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- Begins in: - Long Beach, CA, United States - Created By: - Bill Name - This is a 8.42 mi Run in Long Beach, CA, United States. The Run has a total ascent of 235069.2 ft and has a maximum elevation of 87.93 ft. This route was created by billr6975 on 05/28/2006. View other Runs that billr6975 has done or find similar maps in Long Beach.
DEBUSSY (1862-1918) Complete Piano Works - Volume 3 Nocturne (1892) [5:44] Suite bergamesque (1890/1905) [16:24] I. Prélude [3:44] II. Menuet [4:06] III. Clair de lune [4:50] IV.Passepied [3:43] Danse bohémienne (1880) [2:03] Deux Arabesques (1890-91) [7:18] Première Arabesque [4:04] Deuxième Arabesque [3:13] Rêverie (c. 1890) [4:22] Mazurka (c. 1890) [3:02] Children's Corner (1906-08) [15:44] I. Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum [2:06] 1I. Jimbo's Lullaby [3:08] III. Serenade for the Doll [2:24] IV. The Snow is Dancing [2:29] V. The Little Shepherd [2:23] VI. Golliwogg's Cake-walk [3:11] Hommage à Haydn (1909) [2:26] Morceau de concours (1904) [0:58] La plus que lent (1910) [4:40] The Little Nigar (1909) [1:14] Page d'Album (1915) [1:09] Berceuse héroïque (1914) [4:18] Élégie (1915) [2:28] rec. 17-19 February 2006, Potton Hall, Suffolk, UK CHANDOS French pianist Jean-Efflam Bavouzet peers impishly from the cover of this CD, a disarming portrait and perhaps a clue to his musical personality. The recent Debussy disc from Simon Trpčeski (EMI 5002722; see review) sports an up-close-and-personal image of the pianist and that certainly does point to an extrovert, larger-than-life performing style. Not a remotely scientific observation, of course, but intriguing nonetheless. have not heard the first two discs in Bavouzet’s cycle but Christopher Howell makes some interesting points about Volume 1 (see review) that apply to Volume 3 as well but more of that of later. And while it’s always daunting to review a much-praised performer – Bavouzet has won a slew of prestigious awards – this disc turned out to be more of a challenge than I’d expected. his review Chris commented that Bavouzet needed to be heard ‘on his own terms’, a sentiment I share. His Debussy is so different, so individual, that comparisons with others are not terribly illuminating. That said, I have pitted the two Arabesques, ‘Clair de lune’ and Children’s Corner against Trpčeski’s, if only because they are still so fresh in my mind. recital opens with the evocative Nocturne, wonderfully fluid and a prime example of what Chris calls Bavouzet’s control of the ‘long pianissimo line’. It’s clear Bavouzet is an exceptional pianist – and the Potton Hall acoustic as flattering as ever – so why doesn’t this night music make more of an impression? Is it too cool, too detached, or is this the way Debussy should be played? I see that Pierre Boulez is one of Jean-Efflam’s mentors and I began to wonder just how much influence he has had on the younger man’s musical style. bergamasque is a bit of a puzzle too. ‘Prélude’ is lucid but wilful – surely the rubato is overdone – ‘Menuet’ nimble but just a little contrived at times. Make no mistake, Bavouzet produces some gorgeous sounds and one never doubts his command of the keyboard. No, what seems to be missing is more colour, shading, variety of timbre, all essential in de lune’ was the most successful piece on Trpčeski’s disc, warm, full-bodied and wonderfully atmospheric. In contrast Bavouzet sounds rather lightweight; he imbues the music with a brittle charm, but it’s not terribly evocative. Of the dances ‘Passepied’ is more successful, as light and rhythmic as one could hope for, while Danse bohémienne has pin-sharp articulation and a marvellous sense of momentum. the other pieces from the 1890s Mazurka is robust enough but the self-conscious phrasing could be a problem for some listeners. Strangely that bothered me less in Rêverie, which has more character and feeling than we’ve heard so far. There is also a rare sense of introspection here that Bavouzet brings out with consummate skill. two Arabesques may be heavily indebted to Schumann but they are still superbly crafted miniatures, full of magic touches. Trpčeski plays them with real élan, even though his quest for detail spoils these pieces a little. Bavouzet is harder to like here, perhaps because the music lacks essential sparkle, character even, that Trpčeski brings out so well. character is all-important in Children’s Corner, affectionately subtitled ‘À ma chère petite Chouchou avec les tendres excuses de son Père pour ce qui va suivre’. It was an aspect I found somewhat lacking in Trpčeski’s performance and I have to say Bavouzet isn’t entirely successful either, albeit for different reasons. The mock seriousness of ‘Doctor Gradus’ is missing in both but, more crucially, there is no sense of fun in either. Meanwhile, Bavouzet’s lullaby is lighter and less awkwardly phrased than Trpčeski’s, but he still seems to have trouble conveying the wit and charm of the piece. pianist strikes the right note with ‘Serenade for the Doll’ and ‘The Little Shepherd’ but .in ‘The Snow is Dancing’ Trpčeski’s flakes have a wonderful whirl and swirl that quite eludes Bavouzet. That said, ‘Golliwogg’s Cake-walk’ does bring out the Frenchman’s puckish side – I was beginning to wonder if I’d misread his portrait after all – although the usual caveat about mannered playing applies. Still, it’s the most child-like rendition here and rightly so. What a pity that same twinkle-in-the-eye quality doesn’t come through de concours is a real oddity; it was published in the journal Musica in 1905, along with pieces by Saint-Saëns, Massenet and Chaminade, and readers were invited to guess the composers’ identities. It’s a jokey little gem and Bavouzet gives it plenty of fake majesty. Hommage à Haydn, written for the centenary of that composer’s death in 1909,is played with rare passion, the waltz theme charmingly done. La plus que lent also has a waltz at its heart and Bavouzet makes it sound wonderfully fluent and, where necessary, he adds plenty of weight. Thankfully he even loosens up a little in that jazzy, music-hall-inspired piece, The Little Nigar. certainly seems more at ease with the harmonic complexities of Debussy’s later works and one can only admire his concentration and focus, especially in the rather grand Berceuse héroïque. In Élégie there is a marvellous questing quality – not to mention a harmonic strangeness – that Bavouzet captures rather well. A pleasing conclusion to an otherwise uneven Howell was more complimentary about Volume 2 in this series and looked forward to this next instalment. Having heard so much about Bavouzet I was also hoping for something rather special. In the event I was somewhat disappointed, although there are some good – no, excellent – things here. In general, though, the Frenchman seems more convincing in the later works, less so in the earlier ones. I described the Trpčeski disc as a ’work in progress’, and I’m tempted to say the same applies here. from previous months Join the mailing list and receive a hyperlinked weekly update on the discs reviewed. details We welcome feedback on our reviews. Please use the Bulletin Please paste in the first line of your comments the URL of the review to which you refer.
Just a few days into the new year, I’m hopeful that it’s going to be a good one. Why? Because of the lobsters. Now, my indicator is not in the least scientific, nor is my outlook necessarily widely shared. But on New Year’s Eve, my husband and I set out to purchase lobsters for a quiet dinner at home. I know that’s not what a restaurateur wants to hear, but I’ve always found the best place for me to be on Dec. 31 is in. We visited four different grocery st
Build your vocabulary with Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day! Each day a Merriam-Webster editor offers insight into a fascinating new word -- explaining its meaning, current use, and little-known details about its origin. March 22nd, 2016 Episode 481 of 923 episodes Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for March 22, 2016 is: hie \HYE\ verb 1 : to go quickly : hasten 2 : to cause (oneself) to go quickly Examples: "Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence's cell; / There stays a husband to make you a wife." — William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 1597 "The Tulsa State Fair is an annual, autumnal assault on the senses—a cornucopia of cacophony, a symphony of scents, a fulsomeness of flashing lights, a horde of humanity hieing themselves hither and yon along … the Expo Square fairgrounds." — James D. Watts Jr., The Tulsa (Oklahoma) World, 30 Sept. 2015 Did you know? Hie has been part of English since the 12th century, and it stems from the even hoarier hīgian, an Old English word meaning "to strive" or "to hasten." Hie enjoyed a high popularity period from the 16th to the 19th centuries, and you're sure to encounter it in the literature of those times—writers from Shakespeare to Twain penned it into their prose. But don't get the idea that hie is just a word of the past; it regularly pops up in current publications as well—often, though not always, in contexts in which the author is wanting to approximate an old-timey way of communicating. Social science, behavioral economics, cognitive psychology -- sound complex? Let's fix that. The Art of Charm Podcast is where self-motivated guys and gals, just like you, come to learn from a diverse mix of experienced mentors, including the world's best professional and academic minds, scientists, innovators, coaches, relationship experts, entrepreneurs, bestselling authors, and other brilliant minds. This show will make you a higher performer, a better networker, a deeper connector and, most importantly, a better thinker.
The Romney campaign senses, I think, that President Obama’s arrogant dismissal of private enterprise–“You didn’t build it”–was a blunder of epic proportions. In a moment of candor before a friendly audience, Obama let the mask drop, and we can see who he really is and what he really thinks. Obama’s media flacks are whining that “You didn’t build it” is taken out of context, and he just meant roads and bridges. Grammatically, that makes no sense. But more broadly, they are right–Obama’s point was that the government is responsible for everything. No matter how hard you work you can’t succeed without government, and so everything you have really belongs to the government (i.e., the Obama administration). Therefore, sit down and shut up when we raise your taxes. That was the context, and it is precisely the context that makes the quote so devastating. That, plus Obama’s sneering, vicious tone. We keep hearing that polls show that voters think Obama is “likable.” I am skeptical about that, but in any event, he won’t be scoring high on “likability” with anyone who sees the video. The Romney campaign needs to keep pounding on this issue every day; it illuminates the differences between the candidates in a way that can ensure a Romney victory. So far, every indication is that his campaign will do exactly that. Here is the latest: a T-shirt, with “I built my business, Mr. President” on the front and a quote from the speech that Romney gave yesterday on the back: I’m guessing they will outsell the “I Heart Obamacare” bumper stickers that the Obama campaign is trying to give away.
Instead a workshop will be hold on 19 January from 10.00 – 12.30h in Brussels:Welsh Higher Education Brussels, Wales House, 11 Rond-Point Schuman, Brussels “Future research priorities and implementation strategies in the Organic and Low input Dairy Sector”. Following brief presentations on the main outputs from the SOLID project. The workshops will split into 2 breakout groups: - Future Research Priorities - Future implementation of project outputs Followed by a report back and final discussion. If you are interested in attending the workshop on the morning of the 19th, please send an email to email@example.com with the subject “SOLID Workshop” with your confirmation of attendance.
I think that the thing is that Mary moves better when "she has to"...against players like Marlene and so on Mary doesnt have to play her 100 %....thats only my opinion but when maam is on theres NO WAY IN HELL that a player like Nicole Pratt can surprise against our Mary!!and what comes to Mary-Jenny possible match-up i think that Mary is more prepared to take on Jenny than Jenny to take on Mary...thats only bcause Maam has been playing lately but Jenny isnt....and in my opinion Mary is doing really fine now....so im really looking forward to that match...which takes on tomorrow if both players win their matches 2day!! Allez Mary! Kick Nicoles's ass!! *¤*¤ # 1 Mary Pierce *¤*¤ //The queen from France -> 1 and only Mary Pierce
Pilots could be usurped by neural networks The next thing you know they'll be writing news... An adaptive neural network could eventually replace airline pilots, according to researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, NASA and Boeing. In 1989, 111 people died in a DC-10 plane when it crashed after suffering a hydraulic failure. Investigators concluded that had it not been for the skill of the pilots, there would have been no survivors, let alone the 185 people that lived to tell the tale. The pilots managed to avert a total disaster by using the engine's throttles to steer the plane. After this crash, engineers took a closer look at what the pilots' handiwork. The result was a new system that allows a plane to fly and land on autopilot, using only the power of the engines. The autopilot can even cope with a wing going missing mid-flight, or damage to the airframe, the researchers said. Following successful testing in an F-15 fighter jet, the autopilot is being combined with an adaptive neural network, developed by Anthony Calise, and engineer at Georgia Tech. He says that the product of this union will be capable of responding to single and multiple failures, including full loss of control surfaces on a 747. Rather un-imaginatively named the "Integrated Neural Flight and Propulsion Control System" or INFPCS, the network will react to incoming data within a few tenths of a second. It has not been decided whether the technology has a place on passenger aircraft, as yet. ®
Drilling into 3D printing: Gimmick, revolution or spooks' nightmare? Top prof sorts the hype from the science for El Reg The challenges facing 3D printing even though it is more and more accurate Deloitte conceded that 3D printers are improving in accuracy enough to be able to make objects with moving parts; it also registered that 3D printing is "extremely useful for creating prototypes, highly customised items or small production runs". However, the firm went on to list the following home truths: - 3D printing can mostly only fabricate relatively homogeneous objects made up of a small number of distinct materials. Printing out small, really complex electronics, or with multiple materials, remains tricky. - The products of 3D printing are not as durable as conventional products. - Production runs with 3D printing "do not scale well beyond 10 items". - Using a 3D printer "tends to be extremely expensive". Perhaps Deloitte was a little harsh. It could, however, only be right to argue that while some of 3D’s limitations "will be overcome in the medium term", others "are the result of fundamental constraints that are unlikely to be resolved". 3D printing is no gimmick and it will certainly change important dimensions of manufacturing. It is good for customised products and, working hand in hand with other technologies, can bring about remarkable results. But neither SMEs, nor 3D printers, can reinvent or revolutionise manufacturing. Despite their numbers and their populous employee base, SMEs never dominate a developed capitalist economy the way large, multinational, capital-exporting firms do. And 3D printers simply will not have the clout or the versatility that attended the development of, say, the personal computer. Like the categories of nanotechnology and robotics, 3D covers a vast range of different techniques: if you register on the website MakePartsFast.com and use the "3D printer selector" tool there, you will see dozens of pages of different printers, listed by supplier, "build envelope", market sector and printing material. However, 3D printing is a manufacturing technology that must both work with and compete with other wide-ranging technologies such as nanotechnology and robotics. For example, 3D printing must vie with other methods of prototyping and testing, such as Caterpillar’s "immersive visualisation", which enables earth-shifting equipment to be designed with the aid of a "virtual cab" that is climbed into like an aircraft simulator. The Makerbot Replicator 2: Copy'n'paste engineering To do justice to 3D printing, it needs to be seen clearly, without rose-tinted spectacles, and in perspective. Let’s therefore now add a little more historical and contemporary perspective to the technology’s apostles, before dealing with those who, conversely, fear 3D printing today. Automated machinery inaugurates a new era Behind the rise of euphoria about 3D printing lies not just experiences with the web and a desire to revive indigenous manufacturing. We need also to recall, first, that America, land of the car, inventor of the assembly line and inventor of the sit-down strike, has paradoxically long dreamt of independent producers as an alternative to factories and mass production. It’s here that the subtitle to Rheingold’s Virtual Community, published 20 years ago, is very notable: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier. Growing your own IT, and now growing your own IT-based manufacturing with the help of 3D printers, has more than a whiff of the frontier American farmer of the nineteenth century. Of course, small firms, not just homesteaders, figure prominently in the new era thought to be inaugurated by 3D printing. Nevertheless, in a mass property-owning and share-owning economy like the US, it is the householder, perhaps aspiring to run a small and eventually a large firm, who has long been the ultimate hero in accounts of the future that centre on production technique. In his 1980 bestseller The Third Wave, for example, the renowned US futurologist Alvin Toffler famously coined the phrase "prosumer" to describe consumers who, he believed, would more and more engage in production. Toffler, an ex-member of the Communist Party of the USA, was one of the first to promote the mirage of the mass, cheap, batch production of differentiated products, with consumers specifying designs as their fast-changing lifestyles demanded. Around the same time, French left-wingers and others declared the end of what they called "Fordist", uniform production and homogenous products. In place of these things, they said, had come post-Fordist, "flexible" manufacturing with specialised, heterogenous outputs. Nobody mentioned 3D printers, for it was only in 1986 that Chuck Hull first patented "stereolithography", a process in which a computer-directed beam of ultraviolet light is used to solidify liquid plastic. Nevertheless, the theoretical ground-rules for today’s 3D-printer cultists were firmly laid. Of course, the technical possibility of automating production to make customised products at low cost is greater with 3D printers and other technologies in 2013 than it was in the Eighties. However, just as another app on your mobile phone tomorrow does not foretell a new era of buoyant, innovative capitalism, so does another thousand 3D printers sold over the web not usher in a new mode of production. It is social and political relations, not the supposedly all-powerful influence of technology, which establish wholly new structures for creating wealth. In the late Nineties, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), whose Media Lab was, as Anderson notes, the first to rhapsodise about atoms and bits, argued that the web could bring about a radical change in economic regime. In the pages of a late-1998 Harvard Business Review, MIT’s Thomas Malone and Robert Laubacher suggested that the US auto industry had already moved toward a new economy of individual "e-lancers" – one in which temporary, autonomous and self-organising coalitions of car designers and engineers could become multi-millionaires overnight. In the US automotive industry of the mid-21st century, the two academics argued, "while much of the venture capital goes to support traditional design concepts, some is allocated to more speculative, even wild-eyed ideas… A small coalition of engineers may, for example, receive funds to design a factory for making individualised lighting systems for car grilles". These different conceptions of IT-assisted individualism, each more facile than the last, might be thought to exhaust the homesteading ethos, and certainly should guard us against the sillier extremes of the Maker Movement. But there is more. In the realm of energy, hopes of a kind of hardy independence from electricity networks, powered by solar panels and other renewable energy sources, have bolstered the idea that, if "the personal is the political", then the domestic can also be economic.
BBA Women's T-Shirt - Ex Tax: $30.00 - Product Code: 201708B This black fitted women's T-shirt features a screenprinted design of furious Swiftkill and Bloodspill. The green and yellow glows under ultraviolet light (blacklight). A nice fit and soft fabric! Runs a little small and is 100% cotton so might want to order a size up. "Next Level" brand Ladies' Boyfriend T-Shirt 6 color screenprinted design 2 UV-reactive colors
Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of myrtle trees and shrubs. Aromatically, melaleuca’s earthy scent is known to promote cleansing and purity. Historically, the leaves of the melaleuca tree were used to heal cuts, wounds, and skin infections. In French medicine, melaleuca is commonly used to help support the body when dealing with athlete’s foot, bronchitis, colds, coughs, diarrhea, flu, rash, sore throats, and sunburn. Today, melaleuca is primarily used to help with acne, allergies, bacterial infections, boils, canker sores, cavities, dermatitis/eczema, ear infections, gum disease, hepatitis, hives, inflammation, lice, pink eye, staph infection, viral infection, warts, and more. Melaleuca is known to be analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiparasitic, a strong antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, digestive, expectorant, immune stimulant, insecticidal, neurotonic, stimulant, and tissue regenerative. To learn more about melaleuca essential oil, see the book Modern Essentials™: A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils.
