Passage: Chiune Sugihara (杉原 千畝, Sugihara Chiune, 1 January 1900 – 31 July 1986) was a Japanese diplomat who served as vice-consul for the Japanese Empire in Kaunas, Lithuania. During the Second World War, Sugihara helped thousands of Jews flee Europe by issuing transit visas to them so that they could travel through Japanese territory, risking his job and the lives of his family. The fleeing Jews were refugees from German-occupied Western Poland and Soviet-occupied Eastern Poland, as well as residents of Lithuania. In 1985, the State of Israel honored Sugihara as one of the Righteous Among the Nations for his actions. He is the only Japanese national to have been so honored. The year 2020 was "The Year Chiune Sugihara" in Lithuania. It has been estimated as many as 100,000 people alive today are the descendants of the recipients of Sugihara visas. Question: How did Chiune Sugihara save lives? \Answer: He issued transit visas to Jews fleeing Europe during World War II, so they could travel through Japanese territory.
Jane: Hi Jude, I forgot my charger from the office. Jane: Can you take it for me and I'll pop into your place in the evening? Jude: Sure, no problem! Jane: thx! Louie: Jane, you need some buerlecithin I think! ;) Jane: :P Summarize the above dialogue. Jude will pick up the charger Jane left at the office. Jane will come over in the evening to fetch the charger.
Saints of Los Angeles: It is the first studio album for the group since 2000 's New Tattoo , and their ninth overall since 1981 . Claim: The band 's last studio album came out before 1982 . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: Ben has 20 eggs in the fridge. Yesterday, he ate 4 eggs in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. How many eggs does Ben have now? Answer: Ben ate 4 + 3 = <<4+3=7>>7 eggs yesterday. So he will have left 20 - 7 = <<20-7=13>>13 eggs. The answer is 13.
Question: What are the words of House Graceford? Answer: "Work Her Will"
Stephen King: King has published 54 novels , including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman , and six non-fiction books . Claim: Stephen King is the publisher of 54 novels . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: Carrie works for $8 an hour and 35 hours a week at her job. It’s been a month since she started working there. She has saved up all of her money because she wants to buy a bike for $400. How much money will she have left over after she buys her bike? Answer: It will be easy to solve the problem by first calculating how much money she makes in a week at her job by multiplying her hourly rate by the number of hours she works in a week: $8 * 35 = $<<8*35=280>>280 in a week The weekly earnings need to be multiplied by the number of weeks in a month to get how much she made in a month: $280 * 4 = $<<280*4=1120>>1120 The bike’s cost must be subtracted from her earnings made in a month to get how much money is left over after purchasing the bike: $1120 - $400 = $<<1120-400=720>>720 is left over after purchasing her bike The answer is 720.
By . Priyanka Srivastava . PUBLISHED: . 12:02 EST, 22 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 01:39 EST, 23 May 2013 . The teenage son of a woman who has languished in jail for almost two decades in India for the want of £119 in bail money has finally secured his mother's release. Kanhaiya Kumari, 19, was born in prison to Vijaya, 48, who was arrested in 1993 in relation to a case involving the murder of one of her neighbours in India's Aligarh district. She was granted bail in 1994 but - abandoned by her husband - was unable to provide the 10,000 rupee surety required to secure her freedom. Now she has been reunited with her son, after he worked to earn the bail money and lobbied a High Court for his mother's release. Together: Kanhaiya (left) moved Allahabad High Court to grant his mother Vijaya Kumari (right) bail after he was himself released from his juvenile home in Lucknow last year . Mrs Kumari has denied any involvement in the historic murder case in the village of Mahrauni in Aligarh. Arrested while five months pregnant, she gave birth to Kanhaiya while incarcerated, after which mother and son were sent to the Nari Niketan prison in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Mrs Kumari was granted bail by a court in 1994, but her husband refused to post the 10,000 rupee bail money. Kanhaiya was sent to a juvenile remand home in Lucknow at the age of 11, where he spent seven years before his release last year. As soon as he was allowed to leave the home, Kanhaiya got a job in a factory and set about earning the bail money to free his mother. He lobbied the Allahabad High Court for Mrs Kumari's release, and she was finally granted bail and reunited with her son outside the prison walls on May 5. 'Vijaya's story is amazing. Her son, born in jail, finally brought her out,' said Nari Niketan superintendent Shashi Srivastava. Summarize this article. Vijaya Kumari, 48, granted bail in 1994, but unable to post Rs10,000 surety . Abandoned by her husband and family, she has languished in jail since . Son Kanhaiya, who was born in prison, released last year . Earned money for bail and lobbied high court in Allahabad .
Passage: In 1969 Pasadena, California, a couple seeks the aid of the medium Shaun San Dena (Flor de Maria Chahua) saying their son (Shiloh Selassie) has been hearing evil spirits' voices after stealing a silver necklace from gypsies. San Dena aids the family by carrying out a seance, but they are attacked by an unseen force that pulls the boy into Hell. The medium says she will encounter the force again one day. In present-day Los Angeles, bank loan officer Christine Brown hopes to be promoted to assistant manager over her co-worker Stu Rubin. Her boss, Jim Jacks, advises her to demonstrate that she can make tough decisions to get a promotion. Christine is visited by an elderly gypsy woman, Sylvia Ganush, who asks for an extension on her mortgage payment. Though empathetic with the old woman's crisis, Christine denies Ganush an extension to prove herself to her boss. Ganush begs Christine not to repossess her house and kneels in front of her. Christine gets scared of the woman's bizarre pleading as she is helping her to stand up and calls security, who take Ganush away while Ganush blames Christine for "shaming" her and vows to take revenge. Jim compliments Christine on how she handled the situation. When Christine goes to the bank parking garage to drive home, Ganush attacks Christine in her car, rips a button off Christine's coat and uses it to place a curse on Christine. Later, Christine and her boyfriend Clay Dalton meet the fortune teller, Rham Jas who tells Christine that she is being haunted by an evil spirit. At home, Christine is attacked by the spirit and has nightmares about Ganush. At work the next day, Christine snaps at Stu and has a projectile nose bleed that soaks her boss in blood. She runs away and Stu secretly takes a file off Christine's desk. Christine goes to talk to Ganush but learns that she died the previous night after visiting her house. Christine returns to Rham Jas, who explains that as long as Christine is the owner of an accursed object, she will be haunted by a powerful demon called the Lamia (loosely based on the Greek child-eating demon) that will torment her for three days before taking her to Hell for eternity. He suggests a sacrifice to appease the demon. Desperate to stop the attacks, Christine reluctantly sacrifices her pet kitten. At a dinner party with Clay and his parents, she is again tormented by the Lamia, but this time through the use of illusions, which frightens the Daltons. Christine returns to Rham Jas who says that Shaun San Dena will risk her life to stop the demon for a fee of $10,000. San Dena prepares a seance to trap the Lamia's spirit in a goat and kill it, and then allows the Lamia to inhabit her body. Rham Jas tries to persuade it not to steal Christine's soul, but it vows never to stop until Christine dies. Christine then places San Dena's hand on the goat, causing the spirit to enter its body. San Dena's assistant, Milos, attempts to kill the goat, but is bitten by the goat and becomes possessed, attacking the members of the seance. San Dena banishes the Lamia from the seance, but dies in the process. Christine thinks the medium has overcome the Lamia, but Rham Jas explains that she only managed to drive the spirit away until the next day. Then he seals the cursed button in an envelope and tells Christine that she can get rid of the curse by giving the button to someone as a gift, thereby passing the curse on to that person. Christine decides to give the envelope to Stu in revenge for his stealing her work, but changes her mind after seeing how pathetic, tearful and panicky Stu is when he meets her. With guidance from Rham Jas, Christine learns that she can give it to Ganush even though she is dead. Christine digs up Ganush's grave and jams the envelope in her mouth just in time before dawn. Christine returns home and prepares to meet Clay at Los Angeles Union Station for a weekend trip to Santa Barbara. She gets a message from her boss telling her that she landed her dream position after Stu confessed to stealing her work and was fired. At the station, Christine also buys a coat that she has been wanting as a sign of a new beginning. Clay, planning to propose, reveals to Christine that he found the envelope containing the cursed button in his car. Christine then realizes she mixed up her envelope with another that she gave to Clay when she accidentally dropped it. Horrified, Christine backs away and falls onto the tracks. As a train barrels towards her, fiery hands suddenly emerge from the tracks and drag Christine into the neverending flames of Hell, as a horrified Clay watches from the platform above with the cursed button still in his hands. Question: Why was Christine sent to Hell despite getting rid of the envelope? Answer: She got rid of the wrong envelope.
(CNN) -- When doctors risk their lives and sacrifice their livelihoods to go to West Africa and provide desperately needed treatment to those suffering from Ebola, what should be their reward upon coming home? Three weeks off, some say -- whether they like it or not. The governors of New York and New Jersey instituted just such a policy Friday, announcing that airport screening will be stepped up in their states and that any arriving passengers who'd recently been in the West African nations hit hardest by Ebola could be hospitalized or quarantined for up to 21 days -- sick or not. Measures such as these would affect people who lived in or traveled to countries such as Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, where all but a handful of the more than 10,000 documented Ebola cases and almost 5,000 deaths have occurred. And it would also impact those who brought their medical expertise to West Africa, doing what they could to prevent more people from dying or spreading the disease. So there's a tradeoff: Should the focus of American policy be to do everything to prevent anyone from the most ravaged regions from entering the United States, even if it discourages health care workers from going there? On Saturday, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention said that it sets the baseline recommended standards, but state and local officials have the prerogative to set tighter policies. "When it comes to the federal standards set by the CDC, we will consider any measures that we believe have the potential to make the American people safer," the CDC said in a statement. Some U.S. lawmakers, such as Rep. Andy Harris, favor a strict three-week quarantine. (That time duration is significant because it takes anywhere from two to 21 days from the time a person is exposed to Ebola to when he or she shows symptoms of it; if more time than that passes without symptoms, a person is considered Ebola-free.) "In return from being allowed to come back into the country from a place where a deadly disease is endemic, you'd have to enter a quarantine facility and be supervised for 21 days," the Maryland Republican told CNN. Some, though, think such a policy would be counterproductive. It might prevent some cases of Ebola in the United States over the short term, they say, but over the long run it could backfire if highly trained American doctors have even more incentive not to head to Africa to help corral the disease. Dr. John Carlson, a pediatric immunologist at Tulane University, is one of them. He has spent four weeks working with Ebola patients at a hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and is scheduled to return to New Orleans on Saturday. Health care workers already sacrifice a lot by volunteering their time to help those who most need it; tacking on more time or not being able to venture out in public or go to work might seem like a punishment, discouraging people like him from doing it again. "If I lose three weeks on my return and don't get to do the work I'm supposed to do," Carlson said, referring to his job at Tulane, "means this wouldn't be workable for me." CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden expressed a similar view earlier this month, arguing that stringent travel restrictions might create more problems than they solve. "It makes it hard to get health workers in, because they can't get out," he said. "If we make it harder to respond to the outbreak in West Africa, it will spread not only in those three countries (in West Africa hit hardest by Ebola) but to other parts of Africa and ultimately increase the risk here" in the United States. Official: New guidelines coming 'shortly' That said, change may be coming. Some of it may come at the state level, as happened in New York and New Jersey. That policy shift was spurred by the hospitalization of Dr. Craig Spencer, a Doctors Without Borders physician who'd treated Ebola patients in Guinea and arrived at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport on October 17; he eventually was diagnosed with Ebola. Since then, a female health care worker who had recently been in West Africa developed a fever, hours after touching down at northern New Jersey's Newark Liberty Airport with no apparent symptons, New Jersey Health Department spokesman Donna Leusner said. A preliminary test showed that the woman does not have Ebola, New Jersey officials said Saturday. But the unidentified woman will remain in quarantine at a hospital in Newark for at least 21 days. Quarantined woman tests negative for Ebola . The new policy in New York and New Jersey allows the states to determine hospitalization or quarantine for up to 21 days for travelers from the affected countries. A mandatory quarantine is called for those who had "direct contact with an individual infected with the Ebola virus," including medical workers who treated Ebola patients. In addition, people with a travel history to the affected regions but with no direct contact with Ebola patients will be "actively monitored ... and, if necessary, quarantined." Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn similarly ordered "a mandatory 21-day home quarantine for high-risk individuals who have had direct contact with an individual infected with the Ebola virus while in Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea," according to a release Friday from his office. Those affected by the order -- which will be implemented by local health departments -- include "any high-risk medical personnel." "This protective measure is too important to be voluntary," said Quinn. "We must take every step necessary to ensure the people of Illinois are protected from potential exposure to the Ebola virus." Such measures are on top of the federal policy requiring all travelers coming to the United States from Ebola-affected areas to be actively monitored for 21 days, starting Monday. Already, such travelers landing in New York's Kennedy, Dulles International, New Jersey's Newark Liberty International, Chicago's O'Hare International and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International must go through enhanced screening. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Friday that the federal government's policies could change even more. "That is something that is right now under very active discussion, and you'll be hearing shortly about what the guidelines will be," Fauci said, answering a reporter's question about quarantines. Timeline of first Ebola patient in NYC . 'Eliminate not just real risk, but perceived risk' Some experts say there might be some middle ground between the two extremes of physically confining people in one place for 21 days or just letting them do whatever they want (beyond, as is now recommended, taking their temperature daily and monitoring themselves for other symptoms). One possibility is to have those travelers do more than temperature checks. Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, says one such measure could be checking daily for decreases in white blood cell counts or platelets -- which could be, but aren't necessarily, a sign of an Ebola infection. And Mike Osterholm, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, thinks there should be stricter controls on what a person who arrives from West Africa does in his or her first three weeks in the United States. For instance, he thinks such a person shouldn't take public transportation or go to crowded places like bowling alleys, both of which officials say Spencer did before he was symptomatic. How the Ebola virus spreads . Public health experts say there's plenty of scientific evidence indicating that there's very little chance that a random person will get Ebola, unless they are in very close contact -- close enough to share bodily fluids -- with someone who has it. Still, there's also a sense that authorities have to do something because of Americans' fears -- rational or not -- and belief that the country is better off being safe than sorry. As Osterholm says, "You want to try to eliminate not just real risk, but perceived risk." Complete coverage on Ebola . CNN's Elizabeth Cohen contributed to this report. Summarize this article. New York, New Jersey announce stricter policies for those coming from West Africa . Some say something similar, or more stringent, should be instituted nationwide . But the CDC director and others worry it may discourage doctors from helping in Africa .
By . Peter Allen . PUBLISHED: . 11:53 EST, 5 December 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 03:07 EST, 8 December 2013 . Not so happy families: Julie Depardieu has launched a ferocious attack on her father . The daughter of Hollywood star Gerard Depardieu has had plastic surgery on her nose five times because she could not bear to look like her ‘hoodlum father’, she admitted yesterday. In a ferocious attack on the French actor, who turns 65 this month, Julie Depardieu added that he had little hope of living beyond the age of 70. Miss Depardieu, 40, said she continually called in plastic surgeons because she had inherited her father’s trademark nose and wanted to be less recognisable. She told French newspaper Le Monde: ‘I had five nose jobs because I couldn’t stand myself. It was a question of identity. It was not even to be pretty. ‘I didn’t want to have that nose, because it resembled someone in my family.’ Miss Depardieu is an award-winning film actress in her own right, having starred in a number of films, including La Petite Lili, for which she won a Cesar – the French equivalent of an Oscar – for Best Supporting Actress. She was also nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Cesar in 2005 for her performance in Podium. But her father became a household name in Britain and America after starring in hit films including Jean de Florette, Green Card and Cyrano de Bergerac. Miss Depardieu said: ‘He won’t grow much older – 65 years – it’s not old. And when you know what he does, he won’t last. In five years’ time, he won’t be around. He’s the next on the list, I know it.’ The actress, who has two sons – Billy, two, and Alfred, one – added: ‘My father is a hoodlum. He says one thing, he does another. You have to be wary of him. French actor Gerard Depardieu (left) speaks next to his daughter Julie Depardieu after she was awarded as Best Female Newcomer actress of the year at the Chatelet theatre in Paris 21 February 2004 . Ms Depardiu (right) continually called in the plastic surgeons because she looked too much like her father (left) The actor took Russian citizenship earlier this year to avoid paying increasing high taxes in Paris . ‘He’s not a traitor but you have to be wary anyway.’ Gerard . Depardieu’s reputation in France took a severe dent earlier this year . when he took Russian citizenship to avoid paying taxes in Paris. He was . also fined the equivalent of £3,800 earlier this year for drink-driving . on his scooter in the French capital. Depardieu had two children with Elisabeth Guignot, the French actress to whom he was married between 1970 and 2006. His daughter said her family had never been a very close one, saying that at Christmas ‘everyone argues with each other’. ‘Often . we don’t even open the presents because everyone has already got up . from the table,’ she said. Miss Depardieu added that it had been . difficult for her and her late brother Guillaume to grow up in their . father’s shadow. ‘He’s a guy who is always going off somewhere else and who explains to you that he can’t stay around. ‘He’s got a handicap, in fact, because he’s someone who cannot stay in the same place.’ Red carpet appearances: Ms Depardieu at the Franck Sobier fashion show in 2008 (left) and at the Tommy Hilfiger Champs Elysee flagship opening in 2010 . Depardieu, who has made more than 150 films, wrote an open letter to France's prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault last year explaining why he was leaving his native country. He wrote: ‘I am leaving because you consider that success, creation, talent, anything different, must be punished.’ He . said he paid 85 per cent of his income to the Government last year, and . estimated that he had paid more than £130 million in total since he . started work on leaving school aged 14. Career: The 40-year-old presenting new film 'The Witnesses' at the 57th International Film Festival in Berlin in 2007 . In August, the actor said he considered himself a 'citizen of the world' after a Belgium town made him an honorary citizen. To celebrate, he invited 200 guests to a barbeque at his house in Nechin, just one kilometre from the border with France. The ceremony was held at the Chateau Bourgogne where he was made an honorary citizen of Estaimpuis municipality, which includes the village. In 1998 the actor was involved in a motorcycle crash when his blood-alcohol level was five times over the legal limit. He escaped with leg and face injuries. Summarize this article. Julie Depardieu said her father Gerard had little hope of living beyond 70 . The 40-year-old actress also attack on her father's Gallic nose . She said she looked too much like him and wanted to be anonymous .
