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The International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan--a coalition of 20 press freedom organizations, including CPJ--issued a joint call to the Council of Europe today to continue pressing Baku to release imprisoned journalist Eynulla Fatullayev. On Friday, the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers--the body tasked with supervising the implementation of the rulings of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights by member-states--issued a strongly worded decision, calling on Azerbaijan to "remove without further delay" all obstacles to Fatullayev's release. The European Court had issued two decisions, in March and October 2010, ordering that Fatullayev be freed at once. As a Council of Europe member, Azerbaijan is bound to abide by the court's decisions, but has been defying the ruling on Fatullayev for a year. Friday's decision by the Committee of Ministers followed a three-day joint mission to Strasbourg by CPJ, Article 19, Index on Censorship, and the Media Rights Institute-Baku. Read today's International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan press release here.
Its amazing how some people never follow the trend. When every one been saying “hey send me an sms“. He’ll say, “honey text me up“. Samy will you call me, been ill for two days…or text me. though don hav no right nemore but been missing u.” That’s one of the sweetest sms i have ever recieved. The other ones too were from him. This one brought tears – “honey i kno whre it hurts, twasn’t a casual call, called coz i ws rude, called to say sorry (although he never said the words) pls get over it honey” One of the most recurring ones were som thing like this “thanks for helping me get myself i will make u so happier than others,thanks for bearing me love u lots.” OR “honey u make me hyper.lol, lov u samy n miss u lots. wat abt a lunch somewhr just u n me? This one was on the last days “samy i talk home they r sayin knowingly they wont allow us to marry otherwise the decision will be mine for which they will be very much hurt“ Your love for me was real I know It’s just that you were too weak to stand up for your love I don’t blame you for any thing I know it isn’t easy for you to be happy but we both have to be life goes on…….try to find some happiness for yourself Don’t worry bout me I wrote the above lines exactly 2 years back. He smsd yesterday that his marriage is almost fixed. Just wanted to frame a testimony for him here, where I write all my truth. You are one of the most beatiful people I have known, and your beauty lies in your honesty. I have hated you so many times for saying a beautiful something to me in the night and then confessing in the morning, “I was lying last night”, but I have also loved you for being honest. Wanted to tell you, if I ever felt anything remotely related to love, it was only for you and I haven’t felt that for anybody else. Just stay as you are sweetheart and am so glad you finally decided to get married. Am truely happy for you, I wish you all the very best in life, I wish you find your soul mate and a best friend in your wife, and wanted to tell, that if you still need a friend I am always there.
Transforming formative assessment in lifelong learning - Kathryn Ecclestone ; with Jennie Davies, Jay Derrick and Judith Gawn. - Maidenhead, Berkshire, England ; New York : Open University Press, 2010. - Physical description - vi, 235 p. ; 24 cm. Education Library (Cubberley) |LB3051 .E235 2010||Unknown| - Includes bibliographical references (p. -225) and index. - Introduction Section One All Change: Pedagogy And Assessment In Lifelong Learning What Formative Assessment Is, And What It Is Not Learning And Assessment Cultures In Lifelong Learning Section Two Questioning And Embedded In Teaching: Resisting Instrumentalism In AVCE Science Coaching To The Grade In 14-19 Vocational Education Assessing Young People In e2e Programmes Self-Assessment And Feedback In BTEC National Diploma Public Services Reviews Of Progress And Individual Learning Plans In Adult Literacy And Numeracy Classes Self And Peer Assessment In Part-Time ESOL Classes Section Three Changing Teachers' Assessment Practices: The Prognosis For Professional Development Transforming Formative Assessment. - (source: Nielsen Book Data)9780335236558 20160605 - Publisher's Summary - Despite good intentions for formative assessment to enhance the quality of students' learning and motivation, it is widely misunderstood. Throughout the education system, it has become little more than a way of coaching students to meet the demands of summative assessment. This unique book combines theory, research and practical insights to demonstrate how teachers might enhance their understanding of formative assessment, particularly in vocational and adult education settings that are under pressure to meet targets for inclusion, retention and achievement. Drawing on recent research, the book includes six case studies that draw out the implications of the research findings to suggest ways in which teachers might change their assessment practice, despite the pressures in their own contexts. It considers: What is formative assessment, and what is it not? What impact do political and social factors have on assessment practices? Why do similar assessment practices have different effects in different 'learning cultures'? What role does subject knowledge play in educationally-worthwhile formative assessment? How can teachers, lecturers and other education professionals improve formative assessment? This book is essential reading for teachers, trainee teachers, staff development officers, researchers and those running training courses throughout the lifelong learning sector. It is ideal for those studying for PTLLS, CTLLS and DTLLS qualifications and for Cert Ed and PGCE awards related to the Lifelong Learning Sector. It is also relevant to various stakeholders involved in the design of qualifications, including awarding bodies, and to researchers interested in assessment and the impact of education policy on practice in all sectors of the education system, and particularly in lifelong learning. The book is authored with Jennie Davies, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Exeter, UK; Jay Derrick, Adult Education Consultant/Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Education, London, UK; and Judith Gawn, Regional Programme Director (LLN), NIACE London, UK. (source: Nielsen Book Data)9780335236558 20160605 - Publication date - 9780335236558 (hbk.) - 0335236553 (hbk.) - 9780335236541 (pbk.) - 0335236545 (pbk.) Browse related items Start at call number:
Smith v. Carrington Annotate this Case 8 U.S. 62 (1807) - Syllabus | U.S. Supreme Court Smith v. Carrington, 8 U.S. 4 Cranch 62 62 (1807) Smith v. Carrington 8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 62 ERROR TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF RHODE ISLAND A witness interested to diminish certain admitted items in the plaintiff's account is still a competent witness to disprove other items. The defendant having read a letter from the plaintiff's agent in answer to a letter from himself cannot give in evidence a copy of his own letter without proving it to be a true copy by a witness. To introduce into a cause the copy of any paper, the truth of that paper must be established and sufficient reasons for the nonproduction of the original must be given. The court is bound to give an opinion to the jury on a question of law upon request if it be pertinent to the issue, but not if it involve a question of fact. This was an action of assumpsit brought by the plaintiffs in error, subjects of Hamburgh, to recover the balance due upon an account current, the debit side of which consisted principally of the following charges, viz., insurance made in Hamburgh on the defendants' ship Abigail from the United States to Hamburgh, and on the ship and cargo from Hamburgh to the Havana, and on an intended voyage back from the Havana to Hamburgh; advances made to the defendants to make up a cargo to the Havana; bills of exchange accepted and paid; cash advanced, and commissions, charges, and interest. The credit side consisted chiefly of the proceeds of the freight of the ship and of sundry articles of merchandise; remittances by bills of exchange; the sales of the ship (she having been condemned and sold in London by virtue of a bottomry bond given by the defendants to the plaintiffs), and of five percent of the premium of insurance on the intended return voyage from the Havana to Hamburgh, the same having been returned by the underwriters to the plaintiffs, in consequence of the ship's having finished her voyage in the United States instead of returning to Hamburgh. At the trial below, the plaintiffs took a bill of exceptions, which stated, 1st. That the defendants offered as a witness one Peleg Remington, who had become jointly and severally bound with the defendant Carrington in a bottomry or respondentia bond to the plaintiffs in the sum of $31,950, conditioned to pay to the plaintiffs that sum on the return of the ship to Hamburgh, the same being the amount advanced by the plaintiffs to the defendants in Hamburgh, and that the ship should so return, for which advance, with other demands, this action was brought. To the admission of which witness the plaintiffs objected, contending that he was interested to diminish the balance due from the defendants to the plaintiffs. But the defendants insisted he was a competent witness as to all the items of the account except the advances for which he was bound, particularly with respect to a charge of $13,718.56 for premium of insurance on the intended return voyage from the Havana to Hamburgh, and which voyage the defendants contended was never begun, and therefore they ought not to be charged with that premium, and especially as the defendants had expressly waived all objections to every other part of the plaintiffs' account. Whereupon the said witness was suffered by the court to testify as to the charge of that premium only. The bill of exceptions states it as admitted that by the law of Hamburgh, the underwriters are not bound to return the premium upon a change of the voyage unless that change be notified before the vessel sails. 2d. That the defendants offered in evidence a paper purporting to be a copy of a letter from the defendant Carrington to Smith & Ridgeway of Philadelphia, the correspondents of the plaintiffs, and a letter from Smith & Ridgeway to Carrington purporting to be an answer thereunto, but gave no proof that the said copy of Carrington's letter was a true copy of the original, but it was not denied to be in his handwriting, and it was proved that he was in Canton, and not in the United States, at the time of trial, and had been in Canton for two years before, but had been corresponded with on the subject of this action since its commencement. Whereupon the court permitted the copy and the letter to go in evidence to the jury. 3d. The plaintiffs, after stating in the bill of exceptions and referring to all the testimony and other evidence in the case, but not stating distinctly the material facts which they supposed to be the result of that testimony and evidence and on which their prayer was founded, prayed the court to declare its opinion to the jury whether, if the plaintiffs had actually paid the premium to the underwriters before notice of the change of the destination of the ship, they had a right "under the circumstances of the case" to recover the same of the defendants. But the court refused to deliver an opinion particularly thereon. 4th. The bill of exceptions further stated that the court, prior to the request last mentioned, declared to the jury that "The case wholly turned upon the point whether or not the defendants had given due and seasonable notice of the change of the destination of said ship. That it was a question proper for the jury to decide whether such due and seasonable notice had been given, and that if they were of opinion that it had been so given, on considering the whole of the evidence, they ought not to allow the plaintiff's said charge for the said premium, and with that direction left the same to the jury, and the jury aforesaid then and there gave their verdict for the plaintiffs for the sum of $13,677.08 only, and disallowed the said charge and demand of the plaintiffs for the said premium of insurance, except one-half percent which the jury allowed." The errors assigned by the plaintiffs in error were 1st. That the court admitted Remington to testify to the point and under the circumstances mentioned in the bill of exceptions. 2d. That the court admitted the writing purporting to be a copy of a letter from the defendant Carrington to Smith & Ridgeway, and a writing purporting to be a letter from Smith & Ridgeway to the said Carrington, to be read in evidence, as stated in the bill of exceptions. 3d. That the court directed the jury that the case turned wholly upon the point whether due and seasonable notice had been given by the defendants of the change of the voyage, as stated in the bill of exceptions, and that this was wholly a question of fact which it was their exclusive province to determine. 4th. That the court refused to direct the jury, in case it was fully proved to their satisfaction, that the plaintiffs had paid the premium in question previous to any notice or information whatever of the change of the voyage, as stated in the bill of exceptions, that they were entitled to recover of the defendants. MR. CHIEF JUSTICE MARSHALL delivered the opinion of the Court. This case comes up on exceptions to certain opinions given by the judges of the Circuit Court of Rhode Island at the trial of the cause before them. The first exception is to the admission of Peleg Remington as a witness. This exception appeared to be abandoned by the counsel in reply, and is indeed so perfectly untenable that the Court will only observe that Peleg Remington does not appear to have been interested in the event of the cause in which he deposed, but certainly was not interested in the particular fact to which he was required to depose, and was therefore clearly a competent witness. The second exception is taken to the opinion of the court admitting as evidence a paper purporting to be the copy of a letter written by the defendant Carrington to Smith & Ridgeway of Philadelphia, the correspondents of the plaintiffs, and also a letter from Smith & Ridgeway to the defendant Carrington purporting to be an answer to the said letter. To the admission of the letter of Smith & Ridgeway no just objection appears. The verity of that letter is acknowledged on the face of the bill of exceptions, and no cause is stated why it should not have been read to the jury. But the admission of the copy of a letter written by one of the defendants stands upon totally different ground. To introduce into a cause the copy of any paper, the truth of that copy must be established and sufficient reasons for the nonproduction of the original must be shown. If in this case the answer of Smith & Ridgeway had authenticated the whole letter of Carrington, the copy of that letter need not have been offered, since its whole contents would have been proved by the answer to it. If its whole contents were not proved by the answer, then the part not so proved was totally unauthenticated, and may have formed no part of the original letter. In this case, the answer cannot have authenticated the copy, because the bill states that the defendants gave no proof of its being true. This copy therefore, not being proved to be a true copy, ought not to have gone before the jury. Into its importance or operation this Court cannot inquire. It was improper testimony, and a verdict founded on improper testimony cannot stand. For this error the judgment must be reversed and the cause remanded to the circuit Court of Rhode Island to be again tried. The third exception is taken to the refusal of the court to give an opinion on a question stated by the counsel for the plaintiffs. The difficulty of deciding on this exception does not arise from any doubt which ought to have been produced by the facts in the cause, but from the manner in which the question was propounded to the court. After a long and complex statement of the testimony, the counsel for the plaintiffs requested the court to declare whether, "if the plaintiffs had actually paid the said premium to the underwriters before any notice of the change of the destination of the ship, they had a right under the circumstances of the case to recover the same of the defendant." To this question the court refused to give an answer. There can be no doubt of the right of a party to require the opinion of the court on any point of law which is pertinent to the issue, nor that the refusal of the court to give such opinion furnishes cause for an exception, but it is equally clear that the court cannot be required to give to the jury an opinion on the truth of testimony in any case. Had the plaintiffs' counsel been content with the answer of the court to the question of law, he would have been entitled to that answer; but when he involved fact with law and demanded the opinion of the court on the force and truth of the testimony by adding the words "under the circumstances of the case," the question is so qualified as to be essentially changed, and although the court might with propriety have separated the law from the fact and have stated the legal principle, leaving the fact to the jury, there was no obligation to make this discrimination, and consequently no error was committed in refusing to answer the question propounded. The record also exhibits a part of the charge given to the jury on which the counsel for the plaintiffs have argued as if it composed a part of the bill of exceptions. It is in these words: "And the said court, prior to the request last mentioned, did declare and give its opinion to said jury that the case wholly turned upon the point whether or not the said defendants had given due and seasonable notice of the change of the destination of said ship. That it was a question proper for the said jury to decide whether such due and seasonable notice had been given, and that if it was of opinion it had been so given, on considering the whole of the evidence, it ought not to allow the plaintiffs' said charge for said premium." That the opinion which the record ascribes to the judge in this case is incorrect unless some other part of the charge shall have so explained it as to give to the words a meaning different from that which is affixed to them, taken by themselves, is the opinion of this Court. The judges instructed the jury "that the case wholly turned upon the point whether or not the defendants had given due and seasonable notice of the change of the destination of the said ship," and that if it was of opinion that due and seasonable notice had been given, it ought to find against the plaintiffs on the question of their right to recover the premium advanced by them for the defendants. Due and seasonable notice must have been given as soon after the destination of the vessel was changed, as it would have been given whether the premium had or had not been advanced by the plaintiffs before they received it, or this direction must have left it to the jury to determine whether notice was or was not due and seasonable, although it might not have been received by the plaintiffs before they had actually advanced for the defendants the sum in contest. On the first exposition, these words would amount to a clear misdirection of the jury, because if the plaintiffs had paid to the underwriters, at the request of the defendants, the premium of insurance before they received notice countermanding the directions to make such payment, the right given by subsequent circumstances to the insured to demand its return from the underwriters could not affect the claim of the plaintiffs on the defendants for money fairly advanced by them for the use of the defendants. If the latter construction be adopted, there was still a misdirection on the part of the court. The judge ought not to have left it expressly to the jury to decide whether notice given immediately after the change of the destination of the vessel could be due and seasonable notice unless it was received before the premium was advanced. It is, however, not material to the present cause to determine whether this exception does or does not exhibit a misdirection to the jury, since we are unanimously of opinion that for admitting a paper purporting to be the copy of a letter from Edward Carrington to Smith & Ridgeway to go to the jury which was not proved to be a copy, the judgment must be reversed.
A recent article in ScienceNews calls into question scientific results established by statistics. It was excerpted by WUWT at great length (I wonder whether Anthony Watts knows the difference between “fair use” and violation of copyright), apparently an attempt to discredit global warming science because, after all, it uses some statistics. Of course Watts fails to consider the outrageous statistical follies coming from his side of the fence (many from himself and his contributors). Lubos gets in on the act, purportedly defending statistics but insisting on a ridiculously high confidence level — and of course, getting in some potshots at global warming science himself. The ScienceNews article argues for caution accepting published results based on statistical analysis, specifically mentioning results in medical research. It’s based on several papers, including most notably Ioannidis (2005), whose results are disputed by some, but which definitely contains insights worth being aware of. The gist of it is that in many circumstances statistically-based results should be taken with not just a grain, but a whole block of salt. WUWT of course titles its article with a quote from the ScienceNews article, “science’s dirtiest secret: The “scientific method” of testing hypotheses by statistical analysis stands on a flimsy foundation.” First let’s be clear about one thing: the foundation is not flimsy, it’s solid as a rock. Statistics works, it does what it’s supposed to do. But it is susceptible to misinterpretation, to false results purely due to randomness, to bias, and of course to error. That’s what the ScienceNews article is really about, although it takes liberties (in my opinion) in order to sensationalize the issue. But hey, that’s what magazines (not peer-reviewed journals) do. One of the dangers inherent in statistical results is over-reliance on the “p-value.” The p-value is the probability of getting the observed result just by random accident, even when there’s no significant effect and the “null hypothesis” (usually, that there’s nothing interesting happening at all) is true. The de facto standard p-value for “statistical significance” is 0.05, or 5%, and when p-values are smaller than this the result is often said to be established with “95% confidence.” Problem is, that a p-value of 5% doesn’t mean that the alternate hypothesis (the new drug reduces the chances of a heart attack) is 95% certain. For one thing, the p-value only addresses the null hypothesis, so a significant result is evidence against the null, but not necessarily for the alternate. Any deviation from the null hypothesis will negate it, even those that have nothing to do with the alternate. For another thing, a p-value of 5% means that even when the null hypothesis is true, we can still expect the result to happen 5% of the time. That’s a small, but still substantial probability. The 5% level is a good choice, and has served science well for a century, but no choice is perfect. Anything less and it’s just too hard to get results — too many important truths will be missed. Anything more, and the fraction of falsehoods will be so great that truth will get lost in the noise. There’s a reason that 5% is the de facto standard, because in most cases it works. Well. Even so, we need to be aware that “false alarms” not only can, but will happen (that too is the nature of statistics). That’s why replication (when possible) is so important. Another important consideration is that often (particularly in medical research) we have prior information that the chance of the alternate hypothesis being true is very small. This gives us a useful prior probability with which we can apply a Bayesian analysis. There’s great value in Bayesian analysis, and it sometimes reveals that although a given observation is unlikely (even 5% unlikely) under the null hypothesis, it’s even more unlikely under the alternate hypothesis. In that case, in spite of the apparently significant p-value, the evidence is against the alternate. Of course, Bayesian analysis has its own hazards, including the fact that if the prior probability isn’t known precisely, then it becomes a choice which is susceptible to (and often accused of) bias. Yet another danger is inherent in the way scientific results are selected by researchers for publication. A “significant” result is far more likely to be touted than one which is not, especially in fields like clinical trials which have immediate and important financial consequences. Negative results are in fact important, but they don’t get the press, publication, or visibility of positive results. This can lead to the phenomenon where 20 different research groups are investigating the same question, and only one of them gets a result which is significant at the 5% p-value level, but that’s the one which gets published. With 20 experiments, we expect one of them to give a p-value of 5% or less — but the others aren’t visible in the scientific literature, so the published evidence is one-sided. Another aspect of the same issue is that often an investigation will study a vast number of possible factors. One might, for instance, study the influence of 30,000 genes on the likelihood of developing heart disease. Using a 5% p-value, we expect 1500 of the genes to show a “significant” result just by accident. The vast number of “false positives” can be properly dealt with by statistics, but unfortunately it’s not always done properly. I myself first met this issue when studying variable stars to look for changes in their periods of variation. In a sample of some 400 such stars, about 20 showed “significant” period changes — which is just what you’d expect by chance, if none of them had really changed period. Another factor which we all try to avoid but is still very real is bias. This is especially problematic when there’s anything subjective about the data. In clinical trials, for instance, it’s sometimes necessary to exclude certain subjects from the analysis for legitimate reasons. But there’s at least temptation to preferentially exclude those which contradict the preferred hypothesis, while preferentially retaining those which support it. And if any of the measures is anything less than perfectly precise, there’s an all-too-human tendency to rate the “treatment” subject’s health one better while rating the “placebo” subject’s response one worse. This emphasizes the importance of the classic “double blind” experiment, which is highly desirable, but frankly, just not always possible. It also happens that, even with a single data set, researchers who are motivated to support a preferred hypothesis will keep trying new statistical tests until they find one that gives what they want. It’s possible to compensate for such a “suite” of tests statistically but that is often not done, and using a suite of tests should really be decided on before the data is even collected — but that’s even more rare. As if that weren’t bad enough, accidents happen, and I’m not referring to statistical fluctuations but to plain old errors. These can be data errors or faulty analysis. After all, most scientists are not statisticians, and even standard statistical tests have subtleties which are often unappreciated. To err is human. All told, there are many ways for the statistical analysis of experiments to give incorrect results. This may be especially true in medical research, for which the financial incentive is high, the prior probability is often very low, and the sample size may be severely limited by circumstances beyond anyone’s control. But that hardly means that the foundation of statistical analysis is flimsy; that’s just sensationalism. Nor do we need to adhere to an impractically high standard of statistical significance — as desirable as it is, effects are often small and gathering more data (as in clinical trials) can be very expensive and time-consuming, while delays in availability of new treatments can be devastating for a patient with serious disease and few treatment options. It’s important for researchers to be aware of statistical pitfalls, it’s valuable to consider all available results (including negative ones), and for the scientific community and the public to take results with at least a grain of salt. But distrusting statistics on principle is not just incorrect, it’s a foolish choice.
New York—Accessorizing from head to toe is what Satya Twena is all about. The millinery designer now has turned her attention to a new endeavor: a monthly-curated hosiery subscription service known as Pique. For $38 a month (worth over $60 value shipping included), subscribers received a custom-selected package of stockings, tights, socks and leggings of their choosing. Twena said she was inspired to create the service by her love of legwear and lack of options in the market. While researching the perfect luxe hosiery, Twena discovered high-quality brands, such as Gerbe, Ilux and Commando, and felt obliged to share her findings with the world “she already provides with an elegant and eclectic mix of hats.” Subscribers can also redeem discount codes and credits for added merchandise, and Pique also offers an online shop for a la cart orders. www.pique.satyatwena.com
Novak Ballistic 550 Brushless "Short Course" Motor (5.5T/3700Kv) This is the Novak Ballistic 5.5T (3700Kv), 550 Size, Brushless "Short Course" Electric Motor. Novak has repeatedly brought original products and technological advancements to the R/C industry, and, to no one’s surprise, Novak is doing it again! Novak Ballistic 550 Brushless Motors are the first 550-sized motors designed specifically for short course competition and will easily outperform traditional 540-sized motors. The Ballistic 550s are more powerful because of their extra long stator and rotor magnet. In fact, the stator and rotor magnet are twice the length of 540-sized motors, which equals twice the torque when compared to the equivalent 540 motor. More torque, means more speed! Additionally, these larger-sized motors run cooler and more efficiently than their 540 counterparts. These high-powered motors are the top choice at small, indoor race tracks and easily install into OFNA’s Hyper 10 SC, OFNA’s Jammin’ SCRT 10, and the Traxxas’ Slash 4X4 Short Course Trucks, as well as other 1/10-scale short course trucks. In addition to the low-speed driveability and no cogging, the sensor-based Ballistic 550s have been fitted with rugged 5mm output shafts for maximum resilience and race life while offering smooth and controlled power delivery. BALLISTIC MEANS VERSATILITY: Novak Ballistic 550 motors are completely rebuildable and feature interchangeable wound stator construction. A stator swap allows for easier experimentation at the track and cuts down on racing costs. Additionally, all of Novak’s Ballistic 550s feature a replaceable rotor, front end bell, sensor harness, bearings and other replaceable items. - Sensor-based for excellent torque and low-speed driveability - Oversized front bearing for increased load handling and bearing life - Rebuildable design with removable shielded sensor harness, sensor assembly, wound stator, hardware, insulation, bearing cap, bearings and both end bells - Nickel-plated, sintered Neodymium rotor with a 5mm pinion shaft that accepts all existing pinion gears - Adjustable timing to help retain previous user settings - Meets RoHS compliance and includes 120-Day Manufacturers Warranty - Designed, hand wound and dyno tested by Novak in Irvine, Calif., using globally sourced components Number of turns: 5.5T Design: Sensor-based (compatible with any sensored brushless ESC) Input Voltage: 2S-3S Li-Po Magnet: One-piece, multi-pole Neodymium Kv (unloaded): 3,700 Motor size: Length - 2.84” (72.1mm); Diameter - 1.41” (35.8mm) Shaft diameter: 5mm Motor weight: 10.1 oz. (286.3 grams) This product was added to our catalog on May 18, 2010.
Who Runs Britian?....and Who's To Blame for The Economic Mess We're In Paperback – 30 Oct 2008 - Choose from over 13,000 locations across the UK - Prime members get unlimited deliveries at no additional cost - Find your preferred location and add it to your address book - Dispatch to this address when you check out Frequently Bought Together Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought Enter your mobile number below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Getting the download link through email is temporarily not available. Please check back later. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. A compelling portrait of early 21st century casino capitalism ... essential reading. (Howard Davies, The Times) Fluent, incredibly up to the minute look at Britain ... Peston, in relaxed, conversational style is a great travelling companion along the highways of finance. (Observer) This lucid and timely guide to the world of turbo-capitalism ... absorbing book, essential reading for anyone who wants to know how the British economy now operates. (Peter Wilby, Guardian) starkly lucid (Polly Toynbee, Guardian) Peston catches the zeitgeist of Britain and the paradox that is Gordon Brown. (Financial Times) engaging (Harry Mount, Telegraph) Peston is our rock... The triumph of Robert Peston makes me proud of my old paper, the BBC and of journalism in general. (Sarah Sands in Independent on Sunday ) This remains the most riveting book on finance you may ever bother to read. (Evening Standard) I recommend this book (Nicholas Lezard in The Guardian) wonderful clarity (Sunday Telegraph ) this remains the most riveting book on finance you may ever bother to read (Scotsman) Book of the year (Financial Times) BBC Business Editor Robert Peston lifts the lid on credit crunch Britain and the rise of the super-rich.See all Product Description What Other Items Do Customers Buy After Viewing This Item? Top Customer Reviews Peston identifies inefficiencies within the decision making system of which pensions is a good example. In 1997 Gordon Brown raided the pension funds of final salary schemes, removing tax credit on dividends. the reason behind Brown's policy was clear. He wanted to raise revenue to reduce the structural deficit in the public finances. Treasury officials expressed concern but Brown went ahead. The result was a decline in income to pensions funds over a five year period from £7.1 bn to £3.3.bn. Final salary schemes collapsed. Yet Brown's policy was the logical extension of Nigel Lawton's 1988 decision to limit the amount of surplus schemes could retain and of Norman Lamont's reduction in tax credits to pension schemes in 1993. Both were designed to raise revenue. The political myopia demonstrated by politicians then became a farce with the introduction of stakeholder pensions. Theoretically designed to prevent alleged mis-selling and provide for the less wealthy, the stakeholder became a tax-free vehicle for the rich. Pensions minister, Ian McCartney, ignored unwelcome research statistics because they came from a Conservative David Willetts.Read more › What is also good is that he evidently has talked to the people involved and so it includes a huge amount of personal views from some of the main protagonists. His explanation of the greed of the finacial wizards, the wrong headed approach of the government and the effects on you and I is very clear - the only problem after reading this is that the depths of the problems in the financial sector look a lot worse and its clear that we as individuals will pay for this collective failure. I did not give it five stars because of a style issue is that certain things were repeated a number of times so that it read a bit like a collection of essays but overall if you want to understand why we have the problems in the financial sector and now the real world economy then I can recommend this. Think of the plus when someone asks you what a Structured Investment Vehicle (SIV) is - and thanks to this you will know. You'll be bemused was to why it was ever thought a good idea, but you will know what it was and why valuing them became such a problem. And finally it comprehensively shows the failings of the Prime Minister when he was chancellor - he may not have caused all the problems but the policies he pursued have made the problem worse for us all - and our grandchildren as well. Read this and I suspect that you will not see him as 'Super Gordon' after this. Damm good read - making financial economics interesting ! It gives colourful insight into the big personalities ( Philip Green, Stuart Rose, Allan Leighton ) the big financial organizations ( hedge funds private equity firms, and globalised investment banks) and the big politics which provide the backdrop to the dance of excess and greed that led us into the current melt down. Much of the material is not new but it is very well told. It's a journalist's book rather than that of an historian. In truth it is really a number of different short books pulled together between one set of covers. It is a series of stand alone stories: Arcadia Group, Marks & Spencer's, Royal Mail, a who's who of hedge funds and private equity and the background to the sale of honours. Peston has had a ringside seat for the past few years and this book allows us to share his privileged access. Most of the individual stories are fascinating, well written and related by a deeply well connected and knowledge insider. Although, to be honest, the chapter on pensions is rather hard going and only for real enthusiasts like Lord Turner who gets numerous mentions. The title is a little misleading and echo perhaps of the seminal "Anatomy of Britain". by Anthony Sampson. "Credit Crunch: The Suspects" might have been a better alternative. And finally in one sense the book is a mystery story. Does Peston like Gordon Brown and the Labour party or not? He seems unsure himself but at least it keeps the reader guessing. All in all an adornment to any book shelf. Not as good as his scoops! Most Recent Customer Reviews This book was as expected, a present for my husband which I am sure he will be pleased to have.Published 7 months ago by Frances Russell A well written book giving an insight into those who ostensibly run Britain. The author gives a genuine expert economic understanding of what I suspect a lot of people already... Read morePublished 20 months ago by Mr. L. Barrett I enjoyed this book, very well written with good detail, the research is excellent and it certainly opens ones eyes and gives greater insightPublished 21 months ago by ProfPenguin Interesting read, gives you an insight into the politics of this country - very good.Published on 11 July 2014 by D.Enamu Well written and easy to follow. Basically Bobby P is telling us that the super-rich run the world, and that this is getting more so, not less. Read morePublished on 27 May 2014 by Mike Duncombe Excellently researched, good and balanced account of the UK retail, political and financial institutions and there pracrices . Read morePublished on 15 May 2014 by ruth harrison This is not an easy read but well worth the effort. It sheds light on a lot of things and is very thought provokingPublished on 13 Feb. 2014 by I. Asquith
Interesting read by Thom Hogan Do you trust that, five years from now, your chosen brand will still be making digital cameras? As the entire market contracts, the smaller players will be forced out of the market. Sony and Panasonic are megacorps, that can get along just fine without camera divisions. Olympus is a thriving medical technology company, that doesn't really need a camera division either. It's a pity that e.g. Canon didn't bother producing a digital Canon F1, but they didn't. So I don't really care as long as someone makes an ILC with a smaller registration distance than the lenses I have, and adapters. Given that there are electronic control adapters for EF lenses, and purely mechanical adapters are hardly difficult to make, it's far too late to put that particular genie back in the bottle. I may take a punt and end up with an FE lens as well. So it's odd that I have a FF camera which allows me to use lenses from many systems - old lenses (which are now 30 years old or more) which I couldn't use on Canon DSLRs, as well as EF lenses from more recently, and it also has new lenses of high quality. It's higher resolution than any Canon SLR, there is a version cheaper than any Canon FF, it addresses my size and weight concerns, and I can use a DSLR as well. And you think I should somehow be more concerned than I was? Where does it say that the fast-hybrid AF works on,say, the Nex-6? The point is, if Sony is only going to produce FE lenses going forward, it'd be nice to be able to use them effectively on existing cameras. Maybe that would be a problem with APS-C lenses too? If it requires a FW update for every new lens, that's a pain, and Sony is less likely to do that for older cameras. It's a weakness in the e-mount.-- hide signature -- It is not plausible to think that FE lenses won't work with PDAF AF on APS-C bodies. My APS-C 35mm f/1.8 for instance works fine with PDAF with my A7. I think it is a big part of Sony's strategy that FE lenses must be attractive on APS-C bodies as well. APS-C lenses should be attractive on APS-C bodies, but yet Sony requires a FW update for PDAF to work. (I applied this FW update on my Nex-6 already.) They have a short list of lenses that were part of that update. Next week, they could come out with a lens -- either APS-C or FE -- and PDAF wouldn't be supported (probably). For example both 35mm and 55mm FE lenses have a great FOV on APS-C bodies. The FE 70-200mm is great on APS-C as well. Only ultra wide and standard FE zooms are probably not a great idea on APS-C bodies, but here we are talking about 2-3 lenses.-- hide signature -- To me that sounds like a paranoid assumption. It was perfectly understandably when some lenses had to be firmware updated to support a brand new PDAF technology. With all due respect it isn't at all. It points to some reasonably-foreseeable aspect of the lens protocol that was simply excluded or missed by original engineers working to a deadline and delivering the bare minimum. I doubt that. Developments today were likely planned 2-3 years ago. In fact, if you look at the original E-mount kit lens, Sony called it: E 18-55 OSS. That tells me that Sony had sketched out the possibility of going with FE lenses. As for FE 55, one of the demo video for a6000 used that lens. In fact, I would assume that every new or updated lens (at least over last couple of years) and on both mounts by Sony, might be ready for focal plane AF system. Does anyone with a real understanding of this know exactly what needs to be added? Commands to move a stepper motor to a precise stop? Do the lenses need to return current step point rather than simply a distance? A good clue to me comes from RX10. It is a CDAF camera but it uses SSM which is unusual as PDAF requires a quick linear movement, but does not work well for CDAF. To meet CDAF requirements, Sony has used a piezo electric motor (which Sony uses for in-body image stabilization). So, SSM drives the lens in either direction quickly, and the secondary motor acts as a brake. If I were to bet on it, this dual motor SSM design may be part of new lenses on both mounts, and those updated on A-mount. rrccad wrote:canon / nikon could remove the mirror and leave the registration distance. they could even do hybrid systems where the mirror is only used in specific cases and not in others. going mirrorless doesn't necessarily mean adopting a different mount. Let us assume that Canon and Nikon will simply remove the mirror (bye bye OVF) Let us assume that every lens will still focus as well without the aid of mirror-based PDAF system they were designed for, as opposed to focal plane AF system (where they happen to suck today). Remember, this is also where Sony A-mount stands today. Those are significant assumptions and you seem to be betting on those. But here is yet another one you didn't think about: Using mirror only in specific cases, not in others. This, just may be Sony's formula on A-mount if the above assumptions don't work well. The question is, how willing are you to receive an EVF? Sony SLTs have metering and VF off the sensor. The SLT itself is only for mirror based PDAF. On Canon and Nikon, metering, VF and AF are off the mirror. When you lift the mirror up, you lose all three. But, my bet would be on lenses requiring update to their AF system (not so much on E-mount system, since every lens can be already expected to have that). I'd bet on that mass far more than for instance .. FE mount? There is no FE mount, unless you think Nikon has a DX mount and a FX mount, and likewise, Canon has EF mount and EF-S mount. Get the basics right: Its E-mount, and launched only 3+ years ago and clearly has your attention already. |Chicago Alley by tko| from Down the alleyway |Callan-5680 by vbuhay| from What Child's Dream May Come |Widget by Wilfried HKG| |Oxbow Bend by stickpointed| from Landscape - Colour #2
The Queen has arrived in Italy for her first overseas visit in more than two years, a day-long trip that will see her meet Pope Francis for the first time. Wearing lilac and looking relaxed, the Queen landed at Ciampino airport with the Duke of Edinburgh and was driven to the presidential palace of the Italian head of state, Giorgio Napolitano. The two heads of state are having a private lunch at the Quirinale before her private audience with the pope later on Thursday. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be received by the 77-year-old pope in a papal study rather than the lavish apostolic palace where Francis met Barack Obama last week. On this occasion, the Queen is not expected to wear black or a mantilla (lace veil). It is the Queen's first foreign trip since she went to Australia in 2011, and the first meeting between the supreme governor of the Church of England and the head of the Roman Catholic church since 2010, when the then pope Benedict XVI made a state visit to Britain. The Queen did not attend his Argentinian successor's inauguration last March, and was instead represented by the Duke of Gloucester. But she has a long history of papal meetings, having made her first visit to the Vatican as Princess Elizabeth in 1951, where she was received by Pius XII, and presided over an unprecedented thaw in relations between the UK and Holy See. During her reign, the Queen has been received by a pope three times at the Vatican: by John XXIII in 1961, and by John Paul II in 1980 and again in 2000. The first encounter with the Polish pope marked the first time a British monarch had made a state visit to the Vatican, a landmark gesture reciprocated two years later when the pontiff made a pastoral visit to the UK. The Queen's meeting with Francis, therefore, will be her seventh with a leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. Nigel Baker, Britain's ambassador to the Holy See, described the visit as a "reaffirmation" of the ties between the Holy See and the UK, noting that it was taking place in the centenary year of the formal re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the two, which occurred in 1914. However, the visit is not without its potential tensions. "Thursday's meeting comes at a time when, on the surface, relations between the Catholic church and the Church of England are at an all-time high. But dig a little deeper and issues arise," said Dr Rebecca Rist, papal expert from the University of Reading, who singled out the C of E's ordination of female priests and push for female bishops. Another issue that some say could set the two heads of state on a collision course is the status of the Falkland Islands, the British territory in the South Atlantic over which Britain and Argentina went to war in 1982. As cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, Francis spoke out about the ongoing row in blunt terms in 2012, paying tribute to Argentine soldiers who had died in the conflict and accusing Britain of having "usurped" the islands. But since becoming pope he has steered clear of such proclamations and diplomatic observers expect that approach to continue. "The Vatican has been very clear with us, including in the last week and at a very senior level, that that longstanding neutrality on the [Falklands] issue remains in force," said Baker. Although the papal audience is likely to dominate the headlines, the Queen is in Rome at the invitation of the Italian president, Napolitano. The two veteran heads of state were supposed to see each other last spring before the widely respected former communist was due to finish his seven-year mandate, but the Queen had to cancel because of ill health. But as Napolitano was re-elected for a surprise second term, the two – who have already met four times in their current capacities – have another chance to catch up. Napolitano, who is 88, holds the monarch in high regard, using a dinner in 2012 at the British ambassador's residence in Rome to praise her and express gratitude for the royal family's support for the Italian resistance movement during the second world war. The Queen acceded to the throne in 1952.
