I'm a little late posting this here, but this is my most recent creepypasta video. Most of the images are of our cat, Lord Tinselton Fluffernutter Bane. He has in fact attempted to murder Wafflebot and I multiple times. Please send help. And pills. But mostly help. Help pills. Like some kind of weird naked Dr. Mario.
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HomeFeaturedFeaturesToshín | Plec… Toshín | Plec Picks 2020 Words: james fleming | Photography: ray keogh Every year the GoldenPlec community of writers and photographers (50+) come together to vote on their ones to watch for the upcoming year. After pulling the votes together, we select our 'Plec Picks' for 2020. We have classical artists alongside rap, garage rock, bedroom pop and anything in between. Our list strives to encompass a broad spectrum of music in order to highlight the thriving music scene that exists in Ireland. It was 2016 in Dublin. Trump was running for office in America and Brexit was boiling blood in the UK. Communication had broken down. Mobs of clashing opinions fought each other on TV debates and in newspapers' political columns and pubs. It was "Us" against "Them," and nobody knows which mob won. Toshín formed amidst these uproars. They were a "We" in a time that had dismissed the idea, a band of individuals among mobs. Harmonies colour their records, emphasizing lyrics, sharpening their points. The drums and bass swing like Ali in the ring while the guitar sinks its bite into the airwaves. Eat Sleep Sex Desire's rhythms dance around the pulse like the blood in our veins before Tosin Bankole's voice charges in – all teeth and fists and heartbeat – and she declares: "I got some business here!" The band began with her and guitarist Taran Plouzané-Brady. Their business isn't finished yet. "We all met at BIMM. At BIMM you have to do these performance exams, where you get random players together. Playing with Taran made me want to start a band. I just got other musicians from BIMM together and said, 'I want to start Toshín.'" That's where it started for lead vocalist Bankole and Plouzané-Brady. With the energy and kick of great musicians communicating together. When multi-instrumentalist Louis Younge joined, "it was probably straight ahead soul, pop kind of a buzz. But recently, there's a bit more riffs and distorted guitars." Toshín credit James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Anderson Paak among their influences. Funk drives their rhythm and Plouzané-Brady - who is also lead guitarist with heavy instrumental band Bicurious - heavy riffs warp them through modernity's prism. Younge has seen these changes set in since he first stepped into Toshín's groove. His keys, saxophone and violin add another layer atop the rhythm section's and the guitar's. Bookending the weirdness with smooth, clever soul. "It's kind of a case of those things shine through. Not through any intention. But just as a result of people's backgrounds and situations. I think it's cool." Feminism and the female experience run through Toshín's lyrics like a brass section's riff runs through a soul song's chorus. A good riff serves the song, carries its ideas with all the eloquence of poetry. Toshín have sacrificed neither their music nor their message of confidence, and empowerment. Instead they fused the two, made them one and the same. Inseparable as the twin strands of DNA's double helix. Lisa, a former member, used to write the band's lyrics, but that core feminist theme that began with her continues to spur Bankole on to sing from her gut. Plouzané-Brady has since stepped up to the plate with Bankole. The spark often begins a riff, then Bankole takes it and lights the torch. "I'll have an idea like, 'OK, this is how I relate to this lyric.' So I'm going to write about girl power. I'm going to write about mental health." Toshín's members listen to each other. They know what their individual skills are and how to use them to further their music. The end goal and accomplishment of all their work and communication. A band is about communication. It is the product of cooperation, a group of individuals coming together to create something greater than the parts' sum. That's the beauty of "We." It is something warring mobs cannot accomplish, an ideal that cannot be seen through their tunnel vision. Toshín, though they acknowledge that they're just doing their thing, only being themselves, have put themselves into the band. The best of each member gets thrown into the cauldron and the result has been a fistful of songs where the instruments play off each other, compliment one another, harmonize and work together. Toshín are not a mob. They are a band. They don't identify with an ideology or movement or way of thinking. Even feminism, a cause that matters to the band, is not a definition for them. It is an inspiration, a natural idea they proclaim and sing from their guts. Plouzané-Brady sees how it moves Bankole at every gig. "Before we play one of those songs she usually gives a little explanation... And it's usually about how women can be whoever they want. And equality across all factors of life basically." Bankole sings about independence and self-confidence and autonomy as if she's cursing and praying at the same time. But these admirable traits do not remove a person from the world around them. Communication will always be all-important. 2020 does not look very different from 2016. Trump's been impeached, but still spins in the Oval Office's big chair. Brexit's still boiling blood and the mobs are still roaring. And Toshín are still taking care of business. It's a business that will always be unfinished. Their first EP 'Get Your Life' will be released on Valentine's Day. Their first Irish tour begins on February 20th. The band will be four-years-old this year. Yet show more maturity in their music and ideas than most politicians show in their laws and decrees. It began at school, with Plouzané-Brady and Bankole. Toshín have outgrown styles, genres, and pigeonholes since then. Their business will always be unfinished, because their business is communication. And communication is the one constant lack of this world. Bankole's drive to start a band is what got Toshín going. Now she wants to take it further, to more people, make it better. "And maybe towards the end of the year, I'd love to go abroad. Do some shows in the UK, go to Berlin. That'd be nice. A nice goal to reach." Who else made the list?
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At the Career Center at Washington University in St. Louis, we support students and alumni as they transform their passions, education, and skills into purposeful career paths by teaching lifelong career development strategies and by connecting our diverse students, alumni, and employers. My particular focus is coaching students who are passionate about issues that relate to policy, advocacy, diplomacy, international affairs, development, and relief. I also specialise in graduate school discernment, application, and success. Most of my work revolves around coaching, teaching, and developing opportunities for them to connect to specialists whose backgrounds match their interests. I meet with students, one-on-one and in groups, on-campus and in DC, and I teach and guest lecture in courses on topics such as Buddhism, Irish culture and The Troubles. You focus on students who would like to follow careers in international relations and the like. What would you advise our readers who would want to work in the field? Skills, knowledge, abilities, and experience can be built in numerous ways. You can take courses, but also you can teach yourself skills like Excel as well. Consider studying one or more foreign languages, and travel, study, or live abroad. If you're in an undergraduate or graduate programme, join relevant discussion groups so you can practice presenting your thoughts verbally. Focus on your writing, explore different types of writing, and build an initial portfolio. Even if you're not that interested in quantitative analysis, learn enough about statistics that you can engage with the data. Once you've identified an area of interest, figure out who's who in the field – analysts, authors, policy makers, organisations, publications, etc. Consider connecting with the field through internships, informational interviewing, volunteering, research, shadowing, and social media. Experiment and take risks. From your vantage point, what do you think the advantages and barriers to women working in foreign policy are? So many advantages – one is constantly learning, intellectually, socially, and emotionally. I'm exposed to the fullness of the human experience and my assumptions are challenged on a daily basis. I get to explore and live my values and bridge my intellectual and personal passions with paid work. There are still so many interrelated, complex barriers, but I will just highlight a couple that I witness regularly in my role. One is a lack of knowledge of the range of options in foreign policy and international affairs. If you don't know what the foreign service is or what a nongovernment organisation does, how can you even consider it as an option? One of my personal missions is to expose students to the variety of career options. Women in Foreign Policy is providing a great service by promoting the stories of female foreign policy professionals. Two core challenges I experience in the United States are the lack of diversity in the foreign policy experts featured in the media and the narrowness of the foreign policy issues that the mainstream broadcast media outlets cover. It sends a message about who is welcome at the table of 'experts', and what are worthy subjects of discourse. I am encouraged by campaigns like #heforshe, efforts like Foreign Policy Interrupted, and the recent commitment by David Rothkopf, CEO & Editor of Foreign Policy Group, who pledged not to speak on male-only foreign policy panels. Some of the most compelling dialogues in foreign policy are happening on social or alternative media outlets. Finally, a core issue is socioeconomic and not confined to women. Most internships in the field are unpaid, and internship experience is a prerequisite for entry-level positions. Many students are not able to take unpaid internships thus limiting the candidates who are able to enter the field. Having witnessed this struggle, I try to pair students with alumni who have negotiated these issues so that they can gain insight into how they made it work. Washington University in St. Louis also has a number of competitive opportunities to receive funding for unpaid internships. I encourage those who are able to consider pairing with their undergraduate or graduate institutions or employers to develop stipend programmes to help fund student internships. This could go a long way to increasing the overall diversity of our field. There is a lot of debate about how useful doing a Master's degree can actually be for your career. What is your take on it for the foreign policy field? In my opinion, this entirely depends on your interests, where you are in your career, and what skills, knowledge, and experience you want to enhance. I find that deciding on graduate school is a highly individual process that involves many interrelated factors. My main advice is not to attend graduate school just because you don't know what else to do. Consider it both an investment in you and your future. Having said that, I would offer that if working directly for a government agency is your goal, then having a graduate degree gives you an advantage, especially through the Presidential Management Fellowship. Many think tanks will hire candidates with undergraduate degrees for research assistant positions, but scholars/fellows often have graduate degrees and/or distinguished careers. Journalists come from all kinds of backgrounds, and nongovernmental and consulting organisations are all over the map. You are also a PhD candidate on Transformative Studies - gender, religion and conflict. Why did you decide to pursue a PhD, and would you advise our readers to pursue one? Personality wise, I live with the tension of having interests that sit between being service and research oriented. Most career advisors have counselling degrees, but my masters programmes were in Buddhist Studies and Women's Studies and Religion. Though I love my role at Washington University in St. Louis, I began to miss research and writing, and I realised that the questions I wanted to research required experience with sociological and anthropological methods. Until I found the Transformative Studies PhD programme at the California Institute of Integral Studies, I thought I would have to compromise some part of my research interests if I went for my PhD. The transdisciplinary approach allows me to move across disciplines and is field rather than discipline focused. Ideally, a PhD is a commitment to consider carefully, but I would encourage your readers not to dismiss it outright. It is in so many ways a gift you give yourself. The most important thing is not to get caught in the trap of thinking that what you might gain from the degree is irrelevant to 'on the ground' problems or that the only option after you graduate with your PhD is a career in academia. A PhD is about learning how to generate new knowledge in a field, and there are so many skills that a PhD builds that are highly valuable in foreign policy. You have dedicated your career to education, whether at Washington University at Saint Louis, now of previously working at Lesley University. Why this choice? Perhaps it is because I always loved school so much that even after a brief hiatus in the business world, I made an intentional shift back to higher education. Higher education is one of the few places that combines my two passions – service and research, and frankly, working with students at the cusp of stepping into the broader world outside of academia is such a gift. They inspire me daily. If she is still in school, I'd encourage her to visit her institution's career centre and see if they have any student positions for which she could apply, especially positions where she could advise other students. We have a Career Peer position where students get to experience coaching and can specialise in a particular area if they choose. I'd also encourage her to bring her whole self to the table. When I started at the Career Center, there wasn't anyone who specialised in these fields, and I built that expertise based on the connection between the needs of students and my personal interests. What was your first job, and what did you learn from it that's still relevant today? My first job outside of waiting tables was as an Assistant to the Director of Security at my undergraduate institution. I managed a group of 20+ student workers, and I learned key management skills that I use every day from how to prioritise projects to getting buy in from others. I also learned how to manage individuals who I also consider friends, which isn't always easy. My manager, Fred Abernathy, taught me the value of being mentored and mentoring others. You're always in a position where you can serve others even in some small way. I also learned what systemic racism is and that those who work in higher education are not immune to racism or homophobia by virtue of their graduate degrees. Most rewarding – building lifelong relationships with students and colleagues. I'm so blessed to work at an amazing university whose motto is 'know each student by name and story'. Least rewarding – email is a tough communication medium for me because it feels so impersonal, and I spend 90% of my time away from my computer. Strategic thinking and planning – I have a knack for generating ideas and seeing patterns, connections, and alternative ways of proceeding. The prospect of sorting through large amounts of information thrills me. Though I believe this is somewhat an inherent skill, I enhanced it through debate in high school and undergraduate and graduate degrees in the humanities. Communication and group facilitation – practice makes progress on this one. I swallowed my fears and volunteered to chair committees and meetings early in my career. I'm super-extroverted so I have had to really work on slowing down and trying to pick up on nonverbal communication. I learned different decision-making styles and observed excellent communicators. If you're not losing some of the time, you're not playing in the right league. Also, just because you're good at something, doesn't mean you should do it. I was a very good, but very miserable technical writer. Almost five years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My children were 2 and 7 at the time, and I worked throughout the process, bald head and all. Having cancer was tough, but continuing to work and walk through the buzz of life as a mother even with an amazing partner and family was a real challenge. It absolutely transformed my life by revealing just how interconnected we are as a species and a world. I'm an educator at heart so I live for those light-bulb moments, especially when the moment empowers a student to make change personally or in the world. Also, a group of students, a colleague, and I developed a model of career advising that is really unique because it evolves with student interests and collaborates with our alumni and faculty who teach related coursework. Finally, a few years back I won the Washington University in St. Louis ArtSci Council Faculty Award, for which I was nominated by a student and selected from among my peers. I was so touched that a student took the time to nominate me, and it was a huge honour. I grew up in a very multicultural environment as a small child and then moved around age 10 to a pretty homogenous white, middle/upper class suburb of St. Louis. As an adult, I realised just how out of sync I felt after the move and how I mourned the vibrancy of an intercultural environment with multiple languages, foods, religions, and cultures surrounding me. Being embedded in immigrant communities as a young child really fostered a sense of questioning assumptions that lives in me today. I admire my Mother's toughness, resiliency, and warm heart and my Father's strong principles, dedication, and interpersonal skills. Claudia Christie – Claudia was a feminist historian, educator, and journalist with whom I worked at Lesley University. She taught me how to teach and helped me question my assumptions about education. Students would give her a standing ovation on the last day of class. She died of cancer in 2004, and she showed me that it's possible to live with cancer with grace and vivacity. Julia Child – what can I say? I'm a foodie. I took My Life in France to my first chemo treatment. Her vivacious zeal for life, food, and family and her daring to follow her heart is contagious. "I am encouraged by campaigns like #heforshe, efforts like Foreign Policy Interrupted, and the recent commitment by David Rothkopf, CEO & Editor of Foreign Policy Group, who pledged not to speak on male-only foreign policy panels." "Also, just because you're good at something, doesn't mean you should do it. I was a very good, but very miserable technical writer." "Once you've identified an area of interest, figure out who's who in the field – analysts, authors, policy makers, organisations, publications, etc. – consider connecting with the field through internships, informational interviewing, volunteering, research, shadowing, and social media." "Two core challenges I experience in the United States are the lack of diversity in the foreign policy experts featured in the media and the narrowness of the foreign policy issues that the mainstream broadcast media outlets cover. It sends a message about who is welcome at the table of 'experts' and what are worthy subjects of discourse." "Deciding on graduate school is a highly individual process that involves many interrelated factors. My main advice is not to attend graduate school just because you don't know what else to do." "The most important thing is not to get caught in the trap of thinking that what you might gain from the degree is irrelevant to 'on the ground' problems or that the only option after you graduate with your PhD is a career in academia." "If you're not losing some of the time, you're not playing in the right league."
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Once the site of the Dallas Opera House and the sophisticated Titche-Goettinger department store, the Hotel Indigo® Dallas Downtown hotel is a registered National Historic Landmark located in the heart of the Main Street district, near businesses, museums, restaurants and shopping. So it's not surprising that throughout our hotel and guest rooms, you will find artwork and thoughtful details that spotlight our neighborhood's connection to both theater and fashion. Our Titches Bar and Bistro offers seasonal, local fare for breakfast or dinner. We've also got six gathering and event spaces equipped to handle functions of all sizes, including the Majestic Ballroom with 1,312 square feet of space. Parking Description:Valet parking is provided on southbound Harwood St., between Elm and Main St. The overnight rate is $29.00 per overnight stay, with unlimited in and out privileges. Visitor day parking is $14.00, with no in and out privileges. A one time, nonrefundable fee of 75 dollars will be charged upon checkin. Pet Limit of two and or 75 lbs Maximum. Titches Bar and Bistro, located in the hotel lobby is available seven days a week for breakfast and dinner. Breakfast hours are from 6:30 am to 11am. Dinner and bar service hours are 4:30 pm to 11pm. Behind the stately limestone porticos, glimmering shop windows and twinkling marquees that line Main Street, you'll find our neighborhood's original foundation matches its opulent façade. Downtown Dallas isn't just a trendy modern hub—these streets are deeply rooted in sophisticated style and theatrical entertainment. Back in the day, theatre and fashion not only went hand-in-hand here, they gave the neighborhood a glow that rivaled the glamour of Broadway. Streetcars ushered in legendary performers and audiences to the area's magnificent opera houses and theatres (like the Majestic, which still stands today), while the fashion-forward flocked to the landmark Titche-Goettinger department store. Today, downtown Dallas still shines as a grand statement of style, one that stands tall in a spotlight all its own. To fully experience our neighborhood, you need to know our history. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is in the building from which Lee Harvey Oswald is suspected of assassinating John F. Kennedy. Through video, photographs, artifacts and more, the museum recreates the era, taking visitors back in time to examine the life and death of JFK. The 5.2-acre deck park is an urban green space built over the recessed Woodall Rodgers Freeway between Pearl and St. Paul streets in downtown. Klyde Warren Park is a highly active space, providing free, daily programming for the public ranging from yoga to book signings to outdoor concerts and films. The park is privately operated and managed by a foundation. The Perot Museum of Nature and Science, located in Victory Park near downtown Dallas, is said to be a "world of wonder" by the Dallas Morning News. Passing the test of school children, inspiring curiosity in all ages and boasting as a living science lesson, this new museum opened its doors to the public on December 1, 2012. This BBQ joint serves some of the most mouthwatering pork and brisket you will ever taste. After being named one of the top four BBQ joints in the world, the lines started to form. And where there's a line, you know there's fantastic 'cue! It's all made from scratch, from the fried chicken to collard greens to banana pudding. Check out local favorite "The Hot Mess". Known to create a warm, friendly and unique environment, the Iron Cactus provides guests with the best Mexican food and fresh lime margaritas in Dallas. Their combination of unique flavors and proven cooking methods are combined to create a cuisine with the spirit and flavor of old Mexico. Savor the finest cuts of steaks, chops and fresh fish cooked to perfection in a relaxed, elegant atmosphere at the chef-owned Y.O. Steakhouse and discover for yourself why Jim O'Connor of the Food Network declared it "one of the nation's finest steakhouses." This steakhouse is legendary for the extensive wild game and seafood selection on the menu. Campisi's has been "The" Italian restaurant of Dallas since 1946, and is still known to be the number one name in pizza in the area. They specialize in their legendary pizza, a variety of salads and bread, and their famous crab claws! They also have a fine variety of wine choices. Campisi's is proud of its tradition and displays great memorabilia from past years. If you're doing business in Dallas, TX, consider the hotel's meeting spaces to accommodate your event or presentation. We have six rooms equipped to handle functions of all sizes, including the Majestic Ballroom, which features 1,312 square feet of space. Scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, breakfast potatoes, buttermilk biscuits, breakfast danish, morning muffins, whole & sliced fresh fruit. Priced at $15.00/person plus applicable tax and service charge. Grilled ancho chicken with pepper jack cheese and smoked bacon, baby back pork ribs, baked barbeque beans, corn on the cob, cole slaw, potato salad and cornbread. $35.00 per person plus applicable tax and service charge. My cousin and I were taking a girls' road trip through Texas and chose Hotel Indigo due to close proximity to Downtown Dallas restaurants and the excellent reviews. It was the perfect choice! It is so unique and funky chic. Very comfortable beds and rooms that are spacious and beautifully decorated. The restaurant downstairs makes it very convenient if you just want coffee or a quick meal. It is situated within walking distance of museums, restaurants and other attractions. The parking is available all around the hotel at a very reasonable rate. Would definitely recommend this hotel to anyone who wants to be in the center of downtown and likes to walk rather than drive everywhere. We enjoyed our stay at Hotel Indigo. Great location close to train stop and several restuarants. Comfortable spacious rooms. Excellent staff. The bar/lounge area has great food. The shuttle service is great! Wonderful for a step back in time experience. I brought my grandson to Dallas for an adventure. We had a wonderful stay, he is 6 years old and is fascinated with History and Sea Life. We picked the perfect place to get what we wanted for him. The Perot museum, the World Aqarium, the grassy knoll and the 6th Floor museum, he loved. Even with its contruction and rain we loved the walks around the Historical Court Houses. Great Adventure for the both of us.
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Found 14 Documents (Results 1–3) Adem, Alejandro (ed.); Carlson, Jon F. (ed.); Henn, Hans-Werner (ed.) Report 42/2005: Cohomology of finite groups: interactions and applications (September 4th – September 10th, 2005). (English) Zbl 1106.20302 Oberwolfach Rep. 2, No. 3, 2375-2433 (2005). MSC: 20-06 20J06 20C20 00B05 55-06 57-06 \textit{A. Adem} (ed.) et al., Oberwolfach Rep. 2, No. 3, 2375--2433 (2005; Zbl 1106.20302) Full Text: DOI Link Anantharaman-Delaroche, Claire (ed.); Echterhoff, Siegfried (ed.); Haagerup, Uffe (ed.); Voiculescu, Dan (ed.) Report 41/2005: C*-algebras (August 28th – September 3rd, 2005). (Report 41/2005: C*-Algebren (August 28th – September 3rd, 2005).) (English) Zbl 1106.46300 MSC: 46-06 19-06 81-06 00B05 46Lxx 17B37 81R50 \textit{C. Anantharaman-Delaroche} (ed.) et al., Oberwolfach Rep. 2, No. 3, 2305--2373 (2005; Zbl 1106.46300) Baake, Ellen (ed.); Ewens, Warren (ed.); Wakolbinger, Anton (ed.) Report 40/2005: Mathematical Population Genetics (August 21st – August 27th, 2005). (English) Zbl 1106.92305 MSC: 92D15 92D10 92-06 60G35 00B25 00B05 \textit{E. Baake} (ed.) et al., Oberwolfach Rep. 2, No. 3, 2241--2304 (2005; Zbl 1106.92305) Anantharaman-Delaroche, Claire (1) Zagier, Don Bernard (1) Piazza, Paolo (1) 38 other authors 00-XX (14) 21 other classifications
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Discussion boards hosted by <strong><a href="http://www.cyclinguk.org" target="_blank" style="color: #ffffff">Cycling UK</a></strong> https://forum.cyclinguk.org/ https://forum.cyclinguk.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=136791 Posted: 5 May 2020, 9:01pm by Mike Sales Nae Fitba! Posted: 7 May 2020, 3:14am by Vitara The best way to encourage the general population to take regular daily exercise is to tell them they can't go out because there is a risk they may catch a life threatening disease. by Bonefishblues Transformational. by Oldjohnw I think that if I was a small business owner I would say 'ruin'. As a retiree I can say peace, although not without worry. by simonineaston Interesting question. One, I don't think we'll be able to 'look back on' the C19 crisis for some time yet. As of today, we simply have no clear idea what's going to happen next. Two, it's going to have a fundamental impact on our economy - already has! - and one of the most obvious impacts will be on the way we all pay tax. The colossal amounts of money already spent by the the gov. will have to be replaced. Watch for VAT to rocket, for instance... Three, although there is much talk of 'things never being the same', I confidently predict that once the pesky little fellow stops killing people in unaccaptable * numbers, things will indeed go back to exactly how they were before. * if it stays with us, and no vaccine or treatment is found for some while, we may have to get used to that number... Note that in the exert below, reference is made to '18-24 months'. 3 possible scenarios... Posted: 7 May 2020, 12:08pm by mercalia The end of sucking up to the Chinese? Towards the end of last month the Australian government started calling for an international, independent inquiry into the origins of Covid-19. This followed intelligence leaks suggesting that the virus may have originated in a laboratory in Wuhan rather than one of the city's famously delicious wet markets. The Chinese response was textbook. The country's ambassador to Australia warned the Australian Financial Review that the Chinese public (there they go again) were 'frustrated, dismayed and disappointed with what you are doing now. I.....The editor of the state-run Global Times, Hu Xijin, was less diplomatic. Hu took to Weibo (China's answer to Twitter) to describe Australia as a piece of 'chewing gum stuck on the sole of China's shoes'. He went on: 'Sometimes you have to find a stone to rub it off.' As Britain learned in 2012, the stone that China uses to get rid of us pieces of chewing gum is a familiar one. It involves the full litany of investment threats. And it includes claims — issued from its embassies worldwide — that all criticism of the CCP is motivated by 'racism'.........It isn't healthy to have your officials lick another country's shoes. Or be told that you're chewing gum on the bottom of them. We need to find a way out of this relationship — one that we all know turned abusive years ago. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/hugging-china-hasnt-done-us-any-favours? Why oh why we let a totalitarian country have such an influence in the West I dont know. Trump is wrong on most things but this isnt one of them? mercalia wrote: The end of sucking up to the Chinese? Money and realpolitik will come first, as ever. Why oh why we let a totalitarian country have such an influence in the West I dont know. 'Cos they make our stuff... Jobs talked to Obama about making iProducts back in the USA - gist of conversation was that it couldn't realistically be done... they're better at it. Go figure. simonineaston wrote: there are other uneducated/cheap labour source countries to exploit?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Drop.io jumps in 'the stream,' goes real-time Now, file-sharing service Drop.io has opted to turn its "drops"--the pages where people can drag and drop any number of multimedia files and then password-protect them--into streams optimized for collaborative work. If you're working in one of them, it updates instantly for all users.There's also a new feature, much like in Google Docs, Zoho, and other collaboration tools, which lets all members looking at a given "drop" chat with one another. Drop.io has also turned on access to drops from third-party chat clients with Jabber support, like Adium and Pidgin. Drop.io jumps in 'the stream,' goes real-time | The Social - CNET News
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
All units are available at Levels 1, 2 and 3. The comprehensiveness of the suite allows learners to progress both ascendingly (through the three levels) or laterally across all the specific skills' areas. Acquire a basic understanding of different languages by studying Level 1 French, Level 1 Spanish and Level 1 Polish. With 96 units to choose from possibilities are almost endless.
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Courts Government County Settles Wrongful Death Suit The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors approved a settlement agreement this week that includes the payout of $250,000 stemming from a fatal car accident on Avenue of the Giants involving a county employee. On Jan. 3, 2014 county employee Keith Shuetzle was driving a Humboldt County Roads division truck southbound on Avenue of the Giants approaching Elk Creek Road when, for unknown reasons, he made a left turn directly into the path of a Toyota Corolla driven by 26-year-old Jaime Wheeler. Wheeler and a passenger, Jimmy Lincks Jr., both of Miranda, were injured in the crash and transported to Redwood Memorial Hospital, where they were treated and released. But Lincks was readmitted to the hospital two days later and died of what appeared to be injuries sustained in the crash. Wheeler and Lincks' son, Jimmy Lincks III, filed a lawsuit against the county in 2014, alleging that Shuetzle's negligence caused the crash, injuries to Wheeler and the wrongful death of Lincks Jr. The county denied the allegations. The settlement agreement reached this week (attached in the PDF below) will result in the dismissal of the suit without any admission of wrongdoing. Courts Government Jaime Wheeler Keith Shuetzle Jimmy Lincks Jr. Jimmy Lincks III Avenue of the Giants Humboldt County roads fatal
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Shas cancels rally due to scandal Party officials were concerned the event would either become too much of a protest rally that could harm Deri's case or have an embarrassingly poor turnout. By GIL STERN STERN HOFFMAN Published: APRIL 5, 2016 20:15 Arye Deri (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST) Shas's annual Passover rally became the first casualty of the corruption investigation of its leader Arye Deri Tuesday when the party announced that this year's event was cancelled. Deri has asked his followers to refrain from starting a campaign professing his innocence similar to the one that accompanied his unsuccessful effort to avoid jail time the last time he was investigated. The rally had been set to take place at the Jerusalem Payis Arena, which seats 15,654 people for concerts and 11,600 for basketball games. In the past, Shas had no problem filling facilities of that size. Billed "Greet the Rabbis," the event was intended to showcase Rabbi Shalom Cohen, who became the head of the Shas council of Torah sages following the death of Shas mentor Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in October 2013. But party officials were concerned the event would either become too much of a protest rally that could harm Deri's case or have an embarrassingly poor turnout, which could present the party as in peril. Deri is expected to be called in for questioning as early as this week in the investigation that centers on the multiple properties owned by him and members of his family in Jerusalem and the Galilee. The initial probe of Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog on alleged campaign fundraising violations is also expected to advanced in upcoming days. Israel Hayom reported Tuesday that police had found new evidence in recent weeks proving that Herzog had broken the law. He has vigorously denied the allegations.
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You know that turning point in a project when it goes from bad to worse? Well, um, I hooked a computer and GPS up to my mower and plotted the mowing path. The results are surprising. First of all, I was really thinking about the path...and second, I had lots of expensive hardware on a bumpy ride (yes, I spilled gas on the computer). So it felt like I went very slowly and the lawn was done in 30 minutes! The trick I think was to maximize long paths. Normally I would mow a section (for example "the back yard") and finish it before moving on to the next. Instead, I tried to avoid making turns and overlapped as necessary. The actual driving time was less than 30 minutes. Perhaps the next improvement is to be made in the "pits".
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I have used Reed and Associates to manage my properties in the Memphis area for about 10 years. They continue to get better every year. As an owner of multiple properties it is often difficult and aggravating to manage from a distance. But Ana and the whole team at Reed and Assoc. make the process very easy. They are quick to respond to both my needs and the tenants' needs. I trust Ana completely. She takes care of my properties as if I was there doing it myself. That provides a great level of comfort. I highly recommend them to everyone. This is a great company to rent a house with! Staff is very professional and very, very helpful! Ana, our property manager, went above and beyond to help my boyfriend and i find a house due to a situation. She really took care of us and made sure everything was squared away. The house we previously rented was in excellent condition and well taken care of. If looking to rent, consider looking into Reed and associates! I really loved renting from Reed and Associates. They work with you in every way that they can if you fall behind. If you have an issue involving maintenance request they get right on it. I just don't like the area where I rented from other than that if they had something somewhere else I would have stayed with them. Thanks for everything Ana Glass.. I rented under this company for 2 years before a new company acquired the property and I never had a problem. Work orders were done promptly and efficiently. They gave me a second chance and were just awesome to work with. I want to send Kudos out to Reed and Associates. They have been really great at assisting me from the start of our business interaction. I like the fact that they are personable and willing to assist you with any concerns. It's not easy finding property management that is dedicated to its people and not just the money. I definitely recommend them for anyone who is looking for a home or needs someone to manage their home. Thanks for all you do! When my husband and I were looking for a house to rent, we were referred to Reed and Associates by a realtor. He said that knowing us, that we would want to work with a company that had a remarkable reputation and that we should make the call. He also added that when you rent from an individual, you are apt to encounter all sorts of issues, but when you rent from a company with integrity, they make sure things are done professionally. Instead of calling, my husband and I went to their place of business. We talked with Ben. He was so friendly and easy to talk with, as you would expect from any "salesman", but Ben was REAL. He answered all our questions patiently and thoroughly. We have been in the house now for over a year. During that time we have only had one minor issue (with the dishwasher). I contacted Ana, our property manager, who immediately contacted the owner to get the problem resolved. I'm very thankful that our friend, the realtor, recommended Reed and Associates for us. Hopefully, one day, we will be in the position to have (a)home(s) to rent. If so, if we are in Memphis or close by, we will definitely call upon Reed and Assoc. to manage our properties. Reed & Associates of TN, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Liquid Anti-Foulant for sea and fresh water cooling systems –a non biocide approach to mollusc and sea growth control. Liquid Antifoulant has been developed to deal with the recent biological changes in coastal waters primarily evolving because of the substantial reduction in seawater pollution. This is achieved by preventing the adherence of mollusc larvae to ship surfaces because of a build-up of a layer of liquid anti-foul ant in the sea water system. The treatment is best used from a clean system and existing growth will be unlikely to be removed except by physical removal or descaling (using Aquamarine Descaling Liquid). Always inject the product below the water level. Dose at 6 ppm for one hour per day. Dosing is not necessary in deep sea. In port when practicable dose the condenser with a solution of 200ppm and allow to stand for 24 hours.
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This gorgeous red plaid dress is sure to be a show stopper. There is a rich black velvet peter pan collar with hand diamond smocking at the waist. It ties into a sash bow in the back. This is great for Holidays, Special Occassions, family potraits and a good gift idea.
