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Changing our ways on how we use cars for the better? Is it just so happen that people are using there car less than usual? In many places like Germany, Paris, Bogota are changing the ways to use cars. To reduce every little problem cars are causing. Traffic jams, smogs, and reducing greenhouse gas emmisions, people are getting smart about using there cars everyday. Maybe people are tired of using all cars of the time. When people buy car, it gives them alot of freedom knowing they area able to go where ever they're heart desires. Lately people aren't feeling the whole waiting in traffic if theres an accident or just to much cars. Bus rides, trains, taxi are helping reduce this. People can go somewhere without waiting that long just for a little price. In Germany there are new laws where they put a prices to put cars and there is only certian places you can put there cars at. 70% of families in Germany have do not own cars and 57% sold there cars because of this new law? You  would think thats people would complain about having cars and having no place to put them. But many people are accuatly happy that they put this new type of law. Many people prefered to have this happen. Smogs? what are smogs? smogs are grey clouds that hurt is in ways we dont even know. Cars emmit these deadly gases and we dont know it. Cars arent the only one who emmit they clouds of grey smoke, factories emmit this also. Which is not helping our ecosystem at all. In Paris they had an order to help redude this problem. On mondays motorists with even-numbered liscense plates were ordered to leave their cars at home which on the following day people with odd numbered liscenes plates were doing the same thing if they did not follow this ruling they were have to suffer a thirty one dollar fine. This helped alot with the smog. Places like Germany and Paris arent the only one who are changing the ways. In Bogota they have a car free day which only allows you to take a bicycle, taxi, buses or whatever you want but do not take a car or suffer the rath of fine. Going on for three years now people are saying they enjoy these types of days because everything is more relaxing it reduces stress and air pressure which is a really good thing. Even when it rains it doesn't stop people from participating from this. There is even a 118 mile bicycle path that shows how much people want to change the way they use cars. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city: uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, snooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up." Many sciencetists are believing that the car culture is coming to an end. Cars sales have drop alot. People are taking the bus, taxis, and even trains to avoid traffic. "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." Younges ages don't even drive till the age of 21 or they don't even care till then. They can usually care poll to places like partys, mall and the beach. They don't need a seperate car for each person when they are all going to the same place. Which is feel its a good and bad things. Its good because poeple are caring more that were causing harm to our own home and that they know that they can do all they want together and still have fun. It causes harm to busineses many stores could go out of business. It does not matter if we try to stop using cars or not we are always hurting in some other way. Traffic jams, smogs and reducing greenhouse emmisions are just the begining of this all. We can do way more if we put out mind set to it.
My position on driverless cars is that they should be used when needed not all the time. They are not as safe as people think they are for the fact that they cannot think for themselves. They will have to have way to many sencersto be able to try to keep every one safe. Safty is a big concern because of all the sencers that are there and one of them go out the othere sencers cant see that spot so if something were in that spot then they would have died. Some people think smart cars are going to be the next big thing but i dont hink so safty and money are way out of the safty range at the moment and i dont think it is a very good idea because where are you going to get all the money to buy a smart car, I know i would not have enough money for that because i dont have money for a regular car at the moment because wll i just got my job. Just take a minute and think would you want your child playing on the street and this driverless car comes through that same street and the sencer on that part of the car is not working and it does't see your child and runs he\she over? So in conclusion, Smart cars are not as smart as they seem. They will not be cheep cars to have and if they get themselfs into an accident think of all the money that you would have to put into it to fix all of the damage that it would have caused itsself. Think about the insurence bill if it accidentaly kills someone because one of the sencers were out. I think that they would bee good to have if you are sick but not any other time i think it would be stupid to even try to have them but that is my opionion on the matter i just wouldn't buy one because i do not wat to be responsible for something tragic happening to anythingor anyone.
The problem with the electoral college is that the people really arent controlling who they vote for. Personally i am in favor of changin the electoral college to popular vote. The representatives of the electoral college can basically vote for who ever they want to vote for. The people only influence the electoral college. The people should have the right to vote for the candidate that they want not the one that some representative in the electoral college chooses. These are just some reasons why i think the presidential should be replaced by popular vote. To begin with, the representatives of the electoral college can basically vote for who ever they want to vote for. When a voter places there vote they arent voting for the actual president they are simply voting for the reps of the electoral college. "The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast." What this means is that basically the election is based on what they decide not on what the people say. Furthermore, the only thing the people do by voting is that they influence the electoral college's decision. The people dont really get to choose who they believe should be in office. All the electoral college does is get in the way of whom the people choose to be president. The electoral college should be removed and replaced with popular vote. This should take place as soon as possible. Lastly, the people should have the right to vote for whom they believe should take office; not for some representative that is gonna choose who ever they want. For example, lets say that one votes for obama, they arent really voting for obama they are voting for someone who could pick obama, But the person that they vote for to pick obama could change there mind and vote for the other candidate. So really the peoples vote doesnt even matter. All it does is influence the vote of some representative from the electoral college. I believe that this should be changed to popular vote. In which the people vote for the candidate they want to be president and then all the votes are counted up and compared. Thats the way the presidential should be done. This is the best way for the peoples voice to be recognized and it will make a difference.
The author suports the ideas as to how Venus is a worth planet to study despite the dangers it represents. Even doe Venus is such an imposible planet to get into, despite how Venus is a planet where spacecrafts sent and didnt survive the landing for more than a few hours. Despite how Venus surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Scientists still want to try and get to Venus even if it tooks impossible According to the passage humans have sent numeous spacecrafts on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more tha three decades. Now not only do humans want to study Venus but humans now contribute to Venus's reputation as a challeging planet for humans to study. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets. The surface, temperatures averages over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Which means that is impossible for a human being to walk around Venus's surface. NASA has one particular idea of how humans can study in Venus. This particular idea is to make vehicles that hover 30 or so miles above Venusian Landscape. Just as how airplanes fly over many storms. Because Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and the surface is super hot then hovering above its landscape would make it easier for scientist to study. In conclusion NASA'S posible solution has to be spot on because in more than three decades not a single spaceship has toched down on Venus. Not only are they thinking of one soution but Scientist have been thinking of possible solution such as simplified electronts made of silicon carbide they have been tested in chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and this has shown some good results because in the test the electronics made from silicone lasted for three weeks. Either way Scientist are still studing on how to get to Venus no matter how hard and impossible it looks they have hope and hope to one day get to that panet and make a whole new worl out of it.
Hello, I am writing to you about the Electoral College and why that I think it should be removed. Why I think we should remove the Electoral College is when voter selects the president they want they are really just picking for a elector who elects the president for them. Also this makes a single rep from Wyoming of 500,00 people has as much say as 55 reps for California who represents 35 million people. The last reason behind this is also being unfair to voters, the winner take all system where in the state the winner of the votes gets them all. So in effect a candidate would spend no time in that per say a swing state. which the may have a chance of winning. When you vote for the president you really are not voting for him, you're voting for a elector who really elect the president. Also the question is brought up, who picks the electors? This also depends on the state could be the state party's central committee or the presidential candidate's people do. Also another question is what controls the elector from electing the wrong candidate, nothing. Also why does a single reps in Wyoming with 500,00 people have as much say as 55 reps in California with 35 million people? That is just unfair to the voters, how could that in anyway represent what the majority of the people want. The other way the electoral collage is unfair is the winner take all system I mentioned earlier with majority votes in a state is the state vote, such as if 46 percent of people in a state voted one candidate and 54 for the other insted of just giving the candidates their votes the majority decided one would have them. The Electoral College is also not a democratic system of voting because the people are really not deciding, and when it is said you are allowing each party to pick a trusted slate of nominees it is not true because the state's central committee not the presidential candidate's reps who are the people really needed to vote for such. In 2000 Gore had more popular votes than bush but less electoral votes, though rare to happen this the president who runs the country for four years at a time so that one rare moment could mean the future of the U.S.A . Also a president does not need to be trans-regional, they only need to appeal to swing states and not ruin relations with their states. So that was and is my reasoning of why I think that the Electoral College should be removed from our political system. Between the being unfair to voters through voting for electors not even the president, reps not even being scaled right also the winner take all system making the system unbalanced, and the presidential candidates not even needing to appeal to most states just the swing states. I hope this passage convinces you that the Electoral College should be removed in place of a better system that is not out dated.    
Driverless cars, even the idea of it gives me a massive headache. Thinking about all the promblems that would cause is just dreadful. I mean it's bad enough people now and days don't know how to drive I cant even imagine what it'd be like having driverless cars on the road. I think it's absoutley the worse idea I ever heard of mainly because of all the tremendous promblems it would cause. Having driverless cars in my mind is very dangerous because anything could happen when a driver isn't in control. Today we already have so many accidents everyday with just everday people. People are not responcible enough to take on such a big task of having a driverless car in their possestion or on the road for that matter. It's understandable to have the idea of having them because of how much technology has improved over the years. But even now the cars are not fully ready to be taken out on the road when it can't fully take on the challenge of driving around accidents, roadwork, and roadblocks. However it does say that the car can alert the driver when it needs the assistance but, who is to say when a person is paying attention they could be sitting back relaxing and the alert may not make it to the driver in time. That is a acciedent waiting to happen. Even though we still have wrecks I think that its less likely to happen if we have people behind the wheel that are able to control the car at all times. With a smart car there is no telling what it could do and what it could cause. If a person needed to take over and drive and couldn't get the displays that control the car to turn off that could be really bad. If we keep it like how it is now we won't even have that as a issue. I fully agree with traffic laws saying that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. At least then there is a chance to prevent a accident. When you as a driver are not in control of the car you are driving. It can become a scary and dangerous situation. You are not only putting yourself in danger but everyone else that is on the road with you in danger. I will stand by what I think and that is driverless cars should stay in the television shows and movies and keep reality where its real.
the author want to show you all the data he picked up good and bad. Howabout the fact that venus is one of the most challenging planets but on the pther hand venus has struck the curasidity of many people. venus is looked at and called the "evening star" for being very bright but it can also be refered to the "twin" for having simaller charchaterists like in terms of density and size. on the other hand venus goes a very differnet speed then the other planets. leaving the abillity to go venture very dangerous. venus can have an atmosphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide which can be very harmful to humans along with the fact that it is 800 degrees Fahrenheit. all in all its hard but worth it to find out what we can on venus. and be aus eof this NASA hasnt given up yet trying to figure out ways to safely travel there and back.
