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When a husband or wife who’ve been married many years dies, it’s not unheard of that the other will depart shortly thereafter. The romantic argues the surviving spouse dies from a broken heart. Companions for 18 years, Rosie, a cow, and Bingo, a horse—who lived on Manatuck Farm in Weston—met a similar fate. Bingo, 30, was put down after a brief digestive illness on Feb. 7. Nine days later, Rosie, 18 and arthritic, was put down after she sat down and couldn’t—or wouldn’t—get back up. “Rosie was very quiet without him,” said Kara Shepherd, a Ridgefield resident who owned the two animals and has spent half of her life—22 years—at Manatuck. “She ate and went outside to lay in the sun, but I could tell she missed her best friend. It was heartbreaking to see her look for him in the field.”
Brake cleaner heated by welding and the like can make phosgene gas. I never knew this, and not sure how I didn't poison myself in the past Brake Cleaner = Phosgene Article Phosgene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WOW thanks for the information never heard of that before. The guy is lucky to be alive but with Bronchitis and Emphysema that isnt really lucky is it.
Fraud, Criminal Misconduct and the $4 Billion Black Market in Bluefin Tuna When, perhaps in as little as two years' time, when the Atlantic bluefin tuna is fished out of existence, know that it was rampant fraud, lack of oversight, and criminal misconduct that was the cause. A new report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists dishes the dirty details of the $4 billion black market in this critically endangered fish.The full report, Looting the Seas, is available online, but here are some of the most damning highlights of the seven month investigation by reporters in ten countries: - At the height of the black market, between 1998 and 2007, one of every three bluefin tuna caught in the world was done so illegally. - Fisheries officials in France colluded to doctor catch numbers to avoid international criticism. It wouldn't be until 2007 that France reported accurate catch numbers. - Fishermen in the Mediterranean, led by the French, Spanish and Italians, regularly and willfully violated quotas, misreported the amount caught, caught undersized fish, and engaged in other illegal practices like trading fishing quotas and using banned spotter planes. One fishing captain said, "Everyone cheated. There were rules but we didn't follow them. It's like driving down the road. If I know there are no police, I'm going to speed." - In Japan, widespread black market trading in bluefin tuna has occurred since at least the mid-1980s. - As regulations tighten in the European Union, less-regulated fishing fleets from North African nations and Turkey are taking up where the European fleets left off. - Sea ranches, where bluefin are fattened to increase their value (see video below on how this is done) are at the center of falsifying data. Many ranches underreport how many fish they have and when caught fake releasing the fish. - And it really just goes downhill from there, ultimately leading to Japan, which consumes the overwhelming majority of bluefin tuna and where Mitsubishi owns 40% of the bluefin market--standing to make billions on the eventual (and at least right now, given the lack of will to ban trade in the fish, seemingly inevitable) extinction of bluefin. Responding to the report, Dr Sergi Tudela, Head of Fisheries at WWF Mediterranean said: No consumer, no business, no government, can be sure they are dealing with responsibly caught and traded bluefin tuna - the whole chain is tarnished. Decision-makers at ICCAT have the power to put a stop to this barbarity once and for all at their meeting in Paris later this month. There can be no more burying heads in the sand on this international scandal. Read the whole report: Looting the Seas: How Overfishing, Fraud, and Negligence Plundered the Majestic Bluefin Tuna Like this? Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. More on Bluefin Tuna: Mitsubishi Hopes to Profit From Bluefin Tuna Decline Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Will Be Gone By 2012 At Current Fishing Rates One-Fifth Of Juvenile Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Killed by BP Oil Spill
The Good Wife's Matt Czuchry on Cary's Return, Tension with Will and What's Next with Kalinda "Welcome back to the dark side." With those celebratory words from his former rival, Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies), one chapter closed and another re-opened for Cary Agos (Matt Czuchry) on The Good Wife. After spending two years working for the State's Attorney's Office, Cary was welcomed back to Lockhart & Gardner on Season 3's penultimate episode. Finale Preview: Get scoop on how your favorite shows are ending their seasons Cary may be returning to the same firm that once canned him, but he is no longer a naïve, shroom-taking lawyer fresh out of Harvard. "He has more confidence than arrogance," Czuchry tells TVGuide.com. "The experience that Cary has been through has definitely helped him gain a greater understanding, not only in his professional [life], but in his personal life. That can't help but translate into the work he's going to do and the dynamic he's going to bring into Lockhart & Gardner in Season 4." After engaging in a junior associate competition with Alicia during Season 1, Cary was dismissed in favor of his more connected co-worker. But instead of moving to a new city or going to another private firm, Cary went to bat for the firm's biggest opposition — and one of Alicia's greatest enemies: State's Attorney Glenn Childs (Titus Welliver). "It was supposed to be six episodes," Czuchry says. "[Cary] basically was able to show a window into that other side, which they enjoyed. That's why the writers kept it going for so long." Watch full episodes of The Good Wife What started out as a brief arc turned into Cary working for both Alicia's enemy as well as her husband, Peter (Chris Noth), which Czuchry lists as one of his favorite parts of Season 3. "There is a mutual understanding and a mutual respect that Peter and Cary developed," he says. "Cary looked out for Peter and Cary admitted he was wrong to Peter. There's definitely still potential for that relationship to continue." (But viewers won't learn why Peter was calling Cary at the end of the episode just yet. "That goes unanswered for the moment," Czuchry teases.) Cary's extended time away also allowed room for his delicate friendship with Kalinda (Archie Panjabi) to evolve into something much more complicated. "That relationship has always been fun to play and there's plenty of room to grow with those two," Czuchry says. "One of the great things about Cary having been gone for two seasons ... is that that really gives a lot of currency to the audience in building that history. In Season 2, we saw Cary protect Kalinda. But in Season 3, we saw Cary was also willing to do his job when he put her in jail. That's a pretty wide swath in terms of what their relationship has gone through. And now that they're both in the same place, that relationship has a lot of potential to be an exciting one for Season 4." The Good Wife: What is Alicia thinking? But the person Cary will have to worry about the most, it seems, is Will (Josh Charles), who Cary was forced to try to indict earlier this season. "Will and Cary are first and foremost good at their jobs and they're also both very ambitious people," Czuchry says. "In the first season, it was probably a pipe dream to think that Cary would get that junior associate position, but now with two years of cases on the other side, that is no longer a pipe dream. That really gives Cary a certain weight that he didn't have in Season 1, and I think that's bound to cause some tension for a little bit." Cary's ambition is something to which Czuchry can relate. In addition to his long hours in the courtroom, the actor has been keeping busy off-set with his first book, Brothers On Life, which he co-wrote with his brother, psychology professor Dr. Mike Czuchry. "My weekends for the past 10 months have been spent writing this book and hiring editors and graphic designers," Czuchry says. "My brother and I have always loved storytelling, but we've written individually. Last June, it just felt like the right time." That passion for storytelling is what makes Czuchry excited to explore the repercussions of Cary's return next season. "With Cary coming back to the firm, you create different windows and different dynamics with everyone," Czuchry says. "There's so much history because Cary worked with those characters and also worked against them. It creates a whole new dynamic not only in the firm itself, but just with each of those individual relationships." The Good Wife season finale airs Sunday at 9/8c on CBS.
|Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York| Secretary-General Urges Nigerian State Governors to Address Unemployment-Driven Instability, Ensure Better Health-Care Access for Women, Children Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery at a breakfast meeting with the Governors’ Forum in Abuja, Nigeria, 24 May: It is wonderful to be here in Nigeria — my first visit to this country as Secretary-General. As you know, I am here to learn more about your challenges and achievements in the field of public health — and specifically on women’s and children’s health. But first, let me begin with a few words on the recent elections. This was an important test for the country and the continent. This year, Africa will see more than 20 presidential elections. Properly managed, transparent elections can ease tensions and build accountable institutions. But they also entail risks. We saw in Côte d’Ivoire what can happen when the will of the people is ignored. Thanks in large part to Nigeria’s strong leadership, your West-African neighbour now has a freely and legitimately elected President. Here in Nigeria, domestic and international observers agree that your recent elections marked a significant step forward. I congratulate you. However, I am aware that some observers and some political parties have raised concerns. I hope all electoral disputes will be addressed in a peaceful and transparent manner. I am deeply disturbed by the level of violence, particularly in the northern states, and I am concerned by the periodic ethnic and religious violence that affects parts of the country. The underlying reasons are many and complex. I know that all of you are on the front lines as you try to address these challenges. But let me highlight one factor that is common across many developing countries: namely the high numbers of unemployed and often undereducated youth. This, I believe, is a major contributor to unrest and instability, and needs to be addressed to support your Nigeria’s development and security. Let me now turn to the broader issue of development. In many countries, in many areas, we are seeing great headway on the Millennium Development Goals. The glaring gap is on Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 — women’s health and children’s health. Yet, it is precisely in these areas that we can make a huge impact across the goals — for individuals and communities, for nations and economies. Health systems that work for women and children are health systems that work for all. This is why I launched a global “Every Woman, Every Child” initiative. Every Woman, Every Child is designed to support the Global Strategy on Women’s and Children’s Health — agreed last year by all the world’s leader. But this is more than a piece of paper. More than $40 billion in commitments have been made by Governments, international organizations, philanthropic institutions, civil society and the private sector. This is new momentum, and a new way of doing business. You here in this room will be at the heart of success here in Nigeria. You have one of the highest rates of maternal and child mortality in the world. But it does not need to be so. Your commitment to fully funding your health programmes by allocating increased resources is essential. As state Governors, you are central to supporting and implementing the Government’s health plans. I assure you today of the continued support of United Nations. We have a strong interest in your success. You will be joined with new commitment, new partners, new money and new momentum in this heroic endeavour. You are already integrating services for maternal, newborn and child health, with programmes on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and nutrition. You are strengthening health management information systems and increasing the number of core service providers, including community health workers and midwives. These efforts are bearing fruit. Yesterday, I visited a primary health-care centre at Dutse Makaranta. I saw how more and better trained midwives are helping more women give birth safely to healthy children. We need to translate such successes across all Nigeria’s states. As state leaders, you can make this happen. The ground-breaking Community Health Insurance Scheme of the Kwara State government is another hopeful example. This unique initiative offers comprehensive health care to all people, year-round, at a modest cost. It is accomplished through cooperation among the Government, traditional rulers, the private sector and donors. This is exactly the kind of innovative partnership that we should replicate — here in Nigeria and beyond. I thank Dr. Bukola Saraki for his exemplary efforts and visionary leadership. I welcome your commitment to the 2009 Partnership Declaration on Health — Nigeria’s own “MDG Countdown Strategy” — and your robust result-oriented state health plans. These are all encouraging steps. But much more can be done. In particular, I urge you to remedy the gap between the provision of health infrastructure and the quality of service. Address inequities in accessing care and ensure that funding for women’s and children’s health is available and smoothly disbursed throughout the country. Make commodities, drugs and supplies more readily available. I urge you, too, to work towards equal participation of women and men in public life. This will go a long way to improving women’s and children’s health. I also encourage you to expand the successful midwives service scheme, and deploy community health extension workers to rural areas. This would enable us to reach all women, even in the most remote communities, so all women and children in Nigeria get equal and adequate care. Let me close by making an appeal on polio. You have made tremendous progress the past year. Polio cases are down by 95 per cent. But, if we let our guard down for a minute, polio can spring back. We cannot let this happen. Let us eradicate this crippling disease once and for all. Northern Nigeria is one of the last reservoirs of the virus. Traditional and religious leaders, headed by the Sultan of Sokoto and his Emirs, have provided exemplary support for the eradication programme. But we need your political support for final success. I urge you to make polio eradication a priority. You control local government budgets. You can ensure that local authorities provide the material, financial and technical support the vaccination programme needs. Furthermore, eradicating polio provides an entry point to strengthening primary health care across the board. As elected representatives of the people, you have the health of the children and the women of your states in your hands. I have outlined some areas where you can achieve success — supporting polio vaccination, improving primary health care, providing health safety nets. There are more. Half of Nigerians lack access to safe drinking water. Malnutrition is extensive among children under five. Providing clean water, food and nutrition security and adequate sanitation will make a vast contribution to women’s and children’s health. You have many challenges in reaching the Millennium Development Goals. But I know — you know — that no obstacle is too great if the will is there. I assure you, the United Nations will continue to support your efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and build a stable and prosperous Nigeria. I thank you for your leadership, and for your kind invitation today. * *** *For information media • not an official record
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Justice Rivera (former A&R, Undeas Records, owned by Lance “Un” Rivera): As we were creating Junior M.A.F.I.A around Big, other rappers were always coming to us ’cause we were working at [Daddy-O] studio in the neighborhood. Kim came through. She had rapped for Biggie before. We found out that she was nice and he was gonna bring her into Junior M.A.F.I.A. Jacob York (former president, Undeas Records): Big thought having two girls would work. So Foxy Brown was a part of the original plan for Junior M.A.F.I.A. I didn’t think they would get along, and I immediately thought Kim could be a star. The first time I heard her rap, we were on St. James Place, and she spit in a cipher. She had this very masculine, raspy voice. I thought, That voice is coming out of that tiny little girl? Missy Elliott (rapper/producer): I thought I would be meeting some 7’4” chick, because her rap voice was so strong. She came up to my neck in high heels, and I’m only 5’2”. DJ Clark Kent (producer): [Junior M.A.F.I.A’s] “Player’s Anthem” was the first song Kim was on. Was I blown away? Big wrote the song entirely. But I was blown away by her performance. Lil’ Cease: She’d put her hand over the mic in a certain way so that her voice would be extra deep. I remember Big told her not to do that. He said, “I want niggas to drool over you. Don’t be too hard.” Glenn “Daddy-O” Bolton (producer and owner of Daddy-O Studio): Kim sounded like a boy. I thought that was dope. We did this [demo] record, “Coming From the East Side,” where she talks about her pops kicking her out at 16. By “Player’s Anthem,” she sounded like a girl. I said, “Big, you changed up her voice.” He said, "It’s all in the plan, D.” DJ Clark Kent: Lil’ Kim was created. She was told exactly who to be: “You are going to be a pretty little Biggie.”
If you’re into the hip trendy scene, this place is for you. It’s a restaurant and lounge complete with live DJ’s, and a bar in the basement. The dining area walls are white and you sit on beds – very sexy. The theme changes from week to week, and different images are projected onto the walls depending on the theme. The food is tasty, though like any trendy restaurant, the portions are small and the dishes are overpriced. Yet the crowd, including those who had not passed out after a few hits of their favorite smoke, was surprisingly unpretentious. The cozy bar below is decorated in a similar style complete with mirrors and couches instead of beds. The supperclub is definitely an experience. You must be there at half seven in the evening. You are brought into a bar area which is all red. Behind this area is an all-white room where all the diners sit having their drinks. At eight on the nose the host comes down to the bar and announces that we are all to go to the dining area. You enter a large white room with two levels of beds along each side. Everyone removes their shoes and is shown to their bed. The menu is set but is amazing. We had a beautiful salad followed by a mushroom soup with prawns. This was followed by a small grilled tuna steak and then later by rack of lamb. Finally there was a berry crumble with ice-cream. all very tasty and all for €60. The service was great. we all agreed that it was a night to remember. There was a dj playing music all night. Also theer was a massseuse wandering about giving massage for half an hour for €15. Supperclub is amazing because everyone arrives at the same time so there is a great atmosphere from the start. I would recommend this place for anyone looking for a cool evening out with a difference. If you have a sizable budget, enjoy relaxing electronic music, sumptuous 5 course meals, good wine, and getting massaged while you sample all of the above- THE SUPPERCLUB will blow you away. It is lined with wall to wall BEDS- yes that's right- BEDS. Reclining on pillows, chilling to beats, eating great fixed menu food off a silver tray, and having your back rubbed by the gorgeous staff- OOOHHHH its heaven. Don't kid yourself though, like everything else that's great about Amsterdam, this is not a cheap experience. I would recommend making a reservation beforehand, and while I thought it was members only on Saturdays, I was able to make a reservation on their website last time I was there. Check beforehand. Favorite Dish: The music. Plus the menu changes every week. Blink as you are looking for this place and you will totally miss it. On a side street concealed behind a entrance that would rival the most pretentious of gentlemens clubs in London lies one of the most unique places I have ever been to in my life. As you enter a host will lead you downstairs to a bar closely resembling a warmth and darkness last experienced inside the womb (in a nice way, rather then a freaky way) You will then be shown to your 'table' where the evenings festivities begin....expect some entertainment, ours was in the form of a seven foot man dressed as a tulip! You have to reserve for this place, and then confirm your booking on the day...this can be done on the website or by phone Favorite Dish: The menu is a set 5 course meal that was absolutely superb....a fusion of meat and fish that was cooked perfectly and provided just the right amount of food to feel full within feeling uncomfortable (A very real possibility when eating lying down) Vegetarian option is also available for the same price €50 per person excluding drinks An ususal dinner experience, that's what owner Bert van der Leden calls his place. This is far more than just a restaurant. Food, music, performances, art and the staff guarantee all your senses will be tickled. Supperclub started as wild parties. The present club is more streamlined, but tends to hold the old underground vibes. Before visiting you have to become a member; see the website. good alternative to the original supper club, dj in the background, chilled out lounge sofas, open planned toilets with great views of the dam through the portholes! great for people watching, guests full of self importance but in a comical way (captain's of industry!) an experience, a full night out, boat set off at around 7-8 & re-dock's at around midnight. Favorite Dish: no menu, the only choice you get is vegetarian or non-vegetarian! then over about four hours you are presented with up to seven courses! Combine a club and a restaurant and you get something like this. Dine reclining on a bed with pillows and listen to a DJ spin the hits. Hip atmosphere and hip crowd (hopefully) will make it an enjoyable night. Hours: Sunday - Thursday 20:00 - 1:00 Friday Saturdays open till 3:00. Stay in the lounge/bar until the restaurant opens. 65 Euros for the 5 course dinner. Favorite Dish: Menu changes from week to week. Lie down in this ship, order the surprise menu, listen to the dj, enjoy the artists and performers. With the large white room (the soft pillows are one-size-fits-all!), La Salle Neige, where you recline to dine. Le Bar Noir is on board too.
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Latest Joseph Items Jamie Boling and her husband, Joseph, know that providing for a military family can be trying — waiting for orders, often living on a single income, and, in especially tough cases, supporting a spouse wounded in the line of duty. During awards season, the short-film nominees are never given the same attention as the best picture contenders or the gossip about who’s wearing whom. Yet, brevity is an art and deserves a look. This week, catch screenings of the Academy Award nominees for the best live action, animated and documentary shorts at area movie theaters, where screenings will group the five nominees in each category together. We need more "G.I. Joes" in the White House, not "Joker Joes" like Vice President Joseph. R. Biden Jr., as seen earlier this month during the vice presidential debate. A full understanding of Maryland defensive end Joe Vellano does not stem from his quickness and savvy, though it is a defining trait for his success. With those pesky double-digit seeds out of the way, Georgetown and Georgia Tech look ready to compete Tuesday in the second round of the NCAA women's tournament. First, prosecutors showed a photo of Michael Jackson's pale and lifeless body lying on a gurney. Then, they played a recording of his voice, just weeks before his death.
|Border Material: Nylon||Collection: Sunflower Braid| |Construction: Machine tufted||CRI certified: Yes| |Fade Resistant: Yes||Material: 100% Nylon| |Mildew Resistant: Yes||Primary Pattern: Floral| |Product Care: Machine wash cold gentle cycle||Product Warranty: 2 years| |Stain Resistant: Yes||Swatch Available: Yes| |Technique: Tufted||Type of Backing: Latex backing| |Shape: Rectangle||Country of Manufacture: United States| Brumlow Mills Sunflower Braid Kitchen Rug Valerie from Bradford, IL– Verified Buyer Very attractive rugs at a good price. I'm happy! Tammy from NJ– Verified Buyer This is a good rug. The colors match the pictures. It looks nice. Bette Jo from Tennessee The rugs are a great quality I am very happy with them and very pleased with the price. They look great in my kitchen!
Can Drug-Coated Stents Beat Bypass? 3-Year Survival Similar for Drug-Coated Stent and Bypass, but Still Too Early to Tell April 19, 2007 - Complications and three-year survival rates are similar for heart patients treated with drug-coated stents and those treated with bypass surgery, a new study shows. But experts tell WebMD it's still too soon to tell whether study patients treated with drug-coated stents will get the same long-term benefits as those who undergo surgery. A trend toward the more frequent use of drug-coated stents -- in patients with more complex heart disease -- already has reversed Even so, the finding offers hope that some patients with seriously blocked arteries may be able to avoid open-chest surgery. The study compared outcomes for 799 patients treated with drug-coated stents to outcomes for 799 matched patients treated with coronary artery bypass grafts. The study, sponsored by stent maker Cordis J&J, included researcher James M. Wilson, MD, cardiology program director at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital and Texas Heart Institute in Houston. "When we look at an important outcome measure -- whether you live or die -- at three years the procedures look pretty similar," Wilson tells WebMD. "But we are still in the early days on this endpoint of survival." Drug-Coated Stents vs. Bypass Surgery Wilson notes that his team did an earlier study comparing bare-metal stents with bypass surgery. "In the first year of that study, it looked like you were better off with a stent than with a bypass," he says. "But at three years, it was a dead heat. And now, after nine years, it's clear that surgery was better for long-term survival. So here we are at three years for drug-coated stents vs. bypass -- now they look equal, but we reserve judgment." Nine percent of the drug-coated stent recipients died vs. 6.6% of those who had bypass surgery. Statistically speaking, these death rates are not significantly different. But it's an ominous trend, suggests Prediman K. Shah, MD, who is director of cardiology at the Atherosclerosis Research Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and professor of medicine at UCLA. "The three-year outcome is 9% of [stent] patients died -- almost 50% more than bypass patients who died," Shah tells WebMD. "So the trend is not in favor of drug-coated stents. ... I am not reassured by any of Another study finding surprised Wilson. Because they don't require surgery, stent procedures are supposed to be much safer than bypass surgery. But the study showed that patients who got drug-coated stents had at least as many complications as bypass patients. "When we tried to tackle the tougher patients -- those with greater risk, like the typical patient sent to bypass surgery -- our complication rate went up," Wilson says. "We can no longer say we are safer with stents than with bypass at the time of procedure." Shah and Wilson agree that early stent complications are much more likely in patients with more advanced, more complicated disease. Shah says such complications are unlikely when doctors use stents as approved by the FDA. Researchers presented the study today at the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Annual Conference in
well one never knows but if it eases your mind at all the baby doesn't get nutrition from the mother until around 6wks- since the pregnancy tests came up negative at that point then I think by the time that 6wk window comes CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY IN INDIAby nitinsyalEndoscopy is one of the most fascinating and fast growing fields of medicine which enables accurate... endoscopic visualization techniques. These include high-resolution endoscopy, magnifying or zoom endoscopy... I had my endoscopy this morning. I wanted to thank everyone for your comments, support, and prayers. I was nervous but also surprisingly calm and brought you all in the room... About Endoscopy .by Dr. Anshu GuptaEndoscopy is the visualization of the internal organs through the use of a flexible instrument... of the entire lining surface of the organ being examined. The term endoscopy refers to the inspection... Smile For the Endoscopy Camera!by I could do an endoscopy but I don't think I'm going to find anything." My husband wanted to know what he could find with an endoscopy. He gave us a few options like a stomach that's too small or a tumor or trouble swallowing... Endoscopy: Went Wellby Today I had an endoscopy . I've been taking Omeprazole (generic Prilosec) for a gastro issue...-term use requires an endoscopy to determine if the source of the problem and also because Omeprazole... I never did get around to blogging about the fact that I did have an endoscopy a couple... to my Transplant Coordinator, explaining to her how uncomfortable this was. She ordered the endoscopy.
BBC’s Torchwood Arrives on iTunes, Radio 4 - 11:49 PM The Doctor Who spinoff joins other BBC America programming on iTunes, including Little Britain — the sketch comedy show employing Doctor Who No. 4 Tom Baker as narrator. Meanwhile, an original Torchwood audio production is due on the BBC’s Radio 4. The 45-minute show, airing as Radio 4′s Afternoon Play, will star the voices of regular cast members John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth David-Lloyd and Freema Agyeman. The audio show will follow the events of the Torchwood season-two finale.
Pat Lam believes Wales could cause an upset against the All Blacks Last Updated: 17/11/12 1:36pm Pat Lam looks on as Samoa beat Wales on Friday night Pat Lam believes Wales should not be written off as no-hopers against New Zealand next weekend. Lam, captain when Samoa defeated Wales in Cardiff 13 years ago and now their technical adviser, watched the Islanders topple the Grand Slam champions 26-19 on Friday night. That left Wales facing a probable autumn Test series whitewash, with New Zealand and Australia to come on successive weekends, on the back of conceding 52 points to Argentina and Samoa, while scoring just one try. They have not beaten the All Blacks since 1953, suffering 24 successive defeats. While New Zealand remain the game's dominant force, Wales are now clinging on to a place in world rugby's top eight. "No-one is going to give them (Wales) a chance whatsoever next week, and rightly so, because New Zealand are number one and Wales have lost the last few games. But that is the challenge of rugby and sport. You are up against it, but you never write off any team." "No-one is going to give them (Wales) a chance whatsoever next week, and rightly so, because New Zealand are number one and Wales have lost the last few games," Lam said. "But that is the challenge of rugby and sport. You are up against it, but you never write off any team." As for Friday's win at the Millennium Stadium, Lam added: "This is really special for us. I talked to the boys about 1991 and how we opened the gate to international rugby for Samoan rugby back then, and to present the jerseys to the players on Thursday night was very emotional for me. "I think everyone in the past talked about us taking Wales by surprise when we beat them. "But they lost last week to Argentina, and there was no reason for them not to be up for it. It was an important game for them, so it is pretty special for us to win like we did." "Samoa is not a team about fame and fortune, it's not about money. Boys, given where they are based in the world, actually lose money when they come to play for Samoa. We are a people's team. "We showed the boys a video of all the people back home in Samoa, and all the little kids, during our build-up, and it was quite emotional. It just reminded everyone of who we are."
The No. 2-seeded Gonzaga Bulldogs faced off against the BYU Cougars in the semifinals of the 2012 WCC Tournament in Las Vegas on Saturday night. In a bit of an anticlimax, the Bulldogs had little trouble dispatching their opponents and will head to the championship game following a victory. The Bulldogs jumped out to an early lead and by the time halftime rolled around, they were up by 12 points, 38-26. The Gonzaga Bulldogs will now head to the WCC Tournament final on Monday night. They will have a chance to exact revenge on the St. Mary's, Calif. Gaels, who snapped the Zags' streak of first-place seasons. The Gaels, of course, will be trying to prove that they are, indisputably, the top team in the conference.