Jahana Hayes: Hayes supports Medicare-for-All and stricter gun control . Claim: Jahana Hayes supports single-payer health care . . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: B. False
Passage: After crossing the sea guided by the Bellman's map of the Ocean—a blank sheet of paper—the hunting party arrive in a strange land, and the Bellman informs them of the five signs of a Snark: its "meagre and hollow, but crisp" taste; a habit of rising late and taking breakfast during five o'clock tea; "its slowness in taking a jest"; a "fondness for bathing-machines"; and its ambition. The Bellman warns them that some Snarks are highly dangerous Boojums, causing the Baker to faint. Once revived, the Baker recalls that his uncle warned him that if the Snark turns out to be a Boojum, the hunter will "softly and suddenly vanish away, and never be met with again." The Baker confesses that the notion of this sudden vanishment brings him much distress. With this in mind, they split up to hunt the Snark: "They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; / They pursued it with forks and hope; / They threatened its life with a railway-share; / They charmed it with smiles and soap." Along the way, the Butcher and Beaver, previously mutually wary, become fast friends, after the Butcher teaches it more in ten minutes than it could learn from books in seventy years. The Barrister, meanwhile, dreams of the court trial of a pig accused of deserting its sty, whom the Snark is defending. The Snark, however, finds the pig guilty and sentences it to transportation and a fine of forty pound. His dream concludes with the jailer informing the court that the pig has actually been dead for years, to the judge's disgust. During the hunt, the Banker finds himself attacked by a bandersnatch, and loses his sanity after trying to bribe the creature. At the conclusion of the poem, the Baker calls out that he has found a snark, but when the others arrive, he has mysteriously disappeared, leading the narrator to explain: "For the Snark was a Boojum, you see." Question: What was the pig's sentence when he was found guilty? Answer: Transportation and a fine of forty pounds.
Passage: Two friends are midway on a canoe trip down the Danube River. Throughout the story Blackwood personifies the surrounding environment—river, sun, wind—and imbues them with a powerful and ultimately threatening character. Most ominous are the masses of dense, desultory, menacing willows, which "moved of their own will as though alive, and they touched, by some incalculable method, my own keen sense of the horrible." Just after managing to land their canoe for the evening on the shifting, sandy islands just downstream across the Austria/Hungary frontier, the main character reflects on the river's potency, human qualities and will: Sleepy at first, but later developing violent desires as it became conscious of its deep soul, it rolled, like some huge fluid being, through all the countries we had passed, holding our little craft on its mighty shoulders, playing roughly with us sometimes, yet always friendly and well-meaning, till at length we had come inevitably to regard it as a Great Personage. Blackwood also specifically characterizes the silvery, windblown willows as sinister: And, apart quite from the elements, the willows connected themselves subtly with my malaise, attacking the mind insidiously somehow by reason of their vast numbers, and contriving in some way or other to represent to the imagination a new and mighty power, a power, moreover, not altogether friendly to us. At one point the two men see a man in a "flat-bottomed boat". However, the man appears to be warning the two, and ultimately crosses himself before hurtling forward on the river, out of sight. During the night and into the next day and night, the mysterious, hostile forces emerge in force, including large, dark shapes that seem to trace the consciousness of the two men, tapping sounds outside their tent, shifting gong-like sounds, and the appearance that the willows have changed location. In the morning the two discover that one of their two paddles is missing, there is a slit in the canoe that needs repair, and some of their food has disappeared. A hint of distrust arises between them. The howling wind dies down on the second day and night, and humming calm ensues. During the second night, the second man, the Swede, attempts to hurl himself into the river as a "sacrifice," "going inside to Them," but he is saved by the first character. The next morning, the Swede claims that the mysterious forces have found another sacrifice that may save them. They find the corpse of a peasant lodged in roots near the shore. When they touch the body, a flurry of living presence seems to rise from it and disappear into the sky, and later they see the body is pockmarked with funnel shapes as had been formed on the sands of the island during their experience. These are "Their awful mark!" the Swede says. The body is swept away, resembling an "otter" they thought they had seen the previous day, and the story ends. The precise nature of the mysterious entities in "The Willows" is unclear, and they appear at times malevolent and treacherous, and at times simply mystical, almost divine: "a new order of experience, and in the true sense of the word unearthly," and a world "where great things go on unceasingly...vast purposes...that deal directly with the soul, and not indirectly with mere expressions of the soul." These forces are also often contrasted with the fantastic natural beauty of the locale, itself a vigorous dynamic. In sum the story suggests that the landscape is an intersection, a point of contact with a "fourth dimension" — "on the frontier of another world, an alien world, a world tenanted by willows only and the souls of willows." Question: What do the men hear outside of their tent? Answer: Tapping and Gong-like sounds
Gina: prawns for dinner? Eddy: sounds delish Gina: don't be late! Eddy: kk 😙 Summarize the above dialogue. Gina and Eddy are going to have prawns for dinner.
By . Claire Bates . PUBLISHED: . 09:05 EST, 14 August 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 10:15 EST, 14 August 2012 . A four-week old baby girl has become the youngest Briton to receive a life-saving cardiac operation, after her heart swelled to twice its normal size within days of her birth. Phoebe Whittle was born with a congenital defect which gave her tiny heart only a third of the oxygen it needed to work. As a result, Phoebe’s heart ballooned to twice its size - swelling from the size of a walnut to the size of an orange. But Phoebe, who was dubbed . ‘Braveheart’ by her parents Charlotte, 27 and Carl, 32, made an amazing recovery following . groundbreaking surgery at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. Recovery: Phoebe a week after her life-saving surgery (left) and now with her mother Charlotte (right) Mrs Whittle said: 'It’s horrible to think the pain she was going through. She looked healthy on the outside for those first few weeks but inside she was so poorly. 'But she’s meant to be here and it’s incredible the recovery she’s made. She was home within ten days and it can take babies up to four weeks to be ready to come home. 'She’s tiny for her age but we’re all just so glad she’s here.' She overcame a bout of pneumonia when she was just a week old but her family from Aspull, Lancashire, were left fearing for her health once again on Mother’s Day this year. Scans at Royal Bolton Hospital raised concerns over her heart and she was rushed to Alder Hey, in Liverpool, in a critical condition on March 19. She was diagnosed ALCAPA, . Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery, that meant the . artery to her heart muscle was connected incorrectly, starving it of . oxygen. Within hours doctors confirmed a high risk life-saving five hour operation, called a Coroary Artery Bypass Graft, was needed to save Phoebe’s life. Left untreated, a massive 90 per cent of children born with the ALCAPA defect do not live to see their first birthdays. Phoebe two days after surgery at Alder Hey hospital. Doctors were amazed at how quickly she recovered . Charlotte said: 'I felt . like I was a bit of a fraud taking her back to hospital after her . pneumonia but one of the nurses noticed she was starting to go blue. 'At . the time I don’t think I understood the enormity of the nurse taking . that blood test. It was her quick thinking that saved her life and got . her to Alder Hey. 'We were told her condition was life threatening and that surgery would be needed to save her life. 'If they hadn’t checked the blood we could have taken her home and just found her dead one morning. 'I . can’t look at photos of Phoebe in those first few weeks, its just too . upsetting. She just couldn’t breathe and there was no way she could tell . us.' The condition affects around one in 20,000 newborns and is often not detected until weeks or months after birth. Doctors took Phoebe straight into theatre for heart surgery and prepared her parents for a long and difficult recovery. After spending three days in intensive care and a week in the cardiac ward, Phoebe was able to go home with her parents and 19-month-old brother Louis. Relief: Phoebe is held by her mother Charlotte a week after the operation to fix her heart defect . The timely surgery should now see Phoebe live a normal life with regular check-ups and medication to help regulate her heartbeat. Charlotte praised staff at the Bolton hospital for the checks on her heart that ultimately saved her and said she now looks back on the days of Phoebe’s surgery as a bad dream. She said: 'It’s amazing to look at her now, I thought we had lost her. They prepared us for the worst and said it would be horrific for months afterwards but then she recovered so quickly. 'It’s so emotional to look back on now. At the time I held it together but I’ve been worse since, constantly checking her breathing and that she’s okay. 'It’s scary to think what could have happened because she did nearly die. Even though she made such a good recovery, she has still has a way to go to be the size she should be for her age. 'We’ve still got a long road to go but we know what we’re dealing with now.'Dr Rob Johnson Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist at Alder Hey Hospital explained how the condition can often be diagnosed as just a cold. He said: 'She is the youngest we’ve operated on and was lucky in some ways because she was diagnosed at half the age some children are. 'Often, like Phoebe’s case of pneumonia, the condition is often diagnosed as just a heavy cold so ALCAPA can take several heart scans to detect. 'It’s quite a subtle condition to pick up even when you’re dealing with a specialist centre like you are here, it can be difficult to pin down. 'The ultrasound tests we did at Alder Hey meant we were able to identify the abnormality. 'The blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are not connected so the heart beats at a lower pressure and is not fully saturated with oxygen. 'As a result the heart swells and enlarges and Phoebe’s heart was double the size it should have been. 'As in Phoebe’s case, it gets worse after birth but it is hard to detect as babies’ heartbeats are often fast. This means they can mask defects such as ALCAPA. Alder Hey hospital prepare Phoebe for the life-saving surgery. She spent three days in intensive care afterwards . 'The operation is still a fairly high risk procedure. The heart muscle is already sick at the start of the procedure and whilst the operation is usually a success, there is a period afterwards where the heart cannot cope on its own. 'That meant we had to provide mechanical assistance to help the heart still pump blood all round the body. 'Phoebe’s recovery time was remarkable, it’s usually three or four weeks before babies of this age are ready to go home. 'There’s only seven centres that do this procedure nationally and we were really pleased we could help. 'Phoebe hit the sweet spot of the NHS. The team in Bolton did a great job spotting it and we have great surgeons here who provided an excellent outcome for Phoebe and her family.' Charlotte and Carl organised a sponsored spinathon in July for the Ronald McDonald House at Alder Hey, a purpose built facility that allows parents to stay on site whilst children undergo operations. Charlotte said: 'Had this facility not been available we would have been sleeping on chairs at Phoebe’s bedside. 'The house allows families to be two minutes away from their sick child giving a little peace of mind at such a horrendous time. 'It also means that your other children have somewhere to stay and play so you don’t have the added feelings of being torn between your sick andhealthy children.' Donations to their cause can still be made at . Summarize this article. Phoebe was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect that meant the blood vessels that supplied blood to her heart were not connected . One in 20,000 newborns have the condition and 90 per cent don't survive beyond their first birthday without surgery .
A family of six woke up early Wednesday morning to discover their suburban Detroit home engulfed in flames after being firebombed. The attack on the house of Linda Bazzi in Dearborn Heights took place at around 12.30am and was caught on surveillance video, which captured the moment a man ran up to the residence, hurled a Molotov cocktail through the front window and fled on foot. For Bazzi, her husband and their four children, the first sign that something was amiss was that their house felt unusually warm. Scroll down for videos . Under attack: A surveillance camera outside a home in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, captured the moment a man ran up to the residence carrying a Molotov cocktail . Fire starter: The suspect hurled the firebomb through the front window of the two-story home . Inferno: The flammable liquid sparked a blaze inside the house, where a family of six slept . When Bazzi's husband left their bedroom and went downstairs to check, he discovered a raging inferno ravaging their first floor. ‘He screamed at the top of the lungs, “Get the kids! The house is on fire!"’ Bazzi told the station Click On Detroit. The homeowners and their four children were able to escape unharmed, but their two-story home on Charlesworth Street has been rendered uninhabitable. Despite losing all her possessions, Linda Bazzi is grateful. Targeted: The homeowners and local police believe that ti was no random act of violence . On the run: The suspect fled the scene on foot and still remains at large . ‘Everything can be replaced, but I'm so happy, I'm so blessed that they didn't win: I have my children and I have my husband next to me,’ Bazzi said. After watching the surveillance footage from the night of the firebombing, the family came way believing they had been targeted. ‘I'm scared for my life right now,' Mrs Bazzi told the station. Police in Dearborn Heights also do not believe it was a random act of violence. A relative of the family had his house firebombed four months ago, and investigators are now trying to determine if the two incidents are somehow linked. Aftermath: Linda Bazzi, her husband and four children were able to escape the house fire unharmed . All is lost: Mrs BAzzi said the attack destroyed all her possessions and left their house in ruins . Possible pattern: A relative of the family had his house firebombed four months earlier . Neighbors told MyFox Detroit that someone tried to firebomb another house on the corner recently, suggesting that the Wednesday night incident that left Linda Bazzi's home in shambles may have been a case of mistaken identity. Local police say they are investigating potential suspects. Meanwhile, Linda Bazzi and her family have moved in with relatives. Summarize this article. Linda Bazzi, her husband and four children were able to escape their Dearborn Heights, Michigan, home unharmed . The firebombing left the two-story house on Charlesworth Street uninhabitable . The family and police believe it was no random act of violence . Bazzi's relative had his home firebombed four months earlier and someone tried to throw a Molotov cocktail at a neighbor's house recently .
This question refers to the following information. Meng Yizi asked about the treatment of parents. The Master said, "Never disobey!" When Fan Chi was driving his carriage for him, [he asked], "In what sense did you mean this?" The Master said, "While they are alive, serve them according to proper ritual. When they die, bury them according to proper ritual, and sacrifice to them according to proper ritual." Confucius, The Analects, Book 2, Chapter 5 In China and the regions it influenced, Confucian teachings like the one above were used politically for which of the following purposes? A. To motivate charitable works B. To justify war against neighboring states C. To achieve gender equality D. To reinforce social hierarchy Answer: D. To reinforce social hierarchy
Carolyn: Hey Jeff Jeff: Hey, I was just about to call you Carolyn: Yeah, right Jeff: I was thinking about you all week. Carolyn: I believe you, really Jeff: I'm not jerking your chain, can we meet up? Carolyn: Sure, but first you have to apologize for last time. Jeff: what did I do? Carolyn: You know what! Jeff: Are you talking about the last time we met with my friends for bowling? Carolyn: YES Jeff: We didn't do anything! Carolyn: You were all laughing at me! I may not be the best player, but I didn't deserve that! Jeff: Ok, you're right. I'm really sorry. I promise I'll never make fun of your playing. Carolyn: Ok. So what do you want to do? Jeff: Bowling? Carolyn: hehe...nice try. Jeff: I'll call you. Summarize the above dialogue. Jeff was thinking about Carolyn all week. He proposes a meeting. Carolyn is still angry with him because when they last met with his friends for bowling, they were laughing at her playing. Jeff apologizes to Carolyn, he will call her.
Harry Brown -LRB-film-RRB-: The eponymous Harry Brown ( Caine ) , an elderly former Royal Marine and Northern Ireland veteran , tries to be indifferent about his violent neighbourhood . Claim: Harry Brown is played by Michael Caine . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: C. Neither
Question: Andre catches 8 ladybugs on Monday and 5 ladybugs on Tuesday. If each ladybug has 6 dots, how many dots are there in total for all the ladybugs? Answer: The total number of ladybugs is 8 + 5 = <<8+5=13>>13 The total number of dots is 13 * 6 = <<13*6=78>>78 The answer is 78.