Not as much of the world may, right now, be watching television as it did a half-century ago when, in 1961, U.S. astronaut John Glenn flew in the first space capsule to orbit the globe, or waiting by a radio… Read More › Looking back at how we looked ahead. The latest generation of electronic tech promising the most reliable hookup for those looking to meet is always new. Human desires for love and lust is not. Long decades before the likes of hundreds of ubiquitous sites allowed the almighty… Read More › Ten years ago, each time I watched the looping footage of the World Trade Center towers collapsing, my heart sank afresh with them. Not only because of the horror I felt over the many lives lost. I was also feeling… Read More › Lockheed Martin’s Fifties Monorail for swift, quiet getting about town. Whether or not it was timed for Earth Day, word came this week that Lost Angeles will begin reconstructing the world premier mass transit system it destroyed a half-century ago,… Read More ›
Aspiring film director/screenwriter/coffee-maker. Want to talk about films? I hope you've blocked off your entire day. Avid reader, musician, and writer as well. I guess you could say I'm not practical. Hello, everyone! More than a year ago, I wrote a review of Jeannette Walls’ memoir The Glass Castle, which I praised for being a straight-forward recollection of Walls’ neglectful and border-line abusive childhood. While the film adaptation, directed by Destin Daniel Cretton of Short Term 12, is a lovingly made, often touching film, it doesn’t carry the same boldness of its source material. Neither work points fingers, but Cretton’s adaptation tries to find forgiveness in a story that doesn’t deserve it. In trying to force a sappy happy ending, Cretton turns a blunt, complex memoir into a boilerplate Hollywood sob story. Hello, everyone! The price of perfection is not a novel theme in literature, but through the lenses of innocence, sex, and parenthood, Megan Abbott’s newest novel You Will Know Me spins a tired premise into a tense, grim look at the world of competitive gymnastics. Though I took issue with the Abbott’s writing style, the book won me over in the end due to its frank take on the often exploitative relationship between parents and their champion children. In a youth-driven sport like gymnastics, kids become legends in their teens and fade only a few years later. Abbott’s novel pokes at this phenomenon by questioning the ethics of a sport that pushes kids to their physical limits in an often futile quest for stardom. Hello, everyone! If you’re an avid reader, you’ve probably stumbled across the forked tongue beast of the book world: the overhyped novel. These books spread like wildfire across the nation, appearing on every book lover’s nightstand, even if it’s just to see what all the fuss is about. It’s the allure of the New York Times Best Sellers List that convinced me, two years after the initial publication, to give Paula Hawkins The Girl on the Train a try. So what do you get when you combine “the next Gone Girl” with two years of expectation? A healthy dose of disappointment. Hello, everyone! Having just seen The Beguiled, Sofia Coppola’s latest film for which she won Best Director at Cannes, I’m left feeling confused. To say the film is good or bad oversimplifies the matter; it simply feels half baked. Coppola’s take on author Thomas Cullinan’s novel is lush, beautiful to behold, and potent with tension, but it’s held back by flawed pacing. Coppola is skilled at crafting slow, atmospheric movies like Lost in Translation, but while that film’s anti-climactic ending was a perfect period to its meandering plot, The Beguiled has an explosion of climax with too much rising action and almost no resolution balance to it out. Whether the fault in pacing is due to the source material (I’ve never read the book so I can’t comment) or due to Coppola’s own directorial choices remains to be seen, but the result is a film that feels as incomplete as General McBurney’s amputated leg. Hello, everyone! I recently finished Emma Cline’s debut novel The Girls, a tale of one girl’s summer in a Manson-inspired cult which apparently sold for a cool $2 million advance. I gave up on reading books about bored, apathetic teenage girls around 9th grade, but I was suckered in by the punchy, cool-girl cover design. Readers, don’t be fooled. The Girls is a trashy teen lit book dressed up as a sophisticated thriller, mired with angst, female self-hatred, dangerously sexy older girls, and men so uniformly despicable that they belong in a treatise on misandry. The prose is entertaining, but overworked. Worst of all, the whole thing is tiresome. Everything from the plot to the characters to Evie’s individual thoughts have been done before. But Cline’s fatal flaw is in her protagonist: Evie is a Nick Carraway with no Gatsby to make up for it. Hello, everyone! In light of the mockery resulting from the leaked Joss Whedon Wonder Woman script, I thought I would focus on the reasons why Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman works as a showcase of empowered female independence, instead of all the reasons that Whedon’s does not. Let me preface this post by saying that I’ve seen Wonder Woman twice, once to watch it without criticism, and the second time to watch it objectively. And while I agree that the film has a few flaws, I’m hard pressed to call it anything less than a fantastic movie. It’s beautifully, energetically shot, the characterization is compelling, the relationships are realistic and engaging, and the aesthetic details from the set design to the costumes to the hairstyling are a feast for the eyes. These elements, however, are only part of what makes Wonder Woman worth the watch. What separates this film from the rest of the billion dollar superhero movies is that, for perhaps the first time, Wonder Woman portrays a woman as she might see herself. That’s a perspective that’s not only rare to see in superhero movies, but in any Hollywood film. Hello, everyone! In summer you can usually find me curled up on the weekends, re-reading a book for the fourth or fifth time. This summer is no different and I’ve returned to one of my favorite authors, Lisa See, a Chinese-American author whose novels Peony in Love and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan reveal the lives of Chinese women during the 17th and 19th centuries, when they were cloistered in compounds, isolated and uneducated, and restricted by the morals of a strict, repressive Confucian society. See’s Shanghai Girls series jumps forward into the 20th century, yet still focuses on the lives and relationships of Chinese women as they move from China to the United States and back again. Although the protagonists Pearl, May and Joy may live in a more modern world than their peers in See’s other novels, See’s key theme remains the same: in a culture in which women are restricted in thought, behavior, and expression, the most important link between women can be faith in a shared secret life. Hello, everyone! I’ve written before in my posts about how I think Marvel movies have all become formulaic, heartless, soul-sucking cash grabs, so I guess it’s no surprise that the Guardians franchise has succumbed to that paint-by-numbers scheme too. The first film was surprisingly witty and heartfelt, and managed to make the origin story of a group of unfamiliar, oddball assholes endearing. Not to mention, the soundtrack was fantastic. Vol.2 also has a killer soundtrack, but the wit and heart are harder to find. There’s a great movie in here somewhere, but it’s lost amidst $200 million worth of special effects and a plot so familiar that even the journey isn’t very fun. Hello, everyone! My first year of college is over. I’m so excited to be back in my house where no one can bother me. But enough about my antisocial tendencies. If you’ve been on Youtube lately, you might have noticed that Miley Cyrus’ newest song “Malibu” is among one of the most trending videos. The music video showcases an entirely “new” side to Miley, one that embraces the softness, delicate femininity, and pure wholesomeness that Cyrus, and all women, have been supposedly hiding beneath their overly-sexualized exteriors. To get a taste of the average person’s opinion of the new Miley, just read the comments on her “Malibu” video or even on older videos like “We Can’t Stop” and “Wrecking Ball,” which once incited a firestorm of media ire for being too provocative, too sexed-up, too unlike the Miley Cyrus the world had grown accustomed to through Hannah Montana. One commenter writes that “it looks like Miley has finally found herself” and another who says that she’s “the old Miley again.” Another common comment refers to an alleged personality switch between Miley and Katy Perry, whose new song “Bon Appetit” has gained notice for its controversial, overtly sexual video. These comments beg the question: since when has a pop star only been allowed one “acceptable” public image, and why, WHY does it have to be a pure one? Hello, everyone! Sorry for the extra long gap between posts. I hate to leave you hanging with a strange ode/critique to Taylor Swift. After writing that article I listened to Swift’s entire discography. Whether you find that to be sweet or alarming is really up to your opinion on the singer, but I gotta say, she makes sad bus rides go a lot faster. On a completely unrelated topic, tonight I watched Colossal for the last screening of my film analysis class. It’s such a bizarre, unique film that I’m not sure whether it deserves praise or ridicule. Perhaps that’s why it succeeds. It doesn’t play it safe or even try to be normal. Colossal wears its heart on its sleeve, with endearing and annoying results. In a marketplace filled with lukewarm comedies and robotic blockbusters, Colossal is more than sincere enough to make up for its flaws.
As promised, the first regular chapter of the week: - Chapter 0297 – Someone Not Bound By Common Sense Translated By – DemonKiller Checked and Edited By – CurlyAdi and Livewidsmile Proofread By – SmartyMouth News For our Patrons: The five advanced chapters will be distributed as with the following schedule for the month: Week 1 to 3 – 1 Advance Chapters (Total 3) Week 4 – 2 Advance Chapters (Total 5 advanced chapters in a month). These Advance chapters will be posted on our Patreon at the end of the week (Either Saturday or on Sunday). Sponsored chapters and regular chapters will be coming out as usual according to their fixed schedule. For any questions or suggestions, please contact us at email@example.com P.S. Please do keep supporting us: - By becoming a Patreon for our Patreon page if you are able to, maybe you will be able to find something of your interest. - Or using our donations button. - Or through our generic ads in the site. Please do check them out and, if possible, please help us out a bit.
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Springwise Round-Up is a weekly post where I highlight some of the posts from this website that really stood out to me. Of course, this is my opinion only. While I typically tend to highlight some of the sillier finds from the site, you can find some really cool, inventive, and helpful new start-ups on Springwise that I highly encourage you to check out! Springwise Round-Up – 2nd Edition 1. The NEX band – The NEX band is a modular bracelet designed to let young users send secret messages, unlock game levels and personalize their look. Like smartwatches, the modules can light up in different ways to indicate a new received text message, phone call or social activity from Twitter, Facebook or Snapchat, as well as real world activities such as another NEX-wearing friend coming into proximity. Friends can set up coded light messages to each other, assigning certain colors and patterns to different friends or meanings. My thoughts: WHY. Teenagers having cell phones with all of these different crazy apps is enough, in my opinion. I think this is just getting to be a bit ridiculous! 2. Eterni.me – By trawling traces of their online activity, Eterni.me wants to reconstruct people’s personalities with an artificially intelligent version that friends and family can ‘chat’ to after they’re gone. My thoughts: Basically, by taking info from the web, they are going to RE-CREATE YOUR DEAD RELATIVE SO YOU CAN CHAT WITH “THEM”?!?!?! This is creepy. Really, really, creepy. That is all. 3. Headset for Dogs – Sweden’s No More Woof is an EEG device that reads dogs’ brainwaves in order to determine what’s on their mind. My thoughts: Frea.king.Awe.some. I have ALWAYS wanted to know what dogs are thinking!! I wonder how accurate this is……we may never know! That’s it for this edition of Springwise Round-Up!! See you next time!
Ms Rebecca Drake made "Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite" [fr] Ms Rebecca Drake, Director of the Department of MLA Unit, has been bestowed upon Knight of "l’Ordre National du Mérite” by the Consul of France in Hong Kong and Macau, Mr. Eric Berti, at the Residence of France on June 27, 2017. Ms Rebecca Drake has been providing a strong and unconditional support to France in the public service mission she conducts at the Department of Justice, in particular for the benefit of French victims who need assistance in a total different legal context. In 1998, she entered the Office of Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Unit of the International Law Division of the Department of Justice. She was responsible for the implementation of the international judicial cooperation, dealing with many cases involving French citizens or companies. She contributed to the preparation and the implementation of the mutual legal assistance agreement between France and Hong Kong, which entered into force in September 1998. In 2006, Mrs Rebecca Drake was appointed Director of the MLA Unit, and as such, she became a privileged partner of the Consulate General of France and the pivot of the judicial cooperation between France and Hong Kong. The award is a recognition of Ms Rebecca Drake’s commitment to the French community in Hong Kong.
This adventure notebook is the perfect DIY gift idea for everyone from hostesses to teachers to kids! So simple to personalize. studypetals: 1.24.16+9:30pm // 2/100 days of productivity // some banners and font references for my bullet journal and note-taking! Colorful Planner | DIY Tumblr Inspired School Supplies for Teens you need to try! DIY Projects with Letters • Lot's of easy tutorials, including this DIY photo collage letter project by 'House on the Way'! Super Cute to hang at Christmas where other artwork is hung throughout the year Side boob piece for Shona Kelly (all designs are subject to copyright) to order your own custom design visit www.oliviafaynetattoodesign.com or email email@example.com #mandala #mehndi #tattoo #lotus #sideboobtattoo DIY tin can lanterns for rustic and evening wedding ideas! Hot cocoa thingys!
Manali to Leh, Trans - Himalayan Cycling Expedition 2017 (22 July to 31 July 2017) Booking Amount: Rs.7000/- ||Govt. Taxes (As Applicable) ||Total Ticket Price |Manali To Leh - Balance Amount: Rs.38,235/-* to be paid before 19th July 2017 - Final Confirmation will be provided on full payment. - If the Balance Amount not paid by the due date, the booking will be canceled. - The Booking Amount is Non-Refundable. *Balance Payment to be paid directly to GRR SALUBRITY AND EVENTS PRIVATE LIMITED Registration closes on Jul 20, 2017 05:00 PM.
To go where we have never been; To be beyond our past." ~ Monks of Weston Priory, Spirit Alive Embarking still on another transition, along this unfolding journey, I have just moved from my home of many years. There surely was no great distance involved, but anyone who has packed decades of their belongings and vacated their living space, can understand that geography carries a separate impact from that of leaving behind the stable place called home. And this implication takes so many forms in these times. When I completed graduate school, I left the place of employment at which I hard-worked a living for nearly 13 grueling years. In such long stretches of time, places can become deeply personalized- and even internalized. Places that are thoroughly intertwined with our days become the arenas in which major parts of our lives are staged. At that job, I saw a life’s spectrum of individuals, situations, and emotions, all in the intensity of human lives engaged in stressed employment. The day I carried out the last of my personal effects from "my" studio space, I filled my car with supplies, tools, and manuals- along with cases of music discs, wall decorations, and coffee cups. When I did that last once-over, before turning off the lights, the bare shell of a space had the ghostly look of a lifeless cavern. I subtly realized how humanity combined with ingenuity can animate an ordinary space, making it into a place which emanates creativity and color, as a soul inhabits a body. The home I’ve inhabited and cherished for nearly twenty-two years is now in the past. Only months out of college, I carried those first crated bundles of books up the steep narrow stairs and through the door. The place was barely affordable, but minutes by bicycle from work. Over the years, those three modest rooms in the Victorian mansard became something equivalent to a favorite pair of shoes: not the flashiest, but comfy and versatile enough to be favored despite its flaws. Convenient and hospitable. And in various combinations of my circumstances changing, and my challenges to transform my own life, I would reshape my home in numerous ways. That little configuration of rooms and nooks was a quiet study and a sanctuary, as well as a place of celebration and dinner parties. And indeed, aloneness and grieving. My long sojourns with the Benedictine monks in Vermont taught me to transfigure a place of desolation into a venue of friendship and warmth. On one of my countless retreats at Weston, Brother Philip told me that "it isn’t enough to say welcome; you must be welcome." Such thoughts bring us to realize the distinction between place and presence. Throughout these years, there have been numerous times for me to reflect upon the definition of home. What is home, and where is home? Is this something that can be provided, or withheld, or even created anywhere? An ancient monastic saying exhorts the seeker to "carry your cell with you, wherever you go." This surely addresses our contemporary nomadic lives, and how families tend to scatter between chasms of large distances. Clearly the most joyful recollections about my home are connected to how it became a place of gathering and kindredship, and doubtlessly that will continue in the new place. When contemplatives were enjoined to set forth with their "cells," my understanding is that it was to express that they should wear their spirit of welcome and compassion in all places and at all times. Yes, Spirit transcends space. And now life evolves still further. Recent years have seen increments of transition, much of it intellectual and spiritual. Transmuting perspectives. Now there is a physical transference. In those instances when I’ve noticed myself dragging my own absurd self, kicking and screaming, into all that is good about new life, I’ve had to recall the intertwined nature of stress and turning-points. Now it is useful to be reminded that just as we find our footing, after welcoming gifts into our lives, we must then move those feet some more, even in a seemingly unknowing faith. Admittedly, moving on- whether metaphorically or physically- surfaces the immediate temptation of regretting the benefits we once had, but that is invariably surpassed by the brilliant expanse opening before us. The present and future needn’t be replications of past things which surely pale in comparison to what is yet to be created. At home I experienced the full range of emotions- lost love very painfully, but found love, and was reassured of the miraculous (see detail from top of wall, above, in picture below), with a surpassing strength of hope and gratitude.
The Home Depot Heating & Air Serving the Graham area. Free In-home HVAC ConsultationCall us today to schedule! 1.Don Hall Heating & Cooling Inc 728 E Elm St Heating Contractors & SpecialtiesHeat PumpsHeating Equipment & SystemsHeating Equipment & Systems-Repairing New customer heat or A/C Tune up for only $39 (includes free dryer and vent inspection) over 60% off Awesome and dependable! Josh did wonderful job finding the problem we had with lack of airflow to our master bedroom. He cleaned my units and serviced them in a rapid efficient manner. Total professio 2.Lyon Bobby Heating & Cooling 1936 Trails End Dr Air Conditioning Contractors & SystemsHeating Contractors & Specialties 3.Thornton's Heating & Air Conditioning Inc 1104 Southerland St Ste C Air Conditioning Contractors & SystemsHeat PumpsGeothermal Heating & Cooling ContractorsHeating Equipment & Systems-Repairing Did some work for us at the office and the techs were very helpful and explained things in a way that I could understand. They have not had to come back out and repair the issue and I was surprised at 4.Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning Heating Contractors & SpecialtiesBoiler Repair & CleaningHeating Equipment & SystemsHeat Pumps Say hello to Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning. We've been servicing your area for many years, and we've developed an entire roster of NATE-certified service technicians who know how to serviMore Nearby Locations » 5.Comfort Tech Heating & Air Conditioning 309 Council St Heating Contractors & SpecialtiesAir Conditioning Contractors & SystemsAir Conditioning Service & RepairHeating Equipment & Systems I called around and received several quotes for a new system. Comfortech was the ONLY company that told me there was nothing wrong with my system. I simply needed new duct work and larger registers. 6.Hunter Heating & Air Conditioning 1219 W Ward Ave Heating Contractors & SpecialtiesHeating Equipment & SystemsFurnaces-HeatingAir Conditioning Service & Repair Let the professionals at Hunter Heating & Air Conditioning provide you with fast and reliable emergency services. We're there when you need us! When you're in need of a heater repair at Hunter Heating 7.American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Heating Contractors & SpecialtiesAir Conditioning Contractors & SystemsAir Cleaning & Purifying EquipmentAir Conditioning Equipment & Systems These guys are always very knowledgeable and prompt. I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone. Call a Pro Heating Serving the Graham area. Experts in Heating & Air Condition.Call us For a Prompt Fast Service! Please try reloading the page.
It’s a Winnie the Pooh sort of day…something to lift your spirits and make you smile. 🙂 Winnie the Pooh decided to “follow” me on Twitter. 🙂 I loved Winnie the Pooh as a kid. I loved him when I became a mom. I still love him. Everything about him makes me feel the world is a bit warmer, kinder, and more loving than it would be without him. So, of course, I “followed” him back. Once you follow or get followed, you’re able to look at a person’s tweets. As I was reading some of Winnie the Pooh’s latest…I smiled (inside and out.) Let me share a few of my favorites with you hoping they’ll make you smile (inside and out.) Christopher Robin: “Winnie, tell me your favorite thing in the whole wide world?” Pooh: “My favorite thing is me coming over to see you.” “Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We… View original post 156 more words
Send the link below via email or IMCopy Present to your audienceStart remote presentation - Invited audience members will follow you as you navigate and present - People invited to a presentation do not need a Prezi account - This link expires 10 minutes after you close the presentation - A maximum of 30 users can follow your presentation - Learn more about this feature in our knowledge base article Do you really want to delete this prezi? Neither you, nor the coeditors you shared it with will be able to recover it again. Make your likes visible on Facebook? You can change this under Settings & Account at any time. Bar Siena Menu Training Transcript of Bar Siena Menu Training Grilled Octopus and Shisito Peppers Stracchino Cheese Fritter Balsamic Glazed Ribs Chicken Wings Diavolo Parmesean truffle Potato Skins Medjool Date & Escarole Kale & Granny Smith Apple Shaved Zucchini & Spiced Chickpea Sweet Corn Ravioli Burrata Stuffed Agnolotti Short Rib Lasagana Linguini and Clams Duck Mac- N - Cheese Prosciutto Wrapped Risotto Spaghetti and Meatballs Seared Wild Kind Salmon Proscuitto and Fig Tomato and Heirloom Basil Fennel sausage and Pepper Kale and Pancetta
Friday 6 February 2015, illustrations by Kelsey Scherer for Racked Every year over 80 billion new garments are produced. Only in UK 350,000 tonnes of used clothing goes to landfill every year. 30% the clothes in most peoples wardrobe has not been used for the last year, much of it maybe never been worn. To produce only one pair of jeans takes around 15 000 liter water, a T-shirt 2500 litre. Our production and consumption of clothes are pushing our planets ecological boundaries. By extending the average life of clothes by just three months of active use would lead to a 5-10% reduction in each of the carbon, water and waste footprints. How do you shop? Do you have a full closet but nothing to wear? Perhaps it´s time to start buying less and investing in pieces of good quality that will last you a long time. It is quantity vs quality. Your… View original post 11 more words
With winter approaching, it is important to understand the different ways of remaining safe throughout winter. I found this post very helpful which is why I am posting it for you. It certainly helped me have a better understanding of what I could do to stay safe while winter is upon us. I fully recommend you take a look at this post. I found it very interesting and has helped me understand how important different winter products are to help us stay safe throughout the cold snap! live Weather friday update pkgvThe Miami TimesRelatively clear weather will remain through most of the N.W.T. again Saturday, with a persistent ridge of high pressure in the area. Light snowfall could continue Saturday morning in the South Slave region, on the edge of a low pressure system moving …and more »…live Weather friday update pkgv – The Miami Times If you found this post as informative as I did, then why don’t you take a look at the other articles I have put up? All of the articles are designed to help you with different techniques on how you can keep yourself safe. If not, then do keep checking back as this site is updated regularly with different articles to help you.Please feel free to enjoy the other articles on the page. This page is updated regularly with similar sorts of articles so make sure have a look or come back another time and have a look through the archives. - Winter Maintenance www.aptwinterproducts.co.uk - The marathon man: Al Roker chases weathercasting record – New York Post - Live Weather Forecast app adds weather radio and HD Radar – tuaw.com - WordPress › weather forecast « Tags « WordPress Plugins
2 room rustic cabin over the river! Appalachian Trial is next door. Sleeps 4. King bed. Two twins the great room. It is NOT FOR EVERYONE! OUTDOOR HOT SHOWER and OUTHOUSE. Upscale camping. Full kitchen. Outdoor grill . Restaurants very close. A wonderful location with a view beyond your expectations. Great for anyone who just wants to chill. A/C and Overhead fans. Not heated but there is a space heater. Furry friends considered., your dog must be friendly with other dogs. No parties. Exceptional view of the River!!!! Bulls Bridge and AT trail head less than 1/2 mile away.. Wonderful place to relax and get away from it all. Path down to the river with a short CLIMB down a few rock to be able to rock hop and dip in the the many pools. (sneakers or good water shoes should be worn on the rocks) please bring your own towel for sitting on the rocks. entire cabin is separate from our house and over a long foot bridge. Very private. Interaction with guests Hosts home is on same property but the cabin is over a foot bridge and private. You can be as private as you like, or come on over and visit with us. Other things to note This is a very rustic cabin surrounded by forest and rivers. If you are afraid of seeing a bug or wildlife, this is not the place for you. Outhouse is 150 feet from the cabin. flashlights must be used as night to get there. This is the country and there are LOTS of flying bugs a night and ALL SCREEN DOORS must be kept shut at night or bugs will swarm to the lights inside. We are pet friendly , but YOUR pet must be friendly too. If your dog does not like other dogs please leave him home. It's not fair to my dog not to be able to run around her own yard. No parties or mean people allowed Washing your own dishes before you leave would be most appreciatedplease and thank you This host has 27 reviews for other properties.View other reviews
courtesy light dome cover I need to change the bulbs in my dome light, but i can't see a way to get the cover off, does it just pop off? I tried gently tugging on it, but couldn't get it off. Any idea? normally you just squeeze two opposing sides in (usually the long sides) and it will pop off. Should not need much pressure to do this. Search Toyota MR2 Questions Toyota MR2 Experts Related Models For Sale
The connection between humans, animals and nature is truly astounding. We have always been fascinated by majestic beasts and the places they inhabit. Man has always needed animals and nature to survive, but now it is them that need us to survive. Choose your spirit animal. Explore the Strange Wilderness. This collection represents the animals inside each and every one of us and the deep connection between. An unspoken agreement to respect one another and to respect the environment. Wear these Totems to channel your inner animal and remind you to get back to your basic killer instincts. This item is available in Sterling Silver and 14K Gold. You can also wrap a string around your finger and take the measurement in millimetres, from there we will be able to determine your ring size. Please contact Info@FrankWilder.com if you need custom sizing or your ring size and Frank will send you a ring sizer.
