17 values
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Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - SIO
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice MacKay rendered at Ottawa on 24-FEB-1995 dismissing the application for leave and n/a endorsed on document 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 58 page(s) 202 - 202 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision and written notice that no reasons were given for the decision sent by Detention and Removals CIC, Mississauga on 20-DEC-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 22-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Second request to DETENTIONS AND REMOVALS, CIC, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, 3740-92-6283/ 2672-X-16784 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 10-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Detentions & Removals, 6855 Airport Rd.,Mississauga, Ont. File: 3740-92-6283. pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 15-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 12-JUL-1994 with proof of service on the applicant on 7-JUL-1994 and the tribunal on 11-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 05-JUL-1994 filed on 05-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision DENTENTIONS AND REMOVALS (CIC) 9-SEP-1994 3740-92-6283 2672-X-16784 filed on 05-JUL-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Mahoney, P.C. acting as an ex officio judge of the Trial Division rendered at Ottawa on 19-OCT-1994 dismissing the application for leave and N/A endorsed on 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 47 page(s) 381 - 381 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 23-AUG-1994 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 23-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the applicant on 19-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 03-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 03-AUG-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 12-JUL-1994 with proof of service on the applicant 7-JUL-1994 AND IRB 11-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/CRDD 10-JUN-1994 U93-06409 filed on 06-JUL-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson rendered at Vancouver on 13-OCT-1994 granting the motion to dismiss and . filed on 13-OCT-1994 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 46 page(s) 32 - 32 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the respondent filed on 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by D.G. MYATT, COMMISSION FOR CANADA, HONG KONG on 20-SEP-1994 pursuant to R.1612 Received on 26-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to Respondent's Application to Strike on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-SEP-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of service of Glen keith sworn on 07-SEP-1994 on behalf of Respondent \nconfirming service of minister's reply in support of minister's application to strike upon Applicant on 06-SEP-1994 with Exhibits A filed on 08-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply in Support of Minister's Application to Strike (Doc. 3) on behalf of the respondent filed on 02-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Second letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 26-AUG-1994 sent to CIC - Int Service Group - ORL - Hull, Quebec", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the applicant in opposition to 3 filed on 25-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of GLEN KEITH on behalf of the respondent sworn on 23-AUG-1994 confirming service of DOCS. NOS. 3,4,5, on the applicant by personal service on 17-AUG-1994 with attached exhibit(s) \"A TO C\" filed on 24-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of William Allen Sheppit on behalf of the respondent sworn on 10-AUG-1994 in support of Motion Doc. No. 3 filed on 17-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in support of Motion Doc. No. 3 filed on 17-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent pursuant to R. 324 for an Order dismissing this action for want of jurisdiction filed on 17-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 28-JUL-1994 sent to CIC - Internation Service Group - Hull", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of TRUONG HA sworn on 06-JUL-1994 on behalf of Applicant in support of Motion Doc. No. 1 with Exhibits \"A\" TO \"P\" filed on 06-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Originating \nNotice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable (but no hearing date indicated at this time) for an Order TO REVIEW THE DECISION AS RENDERED BY A VISA OFFICER DATED JUNE 20, 1994 filed on 06-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Teitelbaum rendu(e) à Ottawa le 21-JAN-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et COMPLÉTANT LE DOSSIER inscrit(e) sur 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 25 page(s) 430 - 430 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tetrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 24-AOU-1993 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. 7) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 24-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 26-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 26-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie du dossier de la partie requérante avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée et à la C.I.S.R. le 27-JUL-1993 déposée le 27-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 27-JUL-1993 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 07-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 06-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 08-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 08-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judicaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée au ministre de la Justice et à la C.I.S.R. le 29-JUN-1993 déposée le 30-JUN-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 8 juin 1993 par Bamboté Makombo et J. Vincent Fleury dans le dossier no. M93-03943 déposée le 29-JUN-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review & extension - CRDD
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 11 delivered 23-NOV-1994 filed on 13-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the order / doc. # 10 delivered 23-NOV-1994 filed on 13-DEC-1994 \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 52 page(s) 65 - 66", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson delivered 01-JUN-1994 at Ottawa filed on 01-JUN-1994 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson rendered at Ottawa on 01-JUN-1994 granting the application for judicial review and N/A filed on 01-JUN-1994 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 34 page(s) 440 - 440 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the applicant filed on 26-APR-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 26-APR-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of a Letter from RESPONDENT dated 16-FEB-1994 re: THIS FILE TRANSFERRED TO ANNE-MARIE WATERS, DOJ, 416-973-9711 received on 22-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 02-FEB-1994 \nBEFORE The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nRON BRADLEY \nDuration per day: \n02-FEB-1994 from 02:30 to 04:10 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 8 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Rola Graff \nTotal Duration: 1 HOUR AND 40 MINUTES \nAppearances: \nMR. JOHN GRANT 416-778-8565 representing Applicant \nMS. ANNE-MARIE WATERS 416-973-9711 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nMAUREEN HOPKINSON, TORONTO COURT REPORTERS 416-364-2065 02-FEB-1994 \nTranscript not requested \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 11 page(s) 323 - 325 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the applicant received on 02-FEB-1994 1 copy(ies) for the Court sent directly to presiding judge", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " FURTHER MEMORANDUM OF ARGUMENT on behalf of the applicant in support of DOC NO. 1 filed on 11-JAN-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by IRB, 70 UNIVERSITY AVE., TORONTO on 7-DEC-1993 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 08-DEC-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice MacKay rendered at Ottawa on 19-NOV-1993 and granting the application for leave with a request for an extension of time (R.6) and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 01-FEB-1994 to begin at 10:00 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: The hearing shall be conducted in the English language. The tribunal shall send copies of its record to the parties and Registry of the Court on or before December 10, 1993, unless it has already done so. Further affidavits, if any, shall be served and filed by the applicant on or before December 17, 1993. Further affidavits, if any, shall be served and filed by the respondent on or before December 24, 1993. Cross-examinations, if any, on affidavits shall be completed on or before January 4, 1994. The applicant`s further memorandum of argument, if any, shall be served and 2 copies filed on or before January 11, 1994. The respondent`s further memorandum of argument, if any, shall be served and 2 copies filed on or before January 21, 1994. The transcript of cross-examinations, if any, shall be filed on or or before January 28, 1994. filed on 22-NOV-1993 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 21 page(s) 188 - 189 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to RESPONDENT'S MEMORANDUM on behalf of the applicant filed on 09-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 30-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the applicant ON 30-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the respondent on 29-JUL-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 08-JUL-1993 with proof of service on Solicitor for the Applicant on July 6/93 and IRB on July 7/93", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc.1 App. for Leave with proof of service on Respondent on June 29/93 and IRB-CRDD on 30-JUN-1993 filed on 30-JUN-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review and for an extension of time pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD dated May 13/93 File U93-00211 filed on 29-JUN-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Marceau agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 18-JAN-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et S/O inscrit(e) sur DOC.# 1. Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 54 page(s) 429 - 429 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie appelante à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Aubry de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 21-NOV-1994 attestant la signification de la Réplique du requérant (Doc. no. 9) à la partie intimée et à la CISR par signification à personne le 21-NOV-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 21-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Robillard de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 10-NOV-1994 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 10-NOV-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 10-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 10-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Aubry de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 11-OCT-1994 attestant la signification du Dossier du requérant (Doc. no. 5) à la partie intimée et à la CISR par signification à personne le 11-OCT-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 12-OCT-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Copie certifiée de la décision et des motifs envoyé(e) par LA CISR, MONTRéAL QUEBEC le 07-SEP-1994 conformément à la règle 9(2) reçu(e) le 08-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Deuxième demande adressée Commission de l'immigration et du statut du réfugié, Complexe Guy-Favreau 200, boul. René-Levesque (numéro de dossier de la CISR: M93-11121 selon la règle 9 des Règles de la Cour fédérale en matière d'immigration en date du 22-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Première demande adressée CISR, 200, BOUL. RENE-LEVESQUE, MONTREAL #M93--11121 selon la règle 9 des Règles de la Cour fédérale en matière d'immigration en date du 25-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Claude Girard de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 14-JUL-1994 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 14-JUL-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 18-JUL-1994 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Aubry de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 08-JUL-1994 attestant la signification de la \"Demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire\" à la partie intimée et à la C.I.S.R. par signification à personne le 08-JUL-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 08-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue le 29 juin 1994 par PIERRE BERNIER et JEAN-GUY ROUSSY de la C.I.S.R. dans le dossier M93-11121 déposée le 07-JUL-1994 Motifs écrits non reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - H&C
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis rendered at Ottawa on 04-MAY-1995 granting the application for judicial review and the order reads, the application for judicial review is allowed on consent and the decision dated 15-Dec-1995 of Paul Palmer, an Immigration Officer, is quashed. The matter is referred back for rehearing and redetermination by a different immigration Officer in accordance with the law. filed on 04-MAY-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 61 page(s) 456 - 456 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 15 on behalf of the applicant the respondent filed on 03-MAY-1995 with proof of service on the respondent on 3-May-1995", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order the decision of the immigration officer, December 15, 1993, be set aside and the matter ce referred to a different immigration officer for redertermination with proof of service upon Respondent on 03-MAY-1995 filed on 03-MAY-1995", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the Applicant dated 03-MAY-1995 re: re: notice for consent judgement filed on 03-MAY-1995 with proof of service on the respondent on 3-May-1995", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the respondent dated 01-MAY-1995 re: consents to judicial review received on 01-MAY-1995", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Appointment on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-MAR-1995 with proof of service on respondent on Mar. 14/95", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 13-FEB-1995 and granting the application for leave and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 09-MAY-1995 to begin at 02:15 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: - tribunal record to the parties and registry on or before March 6, 1995 - further A's affs on or before March 16, 1995 - further R's aff on or before March 23, 1995 - Cross-exams, if any, on or before April 3, 1995 - A's further mem. of arg. on or before April 13, 1995 - R's further mem. of arg. on or before April 24, 1995 - Transcripts of cross-exams on or before May 1, 1995 and amending the style of cause to indiacte the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration as respondent filed on 14-FEB-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 57 page(s) 105 - 106 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of GRACE BILOTTA on behalf of the respondent sworn on 30-JUN-1994 confirming service of DOC NO. 10 on the applicant by telecopier on 30-JUN-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C,D filed on 30-JUN-1994", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO COMMENCE A PROCEEDING FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW on behalf of the respondent filed on 30-JUN-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 03-JUN-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 03-JUN-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-05-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Nadon rendered at Ottawa on 20-MAY-1994 and granting the application for an extension of time 4 such that the Applicant will have until June 3, 1994 to file and serve the application record;but not granting the requested extension of 20 days following the receipt of the Immigration Officer's written reasons. endorsed on the Notice of Motion (Doc. 4). Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 33 page(s) 447 - 447 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of CHRISTINE SELLING on behalf of the respondent sworn on 13-APR-1994 confirming service of DOC.6,DOC.7 on the applicant by telecopier on 13-APR-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 14-APR-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of MARTHA LORI HENDRICKS on behalf of the respondent sworn on 13-APR-1994 IN RESPONSE TO DOC 4 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 13-APR-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent IN RESPONSE TO DOCUMENT 4 filed on 13-APR-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of JANE AMIKONS on behalf of the applicant sworn on 18-MAR-1994 in support of DOC NO. 4 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 18-MAR-1994 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order EXTENDING THE TIME FOR THE APPLICANTS TO FILE THEIR RECORD with proof of service upon Respondent on 18-MAR-1994 filed on 18-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " RULE 9 MATERIALS received from EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION and placed on file on 09-FEB-1994 on this file", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to IRB, Detentions & Removals, 6855 Airport Rd., Mississauga, Ont. File No: 3298-W-22432. pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 03-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 27-JAN-1994 with proof of service on Mississauga-CIC on Jan. 27/94 and applicant on Jan. 26/94", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.1 with proof of service on the respondent ON 25-JAN-1994 AND MISSISSAUGA DETENTIONS & REMOVALS-CIC on 26-JAN-1994 filed on 26-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CIC-DETENTIONS & REMOVALS, 15-DEC-1993, 3298-W-22432 filed on 25-JAN-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Tremblay-Lamer at Ottawa on 04-MAR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on doc.# 1 received on 06-MAR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 72 - 72 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie requérante en date du 08-FEV-1996 concernant le fait que Me Bertrand attend les instructions de son client qui est présentement à Vancouver et son affidavit dûment signé reçue le 09-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 01-FEV-1996 concernant le fait que la demande d'autorisation n'a pas été mise en état. L'intimé informe la Cour qu'il n'entend pas déposer d'obs. à l'encontre de la demande et prie la Cour de statuer sur le dossier. reçue le 01-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Madeleine Leveau de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (Doc.#3) à Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada à Vancouver par télécopie le 15-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 13-DEC-1995 attestant la signification du \"Notice of appearance\" (Doc.#3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 13-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of the application for leave and for judicial review (Doc.#1) with proof of service on the respondent on 06-DEC-1995 filed on 07-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision rendered by J. Forgie from Canada Immigration Center,Vancouver B.C. on November 15, 1995 in file number: #5133-229316 filed on 06-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 25, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 23 delivered 08-NOV-1996 filed on 04-MAR-1997", "RE_NO": 40 }, { "DOCNO": 24, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the order / doc. # 22 delivered 08-NOV-1996 filed on 04-MAR-1997 \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 90 page(s) 374 - 374", "RE_NO": 39 }, { "DOCNO": 23, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Mr. Justice Pinard delivered 08-NOV-1996 at Ottawa filed on 12-NOV-1996 Copies of reasons sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 38 }, { "DOCNO": 22, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Pinard at Ottawa on 08-NOV-1996 \ndismissing the application for judicial review (Visa Officer) \nDecision filed on 12-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 84 page(s) 385 - 385 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 37 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Montréal 05-NOV-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Pinard \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nof a decision by Visa Officer Philip Lupul dated October 31, 1995 \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMonique David \nDuration per day: \n05-NOV-1996 from 10:02 to 11:15 \nCourtroom : Courtroom 306 - Montréal \nCourt Registrar: Nicole Reimen \nTotal Duration: 1h13 \nAppearances: \nMr. WM Melvin Weigel (514) 845-8146 representing Applicant \nMr. Ian Hicks (514) 283-8772 representing Respondent \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 47 page(s) 404 - 407 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 36 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** ANNULÉ(E) ****** \nCopie certifiée du dossier envoyé(e) par la CISR de Montréal le 22-aou-1996 conformément à l'ordonnance de la Cour reçu(e) le 22-AOU-1996", "RE_NO": 35 }, { "DOCNO": 21, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Ottawa on 07-OCT-1996 \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Montréal on 05-NOV-1996 to begin at 10:00 (or as soon thereafter as the application may be heard) \nDecision filed on 08-OCT-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 83 page(s) 66 - 66 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 34 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Exhibits B and C to the affidavit of Jennifer Brault as per the Order of (McGillis, J) dated September 25, 1996 filed on 03-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 33 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Transcript of cross-examination prepared by the applicant as per the Order rendered by (McGillis, J) dated September 25, 1996 consisting of 1 volume(s) filed on 03-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 32 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 25-SEP-1996 \ngranting the motion for an extension of time to the applicant: 10 days from the date of this Order to file the transcript of cross-examination and the exhibits b.c.d, of the affidavit of Jenifer Brault into the last record (Motion Doc. No. 14 ) \nDecision filed on 25-SEP-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 82 page(s) 129 - 129 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 31 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Me Ian Hicks, procureur de l'intimé, en date du 06-SEP-1996 concernant le fait que l'intimé ne déposera pas d'observations à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation (doc. No. 14). reçue le 09-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Jenifer Brault on behalf of the applicant sworn on 30-AUG-1996 confirming service of the letter (application for hearing time) on the respondent by telecopier on 30-AUG-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" & \"B\" filed on 05-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Melvin Weigel (for the applicant) dated 30-AUG-1996 re: a joint application for hearing time , place and language. received on 05-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to Frank Roach from Georgette Henri, Registry Officer, dated 06-SEP-1996 re: concerning a motion for extension of time (doc. No. 14), to be dealt with in Ottawa. placed on file.", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Jenifer Brault on behalf of the applicant sworn on 30-AUG-1996 confirming service of a letter (doc. No. 15) and a motion for extension of time (doc. No. 14) on the respondent by telecopier on 30-AUG-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" and \"B\" filed on 05-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Draft Judgment concerning Motion Doc. No. 14 received on 05-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Me Melvin Weigel, counsel of the applicant, dated 30-AUG-1996 re: concerning a motion for extension of time (doc. No. 14) filed on 05-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Motion on behalf of Applicant with attached supporting affidavit of May Chiu, and Jenifer Brault in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for extension of time to file applicant's transcript of cross-examination filed on 05-SEP-1996 \nDraft Order\\\\Judgment received.", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Jenifer Brault on behalf of the applicant sworn on 27-MAY-1996 confirming service of the applicant's supplementary application record (R. 1609) on the respondent by telecopier on 27-MAY-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" and \"B\" filed on 27-MAY-1996", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-06-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Supplementary Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 03-JUN-1996", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Me WM. Melvin Weigel (Applicant) dated 27-MAY-1996 re: to advise that he will not produce a request for Assignment of a hearing date received on 27-MAY-1996", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 16-MAY-1996 \ngranting the motion for an extension of time to file A's supplementary applicaiton record within 12 days of this order (Motion Doc. No. 9 ) \nDecision filed on 16-MAY-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 77 page(s) 278 - 278 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 21-MAR-1996 concernant le fait que l'intimé n'entend pas déposer d'observations à l'encontre de la demande de proro. du requérant (Doc.#9) reçue le 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to Frank Roach from Judith Paré dated 20-MAR-1996 re: the fact that the motion for ext. time (Doc.#9) has not been submitted to the prothonotary in Mtl. The motion will be dealt with in Ottawa. placed on file.", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the Applicant dated 20-MAR-1996 re: the Motion for ext. time (Doc.#9) filed on 20-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Draft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 9 received on 20-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant with attached supporting affidavit of May Chiu in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an extension of time to file the Applicant's supplementary application record (R.1608) filed on 20-MAR-1996 \nDraft Order\\\\Judgment received.", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Nicole Reimen dated 19-MAR-1996 re: the applicant will make a motion to obtain an extension of time to file his reply, placed on file.", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter requesting Hearing information pursuant to the Direction of the ACJ dated 17-FEB-1993 dated 15-MAR-1996 sent to the applicant", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 04-MAR-1996 attestant la signification du \"Respondent's Application Record (Rule 1607)\" (Doc.#7) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 04-MAR-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 06-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the respondent filed on 04-MAR-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Sylvie Bouchard, Registry Officer, dated 08-FEB-1996 re: the content of the Application Record of Applicant (doc. no. 5) placed on file.", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of André G. Mathieu on behalf of the applicant sworn on 05-FEB-1996 confirming service of the Application Record of the Applicant (doc. no. 5) on the respondent by personal service on 05-FEB-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 05-FEB-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 22-JAN-1996 attestant la signification de l'\"Affidavit of Philip Lupul\" (doc. no 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 22-JAN-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 23-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Philip Lupul on behalf of the respondent sworn on 18-JAN-1996 in reply to the Originating Notice of Motion (doc. no 1) filed on 22-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the originals pursuant to Rule 1613 consisting of 1 volume(s) prepared by Canadian Consulate General, Immigration Section, Seattle WA 98101-1286 received on 29-DEC-1995 \nCopy sent to the applicant the respondent 0 judges' copies stored in Ottawa", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Linda Leblanc dated 06-DEC-1995 re: the style of cause includes an intervenor placed on file.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of André-Georges Mathieu on behalf of the applicant sworn on 06-DEC-1995 confirming service of the Application for Judicial Review on the respondent and the Intervenor (Deputy Attorney General) by personal service on 06-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 06-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application for judicial review pursuant to section 18.1 of the Federal Court Act against a decision of a Visa officer on 31-oct-1995 filed on 06-DEC-1995 Request for certified copy of tribunal material included in notice of motion \nAffidavit(s) attached in support of the application: Hu, Tsung-Yang and Jenifer Brault \nwith exhibits \"A\" to \"D\" \nTariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge McGillis à Ottawa le 09-MAI-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur DOC. NO. 1 reçue le 10-MAI-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 77 page(s) 195 - 195 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 19-AVR-1996 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Lise Lord de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 09-AVR-1996 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par télécopie le 09-AVR-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-AVR-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-AVR-1996", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier dans lequel se trouve(nt) le(s) document(s) original(aux) suivant(s) : Déclaration solennelle de Joao Patricio Gregorio Dos Santos et Mémoire de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 07-MAR-1996 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 07-MAR-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Richard à Ottawa le 27-FEV-1996 \naccordant la requête en prorogation de délai pour signifier et produire le dossier de la partie requérante dans un délai de 10 jours à compter de la présente ordonnance. (Requête doc. n° 7 ) \nDécision déposée le 28-FEV-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 73 page(s) 386 - 386 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 30-JAN-1996 concernant le fait qu'elle ne déposera pas d'observations à l'encontre de la requête #7 de la partie requérante (projet d'ordonnance annexé) reçue le 30-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie document numéro 7 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 24-JAN-1996 déposée le 25-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Nicole Goulet à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour une ordonnance prorogation de delai déposé(e) le 24-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 24-JAN-1996 concernant prorogation de delai déposée le 24-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Madeleine Leveau de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la CISR à Ottawa par télécopie le 15-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Madeleine Leveau de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par télécopie le 15-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie du doc. no. 1 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 06-DEC-1995 déposée le 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR datee du 14 novembre 1995, no. de dossier A93-80855 déposée le 06-DEC-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Denault à Ottawa le 07-MAI-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur doc.# 1 reçue le 07-MAI-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 76 page(s) 463 - 463 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Richard Morneau, protonotaire à Montréal le 10-AVR-1996 \nrejetant en partie la requête de la partie requérante pour introduire une transcription et une déclaration (doc. no 9): \"Il n'y a pas lieu d'introduire devant cette Cour au stade de la demande d'autorisation les notes sténographiques de l'audition devant la section du statut.[...] Cette partie de la requête du requérant est donc rejetée\" et \naccordant la seconde partie: \"[...] Il est donc déclaré que la déclaration de G. Dermestiov jointe comme pièce \"A\" à l'affidavit du requérant daté du 26-FEV- 1996 fait partie de son dossier déposé le 4-JAN-1996 et ce, sans autre formalité.\" \nDécision déposée le 12-AVR-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 75 page(s) 328 - 329 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée ", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie requérante en date du 03-AVR-1996 concernant le fait qu'elle est disposée à déposer une requête en prorogation de délai si la Cour le juge nécessaire. Cette lettre fait suite à la lettre de l'intimée en date du 21-MAR-1996 relativement à la requête du requérant pour permettre le dépôt d'un affidavit supplémentaire (doc. no 9); reçue le 09-AVR-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 21-MAR-1996 concernant la requête #9 déposée le 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Sylvie Bouchard, Agent du greffe, en date du 07-MAR-1996 concernant l'intention de la partie intimée de déposer des observations à l'encontre de la requête (doc. no 9) au plus tard le 14-MAR-1996; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note à Frank Roach de Judith Paré en date du 06-MAR-1996 concernant le fait que la requête 324 (Doc.