The card brands and large issuing banks weren't too happy about having their debit interchange fees capped. So they responded by raising regulated debit interchange fees to the cap across the board without regard to transaction size. The result is that businesses with a small average ticket no longer get special treatment on regulated debit transactions. This is especially damaging since debit cards are used far more frequently than credit cards to pay for small transactions. In Parkmobile's case, payment processing costs have tripled because of these changes.Banks may be getting the lion's share of the blame from groups like the Merchants Payments Coalition, but there seems to be plenty of blame to go around. But in the end, as usual, it's consumers left holding the bill, even for something as mundane as parking their car in a downtown lot. In that regard, some things never change.
As the third-quarter earnings season gets underway, investor angst has been fueled on several fronts, not least by the continued showdown in Washington that has threatened to hijack global equity markets. As failure to reach a continuing resolution heightened fear of a deadlock on the debt ceiling, equity markets started to price in the potential of a U.S. default, declining by nearly 4% from mid-September highs. With stock multiples edging higher over the past year and returning to pre-crisis levels, stocks that do not deliver growth and earnings could get punished. The quantitative research team at Credit Suisse scanned their coverage universe for names that could offer cyclical earnings surprises for the third quarter. Here are some of the top names to make that list. Comcast Corp. (NASDAQ: CMCSA) is the nation’s largest cable company and looks to continue its white-hot growth. The company is reportedly in talks with Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) to provide its services as part of a pay-TV package for Comcast subscribers. While this may compete with the Comcast product offerings, if subscribers are willing to pay the add-on price, it could prove huge. Investors are paid a 1.7% dividend. The Thomson/First Call price target for the stock is $51 and Comcast closed Wednesday at $46.98. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a top financial name that could beat earnings estimates this quarter. With investment banking revenues growing and the company completing its purchase of Smith Barney to enhance retail production, third-quarter numbers could surprise. Investors are paid a small 0.7% dividend. The consensus price target for this top Wall Street name is $30. Morgan Stanley closed Wednesday at $28.63. EMC Corp. (NYSE: EMC) is not only the leader in large-scale storage, its majority ownership in cloud software company VMware Inc. (NYSE: VMW) makes it the ultimate tech double-threat. Investors are paid a 1.6% dividend. The consensus price target for the stock is posted at $31. EMC closed Wednesday at $24.78. CBS Corp. (NYSE: CBS) is the network ratings leader and looks to continue its winning streak next year as well. With protracted battles with cable companies over programming costs completed, the headline risk has diminished and investors are focusing on the solid core fundamentals. Investors receive a small 0.9% dividend. The consensus price target for this top media name is $63, and CBS closed Wednesday at $57.59. Tiffany & Co. (NYSE: TIF) has seen consistent floor traffic and sales from its base high-end clientele. Despite disappointing second-quarter numbers, Tiffany is the bellwether of the luxury segment. It beat consensus estimates on earnings but failed to do the same on revenue. However, the earnings report did contain many positive signals. Shareholders are paid a 1.8% dividend. The consensus price target for the stock is placed at $88. Tiffany closed Wednesday at $76.98. Given the market’s impressive rise over the course of the past year, investors are wise to become more stock selective. As the Credit Suisse team points out, with multiples expanding due to price appreciation, the margin for error has become very slim. Stocks that do beat earnings for the third quarter should see a nice move higher as money shifts to the winners.
It was a frightening moment for Mayda Estrella, her 4-year-old son and 22-day-old son. Luckily her little Chihuahua was there when two pit bulls stormed the family's home. Estrella says they were having a barbeque outside and she had the door open when the dogs rushed in. She ran into the bedroom with her baby, grabbed the remote control and wacked one pit bull over the head. Her 4-year-old son, Brian, jumped on his bed and as the other pit bull moved toward him, the family's Chihuahua, named Manchas, jumped in between the boy and the pit bull. "And the dog just looked at Brian and just [took] the dog," said Estrella. Animal control officers found Manchas dead, nearby. The pit bulls ran back to their home where the owner, who did not want to speak on camera, tells ABC7 they escaped by chewing a hole through their wood fence while he was away. "Those dogs were followed to the residence," said Dan Barrett from Contra the Costa County Animal Control. Animal control says the dogs, named Jade and Beast, are now subject to the dangerous animal ordinance. The owner says he is not going to appeal, which means the fate of the dogs is now in the hands of animal control. When asked if the pit bulls needed to be euthanized because of what they did, Barrett said, "That would be my recommendation." Estrella says it all happened within 10 seconds, but looking back, she believes Manchas may have saved her son's life. The owner of the pit bulls is not facing any criminal charges, but under the dangerous animal ordinance, he could be restricted from owning pit bulls in the future.
3111 ratings (4.447 average) What's new in this version (1.1.49): Look for the pro version, it has many more features than the lite! * Workaround for Galaxy Tab2 OS bug * Crash fixes PLEASE NOTE! Any reports of hanging, freezing or reboots after quitting the app is due to a bug in HTC devices and Samsung Galaxy devices, this can be triggered by using the Pandora/Vlingo/Aldiko or other bluetooth-enabled apps. Thanks! *The full version(after weeks of effort)has a workaround for the ha See what your car is doing in realtime, get fault codes, sensor data and more! An OBD II engine ECU diagnostics tool that uses a cheap bluetooth ELM / OBD adapter to connect to your car OBD2 engine management system Some features include: * Shows and Resets engine fault codes / DTC trouble codes stored in your car * Can export map/track log files to Google Earth KML / CSV * Engine performance data(0 to 60, 0-100, quarter mile, etc) (full version) * Head up Display / GPS HUD mode perfect for checking your speed at night * Data Logging functions including web upload and file logging, you can even upload data to your own web server from sensors you choose * Customisable dashboard with theme support - setup the dashboard with the gauges and dials that you want * Can help you fix your car and helps keep car repair costs down! * Turbo Boost gauge support for VW vehicles (in Pro version only) * MPG for Petrol/Gasoline vehicles. (Pro version has diesel support) This is the free/basic version - it lets you get a feel for the application and lets you find out if it works with your vehicle / obd2 adapter combination; but may contain some small bugs including not working on some nissan/chrysler/subaru ECUs. The paid version has support for more vehicles and ECU types, looks a lot nicer, and works with more cars / trucks The paid version has more features (HorsePower,Torque, 0-60 , quarter mile tests, graph data, map / track views) + no adverts and exra dial/display types! and better ABS / Knock sensor support, Transmission temperature support for some makes of car / trucks (GM / Ford, etc), and Turbo Boost on many more vehicles (including VW) Works on vehicles made by Ford, GM/Vauxhall/Opel, Chrysler, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Audi, Jaguar, Citroen, Peugoet, Skoda, Kia, Mazda, Lexus, Daewoo, Renault, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, BMW, Toyota, Seat, Dodge, Jeep, Pontiac, Subaru and many more vehicle makes, European, US, Far East, etc. Some vehicle ECUs may support more/less features than others. **PLEASE NOTE!** Any reports of hanging or freezing after quitting the app is due to a bug in the HTC Evo 4G and Galaxy Tab, this can be triggered by using the Pandora/Vlingo/Aldiko bluetooth enabled apps. Disabling Pandoras new bluetooth settings fixes the problem, but HTC/Samsung need to release a fix. Please contact their support and encourage them to fix, Thanks! The pro version supports USB ELM adapters which are use 'Prolific' or 'FTDI' chips * Update: A freeze/hang workaround has been found after a great amount of effort and is available in the full version in the General Preferences settings! Last comments from Android Market Love it! But no oil pressure? greatest program for ALL gearheads. a must have on any android device. ebay has BT adapters for obd2 cars 30dollars Works great with the cheap OBDII adapter from eBay, HTC Desire Bought ELM interface, works perfectly, thanks. :) No oil pressure or oil temp gauges. Brilliant. This is going to be.my first ever app I have paid for..and I have a lot! Great app works great Just go on eBay and look up: elm 327 1 question tho how do u use the hud mode, like wat is it Got rid of my Snap-on Solus Pro ($4000) scan tool after useing this only one time. Works great & the forum users are very helpful as well. -Moto i1- Connected right away to $30 ebay bluetooth adapter.
Listen Live: Pittsburgh Steelers at Cincinnati Bengals [Live Audio] PlayoffsListen to the play-by-play of the Wildcard Playoff matchup between the Bengals and the Steelers with pre-game at 8:00 p.m. on 105.7 The Fan. Steelers RB Le'Veon Bell Officially Ruled OutSteelers running back Le'Veon Bell was officially ruled out for Saturday's pivotal wild-card game against the Ravens because of a hyperextended right knee. Jerry Coleman: Ravens Fly Into The PlayoffsBefore more than 71,000, Ravens doubled up the Browns 20-10, and received a bit of luck with the Chiefs defeating the Chargers 19-7. Johnson Goes Wild As Orioles Lose To Yankees 6-5The Baltimore Orioles couldn't have been much more frustrated at the conclusion of their penultimate homestand of the season. Rob Long: Another Big Series For The OriolesThe O's begin a three game series against the Boston Red Sox on Tuesday, which happens to be the start of a nine game road trip that is crucial CBS Local Predictions Wildcard Week Ed Norris: Funny How Things ChangeMy thinking was that if you didn't want to have your season come to an end because of a single game there was a simple solution..win your division. However... Steve Davis: Showalter on SpotWho to start in the 1 game play-in between Texas and Baltimore? Jeremy Conn: Orioles Must Finish StrongRight now everybody is scoreboard watching and if you are taking notes, here is who we are rooting for. Jayson Stark Talks MLB Playoffs Jayson Stark on Stephen Strasburg and the wild card race for the MLB. Ed Norris: Stop Waiting For The Other Shoe To DropBaltimore has the best record in the American League, the Yankees and Red Sox are struggling badly and there is an extra wild card slot to be had. BLOG: AFC PredictionsJeremy Conn breaks down the AFC division by division.
Welcome to Bentley’s Manufacturing, Inc. Bentley’s serves the Portland, Oregon metro area as well as the entire United States and Canada. Bentley’s is a family owned and operated business located in Milwaukie, Oregon since 1967. Bentley’s is known in the industry for the highest quality marine seats for yachts, commercial fishing, sport fishing, recreational and ski boats. We have a wide selection of folding and stationary back seats. We also are the national distributor of the Mariner seat which offers the comfort of a suspension base. We are able to reupholster existing seats as well as entire boat interiors. Top Quality Boat Tops and Covers! Bentley’s is also known for quality boat tops and covers. Each top/cover is custom made in our shop to your specification and specifically fit to your boat. We specialize in bimini tops, tonneau & bow covers, straight drops, and more. You have the choice of 3 materials: marine grade vinyl, Sunbrella, or Top Gun. Our tops and covers allow you to enjoy the use of your boat in a variety of weather situations. Seats, Tops, Covers, Enclosures and More! Bentley’s manufactures golf cart enclosures for a variety of carts including E-Z-Go, Club Car, Yamaha, and others. We offer two styles of doors which include soft and hard doors. We offer marine grade vinyl and Sunbrella for material choices. Let Bentley’s cover your golf cart with an enclosure that allows you to enjoy recreation regardless of the weather conditions.
NOLAN LAMARQUE, CHARLES, merchant; b. 25 Nov. 1694 in Montreal, son of Jean-Baptiste Nolan, a merchant, and Marie-Anne de La Marque; d. 5 Oct. 1754 in Montreal. Like many other men enlisted to go to the west, Charles Nolan added to his patronymic his mother’s name, which he wrote in a single word and without the nobiliary particle. In 1717 Nolan Lamarque was enlisted by Alphonse Tonty*, whose second wife was Nolan’s mother, and went to Fort Pontchartrain (Detroit) for three years. Once his enlistment was over, he in turn launched into the fur trade and equipped numerous traders with articles of trade. He also hired for himself or his partners more than 100 “boatmen-voyageurs” for the west during his career. Nolan Lamarque wanted to ensure solid foundations for his commercial enterprise and went into partnership on 28 Sept. 1726 with Antoine Pascaud Jr [see Antoine Pascaud*] of La Rochelle; on 28 May 1732 he renewed this agreement. Each partner invested in the company a sum of 32,600 livres. But Nolan Lamarque neglected to present a balance sheet and to pay in the revenues from the company’s operations, and on 4 June 1735 his partner named Denis Goguet, a Quebec merchant, as his special procurator to annul the deed of partnership and to draw up a financial report. The inquiry, conducted by Goguet, revealed that a profit of 107,004 livres 14 sols had been realized and that the sum of 82,102 livres 7 sols was due Pascaud. In order to settle the matter out of court and to compensate Nolan Lamarque for the difficulties he had incurred, Goguet consented to reduce the debt by 11,102 livres 7 sols. A balance remained due of 71,000 livres, payable in four unequal instalments. In the desire once more to put his business, which had become mediocre, on a sound footing, Nolan Lamarque founded a new company on 21 April 1738 with his brother, Jean-Marie Nolan, Jean-Baptiste Legras, and Ignace Gamelin* Jr. The company obtained from Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Vérendrye “all the trade in the west,” in return for 1,000 livres in cash per year. On 9 Oct. 1738 Nolan Lamarque joined La Vérendrye at Fort La Reine (Portage la Prairie, Man.), and on 16 October he went with the explorer into the Mandan country. At the beginning of February Nolan Lamarque was back at Fort La Reine, and at the end of the month he reached Fort Maurepas, on the Red River, where he waited in vain until 23 April for a party of Indians in several canoes laden with furs; he then went to the Rivière Ouinipigon (Winnipeg River) to intercept them and prevent them from going to Hudson Bay to sell their peltries to the English. Not having succeeded as he had hoped, Nolan Lamarque returned to Montreal. The company was dissolved in 1741. The following year his wife, Marie-Anne Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, whom he had married in Montreal on 28 Jan. 1727, died. He did not remarry, and continued his activities as a “merchant-outfitter” and silent partner until his death, which occurred on 5 Oct. 1754 in his house built in 1730 on Rue Saint-Paul. Nolan Lamarque still owed Antoine Pascaud the sum of 59,644 lives 14 sols. ANQ-M, Greffe de C.-R. Gaudron de Chevremont, 6 juill. 1736; Greffe de Michel Lepailleur, 27 janv. 1727; Greffe de J.-C. Porlier, 21 avril 1738; Greffe de J.-C. Raimbault, 9 mai 1730; Registre d’état civil, Notre-Dame de Montréal, 25 nov. 1694, 28 janv. 1727, 6 oct. 1754. “Aveu et dénombrement pour l’île de Montréal,” APQ Rapport, 1941–42, 89. PAC Report, 1905, I, xxxix. Massicotte, “Répertoire des engagements pour l’Ouest,” APQ Rapport, 1929–30. Tanguay, Dictionnaire. Champagne, Les La Vérendrye. Antoine d’Eschambault, “Le voyage de La Vérendrye au pays des Mandannes,” RHAF, II (1948–49), 424–31.
LeBron James is reportedly going to win his fourth NBA MVP. The Miami Heat forward will be named NBA MVP for the fourth time in five seasons, a person familiar with the voting told USA TODAY Sports' Jeff Zillgitt. The person requested anonymity because the announcement is scheduled for Sunday, with the presentation likely before the Heat's second-round playoff opener Monday. As has been out all week, source confirms to Sun Sentinel today that Heat finalizing plans to present LeBron James with MVP at arena Sunday.— Ira Winderman (@IraHeatBeat) May 3, 2013 First, this comes as no surprise for the 2012-13 NBA season. James led Dwyane Wade and the Miami Heat to a league-best 66-16 record, while also averaging 26.8 points, eight rebounds, 7.3 assists and he sported a 56.5 field-goal percentage. A second consecutive NBA title is also anticipated, as the Heat remain the best team by a wide margin. All that said, this propels James' legacy to another level in NBA history. Just from an MVP standpoint, a fourth allows James to equal Wilt Chamberlain and sits him directly behind Michael Jordan and Bill Russell. Atop the MVP list is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (six). How many MVPs will LeBron James win before he retires? What's scary is that James is only 28 years old. So, the guy has an easy five or six years to surpass all the aforementioned NBA legends. Moving forward, a second-straight MVP positions James quite well for the 2013-14 campaign, as he has yet to win three consecutively. Only Russell, Chamberlain and Larry Bird have connected on the MVP three-peat. Even more impressive are the expected number of potential NBA titles James can pair with the MVPs. Already having played in three NBA Finals (winning one), there's more than enough time for James to finish with the most titles among the top MVP award winners. Unsurprisingly, though, basketball's best player displayed humility in an article by Tim Reynolds of the Associated Press via Yahoo! News: "I absolutely have not even thought about it," James said earlier this week when asked if he considered the weight of winning the award four times in five years. "I have not thought about it, until you just brought it up. I know the history. It would be a unique, unbelievable class I would be a part of, so we'll see." Averaging 27.6 points, 6.9 assists, 7.3 rebounds and a 49.0 field-goal percentage for his career, James can play any position on the floor and dominate everyone one-on-one. Another MVP simply adds more to his illustrious resume, which will undoubtedly finish inside the Association's Hall of Fame.
Poet Jim Carroll wrote his best-known work, The Basketball Diaries, when he was only 12 years old. He was the type of writer who didn’t hold back anything about himself. And The Basketball Diaries tells the true brutal story of drug addiction and life on the streets for a teenager in New York City. But in the end, Carroll sobered up and started reading his poems on the literary circuit and he started to combine his readings with live instrumentation. Jim wasn’t the first poet to record with musicians, but he took the marriage of music and spoken word to new heights. He formed a super tight rock group, The Jim Carroll Band, and their punk-pop song “People Who Died” hit number 2 on the charts in 1980, second only to John Lennon’s song “Imagine.” The Jim Carroll Band’s album Catholic Boy is still an underground cult favorite among indie music fans. Jim Carroll collaborated with other musicians too, like Patti Smith, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Lou Reed, Rancid, Pearl Jam and Sonic Youth. This episode from our KEXP Documentary series “Poets and Music” brings you an inside look at Carroll’s writing, music and the man behind the image. Jim Carroll’s last novel, The Petting Zoo, was just released. You can pick up a copy at catholicboy.com. KEXP Documentaries are created by Michele Myers with assistance from John Felthous, Tiffany Grobelski, Mary Janisch and Executive Producer Kevin Cole. If you would like to follow along more closely in the creation of these radio stories, we post research materials, songs and videos on our Facebook page and on Twitter.
Tim Howard Makes One Last Fantastic Block… On a Super Exuberant Fan It is ingrained in the head of USA goalie Tim Howard to always block everything and that mindset continues even after he’s off the pitch. After his sensational 16-save performance in the United State’s World Cup loss to Belgium he returned back to the U.S. to a hero’s welcome. He was greeted by the press and eager fans at LAX airport. One overzealous soccer fan approached Howard to congratulate him and give him a big hug. And just like it was a shot from an opposing striker, the hug was blocked by the USMNT goalie in exceptional fashion. Do you really think that Howard wants your nervous, stinky pits rubbing against his all-world goalie body? C’mon bro, act like you’ve met a sports star before and don’t embarrass yourself.
M21-1, Part III, Subpart iii states: To create a new Block e with guidance for submitting requests to the Joint Services Records Research Center (JSRRC). To specify that follow-up requests to JSRRC must be completed by a Military Records Specialist (MRS). This makes me think it might be their second request (follow up) or that they never requested the info in the first place. I strongly suggest that you contact JSRRC yourself and it might be possible to even contact the person who the VA sent the request to. I do not trust VA to properly make these JSRRC requests sometimes. I just read a BVA remand whereby the VA forgot to put the veteran's unit into the request, holding up that claim, AGAIN. "how can they deny my first claim of they didn't already review them?" If they didnt review them ( and they dont appear as Evidence on the denial,) there could possibly be a CUE in that denial , possibly ...the main problem is getting the pending claim resolved favorably first. Well that makes sense. I'm about to lose my cool with those gd QTC ladies. They just talk out of both sides of their mouth, and make it look so easy. How do you "ALWAYS ask that all my issues are taken care of through the VA."? "The C&P examiners surely must realize that they don't work at the VA of 20 years ago. Back in the 90's, I had no way to know if the examiner was being thorough or not. Now, we are empowered with knowledge here from Hadit and also are fortunate enough to have the DBQ's and C&P exam questionnaires available to us online." That is SO true! In the late 1980s I realized how much the RO could manipulate what a C & P actually said. They deliberately left out a final statement by a C & P examiner to deny my DIC claim.11997. He had speculated a ridiculous Cause of death , but what the RO failed to add was ,that he wrote, "that an autopsy could have ruled out." They did have the doctor's name in the denial so I called him up and raised Hell...to learn that VA not only did not give him the 6 page autopsy (which they had) but also what it revealed would have completely changed his opinion. He then got angrier than I was and I could tell the VA had pressured him for exactly what they expected from him.He sent me a copy of his exact opinion that they had and that gave me the evidence I needed to keep fighting them and draw them out on the autopsy. (They also removed it from the files they sent to the General Counsel. I fought back on that and when the VA got the 12th copy of it , OGC awarded the FTCA case and then after another RO denial, the RO awarded DIC under 1151. It is the C & P exam that controls our claims. As Vync said, because we can get copies of it these days, the R0s cannot get too creative with the results. But the fact remains that C & P doctors are paid by the VA. If the APRN rule goes into affect, I guess AP nurses will be doing the C & Ps. The 2 main reasons, in my decades of experience, that most claims are denied is that: the evidence does not establish a nexus ( this is really the claimant's responsibility) that a C & P was done improperly or by someone with no expertise to adequately do it. One more reason...secondaries even if absolutely obvious, need a strong C & P opinion but many of those claims need an opinion from a real doctor.(a non- VA doctor with expertise in the field) Unfortunately C & P exams do not fall under the malpractice regulations. I have fought back vigorously every bogus posthumous C & P exam they ever did on my claims. They knew the veteran could not speak for himself or have input into those C & P exams,because they killed him in 1994 with outrageous piss poor medical care. Pres.Clinton said months before he died that VA was the Best Government- run health care system in the world.My husband almost dropped his 1151 claim when we heard that on TV. Since then the malpractice stats of the VA have gotten much worse. Maybe the medical incompetence has not really gotten worse, but for sure, veterans and their survivors have gotten smarter because of the internet and their ability these days to file and prove malpractice claims, if it has occurred, and their willingness to get an opinion from a real doctor.(IMO/IME) Your Appeal is at the BVA, just no Docket # yet, right. You do have a copy of your husbands C-File? We need to see a redacted copy of the initial Denial and the "Statement of Case." What exactly is your "Evidence of Record?" Many vet's that get caught up in the VA Appeals process, get a negative attitude, right away. They believe that there is a VA conspiracy to Deny and/or limit their Comp Benefits. VA Raters base their Award/Denial Decisions on "Evidence of Record," if the provided Evidence doesn't substantiate the claim, you get a Denial. That's not to say Rater's don't make errors, but a conspiracy (takes more than 1 person) to Deny is hard to believe, these are mid-level VA Employees. What does your VSO say about your Evidence regarding the linkage to CAD or Kidney Disease? Which condition is most likely the causative SC for the Secondary issue? Could you post redacted Dr's Clinician Notes, or other Medical Evidence supporting your claim?
The person that is being charged with murder was "miles" away from where the accident occured. If a police officer gives chase and is not in sight of the vehicle he is chasing, why should the person being chased be charged with murder? He was nowhere near the accident. He did not cause the accident. This was very unfortunate but not the fault of the person fleeing. Unfortunately, the police officer lost control of his car and did so on his own. I understand why the officers and prosecuting attorney would like to blame the person fleeing, that's a natural part of grieving, you assign blame but I believe this charge of murder oversteps the bounds of the prosecuter and that person may be wasting a lot of the towns resources by persuing this charge. If I were an attorney on a TV show, I may even call this prosecutorial misconduct. Post a Comment
Fifty years ago, the month of February was declared National Heart Month by then-president Lyndon B. Johnson. As recently shared in VUMC’s Reporter, the progress made in diagnosing and treating heart disease is remarkable. Patients are living longer, healthier lives thanks to greater awareness, preventative practices, and medical advances. CTTC witnesses many of these new inventions and treatments from their earliest stages of development. One such example is a new, non-invasive and reproducible ultrasound method for assessing right ventricular function. This new diagnostic can demonstrate changes in the time it takes for blood to flow through the right ventricle, which may be a useful factor in identifying a number of cardiopulmonary disorders, including heart failure and pulmonary hypertension, in a cost-effective and timely manner. This technology is currently available for licensing. To learn more, contact Chris Harris.
For some reason, I faced the biggest mental block with the name of this sweater. I even had to refer back to Ravelry just to title my blog post. I made this lil sweater for my nephew, set to arrive this November. I cast on for Trellis first, but the pattern and the yarn didn't vibe very well. After two attempts with different needle sizes, I gave up and cast on for the CPNP. Pattern: Children's Placket-Neck Pullover. Easy to follow and minimal seaming. Will definitely use again. Source: Last Minute Knitted Gifts Yarn: 3.5 skeins Mission Falls 1824 Cotton, Colorway 402. Size: 0-6/6-12. Because of the yarn sub, I followed instructions for the 0-6 version, except for the length measurements, of which I followed the 6-12. The final sweater dimensions are those of the 6-12 month size. Needles: Size 6 Addis. I enjoyed working with the MF Cotton, but will reserve it for projects with an "organic" feel. Its nubby texture workes well for this stockinette sweater, but hides cables and anything that requires sharp stitch definition. I encountered some gauge issues... I started with Size 7 Needles, but the fabric was too thin and "holey" for me. I reknit with Size 6 needles and the resulting fabric is nice and dense, but maybe a touch thicker than I prefer. I'd rather err on the the "too thick" side, so I went with the 6's. Final Verdict: Success! It's a versatile little sweater and because it's cotton, it should transition well through the winter/spring seasons. But for now, this sweater will collect dust while we wait for this baby to get here! With this sweater off the needles, I am officially free to knit just for my baby! (Unless I fall weak and take on other projects...) I already started a new baby sweater set... ...The Pea Pod Baby Set
Here is one very, very brief thought inspired by a friend’s passion for literature in the heat of US Presidential politics. This friend called my attention to the following quotation. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” ― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman Of course, my first thought was of eco-evolutionary dynamics (not partisan politics, as my friend undoubtedly had hoped). To some, the idea that the (sometimes small) evolutionary changes of organisms may alter the environment in ways that matter for ecosystems and, ultimately, for evolution itself may seem unlikely, especially when these changes are compared to large-scale geological processes. And perhaps the majority of species, those studied by reasonable evolutionary biologists, are those that adapt to the world around them. But that leaves the others – the niche constructors, keystone species, foundation species, and ecosystem engineers – as the unreasonable species that change the environments around them (either intentionally or unintentionally). And perhaps it is the unreasonable eco-evolutionary biologists that study them. But if we are to believe Shaw (he is the only person to have ever won both a Nobel prize in literature and an Oscar), all progress depends on these unreasonables. George Bernard Shaw – Nobel prize in literature (1925), Oscar winner for the film Pygmalion (1938), and previously unidentified early adopter of eco-evolutionary thinking.
Booth: Vitali running scared of Haye The two heavyweights have long been linked with a fight, but their camps have failed to strike a deal to put the pair together in the ring. Klitschko claimed last week that Haye passed up the chance to fight him last September, with the Ukrainian instead fighting Manuel Charr. Haye is still seeking a shot at the WBC heavyweight champion, but his trainer Booth believes the Klitschko camp do not want to put their man in the ring with the 'Bermondsey Bomber'. "I would be surprised if Vitali wants to fight David," Booth told Sky Sports News. "I have heard rumours that his coach has said he does not want Vitali to take the fight. "Both brothers have been remarkably quiet recently, but if you look at Vitali's last two performances against Dereck (Chisora), when by the end of the 12th round Dereck was chasing him down, and then there was Manuel Charr and he did not look good against Manuel Charr. "He has slowed down, they know David is quick and that David can whack. "The last thing they want is David Haye knocking out Vitali Klitschko so I would be surprised [if the fight happened]."
August 23rd, 2000, 11:38 PM I have a project where the master table will have 30-100,000 rows. Nightly batch for about 1/20th of the total row count. Light online traffic. Wondering if MySQL will scale this far. I have found a lot of performance numbers, but no indication of scalability. August 24th, 2000, 05:45 AM The TCX guys boast about having DBs with millions of records, so you shouldn't find scalability at this level a problem. August 24th, 2000, 09:40 AM I've used MySql with a table that has 250,000 and, for a while at least, we were transfering the entire table nightly. We had problems, but NOT due to MySql. It sounds like MySql will scale just fine for your project.
I'm a moron when it comes to network issues, or even server issues. But I don't mind looking like a fool and asking questions when I'm anonymous, so I'm asking here rather than with IT people I know. In starting up a new business, I'm going to need a server. We're going to have a few developers who work on PC only, and I want to get a Mac. As a result, most of my sales staff will also have Macs. Yeah, I'm ruthless. Can we run that setup off just an Xserve, or am I going to have to rethink how we'll set this up? Thanks!
Separate names with a comma. Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Bonky, May 17, 2012. That sounds like a sweet deal! Let Velasco win the job. Eugene makes the 2nd highest base salary in the league at Center. This is criminal. well at least that goes away as long as he is not on the team w1, fishface ensured EA got a pretty real big signing bonus too go with that and that accelerates if EA is cut. WOW,c'mon Webster and Reiny goodness surely we can get a better center in here for that kind of money.For what we are paying Eugene at center you mean to tell me we could not get Myers or Koppen or any center better than Amano????? Better yet we are gonna sit on our hands and let this bum play center AGAIN this season? Velasco or one of those other players will beat this guy for the job i have no doubt.I did a double take when i saw he was pretty much the highest paid center in football. I'm pretty sure it was Fisher's intention all along to make the Titans a bad team from 2009. Think about it. Not once but twice he goes 0-6 in two years. The idiot keeps all his friends on the team, doesn't care about being good at all, Chuck Cecil and Donnie Nickey anyone? Hello, Fisher WANTED to suck. On top of that he re-signs Amano who is possibly the dumbest lineman in football. Kept Kerry Collins in commission when it was apparent a 12 year old Vince Young was a better option. And drafted losers like Marks, and Mouton. The man has made dozens of mistakes during his last few years in TN, but the sad part is he thought he was really trying. What a bum. Thank God he's gone. If only he took his sucky players with him when he left.... Amen and i feel the same way.Those fans in St. Louis have no clue what they are in for.Yeah Fisher with the help of that idiot Collins at QB pretty much ran this team into the ground the last couple years he was here.Anyone could see how bad Collins sucked and yet he stll kept him in the lineup.Watch Fisher will have someone replace Bradford at QB by the third or fourth game and i bet it will be Kyle Boller or someone who sucks at QB.If it isn't Boller it will be McCown or someone similar.Get ready for plenty of 8-8 seasons up in St. Louis.Fisher usual run-run-pass offense will get old real quick and those fans are a long long way from the Greatest Show On Turf,lol. Isn't it funny how things end up working out sometimes. What I find funny is how everyone likes to say Vince Young was dumb, he may have been the smartest player in the locker room in 2010, he was the only player to call out Fisher on the bull crap he was pulling. Then that genius named Fisher did the best thing a team could do, he banished Vince Young from the Titans. Who was he expecting to play QB? Rusty Smith? Ha! What a joke. I've woken up smiling every day since we dumped Fisher. I just had a thought, I wonder what you guys think. What about Mike Otto to play center? I know the team/coaches would never do it but IMO he could be our 4th best o-lineman behind Roos, Stewart, and Hutchinson. I know he's a versatile player and can play multiple positions. I wonder if he'd be a good fit there? I like the idea but I remember Coach Munchak sayin that Otto is best at backup T. I think that Matthews and Vlachos have the best chance to beat out Amano at C. I'm praying that Matthews wins the job and becomes a lifetime All-Pro like his daddy. I know that's getting a little ahead of myself but wouldn't it be nice.
