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Usually when you think of an audit, you think about reviewing financial statements to make sure the business accounting systems are working as they should. But using the same approach as a financial audit, you also could review any of the systems in your business. I suggest you review where your business stands in the use of modern technology. Since technology can offer competitive advantages and cost savings, it’s worth assessing your position. Purchasing technology solutions alone is not, of course, an automatic answer to greater profits, more customers or stronger management. However, increasing your awareness of what is available may encourage you to see if there is something you could use that will increase productivity and still fit in your budget. When speaking of technology available today, we have to include the latest software, computer hardware and global positioning system combinations that provide data for management that has not been available in the past, or has not been interconnected to the degree it is now available. I would like to begin by breaking down the primary functions of the business and seeing what we can do to automate some of the functions, then progress from there. Call TakingAs soon as a customer calls your company, your call-takers have the opportunity to acquire and process data. Instead of treating each call as a new experience, your call-takers should be accessing a database and entering or recalling data for the caller. If it is a former customer, it is important for the call-taker to demonstrate to the caller that your company has the best customer service by recognizing the caller’s previous business contact and welcoming them back as a customer. With the caller’s data on file, much of the information the call-taker would have to log in is already in the database. Only the latest problem needs to be entered. Keeping track of the results of marketing campaigns, such as postcard mailings, new advertisements and Yellow Pages results, are other inputs that can be entered and monitored. Let’s see where your business stands on call-taking: The most efficient processing of calls uses not just a database, but an integrated system where the data from the call is stored and can be recalled by other departments. DispatchIf there ever was an area to automate in the service-and-repair business, dispatch software systems have been shown to simplify and improve that function of the business by improving accuracy and cutting costs. If you still rely on a completely manual dispatch system, betting that the dispatcher can find the nearest or best technician for the next job, your business is not as efficiently run as it could be. Ideally, the call-takers’ information about each customer and job is automatically forwarded to the dispatch department software. The dispatch people can now see what the job is and, using more than just a database of jobs and technicians, select the best technician for the job. The criteria for this selection might include location, completion time for prior jobs, technician expertise or other criteria you select. The analysis of this data assures that the customer gets speedy service by the most appropriate technician for the job. Let’s see where your business stands on dispatching: Techs On CallsTechnicians typically like doing the work required for the job more than completing all the paperwork associated with the job. Invoices, time sheets, parts used and the job-related data that must be completed can all be automated. Accuracy is improved and the technician’s time is spent on tasks that are not administrative. If your dispatch and accounting program are integrated, billing, payroll and materials information are sent to the department where they are needed. Before the technician goes to the next job, his charges and the parts used are sent to the home office, simplifying recordkeeping and reducing paper used in the office. With less paper reports, errors seem to drop significantly. GPS has been in the news and you have read or heard me speak about it many times. After several generations of navigation systems available to businesses, there is no reason not to have one available for technicians. The advantages are numerous, but include ease of finding customer locations, keeping track of each truck’s location and logging reports on truck mileage and maintenance data. There is so much data available from GPS systems it’s hard to imagine functioning without one. Once you are used to having precise information on all your trucks, costs decline and you can make very timely management decisions. The level of technology that you use with GPS is generally determined by how integrated your GPS data is with your other software systems, such as dispatch, maintenance and accounting. The more integrated the system, the more valuable and timesaving it is. Let’s see where your business stands on keeping track of techs and vehicles: Parts And MaterialsKeeping technicians’ trucks stocked with the parts they need for most of the jobs they are going to be assigned is always a challenge. Some technicians are very diligent about making certain all the usual parts are in stock, replacing the ones used each day for that day’s jobs. No need to rely on technicians, however, if your software provides that data automatically. If it is integrated into your truck and warehouse records, parts can be drawn from bins by the time the technician’s truck arrives back at the shop. The list is extracted from the job invoice, then sent to the warehouse, where the parts are pulled and then assembled for loading on the technician’s truck when he returns to the shop. The advantage of such an integrated system is better control over parts, advance notice of stocking requirements and assurance that your technicians’ trucks are always stocked with the parts and materials they will most likely use. Inventory control is always up-to-date. Let’s see where your business stands on inventory management: Accounting/PayrollAdministrative functions like accounting and payroll need to be accurate. That accuracy can be expensive. But if fewer personnel are needed, costs are reduced. If the data entry is automated, accuracy is assured. Ideally, data should only be entered one time for a job. The technician’s compensation is extracted from the data supplied by the job invoice. Using a system that will produce the data needed leads to a paperless office that costs less to operate. From this one data entry, customer records are updated and invoices can be printed (by technicians if the program allows technicians to print on-site). All of the payroll data for each technician can be downloaded automatically. At the end of each day all records are current and complete. Checks can be issued on payday automatically. For this comprehensive system to work, the service-and-repair business has to go beyond the basic accounting packages. If you have not automated your accounting, by all means get started with basic software to get your accounting records on computer. Then progress from there as you can so you can get as much data as possible entered in an automated system. Let’s see where your business stands on accounting and payroll: Having your business automated doesn’t mean it’s operating at a maximum level of efficiency or profitability, only that the data is there to make timely and accurate management decisions. The systems still need management oversight. If you have responded to all of the questions in each area with “yes” answers, you probably are among the top users of technology in the industry. If not, see what will pay off for you in the future to make management of your business easier.
Ant bites in legs or the ear is one of the most irritating things that can happen when you are driving your car. Ants get into the car in search of food mostly, while you may see some trying to make your car as their permanent residence. Either way, you need to get rid of ants in your car as soon as possible to have a comfortable ride. Because ants leave pheromones chemicals in their way to guide other ants, it is important to follow specific methods to eliminate the ants. In this post, we’ll talk about the reasons why ants get into the car and how can you remove them permanently from your vehicle. Stay with us! Why do Ants get Into the Car? Ants may get into your car for various reasons. Here are the reasons that may be the reason behind ants got into your car- Ants Search For Food Ants have hypersensitive smelling cells that drag the ants from long-distance towards a food source. You may have seen ants in your car because of the food that you spill out in your car seat. You May Have Parked the Car Close to an Ant Hill Another good reason for ants coming out in numbers is because you may have parked your vehicle close to an anthill. Ants move around their habitat and when anything comes into their way, they get into that. If you leave your car in such places for long, the ants will give you some serious headache cleaning them. You Left Your Car in the Garage for Long Leaving the car for a long period can cause the ants to make it their permanent residence. Ants constantly look for new places where they can live and find food. As the car can have small food particles, they can start living in your car. How Can You Remove Ants From The Car? Now that you have seen ants moving in your car, you must act immediately. While most of the ants do not mess with the car parts, some types of ants may start cutting the wires making your car dangerous to drive. So, don’t allow ants any further moment to live in your car. Here’s what you can do to get rid of the ants in the car- 1. Clean the Car Interior Cleaning the car interior is the first thing you need to do for removing ants. Look for food particles and solid dust in the interior and remove them. Start from the driving seat and clean one by one until you don’t see anything except a clean car interior. 2. Clean the Exterior After cleaning the interior, wash the car exterior thoroughly. Wash the wheels, tires, inside and outside of the trunk and the hood. Nothing should remain unwashed when you intend to eliminate ants from the car. 3. Vacuum Clean the Interior Get a handheld car vacuum cleaner and clean the interior thoroughly. Vacuum cleaning will remove any invisible or hard to see dust particles from the car interior. As the first step, start from the driving seat and end after you eliminate every single speck of dust from the interior. 4. Use Ant Baits After a thorough clean up of the interior, you now need to place some ant baits under the car seat to eliminate any remaining ants in the car. After applying these four steps, your car should now be free from ants to give you a comfortable and peaceful ride to the destination. As you can see that the eliminating ants from the car are not so easy. That’s why we recommend you to look for early clues of ants coming into the car. So that you can act fast before they make any damage to your car. Ants are attracted to electric and magnetic fields. And they leave pheromones chemical in their way to guide their fellow members. To minimize the risk of ants getting into the car again, you should regularly clean the car with car interior cleaners and wash the exterior with a high-pressure washer and car wash soap.
It’s one of countless sarcastic jokes about my profession that I’ve heard for years, each of them landing with all the comedic force of late-period Carrot Top props. If you search online for the combination “libraries” and “dead,” you’ll find various articles proclaiming the same sentiment. I get where this perception comes from. Google and Wikipedia can answer a lot of basic questions that we librarians used to tackle. Issues arising from unglamorous arguments over budgets or the government have also made times difficult for libraries, librarians, and other information professionals. But now that we’ve acknowledged those truths, it’s important to mention another: Librarians today influence the cutting edge more than ever before. We use our skills to bring pieces of the future to wherever you are. Perhaps that’s why ours has become one of the professions that fixed-gear-bike-riding tattooed hipster types have moved to in droves, as reported in an obnoxious style section article in The New York Times. Maybe that’s why some of our profession’s lingo, words like metadata and curation, have now found their way into the popular culture and lexicon. Seriously, you can’t throw a stone and not hit someone who is a “curator” of some obscure material or pursuit. In any case, the idea of the librarian just sitting there in a large quiet building, wearing a cardigan, and waiting for you to visit is the only thing that is caught in the past. Even though we do love a good visit and always have a cardigan ready for when the building’s climate control inevitably lets us down. This might even be a golden age for librarians, now sometimes categorized as “information professionals.” Our culture seems to have reached peak curation, where almost every form of content is carefully chosen and presented for consumption, and the tech world is rushing to organize (and monetize) the insane amounts of information available at our fingertips. We librarians are right at the middle of it all, collaborating on all sorts of new projects and applications. Look no further than Spotify, the streaming music application used by millions every day. It collects and provides access to millions of songs, features a searchable catalogue, and curates quality choices that cut through the maddening amount of material that’s available. That sure sounds like the kind of things librarians do every day. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that companies like Spotify and Facebook do in fact have librarians (more than one even!) on staff who collaborate with developers and other bright people to cultivate an experience that has become embedded in your daily internet habits. Of course, they may or may not be called librarians in these positions, but the skill set is the same: cataloguing, curation, metadata creation, data management, programming. From the visual presentation of the app, to the extensive organization of the information, down to the algorithm that selects songs for your Discover Weekly playlist — our fingerprints are appearing in the core of these new media applications. Librarians are also innovating via new initiatives within more traditional spheres, pooling our resources and brainpower to build systems and applications that bridge past ideals with current trends and future possibilities. One result of these efforts has been a push to build portals that harness existing digitization efforts to make archives and special collections materials more available to people where they live via mobile phones and the internet. This offers researchers the information equivalent of one-stop shopping. Take the creation of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), a major leader in this realm. Using metadata records as its engine, this portal brings together millions of items from museums, academic libraries, and public libraries from all over the country in one searchable site. For example, if you were searching for information about the Gold Rush, you could pull whatever materials are available in your local library or university catalogue, but DPLA gives you the opportunity to find materials documenting different experiences via libraries in California, Washington, or beyond with one search. Furthermore, all of the data is open-access, which means any librarian anywhere can grab it and transform it to develop new applications and unique experiences for users. OMNIA, for instance, merges all of DPLA’s data with all the entries from another large European library portal, creating a searchable timeline. Silicon Valley companies have enviable research and development budgets, but they often lack the collaborative spirit and greater-good mentality that drives public-sphere librarians. In the meantime, many libraries, especially in public and academic institutions, have money to keep the lights on and provide key services like reference and outreach, but don’t always have the means to innovate or build new projects. We have to hunt for outside funding, competing to score grants to push new initiatives. A frustrating number of good ideas can’t find funding and miss their windows of opportunity. Burnout from this battle for dollars is one of the most significant threats to public-sector librarianship as it currently stands, disincentivizing librarians to dream up creative ways to make knowledge and information available to the wider world. Yet we’re a more resilient bunch than you think. We’ve already survived the transition to the computer age, Google, even e-books — what’s another set of challenges? It’s officially time to toss those old jokes into the vortex where Borat impressions now reside and allow our perceptions of the librarian to evolve. We’re constantly adding new skills, services, and technologies to our expansive toolkit, even if sometimes we have to implement them in the scrappiest way possible. This gives us the ability to move across various industries and shape them with our influence. I’m not sure where it’s written in the ancient library tomes just how much flexibility and evolution this profession actually requires. But the nature of our work ensures that, despite claims to the contrary, we’ll never be stuck in the past. For librarians, the future is always right now. Ian Collins is an American writer with a British name and is currently the Digital Services Librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Become a Saturday Evening Post member and enjoy unlimited access. Subscribe now
PEDA-NOCV - decomposing the orbital relaxation term¶ This tutorial will teach you how to: - perform a periodic energy decomposition analysis (PEDA) combined with the natural orbitals for chemical valency (NOCV) method for extended systems with the BAND-GUI (PEDA-NOCV) - where to look for the results - how to visualize NOCV orbitals and NOCV deformation densities Step 1: Setting up the System and the Calculation¶ Do Steps 1 to 3c of the general PEDA Tutorial first. Step 1a: Preparations for the PEDA-NOCV calculation¶ Now the PEDA-NOCV has to be switched on. Go to the PEDA-NOCV menu, - Panel bar Properties → PEDA-NOCV and activate the calculation of everything connected to the PEDA-NOCV. You may want to define a NOCV eigenvalue threshold (default: 0.001) which handles the amount of output. Then you have to keep in mind, that the PEDA-NOCV is implemented for \(\Gamma\)-only case. So, go to the ‘Integration K-Space’ menu, - Panel bar Details → K-Space IntegrationSet the ‘K-Space’ to ‘Gamma only’ Step 1b: Save and run the calculation¶ Now you can save and run the calculation. - File → Save, give it a name and press Save.File → Run Step 2: Checking the results¶ After the calculations of the fragments and the PEDA finished you can look for the PEDA results. Therefore, open the “Output” using the SCM dropdown menu. - SCM → Output You can jump to the ‘PEDA-NOCV Energy Terms’ via the corresponding button in the ‘Properties’ drop-down menu. - Properties → PEDA-NOCV Energy Terms Step 3: Plotting NOCV orbitals and deformation densities¶ You can visualize the charge NOCV deformation densities which describe the charge flow between the fragments. Therefore, open the “View” using the SCM drop-down menu. - SCM → ViewFields → Grid → Medium Depending on your preferences (w.r.t. showing atoms of neighboring cells) you will end up with the following representation of ADFview. You can now add an isosurface with phase via the drop-down menu ‘Add’, or via ‘Ctrl+B’. - Add → Isosurface: With Phase Step 3a: Plotting NOCV deformation densities¶ To get an overview of the NOCV deformation densities click on ‘Select Field …’ and then on ‘NOCV Def Densities…’. The following window should appear. For example you can now visualize the first NOCV deformation density. (Be aware of the small isovalue of 0.000025 in the following picture!) (For further tweaking you can click on “Isosurface: With Phase” and select “Show Details”) This deformation density visualizes the charge flow from red to blue lobes. Here, the charge transfer from the CO to the MgO surface is shown. According to the information in the ‘Select NOCV Deformation Density’ window the first NOCV deformation density is a combination of the NOCV orbitals 1 (the small number denotes the donor/occupied NOCV) and 150 (the large number denotes the acceptor/unoccupied NOCV). Step 3b: Plotting NOCV orbitals¶ These NOCV orbitals can visualized by changing the field to ‘NOCV Orbitals’. The following window should appear. By selecting the 1st and 150th NOCV orbital these are calculated and can then be visualized one at a time. NOCV orbital 1 does show predominantly a lone-pair localized at the CO fragment. NOCV orbital 150 does show predominantly a lobe connecting the CO fragment and a Mg atom of the surface. Remark: The calculated fields for the NOCV properties does represent not only the central unit cell but partially the neighboring cells. So, it can be tough to only show what is needed and not confuse additional lobes of the neighboring cells with something in the unit cell! You can hide parts of the field using the Clip Plane in BANDGUI. - Isosurface: With Phase → DetailsCheck Use Clip Plane To optimize the resulting plot one can visualize (temporarily) and modify the position of the Clip Plane by checking Interactive Plane. - Check Interactive Plane
In tough economic times, individuals will seek ways to cut expenses and find affordable housing, and some of the ways they choose can be extreme. One way some people are choosing to find affordable housing is to live inside storage units. While it is hard to determine just how many people are living in storage units, it is estimated to be in the 500,000 range. While this may seem like an ingenious way to find affordable housing, there are many reasons why this is not a good idea, and they are listed below. Storage units are designed to keep your belongings safe while you are moving, or if you don’t have enough room in your home to store everything. It is essential to point out that storage units (even climate-controlled ones) are not meant for anything living, just belongings. It is illegal for anything living, even an ant farm, to be stored in a storage unit. When you sign up for a storage unit, the contract will clearly state that living inside the storage unit is strictly forbidden and if you are caught doing so, you can be evicted and face fines and criminal charges specially if you are found living in the unit with children and animals. Living in a storage unit is not only illegal; it is unsafe. Storage units are designed to hold items and belongings, not anything living. Storage units are not adequately ventilated; the temperatures can vary widely depending on the time of the year; there is no running water, and no sanitation facilities. In addition to the necessities that are needed for a building to be safe for human habitation, living in storage can cause your death. Storage units are locked from the outside, and even if you leave your unit unlocked so, you can enter and exit, someone may pass by unit and think the unit was opened by accident and they may lock you in the unit. Without any way to leave the unit you could be trapped in there for any length of time, and it could be possible lead to your death. Other Options to Consider Before Living in a Storage Unit If you have fallen on hard times and are finding it difficult to pay your bills, including your housing expenses before you make the terrible decision to live in a storage unit, there are other low-cost options available to you that are much safer. Listed below are some safe alternatives to living in a storage unit: Friends and Family While it may be embarrassing to have to call on friends and family and ask for help with a place to live, it is better than putting your life at risk by trying to live in a storage unit. Everyone has experienced financial hardships at one point in their lives, and your friends and family will understand that you just need some help to save up and get back on your feet and will be more than willing to help you out. If you find you are having a hard time paying your rent or can’t find a place that fits your budget, consider having a roommate. Roommates can split the expenses and make apartments or homes that would usually be out of your budget affordable. If you find you are renting a three bedroom/3 bath apartment for $1200 a month and split the expenses three ways you are looking at $400 a month. The chances of you finding an apartment or home to rent for $400 a month is slim, but by choosing to have roommates, you will find you can afford a nice place to live. Rent a Room If you find that you are having a hard time meeting your monthly living expenses and have an apartment or home with more than one bedroom, consider renting out the other room. By renting out a room, you can earn extra income while remaining in your home or apartment. Many people are facing the same financial issues as you are, and by renting out a room you can not only help yourself, you can also help someone else. Before putting you live at risk by trying to stay in a storage unit, you should call your local YMCA and see if they have rooms for rent. Staying at the YMCA is more than just a favorite song; you can find affordable rooms that start as low as $10.00 a night and will provide all the necessities you need. Another way to cut expenses and still have an affordable place to live is to try camping. Whether you are using a tent, truck/van, or recreational vehicle camping can be an affordable and safe way to find a temporary place to stay. You can find campgrounds that are as little as $20 a night, and they provide facilities to use the restroom, shower, electricity, and other amenities depending on the campground and how much you are willing to spend. While internet articles or YouTube videos showing how people have saved money by living in storage units may seem appealing, they are dangerous and under no means should anyone attempt to live in a storage unit. Not only are you putting your life at risk, if you are found living in a storage unit, but you can also face criminal charges and fines. Storage units are designed to store things, and belongings, not people, and any money you may save by trying to live in a storage unit can be overshadowed by the risk you are putting yourself in. If you find that you are having a hard time financially, some alternatives are available and safer than living in a storage unit.
Last week, in the Bigg Boss 13 house, we saw many family members visiting the housemates. During the family week, Arti Singh was visited by brother Krushna Abhishek and his twins and the siblings were seen getting emotional as well. After brother Krushna and his twins met their bua Arti in the house, recently, in a video shared by a fan club on social media, Arti Singh is seen confiding in Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma. In the video, Arti shares with Paras and Mahira how she is a ‘dutiful’ girl and mentioned that she took care of twins in bhabhi Kashmera Shah’s absence. On Instagram, in a video, Arti Singh is caught on camera having a conversation with Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma in the bedroom area of the Bigg Boss 13 house. As the video plays, Arti is seen sharing with Paras and Mahira what kind of a person she is. In the video, Arti talks about how responsible she is in life and explains that she takes the responsibility of her brother Krushna Abhishek’s twins when they are not around. Clearing her statement on the responsibility of her brother’s twins, Singh mentions that she is one of those dutiful girls. Also Read: Bigg Boss 13: Shilpa Shinde Is All Praises For Hina Khan, Says ‘Acha Hua Usne Mahira Ke Massle Ko Masal Kar Rakh Diya’- EXCLUSIVE Later, Arti goes on to reveal that when her brother’s twins were 6-months-old, due to work responsibilities, bhabhi Kashmera and brother Krushna had to head out of the country for work, and at that time, she took care of the twins and made sure they did everything on time, including having dinner at 8. Needless to say, during the family week, Arti Singh’s love for her brother’s twins was unmissable and she is indeed very close to them. Meanwhile, today, we shall see Arti having a big fight with Shehnaaz Gill who will blame her for coming in between her and Sidharth Shukla. Image source: Instagram/ Paras Chhabra, Arti Singh, Mahira Sharma They say the best things in life are free! India’s favourite music channels 9XM, 9X Jalwa, 9X Jhakaas & 9X Tashan are available Free-To-Air. Make a request for these channels from your Cable, DTH or HITS operator.
The Educated Outlaw The Story of Elzy Lay of the Wild Bunch by Harvey Lav Murdock (Grandson) What makes a person take a quest? Sometimes it comes from a monumental event that changes someone's life; and sometimes it comes from a passing remark. The latter is the spark that fueled my quest. At the age of 14 living on a ranch in Hanna, Utah, my thoughts were on daily chores and school. In the fall of my fourteenth year I was asked by my father to accompany my uncle to take the lambs to market. My uncle was easily influenced to take more than a few drinks when in town and my father needed me to make sure the sheep were taken care of. I was driving out from town because my uncle was unable to. It was an unpaved long and bumpy ride. My uncle was in a particularly foul mood and tole me "You'll never amount to a damn thing because your grandfather was an outlaw." I didn't pay a lot of attention to him at first. I asked my mom what he had meant by that statement. My mother told me that her father, my grandfather, was none other than the outlaw Elzy Lay who rode with the Wild Bunch and was close friends with Butch Cassidy. A passing remark from a grumpy man has led me on a 65 year quest to find out about my grandfather. I am fortunate enough to have talked personally with people acquainted with my grandfather and other members of the Wild Bunch. William Ellsworth Lay (Elzy) was born on the 25th of November 1868 in Mount Pleasant, Ohio. He died on the 10th of November 1934 in Glendale, California, just short of his 65th birthday. This is the story of my grandfather Elzy Lay. Paperback, 2009, viii, 84 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Uintah County Heritage Museum | 155 E. Main, Vernal, Utah 84078 | 435-789-7399
The National Medal of Technology and Innovation (NMTI) is the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement, bestowed by the president of the United States on America's leading innovators. There were 18 laureates in the 1991 class. Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Bechtel Group, Inc. For his outstanding leadership in the engineering profession with special recognition for his contributions to the development and application of advanced management techniques to world-class industrial projects. C. Gordon Bell For his continuing intellectual and industrial achievements in the field of computer design; and for his leading role in establishing cost-effective, powerful computers which serve as a significant tool for engineering, science and industry. For their concept, development and commercialization of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA), which has dramatically reduced costs, improved product quality and enhanced the competitiveness of major U.S. manufacturers. International Business Machines Corp. For his development and implementation of Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture that significantly increased the speed and efficiency of computers, thereby enhancing U.S. technological competitiveness. For his broad technological contributions to solving environmental problems; and for his initiatives in developing novel, practical approaches to insect control products that are biodegradable and harmless. James J. Duderstadt University of Michigan For his excellence in the development and implementation of strategies for engineering education; and for his successes in bringing women and minorities into the Nation's technological work force. Robert W. Galvin For advancement of the American electronics industry through continuous technological innovation, establishing Motorola as a world-class electronics manufacturer. Grace Murray Hopper U.S. Navy (Ret.)/Digital Equipment Corp. For her pioneering accomplishments in the development of computer programming languages that simplified computer technology and opened the door to a significantly larger universe of users. F. Kenneth Iverson For his concept of producing steel in minimills using revolutionary slabcasting technology that has revitalized the American steel industry. For their development of refrigeration technology for trucks, trailers, boxcars, ships and planes which revolutionized the preservation and distribution of food and other perishables; and for their development of a worldwide sales and service network. For their invention, development, and production of the Pegasus rocket, the world's first privately developed space launch vehicle, that has opened the door to greater commercial, scientific and defense uses. Charles R. Reed General Electric Co. For his management risk-taking in continuous innovation leading General Electric Company to world-class production of advanced engineering materials. John Paul Stapp U.S. Air Force (Ret.)/Space Center For his research on the effects of mechanical force on living tissues leading to safety developments in crash protection technology for automobiles, aircraft, trains, manned space flight and other modes of transportation.
I need a new website. you gotta design and build my online store for a cattle farm. The website should be top of the class with all modern features. The interface of the website will be simple and elegant. easy to navigate and understand. The default language will be Bengali for both website and app with option for English. The app will be for both Android and IOS. User should be able to purchase and pre-order for products. Mention Hamba in your application.