Other: liyayi higamesi musemesi xigicu bumaqifo mefaqifo jivifuma English: small crows will like the slow monkey Other: xigicu yuteqifo hureqifo xasafuni ha liyayi ruvamesi nobimesi liyacu bumaqifo liseqifo jivifuni English: big people that remembered the fast child liked a short monkey Other: liyayi yahuqisi hureqisi xasacejo ha xigiyi nuzoqisi nobiqisi xigicu higaqifo kevaqifo diveceni English: the big bird that a fast dog remembers hit the excellent crow Other: xigiyi ruvaqisi museqisi xigicu yahumefo huremefo loxeceni English: the small person saw the fast dogs Other: liyacu higaqifo mefaqifo loxecema ha liyayi nuzoqisi hureqisi xigicu yutemefo nobimefo holifuma ha liyacu bumamefo musemefo divecejo English: a fast bird that will see a slow crow hits small monkeys that will dislike the big children Other: xigiyi higamesi huremesi liyayi bumaqisi nobiqisi xasacema ha liyacu bumaqifo nobiqifo divefuni English: A. the fast crows hit a big monkey that a big monkey will remember Answer: A. the fast crows hit a big monkey that a big monkey will remember
Question: A most serious complication of measles is- A. Koplik spots B. Parotitis C. Meningoencephalitis D. Nephritis Answer: C. Meningoencephalitis
Passage: I had a middle seat on a flight between two friends, Malachi Mosley and Tamika Rivers. Question: Which person was an ok size for the seat? A. Tamika Rivers B. Malachi Mosley C. Cannot answer Answer: C. Cannot answer
MORRISTOWN, New Jersey (CNN) -- Since the beginning of the year the family clinic at the Children's Hospital of New Jersey has seen an influx of young children coming in for flu shots. New Jersey requires children from 6 months to 5 years old to get the flu vaccine to attend daycare or pre-school. The rush for vaccinations is prompted by a new law that makes New Jersey the only state requiring children between 6 months and 5 years old to get the flu vaccine to attend a licensed daycare or pre-school. The deadline for the flu shot requirement was December 31. Some parents are upset about the requirement. John General and Alnisa Bernabela brought their 4-year-old twins Jahmein and Jameir to the clinic last week for the flu shots. "I'm really not okay with it because I think it should have been my choice," said Bernabela. "By them forcing this, I feel like our rights have been violated," said General, holding his crying son Jameir being vaccinated. Last fall, hundreds of parents with the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice challenged the flu shot requirement at a rally in Trenton, New Jersey. The NJCVC and parents interviewed by CNN, expressed concern about the safety of influenza vaccines and possible long-term effects on young children. But the New Jersey Department of Health says the new law is for the public good citing Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention numbers showing an average of 20,000 children under age 5 are hospitalized nationwide each year because of influenza complications. "Parents are certainly concerned about the health and safety of their children," says Dr. Christina Tan, state epidemiologist for the New Jersey Department of Health. "But it's equally important to understand that the flu vaccine is safe and effective in preventing illness, not only in children, but also among the community as a whole." Many doctors support the decision, saying it helps protect a higher risk population. Some parents object to mandatory vaccines » . "Kids under the age of 5 are targeted by this recommendation because when they get the disease they get sicker than adults do. They also are the ones who are more likely to transmit the flu because they are in closed quarters," said Dr. Nwando Anyaoku, who heads the clinic at the Children's Hospital of New Jersey. She says influenza tends to peak in New Jersey towards the end of January through early February. Jennifer Frank says she's committed to the public health goal but not on the state's schedule. Her 2-year-old son Caleb was hospitalized twice for extreme eczema as an infant. At one point, he was on a feeding tube, and she says he couldn't get vaccinated. "There was literally no clear space to put a needle," says Jennifer Frank. Caleb's doctors were stumped and couldn't make a diagnosis for his condition. Since then, the Franks with their pediatrician's approval, have Caleb on a delayed vaccination schedule. As a result, they didn't meet the state's December 31 flu shot deadline and now their local board of health has banned Caleb from pre-school. "When he gets his shots, that same rash flares up," says Joshua Frank, the father of Caleb. "You know, it's frightening. It's very real. And for them to say, 'Well, we don't care, even though your doctors agree with you,' is outrageous." The Franks have appealed the local board of health's decision all the way to the state level, but officials have not wavered. While New Jersey does offer medical exemptions for some children, the rules are specific, and eczema is not considered a valid medical reason for delaying the flu vaccine. "By allowing broader exemptions this could potentially erode the very core of protection," says Tan. But the Franks believe the new law should include an appeal procedure, especially for families like theirs that are willing to vaccinate their children. New Jersey Republican Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk has been working on legislation to allow parents to decide which vaccines they want their child to receive. "The bill gives conscientious objection so that people can opt out of certain vaccines. Maybe they want some vaccines and not others and this would give them the right to do that," said Vandervalk. For now, though, Caleb must remain out of school. He's confused as to why he can't return. "He doesn't understand what's going on," says Jennifer Frank. "It's been hard to explain it to him." The New Jersey Department of Health says it won't immediately know what kind of effect the new flu shot requirement will have on the state's population. "As far as trying to identify whether there's actually a drop in disease incidence in the community, that's going to be a longer term type of evaluation that we're starting to look at," says Tan. American Morning correspondent Alina Cho contributed to this report . Summarize this article. New Jersey requires flu vaccine for children to attend daycare, pre-school . Some parents oppose new law; believe it should be their choice to vaccinate kids . Flu vaccine is safe; many doctors believe law protects a higher-risk population .
Passage: The giant panda is a bear species endemic to China. It is a Carnivora, the giant panda is a folivore, with bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than 99% of its diet. Question: What do giant Pandas eats? \Answer: the giant panda is a folivore, with bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than 99% of its diet.
Question: Give me a bulleted list of the seven most recently elected presidents from Argentina. Answer: Sure! Here is the list of the seven most recently elected presidents from Argentina: - Alberto Fernandez (2019 - Current) - Mauricio Macri (2015 - 2019) - Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007 - 2015) - Néstor Kirchner (2003 - 2007) - Fernando de la Rúa (1999 - 2001)
Question: John buys 1.5 ounces of silver and twice as much gold. The silver costs $20 per ounce. The gold is 50 times more expensive per ounce. How much does he spend on everything? Answer: He buys the silver for 1.5*$20=$<<1.5*20=30>>30 He bought 1.5*2=<<1.5*2=3>>3 ounces of gold The gold is worth %20*50=$<<20*50=1000>>1000 per ounce So he buys 3*$1000=$<<3*1000=3000>>3000 on gold So he spent $30+$3000=$<<30+3000=3030>>3030 on everything The answer is 3030.
Passage: The appearance of a pickleball court, and the manner of play, resembles tennis, but the court is the size of a doubles badminton court, less than a third the size of a tennis court. Court lines and rules are specific to pickleball and include two 7-foot areas (2.1 m) on either side of the net known as the non-volley zones, where the ball cannot be hit with the paddle unless the ball bounces first. The official rules specify side-out scoring, where only the serving team can score a point. All serves are made with an underhand stroke. The hard plastic ball used in pickleball produces significantly less bounce than softer flexible balls, such as a tennis ball. The minimal bounce combined with the non-volley zone and underhand serve give the game dynamic pace and strategy ranging from soft dink shots that stay within the two non-volley zones to powerful drive shots and overhead smash shots. To minimize any advantage the serving or receiving side might have at the beginning of the game, the ball must bounce once on each side of the net before either team may volley the ball, which is to hit the ball in the air before it bounces. Question: Given this paragraph, how big are the non-volley zones in pickleball and where are they located? \Answer: 7-foot areas on either side of the net known
Q: You are the head of propaganda of an alien race that have declared war on humans. You have to write this cycle's newspaper by exaggerating/ distorting daily human activities. A: A Glance Into the Daily Depravity of Humans - by Morda Malordin The Human prepares for violence the moment it starts its day. It stretches its horrible limbs as it awakes from sleep. Not yet fully functional, it stumbles to an energy station. A gruesome black liquid powers the Human, along with a form of solid sustenance. The Human uses so much energy that it must refuel at least three times a day. Next, the Human enters a grooming station. It sharpens and shines its most fearsome weapon: its hideous fangs. Humans are often seen baring their teeth at enemies and allies alike to assert dominance. The Human will also don a carefully chosen set of armor. Some sets are meant to beguile, others are meant to intimidate, still others are meant to appear non-threatening. The Humans are truly masters of manipulation. We cannot trust these Humans. Their entire society is built around deception and violence. If we are to be free in this galaxy, we must be rid of this dangerous race.
Select the best English interpretation of the given proposition, using the following translation key: Ax: x is an apartment Hx: x is a house Lx: x is large Bxy: x is bigger than y (∀x){(Lx • Ax) ⊃ (∃y)[(Hy • ~Ly) • Bxy]} A. All large apartments are bigger than all houses that are not large. B. Some house that is not large is bigger than all large apartments. C. Any apartment bigger than a house that is not large is large. D. Every large apartment is bigger than some house that is not large. Answer: D. Every large apartment is bigger than some house that is not large.
By . Larisa Brown . and Lucy Crossley . and Wills Robinson . A male teacher and an 18-year-old pupil who 'formed a relationship' have been pictured for the first time after a police investigation prompted him to step down. Daniel McQuoid, 24, resigned from his position at Emmanuel College in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, after becoming 'romantically-involved' with Jayne Louise Emmett. Parents at the top Christian school, which educates around 1,200 pupils aged between 11 and 19, received a letter from principal Jonathan Winch informing them that the member of staff had left. Relationship: Jayne Louise Emmett (left) was said to have been 'romantically involved' with teacher Daniel McQuoid (right). He has resigned from Emmanuel College in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear . Probe: Police have begun an investigation into the pair's relationship at the top Christian school . The student, aged 18, recently left the college after completing her A levels. A spokesman for the school, which was ranked 'Outstanding' in all five Ofsted inspections to date, said the 'friendship' was conducted with approval of the student's parents but it breached the college's staff professional code of conduct. 'A male teacher has resigned from the college after forming a friendship with a female student,' she said. 'The student, aged 18, recently left college having completed her A levels. 'The friendship was conducted with the knowledge and approval of the student's parents but breached the college's Staff Professional Code of Conduct.' Founder: Emmanuel College was set up by businessman and philanthropist Sir Peter Vardy in 1988 as one of the country's first city technology colleges . Police confirmed that an investigation into the allegations was underway. 'Inquiries are being carried out after police were informed about concerns about a relationship between a teacher and a student,' said a Northumbria Police spokesman. Earlier this year the school was recognised as one of the best in the country when it comes to students' progression. Emmanuel College was described as 'leading the field' in improving outcomes for students and congratulated for its 'exceptional achievement'. Success levels at GCSE show the college is among the top 20 per cent of schools in England for the value it adds to enable students to progress and for students' high attainment. Its overall pass rate for the benchmark five GCSEs at grade C or better was 99.5 per cent and 91 per cent including English and mathematics. Emmanuel College was founded by businessman and philanthropist Sir Peter Vardy in 1988 as one of the country's first city technology colleges under the then Thatcher Government. The school, which takes children from across Gateshead and the West End of Newcastle, has had consistently high exam results. However, it has often courted controversy because of accusations - always denied by Sir Peter - that his strong Christian beliefs led to the teaching of creationism in the school. His foundation also set up city academies in Middlesbrough and Doncaster, and the all-age Bede Academy in Blyth, taking both primary and secondary school children. But some local authorities in the North East were resistant to setting up academies with Sir Peter, whose father founded the Reg Vardy car dealership, because of the Christian ethos he insisted on at his schools. Summarize this article. Daniel McQuoid, 24, and Jayne Louise Emmett were 'romantically involved' Male teacher has now left Emmanuel College in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear . Parents at the top Christian school raised concerns about the pair . The 18-year-old has recently left the school after completing her A-Levels .
(CNN) -- Arizona's Maricopa county listed the wrong date in the Spanish version of voter registration cards, a development likely to further complicate tense relations between local authorities and Latino residents. The county's elections office says it mailed out nearly 2 million new voter registration cards. Only about 50 of the cards -- handed out over-the-counter at its offices -- had the error, it said. Instead of November 6, the Spanish translation said the election would take place on November 8. "The program has been updated so it reflects the correct dates in both English and Spanish," the county said in a statement. A local rights group said the damage has already been done. "It's a mistake that should not have happened," Petra Falcon, the executive director of Promise Arizona in Action, told CNN affiliate KNXV-TV. "To know that there's information out there that's wrong, it's going to take a lot of work to make sure that people know the correct date." Promise Arizona describes itself as "a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding civic participation in Arizona, particularly among Latinos and youth." County officials and local Hispanics have long had an adversarial relationship, particularly over the subject of illegal immigration. Those disputes have landed in court. In one instance, the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona and other attorneys are representing Hispanics in a class-action lawsuit accusing Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio of civil rights and constitutional violations. The bench trial is being held in the U.S. District Court in Phoenix. Plaintiffs in the civil case accuse Arpaio -- who bills himself as "America's toughest" -- and his department of racial discrimination against Latinos. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, are waiting for a federal judge's ruling after a trial of their class-action lawsuit. Arpaio denies any discrimination. In a separate matter, the U.S. Justice Department has also accused the sheriff's office of civil rights violations against Latinos. The sheriff has described the lawsuit against him and the county as politically motivated. "They're using me for the Latino vote, showing that they're doing something, taking on the sheriff over an alleged racial profiling," he said in May. Arpaio rejected the Department of Justice's call for monitors to oversee the workings of his department. "That shows you they want to take over this office," he said. "Under this agreement with the so-called monitor, I'd probably have to clear every press release before I go public, especially having to do with illegal immigration, with the Department of Justice." His remarks came after the Justice Department filed the civil lawsuit. "At its core, this is an abuse-of-power case involving a sheriff and sheriff's office that disregarded the Constitution, ignored sound police practices, compromised public safety and did not hesitate to retaliate against perceived critics," Assistant U.S. Attorney General Thomas Perez said in May. The Justice Department had delivered in December a report with findings of civil rights violations and sought to fix them through a negotiated settlement with Maricopa County and its sheriff's office. Those talks broke down in February over the county's refusal to consider any agreement that involved an independent monitor, Perez said. According to the civil complaint, the sheriff's office has displayed a pattern of discrimination against Latinos, which includes racial profiling, unlawful detention and searches, and unlawful targeting of Latinos during raids. Arpaio has denied any discrimination, and one of his attorneys called the Justice Department investigation a "witch hunt." CNN's Greg Morris contributed to this report . Summarize this article. About 50 of the incorrect cards were handed out, Maricopa County says . The mistake has been corrected, according to county officials . There is a long-running controversy between local authorities and Latino residents . Hispanic groups have accused county officials of discrimination .
Passage: The story of the rise of politician Willie Stark from a rural county seat to the governor's mansion is depicted in the film. He goes into politics, railing against the corruptly run county government, but loses his race for county treasurer, in the face of unfair obstacles placed by the local machine. Stark teaches himself law, and as a lawyer, continues to fight the local establishment, championing the local people and gaining popularity. He eventually rises to become a candidate for governor, narrowly losing his first race, then winning on his second attempt. Along the way he loses his innocence and becomes as corrupt as the politicians he once fought against. When his son becomes paralyzed following a drunk driving accident that kills a female passenger, Stark's world starts to unravel and he discovers that not everyone can be bought off. The story has a complex series of relationships. All is seen through the eyes of the journalist, Jack Burden, who admires Stark and even when disillusioned still sticks by him. Stark's campaign assistant, Sadie is clearly in love with Stark and wants him to leave his wife, Lucy. Meanwhile, Stark philanders and gets involved with many women, taking Jack's own girlfriend, Anne Stanton, as his mistress. When Stark's reputation is brought into disrepute by Judge Stanton (Anne's uncle), he seeks to blacken the judge's name. When Jack finds evidence of the judge's possible wrongdoing, a quarter century earlier, he hides it from Stark. Anne gives the evidence to Stark, who uses it against her uncle, who immediately commits suicide. Anne seems to forgive Stark, but her brother, the surgeon who helped save Stark's son's life after the car crash, cannot. The doctor eventually assassinates Stark after Stark wins an impeachment investigation. The doctor in turn is shot down by Sugar Boy, Stark's fawning assistant. The main plot is a thinly disguised version of the rise of real-life 1930s Louisiana Governor, Huey Long, Long's efforts to blacken the name of Judge Benjamin Pavy, and Long's assassination by the Judge's son-in-law (compared to nephew, as in the film), Dr. Carl Weiss. Question: Why did Anne help Stark so much? Answer: She wanted him to leave his wife for her.