A world where people could see the inside of what you are hidding, hidding the emotions that you hide, hiding the look of disgust you do not show , hiding the face of fear you are not willing to let others see, hiding every emotion you do not like. That my fellow friend, is living in world of chaos. I strongly believe that the value of using this technology will be used by many staff in the school but enjoyed by none, I would have to go against this value for many reaons, one reason is that students will no longer have a filter they will feel the need to go against the system and pretened to be he opposite of what the Facial Coding System reads as a students expression. I also believe that the students will feel very uncomfortable and will not enjoy coming to school anymore. If the teacher really feels the need to get a FACS then I would suggest the teachers step up a knotch with their teaching skills so stduents will not be bored at all. In the article it says that Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Such as the painting if anyone who looks at the Mona Lisa would see a painted woman just smiling. Looking happier than ever, as if she was sitting in a park on a warm summer day enjoying life, but how would I know that she is truly happy inside? Exactly I do not. I cannot tell if Mona Lisa is happy in this picture but neither can a computer software system. To the extent of what I have stated I believe that the Facial Action Coding System will not be any value to bring it into schools, I know that a system program cannot tell the emotions you will be expressing. In conclusion this system has no significant value to it. Just as we all have all grown up always remember the saying "Never judge a book by its cover."
Do you want to help other people in other countries? If so, come join the UNRRA now! There are many reasons to join the UNRRA. You get to help other people by giving them what they need to survive. You can by giving them food, clothing, and shelter. When you help other people with their needs, you get to go to other countries that you might have only heard about or not even heard of at all. When you bring people what the need to survive, you can see the joy on their faces. Seeing joy in others is a warm and inviting feeling. You can go sightseeing and go visiting very, very important places. I have been to many important places and landmarks, and so can you if you join. If you have dreamed about crossing oceans and helping others, then this is a job for you. When the feeling of boredom strikes you if you have been on the boat for a long time, you have the chance to get to know your shipmates better and make friends. There also may be games to play on board like baseball and volleyball in empty stalls where the animals once were. There is table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling; which is carving things into blocks of wood and various other games. If you love taking care of animals, then you might be good at this job. There are many other jobs on board the ship. There is the opportunity to learn about your shipmates, learn what other countries and other people need, and there is also the opportunity to mature. All of these things I have learned or done while on this job and trip around the world helping others. This is your chance to join the UNRRA ( United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) or become a "Seagoing Cowboy" today. We need you now!
A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves is a program where you get to go on many adventures and visit unique places, but you also get to help those in need. Many countries were left in ruins after World War II, and to help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, nations joined together to form UNRRA. You sign up and can help take care of horses, young cows, and mules. A good reason to join this program is if you like helping people in need. The countries were left in ruins and lots of their supplies and animals were gone. You would get to help recover all of these things and help take care of animals. Another reason to join is that you are allowed to experience many adventures and travel across oceans. Some of the Seagoing Cowboys had the benefit of seeing Europe and China. You would get to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and make your way to China. There are many other countries to visit, one including Italy. Being a Seagoing Cowboy can be more than just an adventure. Sure you get to tour many great countries, but you also get the benefit of getting to help all those that were affected by World War II.
The "Face on Mars" was not created by aliens and is just a natural landform because, the face was made by shadows from when the picture was taken. Also, when Michael Malin and his crew took there photo on April 5, 1998 the picture was ten times sharper than the one the Viking took in 1976. Many people where not satified when the photo was tooken because it was winter in April '98 (a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet) the camera on board MGS had too peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say that the alien makings where hidden by haze from the clouds. On April 8, 2001 (a cloudless summer day in Cydonia) Mars Global Surveyor took a closer look. Michal and his crew caputed an extraodinary photo using there camera's maximum resolution. If there was an object or objects in this picture you would be able too see them. The picture actually showed an equlevent picture of a nutte or mesa (which are landforms common around the American West). That is why the Face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply just another landforms like the ones we have on Earth.
Limiting car usage might be a thought most of us wont even think about. But thats not the case. Countrys from all over the world are partaking in this new way. The reason why people are doing this is to clean the polluted air we breath in A growing project that europe introduced is suburbs without cars. In Europe  a town in Germany constructed this experimental suburb project . For little to no cars in the community. This place is home to 5,500 residents and there are practically no cars, the main source of transportation is a tram. You are allowed to own aa car but its an extra $50,000 a year. In America they are not close to carring out this idea. But in the last year the number of license are going down and the number of cars being sold and hiw much we are driving. This concludes that we are taking i consideration how much emissions we are putting into the air. In FRance, Paris enforced a partial ban on driving to clear smog of the city. On monday motorists with even numbered plates were ordered to leave cars at home. The same would apply for the odd numbered plated the following day. Public transportation was free from friday to moday. These ideas helped clear the air of pollutants. But it took a long time because of hoiw much pollution was in the air due to France favoring diesels over gasoline. Another way people are cleaning the air and limiting car usage is a car free day. In Bogota, Columbia  the gial of this is to promote alternative transportattion and reduce smog. Bogota is a large city homed to 7 million citzens. This idea of a day without cars was started in Bogots in the 1990's, because of this parks and sports centers have booms and many miles of bike trails have been constructed for the recreational; use but also to urge people to not use cars and clean the air. These ideas have been expressed to reduce the usage of cars. Using cars less will have a huge effect on the ozone and how much pollutant is in the air.          
Technology has been used for decades in education, from the basic computer to smart boards technology has been commonly used to improve the learning capabilities of students in modern times. The 'Facial Action Coding System' technology has the ability to help professors and teachers around the world get more into the minds of their students and engage the students into a classroom where learning is not a unified thing, but more customized and free depending on student ability. Firstly, with technology becomming more popular, an increasing number students are having the ability to learn through technology. Along with that teachers and professors around the world have had to adapt to the higher usage of technology and programs to teach their students. This program gives teachers and technology the ability to adapt to their students, and encourage even confused or fearful students to learn by engaging a learning environment where a student's computer or device could read and recognize the confusion or joy a student is undergoing while learning,and therefor helping the teacher know the students level of understanding. Secondly, having a program installed into the lense of cameras in students devices would open up new insight to teachers. For example, if a student watches a video lesson in a History class and is confused by something then their teacher could find the question, or peice of video, and simply adjust the lesson to fit the demographic and understanding of that child. There are many benifits to this technology including in the home, if a parent were to have the ability to see where their child was confused or frusterated the parent could also take some time to cover the missing material. This also prevents students who are fustrated but are to fearful or anxious to ask for help to not recive the assistance they need. This technology could open up door ways for students instead of them being lost in the information, but this technology is still new. . Finnaly, one of the main reasons students do poorly in the current education system is that the student feels like they are not reciveing enough help or that they are lost. With average class sizing being anywhere from 22-32 students, a single or even two teachesr cannot assist all of the students individualy, and this creates a problem. Using the 'Facial Action Coding System' teachers can register which students need help and those who dont and pay more attention to the students who need help. This would therefore increase the amount of students able to retain information and help the school. Being lost in a lesson wouldn't be so common of a problem. In conclusion, the 'Facial Action Coding System' opens new advancments in the the education systems by encourgaing an environment where teachers could have the technology to know when a student was confused or not understanding information, and also giving the ability for teachers to construct a lesson to fit the children who don't directly understand. It also proves a good method for parents to get involved in their child's learning and help the student with direct problems at the root instead of complications with the entire subject. So yes, this technology is very vaulable to the education of millions of students around the world who don't fully grasp their teachers learning methods or are just confused.
When I think of driverless cars I think of cars driving down the road with no one in them, but I also think of how many problems could go wrong with these cars. People could get hurt in a car accident because of something the driverless cars do. I am against the driverless cars for these reasons; They are unsafe, unreliable, and so many things could go wrong with them. If the driver that is suppose to be in the driverless car falls asleep and the car alarm doesn't go off when in need of help it could crash and the individual in the driverless car could die from the crash. I feel the car is unreliable for that reasoning. These cars are unsafe because if the car was to get out of control and the individual of the car couldn't control it because it was to hard to control it could hit a kid or a adult. So many things could go wrong with these driverless cars. It could be that the individuals that are suppose to take over did something wrong but if they didn't have to take over in the first place then there would be less accidents. In conclusion I feel like the driverless cars are going to be a waste of time and money because they are going to result in more deaths and traumas. More car accidents are going to be reported every year and the individuals of the driverless cars are going to be held responsible because it would be there fault when really it was the driverless car that got out of control. Google Cofounder "Sergey Brin" says "Such cars would fundamentally chage the world." I believe that the only way these cars are going to chage the world is cause more deaths and injuries in the world and it's going to be the faults of the cars and the individuals inside the driverless cars are going to get charged with the charges because they are suppose to be the "drivers" of these so called driverless cars . If they are so driverless the why do they have to have individuals take over whenever they are in need of help? I believe the way things are going now are just fine. You don't see humans calling for help when there is a wreck or roadwork so why should so called smarter driverless cars need the help of humans if they are suppose to be taking our places on the road?
The mask found on Mars is just a natural landform. One reason is because there is no life on Mars so it is phisically impossibe for it to be created by aliens. This information is found in paragraph 7. The mask is a natural landform, however many other people beleived it was an alien because they also beleived that some of the markings were in haze, as it states in paragraph 8. The Mars Global Surveyor took a second look it says in paragraph 10. They captured a picture that was in a high pixel quality and they found it to be the best picture taken of the mask. Many people beleive that the mask is made by aliens on Mars. They beleive this because it looks like the face of a alien or even maybe a human being as it states in paragraph 8. Many people don't beleive it being possible for the mask to be a natural formation. There is lots of debate over this but science has proved that these people are wrong because it is a natural artifact. In conclussion, many people think that the artifact is made by alien, however science has proved that this is a natural artifact. With that said, scientists were able to capture amazing high quality pictures of the mask.
By reading this article I would be in no doubt certain that using FACS (Facial Action Coding Systme) for the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. It could keep the attention of the students inside a classroom. In paragraph 6 it mentions why FACS is a good and helpful tool to use inside a classroom. According to Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Adanced Science at the Unversity of Illinois, ¨A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,¨ Dr. Haung also goes on and predicts ¨Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.¨ By Dr. Haung telling us this information it shows us that by using FACS our students may pay better attention in class becuase they are not confused nor bored. Another reason why using FACS is important is because it has the potential in increase the students intelligence. In conclusion, FACS is a good and helpful advancement in techology that could one day be in schools everywhere. It would make school less boring and could keep the attention of the students inside the classroom.
