You should expect this number to be close to $50 in Q4 2013, as we spend more leading up to Christmas.
But in terms of the fenestration, and I believe recent share gains with some old customers on the extrusions side, could you maybe update us there in terms of how oil might be flowing through your input costs and your customers coming back to you, and how that's helping your utilization?
And of course, like our present business volume, we expect the 5G CapEx peak will be between '21 and '23 since the overall accelerated development of 5G globally.
We generally believe that profits are a good measure over the long-term for employee contribution.
So 2013, I think that clearly the Core drives and we expect to have profitability improvements next year over this year, and we look forward to that, and that's primarily driven by the higher margins in the Core, having higher weightings and obviously the cost base will be lower on a full-year basis.
We believe the supply-demand imbalance will continue long-term and insufficient public sector capital investment is opening up significant possibilities with potential new customers.
There, we also have in our products like Farm-O-San; Presan, which is about gut health improving; and also for instance, Protec, which is our novel health feed within fish feed.
Unless there's some significant change in the interest rate environment, we're unlikely to get anything significant.
I don't see it worsening, but I do see a -- on large projects, it's, and from a historical standpoint, a competitive marketplace.
So from a net interest -- the book yield will be slightly lower, you should expect it to be slightly lower, but our liability -- our hedging costs would be also, lower, not quite by the same amount.
And then, of course, the banking license, so far, very positive contact with the Central Bank, very constructive, and we look forward to, hopefully, take a decision by the end of the year.
But what we thought is coming to fruition, that there will be a very robust supply chain that will give us alternatives to other locations today and in all likelihood will enable us to hopefully continue to drive costs down globally as a result of either supplying directly from India or just the competition that it provides for our other vendors.
But I think this just gives you an idea, and this is something that the company is working towards, is that we are targeting to be at about 2x net debt-to-EBITDA by sort of the end of 2019 and then to be back at or below 1 somewhere between the end of 2020 and the end of 2021.
We currently expect to ship 6 systems in Q4, including 1 EUV system to a collaborative research center, imec, which will not be recorded in revenue, but will be used to settle R&D services from imec.
Overall, we expect revenue of $1.14 billion with a range of plus or minus 2%.
Just a quick follow-up question to the previous question, do you have any projects on the horizon or acquisitions on the horizon that you would think would have a better return than returning your free cash flow to earn it to the shareholders, either via buyback or dividend?
We really don't have anything we can project on that.
In Global Forwarding, it's critical to have the scale to achieve the margins you need to produce the returns that our investors expect from us.
And for the Gujarat plant, should we expect any stabilization loss to continue in Q3 also?
Our strategy is rooted in a set of prevailing believes about what creates values in the med tech industry.
So in eliminating some of those SKUs, a lot of that volume will flow back to the remaining SKUs, which we're seeing, the SKU rat was about 4% of our TDP losses but only about 2% of our volume.
But when I speak to 2x, I mean I'm -- that's certainly not next quarter, but that kind of opportunity is certainly there.
And when you talk about these 3 customers as your enterprise customers over 10%, do you have a good sense of where those products eventually end up?
And alongside with this, our working partner, Westcontrol has been ramping up so that they've been able to deliver even more products in Q3 and also, again, ensuring that the very large and big plans that we have for 2023 will definitely be able to be delivered during with the current setup that we have, both the Westcontrol as along and also with Sanmina.
But was there a big rent bumps within the leases that -- what leases signed from the past couple of quarters that maybe even wasn't factor in that 8.3% cash re-leasing spread estimate or figure?
We don't internally model it, but again, it's going to swing on project activity and it's going to swing on mix within that business.
For the year 2010, we expect recurring revenues to grow by approximately 28% over 2009.
We also continue to dedicate time, talent and treasure to understand and leverage the thrust of the WD-40 brand, and we'll share any of these new developments with you as they evolve.So for fiscal year 2010, we expect our net sales results to be in the range of $298 million to $318 million.
But also, you might recall, Paul, that generating unit was actually acquired when Ameren acquired CILCORP years ago, and as a result at that time in purchase accounting, that plant was written up to its then fair value.
We expect that margin to increase and we looked at from an EBITDA margin perspective, we're expecting in the Process Equipment Group EBITDA margins to grow about 100 basis points a year over the next few years.
We are gathering brokers' opinions of value and perspective marketing plans for these additional properties and expect to begin a marketing process within the next 60 days or so.
