And now, the variability in projects is going to come and depend on how the Gulf of Mexico is doing.
So based on your experience with other emerging market telcos, just moving from 3G to 4G traffic, would you -- should we expect improvements in ROICs, especially at the current price levels or does something have to change in Indonesia?
Telesat's two newest satellites are producing revenue according to plan, and a third will be launched within the next few months.
Any such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements.
The presentation you're about to hear may state future projections based off current forecast and is subject to risks and uncertainties.
And I would say that the CLO spread, the CLO market freezing up, widening out and anticipated resurgence to the CLO market caused that CLO-oriented asset to be bid wider during that period of time and that's come back in a little bit, but it did reset it out a little bit wider.
We expect the fourth-quarter hires to be fully productive in the second half of the year, and other hires that we're making will progressively contribute to our top line growth.
For the Live.me business, although it's approaching a breakeven point right now, but seeking profitability is not the focus of this business right now.
And even though we see some earnings pressure in coming quarters, we still anticipate consistently covering our regular $0.37 dividend.
And going forward, we expect it to be relatively flat, but there could also be opportunity there because our Care Connect suite, which is our hospital contact center solutions primarily has not been our primary focus over these last couple of years.
"I am always skeptical about product claims to -- that revitalize.
And those 2 things are connected because what has happened is repairs have accelerated a little faster than the values of cars.
Certainly, if we leased Union Centre, as it's possible, that could drive value very significantly, but I don't want to suggest in saying that it believe it will occur in 2017.
I would like also to express my sincere appreciation to your -- to our union leaders for their mature thinking, for their open mindset by creating a framework within which we have been able to implement this turnaround plan.
As you can see, the portfolio breakdown by investment type remained consistent quarter-over-quarter with one-stop loans continuing to represent around 85% of the portfolio at fair value.
In regards to the enterprise-type customers, yes, we certainly believe that the e-commerce growth is going to continue to drive the market for our big enterprise customers.
The most significant impact is within the financial items line, actually, where you might not expect it maybe, but it is, which is positively impacted from the standard by SEK 18 million.
And in terms of the order intake, do you -- can we assume that the same kind of run rate will continue or you're seeing some risk to that in case of there is a delay in the VSC order finalization?
For our buildings teams, the transition to a lower carbon future presents many opportunities to apply and will develop sustainable building solutions including mass timber and modular, deep energy retrofits, Net Zero buildings, innovative special projects and smart building technology.
So with obviously a lot of questions about what does the virus make to the macroeconomy and to our own DBS outlook and performance, so let me first start by pointing out that previrus.
So that was the context for our project in Cuiabá.
With both, we see relatively stable performance, which we believe reflects the quality of our customer base and a stable economic environment.
And the future expansion in the core solutions and applications of the bank's technology architecture.
Looking after, we've got a good track record, and we intend to maintain and restore our reputation from what happened on Monday.
But I don't have any level of confidence that things are going to change on the Senior Housing side relative to having any rationality on pricing from the private equity guys.
Note that we are forecasting somewhat higher growth in overall cost of revenue in the back half of the year due in part to increased cloud spend, but also the lapping of certain efficiencies we gained through the transition of Orbitz to Expedia platforms in the first half of last year.
We have come up just short of that goal as the unfavorable impacts of rising freight costs and the manufacturing inefficiencies during the fourth quarter were more significant than we had expected.
We expect that our revenue and profitability will be very back-end-loaded this year, given that our sapphire materials business will be in ramp-up mode.
The long-term outlook for infrastructure spending in Hong Kong is robust, and we retain a leading position in this market.
As a result of improving market fundamentals, we believe dentists are gradually becoming more confident about investing in their practices.
All of the movements, working capital, tax, et cetera, are very much aligned with what you would expect.
So the investment, our total investment for the project will come to about GBP 3 million to GBP 3.5 million total investment as and when the complete rollout all of the operations and all our services are live and revenue generating.
In competitive markets, optionality is king, and our approach means we can pick and choose where best to deploy capital to achieve our targets and robust return aspirations.
Construction of a new solvent extraction and electrowinning plant at Chambishi was completed in 2012.
So there some unusual expenses expected margin should get better, but certainly, we're not -- I'm not really surprised that were contracted in the quarter.
It is expected to enter service in the fourth quarter of 2014.
Our efforts to maximize LNG production have yielded continuous improvement in our per train run rate production forecast, which helped drive the range of our run rate financial guidance.
