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Mamas-to-be spend months choosing crib ensembles for their little bundles of joy. Thirty percent of LilSugar readers still buy bumpers to complete the look despite how controversial they've become. The crib sheet is a staple for even the bare bones parents who have stripped their kiddos' cribs down to just necessities. The coverlet provides an essential barrier between a wee one and their mattress. But because safe mattresses fit snug in crib frames, many moms find themselves wrestling the cushion when it's time to change the linens. The Clouds and Stars' QuickZip Crib Sheet ($35) is one product that eliminates the amount of mompower the task takes. The sheet's base stays put on the mattress while the top zips off for easy cleaning. Do you have any quick solutions for changing a crib sheet?
Enrich Your Travels with Longitude We've got the classic, new and hard-to-find books and maps to help you get the most out of your adventures. A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin - 688 PAGES The 20th anniversary edition of David Fromkin's vivid tale of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the making of the modern Middle East -- indispensable to understanding current tensions, shifting alliances and the colonial legacy of the region. Frompkin illuminates the personalities, politics and, above all, the decisions by Britain, France and allies that divvied up the scraps of the Ottoman Empire into modern nations in the wake of WWI. This book has been called the best survey of the early 20th-century background to modern day realities in the region. A new edition.
Happy birthday Will Rogers! November 4, 2005 8:01 AM Subscribe Today is Will Rogers' birthday. If you don't know much about him, take a little time today. Some of his quotes posted by Mr T (11 comments total) « Older Evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald, author of The e... | Sword swallowing uncertainties... Newer »
But It's Just A Game Video game addiction is on the rise, but it can be prevented. This creative story book teaches both kids and adults how to switch out their game controller for a “life controller.” The "Can" In Cancer This creatively written book of hope follows Eli’s journey through the eyes of a patient, parents, siblings, teachers, health care providers, and friends. A must read for all who are searching for their "CAN" in cancer. Lost and Found Rescuing Our Children and Youth from Video, Screen, Technology and Gaming Addiction - Lost and Found will provide you with ideas and principles that are specific to issues related to the overuse and abuse of technology Ricky Sticky Fingers Finally, a book that confronts the issue of stealing and offers a strategy to curb the desire to steal! For grades K to 5, by Julia Cook New book on body image! How To Be Comfortable In Your Own Feathers is a new storybook by Julia Cook that can help children gain perspective when they compare themselves negatively to others, and teach them how to counter that perspective with acceptance and insight.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie made a brief campaign appearance today in Sussex County to pick up the endorsement of county GOP elected officials and leaders. "They do it the right way here. They keep taxes at a reasonable level and actually reduce spending in the budget," Christie said at a ceremony in front of the historic county courthouse in downtown Newton. Christie's remarks were followed by brief speeches made by the county's five Republican freeholders in a show of unity for the former U.S. attorney. Sussex County Freeholder Harold "Hal" Wirths said he was supporting the former Morris County freeholder because Christie would continue to be tough on political corruption in the state. "I'm looking to see Christie clean it up. Ten percent of the members of our state Senate are in jail or heading for jail," he said. Three protesters against the state Highlands Conservation Act, including one who carried a sign that read, "Don't Take Our Land," also attended the event. In addition to Sussex, Christie has also won GOP endorsements in Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset and Union counties. Christie is running against former Bogota Mayor Steven Lonegan and Morris County Assemblyman Rick Merkt in the GOP primary in June. |Govs. Thomas Kean and Brendan Byrne discuss the NJ Govenor race|
World of Wonders By MICHAEL MEWSHAW WORLD OF WONDERS By Robertson Davies. obertson Davies has written a long, complex trilogy that revolves around a single, childish incident. Packing a stone into a snowball, Percy Boyd Staunton throws it at his friend Dunstan Ramsay. Instead it strikes the Baptist minister's pregnant wife, who goes into premature labor and, after a difficult delivery, is left mad. The repercussions of the event upon Ramsay, a man of reason, and Staunton, a man of instinct, were dealt with in "Fifth Business" and "The Manticore." "World of Wonders" concerns Magnus Eisengrim, issue of the minister's wife and now a renowned magician, whose life began 80 days early and under a dark shadow because of the errant snowball. The key to this novel, to the entire trilogy, is an almost Newtonian concept of morality--no action is without consequences. Magnus has been hired to play Jean-Eugène Robert Houdin in a film about the famous French illusionist, and, after each day's shooting, he tells the movie crew his life story, offering its harsh reality as a subtext to the saccharine romance Robert-Houdin presented in his autobiography. Listeners occasionally interrupt, asking for clarification or contradicting Magnus's opinions, but essentially "World of Wonders" is a monologue which seldom wanders or seems long-winded. From the moment Magnus recounts how he was sodomized, then kidnapped by a carnival magician, he brings each scene alive as easily as he pulls rabbits out of a hat. After the awfulness of his Christ-haunted home where he was blamed for his mother's madness, the traveling carnival seems a world of wonders to Magnus, and even as he describes the sleazy deprivations of his childhood, he cannot help but take joy in remembering carny life--the bally and the gaffs, all the traps set for the rubes in small Canadian towns invariably called Pumpkin Center. Each day he climbed into Abdullah, the card-playing robot and, bathing in the odor of its former occupant, a dwarf, activated the levers that relieved the rubes of their money. During idle hours he watched the manager wash down the fat lady and powder her fleshy creases with cornstarch, or stared as the hermaphrodite pampered the peculiar physique which was his/her bankroll. When a knife thrower killed Rango, the orangutang, for insulting his wife, the carnival dissolved, since it is well-known in carnival and circus life that if anybody kills a monkey, three people will die. Magnus left for Europe, became a busker in London and then a double for Sir John Tresize, an actor of the old Romantic school. Just as he'd submerged himself in Abdullah, he now burrowed into Sir John, not simply imitating the man, not just adding a touch of class to his carny sharpness, but being reborn. When his renaissance was complete, Magnus went on the road again as a master magician and finally confronted in Canada the mystery of his life. "World of Wonders" is a novel of stunning verbal energy and intelligence, so much so that one begins to notice discrepancies between Magnus's character and his voice. For instance, he brags about his lack of formal education, but frequently hammers home his ideas with academic earnestness: "Romance is a mode of feeling that puts enormous emphasis--but not quite a tragic emphasis--on individual experience. Tragedy puts something above humanity; so does Comedy; Romance puts humanity first." Yet since one of the novel's themes is the inevitability of artifice, perhaps this is a minor cavil. Far more important is the remarkable range of Robertson Davies's tour de force. Never a mere conjurer, he acts as creator, moving easily from the bawdiest humor to the loftiest abstraction, charging every character and idea with power and fascination. Michael Mewshaw, author of "The Toll," has a new novel coming out this summer. Return to the Books Home Page
New Mexico Territory, 1883 Damned if life wasn’t full of downright pathetic ironies. Jack Ketchum drew in deep on his cigarette and pondered why it had to come to this. A son hunting down his own father. Kin exacting justice from kin. Blood against blood. He squinted through a swirl of slowly exhaled smoke. A grim blanket of sadness settled over his shoulders, weighing him down with regret. Until he reminded himself that Sam Ketchum needed saving from himself. And if Jack didn’t save him, no one would. He shivered and thought fleetingly of the hour. Had to be midnight, at least. Probably later. The air’s chill had seeped into his bones, and he craved the warmth and comfort of the small apartment he kept in Colorado. Unfortunately, partaking in those comforts wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Comforts far different than the life his father had chosen. A life on the run. An outlaw’s life. Hiding out somewhere deep in the rugged Sierra Grande Mountains, protected by a night so black, so thick, it seemed no posse could ever find him. But Jack would. He had to. Or else it’d just be a matter of time until his father wound up dead. Sam Ketchum would find it mildly amusing his only son had turned lawman. That Jack rode with men determined to arrest him and his brother, Tom “Black Jack” Ketchum. Along with their gang, the pair had made a reputation for themselves robbing trains, banks and anything else loaded with loot ripe for taking. For too long, their greed had hurt innocent people and ruined countless lives – including Jack’s and the one woman who meant the world to him. His mother. Like it or not, Sam would have to accept the time had come for it all to end. Jack studied the glowing tip of his cigarette. The ‘somehow’ part scared him, and the longer it took for Jack and the posse to track the gang down, the more likely it’d be the outlaw brothers would catch wind of it, then who knew which rock they’d hide under? Or where? A new wave of resolve swelled through him, and his glance shifted toward the fire burning low in the nearby camp. Around it, six men filled bedrolls – four of them lawmen like himself, the other two agents for the Colorado and Southern Railroad Company. Heavily armed even in sleep, each one was as fiercely dedicated to enforcing the law as Jack. Patience, he knew. He just needed patience to find his father and bring him in for his own good. Jack’s thighs protested his hunkered stance, and given that his spell as night watch was just about up, he grasped his rifle and lifted the cigarette to his lips for a final drag, inhaling as he straightened. Halfway to standing, a rock crunched behind him. His every muscle coiled. But he kept moving, until he stood at full height. He didn’t turn around. Not yet. Instinct told him it wasn’t an animal behind him, at least not one from the wild. Instead, this creature stood on two legs, was likely armed, and judging from the stark silence, he was standing stock-still, watching Jack real close. “You’re Sam Ketchum’s son, aren’t you?” a low voice said. The question surprised Jack. Sam Ketchum’s son. Who out here on this mountain would know him like that? He flicked the cigarette stub, sending it sailing in a neat arc into the rough buffalo grass. He tightened his grasp on his rifle and took his time answering. “Who’s asking?” he demanded finally. “No one you know.” “Yet you know me.” Iron control kept Jack from turning, to put a face to the voice in the darkness. He didn’t know what he was up against, or what this man wanted from him. Mostly, he didn’t know if he’d live or die, shot in the back at any given moment . . .. “It seems I do know you, yes,” the voice purred. “Better than you think.” “And you know my father, too.” “Quite well, as a matter of fact.” Jack’s curiosity raged. The man’s words carried a faint accent. French, maybe, but too slight to be native-born. Each word was refined, articulate. Cleverly taunting. What was his association with Sam Ketchum? And why had he sought out Jack? “You’re looking for your father, aren’t you?” the voice asked smoothly, reading Jack’s thoughts. “You and your posse.” His glance lifted toward the fire and the men sleeping around it, each oblivious to the stranger – and that he’d found them all on this desolate, unforgiving mountain in the middle of the night. “Yes,” Jack said. “I know where he is.” Jack stilled. “How do you know?” “I just do.” Suddenly impatient with the man’s game, Jack swore, tossed his rifle to the ground and heard it land with a dull thud. He well realized the risk he took leaving himself unshucked, but the man had to know Jack wasn’t a threat, not when the stranger had gone to great lengths to seek him out. Jack figured he came for one of two reasons: to help him or to hurt him. He hoped it was the former. He lifted his hands and half twisted to confront the stranger, to see a face and demand a name, but a snarled oath and the sharp snap of a jerked-back hammer convinced Jack of his mistake. “Damn you, don’t turn around,” the voice hissed. “Where is he?” Jack demanded through his teeth. “Tell me where my father is.” The faint crunch of a boot heel on rocky ground warned the stranger had taken a step back. One, then another. Jack’s heart pounded from the very real possibility the stranger would disappear without revealing Sam Ketchum’s whereabouts. “There’s a cave in a hill not far from the Cimarron. The base of Capulin Mountain, this side of Folsom,” the voice rumbled. “Sam will be there, hiding out with Black Jack and the rest of the gang.” Hope soared inside Jack. A pathetic need to believe. To trust this man and all he claimed. “If you’re lying, I swear – .” “They’ll be there,” the voice repeated coldly. “Waiting for the Fort Worth and Denver Express, due in two days’ time.” Metal jangled softly against metal, and it took Jack a moment to realize the sound came from saddle rigging. He whirled, his glance raking through the darkness to grasp the indistinct shape of a tall man with long hair leaping onto his mount, his arm encased in a heavily-fringed jacket sleeve. Then, before Jack could stop him, horse hooves rumbled, and the stranger was gone. * * * Only a fool would’ve attempted to ride down the mountain blinded by the night. Rocky trails so narrow, so winding, one misstep would send an unsuspecting horse hurtling over the steep edge into crippling oblivion, and then what would they have done? It’d required every shred of Jack’s patience to wait until the night lifted and dawn crept in. By the time it did, the posse was up and ready to ride, daring to trust in the stranger’s information, yet prepared for his betrayal, too. Who knew how far Sam and Black Jack would go to keep the law off their trail? Including Sam’s own son? But the stranger hadn’t betrayed them, and they located the cave with unerring accuracy. Jack found it damned unsettling to hide in the brush to spy on the gang while they moved about their camp. Every glimpse of his father twisted like a knife deep in his belly. For reasons Jack couldn’t yet fathom, the stranger wanted Sam Ketchum set up for arrest. But for Jack, it was more important to keep his father from robbing yet another express train – and to forever end his life of crime. “Getting late, Jack. If we don’t move in on ‘em now, we’re going to lose our chance.” Sheriff Edward Farr headed up the posse, but he took sympathy on Jack’s situation. He’d been more than patient, giving Jack the time he needed to prepare himself for what lay ahead. “I know,” Jack said, grim. The lawman heaved a troubled sigh. “Things are likely to get ugly for your pa and uncle, but there’s a woman in that gang.” “I know that, too.” Bess Reilly, rumored to be as tough and ruthless as any man. But Jack figured if she committed a man’s crime, she had to pay the price like one. “I got a bad feeling about this, Jack. Real bad.” Farr shifted, as if to settle the nerves squirming inside him. Jack didn’t bother to respond, not after his stare locked on movement at the front of the cave. If Sam Ketchum could’ve heard their scheming, he never would’ve reappeared right then, and seeing him with his heavy gun belt strapped around his hips, his glance sliding one way and then the other in careful inspection of his surroundings, Jack knew what he had to do. “I’m going in first,” he said. “Not alone, you’re not,” the lawman said in a rough whisper. “Maybe I can get him to listen to me.” “He won’t.” The retort dripped with disgust. “You know he won’t.” Jack didn’t bother denying it, but he clutched his rifle and eased out of the brush. His father moseyed over to a stand of trees and began to unbutton the front of his pants. Jack kept going. The muted rustle of cocked weapons assured him of six men’s protection. He strode closer to the infamous Sam Ketchum, and suddenly, time fell away, and he was a little boy again, hungry for the love and attention he’d long been denied – . Except Sam Ketchum had always been a sorry excuse for a father, and wasn’t it a hell of a shame that it had to come to this? His own son sneaking up on him with a rifle pointed at his back while he took a piss? Hell of a shame, all right. And Jack swallowed hard against the ugly truth. He didn’t trust Sam Ketchum any farther than he could spit. “Sorry to interrupt, old man, but there’s a thing or two we need to talk about,” he drawled. The muscles in Sam’s shoulders jerked. Jack kept a keen eye on those revolvers hanging in their holster, but his father merely finished with nature’s call and set about refastening his pants. “Well, now. Damned if it isn’t my boy I’m hearin’ behind me,” Sam drawled back. My boy. Jack’s gut went tight. “Fancy that,” he said. His father casually lifted his hands and turned to face him. Jack steeled himself against the familiarity of that thick moustache, those cheeks always in need of shaving. “If I’d a-known you were comin’ to call, I would’ve prepared a right proper welcome for you,” Sam said. “The hell you would.” “You’re surrounded, just so you know.” Sam nodded once. Unaffected. “I figured.” “Tell the others to give up. We can end this without blood spilling.” “How did you find me?” His father’s voice had turned guttural, and Jack glimpsed the hard side of him. The ruthless part that earned him the reputation for being one of the most notorious outlaws in the territory. “A friend of yours enlightened me,” he said. “Who?” he demanded sharply. Jack lifted a shoulder in a careless shrug. ”I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter, besides.” “It matters to me!” “Someone wanted you found as much as I did. He did me a favor.” Sam’s lip curled beneath the moustache. “A favor.” Impatience rolled through Jack. His father’s arrest wasn’t going to happen while they stood here, exercising their jaws, wasting valuable time and increasing the chances of detection by the rest of the gang. “You’re at the end of the line, old man,” Jack said in a terse voice. “Throw down your shooting irons. You’re coming with us.” Sam eyed the tin star on Jack’s coat with contempt. “Just ‘cuz you’re workin’ for the law these days don’t mean I’m gonna do what you tell me to do.” “Someone has to save your sorry ass.” “My ass don’t need savin’, boy,” he snapped. “Ride out of here while you still can. And take that damn posse with you.” Jack’s grip tightened on his rifle. “Can’t do that.” A lethal, sober calm seemed to come over Sam. For long moments, he didn’t move. “Then I got no choice but to do what I gotta do.” Jack’s blood pounded, hard in his veins. Lightening quick, Sam grabbed for his guns. “Now, Tom!” And before Jack could fathom the signal, before he could anticipate his uncle tearing out of the shadows, a blaze of gunfire erupted in front of him, behind him, around him. A deafening explosion of vengeance and desperation, of law against the lawless, of hate and honor and determination . . .. But as if time moved in slow motion, Jack was aware of only his father and that he lifted and leveled his revolver. Of the hammer cocked back and the bullet catapulting toward him. Of the burn screaming across his cheek – . And because he was Sam Ketchum’s son, capable of fury and vengeance, too, Jack reacted with his aim just as deadly, his hand moving split-second fast over the rifle, his heart cold against the way the bullet spun his father’s body and threw him into the dirt. As fast as it started, the gun battle ended. Sheriff Farr laid dead, alongside the rest of his posse, each of them victims to their dedication to the law. The Ketchum gang laid, too, scattered like rag dolls, paying the price for the wrongs they’d committed. Only Black Jack managed to escape, leaving his brother behind to die at the hands of his son. Jack lowered the rifle and held it loosely at his side. He strode toward his father. Face ashen, his shoulder shattered and blood-soaked, Sam struggled to breathe. “Looks like you won, don’t it, boy?” he rasped. Jack didn’t bother to explain it wasn’t about winning or losing. Not anymore. Was it ever? Dispassionate, he stood – and waited for his father’s time to come. “I gotta know . . . who set me up,” Sam said, the demand weak, but obsessive. “Find him for me, y’hear? Will you do that . . . for your ol’ man, Jack?” Jack had done what he set out to do. But he’d failed. Failed in the worst way. Then, Sam Ketchum’s eyes rolled toward the back of his head, and his body sagged into death. Blood ran in rivulets down Jack’s cheek, but he was beyond feeling the pain. His hand lifted to the tin star he wore over his heart. For a moment, he cradled the badge in his palm and pondered all it stood for. Justice and honor and pride. In grim finality, he tossed the star downward . . . where it landed tarnished on his father’s chest. Another pathetic irony in his life. Cold to it, he walked away.
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Says potential GOP U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson supported "Obamacare" Club for Growth on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 in a TV ad Club for Growth says potential Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson supported “Obamacare” Ever since former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson surfaced as a potential candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2012, the conservative Club for Growth has waged a campaign to stop him from becoming the Republican nominee. The anti-tax group argues that rather than Thompson, who served as the health and human services secretary under GOP President George W. Bush, Wisconsin Republicans should support "a pro-growth conservative." In casting Thompson as not conservative enough, Club for Growth has focused on the signature legislation of Democrat Barack Obama’s presidency: the federal health care reform law, which Republicans have labeled "Obamacare." Club for Growth launched its campaign on May 18, 2011, the day after Thompson was mentioned in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as a possible candidate for the seat being vacated by 23-year Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl. The group issued a statement saying Thompson "supported Obamacare," following it the next day with an Internet ad claiming he "was a champion of Obamacare." The attacks continued, with Club for Growth saying in late May 2011 that Thompson helped implement the law; in June 2011, that he is (rather than was) a champion of the law; and in mid-August 2011, that he supported "Obamacare." Then in a TV ad released Aug. 23, 2011, Club for Growth, as it did in its Internet ad, used a video clip in which Obama says Thompson supports health care reform. That’s quite a few statements. But the main claim is that Thompson, who is expected to launch a formal campaign committee after Labor Day, supported "Obamacare." That is the claim we’ll test. The health care reform plan is formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Signed into law by Obama in March 2010, it aims to expand health care coverage, control costs and improve delivery of services. We asked Barney Keller, a spokesman for Club for Growth -- which has a Wisconsin affiliate that has not joined in the criticism of Thompson -- for evidence to back the national group’s claim. He cited six developments: Oct. 4, 2009: The White House issued a statement from Thompson and Dick Gephardt, the former Democratic House majority leader from Missouri, saying the health care reform bill to be considered by the Senate Finance Committee has "some issues that remain troublesome and unresolved," but that it was "another important step toward achieving the goal of health care reform this year." The statement also said: "Failure to reach an agreement on health reform this year is not an acceptable option." Oct. 9, 2009: In his weekly address to the nation, Obama said the Senate Finance Committee version of health care reform would soon be merged with reform bills produced by other congressional committees. Obama also said Thompson was among Republicans who had "come out in support of reform." It was a video clip from that address that Club for Growth used in its ads. Oct. 13, 2009: Thompson wrote an article for the liberal Huffington Post website, saying health reform legislation before Congress "offers a big opportunity to lower our nation's health costs by expanding the use of "community health teams." He urged the bill being considered by the Senate be amended to "provide increased support for CHTs." So, looking only at Club for Growth’s first three points, Thompson expressed reservations about the health care reform legislation as it stood at the time, but also spoke favorably of it. Club for Growth’s other three points cited developments after the bill became law. June 30, 2010: Thompson was pictured with Obama’s health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, and other former federal officials in a photo on the White House website. Sebelius wrote in a blog post that Thompson and others who attended a meeting with her that day "offered some great ideas about implementation and outreach, suggestions about strategies to make sure that the Affordable Care Act is successful." So, Thompson participated in a meeting on implementing the law, but that isn’t evidence that he supported the law or all its provisions. Nov. 2, 2010: Asked why he didn’t think Republicans would try to repeal the law, Thompson said on CNBC: "I think because when you -- when it's all said and done, you're not going to be able to repeal health care because President Obama is not going to sign it and they don't have enough votes to override a veto. So why push a cart up hill when you know it's not going to be able to get to the top?" Thompson’s statement argues that repealing the law wasn’t possible, it doesn’t by itself express support for the law. June 27, 2011: In another Huffington Post article, Thompson urged governors to set up health insurance exchanges as a "market-based solution" that would allow insurance companies to compete in their states. If the governors didn’t act, he warned, the federal government would set up the exchanges. Again, Thompson’s statement itself doesn’t express direct support for the law, but rather warns what would happen under the law if governors didn’t set up the exchanges. So, that is Club for Growth’s case that Thompson supported health care reform. We asked Darrin Schmitz, a consultant to Thompson, for a response to the claim. He made six points in arguing that Thompson never supported what became law. "Thompson does support health care reform," Schmitz said. "He has never made a secret of that. But there is no evidence he supported Obamacare -- because he didn't." The points cited by Thompson: June 17, 2008: Thompson said at a forum on health care reform, nearly four months before Obama was elected: "I don’t want a mandate" forcing people to buy health insurance. That’s accurate, but Thompson also said moments later: "I’m not opposed to it, I just don’t think it’s the most practical way." So, it’s clear Thompson had reservations about a central component of health care reform, which requires nearly all Americans to have health insurance. But that doesn’t establish that Thompson opposed the entire plan. Sept. 23, 2009: Thompson told a Fox News affiliate in Washington, D.C.: "The problem is (Obama) is reaching for other items that divide us. And I’m trying to pull us back together as Americans to what really unites us." Thompson had been asked whether Obama was communicating effectively on health care reform. The quote is accurate, although Thompson preceded that comment by saying there should be hope that a health care reform bill can be adopted because "everybody can rally around" changes he advocated that "take up about 90 percent of health care." So, Thompson expressed support for a reform bill being passed, but he had differences with Obama. Oct. 14, 2009: After Democrats produced a TV ad that referenced Thompson and criticized other Republicans for not supporting health care reform, Thompson told Fox News he protested to the White House and the ad was taken down. He said had not given permission to be used in an ad that criticized Republicans. Asked whether he supported the reform bill, Thompson said: "Not this one." Thompson also said in the interview: "What I’m trying to do is bring the parties together, saying there’s 80 percent of this health care bill that both political parties can support, which would be good for America ....Let’s team up together, let’s get something done." So, Thompson voiced opposition to the legislation, although he said it contained many good elements and that he wanted some type of reform legislation approved. Dec. 20, 2009: Thompson said in another statement issued with Gephardt: "The bill before the Senate this week isn't and shouldn't be the final answer, but the status quo is simply unacceptable." The statement also said: "Let's work together on a bipartisan basis to make this a reality." That is Thompson again stating reservations about the legislation, but expressing opposition to the status quo, not to the legislation. March 20, 2010: On the day the House approved the reform bill, which had already been approved by the Senate, Thompson said the legislation "has the potential to change the current social services fabric because the health insurance transformation that will pass will be the beginning of a government-controlled health care system." Thompson had been asked whether the bill would "fundamentally alter the social safety net." His brief response certainly was critical of the final legislation. We found that in 2007, during his brief run for president, Thompson expressed opposition to a government-run health care system and support for market-based alternatives. He reiterated that position in testimony to the Senate Finance Committee in May 2008, prior to Obama’s election. June 15, 2011: Thompson said the law "has got to be repealed and replaced and re-written." Thompson’s opposition to the law, made to Republican donors after criticism of his stance on the reform law had escalated, is not evidence that he didn’t support the measure earlier. So, where has this review put us? Preferring that a more conservative Republican run for an open U.S. Senate seat in Wisconsin in 2012, Club for Growth has repeatedly claimed that Thompson supported "Obamacare." It’s a potentially pivotal question, particularly among conservative voters in a primary election, should Thompson enter the race. The evidence shows he expressed both support and opposition to the health care reform legislation that eventually became law. On the one hand: Thompson described the measure, as it worked through Congress, as "another important step" toward achieving health care reform and as a "big opportunity" to lower health care costs. On the other hand: The day after calling the bill a "big opportunity," Thompson said he opposed the measure. Two months later, he said the bill wasn’t "the final answer," but that keeping the status quo was "simply unacceptable." Thompson never came out clearly for or against what became law, despite the fact that he now says he supports repealing it. He made it possible for Club for Growth to claim he supported Obamacare and for himself to deny he supported it. There is evidence to support both positions. We rate Club for Growth’s statement Half True.