If you go on to the 4th page on the key drivers of the business plans which we mentioned during the business convergence and the fiber convergence I guess its clear JAZZTEL is leading the convergence drive in Spain.
I'd like to begin by providing a brief overview of our third quarter financial results, followed by a discussion of our key priorities, and then I'll ask Jodi to review our financial results in more detail and comment on our outlook.
I would say that, from my perspective, I continue to feel that the market policies in our countries have severe flaws that closing perfectly good nuclear plants in the long run is not going to be a good thing for our country.
Do you continue to believe that the second half of '23 will see higher margins relative to the first half?
And then since there is a lot more -- the seasonality is a little bit different in terms of the margins, would you expect -- with the Novae deal, sorry, would you expect sequential improvement in the segments in the back half of the year?
To reiterate, stable and capable operations remain our #1 and #2 priorities, and we are absolutely determined to keep getting that right.
I would expect to see that a fair portion of this starts to increase spending, both from consumers and commercial.
The first project, 2 commercial towers in the project Carlos Gomes where the sale was success; and the other one was the second phase of a project in our Open line, which is now considered affordable segment.
Now if you go to the next slide, if you believe as I do that gold is in a multi-decade bull market, then you can see the leverage that Donlin Gold provides to our shareholders.
After David's remarks, I'll discuss the quarter from an operational perspective and discuss our outlook, and David will discuss our guidance before I summarize and then open it up for questions.
The performance of both of these commercial products allows us to increase our 2017 revenue guidance, which I will detail shortly.
There are lots of questions on what is sort of the outlook for this business going forward, both in terms of volumes and in terms of prices.
So if you think about some of the big new greenfield projects that have been announced, those are '23 projects, not '22.
I think that I'm sure that the press release will be published very soon, and then you will have all the inflow and all the characteristics of these 2 operations.
Since Kelli Eddy joined as Chief Operating Officer last year, Farm Bureau Life has been intentional about creating a continuously improving culture of efficiency.
All of that is great news for the consumer, and it gives us great course for further growth, and we are confident that the things that we have in our local will help us to keep up the gaming growth this year.
Including Pharmalink, we expect Global Client revenue growth to be in the range of 9% to 11% or approximately 11% to 13% on a constant currency basis.
However given the newness of these initiative the company cannot be certain of the exact time and capitalization or the completion of other projects.
While we are pleased with the current level of capital in U.S. MI, we do expect our PMIERs sufficiency to decrease over time as delinquencies increase.
So no, we will gain -- we will gain a better cost control and governance all over, but it was targeted to the loss-making projects in Finland.
Simultaneously, our battery activities are also performing well and have the potential to join simulation as a future engine of growth.
As we sit here today in terms of the landscape, it looks like good opportunities for continuing to invest in the business, whether it's organically in areas like Selco or the implant initiative of, if you like, in terms of capital requirements from that perspective, Selco would be the more capital-intensive than the implants, which have relatively modest levels of CapEx.
And we'll continue to progress these and maintain the engagement with all of the relevant stakeholders to finalize or, I guess, get some increased level of certainty about the cost estimates and the timing of the decommissioning and the handover of the stock.
And again, without understanding the volume of the business that we project for 2015, I wouldn't want to speculate on a precise number there.
But I would still expect margin to tick up by a couple basis points for the next quarter as well, with the asset book still outpacing the deposit cost.
But just on the future liability and potential litigation, related to Sunburst, how are you thinking about any of these liabilities and customer claims and the degree to which SolarWinds might be covered by its licensing agreements?
So once again, thanks for listening in, and we look forward to speaking with you in upcoming conference or at next quarter's earnings call.
During the first quarter, we advanced discussions with specific targeted third party sales channel partners that have the potential to augment our growth, providing rapid scale in areas that would be difficult and time-consuming for us to penetrate with our direct sales force alone.
And are you in a position that perhaps you'll have probality into those refinancings in the coming quarter?
From a portfolio perspective, we are launching 2 sets of new AngioScore projects in the next 90 days, further expanding this franchise.
Our free cash flow outlook for 2019 has improved from a modest positive to a range of $70 million to $100 million.
And our goal is to license a clinical stage asset that we could implement a clinical trial in many of the sites where we have these great relationships, where we can do it very quickly.