Saint and Superhero: Long Walk to Freedom and the Problems With Nelson Mandela OnscreenWeinstein Co. Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom would seem beatific even if its subject, Nelson Mandela, hadn’t succumbed to illness last week. It presents Idris Elba as the hallowed South African freedom fighter, political prisoner, and president. It imagines him as a vision of stoicism, temperance, and wisdom — not a man so much as a tolerant totem. The musical score swells whenever Mandela speaks or stares or sits at a table. It’s overedited, and a generous defense of the handheld camerawork is that it attempts to capture the regional unrest. At two hours and 19 minutes, the film is long and impressionistically thorough. Goopy flashbacks show us Mandela’s village childhood, in which young Nelson’s face (he was born Rolihlahla Mandela in 1918) is done up in war paint. Later, a different flashback shows that paint being washed off, indicating that he has thoroughly renounced even ritualized battle. As a lawyer in 1942 Johannesburg, he’s shown cross-examining an aggrieved white woman who has accused a black woman of theft but can’t continue with the trial because it’s too much, the reality of this educated black man speaking to her as if he were her human equal. Mandela is recruited by the African National Congress and galvanized by the injustices of apartheid. He is tried along with three of his compatriots on charges of trying to overthrow the government, sentenced to life in prison at 44 years old, and released at 71. In between, the movie’s director, Justin Chadwick, and his crew pass the time with a mix of actual news footage and random riot scenes. They put on the obvious songs — yes, Public Enemy’s “Fight the Power.” Occasionally, the film has the smart, audacious idea to juxtapose Mandela’s pacifism with the mounting bellicosity of his second wife, Winnie (Naomie Harris). There are at least a dozen films to be made from Mandela’s life. The one about the ways in which Nelson’s imprisonment radicalized Winnie — and about a particularly perverse type of marital collapse — could be especially strong. The movies have rarely found political equilibrium for these two, two distinct halves perhaps too divergent to restore a whole. He becomes physically unrecognizable to her. She becomes polemically so to him. It’s admirable that Chadwick’s movie allows for even a whiff of that tension. But Winnie’s transition from long-suffering wife to murderous warlord is demonstrated more by the shifting gallery of her hair and attire than by any sort of articulated strategy. The perms, scarves, head wraps, and military fatigues (complete with hat) are shorthand and camp. This was a woman whom the apartheid government deemed extremely dangerous. In the movie, the danger is all costume. Mandela’s concession to the government in the film is put this way: “What they did to Winnie is their only victory over me.” Long Walk to Freedom is a mild improvement over 2011’s Winnie Mandela, which starred Jennifer Hudson and focused on her defiance of the government. Winnie was a worse-made movie but one that managed to argue that her years of harassment only fueled her extremity. Otherwise, the movies have kept Mrs. Mandela devoted and long-suffering when she was a lot more compelling. Mandela, meanwhile, will never be more than a figure of holiness. He presents a chance for an actor to capture his highness and humanity but rarely his humanness. Danny Glover’s portrayal was the first, in HBO’s Mandela from 1987, a movie notable for airing during Mandela’s incarceration and for distilling the politics of the era down to a reconstruction of life between Nelson and Winnie (Alfre Woodard). His release, election, and global sainthood have made depicting Mandela tricky even as the depictions proliferate. The last six years have brought six movie Mandelas, played by Dennis Haysbert (Goodbye Bafana), Clarke Peters (Endgame), Morgan Freeman (Invictus), David Harewood (Mrs. Mandela), Terrence Howard (Winnie Mandela), and now Elba. Freeman’s is the one closest in spirit to President Mandela. Howard’s is the most like Pepé Le Pew. Freeman was nearest to him in age and zeroed in on the pensiveness of his carriage and dryness of his wit. He suggested a man who very much enjoyed being who he was without forgetting who he used to be. He also was made to resemble Mandela, although, ultimately, the only person best equipped facially to play him might have been Muhammad Ali. Long Walk to Freedom, which William Nicholson adapted from Mandela’s autobiography, doesn’t take many risks aside from dipping a toe in Mandela’s sex life before Winnie. (He philandered.) Otherwise, Elba doesn’t have a lot that is dramatic to play. He bears down on the stoicism. But because the film evades the nuances of Mandela’s political shifts and the distinctions between the different styles of freedom fights, there is only one note for any actor to strike. Nor does the movie avail itself of the 28-year discourse Mandela had with his three fellow ANC prisoners, including Walter Sisulu (Tony Kgoroge) and Ahmed Kathrada (Riaad Moosa). A lot of it is boilerplate and blurry. Apartheid isn’t depicted so much as suggested. Even so, it’s refreshing to get an unmediated portrait of Mandela, one that doesn’t feel obligated to find a white angle for the purposes of commerce. The Weinstein Company is the film’s distributor, and it’s another striking release from a company that has spent the year committed to films about black men and black life (Fruitvale Station and Lee Daniels’s The Butler came out in the summer). Topping Mandela’s own book or Mandela: The Living Legend, the chillingly patient two-part BBC documentary, perfectly narrated by David Dimbleby, would be hard. This film doesn’t get close. Better than any fictionalized movie, outside of the films of Neill Blomkamp, the BBC documentary gets at the sheer science fiction of apartheid with Mandela as its most famous protagonist. If Elba doesn’t take many actorly chances, he does contribute something new to the Mandela legend: his physique. This Mandela is big and strapping and movie-star handsome. Whether he’s chopping rocks in the prison yard or seated in a yard covered in implausible old-age makeup, Elba’s own carriage manages to literalize Mandela’s inner fortitude. He seems like a political leader, sure. But Elba also makes him look like a superhero.
A daily glance inside the numbers from the world of sports: Major League Baseball • The Mets rallied from a 6-2 deficit to defeat the Brewers on Tuesday. That snapped a streak of 146 losses in games in which the Mets trailed by four or more runs, the longest such streak in National League history. The major-league record of 178 losses was set by the Washington Senators from 1906 to 1910. The Senators' streak ended in the 1911 season opener, when they overcame a 4-0 deficit to beat the Red Sox and their ace, Smoky Joe Wood, 8-5. President William H. Taft threw out the first ball that day, just a year after he inaugurated the custom. • Mike Piazza drove in the winning run for the Mets with a pinch-hit walk on four pitches by Julio Santana. It was the third time this season that a game ended on a four-pitch walk -- one more than occurred during the four previous seasons combined. The others were by Xavier Nady off Rick White (April 7) and Andruw Jones off Luis Ayala (July 26).
Signed as a free agent by the Islanders on July 6, 2009. Signed a one-year contract extension with the Islanders on July 27, 2010. Agreed to a three-year contract extension with the Islanders on Jan. 27, 2011. Selected by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the ninth round (263rd overall) of the 2003 National Hockey League Entry Draft...Signed as a free agent by the Los Angeles Kings on September 1, 2006. Led the Islanders in assists (29), placed second in points (44) and third in goals (15) during his fourth season with the team...Tied for seventh in the NHL and placed second on the team in power-play goals (8)...Had 13 multi-point games, including a season-high four- point effort (1g/3a) on Feb. 16 vs. New Jersey...Scored the 100th goal of his Islanders career on Jan. 27 at Winnipeg...Had a three-game point streak (2g/3a) from Jan. 27-31...Scored his 200th NHL point (assist) on Feb. 23 at Buffalo...Had a five-game assist streak (5a) from Mar. 9-19...Appeared in his 300th NHL game on Mar. 9...Missed the first game of his Islanders career and saw his consecutive games-played streak come to an end on Apr. 6 vs. Tampa Bay, when he was scratched with the flu. His 284 game streak is the third longest in Islanders history (Billy Harris - 576, Bob Nystrom - 301). 2011-12: Established career highs in goals (36), assists (33) and points (69) in 82 games during his third season with the Islanders and sixth professional campaign...Finished 10th in the NHL in goals...Eclipsed the 30-goal mark for the third-straight season, becoming the first Islander to do so since Ziggy Palffy (1995-96 to 1997-98)...Appeared in all 82 games for the third-straight year, extending his consecutive games-played streak to 246, which ranks fourth in Islanders history...Placed second on the team in Three Star voting with 11 total selections (two First Star selections)...Finished second on the team in power-play scoring with 24 points (14g/10a)... Tied for third in the league with 14 power-play goals...Led the NHL with 12 “first goals” and tied for second in the league with 23 road goals...Went 2-for-4 in shootout attempts, netting one game-deciding goal...Recorded 17 multi-point games, including one four-point effort and three three-point performances...Had a team season-high five-game goal streak (8g) from Nov. 26 - Dec. 6 and a personal season-best six-game point streak (8g/3a) from Nov. 26 - Dec. 8...Netted his first career four-goal game on Dec. 3 at Dallas...Named the NHL’s First Star of the Week (6g/1a) for the period ending Dec. 4...Scored his 100th career goal on Mar. 24 at Tampa Bay. 2010-11: Recorded 53 points (31g/22a), marking his second-straight 30-goal season in his second year with the Islanders...Finished second on the team in goals and tied for second in points...Skated in all 82 games for the second-straight season...Tied for the team lead with nine power-play goals, tied for second with three game-winning goals and finished second with 237 shots...Had 12 multi-point games, including a trio of three-point efforts...Recorded his first career three-assist game on Jan. 15 vs. Buffalo...Scored two goals against his brother-in-law (J. Quick) on Feb. 19 vs. Los Angeles...Scored his second NHL hat trick on Feb. 21 vs. Florida...Recorded his 100th NHL point on Feb. 22 at Toronto, extending his point streak to four games (6g/1a)...Scored his 30th goal of the season on Mar. 15 at NY Rangers. 2009-10: Scored 30 goals and 18 assists for 48 points during his first full NHL season with the Islanders and fourth professional campaign...Led the team in goals...Was one of three Islanders to play in all 82 games (Streit & Tavares)...Ranked 24th in the NHL and first on the Islanders in game-winning goals with five...Scored his first career goal as an Islander on Oct. 8 at Ottawa...Went on a four-game goal-scoring streak from Oct. 12-21 (4g)...Recorded his first-career hat trick on Dec. 3 at Atlanta (including the game-winner). It was the first “natural hat trick” by an Islander since Jason Blake (Dec. 19, 2006 at NY Rangers)...Eclipsed the 20-goal mark for the first time in his career on Jan. 28 at Carolina...Played in his 100th NHL game on Mar. 19 at Anaheim...Finished the season on a three-game goal-scoring streak (3g)...Reached the 30-goal mark for the first time in his career on Apr. 11 vs. Pittsburgh. 2008-09: Had one point (1g) and two penalty minutes in seven games with Los Angeles, while also netting 47 points (21g/26a) and 35 penalty minutes in 54 games with the Manchester Monarchs (American Hockey League)...Led Manchester in goals (21) and power-play goals (11)...Ranked third on Manchester in points and fourth with 26 assists...His lone goal for Los Angeles was the game-winner on Oct. 14 vs. Anaheim. 2007-08: Recorded nine points (5g/4a) and four penalty minutes in 22 games as a rookie with Los Angeles...Became the 16th player in Kings history to score in his NHL debut on Nov. 2 at San Jose...Recorded his first-career NHL assist on Nov. 15 vs. Anaheim...Scored in two straight games on Jan. 29 at Philadelphia and Jan. 31 at NY Islanders...Was recalled from Manchester four times during the season...With Manchester, recorded 56 points (28g/28a) and 29 penalty minutes in 57 games...His 28 goals were second on Manchester, while his 14 power-play goals ranked third on the team...Also appeared in four Calder Cup Playoff games with Manchester, recording two points (2g/0a) and four penalty minutes. 2006-07: Led Manchester with 77 games played, 25 goals and a plus-26 rating...Tied for the team lead with 57 points, 11 power-play goals and two short-handed goals...Finished second on the club with 32 assists...Recorded five points (2g/3a) in 16 post season games with Manchester, which advanced to the AHL’s Eastern Conference Finals. 2005-06: Appeared in 35 games as a senior at Cornell University and led his team with 18 goals and 38 points. It was the third consecutive season that he led Cornell in goals and points...Also led his club with 11 power-play goals and four game-winning goals...Served as team Captain...Finished his four-year tenure at Cornell with 138 points (71g/67a) in 134 games. 2004-05: Appeared in 34 games with Cornell and led his team with 22 goals and 42 points...His 20 assists ranked second on the team...Also led the club with 12 power-play goals and was tied for second with four game-winning goals. 2003-04: Appeared in 32 games as a sophomore at Cornell and led the team with 18 goals and 35 points...His 17 assists were second on the team...Also led the club with four game-winning goals and was tied for first with six power-play goals. 2002-03: Appeared in 33 games at Cornell as a freshman, notching 23 points (13g/10a)...His 13 goals were tied for second on the club, while his 23 points, 13 goals and four power-play goals led all Cornell freshmen. 2001-02: Appeared in 42 games with Guelph of the Mid-Western Junior B Hockey League and notched 102 points (56g/46a) and 80 penalty minutes...His 56 goals and 102 points were both second-most in the league...Named MWJHL Co-MVP with Cambridge’s Aran Myers. 2013: Made his Stanley Cup Playoffs debut, scoring three points (2g/1a) in six games during the Islanders’ Eastern Conference Quarterfinals against Pittsburgh.
Patriots cornerbacks coach Josh Boyer: ‘You can’t play with panic’ |11.01.12 at 11:18 am ET| FOXBORO — Patriots cornerbacks coach Josh Boyer acknowledged Thursday that there were some ‘some technique things’ that the New England corners can improve on, but added that the group is ‘working on the individual things that they can do to get better.’ ‘There are some technique things that we can improve on,’ Boyer said before practice on Thursday. ‘A lot of times, it’s different with different guys — maybe one guy is struggling with something and another guy is struggling with something else. Maybe there are some things that we can do structurally to help that. Those are all things that we take into consideration every week going into the game. Those guys are working on the individual things that they can do to get better. ‘Again, being younger, a lot of the experience those guys get, it helps them. They understand things a little bit better, they see the game a little bit better, they understand the film study a little bit better. Those things will help them improve as we move forward.’ The New England secondary has come under fire this season ‘ the Patriots are in the bottom five in almost major category in pass defense, including a league-low 42 pass plays of 20 yards or more. Boyer, in his first season as cornerbacks coach on Head Coach Bill Belichick‘s staff after three seasons as defensive backs coach, said Thursday that one of the things that’s constantly preached to the defensive backs is that they have to ‘play with patience. You can’t play with panic.’ ‘The most important play is the next play,’ Boyer said. ‘Whether the play that happens is good, bad or indifferent, you need to move on and play the next play — which is again, the key process of our whole learning process here. It’s just trying to get better with each play, each day. That’s why the bye week is so great. It gives us an opportunity to improve on techniques today and try to get better today and moving forward next week.’ Here are a few other highlights of Boyer’s Q&A with the media on Thursday: On what he’s telling Alfonzo Dennard to help him keep improving: ‘With Alfonzo, there is a long way to go, there are a lot of things to improve on. He doesn’t have a lot of experience in the NFL. Things that we’re doing here are different than what he did at Nebraska so each week he is growing a little bit, he’s getting to see more things. With him, it’s a lot of little things, working on alignments, working on techniques. He’s making the most of some opportunities, he’s doing some good things for us but we have a long way to go. There are a lot of things that we can improve on, too.’ On if he thinks the youth in the secondary has created camaraderie among the players: ‘I think in the back end we have a very close-knit group. I think those guys have a good chemistry together, they work very hard, they’re here all the time, they watch film together, they’re working to improve. There are some good things that we’ve done and there are some things that we need to improve on. I think those guys are all headed in the right direction. I think the key thing for them is that all of them have stayed the course, they understand what we’re trying to do ‘ we’re trying to improve each day, we’re trying to get better on some things. When we have some bumps in the road, they know, ‘OK, we have to try to fix this, we have to make this better.’ Sometimes it’s a matter of, the other team, they have good players, they’ll make plays too. Sometimes we’re technique-sound there, other times it’s, ‘OK, if I just do this little thing here, maybe the result will be a little bit better.’’ On if it’s a point of emphasis to tell the players to tune out the noise and focus on getting better week to week: ‘The thing we talk about is to stay the course, try to improve. I know this is very redundant but that’s how we approach it and that’s how I approach it. We need to get better. Things that we’ve done well, let’s keep doing well and just stay the course and try to get better today. In the end, all that really matters is that we’re improving each week and we’re playing our best ball down the stretch.’ Latest from Bleacher Report - Garoppolo Comments on Opportunity to Start for Patriots - Dion Lewis Injury: Updates on Patriots RB's Recovery from Surgery - Should Patriots Give Brissett Chance to Start Week 1? - Robert Kraft Releases Statement on Brady Not Continuing Deflategate... - Tom Brady Accepts Deflategate Suspension, Won't Appeal to Supreme Court - Excited by Absence of Brady, Pats' Rivals Likely to Be Disappointed Again - Simmons Accuses Stephen A. of Blasting Brady for the NFL
My first impressions are always right. I never regret my decisions. I don't care what people think. Humans lie to ourselves all day long. You know the old saying: fake it 'til you make it. And, as Sue Shellenbarger writes for The Wall Street Journal, self-deception has its benefits. A live-action film based on Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego is in the works, which would be fine if Sandra Bullock was still slated to star. However, now it seems Jennifer Lopez may take the role. So far she's only signed on to produce, but the rumored plan is to drop the incognito geography lessons and turn the… As long as we're creating customized Monopoly boards for everything from Cars 2 to Harley Davidson, we might as well have a version that lets us act out the film The Princess Bride. It's unfortunate that this edition doesn't actually exist, because it would be perfect for challenging your enemies to a battle of wits. This chart details the complex process video game designers use to determine if the villain should be a Russian or a demon. As for the female characters, it's a one, or rather, two-step process. Says Latoya: "Oh great - you can play inside of a vagina, but you can't actually have one on screen." [LazyGamer] Um, this video "game," "Carrie The Caregiver," is supposed to be fun or something. Targeted at kids 6 and up, the point is to "feed, clean and soothe adorable babies." The new version, "Camp Funshine," involves helping campers with birdhouses and S'mores and crap like that. Maybe it's entertaining for little girls,…
In The History of Christian Missions class at Salt Lake Theological Seminary we recently looked at Roman Catholic missions as discussed in Ruth Tucker's book, From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya (Zondervan, 2004). One of the figures we read about and discussed as a class was Boniface, who worked as a missionary in Germany among Pagans in the Middle Ages. Boniface felt that dramatic action was necessary in order to communicate to Pagans at Geismar, and he decided that chopping down a sacred oak tree identified with the Thundergod was an appropriate course of action. Althought the act was defiant, there was a positive outcome in that the Pagans viewed it as a victory of Boniface's God over that of the Pagans. Boniface was encouraged by the reaction of the Pagans and it emboldened him to continue in confrontational fashion among the Pagans, resulting in his destruction of temples, shrines, and sacred stones. As our seminary class discussed Boniface I was asked by a fellow student for my views on his destruction of the sacred symbol of the Pagans, and how this might relate to my call for greater emphasis on missional approaches in the West among emerging spiritualities. I responded by noting that although Boniface continued his ministry in confrontational fashion for some time following this event, he later questioned the validity of this aggressive approach. He later abandoned this approach in favor of building monastic communities which served as mission outposts. Another historical consideration comes from comparison of the approaches of other Roman Catholic missionaries, Raymond Lull and Francis of Assissi, both working among Muslims. Lull engaged in a threefold approach that included apologetics, education, and evangelism. Lull's approach was aggressive, and Tucker notes that although he claimed to reach out to Muslism lovingly, "his message was often very offensive, and may have further embittered the Muslims toward Christianity." By contrast, Francis "proposed that the Muslims should be won by love instead of hate." His approach involved dialogue, relationships, and service. How might these examples from the history of Christian missions inform our missional task in the twenty-first century? And how did I relate these examples to my response to my fellow student? The history of Christian missions provides for us a number of examples from those who have come before us and who have ministered in a variety of differing cultural and historical circumstances. They need to be considered individually and collectively in these differing contexts, and then with appropriate adjustments, application can be made to our own circumstances. I believe that one of the things we can learn from such examples is the need for balance. Contrary to some misunderstandings of my views, I am not opposed to apologetics or confrontation in missions encounters. Boniface provides us with one example that may have been appropriate for his cultural context. However, simply because Boniface was confrontational among Pagans at Geismar does not mean that similar approaches were appropriate at other times in his ministry, or that they should be normative for us. How the should we understand such important historical examples and formulate a strategy and application for the present day? One of my favorite Blogs is that of Ryan Bolger. Ryan is a missiologist who teaches at Fuller Seminary. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak at a conference at Fuller in 2004. Ryan recently posted a discussion on his Blog that mentioned his teaching method in one of his classes. (See the link to Ryan's BolgBlog in the Blog links in the right hand column of my Blog.) Ryan has been teaching a class to folks that include campus ministers. They were interested in learning about evangelism strategy, but rather than teaching principles from church growth or business models, Ryan remembered that the students had recently had classes on culture and worldview. So he had them read through the Old and New Testaments looking specifically at missions texts. He then had then review church history, followed by nineteenth century missions. He then had them reflect on all of this in order to extract certain ideas and patterns. Finally, he encouraged them to make cultural adjustments appropriate for the contexts of their campus ministries, all with an eye toward developing evangelistic "strategy." What does all of this have to do with my discussion of Boniface, and how does it relate to the development of missional strategy? My class discussion, and the study methodology Ryan Bolger urged for his students, reminds me that our study of missions will be a helpful corrective for the church in a twenty-first century postmodern context. We need to engage in fresh reflection on missions in the Old Testament with the missio Dei and the calling of the nation of Israel, and then proceed to see how the early church continued to embody and proclaim the Kingdom message. We must then proceed to reflection on the examples of those who have come before us in the history of Christian missions. From all of this we can then identify certain missional and theological principles that can then be applied (with appropriate cultural modifications) to our own ministry contexts. The insights we can gain from such reflection are applicable not only in missional approaches to emerging spiritualities, but to broader missional considerations in the Western world with the passing of Christendom culture. As Scottish missiologist Andrew Walls noted: "It is now too late to treat Western society as in some sort of decline from Christian standards, to be brought back to church by preaching and persuasion. Modern Western society, taken as a whole, reflects one of the great non-Christian cultures of the world. There is one department of the life of the Western church that spent centuries grappling with non-Christian cultures, and gradually learned something of the process of comprehending, penetrating, exploring, and translating within them. That was the task of the missionary movement." (Andrew Walls, "Western Society Presents a Missionary Challenge," Missiological Education for the Twenty-first Century, ed. Dudley J. Woodberry et. al. [Orbis, 1996])If the Western church is willing to rediscover its missional heritage (and imperative) I believe we will have taken a significan step toward laying the groundwork for both a criteria of methodology, and specific methodologies themselves (although we need to embody being missional as the church rather than to merely implement strategy and methodology). The interface between missiology and theological reflection will enable us to sort through the issues that the experiences of Boniface, Francis and others pose for us today.
Waiting for Superman: New CAJE, Old Battle - Positive Jewish Experiences vs. Engagement with Jewish Texts Source: eJewish Philanthropy The highlight of New CAJE #4 held at Nichols College, just west of Boston, was the debate about the nature of Jewish education for the 21st century. Dr. David Bryfman, Director of the New Center for Collaborative Leadership at the Jewish Education Project in New York, hoped to convince the crowd that the individual experience of a child, at the center of Jewish education, is best served with “positive Jewish experiences”. Rabbi Danny Lehmann, President of Hebrew College of Boston took the position that positive experiences are not a substitute for engagement with Jewish texts, which is at the center of Judaism. Rabbi Lehmann is right that we have to look to our own library and grind our teeth in pursuit of these answers, and Dr. Bryfman is right in our need to create laboratories, a term I borrow from Dewey, where Jewish students can have Jewish experiences that make them want to be members of the tribe, and both of them are wrong if they think that theirs should be the dominant paradigm of our religious schools. There are, however, other paradigms in Judaism. Seventy faces of Torah is a three dimensional paradigm. It recognizes the limitations of spectrums of thought. Seventy faces of Torah is why we need more organizations like New CAJE because Jewish educators need to come together and discuss our challenges and constantly brainstorm their solutions and share what works and what doesn’t. This is why I went to New CAJE, not for the heavyweights and their rumbles, not to make choices between mitnagdim and Hassidim, but to be in the company of my peers and colleagues and to face the challenges of the 21st century without waiting for Superman. Read the entire article at eJewish Philanthropy.
Monday, June 22, 2009 It's Time To Party! It’s party time at our house. June is full of birthdays (5), Father’s Day, and end of year activities, not to mention an anniversary. So it seems like there is always a party to have or a party to attend. This weekend there were two parties to attend and one big party to host. We celebrated my youngest son’s birthday with a feast of the Knights of the Oblong Table, complete with scooter jousting, Hippity-Hop Ball duels, and a full fledge battle involving pool noodles and cardboard castles. By the end of the evening, everyone was stuffed with artificially flavored and colored treats, exhausted from hippity-hopping on our hills, filthy from head to toe, and maybe a little sore after the rigors of battle. Good party. I’m just glad it’s over for a few weeks, then on to the annual Fourth of July Barbeque. Admittedly, it’s very hard to have an organic party. I don’t even try to substitute on the treats. I take the kid-to-be-honored to the store, walk down the snack aisle and let them have at it. But I also served watermelon and cantaloupe balls served in a watermelon half (presentation is everything when you want kids to eat something healthy). The punch was made from organic juices. Carrot sticks and dip, strawberries, and orange slices are other offerings that can tempt the junior palate, especially after a rousing hippity hop battle. My advice to those of you trying to serve healthy food at kids parties is to split the difference. Let them have the snacks they beg for all year long, but counter that with some great looking healthy options. The kids at our feast yesterday pigged out on the watermelon balls. I gave them toothpicks to eat with and they loved it. We served the watermelon, cantaloupe, and carrots before we brought out the chips and pizza. When it comes to getting them to eat healthy, you just need a good plan. It worked because after eating all the fruit, seven kids only made a dent in the Doritos bag. Their bellies were full with fiber rich fruit. Here’s a couple other ideas for keeping parties kid-friendly, semi-organic, and healthy: 1. Buy a huge set of plastic plates with dividers, bowls, and cups. We bought our sets at Wal-Mart in blue, yellow, pink, and green. They only cost $1 for 10, so we now have service for 80 if necessary and I always have a color to match the theme of whatever party we’re throwing, whether it’s a pink princess party (yellow and pink) or a race car party (blue and green). This weekend my little knight chose blue and yellow as his kingdom’s colors. No one misses the theme decorated paper plates that cost $4.50 for 8. Plus it’s much nicer to eat on plastic than paper. We’ve discovered that we can even wash our plasticware in the dishwasher if we set it on the “fine china” setting and use “energy-saver dry”. I know I’ve saved lots of money on unbought paper goods, plus this is much better for the environment. 2. We did the same thing with utensils. We found cheap utensils again at Wal-Mart at just $1 for eight and bought service for 40 for $5. These utensils also get packed in kids’ lunches when necessary since Mom won’t freak out if they slip up and toss them in the trash barrel. 3. Have your party at home. I know it seems easier to go to Chuck-E-Cheese, but it’s definitely more expensive and much harder to truly celebrate your kid. Sure the big mouse sings to them, but after that the kids are scattered all over celebrating the token-bound games and might not even see your kid until the end when their parent forces them to track you down to say thank you. Consider having a smaller party at your house – there are endless ideas to be found on the internet. Winter birthday can be harder, but get creative and keep the numbers down. No one needs that many presents anyway. Or ask a relative with a bigger house to host the party. Just like presents - it's the thought that counts. You don't need to blow the bank on a birthday party for a six year old. Keep it simple and get creative. 4. You don’t need prizes. I have never given prizes at birthday parties and kids don’t miss them. It’s just fun to play the games. We almost always have a piñata so they go home with candy no matter what. Prizes seem to make one kid happy, but other kids sad. Best to skip the cost and stress altogether. 5. Give a real gift instead of a goodie bag full of junk. In the end you spend nearly $4 or $5 on each bag of junk, so instead of a bag full of made-in-China plastic crap, pick out something nice the kids can take home. We’ve given away Beach Balls (let all the kids sign them), shovel and pail (decorate the pail), Flashlights (bonfire party), and this time – pool noodles (after being utilized as swords). None of those gifts cost more than $2 or $3, so I saved money and the kids had something useful to take home. If you need an idea, go to the dollar store – you’ll find something. 6. The younger the kids are the more planned activities you need. Once they get older (say 7), you need to build in some free play too, but when they are young remember the best defense is a good offense and have a plan with more activities than you think you’ll need. There are a lot of people with too much time on their hands posting a gazillion birthday party ideas, games, cakes, and themes on line. Just google "kids birthday party ideas" - you'll find more than you need (and be amazed and grateful that people actually post this stuff!). 7. Take a picture of each guest (actually take 2 or 3 because someone’s always got their eyes closed or their finger up their nose) and use the picture to make a thank you note. I take random pictures throughout the party, plus the classic pony ride picture, but then when it’s time to open presents I sit the giver next to the birthday boy and take a picture of them together as the present is opened. Not only does it give me another potential picture for the thank you note, it also gives me a record of what each kid gave the birthday boy which is critical information when writing thank you notes. 8. Now this one might make you groan, but hear me out. Bake your kid’s birthday cake. I don’t have to say you’ll save money, that’s obvious by the price of decorated cakes these days. And I probably don’t have to tell you that homemade cakes are WAY, WAY, WAY better tasting than store bought cake. And you can probably figure out for yourself that if you bake it yourself you can use some organic ingredients. No, the real reason to bake a cake for your kid instead of buying one is that it’s a gift. When my husband asks me why I’m once again spending too much time trying to figure out how to craft a cake that resembles a race car or Tinkerbell or a s’more, I tell him, “This is my gift to them. I make their cake. I make exactly what they wanted.” Sometimes the birthday child has a vision or even a picture of the cake they want which can be helpful or not. Expectations are hard to live up to. But no matter what they know I’m going to try my best to make them a really special cake and that means a lot. As they get older they like to help me and so the cakes don’t always turn out the way I planned, but they taste great and in my child’s mind at least they are perfect. When I was cleaning up the feast in preparation for the piñata and the kids were outside having a loud game of capture the castle supervised by my kid-at-heart hubby, my mom commented that I was really good to give my kids all these parties. She said that she let me and my brothers have a party every other year. I only remember one or two parties, but they are good memories. So maybe I’m over the top with the parties for my kids. I just love the opportunity to celebrate them each year. You can never say – “you’re special and I’m glad you were born” too many times or in too many ways. So I’ll keep throwing these crazy parties and making incredible, by-request cakes, because by doing that not only am I making it clear how much I love these kids, I’m making memories. And someday when they’re negotiating the birthday party plan with their own spouse, they’ll say, “My mom used to throw the best birthday parties…”
Can't Get Enough Black Cock (M+/F, ir, size, preg, cuck) by Kysa Braswell and Hank Kysa squealed in disappointment, but it was quickly followed by a wail as incredibly long and powerful jets of his sperm began to jet inside her still gaping sex. I counted at least 15 good strong jets. Ray grunted loudly with each jet, and I could hear the hollow, wet splats as his seed struck the back of her vagina, and began to fill it up. I came home one evening and found Kysa in bed with another man... As I travel frequently, I was scheduled for yet another week out of town. I kissed my wife good-bye and headed for the airport. Two hours later as I was about to board the plane, I received a page canceling my trip. I returned to my home at nearly 10p. In the driveway was a strange car. Something about the situation made me suspicious. I drove around the corner and parked my car at the house behind ours, which was abandoned. The neighborhood is fairly wooded, and the houses spread apart by a good distance. I snuck up to an illuminated window of our living room and peered inside. What I saw was the back of my wife, who was lying on top of a man on the sofa. She was wearing a short dress that I had not ever seen her wear that was pushed up to her waist as she made out with the stranger. A huge black man! I watched as the man kneaded her ass through her pantyhose and his hands roamed freely over the length of her body. He finally dipped his hands underneath her hose to cup both cheeks of her ass and pull her crotch to his groin. My own cock rose to attention as I observed the two embrace passionately. Kysa nuzzled against his neck as he continued to explore. Her hands too began to explore as they reached between the two of them in an obvious attempt to reach for his stiff dick. The sounds of the night seemed to still, and I could hear Kysa's moans through the closed window. Staring harder I could see his hands had made their way to her womanhood. My own dick ached for relief, which I offered by releasing it from my pants. I couldn't help but stroke myself as I watched the two writhe in each other's arms. After several moments, Kysa pushed herself off the stranger and performed a slow striptease, removing all of her clothing for both pairs of eyes that were watching her. Once undressed she turned her ass towards the man allowing his fingers to explore her body once again, this time unobstructed. Kysa expertly undid his pants and pushed them down his legs in an effort to get to his cock. When it was released I was amazed at the size of him. Even from my distance he looked huge with at least ten inches of manhood. I felt extremely small in my own hands as I stroked my cock and mentally compared the two tools. Kysa lovingly lowered her head to his cock and engulfed as much as she could fit in her mouth. She had sucked my cock only once, and openly admitted she didn't like it. Obviously, she liked his. My cock already gave signs of cumming as I continued to watch and stroke it. Kysa's head bobbed up and down as she coated his ebony dick with her saliva, occasionally brushing her long blonde hair to the side affording me a terrific view. The stranger's fingers continued to massage and poke at her vagina, occasionally causing her to pause in pleasure. Just as I was about to come, she finally slowed and turned to impale herself with her lover's dick. Kysa tore at his shirt as she slowly lowered herself onto his monstrous dick. She seemed to move in slow motion as if she were in immense pain, but looking at her face from the side as I was doing, one knew it was not pain, but rather extreme pleasure. It was obvious that no other man had ever stretched Kysa like this; it was as if her virginity was being retaken. Kysa's lover let her mount him slowly at first until she finally embedded his dick to the hilt raising his ass off the sofa in the process and causing her to moan aloud again. Again the moan reached my ears, electrifying my cock and causing it to explode in release against the side of the house. Apparently Kysa's lover had other intentions of how he wanted to fuck Kysa as he pushed her up off the sofa and guided her to the end, where he bent her over the edge allowing her head to rest on the cushions. After kissing her passionately, he positioned himself behind her and pointed his dick towards her open pussy. From this angle I realized his cock was even larger than I had first guessed. The stranger filled Kysa's cunt in one thrust causing her to wail. His pleasure too was evident on his face, but my gaze returned quickly to my wife's pussy, which eagerly accepted each thrust of his pelvis. My own cock still retained its rigidity, and I couldn't remove my gaze from the scene in the living room. Kysa and her lover continued to fuck for another 30 minutes before I heard her wail in orgasm, and I watched as his buttocks contract as he delivered his first load of seed within her womb. His contractions continued for what seemed like eternity, and I watched his cock take on a creamy shine as it moved in and out of her. Kysa and her lover were just coming down from their high as I let go of another load of cum against the side of the house. They embraced passionately, and then Kysa took her lover's hand, helped him out of his remaining clothes, and led him to the bedroom. I watched, as the bedroom light was switched on and pulled my own pants up to walk towards the bedroom window. Upon getting there I found there was no view but I could hear their laughter and then the sounds of their renewed lovemaking. Disappointed that I couldn't continue to watch, I made my way to my car, watched the house for nearly another hour, and finally resolved to check into a nearby motel. I lay in the bed and came a third time reliving what I had witnessed. At about 4:00 a.m. I decided to drive by the house again discovered the car still there, but the bedroom light out. I could only imagine that they would fuck one another again sometime before Kysa had to be at work in the morning and perhaps again tomorrow night. This time I'd be prepared, now that I had a week that Kysa didn't know about! I stopped the car just down the street, made my way round the side of the house, and stood in the garden with my ear pressed against the window. I could hear Kysa moaning "Oh my God, Oh my God" and the hollow wet splattering sound of two bodies hitting hard. There was no sound from him at all, just Kysa's wails and the wet body sounds. My cock was ready to shatter as I stood there freezing in the garden. How long this continued I can't really recall, but it seemed forever. How long could this apparent sexual superman keep going without cumming? From time to time, Kysa's shrieking would increase in volume, the splattering sounds would grow louder and slower until they would stop for maybe a minute, and then slowly start again. Surely he wasn't coming and then recharging again without unhooking? I felt a shiver of apprehension run through me as I listened to my wife's pleading. Though I knew she loved me dearly, she sounded totally enraptured by this new man and his oversized cock. I finally made my way back to the motel trembling with excitement seeing the images of my wife fucking and hearing her passionate moans. Incredibly, I was less jealous than I was overcome with a tremendous