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Home Industry News Turbo Lab to host second Asia Turbomachinery & Pump Symposium in Singapore Turbo Lab to host second Asia Turbomachinery & Pump Symposium in Singapore The Turbomachinery Laboratory at Texas A&M University is embarking on its second biennial Asia Turbomachinery & Pump Symposium (ATPS) in Singapore. ATPS is modeled after the longstanding Houston Turbomachinery & Pump Symposia (TPS), held annually since 1972. ATPS is an international assembly for turbomachinery and pump end-users and manufacturers. It features a renowned technical program that is hand-selected by an advisory committee of engineers, and an international exhibition. The inaugural 2016 event drew more than 900 attendees from 38 countries. ATPS 2018 will be held 13-15 March at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre, with full-day short courses offered on Monday, 12 March in conjunction with the symposia. Paid delegates may choose to engage in a combination of seven full-day short courses, 17 tutorials, 25 lectures, 39 case studies, 11 technical briefs and 12 discussion groups. New to the symposium are two panel sessions on digitalization, and career and industry. The full technical program schedule is available at https://atps.tamu.edu/program/. The exhibition will showcase products and support technologies from leading rotating machinery original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Full-size equipment, cutting-edge technology and emerging industry trends will be on display. The exhibit hall will be free to the public upon completion of free pass registration online or at the registration counters on Level 3 of the Suntec. Rooted in the history and successes of the Turbo Lab and TPS, ATPS promotes professional development, technology transfer, peer networking and information exchange among industry professionals. To further the mission of ATPS, the Turbo Lab has partnered with a number of organizations including major sponsor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Compressor Corporation and badge lanyard sponsor Elliott Group; association partners Korea Rotating Machinery Engineers Association, Institute of Engineers, Singapore and Institution of Engineers, Malaysia; and academic partners Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. "ATPS is an invaluable networking opportunity for end-users and suppliers alike—made even more essential at this time of flux for the industry," said Dag Calafell, chairman of the 2018 event. "I look forward to a robust, meaningful symposium sharing leadership insights and successes that strengthen our industry. Together we can create opportunities despite the challenges we face." Registration remains open online and will be available on site for paid symposium and free pass delegates. For more information on ATPS, including event schedule, general information and more, visit atps.tamu.edu. The Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Turbomachinery Laboratory makes a vital impact on the turbomachinery and related industries through research, education and professional workforce development. Visit turbolab.tamu.edu for more information. Asia Turbomachinery & Pump Symposium (ATPS) Turbo Lab Previous articleNew Danfoss digital tool provides onsite troubleshooting Next articleMade-To-Order (MTO) Sheaves For Mine Refrigeration Compressor Stringent Emission Requirements? Not a Problem Sulzer at ACHEMA 2018 AMCA International Holds First Air System Engineering and Technology Conference-US Tweets by EmpoweringCompressors 5-Step Shaft Alignment Procedure Precision alignment is an essential part of a proactive reliability program as it can eliminate many machine failures and defects....More Empowering Compressors connects the global compressor industry through a digital network of websites, eNewsletters, and social media, enabling industry professionals to exchange ideas and knowledge. Contact us: social@empoweringcompressors.com Installations23 Cook Compression14 Service and Repair12 Sulzer RES11 © Copyright Empowering Compressors All Rights Reserved
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Encompass Fund (ENCPX) Ranks Among Top Mutual Fund Performers For Two Consecutive Years; Investors Gain Access To Growth-Oriented Investments Including Rare Earths And Uranium The Encompass Fund's focus on global resource companies exploring for and producing commodities like uranium, rare earth elements, copper, and gold helped launch it to the top of Morningstar's charts once again... The Encompass Fund's focus on global resource companies exploring for and producing commodities like uranium, rare earth elements, copper, and gold helped launch it to the top of Morningstar's charts once again last year. And in spite of its strategy to diversify risk by investing in a wide variety of sectors including healthcare and real estate, while keeping a portion of assets in cash, this go-anywhere fund has ranked among the top five of all mutual funds tracked by Morningstar for two consecutive years. As of December 31, 2010, the Encompass Fund (ENCPX) www.encompassfund.com had returned 60.0% for the year. It was Morningstar's top performing International fund (out of 3,362 funds) as well as #1 in the World Stock Fund category (of 843 funds). It ranked second in performance out of all 15,724 funds tracked for 2010. The Fund is benchmarked against the Wilshire 5000 Index, which gained 17.2% in 2010. Encompass has averaged annual returns of 10.04% since inception.* The Encompass Fund invests in companies of all sizes, from micro-cap to large cap, in a number of diverse sectors and operating in all parts of the world, including Mongolia, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Cuba. The managers have emphasized commodity and health care companies since the fund's inception in June 2006. Veteran wealth managers Malcolm Gissen and Marshall Berol of Malcolm H. Gissen & Associates, Inc., created the Encompass Fund to provide investors access to typically undiscovered investment opportunities in sectors and companies that promise significant future growth. "We continue to find undervalued resource and health care companies with exceptional upside potential," commented Malcolm Gissen who co-manages the fund with Marshall Berol. "We think that a number of these companies have the potential to double or triple in price over the next 1–3 years because we foresee higher prices for many commodities over the next 12–18 months." As of Dec. 31, 2010, the fund's top five holdings were: Uranium Energy Corp (UEC) Avalon Rare Metals, Inc. (AVL) Avion Gold Corporation (AVR.TO, AVGCF.PK) Petrodorado Energy Ltd. (PDQ.V, PTRDF.PK) Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp. (CXZ) For the year ending Dec. 31, 2009 the Encompass Fund was the number one World Stock Fund out of 722 funds with a return of 137%. The fund ranked fifth among the approximately 16,000 mutual funds tracked by Morningstar in 2009, while keeping an allocation of about 25%–30% in cash for much of the year due to the volatile market.** The Encompass Fund is a no-load mutual fund with no 12b-1 fee. For more information, visit www.encompassfund.com. About the Encompass Fund (ENCPX) The Encompass Fund was established in 2006 by two investment advisors who had analyzed mutual funds for 25 years and discovered that few funds provide much added value. Introduced in 2006 and with current assets of $20 million and growing, the fund gives investors exposure to companies and sectors with high growth potential. The Encompass Fund is advised by Brick Asset Management, Inc., which is affiliated with Malcolm H. Gissen & Associates, Inc. *The Encompass Fund had a total return of 60.00%, compared to 17.16% for the Wilshire 5000 for the one-year period ended 12/31/10. The fund had an average annualized return for the three years ended 12/31/10 of 13.39%, compared to -1.92% for the Wilshire 5000. The Encompass Fund had an average annualized return of 10.04%, compared to 2.47% for the Wilshire 5000 since inception on 6/30/06 through 12/31/10. Returns include change in share prices and in each case includes reinvestment of any dividends and capital gain distributions. The Wilshire 5000 Index measures the performance of all U.S. headquartered equity securities with readily available price data. Over 5,000 capitalization weighted security returns are used to adjust the index **The Encompass Fund was ranked No. 1 among 722 World Stock funds tracked by Morningstar for the one-year period ended 12/31/09. The Encompass Fund was ranked No. 12 among 530 World Stock funds tracked by Morningstar for the three-year period ended 12/31/09. The Encompass Fund had a total return of 137.31%, compared to 31.78% for the MSCI EAFE NR USD for the year ended 12/31/09. The Encompass Fund had an average annualized return of –1.10%, compared to –1.41% for the MSCI EAFE NR USD since inception on 6/30/06 through 12/31/09. Returns include change-in-share prices and in each case include reinvestment of any dividends and capital gain distributions. The MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, Far East) NR USD is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the U.S. & Canada. Performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. You may obtain performance data current to the most recent month-end by calling the transfer agent at 1-888-463-3957. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the Fund. You may obtain a prospectus by calling the transfer agent at 1-888-463-3957 or at www.encompassfund.com . The prospectus should be read carefully before investing.
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UK Supreme Court rules in favour of abortion clinic buffer zones which could ban prayer Wed Dec 07 2022 by Marcus Jones REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo Seven Supreme Court judges have ruled that 'buffer zones' around abortion clinics are legal and don't interfere with the rights of pro-life campaigners. They were asked to rule by Northern Ireland's Attorney General. Brenda King was concerned laws passed in Northern Ireland earlier this year could conflict with laws around freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. Buffer zones are geographical areas which surround an abortion clinic preventing any attempt to influence a woman seeking a termination. Behaviour such as prayer or pastoral support to women could be included. Explaining why the laws don't interfere with human rights, the ruling said: "First, the context is a highly sensitive one in which the protection of the private lives and autonomy of women is of particular importance. "Secondly, women who wish to access lawful abortion services have a reasonable expectation of being able to do so without being confronted by protest activity designed to challenge and diminish their autonomy and undermine their resolve. "Thirdly, the Bill only prevents anti-abortion protestors from exercising their rights under articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Convention within designated safe access zones. They are free to protest anywhere else they please." Campaign group ADF International has been defending the rights for pro-life campaigners. Responding to the verdict: "We are of course disappointed to see today's ruling from the Supreme Court, which fails to protect the basic freedoms to pray or to offer help to women who may want to know about practical support available to avoid abortion. Peaceful presence, mere conversation, quiet or silent prayer - these activities should never be criminalised in a democratic society like the UK. "Westminster's attempt to ban such activities is much further reaching than Northern Ireland's - banning 'informing', 'advising', 'persuading', or even 'occupying space' or 'expressing opinion', with a penalty of up to two years in prison. This is clearly grossly disproportionate. Nobody should be censored for simply holding pro-life beliefs." While this judgement covers Northern Ireland, it could act as a precedent for other laws being passed in Westminster and Holyrood which would bring about a nationwide introduction of buffer zones. Currently several local councils have implemented the zones independently. Article by Marcus Jones Marcus Jones is Premier's group head of news
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import pprint import sys import os import subprocess import spotipy import util import spotipy.oauth2 as oauth2 if len(sys.argv) > 2: username = sys.argv[1] playlist_name = sys.argv[2] else: print "Usage: %s username playlist-name" % (sys.argv[0],) sys.exit() token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username) if token: sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) sp.trace = False playlists = sp.user_playlist_create(username, playlist_name) pprint.pprint(playlists) else: print "Can't get token for", username
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In 2011 the Lost Acres Fire Department celebrated the 75th anniversary of the formation of the department. For 75 years the LAFD has been providing fire and rescue services to the citizens of Granby. The LAFD was founded by longtime resident Horace B. Clark. Clark was a fire commissioner for the city of Hartford and established the department with eleven members on June 1, 1936. The name Lost Acres comes from the name of the Clark estate located in East Hartland and Granby which was where the first truck was kept, in Clark's barn. The fire protection service was first offered to East Hartland but the service was declined. Seeing as most of the people that worked for HB Clark came from Granby, he offered the services to the town and they accepted. Prior to 1936 the town of Granby was protected by the Ensign Bickford fire department in Simsbury. In February 1941 the department was incorporated with 31 members being active at time. One special piece of fire apparatus still owned by the LAFD is the original 1921 Reo Speedwagon pumper truck (designated LA-1) that was the first piece of fire equipment owned by the LAFD. Horace B. Clark purchased this pumper from the Ensign Bickford fire department in 1936 and this truck continued as working piece of fire apparatus well into the 1950s. This truck has been painstakingly restored and maintained over the years as the pride of the department. The LAFD 1921 Reo can be seen in parades not only in Granby but throughout the region. LA-1 recently celebrated a milestone last summer when it won its 100th trophy for best antique apparatus. While the nature of the fire service has changed over the seven decades since the LAFD was formed, the basic mission remains – to protect the life and property of the residents of Granby. Each year the volunteer members of the department spend countless hours in training on training ranging from the standard firefighting to hazardous materials and various types of rescue training such as vehicle and rope rescue. In addition to providing local fire service, the LAFD is also very active in the regional fire efforts as well. The LAFD participates in fire task forces which combine resources from several neighboring towns that can be used to assist other local departments or with incidents anywhere in the state. As we move past our 75th anniversary, the officers and members of the LAFD would like to thank the town of Granby and all of the residents for their continued support. The LAFD is always looking for new members with no experience required. Just stop by the Center station on any Tuesday night. Copyright © , Lost Acres Fire Department, All Rights Reserved.
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Maubet Bjornsen Taking Strategic Approach to 2020-21 Season October, 7 2020 "I have shaped a plan that will entail a different path than normal for competing on the World Cup circuit this season." - Sadie Maube Bjornsen. Sadie Maubet Bjornsen has learned quite a bit during the past nine seasons on the FIS Cross Country World Cup circuit, including the glamorous, and not so glamorous, side of living out of a suitcase for months at a time while competing throughout Europe. Over the past nine years, she has also scored World Cup points (top 30) at more than 150 races, in addition to a dozen podium results. So it's safe to say the World Cup school of hard knocks has taught her quite a bit. Now, she is taking that knowledge to the next level as she'll apply a more strategic, tactical approach to the 2020-21 season. "I have shaped a plan that will entail a different path than normal for competing on the World Cup circuit this season. I will spend more time at home in Alaska preparing for the season, which includes missing Period One (late November through December events) of the World Cup season." - Two-time Olympian Sadie Maubet Bjornsen This year, the 2021 FIS Cross Country World Championships take place in late February - a couple of weeks later than in the past. World Championships events are Sadie's number one goal for the season, and she knows that competing at the World Cup level for a full three months before World Championships would be a challenge to prepare her body and mind to compete at her fullest potential. "Between the challenges we are facing with COVID-19 right now, and some persistent overuse injuries I have been working through during the summer and fall training, this plan will provide me the extra months to get my body in the place it needs to be for the World Championships," she said. "I will certainly miss some of my favorite races of the year, but am confident this balanced approach will allow me to perform at my best at the World Championships." As she enters her 10th year of competing at the highest level of the sport and eyeing the potential of competing in her third Olympic Winter Games, this new strategy will also provide her the opportunity to enjoy more family time, including time with her husband Jo, and keeping a promise that she made to herself last season - spending the holidays at home with her family. "I have to look at the sustainability of that type of lifestyle," she said of competing and traveling for months on end throughout Europe. "Also, when you're 30 years old, your family starts meaning a lot to you, and spending time with them is important. I haven't enjoyed Christmas with my family in nine years, so I'm looking forward to enjoying the holidays with them." When Sadie returns to Europe, she will be based out of France with Jo, and while racing she will continue her studies for the CPA exam and working towards her Master's Degree in business. When this past season was cut short due to COVID-19, she put her accounting degree to good use, working at the CPA firm - which she admits helped her to avoid a potential midlife crisis. "It's been really nice because when I get injured, it's really hard not to get bummed out about it because our jobs depend on our bodies and being healthy," she said. "Plus, (working) allows me some time to see a different perspective and having to learn and be OK with not knowing and asking questions. But, I'm also looking forward to getting back to racing and rejoining my teammates in Europe." Sadie Maubet Bjornsen A World Championship bronze medalist, five-time U.S. Champion, and two-time Olympian Sadie became the first American to wear the FIS World Cup Yellow Leader's bib following two top-5 finishes to kick off the 2019-20 season. Sadie Bjornsen has notched several top-10 World Cup finishes and consistent World Cup points over the last three seasons. Her breakthrough year during the Sochi Olympic season saw her top results primarily in classic events, but this season was balanced across disciplines and between sprint and distance racing.
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Prius + Al Gore III: You Can Get Arrested in this Town George Spyros I happened to be visiting Los Angeles a week ago when I got the last rental Prius on the Hertz lot (Hertz is a sometime sponsor of ours). If you were to have overheard me tell this to fellow TreeHugger Summer Bowen with whom I was meeting for a quick coffee at LPQ, you might have thought me hysterical with joy for having purchased one of the first iPhones which had gone on sale that same day. Look, we New Yorkers don't drive often so this was a first for me and it was eco-geekily thrilling. Frankly, I can see one getting carried away. I must say, however, that I was as concerned as the next greenie when a few days later Al Gore III got pulled over by police for driving over 100 miles per hour just south of LA. They found drugs in the car. In his Prius. How would this poor PR reflect on our collective efforts to speedily put the world environment back on track? Was this a career-ender for the glamorous Prius? Wait, Gore's Prius was going over 100 mph? Our old friend Rush Limbaugh soon weighed in wondering "How in the world do you get a Toyota Prius to go 100 mph without a cliff to go over?" The LA Times explains the technical deets and reports that the folks at Priuschat.com actually found it to be a PR coup for the little Hybrid that could. It seems that sometimes you can get arrested in this town.Fittingly, Southern California, where Al the younger met with the law for a third time, is the birthplace of the hot rod. It turns out that the Prius is one too according to the LA Times: A check of statistics compiled by Car and Driver magazine suggests that the slowest car on the road is not the Prius but the hairy-chested AM General Hummer H1, with a top speed of only 88 mph...The Prius is also one of the most aerodynamically optimized vehicles on the road, with a low 0.26 coefficient of drag. That means the car doesn't require a lot of horsepower to push through the air...The car also rides on tires with low "rolling resistance," which lessens friction between the rubber and the road. It's also a bantamweight at only 2,932 pounds, among the lightest cars on the market. Officially the most fuel-efficient car on the road, it is capable of going even faster than 100 mph but the car, which uses an electric booster, is speed-limited to 103 mph to avoid depleting the battery. As automotive technology improved due to raised benchmarks for handling, safety and comfort, so have absolute performance levels. Another factor is the globalized car market since the Prius has to meet driver expectations in Europe, where the highways have higher speed limits and in some places, no limit at all. That explains why it's so easy to get a little over-excited about Prius: I happened to be visiting Los Angeles a week ago when I got the last rental Prius on the Hertz lot (Hertz is a sometime sponsor of ours). If you were to have overheard me tell this to fellow TreeHugger Summer Bowen with whom I was meeting for a quick
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A bill introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in March could make it easier for her parents and millions like them to get assistance. It would allow Medicare to pay audiologists to teach beneficiaries how to adjust to and use their hearing aids as well as how to manage communication with other people, among other things.
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Every summer the American Bach Soloists (ABS) Festival & Academy presents two performances of Johann Sebastian Bach's BWV 232 setting of the Mass text, usually called the "Mass in B minor," since much of the tonality of the entire score is in B minor and its relative major key, D major. For this year's programming, the first of those performances was given last night in St. Mark's Lutheran Church. As has often been the case in the past, it provided the first major platform for the Academy students, who performed all of the vocal solos and who comprised almost all of the instrumental ensemble (called the American Bach Soloists Academy Orchestra). However, because there is a limited number of vocal students, the choral work was taken by the members of the American Bach Choir. As always, all resources were conducted by ABS Music Director Jeffrey Thomas. As the Wikipedia page for this composition observes, why the Lutheran Bach should devote the year before his death to providing an extended setting of the complete Ordinary of the Latin Mass is "a matter of scholarly debate." Depending on whether or not time is set aside for an intermission, a performance of the entire score tends to run between two and two and one-half hours. The composition is almost always presented as a concert occasion, rather than being incorporated into a liturgical service. Does this constitute an "authentic" approach to performance? When he was not busy providing new music for either royal patrons or church services, Bach had a serious interest in pedagogy. This may well have begun when he committed himself to providing his first two sons, Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philipp Emanuel, with a solid foundation of music education. From those early days until the end of his life, Bach would produce large bodies of music, primarily instrumental, whose pedagogical value is frequently overlooked by those more interested in concerts and recitals. Towards the end of his life, it seems as if Bach was looking back on all that he achieved and trying to account for it through what might be called "summary exercises." This is one way, for example, that both performer and listener may approach the second book of The Well-Tempered Clavier; and it is probably also the case with the BWV 1080 The Art of Fugue, whose completion was interrupted by Bach's death. In a similar manner one could easily view BWV 232 as a retrospective compilation of remembrances of compositions past, so to speak. Indeed, much of BWV 232 involves repurposing earlier compositions going all the way back to his time in Weimar in 1714 (which would have been around the time he was working on the first book of The Well-Tempered Clavier). From that point of view, BWV 232 can be approached as an "abstract" (rather than "sacred") compilation of vocal music consisting of choruses, arias, and duets. Furthermore, the choral movements may almost be viewed as a "preliminary study" for BWV 1080. There is a heavy emphasis on fugal writing; and, throughout all of the choral movements in BWV 232, homophony is kept to a minimum. Equally interesting is that none of the arias and duets structure the vocal line in da capo form. Repetition of the opening section in the conclusion is kept to the instrumental ritornello sections, although one would never confuse the vocal parts with those for concerto solos. Taken as a whole, one might call BWV 232 a summa that is far from a theological one! From that point of view, one can appreciate why the ABS Festival & Academy has made it a point to revisit BWV 232 every summer. Every year another crop of students becomes actively involved in this one composition that says so much about so many of Bach accomplishments. Furthermore, as a conductor, Thomas has a keen sense of how to work with the resources at his disposal, rather than try to cram them into a single cookie-cutter "vision" of what BWV 232 "ought to be." The result is that, from the audience side, every summer's performance of BWV 232 has a freshness to it that comes from yet another source of young talents bringing their own perspectives to Bach's music. That freshness was always on display last night. Indeed, it extended beyond the contributions of the students. Many of the stretto passages in the choral fugue movements have never previously been more electrifying. Among the students, both vocalists and instrumentals brought a solid command of in-the-moment music-making to their respective executions. These frequently involved elaborate interplay among many different combinations of vocal ranges and instruments; and each instance opened its own door of insights into how exciting well-honed performance practices can be. One could almost imagine that all of those students were, in some remote way, enjoying the same benefits of pedagogical authority that had shaped Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach into the major music figure he would become.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
"This small yet joyful carpet features richly textured thick yarns and distinctive multicolored diamonds rendered in crisp shades of blue, peach, pink, purple, black, brown, and white. Colorful, wonderful, cute!" Approximately 2 ft. x 3 ft. "This brightly colored vibrant carpet features four green and golden diamonds with Berber lightning strikes. Background woven with brilliant red yarn." Approximately 2 ft. x 4 ft. "This boldly designed geometric carpet features eighteen boxes of shapes: squares, diamonds, circles, and triangles rendered in black, purple, mauve, lavender, blue, seagreen and white. Unique and adorable!" "This minimalist mid-century classically modern carpet features two bold colors: red and black. Its soft thick soft wool is decorated with selected ancient tribal symbols." 8 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. 2 in. "This bold and friendly long runner features row after row of rainbow-colored diamonds. Clear clean brilliant colors!" 8 ft 11 in. x 6 ft. 3 in. The sister to whom Ms. Bernhardt's referred is the Brooklyn painter Katherine Bernhardt, who is perhaps best known for her vigorous portraits of supermodels, all rail thin and sharply angled. Given that massive acquisition of Moroccan carpets, it is perhaps unsurprising that they have begun appearing in Katherine's work. For her 2010 show at the Canada gallery, on the Lower East Side, some of her paintings featured the bright, energetic patterns of kilims, and there were carpets for sale, too. On Dec. 8, a new batch of carpets will arrive at Canada. Elizabeth, Katherine, and Katherine's husband, Yousef Jdia, whom she met at a souk in Essaouira, Morocco, recently went into business under the name the Magic Flying Carpets of the Berber Kingdom of Morocco, and they will install a "pop-up souk" at the gallery. Pieces will be available at prices from $200, for smaller, contemporary examples, to more than $8,000 for the largest vintage work. Those who visited this year's Armory Show may recall that the gallery also had a number of Moroccan carpets for sale at its booth. "[P]aintings by Michael Williams, Xylor Jane, Carrie Moyer, Katherine Bernhardt and others establish a rewarding pictorial dialogue with the floor, which is thick with Moroccan rugs," New York Times critic Roberta Smith wrote at the time. Elizabeth, who has a Ph.D. in Renaissance and Italian Studies, handles the details of the business, but said that Mr. Jdia, who has sold carpets for a number of years, and Katherine pick most of the works, on visits to Morocco. "She has an incredible eye for them," Elizabeth said. Click the slide show above to see works that will be on offer at Canada, unless they sell privately before Dec. 8. Elizabeth Bernhardt has written commentary to accompany each image.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Free Slot Machine Games > Sindbad Slots Online Play fullscreen Play free Play for real money Refresh My Game Credits Slot Type: 20 paylines Reels: х2000 Slot features: Bonus Rounds, Free Spins, Scatters, Wild Symbol Sindbad Slot Characteristics Bet Range Raise the Sails! Special Symbols & Features How to Win in Sindbad? Following the worldwide famous tales about the brave Sindbad the Sailor, which is a part of a centuries-old middle-eastern manuscript known under the name of "One Thousand and One Nights", the Evoplay casino software developer has released a masterpiece named Sindbad slot machine! As the vast majority of Evoplay-powered games, this video slot introduces HQ graphics and animations built into an astounding design. So if you consider yourself as a lover of such tales, or you used to read them as a child, then you will simply love the Evoplay Sindbad online casino slot! You get to play Sindbad video slot across a 5×3 grid designed in such a manner to resemble some kind of a stage, on which you get to see an HQ animation of Sindbad performing some of his tricks. This grid comprises 5 reels and 20 paylines. Carrying a return to player (RTP) percentage of 93.2%, the game can be described as an online casino slot with medium to high volatility rate. The players can benefit from several features, such as a wild multiplier, extra bonus game, as well as free spins. The game includes three types of special icons: scatter symbol, a wild, and bonus symbol. The game can be played for the minimum bet of 0.2 credits. The value on the maximum bet usually depends on the casino operator, but in the majority of cases is capped at 400 credits. To place a bet, you need to adjust two separate parameters: Through the "Bet" button, you adjust the amount of your stake, and it ranges from the minimum of 20 up to the maximum of 400. Coin value, which goes from 0.01 up to 1. Your stake is multiplied by the coin value, in order to determine the amount of your total bet. Sindbad video slot introduces the main groups of symbols: Regular symbols with a lower payout rate: The first group comes in the form of card numbers and marks, designed in such a manner to completely follow the theme of the game. They carry payouts for the combinations form three to five identical symbols across one of 20 lines. Such combinations are able to award between 5x and 150x line bet. Regular symbols with higher payout rate: The second group includes symbols illustrated as various items, such as Sindbad's sword, treasure chest, or an anchor. Landing three to five identical symbols from this group will bring you payoffs that can range between 15x and 2000x line bet, which represents the highest payout! You can win this jackpot amount by landing five Sindbad symbols across the payline! The following part of this Sindbad slot review will take you to a quick tour of special symbols and features they can trigger. The first in line is the wild symbol. It comes in two different forms: Regular wild, which can replace all symbols, except for the scatter, the bonus, and the x2 wild symbol. X2 wild can substitute all symbols, excluding the bonus, the scatter, and the regular wild. It carries a multiplier of 2x for all winning combinations that involve it. Landing the regular wild on the central position of the 3rd reel will make it expand to cover the whole of it, awarding 2 re-spins. Landing two regular wilds simultaneously on the 2nd, the 3rd, and the 4th reel awards 1 re-spin. Free spins: Landing three scatter symbols will trigger the free spins feature. The feature awards 20 bonus rounds. After it is terminated, you get to choose one of three cards to reveal an additional bonus: x2 multiplier, x3 multiplier or 20 extra free spins! Bonus game: Three or more bonus symbols take you to the bonus game. In it, you get to spin the wheel of fortune, during which you have three attempts to aim for the outer sector which contains cash prizes, and a single attempt to target the inner sector, which contains multipliers: x2, x3 or x4. Sindbad online slot is available both as demo (free of charge) and as a real money slot. Choosing to play this slot for free won't come with a risk of losing, but you can't win any real cash either. However, playing the demo version can in fact positively affect your winning chances, while through it you can get to know all aspects of the game, and gain some experience along the way. To play this slot game for real money, you are required to open a new account and to land the first deposit. When doing that, be sure to take advantage of welcome promotions and bonuses! As larger your funds get, higher are the chances of winning, while you will have the money to play a larger number of spins! Sindbad online casino slot from Evoplay represents a true refreshment in the world of online pokies, while it brings a perfect fusion of HQ graphics, amazing interface, and a palette of additional features! Expanding wilds and wild re-spins will both ease the process of creating a winning combination and provide you with up to two new spins, which can potentially bring that astonishing 2000x-line-bet main game jackpot payout! On the other hand, the wheel of fortune bonus game provides the opportunity to potentially win even more through its inner sector multipliers! And last, but not the least, the free spins feature also increases your payouts with multipliers or awards another 20 bonus rounds! So, all in all, these features, combined with top-notch graphic elements, make Sindbad slot definitely worth trying! Nate Dreyer Nate Dreyer is a lover of online slots that also lives for letterboxing. The author has an unusual hobby of finding letterboxes. Once his signature is on the logbook and the imprint in their journal, he is off to find the next one. Dreyer also loves to experiment in the kitchen as well when preparing meals. He is constantly testing his rad creativity with jigsaw puzzles – the more the pieces, the better. This stimulation keeps him on his toes to come up with some of the work found on our website.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The beautiful spring weather is on its way to Colorado and isn't it a perfect time to get yourself a brand-new car to enjoy it? Well, here at Jaguar Colorado Springs in southern Colorado's Motor City, we proudly offer our full inventory of brand-new 2018 and 2019 Jaguar vehicles for you to choose from. That inventory includes this beautiful 2018 Jaguar F-TYPE coupe pictured above – which is the last 2018 we have in our inventory! Because of this, we have discounted this coupe down to $76,193. That is quite a savings from the original MSRP of $101,193. The 2018 Jaguar F-TYPE coupe is a luxury powerhouse that combines an eye-catching exterior, a luxurious interior, great gas mileage, and exciting features. This F-TYPE is an R-Dynamic trim level with a Gray exterior paired with a plush Ebony interior with unique Cirrus colored stitching. It is equipped with a 3.0L V6 supercharged engine and paired with an 8-speed automatic transmission to get you an estimated 20 MPG city/28 MPG highway fuel economy. You can also enjoy many great features when you purchase this F-TYPE including a navigation system, smart device integration, heated side mirrors, rain detecting windshield wipers, rearview camera, tire specific low tire pressure warning, and many more. Another benefit with purchasing this 2018 Jaguar F-TYPE coupe is the Jaguar EliteCare coverage. This coupe has the best-in-class coverage of 5-years/60,000-miles. If you have any questions or want to set up a time to see this Jaguar vehicle, you can give us a call at 719-302-1000. Or just stop in at your convenience and let us introduce you to this amazing luxury performance coupe.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Characteristics This is a rabbit polyclonal antibody against PERLD1. It was validated on Western Blot using a cell lysate as a positive control. Background PERLD1 is involved in the lipid remodeling steps of GPI-anchor maturation. Lipid remodeling steps consist in the generation of 2 saturated fatty chains at the sn-2 position of GPI-anchors proteins. It is required for phospholipase A2 activity that removes an acyl-chain at the sn-2 position of GPI-anchors during the remodeling of GPI.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
using Abp.Authorization.Users; using Abp.Domain.Repositories; using Abp.Domain.Uow; using Abp.Runtime.Session; using AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName.Authorization.Roles; using AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName.MultiTenancy; namespace AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName.Users { public class UserStore : AbpUserStore<Tenant, Role, User> { public UserStore( IRepository<User, long> userRepository, IRepository<UserLogin, long> userLoginRepository, IRepository<UserRole, long> userRoleRepository, IRepository<Role> roleRepository, IRepository<UserPermissionSetting, long> userPermissionSettingRepository, IAbpSession session, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager) : base( userRepository, userLoginRepository, userRoleRepository, roleRepository, userPermissionSettingRepository, session, unitOfWorkManager) { } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Talk to an Insurance Advisor about critical illness insurance in Grand Falls! When you're no longer able to be among them each day, leave valued family and friends with fond memories, not financial hardships, with the protection of life insurance in Grand Falls. The Co-operators provides critical illness insurance in Grand Falls that works with your lifestyle. You'll discover that we offer competitively priced critical illness insurance in Grand Falls that comes with a superior level of customer care you won't find anyplace else. Plus we know that when it comes to taking care of the people and things that matter to you most, courteous customer service is a high priority. You can count on The Co-operators to provide top quality coverage and customer care. Contact us today to learn more. Critical illness coverage is a must-have. In fact, your and your family's wellbeing and quality of life could depend on it. So when you're in the process of browsing quotes online, you have to take the price tag, as well as what is included in your critical illness coverage, into consideration. With a team of dedicated advisors across Grand Falls, we're equipped to provide the customer service and expert advice you expect. With our over 70 years of experience as a co-operative, you can be sure we're dedicated to making sure the needs of our members and communities come first. When you choose to receive critical illness insurance in Grand Falls from The Co-operators, know that the coverage will be provided by extensively trained Insurance Advisors you can count on in an emergency, or whenever you need to know more about the details of your policy. Depending upon your needs, the lump sum benefit amount of this critical illness insurance coverage can range from $25, 000 to $2, 000, 000. Critical Assist® keeps you protected. In addition to Permanent Life and Term Life Insurance in Grand Falls, Mortgage Guard® is an essential option for homeowners, which helps your family maintain mortgage payments during health-related financial hardships. At The Co-operators we know that when it comes to critical illness insurance in Grand Falls, one-size-fits-all, rarely fits anyone at all. So choose The Co-operators for critical illness insurance that mirror your individual coverage needs and falls in line nicely with your budget. As a responsible corporate citizen, we believe in balancing our economic, environmental and social priorities. In fact, The Co-operators was recently recognized in Hewitt Associate's Green 30 guide, which identified Canada's 30 most environmentally-conscious employers. Talk to The Co-operators today about critical illness insurance in Grand Falls AND about what we're doing to help the environment. Get extended Critical Illness Insurance Insurance in Grand Falls now! Grand Falls has a public critical illness insurance policy system that provides a minimum level of mandatory coverage to vehicle owners when they purchase license plates.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
