of the night and her left hand was numb and she was having numbness on the left side of her face, as well as the left side of her neck. She said she had an earache a day or so ago. She has not had any cold symptoms.,ALLERGIES:, Demerol and codeine.,MEDICATIONS: , Lotensin, Lopid, metoprolol, and Darvocet.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient says that she feels little bit nauseated at times. She denies chest pain or shortness of breath and again feels like she has something in her throat. She has been able to swallow liquids okay. She said that she did brush her teeth this morning and did not have any fluid dripping out of her mouth. She does say that she occasionally has numbness in her left hand prior to today.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: She is awake and alert, no acute distress.,Vital Signs: Blood pressure: 175/86. Temperature: She is afebrile. Pulse: 78. Respiratory rate: 20. O2 sat: 93% on room air.,HEENT: Her TMs are normal bilaterally. Posterior pharynx is unremarkable. It should be noted that her uvula did not deviate and neither did her tongue. When she smiles though she has some drooping of the left side of her face, as well as some mild nasolabial fold flattening.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly. Carotids pulses are brisk without bruits.,Lungs: Clear to auscultation.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,Extremities: Her muscle strength is symmetrical and intact bilaterally. DTRs are 2+/4+ bilaterally and muscle strength is intact in the upper extremities. She has a positive Tinel’s sign on her left wrist.,Neurological: I also took monofilament and she could sense it easily when testing her sensation on her face.,ASSESSMENT:, Bell’s Palsy.,PLAN:, We did get an EKG showed some ST segment changes anterolaterally. The only EKG I have here is from 1998 and she actually had bypass in 1999, but there certainly does not appear to be anything acute on his EKG. I assured her that it does not look like she has a stroke. If she wants to prevent a stroke, obviously quitting her smoking would help. It should be noted she also takes Synthroid and Zocor. We are going to give her Valtrex 1 g t.i.d. for seven days and then if she starts noticing any other drooping or worsening of her symptoms on the left side of her face, she needs to come back, but I will not start her on steroids at this time, which she agreed with.neurology, stroke, bell’s palsy, st segment changes, ekg, dizziness, numbness, dizzy, muscle strength, palsy, bell’s
MALE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,Eye: Eyelids normal color, no edema. Conjunctivae with no erythema, foreign body, or lacerations. Sclerae normal white color, no jaundice. Cornea clear without lesions. Pupils equally responsive to light. Iris normal color, no lesions. Anterior chamber clear. Lacrimal ducts normal. Fundi clear.,Ear: External ear has no erythema, edema, or lesions. Ear canal unobstructed without edema, discharge, or lesions. Tympanic membranes clear with normal light reflex. No middle ear effusions.,Nose: External nose symmetrical. No skin lesions. Nares open and free of lesions. Turbinates normal color, size and shape. Mucus clear. No internal lesions.,Throat: No erythema or exudates. Buccal mucosa clear. Lips normal color without lesions. Tongue normal shape and color without lesion. Hard and soft palate normal color without lesions. Teeth show no remarkable features. No adenopathy. Tonsils normal shape and size. Uvula normal shape and color.,Neck: Skin has no lesions. Neck symmetrical. No adenopathy, thyromegaly, or masses. Normal range of motion, nontender. Trachea midline.,Chest: Symmetrical. Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezing, rales or rhonchi. Chest nontender. Normal lung excursion. No accessory muscle use.,Cardiovascular: Heart has regular rate and rhythm with no S3 or S4. Heart rate is normal.,Abdominal: Soft, nontender, nondistended, bowel sounds present. No hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, masses, or bruits.,Genital: Penis normal shape without lesions. Testicles normal shape and contour without tenderness. Epididymides normal shape and contour without tenderness. Rectum normal tone to sphincter. Prostate normal shape and contour without nodules. Stool hemoccult negative. No external hemorrhoids. No skin lesions.,Musculoskeletal: Normal strength all muscle groups. Normal range of motion all joints. No joint effusions. Joints normal shape and contour. No muscle masses.,Foot: No erythema. No edema. Normal range of motion all joints in the foot. Nontender. No pain with inversion, eversion, plantar or dorsiflexion.,Ankle: Anterior and posterior drawer test negative. No pain with inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion, or plantar flexion. Collateral ligaments intact. No joint effusion, erythema, edema, crepitus, ecchymosis, or tenderness.,Knee: Normal range of motion. No joint effusion, erythema, nontender. Anterior and posterior drawer tests negative. Lachman's test negative. Collateral ligaments intact. Bursas nontender without edema.,Wrist: Normal range of motion. No edema or effusion, nontender. Negative Tinel and Phalen tests. Normal strength all muscle groups.,Elbow: Normal range of motion. No joint effusion or erythema. Normal strength all muscle groups. Nontender. Olecranon bursa flat and nontender, no edema. Normal supination and pronation of forearm. No crepitus.,Hip: Negative swinging test. Trochanteric bursa nontender. Normal range of motion. Normal strength all muscle groups. No pain with eversion and inversion. No crepitus. Normal gait.,Psychiatric: Alert and oriented times four. No delusions or hallucinations, no loose associations, no flight of ideas, no tangentiality. Affect is appropriate. No psychomotor slowing or agitation. Eye contact is appropriate.consult - history and phy., male exam, normal, physical exam, normal range of motion, male physical, nontender, lesions, dorsiflexion, sclerae, contour, muscle, erythema, joints, edema, shape,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Tremor, dystonic form.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Tremor, dystonic form.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 100 mL.,ANESTHESIA:, MAC (monitored anesthesia care) with local anesthesia.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES:,1. Left frontal craniotomy for placement of deep brain stimulator electrode.,2. Right frontal craniotomy for placement of deep brain stimulator electrode.,3. Microelectrode recording of deep brain structures.,4. Stereotactic volumetric CT scan of head for target coordinate determination.,5. Intraoperative programming and assessment of device.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 61-year-old woman with a history of dystonic tremor. The movements have been refractory to aggressive medical measures, felt to be candidate for deep brain stimulation. The procedure is discussed below.,I have discussed with the patient in great deal the risks, benefits, and alternatives. She fully accepted and consented to the procedure.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was brought to the holding area and to the operating room in stable condition. She was placed on the operating table in seated position. Her head was shaved. Scalp was prepped with Betadine and a Leksell frame was mounted after anesthetizing the pin sites with a 50:50 mixture of 0.5% Marcaine and 2% lidocaine in all planes. IV antibiotics were administered as was the sedation. She was then transported to the CT scan and stereotactic volumetric CT scan of the head was undertaken. The images were then transported to the surgery planned work station where a 3-D reconstruction was performed and the target coordinates were then chosen. Target coordinates chosen were 20 mm to the left of the AC-PC midpoint, 3 mm anterior to the AC-PC midpoint, and 4 mm below the AC-PC midpoint. Each coordinate was then transported to the operating room as Leksell coordinates.,The patient was then placed on the operating table in a seated position once again. Foley catheter was placed, and she was secured to the table using the Mayfield unit. At this point then the patient's right frontal and left parietal bossings were cleaned, shaved, and sterilized using Betadine soap and paint in scrubbing fashion for 10 minutes. Sterile drapes placed around the perimeter of the field. This same scalp region was then anesthetized with same local anesthetic mixture.,A bifrontal incision was made as well as curvilinear incision was made over the parietal bossings. Bur holes were created on either side of the midline just behind the coronal suture. Hemostasis was controlled using bipolar and Bovie, and self-retaining retractors had been placed in the field. Using the drill, then two small grooves were cut in the frontal bone with a 5-mm cutting burs and Stryker drill. The bur holes were then curetted free, the dura cauterized, and then opened in a cruciate manner on both sides with a #11 blade. The cortical surface was then nicked with a #11 blade on both sides as well. The Leksell arc with right-sided coordinate was dialed in, was then secured to the frame. Microelectrode drive was secured to the arc. Microelectrode recording was then performed. The signatures of the cells were recognized. Microelectrode unit was removed. Deep brain stimulating electrode holding unit was mounted. The DBS electrode was then loaded into target and intraoperative programming and testing was performed. Using the screener box and standard parameters, the patient experienced some relief of symptoms on her left side. This electrode was secured in position using bur-hole ring and cap system.,Attention was then turned to the left side, where left-sided coordinates were dialed into the system. The microelectrode unit was then remounted. Microelectrode recording was then undertaken. After multiple passes, the microelectrode unit was removed. Deep brain stimulator electrode holding unit was mounted at the desired trajectory. The DBS electrode was loaded into target, and intraoperative programming and testing was performed once again using the screener box. Using standard parameters, the patient experienced similar results on her right side. This electrode was secured using bur-hole ring and cap system. The arc was then removed. A subgaleal tunnel was created between the two incisions whereby distal aspect of the electrodes led through this tunnel.,We then closed the electrode, replaced subgaleally. Copious amounts of Betadine irrigation were used. Hemostasis was controlled using the bipolar only. Closure was instituted using 3-0 Vicryl in a simple interrupted fashion for the fascial layer followed by skin closure with staples. Sterile dressings were applied. The Leksell arc was then removed.,She was rotated into the supine position and transported to the recovery room in stable and satisfactory condition. All needle, sponge, cottonoid, and blade counts were correct x2 as verified by the nurses.neurology, dystonic, ac-pc, ct scan, dbs electrode, intraoperative programming, microelectrode, stereotactic, tremor, brain stimulator, craniotomy, device, dystonic tremor, electrode, frontal, screener box, target coordinate, volumetric, deep brain stimulator electrode, brain stimulator electrode, volumetric ct, stimulator, brain,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Acute coronary artery syndrome with ST segment elevation in anterior wall distribution.,2. Documented coronary artery disease with previous angioplasty and stent in the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery, last procedure in 2005.,3. Primary malignant ventricular arrhythmia and necessitated ventricular fibrillation. He is intubated and ventilated.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Acute coronary artery syndrome with ST segment elevation in anterior wall distribution. Primary ventricular arrhythmia. Occluded left anterior descending artery, successfully re-canalized with angioplasty and implantation of the drug-eluting stent. Previously stented circumflex with mild stenosis and previously documented occlusion of the right coronary artery, well collateralized.,PROCEDURES:, Left heart catheterization, selective bilateral coronary angiography and left ventriculography. Revascularization of the left anterior descending with angioplasty and implantation of a drug-eluting stent. Right heart catheterization and Swan-Ganz catheter placement for monitoring.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient arrived from the emergency room intubated and ventilated. He is hemodynamically stable on heparin and Integrilin bolus and infusion was initiated. The right femoral area was prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. Lidocaine 2 mL was then filled locally. The right femoral artery was cannulated with an 18-guage needle followed by a 6-French vascular sheath. A guiding catheter XB 3.5 was advanced in manipulated to cannulate the left coronary artery and angiography was obtained. A confirmed occlusion of the left anterior descending artery with minimal collaterals and also occlusion of the right coronary artery, which is well collateralized. An angioplasty wire with present wire was advanced into the left anterior descending artery, and could cross the area of occlusion within the stent. An angioplasty balloon measuring 2.0 x 15 was advanced and three inflations were obtained. It successfully re-canalized the artery. There is evidence of residual stenosis within the distal aspect of the previous stents. A drug-eluting stent Xience 2.75 x 15 was advanced and positioned within the area of stenosis with its distal marker adjacent to bifurcation with a diagonal branch and was deployed at 12 and 18 atmospheres. The intermittent result was improved. An additional inflation was obtained more proximally. His blood pressure fluctuated and dropped in the 70s, correlating with additional sedation. There is patency of the left anterior descending artery and good antegrade flow. The guiding catheter was replaced with a 5-French Judkins right catheter manipulated to cannulate the right coronary artery and selective angiography was obtained. The catheter was then advanced into the left ventricle and pressure measurement was obtained including pullback across the aortic valve. The right femoral vein was cannulated with an 18-guage needle followed by an 8-French vascular sheath. A 8-French Swan-Ganz catheter was then advanced under fluoroscopic and hemodynamic control and pressure stenting was obtained from the right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary capillary wedge position. Cardiac catheter was determined by thermal dilution. The procedure was then concluded, well tolerated and without complications. The vascular sheath was in secured in place and the patient return to the coronary care unit for further monitoring. Fluoroscopy time was 8.2 minutes. Total amount of contrast was 113 mL.,HEMODYNAMICS:, The patient remained in sinus rhythm with intermittent ventricular bigeminy post revascularization. His initial blood pressure was 96/70 with a mean of 83 and the left ventricular pressure was 17 mmHg. There was no gradient across the aortic valve. Closing pressure was 97/68 with a mean of 82.,Right heart catheterization with right atrial pressure at 13, right ventricle 31/9, pulmonary artery 33/19 with a mean of 25, and capillary wedge pressure of 19. Cardiac output was 5.87 by thermal dilution.,CORONARIES:, On fluoroscopy, there was evidence of previous coronary stent in the left anterior descending artery and circumflex distribution.,A. Left main coronary: The left main coronary artery is of good caliber and has no evidence of obstructive lesions.,B. Left anterior descending artery: The left anterior descending artery was initially occluded within the previously stented proximal-to-mid segment. There is minimal collateral flow.,C. Circumflex: Circumflex is a nondominant circulation. It supplies a first obtuse marginal branch on good caliber. There is an outline of the stent in the midportion, which has mild 30% stenosis. The rest of the vessel has no significant obstructive lesions. It also supplies significant collaterals supplying the occluded right coronary artery.,D. Right coronary artery: The right coronary artery is a weekly dominant circulation. The vessel is occluded in intermittent portion and has a minimal collateral flow distally.,ANGIOPLASTY: , The left anterior descending artery was the site of re-canalization by angioplasty and implantation of a drug-eluting stent (Xience 15 mm length deployed at 2.9 mm) final result is good with patency of the left anterior descending artery, good antegrade flow and no evidence of dissection. The stent was deployed proximal to the bifurcation with a second diagonal branch, which has remained patent. There is a septal branch overlapped by the stent, which is also patent, although presenting a proximal stenosis. The distal left anterior descending artery trifurcates with two diagonal branches and apical left anterior descending artery. There is good antegrade flow and no evidence of distal embolization.,CONCLUSION: , Acute coronary artery syndrome with ST-segment elevation in anterior wall distribution, complicated with primary ventricular malignant arrhythmia and required defibrillation along intubation and ventilatory support.,Previously documented coronary artery disease with remote angioplasty and stents in the left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery.,Acute coronary artery syndrome with ST-segment elevation in anterior wall distribution related to in-stent thrombosis of the left anterior descending artery, successfully re-canalized with angioplasty and a drug-eluting stent. There is mild-to-moderate disease of the previously stented circumflex and clinic occlusion of the right coronary artery, well collateralized.,Right femoral arterial and venous vascular access.,RECOMMENDATION:, Integrilin infusion is maintained until tomorrow. He received aspirin and Plavix per nasogastric tube. Titrated doses of beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors are initiated. Additional revascularization therapy will be adjusted according to the clinical, ventricular arrhythmia, coronary artery syndrome, st segment elevation, heart catheterization, selective bilateral coronary angiography, ventriculography, catheterization, swan-ganz catheter, anterior descending artery, drug eluting stent, coronary artery, angioplasty, stent, coronary, anterior, angiography, artery, heart,
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Lateral and plantar condylectomy, fifth left metatarsal.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Prominent, lateral, and plantar condyle hypertrophy, fifth left metatarsal.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Prominent, lateral, and plantar condyle hypertrophy, fifth left metatarsal.,ANESTHESIA: ,Monitored anesthesia care with 10 mL of 1:1 mixture of both 0.5% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine plain.,HEMOSTASIS:, 30 minutes, left ankle tourniquet set at 250 mmHg.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 mL.,MATERIALS USED: , 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Vicryl.,INJECTABLES:, Ancef 1 g IV 30 minutes preoperatively.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in a supine position. After adequate sedation was achieved by the anesthesia team, the above-mentioned anesthetic mixture was infiltrated directly into the patient's left foot to anesthetize the future surgical sites. The left ankle was covered with cast padding and an 18-inch ankle tourniquet was placed around the left ankle and set at 250 mmHg. The left foot was then prepped, scrubbed, and draped in a normal sterile technique. The left ankle tourniquet was inflated. Attention was then directed on the dorsolateral aspect of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint where a 4-cm linear incision was placed over the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint parallel and lateral to the course of the extensor digitorum longus to the fifth left toe. The incision was deepened through the subcutaneous tissues. All the bleeders were identified, cut, clamped, and cauterized. The incision was deepened to the level of the capsule and the periosteum of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint. All the tendinous and neurovascular structures were identified and retracted from the site to be preserved. Using sharp and dull dissection, the soft tissue attachments through the fifth left metatarsal head were mobilized. The lateral and plantar aspect of the fifth left metatarsal head were adequately exposed and using the sagittal saw a lateral and plantar condylectomy of the fifth left metatarsal head were then achieved. The bony prominences were removed and passed off the operating table to be sent to pathology for identification. The remaining sharp edges of the fifth left metatarsal head were then smoothened with the use of a dental rasp. The area was copiously flushed with saline. Then, 3-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Vicryl suture materials were used to approximate the periosteal, capsular, and subcutaneous tissues respectively. The incision was reinforced with Steri-Strips. Range of motion of the fifth left metatarsophalangeal joint was tested and was found to be excellent and uninhibited. The patient's left ankle tourniquet at this time was deflated. Immediate hyperemia was noted to the entire left lower extremity upon deflation of the cuff. The patient's incision was covered with Xeroform, copious amounts of fluff and Kling, stockinette, and Ace bandage and the patient's left foot was placed in a surgical shoe. The patient was then transferred to the recovery room under the care of the anesthesia team with her vital signs stable and her vascular status at appropriate levels. The patient was given pain medications and instructions on how to control her postoperative course. She was discharged from Hospital according to nursing protocol and was will follow up with Dr. X in one week's time for her first postoperative, plantar condyle hypertrophy, condyle hypertrophy, subcutaneous tissues, ankle tourniquet, metatarsophalangeal joint, metatarsal head, plantar condylectomy, tourniquet, condylectomy, plantar, ankle, metatarsal,