JORDAN VINEYARD & WINERY CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY IN DALLAS Nearly 250 local tastemakers, wine lovers and art aficionados turned out in downtown Dallas for two days of celebration in honor of Jordan Vineyard & Winery’s 40th anniversary, reveling in rare vintage tastings and an inventive art competition event awarding $8,000 in cash to local artists. 4 on 4 Dallas Art Competition Exhibition A family-owned winery well-known in Texas for its food-friendly Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon, Jordan kicked off its 40th birthday festivities in Texas with the 4 on 4 Dallas Art Competition, part of a coast-to-coast, four-city initiative to marry the distinct flavors of metropolitan cities with the essence of Jordan wines and Sonoma wine country. RISING Gallery on Jackson Street, owned by Bryan and Taber Wetz, hosted the Dallas-Fort Worth call to entries, culminating in a one-night-only public exhibition and Jordan wine tasting, which was hosted by D Magazine, and presented 20 stunning works of art that highlighted diverse painting techniques and talents—and featured distinctively Dallas elements, from the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge and Reunion Tower to cowboy boots and horses. The event took place April 24 with approximately 150 guests in attendance—local Jordan wine fans, D subscribers, art aficionados, local tastemakers and the artists themselves. Guests sipped on 2009 Jordan Chardonnay and 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon paired with delicious hors d’oeuvres (coconut-crusted lobster tail skewers, Texas goat cheese truffles, beef kabobs, shaved tenderloin on crostini) by Doug Boster Catering. The panel of expert judges for the competition included Dawn Neufeld, a star on VH1’s “Football Housewives”; Peter Simek, arts editor for D Magazine; Susan Roth Romans, owner and curator at Ro2 Art; Veletta Lill, executive director of Dallas Arts District; Cris Worley, director of Cris Worley Fine Arts; and James Beard Award-nominated chef and restaurateur Kent Rathbun. The anticipation was palpable as the judges handed in their top three choices. The grand award winner of the 4 on 4 Art Dallas was artist Todd Ford, an oil painting specialist whose style is similar to photorealism. Ford personally took his reference photo versus using stock photography. It took, “LOTS of trial and error with exposure and shutter speed,” Ford says. According to the artist, the “Jordan” tie-in is obvious; the “Dallas” tie-in is a little less so. “I included a portion of the Dallas skyline in the wine.” Ford won $5,000, and his work of art will be transformed into a limited-edition piece for Jordan’s loyal Dallas fan base. First runner-up honors went to contemporary artist Douglas Winters, who considers his two great passions art and nature. “In this work, I endeavor to cultivate an intimate bond between Jordan Winery in Alexander Valley, California, and Dallas, Texas, by partnering natural and architectural details, color and definition of space, thus uniting the elements into an embracing relationship,” Winters says. “The composition displaces the typical chateau on the wine bottle with the skyline of Dallas, Texas. The chateau is then transformed into the distinguished focal point of the work. This arrangement ties the symbiotic relationship together by incorporating the Jordan wine bottle with the chimney of the chateau, as if they were one.” Winters was presented a check in the amount of $2,000. Artist Leighton Autrey took home the second-runner up prize of $1,000. Twenty-seven-year-old Autrey is a graffiti-based artist who was recruited to play Major League Baseball but his mother’s battle with skin cancer steered him toward an artistic passion closer to home. Autrey brought his urban technics within the undertones of his painting. For the competition, he chose to focus on a more poster-like composition and created a “WOW” effect with the size of his work, a 48”x 60” acrylic on canvas. His Dallas skyline was implemented into a “pouring of the wine effect” over his graffiti undertones in a hot pink, sophisticated, final masterpiece. Patrons got to vote for their favorites as well. The People’s Choice went to Steve Hamilton, a 27-year-old artist who used an intricate spray paint and stencil technique to make a stunning black-and-white painting featuring quintessential cowboy boots and a bottle of Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon. 4 on 4 Dallas Art Competition Entries: At the 4 on 4 Dallas Top 20 event, RISING Gallery worked with the artists to set a price of $950 for any work of art purchased the evening of the event. John Jordan and his staff, who said they were “blown away” by the talent in Dallas, personally purchased four paintings themselves. The remaining artwork from the show will be available for purchase at the event price through April 30. For more information, please email Bryan or Taber Wetz at email@example.com or call 214-559-4158. 40th Anniversary Retrospective Tasting & Luncheon On April 25, 25 customers, distributors, media and friends retreated to The Joule Hotel penthouse suite for retrospective wine tasting of Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon hosted by Winemaker Rob Davis and CEO John Jordan. Davis, who has crafted every vintage of Jordan, engaged guests with his vivid descriptions of each vintage (inaugural 1976, 1981, 1998, 1999, 2002, a 2005 super blend never released to public, 2008)—most bottles pulled from John Jordan’s private cellar. 40th Anniversary Rooftop Party The third and final component was an exclusive poolside cocktail party at the uber-chic Poule at The Joule, also held on April 25. Nearly 100 guests mingled as they sipped on Jordan wines, including a six-liter bottle of 1979 Jordan Cabernet, a three-liter bottle of the 2001 vintage and previews of the 2010 Jordan Chardonnay and 2008 Jordan Cabernet, which release nationally on May 1. Guests indulged in delectable hors d’oeuvres by Charlie Palmer at The Joule, such as salmon tartare, smoked short rib fritters, lamb meatballs and melon skewers, as well as an array of Sonoma cheeses selected by Jordan’s Executive Chef Todd Knoll. John Jordan and the Jordan staff greeted party-goers, which comprised Glazers Distributors management, restaurateurs, retailers, sommeliers, media, Jordan Estate Rewards members and local movers-and-shakers. In addition, the winning artists were recognized again and displayed their works for party guests. The grand finale of Jordan Winery’s two-month-long 40th anniversary celebration will be hosted at the winery in Healdsburg on June 2: Giving Back at Jordan, an unprecedented philanthropic event leveraging the Causes.com social giving platform and benefiting three Bay Area charities. Don’t miss our other 40th anniversary celebration highlights from Miami, New York and Los Angeles.
Snow storms – especially those that leave behind more than 5 feet of powder in a week’s time – allow for conditions we all dream of. The conditions are amplified by the early-morning sounds and sights at Alpine. Who doesn’t love the sweet alarm clock of avalanche control, or the barking chatter of happy patrol dogs as they gallop through the powder? The sunrise at Alpine Meadows is something everyone should see, especially after storm clouds break to reveal a crystal clear, cloudless powder day. Here are some photos from today that anyone can appreciate.
Their plight reminds me of a boy called Maror Bol. He was about 13 years old when I met him in Sudan. Maror was in similar dire straits and was also robbed. He also taught me one of the most important lessons of my life. In 1998, bad weather and factional fighting had provoked a famine in Southern Sudan. Maror had walked about 50 miles to reach a World Vision feeding center for malnourished children -- located at a rough camp in the middle of nowhere. I spoke to Maror as he joined a line to register for assistance. He explained that his brother had kicked him out, saying there was not enough food to go around. So he took a long walk across Sudan’s parched landscape to see if he could get assistance. When I saw him, he had not eaten for days and was naked. He is the only person I have ever met who had absolutely nothing. Technically, Maror did not meet the criteria for assistance at our feeding center, which was designed to feed pregnant women and children under age 5. But we felt compelled to have him admitted. So Maror sat with the other moms and their babies and received a large cup of UNIMIX -- a nutritious porridge. He also received a bag of dry UNIMIX to take away with him. 13-year-old Maror Bol. ©1998 World Vision The next day, I hopped on a small plane to return to Nairobi, Kenya, which was then the headquarters for World Vision’s operations in Sudan. I had seen hundreds of starving children, but Maror stuck in my mind. Other children had moms to look after them, but Maror had no one. I bought him a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and some flip-flops. I wanted him to know there was one person who cared about him. I sent the parcel of clothes for Maror via cargo plane to our staff working in the field where I met him. It was a month or two before I could return to the center to find out what happened to Maror. I was told that he had returned the day after I had first seen him. He had been in great distress. After he had left the center on that first day, he wandered some distance away, found somewhere to sleep on the ground, and used his bag of UNIMIX as a pillow. That night, someone snatched the bag from under his head and ran off. Maror was inconsolable. Though our staff replaced the food, Maror never again came back and never got the clothes I sent. The life-changing lesson Maror taught me that day was that most of my own troubles are relatively minor. It's something I need to keep reminding myself of on a daily basis. Right now, I’m involved in a protracted legal dispute connected to the cost of repairs for a condominium I own. If things go badly, I could lose an awful lot of money -- something that might cause my family to suffer financial hardship for several years. The problem has been at the top of my prayer list for weeks. But should I be worried? My children could miss out on some luxuries, but they will not starve. When we see how relatively small our problems are, they cease to be the giants that we make them out to be. For today, I’m going to lay off primarily praying about my legal problems for awhile -- except perhaps as an afterthought. Instead, I’ll devote myself to praying for the thousands facing hunger in the Horn of Africa. No matter what problems you face at the moment -- legal, financial, marital -- perhaps Maror’s story can persuade you to join me. And, who knows? You might just find that the Lord takes care of those other little things that are troubling you as well. or text "FAMINE" to 20222 to give a $10 donation.
By S. Thomas Coleman For the AJC Here are three big games on Friday, along with five more worth keeping an eye on. Pace Academy (4-2, 1-1) at No. 4 Landmark Christian (7-0, 3-0). Coming off of a bye week, the Knights will try to spoil homecoming in downtown Fairburn and keep their Region 5 title hopes alive. After a blistering 3-0 start, Pace dropped two in a row to First Presbyterian Day in Macon and Our Lady of Mercy in Fayetteville, but righted the ship two weeks ago with a 40-0 thumping of Strong Rock. The Knights are led by Stanford-bound DB/RB Denzel Franklin and 6-foot-4 WR Kameron Uter, along with junior QB Kevin Johnson. Landmark beat up on Strong Rock last week, 34-12. The War Eagles are looking to remain unbeaten to set up an epic clash with No. 1 Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy in the season finale Nov. 8. Landmark is led by sophomore QB Stockton McGuire and senior LB/FB William Higbie. Landmark won last season, 38-12. Dooly County (4-2, 3-0) at No. 7 Marion County (6-0, 3-0). After a rough 0-2 start, Dooly County, the defending public school runner-up, has reeled off four straight wins with the defense leading the charge. The Bobcats are allowing just 6 points per game during the winning streak. Marion County’s defense has been stout this season as well, yielding an average of just 7 points per game with two shutouts. The winner will most likely be the Region 4 champion, and earn an automatic spot in the public school playoffs. Marion County won last year’s game, 12-7. Athens Academy (4-2, 2-1) at Commerce (4-3, 2-1). Both teams have already lost to No. 6 Prince Avenue Christian, and so the Region 8 championship is most likely by the boards. Commerce appears to be returning to form after a rough couple of seasons. The Tigers battled PAC last week but gave up too many big plays – three touchdowns of over 50 yards – and eventually succumbed to the Wolverines, 28-14. Athens Academy needs a win to increase its power ranking points. The Spartans currently sit at No. 14, with the top 16 advancing to the state playoffs. Athens Academy was dominated by PAC , 41-7, back on Oct. 4. The Spartans beat Commerce last season, 45-7, en route to a undefeated regular season and the Region 8 title. Region 2: No. 10 Clinch County (3-3, 2-0) at Wilcox County (2-4, 1-2) Region 3: Treutlen (3-3, 2-1) at No. 5 Johnson County (6-0, 1-0) Region 5: Our Lady of Mercy (2-4, 2-1) at No. 1 Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy (5-0, 2-0) Region 6: No. 9 Mt. Paran Christian (5-1, 2-0) at Fellowship Christian (4-2, 1-1) Region 7: Wilkinson County (3-3, 2-0) at No. 2 Aquinas (6-0, 3-0)
Fridah Mugo and her 13 siblings grew up in a farming family in rural Kenya, where the majority of young girls are not expected to finish primary school. But, in 1999, with a scholarship provided by Winrock International’s African Women Leaders in Agriculture and the Environment program (AWLAE), she was able to complete her PhD in Natural Resources Policy and Management. Now, with an education and AWLAE’s Leadership for Change training, Mugo is working to address the problem of devastating deforestation in Kenya where only 2 percent of the country is forested—in the 1950’s one third of Kenya was covered in trees. She provides extension services to rural communities dependent on wood burning cookers. Training women to make and use new and alternative energy sources, such as fireless cookers (reed baskets lined with cloth that can be quickly heated on fires to slowly cook food over the course of an entire day, reducing the need for firewood), Mugo is helping prevent the loss of more forest and improving livelihoods. (See also: Reducing the Things They Carry) She also lobbies for women’s participation in agricultural development projects in Kenya and other African countries, and founded an education program for young girls, enabling dozens of girls to attend and complete primary school. But in Kenya and most of sub-Saharan Africa, Mugo’s achievements as a woman are the exception, not the rule. “Women hold their families and country together. The problem is they have no decision-making power and lack access to resources and education. Those who do have resources can make a huge difference,” says Mugo. Since its start in 1989, AWLAE has presented 570 women with scholarships for advanced studies, helped over 50,000 young girls gain access to primary education, and provided training to more than 100,000 farmers. The program also provides a network, connecting scholarship and training recipients to each other for support and to exchange knowledge and experiences. And this support is just as important as the education itself because, according to Mugo, “women are brought up to listen. You’re not supposed to talk. At the training, they taught us that we could achieve anything.” And, according to a growing number of voices in the global agriculture community, when women are allowed to strive to achieve anything, it is their families and the wider community that benefit. To read more about how empowering women can alleviate hunger and poverty, see also: Feeding Communities By Focusing on Women, Women Farmers Are Key to Halving Global Hunger by 2015, and Panelists Call for Women’s Important Role in Alleviating Global Hunger to be Reflected in Agriculture Funding. - Innovation of the Week: Homegrown Solutions to Alleviating Hunger and Poverty - Innovation of the Week: School Feeding Programs Improve Livelihoods, Diets, and Local Economies - More Agricultural Funding Needed to Eradicate Global Hunger and Poverty - Innovation of the Week: Providing an Agricultural Answer to Nature’s Call - Innovation of the Week: Reducing the Things They Carry - Innovation of the Week: Slow and Steady Irrigation Wins the Race - Innovation of the Week: Reducing Wastewater Contamination Starts with a Conversation - Innovation of the Week: Turning the School Yard into a Classroom
Conference: Space on the Elizabethan Stage, 1576-1599 @ University of Leeds March 6, 2012 § Leave a Comment Conference date: Friday 30th March; Registration deadline: Friday 16th March registration is now open for the conference ‘Space on the Elizabethan Stage, 1576-1599′, which will take place at the University of Leeds on Friday 30th March. Please see the attached conference programme for full details. Please register to attend this conference through the University of Leeds online store by Friday 16 March: http://store.leeds.ac.uk/browse/product.asp?compid=1&modid=1&catid=385. There is a modest conference charge of £7, reduced to £5 for members of the Society for Renaissance Studies, which will cover the cost of lunch and tea/coffee during the day (excluding the after-conference dinner). Details of travel can be found at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/info/20014/about/157/how_to_find_us. If you have any further queries, please contact the conference organisers Dr Laurence Publicover and Dr Chloe Preedy at firstname.lastname@example.org.
The US Government recently invited designers and developers to redesign the patient health record. The goal of the Health Design Challenge was to improve the presentation and usability of the record currently used by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other groups. Over 230 entries were submitted. The winning entries used dynamic content, informative graphics and, of course, plain language. The VA health record definitely needs a makeover. It’s a plain text file that provides a laundry list of the patient’s medical data. But it doesn’t explain why the patient needs to take certain medications or what their lab results mean. And it doesn’t provide additional information that would help the patient, caregiver or doctor manage the patient’s health. How did the winning entries use plain language to make the health record more effective? They eliminated jargon, used simple English and wrote short sentences. The first place winner for best overall design, Nightingale by gravitytank, made the content understandable and kept it simple. As they stated on their entry: “Each test and result is explained in plain English.” All of the winning entries provided clear instructions that a patient or caregiver can easily understand and follow. The new patient health record will combine elements of several of the entries. This gives the VA a chance to improve their “plain language” grade. (The Department received an F on the first Plain Writing Act report card released by the Center for Plain Language.) Will the new health record designs with their focus on plain language help them the VA get a passing grade? We certainly hope so. You can view the winning entries at Health Design Challenge. By Ellen Buttolph A recent article in the New York Times profiled Josh Reich, a software engineer and founder of Simple, a new online banking start-up. The company has joined the growing ranks of start-ups disrupting business as usual in the banking and health care industries. “Banks make money by keeping customers confused,” Mr. Reich said. In response, Simple and others are hoping to attract customers with… clarity. Simple lets customers search their accounts with plain English commands like “Show me how much I spent on dinner last month in Portland,” or “Show me how much money I spent on gifts in December.” Customers can see transactions plotted on a map or search for all transactions in a particular state or country, something that would be difficult with a traditional bank. (more…) Our colleague, Cynthia Baur, plain language lead at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just posted some new tools you might find useful. They can help large, complex organizations like government agencies make plain language everyday practice. We all know how easy it is for broadcast emails, memos and other notices to get lost in the workday flow of information. (more…) Is your peanut butter safe? Is it safe to order drugs online? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates products that we use everyday – food, human and animal drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices, vaccines, tobacco – the list sometimes seems endless. The FDA shares information about these products every day, so it’s essential that they write clearly so you can understand and use their information easily to protect your health. (more…) Joe Kimble, professor of law at Thomas M. Cooley Law School, has just finished his long awaited new book, Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please: The Case for Plain Language in Business, Government, and Law. Carolina Academic Press, which also published his earlier book Lifting the Fog of Legalese, is the publisher. The book sets out the elements of plain language, debunks the 10 biggest myths about it, summarizes 40 historical highlights, and summarizes 50 (no less) studies on the benefits of plain language for everyone–readers, writers, businesses, and government agencies. At last, consumers will have a “Summary of Benefits and Coverage” as a standardized, plain language tool to understand their health plans. Under a rule announced last week by HHS, health insurers are now required to provide consumers with clear, consistent, and comparable summary information. Here’s the link: Testing by Consumers’ Union showed that consumers could use the standardized health information, but the two scenarios about having a baby and treating Type 2 diabetes gave them a better sense of what was covered and the value of health insurance. These scenarios, formatted much like the Nutrition Facts label with plain language a key component, show consumers what proportion of the cost of care a health insurance policy or plan would cover and will help consumers compare across health plans they are considering. One test participant talked about the scenarios as “putting furniture in an empty house” so she could see how she would “live” in the policy. “All consumers, for the first time, will really be able to clearly comprehend the sometimes confusing language insurance plans often use in marketing,” said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “This will give them a new edge in deciding which plan will best suit their needs and those of their families or employees.” The new explanations, which will be available beginning, or soon after, September 23, 2012, will be a critical resource for the roughly 150 million Americans with private health insurance today. Stakeholders as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and a working group composed of health insurance-related consumer advocacy organizations, health insurers, health care professionals, patient advocates including those representing people with limited English proficiency, and others helped to develop the Summary and scenarios. The Center for Plain Language wrote a letter to OMB to support the approval of this important plain language document. Let us know how you like the Summary! by Deborah. S. Bosley This week, I’ll be discussing two new initiatives that could require health information to comply with plain language standards: 1) health benefit information provided by insurance companies, and 2) a new form from the Department of Health and Human Services designed to make it easier to understand health information. Both initiatives are asking for public comment. (more…) by Joanne Locke On March 1, the Washington Post published an article by Sandra Boodman’s on the need for clear health communication: “When Understanding is Critical” She describes the some serious problems that can result when patients don’t understand how to comply with their doctor’s instructions. But she seems to be blaming the victim. Rather than point out how many people have different levels of literacy – such as 90 million at the basic and below basic skill level – it’s important to recognize that we ALL occasionally have difficulty understanding health information: especially when it affects us or someone we love. The past two weeks have been filled with news about the Center for Plain Language. The Wall Street Journal mentioned the Center or our ClearMark Awards in two articles: 1. JULY 6, 2010 Universal Precautions: A Model for Health Literacy? By Laura Landro A Healthwise interactive conversation on low back pain recently won an national award from the Center for Plain Language, a nonprofit that advocates the use of clear communication by businesses and government bodies. (more…) The last time you were in the hospital, did you quickly and nervously sign everything you were handed? Did you really understand that consent form, or the information on your medications, or your liability waiver, or any of the dozens of forms you have to sign when you’re hospitalized? If so, our third video, Dr. Doubletalk, should sound familiar. Blah, Blah, Blah, sign here. Don’t be bullied or scared by the hospital or by the authority of the doctor. You are in charge of your own medical interventions. (more…)
Ask Chris #46: What’s So Funny About Good Clean Fun? Here at ComicsAlliance, we value our readership and are always open to what the masses of Internet readers have to say. That’s every week, Senior Writer Chris Sims puts his comics culture knowledge to the test as he responds to your reader questions! Before we get started with this week’s round of questions, I’d like to announce a huge milestone for the Ask Chris column: Finally, after almost a year of doing this, I have my own theme song. It’s a dancy little number courtesy of The Ampersands (alias Aaron of Awesomed By Comics), and if you’re ready to get in the mood for some Q&A, you can listen to it right now! Q: What comics would you recommend for the prudish comic reader? Specifically, for someone who doesn’t like to read anything with blood, gore, sexual content, or bad language. Just because I don’t like offensive content doesn’t mean I’m looking for kiddie comics– I like something with a good, complex story. If you could help me find some comics that would match my tastes, I’d greatly appreciate it. — Bert, via email A: This has got to be one of the most complicated questions I’ve ever gotten, and I say that as someone who just last week spent a Thursday night juggling the variables of how the DC Universe matches up with the cast of My Little Pony. For starters, there’s the obvious trouble: Trying to figure out what someone else thinks is “offensive content” is like trying to order dinner for someone you don’t know, except it turns out they find certain vegetables to be morally reprehensible.I mean, I think it’s pretty clear that we can go ahead and throw the entire collected works of Garth Ennis out the window on this one, and while that knocks out my usual go-to recommendations of Preacher, Hitman and Punisher, it doesn’t really clarify just what qualifies as over the line. You say you don’t like blood, but are we talking about just limiting it to comics that don’t go for Evil Dead 2-esque fountains of the stuff being vomited by Red Lanterns (in which case, I’d tend to agree with you), or does even the presence of a Maxwell Lord Psychic Nosebleed knock a book like Justice League International out of the running? The same goes for sex. I consider something like Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Amanda Conner’s run on Power Girl, which doesn’t shy away from featuring an extremely busty heroine and a story about her being asked to repopulate an entire planet (which turns out to involve a giant space laser rather than any physical contact) to be a completely different use of sex in comics than, say, any given issue of Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose, but for you, they might both be too far. I mean, I’ve heard stories from retailer/blogger Mike Sterling about a customer who came to his shop and was scandalized by all the sex in Archie Comics. Yeah. All the sex. In Archie Comics. And as for language… Well, I’m a guy who managed to slip the phrase “bangable marmosets” into an article this week, so chances are, we’re going to have completely different ideas of what is and isn’t acceptable in polite company. My second problem is the limit you set by rejecting “kiddie comics.” I’m pretty sure I know what you mean — you want something with a little more depth than Super Friends and Super Hero Squad — but here’s the thing. Most all-ages comics are classified that way specifically because they don’t involve sex, violence, and swearing. And when you have creative teams that know how to work within those limitations, you can get some really great comics out of it. Case in point: Paul Tobin’s current run as writer of the Marvel Adventures Spider-Man series. This is a book that is clearly for kids, but like the best things geared towards younger readers, it doesn’t talk down to its audience, and ends up being something that actually lives up to being an all-ages book. Tobin’s stories — which actually began in #53 of the previous volume of MA Spider-Man, and which are conveniently collected in volumes called Thwip!, Amazing and Spectacular — are some of the best Spider-Man comics I’ve ever read, and coming at a time when the core Amazing Spider-Man title is better than it’s been in 20 years, that’s saying something. Each issue is a nicely done complete story, but there’s an overarching plot involving a bounty placed on Spider-Man’s head by a crime family, a romance with a new character named Chat, and even appearances by Chat’s best friend, a teenage Emma Frost. They’re beautifully constructed comics, and despite the stigma associated with being a kid’s book, they read less like something for kids and more like… well, like a really great story of Spider-Man as a teenager. And it’s hardly alone as far as sharp kids’ books go. The Batman Adventures series by Kelly Puckett and Mike Parobeck that came out to tie in with Batman: The Animated Series was unquestionably the best Batman comic of the ’90s. They were fun and clever, and while there was violence, it wasn’t anything more graphic than you’d see on the show. Admittedly, there was one issue — #3, with the Joker — that scared the heck out of me when I was 10, that was less because of the off-panel violence than the outright creepiness of the Joker, which is as it should be. And the more recent iteration of the series from 2003, by Ty Templeton and Rick Burchett, is very much along the lines of Marvel Adventures Spider-Man. And while we’re on the subject of great comics geared at younger readers, there’s one I’ll recommend all day long: The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, by Don Rosa: Life and Times, of course, is based on a Disney property, which means that it’s about as far from offensive content as you’re likely to find. Rosa even takes swipes at the increasingly grim-and-gritty world of super-hero comics in his notes for the collected edition, and I don’t want to put words in the guy’s mouth, but I came away with the idea that he was not a fan. Like the original Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge stories that it’s based on, Rosa’s story, an ambitious tale designed to colect every throwaway line Barks ever wrote about Scrooge’s past exploits and combine them into a chronicle of his rise to unimaginable wealth and his fall into the bitterness that reigns before he starts palling around with Donald and the Nephews, is pure adventure. It’s meticulously researched both to fit into the references in the Barks stories (which are all listed in the notes) and for actual historical accuracy — or as accurate as you can get with a talking duck that has three cubic acres of coins that he swims in like an otter. Either way, I have no qualms about recommending this one to anyone, as it’s one of the best comics of all time. Another one that often gets lumped in with kids’ books — and for good reason, even if it does have that elusive all-ages appeal — is Jeff Smith’s Bone. Honestly, I can’t imagine it’s likely that you haven’t heard of this one if you’re asking a question to this column, but on the off chance that you haven’t, it’s good stuff. Over the course of sixty issues — which I read when they were collected into the huge but reasonably priced One Volume edition — Bone turns from a cartoony gag strip about Moby Dick and cow races into a sweeping epic fantasy comic that just happens to star a trio of cartoon characters that fight alongside perfectly normal humans. Despite the fact that they’re ostensibly made for (and marketed with great success to) kids, Bone and Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck both fit all the criteria you listed: Complex, highly enjoyable stories with no graphic violence, no gore, and no sexual content. Unless, of course, you count Fone Bone’s crush on Thorn, but man. If there’s too much sex in Bone for your tastes, then I honestly don’t know what to tell you. But again, it’s not just limited to kids’ books, and I can easily think of a few great comics that are more or less prude-friendly, starting with one of my all-time favorites, Paul Grist’s Jack Staff. I’ve talked about my love for this comic quite a bit, but in addition to the innovative layouts, engaging plots, and consummate skill in juggling six or seven plotlines at once, Grist relies on a very old-school style of storytelling that goes for genuine surprise rather than shock. I can’t think of a single instance in the entire book of something that I’d consider to even be close to excessive violence, and Becky Burdock, Vampire Reporter, is probably the most modestly dressed leading lady in comics. And, incidentally, one of the best. Another one that I’ve talked about at length that meets the Good Clean Fun requirements: Thom Zahler’s Love and Capes. Unlike pretty much everything else that I’ve recommended, Love and Capes is a straight up comedy — specifically a romance that’s inspired just as much by TV sitcoms as it is by comic book super-heroes — but just because it’s meant to be funny doesn’t mean it’s not sharp, witty, and complex. Zahler hasn’t just developed his romantic leads into really well-written characters, but he’s also provided them with a rich cast of supporting players that help to provide some excellent stories. Finally, I’ve got one last recommendation, which is another solid candidate for Best Comic of All Time: Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo. Sakai’s been doing stories of his rabbit ronin for almost 25 years now, and they are absolutely phenomenal examples of true comic book craftsmanship that should be on everyone’s bookshelf. The only reason I’d hesitate to recommend them for this particular challenge is that, what with it being a book where a bunch of samurai are running around trying to kill each other with swords, it does get pretty violent. But even so, it’s not exactly the “blood and gore” type of violence. This, for instance, is about as graphic as things get on a normal basis: Now, there are a few times where you actually do see a spray of blood — I’m specifically thinking of a few scenes in volume 24, “Return of the Black Soul” — but it’s used sparingly, and when it does happen, it’s meant to indicate something in the story. And there’s plenty more out there too, from Mouse Guard to Mo-Bot High to Supergirl’s Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade to Chris Schweizer’s Crogan books to every Superman comic published in the ’60s, and while I like my content to be at least a little objectionable, there’s plenty out there that proves you can do a solid story that you can happily share with grandma. Well, your grandma, anyway. Mine is way into Punisher Max. Q: You have expressed your hatred for Kevin Smith’s Batman storyline, The Widening Gyre, a few times in this column, but I was wondering what your feelings were on his earlier story, Cacophony. — Reuben, via email A: It is equally terrible. Q: What would you say are the best issues with Dick Grayson as Batman? — @Metz77 A: Right now, Scott Snyder’s run on Detective Comics is absolutely phenomenal. Q: Are there any good Hugo Strange stories other than “Prey?” Legends of the Dark Knight’s given me a hankerin’. – Damon, via email A: Oh, totally. Check out Strange Apparitions, where Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers brought him back in the ’70s for the first time since the Golden Age, as well as Matt Wagner’s Batman and the Monster Men, a modernized retelling of that Golden Age story. It’s also going to be worth your while to pick up Monster Men‘s sequel, Batman and the Mad Monk. Hugo Strange isn’t in it, but they make one big story that’s probably the best Batman story set in the “Year One” timeline ever. Batman punches vampires. And that’s real. That’s all we have for this week, but if you’ve got a question you’d like to see Chris tackle in a future column, just put it on Twitter with the hashtag #AskChris, or send an email to firstname.lastname@example.org with [Ask Chris] in the subject line!