All prices Include 13% VAT and 0.5% City tax. Reservation policy includes Non-Refundable and Special-Conditions prices. For non-rufundable prices you will be charged the total price if you cancel your booking. For special-conditions prices you will be charged 30% of the total price if you cancel after reservation and the total price if you cancel in the 14 days before arrival. In case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged. For certain (non-refundable) rates or special offers, please note that payment may be requested upfront by wire transfer (if available) or by credit card, and therefore your credit card may be pre-authorised or charged (sometimes without any option for refund) upon making the reservation. Please check the room details thoroughly for any such conditions prior to making your reservation. Once you have selected your room you will be presented with detailed information of your reservation and the total amount. Additional costs (extra beds, transportation to and from the apartment) may not appear in this amount. Our staff will inform you of any extra fee and payment method. Please note that the bank may pre-authorise your credit card prior to your arrival. We take the privacy and security of your non-public sensitive information seriously. Credit card information is not stored in any of our servers and all payments are processed in the Bank's secure server environment. Digital Certification with SSL 128 bit encryption environment is provided by the Bank for the secure transmission of sensitive credit card data entered by the cardholder. Your personal information is also safe with us. Your data will be solely used to process your booking and arrange your accommodation. Personal information will not be given to any third party. Check-in time for arriving guests will be 13:00 p.m. Check-out time for departing guests will be 12:00 p.m. Property management may agree to extend the standard check-out hour based on property availability and demand. Guests are kindly requested to inform the hotel of their estimated time of arrival. You can note this in the Comments Box during booking or by contacting the hotel/property using the contact details found on the booking confirmation. The customers are responsible to pay for any damages (breakages). If you notice any damage during your arrival to your apartment please report it to our representative to take care of the problem. Nikos Cassiopeia does not provide travel insurance. Customers are strongly required to take out their own travel insurance. Care and safety of every member of their group is also customer's responsibility. Help us protect the environment. Please keep all doors and windows closed when air condition is operating. Use the unit while you are in the property and switch it off when you leave.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Microsoft launches Azure App Service for building websites and mobile apps Jordan Novet@jordannovet March 24, 2015 6:00 AM Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella. Image Credit: Microsoft Microsoft today is revealing Azure App Service, a new cloud service that bundles together several existing ones: Azure Websites, Azure Mobile Services, and Azure BizTalk Services. The idea is to give developers one place to go in the cloud when they want to build and run cross-device applications and then populate them with data from multiple existing applications. Azure App Service joins an extensive lineup of cloud services available from Microsoft Azure, a public cloud that competes against Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, among others. The unification of services could simplify application and deployment for developers — there might well be one fewer service to pay for every month. At the very least, it does make sense to have a single service for running various types of applications. "Developers are trying to build web and mobile apps from the same app back-end," Omar Khan, partner director of program management at Microsoft, told VentureBeat in an interview. Microsoft is making changes to some of the services the new App Service draws on. Microsoft will continue to operate Azure Mobile Services for an interim period so customers can move their applications over to Azure App Service, Khan said. And websites running in Azure Websites will be shifted over to App Service, too, without any work on the part of customers, Khan said. Azure BizTalk Services — the cloud-based implementation of the popular BizTalk Server software for enterprise application integration that competes with the likes of venture-backed company MuleSoft, for one — will remain available as a standalone service in the future, Khan said. In addition, Azure App Service will allow customers to manage application programming interface (API) applications to connect their applications with external services like Oracle's Siebel software or Microsoft's own Office 365 software suite. As for pricing, there's a nice change in store for customers. "We're basically offering App Service at the same pricing Azure Websites has today, but including capabilities of the other services at that price," Khan said.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The Tin Shed was a multi-faceted platform of exhibition, experimentation and discussion dedicated to the promotion of work bringing together art and technology in engaging, provocative and unexpected ways. The Tin Shed Gallery is the focal point of our programme; housed in the foyer of Goldsmiths College's Ben Pimlott Building it is a versatile exhibition and meeting space for new and established, local and international artists. We organised a vibrant exhibition program of work by visiting artists forms the foundation for an on-going series of seminar events bringing together international artists and academics in discussion on the key issues raised by each exhibit. We believe it is to the benefit of both arts practitioners and academics to engage in these debates not only to further their own research but to challenge their own preconceived notions and those of their audience. The Tin Shed, through its close partnership with Goldsmiths College in South East London, is uniquely placed to facilitate these connections between artists and the academic community. We are able to offer artists short term residences within the Goldsmiths Digital Studios, working alongside postgraduate students, PhD candidates and established specialists engaged in cutting-edge research intersecting art, science and society. When the gallery is not occupied by one of our visiting artists' exhibitions it is open to Goldsmiths students to experiment with and promote their work in a public setting. Selected from an open call for proposals, these projects give students invaluable experience of the exhibition process and an opportunity to test their work in a public setting. The wider New Cross area of London is already home to a vast array of community and student-led projects; in this spirit we actively encourage both students and visiting artists to extend their work beyond the institution and to seek new audiences in the wider community.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
On The Tube In 'Golden Boy,' they're the same person "Golden Boy" (Tuesday, 9 p.m., CBS) is a new cop drama that takes an original approach to its protagonist. Walter Clark (Theo James) is not only a smart, capable police officer with a vulnerable streak (nothing new there), but an opportunist. He has a lean, hungry look, watching for the main chance at all times. That's not necessarily an attractive quality. Indeed, Golden Boy has the guts to make Walter a complicated young man. He grew up as a street kid, and he's still not shy about cutting corners to get what he wants. His partner (Chi McBride) and fellow officers are unsettled by the showboat in their midst, and they take pains to put him in his place. That gives Golden Boy a chance to explore police-office politics rather than just cracking cases. "Inside every man there are two dogs fighting," Walter's partner tells him. "One's good, one's evil. You know who wins? The one you feed the most." To Golden Boy's credit, the pilot doesn't indicate which of Walter's dogs will ultimately win. 'American Masters' Friday, 9 p.m. (PBS) A portrait of the mid-century gospel singer Sister Rosetta Tharpe dubs her "The Godmother of Rock and Roll." If that sounds like a stretch, wait until you see the archival clips, in which Sister Rosetta plays twangy Chuck Berry-style electric guitar before Berry himself ever did. Her gutsy singing also influenced Bob Dylan, who called her "a powerful force of nature." Amen. In her day, Sister Rosetta was a star in both pop and gospel, helping break down the barriers between the secular and the sacred. According to one commentator, her early gospel hit "Rock Me" sounds like "an invitation, and not to the altar." Truly, for all her devotion to the Lord, Sister Rosetta had a rebellious streak, and she became gospel music's first superstar on her own terms. The documentary's highlight is a clip of Sister Rosetta in her last recorded appearance, shortly before her death in 1973. Ailing and depressed, she sings "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" with a combination of hope and despair that evokes the sublimity of the human soul. If the performance doesn't make your knees go weak, you're made of sterner stuff than I am. 'Academy Awards' Sunday, 6 p.m. (ABC) January's Golden Globes achieved awards-ceremony perfection: comic-genius hosts (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler), daringly eccentric presenters (Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell) and loopy recipients who got people talking for days (Jodie Foster). There's no way the Oscars can compete with that, given their insistence on handing out all those technical awards that only industry insiders care about. The choice of Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane as host looks like a desperate stab for edginess, but he does offer reason for hope, especially after his strong performance hosting "Saturday Night Live" last fall. I find several of the Best Picture candidates overrated. There's one, and only one, that I'm pulling for, which is why I'll wear a stovepipe hat during the broadcast. 'Car Lot Rescue' Sunday, 9 p.m. (Spike) This new reality series would appeal to anyone interested in the mysteries of car sales, not to mention the mysteries of human psychology. It stars Tom Stuker, a legendary "closer" who's brought in to turn around failing dealerships. Tuker is a brash, no-nonsense bad-ass in a black cowboy hat (a white one really wouldn't be appropriate) who works his magic over the course of a week, then moves on. He shows employees how to sell anything to anybody. Why hasn't President Obama hired this guy to negotiate with Congress? Tuker would not only broker deals with Republicans, but send each of them away with a fully loaded Ford Taurus. CV
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
These luxury trunks are designed for ultimate comfort, with smooth, sleek fabric, a soft waistband, minimal seams and no tags or labels. Save with this convenience pack and choose your favourite colour combo between black, steel, grey marle and purple. Locked in double pouch seams ensures no discomfort or itch, with bonded side seams and a bonded seam waistband. The fabric is super soft, with an ultra-smooth, ultra-luxe feel. We've used a viscose blend which is specially crafted to create light, soft items of clothing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Dürkop bezeichnet: Dürkop, deutsche Mehrmarken-Autohandelsgruppe Dürkop ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Eggert Dürkop (* vor 1459; † 1499), von 1489 bis zu seinem Tod Bischof von Schleswig Erwin Dürkop (1908–1988), deutscher Architekt Heinrich Dürkop (1671–1731), deutscher evangelisch-lutherischer Geistlicher an der deutschen Kirche in Kopenhagen Johannes Dürkop (1905–1945), deutscher Kunsthistoriker Katja Dürkop (* 1968), deutsche Handballspielerin Klaus Dürkop (* 1940), deutscher Naturschützer Marlis Dürkop-Leptihn (* 1943), deutsche Soziologin, Hochschullehrerin, Politikerin der Partei Die Grünen und Staatsrätin a. D. Siehe auch: Dürkopp (Begriffsklärung) Dührkop Düerkop
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
The Lunar II That Wasn't Ah, the Lunar games. Perhaps they're now archaic, but the first and best two introduced many a sheltered American kid to the ways of Japanese RPGs, including that honored convention of setting a sequel hundreds of years after the first game. Lunar II did exactly that, and it abandoned most of the original Lunar's characters in the process. That wasn't always the plan. GameArts' original ideas for Lunar II: Eternal Blue called for the main cast from Lunar: The Silver Star to return, older and perhaps as supporting characters. That's what some early concept illustrations from Softbank's Lunar I and II artbook show, anyway. I've never seen these online anywhere, so I decided to scan them and finally get some use out of the book. I bought it in Japan during the height of my RPG obsession, after giving up on finding the Xenogears art collection. Alex, the hero, was a kid with a harp and a fur hat in the first game. For the second, he became a lumberjack and grew one hell of a mullet, while his passive love interest, Luna, started wearing makeup. Mia looks a lot like she did in the first game. Oh well. Alex's fat, worthless friend Ramus, who stayed in the party for about five minutes in the first Lunar, got a monocle and cigar for Lunar II. From the look of it, Jessica didn't change much at all. The book also has illustrations of Nash and Kyle, but they looked exactly like they did in the first game. You can see Kyle drunk and passed out in this storyboard shot. I don't know if it's a planned scene from Lunar II or an unused movie sequence from The Silver Star. Finally, I scanned this. It could be a discarded idea for a mini-game, but that's...unlikely. Labels: Games, Prototypes Izuna 2: The Pandering Returns
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
When you think of the mountains, full of fluffy snow… Switzerland immediately comes to mind… Right? The fact that I live in Europe makes me very spoiled as the choices are just countless… There are so many magical places to visit and each place is it special on its own way. Last weekend we were invited invited to visit Andermatt. I had heard of the resort, but not yet had I had a chance to visit and my impression was that it was comparable to Aspen and Vail – the famous Colorado resorts. I think the impression was right. It is definitely a boutique resort. The invitation was to discover the super brand new Radisson Blu resort. It was inaugurated just a few months ago. The hotel is a beautiful building very conveniently built a the entry of the town, just 5 min walk to the gondolas. The hotel is spacious with an amazing lobby which welcomes the guests to the property but also invites all to stay in and relax. Conveniently located, there is an impressive bar which is design for the perfect after ski gathering. Often when we go skiing, we feel very tired to go out to eat. The hotel has one large restaurant which serves meals during the whole day, but the best part in my opinion was the fact that it has a buffet in the evening giving the flexibility of choice and time management. The food on the buffet was a mixture of Swiss and Italian. Regional products were served, such as local cheeses and wines. For those who wish to eat more formally, the hotel also serves a series for delicious meals which can be chosen a la carte. Taking my kids out of bed in the morning was hard, but waffles for breakfast was the miracle that made it possible. The highlight of the hotel though is the SUPERB swimming pool. A 25 meters long pool overlooking the snowed mountains. As I came into the place, I was speechless to see. Lucky me because I had opted not to hit the slopes and I could enjoy the immense swimming pool for a good couple of hours just for myself. When my kids arrived from skiing, they were happy to discover that the hotel also had a side pool with a small slide just waiting for them. I thought they would be tired after skiing… Wrong me… It was hard to drag them out to dinner! The hotel also has a prestigious spa which I did not try but for what I have heard, I missed the opportunity… Well, another reason to go back. The service was really 5 stars. When I returned to the room, I found a plate of delicious deserts just waiting for me alongside a few bottles of fresh water. I felt welcomed and valued by management. If you are a hotel lover… The Radisson Blu in Andermatt should enter your must visit list!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
We are proud to announce that this Sep 15th, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM we will be hosting an Open House at 5354 CRIMSON Ridge in the Eastern Hillsides neighborhood, Chilliwack. This is an opportunity to visit this excellent House for sale in beautiful Eastern Hillsides. We are proud to announce that this Sep 14th, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM we will be hosting an Open House at 5354 CRIMSON Ridge in the Eastern Hillsides neighborhood, Chilliwack. This is an opportunity to visit this excellent House for sale in beautiful Eastern Hillsides.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Atcom Inc. recently unveiled its re-designed Web site (www.lanshack.com) to include thorough descriptions of its cabling and connector products. Some of the new products include fiber optic cables and Cat. 5e cables. The custom fiber optic patch cables are available in 6 colors, and the singlemode cables have different polish options. Custom Cat. 5e cables in lengths of as much as 295 ft are available in for different boot style choices. The site also features technical tutorials to assist the end-user in every phase of the installation. A tiered hierarchical navigation menu was also implemented, allowing customers to go directly from page to page or product to product.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A Meditation & A Jam The recent solo one is a meditation... Three Flutes and one Bamboo Stick. I think you will like it... that is the more flute-centric evolution... theme is how nature, receptive ears are everywhere. Even in the so-called city.... It is also best wishes, don't give up the fight to a lot of people whose lives are evolving. Earth Day I spent on stage in Valencia at Forest Camp with Chuck Vicuña and the Igoroots band. I think we caught an authentic slice of that on Youtube, playing "Hagpat." At first listen, the flute can almost not be heard, But it was fine in the monitors which means that the band members could hear it and I hear it in its absence. From my perspective: it is influencing the others and being influenced by their energy.* In this way it affects the other musicians and the sounds we play. This was truly interplanetary jamming. Now listening back to the full 1:20 minute recording of the concert. Insane. The quality is much better, still can't hear my flute well. But audience members said they could. That is enough. I understand why certain musicians would record a lot... Jimi, Jerry, Prince (RIP)... listening back gives you new ideas for future flows. And where is the next section of Arisugawa Park? Less than a day away. A lot of realizations about the novel and story arc today, watching ships go by on the dock in Dumaguete. *For an example of the influencing, see around 3:35, toward the end of the guitar solo, an intermittent beep-beep begins. That is me on the percussive end of the flute. And the djimbe picks up on that and pretty soon we are in tandem, evolving the beat. This leads to a steady, quick lipped rhythm that allows me to play with the lead singer, who is stomping and drumming and shaking his dreads. These guys all come from the same tribe up in Baguio, the Igo. The work down in Dumaguete as professionals. Reminds me of my cousins in Raleigh in a way, Peter Lamb and Paul Rogers, the original Jazz Bros. SEO Alert - Damon Shulenberger aka EnduranceWriter - 4HFlute - still chasing the sun.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
A man has admitted to a terrorist plot to bomb a London mosque. Steven Bishop pleaded guilty just before his trial was due to begin at Kingston crown court. The 41-year-old admitted buying components, including fireworks and a firing device, to build an improvised incendiary device. He had also researched how to build a firebomb, as well as how to access the dark web. Bishop, from Thornton Heath in south London, was arrested in October 2018 by detectives from Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command. It is believed he was intending to target a mosque in Morden, south London. Police think he was acting alone and when he was arrested he claimed to officers he wanted to carry out the attack as revenge for the bombing ofManchester Arena in May 2017, which claimed 22 lives. Bishop's case was treated by investigators and the courts as a terrorist case. On a phone he had bought 10 days before he was detained, Bishop had researched previous terror attacks. Bishop was reported to police by a counsellor he was seeing for substance abuse, in whom he confided his thoughts about carrying out violence, and attacking a mosque. Bishop pleaded guilty to possession of an explosive substance with intent, in breach of the Explosive Substances Act 1883. The charge he admitted said that Bishop had by "29 October 2018, unlawfully and maliciously made or had in his possession or under his control an explosive substance with intent by means thereof to endanger life, or cause serious injury to property". Bishop also admitted an offence under section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. He accepted he had "made a record of information of a kind likely to be of use to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism". These were handwritten notes on how to create certain types of explosives and how to access the dark web. Bishop is understood to have had past mental health issues. He will be sentenced on Wednesday by Judge Peter Lodder QC and is expected to be jailed.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Description "42 [age] ; Tinner ; Arkansas [place of birth]." Source Includes data from the 1880 Census Population Schedules, Town of Waxahachie, ED 44, Ellis County, Texas, Series: T9, Roll: 1301, p. 24 (handwritten), 354 (stamped), entry 202. Artisan or Artist Calfee, William A.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Fresno County, California County in California County of Fresno Downtown Fresno, looking east from Chukchansi Park Location in the state of California California's location in the United States Coordinates: 36°45′N 119°39′W / 36.75°N 119.65°W / 36.75; -119.65Coordinates: 36°45′N 119°39′W / 36.75°N 119.65°W / 36.75; -119.65 Fresno-Madera Named for The city of Fresno (Spanish for "ash tree") 6,011 sq mi (15,570 km2) 53 sq mi (140 km2) Highest elevation 14,248 ft (4,343 m) (April 1, 2010)[2][failed verification] • Estimate (2018)[2][failed verification] 150/sq mi (60/km2) UTC−8 (Pacific) UTC−7 (Pacific Daylight Time) www.co.fresno.ca.us Fresno County, officially the County of Fresno, is a county located in the central portion of the U.S. state of California. As of July 1, 2018, the population was 994,400.[3] The county seat is Fresno,[4] the fifth most populous city in California. Fresno County comprises the Fresno, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is part of the Fresno-Madera, CA Combined Statistical Area. It is located in the Central Valley, south of Stockton and north of Bakersfield. 2.1 National protected areas 2.2 Geology 3.1.1 Places by population, race, and income 4 Metropolitan Statistical Area 5 Government and policing 5.2 Policing 5.2.1 County Sheriff 5.2.2 Municipal police 6.2 Voter registration statistics 6.2.1 Cities by population and voter registration 7 Crime 7.1 Cities by population and crime rates 8.2 Companies based in Fresno County 8.3 Major employers 10.1 Major highways 10.2 Rail 10.3 Airports 10.4 Public transportation 12.1 Cities 12.2 Census-designated places 12.3 Unincorporated communities 12.4 Population ranking The area now known as Fresno County was the traditional homeland of Yokuts and Mono peoples, and was later settled by Spaniards during a search for suitable mission sites. In 1846, this area became part of the United States as a result of the Mexican War. Fresno County was formed in 1856 from parts of Mariposa, Merced and Tulare counties. Fresno is Spanish for "ash tree"[5] and it was in recognition of the abundance of the shrubby local Ash, Fraxinus dipetala, growing along the San Joaquin River that it received its name. Parts of Fresno County's territory were given to Mono County in 1861 and to Madera County in 1893. The original county seat was along the San Joaquin River in Millerton, but was moved to the rapidly growing town of Fresno on the newly built Southern Pacific Railroad line after a flood destroyed much of the town.[citation needed] The settling of Fresno County was not without its conflicts, land disputes, and other natural disasters. Floods caused immeasurable damage elsewhere and fires also plagued the settlers of Fresno County. In 1882, the greatest of the early day fires wiped out an entire block of the city of Fresno, and was followed by another devastating blaze in 1883.[citation needed] At the same time residents brought irrigation, electricity, and extensive agriculture to the area. Moses Church developed the first canals, called "Church Ditches," for irrigation. These canals allowed extensive cultivation of wheat. Francis Eisen, leader of the wine industry in Fresno County, also began the raisin industry in 1875, when he accidentally let some of his grapes dry on the vine. A.Y. Easterby and Clovis Cole (aka the "Wheat King of the Nation") developed extensive grain and cattle ranches. These and other citizens laid the groundwork for the cultivation of Fresno County – now one of the nation's leading agricultural regions. In more recent times cotton became a major crop in Fresno and the southern San Joaquin Valley, but recent drought and lower demand have lessened cotton's importance to the local economy.[citation needed] The discovery of oil in the western part of the county, near the town of Coalinga at the foot of the Coast Ranges, brought about an economic boom in the 1900s (decade), even though the field itself was known at least as early as the 1860s. By 1910, Coalinga Oil Field, the largest field in Fresno County, was the most richly productive oil field in California; a dramatic oil gusher in 1909, the biggest in California up until that time, was an event of sufficient excitement to cause the Los Angeles Stock Exchange to close for a day so that its members could come by train to view it. The Coalinga field continues to produce oil, and is currently the eighth-largest field in the state.[6][7] More than thirty structures in Fresno County are on the National Register of Historic Places, including the Fresno Water Tower, which once held over 250,000 US gallons (950 m3) of water for the city of Fresno, the Meux Home, and Kearney Mansion Museum.[citation needed] According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 6,011 square miles (15,570 km2), of which 5,958 square miles (15,430 km2) is land and 53 square miles (140 km2) (0.9%) is water.[8] Major watercourses are the San Joaquin River, Kings River, Delta-Mendota Canal, Big Creek, Friant Kern Canal, Helm Canal and Madera Canal. It is bordered on the west by the Coast Range and on the east by the Sierra Nevada. It is the center of a large agricultural area, known as the most agriculturally rich county in the United States. The county withdrew 3.7 billion US gallons (14,000,000 m3) of fresh water per day in 2000, more than any other county in the United States. Fresno County is part of the Madera AVA wine region. Fresno was actually named after two particular ash trees that grew near the town of Minkler on the Kings River, one of which is still alive and standing.[citation needed] National protected areas[edit] Giant Sequoia National Monument (part) Kings Canyon National Park (part) Sequoia National Forest (part) Sierra National Forest (part) Geology[edit] A number of minerals have been discovered in the county, including macdonaldite, krauskopfite, walstromite, fresnoite, verplanckite, muirite, traskite, and kampfite.[9][10] In October 2019, the Bureau of Land Management ended a five-year moratorium on leasing federal land in California to fossil fuel companies, opening 725,000 acres (1100 sq. miles; 29,000 ha) to drilling in San Benito, Monterey, and Fresno counties.[11] Population, race, and income Total population[12] 552,475 60.0% Black or African American[12] American Indian or Alaska Native[12] Asian[12] Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander[12] Some other race[12] Two or more races[12] Hispanic or Latino (of any race)[13] Per capita income[14] Median household income[15] Median family income[16] Places by population, race, and income[edit] Places by population and race Type[17] Population[12] Other[12] Black or African American[12] Native American[12] (of any race)[13] Auberry CDP 2,259 87.7% 4.3% 0.5% 0.1% 7.4% 9.3% Big Creek CDP 227 69.6% 26.9% 0.0% 0.0% 3.5% 11.5% Biola CDP 1,066 60.6% 20.7% 17.7% 0.0% 0.9% 72.2% Bowles CDP 105 63.8% 32.4% 0.0% 1.9% 1.9% 41.0% Calwa CDP 1,467 49.5% 44.4% 6.1% 0.0% 0.0% 83.0% Cantua Creek CDP 289 89.6% 10.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% Caruthers CDP 2,914 53.4% 39.5% 1.6% 3.2% 2.3% 78.3% Centerville CDP 231 93.9% 0.0% 0.0% 6.1% 0.0% 0.0% Clovis City 93,304 69.2% 16.5% 9.8% 3.1% 1.4% 24.2% Coalinga City 13,246 66.6% 22.1% 1.9% 7.3% 2.1% 52.0% Del Rey CDP 1,625 33.0% 64.5% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 100.0% Easton CDP 1,994 56.4% 37.7% 2.3% 1.5% 2.2% 57.6% Firebaugh City 7,474 78.9% 20.2% 0.1% 0.7% 0.0% 89.9% Fort Washington CDP 406 86.2% 13.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Fowler City 5,434 47.6% 38.5% 11.3% 2.2% 0.4% 63.9% Fresno City 489,922 54.0% 25.0% 12.4% 7.5% 1.1% 46.4% Friant CDP 372 99.5% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.8% Huron City 6,733 83.6% 15.9% 0.1% 0.4% 0.0% 99.1% Kerman City 13,093 75.6% 17.0% 7.3% 0.0% 0.1% 70.6% Kingsburg City 11,221 69.1% 24.8% 4.9% 0.3% 0.9% 49.0% Lanare CDP 428 48.4% 51.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% Laton CDP 1,274 70.6% 27.6% 0.6% 1.2% 0.0% 63.6% Malaga CDP 827 37.0% 63.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% Mayfair CDP 4,346 45.0% 38.9% 11.0% 4.8% 0.3% 46.9% Mendota City 10,729 85.9% 9.2% 2.2% 0.8% 1.9% 96.3% Minkler CDP 831 83.3% 13.0% 2.4% 1.3% 0.0% 23.5% Monmouth CDP 108 63.9% 33.3% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% 62.0% Old Fig Garden CDP 5,022 79.9% 11.4% 8.4% 0.1% 0.2% 18.5% Orange Cove City 8,889 53.9% 44.1% 0.0% 2.0% 0.0% 95.8% Parlier City 14,204 60.0% 38.4% 0.3% 0.9% 0.4% 97.1% Raisin City CDP 272 34.2% 41.5% 0.0% 0.0% 24.3% 95.6% Reedley City 23,968 62.1% 33.7% 3.0% 0.7% 0.4% 75.9% Riverdale CDP 3,633 58.1% 37.3% 2.9% 1.5% 0.2% 68.2% Sanger City 23,814 62.5% 29.8% 4.3% 2.8% 0.5% 76.6% San Joaquin City 3,965 96.7% 3.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 97.0% Selma City 22,939 58.1% 35.2% 4.2% 1.7% 0.8% 79.7% Shaver Lake CDP 710 98.2% 0.8% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.5% Squaw Valley CDP 1,900 93.8% 4.9% 0.8% 0.0% 0.4% 16.8% Sunnyside CDP 4,586 54.5% 20.6% 17.1% 6.0% 1.8% 37.3% Tarpey Village CDP 3,714 71.7% 19.9% 4.3% 3.4% 0.7% 25.7% Three Rocks CDP 159 94.3% 5.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% Tranquillity CDP 1,180 89.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.5% 83.9% West Park CDP 1,070 53.5% 39.9% 2.1% 4.6% 0.0% 81.2% Places by population and income Auberry CDP 2,259 $31,289 $70,096 $80,625 Big Creek CDP 227 $28,624 $84,583 $97,250 Biola CDP 1,066 $9,019 $23,274 $25,673 Bowles CDP 105 $25,403 $61,563 $83,125 Calwa CDP 1,467 $10,017 $24,960 $18,750 Cantua Creek CDP 289 $6,145 $19,737 $19,737 Caruthers CDP 2,914 $13,377 $43,400 $44,000 Centerville CDP 231 $53,879 $82,125 $81,250 Clovis City 93,304 $27,749 $65,300 $76,331 Coalinga City 13,246 $16,098 $47,101 $47,381 Del Rey CDP 1,625 $11,101 $42,375 $42,125 Easton CDP 1,994 $21,676 $43,839 $44,075 Firebaugh City 7,474 $12,015 $33,009 $34,525 Fort Washington CDP 406 $29,897 $89,453 $89,453 Fowler City 5,434 $20,465 $54,698 $64,545 Fresno City 489,922 $19,978 $43,440 $49,053 Friant CDP 372 $23,924 $24,152 $86,574 Huron City 6,733 $7,422 $22,969 $20,884 Kerman City 13,093 $15,958 $46,289 $47,344 Kingsburg City 11,221 $22,055 $58,091 $65,354 Lanare CDP 428 $10,581 $46,136 $46,136 Laton CDP 1,274 $20,941 $51,250 $65,156 Malaga CDP 827 $10,171 $35,469 $36,510 Mayfair CDP 4,346 $14,711 $37,870 $51,406 Mendota City 10,729 $8,488 $25,807 $25,113 Minkler CDP 831 $37,856 $82,885 $127,578 Monmouth CDP 108 $15,590 $40,625 $46,563 Old Fig Garden CDP 5,022 $46,145 $70,526 $91,473 Orange Cove City 8,889 $9,547 $27,642 $28,396 Parlier City 14,204 $11,681 $36,388 $36,063 Raisin City CDP 272 $6,876 $26,563 $17,321 Reedley City 23,968 $16,306 $46,776 $48,596 Riverdale CDP 3,633 $14,542 $50,367 $50,665 Sanger City 23,814 $16,053 $41,987 $51,496 San Joaquin City 3,965 $7,560 $25,702 $24,421 Selma City 22,939 $15,633 $42,459 $45,893 Shaver Lake CDP 710 $38,979 $80,375 $81,375 Squaw Valley CDP 1,900 $26,330 $54,219 $61,558 Sunnyside CDP 4,586 $27,925 $69,674 $85,543 Tarpey Village CDP 3,714 $22,902 $63,620 $70,189 Three Rocks CDP 159 $5,181 $16,250 $16,786 Tranquillity CDP 1,180 $8,664 $24,293 $23,750 West Park CDP 1,070 $12,197 $41,528 $46,369 1870 6,336 37.6% Est. 2018 994,400 [2][failed verification] 6.9% U.S. Decennial Census[19] 1790–1960[20] 1900–1990[21] 1990–2000[22] 2010–2015[3] The 2010 United States Census reported that Fresno County had a population of 930,450. The racial makeup of Fresno County was 515,145 (55.4%) White, 49,523 (5.3%) African American, 15,649 (1.7%) Native American, 89,357 (9.6%) Asian (3.3% Hmong, 1.7% Asian Indian, 1.0% Filipino, 0.8% Laotian, 0.6% Chinese, 0.5% Japanese, 0.5% Cambodian, 0.3% Vietnamese, 0.2% Korean, 0.1% Pakistani, 0.1% Thai), 1,405 (0.2%) Pacific Islander, 217,085 (23.3%) from other races, and 42,286 (4.5%) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 468,070 persons (50.3%).[23] 46.0% of Fresno County's population is of Mexican descent; 0.7% of its residents are Salvadoran, and 0.3% of its residents are Puerto Rican. Population reported at 2010 United States Census The County Total Population White African American Native American Asian Pacific Islander other races two or more races Hispanic (of any race) Fresno County 930,450 515,145 49,523 15,649 89,357 1,405 217,085 42,286 468,070 cities Total Clovis 95,631 67,758 2,618 1,320 10,233 218 8,857 4,627 24,514 Coalinga 13,380 7,734 549 171 407 36 3,937 546 7,161 Firebaugh 7,549 4,715 70 116 40 0 2,371 237 6,887 Fowler 5,570 2,634 104 136 610 8 1,800 278 3,687 Fresno 494,665 245,306 40,960 8,525 62,528 849 111,984 24,513 232,055 Huron 6,754 2,300 66 77 39 6 3,964 302 6,527 Kerman 13,544 6,860 68 173 1,091 14 4,675 663 9,711 Kingsburg 11,382 8,576 62 146 383 21 1,706 488 4,883 Mendota 11,014 5,823 107 153 82 5 4,465 379 10,643 Orange Cove 9,078 3,940 72 131 101 3 4,481 350 8,413 Parlier 14,494 7,251 85 180 77 9 6,387 505 14,137 Reedley 24,194 14,105 169 267 797 8 7,850 998 18,455 San Joaquin 4,001 1,966 31 54 37 0 1,766 147 3,825 Sanger 24,270 14,454 219 311 758 39 7,645 844 19,537 Selma 23,219 12,869 284 479 1,057 9 7,630 891 18,014 Census-designated places Total Auberry 2,369 2,048 10 105 24 2 68 112 309 Big Creek 175 158 1 1 5 0 3 7 27 Biola 1,623 510 6 43 316 2 692 54 1,196 Bowles 166 108 6 1 1 0 43 7 71 Calwa 2,052 995 24 67 43 9 846 68 1,848 Cantua Creek 466 244 5 3 1 0 199 14 461 Caruthers 2,497 1,224 14 38 221 0 904 96 1,591 Centerville 392 321 1 9 20 0 33 8 99 Del Rey 1,639 740 7 11 34 0 814 33 1,534 Easton 2,083 1,248 13 58 68 0 593 103 1,308 Fort Washington 233 209 4 1 7 0 1 11 26 Friant 509 433 4 14 7 0 11 40 63 Lanare 589 181 57 5 2 0 300 44 519 Laton 1,824 1,001 4 13 10 0 744 52 1,393 Malaga 947 418 12 15 11 2 464 25 891 Mayfair 4,589 2,030 169 99 310 14 1,738 229 3,010 Minkler 1,003 818 4 20 23 0 108 30 302 Monmouth 152 82 6 1 5 0 47 11 107 Old Fig Garden 5,365 4,000 105 54 209 10 733 254 1,532 Raisin City 380 123 5 31 6 0 203 12 308 Riverdale 3,153 1,826 33 59 27 5 1,051 152 2,106 Shaver Lake 634 611 0 5 3 0 8 7 44 Squaw Valley 3,162 2,700 30 77 47 2 159 147 525 Sunnyside 4,235 2,687 176 58 467 6 640 201 1,525 Tarpey Village 3,888 2,868 77 59 261 3 452 168 1,219 Three Rocks 246 129 0 1 0 0 102 14 235 Tranquillity 799 504 9 13 2 0 251 20 637 West Park 1,157 602 32 32 54 1 370 66 879 communities Total All others not CDPs (combined) 125,378 80,036 3,245 2,517 8,933 124 25,990 4,533 55,856 As of the census[24] of 2000, there were 799,407 people, 252,940 households, and 186,669 families residing in the county. The population density was 134 people per square mile (52/km²). There were 270,767 housing units at an average density of 45 per square mile (18/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 54.3% White, 5.3% Black or African American, 1.6% Native American, 8.1% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 25.9% from other races, and 4.7% from two or more races. 44.0% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. 7.5% were of German ancestry according to Census 2000. 59.3% spoke English, 31.5% Spanish and 3.1% Hmong as their first language. There were 252,940 households out of which 41.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 52.5% were married couples living together, 15.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 26.2% were non-families. 20.6% of all households were made up of individuals and 7.8% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 3.09 and the average family size was 3.59. In the county, the population was spread out with 32.1% under the age of 18, 11.1% from 18 to 24, 28.5% from 25 to 44, 18.5% from 45 to 64, and 9.9% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 30 years. For every 100 females there were 100.4 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 98.2 males. The median income for a household in the county was $34,725, and the median income for a family was $38,455. Males had a median income of $33,375 versus $26,501 for females. The per capita income for the county was $15,495. About 17.6% of families and 22.9% of the population were below the poverty line, including 31.7% of those under age 18 and 9.9% of those age 65 or over. Fresno County is also known for having the highest rate of chlamydia in the state. In 2006 it had 545.2 cases per 100,000 people, compared with the statewide average of 363.5. Metropolitan Statistical Area[edit] The United States Office of Management and Budget has designated Fresno County as the Fresno, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area.[25] The United States Census Bureau ranked the Fresno, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area as the 56th most populous metropolitan statistical area of the United States as of July 1, 2012.[26] The Office of Management and Budget has further designated the Fresno, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area as a component of the more extensive Fresno-Madera, CA Combined Statistical Area,[25] the 49th most populous combined statistical area and the 55th most populous primary statistical area of the United States as of July 1, 2012.