Unnamed: 0
<QSN> Paul has lunch _ . <ANS> at school
<distractor> at home <distractor> in the club <distractor> in the picture
<QSN> The _ in Paul's school is good. <ANS> lunch
<distractor> breakfast <distractor> dinner <distractor> ice-cream
<QSN> Where does Paul have dinner? <ANS> At home.
<distractor> At school. <distractor> In the shop. <distractor> In the classroom
<QSN> Who doesn't like the soup for lunch ?. <ANS> Mike
<distractor> His mother <distractor> His mother <distractor> A and B
<QSN> After lunch , they work _ . <ANS> on the farm
<distractor> in the factory <distractor> in the school <distractor> in the hospital
<QSN> In the evening , Mike's father gives him _ <ANS> a bowl of soup
<distractor> a bowl of rice <distractor> a piece of meat <distractor> a glass of mike
<QSN> Does Mike like the soup in the evening ? <ANS> Yes, very much.
<distractor> No, he doesn't <distractor> Yes, a little. <distractor> He doesn't like it at all.
<QSN> Mike's father is a _ . <ANS> farmer.
<distractor> worker <distractor> teacher <distractor> doctor
<QSN> Why do most European tourists travel? <ANS> Because they are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.
<distractor> Because they want to see battlefields or religious shrines. <distractor> Because they are looking for cultures. <distractor> Because they want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places.
<QSN> The Mediterranean has always attracted Northern European because of _ . <ANS> the sun
<distractor> the sea <distractor> the beach <distractor> the sky
<QSN> What problem does the Mediterranean have because of too many tourists? <ANS> Pollution
<distractor> Money <distractor> Crowd <distractor> Noise
<QSN> For high school students in Germany, which is NOT the common transport to school? <ANS> Parents' cars.
<distractor> School buses. <distractor> Public transport. <distractor> Students' bicycles.
<QSN> From the passage, we can learn that in Germany _ . <ANS> students can join private clubs to meet their interests by themselves
<distractor> all kinds of high schools are for college <distractor> age is not important for attending schools <distractor> students can take part in after-school activities from 8:00 a. m .to 3:30 p.m.
<QSN> What kind of shyness can be bad according to the passage? <ANS> You have a red face when you're asked to answer a question in class.
<distractor> You find it hard to enjoy yourself at a party. <distractor> You feel a little nervous when you go to a new place. <distractor> You seldom go outside, afraid of meeting new people.
<QSN> If you have to practice your spoken English in class, _ . <ANS> just do it
<distractor> just refuse to do it <distractor> you'd better ask someone to help you <distractor> tell your teacher you're too shy to do that
<QSN> We can infer from the passage that _ . <ANS> shy people can also be successful
<distractor> kids are all born shy <distractor> you can't change yourself <distractor> shy people are not good at working others
<QSN> What's the best title for this passage? <ANS> Are you shy or not?
<distractor> Are you too busy? <distractor> Think more for others! <distractor> Once he was shy just like you!
<QSN> If eight children`s father couldn`t afford the tickets to the circus, _ . <ANS> he would feel sad and sorry for them
<distractor> he would lose his children`s love <distractor> the children wouldn`t forgive their father <distractor> nothing would happen
<QSN> The writer`s father didn`t give the money to the man directly, because _ . <ANS> he didn`t want to let the man feel embarrassed
<distractor> the money wasn`t his <distractor> he wanted to show what a kind man he was <distractor> he son would stop him
<QSN> What do you think of the writer`s father? <ANS> kind and wise
<distractor> brave and rich <distractor> funny and patient <distractor> loving and strict
<QSN> What is the best title for this passage? <ANS> Father`s love
<distractor> Money is important <distractor> A happy family <distractor> The $20 bill on the ground.
<QSN> James came to the restaurant _ . <ANS> to have dinner
<distractor> to meet the film-makers <distractor> to celebrate April Fool's Day <distractor> to play a magician
<QSN> James agreed to act out because _ . <ANS> he thought he looked like Patrick Steward
<distractor> he was full <distractor> he wanted to make some money <distractor> he liked Harry Potter
<QSN> Which of the following is true? <ANS> James didn't know it was April Fool's Day until he was told so.
<distractor> James stayed at the restaurant for less than two hours. <distractor> The two men sitting next to him were really film-makers. <distractor> James left the restaurant right after dinner.