In the 10 years I have been within the customized apparel and hat wear enterprise, I can’t remember how many people called asking for help in starting their hat put on line. You usually see followers wearing them throughout baseball video games from the bleachers or sidelines-and that’s the way it earned its title. Anybody who wears hats repeatedly has experienced the quickness by which a hat can fly off your head. Fingerprint stains are most typical on mild coloured New Period caps on the bill, the place individuals grab with their fingers to take their cap on and off. Seeking a dedicated and energetic Lead Teacher who will implement creative curriculum for Lancaster Head Start’s Daily Structures and tutorial strategies in accordance with program pointers to fidelity. Be sure you solely put on the hat tight enough to stay in your head but free sufficient to permit blood circulate to the hair root. You see baseball caps not only at the games but at eating places, parties, on the beach and in airports. Nonetheless, you need to by no means depend on capitalization charge alone to provide a true image of a property’s profitability or make an actual estate funding determination with out accurately computing all of the numbers, rates of return, and cash movement situations for your self. There have been many styles of nursing uniforms through the centuries that may ultimately change over time and the cap would fade out of the career of nursing entirely. So, there is no such thing as a significant advantage to spend money on properties in California as the property worth is based primarily on the cap charge. In other phrases, it expresses what proportion charge a property’s net working revenue is to its value (or sale worth), and as is a rule of thumb, whether a property has the ability to pay its personal means. In the present day, you will discover baseball caps in several kinds and supplies. Whilst husbands and sweethearts have been away preventing wars, the ladies folks passed a few of their leisure hours stitching and embroidering these caps, giving the boys an opportunity to brag about which hat from house was the perfect. At the identical time, whenever you inform your broker to search for properties with a sure cap fee, ensure the broker knows what cap price you have in mind.
An otherwise non-descript street in a residential Northeast DC neighborhood, has been livened by the installation of two new benches. Thanks to a grant by the Awesome Foundation and painter Haider Ali, the bright benches are a welcoming contrast with the greys, whites, and browns of the street, houses, and bricks found on Michigan Avenue NE. The benches themselves are comfortable and much different than the government-installed bus benches that are sit feet away. Those benches, barely large enough to allow riders to rest more than a few inches of their body, are possibly an example of deliberately inconvenient public design to discourage extended use. The Pakistani truck art-styled benches have ample space for two people to comfortably sit and enjoy Haider’s colors and details. Each bench has its own character and set of colors, yet both have traditional truck art motifs, adapted slightly for the US. One bench has the Pakistani and American flags, along with a majestic peacock that covers the length of the bench. The other bench is centered around an eagle, another common motif, and topped by women’s eyes. Unlike the rest of the work which is painted with acrylics, the eyes are printed stickers. The picture of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has gone viral multiple times. But it’s unlikely that is ever appeared on a truck, in Pakistan or elsewhere. Portraits of politicians, generals, and sports stars are not unusual on Pakistani trucks. They’re almost always found on the rear of the vehicle, where there’s the most space available and usually less religious imagery. Its not common, but not unheard of, to see non-Pakistanis featured. During the first Gulf War, Saddam Hussein was a popular subject, as was Princess Diana following her death. Trudeau is good looking, young, and soft-spoken. In many respects, he’s the opposite of Trump. Although there’s a large Pakistani population in Canada and Trudeau has made efforts at outreach, he’s far from the most prominent world leader. That he’s not the most likely person to be featured on a Pakistani truck makes the painting all the more noteworthy. This picture has gone viral and replicated thousands of times, but there’s no evidence that it ever appeared on a truck. I’ve been told that it was commissioned specifically to hang as a picture, not on a vehicle. While its a beautiful piece, the picture of Trudeau never appeared on a truck. It was first posted by a Twitter user @jawadhq13 on January 28, 2016. It was widely circulated, even making its way to a Pakistan Day reception hosted by the High Commission in Canada in March of that year. About a year later, it suddenly generated more attention, including coverage by French media, several Pakistani outlets that apparently missed it in 2016, and even Russia Today. All media used the same image in their reporting. Hopefully Trudeau in truck art will spark media attention again, with another image, on an actual truck.
By Linnea Rogahn On 14 March 2019 In Couches Ideas Couch Sheet Cover. This awesome picture collections about Couch Sheet Cover is available to download. We collect this wonderful image from internet and select one of the best for you. Couch Sheet Cover portrait and pictures selection that posted here was properly named and ...
This year, the Hofstra Discovery Program will welcome its 6th class of excited incoming first year and transfer students on Saturday, August 23rd. The Discovery Program is a dynamic and interactive program for students who wish to be actively engaged through advocacy, community service, outdoor recreation and service. One of the benefits of participating in the Discovery Program is being able to experience what Hofstra University has to offer through early campus involvement. Upon checking in, students will be welcomed by outgoing and excited Discovery Leaders who will be there to help the students transition as they embark on this new journey. Our Discovery Leaders are all previous Discovery students who once stood in the very same shoes as our new students. Our leaders are so excited to meet Hofstra’s incoming Discovery students. We spoke with two of our DiscoveryLeaders about what they are looking forward to most about this year’s Discovery Program. Here’s what they had to say: “As we draw closer to the start of the Discovery Program, I can’t help but feel excited. Something about being back on campus, and the chance to welcome new students to our community at Hofstra is something that I am really looking forward to. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing my time is going to make a difference in this group of new students lives, and knowing that we as Discovery Leaders are helping lead students down a path of service, commitment, and involvement around campus. From my experience with Discovery, my friends and I who participated in the program were some of the most involved people on campus. We got involved with clubs, jobs, TA positions, and more, and I really look forward to seeing the newest group of students take on positions around campus as well. I can’t wait to see everyone, and look forward to meeting the newest addition to Hofstra University.” – Alexander Cain, Discovery Class of 2013 “I am most looking forward to providing the students with opportunities to get involved with community service. I am also excited to see the friendships that are created and to watch them grow throughout the year. We're getting close and I am very excited!!!!!!!!!” – George Calvo, Discovery Class of 2012 Submitted by Jarryn Mercer, Assistant Director, Student Leadership and Activities
Monday, February 29, 2016 Ladybirds clutch in taking down defending state champs The Highlands Ladybirds basketball team (22-10) hit the crucial shots and kept the Covington Holy Cross Lady Indians (16-12) off the scoreboard in the game's final two minutes and 25 seconds on their way to a 52-44 victory at the BB&T Arena on the Northern Kentucky University campus. Highlands outscored Holy Cross, 10-1 during that stretch to pull away. This marks the fourth straight region quarterfinal victory for Highlands. The Ladybirds lost to the Lady Indians. 49-32 in the 9th Region semifinals last year. Holy Cross had won the previous three meetings including a 43-36 loss in Fort Thomas on Jan. 19. Highlands faces 33rd District champion Ryle Lady Raiders (23-6) in the semifinals Saturday at Noon. Ryle handled 34th District runner-up St. Henry (13-19), 61-32. The title game takes place Sunday at 6 p.m. Highlands freshman point guard Zoie Barth made 6-of-8 free throws on her way to a team-high 14 points and had a crucial steal in the final two minutes. Barth has not been afraid to challenge opponents driving the lane all season. "We knew we had to get two-pointers because when we rely too much on three's and we're not on, that can hurt us," Barth said. "We knew we had to be the aggressors and get in the lane. When they came in on the help side, then we can kick it out to our shooters. Going into the lane not afraid really helped the team." Barth made a free throw with 1:34 left in the game to put the Ladybirds up 45-43 before chasing down a loose ball and drawing a foul. Barth made both free throws to put Highlands up 47-43 with 1:16 left in the game. Highlands fourth and fifth-year starting seniors Haley Coffey and Brianna Adler scored 13 and 12 points respectively and third-year starting senior McKenzie Leigh scored all nine of her points in the fourth quarter. "You can tell they're great senior leaders," said Jaime Walz-Richey, Highlands Head Coach. "They're going to do everything they can to win the game. I also thought we did a better job of rebounding the ball in the fourth quarter." Following Barth's two free throws, Holy Cross junior guard Dajah McClendon attacked the basket but missed the tough shot and Leigh grabbed one of her six rebounds. Coffey made a free throw to put Highlands up 48-43. Following turnovers by both teams, Holy Cross threw the ball out of bounds and Leigh made two free throws to give Highlands a 50-43 advantage with 18.7 seconds left. Coffey hit two with 5.7 seconds left and McClendon one with 13.2 to make the final score. McClendon finished with 12 points for Holy Cross and eighth-grader Malaysia Chames finished with 10. Chames finished with a double-double of 10 rebounds as Holy Cross won that battle, 34-23. Luckily for Highlands, Holy Cross outscored the Ladybirds, 9-7 in second-chance points. But Highlands did get Chames into foul trouble in the fourth quarter. "(Chames is) tall and can block shots when she is in there," Leigh said. "We have to lean into (the tall posts) in order to finish shots and get to the free throw line." Holy Cross led most of the3 game using an 8-0 run to go up 14-5 with 1:15 left in the first quarter. The Lady Indians led 14-8 after the first quarter. Highlands crept to within one twice in the second. But Holy Cross made crucial shots and a free throw to stay up 24-22 at halftime. Highlands grabbed the lead for the first time with 5:56 left in the third quarter, 29-27 after a Coffey three-pointer. But freshman guard Olivia Crigler promptly gave it back to Holy Cross with a three-pointer. The Lady Indians led 38-31 before Lauren Epperson scored to cut the lead to 38-33 entering the fourth quarter. The Highlands rally started with an Adler offensive rebound. She then made two free throws before Leigh hit a jumper with 5:26 left in the game to put Highlands up 39-38. After Crigler made another three-pointer, Leigh hit an old-fashioned three-point play to put Highlands back up 42-41. Leigh then responded to a Zyah Beal score with two free throws with 2:25 left in the game setting up the clutch heroics. "We'd go up one then give up a three to Crigler," Richey said. "Finally once we got the lead, we were able to spread them out and get to the free-throw line where we usually do a good job." The Ladybirds once again won the game at the free-throw line making 20-of-25 for 80 percent compared to 6-of-13 for 46 percent for the Lady Indians. Leigh made all five free throws for Highlands. The shooting percentages were almost the same. Highlands made 15-of-41 shots for 37 percent including 2-of-14 three-point tries for 14 percent. Holy Cross hit 17-of-48 shots for 35 percent including 4-of-12 three-pointers for 33 percent. Highlands hopes to break a two-game losing streak in the region semifinals. The Ladybirds lost to Notre Dame in the semifinals two years ago after beating Ryle in the semfinals and losing to Notre Dame in the title game in 2013. The Ladybirds last won the region in 2001.
The partners of the ECI Project are finalising the report for stocktaking on the dynamics of entrepreneurial competencies at European level. Partners carried out assessment to investigate in their country existing literature, policy papers, analysis and diagnostics on entrepreneurship, skill sets and needs, capacity building needs, etc. to ensure coherence and accuracy in the consolidation of findings in regards to the selected competencies. The report captures the state of implementation of the EntreComp competence framework for entrepreneurial skills which develop implementation tools and training content for the European VET systems. More in general, the mapping activities are meant to evaluate the overall Entrepreneurial ecosystem addressing entrepreneurship as whole social phenomena – from intangible skills empowerment to support and training networks. After peer-review and quality check of each country snapshot’s content, the partnership will proceed to finalise a summative methodology consistent with the implementation of the entrepreneurial competences model and the development of the final ECI’s training. ECI is a project co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme and implemented by 8 Partners from 6 countries, i.e. Belgium, Greece, Italy, Germany, Romania and Poland. Such project aims at improve the understanding of word “entrepreneurial” in order to tackle economic and social challenges. For more information on ECI: www.entre-comp.eu
Monaco heiress killed in supposed mafia ambush NICE-Monagesque heiress Helene Pastor died Thursday morning after being wounded in the chest in a recent shooting in the south of France, police said. Investigations into the murder are ongoing but the circumstances of the event remain unclear. The shooting took place on May 6 in Nice and the woman was accompanied by her driver, Mohamed Darwich, who, too, suffered a gunshot wound, and died on May 10. The victims were shot through the windows of their car by a man armed with a pump-action rifle. Based on analyses of the video footage from CCTV cameras installed in the car park where the ambush took place, police suspect organised crime involvement, and though no definite evidence has yet been found to confirm it, it is believed members of the Italian ‘ndrangheta mafia could be responsible for the homicide. French investigators have so far arrested a presumed blackmailer who had repeatedly called the Pastor family and admitted to knowing the instigator of the double murder, hoping to exchange that information for money. Ms Pastor was one of the heirs of a Monagesque real estate empire founded by her Italian grandfather, who had emigrated from Liguria, and then expanded by her father. Over the last decades, the Pastor family have reshaped the landscape of Monaco, constructing office and apartment buildings on the picturesque slopes of the principality.
As you begin selecting transferring corporations, there are a number of points to cover up before you preserve the services associated with any kind of one mover. For case, focus on insurance coverage with every single of the relocating services you interview. Every businesses has to carry packages insurance, so there is usually many protection, but see if the homeowners insurance will cover movers and packers handling your possessions. If you’re hiring extended distance movers, they need to have appropriate insurance coverage for crossing state ranges. They should also end up being bonded to protect injuries during the handling on your things during the going plus storage service. In the event that a good moving company won’t think the idea necessary for you to visit your home in advance of issuing moving quotes, pick another mover. Nothing is often as accurate as an inside home moving quote. This movers and packers have to see specifically what variety of furnishings and equipment you have. When you’re discussing your moving plus storage space needs with the business, it’s important to contain very particular details. For instance, if the movers get there and comprehend there is a water bed that must be tuckered out just before moving and storage area, it will throw their plan off and make a challenge for you and the particular company. You’ll experience the identical trouble if the movers and packers get to be able to your home and find out that they need a good piano mover. Look from your valuables, too, for the reason that home movers are competed in the best tactics in order to preserve breakables and collectibles so that the movers and packers won’t scramble them. Don’t let any movers and even packers touch your own items until you own a signed commitment inside of your hand. If anyone don’t have an agreement in writing, the company is definitely definitely not responsible for it. Anyone should have written transferring quotes from the movers, outlining every service many people will supply, from transferring and packing to help relocating and storage. You don’t need to need any nasty surprises as soon as it’s time to give your own personal mover, and find out that the moving van charged extra for that vintage settee. Just recall, no dependable moving group will give you moving estimates without an onsite survey. Localized movers is going to need to see every item of furniture so as to estimate the weight and majority for the property movers to raise together with carry. Long distance movers will need to carry out the same, through adding the particular fact that moving in addition to storage may cross express collections. While local movers might charge by way of typically the hours, long distance movers will charge simply by this pound. So, it’s wise before hiring a moving service provider to wash out anything an individual don’t essentially want movers and packers to bother with. Have a storage sale before your dwelling movers show up, and so that you’re definitely not spending a mover to cart something you’ll just throw away after you’re at your new home. The movers and even packers will actually bunch your current belonging for an individual, if you choose the support from the moving corporation. Such a entrance to door services is great, specially if the moving prices are inside of your finances.
Best remembered as the original frontman of the legendary hard rock band AC/DC, singer Bon Scott was born Ronald Belford Scott in Kirriemuir, Scotland on July 9, 1946. As a child he began performing in his father's pipe band, and following the family's relocation to Australia in 1952 he quit school at age 15, later playing in a local rock outfit called the Spektors. By 1967, Scott had joined the Melbourne-based group the Valentines, making his recorded debut with the single "Everyday I Have to Cry"; the band soon emerged as one of the most popular on the Aussie circuit, in mid-1969 issuing an EP, My Old Man's a Groovy Old Man. A drug bust destroyed the Valentines' public image, however, and after cracking the national Top 30 with their 1970 single "Juliette," the band dissolved; Scott soon joined the Sydney blues-rock unit Fraternity, issuing the LP Livestock in 1971. Flaming Galah followed a year later; in 1973, however, Scott was involved in a motorcycle accident which left him comatose for several months, during which time Fraternity disbanded. After recovering, he worked a series of odd jobs before recording a demo as a member of the short-lived Mount Lofty Rangers; finally, in 1974, Scott joined AC/DC, recording the group's debut LP High Voltage a year later. AC/DC's ascent to international stardom culminated in 1979 when their LP Highway to Hell reached the U.S. Top 20; however, on February 19, 1980 Scott died in the wake of an all-night drinking binge, with the surviving members of the band tapping new vocalist Brian Johnson to record the classic Back in Black just a few months later. The 1997 AC/DC box set, Bonfire, celebrated Scott's contributions to their legacy. Ian Kevin Curtis (15 July 1956 — 18 May 1980) was an English musician, singer and songwriter. He is best known as the lead singer and lyricist of the post-punk band Joy Division. Joy Division released their debut album, Unknown Pleasures, in 1979 and recorded their follow-up, Closer, in 1980. Curtis, who suffered from epilepsy and depression, committed suicide on 18 May 1980, on the eve of Joy Division's first North American tour, resulting in the band's dissolution and the subsequent formation of New Order. Steve Peregrin Took (born Stephen Ross Porter; 28 July 1949 – 27 October 1980) was an English musician. He is best known for his membership of the duo Tyrannosaurus Rex with Marc Bolan. After breaking with Bolan, he concentrated on his own singer-songwriting activities, variously as a solo artist or as a frontman for several bands. John Henry Bonham (31 May 1948 – 25 September 1980) was an English musician and songwriter, best known as the drummer of Led Zeppelin. Bonham was esteemed for his speed, power, fast right foot, distinctive sound, and "feel" for the groove. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest drummers in the history of rock music.Rolling Stone readers named him the "best drummer of all time" in 2011. John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE (born John Winston Lennon; 9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) was an English musician, singer and songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as a founder member of the Beatles, one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. With Paul McCartney, he formed one of the most celebrated songwriting partnerships of the 20th century. James Timothy "Tim" Hardin (December 23, 1941 – December 29, 1980) was an American folk musician and composer. He wrote the Top 40 hits "If I Were a Carpenter", covered by, among others, Bobby Darin, Joan Baez, Johnny Cash, The Four Tops, and Robert Plant; his song "Reason to Believe" has been covered by many artists, including Rod Stewart (who had a chart hit with the song). Hardin is also known for his own recording career. Michael Bernard "Mike" Bloomfield (July 28, 1943 – February 15, 1981) was an American musician, guitarist, and composer, born in Chicago, Illinois, who became one of the first popular music superstars of the 1960s to earn his reputation almost entirely on his instrumental prowess, since he rarely sang before 1969–70. Respected for his fluid guitar playing, Bloomfield knew and played with many of Chicago's blues legends even before he achieved his own fame, and was one of the primary influences on the mid-to-late 1960s revival of classic Chicago and other styles of blues music. In 2003 he was ranked at number 22 on Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time". William John Clifton "Bill" Haley ( July 6, 1925 – February 9, 1981) was one of the first American rock and roll musicians. He is credited by many with first popularizing this form of music in the early 1950s with his group Bill Haley & His Comets (inspired by Halley's Comet) and million selling hits such as, Rock Around the Clock, See You Later, Alligator, Shake, Rattle and Roll, Skinny Minnie, and Razzle Dazzle. He has sold over 25 million records worldwide. Nesta Robert "Bob" Marley, OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician best known for his Reggae records. He was the rhythm guitarist and lead singer for the ska, rocksteady and reggae bands The Wailers (1963-1974) and Bob Marley & The Wailers (1974–1981). Marley remains the most widely known and the best-selling performer of reggae music, having sold more than 75 million albums worldwide
Stellar Communications Consultancy is the mouthpiece of Stella Thng, a veteran mass communication practitioner with over 20 years of experience. A former magazine editor with MediaCorp Pte Ltd, she now runs her own editorial, branding and public relations firm while shaping the next generation of communicators as a lecturer at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and a former associate lecturer at Republic Polytechnic. This dude looks like a Japanese ramen chef but he’s actually the wok-wielding Chef Andy who cooked my delicious meal today at . The rather dashing Andy is the 3rd gen chef at this family restaurant that’s been dishing up yummies for the tummies since the 1950’s! Thanks to uncle Peter Chan from The Haven Ipoh, who took me here for an old school gourmet adventure!
Triple A Holdings Ltd Full contact details for Triple A Holdings Ltd, Slough, Berkshire SL1 2NJ. TRIPLE A HOLDINGS LTD belongs to category ESTATE MANAGEMENT in Slough , United Kingdom. Item name: Triple A Holdings Ltd Street address: Alexandra Plaza, 33-45 Chalvey Road West Postcode: SL1 2NJ Town or Suburb: Slough (Berkshire) Country or region: Berkshire GPS coordinates: - Telephone(s): 01753 736 666 Fax: 01753 736 660 Triple A Holdings Ltd from Slough, business type: Estate Management Services If You have positive experience with Triple A Holdings Ltd from Slough (Berkshire), please share it with us: Number next to the like button count the clicks - use Your Facebook account. Or with your Google account: G+1 here This is automatic search on map. Location may be incorrect. We advise to contact the Triple A Holdings Ltd to be sure about their location. For company owners: If you send us your GPS coordinates, location on map will be 100% correct. Dear visitor, if you are owner or employment of above company, please check your data. If informations are incorrect, let us know, so we can fix them. Please help keeping the estate-management.b99.co.uk up to date. Thank you foor cooperation.
Published Wednesday April 3 2019 Court of Appeal discharges INEOS injunctions preventing anti-fracking protests. Michael Oswald said: The Court has rejected INEOS’s attempts to use draconian injunctions to prevent lawful protest against their fracking activities. Our clients have fought hard and obtained a victory not just for themselves and others who oppose fracking, but for the fundamental right to protest. Read the full judgment here.
According to the latest marketing statistics from REcolorado, inventory levels in the Denver Metro area continued to climb in May, thanks to sellers bringing new listings of homes for sale to the market. New listings are up 13 percent compared to last year at this time, bringing buyers more options. Demand remained high in May with home sales up 2% from last year and 17% from last month. The average price of a single-family home (attached + detached) crossed the half million-dollar mark for the first time, reaching $503,337, a 3% increase from last year. Use Market Statistics to Showcase Your Market Expertise! Showcase your market expertise! Be sure to share the consumer-friendly market statistics wrap up on your social media channels. We pull statistics on the fourth business day of the month because it leaves time for you to make your status changes. (We require status changes be made within three business days because we’re all about accurate data and we know you are, too!) Quick Infographic for Denver Metro Detailed Infographic for Denver Metro Be the Go-To Stats Expert! How’s the market? REcolorado offers a variety of tools you can use to answer this question confidently and position yourself as the go-to expert so no matter when you’re asked that question, your answer can always be, “The best time to sell is right now and let me tell you why.” Here are a few training classes to take to learn more about market stats and practice pulling your own data using tools like Matrix, Realist, and InfoSparks/FastStats. InfoSparks can help you quickly analyze and share trend data with your clients. FastStats gives you a one-page look at the most current market stats for specific Colorado areas. FastStats reports for May are available now. Market Intel (2 CE) – Explore the power of in-depth, current market intelligence | View all upcoming class dates and times >> On-Demand Recorded Webinar: InfoSparks | Watch Now >>
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New resistant gene found in Canada and health professionals are taking note It has been confirmed that the antibiotic resistant gene MCR-1 has been identified in Canada. Whether it is found in people, plants or bacteria, a gene is a little piece of genetic structure — of DNA. MCR-1 is a gene that has been making headlines recently because it is resistant to treatment using antibiotics, meaning there is no known treatment for the bacterial infections that contain the gene. This notable gene can be found in the plasmid, a little piece of DNA that has the ability to jump from one bacterium to another. So, if one type of bacteria has the MCR-1 plasmid, and if that specific bacteria gets into a different population of bacteria, the recipient bacteria can then acquire the same type of antibiotic resistance. And this transfer or migration can potentially be repeated over and over. “As long as [MCR-1] stays in normal bacteria that don’t cause disease, then that’s okay. The problem would be if [MCR-1] jumped into a bacteria that does cause disease [making it] resistant to other antibiotics. Then that would be an issue,” said Glen D. Armstrong, professor in the University of Calgary’s department of microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases. “So far, I don’t think that’s been detected, but you know, that’s the concern.” Currently, MCR-1 hasn’t been found in any deadly bacterial bugs in humans, only in bacteria that naturally exist in and on our bodies. Colistin is a “last resort” antibiotic, used to treat very specific bacterial infections. The MCR-1 gene is resistant to this antibiotic. This treatment is regarded as a last resort because of its poisonous affect on the recipient’s kidneys. “Colistin is one of the last antibiotics that we have available for treating infections where the bacteria have acquired resistance to multiple other antibiotics, also known as superbugs,” Armstrong said. Microbiologists have previously seen resistance developed to colistin, the gene mobilizing, however, is recent. Antibiotic resistance has been mentioned by authority figures such as United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron, who has gone on record to warn of the, “Medical dark ages,” or an age when antibiotics can no longer level the playing field against infections and superbugs. Armstrong, however, disagrees with this, “Doomsday hypothesis.” “I think that we have to be careful,” he said. “We know a lot about how microbes become resistant now, and one of the big problems that we’re facing is … antibiotic stewardship. [This means] only prescribing the proper antibiotics when they’re needed, not over prescribing them. One of the other things is not using antibiotics in agriculture as growth promoting drugs, which has been a big problem.” Antibiotic issues in the global village The world as a global village is an aspect of antibiotic resistance as well. Armstrong said that developed countries adopting strong antibiotic stewardship is one thing, and that would certainly start to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. Not all countries in the world operate the same way, however. If other areas of the world continue to use antibiotics to promote plant growth in their agriculture, for example, then antibiotic resistance is going to continue to evolve in those regions, he said. “Because of the practice of medical tourism, [which is] where people will leave their country and go to, say, India… to have a medical procedure done, and then they bring that bacteria back with them to North America and it gets introduced. “So, because we’re now a global village, and bacteria [doesn’t] recognize national borders, [they] are quite happy jumping onto a susceptible host— and if that host insists on flying around the world, then the bacteria will spread that way.” Armstrong said. China, where the MCR-1 gene was originally identified, is struggling with antibiotic resistance as well. “I think that it’s quite alarming, the number of thousands of metric tonnes of colistin that are used in China’s [agriculture industry]. So that was kind of the reason I think this gene got mobilized and became a problem,” said Armstrong. “I think the Chinese authorities have recognized this and are doing something to eliminate the use of colistin in the agriculture industry, meanwhile the genie’s a bit out of the bottle.” Hope on the antibacterial horizon There is a back-up plan when it comes to bacteria like MCR-1 that are resistant to colistin, and other traditional antibiotics, however. Teixobactin is a new antibiotic in development that targets gram-positive bacteria, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is more commonly known as MRSA. This new antibiotic was discovered using groundbreaking technology called the iChip, which made it possible for microbiologists to grow bacteria that they could not previously grow in labs. “Basically, microbiologists have become like prospectors. If you can find one promising antibiotic like teixobactin in soil bacteria, there’s billions and billions of different species of soil bacteria, and we’ve only just scratched the surface of being able to grow these bugs. There’s a huge potential there for discovering many other new antibiotics,” said Armstrong. Alberta government and the plan for MCR-1 In an email, Dr. Martin Lavoie, acting chief medical officer of health of Alberta stated: “The discovery of MCR-1 in Canada underscores the importance of work underway provincially, nationally and internationally to combat antimicrobial resistance. To date, there has been no screening for MCR-1 in Alberta— or anywhere else in Canada— outside Ontario. “Further investigation is needed before it can be confirmed whether the gene is present in the province. The Government of Canada is leading national efforts to prevent, limit and control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance. “In Alberta, Alberta Health provides funding to Alberta Health Services for initiatives such as the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, which promotes and supports the safe and effective use of antibiotics in the province’s health care system, to help preserve the value of antibiotics.” Dr. Lavoie also recommends that the public reduce infection risks through proper hand washing and by following guidelines for safe food handling and preparation. The editor responsible for this article is Cheryl Russell, email@example.com
Hi, i’m using automations to trigger my lights on motion. The lights are using zigbee, but i notice a slow response some times when i enter a room. Most of the times it is running good and fast, but lately the response takes 1-2 seconds. Running hass.io on docker environment using intel-nuc i3 with SSD. Any tips to make the delay go away?