I believe that the new technology which is called the Facial Action Coding System is a good idea that will help value students in a classroom . The Facial Action Coding System can help determine the way you feeling , reliezes that you might need help on a lesson that you are not comprehending very well , also it knows when something is bothering you . When on a computer the Facial Action Coding System determines the way you feeling when the computer constructed 3-D face model revolves around all fourty four major muscles in a human face . When you show emotion towards the computer and have a movement of one or more muscles it is called a action unit which helps the com puter bring all your emotions together and be able to seperte them into they percentages . For example your frontalis pars lateralis muscle ( above your eyes) raises your eyebrows which means your surprised . Your orbicularis oris ( around your mouth) tightens your lips that shows your angry . There many muscles in a human face that has a variety of different ways to show their emotions . The new technology can also relieze when something is bothering you . For example when your friend ask " whats wrong ? " and you say nothing your friend dictated that you were lying so his/her mouth would stretch sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle , the risorius hich means dont lie . Also it can tell when you are putting on a fake smile and actually hurting inside . The computer is actually showing empathy by feeling someone elses emotional state . Theory of emotion , moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even help produce them . When struggling on a lesson on the computer the Facial Action Coding System will notice . However " a classroom computer could relieze when a student is becoming confused or bored , then it will modify the lesson , like an effective human instructor ." The same technology can make computer - animated faces more expressive - fro video games or video surgery . But also on the other note the new technology couldnt be the best idea due to the fact that some people are going through some stuff and school is a way to clear they mind and going on a computer at school with the new technology would remind them . Many people dont relieze when their closest friends are going through something and the new technology would him . I stated that Facial Action Coding System helped you determine your feelings , if something or someone is bothering you or if your struggling on a lesson . After reading about the new trchnology it can help you .
There are a whole lot of positive and negative aspects about these cars. I truly agree with what's going on with the negative aspects of these cars. For example, things can happen with these cars that can drive by itself. First, these cars could be a big safety issue. It can be a safety issue because the passage states that if there is any road work the driver should be ready to prepare to take over. Not only take over but also be ready when something happens with road work. Road work can be scary with the roads being bad and going around the road work can be difficult.This is where you think to yourself as, "Why drive this car if you can be prepared and be alerted when you are responsible for your own car?" Another safety issue is during traffic. Traffic is where a lot of accidents happen in the process of drivers. Yes, this car can break by its own but remember that anything can happen with this car. Expect the unexpected because if anything happens you may never know. The car could probably get a problem and miss understand something because it is computer authorized. It may not break when it is supposed to, or maybe not even get the alert that there is road work ahead. Lastly, there is states that are still checking if it is reliably safe. This is still not proved at all if it's even safe. That especially is a big problem because you don't want to have a car that you don't even know if it is safe or not. If the car gets into a crash, that may be a responsibility that relies on you or the car. Think about it is the car going to get the ticket or is it you that's going to get it. We all don't know just remember safety first. I disagree with having a car and I say this because I rather be safe then sorry. There is cars that I could get and have control over it than having a car that controlls by itself. If getting into an accident and I know how to explain that I had the control over it then it won't be a problem. That way I don't need to be worried or question about the car twice if in an accident knowing it controlls itself.
"Being a Seagoing Cowboy is an amazing and fun experience. You get to see a lot of new things maybe you've never seen before. When I started doing this, I started in Greece when I was 18 which was the age you had to be to be drafted in the military for 2 years. But the Greek Government said I had to join the military for 2 years, or be a Seagoing Cowboy so I decided to be a Seagoing Cowboy for 2 years. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a lot better than joining the military, and it is a lot more fun if you do this with a friend. I enjoyed seeing a lot of new places, especially China and Italy. The fun part about being Seagoing Cowboy is when you're not on a ship you're on a farm. While you're on a farm you can explore around and look at all the animals and feed them. There is also fun you can have on a ship. You can play sports such as, baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, and many others. Being a Seagoing Cowboy more than just fun and exploring. It opened me up to the world. I can't begin to explain how grateful I am to have been given this oppurtunity. It made me realize that there are people out there in other countries that have needs. So after being a Seagoing Cowboy, I decided to lead my family to host a lot of international students and exchange visitors for many years. If you decide to become a Seagoing Cowboy enjoy the experience, because I know I did.
Using technology to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable. We now have technology that can prove what we are feeling. In the article it states the steps of how we can find out our emotions. Also Dr.Haung said that a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. If they know what the students are feeling then the teachers know what do . First it begins with a 3-D computer model of the face. It say's in the artical that all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles. After all of that , they can determine the emotion of the student. Also by just looking at there faces we can determine there emotions. If we use this type of technology we can help students out. If students have probelms, the computer can help out. If the teacher's know what the studetn's are feeling then they can help out. The teacher's could sit down with them and talk to them. Also the computer can give the teacher new ways to teach in class. Finally the computer's can be helpful to find out other things , besides emotions. By doing this, scientest can find out what other things ccomputer's can do for us. Finding what peope are feeling is very helpful . It gives us a llittle bit of information of what the person is thinking. From that information we can do something about there emotions. Using this type of technology is very helpful. It helps us find out about our emotions. Also other's emotions . This help's scientest know what, other things we can do with this type of technology. This technology can help us in many ways , besides find out what people are feeling. It's great that we know that computer's can help us out , not just by using the internet but in many other ways.
This article tells us the technology of facial and emotion recognitions. Everyday we may walk around with expressions on our faces that shows how we feel or what you want to show others what you're feeling. Other times we put on a happy face but on the inside we're actually pretty sad. Dr. Paul is the creator fo FACS (Facial Action Coding System). I am for this new way of knowing someone's emotions just looking at a picture and especially through paintings. Dr. Paul is the creator of FACS. He was able to identify variety of emotions in one picture or painting. Eckman have found the basic emotions such as happy, surprise, angery, disgusted, fear, and saddness. They were also able to identify mixed feelings. Some examples of knowing what one person might be thinking. When a person raises their eyebrows they are showing that they are surprise. When a person shows that they are angry their eyebrows point inward and eyes are focused intently at someone else. When we are with our friends we are able to know what they are thinking or feeling most of the time. We know when they are happy, sad, or even excited, this technology allows us to look into it deeper. Unlike our PC computers at home, it doesn't have that advance technology that can read our expressions. In the article is says that they would write dome simple codings to different emotions. In an environment like school it would be interesting to use this type of technology among the students. FACS would help the teachers to identify which students are paying attention and who are bored just using this. In the painting of Mona Lisa they were able to figure that there was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguished, 6 fearful, and 2 percent anger. This technoloy can be helpful in many ways. It calculates emotions through movements in a picture and varies in different emotions, and are able to calculate mixed feelings. Some students go through some hard times and others may not see the things they are going through just looking at their faces. Some students are able to show the opposite emotion of what they are feeling to guard themselves and not be seen as vulnerable.
The driverless car is not a good idea to put in motion. There could be alot of controversy over this advancement for cars. Importantly, they can put people out of jobs, can only do specific jobs and can be very costly. There are alot of flaws in this advancement of technology. Some people think advancement in technology is always a good thing, but in some situations are not. As the technologly advances it puts more people out of jobs, replacing them. Just like the driverless driver would do to taxi drivers, chauffeurs, or etc. If the human driver is lucky they might get minium wage for contrling the car when it needs "a human driver to take over." Furthermore, the driverless car can only do some things; they still need the assistance of a human. What is the human supposed to do while boredly waiting for their turn to take over the wheel? They supposed to remain alert at any given time, but its supposed to be an driverless car, which means it shouldn't need a human what so ever. What if the car connot get the driver's attention in time before crashing into something or somebody else's car? Lastly, who fault is it if the driverless car does crash? The driverless car has sensors on it, but to get them check to see if they aren't faulty or replacing them may be very expensive. Putting someone's life in a techincal car could be risky and the lawsuits for a crash can have a high in range. They would cost way more than just to have a human driver do the job easily. In conclusion, the driverless car should not be put in effect, they can people out of jobs, they can only do specific things and they can be very costly.
Driveless cars are a rising project that may actually be revolutionary. To begin, driverless cars that are just in beta now, are not totally driverless, but are specifically independent and keep the driver alert. The idea is that driverless cars will improve the safety of the driver than the regular self-driving cars can. With the more so manual cars, the driver has only themselves and maybe anyone in the vehicle with them to be sure to keep a look out and be as safe as possible. With the driverless car, the car is manufactured to sense any dangers and alert the driver to be prepared when should need to. I believe that driverless cars can be a helping technology for the world. A large fraction of the worlds death come from car accidents. If this project will help reduce that fraction then yes, I am all for the car. Humans can be easily distracted from simple actions like, turning on music, checking their phones, grabbing something from the back or rear seat, or just checking their mirrors. These driverless cars will help sense danger and alert the driver to be prepared for anything that may be coming. Safety is actually a big concern when driving, and I believe that this project may help all drivers come back home in healthy shape. As a driver myself, driving while being alert and trying not to be distracted can be a huge problem. With the driverless car taking over in small situations like driving in traffic, I can take a break and practice being able to remain aware or prepared to take control for anything only a human can control. The vibrate function could easily be a simple solution from getting in a small accident when back ending a car. If a driver can be easily distracted from simple things, than the alerts on the driverless car can be easily seen by the driver themselves. Especially with drivers that can be distracted on the phone, the in-system safety feature will be a great touch for people who need a heads up when coming into any dangers. Actually, this type of car would be perfect for the more elderly, who from age, are sure to decrease in hearing, seeing, etc.. With the driverless car, it will be a much safer place for elderly, and those driving along side or coming into these drivers. Human driving cars, can really stop the eldery from being fully aware of the conditions around them, and make everyone vulnerable to such driving. With the driverless car, it would be much easier for the elderly to take control of what they need to, which will benefit everyone on the road. Yes, I agree that driverless cars should be a high-rising hope to the future of driving. If everyone is driving a driverless car than it'll be much safer, with less deaths a year. I mean for now, human drivers are the safest things being there isn't any advanced technology on the roads, signs, lights, etc, that a driverless car cannot sense. Only the human can work out the words on signs and color of the lights, until everything is upgraded so its compatible with the sensory car, its not the best, or safest. In the near future, I am on the side of driverless cars and hope that everyone agress when presented with the fact that this may be the safest possible idea for man.
In 1976, a spacecraft called Viking 1 was circling around the planet Mars. The Viking 1 was taking pictures of possible landings for Viking 2, but instead it spotted a shadowy human face. Many people belived that it was the Face of an alien artifact while scientists say that it's a landform on Mars. I believe that the Face is a natural landform not a alien artifact. To begin with, when Viking 1 first took those pictures they were shodowy and quite blurry too. I first thought that it was the Face of a alien artifact, but I then realized that it was not. It was just another Martian mesa that has unusual shadows around it. It's a huge rock that resembles to a human head. Of course it's formed by shadows, but the shadows give a illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. In 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time to snap more pictures. Michael Malin snapped pictures that were 10 times sharper than the original. This time the pictures was less shadowy. The picture was realeased into a website and it was just a natural landform not a alien monument. In the picture that was taken in 1998 has a better quality, but people belived that it was a cloudy time of that year on the Red planet. Soon pictures were taken again in 2001. This time the images were new high-resolution and 3D altimetry which were from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft. The picutres reveals thats it is actaully a mesa! You may argue with me but the picture is a digital image which is 3 times bigger than the pixels size. For example, if there was a small shack on the ground you could see what they were. Many people had hoped that the original pciture was the Face of an alien artifact, but when NASA said that it was not people argued back with them. NASA tooks pictures of it in 1998 to make people belive that it was just a mesa, but people still didnt belive. So in 2001, NASA took another picture which was digital image and it proved that the image of the Face was just a mesa.
