<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Plexins are a family of transmembrane proteins that were shown to act as receptors for Semaphorins either alone or in a complex together with Neuropilins. Based on structural criteria Plexins were subdivided into 4 classes, A through D. PlexinAs are mainly thought to act as mediators of repulsive signals in cell migration and axon guidance. Their functional role in vertebrates has been studied almost exclusively in the context of Semaphorin signaling, i.e. as co-receptors for class 3 Semaphorins. Much less is known about Plexins of the other three classes. Despite the fact that Plexins are involved in the formation of neuronal circuits, the temporal changes of their expression patterns during development of the nervous system have not been analyzed in detail. Only seven plexins are found in the chicken genome in contrast to mammals, where nine plexins have been identified. Here, we describe the dynamic expression patterns of all known plexin family members in comparison to the neuropilins in the developing chicken spinal cord. Question: Are expression patterns of plexins and neuropilins consistent with cooperative and separate functions during neural development? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our in situ hybridization study revealed that the expression patterns of plexins and neuropilins are only partially overlapping, especially during early and intermediate stages of spinal cord development, supporting both cooperative and separate functions of plexins and neuropilins in neural circuit formation.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We aimed to study circulating pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) in vivo in association with insulin resistance and in vitro in human adipocytes. Circulating PEDF (ELISA) and metabolic profile were assessed in 125 Caucasian men. PEDF levels were also assessed in an independent cohort of subjects (n = 33) to study the effects of changing insulin action. PEDF gene expression and secretion were measured during differentiation of human preadipocytes. In all subjects, PEDF was positively associated with body mass index (r = 0.326; P < 0.0001), waist-to-hip ratio (r = 0.380; P < 0.0001), HbA(1c), and fasting triglycerides and negatively with insulin sensitivity (r = -0.320; P < 0.0001). PEDF levels were significantly increased in subjects with altered glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes. Of the inflammatory markers measured, PEDF levels were positively associated with serum soluble TNF-α receptor 1 and IL-10 in obese subjects. Interestingly, weight loss led to significantly decreased PEDF concentration from 34.8 ± 19.3 to 22.5 ± 14.2 μg/ml (P < 0.0001). Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that insulin sensitivity contributed independently to explain 14% of the variance in PEDF levels after controlling for the effects of body mass index, age, and log fasting triglycerides. Differences in PEDF observed after weight loss were related to changes in obesity, insulin resistance, and blood pressure measures. PEDF gene expression and secretion increased during differentiation of human preadipocytes. Question: Are circulating pigment epithelium-derived factor levels associated with insulin resistance and decrease after weight loss? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Circulating PEDF is associated with insulin sensitivity. The findings show, for the first time in humans, that PEDF concentrations decrease significantly after weight loss in association with blood pressure. PEDF seems to be involved in human adipocyte biology.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Tetrahydrobiopterin is an essential cofactor of nitric oxide synthase, and its deficiency decreases nitric oxide bioactivity. Our aim was to find whether supplementation of tetrahydrobiopterin could improve endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients. Forearm blood flow responses to the endothelium-dependent vasodilator acetylcholine (0.75-3.0 microg x 100 ml(-1) x min(-1)) and to the endothelium-independent vasodilator sodium nitroprusside (0.1-1.0 microg x 100 ml(-1) x min(-1)) before and during concomitant intra-arterial infusion of tetrahydrobiopterin (500 microg/min) were measured by venous occlusion plethysmography in 12 control subjects and 23 patients with Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. In control subjects, tetrahydrobiopterin had no effect on the dose-response curves to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside. In contrast, in diabetic patients, the attenuated endothelium-dependent vasodilation to acetylcholine was considerably improved by concomitant treatment with tetrahydrobiopterin, whereas the endothelium-independent vasodilation was not affected. This beneficial effect of tetrahydrobiopterin in diabetic patients could be completely blocked by N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine. Question: Does tetrahydrobiopterin improve endothelium-dependent vasodilation by increasing nitric oxide activity in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These findings suggest the possibility that endothelial dysfunction in Type II diabetes might be related to decreased availability of tetrahydrobiopterin.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Cortical microtubules form a dynamic network and continuously undergo shrinking (catastrophe), pausing and rebuilding (rescue). The advantage of such a dynamic system is that it may mediate appropriate responses in a short time span. Microtubules are known to play a pivotal role in determining the orientation of the cellulose microfibril deposition in the plant cell wall. The latter is a solid exoskeleton surrounding the protoplast. It forms the physical framework that interconnects most cells and has to bear the tensile stresses within the tissue. Here we describe the effect of externally applied pressure on microtubule organization in growing Arabidopsis leaves. Confocal microscopy examination of transgenic plants bearing GFP-tagged TUA6 proteins led to the observation that application of an additional mechanical pressure on growing Arabidopsis leaves triggers an excessive bundling of microtubules within the individual cell. Besides, the microtubules seem to align in neighboring cells, creating a 'continuous' supracellular pattern. This effect occurs within 3 hours after applied external force and is age-dependent, whereby only cells of leaves up to 19 days after sowing (DAS) are susceptible to the applied pressure. Question: Does mechanical stress in Arabidopsis leave orients microtubules in a 'continuous ' supracellular pattern? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Upon externally applied pressure on developing Arabidopsis leaves, microtubules bundle and rearrange to form seemingly continuous supracellular patterns. As microtubules guide the cellulose synthase complexes, this observed reorganisation pattern probably affects the cellulose deposition, contributing to the reinforcement of the cell wall in a particular position to cope with the extra-applied pressure. The age-effect is reasonable, since younger cells, which are actively shaping their cell walls, are more vulnerable to altered mechanical stresses while in leaves older than 19 DAS, the walls are more robust and therefore can sustain the applied forces.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Very few studies on long term evaluation of functional outcome following hypospadias reconstruction are available. Results from the modified Bretteville method have shown excellent cosmesis with a low risk of fistula and stenosis. This study addresses the question; do flow rates, quality of urinary stream and cosmesis change over time? A sample of 18 patients who had undergone the 2 stage modified Bretteville technique between 1998 and 2004 were reviewed. Following a mean interval of 10 years and 5 months from initial functional assessment, repeat evaluation was performed using the "HOSE" questionnaire, flowmetry, and spray analysis. Improvement in mean flow rate (15.3 vs 10.1 ml/s; p value = 0.0036), reduced spraying (3.2 g vs 4.4 g; p value = 0.2927), with a mean increase in the "HOSE" score (from 13.8 (maximum score 16) to 15.4 (maximum score 16); p value = 0.0440) was observed over the follow up time. Question: Assessment of long term function following hypospadias reconstruction: do flow rates, flow quality and cosmesis improve with time? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Improvement in flow rates, flow quality, and cosmesis over a mean interval of 10 years 5 months has been demonstrated in a random cohort of patients undergoing the modified Bretteville method of hypospadias reconstruction.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage and necrosectomy have become the standard treatment for patients with pancreatic walled-off necrosis (WON). Lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) have shown success in the management of pancreatic fluid collections. However, there are few data on their specific roles in management of WON. We investigated the efficacy and safety of LAMS in treatment of WON. We performed a retrospective multicenter case series of 124 patients with WON who underwent endoscopic transmural drainage by using LAMS at 17 tertiary care centers from January 2014 through May 2015. Patients underwent endoscopic ultrasound-guided cystogastrostomy or cystoenterostomy with placement of an LAMS into the WON collection. At the discretion of the endoscopist, we performed direct endoscopic necrosectomy, irrigation with hydrogen peroxide, and/or nasocystic drain placement. We performed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with pancreatic duct stent placement when indicated. Concomitant therapies included direct endoscopic debridement (n = 78), pancreatic duct stent placement for leak (n = 19), hydrogen peroxide-assisted necrosectomy (n = 38), and nasocystic irrigation (n = 22). We collected data for a median time of 4 months (range, 1-34 months) after the LAMS placement. The primary outcomes were rates of technical success (successful placement of the LAMS), clinical success (resolution of WON, on the basis of image analysis, without need for further intervention via surgery or interventional radiology), and adverse events. The median size of the WON was 9.5 cm (range, 4-30 cm). Eight patients had 2 LAMS placed for multiport access, all with technical success (100%). Clinical success was achieved in 107 patients (86.3%) after 3 months of follow-up. Thirteen patients required a percutaneous drain, and 3 required a surgical intervention to manage their WON. The stents remained patent in 94% of patients (117 of 124) and migrated in 5.6% of patients (7 of 124). The median number of endoscopic interventions was 2 (range, 1-9 interventions). Question: Does endoscopic Therapy With Lumen-apposing Metal Stents be Safe and Effective for Patients With Pancreatic Walled-off Necrosis? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> On the basis of a retrospective analysis of 124 patients, endoscopic therapy of WON by using LAMS is safe and effective. Creation of a large and sustained cystogastrostomy or cystoenterostomy tract is effective in the drainage and treatment of WON.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The role of sexual activity in hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission remains controversial. Studies to date have not explored the relationship between HCV shedding in cervicovaginal fluids and the presence of menstrual or other blood. Since cross-sectional studies may underestimate the prevalence of viral shedding, we performed a 56-day longitudinal study of cervical HCV shedding. Women self-collected cervicovaginal swabs for 56 consecutive days, while keeping a diary of menses and genital symptoms. Swabs were tested for HCV RNA and cellular DNA by quantitative PCR, and hemoglobin by spectrophotometry. Sixteen women contributed a total of 701 cervicovaginal swabs (mean collection period 48 days, range 18-56). Detection of HCV RNA was associated with detection of hemoglobin. Premenopausal women were more likely than post-menopausal women to have HCV RNA detected in cervicovaginal fluids. For premenopausal women, detection of HCV RNA was more likely during menstruation (OR=56.4) or when hemoglobin was detected in cervicovaginal fluids, even if menstruation was not occurring (OR=35.4). No woman post-hysterectomy had HCV RNA detected in cervicovaginal fluids on any day, regardless of whether hemoglobin was detected. Question: Is cervicovaginal shedding of hepatitis C viral RNA associated with the presence of menstrual or other blood in cervicovaginal fluids? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our findings are consistent with a low likelihood of sexual transmission of HCV. The results suggest that shedding of HCV RNA in the female genital tract is associated with the presence of blood, and requires the presence of a cervix. Clinicians should consider advising premenopausal women who are concerned about transmitting infection that infectivity may increase during menstruation.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Improved myocardial blush grade is associated with better MACE outcomes in acute myocardial infarction patients but there are no data on myocardial blush grade (MBG) assessment in unstable angina (UA) patients treated with coronary intervention. We sought to evaluate the use of angiographic MBG assessment in a cohort of UA patients treated with angioplasty. Three hundred and seventy-two consecutive UA patients (mean age 68+/-1 years) treated with PCI were included. No patients had a pre-procedural troponin I (TnI) elevation. Final MBG was recorded for the territory subserving the PCI treated culprit lesion in each patient and graded 0 (no blush), 1 (minimal blush), 2 (moderate blush) and 3 (normal blush). TnI (normal range <0.1 microg/L) was measured 24h post-procedure. Patients who did not have a TnI elevation (i.e. <0.1 microg/L) were ascribed a value of 0.1 microg/L. Patients were followed up (mean 962+/-83 days) by postal questionnaire. Baseline risk factors were comparable between final MBG groups. There was no significant difference in mortality rate between groups. Post-procedural troponin I elevations were 0.34+/-0.12, 0.68+/-0.26, 0.14+/-0.01 and 0.11+/-0.01 for MBG groups 0, 1, 2 and 3 (p<0.001). Patients with minimal MBG underwent proportionately more target vessel revascularisation (p<0.05). Question: Do final myocardial blush grade predicts troponin I elevation in unstable angina patients undergoing percutaneous intervention? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Improved blush grade in UA patients undergoing PCI is associated with lower post-procedural TnI elevation. Identification of UA patients with poor final MBG may allow a window of opportunity for the administration of adjuvant therapies to improve microvascular perfusion in the future.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To evaluate the association of the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) when piperacillin-tazobactam is used in combination with vancomycin compared with vancomycin with or without a β-lactam. Meta-analysis of 15 observational cohort studies. A total of 3258 adult inpatients who received vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam versus vancomycin alone (10 studies); vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam versus vancomycin + β-lactam (four studies); or vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam versus vancomycin alone or vancomycin + other antibiotics (one study). The PubMed, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Cochrane databases, as well as meeting proceedings, were searched (1966-June 1, 2016). Quality of studies was assessed by using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOQAS). The primary outcome of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the association of development of AKI with the combined use of piperacillin-tazobactam and vancomycin. A subgroup analysis was also performed that examined the outcome by comparison groups (vancomycin alone or vancomycin + β-lactam). Sensitivity analysis was performed to explore if the results differed based on removal of abstracts and removal of low-quality studies (NOQAS scores of 6 or lower). All analyses were performed using the random effects model. NOQAS scores for the 15 studies ranged from 3-7 points (of a total of 9). Overall, there was an association with the development of AKI with vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam compared with vancomycin ± β-lactam (odds ratio [OR] 3.649, 95% confidence interval [CI]2.157-6.174; I2= 83.5%, p<0.001). The association remained significant when abstracts were removed (OR 3.498, 95% CI 1.747-7.003, I2= 82.3%, p<0.001) and when low-quality studies were removed (OR 4.596, 95% CI 2.929-7.212, I2= 0%, p<0.001). The association for the development of AKI with vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam compared with vancomycin alone was significant (OR 3.980, 95% CI 2.749-5.763, I2= 31.4%, p<0.001), although the association did not remain significant for the vancomycin + β-lactam subgroup (OR 3.029, 95% CI 0.942-9.738, I2= 82.3%, p=0.063). Question: Is the Combination of Piperacillin-Tazobactam and Vancomycin Associated with Development of Acute Kidney Injury? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Vancomycin + piperacillin-tazobactam was associated with an increased risk of AKI compared with vancomycin ± β-lactam. Practitioners need to be vigilant about this association when prescribing this combination of antibiotics.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Although race is a determinant of bone density in women, it is not known whether it is also a determinant of skin thickness. We attempted to determine whether skin thickness, like bone density, is greater in black than white women. A cross-sectional study of skin thickness in 86 white and 40 black women, ages 20 through 69 years, was performed in the dermatology and medicine clinics at a university hospital and a local nursing care facility. Subjects included patients and their accompanying friends, family, staff, and nursing care facility residents: 86 white and 40 black women. Non-sun-exposed flexural forearm skin thickness was measured with the Harpenden caliper. There was no statistically significant difference in skin thickness in white (1.41 +/- 0.01 mm) compared with black (1.39 +/- 0.02 mm) women (P =.3). Controlling for potential confounders, including age, body mass index, age at menarche, age at menopause, oral contraceptive pill therapy, postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, ingestion of caffeine and alcohol, cigarette smoking, and present and past exercise still revealed no significant relationship between race and skin thickness. Question: Is caliper-measured skin thickness similar in white and black women? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Unlike bone density, there is no significant difference in non-sun-exposed skin thickness between white and black women.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To determine if repeating a smear improves detection of high-grade pre-invasive or invasive disease of the cervix compared with women who do not have a repeat smear at the time of the initial colposcopic assessment for referral of an abnormal smear. Retrospective cohort study. All Wales Colposcopy database. The cohort included women referred for colposcopy with an abnormal smear result, who were seen between 1st January 2002 and 31st December 2002. The management of the group of women who had a repeat smear was compared with the group who did not have a repeat smear test at their first visit. Confidence interval analysis was used to compare results between the two groups. The positive predictive value and sensitivity of the repeat smear to predict outcome, compared to the referral smear in cases where a smear was not repeated at the colposcopy clinic. 3505 cases (54.0%) did not have a repeat smear at initial colposcopy, whereas 2990 (46%) did. There was a significantly higher rate of referral for low-grade dyskaryosis in the group who had repeat smear testing. The median time interval from the referral smear to the first colposcopy was 49 days for both groups. The specificity and positive predictive value for high-grade lesions were significantly higher in the repeat smear results. The sensitivity was significantly lower, and a high-grade lesion would have been missed with the repeat smear in 14.0% of all referrals. Question: Does repeating cytology at initial colposcopy improve detection of high-grade abnormalities : a retrospective cohort study of 6595 women? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Colposcopists appeared more inclined to repeat smears for low-grade referrals. The time interval from the referral smear to colposcopy did not appear to influence this decision. A repeat smear test at the first colposcopy visit will detect less high-grade pre-invasive or invasive disease than the initial referral smear.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To compare radiology practices that use external, internal, and no off-hours services. From August 2005 to June 2006, 300 nonspecialty hospitals randomly selected from the AHA Guide 2005 Edition were contacted by telephone, e-mail, and mail, with attempts made to speak to the chiefs of radiology. A total of 115 responses were obtained (a 38.3% response rate), with 64 from radiology practices that used external off-hours services, 13 from practices with internal services, and 38 from practices with no services. The demographics of the practices in the 3 categories were compared, and answers to category-specific survey questions were tabulated. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Radiology practices using internal off-hours services were significantly larger (mean size, 19.9 full-time radiologists) than those using external off-hours services (mean size, 8.2 full-time radiologists) and those not using any off-hours service (mean size, 10.7 full-time radiologists). A sufficient number of radiologists or residents covering nights had the highest reported importance in the decision not to adopt an external service. Cost and quality concerns were also cited. The consistency of interpreting radiologists known to a practice had the highest importance in the decision to use an internal rather than an external off-hours service. Frequent reasons cited for radiologists to take regular internal off-hours employment were financial incentives provided and a preference for off-hours shifts. Question: Do the reasons that many radiology practices do n't use off-hours services? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> As long as there are sufficient numbers of radiologists and residents to handle the volume of interpretations, many practices will not use external off-hours services. Such services could help increase their adoption by offering lower cost and proven quality.