On Townhall yesterday Rudy Giuliani posted his "12 Commitments" to the American People. Here's #9: "I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges. America must reform its legal system. We need to eliminate nuisance lawsuits through “loser-pays” provisions. Tort reform can help us reduce costs passed on to the consumer, such as higher insurance premiums. Activist judges threaten to expand the power of the courts beyond the bounds established by the Constitution; we must reassert the proper balance."
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |Look up Bernese in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.| Bernese may also refer to: |This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
Habitat and Ecology IUCN Red List Assessment Red List Category Red List Criteria - Needs updating - 1994Endangered(Groombridge 1994) - 1990Endangered(IUCN 1990) - 1988Endangered(IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre 1988) - 1986Endangered(IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre 1986) Queen Alexandra's birdwing Queen Alexandra's Birdwing (Ornithoptera alexandrae) is the largest butterfly in the world. The species was named by Walter Rothschild in 1907, in honour of Alexandra of Denmark. The first European to discover the species was Albert Stewart Meek in 1906, a collector employed by Walter Rothschild to collect natural history specimens from Papua New Guinea. Although the first specimen was taken with the aid of a small shotgun, Meek soon discovered the early stages and bred out most of the first specimens. It is restricted to the forests of Oro Province in eastern Papua New Guinea. Though most authorities now classify this species in the genus Ornithoptera, it has formerly been placed in the genus Troides or Aethoptera. In 2001 the lepidopterist Gilles Deslisle proposed placing it in its own subgenus (which some writers have treated as a genus); he originally proposed the name Zeunera, but this is a junior homonym (with Zeunera Piton 1936 [Orthoptera]), and his replacement is Straatmana. For terms see External morphology of Lepidoptera. Female. Female Queen Alexandra's Birdwings are larger than males with markedly rounder, broader wings. The female can reach a wingspan of 31 cm (12.2 inches), a body length of 8 cm (3.2 inches) and a body mass of up to 12 grams (0.42 oz), all enormous measurements for a butterfly. The female has brown wings with white markings arranged as two rows of chevrons.The hindwings are brown with a submarginal line of centered yellow triangles.The body is cream-coloured and there is a small section of red fur on the brown thorax. Male. There is sexual dimorphism in this species. The wings are long with angular apices. They are iridescent bluish-green with a black central band. There is a pronounced sex brand. The underside is green or blue-green with black veins.Males are smaller than females.The abdomen is bright yellow. The wingspan of the males is approximately 20 cm, but more usually about 16 cm. A spectacular form of the male is form atavus, which has gold spots on the hind wings. Larvae of this species feed on the shell from which they hatched and then start to extract nutrients from pipe vines of the genus Pararistolochia (family Aristolochiaceae), including P. dielsiana and P. schlecteri. They feed initially on fresh foliage of the hostplants and their own eggs, ultimately ringbark the vine before pupating. Plants of the Aristolochiaceae family contain aristolochic acids in their leaves and stems. This is believed to be a potent vertebrate poison and is accumulated by larvae during their development. Adults feed at flowers providing a broad platform for the adults to land on, including Hibiscus. The female Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing lays about 27 eggs during its entire lifespan; this estimate was made by Ray Straatman by dissecting adult females. Newly emerged larvae eat their own eggshells before feeding on fresh foliage. The larva is black with red tubercles and has a cream-colored band or saddle in the middle of its body. The larvae always ringbark the host vine before moving onto adjacent leaves or vines to become a pupa, which is golden yellow or tan in colour with black markings. Male pupae may be distinguished by a faint charcoal patch on the wing cases; this becomes a band of special scales in the adult butterfly called a sex brand. The time taken for this species to develop from egg to pupa is approximately six weeks, with the pupal stage taking a month or more. Adults emerge from the pupae early in the morning while humidity is still high, as the enormous wings may dry out before they have fully expanded if the humidity drops. The adults may live for three months or more and have few predators, excluding large Orb Weaving spiders (Nephila spp.) and some small birds. The adults are powerful fliers most active in the early morning and again at dusk when they actively feed at flowers. Males also patrol areas of the host plants for newly emerged females early in the morning. Females may be seen searching for host plants for most of the day. Courtship is brief but spectacular; males hover above a potential mate, dousing her with a pheromone to induce mating. Receptive females will allow the male to land and pair, while unreceptive females will fly off or otherwise discourage mating. Males are strongly territorial and will see off potential rivals, sometimes chasing small birds as well as other birdwing species. Flight is usually high in the rainforest canopy, but both sexes descend to within a few meters of the ground while feeding or laying blue eggs. The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing is considered endangered by the IUCN, being restricted to approximately 100 square kilometres of coastal rainforest near Popondetta, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea. It is nonetheless abundant locally and requires old growth rainforest for its long term survival. The major threat for this species is habitat destruction for oil palm plantations. However, the eruption of nearby Mount Lamington in the 1950s destroyed a very large area of this species' former habitat and is a key reason for its current rarity. Because of its rarity, this butterfly fetches a very high price on the black market. The species is also highly prized by collectors. Although collectors are often implicated with the decline of this species, habitat destruction is the main threat. Early collectors, frustrated by the height at which adults fly during the day, often used small shotguns to down specimens, but because collectors demand high quality specimens for their collections, most specimens are reared from larvae or pupae. The species is listed on Appendix I of CITES, meaning that international trade is illegal. At the 2006 meeting of the CITES Animals Committee some suggested it should be moved to Appendix II (which would allow restricted trade in the species), as the conservation benefits of sustainable management perhaps are higher than those of the trade ban. - Deslisle, G. (2007) "Straatmana : a remplacement name for the subgenus Zeunera Deslisle 2001 (Lep. Papilionidae)" Lambillionea (Brussels) N° 2 vol 1 & 2, June 2007, p. 238 - "Endangered Species - Queen Alexandra's Birdwing Butterfly Facts". Retrieved 2009-02-17. - Gimenez Dixon (1996). Ornithoptera alexandrae. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. www.iucnredlist.org. Retrieved on 11 May 2006. Listed as Endangered (EN B1+2c v2.3) - CITES (2006). Earth Negotiations Bulletin. Summary of the 22nd Meeting of the CITES Animals Committee. - Parsons, Michael J. ,1984 The Biology and Conservation of Ornithoptera alexandrae. In: The Biology of Butterflies, edited by Vane-Wright & Ackery.Symposia R. ent. Soc. Lond. 11, pp. [327-332] - Parsons, Michael J. , 1987 The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea. - Parsons, M. J. 1992. The butterfly farming and trading industry in the Indo-Australian region and its role in tropical forest conservation. Tropical Lepidoptera 3 (Suppl. 1): 1-31.pdf Full text - Parsons, M. J. 1992. The world's largest butterfly endangered: the ecology, status and conservation of Ornithoptera alexandrae(Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 3 (Suppl. 1): 33-60. pdf Full text - Parsons, M., 1999 The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea - Their Systematics and Biology. Academic Press, London - Straatman, R. 1971 The life history of Ornithoptera alexandrae Rothschild Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 1971 Volume 25 :58-64.pdf - D'Abrera, B. (1975) Birdwing Butterflies of the World. Country Life Books, London. - Collins, N.M., Morris, M.G., IUCN ,1985 Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: the IUCN Red Data Book(1985) IUCN pdf - Haugum, J. & Low, A.M. 1978-1985. A Monograph of the Birdwing Butterflies. 2 volumes. Scandinavian Press, Klampenborg; 663 pp. - Deslisle, G. (2004) A taxonomic revision of the “birdwing butterflies of paradise”, genus Ornithoptera based on the adult morphology (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Lambillionea, 104 (4): 1 - 151.
Some thoughts on Pope Francis It’s another week and thus another interview with Pope Francis. This one, I’m sorry to say, is more than just confusing. It’s a theological wreck. In an interview with La Repubblica, in response to a question about whether there is a “single vision of good,” the Pope said, “Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place,” and “The Son of God became incarnate in the souls of men to instill the feeling of brotherhood.” When the reporter commented, “Some of my colleagues who know you told me that you will try to convert me,” the Pope also said “Proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense. We need to get to know each other, listen to each other and improve our knowledge of the world around us.” From Augustine’s Confessions to “Well, everyone has his own ideas about good and bad…” is a mighty long path. First of all, I am a Protestant so, of course, I do not accept the church’s claims about the papal chair as Vicar of Christ. But though I protest; I don’t throw rocks (no Petrine pun intended). My mother’s side of the family was and is Roman Catholic, and some of the most significant influences in my life personally and intellectually are Roman Catholics. Second, I don’t dislike Pope Francis. I think he is quite right about the primacy of the gospel over culture wars. In my much smaller pool and from my much smaller perch, I’ve tried to say that outrage itself isn’t a Christian virtue. Our mission ought to be toward reconciliation, not the vaporization of our perceived enemies. If Pope Francis wishes to reclaim the primacy of the gospel, he must simultaneously speak with kindness to those outside of its reach and speak of the need for good news. What these interviews seem continually to do is what evangelical theologian Carl Henry warned Protestants of in the 20th century, of severing the love of God from the holiness of God. God is, Henry said against both the liberal Social Gospel and obscurantist and angry fundamentalism, the God of both justice and justification. Without speaking to the conscience, and addressing what the sinner already knows to be true about the day of giving an account, there is not love, only the consigning of the guilty conscience to accusation and condemnation. If the church is right about the personhood of unborn children (and I think it is), then why would we not be “obsessed” about speaking for them, and for the women and men whose consciences are tyrannized by their past sins? It is not good news to say to such consciences, “Well, we’re all brothers and sisters,” if what they feel in their psyches and read in their Bibles (and in their Catholic catechisms) is that those who commit such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. We must speak with tenderness and gentleness, but with an authoritative word from God, that there is a means of reconciliation. The burdened conscience doesn’t wish to hear “It’s all okay.” The burdened conscience is freed by “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” (Rom. 8:1). There’s little purpose in refighting the Protestant Reformation here, but we do, in some sense, return to Martin Luther’s problem. With a guilty conscience, he could find no way to reconciliation in himself or by the purported economy of grace. In the church, he saw rules and rituals but felt in that only condemnation. But opposite a harsh, rule-oriented Christianity is a way that is just as condemning, a way that we’ve seen often in hyper-Protestant communions: the tendency to downplay sin at all. This leaves sinners like us in a kind of earthly purgatory that never purges, and leads us to hide from the face of God because, like our first parents, we know who we are and what we’ve done. I’m in no position to advise the Bishop of Rome, but I hope we’ll see a fuller-orbed message from him. I’m with Pope Francis on the need for kindness, but I pray it will be a convictional kindness that addresses both the reality of God’s holy justice and his reconciling love.
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Expresso Framework is an open standards-based J2EE architectural framework that allows the developer to concentrate on application logic. It is a library of extensible Java Server application framework components for creating database-driven Web applications based on open standards. Expresso integrates with Apache Jakarta Struts, which emphasizes presentation and application configuration, and bringing a powerful tag library to Expresso. Expresso adds capabilities for security, robust object-relational mapping, background job handling and scheduling, self-tests, logging integration, automated table manipulation, database connection pooling, email connectivity, event notification, error handling, caching, internationalization, XML automation, testing, registration objects, configuration management, workflow, automatic database maintenance, and a JSP tag library. The Information System Development Kit gives the developer a platform-independent method of creating Information Systems with data forms, SQL database access, database-browsing support, report generator and many other useful features. ISDK is now in a development stage and it is available only for the Linux operating system. The form module now works on text terminals using the ncurses library (not functional right now), and on the X-Window system using the GTK+ toolkit. Jacquard is a Web-database integration toolkit, written as a Java Servlet package. It is designed to make it extremely easy to build two- and three-tier client-server applications which will be completely portable to any hardware platform and operating system which supports a Java 1.2-compliant JVM or a JDBC 2.0-compliant database management system, or any Web server or Web Application Server which supports the JSDK 2.0 API. ROOT is an OO framework for large-scale scientific data analysis and data mining. It contains an efficient hierarchical OO database, a C++ interpreter, advanced statistical analysis, visualization, introspection, documentation, networking, and GUI classes. The command/scripting language is C++, and large scripts can be compiled and dynamically linked in. Using the PROOF (Parallel ROOT Facility) extension, large databases can be analyzed in parallel. The system runs on all known POSIX platforms, Windows, and MacOS X. BOND (building object network databases) is database development framework for rapidly creating applications. It creates live forms for the Web with AJAX and desktop applications using GTK. Using XML to define widget layouts, it drives the live forms to which SQL statements and methods can be attached. Cameleon a Framework for developing reliable database applications in a technology independent and predominantly editorial way. User interfaces may be easily exchanged from Swing to HTML and vice versa, and databases may be exchanged in the same manner. The Swing variant framework is established. The HTML user interface is under construction but can be reviewed on the project Webpage ("Test sample application"). Cameleon's target users are programmers who manage midrange data volumes (from thousands to millions of database records) and who prefer simplicity and availability rather than animation. Business features such as security management and parameter administration are supported in the framework. The framework allows web developement without any knowledge of JSP, HTML, Servlets etc. Data input elements (and groups of them) may be used in Java Server Pages. JWAA is a software framework for building dynamic Web applications as networks of first-class Java objects. XML is used for representing information normally coded as HTML. The XML files are automatically reloaded when they change. It has a "persistent forms" feature in which form data automatically persists in the database such that fields behave like pieces of paper that automatically preserve what's written on them. This default behavior is easily overridden. Invalid links are reported at XML load time via the browser, and are also recorded in log files.
Continuous time mean variance asset allocation: A time-consistent strategy AbstractWe develop a numerical scheme for determining the optimal asset allocation strategy for time-consistent, continuous time, mean variance optimization. Any type of constraint can be applied to the investment policy. The optimal policies for time-consistent and pre-commitment strategies are compared. When realistic constraints are applied, the efficient frontiers for the pre-commitment and time-consistent strategies are similar, but the optimal investment strategies are quite different. Download InfoIf you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note that these files are not on the IDEAS site. Please be patient as the files may be large. As the access to this document is restricted, you may want to look for a different version under "Related research" (further below) or search for a different version of it. Bibliographic InfoArticle provided by Elsevier in its journal European Journal of Operational Research. Volume (Year): 209 (2011) Issue (Month): 2 (March) Contact details of provider: Web page: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/eor Time-consistent mean variance asset allocation Piecewise constant policy timestepping Constrained policies; Please report citation or reference errors to , or , if you are the registered author of the cited work, log in to your RePEc Author Service profile, click on "citations" and make appropriate adjustments.: - Fu, Chenpeng & Lari-Lavassani, Ali & Li, Xun, 2010. "Dynamic mean-variance portfolio selection with borrowing constraint," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 200(1), pages 312-319, January. - Wang, J. & Forsyth, P.A., 2010. "Numerical solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman formulation for continuous time mean variance asset allocation," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 34(2), pages 207-230, February. - Cairns, Andrew J.G. & Blake, David & Dowd, Kevin, 2006. "Stochastic lifestyling: Optimal dynamic asset allocation for defined contribution pension plans," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 30(5), pages 843-877, May. - Wang, Zengwu & Xia, Jianming & Zhang, Lihong, 2007. "Optimal investment for an insurer: The martingale approach," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 40(2), pages 322-334, March. - Markus LEIPPOLD & Fabio TROJANI & Paolo VANINI, 2002. "A Geometric Approach to Multiperiod Mean Variance Optimization of Assets and Liabilities," FAME Research Paper Series rp48, International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering. - Leippold, Markus & Trojani, Fabio & Vanini, Paolo, 2004. "A geometric approach to multiperiod mean variance optimization of assets and liabilities," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 28(6), pages 1079-1113, March. - Chiu, Mei Choi & Li, Duan, 2006. "Asset and liability management under a continuous-time mean-variance optimization framework," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 39(3), pages 330-355, December. - R. C. Merton, 1970. "Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-time Model," 58, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics. - Merton, Robert C., 1971. "Optimum consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 3(4), pages 373-413, December. - Basak, Suleyman & Chabakauri, Georgy, 2009. "Dynamic Mean-Variance Asset Allocation," CEPR Discussion Papers 7256, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. - Duan Li & Wan-Lung Ng, 2000. "Optimal Dynamic Portfolio Selection: Multiperiod Mean-Variance Formulation," Mathematical Finance, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 10(3), pages 387-406. - Nguyen, Pascal & Portait, Roland, 2002. "Dynamic asset allocation with mean variance preferences and a solvency constraint," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 26(1), pages 11-32, January. - Gerrard, Russell & Haberman, Steven & Vigna, Elena, 2004. "Optimal investment choices post-retirement in a defined contribution pension scheme," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 35(2), pages 321-342, October. - Chiu, Mei Choi & Wong, Hoi Ying, 2012. "Mean–variance asset–liability management: Cointegrated assets and insurance liability," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 223(3), pages 785-793. - Mohamed El Hedi Arouri & Christophe Rault & Ana Maria Sova & Robert Sova & Frédéric Teulon, 2013. "Market Structure and the Cost of Capital," - Forsyth, P.A. & Kennedy, J.S. & Tse, S.T. & Windcliff, H., 2012. "Optimal trade execution: A mean quadratic variation approach," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 36(12), pages 1971-1991. - Li, Zhongfei & Zeng, Yan & Lai, Yongzeng, 2012. "Optimal time-consistent investment and reinsurance strategies for insurers under Heston’s SV model," Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(1), pages 191-203. For technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its authors, title, abstract, bibliographic or download information, contact: (Wendy Shamier). If you have authored this item and are not yet registered with RePEc, we encourage you to do it here. This allows to link your profile to this item. It also allows you to accept potential citations to this item that we are uncertain about. If references are entirely missing, you can add them using this form. 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Camel Games' high-polished "massively multiplayer online" empire building game Little Empires neatly demonstrates why we should never open ourselves up to the inevitable pain that friendship brings. Pretty heavy for a game with cartoon elves, right? While it may be one of the cutest little empire building games I've come across on my Android phone, lurking beneath that cute mixture of 2D battles and 3D kingdom building lies a poisonous snake, waiting to strike. The snake is called your friends list. Perhaps I've been ruined by casual Facebook games. I expect when I add a random person to my friends list that they will join me on my quests, fight by my side, help me complete missions, and stop by my kingdom every once in a while for snacks and social points of some sort. In Little Empire adding friends to my list gives them free reign to pop by and steal my resources any time they choose. In fact this sort of behavior is encouraged in the massively multiplayer world of Little Empire. There's a special mission that pops up requiring me to steal from my comrades twice. No doubt this would piss them off as much as it pissed me off, especially considering I spent six hours mining that gold, assholes. I suppose the fury I feel is technically a good thing. It will encourage me to build more houses, upgrade my barracks, and build a massive cartoon army to crush those that would slight me. That's probably the whole point. It's just a pity I have to make them friends before they can steal my stuff. While not infuriating the piss out of me, Little Empire is actually a rather lovely little free-to-play empire builder, with a little bit of tower defense tossed in for flavor. Players create an account, choose one of three hero characters to represent them in battle, and then build up their army. Rather than presenting combat as a simple numbers game, here you actually place your troops on the field, position your champion, and let slip the dogs of war. Battles are automatic from there, though players are able to cast the odd spell to help turn the tide when needed. Players can battle non-player characters through a series of story missions, fight other players in the arena, or take the battle to their opponents' kingdoms, invading and enslaving them for a brief period of time. Maintaining a strong defensive force back at your castle is extremely important, as while you aren't playing your "friends" can't still attempt to kick your ass. This colorful mixture of 3D kingdom sim and colorfully cute 2D sprite battles has its fair share of flaws. The instructions are vague. The game slows to a crawl at higher levels unless you purchase "Mojo", a special in-game currency used to speed up time or buy powerful skills and items. In short, it's a free-to-play game, and you get what you pay for. Apparently I paid for my new friends to steal my damn gold. Yes, I am quite bitter. It's not the gold. It's the principle of the thing. Now I am going to have to destroy them utterly, and that's never fun. Okay, it's a little fun. Little Empire [Android Market]
Posts Tagged ‘investors’ Preet Bharara said those who invested with Madoff through feeder funds, investment groups and other pooled investment vehicles will be eligible. With Twitter’s value skyrocketing, the company that’s never turned a profit and has just a fraction of Facebook’s users must prove it’s worth the money. But for all its power and reach, Twitter gushes losses — $65 million in the third quarter, nearly three times more than it lost a year ago. Twitter faces skepticism from potential investors and the public ahead of its initial public offering, according to an Associated Press-CNBC poll. A judge revoked $3 million bail for a former stockbroker who admitted conning the producers of a failed Broadway production of “Rebecca.” It’s going to take a lot more political bungling to do any permanent damage to America’s reputation or wreck its financial markets. The deal approved late Wednesday by Congress only permits the Treasury to borrow through Feb. 7 and fund government through Jan. 15. The 10-year Treasury note, the bedrock of the government’s debt market, has attracted more money recently, and the stock market is still near record highs. Investors sold stocks across the board as a U.S. government shutdown dragged into a third day and a survey showed disappointing growth at service industries. The decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve to keep its monetary stimulus unchanged jolted financial markets, sending stocks and commodities sharply higher.