A recent post by Scott Jones in regards to my article "CRM Buying Cost Basics" really hammers home a great point. You can buy the greatest software available but without the right implementation and user adoption, it’s almost worthless. Frankly the technology is the least value creator piece of the puzzle. That’s why the services piece will always be the greater cost portion … more value is derived (if done properly) from services than anywhere. I realize that’s a big IF. I’ve heard from several frustrated Siebel customers that they hate their CRM because it’s so complex and downright slow. This is partially because there wasn’t proper training or education in the product prior to rollout. Like Scott notes, technology is only one piece of the pie and without the right services team driving the project to not only completion but also acceptance can prove to be fatal.
The 100% Unofficial 4th Street Festival Cheat Sheet To celebrate the return of students to Indiana University, Bloomington hosts its annual 4th Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts. This year the festival runs September 1 and 2, opening at 10:00 a.m. each day and closing at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. You can find the event on 4th Street between Indiana Avenue and Grant Street. Admission is free. The show goes on regardless of the weather. Since 1977 Bloomington, Indiana, has sponsored this gala event with artists, performances, and related activities. Growing from its initial 55 artists, this year the Fourth Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts expects over 100 exhibitors. Activities at the 4th Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts Bloomington Indiana Festival Artists and Crafts persons the 4th street festival: A slate of artists and crafts persons is already announced with entries in 2-D, ceramics, fiber, glass, painting, etc. Examples of their work can be found at... https://www.4thstreet.org/participating-artists. The application period closed in mid March. So if you are interested in exhibiting next year, mark your calendar now. Stages at the 4th street festival: As in previous years, there are plans for both a music stage and a separate stage for the spoken word. The speaking stage will include poetry, storytelling and theater. The music stage offers bands, vocals and dance. 4th Street Children’s Tent: Again this year the Lotus Education and Arts Foundation (Lotus) will sponsor the children’s tent with stories, activities and crafts. Lotus is a local non profit that promotes chance to encounter, enjoy and investigate diversity in many forms through music and other arts. It has participated in the Bloomington Festival every year since its inception. Bloomington Fall Festival 2018 Parking There is a parking garage on 4th Street between Walnut and College with free parking on Saturdays and Sundays. Street parking is free on Sunday. Street Fair Bloomington Food and Lodging Each year Bloomington offers host hotels as an option to out-of-town guests. That list is still being finalized and will be posted when complete. There are a number of fine and casual dining facilities along 4th Street and also in the general area of the fair. Bloom Magazine has a detailed list of available eateries in categories by price range, ethnicity, style (like buffet or pub food), etc. See http://www.magbloom.com/dining-out-towns/restaurant_row/ for details. About Bloomington, Indiana Home to Indiana State and located only 50 miles from Indianapolis, the city has much to offer to the tourist. The Eskenazi Museum of Art housed at the university includes I. M. Pei’s triangular designed building and over 45,000 art works including impressionist paintings, masks and jewelry. The WonderLab Museum of Science, health and Technology is a “must see” for both children and adults, if you want to know how things work. The Oliver Winery offers daily tastings of their wide range of reds, whites and sparkling wines, plus they offer weekend tours. Some of the lesser known points of interest of this Bloomington Fall Festival include: Brain Sculpture – Yes, a sculpture of an anatomically correct brain. Slocum Mechanical Puzzle Collection – These are objects that need to be physically manipulated to be solved. With a collection of about 30,000, it is a hands-on experience. The Garret – Originally built in 1890, it is now filled with examples of taxidermy, geological samples, and furniture. A word to the wise, there is also a section on antique pornography. Be sure to mark your calendar for the Labor Day art fest in Bloomington, Indiana.
About This Content A free sample of healing and support items. Brave Seed x 1 Spirit Incense x 1 Zeram Powder x 1 *These items can also be obtained in-game. *These items can be claimed from the DLC tab on the Item page. *If maximum capacity is exceeded, the excess is discarded. See main game for details. |Languages:||English / French / Japanese| |Publisher:||NIS America, Inc.|
The debate over third-party funding of legal claims just got more interesting. The debate already had plot twists, such as free-market scholars lining up in opposition to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and alongside proplaintiff scholars who they oppose in tort reform debates. Now add to the mix a recent paper by Professors Horton and Chandrasekher that introduced an entirely new angle to the debate: funding of probate disputes. Now that this parallel area of funding has been identified, comparing and contrasting probate funding with litigation funding should illuminate the incentives that funders/recipients face in both scenarios. By pointing out the importance of probate funding, Professors Horton and Chandrasekher have benefitted the debate. And yet, their contribution does not make the impact that it should have made, due to some unfortunate and avoidable missteps. This Essay identifies the authors’ mistakes so that the debate can proceed in more fruitful fashion. Part I addresses how Probate Lending gives short shrift to the difficult questions involved in discerning whether probate funding is a loan. Part II points out how the authors mistakenly conclude that they have measured ex ante risk instead of ex post results. Part III argues that the authors presume too much when they derive broad policy conclusions from an extremely narrow empirical study and when they ignore alternative explanations that are at least as plausible as those they champion. This Essay then concludes. Jeremy Kidd, Clarifying the “Probate Lending” Debate: A Response to Professors Horton and Chandrasekher, 93 Notre Dame L. Rev. Online 149 (2018).
hey gang do you like flims? do you like lunchables? then your in the right place! im ebob junior and this… is… FLIMABLES! i knew the flim i was gong to watch would be power full and so i needed a strong contender to go up against it for this weeks challenge. thats why i picked ham and american cracker stackers its a house hold name be cause its a winner. basically its the john cena of lunchables. the movie ham and cheese will be taking on is MUD BOUND an oscar nominated netfix original directed by dees rees. keep an eye on this guy he has a bright future a head of him. his flim took on many hard hitting subjects like family… war… racism… mulder. so this will be a very serious flimables. no jokes. i saw some farmiliar faces in this movie. jason clarke from TERMINATOR GENESIS played henry mcallen and garret headland from TRON LEGACY was his brother jamie. mary j bilge from music. there are some other poeple in it you may or may not recognize but some day you will be cause they are full of talent like trons friend ronsel and henry mcallens wife laura the story was a bout the lives of two poor families in louisana one black and one white. they lived in small houses dong hard work for little money. the mcallan family owned a farm and the jackson family lived and worked there. both families had some one go a way to world war two and they returned home changed men. ronsel jackson came back stronger and tron came back borken. tension was all ways high between the families on the farm but that didnt stop ronsel and tron from becoming best friends. unfortutately racism pulled them a part when tron was forced to make a terrible choice. once the flim was over it was time to eat. the moist was ham. the crackers were dry. the cheese was soft. cholocate chip cookies for. i dunked them in my wild cherry CARPI SUN it was good but milk works better. FINAL PARAGRAPHthe movie was very well made. the performances were incredible. but it just wasnt very fun to watch you know what wasnt not very fun? ham and american lunchables. and thats why the third straight FLIMABLES in a row they win a gain! i hope some day poeple of different colors will be able to get a long like the ham and cheese on my cracker stackers. keep it cool,
Let’s maximize compliance and minimize the time you need to spend thinking about it. Let’s protect your facility and employees with an unprecedented level of local and national support. You run a highly complicated business, one with intense deadlines and constant customer pressure. But we’ve got you covered, with quick response times and personalized support. We pair a local, personal Compliance Coordinator with an unmatched national level of expertise that has made us the industry authority on environmental health and safety.
Here's the situation: I'm designing a banner for a client. He provided me a png file that has a gradient background. My banner is larger (wider) than the content provided so I have to recreate the background myself. If you watch the above image closely, you will notice that there is a slight colour difference somewhere in the middle of the image. Is there a command in Photoshop (up to the latest version) that can help me "normalize" the background so that it looks smooth? I have tried the "content-aware fill" but that didn't really work. Is there any other way?
“The rooms are meant for you to get a comfortable night’s sleep and then go to the [theme] park,” Vardon told CNN Business. “They are not built to spend seven full days in them.” Yet, the bubble also offers reporters an opportunity to be part of a historic moment — one that comes at a time when the world desperately needs a win. “There’s a ‘Groundhog Day’ element to it” For reporters on the ground, however, life is much different. Sports Illustrated’s Chris Mannix typically works from about 6:30 a.m. to midnight. His day starts with a workout and a coronavirus test. Then he does TV hits from his hotel room until back-to-back practices or scrimmages begin. Then Mannix writes up the day’s events and goes to bed. Next morning, he does it all over again. “There’s a ‘Groundhog Day’ element to it,” Mannix, who arrived on July 12, told CNN Business. “It’s like rise, wash, repeat, like every single day. There’s not a lot of differences in each day. It’s just going to different practices or different games, but your days start early, and they end late.” News outlets shell out about $550 a day for each reporter they send to the bubble, which covers the hotel, food and transportation. The league also allows outlets to swap out reporters. Mannix said he might trade places with a colleague from Sports Illustrated in early September before the season wraps up. Despite having different restrictions than reporters who are closer to the players, announcers calling the games in the bubble also face a unique set of challenges in the age of coronavirus. Kevin Harlan, a longtime NBA announcer for Turner Sports, told CNN Business that the league and Turner are “doing everything they can to make this sound like a regular broadcast,” but it’s hard since there won’t be any fans in attendance. (Turner and CNN share a parent company in WarnerMedia) “The crowd is like an orchestra for a broadcaster,” Harlan said. “You play off a lot of its emotion and noise… and that’s going to be gone.” Harlan isn’t worried, however. He’s had a lot of experience announcing games without fans as the voice of the NBA 2K video game series. “I’m in a closet at home with a headset on and no crowd noise, watching clips that they send me and broadcasting those clips,” he said. “So I don’t hear any crowd noise anyway. I’m used to it.” “A bootlegger that can bring in Dominos” Disney World is known for its world-class restaurants and bars. But the food and drink options inside the NBA bubble are less than magical. Vardon admits that his complaints may seem “petty,” but the lack of access to a bar stood out to him. He did bring his own stash of booze to enjoy in his room, however. Mannix said he wished he had brought more of his own food into the bubble. Reporting on health problems during a pandemic also poses unprecedented challenges for sports journalists. Covering the NBA usually means breaking news about broken ankles and torn ligaments, but reporting about an NBA star contracting Covid-19 involve ethical questions. Coronavirus is not only a deadly disease that prevents an athlete from playing, it’s also contagious one that could harm others in the bubble. Stephanie Ready, a sideline reporter for Turner Sports, understands the challenges of reporting on player’s health during a global health crisis. But since many sports journalists are already well-versed in covering injuries, Ready said that they usually “understand legally what you can and cannot say.” “This is a disease that’s affecting the entire world,” Ready told CNN Business. “I think that people at home want to know that the athletes they look up to are going through the same things that they’re going through. I think you have to keep it as even-keeled as you can and tell the story factually.” “It’s really almost like an NBA writer’s fantasy camp” At the resort, reporters are kept mostly separated from players, coaches and other team staff. But while they can’t go roaming the property for scoops, they have had a great deal of access to the teams since arriving in early July. “You can go from Toronto’s practice to Indiana’s practice to Boston’s practice to Portland’s practice, and even though doing one-on-one interviews requires you to have some social distance between you and the player, you’re still able to get them,” Mannix said. “It’s really almost like an NBA writer’s fantasy camp.” Living inside the bubble means players, staff and journalists are living in arguably one of the safest places in the country. Right outside the bubble is a different story. “It’s not only the happiest place on earth, it’s the safest place on earth,” Lisa Salters, ESPN’s sideline reporter, told CNN Business about the bubble. Marc J. Spears, a senior NBA writer for ESPN’s The Undefeated, agrees. “I’m getting tested every day… I have to have it done in the morning, or I can’t access the games or the practices,” Spears told CNN Business. “They enforce wearing a mask. I can’t have anybody in my room because of social distancing. They’re cleaning up stuff all the time. Where else in America is safer than being here?” “A real piece of American history” So why would a reporter brave the bubble and leave their lives in the outside world behind? For Marc Stein, a New York Times sports reporter, his favorite part of his bubble experience was being back in the gym, hearing the sounds of sneakers squeak, and players cheer from the benches. It’s also a chance to witness sports history in the making. “This is my 27th season covering the NBA, and this is the most complex undertaking in league history,” Stein wrote in an email. “You had to be here to see it and cover perhaps the league’s most remarkable chapter ever, irrespective of all the complications, concerns, and access limitations.” The return of the NBA is significant not just because of the games. It’s also a platform for the league and its players to speak about social issues, according to ESPN’s Spears. The return of the NBA season allows players to “keep the spotlight on social justice every day.” “I think this is an extremely great platform for the players to keep the social justice message alive at a time when it might be starting to quiet a little bit,” Spears said. As for The Athletic’s Vardon, it may be nothing like his family vacation to Disney World last year, but he isn’t lonely or bored. He’s mostly been working, and spending what little free time he has on video chats with friends and family and using his golf clubs to putt in his hotel room. “Yes, it’s an enormous challenge. Yes, I’m going to be gone from my family for two months. Yes, going out into the world is dangerous right now, but this is a story that has to be covered,” Vardon said. “This is a real piece of American history happening right in front of us.”
Aspartyl protease inhibitors (APIs) effectively extend the length and quality of life in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, but dose-limiting side effects such as lipodystrophy, insulin resistance, and diarrhea have limited their clinical utility. Here, we show that the API nelfinavir induces a secretory form of diarrhea in HIV-infected patients. In vitro studies demonstrate that nelfinavir potentiates muscarinic stimulation of Cl(-) secretion by T84 human intestinal cell monolayers through amplification and prolongation of an apical membrane Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) conductance. This stimulated ion secretion is associated with increased magnitude and duration of muscarinically induced intracellular Ca(2+) transients via activation of a long-lived, store-operated Ca(2+) entry pathway. The enhanced intracellular Ca(2+) signal is associated with uncoupling of the Cl(-) conductance from downregulatory intracellular mediators generated normally by muscarinic activation. These data show that APIs modulate Ca(2+) signaling in secretory epithelial cells and identify a novel target for treatment of clinically important API side effects.
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan wrote: "Rodrigo Del C. Andrade" <fedora_rh(a)terra.com.br> > Er.. sorry, it was the shock. But now, serioulsy: why?! Pine is great! GNU nano is greater. Have you tried it? nano != pine. Pine's an MUA, nano's a very feature-limited text editor (it's the replacement for pico, not for pine).
Mizutani SWORD Dama Integral Mizutani Scissors Canada The SWORD Dama Integral is truly a scissor of quality and beauty. The fame of the Damascus steel goes back to the Persian empire where the fabled process produced instruments that were tough, resilient and sharp, with beautiful layering patterns suggestive of a flowing stream. Mizutani has restored this lost art using modern, patented CMC micro powder steel to create one-of-a-kind shears that are both exceptional tools and beguiling pieces of art. Both the D-17 and D-19 models are produced with a single bar of 100% Damascus steel so the unique flowing pattern continues throughout the entire blade and handle.
Child Passenger Safety Laws Maryland's current law requires that children under eight years old to ride in an appropriate child restraint, unless the child is 4'9" or taller. - Every child from 8 to 16 years old who is not secured in a child restraint must be secured in the vehicle's seat belt, in every sitting position in the vehicle.. - This law is applicable to in-State and out-of-State vehicles. - It is the driver's responsibility for making sure all children are correctly buckled up. Does Maryland Law prohibit children riding in the front seat? Maryland's child passenger safety laws do not prohibit children from riding in the front seat. The exception is placing a rear-facing child in the front seat with an active air bag. Child Booster Seat Evaluations for 2013 Car Seat Recommendations for children up to age 13
Who Are We? G.L.O.W. Drama Ministry provides children and youth the opportunity to serve the Lord utilizing their theatrical gifts and talents through dramatic presentations. Who Do We Serve? We welcome all children and youth in 1st through 12th grades. When Do We Meet? Rehearsal dates and time vary throughout the year. How Can You Contact Us? For more information, please email email@example.com
Welcome to 2017! This year promises to be a very fulfilling year for cinema, especially given that 2016 was such a monumental year for the medium, I mean, just look at what happened at The Academy Awards earlier this year? Two Best Picture winners? While I truly believed that Moonlight championed its rival in 2016, both Moonlight and La La Land will always be, famously and unanimously associated with one another. Luckily for us, no matter how many years pass, cinema always seems to be evolving, for better, or for worse, depending how you see it [depending on how much of an optimist or pessimist you are]. Whether it be the forum of the medium, the medium itself, its format or just the way stories are told and presented, cinema is a child constantly growing up.
A homeowner in Pico Rivera, Calif., defended himself with a firearm when two alleged gang members attempted to burglarize his home on Sept. 18, 2020. The incident occurred when the two individuals forced their way in early that Friday morning. The homeowner heard the commotion of the break-in and armed himself with a gun. He came across the first intruder, who had broken through a back window. The homeowner fired, wounding the intruder. The homeowner then went out onto his back patio, where he came across the second intruder. The homeowner confronted the alleged gang member, who then appeared to reach for a firearm. In response to the intruder’s movements and fearing for his own life, the homeowner shot and killed the individual. The first intruder, wounded, fled the residence and jumped into a getaway car waiting in the street. Police arrived at the burglarized residence around 1:15 a.m. The getaway driver took the wounded intruder to a hospital for emergency care, where authorities then took the individual into custody. (abc7.com, Los Angeles, Calif., 09/18/2020) From the Armed Citizen® Archives June 1968 Mrs. Verda Byrd, 44, of Claremont, Okla., got out of her car in Tulsa to make an early-morning phone call and found herself trapped in the phone booth by a youth who thrust what she thought was a pistol into her back. The youth forced her back into her car and clutched her. Snatching a .22-cal. pistol from the seat, she shot him and ran back to the phone booth to summon police. The wounded youth started the car and rammed the booth, but fell dead. Mrs. Byrd escaped uninjured. (Tulsa, Oklahoma., World)
Oxybro Plus Tablet SR is a combination medicine used in the prevention of asthma. It relieves allergy symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes and congestion or stuffiness. It also helps in relaxing the muscles of the air passages, thus widening it and making it easier to breathe. Oxybro Plus Tablet SR is taken with or without food in a dose and duration as advised by the doctor. The dose you are given will depend on your condition and how you respond to the medicine. You should keep taking this medicine for as long as your doctor recommends. If you stop treatment too early your symptoms may come back and your condition may worsen. Let your healthcare team know about all other medications you are taking as some may affect, or be affected by this medicine. The most common side effects are vomiting, upset stomach, heartburn, stomach pain, rash, itching, breathing difficulty, nasal inflammation, and flu-like symptoms. Most of these are temporary and usually resolve with time. Contact your doctor straight away if you are at all concerned about any of these side effects. This medicine may also cause dizziness and sleepiness, so do not drive or do anything that requires mental focus until you know how this medicine affects you. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine as it can worsen your sleepiness. Before taking it, you should tell your doctor if you have any kidney or liver diseases so that your doctor can prescribe a suitable dose for you. You should also tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning pregnancy or breastfeeding. USES OF OXYBRO PLUS TABLET SR SIDE EFFECTS OF OXYBRO PLUS TABLET SR Common side effects of Oxybro Plus - Stomach pain - Breathing problems - Increased white blood cell count - Nasal inflammation - Flu-like symptoms HOW TO COPE WITH SIDE EFFECTS? The occurrence of side effects varies from person to person. The following are a few ways of dealing with some of the common side effects. However, consult your doctor if these persist. Coping with VomitingYou can help yourself by eating small, frequent meals rather than large ones and drinking plenty of fluids. Eat slowly. Avoid fatty, fried, spicy and very sweet foods. Eat cold or slightly warm food if the smell of cooked or cooking food makes you feel sick. Get plenty of fresh air. You could also try chewing ginger or drinking ginger tea. Eat bananas to replace potassium in your blood which can drop if you are sick (vomit). Use oral rehydration salts to replace vitamins and minerals lost through being sick. There are some medicines that can help you stop feeling sick. Speak to your doctor if your condition does not improve. Coping with HeartburnAvoid foods that irritate the stomach such as alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, citrus, coffee, fatty foods or tomatoes. Eat or drink slowly. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. The reason being, large meals fill the stomach and put pressure, causing reflux. Quit smoking if you smoke, lose weight if you are overweight and avoid tight waistbands. Ask your doctor about medicines to treat this condition such as antacids. Do not lie down immediately after eating and wait for at least three hours before lying down after a meal. Raise the head of your bed. Talk to your doctor if your condition does not improve, they may be able to reduce the dosage or switch you to another medicine. Coping with Stomach painTry to get plenty of rest and relax. Putting a heat pad or covered hot water bottle on your stomach may relieve the stomach pain. It may help if you eat and drink slowly and have smaller and more frequent meals. Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and alcohol as these can make the pain worse. If you are in a lot of pain, speak to your doctor about possible medication. Your doctor may be able to prescribe some over-the-counter medicines to help reduce the pain. Coping with RashThere are many treatments for a wide range of skin problems. Avoid hot showers or baths because hot water can irritate the skin. Make sure to pat dry your skin after a bath or shower. Do not rub or scratch the affected area. Leave the skin exposed to the air as much as possible. Do not use perfumed soaps or deodorants. Water containing chlorine can make most skin problems worse, so avoid swimming. Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke and caffeine as it may also make itching worse. Avoid excessive sun exposure. Always use sunscreen and protective clothing when outdoors. Moisturizers can be used regularly to soothe and hydrate the affected area. If it does not get better within a week, speak to a pharmacist or doctor. Coping with DrowsinessIf the medicine is making you drowsy during the day, stop what you are doing and sit or lie down until you feel better. You can also consider taking a nap. Physical exercises such as walking may be helpful. Do not drink alcohol, as it will make you feel more tired. Avoid driving or operating heavy equipment when you are feeling drowsy. This problem usually goes away as your body gets used to the medicine. However, if it does not, ask your doctor if you can take your medicine at bedtime or whether the dose can be reduced. Coping with Breathing problemsControl your breaths by breathing in slowly through your nose and breathing out through your mouth. Sitting on a chair and leaning your chest slightly forward may also help. Increase the flow of air around you by opening windows or using a fan. Try to learn breathing techniques and do regular physical exercise. Wearing loose clothing around your waist and chest may also be helpful. Your breathing will usually return to normal within a few weeks of starting the medicine. Tell your doctor if your symptoms do not improve or get worse. Shortness of breath can also be a sign of an ongoing or worsening heart problem. Coping with Flu-like symptomsGet plenty of rest as exhausting or stressing out yourself could aggravate your condition. You should drink plenty of fluids as it will keep your throat moist and comfortable. Try taking steam inhalation. The moisture can ease your breathing and loosen mucus. You can consider sipping warm water or tea with honey and lemon. This will keep your nose and throat from being too dry. Using an air humidifier may also help. You can also gargle with salt water several times a day. See your doctor if your symptoms last longer than 3 weeks or get worse quickly. Avoid alcohol and do not smoke as they can aggravate your conditions. HOW TO USE OXYBRO PLUS TABLET SR HOW OXYBRO PLUS TABLET SR WORKS
Diseño de rutas de transporte terrestre para el personal operativo nocturno de la sociedad portuaria regional de Barranquilla Ardila Fontalvo, Carlos Arturo Show full item record Show full item record AbstractIn this Project, we want to develop a plan to implement a new system transportation to specific workers of maritime sector company in Barranquilla city, in which using different resources such as real analysis like Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), vehicular routing problems (VRP), and using another theory’s (cluster first - route second), to solve problems in a right way, designing an specific transportation system. The different variants of the problem of routing vehicles allow us to provide a solution to the current case in the company, where different problems had appear with operating personnel by not submitted on time the operation tasks have assumed, this issue is due to the lack of correct methods in the decision making for planning routes and their coordination and similarly impact on transportation costs, we defined a proposal to improve the process of entry and exit of the personnel, minimizing costs at the moment that the route is assigned and bus stops near to the place of residence of the employees. To make a distribution of transportation planning is a high priority to understand the logistics environment which can help users located in geographically dispersed ways in a city to make the assignment of routes. We describes the steps followed for the design and implementation through the identification of the problem, We took into account getting data like an updated information of the workers, place of residences and staff schedules by areas. We checked it by visiting field were carried out in the inspection of the conditions of the roads and performance of the vehicular circulation in the main corridors and intersections of urban road created and developed the mapping of these points. This information was processed at the time of the study, taking into account the concepts, models and combinations of VRP proposed by authors and works. We took the decision to solve the problem properly, designing a proposal that generated benefits to the users, lowering the costs for the service to the company, and also to increasing efficiency in the operations of its own nature.
