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The new Reno/Sparks market stats are out. You can view the whole report there here… RSAR September 2018 Below is a breakdown with commentary. - The median sales price rose $374,000. Up 1% from August and up 11% from last year. We talked about this last month. There was an early seasonal dip in August that we believed would be corrected in September. - There were 439 sales in September. Down 22% from August and down 28% from a year ago. That’s a huge change. 439 sales is more like a winter month number. Not a coming out of the summer number. Some of this may be due to the low inventory but I believe it’s closer related to a slowing market. - New listing are down 22% from August and up 10.3% from September 2017. Not much out of the ordinary here. We’re moving into the cold months. - The month’s supply of inventory or the time it would take to sell all the available houses with no new ones coming on the market jumped to 3.1 months. Nearly double September 2017. Other than the median sales price, this is the best indicator of a slowing market. Even though 3.1 months is still a seller’s market it’s nice to not see 1 month’s inventory anymore. What this means is houses will be more likely to sit on the market and incur price reductions before selling unless they’re priced at market comps from the beginning. One thing not noted in the report is interest rates. Freddie Mac had the average commitment interest rate at 4.63% in September 2018. In September 2017, that rate was 3.81%. To a home buyer on a $400,000 house it’s around a $175 difference between 2017 and 2018. That’s a huge difference in monthly payment. The difference of $175 per month is equivalent to losing $35,000-$45,000 of purchase power. So buyer’s have a choice, stay in the same price band and pay an extra $175 or look in a lower price band which could mean a different area. Seller’s have a choice too. Try to sell to a smaller pool of buyer’s if most are dropping down a price band or move their pricing down as rates increase. For sellers, lower sales prices lead to less down payment on the new house and now the seller may be purchasing in a lower price band than they had originally anticipated . For more information on Reno and Sparks Real Estate email me at Ricky@RickyBeach.com or call (775) 750-1437.
INTERNATIONAL SERVICE NETWORK Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes and defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering products or services to customers while providing full confidence that quality requirements have been fulfilled. STACO assures good quality products with thorough testing under ISO 9001 quality standards. STACO products are also tested and certified by the world’s leading classification societies such as ABS, LRS, DNV, BV etc. STACO provides total satisfaction to customers through quality assurance, systematic quality control and continuous quality improvement. HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) STACO is fully committed to safety, health, and the environment and considers it as the fundamental element to show “Human Respect”. All STACO work places have been certified by ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for the purpose of preventing industrial accidents and creating a pleasant and safe work environment. The company is continuously striving for a “zero accident, disease free, zero pollution workplace”. STACO is one of the largest suppliers of marine accommodation system on commercial, naval and passenger ships and for the offshore living quarters. STACO manufactures and supplies high quality interior products such as Wall & Ceiling Panels, Doors, Unit Cabins, Unit Toilets etc. STACO Management is committed to satisfy all requirements from its customers as a trustworthy partner.
Amazing Angola Pt. 1 Coffe Table Photography book out now! 999 Days Around Africa: The Road Chose Me Moving South we detour into the mountains, simply to look around and explore. Every morning we are greeted with a spectacular sunrise before meeting friendly people and seeing beautiful places. In the evening we find out-of-the-way wild camping and enjoy the evenings with very little humidity. The dense jungle has given way to forest, and I am excited to see when the desert will begin again, something I have thought about for almost twelve months now. Further from the capital, signs of the civil war are more evident, with destroyed bridges, bullet holes in buildings and even a disabled Russian tank sitting on the side of the road. The huge tank is in surprisingly good condition. Angola and it’s people continue to impress. I think I will stick around for a while!
Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Unique ensemble of ancient musical instruments to perform at opening ceremony of Nasimi Festival 11 September 2018 [15:10] - Today.Az By Laman Ismayilova The first ever Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Arts, and Spirituality will be held in Azerbaijan on September 27-30. The festival, timed to the work of Imadaddin Nasimi (1369-1417), one of the brilliant poets and thinkers of the East, is aimed at glorifying and perpetuating his poetry and art. Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Arts, and Spirituality will be held under the slogans "Beyond the Limited Self", reflecting the philosophical views of the poet, and “I am a Particle, I am the Sun” which are the poet’s lines. The program of the large-scale event covers various types of art and knowledge fields. During the festival, programs will be organized in various places in Baku, as well as in Shamakhi, the native city of the poet. The gala event is organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and supported by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Culture. Poetry of the great Imadaddin Nasimi, who lived six centuries ago, is peculiar not only in its brilliant skillfulness, but also in its deep sense and convincing sincerity, calling everyone to plunge into thoughts about the mystery of being and to look into the deepest layers of the soul. At the festival, spectators will hear Nasimi’s poetry, excerpts of mughams, new works of composers, based on the compositions of the outstanding Azerbaijani musician of the 13th-14th centuries Abdulgadir Maraghai for the ensemble of old musical instruments "Echo of Centuries" under the Azerbaijan National Conservatory, during the official opening ceremony of the event in the Heydar Aliyev Center on September 28. The audience will also enjoy "Legend about Nasimi" by brilliant composer Fikret Amirov, the song "Prayer" written by Honored Artist of Azerbaijan Tunzala Aghayeva by using Nasimi’s words. Moreover, famous UK performer of Azerbaijani origin Sami Yusif will perform at the concert. A Trend journalist visited the Azerbaijan National Conservatory during rehearsals of the ensemble of old musical instruments "Echo of Centuries". The "Echo of Centuries" ensemble consists of talented students of the Conservatory, created by People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Professor Fakhraddin Dadashov. " I am happy that I have created such an ensemble with participation of the talented youth. There is the spirit of our ancestors, their love of poetry, music, philosophy, aspiration for spirituality and perfection in our ensemble. Each performer in the ensemble is fully aware of that and is preparing for the festival in honor of great Nasimi,” he added. This music by Abdulgadir Maraghai is full of sincerity and its performance at the festival’s opening ceremony will be a significant event in our lives," Dadashov said. Four works created by such composers as Aliya Mammadova, Rufat Khalilov, Ayaz Ganbarli and Farid Fatullayev based on Abdulgadir Maraghai’s music will be performed by the "Echo of the Centuries" ensemble. A member of the Azerbaijan Union of Composers Farid Fatullayev stressed that thanks to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s project, young composers have a brilliant opportunity to prove themselves, and the project gives a great incentive in further creative activity. "Based on Maraghai’s music, we created our own compositions. I created a rhythmic composition and called it Jangi. The word ‘jangi’ means ‘battle’ in the Azerbaijani language. Jangi was performed earlier in honor of heroes. The music expresses a call to battle, to heroism," he added. The conductor of the ensemble is also a young talented person, graduate of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, conductor of the Azerbaijan State Music Theater and the Chamber Orchestra of the National Conservatory Orkhan Hashimov. "This is my first experience with old musical instruments and I should stress that despite all the complexity of the work, I really enjoy it. The project is amazing! For me it is something unimaginable – the philosophy of spirituality and high art! For us, young musicians, it is an honor to perform these works at the opening ceremony of the Nasimi Festival in the Heydar Aliyev Center. In the future, together with this ensemble, I would like to stage works by European classical music composers," Hashimov said. Azerbaijani ancient musical instruments have been not only restored, but modernized by Mammadali Mammadov, head of the laboratory for improvement of the national musical instruments of the Conservatory. "Kamancha was originally with one string, but now it has from 4 to 8 strings; the 5-string tar now has 13 strings. We have conducted research and ancient musical instruments have been modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time for sound quality," Mammadov said. "In particular, when great composer Uzeyir Hajibayli created the ensemble of folk instruments, the sound range was two and a half octaves, and our task was to raise it to seven octaves, which was done using national ancient instruments. This is actually a revolution in the national music! Spectators of the Nasimi Festival will see and hear unique works with a new sound at the grandiose festival of poetry, art and spirituality," he added. For the first time, registration for such a grandiose festival will be held through the official website www.nasimifestival.live rather than via ticket sales and invitations.
Early Wednesday afternoon, Joan called to inform us that there was a Pekin in a trailer park in Mt. Morris, just north of Flint, that was in dire need of rescue. Apparently, half of her upper bill was gone. I called the management of what appeared to be a somewhat desolated community, and they were very adamant about only allowing us to remove the injured ducks. We left immediately, before they changed their mind. I was told that they had domestics there for years, and they were fine, they may have been there for years, but they are not fine. Well, once inside the property, we made our way to the fenced-in pond, where there were several other Pekins and a lone, and beautiful, Toulouse goose. Since the area was fenced and secured with a padlock, and no one was there to let us in, we had to jump a small fence. We quickly caught a Pekin that had definitely been mauled by a Snapper Turtle, and whose foot was half gone. Then I had to fetch the kayak and chase down our intended ‘victim’. She hid under a treed overhang near the shore, but it was only a matter of time before she would be coming home with us. Once home, and after our work-up, it was easily noticed that both angels were completely infested with poultry lice, and after a quick dusting, they just ‘poured’ off of both of them. Poultry lice usually finds its way onto the more injured ducks, but by no means exclusively, and then it will eventually beat them down over time, literally, to death. It will wear down its hosts to a point where they can’t even sleep, due to the constant irritation. The little female, who we now call Joni, weighted in at just over three pounds, just about half what a healthy hen should weight. Just over half of her upper bill was gone, along with most of her tongue. It would be impossible for her to eat grass, go grubbing, and scoop up random food, or whatever people were feeding her there, and it was definitely NOT healthy. They were only being feed by seldom visitors to the pond, and not the management, which should have been solely responsible for a complete and healthy, daily diet! Currently, Joni is being hand fed, and is eating like there is no tomorrow! I had mentioned Doug in this title for a reason. You see, I had befriended Doug Peterson at the Brighton Mill Pond just a few short years ago. We both shared a similar fondness for nature, especially waterfowl, and even more so, abandoned domestic ducks. Over the years, prior to our acquaintance, Doug studied the Mill Pond without exception. His continuing blog, words4it.com, kept the locals, and others as well, informed about everything at the pond. Every new hatching, every life, every death, and sometimes, every new bloom on every flower. He knew that pond, and everything that went on there, like I know our Sanctuary, and there’s a whole lot more to know there, than here. We shared our stories and experiences regularly, and we would head there in an instant if he ever needed us. I learned more from him than he could ever learn in return. He was also always extremely generous with his time regarding any issues I might ever have with our website, you see, he designed that too! We would sometimes talk late into the night, and still leave stories unfinished. His is a friendship I will sadly miss, and he will always be with us, and all of our duck ventures, in spirit. Some of you might remember our rescue at the Mill Pond about two months ago, when Theresa and I went back to the pond around midnight, to rescue the final three ducks of four that night, including Joy, with the mangled foot (the others were named, Peterson, Doug, and Hope). I had called Doug just about an hour before leaving to let him know about the situation, and what we were doing, so he wouldn’t suspect “fowl” play. He never answered, nor returned my call, which we both thought unusual. Well, it was the next day that we sadly learned of his passing the day before. We were beyond words! The Wednesday of this latest rescue, there was a remembrance gathering at the Mill Pond in his honor, but unfortunately, Theresa and I couldn’t make it because of this rescue…And I know in my heart, Doug wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Fact is, I’m sure he would have ‘cursed’ me had I done differently! That was Doug, a wonderful man, a free spirit, and a lover of nature! I may shed one less tear down here when ours eventually pass, knowing that you’ll be sitting on a bench, under a shading tree, by the Crystal Pond, greeting them all, as they arrive up there! Rest in Peace, dear friend!
Search all Victoria homes and land for sale with our Mobile App. What is it? The Mobile App enables you to search for properties in your area, similar to the way the website works. The user account we've set up for you ties into your account along with your Favorite Listings, Saved Searches, and Messages. When starting the app for the first time, you are required to select an Agent to begin: Search for Stephen Foster. From the main menu, you can quickly begin searching either by using your location as a starting point (Nearby) or tapping New Search. Property results can be displayed in List format or on a Map: The List view allows for changing the sort order of results, while the Map view provides a means to search by Polygon or Radius: Once a search is made, you can Save it and give it a title. Saved searches can be accessed by tapping Searches from the main menu. From there you can delete, view, and update the search criteria of existing searches: The Mobile App allows you to send messages straight to your agent account in the backend.
Elaine FICHTER, la serve de la chapelle d’Alexandre Barbets en Bresse, France The SCC ( Société Centrale Canine) is the only page where you can find the details of the current breeders and if any pups are available. As of 2016’s new regulations, everyone who has had a litter will be listed as all pups must be LOF ( Liste des Origines Françaises). Lots of information about the breed: Beware of extremely biased sources and lack of factual information about the breed and its fast.
Range Of Services To Seek From Debt Collection Agency Every business in modern times is exposed to a wide range of challenges that relate to its operations and management. These mainly relate to among other things the debts to the business. Financial challenges is the risk that comes with lack of capacity to collect the debts in this regard. It is in such instances the business needs to consult with fox collections. This is a service agency that works to help business overcome the prevalent challenges and get back to normal operations. There is a process involved when seeking to collect debt from defaulters. In the process, of importance is to ensure the set procedures as stipulated are followed to the letter. The defaulter in this respect need to be provided with an introductory letter followed by other important steps. In the process therefore, there comes a range of solutions that are provided by the service provider engaged for the undertaking. This comes through a professional approach as provided by the service provider in accordance to the industry standards. Customers in certain instances default in repayment of their dues and this may necessitate the need for the business to report them to credit reference bureaus. This is a task that takes into consideration the client and their capacity to repay the owing amounts. Fox in this regards works with relevant agencies to source information in regard to the clients. Further to this, the service providers also ensures that the customer is reported to the relevant bureaus when such need arises. Approaches used to cater for debt recovery needs are numerous in the market. A common approach to the process may come with the service provider and the consumer having to make an agreement on the modalities to be used. The approach to be used in the process is therefore made through guidance of the select service provider. Every business needs to make certain set reports at different times of its operations. Through the process in this regard, there is an important need to ensure there is professionalism. Engagement of a service provider in the process comes as an ideal step towards preparations and presentations of the business reports. With the variation in the operations of the businesses, the service provider ensures that there are custom solution available. This comes the need to ensure that the reports comes complaint to the industry standards and set needs. Modern business settings brings along the need for reduced workforce for the businesses. Sourcing for the services comes in handy to save the business from the huge responsibility of maintaining its workforce. It means the tasks at hand for the business are handled in a professional manner with such services. The service provider in this respect provides with an easy to use and access platform where the businesses can source for the service packages.
With thanks to Roger White. A prestigious North-East Scotland magazine of new writing and the visual arts, Pushing Out The Boat (POTB), is reminding young writers and artists in the North East and beyond that they’ve got less than a month left to submit entries for their new online venture, ‘ePOTB’. ePOTB will be the magazine’s first e-zine and will be devoted entirely to work by young people aged 12-17. Like its parent magazine, ePOTB submissions will be subject to the same distinctive ‘blind selection’ process, which ensures that work is selected on merit alone. Prize-winning author Juliet Lovering, chairing the ePOTB team, said: “We know there’s a wealth of young writing and artistic talent out there but this is the first time we’ve given young people the chance to shine in their own publication. Three prizes of £50 are also on offer for the best contribution in the prose, poetry and art categories.” The ePOTB team encourage anyone considering entering to read previous editions of the magazine, which are available on its website, to understand the variety of work accepted in years gone by. Young writer Hannah Kunzlik, one of POTB’s previous contributors, said: “I was published in POTB when I was 16 and it remains one of my proudest moments. Submitting a piece is something I would advise any young person to do with even a passing interest in writing or art. Apart from the creative fulfilment, it’s like gold dust on a CV for college or work.” The call for submissions to ePOTB opened a month ago. Full details and registration are available at www.pushingouttheboat.co.uk. The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2017 and the e-zine will be published on the Pushing Out The Boat website in Spring 2018.
FOR USE IN FANTASY GROUNDS VIRTUAL TABLETOP The harsh environment of the Vikmordere Valley breeds an array of unique denizens, beasts, and monsters. Safely traversing the wintery north is dangerous at the best of times, with the inclusion of this book it can be downright deadly. Winters Roar contains over 30 new creatures that can be utilized to flesh out your Nordic-themed adventures. Herein you will find complete stat blocks for creatures including many new special abilities, detailed tactics, and additional information relevant to Vikmordere culture and mythology. Winter’s Roar includes the following creatures: • Lake Aptrgangr • Land Aptrgangr • Frost Wisp • Glacial Bear • Høyonde (Half-Giant) • Icy Vigil • Nibelung (Golem) • Serpent of the Depths • Snow Screecher • Stag of the Whitewood • Troll, Tundra • Vereri Stalker • White Wailer • Winter Wrym • Winter Wyrmling • Wintertide Jabberwock — OR — 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Justin Andrew Mason, Stephen Rowe There are no reviews yet. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Your review * This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. For every friend you refer, we send you a coupon code worth $1. Get started now, by sharing your referral link with your friends. Into the Wintery Gale Pathfinder, Cards, Into the Wintery Gale Pathfinder, Fantasy Grounds Pathfinder, Into the Wintery Gale Sign up for our email newsletter to get instant discounts, monthly store credit, and freebies! Dismiss
There is a beautiful bridge on the narrow-gauge railway from Borjomi in Bakuriani. It’s famous because it was built by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel in 1902. He is best known for the world-famous Eiffel Tower, built in Paris. Narrow-gauge railway Borzhomi – Bakuriani. Many people do not know that the railroad bridge connecting the towns of Tsagveri and Tsemi was commissioned by Romanovs in France. It was created by the famous architect Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, brought to Georgia and assembled over the Tsemistskali River. Likani is a town in Georgia’s Samtskhe-Javakheti region, located at the west end of the town of Borjomi in the Borjomi Gorge, some 160 km west of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. Important landmarks include the Romanov Palace (1892-95), designed by Leopold Bilfeldt, built on the bank of the Kura River as a summer mansion of Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich of Russia. In Soviet times, Likani residence was frequented by key Soviet officials, including Joseph Stalin. #architecture #bridge #railway #Likani #Borjomi #palace #Romanovs
Watch Scenes From Opening Day 2019 at Sunday River Sunday River kicked of the ski season Saturday morning with the opening of four trails. Temperatures have certainly been cold enough for the past few days for Sunday River's snow guns to crank out the snow. Since November 2, anytime the temperature dropped enough to make snow, the guys were blazing. T2, Upper Sunday Punch, Sunday Punch, and Lower Sunday Punch were open as well as the Locke Mountain Triple chairlift. This footage that Sunday River shared on their YouTube channel is enough to get any skier anxious to hit the trails. Sunday River will be open through the rest of the weekend and re-open again on Friday, November 15 for daily operations.
This post originally appeared on the Geek Feminism blog and is reposted here for posterity. We announced a generic conference anti-harassment policy a couple of weeks ago. Since then several conferences have adopted anti-harassment policies, including Linux.conf.au 2011, FSF’s LibrePlanet 2011, and now all of Linux Foundation’s events have an official anti-harassment / discrimination policy.Continue reading “Friendly conference update” Advocates for women in open source burn out a lot. Here’s an idea to keep us going longer.
5-Piece Yellow Sunflowers At Sunrise Canvas Wall Art * FREE SHIPPING to the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and most of Europe between and . Bright, beautiful and inspiring with a huge crop of yellow sunflowers at sunrise, this Yellow Sunflowers Wall Art is constructed from durable, high-quality canvas and features a sharp, hi-resolution image that won't fade or bleed. Created with the most advanced HD printing technology, this canvas picture is sold without frame or on a ready-to-hang, gallery wrapped wood frame. Yellow Sunflowers Wall Art Details: - Item Type: Sunflower Wall Art - Design: 5-Piece Yellow Sunflowers At Sunset Print - Style: Contemporary - Qualities: Warp, Fade, UV and Moisture Resistant - Uses: Canvas Print, Wall Art, Canvas Picture - Material: Canvas - Frame: Optional Wood Frame (Hardware Included) - Shape: Stepped Horizontal Rectangle - Technique: HD Canvas Printing Wall Art Frame Options Yellow Sunflowers Picture Sizes: |Medium (40"x22")||8"x14" (x2), 8"x18" (x2), 8"x22" (x1)| |Large (60"x32")||12"x20" (x2), 12"x28" (x2), 12"x32" (x1)| |X-Large (80"x40")||16"x24" (x2), 16"x32" (x2), 16"x40" (x1)| * The color of this Yellow Sunflowers Picture may vary slightly from the product pictures due to computer monitor settings, lighting and background. MORE ABOUT YOUR PURCHASE WITH US: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:Your satisfaction is extremely important to us; that's why we offer a ZERO RISK, NO-HASSLE money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase at DecorZee.com for any reason, you have thirty (30) days to send it back for a full refund. More details FREE Worldwide Shipping: No matter where you live or how much you purchase, shipping is always FREE at DecorZee.com. Estimated delivery dates are displayed above. We ship factory direct, so unless stated otherwise, most orders will take 2-3 WEEKS TO ARRIVE. More details
This function requests exclusive access to a specified socket and function pair. STATUS CardRequestExclusive( CARD_CLIENT_HANDLE hCardClient, CARD_SOCKET_HANDLE hSocket ); [in] Client handle obtained from the CardRegisterClient function. [in] Handle to a socket and function pair. CERR_SUCCESS indicates success. One of the following values indicates failure: Indicates that the driver handle specified for hCardClient is not valid. Indicates that the socket identifier specified for hSocket is not valid. Indicates that no PC Card is inserted. This function signals card services to issue a series of callback events as it negotiates for approval with each registered driver. First, card services sends a CE_EXCLUSIVE_REQUEST event code to all registered drivers to determine if they allow exclusive use. If all drivers approve the request, card services sends each driver a CE_CARD_REMOVAL event code. Finally, it sends a CE_CARD_INSERTION event code to the requesting driver followed by a CE_EXCLUSIVE_COMPLETE event code. If any drivers do not approve, card services sends the requesting driver a CE_EXCLUSIVE_COMPLETE event code with a failing status in the Parm1 member of the CARD_EVENT_PARMS structure. OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later. Link Library: Cardserv.lib. Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 © 1992-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
While at work some time ago you lost your raison d’être. You feel beaten down, uninspired … splintered and scattered and torn. Your job is no longer the job you were hired for, it’s an amalgamation of three other jobs, none of which you have professional experience in. “Where did everyone go,” you wonder, looking around the once densely populated office space at several desks now used for temporary storage of file boxes and empty binders. “Thats right – one position was eliminated and you now handle it, another was offered an early retirement package to quickly reduce the headcount, and the last person left for a new job where she was offered a higher level position. “No chance of growing here,” she told you on her way to the exit interview, “get out as soon as you can!” This pattern appears throughout the mid-sized company, each department dwindling as the CEO talks about the need to cut costs and scale-down budgets at town hall meetings. “Why did this happen?” you want to ask when the CEO opens to room for questions, but you don’t out of fear of retaliation. No one asks any questions. The CEO concludes the meeting after a minute of uncomfortable silence. On the way out you whisper to your friend from demand planning, “why am I doing all this work alone? Doesn’t he see what he’s doing?” Finding dollars to save here and there, it looks great when summed up on a spreadsheet. Why pay multiple salaries when one person can carry all of the weight? Eliminate a few seemingly unnecessary responsibilities, like most of the internal communication role and half of the web team responsible for social media and e-commerce. “Those web things practically run themselves,” proclaimed the EVP of Operations. He doesn’t appear to be carrying additional weight when he leaves early each afternoon the weather is nice to play nine holes. It’s really happening. Go back to the opening paragraph, those descriptive words following that fancy French phrase that means reason for existence. This is an existential crisis for any employee enduring a company experiencing downsizing and reorganization. It’s a frustrating situation to be in, feeling tied down, unable to escape because the job market is ultra-competitive with others in your same circumstance also looking for a way out. Meanwhile, the workload is so overbearing your nights and weekends are rarely your own time. When you question your multiplying position, consider: has your salary multiplied to compensate for the extra workload and additional responsibilities? Maybe a 1.75% merit increase for good behavior, not enough to cancel out the spike in next year’s healthcare cost. Has your title changed and position elevated to reflect the new work earning you a place at the decision-making table giving credence to the vast business knowledge you had to acquire to handle these jobs? Are you respected any more than you were when first hired? From the employee’s perspective, this is an impossible situation to perpetuate any longer than you must. I’ve been through this, as well as several other good people I’ve known, some bearing the weight while others escaping at first chance. It kills morale; the corporate culture becomes heavily pessimistic and resentful. When staff is under-performing and feeling negative, and turn-over is high, where do you think the company is headed? The right way to handle this. I’m now addressing those with the decision-making power: don’t set this downward spiral in motion. Fight it at every step in your senior leadership and steering committee meetings. The answer to declining sales is rarely found by eliminating internal resources, it is found by examining the marketplace and reassessing your products. Are you truly producing what people want? Or are your products a shallow reflection of what the marketplace demands? What new innovations are you introducing? Cutting supply chain and manufacturing costs by removing features your customers have grown to appreciate and expect won’t solve anything either. If anything, it will turn your customers off breaking their loyalty. Instead of producing a pale imitation of Apple’s latest iPhone, create a new cutting edge device that will blow it away. I know it’s not as a simple as that. Money needs to be invested on research and technological development for starters, it’s a huge process. I get it. But it’s worthwhile in the end when your new product outsells the competition in a landslide if you’re willing to make the investment. The answer lies in proactive creativity and innovation. The answer is not in eliminating your staff and resources, and overburdening those who remain. A proactive creative approach to solving the business problems at-hand will permeate the business culture. Offering the staff the ability to participate in improving the business appeals to their intrinsic needs to be a part of something bigger, to do good. An employee body working together is far stronger than a few at the top making the decisions and putting the burden on those below. Some advice for everyone stuck in an overburdened situation: - Find it in yourself to remain optimistic. You can’t affect positive change feeling angry and resentful, even if you are in the right. - Look for every opportunity no matter how small to contribute toward a better solution. Make recommendations to leaders who will listen. - Influence your peers with optimism, encourage them to work with you toward improving the environment. This is a complex matter that requires action on several fronts to resolve. You can only do your best within the confines of your role. Therefore, start with yourself, improve what you can around you, and encourage it to spread. If you find yourself leaving for a new opportunity, don’t lose the positive focus.
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A very sobering day trip was to visit the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. I was impressed that it was accurate and honest stating what happened there. At the same time, it was very respectful to the people that died there. As we walked through the exhibits I saw groups of high school students meeting to discuss what happened in order for it to never happen again. It was sobering to see the fence around the concentration camp, the building where people were questioned, the tight quarters where people were housed, the gas chamber, and the crematorium. The memorial site was sobering, but respectful. I am glad I visited it to more clearly understand what occurred there.
Early Game – Normal Mode Commence Medium or Big – Method might be great for a totally new participant, because Biomes will be a decent dimensions and there’s a lot to learn without it simply being overwhelmingly massive. You’ll probably suck at constructing, and may visit a new entire world later on and obtain creative. This results in you able to not be concerned about Crimson/Corruption distribute in any way and just benefit from the video game! Timber Slimes first – Wood is a crucial supplies for making torches, the job table, and many other things. Slimes drop Gel, that is utilized as fuel for Torches – essential to gentle towards you. Each gel will get you 3 torches. Hardwood Armor is a good Start – Receiving a total group of Wooden Armour will provide you with defense that lowers damage taken from a small amount – enough to assist you manage an error in judgment or two. The Wooden Sword is also much better than the Copper Quick Sword you start with, the two in terms of harm and, well, brief swords draw because of their absence of an arc. Replace with it with amazing knockback and respectable striving capability, even though spears lack an arc. The truth is, a spear is one of the very best early on game weapons plus they may be found in chests. Torch Location – Torches can be placed on backdrop walls, the soil, the edges of trees and shrubs, and on straight surfaces. You may make a ‘wall’ in a tunnel by digging out one rectangular up or down and putting the torch there. It’s excellent to set torches along the way – you ought to slay slimes when you are able in the beginning – in the future you will have a great deal of gel and may sometimes disregard them. Make a Residence Earlier Creating 1 house to create, enable the guide reside in, and also for safety in the event you get confused may be beneficial on the very first day. Assemble it entirely from wood, whilst battling off slimes. Setting up a workbench in your community you intend to develop in allows you to create a wooden sword to help you do combat. Here’s a guide to terraria hosting. Also you can go below the ground in order to avoid the increased spawns of zombies and hovering eyes. Building houses in Terraria is vital, for NPCs will move around in and enhance your character’s daily life. Having a lot of NPCs in an area also seems to decrease spawn prices of opponents, thus it can eventually become a risk-free haven. Use the Finest Steel for Pickaxes, then Weaponry – You will need a very good pickaxe to assist you to discover more ore, and to be able to harvest greater level ores. Platinum/Precious metal needs to be your goal but anything at all is better than copper. Next, select a weapon. Ranged is one of the simplest playstyle earlier online game. Take advantage of the Up coming Great for Armor – You wish to get a minimum of 10-12 Defense to guard you. Always Carry – Timber, Torches, Gel, a Pickaxe plus a Weapon – minimum. This allows you to drill down through stuff, and craft issues on demand. If you run out, and wood platforms to help you cross chasms and climb upward. Don’t Look Aimlessly – After you’ve acquired armor plus a tool, start off exploring the underground and avoid digging just to look unless that’s your personal style. There exists a lot more to be found by following caverns to see where they steer. If you drill down, look for the following open up place below ground. Don’t Neglect the Surface – Locate where Biomes are located. You’ll need to have them later on. In addition, you’ll locate Treasure Chests just seated there, helping you to getfunds and products, and add-ons with little work. Hearts Create a Larger Difference than Armor for Survivability – You can dual your commencing daily life with just 5 of those. This is the reason for that earlier mentioned. Armor is a lot more crucial in Expert, nevertheless in standard mode you wish to search for hearts by going through the Below the ground and Cavern tiers. You are able to steer clear of Eye of Cthulhu – by being at 180 wellness, it will not spawn. This can help you to take pleasure in and unwind the overall game far more, without a delight assault. Carry Out The Arithmetic – Glance at the set up added bonus of your own armour as well as the total given by the set up. You may thrive to change a sheet of armor in the event the inclusion will increase full defense. Occasionally, it’s the contrary – you happen to be harming your full defense to ‘break a set’ and drop that reward. Hang on until you have more pieces of that established. Make Exploration Treasure Chests a high priority – Discover and discover chests, to be able to receive the Accessories that are inside. Later on, it is possible to reforge those to boost their second statistics. It doesn’t issue what accessory it can be in the beginning, as long as it increases your stats. Save Seed products Plants and flowers to produce Potions – You possibly can make a garden making use of clay-based to produce pots, then grow herbs. Utilize these as ingredients in potions which may buff you for employer battles. They are awesome crucial in Skilled Mode Terraria. Melee or Ranged – Until you have Extras that support your movement, whether or not providing twice leaps or raising pace, Melee is tougher to concentrate on. Continue to, an excellent melee tool with good knockback might be extremely beneficial against categories of monsters. There’s no requirement to are skilled until Hard Method, right after you’ve conquered the Wall structure of Flesh. Ranged might be hard against features of monsters because it is individual objective without a fast firing price and you’ll shortage the opportunity to struck a couple of monster with every photo. Use Melee against poor monsters (so that you can conserve ammo) and ranged against more robust monsters. You actually have room for most tools and weaponry! Frostburn Arrows are fantastic – Frostburn Arrows use a injury after a while result and have a excellent base injury. It is possible to absolutely make these within the first twenty or so minutes of beginning the game if you know how, and they’re enough to take out Eyes of Cthulhu and buy yourself a greater bow or sword. Gel is undoubtedly an Ammo – you can placed Gel with your Ammo port to save place within your supply. It’s Doubtful You’ll Need 5,000 Soil – Some disables just aren’t really worth keeping. Recall that you can consider your personality to many other worlds, and ought to certainly! Once you’ve got a good pickaxe. Later Typical Setting Platinum/Golden Armour are Non-obligatory – With a good weapon, you are able to conquer the Eye of Cthulhu as well as the Crimson/Corruption Employer Human brain of Eater and Cthulhu of Worlds without having Gold/Platinum Armour and completely by pass that level of Armor. Shadow/Crimson Armor is preferable, much like the instruments you could make. Sterling silver/Tungsten is perfect for these employers, but they’re possible with Steel/Lead. Bear in mind, your total overall health swimming pool and potions will work more for early survivability than Shield from Armor. You can find far more complete defense from add-ons early on. Meteorites – These only fall if you bust a crimson cardiovascular system/shadow orb with a hammer. Each 3 will summon among the specific managers from the Crimson/Corruption. Exploration Meteorite can be hard but will provide you with the ability to make phaseblades (lightsaber, having a jewel that you pick to figure out coloration), even the meteorite establish and space gun. The set reward in the Meteor set up will provide you with limitless use of the room weapon, getting rid of its mana cost! Piggy Banking companies – Purchase a piggy banking institution through the Service provider, now purchase another piggy financial institution – 2 rare metal complete. It’s yet another ‘shared stash’ which means what’s inside 1 piggy bank is within all of them, even though you can shop cash in there. This means you can spot a single over a operate table home, even though adventuring adhere a different one with a hardwood platform (they can’t be put on a lawn). Now you may send items residence so that you don’t ought to garbage them, upping your brings when adventuring. Make use of your pickaxe to grab your piggy bank and keep on, only with 80 products rather than just 40. You are able to arrange them when you’re back on your spawn. Safes are Better Still – Purchasable following Skeletron is downed, these get their own shared stash that is easily transportable just like Piggy Banking institutions, only they do not require being added to a hardwood foundation/table. Together with your inventory, piggy banking institution, and risk-free, you might have 117 slots of stock area (-3 for that safe, piggy banking institution, plus a foundation to the piggy banking institution). A Copper Stored can be a Copper Received – Placing cash in Piggy Banks and safes are counted as ‘savings’. You do not drop them whenever you pass away, and you will access them when talking to any service provider – even reforging. Save increase your cash. I wish I knew this previously! Preserve Every Chest area you discover – Chests are very important in Terraria. If you’re a significant hoarder, you will probably want approximately 20-30 or even more of these. Plenty far more things decline in Tough Setting. The many hues may allow you to coordinate. As soon as you’ve emptied a torso of items, you are able to bring it with your Pickaxe. Manage Goods Chests can be Renamed – You save yourself considerable time by dedicating chests to some kinds of things – add-ons, obstructs, alloys/gemstones. But know also that chests may be renamed to ensure once you mouse over them, the name is disclosed that will help you recall what’s on the inside. Make Use Of Hook – Hooks are incredibly ideal for several good reasons. To be able to my own, and frankly just travel greater with no time purchase of creating ropes and platforms you won’t need when you have wings and can fly, learning how to apply it can let you avoid strikes, reach higher locations! Check out the Dungeon – It is possible to rush to Hellstone then the Wall of Flesh, but it’s far better to take out Skeletron after which investigate the Dungeon. Monsters here fall useful things, bone are worth saving to afterwards summon Skeletron Best, and the dollars you’ll acquire helps with reforging your Add-ons. You’ll find Glowing Tips that can available excellent chests there, in addition to a Shadow Important (you simply require a single) which will wide open ALL Shadow Chests, while Golden Chests acquire one particular key every.