Premium Rush: `` It currently holds a 76 % `` '' Certified Fresh '' '' rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 142 reviews with the consensus stating : `` '' It 's built out of familiar parts , but no matter how formulaic Premium Rush '' 's storyline might seem , it 's elevated by high-octane action and enjoyable performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Shannon . '' '' '' Claim: Based on 142 reviews , Premium Rush scored above 75.5 % . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: A 25 story building has 4 apartments on each floor. If each apartment houses two people, how many people does the building house? Answer: If each building floor has 4 apartments, we have 25 floors * 4 apartments/floor = <<25*4=100>>100 apartments. If each apartment has 2 people, 100 apartments * 2 people/apartment = <<100*2=200>>200 people. The answer is 200.
Question: Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis usually occurs: A. Prior to age 10 B. Between ages 13 to 30 C. At the onset of the menstrual period D. During menopause Answer: A. Prior to age 10
Question: Mr. Wong harvested 560 mangoes from the tree outside his house. He sold half of it at the market and distributed the rest evenly among 8 of his neighbors. How many mangoes does each neighbor receive? Answer: Mr. Wong had 560/2 = <<560/2=280>>280 mangoes left Each of his neighbors received 280/8 = <<280/8=35>>35 mangoes The answer is 35.
Passage: The Tytlers were introduced to photography by Felix Beato and Dr John Murray of Agra. In May 1857 the couple were resident in the military cantonments outside Delhi, where Robert Tytler's regiment, the 38th Bengal Native Infantry was one of the first to mutiny during the great rebellion of that year. Because she was heavily pregnant, Harriet was allowed to stay on and was the only British woman present at the Siege of Delhi. She later gave birth in a donkey cart while escaping to safer areas. They named this third child Stanley Delhi-Force Tytler. From 1862 to 1864 she lived in the Andaman Islands where her husband was posted as a Superintendent of the Ross Island Penal Colony, a Penal Settlement (which was established mainly to house prisoners from the 1857 uprising). The region around a 1100 foot high hill in the South Andamans, which was named after her as Mt. Harriet(now known as mount manipur), was cleared of forest by Tytler. The area is now protected as the Mount Harriet National Park. Tytler's tenure in the Andamans was short and they moved to Shimla. In Shimla, Harriet founded an Asiatic Christian Orphanage. She died in Shimla on 24 November 1907. Question: When did Harriet live in the Andaman Islands? \Answer: Between 1862 and 1864.
Passage: George and Helen were consoling a friend who had recently experienced a difficult break-up. Question: Who was responding compassionately? A. Not enough information B. Helen C. George Answer: A. Not enough information
Terrifying video footage has revealed the moment a drug dealer pulled out a gun on an undercover cop in Florida. Scott Perala, an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, was buying two AK-47s and prescription pills from two suspects in a parking lot in Cocoa Beach when the incident unfolded. Although the confrontation, which was caught on Perala's body camera, occurred in 2010, WESH has just secured the footage. It shows Perala, who had previously carried out hundreds of successful undercover operations, climbing into the backseat of a car where suspects Jeremy Williams and Beaver Duncan are waiting. Scroll down for video . Fears: A suspect can be seen pulling a gun at an undercover agent during a routine operation in Florida. The agent had climbed into their car to buy guns and pills when the two men tried to rob him . Threats: The suspect tells the agent to give him the $2,000 he had brought to buy the guns and pills . After greeting the men, he takes a pouch of Oxycodone pills and starts to count them when he suddenly looks up to see a handgun and an AK-47 being pulled at him. 'It was three inches from my head… that barrel looked like a cannon,' Perala told WESH. He puts up his hands as he pleads with the men - while they demand him to put down the $2,000 he had brought to purchase the guns and pills. Perala jumps from the car as a shot is fired at him and, after taking cover behind an SUV, he pulls out his own weapon and fires repeatedly as they drive away. The men sped off and took shelter behind a daycare, where they were captured following another shootout with responding officers. Fighting back: The agent can be seen pulling his gun out and shooting at the suspects as they race away . Lucky escape: Scott Perala, an agent for the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agency, who was in the video, said the terrifying experience was worth it to keep the men off the streets . Locked up: The two men in the car, Beaver Duncan, left, and Jeremy Williams are now serving life sentences . Duncan's handgun, which was loaded, was later found inside the fence of the daycare. Williams, Duncan and a third co-conspirator were charged in the case and sentenced to life in prison, KSN reported. ATF supervisor Joe Lenczyk said 10 other agents were listening and watching when the deal was taking place. He said that agents often carry out their deals in public places. 'Most bad guys aren’t going to [commit a violent act] in broad daylight in a public area,' he said. But Perala has remained positive about his near-death experience. 'It's worth it to me if they're off the street,' he said. See below for video . Summarize this article. Undercover agent Scott Perala was on a routine operation when two suspects pulled guns on him as he counted pills in the back of their car . They demanded $2,000 from him but he fled and they were later captured . The video of the terrifying incident has just emerged and the two men, as well as a third suspect, have now been locked up for life .
Adam: On which program will this interview be? Mike: On Ch.1. Adam: Ok, thanks, I'll be happy to see him. Mike: Me too. Adam: I am very curious what they will say about this case with stolen cars. Mike: They'll probably defend him again. Adam: It is known - the son of the prosecutor. Adam: Relations above all Summarize the above dialogue. Adam and Mike are planning to watch an interview on Channel One. They are curious about the cars stolen by the prosecutor's son.
Q: How to pay residential at&amp;t bills? A: AT&T has expanded to include landline, cell phone, Internet, and television services. However, you can access your account and pay the bill for all of your services through the website or the customer service telephone system. ## Set up an online payment account with at&t 1. Create a "MyAT&T" account. Whether you have residential phone service, cell phone service, Internet, U-Verse, or DirecTV, you can manage everything through a single log-in at the AT&T website at Select your account type. The typical residential customer will fall under either "U-verse TV, Internet & Voice," or "Home Phone, Internet & Digital TV." U-verse is the newest AT&T innovation delivered through an upgraded fiber-optic network and is not available in all states. Enter the account number from your statement or the phone number associated with your account. The final information needed to set up your account is the billing zip code. Enter an ID name for your account and password. Your password should be at least 8 characters and include a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Confirm your account. For security purposes, you will receive an email with instructions on how to confirm your account. 2. Access your bill. Once you log in to your account, click on the tab marked "Billing, Usage, Payments." In the drop down menu, select "Bill Details." You can view a bill summary or download and print a copy of the paper bill. 3. Make a payment. You have two choices for making a payment. You can either use a debit/credit card or have the payment debited out of your bank account. In the field marked "Select Payment Method," you will be taken to the page where you can enter the details of your payment method. Once your payment details are entered, you will be given the opportunity to store it for use with future payments. 4. Establish an Auto-Pay schedule. Under the payments tab, you can select "Manage Auto-Pay" to authorize the payment to be automatically deducted from your bank account on the same day every month. For security purposes, be sure to log out and close your browser window after making an online payment. ## Pay your at&t bill by mail 1. Review your statement. Either log into your MyAT&T account and print out the bill you want to pay or use the statement you received in the mail. The statement will include the amount you owe, details about the bill, and the payment due date. If you are unable to print your bill, note the account number on your check, and include a note with your name, address, and phone number associated with the account. 2. Pay by check or money order. You can pay your bill by either personal check or money order. Because of security concerns and lack of a receipt, do not mail cash. 3. Assemble your payment. You can either use the envelope provided with your monthly bill or hand address an envelope. Put your return address in the upper left corner and add the AT&T payment mailing address. Affix proper first class postage and your payment is ready to mail. You can verify the payment address on the AT&T website under the "Support" tab. The current address is: AT&T U-verse, P.O. Box 5014, Carol Stream, IL, 60197. ## Use other at&t payment options 1. Pay your bill via the automated phone system. Dial 1-800-288-2020 to access the 24 hour-a-day telephone customer service system. You will be asked to confirm the phone number associated with your account. You may also be asked for the last four digits of you Social Security number, and your zip code to verify your account. Follow the prompts to pay your bill. The system is voice-activated. You can either enter your information by voice or through the keypad on your phone. Speak slowly and clearly. There is no service charge to make a payment through the automated system. 2. Speak with a customer service representative. Once you have verified your phone number, the phone system will ask you what you would like to do. Say "representative" and your call will be transferred to an operator to complete your payment. You may be assessed a $5 charge to have the operator process your payment. 3. Use one of the authorized payment locations. You can search for a business that is authorized by AT&T to accept your payment in person. These agent locations can accept payment by cash, check, or money order. Payment locations cannot accept credit card payments. You can search for a pay station either by zip code or by city and state. Pay stations may charge a convenience fee of $2 to $5 to process your payment. You will need your account number to pay at a payment location. You may be asked to show photo identification.
Question: John has a sneezing fit for 2 minutes. He sneezes once every 3 seconds. How many times does he sneeze? Answer: He was sneezing for 2*60=<<2*60=120>>120 seconds So he sneezed 120/3=<<120/3=40>>40 times The answer is 40.
Question: Which of the following lesions is NOT an infection from human papilloma virus? A. Verruca vulgaris B. Focal epithelial hyperplasia C. Condyloma acuminatum D. None of the above Answer: D. None of the above
By . Rob Cooper . PUBLISHED: . 10:33 EST, 17 May 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 10:33 EST, 17 May 2012 . This is the shoddy work of a cowboy builder caught in a TV sting after tricking homeowners into handing over 90 per cent of the payment upfront - and then leaving before the job is done. John Guerin, 56, left dozens of homes across London in a 'state of ruin' and in need of emergency structural repairs over a five-year period in a £370,000 rip-off. Many of the homes he targeted were left with gaping holes in walls or with full skips in the driveway which had not been paid for. Shoddy: A house is left without a roof and the metal beam exposed after the conman fled from a half finished job . Bodged job: An uninhabitable room left abandoned after most of the money had been paid upfront . Others had to be re-wired or re-plumbed because they work was unsafe. At one property Guerin had fled with the roof uncovered after the old one had been stropped away - but before a new one had been fitted. In another instance, foundations were laid for an extension and the first few layers of bricks were laid before the conman fled. Some were left in such a dangerous condition they were in peril of collapsing and homeowners had to stump up tens of thousands to get professional builders in to complete the job before they could move back in. Poor workmanship: An example of the shoddy work carried out by jailed conman John Guerin . Many owners had to re-mortgage their homes in order to pay for builders to come in and fix Guerin's shoddy work. John Guerin was jailed for five years at Croydon Crown Court earlier this month after being found guilty of 10 charges of fraud and one of obtaining money by deception. The conman, from Biggin Hill, Kent, targeted vulnerable people and after starting work convinced customers to hand over as much cash as possible before he vanished. The deception - which happened between 2006 and 2010 - was exposed on Channel Five's Cowboy Builders. In total, cowboy builders rip off homeowners by a staggering £260m a year, a study has revealed. According to research done by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), people who pay builders in cash lose the equivalent of £712,000-a-day in shoddy work, which then has to be repaired. Jailed conman: John Guerin who was given five years behind bars for carrying out the £370,000 fraud . Caught out: John Guerin, right, is confronted by TV presenter Dominic Littlewood as his scam comes undone on Cowboy Builders . A spokesman for the FMB, the largest trade association in the UK building industry with a membership of 12,000 building firms, said that paying for work in cash was ‘dangerous’. The research by the FMB showed that of the 1,000 people quizzed in the poll, a total of 11 per cent said they had ended up with shoddy workmanship which they then needed to get redone. Of that 11 per cent, 76 per cent had paid in cash - showing that using ready cash to pay builders was more likely to lead to poor quality work. Brian Berry, spokesperson for the FMB, said today: 'Before employing a builder, it is vital to carry out checks to make sure you are using someone reputable, such as an FMB builder. 'Choosing your builder on price alone can be a false economy which may neither add value to your property nor make for a smooth building project.' Extension going nowhere: The first few layers of bricks had been made when Guerin abandoned this building site . George Clarke, the presenter of Restoration Man on Channel Four, said: 'If you pay a builder large amounts of cash upfront then you leave yourself vulnerable to them increasing the price or walking off the job half-way through and you don't have any warranty if it all goes wrong. 'By using a reputable builder, signing a contract, and organising staged payments with receipts, you will have recourse if it all goes wrong.' Many of Guerin's crimes took place in the London Borough of Bromley. After he was jailed, Bromley Borough Council released photos of some of his shoddy building work. The council said Guerin traded under a range of company names, including Bluewood Constructions Ltd, Greyfox Project Management and Merlyn Refurbishment Ltd, before he was snared. Rubbish job: A load of building waste left outside one house after work was left undone . Mess: A doorway has been cut out but left unfinished, rubble is piled up outside, wiring has not been done and the room, left, needs decoration . In one case, Guerin was asked to build an extension for a man suffering from Parkinson's disease, but left with the project in a 'total mess' after getting more than £20,000. Sentencing Guerin to five years in jail, Judge Heather Baucher said: 'It beggared belief that he would inflict such harm. 'Nothing will compensate the victims for the distress and misery caused.' The court heard how the total amount paid by victims was £370,000 - but that with the increased costs of getting the job done properly meant victims would be 'left considerably out of pocket'. Bromley Council added that it had made an application under the Proceeds of Crime Act to seize Guerin's assets. Councillor Tim Stevens said: 'We are delighted with the outcome of this case and the time is now conducting a financial investigation into any financial gains made so the council can seek to recover any sums that were overpaid. 'The outcome of this case sends out a very strong message that we will not tolerate criminals preying on Bromley residents and our trading standards team is doing everything humanly possible to make sure that the perpetrators of such crimes are brought to justice.' During his appearance on Cowboy Builders, Guerin was challenged by Mr Littlewood about the quality of his workmanship. The show is co-presented by former glamour model Melinda Messenger. Building site: One of just dozens of homes which was left unfinished . Summarize this article. John Guerin, 56, jailed for five years after leaving dozens of jobs unfinished . He took £20,000 from a Parkinson's Disease sufferer - then left an extension unfinished . Many homeowners had to re-mortgage their homes to pay for professionals to repair the shoddy work .
Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Actor Michael Douglas sat among a thousand other friends, family and clients of slain Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen as tears were shed and laughs shared at her funeral Sunday. Chasen, 64, died from gunshots fired into her Mercedes-Benz as she turned off Sunset Boulevard on her way home from a star-studded premiere celebration for the movie "Burlesque" last Tuesday morning. Her mysterious murder in a posh Beverly Hills neighborhood not only stunned her friends, but it sent fear through the exclusive community. Chasen was master at creating Oscar buzz . Beverly Hills Police Chief David Snowden asked journalists Friday to keep "erroneous information, theories or speculation" out of their stories about the killing. The chief assured residents it was "a rare, isolated incident and that the Beverly Hills community remains one of the safest in the nation." There is no prevailing theory on whether the attack was road rage or a planned hit, a police official said. No motive or suspects have been identified, he said. The chapel at Culver City, California's Hillside Memorial Park was packed Sunday with the actors, composers, producers, publicists and journalists the public relations veteran worked with for the last three decades. Douglas, who suffers from throat cancer, did not speak at the funeral for his former publicist. Lili Fini Zanuck, a film producer and friend, told mourners that Chasen's death brought the Los Angeles entertainment industry to "a standstill." Reporters were kept at the cemetery gate, but publicist Stephen Jaffe described the service to CNN as "very moving" and full of "a whole lot of love and respect" for Chasen. Speakers, including Chasen's brother, television producer-writer Larry Cohen, brought laughter as they shared stories about her life. Composer Hans Zimmer, who was a longtime Chasen client, also spoke at the funeral. Summarize this article. Chasen's death brought the entertainment industry to a standstill, a producer says . The slain publicist's funeral was closed to the news media . Beverly Hills police still have no motive or suspect in the shooting .