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Give your loved ones flowers that will never wither in a vase of your liking. I would like to share some project ideas created with the retiring Varied Vases Stamp Set (item 146644) Try combining another stamp set to create a new look. The May Your Heart card uses both the Varied Vases and the Here’s a Card Stamp Set (item 149438). Adding any of our greeting sets gives you more options! Add some pretty patterned Designer Series Paper for a super fun and easy card. This versatile stamp set includes 34 Photopolymer stamps; * Are totally transparent for perfect image placement. * Have just enough give to create a perfectly stamped image every time. * Cling like crazy to our clear blocks so you don’t have to worry about slipping. * Save space—you need only one set of blocks for all your photopolymer stamps (blocks sold separately). * Come packaged in cases with images on the spine for easy storage and quick reference. Pair this Stamp Set with the Vases Builder Punch (item 147040) to quickly punch out vases for your projects. Punches are a quick and easy way to add interest and depth to your projects. And there’s no better way to cut out stamped images—many of our stamp sets have coordinating punches. Our punches are high quality, affordable, and easy to use. We hope you enjoy these cards—and that your happy mail recipients do too! I would love to see what you design with this fabulous stamp set! Check my website or contact me to find out how you can get Stampin’ Up! products at a DISCOUNT and even earn FREE products!!! Kind Sentiments and paper hugs from your friend in ink
To create a backup you must specify the backup location. This can be on your computer, on an external hard drive/USB stick or on your computer network. Here’s how to choose or change your backup folder location. - In the Data Entry main window click Manage, select Maintenance and then select Backup and Restore Database. - Under Backup Settings click the Browse button. - Select the location you would like to store your backup. We recommend you store it in the Documents folder for easy access. Click OK. - Your backup location is now ready. Click Close to exit. TIP: After you specify your backup location click Execute Backup Now to run your first backup and make sure everything is in working order.
Writing Annotated Bibliographies The Need for an Annotated Bibliography At any time as a student, your instructor or professor will require you to do an assignment or a dissertation in which you expect to earn a lot of marks. Great scores are associated with great work and we at The Grade Miners will ensure to make your written assignments unique by making sure you use annotated bibliographies instead of regular bibliographies. An annotated bibliography does not only make your work more professional, but also attractive. What is an Annotated Bibliography? Annotated bibliographies are types of literature that contain lists of sources in the form of books, articles, or documents cited within a piece of academic work. Each citation is followed by a brief description that assesses the source and its usefulness in meeting the requirements of the concerned assignment. The brief assessment is in the form of an argumentative paragraph. The goal of an annotated bibliography is to inform its audience about the significance, correctness, and value of all the cited sources. Hence, students must be cautious to look at the worth of their sources and assess how valid each source is concerning the assignment topic. When formulating annotated bibliographies, their intended purpose, format, writing styles to be applied, and kinds of examples to be used within your assignment must be considered. A succinct annotated bibliography will summarize the core subject and all ideas covered in a given source Framework for formulating Annotated Bibliographies Creating an annotated bibliography requires several skills more so sound academic material research, concrete analysis, and precise explanation, which we at The Grade Miners are well endowed with. First, all books, documents, articles, and periodicals that may contain required information and guidelines on a given research topic are located. Afterward, the specific items are analyzed and reviewed upon which sources that give comprehensive approaches to the chosen topic are selected and sufficient summaries of their contents created. Summary making can be done through note taking and examination of all important features of all the sources. Despite being summaries, they should be easy to understand since comprehension is key in creating annotated bibliographies. The next step in crafting annotated bibliographies entails correct citation of selected books, websites, documents, articles or videos using chosen styles. It is this list of references that will be applied when supporting arguments. Annotated bibliography citation styles customarily follow any citation style preferred by your instructor or professor. The most applicable citation styles include the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Modern Language Association (MLA). Even so, other styles such as Chicago/Turabian, Council of Science Editors, or the Associated Press (AP) may be employed depending on the requirements of a given assignment. The citation format is essential and requires a student to be sure about it when making annotated bibliographies. Traditionally, a citation format will first indicate the author’s first name followed by the source’s full title. Next comes the date when the newest version of the source was published. The date can be sourced easily from the internet. To enhance order in annotated bibliographies, all cited references are arranged in a specific order; by sub-topic, by time (chronologically), by language, or alphabetically, which is the most commonly used order. When making arguments as required in annotated bibliographies, a couple of sentences that amount in paragraphs are used. Paragraphs also make work easier to read and helps the student to choose sources that can be expounded on. This is the distinguishing feature between an annotated bibliography and an abstract where an abstract gives a general summary while an annotated bibliography focuses on specific aspects on which it gives detailed information. For this case, it is important to make an annotated bibliography out of every source used in an assignment. All annotated bibliographies must provide information about authors. The authors’ professional exposure, educational qualifications, and critical reviews add up in qualifying sources as useful or not, hence their roles in annotated bibliographies. Besides, in your annotated bibliography assignments, The Grade Miners will assess the author’s rational views and ideologies to make rational and fruitful arguments. The next step in the annotated bibliography writing process involves the determination of core arguments and information in a source. Moreover, an outline of key topics discussed in a source is made. The essence of the outline is to make work more approachable and readable for all audiences. Afterwards, a critical evaluation of selected sources is done. From the evaluation, readers will be able to know if the information contained in the annotated bibliography is prejudiced or impartial. Besides, by employing the time aspect, it will be easier to tell if the information is obsolete or up to date. Under the subheading “bibliographically included”, the writer will indicate if a specific source has a glossary, directory or bibliography. When framing your annotated bibliographies, The Grade Miners will ensure to use test or survey tools to indicate if contents are bibliographically included. In addition to that, the planned audience will be stated and evaluated based on the article. This helps in connecting the audience with the importance of specific sources used in an annotated bibliography. Also, a brief comparison between the current source and other sources within annotated bibliographies must be created to give differences and similarities. Finally, this part of an annotated bibliography ought to explain how specific references respond to the topic. Composing your Annotated Bibliography After conducting the source and audience evaluation process, sources are combined to make the required annotated bibliographies. The annotated bibliography sources are used as points to construct an enriched piece of work. Assuming all the above details are closely adhered to, an annotated bibliography makes the student an excellent researcher. All the steps from identifying sources, taking time to read them, identifying key arguments, and finally combining them as per the assignment topic will be uniquely tailored by The Grade Miners showcases the skills of academic research that are vital in making excellent assignments. Moreover, an annotated bibliography helps the student to create a useful memory of major points on a topic, hence reducing the need to go back into the original sources for referencing.
Coming off a disappointing loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Los Angeles Rams have a quick turn around as they’ll head on the road to face the Seahawks on Thursday night. Both teams sit at 3-1 and are a half-game back of the division-leading 49ers, making this a pivotal matchup in the NFC West. This is a tough matchup for the Rams, given Seattle’s ability to run the ball and Los Angeles’ struggles to stop opposing rushing attacks. There are battles that favor the Rams, however, which they’ll need to exploit. Here are five key matchups to watch in this Week 5 showdown. Rob Havenstein vs. Jadeveon Clowney Havenstein has been a disaster at right tackle this season, struggling against the likes of Cameron Jordan, Myles Garrett and Shaq Barrett. The road won’t get any easier this week with Clowney up next. Clowney primarily plays left defensive end in Seattle’s 4-3 front, which means he’ll be rushing against Havenstein almost all game long. That presents major problems for the Rams, who must use tight ends and backs to help Havenstein out. Otherwise, Jared Goff might not make it all 60 minutes.
by Pastor Tim Burt The first girlfriend I ever had, was an identical twin. In the beginning, she and her sister would try to fool me as to which was which—and they succeeded! But after about six months, there was no fooling me anymore. The majority of people struggled to tell them apart, but I didn’t because we had become close caring friends and the differences between them became obvious to me. For some Christians, it would be almost as if God and the devil were twins. Why would I say that? Over the years, I’ve been told countless times that they have trouble discerning the voice they hear within. They would describe thoughts they have and ask, Is this God or the devil that I’m hearing? I know that almost sounds sacrilegious but I understand why they say it. We don’t physically see God or audibly hear His voice. And then the inner voice that we hear—it sounds like our own voice. So, as you are learning to discern the voice of God, you aren’t sure if it’s your own imagination, or the devil lying to you, or the Lord’s voice. The voice within that you hear sounds like you, so, which is it? A key to learning to discern the voice of God is paying attention to what is said and how it’s said to you. The reason I could eventually tell the difference between my girlfriend and her identical twin sister was because of intimacy. No, I don’t mean sexually. It was because we became the best of friends and we cared for each other. This is the place where you truly come to know someone—their thinking, their heart, their attitude and compassion, their likes and their dislikes. It’s in that place, you come to know who they are. You come to know their voice. Have you ever heard gossip about someone you know well and think, I know he/she—they would never say that—they would never do that! You would say that because you know them. That is what it means to know their voice! The same is true with the Lord as you get to know Him through His Word! When Jesus was teaching His disciples about Himself, He called Himself the good shepherd. John 10:4-5 NLT says, “After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they recognize his voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from the stranger because they don’t recognize his voice.” Please understand that when Jesus is talking about His sheep recognizing His voice, He isn’t just talking about the audible sound of a voice or voice patterns. He is talking about His sheep intimately knowing Him—His purpose, His character, His will and what He wants His sheep to know and believe. His sheep come to know His manner—how He thinks and conducts Himself and how He wants them to conduct their lives. Only a loving caring relationship produces this. And that is what helps us as Jesus’ sheep, to know His voice which is really more His will and His manner. We live in the day of tabloids and celebrity mania. People seem to crave hearing and reading about movie stars, singers, and famous people. After a while, they begin to think they know some of these people, even talking about them like they were friends. You can read all day every day about someone but you will not truly know them. That only happens through true personal intimacy between two people. Many Christians are casual at best in reading their Bible. Reading your Bible is a critical step toward the development of intimacy with God and learning His voice. But, even if you do read your Bible all the time, that alone won’t produce the ability to distinguish between God and the devil’s voice. Why? Because again, reading about someone—even Jesus, does not produce intimacy. The theological halls of seminaries are filled with those that have studied Jesus but don’t intimately know Him. Jesus disciples followed, learned from, and did what Jesus asked them to do. They knew what His voice sounded like, but more importantly, they eventually knew His heart, His character, and His mission. They knew Him! The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and religious leaders of Jesus day also followed Him around but very few came to know Him. They were continually trying to catch Him violating the law to prove He was a false Christ. They knew His voice but they surely didn’t know Him. They confused Him with the devil and accused Him of being Satan’s aide. It turned into a divisive issue amongst them. Why? Because some knew the true signs of God and knew the devil and God don’t mix. The rest were blinded by their own bias and jealousy. John 10:19-21 NIV validates this saying, “At these words the Jews were again divided. Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?” “But others said, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?” Jesus has given those that would draw close to Him the most phenomenal gift—the ability to have an intimate relationship with Him and to learn His voice—meaning His heart, His character, His mission, and to follow Him. The starting place of discernment for anyone in learning to discern between the voices you hear from within, is first receiving Jesus as personal Savior. From there, obey James 4:8 that instructs us, “Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you…” Be committed to drawing close to God and reading His Word. Each time you do, pray that He reveal more and more of Himself to you. You will begin to establish and intimate relationship with Him and His voice will become more and more clear to you over time! Proverbs 8:17 (NIV) “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.” In His Love, Pastor Tim Burt If Fresh Manna is a blessing to you, let me know how. I’d love to hear from you! Click Here: FreshMannaFeedback If your heart has been touched by God’s love through Fresh Manna, would you like to help Pastor Tim reach others also? Please prayerfully consider donating. No gift is too small. Published by Pastor Tim Burt Copyright© 2018 All rights reserved
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Blue Yonder - Christine Jensen (Study Score) Composer: Christine Jensen Product Code: WWM-107a Instrumentation: Big Band (5,5,4,4 + opt. voice & vibraphone) Style: Afro-Peruvian 12/8 Solos: Alto Sax, Baritone Sax, Piano, Vibraphone, Guitar or Bass This is a richly scored composition based on Afro-Peruvian rhythms. As recorded on Habitat - The Christine Jensen Jazz Orchestra (2014). 2nd Alto sax doubles on flute, and there are optional parts included for both vibraphone and voice. Study Score only (no parts)
A teenager from Chester has been honoured by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant. Cadet Company Sergeant Major Thomas Larken, 18, serves with King’s School Chester Combined Cadet Force. He was awarded Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant’s Certificate of Merit, recognised as a laudatory honour throughout the forces. As Thomas was unable to attend the ceremony in Cheshire, his award was presented by Dame Lorna Muirhead, Lord-Lieutenant of Merseyside, during a ceremony at Liverpool Town Hall. Thomas joined the combined cadet force in 2009, aged 12, as an RAF Cadet and he went gliding and attended two camps. In 2014 he transferred to the Army section to further his ambition of joining the Royal Marines. Last summer he completed the prestigious Cadet Leadership Course at the national Cadet Training Centre, Frimley Park. In addition to being an exceptional cadet, he is an enthusiastic member of the school rowing club, where he helps coach junior rowers. He also played the role of Dr Frankenstein in the school play. Thomas said: “It was all a huge surprise, I wasn’t expecting it at all. It’s great to know that during my time as a cadet I’ve got things right!” Colonel Mark Underhill, chief executive of the North West of England and the Isle of Man Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (NW RFCA) which runs the awards, said: “Cadet Company Sergeant Major Larken is a fine role model for others to follow, and a superb ambassador for the Cadet organisations. He is highly deserving of Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant’s Certificate of Merit. “The Cadet movement offers unparalleled opportunities for young people in our region to learn, grow and excel. We must ensure that these opportunities continue to be accessible to young people from all backgrounds, and this is only possible with the support of the dedicated Adult Volunteers who deliver the quality experiences, adventure and community projects our cadets enjoy. We would love to hear from people willing to offer their time and enthusiasm to join the ranks of the region’s Adult Instructors – no military experience is needed and full training is provided.” For more information about the Cadet movement, or to enquire about becoming a cadet or an Adult Volunteer, visit the NW RFCA website at www.nwrfca.org.uk
Congress returns to work today, with Democrats warning of a possible budget standoff. With the surplus now predicted to be smaller than was thought and the economy slowing, money will likely be the big issue on the table. Hearings in both the House and Senate will address the diminishing surplus this week, and both chambers must consider 13 spending measures to finance government operations after the fiscal year ends Sept. 30, among them bills for education and defense. (Story, page 2; editorial, page 10.) Hoping to win over traditionally Democratic allies, President Bush spent Labor Day courting union members, expressing both concern and confidence about the state of the economy. Bush assured carpenters union members in Green Bay, Wis., that he shares their worries, before flying to Detroit for a Teamsters Union barbecue. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer called the schedule "a little bit unusual" for a Republican president. Mexican President Vicente Fox is to begin a state visit in Washington today, during which he and Bush plan to discuss issues ranging from immigration to antidrug efforts. Debate over immigration has picked up lately, as the White House considers a plan to grant guest-worker status - and eventually legal residency - to some of the 3 million Mexican illegal immigrants believed to be in the US. Facing conservative opposition, Bush abandoned plans for announcing an agreement on immigration during Fox's visit. The two leaders will outline a framework for immigration reform instead. (Story, page 1.) The administration said its plan to update China on US missile defense isn't a signal that it condones a nuclear-weapons buildup there. The Beijing government will get an update on the American plans as part of the administration's effort to convince China, Russia, and other nations that the proposed defense system isn't a threat, White House spokesman Fleischer said. Some critics have said the missile-defense system would prompt China and other countries to improve their arsenals. A federal judge upheld a local Albuquerque, N.M., ordinance that limits political campaign spending, a ruling some experts say could affect spending across the country. Under the city's charter, mayoral candidates can't spend more than twice the mayor's annual salary. The US Supreme Court ruled spending caps unconstitutional in the 1970s, but observers say the New Mexico ruling could reopen the door for allowing campaign spending limits in other areas.
The Excel Soccer Academy coaching staff has assembled a set of videos for players by position. Sheltering in place doesn't mean that players can't learn more strategies to successfully play in their positions. We recommend these videos to our players of every age. Watch the videos slowly, pause, and rewatch. Watch videos beyond your position.
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COLUMBUS — Five statewide public pension funds — Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS), the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (STRS Ohio), the School Employees Retirement System (SERS) of Ohio, the Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System (HPRS) and the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund’s (OP&F) — are now using Ohio’s online checkbooks on OhioCheckbook.com. In 2014, Treasurer Josh Mandel launched OhioCheckbook.com, which was designed to set a new national standard for government transparency and for the first time in Ohio history puts all state spending information on the internet. OhioCheckbook.com recently earned Ohio the No. 2 government transparency ranking in the country for a second year in a row. With today’s historic announcement, Ohio becomes the first state in the country to have all statewide public pension fund checkbooks online. “A pension system that is responsible for the stewardship of member and employer contributions must always operate in full view of the public,” said OPERS executive director Karen Carraher. “By contributing data to the treasurer’s online checkbook, OPERS continues its 80-year legacy of transparency.” “I believe the taxpayers and retirees of Ohio have a right to know how their tax money is being spent, and I applaud Ohio’s public pension funds for partnering with my office to post their finances on OhioCheckbook.com,” said Treasurer Mandel. “My vision is to create an army of citizen watchdogs who are empowered to hold public officials accountable.” “We applaud the pension funds for participating in the OhioCheckbook.com database,” said Dennis Hetzel, Executive Director of the Ohio Newspaper Association. “Providing ready, clear access to this information supports their stewardship of billions of dollars on behalf of retirees, public employees and the taxpayers of Ohio.” On April 7, 2015, Mandel sent a letter to 18,062 local government and school officials representing 3,962 local governments throughout the state calling on them to place their checkbook level data on OhioCheckbook.com and extending an invitation to partner with his office at no cost to local governments. These local governments include cities, counties, townships, schools, library districts and other special districts. A large coalition of statewide and local government organizations have expressed support for OhioCheckbook.com and local government transparency, including: Ohio Municipal League, Ohio Township Association, Ohio Association of School Business Officials. Buckeye Association of School Administrators, County Commissioner Association of Ohio, County Auditor Association of Ohio, Ohio Newspaper Association, Ohio Society of CPAs, Buckeye Institute and Common Cause Ohio. OhioCheckbook.com launched on December 2, 2014 marked the first time in Ohio history when citizens could actually see every expenditure in state government. Since its launch, OhioCheckbook.com has received overwhelming support from newspapers and groups. as of Sept. 12, there have been more than 618,000 total searches on the site. OhioCheckbook.com has displayed more than $540 billion in spending over the past eight years, including more than 148 million transactions. For more information or to view your local government website, visit the Local Government option on www.OhioCheckbook.com
You may edit the textual content on this area, and alter the place the contact type on the precise submits to, by coming into edit mode utilizing the modes on the underside right. From the routine x-rays and cleanings everyone wants frequently to tooth-colored fillings and different repairs, you possibly can have the healthy smile you want. All the time talk about big adjustments to your diet and train routines with a health care provider before you get began. Analysis suggests that the greatest advantages of exercise are seen in those that change from an inactive lifestyle to a barely energetic life-style. These wholesome habits embrace not smoking, consuming proper, exercising repeatedly, staying at a healthy weight, and getting the screening exams you need. Whereas it’s important that you simply give attention to consuming as wholesome as attainable the overwhelming majority of the time, don’t be afraid to indulge now and again. The inequality is considerably wider than in life expectancy (LE) the place the difference was 5.1 years for men and 4.5 years for women. Inexperienced Ideas journal – is a consumers’ information to living a more sustainable life which Healthy Life Media started publishing in 2012 and is breaking new floor in serving to shoppers take care of the environment. We assist people realise their healthy life potential and empower them with the tools to make a change. Healthy Life Dental Care offering High quality dental care to Monrovia, Duarte, Azusa, Arcadia, Baldwin Park and surrounding cities! On … Read More
[JURIST] The Italian Court of Cassation [official website, in Italian] on Wednesday upheld the convictions of 23 former CIA officers for the 2003 kidnapping and rendition [JURIST news archive] of Egyptian terror suspect Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr. Former Milan CIA station chief Robert Seldon Lady was originally sentenced [JURIST report] to eight years in prison, while 22 other Americans were sentenced to five years after they were all tried in absentia. In 2010 an Italian intermediate appellate court increased [JURIST report] Lady’s sentence to nine years while increasing the sentences of the other 22 defendants to seven years. The Court of Cassation upheld [BBC report] the sentences of nine and seven years. Nasr, also known as Abu Omar, was seized on the streets of Milan in 2003 by CIA agents with the help of Italian operatives, then allegedly transferred to Egypt and tortured by Egypt’s State Security Intelligence before being released [JURIST reports] in February 2007. In September 2009 the US Department of Justice [official website] filed a motion to dismiss [JURIST report] a lawsuit brought by former State Department official Sabrina De Sousa seeking diplomatic immunity against the Italian charges. De Sousa was one of the Americans whose sentence was increased to seven years. The CIA’s rendition program has been the source of much controversy and litigation. In 2009 President Barack Obama announced the US would continue its practice [JURIST report] of sending terror detainees to third countries for interrogation with increased oversight by the State Department to prevent torture.
About this Piece The three-movement Sonatina (1941) represents Conlon Nancarrow’s first fully completed composition in exile. Public performances of it in its original form created harrowing experiences, because one pianist could scarcely master its complexity as written. Nancarrow’s frustration led him to modifying a player piano to realize his music. Eventually, a compositional process of writing pieces specifically to be played back only on his player piano became Nancarrow’s most famous innovation. Although some ambitious pianists still attempt to perform the Sonatina as a solo work, pianist Yvar Mikhashoff (1941-1993) published a playful transcription of it in the 1980s for two pianists (one piano, four hands). Nancarrow approved of this version, even once expressing that he preferred it to the original. The opening Presto movement develops numerous fragments of a four-beat motive in C major, which is heard in its pristine form only near the end of the movement — one repeated note followed by going up and down the first five steps of the major scale. These fragments form syncopations and rhythms which methodically transform into autonomous metric and temporal layers. The inner Moderato movement with its slow ostinato and strident dissonances exaggerates the quirkiness of the third note in the blues scale, outlined within a three-note, downward-moving motive in G. Opening with the character of a fast fugue, the final Allegro molto movement further develops canonically, but introduces elements from piano rags while returning the key area gradually from G to a simple cadence in C. — From notes by Gregg Wager
Van der Sar, who began his playing career with Ajax, returns to oversee all marketing activity for the Amsterdam-based team. Hans Weijers, chief executive for Ajax, says: “Van der Sar had a fantastic career and also has natural leadership and therefore the potential to be our managing director in the future.” Van der Sar, now 42 retired in 2011 after spending six years at Manchester United where he won the Champions League and four Premier League titles. He also played for Juventus and Fulham. The retired goalkeeper joins fellow former Premier League players Marc Overmars who is Ajax’s director of football, and Dennis Bergkamp who is part of the club’s coaching set-up.
Central Jersey resident travels in Iran - Iranians are some of the warmest and most hospitable people - Iran is a safe country to visit with no restrictions on where we could go or who we could talk to - Iranians want Americans to come visit them … and there is nothing to fear In early September I had the opportunity to travel to Iran with 15 other intrepid travelers. We were in the country for 17 days traveling from Tehran through the mountains to the Caspian Sea, and then heading south through the desert and more mountains to visit many of the World Heritage Sites Iran has to offer. Everywhere we went people were excited to find out that we were from America. We received a big “Welcome, we love America.” Iranians are some of the warmest and most hospitable people I have ever met. Being one of two blonds in the group, people wanted to have their photo taken with us. While visiting historical sites we crossed paths with many tour groups from parts of Europe and even Hong Kong. Iran is a very safe country to visit and there were no restrictions on where we could go or who we could talk to. English is considered the primary international language and is studied up to 12th grade. Students can then attend a foreign language school to study other languages prior to attending University. Needless to say, the young people wanted to practice their English with us. Iranians are much like Americans, socializing with friends, listening to music and Internet savvy. We found the people we met to be well informed on current events in the world. As for the nuclear agreement with the P5+1, Iranians are hopeful that the deal will have a positive impact on their country. Young Iranians are highly educated, unfortunately the unemployment rate is high and many can’t find jobs in their chosen field. As for traveling around in Iran, I found the roads and infrastructure to be in excellent condition. There were well lit tunnels going through the mountains. In the center of the country we saw rice fields, tea plantations, groves of apple and pear orchards, dates and pistachios. Iranians like to eat late at night and socialize. Most of our meals consisted of chicken, lamb, rice and a variety of vegetables, finished off with lots of sweets and wonderful saffron ice cream. The hotels ranged from acceptable to the exotic Abbasi Hotel, built on the site of a 17th century caravanserai in Isfahan. We toured museums, palaces, temples, mosques and legendary bazaars. The highlight was Persepolis, the ancient ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid kings. The tour program was created by MIR Corporation, out of Seattle, Wash. It involved long days and a significant amount of walking at tour sites. Iranians want Americans to come visit them … and there is nothing to fear. Arlene Mikkelsen is a resident of the Dayton section of South Brunswick
Recent proteomic and genetic studies have aimed to identify a complete network of interactions between HIV and human proteins and genes. This HIV-human interaction network provides invaluable information as to how HIV exploits the host machinery and can be used as a starting point for further functional analyses. We integrated this network with complementary datasets of protein function and interaction to nominate human protein complexes with likely roles in viral infection. Based on our approach we identified a global map of 40 HIV-human protein complexes with putative roles in HIV infection, some of which are involved in DNA replication and repair, transcription, translation, and cytoskeletal regulation. Targeted RNAi screens were used to validate several proteins and complexes for functional impact on viral infection. Thus, our HIV-human protein complex map provides a significant resource of potential HIV-host interactions for further study.