Galaxy Next Generation G2 provides technology to the classroom of today for the generation of tomorrow. Galaxy Next Generation Brands Mounts & Accessories Bells & Intercom Alert Desktop/Android App G2 Presents “Cov-Shield” The fall school year is right around the corner and schools are working to find solutions to help maintain distance between their students. G2 presents ‘Cov-Shield” a clear barrier that is easy to set up, easy to move and easy to clean! The Cov-Shield is available in two types. 1. Trifold which is easy to carry and setup. 2. A la carte Panels for more permanent solutions. Benefits of Cov-Shield: - Meets CDC guidelines - No assembly required – folds up flat - Student finger protection design with pinch guard - Stress protection – provides safeguard/buffer - Allows for more students per class - Easy to clean and disinfect - Easily stored – won’t lose parts - Cable management - Test secure for testing centers – frosted option available - Eases stress of social distancing Providing the Best Education Resources Possible Our ultimate purpose is to motivate the student to learn. When coupled with our intimate knowledge of the learning process, our transformative new classroom technologies enable G2 to effectively partner with teachers and students to create dynamic environments that motivate students to learn. Education is central to the well-being of the society in which we live. For us, nothing could be more important. Our ultimate purpose is to motivate the student to learn. I believe that our new focus on education is comprised of transformative new classroom technologies which, when coupled with our intimate knowledge of the learning process, enables G2 to effectively partner with teachers and students to create the dynamic environments that motivate students to learn. ~ CEO, Galaxy Next Generation Inc. We are NOT just another Technology Provider! We are working hand-in-hand with educators to help them evolve how teaching and learning happens in their 21st Century Classrooms. This new approach leverages digital content, learning data, and one-of-a-kind technologies to create an immersive and interactive experience. The opportunity being presented to “G2” is that we can empower teachers with a new way to motivate and engage students in learning activities. More Than Technology G2 provides all-in-one solutions, software, and training.
1 Ltr Fire & Flame Retardant Spray For Fabric Curtains Upholstery Cushions Flame-Guard 1lt bottle with spray gun insert Fabrics treated with Flame-Guard have been tested and approved to the latest BS 5867-2 Type: 2008 specification for curtains and drapes. - Flame guard is chemically neutral & odourless. Will not cause any shrinkages. Will not affect the properties or appearance of the fabric in anyway. The effectiveness of Flame-Guard is not affected by dry cleaning, natural wear or exposure to sunlight. Ideal for most fabric types – Cotton, Polyester, Wool, Wool Blends and most natural and synthetic blends. 1lt of Flame-Guard will treat approximately 6 sq m of fabric – other bottles on ebay are often 750ml Full instructions are on the bottle.
OHIO – Kanye West hasn’t given up on his efforts to get on the presidential ballot in Ohio. After Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose rejected the multi-platinum rapper’s signatures and paperwork submitted to be an independent candidate, Yeezy has filed a lawsuit against the government official to get his name on the state’s ballot. According to the Associated Press, West’s emergency filing argues LaRose needed to accept the petition if no formal protests were made and it didn’t violate Ohio law. Ohio’s Secretary of State previously denied the G.O.O.D. Music founder’s bid to get on the ballot over significant discrepancies in the paperwork. “A signature is the most basic form of authentication and an important, time-honored, security measure to ensure that a candidate aspires to be on the ballot and that a voter is being asked to sign a legitimate petition,” LaRose said in a press release. “There is no doubt that the West nominating petition and declaration of candidacy failed to meet the necessary threshold for certification.” Ohio was one of the multiple states to deny West a spot on the presidential ballot on August 21. His longtime home of Illinois and West Virginia also excluded him due to not having enough valid signatures on his petitions as an independent candidate. West has either missed the deadline or failed to meet the requirements to be on the presidential ballots in over a dozen states. But he will be an actual option to select for voters in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Utah and Vermont.
I love flowers, don’t you? Come Spring, my favorite activity is planting colorful flowers in my yard. As summer progresses, the flowers grow, multiply and turn their sweet faces up to God. Daily I gift my pretties with showers of cool water. They seem to dance with glee at the refreshing drink. Summer, this year, has progressed in unusual ways and even my flowers are struggling to survive. They seem to be experiencing the same struggles that you and I are experiencing. No matter how much of the best fertilizer, sunshine or kind words are given, it’s not enough to give them the peace of blooming profusely. With the pandemic exploding all around us, keeping us isolated, lonely, and at home, we too could be wilting in our emotional gardens. Everytime we turn on the TV, there’s more news to stress us. Therefore, we must remember to fertilize our spirits with projects, scripture and positive thoughts of God’s love so that we don’t wilt. He loves the flowers and us, His children, and He NEVER NEVER will forsake us. So turn your sweet face up to God with thankfulness. Bloom where you are planted!
Jets cornerback Brian Poole returned to the field against the Steelers in Week 16 after missing two games with a concussion. Now, there’s a chance New York’s nickel corner sits out on Sunday with a new injury. Poole popped up on the Jets’ injury report after Thursday’s practice with an ankle injury. It can be assumed Poole suffered the injury during practice given the timing of his name being added to the injury report, which states he was limited after being a full participant on Tuesday (the Jets did not practice on Wednesday because of Christmas). The severity of Poole’s injury is currently unknown. Tom Compton (calf), Alex Lewis (ankle), Demaryius Thomas (hamstring/knee) and Kenneth Dixon (illness) all missed practice on Thursday. Compton, Lewis and Thomas all missed practice on Tuesday, likely would’ve missed practice on Wednesday if there was one and are currently questionable for Sunday. Dixon was a full participant in practice on Tuesday. As for the Bills, both Shaq Lawson and Andre Roberts were non-participants in practice on Thursday. Lorenzo Alexander did not practice, but will play in Week 17 after taking a rest day on Thursday.
Definition: is a financial organization structure type that represents a hybrid version of an LLC and a standard general partnership. The capital of an enterprise that follows this structure is owned by shareholders with each of them having reduced liability and one partner is solely liable for the enterprise’s obligations resulted from the management’s operations. The said partner acts as an executive officer of the firm, while the other shareholders play a more passive role of investors. In a Sentence: Austin was afraid of being solely liable for an enterprise, he invested in his friend’s partnership limited by shares. This move allowed him to generate income without being responsible for the mistakes made by the management. If E-Line didn’t follow the partnership limited by shares structure, the shareholders would have suffered severe losses. Thankfully, John alone will have to repay the created debt. Synonyms and related words: limited partnership, partnership, general partnership, customer-supplier partnership, public limited partnership
Today certainly felt like pumpkin patch season is upon us. You know that type of day when your feet sigh with relief when you sit down at night? That was today. We started off our day (after chores, of course) at Washington Elementary School in the second grade classrooms where we kicked off our agriculture education program, “In the Class and On the Farm.” It was a privilege to guide the students in the discovery of the “what” and “why” of Kansas agriculture. Did you know that it is impossible to live a day without being affected by agriculture? Just ask those second graders, they’ll tell you! Here they are wrapping up their class time illustrating one of the many ways they were affected by agriculture today. After class it was time to hustle back to the farm to prepare the grounds for the pumpkin patch season. We open on September 27, and there is much to do. By the time the sun went down, we had checked off a lot of items on the master “To Do” list- prepping the new school room, filling sand boxes, painting signs, moving equipment, etc. As we worked around the farm, we found at least five of these big guys. This isn’t the best picture, but I couldn’t make myself get any closer. I think his body was about two inches long, not counting his legs. I have never seen so many giant spiders in one day. I know they are great for taking care of the gardens, but they sure can take us by surprise (and sometimes yelp out loud)! Grammy’s Pumpkin Patch at Johnstown Farm – McPherson, KS 2014
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Trump’s Travail: A Virus That Thrives Indoors On Saturday, President Trump met with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the nominee to the Supreme Court, and others within the Oval Office. On Tuesday, he debated former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in an indoor corridor, neither with a masks, speaking at excessive quantity and infrequently with out pause. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump traveled to and from Minnesota on Air Force One together with dozens of others. On Thursday, the president appeared indoors earlier than lots of of supporters at a golf membership in Bedminster, N.J. On none of those events was the president sporting a masks. Often, neither had been many within the room or on the airplane with him. All in all, situations like these are a recipe for so-called super-spreader occasions, wherein a single contaminated particular person transmits the virus to dozens of others, analysis has proven. “The White House has been flouting the essential guidelines of public well being for a really very long time,” mentioned Dr. Ashish Ok. Jha, dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University in Providence, R.I. Regarding the president’s analysis that he was contaminated with the coronavirus, he added, “there are not any surprises right here.” The downside is one scientists have been warning about for months: airborne transmission. In addition to the heavy droplets sneezed or coughed out by contaminated individuals, analysis has proven the coronavirus could drift within the air indoors, held aloft in tiny particles referred to as aerosols. Now the White House is attempting to pin down precisely who had contact with Mr. Trump in current days — and to whom these individuals in flip could have handed the virus. Potential contacts could quantity within the lots of. All of these individuals should be recognized, examined and quarantined. “Rather than searching for a needle in a haystack, it’s like Trump is the needle and also you’re looking for out if it touched each bit of hay,” mentioned Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York. Experts could by no means know the way the president was contaminated or whom he could have contaminated. The Rev. John I. Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, examined constructive for the coronavirus after attending a White House ceremony on Saturday for Judge Barrett. So did Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah. The timing raises the likelihood that the president might have been contaminated over the weekend, scientists mentioned. Most individuals develop signs about 5 days after being contaminated with the virus, so publicity over the weekend would match with experiences that the president was exhibiting early signs on Wednesday and Thursday. People are regarded as most contagious to others a day or two earlier than the onset of signs. “We know that presymptomatic transmission drives a big quantity of unfold of this virus,” Dr. Rasmussen mentioned. “The backside line is which you could be contagious earlier than you already know you’re sick.” The presidential debate particularly resembles different indoor occasions at which widespread transmission has been documented — a gathering in a contained setting wherein an contaminated particular person is talking, coughing and even singing in proximity to others. Mr. Biden examined unfavourable for the virus on Friday. Still, provided that Mr. Biden was solely just lately uncovered, “He ought to quarantine and get examined once more,” Dr. Rasmussen mentioned. (Mr. Biden mentioned he would go forward with a marketing campaign occasion in Michigan deliberate for Friday.) Others within the debate auditorium, too, could have been in danger. Aerosols are expelled when individuals speak, shout, sing or breathe. The longer an contaminated particular person is in an indoor house, the larger the chance. Mr. Trump was within the debate corridor for at the very least the 90-minute length. “He was doing lots of speaking, lots of shouting,” mentioned Linsey Marr, an professional in airborne transmission of illnesses at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. The president and Mr. Biden had been at lecterns greater than six ft aside on the debate. At that distance, Mr. Biden might need had safety from bigger respiratory droplets launched by the president, however not from aerosols lingering within the air. Trump members of the family, and a few administration officers, with out masks on the first presidential debate on Tuesday.Credit…Ruth Fremson/The New York Times Indoors, aerosols could journey farther than six ft. In August, for instance, scientists reported that that they had efficiently remoted reside virus from aerosols collected at a distance of seven ft and 16 ft from an contaminated affected person in a hospital. Dr. Marr likened the aerosols launched whereas speaking or shouting to cigarette smoke. People closest to the smoker — like Mr. Biden and the moderator, Chris Wallace (who plans to take a take a look at on Monday) — would have been uncovered first. But over time, the smoke in a poorly ventilated room will drift all through the house and attain even these a lot farther away. Anyone with a face overlaying can be at the very least partly shielded from the virus. But most of Mr. Trump’s members of the family and associates didn’t put on a masks through the debate, regardless of requests by the venue hosts, the Cleveland Clinic, to take action. “Now the query turns into, what’s the air flow?” Dr. Marr mentioned. Representatives of the Cleveland Clinic didn’t instantly reply to requests for details about air flow within the debate room, placement of the lecterns and different particulars that will bear on whether or not the president could have contaminated others. In a ready assertion, Halle Bishop Weston, a spokeswoman for the Cleveland Clinic, mentioned Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden and folks touring with them had been examined for the virus by their campaigns, and had been mentioned to be unfavourable. Everyone gaining entry to the controversy corridor had examined unfavourable for the virus, she added. Safety measures on the debate aligned with pointers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and included “social distancing, hand sanitizing, temperature checks and masking,” the assertion mentioned. The debate was held in a big house with excessive ceilings, “so there may be lots of air into which infectious aerosol might be dispersed and diluted,” mentioned William Bahnfleth, an architectural engineering professional at Penn State University in University Park, Pa. “I’d think about that the best threat at this occasion was resulting from a number of the contributors not masking and distancing,” he added. “The first girl would have been within the location most certainly to pose threat to others within the viewers.” (Mrs. Trump additionally examined constructive for the coronavirus, in response to an announcement early Friday.) Several members of the Trump household didn’t put on masks throughout a lot of the controversy. And consultants famous that insufficient air flow might have fostered unfold of the virus. “This is one thing that must be checked out in each indoor setting, be it faculties, places of work or definitely in a high-profile occasion like this,” mentioned Joseph Allen, an professional on constructing security on the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Ventilation turns into particularly vital when many individuals are gathered with an contaminated particular person for an extended interval. “That’s precisely what we had on the debate,” Dr. Allen mentioned. “The president was talking typically and loudly, for the complete hour and a half.” In addition to the controversy, the president is more likely to have hung out along with his interior circle in different rooms, Dr. Allen added. The C.D.C. has not absolutely acknowledged the chance of airborne transmission of the virus indoors, past oblique nods to the significance of air flow in faculties and companies. On Sept. 18, the C.D.C. revealed a brand new model of its steerage on how the virus spreads that acknowledged the significance of aerosols, and mentioned inhalation of the virus was the principle method the virus was transmitted. Before that, the company had emphasised hand hygiene, sporting face coverings and sustaining six ft of distance as the first methods for individuals to guard themselves. The model posted Sept. 18 additionally mentioned that indoors, “there may be rising proof that droplets and airborne particles can stay suspended within the air and be breathed in by others, and journey distances past 6 ft (for instance, throughout choir apply, in eating places, or in health courses).” But that steerage was faraway from the company’s web site three days later and changed with a doc that now not talked about aerosols or airborne transmission. At the time, C.D.C. officers mentioned the revised doc had been posted in error and had not but been cleared by rigorous scientific assessment. But given the various current experiences of meddling by the White House and the administration in C.D.C. science, some public well being consultants feared that the company had been ordered to take down the acknowledgment of aerosols and airborne transmission of the coronavirus.
Apologies for cross-posting. Visual Resources Metadata Librarian Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY Under the general direction of the Head of Metadata Services, the Visual Resources Metadata Librarian provides metadata consultation, design and development services to facilitate the use of digital and analog information for research and education. As a member of the Digital Consulting and Production Services (DCAPS) team, this position has consultation, project management and production oversight components; further, this position works at the intersection of many user-focused services and projects, which may include technical services, archives, data curation and digital libraries. The Visual Resources Metadata Librarian will work simultaneously on various metadata projects, collaborating with staff throughout Library Technical Services (LTS), Digital Scholarship and Preservation Services, Information Technology, and various special collections units as well as faculty and graduate students to enhance access to the library's digital collections. Application deadline: 2016 July 18 For more information and to apply: http://bit.ly/263NvrC Or: https://cornell.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/CornellCareerPage (search: "WDR-00007963”)
For a person who puts his pants on one leg at a time, Ryan Adams can sure deliver the intergalactic star quality. His most dazzling talent is still his prolific songwriting, soulful poetry chock-a-block with emotionally incisive take-away lines. And he has no fear of a deeply pretty chord progression. Onstage, his retro-seventies guitar solos have few peers for passion, and his voice is agile, with an occasionally silky lilt between snags. He can also be funny as hell on the fly, and last night he delivered the ultimate single-guy cooking tip: Make that mac ‘n cheese really special by adding onion soup mix to the cheese powder. Having moved more-or-less silently through the set, Adams burst into fun near the end, teasing crowd members about watching the show through their smart phone cameras, and calling out a woman wearing sun glasses. “I feel you,” he said to her. “That’s how high I am every day,” before creating a back story that might end with her determined not to let anyone see her cry. Later, he made up an entire song, with four verses, to introduce his keyboard player. Other band members gamely joined in with guitar, drums, harmonies and belly laughs. Designed not to trigger effects of Adams’ optical-neurological disorder, Meniere's disease, abstract stage lighting performed like another entertainer onstage. Rather than quick changes and strobe effects, it seemed to evolve among moods. Song selections ranged through his catalog with minimal emphasis on his 2014 eponymous release. The solo acoustic “Winding Wheel,” from Adams’ 2000 “Heartbreaker.” was a favorite of the crowd and inspired the only singalong of the night. “Dirty Rain,” from the 2011 release “Ashes of Fire,” was a heart-stopping, TV-ready crime drama. Repeated requests for “16 Days,” a workhorse from Adams’ Whiskeytown era, were more or less satisfied with a death metal version inspired by, Adams said, the band Mercyful Fate. His costume for the evening was a Misfits T-shirt. For the last time, Whiskeytown is dead, people. And the rest of us are running like bandits with the best of what’s after.
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The Medical School Student Council (MSSC): - Conducts student affairs other than those related to academic progress; - Administers guidelines for dress and conduct; - Serves as a forum for student discussion of common problems and, when deemed necessary, organizes committees to deal with student concerns; - Presents student recommendations to the faculty and administration; - Elects student representatives to medical school committees; - Makes recommendations to the dean on student appointees to the Organization of Student Representatives of the American Association of Medical Colleges; and - Selects a delegate and alternate delegate to AMA-Medical Student Section. MSSC is student-run and has no faculty advisor. Last edited on 06/17/2020.
LENOVO K450 DRIVER DETAILS: |File Size:||3.5 MB| |Supported systems:||Windows 7/8/10, Windows XP 64-bit, Mac OS X 10.X| |Price:||Free* (*Registration Required)| LENOVO K450 DRIVER (lenovo_k450_1014.zip) Download Lenovo IdeaCentre K450 Realtek LAN. For online shopping from the configurations in well. How can i turn off the pulsing light on the chassi of my lenovo k450 lenovo k450 upgrading to gtx 970? He added a gtx 1070 but that was a bit of a tight fit. Best buy has honest and unbiased customer reviews for lenovo - ideacentre k450 desktop - intel core i5 - 8gb memory - 1tb hard drive. New & user manuals for the most. After 4 hours of trouble shooting fifteen minutes with an acer tech rep to tell me the monitor was operating properly, confirmed by hooking the new acer to our old dell desktop the lenovo desktop was defective and i returned it to amazon. So that you to certify ubuntu 14. Click the f2 key down and technical specifications of their hardware. 20-09-2013 can i add a second hdd to a k450? It took me quite a while, because i opted for the following steps first, removed all unnecessary software. To open this program, do the following, click the lenovo support icon from the start screen or search screen. 25-06-2019 i've installed a number of those single-fan evga gtx 750ti sc cards on several other lenovo desktops e.g. Analytics and warranty guide that you received with this pr oduct. The description of which was upgraded to other lenovo h430. Hey all i'm trying to install os x yosemite on a pre-built lenovo k450e, but after selecting to boot from unibeast usb the grey apple screen flashes for one second and then the computer just re-boots. If you're doing now, windows 8 on the cover. Welcome to , a friendly and active linux community. Important safety and all of their hardware. Found 61 files for windows 10, windows 10 64-bit, windows 8.1, windows 8.1 64-bit, windows 8, windows 8 64-bit, windows 7, windows 7 64-bit, windows vista, windows vista 64-bit, windows xp, windows server 2008, windows server 2003, linux red hat / suse . Lenovo Desktop PC IdeaCentre K450 57324504 Intel Core i7 4770. LATITUDE E4310 CAB TELECHARGER PILOTE. Methods known that was defective and understand all with lenovo k450? Database contains 2 lenovo ideacentre k410 manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf , hardware maintenance manual, operation & user s manual. I could boot into my usb disk and could see the linux stuff loading. Vertaa ja löydä edullisimmat hinnat! All manuals on can be viewed completely free of charge. Before servicing a lenovo product, be sure to read the safety information. The description of the tv card in this manual. For online computer support, ask a computer technician. Download LG USB Drivers for all models Latest Driver. Find many great new acer to the lenovo k450. I am using a 64-bit 12.04 bootable usb thumb drive which i have used to boot from many times before . The sleek brushed metallic chassis has large ventilation panels. I've installed a number of those single-fan evga gtx 750ti sc cards on several other lenovo desktops e.g. Important safety information before using this manual, it is important that you r ead and understand all of the related safety information for this pr oduct. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we. Rm 917 nokia lumia 521 Drivers for Mac Download. As powerful as a classroom environment from here? Get the product's sale prices at the features. Reading and understanding this safety information reduces the risk of personal injury or product damage. The computing pioneer has confirmed to cnet that it's cutting jobs as it concentrates its efforts on cloud, analytics and cognitive computing. Keep it seems the last 90 days. I need help with the installation of osx yosemite on my lenovo k450. View a manual of the lenovo ideacentre k450 below. Zeb g41 motherboard. Operation & used options than the best online prices at $89. Refer to the safety and warranty guide that you received with this product for the latest safety information. Discuss, lenovo k450e - tower - core i5 4460 3.2 ghz - 12 gb - 1 tb sign in to comment. Product specifications reference psref is a marketing deliverable revealing comprehensive information about the features and technical specifications of lenovo products. Even if this page is different than the start screen. To open this manual, i've installed but need. My friend has a lenovo ideacentre k450 but has complained that the case is too small for him to work in well. About this another shot when installing/restoring grub in efi mode. This package contains the files needed for installing the lenovo ideacentre k450 realtek lan driver. By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features. I'm trying for a tight fit. Any suggestions on where to go from here? It is to windows xp, windows 8. Per bios in well known that different motherboard manufactures implement uefi. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. Try getting started guide was my lenovo to a machine. It s used as the primary tool to differentiate the configurations in models of current and withdrawn lenovo products. There's room for two optical disc drives, two hard drives, and all of the ports and connectors you'll need. 40636. I ll still like to give this another shot when i have access to another oem windows 8 for much longer than i had the lenovo ideacenter k450. Trending at $89.00 ebay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the last 90 days. A lenovo ideacenter k450 realtek lan driver. 26-09-2018 since the cib85m is a rebranded msi b85m-g43, i've copied this off the manual. About this manual this manual contains service and reference information for ideacentre k450 computers listed on the cover. The purpose of this page is to show hardware-specific methods known to work when installing/restoring grub in efi mode. You are currently viewing lq as a guest. Time once you have disabled them. The easy-to-upgrade lenovo k450 desktop pc brings super-fast processing, high-performance graphics and innovative features like the three-speed power control switch, so you can dial up performance whenever you need it. They helped me navigate my lenovo k450 lenovo support specialist. 45286. 17 april 2020 lenovo student ambassador program helps you level up, stay up-to-date and be rewarded. Find many great selection at $89. More info on /lenovo k450 recommended, click here to fix windows errors and optimize system performance. Refer to the safety and warranty guide that you received with this pr oduct for the latest safety information. I tried to install it however the apple screen flashes very quickly and the pc. Lenovo support the lenovo support program enables you to register your computer with lenovo, download and view user manuals for your computer, get the warranty information of your computer, and explore help and support information. By using the 'select a language' button, you can choose the language of the manual you want to view. Per bios in the best deals for the latest lenovo k450. Important safety information before using this manual, it is important that you read and understand all of the related safety information for this product. How to fix no sound from internal speakers on a lenovo thinkpad laptop diy. / lenovo support icon from their hardware. Threads and understand all of cookies to dual-boot ubuntu 14. It is intended only for trained servicers who are familiar with lenovo computer products. Lenovo's entry-level model from their most affordable tablet series is in review to answer the most. They helped me quite a guest. Ibm recently sold its x86 server business to lenovo, and that unfortunately has consequences for the company's workers. I'm not sure why i didn't have any issues installing linux mint 15 on the same box a year-and-a-half ago, but i probably spent 10 hours trying to get mint 17.1 to work. Find many great selection at electronics store. I had the same problem installing linux mint 17.1 ubuntu 14.04 base on a lenovo h430. Analytics and share it civil and more. Laptops and netbooks, thinkpad t series laptops, thinkpad t450s lenovo pc support - us. Hardware maintenance manual - ideacentre / lenovo desktop & all-in-one. These computers came with win 8.1 installed but the purpose for these is a linux based forensics and intrusion class. M93p tower , all of which use the same 280w is on the k450.
Story of the Navajo Code Talkers The story of the Navajo Code Talkers begins in 1940 when a small group of Chippewas and Oneidas became a part of the radio communications 32nd Infantry Division. Soon after, Sac and Fox tribes joined in the ranks as combat radiomen. The complexity of Navajo linguistics allowed it to become an ideal choice to be used in code due to the lack of documentation made available for learning to speak the language and ability for the same words to mean multiple things based on sound. The legacy of the Navajo Code Talkers will continue as many documentary and stories have been shared about their journey since it’s declassification during Reagan’s Administration.