As Matt mentioned, we continue to see positive trends with new order bookings, so we would expect that to improve from an operating margin standpoint because we have taken out a fair amount of costs, both fixed and variable, in that business.
And with depreciation and amortization expense at approximately $80 million, we expect our full year operating margin for 2013 to be between 18.5% and 20% of total revenues.
So talking on the next slide on power, at TSPL, the third unit was capitalized during the quarter, with overall plant availability at 77%.
So there's definitely an inherent part of that is that we are not achieving that, we will titrate the various levers there to say, how does this pull back to make sure we get to those earnings expectations of what we're trying to deliver for shareholders and continue to measure that.
We expect a flat-to-slightly down total available market when compared with the March quarter.
I think our expectation, as we said before, is we want to compete on execution.
So we ended up spending a little more than we expected on the CapEx front in particular to support certain initiatives around online, omnichannel, around certain initiatives, which are, in our mind, particularly relevant during these COVID-related times, and obviously, remain, as I was mentioning earlier, committed to finding savings elsewhere in order to fund this changed mix.
We continue to have growth opportunities in Mexico but we believe we have even stronger growth opportunities in the Southern Cone and in Brazil, in particular.
We have to have a robust resource base in order to be able to move forward with any project.
Further, with certain customers that negotiate new pricing and market share in the fourth quarter, and that is for the preponderance of our business, you would expect to see that impact for at least the one month of the fourth quarter, that being December.
I think the discipline we've shown over the last years in that same period have allocated -- appropriately allocating capital to the balance sheet or to our existing portfolio rather than new development project shows the commitment that we have in controlling that.
In the fourth quarter, our operating expenses remained broadly stable year-on-year.
Again, holding to our committed guidance, our investment priorities this year include services capacity to convert existing bookings to revenue and development capacity to complete the movement to the cloud and enhancements to our platform.
But when do you anticipate getting to a cash flow breakeven or, if you prefer, an adjusted EBITDA breakeven standpoint?
We remain committed to providing our shareholders with distributions that are covered by our net investment income over time.
And how much of that is maintenance CapEx versus this growth CapEx, and we would include all the Water One in the growth CapEx category, as well as any other outsourcing projects that you might win?
The way things seem to be developing on the political front, it looks like, I think, the business community will feel pretty good and certainly, they'll feel more confident going forward.
We expect higher costs in terms of additional fees from the startup of LM4 and higher electricity cost for which we recognized revenues in an amount equal to this costs from new compression facilities.
Second, based on feedback from the SEC regarding the use of our adjusted net revenue plus network fees metric that came out of a customary review of our public filings, going forward, we expect to report on an adjusted net revenue basis, excluding the addition of network fees.
If you'd like to be in our email distribution list to receive future news releases, please call our investor relations firm, DRG&L.
In summary, we regard it as a privilege to contribute to Macao's success in realizing its objectives of diversifying its economy, supporting the growth of local businesses and providing meaningful career development opportunities for its citizens including 2 of our Sands Academy and reaching its full potential as Asia's leading business and leisure tourism destination.
And then another one, Fred, I think you started to address as I may have missed this specifically but you talked about the four times leverage ratio that you have on an LTM basis, are you targeting anything exiting 2012 as far as where you would like to get that metric?
We would expect to be some capital improvements, modest capital improvements that we could make to that facility to, we probably make it somewhat beyond the 110 number, but that would come out of more detailed engineering work, but at this point in time we are not in a position to say that it that we’ve got any technical gains that would result immediately in greater than a 110 million pounds per year capacity.
And we expect for Tissue Diagnostics to be back to normal, resulting in a major completion of the demand that we have by the end of this year.
Our coal-to-gas projects will focus on North China and we will continue to move forward with coal-to-gas projects.
These opportunities combined with the out-performance of our new stores, give us great confidence in our fiscal 2020 pipeline and our longer-term potential for over 600 stores.
And then just looking more and the expense side, talk little bit about the increase you saw or the leverage that you got on buying and occupancy in SG&A given the strong sales increase I guess maybe you could have I would expect to see a little bit more, is that just a result of making investments in all the areas you talked about growth gross?
The foundation established through this integration is a critical success factor in helping us navigate this difficult operating environment, and we believe it will accelerate our ability to create value from future acquisitions.
And the LaSalle rail spur investment, again, is a good example I'm going to discuss shortly.
Total services revenue increased 5.3% to $13.8 million for the quarter and 4.1% to $26 million for the first half of 2019, driven by commission revenue earned on ceded premiums by our reinsurance intermediary, Blue Atlantic, and an increase in MGA policy fees related to new and renewal policy volume.