Can Cars really be driverless? This article gives us information on the science beneath the production of the driverless car. The car has some ups and downs to it, however, the technology is becoming more and more advanced and understood as we go throughout the years. The driverless car has some great advantages to it. In the 1950s General Motors created what they call a concept car that only ran on a special test track. The track had embedded eletrical cable which sent radio signals to the car. The technology put into a car has a dubbed LIDAR, which uses and constantly updates a 3-D mode of the cars surroundings. The combination allows the driverless car to be able to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. The car manufacturers are considering putting cameras in the car to watch and make sure the drivers are still aware of what is going on on the road. However there are still some downfalls to the driverless cars. Although they have figured out how to make it to where the car can drive on the freeway hands free and be able to park hands free, you are never really not driving the car. A comon question asked is "Wouldn't the driver get board wating for their turn to drive?" Well you have to be in full alert even if you are just sitting in the car. They have created technlology to where the person sitting in the car will get alerts when they need to take over. Say the car is on the freeway and it comes to a work zone. The car will send an alert telling the driver to take over. Driverless cars are on a great road to becoming something great. They may not be able to drive completly on their own yet, but they do have a car that can drve 90 percent of the time on its own, and the car manufacturer is Tesla. Although it may not be the top of the line yet, it is still a great accomplishment. Not having to actually physically "drive" unless needed to, the driverless car is great in many ways. The advancement in creating the driverless car has come a long way. From just using a concept car on a special test track to actually being able to go on the roads. Many people may not like the car because it can't drive completely on its own, but its just the begining. There is still more to come in the great development of the driverless call.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming", I am against the development of these cars. I feel there is no purpose for these cars. You will still need a driver for these cars. These cars are a waste of money. These cars are also a waste of time. There is nothing wrong with reugular cars. We have been using regular cars for over 100 years, why stop now? First of all, these cars will still need a driver. According to the author, " they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all designed to notify the driver. That defeats the purpose of calling them "Driverless Cars." Why call them driverless cars if they still need a driver. It is not a smart idea. Secondly, you are wasting money on something that is not effective. The name of the car does not match with the car itself. Why would you buy a " Driverless car" when the car is still going to need a driver. That is a waste of money. The "Driverless Car" will most likely be more expensive than a normal car. Although the car comes with more features, it does not live up to it's expectations. Lastly, the car is a waste of time. The U.S is mostly low and middle class people. The driverless car will not be sold as quickly as other cars because the prices of the car will most likely be a mini fortune. Not many people would buy this car. Not many people complain about cars today. People are so used to driving normal cars that they would probably rather drive than pay more money for a car that "alerts" the driver. In conclusion, I am against the development of this " Driverless Car". I think it is ineffective. It is a waste of money. The car is also a watse a time. You also willstill need a driver for this "Driverless Car" so there is no purpose of it.
Dear Mr or Ms Senator, Presient Richard Nixon, and President Bill Clinton both have something in common; they won their presidencies with the Electoral College, not the popular vote. (According to "In Defense of the Electoral College: five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President. Paragraph 22) Richard and Bill only won 43% of the popular vote against their opponents while they were running for office. This is why the United States needs to keep the Electoral College instead of switching to the popular vote for the elections. Now you're probably wondering, does high school students even know what the Electoral College is and what it's job? Yes, high school students do know what the Electoral College is and what it does. The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors. Your state amount equals one member from the House of Represenatives and two from the Senate. The electors are chosen from the candidate's political party. The Electoral College decides the president and vice president every four years every Tuesday ater the first Monday in the month of November. Mr or Ms Senator, the Electoral College needs to stay instead of the popular vote because when you have the Electoral College you will get an outcome from it unlike the popular vote. Almost all states have the "winners take all" method which according to "What is te Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Regisiter (Paragraph 7) this method is when all electors are awarded to the presidental candidate that is winning. Also the popular vote overrides the popular vote. In "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner (Pararaph 18) the 2012 presidental campaign for example it was the battle between Mitt Romney who is a Republican against Barack Obama who is a Democrat. Obama received only 51.3 percent of the popular vote and Obama got 61.7 percent of the Electoral College. As you can see the Electoral College overrided the popular vote which ultimately made him president. Also in "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the Presiden" (Paragraph 22)take Richard Nixon's and Bill Clinton's presidental campaign. Those two only won 43% of their popular votes but they won their elections with the Electoral College. Without the Electoral College all three of these presides wouldn't have become President of the United States. To continue on, the Electoral College should stay instead of the popular vote since one region of the United States doesn't have enough power of the Electoral Votes to make a presidental candidate win. Look at "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" Mitt Romney doesn't campaign in the South part of the United States since he knows that he is popular in that region with the electors he doesn't bother camapigning there since he knows he will win their votes. But he has to campaign to other states and regions since he knows the South doesn't have enough power to make him president. And with that comes your swing states and the big states. Swing states listen to what the presidental candidates have to say since they are toss-up states. These swing states literally can "swing" the election. These are the states that are going to decide who the next president is. And that ties in with your big states; California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania are some of your big states since they have the most population out of the United States. These states can also be swing states since they have the most votes out of every state. With the power of the popular vote a presidental canidate can become president, and other regions will not have a say. But using the Electoral College that can't happen. On the other hand, according to "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" (Parargraph 14) the Electoral is outdated, irrational, and unfair. In "The Inefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses are the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer key names such as Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, AFL-CIO and the U.S. Chamber of Commerece all want to get rid of the Electoral College and use the Popular Vote. Look at the presidency that was in 2000 with Al Gore against George W. Bush. Al Gore would have won the election if the election was based on the popular vote. He won the popular vote with over 60%! But unfortunately, he didn't win and lost to George W. Bush since Bush won the Electoral College votes. But some people don't really know what they are voting for in election which is why the Electoral College is the way to go. Also people complained with the "winners take all method" some candidates don't go to certain states and only focus on the swing states. In the 2000 campaign seventeen out of fifty states didn't see the candidates. But the candidates didn't go to those states since they knew they had no chance of winning those states and they needed to focus on the swing states to make sure they win the election. Many people do call the Electoral College an anachronism, but it doesn't need to stick in the past, it needs to be kept in the present and in the future. Ultimately, Mr or Ms Senator, the United States needs to keep the Electoral College instead of the popular vote because you will always have an outcome and one region can't overpower another and make a candidate win the presidental campaign. Yes, as said before many people want to get rid of the Electoral College but it will stay with the United States and move forward with us people. Sincerely, A student      
I think that the Face is just a oddly shaped rock, it probably just got there from sandy winds and erotion taking place on a mesa and that is what made it to be like that from, from my experience with the Bible it says there is nothing else in the universe to do harm to the earth, except for sin and satin. The Lord thy God will never but something like that in the universe to do us harm. From th excerpt it says that at that time it was a windy mounth on Mars and from that I think that it got there from erosion, for atleast a couple hundred years it would had to be wearing away, because that huge of a rock can not possibly get worn away that fast but i guess since we found it like this a rock on Mars in the Crydonia and some how it lookes like a face, and over to the next century it would probably change and look like somthing else a new shape it would not stay like that for long. But it would be a cool conspicury to think that aliens make a cool looking rock formation of a Egyphian Pharoah known as the Face. Also from the excerpt says that it a a butte or a mesa that got eroded away over time, and also if there was a alien life form on Mars we could see it because we have this high packed pixle camera that can take a photo of Mars and we can see them and there homes on our monitors the camera is called the Mars Global Suveryor an dby the intension of that shuddle we can see all things big or small.
Dear senator I am arguing to you in favor of keeping the Electoral College for the voting process of the president. Why I am in favor in keeping the Electoral College is why should we change something that's already working good. The Electoral college system is a system that voters vote not for the president, but for a slate who in turn elect the president. The electors can be anyone not holding public office. Why we should keep it is because we have been using it since 1960 and i dont see why change something that works, is slightly fair, and everybody is happy. The electoral college is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by delcaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the electoral college method is not democractic in a modern sense.... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When tou vote for a presidential candidate you're actually voting for a slate of electors. The reason is thatr the winning candidate's share of the electoral college incariably exceeds his shares of the popular vote. For example,Obama are likelyeceived 61.7 percent of the electoral vote comparad to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes casr for him and romeney. The winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates as we saw in 2012s election to focus their campaign efforts on the toss up state. Voters int oss up[ states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign  to really listen to the competting candidatesw knowning that they are going to decide the election they are going to decide the election.
In the picture that you were showen looks like a face on Mars that many people believe was created by Aliens, Scientist call the face "Face of Mars". "Face of Mars" has been a pop icon, it has starred in many films, books, radio shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for over 25 years! Many people believe this "face" has been created by aliens because of how far it it and how barley visible it is, would this prove that there is Human life on Mars? many people believe that their is human life on mars but some people are skeptics. I truly believe that this is just a natural landform. Some believe, like scientists figure it was rock forming and had unusual shadows that made it look like an illusion with a human head, eyes, nose, and a mouth. Authors have reasoned it is a good way to get attention to mars, which has worked. There are three different photos from seperate years that show a face but you can clearly see the face has slowly dissapeared by 1998, by 2001 the face looks like it has faded slowly. Nasa scientists were starting to dissagree at some point but that is okay, people have there own way of beliveing stuff. Most scientists on Nasa believe it has been natural rock formation over the years, they seem to be pretty positive. most scientists like to keep information to their selves instead of saying infromation to conspiracy theorists which can give false information. Natural Landforms are common around the American West, it makes more sense to prove that it is just natural rock landform coming together forming rock and the shadow illusion of a face, as scientists predict. As many more years come around there might be more information about the "Face of Mars".
People always wish they had the same technology that they have seen in movies, or the best new piece of technology that is all over social media. However, nobody seems to think of the risks that these kinds of new technologies may have. Cars have been around for many decades, and now manufacturers are starting to get on the bandwagon and come up with the new and improved technology that they hope will appeal to everyone. As of right now, it seems as though the negative characteristics of these cars consume the positive idea that these manufacturers have tried to convey. Currently, this new technology in cars has a very long way to go before being completely "driverless". Drivers still need to be on alert when they are driving, as well as control the car near any accidents or complicated traffic situations. This seems to totally defeat the purpose of the "driverless" car. Eventually the technology may improve, but nobody can be certain that the driverless car will eventually become completely "driverless". This idea just seems like a lot of hard work and money for something that is not very neccessary. If someone does not want to drive their car they can just take a city bus or a subway. There are so many options of transportation that can already solve this problem. Even if masnufacturers are trying to make driving more "fun", driving is not meant to be "fun" it is meant to get people where they need to go. Playing around in a car just to have "fun" is just a recipe for disaster. The idea of the driverless car also raises many questions about who will be liable when someone gets into an accident in one of these new cars. Many states do not even let people drive semi-automatic cars because there are not even laws that pertain to the liability of anyone who get into an accident while driving these type of cars. If these cars become more popular, states may pass new laws. However, this topic also raises questions about who is able to dictate whether or not it was the car or the human's fault for an accident. Since this technology is so new, there could be many problems with the car's system that nobody has even discovered since they have not drove the car themselves. If someone test drives this kind of car or even purchases one and they get into a crash not knowing what could possibly happen to them, they will want to sue the car manufacturer since they were not aware of any bugs in the car's system. These lawsuits can add up and eventually the manufactuers will be in a bunch of debt, which could cost them their whole idea of the driverless car. The technology car manufacturers are trying to develope may just be a diasaster in the making. There are many alternative options of transportations if you do not feel like driving yourself, and these options are way less expensive than buying a brand new car. Although this technology is relatively new, we can not be certain that this new idea will even pay off in the end, it may just be a waste of money and time. Sometimes the newest technology is not the most benefical.