Display is shutting down/not responding after a certain time My Thunderbolt Display which I purchased shortly after it's announcement back in 2011 is playing really weird recently. I'm using it on two machines: my MBP and a Windows PC (yes, I got it working, can even play games with decent performance). Switching between both machines on a daily basis stressed the cable a lot, so the connector is kinda broken. However it works most of the time. The bigger problem is: After using the display on both machines for a certain time, it completely freaks out. On the Mac it's going black without disconnecting, it is still registered by OS X. On the PC it either switches between resolutions (see this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCNNfYJA...), or it disables all connected peripherals. Rebooting the PC and/or the display by unplugging it, helps most of the time for the next few minutes. Sometimes even hours. However working on it is kinda nerve-racking as you can imagine. After talking to Apple Support, they send me to a local Certified Service Provider who took a look into it. They now offer a repair for ~€1070, which is even more than the €999 I paid back in 2011 for the brand new one! They say the LCD panel must be replaced! Does somebody in this forum had experienced similar problems? Is is enough to replace only the logic board, not the complete panel? Is this a good question?
The Best Gummy Candies: 16K Reviews 22 colors available BY SWEDISH FISH #5 in Gummy Candy 4.59 / 5 based on 8,361 Reviews Swedish fish soft and chewy candy - 30.4 ozsee more... Top Questions See all 105 Q&A - "I love the flavor but the only thing I don't like is that they get stuck on teeth but usually I get it out and eat it anyway." in 77 reviews - "Swedish fish are one of my favorite candies,they have been since I've been little,I love the flavor and I've always eaten them with a mango ice pop...weird but best combination." in 60 reviews - "Love them so much I require adult supervision (okay, adultier adult since I am an adult) because I would eat the whole bag in one sitting." in 38 reviews - "SMILE Although they are a fat free food they contain sugar; and sugar can turn to fat in your system if you're not especially active." in 34 reviews - "Honestly I love them mostly because unlike most gummy candies they don't have that fake plastic taste but it isn't the best for you." in 33 reviews Amazing gummy candy. Gummies aren't my favorite but when I go for some I go for these. I love the flavor. I got mine from target. They are affordable which is great as well. Would recommend for a movie night snack My go to when im in a munchin mood. The texture is something you cant find in anything else and the flavor is both melllw and sweet. Not overpowering at all. one of my favorites, i can eat these and never get tired of them. only have how it would get stuck on your teeth and have pieces of red jelly on your teeth lol I've tried these and not really a big fan of them but they're OK. It's nothing to get excited about. But if you want soft and not too sweet go for it. Swesiwh fish i have been eatting since i was a child they don't taste as good as they used to they have a waxy taste to them but they still are good This is my all time favorite Chewy candy ever. It's at a great price and the flavor is not overwhelming. The only problem is how chewy they are but so worth it. Would choose Swedish fish over chocolate any day of the week! I usually get them from Costco or my local commissary on the 5 lb bag which lasts quite awhile and they never get stale These snacks have just the right texture to them. They have a good value and price to them. I usually buy mine at 7/11. It compares with others because they are very chewy. I always repurchase these. Very good This candy is pretty sweet, but they do tend to get stuck on your teeth once you start chewing them. You can su ck on them but you won't get the maximum flavor. Best gummy candy EVER! I will never get sick of it. It is not that type of gummy candy that gets stuck to your teeth and is unbearable, but instead is super enjoyable! I love it and will continue to do so! :) Q & A What flavor would you call Swedish Fish? Is anyone else addicted to these? Because I seriously think I have a problem, lol. How do you eat your Fishies ><)))*>? Does anyone else think that they are too stiff for a gummy? Has anyone found these in any other flavors? PHOTOS & VIDEOS See All Photos & Videos
Connect It CC cables are specially designed for a 'phono' application, and therefore to be connected to the output of your vinyl turntable, if it has RCA sockets. Due to the high quality of their pure copper conductors, the choice of insulator and the use of a high-end shield, they have very low resistance and capacitance. The RCA plugs are also specifically designed to minimise colouration. The Connect-It comes with a ground cable with spade terminals. These cables have been optimised in use for several hours and with many cartridges by Pro-ject designers. The improvement with a Pro-ject Debut Carbon vinyl turntable is immediately audible. The timbre is rich and the sound quality is more transparent, with better placement. The dynamics are better distributed across the frequency response, delivering a more realistic result. And the higher the quality of your turntable and cartridge, the more stark the comparison with the original cable will be. An unparalleled quality-to-price ratio! Highly recommended. Franck RCA plugs Silver-plated contacts Conductors: Symmetrical Pure copper OFC Earthing wire: Earthing wire
Perfect for those beginning their mindful journey or those looking to refine their mind-body connection, the flowing sequences are invigorating and revitalizing for all levels of fitness. The application of the ZEN•GA® mindful movement principles to sequenced exercises on the Merrithew™ Reformer, will help build strength, endurance and flexibility of the entire body. The spring-loaded resistance is used to condition the neuromuscular and neuromyofascial systems and introduce the body to the flowing movements and static holds. The Vinyasa Triangle™ provides ergonomic support and facilitates the unique series of exercises. ZEN•GA programs are designed to increase stamina, stability, resilience and fortitude through the practice of breath and embodiment. - Apply the Mindful Movement Principles to yoga-inspired flowing sequences. - Experience how the spring tension can assist in both holding poses and facilitating a deeper core connection. - Learn how to use the various Reformer accessories including the new Vinyasa Triangle to enhance movement potential. - Discover how to create strength and fluidity though an integrated fusion workout. Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors Equipment used in the workshop
Online Gambling Grows Globally It seems like gambling has always been popular, but what about online gambling? If you believe the stories people are trying to spin (including news outlets like Newsweek), then you probably think that online gambling is a scam, it’s terrible, and it’s costing the nations millions of dollars – but that’s not the case. In 2003, when online gambling sites really started to take off, they were bringing in about $7 billion dollars annually. That’s an impressive figure, especially when you consider that was the early days of online gambling and people didn’t have smartphones. However, as of 2013, thanks to sites generating heavier traffic thanks to no deposit promotions, the online gambling industry generates $37 billion each year. That money is funneled back into the state, and it helps out in a lot of different areas. What about sports betting? Online sports betting has been a hot topic lately, mainly because it’s on its way to get legalized in New Jersey. In 2004, during the early days of sports betting, it brought in $24 million each year. Today, sports betting brings in more than $74 billion each year. So what’s changed? For starters, online gambling and sports betting is infinitely more accessible. It doesn’t really matter where you’re playing from or what you’re playing on – if it’s legalized near you, you can play. Some sites offer external programs to play on if you’re playing from a computer running Windows. If you’re running a different operating system, most sites offer in-browser options. A lot of sites now have either mobile versions or apps for their website. With such widespread availability, there’s no reason to go to a casino. Another large part of online gambling’s success is due to the fact that it’s been legalized in several states. Online gambling used to be seen as shady, but once it became legalized and regulated, people jumped in. Finally, and probably the most important reason that online gambling generates so much, the promotions simply can’t be beat. Take a look around at some online casinos and check out their promotions. The promotions vary wildly between sites. Some offer no deposit bonuses, some offer free play, and some have unique promotions that won’t be found anywhere else. Land based casinos can’t keep up with online casinos. People are able to play a few rounds and quit without feeling that temptation to stay and gamble the night away. Despite what you hear, online gambling has been on an upward trend for well over a decade at this point. Its popularity isn’t slowing down any time soon. Once more states realize this and decide to legalize online gambling, the economy in those states will significantly improve. Until then, we have to stand idly by, watching the industry continue its upward trend without the majority of the United States being able to contribute.
Matt Kenseth wins Food City 500 in rain-soaked Bristol BRISTOL, Tenn. (AP) Matt Kenseth ended a 51-race drought Sunday night at rain-soaked Bristol Motor Speedway. The start was delayed nearly 90 minutes because of rain and the race was stopped three times as NASCAR desperately attempted to get a complete the show. NASCAR succeeded - the race went 11 laps past the scheduled 500 because of a quick rain shower. Instead of calling it, NASCAR parked the cars on pit road and quickly dried the track for a two-lap overtime sprint. Kenseth, the pole-sitter, got a terrific jump on the restart and wasn't challenged in part because of Jeff Gordon's poor restart. Jimmie Johnson slid past Gordon to take second place, and Gordon finished third. Kenseth crossed the finish line some nine hours after the race began.
INSIGHT FOR PROFESSIONALS – Where the value comes from Mark Stücklin of Spanish Property Insight offers professional investors, financial institutions, and developers a valuable service based on expertise, credibility, and unbeatable contacts in the Spanish property sector. He helps investors source and underwrite deals through a network of professional contacts built up over more than a decade all over Spain. His clients include some of the world´s biggest and best-known funds, whom he advises on strategy, deals, partners, and underwriting in Spain. He also helps banks, developers, and investors craft and implement effective sales and marketing programmes that deliver excellent results in international markets. Focused on international demand for Spanish property, Mark has done strategic consultancy jobs for large institutions such as the SAREB (Spain’s so-called “Bad Bank), IRM (Banking consortium that took over Polaris World Assets), and GE Money (international mortgage market), amongst others. He has done all the marketing for the most successful developments in Ibiza over the last decade.
We noticed that you're using an unsupported browser. The TripAdvisor website may not display properly.We support the following browsers: Windows: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. Mac: Safari. There are a lot of negative reviews about the riutort mostly concerning noise. I came here out of season with my wife and found the place full of Germans as discussed but mostly middle aged, and no problems whatsoever. If you want to converse with...More I was recently to stay in a different hotel in El Arenal, but due to a mix up with the accommodation broker I was moved to this hotel. I was told on arrival that I was in a room with no balcony. This meant I...More The reviews were right about the noise, went with my partner (we are both mid 20's) did not get a good nights sleep every night of our stay, at least every hour the germans were waking us up with banging doors and singing in the...More One of the worst places I have ever stayed! We got placed there for two nights as our original hotel (a 20 minute drive away!!) had over booked. The rooms had an awful smell - very strong disinfectant / bleach smell. Didn't sleep a wink....More Well, the hotel itself was not as bad a reviews had made out to be. There was not a lot of choice for mealtime options and when you did find something that you could eat they then changed it and replaced it with something new....More US$51 - US$107 (Based on Average Rates for a Standard Room) Star rating provided by Expedia. Number of rooms TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Expedia, Hotels.com, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelocity, Booking.com, Cancelon, TripOnline SA, Hotwire and Cheap Tickets so you can book your Riutort reservations with confidence. We help millions of travellers each month to find the perfect hotel for both holiday and business trips, always with the best discounts and special offers.
Well, I never thought that the aged old Intel vs AMD debate would crawl over to video editing products... That is, until today... I went to install Adobe Premier Pro 2.0 on my AMD Athlon XP 3200 (barton core) machine; if you've ever fiddled with this model of AMD processor you'd realize how impossible it is to locate... Well, it turns out that, even though it's been in P4's since inception, the AMD Athlon processors prior to the 64bit architecture don't have the SSE2 Instruction Set that Adobe Premier Pro 2.0 requires for the video display... So what does this mean? Well, simply put, you can't install, let alone use, Adobe Premier 2.0 on a machine which does not support SSE2 which includes MOST amd processors... So what should you do to use one of the best video editing software titles available? Well, if you have the money to blow on a new system, go for it... Otherwise, go with Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 (Adobe Premier 7.0 compatible).CPU's which support SSE2 - AMD K8-based CPUs (Athlon 64, Sempron, Turion 64, etc) - Intel NetBurst-based CPUs (Pentium 4, Xeon, Celeron, etc) - Intel Pentium M and Celeron M - Intel Core-based CPUs (Core Duo, Core Solo, etc) - Intel Core 2-based CPUs (Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, etc) - Transmeta Efficeon - Via C7 :WikiPedia entry on SSE2 supported processorsAMD Forums thread discussing SSE2 in Athlon productsEnding note It's sad that my 6 year old laptop (P4M) can run what my 2 year old desktop cannot; and it cost half the price :x... But Adobe Premier Pro 1.5 does everything I need it to do
This camera is run by Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and serves primarily for air quality control in New Haven. The Criscuolo park webcam can serve also for checking the weather in the city. This cam serves primarily for air quality control in Cornwall, Connecticut. However the Mohawk Mountain webcam displays a very interesting part of the countryside with a view of the sky, therefore it is worth watching. The camera located in Talcott Mountain Science Center controls the air quality in the city of Avon. Apart from this the Talcott Mountain webcam offers an interesting view of the sky and serves also for checking the weather around Avon.
Rep. Steve King isn't backing away from his inflammatory comments about young undocumented immigrants, asserting that for every valedictorian there are 100 drug smugglers. The Iowa Republican went on CNN Wednesday night and claimed everything he said is "factually correct," based on information he received on trips to the U.S.-Mexico border. "Every night there are dozens and scores of people that are smuggling drugs across our border," he said. "I've been down there multiple times. I've sat along the border at night. I've traveled with the Border Patrol for days on end … This isn't something that just was made up out of thin air. This is something I get from the people enforcing the law down on the border." But King isn't just claiming that drug mules outnumber valedictorians 100:1, he's saying that both classes of undocumented immigrants would earn legal status under the DREAM Act. "These people would be legalized with these valedictorians as well," he said. Let's break down those claims. What's the ratio of valedictorians versus drug smugglers? King's calculation of the ratio of valedictorians to drug smugglers is virtually an impossible metric to calculate. In fact, King appeared to admit that much himself during his CNN interview. "I wasn't talking about the ratio. Border Patrol agents don't know how many valedictorians we have that are also DREAMers. In fact, I don't know that the public knows either," he said. "But I can tell you it's not nearly as many as the advocates for the DREAM Act would like to have you believe." Beyond King's anecdotes, there's very little data for crime rates among undocumented youth specifically. And the information that does exist shows no link between increased immigration -- legal and illegal -- and crime. FBI data compiled from the by the Immigration Policy Center (IPC), a pro-immigration group, shows that crime in the U.S. decreased as immigration increased between 1990 and 2010. And incarceration rates among young men (ages 18-39) are five times lower for immigrants compared to native-born men, according to a 2007 University of California-Irvine study cited by the IPC. Can drug smugglers become citizens under the DREAM Act? No. Simply put, drug smugglers aren't eligible for legalization under the latest immigration proposals. The Senate's immigration bill contains a DREAM Act provision that would allow certain young undocumented immigrants who have attended college or served in the military to earn permanent legal status in just five years, compared to 10 years for others. But all undocumented immigrants, young and old, must pass a background check in order to gain temporary legal status, which puts them on the track to citizenship. Immigrants are rendered ineligible if they have committed a felony or three misdemeanors. Crossing the border illegally with the amount of drugs that King described -- 75 pounds of marijuana -- would count as a felony and bar an immigrant from obtaining legal status, according to David Leopold, the former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. But it wouldn't even take that much to keep an undocumented immigrant from becoming legalized. The bill would maintain current law and prohibit even lesser "drug offenders from qualifying [f]or benefits under the immigration reform package," Leopold said in an email. And to obtain permanent legal status, young undocumented immigrants eligible under the DREAM Act must complete another background check "to determine whether there was any criminal, national security, or other factor that would render the alien ineligible for such status," the Senate bill says. If an immigration bill does manage to pass this year, it might look different than the Senate's legislation. For example, House Republicans are crafting their own bill to address undocumented youth. But it's safe to say that drug smugglers wouldn't qualify for legalization under any immigration reform plan.
I haved just interviewed at Kootenai Medical Center about a week ago. I know nurses who have worked there, and they have liked it. However, Northern Idaho is strongly Republican, and VERY ANTI UNION. *** Sounds like the same old Idaho When I asked about staff ratios in ICU, I was told that MOST of the time it is 1:2 patients. But OCCASIONALLY the ICU nurses have to take three patients. They also are now using travelers, which they have never had to do. They are a magnet facility, but I question some things. If they are a magnet facility, how can they "sometimes" staff 3:1 in ICU? And why do they need travelers? *** I currently work in a magnet hospital ICU and we occasionally have to take 3 patient loads. I have done it twice in the last 6 months. ABout 25% of our RNs in the ICU are travelers. Separate issue I know, but magnet mean nothing to me and I am unimpressed when told by recruiters "Oh we are a Magnet hospital!" Whne I hear that I think "so what?". There are three schools of nursing within 50 miles of there, including North Idaho College, right next door. *** That is interesting. One has to wonder why they have so many openings and use travelers? I am not sure about the pay, but I know for sure that it is less than Washington State, and Spokane. Have you tried Tri Cities? Kadlec is growing, and offering great benefits. Look them up. *** Thats for the tip but I was stationed at Ft. Lewis for years and and familiar with the tri cities area. Not really what I am looking for. I fully understand that by choosing to work in a small rural hospital I will be giving up the top pay. On the other hand I am not willing to work for peanuts. Thanks for the reply
What's With the Attitude? Changing Attitudes About Criminal Justice Issues Public policies related to the criminal justice system in the United States ultimately reflect the attitudes of its citizens. It is surprising, therefore, how few studies have investigated influences on attitudes about criminal justice issues and how narrow the scope of such investigations has been. In this study, we examined the effects of education on attitudes toward several criminal justice issues in college students enrolled in a senior-level forensic psychology course compared to a nonpsycholegal psychology course. Results indicated that education about public policy issues influenced students' attitudes toward the death penalty, prison reform, and the insanity defense. In addition, we examined preexisting differences in these attitudes based on demographic and other status variables (i.e., race, gender, academic class standing) and found that these variables were associated with differences in attitudes about criminal justice issues in a much more complex way than previously considered in the extant literature. Criminal Justice and Behavior Mandracchia, J. T., Shaw, L. B., Morgan, R. D. (2013). What's With the Attitude? Changing Attitudes About Criminal Justice Issues. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(1), 95-489. Available at: http://aquila.usm.edu/fac_pubs/7556
The latest installation in Rockstar’s blockbuster franchise promises tons of action with just one minute of footage. It looks like gamers will have the pleasure of planning and executing insane bank heists where they have to rappel down exploding buildings and escape by car, skydiving, or even underwater submersibles. And if the getaway can’t be made cleanly, players can fight through swarms of police with a Gatling gun or even a military jet fighter. Pitchfork also revealed a bit of the game’s soundtrack, as GTA prides itself on a history of great radio stations to commit crimes to. LA producer Flying Lotus is the DJ personality for his own station, FlyLo FM, which will play futuristic hip hop and electronic cuts from the likes of Tyler The Creator, Aphex Twin, and Outkast. GTA soundtrack supervisor Ian Pavlovich also went into small detail about the other radio stations, which will include a classic hip hop station hosted by west coast legend DJ Pooh, an indie rock station providing tunes from Wavves and Twin Shadow, and a narcocorrido (or Mexican drug ballad) station called East Los FM. Grand Theft Auto V finally arrives in stores on Sept. 17.