Date:Friday September 22 2006 Reading FC are in the process of applying for a permit to expand the town`s football stadium, the Madejski Stadium. The expansion is thought to make somewhere in the region of 10,000 extra seats available at home matches. Club chief executive Nigel Howe announced the expansion plans in his first monthly column for the club`s official website. Under the subtitle of 'building for the future` Howe said this on the plans: "We are preparing the programme for the expansion of the stadium," 'We don't know what capacity it will be and what else will be involved but it's the direction we're heading in.' 'I'm being ambiguous about the number of seats because it's all being worked on. It has to be the right shape, and marry in with everything in terms of design and what we have already. 'It will certainly add at least 10,000 to the capacity, but the final figure is not decided.' Ideas had been in the pipeline about stadium expansion since it became apparent last season that Reading would be playing top-flight football. However all planning application submissions were held off in case the club plummeted back down to the Championship and were left with the bill and not enough fans to fill the seats. But due to Reading`s superb start to the season, people in the club are eager to get these plans underway. The Royals` home turf currently capacitates 24,045 seats, but with the influx of support the club has received since they achieved Premiership status they are hoping to make the room to allow more fans to see the club in action and generate extra revenue that the additional seating would bring. So far this season the Royals have enjoyed close to sell out games at home, tomorrow`s fixture with Man Utd being completely sold out. The club share the stadium with the Premiership Rugby union club London Irish. Vital poll result: Fans expect Alfie to leave (Friday December 13 2013) Defender delighted with new deal (Thursday December 12 2013) Under 21s pick up friendly win (Thursday December 12 2013) 'I'm ready to start' says Royston (Wednesday December 11 2013) Contracts galore signed yesterday (Wednesday December 11 2013) Vital poll: Player most likely to leave in January (Tuesday December 10 2013) Injury update: Six still out (Tuesday December 10 2013) Royston glad to be back in the fold (Monday December 9 2013) Player Ratings - Bournemouth (H) (Monday December 9 2013) Royals drawn away in FA Cup (Monday December 9 2013) |3. Leicester City||19||12||2||5||10||38| |4. Derby County||19||10||4||5||14||34| |8. Leeds Utd||19||9||3||7||6||30| |Calling It A Day » Charlton : 13/12/2013 11:19:00 |Opposition Views: Reading » Huddersfield : 13/12/2013 10:41:00 |Vital poll result: Fans expect Alfie to leave » Reading : 13/12/2013 10:00:00 |Forest's FA Cup Sunday Dinner Date » Forest : 13/12/2013 10:00:00 |Maribor 2 Latics 1 » Wigan : 13/12/2013 09:47:00 |Howe: Pivotal stage of the season » Bournemouth : 13/12/2013 09:40:00 |Elphick: Birmingham are a sleeping giant » Bournemouth : 13/12/2013 09:33:00
Fri, 22 Nov 2013 / Post a commentNovembers' podcast is the last monthly one from 2013. As usual, it features Underground House Music from across the globe mostly from the present time over a 2 hour period presented in a radioshow style format. More › Wed, 30 Oct 2013 / Post a commentHere is Octobers' edition of monthly Underground House Music Podcasts showcasing music from mostly the present time over a 2 hour period. Many recent & some future releases are featured in this months offering. Also I step back in time with playing some tracks from the past couple of years. Finally, the track of the month is revealed so do listen out for my choice. More › Sun, 29 Sep 2013 / Post a commentAnother Summer draws to a close but continuing from strength to strength are the monthly Underground House Music Podcasts showcasing music from mostly the present time over a 2 hour period. Once again featured is a HYPE segment & as well as my top pick of the tracks released this month + MY TRACK OF THE MONTH so do listen out for this months' choice. The full track listing as per usual is provided. More › Sun, 11 Aug 2013 / Post a commentCheckout this years' offering of my annual summer mix comprising of 19 slamming House tracks mixed together to give you that ultimate sunshine vibe!
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New Study Unveils Structure of Key Component of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Findings Could Offer Help in Fighting Resistant Strains of Gonorrhea LA JOLLA, CA, August 31, 2006—Working in close collaboration with other researchers, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered for the first time the structural chemistry behind the "astonishing multi-functionality" of the bacterial GC (for gonococcal) Type IV pilus filament, which plays an essential role in Neisseria gonorrhoeae pathogenesis. The Type IV pili allow antibiotic-resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae to escape the immune system and cause persistent and recurrent gonorrhea infections. The detailed structural chemistry of these filaments unveiled by the study provides valuable new insights into the filaments' basic assembly and diverse functions, and may offer therapeutic targets and other novel treatment options. The study is being published September 1 in the journal Molecular Cell. "These multi-functional membrane-anchored Type IV pili play an essential role in the virulence of many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens in diseases such as gonorrhea, cholera, food poisoning, and even tularemia ("rabbit fever"), caused by the potential bio-terrorism agent Francisella tularensis," said John Tainer, a professor at Scripps Research and member of its Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology. "Finally understanding the details of the pilus structure offers the possibility that we can genetically modify these filaments to generate predetermined and different functionalities, which would help in the design of pilus-based vaccines. Certain details of the Type IV pilus structure that we identified could also provide targets for the design of small molecule inhibitors as pathogen blockers." According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea are on the increase, making successful treatment of this sexually transmitted disease all the more difficult. These strains continue to emerge, the agency said, despite the fact that overall infection rates have dropped, reaching an all-time low in 2004. Gonococcal strains have grown resistant to an ever-widening variety of treatments including penicillins, tetracyclines, spectinomycin, and fluoroquinolones. Newer treatments have not been spared, either, the CDC said—resistance to ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin already exceeds 40 percent in some Asian countries. Using cryo-electron microscopy and x-ray crystallography, the researchers were able to determine in detail the GC Type IV pilus structure, shedding light on the filaments' multi-functionality, which includes bacterial movement and microcolony formation, as well as their assembly-disassembly process. These new findings, the study noted, suggest that there may be a unified assembly mechanism for these types of bacterial filaments. Until this study, Tainer added, three-dimensional structural analyses of Type IV pili have proved extremely difficult due to the thinness and apparent featurelessness of the filaments. One major puzzle of the GC Type IV pilus assembly process involves the bacteria's ability to continually modify the sequence of the pilin protein subunit to avoid a protective immune response. This ability to evade the immune system most often results in persistent, repeated gonorrheal infections, which in turn may lead to infertility, arthritis, endocarditis, and meningitis. The high resolution GC Type IV pilus structure showed for the first time the precise placement of the pilin subunits. "The pilin subunit regions that are most accessible to antibodies are also the most variable," said Lisa Craig, formerly a research associate at Scripps Research, now assistant professor at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. "These regions protrude from the filament surface and obscure the more conserved regions. To design effective Type IV pilus-based vaccines, it will be necessary to redirect the immune response to the less accessible regions on the pilus filament, which are more likely to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies. These findings renew hope for generating pilus-based vaccines for gonorrhoea." The Type IV pili cover the surface of gonococci and are present on virtually all other Gram-negative bacteria. The high resolution GC Type IV pilus structure serves as a prototype for all Type IV pili, a discovery that could provide researchers broad insights into the filaments' architecture and diverse function. In addition to Tainer and Craig, authors of the study, titled ""Type IV Pilus Structure by Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Crystallography: Implications for Pilus Assembly and Functions," include Niels Volkmann of the Burnham Institute; Andrew S. Arvai, Michael E. Pique and Mark Yeager of The Scripps Research Institute; and Edward H. Egelman of the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center. The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (L.C.). About The Scripps Research Institute The Scripps Research Institute is one of the world's largest independent, non-profit biomedical research organizations, at the forefront of basic biomedical science that seeks to comprehend the most fundamental processes of life. Scripps Research is internationally recognized for its discoveries in immunology, molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, neurosciences, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases, and synthetic vaccine development. Established in its current configuration in 1961, it employs approximately 3,000 scientists, postdoctoral fellows, scientific and other technicians, doctoral degree graduate students, and administrative and technical support personnel. Scripps Research is headquartered in La Jolla, California. It also includes Scripps Florida, whose researchers focus on basic biomedical science, drug discovery, and technology development. Currently operating from temporary facilities in Jupiter, Scripps Florida will move to its permanent campus in 2009. For more information contact: Office of Communications 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, California 92037
Hey! Now that Tropical Storm Fay has finally left Florida, it's sunny in Miami Beach. So consider visiting me...I'm hanging out at a Wise Bread forum: Here's what the the folks from Wise Bread mentioned: "For this entire week (8/18- 8/24), Sharon Harvey Rosenberg (The Frugal Duchess) will be answering questions in our forum about blogging, personal finance, and her new book Frugal Duchess: How to Live Well and Save Money Anywhere " So please top by, visit the forum and ask a question! Thanks! Here's how to buy my new book:
Mayor Gavin Newsom has signedthe final legislation required to establish San Francisco’s PropertyAssessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. The program makes $150 million inbonding capacity available to private property owners to financerenewable energy improvements, water conservation and energy efficiencythrough a voluntary special property tax. Each additionalspecial property tax will be paid in full within 20 years. SanFrancisco property owners will be able to apply for financing beginningnext month. Oakland, Calif.-based Renewable Funding, a providerof PACE financing services, will administer the program and providecapital to fund the projects. San Francisco-based Stone & Youngbergand Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co. are serving as bond underwriters.
Vice President, Supply Chain (#84) Aquion Energy THIS JOB HAS EXPIRED Description VP Supply Chain This is a unique position at a high-potential, fast-growing, battery systems company. The position is a member of senior management and will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer. The ideal candidate, along with contributing to company strategy, will be accountable for all supply chain results; and will align the SCM organization and processes towards achievement of business strategy and tactical cost improvement plans. Focus will be required in the areas of advanced procurement, cost improvement, new materials, and supplier innovation. The VP SCM will manage all corporate supply chain functions as well as implementation of lean SCM concepts at corporate and plant locations. The ideal candidate will be a driven, hands-on leader with expertise in building and managing high-performing supply chain organizations. He or she will develop strategic and tactical sales plans to develop Aquion?s supply chain capabilities and deliver strong support and results to the business. This highly visible, mission critical role will create and execute an SCM strategy that results in the company meeting or exceeding its corporate goals. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES / OBJECTIVES SCM Strategy and Organization Design - The VP of SCM will develop a successful SCM strategy and organization that aligns with the company vision. This includes the design and build-out of a world-class team. SCM Planning and Meeting Goals - The VP of SCM is responsible for setting and exceeding performance targets and goals ? both annually and quarterly. This includes recruiting and training of the SCM team, creating and evolving an SCM plan, tracking meaningful metrics, defining processes, and providing tools to make the team successful. Customer Support - Responsible for managing the SCM team to provide support services for external customers as well as the main internal customers at Aquion ? R&D, Engineering & Technical Operations, and Manufacturing. RESPONSIBILITIES / DELIVERABLES Operates effectively and seamlessly as a key member of the executive team that manages the overall business. Works with the COO and Executive Team to drive business performance and support key business strategies. Optimizes the business, not just his/her function. Formulates effective and executable SCM strategy and plans that align and support the company vision. Communicates and executes the strategy and plans with precision. Research, identify and qualify suitable domestic and foreign high-volume suppliers for the product BOM?s. These will include large bulk purchases of materials and chemicals (rail cars). Seek the best quality, consistent delivery, and costs for the Company. Ensure excellent supplier management encompassing quality, on time delivery, responsiveness and cost. Work with manufacturing to measure supplier performance and to ensure supplier qualifications and certifications going forward. Use SQE?s to drive supplier selection and quality. Investigate creative sourcing and partnerships to streamline and optimize the Company?s global supply chain including held inventory, consignment, on-site vendor operations, and additional operations performed at supplier sites or off-site locations to avoid tariffs. Work closely with Engineering and Manufacturing to ensure that BOM costs are accurate in the present day and that future cost down opportunities are properly reflected and understood by engineering and manufacturing. Forecasts should be data-driven. Assists the engineering and manufacturing groups in understanding and forecasting the low and high volume costs of the company?s product BOM's during development and transition to manufacturing. Support any make/buy analyses and decisions. Forecasts future movements in supply chain key metrics, specifically in the commodities markets. Work with finance group to explore innovative ways of reducing cost and risk in the supply chain including currency hedging and futures purchasing. Assists as needed with the negotiations and procurement of a large set of capital equipment, operating expenses and services associated with building and expanding the company?s large scale factories. Responsible for constraint-based, strategic and tactical production plans, schedules, capacity planning and utilization. Accountable for optimizing all logistics, conformance, and costs (inbound/outbound, domestic/international). Develops systems and tools of accountability to ensure ongoing, measurable performance improvement for people, processes, and products. Accountable for inventory levels which simultaneously optimize the balance sheet and maximize customer satisfaction. Establishes appropriate discipline and skill around contracts and the setting of business terms with suppliers, partners and, in some instances, customers. Directs the preparation and management of operating and capital budgets for assigned areas. Adheres to these budgets and provides accurate expense forecasting and planning. The Vice President of SCM must be a strong leader with prior successful experience building and managing SCM organizations in rapidly-growing companies. Prior startup / early stage experience strongly preferred. This position requires a Bachelor?s degree in Engineering; and preferably an MBA focused on business or supply chain management, and ten or more years of experience with purchasing, materials management, production control, inventory control and logistics. Experience in manufacturing operations and engineering is required. APICS and CPIM certification desired. Direct experience with all or most of: bulk materials and chemicals; raw materials; injection molding; manual to semi-automated manufacturing equipment; batteries; energy storage. Experience in the battery or related, materials-intensive industries is highly desirable. He/she will be able to think strategically and at the same time act tactically. The ability to be hands-on and lead by example is critical. Has a demonstrated ability to design and to scale an SCM organization quickly and effectively in a firm moving from early to mid-stage. Strong negotiation skills. Must have competency to implement a Win/Win system in all phases of the business and be recognized as an extremely proficient negotiator. Significant strength in strategic low cost region sourcing and logistics Must be proficient with ERP systems as well Microsoft Outlook Office tools; including project management tools and systems. Familiar with quality systems and standards. ERP implementation experience a plus. Demonstrated strong communication skills and executive presence combined with high energy to drive an SCM team to exceed its goals. Must be a role model, motivator, and driver of results. Significant travel is a natural part of the job, including both domestic and international. The Vice President of SCM must thrive in an environment of constant change, tight time limits, and limited resources - deriving satisfaction from the challenge of building a unique business and taking ownership of all things SCM. This person must be truly ?inspired? by working in early stage-firms. The ideal candidate for Vice President of SCM will have the following personal characteristics: A natural leader who inspires their team, as well as the overall company, to excel Passionate, highly competitive, hard-working and results-oriented. Wants to win Creative, confident, self-motivated, organized, and hands-on with a "can do" attitude Possesses a sense of humor and an "outgoing" personality. Team player that can work effectively with a broad range of people. Maintains the highest ethical standards and integrity for themselves and for the entire organization An appropriate compensation package will be provided to attract the highest caliber candidate. ||Pittsburgh, PA | THIS JOB HAS EXPIRED
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The Bank of England makes a telling point in its lengthy document discussing the new powers it will soon have to force banks to hold more capital if it sees potentially dangerous bubbles being created in the economy. Had the Spanish and Irish authorities forced banks to hold more capital against property lending in the runup to the 2008 crisis – when around 20% of their GDP was reliant on the construction industry – the resulting slowdown would have been small compared with the "very severe effects" of the credit crunch. In the event, Ireland needed a sovereign bailout, Spain a bailout of its banks. It is an argument the Bank's Financial Policy Committee is going to need to deploy and adapt as and when it begins to use its two new tools. Set up by the coalition to try to spot potential blow-ups in the financial system before they become as damaging as the 2007 credit crunch, the FPC is to have a countercyclical capital buffer (CCB) to force banks to build up capital during the good times which can be burned through in the bad times. This CCB is being introduced through new international Basel rules. Second, the sectoral capital requirement (SCR) will allow policymakers to increase bank capital cushions against certain sectors, such as commercial property. Legislation currently going through parliament means this power may be handed to the FPC by the time of its next meeting in June. It gives an example for the mortgage sector where it could increase capital requirements against high loan-to-value deals or loan-to-income measures to "lean against exuberance in specific subsectors". The use of such powers could be explosive – potentially preventing would-be homeowners securing a mortgage, which could incur the wrath of the electorate. It could also have an impact on growth. The science is not precise but a rule of thumb is that a one percentage point increase in capital requirements forces up the cost of borrowing by as much as 25 basis points – a quarter of a percentage point – but leads to a decline in bad loans. GDP could be reduced as much as 35 basis points. The FPC – which will be chaired by Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King for the last time in June before Mark Carney arrives – will tread a delicate path and clear explanations of why decisions have been taken will be needed. With that in mind, for the first time the FPC has published a grid of the 17 indicators it will consider – ranging from a bank's core tier one capital ratio to spreads on UK lending – before requiring banks to add or release capital in their CCB. The Bank notes that "the probability of a future systemic financial crisis cannot be readily observed" so the use of the 17 indicators will be a skill that needs to be honed over time. A watchful eye will also need to be kept on the companies that fall outside the new rules – which only cover banks, building societies and the largest investment firms. It marks a dramatic change and one that may well be the cause of much controversy. An illustration of the changes afoot can already be found in the market for interest-only mortgages. Demands by the regulators that the ability of customers to pay back loans be ascertained before the mortgages can be approved has sounded the death knell for such loans. Unpopular with some. But it could be just the beginning of the potential impact of a new regulatory regime.
I constantly crave the flavors of Spain. Though Spanish cuisine varies tremendously across the different regions, they all have one thing in common: the use of fresh, local flavors. Spanish cuisine is heavily influenced by its climate and geography. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of the best way to describe Spanish food is the generous use of olive oil and garlic in dishes. Spain is the number one producer of olive oil, so it seems fitting that this ingredient brings together so many delicious elements. Spain has direct and abundant access to some of the best seafood in the world, and the cuisine offers everything from octopus to razor clams. Meat is also an important part of the Spanish diet and culture, specifically cured pork like jamón serrano and beef (eaten more rarely). Wine is a regular part of mealtime, similar to other Mediterranean countries. Fresh ingredients are of the utmost importance in Spanish cuisine, and because of this, dishes tend to be on the healthier side. In Spain, dinner is typically eaten late at night (beginning around 10 p.m., but some even sit down to eat as late as midnight), which explains why tapas are a very significant part of Spanish culture. Tapas are small little meals, usually packed full of flavor, meant to be enjoyed while slowly sipping wine and conversing with friends. The cultural phenomenon of tapas is an important reminder to slow down and savor all of the flavors of life. As I mentioned before, regionality is hugely important when it comes to Spanish cuisine. Typical meals in Galicia are vastly different from those in the Basque region or Andalusia. Still, there are a few common dishes and terms you should know about. Keep reading to learn more!
Strong, functional, and well-tested Monorack-style toprack for either general luggage, a Givi Monokey topcase (E460, E52, etc.), or a Givi Monolock topcase (E350, E450, etc.). The light design allows the perfect adjustment of the plate to the motorcycle using unique adjustable fasteners. Includes fitting kit and all hardware needed for mounting.All hardware needed to mount the Givi Monorack included. Installs quickly using simple hand tools. No welding or cutting of existing frame or body parts required. Tough black enamel finish with some gray fittings or hardware as applicable. Specify whether a Monolock or Monokey topcase will be used on the FZ348 when ordering; the Monokey version will be shipped for orders placed without a preference.
Saturday, March 9, 2013 Each year, our chemical engineering students at The University of Tulsa compete nationally in a “Chem-E-Car” competition for college students. It has been such a success with our students that we host our own variation for Tulsa-area high school students. The goals of the competition are to build a small toy car powered by a chemical reaction and to control that chemical reaction so the car travels the required distance which is announced shortly before the competition. Download the following pdf files for more information: An online registration form is available here. Registrations are due Friday, February 8, 2013. Congratulations to our winners and competitors in the 2012 competition! First Place Distance: Marauder, Creek County Chemistry Club1.3 ft from the target of 43.8 ft Most Consistent Distance: One Direction, Summit Christian Academy Best Poster: Marauder, Creek County Chemistry Club Another team from Summit Christian Academy competed, too. First Place Distance: Breaking Wind, Union High School, Second Place Distance: Mudslinger, Carney High School Best Poster: Breaking Wind, Union High School, Most Creative: Frustratinator, Summit Christian Academy Other teams from Union High School competed, too. A photo gallery is located here. The 2010 competition was held on April 27th. A link to the results is here. The 2009 competition was held April 28th. A link to the results is here.
Fannie and Freddie don’t deserve blame for bubble By Mark Zandi, There is plenty of blame to go around for the U.S. housing bubble, but not much of it belongs to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The two giant housing-finance institutions made many mistakes over the decades, some of them real whoppers, but causing house prices to soar and then crater during the past decade weren’t among them. The biggest culprits in the housing fiasco came from the private sector, and more specifically from a mortgage industry that was out of control. These included lenders who originated home loans, investment bankers who packaged them into securities, rating agencies that misjudged these securities, and global investors who bought them without much, if any, study. In other words, America’s mortgage securitization machine was fundamentally broken. It created millions of mortgage loans that, even under reasonable economic assumptions, stood little chance of being repaid — and were not. As a result, hundreds of billions of dollars were lost as defaults and write-downs brought the financial system, and the wider economy, to the brink, requiring a massive government bailout. Also to blame, of course, were regulators, who gave the private mortgage market little, if any, oversight. The market’s watchdogs were lulled to sleep by a misplaced view that self-interested private financial institutions would regulate themselves. This flawed thinking was most pervasive at the nation’s most important financial regulatory agency, the Federal Reserve. Getting history right for this dark economic period is critical if we are to design a better mortgage finance system for the future. If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are responsible for the debacle, then perhaps government’s role in a future mortgage finance system should be minimal. But if private lenders deserve most of the blame, the case grows for giving government an important role in backstopping and overseeing the system. “If it grows like a weed, it probably is a weed.” This age-old banking adage aptly applies to the private mortgage lending business during the housing bubble. Between 2004 and 2007, private lenders originated three quarters of all subprime and alt-A mortgage loans. These were loans to financially fragile homeowners with credit scores under 660, well below the U.S. average, which is closer to 700. But only a fourth of such loans were originated by government agencies, including Fannie, Freddie and the Federal Housing Administration. The dollar amount of subprime and alt-A loans made during this period by the private sector was jaw-dropping, reaching nearly $600 billion at the height of the lending frenzy in 2006. For context, this is about equal to the total amount Americans currently owe on bank credit cards. By contrast, government lenders made just over $100 billion in subprime and alt-A loans in 2006. Even in 2007, when the housing market was beginning its free fall, private lenders still handed out more than $300 billion via these very shaky mortgage loans. All this can be seen in the share of total residential mortgage debt insured or owned by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. At the start of 2002, before the housing boom got going, the two agencies’ market share accounted for almost 54 percent of all mortgage debt. By summer 2006, the bubble’s apex, their share had fallen to only 40 percent. It is difficult to see how the agencies could have been responsible for inflating the housing bubble at a time when they were losing a full 14 percentage points of market share. Indeed, the opposite was true, as their position in the housing market rapidly diminished. It wasn’t that Fannie and Freddie made a prescient strategic decision to stay clear of the housing frenzy. They couldn’t have participated even if they had wanted to. The two agencies had committed various accounting irregularities earlier in the decade, and their regulator forced them to rein in their growth. Moreover, Fannie and Freddie couldn’t compete with rapaciously expanding private lenders. Securitization was in full swing, enabling private lenders to offer low rates and increasingly aggressive terms to borrowers. In 2006, almost half the loans made by private lenders required no down payment and no documentation. Fannie and Freddie simply couldn’t play in that league, even though Congress had given them aggressive lending targets to help boost homeownership among lower-income and minority households. Fannie and Freddie did play a significant part in the financial panic. As financial conditions began to weaken in 2007 and the private mortgage industry pulled back, the agencies partially filled the void. This was their chance to get back in the game. The memory of their accounting scandals had faded, and policymakers hoped the agencies could keep the housing market from unraveling. Fannie’s and Freddie’s originations of sketchy loans actually peaked near $160 billion in 2008, the year regulators placed them into conservatorship. The two agencies had jumped back into the housing market at precisely the wrong time. The government’s takeover of Fannie and Freddie arguably ignited the global financial panic. The Treasury Department’s decision to wipe out shareholders of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, two of the largest financial institutions on the planet, sent a shock wave through markets as it became apparent that no institution was safe any longer. Investors ran for the door, sending Lehman Brothers into bankruptcy one week later; a string of failures at other venerable institutions followed. Despite Fannie and Freddie’s role in the panic, it is wrong to blame them for creating it; that distinction belongs rightly to the private mortgage market. Understanding this is critical to creating a stable, efficient mortgage finance system for the future. While Fannie and Freddie themselves deserve to pass from the scene, given their numerous past missteps, it is equally clear that the government needs to remain an important player in housing finance, providing consistent regulatory oversight and a backstop in case the private market collapses again. Mark Zandi is chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, a subsidiary of Moody’s Corp. He is the author of “Financial Shock,” an book about the financial crisis. His column will appear regularly.