"The psyologist aspect of automation are really a challenge." I think driverless cars should not be able to be relesed. First, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relsed becuase there still to dangerous. The passage states that, "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This means you can't trust the car driving by itself because it's not ready to be driven by itself yet. A human still has to take alert when they're backing out. Another reason I think driverless cars are to dangerous to be relesed is because they might not have everything it takes to drive by itself. Second, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relesed because they are to exspensive. The passage says, "Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an intertial motaion sensor." Having all of these sensors and be very exspenvise. And many people might not have the money to replace them if they get broken. Finally, Having driverless cars relesed can take up to much time. In the passage, it states, "There was no way, before 2000, to makesomething interresting. The sensors weren't there, the computers weren't there , and the mapping wasn't there. Radar weas a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars." This is no where near time avalible for them to have every part. Finally, I think driverless cars shouldn't be relesed.
In the past one hundred there is no dought that technology has advanced. Even to this day technology is still advancing. Driverless cars are very posible today because of the advancing technology and the knowledge of the car makers. The new wave of innovation is coming wth the driverless car. There is no doubt that driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the well-being of the human population. Driverless cars are not only the way of the future but they would be highly effective. Driverless cars would be good for society because of the safety standards that would be the driverless car. Driverless cars could reduce the risk of collisions and accidents because of the technology that is in the car. Driverless cars would not only be good for the driver but for the other drivers on the road. Many accidents on the roads are caused because of reckless driving but with the driverless car the crash rate could go increasingly down. Driverless cars could reduce the risk of accidents beacuse the car would be able to drive itself. Drunk driving, texting and driving, and falling asleep at the wheel would not even be an issue for a driverless car. Take a person who is intoxicated and put them behind the wheel of a car. The person behind the wheel is dangerous to other drivers on the road. With the driverless car the intoxicated driver would not even have to drive and would not cause as many deaths or crashes as the regular car. It is the same thing with texting and driving and falling asleep at the wheel the danger of those before the driverless car is at a high rate. With the technology and the sensor ability of the driverless car the total numer of accidents and death on the roadways would go way down with the driverless car. The driverless car would be much more effective than regular taxis of buses in large cities. The first thing is the environmental help of the driverless car. It is projected that the driverless car would use half of the fuel that the taxis today are using. With so much of the environmental concerns today about the poluted air, the driverless car would be an environmentally friendly car helping out with keeping the air cleand in big cities. The driverless car is also much more flexible and productive in terms of public transportation. With a lot of driverless cars able to help with public transport the fluidity of the public transportation system would speed up. The driverless car would have no schedule like the taxi drivers have today. With the help of the driverless car people would get to and from quicker and there would be no taxi or bus fee as there is no driver. Driverless cars could change the whole outlook of city life and possibly change the world. The driverless car would have so many good qualitits like saving the lives of men, women, and children as well as saving the environment of the great earth. Driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the society. There is no doubt that driverless cars are the way of the future and are good for the well-being of the human population.
Driverless cars can be very useful in the near future. When we all recive one, that can be alot more safe for us but only if we all get them. Having a computer that is programed for our safety can be very helpful protectiong our lives. We all should have driverless cars as soon as they get out because they can save lives and help free up our very bussy scheduals. If we get driverless cars everyone has to have one for this to work the best in my oppinin. If we all have driverless cars on the same roads as some other normal cars, that can bring danger to us. Trafic can't move as smoothly as wanted because the driverless car would have to worry about the normal car and consily deal with his driving decitions. This will end up slowing down trafic and possible making the human take over which is not the goal. If everyone had driverless cars they will be no chances that the cars will crash. They are programed and in comunication with the other cars relaying information back and forth of where it is going and what lanes it needs to be in. The cars will let you in and you will never be hurt in a car crash again. Having a driverless car can free you up to get some much needed free time, or get some last minite work done. If the car is driving you can sit back and relax. You can even just sit and look out the window and see all the things you would have missed driving with your eyes always 100 percent focest on the road. No more consitly worring about what the person ahead of you is doing or some one comes out of nowhere and hits you, causing your death. With the computers everyone will be driving the same, meaning you can get to your desination fast and safe. All in all the driverless car is the safest and smartest idea I can think of when it comes to the future of driving cars. It has so many advatages to it you couldn't cover it all. To the safety of your body, to getting what needs to be done. Taking away driving is the most resonable thing you can think of doing. Driverless cars is just the smart way to go.
The "Face on Mars" was not created by aliens. It was a natural landform that appeared through mars grounds. Most people think that the face came from an alien which is not true at all. The reason people think that is because they believe there are aliens on the other planets. But, scientist did research and found out that is was a natural landform. The face appeared on the monitors of Jet Propulsion Lab. They figured that it was another Martian mesa. I know that the Face of Mars didn't come from an alien because it was a humans face, they said. Aliens don't have human faces, so thats how it is a natural landform. Even a few scientist thought it came from an alien , thats when Mars Global Surveyor flew over cydonia and snapped a few pictures to get a better look at it. So, well thousands of sites waited for the picture to appear on JPL web site. It was revealed a natural landform, no alien monument after all. The Face of Mars was not easy to see because it wasn't really easy locating cydonia. The face shows either the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms. But there are still people who thinks otherwise so...... In conclusion, The Face of Mars wasn't created by aliens, it was a natural landform. Scientist did their research and even took pictures of the face on Cydonia. There were no evidence of aliens or UFO around the face. As of now most people will follow the truth and most people will still think that the face came from and alien.
Driverless cars are super new and talked about idea. Many people today love that idea of driverless cars. I completely disagree with that idea. Driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. Some exmples from the article "Driverlees Cars Are Coming" are we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws. In the article, it descibes that "futurists believed the key to developing self-driving cars someday wasn't so much smarter cars as smarter roads". It also states that "the smart-road systems worked surprisingly well but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical". Driving cars dont have a course to follow all the time. What if you want to go off road or something random gets in the road. The car wont be able to stop or slow down to see those things. Saddly the driverless cars are not driverless like they say. In the artlcle it talking about the cars steering, accelerating, and braking themselves but need a human skill to navigate thtough work zones and accidents. Even though a car with steering, accelerating, and braking and the cars alert you when u need to take over sounds amazing, to me it sounds very dangers. Think about it how much time do you have to react? If people are just sitting in these cars do you really believe people are going to watch the road? people will become way to relexed, i could see myself falling alseep. I don't feel as though the is very safe. Driverless being legal is of course very important but that will need a change in traffic laws, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If a horriable acccident happens with a driverless car who is respondable? In the article it bring up that very good point. they are so many unknows and dangers of completely relying on a cars or on a person to watch the roads. As my conclusion driverless cars can't perdicted whats happening around it or keep people 100 percent safe. The exmples I used to supports that is that we need smarter roads not cars, cars still need to alert people, and todays laws. Having driverless my be great for somethings in the furture but right now its so unprediable and unsafe. Driverless cars need alot more time to delovep and more laws need to be made and ready to go before driverless cars are.
The face on the moon is a cool thing. Most people think that it was created by aliens. The face on the moon is just a natural landform and was not created by aliens. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team went and snapped a picture of the face ten times sharper than the original Viking Photos. Thousand of anxious web sufers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealling that the face on the moon was a natural lanfdorm. There was no alien monument after all. On April 8, 2001, they went for a second look. The Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. They got got right in front of the the face. Malin's team captured an extraodinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. It showed no alien sign. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms commonaround the American West. It is reminded most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Pain of Idaho. So it turns out the face on the moon is not something created by alien but, it is a natural landform.The face is a cool thing that formed a long time ago.
Yes, many people do think that the "Face on Mars" was a monument created by aliens, possibly creating a sign of some sort. However, this is not true. What you think is the "face" is actually a natural landform. This natural landform may appear to look like a face, but why? The landform looks like a face becuase of the shadows that hit the landform in certain areas. "... this... had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh (2)." It makes it look somewhat like a face. "...a huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth (3)." Another reason why the landform looks like a face is becuase our eyes, that play tricks on us, may make it seem real that it is a face. Such as illusion that make it appear that the landform looks like a face that is staring up at the camera on Mars. Many poeple, however will still ask for more evidence that the landform is not alien artifact. "...Mars Oribiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the origional... photos... when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no monument at all (7)." "What the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West... That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars (12)." So the landforms that you are seeing are actually common along the American West. They don't just pop up out of nowhere. They have been seen before. It's not like it is a first thing that scientists are just discovering. This evidence proves that there is no alien monument on Mars, it may appear to look like it. But scientists have proved that it is only a natural landform, created naturally, on Mars. Not an alien monument that was created as a sign by aliens on Mars.
Driving cars can be an easy and better way to go from point A to point B, but there are other ways that you can do that without using gas or money. At times it is better to walk or ride a bike, and there are a few reasons why it is better for you to have limited car use. Cars use up a lot of gas, which means more money you have to spend. There are a lot of people that hate to spend so much money on gas, and it is their choice to drive all around town. It's their money that they're spending. Paris baned driving due to smog. If they catch you driving with an even numbered license plate, then you have to suffer a 22-euro fine. You would be spending more money for driving if you get caught. Sometimes driving a car is not worth the money. Ride your bike around or walk. People can be lazy sometimes. It is healthy for you to get some exercise and gain some energy. If your job or school is only a couple minutes away, then there is no need to drive your car. If you ride a bike or walk you'll get to your destination before you know it. Car pool with some of your friends. Taking one car to the same destination with a group of people can't be so bad, it's beter than everybody in a group taking their own car. It's just a waste of gas and money. Think about how much you're saving off of a car pool. Wasting gas and spending money is a problem around the world when it comes to driving. Walking around, riding your bike, or car pooling with a group of friends can't hurt you as much as a car can. So next time you want to go from point A to point B, think about what your transportation is going to be.   