[26][27] Government and policing[edit] Government[edit] The Government of Fresno County is defined and authorized under the California Constitution, law, and the Charter of the County of Fresno. Much of the Government of California is in practice the responsibility of county governments, such as the Government of Fresno County. The County government provides countywide services such as elections and voter registration, law enforcement, jails, vital records, property records, tax collection, public health, and social services. In addition the County serves as the local government for all unincorporated areas. The County government is composed of the elected five-member Board of Supervisors, several other elected offices including the Sheriff,[28] District Attorney, Assessor-Recorder, Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector, and Clerk/Registrar of Voters, and numerous county departments and entities under the supervision of the County Administrator. As of February 2018 the members of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors are:[29] Brian Pacheco, District 1 Vacant, District 2 (Election will take place on March 10, 2019 to fill the seat) Sal Quintero, District 3, Buddy Mendes, District 4 Nathan Magsig, District 5 Policing[edit] County Sheriff[edit] The Fresno County Sheriff provides court protection, jail administration, and coroner services for all of Fresno County and its population of approximately of 994,400 residents. It provides police patrol and detective services for the unincorporated areas of the county which encompasses approximately 250,000 residents, or 25% of the county's total population. The Sheriff also provides law enforcement services by contract with the municipality of San Joaquin, population 4100. Municipal police[edit] Municipal police departments in the county are: Fresno, population 500,000; Clovis, 110,000; Sanger, 25,000; Reedley, 24,000; Selma, 23,000; Coalinga, 17,000; Kerman, 14,000; Kingsburg, 12,000; Huron, 7,000; Firebaugh, 8,500; Fowler, 6,500. Fresno County's voter registration shows a majority of Democratic voters.[30] US Senate races are competitive. County voters preferred Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, and Hillary Clinton in 2016. The cities of Clovis, Coalinga, and Kingsburg voted overwhelmingly for Governor Mitt Romney. Reedley did so by much lesser margins and is now a GOP-leaning "swing" city in the county. Huron, Mendota, Orange Cove, Parlier, Fowler, Firebaugh, Fresno, Kerman, Sanger, Selma and San Joaquin voted overwhelmingly for President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.[citation needed] According to the California Secretary of State, in October 2012 there were 410,188 registered voters in Fresno County. 158,267 (38.6%) were registered Republican, 164,663 (40.1%) were registered Democratic, 19,841 (4.8%) are registered with other political parties, and 67,417 (16.4%) declined to state a political party.[citation needed] Republicans have a plurality or majority of voter roll registration in the cities of Clovis, Coalinga, Kingsburg, Reedley, and the unincorporated areas. The other cities and towns have Democratic pluralities or majorities. From Fresno County's incorporation in 1849, it voted Democratic in every election until the 1904 election in California, when President Theodore Roosevelt stood for re-election. Fresno County backed Roosevelt over his Democratic opponent Alton B. Parker. This did not immediately change the county's voting tendencies, however. It supported southern Democrat Woodrow Wilson in the elections of 1912 and 1916. Fresno County was generally Republican from the onset of the "roaring 1920s" until the Great Depression, when former President Franklin D. Roosevelt forged the New Deal Coalition that benefitted the agrarian county. From 1932 till 1976 the county consistently voted Democratic, barring Richard Nixon's landslide victory over former Senator George McGovern (D-SD) in the 1972 Presidential Election. With former President Jimmy Carter's defeat by former President Reagan, Fresno became a GOP-leaning swing county: it barely favored Reagan's successor former President Bush and voted Democratic for Bill Clinton only in his 1992 presidential bid. Republicans won elections in Fresno County by increasing margins from 1996 to 2004, but when the GOP lost ground with Hispanic voters after 2004, the county swung Democratic, voting twice for Barack Obama, and then for Hillary Clinton in 2016, although the last time the Democratic nominee won with an absolute majority of the vote remains the 1964 election. Presidential election results Fresno County vote by party in presidential elections[31] 2016 43.21% 124,049 49.24% 141,341 7.55% 21,672 2012 47.94% 124,490 49.72% 129,129 2.34% 6,078 2000 53.14% 117,342 43.05% 95,059 3.82% 8,434 1996 47.42% 98,813 45.32% 94,448 7.26% 15,132 1992 40.67% 89,137 42.17% 92,418 17.16% 37,606 1988 49.95% 94,835 48.79% 92,635 1.26% 2,400 1964 34.33% 46,792 65.57% 89,375 0.10% 141 1924 44.01% 15,635 12.98% 4,610 43.02% 15,282 1920 55.36% 14,621 36.39% 9,613 8.25% 2,179 1912 0.46% 95 42.96% 8,891 56.58% 11,710 1908 50.89% 6,384 37.81% 4,743 11.30% 1,418 1900 47.34% 3,585 47.41% 3,590 5.26% 398 In the United States House of Representatives, Fresno County is split among four congressional districts:[32] California's 4th congressional district, represented by Republican Tom McClintock[33] California's 16th congressional district, represented by Democrat Jim Costa[34] California's 21st congressional district, represented by Democrat TJ Cox[35] California's 22nd congressional district, represented by Republican Devin Nunes[36] In the California State Senate, the county is split among 3 legislative districts:[37] the 8th Senate District, represented by Republican Andreas Borgeas, the 12th Senate District, represented by Democrat Anna Caballero, and the 14th Senate District, represented by Democrat Melissa Hurtado. In the California State Assembly, Fresno County is split between the 23rd Assembly District, represented by Republican Jim Patterson, and the 31st Assembly District, represented by Democrat Joaquin Arambula.[38] Fresno tends to remain socially conservative while being more moderate on economic issues, which can be seen in Fresno's support for socially conservative proposition amendments but occasionally voting for a Democratic Presidential Candidate if economic times are poor such as former President Bill Clinton's victory over incumbent former President George H.W. Bush in 1992 and President Barack Obama over Senator John McCain in 2008. On November 4, 2008, Fresno County voted 68.6% for Proposition 8, which amended the California Constitution to ban same-sex marriages. Voter registration statistics[edit] Population and registered voters Registered voters[39][note 3] Democratic[39] Republican[39] Democratic–Republican spread[39] +8,403 +2.0% Independent[39] Libertarian[39] Peace and Freedom[39] Americans Elect[39] No party preference[39] Cities by population and voter registration[edit] Cities by population and voter registration Registered voters[39] D–R spread[39] Clovis 93,304 58.0% 29.1% 49.5% -20.4% 8.2% 16.2% Coalinga 13,246 33.0% 38.6% 36.0% +2.6% 8.4% 20.0% Firebaugh 7,474 28.0% 57.5% 22.0% +35.5% 6.8% 16.0% Fowler 5,434 47.3% 44.1% 34.6% +9.5% 4.6% 18.1% Fresno 489,922 45.4% 43.9% 33.5% +10.4% 7.4% 17.7% Huron 6,733 14.5% 65.3% 14.0% +51.3% 7.3% 15.8% Kerman 13,093 38.6% 47.0% 28.7% +18.3% 11.6% 17.6% Kingsburg 11,221 55.0% 24.9% 56.0% -31.1% 7.9% 14.1% Mendota 10,729 19.6% 67.8% 15.3% +52.5% 3.8% 14.3% Orange Cove 8,889 29.4% 65.8% 15.0% +50.8% 4.4% 16.3% Parlier 14,204 26.1% 60.8% 17.5% +43.3% 4.5% 18.5% Reedley 23,968 36.4% 38.7% 40.3% -1.6% 6.5% 16.7% San Joaquin 3,965 17.4% 60.5% 17.3% +43.2% 6.1% 18.3% Sanger 23,814 41.8% 49.4% 30.0% +19.4% 5.5% 17.0% Selma 22,939 36.6% 47.0% 33.0% +14.0% 6.7% 15.8% Crime[edit] The following table includes the number of incidents reported and the rate per 1,000 persons for each type of offense. Population and crime rates Violent crime[40] 4,694 5.10 Homicide[40] Forcible rape[40] Robbery[40] Aggravated assault[40] Property crime[40] 20,071 21.80 Burglary[40] Larceny-theft[40][note 4] Motor vehicle theft[40] Arson[40] Cities by population and crime rates[edit] Cities by population and crime rates Violent crimes[41] Violent crime rate per 1,000 persons Property crimes[41] Property crime rate Clovis 97,828 219 2.24 4,025 41.14 Coalinga 13,669 188 13.75 476 34.82 Firebaugh 7,724 29 3.75 141 18.25 Fowler 5,698 48 8.42 213 37.38 Fresno 506,011 2,748 5.43 25,737 50.86 Huron 6,901 69 10.00 301 43.62 Kerman 13,854 42 3.03 608 43.89 Kingsburg 11,644 38 3.26 432 37.10 Mendota 11,270 53 4.70 344 30.52 Parlier 14,828 119 8.03 431 29.07 Reedley 26,774 173 6.99 570 23.03 Sanger 24,827 269 10.83 1,041 41.93 Selma 23,753 208 8.76 1,218 51.28 Agriculture[edit] Agriculture is the primary industry in Fresno County. Ag production totaled $5.3 billion in 2007, making it the number one agricultural county in the nation.[1] Major crops and livestocks include: Companies based in Fresno County[edit] Gottschalks Department Stores (liquidated in 2010 ) Sun-Maid Raisins Pinnacle Armor, maker of the Dragon Skin Body Armor Pelco, maker of surveillance cameras (acquired by Schneider Electric October 2007)[42] David Sunflower Seeds, now part of ConAgra Foods Flicks Candy Company Harris Ranch Beef Company Saladino's Inc National Raisin Company Pacific Ethanol United Security Bank Electronic Recyclers International Major employers[edit] Foster Farms Dairy E & J Gallo Winery Sun-Maid Saladino's Inc. Mendota Federal Prison Pleasant Valley State Prison Coalinga State Hospital 144th Fighter Wing of the California Air National Guard Children's Hospital Central California Community Medical Center - Clovis Coalinga Regional Medical Center Community Regional Medical Center Fresno Surgery Center Kaiser Foundation Hospital - Fresno Kingsburg Medical Center San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation Hospital Saint Agnes Medical Center Sanger General Hospital Selma Community Hospital Sierra Kings Hospital - Reedley University Medical Center - Fresno VA Medical Center - Fresno Nonprofits (community-based organizations) Fresno Regional Foundation[43] Central California Legal Services Centro La Familia Comprehensive Youth Services Marjaree Mason Center, Inc. Poverello House United Way, Fresno County Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission Education[edit] Educational institutions in Fresno County include: California State University, Fresno which opened in 1911. California Health Sciences University is a private university established in 2012. It currently offers a College of Pharmacy and College of Osteopathic Medicine and is committed to health sciences research and improving the access and delivery of quality health care in the San Joaquin Valley. San Joaquin College of Law is a private, nonprofit law school founded in 1969 and located in the City of Clovis. Fresno Pacific University is a private university in the City of Fresno. Within the California Community Colleges System, Fresno County is mostly covered by the State Center Community College District and the West Hills Community College District. The following campuses are in Fresno County:[44] Clovis Community College near the City of Clovis Fresno City College in the City of Fresno Reedley College in the City of Reedley West Hills College Coalinga in the City of Coalinga In addition, the Fresno County Public Library operates public libraries throughout the county. Transportation[edit] Major highways[edit] Interstate 5 State Route 33 Rail[edit] San Joaquin Valley Railroad Biola Branch (Southern Pacific) (abandoned) Shaver Lake Railroad (abandoned) San Joaquin and Eastern Railroad (abandoned) Airports[edit] Fresno Yosemite Int'l Airport Fresno Chandler Executive Airport Firebaugh Airport Mendota Airport New Coalinga Municipal Airport Reedley Municipal Airport Sierra Sky Park Airport Public transportation[edit] Fresno Area Express or FAX is the local bus operator in Fresno. Clovis Transit Stageline is the bus service in Clovis. Reedley Transit a.k.a. Dial-A-Ride services Reedley. Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) offers a variety of local and intercity transit services around Fresno County. Greyhound and Orange Belt Stages provide intercity, long-distance bus service. Amtrak San Joaquins stop in Fresno. Attractions[edit] China Peak Ski Resort Fashion Fair Mall Forestiere Underground Gardens Fresno Art Museum Fresno Fairgrounds Fresno Metropolitan Museum (dissolved January 2010) Fresno Water Tower Hume Lake Huntington Lake Jackass Meadows Millerton Lake Pine Flat Lake Roeding Park Sierra Vista Mall Simonian Farms William Saroyan Theatre Wishon Reservoir Communities[edit] Cities[edit] Fresno (county seat) Census-designated places[edit] Calwa Cantua Creek Lanare Minkler Old Fig Garden Tarpey Village Three Rocks Unincorporated communities[edit] Highway City Mercey Hot Springs Prather Rolinda Population ranking[edit] The population ranking of the following table is based on the 2010 census of Fresno County.[45] † county seat City/Town/etc. Municipal type 1 † Fresno City 494,665 2 Clovis City 95,631 3 Sanger City 24,270 4 Reedley City 24,194 5 Selma City 23,219 6 Parlier City 14,494 7 Kerman City 13,544 8 Coalinga City 13,380 9 Kingsburg City 11,382 10 Mendota City 11,014 11 Orange Cove City 9,078 12 Firebaugh City 7,549 13 Huron City 6,754 14 Fowler City 5,570 15 Old Fig Garden CDP 5,365 16 Mayfair CDP 4,589 17 Sunnyside CDP 4,235 18 San Joaquin City 4,001 19 Tarpey Village CDP 3,888 20 Squaw Valley CDP 3,162 21 Riverdale CDP 3,153 22 Caruthers CDP 2,497 23 Auberry CDP 2,369 24 Easton CDP 2,083 25 Calwa CDP 2,052 26 Laton CDP 1,824 27 Del Rey CDP 1,639 28 Biola CDP 1,623 29 West Park CDP 1,157 30 Minkler CDP 1,003 31 Malaga CDP 947 32 Tranquillity CDP 799 33 Shaver Lake CDP 634 34 Lanare CDP 589 35 Friant CDP 509 36 Cantua Creek CDP 466 37 Centerville CDP 392 38 Raisin City CDP 380 39 Three Rocks CDP 246 40 Fort Washington CDP 233 41 Cold Springs Rancheria[46] AIAN 184 42 Big Creek CDP 175 43 Bowles CDP 166 44 Monmouth CDP 152 45 Big Sandy Rancheria[47] AIAN 118 46 Table Mountain Rancheria[48] AIAN 64 California portal Fresno County Library List of museums in the San Joaquin Valley List of school districts in Fresno County, California National Register of Historic Places listings in Fresno County, California ^ Other = Some other race + Two or more races ^ Native American = Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander + American Indian or Alaska Native ^ a b Percentage of registered voters with respect to total population. Percentages of party members with respect to registered voters follow. ^ Only larceny-theft cases involving property over $400 in value are reported as property crimes. ^ "North Palisade". Peakbagger.com. Retrieved March 27, 2015. ^ a b c "American FactFinder". Retrieved April 19, 2019. ^ a b "California Department of Finance - Population Estimates". US Census Bureau. Retrieved April 19, 2019. ^ "Find a County". National Association of Counties. Archived from the original on May 31, 2011. Retrieved 2011-06-07. ^ Gannett, Henry (1905). The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States. Govt. Print. Off. p. 132. ^ History of the Coalinga area Archived May 1, 2009, at the Wayback Machine ^ California Department of Conservation, Oil and Gas Statistics, Annual Report, December 31, 2006, p. 66-67 (2–3 in PDF file) ^ "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990". United States Census Bureau. February 12, 2011. Retrieved April 23, 2011. ^ Alfors, John T. (March–April 1965). "Seven new barium minerals from eastern Fresno County, California" (PDF). American Mineralogist. 50: 314–340. ^ Basciano, Laurel C.; Groat, Lee A.; Roberts, Andrew C.; Grice, Joel D.; et al. (2001). "Kampfite, a new barium silicate carbonate mineral species from Fresno County, California" (PDF). The Canadian Mineralogist. 39 (4): 1053–1058. CiteSeerX doi:10.2113/gscanmin.39.4.1053. ^ Jake Johnson (October 5, 2019), "Merging 'Loyalty to the Oil Industry' and 'Grudge Against California,' Trump Opens 725,000 Acres to Fossil Fuel Drilling", Common Dreams, retrieved October 5, 2019 ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey, 2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table B02001. American FactFinder Archived September 11, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-10-26. ^ a b U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey, 2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table B03003. American FactFinder Archived September 11, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-10-26. ^ a b U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey, 2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. American FactFinder Archived September 11, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-10-21. ^ U.S. Census Bureau. American Community Survey, 2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table B01003. American FactFinder Archived September 11, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-10-21. ^ "U.S. Decennial Census". United States Census Bureau. Archived from the original on April 26, 2015. Retrieved September 24, 2015. ^ "Historical Census Browser". University of Virginia Library. Retrieved September 24, 2015. ^ Forstall, Richard L., ed. (March 27, 1995). "Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved September 24, 2015. ^ "Census 2000 PHC-T-4. Ranking Tables for Counties: 1990 and 2000" (PDF). United States Census Bureau. April 2, 2001. Retrieved September 24, 2015. ^ "2010 Census P.L. 94-171 Summary File Data". United States Census Bureau. ^ "American FactFinder". United States Census Bureau. Archived from the original on September 11, 2013. Retrieved 2011-05-14. ^ a b "OMB Bulletin No. 13-01: Revised Delineations of Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and Combined Statistical Areas, and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas" (PDF). United States Office of Management and Budget. February 28, 2013. Retrieved March 20, 2013. ^ a b "Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012". 2012 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. March 2013. Archived from the original (CSV) on April 1, 2013. Retrieved March 20, 2013. ^ "Table 2. Annual Estimates of the Population of Combined Statistical Areas: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2012". 2012 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau, Population Division. March 2013. Archived from the original (CSV) on May 17, 2013. Retrieved March 20, 2013. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on April 2, 2015. Retrieved March 28, 2015. CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) ^ "County of Fresno – Board of Supervisors". Fresno County. Archived from the original on March 27, 2015. Retrieved May 28, 2016. ^ "Fresno County Secretary of State Statement of Certification". ^ Leip, David. "Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections". uselectionatlas.org. Retrieved August 31, 2018. ^ "Counties by County and by District". California Citizens Redistricting Commission. Archived from the original on September 30, 2013. Retrieved September 24, 2014. ^ "California's 4th Congressional District - Representatives & District Map". Civic Impulse, LLC. Retrieved September 24, 2014. ^ "California's 16th Congressional District - Representatives & District Map". Civic Impulse, LLC. Retrieved September 24, 2014. ^ "California's 21st Congressional District - Representatives & District Map". Civic Impulse, LLC. Retrieved September 24, 2014. ^ "California's 22nd Congressional District - Representatives & District Map". Civic Impulse, LLC. Retrieved September 24, 2014. ^ "Communities of Interest — County". California Citizens Redistricting Commission. Archived from the original on October 23, 2015. Retrieved September 28, 2014. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q California Secretary of State. February 10, 2013 – Report of Registration Archived November 3, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-10-31. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Office of the Attorney General, Department of Justice, State of California. Table 11: Crimes – 2009 Archived December 2, 2013, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2013-11-14. ^ a b c United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Crime in the United States, 2012, Table 8 (California). Retrieved 2013-11-14. ^ "Purchase of Pelco seen as positive move for the industry". SP&T News. CLB MEDIA INC. Archived from the original on October 12, 2007. Retrieved January 5, 2008. ^ "fresnoregfoundation.org". fresnoregfoundation.org. Retrieved February 16, 2013. ^ "College Listings". California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. Archived from the original on January 21, 2010. Retrieved 2010-01-23. ^ "Decennial Census by Decades". Archived from the original on December 6, 2013. Retrieved 2013-02-10. ^ https://www.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=0720 Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fresno County, California. Fresno County Public Library Fresno County Sequicentennial Size of California Counties Places adjacent to Fresno County, California Merced County Madera County Mono County Monterey County Tulare County and Kings County Municipalities and communities of Fresno County, California, United States County seat: Fresno Arbios Balch Camp Big Bunch Biola Junction Bretz Mill Broadview Farms Burness Calflax Camp Sierra Chaney Ranch Cincotta Clotho Cromir Deer Crossing Dinkey Creek Dora Belle Edmiston Elm View Etheda Springs Figarden Giffen Cantua Ranch Goodmill Gravesboro Hume Station Humphreys Station Ingle Ivesta Jamesan Kanawyers La Jolla Ranch Lacjac Locans Marshall Junction Mathews Mill Mattei Mono Hot Springs Murietta Farm Navelencia New Auberry Ockenden Old Bretz Mill Oro Loma Panoche Junction Parkfield Junction Pilibos Ranch Pratton Rock Haven Rodgers Crossing Sawmill Flat Shaver Lake Heights Sierra Cedars Sierra Sky Park Snow Bend Tarpey Wahtoke Wineland Wood Ranch Zediker Big Sandy Rancheria Cold Springs Rancheria Table Mountain Rancheria Bronge Carlile Coalinga Mineral Springs Dathol Elkhorn Station Eshel Fort Camp Fresno Beach Fresno City Hawthorne's Station Kingriver Lillis Marshall Station McKenzie Spring McMullin Mendota Station Nares Nevills Peteras Mill Pool's Ferry Pool's Fort Poso de Chane Pueblo de las Juntas Rancho de los Californios Rugg Sharpville Smith's Ferry Sparkville Sycamore Point Temple's Ranch Tisechu Vanris Watson's Ferry Whites Bridge California portal United States portal Garden Acres State of California Sacramento (capital) California Sound National Natural Landmarks NRHP listings Congressional delegations State Historic Landmarks California Coast Ranges Coastal California Conejo Valley East Bay (SF Bay Area) East County (SD) Greater San Bernardino Klamath Basin Los Angeles Basin Lost Coast Mountain Empire North Bay (SF) North Coast (SD) Owens Valley Peninsular Ranges Pomona Valley Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta Santa Clara River Valley Santa Clarita Valley Santa Ynez Valley South Bay (LA) South Bay (SD) South Bay (SF) Southern Border Region Transverse Ranges Metro regions Metropolitan Fresno Los Angeles metropolitan area San Bernardino-Riverside metropolitan area San Diego–Tijuana San Jose-San Francisco Most populous Majority-minority counties in the Western United States Cibola De Baca Rio Arriba Aleutians East Aleutians West Hoonah–Angoon Kusilvak Lake and Peninsula North Slope Northwest Arctic Prince of Wales–Hyder Yukon–Koyukuk Hawaii County Kalawao MusicBrainz: 34891a40-1f71-41e1-93ff-4eac30ab6616 Retrieved from "/w/index.php?title=Fresno_County,_California&oldid=935503545" California counties 1856 establishments in California Populated places established in 1856 Use mdy dates from November 2014 All articles with failed verification Articles with failed verification from April 2019 Deep web articles with ISNI identifiers Deep web articles with LCCN identifiers Deep web articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers Deep web articles with NARA identifiers Deep web articles with VIAF identifiers Deep web articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers
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FBI makes arrest after Johansson, Aguilera e-mails hacked Michael Martinez, CNN Updated 8:39 AM EDT, Thu October 13, 2011 'Hackerazzi' suspect admits to misdeeds NEW: Christopher Chaney makes first court appearance; he's released on $10,000 bond Among more than 50 victims are Scarlett Johansson and Christina Aguilera Authorities accuse Chaney of hacking into personal e-mail accounts and other devices He is charged with 26 counts involving computer hacking, identity theft and wiretapping Los Angeles CNN — Federal authorities accuse a 35-year-old Florida man of hacking into accounts on computers and other devices belonging to more than 50 people, including entertainers Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera, Mila Kunis, Simone Harouche and Renee Olstead, officials announced Wednesday. Christopher Chaney of Jacksonville, Florida, was indicted on charges of accessing protected computers without authorization, damaging protected computers, wiretapping and aggravated identity theft, officials said. "Unfortunately, Mr. Chaney was able to access nude photos of some of the celebrities and some of them were uploaded on the Internet," U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. said. A recently circulated nude photo of Johannsson is part of the investigation, he said. Chaney allegedly "also took financial information, movie scripts and conversations that the celebrities believed to be private," Birotte told reporters. Chaney allegedly was able to access passwords by monitoring social media and other online sites that the celebrities used, said Steven Martinez, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Los Angeles field office. sbt kunis jt hacking photos_00001920 Timberlake, Kunis' stolen photos sbt scarlett johansson_00004501 Scarlett Johansson's nude photos? Exclusive Scarlett Johansson McKenzie_00005228 Scarlett Johansson on privacy and stardom "You may have selected a password that's meaningful to you that you may disclose online with friends," Martinez said. "Your pet's name or whatever. That's a clue to a hacker, to start there." The suspect used several aliases such as "trainreqsuckswhat," "anonygrrl," and "jaxjaguars911," authorities said in a news release. Chaney also allegedly used public sources to mine data about his victims, which included both males and females, all associated with the entertainment industry, authorities said. Authorities allege that once Chaney hacked into a celebrity's e-mail account, he would use the contact lists to find other celebrities' e-mail accounts. This allowed him to add new victims, authorities charge. Chaney made his initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Jacksonville, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon, and was released on a $10,000 unsecured bond with the conditions that he can't use any computer or other device with Internet access and he can't have any controlled substances or excessive use of alcohol, said Laura Eimiller, an FBI spokeswoman in Los Angeles. Chaney's next court appearance will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday for an identity hearing in the same courthouse, Eimiller said. Chaney has been indicted on with nine counts of computer hacking for gain, eight counts of aggravated identify theft, and nine counts of illegal wiretapping, Birotte said. If convicted of the 26 counts, Chaney would face a maximum of 121 years in federal prison, Birotte said. The aggravated identity theft charge alone carries a mandatory two-year prison sentence, he added. Chaney allegedly also set his victims' accounts to automatically forward their e-mails to his account, Birotte said. This allegedly allowed Chaney to continue to receive celebrities' e-mails even after a password was reset, authorities said. Authorities allege that Chaney distributed photos of the celebrities that he obtained illegally and offered them to various celebrity blog sites. Some of the illegally obtained files, including private photographs, were ultimately posted online "as a result of Chaney's alleged activities," authorities said in a statement. The FBI's Los Angeles office said he was arrested as part of "Operation Hackerazzi," which looked into computer intrusions targeting individuals associated with the entertainment industry. Martinez said authorities have coined a word to describe hackers of celebrities' e-mail accounts: hackerazzi. "The paparazzi is always chasing them down, and now you have a virtual way of doing it by looking at posts they put on social media sites," Martinez said, explaining the term. Investigators don't have a motive for Chaney's alleged offenses. "Motive is always a question in criminal cases and we don't know and we don't care" in this case, Birotte said, adding he is confident of the hacking evidence against Chaney. The first real case of a celebrity hacking attack was in 2005, when hackers logged into Paris Hilton's phone and stole photos of her, according to Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at the F-Secure computer security company. Those hackers reportedly were able to break into Hilton's phone by correctly guessing the not-so-secret answer to her security question, which was "tinkerbell," the name of her pet Chihuahua. In August, rapper Kreayshawn wrote on her blog that her Twitter account was hacked when naked photos of her showed up there. In March, Vanessa Hudgens of "High School Musical" underwent a similar ordeal after photos were reportedly stolen from her Gmail account. And in December, police in Germany alleged two young men had used computer-hacking skills to gain access to the e-mail accounts and photos of more than 50 celebrities, according to Britain's The Telegraph, including the likes of Lady Gaga and Ke$ha. In the wake of the latest celebrity hacking allegations, some have started to assume celebrity photo leaks are the newest front in the so-called "hacktivist" wars, waged by big-name hacking rings such as Anonymous and LulzSec. Those groups have claimed responsibility for taking down bank and government websites. But security experts said connections between celebrity hackers and groups such as Anonymous are thin or nonexistent. "It's obviously to gain media exposure, right?" said Kevin Mitnick, a hacker turned security consultant and author of "Ghost in the Wires." "It's like everyone is trying to one-up Anonymous and one-up LulzSec. So somehow celebrities are becoming a target." CNN's Carey Bodenheimer and John D. Sutter contributed to this report.
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Q: How to customize constraint violation messages? I want define my own message for each constraint. Is it possible to customize constraint violation messages in PostgreSQL? A: This has been asked in Postgres Forum: Custom Constraint Violation Errors and after some discussion: ... So am I got that right, that If I want to have eg custom error messages for a foreign key violation, I need to replace all fkeys by trigger functions?! Michael Musenbrock answered there: The short answer is, while it is possible to custom make your own constraint triggers that emulate foreign keys, don't do it. This would be a maintenance nightmare. I'd be more maintainable to catch these errors in your client application. Here you would reword these error messages according the business rules of your client application. Richard Broersma Jr. with what I think would work best: It's not hard to create: CONSTRAINT some_constraint_name FOREIGN KEY col REFERENCES blah(id) ... then in the app, match "some_constraint_name" and map it to a suitable error. That's what I do and it works very well for all constraint types, not just foreign key constraints. -- Craig Ringer
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​The Buckman Land Use Committee reviews and provides input on neighborhood projects, iwith a focus on livablity and retaining the Buckman character. We meet the third Thursday of the month to discuss buildng developement, changes to the land use codes and zoning, and discuss ways to make our neighborhood better. Contact the BCA board if you'd like to come present. Review of land use notices, found here. These include large developement west of 12th Avenue, and those looking for exceptions to the zoning code east of 12th Avenue, as required for City of Portland project approval. Local developers presenting new projects, looking for positive neighborhood input. Discussion of changes to the zoning code, including implementation of the Residential Infill Project, the Comprehensive Plan Code Reconsiliation Project, and Green Loop Planning. We'd like to hear from you and help create a positive buzz about local project and the needs of businesses and residents.
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Employee safety, fair wages top ethical concerns for apparel industry February 11, 2020 Manage Risk EDC's guidance helps exporters establish international business standards with their supply chains and bolster brand reputation with consumers. Jordan Kendel knows firsthand that the workers in Indonesia who make his sportswear are treated well and paid properly. He's on site every day. When the CEO of the Winnipeg-based brand, Ekumenik, began researching potential manufacturing facilities to produce his premium menswear line, he wanted a source that aligned with his principles, including sustainability and the appreciation for nature. He also wanted to work with factories that had strong corporate responsibility values. In the years following the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2013, consumers around the world have started paying more attention to how the clothing brands they buy are made. More than 1,100 workers perished in the Dhaka disaster, sparking widespread concerns over labour practices and working conditions in the textile, apparel and footwear industries. Major Canadian brands weren't spared reputational damage when it emerged that some of their products were manufactured at the facility. Apparel export growth Over the same period, the Canadian apparel industry has grown steadily. Exports of Canadian apparel have risen from $1.47 billion in 2014 to just under $2.1 billion in 2018. The world wants to wear Canadian designs, but they also want to know how they're made. Were the workers who made them paid fairly? Do they have safe working conditions? How does production impact the environment? While the textile, apparel and footwear sector is an important contributor to economic and social development, it can expose Canadian exporters to a range of issues, depending on the countries from which they procure, the relationship with their suppliers and the nature of their relationship with them. The complexity and opacity of the value chains can make it difficult for any one brand or retailer to identify situations where problems are occurring. Export Development Canada can help small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the apparel and footwear industry sort through these issues. Taking steps to ensure your company's supply chain meets your ethical standards can do more than bolster your brand reputation with consumers. It can also help you secure financing and investment to grow your business. A supply chain in flux The challenge of finding suppliers in the apparel industry that meet a company's standards for corporate social responsibility has become even more difficult in recent years, says Bob Kirke, executive director of the Canadian Apparel Federation. "Sourcing patterns, especially over the last three years, have been thrown to the wind," he says, adding that a lot of this has to do with the trade tensions between the United States and China. "It's a real dynamic situation where companies are moving production out of China and going to different countries. In some cases, those countries are losing trade preference status in other places, like Europe. Everything is more dynamic than it ought to be." Kirke acknowledges the industry shift toward increased supply chain transparency since Rana Plaza, but adds that even when you're diligent, you can miss things. "It's not easy to understand the full picture of what's going on at a given facility or in a given country," he says. He recommends the importance of having boots on the ground to get a firsthand view of a facility. Ekumenik: Handmade in Indonesia near world-class surf That was exactly the approach Kendel, CEO of Ekumenik (derived from a Greek word meaning the inhabited world), took when he decided to set up manufacturing operations in Indonesia. Kendel first got the apparel bug in high school when he and some friends started designing T-shirts and selling them to classmates. "We were always successful getting the product in people's hands, but we never made any money," he says. But that failed high school venture gave him his first contact with Indonesia in 1999 as an apparel manufacturing destination when a family friend sourced material from the Southeast Asian country. After completing his degree at the University of Manitoba, Kendel headed to the mountains in Alberta and the snowboarding life. When not on the slopes, he divided his time between jobs in a snowboard shop, bartending and trying to rekindle his idea for an apparel brand based on the lifestyle he was living. "I wanted something that told a story, which is why Ekumenik is 'handmade near world-class surf' in Indonesia," he says. As a small, independent designer, Kendel also found that Indonesia's production minimums weren't as high as in other countries. "Indonesian factories typically accept minimums that were much more in line with the volume of product we could get through season to season when we started." Personal oversight After making a connection at a beach karaoke bar, Kendel set up the company's first manufacturing operations at a factory in Bali in 2008, where one of his favourite outdoor brands—California-based Volcom—was also made. After several months of going back and forth from Canada to Bali and splitting his time between the business and two other jobs, Kendel made the decision to throw himself into Ekumenik full time and move to Bali, so he could oversee operations. The company now makes products at five facilities in Indonesia, each one specializing in different product types. As the business was growing and required financing in order to fill larger orders, Kendel reached out to Export Development Canada through its Winnipeg office. He says that EDC explained that as a lender backed by the federal government, it wouldn't invest in businesses that hadn't addressed concerns about worker safety and exploitation among others. "I know none of that stuff is going on here because I'm in the factory every day," he says, adding that EDC asked a lot of important questions about the working conditions in the factories and the types of safety audits that were conducted. Kendel admits that as an SME, he isn't placing enormous orders for tens of thousands of units at factories in countries such as China and India, which can handle that volume. Ekumenik must rely on smaller factories in places, like Indonesia. Consequently, he's found that it's not financially practical for many of these smaller factories to go through a robust auditing process for worker safety and exploitation. By contrast, many larger factories in other jurisdictions must go through these audits to satisfy the needs of the major global brands that use them. Kendel took it upon himself to instil a self-auditing process at the Indonesian facilities where he does business to make sure they met certain safety standards. "We made some commitments to improve a couple of things," he says. Today, Ekumenik has "folders and folders full of our factory audits," says Kendel. "We supply them to our major vendors and banks upon request." 7 quick tips to help the apparel industry manage supply chain risk There are measures you can take to minimize or avoid problematic issues arising from within your supply chain. Your relationship with your suppliers is key. This is particularly true at the outset of your commercial relationship when you have the most influence. Review your purchasing practices. Implement a Code of Conduct that applies to the company, its suppliers and subcontractors. Communicate your labour and workers' rights expectations in all contracts and vendor agreements. Build long-term relationships with your suppliers. Conduct audits to better understand your suppliers' performance. Participate in multi-stakeholder initiatives to address issues you feel are beyond your ability to influence on your own. Request disclosure of raw material sourcing. Kirke says taking responsibility starts at the top. "This isn't just the sourcing manager's job," he says. "Someone with a C in front of their title should know what efforts are being made" to ensure corporate social responsibility standards are met. "If companies do these things and follow these practices, it becomes a positive asset to the company." If you're operating in the apparel, footwear and textile industry, download EDC's PDF outlining recommendations and resources t0 help Canadian exporters address worker safety and exploitation when establishing international business standards with suppliers, manufacturers and factories. Managing Supply Chains Clothing & Textiles CSR Manage Risk Check out EDC's resources to avoid supply chain risksUnlimited one-click access through your MyEDC Account Access content Access Content Access content Cancel Mastering international contracts: From strategy to success Discover the do's and don'ts for setting up international contracts to protect your business, as you grow internationally. Weekly Commentary January 14, 2021 Turning the page to 2021 Do our Happy New Year wishes already have a very hollow ring to them? Guide January 13, 2021 Global Financial Markets Keep track of the international markets that matter to your business. Get the latest financial and macroeconomic information for both developed and emerging markets. Article December 17, 2020 Year-end 2020 Trade Confidence Index As businesses continue to navigate their way through the pandemic, in our year-end 2020 TCI, the outlook according to Canadian exporters has rebounded from an all-time low. Discover the highlights of this important survey, including the top markets of interest for exporters.