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Aging results in progressive changes in deglutitive functions, which may be due in part to alterations in muscle morphology and physiology. Mastication is a critical component of bolus formation and swallowing, but aging effects on masticatory function have not been well studied. The purpose of this study was to 1) quantify the effects of aging on mastication, and 2) determine the effects of tongue exercise on mastication in young adult and old rats. We hypothesized that there would be significant differences in mastication characteristics (number of bites, interval between bites, time to eat) as a function of age, and that tongue exercise would resolve preexercise differences between age groups. We expanded the established model of progressive, 8-week tongue exercise to include a mastication measurement: acoustic recordings of vermicelli pasta biting from 17 old and 17 young adult rats, randomized into exercise and control groups. We found the following: 1) Mastication characteristics were impacted by age. Specifically in older rats, there was an increase in time to eat and number of bites and intervals between bites decreased, suggesting increased oral motor-processing requirements for bolus formation. 2) tongue exercise did not impact mastication behaviors in young adult or old rats. Question: Are age-related changes in mastication improved by tongue exercise in a rat model? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Tongue exercise may not have been specific enough to result in behavioral changes in mastication or exercise dose may not have been sufficient. Nevertheless, results were noteworthy in expanding the established rat model of aging and have relevant clinical implications for future translation to human populations.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Health plans commonly face the conflicting demands of trying to provide access to novel technologies, including new classes of medications, while trying to contain costs. These demands are particularly acute for California's Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal, which is responsible for delivery of medical care to an unusually large population of mentally ill individuals in the context of a culturally diverse environment. To meet the challenge, Medi-Cal has instituted a formal process for technology assessment of new and existing pharmaceutical products known as the Therapeutic Class Review (TCR). The purpose of this paper is to describe the information produced for Medi-Cal in the TCR process for antidepressant medications and the individual petition review of antipsychotic medications, and to synthesize our experience in a series of policy recommendations designed to improve the quality of coverage decisions. A collaborative process between Medi-Cal and Lilly resulted in a substantive body of new evidence regarding the needs of Medi-Cal recipients, the quality of current treatment, and prospects regarding the cost-effectiveness of introducing newer treatments. Question: Does information need for medication coverage decisions in a state Medicaid program? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Medi-Cal has a formal process for evaluating new medicines. This process allows researchers to understand the needs of those who make coverage decisions. We recommend increasing routine epidemiologic surveillance, including service use, and clinical trials that include aspects of usual medical care early in the drug development process.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Despite evidence of disproportionate underutilization of mental health services by older adults and by individuals with anxiety disorders, little is known specifically about service use by older adults with anxiety. This study examines the prevalence of mental health service use among older adults with anxiety disorders and clinically significant anxiety symptoms, as well as factors associated with service use. The authors used data from the Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health and Well-Being, a nationally representative survey of community-dwelling Canadians. This study examined past-year use of mental health services in both the specialty mental health and general medical sectors by adults aged 55+ (N = 12,792). Logistic regression analyses examined predictors of service use among those with anxiety disorders (N = 279) and clinically significant anxiety symptoms (N = 880). Only 20.8% of older adults with an anxiety disorder and no mood disorder used services in the past year, compared to 43.1% of those with a mood disorder and 72.7% of those with comorbid disorders. In the final logistic regression models, only need variables were significant predictors of service use among older adults with anxiety disorders and among those with significant anxiety symptoms. Question: Do mental health service use among Canadian older adults with anxiety disorders and clinically significant anxiety symptoms? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Findings indicate that anxious older adults are less likely to use mental health services than those who are depressed. While predisposing and enabling factors do not appear to impede service use, the need for help does. Anxious older adults and those they interact with may not be interpreting their anxiety symptoms as warranting services.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To examine the CSF concentrations of molecules reflecting demyelination, neuronal and axonal degeneration, gliosis, monoaminergic neuronal function, and aminergic and peptidergic neurotransmission in a large series of patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) or subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy (SAE), to elucidate pathogenic, diagnostic, and prognostic features. CSF concentrations of glycosphingolipid (sulfatide), proteins (neurofilament triplet protein (NFL), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)), neuropeptides (vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), 4-aminobutyric acid (GABA)), and monoamines (homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol (HMPG)) were analysed in 43 patients with NPH and 19 patients with SAE. The diagnoses of NPH and SAE were based on strict criteria and patients with NPH were subsequently operated on. Twelve clinical variables, psychometric tests measuring perceptual speed, accuracy, learning, and memory and a psychiatric evaluation were performed in all patients and before and after a shunt operation in patients with NPH. The CSF sulfatide concentration was markedly increased in patients with SAE (mean 766, range 300-3800 nmol/l) compared with patients with NPH (mean 206, range 50-400 nmol/l) (p<0.001). 5-HIAA, GABA, and VIP in CSF were higher in patients with SAE than in patients with NPH. The patients with NPH with cerebrovascular aetiology had higher sulfatide concentrations and a poorer outcome after shunt surgery than patients with NPH with other aetiologies. Question: Does cSF sulfatide distinguish between normal pressure hydrocephalus and subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The pathogenesis of the white matter changes in NPH and SAE is different and ischaemic white matter changes can be a part of the NPH state. The markedly increased CSF sulfatide concentrations in patients with SAE indicate ongoing demyelination as an important pathophysiological feature of SAE. The CSF sulfatide concentration distinguished between patients with SAE and those with NPH with a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 94%, making it an important diagnostic marker.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Previously, we demonstrated that a deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive mouse model produces cardiac oxidative stress and diastolic dysfunction with preserved systolic function. Oxidative stress has been shown to increase late inward sodium current (I(Na)), reducing the net cytosolic Ca(2+) efflux. Oxidative stress in the DOCA-salt model may increase late I(Na), resulting in diastolic dysfunction amenable to treatment with ranolazine. Echocardiography detected evidence of diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive mice that improved after treatment with ranolazine (E/E':sham, 31.9 ± 2.8, sham+ranolazine, 30.2 ± 1.9, DOCA-salt, 41.8 ± 2.6, and DOCA-salt+ranolazine, 31.9 ± 2.6; P=0.018). The end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship slope was elevated in DOCA-salt mice, improving to sham levels with treatment (sham, 0.16 ± 0.01 versus sham+ranolazine, 0.18 ± 0.01 versus DOCA-salt, 0.23 ± 0.2 versus DOCA-salt+ranolazine, 0.17 ± 0.0 1 mm Hg/L; P<0.005). DOCA-salt myocytes demonstrated impaired relaxation, τ, improving with ranolazine (DOCA-salt, 0.18 ± 0.02, DOCA-salt+ranolazine, 0.13 ± 0.01, sham, 0.11 ± 0.01, sham+ranolazine, 0.09 ± 0.02 seconds; P=0.0004). Neither late I(Na) nor the Ca(2+) transients were different from sham myocytes. Detergent extracted fiber bundles from DOCA-salt hearts demonstrated increased myofilament response to Ca(2+) with glutathionylation of myosin binding protein C. Treatment with ranolazine ameliorated the Ca(2+) response and cross-bridge kinetics. Question: Does ranolazine improve cardiac diastolic dysfunction through modulation of myofilament calcium sensitivity? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Diastolic dysfunction could be reversed by ranolazine, probably resulting from a direct effect on myofilaments, indicating that cardiac oxidative stress may mediate diastolic dysfunction through altering the contractile apparatus.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Physical therapists often treat children with low motor competence. Earlier studies have demonstrated poor physical fitness outcomes and a reduced level of physical activity for these children compared with their peers with normal motor skills. The aim of this study was to examine how physical fitness developed over time in 2 groups of children: those with a low level of competence in motor skills (low motor competence [LMC]), and those with a high level of competence in motor skills (high motor competence [HMC]). From an initial sample of 67 children, a group of 18 was identified as having HMC or LMC on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children and was selected for the present study. Eight children (3 girls and 5 boys) comprised the LMC group, and 10 children (4 girls and 6 boys) made up the HMC group. A longitudinal design was implemented, and physical fitness in the 2 groups was evaluated by measuring different fitness components over a period of 32 months. A mixed-effects analysis of variance revealed significant main effects for group and for time but no group x time interaction effect. The LMC group performed less well on all physical fitness measures than the HMC group, and both groups scored significantly higher on the physical fitness test after a period of 32 months. The lack of a significant interaction effect indicated that the relative differences in physical fitness outcomes between the groups were relatively constant over time. Question: Is physical fitness in children with high motor competence different from that in children with low motor competence? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> This study was limited by the small sample size and lack of assessment of anthropometric variables and children's perceived self-efficacy.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Component-resolved diagnosis has been shown to improve the diagnosis of food allergy. We sought to evaluate whether component-resolved diagnosis might help to identify patients at risk of objective allergic reactions to hazelnut. A total of 161 hazelnut-sensitized patients were included: 40 children and 15 adults with objective symptoms on double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFCs) and 24 adults with a convincing objective history were compared with 41 children and 41 adults with no or subjective symptoms on DBPCFCs (grouped together). IgE levels to hazelnut extract and single components were analyzed with ImmunoCAP. IgE levels to hazelnut extract were significantly higher in children with objective than with no or subjective symptoms. In 13% of children and 49% of adults with hazelnut allergy with objective symptoms, only sensitization to rCor a 1.04 was observed and not to other water-soluble allergens. Sensitization to rCor a 8 was rare, which is in contrast to rCor a 1. Sensitization to nCor a 9, rCor a 14, or both was strongly associated with hazelnut allergy with objective symptoms. By using adapted cutoff levels, a diagnostic discrimination between severity groups was obtained. IgE levels to either nCor a 9 of 1 kUA/L or greater or rCor a 14 of 5 kUA/L or greater (children) and IgE levels to either nCor a 9 of 1 kUA/L or greater or rCor a 14 of 1 kUA/L or greater (adults) had a specificity of greater than 90% and accounted for 83% of children and 44% of adults with hazelnut allergy with objective symptoms. Question: Is sensitization to Cor a 9 and Cor a 14 highly specific for a hazelnut allergy with objective symptoms in Dutch children and adults? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Sensitization to Cor a 9 and Cor a 14 is highly specific for patients with objective symptoms in DBPCFCs as a marker for a more severe hazelnut allergic phenotype.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: WHAT'S KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT? AND WHAT DOES THE STUDY ADD?: The occurence of lymphoceles in patients after radical prostatectomy is well known (2-10%). It appears that patients undergoing open extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy develop more lymphoceles than patients undergoing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy with transperitoneal access. The present study investigates in a prospective randomized manner whether the time of drainage (1 vs 7 days) makes a difference or whether drainage is even necessary. The study data, collected in the same institution, are compared with the incidence of lymphocele in patients treated by robot-assisted radical prostatectomy. To investigate whether routine drainage is advisable after open extended pelvic lymph node dissection (ePLND) and retropubic radical prostatectomy (RRP) by measuring the incidence of lymphoceles and comparing these results with those of a series of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) and ePLND. A total of 331 consecutive patients underwent ePLND and RRP or RARP. The first 132 patients underwent open ePLND and RRP and received two pelvic drains; these patients were prospectively randomized into two groups: group 1 (n = 66), in which the drains were shortened on postoperative (PO) days 3 and 5 and removed on PO day 7, and group 2 (n = 66), in which the drains were removed on PO day 1. The next 199 patients were assigned to two consecutive groups not receiving drainage: group 3 (n = 73) undergoing open ePLND and RRP, followed by group 4 (n = 126) treated by transperitoneal robot-assisted ePLND and RARP. All patients had ultrasonographic controls 5 and 10 days and 3 and 12 months after surgery. Lymphoceles were detected in 6.6% of all patients, 3.3% of whom were asymptomatic and 3.3% of whom were symptomatic. Symptomatic lymphoceles were detected in 0% of group 1, 8% of group 2, 7% of group 3 and 1% of group 4, with groups 2 and 3 differing significantly from group 4 (P<0.05). In total, 5% of all patients undergoing open RRP (groups 1-3) had symptomatic lymphoceles vs 1% of patients undergoing RARP (group 4) (P = 0.06). Nodal-positive patients had significantly more symptomatic lymphoceles than nodal-negative patients (10% vs 2%) (P<0.02). Question: Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy and various radical prostatectomy techniques: is pelvic drainage necessary? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Symptomatic lymphoceles occur less frequently after open RRP and pelvic drainage over 7 days than after open RRP and pelvic drainage over 1 day or without drainage. Patients undergoing RARP without drainage had significantly fewer lymphoceles than patients receiving open RRP without drainage.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To assess how clinical and psychological variables compare in their ability to predict coronary artery calcium (CAC) in a broad spectrum of subjects. Although prior studies reported contradictory findings on the association between psychological risk factors and CAC, psychological risk factors have not yet been compared with concurrent clinical coronary risk factors for their association to CAC measurements. We performed research CAC scans in three cohorts: 1,111 healthy volunteers; 138 asymptomatic patients; and 600 symptomatic patients. All subjects completed questionnaires designed to assess clinical and psychological coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors, including measurements of depression, hostility, social support, perceived stress, job strain, and optimism. A serum sample was obtained to assess lipid parameters and glucose. All variables were compared for their correlation to CAC scores. We observed a marked lack of association between psychosocial risk factors and CAC scores in each cohort. For symptomatic patients only, there was a modest negative correlation between depression and CAC scores (r = -.19, p<.001). Most CAD risk factors were also not associated with CAC. Once age and gender were considered as multivariable predictors of CAC, neither psychological nor CAD risk factors added to prediction of CAC. Question: Do psychological risk factors predict the presence of coronary atherosclerosis? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Both psychological and clinical risk factors are poorly correlated with concurrent measurements of CAC. Given our findings and previously established associations of these risk factors to cardiac events, further assessment of the relationship between chronicity of these risk factors and coronary atherosclerosis could be of interest. Our findings cast doubt on the use of CAC scanning as a surrogate means for assessing the clinical significance of both concurrently measured psychological and clinical risk factors.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK-3) α and β are two serine-threonine kinases controlling insulin, Wnt/β-catenin, NF-κB signaling and other cancer-associated transduction pathways. Recent evidence suggests that GSK-3 could function as growth-promoting kinases, especially in malignant cells. In this study, we have investigated GSK-3α and GSK-3β function in multiple myeloma (MM). GSK-3 α and β expression and cellular localization were investigated by Western blot (WB) and immunofluorescence analysis in a panel of MM cell lines and in freshly isolated plasma cells from patients. MM cell growth, viability and sensitivity to bortezomib was assessed upon treatment with GSK-3 specific inhibitors or transfection with siRNAs against GSK-3 α and β isoforms. Survival signaling pathways were studied with WB analysis. GSK-3α and GSK-3β were differently expressed and phosphorylated in MM cells. Inhibition of GSK-3 with the ATP-competitive, small chemical compounds SB216763 and SB415286 caused MM cell growth arrest and apoptosis through the activation of the intrinsic pathway. Importantly, the two inhibitors augmented the bortezomib-induced MM cell cytotoxicity. RNA interference experiments showed that the two GSK-3 isoforms have distinct roles: GSK-3β knock down decreased MM cell viability, while GSK-3α knock down was associated with a higher rate of bortezomib-induced cytotoxicity. GSK-3 inhibition caused accumulation of β-catenin and nuclear phospho-ERK1, 2. Moreover, GSK-3 inhibition and GSK-3α knockdown enhanced bortezomib-induced AKT and MCL-1 protein degradation. Interestingly, bortezomib caused a reduction of GSK-3 serine phosphorylation and its nuclear accumulation with a mechanism that resulted partly dependent on GSK-3 itself. Question: Does glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 regulate multiple myeloma cell growth and bortezomib-induced cell death? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These data suggest that in MM cells GSK-3α and β i) play distinct roles in cell survival and ii) modulate the sensitivity to proteasome inhibitors.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Smurf2 is a member of the HECT family of E3 ubiquitin ligases that play important roles in determining the competence of cells to respond to TGF- β/BMP signaling pathway. However, besides TGF-β/BMP pathway, Smurf2 regulates a repertoire of other signaling pathways ranging from planar cell polarity during embryonic development to cell proliferation, migration, differentiation and senescence. Expression of Smurf2 is found to be dysregulated in many cancers including breast cancer. The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of Smurf2 knockdown on the tumorigenic potential of human breast cancer cells emphasizing more on proliferative signaling pathway. siRNAs targeting different regions of the Smurf2 mRNA were employed to knockdown the expression of Smurf2. The biological effects of synthetic siRNAs on human breast cancer cells were investigated by examining the cell proliferation, migration, invasion, focus formation, anchorage-independent growth, cell cycle arrest, and cell cycle and cell proliferation related protein expressions upon Smurf2 silencing. Smurf2 silencing in human breast cancer cells resulted in a decreased focus formation potential and clonogenicity as well as in vitro cell migration/invasion capabilities. Moreover, knockdown of Smurf2 suppressed cell proliferation. Cell cycle analysis showed that the anti-proliferative effect of Smurf2 siRNA was mediated by arresting cells in the G0/G1 phase, which was caused by decreased expression of cyclin D1and cdk4, followed by upregulation p21 and p27. Furthermore, we demonstrated that silencing of Smurf2 downregulated the proliferation of breast cancer cells by modulating the PI3K- PTEN-AKT-FoxO3a pathway via the scaffold protein CNKSR2 which is involved in RAS-dependent signaling pathways. The present study provides the first evidence that silencing Smurf2 using synthetic siRNAs can regulate the tumorigenic properties of human breast cancer cells in a CNKSR2 dependent manner. Question: Does smurf2 E3 ubiquitin ligase modulate proliferation and invasiveness of breast cancer cells in a CNKSR2 dependent manner? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our results therefore suggest a novel relation between Smurf2 and CNKSR2 thereby regulating AKT-dependent cell proliferation and invasion. Owing to the fact that PI3K-AKT signaling is hyperactivated in various human cancers and that Smurf2 also regulates cellular transformation, our results indicate that Smurf2 may serve as a potential molecule for targeted cancer therapy of certain tumour types including breast cancer.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We investigated clinical relevance of serum 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) levels in fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus (FT1DM) patients, because 1,5-AG is known to reflect short term glycemic control. Subjects comprised 7 patients with FT1DM and 32 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with HbA1c <8.5%. All of them have never been treated for diabetes. HbA(1C) showed no significant difference between both groups. On the other hand, serum 1,5-AG levels were significantly lower in the FT1DM patients than in the T2DM patients. Serum 1,5-AG levels were < 5.0 μg/ml in 6 of 7 (86%) FT1DM patients, compared with only 1 of 32 (3%) T2DM patients. Question: Are serum 1,5-anhydroglucitol levels in patients with fulminant type 1 diabetes lower than those in patients with type 2 diabetes? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Serum 1,5-AG levels were lower in the FT1DM patients than in the T2DM patients. Serum 1,5-AG, but not HbA(1C), reflects short-term exacerbation of glycemia in patients with FT1DM.