20 values
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the ship id and name that caused most total injuries? | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select ship.id , ship.name from death group by ship.id order by count ( death.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the distinct battle names which are between bulgarian commander 'Kaloyan' and latin commander 'Baldwin I'? | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select battle.name from battle where battle.bulgarian_commander = "Kaloyan" and battle.latin_commander = "Baldwin I"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different results are there for the battles? | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct battle.result ) from battle
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many battles did not lose any ship with tonnage '225'? | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select count ( battle.* ) from battle where @.@ not in ship.* and ship.tonnage = "225"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List the name and date the battle that has lost the ship named 'Lettice' and the ship named 'HMS Atalanta' | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select battle.name , battle.date from battle where ship.name = "Lettice" and ship.name = "HMS Atalanta"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Show names, results and bulgarian commanders of the battles with no ships lost in the 'English Channel'. | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select battle.name , battle.result , battle.bulgarian_commander from battle where except_ @.@ is ship.* and ship.location = "English Channel"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the notes of the death events which has substring 'East'? | battle : id , name , date , bulgarian_commander , latin_commander , result | ship : lost_in_battle , id , name , tonnage , ship_type , location , disposition_of_ship | death : caused_by_ship_id , id , note , killed , injured | ship.lost_in_battle = battle.id | death.caused_by_ship_id = ship.id | ### Response:
select death.note from death where death.note like "%East%"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: what are all the addresses including line 1 and line 2? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.line_1 , addresses.line_2 from addresses
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the first and second line for all addresses? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.line_1 , addresses.line_2 from addresses
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many courses in total are listed? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( courses.* ) from courses
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many courses are there? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( courses.* ) from courses
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How is the math course described? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_description from courses where courses.course_name = "math"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the descriptions for all the math courses? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_description from courses where courses.course_name = "math"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the zip code of the address in the city Port Chelsea? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.zip_postcode from addresses where addresses.city = "Port Chelsea"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the zip code for Port Chelsea? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.zip_postcode from addresses where addresses.city = "Port Chelsea"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Which department offers the most number of degrees? List department name and id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select departments.department_name , departments.department_id from degree_programs group by degree_programs.department_id order by count ( degree_programs.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the name and id of the department with the most number of degrees ? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select departments.department_name , departments.department_id from degree_programs group by degree_programs.department_id order by count ( degree_programs.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many departments offer any degree? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct degree_programs.department_id ) from degree_programs
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different departments offer degrees? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct degree_programs.department_id ) from degree_programs
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different degree names are offered? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct degree_programs.degree_summary_name ) from degree_programs
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different degrees are offered? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct degree_programs.degree_summary_name ) from degree_programs
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many degrees does the engineering department offer? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( degree_programs.* ) from degree_programs where departments.department_name = "engineer"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many degrees does the engineering department have? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( degree_programs.* ) from degree_programs where departments.department_name = "engineer"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names and descriptions of all the sections? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_name , sections.section_description from sections
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names and descriptions for all the sections? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_name , sections.section_description from sections
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names and id of courses having at most 2 sections? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_name , courses.course_id from sections where count ( sections.* ) <= 2 group by courses.course_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names and ids of every course with less than 2 sections? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_name , courses.course_id from sections where count ( sections.* ) <= 2 group by courses.course_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List the section_name in reversed lexicographical order. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_name from sections order by sections.section_name desc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names of the sections in reverse alphabetical order? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_name from sections order by sections.section_name desc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the semester which most student registered in? Show both the name and the id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select semesters.semester_name , semesters.semester_id from semesters where @.@ join student_enrolment.* group by semesters.semester_id order by count ( semesters.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: For each semester, what is the name and id of the one with the most students registered? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select semesters.semester_name , semesters.semester_id from semesters where @.@ join student_enrolment.* group by semesters.semester_id order by count ( semesters.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the description of the department whose name has the substring the computer? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select departments.department_description from departments where departments.department_name like "%computer%"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the department description for the one whose name has the word computer? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select departments.department_description from departments where departments.department_name like "%computer%"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Who are enrolled in 2 degree programs in one semester? List the first name, middle name and last name and the id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name , students.student_id from student_enrolment where count ( student_enrolment.* ) = 2 group by students.student_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the first, middle, and last names, along with the ids, of all students who enrolled in 2 degree programs in one semester? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name , students.student_id from student_enrolment where count ( student_enrolment.* ) = 2 group by students.student_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Who is enrolled in a Bachelor degree program? List the first name, middle name, last name. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from students where degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Bachelor"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the first, middle, and last names for everybody enrolled in a Bachelors program? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from degree_programs where degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Bachelor"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Find the kind of program which most number of students are enrolled in? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select degree_programs.degree_summary_name from student_enrolment group by degree_programs.degree_summary_name order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the degree summary name that has the most number of students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select degree_programs.degree_summary_name from degree_programs group by degree_programs.degree_summary_name order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Find the program which most number of students are enrolled in. List both the id and the summary. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select degree_programs.degree_program_id , degree_programs.degree_summary_name from degree_programs group by degree_programs.degree_program_id order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the program id and the summary of the degree that has the most students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select degree_programs.degree_program_id , degree_programs.degree_summary_name from student_enrolment group by degree_programs.degree_program_id order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Which student has enrolled for the most times in any program? List the id, first name, middle name, last name, the number of enrollments and student id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name , count ( student_enrolment.* ) , students.student_id , students.student_id from students group by students.student_id order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the first, middle, and last name, along with the id and number of enrollments, for the student who enrolled the most in any program? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name , count ( student_enrolment.* ) , students.student_id , students.student_id from student_enrolment group by students.student_id order by count ( student_enrolment.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Which semesters do not have any student enrolled? List the semester name. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select semesters.semester_name from semesters where @.@ not in student_enrolment.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the name of the semester with no students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select semesters.semester_name from semesters where @.@ not in student_enrolment.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are all the course names of the courses which ever have students enrolled in? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct courses.course_name from courses where @.@ join student_enrolment_courses.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names of all courses that have some students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct courses.course_name from courses where @.@ join student_enrolment_courses.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What's the name of the course with most number of enrollments? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_name from student_enrolment_courses group by courses.course_name order by count ( student_enrolment_courses.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the name of the course with the most students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select courses.course_name from student_enrolment_courses group by courses.course_name order by count ( student_enrolment_courses.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Find the last name of the students who currently live in the state of North Carolina but have not registered in any degree program. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.last_name from students where addresses.state_province_county = "NorthCarolina" except_ @.@ join student_enrolment.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the last name of the students who live in North Carolina but have not registered in any degree programs? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.last_name from students where addresses.state_province_county = "NorthCarolina" except_ @.@ join student_enrolment.*
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Show the date and id of the transcript with at least 2 course results. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcript_contents.transcript_id from transcripts where count ( transcripts.* ) >= 2 group by transcript_contents.transcript_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the date and id of the transcript with at least 2 courses listed? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcript_contents.transcript_id from transcripts where count ( transcripts.* ) >= 2 group by transcript_contents.transcript_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the phone number of the man with the first name Timmothy and the last name Ward? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.cell_mobile_number from students where students.first_name = "Timmothy" and students.last_name = "Ward"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the mobile phone number of the student named Timmothy Ward ? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.cell_mobile_number from students where students.first_name = "Timmothy" and students.last_name = "Ward"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Who is the first student to register? List the first name, middle name and last name. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from students order by students.date_first_registered asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the first, middle, and last name of the first student to register? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from students order by students.date_first_registered asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Who is the earliest graduate of the school? List the first name, middle name and last name. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from students order by students.date_left asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the first, middle, and last name of the earliest school graduate? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name , students.middle_name , students.last_name from students order by students.date_left asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Whose permanent address is different from his or her current address? List his or her first name. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name from students where students.current_address_id != students.permanent_address_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the first name of the student whose permanent address is different from his or her current one? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name from students where students.current_address_id != students.permanent_address_id
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Which address holds the most number of students currently? List the address id and all lines. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.address_id , addresses.line_1 , addresses.line_2 from addresses group by addresses.address_id order by count ( students.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the id, line 1, and line 2 of the address with the most students? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select addresses.address_id , addresses.line_1 , addresses.line_2 from addresses group by addresses.address_id order by count ( students.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: On average, when were the transcripts printed? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select avg ( transcripts.transcript_date ) from transcripts
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the average transcript date? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select avg ( transcripts.transcript_date ) from transcripts
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: When is the first transcript released? List the date and details. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcripts.other_details from transcripts order by transcripts.transcript_date asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the earliest date of a transcript release, and what details can you tell me? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcripts.other_details from transcripts order by transcripts.transcript_date asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many transcripts are released? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( transcripts.* ) from transcripts
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many transcripts are listed? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( transcripts.* ) from transcripts