Two of the most important tech trends today are public cloud infrastructure and open-source software. Public cloud vendors allow enterprises to run storage and computing functions in outsourced public data centers, saving on costs and speeding up innovation. Open-source software is "open" to outside developers to use, modify, and distribute without a license. The idea behind open source is that in exchange for sharing code, innovation occurs at a faster pace. Recently, however, these two tech segments have been colliding. Open-source database vendor MongoDB (NASDAQ: MDB) made a move last fall to curtail what it viewed as open-source abuse by the cloud giants, specifically Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). It claimed it was using MongoDB source code for its own in-house offerings without contributing anything back to the open-source community. MongoDB then unveiled a new license called SSPL, which mandated that any company that distributes its underlying code contribute the new distribution software code back to the community, or purchase a license. However, that got pushback from the open-source community, so MongoDB announced it was reversing the policy on its recent earnings call -- though it's working with the community to curb abuse in other ways. A few months later, Amazon unveiled DocumentDB, which is basically a MongoDB imitation, on top of its own infrastructure. It's not clear whether MongoDB saw this coming, or whether Amazon developed DocumentDB in retaliation. Amazon utilized an older version of MongoDB source code unaffected by the SSPL, then "forked" the software, taking up its own proprietary innovation from that point on. However, Google parent Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) just made a move to counter Amazon, positioning itself as a friendlier alternative to the open-source community. Could Google's new policy be something for Amazon to worry about? Will Google's friendlier open-source policy pay off? Image source: Getty Images. The big friendly giant Google recently announced partnerships with MongoDB, Redis Labs, and several other open-source data management companies. The crux of the partnership is that these companies' offerings will be more tightly integrated into Google's Cloud Platform. Customers will be able to use these select applications from one unified Google Cloud interface, rely on Google's technical support for these apps, and receive a unified bill for all. Financials were not disclosed, though TechCrunch suggested some sort of profit-sharing arrangement. While these open-source companies probably don't like giving away part of their revenue, Google is also taking care of associated customer support costs; in addition, some revenue on wider distribution is certainly better than nothing, which is what these companies receive when a user opts for Amazon's in-house imitations. Google's different open-source philosophy Google's policy on open source has two possible motivations. One is that it has been supportive of open-source projects as a philosophical matter. Google has originated or contributed to many prominent open-sourced projects in the past, including Kubernetes, a container-programming platform it open-sourced in 2014; Tensorflow, a machine-learning programming software; and about 2,000 others. MongoDB's founders were also founders of DoubleClick, which Google purchased in 2007, so the relationship between Google and these companies goes far back. Google may also see this as a way to catch up to AWS. Google's Cloud Platform has made great strides in the past year, but research firm Canalys estimates it still only has about 6.8% of the cloud infrastructure market, compared with AWS' 31.7% share. It's possible Google's move may, around the edges, persuade some to use MongoDB on GCP vs. DocumentDB. Amazon touted DocumentDB as not just an imitator but an improvement over MongoDB, due to latency and performance issues. Should Google's integration reduce those types of performance issues, it could take away a reason for switching to DocumentDB. MongoDB users wouldn't have to worry about cloud lock-in on AWS -- while shifting clouds would still likely be a pain, one should theoretically be able to move a MongoDB database among clouds easier than switching from an Amazon database to another database on a different cloud. Amazon should be careful, but not worried As Amazon has done on its e-commerce site, where it's has taken flak for releasing its own private-label products that compete with popular third parties, Amazon appears to be attempting the same on AWS. It's not as if MongoDB can refuse to sell via AWS; it's just too big. MongoDB management was even careful to emphasize that it has a "strong partnership" with Amazon in a press statement regarding the Google deal. The ascendance of open source will continue to generate debate as to how these services get monetized. After all, we live in a capitalist system, and MongoDB's recent licensing experiment reflects the complications of sharing important software code. Therefore, tech investors should monitor how open-source companies continue to satisfy both community members and investors alike. 10 stocks we like better than Alphabet (A shares) When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has quadrupled the market.* David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Alphabet (A shares) wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys. *Stock Advisor returns as of March 1, 2019 John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Suzanne Frey, an executive at Alphabet, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Billy Duberstein owns shares of Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, and MongoDB. His clients may own shares of the companies mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Alphabet (A shares), Alphabet (C shares), Amazon, and MongoDB. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
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IRVINE – Authorities have identified a 22-year-old woman who died after a four-vehicle collision at an Irvine intersection Tuesday afternoon that left one other woman injured. Orange County Coroner’s Office officials late Tuesday identified Elizabeth Eddleman of Irvine as the woman who died after her car was reportedly struck in an afternoon collision. Officers about 4:15 p.m. responded to an accident at the intersection of University Drive and Rosa Drew Lane, just before Rosa Drew turns into Ridgeline Drive in the University Park community, Irvine police Lt. Julia Engen said. Police say that according to their preliminary investigation, a 2010 BMW coupe traveling south on Rosa Drew Lane was struck by a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer traveling west on University Drive. The SUV apparently crashed into the BMW on the driver’s door, police said, causing the two vehicles to careen toward a postal truck and a minivan in the intersection. Eddleman, who was driving the BMW, had to be cut from the car before being taken to a hospital in critical condition, Engen said. She died after being taken from the scene. The driver of the SUV, who police identified only as a 26-year-old Corona del Mar resident, was taken to a hospital in serious condition. Her injuries are not believed to be life-threatening. The occupants of the minivan and the postal truck were not injured. The eastbound lanes of University were closed for more than five hours after the crash, snarling traffic in the area. Investigators have not yet determined which vehicle had right of way in the intersection. Authorities are asking anyone who witnessed the collision to call Irvine police Sgt. Dennis Maisano at 949-724-7023. Contact the writer: 714-796-7939 or email@example.com
Filter by:Clear All Who is behind momkbaby? Sisters, who love little people's fashion. We love simple designs, and ethically made products. - Eve and Liz Why Momkbaby shoes? Momkbaby has develop a very unique and original design, the one and only lace up fabric with elastic hidden on the ankle. This is our feature design and it is based on my own experience as mother (Eve) who has an active little boy and wanted to create something different than the classic booties. Soft sole shoe is great for babies, especially pre-walkers. You do not want them to wear heavy shoes as it is important for them to be able to feel the floor without being flip floppy. Despite of looking good, it is also has great benefits! How awesome is that? Plus this baby shoe is mostly made from breathable cotton and beautifully lined too. Soling for size 1-3 are faux suede; which gives a natural grip to the floor. Soling for size 4-6 are (we called it) the perfect non-slip sole; it is non-toxic, cold and heat proof, waterproof, and rubberized. Trust me.. it is the perfect one :) I have been looking up and down for the perfect one, and here it is.
What Is a Disability under Social Security? Age, Education are Factors in What Qualifies as a Disability To be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, you must have a medical condition that meets Social Security’s definition of disability. However, the process of determining whether you meet this definition is complex and difficult even for a doctor to understand. If fact, you don’t even need a doctor to say you are disabled in order to meet Social Security’s definition of disability. I’m attorney Joseph Rooth. Since 1994, I’ve helped disabled individuals in Florida obtain benefits from Social Security. I offer a free initial consultation to explain what is and isn’t considered a disability. How Disability is Determined by Social Security When you apply for disability benefits, Social Security will use an evaluation process to determine whether you are eligible to receive benefits. Basically, you will be considered disabled if you are unable to do the job you did before your illness or injury, and you can’t adjust to other work because of your medical condition. In considering whether you can adjust to other work, Social Security will consider your age, education, work experience and whether the potential job exists in the national economy in significant numbers. Your disability must also be expected to last for at least a year or to result in death. Age is a big factor in determining whether your condition qualified as a disability. Generally, the older you are, the easier it is to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. For more information about the statutory definition of disability, see Social Security Disability Overview. Free Lawyer Consultation To discuss your disability with me, attorney Joseph Rooth, call 727-849-3400 or fill out the contact form on this site. With offices in New Port Richey, Spring Hill, Seminole and Clearwater, I represent clients throughout the Tampa Bay and central gulf coast area of Florida.
by MYŌGADANI Mōra (茗荷谷 望裸) Jonathan is on the floor where he collapsed after they reached the safe house, trying to breathe. His gun is still in his hand, and he supposes, through a haze of oxygen debt, that he ought to let go of it, so he does. It clunks onto the flooring, ceramic-and-plastic against the cheap smokeglass. Aaron, sitting on the floor near him, is breathing almost normally again, but isn’t moving yet. “Wow,” Jonathan finally manages. Aaron doesn’t answer, but Jonathan didn’t expect him to. If he’s as out of breath as Jonathan is he probably doesn’t think it’s worth the effort. “Are you sure we managed to outrun them?” Jonathan isn’t sure he did, but if Aaron says so he figures he must have. “Thanks,” he says, and since his breathing is finally under control, he sits up, checks the state of his gun, and puts the safety back on so that nothing unexpected happens. “I’m gonna go add this to the report.” He stands up and walks into the bedroom, which, no surprise, is set out in the usual safe-house layout: bed in the center of one wall, closets to the left of the bed, mismatched dressers on the other two walls. He opens up the bottom drawer of the nearest dresser and pushes aside the extra set of bedsheets. It takes him a few seconds of running his fingers around the drawer’s inner joins to find the analog switch that unlatches the side compartment where the DSA-network computer is hidden. He takes it out of the drawer, unfolding the body so that when he plugs it in it’ll firm up with all the wiring in the right places. The computer looks like a hard-side laptop when it’s turned on, but when turned off it’s little more than a translucent, gelatinous mass with wiring inside. The computer is connected to the network via a non-disconnecting physical cable, a touch of paranoia that Jonathan has since gotten used to. Since the Global Connectivity Initiative, there’s been universal free wireless internet access in most of the industrialized and developing world, but that doesn’t mean that the wireless is secure. Hence the physical cable. You can’t snatch signals out of the air if they aren’t there in the first place. He sets the laptop on the bed and hits the ‘on’ button. The case, made out of the silicon-petroleum composite Opaque, is translucent and flexible without the electric current running through it. Once turned on, however, the computer firms up, not only physically but visually, so that he can no longer see the its guts. He pulls the computer onto his lap and logs in with his fingerprint, retinal scan, and voice check. This lets him access the draft of the report that he and Aaron will turn in at the end of this week when their assignment is over. Aaron walks into the bedroom about ten minutes later, carrying a bowlful of heated canned soup that he offers to Jonathan. Jonathan takes it. “I’m almost done with the write-up for tonight’s FUBAR’d deal. Have you eaten?” “Then check this over and make sure it’s accurate.” Jonathan pushes the laptop over the sheets towards Aaron, then picks up the bowl and starts eating. Minestrone soup, with extract of tin can for extra flavor. Delicious. He manages to choke about half of it down before he gives in to the inevitable digestive defeat and sets the bowl aside. Aaron hasn’t changed a lot in the report. He corrected some of the quotations, fixed directions and numbers of assailants – Jonathan always trusts him on those – and has corrected Jonathan’s descriptions of certain assailants in a manner with which Jonathan disagrees. “I don’t think that the first one in was the one in the green shirt – ” Jonathan starts. Aaron finishes typing before he responds. “Two green shirts. One with a chin scar, one in a hat.” “I didn’t see the one in the hat,” Jonathan says, troubled. “Came in later. I shot him.” Jonathan nods and leaves Aaron to it while he goes to the bathroom. He walks out to find that Aaron has shut down the computer and put it away again, and is busy hunting down the hidden cameras in the room. There are always a few; nominally it’s so the DSA will know if a safe house is compromised, but Jonathan and Aaron both suspect that it’s more about the DSA not trusting its own agents. It takes them about half an hour to find the four regulation, obvious cameras around the apartment; they spend an extra hour checking for recording devices. After that they sweep the house again, which thankfully is rather small: only two rooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Larger safe houses can, given Aaron’s degree of conscientiousness, take more than six hours. But it’s worth it, because the DSA always plants a few extra, hidden ones that are a little harder to find. He and Aaron always cover up the lenses with Opaque gel, then peel it off when they leave. Probably most agents do this: they spend so much time being worried about enemy surveillance that they’ve stopped being able to put up with it from their allies. Once Aaron’s satisfied that they’ve found the cameras, Jonathan pulls his book reader out of his bag, turns it on, and flips open the now-solid covers to the text inside. He reads for about an hour, mostly newspapers – the WSJ, the Reference News English Edition, La Construction. He loathes all of them, but it can’t be helped. No money for a free press makes the press less free. He learned that one the hard way twelve years ago, when the Tribune Company folded and took his job as a reporter with it. According to La Construction, the New States are insisting that the DSA was not involved in any way in the bombings in Brussels, since after all the DSA is domestic security. Why would the DSA be doing anything international? Which is total bullshit, but Jonathan is supposed to hold the party line: he’s never worked outside the North American continent; what are you suggesting? He looks at the blacked-out bulletproof-glass window. He can almost make out, on the other side, a brick wall, but if he could see far enough through the buildings into the countryside, he’d be looking out on the Andes. Aaron folds out the futon that’s in one of the closets and sets it up on the floor of the bedroom. Since the bust-up in Chile going after M. Villando, that’s just been him pretending that they won’t be in the bed together when morning arrives. Jonathan has less patience than usual with this game, so he turns off his reader, folds it up and starts to take off his shirt. “We can leave off of this by now, I think,” he says, through the cotton, and when his shirt is finally off he tosses it on the floor. “Rather than just getting my ego kicked because of your issues, I’d prefer to get laid.” Aaron kneels in front of the dresser and takes out some of the sheets. Like this, in the posture Jonathan’s uncles called kiza, kneeling-seat, he is dangerous, familiar. Even with his height folded away, he is still imposing, broad-backed and heavily muscled. The blacked-out window puts his street-gang disguise into shadow and the light from the hall isn’t enough to bring it back. It just scrapes along his arms, bringing out the realwood-dark shade of his skin, and trickles over the hard planes of his face. Jonathan leans forward. “Look, if you don’t want to have sex, say so. Don’t play Mr. Brick Wall. It works great with other people, because they assume you’re just big and dumb, but I know you’re not.” Aaron slides across the floor over to the futon and starts laying the sheets over it. Jonathan wants to hit him but knows better than to try: Aaron’s greatest skill, other than keeping his mouth shut, is his ability to defend himself with lethal or at least greatly damaging force. Even all of Jonathan’s training in Brazilian jiujitsu isn’t enough defense. Jonathan watches Aaron fold the sheets around the futon with robotic precision. The old gone-yellow shade of them blends in with the carpet. Finally Aaron finishes making the futon and sits back on his heels, looks at Jonathan, who keeps silent. If he says anything it’ll come out accusing, and Aaron never answers accusations. They sit like that for a little while, looking at each other but not really communicating anything by it. Jonathan finally slides from sitting on the bed to on his knees on the floor, in front of Aaron. Jonathan is still shorter, by more centimeters than he cares to discuss. Aaron has grey eyes, steel and asphalt like any of the Atlantic megametropoles where Jonathan grew up. They’re the clue to telling how smart he can be. Not because they don’t go blank when he’s playing stupid, because they do. But because he is always mentally engaged otherwise, blade-intense, and his eyes are the key to his attention. Aaron is watching Jonathan now, or more precisely staring at a point just over Jonathan’s shoulder. Jonathan’s used to it, so it only hurts a little. Jonathan follows the lines of Aaron’s arms with his gaze, then reaches out, slowly, and pulls Aaron’s hand towards him, setting his mouth on the inside of Aaron’s wrist and tasting the skin there, then again at the inside of Aaron’s elbow. It is a little salty but mostly tasteless, smooth warmth, muscle heat. Aaron is nearly impossible to throw around. Jonathan tried, once, when they were still new to each other as coworkers. Aaron choked him unconscious so fast Jonathan didn’t have time to tap out. Aaron’s hand comes to rest against the back of his neck, palm a warm blot against his tendons. Jonathan closes his eyes, hands sliding up Aaron’s arm to his chest, throat, face, until his fingers brush against the jut of Aaron’s nose, the pressure of his cheekbones, the corner of his jaw. Jonathan wants to kiss those spots but never will; Aaron has made very clear that he would not accept, let alone return, such a gesture. It’s not that kind of arrangement, Jonathan remembers, the words still caught in his head from when Aaron said them so long ago. Eventually he ends up lying stomach-down on the futon with Aaron’s cock in his mouth, hitting the back of his throat. A few feet north of this Aaron is probably writing reports in his head or something. Aaron takes forever to come, always has, and his reactions are never particularly enthusiastic. Jonathan never even bothers to look to see if Aaron is watching, just focuses on heated flesh, taste and smell. After a while his jaw hurts; a little after that Aaron taps Jonathan’s shoulder as a warning that he’s going to come. Jonathan pulls off, uses his hand until Aaron finishes, and lets Aaron give him a handjob so mechanical Jonathan could probably measure the passage of time with the strokes. Jonathan spends most of it staring at the ceiling, trying not to look like in his head he’s thinking of putting his tongue to the swell of Aaron’s muscles, tracing their lines up, and up, to Aaron’s throat, to his mouth. A week later he and Aaron are back in the Desert district of the New States, doing report-filing things, getting physical checkups. The doctor tells Jonathan that he’s healthy enough and releases him back to report-writing. Jonathan takes the stairs back to the floor where he and Aaron have their cubicles – no offices wasted on them, no sir – in time to nod at Aaron as they pass each other in the hall. Aaron’s probably on the way to his own appointment. Susan Mehta, Jonathan’s boss, is waiting for him, standing just outside his cubicle, leaning against the blue fuzz-carpet wall. She doesn’t put up with bullshit, but she puts up with nearly anything else so long as it gets the job done. She is intimidatingly efficient with paperwork, terrifyingly smart, and basically perfect in every way except for being memorable. She wasn’t originally, but thanks to a hockey accident in high school that left her blind in one eye and her nose out of joint, she is now. It’s the only reason she’s not an agent. Jonathan doesn’t know why she didn’t go into surgery and get it fixed. Maybe it’s like his ankle, where trying to fix it stands a higher chance of making things worse than of fixing them. Anyway, at this point her head’s full of the custom electronics that agent handlers get, and she’d never be able to pass as civilian. “Jonathan,” she says. “Come with me to my office.” He follows her to the end of the hall, steps inside while she closes the door. Susan’s office is tiny, mostly taken up by her workspace, which has a raised computer display screen and a silicon-surface keyboard in the plane of the desk. There are a couple of chairs; both are uncomfortable. Neither he nor Susan sits. “You’re not going to like this,” Susan tells him. As though it weren’t obvious. He keeps his mouth shut. “The higher-ups want you on a desk job.” Jonathan goes cold. There’s no reason. His malformed ankle hasn’t been acting up. He’s still in excellent physical condition. His performance in the field has been virtually impeccable since he and Aaron started cooperating. Oh, no. No. God, let it not be that. Still standing, she taps her fingers on her desk. “They haven’t told me specifically why they want you transferred, but I think I can guess.” “I’m sorry,” he says, throat tight. One of his character flaws: he never feels bad about doing something, only about having been caught doing it. It’s part of why he’s so good at his job. His old job, he should say. She snorts. “Fucked if I care. At least this way you’ll get promotions and a life expectancy.” In some other universe some other Jonathan is pleased by this prospect. Instead he just stands there, not moving. Susan sits on the corner of her desk, crinkling a stack of folders. “You’ll be down a floor, starting tomorrow. I hear you should go find your desk, move your stuff.” “Jonathan,” she says carefully, “it’s not the end of the world.” “No,” he agrees, after a long moment. He doesn’t offer any sort of comeback. There is nothing to say. The world has not ended, and Jonathan Byrne has a different job. Some days later he wakes up in his own apartment to find a gun pointed at his face. The instinctive reaction to seize up passed long ago. The reaction to get the gun away from his face has been broken out of him from having Aaron give him wake-up calls too often. This is probably not a good survival tactic. “Aaron, I’m practically civilian now, or haven’t you heard?” He drawls the words out, sliding his eyes up the gun to Aaron’s hands, his chest, his face until they are watching each other’s eyes. “I got transferred.” “They tell you why?” “No. My bet is we missed a camera at some point and they decided last week that they wanted me off active duty.” Aaron grunts, takes the gun out of Jonathan’s face, and kneels next to the bed to put it away. Jonathan rolls onto his side to watch, ceramic and silicon-opaque composite sliding apart. Aaron with a gun is the most brutal poetry Jonathan knows. “Sanchez is an idiot.” “If you want to get rid of him, you know how to hide the body.” Aaron’s mouth twitches, not quite a smile. “Or you could just get rid of him the same way you managed to get rid of me,” Jonathan continues, only realizing what the sentence means after he has said it. The idea of Sanchez sucking Aaron off makes him go hot-cold with possessive arousal. The reaction embarrasses him. For Aaron it was just ten years of on-and-off, mostly off, halfhearted stress relief. Jonathan shouldn’t get so worked up about it. Aaron snaps shut the clasps on his briefcase. “Sanchez can’t protect himself.” Jonathan breathes a little easier with relief at Aaron’s choice to ignore his faux pas. “You’ve gone on record saying the same thing about me, as I remember. Though that was about the time that I was saying you were a psychopath, so. I’m sure he’ll grow out of it, especially if you help him.” “Can’t be bothered.” “Then you’re going to get him killed. If you don’t want to work with him, tell Susan and she’ll find you someone else before working with you is like pushing agents into a meat grinder.” “Or could borrow you off-record.” Jonathan’s heart twists, but he buries the pleasure of the implied compliment to pull it out later, run his thoughts over it like water. “I don’t think it works like that. And how would I do my job from South America, anyway?” “Not in South America this time. Local job.” “I’m sure that’s a higher security clearance than I have right now, and I know we both know my apartment’s bugged. Now, I need to get ready for work, which incidentally is not working with you. Please leave, Aaron. Go work with Sanchez and show him what he’s doing wrong.” Aaron watches him get out of bed, not saying anything, not moving, until Jonathan glares at him, at which point he turns and walks out the bedroom door. At the end of a hall, the apartment door clicks closed. The movement-sensor that tracks the hall doesn’t beep, which means that Aaron’s left. Jonathan glances up at the corner where the most obvious monitoring camera is, then moves to get dressed. Less than a week later, around lunchtime, Aaron shows up at Jonathan’s desk, planting himself in front of it. The plane of the desk is a couple of inches below the crotch of Aaron’s pants, so the first thing Jonathan notices is Aaron’s fly, his hips, the fall of his white polo shirt over his abs. Jonathan knows all of these parts of Aaron’s body in bizarrely intimate detail for something only touched, half-seen, in the dark. He doesn’t look at Aaron’s face, instead letting his gaze fall back to the computer screen, where he is filling out paperwork. The stylus doesn’t work very well, probably because the flat-panel of the computer screen on his desk is scratched – some idiot before him must have been a total Luddite who went after it with a real pen – so he tends to have to go back and rewrite parts. He manages to fill out three or four spaces before Aaron gets impatient and finally says his name. “I filed for a replacement for Sanchez.” Jonathan finally looks up, meeting Aaron’s gaze. “Yes, and?” Aaron cracks the knuckle of his left index finger, a tight snap of sound. “Come to lunch.” Aaron’s shoulders tense, just a little, and Jonathan has to suppress a smile. Whoever says passive aggression is unhealthy can bite him. “I have to finish this report and turn it in at one,” he lies, tapping the screen with the stylus. “After that,” Aaron suggests, laying his palm flat on the blackglass surface and leaning over Jonathan’s desk. Jonathan’s watching his eyes because he doesn’t trust him. He still notices that the collar of Aaron’s shirt is partially open, baring his throat and the muscles of his neck, strong and heavy. “One-thirty.” Jonathan imagines this ending in a blowjob on the deli’s bathroom floor and knows it won’t happen. Quentin Aaron Leahy, repressed asshole. “One-thirty, then.” They do go to the deli. Jonathan jokes around a little with Ye Sheng, the proprietor, before ordering. You don’t come to a restaurant at least twice a week at irregular intervals for almost fifteen years without getting to know the employees. Aaron orders the sandwich he always has, turkey-lettuce-no-tomato-mayo. They sit at a table next to the window, looking out on the street full of businessmen and cars. Some of the passers-by read the text painted on the window, but because it’s one-way shading they can’t see in. Ye Sheng, before the Division, was with U.S. Navy Counterintelligence. He is paranoid, but not homicidal. If he hasn’t figured out what Aaron and Jonathan are then he wasn’t worth the promotions he got during the war. Jonathan should probably start dressing the part of someone with an actual desk job, rather than someone who only comes into an office because he’s passing through. He has been resisting because he doesn’t like wearing ties. For that matter, he doesn’t even like wearing long-sleeved dress shirts and has taken to rolling up the sleeves while he’s working. They eat lunch almost in silence. Aaron finishes his sandwich first and surveils the restaurant and the street outside. Not that he hasn’t been doing it before, but he’s more obvious with nothing else to hide it. Jonathan is chewing the last bite of his sandwich when Aaron says, eyes on a homeless man meandering on the sidewalk across the street, “I’m sorry.” “What about?” Jonathan hopes this isn’t some sort of clumsy attempt at making amends; that would be embarrassing for both of them. He can’t accept any apologies about it because he is angry. He will probably be angry for the rest of his life. Apologize-and-make-up is not going to work here. “It’s my fault that we got caught.” Aaron laces his fingers together, resting his forearms on the table. Jonathan licks a stray piece of sauerkraut out from between his teeth. “Probably not, actually. Susan said, and I quote, ‘I don’t know why, but I can guess’ about the reasons for the transfer. Since she doesn’t have access to recordings, it wouldn’t have been only that.” He leaves Aaron to mull that thought over for a while and munches some chips. Aaron says finally, “If I resign, they might let you come back. Would that make things right?” Jonathan’s heart stutters, quick flash of hope in his throat, his eyes, his belly. He squashes it. “If they thought I was the better employee,” he says, “they would have reassigned you.” “I’m not a good agent,” Aaron states, voice flat. “I’m good at breaking things and at killing people. You are also not a good agent. You have excellent people skills when you choose to, but you’re virtually hopeless at fighting. We’re better as a team than we are apart.” And there goes whatever plausible deniability Ye Sheng would have had about their careers. Jonathan lets go of that thought – it’s not his job anymore – and for