#9) sera considérée par le protonotaire à Montréal placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Aubry de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 26-FEV-1996 attestant la signification de la requête pour introduire une transcription et une déclaration (Doc.#9) au Sous-Procureur général du Canada par signification à personne le 26-FEV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 05-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 26-FEV-1996 concernant la requête pour introduire une transcription et une déclaration (Doc.#9) déposée le 05-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 9 reçu le 05-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Gabriel Grosu (pièces A et B) à l'appui par écrit à être traité(e) au bureau local pour introduire une transcription et une déclaration déposé(e) le 05-MAR-1996 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 05-FEV-1996 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé (Doc.#7) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 05-FEV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 06-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 06-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Linda Leblanc en date du 04-JAN-1996 concernant le fait que le dossier du requérant doc. no. 5 n'est pas conforme à la règle 332(6) et le fait que la partie requérante déposera une requête afin de corriger ledit dossier. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Jean-Michel Cachat de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 04-JAN-1996 attestant la signification du dossier du requérant doc. no. 5 à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 04-JAN-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 04-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 04-JAN-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Martin Boissé de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 13-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution doc. no. 3 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 13-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 15-DEC-1995 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Aubry de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 08-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 08-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 08-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 4 octobre 1995 dans le dossier M94-07967 déposée le 07-DEC-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge McGillis à Ottawa le 18-NOV-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision déposée le 19-NOV-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 85 page(s) 194 - 194 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 22 août 1996 dans le dossier M95-11678 déposée le 24-SEP-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 10-AUG-1994 re: the Applicant withdraws the application filed on 10-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-JUL-1994 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-JUL-1994 filed on 12-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD, IRB, DECISION DATE JUNE 9/94 IN V93-01819 filed on 11-JUL-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 19-JUN-1995 dismissing the application for leave and * endorsed on DOC.1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 63 page(s) 472 - 472 Certificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 07-APR-1995 with proof of service on the applicant on 7-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 05-APR-1995 with proof of service on the respondent on 05-APR-1995 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the applicant filed on 05-APR-1995 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 5-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Muldoon rendered at Ottawa on 30-MAR-1995 and granting the application for an extension of time 5 EXT. GRANTED TILL APRIL 7, 1995 TO FILE AND SERVE RECORD filed on 30-MAR-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 60 page(s) 119 - 120 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from THE RESPONDENT dated 24-MAR-1995 re: THE RESPONDENT TAKES NO POSITION REGARDING A'S MOTION FOR AN EXT. OF TIME received on 24-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Heather Louise Russell on behalf of the applicant sworn on 16-MAR-1995 in support of doc 5 filed on 20-MAR-1995 \nwith proof of service on the respondent on 20-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order Allowing the extension of time (R.10) and if granted an additional seven days from the date of order to file the Record. with proof of service upon Respondent on 20-MAR-1995 filed on 20-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from applicant dated 17-MAR-1995 re: Notice of Motion for an extension of time per R.10. filed on 20-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 15-FEB-1995 with proof of service on THE APPLICANT ON 14-FEB-1995 AND THE TRIBUNAL ON 15-FEB-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 10-FEB-1995 filed on 10-FEB-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD, 70 University Ave., 24-JAN-1995, file no. U94-00560/1/00702 filed on 10-FEB-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 24, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to discontinuance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 35 }, { "DOCNO": 23, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant filed on 21-OCT-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 34 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 30-JUN-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: ADJOURNED INDEFINITELY \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nDAVID JOSEPH \nDuration per day: \n30-JUN-1995 from 10:10 to 10:12 \nCourtroom : Examination for Discovery Room No. 1 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Caterina Chiocchio \nTotal Duration: 2MIN \nAppearances: \nDAVID KORNHAUSER (ABSENT) (416) 366-6000 representing Applicant \nBRIDGET O'LEARY (416) 973-9936 representing Respondent \nDocuments filed at hearing: 22 \nComments: MEMO TO BE FILED BY COUNSEL \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 34 page(s) 62 - 63 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 33 }, { "DOCNO": 22, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Toronto on 30-JUN-1995 and adjourning the matter indefinitely and requiring a memo to be filed by counsel (respondent) filed at hearing on 30-JUN-1995 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 64 page(s) 228 - 228 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 32 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 07-JUN-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter adjourned to Special Sitting in Toronto on 30-JUN-1995 to begin at 09:30 \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMs. Gloria Coyne \nDuration per day: \n07-JUN-1995 from 10:15 to 10:20 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 4 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Alejandra Gutierrez \nTotal Duration: 5min \nAppearances: \nMr. David N. Kornhauser 416-366-6000 representing Applicant \nMs. Bridget O`Leary 416-973-9936 representing Respondent \nDocuments filed at hearing: 21 \nCourt Reporter: \nMs. Louch Almeida - Nethercut & Co. 416-593-4513 07-JUN-1995 \nTranscript not requested \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 33 page(s) 188 - 189 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 31 }, { "DOCNO": 21, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Toronto on 07-JUN-1995 and adjourning the hearing to a Special Sitting at Toronto on 30-JUN-1995 to begin at 09:30 filed at hearing on 07-JUN-1995 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 63 page(s) 155 - 155 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Ottawa on 29-MAR-1995 and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 07-JUN-1995 to begin at 10:00 filed on 29-MAR-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 60 page(s) 54 - 54 Certified copy of the order sent to the respondent", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-05-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " LETTER REQUESTING HEARING INFORMATION WITH RULE 17 DIRECTIVE (CC TO RESP) dated 18-MAY-1994 sent to the applicant", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter requesting hearing time and place information dated 20-APR-1994 sent to the applicant with a c.c. to the respondent", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Third letter re: hearing information dated 23-MAR-1994 sent to the applicant", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " 2ND LETTER TO THE APPLICANT RE: REQUESTING INFORMATION FOR THE SETTING OF HEARING DATES dated 18-FEB-1994 sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC. 17 with proof of service on the applicant on 07-FEB-1994 filed on 08-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Supplementary Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-FEB-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-FEB-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the respondent filed on 07-FEB-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 20-DEC-1993 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 20-DEC-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis rendered at Ottawa on 13-DEC-1993 and granting the application for an extension of time 11 THE APPLICANT SHALL HAVE FIVE (5) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS ORDER TO SERVE AND FILE THE APPLICATION RECORD. endorsed on 11 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 23 page(s) 68 - 68 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Bridget A. O'Leary dated 08-DEC-1993 re: Does not oppose the Applicant's Motion for ext. to file her Record filed on 09-DEC-1993", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.12 with proof of service on the respondent on 25-NOV-1993 filed on 26-NOV-1993", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.11 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT on 25-NOV-1993 filed on 26-NOV-1993", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of DAVID N. KORNHAUSER on behalf of the applicant sworn on 23-NOV-1993 in support of DOC.11 filed on 25-NOV-1993", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for AN ORDER EXTENDING THE TIME TO FILE THE RECORD filed on 25-NOV-1993", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter Re: Rule 1606 (Application Record not filed) dated 21-OCT-1993 sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Affidavit of Moira Escott with proof of service on the applicant on 26-AUG-1993 filed on 30-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of MOIRA ESCOTT on behalf of the respondent sworn on 25-AUG-1993 in opposition to DOC 5 with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C,D,E,F filed on 26-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from CANADIAN CONSULATE GENERAL, DETROIT, MICHIGAN dated 16-AUG-1993 re: enclosing copy of letter to applicant refusing application for employment authorization received on 23-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 6 with proof of service on the respondent on 28-JUL-1993 filed on 29-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 5 with proof of service on the respondent on 28-JUL-1993 filed on 29-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of JILL SILVERSTEIN on behalf of the applicant sworn on 28-JUL-1993 in support of DOC NO 5 with attached exhibit(s) A - I filed on 28-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Originating \nNotice of Motion on behalf of Applicant for judicial review (s. 18.1) for an Order SETTING ASIDE DECISION OF IMMIGRATION PROGRAM OFFICER filed on 28-JUL-1993 Request made for tribunal's record (Immigration R. 20(2)) \nTariff Fee $50.00", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Noël rendered at Ottawa on 23-JUL-1993 and granting the application for an extension of time 1 for the Applicant to file an Application for an Order setting aside the decision of the Immigration Program Officer, Moira Escott dated Mar. 15/93 to a time no later than five days from the date of this order endorsed on #1, Notice of Motion Considered by the Court without personal appearance entered in J. & O. Book, volume 11 page(s) 160 - 160 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter requesting Respondent's representations dated 08-JUL-1993 sent to the respondent", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC. 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 30-JUN-1993 filed on 02-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 30-JUN-1993 filed on 02-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of SANDRA THEROULDE on behalf of the applicant sworn on 30-JUN-1993 in support of DOC. 1 filed on 30-JUN-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-06-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order EXTENDING THE TIME TO FILE AN ORIGINATING NOTICE OF MOTION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW filed on 30-JUN-1993 \nTariff Fee $20.00", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Décary agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 21-DEC-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et , inscrit(e) sur DOCUMENT #1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 53 page(s) 273 - 273 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 17-AOU-1994 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 17-AOU-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 18-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-JUL-1994 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 18-JUL-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 21-JUL-1994 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de PIERRE PROVOST de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 12-JUL-1994 attestant la signification de la DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION ET DE CONTRÔLE JUDICIAIRE à la C.I.S.R. par signification à personne le 12-JUL-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de PIERRE PROVOST de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 12-JUL-1994 attestant la signification de la DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION ET DE CONTRÔLE JUDICIAIRE à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 12-JUL-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par Me PIA ZAMBELLI et Me JEAN LANOUE de la C.I.S.R. le 10 JUIN 1994 dans le dossier # M93-00398 déposée le 12-JUL-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 06-MAY-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 07-MAY-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 76 page(s) 416 - 416 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 01-APR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-MAR-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 21-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 21-FEB-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the reasons sent by IRB 136 Edward St, Toronto on 26-Jan-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 30-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision (written reasons will be provided once transcribed) sent by IRB-ADJUDICATION DIVISION, 135 EDWARD ST, 2ND FLOOR, TORONTO on 9-Jan-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 11-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 13-DEC-1995 with proof of service on applicant and Toronto Adjudication on Dec. 12/95", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First Rule 9 dated 14-DEC-1995 sent to Immigration Adjudication Immigration and Refugee Board 136 Edward St. 2nd Fl. Toronto M5G 2H7; file number 0003-93-3016", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 08-DEC-1995 filed on 08-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision Adjudication, IRB Toronto 28-NOV-1995 0003-93-3016 filed on 08-DEC-1995 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal rendered at Ottawa on 29-DEC-1993 the within application for leave to commence judicial review proceedings is hereby refused and concluding the file endorsed on doc. 5 - Application Record of the Applicant Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 24 page(s) 144 - 144 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-NOV-1993 with proof of service on the respondent and on the IRB", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply memorandum on behalf of the applicant filed on 13-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent and the I.R.B.", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 06-AOU-1993 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 05-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the respondent the tribunal \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provençal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 09-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Mario Quintin de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 02-JUL-1993 attestant la signification du doc. no. 1 à la partie intimée à la CISR par signification à personne le 02-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 05-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the IRB maded on June 4,1993 in file M-92-10560/61/62/63 filed on 02-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - SIO
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rothstein at Ottawa on 06-MAR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on DOCUMENT NO. 1 received on 07-MAR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 156 - 156 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the Applicant on 9-Feb-1996", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-JAN-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal at Ottawa on 10-JAN-1996 \ndismissing the motion on behalf of the Applicant for an Order staying the execution of the Exclusion Order issued against the Applicant (Motion Doc. No. 3 ) \nDecision filed on 11-JAN-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 71 page(s) 382 - 382 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC 8 on the applicant by personal service on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 8 with proof of service on CIC Toronto, the Tribunal on 15-DEC-1995 filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 18-DEC-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 3 on behalf of Applicant \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nKen Scott \nDuration per day: \n18-DEC-1995 from 12:40 to 01:23 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 4 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Elizabeth Lam \nTotal Duration: 43min \nAppearances: \nMr. Axy Leighl (905) 271-3343 representing Applicant \nMs. Anne-Margaret Oberst (416) 973-0926 representing Respondent \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 38 page(s) 473 - 476 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Michelle Birthwright on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC 6 on the applicant by telecopier on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Diane Dagenais on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 in opposition to DOC 3 with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Balbir Kaur Sandhu on behalf of the applicant sworn on 11-DEC-1995 in support of Doc. 3 Not. of Motion with attached exhibit(s) A, B, filed on 13-DEC-1995 \nwith proof of service on respondent on Dec. 12/95", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Rafinder Johal on behalf of the applicant sworn on 13-DEC-1995 confirming service of Doc. 3 Not. of Motion on the respondent by telecopier on 13-DEC-1995 filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable at General Sitting in Toronto on 18-DEC-1995 to begin at 10:00 duration: 30min language: E for an Order staying the execution of an exclusion order (Harry Mann 905.279.5678) filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Jocelyne Holmes dated 13-DEC-1995 re: \"In view of the fact that deportation is not imminent, the Court will not grant a request for an urgent teleconference to stay an exclusion order at this time. Counsel for the applicant was informed, via his secretary, that the Court will not entertain this motion but if he wishes to pursue this a returnable motion for next motions day in Toronto may be filed\" placed on file.", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter of Urgency on behalf of the applicant dated 12-DEC-1995 re: Requesting a special hearing date or teleconference at Toronto Estimated duration 25 minutes. With attached draft Motion and supporting affidavit of Balbir Kaur Sandhu. received on 12-DEC-1995 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CIC/SIO, 29-NOV-1995, 3742-95-2877 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 01-APR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on application for leave (doc 1) received on 01-APR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 75 page(s) 165 - 165 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument in reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-MAR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Jillian Schneider on behalf of the respondent sworn on 27-FEB-1996 in support of doc.12 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 28-FEB-1996 \nwith proof of service on the Applicant on 28-Feb-1996", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Sadian Grace-Ann Campbell on behalf of the respondent sworn on 27-FEB-1996 in support of doc.12 with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C,D,E. filed on 28-FEB-1996 \nwith proof of service on the Applicant on 28-Feb-1996", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Jillian Schneider on behalf of the respondent sworn on 28-FEB-1996 confirming service of doc.12 on the applicant by telecopier on 28-FEB-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 28-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 28-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 29-JAN-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell at Toronto on 15-JAN-1996 \ngranting the stay of execution \nDecision filed on 16-JAN-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 72 page(s) 13 - 14 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 15-JAN-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 2 on behalf of Applicant \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMr. B. Guyett \nDuration per day: \n15-JAN-1996 from 11:30 to 12:35 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 4 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Alejandra Gutierrez \nTotal Duration: 1h3min \nAppearances: \nMr. Jack Pinkofsky 416-598-1811 representing Applicant \nMs. Leena Jaakkimainen 416-973-8290 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nMs. Pat Mancini - Farr & Associates 416-482-3277 15-JAN-1996 \nTranscript not requested \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 39 page(s) 196 - 197 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision and reasons sent by IRB, Adjudication Division, 75 Watline Ave., Mississauga, Ont. on 9-Jan-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 12-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Sadian Campbell on behalf of the respondent sworn on 11-JAN-1996 in reply to Applicant's motion for a stay of removal with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C,D,E,F,G filed on 12-JAN-1996 \nwith proof of service on the applicant on 12-Jan-1996", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Letter indicating that written reasons not yet transcribed sent by Adjudication Division, 75 Watline Rd. on 28-DEC-1995 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 08-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of BRIGITTA GARRITY on behalf of the respondent sworn on 14-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC.6 on the applicant by personal service on 14-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc.3 with proof of service on Adjudication, Mississauga on 15-DEC-1995 filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Leonard Michaek Merraro on behalf of the applicant sworn on 15-DEC-1995 in support of Doc 2 filed on 15-DEC-1995 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Adjournment letter dated 15-DEC-1995 received on 15-DEC-1995 from Applicant concerning Motion Doc. No. 2 currently scheduled to be heard at General Sitting on 18-DEC-1995 now adjourned to General Sitting in Toronto on 15-JAN-1996 to begin at 10:00 duration: 30min language: E placed on file.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Detentions and Removals Canada Immigration Centre 6900 Airport Road Entrance J , Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1E8 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable at General Sitting in Toronto on 18-DEC-1995 to begin at 10:00 duration: 30min language: E for an Order for a stay of deportation (Edward H. Royle 416-598-1811) filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision adjudicator, 6900 Airport Rd., 21-DEC-1995, file no. T93-13701 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Heald at Ottawa on 19-MAR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on The Application for Leave and for Judicial Review received on 19-MAR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 369 - 369 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Dayna Norman on behalf of the applicant sworn on 04-MAR-1996 confirming service of doc 6 on the respondent by telecopier on 04-MAR-1996 filed on 04-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 04-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 28-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 29-JAN-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc.1 with proof of service on the respondent and IRB on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 15-NOV-1995, FILE T94-03624 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice McKeown at Ottawa on 16-FEB-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 19-FEB-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 73 page(s) 186 - 186 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of BRIGITTA GARRITY on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of doc.3 on the applicant by personal service on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.3 with proof of service on IRB on 18-DEC-1995 filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc.1 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 24-NOV-1995, FILE T94-06930 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - H&C
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Heald at Ottawa on 22-MAR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on The Application for Leave and for Judicial Review received on 25-MAR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 483 - 483 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from CASE PROCESSING CENTRE, VEGREVILLE, AB dated 26-JAN-1996 re: RE: FILE / 2658-5721 RULE 9 REQUEST INDICATING THAT NO DECISION, WRITTEN OR ORAL EXISTS received on 06-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Second request to VEGREVILLE CASE PROCESSING CENTRE, FILE NO.: 2658-5721 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 12-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kathleen Woodcox on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC 11 on Vegreville Case Processing Centre by telecopier on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC 11 on the applicant by personal service on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Order dated 18-DEC-1995 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal \nMatter considered with personal appearance \nThe Court's decision is with regard to Motion Doc. No. 2 \nResult: dismissed Filed on 18-DEC-1995 cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 71 page(s) 127 - 127 \nTransmittal Letters placed on file. \nInterlocutory Decision ", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 18-DEC-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 2 on behalf of Applicant \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter dismissed \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nKen Scott \nDuration per day: \n18-DEC-1995 from 10:09 to 12:05 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 4 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Elizabeth Lam \nTotal Duration: 1hr57min \nAppearances: \nMr. Isaac Okrah n/a representing Applicant \nMs. Diane Dagenais (416) 973-0926 representing Respondent \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 38 page(s) 455 - 458 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Vegrevile Case Processing Centre, 6212-55 Avenue, Vegreville, T9C 1W5 File No: 2658-5721 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 19-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 confirming service of DOC.7 and DOC.8 on the applicant by personal service on 15-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written Submissions on behalf of Respondent concerning Motion Doc. No. 2 \nfiled on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Jeremiah Eastman on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-DEC-1995 in opposition to DOC 2 - A's Motion for a stay of execution of removal order with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I filed on 15-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 3 with proof of service on the respondent on 13-DEC-1995 filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 13-DEC-1995 filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 13-DEC-1995 filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Isaac Okrah on behalf of the applicant sworn on 07-DEC-1995 in support of 2 filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable at General Sitting in Toronto on 18-DEC-1995 to begin at 10:00 duration: 2h language: E for an Order granting a stay of the removal order (applicant representing himself, no phone number provided) filed on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision Immigration Officer, Vegreville, no date, file no. 2658-5721 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice McKeown at Ottawa on 16-FEB-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 19-FEB-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 73 page(s) 189 - 189 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Lise Beaudoin on behalf of the respondent sworn on 21-DEC-1995 confirming service of Notice of Appearance. doc. # 3 on IRB/CRDD the applicant by telecopier on 21-DEC-1995 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\", \"B\" filed on 21-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of application for leave with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1995 filed on 13-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB 255 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario file A94-00678, 679 & 680 filed on 12-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Pinard rendered at Ottawa on 11-FEB-1994 dismissing the application for leave and CLOSING THE FILE endorsed on DOC. NO. 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 27 page(s) 50 - 50 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 28-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the applicant ON 27-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 07-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the respondent on 7-SEP-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ Peter Giles, Esq., Associate Senior Prothonotary rendered at Toronto on 31-AUG-1993 and granting the motion(s) 4 \"The decisions of both Federal Court of Appeal and the Trial Division of this Court have made it plain that awaiting legal aid is not an excuse for failing to file a record. Counsel having prepared an opinion letter for further legal aid could within a short time have prepared a record but failed to do so. The Applicants' Record must be filed forthwith. The time for serving and filing the Applicants' Record is exteded to September 7th 1993.\" endorsed on DOC NO 5 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 14 page(s) 371 - 371 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of XIAO RONG LI on behalf of the applicant sworn on 17-AUG-1993 in support of MOTION DOC NO 4 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 17-AUG-1993 \nwith proof of service on the respondent ON 17-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order FOR EXT OF TIME TO FILE R.10 RECORD with proof of service upon Respondent ON 17-AUG-1993 filed on 17-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 13-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Doc. No. 1 with proof of service upon Respondent AND THE IRB-CRDD on 05-JUL-1993 \nfiled on 05-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 15-JUN-1993, U93-01099, U93-01100,U93-01139 filed on 05-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis rendered at Ottawa on 18-OCT-1994 dismissing the application for leave and , endorsed on Doc #1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 47 page(s) 34 - 34 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Tremblay-Lamer rendered at Ottawa on 15-SEP-1994 and granting the application for an extension of time 5 which reads as follow:\"The applicant should file & serve his record within 10 days from the date of this order\" endorsed on doc #5 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 43 page(s) 164 - 164 Certificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from RESPONDENT dated 24-AUG-1994 re: DOES NOT OPPOSE THE APPLICANT`S MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME. received on 24-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Helen Turner on behalf of the applicant sworn on 22-AUG-1994 in support of doc 5 filed on 22-AUG-1994 \nwith proof of service on the respondent on 22-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order extending the 30 day time period within which to file the Applicants Record and allowing the Applicant to file his record within 10 days of the order. with proof of service upon Respondent on 22-AUG-1994 filed on 22-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from applicant dated 22-AUG-1994 re: requesting the motion be delt with pursuant to R.324. filed on 22-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.1 with proof of service on the respondent AND IRB on 22-JUL-1994 filed on 25-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 27-JUL-1994 with proof of service on the applicant JULY 26/94 AND IRB-TORONTO I JULY 27/94", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision OF THE IRB-CRDD, DATED 15-JUN-1994 AND FILE NO. T94-01757 filed on 22-JUL-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Avis de désistement de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 15-NOV-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 10-SEP-1993 avec preuve de signification au Solliciteur Général du Canada", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 01-SEP-1993 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'Intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 31-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 02-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 02-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 04-AOU-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provençal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 14-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. no. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 15-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 15-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciare (doc. no. 1) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 06-JUL-1993 déposée le 12-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 27 mai 1993 par Aimable Ndejuru et Bamboté Makombo dans les dossiers M92-02027 et M92-02028 déposée le 05-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review & extension - CRDD