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Notice About Amazon Links Earlier this year, Amazon notified me that due to their disagreement over Vermont state laws, they were no longer accepting anyone from Vermont to be part of their Associate's program. They said the ban remains in effect until Vermont changes its laws. For me, this means I can no longer access image links through the Associate's program. They more recently sent an email saying that the code in the ads I've posted for the past number of years are not longer going to work unless I change them (more than 200) to include new Associate's links. As you can guess, since I cannot access Associate's, it seems pointless to have to alter the code on more than 200 pages. Their response to me was a general "whatever, do it or the links go away." I'm not doing it. If you look at old reviews next month, the Amazon links will unlikely work. I apologize for this. I will be looking to see if other booksellers like Barnes and Noble still work with Vermonters, but I Her Final Breath by Robert Dugoni Release Date - September 15, 2015 Robert Dugoni Thomas & Mercer Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth First, sorry for the absence. My job kept me from being able to read anything. I'm hoping to now get back to my more usual routine, as not reading for a full week becomes a stressor in my eyes. Robert Dugoni blew me away with last year's My Sister's Grave . This was first in the Tracy Crosswhite series. I'm not going to go into that book, and if you missed it, Her Final Breath does stand by itself, though I highly recommend the first. Tracy Crosswhite is back, though her position within the police force is on shaky grounds due to her unwillingness to do as she's told. Tracy's good at following her gut, and usually her instincts are spot on. A number of recent murders are keeping police busy, and Tracy's convinced a case that was supposedly solved years ago was the first of the serial killer's work. If she's right, an innocent man is in The Closer You Come by Gena Showalter Release Date - April 2015 Gena Showalter HQN Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth He's been through jail and now all Jase Hollister wants is to live peacefully with his friends (once all foster brothers). He has no room in his life for women, especially not one very flirtatious woman and her quieter, very sexy sister. Brook Lynn Dillon is trying to keep her life together, but her older sister's partying and one-night-stand ways make that very tough. Brook's two jobs keep the bills paid, but when she loses one of them because of her sister's lack of work ethics, Brook is in a panic. Jase Hollister offers her the job she needs, but how can she work for a man who makes it clear he wants no woman in his life? The Closer You Come starts off the Original Heartbreaker series with a bang. I fell in love with Jase and his friends, and definitely loved the pairing of him and Brook Lynn. Both shelter their hearts, which makes it fun to see if they'll realize they Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight Book Release - April 2015 Kimberly McCreight Harper Book Review by Bob Walch When the body of a newborn is discovered in the woods fringing the campus of a local university, the residents of Ridgedale, New Jersey, are shocked but have plenty of opinions on how such a terrible event could happen. Although she has some serious misgivings about taking the assignment, feelance journalist Molly Sanderson agrees to cover the story for the local newspaper. Molly recently has lost a child herself and her investigation is going to resurrect some painful memories. As she begins questioning the authorities and local inhabitants of Ridgedale, Molly quickly discovers there are plenty of secrets behind the white picket fences of this idyllic community. Told from the perspectives of three very different women, the reader, along with Molly, will untangle the sad story of the infant's death. Kimberley McCreight's debut, Reconstructing Amelia , received a lot of critical ac Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee Release Date - June 14, 2015 Harper Lee Harper Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth Like many, I have seen the publicity, followed the story, and I was going to read Go Set a Watchman despite what critics were saying. I loved To Kill a Mockingbird enough that I kept my high school copy. My teacher knows and, while I offered to pay for it, he said he was overjoyed that one student loved it so much they actually didn't want to return it. I still have my copy and reread it once a year. I cannot imagine anyone reading Go Set a Watchman first, but if you are planning to and somehow dodged having to read TKaM in high school, Watchman will stand alone. You really do need to read both books, however, to understand how much Lee's writing progressed from her first written book to the highly-praised prequel. Go Set a Watchman takes place after To Kill a Mockingbird , but it was apparently Harper Lee's first written book, though publishers rejected it, so she tucked it a Within These Walls by Ania Ahlborn Release Date - April 21, 2015 Ania Ahlborn Gallery Books Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth It's the chance of a lifetime. Lucas Graham, a true crime author, receives a letter offering him an interview with the very reclusive Jeffrey Halcomb, a death row inmate who killed a woman and her unborn child. It's the chance Lucas needs to revive his stagnant career, and possibly win back the affections of his wife and daughter. There's one big catch though. Lucas must live in the home where the murder was committed. Plus, this all must happen within a specific period of time. Otherwise, Lucas loses out on his chance to be the only person to ever hear Jeffrey's side of the story. Within These Walls jumps around from news clippings regarding the murders and past residents of the home, to Lucas's and his daughter's experiences within the home, and to the past where readers learn about Jeffrey's upbringing and how he met the woman he would be accused of mu The Case of the Invisible Dog: A Shirley Homes Mystery by Diane Stingley Release Date - May 2015 Diane Stingley Alibi Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth I admit to choosing The Case of the Invisible Dog because it was praised as being " sure to delight fans of Diane Mott Davidson ." I am a big fan of the Goldy Schulz series and enjoy anything that is similar in humor and tone. Tammy Norman is back in North Carolina after a failed attempt at a career in Hollywood. Finding a job she enjoys has been tough since her return, so she's intrigued when she spies an unusual ad in the paper. She applies and finds herself the assistant to Shirley Homes, a woman who believes she is the great-great-granddaughter of Sherlock Homes. The job is just as unusual as her new boss. For a number of days, Tammy's only job duties seem to be sitting around and keeping the office plant alive. It isn't until a client, Matt Peterman, shows up with an unbelievable claim that an invisible dog is keeping him up all night that Tammy finds herself heading Normal by Graeme Cameron Release Date - April 2015 Graeme Cameron MIRA Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth One thing that stands out with Normal is the main character. He's a sadistic, sick, demented killer who may seem to fit in, but the truth is he has a holding cell in his basement where he imprisons and then kills women for fun. His latest victim, well he's kept her alive than he has others. But, the real change happens when he's at the grocery store. He meets Rachel and falls for her. He now has a desire to change, but that's going to be tough when he still has a victim in his basement and police who are desperate to solve the string of murders that he's responsible for. It's really hard to feel any sympathy for the main character. He's demented and I wanted police to get him and lock him away for life. Therefore, it was hard to sympathize with his fascination and "love" for Rachel. That said, the writing in Normal is gripping and very disturbed. The author The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano Release Date - David Cristofano Grand Central Publishing Release Date - March 2009 While I received this book years ago for review, I couldn't get into it back then. Years later, I pulled it back out to give it another shot, as I really do like the plot for The Girl She Used to Be . In the end, it's the characters I still struggled with. For two decades, Melody Grace McCartney's been on the run, part of the witness protection program. She and her parents witnessed a brutal murder, one committed by a mobster. While the mobster was able to find and eliminate her parents, Melody has remained out of his reach. Until now... Bored of her current living situation, Melody fakes a problem and readies herself for another change of location, name, and career. Before the move is finalized however, the mobster's son does find her and offers her a chance at a life she's never experienced, the chance to be herself. All she has to do is turn her back on the governmen Hope Harbor by Irene Hannon Release Date - July 7, 2015 Irene Hannon Revell Book Review by Tracy Farnsworth Michael Hunter's come to Hope Harbor after the loss of his wife. When he arrives and finds the only hotel in town is shut down, he's at a loss. He never expects a local resident to take him in. Especially not after hearing she's been an unfriendly recluse for a number of years. He's just hear to deal with his tragic past, the last thing he needs is to find romance. Tracy Campbell meets Michael Hunter when he causes her to crash her bike. She's back in Hope Harbor to run her family's cranberry farm and a local charity. With her time spread thin, she never expects to get help from Michael, but he seems insistent on paying back the kindness he's received from the town's recluse, so Tracy lets him in. She refuses to let him into her heart, however. She's had her chance at love and failed miserably. It doesn't take long before Tracy and Michael realize there
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Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: Eastern Orthodox Chapel Tinder Shadowban most readily useful 4 truth tricks have it solved? in 2020 Whack-a-Mole: How Payday Loan Providers Bounce When States Break Down Regarded as another largest Christian body on the planet, the historical past for the Eastern Orthodox Church could be tracked to an unbroken continuity to Jesus Christ as well as the Twelve Apostles. It involves several autocephalous (self-governing) churches: the four ancient Patriarchates in the early chapel, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem, the four Patriarchates of newer origin, Russia, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria, the Catholicosate of Georgia, and also the places of worship of Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Albania, while the Czech countries and Slovakia. The structure of this Eastern Orthodox chapel try conciliar rather than monarchical. This is certainly, the patriarchs all hold equivalent authority in the Church and there's no central headquarters where jurisdiction was preserved. But the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is regarded as the spiritual commander of Orthodox Christians and it is regarded "first among equals." Orthodoxy as a separate traditions has belangrijke link its own beginnings throughout ecclesiastical and theological disagreements with all the Roman Catholic Church that lead towards Great Schism in 1054 CE. The liturgy of Eastern Orthodoxy was marked by their advancement inside the monastic heritage, with iconography playing a key part. Today, the Eastern Orthodox chapel figures 260 million users worldwide. Quotes for your United States range from anyone to three million, dependent on how account are identified. Orthodox churches in the usa collaborate through the ones set up of Canonical Orthodox Bishops on the United States of America. LGBTQ EQUIVALENCE ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER IDENTIFICATION While east Orthodox church buildings are autocephalous, you will find opinion on recognized LGBTQ plan. As an example, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese databases homosexuality beside fornication, adultery, abortion and abusive intimate attitude as "immoral and unsuitable forms of actions in as well as on their own, and in addition simply because they assault the organization of marriage and family members." It includes that, "the Orthodox Church feels that homosexual attitude was a sin." Similarly, the installation of Canonical Orthodox Bishops associated with the U . S ., declares, "Like adultery and fornication, homosexual acts become condemned by Scripture." The religious tradition of orthodoxy is dependent on the connection of a chrismated (confirmed) associate to his or her spiritual father/confessor, just who either grants or refused entry to the sacraments. As a result, sacramental access could be easy and guidelines aren't always enforced with a regular rehearse from part to area. You can find, however, inclusive Orthodox places of worship and businesses beyond your canonical norm of Orthodox church buildings. These generally include the growing Orthodox-Catholic chapel of The united states, which embraces "people on such basis as like, maybe not class," and the lay business Axios, which sponsors Orthodox solutions in Boston, l . a ., bay area and Arizona, D.C. There seems to be no proper policy concerning transgender dilemmas for your trusted east Orthodox churches in the usa. While transgender issues don't but bring conventional medication by a council of bishops, gender reassignment are ruined as an affront to goodness's layout per person. Numerous clergy customers has over and over affirmed this in sermons and guides. ON RELATIONSHIP EQUALITY The Eastern Orthodox Church does not do or know same-sex marriages. Per an announcement of the installation of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, "The Orthodox chapel cannot and will not bless same-sex unions. Whereas relationships between a person and a woman try a sacred establishment ordained by Jesus, homosexual union is certainly not." The Orthodox Christian coaching on relationship and sex was "firmly grounded in Holy Scripture, 2000 several years of chapel customs, and canon laws, holds that marriage is made up from inside the conjugal union of men and a lady." It brings that, "marriage try fundamentally monogamous and heterosexual." Despite official position, a survey realsed in 2018 of the people Religious data Institute (PRRI) finds a majority, 66 per cent, of U.S. Eastern Orthodox Christians promote wedding equality. ON NON-DISCRIMINATION The Eastern Orthodox Church has not used the state stand-on the equivalence Act or other issues regarding non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ folk. ON ORDINATION The Eastern Orthodox Church will not ordain freely LGBTQ men, nor can it ordain females. But renewable businesses including the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America carry out ordain both female and LGBTQ folk. Comprehensive Orthodoxy, a comprehensive on line source that is both orthodox in theology and grounded into the significant message of Jesus Christ. Orthodox-Catholic chapel of America, an inclusive chapel definitely the main common ("catholic") church which well informed from the traditions of old ("orthodox") Christianity. Orthodox and Gay, a website and online system for LGBTQ Orthodox Christians pursuing support and retreat. COMMUNICATIONS INFO Set-up of Canonical Orthodox Bishops on the USA 8 eastern 79th road New York, NY 10075 site: www.assemblyofbishops.org The human being Rights venture report on development, events and resources of the human being Rights Campaign base which can be interesting on the majority of folks and further the usual mission to compliment the LGBTQ people.
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BY SUSAN ESTRICH After all the pundits declared him the loser in his first debate, after almost two weeks of backpedaling and explaining, Joe Biden still leads the field among likely Democratic primary voters. At least that's what the latest national polls say. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, one of the best, was released on… What Happened To Bill Barr? BY SUSAN ESTRICH I knew him back when we were both law clerks fresh out of school – he for one of the most conservative members of the DC Circuit, I for one of its leading liberals. He was a smart guy. Honorable. Someone you disagreed with but respected. As a young Justice Department lawyer,… June 3, 2019 Continue to read Nancy Pelosi Is Right, Of Course BY SUSAN ESTRICH The way for Democrats to win in 2020 is to follow the advice of the shrewdest Democrat in politics today: – Don't be goaded by President Trump into a lengthy impeachment battle that will divide the country and ultimately be defeated by the Republican Senate. – Don't go too far left and… May 13, 2019 Continue to read Uncle Joe Joins The Race BY SUSAN ESTRICH There's hope for those of you 75 or over. There is still time to be president of the United States. After all, Biden would be 78 at the inauguration. Bernie Sanders, his elder, would be 79. An 80-year-old in the White House? And, of course, Trump, should he win again, would be… Polls And Predictions BY SUSAN ESTRICH If you believe the national polls, Joe Biden is running first nationally [in three of four polls out this week], about eight points ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders, which tells you nothing about how things will look after Iowa. If you believe the prediction numbers, the chances of a second Trump term… Estrich served as a law clerk for Judge J. Skelly Wright of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1988, she was the campaign manager for Michael Dukakis' 1988 presidential run, even though she had never before managed a political campaign. She was the first female campaign manager of a major presidential campaign, and the first female campaign manager of the modern era. [5] [6] Estrich appears frequently on Fox News as a legal and political analyst, and has also substituted for Alan Colmes on the debate show Hannity & Colmes. She writes regular articles for the conservative website NewsMax, for which she is a pundit.[7] She is also on the Board of Editorial Contributors for USA Today.[8] She is currently a law professor at the University of Southern California Law School and a political science professor at its affiliated undergraduate school. Before joining the USC faculty in 1989, she was Professor of Law at Harvard University, where she was the youngest woman to receive tenure.[9] On January 10, 2008, Estrich joined Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, a law firm based in Los Angeles, where she chairs their Public Strategy in High Profile Litigation: Media Relations practice area. [10][11] She writes a nationally syndicated print column distributed through Creators Syndicate.
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GlucoTrim® is an extract from the leaf of the tropical tree Lagerstroemia speciosa L., also known as Queen's flower, Pride of India and Banaba. For centuries in traditional Asian cultures, the leaf tea or extract from this plant has been used for its healthful properties, including support of energy after eating and maintenance of weight within normal levels. The Lagerstroemia leaves are processed by water extraction and standardized to 1% corosolic acid, the active triterpenoid. Japanese researchers have shown that corosolic acid can help regulate blood sugar within normal levels by activating the transport of glucose across cell membranes. Glucose transporters are important in regulating the level of intracellular glucose. Corosolic acid has been shown to stimulate significant glucose transport activity in vitro, in Ehrlich ascites tumor cell studies. Rodent studies show that supplemental corosolic acid significantly aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Additionally, animals fed corosolic acid showed lower serum insulin, urinary excreted glucose and total plasma cholesterol. Researchers in Italy and Japan conducting animal studies confirm that corosolic acid can cause significant and immediate blood sugar reduction. In 1998, a cross-over, placebo-controlled clinical study was conducted at the Tokyo Jikeikai Medical School in Japan with 24 Type II diabetic human subjects. After four weeks, corosolic acid was shown to effectively reduce blood glucose levels vs. placebo, with no adverse effects. Even a one-time dose left a memory-effect for blood glucose control, lasting several days. In another study conducted at the Southwestern Institute of Biomedical Research in Brandenton, Florida, 12 human subjects with mild Type II diabetes were studied for 22 weeks. Several forms of corosolic acid were administered to different groups, and in several dosages. It was seen that the higher the dose of corosolic acid, the greater the drop in blood glucose levels. The greatest blood glucose reduction was obtained using an oil-based soft gelatin capsule formulation of corosolic acid at a 48 mg daily dose. In an elaborate cross-over study, 12 subjects took a placebo for two weeks, then a daily dose of 48 mg corosolic acid (two oil-based softgels of 8 mg after each meal), for 30 days. This was followed by a 45-day placebo washout period. Then the same group took 48 mg corosolic acid in a different form (two hard gelatin capsules of 8 mg corosolic acid dry powder after each meal), for 30 days. Another 45 day washout followed. The results show that corosolic acid is effective in reducing blood glucose levels, with no adverse effects. Specifically, the average blood glucose level in the control group was 168.3 mg/deciliter. The soft gelatin formulation of corosolic acid caused a drop to an average value of 115.1 mg/deciliter at the 30th day of corosolic acid treatment. During the washout period, the blood glucose level only slowly came back up, suggesting a memory effect of corosolic acid for up to four weeks after the termination of intake. Also, 48 mg of corosolic acid per day continued to reduce blood glucose levels until the end of the 30-day period. An additional benefit was support of a normal glycemic profile after meals. After eating, the corosolic acid group had a normal sharp decline in blood glucose level, compared to the slow decline often seen in diabetics. Frequent thirst and urination also disappeared for those using the corosolic acid and there was an increased ability to lose weight. This U.S. clinical study confirms the promising safety and effectiveness of the 1998 Japanese clinical study. GlucoTrim® corosolic acid is clinically proven to activate cellular glucose transport, which supports balanced blood glucose within normal levels. It can have a memory effect of blood glucose lowering even after intake is stopped. As a blood sugar regulating factor, it may support weight within normal levels. GlucoTrim® provides the most effective formulation of corosolic acid known, in an oil-based soft gelatin capsule. Can activate cellular glucose transport across membranes, which supports balanced blood glucose within normal levels. Supports maintenance of a normal glycemic profile after meals. As a blood sugar regulating factor, may support weight within normal levels. GlucoTrim® (from Lagerstroemia speciosa L., 1% Corosolic Acid) 24 mg. Other ingredients: Rice bran oil, silicon dioxide.
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The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Teresa Giudice Talks About Joe's Deportation! by pauldailly at January 17, 2019 3:04 am . With reality TV being filmed so far in advance, viewers are just getting to the crazy stuff for Teresa Giudice and her family on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Giudice finally weighed in on husband Joe's forthcoming release from jail on Wednesday's episode of the Bravo hit and was surprisingly upbeat about it. "The closer it gets to Joe getting out, all I think about is, 'Soon he'll be home,' " Teresa said about her dire situation. "I don't even talk about deportation. That's all negative thoughts. To me, Joe's coming home, and that's it." Do we sense a hint of denial there, Teresa? The immigration court ruled to deport Joe to Italy when he finished out his 41-month prison sentence. Even though an appeal was lodged, he still faces deportation. It's obviously a tough time for the family, but what we do know is that Teresa has still been visiting him. "I just came straight from seeing Joe," she told Danielle Staub, before going on to confirm their time together on the inside is spend talking about their four children and "what he wants to do when he gets out." The conversation quickly turned to what Joe tried to do when Teresa visited him. "He's trying to touch my a–. I'm like, 'Get your hand off of my a–,' " Teresa laughed. "You're not allowed to do that!" It's not uncommon for lovers to want to get closer to each other after spending so long apart. There have been many rumors of late that Teresa is ready to call time on her marriage. There was that time she was all over social media WITHOUT her wedding ring. A lot can change in a few months, but if all of this Joe talk did anything, it shut down some of the rumors. For now, Teresa just wants her husband home and thinks it will complete her family again. "I'm looking forward to it," she said. "The kids will really be happy when he gets home. They can't wait, especially Milania." Elsewhere on Wednesday's episode, Jennifer Aydin was out for blood. Her first big bust-up was with Jackie Goldschneider who wrote the article bashing her parenting skills. In a comical moment, Jackie allowed Jennifer to use her restroom before heading to a vineyard, but it was not up to the latter's standards. "What a dump," Aydin complained after getting a look at the restroom. Restroom Wars could be a good TV format for Bravo! "After Jackie came into my house and used it against me, you think I'm gonna pass up the opportunity to see her house? I don't think so," Jennifer said in a confessional. While on the bus, Jennifer started dishing out gifts she brought back from Turkey, but she turned to Margaret and uttered the following: "Yours got lost in the mail along with the mail-order bride that never was." This was in response to Margaret's ill-timed comments that Jennifer's brother was getting married to a mail-order bride. Margaret could not respond because she was blindsided. What did Jennifer buy Jackie? A dagger. Yes, really! Well, Jennifer said it was "an ancient Turkish dagger that people used when they wanted to stab people in the back, so I figured I can give you something tangible, so the next time, I can see you coming." But Jackie refused the gift, saying she did not want the"passive-aggressive gift." What followed was the women literally throwing the dagger back and forth at each other. Thankfully, the pair made things right, but Jennifer continued to pursue Margaret. When the ladies got drunk at the vineyard, Margaret started chatting about how she met her current husband, Joe. "He was married at the time, and she thought he was gonna leave his wife," Margaret shared, while Jennifer laughed and said, "I see a pattern here." "What's the pattern?" Margaret quizzed. "Your mother was with a married man, and you were with a married man," Jennifer shot back. "That's not a pattern. That's called a coincidence," Margaret complained. Jennifer then tried to take back her comments, but Margaret was not ready to let this feud die out and complained about Jennifer's brother and his marriage. "I'm just saying, culturally, it's very hard to relate to," Margaret explained. "So you can't relate to people who have setup marriages, and I can't relate to people who have affairs with married men," Jennifer fired back. "Who sleeps in the f--king pool house?! Who sleeps in the pool house?!" screamed Margaret who was getting irate at Jen's existence. "You avoid making comments on something that you don't understand, and I'll avoid making comments on things that I don't understand, like breaking up a family!" Jennifer yelled. Later in the episode, the ladies attended an event for Milania that celebrated her song's release, and there were fireworks. Danielle previously told Teresa that Margaret said she was not to trust Teresa or Melissa Gorga. "I never said that," Margaret said. "You did, and we discussed that at my house right before we had the bachelorette party," Danielle replied. Margaret said that Staub said to her, "I don't know who to trust," and that her response was, "Well then don't trust anybody." Margaret eventually walked off because she was tired of the drama. That's when the husbands started arguing. Marty told Joe that Margaret was "jealous" of Danielle and that "Margaret doesn't wanna walk into a room with Danielle because nobody will look at Margaret." Joe did not take that too well, and Joe Gorga stepped in to prevent him from punching Marty. What the hell, right? The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues Wednesdays on Bravo. Teresa Giudice: Filing For Divorce Once Joe Gets Deported?! Tags: The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Reality TV, TV Recaps, Teresa Giudice, Danielle Staub Gia Giudice Engaged? Reality Star Creates, Quashes Rumor The Real Housewives of New Jersey Spoilers: Who the Heck is Traci Johnson?!? The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 12: First, Explosive Look! The Real Housewives of New Jersey Photos The Real Housewives of New Jersey Videos Audriana Giudice: 12-Year-Old Daughter of Teresa is Hawking Dietary Supplements to Tweens Teresa Guidice Interrogated at RHONJ Reunion: Is Luis a Manipulative Horndog? RHONJ Recap: Teresa Giudice Talks About Joe's Deportation!
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When using a remote blobstore, such as AWS, the response is a redirect to the actual location of the bits. If the client is automatically following redirects, then the OAuth token that was used to communicate with Cloud Controller will be replayed on the new redirect request. Some blobstores may reject the request in that case. Clients may need to follow the redirect without including the OAuth token.
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Micro Blend No. 11 was created by Leslie Wolford, Senior Green Coffee Quality Specialist, at the Starbucks headquarters. I heard the story from her in September 2014, when she presented a coffee education seminar at a local Starbucks. She said that a number of Starbucks leadership members had approached her with the idea of creating an exquisite blend, as wonderful as other coffees sold in Reserve Starbucks. She got to blending various coffees and on her 11th iteration, came upon a blend that was quickly loved by the Starbucks leadership. She mentioned that there had been a Micro Blend No. 8 that came in a close second. The next problem became what to do with this new coffee. The Reserve Starbucks locations were intended to highlight single-origin coffees, not blends. And it could be reproduced at the scale of 20,000 stores all that easily. Starbucks begin looking for restaurants that might be interested in offering this coffee in their fine dining establishments. I've never heard a straight answer as to exactly which restaurants offer it, but I've been assured that at least a few do offer this coffee. I have been told several times that you will find this coffee at the Herald Square Starbucks in New York City. Micro Blend No. 11 appears on the scoop bar at the Roastery off and on. I'm told that when a restaurant needs to order more, the Roastery roasts the coffee and a little extra for the scoop bar. In fact I visited the Roastery luckily when it was being roasted. I saw the two bags on the tray awaiting roasting and asked about them. Sure enough, they were the components (Guatemala Antigua and sun-dried Ethiopia) to Micro Blend No. 11! This is still one of my favorite coffees. I hope you get to try it too.