a moment wants to say, No, that’s your dick talking. He doesn’t. Aaron probably doesn’t think with his dick, unlike the sane male part of the human species. “So find another agent with good people skills and work with them. It’s not the end of the world that we’re not working together anymore. Life isn’t a vending machine. Things change.” “Not always for the better,” Aaron says. Jonathan ignores him and gathers up the wax-paper sandwich wrappers to throw them out. Their walk back to the office is silent except for the voice-recognition test at the door. Even the farewells; Aaron only nods at him when Jonathan waves on his way out the elevator. There’s a loud-letter icon in the corner of Jonathan’s personal computer when he wakes up in the morning to check his email. He taps the icon to open it without looking to see who it’s from. The message loads while he drinks coffee and pages through the front page section of the WSJ on his newspaper-reader. When the computer is done loading, the message starts playing automatically. “Jonathan,” the voice begins, and he can’t stop the flicker of arousal that shoots through him at the sound of Aaron’s disembodied voice coming from his computer speakers. “I talked to Susan. She says she might be able to get you on Asia-only active duty with Koskinen. If you’re interested, tell her.” The message ends. Jonathan can stand Koskinen. Whether or not Koskinen can stand Jonathan is an entirely different question. The most contact they’ve ever really had was group meetings with all of Susan’s agents, and the few Christmas parties they’ve both been to. Koskinen is small, serious, an eclectic ethnic mix that lets him blend in with almost any group. He spent most of his formative years living in a Chinatown somewhere, so he speaks fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, which would be a nice match to Jonathan’s better-than-passing Thai, Japanese, and Korean. Certainly he and Jonathan are a better business fit on paper than Jonathan and Aaron, whose specialties, besides killing people, are Farsi, Spanish, and Portuguese. This means nothing, obviously. Jonathan doesn’t daydream in the shower about all the ways he didn’t get to have sex with Koskinen. His loud-letter replayer clicks onto the next message. “Hey, Jonathan, this is Susan Mehta. Look, I don’t know what you’re doing to Aaron, but whatever the fuck it is, stop it. I can’t have my agents falling apart on the job, so whatever the fuck is going on between you two, get it back to some kind of balance point. Because Aaron is starting to rock boats, and the moment boats get rocked, ears perk among the higher-ups and bad shit happens. Fix it now, because otherwise it’s not just going to be you with a new job, it’s going to be him, too. “On that note, come see me whenever you’re next in the office; if I pull a few strings I might be able to get you into West Coast duty, but only if you can do it without messing Aaron up. Bye.” Can he do his job apart from Aaron, despite having been Aaron’s partner for more than ten years? Yes. Can he do his job away from Aaron, despite wanting to learn more of his body every time he sees him? Stupid question. Can Aaron put himself back together? Not Jonathan’s concern. Their sexualized working partnership is over; Aaron’s wanting to work with him again is just his craving for efficiency. Jonathan will talk to him about it, make it absolutely clear how over things other than friendly professional regard are, and that’ll be the end. Aaron doesn’t hold onto hopeless causes. He puts together new strategies to cope with changes in plans, so Jonathan doesn’t foresee this being a problem. He makes his way down to Susan’s office during his lunch hour the next day and knocks on the door. She calls out from her desk for him to come in, so he does. She is grinning, looking a little embarrassed, and shakes her head as if to herself. “I knew you’d be by, so I took the liberty of talking to some people earlier today. Ones who won’t froth at the mouth over the same things that the ones who ordered your transfer probably did. You’ll hear back in a day or two.” He bows his head, uncomfortable with the feeling in his throat, like silvered cotton candy, delicious and fragile. “Thank you.” “Don’t thank me yet,” she says, and waves him out of her office. He walks to the other side of the hall, where Aaron’s cubicle is; Aaron isn’t there, so instead Jonathan pulls up Aaron’s notepad program and scrawls on it with the stylus, in red ink, We should talk. – Byrne, before going to lunch at the deli. He wonders what everyone else makes of this mess. Probably nothing. Both Susan and Aaron know how to keep their mouths shut. He’s halfway through his ham and cheese sandwich when he sees Aaron striding purposefully down the sidewalk towards the deli’s glass storefront. He puts down his sandwich and takes a drink while Aaron fumbles with the sticking door and wheels into the seating area before crashing into the chair across from Jonathan. He’s not breathing hard, exactly, but a little more deeply than usual. Jonathan pretends not to notice Ye Sheng’s hands sliding away from the register. “Right, you’re here,” Jonathan says, pushing the other half of his sandwich across the table at Aaron, who ignores it. “Let’s talk. You’re not allowed to play brick wall; every statement requires a response that the other person can understand. If he doesn’t, he needs to say so. Understand?” “Susan yelled at me last night because this situation is messing you up. That needs to stop happening, otherwise you may very well get pulled off field service. What’s going on up there in your head?” Aaron is silent for almost a minute, eyes cast to Jonathan’s side of the white Formica table, unmoving. Finally he stirs, crossing his arms on the table and looking back at Jonathan. “I want to have you as a part of my life. We make good working partners and better friends.” And, apparently, irrelevant fuck buddies. Jonathan spares a moment of black humor to be annoyed that Aaron thought his blow jobs so hopeless as to not even mention that he wasn’t enjoying them. “So?” Jonathan challenges, taking back the sandwich from the center of the table and rewrapping it to take with him back to work. “So your unhappiness at being forced out of your job bothers me. It’s also a waste of your capabilities to have you on desk duty.” “So you’re trying to help me get my job back. Do you know what that looks like?” Aaron’s watching the street outside. “I’m not asking to work with you again.” “It doesn’t look good, is what it looks like.” Jonathan is most of the way through revving his mental engines in preparation for a rant, but he stalls when Aaron holds up a hand. “Public fights aren’t good.” “Then find someplace private,” Jonathan snaps. Aaron’s expression flickers between several emotions that would be unreadable to anyone other than Jonathan, or perhaps Aaron’s mother, before finally settling on tooth-gritted anxious determination. “My apartment, then,” he says. “After work.” Aaron’s apartment is on the fifteenth floor of a thirty-story apartment building; Jonathan knows from dismayed and out-of-breath experience that Aaron prefers the stairs. As usual, they don’t take the elevator. At the top, Jonathan has to wait while Aaron disables the paranoiac safeguards on his door, entryway, living room, the rest of the apartment. In the meantime, he leans against the whitewashed plaster wall in an attempt to help his quads stop burning. When Aaron calls out the all-clear, Jonathan leans his shoulder into the switch that opens the apartment door and lurches inside. There, he falls onto Aaron’s couch, which is lumpy, dark blue, and not designed for seated comfort. It’s perfectly fine lying down, though, so Jonathan does, hooking the backs of his ankles over the armrest. Aaron takes a seat in a chair on the other side of a truly disconcerting coffee table. The surface is painted to resemble a World War II-era United States propaganda poster where a caricature of Hideki Tojo urges the watcher to, yes please, neglect his war production duties. The table was a gift from Jonathan. He had bought it at a garage sale during college, and decided to give it to Aaron after they started working together smoothly. It is a small joke, just between them, mostly for Jonathan. Aaron was shocked to discover that despite looking nearly as white as his name sounds, Jonathan is mostly ethnically Brazilian Japanese. Jonathan still gets a laugh out of the memory of Aaron’s facial expression. “Something to drink?” Aaron asks. He’s already holding a square glass of ice water, which he puts down on the red-sun logo on Tojo’s hat. “I’ll have what you’re having,” Jonathan says, and makes good on it by seizing the cup and sliding it to his side of the table. Aaron, unfazed, stands up again and goes to the kitchen to get himself another glass. Jonathan takes the opportunity to lean back against the couch armrest and stretch his neck, which lets him catch a multi-second glimpse of Aaron, the vivid blue of his shirt and the darkness of his pants in marked contrast against the white tile, counter, and cabinets of his kitchen. The half-shadowed line of the back of his neck is nothing Jonathan hasn’t seen in full before – Aaron doesn’t usually wear shirts with collars – but now, the glimpse stolen, it captures all Jonathan’s attention for the moments he’s watching. When he finishes stretching and returns to staring at the ceiling, his throat is dry. Aaron returns to the table, sets down the glass of water, and sits, resting his forearms along his thighs. Jonathan pretends he’s not watching by picking up his stolen glass and draining it until the ice clicks against the sides. “I disabled all the surveillance equipment last night,” Aaron says finally. He doesn’t add anything useful, like So we can talk freely now, or more likely So if an orgasm would put you in a better mood, say so. Jonathan watches the ceiling. He remembers that once, a little drunk, he saw the Arabian peninsula in one of the cracks in the paint. Now he sees cracks in almost-random patterns caused by physical stress. “I don’t want to go back,” he says, then, “No. That’s a lie. I want to go back to South America and go back to all our old jobs there, minus the sex, because it’s lost me the best and most successful job I’ve ever had.” Aaron, in his peripheral vision, shifts his weight forward a little in the chair. “That won’t happen.” “And I’m not sure what second-best is. Is it the far West Coast with Koskinen, just like what I had before but entirely different? Or is it staying where I am? Or leaving and going somewhere entirely different?” Aaron picks up his glass of water and drinks. Jonathan keeps his eyes fixed on the ceiling, but his attention is on Aaron. Aaron finally suggests, “Why not evaluate them.” “Why not,” Jonathan muses. “Let’s see. I get a job I may like, speaking languages I know reasonably well, in a part of the world I’ve always liked, for good pay. I almost never come home, I get a partner whom I barely know, I may die, I’ll never be promoted.” Aaron exhales into his glass, fogging the sides, his eyes down. “If I stay here, I’ll get better pay, I’m not likely to die in a spectacularly violent or painful way, I’ll be able to meet up with friends, assuming I have any or gain some. I’ll also be bored out of my skull.” “You’re a terrible marksman,” Aaron rumbles into his glass. “So I’ll practice.” “Irredeemably terrible,” he amends, but there’s a cadence to his voice, a pitch-difference, like maybe he’s not being completely serious. “Yes, well. I’m not supposed to be the brawn of this joint enterprise,” Jonathan retorts before he remembers, with stomach-freezing heart-sinking clarity, that no, he’s not the brawn because he and Aaron aren’t a joint enterprise at all anymore. Aaron sets down his glass, tracing the outlines of Tojo’s hat on the table with his fingertips. “You’ll take it.” “If it comes through.” Aaron moves to pick up his glass. Jonathan isn’t watching, not even really peripherally, so he doesn’t quite see, but it ends up falling onto the floor, spilling water all over. Aaron couldn’t have shoved it off the table like Jonathan thinks he might have seen. He wouldn’t do that. His grip on the glass must have slipped on the condensation. The floor, pinnacle of decorative nanodesign, melts from carpet into a patch of wood. Instead of going and getting a towel like a normal person, or leaving the water to evaporate, Aaron just strips off his shirt and dries the spot on the floor. He drapes his shirt over the table. The floor re-shapes again into carpet. Jonathan wants to throttle Aaron, then thinks better of it. He wants to set his hands, his mouth, to Aaron’s shoulders, taste salt and skin, and okay, he’s a little desperate, but it’s probably justified because he hasn’t had sex in nearly a month. Instead he turns his attention back to the ceiling. “Well,” he murmurs lowly, “I won’t be able to decide now.” He lets his legs slide over the edge of the couch, feet landing on the floor as he sits up. “Thanks for letting me, you know, crash on your Freud couch. Want to switch places?” Aaron shrugs minutely, the light from the sunset outside the window playing games of sunlight and shadow in the hollows of his collarbone, against the muscles of his chest. “No. Not yet. Need to think about it first.” Jonathan, a little put out, rolls his shoulders. “I guess I’ll go home, then.” “Might as well stay for dinner. Take-out.” They walk down to get take-out from an Indian restaurant a few blocks away and sit at the two-person table in Aaron’s kitchen to eat it. Jonathan half-expects to be propositioned sometime during the meal, but Aaron never does. Jonathan’s not sure if he likes that or not. On the one hand, it’s realistic, because Jonathan would probably turn him down unless he made a deeply convincing case, which Jonathan suspects Aaron would be incapable of doing. Or it could be the depressing option, which is that Aaron doesn’t care, doesn’t want it, isn’t like Jonathan and didn’t spend the last five years hoping for more than he ever got. Jonathan leaves Aaron’s apartment feeling clearer about himself, but knowing the situation is no more resolved than it was before. A week later Jonathan catches sight of Susan coming down the hall towards his cubicle. He never leaves his back to the empty door-space, but he pretends not to see her until he has to. She isn’t smiling. “Jonathan,” she says, knocking on the silicon-composite frame of his cubicle. “Let me guess,” he says, not looking up. “I’m stuck here.” His throat hurts, and he wants her out of his cubicle before he starts breaking down. “Not…exactly. The people who transferred you without talking to you first were viewed as having overreacted in a manner that went against not only department regulations but also, ahem, a civil rights law that still applies to you, so they’ve been slapped on the wrist. If you hear rumors about handler reorganizations and demotions, you didn’t hear them from me. “I’m being told you should just be reassigned within my group, if you still want to be, and off the record Koskinen is excited to get someone who knows the region. “You and Aaron are both on probation for the next two years, as well, and don’t expect bonuses for at least twice that long.” Jonathan swallows anything that might come out of his mouth, because it would come out as ecstatic shouting, so instead he leans back in his chair and coughs. “Um,” he says, “thank you. For helping.” “Jesus, Byrne, stop trying to be manly about it. I know how much this means to you. You’re allowed to crack a facial expression.” He laughs instead. He spends two months in the Philippines with Koskinen. They think so alike they might as well be reading each others’ minds, and they’re far more efficient than either of them was with previous work partners. No offense meant to Aaron, but Jonathan is better in East Asia and Oceania than he ever was in South America. When they get back to the New States, Jonathan goes hunting after Aaron, only to find that Aaron’s been sent off to Argentina for a little while. Jonathan has to go out to Korea before Aaron gets back, and then he and Koskinen are delayed by some higher-up international power struggle masquerading as paperwork problems at Narita. That mess ends with them needing to spend two weeks in Tokyo before they can get back to the New States. By the time they do, Jonathan is deeply jet-lagged. The moment he is back in his apartment he takes a shower and then collapses into bed. It’s barely five in the evening. He wakes up at two AM, tries to roll over and sleep some more and finds he can’t, so he gets up and fishes through his kitchen for something to eat, eventually managing to find a box of uncooked pasta. Even after he’s cooked and eaten the pasta, it’s still dark out. He turns on a light and reads a book for a couple of hours, then tries to get back to sleep. This time, it works. He wakes later that morning, when the sun has finally risen, and finds Aaron sitting in a chair that he has dragged into place next to Jonathan’s bed. Aaron’s hands and gun holsters are empty, hands clasped and forearms resting on his thighs. “What’s this about?” Jonathan asks. Aaron shrugs minutely. “Missed you.” If only hearing that didn’t make Jonathan’s heart swell, make him want to wrap himself around Aaron in ways that he’s never been allowed to do. “You could’ve left me a message asking me to call you about lunch when I got back.” “Could’ve,” Aaron acknowledges, “but didn’t want to.” Aaron stares at his own hands for a few moments. “I didn’t notice when we were working together that I want you around. I do now because you’re not always with me, and it makes me crazy. Thinking ‘Jonathan would like this’ and wanting to fold the memory up, keep it in a pocket to bring to you. Not being able to. “I miss working with you because I miss you. You’re probably still mad as hell, but since we’re not working partners anymore, I want to try everything over again.” Jonathan swallows. “That wasn’t you talking,” he says, his mouth numb. “I know how to interpret Aaron-speak. That wasn’t it. Translate for me what you just said.” Aaron half-smiles, glancing away, ducking his head a little in embarrassment. “In Jonathan-speak it’s probably ‘I’m being a girl, so date me already’.” Jonathan lets himself roll back, flat onto the bed, and puts a hand over his face in exasperation. “Let me get this straight,” he says. “After ten years of sporadic sex, you think now is a good time to reboot and do things with roses and candlelit dinners?” “Was thinking fewer roses, more sex. Can still do the dinners, if you like.” “It’s barely even time for breakfast.” “Did say ‘more sex’.” Jonathan groans, eyes still covered. “That was an awful come-on,” he starts, only to fall silent at the sensation of Aaron’s fingers brushing up his throat to his lips, tracing their contours. There’s a rustle of fabric, a change in the air currents, and Jonathan almost opens his eyes before Aaron is kissing him, sideways and awkward and morning-breath bitter. He finally has to turn his head to break the kiss, needing to breathe, and Aaron doesn’t stop. He just shifts his attention to the corners of Jonathan’s eyes, his cheekbones, the side of his neck. “I thought,” Jonathan manages, sliding his fingers against the cloth of Aaron’s shirt, unbuckling the holsters across his chest and opening the buttons, “that kissing was outside the parameters of our interactions. Too gay.” “Was wrong,” Aaron says against his throat. “It’s very much inside the parameters.” I’m so glad, Jonathan thinks, only a little sarcastic, but he doesn’t say it. Instead he pulls Aaron on top of him, Aaron’s knees spread over his thighs, the cloth of Aaron’s unbuttoned shirt glancing over his bare chest. And then Aaron, pants unbuttoned-unzipped bulging, folds to sitting just below Jonathan’s hips – he’s heavy – and kisses him, again and again, unending. Jonathan fumbles between their bodies, trying to unwrap the sheets and the clothing from between them, and finally his pajama pants are off and Aaron’s clothing has slipped down his hips, matching erections out oh-yes-hello-I-missed-you. Jonathan laughs into Aaron’s breastbone, chokes on his own breath when Aaron grinds into him, the rough heat of Aaron’s stomach, his cock, too much too soon. Aaron hisses. There’s supposed to be lube in the bathroom. Jonathan never kept it next to the bed because he stopped masturbating after he found out about the security cameras. Now he wants it but doesn’t want to leave the bed to get it, doesn’t want to stop touching Aaron. Just slides his hand between their bodies, skin and hardness against his palm. One of Aaron’s hands reaches to join his, Aaron’s other sliding beneath Jonathan’s back, upward warm pressure on his spine. At some point Aaron’s rhythm slips into unevennness, desperation, throwing off Jonathan’s pace just enough that Aaron comes on him, unexpected. But instead of going away – leaving him – finishing Jonathan like he’s a chore – Aaron slides down his body and apologizes, Never done this before. Sorry, the words breathed vibrations into his hip and Aaron’s mouth warm and slick on him. Jonathan comes watching Aaron blow him. Aaron wakes him a half an hour later. Jonathan puts on clothes while Aaron fixes the ones he was already wearing. They go into work together, and take all the stairs. Their cubicles are at opposite ends of Susan’s group’s space, Jonathan’s further from the staircase exit than Aaron’s. When he moves to leave Aaron touches his shoulder, stopping him, and then the back of his neck, right over C6, intimately dangerous reassurance. Jonathan stands up straight and looks back, meeting Aaron’s gaze – okay, sex in the men’s room during lunch is definitely now on his agenda. Aaron almost smiles before he looks away. Jonathan takes that as his cue to go to his cubicle and get to work on the report from the adventure in Korea/Narita. Koskinen, from the cubicle next to his, says, “Oh, good, you’re here. I did my best with my memory, but I need you to check against the recording of the security goons.” “Sure,” Jonathan says, going into Koskinen’s cubicle and leaning over his shoulder. “Move over and give me a set of a headphones.” Koskinen rolls his chair out of Jonathan’s way. “Whiny bitch,” he says, holding out a tangle of wire and plastic, grinning. Jonathan waves an obscene gesture in Koskinen’s direction and picks up the headphones. He turns on the recording, listens to it for a second before pausing it, and reads Koskinen’s recounting. “Go use my desk for the day,” he tells Koskinen. “Your memory is abysmal.” He grins, knowing that Koskinen is rolling his eyes, and gets to work. It’s the sixth time he’s listened to this particular sentence and he’s still not sure exactly what the guard said. He’s trying to figure out from the sound graph if it was a single- or double-length vowel, and he thought he was beyond this, except it changes the meaning – Someone taps his shoulder, and he’s so concentrated on listening that he starts to go for the lock without thinking – Only to find himself dumped back in his chair, Aaron leaning over him, not quite smiling, and pulling Jonathan’s headphones off. “Said your name before,” Aaron says. “Even the Japanese one.” And Jonathan didn’t answer, right. “What time is it?” Jonathan asks, then checks the clock on the screen. Twelve-thirty. “Give me a second to close this up and then we can go.” He turns the chair so that it’s facing the screen computer screen again and tries to finish his sentence while Aaron looms over him, hands on the arms of Jonathan’s chair. There can’t more than an inch between Aaron’s chest and the back of Jonathan’s head. Obvious, and dangerous, and – but they’re not partners anymore. Jonathan locks up his computer and spins his chair again so he’s facing Aaron, who stopped leaning on the chair when it started moving but isn’t really much farther away. When Jonathan stands, he jostles up against Aaron, not accidentally, and Aaron doesn’t move to give him space.
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Legend Geeter is the first member of Providence’s 2021 recruiting class, and while he doesn’t have a ton of national fanfare, he fits a prototype that has been extremely successful under Ed Cooley in recent years. Cooley has thrived with physical, versatile forwards who he can move around the court likes pieces on a chess board, deciding when to play through them to exploit certain match-ups, all while controlling the pace of play. It’s a recipe we’ve seen time and time again, particularly down the stretch of last season. The Friars had bought into playing a smash-mouth style utilizing powerful bodies at virtually every position and turning their season around in the process. So while the Friars may not have shut down twitter with Geeter’s commitment on Friday, all indications are that he will be an ideal fit in their system and, ultimately, the type of player whose overall impact will exceed what most may expect. First and foremost, he’s highly versatile. He may not be the type of athlete who is going to pop off the page when you first see him, but he’s got an Alpha Diallo type ability to create mismatch problems and operate from various spots on the floor, albeit with a little more size. He’s a true mismatch problem who can play inside and out, attack bigger defenders off the bounce, and less physical ones around the rim. He’s going to be capable of playing and defending both forward positions, especially when the Friars elect to play zone and run the flex on the offensive end. Geeter has also been extremely well-coached as his River Rouge program is currently led by LaMonta Stone, a longtime college coach with previous stops at Ohio State, Bowling Green, and Eastern Michigan. Stone also has multiple state championships to his credit at the high school level. That’s a big part of the reason why Geeter’s basketball IQ and passing ability is advanced for someone his age and size. He reportedly averaged 16 points and 10 assists per game last season, and learned how to adapt and pass out of double-teams after seeing multiple defenders on a consistent basis. Committed 💫 pic.twitter.com/MQdOg9nAnX — LegendGeeter4 (@LegendGeeter4) September 11, 2020 Geeter’s finalists ultimately came down to Providence, Georgetown, Duquesne, Western Michigan, and a Mizzou program that ultimately ran out of spots after accepting other commitments. However, he’s certainly a prospect who would have played his way into more high-level offers had circumstances been different. He missed time with injury last summer while playing with the Nike sponsored program, The Family, and, then, never got the chance to earn the type of exposure that the grassroots season provides when COVID hit. Locally though, the consensus in the Midwest region seems to be that Geeter was under-recruited nationally. It’s also believed that Providence should benefit from tapping into local relationships stemming from the success of LaDontae Henton, another Michigan native, as well as the relationships of assistant coach Jeff Battle, who recruited the area hard in the past when he was an assistant at Xavier. Moving forward, the Friars have two available scholarships, including one that remains unfilled this year as they head into the season with only 12 scholarship players. This offers them the flexibility to add a mid-year transfer should the opportunity present itself. With Nate Watson and Noah Horchler both set to graduate, the emphasis will continue to be on adding more size up front. The Friars are one of several programs, including the likes of Kansas, that are chasing Phelps (PA) and Team Durant big man Sam Onu. They’re also making a late push for Dover (NJ) and Team Rio’s Rafael Castro, an athletic and wiry 6’9” late-bloomer who is also considering the likes of Miami and Dayton among others. This list is bound to get longer before it gets shorter though, as the transfer market may ultimately be the most likely place to add new talent. The reason is the unprecedented number of transfers that we’ve seen in 2020 and, given all of the uncertainty around college basketball, the potential for even more in the next calendar year.
ZestCash is not a direct lender. It is a kind of referral service that has a team of lenders that offer online payday loans. This referral service is a way to improve your financial state. Our refferal service implies that a client is asked to fill out an application form and then, a client is redirected to a direct lender. The lender itself will provide additional information about terms and rates. What are loans online? The modern financial system considers a loan as a small loan issued to an individual for a short term. Its amount usually does not exceed $1,000. The repayment period is from 3 to 30 days. Internet loans are issued for any purpose. I need to get a loan online. How to fix it? Choose a lender First you need to decide where to get a loan. There are two most common options with their own characteristics: a bank or an MFI – a microfinance organization. If you have time left, a good credit history, you can easily provide all the necessary documents – contact the bank institution. The bank will give you money for a long period at a rate that will be noticeably less in comparison with short term personal loans. You can contact a microfinance organization if you do not have time or you are not sure that the bank will approve a loan, the loan amount is small. MFIs were once created to support small businesses that cannot always rely on funding from banks. But among ordinary people, emergency cash loans also began to be in demand, so MFIs approve consumer loans. Each client may decide whether a payday loan is suitable for you. When you contact the lender or referral service and they will tell you about the terms of the loan, do not rush to immediately sign the contract. Terms and rates can no longer change. Assess the offer Even if you need money urgently, take your time and do not make hasty decisions: evaluate the offers of different companies. Although a microloan is issued for a short period, keep that in mind. The main aspects to be estimated are: - interest rates, read the individual contract terms and general conditions (set by MFIs unilaterally). - carefully study the individual terms of the contract: they may indicate the conditions for additional services. They affect the amount you need to repay. - check the full cost of the online short term loan. It must be indicated in the agreement between a client and a lender. Rates and terms Every client is able to borrow money fast. Short term cash loans’ amounts offered by lenders when cooperating with ZestCash: - $200.00 – $500.00; - $500.00 – $1,000.00; - $1,100.00 – $2,500.00; - $2,500.00 – $5,000.00. When addressing a lender directly, it will define the exact loan amount you are approved for. The terms are also specified by a lender itself on an individual basis. How to qualify for a loan online? The main qualification requirements for payday and installment loans online are: - be at least 18 years old; - be a U.S. citizen; - be employed and have a reliable source of income; - have a checking account; - have a valid email address and phone number. Advantages of loans online to a credit card - All cash transactions made using a card are easy to track and control. With the help of Internet banking, it is easy to protect yourself from unreasonable expenses. - The security of storing money on a card has proven itself more than once. Cashless funds are much more difficult to steal. If a card is lost, the account can always be blocked. - Credit card is an easy way to pay for online purchases. When you go on a trip, you can pay by card in any other country without changing currency for a local one. - The plastic card is also more hygienic, because the money goes through a huge amount of not always clean hands. - The card is convenient to carry in your pocket or wallet; it completely replaces bills and coins. Trusting someone close to your money, you can make a second card with access to the account. Thus, you will also know what your spouse is spending money on. - There is no risk of receiving a fake bill. The probability of a refund when calculating in the store grows by 100%.