amount of sexual desire. I lay in the bed and planned how I'd try to watch Kysa again that evening. In the morning I rented a car so that she would not spot me. I sneaked into our house in the middle of the day and grabbed my 35-mm camera. I couldn't look anywhere and not relive the past evening, from the unmade bed to the sofa. I imagined that I could still smell the aroma of the two lovers' sexual pleasure. I fixed the bedroom curtain so that I wouldn't be denied a view again. I went back to the hotel and waited for evening to arrive, trying to catch a little sleep knowing that I probably wouldn't get much tonight! I did wonder if last night was a one-night affair and that perhaps tonight she wouldn't take a lover to her bed. I quickly discounted that given the lust I'd seen in her eyes the previous night! At 9:00 p.m., I was parked at the house behind ours and called Kysa from my cellular phone (it was a routine we had when I left town). As soon as I hung up from her, I again sneaked up to the house and peered in the bedroom window. This time I saw Kysa coming out of the shower and preparing to dress. I admired her naked beauty as she dressed and even snapped several pictures of her! I watched, as she put on an incredibly sexy red dress that was very low cut and extremely short. She appeared to be pleased with her appearance as she observed herself in the mirror. I then realized that she was going out as she grabbed her purse. I went back to my car and watched her leave in her car. I followed Kysa at a safe distance, and we drove for about ten miles before she pulled into a local dance club. The club, thank goodness, was quite large as my mind raced for how I was going to watch her within. I parked my car and slid down in the seat to watch her get out of her car and strut her body as she entered the establishment. Heads turned in the parking lot as she crossed the pavement. I gave Kysa about ten minutes before entering the club myself. As I entered the club, my eyes did a quick scan, and I quickly moved to a darker corner of the place to be unobserved. It didn't take much to spot Kysa. She was already on the dance floor with the same man I had seen at the house last night. They were dancing a slow song, and his hands were roaming her body as they did last night, causing her dress to expose herself to quite a few interested spectators. A bartender started to serve me a drink but noted that my interest was in the couple on the dance floor. He offered that the couple was Kysa and Ray. "She's sort of a regular here, and Ray's the lucky guy this week! She's married to some loser who travels all the time, and when he's out of town, she stops by to find someone that can give her what her husband can't! She's just teasing Ray and the rest of us now. It won't be long, and they'll be on their way to her house. I hear she's a pretty good fuck too!" My cock stirred as this man was referring to my wife as the local slut! The barman looked over at the pair of them again and then he chuckled and looked back at me. I asked him what he was laughing about, and he said, "I went to college with Ray. He had a bit of a reputation back then as a relationship wrecker. He would see it as a challenge to try and pull another guy's girlfriend and see if he could fuck her. I've never known him to fail." The barman went on, "Once he pulled a girl I was really keen on, and she on me. Somehow Ray got into her pants, and, well, the first I knew of it was when I saw her walking funny. It seems Ray had fucked so hard she couldn't sit down for a week. She left me for him soon after that. I reckon Kysa's bitten off more than she can chew this time," he laughed. I took my time sipping my drink, all the time cautious and conscious of the fact that I might be spotted and this whole ruse ruined. I didn't even let the thought enter my mind that my wife might leave me for this man. I told myself that she just wanted a good hard fucking, one that I couldn't give her. But I did want to see her get what she wanted and then some! Perhaps if she got some strange cock once in a while our relationship would last! I couldn't help but watch the flirtatious and outrageous behavior of my wife. She shamelessly flaunted herself to everyone in the club and allowed her date to explore her body by moving his hands between her legs at the table or under the top of her dress that draped open if she bent over far enough to expose her braless 36D tits. When it appeared that Kysa and Ray had enough preliminaries, I quickly made my way out of the club and back to our house. I didn't want to miss any of their conjugal courting. I arrived at the abandoned house and sneaked up to my hiding place outside the living room in time to see Kysa pull up in her car and Ray follow in his. They quickly moved through the front door and soon became passionately entangled at the foyer. I watched as Ray lifted Kysa's leg to wrap it around his waist and ground his crotch against her. My cock was already hard! Kysa threw both legs around Ray and they dry humped one another moving through the hallway. Instead of stopping in the living room though, they continued directly to the bedroom! I had to change my plans quickly and move to the bedroom window. I was thankful that I had prepared this window earlier. Not only did I move the curtain slightly but also I made sure that it was barely open so that I could hear from within! Kysa and her new boyfriend did not immediately enter the bedroom and I panicked thinking that I was not going to watch tonight's show. I frantically tried to peer through other windows for a good vantage point to no avail. Making my back to the bedroom window I thought I heard a soft groan. I watched through the curtain as they walked into the bedroom. I swear she looked out the window and froze thinking that she could see me. He put his arms around Kysa, but then to my surprise she started to fend him off. "Ray," she said pleadingly, "This feels so right even though I'm married. I love my husband, and we're trying to have children. I've stopped taking The Pill, but I'm not sure I can have a BLACK baby. It would be too hard on the child, my marriage, and society itself does not receive mixed-race children kindly." Ray just looked at her and said, "It's a bit late for than now, Babe. What about last night's little dose? I must have shot a quart inside you." Kysa fell silent with a worried look on her face. It seemed now that Kysa had seen me and my presence was known! Now I was sure. Kysa whispered something into her lover's ear, and he turned briefly to look out the window and quickly returned to what had him preoccupied. What happened next stunned me. Ray walked over to the window, pulled open the curtain, and looked straight at me. "You'd better come inside," he said sharply. I couldn't think of anything to say. I heard Kysa gasp in bewilderment, and then I walked to the back door and down the hall into the bedroom. He motioned me to the chair in the corner and told me to sit down and shut up. Kysa's face glowed scarlet with both bewilderment and embarrassment. Kysa stood by the bed, and Ray walked over to her and asked her how she wanted to do this. She answered by starting to undo the buttons on her blouse, but he stopped her and told her to leave her clothes on. With that he began to take his own clothes off until he was stark naked standing in front of her. Kysa was watching him without saying a word, as if she was looking out of a window or something. It was as he pulled his underwear off that my brain exploded, and I began panicking. What the fuck was going on here? Why was this guy standing naked in front of my wife? What if he had AIDS or some other STD? Kysa wasn't on the pill? What about pregnancy? Did he have a condom? Those concerns hadn't even been in my head last night! I nearly jumped up to tell him to leave, but again something stopped me. I slumped in the chair in the corner of our bedroom. As he pulled his pants off, his flaccid cock unfurled itself and hung like a large bloated salami to the middle of his thighs. Even soft it was longer and fatter than my cock when it was fully erect. I was stunned and began to think back to what the other guy had said in the bar. If Kysa was surprised, she said nothing. He reached out, took her hands, pressed them against his flaccid cock, and then rubbed them slowly around his cock and balls. Kysa's expression didn't change, but allowed him to do this with her hands. When he stopped moving her hands, she didn't continue rubbing; though neither did she try to pull her hands away from his now semi-erect cock. If I thought his cock was big before, I got a much better idea now. From the outside of the house I had estimated it to be about ten inches long. But, now sitting in the same room, it had to be at least that big when it wasn't even standing up straight yet. My cock is just five inches long and 2.5" around and I had always thought it was enough to please Kysa. Kysa has small, elegant hands and wrists, and it looked to all intents and purposes as if she was holding a large salami. How did she ever manage to fit it inside of her last night? When he saw she wasn't going to continue fondling him, Ray raised an eyebrow quizzically as if to say, "So that's how you want to play it?" and let her hands go. Her hands dropped to her side, and he told her to push her panties down to her knees. Calmly she did as he had told her, slipping her skirt up to her waist and then slipping her brief white panties down, leaving them caught around her knees. The scene looked quite bizarre with my slim, short wife standing fully dressed in front of this totally naked guy who towered over her. Kysa then let her arms return to her side, and Ray put her hands on her shoulders and turned her around until her back faced me. Stepping around so he was on the other side, in front of her, he lifted and pushed her skirt up around her waist and slid one of his hands down between her legs. I could see his fingertips massaging her pussy lips from my position behind her. Her legs were still quite close together, so he ordered her to spread her legs slightly. She complied with his order, and with a pounding head, I watched as he slowly slid one long extended finger inside of her body. Still there was no reaction from Kysa, even after three or four minutes of continuous in and out probing by his long finger. Even when he added another long finger after telling her to spread her legs even wider, Kysa didn't show any reaction. I could see his hand working as he slid his fingers deep inside my wife's cunt, pushing them deep inside her, then pulling them right out again. Kysa stood with her hands by her side, looking slightly absurd with her panties round her knees, her skirt around her waist, and her long, slim legs spread about a meter apart, a naked guy finger-fucking her calmly. I could see that his probing fingers had slightly spread her lips open, and that they remained slightly agape when he removed his fingers. The entire time Ray stared at her face intently while Kysa looked back at him as if nothing at all where happening. He leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head away from his to avoid his lips. He pulled his head back and pushed Kysa backward onto the bed. She flopped clumsily back onto her butt, her arms propping her upper body up, her legs splayed, and glared up at him angrily. Without saying a word, he grabbed her feet and then reached down and grabbed her panties and pulled them down over her high-heeled shoes, then, looking at me; he held the gusset of her panties to his nose and sniffed deeply. I saw Kysa flush bright with embarrassment, and then he grinned at me and threw her balled up panties to me. I caught them by instinct and was surprised how damp they were. Ray spun Kysa around like a rag doll and so her head was now hanging over the end of the bed, with her hair hanging to the floor between his knees. He was standing over her, his snake-like cock hanging down heavily and swaying between his legs, just inches above her face. He placed one of his hands on each of her ankles, and pulled her legs up toward her shoulders so her knees were resting on her breasts. Slowly he parted her legs in this position so he could lean forward toward her upraised crotch. Kysa's skirt was still bunched up around her waist, exposing her crotch to him obscenely, though she was still fully clothed apart from her panties that I held in my sweating hand. I held my breath as Ray slowly bent at the knees until his long, heavy cock rested on my wife's tightly closed lips. He sawed his hips around in a circle, and I saw a shiny trail of pre-cum ooze from the eye of his cock and leave a shiny smear over her nose and lips. Still Kysa kept her lips closed. He stopped and told her to open her mouth or he was leaving. I saw Kysa's eyes look for me, and our eyes met, but still she didn't open her mouth. I heard Ray say, "Fuck it - that's it," and he started to straighten, when suddenly I saw her lips part slightly and allow the huge red glistening helmet of his cock slip between them. Ray grinned down at her and said, "That's my girl," and began rotating his hips and thrusting slightly. Kysa didn't mouth at his cock, just merely allowed him to slowly slide the head of his cock in and out of her open mouth. I could see he had begun to harden further, and his cock grew even fatter and longer. That monster had to be at least 11 inches long! I was disappointed at how much of a slut Kysa had become so quickly for this guy. As his cock stiffened he was able to insistently thrust more deeply into Kysa's mouth. I could hear her breathing noisily and deeply through her flared nostrils. As he began to push slowly but firmly deeper into her stretched out, gaping mouth, I could hear her gag occasionally, and see her throat work as she tried to swallow the mixture of her saliva and Ray's pre-cum pooling in her mouth. I could see her saliva shiny wetly on the thick, veined shaft of his cock now, but I could see he wasn't going to get much more than 3 inches of his cock in her mouth - it was just too big! Though Kysa wasn't sucking on his cock, her mouth was now stretched open as wide as she could to minimize the discomfort. I saw Ray spit on his hand, and then lower that hand to Kysa's crotch to massage her pussy with the sticky mess. He repeated this a few more times until her crotch was dripping with his saliva. He massaged her cunt lips firmly, mashing her pubes with his slippery fingers and making her pussy gape open as he pulled and tugged at her lips. Wet sluicing sounds were coming from her crotch. He looked down at Kysa and asked her if she liked the taste of his cock. She didn't acknowledge his question, but I saw her stiffen when he said with a grin, "Baby, just two hours ago that cock you're sucking on was jammed right up another man's wife too. Man, she was so wet it was like taking a bath. The juice was just pouring out of her when she came. You can probably taste her cum on my cock. Sorry, I didn't have time to shower, but you look like you didn't want to wait." As he said this he pressed his cock even deeper into her mouth, and I heard her choke. Just when I was thinking of stopping him from hurting or degrading Kysa any further, he suddenly pulled his gleaming wet cock from my wife's mouth, and spun her round so her butt was now where her head had been on the edge of the bed. He pushed her legs wide apart and well back and asked her if she was ready for the main course. Still Kysa showed no sign of enjoyment at all. I was starting to feel like a real prick for getting us into this obscene situation. Kysa stopped him and insisted he put a condom on, which he did after a moment's consideration. I was relieved that she was reconsidering her decision from last night! Kysa had purchased some extra large 'Mandingo' condoms just in case it came to this. As he peeled it on, it was stretched so tightly over his cock that I could see the massive veins on the underside of his cock pushing through the rubber, which was so transparent as to be almost invisible. He pushed his hips further between her spread legs, until his oversized, bloated penis was resting against my wife's saliva coated crack. He looked over his shoulder and called me over. "Feed my cock into your wife," he ordered. When I hesitated, he said, "Do it or I leave." So with my head pounding, I grasped his penis and positioned the head of it against my wife's pussy. I couldn't get over how thick it was, how heavy it felt, and how incredibly hot it was. Kysa's pussy lips were closed, so I had to insistently rub the large head of his cock against her lips to coax it into the opening. His saliva did the job, and I saw the pink inside of her pussy as the outer lips splayed open. I couldn't see how he was going to get this monster inside her without damaging her, but still I pulled his cock into her until her outer lips rolled inwards with his huge shaft, preventing him from going any further. At this stage the head of his cock was fully inside her but none of the shaft. From between his and her legs I could see that Kysa was biting her lip with a pained look on her face, her eyes screwed tightly shut. He then told me to go and sit back down. Ray then began gently and slowly rotating and thrusting his hips, working his cock at her cunt. Millimeter by millimeter the thick shaft of his cock began to slide into her tightly stretched vagina. Slowly he continued to work away at her, more and more of his length sliding into her, so that now he had about four inches inside her. He increased the length of his strokes - now 6 inches of cock were sliding into Kysa, more and more, inch by inch. I looked at Kysa's face. Still she had her eyes screwed shut, her face showing the pain of his insistent entry. I was beginning to get very concerned for her. His thrusts were long and firm, yet very slow. His cock was moving more easily inside her now as her cunt loosened to admit this unfamiliar cock. Was it my imagination or was there a dull gleam to his thick, red shaft of his cock? Apart from the last and thickest two inches of his cock, he was nearly fully inside her. Her face had now relaxed a little, but her eyes were still shut tightly. For maybe 15 minutes he slowly and steadily pumped in and out of her, with not a sign of reaction from Kysa. I felt a real heel for watching her. My mouth was dry and my head was throbbing, so I went out to the kitchen to get a drink. Upon returning to the bedroom, I thought I heard a soft groan. Looking around the corner of the bedroom door, Kysa was lying on the bed on her back, her legs spread towards the window, with her bum pulled right to the edge of the bed. The guy was leaning over her with his baseball bat-like cock inside her, and he had her legs pushed as wide and as far back as they would go, with her legs hooked over his shoulders. He was slowly feeding his long, thick cock into her to the hilt, and then equally slowly drags it out of her. As he hit the bottom of her cunt, Kysa's mouth would gape in a silent round "O." My heart lurched inside my chest. Never had I seen any sign of the white creamy froth that was literally squirting out of her with his every thrust. I couldn't tear my eyes off the thickness of his cock, covered in a thick viscous cream along its entire length. It was so thick, it had formed a thick ring around the base of his prick, and on every long thrust into Kysa's wet hole, another wave of thick white paste would be pushed to the flared base of his fat cock, to be deposited there with the rest. There was so much of it that it had begun to slither down to coat his heavy bloated balls, and as his ball sack slapped heavily against Kysa's upturned buttocks, the paste was churned into a foamy white mess. What had happened? Where was the rubber he was wearing? I looked up at Kysa and found her looking back at me with a blank expression on her face. As we stared at one another, I was stunned at the change that had come over her. As I watched, I heard her breath start to come in short gasping pants, and a flush spread over her sweating face. Ray didn't alter the speed of his slow measured thrusting, though it was obvious she was coming. He just encouraged her gently, whispering, "Come on honey, cum for me, cum for me, feel that big black cock making you cum, making you a baby for me." Her gasps turned into moans which grew louder with each hollow wet thud as his crotch meshed with hers, her eyes locked on his. I saw her mouth gape wide open as if in surprise as she came, but still he just kept polling slowly away at her. "I'll bet your husband could never make you feel like this!" This guy was obviously a professional. I stood mesmerized. Now that Kysa had cum, Ray now wanted to show us each how he could pound a cunt. He picked up his pace in rapid jackhammer fashion and made sure that the entire length of his cock stretched Kysa's vagina. Kysa now held him tightly, digging her nails into his back and raising her ass off the bed to meet each thrust of his shaft. Perspiration formed on his back and even on Kysa's contorted face a she grunted at the force of each entry of his shaft. Ray pummeled Kysa's cunt and the only sound in the room aside from the moaning and grunts was the sloshing that Kysa's over lubricated vagina emitted as Ray's monstrous cock slammed against Kysa's cervix. My own cock erupted without me even touching it, causing a large wet spot in my trousers as I watched the scene in front of me. Finally, in unison both Ray and Kysa exploded in orgasm. Kysa wailed, and Ray grunted as his buttocks contracted, and he released his sperm into Kysa's wanton belly. It seemed that Ray continued for several minutes in an attempt to deliver as much of his potent baby juice as he could within Kysa. Kysa exclaimed, "Yes, give it all to me," as she milked his cock with her cunt muscles. Both looked up at me as they came down from their shattering orgasms. Ray dismounted my wife and spoke at me with a sharp tongue, "I think you've got some explaining to do to Kysa, WUSS! As for you Kysa, I don't think you'll have to worry about needing another dose of my cock to get you pregnant now! I'm sure all of my potent sperm are swimming for your egg already! But any time you want a good fuck, call me!" With that Ray got up and left the room. I still stood there not knowing what to say or do. Kysa still lay on the bed, her legs splayed open wide. She looked totally depraved, her entire crotch area looking like someone had smeared shaving cream all over it. The bedcover was dark with a wet slimy spot about 12 inches across. Her cunt was splayed open, stretched and swollen. Gobs of pure white thick sperm would occasionally slurp out and slither down to the juncture of her thighs to drop to join the wet pool on the bed. If I hadn't just blown my load inside my pants, I would have jumped right in and fucked her. The sight of Ray's sperm running out of her made my blood boil with desire. Like the barman had said, he had decided to fuck my Kysa, and that was that. "What happened to the condom?" I asked her. "He made me pull it off him while you were out of the room," she replied. She tore her eyes away from mine and I heard her mumble, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, his cock was driving me out of my mind. I've never felt anything like it." Neither of us spoke, and Kysa laid like a limp dishrag on the bed with her head tilted up looking at me. My view was better than any picture I could have gotten from a magazine as my eyes fixed on her gaping pussy oozing spent cum. Suddenly Ray walked back into the room, ignoring me, and pushed Kysa onto her back. With one hand he grabbed one of her ankles and pushed it up over her head and held it there. Her other leg was still splayed open to the other side of the bed. With his other hand he scooped some of Kysa's frothy secretions from around her gaping hole and smeared it along his semi-flaccid length. I was still amazed at its size and thickness, despite it not being fully erect. It flexed and wobbled in a strange manner, as if it had a life of it's own. I watched it grow in length and stiffness as he slowly stroked it almost lovingly. Kysa's breath was coming in short gasps, though he wasn't actually doing anything physically to excite her. He had tapped into her mind. He didn't need to touch her to get her to come. Kysa seemed to know what was coming and began to moan softly as she watched him, her eyes pleading with him silently. I gasped as he moved his hips forward and rubbed the huge helmet of his cock over her splayed open cunt and then slipped the head inside her. I heard Kysa wail loudly and waited for him to start driving into her, but to my surprise he held his hips still, and continued fisting his cock firmly and slowly, his hand and the swollen red shaft smeared and gleaming with my wife's vaginal secretions. Ray had his eyes screwed shut, and I could see his buttocks tighten and begin to quiver. He obviously intended to simply masturbate himself inside her. But he had more surprises in store. Just as I though he was going to blow another load inside her, he stopped his stroking and motioned me over to sit behind Kysa on the bed. "Get your ass over here," Ray ordered. When I got to where he indicated, he continued, "Pull her legs back, far as you can". In hindsight now, I should have killed him there and then, but lust does strange thing to your mind, and I did as he asked, as if in a daze. As I pulled he legs back, he looked at Kysa and said, "You know what to do, Babe," and I watched Kysa crane her body up as far as she could, and begin milking his wet glistening shaft with both hands. He only allowed her to have the fat head of his cock inside her. He was grunting loudly now, Kysa was moaning continuously, the only other sounds being the slick, wet, slithery and clicking sounds of Kysa's hands trying to wring the sperm out of his cock. His breath started to come in short bursts, and then I heard him groan loudly. He quickly pulled his hips back, jerked his cock out of Kysa's open cunt, and slipped one hand behind the head of his cock. As the strength of his spurts diminished, he put the head of his cock back inside her and then locked his eyes on mine. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his, as I saw his body begin a long slow drive forward into Kysa. The sounds that emanated from the junction of his cock and her cunt were loud and obscene. No man should ever have to hear the sounds of another man's cock making his wife's cunt belching trapped air, sperm and female cum. It filled my ears, and my head began to roar. I came in my pants again as I remained locked in his stare, listening to those dreadful, yet incredibly erotic, sounds. I fell backward on the bed, letting go of Kysa's legs, as he jerked himself out of her and walked naked out of the room, chuckling to himself. "Oh God! I knew he was going to do that to me, and I wanted him to! I wanted it! I wanted his massive horse dick and his cum inside me! I don't know if I'll ever be able to explain to you what has come over me adequately. He's the first man I've ever been with who hasn't cared about my pleasure, only his, and I wanted him to use me like he did! To him my cunt was... is purely a depository for his fertile sperm. Given his huge cock and his reputation for fucking, I had to find out what he was like!" Kysa spoke but it was almost as if she wasn't really talking to her husband. There was no sense of remorse as she spoke. Kysa fell back in my arms totally spent. She looked into my eyes, which were roaming her naked wanton flesh. "I love you honey, but I needed a cock like his so badly!" Kysa watched for a reaction on my face, which was still in shock and lust. "Which begs the question, WHY aren't you in Denver like you said you were 3 hours ago and WHAT were you doing peeking through our bedroom window?" I couldn't respond as my mouth had dried. "When I saw you, I was so shocked that I didn't know how to react with Ray. But when you stood there and did nothing, and I could see the lust in your eyes as you watched him fucking me, I knew that I needed to continue and experience the feel of his large cock inside me regardless of the consequences! And you know what those consequences might be, don't you honey? Ray might have made a BABY inside me tonight. How does that make you feel?" My brain was scrambled with thoughts of jealousy, rage, anger, pity, and horniness! "Since you seem to have wanted to watch so desperately, why don't you take close look at my pussy!" Kysa pushed herself out of my arms and pulled my body so that it was lying down between her splayed legs. My chest lay in the pool of cum that coated the sheets, and my face stared at her still pulsating cunt. When she did speak, I noted that her tone was filled with excitement and demanded that I carry out her wishes. "That's it honey, get a close look at how Ray's huge cock stretched me out." Kysa raised her ass off the bed and offered her sloppy pussy to my probing eyes. I inspected every inch of her used hole, watched as cum still trickled out, and ran into the crack of her ass. "Get a good look since you seemed to have wanted to see me fuck Ray tonight! Were you at the window last night too? Did you know I let him fuck me all night long last night? See what a satisfied pussy looks like! Get a closer look! Taste me! That's what you really want, isn't it! You enjoyed seeing me get fucked as much as I enjoyed the feeling Ray's nigger dick stretching your white wife's pussy, didn't you!" Feeling both revolted and excited, I began to lick at her loose and swollen labia, tasting both the slickness of her own secretions and the thick sweet taste of Ray's semen, which continued to stream out of her pussy hole. My mind was in turmoil, one minute feeling ashamed, and the next crazy with lust. Kysa was slowly grinding and rotating her profusely leaking cunt against my nose, mouth, and chin, soaking my face with their juices. In a seemingly constant state of orgasm, I could hear her moaning quietly, "Oh God, I need him again, I need his cock," over and over. One part of me couldn't wait to see it happen again, the other part of me was crushed and deflated. Eventually, exhausted by her constant cumming, Kysa pushed me away, and rolled over, falling asleep almost immediately in a fetal position, her hands cupping her wet and swollen pussy as if trying to hold it closed. I slumped down beside her and crashed into a deep sleep. When I awoke the next day, Kysa was still sleeping. I got up and cleaned up the room. I found her discarded panties on the floor beside the bed. It was slightly stiff and almost crispy with what I realized was the dried remnants of the frothy paste that I had seen Ray elicit from Kysa's pussy. I threw them in the bin, ashamed at my part in last night's madness. I didn't think I could face Kysa, so I went into the garage to work on the car. All day Kysa and I really couldn't talk to each other, staying out of each other's way. In fact it stayed that way all week. We didn't try to have sex at all week. I was feeling shattered and deflated, and I assumed she was feeling pretty guilty too. Kysa's period turned up a few days later. I was elated that somehow Ray had not impregnated her and I noticed she seemed more relaxed and a little happier. I hoped the whole event was behind us. However, Kysa's next "ovulation day" came around and Kysa told me that we would go out that night for a "romantic evening," and try for that baby again. We hadn't had sex since before Ray had fucked her, and she was getting pretty horny to say the least. I had noticed that Kysa became particularly horny when she was ovulating, and now was no exception. When I got home from work, she was dressed in a tight black knit woolen mini dress that hugged every curve. Even the dimple of her belly button showed. I felt my cock stiffen. I asked her where we were going, and she said not to worry; it was a surprise, and it was all arranged. I dressed with the anticipation of sex with my wife. Pre-cum oozed from my dick thinking about how hot she looked in that dress. Still something nagged at my brain. "Don't worry, everything's been arranged." Over the past weeks I'd resolved that while it had definitely been exciting to watch Kysa with another man, it wasn't worth the risk of losing her. Still my cock always became electrified when I relived her words, "Oh God, I need him again, I need his cock," as I lapped at her pussy on that last fateful night! Walking to the car I couldn't help but be impressed with my beautiful wife. The way she strutted in that dress with her air of complete confidence, she just seemed to exude sex! As I watched her sit in the car, I glanced at her legs, and swore she wasn't wearing any underwear under her dress. Driving, I reached out and tried to run my hands up her exposed legs, but she fended me off saying that, "You'll just have to wait a little while longer, honey." I felt rejected but eased my mind with the fact that I'd have my cock buried in her later in the evening and that would make up for everything. Kysa wouldn't talk much about the evening only saying that, "I know you'll enjoy yourself!" Kysa gave directions, and I quickly realized we were headed to the club that I had spied on her in on that fateful night! I started to get a little worried and lightheaded. The feelings of the past weeks again pounded at my brain. Again I was excited but also nauseated! As we pulled into the club, Kysa reached over and kissed me deeply exclaiming, "I love you very much honey. Let's go have some fun tonight!" As we entered the club, Kysa spotted Ray at a table already and took my hand leading the way towards him. Kysa was the first to speak as we got to the table. "I don't think there's any need for introductions, do you Ray?" looking at Ray first and then me. I heard her giggle as she let go of my hand and pressed her body fully up against Ray. "Nah, I think your hubby remembers me! How you doing WIMP, gettin' any lately? Nah, I suppose not!" as he broke into a laughter! My worst fears were realized! I wanted to grab Kysa and bolt us out of there, but something made me want to stay. Besides the way Kysa was molded in his arms, and I could tell she wasn't leaving with me now! Kysa was the one to get us all to sit with her in the middle and noticeably closer to Ray than me. Her body pressed against his and his hands started to roam already up and down her thighs. Ray spoke up, "So do you like the dress I picked out for Kysa?" "Oh I guarantee he likes it, I had to push his hands away in the car several times on the way over here," Kysa responded for me as if I weren't even present. Ray sneered, "Don't worry, you paid for it!" The barman came over to get an order for drinks. It was the same one who served me several weeks ago. I wanted to hide but couldn't. Ray spoke to the barman, "Hey Jeff, we'll have our usual. Oh, and say hello to Kysa's hubby!" Kysa glared a demeaning look at me, "You remember Jeff, don't you honey! He's the guy who served you when you were spying on me!" The barman murmured something like, "I warned you, buddy." Ray continued, "Yeah, Kysa's hubby seems to get a kick out of knowing she's being fucked by other men! Guess he came to the right place, huh Jeff?" Kysa added, "It seems he can't get enough of wanting me to be a slut for a big cock! He collects magazines on the subject and even makes tapes with phone sex operators having them pretend to be me telling of their slutty ways! Ray and I decided to invite my hubby out so he can see just how much of a slut he's married to and how well I handle a big cock!" Kysa reached between Ray's legs, grabbed Rays dick, and exclaimed, "Especially this one. This is the largest piece of cockmeat I've ever had, and we have plans for it tonight, don't we Ray!" The blood drained from my face, my pulse raced, and my skin got clammy. Here was my wife, who kissed me and told me she loved me before we walked in, telling some stranger and her lover about my fetish and things I didn't even know she knew about! "Speaking of magazines," Ray jeered, "Kysa says you like to take pictures of her in the nude, but you're not exactly a good photographer, getting amateurish shots coming out of the shower and the like. Perhaps you'll appreciate the ones I've gotten Kysa to pose for over the past week?" He reached into his coat pocket and removed a couple of envelopes. "Hey Jeff, what do you think?" As the two of them flipped through the photos, Jeff looked at Kysa and let out a low whistle to which she bent her head in proud acknowledgment. After they had gone through the entire stack, Kysa took them and handed them to me with a grin. "Don't come in your pants yet. The evening is still young, honey!" Kysa gave me a peculiar mocking look, "What's the matter, you didn't think I knew about your fantasies? I KNEW, and I've KNOWN for some time now! Look around the room, honey! I've fucked most of the men here! Why do you think I was so relieved to find out that I wasn't pregnant last month? I wouldn't have known who the father was. For all I'd have known, it could have been you! After Ray and I fucked, I knew who I wanted to father our child. Ray's cock fills me more than any man I've ever known! Ever since he fucked me in front of you, I've had to have him. He's had his cock in me ever day since then!" Ray sneered, "We've decided that since you want your wife to be a slut, then she'll be one! Just my slut though! Look at the bright side, she gets all the cock she can handle, you both get the baby you want, and you get to lap at her well-used cunt when we're done! I don't want a wife, I just want to fuck the brains out of your SLUTTY wife. And besides, I don't think your pathetic dick would be much good to her now that her cunt's stretched to fit my cock!" My head reeled as I took in the words they both spat at me. I was revolted and suddenly wanted to leave. "If you leave honey, then I won't ever let you come back, nor will I come back to you! You've made your bed, now you have to lay in it!" She laughed loudly, "What I should have said is Ray and I will lay in it!" reaching down and massaging Ray's cock once again. Kysa glared at me and insisted rather curtly and spitefully, "From now on we're playing by MY rules in this marriage, or we're not playing at all!" Ray cut in and focused on me, "Starting tonight, the only cock Kysa gets is mine! When she finally is pregnant, then it's up to her whether she fucks you, or anyone else for that matter. But until then, you only get to clean up the dregs!" With that Ray took Kysa by the hand and led her towards the dance floor. I sat there wondering how I'd let this situation get so far out of hand. I drank my drink quickly and ordered another. As I watched Ray and Kysa on the dance floor, my cock stirred. He felt her up in front of every body there but made sure that I had the best show in the house as he massaged her ass, making the dress ride to her waist. She was wearing panties, but only the thong style, so I, as well as everyone else, got a terrific view. For her part, Kysa massaged Ray's cock through his pants, and between the two of them practically dry humped on the dance floor. She turned and smiled in my direction as she ground her pelvis against him and then closed her eyes as if she were anticipation of the night to come. Kysa and Ray finished their dance and made their way back to the table I was sitting at. Kysa could see I was feeling a bit shattered and came to sit beside me to console me, but Ray grabbed her hand and jerked her back toward him. "We're going out to the van," he said, and putting his hand on Kysa's firm tight butt, he guided her out to the door. I saw the barman and few of the guys at the bar looking and smirking at the sight of my wife and Ray heading for the door. I sat there nursing my drink until it was gone, telling myself I wouldn't go out to watch them. I tried, but my stiff dick won. I walked to the door hearing chuckles from the others in the bar behind me, and made my way to the car. I could see body movement inside, and peering through the back window, I saw Kysa lying across the back seat, with her legs pulled back so her heels were actually on the roof of the van, with her cunt upturned toward the roof. She was still fully dressed, her woolen knit dress bunched up around her waist, and Ray was crouched over her, one foot on either side of her buttocks like some obscene giant-dicked frog. The van interior light was on, and I could see him simply lifting himself up and down with his thighs, dropping his cock vertically down into Kysa's cunt. He wasn't fully erect and he needed a hand to support his shaft as his cock bent and squirmed as he tried to push it down into her, but already I could see the first half of his dick was starting to shine wetly. I could hear Kysa moaning and sighing through the partially open window and the squeak of the upholstery. I could hear Ray whispering something to her and craned my ears to hear. Finally I could make his words out, "...feel the cock growing inside you, Babe? Can you feel it growing? Can you feel your cunt stretching?" Kysa would groan louder in answer, each time he asked her. My eyes were riveted to Kysa's crotch. Although his cock only semi-soft, it was still more than twice as big as mine was when fully erect. I could see him starting to get firmer now and his cock was starting to push in side her. Wet, soft, clicking noises were coming from Kysa's lubricating cunt. I saw him drop downwards with his hips, so his semi-erect cock bent in half, but then slowly forced it's was into her as her lubrication smeared it's length, though he was still a long way from the size I had seen him last time. As the base of his cock jammed itself up against Kysa's labia, she let out a deep groan. His hips stopped their plunging motion, and he began the tiniest little rotations with his hip. I heard him say, "I'm already much bigger soft than hubby is hard. Now feel my cock grow inside you? Can you feel it Kysa? Can you feel it getting fatter? Can you feel it getting longer, the head pushing deep into the back of your wet cunt? I can feel you getting wetter. Come for me baby, come for me." The words seem to turn Kysa on, and she began whining and trying to drive her hips up and down, but they were pinned down by his weight. For maybe two or three minutes he just kept up his hip rotations. Kysa was wailing loudly, screaming at him "Oh God, oh God, I can feel it, I can feel it. God its so thick and so long!" My brain was boiling again, my dick was ready to pop, but deep inside I was crushed. Suddenly Ray stopped grinding his hips against Kysa's and slowly lifted himself up. Though I had seen it before, I was still both stunned and crestfallen at the size of his penis. As he drew up out of her, there was a deep sucking noise, followed by a wet slithery sound as his cream-smeared and now fully erect cock drew out. Kysa's labia were flared up and outwards, clinging wetly around his shaft, her wet pubic hair matted down to her skin. It seemed to go on forever, his wrist-thick cock sliding out, Kysa screeching. Finally the head slowly came free with a soft erotic plop, and Kysa's sex still gaped open. Ray then dropped his cock back down inside her and began punching his cock full length in and out of my wife. Kysa was in a constant screaming orgasm, he was grunting loudly, and the wet sucking sounds emanating from the van seemed unbearably loud. I watched as Ray continued to drive his monstrous cock into Kysa. Her breathing became quick and shallow and her moans seemed to be never ending. Ray kept chiding her with, "...how big my cock feels stretching your cunt walls versus that pathetic dick hubby has." I couldn't help but think that with the depth that Ray's cock was reaching into Kysa's vagina and the pace that he kept hammering her with and the stamina he had, no wonder Kysa wanted only his cock. Granted he was arrogant, but watching his ability to fuck, it seemed he had the right! The shame I felt was overpowered by the pent-up sexual tension that had built in my loins. I hadn't even touched myself yet my cock was ready to explode! The pre-cum that secreted from my dick had already started to dampen my pants as if I'd had to piss and couldn't find the men's room. Suddenly my cock twitched, and I exploded hot jism into my pants! In one instant the pressure released from my cock and immediately built in my head as my brain realized that I had was still excited at watching another man fuck my precious wife! Moments later I heard Kysa wail and Ray exclaim, "That's it baby, keep coming for me! Now let big Ray come for you! Here it comes baby! All that fertile sperm in my balls wants to get to your egg now! Feel it. Here it comes! Just for you