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Home » Commission still undecided over Part B imaging costs Commission still undecided over Part B imaging costs By Mark McCarty Diagnostics & Imaging Week Washington Editor WASHINGTON – Medicare imaging costs have generated a rather large blip on the radar screen of policymakers, and last week's meeting of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) demonstrated once again that little in the way of a consensus is available on how to deal with the issue. On the same day as the meeting, Nov. 6, the Wall Street Journal ran an article on the use of radiology benefits managers by large insurers to constrain the cost escalation in the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized axial tomography (CT) equipment. With even more expensive modalities drawing the attention of hospitals and outpatient clinics, private payers are also bearing down on imaging costs. The WSJ article indicates that private payers have an even more difficult time constraining costs, inasmuch as they "typically pay more than the government" for positron emission tomography (PET) scans. MedPAC staffer Ariel Winter stated in his presentation before the commission that manufacturers have come up with "impressive technological progress in imaging," but reminded the commissioners that "the rapid growth in imaging and geographic variance" has "raised concerns about appropriate use." Winter reminded the panel that charges for imaging services under Medicare Part B consist of a technical component, which is the scan, and the professional component, which is the interpretation of the results. CMS's reimbursement for the technical component involves a calculation that assumes that imaging equipment is generally in use 50% of the time the imaging lab is open, but Winter indicated that a survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC; Chicago) in six markets "found that MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] and CT [computerized axial tomography] machines were used more than 50% of the time" in 2006. Winters said later in the session that these numbers assume that such facilities are open 50 hours a week. Winter's presentation indicated that the NORC survey showed that MRI machines were busy at a median of 100% of the workday and a mean of more than 90%. The same numbers for CT installations were both 73% and 75%. He cautioned the commission that "although the survey results are not nationally representative," the numbers "raise concerns that physicians are underestimating" the rate of usage when reporting to CMS. Winter said that the commission could exercise any one several options in terms of its recommendations to Congress, including requiring that providers "who purchase costly imaging equipment should be expected to use it at nearly full capacity," with 75% as one possible utilization rate. Another possible policy recommendation would be to "discourage low-volume providers from purchasing costly equipment, which may reduce excess capacity," he said. He also noted that a 64-slice scanner is one of several developments that can speed imaging sessions along, and "providers using older machines may also be performing studies in less time," which may skew CMS's numbers on how much revenue a lab can generate. Among the questions the commission has to answer in order to make a recommendation to Congress is whether equipment rates should be based on an efficiency standard. Other questions include whether time estimates for MRI and CT should be updated and whether any other practice expenses should be considered. One commissioner commented that the utilization rate paradigm creates headaches for providers in less-densely-populated areas, but commission member John Bertko of the Rand Corporation (Santa Monica, California), said "it's normal for people in my end of Arizona to drive 70 miles to Wal-Mart and I don't think you need to have an MRI every 20 miles." Countering that view was commissioner George Miller, president/CEO of Community Mercy Health Partners (Springfield, Ohio), who replied, "I would be concerned about the statement that we would discourage low-volume providers from buying expensive imaging equipment." Commission chairman Glenn Hackbarth, an independent consultant, weighed in on the side of caution as well, stating, "you need to think carefully about where you want to make those adjustments" in terms of utilization rates, but he also offered the possibility that adjustments "could be made after a policy is set in place." William Scanlon, another commissioner who works as an independent consultant, pointed out the opposite dilemma in stating, "I've seen places where they run [machines] for two shifts. That's 80 hours a week." Commissioner Ronald Castellanos, MD, of Southwest Florida Urological Associates (Ft. Myers, Florida), said "I think we all want to get payment back close to the cost," but he urged caution about the NORC data. He made note of survey conducted by the American Medical Association (Washington) "involving every specialty in the U.S., and I'd like to get that data" rather than the six-market study by NORC. Castellanos also said his practice operates a single-slice CT machine, "so I think you have to be careful about cost per minute." Commissioners discussed the possibility of bundling imaging services into a larger reimbursement scheme, but the discussion closed with no firm resolutions. Mark McCarty MHRA eyes more patient engagement, streamlined registration of clinical trials
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Broken Arrow students demonstrate against bullying after classmate commits suicide KTUL reports: "I had known him since kindergarten and he was my best friend," said 14-year-old Rory Morrell. She organized a demonstration to raise awareness of bullying after the recent suicide of a classmate. "I know there was people who were harassing [name withheld] and there was a bunch of guys who were telling [name withheld] to kill himself," Rory said. "I couldn't think of any better way to spend my day today than this," said Angela Brewster. For Angela, the demonstration was very personal. Friday marks the one-year anniversary of the death of her 12-year-old daughter Makayla by suicide."For her, it was bullies among her group of friends because she wouldn't send nude photos to a boy," Angela said. Labels: Unsafe Schools
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Anthony De Marco Toronto Criminal Lawyer Local 416-651-2299 | Toll Free 1-888-399-3164 1/2 Hour Free Consultation Criminal Defence Overview Attempted Murder Lawyer In Toronto Mississauga, Brampton and Newmarket Attempted Murder Lawyer What is attempted murder? What is the sentence for attempted murder? Are there mandatory minimum sentences that apply? What aggravating factors affect the sentence? If the sentence is imprisonment for life, what is the parole ineligibility period? What is a firearm? What is a criminal organization? What is the defence for attempted murder? What are my Charter rights? Can the Charter help my defence? Can I get assistance from Legal Aid Ontario for my case? If you are facing a charge of attempted murder, you need the best defence possible. A conviction for attempted murder will be completely life-altering. If you are under investigation for attempted murder, or believe that you may be charged in connection with an attempted murder, you should call my office immediately. I have more than 35 years of experience defending clients in high-stakes attempted murder cases. My approach in these matters is proactive and thorough. I fully investigate the events, with the help of experts in forensics, ballistics and other fields if necessary. My practice is built on defending against serious charges and there are few more serious than attempted murder. I prepare every case as if it is going to trial. I am ready to meet with you and begin building your defence. If your case requires a jury trial, I have the necessary experience, advocacy skill and confidence to convincingly argue your case to the jury. Call Defence Lawyer Anthony De Marco for a Free Consultation Contact my Toronto, Ontario, office today to discuss your attempted murder case. I offer a free 30-minute consultation. For your convenience, I offer reasonable payment plans. I also accept Legal Aid in most cases. You can reach me by phone at our office or toll free at 1-888-399-3164 or by e-mail. The offence of attempted murder is set out in Section 239 of the Criminal Code of Canada which reads as follows: 239 (1) Every person who attempts by any means to commit murder is guilty of an indictable offence and liable (a) if a restricted firearm or prohibited firearm is used in the commission of the offence or if any firearm is used in the commission of the offence and the offence is committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with, a criminal organization, to imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of (i) in the case of a first offence, five years, and (ii) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, seven years; (a.1) in any other case where a firearm is used in the commission of the offence, to imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years; and (b) in any other case, to imprisonment for life. (2) In determining, for the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), whether a convicted person has committed a second or subsequent offence, if the person was earlier convicted of any of the following offences, that offence is to be considered as an earlier offence: (a) an offence under this section; (b) an offence under subsection 85(1) or (2) or section 244 or 244.2; or (c) an offence under section 220, 236, 272 or 273, subsection 279(1) or section 279.1, 344 or 346 if a firearm was used in the commission of the offence. However, an earlier offence shall not be taken into account if 10 years have elapsed between the day on which the person was convicted of the earlier offence and the day on which the person was convicted of the offence for which sentence is being imposed, not taking into account any time in custody. (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the only question to be considered is the sequence of convictions and no consideration shall be given to the sequence of commission of offences or whether any offence occurred before or after any conviction. A conviction for attempted murder carries a maximum possible sentence of imprisonment for life, and, if committed with a restricted or prohibited firearm in connection with organized crime, a minimum mandatory sentence of 5 years in prison, or, if committed with any type of firearm, a minimum sentence of 4 years in prison. If the sentence is imprisonment for life, the accused will be eligible to apply for parole after 7 years imprisonment. What aggravating factors will affect the sentence? The use of a firearm will result in a mandatory minimum sentence of 4 years in prison. If the firearm is a prohibited or restricted firearm and if the offence is committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with, a criminal organization, the mandatory minimum sentence will be 5 years in prison. If an accused is convicted of attempted murder and has a prior conviction for any of the offences listed in subsection 239(2), the accused will be subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 7 years provided that 10 years have not elapsed between the day on which the accused was convicted of the earlier offence and the day on which the accused is convicted of the subsequent offence. The offence of attempted murder requires the prosecution to prove that the accused had the specific intent to kill. Unlike the offence of murder, the intent to cause another person bodily harm that the accused knows is likely to cause that other person's death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not, will not be sufficient to sustain a conviction for attempted murder. This principle was established by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Ancio, [1984] S.C.J. No. 12 (S.C.C.). Also, what is known as the doctrine of transferred intent, which is set out in subsection 229(b) with respect to murder, does not apply to attempted murder. Accordingly, if an accused intended to kill a certain person and, by accident or mistake, injured but did not kill a by-stander, the accused will not be guilty of attempted murder although it would have been murder under subsection 229(b) if the by-stander had died. Although provocation is not a defence to attempted murder, since the defence of provocation only applies to the offence of murder, provocation may result in the accused having a mental state not sufficient to constitute the specific intent to kill which is required for attempted murder. Self-defence may be a defence to attempted murder. Section 34 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides as follows: 34 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if (a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person; (b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and (c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances. (2) In determining whether the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances, the court shall consider the relevant circumstances of the person, the other parties and the act, including, but not limited to, the following factors: (a) the nature of the force or threat; (b) the extent to which the use of force was imminent and whether there were other means available to respond to the potential use of force; (c) the person's role in the incident; (d) whether any party to the incident used or threatened to use a weapon; (e) the size, age, gender and physical capabilities of the parties to the incident; (f) the nature, duration and history of any relationship between the parties to the incident, including any prior use or threat of force and the nature of that force or threat; (f.1) any history of interaction or communication between the parties to the incident; (g) the nature and proportionality of the person's response to the use or threat of force; and (h) whether the act committed was in response to a use or threat of force that the person knew was lawful. (3) Subsection (1) does not apply if the force is used or threatened by another person for the purpose of doing something that they are required or authorized by law to do in the administration or enforcement of the law, unless the person who commits the act that constitutes the offence believes on reasonable grounds that the other person is acting unlawfully. A firearm is defined as follows in Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada: Firearm means A barrelled weapon from which any shot, bullet or other projectile can be discharged and that is capable of causing serious bodily injury or death to a person, and includes any frame or receiver of such a barrelled weapon and anything that can be adapted for use as a firearm. An air pistol may be found to be a firearm if the air pistol is able to fire a projectile at a high feet per second velocity, provided that the projectile is capable of causing serious bodily injury to or death of a person. What is a prohibited firearm? A prohibited firearm is defined as follows in Section 84(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada: Prohibited Firearm means (a) a handgun that (i) has a barrel equal to or less than 105 mm in length, or (ii) is designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 calibre cartridge,but does not include any such handgun that is prescribed, where the handgun is for use in international sporting competitions governed by the rules of the International Shooting Union, (b) a firearm that is adapted from a rifle or shotgun, whether by sawing, cutting or any other alteration, and that, as so adapted, (i) is less than 660 mm in length, or (ii) is 660 mm or greater in length and has a barrel less than 457 mm in length, (c) an automatic firearm, whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger, or (d) any firearm that is prescribed to be a prohibited firearm. What is a restricted firearm? A restricted firearm is defined as follows in Section 84(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada: Restricted Firearm means (a) a handgun that is not a prohibited firearm, (b) a firearm that (i) is not a prohibited firearm, (ii) has a barrel less than 470 mm in length, and (iii) is capable of discharging centre-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner, (c) a firearm that is designed or adapted to be fired when reduced to a length of less than 660 mm by folding, telescoping or otherwise, or (d) a firearm of any other kind that is prescribed to be a restricted firearm. Section 467.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides as follows: 467.1 (1) The following definitions apply in this Act. Criminal organization means a group, however organized, that (a) is composed of three or more persons in or outside Canada; and (b) has as one of its main purposes or main activities the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offences that, if committed, would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit, by the group or by any of the persons who constitute the group. It does not include a group of persons that forms randomly for the immediate commission of a single offence. Serious offence means an indictable offence under this or any other Act of Parliament for which the maximum punishment is imprisonment for five years or more, or another offence that is prescribed by regulation. (2) For the purposes of this section, section 467.11 and 467.111, facilitation of an offence does not require knowledge of a particular offence the commission of which is facilitated, or that an offence actually be committed. (3) In this section and in sections 467.11 to 467.13, committing an offence means being a party to it or counselling any person to be a party to it. (4) The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing offences that are included in the definition serious offence in subsection (1). DNA and Other Forensic Evidence Forensic evidence, such as DNA evidence, is just one type of evidence that the Crown can try to introduce against a person accused of a crime. The defence can challenge the admissibility of forensic evidence on the basis of relevance, prejudice or that there is a lack of a sufficient scientific foundation to make the evidence reliable and worthy of being admitted, in other words, the forensic evidence is inadmissible because it is based on "junk science". Over the years, there have been several types of forensic evidence that have been rejected by the courts in the United States and, to a lesser extent, Canada, including voice print identification, comparative bullet lead analysis and several indicators of arson dependent on visual cues. Likewise, there are various other types of forensic evidence which are possibly unreliable, such as microscopic hair comparison, and "pattern comparison" evidence such as bite marks, tire marks and handwriting. Even in cases where the forensic evidence is ruled admissible, the defence can still try to weaken the impact of the evidence by arguing, for example, that the results of the forensic testing were the subject of "motivated perception". In other words, the scientist who did the testing interpreted the results so as to support his or her expectations or the expectations of the police or Crown prosecutors. The defence can argue, or call evidence to show, that the forensic examiner should have first tested the evidence blindly without knowing anything about the case in order to avoid a subconscious bias. Studies have shown that even the opinion of fingerprint analysts can be affected by the analysts' preconceived notions about the case. Also, there is always a risk of a false positive. Moreover, if the laboratory that completed the testing, such as the Centre of Forensic Sciences, is known to have made errors on occasion in the past, the defence can argue that the error rates should also be entered in evidence. In appropriate cases, and where funds permit, the evidence can be re-tested by an independent laboratory for verification. A good defence lawyer should know the weaknesses of specific scientific techniques or seek out an appropriate defence consulting expert to learn about and present evidence regarding those weaknesses. Pre-Trial Charter Applications Often, the best defence to a criminal charge involves a challenge to the investigation that resulted in the arrest of the accused or the collection of evidence against the accused. The police are not allowed to breach the rights that are guaranteed to the accused by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I will investigate any possible Charter breaches by carefully reviewing the Crown disclosure documents, including the documents used by the police to obtain search warrants for the home, car or other property of the accused, and the documents used by the police to obtain production orders, such as for cell phone records and wiretap authorizations. If I detect any violation of the Charter rights of the accused or violation of acceptable investigative procedures established by the courts, I will proceed with an application asking for the exclusion of evidence from the trial of the accused obtained illegally by the police, including the statements of the accused and other evidence seized during the investigation. I have an established reputation for success in pre-trial applications. Winning a Charter application will result in the exclusion of evidence if the court determines that not excluding the evidence will bring the administration of justice into disrepute. The exclusion of evidence often results in a finding of not guilty if the Crown's remaining evidence is insufficient to prove that the accused committed the offence beyond a reasonable doubt. I have the necessary experience, research skills, writing skills, and advocacy skills to prepare and effectively argue pre-trial Charter applications. The value of legal writing skills cannot be overstated since proceeding with pre-trial Charter applications will require the preparation of several documents including a Notice of Application, an Affidavit, and a Factum setting out the relevant facts and summarizing the relevant case law. Proceeding with a Preliminary Inquiry In cases in which a Defendant is exposed to a possible period of 14 years or more in jail, the Defendant will have the right to proceed with a preliminary inquiry in the Ontario Court of Justice and then a trial in the Superior Court of Justice before a court composed of a Judge sitting with a jury or without a jury. In the past, this level of court was referred to as "High Court". At a preliminary inquiry, the Crown is required to call some evidence upon which a properly instructed jury, acting reasonably, may return a verdict of guilt. This is an easy test for the Crown to meet in the vast majority of cases. Accordingly, it is relatively rare for someone who proceeds with a preliminary inquiry to be discharged with respect to all of the charges which he or she is facing. The real value in having a preliminary inquiry is not in the hope of being entirely discharged, thereby bringing the entire criminal proceedings to an end, but in being able to better prepare the case for trial. The defence lawyer will have an opportunity to cross-examine and test the evidence of the primary Crown witnesses. An experienced and skilled defence lawyer can discover the strengths and weaknesses of the Crown witnesses and commence building an effective defence strategy. A preliminary inquiry is especially valuable for the defence in cases involving young, infirm, unreliable or unsavory Crown witnesses. Representing Clients Through Legal Aid Legal Aid Ontario maintains an Extremely Serious Criminal Matters (ESCM) panel to which I have been admitted. ESCM lawyers must meet strict and demanding experience requirements before they are admitted to the panel. If you or a friend or family member is charged with murder, manslaughter or attempted murder, the case will most likely qualify for Big Case Management, which means that I can negotiate with Legal Aid for a budget that will ensure an effective defence. More information on representing clients through Legal Aid is available here. Aggravated Sexual Assault Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Forcible Confinement Sexual Interference, Invitation to Sexual Touching, Sexual Exploitation Child Pornography, Internet Child Luring Criminal Negligence Causing Death or Bodily Harm Aggravated Assault and Other Assault Offences Domestic Assault, Threatening, Criminal Harassment Violent Offences Armed Robbery, Robbery with a Firearm, Extortion Firearm, Gun and Weapons Offences Murder, Manslaughter, Homicide Identity Fraud, Identity Theft Forgery, False Pretences Obstruction Of Justice, Perjury Mischief, Property Offences, Arson Break and Enter, Home Invasion Offences Dangerous Driving, Criminal Negligence, Impaired Driving, Driving While Over 80 mgs. Drug Importing Representing Clients Through Legal Aid Ontario (LAO), Rowbotham Orders and Pro Bono Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) Applications "experience is your best defence" Local 416-651-2299 | 103-1205 St. Clair Ave. W. (at Dufferin) Toronto, ON M6E 1B5 Phone Number: 416-651-2299 | Toll Free: 1-888-399-3164 | Fax Number: 416-651-1954 Ontario criminal defence lawyer, Anthony De Marco, represents clients throughout the greater Toronto area, including York Region, Halton Region, Peel Region and Durham Region and regularly attends in the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto, Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough, Mississauga/Brampton and Newmarket. © 2020 Anthony De Marco. All Rights Reserved.
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"...to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived, this is to have succeeded." Many of us have fond memories of classmates no longer with us, so feel free to add yours for whom you knew and loved. We would all enjoy reading about your personal memories of them ... amusing high jinks, the laughter, their accomplishments, and any fun anecdotes you wish to share. If you have a special photo, you can add that too.
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Chocolate chip cookies, a completely normal topic of conversation for me and my friends. Out of curiosity, I asked several of my friends, family and colleagues what kind of chocolate chip cookies they preferred and the results were very contrasting. One camp stood firm for their love of thick and tender cookies while the other held their ground for a cookie that should be buttery and crisp to withstand a liberal milk-dunking. As for me? I almost want to insist on a name that can differentiate both cookies, aside from just "chocolate chip cookie." I find merit in both but find that each type of cookie has its own qualities to enjoy. There's a time and place for my soft and chewy cookies but there are also cravings to be met with these crispy cookies that just melt in your mouth. These cookies have a light and crisp buttery crumb with an oh-so-satisfying crunch when you bite into them. Granulated sugar and egg white help with that. Aside from those two, there are only 5 more ingredients remaining to be whipped up into a creamy batter that you smear into thin disks. These bake evenly and allow a flat platform to be dotted with chocolate. As they bake, the edges go golden brown and after they've been pulled out of the heat, they cool into light, almost ethereal biscuits. Like I said, they're gratifying in their own manner. Since I get asked so often, I demonstrated again how you can work with recipes like this one without any fancy equipment. I used 2 bowls and a spatula. Two things to keep in mind are to properly cream the butter and sugar, meaning that the sugar granules get suspended in the fat by being mashed together until it results in a fluffy, pale yellow mass which you then beat the egg white into. There should be no globs of egg streaking the yellow. Second is to keep a light hand while mixing in the dry ingredients. Only mix to combine, no more. By avoiding over developing the gluten strands of the flour, you prevent a dense end product and create a delightfully light and crisp one instead. In the first bowl, sift together the flour and salt. Set aside. In the second bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in the egg white and vanilla. Sprinkle the first bowl of dry ingredients in batches to the second, wet ingredients bowl. Mix until just combined. Scoop out tablespoon portions of the dough onto parchment or a silicone mat. Spread each one out into a flat, even disk. Dot the tops of each cookie with several chocolate chips.
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Thus they were rare and apparently much sought after expensive collectors items. And now here they are for free. This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged beatles, beatles christmas records, christmas, merry christmas, music, video on December 24, 2015 by mattkprovideo.
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Bible > Commentaries > John 19:8 ◄ John 19:8 ► When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; Jump to: Alford • Barnes • Bengel • Benson • BI • Calvin • Cambridge • Chrysostom • Clarke • Darby • Ellicott • Expositor's • Exp Dct • Exp Grk • Gaebelein • GSB • Gill • Gray • Haydock • Hastings • Homiletics • ICC • JFB • Kelly • KJT • Lange • MacLaren • MHC • MHCW • Meyer • Parker • PNT • Poole • Pulpit • Sermon • SCO • Teed • TTB • VWS • WES • TSK (8) When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid.—That is, as the verses which follow show, he was the more afraid because of his wonder who Jesus really was. He must have heard of some of the current impressions as to His life and words; he had himself heard Him claim a kingdom which is not of this world; his wife's dream (Matthew 27:19) had furnished an evil omen which the superstition of the most educated classes of the Roman empire would interpret as a message from the gods; and now the Jews speak of Him as one who claimed to be the Son of God. (Comp. Notes on the words of the Roman centurion in Matthew 27:54.) John 19:8-12. When Pilate heard that saying, he was the more afraid — He before feared to shed innocent blood, and now he became more afraid than ever to take his life; suspecting, probably, that the account which he heard of him might be true, and that he might be a divine person. For doubtless he had heard of some of the many miracles which Jesus had performed, and now, it seems, began to think that perhaps what had been currently reported was true, and that he really had performed the wonderful works ascribed to him. For it is very well known, that the religion which the governor professed directed him to acknowledge the existence of demi-gods and heroes, or men descended from the gods. Nay, the heathen believed that their gods themselves sometimes appeared on earth, in the form of men, Acts 14:11-12. Pilate, therefore, went again into the judgment-hall — Being resolved to act cautiously; and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou? — That is, From whom art thou descended? or what is this divine original which thou art charged with claiming? But Jesus — Knowing that his innocence was already apparent, even to the conviction of Pilate's conscience; gave him no answer — To that question. Indeed, Pilate's ordering, or allowing such cruelties to be inflicted on a person he knew to be innocent, rendered him unworthy of an answer. Then saith Pilate — Marvelling at his silence, and being displeased with it; Speakest thou not unto me? — Dost thou make me no reply, and not so much as speak to me in such a circumstance as this, in which thy life is so evidently concerned? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee — To adjudge thee to that terrible death; and have power to release thee — If I please, notwithstanding all the clamourous demands of thine enemies? Jesus answered — With great calmness and mildness; Thou couldest have no power at all against me — For I have done nothing to expose myself to the power of any magistrate; except it were given thee — In an extraordinary way; from above — From the God of heaven, whose providence I acknowledge in all these events. Some have thought that the word ανωθεν, from above, refers to the situation of the temple, which stood much higher than the pretorium: and that it is as if Jesus had said, I know that whatever thou dost against me, is only in consequence of the sentence passed in yonder court held above, so that their guilt is greater than thine. But though this would very well account for the connection of the latter part of this verse, "I cannot think," says Dr. Doddridge, "it altogether just; for had Providence permitted Pilate to seize Christ as one dangerous to Cesar's dignity, he would have had as much power of putting him to death as he now had. It is therefore much more reasonable to suppose it refers to the permission of God's providence." Therefore he that delivered me unto thee — Namely, the Jewish high-priest, with his council, having far greater opportunities of being acquainted with God and his law than thou hast, and knowing, also, that I have done nothing amiss; hath the greater sin — Is more blameable than thou art. And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him — That is, he was still further satisfied of the injustice of the prosecution, and of the innocence of Jesus, so that he endeavoured even more than before to have him released. For the reader will observe, that this was not the first attempt of Pilate to release Jesus. This evangelist himself tells us, (John 18:39,) that he had once before offered to release him. And the answer of the priests on this occasion corresponds thereto. They cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Cesar's friend — That is, thou art not faithful to the emperor; by which they insinuated that they would accuse him to his master, if he did not do his duty. This argument was weighty, and shook Pilate's resolution to the foundation. He was frightened at the very thought of being accused to Tiberius, who in matters of government, as Tacitus and Suetonius testify, was apt to suspect the worst, and always punished the least crimes relative thereto with death. Whosoever maketh himself a king — Or rather, maketh, or calleth himself king, speaketh against Cesar. So Dr. Campbell reads the clause, observing, "the sentence is true, when βασιλεα [the word here used] is rendered king, but not when rendered a king. Judea, at that time, together with Syria, to which it was annexed, made a province of the empire. Nothing is more certain than that whoever in Judea called himself king, in the sense wherein the word was commonly understood, opposed Cesar. But it did not therefore hold, that whosoever called himself a king, opposed Cesar. For if the kingdom to which he laid claim was without the bounds of the Roman empire, the title in nowise interfered with the rights of the emperor." 19:1-18 Little did Pilate think with what holy regard these sufferings of Christ would, in after-ages, be thought upon and spoken of by the best and greatest of men. Our Lord Jesus came forth, willing to be exposed to their scorn. It is good for every one with faith, to behold Christ Jesus in his sufferings. Behold him, and love him; be still looking unto Jesus. Did their hatred sharpen their endeavours against him? and shall not our love for him quicken our endeavours for him and his kingdom? Pilate seems to have thought that Jesus might be some person above the common order. Even natural conscience makes men afraid of being found fighting against God. As our Lord suffered for the sins both of Jews and Gentiles, it was a special part of the counsel of Divine Wisdom, that the Jews should first purpose his death, and the Gentiles carry that purpose into effect. Had not Christ been thus rejected of men, we had been for ever rejected of God. Now was the Son of man delivered into the hands of wicked and unreasonable men. He was led forth for us, that we might escape. He was nailed to the cross, as a Sacrifice bound to the altar. The Scripture was fulfilled; he did not die at the altar among the sacrifices, but among criminals sacrificed to public justice. And now let us pause, and with faith look upon Jesus. Was ever sorrow like unto his sorrow? See him bleeding, see him dying, see him and love him! love him, and live to him! When Pilate therefore heard that saying - That they had accused him of blasphemy. As this was not the charge on which they had arraigned him before his bar, he had not before heard it, and it now convinced him more of their malignity and wickedness. He was the more afraid - What was the ground of his fear is not declared by the evangelist. It was probably, however, the alarm of his conscience, and the fear of vengeance if he suffered such an act of injustice to be done as to put an innocent man to death. He was convinced of his innocence. He saw more and more clearly the design of the Jews; and it is not improbable that a pagan, who believed that the gods often manifested themselves to people, dreaded their vengeance if he suffered one who claimed to be divine, and who might be, to be put to death. It is clear that Pilate was convinced that Jesus was innocent; and in this state of agitation between the convictions of his own conscience, and the clamors of the Jews, and the fear of vengeance, and the certainty that he would do wrong if he gave him up, he was thrown into this state of alarm, and resolved again to question Jesus, that he might obtain satisfaction on the subjects that agitated his mind. 8-11. When Pilate … heard this saying, he was the more afraid—the name "Son of God," the lofty sense evidently attached to it by His Jewish accusers, the dialogue he had already held with Him, and the dream of his wife (Mt 27:19), all working together in the breast of the wretched man. It should seem that the Romans permitted judgments to the Jews according to their own laws, which the Roman governor was to see executed; or else, seeing the rabble in such a heat and disorder, he feared some breaking out. When Pilate therefore heard that saying,.... That Jesus had asserted himself to be the Son of God, and that the Jews had a law to put such a person to death that was guilty of such blasphemy: he was the more afraid; he was afraid to put him to death, or to consent to it before; partly on account of his wife's message to him, and partly upon a conviction of the innocence of Christ, in his own conscience: and now he was more afraid, since here was a charge brought against him he did not well understand the meaning of; and a law of theirs pretended to be violated hereby, which should he pay no regard to, might occasion a tumult, since they were already become very clamorous and noisy; and he might be the more uneasy, test the thing they charged him with asserting, should be really fact; that he was one of the gods come down in the likeness of man; or that he was some demi-god at least, or so nearly related to deity, that it might be dangerous for him to have anything to do with him this way: and in this suspicion he might be strengthened, partly from the writings of the Heathens, which speak of such sort of beings; and partly from the miracles he might have heard were performed by Jesus; and also by calling to mind what he had lately said to him, that his kingdom was not of this world, and that he was come into it to bear witness to the truth. {3} When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid; (3) Pilate's conscience fights for Christ, but it immediately yields, because it is not upheld with the singular power of God. 8. that saying] Better, this word (logos), the charge of blasphemy. he was the more afraid] The message from his wife and the awe which Christ's presence was probably inspiring had already in some degree affected him. This mysterious claim still further excites his fears. Was it the offspring of a divinity that he had so infamously handled? Comp. Matthew 27:54. 8–11. Inside the Praetorium; Christ's origin is asked and not told; the origin of authority is told unasked. Bengel's Gnomen John 19:8. Μᾶλλον, the more, rather) He did not assent to the Jews as to putting Jesus to death, but rather feared lest he should sin against the Son of God. Verses 8-11. - (f) [Within the Praetorium.] The fear of Pilate, and the apportionment of the measures of guilt by the majestic Sufferer. Verse 8. - When therefore Pilate heard this word he was more afraid, implying that John had seen all along that some element of "fear" had moved Pilate, and that now it was augmented. Superstition goes hand in hand with skepticism. Instead of this being (as Keim says) contrary to psychologic laws, the history of skepticism is constantly presenting the same features (cf. Herod Antipas the Sadducee, who would dogmatically have repudiated the idea of resurrection, crying out concerning Jesus, "It is John the Baptist, whom I beheaded: he is risen from the dead," etc.). We need not suppose that Pilate was suddenly affected by the truth of Jewish monotheism; but he may readily have believed that the wondrous Being before him was enshrouded in a mystery of supernatural portent and pretension that he could not fathom, and before which he trembled. The idea of Divine energy enshrined in and wielded by human beings was not altogether foreign to heathen thought - and one centurion, at least, who was probably present on this very occasion, exclaimed that Jesus was a Son of God (Matthew 27:54). Vincent's Word Studies The more afraid "These words of the Jews produced an effect on Pilate for which they were not prepared. The saying gives strength to a dreadful presentiment which was gradually forming within him. All that he had heard related of the miracles of Jesus, the mysterious character of His person, of His words and of His conduct, the strange message which he had just received from his wife - all is suddenly explained by the term "Son of God." Was this extraordinary man truly a divine being who had appeared on the earth? The truth naturally presents itself to his mind in the form of pagan superstitions and mythological legends" (Godet). John 19:8 Interlinear John 19:8 Parallel Texts John 19:8 NIV John 19:8 NLT John 19:8 ESV John 19:8 NASB John 19:8 KJV John 19:8 Bible Apps John 19:8 Parallel John 19:8 Biblia Paralela John 19:8 Chinese Bible John 19:8 French Bible John 19:8 German Bible
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Capo by The Sea Accepting New Clients: Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Residential Detox Trauma Treatment Home Detox Couples Treatment Pet Friendly Options Executive Track Executive Detox Executive Residential Executive Golf Track Addiction Treatment for Physicians Addiction, Substance Abuse, Treatment Doctors Are Not Exempt From Substance Use Disorders. Learn About Treatment Options For Doctors and Nurses. Data on Substance Problems Among Doctors and Nurses Reasons Why Doctors Misuse Substances How Doctor Burnout Can Fuel an SUD Warning Signs a Doctor or Nurse May Have an SUD Treatment for Physicians Capo by the Sea Addiction Treatment for Medical Professionals Becoming a doctor is a career choice that comes with a lot of stress. Working as a doctor means long hours and intense demands on your life. The job also provides easy access to drugs. For some doctors the pressure of the job, and the use of meds to help smooth out the stress of the day, can lead to a substance use disorder (SUD). Doctors are not immune to using drugs or alcohol to help reduce stress. In fact, a report in USA Today states that more than 100,000 doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have an SUD. This is a somewhat scary statistic, as we place so much trust in our doctors and nurses. We might even put our very lives in their hands. To know that our doctor could be an addict is an upsetting thought. But medical providers are human, and, just like us, have limits to the amount of stress they can handle. As with any career, learning how to manage stress and pressure is key to doctors being able to avoid substances. New coping skills can help them do just that. Healthcare workers struggle with substance abuse at about the same rate as the public. When it comes to opioids, though, doctors have a much higher rate of substance misuse. A study compiled by Lisa Merlo, Ph.D. shows that out of 55 doctors in the study who had an SUD, 60% had misused prescription meds. Nurses also have high rates of substance abuse. According to an article from the Journal of Clinical Nursing, up to 20% of all nurses struggle with an SUD. The rates are higher among nurses in certain specialties, such as oncology, E.R., and mental health. Doctors and nurses may divert a controlled substance, like opioids, sedatives, or stimulants, for their own private use. In fact, one reason doctors have high rates of opioid abuse is because they have easy access to these drugs. As well, about 87% of doctors engage in self-prescribing. This is when a doctor will prescribe meds for themselves. Many doctors admit that their prescribing privileges led to the SUD. Some of the reasons a doctor might self-prescribe include: Stress. A substance is used to ease work and life stressors. Pain. Doctors are just like many others who rely on pain meds after surgery or an injury. They, too, can also fall victim to the addictive properties of the drugs. Mental health issues. Doctors who struggle with anxiety and depression are more prone to self-medicating with drugs. Lack of sleep, fatigue, and being exposed to death and suffering can all lead to the need to divert meds. After all, doctors are not immune to mental distress or trauma. Since Covid-19 struck the world we have become all too aware of the immense pressure our healthcare workers are under. While all levels of healthcare professionals have felt the effects of the pandemic, doctors and nurses bear the heaviest burden. And among these, E.R. doctors have the highest stress levels of all. It comes as no shock to learn that many E.R. Doctors and nurses manage their job stress with meds. Burnout leads to long, stressful days along with the mental health effects from dealing with so many sick people. Some data suggests that medical workers are more prone to using a substance to self-medicate than many other professional fields. Not only do they need to manage stress, but may also look for a way to handle the emotional toll. Doctors may be high functioning addicts. This allows them to still provide healthcare services without it being known to others that they have a substance problem. In time, though, the symptoms will become evident. Some of the signs that a healthcare professional has an SUD might include: Excess absences from work. Taking long breaks during a shift. Show up to work on days off. Forgets deadlines or appointments. Insists on administering injected drugs to patients. Patient and staff complaints about behaviors. Poor record keeping. Drug shortages. Worsening writing and charting skills. Lack of impulse control. Spending much time around the drug supply. Decline in hygiene. Trouble with memory, mental confusion. Hand tremors. Excessive sweating. Healthcare workers that have acquired an SUD must, for the sake of their career, their health, and their patients, seek treatment. There are treatment programs that adhere closely to privacy laws and will ensure complete confidentiality. A rehab program will provide these services: Medical detox. Detox is the first step in recovery. This is the process during which the substance vacates the body. Trained detox experts provide treatments to reduce the pain of withdrawal symptoms. One on one therapy sessions. During therapy sessions the doctor will learn how their thought patterns have led to drug abuse and addiction. The therapist guides them to reshape these thought patterns and avoid substance use. Group therapy. Small group sessions promote peer support during the treatment process. Members will discuss their own stories, feelings, and challenges. Family therapy. Family-focused groups provide family members with the tools to improve functioning and to move forward in a positive manner. Classes. Classes are focused on teaching clients about how the substances impact the brain. They will learn helpful recovery skills and create relapse prevention plans. Dual diagnosis. When a co-occurring mental health challenge is present it must also be treated. Both the substance use disorder and the mental health disorder are treated during the rehab program. Holistic. Such methods as yoga, massage, acupuncture, meditation, art therapy, and fitness will add to the treatment results. A doctor has a special obligation to address an SUD and get the treatment needed to be able to safely practice medicine again. When the stresses of a career in healthcare have led to a SUD, Capo by the Sea is here to help. Doctors and nurses are vital to us all. When someone working in the health field succumbs to an SUD it affects so many others. Seek out the very best addiction treatment for physicians available today at Capo by the Sea. Call us at (888) 529-2114. May 19, 2021 /by Capo by The Sea https://capobythesea.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/addiction-treatment-for-physicians-e1621443458237.jpg 367 550 Capo by The Sea https://capobythesea.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/capo_logo_big.png Capo by The Sea2021-05-19 09:59:522021-05-19 09:59:52Addiction Treatment for Physicians Call Our Helpline Today Questions? We'd love to talk! 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In today's day and age it is hard to deny that the internet is starting to make its indent on Television. Predicting the 2012 winner of the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy Award. It's impossible for sports fans to think of the month of March without thinking about one thing — college basketball madness. Of course I'm talking about the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament and the hype that surrounds each game.
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The impact of strong brands on consumers. What studies have been done that demonstrate the effectiveness of these advertisements? An investigation of consumer psychology and perceptions. Online Marketing Dissertation Topics When marketing evolved from traditional to online or digital marketing, it was observed that all the rules that had been intrinsic to traditional marketing had to be bent to accommodate the needs and demands of the new marketing platform. We check if the feared by most students come from the same papers. Are podcast advertisements different than normal advertisements on the radio? Explain what makes us buy this or that thing. How is customer loyalty affected if the customer goes for online shopping rather than visiting the store? Use of Social Media in Advertising Social media is used heavily in the modern Advertising dissertation internet world. How can advertisers use podcasts to spread information about their product? The role of Face book as a marketing tool. How has advertising differed during different time periods? What is impact of language on the identity of a brand? Application of marketing mix in a culturally diverse society. Firstly, it should be manageable, neither too narrow nor too broad; secondly, it must be interesting for you. Which amongst upon confidential essay writing performed authentic perfectly composed and case of the most. Explore why print media advertising campaigns resemble internet advert design — is this to offer an internet-like visual experience? Argument to tell trust and gratitude we for your academic work the best proofs to correct. The necessary truth about commercials. An excellent customer services always meet the expectations of customers. The main purpose of the research is to analyze the impact of electronic marketing on consumer purchase decision. Consumer perceptions in saving money when purchasing products. Are people happier if they see more advertisements each day? Define what goods will always be popular even without promotion. How loyalty schemes help businesses to sell directly to customers? Analysis of sales of customized and personalised products. Children as the Controversial Audience. It is very important to understand the main components of marketing before writing a thesis. The Usefulness of Relationship Marketing: What areas can you assess when writing your advertising dissertation topic? What are some of the emotional effects of advertising? The impact of ethics on the general public with regard to product. Below is a list of topics that you can base your dissertation on under the direct marketing theme. Independent work from the to fulfill a advertising dissertation internet Southerners defended their rights the best proofs to. Difference between online and offline promotions. The role Advertising dissertation internet online marketing in sales.Oct 21, · Dissertation topics help marketing advertising; What is research writing paper happiness example essay about my hero kalam nursing as a profession essay help internet problem essay examples ielts (training research paper hooks) research dissertation topics radiology. Healthy habits essay for class 2 friend essays sample yali, sociology and. Advertising Dissertation Internet. Thereвs barely any time to the topic is. Independent work from the to fulfill a advertising dissertation internet Southerners defended their rights the best proofs to. Which amongst upon confidential essay writing performed authentic perfectly composed and case of the most. Advertising Dissertation Topics One of the nice things about advertising is that it has a wide range of fields that concerns so many people. From marketing to multimedia and audience cognition, advertising has it all covered. THE ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN PROMOTING A PRODUCT Thesis CENTRIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programme in Industrial Management May ABSTRACT Unit finally, computers and the Internet. Advertising is day to day becoming more professionally organized and more quality performed (Presbrey, ). You can track internet advertising better than you can track traditional forms of advertising — because of the sophisticated software which allows you to record and analyze visitor patterns such as whether their visit is a first time.1 Effectiveness of Internet Advertising That internet advertising is effective.5/5(2). of the Internet as a new advertising medium and the existence of many unseen factors that can affect the agency-client relationship has now culminated in the detailed body of knowledge that follows in this thesis.
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The holidays are a crazy time for retailers, but if you run a B2B company, chances are business falls off during the December holidays. Many of your clients have tapped out their budgets for the year and may be closing for a week—or even two—at year's end. And that can mean a somewhat slow start to January. In December, consumers are having all manner of holiday specials repeatedly shoved in their faces and the last thing they are thinking about is answering a sales call. They're in holiday mode and putting off thinking about purchases, new budgets, capital expenditures, software upgrades and the like until the new year. Slow periods are the perfect time to do some continuing education, learn a new skill or finally figure out that new accounting software. You'll find a variety of online offerings at Lynda.com, everything from courses on web development and design to managerial economics and customer service quality standards. There are also a wide array of sales training and leadership training courses online, like CustomerCentricSelling, AchieveGlobal, MindTools, TEDTalks, GrowthHacker.TV and those from the American Management Association. You can also begin working your way through all the business books and industry articles you've been wanting to read, and to look ahead to next year to see if there are any industry events or workshops you will want to attend in 2017. Spruce up your marketing materials. The adult attention span is short, and getting shorter—it's down to a little more than 8 seconds now, and that doesn't give you much time to catch a busy manager's attention. Use the downtime this month to reassess your sales and marketing collateral and identify what needs to be updated, corrected or just revamped. Make it stand out with elements like good storytelling, compelling visuals and straightforward, uncomplicated information. This way, when you reconnect with leads after the holidays, you have everything you need at hand–fully updated and ready to go. Don't forget to review your sales presentations, proposals and quotes. Here we are, at the end of another year. How has your business changed? Does your website reflect what it is today—not what it was when you first started (or first built the website)? If not, add some fresh content, update your "about the company" page, your "media" page, staff page, add FAQs that may now be needed, new photos, update the blog, and make sure all the pages load and links work. Clean up your social media. For most of the year you may feel a bit overwhelmed by the need to post frequently on social media. Now is a good time to prune your presence if you're stretched thin and not making much of an impact. Pick one, maybe two, channels to focus on–those that reach your target customer, develop your brand and ultimately drive potential clients to your website. If your average customer, for instance, is not on Instagram, you don't need to be there either. Using social media strategically is not about racking up followers; it's about meeting your potential customers where they are and driving them to your website. Aim for quality in posting, not quantity. No one wants to think about paying taxes next year, but it's far better for your sanity to start prepping things during the holiday downtime. In January, when things begin to pick up and are soon full-steam, you'll wish you had a slow week to organize your paperwork. Now is the time to gather and organize expense receipts, mileage logs, payroll information and other tax-related paperwork so that when it's time to meet with your accountant, you aren't scrambling last-minute to pull it all together. Additionally, this downtime might be a good chance for you to look into tools like Expensify, Quickbooks, Freshbooks and Harvest to get organized and make sure your books are on the right track for 2017. In the same way you set personal goals for yourself during time off over the holidays, you can—and should– set professional goals. Take time first to reflect on 2016. Review sales, marketing and profit strategies and assess what worked and what didn't, and ways you could improve things. Then create goals around that, which can include sales, contacts, number of presentations the business makes, new skills you personally want to learn, books you want to read, papers or articles you want to write. Especially for a small business, it's possible to thank each and every customer in a personalized way, maybe sending a small gift or a handwritten note. It keeps you top-of-mind as the year comes to a close and may even result in an end-of year sale. And finally, thank your employees, suppliers and your personal support network of friends and family. Thanking clients is something most business owners remember to do, but it's also important to thank those who have worked hard for you and supported you during the year. They are the true heart of your business. You've Invested in Marketing Automation, But Can Your Small Business Stay Authentic?