Games situated in Ancient Rome tend be concentrated in the turn-based battle strategy game genre, but what if instead the game focused on the urbanity of this ancient Metropolis? As a student studying computer science, I have many friends interested in various forums of current tech, which of course includes video games. Perhaps it’s the complexity of historical strategy and technology, or the fact that history is so different from what they usually study, but the overlap between computer scientists and a passion for history has been one of my most surprising discoveries in university. So, naturally, when I initially began my research for the SimsRomanCity project, I interviewed some of my friends on their favourite historical games that included Rome, or are related to the Roman Empire. Some popular answers I received were Age of Empires with the Ancient Rome expansion pack, and Total War: Rome. In doing my own research, the latter answer is supported statistically; by quickly searching on Steam- a popular video game digital distribution service platform- I discovered that the current top selling games related to Rome are Total War: Rome II, A Legionary’s Life, and Imperator: Rome. Now, looking at all these games, I noticed a trend emerging (and perhaps you do too). The theme of all these seems to be focused on Rome’s military force and politics, and after looking at the profile of each game, the dominant category each fall into is “Strategy”. Some of these games have city-building elements, such as strategic placement of towers and ports to defend the city, but most focus on battle campaigns. Reflecting upon these results, I wondered, do games based in ancient Rome inherently need a focus on conflict? Rome was the centre of the Roman Empire, and thus was consistently a hub of military strategy and conflict planning as the empire grew. Undoubtedly, some of the greatest sources of ancient literature regarding strategy and recounts of battle were produced in Rome by the likes of Polybius and later, Julius Caesar. War, strategy, and the politics surrounding it was an important part of Roman history, but video games lack in utilizing another significant part or Rome’s history: city building. Rome is well known in history to have some of the most advanced ancient technology when it came to constructing their city and improving it. An example of this would be their sewage system and fountain fuelled by extensive lengths of aqueducts providing water from auxiliary sources surrounding the city, or their roads constructed with multiple layers and sections accounting for different cases of use. After a vacation to Rome, a friend of mine sent me a book titled Ancient Rome On 5 Denarii A Day, a book written by historian Philip Matyszak meant to be a mock tourist guide for a common person visiting ancient Rome in 200 AD. I’ve gotten about half way through it following its long journey through overseas postal transit, and it has served as inspiration for the direction I’m beginning to take with this project. While reading it, I’ve been considering how the concept of way finding and city discovery could be applied to a city building game such as SimCity. In city building games, traditionally you aren’t wandering the streets, you’re constructing a city from infancy while maintaining the citizens’ demands to keep the city growing and healthy. But what if you were given a small base city- early Rome in this context- to start with, and historically accurate constraints (ex. Taxation limits, control of trade, etc) were applied? The game would become both a city builder and an experiment on the growth of a preexisting ancient city. If given physical and social elements of urban Rome to build upon and with, would a player with no prior experience studying ancient Rome still end up with the same or at least similar city? I would like to analyze and utilize this book further, applying the history taught and the concepts of way finding to modifying the open source SimCity port, Micropolis, where a more urban-exploratory aspect of Rome can be used in game to learn about the city and aspects of its architectural and innovative urban histories.
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 7, 2019 / Skeena Resources Limited (TSX.V:SKE) (OTCQX:SKREF) (“Skeena” or the “Company”) reports that the Board of Directors granted 4,200,000 incentive stock options to directors, officers and consultants of the Company, subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance. The options will have a term of 5 years, expiring on August 07, 2024. Each option will allow the holder to purchase one common share in the Company at a price of $0.45. Any shares issued on the exercise of these stock options will be subject to a four month hold period from the date of grant. Skeena Resources Limited is a junior Canadian mining exploration company focused on developing prospective precious and base metal properties in the Golden Triangle of northwest British Columbia, Canada. The Company’s primary activities are the exploration and development of the past-producing Snip and Eskay Creek mines, both optioned from Barrick. In addition, the Company has completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment on the GJ copper-gold porphyry project. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Skeena Resources Limited, Walter Coles Jr. President & CEO Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements Certain statements made and information contained herein may constitute “forward looking information” and “forward looking statements” within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. These statements and information are based on facts currently available to the Company and there is no assurance that actual results will meet management’s expectations. Forward-looking statements and information may be identified by such terms as “anticipates”, “believes”, “targets”, “estimates”, “plans”, “expects”, “may”, “will”, “could” or “would”. Forward-looking statements and information contained herein are based on certain factors and assumptions regarding, among other things, the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the realization of resource and reserve estimates, metal prices, taxation, the estimation, timing and amount of future exploration and development, capital and operating costs, the availability of financing, the receipt of regulatory approvals, environmental risks, title disputes and other matters. While the Company considers its assumptions to be reasonable as of the date hereof, forward-looking statements and information are not guarantees of future performance and readers should not place undue importance on such statements as actual events and results may differ materially from those described herein. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements or information except as may be required by applicable securities laws. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. SOURCE: Skeena Resources Limited View source version on accesswire.com:
Calcium-48 isotopic anomalies in bulk chondrites and achondrites: Evidence for a uniform isotopic reservoir in the inner protoplanetary disk Nicolas Dauphas, James H. Chen, Junjun Zhang, Dimitri A. Papanastassiou, Andrew M. Davis, Claudia Travaglio Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 407, 1 December 2014, Pages 96–108 The Earth has identical 48Ca isotopic composition to enstatite chondrites (EH and EL) and aubrites. This adds to a long list of elements that display nucleosynthetic anomalies at a bulk planetary scale but show identical or very similar isotopic compositions between enstatite chondrites, aubrites, and Earth. This suggests that the inner protoplanetary disk was characterized by a uniform isotopic composition (IDUR for Inner Disk Uniform Reservoir), sampled by enstatite chondrites and aubrites, from which the Earth drew most of its constituents. The terrestrial isotopic composition for 17O, 48Ca, 50Ti, 62Ni, and 92Mo is well reproduced by a mixture of 91% enstatite, 7% ordinary, and 2% carbonaceous chondrites. The Earth was not simply made of enstatite chondrites but it formed from the same original material that was later modified by nebular and disk processes. The Moon-forming impactor probably came from the same region as the other embryos that made the Earth, explaining the strong isotopic similarity between lunar and terrestrial rocks.
Welcome to the New Port Richey Public Library! 5939 Main St. 727.853.1279 M, TH, F: 10am-5pm T, W: 10am-7pm Sat: 10am-2pm Capacity and visit lengths are limited. Face coverings and social distancing are required, and computer use is by appointment only. The Library Express Lockers, outdoor book drop (no donations, please) and personal shopper services are available, along with a wealth of virtual resources that are available 24 hours a day, free with your current library card or virtual eCard. All returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours before available for use again. This will NOT affect late fees. For more information about your account or questions about library services and resources, please call 727.853.1279. Click here to apply for a library card to access digital resources from home. Library Mission: We transform lives with a curriculum that improves literacy, engages community, advances knowledge and sparks creative expression. Our curriculum includes participatory classes, individualized research assistance, innovative technology, relevant resources, and inspiring experiences that measurably empower our community. Search the catalog, access electronic resources or view your account
“What can I do to be a more responsible traveler?” – Costas Christ, National Geographic Traveler, Travel with Heart. I recently read an article that opened my eyes. Sure, travelers have their own agenda like enjoying ourselves and seeing the sights, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do something worthwhile during the course of our trip. It doesn’t have to be a full scale volunteer project or mission. Sometimes, even a simple act can go a long way. The little things we do can have a positive impact on our destination country and its people. In today’s world of selfies, how do we be selfless? Here are 5 words to remember the next time you hop on a plane (train, bus, boat…you get the picture) and head off to your next adventure and journey: Each country has its own culture. Keep in mind that you are a guest. Respect the locals. Respect their traditions. Don’t be offensive. Don’t insult anyone. Dress properly. Act accordingly. Don’t be one of those tourists that locals hate with a passion. Do your part. Be active in a country’s efforts to promote their culture. Tourism is part of a country’s lifeblood. It is also a way of ensuring the conservation and preservation of a country’s history, heritage sites, traditions and natural wonders. Sure, shopping might be no.1 on your to-do list, but do drop by museums and other historic places. Don’t litter. Be environment-friendly. Reduce your carbon footprint. Cut back on plastic. Don’t add to the country’s landfill problem by using and discarding plastic bottles and containers. Don’t destroy anything and never buy wildlife products. Buy local. Eat local. Supporting local artisans and craftsmen can improve their lives and the people who depend on them. To quote Costas Christ, “locally-made crafts, souvenirs and products are not always cheaper but purchasing them ensures your contribution to the economy will have a more direct and positive impact.” If you can, do something that gives back to the community. Be a volunteer. There are lots of countries that have suffered calamities and could use a helping hand. You can join Habitat for Humanity to help build homes in your destination country. It won’t just enrich your life, but the lives around you too. This article is inspired by Costas Christ’s 7 Steps of Becoming a Better Traveler.
"It's been 29 years and I can't forget. I can't forget," says mother Irene Avila, who lost her only daughter. It was October 1985 in the San Fernando Valley. Karen Severson was one of Missy Avila's best friends and vowed to help the family find her killer. Severson didn't have to look far. "She had us all fooled. She had my daughter-in-law fooled, my sons were fooled, everybody was fooled," says Irene Avila, who never suspected Severson was the real killer. "How cold-blooded can you get?" It took police nearly three years to crack the case. A fourth teenage girl who had been there on the day of the murder finally came forward after spending years wracked with guilt. Severson and Laura Doyle were arrested and convicted in 1990 of second-degree murder. Both are now out of prison, and Severson is promoting her new memoir in which she describes the brutal crime. Severson says jealousy and fights over boyfriends led to Missy Avila's murder. "I pushed her," Severson explains. "I was tired. I was frustrated. All this stuff, everything we were accusing her of, she knew she did it, but not one time did she say she's sorry!" Missy Avila's family is outraged by Severson's new book. "It's almost as if we're fighting for Missy's life all over again," says Missy's sister-in-law Shavaun Avila. The possibility that Karen could profit from the book, as well as an upcoming documentary, is spurring the family to push for new legislation. "When I first found out about Karen's book, it felt like a sock in the gut," Shavaun Avila says. The Avila family is hoping to bring a version of the "Son of Sam" law back to California. The law prevented convicted felons from cashing in by selling the story of their crimes. But it was struck down by the California Supreme Court in 2002 for violating the First Amendment. "We teach our children that crime doesn't pay, but in California it does pay," says Shavaun Avila, who is working with Crime Victims United to create a new law that could withstand constitutional scrutiny. If she's successful, Shavaun Avila hopes to call the legislation, "Missy's Law." Severson says she'll donate a portion of any of her proceeds from the book and documentary to an anti-bullying organization in Missy Avila's name. "I didn't say everything. I have to live. It's hard to get a job out there," Severson says. Severson is currently working as a telemarketer and says that because the book just came out, it's too early to tell how much, if any, money she'll collect. When asked how she would feel if someone killed her daughter and wrote a book about it, she responded that her feelings would depend "on what the book said." Missy Avila's mother still can't understand why Severson would put their family through so much pain, now 29 years after the murder. "It's not fair. She's getting away with it all over again," Irene Avila says. Severson nearly did get away with the 1985 murder. She kept tabs on the investigation by staying close with Missy's family, spending days and nights at their home, and suggesting possible suspects. "On the one hand, I had this sick obligation that I needed to be there in support of the family because I've known them for years," Severson says. "On the other hand, I wanted to know what the heck is going on." Karen and Laura kept up the charade for almost three years. Both girls attended Missy Avila's funeral. "I was her mother, why didn't I know?" asks Irene Avila. "Why couldn't I tell, why couldn't I feel, why couldn't I feel that she'd killed my daughter?" Severson claims the murder was not premeditated and that Missy Avila didn't deserve to die. "That was my friend too. People don't seem to realize that," Severson says. "They don't have a daughter. They don't have a sister. I don't have a friend!" Missy's family is still floored by Severson's actions. "My daughter is dead in the ground and Karen is going to profit out of writing a book about her? And profit on it? No, there ought to be a law that that cannot happen," Irene Avila says. She added: "Tell her (Severson) to go to hell. I'm her worst nightmare!" Missy Avila's family is working on their own documentary about Missy's life and murder. It will be called "17 to Life."
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2017 has become one hell of a good year for film. With various artisan launches and the imminent return of Ektachrome., much of the buzz has focused on not just one but 2 films hailing from Ferrania’s plant. What better way to test them out than shooting on a Vintage Ferrania Camera !! Continue reading Ferrania on Ferrania – Ciao Italia ! FILM Ferrania relaunch finally bore fruits earlier this year with arrival of P30, a panchromatic B&W film based on the legendary P30 movie film. I was lucky enough to be able as a backer to buy and try out some of the alpha release version. But how well balanced is it ? Continue reading Colour Testing Ferrania P30 Alpha Goodness what a year for film 2017 is turning out. A resurgent Kodak kicked things off right at the start with the announcement that Ektachrome will be back by the end of the year. But in March it has been gone a bit Italian with 2 launches of 2 very different films made just 50km from Genoa. Continue reading The Italian Job – A Tale of 2 ‘New’ Films The Pentax P30 series (P3 in the US) is often not at the top of the SLR shopper’s list. But these models are actually quite capable, abet slightly flawed, and are a cheap way into the fantastic K mount series. Continue reading Bad penny done good ? – Pentax P30 Series Review
MCSALLY: As the first woman to fly a fighter plane in combat and command a fighter squadron, I'm passionate about equal opportunity and fairness for women. It's why I fought to end a discriminatory policy that required America's servicewomen to wear Muslim garb – and I won. And it's why I'm taking on my own party to fight for equal pay for women. You can trust me to always stand up for what's right. I'm Martha McSally and I approve this message.
BASC has ensured that a possible ban on the sale of woodpigeons has been averted. Natural England’s draft general licences, under which woodpigeons can be legally shot, included a condition that would have resulted in a ban on the sale of their meat. This would have had massive implications for shooters, farmers, the general public, game dealers and game cookery. BASC’s head of game and gamekeeping, Tom Blades, said: “BASC is delighted that we have been able to work with Natural England and Defra to overturn the ban on the sale of woodpigeons for human consumption. This is a great result for all shooters, those processing and selling woodpigeon and the general public.” A spokesperson from Natural England said: “Natural England has no intention of banning the sale of woodpigeon and will work with Defra and BASC to ensure that the general licences introduced in 2010 will continue to allow the sale of legally shot woodpigeon.”
2021 Camp dates and Open Registration coming in October! Thanks for your patience! And in the mean time have a look at what we did in 2020! #againstallodds Blading Camp Newsletter. Get discounts and exclusive offers! We are a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, Adventure Skate Academy, with emphasis on creating an expanding community of conscious skaters while teaching expert skating techniques and practices to sustain a healthy and thriving future for all. An ecological experience where we live in nature, tour local UNESCO World Heritage sites, recycle and compost all the trash we make while using only locally sourced, ecological produces for all our delicious meals. A residential camp where we live together for 6 days with the best Pro’s in the industry! We’ve hosted over 500+ riders of all ages, skills, styles and backgrounds, from over 40 countries all with magnificent results. “I’ve attended every year of Camp since 2017, and it’s truly the best experience… each year just gets better and better.” Lewis – 26 – England Where is it? Welcome to Andalucía. Málaga, 300 days of sunshine a year, 185 kilometers of coastline, and the friendliest of people. Discover it’s breathtaking landscapes, it’s extensive culture, flamenco, the famous white villages, it’s abundance of 30+ unique skate parks, some of the most spectacular beaches, street skating, city routes, adventures in nature or it’s inexhaustible gastronomical delights. Malaga is a home for skaters. We make it all so easy! Blading Camp is an evolving community which means each year we improve and become more in alignment with our philosophy and principals. Our Camp locations are always surrounded by nature, with super comfy beds fully equipped with everything you will need, a giant swimming pool, lots of space for our activities, workshops, practice rails, and our incredible chefs preparing all your Traditional Spanish meals. Clean Comfy beds Giant swimming Pool Huge Shared Common Room Outdoor YOGA Space Practice Grind Rails A Garden where our veggies will come from! Yes, yes, all of this is for you. Welcome to the 2021 Blading Camp! Have you ever dreamed of going on a Big Skate Tour? Now is your chance! It doesn’t matter if your learning to skate, been skating your whole life professionally or if it’s your first time in many years to return to skate again you’ll find yourself at home and perfectly in place here at Blading Camp. We all travel together in style in one big bus that is fully equipped with ice cold air conditioning, big, comfy seats with USB chargers, and WiFi to comfortably get from place to place. Together, with other riders from all over the world, we’ll maneuver all along the Costa Del Sol, in and out of each uniquely beautiful city, arriving to all the great skate parks and breathtaking daily activities. “Everything was so well organized! I only had to worry about packing my bag and skates for the day” – Sifra – 26 – Netherlands Also, included for our riders under 18 years old is our legendary airport service where we pick you up and drop you off at the airport! All you have to do is tell us when your landing! Every day is loaded with adventures, activities and skating! We’ll be taking adventures around Málaga such as the famous Ancient city of Granada where we will visit the breathtaking Alhambra Castle, tour the beautiful small Spanish streets and shops, and top it all off with a huge skate park. We’ll trek high in the Andalusian mountains to the Ancient Megalithic Ruins of El Torcal. We have lots of chill time on many beaches oh and yes, we’ve got umbrellas to make shade. We’ll tour loads of cities on skates like the famous Marbella. As well, Fuegirola, Antequera, San Pedro and Benalmádena! Visit Lake Ardales that is one of the most beautiful, freshwater lakes in Spain. The surrounding views are impressive with cliffs and mountains all around the turquoise blue water that is so clean you can drink from it. We wake up early to enjoy the day to the fullest and arrive home just in time for dinner! Our days our packet with lots of skating and activities…From sunrise to sunset! Are you prepared for 6 days of skating the best places on the planet with a crew of superheros? “My son came back a better person, the staff blew my mind, they were an example to young children by being real, responsible and very positive.” Sara – Mom – Netherlands Have a special diet? Vegan or Veggie? No problem! How ever you like your food, we’ll prepare it perfectly. We have a 5 Star, professional Spanish chefs cooking all your meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner including some of the Traditional Spanish dishes, like Tortillas, Empanadas and Paellas. We understand that skating all day in this heat takes lots of energy so we make sure the plate portions are huge to keep you powered up all day. All food is biologically sourced from Málaga which means your guaranteed the highest quality of food prepared specifically for athletes. The Spanish sun is strong and we keep fresh, cold water, snacks and fruits with us everywhere we go! Rest assured, whatever you need, we’ve got you covered! “My son has attended camp two years in a row… I love how they incorporate healthy eating and new experiences for children and young people such as yoga. They are a conscientious group…” Lyn – Mom – Scotland 1-on-1 lessons from your favorite Pros Practice Rails Sessions We’ve got 2 Practice Rails this year and we’ll be making different sessions at the Blade Camp House! Remember, practice makes perfect! Daily Yoga Class We offer daily Yoga/Stretching classes to warm up and keep your bodies prepared for the long day of skating! We’re Pro’s at this! Each week well have up to 4 of our Blading Camp Staff Coaches depending on their availability and the size of the week. Please be sure to keep a watch of social media where we announce each week with the coaches! Sign up quickly if you wish to spend your summer shredding in the beautiful sun of Málaga, visiting up too 8+ different skate parks and pump tracks, as well as many breathtaking adventures living and learning with different skaters and Pros from all over the world! Limited Space Available The Original Blading Camp: Official After Video Mind the gap Blading Camp 2018: The Official After-Camp Video (Aug) Mind the gap Blading Camp 2018: July 23rd – 28th Mind the gap Blading Camp 2019: Bladies Camp Documentary Mind the gap Blading Camp 2019 : Summer Camp In Spain by Nils Mind the gap If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us : +34 681 638 057 (Juan) +34 610 662 955 (Josh) One All-Inclusive price Reserve your place now for only 200€ and pay the rest later! What do you get? – All Accommodations at our Camp House with all the goodies! – All Daily Transportation costs in our Blade Bus including our awesome airport service (under 18) where we pick you up and drop you off at the airport! – All Meals, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks: ALL ECOLOGICAL: Prepared by A 5 Star Chef. All Special diets Available – All Daily Skate Park Entrance fees – All Daily Activities costs covered like Ardales Lake, The Ruins of El Torcal and Granada City Tour *You only need to bring a little bit of money if you wish to buy souvenirs! **Any questions or doubts please contact us! Hope your one of the See you in Malaga!!
- Latest Titles - Featured Titles Noise At Work, INDG362 A Brief Guide To Controlling The Risks, INDG362, pack of 5 - Health And Safety Executive (HSE) Loud noise at work can damage your hearing. This leaflet is to help you to understand what you need to do under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (the Noise Regulations) and how you can protect your employees from noise. It will also be useful to employees and safety representatives. It tells you about: the harm that noise can cause; what you have to do under the Noise Regulations; how to assess and control noise at work; personal hearing protection; consulting with your workers The leaflet has been simplified and streamlined to provide clear information that will enable employers to make sensible and proportionate decisions about managing risks arising from noise. The underlying message has not changed. |Format||Leaflet, pack of 5||Published||tbc| |Availability||Available to order||Delivery||Delivery options and charges|
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Below are links to information on the coronavirus and government resources available to you. If you need help with a federal agency or have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to call my office at 202-225-4931 or send me an email. Click here to see our final report from the Economic Recovery Task Force, established at the request of Governor Ivey to provide recommendations to reopen the local economy. Help Stop the Spread - The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. This is why social distancing is very important. Avoid any unessential travel and stay home whenever possible. If you must go into public, try to maintain six feet of distance between you and anyone else. - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. - Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. - Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. - Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. - Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Click here for specific information if you suspect you or someone in your family may have the Coronavirus. - For additional information on how you can help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, click here. Beware of Scams The Scammers are using the phone, text messages, and emails to target taxpayers and steal economic impact payments and other personal information. The IRS has provided a list of red flags to look for. Scammers may: - Emphasize the words “Stimulus Check” or “Stimulus Payment.” Those are incorrect. The official term is economic impact payment. - Ask the taxpayer to sign over their economic impact payment check to them. - Ask by phone, email, text, or social media for verification of personal and/or banking information saying that the information is needed to receive or speed up their economic impact payment. - Suggest that they can get a tax refund or economic impact payment faster by working on the taxpayer’s behalf. This scam could be conducted by social media or even in person. - Mail the taxpayer a bogus check, perhaps in an odd amount, then tell the taxpayer to call a number or verify information online in order to cash it. Additionall, the Treasury Department has provided an online tool for taxpayers to learn about and report scams related to COVID-19 relief checks. Federal and State Resources - For the latest, up-to-date information on best practices and the number of positive coronavirus cases in the U.S., visit the CDC website. - For the latest Alabama-specific coronavirus information and resources, visit the Alabama Department of Public Health’s website. - For guidance from Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s office, click here. Assistance for Individuals - Most Americans will receive an Economic Impact Payment from the federal government. You can click here to check the status of your payment. - Individual adults with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 and married couples making up to $150,000 are eligible to receive up to $1,200 for individuals or $2,400 for married couples. Parents will also receive $500 for each qualifying child. For individuals with income above those amounts, the payment amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 above the $75,000/$150,000 thresholds. Single filers with income exceeding $99,000 and $198,000 for joint filers with no children are not eligible. No income is necessary to qualify for the rebate, and individuals on Social Security and veterans benefits will be eligible. - For individuals who have already filed their 2019 tax returns, the IRS will use this information to calculate the payment amount. For those who have not yet filed their return for 2019, the IRS will use information from their 2018 tax filing to calculate the payment. Thus, for the vast majority of Americans, no action will be necessary to receive the rebate. - Additionally, Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Railroad Retirement recipients who are not typically required to file a tax return DO NOT need to take any additional action in order to receive the check. - Those who have not filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return and those who receive veterans disability compensation, pension, or survivor benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can enter their information into a secure portal on the IRS website in order to ensure your payment is received in a timely and accurate manner. Click here to enter your information securely to the IRS. As a reminder, most Americans will not need to enter this information. Only those meeting the criteria outlined above should enter their information into the website. - If you have additional questions about the process, I'd encourage you to visit IRS.gov/coronavirus for more information. Assistance for Small Businesses - Working with the Trump Administration, we have provided significant resources to help support our nation’s small businesses. The best place to start is to contact your banker, accountant, and lender for the best information about options for your business. - The Paycheck Protection Program has been created to help small businesses retain their employees with the assistance of a low-interest, forgivable loan. Click here for more information. - Small businesses can also apply for an Economic Injury Disaster loan through the Small Business Administration. These loans offer up to $2 million in assistance and a $10,000 advance that does not have to be repaid. They can provide vital economic support to small businesses to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing. Click here for more information. - For a comprehensive summary of the loans and resources available to your business, visit the SBA website. Assistance for Students - To provide relief to student loan borrowers during the COVID-19 national emergency, federal student loan borrowers are automatically being placed in an administrative forbearance, which allows you to temporarily stop making your monthly loan payment. This suspension of payments will last until Sept. 30, 2020, but you can still make payments if you choose. Click here for more information. - Alabama’s K-12 Public Schools have moved to distance and digital learning for the remainder of the school year. Click here for additional information from the Alabama Department of Education. Assistance for Business Owners and Employees - For a general overview how recently passed legislation on paid sick leave will affect businesses and employees, see this U.S. Department of Labor FAQ. - For safety tips employers can follow to help protect retail workers from exposure to coronavirus, see this OSHA alert. Byrne in the News - Byrne Releases Economic Recovery Task Force Report - Byrne Announces Task Force to Support Economic Recovery - Byrne Calls to Restore Bipartisan Small Business Aid - Byrne Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging More Help for Small Businesses - Byrne Applauds Coronavirus Aid for Alabama Hospitals - Byrne Warns of Coronavirus Relief Check Scams - Byrne on Phase 3 Coronavirus Bill: “Help is On the Way” - Byrne Announces Release of South Alabama Group from Peru - Coronavirus Telephone Town Halls: March 18, March 26, April 2 - Column: At the Peak of the Coronavirus - Column: Approaching the Peak of the Coronavirus - Column: Love in the Time of the Coronavirus - Column: Hope in the Time of the Coronavirus - Column: Slowing the Spread Requires All Hands on Deck - Column: Embrace Precaution, Not Panic, For Coronavirus Safety - Column: Combatting Coronavirus Misinformation
Some Assembly Required Some Assembly Required: How to Make, Grow and Keep Your Business Relationships by Thom Singer is based on the premise that people do business with people they know and like. In a world where more and more products and services are commoditized, having the advantage of being liked will become more and more important to career development. The examples given are things that anyone in any profession can do to stand apart from their competition. The strategies presented appear deceptively simple, though they are basic; few professional businesspeople actually follow through and do these things. You must take action to succeed. About the Author Thom Singer is the host of the widely popular “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do” podcast, and is a professional master of ceremonies and keynote speaker. He has an eclectic background working in sales, marketing and business development roles for Fortune 500 Companies, Law Firms, and entrepreneurial ventures. He believes that all opportunities come from people, and works to encourage “cooperative significance”, guiding others to discover ways to share success. Singer is the author of eleven books on the power of business relationships, business development, legal marketing, entrepreneurship, and presentation skills. He speaks regularly at business and association conferences around the United States and beyond.