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the last transcript release date? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date from transcripts order by transcripts.transcript_date desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: When was the last transcript released? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date from transcripts order by transcripts.transcript_date desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many times at most can a course enrollment result show in different transcripts? Also show the course enrollment id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( transcript_contents.* ) , transcript_contents.student_course_id from transcript_contents group by transcript_contents.student_course_id order by count ( transcript_contents.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the maximum number of times that a course shows up in different transcripts and what is that course's enrollment id? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( transcript_contents.* ) , transcript_contents.student_course_id from transcript_contents group by transcript_contents.student_course_id order by count ( transcript_contents.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Show the date of the transcript which shows the least number of results, also list the id. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcript_contents.transcript_id from transcript_contents group by transcript_contents.transcript_id order by count ( transcript_contents.* ) asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the date and id of the transcript with the least number of results? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select transcripts.transcript_date , transcript_contents.transcript_id from transcript_contents group by transcript_contents.transcript_id order by count ( transcript_contents.* ) asc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Find the semester when both Master students and Bachelor students got enrolled in. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct student_enrolment.semester_id from degree_programs where degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Master" and degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Bachelor"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the id of the semester that had both Masters and Bachelors students enrolled? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select distinct student_enrolment.semester_id from degree_programs where degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Master" and degree_programs.degree_summary_name = "Bachelor"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different addresses do the students currently live? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct students.current_address_id ) from students
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the different addresses that have students living there? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct students.current_address_id ) from students
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List all the student details in reversed lexicographical order. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.other_student_details from students order by students.other_student_details desc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What other details can you tell me about students in reverse alphabetical order? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.other_student_details from students order by students.other_student_details desc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Describe the section h. | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_description from sections where sections.section_name = "h"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the description for the section named h? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select sections.section_description from sections where sections.section_name = "h"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Find the first name of the students who permanently live in the country Haiti or have the cell phone number 09700166582 . | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name from students where addresses.country = "haiti" or students.cell_mobile_number = "09700166582"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the first names of the students who live in Haiti permanently or have the cell phone number 09700166582 ? | addresses : address_id , line_1 , line_2 , line_3 , city , zip_postcode , state_province_county , country , other_address_details | courses : course_id , course_name , course_description , other_details | departments : department_id , department_name , department_description , other_details | degree_programs : degree_program_id , department_id , degree_summary_name , degree_summary_description , other_details | sections : section_id , course_id , section_name , section_description , other_details | semesters : semester_id , semester_name , semester_description , other_details | students : student_id , current_address_id , permanent_address_id , first_name , middle_name , last_name , cell_mobile_number , email_address , ssn , date_first_registered , date_left , other_student_details | student_enrolment : student_enrolment_id , degree_program_id , semester_id , student_id , other_details | student_enrolment_courses : student_course_id , course_id , student_enrolment_id | transcripts : transcript_id , transcript_date , other_details | transcript_contents : student_course_id , transcript_id | degree_programs.department_id = departments.department_id | sections.course_id = courses.course_id | students.permanent_address_id = addresses.address_id | students.current_address_id = addresses.address_id | student_enrolment.student_id = students.student_id | student_enrolment.semester_id = semesters.semester_id | student_enrolment.degree_program_id = degree_programs.degree_program_id | student_enrolment_courses.student_enrolment_id = student_enrolment.student_enrolment_id | student_enrolment_courses.course_id = courses.course_id | transcript_contents.transcript_id = transcripts.transcript_id | transcript_contents.student_course_id = student_enrolment_courses.student_course_id | ### Response:
select students.first_name from students where addresses.country = "haiti" or students.cell_mobile_number = "09700166582"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List the title of all cartoons in alphabetical order. | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon order by cartoon.Title asc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the titles of the cartoons sorted alphabetically? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon order by cartoon.Title asc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List all cartoon directed by "Ben Jones". | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon where cartoon.Directed_by = "Ben Jones"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the names of all cartoons directed by Ben Jones? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon where cartoon.Directed_by = "Ben Jones"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many cartoons were written by "Joseph Kuhr"? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select count ( cartoon.* ) from cartoon where cartoon.Written_by = "Joseph Kuhr"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the number of cartoones written by Joseph Kuhr? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select count ( cartoon.* ) from cartoon where cartoon.Written_by = "Joseph Kuhr"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: list all cartoon titles and their directors ordered by their air date | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title , cartoon.Directed_by from cartoon order by cartoon.Original_air_date asc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the name and directors of all the cartoons that are ordered by air date? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title , cartoon.Directed_by from cartoon order by cartoon.Original_air_date asc
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List the title of all cartoon directed by "Ben Jones" or "Brandon Vietti". | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon where cartoon.Directed_by = "Ben Jones" or cartoon.Directed_by = "Brandon Vietti"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What are the titles of all cartoons directed by Ben Jones or Brandon Vietti? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select cartoon.Title from cartoon where cartoon.Directed_by = "Ben Jones" or cartoon.Directed_by = "Brandon Vietti"
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: Which country has the most of TV Channels? List the country and number of TV Channels it has. | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select tv_channel.Country , count ( tv_channel.* ) from tv_channel group by tv_channel.Country order by count ( tv_channel.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the country with the most number of TV Channels and how many does it have? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select tv_channel.Country , count ( tv_channel.* ) from tv_channel group by tv_channel.Country order by count ( tv_channel.* ) desc limit 1
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: List the number of different series names and contents in the TV Channel table. | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct tv_channel.series_name ) , count ( distinct tv_channel.Content ) from tv_channel
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: How many different series and contents are listed in the TV Channel table? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select count ( distinct tv_channel.series_name ) , count ( distinct tv_channel.Content ) from tv_channel
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Convert text to NatSQL: What is the content of TV Channel with serial name "Sky Radio"? | tv_channel : id , series_name , country , language , content , pixel_aspect_ratio_par , hight_definition_tv , pay_per_view_ppv , package_option | tv_series : id , episode , air_date , rating , share , 18_49_rating_share , viewers_m , weekly_rank , channel | cartoon : id , title , directed_by , written_by , original_air_date , production_code , channel | tv_series.channel = tv_channel.id | cartoon.channel = tv_channel.id | ### Response:
select tv_channel.Content from tv_channel where tv_channel.series_name = "Sky Radio"