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Basophils of some individuals do not release histamine upon activation of their high-affinity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor (Fc(epsilon)RI), but do so if this receptor is circumvented for cell activation. This so-called nonresponder phenomenon is clinically relevant, because in various studies atopy was less frequent or absent in nonresponder individuals. So far, it is unknown if this phenomenon is acquired during adulthood or exists from birth on. Histamine release was determined from isolated leucocytes stimulated with anti-IgE or calciumionophor. Also, random primed cDNA was synthesized and the open reading frame (ORF) of the Fc(epsilon)RI beta-subunit amplified and sequenced. In the first part of our study, we examined the role of atopic status, type of atopy, and age in a random population of 95 children of whom we found 22% to be nonresponder. None of these parameters correlated with the nonresponder status. Except for food allergy, no specific type of atopy correlated with histamine release. The mechanism underlying the nonresponder phenomenon is assumed to occur early in the signalling cascade. We hypothesized that mutations in the Fc(epsilon)RI beta-chain may be associated with the nonresponder status, and in the second part of our study sequenced the beta-subunit in 20 responders and 20 nonresponders. Two conservative and two nonconservative heterozygous one base mutations (Thr179Thr, Asp216Asp, Ile147Leu and Glu237Gly) were found in two nonresponders and one responder. Three of these mutations have not been described so far. Question: Are mutations in the high-affinity IgE receptor beta-chain associated with nonresponder status? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The nonresponder phenomenon is present from birth on and genetically determined. In our population, it was not associated with age or the presence of atopy, and appeared not to be caused by mutations in the Fc(epsilon)RI beta-chain.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Subjective memory impairment (SMI) refers to conditions in which people complain of memory problems despite intact cognition. The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the roles of self-focused attention and depressive symptomatology in subjective memory complaints. One hundred and eight patients who visited a memory disorder clinic with complaints of memory decline, but who were found on subsequent neuropsychological assessment to have normal cognitive function, were recruited to participate in the study. The severity of subjective memory complaints was measured with the modified Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire. In addition, neuropsychological functions, self-focused attention, and depressive symptomatology were also assessed. The results showed that the severity of SMI was not significantly correlated with any of the neuropsychological test scores except for the complex figure copy. The severity of SMI, however, was significantly correlated with self-focused attention and depressive symptomatology. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that self-focused attention and depressive symptomatology significantly contributed to the severity of subjective memory complaints over and above the neuropsychological test performance. The interaction effects between self-focused attention/depressive symptomatology and objective memory performance on the severity of SMI were not significant. Question: Are depressive symptomatology and self-focused attention associated with subjective memory impairment in older adults? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In conclusion, self-focused attention and depressive symptomatology appear to play important roles in the severity of SMI, even though it is not clear how these factors interact with objective memory performance. Clinical implications as well as limitations of the present study were discussed.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: In Parkinson's disease (PD), commonly reported risk factors for malnutrition in other populations commonly occur. Few studies have explored which of these factors are of particular importance in malnutrition in PD. The aim was to identify the determinants of nutritional status in people with Parkinson's disease (PWP). Community-dwelling PWP (>18 years) were recruited (n = 125; 73M/52F; Mdn 70 years). Self-report assessments included Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's disease-Autonomic (SCOPA-AUT), Modified Constipation Assessment Scale (MCAS) and Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (FOG-Q). Information about age, PD duration, medications, co-morbid conditions and living situation was obtained. Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE-R), Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) II and UPDRS III were performed. Nutritional status was assessed using the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) as part of the scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). Nineteen (15%) were malnourished (SGA-B). Median PG-SGA score was 3. More of the malnourished were elderly (84% vs. 71%) and had more severe disease (H&Y: 21% vs. 5%). UPDRS II and UPDRS III scores and levodopa equivalent daily dose (LEDD)/body weight (mg/kg) were significantly higher in the malnourished (Mdn 18 vs. 15; 20 vs. 15; 10.1 vs. 7.6 respectively). Regression analyses revealed older age at diagnosis, higher LEDD/body weight (mg/kg), greater UPDRS III score, lower STAI score and higher BDI score as significant predictors of malnutrition (SGA-B). Living alone and higher BDI and UPDRS III scores were significant predictors of a higher log-adjusted PG-SGA score. Question: Are markers of disease severity associated with malnutrition in Parkinson 's disease? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In this sample of PWP, the rate of malnutrition was higher than that previously reported in the general community. Nutrition screening should occur regularly in those with more severe disease and depression. Community support should be provided to PWP living alone. Dopaminergic medication should be reviewed with body weight changes.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: There is evidence that antidepressant medication improves social dysfunction during acute treatment in dysthymic patients but it is unknown if the gain in social functioning persists or progresses with longer-term antidepressant treatment. We examine the effect of 6 months of desipramine treatment on social functioning in dysthymic patients. Forty-six subjects with DSM-III-R dysthymia (70% with superimposed major depression) who had responded to 10 weeks of open-label desipramine (DMI) treatment received 16 additional weeks of continuation DMI. Social functioning was measured at weeks 0, 10 and 26 with the Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report. Euthymia was maintained and a marginally significant trend for further improvement in overall social functioning appeared during continuation treatment. Only 24% of subjects achieved normative level of social adjustment after 6 months of DMI treatment. The main limitation was the lack of a placebo control group. Question: Six months of desipramine for dysthymia: can dysthymic patients achieve normal social functioning? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Acute improvement in social functioning persists during continuation treatment. However, most dysthymic patients did not achieve a community level of social adjustment. Significant social dysfunction persists in dysthymic patients with low levels of depressive symptomatology after 6 months of intense DMI treatment.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, is a widely used adjunctive therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous intervention (PCI). Thrombin is a highly potent agonist of platelets and activates the protease-activated receptors, PAR1 and PAR4, but it is not known whether bivalirudin exerts antiplatelet effects in PCI patients. We tested the hypothesis that bivalirudin acts as an antiplatelet agent in PCI patients by preventing activation of PARs on the platelet surface. The effect of bivalirudin on platelet function and systemic thrombin levels was assessed in patients undergoing elective PCI. Mean plasma levels of bivalirudin were 2.7±0.5 μmol/L during PCI, which correlated with marked inhibition of thrombin-induced platelet aggregation and significantly inhibited cleavage of PAR1. Unexpectedly, bivalirudin also significantly inhibited collagen-platelet aggregation during PCI. Collagen induced a conversion of the platelet surface to a procoagulant state in a thrombin-dependent manner that was blocked by bivalirudin. Consistent with this result, bivalirudin reduced systemic thrombin levels by >50% during PCI. Termination of the bivalirudin infusion resulted in rapid clearance of the drug with a half-life of 29.3 minutes. Question: Is bivalirudin a dual inhibitor of thrombin and collagen-dependent platelet activation in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Bivalirudin effectively suppresses thrombin-dependent platelet activation via inhibition of PAR1 cleavage and inhibits collagen-induced platelet procoagulant activity as well as systemic thrombin levels in patients undergoing PCI.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Insufficient liver regeneration and hepatocyte injury caused by excessive portal perfusion are considered to be responsible for post-hepatectomy liver failure (PLF) or small-for-size syndrome in living-donor liver transplantation. Somatostatin can decrease portal vein pressure (PVP) but simultaneously inhibits liver regeneration. This interesting paradox motivated us to investigate the outcome of PLF in response to somatostatin treatment. Rats receiving extended partial hepatectomy (90% PH) were treated with octreotide, a somatostatin analogue, or placebo. Animal survival, serum parameters and hepatic histology were evaluated. Metabolomic analysis was performed to investigate the effect of octreotide on hepatocyte metabolism. Despite significantly inhibiting early regeneration, octreotide application noticeably improved the hepatic histology, liver function and survival after PH but did not decrease the PVP level. Metabolomic analysis exhibited that octreotide profoundly and exclusively altered the levels of five metabolites that participate in or closely associate with the methionine cycle, a biochemical reaction that uniquely produces S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), an active methyl residual donor for methyltransferase reactions. Among these metabolites, 5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA), a derivate of SAMe, increased three-fold and was found independently improve the hepatic histology and reduce inflammatory cytokines in hepatectomized rats. Question: Does octreotide prevent liver failure through upregulating 5'-methylthioadenosine in extended hepatectomized rats? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Octreotide exclusively regulates the methionine cycle reaction and augments the MTA level in hepatocytes. MTA prominently protects hepatocytes against shear stress injury and reduces the secondary inflammation, thereby protecting rats from PLF.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Neck of femur accounts to about 86,000 cases per annum in UK. AP and lateral radiographs form an essential investigation in planning the management of these fractures. Recently it has been suggested that lateral view does not provide any additional information in majority of the cases. We looked retrospectively at 25 consecutive radiographs with intracapsular and extracapsular fracture neck of femur each presenting to our department between May 2010 and January 2011. These radiographs were put on the CD in 2 folders as AP and lateral. It was reviewed by 2 observers who suggested their preferred treatment. The results were compared for the intra observer agreement to assess the necessity of the lateral view of the radiographs. We also compared the treatment options with the gold standard. Our results showed that lateral view did not make any difference in the management in majority of the cases with excellent agreement based on kappa statistics. Question: Is a lateral view essential in management of hip fracture? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> We feel that the lateral view does not make any difference in most of the cases as shown by a good intraobserver agreement.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Anorectal malformations occur in 1 per 4,000 live births and represent a surgical challenge. Although critically important, the basic mechanisms of normal anorectal union are incompletely understood. Fgf10 signaling is known to serve a key role in mesenchymal/epithelial interactions in many organ systems including the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The authors therefore hypothesized that Fgf10 signaling has a central role in normal anorectal development. Fgf10 expression in wild-type (Wt) embryos was evaluated using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Wt and Fgf10-/- embryos were harvested from timed pregnant mothers at E12.5 through E17.5 and were analyzed for anorectal phenotype. Wt development of union between anorectal structures is completed between E12.5 and E13.5 with luminal communication between distal rectal epithelium and anus. Fgf10 is discretely expressed at E12.5 in the distal rectum. Fgf10-/- mutants show failure of union of the rectum and anus at an early stage (E13.5) and near term (E17.5). Question: Does fibroblast growth factor 10 ( Fgf10 ) invalidation result in anorectal malformation in mice? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Fgf10 is expressed in the rectum at the time when anorectal continuity is established, indicating a role in normal anorectal development. Fgf10 invalidation (Fgf10-/- mutant) results in a genetically reproducible anorectal malformation phenotype. Fgf10 function is critical for normal anorectal development.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To identify the prevalence and correlates of personality disorder in a representative sample of the Jamaican population using the Jamaica Personality Disorder Inventory (JPDI). A four-stage stratified random sampling method was used to obtain a representative population sample consisting of 1506 Jamaicans, M:F = 727 (48.3%):779 (51.7%), ages 18-64 years. A demographic questionnaire and the JPDI were administered to all participants. Two-fifths of the population (41.4%) scored above the scale's cut-point indicating a diagnosis of personality disorder with the level of severity ranging from mild to severe. Persons with personality disorder were significantly more likely to be single (63%), male (60%), between the ages 18 and 44 years (77%) and of a lower socio-economic status (65%) (p < 0.50 to p < 0.001). Question: Does prevalence and correlate of personality disorder in the Jamaican population? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> This is the only population study of personality disorder recorded in the English-speaking Caribbean. This suggests a high risk of behavioural dysfunction in the Jamaican population, having significant implications in light of the country's high rate of crime and violence. The findings highlight the need to develop effective and targeted prevention and intervention measures.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Uterine rupture is a rare but serious obstetric complication. However, prediction and diagnosis at an early stage remain difficult. Herein, we report a case of primary uterine rupture found earlier by a specific symptom. A 29-year-old patient was scheduled to undergo a cesarean section (CS) due to placenta previa. However, at Week 35, she began experiencing abdominal pain and uterine contractions. Subsequently, she began experiencing severe pain, which was enhanced by fetal movements. An emergency CS was performed due to continuous uncontrollable pain. When the abdominal cavity was opened, we found that much of the amniotic cavity had prolapsed outside the uterus. Despite performing total hysterectomy, both the mother and child had positive clinical courses. Uterine rupture was discovered early because of emergency CS. Question: Is severe abdominal pain exacerbated by fetal movement an early sign of the onset of uterine rupture? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> This case suggests that abnormal pain exacerbated by fetal movement can be a characteristic early sign of uterine rupture.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by profound mononuclear cell (MNC) recruitment into synovial tissue (ST), thought to be due in part to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), a therapeutic target for RA. Although chemokines may also be involved, the mechanisms remain unclear. We undertook this study to examine the participation of CXCL16, a novel chemokine, in recruitment of MNCs to RA ST in vivo and to determine the signal transduction pathways mediating this process. Using a human RA ST-SCID mouse chimera, immunohistochemistry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, flow cytometry, and in vitro chemotaxis assays, we defined the expression and function of CXCL16 and its receptor, CXCR6, as well as the signal transduction pathways utilized by them for MNC homing in vitro and in vivo. CXCL16 was markedly elevated in RA synovial fluid (SF) samples, being as high as 145 ng/ml. Intense macrophage and lining cell staining for CXCL16 in RA ST correlated with increased CXCL16 messenger RNA levels in RA ST compared with those in osteoarthritis and normal ST. By fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, one-half of RA SF monocytes and one-third of memory lymphocytes expressed CXCR6. In vivo recruitment of human MNCs to RA ST implanted in SCID mice occurred in response to intragraft injection of human CXCL16, a response similar to that induced by TNFalpha. Lipofection of MNCs with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides for ERK-1/2 resulted in a 50% decline in recruitment to engrafted RA ST and a 5-fold decline in recruitment to regional lymph nodes. Interestingly, RA ST fibroblasts did not produce CXCL16 in response to TNFalpha in vitro, suggesting that CXCL16 protein may function in large part independently of TNFalpha. Question: Is cXCL16-mediated cell recruitment to rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue and murine lymph nodes dependent upon the MAPK pathway? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Taken together, these results point to a unique role for CXCL16 as a premier MNC recruiter in RA and suggest additional therapeutic possibilities, targeting CXCL16, its receptor, or its signaling pathways.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Synthesis and analysis of presentation and discussion highlights, with a focus on emerging trends and promising new directions in primary care research on low back pain (LBP). To present a summary of findings, themes, and insights from the Tenth International Forum on Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain, a meeting of researchers designed to share the latest concepts, methods, and results of research on LBP diagnosis, treatment, and disability prevention. Earlier Forum meetings have developed several common themes and general conclusions. These are contrasted with the presentations and discussions at the 10th International Forum. Major themes included concerns about the epidemic of chronic, disabling LBP, associated treatments, iatrogenesis, and the "LBP medical industrial complex"; the variability and complexity of outcomes and how their importance differed across patients in defining recovery and recurrence; the power of nonspecific effects, expectations, and therapeutic alliance; and the challenges of identifying important therapeutic subgroups. New research addressed early risk factor screening and linked intervention, nonmedical approaches to reframe the LBP problem and avoid unnecessary care, cognitive and behavioral aspects of LBP, and ways to train clinicians to implement these innovations. More appropriate use of longitudinal designs and a greater focus on implementation research was called for. Question: Are we making progress? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Although the field of primary care LBP research often seems to progress slowly, the Forum highlighted several important, promising developments that could substantially improve LBP research and primary care practice.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The use of exergames is increasingly prevalent in the healthcare promotion among older adults. The current study aimed to examine whether the playfulness may influence the antidepressant effect of exergames on older adults. Two experimental conditions, high playfulness (Wii™ Sport games) and low playfulness (Wii Fit™ training), were implemented in a 6-week randomized controlled study. A manipulation check was conducted first to confirm the significant difference in playfulness between the two conditions. A total of 49 community-dwelling older adults diagnosed with subthreshold depression have finished the study. Their depression, positive emotions, and self-efficacy were measured at both pre- and post-test. A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was then conducted between two conditions, with age and gender as the covariates. Findings suggest that older adults in both two exergame conditions have improvements in subthreshold depression [t(48) = 9.48, P < 0.001], positive emotions [t(48) = -12.04, P < 0.001], and self-efficacy [t(48) = -9.78, P < 0.001]. Significant effect of playfulness in exergames was found on positive emotions among older adults [F(3, 47) = 20.82, P < 0.001], although not on subthreshold depression and self-efficacy. Question: Exergames for Older Adults with Subthreshold Depression: Does Higher Playfulness Lead to Better Improvement in Depression? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Results gained from the study will assist in the future implementation and development of exergames that aim to improve mental health among older adults.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Medical and legal published work regularly discusses informed consent and patient autonomy before medical interventions. Recent discussions have suggested that Cardiothoracic surgeons' risk adjusted mortality data should be published to facilitate the informed consent process. However, as to which aspects of medicine, procedures and the associated risks patients understand is unknown. It is also unclear how well the medical profession understands the concepts of informed consent and medical negligence. The aims of this study were to evaluate patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to assess their understanding of the risks of interventions and baseline level of understanding of medical concepts and to evaluate the medical staff's understanding of medical negligence and informed consent. Patients undergoing CABG or PCI at a tertiary hospital were interviewed with questionnaires focusing on the consent process, the patient's understanding of CABG or PCI and associated risks and understanding of medical concepts. Medical staff were questioned on the process of obtaining consent and understanding of medicolegal concepts. Fifty CABG patients, 40 PCI patients and 40 medical staff were interviewed over a 6-month period. No patient identified any of the explained risks as a reason to reconsider having CABG or PCI, but 80% of patients wanted to be informed of all risks of surgery. 