Q: You start with the number 1536. Your mission is to get to 1 in as few steps as possible. At each step, you may either multiply or divide the number you have, by either 2 or 3; but, only if the result is a whole number whose first digit is 1, 3, 4, or 9. That is all. A: As Jo has already shown, this can be accomplished in 28 steps. This is minimal, and it can be proven. To help visualize this problem, we can imagine: A two-dimensional grid/chart where each point is a number of the form $3^x2^y$, with $(x,y)$ as the relevant co-ordinates. We want to find a path from $(1,9)$ to $(0,0)$ while making only one step up/down/left/right at a time, and ensuring that the numbers we step on have their most significant digit in the set {1,3,4,9}. Here is what the chart looks like for the range $(0,0)$ to $(10,10)$. The dashes represent numbers that do not begin with {1,3,4,9}, and so are unusable in our path. ```1024 3072 9216 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- .``` ```---- 1536 4608 13824 41472 124416 373248 1119744 3359232 10077696 30233088 .``` ```---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 186624 ---- 1679616 ---- 15116544 .``` ```128 384 1152 3456 10368 31104 93312 ---- ---- ---- ---- .``` ```---- 192 ---- 1728 ---- 15552 46656 139968 419904 1259712 3779136 .``` ```32 96 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1889568 .``` ```16 48 144 432 1296 3888 11664 34992 104976 314928 944784 .``` ```---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1944 ---- 17496 ---- 157464 472392 .``` ```4 12 36 108 324 972 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- .``` ```---- ---- 18 ---- 162 486 1458 4374 13122 39366 118098 .``` ```1 3 9 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 19683 ---- .``` From here, we can see two different routes of 28 steps each: (1536->373248->93312->384->48->3888->972->36->9->1) and (1536->373248->46656->3779136->944784->3888->972->36->9->1). Proving minimality: Since a path of length 28 exists (we've found two), we can rule out anything that's too far away to be used in a shortest path. Moving from (1,9) to (0,0) must take at least ten steps on its own, so we can move at most nine steps completely out of the way (and nine steps back) in a shortest route. That limits us to only considering x-coordinates up to 10; any further would require making at least ten '*3' steps, eleven '÷3' steps, and at least nine '÷2' steps, putting the route definitely longer than 28. With our x-coordinate limited to [0,10], we now look at the bottlenecks. It should be clear that any shortest route must start by going from 1536 to 93312 in seven steps, and must end by going from 3888 to 1 in nine steps. These are both forced by unique bottlenecks; there is only one way to step from $(x,7)$ to $(x,6)$ and only one way to step from $(x,3)$ to $(x,2)$ in this range. This leaves at most twelve steps to go from 93312 to 3888. Either by observation or by pointing out that there are only two ways to go from $(x,6)$ to $(x,5)$, we can see that there are exactly two shortest routes from 93312 to 3888, and both require all twelve steps. Therefore, the shortest route is 28 steps, and there are exactly two ways to do so, both of which are described in Jo's solution and below the chart.
Passage: While I was sitting on a park bench yesterday, a person named Shannon Larson came up to me, and then about five minutes later another person named Ayanna Banks came up. Shannon Larson was just lost, but the second one was looking to buy meth! Question: Who was asking for directions? A. Can't answer B. Shannon Larson C. Ayanna Banks Answer: B. Shannon Larson
Question: how is kirkland central park tennis center Answer: Kirkland Central Park Tennis Center is a great place to play tennis. It has 18 courts (12 indoor & 6 outdoor), a pro shop, and a mini-kitchen. Overall the courts are in good condition and the staff is friendly and helpful. The center offers a variety of programs and clinics for all levels of players from adults to young kids. The center is located in a convenient location. Something you may want to know when you plan a visit to the center: the center can be busy during peak hours or during tournaments, it's not open all hours in a day and the membership fee is not cheap.
Which element in tobacco smoke is responsible for cancers? A. Nicotine B. Tar C. Carbon monoxide D. Smoke particles Answer: B. Tar
Passage: The film is presented in a nonlinear narrative, cutting back and forth between McCandless' time spent in the Alaskan wilderness and his two-year travels leading up to his journey to Alaska. The plot summary here is told in a more chronological order. In May 1992, Christopher McCandless (Emile Hirsch) arrives in a remote area just north of the Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska and sets up a campsite in an abandoned city bus, which he calls The Magic Bus. At first, McCandless is content with the isolation, the beauty of nature around him, and the thrill of living off the land. He hunts wild animals with a .22 caliber rifle, reads books, and keeps a diary of his thoughts as he prepares himself for a new life in the wild. Two years earlier, in May 1990, McCandless graduates with high honors from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Shortly afterwards, McCandless rejects his conventional life by destroying all of his credit cards and identification documents. He donates $24,000, nearly all of his savings, to Oxfam and sets out on a cross-country drive in his well-used, but reliable Datsun B210 to experience life in the wilderness. However, McCandless does not tell his parents, Walt (William Hurt) and Billie McCandless (Marcia Gay Harden), or his sister Carine (Jena Malone) what he is doing or where he is going, and refuses to keep in touch with them after his departure, causing his parents to become increasingly anxious and eventually desperate. At Lake Mead, Arizona, McCandless' car is caught in a flash flood, causing him to abandon it and begin hitchhiking. He burns what remains of his cash and assumes a new name: "Alexander Supertramp." In Northern California, McCandless encounters a hippie couple named Jan Burres (Catherine Keener) and Rainey (Brian H. Dierker). Rainey tells McCandless about his failing relationship with Jan, which McCandless helps rekindle. In September, McCandless arrives in Carthage, South Dakota and works for a contract harvesting company owned by Wayne Westerberg (Vince Vaughn), but he is forced to leave after Westerberg is arrested for satellite piracy. McCandless then travels on the Colorado River and, though told by park rangers that he may not kayak down the river without a license, ignores their warnings and paddles downriver until he eventually arrives in Mexico. There, his kayak is lost in a dust storm, and he crosses back into the United States on foot. Unable to hitch a ride, he starts traveling on freight trains to Los Angeles. Not long after arriving, however, he starts feeling "corrupted" by modern civilization and decides to leave. Later, McCandless is forced to resume hitchhiking, after he is beaten by the railroad police. In December 1991, McCandless arrives at Slab City, in the Imperial Valley region of California, and encounters Jan and Rainey again. There, he also meets Tracy Tatro (Kristen Stewart), a teenage girl who shows interest in McCandless, but he rejects her because she is underage. After the holidays, McCandless decides to continue heading for Alaska, much to everyone's sadness. One month later, while camping near Salton City, California, McCandless encounters Ron Franz (Hal Holbrook), a retired man who recounts the story of the loss of his family in a car accident while he was serving in the United States Army. He now occupies his time in a workshop as an amateur leather worker. Franz teaches McCandless the craft of leatherwork, resulting in the making of a belt that details McCandless' travels. After spending two months with Franz, McCandless decides to leave for Alaska, despite this upsetting Franz, who has become quite close to McCandless. On a parting note, Franz gives McCandless his old camping and travel gear, along with the offer to adopt him as his grandchild, but McCandless simply tells him that they should discuss this after he returns from Alaska; then, he departs. Four months later, at the abandoned bus, life for McCandless becomes harder, and he becomes less discerning. As his supplies begin to run out, he realizes that nature is also harsh and uncaring. In the pain of realization, McCandless concludes that true happiness can only be found when shared with others, and he seeks to return from the wild to his friends and family. However, he finds that the stream he had crossed during the winter has become wide, deep, and violent due to the snow thaw, and he is unable to cross. Saddened, he returns to the bus, now as a prisoner who is no longer in control of his fate and can only hope for help from the outside. In a desperate act, McCandless is forced to gather and eat roots and plants. He confuses similar plants and eats a poisonous one, falling sick as a result. Slowly dying, he continues to document his process of self-realization and accepts his fate, as he imagines his family for one last time. He writes a farewell to the world and crawls into his sleeping bag to die. Two weeks later, his body is found by moose hunters. Shortly afterwards, Carine returns her brother's ashes by airplane from Alaska back to Virginia, in her backpack. Question: After graduating Emory University what did McCandless do? Answer: Destroyed his identity and donated all his money.
In which of the following country did the largest number of children die under the age of five years in 2017? A. China B. United States C. Indonesia D. Pakistan Answer: D. Pakistan
Question: What two continents is Russia a part of? Answer: Russia is a part of Europe and Asia
Passage: In 2273, a Starfleet monitoring station, Epsilon Nine, detects an alien force, hidden in a massive cloud of energy, moving through space towards Earth. The cloud destroys three of the Klingon Empire's new K't'inga-class warships and the monitoring station en route. On Earth, the starship Enterprise is undergoing a major refit; her former commanding officer, James T. Kirk, has been promoted to Admiral and works in San Francisco as Chief of Starfleet Operations. Starfleet dispatches Enterprise to investigate the cloud entity as the ship is the only one in intercept range, requiring her new systems to be tested in transit. Kirk takes command of the ship citing his experience, angering Captain Willard Decker, who had been overseeing the refit as its new commanding officer. Testing of Enterprise's new systems goes poorly; two officers, including the science officer, are killed by a malfunctioning transporter, and improperly calibrated engines almost destroy the ship. Kirk's unfamiliarity with the new systems of the Enterprise increases the tension between him and first officer Decker. Commander Spock arrives as a replacement science officer, explaining that while on his home world undergoing a ritual to purge all emotion, he felt a consciousness that he believes emanates from the cloud. Enterprise intercepts the energy cloud and is attacked by an alien vessel within. A probe appears on the bridge, attacks Spock and abducts the navigator, Ilia. She is replaced by a robotic replica, another probe sent by "V'Ger" to study the crew. Decker is distraught over the loss of Ilia, with whom he had a romantic history. He becomes troubled as he attempts to extract information from the doppelg채nger, which has Ilia's memories and feelings buried within. Spock takes a spacewalk to the alien vessel's interior and attempts a telepathic mind meld with it. In doing so, he learns that the vessel is V'Ger itself, a living machine. At the center of the massive ship, V'Ger is revealed to be Voyager 6, a 20th-century Earth space probe believed lost. The damaged probe was found by an alien race of living machines that interpreted its programming as instructions to learn all that can be learned, and return that information to its creator. The machines upgraded the probe to fulfill its mission, and on its journey the probe gathered so much knowledge that it achieved consciousness. Spock realizes that V'Ger lacks the ability to give itself a focus other than its original mission; having learned what it could on its journey home, it finds its existence empty and without purpose. Before transmitting all its information, V'Ger insists that the Creator come in person to finish the sequence. Realizing that the machine wants to merge with its creator, Decker offers himself to V'Ger; he merges with the Ilia probe and V'Ger, creating a new form of life that disappears into another dimension. With Earth saved, Kirk directs Enterprise out to space for future missions. Question: Who specifically risks his life, saving Earth from danger? Answer: Decker
Manchester United fans drooling at the prospect of Louis van Gaal bringing a clutch of Holland players with him to Old Trafford had their bubble burst on Sunday, as a number of reported targets went missing against Mexico. The only players linked with a move to United that emerged with any credit in Fortaleza were Dirk Kuyt, the former Liverpool attacker unusually employed at left wing-back by van Gaal, and centre-back Stefan de Vrij. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Manchester United target De Jong starring in AC Milan training . United-bound: Van Gaal surveys the action in Fortaleza as Holland left it late to beat Mexico . Targets: Martins Indi, De Jong and Janmaat have all been linked with moves to Old Trafford . Kuyt is renowned for his willingness to chase lost causes and put his body on the line for his team, and that was the case again as he played in a deep position on the left and made some crucial tackles in defensive areas for Holland. De Vrij, meanwhile, looked good moving out of defence with the ball but was shaky when dealing with Mexico's vibrant attacking pair of Oribe Peralta and Giovani dos Santos. Holland were dealt an early blow as Nigel de Jong was forced off through injury. The AC Milan player lasted just nine minutes before limping off to be replaced by another United target Bruno Martins Indi. De Jong has been crucial for Holland at the last two World Cups and his presence was missed in central areas, with Daley Blind moving into midfield to take his place. In fact, Mexico took the lead with a swerving shot from exactly the kind of area that De Jong usually patrols. Giovani dos Santos pushed the ball away from Blind 25 yards from goal and then smacked a shot into the bottom right corner with his left foot. Game over: De Jong was forced off by injury after just nine minutes of the game at Estadio Castelao . Dogged defending: Kuyt performed well despite being played out of position at left wing-back . United’s search for centre-backs to replace Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic has been well documented. Two of Holland’s back-three against Mexico, Martins Indi and De Vrij, have been outlined as van Gaal targets, but neither impressed defensively against Miguel Herrera’s side. United are said to be hijacking Lazio’s move for De Vrij, while Martins Indi is reported to have an offer on the table from Porto. Martins Indi was strong in the air but he struggled with the pace and directness of Dos Santos and Peralta. Header: Martins Indi was strong in the air but not a lot else for an under-par Holland side . Pass-master: De Vrij's distribution was good but he looked less comfortable against Mexico's pace in attack . De Vrij was comfortable bringing the ball out of defence. On a number of occasions he nicked the ball from Mexico’s attackers, strolled forward and then played incisive passes towards Arjen Robben and Robin van Persie. One of Holland’s best chances in the game from a similar passage of play. Midway through the first half De Vrij waltzed over the halfway line and pinged a forward pass to van Persie. The Manchester United attacker controlled the ball brilliantly but his shot on the turn let him down, the ball flashing wide of Guillermo Ochoa’s goal. VIDEO Dutch party rumbles on . Van the man: The Manchester United forward wasted a couple of chances and was replaced by Huntelaar . Another United target, Daryl Janmaat, played no part against Mexico. Van Gaal is reportedly keen on taking the right-back to Old Trafford with him, but the Dutch boss did not trust him to start in their last-16 clash, instead picking Augsburg defender Paul Verhaegh. Van Gaal's team relied on some late magic from old-timers Wesley Sneijder and Arjen Robben to spare their blushes, the former lashing home from a corner and the latter winning the penalty that Huntelaar slotted into the corner to put Holland through. Water break: Both teams were allowed a break to take on fluids in the first and second halves . Summarize this article. Van Gaal is taking over at Old Trafford after Holland's World Cup campaign in Brazil . United have been linked with moves for Bruno Martins Indi, Nigel de Jong, Stefan de Vrij, Daryl Janmaat and Dirk Kuyt . Despite looking impressive in the group stages Holland were poor against Mexico and only a late penalty from Klaas-Jan Huntelaar made it 2-1 .
Without a warrant, police officers searched the garbage cans in the alley behind a man's house and discovered chemicals used to make methamphetamine, as well as cooking utensils and containers with the man's fingerprints on them. The alley was a public thoroughfare maintained by the city, and the garbage was picked up once a week by a private sanitation company. The items were found inside the garbage cans in plastic bags that had been tied closed and further secured with tape. The man was charged in federal court with the manufacture of methamphetamine. Did the search of the garbage cans violate the Fourth Amendment? A. No, because the man had no reasonable expectation of privacy in garbage left in the alley. B. No, because the probative value of the evidence outweighs the man's modest privacy claims in his garbage. C. Yes, because the alley was within the curtilage of the man's home and entry without a warrant was unconstitutional. D. Yes, because there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in one's secured garbage containers. Answer: A. No, because the man had no reasonable expectation of privacy in garbage left in the alley.
Question: What are the tax boxes in the Netherlands? Answer: There are three tax boxes in the Netherlands: - Box One: This box includes income from employment or primary residence - Box Two: This box includes income from a large stake in a business - Box Three: This box includes income from savings and investments
Question: While on vacation in Hawaii, Steve and Georgia decided to ship pineapples to their home. Each pineapple costs $1.25 and they buy a dozen. It will cost $21.00 to ship all of them to their home. How much will each pineapple end up costing them? Answer: They bought 12 pineapples for $1.25 apiece so 12*1.25 = $<<12*1.25=15.00>>15.00 The pineapples cost $15.00 and it will cost $21.00 to ship so all total, it costs 15+21 = $<<15+21=36.00>>36.00 In total it costs $36.00 to ship home a dozen pineapples so each pineapple costs 36/12 = $<<36/12=3.00>>3.00 apiece The answer is 3.
Charlotte, North Carolina: Charlotte is home to the corporate headquarters of Bank of America and the east coast operations of Wells Fargo , which along with other financial institutions made it the fourth-largest banking center in the United States from 1995 to 2017 , and the third-largest from 2017 to present . Claim: Charlotte , North Carolina ranked as the fourth-largest banking center in America from 1995 to 2017 . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: Ryan builds model mustang cars. A full size mustang is 240 inches long. The mid-size model that Ryan creates is 1/10th the size, and the smallest model that Ryan creates is half the size of the mid-size model. How many inches long is the smallest model mustang? Answer: Mid-size:240/10=<<240/10=24>>24 inches Small Model:24/2=<<24/2=12>>12 inches The answer is 12.