CC:, Weakness.,HX:, This 30 y/o RHM was in good health until 7/93, when he began experiencing RUE weakness and neck pain. He was initially treated by a chiropractor and, after an unspecified length of time, developed atrophy and contractures of his right hand. He then went to a local neurosurgeon and a cervical spine CT scan, 9/25/92, revealed an intramedullary lesion at C2-3 and an extramedullary lesion at C6-7. He underwent a C6-T1 laminectomy with exploration and decompression of the spinal cord. His clinical condition improved over a 3 month post-operative period, and then progressively worsened. He developed left sided paresthesia and upper extremity weakness (right worse than left). He then developed ataxia, nausea, vomiting, and hyperreflexia. On 8/31/93, MRI C-spine showed diffuse enlargement of the cervical and thoracic spine and multiple enhancing nodules in the posterior fossa. On 9/1/93, he underwent suboccipital craniotomy with tumor excision, decompression, and biopsy which was consistent with hemangioblastoma. His symptoms stabilized and he underwent 5040 cGy in 28 fractions to his brain and 3600 cGy in 20 fractions to his cervical and thoracic spinal cord from 9/93 through 1/19/94.,He was evaluated in the NeuroOncology clinic on 10/26/95 for consideration of chemotherapy. He complained of progressive proximal weakness of all four extremities and dysphagia. He had difficulty putting on his shirt and raising his arms, and he had been having increasing difficulty with manual dexterity (e.g. unable to feed himself with utensils). He had difficulty going down stairs, but could climb stairs. He had no bowel or bladder incontinence or retention.,MEDS:, none.,PMH:, see above.,FHX:, Father with Von Hippel-Lindau Disease.,SHX:, retired truck driver. smokes 1-3 packs of cigarettes per day, but denied alcohol use. He is divorced and has two sons who are healthy. He lives with his mother.,ROS:, noncontributory.,EXAM:, Vital signs were unremarkable.,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria. Thought process lucid and appropriate.,CN: unremarkable exept for 4+/4+ strength of the trapezeii. No retinal hemangioblastoma were seen.,MOTOR: 4-/4- strength in proximal and distal upper extremities. There is diffuse atrophy and claw-hands, bilaterally. He is unable to manipulate hads to any great extent. 4+/4+ strength throughout BLE. There is also diffuse atrophy throughout the lower extremities though not as pronounced as in the upper extremities.,SENSORY: There was a right T3 and left T8 cord levels to PP on the posterior thorax. Decreased LT in throughout the 4 extremities.,COORD: difficult to assess due to weakness.,Station: BUE pronator drift.,Gait: stands without assistance, but can only manage to walk a few steps. Spastic gait.,Reflexes: Hyperreflexic on left (3+) and Hyporeflexic on right (1). Babinski signs were present bilaterally.,Gen exam: unremarkable.,COURSE: ,9/8/95, GS normal. By 11/14/95, he required NGT feeding due to dysphagia and aspiration risk confirmed on cookie swallow studies.MRI Brain, 2/19/96, revealed several lesions (hemangioblastoma) in the cerebellum and brain stem. There were postoperative changes and a cyst in the medulla.,On 10/25/96, he presented with a 1.5 week h/o numbness in BLE from the mid- thighs to his toes, and worsening BLE weakness. He developed decubitus ulcers on his buttocks. He also had had intermittent urinary retention for month, chronic SOB and dysphagia. He had been sitting all day long as he could not move well and had no daytime assistance. His exam findings were consistent with his complaints. He had had no episodes of diaphoresis, headache, or elevated blood pressures. An MRI of the C-T spine, 10/26/96, revealed a prominent cervicothoracic syrinx extending down to T10. There was evidence of prior cervical laminectomy of C6-T1 with expansion of the cord in the thecalsac at that region. Multiple intradural extra spinal nodular lesions (hyperintense on T2, isointense on T1, enhanced gadolinium) were seen in the cervical spine and cisterna magna. The largest of which measures 1.1 x 1.0 x 2.0cm. There are also several large ring enhancing lesions in cerebellum. The lesions were felt to be consistent with hemangioblastoma. No surgical or medical intervention was initiated. Visiting nursing was provided. He has since been followed by his local physician
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right pleural effusion with respiratory failure and dyspnea.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right pleural effusion with respiratory failure and dyspnea.,PROCEDURE: , Ultrasound-guided right pleurocentesis.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with lidocaine.,TECHNIQUE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained from the patient and his mother, the chest was scanned with portable ultrasound. Findings revealed a normal right hemidiaphragm, a moderate right pleural effusion without septation or debris, and no gliding sign of the lung on the right. Using sterile technique and with ultrasound as a guide, a pleural catheter was inserted and serosanguinous fluid was withdrawn, a total of 1 L. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Portable x-ray is pending.cardiovascular / pulmonary, pleural effusion, dyspnea, gliding sign, hemidiaphragm, pleural catheter, pleurocentesis, respiratory, serosanguinous fluid, ultrasound, pleural,
REASON FOR REFERRAL:, The patient is a 76-year-old Caucasian gentleman who works full-time as a tax attorney. He was referred for a neuropsychological evaluation by Dr. X after a recent hospitalization for possible transient ischemic aphasia. Two years ago, a similar prolonged confusional spell was reported as well. A comprehensive evaluation was requested to assess current cognitive functioning and assist with diagnostic decisions and treatment planning.,RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: , Historical information was obtained from a review of available medical records and clinical interview with the patient. A summary of pertinent information is presented below. Please refer to the patient's medical chart for a more complete history.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING PROBLEM: , The patient was brought to the Hospital Emergency Department on 09/30/09 after experiencing an episode of confusion for which he has no recall the previous day. He has no recollection of the event. The following information is obtained from his medical record. On 09/29/09, he reportedly went to a five-hour meeting and stated several times "I do not feel well" and looked "glazed." He does not remember anything from midmorning until the middle of the night and when his wife came home, she found him in bed at 6 p.m., which is reportedly unusual. She thought he was warm and had chills. He later returned to his baseline. He was seen by Dr. X in the hospital on 09/30/09 and reported to him at that time that he felt that he had returned entirely to baseline. His neurological exam at that time was unremarkable aside from missing one of three items on recall for the Mini-Mental Status Examination. Due to mild memory complaints from himself and his wife, he was referred for more extensive neuropsychological testing. Note that reportedly when his wife found him in bed, he was shaking and feeling nauseated, somewhat clammy and kept saying that he could not remember anything and he was repeating himself, asking the same questions in an agitated way, so she brought him to the emergency room. The patient had an episode two years ago of transient loss of memory during which he was staring blankly while sitting at his desk at work and the episode lasted approximately two hours. He was hospitalized at Hospital at that time as well and evaluation included negative EEG, MRI showing mild atrophy, and a neurological consultation, which did not result in a specific diagnosis, but during this episode he was also reportedly nauseous. He was also reportedly amnestic for this episode.,In 2004, he had a sense of a funny feeling in his neck and electrodes in his head and had an MRI at that time which showed some small vessel changes.,During this interview, the patient reported that other than a coworker noticing a few careless errors in his completion of some documents and his wife reporting some mild memory changes that he had not noticed any significant decline. He thought that his memory abilities were similar to those of his peers of his same age. When I asked about this episode, he said he had no recall of it at all and that he "felt fine the whole time." He appeared to be somewhat questioning of the validity of reports that he was amnestic and confused at that time. So, The patient reported some age related "memory lapses" such as going into a room and forgetting why, sometimes putting something down and forgetting where he had put it. However, he reported that these were entirely within normal expectations and he denied any type of impairment in his ability to continue to work full-time as a tax attorney other than his wife and one coworker, he had not received any feedback from his children or friends of any problems. He denied any missed appointments, any difficulty scheduling and maintaining appointments. He does not have to recheck information for errors. He is able to complete tasks in the same amount of time as he always has. He reported that he has not made additional errors in tasks that he completed. He said he does write everything down, but has always done things that way. He reported that he works in a position that requires a high level of attentiveness and knowledge and that will become obvious very quickly if he was having difficulties or making mistakes. He did report some age related changes in attention as well, although very mild and he thought these were normal and not more than he would expect for his age. He remains completely independent in his ADLs. He denied any difficulty with driving or maintaining any activities that he had always participated in. He is also able to handle their finances. He did report significant stress recently particularly in relation to his work environment.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Includes coronary artery disease, status post CABG in 1991, radical prostate cancer, status post radical prostatectomy, nephrectomy for the same cancer, hypertension, lumbar surgery done twice previously, lumbar stenosis many years ago in the 1960s and 1970s, now followed by Dr. Y with another lumbar surgery scheduled to be done shortly after this evaluation, and hyperlipidemia. Note that due to back pain, he had been taking Percocet daily prior to his hospitalization.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Celebrex 200 mg, levothyroxine 0.025 mg, Vytorin 10/40 mg, lisinopril 10 mg, Coreg 10 mg, glucosamine with chondroitin, prostate 2.2, aspirin 81 mg, and laxative stimulant or stool softener. Note that medical records say that he was supposed to be taking Lipitor 40 mg, but it is not clear if he was doing so and also there was no specific reason found for why he was taking the levothyroxine.,OTHER MEDICAL HISTORY: , Surgical history is significant for hernia repair in 2007 as well. The patient reported drinking an occasional glass of wine approximately two days of the week. He quit smoking cigarettes 25 to 30 years ago and he was diagnosed with cancer. He denied any illicit drug use. Please add that his prostatectomy was done in 1993 and nephrectomy in 1983 for carcinoma. He also had right carpal tunnel surgery in 2005 and has cholelithiasis. Upon discharge from the hospital, the patient's sleep deprived EEG was recommended.,MRI completed on 09/30/09 showed "mild cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with no significant interval change from a prior study dated June 15, 2007. No evidence of acute intracranial processes identified. CT scan was also unremarkable showing only mild cerebral and cerebellar atrophy. EEG was negative. Deferential diagnosis was transient global amnesia versus possible seizure disorder. Note that he also reportedly has some hearing changes, but has not followed up with an evaluation for hearing aid.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reportedly significant for TIAs in his mother, although the patient did not report this during our evaluation and so that she had no memory problems or dementia when she passed away of old age at the age of 85. In addition, his father had a history of heart disease and passed away at the age of 75. He has one sister with diabetes and thought his mom might have had diabetes as well.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient obtained a law degree from the University of Baltimore. He did not complete his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland because he was able to transfer his credits in order to attend law school at that time. He reported that he did not obtain very good grades until he reached law school, at which point he graduated in the top 10 of his class and had no problem passing the Bar. He thought that effort and motivation were important to his success in his school and he had not felt very motivated previously. He reported that he repeated math classes "every year of school" and attended summer school every year due to that. He has worked as a tax attorney for the past 48 years and reported having a thriving practice with clients all across the country. He served also in the U.S. Coast Guard between 1951 and 1953. He has been married for the past 36 years to his wife, Linda, who is a homemaker. They have four children and he reported having good relationship with them. He described being very active. He goes for dancing four to five times a week, swims daily, plays golf regularly and spends significant amounts of time socializing with friends.,PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , The patient denied any history of psychological or psychiatric treatment. He reported that some stressors occasionally contribute to mildly low mood at this time, but that these are transient.,TASKS ADMINISTERED:,Clinical Interview,Adult History Questionnaire,Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR),Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE),Cognistat Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination,Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS; Form XX),Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, 2nd Edition (DRS-2),Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB),Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition (WAIS-III),Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV),Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI),Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA),Auditory Consonant Trigrams (ACT),Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT),Ruff 2 & 7 Selective Attention Test,Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT),Multilingual Aphasia Examination, Second Edition (MAE-II), Token Test, Sentence Repetition, Visual Naming, Controlled Oral Word Association, Spelling Test, Aural Comprehension, Reading Comprehension,Boston Naming Test, Second Edition (BNT-2),Animal Naming Testnan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.,2. Pelvic adhesions.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Fibroid uterus.,5. Enterocele.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.,2. Pelvic adhesions.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Fibroid uterus.,5. Enterocele.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.,2. McCall's culdoplasty.,3. Cystoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 350 cc.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 45-year-old Caucasian female with complaints of long standing pelvic pain throughout the menstrual cycle and worse with menstruation, uncontrolled with Anaprox DS also with complaints of dyspareunia. On laparoscopy in May of 2003, PID, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids were demonstrated. The patient desires definitive treatment.,FINDINGS AT THE TIME OF SURGERY: ,Uterus was retroverted and somewhat boggy on bimanual examination without any palpable adnexal abnormalities. On laparoscopic examination, the uterus was quite soft and boggy consistent with the uterine adenomyosis. There was also evidence of fibroid change in the right fundal aspect of the uterus. There was a white exudative material covering the uterus as well as bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes. There were filmy adhesions to the right pelvic side wall, as well as left pelvic side wall.,PROCEDURE: , The patient taken to the operative suite where anesthesia was found to be adequate. She was then prepared and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A Foley catheter was initially placed and was noted to be draining clear to yellow urine. A weighted speculum was placed in the patient's vagina. The bladder was elevated and the anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a vulsellum tenaculum. The uterus sounded to 7 cm and the cervix was then progressively dilated. A #20 Hank dilator, which was left within the cervix used in conjunction with the vulsellum tenaculum as a uterine manipulator. At this time, after the gloves were changed, attention was then turned to the patient's abdomen. A small approximately 1 cm infraumbilical incision was made with the scalpel. A Veress needle was then inserted through this incision and a pneumoperitoneum was created with CO2 gas with appropriate volumes and pressures. A #10 mm step trocar was then inserted through this site and intraabdominal placing was confirmed with the laparoscope. On entrance into the patient's abdomen and pelvis, survey of the abdomen and pelvis revealed the operative area to be relatively free of adhesions except for the right pelvic saddle in which there were filmy adhesions. There was also white exudate noted covering the surface of the uterus and adnexa and the uterus had a quite boggy appearance. At this time, under transillumination in the left anterior axillary line, a second incision was made with a scalpel and through this site a #12 mm step trocar was inserted under direct visualization by the laparoscope. A third incision was made in the right anterior axillary line under transillumination and through this site a second #12 mm step trocar was placed under direct visualization by the laparoscope. Then 2 cm above the pubic symphysis in the midline and fourth incision was made and a #5 mm step trocar was inserted through this site. The uterus was elevated and deviated to the patient's right and infundibulopelvic ligament on the left was placed on tension with the aid of a grasper. The Endo-GIA was placed through the left sided port and was fired was to cross the infundibulopelvic ligament and down passed to the level of the round ligament, transecting and stapling at the same time. Attention was then turned to the right adnexa.,The uterus was brought over to the patient's left and the right infundibulopelvic ligament was placed on tension with the aid of a grasper. An Endo-GIA was used to transect and staple this vasculature and down passed to the level of round ligament. At this time, there was noted to be a small remnant of the round ligament on the right and a Harmonic scalpel was used to complete the transection and was found to be hemostatic. In addition, on the left the same procedure was performed to completely transect the round ligament on the left and a good hemostasis was noted. At this time, the uterus was dropped and the vesicouterine peritoneum was grasped with graspers. The bladder was then dissected off of the lower uterine segment with the aid of a Harmonic scalpel and hemostasis was appreciated. The anterior cervix of the uterus was scored in the midline up to the level of the fundus with the aid of a Harmonic scalpel and then out to the adnexa bilaterally to aid in orientation during the vaginal portion of the procedure. At this time, copious suction irrigation was performed and the operative sites were found to be hemostatic. The pneumoperitoneum was the evacuated and the attention was then turned to the vaginal portion of the procedure. The weighted speculum was placed into the patient's vagina. At this time, the Foley catheter was noted to have ________ and there was noted to be a small puncture site noted into the Foley bulb. The Foley catheter was replaced and the bladder was to be filled at a later time with methylene blue to rule out any bladder injury during the laparoscopic part of the procedure. The cervix was then grasped from right to left with a Lahey clamps and the anterior vaginal mucosa was placed on stretch with aid of Allis clamps. The vaginal mucosa anteriorly was then incised with aid of a scalpel from the 9 o'clock position to 3 o'clock position. The anterior vaginal mucosa and bladder were suctioned and were then dissected away from the lower uterine segment with the aid of Mayo scissors and blunt dissection until anteriorly the peritoneal cavity was entered at which time the peritoneal incision was extended bluntly. Next, using Lahey clamps serially following the ________ placed by the Harmonic scalpel from above were followed up to the pubic uterine fundus until the uterus was delivered into the vagina anteriorly. At this time, two curved Heaney clamps were placed across the uterine artery on the right. This was then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The second clamp was advanced to incorporate the cardinal ligament complex and this was then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. Attention was then turned to the left uterine artery which was again doubly clamped with curved Heaney clamps, transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. This second clamp was then advanced to capture the vasculature and the cardinal ligament complex. This was again transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture.,Next, the uterosacral were clamped off with the curved Heaney clamps and this clamp was met in the midline by another clamp just underneath the cervix and clamping off of the vaginal cuff. Next the uterus, ovaries and cervix were transected away from the vaginal cuff with the aid of double pointed scissors and this specimen was handed off to pathology. At this time, the bladder was instilled with approximately 800 cc of methylene blue and there was no evidence of any leak of blue dye as could be seen from the prospective of the vaginal portion of the procedure. Next, the posterior vaginal cuff and posterior peritoneum were incorporated in a running lock stitch of #0 Chromic beginning at the 9'o clock position over to the 3'o clock position. Next, the anterior vaginal mucosa was grasped with the Allis clamp and the peritoneum was identified anteriorly. The angles of the vaginal cuff were then closed with #0 Chromic suture figure-of-eight stitch with care taken to incorporate the anterior vaginal mucosa, the anterior peritoneum, and the previously closed posterior vaginal mucosa and the posterior peritoneum. Two additional sutures medially were placed and these were tagged and not tied in place. A #0 Vicryl suture on a UR6 needle was used to perform the McCall's culdoplasty type approximation with the vaginal cuff to open and the uterosacral ligament visualized. This was then tied in place and the remainder of the vaginal cuff was closed with #0 Chromic suture with figure-of-eight stitches. At this time, the gloves were changed and attention was returned to the laparoscopic portion of the procedure at which time the abdomen was re-insufflated and the patient was placed in Trendelenburg. The bowel was moved out of the way and copious suction irrigation was performed and all operative areas were noted to be hemostatic. The bladder was again filled with approximately 400 cc methylene blue and from the laparoscopic ________ point there was no evidence of leakage of blue dye at this time. The pneumoperitoneum was then evacuated and a cystoscopy was performed filling the bladder with approximately 400 cc of normal saline and there was noted to be a pinpoint perforation right on bladder dome which was found to be hemostatic and was not found to have any leakage at this time. The bladder was then drained and the Foley catheter was replaced and after gloves changed, attention was turned to the abdomen with the laparoscopic instruments removed from the patient's abdomen. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Approximately 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine in total were injected at incision site for additional analgesia. The Steri-Strips were placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well and taken to recovery in stable condition. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. The specimens include the uterus, cervix, bilateral ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The patient will have her Foley catheter maintained for approximately 7 to 10, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic adhesions, pelvic pain, fibroid uterus, enterocele, salpingo-oophorectomy, mccall's culdoplasty, cystoscopy, laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, foley catheter, vaginal mucosa, vaginal cuff, bladder, ligament, clamps, suture, pelvic, uterus, vaginal, inflammatory, laparoscopic,