80% of patients considered doctors obligated to discuss all risks of surgery. One patient (2%) expressed concern at the prospect of a trainee surgeon carrying out the operation. Stroke (40%) rather than mortality (10%) were the important concerns in patients undergoing CABG and PCI. The purpose of interventions was only partially understood by both groups; PCI patients clearly underestimated the subsequent need for repeat PCI or CABG. Knowledge of medical concepts was poor in both groups: less than 50% of patients understood the cause or consequence of an AMI or stroke and less than 20% of patients correctly identified the ratio equal to 0.5%. One doctor (2.5%) correctly identified the four elements of negligence, eight (20%) the meaning of material risk and four (10%) the meaning of causation. Thirty doctors (75%) believed that all complications of a procedure needed to be explained for informed consent. Less than 10% could recognize landmark legal cases. Question: Is informed consent in cardiac surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention achievable? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Patients undergoing both CABG and PCI have a poor understanding of their disease, their intervention, and its complications making the attaining of true informed consent difficult, despite their desire to be informed of all risks. PCI patients particularly were highly optimistic regarding the need for reintervention over time, which requires specific attention during the consent process. Medical staff showed a poor knowledge of the concepts of material risk and medical negligence requiring much improved education of both junior doctors and specialists.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Although maintenance of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels is important to restore liver functions during anoxia, ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation is inhibited during Pringle's maneuver, and only a little ATP can be supplied by glycolysis. The glycolytic activity of the liver is controlled by the nutritional condition and hormones. Enhancement of glycolytic activity by insulin may increase ATP production and thus may protect the liver from ischemia. Rats were divided into three groups: fasted group, food was withheld for 24 hours; fed group, food was provided ad libitum; and insulin group, fed rats were administered insulin (12 units/kg during a 30-minute period) before portal triad clamping (PTC) was performed. After laparotomy was performed, PTC was performed for 30 minutes. The fructose 2,6-bisphosphate (F-2,6-BP) level, the hepatic levels of lactate and ATP, the bile flow rate, the plasma levels of aspartate transaminase and lactate dehydrogenase, and the indocyanine green clearance were measured at appropriate times. The hepatic F-2,6-BP levels before PTC in the fasted, fed, and insulin groups were 6.2 +/- 3.8, 55.6 +/- 10.6, and 122.2 +/- 31.3 nmol/gm dry weight liver, respectively. The glycolytic activity of the insulin group before PTC was significantly enhanced compared with that of the other groups. Lactate was more rapidly accumulated in livers of the insulin group during PTC than in those of the other groups. The ATP level and energy charge during PTC of the insulin group were higher than those of the other groups. The bile flow rate and indocyanine green clearance after PTC were restored in the order of the insulin, fed, and fasted groups. Question: Does insulin pretreatment protect the liver from ischemic damage during Pringle 's maneuver? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Insulin administration before PTC increased the hepatic F-2,6-BP content and enhanced glycolytic activity. Insulin pretreatment combined with feeding improved the hepatic energy metabolism during PTC and restored the liver functions after PTC. Insulin has protective effects on the liver during PTC.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Cachexia, a debilitating syndrome characterized by skeletal muscle wasting, is associated to many chronic diseases and diminishes the quality of life and survival of patients. Tumor-derived factors and proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1 beta, mediate cachexia. In response to elevated cytokine levels, increased proteasome-mediated proteolysis and auto-phagocytosis result in muscle wasting. The histologic features of muscle cachexia are not fully elucidated. Therefore, we analysed alterations of different cell populations in cachectic muscle. By immunohistochemical and cytological approaches, we characterized changes in the abundance of cellular populations in the musculature of a murine model of cancer cachexia (C26-bearing mice). Cachectic muscle displayed a decreased DNA content proportional to muscle mass wastage. A decrease in the number of nuclei occurred in the muscular but not in the stromal compartment. Cachectic muscle showed: mild modulation of myeloperoxidase activity, a neutrophil marker; reduction of macrophages in the endomysium; decrease in CD3(+) lymphocyte number. Conversely, a statistically significant enrichment in Sca-1(+) CD45(+) hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) occurred in cachectic muscle. Question: Is skeletal muscle enriched in hematopoietic stem cells and not inflammatory cells in cachectic mice? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The elevated levels of cytokines which characterize cachexia may represent a trigger for inflammatory cell activation. However, we find that in cachexia, inflammatory cells in muscle are not increased while muscle tissue nuclei decline. Our data suggest that the inflammatory cell-mediated stress is not an etiologic component of muscle wasting in cachexia. The relative increase in HSCs in cachectic skeletal muscle suggests an attempt to maintain muscle homeostasis by recruitment and/or activation of stem cells.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To examine the predictive value of systolic dyssynchrony measured by tissue Doppler velocity versus tissue Doppler strain imaging on long-term outcome after cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT). Cohort study. Two university hospitals. Two hundred and thirty-nine patients (65 (SD 12) years, 76% males) who underwent CRT. Baseline echocardiography with tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) and clinical follow-up for 37 (20) months. The time to peak systolic velocity during ejection phase (Ts) and the time to peak systolic strain (T(epsilon)) were assessed for dyssynchrony, that is the maximal delay in Ts and the maximal delay in T(epsilon) among the four left ventricular basal segments. Occurrence of cardiovascular endpoints between patients with and without dyssynchrony was compared by Kaplan-Meier curves, followed by Cox regression analysis for potential predictor(s). There were 78 (33%) deaths, with cardiovascular causes in 64 (27%) patients, while 136 (57%) patients were hospitalised for cardiovascular events, including decompensated heart failure in 87 (36%) patients. Patients with the maximal delay in Ts of > or =65 ms showed a lower event rate for cardiovascular mortality (19% vs 38%, logrank chi2 = 7.803, p = 0.005) and other prognostic endpoints. In Cox regression analysis, the maximal delay in Ts (hazard ratio (HR) 0.463, 95% CI 0.270 to 0.792, p = 0.005) and ischaemic aetiology (HR 2.716, 95% CI 1.505 to 4.901, p = 0.001) were independent predictors of cardiovascular mortality. In contrast, the maximal delay in T(epsilon) of > or =80 ms failed to predict any cardiovascular event. Question: Is tissue Doppler velocity superior to strain imaging in predicting long-term cardiovascular events after cardiac resynchronisation therapy? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Echocardiographic evidence of prepacing systolic dyssynchrony measured by TDI velocity, but not TDI strain, predicted lower long-term cardiovascular events after CRT.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The goal of this study was to identify better predictors of early death in patients with chronic left ventricular heart failure (CHF). Potential predictors, derived from cardiopulmonary exercise testing, were compared with other commonly used cardiovascular measurements. The prediction of early death in patients with CHF remains challenging. Five hundred eight patients with CHF due to systolic dysfunction underwent resting cardiovascular measurements, 6-min walking tests, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The peak oxygen uptake (.VO(2)), peak oxygen pulse, anaerobic threshold, ratio of ventilation to carbon dioxide output (.VE/.VCO(2)), slope of .VE versus .VCO(2), and presence or absence of a distinctive oscillatory breathing pattern (OB) were ascertained. Outcomes were 6-month mortality and morbidity, the latter a sum of cardiac hospitalizations and deaths. The single best predictor of mortality was an elevated lowest .VE/.VCO(2) (> or =155% predicted). Adding OB on the basis of stepwise regression (optimal 2-predictor model), the odds ratio for mortality increased from 9.4 to 38.9 (p < 0.001). The slope of .VE versus .VCO(2) slope, peak .VO(2), peak oxygen pulse, and anaerobic threshold combined with OB were also strong predictors. OB also increased the odds ratio 2- to 3-fold for each of these (p < 0.01). Kaplan-Meier survival curves and area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve confirmed that lowest .VE/.VCO(2) and OB were superior. For morbidity, elevated lowest .VE/.VCO(2) or lower peak .VO(2) with OB were the best predictors. No nonexercise measurements discriminated mortality and morbidity. Question: Do oscillatory breathing and exercise gas exchange abnormalities prognosticate early mortality and morbidity in heart failure? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Cardiopulmonary exercise testing parameters are powerful prognosticators of early mortality and morbidity in patients with CHF, especially the optimal 2-predictor model of a combination of elevated lowest .VE/.VCO(2) and OB.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Cortactin is a key regulator of the actin cytoskeleton and is involved in pathogen-host cell interactions. Numerous pathogens exploit the phagocytic process and actin cytoskeleton to infect host cells. Coxiella burnetii, the etiologic agent of Q fever, is internalized by host cells through a molecular mechanism that is poorly understood. Here we analyzed the role of different cortactin motifs in the internalization of C. burnetii by non-phagocytic cells. C. burnetii internalization into HeLa cells was significantly reduced when the cells expressed GFP-cortactin W525K, which carries a mutation in the SH3 domain that renders the protein unable to bind targets such as N-WASP. However, internalization was unaffected when the cells expressed the W22A mutant, which has a mutation in the N-terminal acidic region that destroys the protein's ability to bind and activate Arp2/3. We also determined whether the phosphorylation status of cortactin is important for internalization. Expression of GFP-cortactin 3F, which lacks phosphorylatable tyrosines, significantly increased internalization of C. burnetii, while expression of GFP-cortactin 3D, a phosphotyrosine mimic, did not affect it. In contrast, expression of GFP-cortactin 2A, which lacks phosphorylatable serines, inhibited C. burnetii internalization, while expression of GFP-cortactin SD, a phosphoserine mimic, did not affect it. Interestingly, inhibitors of Src kinase and the MEK-ERK kinase pathway blocked internalization. In fact, both kinases reached maximal activity at 15 min of C. burnetii infection, after which activity decreased to basal levels. Despite the decrease in kinase activity, cortactin phosphorylation at Tyr421 reached a peak at 1 h of infection. Question: Is cortactin involved in the entry of Coxiella burnetii into non-phagocytic cells? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our results suggest that the SH3 domain of cortactin is implicated in C. burnetii entry into HeLa cells. Furthermore, cortactin phosphorylation at serine and dephosphorylation at tyrosine favor C. burnetii internalization. We present evidence that ERK and Src kinases play a role early in infection by this pathogen.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We evaluated the diagnostic ability of a newly developed peroral video cholangioscopy (PVCS) in patients with pancreaticobiliary disorders. We retrospectively evaluated data from 144 patients with pancreaticobiliary disorders, collected from 5 tertiary referral centers. Endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) or endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPBD) was performed before PVCS. We performed 2 types of PVCS, using a conventional therapeutic duodenoscope. If tissue samples were needed, cholangioscopy-assisted biopsy or fluoroscopy-guided biopsy was performed. PVCS was advanced into the bile duct in all cases after patients received EST (n = 134 cases), EPBD (n = 2), a combination of EST and EPBD (n = 1), or without treatment of the major papilla (n = 7). Biopsy samples were collected successfully from 112 of 120 cases in which endoscopists considered tissue sampling necessary. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)/biopsy correctly identified 83 of 96 malignant lesions and 19 of 24 benign lesions (accuracy = 85.0%; sensitivity = 86.5%; specificity = 79.2%; positive predictive value = 94.3%; negative predictive value = 59.4%). Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)/biopsy plus PVCS correctly identified 95 of 96 malignant lesions and 23 of 24 benign lesions (accuracy = 98.3%; sensitivity = 99.0%; specificity = 95.8%; positive predictive value = 99.0%; negative predictive value = 95.8%). Procedure-related complications included pancreatitis (4 cases, 2.8%) and cholangitis (6 cases, 4.3%). Question: Is diagnostic peroral video cholangioscopy an accurate diagnostic tool for patients with bile duct lesions? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> PVCS is an accurate diagnostic tool for patients with pancreaticobiliary disorders; resolution was well-defined when combined with biopsy analysis. Prospective multicenter clinical trials should evaluate the clinical utility of PVCS in diagnosis of biliary tract diseases.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Trophoblast growth and invasion of the uterine endometrium are critical events during placentation and are tightly regulated by locally produced factors. Abnormal placentation can result in early miscarriage or preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction, leading to impaired fetal and/or maternal health. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4) is involved in cancer cell migration and invasion, processes which are critical during placentation but unlike in cancer, trophoblast invasion is highly regulated. CSPG4 expression and function in trophoblast is unknown. We determined CSPG4 expression in human first trimester placenta and implantation sites, and investigated whether CSPG4 influenced proliferation, migration and invasion of a human extravillous trophoblast (EVT) cell line (HTR8/SVneo cells) as a model for extravillous trophoblast (EVT). Immunoreactive CSPG4 localized to EVT cells in the trophoblast shell, subpopulations of interstitial EVT cells within the decidua and cytotrophoblast cells in placental villi. In HTR8/SVneo cells, siRNA knockdown of CSPG4 stimulated proliferation and decreased migration/invasion. In primary first trimester placental villi explants two cytokines, interleukin 11 (IL11) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) with known roles in trophoblast function, stimulated CSPG4 mRNA expression and immunoreactive protein in the cyotrophoblast. Question: Does the chrondroitin sulfate proteoglycan ( CSPG4 ) regulate human trophoblast function? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> This is the first demonstration of the production and function of CSPG4 in human placentation. These data suggest that locally produced CSPG4 stimulates human EVT migration and invasion and suggests that IL11 and LIF regulate villous cytotrophoblast differentiation towards the invasive phenotype at least in part via CSPG4.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The nature and the mechanism involved in the formation of the multinucleated giant cells (MGCs) in various giant cell-containing lesions of the jaws are not fully understood. The aim of this study is to clarify the osteoclastic features of the MGCs in central giant cell granuloma (CGCG), peripheral giant cell granuloma (PGCG), cherubism, and aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC), and the mechanism underlying the interrelations between cellular components in the formation of the MGCs. Immunohistochemical study with a panel of antibodies including vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase), carbonic anhydrase II (CA II), Cathepsin K, matrix metalloproteinases-9 (MMP-9), CD68, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and enzyme histochemical staining for tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) were applied on a total number of 53 cases of giant cell-containing lesions including CGCG (n = 34), PGCG (n = 6), cherubism (n = 7), and ABC (n = 6). In situ hybridization was also carried out to detect the mRNA expression of the receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), a newly identified cytokine that is shown to be essential in the osteoclastogenesis, its receptor RANK (receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand), and its decoy receptor OPG (osteoprotegerin) in these four types of lesions. Immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical studies showed that both the MGCs and a fraction of mononuclear cells in these lesions were strongly positive for TRAP, V-ATPase, CA II, Cathepsin K, MMP-9, and CD68, while the spindle-shaped mononuclear cells were positive for PCNA. The results with in situ hybridization indicated that RANKL mRNA was mainly expressed in the spindle mononuclear cells while OPG was extensively distributed in both the MGCs and the mononuclear cells. RANK mRNA was expressed in the MGCs and some round mononuclear cells. Question: Do multinucleated giant cells in various forms of giant cell containing lesions of the jaws express features of osteoclasts? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These results suggest that MGCs in the four types of giant cell-containing lesions of the jaws show characteristics of the osteoclast phenotype. The mononuclear stromal cells, which show TRAP positively, may be the precursors of the MGCs. RANKL, OPG, and RANK expressed in these lesions may play important roles in the formation of the MGCs. The similar characteristics and mechanisms in the differentiation of MGCs in these lesions also suggest that there might be a similar kind of pathogenesis involved in the formation of the MGCs in these lesions
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To investigate red wine's acute effects on aortic pressures and arterial stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Fifteen patients with CAD were recruited in a double-blind, cross-over study, which was comprised of 2 study days. Each volunteer consumed either 250 mL of regular or 250 mL of dealcoholized red wine. Wave reflections, expressed as augmentation index (AIx), as well as central and peripheral blood pressures (BP) were assessed at fast and 30, 60, and 90 min postprandially. Both regular and dealcoholized red wine caused a significant decrease in AIx by 10.5% +/- 1.4% (P = .001) and 6.1% +/- 1.4% (P = .011), respectively, whereas no significant change was induced in mean BP and timing of wave reflections expressing pulse wave velocity. Peripheral systolic BPs remained unaltered in both beverages, whereas a significant decrease in peripheral and central diastolic BPs was observed after the dealcoholized red wine consumption (P = .03 and P = .035, respectively). Central systolic BP was decreased after the consumption of regular (-7.4 +/- 2.4 mm Hg, P = .05) and dealcoholized red wine (-5.4 +/- 2.7 mm Hg, P = .019). Question: Does red wine acutely induce favorable effects on wave reflections and central pressures in coronary artery disease patients? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Both types of red wine provoked favorable acute effects on wave reflections and central systolic pressures, whereas no such effect was evident at the brachial artery. Therefore, these findings could be attributed mainly to red wine antioxidant substances, rendering it a possible means of at least acute attenuation of increased wave reflections, arterial stiffness, and central pressures in patients with coronary artery disease.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Several fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) exhibit neuroprotective influences against retinal photoreceptor degeneration. The expression of FGF receptor (FGFR) 4 on photoreceptors suggests a specific ligand, FGF-19, might also be beneficial. The authors hence examined the potential role of FGF-19 in this regard. Adult human retinal sections were processed for anti-FGFR-4 immunohistochemistry. Total RNA and proteins were extracted from parallel cultures of human Y79 retinoblastoma and primary adult pig photoreceptors; RNA samples were used for RT-PCR analysis of FGF-19, and proteins were subjected to immunoprecipitation for FGFR-1 and FGFR-4 or to Western blotting of FGF-19. Cultures were incubated with increasing concentrations of FGF-19 before extraction and Western blotting for phosphotyrosine. Photoreceptor cultures were screened for cell survival and processed for immunocytochemistry using anti-neural retina leucine zipper (Nrl) antibody. FGF-19 mRNA was detected in adult pig retinal pigment epithelial cells, and FGF-19 protein was found in cell extracts and conditioned medium prepared from retinal pigment epithelium. The addition of FGF-19 to Y79 retinoblastoma or primary adult pig photoreceptor cultures led to time- and dose-dependent changes in proliferation (for Y79) or survival (for primary photoreceptors). FGF-19 induced the phosphorylation of an FGFR-4-immunoreactive band of approximately 80 kDa and led to the heterodimerization of FGFR-1 and FGFR-4. Y79 and primary photoreceptor cells maintained in serum-supplemented media exhibited Nrl immunoreactivity by Western blotting, which decreased after serum deprivation. The addition of FGF-19 led to the reexpression of Nrl immunoreactivity in both culture models. Question: Does fGF19 exhibit neuroprotective effects on adult mammalian photoreceptors in vitro? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These data indicate a physiological role for FGF-19 in adult photoreceptor phenotypic maintenance and survival and argue in favor of its use as a neuroprotectant.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The recommended therapy for mild gallstone pancreatitis is cholecystectomy on initial hospitalization. Using a 5% national Medicare sample (1996-2005), we evaluated adherence to current recommendations for gallstone pancreatitis (cholecystectomy rates on initial hospitalization and the use of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]/sphincterotomy). We evaluated predictors of cholecystectomy, gallstone-related readmissions, and 2-year mortality. Adherence to current guidelines was low. Only 57% of 8,452 Medicare beneficiaries presenting to an acute care hospital with a first episode of mild gallstone pancreatitis underwent cholecystectomy on initial hospitalization. Of the patients who did not undergo cholecystectomy, 55% were never evaluated by a surgeon. Likewise, only 28% of patients who did not undergo cholecystectomy had a sphincterotomy. The 2-year readmission rates were higher among patients who did not undergo cholecystectomy (44% vs 4%; P<.0001), and 33% of these patients required cholecystectomy after discharge. In the no cholecystectomy group, ERCP prevented readmissions (hazard ratio, 0.