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a train covers a distance of 12 km in 10 min . if it takes 2 sec to pass a telegraph post , then the length of the train is ?
two trains , one from howrah to patna and the other from patna to howrah , start simultaneously . after they meet , the trains reach their destinations after 9 hours and 49 hours respectively . the ratio of their speeds is ?
at what price must an article costing rs . 47.50 be marked in order that after deducting 10 % from the list price . it may be sold at a profit of 25 % on the cost price ?
two vessels having volumes in the ratio 3 : 5 are filled with water and milk solutions . the ratio of milk and water in the two vessels are 1 : 2 and 6 : 4 respectively . if the contents of both the vessel are empties into a larger vessel , find the ratio of milk and water in the larger vessel .
the price of a jacket is reduced by 10 % . during a special sale the price of the jacket is reduced another 30 % . by approximately what percent must the price of the jacket now be increased in order to restore it to its original amount ?
the ratio between the sale price and the cost price of an article is 7 : 5 . what is the ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article ?
two trains 110 m and 160 m long run at the speed of 60 km / hr and 40 km / hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks . the time which they take to cross each other is ?
thomas ' s age and matt ' s age are in the ratio 3 : 5 . two years ago the ratio of their ages was 5 : 9 . find the ratio of their ages 4 years hence ?
dan ' s age after 16 years will be 4 times his age 8 years ago . what is the present age of dan ?
a certain cube floating in a bucket of water has between 75 and 85 percent of its volume below the surface of the water . if between 9 and 16 cubic centimeters of the cube ' s volume is above the surface of the water , then the length of a side of the cube is approximately
how much space , in cubic units , is left vacant when maximum number of 6 x 6 x 6 cubes are fitted in a rectangular box measuring 12 x 18 x 14 ?
a work as fast as b . if b can complete a work in 16 days independently , the number of days in which a and b can together finish the work in ?
the sum of 11 consecutive integers is 1111 . what is the greatest integer in the set ?
for any integer n greater than 1 , n * denotes the product of all the integers from 1 to n , inclusive . how many prime numbers q are there between 6 * + 2 and 6 * + 6 , inclusive ?
5020 − ( 1004 ÷ 20.08 ) = ?
it takes 60 identical printing machines 2 hours to print 300 cards . how much more time would it take 50 of these machines to print the same total ?
a 18 % stock yielding 12 % is quoted at :
( 23341379 × 72 ) = ?
the maximum number of student amoung them 1802 pens and 1203 pencils can be distributed in such a way that each student gets the same number of pens and same number of pencils is :
how many of the positive factors of 25 , 150 and how many common factors are there in numbers ?
if the cost price of 35 chocolates is equal to the selling price of 21 chocolates , the gain percent is :
nd the area of trapezium whose parallel sides are 20 cm and 18 cm long , and the distance between them is 15 cm ?
if ( 10 ^ 4 * 3.456789 ) ^ 11 is written as a single term , how many digits would be to the right of the decimal place ?
a 300 m long train crosses a platform in 36 sec while it crosses a signal pole in 18 sec . what is the length of the platform ?
the average expenditure of a labourer for 3 months was 85 and he fell into debt . in the next 4 months by reducing his monthly expenses to 60 he not only cleared off his debt but also saved 30 . his monthly income is
the average ( arithmetic mean ) of 16 students first quiz scores in a difficult english class is 62.5 . when one student dropped the class , the average of the remaining scores increased to 63.0 . what is the quiz score of the student who dropped the class ?
how many positive integers w between 200 and 300 ( both inclusive ) are not divisible by 2 , 3 or 5 ?
the cost price of an article is 64 % of the marked price . calculate the gain percent after allowing a discount of 25 % ?
one - fourth of the workers in palabras bookstore have read the latest book by j . saramago , and 5 / 8 of the workers have read the latest book by h . kureishi . the number of workers that have read neither book is one less than the number of the workers that have read the latest saramago book and have not read the latest kureishi book . if there are 40 workers in the palabras bookstore , how many of them have read both books ?
a particular library has 75 books in a special collection , all of which were in the library at the beginning of the month . these book are occasionally loaned out through an inter - library program . if , by the end of the month , 70 percent of books that were loaned out are returned and there are 57 books in the special collection at that time , how many books of the special collection were loaned out during that month ?
a train 330 meters long is running with a speed of 60 kmph . in what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going ?
if the selling price of 50 articles is equal to the cost price of 40 articles , then the loss or gain percent is :
a shopkeeper loses 15 % , if an article is sold for rs . 136 . what should be the selling price of the article to gain 20 % ?
what two - digit number is less than the sum of the square of its digits by 15 and exceeds their doubled product by 5 ?