DIAGNOSIS: , Cognitive linguistic impairment secondary to stroke.,NUMBER OF SESSIONS COMPLETED:, 5,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient is a 73-year-old female who was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy secondary to cognitive linguistic deficits. Based on the initial evaluation completed 12/29/08, the patient had mild difficulty with generative naming and auditory comprehension and recall. The patient's skilled speech therapy was recommended for three times a week for 8 weeks to improve her overall cognitive linguistic abilities. At this time, the patient has accomplished all 5 of her short-term therapy goals. She is able to complete functional mass tasks with 100% accuracy independently. She is able to listen to a narrative and recall the main idea plus at least five details after a 10 minute delay independently.,She is able to read a newspaper article and recall the main idea plus five details after a 15 minute delay independently. She is able to state 15 items in a broad category within a minute and a half independently. The patient is also able to complete deductive reasoning tasks to promote her mental flexibility with 100% accuracy independently. The patient also met her long-term therapy goal of functional cognitive linguistic abilities to return to teaching and improve her independence and safety at home. The patient is no longer in need of skilled speech therapy and is discharged from my services. She did quite well in therapy and also agreed with this discharge.speech - language, stroke, linguistic deficits, speech therapy, skilled speech therapy, linguistic impairment, cognitive linguistic, cognitive, linguistic,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS,1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.,2. de Quervain's stenosing tenosynovitis.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE,1. Carpal tunnel release.,2. de Quervain's release.,ANESTHESIA: , MAC,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,After administering appropriate antibiotics and MAC anesthesia, the upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual standard fashion. The arm was exsanguinated with Esmarch and the tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg.,A longitudinal incision was made in line with the 4th ray, from Kaplan's cardinal line proximally to 1 cm distal to the volar wrist crease. The dissection was carried down to the superficial aponeurosis. The subcutaneous fat was dissected radially from 2-3 mm and the superficial aponeurosis cut on this side to leave a longer ulnar leaf.,The ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis was dissected ulnarly, and the distal edge of the transverse carpal ligament was identified with a hemostat. The hemostat was gently placed under the transverse carpal ligament to protect the contents of the carpal tunnel, and the ligament was cut on its ulnar side with a knife directly onto the hemostat. The antebrachial fascia was cut proximally under direct vision with scissors.,After irrigating the wound with copious amounts of normal saline, the radial leaf of the cut transverse carpal ligament was repaired to the ulnar leaf of the cut superficial aponeurosis with 4-0 Vicryl. Care was taken to avoid entrapping the motor branch of the median nerve in the suture. A hemostat was placed under the repair to ensure that the median nerve was not compressed. The skin was repaired with 5-0 nylon interrupted stitches.,The first dorsal compartment was addressed through a transverse incision at the level of the radial styloid tip. Dissection was carried down with care taken to avoid and protect the superficial radial nerve branches. I released the compartment in a separate subsheath for the EPB on the dorsal side. Both ends of the sheath were released to lengthen them, and then these were repaired with 4-0 Vicryl. It was checked to make sure that there was significant room remaining for the tendons. This was done to prevent postoperative subluxation.,I then irrigated and closed the wounds in layers. Marcaine with epinephrine was placed into all wounds, and dressings and splint were placed. The patient was sent to the recovery room in good condition, having tolerated the procedure, de quervain's release, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, carpal, incision, aponeurosis, tunnel, cut,
CC:, Found unresponsive.,HX: , 39 y/o RHF complained of a severe HA at 2AM 11/4/92. It was unclear whether she had been having HA prior to this. She took an unknown analgesic, then vomited, then lay down in bed with her husband. When her husband awoke at 8AM he found her unresponsive with "stiff straight arms" and a "strange breathing pattern." A Brain CT scan revealed a large intracranial mass. She was intubated and hyperventilated to ABG (7.43/36/398). Other local lab values included: WBC 9.8, RBC 3.74, Hgb 13.8, Hct 40.7, Cr 0.5, BUN 8.5, Glucose 187, Na 140, K 4.0, Cl 107. She was given Mannitol 1gm/kg IV load, DPH 20mg/kg IV load, and transferred by helicopter to UIHC.,PMH:, 1)Myasthenia Gravis for 15 years, s/p Thymectomy,MEDS:, Imuran, Prednisone, Mestinon, Mannitol, DPH, IV NS,FHX/SHX:, Married. Tobacco 10 pack-year; quit nearly 10 years ago. ETOH/Substance Abuse unknown.,EXAM:, 35.8F, 99BPM, BP117/72, Mechanically ventilated at a rate of 22RPM on !00%FiO2. Unresponsive to verbal stimulation. CN: Pupils 7mm/5mm and unresponsive to light (fixed). No spontaneous eye movement or blink to threat. No papilledema or intraocular hemorrhage noted. Trace corneal reflexes bilaterally. No gag reflex. No oculocephalic reflex. MOTOR/SENSORY: No spontaneous movement. On noxious stimulation (Deep nail bed pressure) she either extended both upper extremities (RUE>LUE), or withdrew the stimulated extremity (right > left). Gait/Station/Coordination no tested. Reflexes: 1+ on right and 2+ on left with bilateral Babinski signs.,HCT 11/4/92: Large heterogeneous mass in the right temporal-parietal region causing significant parenchymal distortion and leftward subfalcine effect . There is low parenchymal density within the white matter. A hyperdense ring lies peripherally and may represent hemorrhage or calcification. The mass demonstrates inhomogeneous enhancement with contrast.,COURSE:, Head of bed elevated to 30 degrees, Mannitol and DPH were continued. MRI of Brain demonstrated a large right parietal mass with necrotic appearing center and leftward shift of midline structures. She underwent surgical resection of the tumor. Pathological analysis was consistent with adenocarcinoma. GYN exam, CT Abdomen and Pelvis, Bone scan were unremarkable. CXR revealed an right upper lobe lung nodule. She did not undergo thoracic biopsy due to poor condition. She received 3000 cGy cranial XRT in ten fractions and following this was discharged to a rehabilitation center.,In March, 1993 the patient exhibited right ptosis, poor adduction and abduction OD, 4/4 strength in the upper extremities and 5-/5- strength in the lower extremities. She was ambulatory with an ataxic gait.,She was admitted on 7/12/93 for lower cervical and upper thoracic pain, paraparesis and T8 sensory level. MRI brainstem/spine on that day revealed decreased T1 signal in the C2, C3, C6 vertebral bodies, increased T2 signal in the anterior medulla, and tectum, and spinal cord (C7-T3). Following injection of Gadolinium there was diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement from C7-T7 These findings were felt consistent with metastatic disease including possible leptomeningeal spread. Neurosurgery and Radiation Oncology agreed that the patients symptoms could be due to either radiation injury and/or metastasis. The patient was treated with Decadron and analgesics and discharged to a hospice center (her choice). She died a few months later.cardiovascular / pulmonary, mri, lung, metastatic adenocarcinoma, parietal, breathing pattern, cranial xrt, t1 signal, sensory level, iv load, adenocarcinoma, metastatic, leptomeningeal
HISTORY: , The patient is a 78-year-old right-handed inpatient with longstanding history of cervical spinal stenosis status post decompression, opioid dependence, who has had longstanding low back pain radiating into the right leg. She was undergoing a spinal epidural injection about a month ago and had worsening of right low back pain, which radiates down into her buttocks and down to posterior aspect of her thigh into her knee. This has required large amounts of opioid analgesics to control. She has been basically bedridden because of this. She was brought into hospital for further investigations.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On examination, she has positive straight leg rising on the right with severe shooting, radicular type pain with right leg movement. Difficult to assess individual muscles, but strength is largely intact. Sensory examination is symmetric. Deep tendon reflexes reveal hyporeflexia in both patellae, which probably represents a cervical myelopathy from prior cord compression. She has slightly decreased right versus left ankle reflexes. The Babinski's are positive. On nerve conduction studies, motor and sensory distal latencies, evoked response amplitudes, conduction velocities, and F-waves are normal in lower extremities.,NEEDLE EMG: , Needle EMG was performed on the right leg and lumbosacral paraspinal muscles using a disposable concentric needle. It reveals the spontaneous activity in right peroneus longus and gastrocnemius medialis muscles as well as the right lower lumbosacral paraspinal muscles. There is evidence of denervation in right gastrocnemius medialis muscle.,IMPRESSION: , This electrical study is abnormal. It reveals the following:,1. Inactive right S1 (L5) radiculopathy.,2. There is no evidence of left lower extremity radiculopathy, peripheral neuropathy or entrapment neuropathy.,Results were discussed with the patient and she is scheduled for imaging studies in the next day.physical medicine - rehab, needle emg, radiculopathy, electrical study, emg, nerve conduction study, cervical spinal stenosis, lumbosacral paraspinal muscles, gastrocnemius medialis muscles, spinal stenosis, post decompression, lumbosacral paraspinal, paraspinal muscles, gastrocnemius medialis, medialis muscles, decompression, emg/nerve, conduction, cervical, spinal, needle, muscles,
INTRODUCTION: , The opinions expressed in this report are those of the physician. The opinions do not reflect the opinions of Evergreen Medical Panel, Inc. The claimant was informed that this examination was at the request of the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I). The claimant was also informed that a written report would be sent to L&I, as requested in the assignment letter from the claims manager. The claimant was also informed that the examination was for evaluative purposes only, intended to address specific injuries or conditions as outlined by L&I, and was not intended as a general medical examination.,CHIEF COMPLAINTS: , This 51-year-old married male presents complaining of some right periscapular discomfort, some occasional neck stiffness, and some intermittent discomfort in his low back relative to an industrial fall that occurred on November 20, 2008.,HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL INJURY:, This patient was injured on November 20, 2008. He works at the Purdy Correctional Facility and an inmate had broken some overhead sprinklers, the floor was thus covered with water and the patient slipped landing on the back of his head, then on his back. The patient said he primarily landed on the left side. After the accident he states that he was generally stun and someone at the institute advised him to be evaluated. He went to a Gig Harbor urgent care facility and they sent him on to Tacoma General Hospital. At the Tacoma General, he indicates that a whiplash and a concussion were diagnosed and it was advised that he have a CT scan. The patient describes that he had a brain CT and a dark spot was found. It was recommended that he have a followup MRI and this was done locally and showed a recurrent acoustic neuroma. Before, when the patient initially had developed an acoustic neuroma, the chiropractor had seen the patient and suggested that he have a scan and this was how his original acoustic neuroma was diagnosed back in October 2005. The patient has been receiving adjustments by the chiropractor since and he also has had a few massage treatments. Overall his spine complaints have improved substantially.,After the fall, he also saw at Prompt Care in the general Bremerton area, XYZ, an Osteopathic Physician and she examined him and released him full duty and also got an orthopedic consult from XYZ. She ordered an MRI of his neck. Cervically this showed that he had a mild disc bulge at C4-C5, but this actually was the same test that diagnosed a recurrent acoustic neuroma and the patient now is just recovering from neurosurgical treatment for this recurrent acoustic neuroma and some radiation is planned.,Since 2002 the patient has been seeing the chiropractor, XYZ for general aches and pain and this has included some treatments on his back and neck.,CURRENT SYMPTOMS: ,The patient describes his current pain as being intermittent.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,Illnesses: The patient had a diagnosis in 2005 of an acoustic neuroma. It was benign, but treated neurosurgically. In February 2004 and again in August 2009 he has had additional treatments for recurrence and he currently has some skull markers in place because radiation is planned as a followup, although the tumor was still indicated to be benign.,Operations: He has a history of an old mastoidectomy. He has a past history of removal of an acoustic neuroma in 2005 as noted.,Medications: The patient takes occasional Tylenol and occasional Aleve.,Substance Use:,Tobacco: He does not smoke cigarettes.,Alcohol: He drinks about five beers a week.,FAMILY HISTORY:, His father died of mesothelioma and his mother died of Lou Gehrig's disease.,SOCIOECONOMIC HISTORY:,Marital Status and Dependents: The patient has been married three times; longest marriage is of two years duration. He has two children. These dependents are ages 15 and twins and are his wife's dependents.,Education: The patient has bachelor's degree.,Military History: He served six years in the army and received an honorable discharge.,Work History: He has worked at Purdy Correctional Institute in Gig Harbor for 19 years.,CHART REVIEW: , Review of the chart indicates a date of injury of November 20, 2008. He was seen at Tacoma General Hospital with a diagnosis of head contusion and cervical strain. He had a CT of his head done because of a fall with possible loss of consciousness, which showed a left cerebellar hypodensity and further evaluation was recommended. He has a history of an old mastoidectomy. He was then seen on November 24, 2008 by XYZ at Prompt Care on November 24, 2008. There is no clearcut history that he had lost consciousness. He has a past history of removal of an acoustic neuroma in 2005 as noted. A diagnosis of concussion and cervical strain status post fall was made along with an underlying history of abnormal CT and previous resection of an acoustic neuroma. Some symptoms of loss of balance and confusion were noted. She recommended additional testing and neurologic evaluation.,The notes from the treating chiropractor begin on November 24, 2008. Adjustments are given to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.,He was seen back by XYZ on December 9, 2008 and he had been released to full duties. It was recognized the new MRI suggested recurrence of the acoustic neuroma and he was advised to seek further care in this regard. There were some concerns of his feeling of being wobbly since the fall which might be related to the recurrent neuroma. He continued to have chiropractic adjustments. He was seen back at Prompt Care on January 8, 2009. Dr. X indicated that she thought most of his symptoms were related to the tumor, but that the cervical and thoracic stiffness were from the fall.,A followup note by his chiropractor on January 26, 2009 indicates that cervical x-rays have been taken and that continued chiropractic adjustments along with manual traction would be carried out.,On April 13, 2009, he was seen again at Prompt Care for his cervical and thoracic strain. He was indicated to be improving and there was suggestion that he has some physical therapy and an orthopedic consult was felt appropriate. Therapy was not carried out and obviously was then involved with the treatment of his recurrent neuroma.,On April 17, 2009, he was seen by Dr. X, another chiropractor for consultation and further chiropractic treatments were recommended based on cervical and thoracolumbar subluxation complexes and strain.,A repeat consult was carried out on April 29, 2009 by XYZ. He felt that this was hyperextension cervical injury. It might take a period of time to recover. He mentioned that the patient might have a slight ulnar neuropathy. He felt the patient was capable of full duty and the patient was at that time having ongoing treatment for his neuroma.,This concludes the chart review.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , The patient is 6 feet in height, weighs 255 pounds.,Orthopedic Examination: He can walk with a normal gait, but he has, as indicated, a positive Romberg test and he himself has noticed that if he closes his eyes he loses his balance. Overall the patient is a seemingly good historian. There is a visible 3 cm scar at the left base of the neck near the hairline and there are multiple areas where his head has been shaved both anteriorly and posteriorly. These are secondary to drawing for the skull markers. There is a scar behind the patient's left ear from the original treatment of the acoustic neuroma. This was well healed. The patient can perform a toe-heel gait without difficulty. One visibly can see that he has some facial asymmetry and he indicates that the acoustic neuroma has caused some numbness in the left side of his face and also some asymmetry that is now recovering. The patient states he now thinks his recovery is going to get disregarded and that the facial asymmetry and numbness developed from the first surgery he had. The patient has a full range of motion in both of his shoulders. The patient has a full range of motion in his lumbar spine to include 90 degrees of forward bend, lateral bending of 30 degrees in either direction and extension of 10 degrees. There is full range of motion in the patient's cervical spine to include flexion of 50 degrees at which time he can touch his chin on his chest. He extends 40 degrees, laterally bends 30 degrees, and rotates to 80 degrees in either direction. There is slight tenderness on palpating over the right cervical musculature. There is no evidence of any cervical or lumbar muscle spasms. Reflexes in the upper extremities include 1+ biceps and triceps and 1+ brachioradialis. Knee jerks are 2+ and ankle jerks are 1+. Tinel's test was tested at the elbow, it is negative bilaterally with percussion; however, he has slight tingling bilaterally. The patient's grip tested with a Jamar dynamometer increases from 70 to 80 pounds bilaterally. Sensory testing of lower extremities reveal that the patient has slightly decreased sensation to sharp stimulus in his dorsal aspect of the right first toe and a lesser extent to the left. Testing of muscle strength in the upper and lower extremities is normal. The patient upper arms measured four fingerbreadths above the flexion crease of the elbow measure 35 cm bilaterally. The forearms measured four fingerbreadths below the flexion crease of the elbow measure 30 cm bilaterally. The thighs measured four fingerbreadths above the superior pole of the patella measure 48 cm and the lower legs measured four fingerbreadths below the tibial tubercles measure 41 cm. Pressure on the vertex of the head does not bother the patient. Axial loading is negative. As already indicated straight leg raising is entirely negative both sitting and lying for any radiculitis.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , X-rays the patient brings with him taken by his treating chiropractor dated 11/24/08 showed that there appears to be a little bit of narrowing of the L4-5 disc space. The hip joints are normal. Views of his thoracic spine are normal. Cervical x-rays are in the file. These are of intermittent quality, but the views do show a very slight degree of anterior spurring at the C4-5 with possible slight narrowing of the disc. There is a view of the right shoulder that is unremarkable.,CONCLUSIONS:, The accepted condition under the claim is a sprain of the neck, thoracic, and lumbar.,DIAGNOSES: , Diagnosis based on today's examination is a sprain of the cervical spine and lumbar spine superimposed upon some early degenerative changes.,Additional diagnosis is one of recurrent acoustic neuroma, presumably benign with upcoming additional treatment of radiation plan. The patient also has a significant degree overweight for his height and it will be improved as he himself recognizes by some weight loss and exercise.,DISCUSSION: , He is fixed and stable at this time and his industrial case can be closed relative to his industrial injury of November 20, 2008. Further chiropractic treatments would be entirely palliative and serve no additional medical purpose due to the fact that he has very minimal symptoms and a basis for these symptoms based on mild or early degenerative changes in both cervical and lumbar spine. He is category I relative to the cervical spine under 296-20-240 and category I to the lumbosacral spine under WAC 296-20-270. His industrial case should be closed and there is, as indicated, no basis for any disability award.nan