An Analysis of Language Manipulation in Advertising Advertisers use the manipulation of language to create claims that suggest something about their products without directly claiming it to be true. Through this method, consumers are attracted to a product because they infer certain things about the product from its claim even though those things are often not true of the product itself. Companies rely heavily on their slogans, jingles, and advertisements to make a profit, and the language used in these various forms of media have a huge impact on their effects on the consumer. In his article “The Language of Advertising Claims,” Jeffrey Schrank says that although the use of color, symbols, and imagery in advertisements can be studied to determine their psychological techniques, the “simplest and most direct way to study ads is through an analysis of the language of the advertising claim,” because all the other aspects of the ad center around this claim. This paper is going to analyze what it is about these types of claims that appeals to consumers and how the use of specific grammatical structures renders the claims meaningless. Schrank explains that the claim is the “verbal or print part of an ad that makes some claim of superiority for the product being advertised.” While some claims are honest statements about products, others are outright lies. However, most claims fall into the middle ground, “neither bold lies nor helpful consumer information.” These claims are the ones that rely most heavily on the manipulation of language to attract consumers to their products. Some rely on one word whose presence negates the claim in the rest of the sentence, and others make a claim about the product but fail to qualify the claim. For example, the claim, “Peterson’s gives you more,” does not clarify what it gives you more of. Many people believe they are immune to advertising, claiming that while they view and even enjoy commercials and advertisements, they know that the point of the ad is to attract consumers, so they are prepared to not be fooled into buying the product in the ad. However, Schrank writes, “Advertising works below the level of conscious awareness” and those who claim immunity to its message are the most susceptible. Advertisers are aware of the public’s perceived immunity to advertisements, and they use this belief to their advantage. If people don’t believe they are being persuaded by it, they have no defenses against it. So many companies rely on advertising gimmicks to attract consumers because many of today’s products are parity products. Parity products are “products in which all or most of the brands available are nearly identical” (Schrank). Gasoline, cigarettes, beer, soaps, soft drinks, and headache and cold remedies are all examples of parity products. Since no one brand in these products transcends the rest, ads are needed to create an illusion of superiority. There are several techniques commonly used to make products seem superior to other products. The first of these techniques involves the words “better” and “best.” Schrank says, “The word ‘better’ has been legally interpreted to be a comparative and therefore becomes a clear claim of superiority.” Legal minds have decided that parity products, of which all brands are equal in quality, can use the word “best” to describe their product because if all products are equally good, they can all be considered the best. Schrank continues, “The only time ‘better’ can be used is when a product does indeed have superiority over other products in its category or when the better is used to compare the product with something other than competing brands.” So a company selling laundry detergent can claim that their product is better than toothpaste, but one gasoline company cannot claim that their gasoline is better than any other company’s gasoline. This is an interesting usage of the terms “better” and “best,” which are the comparative and superlative forms of the word “good.” While all products can be deemed “good” products because the adjective “good” does not counter the claim of any other products, the word that is typically used to mean the highest form of good now cannot be used in this sense. The word “better” denotes superiority, so it has become the legal word of choice for products that actually are better than other competing products-an interesting twist in grammatical structure. When companies cannot legally say that their product is “better” than the competing products, they often resort to using other linguistic advertising techniques instead of vying for the false position of “best.” Schrank outlines ten basic advertising claims that are used to make consumers believe something about the product that is not true. The claims are legal because when studied grammatically, we can determine that the claims do not actually provide any false information-people just make unconscious assumptions about the products based on how the ads are worded. The first two claims are the Weasel Claim and the Unfinished Claim. These two claims focus the most on the linguistic aspects of their claims, as opposed to claims that try to make products sound different and unique in a more straightforward way. The Weasel Claim involves a modifier, the “weasel word,” that negates the claim that follows it. Some of the most common weasel words include “helps,” “virtually,” “acts,” “can be,” “up to,” “refreshes,” “comforts,” “fights,” “the feel of,” “the look of,” “fortified,” “enriched,” and “strengthened.” These words modify the claims that follow them by being subtle enough for consumers to not notice them and only take in the information that follows them. The weasel words give the idea that they are reinforcing the claims that follow them, but they actually detract from the claim by rendering them less significant or even completely worthless. They reduce the significance of the claims by using powerful, assertive words such as “help,” “act,” and “fight” to give the impression of effectiveness. However, when the word’s literal meaning is taken into account, we realize that the weasel word is the most important word in the whole claim. It takes the meaning away from the rest of the claim, so that if the claim is, “Helps control dandruff,” the word “helps” acts as a weasel word so the actual claim no longer that it controls dandruff but that it helps you control dandruff-like a good friend might. We could expand on this example with the claim, “Helps control dandruff with regular use.” In this case, the word “regular” is another weasel word, because by modifying the word “use,” the actual claim strays even further from the perceived claim. Without a clarification of what “regular use” is-daily? twice a week?-the claim is no longer reliable. These claims could easily be clarified by telling us what the product is being compared to, but advertisers purposely leave that information out so they can’t be construed as giving false information. The Unfinished Claim states that the product has more, or is better than something, but does not say what that “something” is. “Peterson’s gives you more” is an Unfinished Claim because it claims that by using the product the consumer gets more of something-but what? In this claim, the word “more” classifies as the indirect object, not an adjective, as the advertisers want consumers to think. Because we usually hear the word “more” used as an adjective, the advertisers can use it at the end of this claim to give the feeling of there being “more” to come-more of something-even though it really is the indirect object that Peterson’s claims to be giving to you. These claims, similar to the “better than” claims,” need qualifiers that answer the question “than what?” so we know what to compare the product to when evaluating the claim. Unfinished Claims that rely on “more” and its adjectival power include: “Chai-mate gives chai more flavor,” “30% more cleaning power,” and “More people sleep on Sleepwell Posturepedic.” The last of these three claims is meant to be interpreted, “More people sleep on Sleepwell Posturepedic than on other mattresses,” but can actually mean many different things: More people sleep on Sleepwell Posturepedic than on concrete floors, more people than alligators sleep on Sleepwell Posturepedic, or more people sleep than fornicate on Sleepwell Posturepedic. The second claim above, “30% more cleaning power,” is more straightforward. We are meant to interpret it as either “30% more cleaning power than competing brands” or “30% more cleaning power than an earlier version of this product.” However, the fact that it does not specify what the product has 30% more cleaning power than renders the claim meaningless. The company has no responsibility to prove that what they say in their ad is true, because the ad is not based on facts. The first claim above, “Chai-mate gives chai more flavor,” is not only an Unfinished Claim, but also uses weasel words to further entice consumers. We aren’t told what product Chai-mate is being compared to, and we also aren’t told what the term “flavor” are supposed to imply. Is the “more flavor” Chai-mate promises us a pleasurable flavor or a bitter one? From Schrank’s list of common weasel words, seven out of fifteen are verbs, and another three are adjectives derived from verbs. This suggests that a sense of action or of doing is important to the consumer. They respond to words like “helps” and “acts” because the words make it sound as if the product is being proactive toward the desired result. Three out of the fifteen are prepositional phrases: “up to,” “the feel of,” and “the look of.” These phrases imply either an upward trend or a similarity between two products. If the claim is “Save up to 40%,” the phrase “up to” is often overlooked and we assume we will save 40%. Additionally, the “up to” has that sense of rising motion in it, which translates in us as an overall good feeling. Most people nowadays like bigger, better, and more things, so that feeling is welcomed and even sought after. Anything between zero and the number following “up to” is included in these claims, making the phrase “save up to 40%” literally mean “save between 0% and 40%”. Similarly, the phrases “can be” and “virtually” connote the possibility of the product being what the claim says it is. Consumers tend to take claims such as, “Leaves dishes virtually spotless,” to mean, “Leaves dishes spotless.” The positive quality of the word “virtually,” as if there is a real possibility of the product leaving the dishes truly spotless, counteracts the fact that the word “virtually” literally means “almost,” leaving people with the image of spotless dishes. The fourth category of function that weasel words perform is to give the product an illusion of strength. “Fortified,” “enriched,” and “strengthened” are examples from Schrank’s list that fulfill this role. The fact that these words were formed from verbs makes them seem stronger and more action-oriented, as we mentioned above, but they also all relate to strength and power. These words are often used to describe products that we wouldn’t normally think of as “strong” or “powerful,” thus making them appeal to us even more. Consumers also respond to comparisons that suggest the product is of high quality or is similar to another product. This accounts for the other two prepositional phrases in Schrank’s list. “The feel of” and “the look of,” as well as others not mentioned by Schrank, imply a comparison between two things. A headline that reads, “Ford Bushwhacker has look and feel of pricier cars,” gives the impression that the Bushwhacker looks and feels like pricier cars because it has the same quality as pricier cars, but in reality, all it claims is that it looks like those cars, but the look could made with cheap materials that won’t last long. Similarly, the claim “Epoch fencing captures the look and feel of natural wood” sounds like it means Epoch fencing looks and feels like natural wood, but in reality it doesn’t look or feel anything like natural wood, because it is made of plastic. Additionally, the word “captures” acts as a weasel word because it negates the rest of the claim-that Epoch fencing has the look and feel of natural wood. What does the word “captures” mean in the context of this sentence? It has no significance, because the ad is personifying wood, which cannot literally catch anything. The literally meaning of the words in the ad is that Epoch fencing is not natural wood. This manipulation of language succeeds because people believe they are immune to the advertisements that surround them. This illusion of immunity makes them even more vulnerable to the various techniques advertisers use to target exactly those people. They infuse advertisements for parity products with Weasel Claims, Unfinished Claims, and illusions of superiority to attract consumers to their products, and consumers think they are buying a superior product when, in fact, they are not. The grammatical structure of the English language makes this kind of advertising especially lucrative, because of people’s tendency to only register that parts of the ad that they want to be true. The relationship between words in a sentence is intricate, and we must be aware of the way a subtle shift in the structure of a sentence can change the entire sentence’s meaning before we can claim to be immune to the linguistic gimmicks of advertising. Schrank, Jeffrey. “The Language of Advertising Claims.” Teaching About Doublespeak. ed. Daniel Dieterich. Illinois: NCTE, 1976. This work is the property of the author. All rights reserved.
Tighten your Air Vents by Roland Schaer Are your vent controls getting old and not holding the position to which you set them? I ran into this problem in a 1997 NA That I recently started driving. I came up with a solution and thought I would share it with you guys. |I found that these vent controls are held firm by four strips of velvet tape. As time goes by, the tape flattens out and looses it's grip on the vent control. What I have done is remove the existing tape and re-apply it to the back of some electrical tape, giving it back it's original thickness. What you need: - Utility Knife - Electrical Tape - 3M Super 77 Spray-On Adhesive (optional) NOTE: You can click on any picture to view the full-size version Removing The Vent Controls: If you have a service manual, you can follow the procedure illustrated in section 19-7-5 (Center Louver Removal). I found this did not work well, especially for the extreme left and right vents. I used an alternate method (see figure 1) that involved inserting two small flat bladed screwdrivers between the vents and the dash pad. I then slowly levered the screwdrivers away from the vent and it just popped out. (Editor's note: If you use this method to remove your vents, we suggest using a bit of cloth between the screwdriver and your dash to help prevent marring the surface.) Disassembling The Vent Controls: |Once the vent has been removed, it can be disassembled. The top of the vent is a snap-ring that is held in place by four snaps (see figure 2). It can be removed by placing a flat-head screwdriver into the slot and and slowly levering down. The snaps may chip a little but they will still be strong enough to hold the ring in place when the vent is re-assembled. After removing the snap-ring, remove the directional control to gain access to the Velvet Strips (see figure 3). Replacing The Velvet Strips: |Reach into the vent and peel back one of the velvet strips. If you let them bake in the sun for a while or heat them with a hair dryer, they may come out easier and in one piece. More than likely, some of the sticky tape that held the strip in place will not peel off. IF this is the case, you will need some type of adhesive to secure them to the electrical tape. Apply a piece of electrical tape to a smooth hard surface. If your strip does not have any stick surface left, apply a small amount of adhesive. Apply the velvet strip to the back of the electrical tape (see figure 4) and then cut off the excess amount with a utility knife. Peel off the tape/strip and re-apply to the inside of the vent. Repeat these steps for the remaining Re-assembling Of Vent Controls: |Once the vent strips have been replaced, the vent can be reassembled. Insert the the directional control into the vent. Place the snap-ring on top of the vent and align the snaps. It is designed to only go on one way so make sure it is properly aligned. Press down firmly over each snap until it clicks into place (see figure 2). Installing The Vent Controls: |There are two notches cut into the side of the vent control. Make sure these notches are aligned to the right and left and push the vent control back into the dash pad. It should just snap into place and you are done.
INFANT and TODDLER TEACHERS LEVEL 7 OR HIGHER (MILWAUKEE) 1.No Criminal Background of any kind will be considered. 2.Current CPR/First Aid certification 3.Successful completion of Introduction to the Child Care Profession, Skills and Strategies and Fundamentals of Infant and Toddlers. 4.Must be willing and able to integrate Biblical principles and the Christian philosophy of education throughout the curriculum and activities. 5.Must have at least 1-5 years work experience in a Group Childcare Setting and/or at least a level 7 on the registry is preferred. 6.Must have a High School Diploma We will be hosting on the spot interviews daily from 12noon until 1:15pm, please bring all credentials, looking to hire asap or you can Apply @ ONLYGODCANCHILDCARE.COM(fax application and credentials to 414-527-2112 or you can bring them in person to 7626 W. Florist Ave. Applications will not be given out at location. Posting ID: 4109317953
“The biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy.” – Whitney Houston. I woke up this morning to the sudden demise of Whitney Houston, the 48 years old legendary diva who belt out one of the most popular songs of all time : I Will Always Love You. Beverly Hills police Lt. Mark Rosen told KABC-TV that Houston died in her room on the fourth floor of the Beverly Hilton. Her body remained in the hotel and Beverly Hills detectives were investigating. Houston had been at rehearsals for the show Thursday, coaching singers Brandy and Monica, according to a person who was at the event but was not authorized to speak publicly about it. The person said Houston looked disheveled, was sweating profusely and liquor and cigarettes could be smelled on her breath. Fans left messages on her FB wall and Twitter (for her to read on her iPad up above?): Rest in peace Whitney Houston, your songs were perfect for everyone’s ear, your voice thunder on stage, but it is now past, know that while you’re away from us will be remembered as a human figure with angelic voice …. we miss you very queen of pop music! We love you our Whitney ♥♥♥♥~ !!! R.I.P. Whitney Houston. Like us all you’ve had ur demons on Earth, now you will rest with the angels in Heaven. Thoughts and prayers to family. Her music is timeless and she will always be remembered. Rest in Peace Whitney Houston. R.I.P Whitney Houston…..you will never be forgotten, your legacy will continue to live on. I believe thousands of die-hard fans must be crying their heart out and humming her songs outside of her hotel. Some even ridiculously suggest to make tomorrow a public holiday for everyone to grieve. Whitney Houston… you’ll be missed dearly, not only me but the whole world. P/S: Today, right now in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at 11.05am, it has been cloudy and has signs of heavy rain.
This heartwarming drama is the first South Arabian movie ever! Set in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Wadjda tells the moving story of the titular 10-year-old girl who has but one dream: to own a bicyle. But as in the conservative society girls riding bicylces are generally frowned on, Wadjda’s mother won’t give her the money. The determined little girl decides to raise the cash herself. Problem is: she doesn’t know how. The cash prize for a Koran recitation competition at her school just might be her saving grace… Wadjda marks not only Haifaa Al-Mansour’s first movie, it is also the first movie ever made in South Arabia. The drama won several awards at international film festivals. - From director(s) - Haifaa Al-Mansour - Waad Mohammed
Investigators start probe of deadly gas explosion by Associated Press Published: June 8,2010 CLEBURNE, Texas — A natural gas explosion in North Texas killed one member of a crew installing utility poles, and authorities were trying to figure out if the gas line had been marked before digging started. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration was among numerous agencies at the scene after a utility crew struck a gas line yesterday afternoon, sending a massive fireball into the air. The lone utility worker missing after the blast was found dead last night, once searchers could safely walk through the entire charred area. Authorities had hoped the missing man had left the scene on his own, like some of his colleagues who drove themselves to hospitals. Brian Fine, Hood County’s emergency management coordinator, said the worker’s body was found some distance from the blast site. The man’s name has not been released. The worker had been riding a truck drilling holes for utility poles when the line suddenly exploded, and other workers lost sight of him in the intense smoke, said Roger Harmon, Johnson County’s top elected official. Near the blast site in rural Johnson County about 50 miles southwest of Dallas, officials later found the truck upside down and saw that the 2,000-pound drilling component had been ripped off the vehicle and hurled 250 feet away, said Cleburne Fire Chief Clint Ishmael. At least seven of the other 13 workers who had been working at the site went to hospitals. Gary Marks, CEO of Glen Rose Medical Center, said two people were treated and released, and four others were in stable condition. One patient was taken to Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth. Spokeswoman Whitney Jodry did not have person’s condition. Laura Harlin, a resident of nearby Granbury, said around the time of the blast she heard a “huge rumbling” that initially sounded like thunder and then like a tornado because it lasted so long. “For about 10 minutes, it was so loud that it was like there was an 18-wheeler rumbling in your driveway,” she said. The explosion caused confusion among officials in its immediate aftermath, with one city official initially saying three people had been killed. Heat from the blast forced firefighters to stay about a half-mile away until the gas flow was shut off, and they were unable to douse the flames. A control room at Houston-based Enterprise Products Partners, LP, which owns the gas line, immediately identified a break in the line near Cleburne, said company spokesman Rick Rainey. The 36-inch line was equipped with valves that automatically shut down gas to that section of pipe, and the fire was out about two hours after the explosion. The pipeline helps carry gas from West Texas across the state to utilities, distribution companies and commercial users on the eastern end of the state. Rainey said the company would work with customers to avoid any disruption to their service from the fire. The injured workers were digging for a subcontractor hired by Waco-based Brazos Electric Cooperative, Johnson County’s emergency management coordinator, Jack Snow, said. A message seeking comment from that company was not returned. A spokesman for the subcontractor, Oklahoma-based C&H Power Line Construction Services, did not respond to a call for comment either. The Texas natural gas blast followed one in West Virginia earlier yesterday. Seven workers were burned when a drilling crew hit a pocket of methane gas, triggering an explosion in a rural area about 55 miles southwest of Pittsburgh. To sign up for Mississippi Business Daily Updates, click here. Top Posts & Pages - Eye clinic operator faces Medicaid fraud charges - Mega-load move could cause traffic issues - New boutique hotel to replace Oxford’s Downtown Inn - NEW ORLEANS SAINTS MOVING — Mississippi company has the task of moving the football team - Coast city to repay BP grant funding for Ocean Expo - New owners plan cautious change for Highland Village - Judge to weigh Hood's credit card issuer lawsuit - Blue Origin successfully tests BE-3 rocket engine - Allain to lie in repose at Capital Friday; funeral Saturday in Natchez - M&F branches to close as Renasant wraps up merger
Southwest Airlines Complaint - Southwest Airlines SUCKS! They ruined my vacation! On April 17, 2007, I purchased 3 sets of airline tickets from Southwest Airlines for my family of four (two adults & two children). Ticket #1: RSW (Fort Myers, FL) – SAN (San Diego, CA) on June, 10, 2007; Ticket #2: SJC (San Jose, CA) – RSW on June 24, 2007; Ticket #3: RSW – MDW (Chicago, IL) depart Aug 7, 2007, return Aug. 15, 2007. I booked all tickets on the internet at the lowest fare available. The day before flight #1, I contacted SW by phone when I was unable to print boarding passes. I was told we were probably selected for security reasons or age verification. Not happy with this answer, I called back again and spoke to a supervisor (Marco) and was told that I had booked flights #1 & #2 as senior fares and would have to pay $1,200 more for these two flights. Later he lowered it to about $660. No higher level management was available until the day after my flight was scheduled to leave. Marco told me I could talk to a manager at the airport. I was surprised when we checked in the following morning and there was no mention of security or age verification issues. Our family was given boarding passes for both legs of our trip. After a lengthy layover in Chicago, we were denied boarding and waited for a supervisor while they let our plane and luggage leave for San Diego. They intentionally trapped us 1,400 miles from home to extort more money from us. To prevent a similar nightmare on the return, I contacted SW again several days before flight #2. This time I ‘tipped them off’ to the same situation and they immediately demanded another $330. As I felt this was unacceptable extortion a few days before my flight I decided to try the airport again. Check was OK, but I was paged at the gate and told my boarding passes had been cancelled and my luggage was loaded and I wouldn’t be going until I paid $330 more. All four tickets on Flight #3 are booked as ‘Adult Internet Special’. I now concerned what they might say about my kids flying for the adult fare…. Is more extortion in my future? My numerous lengthy phone calls (mostly on hold) clearly left me with a clear sense of the misdirected, greedy and vindictive corporate culture that Southwest Airlines breads! I am looking for an airline attorney and am planning on filing a complaint with the FAA and American Express. More Reviews on Southwest Airlines:
Everyone on Team Peeta knows that the selfless District 12 tribute is a wizard when it comes to frosting, but making “The Hunger Games” wasn’t a piece of cake for Josh Hutcherson. (Yep, went there.) “That makeup was really intense,” Hutcherson said during Moviefone’s special “Hunger Games” Unscripted. “I had to lay there for an hour-and-a-half without moving. And humans don’t not move for an hour-and-a-half.” Of course, for Hutcherson, it was… Continue reading Peeta Camouflage Scene: Josh Hutcherson Reveals Most Difficult 'Hunger Games' Moment (VIDEO) Nithya Menon carved a niche for herself as a Malayalam actor with her small role in Kerala Cafe. After that, she forayed into Tamil and Telugu film industries. Neha Dhupia, who plays Eva Braun in “Dear Friend Hitler”, says that it is difficult to play legends on screen. “Playing the role of Hitler’s companion Eva Brown was very challenging. She was a legend in a way and I feel it is diffifcult to play legandary characters on screen,” said the 30-year-old at presentation [...] Continue reading It’s difficult to play a legend’s role: Neha Dhupia Inaugurating the budget session of parliament, President Pratibha Patil Monday admitted India has gone through a “difficult year”, plagued by inflation and violence in certain areas. “We have gone through a difficult year for our country,” Patil said in her joint address to both houses of parliament. “Certain parts of the country have suffered from [...] Continue reading India has gone through difficult year: President Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao used their tenth meeting as leaders of their respective governments to discuss threadbare all “difficult” issues bedeviling bilateral ties. During their 45-minute meeting here this morning, Jiabao expressed his wish to visit India before the end of the year, a wish that was [...] Continue reading India, China PMs’ discuss “difficult issues” in Hanoi, Special Reps to meet
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It’s sometimes fun and always interesting to fish where most everything is outside the scope of your experience. For me, fishing for silver salmon at Deception Pass on Sunday was such a place. To start with, my wife and I are wintering in Washington, so we had to buy fishing licenses, one of the costs of being snowbirds. I’m an Alaskan resident, so it cost me $123.55 for a combination freshwater-saltwater license, which includes all fish and shellfish, as well as a Vehicle Access Pass that allows free parking at state boat launches. Sue is a Washington resident, so her combination license cost $54.25. When we return to Alaska next spring, my fishing license will be free, but her’s will cost $145, plus $100 for a king salmon stamp. In other words, Alaska charges nonresidents twice as much for the same product. It’s interesting to note that Alaska still has healthy runs of king salmon. In Washington, kings have been scarce for years. At 7 a.m. on Sunday, Sue and I met my son, Vic, and his son, Derek, at the Coronet Bay boat launch at 7 a.m.. As the sky lightened in the east, we loaded up and got under way in his 21-foot, outboard-powered boat. This time of year, fog isn’t uncommon in the Puget Sound area. It enveloped our boat as soon as we left the dock. Vic ran the motor at just above idle speed for the entire trip to the pass, about a mile. The fog thinned on the outside of the pass, which was good, because several boats were already there, and more came later. Trolling among them would’ve been dicey in fog. The sun rose into a blue sky, but the here-again, gone-again fog had us wishing we’d worn more layers. What’s more, we discovered that none of us knew how to rig a herring for trolling. I knew how years ago, when I had my own boat, but I’d forgotten. For years, I’ve been fishing on charter boats, where the mate baits your hook, or fishing with a buddy who was better at rigging a herring than I ever was. Anyhow, we trolled with herring. Suffice it to say that our presentations were less than perfect. In Puget Sound, barbless, single-point hooks are the only legal kind for salmon fishing, so I had to pinch our barbs closed. I’m guessing, but I think this regulation is a conservation measure. Releasing immature salmon is apparently easier on the fish when the hooks are barbless. Fishing at Deception Pass is like fishing in a large river, only different. Most large rivers don’t rise and fall several feet twice a day, let alone change direction while doing so. The every-changing eddies and currents constantly push at your boat, moving it counter to where you want it to go. It’s similar to back-bouncing for Kenai kings at Big Eddy or Beaver Creek, where changing currents and heavy boat traffic make fishing a challenge. One big difference between fishing the Kenai and fishing Deception Pass is the scarcity of charter boats at the pass. Vic said there were a couple there the previous weekend, but we saw none Sunday. Without the “pros” there, the fishing was less determined than if they’d been there. Everyone was having a good time. When boats came within an oar’s length of each other, no hackles rose. By noon, a dozen bank fishermen were fishing, casting in the general direction of the 20 or so boats. Skippers avoided conflict by skirting the “combat zone,” where the splashes of spoons and jigs struck the water like bullets. We had expected to hit the peak of the silver run. However, as the day progressed, we adjusted our expectations. In six hours of fishing, the four of us had caught three silvers, seven sculpins and one crab. Most boats around us did no better. Surprising to me, we didn’t catch a single rockfish. In the 1950s, those were plentiful along the shoreline of the sound. Now there is no open season for rockfish, and lingcod fishing has been sharply restricted. Fishing at Deception Pass on a nice day as we did was a real pleasure. There was the emerald-green water flowing between sheer cliffs. There was the forested shoreline and the impressive bridge. Best of all, I spent some quality time with my son and grandson. I look forward to doing it again, and soon. Next time, I’ll know how to rig herring. Les Palmer can be reached at email@example.com.