baby! Just what you want! Aaaghhh!" Kysa wailed again, "I feel it! Ah, yes! I feel it splashing against my cervix! Oh God, Ray, give it all to me! Keep cumming deep inside me! Fill me! Don't stop! Keep it cumming! Oh God, I LOVE what your cock does to me!" Then she reached up and pulled his head down to her lips, French-kissing him, saying, "Oh, Ray, I want your nigger baby in my womb, please make me pregnant, please?" Ray let his cock linger in Kysa's womb allowing her to milk the last bit of cum from him. When he did remove himself, I could hear a plopping sound as if air was rushing into a vacuum. Kysa let her legs relax but kept them splayed wide open as if she were allowing Ray to get a pornographic view of her wanton glory hole. Kysa's body still twitched from the last orgasm that shattered her! Ray whispered something to her, and I heard her call out my name. "Okay honey, Ray says you can now get yours! We knew you'd want to watch!" I sheepishly made way from the back of the van as Ray swung the door open. Ray chuckled as he pulled up his pants, "Go get her tiger, but don't be too long about it! I'll want her again, soon!" Ray strutted off towards the club leaving me there to stare at my wife's gaping hole. Kysa stared defiantly at me, "Come on, hon. Here's what you want," spreading her legs yet farther with her hands. She took my hand and pulled it to her wet gash. The thick dregs of Ray's cum were like an oil that lubricates. "Come on, baby. Get a taste of the cum Ray just left for you!" I leaned forward and was hit with the sweetness of fresh cum that dripped out of her cunt. Kysa grabbed my head and pulled my face right into the swampy mess that was left between her labia. Sweet cum and Kysa's own juices were instantly smeared around my face as Kysa tried to pull my face into her womb. "That's it, honey. Eat me out! Just think of all that baby making sperm that's coming out and imagine how much of it you'll never get to eat because it's making it's way deep inside me already! Now all that's gonna stop me from getting pregnant is nature! Oh honey, I can't help myself! I want Ray's cock in me all the time now! What do you think of your SLUT now! You made me like this! YOU wanted me like this! And now I don't want to stop! When you're done cleaning me up, Ray's gonna have me again! And again! And again!" Kysa came again as my tongue swirled around her used orifice. As Kysa calmed from her last orgasm she said to me, "Come on baby, time to get back inside!" I started to clean my face but Kysa stopped me. "No, you're part of the entertainment for the night, honey. Everybody was placing bets as to whether you'd follow us and then want to go down on me! We've got to at least let the winners know who they are! I wonder if anybody bet whether you'd cum in your pants?" she giggled and pointed towards the enlarged spot of my trousers. Kysa took my hand again and led me towards the club. As we walked through the door into the bar, I quickly wiped my face to remove any evidence of my humiliation. My efforts were in vain. As we approached the bar, the barman pushed a beer toward me and said, "I guess you'll be wanting to clear your throat," and gave me a wink and a smirk. I started to stammer an excuse but thought better of it and grabbed the beer and followed Kysa, who was walking over to where Ray was standing. I heard a burst of laughter behind me and heard someone say, "Jesus, will you look at the size of that stain on the back of that broad's skirt? It looks like she's sat in a bucket of cum! Looks like Ray's filled up another one." My draw dropped when I followed his gaze to Kysa's swaying firm buttocks. There was a gleaming wet patch nearly a foot across, obviously caused by her and Ray's combined juices. She seemed totally oblivious as she sat beside Ray. The humiliation was too much for me, and I left the bar to go and wait for Kysa at home, the sound of laughter ringing in my ears. I went straight to bed to try to forget the evening's events and fell into a fitful sleep. I was awakened at 3.30 a.m. by the sound of Ray and Kysa's laughter. I heard them walking up to the front door, but then they fell silent. I lay there in bed wondering what they were doing. Finally it got too much for me, and I went to into the lounge to look out through the bay windows onto the porch. The front light was on, and I could clearly see Kysa squatting on her haunches in front of Ray, her hands behind her back. He had his pants unzipped, and Kysa had the head of his cock in her mouth. She was staring up at his face, with a look of total submission, as Ray slowly stroked the long, thick length of his pole, jerking himself off in a leisurely fashion inside her widely oval lips. I could see Kysa's nostril flaring with each intake of breath. Her hair was sticking to her forehead, slicked wet with sweat and her cheeks were flushed bright red, his cock occasionally bumping into her cheek and distorting her pretty face. I watched as Kysa drained Ray's cock and the cum dribbled out her chin as he exploded in her mouth. She never did get the whole thing in her throat, but obviously she had pleasured Ray! As his monstrous hard-on began to deflate, I watched as Kysa continued to caress his balls. Not wanting to be spotted again, I quickly made my way up to the bed and feigned sleep. I waited there for Kysa to come up, but she took a long time to get there. I realized that I had made a hasty retreat as she was surely being fucked yet again. This time I couldn't watch as she let Ray use her body once again to deposit his fertile sperm. I tossed about at all I had witnessed and the tone she had used when speaking to me about knowing my secret! I felt ashamed that she knew how much I had enjoyed spying on her and how I got excited by the fact that she had been fucking another man! Kysa finally entered the room and flipped on the light switch. I didn't move in hopes that she would think that I indeed had gone to sleep! "Don't try to pretend you're asleep! I know you've watched Ray and me again! Did you masturbate to your pretty bride fornicating with him?" I peeked up at her and noted that she was totally nude. My gaze went immediately to her crotch, and I saw cum dripping from her vagina. Kysa threw back the covers to reveal my hard-on, which she laughed at. "If you ever do get to fuck me again with that thing, I won't even know if you're inside me! Ray's cock has stretched my cunt so that all I ever want now is a large cock that can appreciate my enlarged cunt!" Kysa climbed above my head and lowered her crotch to my face. "Wasn't tonight romantic, honey! Ray's cock made a baby in me this time I'm sure! He's so virile and insatiable and large that I want him inside me all the time!" Kysa ground her cunt all over my face the whole time she was speaking. "Come on, honey. This is the way you can make me cum! Eat my cunt and get every drop of Ray's baby making sperm out of me! You know the only thing protecting me from getting pregnant tonight is nature! I loved having Ray's bare cock inside me! I'm going to let him fuck me every day until he makes me pregnant! Then you'll might get your chance to put your puny dick inside me. That's if you don't cum before you get it in!" With that my cock dribbled it's last cum for the evening. I woke up the next morning with my head pounding. I don't remember much of the next day. It passed in a blur. I can only remember having an erection so hard it hurt, yet I was filled with shame and embarrassment. People spoke to me, and I ignored them. My phone rang unanswered. One part of me wanted the evening to come around quicker; one part of me quivered in fear at what the evening might bring. The day finally drew to a close, and I drove home. I entered the lounge to find Kysa sitting on the couch reading the label on a bottle intently. She looked up and saw me, her face radiant and glowing with excitement. She spoke to me excitedly, "Ray called and told me to go and see a doctor friend of his who specializes in fertility. He's given me these pills to take." She handed me the bottle, and I read the label on the rear, "Use only as directed. When used in the prescribed dosage, the medication will cause the cervix to dilate for a period of approximately one to two hours. An increase in sexual excitement and hypersensitivity of the genitals may be experienced." I looked at Kysa. "Are you sure you want to take this stuff?" I asked, not really believing she would do so. I guess one part of me still thought that she had only been "acting" the part of slut bride, not really wanting to live the part. "I've already taken some," she said with a giggle. I nearly fell over. My mind began to work overtime. What if I took her to bed now, and impregnated her before Ray could enact his plan and ruin our lives? I sat down beside her and began kissing her. She looked at me in surprise, but responded warmly. After 5 or 10 minutes, I picked Kysa up and carried her up to our bedroom, where we undressed one another and began to gently make love on top of the bedspread. Kysa wanted me to go down on her, which I did half-heartily, wanting to get on with my plan for beating Ray to the punch. Kysa was moaning and writhing gently. I eased myself up, slipped between her now widespread and slightly upraised thighs, and inserted myself inside her damp pussy. I began thrusting steadily, working myself toward a quick orgasm, keen to release my seed inside my wife's womb, but I could hardly feel any friction. Kysa's moans had increased, and she was asking me to give her more, almost irritably. I was almost there, panting loudly and feeling my balls starting to tighten, when I heard a chuckle come from behind me that made my cock wilt almost immediately. "Good of you to warm her up for me, fella," Ray's voice rasped, and then he roughly pulled me aside, jerking me out from between my wife's spread thighs. For the first time in my life, I wished that I had cum too quickly. If I had, then my sperm would be implanted in my loving wife now! I would have beaten Ray to the punch and surely have delivered the seed that would be OUR offspring! But now Ray was mounting her. He made no effort to comfort her as I had done, no effort to make her feel as if she were being made love to. Rather I watched as his monstrous cock was beginning to impale Kysa cock purely for his own sexual gratification. Worse yet, she was responding more emphatically to the cock that had now sunk to the hilt in her cunt. Kysa cooed, "Oh God, that's how all cocks should feel inside me! I wish every man could touch me where you're touching me now!" My cock still stood rigid, and I cursed my own manhood for not being able to satisfy Kysa like that. Ray spoke loud enough for me to hear, "I'm more like the kind of man your pussy needs, aren't I Kysa? Tell your husband how you want my cock to make a baby inside you now!" "Oh yes, Ray, fuck me! Shoot your seed inside me! Make a baby for me! Please Ray, cum in me now! I want to feel you bathe my cunt with your juice!" "Not until you tell your husband how much you want me to make your baby! Tell him now while he's watching! He wants to be humiliated like this. Tell him so he knows how much you like to be fucked by a real man while he watches and only imagines! TELL HIM!" Kysa rolled her head to look at me. The look in her eyes told she loved me but couldn't help herself from feeling this way. Her eyes spoke of the pleasure she was experiencing at the end of Ray's cock! Her hips forced back at Ray's torso as he pounded relentlessly within her cunt. I realized from the few short moments that my cock had been inside her that her cunt muscles would probably never be satisfied with the size of my cock again. My heart reached out to tell her that I understood! Kysa moaned between Ray's thrusts and almost apologetically professed, "Oh God, honey, I can't help myself! Ray's cock does things to me that you'd never understand! I need his large cock to make me feel like a woman! I can't help but let him cum inside me! If you knew what it felt like to feel the force of his cum as it shoots in me... Oh Ray, I need you! Fuck me faster and harder and deeeper... AAAAGGHH! Oh God, yes!" Ray started to buck at her and raise her off the bed with each thrust he made. Kysa whimpered and cried tears of joy. Just then I noticed Ray arch his back and stab as deep within Kysa's womb as he could go. Kysa cried aloud, "Oh YES, that's it baby... Oh I can feel you cumming! Yes... yes... AAAGGHHH!" I watched as Ray deposited his seed in my bride, and my gaze went to their joined crotches where I could see sperm being forced out around his massive dick with each subsequent jab into her hole! Ray's hips never stopped pumping! I was waiting for him to stop his thrusting, but he just kept on whacking his cock deep, wet, and hard into the swampy mess of Kysa's crotch. Her eyes sprang wide open in surprise as she too realized he wasn't going to stop. His lips were drawn back, exposing his teeth in a grimace of concentration. A river of sweat ran down his forehead to drip from the tip of his nose, dropping down to mingle with the pool of sweat that was growing between Kysa's breasts. Loud slurping sounds were filling the room as he dragged the huge head of his cock out of my wife, and then relentlessly began its inward plunge again. Ray's cock was still as hard as when he had first thrust himself into Kysa. Kysa was silent, her mouth so wide open in a silent scream that I could see her tonsils. Her lips twitched frantically, but remained wide open, as if sucking on a huge but invisible cock. Her eyes still bulged, and she was snorting in short bursts, her nostrils flaring. It looked as though she was desperately trying to reach another orgasm, but something was preventing her from reaching it. Ray stopped thrusting and merely pushed himself balls deep inside my wife, his balls distorting in their sack as he began a strange rotation of his pelvis. Ray chuckled looking down at Kysa. "Feel that babe?" he questioned her. Kysa seemed incapable of speech, but nodded her head frantically. "I can feel your cervix on the head of my cock." He wriggled his hips from side to side. "Aaahh, that's it," he moaned, closing his eyes and leaning his head back for a moment. "Can you feel your womb opening?" he groaned. "Can you feel it? It's spreading around the head of my cock, like a tight little fist," he said, turning his head to look at me. I could hear a rushing sound in my ears, the sound of blood pounding through my veins. "Yes, that's it, it's in!" he gasped. I thought Kysa was going to have a heart attack, and she howled so loud that the neighbors must have heard! I flicked a nervous glance out of the bedroom window and saw someone looking up at our house through the curtains of the house next door. When I looked back at the depraved scene on the bed, though almost still in up to his balls, Ray was making short little thrusts into Kysa. He looked over at me, with almost a look of pain on his face. "Here it comes, my cock is right up inside her uterus. God it feels good! You've got no idea how good it feels to get your cock truly right up inside a woman," he grunted. I thought surely that Ray would split Kysa wide open! And by the way her face was racked in pleasure/pain, I'm sure Kysa felt that she was being torn. Her moans were coos of pleasure, but the winces were surely from the pain of receiving that massive cock within her womb. At that moment I wanted him to cum! I wanted to take the pain away from Kysa for fear that he might certainly hurt her! But Ray had other plans. "Okay Kysa, now that you know where I'm gonna shoot my next load of cum, let's make sure hubby has a bird's eye view!" As I stood there dumbfounded and still naked with my cock sticking straight out, I watched as Ray ordered her onto her belly. She rolled over slowly, and Ray never allowed her to be free of his cock in the process. Even when I was certain that it would fall out as she maneuvered her body, the stiff iron-like cock with it's massive girth and extended length, stayed rooted inside her birthing canal! Once Kysa had settled down, Ray had her raise her hips allowing about twelve inches of space between the bed and their locked groins. All through the twisting movements, Kysa continued to moan softly as she ground her pelvis to feel Ray's cock massage her vagina from the inside. Ray then looked over at me and spoke abruptly, "Okay, buddy, now it's your turn! Since you're the one that has wanted to see your wife get fucked so much, I want you to get the best seat in the house! Climb under your wife and watch my dick fuck her like she wants to be fucked!" "Put your head down there..." as he pointed to the opening between Kysa and the bed, "and turn your head up so you can see every inch of my cock as it drives your wife crazy with lust!" Kysa had her head laying on the bed facing me with her ass uplifted obscenely to Ray's cock. Her eyes were glazed over with lust, and I don't think she could focus to see me anymore. She looked as though the pain was now gone, and the tiny movements she made with her rotating hips told my eyes that she was ready to accept again the assault that Ray's cock would soon deliver. I wouldn't/couldn't move. Ray snapped "If you don't get under her right now, we're leaving! And trust me buddy, she'll leave gladly with me to get more of my cock! Those pills have made her so horny and open, that the only cock she wants in her right now... the only one that can put out her fire is mine!" I moved slowly to get into position under Kysa and Ray. Kysa raised her hips even more to accommodate my head as I slid it under her. The rest of my body was twisted but exposed along the side of Kysa. My cock was still stiff and seemed to harden even more as the mustiness of their joined crotches hit my nostrils. Cum and sweat and Kysa's own juices were matted in Kysa's pussy hairs and ran down the inside of her thighs. Looking up, I could see her cunt spread abnormally wide to accommodate his massive cock. Ray pulled his cock partially out of Kysa's vagina, and I was amazed at the shiny, whitish coating that enveloped the exposed portion of his cock. Ray spoke in an abrasive tone, "You like that view buddy? Get ready to get wet! When I unload my cum in your pretty wife, she won't be able to hold it all? And then you'll get what you want first hand as it dribbles down to you! Kysa's gonna get what she wants too! Did you know the most probable position for a woman to be in to get pregnant is from the rear! When I open her cervix and shoot my cum into that wanton uterus of hers, she's gonna get the baby she wants, the cock she needs, and you'll get to watch the whole show first hand! Enjoy it buddy! Who knows, I might even let Kysa give you a hand job!" That's the way my life has been since I caught Kysa with another man. I can't say as I like the outcome, but I do get to have sex with Kysa every night now... even if it is only oral sex! Kysa's pregnant now with Ray's child, and I'm hoping to get to fuck her now. I know that I can't make her feel like Ray does nor any of the other men she's been dating since she got pregnant. Especially since her pussy is so stretched out by all the hung guys she fucks. But Kysa says she still loves me and knows I'll never leave her! © Kysa Braswell
Another rush of legislation, taxes, budget, and a host of social agenda items. We've seen this bad movie before. It resulted in Stimulus, and the Christmas Eve Obamacare vote last year. And it appears to be happening again. This lame duck Congress has no political legitimacy to pass anything other than a continuing budget resolution (including defense) to keep the government operating until the new Congress can consider a full budget, and perhaps to straighten out the tax situation since taxes will rise before the new Congress is seated if nothing is done. Much beyond that, Mitch McConnell should be shutting down the Senate. Sweeping social legislation and other non-emergency items should be deferred until the new Congress, rather than having several dozen Congressman and several Senators who have been voted out of or are leaving office decide the fate of such matters. If these social agenda items were such a priority, they could have been brought up months ago, when Congressmen with a political stake in the vote were voting. Mitch McConnell has a chance to earn the trust of the voters who have given him six new votes, and provided him with the backing of an incoming Republican House. Don't blow it. Update: A commenter asks "How can we make sure Senator McConnell gets this message loud and clear?" His Washington office phone number is 202-224-2541, and the e-mail contact form is here. As always, be polite. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Visit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!
Events postponed by bad weather Continued heavy rains and an uncertain but bleak forecast forced the postponement of Fourth of July festivities in Granville Thursday. Village Mayor Jay Niles announced the postponements and new dates just before noon. “I’m looking at the forecast and it looks like rain basically all the way through the day,” Niles said by phone from the village offices. An examination of the weather radar showed despite the occasional break in the rain most of the time for the first of the Summer Concert Series concerts would be dampened by showers with possible thunderstorms for later in the evening when fireworks had been scheduled. Niles said the next scheduled concert, the July 9 New York Players show, would now be followed by fireworks with other events planned for what would now be the opening night of the series taking place in the park. Through a series of phone calls Niles said he also found out the Methodist Church Strawberry Social will also move to July 9. Likewise the Granville Engine & Hose Company chicken barbecue was postponed and will also take place just before the New York Players show. The opening concert, which was slated to be Bobby Dick and the Sundowners, was postponed for the second-straight year and will move from July 2 to Aug. 21, a Friday night. “We wanted to try to put him on a Friday night; we’ll get to have two concerts in that week, so that will be nice,” Niles said. Although there was a chance all or most of the concert could take place, Niles said, he thought it best to reschedule and give everyone a chance to catch this fan favorite. “It just wouldn’t be fair to everyone if just a few people came out to see a half-hour show,” he said. The New York Players bring their energetic show back to Veterans Park July 9, featuring hits including Motown, R & B and everyone’s Top 40 favorites. The band with three lead singers, Wesley James, Tracy Corry and Patrick Stacey, keeps the park crowd jumping. The band has played the concert series for the past four years for some of the largest crowds to fill up the park.
We’re so glad that Spring is finally here, we are giving away some great games to celebrate. You can win the You’ve been Sentenced! word game PLUS six themed add-on decks including Pop Culture, Sports Highlights, Gourmet Cuisine, NASA Space Terminology, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and Brain-Busters! It’s spring. Go play! This prize pack is valued at $75 and if you love to laugh, you’ll love You’ve been Sentenced! Entering with RAFFLECOPTER is easy:
A big piece of that future in theory is Travis d’Arnaud, one of the prospects netted by the Mets in return for R.A. Dickey. With d’Arnaud posting a futile .189/.277/.269 line through 257 career plate appearances, the Mets decided to send him down to Triple-A Las Vegas for some more seasoning. This demotion, as Terry Collins said, is not going to be a short one. D’Arnaud will stay in Vegas until he merits a call up. More important than the length of the demotion is the strong message that it tries to send to fans. It attempts to say that poor play won’t be tolerated any longer. When the Mets stuck with Ike Davis for the entire 2012 season and left him flailing at the plate in 2013 until the end of June before a demotion, they settled for mediocrity. They did not with d’Arnaud. Unfortunately for the front office, the message has fallen upon jaded and skeptical ears, and for good reason. While they are not tolerating d’Arnaud’s poor play, Ruben Tejada and Chris Young continue to get chance after chance to not perform. At this point, there is no reason fans should receive any message that the front office relays, because time and again the words spoken by Sandy Alderson have been false. Whether Alderson is being misled by the Wilpons, or the Wilpons’ financial situation is really changing on a dime, or whether he’s just flat out lying doesn’t really matter as far as the credibility of his statements go anymore. No matter what the source of the lie is, fans are now conditioned to take everything that comes out of the Mets front office as a lie unless there are corresponding actions that show it to be true. They want fans to think that they aren’t going to settle for poor play from their players, yet have gaping holes offensively and defensively at shortstop and left field. The message is: “We won’t tolerate poor play from this guy, but these other guys we will.” The money issue is understandable, but not tolerable – Stephen Drew was not in the budget, and they had to pull the trigger on Young because the money used to sign him might not have been available later in the offseason, depending on if the Wilpon’s debt obligations played out. That this is how a team in the number one market in the country has to operate is bad enough, but the attempt to convince fans that everything is okay while it clearly isn’t has wrecked any credibility the team had. So yes, demoting the struggling d’Arnaud was the right move, and under better circumstances the message that it sends might actually be received positively by the fans. But not this one. Not anymore. If the team wants credibility back – if they want to show fans that they are actually committed to winning, and not just saying it to pay lip service – it’s time for more dominoes to fall. It’s time to start practicing what you preach. Joe Vasile is the voice of the Fayetteville SwampDogs.
Split-twig figurines. Some 2,000-4,000 years ago, Archaic hunters fashioned long pieces of wood into the shapes of deer or bighorn sheep, found cached in caves by later explorers. Archaeologists speculate the figurines may have been used as totems to ensure good hunting. See examples at Tusayan Museum. Fossils. Grand Canyon’s long geologic history includes ancient seas that left behind crinoids and other tiny creatures. On spring mornings, visitors can join ranger-guided walks along the rim to explore the fossil record. Rocks. Peer through provided viewing scopes for up-close views of rock samples from each of the canyon’s rock layers along the Trail of Time. On this paved 1.2-mile trail, every meter represents a million years. Architectural details. Architect Mary Colter combined an arts-and-crafts aesthetic with a deep appreciation for natural and cultural context. Each of her landmark buildings on the South Rim—including Hermit Rest, Lookout Studio, Hopi House, and Desert View Watchtower—uses detail to tell a larger story about Grand Canyon. Can you read between the lines? Wildflowers. Spring wildflowers add splashes of color to the canyon’s rocky edges—bright red Indian paintbrush, fragrant cliffrose, delicate phlox and fleabane. Learn more by picking up the trailside brochure and strolling along the Greenway’s 2.8-mile Hermit Road section, a paved, relatively level stretch with fine views and a fascinating collection of flora.
POSTED BY jim Aherne All just want to share my joy and appreciation at the news that the Institute of Christ The King are to run St Walburghs in Preston as a Traditional parish in the city.This is wonderful.I am grateful to the Bishop and the Diocese. Time this iconic Catholic Church enjoyed some special TLC and a more secure future. open seven days aweek wow. Thanks be to God,and St Walburgh. M Donnelly: Thank you Jim In a post entitled: “AN APPEAL FOR THE ‘NEW EVANGELISATION’: Help the Diocese support those New Religious Communities coming to us” available on the Lancaster Diocese website, the Right Reverend, Michael Campbell, Bishop of Lancaster, says “the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, will, in the autumn of this year, assume responsibility and care for St. Walburge’s church, Preston. This highly regarded Institute of priests, who use the Extraordinary Form fully approved by the Holy See, will bring much needed life to this magnificent church with a daily routine of prayer and worship, open to all. The Diocese is most grateful for the Institute’s willingness to assume this challenging apostolate of prayer and devotion at St. Walburge’s.” The full press release is available at this link
Service Excellence will be reviewed through twelve sessions including two Keynotes from the top Sales Strategists in the industry. Discussions will include characteristics to attract customers, how you profit from a Strong ethical standard in your service business. How the new tax laws and elimination of tax cuts in 2011 will affect your business. Day one has a strategic emphasis and will provide six topics on where the industry is, what the changes are and how you can position your company for the new decade. On day two, six operational topics are presented including a major logistics session, two sales sessions, and a profile on an industry leader you won’t want to miss. The OEM barriers to ISO provided service will be an important session we will end the Summit with. SIA is the non-profit association that can enable its members to increase their profit through networking. The program is directed to Presidents, Owners and C-Level Executives in high-tech service companies, parts companies, depot repair companies and the suppliers of services to the high tech service industry. If you are an RLA member, be sure to indicate it anywhere on the form at time of registration, to receive a $100 discount.
What are your goals for the next 30 days? 1. Finally finish All the Light We Cannot See for my book club. It's very well written, but I'm having a hard time getting through it. 2. Do not eat the Halloween candy before the trick-or-treaters arrive. (I bought a bag of Skittles and Starbursts in an effort to keep myself out of it. Because let's be honest, if I'd bought the bag of Kit Kats, Whoppers, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Hershey bars I was considering, there would be only Hershey bars left by Saturday.) 3. Get in good enough shape to run the 5k color run I'm registered for on November 21st in a respectable amount of time. Yep, I've let myself get far enough out of shape to have to worry about getting through a 5k. 4. Host a successful Thanksgiving potluck with the neighbors. 5. Do not overeat (too egregiously) at said Thanksgiving potluck. 6. See the new James Bond movie. Sounds like Daniel Craig isn't especially thrilled to still be James Bond, but I'll be glad to watch him all the same. 7. Figure out what to get Raj for Christmas and our anniversary. When you live in the middle of the Pacific, holiday shipping deadlines sneak up on you. 8. Finish going through stuff to pull out things to donate. Then donate all the things. We both did clothes already and there's a towering pile of cast-offs taking up half the guest room. 9. Resume gainful employment? Hopefully?
WEATHER FROM OUR SPONSORS SHERIDAN — Next month, Sheridan voters will decide on whether to support a new tax, break a long-standing historical precedent and make Sheridan a bigger shareholder in the fate of the regional oil boom, all by checking one box. The Sheridan College Technical Center bond initiative aims to renovate and add to the existing instruction space on the campus to accommodate more students in the welding, machine tool technology and diesel technology courses. Property owners would foot the bill via tax at the rate of $2.09 per $100,000 worth of land value. While public dignitaries and most elected officials have thrown their weight behind the campaign as a homegrown endeavor to promote primarily local interests, the ramifications of the measure passing or failing will echo through the region. Jay Stender, executive director of Forward Sheridan, said the Sheridan College bond initiative represents a new frontier for the community. “Having the courage to bring a bond election forward when we haven’t had one for more than 35 years is a demonstration of a paradigm shift in the way the college works,” Stender said. Over the course of the last three decades, Sheridan College’s financial operations beyond state assistance have been provided via charitable donations from a slew of private donors including the Whitney Benefits and the Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation. “Even if they are denied the vote, at least they’ve plowed the ground so we don’t wait another 35 years,” Stender said. Forward Sheridan has thrown its full support behind the measure, citing the value an educated workforce has in the role of attracting new businesses to the area. Though, Stender has acknowledged that the tax represents a significant expense to many people in Sheridan. “We have a lot of people who are older or living on a fixed income,” he said. “It’s not a trivial item.” “Taxation is tough in today’s environment,” Stender said. “But, if it has value, we have a right and responsibility to support that value.” The value, according to college officials, is filling a massive demand. Jed Jensen, dean of career and technical programs at the college, says students are beating down the doors trying to get into the programs. “The diesel program can only take 12 new students right now, and we’ve got 50 applications,” he said. Jensen said the same is true for the welding and machine tool technology seats, which presently accommodate 16 and 12 students, respectively. Four or five times that many students have applied for the programs. He said students who manage to nab a seat and graduate with either a certificate or associates degree have job offers before their diploma is in their hands. “It used to be that in March, employers would come out to the college and have a job fair and meet and interview students,” said Wendy Smith, director of marketing and public information for the college. “This year, they all had their futures lined out by that time.” Smith said statistics regarding job demand for Sheridan College graduates in these industrial fields are largely anecdotal, as formal surveys are not sent to students after graduation the way they are with other programs like nursing. Despite the lack of hard data, supporters feel the bond issue is a worthy cause. Sheridan County Commissioner Steve Maier hopes Sheridan voters pass the bond initiative but said voter turnout could be an obstacle, as the Aug. 20 election will most likely have much lower participation than a general election. “I think there are a lot of people who have learned about the program and are all for it,” he said. “Everyone gets all excited and feels good about it, but until you drag them to the polls, it’s not over.” College officials, including President Dr. Paul Young, tout the expansion as a venture to enable Sheridan youth to find jobs within the community. Tom Gallagher, manager of research and planning at the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, has served as an advisor to the college and acknowledges that the scope of the expansion project goes beyond Sheridan County. “What they’re interested in is where the market is heading,” Gallagher said. “For Sheridan, some of that will involve the Bakken.” The Bakken formation occupies about 200,000 square miles underneath parts of Montana and North Dakota. At the moment, oil boom production via hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, happens faster than it can be shipped or piped to refineries. Sheridan’s economy might not be the most attractive option for a graduate, especially when oil boom wages are a day’s drive away, he said. “This is a very porous market. People are willing to commute a long way to get that kind of work,” Gallagher said. “The demographics and economy of this part of the country expand and contract. They rarely stand still for very long. Projections for today may change next year.” Gallagher said during the last oil boom, in-state labor was hard to come by, and when the boom ended, 25 percent of unemployment claims were from workers who went back to out-of-state addresses. Stender said a real local advantage to the Sheridan economy is that as employment conditions change, the junior college can work with employers to tailor courses for the specific needs of Sheridan’s industries. “(These technical programs are) the appropriate training for the workforce for the junior college for the next 20 to 30 years,” he said. Gallagher said in order to appreciate the implications of the expansion, it’s necessary to look at the big picture. “It’s not just what’s going on locally that’s important,” he said. However, Jensen says the tech programs will continue to target the numerous local businesses, including L&H Industrial, EMIT Technologies, Vacutech, Craftco Metals and Spring Creek Mine, which will likely continue to vie for trained workers. Stender said whether graduates set down roots here or choose to branch out, the tech center expansion is a community commitment. “The best thing we can do is give our educable youth a choice,” he said. “The challenge we have is making Sheridan one of those choices.”
Containing Multitudes Since 2004 "My eyes are up here Mr. Hawks." That's a fun filmI can watch it anytimeAnd AngieI don't understand how she didn't become an sex symbol [as they used to call 'em]I mean look at herAnd in The Killers & in Point BlankYowza Well, she was a sex symbol, but I guess in a lesser way than - let´s say - Raquel Welch. Pepper went undercover. OMG! Angie was as perfect as a Wally Wood drawing. "Angie was as perfect as a Wally Wood drawing."Holy smokes! Good eye! One of my favorite quotes of his in "Hawks on Hawks" was how he described Frances Farmer - "She used to come to my boat for the weekend with nothing but a toothbrush and an extra sweatshirt. Its a shame what happened to her..." Why did women stop dressing up like this? Post a Comment
I'm Ray Chesnick, my Great Dane is Chase, Tipper is the kitteh who adopted me & Chase. I love my TWEEPS - you keep me going. We are comrades in the great #WLF 2213 days ago @racegirl29 And, of course, these shoes! Realtime comments disabled ©2016 Twitpic Inc, All Rights Reserved
Reynolds, Sian.Kidd, William. (Eds.) (2000) Contemporary French cultural studies /London : Arnold ;MLA Citation Reynolds, Sian.Kidd, William,eds. Contemporary French Cultural Studies. London : Arnold ; 2000. Print. These citations may not conform precisely to your selected citation style. Please use this display as a guideline and modify as needed. Contemporary French cultural studies / edited by William Kidd and Siân Reynolds. |Names:||Reynolds, Sian. | Kidd, William,| |Published:||London : Arnold ; 2000.| |Topics:||Popular culture - France - 20th century.| |Regions:||France - Civilization - 20th century. | France - Cultural policy. | France - Social life and customs - 20th century.| Publisher description (Opens in a new window) Contributor biographical information (Opens in a new window)
By Jessica Gould The proposed budget for Prince George's County schools calls for a freeze on employee salaries and elimination of the middle school sports program. But school system leaders say they're working hard to keep the cuts from affecting student achievement. Faced with declining revenue and increasing operational costs, schools superintendent William Hite says the system has to make some tough choices for its 2012 fiscal year budget. "We are looking at staff reduction of some of our non-classroom positions, like those positions that support instruction. We're looking at making a new formula for our maintenance and custodial. We're looking at our benefits and we're also looking at middle school athletics," he says. But Hite says these options are better than increasing class size or laying off teachers. "We're not recommending furloughs," he says. "We're not recommending increases in class size. So we're really trying to protect our classrooms and our teachers with this proposal." Hite also says the $1.7 billion budget is just a starting point for discussions. He says the Board of Education will hold a series of public hearings on the proposal after the New Year.
An Alexandria mother had a heart attack at only 38 years old. She went looking for answers and couldn't find any. She decided to use social media and now thanks to her, a nationwide study is underway. On Tuesday, Katherine Leon was honored alongside Dr. Oz and the surgeon general for her contributions to women and heart disease. Leon was just 38 years old when she feared her life might be over. She had a heart attack six weeks after giving birth to her second son, Evan. "It was that central chest pain you hear about, arm numbness on both sides. I was afraid I was going to drop Evan," she said. At the ER, doctors told her it might be her asthma and sent her home. "Everybody was very confident that it was not my heart, but it was," she said. Three days later, her husband raced her back to the ER. Doctors determined Leon was, and had been, having a heart attack. The cause? Her left artery had torn like a piece of fabric. Doctors told her she had a rare spontaneous coronary artery dissection or SCAD. She underwent a double bypass. "You can't have a condition that kills young women and say that is okay," she said. "You can't just brush that off; you have to find out why." Leon went looking for answers. But there was little to no data available on SCADS other than upward of 80 percent of the victims were women. "Seventy percent death rate and they were found on autopsy; it was just a such bleak picture," she said. Supposedly alone in her battle, Leon joined the Womenheart online support group on Inspire. Leon and another SCAD survivor spent the next three years gathering information from women around the world. They asked renowned cardiologist D. Sharon Hayes at the Mayo Clinic to help solve the life or death mystery. Hayes agreed and now the first-ever nationwide study on women and SCADs is underway. "I know it is a long road but it is a road that is going to lead to some kind of answers," a person said.
Update: 5 p.m.: Bedford Co., VA - An elderly mother and her grown daughter are safe Wednesday night, yet displaced, after a fire that started in the kitchen ended in flames through the roof. It happened on Dickerson Mill Road in Moneta. It took multiple tankers filled with water and firefighters from Moneta, Stewartsville-Chamblissburg, Bedford, Saunders and Hardy to get this fire under control. Crews shut down the road to bring in all the fire trucks. At first, the trucks blocked Benny Heptinstall's view of his mother and grandmother out of their burning house safe on the other side. "They were sitting up here and I came from that direction," said Heptinstall. "The phone had been burned up in the house and I couldn't get a hold of her. I didn't know if they were ok because I hadn't talked to them." When Heptinstall got there, he got the whole story. "My mother was frying potatoes on the stove and the grease had caught on fire and she couldn't put it out." The hood above the stove acted as a chimney and drew the fire up into the attic, according to the fire marshal. Oxygen tanks inside only added fuel and danger. "They were exploding when we arrived and then throughout the fire some were exploding," said Lt. Darin Neel. Neel was one of the first to arrive with the Stewartsville-Chamblissburg Fire Department. "You don't know what's in there or how many of where they're at. So we had to back up one time," he said. By the time the fire was finally under control, five crews had responded, and not much is left of the house. "I had so many memories in this house. This is all they have. This is all we've got," said Heptinstall. Moneta, VA - Several crews were on the scene of a house fire Wednesday afternoon in Moneta. Five different departments responded to the fire on 8646 Dickerson Mill Road. Crews came from the Stewartsville-Chamblissburg, Bedford, Moneta, Hardy and Saunders Fire Departments. Officials say three people live in the home: A mother, son and grandmother. They say the mother and grandmother were cooking in the kitchen when the fire started. Both were able to get out, and there were no injuries. One lieutenant with the fire department says oxygen tanks were exploding while they were fighting the fire. The Red Cross is helping the family.