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Goes back to yesterday, the patient went out for dinner with her boyfriend. The patient after coming home all the family members had some episodes of diarrhea; it is unclear how many times the patient had diarrhea last night. She was found down on the floor this morning, soiled her bowel movements. Paramedics were called and the patient was brought to the emergency room. The patient was in the emergency room noted to be in respiratory failure, was intubated. The patient was in septic shock with metabolic acidosis and no blood pressure and very rapid heart rate with acute renal failure. The patient was started on vasopressors. The patient was started on IV fluids as well as IV antibiotic. The CT of the abdomen showed ileus versus bowel distention without any actual bowel obstruction or perforation. A General Surgery consultation was called who did not think the patient was a surgical candidate and needed an acute surgical procedure. The patient underwent an ultrasound of the abdomen, which did not show any evidence of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis. The patient was also noted to have acute rhabdomyolysis on the workup in the emergency room.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for history of osteoporosis, hypertension, tobacco dependency, anxiety, neurosis, depression, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral neuropathy, and history of uterine cancer.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Significant for hysterectomy, bilateral femoropopliteal bypass surgeries as well as left eye cataract surgery and appendicectomy.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She lives with her boyfriend. The patient has a history of heavy tobacco and alcohol abuse for many years.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Not available at this current time.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As mentioned above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: She is intubated, obtunded, gangrenous ears with gangrenous fingertips.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is absent, heart rate of 138 per minute, and the patient is on the ventilator.,HEENT: Examination shows head is atraumatic, pupils are dilated and very, very sluggishly reacting to light. No oropharyngeal lesions noted.,NECK: Supple. No JVD, distention or carotid bruit. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Bilateral crackles and bruits.,ABDOMEN: Distended, unable to evaluate if this is tender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are very hyperactive.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: Show no edema. Distal pulses are decreased.,OVERALL NEUROLOGICAL: Examination cannot be assessed.,LABORATORY DATA: , The database was available at this point of time. WBC count is elevated at 19,000 with the left shift, hemoglobin of 17.7, and hematocrit of 55.8 consistent with severe dehydration. PT INR is prolonged at 1.7 and aPTT is prolonged at 60. Sodium was 143, BUN of 36, and creatinine of 2.5. The patient's blood gas shows pH of 7.05, pO2 of 99.6, and pCO2 of 99.6. Bicarb is 16.5.,ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION:,1. Septicemia with septic shock.,2. Metabolic acidosis.,3. Respiratory failure.,4. Anuria.,5. Acute renal failure.,The patient has no blood pressure at this point in time. The patient is on IV fluids. The patient is on vasopressors due to ventilator support, bronchodilators as well as IV antibiotics. Her overall prognosis is extremely poor. This was discussed with the patient's niece who is at bedside and will become indicated with her daughter when she arrives who is on the plane right now from Iowa. The patient will be maintained on these supports at this point in time, but prognosis is poor.nan
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: ,Complex open wound right lower extremity complicated by a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus cellulitis.,ADDITIONAL DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pain.,2. Tobacco use.,3. History of hepatitis C.,REASON FOR ADMISSION:, The patient is a 52-year-old male who has had a very complex course secondary to a right lower extremity complex open wound. He has had prolonged hospitalizations because of this problem. He was recently discharged when he was noted to develop as an outpatient swollen, red tender leg. Examination in the emergency room revealed significant concern for significant cellulitis. Decision was made to admit him to the hospital.,HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient was admitted on 03/26/08 and was started on IV antibiotics elevation, was also counseled to minimizing the cigarette smoking. The patient had edema of his bilateral lower extremities. The hospital consult was also obtained to address edema issue question was related to his liver hepatitis C. Hospital consult was obtained. This included an ultrasound of his abdomen, which showed just mild cirrhosis. His leg swelling was thought to be secondary to chronic venostasis and with likely some contribution from his liver as well. The patient eventually grew MRSA in a moderate amount. He was treated with IV vancomycin. Local wound care and elevation. The patient had slow progress. He was started on compression, and by 04/03/08 his leg got much improved, minimal redness and swelling was down with compression. The patient was thought safe to discharge home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient was discharged on doxycycline 100 mg p.o. b.i.d. x10 days. He was also given prescription for Percocet and OxyContin, picked up at my office. He is instructed to do daily wound care and also wrap his leg with an Ace wrap. Followup was arranged in a couple of weeks.,DISCHARGE CONDITION: , Stable.discharge summary, chronic pain, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus cellulitis, complex open wound, staphylococcus aureus, wound care, cellulitis, wound, hepatitis,
OPERATIONS,1. Mitral valve repair using a quadrangular resection of the P2 segment of the posterior leaflet.,2. Mitral valve posterior annuloplasty using a Cosgrove Galloway Medtronic fuser band.,3. Posterior leaflet abscess resection.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthesia,TIMES: ,Aortic cross-clamp time was ** minutes. Cardiopulmonary bypass time total was ** minutes.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After obtaining informed consent from the patient, including a thorough explanation of the risks and benefits of the aforementioned procedure, the patient was taken to the operating room and general endotracheal anesthesia was administered. Next, the patient's chest and legs were prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion. A #10-blade scalpel was used to make a midline median sternotomy incision. Dissection was carried down to the level of the sternum using Bovie electrocautery. The sternum was opened with a sternal saw, and full-dose heparinization was given. Next, the chest retractor was positioned. The pericardium was opened with Bovie electrocautery and pericardial stay sutures were positioned. We then prepared to place the patient on cardiopulmonary bypass. A 2-0 Ethibond double pursestring was placed in the ascending aorta. Through this was passed our aortic cannula and connected to the arterial side of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. Next, double cannulation with venous cannulas was instituted. A 3-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the right atrial appendage. Through this was passed our SEC cannula. This was connected to the venous portion of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine in a Y-shaped circuit. Next, a 3-0 Prolene pursestring was placed in the lower border of the right atrium. Through this was passed our inferior vena cava cannula. This was likewise connected to the Y connection of our venous cannula portion. We then used a 4-0 U-stitch in the right atrium for our retrograde cardioplegia catheter, which was inserted. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted. Metzenbaum scissors were used to dissect out the SVC and IVC, which were subsequently encircled with umbilical tape. Sondergaard's groove was taken down. Next, an antegrade cardioplegia needle and associated sump were placed in the ascending aorta. This was connected appropriately as was the retrograde cardioplegia catheter. Next, the aorta was cross-clamped, and antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia was infused so as to arrest the heart in diastole. Next a #15-blade scalpel was used to open the left atrium. The left atrium was decompressed with pump sucker. Next, our self-retaining retractor was positioned so as to bring the mitral valve up into view. Of note was the fact that the mitral valve P2 segment of the posterior leaflet had an abscess associated with it. The borders of the P2 segment abscess were defined by using a right angle to define the chordae which were encircled with a 4-0 silk. After doing so, the P2 segment of the posterior leaflet was excised with a #11-blade scalpel. Given the laxity of the posterior leaflet, it was decided to reconstruct it with a 2-0 Ethibond pledgeted suture. This was done so as to reconstruct the posterior annular portion. Prior to doing so, care was taken to remove any debris and abscess-type material. The pledgeted stitch was lowered into place and tied. Next, the more anterior portion of the P2 segment was reconstructed by running a 4-0 Prolene stitch so as to reconstruct it. This was done without difficulty. The apposition of the anterior and posterior leaflet was confirmed by infusing solution into the left ventricle. There was noted to be a small amount of central regurgitation. It was felt that this would be corrected with our annuloplasty portion of the procedure. Next, 2-0 non-pledgeted Ethibond sutures were placed in the posterior portion of the annulus from trigone to trigone in interrupted fashion. Care was taken to go from trigone to trigone. Prior to placing these sutures, the annulus was sized and noted to be a *** size for the Cosgrove-Galloway suture band ring from Medtronic. After, as mentioned, we placed our interrupted sutures in the annulus, and they were passed through the CG suture band. The suture band was lowered into position and tied in place. We then tested our repair and noted that there was very mild regurgitation. We subsequently removed our self-retaining retractor. We closed our left atriotomy using 4-0 Prolene in a running fashion. This was done without difficulty. We de-aired the heart. We then gave another round of antegrade and retrograde cardioplegia in warm fashion. The aortic cross-clamp was removed, and the heart gradually resumed electromechanical activity. We then removed our retrograde cardioplegia catheter from the coronary sinus and buttressed this site with a 5-0 Prolene. We placed 2 ventricular and 2 atrial pacing leads which were brought out through the skin. The patient was gradually weaned off cardiopulmonary bypass and our venous cannulas were removed. We then gave full-dose protamine; and after noting that there was no evidence of a protamine reaction, we removed our aortic cannula. This site was buttressed with a 4-0 Prolene on an SH needle. The patient tolerated the procedure well. We placed a mediastinal #32-French chest tube as well as a right chest Blake drain. The mediastinum was inspected for any signs of bleeding. There were none. We closed the sternum with #7 sternal wires in interrupted figure-of-eight fashion. The fascia was closed with a #1 Vicryl followed by a 2-0 Vicryl, followed by 3-0 Vicryl in a running subcuticular fashion. The instrument and sponge count was correct at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the intensive care unit in good, mitral valve repair, mitral valve, abscess resection, leaflet abscess, cosgrove galloway medtronic, bovie electrocautery, cannulation, bypass, annuloplasty, cardioplegia, mitral
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 2-year-old female who comes in for just rechecking her weight, her breathing status, and her diet. The patient is in foster care, has a long history of the prematurity, born at 22 weeks. She has chronic lung disease, is on ventilator, but doing sprints, has been doing very well, is up to 4-1/2 hours sprints twice daily and may go up 15 minutes every three days or so; which she has been tolerating fairly well as long as they kind of get her distracted towards the end, otherwise, she does get sort of tachypneic. She is on 2-1/2 liters of oxygen and does require that. Her diet has been fluctuating. They have been trying to figure out what works best with her. She has been on some Pediasure for the increased calories but that really makes her distended in the abdomen and constipates her. They have been doing more pureed foods and that seems to loosen her up, so they have been doing more Isomil 24 cal and baby foods and not so much Pediasure. She was hospitalized a couple of weeks back for the distension she had in the abdomen. Dr. XYZ has been working with her G-tube, increasing her Mic-key button size, but also doing some silver nitrate applications, and he is going to evaluate her again next week, but they are happy with the way her G-tube site is looking. She also has been seen Dr. Eisenbaum, just got of new pair of glasses this week and sees him in another couple of weeks for reevaluation.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Flagyl, vitamins, Zyrtec, albuterol, and some Colace.,ALLERGIES TO MEDICINES: , None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY:, As mentioned, she is in foster care. Foster mom is actually going to be out of town for a week the 19th through the 23rd, so she will probably be hospitalized in respite care because there are no other foster care situations that can handle the patient. Biological Mom and Grandma do visit on Thursdays for about an hour.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient has been eating fairly well, sleeping well, doing well with her sprints. A little difficulty with her stools hard versus soft as mentioned with the diet situation up in HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: She is 28 pounds 8 ounces today, 33-1/2 inches tall. She is on 2-1/2 liters, but she is not the vent currently, she is doing her sprints, and her respiratory rate is around 40.,HEENT: Sclerae and conjunctivae are clear. TMs are clear. Nares are patent. Oropharynx is clear. Trach site is clear of any signs of infection.,Chest: Coarse. She has got little bit of wheezing going on, but she is moving air fairly well.,Abdomen: Positive bowel sounds and soft. The G-tube site looks fairly clean today and healthy. No signs of infection. Her tone is good. Capillary refill is less than three seconds.,ASSESSMENT:, A 2-year-old with chronic lung disease, doing the sprints, some bowel difficulties, also just weight gain issues because of the high-energy expenditure with the sprints that she is doing.,PLAN:, At this point is to continue with the Isomil and pureed baby foods, a little bit of Pediasure. They are going to see Dr. XYZ towards the end of this month and follow up with Dr. Eisenbaum. I would like to see her in approximately six weeks again, but we do need to keep a close check on her weight and call if there are problems beforehand. She is just doing wonderful progression on her development. Each time I see her, I am very impressed, that relayed to foster mom. Approximately 25 minutes spent with the patient, most of it counseling.consult - history and phy., chronic lung disease, signs of infection, breathing status, foster mom, foster care, pediasure
PREOPERATIVE DX:, Dermatochalasis, mechanical ptosis, brow ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DX:, Same,PROCEDURE:,: Upper lid blepharoplasty and direct brow lift,ANESTHESIA:, Local with sedation,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , In the preoperative evaluation the patient was found to have visually significant and symptomatic dermatochalasis and brow ptosis causing mechanical ptosis and visual field obstruction. Visual field testing showed *% superior hemifield loss on the right, and *% superior hemifield loss on the left. These field losses resolved with upper eyelid taping which simulates the expected surgical correction. Photodocumentation also showed the upper eyelids resting on the upper eyelashes, as well as a decrease in the effective superior marginal reflex distance. The risks, benefits, limitations, alternatives, and expected improvement in symptoms and visual field loss were discussed in preoperative evaluation.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, On the day of surgery, the surgical site and procedure were verified by the physician with the patient. An informed consent was signed and witnessed. EMLA cream was applied to the eyelids and eyebrow region for 10 minutes to provide skin anesthesia. Two drops of topical proparacaine eye drops were placed on the ocular surface. The skin was cleaned with alcohol prep pads. The patient received 3 to 4 mL of 2% Lidocaine with epinephrine and 0.5% Marcaine mixture to each upper lid. 5 to 6 mL of local were also given to the brow region along the entire length. Pressure was applied over each site for 5 minutes. The patient was then prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion for oculoplastic surgery.,The desired amount of redundant brow tissue to be excised was carefully marked with a surgical marking pen on each side. The contour of the outline was created to provide a greater temporal lift. Care was taken to preserve a natural contour to the brow shape consistent with the patient’s desired features. Using a #15 blade, the initial incision was placed just inside the superior most row of brow hairs, in parallel with the follicle growth orientation. The incision extended in a nasal to temporal fashion with the nasal portion incision being carried down to muscle and becoming progressively shallower toward the tail of the incision line. The dimensions of the redundant tissue measured * horizontally and * vertically. The redundant tissue was removed sharply with Westcott scissors. Hemostasis was maintained with hand held cautery and/or electrocautery. The closure was carried out in multiple layers. The deepest muscular/subcutaneous tissue was closed with 4-0 transparent nylon in a horizontal mattress fashion. The intermediate layer was closed with 5-0 Vicryl similarly. The skin was closed with 6-0 nylon in a running lock fashion. Iced saline gauze pads were placed over the incision sites. This completed the brow repair portion of the case.,Using a surgical marking pen, a vertical line was drawn from the superior punctum to the eyebrow. An angled line was drawn from the ala of the nares to the lateral canthus edge and extending to the tail of the brow. These lines served as the relative boundary for the horizontal length of the blepharoplasty incision. The desired amount of redundant tissue to be excised was carefully pinched together with 0.5 forceps. This tissue was outlined with a surgical marking pen. Care was taken to avoid excessive skin removal near the brow region. A surgical ruler was used to ensure symmetry. The skin and superficial orbicularis were incised with a #15 blade on the first upper lid. This layer was removed with Westcott scissors.,Hemostasis was achieved with high-temp hand held pen cautery. The remaining orbicularis and septum were grasped superiorly and inferiorly on each side of the incision and tented upward. The high temp cautery pen was then used to incise these layers in a horizontal fashion until preapeuronotic fat was identified. * amount of central preaponeurotic fat was removed with cautery. * amount of nasal fat pad was removed in the same fashion. Care was taken to not disturb the levator aponeurosis. A symmetric amount of fat was removed from each side. Iced gauze saline was placed over the site and the entire procedure repeated on the fellow eyelid. Skin hooks were placed on either side of the incision and the skin was closed in a continuous running fashion with 6-0 nylon. Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment was placed over the incision site and on the ocular surface. Saline gauze and cold packs were placed over the upper lids. The patient was taken from the surgical suite in good condition.,DISCHARGE:, In the recovery area the results of surgery were discussed with the patient and their family. Specific instructions to resume all p.o. oral medications including anticoagulants/antiplatelets were given. Written instructions and restrictions after eyelid surgery were reviewed with the patient and family member. Instructions on antibiotic ointment use were reviewed. The incision sites were checked prior to release. The patient was released to home with a driver after vital signs were deemed, dermatochalasis, erythromycin ophthalmic, saline gauze, blepharoplasty, brow ptosis, cold packs, direct brow lift, follicle growth, hemifield loss, marginal reflex, mechanical ptosis, ocular surface, superficial orbicularis, visual field, surgical marking pen, direct brow, redundant tissue, incision sites, incision, brow, ptosis, surgical