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 23-NOV-1994 dismissing the application for leave with a request for an extension of time (R.6) and \"THE EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW IS ALLOWED, AND THE TIME EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 23, 1994.\" \"THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW IS DISMISSED, NO RECORD HAVING BEEN FILED.\" endorsed on 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 50 page(s) 411 - 411 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent AND IRB-TORONTO I on 25-JUL-1994 filed on 04-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kathleen Woodcox on behalf of the respondent sworn on 26-JUL-1994 confirming service of 2 on the applicant by telecopier on 26-JUL-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A B filed on 29-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 2 with proof of service on the tribunal on 28-JUL-1994 filed on 29-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 29-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review and for an extension of time pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD made on May 9/94 File T93-09665 filed on 25-JUL-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Denault à Ottawa le 03-MAI-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire (doc. 1) reçue le 06-MAI-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 76 page(s) 377 - 377 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-FEV-1996 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé doc. no. 9 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 12-FEV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 19-JAN-1996 attestant la signification du dossier de la partie requérante à la CISR par signification à personne le 19-JAN-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 19-JAN-1996 attestant la signification du dossier de la partie requérante à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 19-JAN-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 19-JAN-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Martin Boissé de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 22-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution doc. no. 4 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 22-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 04-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 04-JAN-1996 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 20-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire à la CISR par signification à personne le 20-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 20-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 20-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR, le 5-DEC-1995, portant le no. de dossier M94-06210 déposée le 19-DEC-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis rendered at Ottawa on 01-DEC-1994 dismissing the application for leave and . endorsed on APPLICATION FOR LEAVE (DOC 1) Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 51 page(s) 194 - 194 Certificate of the order sent to all parties the tribunal", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 25-OCT-1994 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 25-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ Peter Giles, Esq., Associate Senior Prothonotary rendered at Toronto on 18-OCT-1994 and RULE 13 EXTENSION GRANTED - THE TIME FOR SERVING AND FILING A REPLY IS EXTENDED TO 25th.OCTOBER 1994 AND THE STYLE OF CAUSE IS AMENDED TO MINISTER OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION AS THE RESPONDENT AND STRIKING OUT THE SE- CRETARY OF STATE FOR CANADA - endorsed on CERTIFIED DOC NO. 10 - NOTICE OF MOTION - Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 46 page(s) 448 - 448 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " REPRESENTATIONS on behalf of the applicant in support of DOC.10 filed on 30-SEP-1994 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of ELLIS EARL BROWN on behalf of the applicant sworn on 29-SEP-1994 in support of DOC.10 with attached exhibit(s) 1,2,3. filed on 30-SEP-1994 \nwith proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for AN ORDER EXTENDING THE TIME TO FILE THE REPLY AND TO AMEND THE STYLE OF CAUSE. with proof of service upon Respondent on 30-SEP-1994 filed on 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from THE APPLICANT dated 29-SEP-1994 re: AN ORDER EXTENDING THE TIME TO FILE THE APPLICant's reply AND TO AMEND THE STYLE OF CAUSE. filed on 30-SEP-1994 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Respondent dated 26-SEP-1994 re: it is my understanding that the Applicant will be bringing a motion for an extension of time to file a Reply, the Respondent consents to this request received on 26-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of DARLENE HAMILTON on behalf of the respondent sworn on 09-SEP-1994 confirming service of R'S MEMORANDUM OF ARUGMENT on the applicant by . telecopier on 09-SEP-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 09-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from THE APPLICANT (BY FAX) dated 26-AUG-1994 re: EXHIBITS 7 TO 20 WERE NOT SWORN HOWEVER THE APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT THE RECORD BE FILED AS IS received on 29-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant (2 VOLUMES) filed on 25-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 25-AUG-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of RICHARD GRIGGS on behalf of the respondent sworn on 03-AUG-1994 confirming service of NOTICE OF APPEARANCE on the applicant by personal service on 03-AUG-1994 filed on 04-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.3 with proof of service on THE IRB on 29-JUL-1994 filed on 04-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 04-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc.1 App. for Leave with proof of service on IRB and respondent on 26-JUL-1994 filed on 26-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD dated July 4/94, File T93-05862 filed on 26-JUL-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Traduction certifiée conforme en français des motifs de l'ordonnance / doc. # 10 rendu(e)(s) le 31-MAI-1994 déposée le 12-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Pages reflecting an AMENDMENT OF DOC. 10 (REASONS FOR ORDER) such that the third paragraph on page 6 is shown as part of the main text of the reasons rather than as part of the above quote. received on 18-JUL-1994", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson delivered 31-MAY-1994 at Ottawa filed on 01-JUN-1994 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Transcript of reasons for order of hearing held 17-mar-1994 received on 21-MAR-1994 \nSent directly to presiding Judge", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson rendered at Toronto on 17-MAR-1994 granting the application for judicial review and . filed on 17-MAR-1994 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 29 page(s) 154 - 154 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 17-MAR-1994 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMr. Ken Scott \nDuration per day: \n17-MAR-1994 from 11:05 to 12:40 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 6 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Alejandra Gutierrez \nTotal Duration: 1h35min \nAppearances: \nMr. Peter Reiner 416-861-9429 representing Applicant \nMr. Michael H. Morris 416-954-8282 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nMs. Sarah Nicholson - Toronto Court Reporters 416-364-2065 17-MAR-1994 \nTranscript requested \nComments: Transcript of reasons for order requested expedited \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 13 page(s) 336 - 339 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the respondent received on 17-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the applicant received on 17-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by IRB, 1 FRONT ST. on 11-JAN-1994 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 12-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Nadon rendered at Ottawa on 23-DEC-1993 and granting the application for leave and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: 1-Leave is granted,and the application fo judicial review is deemed to have commenced; 2-The hearing of the application for judicial review is hereby fixed for Tuesday,the 15th day of March,1994 to commence at 10:00 the morning (or as soon after that time as the application may be heard) at the Federal Court of Canada,in the City of Toronto,Province of Ontario: 3-The hearing shall be heard in the English language; 4-The tribunal shall send copies of tis record to the parties and the Registry of the Court on or before January 13,1994,unless it has already done so; 5-Further affidavits,if any,shall be served and filed by the applicant on or before January 24,1994; 6-Further affidavits,if any, shall be served and filed by the respondent on or before January 31,1994; 7-Cross-examinations,if any,on aaffidavits shall be completed on or before February 10,1994; 8-The applicant's further memorandum of argument,if any,shall be served and filed on or before February 21,1994; 9-The respondent's further memorandum of argument,if any,shall be served and filed on or before March 2,1994; 10-The transcripts of cross-examinations,if any,shall be filed on or before March 7,1994. filed on 23-DEC-1993 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 23 page(s) 475 - 477 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 13-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of MICHELLE MORROW on behalf of the respondent sworn on 03-SEP-1993 confirming service of DOC.5 on the applicant by telecopier on 03-SEP-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C filed on 03-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 03-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 05-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent on August 5, 1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 14-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc.1 App. for Leave with proof of service on the respondent on 06-JUL-1993 filed on 06-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD dated June 16/93 File T91-05299 filed on 06-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge McGillis à Ottawa le 29-MAR-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur Demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire (Doc. 1) reçue le 01-AVR-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 75 page(s) 193 - 193 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Claude Girard de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 13-FEV-1996 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé doc. no. 7 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 13-FEV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Sylvie Bouchard, Agent du greffe, en date du 23-JAN-1996 concernant le matériel supplémentaire joint au dossier du requérant (doc. no 5) placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Mario Matteau de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 19-JAN-1996 attestant la signification du Memorandum (Dossier) de la partie requérante (doc. no 5) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 19-JAN-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 19-JAN-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 27-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification sous l'huis de la porte de son bureau d'affaires le 27-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 04-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 04-JAN-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Mario Matteau de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 20-DEC-1995 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 20-DEC-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR, le 29-NOV-1995, portant le no. de dossier M94-04969 déposée le 20-DEC-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rothstein at Ottawa on 05-MAR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 06-MAR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 13 - 13 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to Doc No. 5 on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 15-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of SADIAN CAMPBELL on behalf of the respondent sworn on 13-FEB-1996 in support of Doc No. 5 with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C, D filed on 14-FEB-1996 \nwith proof of service on the applicant on 13-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 14-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the applicant on 13-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision and reasons (two copies rec'd) sent by Program Specialist, Etobicoke CIC, 5343 Dundas St. W. on 15-Jan-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 22-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 16-JAN-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Etobicoke CIC 5343 Dundas St. West Suite 100 Etobicoke, Ont. M9B 6K5 File 3296-2470-9930 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 05-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 27-DEC-1995 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc.1 with proof of service on the respondent on 20-DEC-1995 filed on 20-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CIC- iMMIGRATION OFFICER, 7-DEC-1995, FILE 3296-2470-9930 filed on 20-DEC-1995 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum at Ottawa on 21-JAN-1997 \ndismissing the motion for reconsideration \ndismissing the motion for an extension of time \"The application for reconsideration & extension of time is denied.\" (Motion Doc. No. 5 ) \nDecision endorsed on the record on Doc. No. 5 received on 21-JAN-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 88 page(s) 160 - 160 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvain Lamarche de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 15-JAN-1997 attestant la signification de respondent's submissions doc. no. 8 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-JAN-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 17-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in opposition to the motion for reconsideration (doc. No. 5) filed on 14-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Georgette Henri, Agent du Greffe en date du 09-JAN-1997 concernant l'intention de l'intimé de déposer des observations écrites à l'encontre de la requête (doc. No. 5) d'ici le 17 janvier 1997. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to Frank Roach, Senior Registry Officer, from Sylvie Bouchard, Registry Officer, dated 08-JAN-1997 re: the Notice of motion for reconsideration and for extension of delay (doc. no 5) will be dealt with by the Ottawa Office; placed on file.", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of the Notice of Motion for reconsideration and for extension of delay (doc. no. 5) with proof of service on the respondent on 07-JAN-1997 filed on 07-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the Applicant dated 30-DEC-1996 re: the Notice of Motion for reconsideration and for extension of delay (doc. no. 5) filed on 07-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant with attached supporting affidavit of Enrique Herrera with exhibit \"A\" in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for reconsideration and for an Order extending the delay to file the Applicant's Memorandum of argument filed on 07-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Teitelbaum à Ottawa le 23-DEC-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur le document numéro 1 reçue le 23-DEC-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 87 page(s) 126 - 126 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 08-NOV-1996 concernant le fait qu'elle prie la Cour de statuer sur la demande d'autorisation; reçue le 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Luc Saulnier de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 10-OCT-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 10-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 11-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 11-OCT-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 04-OCT-1996 déposée le 04-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR le 16-SEP-1996 dans les dossiers numéros M96-011976 M95-07055 déposée le 04-OCT-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Extension of time for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 8 delivered 24-AUG-1993 filed on 04-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Copy of Notice of Appeal (Appeal Court File No. A-532-93 ) appealing the judgement of the Honorable Mr. Justice Strayer dated August 24, 1993 filed in the Court of Appeal on 08-SEP-1993 on behalf of Appellant placed on file on 14-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Mr. Justice Strayer delivered 24-AUG-1993 at Ottawa filed on 24-AUG-1993 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Strayer rendered at Ottawa on 24-AUG-1993 dismissing the extension of time to commence a judicial review (Visa Officer) and reasons provided filed on 24-AUG-1993 Considered by the Court without personal appearance entered in J. & O. Book, volume 13 page(s) 345 - 346 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to Respondent's Submissions (Doc.4) on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant's counsel dated 03-AUG-1993 re: advising he will file reply by August 16, 1993 to R's submissions re A's motion for an extension received on 05-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written directions of the Court: The Honourable Mr. Justice Strayer dated 27-JUL-1993 directing RE: DOC.1 - THE APPLICANT (IF HE WISHES) MAY FILE A REPLY - EXTENSION UNTIL 16-AUG-1993 received on 27-JUL-1993 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of PAULA WHELAN on behalf of the respondent sworn on 16-JUL-1993 confirming service of RESPONDENT'S SUBMISSIONS - EXTENSION OF TIME on the applicant by telecopier on 16-JUL-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 16-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Submissions re A's Extension on behalf of the respondent filed on 16-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written representations on behalf of the applicant in support of NOTICE OF MOTION #1 filed on 06-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of PHYLLIS BOURNE on behalf of the applicant sworn on 05-JUL-1993 in support of NOTICE OF MOTION with attached exhibit(s) 1 filed on 06-JUL-1993 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order TO FILE THE APPLICATION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW with proof of service upon Respondent filed on 06-JUL-1993 \nTariff Fee $20.00", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to discontinuance on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent 22-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent 22-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Second letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 16-FEB-1996 sent to the tribunal", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written Submissions on behalf of Respondent concerning Motion Doc. No. 6 with proof of service upon Applicant on 25-JAN-1996 \nfiled on 25-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent pursuant to R. 324 for an Order dismissing the Originating Notice of Motion and/or other relief with proof of service upon Applicant on 25-JAN-1996 filed on 25-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Respondent dated 25-JAN-1996 re: dismissing the Application for Judicial Review filed on 25-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the applicant on 25-Jan-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 05-JAN-1996 sent to Litigation Mgmt./International Case Mgmt. Branch CIC 300 Slater St. 8th Fl. Ottawa, Ont. K1A 1L1 File B 031 612 976", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 21-DEC-1995 filed on 21-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 21-DEC-1995 filed on 21-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Shanthini Sooriyakumar on behalf of the applicant sworn on 20-DEC-1995 in support of doc 1 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" and \"B\" filed on 21-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application for judicial review pursuant to section 18.1 of the Federal Court Act against a decision Visa Officer, CHC Sri Lanka, file number B-031-612-976 filed on 21-DEC-1995 Request for certified copy of tribunal material included in notice of motion \nTariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1995-11-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for judgment / doc. # 19 delivered 28-SEP-1995 filed on 16-NOV-1995", "RE_NO": 31 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1995-09-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. delivered 28-SEP-1995 at Ottawa filed on 28-SEP-1995 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-08-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 22-AUG-1995 concerning (fax copy only) requesting written reasons from the ACJ. \nreceived on 22-AUG-1995", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Edmonton 17-FEB-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMrs. B. Blackwell \nDuration per day: \n17-FEB-1995 from 12:40 to 13:20 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1 - Edmonton \nCourt Registrar: Orrin Splane \nTotal Duration: 40min \nAppearances: \nMs. S. Chotalia 403-421-0861 representing Applicant \nMr. B. Hardstaff 403-495-5895 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nCynthia Krentz 403-488-1464 17-FEB-1995 \nTranscript not requested \nComments: His Lordship indicated written reasons would issue. Referred back to a \nnew adjudicator \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 28 page(s) 418 - 419 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Order dated 17-FEB-1995 rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nMatter considered with personal appearance \nThe Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review \nResult: granted Filed on 17-FEB-1995 cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 57 page(s) 326 - 326 \nTransmittal Letters placed on file. \nInterlocutory Decision ", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Corina Smith on behalf of the respondent sworn on 30-DEC-1994 confirming service of Doc. 16 on the applicant by telecopier on 30-DEC-1994 filed on 30-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Supplementary Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 30-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Ottawa on 10-NOV-1994 and adjourning the hearing to a Special Sitting at Edmonton on 17-FEB-1995 to begin at 10:00 filed on 16-NOV-1994 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 49 page(s) 406 - 406 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by IRB CALGARY, ADJUDICATION on NOV.7, 1994 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 08-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 11 delivered 05-JUL-1994 filed on 31-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the order / doc. # 10 delivered 05-JUL-1994 filed on 31-OCT-1994 \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 48 page(s) 131 - 132", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 26-OCT-1994 concerning does not object to request for adjournment to February 1995 \nreceived on 27-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 25-OCT-1994 concerning requesting adjournment of Jud. Rev. hearing to February 1995 \nreceived on 25-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 24-OCT-1994 and granting the application for leave and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Edmonton on 06-JAN-1995 to begin at 10:00 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: 3. the hearing shall take place in English; 4. Tribunal to send copies of its record on or before 14-NOV-1994; 5. any further Applicant's affidavits to be served and filed on or before 24-NOV-1994; 6. any further Respondent's affidavits to be served and filed on or before 1-DEC-1994; 7. any cross- exams on affidavits to be completed on or before 12-DEC-1994; 8. any further Applicant's mem. of arg. to be served and filed on or before 22-DEC-1994; 9. any further Respondent's mem. of arg. to be served and filed on or before 30-DEC-1994; 10. any transcripts of cross-examinations to be filed on or before 4-JAN-1995. filed on 25-OCT-1994 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 47 page(s) 294 - 295 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties the tribunal", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** SECOND LETTER RE: HEARING DATE INFORMATION dated 14-JUL-1994 sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. delivered 05-JUL-1994 at Ottawa filed on 05-JUL-1994 Copies of reasons sent to all parties the tribunal", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Ottawa on 05-JUL-1994 and granting the motion(s) 5 for an order granting the applicant the right to remain and work in Canada pending the final disposition of her judicial review application. No order as to costs. filed on 05-JUL-1994 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 37 page(s) 209 - 209 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties the tribunal", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 22-MAR-1994 concerning requesting leave application be dealt with after ACJ renders reasons from Feb 18/94 hearing \nreceived on 22-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Corina Smith on behalf of the respondent sworn on 16-MAR-1994 confirming service of Doc 8 on the applicant by telecopier on 16-MAR-1994 filed on 16-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 16-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision and reasons and the Departure Order sent by I.R.B. Adjudication Division, Calgary, Alberta on 18-Jan-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 24-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Edmonton 18-FEB-1994 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 5 on behalf of Applicant \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nHelen Buxton \nDuration per day: \n18-FEB-1994 from 03:35 to 04:10 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1 - Edmonton \nCourt Registrar: Kathy Dobransky \nTotal Duration: 35min \nAppearances: \nShirish Chotalia 403-421-0861 representing Applicant \nBrad Hardstaff 403-495-5895 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nEdmonton Independent Reporting-Sheri Dombroski 403-488-1464 18-FEB-1994 \nTranscript not requested \nComments: REASONS TO BE RENDERED WEEK OF FEB 21/94 \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 12 page(s) 237 - 239 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 15-FEB-1994 concerning confirming location for Motion, not indicated on Motion filed \nreceived on 16-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Fatima Maria Bernardez (located at page 10 of Doc 6) on behalf of the applicant sworn on 09-FEB-1994 in support of Doc 1 filed on 14-FEB-1994 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record containing the following original document(s): Affidavit of Fatima Maria Bernardez on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-FEB-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-FEB-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable at General Sitting in Edmonton on 18-FEB-1994 to begin at 10:00 duration: 30MIN language: E for an Order allowing Applicant to remain and to work in Canada pending the granting of any order pursuant to the Judicial Review Application herein with proof of service upon Respondent on 14-FEB-1994 filed on 14-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kim Bruck on behalf of the respondent sworn on 03-FEB-1994 confirming service of copy of Notice of Appearance on the applicant and IRB by registered mail on 03-FEB-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A,B filed on 03-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 03-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to EIC, ROOM 201, 10506 JASPER AVE., EDMONTON, FILE NO. 4712-79920 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 03-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Doc. No. 1 with proof of service upon Respondent on 26-JAN-1994 \nfiled on 27-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the Adjudicator dated Jan 20/94, file 4712-79920 filed on 26-JAN-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 13 delivered 21-NOV-1996 filed on 15-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Darrel Heald, Deputy Judge delivered 21-NOV-1996 at Toronto filed on 21-NOV-1996 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Darrel Heald, Deputy Judge at Toronto on 21-NOV-1996 \ndismissing the application for judicial review . \nDecision filed on 21-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 85 page(s) 436 - 436 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 18-NOV-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Darrel Heald, Deputy Judge \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMr. Dave Patterson \nDuration per day: \n18-NOV-1996 from 02:00 to 03:18 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 3 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Kevin Kelly \nTotal Duration: 1h18min \nAppearances: \nMr. Richard Addinall (416)967-0862 representing Applicant \nMr. Godwin Friday (416)954-8227 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nElizabeth Tsombanakis - Victory Verbatim (416)360-6117 18-NOV-1996 \nTranscript not requested \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 48 page(s) 124 - 126 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the applicant received on 15-NOV-1996 1 copy(ies) for the Court retained by the local office", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the respondent received on 13-NOV-1996 1 copy(ies) for the Court retained by the local office", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Ottawa on 07-OCT-1996 \nadjourning the hearing to a Special Sitting at Toronto on 18-NOV-1996 to begin at 02:00 \nDecision filed on 07-OCT-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 83 page(s) 79 - 79 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-09-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by J. Budnark, Registrar, IRB on 16-SEP-1996 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 16-SEP-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 26-AUG-1996 \ngranting the application for leave \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 19-NOV-1996 to begin at 11:00 \nspecifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: Tribunal's record on or before September 16, 1996 \nApplicant's further affidavit on or before September 24, 1996 \nRespondent's further affidavit on or before October 1, 1996 \nCross-examinations on affidavits on or before October 9, 1996 \nApplicant's further memorandum on or before October 18, 1996 \nRespondent's further memorandum on or before October 29, 1996 \nTranscripts of cross-examinations on or before Ocotber 29, 1996 \nDecision filed on 26-AUG-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 80 page(s) 350 - 351 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to doc.7 on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-APR-1996 with proof of service on the Respondent on 15-Apr-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Christine Selling on behalf of the respondent sworn on 03-APR-1996 confirming service of doc 7 on the applicant by telecopier on 03-APR-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 03-APR-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 03-APR-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 04-MAR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 04-MAR-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kathleen Woodcox on behalf of the respondent sworn on 08-FEB-1996 confirming service of Doc No. 3 on the applicant by telecopier on 08-FEB-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 09-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 3 with proof of service on the IRB on 08-FEB-1996 filed on 09-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 02-FEB-1996 filed on 02-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD, 70 University Ave., 3-JAN-1996, file no. U95-02362 filed on 02-FEB-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review & extension - CRDD