<QSN> When the manager came to tell him the truth, James _ . <ANS> was still not sure if they were playing another joke on him
<distractor> was angry that he had been fooled <distractor> was pleased that he had been given a free meal <distractor> decided to wait for another free meal
<QSN> The boys and girls like Mr. Lin because _ . <ANS> he is nice
<distractor> he is interesting <distractor> his store is tidy <distractor> the things in his store are not expensive
<QSN> _ are in the"lost and found"box. <ANS> A baseball, a ruler and some books
<distractor> A baseball, a pen and some books <distractor> A basketball, a pen and some maps <distractor> A basketball, a ruler and some maps
<QSN> The boys and girls can _ in the store after school. <ANS> read books
<distractor> play sports <distractor> play games <distractor> watch TV
<QSN> ? <ANS> Boys and girls can get the answers about the books from Mr. Lin.
<distractor> Mr. Lin has a sofa in his house. <distractor> Mr. Lin 's store is in No. 5 Middle School. <distractor> Boys and girls like to buy baseballs and books in Mr. Lin's store.
<QSN> The word"school"in this passage means _ . <ANS> a group of fish traveling together
<distractor> a place for students to study <distractor> a special kind of animals <distractor> a place for training dolphins
<QSN> A dolphin makes a sound to _ . <ANS> give information to the other dolphins
<distractor> show other dolphins they are happy <distractor> tell other dolphins they are sa <distractor> 1et people know they are afraid
<QSN> The best title for this passage is _ . <ANS> The dolphin
<distractor> Dolphin's talk <distractor> Schools of dolphins <distractor> Man's friend
<QSN> The London Eye was built for celebrating _ <ANS> the Millennium
<distractor> New Year's Eve <distractor> 1999 <distractor> foreign visitors
<QSN> On sunny day from the top of the London Eye you can see _ -- <ANS> Windsor Castle
<distractor> all of England <distractor> all the buildings which are 40 kilometers away <distractor> the building that is 135 meters high
<QSN> There are _ passengers in the London Eye when it's full. <ANS> 800
<distractor> 32 <distractor> 25 <distractor> 72
<QSN> The opening time of the London Eye in summer is _ that in the winter. <ANS> longer than
<distractor> shorter than <distractor> the same as <distractor> as many as
<QSN> People _ get tickets from the Ticket Office because tickets there are limited. <ANS> can't always
<distractor> can usually <distractor> can never <distractor> walk from Waterloo underground station to
<QSN> What makes Chinese people believe a number is lucky or unlucky? <ANS> the sound of the number in Chinese
<distractor> the shape of the number <distractor> the history of the numbers <distractor> the sound of the number in English
<QSN> Chinese people regard the number 9 as _ ? <ANS> living a long life
<distractor> becoming beautiful <distractor> making a fortune <distractor> living a happy life
<QSN> From the passage, we know that _ . <ANS> Many Chinese people don't like the number 4.
<distractor> all people have the same lucky number <distractor> the number 9 is lucky because it means "wealth" <distractor> the number 8 is a lucky number for foreigners
<QSN> What does this passage mainly talk about? <ANS> Lucky or unlucky numbers in Chinese culture.
<distractor> Meanings of different unlucky numbers. <distractor> Meaning of different lucky numbers. <distractor> Lucky or unlucky numbers in Western culture.
<QSN> Jane is from _ . <ANS> England
<distractor> America <distractor> Canada <distractor> Japan
<QSN> Mr and Mrs King have _ children. <ANS> two
<distractor> four <distractor> one <distractor> three
<QSN> Jane's brother's full name is _ . <ANS> John King
<distractor> King <distractor> John <distractor> King John
<QSN> What is Mr King? He is _ . <ANS> a teacher
<distractor> a worker <distractor> a student <distractor> a doctor
<QSN> How is Jane King's new house? <ANS> A, B and C are all OK
<distractor> The house is big <distractor> The house is nice <distractor> The house has a garden
<QSN> What's the main idea of the passage? <ANS> What a serious problem we have.
<distractor> What our environment looks like. <distractor> How important to clean our cities. <distractor> How difficult to remove rubbish.
<QSN> Which of the the following can be the most serious problem rubbish brings to us? <ANS> It brings air pollution, water pollution and diseases.
<distractor> It causes a lot of difficulty cleaning up our cities. <distractor> It stops our nation economies from developing. <distractor> It makes our environment uglier and dirtier.
<QSN> Which of the following is true, according to the passage? <ANS> There are both hope and difficulty in our future.
<distractor> It's impossible for us to make our cities clean. <distractor> We may find some ways but things will be worse. <distractor> The problem is not serious if everyone knows it.