Many countries are pushing towards less cars, ultimatelycreating a better world. By limiting car usage, drivers all around the world can limit greenhouse gas emissions that cause air pollution, take away some of the stress on young and old drivers concerning money and confidence at the wheel, and make cities become healthier, along with the people in them. Stated in source 1:In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars, passenger cars in Europe create 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and up to about 50 percent in the United States. These cars, primarily owned by the middle class, create an enormous amount of pollution. Paris had to ban half the cars from driving for a whole day because of the thick layer of smog that had developed (Source 2:Paris bans driving due to smog). In fact there was almost as much smog as Beijing, which is known for being a very polluted city. In Bogota, the capital of Colombia, businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza believes a car-free day is a good oportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution(Source 3:Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota). In Source 4:The End of Car Culture, sociologist relay that transportation is the second largest source of America's emission. Less cars would lower stress levels for all ages.  In source 1, paragraph 3, a mother of two and media trainer, shares that with a car she was much tense. Now that she lives in a town where there are not as many cars, she is much happier. Paragraph 32, in source 4 shows why many Americans have stopped getting cars. Some are not in an economic position to buy them, so they use alternatives like biking and carpooling which are just as effective. In paragraph 35 of the same source, a sociology professor named Mimi Sheller informs that people can use the Internet to get many things instead of driving to a store. This factor also relieves stress on those not confident with their driving ability or unable to drive. Not using cars as much has led to cities growing and becoming closer at the same time. In the city of Vauban, Germany, stores are placed closer so walking is quicker and healthier than taking an automobile (Paragrph 6, Source 1). Bogota has constructed 118 miles of bicycle paths in response to the positive feedback of car-free days there(Source 3, paragraph 27). The next paragraph shows how recreational settings have received a lot of business and the city has created new buildings. Paragraph 35 from source 4 tells how more desireable cities have brought more people in, creating a smaller need for cars to drive from suburb to city, and then back to the suburbs again. Bill Ford, the executive chairman for Ford, informs that all transportation methods save time, conserve resources, and lower emissions, in turn improving safety(Paragraph 43, Source 4). In conclusion, limiting car usage will impact the globe very positively. Less gas emissions will create a healthier world. Less stress on people will propel production in work and other fields and more urbanized cities allows people to interact with each other even greater than in other settings.
Cars of Tomorrow There is something being bettered everyday, and in this case, it's cars! The cars of the future or also known as the "Driverless Cars" have been on road since 2009 and have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Different methods/techniques have been tested in the direction of the development of future cars, such as cables embedded in tracks that send radio signals to receivers in front of cars, magenets with alternating polarity, the list is never-ending. Although these automobiles have been driving to near perfection, there's always room to improve. The prompt asked us to give our induvidual point of view on the "Driverless Cars", and in my opinion they're great, but like I said previously, they, just like everything thing else needs improvement. The cars have drove for nearly seven entire years on a perfet track record of zero crashes and that's pretty darn good. The thing about the automobiles is that they're not completely driverless, the cars need a person active while the car's active. That was a brilliant idea i thought, having an active person at the wheel while the car was on the road is so much more safe than to have a person in the backseat (theoretically) while the car is in motion. Adding up all aspects of the car, it's features, and feats, I say its a tremendous step in the technology world and I believe it will thrive in the modern world. There's nothing wrong with trying something new and especially if it has something to do with things people use eveyday. The "Driverless Cars" will be great in the future and are perfect now, knowing that they've yet to crash or have an accident. Having cars that can drive pretty much by itself is a tremendous step, having those on the road would be a major feat to overcome. The Driverless Cars make the future safer and less expensive.
Control your life or let it control you. Since technology has improved significantly since the past decades, In the article "Driveless Cars Are Coming" humans are able to create vehicles that drive themselves. They have their pros and cons but the cons out-shape the pros. Driveless cars are lethal, illegal, and time consuming to manufacture. The first reason on why driveless cars are lethal is that they are not tested fully and can injure the driver very severely if not handled right. This is evident in paragraph 9 where the author states, "manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe." This is a perfect example of how the driveless cars are still unstable and should be tested. Overall, companies still need to improve on some aspects on the driveless car to have it be a safe to use. The second reason is that the utilization of driveless cars on testing is illegal. Evidence to support this claim is that the author states in paragraph 9, "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." This makes the invention difficult to find it's short comings and hard to sell. More evidence is found that alot of people can get in trouble due to this technology failing, which is found in paragraph nine again, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" This can both harm them because of the injury and the company's reputation. Overall, driveless cars are suited to test because of the law. Finally, the last reasoning on while driveless cars are suited for the market is because of time. It takes a long time to produce; this is stated by the author in paragraph 5, "Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers." It takes the company TEN YEARS to only create one component of the device. Overall, driveless cars take a long time to produce. Driveless cars can be conducive and negative to the consumer but the draw backs out match the pros with its dangerous to control, legalization, and time consuming process to manufacture. The technology is not ready yet for this device to hit shelves in markets and is best to wait when there is more money involved for this project.
The Face of Mars What if the Face on Mars was actually created by aliens? How would have the world reacted? Well we wouldn't know. The face on mars is actually a mesa that happens to be shaped like a face. We know that the face on mars was not created by aliens because there are no signs of life, as far as NASA knows there is no life on mars, the Face of mars is just a mesa, but if the Face was created by aliens we would be able to see symbols and signs but all you can see are just small vallys and ridges. Aliens did not build the face on mars. As far as we know there is no visible life on mars. The reason for this is because mars is inhabitable. The conditions are mars are to harsh for any living organism to be able to live. There have been many expiditons by rovers that have roamed the red planet for years and still have not seen any forms of life. The author states, "There was no alien monument after all." With all this it would be almost impossible for a life form to be able to live on Mars. Eventhough there is no visible life on Mars there has never been a sign of life ever being on Mars. Again with all the probes and missions to Mars there has never been a one-hundred percent fact that there has been life on Mars. The Mars rovers have taken over 100 samples and still have found no signs of life ever being on the planet. When the author quotes Jim Garvin, “We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it.” The reason for this is because the planet has no life on it and if the only exciting thing that the scientists at nasa could find was just a mesa that looks like a face. All in all this is not a creation made by aliens it is a mesa on the Red Planet Mars. NASA has released facts about why this wonder of mars is just a normal natural landform. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001—a cloudless summer day in Cydonia—Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. “We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,” said Garvin.", the author also gives us this peice of information, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." With this all being said with the high resoloution picture and the quote from the scientist at NASA you can say for sure the Face is a natural land form. Although some people might say this is not a natural land form. They might say that it is a alien artifact left by some martians or some garbage like that. Some people dont under stand that crazy land forms canjus occur naturaly. The author gives the reader a wonderful example of this on our own planet, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West. “It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,” says Garvin. “That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.” So if we on earth believe that the mesas in the American West can be made by the earth doing what it does why cant Mars make its own land forms. The face of mars is just a natural land form in one of Mars's mesas. There are no signs of life on mars, There have never been any signs of life on mars, and the Face of mars is just a cool looking formation made by a mesa biome. So what will you be doing accepting that the Face of Mars or looking to every little nook and cranny of the web of lies called the internet to find out what the real truth is about the Face of Mars.
IN the Article "Making Mona LIsa Smile", the auther describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables ccomputers to identify human emotions like the Mona Lisa Smile. In the article it says that she is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgust, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry somethings or technology cant do that or some people cant do that at all and that is suprsing but what they call it is the "Da Vnci Code" an the name sounds cool and makes seans. Well the whole process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of all faces; all 44 major musals in the model must move like human muscels. Movement of one or more muscels is called an "action unit." Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologist, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, Creator of FACS. Eckman has classifed six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger,disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles .Here is a example in the article 1. Raise your lips at the corner of your mouth. 2. Than Squint your eyes slightly, to produce wrinking at the corner of your eyes. 3 Holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up, toward your eyes. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emoton, moving your facial muscels not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. A renowned drama couch, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotons on stage.
In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile"The author said their is a new technology that can identify human emotion its name is the Facial Action Coding System. why is it improtant? it improtant becaues we can accuracy perceiving an emotion of someone or something. for example like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci we can take Mona Lisa and put it facial coding system. then we can know her emotional. in the text it said " she 83 percent happy, 9 percent disduste and 6 percent fearful" it cool how they can get emotional of artwork. The two people that make the coding system are Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu at the university of lllinois, and the university of Amsterdam. To start, The computer make a 3-D model of the face with the major muscles. Then using video imagey the software recognize the factial movement. Then it be classified with in six basic emtions. If this technology can use in classroom it will help alot of student. becaues the computer can recognize if your confused or disinterested. then it will modify the instuctor for help. it can class like drama,it can help the actors reproduce the some emotions. this technology is valubleful for the student and the classroom beaues reveal the amotions of a another person can be helpful.
"Hmmmm, i think it would be great to have others in the Seagoing Cowboys program." Luke Bomberger is apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program and thinks it would be great if new faces would join the program as well. So Luke is thinking about how he'd get the message out to people so they could probably be in the program. ''I should talk to the others and see what they think." Luke said, so he spreads the word to the other guys and they all think it's a great idea. Luke was amazed everyone was wanting others to join the program also. All of a sudden luke thought to himself ''We'll be getting back on board in three more days. So he told the guys that they need to get the word out to as many people as they could instantainiously. So they thought of a plan then one of the guys blurted out and said, 'since were on land right now we could probably find a radio station around here." So the other guys gave him a high five and telling him that's an brilliant idea. So the guys took a map and started roaming around seeing if they could find a radio station. And about two hours later of searching they finally found a little radio station in the middle of no where. So Luke lead the the group of gentlemen in the little radio station and spoted an old man drinking coffe just sitting there. So as soon as Luke said 'Excuse me sir?.'' The old man jumped up instantainioulsy and said, 'AHHH! who are you and what do you want?". So all the gentlemen introduced theirselfs and told the old man how trhey needed to let others know about their program and how they needed his help. So the old man responded with, "What's in it for me?" the gentlemen thought for a moment and one said, 'Oh i know, if you let us use your thingy majigger here you can leave this boring job and come with us." So the old man thought for a moment and then said "Deal". So the old man turned on his machine to have all the guys on the radio then he counted down "3...2...1...and action." So Luke spoke first and said ''Gentlemen and gentlemen come one come all to be apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program." then he gave out all the infomation then in less in two minutes the radio station started to get dozens of phone calls and all the men that called were excepted and flew out to where all the other men were. Three day later it was time to take off and get ready to start sailing so Lucas did a head count. The program started out with 24 members but when Lucas was done counting the program had 148 members in all. Lucas was happy with the success and progress that was made, so everyone got settled in and started to sail.