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.47-0.61) and when readmissions occurred they were less likely to be for gallstone pancreatitis in patients who had an ERCP (27.8% vs 53.2%; P<.0001). On multivariate analysis, patients who were older, black, admitted to a nonsurgical service, lived in certain US regions, and had specific comorbidities were less likely to undergo cholecystectomy. Question: Gallstone pancreatitis in older patients: Are we operating enough? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Adherence to current recommendations for the management of mild gallstone pancreatitis is low in older patients. Our data suggest that>40% of patients who did not undergo cholecystectomy would have benefited from early definitive therapy. Implementation of policies to increase adherence to guidelines would prevent gallstone-related morbidity and mortality in older patients.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To investigate the effectiveness of recombinant retrovirus vector in gene therapy. The retroviral vector PLXSN-S was constructed and transferred into PA317 by means of electroporation, then HepG(2), P815, and EL4 cells were infected with the pseudovirus produced from PA317, which highly expressed HBsAg. HBsAg expression was tested by RT-PCR and ELISA. HBsAg was expressed variously in the eukaryotic cells mentioned above. HBsAg (A value) of the cell supernatants (48 h) were 0.92, 0.09, 0.47, respectively. Question: Does construction of the recombinant retrovirus vector of HBV-S gene and it 's expression in eukaryotic cells? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The vector used in this study is an effective one to carry genes of interest to target cells and it may be useful in the test for gene therapy.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP) provides better brain protection than hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) alone. The mechanism by which RCP improves brain protection during circulatory arrest remains unknown. The purpose of the study in pigs was to determine if RCP improves brain protection mainly as a result of its ability to maintain cerebral hypothermia. Fifteen pigs were subjected to 120 minutes of HCA alone (HCA group, n = 5), HCA + RCP at perfusion pressures of 23 to 29 mmHg (RCP-low group, n = 5), or at perfusion pressures of 34-40 mmHg (RCP-high group, n = 5) at 15 degrees C, followed by 60 minutes of normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). After brain temperature reached 15 degrees C, HCA was initiated with or without RCP. Temperatures in the brain, esophagus, and perfusate/blood were monitored continuously. Brain tissue blood flow was measured continuously using a laser flowmeter. Brain oxygen extraction was calculated from the oxygen contents in arterial and venous blood samples. During cooling and rewarming, the change in temperature was slower in the brain than in the esophagus. A similar degree of spontaneous rewarming (from 15 degrees C to 17/18 degrees C) occurred in the brain during HCA and RCP. This indicates that RCP does not provide better maintenance of cerebral hypothermia during circulatory arrest than HCA alone. The esophageal temperature rose more slowly during RCP than during HCA alone, indicating that RCP maintains better hypothermia in the body. During RCP, the brain extracted oxygen continuously from the blood, indicating that RCP may provide nutrient flow to the brain. Question: Is maintenance of cerebral hypothermia the principal mechanism by which retrograde cerebral perfusion provides better brain protection than hypothermic circulatory arrest? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In an acute pig model, maintenance of cerebral hypothermia does not appear to be the principal mechanism by which RCP provides better brain protection than HCA alone. Retrograde cerebral perfusion provides nutrient flow/oxygen to brain tissue, leading to better brain protection than HCA alone.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To conduct a replication study to investigate whether the -945 CTGF genetic variant is associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc) susceptibility or specific SSc phenotype. The study population comprised 1180 patients with SSc and 1784 healthy controls from seven independent case-control sets of European ancestry (Spanish, French, Dutch, German, British, Swedish and North American). The -945 CTGF genetic variant was genotyped using a Taqman 5' allelic discrimination assay. An independent association study showed in all the case-control cohorts no association of the CTGF -945 polymorphism with SSc susceptibility. These findings were confirmed by a meta-analysis giving a pooled OR = 1.12 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.25), p = 0.06. Investigation of the possible contribution of the -945 CTGF genetic variant to SSc phenotype showed that stratification according to SSc subtypes (limited or diffuse), selective autoantibodies (anti-topoisomerase I or anticentromere) or pulmonary involvement reached no statistically significant skewing. Question: Does a large multicentre analysis of CTGF -945 promoter polymorphism confirm association with systemic sclerosis susceptibility or phenotype? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The results do not confirm previous findings and suggest that the CTGF -945 promoter polymorphism does not play a major role in SSc susceptibility or clinical phenotype.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: L-dopa has been shown to improve outcome of moderate-intensity language training after stroke in acute aphasia. Given the critical role of training intensity we probed the effect of l-dopa in combination with high-intensity language training in chronic post-stroke aphasia. In this prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, aphasia patients (>1 year post stroke) were administered 100/25 mg of l-dopa/carbidopa or placebo daily prior to four hours of language training for two weeks. Conditions were crossed-over after a wash-out period of 4 weeks. An a-priori planned interim analysis (n = 10) showed that naming performance and verbal communication improved significantly and persistently for at least 6 months in every patient, but l-dopa had no incremental effect to intensive training. Question: Does l-dopa add to the success of high-intensity language training in aphasia? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> High-intensity language training in chronic aphasia may take learning to a ceiling that precludes additive benefits from l-dopa. Effects of l-dopa on post-stroke recovery during less intense treatment in chronic aphasia remain to be evaluated.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Although informed consent is vital to patient-physician communication, little training is provided to surgical trainees. We hypothesized that highlighting critical aspects of informed consent would improve resident performance. Eighty (out of 88) surgical postgraduate year 1 surgical residents were randomly assigned to one of the 2 cases (laparoscopic cholecystectomy or ventral herniorrhaphy) and instructed to obtain and document informed consent with a standardized patient (SP) followed by a didactic training session. The residents then obtained and documented informed consent with the other case with the other SP. SPs graded encounters ("Checklist"); trained raters graded notes. Repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine differences between pre- and post-training and Checklist versus "Note" scores. Statistically significant pre- to post differences for Note (P < .01) and Checklist (P < .01) along with significant differences between Note and Checklist (P < .01) were noted. Question: Does informed consent training improve surgery resident performance in simulated encounters with standardized patients? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Training improved surgery residents' ability to discuss and document informed consent. Despite this improvement, significant differences between discussion and documentation persisted. Documentation training is a future area for improvement.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The primary aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of adding manual therapy to a physiotherapy programme for ankle fracture. Assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial. Ninety-four adults were recruited within one week of cast removal for isolated ankle fracture. Inclusion criteria were: they were able to weight-bear as tolerated or partial weight-bear, were referred for physiotherapy, and experienced pain. Ninety-one participants completed the study. Participants were randomly allocated to receive manual therapy (anterior-posterior joint mobilization over the talus) plus a standard physiotherapy programme (experimental), or the standard physiotherapy programme only (control). They were assessed by a blinded assessor at baseline, and at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. The main outcomes were activity limitation and quality of life. Information on costs and healthcare utilization was collected every 4 weeks up to 24 weeks. There were no clinically worthwhile differences in activity limitation or quality of life between groups at any time-point. There was also no between-group difference in quality-adjusted life-years, but the experimental group incurred higher out-of-pocket costs (mean between-group difference = AU$200, 95% confidence interval 26-432). Question: Does manual therapy in addition to physiotherapy improve clinical or economic outcomes after ankle fracture? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> When provided in addition to a physiotherapy programme, manual therapy did not enhance outcome in adults after ankle fracture.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To examine how anxious and avoidant adult attachment styles moderate within-day associations between pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, and social coping. Two-hundred and ten women with osteoarthritis and/or fibromyalgia from the community completed an initial questionnaire assessing attachment dimensions and a 30 day electronic diary. Outcomes were measured with daily ratings of pain intensity, catastrophizing, and social coping. Attachment anxiety showed a context-specific relation with catastrophizing: days of increased pain predicted greater increases in pain catastrophizing for women who were anxious compared to nonanxious women. Attachment avoidance scores were related to higher mean levels of pain intensity and pain catastrophizing, and lower mean levels of social coping, across the diary period. In addition, compared to nonavoidant women, avoidant women showed smaller increases in use of social coping strategies on days of high catastrophizing. Question: Does attachment predict daily catastrophizing and social coping in women with pain? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Dimensions of adult attachment, anxiety and avoidance, predict different aspects of daily pain and pain coping in women with chronic pain. Findings suggest that a social development perspective can inform our understanding of adjustment to chronic pain and the creation and use of more effective prevention and treatment strategies.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Detection of fusion gene TMPRSS2:ERG transcripts in urine have been recently described in order to refine urine-based detection of prostate cancer (PCa), but data its clinical impact remain scarce. We aimed at investigating the correlation of TMPRSS2:ERG, prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3), prostate specific antigen (PSA) density, genetic variants, and androgenic status with outcome and pathological findings at prostatic biopsy. Between 2007 and 2011, 291 patients at risk of PCa because of PSA > 3.0 ng/ml (55%) or candidate to active surveillance protocol justifying restaging biopsy management (45%) were recruited. TMPRSS2:ERG was detected by urine assay (Progensa™). PCA3-score, PSA level, bioavailable testosterone level, prostate volume, rs1447295 and rs6983267 genotypes were prospectively assessed. Univariate and multivariate analysis by logistic regression model (logit) were conducted to study the correlation of TMPRSS2:ERG status, PCA3, and PSA density with biopsy results, and Gleason score. Of 291 patients, 173 had PCa and 118 had negative biopsy. PCA3 score, PSA density and TMPRSS2:ERG-score were correlated with presence of PCa (P < 0.0001, P = 0.046, and P < 0.0001, respectively). This correlation remained strong on multivariable analysis model (area under curve 0.743). PCA3 score and PSA density were significantly associated with presence of Grade 4 through multivariable analysis. PCA3 score was also correlated to the percentage of positive cores at biopsy (P = 0.008). Question: Are urine TMPRSS2 : ERG fusion transcript integrated with PCA3 score , genotyping , and biological features correlated to the results of prostatic biopsies in men at risk of prostate cancer? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Integration of levels TMPRSS2:ERG transcripts in urine, with PCA3-score, androgenic status, genetic status and traditional clinical variables could significantly increase detection of high risk localized PCa.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: In interferon-γ-stimulated cells, the dimeric transcription factor STAT1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 1) recognizes semi-palindromic motifs in the promoter regions of cytokine-driven target genes termed GAS (gamma-activated sites). However, the molecular steps that facilitate GAS binding and the subsequent liberation of STAT1 homodimers from these promoter elements are not well understood. Using a mutational approach, we identified two critical glutamyl residues within the DNA-binding domain adjacent to the phosphodiester backbone of DNA which efficiently release phospho-STAT1 from DNA. The release of STAT1 dimers from DNA enhances transcriptional activity on both interferon-driven reporter and endogenous target genes. A substitution of either of the two glutamic acid residues broadens the repertoire of putative binding sites on DNA and enhances binding affinity to GAS sites. However, despite elevated levels of tyrosine phosphorylation and a prolonged nuclear accumulation period, the STAT1 DNA-binding mutants show a significantly reduced transcriptional activity upon stimulation of cells with interferon-γ. This reduced transcriptional response may be explained by the deposition of oligomerized STAT1 molecules outside GAS sites. Question: Are two glutamic acid residues in the DNA-binding domain engaged in the release of STAT1 dimers from DNA? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Thus, two negatively charged amino acid residues in the DNA-binding domain are engaged in the liberation of STAT1 from DNA, resulting in a high dissociation rate from non-GAS sites as a key feature of STAT1 signal transduction, which positively regulates cytokine-dependent gene expression probably by preventing retention at transcriptionally inert sites.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: This study tested the hypothesis that response to antiarrhythmic drugs (AADs) is modulated by 3 common loci associated with atrial fibrillation (AF). Recent genome-wide association studies have identified 3 loci, on chromosomes 4q25 (near PITX2), 16q22 (in ZFHX3), and 1q21 (in KCNN3), that associate with either typical or lone AF. These findings indicate that variable mechanisms contribute to AF susceptibility, and suggest that response to therapy may be genotype dependent. We studied 478 and 198 Caucasian patients in the discovery cohort and validation cohort, respectively, who were prospectively enrolled in the Vanderbilt AF registry. Response was defined prospectively as successful rhythm control if the patient remained on the same AAD therapy for a minimum of 6 months with ≥75% reduction in symptomatic AF burden. We also evaluated AF recurrence by 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) at 3, 6, and 12 months. Symptomatic patients were also given a 24- to 48-h Holter monitor or 30-day event recorder when AF recurrence was not captured by 12-lead ECG. In the discovery cohort, 399 (83%) patients were successfully rhythm controlled. Multiple clinical variables (including age, hypertension, lone AF) failed to significantly predict response to AADs; however, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs10033464 at 4q25 was an independent predictor of successful rhythm control in patients with typical AF carrying the ancestral allele (wild type) versus carriers of variant allele (odds ratio [OR]: 4.7, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.83 to 12, p = 0.0013. In the validation cohort, 143 (72%) patients met the criteria for successful rhythm control, and rs10033464 was again an independent predictor of successful rhythm control, OR: 1.5, 95% CI: 1.02 to 3.06, p = 0.04. This SNP (rs10033464) was an independent predictor of AF recurrence in the discovery (39% AF recurrence) and validation (38% AF recurrence) cohorts; OR: 3.27, 95% CI: 1.7 to 6, p < 0.001 and OR: 4.3, 95% CI: 1.98 to 9.4, p < 0.001, respectively. Question: Is symptomatic response to antiarrhythmic drug therapy modulated by a common single nucleotide polymorphism in atrial fibrillation? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These results suggest that a common SNP on chromosome 4q25 associated with AF modulates response to AAD therapy and points to a potential role for stratification of therapeutic approaches by genotype.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The present study compares preoperative magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) accuracy in diagnosing stenoses, abscesses and fistulas to intraoperative findings in Crohn's disease patients, and determines whether discordance between these methods alter surgical plans. Our study included 55 consecutive patients scheduled for elective surgery due to Crohn's disease in a single institution between January 2011 and May 2015, whose surgical findings were also compared to preoperative MREs. Data were retrospectively analyzed. Among these 55 patients, we found 80 stenoses, 5 abscesses and 18 fistulas during surgery. The MRE sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, respectively, reached 100, 77.8 and 96.4% for stenoses; 80.0, 90.0 and 89.1% for abscesses; and 77.8, 83.8 and 81.8% for fistulas. The operative plan was modified for 7 patients (12.7%) due to erroneous MRE diagnoses. No patient needed conversion or an unplanned stoma placement due to an incorrect diagnosis using MRE. The MRE diagnosis did not agree with the surgical findings for 36 lesions, 16 of which resulted from adhesions that explained the incorrect MRE diagnoses. Question: Do intra-Abdominal Adhesions Make the Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Enterography in Crohn 's Disease More Difficult? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Hence, while MRE is a useful diagnostic tool preoperatively in Crohn's disease patients, the presence of intra-abdominal adhesions may cause erroneous diagnosis through MRE.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Although the prognostic value of persistent hyperlactatemia in septic shock is unequivocal, its physiological determinants are controversial. Particularly, the role of impaired hepatic clearance has been underestimated and is only considered relevant in patients with liver ischemia or cirrhosis. Our objectives were to establish whether endotoxemia impairs whole body net lactate clearance, and to explore a potential role for total liver hypoperfusion during the early phase of septic shock. After anesthesia, 12 sheep were subjected to hemodynamic/perfusion monitoring including hepatic and portal catheterization, and a hepatic ultrasound flow probe. After stabilization (point A), sheep were alternatively assigned to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (5 mcg/kg bolus followed by 4 mcg/kg/h) or sham for a three-hour study period. After 60 minutes of shock, animals were fluid resuscitated to normalize mean arterial pressure. Repeated series of measurements were performed immediately after fluid resuscitation (point B), and one (point C) and two hours later (point D). Monitoring included systemic and regional hemodynamics, blood gases and lactate measurements, and ex-vivo hepatic mitochondrial respiration at point D. Parallel exogenous lactate and sorbitol clearances were performed at points B and D. Both groups included an intravenous bolus followed by serial blood sampling to draw a curve using the least squares method. Significant hyperlactatemia was already present in LPS as compared to sham animals at point B (4.7 (3.1 to 6.7) versus 1.8 (1.5 to 3.7) mmol/L), increasing to 10.2 (7.8 to 12.3) mmol/L at point D. A significant increase in portal and hepatic lactate levels in LPS animals was also observed. No within-group difference in hepatic DO2, VO2 or O2 extraction, total hepatic blood flow (point D: 915 (773 to 1,046) versus 655 (593 to 1,175) ml/min), mitochondrial respiration, liver enzymes or sorbitol clearance was found. However, there was a highly significant decrease in lactate clearance in LPS animals (point B: 46 (30 to 180) versus 1,212 (743 to 2,116) ml/min, P < 0.01; point D: 113 (65 to 322) versus 944 (363 to 1,235) ml/min, P < 0.01). Question: Is impairment of exogenous lactate clearance in experimental hyperdynamic septic shock related to total liver hypoperfusion? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Endotoxemia induces an early and severe impairment in lactate clearance that is not related to total liver hypoperfusion.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Increased plasma low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels in hypercholesterolemic subjects are associated with enhanced LDL oxidation that represents an additional risk for atherosclerotic disease. Human serum paraoxonase (PON1), a high-density lipoprotein (HDL) associated enzyme, has been shown to protect LDL from oxidation, thus playing an important role in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. PON1 gene polymorphisms have been found to be associated with the variations in serum PON1 levels and activities, and with the risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). This study was performed to evaluate the contribution of the PON1 promoter (-107)T>C and the coding region Gln 192 Arg (Q192R) and Leu 55 Met (L55M) polymorphisms to the presence of carotid atherosclerosis in 208 Sicilian subjects with primary hypercholesterolemia. Carotid artery intima-media wall thickness (IMT) was measured as an indicator of early atherosclerotic disease. The subjects were classified according to whether they have a normal (<or=1 mm) or an abnormal (>1 mm) IMT. Subjects were also investigated for physical and biochemical parameters, including PON1 activity. No significant differences were detected among the PON1 genotypes with respect to age, sex, BMI, plasma lipids, systolic blood pressure in both groups of patients. There were significant differences between PON1 genotypes with respect to PON1 activity. The 192QQ, 55MM and (-107)TT genotypes showed lower PON1 activity compared to the RR, LL and CC genotypes. The PON1 (-107)T>C genotype distribution in both IMT groups showed no significant differences in percentage of TT, CT and CC genotypes. Similar results were obtained analyzing the Q192R and L55M genotype frequencies. Stepwise forward logistic regression analysis confirmed the lack of association between PON1 genotypes and carotid abnormalities. Question: Is the paraoxonase promoter polymorphism ( -107 ) T > C associated with carotid intima-media thickness in Sicilian hypercholesterolemic patients? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In conclusion, our data provided no evidence of a significant association between either PON1 promoter (-107)T>C or coding region, Q192R and L55M, polymorphisms and early carotid atherosclerosis in Sicilian hypercholesterolemic subjects.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: In the past century, most developed countries witnessed a reversal of social gradient in cardiovascular diseases. To examine whether this phenomenon is also under way in developing countries, we assessed the prevalence of selected risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among different social groups living in urban and rural areas of northern India. Four hundred adults>or =30 years of age, selected by cluster sampling, were surveyed from 8 purposively selected communities of Chandigarh and Haryana during 2004-05. The WHO STEPS tool for surveillance of risk factors was used to enquire about sociodemographic characteristics, tobacco use, alcohol intake, physical activity and to measure weight, height, blood pressure, and waist and hip circumference. Prevalence of risk factors such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, overweight (BMI>or =25 kg/m2), and hypertension (>or = 140/90 mmHg or on anti-hypertension treatment) were estimated according to the area of residence and across educational categories after controlling for the effects of confounding variables. The prevalence of hypertension in urban (39%; 95% CI 29.5%-49.2%), slum (35%; 95% CI 27.2%-42.9%) and rural (33%; 95% CI 25.4%-40.8%) communities was found to be statistically similar (p>0.05) after controlling for age, gender and education. The prevalence of physical inactivity (17% v. 12%), central obesity (90% v. 88%), overweight (20% v. 19%) and hypertension (34% v. 36%), were found to be statistically similar among literate and illiterate population after controlling for the effect of age, sex and place of residence (p>0.05). However, the risk of tobacco use was significantly lower among literates (OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-0.8). Question: Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: is the social gradient reversing in northern India? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In selected communities of northern India, most of the cardiovascular disease risk factors did not have a social gradient except tobacco use, which was more common in the lower social group.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Under proteinuric conditions, ultrafiltrated albumin can induce an inflammatory and fibrotic response in proximal tubular cells. It is unclear whether albumin per se or compounds bound to albumin are nephrotoxic. Some studies have supported the toxicity of albumin-bound fatty acids; however, these compared untreated, fatty acid containing, albumin and delipidated albumin. To prevent confounding by the delipidation procedure, we compared delipidated albumin and oleic acid (OA)-loaded delipidated albumin in two models: the classical rat protein overload and the Axolotl. The latter had an amphibian kidney with a subset of nephrons that drained the peritoneal cavity, so that i.p. injection of albumin selectively targeted open but not closed nephrons and was used to prevent removal of fatty acids from albumin in the circulation. Protein overload was induced in Wistar rats (groups n = 8, for 12 weeks) and Axolotl (groups n = 10, for 10 days) by daily i.p. injections of 1 g (rat) or 50 mg (Axolotl) of fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin (BSA), fatty acid-free BSA with addition of six molecules of oleic acid (OA-BSA) or saline (SAL). After 12 weeks, proteinuria and SBP were increased in BSA and OA-BSA rats compared to saline-injected controls (P < 0.05), but OA loading had no additional effect compared to albumin alone. This was also true for glomerular and interstitial inflammation, fibrotic changes and focal glomerulosclerosis (OA-BSA versus BSA, all P = ns). Axolotls injected with OA-loaded albumin showed comparable protein storage in tubular epithelial cells, tubular dilatation and peritubular fibrosis around tubules draining the peritoneal cavity compared with Axolotls injected with albumin alone. This was also true for TGF-beta (inflammation marker) and collagen I (fibrosis marker) (OA-BSA versus BSA, all P = ns). Question: Does oleic acid loading add to the nephrotoxic effect of albumin in an amphibian and chronic rat model of kidney injury? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In the Axolotl and chronic rat model, OA loading of albumin did not aggravate renal damage compared to albumin alone. Although in vitro studies clearly show induction of changes in cultured tubular epithelial cells exposed to albumin-bound fatty acids that are consistent with a role in induction of tubulointerstitial disease, our experiments suggest that currently available models for demonstrating such an effect in vivo are insufficient.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The cellular activity of many factors and pathways is required to execute the complex replication cycle of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). To reveal these cellular components, several extensive RNAi screens have been performed, listing numerous 'HIV-dependency factors'. However, only a small overlap between these lists exists, calling for further evaluation of the relevance of specific factors to HIV-1 replication and for the identification of additional cellular candidates. TBC1D20, the GTPase-activating protein (GAP) of Rab1, regulates endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to Golgi trafficking, was not identified in any of these screens, and its involvement in HIV-1 replication cycle is tested here. Excessive TBC1D20 activity perturbs the early trafficking of HIV-1 envelope protein through the secretory pathway. Overexpression of TBC1D20 hampered envelope processing and reduced its association with detergent-resistant membranes, entailing a reduction in infectivity of HIV-1 virion like particles (VLPs). Question: Do human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope proteins traffic toward virion assembly sites via a TBC1D20/Rab1-regulated pathway? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These findings add TBC1D20 to the network of host factors regulating HIV replication cycle.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We investigated whether vesnarinone alters the induction of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or in combination with interferon-gamma in cultured J774 macrophages and rat cardiac myocytes. The induction of NO synthesis was determined by measuring the stable end-product nitrite. The cytotoxic effect of vesnarinone was assessed by measuring cell respiration. Any change in mRNA levels for NO synthase (NOS) was determined by RT-PCR. Stimulation by LPS or in combination with interferon-gamma increased the accumulation of nitrite in the supernatant of J774 macrophages or cardiac myocytes. NOS induction accounted for this accumulation of nitrite, as dexamethasone, NG-methyl-L-arginine, and cycloheximide each reduced the production of nitrite in both types of cells. Vesnarinone produced a significant decline in the cumulative production of nitrite in both types of cells without evidence of cytotoxicity. However, the addition of vesnarinone after induction of NOS did not inhibit nitrite production. Treatment with LPS or in combination with interferon-gamma led to a significant expression of NOS mRNA in both types of cells that was significantly reduced by vesnarinone. Question: Does vesnarinone inhibit induction of nitric oxide synthase in J774 macrophages and rat cardiac myocytes in culture? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Vesnarinone inhibited NO synthesis by inhibiting the induction of NOS in J774 macrophages and cardiac myocytes. This drug may exert a beneficial effect in patients with heart failure, in part, by attenuating the production of NO.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Comorbid personality pathologies may affect the outcome of patients with major depression (MD). The dopamine transporter gene DAT1 (SLC6A3) has been suggested to play a role in both depression and specific personality traits. The aim of this study was to assess five polymorphisms of the DAT1 gene (rs2550948, rs2975226, rs6347, rs27072, and 3'-VNTR) to determine whether this gene influences personality traits in patients with MD or its subgroups. The DAT1 polymorphisms were analysed in 463 unrelated Han Chinese MD patients. The personality traits, novelty seeking (NS), and harm avoidance (HA), were examined using the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire. The patients were also divided into four clinical subgroups on the basis of differences in their sex (male or female) and age at disease onset (early or late). There was no association between the DAT1 gene and either NS or HA in the total MD sample or in the sex-based subgroups. However, early-onset MD patients with the G/G genotype of rs2550948 and the T/T genotype of rs2975226 had lower NS scores than did patients with the other genotypes (p corrected = 0.05 for rs2550948 and p corrected = 0.005 for rs2975226). Question: Does the dopamine transporter gene possibly affect personality traits in patients with early-onset major depressive disorder? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our study suggests that DAT1 promoter variants possibly influence specific personality traits in the early-onset subgroup of depressed patients in the Han Chinese population. Further prospective cohort studies are required to verify our preliminary finding and to confirm the effects of personality susceptibility on long-term disease outcomes.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To evaluate associations between aromatase inhibitor (AI) treatment and let-7-family microRNA expression in endometriosis. In vitro study with the use of Ishikawa cells and human endometrial stromal cells (HESCs) obtained from patients with endometriosis. University research center. Women undergoing laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. HESCs and Ishikawa cells treated with various letrozole concentrations and transfected with a mimic of let-7 subtypes of interest. MicroRNAs let-7a-f and aromatase expression were evaluated. Migration potential after transfection with a let-7f mimic were analyzed. After letrozole treatment for 48 hours, all let-7 subtypes showed a trend toward increased expression in a dose-dependent manner in Ishikawa cells, and significant differences were found in let-7b and let-7f between the control and 20 μmol/L treatment groups. Furthermore, let-7f showed significant differences between the control group and 1.0 μmol/L treatment group, a typical therapeutic level, in HESCs. Transfection of a let-7f mimic decreased aromatase expression in both Ishikawa cells and HESCs and led to a significant decrease in number of migrating cells in both cell types. Question: Does aromatase inhibitor regulate let-7 expression and let-7f-induced cell migration in endometrial cells from women with endometriosis? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> AI treatment significantly increased expression of let-7f in Ishikawa cells and HESCs from patients with endometriosis; increased let-7f expression effectively reduced the migration of endometrial cells. Modulation of microRNAs involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis may have therapeutic potential for endometriosis.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Moraxella catarrhalis is a human-specific gram-negative bacterium readily isolated from the respiratory tract of healthy individuals. The organism also causes significant health problems, including 15-20% of otitis media cases in children and ~10% of respiratory infections in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The lack of an efficacious vaccine, the rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates, and high carriage rates reported in children are cause for concern. Virtually all Moraxella catarrhalis isolates are resistant to β-lactam antibiotics, which are generally the first antibiotics prescribed to treat otitis media in children. The enzymes responsible for this resistance, BRO-1 and BRO-2, are lipoproteins and the mechanism by which they are secreted to the periplasm of M. catarrhalis cells has not been described. Comparative genomic analyses identified M. catarrhalis gene products resembling the TatA, TatB, and TatC proteins of the well-characterized Twin Arginine Translocation (TAT) secretory apparatus. Mutations in the M. catarrhalis tatA, tatB and tatC genes revealed that the proteins are necessary for optimal growth and resistance to β-lactams. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace highly-conserved twin arginine residues in the predicted signal sequence of M. catarrhalis strain O35E BRO-2, which abolished resistance to the β-lactam antibiotic carbanecillin. Question: Does moraxella catarrhalis used a twin-arginine translocation system to secrete the β-lactamase BRO-2? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Moraxella catarrhalis possesses a TAT secretory apparatus, which plays a key role in growth of the organism and is necessary for secretion of BRO-2 into the periplasm where the enzyme can protect the peptidoglycan cell wall from the antimicrobial activity of β-lactam antibiotics.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury remains a vexing problem. Translating experimental strategies that deliver protective agents before the ischemic insult limits clinical applicability. We targeted 2 proteins in the nuclear factor-kappaB pathway, inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta, and 26S cardiac proteasome to determine their cardioprotective effects when delivered during reperfusion. C57BL/6 mice underwent left anterior descending artery occlusion for 30 minutes. An inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta inhibitor (Compound A), a proteasome inhibitor (PS-519), or vehicle was administered at left anterior descending artery release or 2 hours afterward. Infarct size was analyzed 24 hours later. Pressure-volume loops were performed at 72 hours. Serum and left ventricular tissue were collected 1 hour after injury to examine protein expression by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot. Inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta and proteasome inhibition significantly attenuated infarct size and preserved ejection fraction compared with the vehicle groups. When delivered even 2 hours after reperfusion, Compound A, but not PS-519, still decreased infarct size in mice. Finally, when delivered at reperfusion, successful inhibition of phosphorylated-p65 and decreased interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels occurred in mice given the inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta inhibitor, but not in mice with proteasome inhibition. Question: Is inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta a target for specific nuclear factor kappa B-mediated delayed cardioprotection? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Although inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta and proteasome inhibition at reperfusion attenuated infarct size after acute ischemia/reperfusion, only inhibitory kappa B kinase-beta inhibition provided cardioprotection through specific suppression of nuclear factor-kappaB signaling. This feature of highly targeted nuclear factor-kappaB inhibition might account for its delayed protective effects, providing a clinically relevant option for treating myocardial ischemia/reperfusion associated with unknown periods of ischemia and reperfusion as seen in cardiac surgery and acute coronary syndromes.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Current pharmacotherapies for tobacco dependence are generally well tolerated, but have relatively high rates of relapse. They target primarily the brains' mesocorticolimbic 'reward' pathway. However, recent evidence suggests that the insular cortex, a central cerebral hemispheric region historically overlooked in addiction models, may also play an important role in cognitive and emotional processes that facilitate drug use. We examined whether insular versus non-insular damage from ischemic stroke attenuated acute withdrawal from cigarette smoking and reduced the likelihood of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) use during hospitalization. Data were derived from a longitudinal study with 3 months' follow-up, beginning June 2013 and ending May 2014. Three acute care hospitals in Rochester, NY, USA. One-hundred and fifty-six current smokers hospitalized for acute ischemic stroke (38 with insular infarctions and 118 with non-insular infarctions, assessed by three neuroradiologists). The Wisconsin Smoking Withdrawal Scale (WSWS) and Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale (MNWS) were administered during hospitalization (a period of forced abstinence) to assess the frequency and severity of withdrawal symptoms. NRT use was also assessed during hospitalization. On average, smokers with insular damage had a lower WSWS score during admission [mean=5.89, standard deviation (SD)=4.72] compared with those with non-insular damage (mean=9.20, SD=4.71; P<0.001) [covariate-adjusted difference in means of -3.12, 95% confidence interval (CI)=-4.97, -1.27]. A similar difference was also noted when the MNWS was used (P=0.02). Furthermore, participants with insular lesions appeared to be less likely to use NRT during admission compared with those with non-insular lesions [odds ratio (OR)=0.72, 95% CI=0.32, 1.64]. Question: Does damage to the insula lead to decreased nicotine withdrawal during abstinence? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Current smokers with damage to their insular cortex brain region appear to experience fewer and less severe tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and appear to be less likely to require nicotine replacement therapy during hospitalization, compared with smokers with non-insular damage. These findings support the potential role of the insular cortex in regulating withdrawal during abstinence, a motivator responsible for the maintenance of addictive behaviors.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The blood pressure-independent renoprotective actions of the blockade of the renin-angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous system are well documented, but monotherapies fail to completely abrogate progression. We investigated whether combined inhibition of the two systems provides additive renoprotection. After subtotal nephrectomy (SNX) or sham operation, rats underwent resection of dorsal roots, i.e. rhizotomy or sham rhizotomy. Subsequently, they received tap water or quinapril in drinking water for 16 weeks (n = 18/group). Albuminuria, blood pressure and kidneys were assessed (morphometry, immunohistochemistry). At the end of the study telemetric blood pressure in SNX was 118 +/- 16 mm Hg, in SNX + rhizotomy 110 +/- 10 mm Hg, in SNX + quinapril 103 +/- 9 mm Hg and in SNX + quinapril + rhizotomy 95 +/- 7 mm Hg. Albuminuria in the respective groups was 169 +/- 75, 86 +/- 45, 15 +/- 23 and 5 +/- 4 mg/24 h. The glomerulosclerosis index was 1.40 +/- 0.6, 0.80 +/- 0.23, 0.37 +/- 0.16 and 0.31 +/- 0.15 (p < 0.001). Only combined intervention caused significant reduction of the glomerular volume and podocyte hypertrophy. The lowest indices for nitrotyrosine, NOS-1 (nNOS), TGF-beta and interstitial collagen were seen with combined interventions (p < 0.05). Question: Is the combination of ACE inhibition plus sympathetic denervation superior to ACE inhibitor monotherapy in the rat renal ablation model? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-treated SNX animals, abrogation of sympathetic overactivity provides additional renoprotection and less nitro-oxidative stress of podocytes than single interventions. The added benefits were partially blood pressure independent.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We reported previously that the use of cephalosporin among premature neonates increased the risk of subsequent fungal sepsis. As a result, we recommended that ampicillin and gentamicin be used as empiric coverage for early-onset neonatal sepsis while culture results are awaited. To describe antibiotic use during the first 3 days after birth for neonates admitted to the NICU and to evaluate the outcomes for neonates treated with 2 different antibiotic regimens. We assembled a cohort of inborn neonates, from our deidentified administrative database, who had documented exposure to ampicillin during the first 3 days after birth. Infants treated concurrently with cefotaxime or gentamicin were evaluated, to identify the factors that were associated independently with death before discharge, with both univariate and multivariate analyses. There were 128,914 neonates selected as the study cohort; 24,111 were treated concurrently with ampicillin and cefotaxime and 104,803 were treated concurrently with ampicillin and gentamicin. Logistic modeling showed that neonates treated with ampicillin/cefotaxime were more likely to die (adjusted odds ratio: 1.5; 95% confidence interval: 1.4-1.7) and were less likely to be discharged to home or foster care than were neonates treated with ampicillin/gentamicin. This observation was true across all estimated gestational ages. Other factors that were associated independently with death included immature gestational age, need for assisted ventilation on the day of admission to the NICU, indications of perinatal asphyxia or major congenital anomaly, and reported use of ampicillin/cefotaxime. Question: Is empiric use of ampicillin and cefotaxime , compared with ampicillin and gentamicin , for neonates at risk for sepsis associated with an increased risk of neonatal death? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> For patients receiving ampicillin, the concurrent use of cefotaxime during the first 3 days after birth either is a surrogate for an unrecognized factor or is itself associated with an increased risk of death, compared with the concurrent use of gentamicin.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: In most autoimmune diseases the serologic hallmarks of disease precede clinical pathology by years. Therefore, the use of animal models in defining early disease events becomes critical. We took advantage of a "designer" mouse with dysregulation of interferon gamma (IFNγ) characterized by prolonged and chronic expression of IFNγ through deletion of the IFNγ 3'-untranslated region adenylate uridylate-rich element (ARE). The ARE-Del(-/-) mice develop primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) with a female predominance that mimics human PBC that is characterized by up-regulation of total bile acids, spontaneous production of anti-mitochondrial antibodies, and portal duct inflammation. Transfer of CD4 T cells from ARE-Del(-/-) to B6/Rag1(-/-) mice induced moderate portal inflammation and parenchymal inflammation, and RNA sequencing of liver gene expression revealed that up-regulated genes potentially define early stages of cholangitis. Interestingly, up-regulated genes specifically overlap with the gene expression signature of biliary epithelial cells in PBC, implying that IFNγ may play a pathogenic role in biliary epithelial cells in the initiation stage of PBC. Moreover, differentially expressed genes in female mice have stronger type 1 and type 2 IFN signaling and lymphocyte-mediated immune responses and thus may drive the female bias of the disease. Question: Does chronic expression of interferon-gamma lead to murine autoimmune cholangitis with a female predominance? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Changes in IFNγ expression are critical for the pathogenesis of PBC. (Hepatology 2016;64:1189-1201).