<QSN> From this passage we know _ . <ANS> it's good manners not to talk with our mouths full
<distractor> it's good manners to use a knife and fork to eat <distractor> it's bad manners to stand and talk <distractor> how to shake hands when we introduce people
<QSN> In many places,spitting may mean _ . <ANS> you hate someone
<distractor> you give a new-born baby the blessing <distractor> you want a sick person to get well <distractor> you show your love to your relatives or friends
<QSN> If you visit an East African village , you _ . <ANS> must wait until your friend has finished his work and then begin to talk to him
<distractor> should say "Hello"or "How are you?"to others <distractor> should talk to the villagers quietly <distractor> should be very careful and not to pay any attention to others
<QSN> From the passage, we can see that _ . <ANS> disabled people's living conditions are not good
<distractor> disabled people are poor, but they are happy <distractor> all disabled people ask for money from those who are shopping <distractor> no one would like to help disabled beggars
<QSN> Most disabled people are begging along the streets because _ . <ANS> they want to make a living in this way
<distractor> it's their jobs <distractor> more and more people love to help them <distractor> they are a part of the society
<QSN> Which of the following is TRUE? <ANS> Disabled beggars are not usually treated equally.
<distractor> The disabled like to beg in the street. <distractor> Disabled beggars cannot work to make a living. <distractor> The best way to help disabled beggars is to give them lots of money.
<QSN> Mr. and Mrs. Black were driving to _ one day. <ANS> a party
<distractor> a meeting <distractor> their home <distractor> work
<QSN> What did Mrs. Black ask her husband to do? <ANS> To drive more slowly
<distractor> To stop the car <distractor> To drive to a hospital <distractor> To drive fast
<QSN> Mr. Black drove so fast , because _ . <ANS> he didn't want to be late for the party.
<distractor> he was good at driving <distractor> he was very happy <distractor> he was in danger
<QSN> What happened to them a few minute later ? <ANS> their car nearly hit another car
<distractor> Their car hit another car <distractor> Their car was broken <distractor> Something was wrong with their car
<QSN> At last Mr. Black drove their car _ to the party <ANS> very slowly
<distractor> faster <distractor> slow <distractor> happily
<QSN> Why does the writer call the Brazilian couple "crazy pet lovers"? <ANS> They spent Y=68,000 on a wedding for their pets.
<distractor> They dress their pets up in fashionable clothing. <distractor> They buy their pets high quality food. <distractor> They spent PS7,000 in buying a pet.
<QSN> If you say "oh, rats" in Guangzhou, it can mean that_. <ANS> you'd like to have rat meat for dinner
<distractor> something goes wrong <distractor> you see some field mice <distractor> you are a Mickey Mouse lover
<QSN> According to the new study on lying, which of the following is not true? <ANS> Lying at work is more popular than lying to our mothers.
<distractor> Women tell less lies than men. <distractor> Women are more likely to feel guilty about lying. <distractor> Neither men nor women want to tell the truth about how much they have drunk.
<QSN> What is NOT mentioned? <ANS> People in China enjoy eating rat meat.
<distractor> It is difficult to unstick the stuck student. <distractor> The couple's pets are Yorkshire terriers. <distractor> 3,000 people took part in the survey made by One Poll.
<QSN> According to the first report card, Karl _ . <ANS> failed in the exams
<distractor> often went to school late <distractor> did well at school <distractor> did a good job at school
<QSN> When the mother said " it's out of my hands" to the head teacher, she meant that she _ . <ANS> didn't know what to do about her son
<distractor> would drive her son away from the house <distractor> had no money to support the family <distractor> would have to hang up
<QSN> Who telephoned Karl's mother that day? <ANS> Karl himself.
<distractor> The head teacher. <distractor> The school adviser. <distractor> The passage doesn't tell us.
<QSN> From the passage we can learn that _ . <ANS> mother's love is important to teenagers'life
<distractor> children in single-parent families always have mental problems <distractor> parents should give their children everything that they need <distractor> school education still works well without the support from parents
<QSN> When is Lu Han's birthday? <ANS> On April 20th.
<distractor> On April 18th. <distractor> On April 19th. <distractor> On April 25th.
<QSN> How many goals did Lu Han score in the game against Beijing NO.47 High School. <ANS> 3
<distractor> 2. <distractor> 4. <distractor> 5.
<QSN> Where does Lu Han show that he is a big soccer fan? <ANS> On Weibo.
<distractor> On QQ. <distractor> On Wechat <distractor> On Facebook.
<QSN> What's the best title of the passage? <ANS> A Super Soccer-lover
<distractor> A Famous Writer. <distractor> A Professional Soccer Player <distractor> A Popular Singer
<QSN> What was Jack's problem? <ANS> He lost his memory.
<distractor> He couldn't get to sleep. <distractor> He couldn't wake up. <distractor> He couldn't move.
<QSN> Who helped Jack remember the things? <ANS> His dog.
<distractor> His father. <distractor> The doctor. <distractor> His mother.