REASON FOR REFERRAL: ,The patient was referred for a neuropsychological evaluation by Dr. X. A comprehensive evaluation was requested to assess neuropsychological factors, clarify areas of strength and weakness, and to assist in therapeutic program planning in light of episodes of syncope.,BRIEF SUMMARY & IMPRESSIONS:,RELEVANT HISTORY:,Historical information was obtained from a review of available medical records and an interview with ,the patient.,The patient presented to Dr. X on August 05, 2008 as she had been recently hospitalized for prolonged episodes of syncope. She was referred to Dr. X for diagnostic differentiation for possible seizures or other causes of syncope. The patient reports an extensive neurological history. Her mother used alcohol during her pregnancy with the patient. In spite of exposure to alcohol in utero, the patient reported that she achieved "honors in school" and "looked smart." She reported that she began to experience migraines at 11 years of age. At 15 years of age, she reported that she was thought to have hydrocephalus. She reported that she will frequently "bang her head against the wall" to relieve the pain. The patient gave birth to her daughter at 17 years of age. At 18 years of age, she received a spinal tap as a procedure to determine the cause of her severe headaches. She reported, in 1995 to 1996 she experienced a severe head injury, as she was struck by a car as a pedestrian and "thrown two and a half city blocks." The patient reported that she could recall before being hit, but could not recall the activities of that same day or the following day. She reported that she had difficulty walking following this head injury, but received rehabilitation for approximately one month. Her migraines became more severe following the head injury. In 1998, she reportedly was experiencing episodes of syncope where she would experience a headache with photophobia, phonophobia, and flashing lights. Following the syncope episode, she would experience some confusion. These episodes reportedly were related to her donating plasma.,The patient also reported that her ex-husband stated that she frequently jerked and would shake in her sleep. She reported that upon awakening, she would feel off balanced and somewhat confused. These episodes diminished from 2002 to June 2008. When making dinner, she suddenly dropped and hit the back of her head on refrigerator. She reported that she was unconscious for five to six minutes. A second episode occurred on July 20th when she lost consciousness for may be a full day. She was admitted to Sinai Hospital and assessed by a neurologist. Her EEG and head CT were considered to be completely normal. She did not report any typical episodes during the time of her 36-hour EEG. She reported that her last episode of syncope occurred prior to her being hospitalized. She stated that she had an aura of her ears ringing, vision being darker and "tunnel vision" (vision goes smaller to a pinpoint), and she was "spazzing out" on the floor. During these episodes, she reports that she cannot talk and has difficulty understanding.,The patient also reports that she has experienced some insomnia since she was 6 years old. She reported that she was a heavy drinker until about 1998 or 1999 and that she would drink a gallon daily of Jack Daniel. She stopped the use of alcohol and that time she experienced a suicide attempt. In 2002, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was started on medication. At the time of the neuropsychological evaluation, she had stopped taking her medicine as she felt that she was now in remission and could manage her symptoms herself. The patient's medical history is also significant for postpartum depression.,The patient reported that she has been experiencing difficulty with cognitive abilities of attention/concentration, spelling, tangential and slow thinking, poor sequencing memory for events, and variable verbal memory. She reported that she sometimes has difficulty understanding what people say, specifically she has difficulty understanding jokes. She finds that she often has difficulty with expressing her thoughts, as she is very tangential. She experiences episodes of not recalling what she was speaking of or remembering what activities she was trying to perform. She reported that she had a photographic memory for directions. She said that she experienced a great deal of emotional lability, but in general her personality has become more subdued. At the present time, her daughter has now moved on to college. The patient is living with her biological mother. Although she is going through divorce, she reported that it was not really stressful. She reported that she spends her day driving other people around and trying to be helpful to them.,At the time of the neuropsychological evaluation, the patient's medication included Ativan, Imitrex, Levoxyl, vitamin B12, albuterol metered dose inhaler as needed, and Zofran as needed. (It should be noted that The patient by the time of the feedback on September 19, 2008 had resumed taking her Trileptal for bipolar disorder.). The patient's familial medical history is significant for alcohol abuse, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.,TESTS ADMINISTERED:,Clinical Interview,Cognistat,Mattis Dementia Rating Scale,Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - III (WAIS-III),Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI),Selected Subtests from the Delis Kaplan Executive Function System (DKEFS), Trail Making Test, Verbal Fluency (Letter Fluency & Category Fluency), Design Fluency, Color-Word Interference Test, Tower,Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST),Stroop Test,Color Trails,Trails A & B,Test of Variables of Attention,Multilingual Aphasia Examination II, Token Test, Sentence Repetition, Visual Naming, Controlled Oral Word Association, Spelling Test, Aural Comprehension, Reading Comprehension,Boston Naming Test-2 (BNT-2),Animal Naming Test,The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI),The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Motor Coordination,The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual Perception,Judgment Line Orientation,Grooved Pegboard,Purdue Pegboard,Finger Tapping Test,Rey Complex Figure,Wechsler Memory Scale -III (WMS-III),California Verbal Learning Testnan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Entropion, left upper lid.,2. Entropion and some blepharon, right lower lid.,TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Repair of entropion, left upper lid, with excision of anterior lamella and cryotherapy.,2. Repairs of blepharon, entropion, right lower lid with mucous membrane graft.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The left upper lid and right lower lid were all infiltrated with 2% Xylocaine with Epinephrine.,The lid was then everted with special clips and the mucotome was then used to cut a large mucous membrane graft from the lower lid measuring 0.5 mm in thickness. The graft was placed in saline and a 4 x 4 was placed over the lower lid.,Attention was then drawn to the left upper lid and the operating microscope was found to place. An incision was made in the gray line nasally in the area of trichiasis and entropion, and the dissection was carried anterior to the tarsal plate and an elliptical piece of the anterior lamella was excised. Bleeding was controlled with the wet-field cautery and the cryoprobe was then used with a temperature of -8 degree centigrade in the freeze-thaw-refreeze technique to treat the bed of the excised area.,Attention was then drawn to the right lower lid with the operating microscope and a large elliptical area of the internal aspect of the lid margin was excised with a super blade. Some of the blepharon were dissected from the globe and bleeding was controlled with the wet-field cautery. An elliptical piece of mucous membrane was then fashioned and placed into the defect in the lower lid and sutured with a running 6-0 chromic catgut suture anteriorly and posteriorly.,The graft was in good position and everything was satisfactory at the end of procedure. Some antibiotic steroidal ointment was instilled in the right eye and a light pressure dressing was applied. No patch was applied to the left eye. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to recovery room in good, entropion, blepharon, catgut suture, cryoprobe, cryotherapy, freeze-thaw-refreeze, lamella, lid, lower lid, tarsal plate, trichiasis, upper lid, mucous membrane graft, anterior lamella, mucous membrane, membrane
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Closed type-III supracondylar fracture, left distal humerus.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Closed type-III supracondylar fracture, left distal humerus.,2. Tethered brachial artery, left elbow.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Closed reduction percutaneous pinning, left distal humerus.,SPECIFICATIONS: , The entire operative procedure was done in the inpatient operating suite, room #2 at ABCD General Hospital. A portion of the procedure was done in consult with Dr. X with separate dictation by him.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: ,This is a 4-year-old white male, apparently dominantly right-handed who suffered a severe injury to his left distal humerus after jumping off of a swing. He apparently had not had previous problems with his left arm. He was seen in the Emergency with a grossly deformed left elbow. His parents' were both present preoperatively. His x-ray exam as well as physical exam was consistent with a closed type-III supracondylar fracture of the left distal humerus with rather severe puckering of the skin anteriorly with significant ecchymosis in the same region. Gross neurologic exam revealed his ulnar, median, and radial nerves to be mostly intact, although a complete exam was impossible. He did have a radial pulse palpable.,PROCEDURE: , After discussing the alternatives of the case as well as advantages and disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations with the patient's parents including malunion, nonunion, gross deformity, growth arrest, infection, loss of elbow motions, stiffness, instability, need for surgery in the future, nerve problems, artery problems, and compartment syndrome, they elected to proceed.,The patient was laid supine upon operative table after receiving general anesthetic by Anesthesia Department. Closed reduction was accomplished in a sequential manner. Milking of the soft tissue envelope was carried out to try and reduce the shaft of the humerus back into its plane relative to the brachialis muscle and the neurovascular bundle anteriorly. Then a slow longitudinal traction was carried out. The elbow was hyperflexed. Pressure placed upon the olecranon tip and two 0.045 K-wires placed first, one being on the lateral side and with this placement on the medial side of medial epicondyle with care taken to protect the ulnar nerve. The close reduction was deemed to be acceptable once viewed on C-arm.,After this, pulse was attempted to be palpated distally. Prior to the procedure, I talked to Dr. X of Vascular Surgery at ABCD Hospital. He had scrubbed in to the case to follow up on the loss of the radial artery distally. This was not present palpatory, but also by Doppler. A weak ulnar artery pulse was present via Doppler. Because of this, the severe displacement of the injury and the fact that the Doppler sound had an occlusion-type sound just above the fracture site or _______. A long discussion was carried out with Dr. X and myself, and we decided to proceed with exploration of the brachial artery. Prior to this, I went out to the waiting room to discuss with the patient's parents, the reasoning what we are going to do and the reasoning for this. I then came back in and then we proceeded. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Please see Dr. X's report for the discussion of the exploration and release of the brachial artery. There was no indication that it was actually in the fracture site, the soft tissue had tethered in its right angle towards the fracture site, thus reducing its efficiency of providing blood distally. Once it was released, both clinically on the table as well as by Doppler, the patient had bounding pulses.,We then proceeded to close utilizing a #4-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous fat closure and a running #5-0 Vicryl subcuticular stitch for skin closure. Steri-Strips were placed. The patient's arm was placed in just a slight degree of flexion with a neutral position. He was splinted posteriorly. Adaptic and fluffs have been placed around the patient's pin sites. K-wires have been bent, cut, and pin caps placed.,Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is guarded for the obvious reasons noted above. There is concern for growth plate disturbance. He will be watched very closely for the potential development of re-perfusing compartment syndrome.,A full and complete neurologic exam will be impossible tonight, but will be carried on a sequential basis starting tomorrow morning. There is always a potential for loss of elbow motion, overall cosmetic elbow alignment, and elbow, closed reduction, percutaneous pinning, distal humeru, supracondylar fracture, tethered brachial artery, artery, supracondylar, brachial, pinning, reduction, fracture, humerus, elbow,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 38 weeks.,2. Malpresentation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at 38 weeks.,2. Malpresentation.,3. Delivery of a viable male neonate.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Primary low transverse cervical cesarean section.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal with Astramorph.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 300 cc.,URINE OUTPUT:, 80 cc of clear urine.,FLUIDS: , 2000 cc of crystalloids.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS: , A viable male neonate in the left occiput transverse position with Apgars of 9 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes respectively, weighing 3030 g. No nuchal cord. No meconium. Normal uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 21-year-old gravida 3, para 1-0-1-1 Caucasian female who presented to Labor and Delivery in labor. Her cervix did make some cervical chains. She did progress to 75% and -2, however, there was a raised lobular area palpated on the fetal head. However, on exam unable to delineate the facial structures, but definite fetal malpresentation. The fetal heart tones did start and it continued to have variable decelerations with contractions overall are reassuring. The contraction pattern was inadequate. It was discussed with the patient's family that in light of the physical exam and with the fetal malpresentation that a cesarean section will be recommended. All the questions were answered.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained in layman's terms, the patient was taken back to the operating suite and placed in the dorsal lithotomy position with a leftward tilt. Prior to this, the spinal anesthesia was administered. The patient was then prepped and draped. A Pfannenstiel skin incision was made with the first scalpel and carried through to the underlying layer of fascia with the second scalpel. The fascia was then incised in the midline and extended laterally using Mayo scissors. The superior aspect of the rectus fascia was then grasped with Ochsners, tented up and the underlying layer of rectus muscle was dissected up bluntly as well as with Mayo scissors. The superior portion and inferior portion of the rectus fascia was identified, tented up and the underlying layer of rectus muscle was dissected up bluntly as well as with Mayo scissors. The rectus muscle was then separated in the midline. The peritoneum was then identified, tented up with hemostats and entered sharply with Metzenbaum scissors. The peritoneum was then gently stretched. The vesicouterine peritoneum was then identified, tented up with an Allis and the bladder flap was created bluntly as well as using Metzenbaum scissors. The uterus was entered with the second scalpel and large transverse incision. This was then extended in upward and lateral fashion bluntly. The infant was then delivered atraumatically. The nose and mouth were suctioned. The cord was then clamped and cut. The infant was handed off to the awaiting pediatrician. The placenta was then manually extracted. The uterus was exteriorized and cleared of all clots and debris. The uterine incision was then repaired using #0 chromic in a running fashion marking a U stitch. A second layer of the same suture was used in an imbricating fashion to obtain excellent hemostasis. The uterus was then returned to the anatomical position. The abdomen and the gutters were cleared of all clots. Again, the incision was found to be hemostatic. The rectus muscle was then reapproximated with #2-0 Vicryl in a single interrupted stitch. The rectus fascia was then repaired with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion locking the first stitch and first last stitch in a lateral to medial fashion. This was palpated and the patient was found to be without defect and intact. The skin was then closed with staples. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. She will be followed up as an inpatient with Dr. X.obstetrics / gynecology, low transverse cervical cesarean section, cesarean section, pregnancy, neonate, metzenbaum scissors, intrauterine pregnancy, rectus fascia, rectus muscle, intrauterine, peritoneum, malpresentation, transverse, astramorph,
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , She has a history of hypertension and shortness of breath.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Pertinent for cholecystectomy.,PSYCHOLOGICAL HISTORY: , Negative.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She is single. She drinks alcohol once a week. She does not smoke.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Pertinent for obesity and hypertension.,MEDICATIONS: , Include Topamax 100 mg twice daily, Zoloft 100 mg twice daily, Abilify 5 mg daily, Motrin 800 mg daily, and a multivitamin.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known drug allergies.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM: ,This is a pleasant female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented x 3. HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Extraocular muscles intact, nonicteric sclerae. Chest is clear to auscultation bilaterally. Cardiovascular is normal sinus rhythm. Abdomen is obese, soft, nontender and nondistended. Extremities show no edema, clubbing or cyanosis.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: ,This is a 34-year-old female with a BMI of 43 who is interested in surgical weight via the gastric bypass as opposed to Lap-Band. ABC will be asking for a letter of medical necessity from Dr. XYZ. She will also see my nutritionist and social worker and have an upper endoscopy. Once this is completed, we will submit her to her insurance company for approval.bariatrics, elective surgical weight loss, surgical weight loss, weight loss, loss, weight, bmi, surgical, pounds,
CC: ,Low Back Pain (LBP) with associated BLE weakness.,HX:, This 75y/o RHM presented with a 10 day h/o progressively worsening LBP. The LBP started on 12/3/95; began radiating down the RLE, on 12/6/95; then down the LLE, on 12/9/95. By 12/10/95, he found it difficult to walk. On 12/11/95, he drove himself to his local physician, but no diagnosis was rendered. He was given some NSAID and drove home. By the time he got home he had great difficulty walking due to LBP and weakness in BLE, but managed to feed his pets and himself. On 12/12/95 he went to see a local orthopedist, but on the way to his car he crumpled to the ground due to BLE weakness and LBP pain. He also had had BLE numbness since 12/11/95. He was evaluated locally and an L-S-Spine CT scan and L-S Spine X-rays were "negative." He was then referred to UIHC.,MEDS: ,SLNTC, Coumadin 4mg qd, Propranolol, Procardia XL, Altace, Zaroxolyn.,PMH: ,1) MI 11/9/78, 2) Cholecystectomy, 3) TURP for BPH 1980's, 4) HTN, 5) Amaurosis Fugax, OD, 8/95 (Mayo Clinic evaluation--TEE (-), but Carotid Doppler (+) but "non-surgical" so placed on Coumadin).,FHX:, Father died age 59 of valvular heart disease. Mother died of DM. Brother had CABG 8/95.,SHX:, retired school teacher. 0.5-1.0 pack cigarettes per day for 60 years.,EXAM:, BP130.56, HR68, RR16, Afebrile.,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent without dysarthria. Lucid. Appeared uncomfortable.,CN: Unremarkable.,MOTOR: 5/5 strength in BUE. Lower extremity strength: Hip flexors & extensors 4-/4-, Hip abductors 3+/3+, Hip adductors 5/5, Knee flexors & extensors 4/4-, Ankle flexion 4-/4-, Tibialis Anterior 2/2-, Peronei 3-/3-. Mild atrophy in 4 extremities. Questionable fasciculations in BLE. Spasms illicited on striking quadriceps with reflex hammer (? percussion myotonia). No rigidity and essential normal muscle tone on passive motion.,SENSORY: Decreased vibratory sense in stocking distribution from toes to knees in BLE (worse on right). No sensory level. PP/LT/TEMP testing unremarkable.,COORD: Normal FNF-RAM. Slowed HKS due to weakness.,Station: No pronator drift. Romberg testing not done.,Gait: Unable to stand.,Reflexes: 2/2 BUE. 1/trace patellae, 0/0 Achilles. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally. Abdominal reflex was present in all four quadrants. Anal reflex was illicited from all four quadrants. No jaw jerk or palmomental reflexes illicited.,Rectal: normal rectal tone, guaiac negative stool.,GEN EXAM: Bilateral Carotid Bruits, No lymphadenopathy, right inguinal hernia, rhonchi and inspiratory wheeze in both lung fields.,COURSE: ,WBC 11.6, Hgb 13.4, Hct 38%, Plt 295. ESR 40 (normal 0-14), CRP 1.4 (normal <0.4), INR 1.5, PTT 35 (normal), Creatinine 2.1, CK 346. EKG normal. The differential diagnosis included Amyotrophy, Polymyositis, Epidural hematoma, Disc Herniation and Guillain-Barre syndrome. An MRI of the lumbar spine was obtained, 12/13/95. This revealed an L3-4 disc herniation extending inferiorly and behind the L4 vertebral body. This disc was located more on the right than on the left , compromised the right neural foramen, and narrowed the spinal canal. The patient underwent a L3-4 laminectomy and diskectomy and subsequently improved. He was never seen in follow-up at UIHC.radiology, ble weakness, carotid doppler, disc herniation, guillain-barre syndrome, amyotrophy, polymyositis, epidural hematoma, mri l s spine, cauda equina syndrome, flexors & extensors, cauda equina, herniation, cauda, equina, extensors, reflexes, mri, hip, flexors, weakness,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.,2. Pelvic adhesions.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Fibroid uterus.,5. Enterocele.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.,2. Pelvic adhesions.,3. Pelvic pain.,4. Fibroid uterus.,5. Enterocele.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.,2. McCall's culdoplasty.,3. Cystoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 350 cc.