This shift was effectively neutral across the total loss ratio, and this business continues to perform in line with our expectations.
The current portion of RPO, which we expect to recognize this revenue over the next 12 months, was $354 million at the end of Q1, an increase of 62% year-over-year.
But each SBU is responsible as initiative in deciding on the projection.
We also continue to work closely with our franchise partner in Puerto Rico to provide ongoing support during their recovery efforts and to help them reopen their remaining 2 restaurants, which we anticipate will open within the next few weeks.
That project, we bid it.
Overall, we remain on track with the requirements of these important government grants and are beginning to realize the yield, reliability and throughput improvements that we expected.
And that's -- my intent is not to belabor it, but -- so my question relates to, as we look forward, what we can expect in terms of market share for Horton, which obviously, I know that, that's something that you work very hard and are very proud about, maintaining strong market shares in your markets.
As a team, we developed and executed a 3-year plan to close the gap and results are exceeding our aggressive expectations.
As part of this, most of our restructuring initiatives that have taken place in 2013 and are expected to take place in '14 relate to this segment.
Although we have increased our capital spending with the addition of the second rig, we expect to generate free cash flow in the fourth quarter, which will be used for debt reduction.
Products Pipelines for the quarter was slightly above its budget as a result of strong performance on Cochin and Transmix versus what we expected.
And we're continuing to look to seek to make investments in the Quebec market.
We still expect ARR and also revenue to build more strongly into the second half of the fiscal year.
Software license revenues were as expected across all geographies and all product lines.
Among other things, the quotations from management in this conference call as well as Zenix Auto's strategic and operational plans contain forward-looking statements.
To your second question, marketplace, we are not disclosing our gross merchandise value in Q3, and we're not giving any guidance in the coming quarters.
Meanwhile, we also expect to drive moderate expansion of our users with this customer in the regions we already serve them.
Once again, aggressive cost management was key to this performance.PPG's restructuring initiatives are detailed on the next slide including the anticipated annual run rate of our cumulative savings from these cost-reduction actions.
Obviously, it'll depend somewhat on the level of CapEx you spend in 2015, because I assume that would be partially covered sort of by the hedge.
You had a year or so to clean up the UCB portfolio and maybe make some changes to the team, but what's the game plan for leveraging the full banking license you have, given that it allows you to do some things that many of your competitors can't?
The outlook for the Winchester business in 2015 and beyond continues to be positive and we believe that commercial ammunition demand will remain above the levels experienced prior to the surge that began in late 2012.
In which streams should we expect having more investments?
With the consolidation, it's not of the number of projects have increased, but the timing of posting on the cost was double digit or single digit billion yen.
And what is your positioning of our European businesses, to say, and if we have any plans for the European businesses going forward, please share with me.
Omar, we committed to 15% operating margin on Timberland by 2015.
Can you talk about -- do you have any plans to maybe put on some hedges or just help us think through how to think about the floating rate debt balance and potential risk to earnings, especially as you do more acquisitions?
I think we will see a reduction or maybe an increase [ churn ] at the bottom in the marketplace, which with the ebb and flow of the marketplace we typically see that accelerate at different times.
In addition, revised guidance for real estate taxes is now expected to grow 5.5% to 6.5%, removes $0.01 per share over the remainder of the year.
The raw milk purchase price accelerated 15.3% year-on-year in dollar terms in the first six months of 2007 due to wider market conditions affecting all producers.
We've made progress in terms of also in order activity recently, and it's our current expectation to monetize this inventory throughout 2020.
Or how should we see the growth for the industry in the next year?
Look out, there will be some interesting -- in the impairment charge that we've taken on our expiration assets, but I'll deal with that in more detail shortly.
Notably, the addition of XTU increases our market revenue share to almost 30%, which is our minimum goal in every market that we're in.
And second question, I would like you to give an outlook on your -- how do you perceive the methionine markets going forward in 2019 volumes and demand, that would be very helpful.
We also generated other income of $0.8 million, which is primarily related to $2.1 million of income recognized by an equity investment that invests in residential opportunities, partially offset by the $1.6 million of loss related to the redemption of a 2020 RPL strategy, loan securitization for an amortized debt issuance cost remaining at the time of redemption.
Semiconductor capital equipment and defense demand also remain healthy.
Our goal remains to surpass 6% adjusted EBITDA margins and continue to grow it beyond that, which we believe is within reach.