on a map , 1.5 inches represent 24 miles . how many miles approximately is the distance if you measured 47 centimeters assuming that 1 - inch is 2.54 centimeters ?
a train 800 m long can cross an electric pole in 20 sec and then find the speed of the train ?
if it is 5 : 14 in the evening on a certain day , what time in the morning was it exactly 2 , 880,702 minutes earlier ? ( assume standard time in one location . )
4 weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days . at the same rate , how many mats would be woven by 14 weavers in 14 days ?
diana is painting statues . she has 7 / 8 of a gallon of paint remaining . each statue requires 1 / 16 gallon of paint . how many statues can she paint ?
when greenville state university decided to move its fine arts collection to a new library , it had to package the collection in 20 - inch by 20 - inch by 12 - inch boxes . if the university pays $ 0.40 for every box , and if the university needs 2.4 million cubic inches to package the collection , what is the minimum amount the university must spend on boxes ?
if pintu is coded as 79523 in a certain code language , how would you code jumbo in the same language ?
suresh can complete a job in 15 hours . ashutosh alone can complete the same job in 10 hours . suresh works for 9 hours and then the remaining job is completed by ashutosh . how many hours will it take ashutosh to complete the remaining job alone ?
in an electric circuit , two resistors with resistances x and y are connected in parallel . if r is the combined resistance of these two resistors , then the reciprocal of r is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of x and y . what is r if x is 3 ohms and y is 5 ohms ?
when 52416 is divided by 312 , the quotient is 168 . what will be the quotient when 52.416 is divided by 0.12510168 ?
on dividing a number by 68 , we get 269 as quotient and 0 as remainder . on dividing the same number by 67 , what will be the remainder ?
a person want to give his money of $ 4500 to his 3 children a , b , c in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 . what is the b ' s share ?
how many integers between 100 and 180 , inclusive , can not be evenly divided by 3 nor 5 ?
what is the least number of squares tiles required to pave the floor of a room 2 m 42 cm long and 1 m 76 cm broad ?
rahul can do a work in 3 days while rajesh can do the same work in 2 days . both of them finish the work together and get $ 105 . what is the share of rahul ?
a number , x is chosen at random from the set of positive integers less than 12 . what is the probability that ( 9 / x ) > x ?
a , b and c are partners . a receives 2 / 3 of profits , b and c dividing the remainder equally . a ' s income is increased by rs . 600 when the rate to profit rises from 5 to 7 percent . find the capital of b ?
what least number must be subtracted from 427398 so that remaining number is divisible by 15
what is the value of 4 ^ 5 + 4 ^ 7 ?
if 3 eighth of a number is 141 . what will be the approximately value of 32.08 % of this number ?
the number of positive integers valued pairs ( x , y ) ssatisfying 4 x - 17 y = 1 and x < = 1000 ( x is less than or equal to 1000 ) is
a can do a piece of work in 4 hours ; b and c together can do it in 2 hours , while a and c together can do it in 2 hours . how long will b alone take to do it ?
a person buys an article at rs . 500 . at what price should he sell the article so as to make a profit of 40 % ?
if both 5 ^ 2 and 3 ^ 3 are factors of n x ( 2 ^ 5 ) x ( 12 ^ 2 ) x ( 7 ^ 3 ) , what is the smallest possible positive value of n ?
find the compound interest on $ 56,000 at 20 % per annum for 9 months , compounded quarterly
the radius of the two circular fields is in the ratio 5 : 4 the area of the first field is what percent greater than the area of the second ?
rahul can do a work in 3 days while rajesh can do the same work in 2 days . both of them finish the work together and get $ 250 . what is the share of rahul ?
if n is a natural number , then ( 6 n 2 + 6 n ) is always divisible by ?
how many numbers from 10 to 46 are exactly divisible by 3 ?
what is the remainder when 54487 ^ ( 42787035 ) is divided by 5 ?
the total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book having 366 pages is
the sum of three consecutive numbers is 252 . the greatest among these three number is :
two friends decide to get together ; so they start riding bikes towards each other . they plan to meet halfway . each is riding at 6 mph . they live 36 miles apart . one of them has a pet carrier pigeon and it starts flying the instant the friends start traveling . the pigeon flies back and forth at 15 mph between the 2 friends until the friends meet . how many miles does the pigeon travel ?
how many 3 - digit even numbers are possible such that if one of the digits is 4 , the next / succeeding digit to it should be 7 ?
in a public show 45 % of the seats were filled . if there were 600 seats in the hall , how many seats were vacant ?
if ( 1 / 5 ) ^ m * ( 1 / 4 ) ^ 2 = 1 / ( ( 10 ) ^ 4 ) , then m =
two workers completed the painting of a building in 10 days . if they were to paint the building separately , how many days will it take each worker , if one of them can complete it in approximately 2 days earlier than the other .