I’m super charged and extraordinarily thrilled at this time to introduce Brian G. Johnson’s 300 Internet Marketers which has just been released and in which I am partaking. Who is Brian G. Johnson? Unless you are a newcomer to the Internet world, you would have somehow and by some means come across Brian G. Johnson’s name. After all, Brian is a highly successful Internet, affiliate and niche marketer who’s been around long enough to publish countless videos, to write a whole slew of articles, to launch many hundreds of websites and to developed best selling IM products such as Revenue Domains Exposed, SEOPress Formula, Commission Ritual, Auto Content Cash and Halloween Super Affiliate. Through his products and under his tutelage, Brian has coached, guided and mentored thousands of students with a rather large percentage of them reaching and surpassing their own personal online goals. As a matter of fact, the Warrior Forum is filled with confirming testimonials that speak volumes about Brian’s powerful methods and his skillful teaching techniques. Brian has gained a clear understanding of the nature of the vast Internet marketing arena, he has experienced its many aspects and has then found the precise strategies in order to build his financial empire ($500K in 2010) which he is passionate about sharing with others. And so, Brian provides students only with those powerful techniques and most effective methods which have proven to truly work on his own businesses and therefore will also work on theirs. What is 300 Internet Marketers? Being launched on April 29, 2011, 300 Internet Marketers is Brian’s newest IM product on which he has been working for the past six months. It is an intensive coaching program that will make a huge difference in the financial lives of 300 lucky members in 2011 and far beyond. Why 300? Because Brian is limiting membership to just 300! Just like with all his other products where Brian over-delivers with step by step tutorial videos, easy to follow PDF documentation and close mentoring accessibility, 300 Internet Marketers has all that a much more. However, it is also the most unique of all of Brian’s programs and, as a matter of fact, it is also different from anything else that is found on the Internet for the following reasons: • Running between April 2011 and on through August 2011, 300 Internet Marketers is a 5-month mentoring program. Nothing of that equal exists online today. • Taking students to much higher levels, 300 Internet Marketers will teach how to build mega online businesses that have the potential to generate 6 figure incomes. • With 300 Internet Marketers as a tool, Brian will instruct members how to become high level super affiliates, how to build mammoth mailing lists as well as how to create and then sell their own products and/or services. In short, Brian G. Johnson’s 300 Internet Marketers will transform 300 members to online Spartan heroes who will triumph over their competitors in any niche and across any marketplace. Learn more about the 300 Internet Marketers coaching program with the link below:
July 30, 1863 The Hancock Militia. – Col. W. L. Crawford, of the Hancock militia, yesterday received the following letter: Head-Quarters Hancock Co. Blues, July 27th, 1863. Col. W. L. Crawford, Dear Sir: - I have the honor to submit the following: My company or a detachment of my company, consisting of about 33 men, reported to Maj. Gen. Brooks’ Headquarters at Wellsville at 7 o’clock on yesterday morning, and was put on duty immediately as the General’s scouts. We proceeded immediately in the direction of Salineville. After coming within 7 miles of the above place and finding that the rebels and Government column had already passed, we proceeded in the direction of New Lisbon. After a pressing advance of fifteen miles in one hour and a half, some twenty-five miles from Gen. Brook’s Headquarters, we reported and was transferred to the command of Gen. Shackleford. He ordered my command, having fresh horses, to report to Major Rue, the advance guard, which I proceeded to do. I had the honor to press Morgan’s rear, Major Rue having succeeded in flanking him. My men acted gallantly, firing one round on Morgan’s rear guard and succeeded in splitting his rear guard. Also, about this time, one of the General’s aids ordered me not to fire unless at those trying to escape, as Morgan had raised a flag of truce to Major Rue. We captured two horses. I have the honor to be Your most obedient servant, J. H. Hilbert, Commanding Hancock Vol. Infantry. Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: July 1863
The Nigerian Governors' Forum (NGF) has commiserated with its former chairman, Bukola Saraki (now a senator) over the demise of his father Oloye Olusola Saraki. A statement signed by Rotimi Amaechi, Rivers State governor and the Forum's chairman said: "It is unfortunate that Chief Saraki, a man of uncommon humility, a nationally acclaimed philanthropist and political icon, passed on at a time our country needed his invaluable service most. His loss is no doubt a monumental loss to our nation." It further reads: "Chief Saraki's departure is both painful and shocking. But we take solace in the fact that he lived and died well. He dedicated his life to serving the poor and powerless. He mixed freely with the underprivileged and lived substantially organizing and fighting for the upliftment of his people while making important contributions to Nigeria's national development. He touched many lives, and taught lessons on communal living and the service of one's community."
Getting ready to self reportRegister Today! - by sharkiern357 Jun 25, '12First le me start my saying i am a addict. i know this and cant control my behavior sometimes. I go on benges every two or three weeks that last two days. then i would get myself all cleaned up for work. I went to rehad twice. No dice just small times of recovery. My addiction is to cocaine by the way. I am not in trouble at work. the board is unaware. My job s great i just scare because its a new job and n still in the 90 Days. I talk to my jobs recovery program and they have a crap load of people in it. i means well over 150 in the system. Im in michigan so i will be going through HPRP. I been off work for a couple of days . i checked myself into the hospital under dehydration and stayed for two days the rehydrated me well andgot me back on my feet. im just sick of this marry go round. I think that if i had some accountablity i would get and stay clean. Just here looking for woords of encouragement and advice. Any people here currently of HPRP or have been through it. - 3,599 Views - Jun 25, '12 by docomoIf you are still working as a nurse, then take this opportunity to quit now and take a job working in a coffee shop while you sort our your priorities. You clearly see that you are out of control and heading for a huge train wreck. I'd say, even if you feel powerless over nothing else, stop working as a nurse until you know you can do it without drugs. This will protect you and those who might be harmed by the influence drugs have on you. Even though you think you are cleaned up enough to work, it takes the mind several weeks to return to normal functioning after taking serious mood altering drugs, perhaps not from a single time of using marijuana, but definitely from anything as hard as cocaine. You probably can't quit all by yourself. Few can. You need to be in a program, or at the least have lots of support and a strong will to stop. But foremost, remember you duty as a fellow human being to not make others pay for your own problems. If you must be drunk or high, at least limit the damage to yourself and those that who will suffer because they love and care about you. Don't make an absolute stranger pay the price for your weakness. - Jun 27, '12 by iluvivtI agree STOP working as a nurse NOW before you have much more to regret such as killing or injuring a patient. Think of someone you love,would you want an impaired nurse taking care of them. Next get yourself into treatment immediately. They have learned so much more about the addicted brain and there are many new treatments. You must try to keep your insurance as long as you can. My understanding is that the BONs are their to protect the public . Can you get off the cocaine without self reporting and while not working at all as a nurse until you are clean? - Jul 4, '12 by bunni_rnMy advice is to request a leave of absence NOW, and after you're granted leave, THEN self report. I know that recovery involved honesty, but I was honest when I self reported, and I lost my job, and now I'm a 50 yr old single woman, with no job, no savings, and soon, no home. So protect your patients, and protect yourself. Get out of there before you kill someone, but use common sense and protect yourself, too. - Jul 4, '12 by jackstemA FMLA is a great idea. Go to treatment as it is extremely difficult to quit on your own. Seek the counsel of an experienced license defense attorney before reporting to the BON. The American Association of Nurse Attorneys referral page. Remember all of the Rights you hear on "Law and Order"? Well, you have them in this situation as well even though most BONs won't tell you that, although some actually do ("you may want to consult with an attorney" is the wording in one of the letters a client received). Dealing with a licensing board is an adeversarial relationship, not one of advocacy. It's the way the law works. This is dealt with under administrative law (if criminal charges are filed that will obviously be dealt with under criminal laws). By self reporting without legal advise you would be giving self incriminating information to the BON who might hand over the information to the Attorney General for prosecution. The 5th Amendment says we cannot be compelled to incriminate ourselves. Get legal counsel. If you have your own liability insurance check to see if there is a license defense clause. If there is no other reason to obtain your own liability insurance upon graduation, this one clause would be reason enough. Good luck and keep us posted. - Jul 4, '12 by JZ_RNI agree with the above posters. STOP working as a nurse now. Stop the access to drugs, stop putting yourself and others at risk of dangers from impaired practice. After you resign or take a leave of absence, seek a rehab facility or treatment program. You so not have to self report. You do not have to stay in the cycle of drug abuse. You do not have to endanger yourself and your patients. You do have to go get clean so you can have a chance ever again. I wish you luck. Though I have never been an addict, I have family members who have, and one has succeeded in sobriety, one has not, simply because they deny the problem. You have succeeded already in acknowledging the addiction. Now you can fix it. My heart goes out to you. Thankfully I have never diverted narcotics but I know how easy it would be. - Jul 4, '12 by catmom1I agree with everyone here who said "GET A LAWYER FIRST." I totally understand wanting to be honest after all the lies but do NOT shoot yourself in the foot by thinking that it will help you to self report. I was crucified by my BON and had 7 years clean and sober last December in spite of them, not because of them. Good luck & please let us know how you are doing. - Jul 5, '12 by poppycatI am a recovering alcoholic. At the time I realized I had a problem (1989), my insurance did not provide coverage for any type of treatment. I started going to AA meetings several times a day & was able to get & stay sober. I never did work impaired so was not reported to BON. In 2007 I was working in MI & had some problems at work (personality conflicts) which got myself & 2 other nurses reported to BON. We all had to report to HPRP for a year, including random drug screens. If I had not had an attorney it's very possible my license would have been revoked. As it is, I just never renewed it because I had moved out of MI by the time the probation ended.Get a good attorney ASAP! Getting clean has absolutely nothing to do with will power & I hate it when people who know nothing about addiction say that it's just a matter of will. Addiction is an illness just as much as any other chronic illness & can be managed but never cured. - Jul 6, '12 by jadelpnDon't self report on the premise that it will somehow "keep you accountable". You need to be held accountable to you for success. If you are binge cocaine user, it is still in your system when you go to work. You realize this, and that you no longer have the control. Cocaine is a nasty drug, and so hard to stop once starting. (like most all of them). I would take a leave, "for a personal matter" and start going to meetings.(if you have that option just starting a new job). Add some outpatient therapy to it. Start the process with an inpatient detox stay if you must, but the key to this is follow up. One of the worst things is that when you are recovering, the dealers will call you with freebies, etc. that sucks you right back in. This is a disease process that needs continuing care. Get help, change your phone number, change your routine. I wish you nothing but the best. - Jul 7, '12 by Liddle NoodnikJade I hope everything goes in your favor, but in recovery sometimes you have to hit bottom before you can bounce back up. I am not addicted to coke but been in AA for years for alcoholism. It is not fun always but much better than drowning! I think you have gotten some good advice!
The recipe as written is slightly healthier than the linked original. However, the only changes were to replace half the flour with whole wheat, and to cut the sugar content a bit. I took it a couple of steps further and replaced half the butter with applesauce, subbed splenda* for the white sugar, and used exclusively white whole wheat flour. I thought about using egg beaters instead of eggs, but the difference would be negligible. Oh, and I did not add the dates, as I didn't have those or a reasonable substitute on hand. They came out quite well. Chewy and oatmealy and just sweet enough. *Yes, I realize Splenda is controversial as being healthy. I've tried Stevia and find it to have a weird, bitter aftertaste, and use Splenda sometimes as a baking friendly way to lower calorie count. I really want to add some raspberries to these. Was this review helpful? 0 users found this review helpful The recipe as written is slightly healthier than the linked original. However, the only...
NoSQL at Jazoon Jazoon is my favorite conference since it happens in Zurich when the days are long and the temperatures are more to my liking. Europe has many conferences organized by local Java User Groups (JUGs) and they all seem to have an ardent following. Jazoon is organized in a theater complex and although it seems like a strange setting to stand in front of the huge screen to talk, the venue is estremely friendly. There were about 5-6 tracks running concurrently. I got a bulk of the attendees during my time slot and was standing room only when I started my talk. All together there were probably 500+ attendees for my conference and my talk was attended by about 120+. The understanding level amongst Java developers is quite varied. There were very few (about 6-8) attendees who had used Couchbase or CouchDB before. Accordingly, I spent some time talking about NoSQL (in retrospect I should have done a bit more), talked about the various operations, touched on document design and incremental map-reduce based views. All this was in relation to using them with the Java SDK and the simple, yet powerful APIs. I wish there is just a bit more time to cover a bit of Couchbase internals including VBuckets, how the replicas are organized, what happens during a rebalance, view collation and so on since there are many hard core Java delevelopers who would enjoy this level of detail although not necessary from an application developer viewpoint. I covered some of the Couchbase Internals during the demonstrations and Q&A, but, there were quite a few high level questions as well such as how do we pick an application/component as a Proof-of-Concept for using Couchbase, is there a simple migration path from SQL to NoSQL and so on. There is still some confusion about Couchbase and CouchDB and admittedly we need to do a better job of making the similarities and the distinctions clear. Based on the attendance, Q&A and the hallway conversations, I sense a very high interest for change from the business as usual in general and NoSQL in particular amongst Java developers. This bodes well for the adoption of NoSQL technologies and Couchbase.
Man, I never got to do anything this cool in school! Students at music schools across London got to vote on the top guitar riffs of all time in a poll. Some are surprising...some not so much, but here are the top 5: 1. Smoke On The Water - Deep Purple (1973) 2. Smells Like Teen - Spirit Nirvana (1991) 3. Walk This Way - Aerosmith (1975) 4. Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix (1967) 5. Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N Roses (1987) See the whole list. I'm not 100% about 'Smoke on the Water' - I'm pretty sure that it's the most common riff that guitarists learn, but the greatest? Not so sure... Personally, I would have liked to have seen Guns 'N' Roses take the top spot with "Sweet Child O' Mine" or "Welcome to the Jungle" (#10) (they had three in the top ten alone!). I also feel like Pantera's 'Walk' (#12) could have made a showing in the top ten, not to mention some top ten love for AC/DC would have been well-placed (I mean 'Highway to Hell' at #17? Come on...). Just in case you need some reminders or just want to rock to some of the greats, I've compiled an imeem playlist of most of the top 25 (Led Zeppelin is off for obvious reasons - tight on the copyright - and one Jimi Hendrix wasn't available).** Who do you think should have taken the top spot? Are there any you think were overlooked? Post it in the comments below. **FYI - some are snippets and the tracks in their entirety can be streamed off of imeem.com if you have an account (well worth the 30 seconds it takes to sign up...)
WinStar World Casino 400 Texas Motor Speedway WinStar World Casino 400 Date: June 8, 2012 Cale Gale raced the No. 33 Rheem Chevrolet Silverado to an eighth-place finish on Friday night at Texas Motor Speedway. With a fast truck, flawless pit stops and strong restarts, the team was able to pick up their second top-10 finish of the 2012 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series (NCWTS) season. When rain showers wreaked havoc on the weekend’s schedule, NCWTS qualifying was cancelled and the field was set by owner points. Gale lined up 16th for the 167-lap WinStar World Casino 400 and immediately began picking up positions to race in 11th-place by lap 10. A couple of early cautions gave Gale the opportunity to work with crew chief Jerry Baxter and the Rheem team to continually improve the handling of his Rheem Chevrolet Silverado. Knowing the characteristics of the race, Baxter worked variance into the setup on the Rheem Chevrolet to allow the team to tighten up the truck as the sun set and the track loosened up. Gale brought the No. 33 Rheem Chevrolet down pit road during the lap 33 caution and again during the lap 74 caution for a series of chassis and air pressure adjustments. With a very strong truck, Gale continued to hold his track position just outside the top 10 throughout the opening 110 laps. With solid pit stops the Rheem team was able to pick up several positions on pit road, and Gale continually made up additional ground on restarts. Throughout the night Gale worked closely with substitute spotter Jay Shew to realize where competitors were making ground on him, and where he was able to pull away from other drivers. As the handling on Gale’s truck changed with tire wear, Shew also suggested different lines around the track to help the Rheem Chevrolet turn through the corners. With less than 40 laps to go, Gale drove his Silverado down pit road for the final stop of the night. The Rheem team laid down a fast stop to pick up two additional spots for Gale on pit road moving him into the eighth position. The race restarted one last time on lap 144, and Gale immediately drove up two additional positions to be scored in a race-high position of sixth-place. With his tires wearing off the driver settled back into the eighth position where he led his Eddie Sharp Racing (ESR) teammate Justin Lofton to the checkered flag, and recorded his second top-10 result of the season. With the finish, Gale also picked up four spots in the 2012 NCWTS owner standings to be scored in the 12th position, just 17 points outside the top 10. “I’m really proud of the performance of the Rheem team tonight at Texas Motor Speedway, we raced competitively all night long, got better with each pit stop, and brought home a finish that we deserved. We had another phenomenal Rheem Chevrolet Silverado from Eddie Sharp Racing-I can’t thank Jerry Baxter and all the guys enough for all their hard work this season. It means a lot to have the support of Rheem and everyone at Eddie Sharp Racing, and it’s always a good feeling when we’re able to run strong and bring home a good finish.”
This past weekend I bought my first bottle of Revlon nail polish. While I heard a lot of great things about Revlon, I have a rule: never spend more than than 5 bucks on a drugstore nail polish. (Although, there IS an exception to the rule: essie. LOL. It’s is my favorite!) Last week Revlon was on sale at CVS and I had two coupons: one for 25% off of my purchase and one for $3.00 off of a Revlon purchase. While in the city Saturday I decided to take advantage of the sale and use my coupon. For some reason the CVS in the city did not have a sale on Revlon but I STILL made out like a bandit. I only paid $2.29 for a $6.49 bottle and I’m really pleased. I’m also pleased with the nail polish. I picked Extravagant because it looked unlike any other color I have. After applying the first coast I was really surprised that it was so opaque, vibrant and that it dried SO fast. I applied two coats right before bed and couldn’t believe that it dried so fast and wasn’t smudged the next morning. I was also surprised that it was so shiny without applying a top coat (there was no base either). What do you ladies think? What are you rocking on your nails this week?
Experience the comfort and charm of the Sheraton Great Valley Hotel, located in the Malvern area of Chester County, just outside of Philadelphia, as well as in Brandywine Valley. We are close to King of Prussia Mall, Longwood Gardens, QVC Studios, and several golf courses. Take advantage of one of our Frazer Hotel Deals by booking online today! Special perks for Starwood Preferred Guest® members: Book online, or call 866-716-8115 and ask for rate plan SPG35B. Blackout dates apply. Not a SPG® Member? Join today and discover just how rewarding membership can be. *35% discount is taken off of RACK rates. Best available rate will be given if lower than 35% off RACK Take off and enjoy the beauty of fall in Frazer, PA. Book now and receive: Book online or call 877-782-0108 and mention rate plan CCCR. Discount and availability varies by day and length of stay. Get away and unwind with a weekend escape. Just a short drive from nearby attractions such as Longwood Gardens and QVC Studio Park, Sheraton Great Valley Hotel invites you to reserve an exclusive package for your next weekend away. Book now and receive: Offer is valid for arrivals Thursday – Sunday. Energize and optimize your next stay at Sheraton Great Valley Hotel. Book our High Speed Breakfast package now and receive high speed internet access and daily breakfast for one person. Book online today or call (866) 716-8115 and reference promo code HBS. Enjoy special rates and share once-in-a-lifetime memories with friends and family. Book your dream wedding at Sheraton Great Valley Hotel and earn Starpoints® which can be used immediately to plan your honeymoon. Offer valid for wedding contracts signed by December 31, 2013. Membership in the Starwood Preferred Guest® program is required to receive Starpoints. Join for free at SPG.com. Sheraton is where people gather so we welcome your wedding guests to join us overnight. Allow our Wedding Specialist to set aside a group of rooms at a special rate just for your friends and family. This includes: Offer valid for room-only contracts signed by December 31, 2013. Membership in the Starwood Preferred Guest® program is required to receive Starpoints. Join for free at SPG.com. Enjoy a stay at Sheraton Great Valley Hotel, where you will receive exclusive AAA rates. Reserve your stay today and enjoy: Book online or call 866-716-8115 and ask for rate plan AUTOV. Get your second and third night at rates equal to your birth year. Happy birth year to you. Book online or call 1-866-716-8101 and mention code NBR. Upgrade your next stay at Sheraton Great Valley Hotel. Enjoy rooms on higher floors with breathtaking views and exclusive access to our warm and contemporary Club Lounge. The Club Level features: Book your Club Level room online, or call 1-866-716-8115 and ask for rate plan SICLUB. Reserve a weekend getaway at Sheraton Great Valley Hotel and explore the nearby QVC Studio with our special tour package. Book our exclusive package and receive: Reserve today for stays on Thursday – Sunday nights. Blackout dates may apply, see terms and conditions for details. Book right here, at sheratongreatvalley.com and you will find the best rate - guaranteed! If you do find a lower rate, we’ll honor that rate plus give you an additional 10% discount or 2,000 Starpoints®. Guaranteed.