I believe using this technology to read students emotions and expressions is going to be very useful. I agree with the use of this technology to read students emotional expressions. I believe it is important to, as a teacher and parents to notice when the student or child is not doing fine. For example in paragraph 5 the text says ".. you probobly tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on his/her face". This text shows that in a school with a lot of kids you can easily tell when one is not in a good mood and when one is. It is going to be much easier finding out how someone feels when having a big technical device help you as well. A statment from paragraph 6 it says "A classroom computer could recognize when is a student is becoming confused or bored". This helps the teacher know which of her classmates understands. Another thing I would like to add is what if a student is thinking of something bad or personal and the device still reads his emotions? To me don't think thats appropiate. Lets agree to disagree by this statement "They even indicate the difference between a genunie smile and a forced one". This text the author stated was given in the middle between paragraphs 7 and 8. Someone can be feeling down but with something private going on in their lives they might even tend to hide their emotions and not say a word I mean it has happened. Besides there's a difference from acting and emotions. However let's get back to the agreement section. In paragraph 8 the author states "According to the Feedback .... moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them". No matter how your feeling there's going to be a way to hide your emotions when you don't want them to be seen or another thing, you can express them. Either way it's good for your muscles. From this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" I agreed on using this technology to read students emotions and expresssions is useful. Perpahps further on in the future this type of technology will be used more and will be advanced as well.
The technonogy we have today allows us to create new ideas that can chage our world. Driverless cars is an idea that is a part of the modern age of technology. In the article , the aurthor elaborates on many ways drvierless cars have become a reality in our world today. The technology that allows us to create new ways to keep the raods safe helps our world become a better place. Every year thousands of people die or get injured becasue of car crashes. Driverless cars can help put an end to the tragic deaths caused by these crashes. In the second paragraph, the author pionts out that Google's independently driven cars have driven more than half a million miles without crashing. Cameras and sensors in cars watch the road and the driver ensuring that the people in the car and the poeple in the car's surroundng are safe. If everyone has the opportunity to drive one of these cars, then crashes will be reduces significantly. Not only does the new technology in the cars have the abilty to stop crashes, they allow the car tranmit information to the people inside the car incase there is a malfunction. In 2013, BMW announced the start of "Traffic Jam Assistant". Although the progrma does not make cars completely driverless, it shows that we are coming closer to creating cars with the ability to make driving safer. BMW's "Traffic Jam Assistant" has special touch sensors that makes sure the driver has his or her hand on the steering wheel at all times. Teh new technolgy can sterr, brake and accelerate themselves, but its primary design is to notify the driver when the raid ahead needs the skills of a human driver. Some of these warning include flashing lights or windshield display that can notify the driver if the situation needs human skills. Although, a completley driverless car is still in the furture, new technolgies have shown that a driverless car is safe enough to invest in. With its features keeping people focused, crashes caused by texting, sleeping, or even drunk driving will decrease. Also the amount of people speeding will drop resulting in less tickets and overall safer rods that everyoen can drive on without the fear of getting in a car crash.
The idea of being able to calculate someone's exact emotions based on simply looking at their face seems almost impossible, but doctors seem to be proving that wrong. People may ask themselves, how can you know what can be going on in someone's brain when you cannot see through their head? Dr. Huang and his colleagues are experts in figuring out new ways for humans and computers to communicate. In fact, Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe have recently innovated a new computer software. This new fantastic innovation can potentially solve problems and help many people. This new software has been used on Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa, and there has been actual results that produce accurate persentages.This type of computer software could be installed everywhere, from your work, to your home, and even to you school. Dr. Huang predicts, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." I believe that this new invention could be very helpful to teachers and principals in all schools. For instance, if a student is too shy to ask questions about a lesson they do not understand, the software could pick up confusion from the kid's face and notify the teacher. Dr. Huang also says, "Then it could motify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Not only does the new software detect emotions, but can make modifications towards a lecture as well. This innovation has the porential to do the tasks of a human being and beyond. Now a days, adults do not seem to understand what a child or teenager goes through, but the invention can help those adults assist a person in academic and emotional needs. As for learning, the software can help excell and challenge students in a new way. This could teach students many new things related to anatomy, psychology, and even art. It would bring so much new information to the table and further technology even more. This could even open up a new field of work for those students interested in the innovation. In conclusion, a new invention like this would do wonders for the human population. Everyone would get a better understanding of what they feel and what others feel as well. There is nothing better than getting a chance to learn more about yourself. This new software could change the way we look at others, ourselves, and even the world.
Would you ever want to live on another planet if humans and other life could live on it ?The author well supports his idea about "The Challange of Exploring Venus". There would be a little chance of any human or life to live on venus. On venus the planet reamins unliveable to human. In the many times they sent spacecrafts to venus, venus had claimed the lives of the people inside the spacecraft. Since then NASA would not send another space shuttle to venus and it has been like that for 3 decades now. The planet venus also known as the "Evening star" is one of the brightes in the night sky. Venus is also like a twin of earth the characteristics of this planet is alike except for the speed and the size. A thick atmosphere of about 97% of carbon dioxide covers the planet venus. When you pass that the surface of the earth is 800 degrees fahrenheit and verry deadly to any creacher that lives on earth. the atmospheric pressure is 90% than what we experience here. So why do scientist still study and figure out how life can form on this planet? well...Scientist want to study this planet because they believe it was similar and an earth-like planet. When the planet was and Earth-like planet it could have supported the life that lives on the actual earth now. On venus there were oceans,rivers,valleys,and ect. could we return to this planet? Scientist say that returning to earth is indisputable. Scients also want to figure out how they can send people there and be successfull? NASA want to design a blimp like vhical that can hover over venus without touching the unbarable ground but would give little insight of the planet. Scientist could not take samples of rock or gas or anything eles. Many researchers are tryin to come up with an idea so that they can get all their information on venus. All in all, the author supports the idea of the life on venus and the past with great details that backs it up. Also that the author wants the readers to know that giving up on something will not help you succeed but to keep working on what you are trying to achive to get something great out of it and to figure out how to bypass the obsticals.
Imagine constantly coughing. Would you like that? Car ownership is decreasing becasue: of pollution, people use other people who can drive, and the dangers. It is just not needed anymore. Pollution is everywhere you go. THIS. It goes from China, to Europe, and to America. But what causes it? In Paris they banned driving after having near-record breaking pollution. France blamed it on their people wanting to use diesel fuel instead of gasoline. Cars that run on diesel takes up 67% of France. Paris has the most "smog" compared to the other parts of Europe. IS. After many days without driving any cars, car companies lost revenue, but the "smog" cleared up. A. By limiting the car useage pollution has goen down, making Paris a less of a polluted city. WASTE. (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog. by Robert Duffer) Before you go somewhere do you tend to call a friend to see if you can car-pool? Now in America car pooling has been becoming quite popular. OF. With social media it is easier to contact your friends to see who is going where and when. Driving two separate cars is a waste of gas, time, and money. TIME. So car-pooling is the most efficient. Many Americans have a love with cars from Mercedes, to BMW's Americans are big fans. But are they dying out? Statisics say that the percentage of peopel getting their license is 16 to 39 years old. With the entertainment at home what is the need to transport anywhere. (Source 4: The end of car culture. By: Elisabeth Rosenthal). The need for cars is dying out. Everytime you get into a car there are dangers. Car accidents happen every single day, and most of them happen where you least expect it... One mile in diameter from your house. (Source: Google) There are also dangers of spending too much money on your car. Many Americans purchase die for cars (Source 4: The End of Car Culture. By: Elisabeth Rosenthal), but can most of them afford it. Lets thing. A Mcdonolds worker who makes $7.50 an hour, purchases a $100,000 Ranger Rover plus the insurance they have to pay every single month. Even though on your way to work people will see that you have a nice car and adore you, but a few months later the outcome will not be pretty. That person will eventually become bankrupt, have to sell their house, and their car, and live in a box for their entire life.(Yahoo news) And no one wants to live in a box. So limiting car use will help. If that Mcdonolds worker never bought a car, and instead purchased a bike he/she would have money to buy food, and keep a roof over their head. Even though people now are fat and lazy it would also decrease the number of obese people in America. To wrap things up, we should limit the use of cars. From Paris limiting it they decreased pollution, from car-pooling you save money, and from not purchasing a car you will decrease your chances of dying. But the main question is.. Who would actually get rid of their car?
Venus, other wise known as Earth's sister planet. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" they talk about may parts of Venus good and bad. Home to alot of hostile enviroments such as a 97% carbon dioxide atmosphere and temperatures at around 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Believe it or not though, Venus could have been like earth many years ago. With similar geographical features like mountians, vallys and craters, may suggest that life could have lived there. The author say that it would be worth our time to study Venus despite its dangers. The author does a very good job supporting this quote by saying how we can study it and why we should study it. Venus has a atmosphere that is very hot and acidic. With sulfuric acid strong enough to melt your phone from your hands, none of the robots we have sent have ever made it back. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) may have a solution to these enviotments that may help us get some more information on Venus despite its hostility. Which makes for a why for how we could study the planet. In the text it states, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape" (Paragraph 5). Even though the tempaturese at this altitude would be still 170 degrees Fahrenheit, the atmosphere pressure would be normal, and we would have solar power. Then we could study the landscape of the planet more and we could learn more about the enviorment. With this knowledge, Venus would be worthy to study even though it have dangerous conditions. Another way we could study the planet is with new and old tecnology. It says that if we used the computers we use today which are fast and powerful, then we could risk them getting damaged or lost becuase of how delicate they are. NASA has though of another solution to this problem too. Insted of using these comupters, why not use the mehanical computer. In the text it says, "By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces" (Paragraph 7). This way, we could use the computers to find out much more about the planet then just what it looks like too. We could study the mass of the planet, what it is made of, and so on. Which proves that studying venus is worth it. Even with some of these things support his idea of studying the planet, he does take away from his idea. The text states, "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface tempature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun" (Paragraph 3). This take away from the idea that we should study it. This thought makes it seem overwhelming to go and study Venus. They do a nice job recovering by using NASA's idea of a "blimp-like structure" to take care of some of the heat issue. He also supports his idea by clearly stating that this would make the planet easy to study. Venus, the Roman God of love, may not seem so kind on the looks of the planet, but with the new ideas scientists are coming up with and the testing that NASA is doing, the idea of a closer study of Venus might not be so far after all. Even though we've been presented with the struggles of the planets hostile enviorment, we as humans have been intrigued with the planet and won't stop untill we know the planet. We have the ideas of how to study it and why we should, we just need to do it. These, as stated from the author, are the reasons we should should study Venus.
Many Citizens have the advantage of limited car usage, believe it or not. The evidence that has been obtained from the short articles states that by restricting car usage we can reduce pollution in the air. Because of the pollution issue, the Enviromental Protection Agency are promoting "car reduced" communities ( "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, from the New York Times ). Over the past few years there have been an astonishing decrease in car ownership. It seems un-real since transportation is ranked number two largest source of America's emissions. As time goes by, over each year, there has been an obvious considerable amount of Americans buying less cars, driving less, and not to mention, getting fewer licenses. The question is why ? "It's a good opportunity to take away sress and lower air pollution," said a businessman names Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife ( from "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky, from the Seattle Times ). Carlos and his wife ( located in BOGOTA, Colombia ) accepted the idea of not having a car the whole day, which, as he stated, "relaxing". The event of the "Car-free day" started off small in the mid-1990s then over time, bloomed into an event where any, and everyone could join. There could be many reasons as to why Citizens have the advantage of limited car usage. One reason could be that people can't afford it, another reason could be that they are trying out a new lifestyle to see if it is to the persons need.