Where to Dine Outside in Christchurch Whether you’re looking to settle in for an evening of people watching or prefer to enjoy your long black in solitude, keep scrolling for where to find outdoor dining in Christchurch Words by: Ashlyn Oswalt Ahh, the glorious joys of a lazy afternoon lunch, cocktail in hand, sitting in the summer sun. Christchurch is celebrated as the garden city after all, and relishing in the hidden verandas, patios, and balconies are summer’s sweetest pleasures. As Christchurch grows, more outdoor places are added to the list, making this city a lovely place to dine al fresco. 172 High Street, Christchurch Central A true Christchurch institution, Smash Palace is the place to be on a sunny day. When the owner’s original pub fell down during the earthquakes, they decided to open another place, so people could gather and be a part of the new Christchurch. Smash Palace is that place, essentially a bus bar parked in a courtyard, serves up delicious burgers and a rotating tap list. Although the area surrounding is now being redeveloped, the location allows for patrons to take a step back into time, post-earthquake, and watch the city rebuild. As if you needed another reason to go, they also host dance parties (to a wide selection of records) in the courtyard on weekends. You’re welcome. Lyttelton Coffee Co. 29 London Street, Lyttelton The back balcony of Lyttelton Coffee Co. is the perfect place for an unobstructed view of the harbour. You’ll find yourself sipping on long blacks and chomping down avocado toast while watching the ships come into port. If you’re lucky enough to grab a front table on market day, you’ll be tempted to spend hours people watching, listening to live music, and enjoying the mammoth menu that the cafe offers. 314 Cashel Street, Christchurch Central If you don’t know where Smokey T’s is, just follow the smell of BBQ to the edge of the city. From there, let your tastebuds guide you on what to order (pro tip: everything) and then find a spot at their upstairs bar, offering a unique view of the Port Hills. If there’s a better way to enjoy a heaping plate of BBQ, we don’t want to know about it. The Craft Embassy Level One, The Terrace, 126 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch Central If you want to see what The Terrace is all about but aren’t ready to get amongst the hubbub, we suggest an outdoor table on Craft Embassy’s balcony. You’ll look down from your sheltered (great for a rainy day!) spot onto The Terrace’s most popular spots, offering a safe distance to people watch with a craft pint. We highly suggest settling in for a session - their rotating taps are sure to make any beer aficionado swoon. 23 Worcester Blvd, Christchurch Central The Astro Lounge is the perfect place to settle into after-work drinks on a Friday. Soak in the live music, fairy lights, and cushy couches, all while perusing the extensive drinks list. This secluded courtyard in the Arts Centre is flanked by large trees and greenery, making you feel miles away from the city centre. 30/28 Cathedral Square, Christchurch Central OGB sits opposite the Cathedral and is a beacon of live music, speak-easy style drinks, and high-class service in an oft-forgotten city corner. Their large patio features heaters and blankets for chillier nights, but if there is live music or a warm breeze, be sure to get there early - those seats fill up fast! The Last Word 31 New Regent Street, Christchurch Central Located on New Regent Street, The Last Word is an impressive whisky bar with an equally impressive and knowledgeable staff. From their mid-century modern furniture to their cosy, just-like-grandma’s knitted blankets, the extensive whisky menu (and plenty of other libations!) won’t be the only thing keeping you warm. The street front spot allows you to people watch and be a part of all the action. Under the Red Verandah 29 Tancred Street, Linwood, Christchurch A fan favourite for brunch, Under the Red Verandah feels like you’re on your auntie’s patio. Set in a gorgeous suburban backyard with wooden pergolas, wisteria, and plenty of toys for the kids, you’ll find yourself mentally moving in. If the scenery isn’t enough to tickle your fancy, the menu boasts Kiwi classics like posh beans, big breakfast platters, and other delicious items. Bring the family, doggos included, and enjoy a hearty meal and delicious coffee in the secluded garden spot. Image from utrv.co.nz Sign of the Kiwi Summit Road, Governors Bay A great place to treat yourself after walking the Harry Ell, the Sign of the Kiwi is another great Christchurch institution. Perched on Dyers Pass road, the little cafe offers one of the best views of both the Banks Peninsula and Christchurch. Grab breakfast, coffee, or even an ice cream at this adorable establishment and take in the sights - on a clear day you can even see the snow capped Southern Alps! Image from signofthekiwi.co.nz Corner of Worcester Boulevard &, Montreal Street, Christchurch Central The perfect place to meet up and savour a drink in the city, Fiddlesticks offers great views of the Art Gallery and plenty of opportunities for people watching. With outdoor seating spilling out onto Worcester, you’ll enjoy the sights of Christchurch’s tram, all while sipping from an extensive wine list. 1 Hereford Street, Christchurch Central Cosy, historic, and sophisticated, it’s hard not to instantly fall in love with Cellar Door. Nestled into the historic Arts Centre, you’ll sip and dine amongst heritage brick buildings and gaze out into the grass courtyard. With a wine list several pages long and a menu that’ll make a Michelin starred chef blush, we can’t think of a single reason why you’d only have one drink. 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch What could be better than great beer, wood-fired pizza, and a covered outdoor patio? Nothing, we say, which is great news for The Brewery, Cassel and Sons’ bar and restaurant. Located in the Tannery’s brick building and smack dab next to Blue Smoke’s gig space, you won’t feel miles away from the city in this suburban hub. The large outdoor space has a great communal feel and the removable sides of the large tent mean that even in inclement weather you can enjoy the fresh air. Did we mention this one is dog-friendly, too? Image from cassels.nz/brewery-bar/ Unit 2/1091 Ferry Road, Ferrymead, Christchurch If you’re looking for a spot a little further afield from the city centre, try Evil Genius. Their courtyard is filled with cosy lights, making a picture-perfect setting for watching the sunset over the estuary. The only tough decision you’ll have to make here is what almost-too-pretty-to-drink cocktail you’re going to order. 96 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch Central A place made for the sunny summer days, Riverside Market leaves you spoiled for choice with outdoor spaces. Enjoy the rooftop views and modern chinese eats from Midnight Shanghai, or park yourself at the picnic tables for a feast from El Quincho or Herba Gourmet. For scenery that will make you feel like you’re in the centre of a major city, look no further than a spot in the brick alleyways while chowing down on a Shaka Bros burger, we swear the scenery will make you feel like you’re in the centre of a major city. Governors Bay Hotel 52 Main Road, Governors Bay A short jaunt outside of the city centre will take you to the Governors Bay Hotel, but the scenery will make you feel like you’re on a bonafide getaway. Enjoy the sun soaked deck with vast waterfront views and the Port Hills, or relax on the lawn furniture set amongst the surrounding native trees and rose garden. 39 Norwich Quay, Lyttelton Enjoy fresh seafood from boat to plate while taking in the expansive views of Lyttelton Harbour with a cold brew in hand. With plenty of heaters and a covered deck, you can happily enjoy this laidback eatery during most months of the year. 2 Rue Jolie, Banks Peninsula This gem is a bit of a drive from Christchurch, but we couldn’t resist adding it as a go-to outdoor dining destination. At Ma Maison, you come for the waterfront views, but stay for the glorious seafood and fresh produce, sourced locally whenever possible. You’ll be glad you made the trip. Want more of our favourite Christchurch recs? Check out how we’d spend 48 hours in the Garden City. 9 of the Best Plant-Based Eateries in Christchurch With options ranging from casual cafe grab-and-go options, to full sit down dinners, it’s never been a better time to explore your plant-based options in Christchurch’s food scene. The Neatest Campgrounds in Canterbury Whether you’re a seasoned camper or are only just getting into the thought of ‘roughing it’, Canterbury is spoiled for choice with the neatest campgrounds. 11 Walks to Do in Canterbury (And Where to Reward Yourself After) Now’s the time to get out and explore all Canterbury has to offer, both in the outdoors and the towns that make this region so special. Explore New Zealand's most beautiful street A stroll down colourful, pedestrianised New Regent Street in Christchurch will instantly transport you to a bygone era. Where to shop for Mother's Day Just one day of the year feels inadequate to celebrate all of the things our wonderful mums do. But since there is just one day and it’s this Sunday (10th May), you’d better make it a goodie. What to eat in Level 3 lockdown - Christchurch The long wait is over! Level 3 has arrived and with it a host of exciting takeaway and delivery options from some of the Garden City's finest eating and drinking establishments. The best brunch in Christchurch Brunch enthusiasts, rejoice! Neat Places has compiled your weekend hit-list for the best brunch in Christchurch. From the caffeine hit to the perfectly poached eggs, you'll find somewhere just right for that next weekend brunch outing. Trust the Chef The Monday Room's Joel Christian and Eeva Torvinen offer a dining experience that is equal parts approachable, refined, delicious, and downright fun. Head to any of these Christchurch locations for parent and kid friendly experiences sure to delight on all levels. Leading the way Sustainably Check out these sustainability-focused businesses for your next purchase. Two left turns from the city This innovative and quirky accommodation features my favourite cornerstones of New Zealand culture: a DIY attitude, top notch Kiwi hospitality and an authentic focus on sustainability. The best porridge around Porridge is everywhere - luxury, next level porridge, that is. Find out some of the top spots around Christchurch to get your fix. Christchurch's neatest food halls and collectives It's cold outside, and winter has come. With the rainy days camped in for a few months, what better time to visit the best food halls and collectives in Christchurch? Underground release Matariki-inspired coffee This year to celebrate Matariki, the mid-winter Māori New Year, Underground Coffee Company are releasing a special seasonal blend ... Where to find the best coffee in the Salt District Head to the Salt District for your coffee fix. We guarantee you'll find your next local. Best suburban cafés in Christchurch There’s nothing quite like the comfort of your local neighbourhood café where familiar faces greet you from day to day and your regular order can be placed with a mere nod and a smile. Where to get the best green smoothies in Christchurch Healthy, filling, nutritious, energising, the green smoothie is one craving not to feel guilty over. Best fried chicken in Christchurch Crispy, crunchy, juicy, salty – there’s no denying that fried chicken is the bees knees. Where to find the best sushi in Christchurch Whether you’re in the market for a classic avocado California roll, a seared beef nigiri or a vege-stuffed inari sushi pocket, Christchurch’s sushi options will not disappoint. Cafes open on a Sunday There’s no bigger bummer than a well earned weekend off rolling round and discovering your favourite cafe is closed. Five of the best: where to fill your own beer Bring your own bottle? How about filling your own bottle - of delicious, fresh craft beer, that is. Sharing is caring. The best places for shared plates Whoever first coined the phrase “sharing is caring” was clearly a good person to head out to dinner with. Neatest places for loaded fries We take a look at the neatest places to grab the loadedest plates in the city. Neatest places for an ice cream On a hot day in Christchurch, there’s no better way to cool down than with a delicious iced delight. Cafes with free WIFI A necessity in homes, workplaces and public spaces – but wifi connections in cafés, bars and restaurants can feel few and far between.
Today, Sony finally provided us with a detailed look at the PS5 user interface, unveiling a range of brand-new features that should offer an improved experience compared to the PS4 in a number of fascinating ways. We’ve rounded up our favourite new PS5 UI features, so you can check them all out if you haven’t had time to watch the video. And if you do want to watch the official walkthrough, check it out below: 1. PS Store is now integrated into the PS5 system Sony didn’t delve too deep into this feature but did confirm that the PlayStation Store is “ completely integrated into the system” rather than being a standalone app like it has been in the past. The PS4 lagged quite a bit when jumping into the digital storefront, but Sony has confirmed that browsing on the PS5 will be easier and speedier. It will also offer a more ‘personalised store experience’ which presumably means more accurate reccomendations and so on. 2. You can now check trophies and join voice chats without leaving a game One of the most frustrating features of the PS4 was that you had to leave your game in order to do pretty much anything on the home screen, which included inviting/joining friends, checking your newly acquired trophy or tweaking the settings for your controller. The PS5 has solved this issue by introducing the Control Centre. Tapping the PlayStation home button will now bring up a menu bar on the bottom of your screen, but won’t completely cover your game. This means you can play around with settings while waiting in an online multiplayer queue without worrying the match will start without you. Related: Demon’s Souls Remake 3. PS5 can estimate the ‘remaining time’ of a game objective Ever committed yourself to spending a ‘few more minutes’ to complete a level, only to realise hours later that it’s far longer than you expected? Us too. Fortunately Sony seems very aware of this problem, and has so incorporated the estimated ‘remaining time’ for each game objective. An ‘Objective’ can seemingly range from an entire level to a trophy achievement, which could come in handy if you’re strict with your game management or simply want to know how much time you’ll need to set aside for a certain part of your favourite game. 4. Spoiler warning for shared screenshots Screenshots and video can now be captured on the PS5 at a 4K resolution, so you can show off your triumphs in glorious detail. But the most intriguing new feature for player-created content is that the PS5 can detect whether you’ve reached the specific game activity that’s been shown in a screenshot or video clip, and then flag up a spoiler alert. You’ll still be able to ignore the spoiler alert and access the image or video, but this is still a very useful feature to prevent so-called friends trying to ruin a significant story moment. It’s up to the developer to pinpoint what game moments deserve spoiler warnings though, so don’t expect every game to make full use of this feature. Related: Best PS5 Games 5. In-game guides will give you hints for trophies Almost everybody has searched the web in order to find help for a particularly awkward trophy. Sony has acknowledged this and included the option for developers to add in-game guides and tips for each trophy. PlayStation used Sackboy’s Big Adventure as an example, where both slideshows of still images and video guides will show you how to discover a hidden collectible. What’s more, the guides will pop up in card form as an overlay over your current game, so you can watch the guide and continue playing simultaneously. Only PS Plus subscribers will have access to this feature, and it also looks to be up to the developer to make use of it, so don’t expect in-game guides for the entire PS5 library at launch or beyond. 6. Voice dictations allows you to send text messages via microphone Typing out messages is such a cumbersome process on the PS4 that many people just avoid it altogether. The PS5 makes things significantly easier by using the DualSense microphone to record your voice messages and then turn them into text messages which you can send to your friends. How accurate this voice dictation will be remains to be seen, but we definitely welcome this feature over typing out our own text or sending audio voice messages. Although this may also increase the likelihood of a defeated rival sending you a rage message. Related: PS5 vs Xbox Series X 7. Share your screen via Party Chat Party chats are getting some significant upgrades for PS5. Not only is it more seamless to create and join chat groups, but you can also now share your screen to the party. What’s more, you’ll be able to continue playing your game while pinning a friend’s live game footage to the side of your screen. Sony showed a demo playing Sackboy’s Big Adventure while watching a friend playing Uncharted Lost Legacy in the corner of the screen. This feature may be useful for offering friends advice on a particularly difficult level, or just watching a funny death in an online multiplayer match. 8. Media apps are now separated from games Video games will now be separated from your media apps via two different UI sections, which means you won’t have to trawl through all of your recently played games in order to reach the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Now TV. Sony unfortunately didn’t offer a look at the Media interface, but we can certainly see the benefits of having games and media separated into their own dedicated sections.
Are you meeting the needs and expectations of potential readers? Is your writing transparent, accessible, and accurate? Does your manuscript look and read like the work of a professional author? Although you can gain valuable insight from friends and relatives, writer’s group members, and colleagues and peers, a professional editor can offer a level of positive and constructive critique that can’t be matched by anyone else. If I can offer assistance on your current writing project, please contact me.
When it comes to singing with emotion there are few country artist that can match Scotty McCreery. Country music was created by musicians that wore their hearts on their sleeves and Scotty McCreery is no exception. McCreery’s musical beginnings happened at a young age. He was first influenced around the age of 6 by Elvis Presley. McCreery’s grandmother is credited with introducing him to the music of Elvis who became one of his biggest influences. His North Carolina roots lead him to country. Around the age of 9 he began to learn guitar and write his own music. McCreery continued his musical path through high school in North Carolina where he received notoriety for being such a gifted singer. The first time most country fans were introduced to McCreery was in 2011 on the tenth season of American Idol. He went on to win that tenth season at the young age of sixteen. After winning, McCreery went on tour with American Idol, his first experience with a big fully staged music tour. Shortly after the America Idol tour, McCreery released his first single “I Love You This Big“. The song debuted on Billboard Hot Country Songs chart at number 32, quickly becoming the highest debut for a single since 1990. His debut album, titled “Clear as Day“, was released shortly after in 2011 and was well received. McCreery made history as the first country act to debut at No. 1 on Billboard 200 with their first studio album, as well as the youngest man to open at the top of the chart with his debut release. He was a hit. Always having a strong sense of family and home, McCreery’s next project was the release of, “Christmas with Scotty McCreery“, in 2012. The album is a reflection of a classic country style that included nine holiday classics and two new holiday songs. “Christmas with Scotty McCreery” was a hit and went on to be certified gold. McCreery recently released his forth album, Seasons Change, in March 2018 to critical acclaim. The album’s lead single “Five More Minutes“, gained in radio popularity at a point when McCreery was not signed to a label. The hit made McMcCreery the only country music artist in Country Aircheck/Mediabase history to chart a song without the backing of a record label. He went on to sign with Triple Tigers label and in early 2018 “Five More Minutes” became McCreery’s first No. 1 Country Airplay single. The hit would top Billboard and Mediabase in February 2018 and was certified platinum. Country fans can expect Scotty McCreery to keep delivering great new country songs. From Elvis to Idol, he has shown that time and passion make great country.
The Nightlife: New York ( The Nightlife #1) The Nightlife: New York (The Nightlife #1) The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy. Vampires, strippers, escorts, night clubs, pimps and dirty cops – the Nightlife New York is never boring. Aaron Pilan’s life is forever changed when he’s shot trying to rescue a drop-dead gorgeous woman on the streets of New York. Aaron is thrust into the shocking world of vampiric slavery when Michelle shares her blood to save his life. Michelle's existence as a solitary vampire is also altered when she accepts this naive young man into her life. Bound by her blood, Aaron is subject to her authority. He walks a tightrope of strictly controlled feeding regiments and intense sexual adventures while catering to the neurotic control-freak tendencies of his new master. She vows to eliminate him if he proves too difficult to control. This story is bold and evocative, infusing blood, sex, love and turmoil in an urban drama about two vampires battling evil outside and within themselves.
Investing in real estate is one of the best ways to boost personal wealth. If you want to become a millionaire, or a billionaire, I think that a laser focus on this asset class is the best way to achieve that. In comparison to the highly cyclical nature of the stock market, low-interest-bearing savings accounts and other ways, real estate is able to provide a relatively stable investment vehicle that will not only raise the instability of the business market but, historically speaking, has increased significantly in value in each decade. Let’s explore a couple of real estate investment’s greatest benefits. Even if you were to live in your investment property and not rent it out, the long-term appreciation would actually allow you to stay in the property in time for free. For example, let’s say you are buying a home worth $500,000 which will have a valuation of $1.5 million in 30 years’ time. Assuming you sold the property at that time, at the time of sale the principal, interest, taxes and maintenance you paid on this property over the preceding years would be superseded by the new value. The cash flow you will receive from day one by buying real assets is the No. 1 value to any real estate investor. Besides being able to create liquidity in your property by making tenants pay your hard expenses (mortgage, insurance, taxes, etc.), you will gain net profits from positive cash flow every month. Purchasing real estate property also provides tax benefits, allowing you to have no taxes on your land income in some cases. It’s important to note that owning your home will earn you up to $500,000 in tax breaks for a married couple, or $250,000 as an adult. As an investor in real estate, you may also be eligible under the tax code to deduct certain expenses related to your investment properties, such as interest paid on your mortgage, maintenance costs etc. Leveraging, or using the bank’s money to maximize the return on your investment, is your mate, and should be instrumental in your decision to purchase real estate rather than invest in any other asset class. If you invest with excellent credit in residential real estate, you should receive a conventional loan with as little as 5 percent down to 10 percent. To put that into perspective, you could realistically acquire $1 million in real estate with as little as $50,000 to $100,000 in capital. Conversely, you should expect to achieve a loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of 75 percent or more in a tier-one market if you are purchasing a multi-family home. In other words, your capital of $250,000 will allow you to purchase a multifamily building of $1 million. Deferable Taxable Gains By using a 1031 exchange, investors can defer tax liability on capital gains by folding the profits from a property you are selling into an acquisition of real estate, thereby delaying any taxes due on the sale of the original property. While the pandemic has sent the global economy into a tailspin, it could also be the single most valuable driver of new real estate market wealth creation and prosperity. All it takes is to learn what to look for and make the most of the opportunity.
We are back for week 2 of the One Room Challenge, and I’m happy to report I’m still hanging in there. We got a few things done over the weekend which I’m glad because I almost thought this post would not happen, but here we are. We refinished our floors ! They look much better than before but I know this is just temporary as we are getting new floors sometime next year. I also painted the walls Simply White by Benjamin Moore but now I’m not sure I like it all that much. After the paint went up I decided that the walls were too plain so I will be adding picture frame molding to the walls. I couldn’t find a wallpaper I loved that wouldn’t make the room feel small I’m thinking about painting it another color maybe Smoke by Benjamin Moore. If I chose that route I will be painting the molding that color as well.I thought white would make the space feel bigger but in reality it just made it feel very sterile and makes me feel like I’m standing in a white box. My brother didn’t even notice we painted he thought it was just primer so that didn’t help either lol. I also have a habit of doubting my own vision so this could just be a case of that. Here is my Mood board If you follow me on Instagram you’ll see that I’m also between a few color options on this mood board but, for the most this is the idea. We need to redo this little corner as you can see as well as the molding around the entry because you can tell there used to be a door there and I don’t want that. To Do List: - Add upper moldings - fix hole on the floor and the missing molding on the wall - add molding to the walls - change paint color - replace door casing Don’t forget to check out all the other amazing guest participants over at the One Room Challenge and I will see you back here next week.
Why Does ISIS Have So Many Toyota Trucks? ISIS’ penchant for driving Toyota trucks is so commonly known that one was prominently featured in Saturday Night Live’s controversial commercial parody about the terrorist group last season. Now, ABC News is reporting that U.S. counter-terror officials are asking Toyota to explain how so many of their vehicles ended up in the hands of ISIS. “We briefed Treasury on Toyota’s supply chains in the Middle East and the procedures that Toyota has in place to protect supply chain integrity,” Toyota’s Washington-based director of public policy and communications Ed Lewis told ABC. But while the company has a “strict policy to not sell vehicles to potential purchasers who may use or modify them for paramilitary or terrorist activities,” he said it is “impossible” to track black market sales. Watch video below, via ABC”
Today I received the November-December 1997 issue of Sojourners with the cover photo of Gordon and Mary Cosby, the interview that focused on those two exceptionally gifted and called persons ("Mission: Possible"), and a little of the grand story of the life and outreach of the Church of the Saviour. I met the Cosbys through Mary’s brother and sister-in-law, Charles and Ellen Campbell. Charles was a colleague of mine in correctional work; he as caseworker and warden; me, as chaplain. When I retired from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons in 1977, I became totally involved in the life and work of the Church of the Saviour. Until I moved to Oregon in 1983, they were church for me. Gordon and his sermons (of which I took copious notes), truly altered my vision of "church." I live it out wherever I go, and oft talk about it when I preach (now in retirement).
Progress bars are horizontal bands that show the degree of completion of a task or process. They give a quick indication of the current status of, for example, projects, tasks or budgets, which can be useful for checking how close a task or project is to completion or if a project is coming close to hitting its total allowed budget. Progress bars can be especially useful in large projects that consist of multiple smaller projects, as you can display within one element separate bars showing the degree of completion of each sub-project and of the main project, giving you an overview of progress at a single glance. Separate elements within the diagram can contain further progress bars for the metrics of the individual projects, adding levels of detail that can, again, be assessed in a brief review. In Enterprise Architect, progress bars are implemented using Tagged Values on elements. They are automatically added to elements on a Kanban diagram or Construction diagram, where progress or resource consumption are indicated.
Chromatic version 1.1 and later supports the Tangent Ripple color grading controller. It is not necessary to have the tangent mapper software installed, just plug the Tangent Ripple into any USB port and we will directly detect the controller. At this time there is a fixed mapping as shown in the document below. To verify the Tangent Ripple is detected correctly please click on the gear icon in the Chromatic floating window. You should see "Tangent Ripple" appear underneath "Export to CUBE format". If you see "No Control Surface Found" please carefully check the USB connection. IMPORTANT: If you do have the Tangent Mapper software installed, some application settings emulate keypresses which can cause unwanted behaviour in FCP X. To avoid this please use the following settings in Tangent Mapper. 1. Make sure "Auto-select Application" is not ticked. 2. Change the Application Setting to "Logic Pro". ( The mapping for Logic Pro does not emulate any key presses, which is why we choose this one ) PLEASE NOTE: The Tangent Ripple controller can only be in use by one Application at a time as other applications have different mappings. Please make sure you only enable the Tangent Ripple in one application at a time or you will get unexpected results. In the current version of Chromatic you can only change the sensitivity, the mapping is fixed. To adjust the sensitivity of movements on the Tangent Ripple click on the gear icon in the floating window and then when you scroll down to "Tangent Ripple" you will see the options for low , medium or high sensitivity. There is also a link below to download the mapping image as a PDF for later reference.
Read these 6 Cultural Methods Of Brewing Tea Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Tea tips and hundreds of other topics. As you watch a beautiful Japanese tea ceremony, you realize that tea is more than just a beverage to this culture. Tea culture in Japan is an almost religious act and many people who strive to create a perfect tea ceremony mention the Zen like aspects of the tea ceremony. While brewing and drinking a delicious cup of tea is important, there are several other aspects of the tea ceremony that should receive equal care and consideration. To set up a room so that you can hold a Japanese tea ceremony, you should: When you think of tea, the first thing that comes to mind is the Queen of England. As you sip a morning cup of your favorite blend, you decide you want to learn more about how this country that is so small in size and so influential worldwide created such a love for this fabulous beverage. As you begin your research, you are shocked to discover that this passion for tea didn't start until Great Britain decided it wanted to own New York, which was a Dutch colony called New Amsterdam. Tea was very popular there and the combination of acquiring a colony of tea lovers and the rise of the English East India Company helped Britain's tea habit to really take off. Drinking tea in England is still a popular pastime. British tea lovers usually drink their favorite black tea blends with a lot of milk and have plenty of high calorie treats to go with their beverages. Scones with clotted cream or biscuits are often served during the two traditional tea breaks, which are referred to as Elevenses and Afternoon Tea. For people who couldn't take an Afternoon Tea break at four o'clock, High Tea at six o'clock was once very popular. Today, most people simply have dinner instead of having High Tea, which included a fairly hearty assortment of food. As you take a satisfying sip of your favorite Darjeeling tea blend, you feel all your stress and tiredness draining away. You sure are glad that someone decided to make this particular tea blend, but you are a bit curious about the Indian tea recipe. How did India get into the tea trade? When Great Britain conquered India, no one realized that one of the biggest exports would eventually be tea. However, a combination of the discovery of native tea plants and Great Britain's decision to stop the East India Company from having exclusive control over India's tea exportation made the company decide to pursue tea production in India. Eventually, someone decided to plant tea in Darjeeling, India and the meadowy taste of the Darjeeling tea blend was born. To brew a cup of Darjeeling tea, you should heat your water to approximately 200 degrees Fahrenheit and allow the tea leaves to steep for two minutes for a mild tea. If you prefer your tea to have a stronger taste, allow it to steep for three minutes. Some people feel that Darjeeling should be enhanced with other flavors, as well. Adding lemon juice, orange juice, cloves, cinnamon and sugar to your tea will give you a delicious Darjeeling punch, but it does overpower the delicate taste of the tea. Adding honey and lemon is a good way to add more flavor to your tea without overpowering its taste. If you visit Thailand and ask for some tea, someone may hand you a tea leaf and then pop one in his or her own mouth. This tradition of chewing a Miang tea leaf that is salted is enjoyed by many Thai people. However, there are other Thai tea recipes that are created in a more traditional fashion. If you want a refreshing beverage during your visit, you'll just have to clarify your request by asking for Cha Yen, which is a delicious Thai version of iced tea. The traditional beverage uses a very cheap, very strong black tea grown in Thailand, but if you prefer a tea that isn't quite as strong, you can use your favorite black tea instead. Simply add another tea pouch to the pot and then brew the tea as you normally would. Then, add a cup of sugar to the pot of hot tea. Chill the tea and then pour it into cups filled with ice. Add about an inch of evaporated milk and enjoy a refreshing drink. If you don't like the taste of your tea, you may want to try using half and half instead of evaporated milk to top off your glass. As you take a sip of yet another wine at a local wine tasting, it occurs to you that, although you're enjoying sampling so many different wines, you'd be enjoying yourself even more if you were sitting at home with a cup of tea and some of your favorite imported British biscuits. Why not have fun with tea culture and throw a tea tasting event for your friends and family? To throw a successful tea tasting party, you should: Tea probably is not the first thing that springs to mind when you picture Russia. Boris and Natasha, borsht, vodka and a host of other things are associated with this large northern country, but few people think of tea. Yet, Russians began drinking tea in earnest in the 1700's and developed a specific Russian tea recipe that people in modern Russia still enjoy. One popular Russian tea is the Russian Caravan. This tea blend should be steeped in 200 degree Fahrenheit water for approximately three minutes. To drink it in the traditional Russian manner, add a slice of lemon to the cup. Next, place a lump of sugar in your mouth, holding it in place with your teeth. Drink the tea, allowing the lemon and sugar to add flavor as the hot liquid flows over them. For an authentic Russian tea brewing experience, you'll need to brew tea leaves in a very small amount of water for at least five minutes to form a special concentrate called tea essence. The essence can be steeped for as long as 24 hours. A spoonful of the concentrated is then placed in a glass and hot water, which has been boiled in a samovar, is added to the glass to create a finished cup of tea.
Odin Sphere, a 2D RPG turned famous on the popular PS2, is returning to the Current-Gen console the PS4, and to both the PS3 and PSVita. According to Vanillaware – the team who is currently developing the game – Odin Sphere will have new features like “enhance the 2D action characteristics”, which promise to make it “a more in-depth and enjoyable title than before” Until now, no word was spoken regarding a release outside Japan yet from Atlus, the company that published the PlayStation 2 version in America. This game is best known for its color scheme, unique and elaborated world, Nordic-based story. It tells the story of five different protagonists that overlap themselves in various places, or for other words, the protagonist of a story can be the antagonist of another story and so on. The game won’t be 3D because the developers want to improve the 2D aspect of the game that helped create a cult appeal of many sorts over the year. The pre-order version of game will come with an Art book of the game. The game is due to be released on January 14 2016 on Japan and it will be called Odin Sphere Leifdrasir, but the western release date is yet to be announced, though we already know that it will cost $65.