What can I say, 2006 has been one hell of a season! When I look back now at the early part of the year I feel almost like I’m looking back fondly on my childhood. This is my second season of triathlon and despite all the little goals I set for myself I had four major goals: Finish an Ultramarathon Finish a half-iron triathlon Finish a full iron triathlon Win the Clydesdale Champion award for the Southwest Challenge Series I am mightily pleased to say that I met each and every one of these goals! This is not to say that I would call the season a complete success. Below you will see five races with an asterisk next to them. I actually ran these races on a hip with a stress fracture in two places. I think the injury took place at the Rio Rancho Duathlon, which is probably the toughest short race you will ever run. I spent a couple weeks with some fluctuating pain and kept hoping it was something that would go away but it just kept getting worse and I kept getting slower. I got to the point where if I tried to stand on my right leg it would just buckle beneath me. The Buffman & Squeaky Olympic Triathlon was an exercise in agony but I was able to grimace my way through it to a 3rd place finish in the masters Clyde division. The picture here is me at the Buffman & Squeaky. I finally got an accurate diagnosis after my family doc referred me to a Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon and I received the proper care and advice and was soon on the mend. I missed out on the Buffalo Springs half-iron but was able to switch my registration to the Aquabike, which I loved! This has also been my first year blogging and I have enjoyed that quite a bit as well. I’ve been able to meet some great people from across the country, some I have even been able to meet in person. I think maybe next year one of my goals will be to travel and try and meet as many fellow blogging triathletes as possible. Before giving you the layout of my 2006 season I just want to note that there is actually quite a bit of variability in the distances of the Sprint triathlons I’ve done. Living in New Mexico the triathlon community is plagued by a dearth of water so we swim where we can. The swim splits range from 300 yards to 1200 meters, the bike splits range from 10.2 miles to 30K and almost all runs were 5K except the Bottomless, which has a run of 4K. Also, the Southwest Challenge Series season kicks off with the Polar Bear in the December of the preceding year, hence my December race at the beginning of the list. So here it is: December: Saturday 10th Polar Bear Sprint Triathlon, Las Cruses, NM - 1:23:12 January Sunday 15th Ghost Town 38.5 Ultramarathon Hillsboro, NM - 8:41:14 February 11th John Stermer Memorial (run/bike) Duathlon, Las Cruses, NM - 1:17:02 February 19th Lost Dutchman Marathon, Apache Junction, AZ 4:47:19 (PR) March 12th Stealth (run/bike) Duathlon, Alamogordo, NM - 1:26:06 April: Sunday 2nd MVTC Sprint Triathlon, Las Cruses, NM - 1:16:56 April: Sunday 9th Rio Rancho Short Course Duathlon, Rio Rancho, NM - 1:37:02 *April: Saturday 15th Wind Run Swim Biathlon, Las Cruses, NM - 43:04 *April: Saturday 22nd Amarillo Sprint Triathlon, Amarillo, TX - 1:03:51 *April: Sunday 30th Atomic Man Long Course Duathlon, Los Alamos, NM - 2:57:48 *May: Sunday 14th Jay Benson Sprint Triathlon, Albuquerque, NM - 1:15:06 *May: Sunday 21st Buffman & Squeaky Olympic Triathlon, Lubbock, TX - 3:14:01 June: Sunday 25th Buffalo Springs Lake half-iron Aquabike, Lubbock, TX - 3:26:38 July: Saturday 1st Grady Williams Olympic Triathlon, Farmington, NM - 2:56:10 July: Saturday 8th Bottomless Sprint Triathlon, Roswell, NM - 1:02:06 July: Sunday 16th Mountain Man Sprint Triathlon, Flagstaff, AZ - 1:17:58 July: Sunday 23rd Deschutes Dash Sprint Triathlon, Bend, OR - 1:27:11 July: Sunday 30th Las Vegas Olympic Triathlon, Las Vegas, NM - 2:58:00 August: Saturday 5th Tall City Sprint Triathlon, Midland, TX - 1:14:16 August: Saturday 12th Socorro Chili Harvest Sprint Triathlon, Socorro, NM - 1:13:00 September: Saturday 16th Cotton Country Sprint Triathlon, Levelland, TX - 1:09:26 September: Saturday 23rd RedMan Iron Distance Triathlon, Oklahoma City, OK - 14:27:15 October: Sunday 1st Stealth Sprint Triathlon, Alamogordo, NM - 1:28:20 October: Sunday 29th Soma Half-Iron, Tempe, AZ - 5:55:22 WOW! I can’t believe it, that’s my 2006 season, the whole enchilada… So what have I learned? I’m stronger than I would have imagined…other people are stronger than they imagine…that includes YOU. Give me enough time and there is probably no feat of endurance that I can not accomplish. Involve your family in endurance sport if you can do it without hounding them into it, it builds bonds as strong as the people who participate in them. The people who participate in endurance sports are fantastic! For me, endurance athletics is primarily a social endeavor. I love all the exercise and I will try my hardest to chase people down every time I’m out on the course but ultimately it’s not the time I achieve, it’s the time that I have…the journey and not the outcome. I can hardly wait for my 2007 season! Fortitude Vincimus my friends! Through endurance we conquer!
2008 Nevada budget crisis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The 2008 budget crisis in Nevada is an ongoing fiscal crisis in which the state faces a budget shortfall of at least $1.2 billion out of a $6.8 billion budget. The budget crisis is a result of the larger subprime mortgage crisis and the late-2000s recession. As the fastest growing state in the U.S. during the United States housing bubble, Nevada was hit especially hard by subprime mortgage crisis. The Nevada Policy Research Institute argues that the state government raised taxes during an economic boom and increased government spending more than 20% in 2004. The shortfall for 2008 and 2009 resulted from, they argue, government spending money at unsustainable levels. Las Vegas Housing Crisis The libertarian Nevada Policy Research Institute blames the financial crisis in Nevada, especially Las Vegas, on poor monetary policies, moral hazards created by government bailouts, and bad regulations such as the Community Reinvestment Act and the Security and Exchange Commission allowing several investment banks to increase their capital ratios. The result, according to NPRI was to rapidly increase home prices in Nevada, from a median level of about $130,000 to about $330,000 in less than 3 years. NPRI created a chart that documents this rapid rise in home prices. It can be viewed here:http://npri.org/docLib/20081013_Chart_Las_Vegas_Home_Prices.pdf Solving the Budget Crisis Several camps have emerged with solutions to solving the budget crisis. Governor Jim Gibbons has successfully pushed for spending cuts, which have so far allowed Nevada to balance its budget. Gibbons has opposed placing limits on government spending and currently opposes raising taxes. State Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley has proposed restructuring the tax code so it is less reliant on gaming and sales taxes which she claims makes up more than 60% of the general fund revenue. She also supports increasing the rainy day fund. Barbara Buckley is supported by Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Jim Rogers and TV personality Jon Ralston. The Nevada Policy Research Institute supports balancing the budget by reducing spending but argues that Nevada needs spending limits and a larger rainy day fund. NPRI, state senator Bob Beers and Chuck Muth of Citizen Outreach all oppose raising taxes. - ^ a b Associated Press (2008-08-01). "States face tough choices as budget crisis deepens". International Herald Tribune. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/08/01/america/NA-US-Busted-Budgets.php. Retrieved 2008-10-06. - ^ "Why is Nevada short on cash?" by Patrick R. Gibbons, Nevada Policy Research Institute - ^ "No need for new taxes" by Patrick R. Gibbons, Nevada Policy Research Institute - ^ "The anatomy of a crisis" by Patrick R. Gibbons, Nevada Policy Research Institute - ^ - ^ Nevada 2020 - ^ "Spending Limits or Bust" by Patrick R. Gibbons, Nevada Policy Research Institute
From December 30 to 31 of 2016, the Young Adult Division (YAD) of Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) held its annual Winter Retreat at the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) temple in Mississauga. With 32 participants ranging from 13 years to over 30 years old, the BLIA-YAD group had diversity in life experiences and needs, while all members had common goals of being part of a Buddhist community. This type of retreat is important for youth and young adults as we do not often have the chance to engage in meaningful conversation about the Dharma and Buddhism with like-minded individuals. The retreat fostered a warm and inviting culture where youth and young adults from different life experiences could learn from one another and feel comfortable having deeper conversations about the impact of Dharma on their lives. As a first time attendee of the winter retreat, I was looking forward to meeting a group of like-minded young adults interested in understanding the Dharma and applying Buddhism to better themselves and their communities. The retreat offered participation in a variety of Buddhist practices, such as meditation, sutra calligraphy, and chanting, as well as talks by the abbess and BLIA leadership. There was also an opportunity to learn more about BLIA-YAD’s work as a youth group and their presence in the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist community. I felt our group was motivated to build a young Buddhist community on its own terms, which was made clear with collective goal setting and resolutions focussed on improving youth engagement through social media, developing Dharma discussion groups, and building a mentorship program. There was an energy and passion among all members towards understanding Dharma and applying it in very practical ways towards personal growth and the creation of a positive impact in the local community. In large group discussions, we shared strategies on how Buddhist practices help us manage our emotions, alleviate stress, and remain grounded. I enjoyed learning about the different reasons for youth and young adults to join FGS, the ways they applied Buddhist practice in their daily lives, and how they hope to contribute to the temple. During the retreat, I had two experiences that deepened my relationship with the Dharma and Buddhism. The first was through participating in a meditation class where we practiced walking and sitting meditation. While I have meditated in the past, I struggled with maintaining a regular meditation schedule for many different reasons. Calming our minds and being our authentic selves in the present moment can be very challenging. In this class, I learned how concentration and self-awareness can be practiced through meditative movement, such as walking, whether it be slow or quick. I feel inspired to cultivate my regular practice through adopting different methods of meditation. The second experience was through participating in a “Heart-to-Heart” session with abbess, Venerable Yung Ku. In this talk, she invited us to reflect on the significance of our decision to spend our past two days at the temple and asked us how we may have spent our time otherwise. In the topic of new year’s resolutions, she asked us what strategies we had for keeping our resolutions and what it may mean to fulfill or not fulfill them. In particular, she said, “We make our habits, and over time, our habits make us.” With this wisdom, I contemplated deeply on how the habits I am currently practicing today will predict the kind of person I will become in the future. To be more intentional with building my future character, I have been critically reflecting upon both the habits that can help and hinder me in being a compassionate, generous, thoughtful, and equanimous individual. I look forward to bringing this reflective practice into my daily life. I am very grateful for all the efforts of the FGS community in making this retreat possible. From organizing the activities to creating nurturing meals, I feel very blessed that so many members of the temple came together to create this wonderful opportunity for youth and young adults. I look forward to nurturing my own Buddhist practice while positively contributing to the greater Buddhist community. With joined palms,
Six-time champion Serena Williams eased past fellow American Nicole Gibbs to reach the fourth round of the Australian Open in Melbourne. The world number two, chasing a 23rd Grand Slam singles title, won 6-1 6-3 in 63 minutes on Rod Laver Arena. Williams, 35, goes on to face Czech 16th seed Barbora Strycova, who beat France’s Caroline Garcia 6-2 7-5. “She’s human, and she is beatable,” Strycova said of facing Williams in the last 16. “This is a Grand Slam, and we are talking that she already won, but I don’t like these talks.” Williams’ victory today marked the 35th time that both she and sister Venus have made the last 16 at Grand Slam level. “I don’t have anything to prove in this tournament here. Obviously I’m here for one reason,” Williams said. “But at the end of the day, this is all a bonus for me and I look forward to playing Strycova. I’m ready for her.” Russian 30th seed Ekaterina Makarova came through a dramatic match to beat Slovakian sixth seed Dominika Cibulkova 6-2 6-7 (3-7) 6-3. She will play British number one Johanna Konta, a 6-3 6-1 winner over Caroline Wozniaki, in the fourth round on Monday. Fifth seed Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic lost the opening set against unseeded 19-year-old Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia. However, Pliskova, a finalist at last year’s US Open, fought back to win 4-6 6-0 10-8. Daria Gavrilova, seeded 22nd, ensured there would be an Australian player in the women’s singles last 16 as she beat Swiss 12th seed Timea Bacsinsky 6-5 5-7 6-4 to set up a match against Pliskova. Croatian veteran Mirjana Lucic-Baroni advanced to the last 16 for the first time with a 3-6 6-2 6-3 win over Greece’s Maria Sakkari. Before this year, the 34-year-old Lucic-Baroni’s only previous win at the Australian Open came back in 1998. “I never thought about stopping, but it was difficult. It was a lot of tears, a lot of disappointments,” she said. “The fact that I was able to do that and be here today just kind of proves to myself who I am and what a fighter I am.” Lucic-Baroni next faces American qualifier Jennifer Brady, the world number 116 who followed up her second-round win over Heather Watson by defeating 14th seed Elena Vesnina 7-6 (7-4) 6-2.
The Palestinian village of Battir was named a World Heritage site by UNESCO and put on the List of World Heritage in Danger. UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee on Friday approved the West Bank village, about six miles west of Jerusalem, for inclusion on the lists. Battir is known for its ancient stone farming terraces and an irrigation system established in Roman times that remains in use. It was put on the danger list due to the start of construction of Israel’s security fence. According to the committee, Battir was added “after finding that the landscape had become vulnerable under the impact of socio-cultural and geo-political transformations that could bring irreversible damage to its authenticity and integrity, citing the start of construction of a separation wall that may isolate farmers from fields they have cultivated for centuries.” Battir is the second World Heritage site registered as being in Palestine, which was accepted as a member site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2011. The first was the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
What does Quadruple Witching mean? Quadruple witching refers to the simultaneous expiration of four kinds of futures or options contracts on a particular day. This usually results in increased volatility. Futures Knowledge Explains Quadruple Witching Quadruple witching happens once in every quarter. On the third Friday of every March, June, September and December, market index futures, market index options, stock options and stock futures expire. The expiration of these contracts can drive buying and selling. We generally see volatility in the markets on “quadruple witching Friday” as investors attempt to close their futures and options positions before the contracts expire. This increases trading volumes and brings considerable volatility in stock and derivative prices. A prudent investor can anticipate and plan his trading strategy to minimize impact of the quadruple witching.
Adorable piece! Ready to play in the snow! So so beautiful and fun Gayle. x Love the blue hue... shows how frosty and cold it is out.. Beautiful, soft winter collage. Awww what a cute snowman!Thanks for playing :) Cute with a capitol C. I love that cheerful snowman smack in the middle of a winter wonderland! Post a Comment
The Sky Sox eased into the All-Star break with a 12-5 win over Salt Lake to avoid a sweep. "It was huge for us," said Colorado Springs shortstop Charlie Culberson, who went 4-for-5 with two doubles. "We came out ready to play." Sky Sox starter Jeff Francis threw a strong six innings, working his way out of trouble in the sixth after he gave up his first walk and hit a batter to load the bases. But good defensive plays on fielder's choice outs kept Salt Lake from scoring, which helped secure his second win in a row at Security Service Field. The win ended a three-game losing streak for the Sky Sox (51-45). "Francis gave us a good start and we are able to get some runs early," Culberson said. "All the guys are looking forward to a few days off. It was fun and easy today and that is always good in baseball." Colorado Springs pulled away for a 9-1 lead in the sixth off Hernan Iribarren's two-run double. Salt Lake made it 9-3 on former Rockie third baseman Chris Nelson's solo homer and a triple for Matt Long in the seventh against reliever Mike McClendon. The Bees would get no closer. Colorado Springs' Corey Dickerson hit his second homer in three games. His two-run shot over the right-center field fence scored Culberson (leadoff double). Tyler Colvin knocked home Xavier Nady (walk) for a 3-0 lead in the first. Colvin continued his strong game, legging out an RBI triple to score Ben Paulsen in the third. The triple was the Sky Sox's 63rd, tops in the Pacific Coast League. An out later, Lars Davis ripped a double off the centerfield wall to score Colvin, and make it 6-1 and end Bees starter Jarrett Grube's day. Tim Wheeler hit his second RBI single to make it 7-1 in the fifth. He hit a solo homer in the seventh to make it 10-3. He added an RBI groundout in the eighth for his fourth RBI on the day and gave the Sky Sox a 12-4 lead. Salt Lake's Tommy Field hit a solo homer in the ninth for the final margin. The Sky Sox set an franchise record in attendance with 64,748 during this 11-game homestand. The previous mark for 11 games was 47,324. The 12-game record is 55,788. ... Grube played for the Sky Sox in 2009. ... Saturday's win for Salt Lake clinched the season series (10-6) for the first time since 2009. The Sky Sox won the season matchups in 2010 (9-7) and 2011 (10-6). The teams split 8-8 last season. ... Rockies prospect and right-handed pitcher Eddie Butler of Class A-advanced Modesto of the California League threw a scoreless inning of relief for the United States in Sunday's Futures Game. The USA defeated the World squad 4-2. ... Colorado Springs is 6-8 in July including a 0-3 mark on the road. ... Efren Navarro is Salt Lake's lone representative in this Wednesday's Triple-A All-Star Game in Reno. He is joined by Colorado Springs third baseman Ryan Wheeler.
Since the last User Showcase Highlight post the Go Media User Showcase Pool has ballooned from 1142 images to 4,672! Our members are up to a healthy 1181 and growing. After browsing through dozens of pages of great submissions, two stood out among the crowd. All Good Things by: Michel Bütepage (aka kid grandios) Michel did a great job with this poster; thoughtful hand-made type that fit the subject matter sold me. I wanted to know a little more about the artist, so I tracked Michel down to ask him a few short questions: GoMediaZine:Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? Work? School? Michel: I’m a 19 years old graphic designer from Bremen, Germany. After 13 years of education I finished school, and accomplished the diploma from German secondary school, qualifying me for university admission or matriculation. By now I’m working as a freelance designer under the Design Core label. GoMediaZine: How did you become interested in design? Michel: I started working on graphic designs since 2007 after doing some minor projects like invitations or party flyers. However I always loved art and design especially artworks, covers and poster-prints. Soon I got more involved in design by creating some personal art prints and wallpapers. Before I started working with Photoshop I got a collection of 5 to 10 small programs to do different styles of art. Doing some tutorials I learned to handle the different possibilities of Photoshop CS3. After a long time of practice I decided to publish my work on different design networks like flickr. GoMediaZine: Are you actively freelancing now? What are some of your latest projects? My latest projects are a Design Core wall print with a new logo presentation and some personal poster designs. Most of my work is already printed and available as a full-size poster. By now I’m creating personal work to upgrade my portfolio. Guilherme did a great job using a limited color pallet and communicating some strong emotions in this piece. My only suggestion would be to decrease the size of the logo tag at the bottom & make it a flat instead of embossed. I tried to contact Guilherme for an interview like Michel’s, but I was unsuccessful. Guilherme, if you see this drop me a line! Congratulations to Michel and Guilherme, great job! Also, everyone that’s submitting to the User Showcase is producing good work; it’s been difficult to pick out pieces to showcase here on the GoMediaZine. Keep up the good work!
Much like many of you, my family and I took a small vacation for spring break. Being that we’re going to be out-of-town, I of course used Guide To Vaping’s Vapor Shops page and found a couple of stores for Pensacola, Florida. Vaping Sisters is the name that caught my eye, and though I wish I had the time to visit more vapor shops, I unfortunately had to make my visit a quick one so that my little one’s could return back to the white sand and beautiful blue ocean. My Thoughts: Vaping Sisters looked a lot like many shops – there wasn’t anything super special or over the top about its appearance, but the products made up for it. This place had an awesome selection of mods and some of the best mechanical mods I’ve ever laid eyes on. During my visit, we received great customer service, the owner and ladies helping me at the service desk were awesome. Our cousin (Christy) invited us on this vacation, so I had to share some vape love and I bought her a Bunny Drip Tip (which she absolutely loves!) and an AeroTank to sit on her SID. I had to get myself something too, right? That said, I seen some vape shirts that immediately caught my eye. One of them specifically was the best way possible to spread the word about vaping, and it said “Proud To Vape,” so I purchased it! I will be buying more online soon. I would like to thank Vaping Sisters for the great customer service, for being super friendly and a HUGE thumbs up for the outstanding selection of products. If you’re an online e-cigarette company trying to make your way to a B&M, I recommend you visiting Vaping Sisters for tips, because that’s how it’s done. Just sayin… Want to visit Vaping Sisters online? go to www.VapingSisters.com Want to visit their 3 locations? - Vaping Sisters – 312 E Nine Mile Rd. Ste 3 – Pensacola, FL. 32514 – (850) 912-4955 - Vaping Sisters – 400 N Navy Blvd Ste 5 – Pensacola, FL. 32507 – (850) 453-2995 - Vaping Sisters – 6235 N Davis Hwy Ste 104 – Pensacola, FL. 32504 – (850) 494-2155
Continuing on Tyler Mountain, we drove up Slaughter's Drive, a steep road that led to a group of houses and trailers clustered on the side of a mountain. Anna lived there with her mother (who is now deceased) from about ages 9 to 17. A house was built over the trailer they used to live in, but the shed she used to play in still stood. Anna stopped at the house next door to her old house, "just to see who was living there," and was pleasantly surprised to see the mother of her childhood best friend, Tammy, who was living in the next house over. Anna went to the house next door and saw Jack - Tammy's father - cooking eggs. Tammy was sleeping after hitting the early-morning after Thanksgiving sales, but woke up, excited to see Anna, as the two hugged. Tammy said she had tried to find Anna on Facebook, but now they could catch up in person on 20 years of lost time. Anna was equally happy to see Jack, who she calls Jackie. "He was like a father figure to me," Anna said. "He would always say to me, 'If you ever see me on a plane, don't say "Hi Jack!" Jack teased Anna for losing some of her West Virginia accent. "You sound like you're from New York," he teased Anna. "Don't forget your roots, girl!" Next, we stopped at a bar called the Wagon Wheel, where Anna's mother, uncle and grandfather used to frequent. Anna said the bar, which has been around for decades, is virtually unchanged from how she remembers it. I actually have a Wagon Wheel tee shirt that Anna's sister sent us (since mine is getting faded, we asked if they had more, but they didn't). This blog would not be complete without a bit more about Gawnjie, the 120-lb. Bouvier, who resembled either a black bear or a poodle on steroids. The Belgian dogs are bred to herd cattle, but Tonya had to constantly herd this dog around the house, shooing it out of the way or off of the couch. The breed is known for being smelly to begin with, but this dog was also in heat, which made the odors worse. "Gawnjie, you stink!" was a constant refrain of Tonya, as she followed the dog with air freshener spray.
Webinar Coming Oct. 3 – How HIEs Are Making the “Patient Information Anywhere” Dream a Reality Today Attend our live event and get your questions answered during our Q&A. Not sure you can make it? No worries – register today and you’ll receive an email the moment our archive is ready. Participate in a simultaneous, integrated TweetChat hosted by healthsystemCIO.com Director of Social Media Kate Gamble! Just use the hashtag #HSCIOchat Continuing Education Credits: By attending healthsystemcio.com Webinars, you may earn up to 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) for the CHIME Certified Healthcare CIO Program. Other certification programs, such as those offered by AHIMA and NAHQ/HQCC, may also award CEUs for attending our programs. Check with your continuing education provider. View our archived Webinars on YouTube. Join the healthsystemCIO.com mailing list to learn of future events.