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 45-year-old Caucasian female with complaints of long standing pelvic pain throughout the menstrual cycle and worse with menstruation, uncontrolled with Anaprox DS also with complaints of dyspareunia. On laparoscopy in May of 2003, PID, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids were demonstrated. The patient desires definitive treatment.,FINDINGS AT THE TIME OF SURGERY: ,Uterus was retroverted and somewhat boggy on bimanual examination without any palpable adnexal abnormalities. On laparoscopic examination, the uterus was quite soft and boggy consistent with the uterine adenomyosis. There was also evidence of fibroid change in the right fundal aspect of the uterus. There was a white exudative material covering the uterus as well as bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes. There were filmy adhesions to the right pelvic side wall, as well as left pelvic side wall.,PROCEDURE: , The patient taken to the operative suite where anesthesia was found to be adequate. She was then prepared and draped in the normal sterile fashion. A Foley catheter was initially placed and was noted to be draining clear to yellow urine. A weighted speculum was placed in the patient's vagina. The bladder was elevated and the anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a vulsellum tenaculum. The uterus sounded to 7 cm and the cervix was then progressively dilated. A #20 Hank dilator, which was left within the cervix used in conjunction with the vulsellum tenaculum as a uterine manipulator. At this time, after the gloves were changed, attention was then turned to the patient's abdomen. A small approximately 1 cm infraumbilical incision was made with the scalpel. A Veress needle was then inserted through this incision and a pneumoperitoneum was created with CO2 gas with appropriate volumes and pressures. A #10 mm step trocar was then inserted through this site and intraabdominal placing was confirmed with the laparoscope. On entrance into the patient's abdomen and pelvis, survey of the abdomen and pelvis revealed the operative area to be relatively free of adhesions except for the right pelvic saddle in which there were filmy adhesions. There was also white exudate noted covering the surface of the uterus and adnexa and the uterus had a quite boggy appearance. At this time, under transillumination in the left anterior axillary line, a second incision was made with a scalpel and through this site a #12 mm step trocar was inserted under direct visualization by the laparoscope. A third incision was made in the right anterior axillary line under transillumination and through this site a second #12 mm step trocar was placed under direct visualization by the laparoscope. Then 2 cm above the pubic symphysis in the midline and fourth incision was made and a #5 mm step trocar was inserted through this site. The uterus was elevated and deviated to the patient's right and infundibulopelvic ligament on the left was placed on tension with the aid of a grasper. The Endo-GIA was placed through the left sided port and was fired was to cross the infundibulopelvic ligament and down passed to the level of the round ligament, transecting and stapling at the same time. Attention was then turned to the right adnexa.,The uterus was brought over to the patient's left and the right infundibulopelvic ligament was placed on tension with the aid of a grasper. An Endo-GIA was used to transect and staple this vasculature and down passed to the level of round ligament. At this time, there was noted to be a small remnant of the round ligament on the right and a Harmonic scalpel was used to complete the transection and was found to be hemostatic. In addition, on the left the same procedure was performed to completely transect the round ligament on the left and a good hemostasis was noted. At this time, the uterus was dropped and the vesicouterine peritoneum was grasped with graspers. The bladder was then dissected off of the lower uterine segment with the aid of a Harmonic scalpel and hemostasis was appreciated. The anterior cervix of the uterus was scored in the midline up to the level of the fundus with the aid of a Harmonic scalpel and then out to the adnexa bilaterally to aid in orientation during the vaginal portion of the procedure. At this time, copious suction irrigation was performed and the operative sites were found to be hemostatic. The pneumoperitoneum was the evacuated and the attention was then turned to the vaginal portion of the procedure. The weighted speculum was placed into the patient's vagina. At this time, the Foley catheter was noted to have ________ and there was noted to be a small puncture site noted into the Foley bulb. The Foley catheter was replaced and the bladder was to be filled at a later time with methylene blue to rule out any bladder injury during the laparoscopic part of the procedure. The cervix was then grasped from right to left with a Lahey clamps and the anterior vaginal mucosa was placed on stretch with aid of Allis clamps. The vaginal mucosa anteriorly was then incised with aid of a scalpel from the 9 o'clock position to 3 o'clock position. The anterior vaginal mucosa and bladder were suctioned and were then dissected away from the lower uterine segment with the aid of Mayo scissors and blunt dissection until anteriorly the peritoneal cavity was entered at which time the peritoneal incision was extended bluntly. Next, using Lahey clamps serially following the ________ placed by the Harmonic scalpel from above were followed up to the pubic uterine fundus until the uterus was delivered into the vagina anteriorly. At this time, two curved Heaney clamps were placed across the uterine artery on the right. This was then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. The second clamp was advanced to incorporate the cardinal ligament complex and this was then transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. Attention was then turned to the left uterine artery which was again doubly clamped with curved Heaney clamps, transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture. This second clamp was then advanced to capture the vasculature and the cardinal ligament complex. This was again transected and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl suture.,Next, the uterosacral were clamped off with the curved Heaney clamps and this clamp was met in the midline by another clamp just underneath the cervix and clamping off of the vaginal cuff. Next the uterus, ovaries and cervix were transected away from the vaginal cuff with the aid of double pointed scissors and this specimen was handed off to pathology. At this time, the bladder was instilled with approximately 800 cc of methylene blue and there was no evidence of any leak of blue dye as could be seen from the prospective of the vaginal portion of the procedure. Next, the posterior vaginal cuff and posterior peritoneum were incorporated in a running lock stitch of #0 Chromic beginning at the 9'o clock position over to the 3'o clock position. Next, the anterior vaginal mucosa was grasped with the Allis clamp and the peritoneum was identified anteriorly. The angles of the vaginal cuff were then closed with #0 Chromic suture figure-of-eight stitch with care taken to incorporate the anterior vaginal mucosa, the anterior peritoneum, and the previously closed posterior vaginal mucosa and the posterior peritoneum. Two additional sutures medially were placed and these were tagged and not tied in place. A #0 Vicryl suture on a UR6 needle was used to perform the McCall's culdoplasty type approximation with the vaginal cuff to open and the uterosacral ligament visualized. This was then tied in place and the remainder of the vaginal cuff was closed with #0 Chromic suture with figure-of-eight stitches. At this time, the gloves were changed and attention was returned to the laparoscopic portion of the procedure at which time the abdomen was re-insufflated and the patient was placed in Trendelenburg. The bowel was moved out of the way and copious suction irrigation was performed and all operative areas were noted to be hemostatic. The bladder was again filled with approximately 400 cc methylene blue and from the laparoscopic ________ point there was no evidence of leakage of blue dye at this time. The pneumoperitoneum was then evacuated and a cystoscopy was performed filling the bladder with approximately 400 cc of normal saline and there was noted to be a pinpoint perforation right on bladder dome which was found to be hemostatic and was not found to have any leakage at this time. The bladder was then drained and the Foley catheter was replaced and after gloves changed, attention was turned to the abdomen with the laparoscopic instruments removed from the patient's abdomen. The skin incisions were closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. Approximately 10 cc of 0.25% Marcaine in total were injected at incision site for additional analgesia. The Steri-Strips were placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well and taken to recovery in stable condition. Sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. The specimens include the uterus, cervix, bilateral ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The patient will have her Foley catheter maintained for approximately 7 to 10 days.obstetrics / gynecology, pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic adhesions, pelvic pain, fibroid uterus, enterocele, salpingo-oophorectomy, mccall's culdoplasty, cystoscopy, laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, foley catheter, vaginal mucosa, vaginal cuff, bladder, ligament, clamps, suture, pelvic, uterus, vaginal, inflammatory, laparoscopic,
OPERATION PERFORMED:, Full mouth dental rehabilitation in the operative room under general anesthesia.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe dental caries.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Severe dental caries.,2. Non-restorable teeth.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,DURATION OF SURGERY: , 43 minutes.,BRIEF HISTORY: ,The patient was first seen by me on 04/26/2007. She had a history of open heart surgery at 11 months' of age. She presented with severe anterior caries with most likely dental extractions needed. Due to her young age, I felt that she would be best served in the safety of the hospital operating room. After consultation with the mother, she agreed to have her treated in the safety of the hospital operating room at Children's Hospital.,OPERATIVE PREPARATION: ,This child was brought to Hospital Day Surgery and is accompanied by her mother. There I met with them and discussed the needs of the child, types of restorations to be performed, the risks and benefits of the treatment as well as the options and alternatives of the treatment. After all their questions and concerns were addressed, I gave the informed consent to proceed with the treatment. The patient's history and physical examination was reviewed. Once she was cleared by Anesthesia and the child was taken back to the operating room.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was placed on the surgical table in the usual supine position with all extremities protected. Anesthesia was induced by mask. The patient was then intubated with a nasal endotracheal tube and the tube was stabilized. The head was wrapped and the eyes were taped shut for protection. An angiocatheter was placed in the left hand and an IV was started. The head and neck were draped with sterile towels, and the body was covered with a lead apron and sterile sheath. A moist continuous throat pack was placed beyond the tonsillar pillars. Plastic lip and cheek retractors were then placed. Preoperative clinical photographs were taken. Two posterior bitewing radiographs and two anterior periapical films were taken in the operating room with digital radiography. After the radiographs were taken, the lead shield was removed. Prophylaxis was then performed using prophy cup and fluoridated prophy paste. The teeth were then rinsed well and the patient's oral cavity was suctioned clean. Clinical and radiographic examinations followed and areas of decay were noted. During the restorative phase, these areas of decay were entered into and removed. Entry was made to the level of the dental-enamel junction and beyond as necessary to remove it. Final caries was removed and was confirmed upon reaching hard, firm sounding dentin. Teeth restored with amalgam had a dentin tubular seal placed prior to amalgam placement. Non-restorable primary teeth would be extracted.,Upon conclusion of the restorative phase, the oral cavity was aspirated and found to be free of blood, mucus, and other debris. The original treatment plan was verified with the actual treatment provided. Postoperative clinical photographs were then taken. The continuous gauze throat pack was removed with continuous suction with visualization. Topical fluoride was then placed on the teeth.,At the end of the procedure, the child was undraped, extubated, and awakened in the operating room and taken to the recovery room breathing spontaneously with stable vital signs.,FINDINGS: ,This young patient presented with mild generalized marginal gingivitis secondary to light generalized plaque accumulation and fair oral hygiene. All primary teeth were present. Dental caries were present on the following teeth: Tooth D, E, F, and G caries on all surfaces; teeth J, lingual caries. The remainder of her teeth and soft tissues were within normal limits. The following restorations and procedures were performed: Tooth D, E, F, and G were extracted and four sutures were placed one at each extraction site and tooth J lingual amalgam.,CONCLUSION: ,The mother was informed of the completion of the procedure. She was given a synopsis of the treatment provided as well as written and verbal instructions for postoperative care. They will contact to my office in the event of immediate postoperative complications. After full recovery, she was discharged from the recovery room in the care of her mother.dentistry, full mouth dental rehabilitation, dental rehabilitation, full mouth, dental caries, non-restorable teeth, dental extractions, throat pack, oral cavity, restorative phase, primary teeth, dental, anesthesia, mouth, rehabilitation, prophylaxis, oral, amalgam, tooth,
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Colostomy failure. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This patient had a colostomy placed 9 days ago after resection of colonic carcinoma. Earlier today, he felt nauseated and stated that his colostomy stopped filling. He also had a sensation of "heartburn." He denies vomiting but has been nauseated. He denies diarrhea. He denies hematochezia, hematemesis, or melena. He denies frank abdominal pain or fever. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As above. Also, hypertension. ,ALLERGIES:, "Fleet enema." ,MEDICATIONS:, Accupril and vitamins. ,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,SYSTEMIC: The patient denies fever or chills.,HEENT: The patient denies blurred vision, headache, or change in hearing.,NECK: The patient denies dysphagia, dysphonia, or neck pain.,RESPIRATORY: The patient denies shortness of breath, cough, or hemoptysis.,CARDIAC: The patient denies history of arrhythmia, swelling of the extremities, palpitations, or chest pain.,GASTROINTESTINAL: See above.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient denies arthritis, arthralgias, or joint swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient denies difficulty with balance, numbness, or paralysis.,GENITOURINARY: The patient denies dysuria, flank pain, or hematuria.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 183/108, pulse 76, respirations 16, temperature 98.7. ,HEENT: Cranial nerves are grossly intact. There is no scleral icterus. ,NECK: No jugular venous distention. ,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. ,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs. ,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Bowel sounds are decreased and high-pitched. There is a large midline laparotomy scar with staples still in place. There is no evidence of wound infection. Examination of the colostomy port reveals no obvious fecal impaction or site of obstruction. There is no evidence of infection. The mucosa appears normal. There is a small amount of nonbloody stool in the colostomy bag. There are no masses or bruits noted. ,EXTREMITIES: There is no cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally. ,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is alert and awake with no focal motor or sensory deficit noted. ,MEDICAL DECISION MAKING:, Failure of colostomy to function may repre- sent an impaction; however, I did not appreciate this on physical examination. There may also be an adhesion or proximal impaction which I cannot reach, which may cause a bowel obstruction, failure of the shunt, nausea, and ultimately vomiting. ,An abdominal series was obtained, which confirmed this possibility by demonstrating air-fluid levels and dilated bowel. ,The CBC showed WBC of 9.4 with normal differential. Hematocrit is 42.6. I interpret this as normal. Amylase is currently pending. ,I have discussed this case with Dr. S, the patient's surgeon, who agrees that there is a possibility of bowel obstruction and the patient should be admitted to observation. Because of the patient's insurance status, the patient will actually be admitted to Dr. D on observation. I have discussed the case with Dr. P, who is the doctor on call for Dr. D. Both Dr. S and Dr. P have been informed of the patient's condition and are aware of his situation. ,FINAL IMPRESSION:, Bowel obstruction, status post colostomy. ,DISPOSITION:, Admission to observation. The patient's condition is good. He is hemodynamically stable.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right breast mass with atypical proliferative cells on fine-needle aspiration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Benign breast mass.,ANESTHESIA: , General,NAME OF OPERATION:, Excision of right breast mass.,PROCEDURE:, With the patient in the supine position, the right breast was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A curvilinear incision was made directly over the mass in the upper-outer quadrant of the right breast. Dissection was carried out around a firm mass, which was dissected with surrounding margins of breast tissue. Hemostasis was obtained using electrocautery. Frozen section exam showed a fibroadenoma with some proliferative hyperplasia within the fibroadenoma, but appeared benign. The breast tissues were approximated using 4-0 Vicryl. The skin was closed using 5-0 Vicryl running subcuticular stitches. A sterile bandage was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,hematology - oncology, atypical proliferative cells, fine needle aspiration, proliferative cells, breast mass, breast, needle, aspiration, fibroadenoma, excision, proliferative, mass,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Severe scoliosis.,ANESTHESIA: , General. Lines were placed by Anesthesia to include an A line.,PROCEDURES: ,1. Posterior spinal fusion from T2-L2.,2. Posterior spinal instrumentation from T2-L2.,3. A posterior osteotomy through T7-T8 and T8-T9. Posterior elements to include laminotomy-foraminotomy and decompression of the nerve roots.,IMPLANT: , Sofamor Danek (Medtronic) Legacy 5.5 Titanium system.,MONITORING: , SSEPs, and the EPs were available.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 12-year-old female, who has had a very dysmorphic scoliosis. She had undergone a workup with an MRI, which showed no evidence of cord abnormalities. Therefore, the risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed with Surgery with the mother, to include infections, bleeding, nerve injuries, vascular injuries, spinal cord injury with catastrophic loss of motor function and bowel and bladder control. I also discussed ___________ and need for revision surgery. The mom understood all this and wished to proceed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and underwent general anesthetic. She then had lines placed, and was then placed in a prone position. Monitoring was then set up, and it was then noted that we could not obtain motor-evoked potentials. The SSEPs were clear and were compatible with the preoperative, but no preoperative motors had been done, and there was a concern that possibly this could be from the result of the positioning. It was then determined at that time, that we would go ahead and proceed to wake her up, and make sure she could move her feet. She was then lightened under anesthesia, and she could indeed dorsiflex and plantarflex her feet, so therefore, it was determined to go ahead and proceed with only monitoring with the SSEPs.,The patient after being prepped and draped sterilely, a midline incision was made, and dissection was carried down. The dissection utilized a combination of hand instruments and electrocautery and dissected out along the laminae and up to the transverse processes. This occurred from T2-L2. Fluoroscopy was brought in to verify positions and levels. Once this was done, and all bleeding was controlled, retractors were then placed. Attention was then turned towards placing screws first on the left side. Lumbar screws were placed at the junction of the transverse process and the facets under fluoroscopic guidance. The area was opened with a high speed burr, and then the track was defined with a blunt probe, and a ball-tipped feeler was then utilized to verify all walls were intact. They were then tapped, and then screws were then placed. This technique was used at L1 and L2, both the right and left. At T12, a direct straight-ahead technique was utilized, where the facet was removed, and then the position was chosen under the fluoroscopy, and then it was spurred, the track was defined and then probed and tapped, and it was felt to be in good position. Two screws, in the right and left were placed at T12 as well, reduction screws on the left. The same technique was used for T11, where right and left screws were placed as well as T10 on the left. At T9, a screw was placed on the left, and this was a reduction screw. On the left at T8, a screw could not be placed due to the dysmorphic nature of the pedicle. It was not felt to be intact; therefore, a screw was left out of this. On the right, a thoracic screw was placed as well as at 7 and 6. This was the dysmorphic portion of this. Screws were attempted to be placed up, they could not be placed, so attention was then turned towards placing pedicle hooks. Pedicle hooks were done by first making a box out of the pedicle, removing the complete pedicle, feeling the undersurface of the pedicle with a probe, and then seating the hook. Upgoing pedicle hooks were placed at T3, T4, and T5. A downgoing laminar hook was placed at the T7 level. Screws had been placed at T6 and T7 on the right. An upgoing pedicle hook was also placed at T3 on the right, and then, downgoing laminar hooks were placed at T2. This was done by first using a transverse process, lamina finders to go around the transverse process and then ___________ laminar hooks. Once all hooks were in place, spinal osteotomies were performed at T7-T8 and T8-T9. This was the level of the kyphosis, to bring her back out of her kyphoscoliosis. First the ligamentum flavum was resected using a large Kerrisons. Next, the laminotomy was performed, and then a Kerrison was used to remove the ligamentum flavum at the level of the facet. Once this was accomplished, a laminotomy was performed by removing more of the lamina, and to create a small wedge that could be closed down later to correct the kyphosis. This was then brought out with resection of bone out to the foramen, doing a foraminotomy to free up the foramen on both sides. This was done also between the T8-T9. Once this was completed, Gelfoam was then placed. Next, we observed, and measured and contoured. The rods were then seated on the left, and then a derotation maneuver was performed. Hooks had come loose, so the rod was removed on the left. The hooks were then replaced, and the rod was reseated. Again, it was derotated to give excellent correction. Hooks were then well seated underneath, and therefore, they were then locked. A second rod was then chosen on the right, and was measured, contoured, and then seated. Next, once this was done, the rods were locked in the midsubstance, and then the downgoing pedicle hook, which had been placed at T7 was then helped to compress T8 as was the pedicle screw, and then this compressed the osteotomy sites quite nicely. Next, distraction was then utilized to further correct at the spine, and to correct on the left, the left concave curve, which gave excellent correction. On the right, compression was used to bring it down, and then, in the lower lumbar areas, distraction and compression were used to level out L2. Once this was done, all screws were tightened. Fluoroscopy was then brought in to verify L1 was level, and the first ribs were also level, and it gave a nice balanced spine. Everything was copiously irrigated, ___________. Next, a wake-up test was performed, and the patient was then noted to flex and extend the knees as well as dorsiflex and plantar flex both the feet. The patient was then again sedated and brought back under general anesthesia. Next, a high-speed burr was used for decortication. After final tightening had been accomplished, and then allograft bone and autograft bone were mixed together with 10 mL of iliac crest aspirate and were placed into the wound. The open canal areas had been protected with Gelfoam. Once this was accomplished, the deep fascia was closed with multiple figure-of-eight #1's, oversewn with a running #1, _________ were then placed in the subcutaneous spaces which were then closed with 3-0 Vicryl, and then the skin was closed with 3-0 Monocryl and Dermabond. Sterile dressing was applied. Drains had been placed in the subcutaneous layer x2. The patient during the case had no changes in the SSEPs, had a normal wake-up test, and had received Ancef and clindamycin during the case. She was taken from the operating room in good condition.orthopedic, osteotomy, laminotomy-foraminotomy, sofamor danek, sseps, spinal fusion, transverse processes, pedicle hooks, pedicle, laminotomy, hooks, screws, instrumentation, decompression, scoliosis, sofamor, foraminotomy, spinal