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Denault at Ottawa on 30-JAN-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nwith a request for an extension of time (R.6) \nDecision endorsed on the record on document number 1 received on 31-JAN-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 88 page(s) 468 - 468 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Mr. Ian Hicks, counsel for the respondent, dated 10-DEC-1996 re: the fact that the applicant has not perfected his application for leave. received on 12-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision and R.9(2)b) notice sent by IRB/CRDD Montreal on 23-OCT-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 28-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Lynn M Le Blanc en date du 18-OCT-1996 concernant le fait que l'intimé nous informe qu'il a été signifié de la demande d'autorisation le 8 octobre 1996 placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Claude Girard de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 17-OCT-1996 attestant la signification du Notice of Appearance à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 17-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 18-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-OCT-1996 with proof of service on the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to CRDD, Montréal, File No. M96-04655 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 16-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review and for an extension of time pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision rendered by the IRB 7-AUG-1996 in file number M96-04655 filed on 04-OCT-1996 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson rendered at Ottawa on 06-FEB-1995 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file endorsed on Doc. 3 Service Copy of The Application for Leave and Judicial Review Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 56 page(s) 355 - 355 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 03-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the applicant ON 2-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 05-AUG-1993 with proof of service on Respondent on Aug. 5/93 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC.1 with proof of service on the respondent ON 7-JUL-1993 AND IRB on 13-JUL-1993 filed on 14-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 14-JUL-1993 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 8-JUN_1993 FILE U92-08178 filed on 07-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum at Ottawa on 23-DEC-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on DOCUMENT NO. 1 received on 23-DEC-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 87 page(s) 106 - 106 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 09-OCT-1996 confirming service of Doc No. 3 on the applicant by process server on 10-OCT-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 10-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 3 with proof of service on on the IRB on 10-OCT-1996 filed on 10-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 10-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-OCT-1996 filed on 07-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD 1 Front St West 5th Floor Toronto M5J 1A5 5-Sep-1996 T94-04610 filed on 07-OCT-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau at Ottawa on 23-APR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on document 1 received on 25-APR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 76 page(s) 111 - 111 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-MAR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 15-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Lani Vanderveen on behalf of the respondent sworn on 08-MAR-1996 confirming service of doc 5 on the applicant by telecopier on 08-MAR-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" and \"B\" filed on 08-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 08-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 07-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-FEB-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 04-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent the tribunal on 28-DEC-1995 filed on 28-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD, 70 University Ave, 7th Floor, Toronto, M5J 2M5, 7-Dec-1995, U94-04778/79/80 filed on 28-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Madame le juge McGillis rendu(e) à Ottawa le 04-MAI-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et n/a inscrit(e) sur document #1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 62 page(s) 78 - 78 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 10-AVR-1995 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 07-AVR-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 11-AVR-1995", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 11-AVR-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 16-MAR-1995 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 16-MAR-1995 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-FEV-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 20-FEV-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 22-FEV-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 22-FEV-1995 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciiare avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 14-FEV-1995 déposée le 14-FEV-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR le 25-JAN-95 dans le dossier (#M93-10400) déposée le 14-FEV-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Noël rendu(e) à Ottawa le 18-FEV-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et COMPLÉTANT LE DOSSIER inscrit(e) sur 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 27 page(s) 401 - 401 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Diane Laliberté de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 02-SEP-1993 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par télécopie le 02-SEP-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 02-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 02-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvie Tremblay de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 04-AOU-1993 attestant la signification du dossier du requérant (doc. 6) à la partie intimée par messager le 03-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A et B déposé le 04-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 04-AOU-1993 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 16-JUL-1993 attestant la signification du document #4 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 19-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de JEAN-MARC LACHANCE, de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 13-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de la DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION ET DEMANDE DE CONTRÔLE JUDICIAIRE (doc.#1), à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 12-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", déposé le 14-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvie Toupin de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 12-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire (doc. 1) à la C.I.S.R. par télécopie le 09-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A et B déposé le 13-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la SECTION DU STATUT DE RÉFUGIÉ de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 2 JUN-1993 dans le dossier No. M92-10809, déposée le 09-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Noël rendu(e) à Ottawa le 18-FEV-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et COMPLÉTANT LE DOSSIER inscrit(e) sur 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 27 page(s) 418 - 418 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 20-SEP-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Linda Jean de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 08-SEP-1993 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. 6) à la partie requérante par télécopie le 08-SEP-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 08-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 08-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 09-AOU-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provençal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 16-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et Demande de contrôle judiciaire (doc. #1) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 12-JUL-1993 déposée le 14-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la SECTION DU STATUT DE RÉFUGIÉ de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 30-AVR-1993 dans les dossiers No. M92-09117, M92-09118 et M92-09119, déposée le 09-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Reed at Vancouver on 03-MAY-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision filed on 03-MAY-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 76 page(s) 316 - 316 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Wendy Andrews on behalf of the respondent sworn on 25-MAR-1996 confirming service of Respondent's Memorandum on the applicant by telecopier on 25-MAR-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A-C filed on 26-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 25-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record (two volumes) on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-FEB-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 22-FEB-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by John Hargrave, Esq., Prothonotary at Vancouver on 16-FEB-1996 \ngranting the motion for an extension of time to file a record (Motion Doc. No. 6 ) \nDecision filed on 19-FEB-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 73 page(s) 168 - 168 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent ", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in response to Doc No. 6 filed on 08-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Draft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 6 received on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from counsel for the Applicant dated 31-JAN-1996 re: enclosing a draft Order re motion doc. 6 received on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Shauna L. Cassidy on behalf of the applicant sworn on 24-JAN-1996 in support of Doc No. 6 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 25-JAN-1996 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order extending the time for filing the Application Record with proof of service upon Respondent on 25-JAN-1996 filed on 25-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the Applicant dated 24-JAN-1996 re: written submissions regarding the motion for extension of time to file the Applicant's Application Record filed on 25-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 05-JAN-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of VILMA THOMAS on behalf of the respondent sworn on 04-JAN-1996 confirming service of Notice of Appearance on the C.R.D.D. (Ottawa) by telecopier on 04-JAN-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A B filed on 05-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 29-DEC-1995 filed on 02-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision C.R.D.D. (Ottawa), 4-DEC-1995 (rec'd 15-DEC-1995), A94-01144 filed on 29-DEC-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Noël rendu(e) à Ottawa le 30-MAR-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et n/a inscrit(e) sur 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 30 page(s) 261 - 261 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-OCT-1993 attestant la signification du document #9 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 12-OCT-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 13-OCT-1993", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 13-OCT-1993", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Denise Valade en date du 13-SEP-1993 concernant l'intitulé du document #8 placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 13-SEP-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance de la Cour/ Madame le juge Tremblay-Lamer rendu(e) à Ottawa le 30-AOU-1993 et accordant la demande de prorogation de délai 6 du requérant pour déposer son dossier et qui se lit comme suit: \"Le requérant doit déposer et signifier son dossier dans les 14 jours de la date de cette ordonnance.\" inscrit(e) sur le doc#6 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 14 page(s) 161 - 161 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Joanne Granger, procureur de l'intimé, en date du 17-AOU-1993 concernant le fait que l'intimé ne déposera pas d'observations écrites à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation de délai déposée par le requérant reçue le 18-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvain Jenkins de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 06-AOU-1993 attestant la signification de la Lettre (Doc. No. 5) et de la requête en prorogation de délai (Doc. No. 6) au sous-procureur par signification à personne le 06-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", \"B\", \"C\" et \"D\" déposé le 06-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 6 reçu le 06-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Myriam Harbec à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour une ordonnance afin de proroger le délai pour la production et la signification du dossier du requérant déposé(e) le 06-AOU-1993 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de Me Myriam Harbec en date du 06-AOU-1993 concernant la requête en prorogation de délai (Doc. No. 6) déposée le 06-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tetrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 16-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 19-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-JUL-1993 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et Demande de contrôle judiciaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 12-JUL-1993 déposée le 12-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 25 mai 1993 et portant le numéro M92-05311 déposée le 12-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum at Ottawa on 23-DEC-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on document number 1 received on 23-DEC-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 87 page(s) 134 - 134 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Mr. Ian Hicks, counsel for the Respondent dated 19-NOV-1996 re: Applicant's Application Record has not been filed. The Respondent informs the Court that it will nit file written representations with respect to the Application for leave and prays the Court to decide upon the application pursuant to Rule 14(1)(a) of the Rules received on 20-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 17-OCT-1996 attestant la signification du Notice of Appearance à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 17-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-OCT-1996 with proof of service on the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Michael Hamelin on behalf of the applicant sworn on 11-OCT-1996 confirming service of the Application for leave doc. no. 1 on the respondent the IRB and the Minister of Justice by personal service on 11-OCT-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 15-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the IRB rendered on 16-sep-1996 in file M94-07663 filed on 11-OCT-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1997-12-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order / doc. # 12 delivered 29-AUG-1997 filed on 04-DEC-1997", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1997-12-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the order / doc. # 11 delivered 29-AUG-1997 filed on 04-DEC-1997 \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 105 page(s) 261 - 263", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-09-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard at Ottawa on 05-SEP-1997 \ngranting the motion for an extension of time ... On consent the motion for late filing was granted at the opening of the hearing at Toronto on August 26, 1997 (Motion Doc. No. 7 ) \nDecision endorsed on the record on Doc 7 Notice of Motion received on 05-SEP-1997 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 100 page(s) 218 - 218 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order by The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard delivered 29-AUG-1997 at Ottawa filed on 29-AUG-1997 Copies of reasons sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard at Ottawa on 29-AUG-1997 \ndismissing the application for judicial review and certifying a serious question of general importance Does an immigration officer processing an application made pursuant to the D.R.O.C. regulations have the discretion to extend the time for filing the application, either pursuant to the principals of natural justice or fundamental justice, if an applicant files an application after the 120 day period prescribed by the regulations? \nDecision filed on 29-AUG-1997 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 100 page(s) 122 - 123 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 26-AUG-1997 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 7 on behalf of Respondent \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nKen Scott \nDuration per day: \n26-AUG-1997 from 11:00 to 11:50 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 2 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Rayanne Clapham \nTotal Duration: 50m \nAppearances: \nMr. Joseph Farkas (416)784-9550 representing Applicant \nMr. Kevin Lunney (416)973-7524 representing Respondent \nDocuments filed at hearing: 10 \nComments: The 324 motion (Doc 7) was heard in court and granted. No Order was signed \nbut will be signed when the Judical Review is. \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 56 page(s) 453 - 456 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of Points of Argument \non behalf of Respondent concerning Judicial Review \nfiled at hearing on 26-AUG-1997 .", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Elena Buono on behalf of the respondent sworn on 21-AUG-1997 confirming service of the letter, Notice of Motion and Affidavit of Elena Buono on the applicant by telecopier on 21-AUG-1997 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 25-AUG-1997", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Elena Buono on behalf of the respondent sworn on 21-AUG-1997 in support of doc 7 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 25-AUG-1997", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent in writing to be dealt with locally for an Order extending the time to serve and file R's memorandum of argument filed on 25-AUG-1997", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1997-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the respondent dated 21-AUG-1997 re: motion for extension of time to file R's memorandum of argument filed on 25-AUG-1997", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-06-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record (two copies rec'd) sent by Mississauga Area, C.I.C., P.O. Box 1010, Stn. B, Mississauga on 16-JUN-1997 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 18-JUN-1997", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum at Ottawa on 30-MAY-1997 \ngranting the application for leave \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 26-AUG-1997 to begin at 11:00 \nspecifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: The Tribunal shall send copies of its record to the parties and Registry \nof the Court on or before June 20, 1997; Further affidavits, if any, \nshall be served and filed by the applicant on or before June 30, 1997; \nFurther affidavits, if any, shall be served and filed by the respondents \non or before July 7, 1997; Cross-examinations, if any, on affidavits \nshall be completed on or before July 18, 1997; The applicant's further \nmemorandum of argument, if any, shall be served and filed on or before \nJuly 28, 1997; The respondents' further memorandum of argument, if any, \nshall be served and filed on or before August 7, 1997; The transcripts \nof cross-examinations, if any, shall be filed on or before August 14, 1997. \nDecision filed on 30-MAY-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 95 page(s) 151 - 152 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-NOV-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-OCT-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc No. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-OCT-1996 filed on 11-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CIC/PCDO, 17-SEP-1996, 27697075 filed on 11-OCT-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 09-AUG-1996 \ngranting the application for judicial review (Visa Officer) , directing the Applicant's application for permanent residence be referred back to the Beijing Visa Office for redetermination in accordance with the law. \nDecision endorsed on the record on Draft Order received on 12-AUG-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 80 page(s) 19 - 19 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-07-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Draft Order concerning Motion Doc. No. 12 consented to by Applicant submitted by Respondent received on 10-JUL-1996", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-07-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number DOC 12 on behalf of the respondent (Consent by Counsel for Applicant, Mendel Green) - filed on 10-JUL-1996", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-07-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Sadian Campbell, Counsel, Dept. of Justice dated 10-JUL-1996 re: R's 324 Motion for Consent Judgment with Motion, Consent and draft Order filed on 10-JUL-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-07-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion for Consent Judgment (Rule 324) on behalf of the respondent filed on 10-JUL-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter to Applicant's solicitor, Mendel M. Green, requesting Hearing date information further to telephone conversation with Andrea Golding. dated 31-MAY-1996 sent to the applicant", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from OTTAWA dated 31-MAY-1996 re: Audrea Golding of Mr. Green's office (Applicant) will be filing a 324 Motion regarding materials submitted in R's Record filed & served on May 9, 1996 placed on file.", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 16-MAY-1996 \ndismissing the motion for an extension of time \"Upon receiving the evidence and submissions in this matter, I have concluded that the respondent has failed to provide a satisfactory account for the entire period of delay. In particular, no explanation whatsoever has been provided for the period between February 22 and March 4, 1996. It is ordered that the application for an extension of time to file the respondent's affidavit is dismissed (Motion Doc. No. 6 ) \nDecision endorsed on the record on Notice of Motion ( document #6) received on 16-MAY-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 77 page(s) 325 - 325 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-MAY-1996 with proof of service on the applicant on 09-MAY-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 09-APR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 09-APR-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 8 with proof of service on the respondent on 22-MAR-1996 filed on 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from respondent dated 22-MAR-1996 re: Written submissions in response to R's Motion (doc 6) filed on 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Christine Selling on behalf of the respondent sworn on 21-MAR-1996 in support of Motion DOC 6 with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C filed on 22-MAR-1996 \nwith proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order extending the time to serve/file Affidavit of Susan Barr to a time 5 days from the making of the Order on this Motion; providing that Applicant file Record within 30 days of service of Affidavit; providing Respondent file Record within 30 days of service of A's Record with proof of service upon Applicant on 21-MAR-1996 filed on 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Sadian Campbell, Dept. of Justice dated 21-MAR-1996 re: requesting that attached Notice of Motion with accompanying Affidavit be dealt with without personal appearance filed on 22-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by Canadian Embassy, Immigration Section, 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chao Yang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 100600 on February 16, 1996 pursuant to Rule 1613 Received on 05-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 14-FEB-1996 sent to Case Management Branch Litigation Management/International 8th Floor 300 Slater St. Ottawa, Ont. K1A 1L1 File B028535021 (SB)", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 05-FEB-1996 filed on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 05-FEB-1996 filed on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Min Tao Liu on behalf of the applicant sworn on 26-JAN-1996 in support of doc 1 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" thru \"E\" filed on 05-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application for judicial review pursuant to section 18.1 of the Federal Court Act against a decision Visa Officer, Beijing, PRC, 12-DEC-1995, file #B028535021(SB) filed on 05-FEB-1996 Request for certified copy of tribunal material included in notice of motion \nTariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Pratte agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 12-JAN-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et S/O inscrit(e) sur DOC. #1. Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 54 page(s) 248 - 248 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Rouzier de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 04-OCT-1994 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 03-OCT-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 05-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 05-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Robillard de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 06-SEP-1994 attestant la signification du dossier de la partie requérante à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 06-SEP-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 06-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 06-SEP-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provençal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 11-AOU-1994 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution (Doc. no. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 10-AOU-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-AOU-1994 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Roger Caty de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 09-AOU-1994 attestant la signification de la Demande d'autorisation et Demande de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 08-AOU-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 12 juillet 1994 dans les dossiers M93-06865 et M93-06868 déposée le 08-AOU-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge McGillis à Ottawa le 17-FEV-1997 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur la demande d'autorisation reçue le 18-FEV-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour avec comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 89 page(s) 471 - 471 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 05-DEC-1996 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. No. 8) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 05-DEC-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 06-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 06-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Étienne Archambault de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 13-NOV-1996 attestant la signification du dossier de la partie requérante à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 13-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 13-NOV-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de l'avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 24-OCT-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 24-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 25-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Brigitte McKenzie de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 23-OCT-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution au tribunal par télécopie le 23-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 25-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 25-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Etienne Archambault de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 16-OCT-1996 attestant la signification de la demande d'autori- sation et de contrôle judiciaire (doc. No. 1) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 16-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 17-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R de Toronto rendue le 13 sept. 1996 dans le dossier No.: T95-383 déposée le 16-OCT-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-07-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Pinard à Ottawa le 02-JUL-1997 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur doc. no.1 reçue le 03-JUL-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 97 page(s) 10 - 10 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Amélie Roy de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 03-MAR-1997 attestant la signification de la réplique du requérant (Doc. No. 18) à la partie intimée par télécopie le 03-MAR-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 03-MAR-1997", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 03-MAR-1997", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-FEV-1997 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'Intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 20-FEV-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 21-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Document amendé Mémoire de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 22-JAN-1997 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Sylvie Bouchard en date du 20-JAN-1997 concernant la communication aux parties de l'ordonnance rendue le 20-JAN-1997 par Me Morneau, Protonotaire; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Richard Morneau, protonotaire à Montréal le 20-JAN-1997 \naccordant la requête visant à obtenir l'amendement de son mémoire (Requête doc. n° 10 ) comme suit: [...] \"La partie requérante est autorisée à signifier et à produire au dossier de cette Cour son mémoire amendé dans un délai de trois (3) jours à compter de la date de la présente ordonnance; La partie intimée est autorisée à signifier et à produire au dossier de cette Cour son mémoire dans un délai de trente (30) jours à compter de la signification du mémoire amendé de la partie requérante.\" \nDécision déposée le 20-JAN-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 88 page(s) 113 - 113 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 13-JAN-1997 attestant la signification des observations à l'encontre de la requête pour amender le mémoire des requérants, et projet d'ordonnance à la partie requérante par huissier le 13-JAN-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 14-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Prétentions écrites de la part de la partie intimée à l'encontre de la requête (doc. #10) avec projet d'ordonnance annexé déposé(es) le 10-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Sylvie Bouchard, Agent du greffe, en date du 07-JAN-1997 concernant le fait que la partie intimée déposera des observations à l'encontre de la requête (doc. no 10) d'ici au 13-JAN-1997; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note à Frank Roach de Georgette Henri en date du 23-DEC-1996 concernant la requête pour amender le mémoire du requérant (doc. no. 10) elle sera traitée à Montréal par le protonotaire. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet de décision concernant la requête doc. no 10 reçu le 20-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de Me Rosemary Hnatiuk, procureur du requérant en date du 16-DEC-1996 concernant la requête pour amender le mémoire du requérant (doc. No. 10) déposée le 20-DEC-1996 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Rosemary Hnatiuk à l'appui par écrit à être traité(e) au bureau local pour amender le mémoire des requérants avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 20-DEC-1996 déposé(e) le 20-DEC-1996 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Amélie Roy de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 12-DEC-1996 attestant la signification du dossier du requérant (doc. No. 8) à la partie intimée par télécopie le 12-DEC-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 12-DEC-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Nicole Reimen en date du 05-DEC-1996 concernant la communication aux partie de l'ordonnance #7, placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Richard Morneau, protonotaire à Montréal le 05-DEC-1996 \naccordant la requête en prorogation de délai pour la signification et le dépôt du dossier des requérants (Requête doc. n° 5 ) \nDécision déposée le 05-DEC-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 86 page(s) 288 - 288 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée ", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée annexant un projet d'ordonnance en date du 26-NOV-1996 concernant la requête #5 reçue le 27-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Georgette Henri, Agent du Greffe, en date du 21-NOV-1996 concernant l'intention de l'intimé de déposer des observations à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation de délai(doc. no. 5) d'ici le 28 novembre 96 placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note à Frank Roach de Nicole Reimen en date du 19-NOV-1996 concernant la requête #5 qui sera traitée à Montréal par le protonotaire placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 18-NOV-1996 concernant la requête #5 déposée le 18-NOV-1996 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 5 \navec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 18-NOV-1996 reçu le 18-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Jocelyne Ann Proulx à l'appui par écrit à être traité(e) au bureau local pour prorogation du délai de signification et de dépôt du dossier des requérants avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 18-NOV-1996 déposé(e) le 18-NOV-1996 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provençal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 24-OCT-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 24-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) a déposé le 25-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 25-OCT-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire (Doc. No. 1) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 16-OCT-1996 déposée le 21-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 20 sept 1996 dans les dossiers No.: M96-02946, M96-05306, M96-05307 et M96-05308 déposée le 16-OCT-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 26, "DOC_DT": "2001-12-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for order and order / doc. # 20 delivered 28-MAY-1997 filed on 03-DEC-2001", "RE_NO": 47 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1998-04-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter (faxed) from the applicant dated 16-APR-1998 re: advising Court that a Not.of Discontinuance will be filed received on 16-APR-1998", "RE_NO": 46 }, { "DOCNO": 25, "DOC_DT": "1998-04-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to discontinuance on behalf of the respondent filed on 16-APR-1998", "RE_NO": 45 }, { "DOCNO": 24, "DOC_DT": "1998-04-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-APR-1998 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 44 }, { "DOCNO": 23, "DOC_DT": "1997-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Ottawa on 15-DEC-1997 \nadjourning the hearing to a Special Sitting at Toronto on 17-APR-1998 to begin at 11:00 \nDecision filed on 15-DEC-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 106 page(s) 87 - 87 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 43 }, { "DOCNO": 22, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum at Ottawa on 14-NOV-1997 \ngranting the application for leave \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 06-FEB-1998 to begin at 11:00 \nspecifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: Tribunal shall send copies of its record by December 5, 1997; \nA's further affidavits shall be served and filed by December 15, 1997; \nR's further affidavits shall be served and filed by December 22, 1997; \nCross-examinations on affidavits completed by January 5, 1998; \nA's further memorandum of argument be served and filed by January 15, 1998 \nR's further memorandum of argument be served and filed by January 26, 1998 \nTranscript of cross-examinations filed by January 30, 1998 \nDecision filed on 14-NOV-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 104 page(s) 263 - 264 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 42 }, { "DOCNO": 21, "DOC_DT": "1997-06-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 04-JUN-1997 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 41 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for order and order by Peter Giles, Esq., Associate Senior Prothonotary delivered 28-MAY-1997 at Toronto granting the motion doc 17 \"The time for serving and filing a reply is extended to June 6th, 1997.\" filed 29-MAY-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \n \nCertificate of order placed on file \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 95 page(s) 81 - 81 \nCertified copy of reasons for order and order sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 40 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 17 on behalf of the respondent filed on 13-MAY-1997 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 39 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Julia Haasz on behalf of the applicant sworn on 12-MAY-1997 in support of 17 filed on 13-MAY-1997 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 38 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant in writing to be dealt with locally for an Order extending the time to file and serve a Reply to the Respondent's Memo of Argument with proof of service upon Respondent on 13-MAY-1997 filed on 13-MAY-1997", "RE_NO": 37 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Steven Tress - counsel for the Applicant dated 12-MAY-1997 re: R. 324 Motion for an extension of time to file Reply filed on 13-MAY-1997 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 36 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the respondent dated 23-APR-1997 re: has no objection to the applicant serving and filing a reply within 10 days of April 22, 1997 received on 24-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 35 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Josephine Siskos on behalf of the respondent sworn on 17-APR-1997 confirming service of Doc No. 13 and 14 on the applicant by telecopier on 17-APR-1997 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 17-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 34 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Josephine Siskos on behalf of the respondent sworn on 18-APR-1997 in support of Doc No. 17 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 17-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 33 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 17-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 32 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 19-MAR-1997 with proof of service on the respondent on 19-MAR-1997 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 31 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written directions of the Court: The Honourable Mr. Justice MacKay dated 03-MAR-1997 directing that the time limit for filing the Applicant's Record commences from Feb. 19, 1997, the date of filing the letter in response to the Registry's request pursuant to Rule 9 of Court's Immigration Rules received on 03-MAR-1997 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 20-FEB-1997 re: request for directions from the Court regarding the time limit for filing the Applicant's record. Facsimile received on 21-FEB-1997", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Letter \"that no decision written oral, exists in connection with the application\" sent by Immigration Investigative Services, Downsview on 17-FEB-1997 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 19-FEB-1997", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of a Letter from the applicant to the tribunal (fax) dated 07-FEB-1997 re: tribunal's rule 9 material does not correspond with decision subject to leave application received on 10-FEB-1997", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision - No reasons were given - sent by CIC Investigative Services, Downsview on 16-JAN-1997 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 20-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Second request to Immigration Investigative Service CIC pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 07-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Second request to Immigration Investigative Service CIC, 1280 Finch Ave W., 2nd Fl., Downsvi file no. 3002-7873 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 19-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Ottawa on 07-NOV-1996 reconsidering his order of November 5, 1996, and ordering that a stay of removal will be granted until the leave application in this matter is finalized and until the judicial review hearing takes place \nDecision filed on 07-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 84 page(s) 349 - 349 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ottawa 07-NOV-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMeeting \nat the request of the counsel for the respondent, to discuss the order \nrendered on November 5, 1996 \nResult of Hearing: An order reconsidering the order of November 5, 1996, will be rendered later today \nheld by way of Conference Call in chambers \nDuration per day: \n07-NOV-1996 from 09:31 to 09:38 \nCourtroom : Judge's Chambers - Ottawa \nCourt Registrar: Robert Lemoine \n07-NOV-1996 from 09:31 to 09:38 \nCourtroom : Examination for Discovery Room No. 3 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Jim Outtrim \nTotal Duration: 7min \nAppearances: \nMr. Steven Tress (416)977-3657 representing Applicant \nMr. David Tyndale (416)973-1544 representing Respondent \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 47 page(s) 434 - 439 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of a Letter from respondent dated 06-NOV-1996 re: Faxed letter rec'd. addressed to Steven Tress in response to applicant's letter dated 6-NOV-1996. received on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Oral directions of the Court received from The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. dated 06-NOV-1996 directing that In response to urgent request for appt., Mr.Tyndale 6-NOV-96 , the court (The Associate Chief Justice ) this date directed that a teleconference hearing will be held at 9:30 a.m. 7-NOV-1996. placed on file on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from applicant dated 06-NOV-1996 re: Concerning Order of the Court(A.C.J.) dated 5-NOV-1996.Submissions in opposition to respondents request for appointment. received on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from applicant dated 06-NOV-1996 re: Letter enclosed. Request it be directed to the A.C.J. fax received. received on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from respondent dated 06-NOV-1996 re: Request for an urgent appointment with the Associate Chief Justice concerning Order granting Stay of removal dated 5-Nov-1996. Attached is a copy of letter addressed to Steven Tress. Fax of letters received. received on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Toronto on 05-NOV-1996 \ngranting the stay of execution \nDecision filed on 05-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 84 page(s) 282 - 282 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Toronto 05-NOV-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 3 on behalf of Applicant \nStay of removal order \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nRon Bradley \nDuration per day: \n05-NOV-1996 from 09:35 to 10:00 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 7 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Jim Outtrim \nTotal Duration: 25min \nAppearances: \nMr.Steven Tress 416-977-3657 representing Applicant \nMr.David Tyndale 416-973-1544 representing Respondent \nDocuments filed at hearing: 9 \nCourt Reporter: \nMs.Sarah Weinstein, Bruce Levey Reporting, Toronto, Ontario 416-223-8979 05-NOV-1996 \nTranscript not requested \nDraft Decision to be submitted by Applicant \nComments: Draft decision to be submitted by 2:00 p.m. this date. Motion granted. \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 47 page(s) 428 - 431 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Josephine Siskos sworn on 05-NOV-1996 on behalf of Respondent in opposition to Motion Doc. No. 3 with Exhibits A filed at hearing on 05-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc. 7 with proof of service on the respondent on 04-NOV-1996 filed on 04-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 04-NOV-1996 re: service of letter dated 4-Nov-1996 received on 04-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 4-Nov-1996", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Applicant, Wanna Butpaeng on behalf of the applicant sworn on 04-NOV-1996 as directed by His Lordship, Justice Jerome, ACJ with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H filed on 04-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Steven Tress, Solicitor for Applicant dated 04-NOV-1996 re: covering letter regarding Affidavit of the Applicant, as directed by ACJ received on 04-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. at Ottawa on 18-OCT-1996 \nadjourning the hearing to a Special Sitting at Toronto on 05-NOV-1996 to begin at 09:30 \nDecision filed on 18-OCT-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 83 page(s) 373 - 373 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Detentions & Removals CIC 6900 Airport Rd. Entrance J Mississauga, Ont. File 3002-7378 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 23-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-OCT-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ottawa 18-OCT-1996 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 3 on behalf of Applicant \nfor an Order staying the execution of deportation and the warrant for arrest \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter adjourned to Special Sitting in Toronto on 05-NOV-1996 to begin at 09:30 \nheld in chambers by way of Conference Call \nDuration per day: \n18-OCT-1996 from 11:41 to 12:03 \nCourtroom : Judge's Chambers - Ottawa \nCourt Registrar: Louise Sarault \n18-OCT-1996 from 11:41 to 12:03 \nCourtroom : Examination for Discovery Room No. 1 - Toronto \nCourt Registrar: Caterina Chiocchio \nTotal Duration: 22min \nAppearances: \nMr. Steven Tress (416) 977-3657 representing Applicant \nMr. David Tyndale (416) 973-1544 representing Respondent \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 47 page(s) 1 - 8 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Julia Haasz on behalf of the applicant sworn on 18-OCT-1996 in support of Doc No. 3 with attached exhibit(s) A, B, C, D, E filed on 18-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant returnable at Special Sitting in Toronto on 18-OCT-1996 to begin at 11:30 for an Order staying the exeuction of the deportation order made against the Applicant scheduled for 10-Oct-1996 with proof of service upon Respondent on 18-OCT-1996 filed on 18-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 18-OCT-1996 filed on 18-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 17-OCT-1996 re: requesting and urgent stay of removal of the applicant from Canada (with Draft Notice of Motion attacehed) received on 17-OCT-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision Detention and Removals 9-OCT-1996 3002-7873 filed on 17-OCT-1996 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - H&C
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal rendered at Vancouver on 02-MAY-1995 granting the application for judicial review and , filed on 02-MAY-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 61 page(s) 398 - 398 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 9 on behalf of the applicant the respondent filed on 27-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order to have the determination of insuff. compass and humanitarian grounds quashed and the matter referred back for redetermination. filed on 27-APR-1995 \nDraft Order\\\\Judgment received.", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Applicant dated 27-APR-1995 re: motion for dismissal by consent filed on 27-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau rendered at Vancouver on 08-MAR-1995 and granting the application for leave and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: Tribunal record by 3-Apr-1995; A's Affs by 7-APR-1995; R's Affs by 13-APR 1995; Cross examns on Aff by 24-APR-1995; A's further memo by 1-MAY-1995; R's further memo by 5-MAY-1995; Transcript of x-exams if any, by 9-MAY-1995; and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Vancouver on 10-MAY-1995 to begin at 10:00 filed on 09-MAR-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 58 page(s) 422 - 424 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 14-NOV-1994 re: advising that Respondent takes no postion with respect to Leave Application filed on 14-NOV-1994 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-OCT-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-OCT-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the respondent filed on 11-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Copy of the reasons FOR DECISION sent by HEARINGS AND APPEALS, 1148 HORNBY ST., VANC. BC on 12-SEP-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 15-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to C.I.C., 1148 Hornby St., Vancouver, file no. 5134-186409 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 02-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 19-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-AUG-1994 filed on 18-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Applicant dated 15-AUG-1994 re: service of application received on 18-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the C.I.C., REFUGEE BACKLOG, dated 27-JUL-1994, FILE NO. 5134-186409 filed on 11-AUG-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-12-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson rendered at Ottawa on 22-DEC-1993 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file, endorsed on doc #1. Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 24 page(s) 1 - 1 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written directions of the Court: The Honourable Mr. Justice MacKay dated 14-OCT-1993 endorsed on the record on the Memorandum to the Registry dated October 14, 1993 directing \"Having read the applicant's undated letter, filed September 10, 1993 I direct that the registry ensure that the applicant is provided with a copy of the Federal Court Immigration Rules, 1993 and that the requirements of Rule 10 particularly be brought to his attention. Unless there is filed within 30 days of the date of these directions an Application Record as required by Rule 10, and an application for an extension of time to file that record, then the application will be disposed of on the basis of the documents on file.\" received on 14-OCT-1993 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Applicant dated 10-SEP-1993 re: information further to the Application for Leave received on 10-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of BRIGITTA GARRITY on behalf of the respondent sworn on 20-JUL-1993 confirming service of DOC. 3 on the applicant by personal service on 20-JUL-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 22-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC. 3 with proof of service on IRB on 21-JUL-1993 filed on 22-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 16-JUL-1993 filed on 16-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/CRDD 7-JUL-1993 T93-00121 filed on 16-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1994-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Traduction certifiée conforme en anglais du jugement / doc. # 18 rendu(e)(s) le 06-MAI-1994 déposée le 27-JUL-1994 \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 39 page(s) 148 - 153", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1994-05-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Jugement de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Denault rendu(e) à Ottawa le 06-MAI-1994 rejetant la demande de contrôle judiciaire et , déposé(e) le 06-MAI-1994 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 32 page(s) 478 - 481 Copie certifiée du jugement envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Montréal 19-AVR-1994 \nEn présence de Monsieur le juge Denault \nLangue : F \nMatière en litige : \nContrôle Judiciaire \nd'une décision rendue par la C.I.S.R. le 30 décembre 1992 dans le dossier \nM92-01556 \nRésultat de l'audition : \naffaire prise en délibéré \nL'audition a eu lieu en cour \nHuissier audiencier principal : \nMarc-André Roy \nDurée de chaque jour : \n19-AVR-1994 de 14:08 à 15:45 \nsalle d'audience : Salle n° 306 - Montréal \nGreffier de la Cour : Renée de Varennes \nDurée totale : 1 h 37 min \nComparutions : \nMe Jean-François Bertrand (514) 842-8051 pour la partie requérante \nMe Nadia Hudon (514) 283-6144 pour la partie intimée \nProcès-verbal inscrit au vol. 15 page(s) 132 - 137 \nRésumé de l'audition placé au dossier", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Cahier d'autorités comprenant 1 volume(s) de la part de la partie intimée reçu(e)(s) le 15-AVR-1994 1 copie(s) pour le(s) juge(s) retenue(s) au bureau local", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-04-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Renée de Varennes (Bureau local de Montréal) en date du 15-AVR-1994 concernant làudition qui aura lieu le 19 avril 1994 à 14:00 heures. Les parties ont été avisées le 14 avril 1994. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by CRDD - Montreal on 18-Feb-1994 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 21-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Lettre envoyée du greffe le 11-FEV-1994 à la partie requérante à la partie intimée et à la CISR \nen ce qui concerne le changement d'adresse de la Cour fédérale - Mtl \nCopie placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Pinard rendu(e) à Ottawa le 31-JAN-1994 et accordant la demande d'autorisation et fixant l'audition à une séance spéciale à Ottawa le 21-AVR-1994 à 10:00 et spécifiant les documents à produire et/ou à déposer comme suit : Le tribunal fasse parvenir c.c. de son dossier le ou avant le 21 fév. 1994; Le requérant signifie et dépose d'autres affidavits, s'il en est, le ou avant le 3 mars 1994; L'intimé signifie et dépose d'autres affidavits, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 10 mars 1994; Les contre-interrogatoires sur les affidavits, le cas échéant, soient terminés le ou avant le 21 mars 1994; le requérant signifie et dépose son mémoire, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 31 mars 1994; L'intimé signifie et dépose son mémoire, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 11 avril 1994; Les transcriptions des contre-interrogatoires sur les affidavits, le cas échéant; soient déposées le ou avant le 15 avril 1994. déposé(e) le 31-JAN-1994 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 26 page(s) 166 - 167 Copie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1993-05-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Benoit Puskas de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-MAI-1993 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 17-MAI-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-MAI-1993", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1993-05-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-MAI-1993", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1993-05-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 14-MAI-1993 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-05-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Diane Perrier en date du 10-MAI-1993 concernant le fait que le dossier du requérant reçu le 27 avril 1993 a été retourné à Me Bertrand puisque l'Ordonnance de Madame le Juge McGillis accordait la signification du dossier du requérant. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-05-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Cullen rendu(e) à Ottawa le 05-MAI-1993 et accordant la demande de prorogation de délai 6 concernant le délai prévu à la Règle 10 des Règles de la Cour fédérale en matière d'immigration \"Le délai est prorogé au quinze (15) jours francs de la date de cette ordonnance.\" inscrit(e) sur document numéro 12, Ordonnance de la Cour (McGillis j) en date du 15 avril 1993 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 6 page(s) 362 - 362 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de signification de Sylvie Tremblay assermenté le 26-AVR-1993 de la part de la partie requérante \nattestant la signification du dossier du requérant à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 21-AVR-1993 avec la/les pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 27-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 13-AVR-1993 concernant le fait que l'Intimé ne déposera pas d'observations à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation de délai \nreçue le 15-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance de la Cour/ Madame le juge McGillis rendu(e) à Ottawa le 15-AVR-1993 et accordant la demande de prorogation de délai 6 LA PARTIE REQUERANTE A 15 JOURS FRANCS DE LA DATE DE CETTE ORDONNANCE POUR SIGNIFIER SON DOSSIER déposé(e) le 15-AVR-1993 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 5 page(s) 286 - 286 Copie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de SYLVIE TREMBLAY, de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 07-AVR-1993 attestant la signification de la REQUÊTE EN PROROGATION DE DÉLAI (doc.#6), à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 01-AVR-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", déposé le 13-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 05-AVR-1993 attestant la signification du document numéro 9 à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 02-AVR-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 06-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 06-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 31-MAR-1993 concernant la requête numéro 6 déposée le 01-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 6 reçu le 01-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** ANNULÉ(E) ****** Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 6 déposé le 01-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Jean-Francois Bertrand à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour prorogation du délai de dépôt et de signification du dossier du requérant déposé le 01-AVR-1993 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 23-FEV-1993 attestant la signification d'un \"Avis de comparution\" (doc. No 4) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 22-FEV-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 24-FEV-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 24-FEV-1993 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de SYLVIE TREMBLAY, de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 18-FEV-1993 attestant la signification de la DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION ET DEMANDE DE CONTRÔLE JUDICIAIRE (doc.#1), à la C.I.S.R. par télécopie le 18-FEV-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", déposé le 22-FEV-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de ALAIN ROY, de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 19-FEV-1993 attestant la signification de la DEMANDE D'AUTORISATION ET DEMANDE DE CONTRÔLE JUDICIAIRE (doc.#1), à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 18-FEV-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", déposé le 22-FEV-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 30 décembre 1992 dans le dossier M92-01556 déposée le 18-FEV-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for judgment / doc. # 12 delivered 22-JAN-1996 filed on 25-MAR-1996", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the judgment / doc. # 11 delivered 22-JAN-1996 filed on 25-MAR-1996 \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 74 page(s) 475 - 476", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reasons for judgment by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau delivered 22-JAN-1996 at Ottawa filed on 22-JAN-1996 Copies of reasons sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Judgment rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau at Ottawa on 22-JAN-1996 \ngranting the application for judicial review \"The application is allowed. The decision of the Convention Refugee Determination Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board is set aside and the matter is referred back for rehearing and redetermination in accordance with the attached Reasons.\" \nDecision filed on 22-JAN-1996 \nConsidered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 72 page(s) 113 - 113 \nCertified copy of the judgment sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Respondent dated 05-JAN-1996 re: submissions concerning A's proposed certified question received on 05-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Applicant dated 05-JAN-1996 re: submissions concerning the form of potential certified questions received on 05-JAN-1996", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 20-DEC-1995 re: enclosing page 2 to the case of Ramanan v. Canada at tab 3 of A's Authorites as it may have been inadvertantly omitted received on 20-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Vancouver 21-DEC-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter adjourned to Special Sitting in Vancouver on 22-DEC-1995 to begin at 10:00 \nBefore the Court: Continuation of the \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter reserved \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMr. Les Holmes 21-DEC-1995 \nDuration per day: \n21-DEC-1995 from 01:34 to 04:48 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1 (700) - Vancouver \nCourt Registrar: Wendy Petersmeyer \n22-DEC-1995 from 10:03 to 11:10 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1 (700) - Vancouver \nCourt Registrar: Wendy Petersmeyer \nTotal Duration: 4h51min \nAppearances: \nMs. Karen O'Connor-Coulter and Mr. Samuel Hyman 1-604-685-2880 representing Applicant \nMs. Kathy Ring (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - VANCOUVER) 1-604-666-1296 representing Respondent \nComments: Counsel to submit written representations with regards to the issue of \ncertification forthwith. \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 39 page(s) 21 - 35 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the respondent received on 20-DEC-1995 1 copy(ies) for the Court retained by the local office", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities on behalf of Applicant received on 12-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Oral directions of the Court: The Honourable Mr. Justice Rouleau dated 06-DEC-1995 directing that the hearing originally set for 19-Dec-1995 at 1:00 be RESCHEDULED to 21-Dec-1995 at 1:30, Counsel indicated their availability, Imm. J.A. advised received on 06-DEC-1995", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Emer G. Robles on behalf of the respondent sworn on 10-NOV-1995 pursuant to the Order of Teitelbaum, J. dated October 3, 1995 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" to \"B\" filed on 10-NOV-1995 \nwith proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Tara McWilliams sworn on 09-NOV-1995 on behalf of Respondent pursuant to the Order of Teitelbaum, J. dated October 3, 1995 with proof of service upon Applicant on 10-NOV-1995 filed on 10-NOV-1995", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-10-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by Immigration & Refugee Board C.R.D.D. on 19-Oct-1995 19-Oct-1995 pursuant to the direction of the Court dated 03-OCT-1995 Received on 19-OCT-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-10-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum rendered at Vancouver on 03-OCT-1995 and granting the application for leave and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Vancouver on 19-DEC-1995 to begin at 01:00 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: Tribunal record by 24-OCT-1995; A's further Affs by 3-NOV-1995; R's further Affs by 10-NOV-1995; Cross-exams by 20-NOV-1995; A's further mem by 27-NOV; R's further mem by 8-DEC-1995; Transcript of X-exam by 15-DEC-1995 filed on 03-OCT-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 68 page(s) 40 - 41 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to doc. no. 5 on behalf of the applicant filed on 26-APR-1995 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-APR-1995 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-APR-1995 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-MAR-1995 with proof of service on the respondent on 16-MAR-1995 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-FEB-1995 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Application for leave and Judicial review with proof of service on the respondent on 15-FEB-1995 filed on 15-FEB-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CRDD DATED 1 NOV. 1994 FILE NO. V93-01899 filed on 15-FEB-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson rendered at Ottawa on 17-JAN-1994 dismissing the application for leave and . endorsed on #1, Application for Leave and for Judicial Review Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 25 page(s) 198 - 198 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written directions of the Court: The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson dated 26-NOV-1993 endorsed on the record on Document #1 The Application for Leave and Judicial Review directing that the applicant comply with the order of Strayer J dated Oct. 13/93 is to be complied with on or before December 17, 1993. received on 29-NOV-1993 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Simpson rendered at Ottawa on 26-NOV-1993 and REQUIRING THE ORDER OF STRAYER J. TO BE COMPLIED WITH ON OR BEFORE DEC. 17/93 endorsed on DOCUMENT #1 THE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 21 page(s) 497 - 497 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Strayer rendered at Ottawa on 13-OCT-1993 and adjourning the application for leave with leave to the applicant to file further material in proper form as to the existence of a decision and errors therfor if any, or to amend this application to seek leave to apply for mandamus or other appropriate remedy endorsed on Doc. #1, Leave Application and for Judicial Review Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 18 page(s) 176 - 176 Certificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 20-SEP-1993 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 20-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Michelle Morrow on behalf of the respondent sworn on 10-SEP-1993 confirming service of Doc 7 on the applicant by telecopier on 10-SEP-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A,B,C filed on 10-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 10-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent ON 16-AUG-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of service of KAREN SCOTT sworn on 20-JUL-1993 on behalf of Respondent \nconfirming service of DOC. 3 upon THE CANADA IMMIGRATION CENTRE by telecopy to solicitor on 20-JUL-1993 with Exhibits A-B filed on 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of service of KAREN SCOTT sworn on 20-JUL-1993 on behalf of Respondent \nconfirming service of