In my pursuit for startup education and opportunities to add value to others, I managed to land an internship last year, where I am helping to grow the email and social media following of one of the more well-known authorities in the tech and start-up space: Nir Eyal. It was July 14th when I did my usual morning commute to the 99Gamers office. I always take Caltrain, so I have the luxury of using my laptop on-the-go to do stuff like, well, writing this article. That day I had an epiphany while reading an article on how content goes viral: people love valuable content. So, why don’t I connect with some of the top influencers around the world? They all have achieved extraordinary goals, and have valuable insight to teach to those who want the same results that they’ve seen. Since I have ambitious goals and want to share valuable content with others, why not interview them, learn from them, and share my findings? And so I did. I compiled a list of my desired influencers, and personally got in touch with them through several means: tweets, emails, Product Hunt, and a virtual introduction. I asked each of them the following question: If you had only one tip to share to the world on how people can achieve their goals, what is your absolute #1 tip? Many of them opted to share their time and wisdom with me. I am eternally grateful for their willingness to help, and I’m excited to share their tips with you! Here is what each of them had to say about how we can achieve our goals: 1. Harrison Barnes (@hbarnes) Harrison Barnes played college basketball for the University of North Carolina, and is a 2014–2015 NBA champion with the Golden State Warriors. “Believe in yourself no matter what. When you have a dream there’s only one person who can achieve it — you! Make it happen with your effort, determination and focus. When you combine all of that, things will start to fall into place.” Even when we feel like giving up, sometimes we need to tell ourselves that we can do it, and trust the process. Dreams don’t come easily. When we embrace the obstacles and failures, but constantly put the hard work in, results only happen from there. 2. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) Gary Vaynerchuk is the CEO of VaynerMedia, angel investor, best-selling author of Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook and Crush It!, host of Wine Library TV, and host of a top podcast and YouTube show: The #AskGaryVee Show. “Stop lying to yourself. Too many people want to dream about who they want to be instead of focusing on learning who they are! Putting yourself in the position to be successful and having the humility to accept that is the key.” One way to achieve extraordinary results is to put all our focus on our strengths versus our weaknesses. Unfortunately (or fortunately), that means that we need to delegate the things that we think we need to do. Gary Vaynerchuk is a great example of this concept, as he’s built teams around him to handle the work that he knows would be better off in someone else’s hands. 3. Pat Flynn (@PatFlynn) Pat Flynn is the host of the Smart Passive Income podcast, founder of Green Exam Academy, and upcoming author of Will It Fly? How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money “Ask for help — it’s impossible to do any of this alone, and if you ask any entrepreneur how important relationships and connecting with others is for success, all of them will tell you it’s absolutely crucial. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, know what you’re not good at, and get help when you need it.” It’s okay to ask for help. When we accept the fact that the presence and support of others is crucial to keep us pushing through obstacles, we put ourselves in a greater position to not only succeed, but also be as happy as we can be. Our network is very valuable, as Pat asserts. If we commit to building and nurturing our relationships, as well as genuinely helping others with their own goals, it will naturally come back around in the form them offering a helping hand when we need it the most. 4. Jairek Robbins (@JairekRobbins) Jairek asserts that we can achieve our goals with 7 simple steps: 1. Know EXACTLY what you want (be specific) 2. Know WHY you want it (identify what’s driving you) 3. Create your massive action plan (model others’ success to speed up your journey) 4. Take crazy amounts of FOCUSED & MASSIVE action! 5. Measure and fine tune your journey 6. Allow diving grace to guide you and handle the rest! 7. CELEBRATE your RESULTS!!! I definitely felt Jairek’s energy and enthusiasm from the other side of the screen! One thing that some of us may not realize is that we can only achieve our goals to the best of our abilities if we actually know what it is that we want, and why we want it. The why is especially important, because our passion for what we want and what we do is the fire that keeps us hustling until we achieve our desired results. Once we know our why, it’s up to us to craft a concrete plan for ourselves, make a commitment to follow through with that plan, learn and improve during the long journey, and constantly give ourselves the permission to step back and reflect on who we’ve become in the process. Next thing we know, we’ve become somebody who, just a while ago, we were dreaming of becoming. 5. Hal Elrod (@HalElrod) “The [#1 tip I have is the] quality of your morning success ritual (i.e. ‘The Miracle Morning’), because it determines who you are becoming every single day of your life.” By no means am I somebody who has achieved the same extraordinary results as everybody else in this article, but I can at least vouch for The Miracle Morning because of what I’ve accomplished ever since I started it. I’ve done The Miracle Morning routine for over 280 days (as of January 11, 2016). Sure, I’ve missed countless days in between, but after officially implementing this morning routine into my life, I’ve seen game-changing results in everything ranging from my health, to my writing and startup career. If you’re not where you want to be today, one actionable step you can take is to establish a morning routine. Wake up a little earlier and exercise, read, write, or do anything else. What’s important is that you made the decision to put yourself in a better position to succeed. Realize that we are where we are today because of the actions we’ve taken and decisions we’ve made up to this point. If we want something to change in our life, we have to be that change. 6. Dorie Clark (@dorieclark) “Don’t take unsolicited feedback — ever. Too often, we’re trained to listen to everyone’s opinion about what we’re doing or not doing. But the truth is, most advice is outdated (the secret to success is a steady, “safe” job) and is often filtered through other people’s biases or agendas. If you’re doing something innovative or different, it’s especially likely many other people won’t appreciate it or think it’s worthwhile. Only accept advice from people you trust and whose opinion you seek out. Everyone else, you should ignore.” Dorie makes an important point that we must understand if we want to put ourselves in a better position to achieve our goals. The only people we need to take advice from are the people that we would want to switch places with. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to listen to everyone, but I do think we should pay closer attention to those who have achieved the goals and results that we want for ourselves. Not only can they tell us what to do, they can even tell us what not to do. And it’s those exact pieces of wisdom that helped them get to where they are today. The takeaway here is for us to seek mentors who embody the qualities and achievements that we want for ourselves. They can be mentors we admire personally, or admire from afar. What truly matters is that we consider following in the footsteps of someone who has already done what we want to do. 7. Peter Voogd (@PeterVoogd23) Peter Voogd is the best-selling author of 6 Months to 6 Figures, founder of The Game Changers Academy, host of the Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle podcast, and columnist for several publications including The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur Magazine. He also created the Ambition Is Priceless mixtape, and you can get 2 free tracks here. “Success is a life long journey that expands your awareness, expresses your creative genius, and helps you become the best version of yourself so you can improve the quality of your life and better serve others. The greatest power you can have is knowing your real values and strengths. Clarity is the ultimate power, and if you want results you’ve never had you need to get 100 percent clear on who you are, who you’re not, and what your ideal outcome is. Once you figure out what you want, you must figure out what you’re willing to give up to get what you want.” There are a lot of similar themes here that have already been stated previously in this article, but for good reason. And I’m glad Peter emphasized on these points. Once we gain absolute clarity on what we want and why we want it, another thing we need to consider doing is understand the sacrifices we need to make in order to achieve our goals. If our goals are big enough, chances are that we may have to give up some things that mean a lot to us. And it’s hard to do. Even I can’t sacrifice everything. But the one thing we should keep in mind is that there aren’t very many success stories out there that don’t talk about sacrifice. When we sacrifice what we don’t need, we give ourselves the ability to focus our time and effort on only the things that we know will matter the most. What can you sacrifice in your life? 8. Rory Vaden (@rory_vaden) “Multiply your time by giving yourself the emotional permission to spend time on things today that give you more time tomorrow.” When we have a huge backlog of things we think we need to do, well, we probably don’t need to do all of them. The general idea here is that we should consider doing only the things that matter the most to us today, and either purposely procrastinate on what isn’t as important, or delegate what we can have someone else do instead. By doing this, we ensure that we work on what will help us accomplish or do even more tomorrow. For a more detailed talk on this concept by Rory, feel free to check out his TEDx video on how to multiply your time. 9. Jeff Goins (@JeffGoins) Jeff Goins is the author of The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do, host of The Portfolio Life podcast, a speaker, and a consultant for countless writers around the world at his blog. “Listen to your life. Before you can tell your life what you want to do with it, said Parker Palmer, you need to listen to your life telling you who you are. Activity follows identity. You can’t do what you’re meant to do until you become who you’re meant to be. And that requires you to listen.” Essentially, we can’t be somebody that we’re not meant to be. There’s a deeper and more satisfying meaning behind Jeff’s message, which you can read more about in his book, The Art of Work. When we commit to a long-term project, we later discover whether or not it’s something that is meant to be a part of our lives forever. We either hate it, or we enjoy it. It’s either something we can do, or can’t do. But once we discover our true feelings about each of our experiences, we can come to understand who we are and who we need to or are meant to be. When we discover who we are and who we need to be, it’s easier to follow the path towards what we want to achieve. 10. Lewis Howes (@LewisHowes) “Love yourself. There is no greater gift to the world than fully loving and embracing all of you.” Sometimes, and understandably so, we forget the most important thing during our journey towards achieving our goals: ourselves. We shouldn’t always have to do something or be someone that we hate. If we were to do that, we become a disservice to not only ourselves, but to those around us. When we don’t live up to the best version of ourselves, we can’t do our best job at giving ourselves and the world what we have to offer. Trust your gut, trust the process, understand that it’s going to be a long journey, take your inner talents, and do what you know you’re capable of doing. In the near future, I’ll be getting back in touch with each influencer and see if I can get each of them to expand more on each tip. Feel free to recommend this story and follow me if you found it helpful! What’s your favorite tip on how we can achieve our goals? Let me know! Note: Shoutout to my friend Justin Brillo for designing the great cover photo for our article! Be sure to contact him for any design inquiries!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 These past few weeks we have been able to check some big things off our wedding list. I split our to-do list items up and every week I have been giving my fiancee priorities for him to handle. He is very good at getting things done and am happy that he is helping me get things moving. So far, we've paid for the church in Houston and paid for the ceremony in Vegas. I secured a wedding photographer for our nuptials in town and planned our couples shower for June. Together we finally registered for gifts which literally took all day to manage. I lost interest half way into the registering process and had no idea how much there is to consider. Very overwhelming process! Right now we are trying to secure the reception in Vegas, think about invitations and get our flights and rooms reserved before it's too late. My girls are handling the bachelorette and our moms are planning showers. It's been crazy, but hopefully I will have it all done by the Summer. Wish me luck!
On this episode with host Kelly Galea, we’re talking about something that feels foreign to many driven professionals … REST! - What it means to rest - Signs you need rest - Benefits of rest - What gets in the way of embracing rest - What you’re likely to experience as you choose rest - Hidden gifts of rest - Ways to incorporate rest in your life & business Click on the media player below to Listen Now or Get the Podcast on iTunes. About Your Host Kelly is a crusader for creative expression, helping seekers and doers find more freedom, flexibility and fun in life and business. Get ready to tune into the possibilities and amplify your life! A multi-passionate entrepreneur, business strategist, best-selling author and speaker, Kelly currently lives in Orlando, Florida with her husband, their boxer and two kitties. What’s your favorite take-away from this episode? Share your comments below. Want to check out more episodes of our radio shows? Click here.
Danielle is a new player in a game with Anthony and Jeremy. I'm the one that got away—almost. I never got involved in roleplaying games when I was a teenager, though it would have been right up my alley. Obsessed with fantasy since I was a kid, I gobbled up every book on wizards and dragons that I could find. Then, when I was 13 and looking through the bargain bin at my local library's yard sale, a huge event for a sleepy rural town, I scored bigtime. I found Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis &Tracy Hickman. From the first scene where the guards burst into the inn, I was hooked. I devoured it, finding everything a tween could hope for, a band of unlikely heroes, magic, dragons and bad guys aplenty, dungeons and mysteries, all waiting for me to discover them. Adding to the appeal of the series, it was suitably, tantalizingly racy. I remember this scene with an elf bathing in the moonlight... Anyway, I wanted more. I learned gradually that there was not just three or twelve books set in the Dragonlance universe, but over 190 volumes. It vaguely occurred to me that these were interrelated, and I had some notion that the people involved in writing the series all knew each other, but it took me a long time to put it together that the books were based on a series of Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. The Dungeons & Dragons rulebook was more expensive and daunting than pulp paperbacks, and my teenage self wanted instant gratification, so I was surprisingly slow on the uptake, even when one of my high school friends showed me dungeon maps he had drawn up in math class (putting his graph paper to good use). To me, fantasy was something that happened on the page, and I was a huge fan, and I sympathized with the characters and came along for the ride. Aside from choose-your-own-adventures, though, I would always be a passenger, and the people who wrote and participated in such stories were impossibly far removed from me. Fast forward to this year. My appreciation for stories has deepened and matured, and that gulf between me and the exalted class of magicians and storytellers has narrowed to a gap I might easily cross in one step. I find myself thinking, “I would have done it this way,” or “that villain is more interesting than the heroes,” and watching from the wings, itching to try out each character's part. So when Jeremy invited me to a game he was starting I was thrilled, not just because it's great to watch his face light up when he's doing something he loves, but also at the opportunity to share a fantasy world as a group experience and participate in a living, breathing story. I've come to roleplaying the long way around, but it is just as satisfying for me to manhandle and steamroller the GM's encounters, to laugh at the alchemist chef's antics and flee in terror from giant scorpions that will kill us at Level 1, to learn the seductive nature of powergaming and the delicate balance of roleplaying. I'm new to roleplaying and the Pathfinder system, but I am not new to fantasy, and it's a pleasure to discover the mechanics behind the stories that have always fascinated me. At some point we were all new players, and as That New Player, I'd like to say thanks to the people who stop what they are doing long enough to explain things to us at the table. Tuesday, July 2, 2013 1) Why are you an Adventurer? Of all of the ways to earn a living in the fantasy world, adventuring probably has the greatest potential for both risk and reward. Sure, that pile of gold coins is enough to set you up for the rest of your life. And your kid's life. And your kid's kid's life. Too bad there's a dragon in between you and it. Your character should have a reason for adventuring beyond simple greed. Maybe you have an altruistic streak. Or maybe adventuring is a last resort. Figure it out so the next time your character is paralyzed neck deep in ghouls you'll know exactly what brought you there. 2) Why are you working with your fellow party members? This goes along with 1) but is important enough to be it's own Question. While it's not very important that all the characters in the party necessarily like each other, it is crucial that they get along well enough to work together. There are certain roleplaying tropes out there that seem immensely appealing to play but in reality can be difficult work into a cohesive party. You know the ones. The gruff dwarf who hates everyone, the sly thief who will steal just about anything, the Chaotic Evil servant of the Blood God who, well… wants to kill everything. There's a metagame reason why all of your characters are adventuring together. It's because you're all (nominally) friends at the table and have decided to tell a collaborative story. But if you're playing a character with an abrasive personality ultimately the onus is on you to figure out why the other party members don't just kick your annoying butt to the curb. 3) What are your long term goals? This is probably also tied in with 1). Your character probably doesn't intend to be an Adventurer for the rest of his or her life. They probably have aspirations beyond an inglorious death in the middle of a swamp infested with dire rats. Maybe they have grandiose dreams of taking down the Tarrasque. Or maybe they're simply content to settle down and retire after buying a roadside inn with all of their loot. In any case, knowing where your character is headed makes it easier to make roleplaying decisions on the fly. 4) What are you passionate about? Passionate people are interesting. They're usually the main characters in stories because we find them interesting. You can generally get a good sense about a person based on what elicits strong emotional responses from them. What are the things that they love? What are the things that they hate? And to what degree do they feel for these things? Answering these questions sets you down a path towards more questions like: Why is your character so strongly compelled to stab [that NPC]? Does he remind you of someone from an event in your past? Is the response tied to anger, jealousy, self-loathing, or some other strong emotion? It's a bit of work to navigate through these sorts of questions but I promise that the result is worth it. You'll have a deeper understanding of who your character is and what he or she would do in a given situation. 5) What are you afraid of? More than just a strong emotional response, fear is a back door into someone's head. Fear goes beyond love or hate. It's a base instinct for self preservation. Figuring out what your character is afraid of and why can be hugely rewarding to you as a roleplayer. You might not want to imagine your character with weaknesses. That makes sense. If you're imagining a heroic adventurer in a fantasy world, why would you make that character afraid of anything? Because it's fun. Say the half-orc wizard was once a slave, for example. He hated it and will do anything to avoid captivity. So when the Gnoll slavers ambush the party he goes crazy. He starts exploding everything left and right, not caring who else gets caught in the crossfire so long as the Gnolls don't get him again. Having your character afraid of something, however minor, sets up the potential for hugely engaging roleplaying situations.
Last night's ecumenical service was lots of fun. There were people from at least six different churches and lovely music. One of the pieces we sang that was particularly fun was a responsive setting of the Psalm we're reading today. We sang a congregational response: "The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest," while a cantor sung verses between the refrains. It was a nice way to hear the psalm and to celebrate God's amazing gift of harvest. Today we are not having supper and scripture because of Thanksgiving tomorrow. There will be a Thanksgiving feast at Laurelton on Thursday at 4pm hosted by Gary and Susan Dennis along with the Outreach ministry team. Wherever you are for the holiday I pray it will be a time of joy and gratitude for you. O God, in Zion; and to you shall vows be performed, 2 O you who answer prayer! To you all flesh shall come. 3 When deeds of iniquity overwhelm us, you forgive our transgressions. 4 Happy are those whom you choose and bring near to live in your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, your holy temple. O God of our salvation; you are the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. 6 By your strength you established the mountains; you are girded with might. 7 You silence the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples. 8 Those who live at earth’s farthest bounds are awed by your signs; you make the gateways of the morning and the evening shout for joy. you greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; you provide the people with grain, for so you have prepared it. 10 You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth. 11 You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with richness. 12 The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, 13 the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.
This week, my girlfriend has been at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Austin, TX, and the only story I saw come out of that was this, on the BBC, giving the "exact colour" (a dubious claim, since the work is statistical) of the Milky Way: new spring snow, which has a fine grain size, about an hour after dawn or an hour before sunset...Right. It made me wonder if these are both examples of an academic silly season, akin to the summer silly season in August. Something to fill in the post-Christmas lull before the Euro takes a nosedive or soldiers in Afghanistan commit some atrocity. Oh, too late. (Earlier today this was the only story ahead of the Milky Way one on BBC News.) There have certainly been several other conferences recently that might have produced stories that passed me by. I will be on the lookout!
‘Pretty Woman’ Could’ve Been ‘Pretty Dark’ Richard Gere and Julia Roberts-starrer "Pretty Woman", the 1990 iconic film, not only had a hard time getting made, but it was almost an entirely different and a "pretty dark" movie. "I can't tell you how much time was spent debating," former Disney studio head Jeffrey Katzenberg said at a question and answer session earlier this week, reports pagesix.com. He added: "As a script, ‘Pretty Woman' was an R-rated movie about a hooker on Hollywood Boulevard. By the way, in the original version -- it's pretty dark -- I think she died of an overdose." "So convincing (people) that we should make that at the Walt Disney Co, and that it's a fairy tale and a princess movie, a lot of people had a hard time seeing it. But, as they say, the rest is history." The Garry Marshall directorial tells the story of a man -- in a legal business -- who needs an escort for some social events. He hires a prostitute and they ultimately fall in love with each other.
If I could, I might go back and add even more exclamation points to the title of this entry. I JUST LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC THAT MUCH, and getting ready for Christmas programs is one of my favorite times of the school year. Truly, I am blessed, because even though it means three times the amount of work and preparation, I get to lead my students in three different Christmas programs at the three schools I teach at, and I just love it. If you are a student of mine (or their parent) and you are wondering where to go for the practice tracks I told you to listen to, and you are on a computer or laptop, simply hover over “Current Students” and a small drop down menu with “Practice Tracks” should appear. If you are on a mobile device, tap on the menu and “Practice Tracks” should appear right underneath “Current Students” in the list that appears. Or, just click here. While we will obviously be reviewing the songs for the Christmas programs in class each week, it will be extremely beneficial for students to practice on their own at home with the practice tracks. With perhaps some small changes, the way I play the accompaniment on the practice tracks is how I will play at the show, so students will be able to get used to what it will sound like. And practicing with the tracks will be easier than practicing without or with a different recording. Or, you could just play the whole playlist and enjoy some early Christmas music! I have heard from some students that they cannot access the files on whatever devices they are using. Unfortunately, I am a music teacher and not a member of the Soundcloud IT department, so all I can do is send you to this troubleshooting page on Soundcloud’s website and hope for the best. Since some students have been having trouble accessing it, I am not requiring it (for a grade), but students should make every effort to practice at least once – if not on your own devices, then with a friend on their device, as it will benefit themselves and their class immensely. This is my first year using Soundcloud with my students, and I have to say that so far, in just a few months’ time, I have seen a lot of improvement in the students who tell me they are visiting regularly. I sincerely hope that as many students as possible can get on and work with the practice tracks, because then we will really put together a Christmas show that truly delights and inspires the audience to recall the reason for the season!