CIRCUMCISION,After informed consent was obtained the baby was placed on the circumcision tray. He was prepped in a sterile fashion times 3 with Betadine and then draped in a sterile fashion. Then 0.2 mL of 1% lidocaine was injected at 10 and 2 o'clock. A ring block was also done using another 0.3 mL of lidocaine. Glucose water is also used for anesthesia. After several minutes the curved clamp was attached at 9 o'clock with care being taken to avoid the meatus. The blunt probe was then introduced again with care taken to avoid the meatus. After initial adhesions were taken down the straight clamp was introduced to break down further adhesions. Care was taken to avoid the frenulum. The clamps where then repositioned at 12 and 6 o'clock. The Mogen clamp was then applied with a dorsal tilt. After the clamp was applied for 1 minute the foreskin was trimmed. After an additional minute the clamp was removed and the final adhesions were taken down. Patient tolerated the procedure well with minimal bleeding noted. Patient to remain for 20 minutes after procedure to insure no further bleeding is noted.,Routine care discussed with the family. Need to clean the area with just water initially and later with soap and water or diaper wipes once, circumcision, 1% lidocaine, betadine, glucose water, adhesions, circumcision tray, diaper wipes, foreskin, frenulum, meatus, straight clamp, sterile fashion, clampNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Secondary capsular membrane, right eye.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , YAG laser capsulotomy, right eye.,INDICATIONS: , This patient has undergone cataract surgery, and vision is reduced in the operated eye due to presence of a secondary capsular membrane. The patient is being brought in for YAG capsular discission.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was seated at the YAG laser, the pupil having been dilated with 1% Mydriacyl, and Iopidine was instilled. The Abraham capsulotomy lens was then positioned and applications of laser energy in the pattern indicated on the outpatient note were applied. A total ofophthalmology, abraham capsulotomy, yag, yag laser capsulotomy, capsulotomy, laser, membrane, eye, capsular,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6, with spinal stenosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Herniated nucleus pulposus, C5-C6, with spinal stenosis.,PROCEDURE: , Anterior cervical discectomy with fusion C5-C6.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was placed in supine position. The neck was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. An incision was made from midline to the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid in the right side. Skin and subcutaneous tissue were divided sharply. Trachea and esophagus were retracted medially. Carotid sheath was retracted laterally. Longus colli muscles were dissected away from the vertebral bodies of C5-C6. We confirmed our position by taking intraoperative x-rays. We then used the operating microscope and cleaned out the disk completely. We then sized the interspace and then tapped in a #7 mm cortical cancellous graft. We then used the DePuy Dynamic plate with 14-mm screws. Jackson-Pratt drain was placed in the prevertebral space and brought out through a separate incision. The wound was closed in layers using 2-0 Vicryl for muscle and fascia. The blood loss was less than 10-20 mL. No complication. Needle count, sponge count, and cottonoid count was, carotid sheath, jackson-pratt drain, anterior cervical discectomy, herniated nucleus pulposus, cervical discectomy, herniated nucleus, nucleus pulposus, spinal stenosis, discectomy, fusion, herniated, nucleus, pulposus, spinal, stenosis, anterior
TITLE OF OPERATION:, Mediastinal exploration and delayed primary chest closure.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY:, The patient is a 12-day-old infant who has undergone a modified stage I Norwood procedure with a Sano modification. The patient experienced an unexplained cardiac arrest at the completion of the procedure, which required institution of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for more than two hours following discontinuation of cardiopulmonary bypass. The patient has been successfully resuscitated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and was decannulated 48 hours ago. She did not meet the criteria for delayed primary chest closure.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Open chest status post modified stage I Norwood procedure.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Open chest status post modified stage I Norwood procedure.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , No evidence of intramediastinal purulence or hematoma. At completion of the procedure no major changes in hemodynamic performance.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the room, placed on the operating room table in supine position. Following the administration of general endotracheal anesthesia, the chest was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and all the chest drains were removed. The chest was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and previously placed segmental AlloDerm was removed. The mediastinum was then thoroughly irrigated with diluted antibiotic irrigation and both pleural cavities suctioned. Through a separate incision and another 15-French Blake drain was inserted and small titanium clips were utilized to mark the rightward aspect of the RV-PA connection as well as inferior most aspect of the ventriculotomy. The pleural spaces were opened widely and the sternum was then spilled with vancomycin paste and closed the sternum with steel wires. The subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed in layers. There was no evidence of significant increase in central venous pressure or desaturation. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge and needle counts were correct times 2 at the end of the procedure. The patient was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit shortly thereafter in critical but stable condition.,I was the surgical attending present in the operating room in charge of the surgical procedure throughout the entire length of the case.pediatrics - neonatal, mediastinal exploration, delayed primary chest closure, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, stage i norwood procedure, sano modification, chest closure, infant, mediastinal, exploration, closure, endotracheal, chest
PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS:, Mesothelioma.,SECONDARY DIAGNOSES:, Pleural effusion, atrial fibrillation, anemia, ascites, esophageal reflux, and history of deep venous thrombosis.,PROCEDURES,1. On August 24, 2007, decortication of the lung with pleural biopsy and transpleural fluoroscopy.,2. On August 20, 2007, thoracentesis.,3. On August 31, 2007, Port-A-Cath placement.,HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: , The patient is a 41-year-old Vietnamese female with a nonproductive cough that started last week. She has had right-sided chest pain radiating to her back with fever starting yesterday. She has a history of pericarditis and pericardectomy in May 2006 and developed cough with right-sided chest pain, and went to an urgent care center. Chest x-ray revealed right-sided pleural effusion.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY,1. Pericardectomy.,2. Pericarditis.,2. Atrial fibrillation.,4. RNCA with intracranial thrombolytic treatment.,5nan
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,GENERAL: Negative weakness, negative fatigue, native malaise, negative chills, negative fever, negative night sweats, negative allergies.,INTEGUMENTARY: Negative rash, negative jaundice.,HEMATOPOIETIC: Negative bleeding, negative lymph node enlargement, negative bruisability.,NEUROLOGIC: Negative headaches, negative syncope, negative seizures, negative weakness, negative tremor. No history of strokes, no history of other neurologic conditions.,EYES: Negative visual changes, negative diplopia, negative scotomata, negative impaired vision.,EARS: Negative tinnitus, negative vertigo, negative hearing impairment.,NOSE AND THROAT: Negative postnasal drip, negative sore throat.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Negative chest pain, negative dyspnea on exertion, negative palpations, negative edema. No history of heart attack, no history of arrhythmias, no history of hypertension.,RESPIRATORY: No history of shortness of breath, no history of asthma, no history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, no history of obstructive sleep apnea.,GASTROINTESTINAL: Negative dysphagia, negative nausea, negative vomiting, negative hematemesis, negative abdominal pain.,GENITOURINARY: Negative frequency, negative urgency, negative dysuria, negative incontinence. No history of STDs. **No history of OB/GYN problems.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Negative myalgia, negative joint pain, negative stiffness, negative weakness, negative back pain.,PSYCHIATRIC: See psychiatric evaluation.,ENDOCRINE: No history of diabetes mellitus, no history of thyroid problems, no history of endocrinologic abnormalities.consult - history and phy., respiratory, gastrointestinal, integumentary, hematopoietic, night sweats, negative allergies, negative weakness, neurologic, throat, weakness
PROCEDURES PERFORMED: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy.,PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Dysphagia.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Active reflux esophagitis, distal esophageal stricture, ring due to reflux esophagitis, dilated with balloon to 18 mm.,PROCEDURE: , Informed consent was obtained prior to the procedure with special attention to benefits, risks, alternatives. Risks explained as bleeding, infection, bowel perforation, aspiration pneumonia, or reaction to the medications. Vital signs were monitored by blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Supplemental O2 given. Specifics of the procedure discussed. The procedure was discussed with father and mother as the patient is mentally challenged. He has no complaints of dysphagia usually for solids, better with liquids, worsening over the last 6 months, although there is an emergency department report from last year. He went to the emergency department yesterday with beef jerky.,All of this reviewed. The patient is currently on Cortef, Synthroid, Tegretol, Norvasc, lisinopril, DDAVP. He is being managed for extensive past history due to an astrocytoma, brain surgery, hypothyroidism, endocrine insufficiency. He has not yet undergone significant workup. He has not yet had an endoscopy or barium study performed. He is developmentally delayed due to the surgery, panhypopituitarism.,His family history is significant for his father being of mine, also having reflux issues, without true heartburn, but distal esophageal stricture. The patient does not smoke, does not drink. He is living with his parents. Since his emergency department visitation yesterday, no significant complaints.,Large male, no acute distress. Vital signs monitored in the endoscopy suite. Lungs clear. Cardiac exam showed regular rhythm. Abdomen obese but soft. Extremity exam showed large hands. He was a Mallampati score A, ASA classification type 2.,The procedure discussed with the patient, the patient's mother. Risks, benefits, and alternatives discussed. Potential alternatives for dysphagia, such as motility disorder, given his brain surgery, given the possibility of achalasia and similar discussed. The potential need for a barium swallow, modified barium swallow, and similar discussed. All questions answered. At this point, the patient will undergo endoscopy for evaluation of dysphagia, with potential benefit of the possibility to dilate him should there be a stricture. He may have reflux symptoms, without complaining of heartburn. He may benefit from a trial of PPI. All of this reviewed. All questions answered.,surgery, distal esophageal stricture, reflux esophagitis, distal esophageal, esophageal stricture, barium swallow, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophagitis, esophageal, heartburn, stricture, endoscopy, reflux, dysphagia
REASON FOR CONSULT: ,I was asked to see the patient for C. diff colitis.,HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: , Briefly, the patient is a very pleasant 72-year-old female with previous history of hypertension and also recent diagnosis of C. diff for which she was admitted here in 5/2009, who presents to the hospital on 6/18/2009 with abdominal pain, cramping, and persistent diarrhea. After admission, she had a CT of the abdomen done, which showed evidence of diffuse colitis and she was started on IV Flagyl and also on IV Levaquin. She was also placed on IV Reglan because of nausea and vomiting. In spite of the above, her white count still continues to be elevated today. On questioning the patient, she states the nausea and vomiting has resolved, but the diarrhea still present, but otherwise denies any other specific complaints except for some weakness.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, recent C. diff colitis, which had resolved based on speaking to Dr. X. Two weeks ago, he had seen the patient and she was clinically well.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: ,Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,No history of smoking, alcohol, or drug use. She lives at home.,HOME MEDICATIONS: ,She is on atenolol and Mevacor.,ALLERGIES: NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,Positive for diarrhea and abdominal pain, otherwise main other complaints are weakness. She denies any cough, sputum production, or dysuria at this time. Otherwise, a 10-system review is essentially negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,GENERAL: She is awake and alert, currently in no apparent distress.,VITAL SIGNS: She has been afebrile since admission, temperature today 96.5, heart rate 80, respirations 18, blood pressure 125/60, and O2 sat is 98% on 2 L.,HEENT: Pupils are round and reactive to light and accommodation.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 are present. No rales appreciated.,ABDOMEN: She does have tenderness to palpation all over with some mild rebound tenderness also. No guarding noted. Bowel sounds present.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,CT of the abdomen and pelvis is also reviewed on the computer, which showed evidence of diffuse colitis.,LABORATORY: , White blood cell count today 21.5, hemoglobin 12.4, platelet count 284,000, and neutrophils 89. UA on 6/18/2009 showed no evidence of UTI. Sodium today 130, potassium 2.7, and creatinine 0.4. AST and ALT on 6/20/2009 were normal. Blood cultures from admission were negative. Urine culture on admission was negative. C. diff was positive. Stool culture was negative.,ASSESSMENT:,1. A 72-year-old female with Clostridium difficile colitis.,2. Diarrhea secondary to above and also could be related Reglan, which was discontinued today.,3. Leukocytosis secondary to above, mild improvement today though.,4. Bilateral pleural effusion by CT of the chest, although could represent thickening.,5. New requirement for oxygen, rule out pneumonia.,6. Hypertension.,PLAN:,1. Treat the C. diff aggressively especially given CT appearance and her continued leukocytosis and because of the Levaquin, which could have added additional antibiotic pressure, so I will restart the IV Flagyl.,2. Continue p.o. vancomycin. Add Florastor to help replenish the gut flora.,3. Monitor WBCs closely and follow clinically and if there is any deterioration in her clinical status, I would recommend getting surgical evaluation immediately for surgery if needed.,4. We will check a chest x-ray especially given her new requirement for oxygen.nan
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient presents today for followup, recently noted for E. coli urinary tract infection. She was treated with Macrobid for 7 days, and only took one nighttime prophylaxis. She discontinued this medication to due to skin rash as well as hives. Since then, this had resolved. Does not have any dysuria, gross hematuria, fever, chills. Daytime frequency every two to three hours, nocturia times one, no incontinence, improving stress urinary incontinence after Prometheus pelvic rehabilitation.,Renal ultrasound, August 5, 2008, reviewed, no evidence of hydronephrosis, bladder mass or stone. Discussed.,Previous urine cultures have shown E. coli, November 2007, May 7, 2008 and July 7, 2008.,CATHETERIZED URINE: , Discussed, agreeable done using standard procedure. A total of 30 mL obtained.,IMPRESSION: , Recurrent urinary tract infection in a patient recently noted for another Escherichia coli urinary tract infection, completed the therapeutic dose, but stopped the prophylactic Macrodantin due to hives. This has resolved.,PLAN: , We will send the urine for culture and sensitivity, if no infection, patient will call results on Monday, and she will be placed on Keflex nighttime prophylaxis, otherwise followup as previously scheduled for a diagnostic cystoscopy with Dr. X. All questions answered.soap / chart / progress notes, urinary tract infection, escherichia coli, prophylactic macrodantin, e. coli, infection,
COCCYGEAL INJECTION,PROCEDURE:,: Informed consent was obtained from the patient. A gloved little finger was inserted into the anal region and the sacral/coccygeal joint was palpated and the coccyx was moved and it was confirmed that this reproduced pain. After aseptic cleaning, a 25-gauge needle was inserted through the skin into the sacral/coccygeal joint. It was confirmed that the needle was not entering the rectal cavity by finger placed in the rectum. After aspiration, 1 mL of cortisone and 2 mL of 0.25% Marcaine were injected at the site. Postprocedure, the needle was withdrawn. A small pressure dressing was placed and no hematoma was observed to form.,POST PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS:, The patient has been asked to report to us any redness, swelling, inflammation, or fevers. The patient has been asked to restrict the use of the * extremity for the next 24 hours.pain management, coccygeal injection, 0.25% marcaine, 1 ml of cortisone, coccygeal joint, coccyx, fevers, inflammation, redness, sacral, swelling, coccygeal, injectionNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Bilateral inguinal hernias with bilateral hydroceles after right inguinal hernia repair, cerebral palsy, asthma, seizure disorder, developmental delay, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left inguinal hernia, bilateral hydroceles, and right torsed appendix testis.,PROCEDURE: , Right inguinal exploration, left inguinal hernia repair, bilateral hydrocele repair, and excision of right appendix testis.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,700 mL of crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,10 mL.,SPECIMENS:, Tissue sent to pathology is calcified right appendix testis.,TUBES/DRAINS: , No tubes or drains were used.,COUNTS: ,Sponge and needle counts were correct x2.,ANESTHESIA: , General inhalational anesthetic and 0.25% Marcaine ilioinguinal nerve block, 30 mL given per surgeon.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 14-1/2-year-old boy with multiple medical problems, primarily due to cerebral palsy, asthma, seizures, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and developmental delay. He had a hernia repair done on the right in the past, but developed a new hernia on the right and a smaller on the left. The plan is for repair.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Once he was anesthetized, he was then placed in the supine position. IV antibiotics were given. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. A right inguinal incision was made in the previous incisional site with a 15-blade knife, extended down through the subcutaneous tissue and Scarpa fascia with electrocautery. Electrocautery was used for hemostasis.,The external oblique fascia was then visualized and incised. There was a moderate amount of scar tissue noted, but we were able to incise that and go down into the right inguinal canal. Upon dissection there, we did not find any hernias; however, he did have a fairly sizable hydrocele. We went down towards the external ring and found that this was indeed tight without any hernias.,We then closed up the external oblique fascia and made an incision after doing a shave on the right and left scrotum into the upper scrotal sac with a curvilinear incision with a 15-blade knife. We then extended down to the subcutaneous tissue. Electrocautery was used for hemostasis. The hydrocele sac was visualized and then drained after incising into it with a curved Metzenbaum scissors. The testis was then delivered and found to have a moderate amount of scar tissue with a calcified appendix testis, which was then excised and sent to pathology. We then checked the upper aspect of the tunica vaginalis pouch and found that there was indeed no other connection, was up above, so we then wrapped the sac around the back of the testis, and closed it with a 4-0 chromic suture in a Lord maneuver. We then closed the upper aspect of the subdartos pouch with a pursestring suture of 4-0 chromic and placed the testis into the scrotum in the proper orientation. We then used an ilioinguinal nerve block and wound instillation on both incisional areas with 0.25% Marcaine without epinephrine; 15 mL was given.,We performed a similar procedure on the left, incising it at the scrotal area first, rather than below, and found this tunica vaginalis, and dissected it in a similar fashion and cauterized the appendix testis, which was not torsed. This was a smaller hydrocele, but because of the __________ shunt, we went up above and found that there was a very small connection, which was then dissected off the cord structures gently, twisted upon itself, suture ligated with a 2-0 Vicryl suture.,The ilioinguinal nerve block and other wound instillations again with 15 mL total of 0.25% Marcaine were then done by the surgeon as well. The external oblique fascia was closed on both sides with a running suture of 2-0 Vicryl. 4-0 chromic was then used to close the Scarpa fascia. The skin was closed with a 4-0 Rapide subcuticular closure. The scrotal incisions were closed with a subcutaneous and dartos closure using 4-0 chromic. IV Toradol was given at the end of the procedure. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed on all 4 incisions. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was in a stable condition upon transfer to the recovery room.urology, inguinal exploration, inguinal hernia repair, hydrocele repair, appendix testis, ilioinguinal nerve block, external oblique fascia, tunica vaginalis, ilioinguinal nerve, inguinal hernia, hernia repair, hernia, torsed, inguinal, hydrocele, appendix, testis,