frank is 15 years younger then john . in 3 years john will be twice as old as frank . how old will frank be in 4 years ?
last year , for every 100 million vehicles that traveled on a certain highway , 50 vehicles were involved in accidents . if 5 billion vehicles traveled on the highway last year , how many of those vehicles were involved in accidents ? ( 1 billion = 1,000 , 000,000 )
a man sitting in a train which is traveling at 30 kmph observes that a goods train , traveling in opposite direction , takes 9 seconds to pass him . if the goods train is 280 m long , find its speed . ?
in a certain school , 20 % of students are below 8 years of age . the number of students above 8 years of age is 2 / 3 of the number of students of 8 years of age which is 72 . what is the total number of students in the school ?
if 4 x + 3 y = 8 and y - 3 x = 8 , then what is the value of x + 4 y ?
mike needs 30 % to pass . if he scored 212 marks and falls short by 28 marks , what was the maximum marks he could have got ?
a man can ride on motorcycle at 50 kmph upward road and 100 kmph downward road . he takes 12 hours to ride motorcycle uphill from lower point a to upper point b and back to a . what is the total distance traveled by him in 12 hours ? he must return back to base point a in remaining time .
7 machines at a certain factory operate at the same constant rate . if 6 of these machines , operating simultaneously , take 42 hours to fill a certain production order , how many fewer hours does it take all 7 machines , operating simultaneously , to fill the same production order ?
what number is obtained by adding the units digits of 734 ^ 99 and 347 ^ 83 ?
the amount of principal rs . 8000 at compound interest at the ratio of 5 % p . a . for 1 year is
the visitors of a modern art museum who watched a certain picasso painting were asked to fill in a short questionnaire indicating whether they had enjoyed looking at the picture and whether they felt they had understood it . according to the results of the survey , all 150 visitors who did not enjoy the painting also did not feel they had understood the painting , and the number of visitors who enjoyed the painting was equal to the number of visitors who felt they had understood the painting . if 3 / 4 of the visitors who answered the questionnaire both enjoyed the painting and felt they had understood the painting , then how many visitors answered the questionnaire ?
if x = 4 ^ 16 and x ^ x = 4 ^ k , what is k ?
what is the remainder when 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434481 is divided by 45 ?
a man can row 5 kmph in still water . when the river is running at 1.2 kmph , it takes him 1 hour to row to a place and black . how far is the place ?
a taxi company charges $ 1.15 for the first quarter of a mile and fifteen cents for each additional quarter of a mile . what is the maximum distance someone could travel with $ 4.90 ?
in a race where 10 cars are running , the chance that car x will win is 1 / 7 , that y will win is 1 / 3 and that z will win is 1 / 5 . assuming that a dead heat is impossible , find the chance that one of them will win .
a person decided to build a house in 100 days . he employed 100 men in the beginning and 100 more after 20 days and completed the construction in stipulated time . if he had not employed the additional men , how many days behind schedule would it have been finished ?
find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 32 m at the rate of rs . 1.50 a meter ?
bob wants to run a mile in the same time as his sister . if bob ’ s time for a mile is currently 10 minutes 40 seconds and his sister ’ s time is currently 5 minutes 20 seconds , by what percent does bob need to improve his time in order run a mile in the same time as his sister ?
how much time does a train 100 metres long running at 72 km / hr take to pass a pole ?
sahil purchased a machine at rs 12000 , then got it repaired at rs 5000 , then gave its transportation charges rs 1000 . then he sold it with 50 % of profit . at what price he actually sold it .
find the simple interest on rs . 450 for 8 months at 5 paisa per month ?
in a division sum , the remainder is 0 . as student mistook the divisor by 12 instead of 21 and obtained 49 as quotient . what is the correct quotient ?
54671 - 18456 - 33466 = ?
uba capital recently bought brand new vehicles for office use . uba capital only went for toyota and honda and bought more of toyota than honda at the ratio of 4 : 6 . if 40 % of the toyota bought and 60 % of the honda bought were suv ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ â „ ¢ s . how many suv ã ¢ â ‚ ¬ â „ ¢ s did uba capital buy in the aforementioned purchase ?
the effective annual rate of interest corresponding to a nominal rate of 12 % per annum payable half - yearly is ?
an association of mathematics teachers has 1600 members . only 525 of these members cast votes in the election for president of the association . what percent of the total membership voted for the winning candidate if the winning candidate received 60 percent of the votes cast ?
if n is a prime number greater than 3 , what is the remainder when n ^ 2 is divided by 13 ?
having received his weekly allowance , john spent 3 / 5 of his allowance at the arcade . the next day he spent one third of his remaining allowance at the toy store , and then spent his last $ 0.60 at the candy store . what is john ’ s weekly allowance ?