FORT WORTH (AP) - Le’Bryan Nash scored a career-high 28 points, Marcus Smart had his typically strong all-around game not far from the high school where he won two state championships, and No. 15 Oklahoma State beat offensively challenged TCU 64-47 on Wednesday night. Nash had the first two baskets in an 18-1 run that bridged the first and second halves and put the Cowboys (21-6, 11-4 Big 12) in control for good. Smart, a freshman who won back-to-back state titles at Flower Mound Marcus High School, had nine points, five assists and three steals — all categories in which he is among the Big 12 leaders. Kyan Anderson led the Horned Frogs with 15 points. Devonta Abron had 12 points and nine rebounds off the bench. TCU (10-18, 1-14), one of the lowest-scoring teams in the country, missed 12 straight shots while going more than 10 minutes without a field goal and ended up shooting 27 percent. (© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.) Also Check Out: - Plano Police Warn Hispanic Men Of Violent Attacks - Disabled Weatherford Man Files Lawsuit Against Six Flags - Escaped Prisoner Shot & Killed By Law Enforcement - Dueling Bobcats Caught On Video In Carrollton - Civil Rights Complaint Filed In Pencil Shavings Incident MOST VIEWED GALLERIES
DogFriendly.com has packaged all five of its current Ebooks into a dog travel club. By signing up once, for $12.95 per year, you can download any of the ebooks made available to club members. Currently, there are five Ebooks available to members. Members will sign up for a username and password so that they may access the ebooks for one year’s time. Members may download and save the ebooks on their computers and may print the ebooks. If ebooks are added to the Dog Travel Club during the one year then those ebooks will also be available to current members. To access the Ebooks, first you purchase a membership at this link for DogFriendly.com’s Dog Travel Club. Once you purchase the membership you can then sign up for access to the ebooks at the link at travelclubsignup.dogfriendly.com . The five current ebooks available to members are: - DogFriendly.com’s United States and Canada Dog Friendly Highway Lodging Guide - DogFriendly.com’s Lodging Guide for Travelers with More than One Dog - DogFriendly.com’s Midwest and Southern States Dog Travel Guide - DogFriendly.com’s Central States Dog Travel Guide - DogFriendly.com’s Canada, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico Dog Travel Guide For More information or to sign up go to this link
|Born||Rowan David Oakes 14 October 1983 Fordingbridge, Hampshire, England |Alma mater|| • Bristol Old Vic Theatre School • University of Manchester David Oakes (born 14 October 1983) is an English film, television and theatre actor. Early life and education Oakes was head boy at Bishop Wordsworth's School, in Salisbury, Wiltshire, where he was also heavily involved with the Salisbury Playhouse and their youth theatre, Stage 65. He graduated with a first in English Literature from the University of Manchester. He played the villainous William Hamleigh in the television miniseries The Pillars of the Earth (2010), produced by Ridley Scott's production company. Subsequently, Oakes was cast in the television miniseries The Borgias (2011), airing on Showtime. He plays Juan Borgia opposite Jeremy Irons. Continuing a career on Television playing morally dubious characters, Oakes has recently completed filming The White Queen for BBC One and Starz playing George, Duke of Clarence. It is due to air mid-2013. |2008||Bonekickers||Alfred, Lord Tennyson||BBC One||Episode 6 "Follow the Gleam", dir. Iain B. MacDonald| |Walter's War||Oswald Hennessey||BBC Four||dir. Alrick Riley| |2009||Henry VIII: The Mind of a Tyrant||George Cavendish||Channel 4||Episode 3 "Lover"| |Trinity||Ross Bonham||ITV2||Episodes 1, 2, 3 dir. Colin Teague| |2010||The Pillars of the Earth||Lord William Hamleigh||TV miniseries; Appeared in all eight episodes, dir. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan| |2011–2012||The Borgias||Juan Borgia||Season 1 & 2, dir. Neil Jordan, John Maybury, David Leland, John Amiel, Kari Skogland, Jeremy Podeswa et al.| |2012||World Without End||Bishop Henri||Channel 4||dir. Michael Caton-Jones| |2013||Ripper Street||Victor Silver||Episode 8 What Use Our Work?| |The White Queen||George, Duke of Clarence||dir. James Kent, Jamie Payne and Colin Teague| |2013||Who Shall I Play With Now?||Gregory||Dog Ate Cake||UK premiere on 29 June 2013 at the Wimbledon Shorts Festival| |2012||Truth or Die||Justin||Corona Pictures||UK release on 6 August 2012; Called "Truth or Dare" in the UK| |2012||100Dniowk@||David Potter||Agresywna Banda||Polish Feature Film| |2006||Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare||Claudio & Verges||Royal Shakespeare Company & Bristol Old Vic Theatre School||John Hartoch| |2007||Love's Labour's Lost by William Shakespeare||Dumaine||Shakespeare's Globe & International Tour||Dominic Dromgoole| |We the People (World Premiere) by Eric Schlosser||Charles Pinckney & Gunning Bedford Jnr||Shakespeare's Globe||Charlotte Westenra| |2008||Old Vic New Voices: The Twenty-four Hour Plays||Davide||Old Vic Theatre| |Journey's End by R. C. Sherriff||Raleigh||Mercury Theatre, Colchester||Tony Casement| |Mary Stuart by Friedrich Schiller||Mortimer||Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh||Aida Karic| |2009||All The Little Things We Crushed (World Premiere) by Joel Horwood||Hugh||Almeida Theatre, London||Simon Godwin| |2011||Three Farces ("Slasher and Crasher", "A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion" & "Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw") by John Maddison Morton||Samson Slasher & John Bagshaw||Orange Tree Theatre, London||Henry Bell| |2013||Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen||Darcy||Open Air Theatre, Regents Park, London||Deborah Bruce| - In 2006, David performed a 90 minute abridged version of Much Ado About Nothing as part of the Royal Shakespeare Company's "Complete Works" festival along with his final year graduates from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. - Since appearing at Shakespeare's Globe at the outset of his career, David has frequently performed in numerous rehearsed readings as part of their "Read Not Dead" initiative. Including their landmark 200th reading of Philip Massinger's A New Way To Pay Old Debts; David played Wellborn alongside a cast including Benjamin Whitrow, Alan Cox and Nicholas Rowe. - Other performances between 2008 and 2013 for "Read Not Dead" include: An early quarto edition of Henry IV: Part One as Prince Hal oppopsite Benjamin Whitrow's Falstaff, Calderon's Life is a Dream (La Vida Es Sueno) as Segismundo, Taming Of A Shrew as Aurelias, The Spanish Tragedy as Lorenzo, The Return from Parnassus as Ingenioso, Bassianus as Geta, Gorboduc as a "smooth, almost oily" Arostus, John Lyly's Love's Metamorphosis as Montanus and Thomas Middleton's Your Five Gallants as Tailby. - Oakes set up a theatre company called Dog Ate Cake with a long term theatrical collaborator, Henry Bell Oakes has directed a number of theatre pieces alongside his acting career. In 2003 he took a stage adaptation of The Wicker Man to the Epping Forest Theatre Festival. Rehearsing in and around his home town of Salisbury, Oakes "got kicked out of the [Cathedral] Close for rehearsing pagan rituals for [his] open-air production of The Wicker Man.” Also whilst at University, in 2005 Oakes assisted director Natalie Wilson on a production of "Smilin' Through" which was co-produced by the Truant Company, Birmingham Repertory Theatre and Contact Theatre, Manchester Later that year, Oakes once again turning to literary adaptation, took a production of Stephen King's The Boogeyman to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Most recently, Oakes directed Robert Greene's The Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay at Shakespeare's Globe as part of their Read Not Dead season. - "Interview for Emma Hartley entitled "Desert Island Folk Discs"". Retrieved 2 Dec 2012. - "Interview for 1883 Magazine from 2011". Retrieved 2 Dec 2012. - "List of graduates from the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School since 1984". Retrieved 5 June 2010. - Press release (undated). "Ian McShane, Donald Sutherland, Rufus Sewell, Matthew Macfadyen, Sarah Parish, Hayley Atwell, Eddie Redmayne and Gordon Pinsent Headline Star-Studded Cast for Screen Adaptation of Ken Follett's Bestselling Masterpiece The Pillars of the Earth". Tandem Communications. Retrieved 4 April 2011. - Vlessing, Etan (10 June 2010). "David Oakes, Holliday Grainger join 'Borgias'". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 3 July 2010.[dead link] - "UK Theatre Database: RSC's Much Ado About Nothing". Retrieved 24 Mar 2013. - "The 200th Read Not Dead". Retrieved 24 Mar 2013. - "The Marlowe Society Research Journal - Volume 05 - 2008". Retrieved 24 Mar 2013. - "David Oakes' Spotlight CV". Retrieved 24 Mar 2013. - "Interview for Fault Magazine 2011". Retrieved 2 Dec 2012. - "Interview for Wiltshire Life 2010". Retrieved 11 June 2013. - "Theatre Credits Prior To Drama School". Retrieved 11 June 2013. - "Dog Ate Cake". Retrieved 11 June 2013. - "Bacon and Bungay Review". Retrieved 11 June 2013. |Wikimedia Commons has media related to David Oakes.| - davidoakes.co.uk, Oakes's official website - David Oakes at the Internet Movie Database - Dog Ate Cake Official Website - David Oakes at the London Theatre Database
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Originally Posted by Koopa nope, i know nothing about local pa broadcasting. i just really follow the steelers chick hearn is the famous caller of the games for the l.a. lakers and harry carey called games for the chicago cubs. both were nation wide known, legendary icons for 30+ years. cope is footballs version. all were a bit eccentric but definitely fan favorites.
The Cybersecurity Framework will be a living document, and the current version identifies gaps and weaknesses that will be addressed in future iterations. Outsourcing Domain Name Services and Web policy enforcement to OpenDNS saves the Colorado city and county money while improving security. A voluntary framework for improving cybersecurity of critical infrastructure is released for comment prior to formal release in February. Based in part on federal standards, it could change the way government regulates industry and procures services. OnCourse, a software as a service provider for the K-12 education market, contracts for analytics-based defensive services following a series of denial-of-service attacks. The Dell SuperMassive 9200 roots out malicious programs -- even when half the traffic is SSL-encrypted. After 20 years of talk and preparation, the deployment of the next generation of Internet Protocols appears to be slowly gaining traction, according to a recent survey. GCN's 2013 Hall of Fame honoree partnered with defense ministries around the world, transforming the iCollege into a global hub while strengthening core graduate programs. The latest version of System Mechanic cleans out the clutter, boosts performance and gives users control over how their PCs work. Reducing costs, improving security, boosting efficiency are the top priorities for federal, state and local agencies, according to a Cisco survey. The Homeland Security Information Network was in danger of cancellation until refocused project management enabled the launch of a more secure platform for sharing sensitive information across federal, state and local agencies, as well as the private sector. The Defense Department's Self-Service Logon system met a growing need for authenticated access to defense websites by service members and their families unable to use the Common Access Card. An Air Force Academy team has won a finalist spot in an international cybersecurity contest for the third year in a row, continuing a record of success in hacking competitions.
I thought you might like to see this. This is a new renaissance guild similar to the Wenches Guild or the Rouges guild. It is the Fraternal Order of Vikings, Barbarians and Berserkers and the website is here. The Guild is set up into 13 clans all based on animal totems: Bear, Boar, Bull, Corvid, Dragon, Falcon, Fox, Gryphon, Horse, Lion, Panther, Stag, and Wolf. Lunde-Guild usually does pins for the various guilds and I don't know if they have pins yet for the whole guild or if each clann will have its own pin. Here is theri website for the other guilds. Its not part of the SCA just a fun rennie thing. The rouges and wenches guilds tend to do things together at the various ren faires. I was hoping to get a rouges guild together here but there never seem if the area vcould suppoert it. i know alot of you like the Norse stuff so enjoy Uff Da! Someday I may make it to a meeting again!
Okay, why are we talking about this? Because our go-to psychiatrist insisted! According to her, adult ADD is super-common (especially among women) and way underdiagnosed. It also tends to show up during times of transition...say, a new living arrangement or a shift in your relationship (like getting married!). And, if left untreated, ADD can cause problems at work and at home. So just hear us out for a minute, and consider whether any of the following signs of Adult Add sound familiar: -You tend to lose things and have trouble getting organized. -Interrupting is a little (or big) problem for you. -“You’re not living up to your potential” or “For such a smart person, you should be doing so much better” are phrases you often hear. -You excel at certain parts of your job (say, negotiating) but can’t get through others (like writing a brief). -Sitting still and staying focused on one task is really, really hard. (Okay, that one was a given.) -You’re great at getting projects started (whether it's cleaning out your closet or a new campaign at work), but then you get overwhelmed or bored and have trouble seeing them through to completion. Any of these symptoms sound familiar? Talk to your doctor. While none of the above signs necessarily mean you (or your partner) have Adult ADD, when taken in combination with other factors, they could. Nestpert: Judith F. Kashtan, MD, is a practicing psychiatrist in Minneapolis and past president of the Minnesota Psychiatric Association. Find out more at Kashtan.YourMd.com See More: Diet & Fitness , So Random , How to
You may have looked at your thermostat and saw a piece of metal. Learn how the metal strip controls them temperature of your house. Have you ever wondered how your home's thermostat works? When immune cells detect an infectious organism, they produce fever-making chemicals. These chemicals prompt the body to produce prostaglandins, which turn up the thermostat in the brain.
Question? Just ask us! Free Encyclopedia of Building & Environmental Inspection, Testing, Diagnosis, Repair InspectAPedia ® Home WATER PUMPS, TANKS, TESTS, WELLS, REPAIRS WATER CONTAMINANT LEVELS WATER HAMMER NOISE DIAGNOSE & CURE WATER ODORS, CAUSE CURE WATER PUMP REPAIR GUIDE WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING WATER SOFTENERS & CONDITIONERS WATER TANK REPAIR PROCEDURES WATER TANK: USES, TROUBLESHOOTING WATER TESTS, CONTAMINANTS, TREATMENT WATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT CHOICES WELLS CISTERNS & SPRINGS WELL FLOW RATE WELL WATER PRESSURE DIAGNOSIS WELL YIELD IMPROVEMENT WINTERIZE A BUILDING Interimttent loss of building water pressure: diagnosis & cure. This article describes questions and answers from and to a homeowner who lost water pressure. The basics process of diagnosis and the costs of the repair are explained. Consumer advice on saving money on well repair costs includes a review of the parts and labor costs of a typical well pump and pressure tank replacement case. Green links show where you are. © Copyright 2013 InspectAPedia.com, All Rights Reserved. When you lose water for some time period but later it returns we think immediately of the following possible explanations: By contrast with cases where you lose but then recover water pressure in the building are cases where you lose and do not recover water pressure or flow: You'd have either no water or only very low pump output no matter what conditions in the well. If the building water supply stops and takes minutes to hours to recover, you may have problem with the well flow rate. But the problem of lost water supply and pressure could be more mechanical: a bad well pump. The well pump, in turn, could have been damaged or hastened to the end of its life by a bad water pressure tank which has caused well pump short-cycling. Short cycling of the pump motor can burn up the pump relay control. Readers of this document should also see Water pressure tanks - how to diagnose the need for air, how to add air, stop water pump short cycling to avoid damage - water storage water pressure tank safety. The illustration at left is courtesy of Carson Dunlop, Inc. in Toronto. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) No FAQs have been posted for this page. Try the search box below or CONTACT US by email if you cannot find the answer you need at InspectApedia. Questions & answers on intermittent loss of building water pressure: troubleshooting, causes, repairs. . Ask a Question or Enter Search Terms in the InspectApedia search box just below. Technical Reviewers & References Related Topics, found near the top of this page suggest articles closely related to this one.
Patriots getting love from Bodog.com when it comes to odds for Super Bowl XLVI |05.04.11 at 4:26 pm ET| Bodog has released it’s odds for the 2011 NFL season, and for what it’s worth, the Patriots and Green Bay are tied for the top spot when it comes to Super Bowl chances — both are getting 7/1 odds. Other teams of note and their Super Bowl chances include Pittsburgh at 11/1, San Diego at 12/1, Baltimore at 14/1, the New York Jets at 14/1 and Indianapolis at 16/1. Bodog also has some other interesting odds, including the 2011 NFL AP Offensive Rookie of the Year — Cam Newton is the favorite at 5/1. They also have 2011 NFL AP Defensive Rookie of the Year going to Patrick Peterson with 6/1 odds. (No Patriots rookie is getting odds in either race.) In addition, they have odds on who will be the starting quarterback at the beginning of the regular season for Carolina (Newton is at 2/5), Cincinnati (Andy Dalton is favored with 3/2 odds) and Minnesota (Christian Ponder at 2/1 barely beats out Donovan McNabb at 4/1). - Alfonzo Dennard's Sentence Extended - New England Patriots resign WR Austin Collie - New England Patriots Links 12/05/13 - Alfonzo Dennard to Find Out Legal... - 2013 Week 13 Patriots Power Rankings - Patriots Are Reliant on Rookies, But Still Winning - New England Patriots Links 12/04/13 - Patriots Preparing For All Browns... - NFL Playoff Picture: Where do the Patriots Stand After 12 Games?
commission - Black Bat for commission info: firstname.lastname@example.org Isn’t it interesting that Two-Face and the Joker, two villains who have messed up the various Robins with impunity, have both been to be scared sh!tlless of Cassandra Cain? Even Batman doesn’t produce that effect. Says something, no? Batgirl V2 #1 I don’t know if I’ll ever really like Adam Beechen’s version of Cass. I have yet to meet someone who did. Other than Dan Didio, of course. WHAT? A week dedicated to creating fanworks for Cassandra Cain! WHEN? The first week in November, running from November 4-10. WHY? Because Cassandra Cain is a character that is near and dear to my heart and whom I selfishly would love to see more of out there in the great wide Bat fandom world, and I’m hoping that others feel the same way. HOW? Fanfiction, graphics, fanmixes, meta posts — if it’s Cass-centric and it strikes your heart’s desire, go for it. WHERE? Your tumblr, my tumblr, every tumblr! Just be sure to tag your fanworks with “cass cain week” so everyone can see it! cass is always going to be my favorite batgirl and the best batgirl to me she fucking loved being batgirl and she really needed it at that time in her life. She needed to belong to a family. She was going to take over for BATMAN. For like, a couple years in DC comics it was genuinely seen as… Batgirl #21 (2001), by Kelley Puckett. So let’s talk for a moment about how fucking badass Cassandra Cain is. Panel One: A close-up of a man’s grinning white mask. His eyes are shadowed, and his name is Shadow Thief, though he is not named explicitly on this page. Shadow Thief: I see my reputation precedes me. As does… Panel Two: Shadow Thief throws a variety of metal shurikens. One of the walls of Barbara’s Clocktower is behind him. Shadow Thief: … death. Panel Three: Stephanie Brown, in her full Spoiler costume, and Barbara Gordon, face shadowed but for her glasses, look on the oncoming shuriken with wide eyes. Only Cassandra’s mouth can be seen, covered by the fabric of her Batgirl cowl. She is smiling. Panel Four: Cassandra slips her fingers through the center of each shuriken, stopping them inches in front of Stephanie’s and Barbara’s surprised faces, as well as catching the ones in front of her own with her other hand. Panel Five: Cassandra displays the shurikens on her fingers, smiling.} just Cass being adorable while telling people to shut the fuck up - Red Robin 25 As promised Tim returns to help Cass fight Cricket. Only to return home to Gotham severly injured…. And Cricket never appeared again….REBOOT!
We've been a long time without rain. The well is running dry. We can see rain in the distance, but it seems to pass us by. For the groundwater round the well to rise we have to have rain right here! I'm spending a lot of time wandering alongside the local creeks at the moment! The light here is difficult to catch, and at somepoint I will take some time to get it right. Another day at the side of the creek. I spotted this spider on it's web with the water behind it. The spider looks as though it is in a shell like hard body, but as far as I could see, getting quite close, the shape and pattern is just made from a very fine fur. I suspect that the ants are worshiping the moon, building little sculptures and textured drawings by sorting out all the fine sand from the hard bits of grit. Some ant tribes build crescents; this one has gone for the full moon. We've had a few days of sudden showers now... Nobody minds the chance to cool off a little and feel some clear water running through the hair! Missing the colours of Autumn - I'm drawn to the old leaves under the surface of this creek. I'm not sure if I should have avoided the sky reflection on the water or whether the contrast adds to the picture, keeping some sort of third dimension in there... Really not up to standard, but it was the only photo I took that day. Shot into the light, on purpose, just for fun, as the sun was setting. Not a great result! Dadanawa Ranch is an interesting place, full of history. This old stove in the big kitchen is a good representation of the whole ranch. Solid, large and purposeful it is now slowly rusting away and isn't really being used anymore. After a full day of bright sunshine and some fantastic running (all barefoot) in the school selection 'track' day, a sudden storm hit during the relay race. I got soaked, but it was well worth it to see this dramatic finsih to the race, and to the day. The local schools are holding selection races for a regional inter-school sports event in a couple of weeks. The swimming races showcased some interesting styles - but it was a fun day for all... This dance celebrates the process of making cassava, which is a long, tiring process. Part of the actual process was shown on Day 203. Here, the dance has moved on past the peeling, past the grating, past the squeezing in special woven tubes, past the drying, past the frying, and (I think) onto the eating! I think it was an early desire of mine to have a parrot as a pet. This parrot is clearly the pet of Raul, pictured here. The only problem is that the parrot listens to Raul being called, and scolded, by his mother all day. So most of the time the parrot just calls 'Raul, Raul, Raaaaaul!' and then sometimes, in that despairing voice which only mothers (and parrots) can do 'Rauuuuuuuul!'. Despite this, Raul still loves his pet parrot. Very similar to a picture I posted about two months ago, but the exposure is slightly better on this one. Sadly, the depth of field isn't quite there. I'd prefer full clarity along the length of the wings. Maybe it will be third time lucky! It really seems to be the season for children to head up the nearest tree when they have some spare time. Maybe its cooler up there, but I'm sure the ants must be a problem.
At least 11 Marion County veterans are going on an honor flight today to Washington D.C. The flight, sponsored by Casey’s general Stores, takes the veterans to the nation’s capital to see war monuments. Seven Marion County World War II veterans will be among the 400 Central Iowa vets taking part in an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. next week. The program provides all-expense paid trips for veterans to the Nation’s Capitol to see the new World War II memorial built in honor of their service. Pella residents Gary Gezel, Henry Monster, Robert Roorda, Eugene Stientjes, and Doyle VanDelune will make the trip, along with Harmon Wilke and Howard Dop of Knoxville. Their flight, which was made possible with help from a $250,000 donation from Hy-Vee, will leave for Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.
Here, for free, is my simple legal advice: Whatever you do, don’t get arrested in Virginia. The Commonwealth is, as far as I can tell, one of the worst places to find yourself when facing criminal charges. The laws are tough, and judges, prosecutors and juries are typically unforgiving. Offenses that would be considered akin to a traffic infraction in other jurisdictions result in criminal convictions. Unlike in D.C. and other jurisdictions, it is virtually impossible to get a criminal conviction expunged from your record. And while Virginia does allow for second chances for first-time offenders of minor offenses, the opportunities are far more limited than in other jurisdictions with which I am familiar. A diversion program, generally, is any type of agreement between the prosecution and the defendant that allows the defendant to have the case dismissed without going to trial. While I have often described diversion to clients as a “do over” (or, for golf lovers, “mulligan”), this characterization can be misleading: Many diversion programs impose fairly substantial burdens on the defendant, including fines, restitution, community service, anger management, drug testing, job training, and/or education. The best types of diversion programs for people charged with a minor offense can be, depending on the jurisdiction, a “stet docket” or “deferred prosecution agreement.” There are no conditions attached to a stet docket, for example. The government suspends prosecution for a period of time. If the defendant can stay out of trouble during that period of time, the charges are simply dismissed. There can sometimes be conditions attached to a deferred prosecution agreement: in addition to avoiding new arrests during this period, for example, the person might have to perform community service or undergo drug testing. One type of non-trial diversion program in Virginia is called a Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS). Unlike a straight deferred prosecution, the defendant needs to plead guilty under an SIS. The court simply delays entering the guilty plea into the record to give the defendant an opportunity to perform whatever conditions have been agreed to with the government. In the case of a public intoxication charge in Arlington, for example, the defendant is generally required to perform 24 hours of community service. While an SIS has the same effect as a deferred prosecution should the defendant succeed in completing the required conditions (that is, a dismissal of the charges), people considering entering into such an agreement should note two important differences. First, although successful completion of the SIS does not result in a conviction on the person’s criminal record, the acknowledgement of guilt would be considered a conviction for immigration purposes. Second, the person should be aware that he is waiving his right to trial by entering into the agreement. If the person subsequently violates any condition of the agreement, the court can simply enter the guilty plea into the record, thereby resulting in a criminal conviction. Unlike other jurisdictions, Virginia generally limits diversion programs to the most minor of offenses. For example, while certain types of assault can be eligible for diversion in D.C., diversion programs in Virginia typically apply to the offenses that other jurisdictions might treat as akin to traffic infractions: disorderly conduct, public drunkenness and profanity, littering, trespass, or urinating/defecating in public. In Pennsylvania, these charges would be considered “summary offenses” for which, even if found guilty, the person does not end up with a criminal conviction on his record. As with all diversion programs, the offer of an SIS is entirely discretionary with the government. While courts can try to encourage the government to pursue a non-trial disposition, whether or how to pursue a prosecution is entirely up to the government. It is also important to note that diversion programs are normally offered only to first-time offenders. A client once complained to me about the terms of a plea offered by the government. “The last time I got arrested for this,” the client said, “I only had to perform community service. How come I can’t get that again this time?” I had to inform him that, as with many other things in life, you only get so many chances.
[kwlug-disc] Linux is lagging behind shane.msg at gmail.com Fri Apr 30 10:30:06 EDT 2010 The problem, as you have pointed out, is not software but hardware. Back in the days of "luggable" portables there were different hardware platforms that ran different operating systems, CP/M comes immediately to mind but there were others. That all changed when IBM brought out the PC and developers started writing code for th PC. To date there is no such standard for phone/computers. If you want to load your version of Linux onto your favorite hardware, go ahead. Then be prepared to implement drivers to get it to function. It all depends on how much effort you want to put into it. ================It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. From: "Insurance Squared Inc." <gcooke at insurancesquared.com> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 14:52:04 To: KWLUG discussion<kwlug-disc at kwlug.org> Subject: Re: [kwlug-disc] Linux is lagging behind kwlug-disc_kwlug.org mailing list kwlug-disc_kwlug.org at kwlug.org More information about the kwlug-disc_kwlug.org
Re: Qt3 still broken (compat-headers), what to do? > (v) Talk to the maintainer, see what he thinks. > Hopefully Madkiss'll have an upload ready by tomorrow's dinstall (26 hours > away or so). Ah, wonderful. For me (v) over the last 4.5 months has occasionally led to positive rumblings but these were never followed by an actual upload. But if you've had more success with (v) then that's great, and if Madkiss is doing an upload now to fix the problem then I'm happier than I could have been with any other solution.
Weymouth Township School Teacher of the Month Has Students Loving Learning [AUDIO] The e-mail nominating Erin Porter to be the Lite Rock Teacher of the Month tells of one of her students leaving class and telling his mother “I love math”! That story was enough to convince…us that Mrs. Porter is doing someething right in the classroom. Porter is a third grade teacher at the Weymouth Township School and the nomination was from her student Brian Ruga’s mother, Donnel. Brian is now in the running for the $2000 scholarship Lite Rock will give to one of the students who nominates a deserving South Jersey teacher this school year. Lite Rock will visit Mrs. Porter’s class with a pizza party courtesy of Jack’s Pizza & Steaks in Somers Point and Pleasantville. Erin Porter also wins a $100 gift certificate courtesy of South Jersey Gas and a membership to Island Gym and Fitness for her selection as the Lite Rock Teacher of the Month. Lite Rock Teacher of the Month nominations should only be about 100 words in length and are a great way of recognizing teaching excellence, so consider entering in a nomination if you know of a teacher who is making a real difference in your child’s life. Click the link to hear my conversation congratulating Mrs Porter on becoming the Lite Rock Teacher of the Month.