DOC.3 upon Applicant by telecopy to solicitor on 20-JUL-1993 with Exhibits A-B filed on 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC NO 1 with proof of service on the respondent AND IRB on 16-JUL-1993 filed on 19-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision CIC (LONDON) 1-JUN-1993 FILE NO. 3298-2-68738 filed on 16-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Jean-Marc Lachance de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 23-AOU-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de désistement à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 17-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 24-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Moussette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-AOU-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de désistement à la C.I.C. par signification à personne le 17-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 23-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Avis de désistement de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 23-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ordonnance en date du 10-AOU-1993 rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Joyal La décision de la Cour est concernant (le/la/l') la requête doc. no 2 pour sursis d'exécution de l'avis d'expulsion \nAffaire considérée avec comparution en personne \nRésultat : affaire rejetée déposé(e) à l'audition le 10-AOU-1993 copies certifiées transmises aux parties inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 12 page(s) 311 - 311 \nLettres placées au dossier. \nDécision interlocutoire", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Montréal 10-AOU-1993 \nEn présence de Monsieur le juge Joyal \nLangue : F \nMatière en litige : \nla requête doc. no 2 de la part de la partie requérante \nSursis à l'avis d'expulsion \nRésultat de l'audition : \naffaire rejetée \nL'audition a eu lieu en cour \nDurée de chaque jour : \n10-AOU-1993 de 12:40 à 14:01 \nsalle d'audience : \nGreffier de la Cour : Suzanne David \nDurée totale : 1h21min \nComparutions : \nMe Réal Leblanc (514) 468-6499 pour la partie requérante \nMe Michèle Ducharme (514) 283-7294 pour la partie intimée \nProcès-verbal inscrit au vol. 4 page(s) 466 - 469 \nRésumé de l'audition placé au dossier", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Lyne Brisson de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 28-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'affidavit de Rita Attardo à la partie requérante par télécopie le 26-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 29-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Rouzier de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 27-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. no. 8) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 23-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 28-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Rouzier de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 27-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. no. 8) à la C.I.C. par signification à personne le 26-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 28-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 28-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Montréal 27-JUL-1993 \nEn présence de Monsieur le juge Denault \nLangue : F \nMatière en litige : \nla requête doc. no 2 de la part de la partie requérante \npour suspension d'exécution d'ordonnance de renvoi \nRésultat de l'audition : \naffaire ajournée à la séance générale à Montréal le 10-AOU-1993 à 10:00 \ndurée : N/D \nlangue : F \nL'audition a eu lieu en cour \nHuissier audiencier principal : \nM. J. Desparois \nDurée de chaque jour : \n27-JUL-1993 de 13:22 à 13:25 \nsalle d'audience : \nGreffier de la Cour : Diane Manseau \nDurée totale : 4min \nComparutions : \nMe Réal Le Blanc (514) 468-6499 pour la partie requérante \nMe Michelle Ducharme (514) 283-7294 pour la partie intimée \nDocuments déposés à l'audition : 7 \nProcès-verbal inscrit au vol. 4 page(s) 373 - 374 \nRésumé de l'audition placé au dossier", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ordonnance en date du 27-JUL-1993 rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Denault La décision de la Cour est concernant (le/la/l') la requête doc. no 2 \nAffaire considérée avec comparution en personne \nRésultat : affaire ajournée à la séance générale à Montréal le 10-AOU-1993 à 10:00 durée : N/D langue : F déposé(e) à l'audition le 27-JUL-1993 copies certifiées transmises aux parties inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 12 page(s) 1 - 1 \nLettres placées au dossier. \nDécision interlocutoire", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit de Rita Attardo de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 23-JUL-1993 à l'encontre de l'avis de requête en suspension d'exécution d'ordonnance de renvoi avec la(les) pièce(s) A à L déposé le 26-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Michèle Ducharme en date du 26-JUL-1993 concernant l'affidavit de Madame Rita Attardo reçue le 26-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Modification à la séance générale concernant la requête document no 2 Audition ajoutée au rôle de la séance générale à Montréal le 27-JUL-1993 à 10:00 durée : n/a Langue : F \nRaison de la modification : les données à l'inscription enregistrée remplie le 20-JUL-1993 étaient erronées.", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Christina Hillier on behalf of the applicant sworn on 21-JUL-1993 amended and in support of Motion Doc no. 2 filed on 22-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit de Tom S. Pallacino de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 21-JUL-1993 amendé et à l'appui de la requête Doc. no. 2 déposé le 22-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvain Roy de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 20-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de l'Avis de Requête en Suspension d'Exécution d'une Ordonnance de Renvoi ( et la Demande d'Autorisation et Demande de Contrôle Judiciaire ( à la partie intimée ; le document numéro 1 a été signifié à la C.I.C. par signification à personne le 20-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Avis de requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Surinder Kumar, M. Hillier, A. Marauei, S. Tom Pallicano et C. Hillier à l'appui présentable à la séance générale à Montréal le 27-JUL-1993 à 10:00 durée : n/a langue : F pour suspension d'exécution d'une ordonnance de renvoi déposé(e) le 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Real LeBlanc, procureur du requérant, en date du 19-JUL-1993 concernant l'avis de requête en suspension d'exécution d'une ordonnance de renvoi reçue le 20-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision du Centre d'immigration du Canada, exécution de la loi, 1200 av Papineau Montréal, par Rita Attardo, Agent d'immigration rendue le21 juin 1993 dans le dossier 2672-E-34140 déposée le 20-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Denault rendered at Ottawa on 13-OCT-1993 dismissing the application for leave and dismissing the application for leave endorsed on 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 18 page(s) 144 - 144 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of the REPLY MEMORANDUM (doc.#8), with proof of service on the respondent on 26-APR-1993 filed on 26-APR-1993", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " REPLY MEMORANDUM, on behalf of the applicant filed on 26-APR-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de DANIEL ROUZIER, de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 16-AVR-1993 attestant la signification du MÉMOIRE DE L'INTIMÉ (doc.#6), à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-AVR-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\", déposé le 19-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-AVR-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Lynn M. LeBlanc dated 22-MAR-1993 re: the fact that Me. Leiter informed us to overlook exhibit `C` , and that exhibit `C` en liasse should contain material sworn as exhibit `E` by error. placed on file.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Applicant`s Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-MAR-1993 with proof of service on the respondent \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Johanne Tétrault de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 23-FEV-1993 attestant la signification d'un \"Avis de comparution\" (doc. NO 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 22-FEV-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 24-FEV-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 24-FEV-1993 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Gilles Houle de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 22-FEV-1993 attestant la signification d'un \"Application for leave and for judicial review\" (doc. NO1) à la partie intimée et à la CISR par signification à personne le 18-FEV-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 24-FEV-1993 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision from the C.R.D.D. of the I.R.B. rendered on december 14, 1992 in file # M92-04835, filed on 18-FEB-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Judgment of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 16-JUN-1995 granting the application for judicial review and SETTING ASIDE THE DEPROTATION ORDER AND REFERRING THE MATTER BACK endorsed on FAX COPY OF DRAFT JUDGMENT filed on 16-JUN-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 63 page(s) 412 - 412 Certified copy of the judgment sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 7 on behalf of BOTH PARTIES filed on 12-JUN-1995 with proof of service on THE APPLICANTS ON 12-JUN-1995", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent pursuant to R. 324 for an Order to set aside the decision of Adjudicator, S. Roberts,dated 3-Aug-1994. The Deportation Order dated 3-Aug-1994 be set aside. Judgment on consent with proof of service upon the applicants on 12-JUN-1995 filed on 12-JUN-1995 \nDraft Order\\\\Judgment received.", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by IRB-ADJUDICATION, 136 EDWARD ST TORONTO on 13-APR-1995 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 18-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 27-MAR-1995 and granting the application for leave and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 22-JUN-1995 to begin at 09:30 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: 3). hearing to be in english 4). tribunals record to be submitted on or before 24-Apr-1995 5). applicants further affidavits due on or before 04-May-1995 6). respondents further affidavits due on or before 11-May-1995 7). cross-exams to be completed on or before 23-May-1995 8). applicants further memorandum due on or before 02-Jun-1995 9). respondents further memorandum due on or before 12-Jun-1995 10). transcripts of cross-exams due on or before 19-Jun-1995 filed on 27-MAR-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 59 page(s) 452 - 453 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties the tribunal", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum to file from Jocelyne Holmes, J.A.'s office dated 01-FEB-1995 re: -In reply to A's letter of January 26, 1995 - advising status of file placed on file.", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from THE APPLICANT`S SOLICITOR dated 26-JAN-1995 re: The Department of Justice has consented to the leave application, and his clients are eager to have this matter settled as soon as possible. Would appreciate in setting the first availabe date for hearing of this matter. received on 30-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from RESPONDENT dated 03-OCT-1994 re: THE RESPONDENT CONSENTS TO THE APPLICANT's APPLICATION FOR LEAVE BUT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE SUBMISSIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE APPLICATION FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW. filed on 04-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the reasons sent by Registrar IRB, Adjudication Division, 136 Edward St., 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON., M5G 2H8 on 29-SEP-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 03-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from THE APPLICANT dated 16-SEP-1994 re: APPLICANT WILL FILE MOTION TO AMEND STYLE OF CAUSE. received on 16-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-SEP-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 16-SEP-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy OF THE ORDER sent by THE REGISTRAR,ADJ. DIV.,136 EDWARD ST.,2nd FL.,TOR.,ONT.,M5G 2H8. on 08-SEP-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 12-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to ADJUDICATION, 136 EDWARD ST., TORONTO, FILE NO.'S 0003-94-02143/06426 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 29-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 26-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the applicant on 23-AUG-1994 and the tribunal on 25-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 19-AUG-1994 filed on 19-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision ADJUDICATOR S.P. ROBERTS AUGUST 3,1994 0003-94-02143 0003-93-06426 filed on 17-AUG-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell at Ottawa on 26-FEB-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision filed on 20-MAR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 92 page(s) 85 - 85 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Mr. Ian Hicks, counsel for the respondent, dated 05-DEC-1996 re: the fact that the applicant has not perfected his application for leave received on 06-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 30-OCT-1996 attestant la signification du Notice of Appearance à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 30-OCT-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 04-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 04-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the tribunal", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-10-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision rendered by the IRB, on 16-SEP-1996, in file no. T-95-00334 filed on 25-OCT-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-06-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Dubé rendu(e) à Ottawa le 29-JUN-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et n/a inscrit(e) sur 1 - Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 37 page(s) 151 - 151 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Rouzier de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 02-MAR-1994 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. 5) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 01-MAR-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 03-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 03-MAR-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 03-FEV-1994 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 03-FEV-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 10-JAN-1994 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 10-JAN-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-JAN-1994 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. par Marthe Carrier et Me J. Vincent Fleury rendue le 25 novembre 1993 dans le dossier (#M93-03617) déposée le 04-JAN-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Joyal rendered at Vancouver on 11-NOV-1994 dismissing the application for leave and n/a filed on 11-NOV-1994 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 49 page(s) 364 - 364 Certified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent all parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to Respondent's Memorandum on behalf of the applicant filed on 01-NOV-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 24-OCT-1994 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record containing the following original document(s): (2) AFF. BY THE APPLICANT & AFF. OF BRIAN McLEOD WITH EXH.\"A\" on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-SEP-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 22-SEP-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the respondent filed on 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 26-AUG-1994 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 23-AUG-1994 filed on 23-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB (CRDD), 08-AUG-1994, V93-02615 filed on 23-AUG-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Pratte agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 09-JAN-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et S/O inscrit(e) sur DOC.# 1. Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 54 page(s) 32 - 32 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de PHILIPPE PROVENÇAL de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-OCT-1994 attestant la signification du \"Mémoire de l'Intimé\" à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 19-OCT-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 21-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de l'Exposé des faits et des points de droit (Doc. no. 5) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée et à la CISR le 22-SEP-1994 déposée le 22-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Exposé des faits et des points de droit de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 22-SEP-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de signification de PHILIPPE PROVENCAL assermenté le 31-AOU-1994 de la part de la partie intimée \nattestant la signification DE L'AVIS DE COMPARUTION à la partie requérante en laissant une copie du document à l'adresse aux fins de signification le 30-AOU-1994 avec la/les pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 02-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 02-SEP-1994 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée à la C.I.S.R. et au Ministre de la Justice le 24-AOU-1994 déposée le 25-AOU-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 5 août 1994 dan sle dossier no. M93-11037 déposée le 23-AOU-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Madame le juge Tremblay-Lamer rendu(e) à Ottawa le 11-MAI-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et n/a inscrit(e) sur document #1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 62 page(s) 255 - 255 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposée(s) le 20-AVR-1995 avec preuve de signification au Ministre de la Justice et à l'intimé", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 10-AVR-1995 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 10-AVR-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-AVR-1995", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-AVR-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 17-MAR-1995 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 17-MAR-1995 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 24-FEV-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 23-FEV-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 27-FEV-1995", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 27-FEV-1995 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la demande d`autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire (doc. 1) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée et à la C.I.S.R. le 17-FEV-1995 déposée le 17-FEV-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 2 février 1995 dans les dossiers M93-07617, M93-07618, M93-07620 et M93-07621 déposée le 17-FEV-1995 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 01-APR-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on DOCUMENT NO. 1 received on 02-APR-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 75 page(s) 202 - 202 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kathleen Woodcox on behalf of the respondent sworn on 14-FEB-1996 confirming service of DOC 3 on the applicant by telecopier on 12-FEB-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A, B filed on 14-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 3 with proof of service on IRB, Toronto - the Tribunal on 12-FEB-1996 filed on 14-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 14-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent 6-Feb-1996 the tribunal on 09-FEB-1996 filed on 12-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/CRDD, 18-JAN-1996, T94-07021, T94-06974, T94-07022, T94-07023, T94-07024 filed on 06-FEB-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson rendered at Ottawa on 22-MAR-1995 dismissing the application for leave and completing this file endorsed on doc.1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 59 page(s) 371 - 371 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 09-MAR-1995 concerning tribunals decision \nreceived on 10-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Copy of the decision sent by Case Management Branch, Immigration Headquarters, MCI, Hull--and notice that no reasons were given for the decision-- on 7-NOV-1994 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 17-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 27-FEB-1995 re: the Applicant has not filed a record in the above Application for Leave and for Judicial Review; accordingly, it is requested that this application be dismissed received on 01-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Second request to Immigration Adjudication, 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 3rd Floor, Hull File Number: 4604-63398 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 27-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of COLLEEN SIEBEN on behalf of the respondent sworn on 01-SEP-1994 confirming service of Notice of Appearance on the applicant by telecopier on 01-SEP-1994 filed on 01-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 01-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to IMMIGRATION ADJUDICATION, H.Q. FILE NO.: 4604-63398 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 02-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the Minister of Citizenship & Imm. S. Marchi, dated July 22, l994 and communicated on August 26, l994 filed on 29-AUG-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Ottawa on 03-FEB-1995 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file endorsed on application for Leave adn Judicial Review Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 56 page(s) 319 - 319 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 02-NOV-1994 with proof of service on the applicant on 1-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of IAN STEWART on behalf of the applicant sworn on 04-OCT-1994 confirming service of DOC 9 on the respondent by personal service on 30-SEP-1994 filed on 11-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-OCT-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ Peter Giles, Esq., Associate Senior Prothonotary rendered at Toronto on 11-OCT-1994 and granting APPLICANT's RULE 10 EXTENSION `THE EXHIBITS TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF IAN STEWART DATED OCTOBER 4, 1994 ARE TO BE FILED AS THE APPLICANT's RECORD. THE SERVICE OF THE DOCUMENT IS DEEMED VALID SHOULD THAT BE NECESSARY AND THE RESPONDENT IS TO HAVE UNTIL THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1994 TO FILE THE RESPONDENT's SUBMISSIONS AND SUPPORTING MATERIALS.` filed on 11-OCT-1994 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 46 page(s) 82 - 83 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 5 on behalf of the respondent filed on 04-OCT-1994 with proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of IAN STEWART on behalf of the applicant sworn on 30-SEP-1994 in support of DOC 5 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 04-OCT-1994 \nwith proof of service on THE RESPONDENT ON 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order ALLOWING THE APPLICANT TO SERVE AND FILE THE APPLICANT's RECORD NUNC PRO TUNC with proof of service upon Respondent on 30-SEP-1994 filed on 04-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from APPLICANT dated 30-SEP-1994 re: REQUEST THAT MOTION BE DEALT WITH PURSUANT TO RULE 324 filed on 04-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 07-SEP-1994 with proof of service on the applicant 1-SEP-1994 AND IRB 7-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 30-AUG-1994 filed on 30-AUG-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/CRDD 03-AUG-1994 T-93-06844 filed on 30-AUG-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis rendered at Ottawa on 18-OCT-1994 dismissing the application for leave and , endorsed on Doc #1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 47 page(s) 35 - 35 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 07-SEP-1994 with proof of service on the applicant ON 1-SEP-1994 AND THE IRB ON 7-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 31-AUG-1994 filed on 02-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-08-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD AUGUST 8,1994 T93-07859 T93-07860 filed on 31-AUG-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant filed on 18-MAR-1994 with proof of service on the respondent and on the Immigration center (Montreal est)", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of the Application for leave and for judicial review (doc. 1) with proof of service on the respondent and the Canada Immigration Center on 28-JAN-1994 filed on 28-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to C.I.C., 1200 PAPINEAU STREET, MONTRÉAL, QC, H2K 4H2 # 2672-Y-57276 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 11-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de NATHALIE PAQUETTE de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 31-JAN-1994 attestant la signification du \"Notice of appearance\" au \"Canada Immigration Center\" 1200 Papineau, Montréal par signification à personne le 31-JAN-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 02-FEV-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de DANIEL ROUZIER de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 31-JAN-1994 attestant la signification du \"Notice of appearance\" à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 28-JAN-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 02-FEV-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 02-FEB-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre (copie fax) de la part du tribunal administratif en date du 28-JAN-1994 concernant le fait qu'aucun renvoi n'est prévu avant le 15 février 1994 pour les requérants reçue le 28-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 28-JAN-1994 re: Applicant asking for a postponement of the motion to suspend expulsion \"Sine Die\". received on 28-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 28-JAN-1994 re: Applicant requesting an urgent hearing date for the motion to suspend proceedings of deportation (attached: copy of the notice of petition for suspension of proceedings, affidavit of Me Postelnik and a notice of presentation) received on 28-JAN-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision rendered by Pierre Turmel at Canada Immigration Center (1200 Papineau, MTL) on January 20, 1994 in file number (2672-Y-57276) filed on 28-JAN-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 21, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Muldoon at Ottawa on 02-MAY-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \"UPON Mr. Jusitce Cullen's declining on December 3, 1996, to extend the applicant's time for service of the originating notice, and again declining on January 16, 1997, on reconsideration at the applicant's instance; and UPON Madam Justice Reed's purporting per incuriam on February 26, 1997, to grant leave for judicial review when the applicant's application had not been perfected and was then a nullity; and UPON noting the consent of each party's counsel, in writing, to the present disposition of the application, herein effected; and UPON finding no merit, in any event, in the application because of the applicant's record of serious crimes, including assault causing bodily harm, now THIS COURT ORDERS that this application for leave and for judicial review (scheduled erroneously for hearing on May 6, 1997) be, and it is hereby dismissed.\" \nDecision filed on 02-MAY-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 93 page(s) 453 - 454 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Darrell Kloeze, counsel for the Respondent (by fax) dated 01-MAY-1997 re: the Respondent consents to the Application for Leave and for Judicial Review being dismissed without the need for personal appearance by counsel at the hearing scheduled for Tuesday May 6, 1997 in Ottawa. received on 01-MAY-1997", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Chantal Tie, counsel for the Applicant (by fax) dated 01-MAY-1997 re: Applicant consents to the dismissal of the Application for Leave and for Judicial Review without the need for appearance of counsel at the hearing scheduled for May 6, 1997 in Ottawa. received on 01-MAY-1997", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Respondent's Further Memorandum (entitled Application Record on the Respondent) Volumes I and II filed on 30-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Book of Authorities consisting of 1 volume(s) on behalf of the applicant received on 29-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Chantal Tie, solicitor for the Applicant dated 22-APR-1997 re: the Applicant's Further Memorandum of Argument replaces in its entirety the Memorandum of Argument previously filed. received on 23-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Dawn Pennington on behalf of the applicant sworn on 22-APR-1997 confirming service of Applicant's Further Memorandum of Argument on the respondent by telecopier on 22-APR-1997 filed on 23-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Further Memorandum of Argument on behalf of the applicant filed on 23-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the record sent by the IRB on 18-mar-1997 pursuant to the order of the Court Received on 18-MAR-1997", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Reed at Ottawa on 26-FEB-1997 \ngranting the application for leave \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Ottawa on 06-MAY-1997 to begin at 09:30 \nspecifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: Tribunal' record: 19-MAR-1997 \nApplicant's affidavits: 02-APR-1997 \nRespondent's affidavits: 09-APR-1997 \nCross examinations on affidavits: 16-APR-1997 \nApplicant's further memorandum of argument: 23-APR-1997 \nRespondent's further memorandum of argument: 30-APR-1997 \nTranscript of cross-examination: 02-MAY-1997 \nDecision filed on 26-FEB-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 90 page(s) 277 - 278 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen at Ottawa on 16-JAN-1997 \ndismissing the motion for reconsideration \nDecision endorsed on the record on the notice of motion received on 17-JAN-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 88 page(s) 52 - 52 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent ", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Suzanne Duhaime on behalf of the respondent sworn on 06-JAN-1997 confirming service of Respondent's submissions to the Applicant's Notice of Motion on the applicant by courier on 06-JAN-1997 filed on 06-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in response to Applicant's Motion for an Order setting aside the Order dated DEC-3-1996 filed on 23-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Memorandum in support of the motion doc.12 on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Dawn Pennington on behalf of the applicant sworn on 12-DEC-1996 in support of motion doc.12 filed on 12-DEC-1996 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Motion Record containing the following original document(s): Affidavit of Dawn Pennington, Memorandum of Argument on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of motion for reconsideration of Order rendered December 3, 1996 on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the Applicant dated 12-DEC-1996 re: Motion for reconsideration R.337(5) filed on 12-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen at Ottawa on 03-DEC-1996 \ndismissing the motion for an extension of time to serve and file the application for leave on judicial review is dismissed Careful objective reading of the respondent's submissions leaves no room for doubt that a case has not been made for an extension of time.\" (Motion Doc. No. 3 ) \nDecision endorsed on the record on the motion doc. received on 04-DEC-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 86 page(s) 289 - 289 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent ", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record containing the following original document(s): Affidavit of Ali Shirazi on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 29-NOV-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of J. Michelle Farrell on behalf of the respondent sworn on 29-NOV-1996 confirming service of of the submissions by respondent on the applicant by telecopier on 29-NOV-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 29-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written representations in reply to to the motion on behalf of the respondent filed on 29-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Counsel for the REspondent dated 12-NOV-1996 re: Ms. Lyndsay K. Jeanes, Counsel for the Respondent, has been served with the Notice of Motion for an ext. of time (doc. 6) & she intends to file submissions shortly. received on 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Suzanne Duhaime on behalf of the respondent sworn on 12-NOV-1996 confirming service of Notice of Apperance on the applicant and the I.R.B. by telecopier on 12-NOV-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A & B filed on 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from counsel for the Respondent dated 12-NOV-1996 re: Attached is the Notice of Apperance received on 13-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Dawn Pennington on behalf of the applicant sworn on 06-NOV-1996 in support of doc #3 Notice of Motion filed on 06-NOV-1996 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of motion to extend time to serve & file the application for leave on behalf of the applicant filed on 06-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the applicant dated 06-NOV-1996 re: motice of motion filed on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision Immigration and Refugee Board (Appeal Division) decision dated 21-AUG-1996 and communicated on 18-OCT-1996. File No.: M95-05643 filed on 01-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Richard rendu(e) à Ottawa le 09-FEV-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et n/a inscrit(e) sur document 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 56 page(s) 484 - 484 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 30-JAN-1995 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 10-NOV-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ordonnance en date du 26-JAN-1995 rendu(e) par Madame le juge Tremblay-Lamer \nAffaire considérée sans comparution en personne \nLa décision de la Cour est concernant (le/la/l') la requête par écrit doc. no 12 \nRésultat : affaire accordée Déposé(e) (s) le 30-JAN-1995 copies certifiées transmises aux parties inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 55 page(s) 328 - 328 \nLettres placées au dossier. \nDécision interlocutoire ", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 10-JAN-1995 concernant la requête en proro. (doc.