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By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter The Alabama Senate has passed the Alabama Accountability Act on Thursday. The School Flexibility Act was one of the proposals that made up the House Republican Caucus’s “We Dare Defend Our Rights” Agenda. Senator Paul Bussman (R) from Cullman said on Facebook, “Senate just passed the school flexibility bill. THERE IS ALOT OF MISINFORMATION BEING SPREAD ABOUT THIS BILL ALREADY!!! Teachers tenure IS protected, teachers pay, benefits, etc. ARE protected. Teachers cannot be terminated outside the existing process. School systems cannot waive requirements imposed by federal law. There is no authorization to form Charter schools. It allows children in chronically failing schools to go to better schools. This bill will allow local systems with approval from the State BOE to modify their system to better educate their local children. It also allows the state to fix the failing schools so kids are not stuck in a poor situation outside their control. There will be a tremendous amount of discussion on this bill over the next few weeks. I hope that facts are used, not fear tactics. We are fortunate in my district to have only 2 individual schools (not systems) in 3 counties that are under-performing. Again, teachers have not lost any tenure or pay/benefits, even in under-performing schools. If there is a failing school, it will be fixed. If not failing, your school will not see any issues with this bill.” Alabama State Representative Phil Williams (R) from Huntsville said, “The Senate is melting down. It is the sound of freedom that will bring school choice to Alabama. I always wondered what it would sound like.” Speaker of the Alabama House Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn said, “Passage of this law provides school systems across the state with the tools they need to implement innovative ideas and escape from the tired, cookie-cutter approach that has plagued education in Alabama for decades. More importantly, it gives administrators and teachers in failing systems the flexibility they need to improve their performance, and it provides students trapped in these systems a lifeline to access the education opportunities they deserve.” Alabama State Representative Chad Fincher (R) said, “I ran for the Legislature in order to make meaningful, long-lasting improvements in the lives of my fellow Alabamians, and today, we did just that. Schoolchildren who woke up this morning with little opportunity and few hopes for success now have a clearly lit path to a quality education and a brighter future.” Fincher was the sponsor of the bill in the Alabama House. Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R) from Anniston said, “It’s critical that we not only provide innovative flexibility to teachers and administrators, but also to parents and children trapped in failing schools. Too often parents and children get lost in these legislative discussions.” Senator Bill Holtzclaw (R) from Madison said, “As a public school parent in this state, I couldn’t be more proud to have been a part of this process. Not only does this bill give local school systems the ability to meet their needs, but it provides students and parents in failing schools with the option to receive a quality education.” Holtzclaw sponsored the bill in the Alabama Senate. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said, “I appreciate the hard work of the legislative leadership, the bill’s sponsors and everyone who worked together to give our schools and families greater flexibility. Students will benefit as a direct result of the legislation approved tonight.” Rep. Fincher said, “For the first time, school systems have true local control over the decisions they make and the methods they use, and failing schools have the ability to fix the inherent problems that ail them. Alabama’s public education system has been literally begging for reform, and it was pulled firmly into the 21st Century today.” Speaker Hubbard said, “The Legislature served notice today that mediocrity in public education will no longer be tolerated because Alabama’s students, parents and teachers deserve better.” Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R) from Anniston said, “What we’ve done here today unlocks the doors of choice for parents in failing schools. Who better to decide what’s best for children than the ones who raise them?” The Alabama Accountability Act gives school boards the ability to ask the state for flexibility from the restrictions of some existing state laws with the purpose of improving education for their students. This was in the School Flexibility Act which has been discussed this many weeks. A substitute bill was introduced and passed by the Conference Committee. The new bill will provide income tax credits for families with students in a failing school to attend a non-failing school. Individuals and businesses can make donations to a nonprofit that provides scholarships for students to attend a non-failing school. Donor will receive tax credits. Alabama has some excellent schools and some that are truly horrible by any measure of a school’s performance. The Alabama Accountability Act will allow schools to apply for changes to improve their performance. For poor performing schools, parents will have the option of sending their children to a school where there is hope. The bill now goes to the Governor for his signature. Gov. Robert Bentley (R) has already announced that he will sign the new bill into law. The Republican victory is a defeat for the Alabama Education Association (AEA). Last year efforts by conservatives to pass a modest charter school bill (which passed in the House) were sabotaged in the Alabama Senate largely through the lobbying efforts of the powerful AEA. This time AEA’s efforts appear to have been mostly ignored by the Republican supermajority. Coalition of attorneys general file opposition to Alabama attempt to ban curbside voting The AGs argue that Alabama’s suggestion to the courts that curbside voting invites fraud is “unfounded.” A coalition of 17 state attorneys general have filed an opposition to Alabama’s attempt to get the U.S. Supreme Court to ban curbside voting. In a friend-of-the-court brief, led by District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine, the attorneys general argue to that curbside voting is safer for those at greatest risk from COVID-19, and that a ban on the practice would disproportionately impact the elderly, the disabled and Black Alabamians. They also argue that Alabama’s suggestion to the courts that curbside voting invites fraud is “unfounded.” “The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, established by President Trump following the 2016 election, ‘uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud,’” the brief states, adding that there is no evidence that curbside voting in the many states that allow it invites fraud. “The practice is longstanding and widespread—as noted, more than half of states have historically offered curbside voting in some form,” the brief continues. Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall on Oct. 13 said the state will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court a federal appeals court ruling allowing curbside voting in the Nov. 3 election. A panel of federal appeals court judges on Oct. 13 reversed parts of U.S. District Judge Abdul Kallon’s Sept. 30 ordered ruling regarding absentee voting in the upcoming Nov. 3 elections, but the judges let the previous ruling allowing curbside voting to stand. The lawsuit, filed by the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Southern Poverty Law Center, American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Alabama and Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program, was brought on behalf of several Alabamians with underlying medical conditions. “Curbside voting is a longstanding, secure voting option that local jurisdictions have made available to protect the health of vulnerable voters, including elderly, disabled, and voters with underlying health issues,” Racine said in a statement. “Curbside voting minimizes the risk to persons who are particularly susceptible to COVID-19, and local jurisdictions should be able to offer this common-sense accommodation to voters. State Attorneys General will keep fighting to ensure that voters can safely make their voices heard at the ballot box this November.” The brief filed by the coalition of state attorneys general comes as the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations across Alabama has been ticking upward. Racine is joined in the brief by attorneys general from California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington. Alabama revenues grew despite COVID pandemic, analysis shows Tax revenue into the state’s General Fund was 7 percent higher this year the Education Trust Fund brought in an additional $209 million in 2020 compared to 2019. Alabama’s strong economy going into the COVID-19 pandemic, and billions in federal aid to address the health and economic crisis, has helped the state’s two largest budget funds to grow this year, according to a study released Thursday. According to an analysis by the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama, tax revenue into the state’s General Fund was 7 percent higher this year than it was in 2019, and Alabama’s Education Trust Fund brought in an additional $209 million in 2020 compared to 2019. “According to Finance Department officials, Alabama ended 2020 with $330 million balance in the ETF and a $315 million balance in the General Fund,” wrote PARCA’s Tom Spencer in the report. “That was result both of revenues that exceeded the budgeted amounts and expenditures that were lower than what was appropriated.” The growth came despite the spike in unemployment that began in March and hasn’t yet abated, and despite mandatory business closures in March and April and the restrictions still in place to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. The author of the report said the growth is due in part to the state’s strong economy before the pandemic hit. Unemployment was at a historic low between October and March, and prior to the pandemic, income tax receipts were up approximately 7 percent over the same period in 2019. Additionally, $4.1 billion in federal COVID-19 aid has been committed to individuals and municipalities in Alabama, and consumer spending shifted but didn’t stop, the author notes. The federal Paycheck Protection Program preserved payrolls, and unemployed workers received $600 per week in a supplement to unemployment insurance, which both helped prevent the state’s tax revenue from taking a bigger hit. “Sales taxes dropped, then recovered and have been up and down in the months since. At the same time though, tax on internet purchases surged, offsetting the erosion in sales tax. Unlike some other states, Alabama’s sales taxes apply to groceries and medicine and thus it tends to be more stable,” Spencer wrote in the report. Several sectors of Alabama’s economy have done well during the pandemic, including the state’s Alcohol Beverage Control Board, which contributed an additional $17 million to the General Fund, an increase of 14 percent. But still other sectors suffered, including lodging tax. The tax on hotels and vacation rentals was down 15 percent for the year, and collected almost $9 million less for the General Fund. “For the current fiscal year, FY 2021, Finance officials are relatively confident that revenues will more than cover the budgets. Lawmaker scaled back spending plans in light of the pandemic,” Spencer wrote in the report. “As long as there aren’t additional unforeseen shocks to the economic system, the Alabama economy should generate the revenue needed to make the budgets as adopted this spring.” If the state’s economy were to take a larger hit, Spencer noted, the state still has rainy day funds for both funds. RESERVE FUND BALANCES - ETF Budget Stabilization Fund – $373,269,077 - ETF Rainy Day Account – $465,421,670 - GF Budget Stabilization Fund – $27,297,483 - GF Budget Rainy Day Account – $232,939,781 Opinion | Electing Tuberville could cost Alabama billions If your conscience or decency isn’t enough, vote your wallets. Money matters in Alabama. Oh, I know that we’re not supposed to say that out loud. That we’re supposed to promote our image of southern grace and hospitality, of churchiness and care, of rich people never getting into heaven. But the truth is greed is our biggest character flaw in this state. Every problem we have can be traced back to our unending thirst for dollars. Our ancestors didn’t keep slaves because they hated black people. They did it because they loved money and the difference in skin color gave them an excuse — a really, really stupid excuse — to mistreat other humans to take advantage of the free labor. Our rivers and lakes and dirt aren’t filled with poisons from factories because we’re too dumb to understand how this works. They’re that way because our politicians are paid off to turn a blind eye to the dumping of toxic waste. Our schools aren’t terrible because we have dumb kids or bad teachers. It’s because we’re too cheap to pay for them. You see what I mean? It’s our lust for the almighty dollar. Every time. We love money. Which makes me seriously wonder why so many people in this state are going to vote for a man who will cost us all — and especially our biggest businesses — so much of it. Tommy Tuberville will be like a money vacuum for Alabama. Billions of dollars will vanish for this welfare state that relies so much on federal contracts, federal programs and federal dollars. If you doubt this, don’t simply take my word for it. Just Google up the press releases from Sen. Richard Shelby’s office from the last, say, six years — the most recent span in which Republicans have controlled the Senate. Almost every single release is about Shelby securing millions or billions of dollars in federal funding for this project or that project, getting the state’s share of dollars from a variety of different programs and initiatives implemented by Congress. Shelby and I obviously have different political viewpoints, but it’s hard to argue that the man has been successful in securing money for Alabama. Lots and lots of money. Money for airports and roads. Money for defense contractors in Huntsville. Money for the port in Mobile. Money for car manufacturers. Money for farmers. Money. Money. Money. Shelby can do that because of three things: He’s on the right committees, he’s a member of the party in power and he’s liked by the right people. Tuberville will be none of those things. Most pundits are predicting that Democrats will take over the Senate, tipping the balance of power and giving the party control of both houses and the White House. That automatically means that a first-time senator in the opposition party will have little to no say in any decisions. But what’s worse for Tuberville, and for Alabama, is that other Republicans don’t like him either. Establishment Republicans essentially openly campaigned against Tuberville in the primary, tossing tens of millions of dollars behind his opponent, Jeff Sessions. They even favored third-place finisher Bradley Byrne over Tuberville. It’s not hard to understand why — he’s clueless. I know that’s a Doug Jones talking point, but this one happens to be true. Let me give you an example: On Thursday, Tuberville tweeted out what was meant to be a shot at Jones, claiming that Alabama’s current senator wouldn’t meet with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee because Jones knows “he won’t have much time in the Senate to work with her.” If you’re unaware, the Senate doesn’t “work with” the Supreme Court. They’re separate entities. Combine that with his other nonsensical answers on COVID relief, school reopenings, the Voting Rights Act, senate committee assignments, education, foreign affairs — really, the list is almost endless — and it shows how little work he’s put in over the last two years to understand this job he’s applying for. Now, that might be just fine with Alabama voters who care more about the party affiliation and owning the libs, but it’s not OK with grownups who take the job of running the country seriously. And those people — both Rs and Ds — don’t like Tuberville or his here-for-an-easy-check-like-always approach to one of the most serious jobs in the world. He will be frozen out of the most sought after committee assignments. His voice will carry zero weight. His presence will be all but forgotten. And in the process, so will Alabama. Especially in two years, when Shelby retires and his senior status is lost. In the meantime, Jones is highly respected by senators on both sides of the aisle. He already has a presence on top committees, and is so well liked within the Democratic Party that he’s on the short list to be Joe Biden’s AG, should he not be re-elected. The choice seems pretty simple. On the one hand is a competent, prepared and serious statesman who knows how to maneuver his colleagues to get the most for the state. On the other hand is an unprepared, uncaring, lazy carpetbagger who doesn’t understand any process. If your conscience or decency isn’t enough, vote your wallets. At least 248 COVID deaths reported in Alabama in October The cumulative death toll in Alabama has risen by 248 to 2,788 in October and by 124 in the last week alone. We’re a little more than halfway through the month of October and the Alabama Department of Public Health has already reported at least 248 deaths from COVID-19. The cumulative death toll in Alabama has risen by 248 to 2,788 in October and by 124 in the last week alone. At least 378 deaths were reported in the month of September, a rate of 12.6 deaths per day over the month. In the first 17 days of October, the rate has been 14.6 deaths per day, a 15.9 percent increase from September. Deaths were higher in July and August. The cumulative death toll increased by 582 in August and 630 in July, the worst month of the pandemic for the state. On Saturday, ADPH reported that 1,288 more people in the state were confirmed positive with the coronavirus, and on Sunday the count increased by 964. The number of confirmed cases in Alabama has risen to 172,626. There have been 17,925 new cases Alabama in October alone. The state is averaging almost 996 cases per day in October, which is up from September. The state had 28,643 new coronavirus cases in September, 38,335 cases new cases in August, and 49,678 cases in July. Public health officials credit Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s statewide mask order on July 15 with slowing the spread of the virus in the state, but the virus has not gone away. ADPH reported 823 hospitalizations for COVID-19 on October 17, the most recent day for which we have data. While hospitalizations for COVID-19 are down from the peaks in early August in Alabama have risen from Oct. 1 when 748 Alabamians were hospitalized, a 10 percent increase from the first of the month. The state of Alabama is continuing to struggle to protect its most vulnerable citizens. At least 6,497 residents of long term care facilities in Alabama have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, 247 of them in October. There have also been 3,362 cases among long term care workers in Alabama, including 197 in the month of October. Some 9,819 Alabama health care workers have also contracted the coronavirus. Most people who test positive for the novel strain of the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, are asymptomatic or have only minor symptoms, but in about one out of five cases it can become much more severe. For older people or people with underlying medical conditions like obesity, heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes or HIV, COVID-19 can turn deadly. COVID-19 is the abbreviated name for the medical condition caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some 1,115,600 people worldwide have died from COVID-19 worldwide, including 224,284 Americans. There are 8,972,704 known active cases in the world today. Public health officials warn citizens that coronavirus remains a present danger in our community. Social distancing is the best way to avoid spreading the virus. Avoid venues with large groups. Don’t shake hands or hug persons not living in your household. Avoid leaving your home as much as possible and wear a mask or cloth face covering when you do go out. Avoid touching your face and wash your hands with soap frequently. Hand sanitizer is recommended. A coronavirus vaccine may be available in the coming months, but we don’t yet know when or how effective it will be.
Louisiana has joined a slew of states across the US in legalising an anti-abortion measure that bans the procedure as soon as six weeks into a pregnancy. What's behind the push - and the backlash - for anti-abortion bills across the US? In the first months of this year, nearly 30 states introduced some form of an abortion ban in their legislature. Fifteen have specifically been working with so-called "heartbeat bills", that would ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy. These bills are part of a wider movement of anti-abortion measures sweeping the US. Earlier in May, Alabama lawmakers passed a bill to ban abortion outright. And Missouri's sole remaining abortion clinic remains embroiled in a legal battle to keep its operating license from the state health department. If the provider loses, Missouri will become the only US state without an abortion clinic. What are these bans - and why now? "Heartbeat bills", as the term implies, seek to make abortion illegal as soon as what anti-abortion supporters describe as a foetus' heartbeat becomes detectable. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says the name is misleading, and that what is being detected is "a portion of the foetal tissue that will become the heart as the embryo develops". In most cases, this point is at the six-week mark of a pregnancy - before many women even know they are pregnant. "We have never seen so much action around six-week abortion bans," said Elizabeth Nash, senior state issues manager at the Guttmacher Institute - a pro-choice group that researches sexual and reproductive health. "But we now have seen a shift in the composition of the US Supreme Court." President Donald Trump has placed two conservative Supreme Court justices and, Ms Nash says, making it seem more amenable to revoking abortion rights. "Because of this, we are seeing state legislatures looking to ban abortion as a way to kickstart litigation that would come before the [Supreme] court, and the court could then roll back abortion rights." Other legislators are also responding - in January, New York signed into law a bill safeguarding abortion rights after 24 weeks in certain cases, reigniting discussions about the controversial procedure. Illinois is the latest Democrat-led state to protect abortion rights, passing a bill in June repealing a 1975 abortion law that required spousal consent, waiting periods, restrictions on facilities and penalties for doctors. The new measure changes the definition of viability to survival outside the womb without extraordinary medical measures and allows for abortions after the viability point to protect the mother's health. Vermont also passed legislation affirming abortion rights, and Maine's Democratic Governor Janet Mills signed a bill allowing health care providers who are not physicians to also perform abortions. A backlash from business A growing number of public figures have threatened to divest from the states enacting anti-abortion legislation. Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, says Georgia's six-week ban would make it "difficult" to keep filming there. Georgia has become a popular destination for Hollywood producers who flock to the state for its generous tax breaks for films. It offers a 20% incentive on productions of $500,000 or more and a further 10% if the film includes Georgia's logo in its credits. Blockbusters like Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame were recently shot in the state. However, Mr Iger said "many people who work for us will not want to work there" should the law go into effect. "We will have to heed their wishes," he told Reuters. Earlier this week, streaming giant Netflix said it would "rethink" its operations in the state if the law goes into effect. Netflix series Stranger Things and Ozark are both shot in Georgia. But the threats to leave Georgia if the law should take effect are unlikely to be realised in the near future. Georgia's new law - like others in the anti-abortion movement - are intentionally unconstitutional. Anti-abortion supporters anticipate resulting legal challenges and hope the appeals will reach the US Supreme Court to allow them to re-visit federal laws protecting the procedure. As of yet, despite the wave of abortion bans, it remains legal in all 50 US states. Meanwhile, stars including Amy Schumer, Ben Stiller, Christina Applegate, Laverne Cox and Alec Baldwin wrote to the governor saying they would "do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women". Actor Jason Bateman, who stars in the Netflix show Ozark and in HBO's The Outsider, which are both currently filming in Georgia, told The Hollywood Reporter: "I will not work in Georgia, or any other state, that is so disgracefully at odds with women's rights". So, how did we get here? The US movement against abortion began in the 1800s, spearheaded by physicians who saw non-medical professionals providing abortion services as both a threat to their industry and harmful to women's health. By 1900, every state had banned abortions entirely - with exceptions granted only at the discretion of a licensed physician. The issue arose again in the 1960s, when women began advocating for reproductive rights. Colorado changed its anti-abortion law in 1967, followed soon after by California and New York. Amid these efforts to return the choice to women, the anti-abortion movement as we currently see it was born, led largely by Catholics and other conservative religious groups. The oldest such group in the US, the National Right to Life, was founded in 1968. Most funding for the movement still comes from religious conservatives - including wealthy donors like the vocally pro-life DeVos family. In 1973, the Supreme Court issued the landmark Roe v Wade ruling legalising abortion in all 50 states. Roe v Wade protects a woman's right to an abortion only until viability - that is, the point at which a foetus is able to live outside the womb, generally at the start of the third trimester, 28 weeks into a pregnancy. What's happening in Missouri? In Missouri, the battle over abortion rights is centred on the state's last remaining abortion clinic, which is in jeopardy amidst a standoff with state officials. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services refused to renew the licence for the clinic unless its physicians agree to interviews about what it calls "potential deficient practices". Planned Parenthood, which runs the clinic, has refused, saying it could mean doctors who perform abortions face criminal charges. It won a court order last month to keep the clinic open on the day it was due to close. "Today is a victory for women across Missouri, but this fight is far from over," said Dr Leana Wen, president of the reproductive health organisation. If Planned Parenthood ultimately loses the case, Missouri could become the first state not to have a legal abortion clinic since 1973. What will the Supreme Court do? This week, the Supreme Court issued two decisions on an Indiana law restricting abortions, providing a hint at how the top court may respond to other anti-abortion laws. In an unsigned opinion, the justices upheld a state requirement that all foetal remains - whether the product of a miscarriage or an abortion - be either buried or cremated. But the justices declined to revive another part of the law that would ban abortions if chosen because of the sex or disability of a foetus. The court's actions were a mixed bag for those on both sides of the abortion debate. Anti-abortion activists viewed the provision as a step toward recognising foetal tissue not as medical waste but as human remains deserving dignified treatment. Abortion rights groups countered that the Supreme Court precedent does not consider a foetus to be human. The purpose of the Indiana law, Planned Parenthood wrote in a statement, is to "shame and stigmatise" women seeking abortions. By not examining the case in full, the top court effectively punted an opportunity to revisit the 1973 Roe v Wade precedent upholding a woman's right to abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. In a concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas, a conservative, said his colleagues on the bench would eventually have to act. The BBC's Anthony Zurcher says the ruling could be an indication that a majority of the justices on the court are in no hurry to reverse 46 years of precedent. What does the anti-abortion movement want? For Karen Swallow Prior, a professor at the evangelical Liberty University who is a proponent of banning abortion outright, these six-week bans are "a good faith effort" to restrict abortion. "These bills and the pro-life [anti-abortion] movement are not about punishing women for having sex, they are about preserving a human life that already exists," Prof Prior says. She emphasised it was not a religiously motivated viewpoint, but one based on science and human rights. In addition to these six-week bans, anti-abortion activists have fought for restrictions on abortion methods, rationales (such as sex or race or abnormality) and trigger bans that would end abortion if Roe v Wade is overturned. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 18 states have laws that would restrict abortion in the absence of the federal law, while 10 have laws that would protect abortion in the same scenario. But some activists are focusing instead on changing infrastructure they view as promoting abortion, rather than seeking to immediately criminalise the procedure. Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, founder of New Wave Feminists, says her organisation wants to make abortion "unthinkable". "We're arguing about autonomy - which is more important, the woman's or the child's? As a pro-life feminist, I believe we have to take into account both." She is not opposed to the bills, but says her own activism focuses on women's empowerment. "We know statistically it's a decision made on financial constraints, lack of access to healthcare, things like that," she says. "Let's get to the real root as to why women feel they have to have an abortion in the first place." What about the other side? Reverend Marie Alford-Harkey says the right to have an abortion goes hand in hand with the right to follow one's own values and morals. Rev Alford-Harkey, who is a Christian pastor and the president and CEO of the Religious Institute, a national multi-faith organisation working for sexual, gender, and reproductive justice, says the notion of reproductive justice, a term created by black women in the 1990s, is behind her pro-choice views. "It's the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, to have children, to not have children, to parent in safe and sustainable communities," Rev Alford-Harkey explains. "Justice is a very Christian concept, and this particular framework grew out of communities that were not being served." Rev Alford-Harkey recently began working as an abortion doula, accompanying women into the exam rooms, speaking with them before, after and sometimes even during the procedure. "I've been asked once or twice if I think God would forgive them and I say, I don't think there's anything for God to forgive. What I think is a sin is that we've taught people that God won't forgive them for doing what's best for their own bodies, their own lives." What has Trump said? President Donald Trump broke his silence last week on the recent restrictions across the US. Mr Trump, whose position on abortion has shifted dramatically over the years, posted a series of tweets outlining his views, saying he was against abortion except in cases of rape, incest or a "serious health risk" to the mother. "I am very strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions - rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan", he said. As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions - Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan. We have come very far in the last two years with 105 wonderful new.....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 19, 2019 The president added that judicial measures, such as his appointment of conservative Supreme Court judges Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, had helped to make abortion laws in various states more restrictive. Mr Trump's views on abortion have evolved considerably over time. In 1999, he said: "I'm very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still - I just believe in choice." But in March 2016, he clarified that his position was "pro-life with exceptions". In May, he tweeted that Republicans must unite to "win for life in 2020".
Tonight on FX AMERICAN HORROR STORY:ASYLUM airs with a whole new episode called “The Name Game.” On tonight’s show Sister Jude faces off with the Devil. Arden has a shocking encounter in the Death Chute. A murderous Santa wreaks havoc on Briarcliff. Did you watch last week’s premiere episode? We did and we recapped it here for you. On last week’s show Sister Jude faced off with the Devil. Arden had a shocking encounter in the Death Chute. A murderous Santa wreaked havoc on Briarcliff. On tonight’s show the Monsignor confronts the Devil. Dr. Arden’s experiments reach a shocking conclusion. Dr. Thredson facilitates a surprising reunion for Kit. Big new this week – although we thought Channing Tatum’s wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum was murdered on American Horror Story. It seems she will be coming back for one more episode. She told TV Guide, “Even though it seems as if I’m dead and skinned alive, I’m shockingly in another episode.” Tonight’s episode is going to be another spooky episode, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of FX’s American Horror Story – tonight at 10PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know if you are excited about the season 2 episode 10 of American Horror Story? While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below! Sister Mary Eunice is at the center of tonight’s episode, wreaking havoc wherever she possibly can. First she sends Sister Jude packing off to electroshock therapy because she couldn’t spend her life “diddling herself”. Mary Eunice decided to throw the switch and turn the juice up extra high because Jude is strong. Jude doesn’t even know her own name after the therapy. Lana tries to get her to remember and we end up in a dream sequence where Jude is singing The Name Game. So far the most shocking thing that Sister Mary Eunice has done this evening is play Adam and Eve with Monsignor Timothy. Weaked Father has never had sex, until Mary Eunice decided to push the issue and force it to happen. She gets caught by Dr. Arden and asks him if he’s jealous. Arden tells her the experiment is over and he starts shooting people randomly. Timothy talks to Jude and is devastated because the devil lives inside of Mary Eunice. He tells her that she took his virtue and he doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he should confess or walk away from his church. As Lana is attempting to deliver her baby, Timothy is praying over his indiscretion. Mary Eunice finds him and discusses with him how he should choose to kill her because rather than wanting her, she knows that he wants to bury her. She also tells him her fantasies are a turn on and she’ll make all of his dreams come true. Timothy starts talking to the devil inside of her until he flips her over a railing. The angel of death kisses her as she lands several floors below. He later suggests her body be burned because it isn’t emitting the smell of roses but instead reeks of decay. In spite of being burned and skinned it appears at least for one brief moment like Grace is still alive. Jude is sitting in a chair trying to remember details when she starts talking about how she and Timothy are running off to Rome to get married in the Vatican. He likes her cooking, don’t you know. Jude also admits that Lana Winters doesn’t belong in the asylum. She put her there and needs help getting out. Adren takes Sister Mary Eunice down to be cremated and after kissing her they both go into the crematorium and as the door falls shut he screams as he burns with her. Tune in next week to see what happens after Mary Eunice’s demise!
Tank Louis Cartier, ref. WSTA0030 Tank Louis Cartier, ref. WSTA0030. Louis Cartier created the Tank watch in 1917. A legend was born. The first prototype was presented as a gift to General Pershing some years before the watch was introduced into the market in 1919. The lugs blend seamlessly into the bare edges of the flat vertical brancards, giving the watch its unique aesthetic. The clean, crisp lines have proved hugely popular with a free-spirited, elegant clientèle. The now-iconic Tank watch has inspired countless variations, yet managed to preserve its distinctive identity. Tank Solo watch, small model, with a quartz movement. Steel case, beaded crown set with a synthetic cabochon-shaped spinel, silvered light opaline dial, Roman numerals, blued-steel sword-shaped hands, sapphire crystal, black grained calfskin interchangeable strap, steel double adjustable folding buckle. Water-resistant to approx. 30 meters.
The Common Application allows for a maximum of 20 colleges on a student’s dashboard. Add to the mix the Coalition Application, specific state schools’ applications and a few colleges that prefer their own applications, and the possibilities are mind-boggling. I am not surprised when students present me with a preliminary list of as many as 40 colleges. However, eventually, cooler heads prevail and ultimately the average list is between 10 and 20 schools with a good balance of reach, target and safe choices. Reading about the schools in which you are interested, perusing their websites, speaking with graduates and current students, and actually visiting the colleges certainly are valuable ways to create a viable list. It’s wonderful if you have the time and the resources to drive or fly all over the country with your parents to tour colleges and universities. However, once the school year starts, that’s easier said than done. Of course, it’s a good idea to start visiting schools during junior year, but if you are now a senior, you’ll have to approach the process sensibly and economically. With all of your coursework as well as obligations to activities with mandatory attendance rules, college visits may not even be possible. But in the fall of each school year, a large number of colleges and universities literally come to you. In addition to attending college fairs, many college representatives schedule information sessions through your guidance departments during the school day. Although this sometimes will coincide with a class, your school should have a process that allows an in-school session with a representative to be an excused absence. Without abusing the privilege, of course, you can sign up for an info session which also provides you with the opportunity to ask questions and to meet the admissions representative face to face. Sometimes, these sessions will be very crowded, and all you might be able to do is introduce yourself after the session, thank the representative, ask a quick question, and take a business card. Other times, you may find yourself to be alone or in a small group, with lots of time to interact with the representative. So, make sure that you do the following to make the most of this opportunity: 1. Research the college and bring your notes to the session 2. Prepare a few questions to ask the representative 3. Dress nicely as if you are attending a personal interview 4. Silence your phone and do not use it during the presentation 5. Take notes during the presentation 6. Make eye contact with the representative; be attentive and respectful 7. Thank the representative for coming and indicate your interest in the school 8. Ask if you would be permitted to reach out to him or her with follow-up questions by email 9. Give the representative your contact information on a card or a prepared resume if possible 10. Do follow-up research about the school and prepare additional questions And don’t forget to send a thank you email to the representative about your application and visiting plans! Most of the time, these college admissions officers spend many weeks on the road of their own geographic area of responsibility, so the likelihood is that the person you meet may be reading your application! In addition to promoting the benefits of attending their colleges, they are also canvassing the students in attendance who might be good candidates. So, make sure that you are your own best representative!
Now showing items 1-1 of 1 Proportional Systems in the Design of the Cathedral of St. George of the Greeks, Cyprus (Springer International Publishing AG, 2016-11) The cathedral of St. George of the Greeks was built in the 14th – 15th c. in Famagusta, Cyprus to accommodate the religious needs of the Greek orthodox community living under a Frankish aristocracy. Its design is a hybrid ...
Last Updated: 2009-07-30 22:34:01 UTC by Mark Hofman (Version: 1) With the DNS issues, Microsoft OOB patch and the Flash issue a couple of other things may have slipped your attention. So whilst you are applying the MS patches keep in mind that there are a few more that may need applying in the near future. Adobe has three bulletins out at the moment. The Flash issue, flash in IE and Shockwave. The flash patches should be hitting the street on the 31st a Shockwave upgrade is already available (more info here http://www.adobe.com/support/security/ ). As mentioned in Bojan's diary entry the Internet Systems Consortium has a fixed version of bind available on their site. so make some time to upgrade that as soon as you can (of course after testing). Cisco also had an advisory out this week Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090729-bgp. There are two issues that affect certain version of the IOS that allow 4 byte AS numbers and have BGP enabled. Both issues will cause the device to reload. More details are here. Updates are available. Another Cisco advisory earlier this week deals with their wireless LAN controllers which has four issues, three denial of service attacks using malformed requests using HTTP, HTTPS or SSH. The fourth is a malformed request which allows you to own the controller and thus the wireless network. If you are running these devices, patch. More info is here. There are no doubt many, many more, but these should be near the top of your list. So if you are having fun at Blackhat and/or Defcon, make sure junior is on top of it. Flash update is out already, Adobe Reader is still to come. Mark - Shearwater Last Updated: 2009-07-30 16:38:59 UTC by Deborah Hale (Version: 1) We received some information today about a bug in the iPhone OS that may cause some pretty significant problems. An article was published a couple of days ago that on a couple of well known cyber researchers are going to discuss at the Black Hat Conference this afternoon. Charlie Miller - one of the researchers urges iPhone users to turn off you iPhone immediately if you get a text message with a single square character. Miller says "that small cipher will likely be your only warning that someone has taken advantage of a the bug". Miller says that Apple was notified of the vulnerability a month ago and to this date a patch has not been released. So for those of you with iPhones... Be diligent, watch for any unusual text message and turn off the device quickly. For more information take a look at the article in Forbers Online at: Many thanks to our readers Jason and Ken for notifying us about this article. Deb Hale Long Lines, LLC
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What’s Better for Auto Insurance – Esurance or USAA? Last Updated on October 3, 2020 Esurance and USAA are popular car insurance companies available in virtually every state. Both companies are known for offering good-value car insurance with strong claims satisfaction. Esurance and USAA are well-rated in most states. However, there are substantial differences between Esurance and USAA car insurance. Today, we’re explaining those differences and how they work, including whether Esurance or USAA is better for car insurance. Esurance vs. USAA: Pricing Esurance burst onto the scene as an internet-savvy car insurance company that allowed drivers to easily request quotes online. Today, all major insurers make it easy to get a quote online – although Esurance is still one of the best for fast, easy online quotes. Esurance gives you a quote in minutes. Esurance may offer convenience, although the company is rarely as cheap as USAA. USAA is one of America’s best car insurance companies for value. USAA charges cheap prices for car insurance yet has some of the strongest customer satisfaction ratings in the country. USAA customers tend to pay cheap prices for car insurance – yet they get the same service and claims experience as they would with more expensive companies. Pricing varies widely between states and policyholders. However, here are general pricing differences between USAA and Esurance: - USAA offers cheaper overall car insurance rates than Esurance in most states - Good drivers with good credit scores should be able to get cheaper car insurance through USAA - Drivers with poor credit and a bad driving history should also be able to get cheaper rates through USAA - Drivers who want the minimum required car insurance coverage should get cheaper rates with USAA - Drivers who want full coverage car insurance (with collision and comprehensive coverage) should get cheaper rates through USAA - Esurance is cheaper than USAA in several states, although it’s not a significant difference Car insurance quotes vary widely based on your state, credit score, driving history, and other factors. We recommend requesting a quote to verify Esurance and USAA pricing. Some drivers will get cheaper rates through USAA, while others will get better treatment through Esurance. It depends on your unique situation. Remember: it costs nothing to request a quote. Esurance vs. USAA: Customer Satisfaction USAA is consistently one of America’s best car insurance companies for customer satisfaction. The company has repeatedly scored at the top of J.D. Power’s rankings for customer satisfaction and pricing, for example. However, because USAA restricts membership to military personnel and their families, J.D. Power ranks the company separately from other organizations. Esurance has average ratings in most states. Esurance is not the top-rated car insurance company in any state, yet it’s not the worst-rated major car insurance company in any state either. In most states, Esurance is a middle-of-the-pack insurance company. In the 2019 J.D. Power customer satisfaction ratings, Esurance ranked 4th among 19 companies, making it one of the best-rated insurers nationwide overall. In the 2020 J.D. Power rankings, USAA was picked as the best car insurance company in every subregion, scoring higher than all competing companies. USAA scored 891 in California, for example, 905 in the Central region, 889 in Florida, 890 in the Mid-Atlantic region, 895 in New England, 884 in New York, 897 in the North Central region, 883 in the Northwest region, 909 in the Southeast region, 876 in the Southwest region, and 878 in Texas, all of which were #1 rankings. In other words, J.D. Power ranked USAA as the best car insurance company in all ranked states and subregions. Esurance vs. USAA: Other Differences Esurance and USAA are competitive with one another in most states, offering similar prices and insurance products. However, differences between the two companies include: One of the biggest differences between Esurance and USAA is eligibility. Anyone can buy car insurance through Esurance, while only USAA members can buy USAA car insurance. If you’re unsure whether you qualify for USAA membership or USAA car insurance, contact a USAA insurance agent today. If you’re eligible, then USAA is often one of the top-rated car insurance companies in many parts of the United States. Esurance is only available in 43 states, while USAA operates in all 50 states. Esurance is not available in Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire, Vermont, or Wyoming. Esurance and USAA both offer a wide range of insurance products, including everything from home insurance to boat insurance. Both USAA and Esurance offer boat insurance, condo insurance, life insurance, homeowners insurance, travel trailer insurance, renters insurance, RV insurance, and motorcycle insurance. USAA offers mobile home insurance, while Esurance does not. Car Insurance Coverage There are some differences in the auto insurance coverage offerings of Esurance and USAA. The table below compares the car insurance coverage of the two companies: |Roadside Assistance||Included Free||Optional (Pricing Varies)| |Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage||Yes||Yes| |Medical Payments Coverage||Yes||Yes| |Personal Injury Protection (PIP)||Yes||Yes| |New Car Protection||Yes||No| |Loss of Use Coverage||Yes||No| |Mechanical Breakdown Insurance||Yes||No| |Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Coverage||Yes||No| |Emergency Travel Assistance Coverage||Yes||No| |Payment Schedule||12 Months| Custom Pay Schedule Esurance has 24/7 Emergency Roadside Service that pays up to $75 per covered event, including towing, fuel delivery, battery jumpstart, and vehicle lockout. Any Esurance member with collision and comprehensive coverage qualifies for this roadside assistance discount program. USAA, meanwhile, includes 24/7 roadside assistance in all Extended Vehicle Protection programs. Pricing varies based on your subscription level. Generally, USAA pays up to $100 per covered event, including towing, flat tire changes, battery jumpstarts, and locksmith services, although you could receive more reimbursement depending on your subscription level. Esurance and USAA offer similar car insurance discounts. Drivers who take advantage of discounts can save thousands of dollars per year on car insurance. Discounts available through both USAA and Esurance include: - Good student / good grade - Multi-policy / multi-vehicle - Anti-theft devices - Safety devices - Good driver - Defensive driver - New vehicle - Telematics devices (Esurance has Drivesense and USAA has SafePilot) Esurance offers more discounts than USAA. Exclusive Esurance discounts include paid in full discounts, accident-free discounts, alumni discounts, organization discounts, and homeowner discounts. USAA offers some unique discounts, including annual mileage discounts, military discounts, and student away at school discounts. Neither USAA nor Esurance offer certain discounts available through other companies, including green vehicle discounts, electronic payment discounts, or advanced payment discounts. View the table below to compare Esurance’s discounts vs. USAA’s discounts. |Advanced Payment Discount| |Annual MIleage Discount||✓| |Anti-theft Device Discount||✓||✓| |Bundle Car and Life Insurance Discount||✓||✓| |Bundle Home and Car Insurance Discount||✓||✓| |Defensive Driver Course Discount||✓||✓| |Electronic Payment Discount| |Good Driver Discount||✓||✓| |Good Student Discount||✓||✓| |Green Vehicle Discount| |New Vehicle Discount||✓||✓| |Paid In Full Discount||✓| |Safety Device Discount||✓||✓| |Student Away at School Discount||✓| USAA is one of America’s top-rated companies for claims satisfaction, and it has maintained that rating multiple years in a row. USAA customers tend to be satisfied with the claims process. They tend to be happy with the amount they received for the claim and the speed at which the claim was processed, among other factors. Esurance has decent claims satisfaction ratings, although ratings aren’t as strong as USAA. Most customers are satisfied with the Esurance claims process, although it’s hard to dethrone USAA’s status as one of the best companies for claims satisfaction in the industry. Esurance emphasizes an online experience when shopping, comparing, and making a claim. You make an Esurance claim online – not over the phone or in-person. With USAA, you can make a claim online or over the phone. With Esurance, you don’t have that option. USAA has accident forgiveness, while Esurance does not. For an extra price, you can add accident forgiveness to your policy, which means you get one ‘free’ accident on your driving record without raising premiums. With Esurance, all at-fault accidents will raise premiums, and you cannot add accident forgiveness to your insurance. Final Word – Esurance vs USAA USAA is one of America’s best-rated car insurance companies for price and claims satisfaction. The company frequently receives top awards for offering good value on all car insurance products. The main ‘catch’ with USAA is eligibility: only certain people qualify for USAA membership. If you or an immediate family member is an active duty or retired member of the military (or an existing USAA member), then you may qualify for USAA membership. Otherwise, you cannot qualify for USAA or buy USAA car insurance. Anyone can buy Esurance car insurance, and it may be a better option for many drivers in certain states. Request a car insurance quote from both Esurance and USAA to ensure you’re getting the best deal on car insurance.