Google posts video showing how the Oreo statue was created When Google announces a new flavor of Android, thethat represents the latest version often receives almost as much attention as the OS update itself, and is no different. With that in mind, Google has posted a behind-the-scenes video showing just how the Oreo statue was designed and made. Besides the obvious tie-in with or WITH may refer to: Carl Johannes With (1877–1923), Danish doctor and arachnologist With (character), a character in D. N. Angel With (novel), a novel by Donald Harrington With (album), the biscuit that forms a shield, the Oreo statue has taken on superhero qualities with the addition of a cape. As you may have suspected, the Oreo statue was designed in an office environment where it was tested to make sure that its motorized capabilities worked as planned. The construction of the components involved using mills, drills, soldering irons, spray guns and a veritable host of other design and power tools, and no doubt a ton of Oreo biscuits is a term used for a variety of primarily flour-based baked food products as well for research purposes, of course. Once assembled and tested, the statue was then taken apart so it could be transported to its final location where may refer to: Where?, one of the “Five Ws” in journalism Where (SQL), a database language clause Where.com, a provider of location-based applications via mobile phones Where (magazine), a series of it was unveiled to the tech world world is the planet Earth and all life upon it, including human civilization on Monday night. What are your thoughts on the statue statue is a sculpture, representing one or more people or animals (including abstract concepts allegorically represented as people or animals), free-standing (as opposed to a relief) and normally? Is Android 8.0 heroic hero (masculine) or heroine (feminine) is a person or main character of a literary work who, in the face of danger, combats adversity through impressive feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, enough to warrant may refer to: Warrant (law), a form of specific authorization Arrest warrant, authorizing the arrest and detention of an individual Search warrant, a court order issued that authorizes law a superhero superhero (sometimes rendered super-hero or super hero) is a type of heroic stock character who possesses supernatural or superhuman powers and who is dedicated to fighting crime, protecting the statue? Let us know in the comments may refer to below. Source may refer to: http://www.talkandroid.com
If you are looking for a pretty shade to wear on your weeding day or to give a twist to the classic white french manicure; Social Ladder is the color. Social Ladder is a sheer - but very pretty - white with pale pink iridescent. In person looks like it has sort of a golden micro flake, but the camera couldn't capture it. Its very sheer, you might need four coats for full opacity, but because it dries fast multiple applications where not a hassle at all. 4 coats and five days of wear
What James Baldwin's Writing Tells Us About Today, Stacia L. Brown (2015). If Beale Street Could Talk, Joyce Carol Oates (1974). Actual Innocence: Five Days to Execution and Other Dispatches From the Wrongly Convicted, Barry Scheck & Jim Dwyer (2000). Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong, Raymond Bonner (2012). Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates (2015). Couldn’t Keep It To Myself: Testimonies From Our Imprisoned Sisters, Wally Lamb (2003). Courtroom 302: A Year Behind the Scenes in an American Criminal Courthouse, Steve Bogira (2005). Covenant with Black America, introduction by Tavis Smiley (2006) Crime and Punishment in American History, Lawrence Friedman (1993). The Death of Innocents: an Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions, Helen Prejean (2005). Locked Up: a History of the U.S. Prison System, Edge, Laura B. Edge. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness, Michelle Alexander (2010). The Perpetual Prisoner Machine: How America Profits from Crime, Joel Dyer (2000). Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration, Tara Herivel (2007). Race to Incarcerate: a Graphic Retelling, Sabrina Jones (2013). Slavery by Another Name, Douglas Blackmon (2008). Selected list of related authors available at Hartford Public Library Zora Neale Hurston Citizen: An American Lyric, Claudia Rankina (2014). Dark Sons, Nikki Grimes (2010). Prelude to Bruise, Saeed Jones (2014). You Don’t Even Know Me: Stories and Poems About Boys, Sharon Flake (2010). Black Families in the Age of Mass Incarceration, Ta-Nehisi Coates (The Atlantic, October 2015). Does an Innocent Man Have the Right to be Exonerated?, Marc Bookman (The Atlantic, December 2014). The Mass Incarceration Problem in America, Grace Wyler (Vice Magazine. July 2014.) Mass Incarceration in the United States, Amnesty International. Why Mass Incarceration Defines Us As a Society, Chris Hedges (Smithsonian Magazine. December 2012.) Beale Street Blues, W.C. Handy, 1916 as performed by George Olsen and His Music Kids for Cash, directed by Robert May (2013). PG-13 Slavery by Another Name, directed by Sam Pollard (2012). PG The House I Live In, directed by Eugene Jarecki (2012). NR Fixing the System, VICE (2015). Download reading list in a printable pdf
''Sleep in heavenly peace,'' concludes one of the most beautiful Christmas carols written. After all, part of the Christmas message is the promise of peace and a better world. Heavenly Peace Holiday Concert Benefitting S.A.N.E., Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program When: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 18 Where: Masters Hall at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Call: (706) 542-9842 Tickets: Available at The Homeplace in Five Points and Krimson Kafe in Watkinsville. Proceeds from ticket sales and CDs benefit S.A.N.E. The concert will also be taped for broadcast on WUGA 91.7 and 97.9 FM on Sunday, Dec. 23 at 6 p.m. All proceeds from sales of Sleep In Heavenly Peace: A Season of Healing directly benefit the Athens-based Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner program. The CD is a compilation of holiday songs performed by Athens musicians including The Warblers, Rosa Thurmond, The Priestie Boys, Bill Mallonee and Jean Spencer. The CD is available online at www.athensmusic.net and at many gift shops and music stores around town. In 1993, a group made up of local police, nurses and the Sexual Assault Center of Northeast Georgia made Athens a better place for rape survivors. The group not only renovated a dilapidated house into a safe and comfortable cottage for the immediate exams, evidence collection and interviews that follow a rape, but also formed a multidisciplinary team to ensure the best care was given to each aspect of the survivor's needs, from the first response through the prosecution. Part of this team is the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners program, a group of specially trained nurses who use state-of-the-art equipment for collecting forensic evidence. These nurses decided from the beginning to work as independent contractors and maintain oversight of the program with a non-profit board of directors. In 1995, to support S.A.N.E., local musicians put together a CD called ''Sleep in Heavenly Peace.'' Tuesday, a number of those musicians will hold a reunion benefit concert with performances by University of Georgia music professor Milton Masciadri playing holiday music on upright bass; singer/songwriter Jean Spencer performing blues-inspired folk originals of holiday music on her guitar; Bill Mallonee of Vigilantes of Love; The Priestie Boys; David Ferguson singing, among other songs, Joni Mitchell's Christmas-themed song ''River''; gospel group The Howard Sisters; and The Warblers singing folk and gospel tunes. Pianist Michael Wegner, who also performed on the CD, will provide music throughout the show, and Mark Cooper Smith, formerly of the Squalls, will host. All of the artists will perform holiday music for this special concert in support of the services S.A.N.E. provide rape survivors. ''I admire the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners because they tirelessly serve the community, night after night after night,'' says Patricia Priest, executive producer of the event. ''Three of the nurses shoulder the enormous burden of most of the 24/7 call schedule, with help from three additional nurses who pitch in to help when they can. That means that Debbie Hatmaker, Linda Pinholster and Jennifer Saye each cover more than 100 nights and days of call annually -- a staggering figure.'' Priest adds not only is this a heavy workload -- ''Their work is so often heart-breaking. About 50 to 60 percent of the cases they see are children under the age of 13. For that matter, the other cases are just about as heart-rending, but the nurses know they're playing a vital role in securing justice for victims of all ages through careful and compassionate evidence collection.'' What's more, the service is free. There is a strong focus on teamwork, with advocates from the Sexual Assault Center working alongside the S.A.N.E. nurses and the police to assist survivors and their families. ''Nurses have a definite role in caring for the rape victim -- listening to her concerns, offering emotional support and attending to her physical needs,'' says Debbie Hatmaker, PhD, RN ACC-S.A.N.E. and Medical College of Georgia School of Nursing assistant professor. ''It is important that the woman feel in control as she begins the process of moving from being a 'victim' to becoming a 'survivor.' '' Hatmaker says in addition to state-of-the-art forensic evidence collection, there are a number of benefits to the team being community-based, which helps to provide compassionate care for the victims. ''There is decreased wait time, and providers specifically trained to collect forensic evidence,'' she says. Also, ''police find working with a smaller number of forensic-trained nurses (to be) beneficial in completing their job. And district attorneys know that sexual assault nurse examiners are credible as expert witnesses.'' In addition, she says, ''Sexual assault survivors realize that they will be examined by a nurse who is knowledgeable about their needs. More compassionate and comprehensive care for the sexual assault survivor is the goal for this multidisciplinary approach -- and it is working.'' Funds raised by ticket sales and sales of the CD will go toward medications, new attachments for the forensic equipment, and other things like better lighting in the exam room. Published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Thursday, December 13, 2001. © 2017. All Rights Reserved. | Contact Us
Saturday, 8 March 2008 I have been hearing about I Knit for a while, thinking they are just like us outcastians - they like to KIP, they watch movies, compare knit ratings and it appears an all consuming passion. So here they are on Ravelry and even better, there is an online shop, blog, a club and a film club - knitty heaven Now, low and behold they are going one step further and presenting the first KNIFTAS, Knitting in Film and Television Awards..., full info here. Fancy a knit night on tour trip? Or day out to the I Knit Day in September? Or even have any ideas of what you would nominate for the following categories? Worst knitting/crochet/craft scene Best knitting/crochet/craft scene The rules are that all nominated films must have played in UK/US cinemas, or been shown on UK/US television between 1st January 2007 and 29th February 2008. Nominations to be posted here or on the Ravelry I knit group message board, where you also argue/discuss the other nominations.
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Awwww, there's our little cutie-pie. Lovin' the sunny warmth there Stewie? Looks good to me, too. Aw, too much flashy box! What? No sunglasses for this cool dog? The flash monster!Dachshund Nola I have awarded you the Pawsome Blogger Award!Dachshund Nola Ooh the glare. Stewie, you are just the cutest little fella. Enjoy that sunshine. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory What a cutie pie! If I could sleep while suntanning in the house.. man, what a perfect day! Soak it in (pun intended)!LizAnn Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet. Post a Comment
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Its the exhibition opening of Antra Sinha, our ceramic artist from India. The title of the exhibition is "Object of Contemplation"... of course it was a successful show, her pieces are wonderful and the person behind it is beyond wonderful! Write up from the artist: “Nature fascinates me. When I see nature, I see geometry. I am inspired by the structures created by the golden mean and its various permutations that emerge and evolve from the micro of the organism to the macro of the universe. My work is guided by the material itself – clay. I feel that in some ways, I am the material that I am working with: I am moulding clay, yet it is moulding me. I feel that my mind, vital and body must work in concert in order to manifest the forms, which I then offer to the fire. It is only then that I surrender to the exogenous forces of the cosmos. I am grateful to all the beings that have touched me and come together in creating this exhibition. The making is a collaborative process and your experience and interpretation of this work completes my journey.” ~Antra thank you all for viewing the post and reading the bits... my dress Body & Soul / heels Zara / watch Gc watch / bracelets John Hardy / ring Janice Girardi, small ring Mario
I recently made a purchase at a bazaar that I found intriguing. It's called Blue Heaven: Indian Kajal, an eyeliner. What's more, this particular was used in the movie Sex and the City 2 by the actress Sarah Jessica Park (and her character, Carrie). The concept of the eyeliner is similar to Guerlain's Khol Kajal or Sephora Collection's Smoky Khol Eyeliner. I think it's technically made by compressed powdered since there's a powder version by Guerlain as well. I also saw powder and paste versions in the bazaar. The texture of it is kinda weird. It's smudges and all but it stays. It also stays pretty on the waterline. When I first applied it though it was as black as I would have liked it. It was probably due to my using a very, very light hand when applying since a woman at the bazaar was telling me how fragile it is. She was saying how I should be careful 'cuz it'll break easily. I don't know where or how I'll get my hands on another one when this one finishes or if i breaks. But I'll deal with that when the time comes ;D
Our Editor In Chief Skin Phillips is on the road with the Brixton team on its first ever trip! They’re hitting Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, and many other cities in the Old South. Here is the first blog post—the trip is off to a smashing start! Photos by Skin Phillips Ernie Torres gettin’ ready. All packed up and ready for the next town…
Onajite Okoloko, chief executive officer, CEO, Notore Chemical Industries, has assured the company’s commitment to achieving African Green Revolution, through the provision of the highest quality of agricultural inputs, premium fertilizer, and improved seeds, He dropped the hint recently when his company appointed new distribution partners. The CEO also used the occasion to educate them on highly efficient distribution channels that would guarantee accessibility of its quality products to Nigerian villages. According to him, “Notore is determined to achieve the African Green Revolution through the provision of premium fertilizer and improved seeds and the key role of the Partners is to ensure that these inputs reach over 14million farming families in villages, at the right quality, time and at the right price.” In addition, the Notore boss said Nigerian farmers utilize just 8 to 10 kg per hectare compared to the 200kg per hectare approved by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). “Until this statistic improves, Nigeria’s agricultural productivity will not increase,” he noted. Explaining how the distribution partners emerge, Okoloko said the applicants, were selected based on their experience, capabilities, and alignment to Notore’s vision of championing the African Green Revolution. These companies, he added, have distinguished themselves in the fertilizer distribution business and will help to ensure the availability of premium fertilizer and improved seeds for farmers across Nigeria. Audu Ogbeh, minister for Agriculture, while commending Notore’s effort to achieve the African Green Revolution also emphasized the need to curtail the rampant importation of Agricultural Inputs and products. “For every shipload of rice imported into Nigeria, we have dispossessed 7,000 Nigerian farmers of their livelihood. In a typical year, Nigeria imports about $2 billion of rice, which could have been produced in Nigeria and thus provide a livelihood for millions of farmers in the country,” Ogbe stated.
Richard is an actor, writer, comedian and improviser. He is one quarter of Chortle-Award nominated sketch group The Beta Males and last year took his debut solo show to The Edinburgh Festival, where it received critical acclaim before transferring to London’s Kings Place Theatre. He also co-wrote and performed in The Foster’s Best Newcomer Award Nominated show The Story Beast. Richard improvises regularly with Monkey Toast UK and has guested with Grand Theft Impro and Austentatious. He is currently developing new solo material and projects for radio and television and will be playing Feste in Twelfth Night at The Leicester Square Theatre, April 5th – 30th.
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Sometimes the sky throws a handful of stars in your way, Alexa Wilding sings on Stars, a dreamy track off her new album, Wolves. While the ethereal singer-songwriter called the neo-Stevie Nicks (New York Times) is best known for her celestial folk (2009s self-titled debut and 2012s astral Coral Dust), her third album is eerily earth side. The six songs unfold as Polaroids, revisiting lovers past and life on the road before Wilding became a mother of twins in 2013. What the album does not directly address is the nightmare during which the songs were written, on a borrowed Casio piano, in the hospital while her son underwent (successful) treatment for cancer. It was fight or flight, Wilding explains, Instead of running away I retreated into song, to memory, making peace with the past so I could step up, 'do like the wolves do, and fight for my familys future. Co-produced with Tom Beaujour (Nada Surf), the bones of the songs were recorded live in one day, with Tim Foljahn (unmistakable on dusty lead guitar), bassist Jeremy Wilms and Brian Kantor on drums. At the hospital I was in a music bubble, listening to an endless medley of Neil Young, Tom Petty, with some classics from my late eighties/early nineties childhood thrown in, 10,000 Maniacs, Chris Isaaks 'Wicked Game, basically whatever was comforting. The result is a muscular, surprisingly upbeat pop panorama, over which Wildings matured vocals think Natalie Merchants grace meets Hope Sandovals psychedelia are free to explore heart break and resurrection. What is love? she asks on Durga, the albums hypnotic closing song, reflecting that Danger and desire / both are a fire. Wolves is set for release on July 8, 2016 on Wildings own Tiny Prism label. The first single Eden, is out this spring with an accompanying remix by Au Revoir Simones Annie Hart. Tagged as "one of music's hippest chicks" alongside Florence + The Machine (New York Post), Wilding has been featured as one to watch in Bust Magazine, Dossier Journal, Nylon, Urban Outfitters, Page Six and Harper's Bazaar amongst others. Her music reached a national audience while on tours with Au Revoir Simone, Ben Lee and Jennifer O'Connor, and overseas via her video collaborations with Ivana Helsinki. A native New Yorker, Wilding cut her teeth as a side woman in Int'l Shades, an art-rock project with former Pussy Galore/Sonic Youth drummer, Bob Bert and Live Skull's Mark C. She lives and works in her native New York City with her husband and twin boys.
Monday, November 18th, 2013 Difficult to keep up with changes to new health law By Kathy Thompson The story is changing daily for the Affordable Care Act. According to Health and Human Services, more than 800,000 Ohioans were expected to sign up for health care before the end of the year, most using the Health Insurance Marketplace website. As of last week, only 1,000 Ohioans had signed up using the problem-laden website unveiled Oct. 1, according to HHS. Adding to the trouble was President Barack Obama's statement on Thursday that he wanted insurance policies - which had been recently dropped by companies due to 10 mandatory benefits set by the ACA - continued for at least a year. The change has put insurance brokers and agencies into "chaos," according to Barb Gerken, a regional sales manager for CornerStone Broker Insurance Agency for Ohio. "The plan designs were already filed and approved," Gerken said. "What he's done, I'm not sure is possible. To us, his announcement was a short way around taking the blame himself," Gerken said. "He threw the insurance companies under the bus for his implementations." Amy Sheaks, an insurance provider with Stammen Insurance in Celina, said she has no idea what Obama's announcement is going to mean to consumers who are already shocked by the new law and policies. "We're not sure what is going to happen," Sheaks said. "This is going to be up to the carriers." Gerken said companies have taken great care and a lot of time and energy to conform to the new mandates. "Now, on top of all the changes and unhappiness, the issue is becoming even more complex by that announcement and people are throwing up their hands in frustration," Gerken said. "I don't know if we'll be able to get people covered by the deadline." Senator Sherrod Brown said he believes the health law has already benefitted millions of Ohioans by ending lifetime limits on coverage and ending discrimination based on pre-existing conditions. "But in order for millions more to have quality, affordable health care, we need to work together," Brown said in a statement Friday. "As the President said, this action won't solve every problem for every person." State Senator Keith Faber, R-District 12, did not respond to questions regarding the health care issue. Local help available to purchase insurance Local insurance providers said they are miffed that national attention has been directing consumers to the website and not local agents. Navigators are being brought in to assist those consumers using the Health Insurance Marketplace. Heidi Trombly will have completed her training in a couple of weeks, said Julie Grasson, an ACA project director in Toledo, and will be in Mercer County for a few hours every week. "We, too, can provide residents and clients with health care insurance," said Bill Stammen, owner of Stammen Insurance in Celina. "We have been doing it for years. But have you heard the president or anyone else going on national media and telling them to go to their local providers? No." It's one reason Stammen put an "Obamacare" sign outside his business on Main Street. "I think people should know they have other options," Stammen said. Stammen said insurance agents are the experts at what a client needs, which makes an agent more reliable for getting that consumer the best policy. "Brokers and agents are the best way," Gerken agreed. "They know the client and they are the experts at the insurance field. The navigators have about 30 hours of training versus an agent who has 20 to 30 years of experience." "We're the ones who know the markets," Stammen said. "No matter if you come to us or go on the website, you are still purchasing health insurance from the same health insurance companies. But, buyer beware." Stammen said he doesn't believe the website will be able to fairly tell consumers what policy will be best for them. "We know the local doctors and hospitals," Stammen said. "The website doesn't. We know what policies are going to enable and continue to allow our customers to keep their doctors and medical facilities. Does the website?" Grasson said navigators are not allowed to give opinions, suggest certain policies over others or offer advice. "It is true that what comes up on the healthcare website does not provide a listing of what physicians and what medications are covered," Grasson said. "That is where the navigator will further assist the individual by looking up the insurance policies the person may be interested in based on price to see if the hospital and physicians the individual utilizes are covered and as well as what the prescription formulary is for each of the policies. Grasson said there are 34 plans available for residents of Mercer County with Medical Mutual, Healthspan and Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Dan Burke, owner of RJ Burke Insurance Agency in St. Marys, and Bob Leugers, of Leugers Insurance in Celina, agree with Stammen and Gerken. "I think people have become frustrated trying to purchase insurance over the government website," Burke said. "We've been working in this field a long time. We know the products. We can be an advocate to the consumer." Leugers said there is more to health insurance then going to a website and purchasing a policy. "We're here to help the consumer if they have a claim, also," Leugers said. Grasson said the one big advantage to using a navigator and website: finding out exactly what or if a consumer can qualify for a tax credit. "That has to be done over the website," Grasson said. The amount of a tax credit will depend on household income as a percentage of the federal poverty level. The premium for the second lowest level plan (the benchmark plan) is adjusted for the age of the covered person and a sliding scale that increases the taxpayer's own contribution toward the premium as household income increases. There are also exemptions from the individual mandate, including individuals with financial hardships, those with religious objections, undocumented immigrants, individuals whose income is below the threshold required to file a tax return and those where the lowest cost health plan available exceeds 8 percent of their income. Stammen and Burke said they don't understand why the government needed to get involved in implementing the ACA. "As far as I'm concerned," Burke said, "the federal government is running a program they have no experience at. They are shoving this down our throats." Stammen agrees with Burke and also said that the government "rarely does things right and efficient." "Some of the companies will not have much of a network of providers in our rural areas," Stammen said. "They're geared for the bigger cities. I'm afraid local doctors and hospitals are going to be eliminated." While some clients may get cheaper plans, Stammen said, those plans may not cover their current physicians or treatments. "Consumers will find themselves having to go to Dayton or somewhere," Stammen said. "We can help with that. We're the experts."