#12) et le fait qu'elle n'entend pas déposer d'observations à l'encontre de cette requête reçue le 10-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 10-JAN-1995 attestant la signification de l'avis de requête et lettre (docs. #12 et 13) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 10-JAN-1995 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" et \"B\" déposé le 10-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 29-DEC-1994 concernant la requête en prorogation de délai (doc.#12) déposée le 10-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 12 reçu le 10-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Yves Dumoulin à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour prorogation de délai pour dépôt du dossier du requérant (R.10(2), 21(2) RCFI déposé(e) le 10-JAN-1995 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Julie Boyer en date du 12-DEC-1994 concernant le fait que la partie requérante va déposer une req. en prorogation pour déposer son dossier; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvain Lavictoire de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-DEC-1994 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par télécopie le 12-DEC-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance de la Cour/ Madame le juge Tremblay-Lamer rendu(e) à Ottawa le 31-OCT-1994 et accordant la demande de prorogation de délai 7 La partie requérante est autorisée à signifier et à produire au dossier de cette Cour son dossier ainsi que les rapports de significations de ce dossier aux parties dans un délai de dix (10) jours à compter de la date de cette ordonnance; Le délai de la partie intimée pour signifier et déposer son mémoire débutera à compter de la date signification du dossier de la partie requérante. déposé(e) le 01-NOV-1994 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 48 page(s) 198 - 198 Copie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Me LOUISE-MARIE COURTEMANCHE, accompagnée d'un projet d'Ordonnance en date du 18-OCT-1994 concernant le fait que la partie intimée ne déposera pas d'observations écrites à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation de délai déposée par la requérante reçue le 19-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 14-OCT-1994 concernant la requête #7 déposée le 17-OCT-1994 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 7 \navec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 17-OCT-1994 reçu le 17-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Yves Dumoulin à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour une prorogation du délai afin de pouvoir signifier et déposer le dossier du requérant avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 17-OCT-1994 déposé(e) le 17-OCT-1994 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Robillard de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 11-OCT-1994 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 11-OCT-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 13-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 13-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de CLAUDE GIRARD de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 08-SEP-1994 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par . signification à personne le 07-SEP-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-SEP-1994 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et Demande de contrôle judiciaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée et à la CISR le 01-SEP-1994 déposée le 01-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-01", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 23 juin 1994 dans le dossier M92-06685 déposée le 01-SEP-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge Tremblay-Lamer à Ottawa le 15-MAI-1996 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur doc. no. 1 reçue le 17-MAI-1996 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 77 page(s) 293 - 293 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de François Beaudoin de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 03-AVR-1996 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé (doc. no 6) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 03-AVR-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-AVR-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-AVR-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 06-MAR-1996 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 06-MAR-1996 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de François Beaudoin de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-FEV-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 12-FEV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 14-FEV-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 07-FEV-1996 déposée le 14-FEV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 9 janvier 1996 dans le dossier M95-01673 déposée le 07-FEV-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen at Ottawa on 03-FEB-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on DOC.#1 received on 03-FEB-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 88 page(s) 451 - 451 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to R's Memorandum of Argument on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-JAN-1997 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-JAN-1997 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 27-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 27-NOV-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 15-NOV-1996 with proof of service on applicant on Nov. 8/96 and IRB on Nov. 14/96", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 06-NOV-1996 filed on 06-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 18-OCT-1996, T94-04977 filed on 06-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Madame le juge McGillis à Ottawa le 28-AVR-1997 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur doc.# 1 reçue le 29-AVR-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 93 page(s) 345 - 345 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 07-FEV-1997 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. No. 7) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 07-FEV-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 11-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 11-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de André J. Landriau de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 13-JAN-1997 attestant la signification du Dossier de la partie requérante (doc. #5) à la partie intimée et à la CISR par signification à personne le 13-JAN-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 13-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 13-JAN-1997 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Deux (2) copies certifiées de la décision et indiquant aucun motif écrit envoyé(e) par la CISR- Montréal le 27-nov-1996 conformément à la règle 9(2) reçu(e) le 02-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 08-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. No. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 08-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 14-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 14-NOV-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Première demande adressée C.I.S.R., 200 boul. René-Lévesque O, MTL (dossier M94-06978) selon la règle 9 des Règles de la Cour fédérale en matière d'immigration en date du 18-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de André J. Landriau de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 06-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de la Demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 06-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR rendue le 23 octobre 1996 dans le dossier M94-06978 déposée le 06-NOV-1996 Motifs écrits non reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Doc. No. 13 Notice of discontinuance with proof of service upon Respondent on 24-JAN-1995 \nfiled on 24-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant with consent on behalf of the respondent filed on 24-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ottawa 15-DEC-1994 \nBEFORE The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nMotion Doc. No. 9 on behalf of Applicant \nfor an order prohibiting the refugee claim of the Applicant from proceeding \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter granted \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nShawn Young 15-DEC-1994 \nDuration per day: \n15-DEC-1994 from 02:30 to 03:00 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1, Royal Bank Centre - Ottawa \nCourt Registrar: Lorna Tessier \nTotal Duration: 30min \nAppearances: \nMr. Bossin 241-7008 representing Applicant \nMr. Rupar 941-2351 representing Respondent \nDocuments filed at hearing: 12 \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 25 page(s) 488 - 491 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Teitelbaum rendered at Ottawa on 15-DEC-1994 and granting the motion(s) 9 for an order prohibiting the refugee claim of the Applicant from proceeding filed at hearing on 15-DEC-1994 Considered by the Court with personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 52 page(s) 171 - 171 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Memorandum OF ARGUMENT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-DEC-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of SYLVIE GERVAIS on behalf of the applicant sworn on 14-DEC-1994 in support of DOCUMENT NO. 9 (NOTICE OF MOTION) with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 15-DEC-1994 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice OF MOTION on behalf of the applicant FOR AN ORDER PROHIBITING THE REFUGEE CLAIM OF THE APPLICANT FROM PROCEEDING UNTIL THE DISPOSITION OF THE APP. FOR LEAVE & FOR JUD. REV. filed on 15-DEC-1994 with proof of service on the respondent ON 15-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " DRAFT memorandum of argument on behalf of the applicant received on 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " DRAFT affidavit of Sylvie Gervais on behalf of the applicant sworn on 12-Dec-1994 in support of Doc.6 with attached exhibit A received on 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " DRAFT Notice of Motion for an Order prohibiting the refugee claim from proceeding on behalf of the applicant received on 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Memorandum of argument on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Affidavit of SYLVIE GERVAIS on behalf of the applicant sworn on 12-DEC-1994 in support of DOC.6 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 12-DEC-1994 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** \nNotice OF MOTION FOR AN ORDER PROHIBITING THE REFUGEE CLAIM FROM PROCEEDING on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter to THE REGISTRAR dated 12-DEC-1994 re: REQUESTING THAT MOTION BE DEALT WITH ON AN URGENT BASIS received on 12-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 12-DEC-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-DEC-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the decision sent by IRB-1 FRONT STREET on NOV 2/94 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 03-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to the IRB 1 Frront St. having file #T94-00832 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 11-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Darlene Barry on behalf of the respondent sworn on 05-OCT-1994 confirming service of Doc. #3 on the applicant and on the IRB by telecopier on 04-OCT-1994 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 07-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 07-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Document 1 (Application for Leave and for Judicial Review) with proof of service on the respondent on 30-SEP-1994 filed on 30-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision the Immigration and Refugee Board, September 15, 1994 - file no. T94-00832 filed on 30-SEP-1994 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 05-JAN-1994 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file endorsed on document number 1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 24 page(s) 256 - 256 Certificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 22-SEP-1993 with proof of service on the applicant ON 22-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 27-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent ON 27-AUG-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC NO 1 with proof of service on the respondent AND IRB on 28-JUL-1993 filed on 06-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 30-JUL-1993 confirming service of 2 on the applicant by personal service on 30-JUL-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 05-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 2 with proof of service on the Tribunal on 05-AUG-1993 filed on 05-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 05-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 8-JUL-1993, T93-00032 filed on 28-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 11-JAN-1995 dismissing the application for leave and completing this file endorsed on doc.1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 54 page(s) 176 - 176 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to 7 on behalf of the applicant filed on 10-NOV-1994 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of JULIE MOUCHBAHANI on behalf of the respondent sworn on 31-OCT-1994 confirming service of DOC 7 on the applicant by telecopier on 31-OCT-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A,B filed on 31-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 31-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-OCT-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 11-OCT-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Kathleen Woodcox on behalf of the respondent sworn on 15-SEP-1994 confirming service of doc 3 on the applicant by telecopier on 15-SEP-1994 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 15-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 3 with proof of service on the IRB on 15-SEP-1994 filed on 15-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 15-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC. 1 with proof of service on the respondent AND THE IRB-TORONTO II on 09-SEP-1994 filed on 09-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 15-AUG-1994, U94-00983 filed on 08-SEP-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Noël rendu(e) à Ottawa le 22-MAR-1994 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et , inscrit(e) sur Doc. # 1. Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 29 page(s) 315 - 315 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marie-Chantal Lauzon de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 27-SEP-1993 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par télécopie le 27-SEP-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 27-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 27-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de signification de Lise Hubert Legault assermenté le 27-AOU-1993 de la part de la partie requérante \nattestant la signification doc. no. 5 à la partie intimée en transmettant par télécopie à l'avocat le 27-AOU-1993 avec la/les pièce(s) \"A et B\" déposé le 27-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 26-AOU-1993 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 2", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marie-Josée Laberge de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 12-AOU-1993 attestant la signification d'un Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par télécopie le 12-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 12-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 12-AOU-1993 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Sylvain Gagné de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 03-AOU-1993 attestant la signification de la Demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire (Doc. no. 1) à la partie intimée et à la CISR par signification à personne le 03-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 03-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision Section du statut de réfug, le 30 juin 93, No. M92-10279 déposée le 29-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - Other Arising in Canada
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-05-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Dubé at Ottawa on 12-MAY-1997 \ngranting the application for judicial review \nDecision endorsed on the record on document no. 18 (Notice of Motion) received on 12-MAY-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 94 page(s) 157 - 157 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Consent to the motion / document number 18 on behalf of the respondent filed on 25-APR-1997 with proof of service on on 25-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for Judgment on consent with proof of service upon Respondent on 25-APR-1997 filed on 25-APR-1997", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice McKeown at Ottawa on 10-APR-1997 \ngranting the application for leave \nfixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Toronto on 07-JUL-1997 to begin at 09:30 \nspecifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: ...4. Tribunal copies of its record to the parties and Registry of the \nCourt on or before May 1, 1997; \n5. Further affidavits by the Applicant served and filed by May 12, 1997; \n6. Further affidavits by the Respondent served and filed by May 20, 1997; \n7. Cross-examinations on affidavits completed on or before June 2, 1997; \n8. Applicant's further memorandum of argument served and filed on or before \nJune 12, 1997; \n9. If a memorandum of argument was filed by Respondent for the leave \napplication, the Respondent's further memorandum shall be served and filed \non or before June 23, 1997. If a memorandum of argument was not filed by \nthe Respondent for the leave application, such a memorandum shall be filed \non or before June 23, 1997, pursuant to section 15(1)(e) of the Federal \nCourt Immigration Rules, 1993; \n10. Transcripts of cross-examinations shall be filed on or before June 30/97 \nDecision filed on 10-APR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 92 page(s) 446 - 448 \nCertified copy of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant dated 07-MAR-1997 re: \"delay in setting a date for the judicial review\" received on 07-MAR-1997", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Applicant dated 18-FEB-1997 re: that if Judicial Review hearing is set that counsel will be away from March 9 - 28, 1997 received on 18-FEB-1997", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the Respondent dated 16-DEC-1996 re: the Respondent consents to the leave application but reserves the right to make submissions in the judicial review filed on 16-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the reasons sent by IRB-Adjudication Division, 75 Watline Ave., Mississauga on 2-DEC-1996 pursuant to Rule 9(2) Received on 05-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the IRB-Adjudication dated 25-NOV-1996 re: the written reasons will be forwarded to the applicant once they have been transcribed; Friday November 29,1996 the transcript will be available and sent out received on 27-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice McKeown at Ottawa on 26-NOV-1996 \ngranting the stay of execution a stay is granted pending a decision in the Applicant's application for leave to review the November 5, 1996 decision of adjudicator Sylvanno Gratton, if leave is granted, pending the decision of the application for judicial review \nDecision endorsed on the record on doc.12 received on 26-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 85 page(s) 477 - 477 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice McKeown at Ottawa on 26-NOV-1996 \ngranting the motion doc.3, the Application for leave and judicial review of the decision of the adjudicator in application no IMM-3780-96 and IMM-4088-96 shall be expedited. The balance of this matter is adjourned sine die \nDecision endorsed on the record on doc.3 received on 26-NOV-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 85 page(s) 476 - 476 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties \nCopy of the decision placed on related file(s) IMM-3780-96 ", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 15-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal on 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Roberto San Vicente on behalf of the applicant sworn on 15-NOV-1996 in support of doc 12 filed on 15-NOV-1996 \nwith proof of service on the respondent on 15-NOV-1996.", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Arlene Tinkler on behalf of the applicant sworn on 14-NOV-1996 in support of doc 12 filed on 15-NOV-1996 \nwith proof of service on the respondent on 15-NOV-1996.", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order That the applicant's next scheduled detention review and each monthly detention review be stayed pending a decision on doc 1 pursuant to subsection 103(3) of the Immigration Act. with proof of service upon Respondent on 15-NOV-1996 filed on 15-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from applicant dated 14-NOV-1996 re: Notice of motion (doc 12). filed on 15-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 15-NOV-1996.", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 15-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 15-NOV-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "First request to Adjudication Division, IRB, Mississauga / File Number: 2555561-89 pursuant to Rule 9 of the Federal Court Immigration Rules dated 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 5 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-NOV-1996 filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 4 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-NOV-1996 filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 3 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-NOV-1996 filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 07-NOV-1996 filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the applicant in support of doc 3 filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of Marie Chen on behalf of the applicant sworn on 07-NOV-1996 in support of doc 3 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order consolidating application No. IMM-3780-96 and IMM-4088-96 and an Order pursuant to R.327.1 expediting the consolidated applications for leave and for judicial review. filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from Applicant dated 07-NOV-1996 re: Notice of Motion (doc 3) filed on 07-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/Adjudication Division, 5-NOV-1996, 25556189 filed on 07-NOV-1996 Written reasons not received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 14-SEP-1993 dismissing the application for judicial review and CONCLUDING THE FILE endorsed on DOCUMENT #1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 15 page(s) 375 - 375 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written representations in reply to R'S MEMORANDUM OF ARGUMENT on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-APR-1993 with proof of service on the respondent 29-APR-1993", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-04-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " MEMORANDUM OF ARGUMENT on behalf of the respondent in opposition to DOC NO 1 filed on 21-APR-1993 with proof of service on the applicant ON 21-APR-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-03-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 22-MAR-1993 with proof of service on the respondent on 22-MAR-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 24-FEB-1993 with proof of service on the applicant on 23-FEB-1993 and IRB-CRDD", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC NO. 1 with proof of service on the respondent and IRB on 19-FEB-1993 filed on 22-FEB-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-02-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD, 5-FEB-1993, U92-05021 filed on 19-FEB-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB -Immigration Appeal Division
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of discontinuance on behalf of the applicant with consent on behalf of the respondent filed on 19-MAY-1995", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from counsel for the respondent dated 19-MAY-1995 re: the forwarding to the registry of the notice of dicsontinuance received on 19-MAY-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Order dated 16-MAY-1995 rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Reed \nMatter considered with personal appearance \nThe Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review \nResult: DISCONTINUED BY CONSENT At the request of the applicant and with the consent of the respondent the within application is hereby discontinued. Filed on 16-MAY-1995 cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 62 page(s) 332 - 332 \nTransmittal Letters placed on file. \nFinal Decision ", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 15-MAY-1995 concerning THE APPLICANT WISHING TO DISCONTINUE AND THE RESPONDENT CONSENTING TO IT \nreceived on 15-MAY-1995", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy transcript, decision, reasons, and MCI appeal record sent by IRB, Vancouver on 31-mar-1995 pursuant to the Federal Court Immigration Rules Received on 04-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** \nCertified copy of the decision, reasons, transcript, appeal record of MCI sent by IRB, Vancouver on 31-mar-1995 pursuant to the Federal Court Immigration Rules Received on 04-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from IRB, Vancouver dated 31-MAR-1995 re: Rule 17 documents received on 31-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Reed rendered at Vancouver on 10-MAR-1995 and granting the application for leave and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Vancouver on 24-MAY-1995 to begin at 01:30 and specifying documents to be produced and/or filed as follows: TRIBUANL RECORD APRIL 4, 1995; A'S FURTHER AFFIDAVIT APRIL 10, 1995; R'S FURTHER AFFIDAVIT APRIL 17, 1995; X-EXAM OF AFFIDAVITS APRIL 28, 1995; A'S FURTHER MEMO MAY 9, 1995; R'S FURTHER MEMO MAY 19, 1995; TRANSCRIPT OF X-EXAM MAY 23, 1995 HEARING ENGLISH filed on 10-MAR-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 59 page(s) 66 - 67 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-OCT-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of SHARON SZAMEIT on behalf of the applicant sworn on 11-OCT-1994 confirming service of THE APPLICATION RECORD on the respondent by registered mail on 11-OCT-1994 filed on 11-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of change of address on behalf of the applicant filed on 28-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Sharon Szameit on behalf of the applicant sworn on 19-SEP-1994 confirming service of Doc. 1 on the respondent by mail on 08-SEP-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A, B and C filed on 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of TERRY DANIEL VOYSEY on behalf of the applicant sworn on 09-SEP-1994 confirming service of APPLICATION FOR LEAVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW on the respondent by - personal service on 08-SEP-1994 filed on 09-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision immigration and refugee board Appeal division on August 25, 1994 v93-01025 filed on 09-SEP-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review & extension - CRDD
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Marceau agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 17-JAN-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation avec une demande de prorogation de délai (règle 6) et N/A inscrit(e) sur 1 Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 54 page(s) 447 - 447 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 07-NOV-1994 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé (Doc. no. 6) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 07-NOV-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Nicole Reimen en date du 14-OCT-1994 concernant le fait que les pièces à l'appui de l'affidavit ne sont pas identifiées tel que requis pas la règle 332.(6) des RCF et que la signature du commissaire à l'assermentation n'est pas originale placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la demande de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 12-OCT-1994 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 12-OCT-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Caterina Cianci de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 19-SEP-1994 attestant la signification d'un Avis de comparution à la C.I.S.R. par télécopie le 16-SEP-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 15-SEP-1994 attestant la signification d'un Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 15-SEP-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire et pour une prorogation de délai conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR, le 6 juin 1994, portant le no. de dossier A93-05065 déposée le 12-SEP-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice MacKay at Ottawa on 07-MAR-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 07-MAR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 90 page(s) 460 - 460 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 30-JAN-1997 with proof of service on the respondent on 30-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 20-JAN-1997 with proof of service on the applicant on 20-JAN-1997.", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 09-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 09-DEC-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 12-NOV-1996 confirming service of doc 3 on the applicant by personal service on 12-NOV-1996 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 15-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 3 with proof of service on the IRB on 14-NOV-1996 filed on 15-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 15-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 08-NOV-1996 filed on 08-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD 28-OCT-1996 U93-10918 filed on 08-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-01-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Cullen rendered at Ottawa on 07-JAN-1994 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file endorsed on Document 1 The Application for Leave and Judicial Review Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 24 page(s) 348 - 348 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Donna Di Pentima on behalf of the respondent sworn on 21-SEP-1993 confirming service of 7 on the applicant by telecopier on 21-SEP-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A-D filed on 21-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 29-AUG-1993 with proof of service on the respondent on 27-AUG-1993 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of KATHLEEN WOODCOX on behalf of the respondent sworn on 06-AUG-1993 confirming service of DOC # 3 on the applicant by telecopier on 05-AUG-1993 with attached exhibit(s) A,B, filed on 06-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC # 3 with proof of service on THE TRIBUNAL on 05-AUG-1993 filed on 06-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 06-AUG-1993", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC NO. 