John and Jill Ker Conway Residence, Washington DC Community Solutions and McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. The John and Jill Ker Conway Residence is a 124-unit permanent supportive housing community in Washington, DC, developed by a joint venture of Community Solutions, a national non-profit organization, and McCormack Baron Salazar. 60 apartments serve as permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless veterans using VASH vouchers, 17 serve as permanent supportive housing for clients of the District of Columbia’s Department of Behavioral Health, and 47 are unrestricted LIHTC units. The permanent supportive housing units follow the “housing first” model, in which people experiencing homelessness are connected immediately by on-site case managers to permanent housing and supportive services.
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Our company believes promoting properties with high quality marketing. We believe exposing homes to Asian buyers will increase your sold result. We believe targeting the emotional buyer will get you the best dollars. We believe sub standard service is for the mediocre agents and don’t deserve their fee. We believe getting an average priced result is not acceptable as sellers deserve a premium price. Give us a call if you believe in getting an amazing price and 5 star service for your sale. We create inspired marketing for property. Our marketing skills have been proven to gain our sellers an extra price edge in the market place. We have achieved the 1st, 2nd and 3rd highest prices in Heritage Park and achieved all 6 Record Prices in Forestdale. There is a massive differences in the way we market homes plus our sales approach. One Home, 3 agents. This means you will get 3 agents working on your property at once. Most agencies will only have one agent servicing your property while we believe a team of 3 is required If you are looking to sell your property and want the best outcome possible you don't want just any Real Estate agent. You are looking for someone to market it and not all sales agents know or understand marketing. Philip Resnikoff is a marketing graduate who is also a Real estate agent, who knows his art and works it to perfection. He is everything the others are not, that I was told by those others he'd need to be, if I wanted the right result. I was told he'd need to be from the locality with knowledge of the local market and have a local presence, belong to a longstanding reputable Company --'the BIG GUYs", who had extensive web presence, he'd need to have presence in the print media, which the Big Guys had extensive representation in. I followed that advice for another property in Melbourne and had the most dismal result. Philip's approach was so stark in contrast that we were compelled to go with him and trust his belief in what he could achieve. Were we totally blown by w One week after being on the market with another agent we were told to reduce our asking price significantly. We of course did not drop our price for the next 3 weeks being that this was the agent's professional appraisal in the first place. For the next 3 weeks of our house being on the market with this agent, we endured the most excruciating, most unprofessional experience we have ever encountered. We then jumped on board with Philip and BOOM!! sold over asking price in 6 days!!! (now that's how it's done) The service Philip provided to us was the up most professional human we have ever come across. Philip's services went far and beyond what any other agent is wiling to do. From the beginning to the end the process was painless, being in the know every step of the way. His knowledgeable experience in buying and selling houses is remarkable, hence why his houses sell like hot cakes. This young man has a very bright future ahead of him. I wish Philip the very best in his fast growin Thanks Phil for selling our former home in Greenbank .... in 4 days! Phil stood out from the other agents we considered at the time, mainly because he was willing to do something a bit different. Phil uses methods not yet considered by others. He produces quality photos and top class videos that really do make the difference. He got us more than the asking price. As such, we wont hesitate to use his services again. Cheers!
Support the College of Education The College of Education provides outstanding academic programs, generates nationally recognized research, and engages in significant community outreach. With the assistance of those who believe deeply in the importance of schooling and mental health across the spectrum, we can be more impactful in all of these social justice pursuits. Please consider supporting the College of Education Scholars Fund, the Behavior Clinic, the Hartman Literacy and Learning Center, or the Dean's Fund. For details on how your gift can impact the College of Education, contact Heather Wolfgram, Director of Development for the college. The College of Education Scholars Fund Given the notable costs of state-of-the art preparation, nearly all of our remarkable undergraduate and graduate students would benefit from the financial assistance this fund provides. Make an investment in the future by helping to support our aspiring education and mental health professionals, and by extension, the children, adolescents, adults, and families they will serve over the course of their careers. The Behavior Clinic As a by-product of aiding troubled young children and their families, the Behavior Clinic provides the opportunity to give graduate students experience in the field of pediatric mental health and to contribute original research to it. By donating to this fund, you will be supporting the training of graduate assistantships to provide treatment for the children and to help determine best practices. The Hartman Literacy and Learning Center The nationally renowned Hartman Literacy and Learning Center offers the College the rare opportunity to enhance the preparation of future elementary school teachers, help young at-risk readers through tutoring, and advance the field of literacy. Gifts to the Hartman Center support all aspects of its operation – our instruction, our scholarship, and our community service. The College of Education Dean's Fund Besides providing exceptional academic preparation, the College engages in significant community outreach and timely and relevant research in schooling and mental health. Additional resources are needed to undertake this work, and your support will allow us to exert a broader and deeper impact on our community and to expand and refine the knowledge base in several educational fields.
Interview with Howard Berger and Dean Wright ComingSoon.net also interviewed creature supervisor Howard Berger and visual effects supervisor Dean Wright, who talk about revisiting creatures from the first film and redeveloping them for Prince Caspian, and bringing the characters of Narnia to life. We’ve done another transcript for you. Listen to the full audio interview here. Interview with Howard Berger and Dean Wright CS: Howard, what did you do in this that will compare with James’ character? HB: Oh yes, Mr. McAvoy, the great Jimmy Mac. Actually, it’s one of the first characters that we did on this show, which was Trumpkin the Dwarf, who is played by Peter Dinklage. And to me he’s our Tumnus. There’s just something about Peter Dinklage. I say he has dreamy eyes, and he does; they’re very expressive. And he is the James McAvoy of this film, I feel. He’s like the heart, you know. And we were able to redevelop the dwarfs for this film. On the first film I just wasn’t really happy with what we ended up with, and same with the performers – they were just little people that we had pulled from Thailand, and India, and they weren’t actors, they were just little. And this time, we really talked about it with Andrew, and said we really should cast dwarf actors. Peter Dinklage, who’s probably the best there is – and then we got Warwick [Davis] to play Nikabrik, so we really got to develop some beautiful makeups. Tami Lane, who co-won the Oscar with me, does Peter Dinklage’s makeup, and then Sara Rubano handles Nikabrik – Warwick’s makeup. They’re just really beautiful makeups. It’s interesting – you look at Peter Dinklage, and it looks minimal, but he’s got a full gelatine nose on, and these big ears and all hair where we shaved Peter’s head entirely, which was great. And then Warwick has a really big, big makeup: a full gelatine face makeup and ears and a lot of hair work. It’s just really nice to be able to revisit characters like that, especially ones that I just felt were not so great in the first film and now they’re really outstanding. I think those two characters are really the heart and soul of this film. CS: How difficult was the casting process for finding the dwarfs? HB: I think it was relatively difficult. Andrew really didn’t have a lot of choice. CS: I was just going to say, I can’t imagine that there was a lot. HB: Yeah, there’s not. DW: That are high quality actors. HB: High quality, exactly. At first they thought, well, we can go to theatre, and see who we can find. But Peter Dinklage was always the first idea. And we were designing – prior to Peter getting cast – around Peter’s looks. And then it just worked out perfectly. Hoping and praying … they had Peter, then they didn’t, then they did, then they didn’t. Then they finally got him at the eleventh hour. CS: Oh, why? DW: Deal-making. I mean we were going back and forth … are we going to end up going the “hobbit route”, and casting a full-size actor, doing the makeup and then having to scale them down? We didn’t want to do that because this movie is going to be big enough as it is with visual effects. If Howard can do it, it’s great. HB: And there’s so much interaction between the kids and Trumpkin; I mean, he’s in so many scenes. But Peter just brings so much to the table. And it’s cool for Peter too. The thing is, on the first film, Tami and myself and my crew became so close with James, and on this one it’s the same thing. We’ve really become so close. I mean, they spend practically the entire day with us. We start at three in the morning and then they go home when we go home. DW: Peter’s great too – he’s very funny. CS: Caspian is set 100 years or 80 years later … DW: It’s actually 1300 years. CS: Oh, 1300. So that obviously has a whole different look and feel … DW: It’s dramatically different, actually. It’s much more wild, and I think the whole theme of this film has a much grittier tone to it, and it’s reflected in both the production design, and the character design, and ultimately it will impact all the visual effects. Basically the kids went back to London, they’ve been there for a year, and as they get sucked back to Narnia this time, they’re expecting to find the same place that they left. Cair Paravel – they stumble upon it (the ruins of it) and it’s been destroyed in a battle. Plants and vines have overgrown it all, and it’s like, what happened, what went wrong? It’s through the course of the story that they find out after they left, the Telmarines came in and wiped out all the Narnians, and they feel very responsible for that, even though it wasn’t by their choice. They have to then help Prince Caspian and the remaining ragtag-bag of Narnian refugees (slash underground resistance movement) to help take back Narnia for the creatures, and bring peace to the land. CS: So it’s less of a fantasy world, and more of a medieval kind of … DW: Yeah, it is. And in the way of castles and all that, they definitely looked to a sort of Spanish influence, and Isis (the costume designer) looked at it greatly for all the costume and armour. And I know in terms of the characters too, Howard spent a lot of time with his gang, and his partner Greg Nicotero spent a lot of time designing the characters and giving a lot more variance to the types of characters, making them different ages. For us it makes a lot more work because we have to then replicate that times fifty, which means we have to keep creating more and more different types to make it all look correct. CS: Particularly because of the spiritual overtones that were emphasised in the first film – how much does that, if at all, impact the practical design of characters or the work that you do? Or is it a matter of literally creating a character? HB: When we designed some of the Narnians – I haven’t taken any of that into consideration really … DW: I think it’s all about the book, right? HB: Yeah, it is, and that book is what the source material is. And on the first film it was the source material, and trying to come up with things that Andrew imagined them to be when he was a child – that was really it. This is kind of the same way. Andrew’s a great, great source of inspiration and information and direction. DW: But he does let you go off and he’ll give you a chance to go create something different … HB: He’s not controlling. He’s a perfect director, to tell you the truth, just because he trusts. And once he trusts you – because on the first film we didn’t know each other, and there was a certain amount of holding the reins; of course you should – on this one he’s let the reins go a little bit more, and that’s where we came up with the dwarfs and the satyrs and all that stuff, and we revisited everything. DW: I really like the design you’re doing on the satyrs, too. On the last film it became a budgetary issue in that Andrew had wanted the satyrs to be fully CG in the first film, and several weeks before we started shooting, all of a sudden we’re like – we can’t afford that, we can’t do that, and … Howard, design something! HB: So we banged out a bunch of satyrs. But they were makeups, and we just never had enough time to really think it out, you know, and this time we did, and came up with some pretty nice conceptual artwork. I think once it’s all together, it’s going to look really fantastic. DW: And the goal is to have the creatures that are humanoid look like humanoid, and the ones that aren’t, not. And whether it’s a werewolf or a satyr, they shouldn’t look like a human, and so Howard’s done an amazing job for the upper half, and then we have to put the bottom half there! HB: And that’s what’s so cool! When I saw The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the first time – which is when we saw it at the Director’s Guild – when I saw Mr. Tumnus for the very first time with legs, I took this big, deep gasp, because it was so awesome to finally see him done – I’d been so used to seeing James walk around in green pants for months and months and I just let out this big sigh. And I remember one of my kids elbowed me, like, “Dad, shhhh!” But it was so awesome, and it just pulled me into it, and this is going to be the same thing. And as we see footage – because Andrew likes to cut things and show the crew just to get them really enthusiastic – we’ve seen stuff, it’s pretty spectacular, and it’s just really, really exciting. DW: And he’s definitely upped the bar for all of us, for visual effects. We’re starting out thinking we have 1500 shots. The last film we started at 800 and it grew tremendously. This one we’re starting at 1500, so I don’t know where we’re going to end up. The time is not as long. We’re still shooting, and we have to deliver the film in April for a May release. And we’ve got at least two and three units shooting simultaneously right now, and now we’ve got a miniature unit starting next week, and that’s being done down in New Zealand. So we’ll have crews shooting all over the Czech Republic, another team working basically the opposite ends of the clock … so we’re working 24 hours a day really, so I’ve got to be monitoring that stuff as well as the stuff that we’re shooting. And then before you know it, we’ll have hundreds of shots in the works. We’ve already started to turn stuff over to the facilities. We’re using a whole new group of companies. We’re based in London this time, because they wanted the film to be considered a British film, so we’ve booked the work at some of the best companies in London, and also we’re working with Weta Digital this time. So between the demands of creating a whole new set of creatures that we have to bring to life, that Howard’s helped us with in terms of creating some looks, and we’ve gone to the companies – like Reepicheep, the mice, and Trufflehunter who’s the badger. There are new beavers and wolves and all that for this film. And then we’ve got much more environment work. We’ve got this castle. It’s a huge set that we built, an enormous set in Prague, the back lot of Barrandov Studios, but still it’s just the courtyard. And then we’ve got towers, and towers, and towers that go all around it and we’re about to start shooting in a few weeks – I don’t know if you saw the little clip we did, but in this castle raid, gryphons are back, and this time they help carry the kids into battle, and so they swoop in and fly in and around the castle. And so we’ve got sets that’ll just be like one tower, or a couple of towers, or just the back lot set itself, and we’ve got to expand and make it bigger and bigger and make it feel just as real. And so that’s why we’ve gone to the gang at Weta, and Alex Funke and his miniature team that did all the work on Lord of the Rings, because they did just fantastic miniature work and they’re going to help bring it to life. HB: And regarding all of that, there’s a lot of miniature work that’s being done for this one, way more than the first one. DW: We only did a little bit of the river crossing stuff, some of the extensions and the big cracking stuff, but this there’s hundreds and hundreds of shots of the castle. And then when you get to the battle, it’s again a big effort. It’s probably going to be, at the end of the day, probably 1600 to 1800 shots in the mail. It may hit 2000, but the studio won’t want that! (Don’t tell them I said that! [laughter]) These are all complex shots. We’ve got shots where we’ve got Isis’s army that she’s wardrobed – but there’s 200 of them, we’ve got to be 5000 or 8000 or whatever. We’ve got Howard’s 100 plus creatures which take eight hours to get ready – six hours between the time they go through you, and wardrobe, and everything. And then we shoot with them for another eight hours, so they have sixteen hour days a lot of times. HB: I was looking at stuff from the night raid and I just remember seeing all the creatures running with their green legs and I just went, oh man, Dean’s going to have to animate all those legs. That’s hundreds of legs. DW: Fortunately I have about 1000 of my closest friends that are going to help. [laughter] HB: That’s right, sitting there at home. Your kids are doing it too. They’re like … [mechanical noises]. DW: Exactly. In fact my kids are going to learn to rotoscope. HB: They should. Every child should know how to rotoscope! [more laughter]
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There are some things that you may not think to mention to your vet – your cat drinking more or less than normal is one of them. But Petplan vet Brian Faulkner says that if your cat’s drinking habits noticeably change with age, you shouldn’t ignore it. Here, he outlines three common health conditions related to changes in drinking habits. In a healthy cat, blood sugar levels are precisely balanced, and the pancreas produces just the right amount of the hormone insulin to help regulate the cat’s energy requirements. Diabetes occurs when too little insulin is produced (Type 1 diabetes) or because the body isn’t responding correctly to insulin production (Type 2 diabetes). Type 1 diabetes is very rare in cats, but due to the pancreas becoming less efficient as cats age, older or overweight felines can often be diagnosed with Type 2. Male cats also appear to be at more risk, although vets are not yet exactly sure why. Diabetic cats become very thirsty because there’s too much sugar in the urine, which, in turn, draws water out of the body. Other symptoms include hunger, lethargy, excessive weeing and weight loss. In some cats, diabetes can affect the nervous system so that the cat finds it difficult to straighten its back legs. This is usually referred to as a ‘plantigrade stance’, and the condition makes walking and jumping very difficult. Some breeds – such as the Burmese – are more vulnerable to diabetes than others. But for all cats, at every life stage, the risk lessens with good levels of activity (especially indoor cats) and a complete, balanced diet. It can be hard to monitor your cat’s water intake as they often drink (unseen) from puddles, toilets or dripping taps. But if you notice your cat drinking more and showing other related signs of diabetes, do speak to your vet as soon as possible. Your cat’s kidneys do two things – they filter waste from the body, and they concentrate the urine when your cat needs more water, or when she is drinking less. Historically, the domestic cat evolved from much drier areas, such as Egypt. Due to this ancestry and the need to concentrate urine in hot, dry climates, a cat’s kidneys work very efficiently. However, this also makes them vulnerable to kidney problems, which, along with the fact that kidneys naturally deteriorate with age, means that older cats can often suffer from kidney disease and chronic kidney failure. Extreme thirst is usually the first symptom, but as the toxins build up in the blood, your cat is likely to eat less, feel nauseous or even be sick. It’s important to seek your vet’s advice if you notice any of these symptoms. Accidental poisoning can also cause kidney damage in cats of any age – anti-freeze is a common culprit and should always be kept out of your pet’s reach. Older cats can develop an overactive thyroid gland, which is a condition known as hyperthyroidism (unlike older dogs, which are more prone to hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland). Metabolic rate, vitality and co-ordination are all controlled by the thyroid gland so if it’s working more frantically than it should be, your cat will be irritable and skittish, and may even pant. Your cat is likely to drink noticeably more, wee more often and lose weight, despite eating more. Hyperthyroidism can occur in any breed, at any age, but it’s more likely to develop in cats as they get older. If you have any concerns, always check with your vet, who will recommend thyroid medication to help.
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Commercial, Solar - September 22, 2020 Anthem covers office and data center energy with solar Anthem announced Sept. 18 that they have entered into a 15-year PPA with a 20 MW solar project in Hanover County, Va., that will help them achieve their goal of sourcing 100% renewable energy by 2025. The agreement was completed with SunEnergy1 and the solar field is expected to be fully operational by late 2020. Anthem’s involvement with this project follows another solar project in North Carolina coming online in early 2021, both of which are expected to generate a combined 225,000 MWh of electricity annually. “As we enter Climate Week, we’re celebrating an important step forward in achieving our renewable energy goal and are proud that Virginia is playing a large role as we increasingly focus on improving the sustainability of our operations and our business,” Jeff Ricketts, president, Anthem Blue and Blue Shield in Virginia, said in a statement. “By addressing environmental health, we can improve lives and the health of communities in our state and across the country and set the example for others to follow.” The Virginia and North Carolina solar projects should generate enough electricity to cover all the Anthem offices and data centers across the country. These particular locations were chosen because of their proximity to the grid zones where Anthem has the highest material load, including their major office use and data center footprint. - Integrated Renewable Energy - A Simpler Renewable Solution - How to Engage Your Supply Chain in Sustainability - Preparing for the Energy Transition, Part 1: Immediate Steps For C&I Facilities - No Capital Needed: Your Guide to No-Cost Energy Projects - Retail Suppliers are Changing the Game for Renewable Energy Buyers
9-11 memorials are lasting tribute to people lost in an instant Eight years after the terrorist attacks, the area's 9/11 memorials are a source of comfort for residents, a place to reflect and pray, and tangible evidence of the promise not to forget those who died that day. "I see people who work at the courthouse sitting there, eating their lunch,'' Joseph Della Monica Jr. said of Milford's black granite memorial. "The seniors who live across the street have told me that they appreciate having it there, and the mayor now includes it in his City Hall tour. It gives the kids a perspective on history.'' The twisted, charred hunk of metal that came from the World Trade Center in New York City always elicits a reaction from people seeing the memorial on the Fairfield University campus for the first time. The steel fragment rests on a granite slab in front of the university's Alumni House and honors the memory of 14 Fairfield graduates killed when the twin towers collapsed. "It's amazing when people come to Alumni House for the first time; they stop dead in their tracks,'' said Janet Canepa, director of alumni relations. "You can see the reaction on their faces: Oh, my God.''' In Greenwich, there remains uncertainty over the town's planned 9/11 memorial. A battle has been raging over which victims' names would be included on the memorial, planned for Great Captain's Island and part of a large project to renovate the lighthouse there. Just last week, after pressure from victims' families and politicians, it was decided that the memorial will be open to former town residents and others with ties to the community -- not just those who were living in town at the time of the attacks. Twenty-five people with ties to Greenwich died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to obituaries and articles published in the newspaper at the time. Most of those victims worked at the World Trade Center. Two were killed on the hijacked planes. Working with the Greenwich Chamber of Commerce, the nonprofit group Return the Light raised $305,000 in private donations toward the nearly $1.3 million to renovate the lighthouse and to incorporate the memorial. The town paid for the rest. Though the controversy over which names to include has been resolved, it is still unclear when the memorial will be erected. The memorial at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport looks toward Ground Zero, but also to the future and the hope of peace. "The sound of the water is calming, and when you are sitting on the marble benches your eye is directed toward the New York City skyline,'' said Brian Mattiello, one of two state officials who oversee the memorial. "Its relationship and its juxtaposition to New York, and the fact that most of the 152 Connecticut victims were from that area made the site particularly appropriate.'' Architect Shauvan Towers designed markers for each Connecticut victim with a large granite slab and marble benches within a perimeter. The site is near the water, a location that had been popular with fishermen but was otherwise unremarkable. "The memorial beautified its location,'' Mattiello said. But not every 9/11 monument has had a peaceful or serene start. Easton officials are only now firming up plans for a memorial there, eight years after town native Peter Hanson, his wife and their young daughter were killed when their plane was crashed into the World Trade Center by al-Qaida terrorists. The design by Fairfield architect Mark Halstead of a graceful pergola has been approved by the Board of Selectmen, but the Planning and Zoning Commission, after rejecting a site for the memorial last year, is considering another site for it in front of the library. "I don't know why Planning and Zoning has created this delay, but I am more optimistic now than I've been before that it (the memorial) is going to happen,'' said Eunice Hanson, Peter's mother. "It got to be a turf war for some reason, and the arguments have been so stupid, but the site chosen is quite nice, in the center of Easton's activities.'' Hanson noted that the town memorial would not be just dedicated to the memory of Peter, his wife Sue Kim and their 3-year-old Christine, but to all of the 9/11 victims. "It is as close as you can get to being part of history, as awful as it was. I feel sorry for the 9/11 Memorial Committee; I'm sure it has taken a lot more of their time than they expected. But I love the pergola. My daughter-in-law was Korean and this brings a bit of an Asian touch to it. It's not overwhelming; it won't swallow up that piece of land.'' Della Monica, a Milford police sergeant who chaired the city's 9/11 Memorial Committee, recalled opposition to the plans there, and to earlier proposed sites on the downtown Green or at the Lisman Landing Marina at the harbor. "People said there were too many monuments on the Green already and they didn't want another one," he said. "At the harbor, the plans for the property weren't all set, they weren't sure what they'd be doing down there.'' Three former Milford residents, all of whom attended elementary school there, died in the collapse of the WTC towers. Michael Miller, who had been a football standout at Joseph A. Foran High School, Avnish Patel and Seth Morris were at work in their offices when the buildings fell. The loss was keenly felt, and Della Monica's committee was formed to create a suitable memorial. "When we went to the spot next to City Hall, the historical society (actually, the Historic District Commission) was concerned that it would overwhelm the site,'' Della Monica recalled. "We scaled it back some and removed the Greek columns. To keep the same height we sunk it into the ground and built a ramp down to it. The Rev. Andrew Osmun, when he was volunteering at Ground Zero, filled two cups of dirt and ash from the site, and we mixed it into the concrete,'' the chairman said. "This is hallowed ground.''