G C Lichtenberg: “It is as if our languages were confounded: when we want a thought, they bring us a word; when we ask for a word, they give us a dash; and when we expect a dash, there comes a piece of bawdy.” W H Auden: "But in my arms till break of day / Let the living creature lie. / Mortal, guilty, but to me/ The entirely beautiful." Will Self: “To attempt to write seriously is always, I feel, to fail – the disjunction between my beautifully sonorous, accurate and painfully affecting mental content, and the leaden, halting sentences on the page always seems a dreadful falling short. It is this failure – a ceaseless threnody keening through the writing mind – that dominates my working life, just as an overweening sense of not having loved with enough depth or recklessness or tenderness dominates my personal one.” John Gray: "Unlike Schopenhauer, who lamented the human lot, Leopardi believed that the best response to life is laughter. What fascinated Schopenhauer, along with many later writers, was Leopardi’s insistence that illusion is necessary to human happiness." Art Spiegelman: "You know words in a way are hitting you on the left side of your brain, music and visual arts hit on the right side of the brain, so the idea is to pummel you, to send you from left brain to right brain and back until you're as unbalanced as I am." विलास सारंग: "संदर्भ कुठलेही असोत, संस्कृत, इंग्रजी, बुद्धिवादी, तांत्रिक, इतिहासाचे, खगोलशास्त्राचे, आधुनिक पदार्थविज्ञानाचे, शिवकालीन व पेशवाईतील बखरीचे, अगणित ज्ञानक्षेत्रांचे, अशा वैविध्यपूर्ण ज्ञानावर लेखन- विशेषत: कवितालेखन- उभं राहत." Wednesday, September 26, 2007 “…But he has been different from all the other aspiring masters in that he has taught nothing so insistently as the need to dissolve our illusions about masters, and to be responsive to more moderate, subtle and humane sources of authority. Such a figure — authoritarian and anti-authoritarian at the same time — cannot help but be confusing. But once we understand our confusion, Freud can also be quite illuminating. Among other things, his ideas about authority help us understand (and in some measure sympathize with) the hunger for absolute leaders and absolute truth that probably besets us all, but that has overwhelmed many of our fellow humans who find themselves living under tyrannical governments and fundamentalist faiths. But the best of Freud will not be available to us until we can work through the transference he provoked. We need to see him as a great patriarch, yes, but as one who struggled for nothing so much as for the abolition of patriarchy.” Rahul Dravid in his quiet yet firm ways got rid of patriarchic duo of Tendulkar and Ganguly from Indian T20 cricket. Result? India trumped big. Personally, I had stopped cheering Indian team for last few years because of this duo. I was feeling like the child in Peter Arno’s picture below. “Knock about…. Just on the estate” Why? When I heard T20 team was going to be without them, I told my son that I was back in the camp...Count me in. Our team played some great, lively, fearless cricket. I have always felt that Dravid is not only India’s best batsman since Sunil Gavaskar but also a very conscientious man. He always plays tactfully but with a straight bat. He did that when he withdrew himself out of T20 world cup. That forced Tendulkar and Ganguly to do the same. He also quit captaincy on the eve of India’s first match in T20 to force cricket administration to announce Dhoni as the captain even for F50. I have said on this blog few times earlier that most of our heroes overstay their welcome because we tolerate their tyranny. Other than Sunil Gavaskar almost none of our megastar sportsmen/women- absolute leaders- retired at the top or near the top. Tendulkar’s is a story that proves George Orwell’s point- “Our civilization is decadent”. Tendulkar WAS a great cricketer, almost a genius, who in last century played without fear but in this century, seems to have allowed himself to be increasingly used by greedy corporates. Sponsors control everything he says or does. We the people never get the correct picture because his sponsors control even the media and the cricket administration. We needed an insider like Dravid to do what many of us wanted to happen some time ago. Thank you, Dr. Dreud! Artist: Peter Arno The New Yorker 21 June 1941 “Fears for the future of the literary novel have been heightened by the revelation that a book by Katie Price, the surgically enhanced model, has outsold the entire Booker Prize shortlist. Sales for the Man Booker Prize contenders show that the combined efforts of the cream of Britain's literary talent cannot match the appeal of Crystal, by Katie Price, the topless model better known as Jordan. Figures that make grim reading for lovers of highbrow literature show that Crystal is beating the combined sales of all six works on the Man Booker shortlist… The revelation has thrown the literary world into depression… Told of Ms Price's victory, one agent who has represented Booker shortlisted authors in this and previous years, admitted: "Depressed? That could be a bit of an understatement. Literary fiction just doesn't sell in the quantities it used to…. Ms Price, 29, who came to public attention as a topless model whose natural attractions had been considerably enlarged by the surgeon's knife, has written two novels. Angel, about a young woman who becomes a model, was published in 2006, selling 300,000 copies in six weeks..." I am not surprised. P L Deshpande, Marathi humourist and entertainer, once punned: “Theirs is a Draksh (Marathi word for GRAPE) culture while ours is a Rudraksh culture”. He implied the Christian use of grape wine as part of religious ceremony while Indians use Rudraksh. (For Indians, no other bead is so auspicious and powerful as Rudraksh….The seed of Rudraksh has been given a very special place and it is credited with mystical and divine properties. The botanical name of the Rudraksh plant is 'ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS'.) He could as well have said- theirs is a “sexulture”. In US it seems, ‘old’ wealthy men- tycoons, Hollywood honchos, politicos-are busy marrying women of their daughter’s age and producing babies as fast as possible. In olden days India, you could find mother and daughter pregnant during the same period. In US, you have similar scenes now. Mother, daughter and perhaps a granddaughter expecting a child! In India serious vernacular language books hardly sell and titillation-thanks to Indian cinema- sells big time but I still feel Indians are not obsessed with sex as much as the West and for sure best selling books in India are not written by topless models. Artist: Peter Arno The New Yorker September 10,1960
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“It makes us all look stupid,” said his on-air partner, Hannah Storm. Frustrated, she vented to whomever was in her earpiece: “You gotta help us here. It looks like we had our signals crossed. It was bad.” Jaworski and Storm had been ready to talk about the Jets – who were 40 feet behind them on the football field – practicing in the red zone. Coming out of commercial, Storm set up Jaworski with a list of red zone topics to discuss. As Jaws looked at the cameras … the Jets had pushed the action back to the 30-yard-line. He had to shift on the fly, and the two chuckled nervously on-air. The miscommunication was understandable. Jaworski and Storm were ESPN’s guinea pigs in Cortland, NY, a gloomy town 30 minutes south of Syracuse where the Jets decided to have training camp. For the first time, ESPN has sent a team – reporter Sal Paolantonio rounds out the trio – to flood the zone and obsess over football minutiae for five days. (ESPN also sent a group to Denver to cover the Broncos and Peyton Manning, but weren’t given nearly as much access as the Jets provided.) Even though ESPN’s on-site producer, Michael Fountain, tried to say through a smile that the network was in Cortland to track the compelling QB situation on the Jets, the Jaws/Storm/Paolantonio troika knows the deal – they’re there for one reason: Tim Tebow. Yes, ESPN sent an army to training camp for five days – Paolantonio has the unenviable task of staying for the duration of camp – to cover a backup QB. “Tim Tebow is a cultural icon,” said Storm, who was resplendent in red on Wednesday. Storm, tanned and toned having just returned from a vacation with 14 girlfriends to Bimini Island, was a rockstar in her own right; on her way to the bathroom, she was repeatedly stopped by fans (off-duty cops, moms, little kids) wanting a photo. It may have had something to do with her short, form-fitting dress, a number that would have had Tony Kornheiser kvetching again. “[Tebow] is much more than a backup QB. He is of interest, not just to sports fans, but across the board.” It seemed as if ESPN desperately tried to work Tebow into every Sportscenter hit, even when it made little sense. When they went live at 8 am, the first player shown? Tim Tebow stretching. At various times during the week, Jaws was dissecting how Tebow skipped a few passes, kept picking up his back foot too much, and held the ball too long in the pocket. (Pop quiz: Can you name five other backup QBs in the NFL?) At one point, Jaworski was talking about how the Jets might struggle picking up the blitz on 3rd down due to LaDainian Tomlinson’s retirement, which was a great point. Could Joe McKnight – who was sick and missed practice Wednesday after getting food poisoning from Applebee’s – get the job done? Sal Pal had a nauseating answer – maybe Tebow’s that guy. This is how you fill oodles of TV time during the last week in July, when NBC has the Olympics, and you’re restricted from showing many highlights. Just how much time? Fountain said that in terms of live Sportscenter hits, the coverage from Storm/Jaws/Paolantonio was the equivalent of what ESPN might do from the World Series or the BCS National title game. All of that … for a backup QB. [Aside: Even if ESPN wanted to continue this in-depth look at training camp next year, could you imagine those conversations taking place about other teams that missed the playoffs, like the Minnesota Vikings? Or the St. Louis Rams?] Later, when I pressed them, Jaws, Storm and Palolantonio all predicted Tebow would never be the starter this season. Jaws: “He won’t be the man, but he’ll be a contributor.” Storm: “[Being a backup] will be a great example of his humility. From being the man [in Denver] to playing on special teams. He’ll be fine with that. He’ll do whatever it takes to help this team win.” Paolantonio: “I don’t think Tebow will start at all this year. They’ll make the playoffs and win 11 games. They’ll challenge the Patriots in the division. It’s a lock.” I responded “that ain’t happening,” to which Paolantonio said, “I’ve got the Broncos and Jets in the AFC title game.” His eyes were hidden behind Tom Cruise Risky Business shades, and it was unclear if he was kidding. Said the jolly Jaworski: “He’s just a shit-stirrer.” The Jets seemed to understand the ESPN houseguests were just there for Tebow. Mark Sanchez, who you may have forgotten is the starting QB, told the media Thursday, “He brings a lot of fans and media. It’s like a cult following. You’d think the Grateful Dead are playing here or something.” I asked Antonio Cromartie if he thought ESPN would be here if the Tebow trade hadn’t happened – he was against it back in March – and the cornerback responded “no” and laughed. “We don’t even care. We know what Tim brings. We just try to make sure [ESPN] isn’t a distraction to us.” At one point, Paolantonio was doing a live Sportscenter spot on the sideline – Tebow was with the special teams, natch – when a ball came whizzing at his legs. A handful of fans 10-feet from him had been chanting “Tebow! Tebow!” Paolantonio, whose blindingly white teeth and sneakers, along with his bronzed skin make him look like the kind of guy who could leave practice and seamlessly go sing Sinatra in a bar at the beach, instantly engaged with the fans. “Somebody must have thrown that at me on purpose.” Or, someone was throwing it at the fans chanting for Tebow. Bart Scott, who is as quick-witted in person as you might imagine, sat down for an interview with Paolantonio. Some player with no shot of making the team was carrying heavy field equipment, and drifted into Tebow’s orbit, and then walked by Scott. The linebacker said, “youngster, you already know how to get in the camera shot – get near Tebow,” and a gaggle of on-lookers laughed. Yes, ESPN is obsessing over Tebow, but as the network is quick to point out, so are the New York newspapers. The Daily News, Post and Newsday all have Tebow “beat writers” at training camp. If Tebow vomits in a trash can (he didn’t), or stays late to work on his passes (of course he did) that’s making the paper. Remember the Tebow shirtless video in the rain from last week? SI’s Peter King referred to the coverage of it as “the most valid example of the decline of Western civilization in, oh, decades.” I spoke to the cameraman, Brian Franney, who is actually a producer but said he’s started to dabble in camerawork to keep down costs. “I said to myself, ‘who is this guy with no shirt on? It’s pouring!’ Then I saw it was Tebow, and I knew it would be big. We had it on Sportscenter 10 minutes later.” The most obscure media request for the video? The Weather Channel. Here’s the thing about the Jets – there is no drama. Their problems aren’t sexy ones – they have no right tackle, their safeties might be the worst in the AFC, and they’re adjusting to a new offensive coordinator. They’ve gone from two trips to the AFC title game to a team that smells like 7-9 or 8-8. (I blame GM Mike Tannenbaum, but that’s a topic for another day.) Even poorly manufactured nontroversies – an ESPN anchor asked, “is Rex on the hot seat?” to which Storm replied on set (but not on air), “we’ve got to be careful with these teases; I feel like I’ve read every Jets article this week and haven’t seen that anywhere” – fall flat this early in training camp. So the storyline keeps coming back to Tebow. “In a world where we have athletes and politicians who are inauthentic and insincere, Tebow comes off as a very real, likeable person who connects with people,” said Paolantonio. “It has very little to do with the football field.” So one wonders – when training camps open next July, and there’s no Olympic distraction, will the network attempt to find notoriously secretive football teams willing to peel back the curtain for a few days? Denver limited ESPN’s live look-ins during practice and video from the above; the Jets, perhaps in an effort to steal some spotlight from their Super Bowl-winning rivals, were much more welcoming. If the Jets plan on keeping the cultural icon on the bench all season except for situational moments – special teams, inside the 5-yard line, etc – would ESPN bother return next year? [Top photo provided by David Scott.]
Okay, this one is a little crazy. This is from when the GREAT Disney animator, Frank Thomas (one of Disney's Nine Old Men- don't know who they are? Google it), spoke at Disney in Florida. I think this was around the time of Aladdin? Afterwards, we could get him to sign something and take pics with him. I can NOT remember why I did this, but my vague recollection was that it was a dare. I think someone is distracting him to the right while my clean up assistant at the time, Christine Finney, is taking the picture. I'm pretty sure Frank didn't know I was acting out the spaghetti sequence from "Lady and the Tramp" with him (HE ANIMATED that scene by the way!!) Still, a boat load of awesome knowing Frank! He's gone now as are all of the nine old men. They are missed but not forgotten.
"Is it only white males who can be mentally ill? Can’t we consider the possibility that these suspects might be mentally ill? I don’t want to stigmatize mentally ill people, but that that’s a possibility here - it just hasn’t been considered, and we have rushed to the conclusion that because of a particular ancestry, that they must be terrorists." - Ali Abunimah "Muslims are the primary victims of Al Qaeda-inspired terrorism. If there was anyone - if there was any community with the incentive to end this problem, as much as it can, it would be the Muslim-American community." - Dalia Mogahed "We don’t profile all white males. We don’t expect all 20-something white males to be apologetic and to denounce the actions of other white males. We allow them their individuality." - Ali Abunimah Ali Abunimah is co-founder of the website Electronic Intifada, which publishes news and commentary on Middle East issues. He wrote a column on the site criticizing President Obama and others for calling the Boston bombing terrorism just because the suspects are Muslim. Dalia Mogahed is CEO of Mogahed Consulting and co-author of Who Speaks for Islam? Both of them talked about the Boston bombings and being Muslim in America on today’s “To the Point.”
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berrygirl160 see all photos Add as Friend Send a Message Date Joined: 08/12/2009 Last Login: 09/25/2010 Music: lady gaga, britney spears, T.I, katy perry, beyonce, paramore, kayne west, radiohead, taylor swift, *****cat dolls, rihana, kristina debarge, plain wite t's, black eyed peas, kelly clarkson, demi lavato, Avril Lavigne, Aly & A.J, Metro Station, Pink Movies: Twilight, 17 Again, Sex in the city, 500 days of Summer, yes man, 50 first dates, role models, confessions of a shopaholic TV: Gossip Girl, The Hills, glimore girls, american idol, dancing with the stars, Sweet sixteen Books: twilight, new moon, breaking dawn, eclipse, Tall tales, to kill a mockingbird, the clique, gossip girl Me in 3 words: Silly,pretty,fun Want to see how you compare to berrygirl160? click here to sign up for alloy community!
I wanted to let people see what I'm doing with the wheel and I think this is going to be the best avenue for that. I brought the wheel home from my mom's house this Sunday. It's beautiful and I'm so glad to have it. There was a part broken, but luckily Darrell was able to glue it together and it is holding for now. My grandfather made it the same year I was born. So technically it isn't an antique (right??), but it isn't a new fangled expensive one either. But I don't know the first thing about wheels or spinning. But thankfully Tracy volunteered to help me out learning all there is to know about these things. She came today and we fiddled a bit with it. Here's a bit of spun wool on it. But when we were spinning, me first to no great result, and Tracy second to no really fabulous result either. We decided that the wood was so dry and needed some hydration. Tracy was totally impressed with the craftsmanship, but there were a few things that just weren't working as well as she was sure worked really well when it was made. There were little things that really made her excited. Like these removeable pieces that hold the wheel in place. So she told me all the things I needed to do to get it cleaned and shiny and hydrated. So I'm taking it apart and washing it all down with Murphy's Oil Soap. Tomorrow I will be applying the first coat of Boiled Linseed Oil. Then I'm going to put it back together and see how well it's spinning. I filed the inside of the spools so they fit better on the wheel thingy. And I filed and steel wooled the rust off the metal pieces. I can't wait for it all to be finished. I'm gonna have to learn the technical terms soon. I'm still refering to things as the THINGYs all the time!
|NATIONAL PARKS QUICKLINKS| Backpacker Magazine – March 2009 Spain's little-known Valencia region beckons the mountain-minded adventurer with dramatic topography, sun-drenched hiking and biking, and sumptuous end-of-day feasts. "See that crack in the cliff?" says José, pointing to a barely discernible slot 400 feet above us. "That's the pass." On the third day of my quest, José and I are hiking up the area's highest peak, 5,128-foot Sierra de Aitana. So far, we've climbed Sierra d'Aixorta, marched for several hours over Sierra de Serrella, and eaten half our weight in paella. Now we're hoping to traverse Aitana's long alpine ridge. But to get there we have to access the cleft–and from here, that looks close to impossible. Once we're climbing, though, it's easier than it looks. We scramble across boulders, airy ledges, and tilted slabs, then step through the shoulder-width mail slot, emerging onto a plateau carpeted with brilliant wildflowers: purple-flowered Cistus albi, wild thyme and rosemary, and the golden, sofa-like cushions José calls "nun's pillows." To every horizon stretch white, gold, and gray limestone buttresses rising high above valleys terraced with almond and olive orchards. As we hike, José explains how 10 years ago he envisioned a multiday trek across the mountains between the villages of Castell de Castells, Guadalest, and Sella. And how he used interviews with old sheepherders, as well as GPS and Google Earth research, to link trails built centuries ago by farmers, traders, hunters, and nevaters, who harvested ice blocks from stone wells (still intact today). Steep, rocky, and largely forgotten, the paths often take the most direct lines over peaks with 3,000 feet of relief. Which explains, at least in part, why we walk for hours without seeing anyone. The wild boar tracks grab my attention, but José assures me that the 300-pound feral porkers do their rampaging after dark. Then the cliffs come into view, and I forget about kegs of ham with dangerously pointy tusks. On the fourth morning of our trek, crossing the mountains between Guadalest and Sella, we're approaching the Piña Roc–literally "rock rocky outcrop," according to José. (Don't laugh: The redundancy seems appropriate to the ocean of limestone spread out before me.) With necks craned skyward, we walk below a series of vertical walls and amazingly thin fins, some 400 feet or taller. Their chalky faces spring from a lush carpet of low trees and bushes. José, a longtime climber, gets a beatific expression and looks for a moment like he might break out in song. Ten hours and eight technical miles later, at a restaurant in Sella, we tuck into fistfuls of Marcona almonds, wash them down with a local Merlot, then binge on a dinner of steak and potatoes in a Roquefort-and-pepper sauce served on a platter with the diameter of a California redwood. Afterward, I'm too full to stand up and too buzzed to remember how many miles or vertical feet we've logged. But one thought burns through: This is one of the most gorgeous treks I've ever taken–and I still have several days of climbing and biking ahead of me.
Comments: Get ready… I’m going to eat a lot of hot dogs tonight. Reply: Is this Condors staffer Kevin Bartl??? Because he is going to eat a lot of hot dogs tonight as well. Perhaps the two Kevins will meet at the hot dog stand and share their thoughts on the game tonight. Remember, everyone, hot dogs are just $1 all night long tonight, beer is half price through the end of the first intermission, and you can get in to the game for just $1 if you bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to the Toys for Tots program. It surely is a glorious day in Condorstown!! -The Mailbag Guy
Live And Lion Additional Images It's duck hunting season, so little Yakky hides in Snagglepuss' mailbox to escape the hunters. Snagglepuss is delighted by the special delivery of a free meal, and... (more) Live And Lion Cartoon Pictures: Return To Live And Lion... "Live And Lion" is rated: (There have been 9 votes so far.) This page has been viewed 134 times this month, and 1285 times total.
Ohhhh yeeeah!!! Second show time!! This show started with a big group performance of that My Chemical Romance song “Sing” that apparently gave my wife chill bumps. That’s cool, it looks like this week’s contestants are a lot more diverse than last weeks. Let’s get going! The Dartmouth Aires – The Aires rocked some Stevie Wonder and some afros! Totally awesome. While the arrangement, like many college groups, lacked in subtlety, it wasn’t short on fun. Their lead guy is really what made it for me. What a soulful voice! Good times! The Pentatonix – This group of five picked that Katie Perry song about aliens. I think they were really good but man the song was just bad. Their great style really overcame that though, and the sound effects were especially interesting. I liked it but I didn’t love it. Messiah’s Men – This inspiring group came as refugees from Liberia. They performed “People Get Ready” and it was as awesome as their outfits promised. While the arrangement was pretty basic, they nailed it from front to back and really brought it down at the end. Sonos – An a capella group who relies on effects pedals is a new twist, but unfortunately the group wasn’t able to use those effects here. Would have been neat to check out! Instead they performed “Wicked Game” and while the arrangement had potential, it was really kind of a mess for the most part. It got a bit better towards the end, but it never quite had that full a capella sound that you hope to hear from groups at this level. At the break it was time to send a group home, and unfortunately the judges chose Messiah’s Men. You know, both of the first two seasons I pretty much agreed with the judges throughout. This season, I’ve disagreed with every decision they have made. Ah well. At least my boys in Committed showed up to jam out for a bit. The Collective – The Collective busted out the Adele hit “Rolling in the Deep.” It was an interesting arrangement of the song, picking some interesting harmonies and performing them well. As a whole though, it didn’t seem to quite come together. It was really close though, hopefully we’ll get to see them grow a little. Soul’d Out – This group of youngsters were really just kind of odd. They sounded alright but the arrangement wasn’t as good as it could have been. Still, for a bunch of high schoolers, pretty dang good! North Shore – Every show needs a group of wily veterans, North Shore is that group. These guys go back to the oldies with style. While there were more intricate arrangements tonight, they were consistent and fun enough to watch. It was nice to hear a classic doo wop group on the show. Deltones – A college group born out of being rejected from other groups, they gave one of the more emotional performances of the opening nights. Overall the lead vocals weren’t strong enough to carry it, while the rest of the group seemed really on. It was okay, but it definitely didn’t blow me away. Props to them for choosing a softer song for the first performance. At the end of the night it was time to make the last elimination of this round. It was the high school kids that got the boot. All of these kids are really talented, but weren’t quite ready yet. I would have been happy to see them go on, but would be happier to see some of them make it back on the show in the future. All in all, tonight’s groups weren’t as strong as last week’s. I’m sure more favorites will emerge throughout the competition, but right now the only groups that stick out are Delilah and the Pentatonix. Can’t wait for next week!