Activision 'cuts at least a quarter of studio workforce' Around fifty developers have been made redundant at Activision subsidiary Vicarious Visions, Develop understands. The New York studio had been developing a new Guitar Hero game, among others, before Activision yesterday pulled the project. Develop’s source claimed that the layoffs had amounted to “easily a quarter of studio staff”. It is understood that Activision is helping those made redundant, likely though employment counselling and external placement services. It was rumoured that Vicarious Visions would close completely. That is not the case, Develop’s source insisted. The fifty layoffs come as part of Activision’s wider plan to axe around 500 staff – equal to about seven per cent of its global workforce. Last month the publisher revealed it would close Liverpool studio Bizarre Creations, at the cost of around 200 jobs.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger 5-11-2009 by L.L. No. 6-2009. Amendments noted where applicable.] The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town of Wappinger, New York, and to protect and preserve property values by imposing requirements that insure that collateral loan brokerage businesses are operated by citizens of good character and are located in such zoning districts as may be designated by the Town Board as appropriate for such activities. Collateral loan brokers are commonly called "pawnbrokers." This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the Town by Article 5 of the General Business Law concerning collateral loan brokers and by Article 9 of the Town Law concerning ordinances and licenses. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership or other business entity to conduct or carry on the business of collateral loan broker unless a license therefor has been duly issued as herein provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership or other business entity to conduct or carry on the business of collateral loan broker at any location other than that specified in the license issued by the Town of Wappinger. Only a person duly licensed as a collateral loan broker pursuant to this chapter shall be permitted to use the phrase "pawnbroker" in connection with the collateral loan business. Pursuant to the authority conferred by General Business Law Article 5, § 41, the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger is hereby authorized to grant, under his or her hand and the seal of the office, to such citizen or citizens, or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, as he or she shall deem proper, and who shall produce to him or her satisfactory evidence of their good character, a license to carry on the business of collateral loan broker, provided that such citizen or citizens or lawful aliens desiring said license shall make application for said license to said Town Clerk, submitting the required information, in writing and under affidavit, together with the license fee required by the Town fee schedule set forth at § 122-16. Every person who wishes to engage in business as a collateral loan broker must make written application, under oath, on such forms as the Town Clerk shall provide, which shall contain the following information: The name, age and address of the applicant, specifying, in the case of any unincorporated association, the names, ages and addresses of each member thereof and, in the case of any business entity, the names, ages and addresses of each officer or member thereof. If the applicant shall employ more than three employees, the applicant shall designate one individual as the manager of the collateral loan broker business in accordance with General Business Law § 41-a. All crimes, if any, of which the applicant or any member thereof has been convicted and, if an unincorporated association, of which any officer thereof has been convicted, stating the name, if any, and location of the courts and the dates on which such convictions were had and the penalties imposed therefor. The experience of the applicant as a collateral loan broker, if any. The address of the place from which the collateral loan brokerage business shall be conducted. The applicant must demonstrate that it owns, leases or subleases its business premises by providing a deed, if the applicant owns such premises, or by providing a copy of the lease or sublease agreement if the applicant leases or subleases such premises. Every applicant shall submit a complete current schedule of fees for all services. The schedule of prices to be charged may be revised at any time but shall not be effective until filed with the Town Clerk. Consent in writing that the applicant authorizes the Town to make a request for the applicant's criminal history record from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), or approved private company, upon a form prescribed by the Town. Two sets of fingerprint cards for all applicants, prepared by the state police, the Dutchess County Sheriffs Department or other entity approved by the Town Clerk to perform fingerprinting for identification processing. Any other relevant information that the Town Clerk may deem necessary. The Town Clerk, or his or her designee, shall forward the applicant's fingerprint cards and all applicable fees to DCJS. The criminal history records processed by DCJS shall be submitted to the Town Clerk, or his or her designee, for review and consideration of the contents of those records. If the information received indicates that there is a pending criminal offense that would require a disqualification, the applicant shall forward documentation to the Town Clerk evidencing the disposition of such offense in accordance with the procedures established by the Town Clerk. Upon a determination of disqualification, the Town Clerk or his or her designee shall notify the applicant. Said notice to the applicant shall include information regarding the right to appeal and contest any claimed ground for disqualification in accordance with the procedures established by the Town Clerk. My challenge to information contained in criminal records provided by DCJS shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable DCJS rules and regulations. Upon certification by the Town Clerk that the applicant has complied with all applicable provisions of law, and upon payment of the prescribed fee, the Town Clerk, or his or her agent, shall notify the applicant that the application has been approved. Such notification shall inform the applicant that in order to receive a license an acceptable bond, as required by § 99-7, is required to be posted. Upon receipt of a bond in acceptable form, and provided that the application has been approved, the Town Clerk shall issue a license to conduct business as a collateral loan broker. All licenses shall be issued for a period of one year and may be renewed annually in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. No license issued hereunder may be transferred. If the Town Clerk shall deny any application for a license, such denial shall be in writing and state the reasons therefor. Any applicant who shall be denied a license shall have the right to appeal such denial to the Town Board at its next regular meeting. A decision of the Town Board to approve or deny such an application after an appeal to it shall be in writing and entered into the Town Clerk's minutes. Such decision shall be final. An approved applicant shall, at the time of receiving such license, file with the Town Clerk a bond payable to the Town of Wappinger, to be executed by the person so licensed and by two responsible sureties, in the penal sum of $10,000. Said bond is subject to the approval of the Town Clerk. This bond shall be conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the business so licensed and the observance of all laws and ordinances relating thereto. An action on the bond may be instituted by any person aggrieved pursuant to General Business Law § 42. No premises in which the business of a collateral loan broker is conducted, either alone or in connection with some other business, in the Town of Wappinger shall be open except between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Collateral loan brokers shall be permitted to operate only in such zoning districts as permitted by Chapter 240 of the Code. A collateral loan broker shall comply with all the provisions of Article 5 of the General Business Law as well as all rules and regulations promulgated by the State Comptroller pursuant to General Business Law § 55 and all applicable provisions of the Town of Wappinger Code. Every collateral loan broker so licensed as hereinbefore provided shall keep a book in which shall be fairly written at the time of such loan: An account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or pledged; The amount of money loaned thereon; The time of pledging the same; The rate of interest to be paid on such loan; and The name and residence of the person pawning or pledging said goods, articles or things. The collateral loan broker shall, at the time of each loan, deliver to the person pawning or pledging any goods, articles or things, a memorandum or note signed by him, containing the substance of the entry required to be made in his book, as in this section provided, and no charge shall be made or received by any collateral loan broker for any such entry, memorandum or note. Said book shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection by the Town Clerk, the state police, the Dutchess County Sheriff's Department and all other parties authorized by General Business Law § 45. Interest rates and other fees charged shall be such as will be allowed under Article 5 of the General Business Law of the State of New York. Notice of every such sale shall be published for at least six days previous thereto in the official newspaper or newspapers printed in the Town of Wappinger, and each such notice shall specify the time and place at which such sale shall take place, the name of the auctioneer by whom the same is to be conducted and a general description of the kind of article to be sold, together with a statement of the inclusive dates of the pawn tickets representing the pledges to be sold. Any person, including the collateral loan broker, may become the purchaser of any or all goods, articles or things to be sold at any such sale. The surplus money, if any, arising from the sale of each article or thing at such sale, after deducting the amount loaned therefor, the interest due thereon and the expenses of the advertising and sale apportionable thereto, shall be paid over by the collateral loan broker to the person who would have been entitled to redeem the same in the event such sale had not taken place. All collateral loan brokers shall comply with the continuing education requirements of General Business Law § 41-a, and proof of such compliance shall be filed with the Town Clerk. No license issued under this chapter shall be renewed unless the continuing education requirements have been completed. The Town Clerk, the Building Inspector, the Code Enforcement Officers, the Zoning Administrator and any police officer or peace officer as defined in the New York State Criminal Procedure Law shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter. A violation of any provision of this chapter shall be deemed an offense punishable by: Pursuant to General Business Law § 51, the Town Clerk shall have full power and authority after notice and a hearing before the Town Board to impose fines and penalties of not less than $25 nor more than $100 upon persons offending against any of the provisions of General Business Law Article 5, §§ 42 through 50, and may also suspend or revoke the license of the collateral loan broker willfully violating any of the aforesaid provisions. Any license issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the Town Clerk due to a violation of this chapter or Article 5 of the General Business Law, after written notice and an opportunity to be heard.
Switches | Outlets & Plugs | Ballasts | Replace Ballasts | Troubleshooting | Light Bulbs | Basic Electricity | Save Energy | Misc Question or comment? Replace Ballasts Light fixtures from the factory are wired with the ballast wires connected directly to the lampholders. Ohms Law Voltage, current, resistance, and power can be calculated using ohm’s law. At a given voltage when resistance increases, current decreases. Electrical Troubleshooting There are certain things that you can do in a home or office to troubleshoot and fix certain electrical problems. Circuit Breakers protect a circuit from overloads and short circuits. When the current exceeds the rating of the breaker, it will trip. No Power to Outlets Flickering lights and a loss of power are usually attributed to a loose wire connection. Ballast Wiring A fluorescent tube circuit includes a ballast, wires, lampholders, and the tubes. Fluorescent Ballasts Fluorescent lamps use a ballast which transforms line voltage to a type of power to start up and operate the lamp(s). 4-way Switches 4-way switch configurations are used to control lights with three or more switches. Dimmer Switches are used to control lighting level and can save energy. 3-way Switches 3-way switches are used to control lights with two switches. Wire Connectors are used to connect two or more wires together. There are many types of wire connectors, the most common are twist-on. Ceiling Fan Switch Wiring 3-wire cable travels from the switch box and connects to the fan, lights, neutral, and ground wires. How to Replace a Ceiling Light Fixture Troubleshoot 3-way Switches Usually when a 3-way switch fails, lights can be toggled on and off at one switch, but not the other. Troubleshoot 4-way Switches Usually when a 3-way or 4-way switch fails, lights can be toggled on and off on all but one switch. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) A GFCI is a receptacle or circuit breaker that is used to increase safety in areas that are prone to the risk of electric shock.
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CONCERNING WHAT I PROPOSE TO MYSELF AND WHAT NOT IT is my desire, not so much to write a new book about Galloway, as to focus and concentrate what I have already written for the use of Galloway-lovers and Galloway-travellers. I am not making a guide-book, but rather a garrulous literary companion to the guide-books which already exist, and to those which may be written in the future. Secondly, I write not of All Galloway, but only of the part best known to me-that which has, in some degree, come to be called " The Raiders' Country "-about which traditions new and old have materialised themselves with something of the concreteness and exactitude of history. In short, I have no purpose before me, save that of saying what I wish to say in my own way, acknowledging no law save my own fancy, and desiring only to give a true, if incomplete, picture of the Ancient Free Province of Galloway, specially of that more mountainous and easterly portion of it known as the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. For a hitherto unfrequented province Galloway is well equipped with books dealing with its history and topography. And these, too, are not stately and costly tomes like the great English County histories, but compact and easily obtainable volumes which may accompany the traveller on his journeyings, or remind him in his easy-chair after his return of the wild land of bog-myrtle and peat where he has been sojourning. Of the former sort - those which every traveller ought to carry about with him - there are, first of all, Mr. Malcolm Harper's admirable " Rambles in Galloway," a book full of knowledge and sympathy, savouring alike of the brown moors and of Galloway's oat-cakes and mutton-hams. The author has quite recently brought it up to date, and made it more indispensable than ever to all who wish to understand the history and antiquities of the province. To Mr. Harper's book ought to be added the excellent and very practical "Guide to the Stewartry" by the late Mr. J. H. Maxwell of Castle-Douglas, the father of a family of journalists, whose writings have been more widely read than those signed by many more famous names. To these I hope that the smaller edition of " Raiderland " may be added, as a record of the more poetical and imaginative interests of Galloway, as these appear to the present Of books which may occupy a place in the library of the lover of our mountainous southland, there are many. A full list of them may be found at the end of Sir Herbert Maxwell's excellent " History of Dumfriesshire and Galloway." Of these, my own private shelf contains the following : to wit, two chronicles - Mackenzie's old-fashioned but most readable " History of Galloway "-and (what is indispensable for the critical student), Sir Herbert Maxwell's aforesaid History, in which he applies modern methods to many a good old hoary fiction concocted by the romancers of the times of eld, and leaves his pages plain and truth-telling as mine (fair warning!) are romance-laden and imaginative. However, I object entirely to the tacking our free and ancient province to the tail of Dumfriesshire. And though Sir Herbert, like a patriotic Gallovidian, generally allows the tail to wag the dog throughout his terse and knowledgeable chapters, still he owes it to his native heather that he should write the History of Galloway more at large, leaving all the Johnstones and Jardines of Annandale and the Border to settle their own moss-trooping affairs. To the histories ought to be added quaint John Mactaggart's "Galloway Encyclopaedia" and Dr. Trotter's two excellent books of "Galloway Gossip." Nothing more racy, more characteristic of the older Galloway now passing away, has ever been put on paper than Dr. Trotter's reminiscences of an old Scottish housewife, with her prejudices, her opinions and opinionatedness, her scraps of old rhymes and proverbial catchwords. We cannot have too much of such folk-lore put into concise and racy dialect. To these must be added Professor H. M. B. Reid's " A Cameronian Apostle," a very remarkable and honourable achievement in sympathetic biography, full of digested knowledge, reaching past the outer husk of MacMillan's life to the inner kernel of the man. It is, in my opinion, by far the best Galloway biography ever written, setting a good man's life in the very atmosphere of his time and thinking. If the shelf be not too full by this time, then the late Sir Andrew Agnew's interesting " Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway " ought to be added, together with an excellently edited and comprehensive selection from "The Bards of Galloway," published by Mr. Harper in 1889. So much by way of supplement to these random personal chronicles and impressions of mine included in "Raiderland." For the rest, my book has nothing to do with modern improvements or facilities of travel. Railway timetables and livery stables will supply these. The seeing eye and a good map will point out the castles and mansions of the great. I have not yielded to the advice of friends and booksellers to place a large map in "Raiderland" - first, because maps unfolding out of volumes designed to be read in the open air are temper-ruffling things, all too apt to give employment to the recording angel as they flutter in the breeze. Then in the second place Bartholomew's excellent hand maps can be bought at every book-stall and stationer's counter throughout the province. My business is with the Galloway of brown bent and red heather, of green knowe and grey gnarled thorn, of long low-built farm-town and wild gipsy raid, of Levellers and love-making, of sea-mew and whaup. And in particular and especial, it concerns the Galloway of a certain dreamy long-legged callant who, with a staff in his hand and a whang of soda-scone in his pocket, left few of its farms unvisited and few of its fastnesses unexplored in his unhaltered boyhood of twenty-five years ago. If anything be found by the visitor of the twentieth century to have changed, let him take for granted that it was as stated in the sixties and seventies of the previous era. But of this I am not greatly afraid. Galloway will long keep its own flavour, wild and keen as that of heather honey. It is a far cry to Loch Enoch and the Spear of the Merrick. The depths of the Murder Hole will not give up their secret yet a while-whether that secret be the bones of wayfaring men or only of stray black-faced sheep. Nevertheless the western wind will bring even to those who travel in railway haste, wafts of peat-reek and muir-burn from the Clints of Drummore and the Dungeon of Buchan. Of Mr. Pennell's drawings I need say little. In their several places and relations they will speak for themselves. I have long desired that Galloway should be interpreted by Mr. Pennell's pencil and brush. And I resolved that till my friend could undertake the work, I should not publish this book. Now, however, events have conspired to produce this desirable consummation, and the result is before men's eyes in this volume. It may be interesting to say that I did nothing to guide Mr. Pennell in his choice of subject. I supplied him with a route-plan merely. But it was in all cases his own artist's eye which chose the subject and his own incommunicable touch which interpreted it. As Mr. Pennell had never been in Galloway before, and came to it after a world-wide experience of the beautiful in all lands, I believe that the result will be found singularly fresh and unconventional. S. R. CROCKETT. AUCHENCAIRN, GALLOWAY, 1904
Pier Park Summer Concert Series (June 12th thru August 14th) Bring your cooler, your chairs and your favorite friends for an evening of music under the stars at the Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater. Line-up coming soon! - Category: Concerts / Performing Arts / Sports & Outdoors - Date: June 16, 2016 - August 11, 2016 - Location: 600 Pier Park Drive Panama City Beach, FL 32413 - Time(s): 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Eastern announces 2013 Homecoming parade WILBURTON, OK (Sept. 25, 2013) – A homecoming parade in downtown Wilburton is an annual tradition for Eastern Oklahoma State College and this year will be no different. The parade will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2. The theme for this year’s parade is “Mountaineers Forever,” celebrating 105 years of continued excellence in education. “The homecoming parade allows everyone to illustrate what Eastern represents to them,” said Jayna Miller Santine, co-chair of the homecoming parade. “The Mountaineers Forever theme reminds each one of us, individuals and businesses, how EOSC has been and is a part of our lives.” Applications are being sought from the EOSC student clubs, as well as community clubs, organizations and businesses for floats, bands, decorated vehicles and walking groups. “We are very excited to have the support of Roy’s Cardinal Food Store as the parade sponsor,” said Treva Kennedy, Director of Institutional Advancement. “The generous support of this local business will be used to help enhance the float entries.” The parade will start at the corner of NE 2nd and Main Streets, traveling west to NW 2nd Street. The community is invited to join EOSC in downtown Wilburton to watch the parade. Application forms are available online at www.eosc.edu/homecoming and questions may be directed to 918-465-1759 or firstname.lastname@example.org.
Mumbai top cop’s car stolen from his home If you think vehicle thieves target only the common Mumbaikar, you are wrong.india Updated: Jan 14, 2009 23:19 IST If you think vehicle thieves target only the common Mumbaikar, you are wrong. On Tuesday night, a Mahindra Bolero of the Mumbai police’s Motor Transport department, deputed to escort Additional Director General of Police (Establishment) Ahmad Javed, was stolen from outside the top cop’s official residence in Marine Drive area. The jeep was an unmarked police vehicle and was parked on the road outside the building by constable Sachin Akhade (32), driver of the jeep, as the building’s garage was occupied. “Before registering the complaint, Akhade searched for the vehicle in the area and even telephoned the BMC and traffic police control rooms thinking it might have been towed away,” said senior police inspector Sanjay Amrute. Investigations have drawn blank till now, as police is yet to find any eyewitness. When contacted, Javed told HT, “The jeep was stolen on Tuesday night and it did not belong to me. It had been provided by the government as an escort vehicle.”
Dana W Hayter - Perkins Coie LLP A partner in Perkins Coie LLP’s technology transactions and privacy group, Dana W Hayter focuses his practice on advancing clients’ business strategies with IP strategy and technology transactions, including IP and technology licensing, joint development and settlement agreements, IP transfers and IP aspects of mergers and acquisitions. Over the course of his legal career, Mr Hayter has designed and executed business-aligned transactions and legal strategies that have resulted in billions of dollars in value and shaped the technology sector. His solutions-driven game plans in IP transactions and strategy have earned him industry recognition as an adviser whom clients trust with their most critical, complex and high-profile IP matters. Mr Hayter is known within the semiconductor, software and wireless industries for creative and nuanced approaches to structuring technology transactions and IP strategy, to which he brings rapid assimilation of his clients’ business strategies, deep knowledge of IP law and more than 15 years’ experience advising top-level client management on valuations and risks associated with critical legal strategies and transactions. He also has significant experience working with financial professionals to help his clients to use sophisticated financial and decision models to evaluate the business implications of legal strategies and solutions. Before joining Perkins Coie, Mr Hayter held a number of management and executive positions within the legal function at Intel Corporation, most recently as the vice president and associate general counsel for technology licensing. As a leader of Intel’s patent and licensing strategy during the rapidly evolving convergence of computers and mobile devices, Mr Hayter served as an architect of patent and licensing programmes that catapulted Intel into the top tier of patent purchasers worldwide. Mr Hayter is a frequent speaker at prominent IP events, including the Practising Law Institute, the Hoover Institution IP2 Group and the IPBC. He is admitted to practise in the State of California, the US District Court for the Northern District of California and the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. - State Bar of California - Defensive patent aggregation - IP auctions - IP management consultancy - Technology transfer Register for more free content - Read more IAM blogs and articles - Receive the editor's weekly review by email
The most effective facilitators of the Leadership Challenge® Workshop are those that live The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®-day in and day out-and are able to talk about them from personal life experiences. I have watched and worked with many facilitators. Some have lived The Five Practices and taught from their experience while others have facilitated the workshop and treated it like just another training curriculum. The difference shows! Teaching The Five Practices in a meaningful way requires a commitment: make the time to fully understand and live each of them within the context of your own life so that you can facilitate from a place of authenticity. Redefine your own life experiences within the context of The Five Practices. I often tell clients that The Five Practices are common sense-articulated. All of us have used The Five Practices at one point or another, but we often only reach a full understanding of what they mean and how they impact our everyday lives when we stop to reflect and reframe some of our experiences as leaders. So, call upon your own experiences. Compelling, personal stories make a big difference when facilitating and helping others develop their leadership competencies. Seek complete 360 Feedback. The Leadership Challenge is about changing lives at work and home. As a facilitator, I highly recommend that you challenge participants to incorporate the way they lead at home into their leadership self-assessment. Encourage participants to reflect on their leadership behaviors in all aspects of their lives. Although an in-depth discussion of family life leadership in the workshop isn't necessary, the topic should not be ignored. Prior to the workshop, I recommend that participants ask for feedback on their LPI 360 from their family. Some of the most vibrant and powerful experiences using The Five Practices can come from these interactions. Know the content in the book. The Leadership Challenge® Workshop facilitators need to be expertly fluent in The Leadership Challenge. There is no substitute for taking the time to have a complete working knowledge of the books content. Expert facilitators are able to weave in and out of The Five Practices as the needs of participants change. And the ability to respond quickly and nimbly to your audience only comes from having a solid, personal connection to the material. This takes time and focus. Facilitate don't train. The Five Practices are incredibly meaningful and have the power to change lives-but only if you build into your workshop an opportunity for a robust dialogue among participants on how they can apply each of them to their own life experiences. Engage participants in discussing the various subtleties and nuances that can bring out the true power of The Five Practices. When participants can place these principles in the context of a specific life experience, they are more likely to carry the practices with them when the workshop has ended. Help participants connect a feeling to The Five Practices. It can be easy to leave participants with a 30,000-mile, sky-high understanding of The Five Practices. A technique I have used to bring The Five Practices down-to-earth is offered in the following example. The goal is to help participants identify the feeling of each behavior associated with the respective practice-making the practice and the behavior personal and relevant. Referring to item 16 (Asks for feedback on how his/her actions affect other peoples performance) from the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), ask participants to reflect on their life experiences and identify times when they used a behavior associated with one of The Five Practices. Ask them to link that behavior to a feeling and to identify actions they can take in the future that will illicit the same emotion. By focusing on the feeling associated with the leadership behavior, participants can more effectively connect to the practice. Note: An underlying assumption for employing the Model the Way exercise is that workshop participants are familiar with the thirty behaviors Kouzes and Posner identify in The Leadership Challenge and have used each of them at one point in their lives. Also be aware that some participants may have had a negative experience using one of The Five Practices. If a participant has a difficult time with this exercise, I might use item 14 (Treats others with dignity and respect). Example: Model the Way Ask workshop participants to consider the following: - Reflect on a time in your life when you asked for feedback on how your actions affected someone else's performance. - What were the feelings you experienced? Were you nervous? Were you at ease? Were you unsure? Zero in on your exact feeling. - Describe the setting in which this situation occurred. Once participants have identified the experience and their feelings, have them think about an upcoming project where they will have an opportunity to demonstrate leadership. Help them translate their newly-acquired knowledge into specific action steps that they can take to apply this learning to a new situation. - How can you create the same experience as you described above? - What are the actions you can take in that situation to illicit the same feeling you had in the experience you just described? This process of reflection can help participants connect their lives to The Five Practices. It is also a valuable tool to reinforce learning after the workshop and help encourage participants to continue practicing the art of leadership.