Popular ringtone start times for this song... (mouse over to see times) Recent ringtone creations using this song... Recent app creations... 00:00→00:308 months ago 00:15→01:151 year ago 00:27→01:261 year ago 01:13→01:431 year ago 00:01→00:291 year ago Lyrics For "Some How Some Way" (Please believe that) Some how some way We gotta make it up out the hood some day Some how some way We gotta make it up out this life
Venezuela's energy minister has caused a political storm by telling state oil workers to back President Hugo Chavez or leave their jobs. Rafael Ramirez said he had not broken election rules The opposition released an amateur video of Rafael Ramirez, also head of the state oil company PDVSA, making the remarks to top executives. The opposition says the government is illegally mobilising workers to secure Mr Chavez's re-election on 3 December. Mr Chavez defended Mr Ramirez and said workers should back the "revolution". The president, a key critic of the United States who is widely expected to win the election, said: "Of course PDVSA is revolutionary. "[Its] workers are with this revolution, and those who aren't should go somewhere else. Go to Miami." Mr Chavez applauded his minister's words by saying he should make the same speech to oil workers 100 times a day. The video was presented by supporters of the main opposition candidate, Manuel Rosales. Opposition media outlets have been repeating the 14-minute video over and over again. It shows Mr Ramirez standing at a podium and addressing a crowd of managers. He can be heard saying that the state oil company is "red from top to bottom" - in reference to the colour red used by President Chavez's supporters. "Here, we are backing Chavez, who is our leader, who is the leader of this revolution, and we will do everything we have to do to support our president," Mr Ramirez adds. "Those who do not feel comfortable with that orientation, should give their jobs to a Bolivarian [a Chavez supporter]." At least 18,000 PDVSA employees were sacked in 2003 after bringing the country to a standstill with a two-month long strike. Mr Rosales's campaign team says election rules prohibit the use of PDSVA and other state-run organisations for election purposes. The team has demanded an investigation. Mr Ramirez denied he had broken campaign rules and said other videos would be released to remove doubts.
828 F.2d 1177 William BLACKBURN, Petitioner-Appellant, Dale FOLTZ, Respondent-Appellee. United States Court of Appeals, Argued May 21, 1987. Decided Sept. 17, 1987. Martin A. Geer (argued), Ann Arbor, Mich., for petitioner-appellant. Eric J. Eggan, Asst. Atty. Gen., Corrections Div., Lansing, Mich., Edgar L. Church, Jr. (argued), Asst. Atty. Gen., for respondent-appellee. Before KEITH and NORRIS, Circuit Judges, and PECK, Senior Circuit Judge. JOHN W. PECK, Senior Circuit Judge. Petitioner William Blackburn appeals from a district court judgment which denied his petition for writ of habeas corpus filed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2254. Blackburn was tried initially in September 1977 on three counts of armed robbery in Michigan. The proceeding ended in a mistrial due to a deadlocked jury. Blackburn was retried before a jury in November 1977 and convicted on all three counts. Blackburn contends on appeal that he was denied effective assistance of counsel at the second trial in three ways: Blackburn's counsel failed to move for suppression of Blackburn's prior convictions and gave him erroneous legal advice concerning the possible use of those convictions if he testified; he failed to obtain the transcript from the first trial in order to impeach the sole identifying witness at the second trial; and he did not investigate or file a notice of Blackburn's alibi. For the reasons stated herein, we reverse the district court's denial of the writ. * Blackburn was charged with the armed robbery of the Redmond family residence. At the first trial Mrs. Redmond testified that around 10 a.m. on February 17, 1976, two men came to her door to deliver a package. She testified that the men were standing approximately five feet away from her. Mrs. Redmond recalled that the man closer to her asked her to sign for the box. This man was Anthony Zielinski who was apprehended shortly after the robbery with the stolen property on his person. Mrs. Redmond turned to a nearby desk to get a pen and when she turned back around, the men were wearing ski masks. Mrs. Redmond estimated that this all occurred in less than one minute's time. She testified that the man in a green ski mask, Zielinski, held a gun on her, while the other robber in a red ski mask went upstairs. Mrs. Redmond testified that Zielinski then tied her up face down on a bed. He did the same to her husband, who had been dressing in another room and did not see the men unmasked. Jewelry and part of a coin collection were taken. At the trial Mrs. Redmond identified Blackburn as the robber who donned the red ski mask, but could not remember particulars about his appearance. She also stated that at the front door, the only time she saw the men unmasked, the man she identified as Blackburn "always looked toward the west.... [M]ost of the time I was only seeing a profile of his face, not a full view of his face.... [H]e was turned on an angle." Mrs. Redmond further testified that she identified one of the robbers from a photographic array shown to her by the police, but could not remember whether it was Zielinski or the defendant. Zielinski, who pled guilty to armed robbery, also testified for the prosecution at the first trial. He admitted that he pled guilty to the armed robbery in exchange for certain benefits from the state. He also admitted that his testimony against Blackburn was partly motivated by revenge. He testified that he, Blackburn and Joe May, who was tried separately,1 planned the robbery. Zielinski testified that he and Blackburn committed the robbery after May drove them to the Redmonds' residence. Zielinski stated that Blackburn held a gun on Mrs. Redmond while he ran upstairs to ransack the house. Zielinski also testified that when he came downstairs Blackburn told him to tie up the Redmonds. Zielinski recalled that he telephoned May to come pick them up. When May was late, Zielinski testified that he went outside to look for him and that, when he shortly thereafter saw a man run from the house, he knew that the plan had fallen apart. Zielinski testified that he saw a police car pull up at the house and he quickly left the immediate area. Zielinski stated that he saw Blackburn and May drive past him, but they did not stop to pick him up. Zielinski testified that he went into a doctor's office to telephone a cab. He was apprehended there with the stolen property, a knife, and green ski mask on his person. Two other witnesses testified that they saw a man wearing a green mask at the Redmonds. Neither saw the other robber. As indicated above, the jury was unable to reach a verdict and a mistrial was declared. At the second trial conducted in November 1977 Mrs. Redmond again testified. Although she still maintained that Blackburn was the robber, her testimony differed from the first trial in some respects. She testified that she was no more than three feet away from the robbers at the front door. She also testified that she talked to them about ten minutes and that she could see the full faces of both men. Mrs. Redmond also stated that she selected Blackburn's photo from the photographic array. Mrs. Redmond initially stated that one ski mask was blue, but on seeing the exhibit in the courtroom, corrected herself to state that it was red. Zielinski's testimony remained essentially unchanged. Unlike the first trial, Blackburn was convicted on all counts, and was sentenced to two concurrent life terms and a third term of 60 to 90 years. The Michigan Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction. People v. Blackburn, 94 Mich.App. 711, 290 N.W.2d 61 (1980). The Michigan Supreme Court denied Blackburn's request for review. People v. Blackburn, No. 64671 (Mich.S.Ct. Nov. 19, 1981). In October 1981 Blackburn filed for a writ of habeas corpus. Then District Court Judge Guy ordered an evidentiary hearing on Blackburn's claim of ineffective assistance of counsel with regard to counsel's failure at the second trial to move for exclusion of prior convictions, failure to investigate Blackburn's alibi defense, and failure to procure the transcript from the first trial for impeachment purposes. The evidentiary hearing was held before a magistrate on September 21, 1982.2 On March 21, 1985, the magistrate issued a report and recommendation for denial of the petition. Blackburn timely filed objections to the report. Judge Hackett, to whom the case was reassigned, denied the petition on August 8, 1986. Blackburn then timely filed his notice of appeal on September 5, 1986. In Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 104 S.Ct. 2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984), the Supreme Court set forth a two-pronged test for determining whether counsel's representation of a criminal defendant at trial or a capital sentencing proceeding is so deficient as to require reversal of the defendant's conviction: First, the defendant must show that counsel's performance was deficient. This requires showing that counsel made errors so serious that counsel was not functioning as the "counsel" guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth Amendment. Second, the defendant must show that the deficient performance prejudiced the defense. This requires showing that counsel's errors were so serious as to deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is reliable. Unless a defendant makes both showings, it cannot be said that the conviction or death sentence resulted from a breakdown in the adversary process that renders the result unreliable. Id. at 687, 104 S.Ct. at 2064. Under the Strickland test, a reviewing court's "scrutiny of counsel's performance must be highly deferential," and must strongly presume that counsel's advocacy fell "within the wide range of reasonable professional assistance." Id. at 689, 104 S.Ct. at 2065. In evaluating counsel's performance the court should also "keep in mind that counsel's function, as elaborated in prevailing professional norms, is to make the adversarial testing process work in the particular case." Id. at 690, 104 S.Ct. at 2066. A reviewing court must not indulge in hindsight, but must evaluate the reasonableness of counsel's performance within the context of the circumstances at the time of the alleged errors. Id. at 689-90, 104 S.Ct. at 2065-66; Kimmelman v. Morrison, 477 U.S. 365, 106 S.Ct. 2574, 2586, 91 L.Ed.2d 305 (1986). Although the district court's findings of fact are subject to the clearly erroneous standard of review, Fed.R.Civ.P. 52(a), the performance and prejudice components of the Strickland test are mixed questions of law and fact freely reviewable by the appellate court. Strickland, 466 U.S. at 698, 104 S.Ct. at 2070; Meeks v. Bergen, 749 F.2d 322, 327 (6th Cir.1984). With these principles in mind, we turn to the merits of Blackburn's argument that he was denied effective assistance of counsel as guaranteed him by the Sixth Amendment. Blackburn first asserts that the failure of his counsel, Mr. Girard, to move for suppression of his three prior convictions deprived him of effective assistance of counsel. These three prior convictions were: a 1945 larceny conviction; a 1948 armed robbery conviction; and a 1977 conviction for aiding and abetting the carrying of a concealed weapon in an automobile. At the magistrate's evidentiary hearing, Girard testified that he believed that such a motion was unnecessary because Blackburn had signaled his intent from the beginning not to testify. Girard also recalled that he advised Blackburn that if he were to testify on his own behalf, the prosecution would probably produce Joe May as a damaging rebuttal witness. Girard did not recall advising Blackburn during the second trial that all prior convictions could be used against him. However, Blackburn testified at the evidentiary hearing that he told Girard that he wanted to testify after the prosecution had rested at the second trial, but Girard advised him that the prosecution could impeach him "back to day one." The district court accepted Girard's testimony that Blackburn did not want to testify and determined that under the circumstances Girard did not seek suppression as "part of a deliberate and reasonable trial strategy." However, in so finding and concluding the district court seems not to have taken into account a critical exchange between Girard and Blackburn set forth in the second trial transcript: MR. GIRARD: At this juncture I would like to briefly on the record ask Mr. Blackburn if he desires to take the witness stand and testify on his own behalf at this trial. It is my understanding he does not, and I would like to just indicate on the record that he has been appropriately advised of his constitutional rights and principles. Mr. Blackburn has handed to me for presentation to this Court a citation of the People versus Trombley located in Michigan Court of Appeals 67. Mr. Blackburn has reason to believe this citation precludes the Prosecuting Attorney's cross examination of him pertaining to his criminal record dating more than ten years from the date in question. I have advised Mr. Blackburn that my understanding of the law does not so indicate, and that it is my opinion that if he does take the witness stand, the Prosecution can, in touching upon his credibility as a witness, probe any possible criminal record he has from the day he began life to today's date. * * * I'd like to ask Mr. Blackburn on the record if he desires to take the witness stand, and if he well appreciates his constitutional rights and principles and what rights he does not waive by not taking the stand. I want him to acknowledge the fact that if he does not take the witness stand, neither the Prosecution nor the Court in its charge can make any comment about him not taking the stand. In fact, the Court will make a specific charge of law to the jury suggesting that the mere fact that he did not take the witness stand cannot be utilized as evidence against him. Mr. Blackburn, do you desire to take the witness stand-- DEFENDANT BLACKBURN: No. MR. GIRARD:--and testify in your own behalf? I am satisfied he is taking the right step and making the right decision.THE COURT: Very well, Mr. Girard. (emphasis added) The record corroborates Blackburn's testimony and casts significant doubt on Girard's recollection. More importantly, the district court's error in this regard led it to the unsupportable conclusion that Girard's failure to seek suppression was "part of a deliberate and reasonable trial strategy." Mr. Girard's recitation of the law regarding admissibility of prior convictions was clearly wrong (and which, curiously, elicited no correction from the bench) and cannot be said to constitute reasonable strategy. Although the Michigan Rules of Evidence had not yet been adopted at the time of Blackburn's trial, the two older convictions would have been suppressed upon motion, because they were uncounseled, Loper v. Beto, 405 U.S. 473, 483, 92 S.Ct. 1014, 1019, 31 L.Ed.2d 374 (1972), and they were very old, People v. Robinson, 79 Mich.App. 145, 164-65, 261 N.W.2d 544, 554 (1977). It is also by no means certain that even the more recent 1977 concealed weapons conviction would have been used to impeach Blackburn. Under Michigan law at that time, as well as under the current Michigan Rules of Evidence, factors to be considered in determining the admissibility of a prior conviction include: "the nature of the prior offense, whether the conviction was for substantially the same conduct as that for which the accused is on trial, and the effect on the decisional process if the accused does not testify for fear of impeachment by prior convictions." People v. Hughes, 411 Mich. 517, 520, 309 N.W.2d 525, 526 (1981). As stated by the Michigan Supreme Court the purpose to be served in conducting this analysis is: 1) To put before the jury only those prior convictions indicative of the defendant's disposition toward truthfulness and veracity; and 2) To keep from the jury those convictions which, although they may be indicative of defendant's disposition toward truthfulness, may interfere with the jury's ability to determine the defendant's guilt or innocence on the basis of the evidence. Id. at 520-21, 309 N.W.2d at 526-27. Under this analysis even the 1977 conviction for aiding and abetting the carrying of a concealed weapon might have been suppressed inasmuch as evidence of that conviction is not probative of Blackburn's veracity and it deterred Blackburn from testifying. Moreover, since possession of a weapon is an element of the charged crime, People v. Lloyd, 5 Mich.App. 717, 722, 147 N.W.2d 740, 743 (1967); see M.C.L.A. 750.529, the judge could have determined that evidence of the prior conviction would be unduly prejudicial. Regardless of the outcome of the admissibility determination regarding the 1977 conviction, had Girard correctly stated the well established law, Blackburn would have had a meaningful opportunity to decide whether to testify knowing that he could possibly be impeached by only one concealed weapons conviction and not by his two other convictions, one, importantly, for armed robbery, the very charge for which he was on trial. Counsel's error takes on added significance in view of the fact that as a practical matter no viable defense was presented on Blackburn's behalf. Thus, we cannot agree with the trial court's determination that counsel's failure to move for suppression "was part of a deliberate and reasonable trial strategy." Counsel's failure to move for suppression and his legal advice to Blackburn was based, not on strategy, but on mistaken beliefs and "a startling ignorance of the law." Kimmelman, 106 S.Ct. at 2588-89. As such, we cannot escape the conclusion that Girard's performance in this regard was deficient and "outside the wide range of professionally competent assistance." Strickland, 466 U.S. at 690, 104 S.Ct. at 2066. Blackburn also alleges that Girard's failure to file a notice of alibi and to investigate potential alibi witnesses deprived him of effective assistance of counsel. Blackburn testified at the evidentiary hearing that he gave Girard names of three potential alibi witnesses: "Bill" the bartender at the Camelot Bar, Guy Reed, and William Campbell. He also told Girard that his mother would help with an alibi defense. Girard testified that he contacted Blackburn's mother, but that she was not able to provide names of potential witnesses. Girard stated that he made one short, unsuccessful trip to the Camelot Bar, but, feeling unsafe there, left shortly after he arrived with no new information. Girard testified that he did not recall the name of Reed or Campbell in connection with his investigation. However, Girard's file contained a letter from Blackburn dated May 31, 1977, setting forth Campbell's name and address. The file also contained a handwritten note on a letter dated November 2, 1977, stating: "Have Bill Campbell called...." We also note the fact that Campbell testified at Joe May's trial one year earlier. At the evidentiary hearing Campbell testified that he was walking his dog about 10:30 a.m. on the date of the robbery and saw Blackburn at that time. Campbell alleged that he left messages for Blackburn's lawyer a couple of times, but that his calls were not returned. Campbell stated that he did not make any effort to call Blackburn's lawyer until a couple of months after Blackburn's arrest, nor did he volunteer any alibi when the police came to his apartment to look for Blackburn. Although Girard did make one trip to the Camelot Bar to investigate possible defenses, he for no apparent reason failed to investigate a known and potentially important alibi witness. Under Strickland "counsel has a duty to make reasonable investigations or to make a reasonable decision that makes particular investigations unnecessary." 466 U.S. at 691, 104 S.Ct. at 2066. Accord Beasley v. United States 491 F.2d 687 (6th Cir.1974) (defense counsel has a duty to investigate "all apparently substantial defenses"). Further, American Bar Association standards, which provide guidance as to what constitutes "reasonable" professional conduct, see Nix v. Whiteside, 475 U.S. 157, 106 S.Ct. 988, 994, 89 L.Ed.2d 123 (1986); Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688, 104 S.Ct. at 2064-65, also mandate counsel's duty to investigate all leads relevant to the merits of the case. ABA Standard for Criminal Justice 4-4.1, 4.54-4.55 (1980). Viewing Girard's omission under the circumstances present at that time, and with deference to his professional judgment, we believe the failure to locate and question Campbell constituted ineffective representation outside the wide range of professionally competent assistance. Counsel did not make any attempt to investigate this known lead, nor did he even make a reasoned professional judgment that for some reason investigation was not necessary. See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 690-91, 104 S.Ct. at 2066. The third alleged instance of ineffective assistance of counsel involves Girard's failure to obtain the transcript of the first trial in order to impeach Mrs. Redmond, the victim and key identifying witness at both trials. At the evidentiary hearing Girard acknowledged that the critical portion of Mrs. Redmond's identification testimony concerned "the short duration of her observation of the individual who she said was Billy Blackburn and the vantage point she had in seeing his profile." Moreover, Girard at that hearing all but admitted that weakening Mrs. Redmond's testimony was the only plausible hope Blackburn had for acquittal: A For all intents and purposes we had no defense, because Mr. Blackburn indicated that he was not going to take the witness stand. We could not sufficiently locate witnesses that would serve as a purpose of alibi, and we went to trial in a desperate attempt to preclude the prosecution from establishing the burden of proof. Our game plan was that we felt that Mr. Zalinski's [sic] testimony could be impeached because of the type of individual he was. We further felt that the testimony of Mrs. Rudmun [sic] was not as concrete as the prosecution wanted it to be.... Q Was there any evidence at trial, that you attempted to produce at trial that Mrs. Redmun [sic] had misidentified the petitioner? A There was no evidence other than her previous testimony. Despite this knowledge, Girard expressed his belief that impeaching Mrs. Redmond would not be necessary or even desirable: [T]he only necessity or requirement that I would utilize in procuring the transcript of the testimony of her first trial would be to impeach her. I had the benefit of cross-examining Mrs. Redmond on two different occasions, and I knew that procedure of attempting to impeach her would be emotionally damaging on the stand because of her emotionality and how she elicited sympathy from everyone in the courtroom. I was not going to utilize that procedure of attempting to impeach her, and I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to. Even viewing Mr. Girard's decision with considerable deference to his professional judgment, under the circumstances of this case in which no other defense was apparent to counsel, the failure to procure the transcript for purposes of impeaching Mrs. Redmond was untenable.3 Throughout the evidentiary hearing Girard acknowledged the centrality of Mrs. Redmond's testimony to the prosecution's case and the vital importance of weakening her testimony; yet he failed to pursue the one obvious and only logical means of diminishing her identification testimony--procuring the transcript of Mrs. Redmond's previous testimony in order to impeach her with prior inconsistent statements. When no other defense was available in counsel's view, the failure to prepare for effective impeachment of the sole eyewitness based on a hunch that her testimony would not differ from the first trial was "unreasonable under prevailing professional norms and ... was not sound strategy." Kimmelman, 106 S.Ct. at 2588; Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688-89, 104 S.Ct. at 2065. Contrary to what the district court concluded, Girard's representation in this regard was deficient. Although we have addressed the above errors individually for discussion purposes, it is important to note that we have considered them within the context of counsel's overall performance and in view of all the facts in the record. See Kimmelman, 106 S.Ct. at 2589; Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689, 104 S.Ct. at 2065. Having thus concluded that Girard's performance was deficient under the Strickland guidelines, we turn to the prejudice component of the Strickland test. Under Strickland "[t]he defendant must show that there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel's unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different. A reasonable probability is a probability sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome." 466 U.S. at 694, 104 S.Ct. at 2068. Mr. Girard himself unknowingly summarized the prejudicial impact of his combined errors in acknowledging at the evidentiary hearing that Blackburn "had no defense, because [he] indicated he was not going to take the witness stand, [and] [w]e could not sufficiently locate witnesses that would serve as a purpose of alibi, and we went to trial in a desperate attempt to preclude the prosecution from establishing the burden of proof." Blackburn did not testify in his own behalf only because Girard had given him erroneous legal advice on the admissibility of his prior convictions. William Campbell, a possible alibi witness, was not available to testify as a result of Girard's negligently insufficient investigation. Having precluded Blackburn from testifying in his own defense or from introducing alibi witness testimony, Girard then failed to take any meaningful step to impeach and diminish the identification testimony of Mrs. Redmond, the sole eyewitness to the crime. Contrary to the district court's finding that Mrs. Redmond's testimony at both trials was "substantially the same" and that impeachment would have been unlikely, a full review of both trial transcripts reveals critical differences in Mrs. Redmond's identification testimony regarding the duration of her opportunity to observe the robber unmasked and the vantage point from which she could see his face. At the first trial on cross-examination Mrs. Redmond stated with regard to the length of time she saw the robbers unmasked: A. Now, that was all within one minute's time, I'm sure it couldn't have been much longer. Q. The whole thing happened fast, didn't it? A. It sure did. A. I didn't look at the man that much. Q. Your observation of the men on the porch was a short period was it? A. That's right. However, at the second trial Mrs. Redmond testified as follows: Q. About how long did you talk to them before they came in? A. I would really say about ten minutes. Q. Ten minutes? A. ... Maybe not quite that long. I don't know. Q. You indicated today ... that you felt you'd observed them without their masks for ten minutes? A. Approximately, yes. Q. Haven't you previously testified that it was a matter of seconds as opposed to ten minutes? A. No, never, not seconds. Q. No? Never? Without recourse to the first trial transcript, Girard was forced to let Mrs. Redmond's testimony stand and was unable to put before the jury her prior inconsistent testimony that she saw the robbers unmasked for a minute's time at most. Mrs. Redmond also testified at the first trial: Q. How far away were you from these two men when you met them at the door? A. About five feet away. A. One thing I did notice about the man, he never turned his face. Q. Never turned his face in what direction? A. Toward me, he always looked towards the west. In other words, most of the time I was only seeing a profile of his face. I could see a lot of it, but he never turned his face in one direction or another. At the second trial, she testified differently on direct examination: Q. Would you tell us how far away you were from these two men when this conversation was going on? A. Not much further than three feet at the very most. Q. Was anything obstructing your vision whatsoever? Q. All right. Now, could you see their full faces? Q. That's both men; is that correct? A. Both men. On cross-examination she testified as follows: Q. Didn't you only see a profile? Didn't you previously tell us.... A. No, I told you before ..., the other time when we had this same situation, I told you I did not see maybe part. I saw his profile because I could see that, but I could see his face directly, but there was one side I probably didn't see as clearly as the other. At the second trial Mrs. Redmond also testified without hesitation that she definitely picked out Blackburn's photo from an array shown to her by police. At the first trial she stated, "I can't remember whether it was [Blackburn] or Mr. Zielinski that was shown to me at the time." Girard did not challenge these inconsistencies which were highly probative of the reliability of Mrs. Redmond's identification of Blackburn. Indeed, Girard may not have been fully aware of inconsistencies without the aid of the prior trial transcript. Clearly, the lack of prior transcript hampered, if not precluded, effective cross-examination of the key identifying witness. The importance of Mrs. Redmond's testimony to the jury in reaching its decision cannot be gainsaid. All of the physical evidence linked only Zielinski to the crime. Moreover, Zielinski testified against Blackburn, as the jury was aware, only after pleading guilty to the armed robbery and in exchange for considerable benefits from the state--he would not have to serve his sentence in the Michigan Department of Corrections, where he feared for his life; he would not be charged as an habitual offender despite his lengthy criminal record; and a minimum sentence would be recommended by the state on the armed robbery conviction. We cannot escape the conclusion that counsel's errors, in combination, effectively deprived Blackburn of a meaningful defense. The deficiencies left the only credible identifying witness's testimony virtually unchallenged and this court has taken occasion to express its grave reservations concerning the reliability of eyewitness testimony. See, e.g., Wilson v. Cowan, 578 F.2d 166, 168 (6th Cir.1978). In this regard we mention that Mrs. Redmond's initial testimony, facially entitled to the greater belief, was that she saw Blackburn for less than a minute, and only in profile. Counsel's deficient performance further foreclosed the jury from hearing valuable countervailing evidence in the form of alibi witness testimony, Blackburn's own testimony, and/or Mrs. Redmond's prior inconsistent statements. Due to the combined errors of counsel, Blackburn was unable to subject the prosecution's case to " 'the crucible of meaningful adversarial testing'--the essence of the right to effective assistance of counsel." Martin v. Rose, 744 F.2d 1245, 1250 (6th Cir.1984) (citing United States v. Cronic, 466 U.S. 648, 656, 104 S.Ct. 2039, 2045, 80 L.Ed.2d 657 (1984)). The errors rendered the adversarial process and resulting conviction unreliable. See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 700, 104 S.Ct. at 2071. One further factor should be taken into account. Far from being an open and shut case, the fact that the evidence against Blackburn was not overwhelming is clearly established by the fact that the jury was unable to reach a verdict at the first trial. Under the circumstances of this case the errors were prejudicial because there is a reasonable probability that, absent the errors, the jury would have had a reasonable doubt regarding Blackburn's guilt. Strickland, 466 U.S. at 695, 104 S.Ct. at 2068. Accordingly, the judgment of the district court is reversed and the case is remanded to the district court with instructions to issue the writ of habeas corpus unless the State of Michigan grants Blackburn a new trial within a reasonable period of time. May was convicted, but his conviction was reversed by the Michigan Court of Appeals. He was not retried At this point in the proceedings, the state claimed that Blackburn's failure to request an evidentiary hearing or move for a new trial before the trial court with regard to the issue of ineffectiveness of counsel constituted a state procedural default that precluded habeas corpus review of his claim under Engle v. Isaac, 456 U.S. 107, 102 S.Ct. 1558, 71 L.Ed.2d 783 (1982). After examining the record the magistrate determined that the state appellate court did not rely on the alleged procedural default in denying Blackburn's request for review, so there was no bar to federal habeas corpus review. See Meeks v. Bergen, 749 F.2d 322, 325 (6th Cir.1984). Although the state waived any right of appeal on this issue by not objecting to the magistrate's report and recommendation, United States v. Walters, 638 F.2d 947, 949-50 (6th Cir.1981), we note our agreement with the magistrate's analysis and with the district court's adoption of the magistrate's recommendation on this point The district court accepted Girard's testimony at the evidentiary hearing that he unsuccessfully moved the trial court for a transcript of the first trial. However, the district court overlooked Girard's statement on the record at the second trial that, contrary to his client's demand, he was not requesting the transcript due to the delay it would cause. Thus, the district court's finding on this point was clearly erroneous, and may have contributed to the improper conclusion it reached regarding the reasonableness of Girard's advocacy
- About the SSI - Student Sustainabilty Center - Our Work - Get Involved - Contact Us Opportunity: SAGE Garden Manager Corvallis Environmental Center SAGE Garden Manager The Corvallis Environmental Center is hiring a part-time Garden Manager for our Starker Arts Garden for Education. The SAGE Garden Manager will oversee our one-acre educational production garden, manage a volunteer program and lead programs for youth and adults. SAGE is part of the Corvallis Environmental Center’s Edible Corvallis Initiative. The Edible Corvallis Initiative is working to support a sustainable food system in Corvallis. SAGE Garden Manager duties include: - Design and plan garden layout. - Coordinate donations and purchases of supplies and plant starts. - Develop and supervise garden work plan: including planting, watering and harvesting schedule. - Recruit community volunteers. Supervise weekly work parties at the garden including dinner preparations. - Coordinate additional volunteer work parties including the Youth Volunteer Corps and school, business, and church groups. - Maintain irrigation system, garden tools and equipment. - Track volunteer hours. - Track produce donations. - Coordinate deliveries with Stone Soup, South Corvallis Food Bank and other agencies. - Supervise garden assistants and interns. - Coordinate garden activities for summer camps with camp coordinator. - Develop and teach adult garden education programs. - Participate in budgeting for SAGE garden programs. - Assist in grant writing and reporting. - Develop and administer program evaluations. - Participate in staff meetings. - Plan community and fundraising events at the SAGE garden. - Other duties as assigned. - Extensive gardening/farming experience - Experience working with volunteers - Experience working with children - Able to work independently and as part of a team - Ability to lift 40 lbs and work outdoors in variable climatic conditions - Familiarity with MS Office computer programs This is a part-time position with the opportunity to expand. Hours are flexible and seasonal; work on some Saturdays is required. Starting pay is $13/hour. The position is opened until filled. To apply, please submit a resume and cover letter addressed to Edible Corvallis Initiative Director. Submissions may be made by: Mail/dropoff: 214 SW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97333
Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) said today its finally taking Fire Eagle out of beta and opening it up to the public. The service helps manage location information for websites, or for that matter, any device that has internet access. I’ve always wondered why location-based information has been limited to cell phones and mobile devices. I often travel with my laptop and occasionally can remote login from different computers — wouldn’t it be great if websites knew you were traveling, or even working from a coffee shop in your hometown? That’s sort of where Fire Eagle steps in. It doesn’t find a user’s location, but gathers that information from several sources, and makes it very accessible to the developer. Release. VentureBeat writes that Yahoo doesn’t intend this service to be limited to all the social networks out there, but for it to be much more expansive. For instance, location could be used to find all the emails you sent while on vacation, it said. You can imagine this may become even more critical as people have Internet tablets, or use ultra-mobile PCs. How it works: Users get to authorize a website, a mobile service or a desktop application as to when they can use their location. It can be automatic or manual, and because privacy is a big concern, people can hide themselves, change their sharing preferences or delete any of their stored information at any time. Developers can plug in Fire Eagle to easily add a location-based element. Some of the beta users: Brightkite, which has a location-based social network; Dash, which is a GPS system that incorporates traffic monitoring; Dipity, which allows people to share stories on certain topics; Dopplr, which travelers use to share their plans; Movable Type, the blogging software, Loki, which adds your location to your social network, such as Twitter or Facebook; and others.