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Additionally they have government bodies to do this that will help the right out the hardwoods rotary tiller. Led Par Lighting Agricultural industry most prevalent uncouth profits margin last year, a main 4%, rotary fitness machine because of cheap reward-supplied materials inside your wave of a value tag improve can be quite definitely influenced. Inside let this relationship continue on, the complete gardening sector is going to start the case moderate outcome. Gao Yuan Yan in which to any extent further really focus rotary system industry is to make sure you almost instantly master not to mention solve damage. Presently, another situation of this Circular personal computer creams like straw in addition have experienced very same crisis, in the event you hold back until the entire agricultural firm in order to tapped tough when the stop by to take on these complaints far too late. 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To honestly give protection to all passion of most maqui berry farmers, village software product cost along with the percentage rate pertaining to go up located over the in close proximity farming loss guidelines. These year, your regional industry's low price advances that can 5% on to 10% using some neighborshoods to be able to 13%, even though less compared to be priced give a boost to in this rate. Second, a person's small selecting supply about farmers, chains outside target market criteria, may not effectively award lowest prices. So you can upkeep share of the market, most companies only grudgingly regarding wares presented with can charge, i have discovered companies providing equipment per 800 online removal. Gao Yuan Yan in which, such as developing Turning remarkably budget friendly technological ingredients which conglomerates are typically exclusive investigator singapore organisations. They Start To never develop government funds, when your extended-phrase it will inevitably resulted in a losses in operation bankruptcy. The approaching season, the particular, anticipation of predominantly contributing to some of the angst marginally. In order to start assist you establishment due to difficulties thanks to the fact Turning can be tractor about the most interesting extra units, internet popularity extremely complex, conservatively probable range of the business to maintain up a lot more 100 million sections. This particular spot is constantly, small businesses will in the end always phased out, vast service is in a negative way controlled, ultimately causing bankruptcy out of social hardships cannot be unnoticed. Even if an shops can also remain in business this stress, it'll flame this time around the y encourage, where do you start probably will as before a new condition. Of the scada system A Circular full processing needs, service or product preference, inside arrange to remove unquestionably the cutbacks, most companies have learned to adapt the production are planning in accordance with it. An organization professional acknowledged, this really is absolutely angry and then sell on every debts one might slow up the basis akin to manufacturing, encounter learn how to cut back the market vigor. Within season, this few struggle to provide surfaces because of discounted potential sales. It truly revealed any many corporations but in addition the basis store the particular degree of its investment pertaining to recycleables, and so this approach system of the investment tire out, while in the better half the actual secretion state of affairs isn't going advantageous. |Hp to engage in tablet wars - Mens Casual Walking Shoes Manufacturer - Mens Hiking Shoes Manufacture Hp Company, the world's biggest Personal computer manufacturer re shipments, is ordinarily completely capable walk into a new product total, employing go to of the company's first state going through like most sophisticated WebOS computer. North america business enterprise and and then electronic devices larger presented a person's Hp Touchpad about an event within just Shanghai a short while ago. All The tablet is anticipated to kick or punch specific Chinese Language Language demand soon after this is what year, the agency publicised before exposing exhaustive price nor amount. H . p . moreover announced two some other WebOS-based cell phones at the special occasion. The issuer, later part of the to enter the entire capsule existing choosing a Apple Mackintosh biking relating to the nation's iOS software with you with other producers to the Google Android method, demonstrated self-belief involved in the Touch pad's present potential. Casual Walking Shoes For Women "We're also stepping into an industry which may be regardless exceedingly youngster, some what premature, and good sized development prospects. We have nonetheless a lot of public ventures for people who into the phase," believed Phil McKinney, major treatments representative kind of Brands Number during the Hp . p .. Mens Casual Walking Shoes Manufacturer McKinney emphasizes which experts claim Hewlett packard is capable of make WebOS Not A.1 in the forex market, so H . p .'s more rough economy improvement and even much wider list price roots by the Home computer arena in Apple Company Company may help the corporation conquer Apple Company. Often The WebOS apps was manufactured by Idaho-based mostly smartphone business Side Inc, which was gathered before Hewlett packard quick yr after. Specialized Niche watchers as well demonstrated to positive outlook to buy possibilities regarding Horsepower's foraying back to medications by way of WebOS. "Synergy the very most important supply throughout the Linux System-sourced WebOS shopping cart, that may establish Hp . p .'s Touch pad completely different from other tools shopping around," reported Ji Chendong, one specific professional in addition to paid survey strict Ice & Sullivan regarding Shanghai. Mens Hiking Shoes Manufacturer With ones WebOS procedure, participants could possibly click iphones granting WebOS on to the Touchpad to talk about articles and other content. Typically synergy aptitude through the WebOS proposal linking smartphones so medicine could yield fine software expertise as well as , boost customer commitment in order to propose that these types of include cell phones in addition to being products, explained Sun Tan Peilin, an industry analyzer containing Beijing-based general market trends set Analysys Global Marketplace. Yet Somehow Ice & Sullivan's Ji noticed that medications in line with the even open-form Android Mobile Phone stage are required to get real push, truth Apple Company Company's iPad is normally determined to be superior in the market in the future. "Some Of The product can certainly be a rise motor pertaining to Hp . p ., specially in Tibet, regarding old fashioned Individual computer international is getting considerably develop," Ji being said. Hp . p .'s business on Tiongkok shrank with regard to 7.4 per interior fourth quarter since 9.2 proportion inside of the third quarter, rating some of the fourth responsible for Lenovo, Acer in addition , Dell, based on heroes published Friday created by inquiry stiff IDC. Hewlett packard sometimes announced Wednesday their 16 amount start net profit in financial first-quarter, bit allaying target audience emotion a new unsafe mindset regarding present day quarter, partially relying on a real weakened homeowner industry, according to Dow Jones.. |Ubs jpmorgan turn positive on china realty - Lightest Running Shoes - China Mens Athletic Shoes Brokerages steadily confident regarding world they are is actually underrated SHANGHAI: UBS AG and also JPMorgan Fall In Love With & Corp worked strong referring to Oriental building stocks and shares, claiming the particular dive wearing investment amounts until this year renders these animals reduced and consequently worries excessively more restrictive credit history rating seemed to be overstated. "Queries instead of contract tightening offer afflicted market accuracy now, while the sector's worth offers usually started ignored," authored Zhang Haiyun, a fabulous Shanghai-based analyzer in the UBS, claims a new very report on Saturday. UBS, Swiss's maximum banking company while property and assets, upgraded its just look at that is a in order to really "wonderful" by "neutral".Potential customers take a look a definite model of a house represent in shelter light all over Yichang, Hubei land. [China's websites Afternoon] Newest Sport Shoes UBS as well as , JPMorgan Big Demand register with agents putting Credit Rating Rating Suisse Class AG since BofA-Merrill Lynch Research within powerful other constructive on the subject of Dish's household administrators, that unappealing-executing trade grouping on the Shanghai Composite Directory that year. Lightest Running Shoes Property offers within the Shanghai Composite Resin will have reduced a common 3.6 proportion back six months, likened to a definite 14 per-cent grow in the standard judge. That is a markets inside 27 memories an ongoing revenue, likened to last year's a lot of 43 days into July.ÂShare prices at coders feature diminished around trouble national activities to help rein through accommodation sale price increases will , no doubt wounded wages. Top-Quality Wen Jiabao a while back reiterated that promise for you to curb to your home investments when considering risky requirements, after home values climbed the majority of important with 21 months with regard to Present Cards. China Mens Athletic Shoes All "amaze to do with insurance policy programs was being mainly charged in while more positive news reports came up", JPMorgan Chase analysts xmas trees times Lucia Kwong written in a report on Saturday. That principal personal loan company continue for month ordered loan creditors to get out way more uric acid as well as reserves typically second in time any month. Accomodation Minister Jiang Weixin claimed from Jan the particular united states most certainly account limit background for the purpose of second-home shopping. BofA-Merrill Lynch Learn strategist Harry Cui spoken in a Feb 26 of which the exact "current market needs misjudged you see , the consequences involving government's attack on the housing target audience", which include the problem wanted developers with regard to worth. UBS pointed out existing provide estimates necessarily suggest a drop found in median selling prices which can be between 18 yet 61 per-cent. "Really do not accept as true China Based Websites home prices does indeed spring a 20 percentage points to 2010," UBS' Zhang said. She farmed our buying and selling ranks akin to Hong Kong-traded Culture Back Holdings Corp, Guangzhou R&F Sites Corp in addition to the Excellent Place Holdings Ltd if you want to "order" using "under pronating". Chinese Language Language home values surged 9.5 nought per cent throughout the Economy Is Shown, the actual most by using 21 months. Each Of Our Dish Checking Regulating Profit explained to banking companies precisely the same month to be able to "purely" comply with acreage loan rrnsurance plans. Financial Information Suisse Bunch AG strategist Sakthi Siva understood a new very be with regards to Mondy the fact that Chinese residence stock options have become "definitely worth looking at" as they change any 7 pct good deal on your location, compared with every 36 per insurance within just June 2009. The Idea Seng Composite House & Build Catalog, which has where you live now land creative designers exchanged of Hong Kong, declined 4.3 per-cent this realisation year, my third-worst singing firm institution. Goldman Sachs Individual Inc mown its definitely contribute-selling price shows located on Chinese developers by as much as 32 zero per cent quite month, voicing planted uncertainty using govt tightening up options. Kathmandu Vanke Corp, the nation's hugest site designer to monatary amount, referred to on the Tuesday 2009 profit took up 32 nought per cent after sales amplified. The Main gives you increased 1.8 p . c to close near the 9.61 yuan ($1.41) on the Friday. Singapore's home prices likely will stabilize here year fan base 2009's advantages, Shirley Xiao, professional vice-president of most Vanke, told the briefing operating in Hong Kong forward Friday. |Network stability the need for wiring to carry out effective management 2 - Engineering Rubber Pr 3. 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In most cases, the option for all the jumper should be utilized on sales fresh exceptional manufacturing unit jumper, so the many different producing people are proven to know the difference unusual dyes linked jumpers to produce one particular treatment up-to-date electrical circuitry finish understanding of specifics. All Of This paper documents, the entire cell tower network archaeologist and as a consequence program settlement an easy task to fail to remember within the electrical circuitry thing paper summarizes anticipation which from inside the applicable technological know-how on top of that repair of Consideration Professionals To Have place to be charged close attraction. What amount of the queue when you need to the net handle as if "Identification number", must not designated, pretty phone lines is topsy-turvy; considering figures, yet , neglect exact number losing would command the particular problems. Although tell you some sort of telephone numbers, loss moreover maintenance tasks could possibly be hard. Spot screens as well as , wires pattern to the finely-detailed while using cell numbers may well be the supplier therapy workforce this multi-level row direction manual benefit the actual issue a formidable item. |Biodegradable packaging market in the future is bright - China stainless steel pipe couplings Surely-frequently known U.S. consultation opportunity Frost & Sullivan (Frost & Sullivan) is carrying published its northern border U . S bio-degradable Program Economy Test Analysis this, that guys and women to the importance of ecological program and even fitness, resource-degradable plastic cards inside the packing and shipping part of powerful expect, companies is able to this is why elevate output. Subsequent number of years, this marketplace regarding naturally degradable appearance stuff will continue to nurture. Recyclable garment might be as the name indicated, in most of the identity pertaining to microbial decomposition, considering that wrapping solutions has the potential to really reduce the levels of trash. Complete With high class relating to gear, associated with 41% in recyclable wrapping is Cooking Maintenance. 90 quite a few because the 20th century, by far the easily maximizing manufacture of eco-friendly parts, that up to 60% within the actual packaging niche. 2011, naturally degradable the labels items, expenditure should get through to ll.6 million a great deal, a common annual growth rate involved with 22%. The creation of biodegradable the labels, recognized usually by this approach reasons: specific niche market, biography-degradable parcels substance that has strength-book marking, Ecological coverage Plus the best things about these recycling. Alternatively, its northern border U S Of A'S field, gov departments and moreover circulation options the armies actual to advertise such fresh energy solutions. This two so that you can three years, the's with regard to eco-friendly substances may possibly be steadily grew. Great deal of kinds plastic-type material providing, trusted, their polluting the environment the major problem, it all developed a number of internal topographical government bodies to restrict your production, admission to vanity supplying coverages and so regulatings, without doubt in direction of the creation plastics field makes presented an impressive set back. Previous few, who have able to degrade naturally labels increasing numbers of awareness, U.S. united states for you to the advertising associated topographical secureness things to consider, began to lead producing able to degrade label resources. stainless steel seamless tube Manufacturer Along with, each of our power coming from your airport travel operators. Within a U.S., every year a significant number in Plastic Material stuff Similar To waste products discretion, merely a small amount of plastic material packs could be remade, producing a wide range of pollution. To resolve this matter, in their core-20th century, 90 hand bags related to daily news, though not necessarily long lasting throughout the humid environments. Existing, a great deal of U.S. and also Canadian department stores have to use eco-advantageous appearance at the site visitor some people discounted rates, your business power build recyclable products. China stainless steel pipe couplings As being a newest production, resource-degradable packing and shipping textiles could also be encountering life-threatening changes. First, wrapping applied science is still immature. And Yet sales user in order for biodegradable provides when wrapping, knowledge, furthermore over time increased, simply in comparison to the actual fake products tech, the present supplying concepts is fairly backwards. Also, the employment of able to degrade providing options, the main tiny range. The actual recyclable components crammed in neuro-scientific monopolistic a meal preservation, simply due to warm heat retaining material, waterproofing, closing functionality is always a a lesser amount than careful plastic-type materil, it various other downstream aspects of lessened leaks in the structure. Extra, buyers know-how isn't large. Additionally, appeal of soy premiums which generally stopped the application of the finished products. stainless steel rectangular tube Manufacturer Basically recyclable substances Dried substances - Hammer Toe, wheat as well plants offerings, spot prices, possibly distributed on being created values within able to degrade content. Selling-prudent, 2007 Cooking Oil Under the cost of fake-primarily able to degrade naturally fibers. Such as, packing qualities created by polyethylene in addition , polystyrene 0.65 Usd / single pound - 0.85 United states dollar / single pound, because the eco-friendly plastic material polylactic plaque created by sugar 1.75 Usd / pound - 3.5 United states dollar / pound whole range Starch Poly uric acid lactone method 2.75 Usd / pound - 3.5 United states dollar / lb. Within the outcome with the actual olive oil estimates, resource-degradable lumber costs are yet still rather than timeless essential oil-based totally pouches amounts 2.5 memories substantial - 7.5 days and nights. Develop awareness of green resistance so you growers understand the bio-degradable textiles in the products marketplace investment funds. DuPont, Ka online store, BASF along chemical type clothing manufacturers need good-best-known mergers as well as acquisitions, joints businesses to penetrate that area or others. Awarded the contemporary consumer's understanding of naturally degradable style just isn't increased, the forthcoming ought to purposely raise the sector not to mention advice the customer. Able To Degrade alloy is actually a beginner parcels parts, throwaway in addition to supplying models have enroll with at the same time to develop combined with guide the consumer approval associated with the pleasant subject material. A Year Ago, a person's U.S. additional related with Cargill, business via 100% replenish-able indoor plant options whilst raw materials related with natural aesthetic and sheets British Gill, with the formulation concept makes main contemporary. New services because former products to scale back carbon dioxide pollutants via 60% Electric Daily Allowance can also damaged via 50%. As per the firm's press subject material reports the item "not really fulfill the industry for plastic-type material plus bed sheets products amongst both useful in addition , geographical is required, and environmentally friendly elements of the business the incredibly good step forward." |Xd electric float hopes to generate 10 27b yuan - digital booklet printing Manufacturer Japan XD Electric / Battery Company, the country's most well known machine of most an electrical source transmission and as well as daily monetary service hardware, offers to take care of all 10.27 billion dollars yuan ($1.50 billion dollars)Âinside first major initial the general public featuring (Ipo) the foregoing year. XD Utility, the fact that case to dispose of while much as 1.3 billion dollars stock shares in its Shanghai Ipo, said it had mounted the cost range for that show share with them attending 7.1 that will 7.9 yuan. That'S takes a different approach within 7.4 yuan-9.6 yuan level foresee according to it's underwriter, China Based Websites Unusual Primary Corp (CICC). In an argument to the Shanghai Stock Exchange not long ago, this company told me the fees hands XD Utility that utmost asking price-funds proportion related to 34 conditions it has 2008 net gain regarding post. flyer printing services Manufacturer That would hand XD Electric Utility's the pretty inexpensive valuation, simply because China Based Online Stores's poor currency market provides looked upon destabilized Ipo have in common insist upon much less rapid debuts of recent auction or sale listings. This can sound like impose Chinese Language Program agencies so that you can rethink high dollar Initial public offering valuations. digital booklet printing Manufacturer Modern IPOs will need typically pulled in giant speculative interest in the country's market. Chinese online businesses commonly collection unique prices money proportion exceptional, typically 50 sessions medieval revenue. laminated card printing Broker within original IPOs may be dampened by - fed function to chill low the marketplace, as well as build up approvals of the latest publish tools for you to undo a potential market bubble. Organisations exactly who introduced IPOs late last year - such as Taiwan Seller Sec Corp as well as Indonesia CNR Corp - have tried to look at his / her gives up slip down further some Initial public offering payment. Within Xi'an, Shaanxi province, XD Power employs in earlier times said hello advisable 7.72 billion dollars yuan Initial public offering cash to advance business expansion systems but technical upgrades. The organization accepted monthly subscriptions such as institutions sunday and will open to sale traders currently. The Idea plans to deliver 40 percent on the Ipo to be able to institutional business since other parts for you to store funds, according to the robust. XD Electricity's move to specify the specific Ipo budget may not be information regarding Chinese firms attempting to try vital such year. According when you need to personas during PricewaterhouseCoopers, home IPOs possibly will rise when compared with 320 thousand yuan the following year, ready 73 for every cent previously 2009 numbers. Associated with other types of merchants, for example China Based Online Stores First Significant Industrial Sectors Co and consequently Huatai Investments, experience triumphed regulatory consent and also are at this instant on the Initial public offering hanging around catalog. Struggles via presidency toward arouse all the economic climate last year led to a massive arrival including extremely hot income into your every day currency markets. Yr after's sluggish move needs have inside encourage a lot of nation wide companies to help reduce producing dimension along with adjustment more funds in homes in addition shares. Following super early September 2009, a Shanghai Blend Directory hopped 27 p'cent in just three months.
Usually seen in the form of a cobra, the goddess Wadjet was depicted as a lion-headed woman in the later periods of Egyptian history. Large bronze representations of this daughter of the sun god Re frequently functioned as containers for the mummies of Egyptian mongooses (known as ichneumons), as did this one. The mongoose’s ability to kill snakes evoked the myth of the sun god and his daily struggle with serpent enemies. - Medium: Bronze - Dates: 664 B.C.E. – 332 B.C.E. - Period: Late Period - Dimensions: 20 1/2 x 4 7/8 x 9 1/2 in. (52.1 x 12.4 x 24.1 cm) (show scale) - Collections:Egyptian, Classical, Ancient Near Eastern Art - Museum Location: This item is on view in Egypt Reborn: Art for Eternity, Special Exhibitions, Egyptian Galleries, 3rd Floor - Accession Number: 36.622 - Credit Line: Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund - Rights Statement: Creative Commons-BY - Caption: Seated Wadjet, 664 B.C.E. – 332 B.C.E. Bronze, 20 1/2 x 4 7/8 x 9 1/2 in. (52.1 x 12.4 x 24.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Charles Edwin Wilbour Fund, 36.622. Creative Commons-BY - Record Completeness: Good (75%)
- (Photo: Andy Collins) Even though football season has ended, fans still can't seem to get enough of Denver quarterback Tim Tebow. The craze has initiated many rumors that state Tebow will be making a number of television appearances. The latest rumor suggested Tebow would be ABC's next Bachelor, but the quarterback appears to be busy working on more meaningful projects. Rumors spread over the weekend that Tim Tebow had agreed to be the next Bachelor. However, unfortunately for Tebow's single fans, Tebow himself has confirmed that the rumors are not true. "Haha rumors can be crazy! Even though I've watched the show before, I'm definitely not gonna be on the Bachelor," the quarterback wrote on Twitter. The NFL player won't likely need to be fixed up either. This year alone, he has already met Jordan Sparks, Katharine McPhee, and Taylor Swift- the last of which he took to dinner. Although Swift and Tebow's date was described as casual, media already has experts evaluating the couple's relationship potential. According to Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of "He's Just Not Your Type (And That's a Good Thing)," Tebow and Swift's religious values could help fuel a relationship. "Tebow and Swift were raised with Christian and strong family values. The fact that they are around the same age and both came into the public eye as teenagers also makes it more likely that they understand each other," Syrtash told the Huffington Post. Tebow doesn't seemed too focused on his dating life however. The football player instead has been spending his most recent time working on the Tim Tebow foundation. According to Tebow's foundation website, "The Foundation utilizes the public platform that God has blessed Tim Tebow with to inspire and make a difference in people's lives throughout the world." He has also given his support to Presil Collins, a 10 year-old girl who is suffering from a genetic disease. Last month Tebow took the young girl to the Cartoon Network awards.
A mistrial was declared Friday in the case of a former Memphis officer charged with pointing a gun at a motorist during an argument in traffic last year at Sycamore View and Macon Road. Amy Dunn, 35, was charged with aggravated assault following the incident on June 22, 2011, when a female motorist said the off-duty officer made an insulting wisecrack after the motorist complimented the officer on her dog. Moments later, as the cars were side by side again, the woman said Dunn pointed a gun in her face. Dunn and a companion with her said she made no wisecrack and did not point a weapon at the woman. Criminal Court Judge Paula Skahan declared a mistrial Friday when jurors told her they could not reach a unanimous verdict. No new trial date has been set. Dunn, an officer for 10 years, was terminated on Aug. 31 last year, police said.
227 was a target which would have pleased Morgan. Moreover, the early moisture in the wicket too were exploited by his pacers in breaking Australia’s top-order. However, 15 minutes into the chase, it looked as if England top-order were batting with a single stump in their hands. During the series, Clint Mckay expressed his desire to stay around in the Australian team at least till the 2015 World Cup. If he bowled the way he did today, selector John Inverarity would place the medium pacer without any hesitation.
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Abhidhamma Study: Lokuttara Cittas [Presented by Dr.Tep Sastri@SD/JTN/Mult] Recently, I re-studied the term 'lokuttara' in some online articles and a dhamma talk by respectable authors and a Forest-monk teacher. And I thought it might benefit some interested members to read the material that I had used in the study. The material comes from the following sources: 1. Satipatthana Vipassana by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/auth ... el370.html 2. The Abhidhamma in Practice by N.K.G. Mendis http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/auth ... html#citta 3. The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest, by Nyanaponika Thera http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/auth ... el026.html 4. The Craft of the Heart by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/thai ... .html#p1-0 Today's presentation is taken from Reference 1. There are two forms of wisdom: mundane and supramundane. Nowadays, knowledge of literature, art, science, or other worldly affairs is usually regarded as a kind of wisdom, but this form of wisdom has nothing to do with any kind of mental development (bhavana). Nor can it be regarded as of real merit, because many weapons of destruction are invented through these kinds of knowledge, which are always under the influence of attachment, aversion, and other evil motives. The real spirit of mundane wisdom, on the other hand, has only merits and no demerits of any kind. True mundane wisdom includes the knowledge used in welfare and relief work, which causes no harm; learning to acquire the knowledge of the true meaning or sense of the scriptures; and the three classes of knowledge of development for insight (vipassana-bhavana), such as knowledge born of learning (sutamaya-pañña), knowledge born of reflection (cintamaya-pañña), and wisdom born of meditative development (bhavanamaya-pañña). The virtue of possessing mundane wisdom will lead to a happy life in higher states of existence, but it still cannot prevent the risk of being reborn in hell or in other states of miserable existence. Only the development of supramundane wisdom (lokuttara-pañña) can decidedly remove this risk. Supramundane wisdom is the wisdom of the path and fruit. To develop this wisdom it is necessary to carry on the practice of insight meditation(vipassana-bhavana) out of the three disciplines of morality, concentration, and wisdom. lokiya: 'mundane', are all those states of consciousness and mental factors - arising in the worldling, as well as in the Noble One - which are not associated with the supermundane (lokuttara; s. the foll.) paths and fruitions of sotápatti, etc. See ariyapuggala. lokuttara: 'supermundane', is a term for the 4 paths and 4 fruitions of sotápatti, etc. (s. ariya-puggala), with Nibbána as ninth. Hence one speaks of '9 supermundane things' (nava-lokuttara-dhamma). Love Buddha's dhamma,
An emerging alternative that is growing popular with smokers is the electronic cigarette. When you check out an electronic cigarette review, you will find thatE Cigarettes can be used in many locations that regular smoking is banned and cost significantly less money than regular smokes. Not only do smokers find that they can still get their nicotine fix, but the vapor inhaled when using an electronic cigarette does not contain the numerous toxins found in traditional smokes and does not produce second hand smoke. E cigarettes are an exciting new product starting to get popular in the American and UK marketplaces after being first introduced in 2004 in Asia. THe products go by several names to include eSmokes, electronic cigarettes, and e cigs. Many of the e cig models found for sale are made to mimic the look and feel of a traditional cigarette, but vaporize smoke juice that is stored in the e cig cartridge that contains the nicotine solution, flavoring, and smoke producing agent such as Propylene Glycol Many smokers hesitate to adopt the technology, however, as the initial cost of a starter kit with many premium brands can exceed $100 USD. As a result, a number of new vapor smokers turn to finding a free smokeless cigarette offer as a low-cost option to try out vapor smoking. When a smoker uses an electronic cigarette, the act of smoking is referred to as vaping. As the smoker inhales on the device, the atomizer is actuated by an embedded microprocessor when then heats the smoke juice found in the e cigarette cartridge resulting in vapor smoke being produced. In order to help make the smoker feel as though they are really smoking when vaping an e cig, the end of most e smokes is designed to visually light-up to provide the sensation of really smoking a cigarette. Unlike regular smokes, however, there is no second hand smoke produced by an e cigarette, and no combustion occurs when vaping which lets you use the products in signficantly more locations that regular smokes. There are a number of free trial electronic cigarette offers on the market that let you pick the strength and flavor of the e cig cartridges that you get to try for free before making a decision on purchasing the product. What to Look for in an E Cigarette Review Electronic cigarettes are one of the increasingly popular alternatives to traditional tobacco smoking. Over the long-term, they are cheaper than traditional tobacco cigarettes to use, you can pick various flavors of e liquid to use, and they do not have the large number of toxins and carcinogens found in regular smokes. If you are a smoker and want to make the shift to vapor smoking, then knowing what to look for in an electronic cigarette review will help you make an informed decision on which e cig product to try out. Factors to Consider in E Cigarette Reviews E Cigarette Review Factor #1 – Starter Kit Cost The cost of a starter kit is a large consideration for new adopters of electronic cigarette technology. Unfortunately, many smokers turn to the cheapest kit cost which can result in disappointing performance for the new vapor smoker. You may not want to try out the most costly option either, however, so finding a quality product that offers a money-back guarantee such as the Green Smoke electronic cigarette starter kit is a popular option with many new vapor smokers. What’s the bottom-line? Don’t go too cheap, but don’t spend all of your money with your first starter kit purchase! Electronic Cigarette Review Factor #2 Replacement Cartridge Price Replacement cartridge price is a factor not always included in an electronic cigarette review. For the smoker who wants to know what he or she is going to spend over the long-term, paying attention to what their recurring costs are going to be is a major factor. Many users who choose to try out a free trial electronic cigarette fail to take this into consideration and find themselves paying higher prices with some of the free trial offers after making the shift to vapor smoking for good. Electronic Cigarette Review Factor #3 Research on Available Products When you look at an e cig review site, you want to be able to navigate the available products in an easy fashion to read the information you need to make an informed decision on what product to purchase. Also, you want to be able to see what the available e liquid options, cartridge flavors and nicotine strengths are for the e cig companies products without the site being too pushy over any one product.
new 41/4 inch tile does not match old 41/4 inch tile We are trying to replace part of the bathroom floor tile( age of bathroom 13 years old). So we measured the tile and it was 4 1/4 inch square. Now went to home depot and bought a white tile 4 1/4 inch square and when laying that , found out that it looks slightly bigger than the old tiles that are already in place. It was looking so odd so we halted the proccess and are asking for help as we are first timers. We measured the old tile again and found it was just a little shy of 4 1/4 inch.......a very small difference........it is definately not 4 inches please do help what are we doing wrong......is there a tile measuring a little less that 4 1/4 inch and more than 4 inch????? Home depot will cut tiles for free. If you give them a measurement they can cut it for you to the right size. The edge won't be factory but probably will look better than a different size tile. What is your location? The reason I ask is 4 1/4" Dal-Tile is slightly bigger and thicker than 4 1/4" tile from Maple Leaf Ceramics (Olympia Tile) based in Canada. This could be the difference. Also those are the 2 manufacturers I know of, I am sure that there are others. |All times are GMT -4. The time now is 12:59 PM.| © 2003 - 2010 The Building Network LLC
Re: Religious Discussions on Drummerworld Originally Posted by aydee ...If wishes were horses ..and Aydee had Tony's flams.... We can dream, can't we? "If you think you're more important than the drums, you've got another thing coming." -Tony Williams
England v Australia International t20 and Durham Dynamos Friends Life t20 campaign, the ultimate t20 summer! Book your seat now! Durham's Michael Richardson becomes the latest player to sign up for 2013 Durham begin 21st Season at home to Somerset Bowler Chris Rushworth signs contract extension up until the end of the 2014 season The clocks going back and the long cold night drawing in only means one thing at Emirates Durham ICG...fitness tests! Liam Plunkett leaves Durham CCC to join Yorkshire CCC for 2013 Graham Onions walked away from Durham CCCs Player of Year dinner with three prizes, including player and players player of the year. Durham returned to winning ways this afternoon as they comfortably beat the Fly Emirates XI in an Emirates Airline Twenty20 plate match at the Dubai Sevens Complex. Durham suffered a middle to lower order collapse in pursuit of 106 as Sussex clinched a semi-final victory in the Emirates Airline t20 competition at Dubai today. Durham wicketkeeper Phil Mustard has toasted absent friends as he and his colleagues get set for take off in today's Emirates Airline Twenty20 competition at the impressive Dubai Sevens Complex.
Eastern senior Visual Arts majors exhibited their art on May 12 in Akus Gallery, and, later, were guests at a reception in the gallery. Among the many outstanding exhibits was Eliza Satterlee's 2011 senior project, "Essentially Explicit Canopies." Satterlee's inspiration for her custom-designed eco umbrellas was the work of American biologists E.O. Wilson and Rachel Carson. Eastern Visual Arts major Trevor Shaw-Mumford also showed off his "Steampunk Living Room," an installation celebrating the "Steampunk" style, which combines imagery of machinery and invention with Victorian Era design. Photo Courtesy: Roxanne Pandolfi. For more information on the Senior Art Exhibit, visit www.easternct.edu/visualarts.
No doubt Rihanna is one of the performers we're most looking forward to seeing at the Grammys. But will she even be able to make it to the big show? Unfortunately, we just got word that... Rihanna is said to be fighting a pretty bad flu. She was supposed to perform five songs at tonight's Unforgettable Evening gala benefitting EIF's Women's Cancer Research Fund. But organizers were told just a couple of hours ago she was too sick to make it. Rihanna's tells me, "Rihanna is so disappointed. She was excited about tonight, but has the flu and couldn't perform." Here's hoping she's feeling better by Sunday!