<QSN> How long did it take Jack to remember the things? <ANS> A year.
<distractor> A month. <distractor> A week. <distractor> We don't know.
<QSN> Which of the following is Not True? <ANS> The doctor was sure that Jack could be cured one day.
<distractor> Jack is twelve years old. <distractor> Jack's parents took Jack to the hospital immediately. <distractor> When his father talked about Tidy, Jack thought of something.
<QSN> In Michelle's country over _ of the students are too fat . <ANS> a quarter
<distractor> 75% <distractor> a half <distractor> 25%
<QSN> What does the lady want the shops to do ? <ANS> To sell healthier foods .
<distractor> To offer gym classes . <distractor> To plant a vegetable garden . <distractor> To serve meals with less fat .
<QSN> What is the main idea of the passage ? <ANS> The lady fights obesity in students .
<distractor> The lady introduces health drinks . <distractor> The lady cares about food cost . <distractor> The lady feels worried about the height .
<QSN> The passage is mainly about _ <ANS> what to do when you are caught in a fire
<distractor> how to look after yourself when you are on fire <distractor> when to leave the burning place <distractor> why to call 119 when there is a fire
<QSN> When people are asleep, what will you do when a fire breaks out in your building? <ANS> Shout out "Fire!" as loudly as you can
<distractor> Call 120 for help as quickly as you can <distractor> Only wake your parents up fast <distractor> Run away as fast as you can and don't call others
<QSN> Why shouldn't you use the lift when a fire breaks out? <ANS> Because the lift may not work
<distractor> Because taking the lift is so slow <distractor> Because the fire can burn you <distractor> Because the lift is too crowded
<QSN> When a fire is burning, you test the door to _ <ANS> find a better way out
<distractor> notice the fire clearly <distractor> call for a much quicker help <distractor> see if it is close
<QSN> If you realize you have left an expensive thing at home in a fire, you should _ . <ANS> not go back for it
<distractor> keep down close to the door <distractor> not get out <distractor> get it back
<QSN> High schools in Japan serve _ <ANS> noodles and rice
<distractor> burgers and rice balls <distractor> chips and vegetables <distractor> fish and roast chicken
<QSN> From the passage, we know the typical menu from a US school is _ . <ANS> not very healthy
<distractor> delicious <distractor> quite healthy <distractor> popular in South Africa
<QSN> Which are traditional dishes in Australia? <ANS> Meat pies and hotdogs.
<distractor> Chocolate and soft drinks. <distractor> Cookies and sushi. <distractor> Sandwiches and corn.
<QSN> In South Africa, _ . <ANS> students like fast food and fried food very much
<distractor> most students have sandwiches and vegetables for lunch <distractor> more and more students become ill <distractor> students realized that fast food and fried food were bad for their health
<QSN> Which of the following is NOT TRUE? <ANS> In South Africa, schools don't serve meals.
<distractor> Parents in Japan are invited to taste the food twice a year. <distractor> In the United States, school lunches must provide at least one third of the daily amount of necessary nutrition. <distractor> In Australia, many schools have used a traffic light system.
<QSN> This is a picture of _ . <ANS> A park
<distractor> Mary's family <distractor> a school <distractor> a restaurant
<QSN> Mary is _ . <ANS> reading a book
<distractor> looking at her son <distractor> swimming in the lake <distractor> flying a kite
<QSN> There are _ people in the picture . <ANS> 6
<distractor> 2 <distractor> 4 <distractor> 8
<QSN> Are they having a great time ? <ANS> Yes , they are .
<distractor> No, they haven't . <distractor> No, they aren't . <distractor> Yes , they have .
<QSN> There are _ solar terms in a year. <ANS> twenty-four
<distractor> twelve <distractor> five <distractor> thirty-one
<QSN> People often eat _ during winter solstice <ANS> dumplings
<distractor> mooncakes <distractor> noodles <distractor> chicken
<QSN> Winter solstice is in _ . <ANS> December
<distractor> January <distractor> September <distractor> October
<QSN> On winter solstice the period of night is _ in China. <ANS> the longest
<distractor> the shortest <distractor> darkest <distractor> brightest
<QSN> Which day has the longest daytime in China? <ANS> Summer solstice
<distractor> The beginning of spring <distractor> Grain full <distractor> The beginning of autumn
<QSN> What did Michael get on his birthday? <ANS> A book.
<distractor> A bike. <distractor> A magazine. <distractor> A friend.
<QSN> Which of the following is true? <ANS> William gave his old bicycle to Michael.
<distractor> William hit Michael on his way to school. <distractor> Michael broke his leg in the accident. <distractor> Michael was late for school.