“Use Your Voice: Do Good” Campaign Nashville, TN (January 17, 2011) – One-by-one country music stars are taking off their cowboy boots and replacing them with army boots! The Boot Campaign was inspired by retired US Navy SEAL and author of the book Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell. The campaign is a way for Americans to give back and say thank you to our armed forces. Country music stars involved include: legends like George Jones, Oak Ridge Boys, Jan Howard, Mel Tillis, Lee Greenwood and Charlie Daniels, along with hit-makers Josh Turner, Phil Vassar, Joe Nichols, Randy Houser, Gretchen Wilson, Little Texas, Joe Diffie, Jamie O’Neal, Heidi Newfield, Justin Moore, Chuck Wicks, Colt Ford, Randy Rogers Band, Eli Young Band, Derek Sholl, Joey + Rory and Jack Ingram. Charlie Daniels, who even chose the Boot Campaign to be a part of his annual charity event at the Nashville Palm said, “I’ve never seen anything quite as unique as the Boot Campaign, and I’ve seen a lot!” Also on board are bluegrass artists The Grascals and The Roys, along with Texas sensations Cross Canadian Ragweed, Robert Earl Keen, Jason Boland, Aaron Watson, Mick and the Motorcars, Reckless Kelly, Wade Bowen, Kevin Fowler, Stoney LaRue, No Justice, Bleu Edmondson, and Granger Smith. These celebrities along with the Boot Girls are helping to spread the organizations motto: “When They Come Back, We Give Back!” The campaign encourages Americans to purchase a pair of army combat boots to wear in support of our nation’s troops. Proceeds from the boot sales are donated to partner charities, including Luttrell’s Lone Survivor Foundation.
||The English used in this article may not be easy for everybody to understand. (April 2012)| |Full name||Bertrand Russell| |Born||18 May 1872 Trellech, Monmouthshire, UK |Died||2 February 1970 Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales, UK |Era||20th century philosophy| Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS, (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970), was one of the world's best-known intellectuals. He was a philosopher, logician, and mathematician. He was born in Wales, but spent most of his life in England. He worked mostly in the 20th century. Bertrand Russell wrote a lot. He also tried to make philosophy popular. He gave his opinion on many topics. He wrote the essay, "On Denoting", which has been described as one of the most influential essays in philosophy in the 20th Century. He wrote on very serious issues as well as everyday things. Continuing his family's tradition of being involved in politics, he was a well known liberal as well as a socialist and anti-war activist for most of his long life. Millions looked up to Russell as a prophet of the creative and rational life. At the same time, his stances on many topics were extremely controversial. Born at the height of Britain's economic and political ascendancy, he died of influenza nearly a century later when the British Empire had all but vanished, its power dissipated in two victorious, but debilitating world wars. Russell's voice carried enormous moral authority, even into his early 90s. Russell supported nuclear disarmament a lot, but did not support the American war in Vietnam even when it was popular. In 1950, Russell was made a Nobel Laureate in Literature "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought". He died of influenza. - 1 What people said about Russell - 2 Quotations - 3 Further reading - 4 Other websites What people said about Russell[change | edit source] As a man[change | edit source] - "Bertrand Russell would not have wished to be called a saint of any description; but he was a great and good man." - — A.J. Ayer, Bertrand Russell, NY: Viking Press, 1972. As a philosopher[change | edit source] - "It is difficult to overstate the extent to which Russell's thought dominated twentieth century analytic philosophy: virtually every strand in its development either originated with him or was transformed by being transmitted through him. Analytic philosophy itself owes its existence more to Russell than to any other philosopher." - — Nicholas Griffin, The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. As a writer and his place in history[change | edit source] - "Russell's prose has been compared by T.S. Eliot to that of David Hume's. I would rank it higher, for it had more color, juice, and humor. But to be lucid, exciting and profound in the main body of one's work is a combination of virtues given to few philosophers. Bertrand Russell has achieved immortality by his philosophical writings." - — Sidney Hook, Out of Step, An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century, NY: Carol & Graff, 1988. - "Russell's books should be bound in two colours, those dealing with mathematical logic in red — and all students of philosophy should read them; those dealing with ethics and politics in blue — and no one should be allowed to read them." - — Ludwig Wittgenstein quoted in Rush Rhees, Recollections of Wittgenstein, Oxford Paperbacks, 1984. As a mathematician and logician[change | edit source] - Of the Principia: "...its enduring value was simply a deeper understanding of the central concepts of mathematics and their basic laws and interrelationships. Their total translatability into just elementary logic and a simple familiar two-place predicate, membership, is of itself a philosophical sensation." - — W.V. Quine, From Stimulus to Science, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995. As an activist[change | edit source] - "Oh, Bertrand Russell! Oh, Hewlett Johnson! Where, oh where, was your flaming conscience at that time?" - — Alexandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Harper & Row, 1974. As a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature[change | edit source] - In other words, it was specifically not for his incontestably great contributions to philosophy — The Principles of Mathematics, 'On Denoting' and Principia Mathematica — that he was being honoured, but for the later work that his fellow philosophers were unanimous in regarding as inferior. - — Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell, The Ghost of Madness, p. 332. From a daughter[change | edit source] - "He was the most fascinating man I have ever known, the only man I ever loved, the greatest man I shall ever meet, the wittiest, the gayest, the most charming. It was a privilege to know him, and I thank God he was my father." - — Katharine Tait, My Father Bertrand Russell, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, p. 202. Quotations[change | edit source] |Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Bertrand Russell| - "War does not determine who is right. Only who is left." (Often attributed to Russell, but no sources exist.) - "The secret of happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible, horrible, horrible." (Source: Alan Wood, Bertrand Russell, the Passionate Sceptic, 1957) - "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." (Source?) - "You could tell by his [Aldous Huxley] conversation which volume of the Encyclopaedia Britannica he'd been reading. One day it would be Alps, Andes and Apennines, and the next it would be the Himalayas and the Hippocratic Oath." (Source: Parris, M., Scorn: With Added Vitriol, London: Penguin, 1996, quoting Russell's 1963 letter to Ronald W. Clark) - "A Tale of Two Moralities" "I dislike Nietzsche," Russell wrote, "because he likes the contemplation of pain, because he erects conceit into a duty, because the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die." (Source: History of Western Philosophy, chap. on Nietzsche, last par.) Further reading[change | edit source] Selected bibliography of Russell's books[change | edit source] This is a selected bibliography of Russell's books in English sorted by year of first publication. - 1896, German Social Democracy, London: Longmans, Green. - 1897, An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, Cambridge: At the University Press. - 1900, A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, Cambridge: At the University Press. - 1903, The Principles of Mathematics, Cambridge: At the University Press. - 1910, Philosophical Essays, London: Longmans, Green. - 1910 – 1913, Principia Mathematica (with Alfred North Whitehead), 3 vols., Cambridge: At the University Press. - 1912, The Problems of Philosophy, London: Williams and Norgate. - 1914, Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy, Chicago and London: Open Court Publishing. - 1916, Principles of Social Reconstruction, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1916, Justice in War-time, Chicago: Open Court. - 1917, Political Ideals, New York: The Century Co. - 1918, Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, London: Longmans, Green. - 1918, Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism, and Syndicalism, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1919, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1920, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism,London: George Allen & Unwin - 1921, The Analysis of Mind, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1922, The Problem of China, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1923, The Prospects of Industrial Civilization (in collaboration with Dora Russell), London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1923, The ABC of Atoms, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. - 1924, Icarus, or the Future of Science, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. - 1925, The ABC of Relativity, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. - 1925, What I Believe, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. - 1926, On Education, Especially in Early Childhood, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1927, The Analysis of Matter, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. - 1927, An Outline of Philosophy, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1927, Why I Am Not a Christian, London: Watts. - 1927, Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell, New York: Modern Library. - 1928, Sceptical Essays, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1929, Marriage and Morals, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1930, The Conquest of Happiness, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1931, The Scientific Outlook, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1932, Education and the Social Order, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1934, Freedom and Organization, 1814 – 1914, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1935, In Praise of Idleness, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1935, Religion and Science, London: Thornton Butterworth. - 1936, Which Way to Peace?, London: Jonathan Cape. - 1937, The Amberley Papers: The Letters and Diaries of Lord and Lady Amberley (with Patricia Russell), 2 vols., London: Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press. - 1938, Power: A New Social Analysis, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1940, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, New York: W. W. Norton & Company. - 1945, A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, New York: Simon and Schuster. - 1948, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1949, Authority and the Individual, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1950, Unpopular Essays, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1951, New Hopes for a Changing World, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1952, The Impact of Science on Society, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1953, Satan in the Suburbs and Other Stories, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1954, Human Society in Ethics and Politics, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1954, Nightmares of Eminent Persons and Other Stories, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1956, Portraits from Memory and Other Essays, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1956, Logic and Knowledge: Essays 1901 – 1950 (edited by Robert C. Marsh), London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1957, Why I Am Not A Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects (edited by Paul Edwards), London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1958, Understanding History and Other Essays, New York: Philosophical Library. - 1959, Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1959, My Philosophical Development, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1959, Wisdom of the West ("editor", Paul Foulkes), London: Macdonald. - 1960, Bertrand Russell Speaks His Mind, Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Company. - 1961, The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell (edited by R.E. Egner and L.E. Denonn), London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1961, Fact and Fiction, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1961, Has Man a Future?, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1963, Essays in Skepticism, New York: Philosophical Library. - 1963, Unarmed Victory, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1965, On the Philosophy of Science (edited by Charles A. Fritz, Jr.), Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. - 1967, Russell's Peace Appeals (edited by Tsutomu Makino and Kazuteru Hitaka), Japan: Eichosha's New Current Books. - 1967, War Crimes in Vietnam, London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1967 – 1969, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 3 vols., London: George Allen & Unwin. - 1969, Dear Bertrand Russell... A Selection of his Correspondence with the General Public 1950 – 1968 (edited by Barry Feinberg and Ronald Kasrils), London: George Allen and Unwin. Note: This is a mere sampling, for Russell also authored many pamphlets, introductions, articles and letters to the editor. His works also can be found in any number of anthologies and collections, perhaps most notably, The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, which McMaster University began publishing in 1983. This collection of his shorter and previously unpublished works is now up to 16 volumes, and many more are forthcoming. An additional 3 volumes catalogue just his bibliography. The Russell Archives at McMaster also have more than 30,000 letters that he wrote. - 1900, Sur la logique des relations avec des applications à la théorie des séries, Rivista di matematica 7: 115-148. - 1901, On the Notion of Order, Mind (n.s.) 10: 35-51. - 1902, (with Alfred North Whitehead), On Cardinal Numbers, American Journal of Mathematics 23: 367-384. B. Secondary references: - John Newsome Crossley. A Note on Cantor's Theorem and Russell's Paradox, Australian Journal of Philosophy 51: 70-71. - Ivor Grattan-Guinness, 2000. The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870-1940. Princeton University Press. Books about Russell's philosophy[change | edit source] - Bertrand Russell: Critical Assessments, edited by A. D. Irvine, 4 volumes, London: Routledge, 1999. Consists of essays on Russell's work by many distinguished philosophers. - Bertrand Russell, by John Slater, Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1994. - The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, edited by P.A. Schilpp, Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern University, 1944. - Russell, by A. J. Ayer, London: Fontana, 1972. ISBN 0006329659. A lucid summary exposition of Russell's thought. Biographical books[change | edit source] - Bertrand Russell: 1872 – 1920 The Spirit of Solitude by Ray Monk (1997) ISBN 0099731312 - Bertrand Russell: 1921 – 1970 The Ghost of Madness by Ray Monk (2001) ISBN 009927275X - Bertrand Russell: Philosopher and Humanist, by John Lewis (1968) - Bertrand Russell, by A. J. Ayer (1972), reprint ed. 1988: ISBN 0226033430 - The Life of Bertrand Russell, by Ronald W. Clark (1975) ISBN 0394490592 - Bertrand Russell and His World, by Ronald W. Clark (1981) ISBN 0500130701 Other websites[change | edit source] |Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Bertrand Russell| |Wikisource has original works written by or about: |Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Bertrand Russell| Writings available online[change | edit source] - "Contents Recommended" - "A Free Man's Worship" (1903) - Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic? - Icarus: The Future of Science - Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? - Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind - In Praise of Idleness (1932) - Nobel Lecture (1950) - Political Ideals - The Problem of China - The Problems of Philosophy - Proposed Roads to Freedom (1918) - "16 Questions on the Assassination" (of President Kennedy) - The Analysis Of Mind - What is an Agnostic? - Why I am not a Christian - "The Elements of Ethics" (1910) - The Principles of Mathematics (1903) - Works by Bertrand Russell at Project Gutenberg Other[change | edit source] - Pembroke Lodge - childhood home and museum - The Bertrand Russell Society - a member organisation of the International Humanist and Ethical Union - The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly - The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation - Biography and quotes of Bertrand Russell - Russell Photo Gallery - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry - The Bertrand Russell Archives - Resource list - The First Reith Lecture given by Russell (Real Audio) - Encyclopaedia Britannica
Under fire Ghana coach Goran Stevanovic has revealed that some Black Stars players resorted to the use of “black power” to outdo each other during the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations. Ghana came fourth at the 28th edition of the continental showpiece and a section of the local media cites internal wrangling and player indiscipline as some of the major issues for the four-time Africa champions’ disappointing performance. The Ghana FA at a press briefing on Wednesday said they will take a decision on the coach within the next two weeks. Below is a copy of the Serbian’s technical report on Ghana’s performance at the 2012 Afcon: SUBJECT : REPORT – THE 2012 AFRICAN CUP OF NATIONS IN GABON / EQUATORIAL GUINEA 1. PREPARATIONS The Ghana football Association in consultation with the technical team selected 25 players for preparation in South Africa. Camping in Rustenburg was excellent and accommodation, feeding, training facilities were all good. We had ten training sessions and played two friendly games. INVITED PLAYERS 1. ADAM KWARASEY – Norway 2. DANIEL ADJEI – Liberty 3. ERNEST SOWAH – Chelsea 4. KWADWO ASAMOAH – Udinese 5. SAMUEL INKOOM – Dnipro 6. MASAWUDU ALHASSAN – Genoa 7. DANIEL OPARE – Standard 8. JOHN BOYE – France 9. MOHAMMED ABU – Norway 10 DEDE AYEW – Marseille 11. CHARLES TAKYI – St. Pauli 12. AGYEMANG BADU – Udinese 13. DEREK ASAMOAH – Pohang 14. SULLEY MUNTARI – Inter 15. EMMANUEL BAFFOUR – Edubiase 16. DEREK BOATENG – Dnipro 17. JORDAN AYEW – Marseille 18. JOHN MENSAH – Lyon – Fr 19. JOHNATHAN MENSAH – France 20. ISAAC VORSAH – Hofenheim 21. ANTHONY ANNAN – Vitesse – Hol 22. JOHN PAINTSIL- Leister City 23. PRINCE TAGOE – Turkey 24. LEE ADDY – China 25. ASAMOAH GYAN – AL Ain OFFICIALS 1. GORAN STEVANOVIC 2. KWASI APPIAH 3. EDDIE ANSAH 4. ALEKS GUSIC 5. PERCY ANNAN 6. OPOKU AFRIYIE 7. ALLEN AKABA 8. CHARLES BOTCHWAY 9. SHERRIF MUSAH 10. ANKAMAH 11. SHILE ( PHYSICAL TRAINER) 12. MARIANA ( PHYSIOTHERAPIST) INJURIES AND THE FINAL 23 SQUAD After five training sessions in South Africa the technical team dropped Emmanuel Baffour and Derek Asamoah to bring the squad to 23. John Mensah and Asamoah Gyan were nursing muscle injuries so the management brought in a physiotherapist ( Mariana) from Serbia to help treat the muscle problems in the team. Fortunately both players recovered miraculously within two days to join our training sessions. Agyemang Badu also had an injury before camping in Rustenburg but recovered within some few days in camp. TECHNICAL MEETING On the day of every match we showed the players clips of the opposing team. We analysed the opponent set pieces, defensive and attacking tactics and how we can penetrate their defence. All players were made aware of their roles and those who should take our set pieces. Players were always psyched up and always made aware about the importance of this tournament to themselves and Ghanaians. I also showed them films which were very motivational and inspiring. ASSESSMENT OF TOURNAMENT We played our first match against Botswana at Franceville which ended 1 – 0 in our favour. Every first game of a tournament is always difficult and the Botswana team tactically sat back and relied on counter attacks. I realised that most players’ performance was not as expected due to lack of games in their various clubs. John Mensah scored the only goal for Ghana. Our second game was also played at Franceville with Mali and the match ended 2 – 0 in favour of Ghana. The goals were scored by Asamoah Gyan and Andre Ayew. I was really satisfied with our performance technically and tactically. The third group match was played against Guinea at Franceville and the final score ended 1-1. Guinea was my best team in the tournament and I was not surprised when they gave us a really good game. John Mensah scored our goal from a corner kick We qualified to the quarter final stage after being on top of our group. The match was played at Franceville with Tunisia and it ended 2 -1 in favour of Ghana. The goal scorers for Ghana were Agyemang Badu and Andre Ayew. The match was very competitive but I was satisfied with our game and the players fighting spirit. We reached the semi finals of the competition playing against Zambia. We played our best game in the tournament outplaying the Zambians technically and tactically. We created many scoring opportunities but unfortunately could not utilise our chances. The Zambians created two chances and were fortunate to get a goal. We lost 1-0 but there was vast improvement in our game compared to the group stage matches. After the loss every individual in camp was devastated and spirit in camp was zero. I held a meeting with the playing body the following day to encourage and to psyche them for our next game with Mali. Unfortunately, the meeting turned out to be accusations and blames amongst the players which needs to be addressed by the FA management and the technical team for a better future. The third place match against Mali was played at Equatorial Guinea. After missing our target which is the gold, the willingness to fight was lost in the players and we lost 2 – 0 to Mali. CONCLUSION After losing to Zambia, there arose so many accusations amongst the players during my meeting with them. I have learnt great lessons from African football and also about Ghanaian players’ behaviour on and off the field. We all need to help in changing some players’ mentality about using black power to destroy themselves and also make sure we install discipline and respect for each other. I am very grateful to the Ministry of Sports, Ghana football Association Management, and the Black Stars Management Committee for their assistance and support during the qualifying stages, preparations and the competition in Gabon / Equatorial Guinea. I also thank the technical team and Coach Oti Akenten who assisted in monitoring other teams for us. My gratefulness and thanks goes to my Gallant players who stayed in camp for almost seven weeks and worked tirelessly to reach quarter finals and finally to all Ghanaians who prayed and also supported us throughout the competition.
Former Parkland High School teacher Terry Lamar Jones turned himself in to the Forsyth County magistrate’s office yesterday. Jones was wanted on 64 counts of felony sexual activity after a college essay by a former student revealed that she had sex with a music teacher named ‘Smith’ that resulted in a terminated pregnancy. Rush Radio’s account noted it didn’t officers long to figure out the teacher’s true identity. It’s a reasonable assumption Jessica Martin’s intent was not to land Jones in jail. But ‘Smith’ as an alias for ‘Jones’ is a pretty thinly veiled reference, is it not? ........As you post your comment, please conform to Piedmont Publius's simple comment policy: we welcome all perspectives, but require that comments be both civil and respectful. If you wouldn't say it to a co-worker in front of your boss, it probably is not civil and respectful. We will delete any comment that fails this test and issue a warning to the poster. A second offense will result in a ban on commenting on this site. In sum, disagreements, arguments even, are welcome; abusive behavior is not. Thanks.