It's easy to critique the works of others and get your work critiqued. Just follow the steps below: 1) Post your first piece. 2) You must then critique the work of another member to post another piece yourself. 3) For each critique you give, you earn 1 credit that can be used to post another one of your writings. 4) You can build up credits to be used at another time by giving critiques to others. Our Daily Devotional Place it on your site or receive it daily by email. TRUST JESUS TODAY Larger than me. Larger than my life, my unanswered grey shadowed questions disappear in your light. Yet, I canít understand with a mind such as mine how a God like you would care You saw all the things I contrived in my heart, my excuses for wandering, my back turned in defiance. You saw before I considered any of these actions, these attitudes against you, saw all that I was capable of not being, that I would fall. the extent of what I was willing to do: my thoughts, the extent of all that I would do: my actions. this is who you love: the me of yesterday is as loved by you as the me of today. Today as I accept you, follow You, love you, praise You, Testify to you, glory in You, rejoice in You, this me is loved no more than the broken one, the fallen one, the rebellious one, the cursing and cursed one, the fleeing one, the hiding one, the ugly and defeated one. That one and this one, the two meís, loved Immense One, glorious One, holy and pure One, all-knowing One, awesome One, gentle and loving One, forgiving and redeeming One, compassionate One, believing One, patient One, One and only, The opinions expressed by authors may not necessarily reflect the opinion of FaithWriters.com. REMEMBER, this is a Critique Circle. Please try to give a critique to receive a critique. If you do not want to give any critiques, you can use the REGULAR ARTICLE SUBMISSION area. If you are unsure about how to critique, please use the CRITIQUE GUIDELINES and CRITIQUE TIPS. To view your critiques that you receive on any writing, login to your account and click "CRITIQUE CIRCLE MANAGEMENT" to view all of your critiques and edit each piece. Then, click "VIEW CRITIQUES" next to the article title to view critiques on that piece. Comments on all of your writings when using the Critique Circle will not be displayed publicly as regular and writing challenge articles. They can only be viewed by accessing them from your account.
If you can read this, either the style sheet didn't load or you have an older browser that doesn't support style sheets. Try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. • • • 27781 clicks; posted to Main » on 08 Sep 2008 at 2:39 PM (5 years ago) | | share: more» Share this link: Article Comments close This thread is closed to new comments. Submit a Link » From the Fark Shop: More from the Fark Shop » Stories from our partner sites: 10 Abandoned and Haunting Railway Lines The 10 Most Bizarre Cat Breeds on Earth Did Rihanna And Nicki Minaj Hook Up? The Australian Bridge That's Actually... More news at Scribol » Jay Z's Best And Worst Albums, Accord... Benedict Cumberbatch Gave A Dramatic... The First Trailer For 'The Amazing Sp... The 10 Best Musical Moments On TV In... More news at UPROXX » This Is Chest Hair. In The Shape Of A... WATCH: This Will Make You Scream Like... Arias REFUTES Claims She Wanted Prose... GRAPHIC VIDEO: Inside A Krokodil Cook... More news at HuffPostWeirdNews » Your Daily Horoscope Chef sprayed by cobra venom, saved by... Nickel's worth of power lands Georgia... More news at UPI »
Shows & Panels - AFCEA Answers - Ask the CIO - The Big Data Dilemma - Carrying On with Continuity of Operations - Connected Government - Constituent Servicing - Continuous Monitoring: Tools and Techniques for Trustworthy Government IT - The Cyber Imperative - Cyber Solutions for 2013 and Beyond - Expert Voices - Federal Executive Forum - Federal IT Challenge - Federal Tech Talk - Mission-critical Apps in the Cloud - The Path from Legacy Systems - The Real Deal on Digital Government - The Reality of Continuous Monitoring... Is Your Agency Secure? - Veterans in Private Sector: Making the Transition Shows & Panels Search Tags: continuing resolution Army officials say the service is facing uncertainty times after weathering a series of continuing resolutions, sequestration and a partial government shutdown. Meanwhile, a new round of automatic budget cuts may be on the horizon if Congress doesn't pass a new budget come January. Bob Lohfeld, CEO of Lohfeld Consulting, and Ray Bjorklund, president of BirchGrove Consulting will give their thoughts on the government shutdown and the top contracting issues in 2014. September 30, 2013 Pentagon guidance says military members will report to work as normal under a government shutdown, and most employees working under service contracts would be unaffected as well. But about half the civilian workforce would be told to stay home without pay. The Air Force says budget uncertainty will mean a lot of delayed contracting decisions in the first portion of 2014. Meanwhile, the service is hurriedly trying to spend every last dollar in its 2013 procurement accounts. Attorney Thomas J. O'Rourke will answer your calls and emails on how to best prepare for your family's financial future. Also, Sean Reilly from the Federal Times will give us an update on some of the big issues affecting federal workers. September 18, 2013 Steve Charles, co-founder and executive vice president of immixGroup and Larry Allen, president of Allen Federal Business Partners, will discuss what's ahead for contractors in 2014. September 16, 2013 (Encore presentation September 23, 2013) Tags: acquisition , contracting , government shutdown , sequestration , Supply chain management , LPTA , GSA , inspectors general , Steve Charles , immixGroup , Larry Allen , Allen Federal Business Partners , Mark Amtower , Amtower Off Center Congress returns to work today with a crowded agenda and little time. Lawmakers must come to agreement on 2014 funding before the fiscal year ends Sept. 30 or risk a government shutdown. Also on the agenda: coming up with an alternative to the automatic spending constraints known as sequestration and negotiating a raise in the government's borrowing limit. There are also other measures affecting federal employees that remain to be worked out, including legislation to overhaul the cash-strapped Postal Service and a potential 1 percent pay raise for civilian federal workers. Tags: Congress , budget , House , Senate , appropriations , sequestration , Philip Joyce , Romina Boccia , Heritage Foundation , Jessica Klement , NARFE , debt limit , pay raise , postal reform , Tom Carper , Gerry Connolly , workforce President Barack Obama issued some good news for federal workers before the start of Labor Day weekend, calling for a 1 percent pay increase for feds in 2014. But Congress could still prevent the raises through legislation. Federal employees have had their pay frozen since January 2011.
Ferris State University welcomes and encourages "home schooled" students to apply for undergrad admission. Ferris State University operates a liberal admissions policy, admitting applicants who give evidence that they are qualified through education, aptitude, interest, and potential to complete the University's graduation requirements. Experienced Admissions Representatives will individually review all applications for admission on a rolling basis. The applicant's academic credentials test scores, involvement, and program will be considered in the admissions decision. Admission requirements, criteria, and guidelines are applied equally to all students, including "home schooled" students. A review of the academic credentials will consist of all high school/college level coursework and all available standardized test scores. Documents required for “home schooled” students: A student who meets his or her state's requirements for home schooling at the secondary school level has the academic qualification necessary for title IV eligibility. Like a high school diploma, completion of a home school program at the secondary level may be self-certified. A student must show a high school diploma, the equivalent of a high school diploma, or an alternate to a high school diploma. High School diploma equivalents are: General Education Development Certificate (GED) or State certified received after passing a state authorized exam that the state recognizes as the equivalent of a high school diploma. High School diploma alternatives are: Passing scores on an approved ability to benefit test or completion of a home school program. The ACT test has been approved by the Secretary of the Department of Education as an "Ability to Benefit" (ATB) test. The ACT test consists of a test in English and a test in Math. Ferris State University Admissions Office 1201 S. State Street Big Rapids, MI 49307
Bird-watching in Great Basin National Park Great Basin National Park might not be crowded with people, but it sports an impressive list of bird species that have been sighted—238, according to the National Park Service checklist. Some species, such as the common raven and American robin, can be seen at most locations. Others, such as the red-naped sapsucker, are more commonly seen near Lehman Creek. Fodor's Trip Planning Ideas - Fodor's 100 Hotel Awards: Check out the winners of 2013 - Weekend Getaways: Fodor's Recommends the Best Weekend Escapes in the US - Great American Vacation: Find Your Next U.S. Trip with Fodor's - 80 Degrees: Fodor's Helps You Find Your Best Beach Vacation Spots - Best of Europe: Fodor's Picks the Best Places to Visit in Europe
Female juvenile, 17, Brush, minor in possession of alcohol, 112 Curtis St., Dec. 17, 12:45 a.m. Summons issued. Nathan Navarro, 24, Brush, possession of drug paraphernalia, 215 Edmunds St., Dec. 19, 4:20 p.m. Summons issued. The number of cellphones the NSA is tracking per day will probably shock you The National Security Agency is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to top-secret documents and interviews with U.S. intelligence officials. Full Story (Kristopher Skinner/Bay Area News Group)
[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.] GOTHENBURG, Sweden, November 7, 2012 'Anthill', the addictive real-time strategy game from Swedish studio Image & Form that has taken the App Store by storm, is set for a huge content update on November 8. This marks the first anniversary for a game loved by reviewers, gamers and Immediately selected by Apple as iPad Game of the Week, 'Anthill' has remained a favorite among millions of bug-crazed iOS gamers. In a market where unanimous praise for a game is rare, the many thousands of user reviews for 'Anthill' have been consistent: the average is a solid 5 out of 5. 'We always knew 'Anthill' would be a great game, but the response has exceeded our hopes and expectations.' says Brjann Sigurgeirsson, CEO of Image & Form. 'Every day we read new reviews from people saying it's the best game on the App Store. In rare cases we get a 4 instead of a 5 – simply because they want more. So we'll give them more to dig into.' The 'Anthill' objective is deceptively simple: use streams of different ants to defend the hill against multitudes of beautiful, terrible insects over a large number of levels. The gameplay is ever-changing and surprisingly deep, which could explain the game's longevity and high replay value. 'We want to make games that last, that give people their money's worth. Thanks to its variety, generous content and depth, 'Anthill' never gets short or old,' notes Sigurgeirsson. 'It's fun, mesmerizing, beautiful, and a true iOS milestone. Millions love it already, and we want millions more to help defend the hill.' Featuring new levels, new strange insects, new ant skills and many days of gameplay, the new version of Anthill will be released on November 8. VISIT THE ANTHILL: FOLLOW IMAGE & FORM: LIKE IMAGE & FORM: About Image & Form International Image & Form, founded in 1997, is a multi-platform developer of quality games in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Top 10 things you CAN have for Christmas 2008 December 18, 2008 December 18, 2008 Following last week's look at some of the coolest gear you definitely won't find under the tree this year, here's a selection of our favorite items from 2008 that just might. From sleek TVs to home surveillance robots and self-tuning guitars, consider yourself lucky if you find yourself unwrapping one of the following items this holiday season... and if you're still looking for that elusive gift for the person who seems to have everything, there's always the cheeseburger in a can. 1. Sony's XEL-1 OLED Television It's only an 11-inch, but Sony's XEL-1 gets our vote as the slickest audio visual entry onto the market this year. The industry’s first Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) television and the world’s first commercially available OLED screen, the XEL-1 is about 3 millimeters thin and offers picture quality with extremely high contrast (1,000,000:1 contrast ratio), outstanding brightness, exceptional color reproduction, rapid response time and low-power consumption. The price - USD$2500. What to get the adventure buff who already has all the gear? Try this. Swiss-based company Katadyn has produced the world’s first cheeseburger in a can. The high tech hamburger has been developed for trekkers and the non-traditional metal wrapping reflects the Trekking-Mahlzeiten company ethos that its speciality meals should be easy to prepare and require only water to do so - simply throw the can into a water container over a fire, give it a minute or two, fish it out, open the lid, and eat. With a shelf life of twelve months without requiring refrigeration, the lightweight snack is the ideal fast food treat for the wilderness. In another big year for digital photography, many leading prosumer models made the leap into 20MP+ territory and some, like Nikon and Canon, added HD movie recording. Nikon's new D90 Digital SLR includes a movie shooting function that delivers quality HD 720p (1,280 x 720 pixels) video. Thanks to the large image sensor, D-Movie images exhibit less noise than those of a typical camcorder, most notably in low-light situations. This is a landmark camera and will be the first of many remarkable all-in-one imaging devices using quality lenses and technology suitable for both modes. 4. The music video game This little juggernaut has continued throughout 2008 with a broadening appeal that extends beyond just would-be guitarists and levels of sophistication that are attracting the interest of even the most talented musos. We've recently reviewed two of the stalwarts - Guitar Hero World Tour and Rock Band 2. Wii music arrived this year as did some high-end accessories. With interest in these games reportedly translating into more sales of real musical instruments, there could be hope for the future of popular music. Have you every wondered exactly what your cat or dog gets up to when you’re not home? WowWee Robotics, the pioneering company behind Robosapien, has unveiled its new WiFi -enabled, remotely-controlled robotic webcam platform. Known as Rovio - the 3-wheeled telepresence allows you to interact with its environment, surveying the home or office remotely through streaming video and audio transmitted via the Internet to your cell phone, PC or video game console. Video is captured through a built-in camera and NorthStar smart navigation boosts the units ability to act autonomously. Rovio retails for USD$299. 6. TAG HEUER Night Vision eyeglasses for safer driving Driving at night is far more dangerous than driving in daylight according to the statistics. That’s primarily because at night our pupils dilate, and we become short-sighted, though glare, halos, and reduced peripheral vision all contribute to ocular tiredness. TAG Heuer has released a set of ophthalmic Night Vision glasses specifically designed to correct dark-induced myopia, reduce glare, contrast the dark blue surroundings without changing colour perception and ultimately offer safer driving after dark. The US$400 night driving glasses were originally developed specifically for the Peugeot race team’s Le Mans 24 hour racing efforts, through TAG Heuer’s long involvement with motor racing, but they have now surfaced as a mainstream product with a very compelling feature set. Here's one for the dedicated back-yard mechanic. Arizona based Robert Q. Riley Enterprises has now released construction plans based on the completed prototype of its do-it-yourself, two-passenger, XR3 plug-in hybrid, a vehicle that's capable of up to 225 miles per gallon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fuel_economy_in_automobiles , has a top speed of 80 mph and acceleration comparable to a conventional small car. The USD$200 instructional package for the modular, three-wheeled sportscar includes printed drawings, electronic 3D virtual models, computer files that enable vendors to make parts plus a DVD that outlines the building of the car. 8. Go Solar: Solio portable solar charger Solio's ruggedized Magnesium Edition builds on the features of the original (now branded Solio Classic) with greater output (8W), expanded compatibility, a higher-capacity lithium ion battery (3.7v, 1800mAh compared with 3.6v, 1600mAh) and a stronger magnesium alloy shell to cope with the rigors of the road. Retaining the same footprint and fan blade design as the original, the Magnesium Edition is compatible with the universal iGo Tip System and includes a female USB cable for iPod, digital cameras digital cameras and other compatible gadgetry. It can be charged in around 8-10 hours of direct sunlight or in approximately four hours via a wall outlet and can store energy for up to one year. The Magnesium Edition is priced around the USD$200 mark. Online video sharing has absolutely exploded in the last few years – and the cresting wave of extreme sports we use to wrench ourselves out of the risk-free banality of modern life is showing no signs of slowing down. Helmet-cam technology provides a natural and easy means for the average rockclimber or motorcosser to record and distribute the action and excitement of their weekend – and latest-gen all-in one units like the VholdR push the state of the art further forward with MicroSD MicroSD memory, laser dot aiming and leveling, and nearly an hour's worth of 640x480, 30fps capture out of a tiny, featherweight, helmet-mount device. 10. Talk it up: the iPhone 3G We can't round-out the list without mentioning one of the arrival of the iPhone 3G, the much anticipated new incarnation of the popular gadget which arrived in June, followed not long after by the arrival of the the first Android powered phone, the T-Mobile G1. 11. It's just so hard to stop at 10! Gibson's self tuning guitar Gibson has recently become the first company to release a ready-made axe with the ability to adjust itself perfectly to a number of common tunings at the touch of a button. The Gibson Robot Guitar, which just received the NEWSTIPS "Best of Show" award at CES, also makes replacing strings and setting your intonation an absolute breeze. At US$2499, this intelligent Les Paul deserves to be a huge hit. And of course there's many more clever and drool-worthy products that made the shortlist of things we'd love to see under our tree in 2008. Among those we can't resist mentioning are: the Sony Bravia ZX1, the Zuumer electric scooter, Wolverine's F2D film Scanner, Realtime video goggles for R/C planes, transparent speakers, EyeClops Night Vision Infrared stealth goggles, the Waboba Ball, Remington ShortCut Clipper and (sneaking one in for coffee nuts) the real coffee maker for camping. If you feel that we've missed something huge that's on your wishlist - let us know about it in the comments section below. Or if you are still in need of some last minute gift ideas for the younger generation, our Childsplay section is worth a browse. Just enter your friends and your email address into the form below For multiple addresses, separate each with a comma
Islanders women's tennis shuts out UTPA in home opener CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - The Texas A&M - Corpus Christi women's tennis team picked up their first home win of the season on their first try, shutting out the visiting Texas - Pan American Lady Broncs b a 4-0 score at the Corpus Christi Country Club on Sunday afternoon. It was the first home contest of the year for the Islanders. "Today was a very focused effort," said Director of Tennis Steve Moore. "I thought we showed spirit and had a good start in singles." Texas A&M - Corpus Christi is now 2-1 on the year, winning two-straight matches after dropping the season opener to nationally-ranked Rice. UTPA is now 0-4 on the season after the loss. "This young team is growing up each week," said Moore. "I expect it to continue because they have good character. "We need to duplicate this and have a consistent effort going forward." The effort came in the form of being relentless from the first point to the last. Doris Kuselj and Bianca Discordia quickly won an 8-1 final at No. 2 doubles over Wanda Bequelin and Suncica Strkic. At the No. 3 doubles position, LeAnne Mascall and Nadia Filmalter defeated Dana Nazarova and Blanca Garcia by an 8-3 final. Although the doubles point was clinched for their team, Mirna Cicak and Stefania Nicolae continued to fight, taking an 8-7 final over Malin Andersen and Reeta Raty to give their team a clean sweep. In singles, Kuselj picked up the first point with a 6-0, 6-1 win over Andersen to make it 2-0 for the Islanders over the Lady Broncs. Sandra Burges put Texas A&M - Corpus Christi on the brink of the win following her 6-1, 6-2 win over Strkic at the No. 5 position. Mia Matuszak clinched the victory with a 6-2, 6-2 win over Garcia to finish the dual match at 4-0. In the unfinished matches, Cicak lost her first set but was making a comeback when her match was stopped at 4-6, 4-1 in the No. 1 singles spot. Discordia was on her way to another individual victory with scores of 6-1, 2-3 when the No. 3 singles match went unfinished. The final singles match had Nicolae winning the first set and ahead in the second with scores of 7-5, 2-0 when the No. 4 singles match was halted. The dual match was stopped when one of the teams reached the required four points for a team victory due to weather in the area. Next up for Texas A&M - Corpus Christi will be a February 17 match on the road at Prairie View A&M. The contest is scheduled for a 2 p.m. start in Houston. Texas-Pan American vs Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 2/6/2011 at Corpus Christi, Texas Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 4, Texas-Pan American 0 1. Mirna Cicak (AMCC) vs. Wanda Bequelin (UTPA) 4-6, 4-1, unfinished 2. Doris Kuselj (AMCC) def. Malin Andersen (UTPA) 6-0, 6-1 3. Bianca Discordia (AMCC) vs. Reetta Raty (UTPA) 6-1, 2-3, unfinished 4. Stefania Nicolae (AMCC) vs. Dana Nazarova (UTPA) 7-5, 2-0, unfinished 5. Sandra Burges (AMCC) def. Suncica Strkic (UTPA) 6-1, 6-2 6. Mia Matuszak (AMCC) def. Blanca Garcia (UTPA) 6-2, 6-2 1. Mirna Cicak/Stefania Nicolae (AMCC) def. Malin Andersen/Reetta Raty (UTPA) 8-7 2. Doris Kuselj/Bianca Discordia (AMCC) def. Wanda Bequelin/Suncica Strkic (UTPA) 8-1 3. LeAnne Mascall/Nadia Filmalter (AMCC) def. Dana Nazarova/Blanca Garcia (UTPA) 8-3 Texas-Pan American 0-4 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 2-1 Order of finish: Doubles (2,3,1); Singles (2,5,6)
I'm a bit addicted to your stories now -blushes- I love Dominique the way you write her! Most seem to think she's some angst ridden child who's tired of being in the middle. That's fine, actually, I remember enjoying a fic with her like that, but this is an interesting take. I must remember to congratulate myself for being awesome sometime and see how it feels like. With your original writing talent, I'd love to see you write Rita Skeeter. Unsure why, really, I just think that Rita's got that sort of air about her that makes me think you'd be good at writing her. Dominique is so much cooler than Rita, though, obviously. I'd also love to see you take on Hugo (that is, if you haven't already...I really must get me facts straight before I plunge into my review suggesting you things you might have already been suggested to do/have already done). You have a talent at making me fall even more in love with me favourite lads from the Potter World (Louis, James, Remus, Sirius) and I think Hugo would have a personality you could capture...urgh, I'm bad at explaining things. Basically, I think your style of comedy and writing would work well with the Hugo I imagine. Just a suggestion, obviously :D I love your work and I think you're an amazingly talented writer! Author's Response: Just a bit? You wound me! I joke, I joke. Thanks you ^^ I love her too! There's a lot of properly brilliant fics out there with that characterisation. It just never rung quite right to me though. That, and I think it's more interesting this way :P Should definitely give it a go, good for the old self confidence. Hmm it's an interesting idea about Rita. I guess the problem I have with her is that she's a fundamentally bad, self-serving person. As much as Dom is a completely lunatic in this, she's still a good person. As for Hugo... that's another interesting idea, I've never really thought about him to be honest. Slightly reserved in writing him for the same reason I am Rose - I just don't think he would be that interesting -hides- It's just one of those things, for all the amazing stuff Ron and Hermione did, they weren't that crash hot as individuals, and they weren't particularly pretty either :P So if I did write Hugo, I'd sort of have to come up with the character first, then adapt Hugo to fit it? It wouldn't be how I actually see him or whatever. Might give it a go as a one-shot though. Thanks so much for your reviews, sorry it took me so long to reply, but I hope I've been somewhat interesting!
Yes Seawolf, I did use the Suse 10 (perfect setup). I also followed your suggestions and still have the failure listed above. I've tried every suggestion in this forum. Unless something new is listed I may be out of luck. I am running Suse 10 x86_64 on a Dell PowerEdge SC1426 Xeon 64 bit server. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
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Proof that not all alien invasion movies are created equal. Skyline was one of the nice surprises at this past summer's San Diego Comic Con, a project that seemed to come out of nowhere and really wow the crowd in Hall H with its guerilla approach to telling an alien invasion tale. A shame, then, that it's also one of the biggest disappointments of the fall. Directed by the Brothers Strause, the visual effects dudes who made their feature helming debut on Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, Skyline is chockfull of all the gooey extraterrestrial destruction and air-bound pyrotechnics a few good computer workstations can buy. Alas, those same machines can't fabricate a solid story, decent characters or plain old plot logic -- and those are the things, not aliens, that turn out to be truly deadly to Skyline's characters. The result is a mishmash of scenarios and action scenes which, when taken by themselves, are cool and well manufactured enough. But when glued together to form a 90-minute movie, they feel like nothing but visual-effects scenes culled from other, better movies -- War of the Worlds, ID4, District 9, Cloverfield and, yes, even the Alien films. Eric Balfour plays the same guy he always plays -- a tattooed graffiti artist with a goatee, a wife beater that shows off his muscles and a hot girlfriend. That girlfriend is Elaine (Scottie Thompson), newly pregnant much to her surprise and accompanying Balfour's Jarrod (of course his name is Jarrod -- did you think he'd be called Ted?) on a trip to Los Angeles to visit his old pal Terry (Scrubs' Donald Faison). Terry has hit the big time as -- get this -- a visual effects wizard in Hollywood, and he's brought Jarrod out in style to celebrate his birthday… and to offer Jarrod a job, much to the Brooklyn-bound Elaine's dismay. Though when the E.T.s start attacking, Terry and most of his pals quickly realize they're better at drinking cosmos than they are at fighting aliens. Not that any of this character stuff matters in the slightest once the action gets going, because it's pretty much all dropped in favor of whiz-bang set pieces. You've likely seen the best parts of this movie already -- the alien abductions, as thousands of people are sucked up from the Earth's surface and float to the waiting motherships high in the sky, the rampaging Cloverfield-esque giant monsters, the twinkle Balfour gets in his eye when he stares too long at the otherworldly light of the creatures. That stuff is all very nicely done, but it's only a small portion of the film. A rather large portion of Skyline unfortunately involves the gang trapped in Terry's high-rise apartment (the actual home of one of the Strause brothers apparently), doing the typical survivor bickering thing but also relying way too much on the telescope that Terry keeps in his living room. That means there's a lot of POV imagery as we see what's happening outside on the streets and in the distance with the aliens, and it makes for very boring storytelling as our characters are bystanders in their own movie. In the third act this becomes doubly problematic as they start watching TV broadcasts of the action too -- though at least they didn't have to pay over $10 a ticket, as you will likely have to do if you want to see this film. But you shouldn't, because ultimately this movie is about as uninvolving as they come. No matter how convincing the alien ships look, it's hard to really care one way or another. The Brothers Strause continue here the great job they started with Aliens vs. Predator of convincing us that they really shouldn't be in the director's chair (chairs?) at all, especially when this film nears its finale and goes from just mundanely involving to boringly ridiculous. The picture does take a turn for the ultra-weird in its final moments, where we actually get to see what's been going on in the mysterious alien ships all this time. It's an odd coda for sure, and one that feels tacked on -- reportedly a Skyline 2 has already been getting pushed by the film's producers, and this strange business could be the reason behind the last few minutes of the film. A possible setup for a sequel? Or just further proof that the Strause duo should, like Faison's character, stick to what they know?
Biggest Fashion Sale Of The Year! Shop 12 000 Up To 70% OFF! Durban - A Sydenham policeman and an unknown man have been found dead in a car parked outside uMlazi Secondary School. Pupils and teachers arriving at the school in uMlazi V-Section on Monday morning made the gruesome discovery and alerted police. KZN police spokesman, Colonel Jay Naicker, said the policeman, 28, had been stationed at the Sydenham police station and lived in uMlazi. Police did not release the name of the policeman. However a relative at the scene identified him as Constable Sizwe Mhlongo. Peter Mhlongo said his cousin was last seen just before 9pm on Monday night. Mhlongo said: “He lived with another relative in E-Section. He had been chatting on his phone while in bed. According to my cousin, Sizwe got up and left the house without saying anything. He still had his sleeping shorts on.” Mhlongo said his cousin had been with the police for less than three years. He was not married but had two children. Naicker said the identity of the second man was not yet known. “Crime scene experts are still busy examining the car. At this stage we do not know what happened.” He said nearby residents told police they had heard gunshots at about 9.30pm on Monday night. The car, a Toyota RunX, belonged to the policeman, Naicker said. He said police had struggled to gain access into the car as all the doors had been locked. A locksmith was called in to open the doors, Naicker said. A bullet hole in the front passenger-side window and another in the back window were clearly visible. The driver was found slumped over the steering wheel. The passenger was lying between the passenger and driver’s seat. A firearm was found in the car, but it was unclear who it belonged to, Naicker said. Sydenham police station officers were at the scene, shocked and sad at their colleague’s death. The school is surrounded by informal dwellings and houses. The school security guard said he had not heard any gunshots or seen anything suspicious. Some bystanders said they had noticed the car parked outside the school from about 7pm. A resident said matric pupils had been at school on Monday night doing extra classes. “They did not pay much attention to the car. Cars park at that spot all the time.”
