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A biplot showing PCA results with color-coded groups indicating clusters. PCA biplot cluster analysis
Visualization of PCA components showing the distribution of samples in the reduced space. PCA reduced space data distribution
Principal Component Analysis applied to data for dimensionality reduction visualization. PCA dimensionality reduction data visualization
Geometric PCA representation showing both components with plane visualizations. PCA geometric visualization components
PCA plot showing the variation of samples in the reduced space after transformation. PCA transformation sample variation
PCA biplot showing the relationship between variables and samples in the dataset. PCA biplot variables
PCA scores plot illustrating the variance captured by the principal components. PCA scores plot variance
PCA plot showing the variance explained by the principal components. PCA variance explained principal components
PCA analysis plots visualizing the component loadings and scores. PCA loadings scores
PCA loading plot showing the correlation between variables and components. PCA loading plot variable correlation
A PCA plot illustrating the distribution of data in reduced dimensions. PCA reduced dimensions data distribution
PCA plot showing the explained variance ratio for each component. PCA explained variance variance ratio
PCA plot for proteomics data showing the separation of samples based on principal components. PCA proteomics sample separation
Scree plot showing the explained variance for each principal component. PCA scree plot explained variance
PCA correlation circle plot showing the correlation of variables with the components. PCA correlation circle variables correlation
PCA plot with optimized axes showing the distribution of samples in the reduced space. PCA optimized axes sample distribution
A labeled Gaussian distribution plot showcasing PCA results for the dataset. PCA Gaussian distribution labeled plot
Scree plot showing the variance explained by each principal component in PCA. PCA scree plot variance explained
PCA plot with ellipses showing the distribution and variance of data points. PCA ellipses data distribution