In a new memoir, singer/songwriter and activist Ani DiFranco connects herself to people in a new way and re-experiences her life from a place of hard-won wisdom and maturity that combines personal expression, music, feminism, political activism, storytelling, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, motherhood, and much more into one inspiring whole. Here in poetic, honest pages is the tale of an eventful and radical life, defined by an ethos of bravery. For past and future fans, Ani is living proof that you can overcome all personal and internal obstacles to be who you are and to follow your dreams. "Fans of DiFranco's angry folk-punk music know that her song lyrics are an incisive cut right to the truth, and her between-song banter is charmingly random. This pretty much sums up her memoir, which presents her origin story in disjointed flashes. She doesn't draw a direct line between growing up in a funky, wall-less house in Buffalo and her ferociously independent, fiercely DIY personality, instead infusing her years of homelessness and much-older boyfriends with a kind of as Dolly Parton sang good old days when times were bad vibe. She also expounds, fascinatingly and poetically, on her unique sound: the percussive nature of the acoustic guitar, the power of silence. DiFranco is a study in contradictions: she is equal parts Earth Goddess and Fuck the Man; she bristles at the label of entrepreneur because she created Righteous Babe Records to avoid the capitalist recording industry. Though the time line is not totally straightforward, DiFranco concludes her account just after 9/11, as her success led to personal and creative frustrations. This unexpected memoir will be of interest to the many feminists DiFranco has inspired.--Susan Maguire Copyright 2019 Booklist" From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission. Publisher's Weekly Review: "DiFranco, a Grammy Award-winning musician and political activist, makes her literary debut in this powerful reflection on her life and career. Born in 1970, DiFranco grew up in Buffalo, N.Y., the daughter of an aeronautical engineer father and an architect mother, who designed their wall-less, "donut-shaped" house. DiFranco credits her father with forming her "musical subconscious" by introducing her to the music of composer Aaron Copland, guitarist John Fahey, and folk musician Pete Seeger; her mother, meanwhile, instilled in her a sense of social activism. DiFranco began her musical career as a preteen, learning the piano and the guitar while writing her own songs. After her parents separated, she moved out of her mother's house at age 15, finding spare rooms with friends and even sleeping in the bus station. DiFranco immersed herself in music ("I began my musical journey at the intersection of Suzanne Vega and John Martyn"), and moved to New York City in 1989, where she studied poetry and feminism at the New School. In 1990, she cofounded Righteous Babe Records and released her self-titled debut record. Throughout, DiFranco writes of her self-doubts and romantic hardships, including her 2003 divorce from husband Andrew Gilchrist; she also discusses her advocacy for women's reproductive rights (she herself had two abortions; she now has two children). Honest and passionate, DiFranco's memoir will resonate with her many fans. (May) © Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved." (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
William R Viestenz Spanish and Portuguese Studies 214L Folwell Hall 9 Pleasant Street SE Professor Viestenz specializes in modern Iberian literature and culture. He is most recently the author of By the Grace of God: Francoist Spain and the Sacred Roots of Political Imagination. In this book he constructs a theory of the sacred through a cultural analysis of Iberian literature published during Franco's dictatorship, placing the use of the sacred in this time period with current debates related to post-secularism and political theology. Authors studied in the book include Juan Benet, Juan Goytisolo, Mercè Rodoreda, Salvador Espriu, Luis Martín-Santos, and Joan Sales. Another recent publication is the co-edited volume, The New Ruralism: An Epistemology of Transformed Space, which reconsiders the time-hallowed antinomy of country and city and looks to the rural as a source of new forms of representation and temporal distribution. He has also published on the concept of auto-fiction and second-language adoption in Josep Pla, contingency and ethics in Javier Marías's recent work, the phenomenology of memory in Jesús Moncada, amongst other studies. Presently, Professor Viestenz is at work on a second book project entitled Beasts of Burden: Bullfighting and other Eruptions of the Creaturely in Modern Spain, which studies the relationship between animal symbolism and political sovereignty, ethics, and human rights.
We previously reported that approximately 10% of V79 Chinese hamster fibroblast populations clonally derived from single cells immediately after irradiation with either ultraviolet B (UV-B, 290–320 nm, mainly 311 nm) or ultraviolet A (UV-A, 320–400 nm, mainly 350–390 nm) radiation exhibit genomic instability. The instability is revealed by relatively high mutation frequencies in the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) gene up to 23 cell generations after irradiation. These delayed mutant clones exhibited higher levels of oxidative stress than normal cells. Therefore, persistently increased oxidative stress has been proposed as a mechanism for UV-induced genomic instability. This study investigates whether this mechanism is reflected in the deletion spectrum of delayed mutant clones. Eighty-eight percent of the delayed mutant clones derived from UV-A–irradiated populations were found to have total deletion of the hprt gene. Correspondingly, 81% of UV-A–induced early mutations (i.e. detected shortly after irradiation) also had total deletions. Among delayed UV-B–induced mutant clones, 23% had total deletions and 8% had deletion of one exon, whereas all early UV-B events were either point mutations or small deletions or insertions. In conclusion, the multiplex polymerase chain reaction deletion screen showed that there were explicit differences in the occurrence of large gene alterations between early and delayed mutations induced by UV-B radiation. For UV-A radiation the deletion spectra were similar for delayed and early mutations. UV-A radiation is, in contrast to UV-B radiation, only weakly absorbed by DNA and probably induces mutation almost solely via production of reactive oxygen species. Therefore, the present results support the hypothesis that persistent increase in oxidative stress is involved in the mechanism of UV-induced genomic instability. You have requested a machine translation of selected content from our databases. This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. Neither BioOne nor the owners and publishers of the content make, and they explicitly disclaim, any express or implied representations or warranties of any kind, including, without limitation, representations and warranties as to the functionality of the translation feature or the accuracy or completeness of the translations. Translations are not retained in our system. Your use of this feature and the translations is subject to all use restrictions contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use of the BioOne website. Vol. 81 • No. 1
Hi all, I´m usually use other manufacturer forums to search specific information with their manufacturer tools. For instance, now I´m using System Generator that is Xilinx ise design program that works through simulink (Matlab). Af first glance I wouldn´t use this site to ask questions related with SG because Xilinx provides his own forum about this program, so I use the one Xilinx provide. I did a easy question in that forum and I don´t get any answer so I was thinking about to ask the question in this forum (Even I know the best forum for SG questions should be the Xilinx Forum) I think may be, it could be interesting practice if this questions are related with other questions asked from this forum. My question could be related with other questions of this forum because it´s related with a implementation issue and this kinds of questions deal with essentials issues in the wide electronics world. I could do it?
Oct 1, 2020, 1:13 am193 ptsOn Thursday, October 1, Chrissy Teigen shared the devastating news that she has suffered a miscarriage. The supermodel, entrepreneur, and social media personality was expecting her third child with husband, singer John Legend. She revealed the news via social media. “We are shocked and in the… Trending Today on Gossip Bucket A big swirling bucket of the latest rumors, celebrity news and Hollywood gossip. The premier celebrity gossip app. The only apps that gives you a comprehensive real time celeb news stream. Gossip Bucket aggregates and streams the latest gossip news and headlines from the top sources in one place.
A population-based survey of multiple sclerosis in the county of South Glamorgan has demonstrated a prevalence of 441/376718 (117/10(5)). Eighty six per cent of the patients (101/10(5)) had definite or probable disease and 14% (16/10(5)) had suspected multiple sclerosis on 1 January 1985. The estimated average incidence is 5.41/10(5)/year for the period 1947-84 and it has risen significantly over four decades. The prevalence is similar to that found in a recent survey from the south east of England but significantly lower than revised figures from Scotland. Statistics from Altmetric.com If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways.
How to cancel a scheduled membership payment NOTE: This must be completed at least 24 hours before a scheduled payment is due to occur. Cancelling after this time may result in a payment being processed. Logon to your profile page with your Lifeflow username and password. Click on the My Info tab on the right. Click on Account. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the Autopays section. On the far right click on Terminate. Click Ok to accept the cancellation of the Autopay. Contact us if you are having problems with the above instructions.
One of the very important house equipment is the portable pressure washer which is used to clean off hard and sticky stains and dirt on floors, terrace, and many more surfaces. Just like any other product, buying a product from the physical or online store may be a daunting or difficult task for many buyers who mostly do not have enough information that will help them make good and the right choice. Reviews like this, however, will help you get every needed information to buy the best portable pressure washer that is best for you- 10. Karcher K1700 Electric Power Pressure Washer 1700 PSI TruPressure This is one of the best portable pressure washers that is most notable for its petite, handy size, and sleek design. Having a pressure of 1700 PSI and 1.2GPM, it is designed to give you high satisfaction with its efficient cleaning. It has an on/off foot switch designed to be controlled by the feet and this prevents you from bending over when using the washer. It has wheels for easy control and navigation, extra storage, a large removable bin, and a removable detergent tank. It also comes equipped with industry-standard accessories. Setting it up is very easy, takes all of five minutes and requires no technical expertise or tools at all on your part. The build is sturdy and it comes with three nozzle sprays that include a turbo nozzle for a better cleaning experience. It also has a whopping three-year warranty. The only downside to this portable pressure washer is the not-so-long hose of 20 feet. This severely limits the cleaning radius of the hose as you would have to do a lot of walking around. The wheels are plastic and are more likely to fray and wear away due to the effect of friction on them. If you are willing to overlook these flaws, then the Karcher K1700 Portable Pressure Washer is the washer for you. 9. Ivation Electric Pressure Washer 2200 PSI 1.8 GPM with Power Hose Nozzle Gun and Turbo Wand This little orange product has well over a thousand reviews and high ratings. It packs a nigh unbelievable cleaning power generated by 1800 Watt/14.5amp, 1.8GPM, and 2200 PSI of pressure. This is one of the most selling portable pressure washers that you will come across. It has a simple and elegant design and goes a long way in helping keep your environment clean. It is very practical. It has high functionality with 5 interchangeable high and low-pressure nozzles specific to suit your needs. It has a self-suction feature, an in-built soap dispenser, and wheels for pushing it around. It takes less than a minute to get it ready for use, and once it is, you are good to go. This product saves a lot of time and energy by doing as much work as it can in as little time as you can. The instruction pamphlet is easy to use and straight-forward. There is an ideal pressure for anything you want to wash: car, deck, wall, anything. This portable pressure washer does it all effectively and in good time. Be sure that the water supply is on though, or the motor will break. A downside of this portable pressure washer is that the warranty lasts only one year. And some users have reported that the product often goes kaput in the second year of use. This means that when the motor does break, the warranty does not cover it anymore. The price range is also a little bit over the affordable range. Also, there is no quick switch between soap and water. Disregarding the cons, the Ivation Electric Pressure Washer 2000 gets the job done. 8. Sun Joe SPX3000 2030 Max PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5-Amp Electric Pressure Washer Sun Joe SPX3000 Portable Pressure Washer is the ideal washer for all kinds of surfaces and places. Like the Ivation Electric Pressure Washer 2000, it comes equipped with 5 quick-connect spray tips. Each spray tip has a different pressure capacity for washing different objects and surfaces. It washes light, medium, and heavy-duty cleaning tasks. The motor is run by an 1800-Watt/15.5amp that generates about 2030PSI/1.76GPM for maximum cleaning power. It has a feature that shuts offs the pump when the trigger is not engaged to save energy and prolongs the pump life. It also has a 20-foot high-pressure hose. It removes strongly bonded stains like grease, tar, oil stain and rust from even the toughest and roughest of surfaces. A peculiar feature of this washer is that it has dual detergent tanks. The tanks are on board and detachable. Each is 0.9L and stores different types of detergent to provide for switching between the detergents. This helps you clean different surfaces at the same time. The downside to this portable pressure washer is that the coupler at the front used to attach the garden hose is made of malleable plastic, and after three or four uses, it frays. On the other hand, it is lightweight and easy to use. Read More: Best Buy Car Waxes Reviews & Buying Guides. 7. Sun Joe SPX3001 2030 PSI 1.76 GPM 14.5 AMP Electric Pressure Washer This portable pressure washer is an improvement and an upgrade on the Sun Joe SPX3000. Like the SPX3000, it has 5 quick-connect spray tips. Each has a different pressure capacity for washing different objects and surfaces. It performs light, medium, and heavy-duty cleaning tasks. The motor is run by an 1800-Watt/14.5amp that generates about 2030PSI/1.76GPM for maximum cleaning power. It has a feature that shuts offs the pump when the trigger is not engaged to save energy and prolong the pump life. It also has a 20-foot high-pressure hose which is user-friendly even in constricted spaces. It has a built-in holder for the store gun and wand. It is powerful enough to remove stains from your patio, siding, garden furniture, pavers, bricks, and cars. It also has onboard a 6m high-pressure hose reel. It has a full two-year warranty. Unlike the Sun Joe SPX3000 with two detergent tanks, however, it has one enlarged detergent tank. The enlarged tank makes it heavier, thereby resulting in the loss of functionality of switching between two detergents. 6. Simpson Cleaning MSH3125 MegaShot Gas Pressure Washer Powered by Honda, this machine with a combustion chamber and a uni-block construction accommodates the most demanding cleaning needs. It eliminates all form of gunk, grime and really tough-to-remove spots. The 25-foot, ¼ inch hose is flexible, lightweight and high pressure. The hoses are non-marring, kink and abrasion resistant. No matter how frequently or vigorously you use it, the hoses will not fray or wear out. The Compact combustion chamber and uni-block construction is a great feature of this product because it reduces fuel consumption. The Engine is designed to meet the Standards of EPA and CARB. The OEM Technologies Axial Cam Pump features a power boost technology which provides higher pressure at the nozzle. This, in turn, gives a great impact and cleaning performance. This is a maintenance free and oil bath lubrication system. The long-life features are mostly for the precision-ground and highly polished stainless steel. This portable pressure washer has a technology that cools it and prevents excessive heat. The hose is high-pressure, bendable, and will not rust. It also has 5 different and perfectly fit nozzle tips ideal for cleaning different surfaces. It has a safety lock-out and a 5-year warranty. It is perfect for cleaning all types of floors. You may notice that it does tend to vibrate a lot though. And the components may smell a little like gas when you first purchase it. 5. Generac 6923 3,100 PSI, 2.4 GPM, Gas Powered Pressure Washer This is a gas-powered portable pressure washer, the Generac 6923 3100 machine effortlessly combines ergonomics with high functionality and durability. Connecting the hose on this pressure washer is extremely easy. It has four quick-change nozzle tips for any type of surface. You can use it for light, medium, and really heavy-duty stains. It is user-friendly, easy to use, easy to assemble, and offers great comfort for you. The grip handle is cushioned and increases your comfort during cleaning. The easy-to-pull spray trigger can also be held with minimal effort. The integrated ½ inch gallon tank gives convenient onboard storage for detergents. The wheels are designed to be never-flat. This spares you the hassle of changing or replacing flat wheels. The wheels make it really easy to maneuver the washer. The downside of this gas-powered portable pressure washer is the fact that the hoses may melt. Also, the nozzle tips do not fit properly. And the machine is heavy and tall enough to easily fall down just by gentle pushing. This may damage the machine. Read More: Best Buy Electric Pressure Washers Reviews & Buying Guides. 4. Greenworks 1500 PSI 13 Amp 1.2 GPM Pressure Washer GPW1501 This is perhaps the easiest to use and amongst the best portable pressure washer. It has zero need for gas or an exorbitant maintenance cost. Assembling or using the machine will cost you little or no effort. This portable pressure washer is easy to use and is not high maintenance. This product is the perfect fit if you are looking to save your time and effort. Everything that is designed for this product is easy to handle and does not complicate your life. Give it a try, find out and let us know what you think. The nozzles can be rotated, it is great for small surface areas and at a very affordable price. The downside is that the pressure hose is only 20m long. The water jet output is pretty weak. The soap dispenser does not function at optimum capacity and is only really ideal for mobile care or gentle lightweight jobs. 3. AR Annovi Reverberi Blue Clean, AR383 1,900 PSI Electric Pressure Washer Quickly blast away dirt, mold, moss, and grime to reveal a fresh clean look to many outdoor surfaces with the AR Blue Clean AR383 1900. It is a very powerful, durable, and best portable pressure washer. Pressure clean wood surfaces like your decks, siding, and fences to look new again. It requires no need to sand, scrape, or paint. It features a professional-looking gun and 2 different pressure washer wands. It also has a 20-foot high-pressure hose and 14 oz. detergent bottle. And features two high-pressure quick change wands with pressure washer turbo and variable nozzles. The washer uses less water. It has a 40% greater efficiency than the typical garden hose. It does not make as much noise as the gas engine models. The spray gun is designed with a quick-coupler fitting for easy equipping and removing process. The storage is equipped with a hose reel. It has a 35-foot power cord with an auto-reset GFCI module. The downside of this portable pressure washer is with the hose of the washer: it takes a long time to unwind and is also stiff. 2. Karcher K2 Plus Electric Power Portable Pressure Washer, 1600 PSI, 1.25 GPM This portable pressure washer is really easy to assemble. In comparison to a gas pressure washer, it is much quieter. It does not take up a lot of space and the extra-large wheels make it really easy for you to negotiate. All the parts are positioned close together. This makes for quick accessibility which makes cleaning very easy. A muck-removing wand amplifies effectiveness by half and will remove almost every stain. This is about thirty times more effective than a run-of-the-mill garden hose and will weather the demanding conditions of constant use. The Vario Power Spray wand is amendable. With it, you can use any desired level of pressure needed for removing stains. It automatically dispenses detergent when in low-pressure mode. The downside to this best cheap washer is that stains are tough to clean on concrete surfaces. There may also be leakage from the pump. Read More: Best Buy Baby Laundry Detergents Reviews & Buying Guides. 1. WEN PW3100 3100 PSI 2.5 GPM Gas Pressure Washer with 208cc Engine This impressive portable pressure washer will power wash away years of unwanted dirt and grime with the WEN 3100 PSI Gas-Powered Pressure Washer. With the cord-free operation, it cleans off stains and grime on the siding of houses, wooden decks, driveways, vehicles, and more. This versatile machine not only makes cleaning easier for you; it also makes it more fun. It comes equipped with Powerful 208 cc 4-stroke OHV engine that pumps 2.5 gallons per minute. Five control valves (0°, 15°, 25°, 40°, and soap), easily switch from one to the other. It features a 30-foot reinforced hose, an on-board soap tank, a quick-connect spray gun, 12-inch wheels that move effortlessly throughout a variety of tough terrains, Axial Cam pump for reliable spray thereby maximizing the lifespan of the unit and a two-year warranty. The downside to this machine is that the wheels tend to get stuck and the pump leaks. Best Portable Pressure Washers Buying Guide Should you go electric or gas? All portable pressure washers work on pretty much the same principle. The water enters the machine at low pressure, then it is pumped out at a much higher pressure – much higher in fact, that it could potentially seriously harm you – by either an electric or petrol motor. If you want the best portable pressure washer that is more suited to home-use, runs quieter and cleaner on the touch of a button, then you should probably go electric. For everyday use in your garden and home, electric pressure washers are more suitable. You only have to plug them into an electrical outlet or compatible extension box. And you must take care of extra care not to trip over the cable or get the electrical connections wet, in which case they may constitute a serious electrical hazard. Gas pressure washers are recommended for more regular and professional use. They are heavier- duty than electric models and sometimes offer more power. They are a better choice for large-scale jobs. Gas pressure washers also offer more mobility as they don’t need to be near a power outlet. What should you look for in a pressure washer? Water Flow Rate: Higher water flow generally means better cleaning. Motor or Engine Size: Bigger is better. The higher the motor or engine size, the more powerful the pressure washer is. Wheels: You definitely need to have wheels. Wheels are good for easy maneuver. Weight: Sturdy is good, but not too heavy that you cannot push it along. Hose and cord length: The longer, the better. You do not want short cord lengths, especially with an electric washer. Don’t just consider the color when looking to purchase the best portable pressure washer. The beautiful color will do you no good if the pressure washer is substandard. When using pressure washers, please follow manufacturer instructions, wear safety goggles, and never point pressure washer hoses at anyone. When buying a portable pressure washer as well as when buying anything else, it is very important that you understand your needs and what you want. You need a pressure washer to wash all that stain, dirt, and grime clogging up your house; not to wash off your money. Choosing the best portable pressure washer can be as fun as it is daunting. So many choices, so little money. You, therefore, need to make the most of your budget to purchase a very durable and efficient pressure washer that will last, probably not through the ages, but long enough to fulfill utility. Last update on 2020-06-01 at 12:28
Community of Hope Health Clinic to hold free COVID-19 testing at Mi Pueblo By NATHAN HOWELL | Special to the Reporter PELHAM – Community of Hope Health Clinic will be hosting a free COVID-19 testing event at the Mi Pueblo Supermarket in Pelham on July 28 from 1-5 p.m. The goal of the event is to help people within the Hispanic community receive testing in a comfortable environment. Community of Hope is also collecting masks to give away at the event so the families that come by will be able to better protect themselves during the continued fight against the novel coronavirus. “We serve the Hispanic community in Alabama,” said Justin Johnston, Executive Director. “Not only can language be a barrier, but so can financials. We are looking to do the testing and give away some masks to some of our patients who may not have access to them.” Community of Hope is partnering with the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, UAB, Alabama Health Education Centers and the ADPH to put on the testing. “HICA is going to give us clear backpacks. We are going to put masks in them to give out to each family,” Johnston said. “We have patients who need them on a regular basis, so we want to be able to provide them.” The group has enough supplies to do 150 tests, and Johnston said if the event is popular that they plan to put on another event the next week. The testing will be done in a drive-through setting and no appointment is necessary to get testing. The staff will give the testing materials and it will be self-administered unless help is needed. “Since we shut down on March 16, we tried to find innovative ways to continue to service the community,” Johnston said. “We are doing our best to make it easier not only for the patients but for the base in general. We are gearing this toward the Hispanic population but we will test anyone.” For more information about the testing event or Community of Hope visit Communityofhopeclinic.com
XR17 Heat Pump with the TEM6 XR17 Heat Pump The heating and cooling reliability you expect from Trane and the energy efficiency you deserve can be found in our XR17 two-stage electric heat pump. The XR17 offers up to a 17.25 SEER rating when matched with Trane variable speed air handlers, furnaces and Comfort Coils™. COMFORT WITHOUT COMPROMISE The XR17’s ratings up to 17.25 SEER and up to 9.6 HSPF make it an energy-efficient choice for home comfort. Two stages of cooling and heating meet any outdoor climate conditions and prevent interior temperature swings. Durable and economical Increased efficiency may substantially lower your home cooling costs. Materials for all components are tested again and again for long-lasting performance and durability. Cleaner, healthier indoor air Add Trane CleanEffects™ to your system for advanced air filtration that removes more dust, pollen and other irritants from conditioned air for a cleaner, healthier, more comfortable home. Every Trane Heat Pump is packed with high-quality components. Each helps ensure that time after time, your unit will provide total comfort your family can rely on. The XR17 includes: - Two-Stage Climatuff® compressor - Galvanized-steel louvered panels - Baked-on powder paint - Corrosion-resistant Weatherguard™ fasteners - Spine Fin™ outdoor coil - DuraTuff™ rust-proof basepan - Sound insulator on compressors (on select models) The TEM6 variable speed air handler provides high performance without breaking the bank. Designed to meet your home needs, with reliable and efficient operation. VARIABLE SPEED COMFORT The all-aluminum coil found in the TEM6 residential air handlers is exponentially more durable than standard copper coils, which are susceptible to formicary corrosion. These all-aluminum coils ensure families stay comfortable indoors all year long, no matter what the weather outside. Trane residential air handlers come with a no-rust polymer drain pan along with galvanized cabinet features to keep things running and looking good for a long time. Matched options made right The introduction of the TEM6 residential air handlers allows more flexibility for addressing special applications for all of your heating and cooling needs. With a variable speed motor, and Comfort-R technology, the TEM6 offers efficient home comfort at a price that is easy on the wallet. Trane TEM6 air handlers offer a variable speed motor and Comfort-R technology for reliable comfort and efficiency, like only a Trane can. The TEM6 air handler includes: - Variable speed blower motor - Comfort-R humidity control - 4-way convertible line - Galvanized steel cabinet - Optional electric heat - All-aluminum coil - No-rust polymer drain pan - Cooling and heat pump systems available