Earlier this week 106 & Park announced that reality star Draya Michelle would be a guest on 106 & Park. Before the show aired BET opened the floor by asking viewers to use the hashtag #AskDraya to submit question for the reality star. Shortly after twitter started going in on Draya because of the rumors about her neglecting her son. If you recall Draya was arrested in 2007 on charges of child endangerment after her 7-year-old son at the time called 911 and reported he was left home alone for days without any food while she was at the strip club. Yesterday on 106 and Park Draya spoke out regarding the allegations stating: “Well, the first thing is, I don’t expect people to understand my life. Because it’s my life. I’m not a bad parent in any way. I’m lucky enough to have fans that have followed me from Basket Ball Wives LA and know that I’m trying to help my family and the set path I’m trying to go with them. Mind ya business!” She also stated that the people who constantly brings up her son are haters who secretly love her: “I got so many haters. I think they’re just confused admirers. Haters are just confused admirers. They just love me. If you’re thinking about me, negative or positive, I’m still on your mind. I stay on your mind!” Let me say this and I’m going to try my best not to judge Draya. At the end of the day when she signed up to do reality television, that was the day she signed away her privacy. Draya can’t expect people to mind their business when it proof out there that she left her son home alone with no food while she was at the strip club. She can’t expect people to mind their business when she’s posting pictures of herself at the club living it up in LA and her son is back in Philly living with her mother. I understand that she’s trying to get her money up but at the end of the day her child should come first no matter what!!!!
W.Va. Receives Federal Grant for Focus on Healthy Meals Posted: September 18, 2012 CHARLESTON, W.Va. – West Virginia is among 19 states and territories chosen to share a $5.2 million federal nutrition grant for progressive efforts encouraging healthy eating and physical activity in its schools. West Virginia will receive $346,515 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture over the next two years to support Team Nutrition goals. Those goals include providing training and technical assistance to child nutrition foodservice professionals to provide nutritious meals that appeal to children; offering fun and interactive nutrition education for children, teachers, parents and others; and building school and community support for creating healthy school environments that are conducive to healthy eating and physical activity. “Experience and research consistently shows that children who are healthy and well nourished, perform better on standardized tests, have higher math scores and lower rates of absenteeism and tardiness,” said state Superintendent Jorea Marple. “Children are beginning to get the message about good health but we can and must do better. This grant will allow us to continue the good work we are doing in West Virginia to improve student health and wellness.” Healthier school meals are a key component of the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which was championed by first lady Michelle Obama as part of her Let's Move! campaign and signed into law by President Obama. The Team Nutrition grant are funded to assist schools in meeting the new school meal requirements under the act and to promote healthier school environments. West Virginia is ahead of many other states in its efforts to provide healthy meals and improve physical activity in its schools as an early adopter of many requirements in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The new federal law calls both fruits and vegetables to be offered every day; increases whole grain-rich foods; limits milk offerings to fat-free or low-fat; restricts calories and portions based on children’s ages; and reduces saturated fat, trans fats and sodium. West Virginia has taken steps to incorporate those guidelines and other health and wellness standards since 1994. "When we serve our children healthy school meals, we're making a critical investment in their academic performance, their physical health and their future," said U.S. Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan. "Providing nutrition education resources, extending training and technical assistance to foodservice professionals, and building community support helps ensure that every child in America has a chance to succeed." Others receiving Team Nutrition awards are Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin. For more information, contact the Office of Communication at 304-558-2699.
Last Friday DJ Khaled invited a few friends and contributors to shoot the upcoming video for “I Wanna Be With You” in Miami. Here’s a few behind-the-scenes flicks — gathered from various IG pages — from the shoot. Including cameos from Nicki Minaj, Future, Ciara and more. Suffering From Success, September 24. ENTER RATINGPost a Comment
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Built in 1991, Auberge La Camarine Hotel is a distinct addition to the city's skyline. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's must-see destinations. Take advantage of a wealth of unrivaled services and amenities at this Beaupre (QC) hotel. Guests of the hotel can enjoy on-site features like family room, meeting facilities, room service, car park, Wi-Fi in public areas. Hotel accommodations have been carefully appointed to the highest degree of comfort and convenience, with daily newspaper, non smoking rooms in each room. The hotel offers many unique recreational opportunities such as garden, golf course (within 3 km). Enjoy unparalleled services and a truly prestigious address at the Auberge La Camarine Hotel.
Born:October 16, 1940 in Detroit, Michigan Died:May 14, 2003 High School: Austin Catholic in Detroit, Michigan College: University of Detroit Mercy Hall of Fame: Inducted as Player in 1983 (Full List) As Player: 875 G, 16.1 PPG, 11.0 RPG, 2.9 APG (Full Record) As Coach: 3 Yrs, 79-143, .356 W-L% (Full Record) June 28, 1983: Selected Darrell Walker (1st round, 12th pick), Mark Jones (4th round, 82nd pick), Troy Lee Mikell (5th round, 105th pick), Tony Simms (6th round, 128th pick), Desi Barimore (7th round, 151st pick), Mike Lang (8th round, 174th pick), Charles Jones (9th round, 196th pick) and Bernard Randolph (10th round, 217th pick) in the 1983 NBA Draft. June 19, 1984: Selected Curtis Green (3rd round, 64th pick), Bob Thornton (4th round, 87th pick), Eddie Lee Wilkins (6th round, 133rd pick), Ken Bannister (7th round, 156th pick), Ricky Tunstall (8th round, 179th pick), Marc Marotta (9th round, 201st pick) and Mike Henderson (10th round, 223rd pick) in the 1984 NBA Draft. June 27, 1984: Signed Pat Cummings as a veteran free agent and sent a 1985 3rd round draft pick (Leonard Allen) and a 1986 2nd round draft pick (Mark Price) to the Dallas Mavericks as compensation. September 29, 1984: Traded Campy Russell to the Cleveland Cavaliers for a 1985 2nd round draft pick. The 2nd round draft pick was contingent upon Russell being on Cleveland's roster on December 1, 1984 but he was waived on November 5, 1984. June 18, 1985: Selected Patrick Ewing (1st round, 1st pick), Gerald Wilkins (2nd round, 47th pick), Fred Cofield (4th round, 73rd pick), Mike Schlegel (5th round, 96th pick), Kent Lockhart (6th round, 119th pick) and Ken Bantum (7th round, 142nd pick) in the 1985 NBA Draft.
he said to Hazael,1 "Take a gift2 with you and go to meet the man of God. Consult3 the LORD through him; ask him, 'Will I recover from this illness?' " Hazael went to meet Elisha, taking with him as a gift forty camel-loads of all the finest wares of Damascus. He went in and stood before him, and said, "Your son Ben-Hadad king of Aram has sent me to ask, 'Will I recover from this illness?' " Elisha answered, "Go and say to him, 'You will certainly recover';4 buta the LORD has revealed to me that he will in fact die." He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael felt ashamed.5 Then the man of God began to weep.612 "Why is my lord weeping?" asked Hazael. "Because I know the harm7 you will do to the Israelites," he answered. "You will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash8 their little children9 to the ground, and rip open10 their pregnant women." Hazael said, "How could your servant, a mere dog,11 accomplish such a feat?" "The LORD has shown me that you will become king12 of Aram," answered Elisha. Then Hazael left Elisha and returned to his master. When Ben-Hadad asked, "What did Elisha say to you?" Hazael replied, "He told me that you would certainly recover." But the next day he took a thick cloth, soaked it in water and spread it over the king's face, so that he died.13 Then Hazael succeeded him as king.
- Subscribe NowLimited Time Offer Sign Up for the San Francisco Business Times Afternoon Edition Newsletter Send this story to a friend Astex leukemia drug nets European recommendation An advisory committee to Europe’s drug regulator recommended Friday that the agency approve a drug licensed out of Dublin-based Astex Pharmaceuticals Inc. for patients with acute myeloid leukemia. The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medical Products for Human Use recommended that Dacogen injections be approved for people 65 or older with newly diagnosed or secondary AML who are not eligible for standard chemotherapy. AML is an aggressive blood cancer that tends to be diagnosed in older adults. If the drug ultimately is approved by the European Commission, Astex (NASDAQ: ASTX) would receive $7.5 million in milestone payments from Janssen-Cilag International NV, which licenses Dacogen outside the United States, Canada and Mexico. The European Commission could approve the drug toward the end of the third quarter, according to Astex. “We look forward to the … decision later this year with the hope that clinicians and patients in Europe may soon have access to this treatment option,” Astex Chairman and CEO James Manuso said in a press release. Dacogen already is approved in the United States to treat patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, a stem cell disorder in the bone marrow that also is known as pre-leukemia. But the Food and Drug Administration in March rejected a plan by Astex partner Eisai Co. to expand the use of Dacogen to AML patients. Astex expects to receive $67 million in royalties this year from its Dacogen licensing deals. Ron Leuty covers biotech, higher education and China for the San Francisco Business Times. - Most popular - The 10 major projects that are reshaping Oakland - UC Berkeley researcher warns of 'abrupt' climate change - Terror threat highest in 5 U.S. metros, including San Francisco - Elon Musk's excellent day: SpaceX rocket, Tesla stock both blast off - Salesforce adds second $1 million hackathon winner - San Francisco apartment boom fuels corporate housing groups - Three Bay Area cities are best markets in U.S. to sell your home - San Francisco builders meet on anti-development wave - PianoFight brings theater back to the Tenderloin's theater district - HIV vaccine project turns to crowdfunding on way to clinical trials Email Newsletter Signup Afternoon Edition: The latest local business news delivered to you each afternoon. - President and CEO - KCTS 9 KCTS 9 | Seattle, WA - Director of Social Entrepreneurship Skoll Foundation | Palo Alto, CA - Audience Development Account Executive Sacramento Business Journal | Sacramento, CA - SEO SPECIALIST Epiphan Systems | Palo Alto, CA - IRA/HSA Manager Patelco Credit Union | Pleasanton, CA
**1/2 A Late Quartet A smartly cast, discreetly contrived melodrama about classical musicians, with retiring cellist Christopher Walken upsetting the delicate balance of his string quartet. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, and Mark Ivanir are the other players; the music is sublime but the situations feel pat. Fans of the actors (and of Beethoven) should still check it out. (105 min., R) (Ty Burr) Unlimited access to BostonGlobe.com for only 99 cents for the first 4 weeks.Sign up Are you a home delivery subscriber? Get FREE access as part of your print subscriptionStart Here Contact us for help
Ellie Goulding’s debut Lights reached the U.S. in 2011, but it didn’t take off for over a year. Now, Goulding is new pop royalty, and Halcyon presents a stark contrast to her introduction. Where Lights possessed an almost naïve view of the world, Halcyon shows her to have matured. Songs like “My Blood” and “Dead in the Water” take hopelessness to new heights. There are some nods to EDM—as on the Calvin Harris–produced bonus track “I Need Your Love”—but most of the album’s songs maintain a perfect balance of analog and digital. After a full listen to Halcyon, it’s difficult to fathom that anyone could have overlooked her talent the first time around. Choosing to follow her heart instead of her Billboard chart position, Goulding has crafted a perfect masterpiece with pop sensibility—clearly, it’s easy to bypass the sophomore curse when you’re the valedictorian. By Kathy Iandoli The opinions expressed on the BUST blog are those of the authors themselves and do not necessarily reflect the position of BUST Magazine or its staff. blog comments powered by Disqus
Hi there, everyone!! :* Yeah, that’s my wardrobe remix, guys! You already know how much l love and already used the wedges with socks mix. Those are my favourite wedges ever so that’s the best excuse for me to post them again :)) #1: That’s what l worn yesterday… lt’s a kind of business casual outfit with my favourite mix of patterns, but l used a floral top and vertical stripes blazer to make it different and not looking boring. l really had fun with this ensemble because l love the way that floral pattern on the top brigs together the pink detail on my socks and the green shades from the blazer. When you use different prints and colors you must keep the rest SIMPLE so l used those simple skinny pants and the same color on my purse and shoes to balance up and down my outfit. Everytime l wear florals l feel romantic and girly so l decided to style my hair in a classy Keira Knightley kind of and to wear only some pearl earrings as a delicate shade. #2: Yeah, same blazer, same purse and shoes, but different outfit and style. That’s what l’m wearing right now. l love urban outfits even l don’t wear them so often. This time l used a printed t-shirt and some deep blue skinny jeans. lt’s cold today too and you can almost see the rain drops in this picture :)) But it’s such a comfy outfit and those stripes on the blazer add a bit of color to my fun mix of patterns ;) #3: In the second picture l used my love for shoes with socks mix to create a retro glam classy outfit. l always loved blue and brown colors combination so that dress, with those pretty floral pattern and clean cut was the perfect one to styled it with my brown wedges. l love the way those floral socks match the dress and make it look girly and sweet. My gift from my brother necklace adds a bit of personal toch and it’s brown shade suits the shoes and purse too. #4: The last one it’s one of my favourite boho chic outfits. l’m so in love with bohemian outfits and earthy colors combinations like ethnic prints and natural accessories. The weather was a bit cold that day so l used a simple white dress with a denim jacket and paired them with some black leggings so l can feel comfy and warm at the same time. l decided to stand this out with this gorgeous ethnic printed scarf and my faved wedges with white socks mix. l looove the way the scarf brings together the rest of the colors on this outfit. l feel like it makes it perfect and so chic! Hope you’ll like this, my dear chictopians! Have a CHIC weekend everyone! <33
PAS 55: Part of your future? Publicly Available Specification 55 is presently with the IEC in the ISO 5500n series of standards. The resulting standards will be similar to the ISO 9000 or 14000 series that have been widely adopted. PAS 55 addresses Asset Management. Unfortunately, for the automation industry the program is targeted more towards the financial sector and is not expected to go “as low” as the ERP and control system diagnostics. More information on the status of this work can be found at http://www.mt-online.com/component/content/article/295-june2011/1800-the-business-case-for-pas-55-an-emerging-global-standard-for-asset-management.html?Itemid=90 but in general the standard is based on whole-life asset management and the widely used Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle for continuous improvement.Tthe components of the PDCA cycle are: Plan. Establish the asset-management strategy, objective, plans and performance measures needed to deliver results. Do. Establish the enablers (e.g., EAM software) and other essential requirements—such as regulatory requirements—and implement the asset-management plan(s). Check. Monitor and measure results. Act. Take actions to ensure objectives are achieved and to continuously improve performance. Sorry for not posting for an extended period, a combination of vacation and work related travel. I will get back to a regular schedule in September.
Porchetta is one of Rome's classic dishes. Traditionally a boned-out pig stuffed with fresh herbs, garlic, fennel and offal, it is superb served hot with its crackling, or makes one of the world's great sandwiches. I'm using shoulder here (and skipping the offal), as a whole pig is a bit much for most of us and shoulder roasts so beautifully. This is a great method for cooking pork shoulder. The succulent, slow-roasted flesh is perfumed by the hard herbs, fennel and black pepper, and a blast of heat at the end achieves a beaut crackling. 2.8kg-3.2kg whole free-range shoulder of pork, it will help if you ask your butcher to butterfly it 40g salt flakes, plus extra 2½ tbsp fennel seeds 1 tbsp black peppercorns 6 cloves garlic 5 sprigs rosemary, picked 5 sprigs oregano, picked ½ bunch parsley Extra virgin olive oil 1 branch bay leaves 1. Place the pork in a colander, skin side up and pour a whole kettle of boiling water over the skin to open the pores and soften. Dry and score the skin in 1cm intervals. 2. Place the shoulder on a tray and rub the 40g of salt into the cuts and all over the meat. Put into the fridge uncovered overnight, skin side up - this dries out the skin and slightly cures the pork. 3. To cook, preheat the oven to 130C fan-forced (150C conventional). 4. Dry-roast the fennel seeds in a frying pan for two minutes over medium heat. Add to a mortar and pestle and grind with the peppercorns and a pinch of salt. Add the garlic and crush. Shred three bay leaves, chop the rosemary and oregano and add to the mortar, then grind to a fine paste (if you have one, a small-bowled food processor will make short work of this). 5. Finely chop the parsley and add to the paste, along with a splash of oil to loosen slightly - this paste should be kept quite dry. 6. Remove the pork from the fridge and flip it over, skin side down and opened out. Spread the herb paste on the meat pushing into all the crevasses. Roll up the pork as tightly as you can and secure firmly at regular intervals with kitchen string. Rub all over with olive oil and place into a baking tray on top of the branch of bay leaves and roast for 3½ hours. 7. Once cooked, remove from the oven and bump the heat up to 250C. 8. Baste the whole joint with the juices from the pan and put it back in the oven for about 10 minutes to get great crackling - watching it carefully. 9. Remove and rest for at least 10 minutes. Remove string, slice and serve with roast pumpkin and silverbeet gratin. Drink A fragrant textural white blend from Friuli or a young dolcetto. Jap pumpkin with cinnamon and currants Roasting your pumpkin in large wedges gives you rich, sweet flesh with great caramelised edges, which are nicely accented by the cinnamon. The agrodolce element of the vinegary currants works well with the roast pork. ½ jap pumpkin, sliced in 3cm wedges, skin on, seeds removed Extra virgin olive oil Freshly ground pepper 4 pinches cinnamon 3 tbsp currants 40ml sherry vinegar 3 eschalots, finely sliced 1. Preheat oven to 180C. 2. Toss the pumpkin wedges in enough olive oil to coat, season with salt, pepper and cinnamon. Place on a tray lined with baking paper and bake for 30 minutes. 3. Add the currants to a pot with the vinegar and bring to a simmer. Turn off the heat and allow to sit and plump up. 4. In a small bowl, add the eschalots, a pinch of sugar and salt, mix, scrunching with your fingers. Add a splash of oil, the currants and any vinegar left in the pot, stir, pour over the hot pumpkin and serve. Humble silverbeet is transformed in this rich, tasty gratin, with two vegetable textures, a golden cheesy crust and the crunch of toasted breadcrumbs. 2 bunches silverbeet, washed well 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil ½ brown onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 400ml pouring cream (35 per cent fat) 6 grates nutmeg 5 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs 120g Grana Padano parmesan, finely grated 1. Cut the silverbeet into three-centimetre lengths, including most of the stalk, discarding the woody ends. 2. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook the silverbeet for six minutes. Drain well and press out the excess water in a sieve. 3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the onion and garlic, then fry until softened. Add the silverbeet and cream, then grate in the nutmeg and season. 4. Bubble the mixture over a medium heat until the cream has reduced by about half. 5. Transfer half the silverbeet to a blender and blitz until smooth, then return to the pan and stir back through. 6. Tip into a gratin dish and sprinkle over the crumbs and cheese, dot with butter and bake with the grill on for 10 minutes, or until the crumbs turn golden and the cream is bubbling. Squeeze the lemon over the top and serve.
Government rules will cause huge queues for 2m pensioners on Christmas Eve Last updated at 23:29 08 December 2007 Sub-Postmasters and pensioners' leaders united yesterday to attack the Government's refusal to help nearly two million elderly people pick up their pensions at Christmas. The Department for Work and Pensions has rejected requests for payments to be authorised on Friday, December 21 to allow pensioners to shop at the weekend and cut post offices queues on Christmas Eve morning. Instead, post offices will have between 9am and 12.30pm on Monday, December 24 to distribute the weekly pension before reopening on Thursday, December 27. Scroll down for more The government has refused to help nearly two million elderly people pick up their pensions at Christmas (picture posed by model) Jenny Clarke, who has run the sub post office at Stoke, Plymouth, for 34 years, said yesterday: "It is going to be chaotic. "These are often the most vulnerable members of society ? the elderly and disabled. They don't have bank accounts and depend on the money they receive from their Post Office Card Accounts." Although 13million pensioners have the cash paid into bank accounts, three million pick up the money themselves. Complex payments make it hard to assess the impact of the Christmas Eve payout but it is estimated 1.8million will be affected. Neil Duncan-Jordan of the National Pensioners Convention said: "Christmas Eve is going to be very difficult for many elderly people. We should be opening more post offices, not closing branches down." The money will be available to Northern Ireland pensioners from December 21 but the DWP will not budge elsewhere. "Payments are always on the last bank working day before the holiday," a spokesman said.
Published on Thursday, January 24, 2013 by Common Dreams Mr. Reid Goes to Washington... Makes Backroom Deal for Meager Filibuster Reform "Talking Filibuster" appears too noble an option for current Senate as compromise expected - Jon Queally, staff writer According to reports on negotiations between Senators Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), advocates of strong filibuster reforms that would bring back the "talking filibuster" in the US SenateŚmade famous in the film "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and which forces Senators to actually speak on the Senate floor to put a hold on legislation they object toŚwill be disappointed to discover that such a change has been excluded from a deal that could be announced as early as Thursday. A more "meager" agreement may be reached, but it appears that Reid's threats earlier this week to use the so-called "nuclear option" by setting new rules for the Senate at the outset of the term were more bluster than hard-nosed attempts to get the changes that many say are needed to truly free the Senate from the gridlock of recent years. Word of the compromise was met with scorn by those pushing for a return of the "talking filibuster" and stronger reforms overall. Common Cause, a citizens advocacy group in Washington, said if reports of the agreement between Reid and McConnell were true the deal would only continue the Senateĺs march toward irrelevance. ................(more)
Poor kid is trying to start his own gaming channel. Now he's removed his video link =( To the OP: Remember, much of what you think is funny won't be funny to a lot of your viewers. In your vid I think you tried a little too hard to make some jokes, but no one but you would really understand them. I wish you luck with your channel! Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack Playing a Wizard. Looking for Demon Hunters to play with.
Happy Birthday To Allstar Weekend Member Nathan Darmody! Nathan Darmody from Allstar Weekend turns 19 years old today! His bandmates took the time to wish him a happy bday via Twitter! Happy Birfday @NathanAllStar!!! I hope that all your dreams and wishes come true! You will forever be the Cotton Candy Cupid. 143 <3 Hahaha. Everybody wish @nathanallstar a happy birthday! Nate D is 19! You know what that means… jk I don’t even know what that means :P Happy Birthday Nathan! IMG Credit: Allstar Weekend Facebook Page
The 45kg dog became stranded on a rock in the middle of a fast flowing river, in northeastern Australia. The river was below the wall of a dam, about 200 metres down. The dog’s owner, a twenty-two-year-old man, swam to rescue the dog, but he too became stranded. Authorities were notified by the man’s wife, but they also deemed the river too treacherous to attempt a rescue, so sent food and blankets across so the pair could wait out the rising river. The man and his dog waited for (more…)
READING Amy Davidson's review of yesterday's Republican debate, I see that Newt Gingrich is showcasing his historical expertise again. Gingrich said we were “looking at an abyss,” and suggested that teachers these days were evil (“if a foreign power did this to our children, we'd declare this an act of war”) Now hold it right there. That phrase sounds weirdly familiar. Actually, I think I can remember my dad saying pretty much the same words, quoting them actually from an article he was reading while looking at me over the top of his Washington Post, sitting at our dinette table in Washington sometime in the early 1980s. What is Mr Gingrich sampling here? Internet to the rescue! Here's PBS education correspondent John Merrow, in a post written last August about No Child Left Behind's effects on students' appetite for reading. The apparent outcome of this national policy: citizens who do not know much about history and are unlikely to pick up a book (where they might learn some history). To echo "A Nation at Risk" (1983), if a foreign power had done this to us, we'd consider it an act of war. That's it! It's the Reagan Administration blue-ribbon commission report on education, "A Nation at Risk". There it is, right in the first two paragraphs. We report to the American people that while we can take justifiable pride in what our schools and colleges have historically accomplished and contributed to the United States and the well-being of its people, the educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a people. What was unimaginable a generation ago has begun to occur—others are matching and surpassing our educational attainments. If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we have dismantled essential support systems which helped make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament. So, is Mr Gingrich aware of the origins of the phrase he's using? Yes, he is; he likes this phrase. In fact, he also used it in May, 2009, when he, Michael Bloomberg, and Al Sharpton (!) paid a joint visit to Barack Obama and Arne Duncan, the education secretary, at the White House (!!) to "remind President Barack Obama that, nearly 55 years after the Supreme Court issued landmark desegregation rulings, the country still has a 'crisis of inequality' when it comes to education" (!!!). Calling [education] the "first civil right of the 21st Century" [blogger's note: !!!!], Gingrich said the country has to move forward from the No Child Left Behind Act, former President George W. Bush's program to improve the performance of primary and secondary schools. "We said, 26 years ago, that if a foreign power did to our children what we were doing to them we would consider it an act of war," Gingrich said, in reference to the "A Nation at Risk" report on public education issued in 1982. "As Americans, we can reach beyond Democrat and Republicans, beyond liberals and conservatives," Gingrich said, and insist on finding practical solutions to fix education. "I am prepared to work side by side" with anyone committed "to getting the job done and not talking about it for the next 26 years." As the New York Times style guide would doubtless put it: WT*?!?!?! Newt Gingrich is not going to be the Republican nominee for president. So who cares what he has to say about education reform. But this is just amazing hucksterism. One minute, Mr Gingrich is marching into a meeting with Barack Obama, arm in arm with Al Sharpton, and proclaiming himself the champion of a new bipartisan willingness to move beyond ideological labels and implement solutions to the education crisis; why if a foreign power had done this to us, we'd consider it an act of war! The next, he is reviling the perfidiousness of the Obama administration, liberals, and the teachers' unions, and proclaiming them responsible for the education crisis; why if a foreign power had done this to us, we'd consider it an act of war! Yes, we've got trouble, right here in River City! Enough of Mr Gingrich. We should be grateful to Mitt Romney for interring him under a mountain of super-PAC cash and pounding the Florida primary through his heart. But to pull one useful point out of this pile of dreck, we should also stop talking about education as war. The logic behind the rhetorical gambit of calling the deterioration in educational standards "unilateral disarmament" and speaking of an "act of war" in 1983 was that at that moment of Reagan-era cold-war militarism, the only way to get attention for what is fundamentally a problem of social underinvestment and inequality was to imagine it as a military confrontation against outside enemies. It seemed a neat trick at the time; it had worked after Sputnik, more or less. It was a bad way of phrasing things. Education is not a war. Education is raising our children. If we are decent people, we ought to be able to conjure up some enthusiasm for that task, for that enterprise, for that adventure, without having to close our eyes and imagine we're shooting bad guys.