This question refers to the following information. As with a Commander of the Army, or leader of any enterprise, so it is with the mistress of the house. Her spirit will be seen through the whole establishment; and just in proportion as she performs her duties intelligently and thoroughly, so will her domestics follow in her path. Of all of those acquirements, which more particularly belong to the feminine character, there are none which take a higher rank, in our estimation, than such as enter into a knowledge of household duties; for on these are perpetually dependent the happiness, comfort, and well-being of the family. Isabella Beeton, Book of Household Management, 1861 From the passage, one may infer that Beeton believed that A. women were better suited than men for the task of household management B. women were better suited than men to run schools C. men were better suited than women for the task of household management D. men were better suited than women to run schools Answer: A. women were better suited than men for the task of household management
Passage: In a prologue a character called Ermyntrude says that though she is the widow of a millionaire, she is now poor, living on a small income from her father, the Archdeacon, who has told her to take a job as a lady's maid so that she can meet another millionaire and marry back into money. In a hotel sitting room the Princess is met by the hotel manager. Ermyntrude, now dressed very plainly gets the job as her lady's maid. Captain Duval, a messenger from the "Inca of Perusalem" appears with news that Inca wants one of his sons to marry the Princess. Ermyntrude realises that the messenger is in fact the Inca in disguise. She offers to return the trick, by pretending to be the Princess to find out what his intentions are. The Princess, who is very timid, agrees to let Ermyntrude take charge. Ermyntrude receives the "captain" with an air of great superiority. She is given a gift of a jewel, designed by the Inca, but she is horrified by its size. The Inca is impressed by the "Princess"'s grand manner and reveals his true identity. However, he says that he recognises Ermyntrude. He knows she is the Archdeacon's daughter, not the Princess. But she is so convincing as a princess that now he wishes to marry her himself. Unfortunately he already has a wife, so he suggests they should to convert to Islam so he can legally have another one. Ermyntrude says the Inca is far too poor for her, since his country is going bankrupt because of its foolish war. The Inca says that the war will result in his overthrow and the creation of a republic, but this will not be a problem as he will be elected as "super-president" of the republic. He then says how surprised he is by the popularity of the war in his homeland. He used to rely for popularity on his contributions to art, literature and science, but he was ignored. Now the mass killing in the war leads to cheering crowds. Despite being turned down for marriage, the Inca offers to take Ermyntrude on a drive round the town. She accepts, but emphasises that she will "refuse any incorrect proposals" he makes to her. Question: Who does the Inca want to marry in the end, even though she refuses? Answer: Ermyntrude
Sienna: I'm down to 69 percent battery life. Are you done yet? Leo: Nope, just a few minutes! Sienna: Ugh! Taking too long! Leo: Just a sec! God! Sienna: I need to charge! Leo: I'll charge for you while I'm working if you're so worried about it! Sienna: Thank you! I want to be able to use it when you're done! Leo: Fine. Geez! Summarize the above dialogue. Sienna is down to 69 percent battery life. Leo will charge it for her while working.
Washington (CNN) -- The former head of transportation security said Wednesday he supports a new policy allowing small knives on planes, but said it does not go far enough, and should include instruments such as "battle axes (and) machetes." Sharp objects can no longer bring down aircraft, former Transportation Security Administration chief Kip Hawley told CNN, and the search for knives interferes with the search for objects that can harm aircraft. "In retrospect, I should have done the same thing," Hawley said of the rule, which allows passengers to board aircraft with certain small knives, as well as sports equipment such as ice hockey and lacrosse sticks. "They ought to let everything on that is sharp and pointy. Battle axes, machetes ... bring anything you want that is pointy and sharp because while you may be able to commit an act of violence, you will not be able to take over the plane. It is as simple as that," he said. "So my position would be, bravo on the 2.6 inch knife. But why not take it all the way and then really clean up the checkpoint where officers are focusing on bombs and toxins, which are things that can destroy an airplane. And it would smooth the process, cost less money, and be better security." Asked if he was using hyperbole in suggesting that battle axes be allowed on planes, Hawley said he was not. Air marshals, flight attendants want TSA to reconsider knife policy . "I really believe it. What are you going to do when you get on board with a battle ax? And you pull out your battle ax and say I'm taking over the airplane. You may be able to cut one or two people, but pretty soon you would be down in the aisle and the battle ax would be used on you." And, he pointed out, "You can commit acts of violence on an aircraft with what is allowed now. With a Coke can, a key, a ruler, and some duct tape, you can make a 12-inch razor-sharp sword. And every eighth-grader would be able to do that." Hawley headed the TSA from mid-2005 until early 2009, during the George W. Bush administration. During his term, the agency loosened restrictions on some items -- such as cigarette lighters, matches and small scissors -- while imposing limits on liquids and gels because of the August 2006 liquid bomb scare. The TSA's current administrator, John Pistole, was serving as deputy director of the FBI during the 2006 bomb scare, and has also cited the plot as a reason for the emphasis on bombs. "If undetected, I believe there is a high likelihood the terrorists would have killed hundreds of people that day," Pistole says on the TSA blog. "That's why we limit the amount of liquids you can bring on a plane." Opinion: Is TSA serious about letting people carry knives? Both Hawley and Pistole have embraced "risk-based security," the concept that the government should use intelligence and best practices to focus on known threats and unknown people. The TSA has expanded its PreCheck program under Pistole, expediting travel for frequent fliers and others who provide information on themselves. Hawley and other security experts say a number of factors -- including strengthened cockpit doors, better intelligence and motivated passengers -- has changed the security equation on planes, removing avenues once open to terrorists. Hawley said he is sensitive to concerns by air marshals and flight attendants about the rule changes, noting that they "would be the people upon whom the wounds would be inflicted." "I do understand and respect their opposition, but from a security strategy point of view this is absolutely the right decision," he said of the knife rule. "The air marshals and the flight attendants have legitimate concerns, certainly, for their own safety, but the threat of taking over a plane with a small, sharp instrument is zero," Hawley said. "You cannot necessarily prevent violence on an airplane, but that is not the TSA's mission. TSA's mission is to prevent a successful, catastrophic terrorist attack, and you cannot get a successful, catastrophic terrorist attack with a small knife or a Wiffle ball bat." Summarize this article. Kip Hawley says sharp objects can no longer bring down aircraft . "Clean up the checkpoint where officers are focusing on bombs and toxins," he says . "You can commit acts of violence on an aircraft with what is allowed now," he adds .
(CNN) -- With Germany's title race set to resume in earnest on Sunday, Bayer Leverkusen took center stage in Saturday's Bundesliga action by claiming fifth place with a 2-0 win at struggling Cologne. Midfielder Lars Bender scored both goals to give Leverkusen successive victories for the first time since August and a one-point advantage over Werder Bremen, who crashed 1-0 at Nuremberg in the late kickoff. But it still left Leverkusen seven points adrift of Schalke, who travel to third-placed Bayern Munich on Sunday. Champions Borussia Dortmund, meanwhile, can stretch their two-point lead with victory at home to Hanover following second-placed Borussia Monchengladbach's home draw with Hamburg on Friday. It could be a pivotal round of matches, with five points separating the top four teams. Nuremberg climbed eight points clear of the relegation zone as Alexander Esswein's 65th-minute goal gave the visitors a second win in the last 10 meetings with the 2004 league champions. Bremen hold a two-point advantage over Hanover in the race for the final Europa League qualification spot, with Stuttgart a further five points back despite the 4-1 win over bottom side Freiburg in which Martin Harnik scored twice. Hoffenheim stayed behind their south-west rivals on goal difference after winning 2-1 at Wolfsburg, who dropped behind Hamburg and Mainz -- 4-0 victors over second-bottom Kaiserslautern. Cologne are four points above the relegation playoffs after a sixth defeat in seven, while Augsberg moved out of the bottom three with a 3-0 win over fellow strugglers Hertha Berlin thanks to two second-half goals from striker Torsten Oehrl. Summarize this article. Bayer Leverkusen move up to fifth place in Bundesliga with a 2-0 win over Cologne . Werder Bremen drop to sixth after being beaten 1-0 by Nuremberg in late match . Three of the German league's top four teams will play on Sunday .
Question: Jessica is making an apple pie. She knows that each serving requires 1.5 apples and she has 12 quests. She plans to make 3 pies, which each contain 8 servings. If her guests finish all the pie, on average , how many apples does each guest eat? Answer: She is making 24 servings because 3 x 8 = <<3*8=24>>24 Each guest has 2 servings because 24 / 12 = <<24/12=2>>2 Each guest has 3 apples because 2 x 1.5 = <<2*1.5=3>>3 The answer is 3.
Brie Larson: Endgame earned over $ 2 billion worldwide to rank as the second highest-grossing film of all time , and Captain Marvel became the first female-led superhero film to collect over $ 1 billion worldwide. Claim: The film Endgame , in which Brie Larson featured was the second highest-earning film ever produced . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: Antonella has ten Canadian coins in her purse that are either loonies or toonies. A loonie equals $1 and a toonie equals $2. If she bought a $3 Frappuccino and still has $11, how many toonies did she initially have? Answer: If Antonella spent $3 and now has $11, that means initially she had $3 + $11 = $<<3+11=14>>14 Let the number of loonies Antonella had be L and the number of toonies be T. Initially she had in her purse a total of 1L + 2T = $14 We also know that she had 10 coins in total or 10=L+T That means initially she had T=10-L toonies Combining both equations we know that 14=1L+2*(10-L) If we multiply through the parentheses, we get 14=1L+20-2L If we combine the variables on one side and the constants on another, we get -6=-1L or L=6 Knowing the value of L, we can solve for T= 10 - L = 10 - 6 = <<10-6=4>>4 The answer is 4.
Question: The amount of good quality bleaching powder required for chlorinating a round well measuring 4 mtrs diameter and depth of water column 6 mts, to get PPM of residual chlorine when the Horrok&;s test gives definite blue colour in the 3rd cup onwards, is - A. 993.8 grams B. 99.38 grams C. 9.938 grams D. 0.9938 grams Answer: A. 993.8 grams
The Piano Man was once on top, finding glory and fortune as one of the top-selling songwriters worldwide. In luck and love, the entertainer has suffered for the longest time, and over three marriages Billy Joel let a lot slip through his fingers thanks to depression and drink. A new biography comes out this week that, according to Page Six, involved 100 hours of interviews by writer Fred Schruers before Joel exited the project. Scroll down for video . Tops: Billy Joel, who has sold more than 150 million records worldwide, found his love life and career dogged by drinking and depression . In 'Billy Joel: The Definitive Biography,' the singer lays bare his history of suicide attempts, his tumultuous marriages — including one to supermodel Christie Brinkley — and how he's now trying to keep his life together. Joel met his first wife, Elizabeth Weber, in 1970 and was smitten from the start. 'She wasn’t like a lot of the other girls I knew at that time who had taken home ec and cooking classes,' he recounted. 'She was intelligent and not afraid to speak her mind, but could also be seductive.' Joel began a relationship with her, in spite of the fact that Weber was married to Jon Small, the drummer of Joel's short-lived duo Attila, with whom she had a young son named Sean. When Small uncovered the infidelity, Weber split, leaving both him and Joel. While her husband was left alone, it was Joel who took her disappearance the hardest. One day, Joel took a fatal dose of the anesthetic Nembutal and phoned Small to apologize. 'The next thing I remember, I woke up in the hospital and learned that they had pumped my stomach,' he told Schruers. Rough waters: Joel said in the book that he fell in love when he first met Elizabeth Weber, who cheated on her husband Jon Small, with Joel, before leaving both . It was Small who saved Joel's life, rushing to Joel's mother's Long Island home, finding Joel lying on the floor and getting him medical attention. Another suicide attempt ended with Joel checking into a mental health center, where he found himself surrounded by others who were not as lucky. 'The people I was locked up with were never going to be able to overcome their problems, whereas mine were all self-made. I can fix this, I thought.' Weber returned, to Joel this time, not Small, and began to manage the songwriter's career, which began to take off even as he medicated his depression with a steady stream of alcohol. Though friends found Weber controlling and brusque, Joel was enchanted, writing singles such as 'She's Got A Way' and 'She’s Always a Woman' for her. Joel describes the relationship now as a transaction. He says when he debuted 'Just the Way You Are' for her on her birthday, she asked him deadpan 'Do I get the publishing, too?' Inspiration: Weber inspired three singles, but Christie Brinkley, who Joel married in 1985 inspired all of An Innocent Man . Beauty: Brinkley had been featured on three back-to-back Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition covers when she met Joel in St Bart's and went on to star in a number of his music videos . The relationship entangled Weber's brother Frank in the finances as well, and years after she and Joel finally divorced, the songwriter found Frank had siphoned $30million out of his fortune. 'I hooked up with the Borgias!' said Joel. 'What a family to pick.' Shortly after things ended with Weber in 1982, Joel was vacationing and met his second wife during an unreal encounter on the Caribbean island of Saint Bart's. Sitting down at a piano, Joel caught the attention of Elle Macpherson and then-unknown Whitney Houston. Tagging along was their companion, Christie Brinkley. Joel later later said 'I kind of felt like a teenager all over again' when he returned to New York and started dating both Brinkley and Macpherson, the latter actually was a teenager when he met her. Brinkley was asked to star in the music video for Uptown Girl, leading to the pair growing closer together. In 1985, Brinkley and Joel married and he dedicated the album an 'An Innocent Man' to her, though the declaration proved to be questionable in later years of their relationship. Third time: Joel reportedly picked up Katie Lee in a hotel lobby when she was a college student, before the two married in 2004 . Striking: Joel said he took Lee to a performance of his own musical during one of their first dates, though she didn't know who the fading songwriting star was then . Touring constantly to make up for his past financial struggles, Joel became worn down by a life on the road and strained the marriage. One night in 1993, after a concert at Nassau Coliseum, rather than go home to Brinkley, Joel booked a hotel. A band member told Brinkley that Joel was unfaithful that night, a claim Joel denies but one that led to his eventual split with her. 'Christie likes to joke that the end of the marriage spelled the end of my songwriting career,' Joel said, but it became a reality, as the next two decades saw him write and record very little. Instead, he drank and spiraled into depression. He had three car accidents between 2002 and 2004, which he once blamed on 911 and denied the involvement of alcohol. His romantic partner at the time was Katie Lee, who was in college when he flirted with her in the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel. According to an interview in the New York Times, one of their first nights out was to Joel's own Broadway musical, Movin' Out. The two married in 2004, when Lee was 23 and Joel was 55, moving into a $4million penthouse in Tribeca together. While the relationship didn't spur Joel to new songwriting endeavors as it had with his past two wives, but it did eventually unravel just the same. Joel was in and out of rehab, but at Lee's insistence went back on tour, often playing shows with Elton John. Lee herself became a fixture in the art scene. One day Joel saw a photo of her dancing with another man at a gallery showing at Art Basel Miami, though she rebuffs any accusations of an affair. Joel could not handle his jealousy, and Lee seemed uninterested in couples counseling that he suggested. 'I realized, it’s not going to happen,' Joel said, and told her 'We’re over. Just don’t send me messages, don’t leave me cute little phone calls, don’t tease me, don’t f--- with me, just end it.' 'I’m an old man now, a vulnerable man. Don’t do that to an old guy.’ The pair divorced in 2009. It now seems the man once described by music critic Robert Christgau as a 'force of nature and bad taste' has cut back on his time in the spotlight. Though he released an album of classical compositions in 2001 and in spite of still touring arenas, Joel hasn't released studio music for a solid two decades. His drinking and depression have still not been resolved, at least according to the man himself, who in spite of numerous trips to rehab says he still has the occasional drink. He's somewhat humbled from his days of dating supermodels, and is living with a girlfriend, 33 and a former hedge fund manager, but he says he remains a romantic. 'You can have all the money in the world, you can have mansions, you can have properties, you can have yachts, you can have limousines, you can have motorcycles,' he told Schruers. If you don't have love, 'it doesn’t mean a goddamn thing.' Summarize this article. A new book, Billy Joel: The Definitive Biography, written by Fred Schruers, lays out the songwriter's rise to fame and gives details of his crushing lows . His first marriage to Elizabeth Weber inspired a number of singles, but ended with the songwriter being fleeced by his brother-in-law for millions . He married supermodel Christie Brinkley in 1985 after courting her and Elle Macpherson at the same time . Brinkley inspired the album An Innocent Man . An alleged infidelity led to their divorce, before Joel married Katie Lee in 2004 . Drinking was rumored to be a factor in several car accidents from 2002 to 2004, though Joel later blamed depression caused by 911 .
Lockout -LRB-film-RRB-: As of , 2012 , Lockout has received generally negative reviews . Claim: Reviews about the film Lockout have been diverse as of 2012 . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: B. False
By . Julian Robinson . German police rescued a man who spent three days trapped in handcuffs - in an apparent 'autoerotic accident'. A neighbour contacted authorities in the southern city of Munich after becoming concerned about the whereabouts of the 57-year-old man. When officers arrived at the home in the upmarket Schwabing district and rang the bell, there was no answer and three days' newspapers were lying on the doormat. German police rescued a man who spent three days trapped in handcuffs in an apparent 'autoerotic accident' Through the mail slot, they saw a light was on in the flat and could hear 'a faint, woozy murmur'. They broke open the door to find the man lying semi-conscious on the floor of his kitchen wearing underwear and women's boots, and restrained in handcuffs. The officers were able to unlock the cuffs using a key found in the apartment and said there was no evidence of foul play. A neighbour contacted authorities in the southern city of Munich (pictured) after becoming concerned about the whereabouts of the 57-year-old man . 'We assume it was an autoerotic accident that kept the Munich resident tied up in his apartment for more than three days,' the police said in a statement. A spokesman contacted by AFP said the man, who was weak and dehydrated when he was found, was still being treated in hospital on Thursday. 'He is not in a critical condition,' the spokesman said, adding that the man was suffering from 'sore spots' from lying in one position for an extended period of time. Summarize this article. Man had spent three days trapped in handcuffs in an 'autoerotic accident' German police were called when a neighbour became worried about him . Officers heard 'faint, woozy murmer' when they looked through letterbox . They found him lying in kitchen wearing underwear and in women's boots .