I have become obsessed with cows. Every morning, they are the first thing I look for and just before I go to bed, I take one more peek outside to see where they might be. It's is a bit odd, I admit, but Dear Daughter told me that she does the same thing. The herd that grazes in the pasture beyond our backyard fence have quickly captured our attention and although we have not yet named each one, I am sure that is only a matter of time. We are now settled in our new house in Belgium; new to us but in fact, the house is almost 80 years old. It is quirky but has a lot of character. I am sure that it has a bit of history to it but all I know is that the owner and his wife lived here for many years. Once she passed on, the house was too big for one person. So, he moved into a nearby apartment and rents the house to "Shapians". That is what we are called here...almost as if we are some sort of alien and I guess to many we are. Shapians is the nickname for those individuals who work at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe). Each time, we visit the installation, we try to identify the country of the soldiers hail from based on their uniforms. It has become a bit of a game and there are some really wacky uniforms out there! Back to the house...the phone is supposed to work today and then I think that we will be officially settled. It has been a very simple process, quite frankly. This was the first house that we looked at on the day we arrived in country. Wanting to get settled quickly, it fit all the major requirements. The kitchen is ancient (46 years old - except the appliances) and really tiny but I have already managed to cook some pretty decent meals. Our large, main room is quite rustic with dark, tiled floors, a wood-beaed ceiling and wood burning fireplace. The house has a warm, cozy feel to it and we have all (including the cats) settled in quite well in a short period of time. |Looking a bit plain at the moment - need to get out the flower boxes| |Our main salon| We have nicknamed the house, "La Maison De Neuf Souches D'Arbres" or The House of the Nine Treestumps. Driving in from the main road, you can quickly spot our backyard as these treestumps provide the border of our backyard to the pasture. As much as we watch the cows, we also look each day at the trees, hoping to spot new growth, which will promise a more pleasing view next year. Less than half a mile away is a nice cafe and grocery store, where we purchase our daily baguette. The main area of town is just a mile away and we have already visited several good restaurants, a fantastic chocolate shop (it is Belgium, you know) and the twice a week market. We have a train station with direct service into the main station in Brussels and this weekend, we plan to make the 25 minute trip. |Terrasse and yard...and treestumps| |The newest members of our family...the cows!| Because of the move, we have not been able to travel much but we have managed to visit the city of Mons, the capital of our province, twice. On Sunday mornings, they host an incredible food market and evidently, a flower market as well. We have not yet found the flower market, which everyone talks about but the food market is a real treat, which no one discusses. We have instituted "no-cook Sundays" because of all of the delicacies that we find each visit. Last week, we feasted on oriental appetizers which we purchased from this sweet old Vietnamese man - an assortiment of spring rolls, shrimp beignets, little triangles filled with curry chicken and wontons. We loaded our bags with all sorts of produce for the week, ripe cherries and strawberries, huge heads of lettuce, green beans, peppers, zucchini and of course, tomatoes. Following the market, we headed to the Grand Place for a drink and eventually, lunch. It was a slow, lazy Sunday afternoon and felt...just right. Schools starts a week from now and life will get back to its chaotic normalcy. But for now, we are enjoying the quiet lifestyle and watching the cows...
My camera goes with me wherever I go. Opportunities to capture special moments can occur at any time! Photography has been my passion since I was a young child. Even then my camera went along on all my adventures, including sports, fishing, or hiking the trails near our home in SE Kansas. Today I live in Joplin, Missouri with my husband and our three daughters and one son. They have been very patient through the many photo shoots I've put them through! While capturing so many of my kids' memorable events, expressions and milestones, I realized that photography is something I would like to do for others. One of my favorite things about photography is that the job is never the same. Each photo shoot is different. Even if I take pictures for the same family four times in the same year; kids grow, locations change, and photo themes are different. I love the challenge of coming up with new ideas. I love the excitement I get before and during each photo shoot. I love finding the perfect angle to shoot the innocence of a toddler examining a flower, jumping in the mud, holding a frog, or playing with a sibling. The perfect moments captured can bring a person back to that day; to the sounds, the smells, the place, the people. That's what I love to do -- to capture a memory that will send someone back to that special moment -- even years from now. Let's make beautiful memories for your family together!
Tony took us out on the Julia—that’s always good. He realizes Meg has a bit of trouble on the trips out and back, and we even talked about motion sickness; he gets it if he reads while on a bus or a train. The tide was very low—down to the sixth rung on the lower ladder—and he had to pull in next to it, rather than at the foot of it. “Can you do it?” he asked, as I looked at the bottom rung. “Yeah,” I said. I always look only at where my foot has to go on the ladder. Everybody was able to get up and on to Jeff’s platform. “You got the key?” Tony called. “Yeah,” I was happy to shout again. “Thank you!” I watched him pull out of the cove, turn, and pull away. We got a lot done, though some plans and ideas did not turn out as I’d hoped. I thought we could end up varnishing the surrounds on the entry doors to the rooms, but the work is too formidable. I also hoped we could clear the glass in the round windows if we got them out—they were painted green on the outside. Coop got them out, but the glass is very pitted after being there for about 140 years, and we could not get the paint off. I took them out to the plinth and put Peel Away on them—figured it would work in a couple of hours but it didn’t. So we have to either put Peel Away on them and leave them overnight or find another solvent that will dissolve paint on glass. Even steel wool and razor blades were ineffective. Eileen and Nan finished the caulking and putting a second coat of paint in Mae’s room. Coop got a round window in Jacob’s room out and what a blast of air! The higher you go in the tower the breezier it gets, another possible explanation for why some windows were not made to be opened. Then he went to Mae’s room and got two more out. It was my idea to put Peel Away on the glass. I figured it would set in a couple of hours under plastic, and then it would be a cinch to get the paint off the glass. But no—the surfaces were too pitted, plus we need to make sure we are ok using Peel Away. Even with scrapers, razor blades, and steel wool we could not clear the glass. Nan’s such a joy and went around using up the last half inch of paint in her pail. We swept up and shop vacced. Coop and Meg had been messing around seeing how much we have to do in the stairwell; we can sweep a lot of the peeling and chipped paint off. Eileen finished painting Mae’s closet. Coop messed around with little things, and we examined, measured, and photographed the hinges on the kitchen door. They are big and quite handsome but they probably will have to be replaced; one of them is cracked. Coop wants to take care of that door now to give a very nice “finished” look to everything we’ve done so far. It needs a piece of glass for one of the windows in it. I was outside scraping paint off a round window when a voice came from the ladder. I nearly jumped out of my skin because for a second I thought it was someone from Miller’s, and if it was, it would have not boded well. Thank heaven it was two firefighters from Marine 8. Lovely as firemen usually are, they asked what we were up to, came in and looked around, asked who was paying for what we are doing. I said volunteers, Miller’s, and the museum. Our folks were working, and they were appreciative of their efforts. (I of course felt like asking them to put together a volunteer crew.) I sounded the call for retreat. We all did the vaccing and clean up—lugged another plywood and sheet metal window cover to the Anthony, captained by Ray, and got out of there with garbage, our packs, rags, brushes, and inventory of what we will next need out there. Lots of things to think about; lots of priorities to order. Ray’s a careful captain and we sped back safely—Coop, Eileen, Nan, Annie and Meg outside in the wind. This whole adventure is powered by Glen Miller and his staff. They are amazing. Lighthouse Log Book is a series of stream of consciousness writings by Executive Director Erin Urban after each Crew date at Robbins Reef. It’s informal and meant to impart a sense of the energy of the volunteers and the work they accomplish in regular seven-hour workdays to Robbins Reef Lighthouse.
Canadian Homegrown Terrorism Inquiry Sparks Arrests [Sorry, the video for this story has expired, but you can still read the transcript below. ] SPENCER MICHELS, NewsHour Correspondent: Canadian authorities today were sharing few details about the 17 alleged terror suspects they arrested over the weekend. After a year-long probe, 12 men and five juveniles were taken into custody late Friday and early Saturday by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or RCMP. MIKE MCDONELL, Royal Canadian Mounted Police: The RCMP, in cooperation with our partners, through our integrated National Security Enforcement Team, or NSET, in Toronto, have arrested individuals who were planning to commit a series of terrorist attacks against solely Canadian targets in southern Ontario. SPENCER MICHELS: Police said the group — all Canadian residents, and most citizens of South Asian descent — had trained together and amassed bomb-making materials, including three tons of the fertilizer ammonium nitrate, that can be used to create a powerful explosive. MIKE MCDONELL: This group posed a real and serious threat. It had the capacity and intent to carry out these acts. SPENCER MICHELS: Two tons of the same material were used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people. FBI officials said they were investigating whether some of the Canadians in custody may have had limited contact with two terror suspects arrested in Georgia last spring. Several of the suspects attended the same mosque and lived in Mississauga, a well-manicured, middle class suburb of Toronto, Canada’s largest city. UNIDENTIFIED MISSISSAUGA RESIDENT: I didn’t expect something like this just here, you know, just in my neighborhood across the street. SPENCER MICHELS: On Saturday, vandals smashed the windows of Toronto’s largest mosque. Muslims make up an estimated two percent of Canada’s population of 33 million. More arrests still possible? JIM LEHRER: For more, we go to Doug Struck, the Canadian bureau chief of the "Washington Post" in Toronto. DOUG STRUCK, Canadian Bureau Chief, "Washington Post": Thank you very much. JIM LEHRER: What about this report that more arrests are still expected? Is that still a live idea at this point? DOUG STRUCK: The authorities are saying that that's entirely possible. They've made very clear that the investigation still has miles to go, that they've got other leads they want to follow and that, indeed, more arrests might be expected. But so far, all of the indications are that this still remains pretty much a homegrown event and confined to Canada. JIM LEHRER: Now, these 17 who have been arrested, is there any other connection that has been discerned thus far, beyond the fact that most of them went to the same mosque? DOUG STRUCK: Not quite yet. Although it appears that the connection may have been over the Internet, or it may have been over any sort of connection that one uses these days to spread the kind of virulent ideology that all of these men and some of the teenagers were said to have subscribed to. We know that that kind of communication -- that is, basically, going on to chat rooms -- drew the attention of Canadian investigators as long as two years ago. This whole conspiracy, it's turning out, even though we don't know a lot of the details, was not a very well kept secret. Investigators started looking at some of these people, because of some of the things they were saying, as long as two years ago. A year ago, one of the principals who was arrested on Friday drew the attention and concern of others in his mosque, to the point that apparently some of them went to authorities. And then last March, you had two Muslim Americans who came up from Georgia to Toronto to talk to what the FBI calls "like-minded terrorists," in which they apparently, according to the FBI, discussed bombing targets. So, it appears that the investigators were all over this from a long time ago. What prompted police to move? JIM LEHRER: And they had them under physical surveillance as well as electronic surveillance? DOUG STRUCK: We don't know that yet. But certainly, there were elements of both of those. We don't know how long they were under surveillance, but certainly, they were under some sort of both physical and electronic surveillance. What we don't know yet is exactly at what point the rhetoric and the talk among these men was turned into action. The authorities say that they ordered, as your report indicated, some three tons of this fertilizer that can be quite explosive. There were reports in the Toronto papers today that the police had actually intercepted this material and substituted a harmless powder for it. The police are not confirming that. In fact, they stand by their declaration that the men took delivery of the ammonium nitrate and were capable of setting off a bomb. We also don't know exactly what their targets were yet. There is talk that one of the targets was the headquarters of the Canadian spy agency, which is in a large office building next to the CN Tower in Toronto. There's talk that the office buildings of the parliament in Canada's capital, Ottawa, were also targets. But again, police have not confirmed any of that yet. JIM LEHRER: Is anything known, Doug, about what prompted the police to make their move over this particular weekend? Were they -- were the suspects about to do something? Or what do we know about that, if anything? DOUG STRUCK: Well, that was -- that's one of the key questions. And it was certainly one of the implications that was allowed by the police, the RCMP, and the Canadian intelligence service when they announced on Saturday that they had made these sweeps. They indicated that they had concluded their investigation and moved when they thought the public safety was in danger. So, they left the impression that this bombing, if there was to be one, was imminent. Now, whether or not that's borne out in the court appearances that will go on for some time, remains to be seen. What was the motive? JIM LEHRER: What about motive? Beyond being Islamic terrorists -- whatever that means -- is anything else known about what these guys were up to, and why they were up to it? DOUG STRUCK: You know, as far as anyone knows, these are individuals who were born or came here to Canada at a fairly early age. Most or all of them have not been out of the country since. It's not as though they have direct connections with Iraq or Afghanistan or any of the places where that may be happening, that might provide a motive for this. It appears, from what we know now, that the motive is simply one of ideology. One of the key figures of this, Qayyum Abdul Jamal, who was a regular and the oldest of those arrested, preached that there was a war going on between the West and Muslims. He stood up in his mosque, according to those who heard him, and said that Canadian troops in Afghanistan are raping Muslim women. And this is the kind of stuff that, at least we are told, captured the imagination, indignation and, eventually, anger of some of the younger men who attended that mosque, some of the younger men who knew him and others, and led them to believe that, indeed, we're speaking of a war between civilizations. JIM LEHRER: Our setup piece said there were roughly two million Muslims in Canada. Were they -- is the community known as a radicalized group of Muslims? Or what was its reputation before this? DOUG STRUCK: I think the report said two percent. It's about 700,000 Muslims. For the most part, they are not a radical population here. In fact, Canada's immigration laws, while much more liberal than most countries, nevertheless does encourage immigrants who are mostly middle class, professionals. As one of the Muslim community leaders told me, described to me this weekend, he said, "Most of us are pretty well-heeled." In fact, those arrested were in, I think your report said "well-manicured neighborhoods." That's a pretty good description of them. Many of them college graduates. So, for the most part, it has not been a politicized group. On the other hand, I think these arrests have been a wakeup call to Canada, that, indeed, within these communities there are passions that may not be evident to authorities or to other Canadians. And there are certainly people who have come here from war-torn or from difficult places of the world, who bring their own politics and their own ideologies. In Canada, there is a family -- they're called the Khadr family -- that is sort of a center of this debate. They're -- the patriarch of the family was a close associate of Osama bin Laden. One of his sons is in Guantanamo. So, there is, certainly, those who want to carry on this debate within the population here. There was an al Qaeda influence JIM LEHRER: So when the authorities said over the weekend, Doug, that, while there was no direct al Qaeda link, there was an al Qaeda influence here. What are they talking about? DOUG STRUCK: Yes, they said "inspired by"... JIM LEHRER: Inspired. You're right. That's the word. Not influenced by. DOUG STRUCK: Inspired by the violent ideology of al Qaeda. Well, what does that mean? Does that mean people on the Internet talking about how Muslims are mistreated by the West? Or does that mean something with a more direct connection to al Qaeda? It's beginning to look more like the former than the latter. Although, as we've learned, investigators are certainly looking to see whether there are any connections, any links, any communication with others in other countries. JIM LEHRER: But they haven't found anything that we know of yet. Is that right? A direct connection... DOUG STRUCK: That we know of... JIM LEHRER: ... between these 17 and some terrorists in the United States or elsewhere? DOUG STRUCK: Well, the only connection that we know of yet is with these two Georgia men, who have now -- are now in prison on charges relating to terrorism, who did come up to Toronto, and, according to the FBI affidavit, did talk about bomb plots. That's the only connection we know of, of any connection they had outside of Canada. JIM LEHRER: Quickly, before we go. These 17 are referred to as having South Asian ancestry. What countries are we talking about? DOUG STRUCK: Well, that's -- there is certainly a mix there. There were people from Egypt, which, of course, is not South Asia. JIM LEHRER: Right. DOUG STRUCK: There were people from Pakistan. There were people from Sudan. There were some that we don't know their background yet. JIM LEHRER: OK. All right. Doug Struck, thank you very much for filling us in. DOUG STRUCK: My pleasure.
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BEIJING, March 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 10, 2016, the International e-Sports Federation (IeSF), one of the leading authorities in the global e-sports industry, announced in Beijing that it had concluded an all-round strategic cooperation agreement with the World Cyber Arena (WCA), an event organized by Yinchuan International Game Investment Co., Ltd. Under this agreement, the two sides will provide specialized training focusing on all the links of the e-sports industry chain, including referees, commentary, program production, coaches, teams and competition management, so as to build a complete e-sports education system and lead the standardized development of China's e-sports industry. As the Organizing Committee of the e-Sports Olympics, IeSF is committed to popularizing e-sports worldwide, establishing a complete training, education and benefit system for global e-sports players, and driving e-sports to bid for the Olympics. After nearly 10 years of explosive development, the Chinese e-sports market has developed a uniquely large economic industry chain, with an iResearch report stating that the overall scale of the Chinese e-sports market is expected to exceed RMB 50 billion in the future. However, amid rapid development, a number of issues have arisen, with low degree of internationalization, poor organization and lack of variety in competitions, inability to organize general events, difference in the ability levels of referees and unevenness of commentary expertise becoming increasingly prominent. Fundamentally, it is due to the lack of professional e-sports talents but it also down to a lack of competency in e-sports education. Since replacing the World Cyber Games (WCG) in 2014, WCA has endeavored to promote the development of e-sports events and the e-sports industry. Therefore, in an effort to eliminate industrial chaos, solve the problems restricting industrial development and optimize the domestic e-sports environment, WCA and IeSF have forged a strategic partnership. According to the source, the cooperation will be initiated by officially certified global e-sports training agencies and training will cover all links of the e-sports industry chain. Referee and anchor training will come first this year, followed by training in a wide range of professional fields such as coaching, team management and competition marketing next year. Training will be provided online and offline with online training expected to be launched at the end of this year. SOURCE Yinchuan International Game Investment Co., Ltd
Title: SMX Advanced – Seattle Location: Seattle, WA Visit Conference: Click here Description: Join us for SMX Advanced and you’ll benefit from the outstanding content, participate in two prestigious keynotes, and make connections with the most influential members of your community. Fast paced, Q&A-packed, frequently controversial and always informative, SMX Advanced is the one show programmed for search marketing veterans. Use code “smx75sms” for a $75 discount for Search Marketing Standard readers Date: June 2, 2009 to June 3, 2009
Professor Markus Stumptner: Director Director of the ACRC and also Program Lead for Data Storage & Management in the Data to Decisions Cooperative Research Centre, my research area sits at the junction of different computing disciplines across software engineering (metamodelling), data and process management, and Artificial Intelligence. The underlying goal is to develop high efficiency methods for modelling and constructing software systems for solving real world problems, typically from an industrial and organisational background. The main focus of my recent work is in the areas of interoperability, integration, complex event processing, software system evolution and debugging, and emergent semantics. Typical application areas involve the autonomous enterprise, future aware business processes, asset management/plant operations, design and product configuration, as well as health and bioinformatics. Professor Bruce Thomas: Deputy Director Professor Thomas is the Deputy Director of the ACRC and Director of the Wearable Computer Lab. He is nationally and internationally recognised for his contributions to the scientific community and to industry in the areas of Wearable Computers, Tabletop Interactions, Augmented Reality and User Interaction. As one of the largest Research Centres at UniSA, the ACRC is home to a network of dedicated and highly esteemed researchers, staff, Higher Degree by Research students and Alumni. With more than 30 members and 70 PhD students working on cutting edge research across intelligent software engineering, visualisation and augmented reality, health informatics, security and information assurance, data analytics and business intelligence, our research interests are diverse yet complementary.
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State Assembly passes bill replacing no-call list MADISON — The Wisconsin Assembly has passed a bill that would end the state's no-call list and bar telemarketers from contacting Wisconsin residents on the federal no-call list. Right now, Wisconsin residents can register with the state's no-call list. Their names and numbers remain off-limits to telemarketers for two years. Then people must re-register. Under the bill, Wisconsin residents who don't want calls would have to get on the national list by registering with the Federal Trade Commission. Registrants don't have to renew their listings. People could still contact the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection with complaints. The Assembly passed the bill 98-0 Tuesday. The Senate passed the bill unanimously in October. It goes next to Gov. Scott Walker. A Walker spokesman didn't immediately return a message.
Yesterday morning at Park Spoor Noord: Neva dancing and Simon reading up on c++ programming. Today the reading topic changed to energy. He found the nuclear reactor page the most exciting. We talked about the reactor parts and the differences between the alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Venue: a local chocolatier.
Ticket Office: (805) 893-3535 MON - FRI / 10AM - 5PM Free Community Event Leonardo da Vinci: The Secrets of History’s Most Creative Genius “At once a true scholar and a spellbinding writer.” – David McCullough President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, Walter Isaacson has been the chairman of CNN and editor of Time magazine and authored the biographies Steve Jobs, Einstein: His Life and Universe, Benjamin Franklin: An American Life and Kissinger: A Biography. Isaacson will give an illustrated presentation on his new book, Leonardo da Vinci, demonstrating how da Vinci’s genius for art, science and technology was based on skills we can improve in ourselves, such as passionate curiosity, careful observation and playful imagination. Books will be available for purchase and signing Part of the Thematic Learning Initiative: Creating a Meaningful Life Event Sponsors: Monica & Timothy Babich Presented in association with the Santa Barbara Museum of Art Your cart has expired. The cart automatically expires 20 minutes after you add your first tickets. Your cart will expire at 12:00 AM. Do you need more time?