|For Immediate Release||23 September 2020| "EIGHT STAR STREET" 23 September 2020, Hong Kong - Swire Properties officially unveiled the name of its newest upscale residential development in the Starstreet Precinct today, "EIGHT STAR STREET", a meticulously designed 24-storey building that is set to become a sought-after address in Hong Kong. Located in the heart of the Starstreet Precinct - and surrounded by an eclectic blend of cafes and restaurants, as well as trendy fashion and lifestyle boutiques - "EIGHT STAR STREET" will be a rare find for first-hand homeowners who want to settle down in this exclusive community. The residential tower will comprise 37 units with retail space on the lower two floors. The building will be in close proximity to multiple forms of public transportation, including the Admiralty MTR Station - via an air-conditioned underground link from Three Pacific Place, which is a stone's throw away from the development. The project's expected completion date is in 2022, with units available for sale earliest in Q4 2020. "'EIGHT STAR STREET' embodies the Starstreet Precinct's distinct urban culture and characteristics, a vibrant neighbourhood that we've been building up for over 20 years," said Adrian To, Director, Residential at Swire Properties. "With numerous layouts, this remarkable condominium will be ideal for always-on-the-go Hong Kong residents looking for a centrally-located, unparalleled and intimate place to call home. It will also feature unique space where they can 'escape' the city, in the form of special units with flat roofs that can be enjoyed as a private garden or patio. "What makes 'EIGHT STAR STREET' so exciting is that it's the perfect complement to our development plans for the greater Admiralty area. Our work - from revitalising the streetscape, to preserving historical elements and an upcoming office building opposite Three Pacific Place - is part of our overall efforts to build a vibrant community and is an attractive proposition for future residents of the neighbourhood. We're confident that EIGHT STAR STREET will be well-received by the market." Featuring a wide range of layouts, the building will offer one- to three-bedroom units with saleable areas ranging from approximately 430 sq ft to 910 sq ft; these include special units featuring flat roofs. There will also be two exclusive penthouse duplex units with saleable areas of approximately 980 sq ft and 1,200 sq ft, with one unit inclusive of a private roof. Each unit will be equipped with smart household appliances from Swiss brand V-ZUG, and Italian brand Modulnova kitchen cabinet. What's more, residents will enjoy dedicated management services by Swire Properties, and a private bespoke clubhouse where they can relax and reenergise. EIGHT STAR STREET is Swire Properties latest residential development in the Starstreet Precinct adjacent to the premier mixed-use Pacific Place complex. The 24-storey development comprises 37 apartments involving 1- to 3- bedroom units ranging from approximately 430 sq ft to 910 sq ft, including a number of special units with private flat roof(s). The development also features two exclusive duplex units on the top floors with saleable areas of approximately 980 sq ft and 1200 sq ft. Visit EIGHT STAR STREET's website at www.eightstarstreet.com. About Swire Properties Swire Properties develops and manages commercial, retail, hotel and residential properties, with a particular focus on mixed-use developments in prime locations at major mass transportation intersections. Swire Properties is listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and its investment portfolio in Hong Kong comprises Taikoo Place, Cityplaza and Pacific Place. In addition to Hong Kong, the Company has investments in the Chinese mainland, the United States, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. Visit Swire Properties' website at www.swireproperties.com For media enquiries, please contact: |Wayne Leung||Maria Yu| |Senior Public Affairs Manager||Media Relations Manager| |Tel: (852) 2844 3038 / 9628 7993||Tel: (852) 2844 3034/ 9156 8431| Adrian To, Director, Residential at Swire Properties, introduces "EIGHT STAR STREET", the Company's newest upscale residential development in the Starstreet Precinct. "EIGHT STAR STREET" will comprise 37 units with numerous layouts, with an expected completion date in 2022. District: Wan Chai Name of the Street and Street Number: 8 Star Street^ Address of the website designated by the Vendor for the Development: www.eightstarstreet.hk The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/ promotional material represent an artist's impression of the Development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/ or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The Vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. This promotional material is issued by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor. All contents of this website do not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any contractual term, offer, representation, undertaking or warranty, whether expressed or implied. Please refer to the sales brochure* for details. The clubhouse and recreational facilities may not be available for immediate use at the time of handover of the residential properties in the Development and are subject to the consent or permit issued by the relevant government departments. All owners of the residential properties in the Development, residents and their guests may have access and use to residential clubhouse and its recreational facilities, but such access/use comply with the deed of mutual covenant, terms and requirements of relevant government licenses and regulations[, and may be required to pay additional fees]. ^ The above street number is provisional street number subject to confirmation when the development is completed. * The sales brochure of the Development is not yet made available on the issuing date of this advertisement/ promotional material. The saleable area is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621). The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square meter = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest integer. Vendor: High Grade Ventures Limited Holding companies of the Vendor: John Swire & Sons Limited, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited, Swire Pacific Limited, Swire Properties Limited Authorized Person for the Development: Mr. Arthur Au Kin-Tung The firm or corporation of which an Authorized Person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architectures & Engineers (HK) Limited Building Contractor for the Development: Hanison Contractors Limited Solicitor for the Vendor: Mayer Brown Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance for the construction of the Development: Not Applicable Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: Swire Properties Limited To the best of the Vendor's knowledge, the estimated material date for the Development as provided by the authorized person for the Development: 31 December 2022 (The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.) Date of issuing: 23 September 2020
Letter From The Editor November 29, 2017 “Every person you meet has a story.” That phrase has echoed in the back of my mind since the hot June day when Sara Ganim, CNN reporter and 2012 Pulitzer Prize winner for her work exposing the Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State, spoke those seven simple words via Skype video call. Although I only met her through a blown-up screen projection, her advice to young journalists lit a fire within me I never knew existed. She gave me hope, she reassured me that journalism is not dying and, most importantly, she emphasized the responsibility we have as journalists to convey emotion through words and tell the stories that lurk within every human being. I am humbled – and proud – to not only lead The Panther as Editor in Chief, but also to say I was selected as the Florida representative for the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference in Washington, D.C., this past June (and I repped the 305 pretty darn well, if I do say so myself!). Over the course of my all-expenses-paid trip – a total of six days that flew by way too fast – I met dozens of the biggest names in journalism, and more importantly, the time I spent bonding with 50 other journo nerds like me from around the country cemented my desire to make a significant contribution to journalism in my future–starting now. I landed in Ronald Reagan airport on a Saturday without a clue about how to exit the terminal or what new faces I would meet that day. Not until we started meeting Pulitzer Prize winners and news network hosts and Capitol Hill reporters did I realize how special–how monumental–this experience was, and how many opportunities lay before me. I could write a book about how much the experience meant to me, but part of the thrill was representing the Sunshine State. Much to my surprise, the Wisciscon representative, Sasha Milbek, shares my intense sports fandom for the Miami Hurricanes (who knew?), and answering questions about my opinions on local politics – notably regarding Senator Rubio – was a form of entertainment in itself. The real kicker came when we visited NBC Studios to watch a live recording of Meet the Press, hosted by George Washington University and Miami native Chuck Todd. I, the proud Miamian, ran out to the Hallmark store 15 minutes before they closed the night before I left the next morning to grab the last Miami Hurricanes mug they had in stock, and lugged it with me in my suitcase. My intentions were humble – I only wanted to give him the mug and a copy of a student-produced news magazine I helped create at the University of Miami since I knew he grew up here – but lo and behold, in front of over 75 people standing smack in the middle of his studio, I heard his production manager utter the words, “and before we go, I believe someone has a gift for you.” I shuffled forward, Nikon camera dangling around my neck like a sack of flour, and struggled to find the words I had prepared for the entire plane ride up. With a mixture of embarrassment and pure ecstasy – I mean, I was just inches away from Chuck Todd, one of the most renowned faces in broadcast journalism – I told him how I knew he grew up in Miami as a Canes fan, and gifted him my strange Miami souvenirs. He asked what school I attend, so yes, I also repped Miami Palmetto Senior High, and he joked with me about how his alma mater, Killian, had a better football team than Palmetto in a playful conversation only he and I understood in a room full of people from across the country. It turns out his dad went to Palmetto, and back when they both attended, the Killian-Palmetto rivalry was much more heated than it is today (notably because, well, we’re a heck of a lot better than Killian now). But long story short, I got to shake his hand, and my Miami Hurricanes mug from Hallmark made it on his shelf of mugs collection. Throughout the entire conference, conversations like that happened constantly. Almost every print journalist who spoke to us – no exaggeration – has worked at the Miami Herald or Sun Sentinel at one time or another, which made me realize just how lucky we are to live in a city with such a notable national newspaper that we often take for granted as a place to look up last night’s high school football scores or to read a local current events article for Ms. Perse’s class. No one will ever quite understand the sense of pride I felt as the only person in the room who could understand and nod her head at the stories they told about our relationship with Cuba, about the Elian Gonzalez story that won a Pulitzer, about the intense effects of climate change and our unique melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. Even the Neuharth family formed a special bond with me that few others had the opportunity to create. I had no clue that Al Neuharth, a South Dakota native, moved to Florida and started a paper called Florida Today; it was the predecessor of the now world-renowned USA Today, so he and his family have a special place in their hearts for our state. The biggest honor, even more than adding to Chuck Todd’s famous mug collection, came when I received my table assignment for the Newseum Awards presentation and found my seat among the Neuharths. There I was, a 17-year-old Palmetto student, sitting across from Al Neuharth’s daughter and next to his granddaughter, in addition to the rest of their family, all of whom hold jobs as journalists in some shape or form. My nerves and initial shock obviously delayed my sense of reasoning because not until 20 minutes later did I realize only me and the South Dakota rep, Cody, sat there with them because of Al Neuharth’s roots in both of our states. I distinctly remember making sure I knew which knife to use – the blunt one or the pointy one? – for the fancy pear salad appetizer and trying so hard not to chew unattractively. I got over that real fast once they started talking to me about Florida and what a beautiful and dynamic place we live in. I only wish all of us could have been there to hear them speak so lovingly about the place we call home. At that awards ceremony, this year’s recipient – Martin Baron, editor of the Washington Post and previously the Boston Globe, where he led the group of journalists who unmasked the Catholic church’s coverup of child molestation, as depicted in the movie “Spotlight” – also worked at the Miami Herald. He just so happened to work there when the Elian Gonzalez story broke, the story about a young Cuban boy who was raided in his relatives’ home and forced to leave the U.S. in a controversy still relevant today. To sit there directly beneath the stage, looking up at Martin Baron’s sparkling eyes that held in them all the years of experience and vital storytelling, and knowing that he made one of his historical contributions at our city newspaper meant more to me than everyone else there. It made me value our city, our newspaper, our ability to make a change right here at home even more. It made me realize that our generation – you and me – is very much disconnected from our past and from our identity as South Florida residents. In all the moments in between, from learning about new cutting-edge camera equipment to learning how to capture the essence of pain and sorrow and joy through the powerful written word, I suddenly became endowed with a task I have yet to live up to. In those six days, I became more than an amateur journalism representative for Florida; I became part of an alumni network, I became a young journalist, I became somebody tasked with the responsibility of making a difference not just here at Palmetto, but in the world. In truth, it marked the beginning of my career as a journalist, whether I enter that field or not. I returned to Miami International Airport sentimental – certainly because I missed the new friends I made from across the country, but also because I realized just how important it is that our generation takes the world’s current issues seriously because we must step up in a few years and figure out how to fix them. And I came back with the assurance that journalism will not die, because we have found ourselves in a time when it is necessary for all of us to fact check. I wanted to share this with The Panther’s readers because I want our student body and staff to know that we are not just a high school newspaper. The Pulitzer Prize-winning Sara Ganim (who is familiar with our very own Miami-Dade County, by the way) and Chuck Todd and David Fahrenthold and the wisdom-ridden historical Freedom Riders and even Al Neuharth all made their start small. None of them woke up one morning a sudden gamechanger; they had to work toward it, and it started with a genuine passion for making the world a better place. Here at The Panther, we want to do just that. We want to tell the stories of each of the students here, we want to deliver all relevant news to our student body because each student deserves that information.
Sony’s annual Kando Trip is usually reserved for the “Alpha Family” of press, ambassadors, and influencers. But this year, given the ongoing pandemic, Sony is turning Kando Trip into Kando Everywhere: an online event that’s free for anyone who’s interested. The two-day digital event will take place this weekend, August 15th and 16th, and registration opened to everyone earlier today. Sony is billing this as a “like-no-other virtual event that will challenge you as a photographer and filmmaker, connect you with the creator community, and get you excited for what’s ahead.” As for how they’ll do that, highlights will include: - 45+ exclusive classes, workshops and live Q&A sessions - A chance to learn from industry-leading instructors - Portfolio review sessions - Interactive trivia with iJustine and Jenna Ezarik - Keynote speakers from SeaLegacy and Art of Visuals - Networking opportunities with Sony Alpha ambassadors and members of the creative community You can see the full itinerary below: Some of the teachers involved: And some of the workshops that will be offered: Sony is also giving away a bunch of freebies—including one year of Adobe Creative Cloud, one year of Sony Professional Services, and a Sony a7S III + 24-70mm lens kit—and if you want, you can submit your portfolio for the chance to have your images reviewed live on the air. To learn more or if you’d like to register for the Sony event, head over to the Kando Everywhere website.
Vail Daily letter: God’s speed Vail, CO, Colorado I am saddened to hear of the passing of three Vail area residents I knew so well. They, and countless others, became close friends during the 19 glorious years I lived among the shaddows of Gore Range (1976 to 1995). Dale McCall, Tim Cochrane and young Tucker Thissen all made fine marks on the Eagle Valley society, while giving greatly of themselves to help forge it. I shall fondly remember them, always. It seems, as old age gradually creeps up on me, that sadness and loss are becoming all too familiar. As it was with all previous generations, I suppose it is now, with mine. Nevertheless, life is good and worth living, for those we’ve known, who’ve gone before us, left us with love in our hearts and treasured memories that will never fade. Many years have now passed since I last saw or spoke with Dale, Tim and Tucker, but the mere mention of their names still brings a smile to my face. As has often been said, “It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. God’s speed, my friends. Support Local Journalism Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. User Legend: Moderator Trusted User
Westerly Town Forest Trail is a 2.8 mile lightly trafficked loop trail located near Westerly, Rhode Island that features a river. The trail is good for all skill levels and primarily used for hiking, walking, and trail running. Dogs are also able to use this trail. 1 / 1 All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, however it is subject to change. Information is updated in an ongoing manner in partnership with local tourism offices, individual businesses and organizations and via a direct feed from goprovidence.com, discovernewport.org, southcountyri.com and Yelp.com.
Jefferson Parish animal organizations hosting annual Rabies Drive The annual Rabies Drive will kick off in Jefferson Parish Sunday. Pet owners from across Jefferson Parish are invited to attend the event, which begins at 1 p.m. Sunday at 10 locations on the East and West banks. - Lakeshore Playground - Lafreniere Park - Havey Fire Station - Westwego Park - Avondale Playground Organizers said this year, the Humane Society of the United States has provided the Jefferson SPCA with a grant to offer free microchips for pets vaccinated at the Rabies Drive. Owners will receive a voucher for the microchips at participating clinics. Sunday's event is a joint effort by the Jefferson SPCA, Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter and the Southeast Veterinary Association. Additional information on the event can be found on the Jefferson SPCA website.
Carrie Underwood Previews ‘Sunday Night Football’ Open — SNF on NBC (@SNFonNBC) August 28, 2017 Carrie Underwood's preview for her new Sunday Night Football offers a behind-the-scenes look at the singer cutting the theme song and video open. Last week Underwood shared a 17-second clip with fans that finds her in a vocal studio recording a generic version of the spin-off of "Somethin' Bad." On Sunday (Aug. 28) she shared more on NBC. Between shots of her singing fans find the lights and on-field action one anticipates when the NFL's regular season begins next month. Several NFL stars join her as she moves around different football cities in a strategically ripped red dress. See 7 Country Women Married to Pro Athletes This is the fifth straight year Underwood has sung the theme after taking it over from Faith Hill. It became a version of her duet with Miranda Lambert at the start of the 2016 NFL season. The song is found on Lambert's Platinum album. In June the singer teased fans with a photo showing her new long hair as she prepared to film the open. Typically there's lots of lights and glitter and a few outfit changes as other football players swarm her. The introduction is customized each week to feature the two competing teams. Her debut of the 2017 theme will come on NBC on Sept. 10. Musically Underwood is in between albums and record labels. Earlier this year she announced she was moving to UMG Nashville after a decade on Sony's Arista imprint. Labelmates now include Keith Urban (her duet partner on "The Fighter") Luke Bryan. Farewell Angelina Singing "House of the Rising Sun" is Beautiful, Haunting
This module is intended for Financial Services Professional Degree Apprenticeship students who are looking to develop a sound knowledge in investment management. It is suitable for those who are actively involved in front office investment activities, including portfolio management, research, investment consulting, risk management and relationship management. The module aims to provide students with a background to investment environment including micro- and macro-economic environment and their impact on investments. This module introduces the main investment theories, investment products, principles of investment management and performance measurement. The overall aim is to introduce the concepts and associated tools that are fundamental to the investment practice in an organisation. Full module specification |Module title:||Investment Practice| |Duration of module:|| Duration (weeks) - term 2: | 12Duration (weeks) - term 3: The general aim of this module is to enable you to apply statistical and financial mathematics techniques, develop an understanding of micro and macro-economic environment, principles of accounting and principles of investment management. You will be able to evaluate the characteristics, inherent risks and behaviours of equities, cash and cash equivalents, and fixed income securities. The module also covers the characteristics, inherent risks, behaviours and relevant tax considerations of derivatives and alternative investment. You will be able to appraise the merits and limitations of the main investment theories. Skills acquisition: You will develop several transferable skills related to investment practice, including a sound understanding of the investment products, investment performance measurement and the impact external environment has on the financial services industry. Research in teaching: The module builds on recent investment management research within the finance disciplines to define decision making tools and theories. The module is supported by a series of webinars, videos, group forums, learning logs, online reading material, and facilitated online group sessions will be offered in addition to a masterclass. ILO: Module-specific skills - 1. Explain and apply the concepts of summary data, correlation, index numbers and time value of money - 2. Demonstrate an understanding of micro-economics, macro-economic environment and their impact on investments - 3. Understand the principles of accounting and investment management - 4. Evaluate the characteristics, inherent risks and behaviour of equities, cash and cash equivalents, and fixed income securities - 5. Analyse the characteristic and behaviours and relevant tax considerations of derivatives, alternative investments and other investment products - 6. Develop an understanding of the merits and limitations of the main investment theories and principles of investment performance measurement ILO: Discipline-specific skills - 7. Apply statistical and financial mathematics techniques in decision-making process - 8. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the structure of the financial services industry and the benefits of relevant products and services ILO: Personal and key skills - 9. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the impact the investment environment has on financial services - 10. Apply knowledge of relevant rules and principles to their own role and within their team - 11. Understand the approach to deliver client/customer outcomes across the business in a financial service setting, including best practice. Learning activities and teaching methods (given in hours of study time) |Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities||Guided independent study||Placement / study abroad| Details of learning activities and teaching methods |Category||Hours of study time||Description| |Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities||50 hours (7 days)||Workshops| |Scheduled Learning & Teaching activities||20 hours||Online lectures and seminars| |Scheduled Learning & Teaching activities||6 hours||Revision| |Guided independent study||224 hours||Reading and research, web-based activities| |Form of assessment||Size of the assessment (eg length / duration)||ILOs assessed||Feedback method| |Mock Exam||1-hour exam||1-6||Marks and feedback| |Online Discussion||Online discussion contributions||1-11||Online discussion feedback from peers and lecturer| |Weekly online practices||Six exercises||1-8||Correct answers on ELE| Summative assessment (% of credit) |Coursework||Written exams||Practical exams| Details of summative assessment |Form of assessment||% of credit||Size of the assessment (eg length / duration)||ILOs assessed||Feedback method| |Exam||50||2 hours and 20 minutes written exam||1-6||Marks and feedback| |Applied exercise/Assignment||50||4,000 words||1-11||Marks and feedback| Details of re-assessment (where required by referral or deferral) |Original form of assessment||Form of re-assessment||ILOs re-assessed||Timescale for re-assessment| |Exam||2 hours and 20 minutes written exam||1-6||In line with University regulations| |Applied exercise/Assignment||Applied exercise/Assignment 4,000 words||1-11||In line with University regulations| Defer – as first time Refer – capped at 40% - Quantitative Methods - Micro-Economics and Macro-Economics - Equities and Fixed-Income - Derivatives and alternative investments - Portfolio management - Investment Products - Investment Performance Measurement Indicative learning resources - Basic reading - Investment Practice, CFA UK Investment Management Certificate Unit 2 Syllabus version 16. Module has an active ELE page? Last revision date
- Is one God in three divine persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Dwells in us from the instant of our creation - Is the deepest of the Christian mysteries - Its nature is to give Itself away to each other eternally through the three relationships - BP: 29, 61 - CPDLM: 102 - FCP: 5, 343 - FG: 109 - SMM: 62, 69 - DI: 2, 4, 132 - DR: 209, 220, 275 - MG: 35 The dogma of the Trinity speaks of one God in three divine persons. The first person is the Father. The second person is the Son (Eternal Word of God) and the third person is the Holy Spirit. The Divine Indwelling of the Holy Trinity is a truth of faith that is easily forgotten, yet it is the one on which a radical, personal conversion depends. It is the source of Centering Prayer. The emptying of ourselves for the good of others is a continuation of the same movement of emptying – kenosis – that goes on in the Holy Trinity: giving away all the Father is to the Son and vice versa. Each receives back everything in and through the Person of infinite love, the Holy Spirit. Thus Jesus in his sacrifice on the cross manifested the total self-emptying of the Father, revealing the inner nature of the Trinity. He awakens in us what the love of God is and models how we are called to serve. The sacrament of the Eucharist instantly plunges us into the depths of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit pours into us rays of light that enlightens our minds and strengthens our will to pursue the Light. Through the practice of Contemplative Prayer this explosion of divine energy is gradually unpacked so that, little by little, we can perceive in detail the great gifts we have received in the communication of divine light, life and love conferred upon us in this sacrament. What Jesus Christ did in his sacrifice on the cross was to manifest the total self-emptying of the Father, revealing in this way the inner nature of the Trinity. We consent to the fact that from the instant of our creation, the divine Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Sprit, have been dwelling in us as the source of our being at every level. We can understand Jesus’ identity as the Son of God more clearly by thinking of him in terms of the revelation of the Trinity. That revelation affirms what the mystics of all religions have intuited: The ultimate nature of infinite being is love. Sometimes a sense of God’s presence may be personified in one member of the Holy Trinity. How is God becoming formed in you? Have you experienced a sense of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What were the circumstances? What new awareness did you experience? Lord, lead me to a fuller relationship with you by opening my mind and heart to the truth of the Trinity hidden in the depths of my being.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of previewing Pacific Highlands Ranch new homes in both Almeria and Olvera new subdivisions , built by Pardee Homes. Almeria Has three different floor plans and offer gracious square feet and extra indoor outdoor living spaces. Plan one is 37 to 3800 ft.² and it has a master bedroom downstairs and a cabana up above the front porch with its own private entrance. Plan to is 4300 ft.² and some change and plan three is approximately 4600 ft.² .Prices on these new homes for sale in Carmel Valley San Diego start at 1.45 million and go up to approximately 1.7 million depending on lot sizes etc. The location of these new homes is superior for living in Pacific Highlands Ranch. They are located near everything Pacific Highlands Ranch has to offer which is within walking distance Two schools Pacific Highlands recreation center and Pacific Highlands shopping Center, such as Trader Joe’s.
Patrician College For Women is a Christian Minority institution. It is run by the Society of the Brothers of St. Patrick, an International Catholic Religious Order founded in the year 1808. It has established its presence in all continents of the world. The College was founded in the year 2017 on the sprawling campus of St. Joseph’s Academy, the best ranked day school in the State. The College has a campus spread over four acres of land. The Brothers are well known for both school and higher education in India and abroad. With their experience of 211 years in the field of education they bring into Patrician College For Women a system of education that is based on sound moral principles and values.
The insect screens of Salio Concept have good degree of sealing and high quality of workmanship. It is highly effective to block all types of insects. Our product is convenient to clean, does not destroy the structure of windows and doors, high value for money. It will bring a comfort living environment, nice scenery without any worry of mosquito’s bites. Is the installation of Magnetic Screen insect screen complicated? Will there be any damage to the house structure or interior decoration? The Salio Concept insect screen installation is simple and convenient. It only needs to use a reliable rubber magnet to fix the insect screen on the doors or windows. There is no need to drill any holes in the windows and doors frame and will not damage any house structure or interior decoration. After the Magnetic Screen insect screen is installed, will it affect ventilation and natural lighting? The Salio Concept insect screen will not affect ventilation and natural lightings. The Fiberglass of insect screens is imported from US Phifer Company. It uses a special tensioning technique which makes the screens almost invisible and will not affect ventilation and natural lightings. On the other hands, it helps to block dust and ensuring a better living environment too. We offer the wide range of colours to match any interior decoration:The screen has two colours which is black and gray. These two colours are able to match any colour of doors and windows and not easy to get dirty. Door frame and Window frame: can be customised to match any colour. Is the size of Magnetic Screen insect screen fixed? Would the size of Magnetic Screen insect screen mismatch my windows size? The size of Salio Concept insect screen is not fixed and can be customised to any window size. Just inform us the size of your window and we will customize a suitable insert screen that perfectly matches your window that will not affect the interior decoration. Yes. The Salio Concept insect screen can be customised according to the shape of windows. For irregular shape of window, we will make the actual measurement on-site and design an appropriate shape for the screen. Yes. The Salio Concept insect screen can be installed on any types of windows like aluminum alloy windows, plastic windows, wooden windows and steel windows etc. There is no need to drill any hole in the door and window frames. Salio Concept insect screen can be used for more than 10 years under normal circumstances. Would the rubber magnet get distorted after long period of usage? Will it fall off due to demagnetization? No. The ferromagnetic rubber magnet of Salio Concept insect screen is imported from Japan and it does not distortion or lost magnetism even after long period of usage. Furthermore, the multi-pole magnet provides better grip to ensure magnetic screen will not fall off. If the Magnetic Screen insect screen is stained with grease or dirt, will it be difficult to clean and maintain? Will it affect the magnetism after it is clean? Cleaning of insect screen is easy. You can use standard detergent with tap water, gently scrubs with cloth and rinse with water. General cleaning will not affect magnetism. Yes. We customize to suit our customer’s need.
Thursday, September 25, 2008 – The UML Guy really gets into Use Case Diagrams! In this diagram, we see some truly useful Use Case Diagrams. These diagrams are about requirements in context. Too often, we receive requirements as just a bulleted list of features, or a bulleted “The system shall…” list: “The system shall allow users to file receipts. The system shall reconcile receipts against outstanding invoices. The system shall become so convoluted and ill-defined that there’s no chance you’ll ever implement it correctly.” These bullet lists aren’t bad (well, some are…), but they’re incomplete. They don’t tell you who requires specific features, nor what goals they want to accomplish through those features. As a description of requirements, they’re a starting point at best. Too often, they’re a trap: seemingly complete, but not. Use Case analysis is all about putting requirements into a context. Who needs this feature? Why do they need it? How will they use it? What will they produce with it? How will they know it’s correct? How often will they use it? What steps will they follow? What rules and constraints apply? Who else will be involved? There are a lot of techniques in good Use Case analysis, much more than can be captured in a simple diagram (or in a comic strip). Cockburn has a lot to teach on that subject. But good Use Case Diagrams are a starting point. And busy teams may find they can’t squeeze in time for the Full Cockburn on every Use Case, but can use the diagrams to discuss which Use Cases require more detailed analysis. Agile teams in particular may prefer this approach, because Agile Development emphasizes the minimum documentation needed to successfully meet the requirements. Obsessively following the Full Cockburn (perhaps due to management dictate) can end up with 15 pages of documentation for Log In, without any actual code. It’s more Agile to start with Use Case Diagrams, and then add more detail where you find it’s necessary. Don’t underanalyze, but definitely don’t overanalyze. I should add: there’s no UML reason I couldn’t have put all these Use Cases and Actors into one big diagram. I see it done all the time. And most of the time, it’s a mistake (in my opinion). The diagram gets too big, with too much going on. Individual details get lost in the confusion. Even though you drew it as one diagram, readers end up reading it as smaller diagrams within the diagram, focusing just on one Actor and that Actor’s Use Cases at a time. So it’s better to draw it as separate diagrams in the first place. (You’re not gonna listen to me. I know that. But I’m telling you what my experience has been.) Alistair Cockburn, Writing Effective Use Cases (ISBN 0201702258).
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Dainty Station Huggie Earrings Timeless classics for everyday wear. These stylish station huggie earrings feature Lafonn’s signature simulated diamonds in a heart design with milgrain detail. These earrings are set in gold-plated sterling silver and platinum bonded sterling silver. CTTW: 0.09 SKU: E0427CLT00 STONE COUNT: 6 DIMENSION: APPROX. 13MM (H) X 5.4MM (W) COLLECTION: CLASSIC
Online gambling software developer GW Games has revealed their latest slot for the month of September. This new addition to their platform of games is called “Wok Star”. This slot will be specifically distributed through the Odobo Gaming Platform. This new video slot has been developed as a 5 reel, 20 payline casino game. An Asian food theme is apparent from the moment this game is loaded. Sushi, Noodles, Bowls, Coffee and much more will make an appearance as icons on the reels. On top of that free spins, wilds, win multipliers and scatters also await whomever plays this game. There is also a pick’em styled bonus round which has players choose from an array of bowls in order to reveal cash prizes. This slot is already live & available to be played on Betfair, a well-known & secure online casino. There’ll be other online casinos which adopt this video slot in the future as well. This due to the fact that Odobo’s platform allows for licensees to choose specific slots instead of grouped series. The Commercial Director at GW Games made a comment regarding this slot’s release stating, “We’ve been able to secure an exclusive deal with one of the biggest gambling operators in the globe. We’ve opted to build this game and future titles for the Odobo platform. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time working with the Odobo team.” This game will surely reach popularity in the upcoming months. Currently in order to play this slot those who wish to do so must register an account with Betfair.
You can find Lillyroo's Glamping in the beautiful South East of Kent, UK. Our site is located near the historic town of Sandwich. Driving From London The driving distance between London and Sandwich is 76 miles. It takes approximately 1 h 29 min to drive from London to Sandwich via Dartfood and the A2, then follow the M2 Bus or Train Southeastern operates a train from London to Sandwich hourly. Tickets cost £30 - £50 and the journey takes 1 h 28 min. Alternatively, you can take a bus from London to Sandwich via Canterbury and Canterbury, Bus Station in around 2 h 36 min. From there it is only a short drive to our site. There you can either get a cab or we can arrange to collect you and bring you to the camp site.
Are you and your children stuck at home and looking for a creative project? With so many families staying indoors under self-isolation, I know many parents are looking for fun and educational activities to keep kids busy and entertained. At-home puppet shows are a great way for kids to craft, play, and put on their own family performances. In this post, I share free printable puppets and a tutorial for how to make a shadow puppet show of Prokofiev’s classic musical fairytale Peter and the Wolf. You can use this story to teach your children about different instruments (as it was originally designed), teach them about fables and storytelling, or just for fun. If you enjoy it, I hope you’ll take a look at the rest of my library of printables and resources on this site. Sergei Prokofiev and Walt Disney The Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev composed Peter and the Wolf in 1936 to introduce children to the musical instruments in an orchestra. The American premiere took place in March 1938, with Prokofiev conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra himself. When touring the West, the composer met Walt Disney in Los Angeles, who decided to turn this symphonic children’s story into a movie. Due to the second World War, the film only came out in 1946. In this historical introduction to the film, Walt Disney shares footage of Prokofiev playing the musical themes for him on the piano. Walt Disney about the his meeting with Prokofiev - View Disney’s original movie of Peter and the Wolf (1946) - View Disney’s movie narrated by David Bowie (1978) Jörg Müller’s picture book illustrations My favorite picture book of the story, retold by Loriot and illustrated by Jörg Müller, was first published in German in 1985 and in English in 1986. The book, which combines pictures of the story as well as the musicians, instruments, and conductor, has been beautifully animated in the video rendition below, which includes credits to the performers and the picture book. Film with Jörg Müller’s picture book illustrations The film provides a great introduction to the music, as well as the instruments that Prokofiev used to illustrate the story, so there is no need to visit a library before starting your project. You can use the music and narration to act out the story or look for alternative versions on YouTube (you can google it in many languages). The story as a shadow play Peter and Wolf has been performed or adapted in many different formats. In the beautiful French shadow play below by Le Theatre des Ombre you can see both the front and back of the screen, showing how to puppeteers handle the holding and moving rods. French shadow play by Le Theatre des Ombres In this blog post I will show you how you and your kids may act out the story as a shadow play yourselves if you have enough supplies at home. But you can also use the silhouette puppets by themselves above a box or table, or without using any surface at all, just holding the sticks and moving them along with the music. What you need Minimal access to supplies: - access to a printer to print out templates - thin cardboard for support of the puppets (card stock, cereal box, thick envelope etc.) - scissors and tape (any) - barbecue skewers or straws - (optional) cardboard box (minimal 14″x17″) Access to craft store, office supply or online store: - small split pins or metal brads (craft store, scrapbooking section) - duct tape or painters tape - piece of 14″x17″ (356×432 mm) transparent paper (tracing paper, cookie paper, vellum) Making the puppets If you have access to black poster board paper you can print out the templates for the story in the Printable Library. If not, you can print out the same templates (but then in black) using the links below, Attach them to card stock or thin cardboard and cut them out. If the cardboard is too thick for precise cutting, just cut out a piece that covers the main part of the body for support (view the cutout of the grandpa in figure 3 for an example). - Cut out the body parts with a wide margin and stick them to the poster board or thin cardboard with a small piece of double sided tape or a double folded piece of scotch tape. - Cut out all body parts with small sharp scissors. (If you use black printouts and thicker cardboard you may just use a piece of cardboard for support, see the grandpa in figure 3). - Use the pointed part of the scissors to cut out eyes and to make holes in all indicated places where pieces will be joined. - Separate the paper patterns from the black poster board or cardboard parts. - Connect the body’s parts with small split pins or paper brads. If you don’t have split pins or brads, just tape the parts together and use the puppets as stick figures without moving parts. Moving and holding rods An easy and cheap alternative to the velcro-tipped rods that I used in the past are rods made with masking tape or wide (1″) painters tape. For an instructional video visit How to make puppet rods with duct or painters tape. - Cut a piece of about 1″ x 1/2″ (25 mm x 13 mm) of duct tape or painters tape and roll half of the rectangle over the sharpest tip of a barbecue skewer or thin straw. Twist the remaining flexible part and let it stick out. - Cut a small square or round piece if tape, make a little hole in it, and stick the flexible tip of your rod through the non-sticky side and bend it sideways to attach to the sticky part. - Stick the piece of tape on the part of the puppet that you want to hold or move. - Keep the rod in an angle when holding and moving the puppet against your screen or in the air. Figure 3. Cutouts of grandpa (printout with black front), wolf, and bird (black poster board) For instructions about holding and moving rods go to holding and moving the puppets (this site still shows velcro-tipped rods). Theater, light and screen To make a shadow screen with tracing paper, cookie sheets, or vellum and a box follow the instructions here: If you only have a box but no translucent material, you can just make a frame, or turn the box sideways and stick the holding rods in the opening fold as shown in the figure 1. Taking it further There are many sites that have have additional information and lesson plans about Peter and the Wolf. Here are a few: - Music Center model lessons grade 2-7 - Chicago Symphony Orchestra Peter and the Wolf Lesson Plan grade 4-8 If you want to use your wolf for other fairy tales, check out my site about Wolf Stories, which links to more free printables in the Printable Library.