CC:, Fall with questionable associated loss of consciousness.,HX: ,This 81 y/o RHM fell down 20 steps on the evening of admission, 1/10/93, while attempting to put his boots on at the top of the staircase. He was evaluated locally and was amnestic to the event at the time of examination. A HCT scan was obtained and he was transferred to UIHC, Neurosurgery.,MEDS:, Lasix 40mg qd, Zantac 150mg qd, Lanoxin 0.125mg qd, Capoten 2.5mg bid, Salsalate 750mg tid, ASA 325mg qd, "Ginsana" (Ginseng) 100mg bid.,PMH: ,1)Atrial fibrillation, 2)Right hemisphere stroke, 11/22/88, with associated left hemiparesis and amaurosis fugax. This was followed by a RCEA, 12/1/88 for 98% stenosis. The stroke symptoms/signs resolved. 3)DJD, 4)Right TKR 2-3 years ago, 5)venous stasis; with no h/o DVT, 6)former participant in NASCET, 7)TURP for BPH. No known allergies.,FHX:, Father died of an MI at unknown age, Mother died of complications of a dental procedure. He has one daughter who is healthy.,SHX:, Married. Part-time farmer. Denied tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM: ,BP157/86, HR100 and irregular, RR20, 36.7C, 100%SaO2,MS: A&O to person, place, time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria.,CN: Pupils 3/3 decreasing to 2/2 on exposure to light. EOM intact. VFFTC. Optic disks were flat. Face was symmetric with symmetric movement. The remainder of the CN exam was unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 strength throughout with normal muscle tone and bulk.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: unremarkable.,Station/Gait: not mentioned in chart.,Reflexes: symmetric. Plantar responses were flexor, bilaterally.,Gen Exam: CV:IRRR without murmur. Lungs: CTA. Abdomen: NT, ND, NBS.,HEENT: abrasion over the right forehead.,Extremity: distal right leg edema/erythema (just above the ankle). tender to touch.,COURSE:, 1/10/93, (outside)HCT was reviewed, It revealed a left parietal epidural hematoma. GS, PT/PTT, UA, and CBC were unremarkable. RLE XR revealed a fracture of the right lateral malleolus for which he was casted. Repeat HCTs showed no change in the epidural hematoma and he was discharged home on DPH.consult - history and phy., loss of consciousness, parietal epidural hematoma, parietal epidural, epidural hematoma, consciousness, epidural, hematoma,
Greater trochanteric bursal injection.pain management, greater trochanteric, depo-medrol, hibistat, bursal injection, excessive heavy use, lateral decubitus position, mid-trochanter, needle, no touch technique, spinal needle, trochanteric, xylocaine, bursal, injectionNOTE,: Thesetranscribed medical transcription sample reports and examples are provided by various users andare for reference purpose only. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports.These transcribed medical transcription sample reports may include some uncommon or unusual formats;this would be due to the preference of the dictating physician. All names and dates have beenchanged (or removed) to keep confidentiality. Any resemblance of any type of name or date orplace or anything else to real world is purely incidental.,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment, right eye.,NAME OF PROCEDURE: , Combined closed vitrectomy with membrane peeling, fluid-air exchange, and endolaser, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Local with standby.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room, and an equal mixture of Marcaine 0.5% and lidocaine 2% was injected in a retrobulbar fashion. As soon as satisfactory anesthesia and akinesia had been achieved, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual manner for sterile ophthalmic surgery. A wire lid speculum was inserted. Three modified sclerotomies were selected at 9, 10, and 1 o'clock. At the 9 o'clock position, the Accurus infusion line was put in place and tied with a preplaced #7-0 Vicryl suture. The two superior sites at 10 and 1 were opened up where the operating microscope with the optical illuminating system was brought into position, and closed vitrectomy was begun. Initially formed core vitrectomy was performed and formed anterior vitreous was removed. After this was completed, attention was placed in the posterior segment. Several broad areas of vitreoretinal traction were noted over the posterior pole out of the equator where the previously noted retinal tears were noted. These were carefully lifted and dissected off the edges of the flap tears and trimmed to the ora serrata. After all the vitreous had been removed and the membranes released, the retina was completely mobilized. Total fluid-air exchange was carried out with complete settling of the retina. Endolaser was applied around the margins of the retinal tears, and altogether several 100 applications were placed in the periphery. Good reaction was achieved. The eye was inspected with an indirect ophthalmoscope. The retina was noted to be completely attached. The instruments were removed from the eye. The sclerotomy sites were closed with #7-0 Vicryl suture. The infusion line was removed from the eye and tied with a #7-0 Vicryl suture. The conjunctivae and Tenon's were closed with #6-0 plain gut suture. A collagen shield soaked with Tobrex placed over the surface of the globe, and a pressure bandage was put in place. The patient left the operating room in a good, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, combined closed vitrectomy, vitrectomy, membrane peeling, fluid-air exchange, endolaser, vitrectomy with membrane peeling, membrane, peeling, hemorrhage, detachment, vicryl, eye, retinal,
HISTORY: , The patient is a 52-year-old right-handed female with longstanding bilateral arm pain, which is predominantly in the medial aspect of her arms and hands as well as left hand numbness, worse at night and after doing repetitive work with her left hand. She denies any weakness. No significant neck pain, change in bowel or bladder symptoms, change in gait, or similar symptoms in the past. She is on Lyrica for the pain, which has been somewhat successful.,Examination reveals positive Phalen's test on the left. Remainder of her neurological examination is normal.,NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES: ,The left median motor distal latency is prolonged with normal evoked response amplitude and conduction velocity. The left median sensory distal latency is prolonged with an attenuated evoked response amplitude. The right median sensory distal latency is mildly prolonged with a mildly attenuated evoked response amplitude. The right median motor distal latency and evoked response amplitude is normal. Left ulnar motor and sensory and left radial sensory responses are normal. Left median F-wave is normal.,NEEDLE EMG:, Needle EMG was performed on the left arm, right first dorsal interosseous muscle, and bilateral cervical paraspinal muscles. It revealed spontaneous activity in the left abductor pollicis brevis muscle. There is increased insertional activity in the right first dorsal interosseous muscle. Both interosseous muscles showed signs of reinnervation. Left extensor digitorum communis muscle showed evidence of reduced recruitment. Cervical paraspinal muscles were normal.,IMPRESSION: , This electrical study is abnormal. It reveals the following: A left median neuropathy at the wrist consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome. Electrical abnormalities are moderate-to-mild bilateral C8 radiculopathies. This may be an incidental finding.,I have recommended MRI of the spine without contrast and report will be sent to Dr. XYZ. She will follow up with Dr. XYZ with respect to treatment of the above conditions.radiology, nerve conduction study, emg, neuropathy, median motor distal latency, median sensory distal latency, attenuated evoked response amplitude, emg/nerve conduction study, sensory distal latency, attenuated evoked response, dorsal interosseous muscle, cervical paraspinal muscles, emg/nerve conduction, conduction study, median motor, needle emg, distal latency, evoked response, emg/nerve, bilateral, evoked, conduction,
CC:, Lethargy.,HX:, This 28y/o RHM was admitted to a local hospital on 7/14/95 for marked lethargy. He had been complaining of intermittent headaches and was noted to have subtle changes in personality for two weeks prior to 7/14/95. On the morning of 7/14/95, his partner found him markedly lethargic and complaingin of abdominal pain and vomiting. He denied fevers, chills, sweats, cough, CP, SOB or diarrhea. Upon evaluation locally, he had a temperature of 99.5F and appeared lethargic. He also had anisocoria with left pupil 0.5mm bigger than the right. There was also question of left facial weakness. An MRI was obtained and revealed a large left hemispheric mass lesion with surrounding edema and mass effect. He was given 10mg of IV Decardron,100gm of IV Mannitol, intubated and hyperventilated and transferred to UIHC.,He was admitted to the Department of Medicine on 7/14/95, and transferred to the Department of Neurology on 7/17/95, after being extubated.,MEDS ON ADMISSION:, Bactrim DS qd, Diflucan 100mg qd, Acyclovir 400mg bid, Xanax, Stavudine 40mg bid, Rifabutin 300mg qd.,PMH:, 1) surgical correction of pyoloric stenosis, age 1, 2)appendectomy, 3) HIV/AIDS dx 1991. He was initially treated with AZT, then DDI. He developed chronic diarrhea and was switched to D4T in 1/95. However, he developed severe neuropathy and this was stopped 4/95. The diarrhea recured. He has Acyclovir resistant genital herpes and generalized psoriasis. He most recent CD4 count (within 1 month of admission) was 20.,FHX:, HTN and multiple malignancies of unknown type.,SHX:, Homosexual, in monogamous relationship with an HIV infected partner for the past 3 years.,EXAM: ,7/14/95 (by Internal Medicine): BP134/80, HR118, RR16 on vent, 38.2C, Intubated.,MS: Somnolent, but opened eyes to loud voices and would follow most commands.,CN: Pupils 2.5/3.0 and "equally reactive to light." Mild horizontal nystagmus on rightward gaze. EOM were otherwise intact.,MOTOR: Moved 4 extremities well.,Sensory/Coord/Gait/Station/Reflexes: not done.,Gen EXAM: Penil ulcerations.,EXAM:, 7/17/96 (by Neurology): BP144/73, HR59, RR20, 36.0, extubated.,MS: Alert and mildly lethargic. Oriented to name only. Thought he was a local hospital and that it was 1/17/1994. Did not understand he had a brain lesion.,CN: Pupils 6/5.5 decreasing to 4/4 on exposure to light. EOM were full and smooth. No RAPD or light-near dissociation. papilledema (OU). Right lower facial weakness and intact facial sensation to PP testing. Gag-shrug and corneal responses were intact, bilaterally. Tongue midline.,MOTOR: Grade 5- strength on the right side.,Sensory: no loss of sensation on PP/VIB/PROP testing.,Coord: reduced speed and accuracy on right FNF and right HKS movements.,Station: RUE pronator drift.,Gait: not done.,Reflexes: 2+/2 throughout. Babinski sign present on right and absent on left.,Gen Exam: unremarkable except for the genital lesion noted by Internal medicine.,COURSE:, The outside MRI was reviewed and was notable for the left frontal/parietal mass lesion with surround edema. The mass inhomogenously enhanced with gadolinium contrast.,The findings were consistent most with lymphoma, though toxoplasmosis could not be excluded. He refused brain biopsy and was started on empiric treatment for toxoplasmosis. This consisted of Pyrimethamine 75mg qd and Sulfadiazine 2 g bid. He later became DNR and was transferred at his and his partner's request Back to a local hospital.,He never returned for follow-up.nan
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenoid hypertrophy.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Adenoid hypertrophy.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Adenoidectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and prepped and draped in the usual fashion after induction of general endotracheal anesthesia. The McIvor mouth gag was placed in the oral cavity and the tongue depressor applied. Two #12-French red rubber Robinson catheters were placed, 1 in each nasal passage, and brought out through the oral cavity and clamped over a dental gauze roll placed on the upper lip to provide soft palate retraction. The nasopharynx was inspected with the laryngeal mirror. Serial passages of the curettes were utilized to remove the nasopharyngeal tissue, following which the nasopharynx was packed with 2 cherry gauze sponges coated in a solution of 0.25% Neo-Synephrine and tannic acid powder.,Attention was then redirected to the oropharynx. The McIvor was reopened, packs removed, and the bleeding was controlled with the suction Bovie unit. The catheters were removed, and the nasal passages and oropharynx were suctioned free of debris. The McIvor was then removed, and the procedure was terminated.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the operating room in good, palate, nasal passage, mcivor mouth gag, oral cavity, nasal, nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypertrophy, oral, cavity, mcivor, tongue, adenoidectomy
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left little finger extensor tendon laceration.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Repair of left little extensor tendon.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,ANESTHESIA: , Bier block.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 14-year-old right-hand dominant male who cut the back of his left little finger and had a small cut to his extensor tendon.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operative room, laid supine, administered intervenous sedation with Bier block and prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The old laceration was opened and the extensor tendon was identified and there was a small longitudinal laceration in the tendon, which is essentially in line with the tendon fibers. This was just proximal to the PIP joint and on complete flexion of the PIP joint, I did separate just a little bit that was not thought to be significantly dynamically unstable. It was sutured with a single 4-0 Prolene interrupted figure-of-eight suture and on dynamic motion it did not separate at all. The wound was irrigated and closed with 5-0 nylon interrupted sutures. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the PCU in good, extensor tendon laceration, bier block, pip joint, extensor tendon, tendon, repair, finger, laceration, extensor,
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Hawkins IV talus fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hawkins IV talus fracture.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Open reduction internal fixation of the talus.,2. Medial malleolus osteotomy.,3. Repair of deltoid ligament.,ANESTHESIA: , Spinal.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 90 min.,BLOOD LOSS:, 50 cc.,The patient is in the semilateral position on the beanbag.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS:, A comminuted Hawkins IV talus fracture with an incomplete rupture of the deltoid ligament. There was no evidence of osteochondral defects of the talar dome.,HISTORY: ,This is a 50-year-old male who presented to ABCD General Hospital Emergency Department with complaints of left ankle pain and disfigurement. There was no open injury. The patient fell approximately 10 feet off his liner, landing on his left foot. There was evidence of gross deformity of the ankle. An x-ray was performed in the Emergency Room, which revealed a grade IV Hawkins classification talus fracture. He was distal neurovascularly intact. The patient denied any other complaints besides pain in the ankle.,It was for this reason, we elected to undergo the above-named procedure in order to reduce and restore the blood supply to the talus body. Because of its tenuous blood supply, the patient is at risk for avascular necrosis. The patient has agreed to undergo the above-named procedure and consent was obtained. All risks as well as complications were discussed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought back to operative room #4 of ABCD General Hospital on 08/20/03. A spinal anesthetic was administered. A nonsterile tourniquet was placed on the left upper thigh, but not inflated. He was then positioned on the beanbag. The extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion for this procedure. An Esmarch was then used to exsanguinate the extremity and the tourniquet was then inflated to 325 mmHg. At this time, an anteromedial incision was made in order to perform a medial malleolus osteotomy to best localize the fracture region in order to be able to bone graft the comminuted fracture site. At this time, a #15 blade was used to make approximately 10 cm incision over the medial malleolus. This was curved anteromedial along the root of the saphenous vein. The saphenous vein was located. Its tributaries going plantar were cauterized and the vein was retracted anterolaterally. At this time, we identified the medial malleolus. There was evidence of approximately 80% avulsion, rupture of the deltoid ligament off of the medial malleolus. This was a major blood feeder to the medial malleolus and we were concerned, once we were going to do the osteotomy, that this would later create healing problem. It is for this reason that the pedicle, which was attached to the medial malleolus, was left intact. This pedicle was the anterior portion of the deltoid ligament. At this time, a MicroChoice saw was then used to make a box osteotomy of the medial malleolus. Once this was performed, the medial malleolus was retracted anterolaterally with its remaining pedicle intact for later blood supply. This provided us with excellent exposure to the fracture site of the medial side. At this time, any loose comminuted pieces were removed. The dome of the talus was also checked and did not reveal any osteochondral defects. There was some comminution on the dorsal aspect of the complete talus fracture and we were concerned that once we place the screw, this would tend to extend the fracture site. It is for this reason, we did the medial malleolar osteotomy to prevent this from happening in order to best expose the fracture site. At this time, a reduction was performed. The #7-0 partially threaded cannulated screws were used in order to fix the fracture. At this time, a 3.2 mm guidewire was placed going from posterolateral to anteromedial.,This was placed slightly lateral to the Achilles tendon, percutaneously inserted, and then drilled in the according fashion across the fracture site. Once this was performed, a skin knife was then used to incise over the percutaneous insertion in order to accommodate the screw going in. A depth gauze was then used to measure screw length. A cannulated drill was then used to drill across the fracture site to allow the entrance of the screw. A 55 mm partially threaded #7-0 cannulated screw was then placed with excellent compression at the fracture site. Once this was obtained, we checked the reduction again using intraoperative Xi-Scan in the AP and lateral direction. This projection gave us excellent view of our screw placement and excellent compression across the fracture site. At this time, we bone grafted the area of comminution using 1 cc of DynaGraft with crushed cancellous allograft. This was placed using a freer elevator into the fracture site where the comminution was. At this time, we copiously irrigated the wound. The osteotomy site was then repaired, first clamped using two large tenaculum reduction clamps. Two partially threaded #4-0 cannulated screws were then used to fix the osteotomy site and anatomical reduction was performed with excellent compression across the osteotomy site with the two screws. Next, a #1-0 Vicryl was then used to repair the deltoid ligament, which was ruptured via the injury. A tight repair was performed of the deltoid ligament. At this time, again copious irrigation was used to irrigate the wound. A #2-0 Vicryl was then used to approximate the subcutaneous skin and staples for the skin incision. At this time, the leg was cleansed, Adaptic, 4 x 4, and Kerlix roll were then applied. The patient was then placed in a plaster splint for mobilization. The tourniquet was then released. The patient was then transferred off the operating table to recovery in stable condition. The prognosis for this fracture is guarded. There is a high rate of avascular necrosis of the talar body, approximately anywhere from 40-60% risk. The patient is aware of this and he will be followed as an outpatient for this, deltoid ligament, medial malleolus osteotomy, open reduction internal fixation of the talus, hawkins iv talus fracture, medial malleolus, fracture site, malleolus, talus, medial, fracture, tourniquet, ligament, osteotomy,