Credit performance remains strong.
New innovative and highly energy efficient products that provide a superior lighting experience will continue to be key to our future success.
Otherwise, NLB has been very solidly positioned from recurring, as mentioned, organic evolution and more or less analyzing eventual opportunities.
When we say Europe is stable, it is stable, but we're -- I don't think anybody is forecasting large growth opportunities in Europe.
This guidance assumes no material labor-disruption-related revenue in the quarter.
This trend continued in the third quarter where we signed leases for 3.5 million square feet of new, renewal and development pipeline space in 207 transactions.
We see the interest expense as we mentioned about $6 million on a go-forward basis, so when we talked about over $100 million in cash flow that does comprehend the impact of the refinancing and we have also said that we expect working capital to be basically neutral during the course of the year, it was negative in the first quarter due to anticipated seasonality, it was positive in the second quarter, so that’s how you arrive at that net cash flow for the year.
We are committed to our vision and mission, which is to create the future of life-saving treatments by reducing the organ shortage and speed up drug development by providing accessible life science solutions that combine biology and technology.With that, we would now like to welcome any questions and comments that you may have.
Netherlands gas prices remain closely tied to oil and we are expecting to see these prices between $8 and $9 per mcf in 2011.
And actually, I'm not doing it justice with using the word go-live because it really is the end of a true digital transformation projects for those health systems.
Free cash flow in the second quarter, adjusted for one-time costs, is expected to be approximately $86 million to $92 million, 25% to 30% higher than last year pro forma second quarter.
Going forward, we believe our distribution white space opportunity remains very compelling as we expand our underdeveloped items set in existing accounts and gain new accounts in measured and unmeasured channels.
Jim, on the backlog with the 3 SMRs starting up next year, [indiscernible] backlog will be down a year from now from what you see in the bid activity?
The expense we expected for the mobile interactive business for this quarter is around $1.5 million.
We expect that our disciplined approach to costs and reduced levels of incentive compensation versus year-ago, offset by some incremental investments in the business, both on category projects and R&D, will result in strong operating profit growth.
Additional details regarding our full-year and third quarter outlook including guidance for our reportable segments can be found in the earnings press release.
So we continue to be focused on investing in both of those areas: product development to make sure we're serving our customers through feature enhancements today as well as new ways to serve them in the future as well as sales and marketing, which is then helping to scale those products by reaching more customers in new ways.
As such, we see further opportunity for leverage on our G&A expenses in the future.
Based on our results today and our midyear forecast, we are narrowing our 2018 guidance with diluted earnings per share now expected in the range of $1.90 to $2.05 per share.
Very good, take our question at the follow up from Laurence Alexander, from Jefferies & Co. Laurence Alexander - Jefferies & Co. Hello just a couple of very quick point the lower CapEx spending is that because you have your estimates for the total CapEx for the quarter to moving down or is it partly a timing issue and you just push back into FY08?
So, my first question was again on the Spanish real estate division, how should we think about the net losses that we have seen from this division going forward, when is it reasonable to expect that to disappear from your P&L?
We will close all these coal plants and we will convert the most recent ones to gas or biomass.
Humira's U.S. net sales were $17 billion in 2021, and we look forward to competing in this large market.
In Canada, as we expected, market conditions in our Western heartland remained very challenging.
Given the expected timing of the Renaissance Austin disposition, we expect that sale to result in a year-over-year decline of approximately $7 million in EBITDA.
Regarding our near-term capital allocation policy, as we've indicated before, we remain focused on preserving liquidity to ensure we can adequately fund our growth initiatives, namely investing in our tech-focused business and making opportunistic bolt acquisitions.
So speaking about our [indiscernible], we think that based on the plants that we have right now and as we're going to implement, we should be able to about double our sales in North America in the next 5 years.
The long-term incentive plan for the company, including all executives, is considered as a recurring expense and that plan was approved in the second part of 2017.
This accelerates time to result and improves lab efficiencies, which are both even more important in the context of clinical samples.
The current estimates and operating cost around the Pound.
Our underlying loss and LAE ratio increased compared to the prior year reflecting continued geographic extension as non-catastrophe loss ratios in our Other States both are generally higher than in Florida and the marketplace dynamics, within our home state of Florida including the impact of AOB related claims.
And we believe we will continue to invest in the right products, seeing the trends early, drive capacity, partnering of the supply chain and bringing the right customer needs for the market.
I expect the duration of the fund raise to be longer than the typical for prior funds.