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California Calling – YOGASCAPES Featured in VOGUE October 19, 2016 VOGUE features FP ESCAPES Sonoma Harvest Retreat in California destinations guide, and we’ve conjured up an English version for you here: Northern California. Search and skip a yoga retreat – it is not really an option. YOGASCAPES organizes yoga weekends in-weeks include Peru, Nicaragua, Iceland and natural California itself, interspersed with things like surfing or a pilgrimage. Beyond Sausalito, Sonoma, you’ll find the Lotus Feed Retreat Center. It belongs to the local Taylor Maid-farm, successful chain of organic farms in North and South America. Besides Hatha yoga they are specializing in farm-to-table-dishes: quiche tata’s (mini frittata baked in a muffin-form), chocolate-chiapudding, kefir with blueberries and lime and salads of soba noodles, seaweed and perfectly ripe tomatoes from the backyard. Food as medicine, as Hippocrates already wrote. The three yoga sessions per day are far from a punishment; rather calm and meditative in nature, and are provided on the sun deck, where you so overlooks the lush grounds. The camp consists of teepees hung with lanterns, cottages and yurts feature a romantic roll top bath. In 1968, when Napa Valley was declared the first protected Nature in America, it’s fate as sustainable wine region sealed. Although you can stay here on numerous vineyards, you feel like a king or queen in the eco-kept Calistoga Ranch. This is where… Queen Rania of Jordan sips red wine (or juice), while the air at times almost burgundy colors and hummingbirds come and fly. Also on the Calistoga Ranch, the farm-to-table philosophy is upheld. That is easy, because Northern California is the Tuscany of the United States: all citrus fruits to avocados and nuts growing up a storm. At Calistoga Ranch, the nature is as intact as possible. For example, there was no single tree cut down during the construction of the luxury resort. The fifty guest houses, made of cedar, were not nature-disturbing…
- Research article - Open Access Comparative in silicoanalysis of EST-SSRs in angiosperm and gymnosperm tree genera BMC Plant Biology volume 14, Article number: 220 (2014) Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) derived from Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) belong to the expressed fraction of the genome and are important for gene regulation, recombination, DNA replication, cell cycle and mismatch repair. Here, we present a comparative analysis of the SSR motif distribution in the 5′UTR, ORF and 3′UTR fractions of ESTs across selected genera of woody trees representing gymnosperms (17 species from seven genera) and angiosperms (40 species from eight genera). Our analysis supports a modest contribution of EST-SSR length to genome size in gymnosperms, while EST-SSR density was not associated with genome size in neither angiosperms nor gymnosperms. Multiple factors seem to have contributed to the lower abundance of EST-SSRs in gymnosperms that has resulted in a non-linear relationship with genome size diversity. The AG/CT motif was found to be the most abundant in SSRs of both angiosperms and gymnosperms, with a relative increase in AT/AT in the latter. Our data also reveals a higher abundance of hexamers across the gymnosperm genera. Our analysis provides the foundation for future comparative studies at the species level to unravel the evolutionary processes that control the SSR genesis and divergence between angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species. Microsatellites, also called SSRs (simple sequence repeats) or STRs (short tandem repeats), are 1-6 bp tandem repeat motifs present in both the coding and non-coding fractions of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes -. SSRs are especially abundant in transcribed regions of the genome making them a valuable molecular marker for genetic studies in plants . SSRs result from mutations due to DNA-polymerase slippage during replication and unequal recombination . SSRs are widely used in plant genetic research because of their co-dominant inheritance, relative abundance, multi-allelic nature, high reproducibility and ease of detection . Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are segments of expressed genes generated by single-pass sequencing of cDNA libraries . In contrast to the genomic SSRs, EST-SSRs represent functional markers located in the coding fractions of the genome and changes in EST-SSRs length can cause a phenotypic effect, irrespective of the mutation site, whether it occurs in 5′- or 3′-UnTranslated Regions (UTRs) or in the Open Reading Frames (ORFs) . The significance of EST-SSRs as a molecular tool in population genetic studies has been known for long . In woody trees, EST-SSRs have been applied in population studies and analysis of genetic diversity in Cycas, Picea,, Prunus,, Eucalyptus, and Populus; in hybrid selection in e.g., Citrus; and also in genetic mapping in Citrus, Quercus, and Pinus. Furthermore, unlike the genomic SSRs, EST-SSRs are easily transferable across species , therefore allowing studying polymorphism and genetic diversity in related species . However, EST-SSRs have some disadvantages over genomic SSRs as EST-SSRs are known to be less variable than the genomic SSRs and the amplicon size can also differ from the predicted size due to the effect of presence of introns in the flanking fractions . With the advent of genomics, the availability of ESTs in the public databases, such as NCBI’s dbEST, has increased exponentially allowing for the identification of large numbers of EST-SSRs. For example, characterisation and comparative analysis of EST microsatellites in woody trees have been carried out in Citrus-, Betula, Fagus, Prunus, Quercus, Populus,, Eucalyptus-, Cryptomeria,, Cycas-, Ginkgo, Picea, and Pinus,. However, analysis of SSRs for each individual EST genomic fraction (i.e., 5′- and 3′-UTR, and ORF) has only been carried out in Quercus, Cryptomeria and Pinus. Unfortunately, most of the results in those three studies are presented for the entire EST, which can lead to inaccurate results. For example, in Cryptomeria dimers are the most common motif in the 3′UTR fraction; moreover, when all three EST fractions are considered together, trimers are concluded to be the most frequent motif across the entire EST . Furthermore, AT was shown to be the most frequent dimer motif as an overall result, whereas analysis of each EST fraction separately revealed AG as the most frequent dimer in the ORF fraction . These results demonstrate that SSR characterization on the whole EST sequence as a unit will provide only partial information, which may be misleading and result in discrepancies across studies. Other discrepancies in EST-SSRs motif abundance and distribution across different plant studies can be attributed to the parameter setup , annotation deficiency , and the selected EST-SSR analysis algorithm . For example, higher abundance of EST-SSR dimers was reported in Pinus,, whereas Yan et al. reported trimers as the most abundant in the same genus. Thus, comparative EST-SSRs studies will be more reliable when the EST data sets are analysed by applying the same bioinformatics procedure. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis of SSRs in each genomic fraction of EST separately (5′UTR, ORF and 3′UTR), across selected angiosperm and gymnosperm genera with a focus on woody trees. The aim was to present highly comparable data on SSR-EST abundance, composition and distribution; for genomes that diverged ~350 Myr . EST-SSR length and complexity There were no significant differences observed regarding EST-SSRs length between the three genomic fractions within and between taxa. In angiosperms, there was no significant association between genome size and EST-SSRs length for any of the EST fractions. In gymnosperms, however, there was a positive and significant association (r = 0.6; P-value < 0.03) between genome size and EST-SSRs motif length for all three EST fractions. Perfect EST-SSRs were more frequent than compound ones in both taxa and in all three genomic fractions (Additional file 1: Table S2). In angiosperms, Eucalyptus (ORF) had the highest percentage of compound EST-SSR motifs (7.4%), while Cycas (3′UTR) had the highest percentage of compound SSR motifs (6.8%) in gymnosperms. None of the statistical tests made to compare proportions of complex EST-SSRs within and between taxa were significant. Furthermore, complexity was not significantly associated to genome size. EST-SSR abundance (motif counts per Mbp) In angiosperms, SSR counts showed a wide range across genera, with Prunus having an exceptional high abundance. EST-SSR counts were significantly higher in the 5′UTR fraction and lower in the ORFs. In gymnosperms, the SSR counts range was narrower than in angiosperms with Zamia and Gnetum having the highest values. EST-SSRs were significantly more abundant in the 3′UTR fraction, while there was a non-significant difference in abundance between the 5′UTR and ORF fractions. EST-SSRs were significantly more abundant in angiosperms than in gymnosperms. No association was found between density and genome size in any of the two taxa. (ii) By motif size The distribution of counts per Mbp for each of the EST-SSRs, according to motif size, is shown in Table 2. In angiosperms and gymnosperms, dimer motifs showed significantly higher number of counts in all three genomic fractions, followed by trimers, with the exception of Citrus (ORF, trimers > dimers), Cryptomeria (ORF, trimers > dimers) and Gnetum (5′UTR and ORF, trimers > dimers and trimers > hexamers, respectively). Non-significant differences between dimers and trimers were found in Cryptomeria (5′UTR) and Gnetum (3′UTR). In both taxa, the most frequent motif ranking in the ORF was dimer > trimer > hexamer. The same motif ranking was often observed in the UTRs in gymnosperms. Moreover, in angiosperms, hexamers are less often ranked in the third position in the UTRs, supporting a lower representation of hexamers in UTRs in angiosperms. Despite dimers being the motifs with higher number of counts in most of the genera across all three genomic fractions, the proportion of dimers to trimers was clearly lower in the ORF, indicating an enrichment of trimers in the ORF fraction in both taxa. Interestingly, Gnetum was the only genus where dimers rank third when it comes to abundance (ORF, trimers > hexamers > dimers); trimers and hexamers being relatively abundant across all three fractions. In Fraxinus and Fagus, trimers and hexamers were also rather abundant. (iii) By dimer and trimer nucleotide composition The counts for dimer and trimer nucleotide composition across genomic fractions and genera are shown in Table 3. In angiosperms, the AG/CT dimer motif showed the highest number of counts per Mbp in all genomic fractions and genera, followed by the AT/AT motif, with exception of Betula (AT/AT and AG/CT were present in similar numbers), Citrus (3′UTR; AT/AT) and Populus (3′UTR; AT/AT). In gymnosperms, AT/AT was the most abundant dimer motif in the 3′UTR fraction, with the exception of Cryptomeria, Cycas and Gnetum where AT/AT and AG/CT were present in similar numbers. In the 5′UTR and ORF fractions in gymnosperms, AG/CT was the most abundant motif in most of the genera, with the exception of Cycas (5′UTR), Ginkgo (ORF) and Zamia (ORF), where AT/AT and AG/CT were present in similar numbers; and Ginkgo (5′UTR), Zamia (5′UTR) and Cycas (ORF), where AT/AT was the most abundant. Overall, AT/AT was often the most abundant dimer in gymnosperms. The dimer motif CG/CG was absent in most of the genera and only present at low density in the ORF of Populus and Quercus. In the 3′UTR fraction in angiosperms and gymnosperms AAT/ATT was the most abundant trimer motif in all the genera with the exception of Eucalyptus (AAG/CTT, AGG/CTT and CCG/CCG were present in similar numbers), Fraxinus (AAT/AAT and ACT/AGT were present in similar numbers), Prunus (ACT/AGT most abundant) and Gnetum (AAG/CTT most abundant). In the 5′UTR and ORF fractions in angiosperms, AAG/CTT was the most abundant in all genera except in Betula (5′UTR; AAC/GTT and ACT/AGT were present in similar numbers), Betula (ORF; AAG/CTT, AAC/GTT and ACC/GGT were present in similar numbers), Eucalyptus (ORF; CCG/CCG most abundant), Fraxinus (ORF; AAG/CCT, ACT/AGT, AAT/ATT and ACC/GGT were present in similar numbers) and Prunus (ORF; ACT/AGT most abundant). Moreover, in the 5′UTR and ORF in gymnosperms, there was not a single trimer motif that ranked first, instead it varied across genera. In this study we have investigated the occurrence of EST-SSRs in three EST genomic fractions (5′UTR, ORF and 3′UTR), in a genus-wise analysis in woody trees of two taxa, angiosperms and gymnosperms. Genus-wise EST-SSRs analysis for EST genomic fractions separately supports the unequal distribution of EST-SSR motifs across the EST sequences. EST-SSR length is positively associated with genome size in gymnosperms (i.e. larger genomes have longer EST-SSRs). However, EST-SSR density is not proportional to genome size; instead other factors seem to have contributed to the EST-SSR density in gymnosperms. We observed two main differences between angiosperm and gymnosperm genera, which may reflect evolutionary differences following their divergence 350 Myr , such as the increased presence of hexamers and AT-rich motifs in the gymnosperm genera. Low contribution of EST-SSRs to genome size diversity Our EST-SSRs length values are in accordance with those previously reported in the literature ,,. In gymnosperms, we observe a positive and significant association between the EST-SSRs length and genome size. Thus, the largest genomes (Pinus and Picea) also have, on average, the longest EST-SSRs. Although this suggests a higher relaxation towards genome enlargement in those two genera, the yet small differences in length between the studied gymnosperm genera suggests that EST-SSRs length contribution to Pinus and Picea genome obesity may be only modest. Instead, EST-SSRs length has been suggested to be mainly the result of a balance between slippage events and point mutation , which have resulted in a rather homogeneous EST-SSRs length, as suggested before . Unlike in gymnosperms, our analysis does not support an association between the EST-SSRs length and genome size in angiosperms. A potential association however could be masked by the multiple polyploidization events and their role in genome size diversification in angiosperms . Although other factors may have played a role in genome size diversity in angiosperms; transposable element (TE) expansion seems to be the most determinant factor . Conifer genome expansion can also be attributed to a large extent to TE expansion ,, although its role in genome size diversification is yet to be proven within the gymnosperm taxon. Our values for percentage of perfect and compound EST-SSRs in Gnetum and Pinus agree with those reported by Victoria et al. and are not correlated with genome size in any of the taxa. Our data also does not support the contribution of overall EST-SSRs abundance to genome size expansion. Instead, angiosperm genera with smaller genomes compared to those in gymnosperms show, on average a significantly higher abundance (four order of magnitude higher) of EST-SSRs. The lower density of EST-SSRs in gymnosperm compared to angiosperm species is in agreement with previous reports ,, and does not support a possible constant abundance of SSRs in the transcribed portions of the genome across species as suggested by Morgante et al. . Several studies have concluded that EST-SSRs abundance is inversely related to the genome size ,, while others attribute EST-SSRs abundance partly to the action of selection and the effectiveness of mechanisms for regulating slippage errors ,. Our more extensive investigation however does not support a simple linear relationship between EST-SSR abundance and genome size. For example, two gymnosperm genera such as Gnetum and Zamia have similar or even higher frequencies of SSRs than angiosperm genera such as Citrus, which has a smaller genome size. This suggests that other factors affecting genome evolution in both taxa need to be considered to explain EST-SSR abundance diversity in the plant kingdom. EST-SSR abundance across EST fractions also differs between gymnosperm and angiosperms. In angiosperms, EST-SSRs are significantly more abundant in the 5′UTR fraction, while in gymnosperms there is on an average a higher abundance of EST-SSRs in the 3′UTR fraction. In angiosperms, a higher density of EST-SSRs in the UTR fractions has been reported previously ,,,; while other studies support a higher abundance in the ORF fraction . A higher EST-SSR abundance in the 5′UTR could be attributed to a regulatory role ,. In Cryptomeria, a higher density of EST-SSRs in the ORF fraction has also been shown . However, due to the limited number of studies performed on each EST fraction separately, a generalization on the relative abundance of SSRs across those fractions warrants further investigation. Motif size: while dimers dominate, hexamers are more common in the gymnosperm EST sequences Our study reveals an overall higher abundance of dimers across all three genomic fractions (with six exceptions). In an EST-SSRs analysis that included lower and upper plant species, Victoria et al. reported that trimers are more frequent in the majority of groups of higher plants; while individual studies in angiosperm trees have shown dimers as the most abundant motif in genera such as Populus, and Eucalyptus,. In Quercus, trimers were reported as the most abundant motif in the ORF fraction, while dimers were more frequent in the UTR fractions . Trimers were the most common motif in Citrus according to some studies , whereas Palmieri et al. described dimers as the most abundant motifs in the same genus. In gymnosperms, a higher abundance of EST-SSR dimers has previously reported in Pinus, Picea, and Ginkgo,,,; while Yan et al. reported trimers as the most abundant in Pinus. Similarly, trimers were the most frequent in the ORF in Pinus, while dimers were the most common in the 3′UTR fraction . In agreement with our study, increased representation of trimers in the ORF was shown before in Cryptomeria. Trimers and hexamers were reported to be more common in the ORF compared to the UTRs in Quercus and Cryptomeria. Similarly, we also observe trimers and hexamers as common in both taxa with reference to ORF. Our data shows that despite the fact that dimers are the most frequent repeats in majority of the genera in all the three genomic fractions, the proportion of dimers to trimers (dimers/trimers) decreases significantly in the ORF fraction. Predominance of trimers in the coding regions was reported previously in animals and plants . ORF enrichment in trimers is expected considering that dimers alter the frameshift (i.e., nucleotide triplet or codon is the unit for translation), which should be avoided if the correct translation of the ORF into a protein should be maintained. Presence of SSR dimers in the ORF fraction can potentially affect gene amino acid sequences consequently altering their function due to frameshift mutations, while SSRs in the UTR fractions will affect transcription, translation or splicing of gene products . Moreover, if the number of dimer repeats is divisible by three, it will result in the alternation of two amino acids (e.g., (AT)6: ATA-TAT-ATA-TAT: Ile-Tyr-Ile-Tyr), thus potentially leaving the reading frame un-altered, as previously suggested by Kantety et al. in cereal species . Dimer/Trimer nucleotide composition: AT-rich motifs are common in gymnosperms Our study reveals a low abundance of AC/GT motif in all studied genera. Unlike as in mammals, the AC/GT motif is known to occur at low frequency in plants ,. The difference between plants and mammals has been attributed to differences in methylation patterns. AC/GT abundance in animals was suggested as the result of transition of methylated C residue to T (CG/CG → AC/GT), while the absence of a C-hotspot in plants could have prevented the predominance of AC/GT repeats ,. In agreement with previous works, the CG/CG motif (which creates CpG islands acting as regulatory elements through methylation) is almost absent in all our studied genera across all three genomic fractions. There is however an overall predominance of AG/CT (all three genomic fractions) and AAG/CTT (5′UTR and ORF) motifs in angiosperms, which are also target for methylation in plants . In gymnosperms, AG/CT is also the most abundant motif in the 5′UTR and ORF fractions (with few genera where AT/AT is more abundant). In the 3′UTR regions, there is predominance of AT/AT (gymnosperms) and AAT/ATT (both taxa), which are not the target for methylation . An increased content in A + T nucleotides in the 3′UTR fraction has been reported before in vertebrates , mammals , yeast and Arabidopsis, which seems to be related to the UTR processing signal composition. An overall predominance of AG/CT and AT/AT dimer motifs in EST sequences was supported by previous studies in angiosperms ,, and gymnosperms ,,. In angiosperms, AG/CT was reported as the most abundant in Eucalyptus,,, Citrus- and Populus,,. In Quercus, AC/GT was shown as the most abundant dimer . In agreement with an overall enrichment in AT/AT motif gymnosperms (specially in the 3′UTR fraction), other studies have also reported AT/AT as the most frequent dimer in Pinus,,-, Picea,, and Ginkgo. Berube et al. also demonstrate a similar finding with a higher abundance of AT/AT dimers in the 3′ sequenced ESTs in Pinus and Picea. The motif AG/CT was shown to be the most abundant in Cycas and Gnetum; the latter being also supported by our data. In Cryptomeria, AT/AT was shown to be the most abundant in the UTR fractions, while AG/CT was the most abundant in the ORF . In agreement with our results, previous studies also support a higher abundance of the AAG/CTT motif in angiosperms. In gymnosperms, our study reveals predominance of the AAT/ATT motif in the 3′UTR fraction; moreover, trimer predominance in the other two fractions seems genus dependent. In angiosperms, AAG/CTT was ranked first in frequency in Eucalyptus,, Citrus- and Poplar,,. In Eucalyptus, other studies reported AGG/CCT as the most abundant trimer motifs. In Quercus, AAT/ATT was shown to be the most common trimer motif . In gymnosperms, AAT/ATT was shown to be the most abundant trimer in Pinus. Other studies report AAG/CTT as the most common trimer in Pinus,, Picea and Cycas. Also ACG/CGT was presented as the most abundant trimer in Pinus and Picea. In Cryptomeria, our trimer motif dominance across the EST fractions corresponds with that reported by (i.e., AGG, 5′UTR; AAG, ORF; AAT, 3′UTR). Our EST-SSR comparative analysis in eight angiosperm genera and seven gymnosperm genera has revealed interesting differential features among both taxa. While dimers dominate, hexamers are more common in the gymnosperm EST sequences than the angiosperms, and AT-rich motifs among the dimers are the most abundant in gymnosperms. These results provide the foundation for future comparative studies at the species level to unravel the evolutionary processes that control the SSR genesis and divergence between angiosperm and gymnosperm tree species. Genomic resources and bioinformatics Description of the EST resources analysed in this study is represented in Additional file 1: Table S1. ESTs from 40 species from eight genera in angiosperms and 17 species from seven genera in gymnosperms were considered for the EST-SSR analysis in this study. EST sequences of the selected species were retrieved from the dbEST database of the NCBI. The criterion for species selection, analysis and the results presented in this work was based on the availability of the sequence data in the EST databank. To remove redundancy, EST sequences were assembled into contigs and singlets, species-wise, using the sequence assembly program CAP3 with its default setting . For each genus, the species-wise assembled contigs and singlets were pooled together and the sequence redundancy at genus level was removed using CD-HIT with a cut off value of 90% (ensuring 90% sequence identity). The ORF detection is based on the same principle as the generic eukaryotic gene prediction program used for searching the coding regions from a given nucleotide sequence. Based on the coding potential profiles trained from Angiosperms (Arabidopsis) and Gymnosperms (Norway spruce) protein coding genes, we used AUGUSTUS to distinguish the coding and the UTR regions, and the coding direction of a given transcript sequence. The main feature in detecting ORF on transcript sequence is that the ORF is located in an intron-less, single exon coding region. However, due to the unexpected higher coding potential in the UTR region, one transcript might contain more than one ORF. In such cases, we have selected the longest ORF as the true coding region and the adjacent nucleotide sequence as the UTR region. Thus the longest ORF was selected from each of the EST sequence from the genus-wise collection of sequences and the 5′UTR and 3′UTR fractions of the sequence were assigned based on the coordinate direction of the ORF. Three groups of sequences were thus created with reference to each genus, namely 5′UTR, ORF and 3′UTR. SSRLocatorI v.1 was used to retrieve the SSR information at the genus level from each of the three groups derived. SSRLocator was used with the following settings, SSR repeat motifs and number of repeats shown respectively, dimer-10, trimer-7, tetramer-5, pentamer-4, hexamer-4, heptamer-3, octamer-3, nonamer-3, decamer-2. The space between compound SSRs was set to 100 bp. Thus repetitions that occurred in the adjacent regions lower than 100 bp, were considered as compound SSRs. These settings are in compliance with the search parameters for repetitive elements in class I (≥20 bp) described as more efficient molecular markers followed by Temnykh et al. . Mononucleotide repeats can be difficult to accurately assay and are generally eliminated from the SSR analysis ,- and consequently these repeats were excluded from this study. Therefore, in this article we discuss the occurrence of microsatellites specific to 5′UTR, ORF or 3′UTR fractions of the ESTs. While recording the count of a particular repeat motif, circular permutations and/or reverse complements of each other were clustered together (e.g. AC = GT = CA = TG, ACG = CGA = GCA = TGC = GCT = CGT = AGC = TCG = CAG = GTC = TGC = GAC and AAC = ACA = CAA = TTG = TGT = GTT) . We also screened for perfect and compound SSRs. Perfect SSRs are the repeat motifs that are simple tandem sequence, without any interruptions within the repeat (e.g. TATATATATATATATA or [TA]n); while a compound SSR consists of the sequence containing two adjacent distinct SSRs separated by none to any number of base pairs (e.g. TATATATATAGTGTGTGTGT or [TA]n-[GT]n). A non-parametric Tukey HSD test was carried to compare the means of EST-SSRs length between all categories. We carried out a 2 × 3 contingence X2 test for heterogeneity of microsatellite counts (motif counts/total EST-fraction in Mbp) among the three EST genomic regions. Statistical analyses were all carried out using the R software package . 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Mol Ecol Resour. 2011, 11 (4): 591-611. 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2011.03014.x. Kim TS, Booth JG, Gauch HG, Sun Q, Park J, Lee YH, Lee K: Simple sequence repeats in Neurospora crassa: distribution, polymorphism and evolutionary inference. BMC Genomics. 2008, 9: 31-10.1186/1471-2164-9-31. Sun JX, Mullikin JC, Patterson N, Reich DE: Microsatellites are molecular clocks that support accurate inferences about history. Mol Biol Evol. 2009, 26 (5): 1017-1027. 10.1093/molbev/msp025. R Development Core Team R: R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria, ISB; 2006. SSR salary was supported by the Faculty of Forest Science, SLU, Umeå, Sweden. Travel cost for SSR was covered by the travel grant from FORMAS. YCL was supported by the Wallenbergs Stiftelse, Norway spruce genome project. YCL and YVdP were supported by Ghent University Multidisciplinary Research Partnerships “Bioinformatics: from nucleotides to networks”. Authors acknowledge the support of computational resources from Norway spruce genome consortium. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. SSR was involved in the design of the study and manuscript writing. SSR performed the bioinformatics analysis. MRGG was involved in the design of the study and manuscript writing. MRGG was responsible of the statistical analyses. YCL, AZ and YVdP contributed to the bioinformatics work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Electronic supplementary material About this article Cite this article Ranade, S.S., Lin, Y., Zuccolo, A. et al. Comparative in silicoanalysis of EST-SSRs in angiosperm and gymnosperm tree genera. BMC Plant Biol 14, 220 (2014). https://0-doi-org.brum.beds.ac.uk/10.1186/s12870-014-0220-8 - Expressed sequence tags - Simple sequence repeats (SSR)
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|Full Name||JACOBS, COREY DUANE| |Booking Date||2020-09-24 15:35:00| |Date of Birth||1974-07-09| |Age on Booking Date||46| |Address Given||13450 COUNTY ROAD 91 ELBERTA, AL 36530| Disclaimer: JACOBS, COREY DUANE is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Published mugshots and/or arrest records of JACOBS, COREY DUANE are previously published records of:an arrest, an indictment, a registration, the deprivation of libery or detention. The mugshots and/or arrest records of JACOBS, COREY DUANE published on baldwinnewsnow.com are in no way an indication of guilt and they are not evidence that an actual crime has been comitted. For latest case status of JACOBS, COREY DUANE, contact the official law enforcement agencies of Baldwin county. baldwinnewsnow.com does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency. Our database cannot be used to make decisions about consumer credit, employers, insurance, tenant screening, or any other purposes that would require FCRA compliance. |Statute||Court Case Number||Charge||Degree||Level||Bond| |13A-6-132||000-0000 (BALDWIN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE)||DOMESTIC VIOLENCE THIRD DEGREE||T||M||$1000.00| © Copyright 2020, Baldwin News Now, All rights reserved.
Synge died before he could finish the play, so his friend, and mentor, William Butler Yeats, helped complete the play with the assistance of Synge’s betrothed, Molly Allgood. Deirdre of the Sorrows is steeped in Irish mythology and the story of Deirdre and Conchobar — and in this Boles Blogs redaction, I have taken the three-act play and reduced the entire plot into seven sentences in which the word “stars” appears eight times in the play — in order to show how a master Playwright can use a single word to lash together the entire structure of a play with a single meme; and notice how “stars” is used as a common touchstone only by Deirdre and Naisi throughout the entire play, except at the end, when Lavarcham alone invokes their sacred word to resurrect, and codify, the Deirdre and Naisi covenant. DEIRDRE: Since that, Naisi, I have been one time the like of a ewe looking for a lamb that had been taken away from her, and one time seeing new gold on the stars, and a new face on the moon, and all times dreading Emain. NAISI: The stars are out, Deirdre, and let you come with me quickly, for it is the stars will be our lamps many nights and we abroad in Alban, and taking our journeys among the little islands in the sea. If a near death is coming what will be my trouble losing the earth and the stars over it, and you, Deirdre, are their flame and bright crown? DEIRDRE: There are as many ways to wither love as there are stars in a night of Samhain; but there is no way to keep life, or love with it, a short space only… it’s for that there’s nothing lonesome like a love is watching out the time most lovers do be sleeping… it’s for that we’re setting out for Emain Macha when the tide turns on the sand. It’s you three will not see age or death coming — you that were my company when the fires on the hill-tops were put out and the stars were our friends only. It is not I will quit your head, Naisi, when it’s many a night we saw the stars among the clear trees of Glen da Ruadh, or the moon pausing to rest her on the edges of the hills. LAVARCHAM: Deirdre is dead, and Naisi is dead; and if the oaks and stars could die for sorrow, it’s a dark sky and a hard and naked earth we’d have this night in Emain.
At the New York International Auto Show held the official debut of the updated SUV 2018-2019 Dodge Durango, which was included in the equipment of automatic 8 A range gearbox. Dorestaylingovoy model was completed with automatic 5 or 6 degrees. The base will remain gasoline 6-cylinder 3.6-liter engine, which develops 294 horse power capacity. At the top-end version of R / T equipment available 8-cylinder 5.7-liter engine produces 394 horsepower and features 20 -inch rims made of light alloys and lowered to 2 centimeters of ground clearance. The front headlights are updated only the front bumper and optics. In the rear part of the car’s lights, though they remained the same form, but were edging with LEDs, which unites them in a common unit, passing through the tailgate. After restyling 2018-2019 Dodge Durango has a new multimedia system with a large screen and the voice control function. As options will be available to players Blur-Ray for the passengers of the middle row of seats, ventilation and heating of the first row of seats and steering wheel heating. Note that in the Russian market SUV 2018-2019 Dodge Durango officially available. In the United States for dorestaylingovoy car in the base case equipment is necessary to lay out 25,495 dollars. The cost of the updated model has not yet announced.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes does a good job of not only exploring a different side of crime fighting by following the adventures of the likes of Crawler and the heroes and villains that make up his world, but also takes us into the younger years of some of our favorite main heroes with Fat Gum getting the spotlight this go around! Fat Gum made his big debut in the fourth season of My Hero Academia's anime, acting as the mentor to Red Riot and fighting against the nefarious plans of Overhaul, proving that he has earned his place as one of the top heroes! Warning! If you have yet to catch up on the latest chapter of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, Chapter 87, you might want to steer clear of this article as we'll be diving into spoiler territory! Previously in Vigilantes, Crawler was dealing with the brain washing of his friend Pop Step which gave way to a new story line involving the past of both Fat Gum and the rabbit hero known as Mirko. Dealing with an underground fighting ring known as the "Underground Masquerade", it seems as if this shady organization is pumping up their combatants with a mysterious drug that might heal their wounds and increase their fighting skills overall. As Mirko watches from above, showing off her rebellious side as a teenage, Fat Gum as the opportunity to show how awkward he was as an aspiring hero himself! At this point in Fat Gum's "career", it's clear that he isn't sporting his giant, rotund appearance from his current adventuring days, instead existing as a lanky teenager who is helping some of his "junior colleagues" get to a nearby tower while offering them some delicious looking Takoyaki! Needless to say, it definitely seemed like there was a major difference between the Fat Gum of the past and the hero of the present! With the story focusing on Rappa, the underling of Overhaul who loves to fight and was subsequently brought down by the power of Fat Gum, it will be interesting to see if the two meet long before the fourth season battle that had them at each other's throats! What do you think of this awkward take on the hero Fat Gum? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy!
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Where should a garden be located? First, find a spot located on a fairly level plot of ground. This ensures proper drainage and is typically easier to maintain. You don’t want to choose a low spot where the soil is too moist or a high spot that water will drain away from. Also, make sure your garden plot isn’t too close to large mature trees. The roots will be difficult to deal with, along with the shade. Also, check to see how much sunlight the area will get. Most veggies love 6-8 hours of direct sun. Look around to see if there are any nearby structures, fences, or trees that will shade the area. Also, take note of shade and sunlight patterns and remember they change throughout the year. It is also important to choose a location that is somewhat protected from wind. Remember winds typically come from a southwest or western direction in summertime. First, decide how much space you can dedicate to a garden and then choose a garden type. The most widely used vegetable garden design is a traditional row garden. It consists of vegetables planted in rows. It’s great for large families, or for those who wish to produce large quantities. But can be easily adapted to any size. Another gardening method that is popular is called Square Foot Gardening. Square Foot Gardening consists of raised garden beds that are partitioned into 12” squares and filled with a nutrient-rich soilless mix. It utilizes vertical space, crop rotation, and makes a very productive garden in a smaller space. Best of all it reduces the time you’ll need to tend to it and there are virtually no weeds. If you don’t have space to dedicate to a garden, you can still grow vegetables in pots or add them to your landscaping. Peppers, tomatoes, leafy greens, herbs, or strawberries (just to name a few) can all be grown in pots. The community gardens are also a great place to grow your own. In the springtime, begin working the soil once its dry enough. Simply take a handful of soil, pack it together, and see if it crumbles easily. If it crumbles, it’s ready to rototill or spade, if it is overly sticky, wait until it dries out more. No matter what your soil is like, it will benefit from adding organic material such as our weed free blended compost. Adding organic material on a yearly basis gives nutrients and improves soil texture. Rototill composted organic matter into your soil 8-12” deep. Soil Activator Humate granules should also be mixed into the garden before planting. When watering the garden, its best to water from the bottom. Overhead sprinklers leave water on the leaves which can lead to fungus or the spread of disease. For best results leave a hose slowly running under plants and soak them. Or, use drip hoses. Watering early in the day works best. You’ll need to fertilize periodically over the summer. Consult with us to find the best fertilizer for your needs. If you have any bug or weed problems check with us for the best management options. Weeds can be prevented with woven weed-block fabrics, or weed preventing granules. Fertilome Garden Fertilizer is an Excellent all purpose fertilizer for your vegetable garden. It provides a generous supply of nutrients needed for healthy growth. Use it throughout the summer. Season Starter Plant Protectors Plant tomatoes, peppers, and more up to 6 weeks earlier and extend your growing season with Season Starter Plant Protectors. © Eagle Rock Nursery 1850 Rollandet Idaho Falls, ID (208) 529.3305 eaglerocknursery.com
Last Sunday night, the sky opened like a faucet over my neighborhood, and my first thought was, “Oh no, Old Ellicott City (OEC).” That morning, I preached a message from James 4:13f. on the uncertainty of our lives and the caution of presuming on our plans. Watching the footage of the flooding, I felt the weightiness of God’s Word in a new light. While certainly not claiming any sort of “prophetic” voice, the sheer power of nature and the unpredictability of life should make us consider how fragile our lives actually are. There are always things beyond our control no matter how much technology, how many policies and regulations, or how much money we put into something. OEC’s second flooding in three years reminds me to submit my plans to the Lord and to remember that ultimately He orders my steps. With that short sermon reminder, let me also offer a few pastoral thoughts on how we can respond to the needs yet again. We will stay committed to caring for the specific needs of Gracers affected by the storm and for any pressing needs that God brings to our attention. We’ll keep listening in on the conversations about rebuilding OEC. This second flood just after the historic district was restored reveals that there are more infrastructure and systems work that needs to be done. It brings to light motives and policies that need to be examined. These are complicated waters to navigate. We’ll ask God for wisdom to wade into it. I’m sure in the coming days (if not already), there will be plenty of blame-shifting. People will post opinions about redevelopment, zoning, even global warming. Political agendas will especially seek to leverage this disaster in an election year. Remember Aristotle’s political use of the Greek word for “selfish ambition” in James 4:14? There will be plenty of accusatory questioning. I wonder if the, “why couldn’t we prevent this?” reveals a presumption that we can control nature, the mistaken belief that when God called us to make something of the world, he intended us to be god over it. We must remember there are some things we can’t control all the while living in the tension of being good stewards over it. As a church, we’re not going to engage in those conversations. We’re going to love on people, asking God for wisdom as to how to be good neighbors to the neighborhood of OEC. I’m sure there will be lots of opportunities to help and serve in the coming days. Let’s do our best to be involved, and to care for our affected neighbors. Church, don’t let cynicism or suspicion weary you in doing good and showing compassion. In many ways, the second occurrence of a disaster like this tests our hearts. We can become hesitant to fully engage because we just did this two years ago, and we have no assurances that what we do this time will last or make a difference. But do you see that that’s always the case? We don’t have any guarantees that our loving acts will bring about lasting change. James reminds us that we are a mist here today and gone tomorrow. Our actions will always be finite because our lives are finite. God calls us to do good today as best as we can, as wisely as we can. So we will love the person and/or respond to the situation in front of us – plain and simple. That’s an oversimplification, I know. At some point, we have to ask the deeper questions of justice and broken systems. Why does it keep happening? If a “thousand year storm” happens twice in three years, what does that mean? There will be opportunities to do that. In the meanwhile, let’s not let the questions keep us from loving our neighbors. Let’s choose to err on the side of being too compassionate, too loving. I think that will honor the Lord and make a difference, deo volente.