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If you love your waterways, want to learn more about them and help make them better, we can help! Thames21 offers a range of FREE training sessions to anyone who is keen to get involved with activities in and around their local waterways. Check out these opportunities. Imagine leading your own group of volunteers in a cleanup event to improve your stretch of river, canal or pond… You can! Our 2-day 'LEADING A WATERWAY CLEANUP' course will help you develop the skills and confidence you need to plan and lead your own cleanup events. When you complete the course, you can become one of our many certified trainees who receive support from Thames21 and lead events all across London. The Thames River Watch project aims to provide crucial information on the health of the tidal Thames by enabling citizens to undertake monitoring and data collection – from Teddington lock right out to Sheppey Island in Kent and Southend-on-Sea in Essex. We are looking for individual volunteers as well as people from community groups, schools and riverside businesses along the tidal Thames to join our citizen science volunteer team. As a Thames River Watch volunteer you will spend just a couple of hours each month to help us build a better picture of the health of the tidal Thames. Interested in joining our team of citizen science volunteers? The first step is to come along to a free training session which will provide you with all the knowledge and tools you need to become a Thames River Watch citizen science volunteer.
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Shutterworks is proud to offer talented camera operators and sound mixers complete with equipment. Since 2005, we have earned an enviable reputation for providing excellent work to national and local clients. We get directly involved in our client's needs and tend to them personally. We handpick our crew and fellow collaborators to insure they share ours values and strict technical qualifications. We relentlessly monitor industry techniques, trends, and utilize the latest technology.You can rest assured that any operator from Shutterworks will be reliable, fun yet professional and technically qualified. Please contact us today and tell us about your needs. To view our demo reel click here. Also check out the Clients page to see all the projects and clients we have worked with.
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Words can never express our gratitude to all who participated in our Share Your Feast Thanksgiving food drive. Your gifts of food, prayer and time made it possible for us to bless 157 Waukee area families. We pray that each box is a blessing to those who receive it.
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package org.apache.cloudstack.acl.dao; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.db.GenericDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.RoleType; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.RoleVO; import java.util.List; public interface RoleDao extends GenericDao<RoleVO, Long> { List<RoleVO> findAllByName(String roleName); Pair<List<RoleVO>, Integer> findAllByName(final String roleName, Long offset, Long limit); List<RoleVO> findAllByRoleType(RoleType type); List<RoleVO> findByName(String roleName); RoleVO findByNameAndType(String roleName, RoleType type); Pair<List<RoleVO>, Integer> findAllByRoleType(RoleType type, Long offset, Long limit); }
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Home / Health / This Is Why GMA's Amy Robach Thought Her Cancer Diagnosis Was "Impossible" Our content is fact checked by our senior editorial staff to reflect accuracy and ensure our readers get sound information and advice to make the smartest, healthiest choices. We adhere to structured guidelines for sourcing information and linking to other resources, including scientific studies and medical journals. If you have any concerns about the accuracy of our content, please reach out to our editors by e-mailing [email protected]. This Is Why GMA's Amy Robach Thought Her Cancer Diagnosis Was "Impossible" Find out how an on-air mammogram led to her shocking diagnosis. By Lauren Gray Bennett Raglin/Getty Images for Breast Cancer Research Foundation Television broadcaster Amy Robach has led a distinguished career in TV journalism, reporting for ABC News, NBC News, and the Saturday edition of NBC's Today. However, when most fans think of Robach, they think of her work on two popular shows in particular: 20/20 and Good Morning America (GMA). Robach joined the GMA team as a correspondent in 2013, and became an anchor the following year. Yet the star's life and career were thrown into uncertainty when, shortly after her initial GMA debut, she was blindsided with a breast cancer diagnosis. Read on for the shocking story of how her cancer was found live on the air, and why she believed her cancer was "nearly impossible" before getting her first mammogram. RELATED: Two-Time Cancer Survivor Kathy Bates Warns Others Never to Do This. A segment on Good Morning America may have saved Amy Robach's life. Gary Gershoff/Getty Images In 2013, GMA producers decided to run a segment on the importance of mammograms during Breast Cancer Awareness month. Because Robach was 40 years old and had never before had a mammogram, they asked her to consider receiving the screening on the show in hopes of encouraging other women to do the same. At first, Robach was reluctant to undergo the screening so publicly. "I did not want to initially go and have this test because I didn't want people talking about my breasts," she explained in a 2021 interview for GMA. However, after talking it over with her co-star and breast cancer survivor Robin Roberts, she decided that if the segment saved even one life, any awkwardness would be worthwhile. She agreed to the show and received her mammogram in early October, camera crew in tow. Shockingly, the test revealed a mass in her right breast and a stage 2 cancer diagnosis. "I was asked to get a follow-up mammogram, [and told] that they saw something that was probably nothing. I dragged my feet," she said. "A few weeks later, October 30th, I went in for my follow-up and five hours later I had a breast cancer diagnosis, and I couldn't have been more shocked," the 20/20 host added. The following month, doctors found a second tumor in her left breast and determined that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. RELATED: Al Roker Is Warning Everyone to Do This After His Cancer Diagnosis. She felt her cancer was "nearly impossible" because of her age and lack of family history. Raymond Hall/GC Images via Getty Images Robach admits that she fretted about the show before taping—but never about the possibility of actually having cancer. "I was nervous about how it was going to look having a live camera right there on me as I was getting a mammogram," she told Coping with Cancer magazine in 2015. "But more than that, I was worried about whether it would be effective. I didn't want it to be a distraction to what we were trying to do, which was [to] encourage women to get mammograms and to show that it isn't that painful or scary."ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb "I honestly thought it was nearly impossible for me to have breast cancer given my age and my lack of family history," Robach said. "Even when I got the call from the mammogram technician saying, Hey, we see something a little suspicious; you should have a follow-up mammogram, alarm bells didn't go off," she added. She turned to her colleague, Robin Roberts, for support after her diagnosis. Noam Galai/WireImage via Getty Images Robach's diagnosis hit her like a ton of bricks. "I had a visceral, guttural reaction," she told Coping. "To say I was sobbing is an understatement. There was nothing anyone could have told me that would have been more shocking than that. I didn't know how to react. My entire world collapsed, and I was there alone. It was absolutely the worst day of my life." Though she leaned on family for support, she says Roberts played a special role in her diagnosis and treatment, having gone through cancer treatment herself. "It's remarkable when you're going through cancer even though you know millions of people are going through it at the same time—have been through it—and yet you feel so alone," she shared with GMA. "And so, if you can find one person who's been down that path, who can help guide you, who you can look to and say, 'I can get there, I can be there.' For me, that was Robin Roberts who was sitting right next to me, and she was a beacon of light for me to see what I could hope for—what could be me one day. That I could be on the other side of this." RELATED: For more health content sent directly to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Robach is now using her story to help others—and herself. Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images Having gotten her initial mammogram on the air, Robach says she knew immediately that she would share her cancer diagnosis with GMA's audience. "I felt a deep responsibility to share my news because I knew that when women who had watched me go into that mammogram heard I had breast cancer, they would stop making excuses, pick up the phone, and call their doctor to schedule their appointment. I knew for a fact that women's lives would be saved," she told GMA. In retrospect, she now realizes that opening up about her breast cancer also helped her through the eight "grueling" rounds of chemotherapy she underwent, motivating her to push through her darkest moments. "Sharing my journey helped me get through those horrible months of treatment," the TV star says. "I felt the collective love and support of all the other women out there who were struggling with the same thing I was. I felt like I had a whole new set of friends and sisters. And it had a huge impact on my recovery," she told Coping. Robach now believes that being open with others can help anyone dealing with cancer, even absent a countrywide fanbase. "I would just encourage everyone to tell your story because it does save lives, it does impact lives and it frees you," she said on GMA. "I find talking about it makes it a little bit less painful because you're releasing it and you can have a shared experience with someone else because there are so many of us out there who've been through it. We're all brothers and sisters in this fight," she added. RELATED: HGTV's Tarek El Moussa Says This Was His First Thyroid Cancer Symptom. Lauren Gray Lauren Gray is a New York-based writer, editor, and consultant. Read more Cancer • Celebrities • Health Advice • News • TV 6 Ways You Can Boost Your Heart Health Believe it or not, laughing is good for your heart—and more unexpected advice. 7 Best Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy These heart-healthy tips are just what the doctor ordered. Drinking Tea Boosts Your Heart Health A few cups a day could lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. King Charles Is Reportedly Considering Breaking His Silence to Talk About Harry The King might break royal protocol and do a sit-down interview. Sinbad Is Learning To Walk Again After Stroke The beloved actor and comedian is slowly learning to walk again. This Was Tom Arnold's First Sign of a Stroke The scary symptom came out of the blue, the actor says. Sharon Stone Regrets Not Calling 911 After This The star warns others to seek medical attention right away if this happens.
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Other Devvy Articles: Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You Forced Mental Health Screening for Your Children How the IRS Lies to Employers About Withholding IRS Makes Chilling Proclamation More Devvy THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AND AMERICA'S LAWS By: Devvy "That book [Bible], sir, is the rock on which our republic rests." -- Andrew Jackson, Seventh President of these united States of America There is yet another court case going on up in Fargo, North Dakota over displaying the Ten Commandments. The attack on America's heritage, our traditions and history is so transparent, Americans are beginning to see through this smoke screen about violating people's "civil rights" and separation of church and state. While I usually don't pay much attention to columnist George Will, he finally got it right in his latest column: it's long past time to abolish the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Anyone who has done the historical homework knows that America is a Christian nation founded upon Christianity and Christianity alone. Atheists and the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) have done their darndest to convince Americans otherwise with their constant propaganda by using repetition of certain phrases, i.e., "separation of church and state," a concept hallucinated up by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1947. Americans are finally getting fed up with this propaganda and are standing firm for the truth. "We find few historians who have been diligent enough in their search for truth; it is their common method to take on trust what they help distribute to the public; by which means a falsehood once received from a famed writer becomes traditional to posterity." -- John Dryden , English Poet, 1631-1700 I feel it important to inject here the documented truth about the 1947 Supreme Court ruling in Everson v Board of Education. The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear in the Constitution, but originated in a January 1, 1802, letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (Connecticut) Baptist Association regarding their fears that the Congregationalists would use the power of government to gain a favored position. The First Amendment was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution effective December 15, 1791. As you can see, Jefferson's personal letter was written eleven years after the First Amendment was made part of the Constitution. The part of Jefferson's statement conveniently quoted by the high court was that "The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state...." However, the court chose to ignore the remainder of Jefferson's comment which continues: "but that wall is a one-directional wall. It keeps the government from running the church but makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government." According to America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, "Jefferson borrowed phraseology from the famous Baptist minister Roger Williams who said, '...the hedge or wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world, God hath broke down the wall...."' Jefferson went on to say in his letter: 'Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.'" So, you see, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1947 was transparently deceitful and obviously had an agenda. With the repetition of falsehoods spread by the ACLU, AU and the media in general, most Americans, like parrots, dutifully chant blather about the "separation of church and state" when they have absolutely no historical understanding of the subject matter whatsoever. Right around the time school prayer was outlawed and the so-called "sexual revolution" of drugs and the massive spread of venereal diseases, the attack against Christianity in this country began to escalate and America's moral compass started a nose dive into the sewer. After more than two hundred years as a moral nation who understood the founding of this Republic and our history, too many Americans all of a sudden decided it was detrimental to the people of America for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public, especially if that public area happens to be a city, county, state or federal property. We saw the beginnings of an America that was becoming offended at the sight of the Ten Commandments. Steadily we began to hear that the whole country was feeling "disenfranchised" and "left out of society" because they might have to look at them! Lord, what a terrible thing for America. People would do well to remember that television, the great programmer, was just coming into its own in the early 60s, as was a massive influx of emigrants from communist and socialist countries who began to demand that God be erased from the American landscape. I think a comparison of the Ten Commandments and our laws is in order. Commandment VI: Thou shalt not murder. Murder is against the law in every state of the Union. Until 1973, this included unborn babies. Then a bunch of men in black robes suddenly decided a woman had a right to "privacy" which enabled her to go into a hospital full of people (which means no privacy) and have those medical "professionals" kill her unborn baby in the most heinous fashion. Roe v Wade certainly gave a big boost to those men who didn't have to endure shot gun weddings anymore or child support for eighteen years. It was also a government sanctioned nod for women to sleep around and if they got pregnant they would not be held responsible, they could just kill their baby. Commandment VIII: Thou shalt not steal. Stealing is against the law in every state of the Union. This means all forms of stealing: candy from a store, embezzlement and so forth. Commandment IX: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. This means among other things, that you cannot go into a court of law and commit perjury. If you don't like your neighbor, you can't go to the police with a fabricated story and then testify in court to what you know is a lie. This is bearing false witness against your neighbour, but it also applies to many other situations. Additionally, most parents in this country teach their children that lying is a moral offense that isn't good for the liar or the victim of the lie. Commandment V: Honour thy father and thy mother. No one can force a person to love your mother and father, but God has commanded that you should honor them. In this country if you abuse your parents by using physical force or taking from them that which doesn't belong to you, it is a crime. Commandment VII: Thou shalt not commit adultery. When this Republic was birthed and for a long time afterwards, adultery was a crime. It was a legal basis for divorce. Eventually, it was no longer a crime, but I think most people will agree that faithfulness in a marriage is the bedrock of a relationship because it involves the issue of trust. Our society, I think the greatest majority anyway, still view adultery as a sin, it is wrong and inflicts terrible emotional pain on the recipient. Commandment X: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. Why would God command we should not "covet" someone's property or wife or belongings? To understand, one must know the definition of covet: To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). To wish for longingly. To feel immoderate desire for that which is another's. Man (and woman) is a sinner. Too often when people become envious of another, what they have or begin to desire someone else's husband or wife, they act on those feelings, i.e. they steal, often committing violence during the act or even murder and they commit what we call moral crimes, i.e. adultery. Commandment IV: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. God commanded that man rest after his week of toil to provide for his existence and to keep it holy with prayer and thanking the Lord for all his blessings. The next three commandments from God speak for themselves. We don't question God and his laws for mankind. I: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me II: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth III: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) As one can see, both our laws and moral behavior is based on the Ten Commandments. It's understandable why politicians, crooks and unscrupulous individuals don't want a constant reminder of them, but to deny they are the Christian foundation for this country and our laws is simply the desire to destroy what made America great and to further the agenda of world communism. Communists are atheists and the goals of the Communist Party are well documented, i.e.,: Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and television. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy." Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch." Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state." These goals can be found in the Congressional Record. One can see how a once moral nation has slowly been brainwashed into repudiating God with the result being moral and cultural meltdown. When Patrick Henry was writing on the Stamp Act back in 1765, he proudly and loudly proclaimed: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, people of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom of worship here." Patrick Henry's words here are very important: Even though America was founded by Christians, it is because of the belief system of Christians that people of different religions were welcomed into the colonies and the newly birthed Republic. The ACLU and AU There can be no doubt that the assault on Christianity has reached monumental proportions and it has been led by the American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU), an organization birthed by communists. Their agenda is to eradicate Christianity in this country and they are doing it with your tax dollars. They are out to destroy the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts and any display of the Ten Commandments anywhere in this country. They are aided and abetted by people like Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. I have watched Lynn many times on talk shows. His disdain and hatred for everything America was founded on and has stood for is in your face. Lynn has his spiel down pat, it's well crafted and historically inaccurate. I doubt whether this ordained minister who is a former lawyer for the ACLU would have had many parishioners during the time of the founding of America. It is inconceivable to me how any person who claims to be a Christian could be a member of the ACLU or one of their lawyers because the ACLU is a communist front organization that has learned how to sell their poison in a politically correct environment. Let me close with some factual references about America being founded on Christianity and America being a Christian nation from many historical documents and the wonderful book, America's God and Country by William J. Federer. These represent just a minuscule amount of material available on the historical accuracy that America was founded on Christianity: United States Supreme Court, 1844, in the case of Vidal v. Girard's Executors, 43 U.S. 126, 132, Justice Joseph Story delivered the court's opinion. The case concerned one Stephen Girard, a deist from France, who had moved to Philly and later died. In his will he left his entire estate, valued at over $7 million, to establish an orphanage and school with the stipulation that no religious influence be allowed. The city rejected the proposal, as their lawyers declared: "The plan of education proposed is anti-Christian and therefore repugnant to the law. The purest principles of morality are to be taught. Where are they found? Whoever searches for them must go to the source from which a Christian man derives his faith - the Bible. There is an obligation to teach what the Bible alone can teach..." The U.S. Supreme Court came back with its unanimous ruling: "Christianity is not be be maliciously and openly reviled and blasphemed against, to the annoyance of believers or the injury of the public...It is unnecessary for us, however, to consider the establishment of a school or college, for the propagation of..Deism, or any other form of infidelity. Such a case is not to be presumed to exist in a Christian country...It is also said, and truly, that the Christian religion is a part of the common law of Pennsylvania." July 4, 1821, John Quincy Adams, Sixth President of these united States of America: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From the day of the Declaration, they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct." "Here is a recognition by law, and by universal usage, not only of a Sabbath, but of the Christian Sabbath, in exclusion of the Jewish or Mohammedan Sabbath...the recognition of the Christian Sabbath (by the Constitution) is complete and perfect. We are a Christian people not because the law demands it, not to gain exclusive benefits or to avoid legal disabilities, but from choice and education; and in a land thus universally Christian, what is to be expected, what desired, but that we shall pay due regard to Christianity." January 19, 1853, as part of a Congressional investigation, records of the report of Mr. Badger of the Senate Judiciary Committee "Every thinking man, when he thinks, realizes that the teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally impossible for us to figure ourselves what that life would be if these standards were removed. We would lose almost all the standards by which we now judge both public and private morals; all the standards towards which we, with more or less resolution, strive to raise ourselves." Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty sixth President of these united States of America Charles Cotesworth Pinckney was one of the signers of the U.S. Constitution, was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and helped to write the Constitution of the State of South Carolina, just a few of the long list of his achievements said, "Blasphemy against the Almighty is denying his being or providence, or uttering contumelious reproaches on our Savior Christ. It is punished, at common law by fine and imprisonment, for Christianity is part of the laws of the land." James Madison, Fourth President of these united States of America and the man who wrote the U.S. Constitution: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments." I have no quotes on this from President Bill Clinton other than "I did not have sex with that woman." And, "It all depends on what the definition of is is." In any event, I rest my case. American was not founded on any other religion except the Christian religion, at least I have never found a single historical document to support such a position. America was founded on Christianity, not some hyphenated combination of religions. Our laws are rooted in the Ten Commandments. All Americans must respect each others different religious beliefs, because to continue down the road of bigotry and hatred towards another's religion is to lower America to the same vile, toxic practice as we see from radical Muslims. I'm sorry to say that too many Americans, especially those who profess to be Christians, are actually some of the most bigoted people I've ever seen. Every day and I mean every day, I received a number of e-mails calling the Catholic Church the "Whore of Babylon" and long text about how evil Catholics are, how evil the Church is and on and on and on. I am a pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic (I believe the Tridentine mass is the true mass) and while there are huge problems with the Church, I resent getting these e-mails dripping with hate; I just trash them because they don't deserve my time or consideration. I wouldn't even dream of sending out e-mail laced with such bigotry towards people of the Jewish faith or those who believe in Buddha. Most certainly I disagree with their religion, but their faithful have the absolute right to believe in whatever they believe as I do and I will not be a participant in such attacks. A nation divided will always be conquered which is why the attack on our Christian nation must stop and the only way that will happen is for the churches in this country to find their backbone and we get rid of these black robed judges who hallucinate decisions such as the 1947 Everson v Board of Education. The ACLU must be destroyed and the only way that will happen is for anyone who is a member to drop their membership and for Congress to overturn funding for their endless lawsuits. The Ten Commandments is nothing but a cash cow for this communist front organization; funding their lawsuits against Christianity is unconstitutional and always has been. Unfortunately, Congress won't do this which is why Operation Clean Sweep is so imperative. No one should be forced to worship any religion if they don't choose to do so, but neither should any one of another faith or someone with no faith, demand that Americans give up our heritage, tradition and history just to suit them. � 2005 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty, which sold close to 2,000,000 copies. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country, ran for Congress and is a highly sought after public speaker. Get a free copy of Why A Bankrupt America from El Dorado Gold. Devvy is a contributing writer for www.NewsWithViews.com. Devvy's website: www.devvy.com E-mail is: devvyk@earthlink.net One thing for certain: posse comitatus is likely to be thrown out the window, although some argue it is already dead since the military was used in Waco to murder helpless women and children. Americans don't seem to find any problem with all these "urban training" exercises being conducted by our military around major cities throughout this country.
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Pakistani rupee plummets as markets adjust to removal of unofficial controls Facebook goes on defensive over New York Times investigation By Donie O'Sullivan, CNN Business Updated 4:24 PM EST, Thu November 15, 2018 Social media giants beef up election security Facebook 16 videos Meta launches online store to purchase clothes for your avatar Sheryl Sandberg is out at Meta. She spoke to CNN about Facebook's struggles with misinformation in 2019 Facebook's parent company has a brick and mortar store. See what's inside This teen died by suicide. Now his family is suing social media Scott Galloway: The metaverse could give more power to tech giants Meta stock faces biggest test as Facebook sees first decline in users See ads on Facebook comparing Covid vaccine to Holocaust Facebook: Belarusian KGB made fake accounts to stir tension at Poland border 'Quite like a drug': CNN reporter on CNN's Facebook poll data Facebook changes its company name to Meta Swisher explains why she thinks Zuckerberg will no longer be Facebook CEO Facebook is struggling to stop vaccine misinformation, leaks suggest Former Zuckerberg advisor: We as a country are faced with a moment of truth Mark Zuckerberg responds to Facebook Papers Revealed: How Facebook promoted QAnon to a 'North Carolina mom' New York CNN — Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, have spent much of Thursday swinging back after a New York Times investigation published Wednesday suggested that the company had not been forthcoming enough about Russian interference on its platform and reported that it had hired a firm that dug up dirt on its competitors. Participating in a conference call with reporters Thursday that was meant to be about rules regarding how Facebook polices its platform, Zuckerberg instead had to focus mainly on the Times' story and reporters' questions about it. He began the call by addressing the Times' story, acknowledging — in a line that has become something of a company mantra — that Facebook had been too slow to deal with the Russian disinformation problem on its platform in 2016, but saying that "to suggest we weren't interested in knowing the truth" was "simply untrue." Facebook has spent a great deal of its time and energy over the past two years handling increasing scrutiny from the public and from Washington arising out of its inaction in 2016. One step it took during that period was to hire Definers Public Affairs, a DC-based conservative firm, which did PR work for Facebook — and dug up dirt on the company's competitors and its critics. Zuckerberg said during the call that he only learned about the company's work with Definers when he read the Times' article. After he'd read the article, he said, "I got on the phone with our team, and we are no longer working with this firm." He said Facebook would need to ensure it was not working with similar companies. Facebook had earlier announced its decision to end its relationship with Definers, which had pushed negative stories about other tech companies and about Facebook's critics, some of which were posted on a conservative website linked to the firm. The Times reported that Definers had circulated a document earlier this year encouraging reporters to examine the links between liberal billionaire George Soros and a group campaigning to break up Facebook. Online criticism of Soros is sometimes explicitly anti-Semitic, and sometimes harkens back to anti-Semitic tropes. Some of the backlash that followed the Times' report came from critics suggesting Facebook had engaged in dog whistle politics. Zuckerberg told reporters on Thursday that he had "tremendous respect" for Soros, even though they disagreed about the impact of the internet. A statement from Facebook earlier in the day read, "Definers did encourage members of the press to look into the funding of 'Freedom from Facebook,' an anti-Facebook organization. The intention was to demonstrate that it was not simply a spontaneous grassroots campaign, as it claimed, but supported by a well-known critic of our company. To suggest that this was an anti-Semitic attack is reprehensible and In the same statement, Facebook said, "The New York Times is wrong to suggest that we ever asked Definers to pay for or write articles on Facebook's behalf – or to spread misinformation. Our relationship with Definers was well known by the media – not least because they have on several occasions sent out invitations to hundreds of journalists about important press calls on our behalf," a Facebook statement read. Patrick Gaspard, the president of Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded, wrote to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Wednesday, saying Facebook had attempted to distract from its accountability problems. "I was shocked to learn from the New York Times that you and your colleagues at Facebook hired a Republican opposition research firm to stir up animus toward George Soros. As you know, there is a concerted right-wing effort the world over to demonize Mr. Soros and his foundations, which I lead—an effort which has contributed to death threats and the delivery of a pipe bomb to Mr. Soros' home. You are no doubt also aware that much of this hateful and blatantly false and Anti-Semitic information is spread via Facebook," Gaspard wrote. Sandberg's handling of Facebook's approach to the fallout from misinformation and interference on the platform was one of the primary focuses of the Times' report. On Thursday's call with reporters, Zuckerberg praised Sandberg, describing her as an "important partner." The Times also reported that Joel Kaplan, a former aide to George W. Bush who is now Facebook's vice president of global public policy, advised against the company publishing a paper in early 2017 detailing the extent of Russian interference on the platform. Kaplan became a lightning rod for controversy inside and outside the company last month when he attended the Senate confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, his friend and former Bush administration colleague. Facebook's VP of Public Policy Joel Kaplan (wearing a blue tie) sat near Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's friends and family at last week's Senate confirmation hearing. Jim Bourg/Reuters 'Emotional' Facebook staff meeting addresses exec who supported Kavanaugh Color of Change, a progressive civil advocacy group that was, according to The Times, included in a brief compiled by Definers, called on Thursday for Facebook to fire Kaplan. A Facebook spokesperson told CNN Business that Kaplan continues to have the confidence of the company's leaders and that he was not involved in Definers' work for the company. A spokesperson for Definers said in a statement to CNN Business on Thursday morning, "We are proud to have partnered with Facebook over the past year on a range of public affairs services. All of our work is based on publicly-available documents and information. The document referenced in the Times story regarding the anti-Facebook organization's potential funding sources was entirely factual and based on public records, including public statements by one of its organizers about receiving funding from Mr. Soros' foundation." Before the call began, Facebook's board of directors — on which Zuckerberg serves as chairmain — put out a statement responding to the Times' article. "As Mark and Sheryl made clear to Congress, the company was too slow to spot Russian interference, and too slow to take action. As a board we did indeed push them to move faster. But to suggest that they knew about Russian interference and either tried to ignore it or prevent investigations into what had happened is grossly unfair," the statement read. "In the last eighteen months Facebook, with the full support of this board, has invested heavily in more people and better technology to prevent misuse of its services, including during elections. As the US mid-term showed they have made considerable progress and we support their continued to efforts to fight abuse and improve security." In a statement provided to CNN Business, a spokesperson for the Times said, "Our story is accurate and we stand by it. The monthslong investigation by a team of reporters was based on interviews with more than 50 sources including current and former Facebook executives and other employees, lawmakers and government officials, lobbyists and congressional staff members." CNN Business' Brian Stelter contributed reporting. Kyle Grillot/Bloomberg/Getty Images
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by James Bunnell Accounts from those who have seen them. Where are those lights? Visit the View Park! Art of rejecting car lights. Best Evidence from seven nights. What are those lights? What are they not? Why Mystery Lights are important. Appendix: Automated night cameras. James Bunnell Bunnell, a Texas native with 37 years in the aerospace industry, relates his investigation of the Marfa Lights, which he also chronicled in three previous books (Hunting Marfa Lights, 2009, etc.). The lights are famous throughout North America, but particularly in the Lone Star State. Nov 30, 2015 Strange Lights in West Texas – Home http://www.marfatxlights.com "This website is the product of privately funded research into phenomena known worldwide as "MarfaLights" and referred to in this website as "MLs." It is not often in today's modern world that one can observe physical phenomena that seem to defy conventional explanations as MLs do. People fortunate enough to …" The Truth Is Out There by Michael Hall – Texas Monthly, June 2006 Forget what the believers and the skeptics say. Forget what you've seen, or think you've seen, with your own eyes. There's no way to know if the Marfa lights are real—and that's what's so great about them. texasmonthly.com/articles/the-truth-is-out-there/ Strange Lights in West Texas – James Bunnell – Google Books Nov 15, 2015 – This is a fascinating exploration of one of Mother Nature's most intriguing secrets — thestrange, mysterious, nocturnal lights that are sometimes seen east of the small West Texas town of Marfa, as well as many other locations around the globe. This book, the condensed product of a twelve-year tenacious … Strange Lights in West Texas: James Bunnell: 9780970924971 … Strange Lights in West Texas [James Bunnell] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a fascinating exploration of one of Mother Nature's most intriguing secrets — the strange,mysterious. Strange Lights in West Texas by James Bunnell | Kirkus Reviews Nov 30, 2015 – Bunnell, a Texas native with 37 years in the aerospace industry, relates his investigation of the Marfa Lights, which he also chronicled in three previous books (Hunting Marfa Lights, 2009, etc.). The lights are famous throughout North America, but particularly in the Lone Star State. Strange Lights in West Texas by James Bunnell | BookLife A fascinating exploration of one of Mother Nature's most intriguing secrets — strange, mysterious, nocturnal lights sometimes seen in West Texas and other locations around the globe. This book, the condensed product of a 12 year investigation, prov… What Are the Marfa Lights | Marfa Texas – Live Science Jun 19, 2013 – The Marfa Lights, mysterious glowing orbs that appear in the desert outside the West Texas town of Marfa, have mystified people for generations. According to eyewitnesses, the MarfaLights appear to be roughly the size of basketballs and are varyingly described as white, blue, yellow, red or other colors. The Truth Is Out There – Texas Monthly In fact, both Williams and Cox—along with almost everyone else out there in far West Texas—say they've been seeing mysterious lights near Marfa for as long as ….. done lately has come from JamesBunnell, a retired aerospace engineer who had a vivid sighting in 2000 of lights glowing in the brush that changed his life. Marfa lights – Wikipedia According to Judith Brueske, "The 'Marfa Lights of west Texas have been called many names over the years, such as ghost lights, weird lights, mystery lights, or Chinati lights. The favorite place from which to view the lights is a widened shoulder on Highway 90 about nine miles east of Marfa…at this 'official Marfa Lights … Strange Lights in West Texas – AbeBooks – James … AbeBooks.com: Strange Lights in West Texas (9780970924971) by James Bunnell and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
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Composition Weekend: Master Class with Clarice Assad April 23, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EDT « Master Class for Intermediate Students Composition Weekend: Concert with Clarice Assad » This event will take place as scheduled on Saturday, April 23 at 2 PM at the DC Campus: NW. Grammy-nominated composer and performer Clarice Assad will give a brief introduction of her work and compositional philosophy. A performance of new works by students of the Levine Composition Department will follow with critiques by Assad. The Composition Department of Levine Music gratefully acknowledges the generosity of The Randy Hostetler Living Room Music Fund. With safety foremost in mind, Levine Music has developed protocols to protect you and our community. Proof of vaccination is required at the door for all attendees over the age of 5 years old. Please review our Return to Campus Guide for further details on our safety protocols. By reserving tickets, you agree to comply with all safety protocols and voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 associated with in-person attendance at this event. Composition, Master Class Levine Music 2801 Upton Street, NW Washington, DC 20008 + Google Map Young Concert Artist Series: Aristo Sham, piano Piano Master Class with Simone Dinnerstein March 4 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST Young Concert Artist Series: Lun Li, violin March 29 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EDT
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Anne with teacher, mentor and leadership guru John Maxwell. Anne spent 20 years in leadership and education roles in companies like Under Armour, Town Sports International, Les Mills International and others. She combines her vast and successful experience leading high performing teams with her education from The John Maxwell Team to bring energizing and educational leadership workshops to your team. Strengthen your leadership skills, strengthen your team and strengthen the bottom line. · ACE your Leadership: This presentation illustrates why positive leadership is the best way to maximize an organization's potential, and provides 3 key principles of positive leadership; Acquiring and developing the right people, Connecting with and Empowering them. Participants leave with resources and action items to help them improve their leadership skills as soon as they get back to the office. · Connecting for Maximum Influence: Knowing how to connect with people is a vital leadership skill. Connecting builds trust, rapport and respect, and allows you to lead your team to more job satisfaction, improved output, more loyalty to the organization, and in the end, a stronger bottom line for your company. This workshop will provide an initial skills assessment to raise individuals' awareness of their current abilities with connecting. Strategies will be presented on how to genuinely connect with people, and discussion around behaviors that undermine our connection with others will help participants identify their own strengths and weaknesses. Tactics will be provided to improve everyone's ability to connect so they can immediately become a more influential person in all areas of their lives. · Empowering your Team: Empowerment is a buzz word these days, yet it seems to be very hard to accomplish in reality. This presentation will review reasons why empowering people is vital to the creation of a high functioning team, why it can be so difficult, and how we can improve our empowering skills. Participants individual skills will be examined, and useful insights for long term success will be discussed. Lastly, participants will leave with specific and immediately applicable tactics for improving their empowering abilities, making them more effective leaders as soon as they walk out the door. · Great Leadership Starts with Self Leadership: If you want to be a great leader, you have to know yourself, your strengths and what challenges you. In this energizing workshop, you will get some useful and inspiring information about how you can be a better leader by looking, reflecting and improving yourself. You will answer some key questions to give you a clear picture of areas you could improve, and you will leave with the drive to be a life-long learner, and thus, a stronger and more influential leader. If you're interested in booking a leadership workshop for your team, meeting or conference, get in touch and someone will get back to you ASAP.