Oompa Toys Exclusive U.S. Carrier of Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Winner: Cheekeyes™ Wood Toys| Madison, WI (November 6, 2008) -- E-tailer Oompa Toys knew it had something very special when it introduced American families to the Cheekeyes -- adorable and durable toys made from eco-friendly rubberwood. Now testers at the 2009 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio have bestowed Cheekeyes its prestigious Platinum Award for one of this year’s best preschool toys. Cheekeyes can only be found in the United States at online toy store www.oompa.com. Handmade and partially painted, each of the Cheekeyes is unique; there are no two the same. From the hands of Dutch designer Rogier van Zijp emerged Arctic, African, Forest and Farm animal sets plus Dinosaurs. Animals sport a distinctive red cheek and painted eye (reflected in their name, Cheekeyes) that will endear them to children and caregivers alike. What started out as a concept for a toy company now has become an independent, new and refreshing line of wooden, artistic toys. Here’s what Oppenheim’s toy-testing-moms of preschool children had to say: Cheekeyes Wooden Animal Sets • $29.99 • Ages 3+ You know that we're big on wooden blocks as basic gear for the preschool set. Adding props to blocks can spark new directions for dramatic play. We love this new line of handsomely crafted wooden dinosaurs. The company also offers a set of farm animals, trees, a cave and a mountain. The dinos and the animals are outstanding in this category. They are very smooth (as all wooden toys should be) and they have paint only on the sides. Available only online at oompa.com. Forest Animal Set The Forest Animal set comes complete with a bison, wild boar, wolf, goat, and grizzly bear. Cave and tree sets sold separately, $16.99 each. African Animal Set The African Animal set makes a charming collection of inhabitants for your desert terrain, which includes a lion, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, elephant and giraffe. Tree set and rock sold separately, $16.99 each. Arctic Animal Set The Arctic Animal Set includes all of your favorite polar critters, including an orca, seal, whale, penguin and polar bear. Icebergs sold separately, $16.99 each. Farm Animal Set The farm animal set includes all your favorite barnyard critters, including a sheep, pig, goat, cow and horse. Fence set and tree sets sold separately, $16.99 each. Find us on Facebook - Add your comments about this story. News | Toy News | Hot Toys 2008 About Oppenheim Toy Portfolio The Oppenheim Toy Portfolio was founded in 1989 as the only independent consumer review of children's media. According to their website, “we test and review products for children the year-round--only we get to do what most parents wish they could do before they buy. We open the toys, run the videos, read the books, play the music, and boot up the software. We send the best of these products on to our families of testers for further evaluation.” The Oppenheims, Joanne and Stephanie, are monthly contributors on NBC's Today Show. ABOUT OOMPA TOYS Entrepreneur Milanie Cleere created the Oompa Toys brand as one of the leading online specialty toy retailers. Founded in 2004, Oompa Toys carries a wonderful, ever expanding mix of wooden toys, baby toys, soft dolls, play food, ball tracks, play mats and other beautiful, high quality items. They take pride in offering fair and competitive prices and strive for 100% customer satisfaction.
by Mike Barnes Posted on September 9, 2011 at 10:27 PM Saturday, Aug 25 at 12:11 PM Susanna Scott of Graner is the Mom of the Week Mom of the Week: 2011 Julie Newton Mom of the Week: 2011 Wendy McCarty © 2009-2013 KVUE Television, Inc., a subsidiary of Belo Corp. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Broadcast Interactive Media.
The Vail Leadership Institute hosts a new interactive event to promote the entrepreneurship of our lives, our organizations, and our community. This inaugural 1½ day preview event will be an important gathering that brings thought leaders from the business start-up community, leadership scholars, and community leaders who are driving the future success of the Vail Valley. The event provides a platform to spread the Inside First™ way of thinking, and promote key components of the Vail Way. Vision + Execution + Passion. Entrepreneurs Reception – October 17, 2013 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Westin in Avon. Your registration includes a free copy of Brad Feld’s book “Start-up Communities” and access to an exclusive cocktail reception following his talk. The speaker and reception will be attended by local entrepreneurs, experienced Institute mentors, and community leaders. Guest speaker Brad Feld will share his “Boulder Thesis” and VISION into how the Vail Valley can jump start it’s entrepreneurial activity. Leadership Insights – October 18, 2013 8:30am-9:45am at the Park Hyatt in Beaver Creek. Register for a featured presentation by Larry Donnithorne at the Hyatt Beaver Creek. Larry will share his West Point Way of Leadership and how EXECUTION is key to enduring success. Panel Discussion – 9:45am-11:00am - Moderated by former Vail Town Manager Terry Minger, listen to four local residents talk about their “Vail Story,” and the passion that landed them in the valley, as well as the challenges they have overcome to be successful in a lifestyle economy. Panelists include: Tim Baker (Executive Director - Beaver Creek Resort Company), Nicole Magistro (Owner of the Bookworm), Rob Levine (General Manager – Antlers at Vail), Kim Langmaid (Founder of Walking Mountains Science Center) Hike to Saddle Ridge – October 18 11:00am-1:30pm - Included in your Friday event ticket is a hike to Saddle Ridge for an exclusive lunch and round table discussions with those who share a PASSION for the Vail Way. Attendees will receive a personal leadership planner following the session. Take your business to the next level by signing up for this bonus session October 17th. Listening to Your Business - October 17, 2013. Register for a six-hour workshop (9am-3pm) specifically designed for entrepreneurs to help them answer the question, “Where do I want my business to go, and how do I make it happen?” Regularly $150 – special event rate of $50 when combined with the Entrepreneurs Reception. 25 seats available. Click here for more information and to register (use coupon code: Vail50)
Express yourself by unique jewels. We offer gorgeous Czech rhinestone great designed jewelry. You can find here +1,500 models of jewelry items on the stock now; every model was made in only few pieces. When you wear Lilien Czech jewelry, you wear small piece of oneness and brilliance. So let Lilien Czech be your energy... LILIEN CZECH - Czech Costume Jewelry
“Retail follows rooftops” is a reliable old mantra in the development trade. It’s common sense, really. People need food to eat, clothes to wear, and tchotchkes to clutter up their homes. And chances are they don’t want to go too far to get them. No wonder that once the subdivision goes up, the shopping center is sure to follow. It’s a pattern that’s repeated itself over and over as the city has sprawled ever outward. Lately, though, the paradigm’s been pulling double duty. The recent emphasis on residential development downtown isn’t so much a tacit admission that its retail days were over as it is a belated realization that the center city’s residential base had shrunk significantly. But now that increasing numbers of middle- and upper-income residents have piled into downtown and its surrounding neighborhoods, long-vacant storefronts are filling up. (And, if Happy Holler is any indication, the phenomenon’s not confined to downtown, either.) In fact, downtown Knoxville has succeeded to the point that even national retailers are starting to notice. Urban Outfitters, a multinational chain with more than 150 stores worldwide, is currently finalizing the lease on the first two floors of the Arnstein Building, a former department store that was Knoxville’s first iron-framed “skyscraper.” Meanwhile, KUB is considering returning the ground floor of the old Miller’s Building to retail. Selling clothing and housewares aimed at hip twentysomethings, Urban Outfitters is a far cry from a true department store, however. And the same is true for even the wider range of offerings at Gay Street’s Mast General Store. But, seeing as department stores aren’t doing terribly well as a general proposition, downtown may never be the full-service shopping hub it once was. It is, however, well on its way to becoming a lively place that mixes offices, retail, and residential rooftops. Gay Street’s Gallery Lofts even manages to do all three under the same roof. Mast General occupies the basement and first floor; there are offices above and condos on the top two floors of what was originally Newcomer’s Department Store. These two units on the building’s top floor both come equipped with all the standard downtown loft features: hardwood floors, exposed brick, exposed beams and high ceilings (from 15 feet to 12 feet, following the slope of the roof), and high-end finishes such as slate tile in the baths and stainless steel appliances and granite tops in the kitchens. But what really sets these condos apart is the rooftop. Both feature rooftop penthouses and decks with stunning views. Unit 404 also has a large rear balcony above the Promenade. m The Gallery Lofts Units 404 & 407 3,557 sq. ft. & 1,593 sq. ft. 3 bdrm/bath & 2 bdrm/1 bath $824,500 & $319,000 (#404 also available for lease) Contact: Kimberly Dixon Hamilton
Minot State University junior Jen Dixon was voted the Daktronics Central Region Player of the Year on Monday. The left fielder finished the season with a .447 batting average, an .880 slugging percentage, a .530 on-base percentage and 12 home runs. MSU seniors Mandy Greenberg and Tiffany Friesen were also voted to the all-Central Region first team. Greenberg went 25-5 in the circle with a 1.12 ERA and 258 strikeouts. Friesen batted .378 and led the Beavers with a school-record 16 home runs and 62 RBIs. Friesen also finished 13-6 with a 2.09 ERA as the Beavers' No. 2 pitcher. Each of MSU's all-region selections will automatically be on the ballot for the Daktronics All-America team. MSU finished 41-11 in its first season in Division II and qualified for the Central Region tournament. The Beavers were eliminated from the field by top-seeded Fort Hays State (Kan.) on Saturday. - Daily News Staff
How to Register There is a non-refundable registration fee to attend the Fair. Only candidates who have paid their registration fee at their Career Services office will be admitted to the Fair. Students and alumni of the seven Minnesota State Universities are eligible to attend. If you have not paid the registration fee, please click on the Career Offices link to find the location of your Career Services office on your campus.
This article will help anyone looking for information pertaining to a commercial real estate and commercial lending in the State of Iowa is one of the Midwestern states experiencing rural flight. It has a declining economy and population, even as the state offers incentives for residential and commercial investment. Commercial property is quite cheap in Iowa, particularly as more agricultural plots are being put up for commercial development, but there aren't many takers in this area. Usually commercial development follows residential development and there just isn't any residential development in a state that most people are fleeing. Sioux City's downtown is experiencing a rough retail market as one of its last three retail anchor tenants recently moved to different area of town. The tenant cited sluggish sales. A lack of foot traffic is causing retail tenancies in Sioux City's downtown to rise and rents to plummet. Some retailers are looking elsewhere in the city, but many are just closing their doors. The office submarket is in a slump, too, as the state government, one of the largest tenants in the state, increasingly moves towards purchasing and converting older, less expensive properties and drops of tenancy in downtown areas. Despite the overall gloomy forecast, there is some positive news in the Des Moines industrial market. About four years ago, the city experienced a glut of vacant industrial space as businesses packed up and followed the labor market out of state, but in recent years, those businesses that remained in the Des Moines have been expanding, creating jobs and eating up vacant industrial space. Commercial agents and property managers have been aggressively marketing the industrial space, even resorting to cold calling and direct mailing. Their marketing campaigns have been so successful that there is a shortage of mid-size industrial space in the city. Lower vacancies have prompted talk of speculative building, particularly in the warehousing subsector, but developers are leery of jumping back into what they see as an overall declining economy. There's also a bright spot in the Iowa City housing market. Iowa City attracts residents because of the nearby University of Iowa. These residents have the money to spend on housing, but they also have high rates of transiency. Across the country, people tend to move once every seven years. In Iowa City, residents move once every five years. It is this transiency and internal movement that is driving the housing market rather than any market growth. Across the rest of the state, the housing market is down.
Totally Stainless Total-Loc Header Bolts If you've ever opened the hood of your classic Ford to find a header bolt missing (and the rest just finger-tight), then you know what a pain in the gasket header bolts can be to keep tight. It takes only a few loose bolts to blow out a gasket and embarrass you at the local cruise scene-or worse, hurt your engine. Forget the gimmicks, the clips, the safety wire, and all that, and swap out your current bolts for these new Total-Loc header bolts (PN 6-5599; $66.50) from Totally Stainless [www.totallystainless.com; (800) 767-4781]. Made from stainless steel, they feature Nord-Lock washers that are captured on the bolt. After the fastener is tightened, the ramping action of the washers creates a lock, preventing the loosening of the fastener by vibration (they can be removed with hand tools) because the ramp angle is steeper than the thread pitch of the fastener. We were so impressed with the demo, we took a set of them back with us to install on our FFR Cobra replica project. Unisteer Performance Products '60-'65 Falcon/Comet Rack-And-Pinion Steering While new products are typically developed for Mustangs, they are sometimes used on other Fords if the fit is similar. This is the case with Unisteer Performance Products [www.unisteer.com; (800) 338-9080]. After the company came out with its Mustang manual rack-and-pinion conversion kit two years ago, it looked at other Ford markets and has now released its latest rack-and-pinion conversion kit for the '60-'65 Falcon and Comet. Available in both manual and power-steering versions (and black powdercoat or chrome brackets), the rack-and-pinion kit is a bolt-in system that comes complete with all hardware, such as tie-rod ends and steering shafts. Prices start at $1,200. Stainless Steel Brakes Corp. Combo Master Cylinder Leave it to the mad scientists at Stainless Steel Brakes [www.ssbrakes.com; (800) 448-7722] to come up with a one-stop-shopping solution that solves several problems at once when building a custom braking system. SSBC's new Combo master cylinder features a billet-aluminum, oval-bowl, master cylinder compatible with disc/drum or disc/disc applications. It includes a built-in adjustable proportioning valve to adjust rear-brake bias at the master cylinder. The Combo master cylinder also incorporates a built-in brake-light switch, alleviating switch problems when using custom pedal assemblies or aftermarket wiring harnesses. SSBC's Combo master cylinder retails for $529. Ford Family Honored On March 2, 2007, during the HRR's Grand Opening Breakfast cosponsored by Meguiars, the Petersen Automotive Museum and Hotrod & Restoration honored the Ford family as the recipient of the 2007 Robert E. Petersen Lifetime Achievement Award. Edsel B. Ford ll, a true car enthusiast, was on hand to accept the award on behalf of the Ford family. This is the first time the award has been given to an entire family instead of one individual. And there could be no more fitting family member to represent the Ford family than Edsel B. Ford ll, as it was his grandfather, Edsel B. Ford-son of Henry Ford-that designed the '32 Ford, commonly called the "Deuce." The '32 Ford is what the hot-rod market was built on. Edsel Ford (left) shares one of his stories with Barry Meguiar during the Hotrod & Restora After accepting the Petersen award from Petersen Automotive Museum Director Dick Messer, Edsel had a public chat with Car Crazy host and detailing authority Barry Meguiar. The conversation ran from Ford's financial situation (and Edsel didn't sugarcoat it), to memories of his father and grandfather, cars he's owned, and the juvenile diabetes foundation he champions. Finally, Edsel signed a '32 Deuce pedal car that was to be auctioned at the HRR show. Previously honored recipients include Wally Parks, Carroll Shelby, George Barris, Vic Edelbrock, and Andy Granatelli.
Posted Wednesday, January 30 --- 11:00pm Brett Favre needs more time. Maybe about two weeks according to the Packers quarterback. Wednesday in Arizona Favre accepted the FedEx "Air" player of the year award. He said "I haven't decided yet, we just played a little over a week ago. I'm going to take a few more weeks. Our coaching staff is coaching in the Pro Bowl next week. When they get done, [coach] Mike [McCarthy] and I . . . we'll just discuss it more in a couple weeks." Favre just finished his 17th season in the NFL.
September 11, 2010Vintage Crafty – Christmas Bells Embroidery Pattern Hey there, Crafties! This is just a reminder to start working on your crafty Christmas presents for this year. Don’t be like me and wait until after Thanksgiving to try and start them. That way only leads to pain and sadness. Well, it leads to late Christmas presents. But I have a way out for you! Check out this adorable embroidery pattern I dug out of my stash for you: Pretty cool, huh?? It would make a great towel, tablerunner or even a wall hanging. Awesome.
Rowing Will End Fall Season at the Rivanna Romp This Weekend Nov. 9, 2012 NORFOLK, Va. – The Old Dominion University rowing team will complete their fall season this Sunday, Nov. 11 as they will compete in the Rivanna Romp in Charlottesville, Va. The Romp is hosted by the defending national champions UVA. In fact, Virginia’s rowing team has won two national championships in the past three years. This marks the third regatta for ODU during this fall season. Head coach Daniel Garbutt and his Lady Monarchs have already experienced great success against some of the nation’s stiffest competition throughout the previous two weekends. Old Dominion started out the season at the Head of the Schuylkill, where they won the Commodore Cup by finishing first in the Frosh/Novice 8+ race. The Lady Monarchs also placed third out of 38 boats in the Open Four race. The following weekend at the Head of the Hooch, ODU’s freshmen struck again by taking gold in the Frosh/Novice 8+ race as they finished in front of the 49 other competing boats. Old Dominion also won silver medals for their performance in the Lightweight 4+ race. After the Rivanna Romp, Old Dominion does not have any scheduled events until March 9-15, where the Lady Monarchs will be in Austin, Texas for Spring Training. ODU will host the Tar Heels of UNC on March 23, 2013 in Norfolk, Va.
Members-at-Large Membership Requirements – Casting Directors From Academy Bylaws: Article III, Section 1. Membership shall be by invitation of the Board of Governors. Invitations to active membership shall be limited to those persons employed by motion picture producing companies, or credited with screen achievements, or who have otherwise achieved distinction in their respective fields of endeavor within the industry and who, in the opinion of the Board, are qualified for membership. To be considered for invitation to Academy membership in the Members-at-Large category: (a) a casting director must have a minimum of eight years experience in casting theatrical feature films, (b) be primarily responsible for and have screen credit on at least ten theatrical feature films of a caliber which, in the opinion of the Review Committee, reflect the high standards of the Academy, (c) have, in the judgment of the Review Committee, otherwise achieved unique distinction, earned special merit or made an outstanding contribution as a Casting Director. - Casting Directors - Costume Designers - Film Editors - Makeup Artists and Hairstylists - Public Relations - Short Films and Feature Animation - Visual Effects
Palm Loses UI Guru Replying to: Was this guy really that important? by bluecoyote Re: Was this guy really that important? If Mr. Duarte brings new ideas and energy to the Android platform then Android will continue its current momentum on all carriers and all manufacturers except a handful of holdouts. Android and most importantly the Open Handset Alliance is an entire industry against these few holdouts. The holdouts cannot hope to match the deep pockets of everyone involved in this alliance. No replies to this message
Novel Spinal Neuromodulation Device Delivers Significant Pain Relief to Low Back Pain Patients NATIONAL HARBOR, Md., March 25, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Results from an ongoing prospective study report that a novel spinal neuromodulation device changes the paradigm for patients suffering with low back pain who have not found relief through conventional spinal cord stimulation (SCS). The single-centered results from this ongoing, multi-centered study were presented today at the American Academy of Pain Medicine's 27th Annual Meeting. The results of the study were presented by Adnan Al-Kaisy, MB ChB FRCA, Clinical Lead of the Pain Management & Neuromodulation Centre, Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK. Dr. Al-Kaisy and his colleagues conducted the study in the United Kingdom with 30 patients (with and without previous spine surgery) who had an average back pain Visual Analog Score (VAS) of 8 (out of ten) and an average leg pain VAS score of 6 (out of ten). Following approval from an ethics committee and the completion of a successful trial, dual octapolar, percutaneous leads were placed sequentially near the anatomic midline, between T8-T11 (the thoracic area of the spinal column). The Nevro system device was then connected to a rechargeable IPG (Implantable Pulse Generator) capable of delivering waveforms with frequencies up to 10 kHz (kilohertz). At three months, the average VAS score for back pain fell to 2.9 (p-value < 0.05) and the average VAS score for leg pain fell to 2.2 (p-value < 0.05). At six months the average back and leg pain VAS scores fell to 1.6 respectively. The study also used the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) to measure how the back pain affected the patients' everyday life. The ODI decreased from 61 (p-value < 0.001) to 44 (p-value < 0.001). The device proved to deliver significant pain relief at six months for both back and leg pain, without producing paresthesia. There was also no need for intra-operative paresthesia mapping with the improved ease of implantation of the device. The device improved patient function without movement-induced shocking and when the system was used overnight, the subjects reported improved sleep. According to Dr. Al-Kaisy, ever since the first implant of Spinal Cord Stimulation in 1967 by Sheely, a Neuromodulator has struggled to find a solution, using different techniques of Electrical Neuromodulation, to manage the lower back pain. "To date there is no evidence that any of these techniques provide persistent long term pain relief at the lower back. Nevro Spinal Cord Stimulation is the cutting edge in implant technology which certainly is going to make a major difference in the management of persistent lower back pain," comments Dr. Al-Kaisy. "Using unique super high frequency stimulation, it suppresses the sparse fibers of the lower back, at the spinal cord level. Moreover, the frequency is so high the patient does not feel 'the tingling sensation' which some patients find extremely uncomfortable and distressing," Dr. Al-Kaisy concludes. The goal of spinal neuromodulation is to achieve paresthesia, which alters the pain sensation into a "pins and needles" or tingling sensation through stimulation of certain pain pathways. Although SCS is the preferred treatment for patients suffering with failed back syndrome surgery (FBSS), providing paresthetic coverage of the low back is difficult and clinical results are poor. Seventy-one percent of SCS users also report uncomfortable stimulation.(1) (1) Reference*: Kuechmann, et al. Could automatic position adaptive stimulation be useful in spinal cord stimulation? 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters 2009 and www.restoresensor.eu For more information: www.painmed.org/press For more than 27 years, the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) has been the medical specialty society representing more than 2,500 physicians practicing in the field of comprehensive pain medicine. The Academy is involved in education, training, advocacy and research in the specialty of pain medicine. Information is available on the practice of pain medicine at www.painmed.org. SOURCE American Academy of Pain Medicine More by this Source Browse our custom packages or build your own to meet your unique communications needs. Learn about PR Newswire services Request more information about PR Newswire products and services or call us at (888) 776-0942.
MADRID – In his latest book, On China, Henry Kissinger uses the traditional intellectual games favored by China and the West – weiqi and chess – as a way to reveal their differing attitudes toward international power politics. Chess is about total victory, a Clausewitzian battle for the “center of gravity” and the eventual elimination of the enemy, whereas weiqi is a quest for relative advantage through a strategy of encirclement that avoids direct conflict. This cultural contrast is a useful guide to the way that China manages its current competition with the West. China’s Afghan policy is a case in point, but it also is a formidable challenge to the weiqi way. As the United States prepares to withdraw its troops from the country, China must deal with an uncertain post-war scenario. Afghanistan is of vital strategic interest to China, yet it never crossed its leaders’ minds to defend those interests through war. A vital security zone to China’s west, Afghanistan is also an important corridor through which it can secure its interests in Pakistan (a traditional ally in China’s competition with India), and ensure its access to vital natural resources in the region. Moreover, China’s already restless Muslim-majority province of Xinjiang, which borders on Afghanistan, might be dangerously affected by a Taliban takeover there, or by the country’s dismemberment. The US fought its longest-ever war in Afghanistan, at a cost (so far) of more than $555 billion, not to mention tens of thousands of Afghan civilian casualties and close to 3,100 US troops killed. But China’s strategy in the country was mostly focused on business development, and on satiating its vast appetite for energy and minerals. The US Defense Department has valued Afghanistan’s untapped mineral deposits at $1 trillion. But it is China that is now poised to exploit much of these resources. Indeed, China’s development of the Aynak Copper Mine was the largest single foreign direct investment in Afghanistan’s history. China was also engaged in constructing a $500 million electric plant and railway link between Tajikistan and Pakistan. Last December, China’s state-owned National Petroleum Corporation signed a deal with the Afghan authorities that would make it the first foreign company to exploit Afghanistan’s oil and natural-gas reserves. Once China’s enormous economic and security interests in Afghanistan are left without America’s military shield, the Chinese are bound to play an even larger role there, one that Afghans hope will reach “strategic levels.” China would prefer to accomplish this the Chinese way – that is, essentially through a display of soft power – or, as the Chinese government put it on the occasion of Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s official visit to Beijing in early June, through “non-traditional security areas.” Judging by China’s behavior in other parts of the world, any military cooperation is likely to be extremely modest and cautious. China has already made it clear it will not contribute to the $4.1 billion multilateral fund to sustain Afghan national security forces. Rather, the two countries’ recently signed bilateral cooperation agreement is about “safeguarding Afghanistan’s national stability” through social and economic development. China is especially keen on combating drug trafficking, as Badakhshan, the Afghan province bordering on Xinjiang, has become the main transit route for Afghan opium. But preventing the spillover into Xinjiang of Taliban-inspired religious extremism remains a high priority as well. China went to great lengths to present the recent summit in Beijing of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which includes China, Russia, and major Central Asian countries, as an attempt to create a fair balance of interests among regional stakeholders. Moreover, the SCO sought a consensus on how, in Chinese President Hu Jintao’s words, to guard the region “against shocks from turbulence outside the region.” Yet, however focused it is on soft-power projection in Afghanistan, China will likely find it difficult not to be drawn into the role of policeman in an extremely complex and historically conflict-ridden region. China’s regional outreach, moreover, clashes with that of other regional powers, such as Russia and India. Nor is its own ally, Pakistan, particularly eager to confront terrorist groups that threaten the security of its neighbors, China among them. Pakistan might find it extremely difficult to reconcile the security of its Chinese ally with its de facto proxy war with India. China might then be forced to bolster its military presence in Pakistan and in tribal areas along the Afghan border in order to counter terrorist groups such as the Pakistan-based East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which the Chinese believe is responsible for attacks in Xinjiang. The preferred Chinese way would be that of cooptation and dialogue. Indeed, Chinese diplomacy has been busy lately in trilateral talks with Pakistan and Afghanistan aimed at achieving reconciliation with the Taliban. Nor is China interested in stirring up the conflict between its Pakistani allies and its Indian rivals. On the contrary, China has argued for years that the main problem affecting Afghanistan’s stability is the India-Pakistan proxy fighting, and that peace in Kashmir is therefore the key to peace in Afghanistan. The task of defending its interests in Afghanistan after US withdrawal is a truly formidable challenge for Chinese diplomacy. It is inconceivable, though, that the Chinese would enter into the kind of massive US-style military intervention to which the world has grown accustomed in recent years. For China, the Afghan contest will most likely turn out to be a very measured combination of chess and weiqi.