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Apyrases are divalent ion dependent tri- and dinucleotide phosphatases with different substrate specificity. The intracellular lysosomal apyrase LALP70 is also expressed as a splice variant (LALP70v) lacking a VSFASSQQ motif in the center of the molecule (aminoacids 287-294). However, the functional significance of this motif is unknown. In this report we used a thin layer chromatography approach to study separately the UTPase and UDPase activity of the two LALP-enzymes. We show, that LALP70 and LALP70v cleaved UTP to UDP in a calcium independent manner. In contrast, the cleavage of UDP to UMP was strongly calcium dependent for LALP70, but calcium independent for LALP70v. Question: Does the VSFASSQQ motif confer calcium sensitivity to the intracellular apyrase LALP70? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The VSFASSQQ motif not only influences the substrate specificity of LALP70, but it confers calcium sensitivity to LALP70 during the UDP cleavage. Whether this is due to direct binding of calcium to this motif or to a conformational change of the enzyme, remains to be elucidated.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is used for the management of chronic intractable neuropathic pain. While used clinically, it is unclear if SCS produces its effects by activation of opioid receptors. The current study aimed to determine if endogenous opioids mediate the analgesia produced by SCS at different frequencies of stimulation in rats with neuropathic pain [spared nerve injury (SNI) model]. Mechanical withdrawal thresholds of the paw were tested before and after 6 h of SCS at different frequencies (4 Hz, 60 Hz and sham) given daily for 4 days at 90% motor threshold 2 weeks after SNI. Rats were given naloxone (3-10 mg/kg/h), naltrindole (1 mg/kg/h) or were made tolerant to morphine (375 g pellets daily), and effects of SCS were tested. A dose of 3 mg/kg/h naloxone prevented the analgesia produced by 4-Hz, but not 60-Hz, SCS; 10 mg/kg/h prevented the analgesia produced by 60-Hz SCS. Naltrindole prevented the analgesia produced by 60-Hz, but not 4-Hz, SCS. In morphine-tolerant rats, 4-Hz SCS had no effect on withdrawal thresholds, but 60-Hz SCS remained effective as seen by increased withdrawal thresholds. Question: Does spinal cord stimulation reduce hypersensitivity through activation of opioid receptors in a frequency-dependent manner? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These results suggest that both 4- and 60-Hz SCS, in part, work through opioid receptor mechanisms, with 4-Hz SCS activating μ-opioid receptors while 60-Hz SCS activated δ-opioid receptors.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Tobacco use is a major public health problem globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is the second most important cause of death in the world. It is currently estimated to be responsible for about 5 million deaths each year worldwide. In India, it is responsible for over 8 lakh deaths every year. To estimate the prevalence of tobacco use among power loom workers in Mau Aima Town, District Allahabad, UP. Five hundred power loom workers were randomly chosen. Out of them 448 workers were interviewed through a questionnaire survey during May-June 2007. Data on demographics, education, and type of work were collected along with details regarding tobacco use and smoking status, duration of the habit, and daily consumption. Prevalence of tobacco chewing and/or bidi and cigarette smoking, and their sociodemographic correlates, were examined. The overall prevalence of tobacco use was 85.9%; the prevalence of smoking and tobacco chewing were 62.28% and 66.07%, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that smoking is more common in the elderly, while chewing gutka (a type of chewing tobacco) is popular among the younger age-groups. Question: Do prevalence of tobacco use among power loom workers - a cross-sectional study? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The prevalence of tobacco use among power loom workers is very high compared to that in general population. Immediate intervention programs are warranted to reduce the future burden of tobacco-related morbidity among these workers who are already exposed to the highly polluted environment in power loom factories.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Dopamine (DA) is a neurotransmitter implicated both in modulating neural retinal signals and in eye growth. Therefore, it may participate in the pathogenesis of the most common clinical sequelae of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), visual dysfunction and myopia. Paradoxically, in ROP myopia the eye is usually small. The eye of the rat with oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) is characterized by retinal dysfunction and short axial length. There have been several investigations of the early maturation of DA in rat retina, but little at older ages, and not in the OIR rat. Therefore, DA, retinal function, and refractive state were investigated in the OIR rat. In one set of rats, the development of dopaminergic (DAergic) networks was evaluated in retinal cross-sections from rats aged 14 to 120 days using antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of DA). In another set of rats, retinoscopy was used to evaluate spherical equivalent (SE), electoretinography (ERG) was used to evaluate retinal function, and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to evaluate retinal contents of DA, its precursor levodopamine (DOPA), and its primary metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC). The normally rapid postnatal ramification of DAergic neurons was disrupted in OIR rats. Retinoscopy revealed that OIR rats were relatively myopic. In the same eyes, ERG confirmed retinal dysfunction in OIR. HPLC of those eyes' retinae confirmed low DA. Regression analysis indicated that DA metabolism (evaluated by the ratio of DOPAC to DA) was an important additional predictor of myopia beyond OIR. Question: Is the rat with oxygen-induced retinopathy myopic with low retinal dopamine? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The OIR rat is the first known animal model of myopia in which the eye is smaller than normal. Dopamine may modulate, or fail to modulate, neural activity in the OIR eye, and thus contribute to this peculiar myopia.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Anatomy of the renal artery is an important issue in the renal transplantation era. Multi-detector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) is an accurate modality for the preoperative assessment of live renal donors, and it provides excellent details of donor arterial anatomy. We studied the relationship between the angle of emergence of the renal artery from the aorta and its branching pattern. In this study, the MDCTA images obtained from the 138 kidneys of 77 potential renal transplant donors were studied. The courses of the right and left renal arteries from the aorta to the kidney hilus were delineated. The branching angle of the renal artery from the aorta (beta, angle) and the length of the renal artery from the aorta until its first division were measured (Delta, distance). The renal artery deviation from the perpendicular plane of the aorta (D, factor of deviation) was calculated by the following formula: D = (1 - sin [beta]). The cosine of this angle (cos [beta]) was also calculated. Statistical analyses were performed with Pearson correlation tests. The P value was set at .05. The mean age of patients was 28.7 +/- 4.3 with a male to female ratio of 63:14. The mean Delta distance and small de, Cyrillic diameter were 34.37 +/- 10.68 mm (range, 10-58) and 6.13 +/- 1.37 mm (range, 2.8-9.9), respectively. The mean beta angle, factor of deviation, and cos (beta) were 62.19 degrees +/- 16.44, 0.15 +/- 0.14, and 0.45 +/- 0.25, respectively. Significant negative correlations were found between the beta angle, and Delta distance (r = -0.308; P<.001), and small de, Cyrillic diameter (r = -0.303; P = .003). Factor of deviation and cos (beta) were directly associated Delta distance and small de, Cyrillic diameter. Question: Do mechanical fluid laws dictate the branching pattern of the renal artery? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These findings indicated that with the main renal artery axis deviating from the perpendicular plane of the aorta or with a smaller branching angle, this artery had a greater diameter and underwent late branching. This study suggested that the renal artery diameter and branching pattern might be determined by the mechanical fluid laws.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Failure of vein graft conduits due to vein graft thickening, accelerated atherosclerosis, and subsequent plaque rupture is applicable to 50% of all vein grafts within 10 years. New potential therapeutic targets to treat vein graft disease may be found in components of the innate immune system, such as mast cells and complement factors, which are known to be involved in atherosclerosis and plaque destabilization. Interestingly, mast cells can be activated by complement factor C5a and, therefore, a direct role for C5a-mediated mast cell activation in vein graft disease is anticipated. We hypothesize that C5a-mediated mast cell activation is involved in the development and destabilization of vein graft lesions. Mast cells accumulated in time in murine vein graft lesions, and C5a and C5a-receptor (CD88) expression was up-regulated during vein graft disease in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Mast cell activation with dinitrophenyl resulted in a profound increase in vein graft thickening and in the number of plaque disruptions. C5a application enhanced vein graft lesion formation, while treatment with a C5a-receptor antagonist resulted in decreased vein graft disease. C5a most likely exerts its function via mast cell activation since the mast cell inhibitor cromolyn totally blocked C5a-enhanced vein graft disease. Question: Does complement factor C5a as mast cell activator mediate vascular remodelling in vein graft disease? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These data provide evidence that complement factor C5a-induced mast cell activation is highly involved in vein graft disease, which identifies new targets to prevent vein graft disease.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Data about the long-term outcome after cryoablation for atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) in the paediatric population indicate that recurrence rates are higher with cryo than with radiofrequency energy (RF). The purpose of this study was to review our institutional long-term outcome after cryoablation for AVNRT and to seek for predictors of recurrence. Forty-nine patients (28 female, age 14 ± 2.7 years) undergoing slow-pathway modulation or ablation for AVNRT at our institution from 2004 to 2008 were included in the study.  Acute success was obtained in all patients (100%) with a mean procedure time of 164 ± 50 min and a mean fluoroscopy time of 13 ± 8 min. During a follow-up time of 30 ± 1.9 months, AVNRT recurrence occurred in 11/49 patients (22.4%). Age, sex, number of cryomappings or ablations, catheter tip (4 mm vs. 6 mm), or ablation endpoint (slow-pathway ablation vs. modulation) were not predictive for recurrence. In eight patients, reablation using cryo was performed. All these patients remained free of arrhythmia symptoms during a follow-up of 30 ± 8 months following the second procedure. Question: Is long-term follow-up after cryoablation for adolescent atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia : recurrence predictable? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Although cryoablation for the treatment for AVNRT in paediatric and adolescent patients is safe and associated with a high acute success rate, AVNRT recurrence occurs in 22% of patients during long-term follow-up without identifiable predictors for recurrence. A second cryoablation procedure leads to a success rate of 100% during long-term follow-up.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The performance of scoring tools to select clinical vignettes for presentation at academic meetings has never been assessed. To measure the psychometric properties of two scoring tools used to select clinical vignettes and to determine which elements are most helpful. Prospective observational study. Participants submitting clinical vignette abstracts, Society of General Internal Medicine annual meetings (2006-2007). The 2006 scoring tool had three criteria (clarity, significance, and relevance) with brief general descriptors. The 2007 modified tool had five criteria (clarity, significance, relevance, teaching value, and overall assessment) with more detailed descriptors. A total of 938 clinical vignette abstracts were submitted (484 in 2006; 454 in 2007); 59.5% (n=288) were accepted for presentation. Cronbach's alpha was 0.81 for the 2006 three-item tool and 0.95 for the 2007 modified five-item tool. Simplifying the five-item 2007 tool to three items (relevance, teaching value, overall assessment) yielded a Cronbach's alpha of 0.95. The agreement between the number of clinical vignettes accepted for presentation (2007) using the average score of the five items with the number that would have been accepted using the simplified three items (relevance, teaching value, overall assessment) was almost perfect, with kappa 0.89 (95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.93). Question: Selecting the best clinical vignettes for academic meetings: should the scoring tool criteria be modified? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Both scoring tools performed well, but a simplified tool with three items (relevance, teaching value, and overall assessment) and detailed descriptors was optimal; the simplified tool could improve the reviewer efficiency and quality of clinical vignettes presented at national meetings.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Recent studies have suggested that benign papillary lesions without atypia [benign papilloma (BP)] diagnosed on breast core needle biopsy (CNB) may not require excision. However, most have studied only small numbers of cases and scant data are available on the utility of immunohistochemistry in the categorization of papillary lesions on CNB. In the largest published series of BP identified on CNB, we studied the impact of immunohistochemistry on the accuracy of a CNB diagnosis of BP. Breast CNBs (n = 129) with a diagnosis of papillary lesion were immunostained for calponin, p63 and cytokeratin 5/6. Haematoxylin and eosin and immunostained slides were independently reviewed by four breast pathologists. BP was the final excision diagnosis in 35 cases. With the use of immunohistochemistry, the positive predictive value (PPV) of BP diagnosis by the four individual pathologists increased from 72.7-83.3% (mean 79.2%) to 77.8-87.5% (82.1%), the negative predictive value (NPV) increased from 77.8-98.5% (88.6%) to 100% for all four participants and overall accuracy increased from 78.7-92.6% (84.7%) to 90.7-95.4% (92.8%). No case of invasive carcinoma was diagnosed as BP on CNB by any participant. The frequency of ductal carcinoma in situ following a BP diagnosis on CNB ranged from 2.5% to 4.8% (4%) but was only 0-3% (2.3%) after excluding cases that were radiologically suspicious for malignancy. Question: Does immunohistochemistry increase the accuracy of diagnosis of benign papillary lesions in breast core needle biopsy specimens? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Immunohistochemistry increases accuracy of BP diagnosis in CNB specimens. Benign papillary lesions diagnosed on CNB do not require excision in the absence of suspicious clinical/radiological findings.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The mechanisms responsible for interferon α (IFN-α) production by plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection are unknown. This research examined the roles of Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and autophagy in IFN-α production by pDCs during HIV-1 infection. pDCs from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were incubated with infectious or aldrithiol 2 (AT-2)-inactivated HIV-1 or with uridine-rich single-stranded RNA40 (ssRNA40) from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat. IFN-α was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay. Autophagic proteins were detected by Western blot, and autophagosomes were identified using immunofluorescent and confocal microscopy. To inhibit autophagy, pDCs were treated with the phosphoinositide-3 kinase inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA) or were transfected with autophagy-related protein 7 or TLR7 small interfering RNA (siRNA). Increased levels of IFN-α were present in culture supernatants following 16-hour incubation of pDCs with infectious or AT-2-inactivated HIV-1. Treatment of pDCs with ssRNA40 but not ssRNA41 resulted in high levels of IFN-α. pDCs exposed to HIV-1 gp120, rapamycin, or 3-MA alone failed to induce IFN-α. Pretreatment of pDCs with 3-MA significantly reduced the induction of IFN-α by ssRNA40. Similarly, knock down of autophagy-related protein 7 and TLR7 by use of siRNA significantly reduced the induction of IFN-α by ssRNA40 or HIV-1. Question: Is production of interferon α by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells dependent on induction of autophagy? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These findings demonstrate that IFN-α production by pDCs exposed to infectious or noninfectious HIV-1 and ssRNA40 occurs through induction of autophagy following TLR7 signaling.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Depressed mood has been prospectively associated with hypertension. Altered ANS function, as reflected in poor CV recovery, may be one mechanism that underlies this relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between depressed mood and cardiovascular recovery following a standard mental stress task in healthy young women. Depressed mood was assessed in 63 young women. Cardiovascular data were collected during a 5-min baseline period, 5-min public speaking stress task, and 15-min recovery period. Depressed mood accounted for 9.6% of the variation in HR reactivity (F(1,58) = 6.513, p = 0.013) and 4.5% of DBP recovery (F(1,58) = 4.538, p = 0.037). Question: Is depressed affect associated with poorer cardiovascular recovery in young women following a mental stressor? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Greater depressed mood was associated with greater HR reactivity and poorer DBP recovery. This is the first study to directly investigate associations between depressed mood and CV recovery following mental stress.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To determine whether intraarticular injection of morphine, fentanyl, or sufentanil added to bupivacaine provided pain control after open rotator cuff repair. These data were collected as a prospective, randomized, blinded observer study. All patients received a standard interscalene anesthetic with 1.4% mepivacaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. At the conclusion of surgery, they received an intraarticular injection after the shoulder capsule was closed. Patients were randomized into 4 groups. All received 20 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine: group 1, plain; group 2, with 1 mg of morphine added; group 3, with 50 microg of fentanyl added; and group 4, with 10 microg of sufentanil added. Pain scores in the postanesthesia care unit were evaluated at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 240 minutes and at 4-hour intervals postoperatively using a visual analogue scale. Breakthrough pain was managed with morphine, via patient controlled analgesia pump. Thirty-nine patients were entered into the study. Pain scores at 2 hours and beyond were lowest in group 2. Total morphine utilization was significantly lower for the first 24 hours in group 2. Question: Does intraarticular morphine and bupivacaine reduce postoperative pain after rotator cuff repair? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Intraarticular injection of the shoulder with 0.25% bupivacaine and 1 mg morphine at the conclusion of surgery provided pain control and diminished morphine used in the first 24 hours after open rotator cuff repair. Fentanyl and sufentanil did not improve the analgesia over that achieved with bupivacaine alone.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Humor is an important coping mechanism and can improve mood. However, it is unclear whether depressed patients are able to enjoy funny material, e.g. jokes, and make use of their sense of humor for coping with adverse situations. This study aims at investigating the influence of depression on various aspects of humor abilities such as sense of humor, appraisal of funny material and exhilaration. Nineteen patients with major depression and 18 healthy controls were examined with standardized self-assessment questionnaires to study potential group differences in humor type preferences, state and trait cheerfulness, seriousness and bad mood as well as humor coping. Patients and controls did not differ in their humor type preferences and the degree to which humorous stimuli were rated as being funny. The readiness to react to funny stimuli with exhilaration was significantly less pronounced in the patient group. The patients' tendency to use humor as a coping strategy was significantly lower than in the control group. Question: Do depressed patients lose their sense of humor? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The susceptibility to humorous material seems to be unaffected by the disorder. Introducing means to promote humor behavior might therefore be beneficial to depressed patients. Study limitations were that only self-rating instruments were used and that the medication was inhomogeneous.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: While health insurance claims data are often used to estimate the costs of renal replacement therapy in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the accuracy of methods used to identify patients receiving dialysis - especially peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) - in these data is unknown. The study population consisted of all persons aged 18 - 63 years in a large US integrated health plan with ESRD and dialysis-related billing codes (i.e., diagnosis, procedures) on healthcare encounters between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2008. Using billing codes for all healthcare encounters within 30 days of each patient's first dialysis-related claim ("index encounter"), we attempted to designate each study subject as either a "PD patient" or "HD patient." Using alternative windows of ± 30 days, ± 90 days, and ± 180 days around the index encounter, we reviewed patients' medical records to determine the dialysis modality actually received. We calculated the positive predictive value (PPV) for each dialysis-related billing code, using information in patients' medical records as the "gold standard." We identified a total of 233 patients with evidence of ESRD and receipt of dialysis in healthcare claims data. Based on examination of billing codes, 43 and 173 study subjects were designated PD patients and HD patients, respectively (14 patients had evidence of PD and HD, and modality could not be ascertained for 31 patients). The PPV of codes used to identify PD patients was low based on a ± 30-day medical record review window (34.9%), and increased with use of ± 90-day and ± 180-day windows (both 67.4%). The PPV for codes used to identify HD patients was uniformly high - 86.7% based on ± 30-day review, 90.8% based on ± 90-day review, and 93.1% based on ± 180-day review. Question: Can dialysis patients be accurately identified using healthcare claims data? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> While HD patients could be accurately identified using billing codes in healthcare claims data, case identification was much more problematic for patients receiving PD.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with a twofold greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Despite this, little is known about the effect of NAFLD upon cardiac function, limiting our ability to identify therapeutic strategies. This study aimed to address this by defining the effect of NAFLD on cardiac function, structure, and metabolism. Nineteen adults with NAFLD were age-, sex-, and BMI-matched to healthy controls without liver or metabolic disease. Cardiac structure and function were assessed using high-resolution cardiac MRI and tagging at 3.0 T. High-energy phosphate metabolism was assessed using (31)P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure the PCr/ATP ratio. Adults with NAFLD had significantly thicker left ventricular walls at systole (14 ± 3 vs. 12 ± 2 mm; p <0.01) and diastole (8 ± 1 vs. 7 ± 1 mm; p <0.01) than those without fatty liver and showed decreased longitudinal shortening (14 ± 3 vs. 17 ± 3%; p <0.01). The eccentricity ratio was significantly higher in the NAFLD group (1.1 ± 0.2 vs. 0.9 ± 0.2 g/ml; p <0.01) indicating concentric remodelling. Peak whole wall strain was higher in the NAFLD group (19 ± 2 vs. 17 ± 3%; p <0.01), as was peak endocardial strain (28 ± 4 vs. 22 ± 5%; p <0.01). Cardiac metabolism, measured by PCr/ATP ratio, was not altered in NAFLD (1.8 ± 0.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.3; p=0.36). Question: Are cardiac structure and function altered in adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Significant changes in cardiac structure and function are evident in adults with NAFLD in the apparent absence of metabolic changes or overt cardiac disease. Clinicians should continue to explore therapies to improve cardiac function as a means to modify the excess risk of cardiovascular disease associated with NAFLD.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Stunting affects one-third of children in developing countries, but the causes remain unclear. We hypothesized that enteropathy leads to low-grade inflammation, which suppresses the growth hormone-IGF axis and mediates stunting. We conducted a case-control study of 202 HIV-unexposed Zimbabwean infants who were stunted (height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) <-2; cases) or non-stunted (HAZ >-0.5; controls) at 18 months. We measured biomarkers of intestinal damage (I-FABP), inflammation (CRP, AGP, IL-6) and growth hormone-IGF axis (IGF-1, IGFBP3) in infant plasma at 6 weeks and 3, 6, 12 and 18 months, and in paired maternal-infant plasma at birth. Adjusted mean differences between biomarkers were estimated using regression models. Multivariate odds ratios of stunting were estimated by logistic regression. At birth, cases were shorter (median (IQR) HAZ -1.00 (-1.53, -0.08) vs 0.03 (-0.57, 0.62,); P<0.001) than controls and their mothers had lower levels of IGF-1 (adjusted mean difference (95%CI) -21.4 (-39.8, -3.1) ng/mL). From 6 weeks to 12 months of age, levels of CRP and AGP were consistently higher and IGF-1 and IGFBP3 lower in cases versus controls; IGF-1 correlated inversely with inflammatory markers at all time-points. I-FABP increased between 3-12 months, indicating extensive intestinal damage during infancy, which was similar in cases and controls. In multivariate analysis, higher log10 levels of CRP (aOR 3.06 (95%CI 1.34, 6.99); P = 0.008) and AGP (aOR 7.87 (95%CI 0.74, 83.74); P = 0.087) during infancy were associated with stunting. There were no associations between levels of I-FABP, IL-6, sCD14 or EndoCAb and stunting. Question: Is stunting characterized by chronic inflammation in Zimbabwean infants? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Stunting began in utero and was associated with low maternal IGF-1 levels at birth. Inflammatory markers were higher in cases than controls from 6 weeks of age and were associated with lower levels of IGF-1 throughout infancy. Higher levels of CRP and AGP during infancy were associated with stunting. These findings suggest that an extensive enteropathy occurs during infancy and that low-grade chronic inflammation may impair infant growth.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 is thought to be a major cause of adult idiopathic peripheral facial paralysis or Bell's palsy. However, few studies have examined the pathogenesis of this condition in children. Serologic assays and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of paired sera and saliva samples were used here to investigate the causes of acute peripheral facial paralysis in pediatric patients. A total of 30 children with acute peripheral facial paralysis were recruited. Paired sera were assayed for evidence of herpesvirus, mumps virus or Borrelia infection. PCR was used to detect herpes simplex virus type 1 and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA in saliva samples. Ramsay Hunt syndrome with accompanying zoster lesions was diagnosed clinically in 2 patients, and VZV reactivation was confirmed serologically. VZV reactivation in the absence of zoster (zoster sine herpete) was diagnosed in 9 patients with either serologic assays or PCR. Thus VZV reactivation was demonstrated in 11 of 30 (37%) patients. The prevalence of VZV reactivation among patients between 6 and 15 years of age was significantly higher than in those younger than 5 years of age (53% versus 9%, P = 0.023). Question: Is varicella-zoster virus reactivation an important cause of acute peripheral facial paralysis in children? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our data indicate that VZV reactivation is an important cause of acute peripheral facial paralysis in children, especially those between 6 and 15 years of age.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: To determine if the platelet glass bead retention assay can predict bleeding after cardiac surgery. Prospective, observational study. Large, tertiary care, academic medical center. Forty-three adult patients scheduled to undergo elective cardiac surgery employing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Whole blood samples were observed for platelet count, prothrombin time, and platelet (glass bead) retention assay. The platelet retention and prothrombin times were independent univariant and multivariant predictors of bleeding after CPB (r = 0.554, p = 0.0002 and r = 0.655, p = 0.00001). Question: Does platelet glass bead retention predict bleeding after cardiac surgery? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The platelet glass bead retention assay measures dynamic platelet function and is sensitive to the CPB-induced adhesion and aggregation defect and correlates with postoperative blood loss. Modification of this platelet function assay used with the prothrombin time may provide a simple and effective diagnostic approach to bleeding after CPB.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: The complement-dependent microcytotoxicity crossmatch (CDCXM) is a standard method for evaluating the presence of preformed antibodies before transplantation. The flow cytometry crossmatch (FCXM) is more sensitive, but there is controversy regarding translation of its increased sensitivity to clinically relevant graft outcomes. We analyzed Organ Procurement and Transplant Network registry data for living and deceased donor kidney transplants performed in 1995 to 2009 after both CDCXM and FCXM testing. Transplants with negative CDCXM (CDCXM(-)) and with T-cell positive (T(+)), T-cell negative/B-cell positive (T(-)B(+)), or T- and B-cell negative (T(-)B(-)) FCXM results were included. Graft survival according to crossmatch results was compared by survival analysis. Among patients transplanted with negative CDCXM (CDCXM(-)), deceased and living donor graft recipients with T(+) FXCM experienced significant absolute reductions in 5-year graft survival of 11.5% and 8.8% compared to those with T(-) FCXM (P < .0001). Compared to patients with FCXM(-)/CDCXM(-) deceased and living donor recipients with T(-)B(+) FCXM/CDCXM(-) had absolute reductions in 5-year graft survival of 9.6% and 7.6%, respectively (P < .0001). Upon multivariate adjustment with Cox regression, T(+) FCXM/CDCXM(-) deceased donor transplantation was associated with 51% higher adjusted relative risk of 1-year graft loss than FCXM(-)/CDCXM(-). Relative risks were more marked at 1 year for the T(+) groups but stronger in the 1- to 5-year interval for the T(-)B(+) groups. Question: Do the clinical importance of flow cytometry crossmatch in the context of CDC crossmatch results? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Positive FCXM has important prognostic implications even when CDCXM is negative. Thus, positive FCXM should not routinely be dismissed as "overly sensitive" when CDCXM is negative.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Diabetes mellitus has a high prevalence in developed countries and is associated with high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates. In this study we evaluated in-hospital evolution of diabetic patients admitted to a cardiac care unit with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation. We analyzed a population of 176 consecutive patients, 36 (21%) with diabetes, admitted with chest pain at rest, elevated biological markers for myocardial necrosis and/or ST segment/T wave changes suggestive of myocardial ischemia. The groups were similar in terms of age, sex, presence of other risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), past history of CAD or myocardial revascularization. There were no differences between the groups with respect to extent of CAD, left ventricular function or blood levels of biological markers. The comparison between the two groups did not show any statistical difference concerning the following in-hospital events: non-Q wave MI, Q-wave MI, PTCA and death. On the other hand, the diabetic patients had a worse outcome in term of congestive heart failure (25% and 11%, p = 0.04), CABG (25% and 10%, p = 0.02) and combination of death, congestive heart failure and Q-wave MI (42% and 23%, p = 0.02). Question: Is the worse hospital outcome of diabetic patients explained by the severity of underlying coronary artery disease? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> In spite of similar extent of CAD and similar left ventricular function, diabetes mellitus in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation identifies a higher-risk population with more complicated in-hospital outcome.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Skin commensal bacteria account for most septic reactions after apheresis platelet (PLT) transfusion. Consequently, we evaluated the effectiveness of two skin disinfection methods in preventing bacterial contamination of PLT collections. Three regional blood centers evaluated a one-step 2% chlorhexidine/70% isopropyl alcohol (2% CHX/IPA) skin disinfection method (trial group), while 32 blood centers (control group) continued to use a two-step povidone-iodine (P-I) method. Aerobic quality control bacterial culture results and adverse donor events were compared between April 1, 2009, and December 31, 2009. The rate of initial positive bacterial cultures was significantly lower in the trial regions compared to control regions in 2009 (143 vs. 321 per million: odds ratio [OR] 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.23-0.86]). Trial regions also tended to have lower rates of both true-positive cultures (100 vs. 214 per million: OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.21-1.03) and false-positive (contamination) cultures (43 vs. 96 per million: OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.14-1.49). No differences were seen in the corresponding periods in 2007 and 2008 when all centers used P-I skin preparation. Allergic reactions were reported after 89 of 73,247 apheresis procedures (0.12%) in the trial regions representing a 16-fold increase (OR 15.9, 95% CI 9.9-25.6) compared to control regions. Question: Is skin disinfection with a single-step 2 % chlorhexidine swab more effective than a two-step povidone-iodine method in preventing bacterial contamination of apheresis platelets? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> The 2% CHX/IPA single-step skin swabs are more effective in preventing bacterial contamination of apheresis PLT components than a two-step P-I skin disinfection method and may reduce the risk of septic transfusion reactions. Skin irritation and allergic reactions were more likely among donors in trial regions, but reactions were generally mild and self-limiting.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: In our previous study, we reported that early postoperative oral feeding accelerated upper gastrointestinal anastomotic healing in rats. To investigate its underlying mechanism, we performed in vivo and in vitro experiments. Rats that received proximal jejunal anastomosis were divided into four groups: the enteral nutrition (EN) group were fed via gastrostomy, the total parental nutrition (TPN alone) group were fed via a venous catheter, the TPN + saline group received an additional administration of normal saline solution via gastrostomy, and the TPN + water group received an additional administration of distilled water via gastrostomy. The anastomotic bursting pressure (ABP) and the hydroxyproline content of the anastomotic tissue were measured 5 d postoperatively. In an in vitro setting, the rat gastrointestinal fibroblasts were subjected to uniaxial stretching for 60 min, and the expression of type I and type III collagen mRNA was evaluated. The ABP and hydroxyproline content in the EN group, the TPN + saline group, and the TPN + water group were significantly higher than those in the TPN alone group (ABP; 214.6 ± 42, 199.4 ± 36, and 187.3 ± 29 versus 149.5 ± 49 mmHg; P < 0.01, hydroxyproline; 63.5 ± 10, 67.8 ± 13, and 64.1 ± 14 versus 50.5 ± 12 μmol/g dry tissue; P < 0.01). The mRNA levels of type I and type III collagen were increased by stretch stimulation. Question: Does early postoperative oral intake accelerate upper gastrointestinal anastomotic healing in the rat model? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> These results suggest that mechanical loading plays a key role in anastomotic healing. Further investigations are necessary to confirm this suggestion.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Sublethal doses of whole brain irradiation (WBI) are commonly administered therapeutically and frequently result in late delayed radiation injuries, manifesting as severe and irreversible cognitive impairment. Neural progenitors within the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus are among the most radiosensitive cell types in the adult brain and are known to participate in hippocampal plasticity and normal cognitive function. These progenitors and the specialized SZG microenvironment required for neuronal differentiation are the source of neurogenic potential in the adult dentate gyrus, and provide a continuous supply of immature neurons which may then migrate into the adjacent granule cell layer to become mature granule cell neurons. The extreme radiosensitivity of these progenitors and the SGZ microenvironment suggests the hippocampus as a prime target for radiation-induced cognitive impairment. The brain renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has previously been implicated as a potent modulator of neurogenesis within the SGZ and selective RAS inhibitors have been implicated as mitigators of radiation brain injury. Here we investigate the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, ramipril, as a mitigator of radiation injury in this context. Adult male Fisher 344 rats received WBI at doses of 10 Gy and 15 Gy. Ramipril was administered beginning 24 hours post-WBI and maintained continuously for 12 weeks. Ramipril produced small but significant reductions in the deleterious effects of radiation on progenitor proliferation and neuronal differentiation in the rat dentate gyrus following 10 Gy-WBI, but was not effective following 15 Gy-WBI. Ramipril also reduced the basal rate of neurogenesis within the SGZ in unirradiated control rats. Question: Does ramipril mitigate radiation-induced impairment of neurogenesis in the rat dentate gyrus? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Our results indicate that chronic ACE inhibition with ramipril, initiated 24 hours post-irradiation, may reduce apoptosis among SGZ progenitors and/or inflammatory disruption of neurogenic signaling within SGZ microenvironment, and suggest that angiotensin II may participate in maintaining the basal rate of granule cell neurogenesis.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: Despite significant risk for venous thromboembolism, severely injured trauma patients often are not candidates for prophylaxis or treatment with anticoagulation. Long-term inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are associated with increased risk of postphlebitic syndrome. Retrievable IVC filters potentially offer a better solution, but only if the filter is removed; our hypothesis is that the most of them are not. This retrospective study queried a level I trauma registry for IVC filter insertion from September 1997 through June 2004. One IVC filter was placed before the availability of retrievable filters in 2001. Since 2001, 27 filters have been placed, indicating a change in practice patterns. Filters were placed for prophylaxis (n = 11) or for therapy in patients with pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis (n = 17). Of 23 temporary filters, only 8 (35%) were removed. Question: Are temporary inferior vena cava filters really temporary? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Surgeons must critically evaluate indications for IVC filter insertion, develop standard criteria for placement, and implement protocols to ensure timely removal of temporary IVC filters.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: We previously demonstrated the usefulness of temporary inferior vena cava filters (t-IVCFs) to prevent pulmonary thromboembolism in pregnant women with deep venous thrombosis (DVT). However, there is currently no consensus on the indications for intrapartum t-IVCF in pregnant women with DVT. In this study, we re-evaluated the safety and usefulness of t-IVCF inserted in this condition. A retrospective evaluation in a single center was performed of 45 Japanese patients (54 pregnancies) with DVT between 1989 and 2014. Intrapartum t-IVCF insertion was indicated in patients who had or might have had extensive DVT located in iliofemoral veins and who had floating thrombi in the veins of their lower limbs. Eighteen patients (40%) had thrombophilias. Onset of DVT and delivery occurred at 17 ± 9 weeks and 37 ± 2 weeks of gestation, respectively. Twenty pregnant women underwent placement of an intrapartum t-IVCF. All t-IVCFs were successfully placed in the suprarenal inferior vena cava before delivery. Filter-related complications occurred in two cases (10%). One was an allergic reaction to the lidocaine used at the insertion, and another was dislocation of the t-IVCF to the right atrium. The t-IVCFs were placed for more acute DVT compared with the 34 pregnancies without t-IVCF; the onset of DVT with t-IVCF was significantly later (22 vs 12 weeks; P = .002), and the duration of unfractionated heparin therapy was significantly shorter (16 vs 28 weeks; P < .001). There was no case of clinical pulmonary embolism in the perinatal period. Thrombus was detected macroscopically at the removed t-IVCF in 15 cases; however, almost all were minute pieces. In only one case with protein S deficiency and placental abruption was a large thrombus captured in the t-IVCF, which was considered to have prevented a clinically relevant pulmonary embolus. Question: Are intrapartum temporary inferior vena cava filters rarely indicated in pregnant women with deep venous thromboses? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Placement of a t-IVCF appears to be safe for pregnant women. However, intrapartum t-IVCF insertion is considered to be unnecessary for pregnant women with DVT who have received anticoagulation therapy at early onset of gestation and long term before delivery. Patients with thrombophilia and at high risk of hemorrhage may represent a subgroup of women who would benefit from t-IVCF placement, but larger prospective multicenter evaluations are required to establish that fact.
<|system|> You are an biomedical AI assistant that follows instruction extremely well, Your task is to answer biomedical questions precisely and truthfully using the given abstract <|endoftext|> <|prompter|> Abstract: One of the main contributors to maladaptive cardiac remodeling is fibrosis. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), a matricellular protein that is secreted into the cardiac extracellular matrix by both cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts, is often associated with development of fibrosis. However, recent studies have questioned the role of CTGF as a pro-fibrotic factor. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of CTGF on cardiac fibrosis, and on functional, structural, and electrophysiological parameters in a mouse model of CTGF knockout (KO) and chronic pressure overload. A new mouse model of global conditional CTGF KO induced by tamoxifen-driven deletion of CTGF, was subjected to 16weeks of chronic pressure overload via transverse aortic constriction (TAC, control was sham surgery). CTGF KO TAC mice presented with hypertrophic hearts, and echocardiography revealed a decrease in contractility on a similar level as control TAC mice. Ex vivo epicardial mapping showed a low incidence of pacing-induced ventricular arrhythmias (2/12 in control TAC vs. 0/10 in CTGF KO TAC, n.s.) and a tendency towards recovery of the longitudinal conduction velocity of CTGF KO TAC hearts. Picrosirius Red staining on these hearts unveiled increased fibrosis at a similar level as control TAC hearts. Furthermore, genes related to fibrogenesis were also similarly upregulated in both TAC groups. Histological analysis revealed an increase in fibronectin and vimentin protein expression, a significant reduction in connexin43 (Cx43) protein expression, and no difference in NaV1.5 expression of CTGF KO ventricles as compared with sham treated animals. Question: Does cTGF knockout affect cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis formation upon chronic pressure overload? <|endoftext|> <|assistant|> Conditional CTGF inhibition failed to prevent TAC-induced cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy. Additionally, no large differences were found in other parameters between CTGF KO and control TAC mice. With no profound effect of CTGF on fibrosis formation, other factors or pathways are likely responsible for fibrosis development.