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 30-JUL-1993 filed on 30-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB, 12-JUL-1993, U93-03851 filed on 30-JUL-1993 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Daniel Jean de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 13-OCT-1993 attestant la signification de l'avis de désistement (doc. 9) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 13-OCT-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) A déposé le 13-OCT-1993", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Avis de désistement de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 13-OCT-1993", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1993-10-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Madam Justice Tremblay-Lamer rendered at Ottawa on 05-OCT-1993 and granting the application for an extension of time 6 APRES AVOIR PRIS CONNAISSANCE DE LA REQUETE DU REQUERANT POUR PROROGATION DE DELAI ET DE L'AFFIDAVIT A SON SOUTIEN AFIN DE SIGNIFIER ET DEPOSER LE DOSSIER DU REQUERANT, IL EST ORDONNE QUE: LADITE REQUETE EST ACCUEILLIE ET LE DELAI POUR CE FAIRE EST PROROGE DE 7(SEPT) JOURS DE LA PRESENTE ORDONNANCE. filed on 06-OCT-1993 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 17 page(s) 176 - 176 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Jean-Marc Lachance de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 02-SEP-1993 attestant la signification la lettre datée du 26 août 1993 adressée à l'administrateur de la Cour fédérale du Canada et la requête en prorogation de délai (Doc. No. 6) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 30-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 03-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-09-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de Joanne Granger, procureur de la partie intimée en date du 02-SEP-1993 concernant le fait que la partie intimée ne déposera pas d'obs. à l'encontre de la requête en prorogation de délai (Doc. No. 6) reçue le 02-SEP-1993", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 6 reçu le 30-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de Jacques Beauchemin à l'appui en vertu de la règle 324 pour une ordonnance afin de signifier et déposer le dossier du requérant déposé(e) le 30-AOU-1993 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de Jacques Beauchemin en date du 26-AOU-1993 concernant une Requête en prorogation de délai (Doc. No. 6) déposée le 30-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Danielle Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 06-AOU-1993 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 05-AOU-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 09-AOU-1993", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1993-08-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 09-AOU-1993 avec preuve de signification à la C.I.S.R.", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Hans Lachance de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 30-JUL-1993 attestant la signification de la demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire à la partie intimée et à la C.I.S.R. par signification à personne le 30-JUL-1993 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 30-JUL-1993", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1993-07-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la CISR le 6 juillet 1993 dans le dossier M92-10581 déposée le 30-JUL-1993 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-05-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Tremblay-Lamer at Ottawa on 13-MAY-1996 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for Leave and for Judicial Review (Doc. 1) received on 14-MAY-1996 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 77 page(s) 208 - 208 \nCertificate of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument in reply on behalf of the applicant filed on 19-APR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-04-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of fact and law on behalf of the respondent filed on 09-APR-1996 with proof of service on the applicants on 9-Apr-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-03-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 08-MAR-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 08-MAR-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Brigitta Garrity on behalf of the respondent sworn on 09-FEB-1996 confirming service of the notice of appearance on the applicant by personal service on 09-FEB-1996 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 12-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc. 3 with proof of service on the IRB on 12-FEB-1996 filed on 12-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 12-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc. 1 App. for Leave with proof of service on the respondent on 07-FEB-1996 filed on 07-FEB-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-02-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD dated Jan. 19/96, File T94-01692/93/94/95 filed on 07-FEB-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Strayer rendered at Ottawa on 02-FEB-1995 dismissing the application for leave and completing the file, endorsed on doc #1 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 56 page(s) 351 - 351 Certificate of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-08", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " MEMORANDUM OF ARGUMENT on behalf of the respondent in opposition to DOC.1 filed on 08-NOV-1994 with proof of service on THE APPLICANT ON 8-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 14-OCT-1994 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-OCT-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of BRIGITTA GARRITY on behalf of the respondent sworn on 19-SEP-1994 confirming service of DOC 3 on the applicant by personal service on 19-SEP-1994 with attached exhibit(s) A filed on 20-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 20-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent AND IRB-TORONTO II on 14-SEP-1994 filed on 14-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB-CRDD AUGUST 12/94 U93-02827 filed on 14-SEP-1994 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Richard à Ottawa le 14-FEV-1997 \nrejetant la demande d'autorisation \nDécision inscrite au dossier sur la demande d'autorisation reçue le 17-FEV-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 89 page(s) 390 - 390 \nCertificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties ", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre de la partie intimée en date du 15-JAN-1997 concernant le fait que la demande d'autorisation n'a pas été mise en état, que l'intimé ne déposera pas d'observations à l'encontre de ladite demande et prie cette Cour de statuer sur celle-ci reçue le 17-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Philippe Provencal de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparu- tion (doc. No. 2) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 18-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 20-NOV-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue par la CISR, le 17-OCT-1996, portant le no de dossier M95-09833, déposée le 12-NOV-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson at Ottawa on 17-FEB-1997 \ngranting the R's motion to strike out the Originating Notice of Motion \ndismissing the application for judicial review \nDecision endorsed on the record on the motion doc. 6 received on 18-FEB-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 89 page(s) 440 - 440 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to R. 1606 dated 12-FEB-1997 sent to the applicant", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written directions of the Court: The Honourable Mr. Justice Gibson dated 21-JAN-1997 endorsed on the record on Communication to the Court dated January 17, 1997 directing that re: the Applicant's letter of Dec. 20, 1996 - Given his client is in Israel, I am prepared to allow a little more time if he is attempting to obtain a better affidavit. Please return to me in the week of Feb. 10, 1997. received on 22-JAN-1997 Confirmed in writing to the party(ies)", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from the applicant, faxed dated 20-DEC-1996 re: will respond to respondent's 324 motion during the week of Jan. 6-11, 1997 received on 20-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in support of Doc 6 filed on 13-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Respondent in writing to be placed before the Court in Ottawa for an Order striking out the applicant's Originating Notice of Motion and in the alternative an order striking out the affidavit of John O'Brien Grant sworn November 12, 1996 with proof of service upon Applicant on 13-DEC-1996 filed on 13-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter pursuant to Rule 324 from the respondent dated 13-DEC-1996 re: striking out the applicant's originating notice of motion filed on 13-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-09", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Rule 1613 material received from the Canadian Embassy, Israel and placed on file on 09-DEC-1996 on this file", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " First letter requesting material pursuant to Rule 1613(1) dated 21-NOV-1996 sent to the tribunal", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 2 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-NOV-1996 filed on 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of doc 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 12-NOV-1996 filed on 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of John O'Brien Grant on behalf of the applicant sworn on 12-NOV-1996 in support of doc .1 with attached exhibit(s) A,B filed on 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application for judicial review pursuant to section 18.1 of the Federal Court Act against a decision a visa officer/Canadian Embassy Tel-Aviv, 1-Oct-1996 filed on 12-NOV-1996 Request for certified copy of tribunal material included in notice of motion \nTariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-12-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Montréal 04-DEC-1997 \nEn présence de Monsieur le juge Pinard \nLangue : F \nMatière en litige : \nContrôle Judiciaire \nde la décision rendue le 17 octobre 1997 par la CISR \nRésultat de l'audition : \naffaire rejetée \nL'audition a eu lieu en cour \nHuissier audiencier principal : \nMonique David \nDurée de chaque jour : \n04-DEC-1997 de 10:00 à 10:11 \nsalle d'audience : Salle n° 306 - Montréal \nGreffier de la Cour : Kathleen Wheeley \nDurée totale : 11m \nComparutions : \nMe Michèle Joubert (514) 496-7041 pour la partie intimée \nDocuments déposés à l'audition : 20 \nProcès-verbal inscrit au vol. 59 page(s) 419 - 420 \nRésumé de l'audition placé au dossier", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1997-12-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Ordonnance en date du 04-DEC-1997 rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Pinard \nAffaire considérée avec comparution en personne \nLa décision de la Cour est concernant (le/la/l') Contrôle Judiciaire \nRésultat : affaire rejetée Déposé(e) (s) à l'audition le 04-DEC-1997 copies certifiées transmises aux parties inscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 105 page(s) 245 - 246 \nLettres placées au dossier. \nDécision finale ", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Pinet de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-NOV-1997 attestant la non-signification de L'annexe du mémoire supplémentaire à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 20-NOV-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 25-NOV-1997", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Pinet de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-NOV-1997 attestant la non-signification du mémoire supplémentaire de l'intimé (doc. No. 14) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 20-NOV-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 25-NOV-1997", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note au dossier de Sylvie Bouchard, Agent du greffe, en date du 26-NOV-1997 concernant l'affichage au greffe du mémoire supplémentaire de l'intimé et de son annexe suite à l'ordonnance rendue ce jour; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-26", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Pinard à Ottawa le 26-NOV-1997 \naccordant la requête pour prorogation de délai et pour mode spécial de signification (Requête doc. n° 15 ) \nDécision déposée le 26-NOV-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 105 page(s) 77 - 77 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-25", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie intimée en date du 25-NOV-1997 concernant la requête doc. no. 15 déposée le 25-NOV-1997", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 15 reçu le 24-NOV-1997", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête fait(e) ex parte de la part de la partie intimée annexant l'affidavit de Jocelyne Anctil à l'appui par écrit à être présenté(e) devant la Cour à Ottawa pour une ordonnance pour mode spécial de signification et prorogation de délai déposé(e) le 24-NOV-1997 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1997-11-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Document supplémentaire Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée (2 volumes) déposé le 19-NOV-1997", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-09-30", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Copie certifiée du dossier du tribunal (1 copie gardée à MTL) envoyé(e) par la CISR de Montréal le 30-SEP-1997 conformément à l'ordonnance de la Cour reçu(e) le 30-SEP-1997", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1997-09-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Teitelbaum à Ottawa le 12-SEP-1997 \naccordant la demande d'autorisation \nfixant l'audition à une séance spéciale à Montréal le 04-DEC-1997 à 10:00 \nspécifiant les documents à produire et/ou à déposer comme suit : Le tribunal administratif fasse parvenir à chacune des parties et au \ngreffe des copies certifiées de son dossier le ou avant le 3 octobre 1997; \nLes requérants signifient et déposent d'autres affidavits, le cas échéant, \nle ou avant le 14 octobre 1997; L'intimé signifie et dépose d'autres \naffidavits, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 20 octobre 1997; Les contre- \ninterrogatoires sur les affidavits, le cas échéant, soient terminés le \nou avant le 31 octobre 1997; Les requérants signifient et déposent son \nmémoire, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 10 novembre 1997; L'intimé signifie \net dépose son mémoire, le cas échéant, le ou avant le 20 novembre 1997; \nLes transcriptions des contre-interrogatoires sur les affidavits, le cas \néchéant, soient déposées le ou avant le 25, novembre 1997. \nDécision déposée le 12-SEP-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 100 page(s) 460 - 461 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée au tribunal ", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire en réplique de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 03-MAR-1997 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Pinet de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 20-FEV-1997 attestant la signification du Mémoire de l'intimé (doc. #10) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 20-FEV-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 21-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 21-FEV-1997", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 22-JAN-1997 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 22-JAN-1997 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 2", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Ordonnance rendu(e) par Monsieur le juge Noël à Ottawa le 13-JAN-1997 \naccordant la requête en prorogation de délai pour signifier et produire le dossier du requérant ainsi que les rapports de signification de ce dossier aux parties dans un délai de dix (10) jours à compter de la date de la présente ordonnance; le délai de la partie intimée pour signifier et déposer son mémoire débutera à compter de la date de la signification du dossier de la partie requérante. (Requête doc. n° 5 ) \nDécision déposée le 15-JAN-1997 \nPris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 88 page(s) 5 - 5 \nCopie certifiée de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à la partie requérante à la partie intimée ", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** ANNULÉ(E) ****** Note à Frank Roach de Linda Leblanc en date du 27-DEC-1996 concernant le fait que la requête doc. 4 ne sera pas traitée à Mtl placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note à Frank Roach de Linda Leblanc en date du 27-DEC-1996 concernant le fait que la requête doc. 5 ne sera pas traitée à Mtl. placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre annexant un projet d'ordonnance de la partie intimée en date du 18-DEC-1996 concernant le fait que celle-ci ne déposera pas d'observations à l'encontre de la requête doc. no. 5 reçue le 20-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Requête en prorogation de délai (doc. no 5), de la lettre selon la R. 324 (doc. no 6) et du projet d'ordonnance avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 16-DEC-1996 déposée le 16-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-17", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Note à Frank Roach, Agent principal du greffe, de Sylvie Bouchard, Agent du greffe, en date du 17-DEC-1996 concernant le fait que la requête en prorogation de délai (doc. no 5) sera considérée par le protonotaire à Montréal; placée au dossier.", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Projet d'ordonnance concernant la requête doc. no 5 reçu le 16-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Lettre selon la règle 324 de la partie requérante en date du 16-DEC-1996 concernant la requête en prorogation de délai (doc. no 5) déposée le 16-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Requête de la part de la partie requérante annexant l'affidavit de David Arturo Marin Cerda et de Lorena Del Carmen Vicencio Neira à l'appui par écrit à être présenté(e) devant la Cour à Ottawa pour prorogation de délai pour déposer et signifier le dossier de la partie requérante; déposé(e) le 16-DEC-1996 \nProjet de décision/jugement/ordonnance reçu.", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Michel Pinet de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de l'avis de comparution (doc. No. 3) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 18-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 20-NOV-1996 avec preuve de signification au tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copie de la Demande d'autorisation et demande de contrôle judiciaire (doc. no 1) avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 12-NOV-1996 déposée le 12-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision rendue le 17-OCT-1996, portant les nos de dossier M95-04264, M95-08267, M95-08268, déposée le 12-NOV-1996 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell at Ottawa on 13-MAR-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave the order reads, the application for leave is dismissed due to the failure of the applicant to file an application record \nDecision endorsed on the record on Application for leae (doc 1) received on 21-MAR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 91 page(s) 425 - 425 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 19-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the applicant on 14-NOV-1996 and the IRB on 19-NOV-1996.", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision IRB/CRDD, 8-OCT-1996, T94-03010/11 filed on 12-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of withdrawal on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 18-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the IRB - CRDD dated 11 Oct 96 and signed 28 Oct 96 in V93-01020 filed on 13-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1997-03-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice McGillis at Ottawa on 19-MAR-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision endorsed on the record on DOCUMENT NO. 1 received on 19-MAR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 91 page(s) 393 - 393 \nCertificate of the order sent to all parties ", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 13-JAN-1997 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé (doc. No. 7) à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 13-JAN-1997 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 14-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1997-01-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 14-JAN-1997", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 10-DEC-1996 attestant la signification du \"Applicant's Record\" (doc. no 5) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 10-DEC-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 11-DEC-1996", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-11", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 11-DEC-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 1", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Marco Plante de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 18-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de \"Notice of Appearance\" (doc. No.3) à la partie requérante par huissier le 18-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 20-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 20-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-15", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Charles Courchesne de la part de la partie requérante assermenté le 14-NOV-1996 attestant la signification de la demande d'autori- sation et de contrôle judiciaire (doc. no. 1) à la partie intimée par signification à personne le 14-NOV-1996 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 15-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-13", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision of the IRB rendered on October 23, 1996 in files No.: M95-11576 et M95-11580 filed on 13-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Application for Judicial Review - Visa Officer
[ { "DOCNO": 24, "DOC_DT": "1995-10-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Certified French translation of the reasons for judgment / doc. # 23 delivered 04-JUL-1995 filed on 24-OCT-1995", "RE_NO": 30 }, { "DOCNO": 23, "DOC_DT": "1995-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Reasons for Judgment dated 04-JUL-1995 rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Reed \nThe Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review Filed on 05-JUL-1995 \nCopies sent to parties", "RE_NO": 29 }, { "DOCNO": 22, "DOC_DT": "1995-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Order dated 04-JUL-1995 rendered by The Honourable Madam Justice Reed \nMatter considered with personal appearance \nThe Court's decision is with regard to Judicial Review \nResult: dismissed Filed on 05-JUL-1995 cc's sent to parties entered in J. & O. Book, volume 64 page(s) 327 - 327 \nTransmittal Letters placed on file. \nFinal Decision ", "RE_NO": 28 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-07-05", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Transcript of hearing held at Vancouver on 04-JUL-1995 received on 05-JUL-1995 \nSent directly to presiding Judge \n4 pages (including covering pages). Diskette received.", "RE_NO": 27 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-07-04", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Vancouver 04-JUL-1995 \nBEFORE The Honourable Madam Justice Reed \nLanguage: E \nBefore the Court: \nJudicial Review \nResult of Hearing: \nMatter dismissed \nheld in Court \nSenior Usher: \nMr. Richard Mackey \nDuration per day: \n04-JUL-1995 from 02:03 to 04:50 \nCourtroom : Courtroom No. 1 (700) - Vancouver \nCourt Registrar: Louise Marcotte \nTotal Duration: 3h \nAppearances: \nMs. Linda Mark (Mark & Company) 1-604-681-9662 representing Applicant \nMs. Esta Resnick (Dept of Justice) 1-604-666-6542 representing Respondent \nCourt Reporter: \nMs. Paisley Franklin (Allwest Reporting) 1-604-683-4774 04-JUL-1995 \nTranscript requested \nComments: Transcript of Reasons for Order and Order ordered \nMinutes of Hearing entered in Vol. 34 page(s) 139 - 147 \nAbstract of Hearing placed on file", "RE_NO": 26 }, { "DOCNO": 21, "DOC_DT": "1995-05-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Jerome A.C.J. rendered at Ottawa on 03-MAY-1995 and fixing the hearing at a Special Sitting at Vancouver on 04-JUL-1995 to begin at 02:00 filed on 04-MAY-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 61 page(s) 482 - 482 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 25 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Respondent dated 19-APR-1995 concerning VENUE LETTER SENT TO THE COURT BY THE APPLICANT \nreceived on 19-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 24 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "****** CANCELLED ****** Letter from THE APPLICANT dated 06-APR-1995 re: VENUE LETTER PURSUANT TO DIRECTION OF THE ACT FEBRAURY, 1993 received on 06-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 23 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-04-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from THE APPLICANT dated 06-APR-1995 re: VENUE LETTER PURSUANT TO PRACTICE DIRECTIVE OF THE ASSOCIATE CHIEF received on 06-APR-1995", "RE_NO": 22 }, { "DOCNO": 20, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 19 with proof of service on the applicant on 15-MAR-1995 filed on 16-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 21 }, { "DOCNO": 19, "DOC_DT": "1995-03-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of GEORGE SUTHERLAND on behalf of the respondent sworn on 10-MAR-1995 AS PER ORDER OF THE COURT (DENAULT, J.) DATED 24 FEB, 1995 with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 14-MAR-1995", "RE_NO": 20 }, { "DOCNO": 18, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-28", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Affidavit of STEPHEN BERGEN on behalf of the applicant sworn on 18-NOV-1994 in support of ORIGINATING NOTICE OF MOTION with attached exhibit(s) \"A\" filed on 28-FEB-1995 \nwith proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 19 }, { "DOCNO": 17, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-24", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Denault rendered at Vancouver on 24-FEB-1995 and granting the motion(s) 12 TO FILE THE AFFIDAVIT OF STEPHEN BERGEN DATED NOVEMBER 18, 1994; TO BE FILED BY MARCH 3, 1995; THE RESPONDENT MAY HAVE UNTIL MARCH 17, 1995 TO FILE ANY ADDITIONAL AFFIDAVIT MATERIAL filed on 24-FEB-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 58 page(s) 39 - 39 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 18 }, { "DOCNO": 16, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Reply to RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE TO APPLICANT'S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME on behalf of the applicant filed on 20-JAN-1995 with proof of service on the respondent", "RE_NO": 17 }, { "DOCNO": 15, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-12", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc. 14 with proof of service on the applicant on 10-JAN-1995 filed on 12-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 16 }, { "DOCNO": 14, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-10", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Written submissions on behalf of the respondent in opposition to motion doc #12 filed on 10-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 15 }, { "DOCNO": 13, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of Stephen Bergen sworn on 29-DEC-1994 on behalf of Applicant in support of Motion Doc. No. 12 filed on 03-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 14 }, { "DOCNO": 12, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Notice of Motion on behalf of Applicant pursuant to R. 324 for an Order for an extension of time to file affidavit material with proof of service upon Respondent on 03-JAN-1995 filed on 03-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 13 }, { "DOCNO": 11, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Letter from Applicant dated 29-DEC-1994 concerning R. 324 \nwith proof of service upon Respondent on 03-JAN-1995 \nfiled on 03-JAN-1995", "RE_NO": 12 }, { "DOCNO": 10, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of 9 with proof of service on the applicant on 19-DEC-1994 filed on 21-DEC-1994", "RE_NO": 11 }, { "DOCNO": 9, "DOC_DT": "1994-12-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the respondent filed on 19-DEC-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 10 }, { "DOCNO": 8, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-18", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 18-NOV-1994 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 3", "RE_NO": 9 }, { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Certified copy of the tribunal's record sent by Canadian Consulate General (Sydney, Australia) on 04-OCT-1994 pursuant to Rule 1613 Received on 21-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 8 }, { "DOCNO": 7, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Affidavit of George Sutherland Doc. No. 6 with proof of service upon Applicant on 19-OCT-1994 \nfiled on 20-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of GEORGE SUTHERLAND sworn on 17-OCT-1994 on behalf of Respondent in opposition to Motion Doc. No. 1 with Exhibits \"A TO G\" filed on 19-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-27", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of Change of Address on behalf of Respondent \nfiled on 27-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Doc. No. 2 with proof of service upon Respondent on 19-SEP-1994 \nfiled on 20-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Service copy of Doc. No. 1 with proof of service upon Respondent on 19-SEP-1994 \nfiled on 20-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit of LINDA MARK sworn on 14-SEP-1994 on behalf of Applicant in support of Motion Doc. No. 1 with Exhibits \"A\" TO \"H\" filed on 19-SEP-1994", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-19", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Application for judicial review pursuant to section 18.1 of the Federal Court Act against a decision VISA OFFICER G.A. SUTHERLAND DATED AUGUST 12, 1994 filed on 19-SEP-1994 Request for certified copy of tribunal material included in notice of motion Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1997-04-02", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order rendered by The Honourable Mr. Justice Noël at Vancouver on 26-MAR-1997 \ndismissing the application for leave \nDecision filed on 02-APR-1997 \nConsidered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 92 page(s) 229 - 229 \nCertified copy of the order sent to the applicant the respondent the tribunal ", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1997-02-03", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Memorandum of argument on behalf of the respondent filed on 03-FEB-1997 with proof of service on the applicant", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1996-12-16", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Record on behalf of the applicant filed on 16-DEC-1996 with proof of service on the respondent on 16-DEC-1996 \nNumber of copies received/prepared: 2", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 21-NOV-1996 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of Doc.1 with proof of service on the respondent on 14-NOV-1996 filed on 14-NOV-1996", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1996-11-14", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision crdd, 16-oct-1996, v95-02668 filed on 14-NOV-1996 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & judicial review - SIO
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1995-06-07", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Final decision) Order of the Court/ The Honourable Mr. Justice Rothstein rendered at Vancouver on 07-JUN-1995 dismissing the application for leave with a request for an extension of time (R.6) and . filed on 08-JUN-1995 Considered by the Court without personal appearance \nentered in J. & O. Book, volume 63 page(s) 202 - 202 Certified copy of the order sent to all parties", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-23", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Notice of appearance on behalf of the respondent filed on 23-FEB-1995 with proof of service on the applicant the tribunal", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Copy of DOC 1 with proof of service on the respondent on 21-FEB-1995 filed on 21-FEB-1995", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1995-02-21", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Application for leave and judicial review pursuant to s. 82.1(1) of the Immigration Act against a decision ROGER F. BARLISZEN POST CLAIMS DETERMINATION OFFICER DATED JANUARY 24, 1994 filed on 21-FEB-1995 Written reasons received by the Applicant Tariff fee of $50.00 received", "RE_NO": 1 } ]
Imm - Appl. for leave & jud. review - IRB - Refugee
Immigration Leave & Judicial Review
[ { "DOCNO": null, "DOC_DT": "1995-01-20", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " (Décision finale) Ordonnance de la Cour/ Monsieur le juge Marceau agissant comme membre de droit de la Section de première instance rendu(e) à Ottawa le 20-JAN-1995 rejetant la demande d'autorisation et s/o inscrit(e) sur doc.# 1. Pris en considération par la Cour sans comparution en personne \ninscrit(e) dans le livre J. & O., volume 55 page(s) 60 - 60 Certificat de l'ordonnance envoyé(e) à toutes les parties", "RE_NO": 7 }, { "DOCNO": 6, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 21-NOV-1994 attestant la signification du mémoire de l'intimé à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 18-NOV-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 22-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 6 }, { "DOCNO": 5, "DOC_DT": "1994-11-22", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Mémoire de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 22-NOV-1994", "RE_NO": 5 }, { "DOCNO": 4, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-31", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Dossier de la part de la partie requérante déposé le 31-OCT-1994 avec preuve de signification à la partie intimée le 31-OCT-1994 \nNombre de copies reçu/préparé: 1", "RE_NO": 4 }, { "DOCNO": 3, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Affidavit de Nathalie Paquette de la part de la partie intimée assermenté le 06-OCT-1994 attestant la signification de l'Avis de comparution à la partie requérante par signification à personne le 04-OCT-1994 avec la(les) pièce(s) \"A\" déposé le 06-OCT-1994", "RE_NO": 3 }, { "DOCNO": 2, "DOC_DT": "1994-10-06", "RECORDED_ENTRY": " Avis de comparution de la part de la partie intimée déposé le 06-OCT-1994 avec preuve de signification à la CISR", "RE_NO": 2 }, { "DOCNO": 1, "DOC_DT": "1994-09-29", "RECORDED_ENTRY": "Demande d'autorisation et de contrôle judiciaire conformément à l'article 82.1(1) de la Loi sur l'immigration contre la décision de la C.I.S.R. rendue le 12 septembre dans le dossier M93-07019 déposée le 29-SEP-1994 Motifs écrits reçus par la partie requérante Frais judiciaires de 50 $ reçus", "RE_NO": 1 } ]