In Stalingrad Soviet forces were obstinately refusing to budge from their defended positions on the ever diminishing sliver of land they held on the banks of the Volga. The Germans sent wave after wave of men forward to attack. Yet the the industrial buildings that the Russians occupied provided natural defences, especially when they were occupied by men who just wanted to sell their lives as dearly as possible. Andrei Khozyainov describes the conditions in the Red October factory where the battle line moved from machine room to machine room. They were holed up and virtually surrounded but they kept going for as long as they had ammunition: We never took off our boots, and would take it in turns to get some sleep, which we did with our weapons in our hands. We would put our helmets on and rest our heads against a brick. Bread was sent to us in sacks, so we got only crusts and crumbs. We could make do with the food we were given, but ammunition was another matter entirely. We needed grenades and cartridges. We all realized that without ammunition it might be the end for us. The Germans opened up with heavy artillery fire again. It felt like they were going to turn the factory canteen to dust. In the basement, we were able to sit tight behind the thick brick walls. It looked as though the ceiling was going to come crashing down at any moment. The air in the basement was filled with dust from all the collapsed plaster. As soon as the artillery bombardment stopped, the Germans attacked. We dispersed to the windows. Bochkaryov lay down with the light machinegun in the ruins of the boiler-house, Karpov manned the other heavy machinegun, and I went to my own. This time the Germans’ main effort was directed at the right- hand side of the factory canteen. Ten or so Nazi tanks were moving along the hollow and towards School No. 35. We could hear the roar of their engines, even though they were not moving towards us. But we had to ward off some sub-machinegunners who were coming at us, shrieking as they came. We could hear the yells ofthe officers and the shouting of the men. There were so many of them, they just kept coming and coming. But our fire forced them to the ground and they stayed there. I was firing until the water in the casing got so hot that it was boiling. I remember that we used up nearly all our cartridge belts. But the battle was over for now, and we had managed to hold on to our position. On October 8th, some fascists burst out towards the Volga. They were drunk, walking completely upright, without stooping, shooting aimlessly as they went. But these were some sort of special fritzes. Even when they got wounded, they kept crawling forward, shouting something. This time, they nearly succeeded in driving us out of the factory canteen. This is part of a much longer story of the battle for the canteen. Andrei Khozyainov’s account appears in Jonathan Bastable (ed): Voices From Stalingrad
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MOBILE, Alabama -- The questions keep coming. By the dozens, sometimes by the hundreds, reporters have been peppering Chris Davis with the same question for the past two months. Davis gets it. The Kick Six made him a household name, raised his profile higher than most college cornerbacks can dream. South Squad defensive corner Chris Davis of Auburn (11) drops back into coverage during the Reese's Senior Bowl South squad practice on Monday, January 20, 2014, at Fairhope Stadium in Fairhope, Ala. (Scott Donaldsonemail@example.com) But Davis, frankly, is starting to feel like his 109-yard return of a missed field goal to beat Alabama and send Auburn fans spilling onto the Jordan-Hare Stadium turf is starting to overshadow the rest of his game. "That was a great return," Davis said. "I think I'm an excellent punt returner, but there's more to my game than just returning punts. With this showcase, that's what I'm here to show." Davis is at the Senior Bowl this week, showcasing his skills against some of the draft's top seniors in front of hundreds of NFL scouts and front-office personnel, who will treat his punt-return ability as an added bonus but ultimately draft him because of his ability to contribute at cornerback. A three-year starter at Auburn, Davis finished his senior season second on the team in tackles (74) and first in passes defended (15), earning second-team All-SEC honors. During the week leading up to the BCS title game, ESPN draft analyst Todd McShay projected Davis as a possible No. 3 or No. 4 cornerback for an NFL team, praising the senior's straight-line speed and physicality but looking for more side-to-side quickness. Davis, who says agents Joe Linta and Spencer Cannold of JL Sports have told him his profile has risen from a projected undrafted free agent to a projected third or fourth-round pick over the season, wants to prove he can do more. "I still feel underrated," Davis said. "I still don't think I'm getting the attention that I deserve as a cornerback. I think I'm one of the elite cornerbacks in the country, and that's what I'm here to prove." Early in the week, a Jacksonville Jaguars coach -- the Jaguars' staff is coaching the South roster -- offered Davis a little advice. "It's all about 1-on-1's here," said Davis, who is keeping a mental record of his wins and losses. "That's where you get the chance to showcase your talent." In practices this week, Davis has clearly been more comfortable in press coverage, much better when he gets his hands on receivers at the line of scrimmage, although at times he hasn't made contact right away, allowing receivers to get an advantage at the snap. Davis, who possesses a lot of strength at 201 pounds, measured in at 5 feet, 9 3/4 inches, a number that left him a little frustrated after the Senior Bowl weigh-ins. The lack of length could be a mark against him in the notoriously thorough NFL Draft evaluation process. "That killed me. Some people say I’ve got the flattest feet they’ve ever seen," Davis said. "But you know, height is nothing but a number. I’ve got a big heart. I’ll line up against anybody on any given day." On the other hand, Davis's ability to return punts adds another dimension to his game, a talent in the open field that has led some teams to ask Auburn special teams coordinator Scott Fountain about the possibility of Davis playing offense. "Chris, he made a big impact for us," Fountain said. "I want a guy back there who can do something with the ball." The South team practices for the Reese's Senior Bowl on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014, at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Ala. South team defensive corner Chris Davis of Auburn (11) fields a punt during a special teams drill. (Mike Kittrellfirstname.lastname@example.org) But Davis is focused on showcasing his skills as a cornerback and punt returner in the months leading up to the draft. Cornerbacks come in high demand in the draft. Sixteen cornerbacks were picked in the first three rounds of the 2013 NFL Draft, offering plenty of opportunity for a player who proves they can play the position, and Davis will have his chances at the Senior Bowl, the NFL Combine, Auburn's Pro Day and possibly in individual workouts with teams. Davis knows the projections. Now he's trying to prove he's more than just a highlight reel. "Third or fourth round," Davis said. "But I've got an opportunity to change that here, and that's what I'm trying to do."
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Recent Rule Changes Likely Require Updates To Health & Cafeteria Plan Documents, Administration Forms, Communications and Procedures; Act Quickly To Make Needed Changes Before Upcoming Enrollment Period by Cynthia M. Stamer, P.C., Glast, Phillips & Murray, P.C., Dallas, TX Time is getting short for employers and plan administrators to update their health plans and healthcare flexible spending plan documents, administrative forms, communications and practices to comply with changes to Federal regulations that are taking or have already taken effect this year. Since many of these changes impact eligibility and enrollment, most employers and plan administrators will want to ensure the required updates are completed before their upcoming annual enrollment periods. Highlights of some of these changes include newly mandated required notifications regarding employer-provided prescription drug coverage due in November, changes to the rules applicable to flexible spending accounts in cafeteria plans under Internal Revenue Code Section 125, new guidance regarding the special enrollment and creditable coverage mandates of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), and new COBRA regulations applicable to post-November 26, 2004 plan years. Notice About Medicare Part-D Creditable Coverage Required By November 15, 2005 By November 15, 2005, group health plans offering prescription drug coverage to Medicare-entitled retirees and active employees must notify the Medicare eligible individuals as well as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) whether the health plan’s prescription drug coverage is “creditable coverage” for purposes of the new “Medicare Part D” prescription drug coverage program created under the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (the “MMA”). The new “Medicare Part D” coverage will provide voluntary prescription drug coverage as part of the federal Medicare program to eligible persons that timely enroll as of January 1, 2006. The notification requirement applies to all group health plans not otherwise specifically excluded from coverage, even those that do not provide retiree coverage. Current regulations presently reflect that notification is not required for a health flexible spending plan offered as part of a cafeteria plan because the current regulations exempt benefits offered under those arrangements from the definition of “creditable coverage” under current Medicare Part D regulations. The MMA generally mandates that group health plan sponsors provide notification about whether their prescription drug coverage qualifies as “creditable” for purposes of the MMA. The rationale behind this requirement is that Medicare eligible individuals need to know this information to decide whether they should enroll in Part D during the Initial Enrollment Period which will run from November 15, 2005, through May 15, 2006. Individuals eligible for Medicare Part D enrollment who do not have “creditable coverage” under another health plan generally will be required to pay higher premiums if and when they seek to enroll at a later time in Part D coverage if they don’t enroll during their Initial Enrollment Period. Prescription drug coverage generally is “creditable” for purposes of the MMA only if the actuarial value of the coverage equals or exceeds the actuarial value of the Part D prescription drug coverage. Under the safe harbor provisions in recently released regulations, a health plan’s prescription drug coverage also automatically qualifies as creditable if it: - Covers both brand name and generic prescription drugs; - Provides reasonable access to retail providers, and alternatively mail-order coverage; - Is designed to pay at least 60 percent of the participants’ prescription drug expenses (on average); and - Its maximum annual benefits and actuarial expectations satisfy at least one of the following: - For plans with separate prescription drug and medical coverage, the plan either has no annual benefit maximum or an annual benefit maximum of at least $25,000; - The plan expects to pay benefits equal to at least $2,000 per Part D-eligible participant; or - For integrated prescription drug and medical coverage designed plans, the annual deductible is not higher than $250, and the plan does not have an annual benefit maximum or has at least a $1 million combined maximum lifetime benefit limit. If the group health plan does not satisfy the safe harbor, the prescription drug coverage may still be creditable if the group health plan obtains an actuarial determination that the group health plan’s prescription drug coverage equals or exceeds the coverage under Part D. The MMA generally mandates that covered group health plans provide the MMA-required notice to all Part D eligible individuals covered under, or who apply for, enrollment in a group health plan providing prescription drug coverage. This includes both active and retired employees and their dependents who are Medicare Part D eligible. Group health plans generally are required to provide the notification to Medicare eligible active and retired employees whether their prescription drug coverage is primary or secondary to Medicare. Furthermore, the notification is in addition to already existing responsibilities to notify and provide an opportunity to active employees and their dependent spouses to elect for Medicare to be primary to group health plan coverage by electing to disenroll in group health plan coverage when they become eligible for enrollment in Medicare. Group health plan sponsors generally are required to provide the required notice at the following times using either the appropriate CMS-provided model notice or their own individually tailored notice: - Before the Medicare Part D annual coordinated election period (November 15 - December 31) each year; - Within the 12 months before an individual’s Initial Enrollment Period for Medicare; - Before the effective date of coverage for a Medicare eligible individual beginning participation in the group health plan; - When the plan’s prescription drug coverage ends or is no longer creditable; and - Upon a beneficiary’s request. Application for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Employer Subsidy Due September 15, 2005 Employers sponsoring employment-based retiree health coverage that intend to seek employer prescription drug coverage subsidies available under the MMA in 2006 generally must apply for the subsidy by September 30, 2005. When the MMA Part D prescription drug coverage takes effect next year, employers currently offering prescription drug and other health coverage for retirees generally will retain the option to terminate or cut back the prescription drug coverage offered under their existing programs. As an employer incentive not to cancel retiree prescription drug coverage, Section 1860D-22 of the MMA established special subsidy payments to sponsors of qualified retiree prescription drug plans beginning on January 1, 2006. The subsidy provisions of the MMA provide that an employer offering a qualified retiree prescription drug plan can apply to receive a tax-free subsidy equal to 28% of qualifying enrollees’ allowable annual prescription drug costs between $250 and $5,000 (i.e., up to $1,330 per enrollee). CMS has projected the 2006 average subsidy to be $668 per enrollee. The complexity of the regulations and other factors require employers interested in the subsidy to engage in complex analysis of their options under the MMA. For employers that maintain a qualified retiree prescription drug plan that have decided to pursue the subsidy, however, application for the 2006 subsidy generally involves a five step process: (1) Submitting (electronically or otherwise) an application by September 30, 2005, to qualify for the retiree drug subsidy beginning January 1, 2006; (2) Attaching to the application an actuary's attestation that the plan meets the MMA's actuarial equivalence standard; (3) Certifying that the creditable coverage status of the plan has or will be disclosed to plan participants and CMS; (4) Electronically submitting and periodically updating enrollment information about retirees and dependents; (5) Electronically submitting aggregate data about drug costs incurred and reconciling costs at year-end (submission of detailed individual claims data is not required, though claims records must be maintained for audits for six years). A plan will be a qualified retiree prescription drug plan only if the sponsor applies for the subsidy at least 90 days before the beginning of each plan year – September 30, 2005 for payments for 2006- and the program otherwise qualifies as a qualified prescription drug plan under the MMA. Sponsors Can Amend Flexible Spending Account Plans To Delay Forfeitures Employers and other cafeteria plan sponsors can amend their cafeteria plans to allow a participant an extra 2-1/2 months after the close of the cafeteria plan year to use amounts contributed to his cafeteria plan flexible spending accounts during the plan year before the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule under Internal Revenue Code (Code) § 125 will require the participant to forfeit the balance of any unused amounts contributed to the cafeteria plan. IRS Notice 2005-42, published May 18, 2005, modifies the “use-it-or-lose-it” requirements traditionally applicable to cafeteria plans under Code § 125 to include a new 2-1/2 month grace period exception. Under the modified rules, Code § 125 continues to prohibit cafeteria plans from allowing participants to defer compensation beyond the close of the plan year. Under IRS Notice 2005-42, however, a sponsoring employer can amend its cafeteria plan document to permit participants to use unused contributions or benefits remaining in the participant’s cafeteria plan account at the close of the plan year to pay for or reimburse expenses for qualified benefits incurred by the participant during the 2-1/2 month period immediately following the close of the plan year. If an employer timely amends its cafeteria plan to take advantage of this new grace period exception, the participant may have as long as 14 months and 15 days (the 12 months in the current cafeteria plan year plus the grace period) to use the benefits or contributions for a plan year before the plan must forfeit those amounts under the “use- it-or-lose-it” rule. To the extent any unused benefits or contributions from the immediately preceding plan year remain in the cafeteria plan after the grace period ends, however, the “use-it-or-lose-it” requirements of Code § 125 continue to prohibit the carry over of any of those remaining unused benefits or contributions to any subsequent period (including any subsequent plan year). The unused amounts remaining at the close of the grace period still must be “forfeited” under the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule. Health Plan Special Enrollment and Pre-Existing Condition Rules Impacted For Post June 30, 2005 Plan Years By Updated Regulations Health plans and health plan issuers also generally must update their health plan documents and practices to comply with final HIPAA portability regulations for all plan years beginning after June 30, 2005. Newly-restated regulations implementing the portability mandates of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 were published on December 30, 2004. While substantially preserving many of the rules contained in the previously issued interim regulations, the new HIPAA portability regulations dictate changes to the content and form of certificates of creditable coverage and other required notifications relating to these rules, as well as modifying the rules governing the interpretation and administration of these HIPAA-dictated plan requirements in several other minor respects. Furthermore, the updated regulations update the definition of the types of coverage that must be treated as creditable coverage to reflect changes in federally provided healthcare programs, such as the new Medicare Part D coverage. The final portability regulations issued last December require that health plan sponsors and administrators update their health plan practices, notifications and procedures to comply with updated interpretations about the health plan eligibility, special enrollment, preexisting condition, creditable coverage, and notice mandates imposed under the HIPAA portability requirements no later than the first day of the first plan year beginning after June 30, 2005. In addition to required updates to health plan documents, notices and administrative forms, conforming changes to cafeteria plan election and enrollment forms, and health care flexible spending account programs are likely to be required in most instances. Updated COBRA Regulations Effective For Plan Years After February 26, 2005 The rollout of the new HIPAA portability regulations comes only months after the Department of Labor’s implementation of its recently restated and expanded federal medical coverage continuation rules interpreting the requirements of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (“COBRA”). These new COBRA rules generally apply to all group health plans of employers with more than 20 employees regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) for plan years that begin after November 26, 2004. Among other things, the new regulations generally require plan administrators to update the content of the initial notice of rights and the notices sent to qualified beneficiaries following the occurrence of a qualifying event triggering COBRA rights. In addition, the new regulations dictate that plan administrators comply with a host of newly required notices and procedures relating to COBRA rights under various circumstances, as well as provide updated guidance about the allowable procedures for delivering required notifications and a host of other administrative matters. The new regulations also require employers to develop and communicate (via the summary plan description) procedures that qualified beneficiaries use to report the occurrence of certain qualifying events. Virtually all ERISA-covered health plan administrators are required to tweak their existing COBRA administration forms and practices in response to these new requirements. Since the HIPAA Portability regulations include requirements to deliver updated notifications of creditable coverage when a qualifying event occurs as well as when COBRA expires, health plan sponsors and administrators will want to conduct a coordinated review of their COBRA and HIPAA portability practices and documentation to ensure that the updates to their COBRA notifications and procedures and HIPAA portability notifications and procedures are properly and optimally integrated. Military Leave Regulations Expected In Final Form In September Final regulations interpreting the health plan rights of employees taking military leave and reinstatement to health coverage following return to employment are expected to be released in September. Meanwhile, proposed regulations published September 20, 2004 provide helpful insights about the interpretations that the Department of Labor is likely to apply when considering the adequacy of a health plan’s compliance with the health coverage continuation and reinstatement mandates of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 ("USERRA") . The impending regulations, when finalized, are in addition to developing legal precedent, as well as guidance recently issued by the Labor Department concerning the application of USERRA’s employment protections for employees taking military leave, the Treasury Department’s guidance about the coordination of USERRA’s military leave protections with the Code’s tax qualification rules, and previously issued Department of Labor guidance concerning coordination of USERRA’s military leave requirements with the requirements imposed by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1990. Given continuing high levels of troop deployment, most employers and health plan fiduciaries can anticipate a high likelihood that their health plans will be impacted by these federal regulations. Consequently, employers and health plan administrators should review their existing documents, practices, and procedures in light of this new guidance and make warranted changes promptly. Protecting Health Information Under HIPAA Privacy and Security Regulations Since April 20, 2005, health plans (other than small heath plans) and health plan issuers have been required to comply with the requirements for the protection of “electronic protected health information” imposed under the “Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Protected Health Information” (the “Security Standards”). The deadline for small health plans to comply with these new Security Standards, which were imposed pursuant to HIPAA, is April 20, 2006. The new Security Standards mandates are in addition to tough new privacy mandates about the use, access and disclosure of “protected health information” that have applied to most health plans, health plan issuers and other covered entities under the “Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information” (the “Privacy Standards”) since April 14, 2005. CMS officials have indicated that the drafting of health plan eligibility language can impact when eligibility related data collected by an employer for health plan purposes converts from plan sponsor data not regulated by the Privacy and Security Standards to protected health information protected under these Standards. Caution Needed When Relying Upon Vendors To Provide Solutions As for many other legal mandates, many health plan sponsors, plan administrators and fiduciaries assume that their health plan compliance responsibilities will be handled as a matter of course by their health plan consultants and service providers. Absent proper verification, these assumptions may prove perilous for health plans, their sponsors or fiduciaries. While service providers and consultants may provide substantial valuable assistance to plan sponsors in this and other respects, employers and other plan sponsors need to recognize the need to verify the appropriateness of consultant or vendor provided materials and practices to avoid unanticipated exposures. Therefore, before relying upon consultant or vendor supplied plan documents, administrative forms or procedures, plan sponsors and fiduciaries should carefully review both the legal appropriateness of vendor or consultant provided documents and materials as well as the contractual commitments and fiduciary implications of the applicable consultant or vendor documents and materials.
Shooters Came from Across the Country to Compete for Regional Titles. Benton City, WA – The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) held the 2014 Area 1 Handgun Championships sponsored by Blade-Tech in Benton City, Washington this past Wednesday through Sunday. Hosted at the Rattlesnake Mountain Shooting Facility, shooters faced 12 snake themed pistol stages requiring over 300 total rounds to complete. More than 330 of the nation’s best pistol shooters participated vying for regional titles in USPSA’s Open, Limited, Limited 10, Production, Revolver and Single Stack divisions. Para USA shooter Travis Tomasie and the Army Marksmanship Unit’s Matthew Sweeny battled for the top spot in Limited division each taking multiple stage wins. In the end Tomasie edged out Sweeny by only about 18 match points. “It was a great match and a lot of fun” said Tomasie. “Matt is such a tough competitor and he really forced me to put it all on the line to come away with the win” he continued. The Open division was a different story with 6 competitors each taking at least one stage win. In the end Nick Helterline emerged over Eddie Garcia for the Open Title. In Production division, Cody Mckenna pulled away to win the Production title with Chuck Anderson in second place. Other champions included Michael Poggie taking the Revolver title and David Willecke taking the Single Stack title. “We were really excited to be able to bring the Area 1 Championship to Washington” said Randy Bayuk, Area 1 Championship Match Director. “A lot of hard work from our volunteers and the wonderful sponsors went in to make this one of the best matches I’ve ever been a part of!” he continued. USPSA matches often involve the opportunity to shoot while moving as well as shoot at reactive targets that are not common in any other shooting discipline. Matches are run by the local match directors in their respective clubs. New members are always welcomed and introduced to the sport in a safe and fun way. To find a local USPSA affiliated club visit www.uspsa.org and click on “Find Clubs”. To become a member of USPSA visit www.uspsa.org and click on “Join USPSA”. About The United States Practical Shooting Association The United States Practical Shooting Association is a non-profit membership association and the national governing body for the sport of Practical Shooting in America. USPSA has over 25,000 members and nearly 400 affiliated clubs which host weekly matches throughout the country providing recreational shooters with the opportunity to test and refine their shooting skills in a safe, competitive environment. USPSA is also the U.S. Region of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), which is comprised of approximately 67 nations. For more information, visit www.uspsa.org.
Afghan Heroes: Somerset charity wound down amid inquiry - 7 April 2014 - From the section Somerset A charity set up to help former armed forces personnel who have served in Afghanistan is being wound down. The Charity Commission began an inquiry into possible financial misconduct at Somerset-based Afghan Heroes. Interim manager Brian Johnson, appointed by the commission, said Afghan Heroes, which has not commented, was "no longer a viable concern". He said he was "reviewing past and present operations" by the charity following a "number of complaints". Bank accounts frozen In a letter to former volunteers, he said he was "in the process of winding down the operations of the charity" and that "no further action should take place in terms of events or other fundraising or support activities". The Charity Commission started an investigation on 22 November and took legal action to stop the charity's bank accounts being used and any of its property being disposed of. During the financial year ending on 31 December 2012, the charity received £548,440 in income and spent £516,288. It spent £474,924 on generating funds in 2012 and £15,153 on charitable activities. A further £26,211 was spent on governance costs. During that period it employed eight full-time and 16 part-time members of staff at a cost of £190,479. Former Defence Secretary Liam Fox, who was a patron of the charity, resigned from his position in December when he discovered it was under investigation. Nobody from Afghan Heroes was available for comment.
“[Mindfulness] is like walking on a tightrope, [either grasp at something or push away] and you lose your balance and fall… and inevitably what we land on is another tightrope, another opportunity for mindfulness.” Last night’s Hardcore Dharma class was fortunate to have renowned Insight meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg guest lecture (for more on Hardcore Dharma, see my post from last week). Her topic was the The Seven Factors of Enlightenment, which she tackled with relish and aplomb and various other adjectives as well! She began by saying the Seven Factors of Enlightenment, “are said to be both the path and fruit of enlightenment.” They are: 1. Mindfulness – The glue. One way of thinking about mindfulness is that it demands one be very connected to what’s happening in the present moment while working to be free of habitual ways of reacting. And the next six are grouped according to their tone or sense of agency. The Energetic Factors 2. Investigation, or exploring and examining the world in order to tease out the “minute particulars” (to use one of my writing teacher’s pet phrases) and examine the way in which we construct narratives. 3. Energy – Uh, just, like energy as an energetic, like, force and stuff (seriously, just raw energy). 4. Raptness (translated by Wiki as Rapture) – a state of intense interest and attention. The Chillin’ Factors 5. Calm, or Tranquility – A sense of spaciousness, not grasping seeking, consuming, etc. 6. Concentration – Sharon Salzberg described this as a “steadiness” in one’s focus with two parts: a) A balanced relationship to an object of meditation, and b) the ability to let go of distraction and begin again. 7. Kicking Ass – just kidding. It’s Equanimity, or as Sharon said, “the articulation of wisdom. Balance.” Equanimity is the quality that comes from seeing how things are and accepting it. In all it was a great dharma talk and a packed house the Interdependence Project. As one of our three lineage mentors, Sharon will be back to teach in the fall and blogging occasionally for One City, where she will spend most of her time refuting my inaccurate quotes. Til’ next week – stay Hardcore.
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|Name: _________________________||Period: ___________________| This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Three. Multiple Choice Questions 1. At the beginning of Chapter One, where are Enid and Rebecca? (b) Rebecca's house. (c) Enid's house. 2. What type of message does Enid leave on Bob Skeetes' answering machine? (a) She doesn't leave a message. 3. Enid describes Bob Skeetes' tan' as what? (a) Good looking. (b) Fake and bake. 4. After changing her look, Enid is upset to learn who is home? (a) Her grandmother. (b) Her mother. (d) Her father. 5. John Ellis's creepy friend is a former what? (a) Catholic priest. (c) Baseball player. (d) Member of royalty. Short Answer Questions 1. What promises are made regarding Hampton Hayes? 2. Who gave Enid "Goofie Gus"? 3. What does John Crowley plan to do with his life? 4. After watching her commercial, Rebecca and Enid make fun of Melorra's what? 5. In Chapter Two, what is Enid's complaint about a box of cookies? This section contains 180 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Fowlers Bluff, Manatee Springs, Camp Azalea and Clay Landing to be affected By Lou Elliott Jones Friday, May 15, 2009 at 12:00 am Warnings have been issued for flooding along the Suwannee River in Levy County as a result of spring rains farther north at the waterway's headlands. Levy County boat ramps along the Suwannee will close at dusk Saturday, said Levy County Coordinator Freddie Moody. Moody also said Gov. Charlie Crist has included Levy County in a declaration of an emergency for areas affected by the flooding. Regular updates will be posted to this website in the next week. If you subscribe to the newspaper, you receive FREE access to all the exclusive content of the web site! Simply register to receive uninterrupted access to our award-winning and in-depth local online content! Renew Current or Past Subscription / Register for Online Subscription If you currently subscribe or have subscribed in the past to the Cedar Key Beacon, then simply find your account number on your mailing label and enter it below. Click the question mark below to see where your account ID appears on your mailing label. New Subscription/30 Day Free Trial Account If you are new to the award winning Cedar Key Beacon and wish to get a subscription or simply gain access to our online content then please enter your ZIP code below and continue to setup your account. Create a limited access account. Register to participate in community forums, post on the community calendar, blog etc. This registration does not give you full access to read our award winning content, etc. Cedar Key Beacon | email@example.com | 352-493-4796 624 W. Park Avenue, Chiefland FL 32626 Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
The Major Employers Division is responsible for the business attraction, expansion and retention efforts of CLEDA. They do this by partnering with local and state allies to promote economic development in Central Louisiana. This division also focuses on developing critical resources such as sites and infrastructure as well as maintaining current data about the region. CLEDA's Knowledge Platforms Group works on building education and workforce capacity in the region. This portion of Cenla.org is under construction with an anticipated launch date of May 2, 2016. In the meantime, please feel free to contact Vice President for Knowledge Platforms Wayne Denley or Regional Workforce Director Sondra Redmon for additional information.
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JaVale McGee went for 22 points and 11 rebounds, Nick Young scored 22 points and the visiting Washington Wizards dominated the second half en route to a 98-77 victory over the Detroit Pistons on Sunday. The Pistons shot just 27 percent from the floor after the break as their season-high four-game winning streak came to an end. John Wall collected nine points, 15 assists and five rebounds while Jan Vesely chipped in 10 points and eight rebounds off the bench for the Wizards, who improved to 2-10 on the road. Washington finished 3-38 on the road last season and did not win its second away from the Verizon Center until the 73rd game. Detroit led 61-59 with 3:56 left in the third quarter when it began to slip away. Wall scored all nine of his points and Young added eight in a 28-4 run bridging the third and fourth quarters. The lead would grow to as much as 98-71 late in the fourth as Rashard Lewis got into the act with 10 points in a span of 2:11. Greg Monroe scored 27 points for the Pistons, but Rodney Stuckey, Brandon Knight, Ben Gordon and Austin Daye combined to shoot 7 of 36 from the floor.
"Trust me. I'm a scientist." ok ok the whole thing is werid...but my first thought was"why is that dude behind a wood wall?" "Hello, 911? Yeah, it's stuck in a wooden divider this time..." A prop in the set from Bill Clinton: The Musical This is the last time I buy my shower fixtures off craigslist. Not that I doubt your credentials, Doc, but I'd prefer someone with eyes to deliver my baby. To her horror, she realized too late her dental dam wasn't going to be big enough! 5 minutes before the invention of the glory hole You can tell he's frustrated by the blank look on his face. "Syphilis Cure" exhibit at the Jehovah's Witness Museum of Modern Medicine. that guy should do pornos He was a victim of identity theft. "Could you describe the man who assaulted you?"-"well he had a nose" Not pictured: Joel Carlton. (I could use the cash.) This looks like that weird German porno i accidentally rented in my hotel room...8 times.
MathSpad version 0.80 As of Januari 26 2000, version 0.80 of MathSpad is available. Although the interface hasn't changed much, the internal system has changed very much. Although MathSpad uses Unicode internally, that doesn't mean that you will be able to use the full range of Unicode character in your documents and LaTeX output. The X window system has to provide the fonts in order to display the characters properly and LaTeX has to support the characters in some way (the Omega system is not used yet). However, as with the previous version, it is possible to extend MathSpad with additional fonts and to specify the LaTeX output. Even then, certain languages are not supported properly due to special requirements, such as right-to-left orientation and use of ligatures. - First of all, the whole system is based on Unicode, which means that you are able to use Unicode characters in your document, in templates, on menus, on buttons and even in file names. - An interpreted language allows easy definition of menus, keyboards and new functions. It is also possible to customise all the messages used by MathSpad, using Unicode as text encoding. - It is possible to use colors in templates and popup menus. - There is filename completion in the file selector. - Font changes are based on the way LaTeX changes between fonts. This means that 240 combinations of font attributies are possible, as long as the fonts are available on the system. - The interpreter is able to load dynamic libraries, which allows easy addition of new features and special functionality, such as connections to external systems, like The source code of MathSpad 0.80 is available from Nottingham University bzipped tar file.
Spiced marble pound cake To honor the retirement of a longtime colleague, we presented him with a spiced marble Bundt cake made from a 1971 Monitor recipe. A few weeks ago we threw a party for a colleague who was retiring after nearly 43 years of service to The Christian Science Monitor. In addition to being one of the nicest persons in the newsroom, Ross Atkin, a longtime sports writer, was also the presenter of baked goods. Without fail, so much so that we could set our Monday morning breakfast plans to this routine, Ross cheered the early hours of new week with a home baked treat. He didn’t make enough to feed the entire newsroom, so you had to make sure you got work at least on time to run to the kitchen and pick up one of that day’s offerings ranging from cookies, muffins, bars to the occasional Bundt cake. So at the 11th hour before the party (as in the afternoon before) I thought it would be a neat idea to bake Ross something from the pages of the Monitor as close as possible to the time he had first arrived in Boston as a fresh college graduate from Indiana on June 21, 1971. With the help of the Monitor’s librarian, Leigh Montgomery, I settled on, “Here’s a cake-baking secret: Spice,” from The Christian Science Monitor’s Thursday, July 1, 1971, issue. The article’s intro reads: “Many of today’s expert cake bakers – especially those who bake ‘from scratch’ – are descendants of German hausfraus who settled in the states bordering the Mississippi and who found great satisfaction in turning out velvet-crumbed, delicious, beautiful cakes, whether for ‘company’ or just to make everyone happy. Cake-baking secrets were handed down from mother to daughter, and among others is the art of spicing.” The intro goes to talk about the various spices used in cakes, from cinnamon to pepper as “unexpectedly good” and “modern blends” such as apple pie and pumpkin pie spice. Also, “Midwesterners of Scandinavian background favor cardamon seeds in many of their baked goods.” I’ve been told that is a very “American thing” to constantly trace our roots and culture back to the Mother Land, wherever that may be. Personally, being of German and Scandinavian descent with ties to the Midwest I kind of like these cultural references found in cake. I have to say, after reading about all these traditions from the Old Country and mothers whispering cake secrets in the ears of their daughters, I grinned when I came to the recipe for “Spiced marble pound cake.” The first ingredient is two packages of store-bought pound cake mix! Now that’s another true American tradition – wax on about your historical roots but then hurry up already and save time by using modern spice blends and prepared cake mixes. I don’t have too much problem with cake mixes, actually, although mixing from scratch can give you bragging rights when you announce that you made a cake from the beginning, as if scooping flour from a bag and measuring out baking soda is a challenge. I tend to think of cake mixes as a kind of sous chef who mixes everything just right so you can focus on flair, or at least not burning the cake. Mise en place has never been my strong suit. And yet not even box mixes can save you from mishap, or “modern” problems. This recipe calls for a box mix weighing 1 pound 1 ounce each. In my late-night rush to make the cake for the next day, the one store I visited had only one pound cake mix on its shelves, with a weight of 1 pound 16 ounces. I decided to just hope for the best. Not trusting my math skills I made up both batters and forged ahead with the recipe. Fortunately, everything fit in the pan – it just rose a little higher than usual. The end result was my pound cake looked like it was sitting on a spare tire. Never mind. The cake was a success at the party. It looked cool when it was cut into with the chocolate and vanilla swirls and it was delightfully not too sweet (another modern problem). There was plenty of the sheet cake leftover, but every crumb of the bon voyage cake was gone by the time the party ended. Spiced marble pound cake 2 packages (1 pound 1 ounce each) pound cake mix 1-1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa 3/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, divided 1/4 teaspoons ground cloves Creamy confectioners’ sugar frosting 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 2. Prepare cake mix according package directions. Stir in vanilla. 3. Remove 2 cups batter to a small bowl; stir in cocoa, cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon of the nutmeg, and cloves; mix well. Set aside. 4. Add remaining 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg to white batter. Pour white batter in thirds into a heavily greased and lightly floured* 10 by 4-inch tube pan. Between each addition of batter, dribble the chocolate mixture. [I puzzled over these instructions until I took it to mean pour 1/3 of the white batter, half of the cocoa batter, and repeat.] 5. Cut through batter with a knife to marble the cake. [I did this by "cutting" the circle like you were serving up a piece of pie every inch or so. Worked like a charm! The swirls were cool.] 6. Bake for 1-1/2 hours or until cake is done when cake tester comes out clean. 7. Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes. Turn out of pan onto wire rack and cool thoroughly. Ice with creamy confectioners’ sugar frosting. [*A time-saving tip: When greasing and flouring a Bundt pan, use Pam Baking Spray, it has both the fat and flour combined and works really, really well.] Creamy confectioners’ sugar frosting 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 3 tablespoons light cream Beat ingredients together with a hand mixer until creamy. The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of food bloggers. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by The Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own and they are responsible for the content of their blogs and their recipes. All readers are free to make ingredient substitutions to satisfy their dietary preferences, including not using wine (or substituting cooking wine) when a recipe calls for it. To contact us about a blogger, click here.
Connect your kids to nature and inspire animal lovers of all ages. Use the environment as a living classroom and discover the exciting world of wildlife awaiting you. Plan your visit to the Dallas Zoo today! - Field Trip Planner: Explore the largest zoological experience in Texas with your students. - Classroom Programs and Guided Tours: Discover how wildlife education can enhance your curriculum with our new and exciting TEKS-aligned school programs. - Educator Workshops: Experience fresh ways to engage students in math and science through our innovative teacher workshops. The Education Office is open Monday-Friday during regular Zoo hours. Contact us at Education@DallasZoo.com or 469.554.7300.
posted by dpm on 09/07/2011 After nearly a decade of on and off effort, James Kassay has completed the Wheel of Life (V16) in the Hollow Mountain cave of Australia’s Grampians. The Wheel of Life is likely the longest hard boulder problem in the world, linking many of the shorter problems in the cave to produce a horizontal mega-pitch that climbs more like a route than a boulder problem. First established in 2004 by Dai Koyomada, the problem has since been repeated by Chris Webb Parsons in 2007 and Ethan Pringle in 2010. Ethan chose to log the ascent as a 5.14d route. Interestingly, Kassay chose to not use a kneepad for the kneebars Ethan had found which he suggests made the problem more difficult. He also notes on his blog that he’s not done with the cave: “Is that it for me in the cave??? No way! I may have completed the Wheel of Life but for me that was never the line… The Wheel of Life bails out right at the end of the cave and takes the shorter path. My line of choice will take the direct finish up the highest point of the cave… Will it add another grade? No… It won’t. But it is a harder finish and a more impressive line to take! I hope to get the FA of this in the not too distant future…” Personally, I’ve always thought this line to be one of the most impressive in the world. More than once I’ve watched the video of Parson’s ascent with astonishment. It’s pretty cool to see every detail of such a difficult problem completely wired.