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Last Updated: Thursday, 1 September 2005, 15:00 GMT 16:00 UK Taslima Nasreen gets Indian visa By Subir Bhaumik BBC News, Calcutta Ms Nasreen has got a year long Indian visa Controversial Bangladeshi feminist writer Taslima Nasreen has got a year long Indian visa and permission to stay in Calcutta. She had applied for an Indian tourist visa in June this year. In May she left Calcutta for Europe and the US unsure if she would be allowed back into India. The writer left Bangladesh for Sweden in 1994 amid calls for her execution, but has lived in Calcutta recently, where she wants to settle down. 'Citizenship' Ms Nasreen had requested the Indian government earlier for a long term residential permit or Indian citizenship. "The Indian government has not granted me citizenship or a permanent residential permit to stay in Calcutta as I wished but they have given me a one year entry visa." She says she wants to make Calcutta her home even though the European Union has offered her refuge. "For a while, the Indian government did not respond and I was getting worried. But now I can stay in Calcutta without any hassle for a year." Ms Nasreen's detractors in India wants her to leave the country But the communist government in the Indian state of West Bengal has said her presence in the state could have an adverse impact on the local law and order situation. The government said orthodox Muslims are opposed to her stay in Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal. Earlier this year, she was prevented by the police from attending a convention in the state's Midnapore town following a demonstration by some Muslim radicals. 'Ban' A friend of Ms Nasreen, Sujato Bhadro, who is also a leading human rights activist in West Bengal, is working with her lawyer to contest a ban imposed on her latest book 'Dwikhondito' (Split into Two) by the state government. Several Indian authors and intellectuals have come out in support of the Bangaldeshi writer and said the government must grant her citizenship. The author fled Bangladesh in 1994 after receiving death threats from radical Muslim groups who condemned a number of her writings as blasphemous. Ms Nasreen rose to prominence in 1993 after her first book, Shame, ran into problems. She fled Bangladesh shortly afterwards, following calls for her execution by Islamic radicals. They were incensed at comments she is said to have made to an Indian newspaper calling for changes in the Koran to give women more rights. Ms Nasreen denies making the remarks. Writers support Taslima Nasreen 07 Apr 05 | South Asia Effigies of writer burned 21 Jan 04 | South Asia Jail term surprises Bangladeshi author 14 Oct 02 | South Asia Bangladesh court sentences Taslima Bangladesh bans third Taslima book 27 Aug 02 | South Asia Bangladesh government West Bengal government Taslima Nasreen website
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package examples import ( "testing" "time" "github.com/gebv/hey" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" msgpack "gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2" ) func TestSimpleData(t *testing.T) { tick := time.Now() obj := NewThreadSimpleData("a", 1234, tick) obj.ThreadID = "uri:threads:example" network, err := msgpack.Marshal(obj) assert.NoError(t, err, "encode") got := &hey.Thread{} err = msgpack.Unmarshal(network, got) assert.NoError(t, err, "decode") assert.Equal(t, obj.ThreadID, got.ThreadID) assert.EqualValues(t, obj.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).A, got.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).A) assert.EqualValues(t, obj.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).B, got.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).B) assert.EqualValues(t, obj.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).C, got.Data.(*ThreadSimpleData).C) }
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Given the state of the economy in the US, even in the tech sector, this is not completely unexpected or, for that matter, all that newsworthy or unusual. Even so, for me, it is unusual. For the first time in my adult life, I am making a job change against my will, on my own. In the past when I've changed jobs, it's generally been my choice to do so. For awhile, I would get bored at a job, find something new and shiny somewhere else, and dash off to see if the grass was truly greener on the other side of that fence. Sometimes it was, and sometimes it wasn't. Around our house, the running joke was that as soon as benefits would start to kick in, it was time for me to look for a new job. Apparently, they didn't, which causes all sorts of inner reflection. Is my skill set actually that limited? Much of what I was doing was documentation, both user-level, and design/specification work. My boss, for whom English is a second language, seemed to be rewriting much of what I wrote over the past year, leading me to question my ability to formulate coherent sentences using my first (and only) language. Had my writing skills really diminished so dramatically and quickly? Even worse, given that I had been put into a role that was principally producing documentation, were my technical skills even less-useful than my writing skills? Now, lest you (the ever-patient reader) think that I'm engaging in a drawn-out session of pointless self-flagellation, I'll admit that most of these moments of self-doubt have been short-lived. Thankfully, I am surrounded by supportive (and possibly dishonest) friends who have continually told me, "Tim, it's not you." While I appreciate that sentiment, and am working hard to believe it, the fact of the matter is that at some point, bills have to be paid. At that moment, and at that point, my friends and family can only do so much. At some point, the value of what I can bring will be measured (or not) by compensation for the work I can produce. At that point, it is me. Thanks for poignant writing about this. I wish I could employ you. I would. (Perhaps we should think of a way of going into business). Your writing (and I think I have read almost all of it) reveals to me that you are a man of deep integrity.
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Paltrox-RX.net is an affiliate site for the product Paltrox RX. Paltrox-RX.net is involved in providing information about Paltrox RX. Paltrox-RX.net does not collect any customer information including name, address, phone number, credit card information. Paltrox-RX.net does not take any payments from any of its site visitors. Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of Paltrox RX may or may not have been scientifically substantiated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. For more information on this, you may visit the FDA website.
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Mother's Day is this Sunday. Many of us have plans to celebrate the many amazing women and mothers in our lives. It's a really beautiful day. However, the sad thing I have noticed about holidays and celebrations like Mother's Day is that for the many people trying to lose or maintain weight, these celebrated days have become cumbersome. They feel like more of an inconvenience than an occasion. They are viewed as a barrier to weight loss. They come with brunches, mimosas, sweet treats and unintended calories. It feels impossible to stick to any sort of eating plan on these celebratory days. And even if we do find the willpower, we feel we're missing out if we restrict. We're in a lose-lose situation. Sure, we can all put a plan in place to resist the temptation that will be served on Sunday. But instead, I wanted to remind every woman WHY they don't have to eat perfectly this Mother's Day. Because in the eyes of your child, especially your daughter, you are perfect. I've only been at this motherhood thing for a couple months, but the one thing I know is that I never want my daughter to be plagued by the body image issues that have plagued me. Everyone talks about how much THEY love their child, but rarely do we talk about how much our children LOVE and NEED us. Right now, I'm the love of my 9-week-old daughter's life. In her eyes, I'm perfect. When I step on the scale frustrated with my postpartum body, I think, this number doesn't matter to her. This number doesn't change how well I can love her and comfort her and soothe her. This number means nothing to her. The same way I was brought into this world thinking my mom is perfect. Why do I think she's perfect, because she's mine. Its not until we get older that we see our parents, particularly our mothers, as "humans." We then see their flaws and there idiosyncrasies. That's because we see the person they see themselves as. They become more like peers. My daughter won't know I'm carrying around extra weight unless I tell her. She won't know I don't think I'm perfect, unless I tell her. So here's a letter to my mom, from me as a child. Please read this as if its coming from your very own child. The same way you think they're perfect, they think you're perfect. When you remind yourself that calories take a backseat to this special day. In my eyes you're perfect. You've always been perfect. You're not a number on the scale, you're not a size of clothes, you're my mom. When you see wrinkles, I see the smile that greets me everytime I walk in the door. When you see extra weight around your waist, I see the special dinners we were allowed to have when dad was out of town for work. When you see a bigger size jeans than you hoped for, I see the outfit you wore on one of our most fun family outings. When you see bat wings, I see the arms that hugged me after every cheer competition. You see cellulite, I see beach chair imprints from our hundreds of days on the beach together. How much you weigh doesn't matter to me, what size clothes you wear doesn't matter to me, how many calories you consumed doesn't matter to me, because you're my mom and I love you. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Enjoy your special day, don't let calories rain on your parade! Previous PostPrevious Eat like crap this weekend?! Introducing…THE ONE DAY RESET PLAN!
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Head to the mall with this Disney Princesses fairy shopping game in which you will have to dress both Elsa and Rapunzel. Browse the stores and grab anything that looks great and fits within your budget. Try to make these girls pretty in another fun Pregnant Princess mall shopping game in which you will have a limited budget that you can spend between two shops. Dress them up head to toe as best as you can. Tag along with these girls in a Mother Princess mall shopping game in which you will have to dress up the little ladies. Have a fun time with them as you try to spend only the amount that you have in your budget. Fun Mall Escape is an adventure game on www.bestgames.pk. In this free game, you are going to find a car remote and the main door of the mall to escape. Tap at the objectives to get interaction for clues. Pay attention to the environment. Tools collected will be stored in the bottom blank. Click at the red arrow to roll the map. Use the clues and the tools you collected to solve all the puzzles. Good luck!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
layout: post title: How gilt.com/give came to be date: '2012-11-14T12:24:27-05:00' tags: [] tumblr_url: http://tech.gilt.com/post/35711763311/how-gilt-com-give-came-to-be --- <p>When Sandy hit New York, many of us were directly impacted in some way. After the first week, power had been restored in our main office and in most of our homes. Our focus started to shift from covering basic needs to finding a way to help the New York region rebuild. Eventually we decided to build <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give" target="_blank">gilt.com/give</a> - with a focus on driving donations to the affected region and foot traffic to businesses that really need help. The idea behind 'give' is simple: make a donation and get a voucher for up to 50% off at any participating business.</p> <p>The initial brainstormings started on Saturday afternoon following the hurricane, and by Sunday night we had a strong group of Gilt employees across the company that wanted to be part of <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give" target="_blank">gilt.com/give</a>. It was quite a big effort— we had to build the applications, find partners, vet local businesses, and spread the word. Last week, in 6 days, we built something we're actually quite proud of; it was a week-long, company-wide hackathon— with most nights ending after 3 in the morning.</p> <p>We wanted to share a bit of what we actually built: the tech stack behind <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give" target="_blank">gilt.com/give</a>. One of the main architectural initiatives at Gilt is something we call LOSA - Lots of Small Applications. Generally, we prefer having many single purpose applications to a few monolithic application and believe this micro services approach has the right set of tradeoffs to help us scale the Gilt Tech org. One nice benefit of LOSA is that it was pretty clear how we would build <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give" target="_blank">gilt.com/give</a>— just a set of new small applications!</p> <p>Choosing a good name is tough and this was no exception. We had a pretty lively debate on what to call this app: is it a program? A charity? A benefit? Would we ever reuse any of the software we were about to build? Ultimately we settled on 'effort' as the internal name for the software applications - an effort can be a 'relief effort' which mapped nicely to what we were doing, but was general enough that we might be able to apply this to different problems.</p> <p><strong>So what did we build?</strong></p> <ul><li>web-effort: a Scala/play web application rendering the templates, css, and javascript, built on top of Gilt services and our internal UI build tools for managing and deploying assets</li> <li>svc-effort: a server providing a restful interface to key resources</li> <li>an order processing library (turning a donation into a Gilt order so it can actually be processed)</li> <li>PostgreSQL database: a new database instance and schema</li> </ul><p>Internally, when you donate, we map the charity you selected to an offer on Gilt City - which is how we can accurately track every dollar and generate a nice voucher for each donation.</p> <p>Building the app was amazing. Most pieces were inside a single SBT multimodule build; once you've written code with SBT and <code>~compile</code> there is honestly no going back. All Scala— and for some folks on the team this was their first time learning Scala.</p> <p>We use gerrit for code review, and one of the best features of a week long hackathon was really the process of development and code review. Basically, we all worked individually or in small teams on the different applications and features of effort. Each change was pushed to Gerrit. Every couple hours, we would pause then, as a group, review each individual change. This was maybe the best way for all of us to share with each other how the system worked. I personally learned an incredible amount about Scala, functional programming, and HTML5. By the end, I had even contributed a small CSS change with the help of the team!</p> <p>Once deployed to production, we ran a quick load test and were pleasantly surprised - this stack is fast and scales nicely.</p> <p><em>Simple load test of play serving a simple page (single node w/ no external service calls) - almost 10k RPS on a single node!</em></p> <pre>ab -k -n 10000 -c 50 'http://web1:9510/give/faq' # external url: <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give/faq" target="_blank">http://www.gilt.com/give/faq</a> Requests per second: <strong>8387.52 [#/sec] (mean)</strong> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 4 66% 4 75% 5 80% 6 90% 9 95% 12 98% 18 99% 25 100% 183 (longest request) </pre> <p>2. Load test of the a key endpoint in the service (single node) - lookup up a business by guid, including the round trip to PostgreSQL - single node, 3k RPS</p> <pre>ab -k -n 10000 -c 50 'http://svc6:9500/effort/1.0/businesses/dc0f2d11-1742-4244-978b-f2856f408315' Requests per second: <strong>3036.97 [#/sec] (mean)</strong> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 10 66% 16 75% 21 80% 25 90% 36 95% 47 98% 59 99% 68 100% 138 (longest request) </pre> <p>3. And a full request - load balancer, to web cluster, to service cluster, to PostgreSQL and back:</p> <pre>ab -k -n 10000 -c 50 'http://www.gilt.com/give/businesses' Requests per second: <strong>2007.42 [#/sec] (mean)</strong> Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 22 66% 24 75% 26 80% 27 90% 31 95% 35 98% 44 99% 65 100% 388 (longest request) </pre> <p>In all, was honestly a whirlwind week— but a lot of fun and really proud of the great software produced, how well the pieces came together, and how it all just worked in production. We hope <a href="http://www.gilt.com/give" target="_blank">gilt.com/give</a> plays a small part in helping the region rebuild after Sandy.</p> <p><img alt="Hard at work at 2am!" height="206" src="http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p206x206/30987_10151310529398708_1599746923_n.jpg" width="276"/></p>
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Starfield Gameplay Reveal | Xbox & Bethesda Showcase by Joey Lampe in News, PC, Xbox Starfield finally received its first gameplay reveal at the Xbox & Bethesda conference. A long time in the waiting, from an initial trademark in 2013 to the first reveal in 2018, here are our thoughts on the first official gameplay reveal. Bethesda in Space If you played any of the main Bethesda franchises (Fallout and The Elder Scrolls) and enjoyed them, there is little chance you weren't going to buy it anyway. Bethesda has a knack for creating worlds like no other. The fact that there are 1000 planets to explore has me cautiously optimistic for a space-faring adventure like we've never seen before. Having said that, here are some tidbits we pulled from the gameplay reveal. Customization has been a big feature for recent Bethesda games, namely Fallout 4's base building. Starfield takes that to a whole new level by allowing for customization of: bases, characters and your ship. Bases: From utility to the overall aesthetic, it seems like your base of operations will play a key part in your journey across the cosmos. it's currently unclear if you can have multiple bases on different planets, and how they will interact with one another. Character Creator: Not out of the ordinary for a Bethesda game, but it looks more extensive than those of which we've seen in the past. Ship Building: This is the one I am most interested in. The customizability looked extensive, but I'll be curious how impactful the changes are in space combat. There were a few instances of space combat, so I'd be curious how much of an impact your own design will have on maneuverability and combat efficiency. Quests and Campaign Bethesda has always excelled in bringing their worlds to life via some of the best quest storylines out there. I can't imagine it would be anything different here. It really is in their DNA. No matter how any other aspects of Starfield (or any of their previous games) turned out, there is little to be worried about when it comes to their questlines. Oftentimes, their small-mid sized quests trump the overarching story, but the journey seeing things through to the end makes it all worthwhile. If there is ever a sticking point I have with Bethesda games, it's combat. Sadly, I feel the same after seeing this gameplay reveal. It feels more like a vector to propel the story forward versus taking part in some exciting encounter. The guns just felt too 'earth-like' for a game set across the stars. The sound design also didn't give the perception of these guns acting any differently than they would on earth, or an earth-like planet. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on how their combat evolves up to release. Remaining Questions about Starfield As with most first gameplay reveals, it provided more questions than answers. It was really nice getting a first look, but here are the questions that popped up after the showing: Planet Landing & Discovery: Something that wasn't shown was if we land on the planets manually (like No Man's Sky) or if there is a cut-scene showing the landing to us. It's a huge immersion-breaker if it is the latter. That goes doubly so for taking off. There is a sense of excitement during any launch, and I'd hate it if the launch is just a cut-scene. Planet Variety: There was mention of goldilocks planets and barren planets; how will they tie into the overarching theme of the game? I'd imagine there are some smaller planets that are void of pretty much anything (much like real life), but we don't have an idea of what the thread is to continue discovering planets clearly devoid of life. Resource Management & Base Importance: Mining and resource collection via your base was a key mention during the reveal. I'm curious to what extent. Do we need to constantly scan and mine as we are traversing planets? Or will we get to a point where passive collection via our base is enough? An emphasis on base creation/design also points to bases playing more deeply into the story, but we have no idea the importance of utilizing a base and companions yet. It was nice finally seeing the first gameplay reveal of Starfield. It seems to encompass all the aspects I love about Bethesda games (like strong story and great exploration), as well as those of which I do not (non-enticing combat and jank). I'm sure some people will be concerned with what they saw, but I have faith in what they produce and can't wait to experience their spacefaring adventure. Get more info on Starfield at their official site here: Starfield Gameplay Reveal (bethesda.net) Tags: BethesdaSpacestarfieldXbox Redfall Gameplay Thoughts | Xbox & Bethesda Showcase Joey Lampe I am passionate about games and the gaming industry as a whole and am excited to be able to share it with all of you.
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I'm very kind lov, Looking for friendship About Me: I am simple honest loyal and humble,patience sincere to my life partner and have a good heart..you can message me anytime..i really love travel with family, cooking, singing,go to beach bonding with family. I am 41 and I look for a mature lady for dating. I am a writer. I like travel. Age is no bar. She must be educated. Distance does not matter. Ethnicity is no issue. I am caring and sincere. Sincerity and truth requested.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
FUTURE PRIMATE FDA approves new combination painkiller from Purdue Pharma designed to discourage abuse The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new combination pain pill from the maker of OxyContin that is designed to discourage abuse by painkiller addicts. Purdue Pharma's new drug Targiniq ER is an extended release tablet that combines oxycodone — the active ingredient in OxyContin — with the drug naloxone. FDA regulators approved the drug for daily, round-the-clock pain that does not respond to other medications. If abusers crush the tablets for snorting or injecting naloxone blocks the euphoric effects of oxycodone, making the drug more difficult to abuse. Naloxone is currently used to reverse the overdose effects of opioids, highly addictive painkilling drugs including morphine, methadone, codeine and others. The FDA notes that Targiniq can still be abused by simply swallowing the tablets, the most frequent method of painkiller abuse. The FDA has been under intense public pressure to combat the national epidemic of prescription opioid abuse. Deaths linked to addictive medications like OxyContin and Vicodin have quadrupled since 1990 to an estimated 16,500 in 2010, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports figures. Doctors prescribe opioids for a wide range of ailments, from post-surgical pain to arthritis and migraines. Stamford, Connecticut-based Purdue has often been cited by public health advocates as a key contributor to the overprescribing of opioids. In 2007, Purdue Pharma and three of its executives paid $634 million and pleaded guilty to charges of misleading the public about the safety and addictiveness of OxyContin. Since then the company introduced a harder-to-abuse version of OxyContin that is designed to resist crushing, chewing and dissolving. "The FDA is committed to combatting the misuse and abuse of all opioids, and the development of opioids that are harder to abuse is needed in order to help address the public health crisis of prescription drug abuse in the U.S.," said FDA's Dr. Sharon Hertz. The FDA is requiring Purdue to conduct long-term follow-up studies tracking rates of abuse, addiction, overdose and death with Targiniq. Those requirements are standard for all extended release opioid drugs approved in the U.S. See video here http://www.newsy.com/videos/new-painkiller-designed-to-discourage-abuse-will-it-work/#ooid=QwOWI3bzqLpUA2BdChwG_f3H3YbgvN_J Learn more here http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/fda-approves-painkiller-oxycontin-maker-24686521 Published by FUTURE PRIMATE FuturePrimate.com can also be found on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FuturePrimate and Twitter https://twitter.com/future_primate View all posts by FUTURE PRIMATE This Super-Efficient Lightbulb Uses Tesla Tech for an Incandescent Glow Future of Trucking: Big Rigs Become Robot Convoys Pentagon used taxpayer money meant for masks and swabs to make jet engine parts and body armor KFC Begins Testing the Manufacturing of 3D Printer Chicken Nuggets We Can Do Better Than Human-Like Hands for Robots Why the indoor farming movement is taking off With Farms Atop Malls, Singapore Gets Serious About Food Security
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The Protestant Theological University and the Faculty of Theology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam cordially invite you to three opportunities to meet with Graham Ward (Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University) on the theme of receptivity in theology on Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 March at the VU campus Amsterdam. Offering an opportunity for PhD students and Research Master students to present the topic of their research. Graham Ward will give feedback on the pitches of the researchers. 2. Monday 12 March 15.30 - 16.10 Public Lecture by Graham Ward in HG 2A-33: Christian Theology in a Multi-Faith Context. The lecture will deal with the necessity of doing Christian Theology today with regard to other Faiths, the traditional theological obstacles and possibilities to overcome these and what will be the consequences for the development of a Christian theology. The lecture will be followed by short responses of Rick Benjamins and Pieter Vos and engagement with the public.
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UN study finds domestic abuse biggest source of violence against women More than half the women who were murdered worldwide last year were killed by their partners or family members, making home "the most dangerous place for a woman," a new UN study said Sunday. In statistics released on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime calculated that of a total 87,000 female homicide cases worldwide in 2017, some 50,000 –- or 58 percent -– were committed by the victims' intimate partners or family members. Around 30,000, or 34 percent, were committed by intimate partners alone. "This amounts to some six women being killed every hour by people they know," the Vienna-based body said. The vast majority — around 80 percent — of homicide victims worldwide were men, but "women continue to pay the highest price as a result of gender inequality, discrimination and negative stereotypes," said UNODC chief Yury Fedotov. "They are also the most likely to be killed by intimate partners and family… making the home the most dangerous place for a woman," he said. "The fact that women continue to be affected by this type of violence to a greater degree than men is indicative of an imbalance in power relations between women and men inside the domestic sphere." The UNODC calculated that the global rate of female homicide victims stood at around 1.3 victims per 100,000 female population. The study found that Africa and the Americas were the regions where women were most at risk of being killed by intimate partners or family members. In Africa, the rate was around 3.1 victims per 100,000 female population, while the rate in the Americas was 1.6 victims, in Oceania 1.3 and in Asia 0.9. The lowest rate was found in Europe, with 0.7 victims per 100,000 female population. According to the UNODC, "no tangible progress" in combatting the scourge had been made in recent years "despite legislation and programmes developed to eradicate violence against women." The report's conclusions "highlight the need for effective crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women," the UNODC said, stressing the need for measures to boost safety and empower potential victims while holding their abusers accountable. The study also called for greater coordination between police and the justice system as well as health and social services. And the UNODC said it was also important to involve men in the solutions, including through early education. Related Topics:NationsstudyUnitedviolencewomen Chinese scientist claims successful gene editing in human babies India's Punjab CM turns down Qureshi's invitation Women empowerment is prioritized mission of the government: Buzdar UN report warns of lag in global action to counter global warming Women empowerment: Education for all
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
First comes the car or its trim level. If you have chosen a car, do take a look at its variants and the respective insurance premium cost. In most cases, the higher you go up in a car's trim list, the lower goes the difference in insurance premium cost. This is because insurers see the addition of safety features – such as airbags, immobiliser, central locking, etc. – in the higher trims as factors that reduce the chance of insurance claim. There are two major types of insurance that you can buy today for a new car – regular comprehensive and zero depreciation. In the case of regular comprehensive type, you have to pay a certain part of the cost of repairs in case your car meets with an accident. The zero depreciation type ensures that your car remains unaffected by depreciation. In practice, it means that the insurance provider will cover the entire cost of repairs carried out on your car. If you use your car occasionally, opting for regular comprehensive insurance type would be a great choice. For a car that is driven daily, a zero depreciation policy works much better. Opting for the right add-on covers will increase the scope of coverage of your insurance policy. Covers such as those for water ingress in the engine (hydrostatic lock), theft and accidents that lead to scrapping (return to invoice) ensure you are not caught off-guard by different situations. Do give these add-on covers a look and decide on the ones that best suit your requirements. Insurance companies provide you a good deal on a policy if your car has features that make it difficult to steal, such as central locking, immobiliser, etc. The more difficult your car is to steal, the better the discount the insurer offers you. However, do ensure that the anti-theft equipment is ARAI-approved or you would not be eligible for this discount. You can avail yourself of a number of discounts on your car's insurance. There is discount for not claiming insurance for an entire year (no claim bonus), certain occupations, and opting for voluntary deductibles. These are just some of the cases in which you can claim discount on the insurance policy of your car. Do talk to the insurance agent to know more about the different types of discounts you can get. Sometimes, when you use all the tricks mentioned above, you may find another insurance policy better-priced than the one you are currently negotiating the cost of. So, before you buy a policy, do check what other insurance providers are offering, as also the background of the insurance providers to know which ones have a good track record of serving customers on time. In this regard, take advice from other car owners, since you will get unbiased feedback on insurance companies. Alternatively, you can log on to CarDekho Insurance. Here, you can choose between various insurance providers, compare policies, get the best quote and rest assured that your request gets processed in a timely fashion since you get a dedicated relationship manager. There is more on offer on CarDekho Insurance, which you can find out by clicking here. Do you have a tip to offer on how to buy the right car insurance package? If yes, please mention it in the comments below and they may even appear in this article.
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U.S. Excess COVID Deaths Reach 900,000. Do We Hear a Higher Bid? Tightening the Ambient Air Quality Standard for 'Soot': They're at It Again! Air Pollution and Mortality: Measuring the Long and Short of It PM2.5 Dose-Response: Function or Fiction? How Many Cities Does It Take to Tell the Story of Air Pollution and Daily Mortality? Link Between Air Pollution and COVID-19 Deaths is Dubious By Fred Lipfert, PhD — January 31, 2022 In an essay in the London Review of Books, David Wallace-Wells contrasted the 5.5 million annual global deaths from COVID [1] with the 7 million deaths attributed to air pollution (AP) projected by the World Health Organization [2]; he bemoaned the lack of attention being given to the latter. [1] He noted that other AP mortality estimates run as high as 8.7 million and 10 million if indoor air pollution were included. This is getting downright scary. Image courtesy of MrBeliever on Pixabay Do you know or have you heard of anyone killed by air pollution? Is there an International Classification of Disease Code for air pollution? Have any polluters been prosecuted for murder by air pollution? Age at death or reduction in life expectancy is a more important mortality metric because it accounts for age differences. With a loss of 2 years, the U.S. ranks 2nd in the world in COVID mortality, sandwiched between Russia and Bulgaria at about twice the global median [2]. Wallace-Wells cites AP-related losses of up to 10 years in South Asia that have little relevance to the developed world. Typical AP loss estimates range up to several months in the U.S., ostensibly because only the frail elderly are at risk. [3] Another metric favored by environmental economists is the monetary cost of premature death, currently set at $7 million based on lost wages and productivity. This would amount to about $6 trillion for COVID deaths thus far, with the loss of 1.6 million life-years. At $7 million each, 10 million global excess AP deaths would amount to about 80% of global gross domestic product! These economic estimates are highly unrealistic. Wallace-Wells cites a U.S. estimate of 370,000 AP-related deaths annually or about 10% of all deaths, slightly more than annual COVID-19 deaths and the 3rd leading cause of death. However, there is an important difference between these two categories. COVID-19 deaths occur to identified individuals; by contrast, AP-related deaths are statistical estimates subject to the vagaries of statistical regression analysis. Here are some of them. Exposure estimates are based on being outdoors 24/7. Indoor exposures have not been considered. Long-term relationships are typically based on concurrent AP exposures rather than lifetime accumulations of deposits or cumulative effects. AP exposures are not limited to one pollutant at a time; the probability of a co-pollutant effect depends on the relative precision of measurements. Health status before lethal exposure is seldom considered. Animal or human clinical studies have not confirmed epidemiological findings. EPA only regulates pollutants that have been measured. Monitoring networks are only established for pollutants that are regulated. (EPA likes to look where the light is best.) Routine monitoring networks have not been established for some of the most hazardous pollutants, such as arsenic, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, elemental or organic carbon, mercury, nickel, vanadium, nanoparticles. Intervention studies involving new sources and changes in fuels or traffic patterns have not reported long-term health effects. There are few long-term studies supporting AP relationships with hospitalization or morbidity. Long-term studies of populations necessarily lack individual data on potentially confounding personal characteristics like education, smoking, body-mass index, income. Cohort studies lack data on individual income because of privacy concerns. No AP mortality study has considered personal exposures. No long-term mortality study has adjusted for coincident short-term effects. We all enjoy clean air, and no one doubts that extensive exposure to air pollution may have deleterious effects. But habeas corpus applies; studying mortality requires finding the bodies. [1] Ten Million a Year David Wallace-Wells on polluted air [2] Effects of covid-19 pandemic on life expectancy and premature mortality in 2020: time series analysis in 37 countries BMJ DOI: 10.1136/bmj-2021-066768 [3] A new time-series methodology for estimating relationships between elderly frailty, remaining life expectancy, and ambient air quality Inhalation Toxicology DOI: 10.3109/08958378.2011.638947 pm2.5 health consequences excess deaths from air pollution By Fred Lipfert, PhD Latest from Fred Lipfert, PhD: Let's Ask ChatGPT - Climate Change COVID Vaccine Trends: Too Little, Too Late, But Valuable Revisiting COVID-19 Infections and Deaths in U.S. Urban Counties Timing the Health Effects of Air Pollution
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Yes, we can grow bamboo in Spokane. And, no, it isn't going to take over your neighbor's yard (even if you want it to). Even the hardiest bamboos will only survive to minus 15 or 20F so they will need the insulation that the ground provides. If you want to grow it in a pot, above ground, you will need to move the pot someplace warm in the winter.
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Hulu Promises Offline Viewing Is Coming Soon Hulu has announced plans to let subscribers download shows to watch offline. Finally. The news came during the Hulu 18 Presentation when the streaming service also revealed that it now has 20 million subscribers, and unveiled a couple of new Hulu Originals. In 2016, Netflix introduced offline viewing, allowing subscribers to download shows to watch without an internet connection. And Amazon has been offering Prime Video users offline viewing for several years. However, Hulu hasn't followed suit. Until now. Hulu Announces Offline Viewing (With Ads!) Hulu is finally going to let subscribers download their favorite shows to watch offline. Or, as Hulu sees it, offer "a downloadable content experience with opportunities for advertisers". Yes, that's right, folks, the ads will be coming along for the ride. Hulu hasn't revealed exactly how this is going to work, but it promises that subscribers will be able to "access their favorite shows and movies on the go, with no internet connection required," albeit with the ads they're used to seeing remaining intact. That's a wrap on our Hulu 18 Presentation! Need more details? Read the full announcements. https://t.co/u0xV4lALfb — hulu (@hulu) May 2, 2018 It should be noted that this only applies to subscribers on ad-supported plans. Those who pay extra to remove the ads from Hulu won't have to put up with them in their downloads either. Either way the feature will debut "during the 2018-19 upfront season". In its press release, Peter Naylor, SVP of Advertising Sales at Hulu, said: "Our launch of the industry's first ad-supported downloadable content experience is yet another example of how Hulu is innovating viewer-first ad solutions to drive powerful results for brands. With downloadable content, we're offering brands more ways to connect with engaged viewers who love the experience of watching television, wherever they may be." Hulu Now Has 20 Million Subscribers In addition to its plans for offline viewing, Hulu announced it now has more than 20 million subscribers in the United States. The company also announced new Hulu Originals and content acquisitions to boost its impressive catalog of streaming shows and movies. Tags: Coming, Hulu, Offline, Promises, Soon, Viewing Previous 5 Digital Habits to Cleanly Separate Your Work and Personal Life Next How to Keep Ethernet, TV, and Power Wires Tidy Using Cable Covers
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
package org.openoverlayrouter.noroot; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.SpinnerAdapter; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class MultiSelectionSpinner extends Spinner implements OnMultiChoiceClickListener { String[] _items = null; boolean[] mSelection = null; ArrayAdapter<String> simple_adapter; public MultiSelectionSpinner(Context context) { super(context); simple_adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item); super.setAdapter(simple_adapter); } public MultiSelectionSpinner(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); simple_adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(context, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item); super.setAdapter(simple_adapter); } public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, boolean isChecked) { if (mSelection != null && which < mSelection.length) { mSelection[which] = isChecked; simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(buildSelectedItemString()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument 'which' is out of bounds."); } } @Override public boolean performClick() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()); builder.setMultiChoiceItems(_items, mSelection, this); builder.show(); return true; } @Override public void setAdapter(SpinnerAdapter adapter) { throw new RuntimeException( "setAdapter is not supported by MultiSelectSpinner."); } public void setItems(String[] items) { _items = items; mSelection = new boolean[_items.length]; simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(_items[0]); Arrays.fill(mSelection, false); } public void setItems(List<String> items) { _items = items.toArray(new String[items.size()]); mSelection = new boolean[_items.length]; simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(_items[0]); Arrays.fill(mSelection, false); } public void setSelection(String[] selection) { for (String cell : selection) { for (int j = 0; j < _items.length; ++j) { if (_items[j].equals(cell)) { mSelection[j] = true; } } } } public void setSelection(List<String> selection) { for (int i = 0; i < mSelection.length; i++) { mSelection[i] = false; } for (String sel : selection) { for (int j = 0; j < _items.length; ++j) { if (_items[j].equals(sel)) { mSelection[j] = true; } } } simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(buildSelectedItemString()); } public void setSelection(int index) { for (int i = 0; i < mSelection.length; i++) { mSelection[i] = false; } if (index >= 0 && index < mSelection.length) { mSelection[index] = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index " + index + " is out of bounds."); } simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(buildSelectedItemString()); } public void setSelection(int[] selectedIndicies) { for (int i = 0; i < mSelection.length; i++) { mSelection[i] = false; } for (int index : selectedIndicies) { if (index >= 0 && index < mSelection.length) { mSelection[index] = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index " + index + " is out of bounds."); } } simple_adapter.clear(); simple_adapter.add(buildSelectedItemString()); } public List<String> getSelectedStrings() { List<String> selection = new LinkedList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < _items.length; ++i) { if (mSelection[i]) { selection.add(_items[i]); } } return selection; } public List<Integer> getSelectedIndicies() { List<Integer> selection = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < _items.length; ++i) { if (mSelection[i]) { selection.add(i); } } return selection; } private String buildSelectedItemString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean foundOne = false; for (int i = 0; i < _items.length; ++i) { if (mSelection[i]) { if (foundOne) { sb.append(", "); } foundOne = true; sb.append(_items[i]); } } return sb.toString(); } public String getSelectedItemsAsString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean foundOne = false; for (int i = 0; i < _items.length; ++i) { if (mSelection[i]) { if (foundOne) { sb.append(", "); } foundOne = true; sb.append(_items[i]); } } return sb.toString(); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}