Research Centers and Institutes that Engage our Students Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) CUTR is a nationally recognized center of excellence in transportation issues. Center for Modeling Hydrologic and Aquatic Systems (CMHAS) SMHAS represents a computational branch focusing on water supply, natural systems (surface and groundwater) environmental impact assessment and evaluation of management alternatives. USF School of Global Sustainability The School of Global Sustainability provides a vision that is based on integrated interdisciplinary research, scholarship and teaching. Its strength is derived from the committed involvement of faculty and students representing natural and social sciences, engineering, business, the humanities, arts, education and health. Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions Supports distinguished research and educational programs that promote sustainable, healthy communities in a globalizing world Clean Energy Research Center (CERC) The Center investigates Florida’s abundance of solar and biomass resources for use as environmentally clean sources of power. Nanotechnology Research and Education Center (NREC) Research at the NREC deals with diverse fields of nanoscience such as new materials, molecular and nano-electronics, nano-electroptics, nano-medicine and nano-biology.
I Went For A Walk. I went for a walk today on my lunch break at work. On my way to my destination, I walked through a McDonald parking lot, there were 3 birds eating a burger and some fries that some slob carelessly threw on the ground. I was thinking to myself "oh well at least the birds got something to eat for free" about 10 mins later I am walking back to work through the same parking lot, and here were 2 dead birds laying where I had seem them eating right next to the bag on the ground. If it can kill birds in a few bites, can you imagine what it's doing to you.
Welcome to the website of the WHO Collaborating Centre in Education and Research in Human Reproduction The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) is a non-profit organisation established in 2002. It is supported by the Republic and Canton of Geneva, the Department of Social Affairs of the City of Geneva and other Swiss and international institutions. The Foundation works in close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). GFMER is a WHO Collaborating Centre in Education and Research in Human Reproduction. The overall objectives of the Foundation are to furnish health education and research programmes that can be applied by developing countries, and countries in economic transition, and to establish collaboration between entities from the public and private sectors. From research to practice: Training in sexual and reproductive health research Manager: Dr. Karim Abawi A 7 months online training by sexual and reproductive health experts developed for health professionals involved in research, whose access to learning is limited by time, financial resource or other constraints and for whom access to quality education and learning is limited. Clinical training, prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula Manager: Prof. Charles-Henry Rochat A campaign to end fistula, in collaboration with UNFPA/WHO, working to establish the Centre of Excellence for the prevention and treatment of obstetric fistula in Tanguieta (Northern Benin) to serve as a model for other countries. In 2012 Prof. Charles-Henry Rochat, responsible for the fistula project, together with a group of specialists and local medical doctors conducted missions in several African countries where fistula cases were operated. In addition, Prof. Rochat and his team (composed of specialists from Switzerland, France, USA, Cameroon and Madagascar) organized conferences and workshops on diagnosis, treatment and follow up of fistula cases and advocated for a multidisciplinary approach for care of women suffering from obstetric fistula. Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI)/GFMER collaborative initiatives Managers: Prof. Aldo Campana, Dr. Raqibat Idris, Dr. Marloes Schoonheim A partnership with OMPHI to develop and disseminate computer-based training modules in maternal and perinatal health that has resulted in the Evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and the Evidence-based management of postpartum haemorrhage. GFMER global consultation on WHO infertility guidelines Managers: Dr. Sheryl Vanderpoel, Prof. Bruce Dunphy, Prof. Aldo Campana A WHO expert consultation was held, 16-17 January 2012, to scope the area of infertility, with an initial six areas prioritized for evidence review and establishment of global WHO Guidelines. Participants of this GFMER virtual course and consultation are asked to join the WHO process of Guideline development in these six prioritized areas of infertility. Participants have an opportunity to interact and become part of the global expert advisory GFMER team for WHO-RHR/HRP and its Expert Working Groups generating guidelines and manuals on infertility care and treatment. mHealth for sexual and reproductive health Manager: Dr. Heli Bathija The GFMER initiative of mHealth for sexual and reproductive health offers a unique opportunity to understand how mobile phones can be used to accelerate universal access to sexual and reproductive health and overcome barriers hindering such access. It consists of Sexual and reproductive rights Managers: Dr. Karim Abawi, Dr. Marloes Schoonheim An online resource on sexual and reproductive rights across the globe for a meaningful inclusion of human rights in sexual and reproductive health issues. Early childhood development (ECD) Manager: Dr. Meena Cabral de Mello A collaborative project for ECD capacity building in developing countries including an online training course on ECD for programme managers and health care workers. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections Manager: Dr Antonio Carlos Gerbase Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research Edited by Aldo Campana,
I don't think anyone saw this coming. The original Just Dance was a terrible game, bordering on shovelware. It barely worked, it looked like a budget title, and the dance routines and music were largely uninspired. Latest News Articles - Samsung Galaxy S5 specs appear online with Quad HD display - The Moore's Law blowout sale is ending, Broadcom's CTO says - Core wars redux: Intel to ship 15-core chip - Careers site Glassdoor raises $50M, plans to grow staff, expand abroad - Twitter gobbles up more cookies with retargeted ads, says users have privacy choices Most Popular Articles - 1 How to update your Samsung Galaxy S4 to Android 4.3 Google Edition - 2 Aldi's new budget 8in Android tablet has 3G, makes phone calls - 3 Samsung targets Galaxy of kids with latest tablet - 4 Capacitive vs resistive touchscreens - 5 Tethering tutorial: How to use your iPhone as a modem GGG Evaluation Team First impression on unpacking the Q702 test unit was the solid feel and clean, minimalist styling. For work use, Microsoft Word and Excel programs pre-installed on the device are adequate for preparing short documents. The Fujitsu LifeBook UH574 allowed for great mobility without being obnoxiously heavy or clunky. Its twelve hours of battery life did not disappoint. The screen was particularly good. It is bright and visible from most angles, however heat is an issue, particularly around the Windows button on the front, and on the back where the battery housing is located. My first impression after unboxing the Q702 is that it is a nice looking unit. Styling is somewhat minimalist but very effective. The tablet part, once detached, has a nice weight, and no buttons or switches are located in awkward or intrusive positions. Best Deals on GoodGearGuide Best Deals on PCWorld - NotebooksView all » - TabletsView all » - Mobile PhonesView all » - Printers & ScannersView all » - Networking, Wireless & VoIPView all »
Takeaway from RNC Primetime Hour Number One: you may disagree with Mitt Romney on this issue or that one, but you've got to come to admire who he is and how he lived his life. And his wife! What a wife! Also, Republicans have an excitable governor in New Jersey. There are almost no high-information swing voters; that is, people who pay attention and know about issues tend to make up their minds early. And those who watch the conventions on cable are, by almost all accounts, people who know who they're going to vote for, people who enjoy the spectacle, people who get off on the partisan vibes of the cable networks. Legacy network viewers, on the other hand, have a greater chance of paying attention to things other politics. So I watched Romney and Christie on NBC rather than MSNBC or Fox News. At four minutes past the hour, viewers were treated to a grim report from New Orleans, where correspondent Lester Holt updated the progress of Hurricane Isaac while trying to avoid a wind-driven water-boarding. But then came bright and bubbly, beautiful and ebullient Ann Romney. More than 20 million Americans were hearing her voice for the first time. Ostensibly, Mrs. Romney is here to serve as a validator for her husband, to introduce him, to gender him. Gender distinctions still exist in political rhetoric. Women have different ways of knowing. They have unusual challenges. They keep the men in line. And they (in the world of persuasive political rhetoric aimed at Republican women) still want to know certain things about male presidential candidates. Softly, Republican independent women, white women, were the target audience. Ann Romney provided cues for them to help them buy into the idea of Mitt Romney as a plausible candidate, as a human being, and as a man. Mitt Romney is a certain type of man: a leader. A strong father. Compassionate and generous. Trustworthy. "He is charming." "He loves America." "You can trust Mitt." "This man will not fail." But really, the best reflection of him is her; if women voters think of Ann Romney, then they'll soften their impression of him, which needs burnishing. Nationally, Romney leads Obama among male voters by the margin that Obama leads Romney among female voters. But more women than men vote—10 million more, in 2008. Where Romney was fairly natural with the teleprompter and her speech could be enjoyed without any distraction, Gov. Chris Christie seemed nervous and thus upped the register of his voice somewhat unnaturally. I don't think his keynote came across as well, even though it brought more applause. But it does not matter how often the delegates applaud. These speeches are not aimed at delegates. Christie started with a long recitation of his background; nearly 20 percent of the primetime hour was a biography of a man who isn't on the ticket. Then he filled it up with applause lines. He does "hard truths" better than empathy, and telling hard truths is a good theme for Romney. Paul Ryan uses that phrase in just about every speech. But Christie did little to explain why Mitt Romney or Republicans would be better hard-truth tellers. "Real leaders don't follow polls. Real leaders change polls." OK, but President Obama is not a finger-to-the-wind politician. He doesn't give off that aura; health care reform was distinctly un-popular, and so were bailouts. What Christie tried to do was sketch out what he did in New Jersey, try to claim it as his party's legacy, and imply that Mitt Romney will do the same. The last five minutes of his speech featured an extended riff on "a second American century." To the extent that delegate applause serves as a cue for what the television audience should contemplate, it was effective. And it also jibed well with Mitt Romney's message, which is that Obama has done a lot to put America in a position of subservience: I don't know about you, but I don't want my children and grandchildren to have to read in a history book what it was like to live in an American Century. I don't want their only inheritance to be an enormous government that has overtaxed, overspent and over-borrowed a great people into second-class citizenship. I want them to live in a second American Century. A second American Century of strong economic growth where those who are willing to work hard will have good paying jobs to support their families and reach their dreams. A second American Century where real American exceptionalism is not a political punch line, but is evident to everyone in the world just by watching the way our government conducts its business and everyday Americans live their lives. This really jazzed up the crowd. But Christie didn't really do much to make this Mitt Romney's message. Yes, this is Romney's convention. But it's aimed at people who don't know Mitt very well. So speakers have to be more explicit about why Romney would better reflect these values. Ann Romney did her job tonight. Christie did not.
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(From the publisher): ...You remember that August night when you came into my room and became my lover? Did you really understand that I did not wish it? I begged you to spare me. I explained to you that I was not cut out for physical love, and above all not for adultery. I didn't want to belong to you. Neither to you nor to anyone else. Don't love me less for it, please, for I love you as passionately as a woman like me can love... Original title: Terre promise Genre: Fiction→ General Fiction→ Ties That Bind Fiction→ General Fiction→ Troubled Lives
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May 9, 2012 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” for Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. By order of the Chairman. Hearing before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 226 The Honorable Robert S. Mueller, III Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice
Posted: Oct 27, 2012 8:36 PM by ASSOCIATED PRESS UNDATED (AP) - Several governors along the East Coast are declaring states of emergency and urging their coastal residents to move inland ahead of a potentially huge storm formed by the merging of Hurricane Sandy with two wintry weather systems. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is ordering the evacuations of all Atlantic City casinos and the state's barrier islands by tomorrow afternoon. He's also closing state parks. North Carolina Gov. Beverly Purdue has declared a state of emergency for some coastal areas. There's concern that a temporary bridge built after Hurricane Irene last year could be washed out again, cutting off Hatteras Island. New York City is considering whether to shut down any of its public transportation, as it did during Irene. Airlines are predicting cancellations and waiving change fees for passengers who want to reschedule. Hurricane Sandy is expected to come ashore early Tuesday somewhere around Delaware. An 800-mile wide swath of the country could be raked by strong winds, torrential rain and even snow in some areas from the combined mega-storm. Millions of people may experience prolonged power outages. PLEASE HELP US MODERATE COMMENTS Offensive or inappropriate comments are subject to removal. To report a comment, please e-mail us at email@example.com, and include the name of the story and information on the comment. Thank you! KSBY.com Get deals up to 80% off here! Find the lowest gas prices in your area Submit your photos to KSBY Check out our calendar of events Save with Hot Deals across our counties! Events across the Central Coast Follow The CW5 on Facebook. The KSBY online public file. What do you think? Leave us your feedback. KSBY is your official CA Lottery station for San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties
Posted: Jan 16, 2013 8:25 AM by Brian White Updated: Jan 16, 2013 8:37 AM TUCSON - Pima County Sheriff's deputies are searching for a pair of suspects who robbed a convenience store early Sunday morning. Deputies responded to a robbery call at the Circle K in the 9800 Block of South Nogales Highway at about 3 a.m. Jan. 13, a release detailed. The suspects-- who were able to getaway-- were wearing matching "marching band" style hoodies and described as being in their 20s, Pima County Sheriff's Department spokesman Tom Peine said. One of the suspects pulled a gun on the clerk and ordered him to the ground while the other one jumped the counter and stole cash and cigarettes, Peine said in a release. The suspect with the gun then moved behind the counter and stole some bottles of alcohol. Deputies are asking anyone with information about the suspects to call 911 or 88-CRIME. Click here to submit a news tip to us! Become a Facebook Fan! Help those in need this holiday season Win! Win! Win! Wise Local Marketing! Get news, weather and more on your smartphone and tablet! Get texts for news, traffic, deals and more! Sign up on KVOA.com for newsletters, exclusive deals, and more! What's happening on News 4 @ 4 Stories and videos with Kristi's Kids Check out the latest events FC Tucson has scheduled. Let us help grow your business Digital Channel 4.2 What's on KVOA and when! Contact info for our department heads KVOA's on air personalities! Work at News 4 Tucson Complete feeds of all KVOA.com stories FCC Public File of Records, Reports, and More
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Topics - llsatt1 Pages: 1 18. Columnist: Taking a strong position on an issue makes one likely to misinterpret or ignore additional evidence that conflicts with one's stand. But in order to understand an issue fully, it is essential to consider such evidence impartially. Thus, it is best not to take a strong position on an issue unless one has already considered all important evidence conflicting with that position. The columnist's reasoning most closely conforrms to which one of the following principles? Answer: Anyone who does not understand an issue fully should avoid taking a strong position on it. Pages: 1
Daniel Patrick Sullivan of West Chester Daniel Patrick Sullivan, 87, of West Chester passed away on Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013. He was born in Manhattan, N.Y., graduated from John Adams High School in Brooklyn and attended New York City University. As a young man he enjoyed playing baseball with a travel team. He was a veteran of World War II serving in the Army's 95th Medical Gas Treatment Battalion and was awarded the Bronze Star. He went on to a long and distinguished career in the insurance industry. Above all, he cherished time spent with family and friends. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Kathleen, brother, James, sister, Mary, and daughter, Peggy. He is survived by his wife Norma, daughter, Patricia (Kenny Werremeyer), son, Michael (Jennifer Sullivan), eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. A funeral Mass will be held at 12 noon on Friday, Feb. 15, at Ss. Simon and Jude Church, 8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, where family and friends may call from 10:30 a.m. until the time of the service. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made in his name to Neighborhood Hospice, 795 E Marshall St., Ste. 204, West Chester, PA 19380. Arrangements are being handled by the Founds Funeral Home, Inc., West Chester, 610-696-0134. Online condolences may be made by visiting www.foundsfuneralhome.com. Published in The Daily Local on Feb. 12, 2013
Just like my Daddy's By: Charlie Jenne' from Hoirn Lake Ms How is the quality? Does it have every feature you need? Well made to last for generations What do you like or dislike about the features? the 3 in 1 jackets will keep the cold out and on the days that it gets warmer just pull out the liner and it still and he can stay hidden like his daddy. Will also be worn during turkey season Do you think this item is a good value? Great value and can be passed on to the next kid in your family Which flyway do you hunt in? the bottomland pattern works great along the mississippi flyway in the riverbottoms Please give your general opinion of this product. I have 6 grand sons and one grand daughter. I wish i would have bought this coat for the first one who is now 18 and I know it would have still been in good shape for Laine who is four now and we plan on giving it to his sister in a couple of year to wear hunting with us
BOSTON, Feb. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- John Hancock Insurance has launched Protection Indexed UL (IUL), which is designed to provide some of the most affordable indexed universal life premiums in the industry. "While most Indexed UL products focus on cash value accumulation, John Hancock's new Protection IUL takes a different approach," said Michael Doughty, President and General Manager, John Hancock Insurance. "It combines the upside potential of Indexed UL with the benefit of some of the lowest premiums in the industry. The addition of Protection IUL provides more sales opportunities for advisors and more IUL choices for consumers." Similar to its companion product, Accumulation IUL, Protection IUL offers highly competitive allocation options across the risk-reward spectrum. Whether clients are focused on accumulating cash values or more concerned about low-cost death benefit protection, John Hancock now has an Indexed UL product to meet their needs. "John Hancock's newly expanded Indexed UL portfolio further demonstrates our commitment to delivering distinctive products that provide real value to the customer," said Mr. Doughty. About John Hancock Financial and Manulife Financial CorporationJohn Hancock Financial is a unit of Manulife Financial Corporation, a leading Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. Operating as Manulife Financial in Canada and in most of Asia, and primarily as John Hancock in the United States, Manulife Financial Corporation offers clients a diverse range of financial protection products and wealth management services through its extensive network of employees, agents and distribution partners. Funds under management by Manulife Financial and its subsidiaries were C$532 billion (US$535 billion) as at December 31, 2012. Manulife Financial Corporation trades as 'MFC' on the TSX, NYSE and PSE, and under '945' on the SEHK. Manulife Financial can be found on the Internet at manulife.com. The John Hancock unit, through its insurance companies, comprises one of the largest life insurers in the United States. John Hancock offers a broad range of financial products and services, including life insurance, annuities, fixed products, mutual funds, 401(k) plans, long-term care insurance, college savings, and other forms of business insurance. Additional information about John Hancock may be found at johnhancock.com, and on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube. Insurance policies and/or associated riders and features may not be available in all states. Guaranteed product features are dependent upon minimum premium requirements and the claims-paying ability of the issuer. Insurance products are issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA 02116 (not licensed in New York) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York, Valhalla, NY 10595. Policy Form Series:13PIUL11INDUL SOURCE John Hancock Financial Copyright (C) 2013 PR Newswire. All rights reserved
Last Known Status: Unknown Latest Tengger Cavalry News Below is our complete Tengger Cavalry news coverage, including columns and articles pertaining to the band. Some articles listed may be indirectly related, such as side projects of the band members, etc. Despite misconceptions, how could the huge country of China not have a big metal scene? It most certainly does. Even though social media, ISPs, chat rooms, forums and much of the internet is highly state regulated in China, there are enough ways for Chinese metal bands and fans to communicate out there. Like Deng Xiaoping once famously said - "If you open the window for fresh air, you have to expect some flies to blow in." More...
Look for ways to improve the coherence of your writing. Coherence is the quality of hanging together, of providing the reader an easily followed path. Writers promote coherence by making their material logically and stylistically consistent, and by organizing and expressing their ideas in specific patterns. Efforts to emphasize the relationships among the elements of a document strengthen its impact. Coherence can dramatically improve the reader's ability to understand your material by promoting its flow or readability. Coherence is especially valued in science and technology because of the inherent complexity of the subjects. At the level of the whole document, coherence helps to provide the larger picture, in which the connections among the parts of the document are made clear by the writer. Give readers a road map to help them anticipate the content of your work. Abstracts, clear titles, introductions, and problem statements all promote coherence by linking various parts of a piece of writing. The paragraph is one of the most powerful instruments of coherence. By organizing material into a topic sentence and supporting sentences, paragraphs pull together material and emphasize various forms of conceptual development. Paragraph development is achieved partly through the specific strategies of exemplification, analysis, comparison and contrast, definition, enumeration, and description, all of which furnish distinct approaches to developing ideas. Transitional devices also operate at the paragraph level to provide links between sentences and between paragraphs.
niacinamides is a valid word in this word list. For a definition, see the external dictionary links below. The word "niacinamides" uses 12 letters: A A C D E I I I M N N S. No direct anagrams for niacinamides found in this word list. Adding one letter to niacinamides does not form any other word in this word list.Words within niacinamides not shown as it has more than seven letters. Try a search for niacinamides in these online resources (some words may not be found): Wiktionary - OneLook Dictionaries - Merriam-Webster - Google Search Each search will normally open in a new window. All words formed from niacinamides by changing one letter Browse words starting with niacinamides by next letter
by johnny venom, Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 11:42:53 PM EDT Tonight the Republicans nominated their candidate for President. We heard them all speak. They pulled no punches, that is for sure. Yet it isn't what they said that intrigued me, it's what they didn't say! by johnny venom, Mon Aug 11, 2008 at 11:16:53 PM EDT Yesterday my aunt in Arizona and I got into our usual squabble about politics and world events. She's an nice woman, a retired nurse that sadly has drunk the kool-aid John Airbus McCain has put out. Well today she sent me an email with the subject line "John McCain would handle Russia". You can pretty much guess what the whole email was about. At first I thought I would respond with highlight the usual deficiencies in neo-con foreign affairs. Then it hit me, what's going between Georgia and Russia was indeed because of neo-conservative foreign policy! by Forgiven, Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 01:57:38 PM EDT There is a story taking place in America that is being buried by the media, the armed forces, and the politicians. This story is so frightening that no one wants to address it or even talk about it. This story has the potential to bring more violence to the streets of America than any terrorist attack. The frightening tale that is being ignored is the fact that we have ticking time bombs within our midst. They do not belong to al Qaeda or any other shady terrorist cell, they will not be profiled because they don't have Mid-Eastern ancestry, nor are they Muslim extremists. These ticking time bombs are our own sons, daughters, fathers, and brothers. They are the returning soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. by DerekLarsson, Tue Dec 18, 2007 at 10:21:55 AM EST As if the Clintons credibility could possibly get any lower, it was just reported by CNN today that the Hillary Clinton adminstration (if people are dumb enough to actually vote for her) now plans to hire .. yep .. that 'old Iran-Contra criminal and Saudi Oil Cartel crony, with his idiot puppet sons, -- George H. W. Bush (War Profiteer) -- to advise & represent their administration on U.S. Foreign Policy. This is Bill and Hillary Clinton's idea of a so-called "change" for our Country in Foreign Policy: Hire The Bush crime family!! This is the Clinton standard What's next? Dan Qualye for Secretary of State? Can we set the bar any lower George H.W. Bush will help President Hillary ORANGEBURG, South Carolina CNN Peter Hamby December 18, 2007 Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she reaches the White House is dispatch his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to tell them that America is open for business. Clinton and the elder Bush, rivals in the 1992 presidential election, have grown chummy in recent years, often traveling and appearing at public events together. A spokesman for the George H.W. Bush was not immediately available to comment. by DerekLarsson, Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 01:44:21 PM EST There are good Democrats... And there are clearly bad Democrats. Elections are about figuring out which is which, and who will best represent the public interest. Just what does Hillary Clinton stand for? "Lobbists are real people." Hillary Clinton will fool people with a lot of blather about "fighting all my years in public life" .. blah, blah blah, and having all this so-called great "experience", expertise, and being "smart". She even uses the 'ol Bob Dole line about being tested and tested and "ready" (when Bob Dole is your campaign role model, you've got some issues folks). But where is the actual evidence of any of that? How can someone who has voted with Joe Lieberman most of the time ever be regarded as having any true expertise whatsoever (much less be seen as smart)? Just what test did she ever pass? How can a person who has never spoken truth to power, and has never done anything remotely politically courageous as a U.S. Senator for 8 long years, be possibly regarded as "the fighter"? How can the candidate who has been bankrolled far, far more than any of the others by the corrupt War-Defense-Industry, Insurance Monopolies, Big-Pharma, Ruppert Murdoch, the Banking Monopolies, and the Corporate Establishment, possibly be regarded as "your girl"? How can someone who, at a time when the Country and Congress had been (initially) united behind major Health Care reform (1993), squandered that opportuntity by having proposed an overly complex, buereacratic, HMO-Insurance-driven scheme, that prevented people from even seeing their own choice of doctor, and which was crafted in secret -- which could not be liked by either liberals or conservatives -- then be seen as "competent", much less the person to lead the Democratic Party forward? Her bumbling, incoherent, and Neocon corrupted U.S. Senate record has left her standing as the most inauthentic option in the Democratic race. And that very bad record combined with apalling indecisiveness and double-speak about major issues (such as War, Torture), tells us what she will really do as President and just what type of advice (bad) she will listen to. Hint: Not yours or mine...