A previously healthy 32-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being found unconscious on the floor at his workplace. On arrival, he is obtunded. He is intubated and mechanical ventilation is begun. Examination shows flaccid paralysis on the right. A CT scan of the head shows a large evolving cerebral infarction on the left. Carotid duplex ultrasonography shows dissection of the left carotid artery. After receiving intensive medical care for 6 hours, the patient develops decerebrate posturing and becomes hemodynamically unstable. Vasopressor therapy is begun. A second CT scan of the head shows a massive left hemispheric cerebral infarction with severe edema and herniation. The physician determines that surgical intervention is not indicated because of the patient's poor prognosis. The patient's driver's license indicates that he wishes to be an organ donor. The physician meets with the patient's family and informs them about the patient's prognosis, and they are devastated. During the meeting, they say that they were unaware of his willingness to be an organ donor and agree that he should not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step with respect to organ donation? A. Arrange for the regional organ procurement organization to address the issue with the patient's family B. Delay further consideration of the issue until after 24 hours of aggressive care C. Delay further consideration of the issue until the family seems ready D. Initiate organ donation at this time Answer: A. Arrange for the regional organ procurement organization to address the issue with the patient's family
Q: An aspiring writer working for the NSA has been looking through the files on your computer and publishing books based on the rough drafts you've been working on. Write a story of your revenge. A: He titled his first two works “Rough Draft”. This time he called it “Completed Draft”. He let his friend in on the plan when they met up face-to-face. Firstly, he sent her fake text messages outlining how this time he was "very confident" he knew how to keep his works safe on his PC from ‘hackers’. He sent a text stating that he would create a handwritten draft that would be fully edited, which he would then type up on his computer in a few hours on the 25th of May and publish quickly within 24 hours. It was a win-win situation. He knew that if the hacker wasn't watching his texts, he would be able to publish his novel. But if they were, they'd be caught out. His completed draft was stolen on 25th of May and self-published to Amazon before he had the chance to do so himself. He erased all traces of the draft on his computer. Just to make sure, the hard-drive was destroyed as well. He knew the cyber thief wouldn’t be able to completely check and edit the story within the short timeframe. So, on page 198 of his light-hearted fantasy novel, he decided to abruptly interrupt the story to detail “intelligence leaks and tips” in Arabic to “potential terrorists” from a “professional criminal hacker/high-level government employee”, (his two best guesses as to who had repeatedly hacked his computer). He sent an anonymous tip to the FBI. They decided to check if the original publisher really was a high-level government employee.
By . Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor . The NHS has written a song to teach children not to go to A&E unless it is a real emergency. Schools are being urged to teach the lyrics as part of a campaign fronted by a knitted monkey to ease the pressure on casualty departments. One million more people visited A&E last year compared to 3 years ago, and officials claim that if one child from every school wen to their GP instead they it would save £1.4million. The toy Monkey is being used by the NHS to educated children about what it is like to go to hospital, and the alternatives when it is not a real emergency . A kit has been sent to every primary school in England to help teach children about the structure of the health service. The NHS hopes youngsters will succeed where politicians and doctors have failed, and persuade their parents to consider alternatives to rushing to A&E. It follows successful campaigns on recycling and road safety, where adults came under pressure to change their behaviour after being nagged by their children. The ‘Monkey Wellbeing’ has been produced for the NHS by primary school teacher Helen Sadler. It includes puppets, DVDs, posters, stories, stickers and a song to educate children about different NHS services. Children who remember the difference between a walk-in centre and a pharmacy are given an NHS Explorer badge. A series of slides presents different health scenarios and asks children to consider whether they would need to go to A&E . It is claimed that if one child from every primary school does not go to A&E as a result of the packs, it would save the NHS £1.4million . An evaluation of the packs produced earlier this year shows that the song in particular has proved a hit with pupils. The lyrics include: ‘When Monkey’s feeling poorly or gets an injury / He doesn’t have to swing straight to A and E / There are lots of friendly people in the NHS / So here’s a Monkey song to help you choose what’s best.’ There are also slides which show the Monkey with different ailments, and the children have to decide where best to seek treatment. It includes having a headache, being bullied, feeling sick and having a crayon stuck up his nose. Organisers of the scheme claim : ‘If the pack can prevent one child from each of the 19,088 Primary Schools in England from visiting an Emergency Department unnecessarily then the NHS could save £1.4 million.’ Reducing the number of people who turn up at A&E with non-emergencies has become a major political issue. David Cameron and Ed Miliband have repeatedly clashed in the Commons on waiting times to be seen. The Prime Minister said last week: ‘Of course more people are going to A and E departments in our country—over a million more people—but we are meeting our targets,and waiting times are down by a half.’ However, patient groups are unimpressed by the attempt to use children to cojole their parents into using different NHS services. Joyce Robins, co-director of Patient Concern, told The Times: 'Don’t try to put children in charge of when it is necessary to use public services like A&E.' When Monkey’s feeling poorly or gets an injury, He doesn’t have to swing straight to A and E . There are lots of friendly people in the NHS, So here’s a Monkey song to help you choose what’s best . CHORUS . Try a.... Grown up, pharmacist, helpline, GP, School Nurse, ChildLine, out of hours surgery . On-line, walk in, 999, A&E, Monkey, here to help you through . Monkey, knows just what to do, Monkey, always there for you Monkey . If you’ve got the sniffles or a little scrape, Don’t go bananas and don’t go ape . Talk to a grown-up or your school nurse, They’ll help you out so it doesn’t get worse . If you’re monkey puzzled and still feel unwell, You can give the helpline a little bell . They’ll listen hard to what you have to say, Or look online at . CHORUS . Monkey sometimes goes to see the jungle GP, He knows little Monkey and his family . But out of office hours, if Monkey’s sick up in his tree, Go to the walk in centre or out of hours GP . If someone has an accident or is really really sick, Don’t monkey around - you need to act quick . If you need an ambulance, move quick call 999, Or go to A&E and you’ll be seen on time! CHORUS . Monkey tries to stay healthy, he eats his 5 a day, . His paws are clean, he’s really keen to keep the germs away . He like swinging in the trees, oh it’s great to run and play, . An apple - or banana – help to keep the Doc away . So be happy and be active and you’ll stay very well, . But sometimes we’re all poorly and we feel unwell . There are lots of friendly people in the NHS, . But staying fit and healthy is what everyone likes best! Summarize this article. A song is being used to persuade schoolchildren not to rush to hospital . DVDs, stickers, puppets and posters sent to teachers across England . If one children from every school does not go to A&E it would save £1.4m .
Question: Count de Grisly was the first to perform what trick in 1799 Answer: Saw woman in half
Question: A 10-year-old girl is admitted to the emergency department after falling from a tree in which she was playing with her friends. Radiographic and physical examinations reveal Osgood-Schlatter disease. Which of the following bony structures is chiefly affected? A. Medial condyle of tibia B. Posterior intercondylar area C. Intercondylar eminence D. Tibial tuberosity Answer: D. Tibial tuberosity
Question: Which of the following is true regarding Wilm's tumor? A. Commonest presenting feature is lump abdomen B. Invariably unilateral C. Extremely poor prognosis in infants D. All the above Answer: A. Commonest presenting feature is lump abdomen
(CNN) -- In my 20s, after my doctor performed a laparoscopy to examine my uterus and ovaries, he gave me a videotape of the procedure. I dubbed it "Madame Ovary," threw a party and screened it for my friends. Three years ago, when my doctor sent me to have a colonoscopy, the last thing on my mind was seeing footage from the exam. At 39, I was mortified about having a procedure that I associated with older people. I didn't even want to talk about it, let alone see it. But March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so I'm coming clean. While drinking two liters of liquid that tastes like dirty sea water to evacuate my bowels doesn't rank highly on my list of things to do, neither does dying from colon cancer. And having a colonoscopy, although unpleasant and embarrassing, was one of the best things I have ever done for my health. Of all cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer -- cancer of the colon or rectum -- is the second-leading killer in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overall, the lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is 1 in 20, and up to 150,000 new cases a year are reported in the United States, the American Cancer Society says. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that removing precancerous growths spotted during a colonoscopy can cut the risk of dying from colon cancer in half. More than 95% of tumors are detected during a colonoscopy. Yet despite these statistics, people feel squeamish about the exam and tend to put it off. "It's a potentially embarrassing procedure. It's not like an eye exam in terms of personal exposure," said Dr. Anthony N. Kalloo, the director of gastroenterology and hepatology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. The American Cancer Society and the American College of Physicians recommend that adults be screened for colorectal cancer starting at age 50. Doctors urge people with a family history of colon cancer to begin screening much earlier. I guess I'm an overachiever. While I don't have a family history of that kind of cancer, I did have one of the common symptoms -- bleeding, a change in bowel habits, weight loss, poor appetite, bloating and/or abdominal pain -- that sent me running to my family doctor. He referred me to St. Jude's Knott Family Endoscopy Center in Fullerton, California, for a colonoscopy. I can't describe the pure joy I felt at receiving THAT news. I didn't know too much about the procedure but what I did know sounded horrible. During a colonoscopy, a doctor examines the inside of the colon and rectum by inserting a colonoscope, a thin, flexible instrument that sends images to a TV screen or computer. In order for the doctor to do a thorough exam, the patient needs to prepare by fasting; I drank only liquids the day before the exam. He or she may also be required to chug down a solution that will ... let's just say keep them at home, near a bathroom. "It literally takes a whole day away from your life, where you could be doing normal things and instead you are drinking this bowel prep that is uncomfortable and that limits your social life," Kalloo said. Following the instructions I was given, I started fasting the day before the procedure. I was restricted to certain fluids and particular colors of Jell-O (nothing red or purple.) I spent the morning longing for my usual massive cup of coffee and substantial breakfast and instead downed water, Gatorade and chicken broth. Around 5 p.m., the fun really started. I began drinking a liter of a polyethylene glycol (PEG) bowel prep. I had to down 8 ounces of this stuff every 15 minutes followed by 16 ounces of clear liquid. I drank another liter several hours later while trying not to vomit. The manufacturers said the solution was lemon-flavored; it really resembled a noxious mix of chemicals that I can still taste to this day. Dr. Gene Yoon, my gastroenterologist, concedes that for most patients, the preparation is the worst part. Yoon and other physicians now use magnesium citrate, which he said requires patients to drink less, is easier to tolerate and works just as well. By the time I arrived at the Knott Family Endoscopy Center the next morning, I was nervous and praying the worst was over. It was. I don't remember anything past the point where I was sedated. An IV solution sent me into a "twilight sleep." It also made me forget the procedure, which no doubt was for the best. When I woke up, I was groggy but I also felt incredibly well rested. I had only a small amount of discomfort, including abdominal cramping that doctors say is normal. I don't remember getting dressed or leaving the hospital. But in my daze, I asked my father to swing by Starbucks to pick up a cup of coffee and a sandwich. When I got home, I dozed for a few hours and that was that. Yoon called the next day with my results: He'd found and removed a 1.5 centimeter villous adenoma polyp from my sigmoid colon. After examining the polyp, Yoon estimated that there was a more than a 50% chance of that polyp becoming malignant. Yoon removed the polyp before that had a chance of happening. Of all the polyps, villous adenomas are associated with the highest mortality and morbidity rate. I consider myself extremely lucky I had a symptom. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have had a colonoscopy until I was at least 50 -- and who knows how long I would have put it off after that. "Colon cancer is one of the few cancers that can actually be prevented, mainly because it goes through this polyp stage before it turns into colon cancer," Yoon says. Given what he'd found, Yoon suggested that my younger brother also have a colonoscopy. Craig had his colonoscopy when he was 36; the doctors didn't find anything. Two important people in my life, my husband's stepfather and my trainer, have had colon cancer. For both of them, the cancer was detected during routine colonoscopies. I thank God they were proactive about their health. Polyps are slow-growing and asymptomatic, Yoon says. The cancer can also be slow-growing and asymptomatic -- until it starts spreading. "Usually once you start developing symptoms from colon cancer, things are way too late," he said. Eating a high-fat diet, consuming red meat and smoking will increase your risk of developing colorectal cancer, as is a familial history of the disease. Doctors recommend exercising and eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruit and fiber. At Hopkins, researchers are looking into the role that curcumin - a spice commonly used in India - may play in reducing the risk of colon cancer. Preclinical and laboratory tests show it may be useful, Kalloo said. I've always loved curry, and I'm thinking about ways to incorporate this spice into our meals. But even if you play by the rules of healthy living, it's important to get screened. "We have to do better," Kalloo says. "Family care physicians and everyone who sees patients should ask someone over 50, 'Have you had a colonoscopy?' It's just not a convenient test. Even physicians tend to procrastinate." After Yoon called me with the results, I sent a thank you note to my family doctor, telling him how much I appreciated him referring me for a colonoscopy. Yoon's office called me recently to set up another appointment. I'm not looking forward to it, but there's no question I will do it again. Considering the alternative, I'd be crazy not to. Summarize this article. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month . The lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is 1 in 20 . Adults should be screened for colorectal cancer starting at age 50 .
Question: Does Spark require modified versions of Scala or Python? Answer: No. Spark requires no changes to Scala or compiler plugins. The Python API uses the standard CPython implementation, and can call into existing C libraries for Python such as NumPy.
Passage: Parsenn is a ski area near Davos, Switzerland, offering 35 ski runs. The Parsenn area is the largest and most modern of Davos' five mountains. The recently updated Parsenn "red railway" funicular covers the difference of 1,100 metres (3,609 ft) up to the Weissfluhjoch ridge. One can also get from Klosters to Gotschna/Parsenn with a large cable car which runs from here run up to 17 kilometres (10.6 mi) into the Prättigau valley. Is Parsenn nice for skiing \Answer: Parsenn is a ski area near Davos, Switzerland, offering 35 ski runs. The Parsenn area is the largest and most modern of Davos' five mountains and is considered as very nice.
Mia: <file_photo> Olivia: What's that? Mia: Ella's engagement ring! Olivia: No way that old fart proposed to her and she did not refuse! Mia: It's so revolting... Mia: I think about their age difference, about his old body and things they do together... :/ Olivia: Yuck! I can't believe money turns her on so much she can't see his flabby... Mia: OMG! And can you believe that when she was born he was finishing his studies? Olivia: :/ Olivia: He must be a bastard. His face is so evil I would never trust him. Mia: I think they will break up really soon! Olivia: Yeah! Me too!! Summarize the above dialogue. Mia and Olivia are disgusted that Ella is engaged to an old man. They don't accept his age and wish this relationship to be over soon.
Holland's World Cup squad were all smiles as they prepared to board the plane to Brazil despite having to say goodbye to their loved ones on Thursday evening. The Dutch stars posed for photographs with their wives and children at the team hotel before heading to Schipol airport to begin their journey for the summer tournament. The likes of Wesley Sneijder and Dirk Kuyt could be seen getting close to their family and sharing a few last embraces as the adoring Dutch public wished them the best of luck. VIDEO Scroll down to watch the Holland squad leave for Brazil ahead of the World Cup . Departure: Wesley Sneijder (left) poses with wife Yolanthe as the Holland squad head to Brazil . Up for the Cup: Dirk Kuyt (left) says farewell to his wife and children at the Holtel Huis ter Duin in Holland . Holland boss Louis van Gaal seemed in a relaxed mood as he turned around to give the crowd one last wave just moments before he got on the plane. Speaking ahead of the flight, Van Gaal said: 'We're not going to South America to just join, we want to perform there. And my feeling about it is good. 'The atmosphere is good, we have grown closer together during the exercise period in all respects. 'Of course we are in a tough group, but I do not assume that we have to go home after a few games again.' Safe hands: Swansea goalkeeper Michel Vorm joined the Dutch squad for their journey to Brazil . Key man: Holland fans will be hoping Robin van Persie (centre) can recover from a slight groin strain . Wish us luck: Dutch boss Louis van Gaal waves to fans as he prepares to board the flight to Brazil . Here we go: Arjen Robben (centre) arrives at Schiphol airport near Amsterdam . Summarize this article. Holland squad say their goodbyes to loved ones before boarding plane to Brazil for World Cup . Wesley Sneijder and Dirk Kuyt pose for photographs with their families . Dutch coach Louis van Gaal seemed relaxed as he made his way through the Schipol airport .