CTO, Qualcomm Flarion Technologies Dr. Rajiv Laroia received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Delhi in 1985. He then joined Siemens Research Labs in Munich, Germany. In 1992 he joined AT&T Bell Labs after obtaining a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park. In 2000 he founded Flarion Technologies, a venture backed company to develop and commercialize a novel all-IP mobile wireless broadband technology. He served as the CTO of Flarion and in that role provided the vision and led the development of technology and products for the company. In 2006 Flarion was acquired by the wireless technology giant Qualcomm where he currently serves as Senior Vice President of Technology. Dr. Laroia is one of the world’s leading researcher and innovator in the field of communication. He holds more than 50 patents and has more than 100 others pending. His early research focused on wire-line communication. He has significant technology contributions to V.34 and V.90 International Standards for sending data over telephone lines. The technology he invented is used in virtually all dial-up modems in the world. Since 1997 he has been working in the field of mobile wireless communication. The technology he and his team developed at Flarion is now incorporated in all three major next generation international wireless standards UMTS LTE, UMB and Wimax. Dr. Laroia has won numerous industry awards. In 2006 he was inducted to the Innovation Hall of Fame at the University of Maryland. He is a fellow of the IEEE. Return to ECE Centennial Home Page
Wife wants one too, can't have mine By troutfinder on Vehicle2003 Toyota Tacoma 4dr Double Cab V6 4WD SB (3.4L 6cyl 4A) ReviewHad this truck a short time but so far I love it. Can't wait to use it to tow old boat instead of 1980 F-150. Handles great. Rides great. Looks fantastic. Well laid out and easy to use controls, such as 4WD High. And beleive it or not I can see the clock easily and like its placement because you are not always staring at it. Love the look of this truck in TRD SR5 trim, looks like its been to a custom shop. Dealer was very pleasant to work with (Arlington Toyota Best FeaturesLooks, just aerodynamic enough with looking wimpy, looks like a truck should. Back seat and doors great. More room than my BMW. Great handling for a truck with this beefy suspension. V-6 has plenty of pep for me. Worst FeaturesLeather interior or some other washable material that would be more fitting for a truck. Think it is going to be tough to keep clean. More adjustments for the seats as standard. Comments (0) Post a Comment You must be signed in to post a comment.
With Manchester City having conceded defeat in the Premier League title race, runaway leaders Manchester United are switching their focus to the pursuit of records and the preservation of freshness in their squad. United visit Sunderland on Saturday, when victory would provisionally take them a massive 18 points clear of second-place City, who host Newcastle United later in the day and whose manager, Roberto Mancini, accepts United can no longer be caught. Eighteen points is the record margin by which United won the title from Arsenal in 2000, while manager Alex Ferguson has spoken of his desire to eclipse Chelsea's unprecedented haul of 95 points from the 2004-05 campaign. United are also out to gain revenge for the exuberant celebrations of Sunderland's fans after Ferguson's men lost out on the title to City at the Stadium of Light on the final day of last season. However, thoughts of both vengeance and the history books must be weighed against the need to retain focus for Monday's FA Cup quarter-final replay at Chelsea. With such a short turnover between the games, and in the immediate aftermath of the international break, Ferguson has given a strong hint that he will make changes for the visit of Martin O'Neill's side. "Every coach is praying that their players come back fit (from international duty)," said Ferguson. "I have to make sure I have some freshness in the team because we also have Chelsea on Monday lunchtime. "It is a big ask for our squad and something we need to concentrate on because I need to make sure I pick the right teams." The resumption of the league programme sees City, Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal and Everton resume their five-way battle for the three Champions League places below United. Chelsea, four points off City in third place, visit Southampton on Saturday, while fourth-place Spurs are at Swansea City and fifth-place Arsenal host second-bottom Reading. Everton, two points behind Arsenal in sixth, tackle Stoke City. Spurs' momentum has begun to ebb in recent weeks, following consecutive defeats by Liverpool and Fulham, and Arsenal are now only four points behind their local rivals with a game in hand. Arsene Wenger's men, however, will once again be without Jack Wilshere, who has an ankle injury, while the injury-prone Abou Diaby has been ruled out for up to nine months with knee ligament damage. Arsenal are also likely to encounter a Reading side invigorated by the mid-week appointment of manager Nigel Adkins, who has eight games to bridge the seven-point gap that currently separates the club from safety. Third-bottom Wigan Athletic preserved the three-point gap that separates them from the teams above the drop zone with a last-gasp 2-1 win at home to Newcastle last time out. Roberto Martinez's side, who also have a game in hand, host Norwich City on Saturday and victory will lift them out of the relegation zone at the expense of Aston Villa, who do not welcome Liverpool to Villa Park until Sunday. The writing appears to be on the wall for Queens Park Rangers, who are level on points with Reading but occupy the last place in the table due to an inferior number of goals scored. However, ahead of Monday's derby with London rivals Fulham, manager Harry Redknapp has urged his players to draw inspiration from the very best as they seek to change their fate. "The best teams work the hardest," said Redknapp. "People think the best teams just play football. It's a fallacy. The best team in the world is Barcelona and they are the hardest-working team." Saturday (1500GMT unless otherwise stated): Arsenal v Reading, Everton v Stoke City (1730GMT), Manchester City v Newcastle United, Southampton v Chelsea, Sunderland v Manchester United (1245GMT), Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur, West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion, Wigan Athletic v Norwich City Aston Villa v Liverpool Fulham v Queens Park Rangers
Skip to comments.China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO Posted on 12/21/2011 6:24:14 PM PST by LucianOfSamasota Communist China is this month celebrating its tenth anniversary of joining the World Trade Organization. The subtitle ought to be China's tenth anniversary of cheating the United States. The globalists talked us into supporting this cozy trade relationship with China by getting U.S. manufacturers and farmers to salivate at the prospect of gaining access to the world's biggest market. China, on the other hand, joined the WTO to implement its plan to grow into an economic superpower the same way the United States became powerful in our pre-New Deal century, i.e., by protecting local industries and financing our government with tariffs on imports. Somehow, China learned the lesson of "Animal Farm": all are equal in the WTO but some are more equal than others. China enhanced its WTO membership with special breaks and loopholes that allow China to sell slave-manufactured goods worldwide but protect its own industries from foreign competition. (Excerpt) Read more at eagleforum.org ... Why is it so hard to recognize that coalitions of votes may be organized whose only purpose is provide unfair financial advantage to the unscrupulous? How does an organization comprised of largely despotic member states somehow represent 'democracy'? China was admitted to the WTO after promising to accept its rules about free trade. But as the lawyers say when you end up disappointed by a contract, you should have read the fine print. The fine print in China's WTO agreement was in an attached document euphemistically labeled an “accession agreement,” which gave China status as a “nonmarket economy” and spelled out thousands of details about special preferences for China. China was allowed to impose higher tariffs than other countries, and ever since has protected its auto industry by a prohibitive tariff on imported cars. By contrast, South Korea's tariff on imported cars is 8 percent, and the European Union's is 10 percent. China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO( Phyllis Schlafly) If you think the WTO had power before, China is nothing, the WTO just admitted Russia to full membership: Look for significant Russian goods and economic penetration into Europe and India. One world economic government is here, happy New Year..... Deng, et al studied Lenin's New Economic Plan (NEP) including consultations with someone who was there following the 1917 Revolution, Armand Hammer the CEO of a huge oil company and the man that owned Al Gore senior and made the Gore family super rich. Lenin coined the term "useful idiots." So when the American useful idiots have their property seized (along with IP, technology, etc. already stolen or extorted) and get kicked out it's too late for apologies from the U.S. "free-traders" who were so wrong -- and don't even think about getting your TARP from the U.S. taxpayers! “Red China Alert: Chinese hackers hit U.S. Chamber of Commerce The Wall Street Journal reports: A group of hackers in China breached the computer defenses of America’s top business-lobbying group and gained access to everything stored on its systems, including information about its three million members, according to several people familiar with the matter. The break-in at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is one of the boldest known infiltrations in what has become a regular confrontation between U.S. companies and Chinese hackers. The complex operation, which involved at least 300 Internet addresses, was discovered and quietly shut down in May 2010.” Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.
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An international study based at the University of Pittsburgh has identified a human enzyme that can biodegrade carbon nanotubes. Laboratory tests showed that it could also offset the potentially damaging health effects of being exposed to such nanotechnology. The scientists found that carbon nanotubes degraded with the human enzyme myeloperoxidase (hMPO) did not produce the lung inflammation that intact nanotubes have been shown to cause. Furthermore, neutrophils, the white blood cells that contain and emit hMPO to kill invading microorganisms, can be directed to attack carbon nanotubes specifically. The research appears online in Nature Nanotechnology, and the paper is titled “Carbon nanotubes degraded by neutrophil myeloperoxidase induce less pulmonary inflammation.” The scientists hope that their findings will open the door to using carbon nanotubes as a safe drug delivery tool and lead to the development of a natural treatment for people exposed to nanotubes. “The successful medical application of carbon nanotubes relies on their effective breakdown in the body, but carbon nanotubes also are notoriously durable,” points out lead researcher, Valerian Kagan, a professor and vice chair in the department of environmental and occupational health in Pitt's Graduate School of Public Health. “The ability of hMPO to biodegrade carbon nanotubes reveals that this breakdown is part of a natural inflammatory response. The next step is to develop methods for stimulating that inflammatory response and reproducing the biodegradation process inside a living organism.” The team focused on hMPO because it works via the release of strong acids and oxidants, similar to the chemicals used to break down carbon nanotubes. They first incubated short, single-walled nanotubes in an hMPO and hydrogen peroxide solution for 24 hours; hydrogen peroxide sparks and sustains hMPO activity. They found that the structure and bulk of the tube had completely degenerated. The nanotubes degraded even faster when sodium chloride was added to the solution to produce hypochlorite, a strong oxidizing compound known to break down nanotubes. The team then developed a technique to prompt neutrophils to attack nanotubes by capturing them and exposing them to the enzyme. They implanted a sample of nanotubes with immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies, which made them specific neutrophil targets. After 12 hours, 100% of IgG nanotubes were degraded versus 30% of those without IgG, the investigators report. They also tested the ability of macrophages to break down nanotubes, but after two days only 50% of the tubes had degenerated. In subsequent laboratory tests, lung tissue exposed to the degraded nanotubes for seven days exhibited negligible change when compared to unexposed tissue. On the other hand, tissue exposed to untreated nanotubes developed severe inflammation.
Bollywood Hindi Movie, Music - News, Review, Interviews and Celebrity wallpapers What's Hot and Trending in Bollywood Nita Ambani's 50th Birthday bash: Aamir, Ranbir, Anil, Priyanka, Rani snapped at the event November 1, 2013 01:16:54 PM IST By Urvi Parikh, Glamsham Editorial Business tycoon Mukesh Ambani's wife Nita Ambani celebrates her 50th birthday today in a royal style at Jodhpur's Umaid Bhavan. After A R Rahman's concert last evening, today's celebration include a royal lunch, a dance performance choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant and fire-crackers show. ANIL KAPOOR, RANBIR KAPOOR and AAMIR KHAN Joining some prominent business personalities at the big bash are some big names from the Bollywood industry. Actors Aamir Khan, Anil Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Rani Mukerji, Meiyang Chang amongst others have been the part of the grand birthday bash at Jodhpur. If reports are to be believed, megastar Amitabh Bachchan along with wife Jaya Bachchan would also be a part of the celebration. Singer Parthiv Gohil would also be performing at the grand celebration tonight. ''At Jodhpur for Mrs Nita Ambani's 50th birthday ! Grand welcome and a magnificent celebration. Will be performing tonight for the grand occasion! Happy Birthday Mrs Ambani,'' posted an excited Parthiv on the social networking site. Well, we too wish Nita Ambani a very Happy Birthday!
Publisher: Backbeat Books Authors: Howard Kaylan, Jeff Tamarkin If Howard Kaylan had sung only one song, the Turtles' 1967 No. 1 smash hit “Happy Together,” his place in rock-and-roll history would still be secure. But that recording, named in 1999 by BMI as one of the top 50 songs of the 20th century, with over five million radio plays, is only the tip of a rather eye-opening iceberg. For nearly five decades, Howard Kaylan has been a player in the rock-and-roll revolution. In addition to his years with the Turtles, Kaylan was a core member of Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention and the dynamic duo Flo and Eddie, and part of glam rock history with Marc Bolan and T. Rex. He's also given street cred and harmonies to everyone from John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen and Alice Cooper to the Ramones and Duran Duran, to name just a few. Howard Kaylan's life has been a dangerous ride that he is only too happy to report on, naming names and shedding shocking tales of sex, drugs, and creative excess. Shell Shocked will stand alone as not only one of the best-told music-biz memoirs, but one with a truly candid and unmatchable story of rock-and-roll insanity and success from a man who glories in it all. Inventory #HL 00333204 Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
I hurt my back while i was doing gymnastics. It's not bad and i didn't even feel it until i stopped at the end of class, but now it hurts and i feel like i'm going to puke. What do you think i should do? How long has it been going on since you injured yourself? I never remember when you should apply heat or ice. But have you tried heat? Does it feel like a muscular problem? Not sure what you should take for pain. If it goes on to long and doesnt clear up I would suggest seeing your doctor as to what to do and what medication you can or cant take. Maybe an over the counter would help but should check with your doctor what he thinks would help you. seems like you're n active person being in gymnastics.. maybe take some anti inflammatories apply some icyhot and give it a few days. If it gets unbearable hit the ER if it is the same for a few days call the doc and make an appointment. As a gymnast I'm sure you know a lot of good stretches try to maybe apply some stretching to it. When doing that if it makes it worse quit right away. Follow your body though, if it hurts a lot seek medical attention asap.. The Following User Says Thank You to Guerrilla For This Useful Post:
I had a huge stroke 4 yrs ago at the age of 33 - 2 weeks after my first child was born. My left arm/hand was & still is completely paralyzed. Raising a child with one wing is extremely difficult! Some things to think about 1. not able to lift him in/out of crib or car seat. Not able to pick him up if he falls. My son was very big (9lbs 12 oz) , so, it was hard to carry him (which I kinda did like a football) while still keeping my balance. 2. changing a diaper is possible - it just ain't pretty . (Use your leg to hold his legs up). Good news is you'll get out of changing as many diapers as you would've normally! Plus, until you've had a chance to practice, someone else will need to fold his laundry 3. You can't play patty-cake or other clapping games. Not the end of the world - you'll find different games. 4. Have to be careful and really pay close attention when he's in the bathtub, as you can't lift him out. It's really interesting because you're child will learn to 'work with you' more or less. For instance, once my son started walking, he'd back up to me so I could wrap my good arm around his tummy and lift him onto my lap And, of course, the older they get, the easier it gets because they can get into and out of their own car seat, and even do up the belt. They can help you do the grocery shopping and even carry a bag! etc. They begin to feel really important when you ask them to help you. You no longer need to change diapers, and so on. You'll definetely need to ask for help from family, friends, neighbors, or even strangers! I think the hardest part is emotionally when you see other mommies carrying their child on their hip, and you know you won't be one of them. But, there are thousands of people who raise children just fine with one arm, and we'll just have to be one of them. One tip that no-one told me about is to use your hip to pin things against a counter/table to hold it (eg to hold a baby bottle while screwing the lid on etc) I tell my son that my arm is sleeping and that we have to be very gentle with it. I hope I haven't scared you because it's such a rewarding experience - just different for us. But, you'll learn to adapt so well that you'll even amaze yourself!
Clippers fall to Lousiville, 4-1, after seventh-inning grand slam COLUMBUS, Ohio – With the bases loaded and no outs in the seventh inning, Columbus made a call to the bullpen for lefty Scott Barnes. The first batter Barnes faced, Chris Nelson, sent a big fly over the left-field wall for a grand slam, sealing the Clippers’ fate. The Clippers fell to Louisville 4-1 Wednesday for their fifth loss this season. Columbus outhit Louisville seven to six, but stranded seven base runners throughout the game. The team finally got on the board in the fourth inning. With one outCarlos Moncrief hit a sharp line drive out to left field for a double, which ended up as his only hit of the night. Left fielder Bryan LaHair singled on a line drive, bringing Moncrief home for Columbus' only run. T.J. House started on the mound for Columbus. House pitched six scoreless innings, allowing four hits before imploding in the seventh. House loaded the bases by plunking the first batter he faced, allowing a single and giving up his first walk of the game before being pulled. Barnes finished the inning with no further damage past the grand slam. He received his first blown save of the season for giving up the bases-clearing bomb. Toru Murata made his Columbus debut in the ninth inning and pitched a three-up, three-down inning for the Clippers. Columbus is scheduled to embark on an eight-game road trip after Wednesday's loss, with the first stop in Louisville for a three game series. Columbus is 1-5 and the slow start has placed them at the bottom of the IL West standings. Follow Adrienne on Twitter @yo_adrienneee, or she can be reached by email at Robbins.firstname.lastname@example.org
Heisman shirts have been flying off the shelves at several apparel stores in College Station. As soon as Manziel's was named the 2012 Heisman winner, stores tore open hundreds of boxes to sell exclusive Texas A&M Heisman shirts. Aggieland Outfitters has sold nearly 5,000 shirts since the announcement Saturday night. Nearly 4,000 of these shirts were sold via their website after they sold out of shirts in stock at their College Station store on Saturday night. C.C. Creations and Academy in College Station have also had a hard time keeping Heisman shirts in stock at their stores. If you haven't gotten your Heisman shirt yet, C.C. Creations and Aggieland Outfitters are expecting another shipment of Heisman shirts to arrive mid-week. And that's just the beginning of the Heisman shirt sellout. Aggieland Outfitters has revealed a new Heisman shirt for sale with the saying, "Heisman Football." The MSC Bookstore on Texas A&M's campus is selling "No Heisman without the Man" shirts in maroon and white. Shirts at each location run around $25 each.
Prospective Students|Current Students|Alumni & Friends|Visitors|Faculty & Staff Register Apply Schedule/Catalog Designing Writing Assignments The time and effort that an instructor puts into developing a writing assignment will be a key factor in contributing to how successful a student is in completing the assignment. The following is a brief overview of some key components to consider when designing an effective writing assignment, followed by numerous links to other resources that provide examples and more in-depth, detailed suggestions for developing effective assignments. Effective writing assignments explicitly define the writing task. That is, the assignment sheet itself should clearly explain the expectations for the assignment, such as including a clearly defined thesis statement , the format (APA, MLA. etc.), and required length. In regards to format, it's helpful for students if the instructor sticks to the most recent version of a particular format. Some instructors will be teaching the formatting guidelines for MLA 3rd edition while their other instructors are teaching 7th edition, which ultimately confuses the student. Effective writing assignments clearly define the audience. Often times students will naturally assume that the audience is just the professor when in fact the professor is expecting that the paper is written for a general academic audience. Effective writing assignments explain the type of thought process (think Bloom's taxonomy) that students should engage in when developing their ideas. The most common key words that indicate this expectation are analyze, define, compare, evaluation, etc. Be careful of taking for granted that students will necessarily understand what these terms mean. Often times the meaning behind these terms will need to be explained to the students and contextualized to connect back to the purpose behind the thesis statement. Effective writing assignments are written out, passed out in class in hard copy, and posted electronically on the class website. Writing an assignment on the board or just orally giving the instructions for the assignment can lead to students misinterpreting the assignment or incorrectly copy down the instructions. When writing out the assignment, be sure to use effective white space so the assignment is easy on the eyes and inviting to the reader. Effective writing assignments are scaffolded--broken down into smaller components that underscore the writing process--which discourages plagiarism and prevents students from trying to complete the entire assignment the night before it's due. Having the students complete a tentative thesis, submit a research question, complete library research, compose an annotated bibliography, or turn in an outline or initial draft are all effective ways of scaffolding assignments. Effective writing assignments provide clear guidelines for how the paper will be evaluated. Providing the students with a sample paper from a previous semester can be very helpful for students. Rubrics that delineate exactly what the instructor is basing the grade on (format, structure, grammar/mechanics, ideas, etc.) eliminates confusion about constitutes an "A" paper. At the very least the rubric should be passed out along with the assignment sheet and also posted electronically on the class website. An even more meaningful way to engage students in the evaluation process is to collaboratively develop the rubric together as a class. Adapted from the following source: Clark, Irene. Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Lawrence Erblaum, 2003. University of Hawaii at Manoa's website provides insightful research into how students actually read and interpret writing assignments: Writer Matters: Designing Writing Assignments. The University of Wisconsin at Madison's Writing Across the Curriculum program provides helpful examples of effective writing assignments.
Bearing failure or proper lubrication? The choice is yours. Better lubrication practices could prevent the type of bearing damage that leads to costly premature motor failures in countless plants. How are you taking care of these crucial activities in your operations? Proper lubrication of ball and roller bearings in electric motors is essential to their health. Grease reduces friction and protects the surface finish from rust during long idle periods and in unfavorable environmental conditions. It also transfers heat from the bearing and even helps protect the bearing from dirt and contaminants. Since bearing life—and, by extension, motor life—depends on proper lubrication, it’s important to use the right grease for the application and to re-lubricate bearings at the correct intervals. Grease is a “dirt magnet,” so it’s surprising to many that packing it into the cavity around the bearing actually helps keep dirt and other contaminants from getting into this critical component. On very old motors, lubrication was provided by oil-soaked felt that “wicked” oil to the bearings. Grease serves this function in today’s machines. Consisting of oil suspended in a base material like lithium, calcium or polyurea, it lubricates the bearing continuously while preventing the oil from leaching out. Depending on its composition, different greases may be better suited for one application than another. For example, one may be superior at high or low temperatures, another impervious to water, while still others retain oil better under extreme pressures. The lesson here is to select the right grease for the application. An electric motor in an Arizona open-pit copper mine where the ambient temperature is 130 F requires different grease than an identical motor in the Arctic Circle. Of course, it’s sometimes necessary to meet one stringent requirement at the expense of others. In the food process industry, for instance, the most important property of lubricants is that they won’t poison you if they somehow get into the can of beans you’re going to eat for supper. An old professor of Texas history used to say, “Never mix gunpowder and alcohol, ’cause you can’t shoot it, and it tastes terrible!” Although it’s usually okay to combine lithium- and calcium-based greases, mixing lithium- and polyurea-based greases causes the oil to leach out much more quickly than normal, potentially starving the bearing of lubrication. Be sure you know which types of grease your plant uses—and know which ones are compatible with one another. Table I provides general guidelines for grease compatibility, based on the variances in compatibility of different greases tested by the National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI), April 1983. Grease manufacturers often can provide similar charts. Although compatibility guidelines are helpful, there are enough exceptions to warrant care. Before mixing two greases, check with both manufacturers. If both say it is all right to mix those specific greases, it probably is safe to do so. If either of them says no, don’t risk it (see Fig. 1). Note that in some instances both manufacturers may say it is safe to mix specific greases that are incompatible according to the general guidelines in Table I. Types of grease in motor bearings Some motor manufacturers have used polyurea-based grease—which performs well at high temperatures (over 250 F) and high speeds (10,000 rpm or higher)—almost exclusively for more than 30 years. Recently, though, several of them have switched to a second-generation polyurea grease that reportedly has even better properties than the old standby. Because these manufacturers produce tens of thousands of motors weekly, their decision to change grease is significant. Such a move indicates a high confidence level in that grease. Bearing manufacturers, on the other hand, use various greases, depending on application requirements. As a result, the replacement bearings you buy from your local bearing supplier might not contain grease that is compatible with what you use in your plant. So, be careful. Ultrasonic listening equipment, vibration analysis and thermography all can help predict bearing failures. But according to some sources, an operator tends to grease a bearing only when it “gets noisy enough that he can hear it” over the ambient sound of surrounding equipment. By that time, the damage has been done. Pumping in a few ounces of grease may mask the noise for a while, but it is too late to save the bearing. Assuming you have a good predictive maintenance program and want to improve on preventive maintenance, how often should you grease the bearings in an electric motor? If you read the manuals for a dozen different electric motors, you’ll likely find 12 different recommendations. Some of the factors that determine how often a bearing should be greased are: - Operating hours - Operating temperature - Bearing size - Bearing type (ball or roller) - Cleanliness of environment - Vibration levels - Criticality of operation One of the best charts for determining lubrication intervals is based on the bearing bore diameter, rpm, yearly operating hours and type (ball, roller, thrust, etc.). Unfortunately, this chart is not very practical. That’s because the person responsible for greasing the bearings usually doesn’t know the bearing sizes of every motor, and some motors have a different bearing size on each end. Another drawback of this method is that each motor in a plant probably will have a different lubrication schedule—motors could be installed at different times, they could operate a different number of hours/year, their usage could vary with the seasons. It’s easy to see why something that sounds simple (e.g., “Grease the bearing every 4000 operating hours with 1.0 ounces of fresh grease”) may be hard to implement. Various industries have tried to simplify the task by developing practical guidelines like those in Table II. Each represents a compromise, though, so none of them works for every situation. One thing that bearings and motor windings have in common is the 10-degree rule. Every 10 C degree increase in temperature cuts their life expectancy in half. If a blanket of grease raises the winding temperature 20 C degrees, the winding will last only one-fourth as long as it should have. With an increase of 50 C degrees, a winding that should last 20 years would have a life expectancy of only about eight months. Unless you really enjoy changing motors in the middle of the night, try not to do anything that increases the motor temperature! Now we come to the recommended procedure for greasing bearings. Under normal conditions, first remove the grease drain plug and wipe all the dirt and debris off of the grease fitting and the nozzle of the grease gun. With the motor running, pump fresh grease into the bearing while observing the old grease that is being forced out of the grease drain. When the purged grease looks fresh, stop pumping. Run the motor for at least 20 minutes to purge any excess grease and then replace the drain plug. Caution: Remember that the shaft is rotating. The motor is coupled or belted to something, so there are lots of things to get hung up in. You probably need all your fingers, so work safely. Some manuals say to “pump 0.8 ounces of grease into the bearing.” That sounds simple enough. Many operators know how many pumps it takes to deliver an ounce of grease, because they actually have checked. But, it is hard to determine if the passage between the grease fitting and the bearing is full of grease or empty. What if that precise 0.8 ounces of grease doesn’t even fill the grease passage? Ultrasonic equipment affords a more reliable way to know when the grease reaches the bearing. While listening to the bearing, pump in fresh grease until the sound changes for the better. If you pump four tubes of grease into a 5 hp motor and still don’t see any grease coming out of the drain, please stop! Tell the boss what you did, and be prepared for him to yell a little. If he’s fair, you’ll probably get the task of removing the motor, cleaning out all that excess grease (Fig. 2) and reinstalling the motor. There are some good, low-tech ways that make it easier to do a good job. One way is to replace the drain plug with a low-pressure (0.5 to 1 psi) pressure relief fitting. That makes removing the drain plug or waiting for the grease to purge unnecessary. For motors installed in out-of-the-way places, bearing suppliers sell another useful device—a small grease can powered by a watch battery that provides a regulated flow of fresh grease to the bearing (see Fig. 3). Simply screw it onto the pipe in place of the grease fitting. Be sure to write the date on it and replace it annually or semi-annually. All the specialized equipment in use today around the world makes grease selection more complicated. Specialty applications like kilns or ovens may be good places for synthetic grease. Synthetic grease typically can handle 30 C-degree higher temperatures than conventional grease, but it’s not as suitable for high-speed operation. To avoid compatibility problems, be sure to identify all special cases. Belted applications may require an extreme-pressure (EP) grease. It might be a good idea to identify these motors in some clear way—like painting the end bracket a different color from your other motors. The color won’t match the rest of the motor, but it will make it easier to identify a roller bearing that has a shorter relubrication interval and requires an EP grease. Be sure to tell your service center whether a motor is direct-coupled or belted when sending it out for repair. Most premature motor failures result from bearing damage that may have been prevented with good lubrication practices. Choosing the right grease for the application and following the correct lubrication schedules and procedures will assure long, trouble-free motor life with a minimum of unscheduled downtime. It’s also important to avoid mixing incompatible greases and over-greasing. Finally, when sending a motor out for repair, make sure the service center motors knows what grease you use. MT Chuck Yung is a technical support specialist at the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA), in St. Louis, MO. EASA is an international trade association of more than 2100 firms in 50 countries that sell and service electrical, electronic and mechanical apparatus. Telephone: (314) 993-2220; Web: www.easa.com
Manager: Bruce Bochy, eighth year Last 10 games: 8-2 Who to watch: LF Michael Morse (.278/.329/.550, 13 HR, 16 doubles, 42 RBIs); RF Hunter Pence (.290/.363/.468, 8 HR, 14 doubles, 23 RBIs); RHP Tim Hudson (6-2, 1.97 ERA, 0.96 WHIP); LHP Madison Bumgarner (8-3, 2.68 ERA, 90 K) Season series vs. Nats (2013): 3-3, 24 runs scored, 17 runs allowed June 9: Ryan Vogelsong vs. Stephen Strasburg, 10 p.m., MASN2 HD June 10: Madison Bumgarner vs. Doug Fister, 10 p.m., MASN2 HD June 11: Matt Cain vs. Tanner Roark, 10 p.m., MASN2 HD June 12: Tim Hudson vs. Blake Treinen, 3:30 p.m., MASN HD Anytime the Nationals take the field, it’s a good bet fans are in store for some good pitching. Those odds are doubled over the next four days in San Francisco, when the Nats and Giants send two of baseball’s best pitching staffs head to head. The Giants have been the best team in the majors, becoming the first club to reach the 40-win mark with their pitching being the main reason. San Francisco is a well-rounded club, but it owns the second-best bullpen in baseball (2.39 ERA) - only the Nationals have a better relievers’ ERA - and a strong rotation that is now fully healthy with Matt Cain off the disabled list. San Francisco has four relievers who have made at least 22 appearances and posted ERAs better than 1.71. That group is led by right-hander Jean Machi, who is 5-0 with a 0.32 ERA in 28 appearances. Machi has permitted just one run in 28 innings. Known for their comebacks, the Nats will have a tough time if they fall behind by the bay, as closer Sergio Romo has had the ninth locked down, leading the majors with 20 saves (in 22 chances). He holds opponents to a .167 average and has a miniscule 0.77 WHIP. With a four-game series ahead, the Nats will get to see the Giants’ four strongest starters, only missing right-hander Tim Lincecum, who has a rotation-worst 4.97 ERA. The teams line up for four duels worth staying up for. Right-hander Ryan Vogelsong (4-2, 3.39 ERA) goes up against Stephen Strasburg in Game 1. Left-hander Madison Bumgarner (8-3, 2.68 ERA) takes on Doug Fister in Game 2. Cain (1-3, 3.52 ERA) faces Tanner Roark in Game 3. Veteran right-hander Tim Hudson (6-2, 1.97 ERA) matches up with rookie Blake Treinen in Game 4. The Giants have the majors’ sixth-best starters’ ERA (3.41 and just ahead of the Nats), and are third in the National League with a 3.07 team ERA, two spots behind - who else - the Nationals. Offensively, San Francisco has more than held its own, ranking third in the NL with 278 runs, second with 69 homers and fourth with a .406 slugging percentage, helping to make up for being ninth with a .248 average. Former Nats slugger Michael Morse has been the Giants’ centerpiece, tying for fourth in the NL with 13 homers and tying for third with 42 RBIs. He leads the Giants with an .879 OPS. Right fielder Hunter Pence is also having a fine season, batting .290 with an .831 OPS, eight homers and 23 RBIs. Five other Giants have hit at least seven homers, one of which (first baseman Brandon Belt) is out with a broken thumb. So the games might be late, at least for the first three nights of the series, but this one has the potential to be some must-watch baseball between two NL heavyweights.