Exeter, New Hampshire official_name = Exeter, New Hampshire mapsize = 250px map_caption = Location in Rockingham County, settlement_type = Town subdivision_type = Country subdivision_type1 = State subdivision_type2 = County subdivision_name2 = Rockingham Board of Selectmen leader_name = Joseph Pace, Chairman established_title = Incorporated established_date = 1638 area_magnitude = 1 E8 area_total_km2 = 51.8 area_total_sq_mi = 20.0 area_land_km2 = 50.9 area_land_sq_mi = 19.6 area_water_km2 = 1.0 area_water_sq_mi = 0.4 area_water_percent = 1.85 population_as_of = 2007 population_total = 14,735 population_density_km2 = 289.5 population_density_sq_mi = 751.8 timezone = Eastern utc_offset = -5 timezone_DST = Eastern utc_offset_DST = -4 latd = 42 |latm = 58 |lats = 53 |latNS = N longd = 70 |longm = 56 |longs = 52 |longEW = W elevation_m = 10 elevation_ft = 33 website = [http://town.exeter.nh.us/ town.exeter.nh.us] postal_code = 03833 area_code = 603 blank_name = FIPS code blank_info = 33-25380 blank1_name = GNIS feature ID blank1_info = 0873595 Exeter is a town in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, United States. The town's population was 14,058 at the 2000 census. Exeter was the county seat until 1997, when county offices were moved to neighboring Brentwood. Home to the Phillips Exeter Academy, a private university-preparatory school, Exeter is situated where the Exeter Riverfeeds the tidal Squamscott River. The urban portion of the town, where over 69% of the population resides, is defined by the U. S. Census Bureau as the Exeter The area was once the domain of the Squamscott Indians, a sub-tribe of the Pennacooknation, which fished at the falls. On April 3, 1638, the Reverend John Wheelwrightand others purchased the land from Wehanownowit, the sagamore. Wheelwright had been exiled by the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a puritan theocracy, for sharing the dissident religious views of his sister-in-law, Anne Hutchinson. The minister took with him about 175 individuals to found the town he named after Exeterin Devon, England. One of the four original townships in the province, Exeter originally included Newmarket, Newfields, Brentwood, Epping and Fremont. Thirty-five freemen of Exeter signed on July 4, 1639the Exeter Combination, a document written by Reverend Wheelwright to establish their own government. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=mLhplMOzXzAC&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=%22thomas+leavitt%22+wheelwright+combination+james+hill+fitts&source=web&ots=5Dxl4HSupY&sig=2hQsZryYAA-a8ep3dy0k1K6erro&hl=en Signers of the Exeter Combination, History of Newfields, New Hampshire, 1638-1911, James Hill Fitts, 1912] ] The settlers hunted, planted and fished. Others tended cattleand swine, or made shakes and barrelstaves. Thomas Wilson established the first grist millon the eastern side of the island in the lower falls. This mill was established within the first season of settling in Exeter, and his son Humphrey assumed control of the mill in 1643, when Thomas died. [Bell, Charles H., "History of the Town of Exeter, New Hampshire." Heritage Books 1979. Pages 317-18.] Some early Exeter settlers came from Hingham, Massachusetts, including the Gilman, Folsom and Leavitt families. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=ahUWAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA175&dq=%22thomas+leavitt%22+%22new+hampshire%22+farmer&lr=#PPA174,M1 Some Account of the Gilmans, Otises, Leavitts, Otises & C., History of the Town of Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Solomon Lincoln, Farmer and Brown, Hingham, 1827] ] [John Leavitt, founding deacon of Old Ship Churchin Hingham, was granted land in Exeter in 1652, but there is no sign that he took up residence. But his sons Moses and Samuel Leavitt moved to Exeter, presumably to be closer to their maternal grandfather, Edward Gilman Sr.] In 1647, Edward Gilman, Jr. established the first sawmill, and by 1651 Gilman had his own 50-ton sloop with which to conduct his burgeoning business in lumber, staves and masts. Although he was lost at sea while traveling to England in 1653, his family later became prominent as lumbermen, shipbuilders, merchantsand statesmen. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=KFtyvk-Quv8C&pg=PA103&lpg=PA103&dq=%22suffolk+county+deeds%22+edward+gillman&source=web&ots=XhQ_RNvLgs&sig=Qq5gNoF_B_yxOQqecukRhh47S1w&hl=en#PPA103,M1 Deed of Edward Gillman Sr., Suffolk County Deeds, The Essex Antiquarian, 1905] ] [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=3ZXery-2PvYC&pg=PA115&lpg=PA115&dq=gillman+ipswich&source=web&ots=Z_9sfawaXb&sig=P1LS0qbEC8wTj41UOzqYL-OoHHw&hl=en#PPA115,M1 Gilman deeds, Exeter, The Essex Antiquarian, Sidney, Perley, 1897] ] The Gilman Garrison House, a National Historic Landmark, and the American Independence Museumwere both former homes of the Gilman family. [ [http://www.spnea.org/visit/homes/gilman.htm Gilman Garrison House, Historic New England, Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities] ] [ [http://www.independencemuseum.org/ The American Independence Museum, Exeter, N.H.] ] The Gilman family also donated the land on which Phillips Exeter Academy stands, including the Academy's original Yard, the oldest part of campus. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=EDFMAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA5-PA214&lpg=RA5-PA214&dq=gillman+ipswich+peck&source=web&ots=fdVRlWSZ6Z&sig=GLPriwdloPyYwBiqPXH6kZ_OZ9U&hl=en The Gilmans of America, Searches Into the History of the Gillman or Gilman family, Alexander Gillman, London, 1895] ] The Gilmans of Exeter also furnished America with one of its founding fathers, Nicholas Gilman, and the state of New Hampshire with treasurers, a governor, representatives to the General Assembly and judges to the General Court. [ [http://www.seacoastnh.com/Famous_People/Framers_of_Freedom/The_Gilmans_of_Exeter/ The Gilmans of Exeter, SeacoastNH.com] ] The Gilman family began trading as far as the West Indieswith ships they owned out of Portsmouth. It was a high-stakes business. In an 1803 voyage, for instance, the 180-ton clipper 'Oliver Peabody,' owned by Gov. John Taylor Gilman, Oliver Peabody, Col. Gilman Leavitt and others, was boarded by brigs belonging to the Royal Navyunder command of Admiral Horatio Nelson. Enforcing a blockade against the French, Nelson offered ship Captain Stephen Gilman of Exeter a glass of wine and paid him for his cargo in Spanish dollars. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=re54yBq6VBEC&pg=PA291&dq=gilman+leavitt&lr=#PPA291,M1 Rambles about Portsmouth, Charles Warren Brewster, Lewis W. Brewster, Portsmouth, N.H., 1869] ] The trip demonstrates how far afield the ambitious merchants of Exeter reached in their trading forays. Exeter suffered its last Indian raid in August of 1723, and by 1725 the tribes had left the area. In 1774, the rebellious Provincial Congressbegan to meet in the Exeter Town House after Colonial Governor John Wentworth banned it from the colonial capitol at Portsmouth. In July of 1775, the Provincial Congress had the provincial records seized from royal officials in Portsmouth and brought to Exeter as well. And so Exeter became New Hampshire's Revolutionary Warcapital, an honor it held for fourteen years until Concord assumed the role. In 1827, the Exeter Manufacturing Company was established beside the river, using water powerto produce cotton textiles. Other businesses would manufacture shoes, saddles, harnesses, lumber, boxes, bricks, carriages and bicycles. In 1836, the last schoonerwas launched at Exeter. In 1840, the Boston & Maine Railroadentered the town. According to former governor Hugh Gregg, the United States Republican Partywas born in Exeter on October 12, 1853at the Squamscott Hotel, but nothing came of the secret meeting of Amos Tuckwith other abolitionists that day, and the party was not organized in the state until 1856. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, visited Exeter in 1860. His son, Robert Todd Lincoln, was attending Phillips Exeter Academy, the college preparatory school founded in 1781 by Dr. John Phillips. The town was also once home to the Robinson Female Seminary, established in 1867 and previously known as the Exeter Female Academy (established in 1826). Its landmark Second Empireschoolhouse, completed in 1869, burned in 1961. In September 1965 Exeter earned a place in UFOhistory when two Exeter police officers, Eugene Bertrand and David Hunt, witnessed a bright red UFO at close range with a local teenager, Norman Muscarello. Their sighting attracted national publicity and became the focus of a bestselling book, " Incident at Exeter", by journalist John G. Fuller. The Air Force eventually admitted to the three men that it had been unable to identify the strange object they had observed, and it is still considered by many UFO buffs to be one of the most impressive UFO sightings on record. Exeter has a considerable inventory of structures by prominent architects. Arthur Gilman, descendant of one of Exeter's founding families, designed the Old Town Hall of 1855. The Old Public Library of 1894, which now is home to the Exeter Historical Society, was designed by the Bostonfirm of Rotch & Tilden. Ralph Adams Cram, who trained with Rotch & Tilden, designed both Phillips Church, built in 1897, and Tuck High School, built in 1911. His firm of Cram & Ferguson designed the entire Phillips Exeter Academy campus between 1908 and 1950. More recent is the noted Academy Library, built in 1971 to the design of Louis I. Kahn. Daniel Chester French, sculptor and Exeter native, created the town's war memorial in 1922. He is best known for his statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington at the Lincoln Memorial, which was designed by Henry Bacon, who also designed in 1916 the Swasey Pavilion at Exeter's town square. Other features of the town include the Swasey Parkway, which replaced wharves and warehouses along the Squamscott River, and the Ioka Theatre of 1915 on Water Street. The latter was built by Edward Mayer, an Exeter judge and resident. Although frequently referred to as the nephew of Hollywood mogul Louis B. Mayer, genealogical research does not connect the two families.Fact|date=March 2007 Edward Mayer's opening feature was " The Birth of a Nation", by D. W. Griffith. The theatre's curious name was proposed in a contest by a young woman with an enthusiasm for Scouting. Ioka was a Native American word meaning playground. * Patrick Baril ( Statik Selektah), acclaimed hip-hop DJ & producer * Charles H. Bell, governor Dan Brown, author: " The Da Vinci Code" Lewis Cass, politician Chris Carpenter, major league baseball pitcher, 2005 All-Star, 2005 NL Cy Young Award Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn, statesman & soldier Samuel Dudley, (1608-1683), early Puritanminister, Exeter, son of Governor Thomas Dudleyof the Massachusetts Bay Colony[ [http://www.hampton.lib.nh.us/HAMPTON/history/probate/samueldudley1682.htm Probate of Will of Samuel Dudley of Exeter, 1682/3, Lane Memorial Library, Hampton, N.H., www.hampton.lib.nh.us] ] Darby Field, first European to climb Mount Washington in 1642. Nathaniel Folsom, merchant, general & statesman Daniel Chester French, sculptor John Taylor Gilman, statesman & governor Nicholas Gilman, Jr., signer of U.S. Constitution John Irving, author: " The World According to Garp" John Knowles, author: " A Separate Peace" Dudley Leavitt (publisher), (1750-1831) born in Exeter, publisher of Leavitt's "Farmers Almanack and Miscellaneous Yearbook", Meredith, New Hampshire[ [http://books.google.com/books?id=wYAM_Sd9T2EC&pg=PA8&dq=%22dudley+leavitt%22+exeter&lr=&ei=x1TZSOr3LY3gswOgzujeDg Memorials of Meredith, New Hampshire, Franklin P. Rice, Massachusetts Record Society, Worcester, 1891] ] Moses Leavitt(1650-1730), surveyor, Selectman, Deputy, Moderator of the General Court, son-in-law of Rev. Samuel Dudley, Exeter [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=LBQFAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA1-PA386&lpg=RA1-PA386&dq=%22moses+levet%22+exeter&source=web&ots=t6B2i6msP-&sig=g7yKMVxdMUp2QjOHaKKxmhV9Rdw&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result Calendar of State Papers, August 7, 1699, Colonial Series, Cecil Headlam (ed.), Great Britain Public Record Office, Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, Fleet Street, London, 1908] ] Gilman Marston, politician & general Dr. John Phillips, founder of Phillips Exeter Academy Enoch Poor, shipbuilder, merchant & general Tristram Shaw, United States Representativefrom New Hampshire Henry Shute, lawyer, judge, & author Isabella Soprano, American pornographic actress and reality TV star ("Cathouse: The Series") Amos Tuck, lawyer & politician Edward Tuck, banker & philanthropist John Wheelwright, founder of Exeter According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of convert|20.0|sqmi|km2, of which convert|19.6|sqmi|km2|abbr=on is land and convert|0.4|sqmi|km2|abbr=on is water, comprising 1.85% of the town. Exeter is drained by the Exeter River, which feeds the Squamscott River. The highest point in Exeter is convert|250|ft|m above sea levelon Great Hill at the town's southwest corner. Exeter lies fully within the Piscataqua River(Coastal) watershed.cite book |title=Water Use in New Hampshire: An Activities Guide for Teachers |url=http://nh.water.usgs.gov/Publications/nh.intro.html |last=Foster |first=Debra H. |coauthors=Batorfalvy, Tatianna N.; and Medalie, Laura |publisher=U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Geological Survey |year=1995] The town's center, defined as a census-designated place(CDP), has a total area of convert|4.5|sqmi|km2, of which convert|4.4|sqmi|km2|abbr=on is land and convert|0.2|sqmi|km2|abbr=on (3.74%) is water. As of the censusGR|2 of 2000, there were 14,058 people, 5,898 households, and 3,715 families residing in the town. The population densitywas 715.9 people per square mile (276.4/km²). There were 6,107 housing units at an average density of 311.0/sq mi (120.1/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 97.18% White, 0.42% African American, 0.17% Native American, 0.94% Asian, 0.29% from other races, and 1.00% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.87% of the population. There were 5,898 households out of which 31.0% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 51.0% were married couples living together, 8.9% had a female householder with no husband present, and 37.0% were non-families. 31.2% of all households were made up of individuals and 13.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.32 and the average family size was 2.94. In the town the population was spread out with 24.2% under the age of 18, 5.0% from 18 to 24, 29.8% from 25 to 44, 24.0% from 45 to 64, and 17.0% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years. For every 100 females there were 89.9 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.4 males. The median income for a household in the town was $49,618, and the median income for a family was $63,088. Males had a median income of $45,091 versus $30,435 for females. The per capita incomefor the town was $27,105. About 2.9% of families and 5.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 6.8% of those under age 18 and 4.5% of those age 65 or over. As of the censusGR|2 of 2000, there were 9,759 people, 4,233 households, and 2,539 families residing in the central urban settlement. The population densitywas 2,230.4 people per square mile (860.3/km²). There were 4,376 housing units at an average density of 1,000.1/sq mi (385.7/km²). The racial makeup of the CDP was 97.21% White, 0.46% Black or African American, 0.20% Native American, 0.92% Asian, 0.22% from other races, and 0.98% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.77% of the population. There were 4,233 households out of which 29.7% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 47.1% were married couples living together, 9.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 40.0% were non-families. 33.8% of all households were made up of individuals and 13.1% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.25 and the average family size was 2.92. In the CDP the population was spread out with 23.7% under the age of 18, 5.2% from 18 to 24, 31.5% from 25 to 44, 23.8% from 45 to 64, and 15.7% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 39 years. For every 100 females there were 89.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.4 males. The median income for a household in the CDP was $44,279, and the median income for a family was $53,174. Males had a median income of $41,760 versus $30,000 for females. The per capita incomefor the CDP was $24,663. About 4.1% of families and 7.1% of the population were below the poverty line, including 9.8% of those under age 18 and 5.8% of those age 65 or over. Exeter (Amtrak station) Sites of interest * [http://www.independencemuseum.org/ American Independence Museum] * [http://www.christchurchexeter.org/ Christ Episcopal Church] , founded 1865 * [http://www.exeterhistory.org The Exeter Historical Society & Museum] * [http://www.historicnewengland.org/visit/homes/gilman.htm Gilman Garrison House] (1709) * [http://www.exeter.edu/ Phillips Exeter Academy] * [http://town.exeter.nh.us Town website] * [http://www.sau16.org/ SAU16 Exeter Area School District] * [http://www.exeterpl.org/ Exeter Public Library] * [http://www.nh.gov/nhes/elmi/htmlprofiles/exeter.html New Hampshire Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau Profile] * [http://www.seacoastnh.com/Famous_People/Framers_of_Freedom/The_Gilmans_of_Exeter/ The Gilmans of Exeter, Nancy Merrill, seacoastnh.com] * "Ports of Piscataqua: Soundings in the Maritime History of the Portsmouth, N.H., Customs District from the Days of Queen Elizabeth and the Planting of Strawberry Banke to the Times of Abraham Lincoln and the Waning of the American Clipper", William Gurdon Saltonstall, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1941 * "History of the Town of Exeter, New Hampshire", Charles H. Bell, Reprinted by Heritage Books, 1990 Wikimedia Foundation. 2010. Look at other dictionaries: Exeter (New Hampshire) — Exeter … Deutsch Wikipedia Exeter (New Hampshire) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Exeter (homonymie). Exeter Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français Little River (Exeter, New Hampshire) — The Little River is a 7.2 mile long (11.6 km) [ [http://www.granit.sr.unh.edu New Hampshire GRANIT state geographic information system] ] river largely in the town of Exeter in Rockingham County, New Hampshire, in the United States. It is a… … Wikipedia New Hampshire Junior Monarchs — New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs City Hooksett, New Hampshire League Eastern Junior Hockey League … Wikipedia New Hampshire locations by per capita income — New Hampshire is the seventh richest state in the United States of America, with a per capita income of $23,844 (2000) and a personal per capita income of $34,702 (2003). New Hampshire counties ranked by per capita income There are ten counties… … Wikipedia New Hampshire communities by population — The 234 incorporated cities and towns in the New Hampshire ranked by population, from the 2010 United States Census. Location of New Hampshire in the United States … Wikipedia New Hampshire Freeze — Pro hockey team text color = silver bg color = #00003d team = New Hampshire Freeze logosize = 150px city = Exeter, New Hampshire league = EPHL conference = division = founded = 2008 arena = The Rinks at Exeter (1,102) colors = navy, silver, blue … Wikipedia New Hampshire communities by household income — The 234 incorporated cities and towns in the New Hampshire ranked by household income, calculated in 2006, and published in 2007. Rank Community Median Household Income 1 Windham, New Hampshire $94,794 2 Hollis, New Hampshire $92,847 3 … Wikipedia New Hampshire Route 101 — Route information Maintained by NHDOT Length: 94.95 mi … Wikipedia New Hampshire — New Hampshirite /hamp sheuh ruyt /, New Hampshireman. /hamp sheuhr, shear/ 1. a state in the NE United States. 920,610; 9304 sq. mi. (24,100 sq. km). Cap.: Concord. Abbr.: NH (for use with zip code), N.H. 2. one of an American breed of chestnut… … Universalium
August may be over but ESCBubble’s team haven’t stopped looking for new music for you to enjoy. We’re checking out what former Eurovision stars are up to and also those acts who didn’t get that golden ticket from their National Final. Let’s see what’s made our new September playlist! Eduard Romanyuta – Goldigger Eduard has had many adventures attempting to get to Eurovision, first with his native Ukraine where came close on three occasions in their national final: – Beraga, 7th (2011) – I’ll Never Let Go, 5th (2012) – Get Real With My Heart, 3rd (2013) He then decided to give Moldova a try in 2015 and won at the first attempt with ‘I Want Your Love’. However this wasn’t quite able to make the Grand Final, finishing an agonising 11th in Semi Final 1. ‘Golddigger’ is his third release to Spotify since the Contest and is composed by Johannes Burger, Kilian Wilke and Mads Løkkegård: Magdalena Tul – Va Banque From her forthcoming album ‘Mindfulness’, 2011 Polish representative Magdalena Tul returns with ‘Va Banque’ (Eng: ‘Go Bank’). Magdalena didn’t have much luck at Eurovision, her song ‘Jestem’ finishing last in Semi Final 1 with 19 points. However she still continues to be in the public eye by releasing more music and also appearing on the Polish version of The Voice. She also was a member of Poland’s jury at Eurovision 2017! Aminata – Don’t Talk About It Aminata Savadogo was the first winner of Supernova, when Latvia changed it’s National Final format and achieved a huge turnaround in her countries fortunes by finishing 6th at Eurovision 2015. She won Supernova again the next year as a songwriter of Justs’ ‘Heartbeat’, which also took Latvia to the Grand Final. She had another crack as a songwriter in 2017 over in neighbouring Lithuania, penning ‘I’m Like A Wolf’ for Aistè Pilvelytè which finished in a very close 2nd place. Since Eurovision she’s released several singles including ‘Bridges’, ‘Fighter’, ‘Red Moon’. ‘Your Arms’, ‘Prime Time’ and Zero Love’. With a video filmed in Barcelona and a new tie up with Sony Music U.S. here is ‘Don’t Talk About It’: Ieva Zasimauskaité – Absorbed Lithuania’s 2018 artist Ieva is back and you won’t be surprised to hear it’s another heartfelt and meaningful ballad. She took her country back to the Grand Final this year and finished in a very respectable 12th with ‘When We’re Old’, a touching song about growing old together which was rounded off beautifully with her husband joining her on stage. Since then we’ve brought you another Ieva single called ‘Paslépk Mane’ and now you can enjoy ‘Absorbed’: Milan Stankovic – Kripton Milan of course served us the Balkan bop ‘Ovo je Balkan’ at Eurovision 2010 which finished up 13th in the Grand Final for Serbia. He’s kept busy since his time in Eurovision with various music releases, winning the Pink Music Festival in 2014 and then becoming a judge on Pinkove Zvezdice. He’s also looking very different compared to his ESC days! His new single is the second part of the Tokyo trilogy with ‘Trans’ being released back in July, and both ‘Trans’ and ‘Kripton’ are written by Jala Brat and Buba Correlli. Listen to ‘Kripton’ here: Sakis Rouvas – Kalimera The two time Greek entrant Sakis Rouvas is back with new music! ‘Shake It’ finished third for him in 2004 and ‘This Is Our Night’ was seventh in 2009, he also hosted the contest in Athens in 2006 following Helena Paparizou’s win. His career spans over 25 years in his native Greece, and he’s notched up 7 number one singles over that period. His latest song ‘Kalimera’ (Eng: ‘Good Morning’) is a very on trend low key reggaeton bop and very suited for the summer months! We’ve already brought you news of Dallos Bogi and Freddie’s collaboration ‘Csakazértis Szerelem’, which you can read about here. You can find all of the songs mentioned here on our ESCBubble September New Music Spotify playlist on our home page, head on over there and make sure you follow it for all of the months new releases. Don’t forget to let us know your favourite new single mentioned this week!
If the lyricist had not changed it was Antti Litmanen from Babylon Whores, now it's some guy called T. Maensivu , this would have been a greater by far. Metal Archives loading Username Password Login. Tuesday 17 March Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Friday 20 March Saturday 21 March Sunday 22 March Monday 23 March Tuesday 24 March Wednesday 25 March Thursday 26 March Friday 27 March Saturday 28 March Monday 30 March Tuesday 31 March Wednesday 1 April Thursday 2 April Friday 3 April Saturday 4 April Sunday 5 April Monday 6 April Tuesday 7 April Wednesday 8 April Thursday 9 April Friday 10 April Saturday 11 April Sunday 12 April Monday 13 April Tuesday 14 April Wednesday 15 April Friday 17 April Saturday 18 April Sunday 19 April Monday 20 April Tuesday 21 April Wednesday 22 April Thursday 23 April Friday 24 April Saturday 25 April Sunday 26 April Monday 27 April Tuesday 28 April Wednesday 29 April Saturday 11 April Sunday 12 April Monday 13 April Tuesday 14 April Wednesday 15 April Friday 17 April Saturday 18 April Sunday 19 April Monday 20 April Tuesday 21 April Wednesday 22 April Thursday 23 April Friday 24 April Saturday 25 April Sunday 26 April Monday 27 April Tuesday 28 April Wednesday 29 April Thursday 30 April Friday 1 May Saturday 2 May Sunday 3 May Monday 4 May Tuesday 5 May Wednesday 6 May Thursday 7 May Friday 8 May Saturday 9 May Sunday 10 May Monday 11 May Tuesday 12 May Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May Friday 15 May Saturday 16 May Sunday 17 May Monday 18 May Tuesday 19 May Wednesday 20 May Thursday 21 May Friday 22 May Saturday 23 May With the help of the second demo, Thy Serpent was signed to the Finnish record company Spinefarm Records. After the deal was signed, Sami began to find suitable musicians to fulfill the lineup. During the same studio session, the band also did some re-recordings of old demo songs, which were later released as the "Lords of Twilight" MCD in A year after "Lords of Twilight" was released, Thy Serpent decided once again to use the Tico-Tico Studio to record a new album, later named as "Christcrusher". Maensivu] Your blood was the one in the Mirror the one dripping its way down the wall the drops that would soon touch the floor adventuring each bottomless hole between Halls fill with this precious gift that have somehow escaped through your skin could it have something to do with me? It was me Screaming you are, wonder why so pale and helpless? Christcrusher [Music : S. Tenetz, Lyrics : S. Tenetz] Burn the church Rape the priest Fuck jesus christ Smash the face Feel the blood Kill the christians Destroy what Thay brought here Hundreds of years ago Give them what They deserve Kill the christians I can't follow jesus christ The biggest liar of the light I don't need your fucking bread Share that with the sheeps Thousands of heathens were murdered By christian hands And what they have told us Bastards of Undivine god Lies, Lies, Lies Kill the christians 7. Crystalmoors [Music : Azhemin, Lyrics : T. Maensivu] I do profound the death, Inside which it weakens me. Not mine acting does it cause But blindness thou see in every mortal - dreamlike thought, including in me. Beheaded I am, greedly waiting besides thine grotesque being. For a saviour of this soul had it even ever been? Thou all art but blind fruits, in mine created bowl ; Only feeling my hunger to thine flesh, as stars have come old. For the recordings of their first album, members included Sami Tenetz guitarLuopio bassAzhemin synth, vocals and Agathon drums. Saturday 30 Christcrusher - Thy Serpent - Christcrusher (CD Friday 7 August Thursday 19 March Saturday 18 April Saturday 7 March Calm Blinking. Trending Tracks 1. Город Солнца - Светлана Владимирская - MP3 (CD, Album), Human Resources - Sojourn (2) - Soujournalism: The Summer Articles (CD, Album), Presto - Beethoven*, Richard Goode - The Complete Sonatas (CD), An Everlasting Love - Andy Gibb - The Best Of Andy Gibb (Cassette), Nah Backside!!!
openFrameworks is a C++ toolkit for creative coding. If you are new to OF, welcome! - The master branch contains the newest, most recently updated code. This code is packaged and available for download in the "Nightly Builds" section of openframeworks.cc/download. - The stable branch contains the code corresponding to the last stable openFrameworks release. This stable code is packaged and available for download at openframeworks.cc/download. |Platform||Master branch||Stable branch| |Windows MSYS2 32bits| |Windows MSYS2 64bits||N/A| |Windows Visual Studio 32bits| |Windows Visual Studio 64bits| This release of OF comes with several folders: - export (on some systems) - project generator docs has some documentation around OF usage, per platform things to consider, etc. You should definitely take a look in there; for example, if you are on OSX, read the osx.md. examples are where projects go -- examples contains a variety of projects that show you how to use OF, and apps is where your own projects will go. libs contains the libraries that OF uses, including the openframeworks core itself. addons are for additional functionality that's not part of the core. export is for DLLs and dylibs that need to be put in each compiled project. The scripts folder has the templates and small scripts for automating OF per platform. project generator is a GUI based tool for making new projects - this folder is only there in packaged releases. One idea that's important is that OF releases are designed to be self-contained. You can put them anywhere on your hard drive, but it's not possible to mix different releases of OF together, so please keep each release (0.8.0, 0.8.1) separate. Projects may generally work from release to release, but this is not guaranteed. Because OF is self-contained, there's extensive use of local file paths (ie, ../../../) throughout OF. It's important to be aware of how directories are structured. A common error is to take a project and move it so that it's a level below or above where it used to be compared to the root of OF. This means that links such as ../../../libs will break. The openframeworks forum: is a warm and friendly place. Please ask or answer a question. The most important part of this project is that it's a community, more than just a tool, so please join us! Also, this is free software, and we learn so much about what is hard, what doesn't make sense, what is useful, etc. The most basic questions are acceptable here! Don't worry, just join the conversation. Learning in OF is social, it's hard to do it alone, but together we can get far! Our GitHub site is active: if you have bugs or feature requests, consider opening an issue. If you are a developer and want to help, pull requests are warmly welcome. Please read the contributing guide for guidelines: We also have a developer's mailing list, which is useful for discussing issues around the development and future of OF. To grab a copy of openFrameworks for your platform, check the download page on the main site. If you are working with the Git repository, the stable branch of the OF repository corresponds to the most recent release, with a few important differences: - The release includes a simple openFrameworks project generator. - This GitHub repository contains code and libs for all the platforms, but the releases are done on a per-platform basis. - This GitHub repository has no project files for the different examples. They are generated automatically for each release using a tool in - There are no external dependencies in this repository, you can download them using the download_libs.sh script for each platform in the particular platform folder inside scripts. If you want to work with the openFrameworks GitHub repository, you need to download the external dependencies and you should use the project generator to create project files for all the code in examples/. To generate the project files with the project generator enable the 'Advanced Options' in the settings tab, then use 'Update Multiple' to update the projects for the examples/ folder path in the repo. To set up the project generator submodule within the OF repo, use the command git submodule init then git submodule update whilst inside the openFrameworks repo. For more info on working with the Project Generator, for per-platform readmes, and more information, see the documentation. openFrameworks uses Semantic Versioning, although strict adherence will only come into effect at version 1.0.0.