Three men have died as police warn of a batch of ecstasy described as red, triangular pills with a Superman logo printed on them (pictured) Three men have died and another was fighting for his life last night after taking drugs from a suspected rogue batch of ecstasy embossed with the Superman logo. Two New Year revellers lost their lives within hours of each other yesterday after swallowing the angular red pills stamped with the superhero’s ‘S’ symbol. Another man who is believed to have taken the same type of pill collapsed and died on Christmas Eve. A fourth man was last night in hospital in a critical condition. After the incidents – which all occurred in or near Ipswich – detectives appealed for clubbers who still had any of the tablets to hand them in. Police also asked for help to identify the dealer selling the drug.Chief Inspector Steve Denham said: ‘Taking drugs is linked to a great deal of harm and risk and it is not uncommon for people to suffer injury and even death from taking them. ‘But it’s pretty unusual to have so many tragic incidents in such a short space of time.’ Emergency services were called to a semi-detached house in Rendlesham, Suffolk, at 7.10am yesterday. Paramedics treated a seriously ill man but he died at the two-bedroom property on a new-build estate. Neighbours said a young couple in their 20s moved into the rented house around three months ago. A man was pronounced dead at a home in Chestnut Close in Rendlesham. The home involved was on the left hand side of the semi-detached property . Police believe the men, who were all in their twenties, may have been involved with the drug after emergency services were called to three addresses across Ipswich in the space of one week . A man was pronounced dead at Provan Court, Ipswich (pictured) shortly after 7am yesterday morning . A resident, who asked not to be named, described seeing an ambulance and a police car outside the property. ‘They were coming and going in and out of the house,’ he said. ‘It is all very sad. Normally this close is very quiet. There are a lot of semi-retired people here.’ In a second 999 call yesterday at 9.40am, emergency staff were told that a man was ill in a ground-floor flat in Ipswich on another new-build estate. He died at the two-bedroom property despite the efforts of paramedics. An air ambulance flew to the scene and a second man was taken to hospital, where he remained last night. Neighbours said an Eastern European man believed to be the boyfriend of the woman living there had moved in about six months ago. Ecstasy is considered pure when made with a strong concentration of the chemical MDMA. PMA, or PMMA, has a similar effect, but is much more poisonous. The effects of PMA, which include heightened intensity of emotions and alertness, take longer to set in than those of MDMA. As such drug-takers are more likely to double their dosage under the mistaken impression the substance is having no effect on them. According to Frank, a drug counselling organisation, a quarter of a tablet containing PMA is enough to kill. It can cause body temperatures to soar to fatal levels, bring on muscle spasms and sees blood pressure increase. No one was at the flat last night. A neighbour said: ‘I looked out of my window at about 10am and saw two ambulances and a paramedic car along with a police car. ‘The air ambulance landed behind the flats. The young lady who lives in the flat came out in a distraught state. ‘She sat in a police car with an officer and then some friends came to pick her up. It is just such an awful tragedy.’ The man who died on Christmas Eve was also from Ipswich. Emergency services were called to his address at around 5.30pm. A spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service said the two men who died yesterday both suffered cardiac arrests. Similar shaped pills have been sold in the Netherlands where the authorities said they had a ‘very high dose of the dangerous substance PMA’. The effects are delayed, leading many users to assume the pills are weak and take more. Life-threatening symptoms can occur hours later, including increased heart rate and very high body temperature. The charity DrugScope warned there had been an increase in ecstasy-related deaths in the past five years. A spokesman said: ‘You can’t tell the dosage or content of a pill just by looking at it.’ In 2013 a batch of ecstasy pills with a Rolex symbol emblazoned on them circulated around Scotland. They were found to contain a lethal dosage of PMA, with several club-goers dying after taking the drug . Summarize this article. Two men died at separate addresses in Ipswich yesterday morning . Another in his twenties remains in hospital in a critical condition . Deaths may be linked to another on Christmas Eve, Suffolk Police said . Red, triangular pills with Superman 'S' logo have been circulating . Officers appealing for information as to who may be supplying substance . Police are urging anyone with information to contact them on 101, or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 .
Touch My Body: Touch My Body is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey , taken from her eleventh studio album , which was released in 2005 . Claim: Touch My Body was released before 2006 . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Fermat’s principle of ray optics states, “A ray of light follows the path between two points which requires the least time.” This principle can be used to derive which of the following? I. Snell’s law of refraction II. The law of reflection III. Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and II Answer: D. I and II
Passage: Two men, one an African server and the other a Black server, were both house hunting with their families. Question: Which family can buy a home without government assistance? A. The Black server's family B. Not enough information C. The African server's family Answer: B. Not enough information
Question: When Patrick, Manu, and Amy participate in a race they realize that Patrick finishes the race in 60 seconds. Manu took 12 more seconds to finish the race. If Amy is twice as fast as Manu, how long did it take her to finish the race? Answer: The time it took Manu to complete the race is 60 + 12 = <<60+12=72>>72 seconds If Amy is twice as fast as Manu, then she takes half the time Manu did to finish the race, so Amy took 1/2 * 72 = 36 seconds. The answer is 36.
Question: Vins rides his bike 6 miles to school. He rides home a different route that is 7 miles long. This week, Vins rode to school and back 5 times. How many miles did Vins ride his bike this week? Answer: He rides his bike 6 + 7 = <<6+7=13>>13 miles to school and back every day. Therefore, Vins rode his bike 13 x 5 = <<13*5=65>>65 miles to school and back this week. The answer is 65.
Question: Kobe and Pau went to a restaurant. Kobe ordered five pieces of fried chicken, and Pau ordered twice as much fried chicken as Kobe did. If they order another set of fried chicken, how many pieces of fried chicken will Pau have eaten in all? Answer: Pau ordered 5 x 2 = <<5*2=10>>10 fried chickens in total. Therefore, Pau ate 10 x 2 = <<10*2=20>>20 pieces of fried chicken. The answer is 20.
Question: How would you build a winning basketball team? Answer: Basketball is a team sport that requires both skill and the players on the team to complement one another. A winning team requires each player to complement the others on the team through specialization by having smaller players to handle that ball that can also make shots further away from the basket, as well as taller players who can rebound and defend the basket from the opposing team trying to get easier shots. The team must also learn how to communicate, build trust, and play together unselfishly. Putting too many players who are alphas and are good at the same things is much worse than having a team with less talent who plays as a unit and complement each other.
Gerard Pique says Barcelona duo Lionel Messi and Neymar 'are as good as ever'. Messi assisted both goals as Neymar scored twice in Barcelona's 2-0 win over Athletic Bilbao on Saturday. And Pique has praised the connection between his two two superstar team-mates ahead of the club's Champions League clash with Apoel Nicosia on Wednesday. Gerard Pique (right) has been full of praise for his team-mates Lionel Messi (centre) and Neymar (left) Neymar, pictured training on Tuesday, scored twice in Barcelona's 2-0 win over Athletic Bilbao on Saturday . Lionel Messi was all smiles as Barcelona trained on Tuesday as they prepared to face Apoel Nicosia . He said: 'Messi and Neymar are as good as ever. This season, they both have a lot of quality and when they connect it's amazing,' the Spain defender said at a press conference. 'They are two of the best in the world and they play together.' Pique, however, said Barcelona could not be expected to win the Champions League every season. The club last lifted the trophy in 2011 and last season crashed out in the quarter-final stage after losing to Atletico Madrid. 'If we had to win the Champions League every couple of seasons, that would be a very tough task,' the defender said. 'We have a very good generation which we have to make the most of. We have won lots of titles and we expect to win a lot more but that doesn't mean we think we can win the Champions League all the time.' Barcelona manager Luis Enrique looked relaxed as he casually watched his players train . Luis Suarez trained with his Barcelona team-mates but is still banned from playing competitive football . Gerard Pique (centre) seemed in high spirits as he warmed-up with his Barcelona team-mates . Barcelona right back Dani Alves showed off his fancy footwork during training on Tuesday . Lionel Messi (right) and Neymar have been in fine form for Barcelona this season . In La Liga, Barcelona are flying - with three wins in as many games - and have already opened up a six-point game over rivals Real Madrid. But Pique is urging caution and says Real must not be written off yet. He added: 'We have started with nine points in the league but that doesn't mean the league will be easy or a done deal. 'It'll be a tough competition until the very end so I don't think Madrid will be far behind us.' Summarize this article. Barcelona are preparing to face Apoel Nicosia in the Champions League . Pique says superstar pair are 'two of the best players in the world' Pique says Barca can't be expected to be European champions every year . Barcelona last won the Champions League in 2011 .
Question: Which of the following techniques uses piezoelectric crystals? A. Ultrasonography B. NMR imaging C. X-ray diffraction D. Xeroradiography Answer: A. Ultrasonography
FanMail: As of 2000 , the album has been certified 10� Platinum ( Diamond ) by the RIAA , and has sold over 22 million copies worldwide . Claim: FanMail was certified more than 8 times Platinum and sold more than 15 million copies . A. True B. False C. Neither Answer: A. True
Question: List some of the characters on The X-Files who were infected by, but did not die from, exposure to the alien black oil virus. Answer: Alex Krycek, Dana Scully, Fox Mulder, Marita Covarrubias, Dmitri, Bernard Gauthier, Joan Gauthier
Question: Anna's mom gave her $10.00 to buy anything she wanted from the candy store. Anna bought 3 packs of chewing gum for $1.00 each, 5 chocolate bars at $1 each and 2 large candy canes for $0.50 each. How much money did Anna have left? Answer: Anna bought 3 packs of chewing gum that were $1 each for a total of 3*1=$<<3*1=3>>3 Anna bought 5 chocolate bars that were $1 each for a total of 5*1=$<<5*1=5>>5 Anna bought 2 large candy canes that were $.50 each for a total of 2*.50 =$<<2*.50=1>>1 The total amount spent was $3+$5+$1 = $<<3+5+1=9.00>>9.00 Anna had $10 to start and spent $9.00 so she had $10-$9.00 = $<<10-9=1.00>>1.00 left The answer is 1.
Question: With the rise of plastics in the environment are legos still a good toy for kids? Answer: Legos are popular among kids. They simulate the mind and make them focus on the details. They help exercise fine motor skills and enhance the child's ability to think creatively. Legos also help facilitate group activities through collaborative thinking. They are very adaptable and available for all ages and skill levels. Said that legos do come with their fair set of challenges. To begin with the material is made of plastic which is not environment friendly. They are also very expensive and there is a lack of buy back or exchange programs. This makes legos inaccessible for several kids and increases the amount of plastic waste. In conclusion while legos are a good play medium we need to continue making them more accessible while reducing the amount of environment waste resulting from their production.
Passage: The tale begins with Tommy Brock, a badger, being entertained by old Mr. Bouncer, the father of Benjamin Bunny. Mr. Bouncer has been left to tend his grandchildren while his son and daughter-in-law Flopsy are away, but, after smoking a pipe of rabbit-tobacco, he falls asleep in Tommy's company. Tommy puts the bunnies in his sack and slips out. When the parents return, Benjamin sets off in pursuit of the thief. Benjamin finds and brings his cousin Peter Rabbit into the rescue venture, and the two discover Tommy has invaded one of Mr. Tod's homes. Mr. Tod, a fox, has multiple homes but keeps moving. Often Tommy lodges in his homes. Peeping through the bedroom window, the rabbits see Tommy asleep in Mr. Tod's bed, and, peeping through the kitchen window, they see the table set for a meal. They realise the bunnies are alive, but shut in the oven. They try to dig a tunnel into the house but hide when Mr. Tod suddenly arrives in a very bad temper, which has caused him to move house. The fox discovers the badger asleep in his bed, and originally plans to hit him, but decides against this due to the Badger's teeth. He decides to play a trick upon him involving a pail of water balanced on the overhead tester of the bed. Brock however is awake, escapes the trick, and makes tea for himself in the kitchen. Mr. Tod thinks the bucket has killed Tommy and decides to bury him in the tunnel the rabbits have dug, thinking Tommy dug it. When Mr. Tod discovers Tommy in the Kitchen and has tea thrown over him, a violent fight erupts that continues outdoors. The two roll away down the hill still fighting. Benjamin and Peter quickly gather the bunnies, and return home in triumph. Question: Who is Benjamin's cousin? Answer: Peter Rabit.
Passage: In Los Angeles, career-focused lawyer Fletcher Reede (Carrey) loves his son Max (Cooper), but his inability to keep his promises and the compulsive lying he engages in for his career often cause problems between them and with his former wife Audrey (Tierney), who has become involved with another man named Jerry (Elwes). In court, Fletcher is willing to exaggerate the stories of his clients, and his current client, the self-centered, money-grabbing Samantha Cole (Tilly) has garnered the attention of Mr. Allen, a partner at the law firm in which Fletcher works. If Fletcher wins this case, it will bring his firm a fortune and boost his career. Fletcher calls and lies to Audrey about missing Max's birthday due to work, when he is actually having sex with his boss, Miranda, in order to get a promotion. Dejected, Max makes a birthday wish that for one day his father cannot tell a lie. The wish immediately comes true, and Fletcher accidentally tells Miranda he has "had better" after they have sex. The following day, Fletcher immediately realizes that he is unable to do anything dishonest. He cannot lie, mislead, or even deceive by withholding a true answer, often uncontrollably blurting out offensive and painful truths that anger his co-workers, and his car ends up in an impound for several parking violations. This comes to a head when he realizes that he is unable to even ask questions when he knows the answer will be a lie, which is inconvenient as Samantha and her alleged affair partner Kenneth Faulk are willing to commit perjury to win the high profile case and he cannot ask him the questions they have been given answers for. Realizing that Max had wished for this to happen, Fletcher tries to convince him that adults need to lie, but cannot give any type of answer at why he should continue to lie to his son. Fletcher also figures out that since Max wished for him to tell the truth for only one day, he tries to do what he can to delay Samantha's case since the magic wish will expire at 8:15 p.m., 24 hours after Max made the wish. Things only get worse for Fletcher as he loses his loyal assistant Greta after admitting he had lied about the miserly reasons for denying her pay raises and the "expensive" gifts he gave her, and Audrey tells Fletcher that she and Max are moving to Boston with Jerry in order to prevent any more heartbreaks from Fletcher's broken promises. Fletcher's erratic behavior in court leads to several questions of his sanity as he objects to himself and badgers and provokes his own witnesses into admitting they had an affair against Samantha and her husband's prenuptial agreement. He even goes so far as to beat himself up and claim that someone attacked him in order to try and avoid the case, but when asked if he feels like he can continue, he can't deny it and he says yes. During the case, Fletcher finds a technicality that Samantha lied that she was underage when she signed the prenup prior to her marriage, rendering it void and entitling her to half of Mr. Cole's estate, allowing him to win the case truthfully. But when Samantha decides to contest full custody of their children, who Mr. Cole dearly loves, just because she wants more money from the child support payments, Fletcher regrets mentioning the technicality after seeing Mrs. Cole pull the children out of their father's arms, and shriek her demands for more money. Realizing now that winning the case has punished the loving husband and rewarded the cheating wife, Fletcher has a crisis of conscience and shouts at the Judge demanding that he reverse the decision, but he is arrested for contempt of court. He calls Audrey from the prison's phone and pleads with her to bail him out and give him another chance, but she hangs up on him. Greta returns and bails Fletcher from jail, who forgives him and realizes that telling the truth has made him a better man and he rushes to the airport to stop Audrey and Max from leaving forever. He misses their flight, but he sneaks onto the tarmac by hiding in a piece of luggage, steals a motorized staircase, and manages to gain the pilot's attention by throwing his shoe at the cockpit window, forcing him to abort the flight. However, Fletcher's victory is cut short when he crashes into a barrier and is sent flying into a baggage tug, which causes a chain reaction that leaves Fletcher unconscious and with both of his legs broken. After waking up, he tells Max how much he cares about him and how sorry he was for breaking his promises. Despite no longer being under the wish's influence, Fletcher means what he says and adds that Max is his priority, and Max convinces Audrey to stay in Los Angeles. One year later, Fletcher is healed and is running his own law firm with Greta as his continued assistant. Max makes a wish with his birthday cake and the lights come on to reveal Fletcher and Audrey kissing, but explains he wished for rollerblades instead of them reconciling. Fletcher clutches his hands into "The Claw" -a game he likes to play with Max by chasing him - and chases him and Audrey around the house with it. Question: What is Fletcher most concerned about? Answer: His career.