I'm frustrated. I've been out of work for quite some time, due to economy and not feeling well. I just moved back to WA from CA and don't have a dr yet. I plan on going to the local community health clinic nearby but am scared about what they will do for me. I am going to bring my rx bottles that are now empty....a few still have some. I take meds for depression and anxiety but nothing for Fibro. I feel awful every single day. I was given Tramadol 50 mg about 3 months ago and they are gone, they only worked if I took like 4 of them at a time and even then it wasn't enough. Any advice out there as to what to say to the drs?? I'm scared cause I know how they are now with the drug regulations and all. Any advice will help. Thanks The vicious FMS cycle: The pain causes interrupted and poor quality sleep-poor quality sleep causes anxiety -which causes more pain-.... And then the medications to manage the symptoms create another vicious cycle : medications cause JNK gene activation-prolonged JNK gene activation causes more chronic disease-more chronic disease more medications. And no mention of side effects yet. It doesn't get better. Suddenly, possibility of no medications. Does this spell disaster in ones life? The false sense of security is collapsing. It is almost unthinkable to manage without. Yet there might be an opportunity presenting itself to you, under these dire circumstances to explore other options outside the medical thinking box and outside dependency. Options that are free or inexpensive. I believe that we all have within us-no matter how grave the situation- the ability to rebound. And you have this too. But you must feel you are ready. Otherwise it's a struggle. You don't need another one. Hey, you may need support and encouragement to turn it around. That's it!!! That's what's missing!! There are other parts of the forum-other communities. Support is out there! Just come forth. Took me a few minutes to clue in. When I felt ready to rebound (many years ago), I had decided to make it a life or death situation. Obviously life prevailed. lol! I'm here, healthy and sharing stuff. Anyways back to your question for now. I really don't know what I would say to the doctor, other than the truth. Look them in the eye and with all your honesty, tell him/her your story. Be brief and to the point. Doctors get a lot of free drugs as samples to give out to patients (within guidelines and restrictions of course). The mfg of these medications also have plans in place to assist people who are in situation like yours, to continue getting their meds. Unless those meds fall under certain guidelines and this may very well be the case here, as any meds associated with possible addictions are carefully monitored. Check their website for details or call their Customer Care dept. If you wish to explore other options and I hope you do, then let me know. Stay strong,you're still very young and with the right choices you can have a good and healthier life ahead of you! Post again or pm me directly, as I feel strongly you're reaching out for support. You need to heal your life. And you know it! Wishing you well. You may want to see if you can get into a pain specialist. Narcotics aren't that great for FMS pain. They work better on acute pain. Depending on how old you are too it may become an issue in regards to tolerance. If you are in your seventies it isn't as much of a problem but if you are in your 40's it can be. Your body will get used to the narcotic and you will need more and more to get the same effect (tolerance not addiction - you aren't getting high). There is only so high they can go. Lyrica may be more beneficial long term. If you can't afford lyrica than elavil has been show to work for Chronic Pain at relatively low doses. (and is so old its cheap cheap). Trazodone can help you get a good night's sleep and helps with stage 4 sleep. Both of these are antidepressants so you'll want to make sure your prescribing Dr. knows what you take for depression. I take depression meds and trazodone so I know those two can be mixed. And exercise is really important. It may hurt to do it, but it has been proven to help with long term outcomes (will also do wonders for depression). And it is about starting really slow. Start with one minute during commercials of your favorite TV show. Just some gentle walking. Try to go up a minute every few days. If you feel an increase in pain that lasts more than a day, slow down and hold at that level for a while. They recommend 120 minutes of exercise a week for someone in chronic pain. Remember that there is nothing wrong with your muscles, they work just fine, its the pain signals that are wonky. Your brain is sending out false messages. You will not do any damage to your body by working out. No matter what that brain is telling you. Thank you...I appreciate your help and advice. I'm just getting over the flu but plan to go to the dr in the next few days...if they can get me in. I will try to post back soon on what happens. It's just frustrating.....and so misunderstood FMS and depression. Thank you. I have thought about Lyrica....and have seen the commercials. They may suggest it or I may. I am currently on Effexor for depression and they prescribed Trazadone a long time ago for sleep but it always makes me feel sooo bad in the morning that I won't take it anymore. So really I just take Effexor and a birth control pill, that is it. I was on something for anxiety but ran out too. Plan to go to dr soon.........will stay posted. Copyright 1994-2016 MedHelp International. All rights reserved. MedHelp is a division of Aptus Health. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. 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By JIM HEINTZ MOSCOW - Vladimir Putin's decision to reclaim the presidency next year sets up the possibility that he could rule Russia until 2024 and foreshadows a continuation of the strongman rule that many in the West have called a retreat from democracy. Although Putin departed the Kremlin in 2008 due to term limits and moved about two kilometers (1.5 miles) down the road to the prime minister's office, in a sense he never left at all. He cannily used Russia's state-controlled national TV channels to remain the country's pre-eminent political figure, with appearances portraying himself as a bold adventurer in Russia's wilderness, a vigorous advocate of the country's global importance and, occasionally, as a bit of a rogue consorting with scruffy motorcyclists. His hand-picked successor as president, Dmitry Medvedev, appeared as little more than a tame youngster in comparison - enthusing about Twitter and issuing earnest statements about the need for reforms, but achieving few tangible results. "He didn't do anything important, and I'm pretty sure they didn't let him do anything," said Vyachelsav Mazurkov, who was spending a cool fall afternoon in a Moscow park soon after the congress of Russia's dominant political party approved Putin's candidacy. Although Medvedev had shown flashes of independence, particularly in denouncing the corruption that flourished during Putin's presidency, he was seen by many as simply a placeholder while Putin bided his time until he could legally return. If he wins the March 4 election - a near-certainty given his popularity and mastery of Russia's political system - Putin will return to a presidency even more powerful than when he left. In 2012, the presidential term will be extended to six years from four; he would be eligible to serve two terms and just a few weeks shy of turning 59, the avid martial-arts fan's health appears robust. In nominating Putin, his United Russia party also approved his proposal that Medvedev take over Putin's current role as prime minister, the No. 2 government position. Putin's return to the presidency would be unlikely to ease Russia's dispute with the United States over the building of a European missile-defense system and other issues. Economic pressures, however, could push Putin to pursue reforms aimed at attracting more foreign investment, analysts said. During his presidency, Putin ruled Russia with a steely command, bringing about a system known as "managed democracy" that saw opposition politicians all but eliminated from the national eye. His personal popularity aided his maneuvering. Many Russians view Putin as the strong, decisive figure needed by a sprawling country troubled by corruption, an Islamist insurgency and massive economic inequality. The presidential election is preceded by national parliamentary elections on Dec. 4, in which United Russia will seek to retain its dominance; the party has 312 of the 450 seats in the current parliament. The period for formal submission of presidential candidates' names has not yet begun, and it is unclear who might choose to challenge Putin for president. As president, Medvedev called for improvements in Russia's unreliable court system and for efforts against the country's endemic corruption. But his initiatives have produced little tangible result. Moving Medvedev to the premiership could set him up to take the brunt of criticism for austerity measures that Putin has warned will be necessary for Russia amid global economic turmoil. Medvedev's advisers, likely to lose influence if he moves to the premiership, were clearly disappointed that he would not have another term in the Kremlin to try to continue pursuing reforms, and bristled at political maneuverings. Medvedev's presidency held hopes for change, "but our political elite made a different decision and chose the path to so-called stability," Yevgeny Gontmakher of the Medvedev-established Institute for Contemporary Development think-tank said on Ekho Moskvy radio. "This filthy deal of the country's supreme authorities is a blow to the institution of the presidency," Kremlin-connected analyst Gleb Pavlovsky told the radio station. However, a spokesman for the powerful Russian Orthodox Church praised the move lavishly. "This is a real example of goodness and morality in politics, an example that could be envied not only by our predecessors, people who lived in Soviet times, but citizens of the majority of countries in the world, including those who try to teach us," Father Vsevolod Chaplin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. Putin's return to the presidency would likely continue or even strengthen the "managed democracy" system he installed in his first stint as president. Under it, opposition parties face high obstacles to winning seats in parliament; of the four parties currently in parliament only the Communists, whose support is dwindling, act as a genuine opposition force. Opposition groups' attempts to hold rallies are rarely approved by authorities and unsanctioned gatherings are quickly broken up by police. All major television channels are under state control and rarely present opposition views. Under Medvedev, Russia's relations with the West have been less tense, even though there has been little change in Russia's domestic politics. The improved relations with Washington largely reflected President Barack Obama's "reset" initiative. It is unclear if Obama will win a second term next year to continue the policy with Putin in the Kremlin. Despite Medvedev's statements of reformist intent, Russia remained under strong Western criticism. A report by the U.S.-based NGO Freedom House last year said "there has been a steady erosion of the content, if not the formal institutions, of Russian democracy." In a visit to Russia in March, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden exhorted Russians: "Don't compromise on the basic elements of democracy. You need not make that Faustian bargain." The U.S. also wants to put elements of a missile-defense system in Europe, saying it is needed to counter the threat of attack from rogue nations such as Iran. But Russia has disputed the need, saying the defense missiles could instead be aimed at it, a stance that is unlikely to change with Putin back at the presidency. Putin started a carefully orchestrated series of maneuvers at Saturday's session of the party congress in a Moscow sports arena by proposing that Medvedev head the party list for the December elections. Medvedev then proposed that Putin be the party's presidential candidate, and Putin returned to the stage to accept the proposal and express support for Medvedev as prime minister. On his return to the stage, he found the microphone had been turned off temporarily, but said with a smile "I will speak louder. My commander's voice has not yet been lost." The congress approved the moves with no apparent opposition. Despite growing discontent among ordinary Russians with the party, United Russia exerts such an overwhelming presence in the country's politics that Putin's election and Medvedev's switch to the premiership are virtually ensured. Many connect Putin with Russia's turnaround from post-Soviet poverty to prosperity, largely driven by high prices for Russia's vast supplies of oil and natural gas. But growing awareness of the need to move beyond a natural-resources economy could force Putin in a new term as president to pursue reforms, some analysts say. "I expect Putin will establish a very pro-business and pro-reform Cabinet," said Chris Weafer, chief strategist of the Russian investment bank Troika Dialog. Putin also proposed Saturday that Russia's richest citizens face higher taxes. The flat income tax that came into effect during Putin's 2000-2008 presidency has been widely praised as improving tax collection and Putin's proposal would not change that, but he called for increases in consumption and real estate taxes that hit the rich comparatively harder. --- Vladimir Isachenkov and Lynn Berry in Moscow contributed to this report.
Since sophomore year, he’s broken up with Lissa to get close to Jenna, then got his heart trampled on by J-Town (who decided to pick things up with Matty, instead). Finally, he broke up with recent ex-girlfriend Tamara not once, but twice. On tonight’s episode, though, Jake got a couple of reminders why -- in spite of their differences -- he and Lissa once got along so well. One reason: Lissa is truly goodwilled, as evidenced by the fact that she pacified Sadie after her food truck shift freakout. In spite of a few exceptions (let’s not forget that she cold-cocked Jenna in the courtyard), Palos Hills’ newest head cheerleader was always eager to keep the peace. More importantly, Jake was proud of how she'd become so confident. "You've changed, too, Jake," Lissa replied. "Tamara used to yank you around, but now you're just more you." Every love story ebbs and flows, so should Jake and Lissa, who genuinely reconnected on tonight's episode, give their relationship another chance? Take the poll! [funnel_poll id="awkward_matt_6_10_14" results="true"]
Hal Leonard Louis Armstrong Jazz Play- Along Volume 100 Book/CD - Write a Review - Seen a Lower Price? Click Here. 45 day price guarantee, 45 day return policy, 100% secure shopping For use with all Bb, Eb, C, and bass clef instruments, the Jazz Play-Along Series is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. With musician-friendly lead sheets, melody cues and other split-track choices on the included CD, this first-of-its-kind package makes learning to play jazz easier than ever before. FOR STUDY, each tune includes a split track with: • Melody cue with proper style and inflection • Professional rhythm tracks • Choruses for soloing • Removable bass part • Removable piano part. FOR PERFORMANCE, each tune also has: • An additional full stereo accompaniment track (no melody) • Additional choruses for soloing. 10 songs: Ain't Misbehavin' • Basin Street Blues • Cabaret • Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans • Dream a Little Dream of Me • Hello, Dolly! • A Kiss to Build a Dream On • Mack the Knife • Mame • What a Wonderful World. - Softcover with CD - 80 pages - Size: 12" x 9" - Artist: Louis Armstrong - ISBN: 1423465881
HTC announces the 8XT As well as launching a new pure Android version of its flagship One smartphone today, HTC has also unveiled the 8XT, a new Windows model for Sprint in the United States. The new HTC is one of the first Windows Phone 8 mobiles to be carried by the wireless company (along with the Samsung ATIV S Neo), and will also be one of the first to benefit from Sprint's unlimited 4G LTE plans. The 8XT offers a 4.3-inch 800 x 480 display, a dual-core 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor, 1 GB RAM, 8 GB internal memory, a microSD slot (up to 64 GB cards), an 8 MP back-facing camera with LED flash that allows for simultaneous video capture and still shots, and a front-facing 1.6 MP camera. Other features include wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, and a 1800mAh battery, as well as the Taiwanese company's popular BoomSound and dual front-facing speakers. The HTC 8XT is expected to be available this summer starting at US$99 with a two year contract (including a mail in rebate), while monthly fees for the unlimited data plans will start at US$79.99 a month. Sprint is also emphasizing the productivity benefits of Windows phones and is offering discounts on Office 365 subscriptions to its customers.
THE WARREN COMMISSION: Why We Still Dont's Believe It By David W. Belin; David W. Belin, a senior partner in the Des Moines law firm of Belin Harris Helmick Tesdell Lamson McCormick, was counsel to the Warren Commission. He adapted this article from ''Final Disclosure: The Full Truth About the Assassination of President Kennedy,'' to be published this month. Published: November 20, 1988 THE TRUTH IS that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who murdered President John F. Kennedy and Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit on that tragic Friday afternoon, Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas. Yet 25 years after the event, a majority of the American public does not believe the truth. Rather, polls have shown that most Americans believe President Kennedy was assassinated as an outgrowth of a conspiracy. Over the years, conspiracy theories have ebbed and flowed. During the late 1960's, claims focused on an alleged conspiracy by so-called right-wing conservatives. In the 1970's, the conspiracy buffs concentrated on the Central Intelligence Agency. More recently, the dominant theme has been that the Mafia was in some way involved, with Jack Ruby as the ''hit man.'' A common effect of many of these allegations has been to tarnish the name of the late Chief Justice Earl Warren and to create the conviction that the Warren Commission was a ''blue ribbon cover-up.'' Having served as counsel to the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy, and as executive director of the Rockefeller Commission investigating the C.I.A., in which capacity I had access to all C.I.A. files relating to the Kennedy assassination, I know that the right-wing conspiracy theories, the C.I.A. conspiracy theories and the Mafia conspiracy theories are pure fiction. Why are they believed by a majority of the American public? How can it be that an investigation headed by Earl Warren - a man whose integrity was above reproach - has failed to gain the public's confidence? The easy answer is that there is a general mystique about conspiracy - a mystique encouraged by the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby on Nov. 24, 1963. In fact, when I first went to Washington to serve as counsel to the Warren Commission, I felt that the killing of Oswald by Ruby, a man with underworld connections, might have been some sort of a ''hit'' ordered to silence the President's assassin. Of course, common sense would dictate otherwise; as a practical matter, so-called Mafia ''hit men'' do not choose an area where they are surrounded by the police and immediately apprehended. But apart from this, exhaustive investigation by the Warren Commission proved that Jack Ruby was not conspiratorially involved. Not only was this finding corroborated by a polygraph exam taken by Ruby, at his own request and against the advice of his lawyers, but a happenstance independently confirmed this conclusion. Oswald was scheduled to be transferred from the city jail, in the police station, to the county jail several blocks away shortly after 10 A.M. on Sunday, Nov. 24. Before the transfer, he was to undergo the third of a series of interrogations by Capt. J. Will Fritz, head of the homicide section of the Dallas Police Department, and representatives of the Secret Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If no one else had joined the group, Oswald would have been transferred long before Jack Ruby ever got downtown. But at the last minute, Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes - who had helped trace the money order Oswald used to purchase the rifle with which he killed President Kennedy - joined the group. Holmes told the Warren Commission: ''I had been in and out of Captain Fritz's office on numerous occasions during this two-and-a-half-day period. ''On this morning I had no appointment. I actually started to church with my wife. I got to church and I said, 'You get out, I am going down and see if I can do something for Captain Fritz.' ''So I drove directly on down to the police station and walked in, and as I did, Captain Fritz motioned to me and said, 'We are getting ready to have a last interrogation with Oswald before we transfer him to the county jail. Would you like to join us?' ''I said, 'I would.' '' Holmes's inclusion extended the interrogation by at least half an hour. Ruby shot Oswald at 11:21 A.M., approximately five minutes after Ruby left the nearby Western Union office, where at 11:17 A.M. he had wired funds to one of his nightclub employees. Had Holmes continued on to church with his wife that morning, Jack Ruby would never have had the opportunity to kill Oswald. Nevertheless, many of the television shows being shown this November, as well as ''Libra,'' the recent ''historical novel'' by Don DeLillo; and recent ''nonfiction'' books - including ''Contract on America,'' by David Scheim, and ''The Plot to Kill the President,'' by G. Robert Blakey -all focus on Jack Ruby's alleged role as the Mafia hit man who killed Oswald. At first blush, it's easy to cast the blame on this group, whom I call the assassination sensationalists, for deceiving the American public. Yet I do not believe they are primarily to blame. Rather, I believe that if there is a dominant reason why the Warren Commission Report has not been accepted by a majority of Americans, it is because all our investigative work was undertaken in secret. It was far easier to work without the presence of the press. Yet if there had been open hearings, people could have watched on television, heard on radio and read in the newspapers what the key witnesses said as the investigation unfolded. By the fall of 1964, when most of the testimony and exhibits were published in the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission Report, the potential impact of daily reporting had been lost.
Objectstream offers a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a government agency's performance and their endeavor in meeting mission goals. Objectstream partners with companies offering world class technology solutions and products in their class. Enabled to offer leading edge technologies to our clients, we adopt a multi-pronged approach. The Business & IT environment is evaluated to identify those companies that we believe provide the best technologies in their class. We look for partners that have a defined vision, drive, a proven team, a bundle of proven technologies and of course a clear competitive advantage. Our approach to partnering enhances our ability to deliver end-to-end IT solutions and services to our clients. The technologies and the synergies that our partners bring to the table combine with our delivery service and commitment to create a winning situation for both companies, and most importantly, for our clients. Together we provide our customers with the IT solutions and services they need to increase their competitive advantage. State of Tennessee Objectstream plays an integral role in this ongoing contract with the State of Tennessee to deliver a new web-enabled system as replacement of the current legacy Title & Registration system. The new Title & Registration System (TRUST) enables the capture of customer details and all activities that are initiated by the customer. TRUST provides many new enhancements - one of the major enhancements is all activities will be around the concept of customer. The customer centric feature will allow search capability of customers, maintaining customer details, merging duplicate customers, vehicle inquiries and the activities related to the customer. Through web services, this comprehensive system solution interfaces with Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and allows external vendors to submit data. Additionally, routing capabilities are provided through workflow substantially enhancing productivity.
William D. Otter. One of Ashland's best known citizens is William D. Otter, who has been identified with the hotel business in this city for more than 30 years as proprietor of the Hotel Otter. He was born in Ashland, Feb. 27, 1863, the son of Frederick William and Catherine (Michael) Otter. Frederick William Otter was a native of Germany, as was his wife. He was reared in Coburg, and in 1861 emigrated to the United States. He followed his trade as a locksmith for several months in Philadelphia, and afterward located in Ashland where he became well known as the owner of a brewery. He also owned and operated a brewery plant at Wooster, as well as a restaurant business in Ashland. Mr. Otter died Jan. 19, 1874. He was a Democrat in politics. To Mr. and Mrs. Otter was born one son, William D., the subject of this sketch. By a former marriage to John Herbrand, Mrs. Otter was the mother of eight children, all of whom are deceased except Frank P. Herbrand, who lives in Mansfield. William D. Otter has always lived in Ashland. After his graduation from high school he attended Ashland College. He spent several years as a watchmaker with Henry Van Tulburg. In 1899 Mr. Otter became interested in the hotel business and has since owned and operated Hotel Otter. It was originally a 32 room hotel and has since been enlarged and remodeled on several occasions. The addition of the Ashland Hotel serves as an annex and gives the hotel a total of 82 rooms. Hotel Otter is the leading hotel in the city and is widely known throughout the entire state, both for its service and cuisine. He is also extensively interested in the real estate business in Ashland. Mr. Otter was married (first) in 1881 to Miss Etta Wood, of Ashland, the daughter of Henry Wood. They had a daughter, Ethel W., who is the wife of Frederick Gordon. They live at Cincinnati. On May 19, 1890, Mr. Otter was married (second) to Miss Fannie Jane Crippen, of Ashland, who died in October, 1924. They were the parents of three children: Edna Kate, born Feb. 28, 1891, died in 1901; Gus W., born Feb. 1, 1893, lives in Chicago; and Fred W., born Nov. 13, 1899, lives in Ashland. Mr. Otter is a Democrat, a member of the Christian Church and belongs to the Elks Lodge. He has always been interested in the progress of Ashland, and the energetic and unselfish part, which he takes in the promotion of all movements for the betterment of the city is widely recognized. History of North Central Ohio Embracing Richland, Ashland, Wayne, Medina, Lorin, Huron and Knox Counties BY: William A. Duff Historical Publishing Company North Central Ohio Biographies Names A to C Names D to G Names H to K Names L to P Names Q to S Names T to Z For all your genealogy needs visit Linkpendium
Dhal Bhat Days – Vol. 4 It rained last night like I’ve never experienced before in my life. I now understand the meaning of Monsoon season. Sure, maybe it was amplified in my mind as it sounds worse when you are sleeping under a tin roof; it echoed through my little barn room as if someone was dumping gravel from above. At one point I did actually consider that the whole mountain might float away. It was better to think of that rather than the huge spider that I saw above my bed before I fell asleep. The rain means more leaches, which somehow like to attach to me. It’s kind of like how bees seems to flock to one person…I am the leach magnet; I think I am also the laughing stock of the village because of it. Or maybe the leaches just like my lily white skin. I must have gotten this one when I got up and went out to the outhouse bathroom. I was so concerned about the huge spider that lives out there that I must not have paid attention to the leaches…priorities. I know, I know – you are probably wondering why a person that is not comfortable with spiders is living in a remote village in Nepal. I’m comfortable with regular spiders – not huge hairy spiders in my ‘bathroom’ the size of my hand and lightening fast. I mean really – is anyone comfortable with that? Yes…the people in the village Puma are. Most of my day is spent observing. Since I can’t really effectively communicate with anyone here, that pretty much just leaves observation. Yet the observations leave me with many questions unanswered. Sometimes I will take 20 minutes to simply try to look up how to ask a simple question like “Who is that woman” or “What is in all of the jugs”. But most of all, it has left me with questions about Didi (older sister in Nepalese and Hindi). Didi is name I call the woman who is boarding me. I don’t really know her name, as people don’t really use names here much. I do know that she has the largest house in the village, she is the village community chairperson, is clearly well respected among all, and she lives with her mother, Ama (mother in Nepalese). She also has 1 dog, 1 little skinny kitten that I’m in love with, 2 water buffalo (that’s very impressive in village culture), and 5 chickens. She’s amassed quite a good life here in Puma. Didi speaks very little English, but we get by when we have to. I am unable to have long conversations with her, but we have exchanged the sentences such as “Are you married?” ”No, I am not married” I said “I not married” she said. She then asked me “Why no married?” Oh how I could write a book on this answer….but I had to remember my audience…she didn’t know English words or concepts like “independence”, “freedom”, “waiting to find the right person”. So instead I said “Me no like marriage”. I asked her “Why you no married?” She replied, “Me no like marriage” and laughed as we had found some sort of bond in our lack of ability to hold a conversation. This specific exchange left me with many additional questions that I wanted to ask, but could not. This is one of the first women I have met in Asia within a rural area that is clearly powerful, smart, independent and isn’t married. So the obvious question is why doesn’t she like marriage? I’m absolutely fascinated with this. She is a very strong woman – the other night she heard a rat in the kitchen and got a pipe and went looking for it by candle light. I was a bit intimidated. When I travel I get asked if I am married all of the time; when I say no, the next question is ALWAYS “Why?” I’m left trying to explain that my parents haven’t abandoned me and that in Western culture it isn’t that unusual to be unmarried. People always look at me as if I am a lost cause and they still blame my parents for not trying to find me a mate. On top of all of this shocking discovery, I found out that she also doesn’t like babies as evidenced by her carrying a big stick and waving it at the kids to go away. I can only imagine what the kids think of her! So, I have finally encountered someone from an Asian culture that isn’t married and doesn’t want kids, but I’m left here dying to know more. How the tables have turned. Putting aside relationship status, there are many other observations that I have taken in. I have determined that even though there are bugs, rats, leaches, and the ‘houses’ are a step above a shack in our western eyes; the women here keep the place spotless. They spend a great deal of time cleaning up…which is quite a feat considering there is no running water in the house. They have to walk up the mountain to get to the water (a waterfall) and then fill big metal containers that weigh at least 30 pounds and they carry them on a basket on their back with a strap around their forehead which bares all of the weight. There is a whole system to the water usage that I’ve started to figure out. What they use for drinking and what they use for washing are different. The water inventory is closely watched and it’s clearly first in first out. I’ve tried to figure out a method to the way they wash the plates, glasses, pots and pans – it is so thorough and it involves at least 3 different pots of water that all seem the same to me but leaves me thinking that they must be different. Regardless I know that the items are clean even though they aren’t using soap. They sweep the house at least 4 times a day and no shoes are allowed past the porch. So I continue to observe and slowly try to form sentences that ask burning questions that aren’t open ended. It’s amazing how long the days are when all you do it sit around and observe.
Pros: VERY low noise at max speed. VERY good cooling performance. VERY easy to install, VERY cheap for the performance. VERY good for E-PEEN :p Cons: NOTHING at all. (Should come stock with 3 coolers :p. It's of no use on the cooler, but it will be a great case cooler :D) It's a big-boy, so be sure it fit's your case. In some setups it will cover the first (or first 2) RAM-slots. You can add a 3th TY-140 (or TY-150) cooler to it, but the results are just a few degrees°C (1-3°C). Also installed one in my friend his case. His stock i7 920 went into the high 85-90°C range (stock cooler) when encoding movies or play games for hours. And sometimes the PC shuts down for safety. After I adviced him to buy a Silver Arrow he never saw temps higher than 45-50°C doing the same stuff on his stock i7 920. It really is THAT good!!!
Patent application title: MULTILAYER DEVICE FOR FORMING ADHESIVE PADS FOR FIXING DENTURES AND FOR FORMING DERMAL ADHESIVE BANDAGES Giuseppe Brugali (Almenno San Salvatore, IT) Marco Pinna (Arcisate, IT) Fausto Pinna (Lesmo, IT) IPC8 Class: AA61C1323FI Class name: Prosthodontics holding or positioning denture in mouth by cement or adhesive Publication date: 2010-07-29 Patent application number: 20100190140 Multilayer device comprising two outer layers of hydrophilic fibre-reinforced textile material between which an intermediate layer is interposed formed from a partly dehydrated aqueous gel comprising sodium alginate, glycerol and water substantially free of calcium and/or This device is useful for forming adhesive pads for fixing dentures and for forming dermal adhesive bandages. 1. A soft, flexible multilayer device permeable to aqueous liquids for forming adhesive pads for fixing dentures and for forming dermal adhesive bandages, characterised by consisting of two outer layers and an intermediate layer in the form of an aqueous gel having a calcium ion and/or magnesium ion content less than 0.04%, a sodium alginate content between 18.0% and 22.0%, a glycerol content between 30.0% and 42.0%, and a water content between 30.0% and 50.0%, the percentages being by weight on the weight of the intermediate layer. 2. A device as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that the sodium alginate content is 20%. 3. A device as claimed in claims 1 and 2, characterised in that said glycerol is present in a quantity of 40.0%. 4. A device as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that said outer layers of soft material consist of webs formed of hydrophilic fibres. 5. A device as claimed in claim 1, characterised by comprising at least one substance of cosmetic or therapeutic action. 6. A device as claimed in claim 5, characterised in that said substance is β-cyclodextrin. 7. A process for preparing a multilayer device in accordance with claims from 1 to 6, characterised in that between 9.0% and 11.0% of sodium alginate and between 15.0% and 21.0% of glycerol are mixed with an aqueous liquid having a calcium ion and/or magnesium ion content less than 0.02%, the percentages indicated being by weight on the total weight of the mixture, which is spread and laminated between two layers of soft, flexible material permeable to aqueous liquids, in a quantity between 400 and 420 g/m.sup.2. such as to form between them said intermediate layer forming part of a multilayer device which is partially dried at a temperature between 100.degree. C. and 110.degree. C. for a time between 3 and 5 minutes. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a multilayer device for forming adhesive pads for fixing dentures and dermal adhesive bandages. DISCUSSION OF THE BACKGROUND Two types of formulation are used for fixing dentures into the oral cavity, namely a first type comprising mixtures of micro-crystalline waxes, modified celluloses, pectins, carrageenans and polybutane resins, and a second type comprising alginate threads and alginate particles combined with acrylic resins. In both cases the application presents a series of problems. With regard to products of the first type, these are difficult to use, as they have to be spread/secured on specific regions of the dental prosthesis, they do not provide a sufficient damping effect (elastic behaviour) to protect the palate or gum, and do not adequately conform to their morphological characteristics. The products of the second type require, for developing a sufficient adhesiveness, a contact time with saliva liquids which is considerably longer than 60 seconds; it follows that fixing to the soft parts of the mouth is not adequate, resulting in denture displacement during mastication. This can also cause flaking of both types of product, with consequent release and possible ingestion of material particles. US 2005/0137272 A1 describes gelled biopolymer based foam obtained by forming an aqueous dispersion sodium alginates (among other polymers), together with a gelling agent (comprising bivalent cations of alkaline materials, including calcium ions), a plasticizer (including glycerol), pH modifier and water forming a foam from the dispersion and forming a gelled foam, and then drying the gelled foam in a very time consuming manner (such as overnight, see examples 7, 17 and others). Such dried foam has high absorbency properties and its re-hydrating time is very long (such as 3-5 minutes, see example 13). Such foam can be applied onto a surface of a single layer of a substrate (including a woven or non-woven article). This gelled form is obtained by heating to temperatures and for times variable between about 1 hour if at 80/100° C. and about 8 hours if at ambient temperature. It follows that the residual water content of the dried gelled foam at ambient humidity is about 10% (see examples 19, 20 and elsewhere). Such a low residual water content of the dried product has the drawback that the product (foam) is too rigid and poorly manageable for its use for fixing dentures in the oral cavity. Moreover, applying the foam to just a single layer of a substrate easily leads to detachment of this foam from the support. The aforesaid US patent states that the dried foam is able to absorb large quantities of aqueous liquids, for which reason it illustrates its use for forming bandages which can be applied directly to wounds, to hence absorb the exudates and become adhesive to the skin by the effect of the various bivalent cations present in said exudates. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The main object of the present invention is to provide a device able to fix dentures into the oral cavity and fix bandages onto the human skin without presenting the aforesaid drawbacks, i.e. a device which is soft, flexible and permeable to aqueous liquids, hence usable both for applying and retaining dentures within the oral cavity and for forming dermal adhesive bandages. This object is attained by a device characterised by consisting of two outer layers and an intermediate layer in the form of an aqueous gel having a calcium ion and/or magnesium ion content less than 0.04%, a sodium alginate content between 18.0% and 22.0%, a glycerol content between 30.0% and 42.0%, and a water content between 30.0% and 50.0%, the percentages being by weight on the weight of the intermediate layer. Preferably the sodium alginate content of the device is 20%, the glycerol content is 40%, and the constituent material of the outer layers is a web made of hydrophilic fibres, and can comprise a substance of cosmetic or therapeutic action, in particular β-cyclodextrin. The multilayer device of the present invention is prepared by a process characterised in that between 9.0% and 11.0% of sodium alginate and between 15.0% and 21.0% of glycerol are mixed with an aqueous liquid having a calcium ion and/or magnesium ion content less than 0.02%, the percentages indicated being by weight on the total weight of the mixture, which is spread and laminated between two layers of soft, flexible material permeable to aqueous liquids, in a quantity between 400 and 420 g/m2 such as to form between them said intermediate layer forming part of a multilayer device which is partially dried at a temperature to between 100° C. and 110° C. for a time between 3 and 5 minutes (hence for a very short time compared with that suggested by the aforesaid US patent). The advantages deriving therefrom are that the two web layers between which the intermediate layer is interposed prevent its flaking, that is the thickness of said intermediate layer can be easily obtained and gauged by common laminating machines, that the absorption of water (containing calcium and/or magnesium cations with consequent exhibition of the adhesive power) for gel formation takes place in a very short time, of just a few seconds (generally less than 10 seconds). The rate of re-hydration of the previously dried device is high because the thickness which has to be traversed from the outer surfaces of the two web layers to the intermediate layer is small, the residual water content of the dried product developing the property of conferring softness on the multilayer device. U.S. Pat. No. 4,632,880 describes an adhesive device formed from heat-laminated webs having a water activated adhesive uniformly dispersed between these webs, to support a denture within the oral cavity. However, this device comprises--as an essential component bonding the fibres together--a binder based on polyethylene oxide polymer together with sodium alginate as a water-activated adhesive. EP1452168 describes a pad comprising a flexible support comprising various components spread over one surface thereof, these components having as is basic constituent a product inherently adhesive towards the skin, in particular polyvinyl alcohol. Evidently, the adhesive power of the device of the present invention is exhibited if, and only if, there is an abundant availability of calcium and/or magnesium cations in the liquid (human saliva, wound exudates, artificial aqueous solutions or common tap water). The calcium and/or magnesium cations must however be absent (or present only in the minimum quantities specified in claim 7) during the device coupling/drying stage (production stage) due to the irreversibility of the gel formation process, which would make it difficult to spread the gel over the surfaces of the two webs. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION For a better understanding of the characteristics of the device of the present invention, two non-limiting embodiments will now be described. Preparation of an Adhesive Pad for Fixing Dentures within the Oral Cavity Sodium alginate is dispersed in water (with the absence of calcium or magnesium cations or containing less than 0.02% of these cations) in a stainless steel vessel. Mixing must continue until the polymer powder is completely dissolved (requiring about 45-50 minutes). On termination of this step, a very viscous transparent liquid mass forms. Glycerol (pharmaceutical grade) is then added into the same vessel, and left under agitation for a further 15 minutes. At the end of this step an aqueous solution containing 10 wt % of sodium alginate and 20 wt % of glycerol is obtained. The solution, which is colourless and tasteless, if not used immediately can be stored in a refrigerator cell at +4° C. for not more than 48 hours (in closed steel vessels). The solution is then applied by lamination between two layers of non-woven hydrophilic web in a quantity of 420 g/m2. The coupled system formed in this manner is maintained extended and is advanced along a tunnel drying oven of hot air jet type. Its four successive sections must have the following temperatures: a) +100° C., b) +100° C., c) +100° C., and d) +110° C., its advancement rate being 3.5 m/sec. The total residence time is 5 min, equally divided between the various sections. The product obtained is wound into rolls and then divided into smaller rolls to be fed to subsequent punching to obtain the required shapes. The shaped pads obtained are then inserted into individual sachets, which are then inserted into boxes for final packaging. Immediately prior to use the pads are preferably re-hydrated with potable water (containing calcium and/or magnesium cations) to enable rapid commencement of gel swelling by re-hydration followed by easy manipulation in applying the pad to the denture and into the oral cavity, where the presence of the bivalent cations in the water and saliva increases the adhesivity of the device both to the denture and to the oral cavity mucosa. Preparation of a Dermal Adhesive Bandage for Thalassotherapeutic Treatment of the Skin Sodium alginate is dispersed in pure water (i.e. without calcium and/or magnesium cations) under slow stirring and at ambient temperature in a stainless steel vessel (easily washable and sanitizable). Mixing must continue until the polymer powder is completely dissolved (requiring about 60 minutes). On termination of this step, a very viscous transparent liquid mass forms. Glycerol (pharmaceutical grade) is then added in the same vessel, and left under agitation for a further 15 minutes. At the end of this step an aqueous solution containing 11 wt % of sodium alginate and 15 wt % of glycerol is obtained. Simultaneously, in another vessel, an aqueous solution of the following salts is prepared (percentages by weight on the total solution weight): 1) magnesium chloride MgCl2 0.08%2) potassium sulphate K2SO4 1.4%3) sodium chloride NaCl 10.0%4) zinc sulphate ZnSO4 0.4%5) sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 0.04%6) potassium bromide KBr 0.02% This saline solution is qualitatively similar to that of the Dead Sea. At this point 50% w/w of the sodium alginate solution is mixed with 50% w/w of the saline solution in a third mixer under mild stirring. The mass is kept under agitation until completely homogenized (about 30 minutes). The weight percentage concentration of the solutes is hence halved compared with that specified in the starting solutions: 1) sodium alginate 5.5%2) glycerol 7.5%3) magnesium chloride MgCl2 0.04%4) potassium sulphate K2SO4 0.07%5) sodium chloride NaCl 5.0%6) zinc sulphate ZnSO4 0.2%7) sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 0.02%8) potassium bromide KBr 0.01% In this manner a gel is obtained (certainly partially crosslinked because of the presence of the magnesium cation), and is laminated by application onto the opposing surfaces of two layers of non-woven web, the gel quantity being 400 g/m2 of web. The coupled system formed in this manner is maintained extended and is advanced through a tunnel drying oven of hot air jet type. Its four progressive sections must have the following temperatures: a) +100° C., b) +100° C., c) +100° C., and d) +110° C., its advancement rate being 3.5 m/sec, the total residence time in the oven being 4 min, equally divided between the various oven sections. The final, i.e. coupled, product is wound into rolls and then divided into smaller rolls to be fed to subsequent punching to obtain the required shapes. The shaped sheets obtained are then inserted into sachets, which are then inserted into boxes for final packaging. The result obtained is a rectangular sheet which can be further cut to size by the final user to better adapt it to the body part to be treated. Application requires prior wetting of the sheets with warm potable water (containing calcium and magnesium cations) and their application to the skin by handling them as though they were bandages. The water absorbed by capillarity by the two outer non-woven fabric layers comes into contact with the intermediate layer which, as it contains sodium alginate fibres, begins to swell (increasing in volume). The presence of the calcium and/or magnesium cations originating from the hardening salts present in the potable water completes gelling of the active mass by forming ionic cross-linkages between the alginate polysaccharide chains (gel cross-linkage). The bandage obtained in this manner is suitable for application to any part of the body except injured parts. The high local concentration of saline solutes remains substantially constant for the entire treatment period, enabling maximum therapeutic effectiveness of the saline complex (there is however some water loss by evaporation due to body heat). This device can be produced by preparing the starting gel directly from thermal waters to hence obtain therapeutic bandages with characteristics depending on those of the thermal water used. A cross-section through a bandage is shown on an enlarged scale in the accompanying FIG. 1 in which the reference numerals 1 and 2 indicate respectively two separate layers of hydrophilic porous web fabric between which the intermediate dried gel layer 3 is interposed. Patent applications by Fausto Pinna, Lesmo IT Patent applications by Marco Pinna, Arcisate IT Patent applications by BIOFARMITALIA S.P.A Patent applications in class By cement or adhesive Patent applications in all subclasses By cement or adhesive