Driverless cars You may think that driverless cars are good but I think that driverless cars are senseless I wouldnt want that I would want to drive my car myself. I waited a long time to get my driving license and drive my own car but no they had to come up with the diverless car and make all the other cars seem useless. Im going to figure out what makes this car so good, and see if would come in handy because its alot of people are craveing this car. This car seem so crazy because what if my car startes to act all crazy and catch on fire what am i going to do im waisted my money and time on that car and it would be hard to buy a new one . I think we should all this stick with the cars we are use to. Because when you get this car you wont know what to do, and most people dont read manual to cars they just say they figure it out on their own. Once they try that they end up messing something up and having to spend more money on getting it fixed. The car may come in handy because they have senseors even though sensors are nothing new they help stop the car like when the person driving the car hits the brake the brake sensors each wheel to ruduce speed so the human can gain controll over his or her car again. It can help older people to like when they arent suppose to be driving. This car is like having a driving assistant. They dont wont need to drive the car would drive by its self that would be good for some old people that like to get out a lot. Most drivers focus on keeping the riders saft but it this car is a smart car so if they had a accident the car can prevent it from happening. In some staes this car is not saft for people to drive so the car comapany must prove that the car is saft. if some one gets injured in that car should it be the manufacturer fault or should it be the drivers fault i think that it should be the manufacturer fault because they built they car and i should feel saft I it. Overall i dont that this car is smart to build because i wouldnt feel saft in it. I think they should come up with another idea for a car because if a lot of people get hurt it that car they might end up bankrupt and sewd so bad that they would have to close down there shop and just start their retirement. This car seem very senseless and I wouldnt buy it.
Some may say right now, at the start of 2015, the whole world is at a peak for technology, cars, and advancements. Some are saying differently. In this day and age, many countries, also can't afford any more pollution than they already have, due to how many vehicles there are on the road. Some cities have even stopped using cars all together, and have been very sucessful. All of these reasons help further prove the point of how limiting car usage could really be an advantage in today's society. Are the peak of vehicles in the United States over? In the past, people predicted flying cars for 2015, but no one predicted a downfall in vehicles all together. Elisabeth Rosenthal states, "the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily after... As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the contry was in January 1995." So overall, less driving seems to becoming a trend. Pollution caused by the gas of cars is a huge issue in today's society. Some cities are finally taking action. "Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city" (Robert Duffer). Few may argue with this, saying that these sort of bans are not fair, delvery companies aren't able to work, or a some may argue about the fine of 31 dollars you're charged if your vehicle is on the road is riduculous. But, "the smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling french party to rescind the ban"(Robert Duffer).  
I feel like that the use of the emotional expressions of students in a class room is not good. First of all it is not 100% offical.. Second of all it could fill you computer with viruses. last one is that it could be a lot of money to get in and most likly to fix it. It is a lot of work getting one of those and the thing is why buy it or even consider it, if it is not offical. The facial action coding system is not totaly offical. In the story it says that it uses you face to tell what going on or something. They say that they can tell if it is a real smile or a fake one by your muscules. The muscles called orbicularis make croe's feet around your eyes, but then a fake smile, the mouth is streched sidesways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle called the risorius. Then is said that if an ad pops up and you are happy then the facial action coding system is going to think you like it then more and more are going to be poping up. Sense it said that it can tell eveything just by four face. The rusults won't be right. For people that wear makeup the facial action coding system is not going to get the right results. You might have a facial problem or something wrong with you muscles. That you wouldn'd be able to simle perfectly. Then it will give you wrong results The fact that facial action coding system is basiclly thinking and telling you how to feel it doesn't really know what you really feel. I feel like sense the camera is always going to just be watching you to see what you are feeling that is creepy. Like it said it if thinks your happy when an ad pops up it's going to pull up more and more ads and you might even get a virus. It is going to end up making some damages to your computer. Most likely people are not going to feel safe. What if someone gets to hack you computer. They are going to be watching you all day, everyday. Sense it said that it will cost a lot of money to get it. I won't be fair if some schools have it and if some don't. The facial action coding system will be hard to get. Some school can just get enough for the basic's. If they can't even get enought to get one what if is stops working or something goes wrong. The people are going to have to find more moeny just ot fix it. Most likely, they are going to have to stop doing some clubs or some after school activities thing like that. Just to try to afford the moeny to fix the program.
Driverless cars can be seen as an advantage or a shipwreck waiting to happen. Yes, humans have dreamed of this technology for generations, but is it truly what we need? Honestly, driverless cars could potentially cause more harm than good. They even sound scary: if a person, not in their right mind, can't drive a car functioanlly, then why can a computer? A super being that can't even think for themself? I am against the developement of these cars because they're too expensive to manufacture at a good rate, they require a driver at some point in time, and they're illegal in various areas of the United States. As explained in the article, two seperate companies already came up with patents for driverless vehicles. They used electrical cables/ magnents within the road to create a path that the automobile could follow. As said in paragraph three, these ideas worked surprisingly well, yet they were too expensive to be practical. This idea was invented decades ago; everything was cheaper back then. Now a days, this idea also seems inpractical. the cost for these "smart cars" will remain insanely costly. the manufacturors will be out money because the people won't be able to afford these high priced gadgets. I, for one, love car rides when I can't sleep at night. They help me drift off into sleep so easily and in a such a fast manor. Hundreds of people across the globe fall asleep at the wheel of an aoutmobile every week. Even with all the distractions of driving, they can't resist falling alseep. So imagine, having no distractions at all, how easy it would be to doze into that comfortable state of mind. In the article it states that drivers are occasionally needed when the car is faced with a difficult task. If driver drifted off to sleep, a wreck is bound to happen. I also feel as though too many people will put too much faith into their vehicle that they'll become unaware and uncareful about what's going on in particular scenarios that they are needed in, and they'll find themselves in a fateal accident. What good if a car in a round country trip if it's illegal to drive in certain states? What are people supposed to do if they cross the boarder into a state that disapproves of these new and "improved" vehicles? Just turn around and take another route? It's pointless to have a vehicle you can't take everywhere with you. Laws aren't just made for no reason; they're there to keep the community safe. If it's supposedly dangerous to ride in an un-manned vehicle, then why do it? In paragraph nine, it states that presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. I believe in this law wholey and completely. In my opinion, driverless cars are unsafe. There are many statistics and facts stating that safety is a huge risk with these vehicles and it's very true. A computer cannot possibly predict how a human mind will act or what a person will do unconciously; these vehicles won't be able to have last minute reactions. I am against the developement of these cars because they're too expensive to manufacture at a good rate, they do require a driver at some point in time, and they're illegal in various areas of the United States. Driverless cars are thought to be the future; I want no part in such a dangerous place.
Do you think computers being able to tell students emotions be useful? I say it could be useful it could tell us if the student is bored which that could help us try to make the student more intrested in what he is about to learn. This could also tell us if anyone it feeling hurt or depressed because of something that happened to them which we could probably help the student with the problem they have. It could tell us if the student is slacking off or if the student needs extra help. This would be useful to help students stay active and be intrested in what they are going to learn. It would tell us if the student is bored and that could help us find another way to make the kid more intrested in what we are learning. It would also tell us if the kid was slacking off which if a kid was slacking off we could move him and let him be more comforable where he could be more intrested and pay attention to the things he is about to learn. We would be able to help out your child many peoples children we could help them get on track and maybe help them get a scholarship and give them a better understanding of school and education. Would you want your childs emotions read by a computer? Imagine if your child was going through something that happened to him theses computers could help us figure what is wrong with your child. And maybe that is the problem why he is not paying attention we could help so many children by this. We could lead and help students to success. If your child is failing in school it might be because of being bored which these computers would tell us and we c oulc find another way to help your child so he wouldn't be failing. We need to let people know that this could solve so many problems. If your child new something bad was going to happen or knew a student was getting bullied or he was getting bullied we could find that out with the computer and help them out. We could help kids from harming themselfs just think about how many kids we could save. Do you wish you had these computers when you were younger? i say yes this ould have helped me do better in school and it could have told my teachers that i needed extra help. Just think about how many kids could be succesful because of theses computers. Think about how it could help you out if you were to be able to have theses computers when you were in school?
At NASA we found something interesting on Mars, it looked like a face that the Viking 1 spacecraft was taking photos of. Many people believe the Face was an alien artifact, but it was not. The Face is a natural lanform and was not created by aliens. The captin of NASA at the time said it was a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The Face wasnt a face it was just the shadowing and placement of where the photo was taken from. "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared o a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." This was after more clearer pctures were taken and it looked just like a landform, nothing else. It wasn't an alien artifact, it was just a landform taken from an angle which it looked like a face and the Viking 1 didn't take that clear of pictures from the ones I have seen and the photos were taken all the way back in 1976.
The automobile is one of mankinds greatest innovations. Since its invention in the 20th century, it has made tasks such as commuting to work or visiting your friends simpler than ever. Just hop in your car and your gas-powered vehicle will have you there within minutes. Although they are handy, could too much of a good thing be a bad thing? In this case, I believe that this is true. Limiting car usage could have benefits such as easier and cheaper transportation and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Imagine a world where public transportation (subways, trains, buses) could be accessed easier. Now look past the ways of modern life and cars we've become so dependent on. The growth of public transportation in places other than large cities could have huge benefits to the communities. Cars would not be relied upon and not as much money would have to be spent on gas. Of course people would still use cars to get from point A to point B but they would see public transportation as more of a go-to option. (Source 4) "Bill Ford proposed a plan of partering with telecommunications industries to create cities in which pedestrian, bicycles, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." I believe limiting car usage would therefore raise public transportation usage and allow us to commute safer and cheaper than before. Pollution has become an increasingly important problem in recent years. With all the craze over whether "global warming" is imminent or not, many have been trying to find ways to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. The United States holds claim to the invention of the automobile and also stands as one of the most car reliant countries averaging at least one per household. According to the text, passenger cars are responsible for 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in some car-intensive areas in the United States (Source 1). Reducing that number by ways of carpooling, public transport, and hybrid cars, would benefit our society and help to protect the world we live in for future generations. For example, (Source 2)after days of intensifying smog, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city one Monday. Motorists with even-numbered plates were told to leave their cars at home or face a $31 fine. In just one day, car traffic was down 60 percent with less people driving and the smog cleared enough to lift the ban for odd-numbered plates the next day. In Bogota, Cali, and Valledupar, Colombia a similar experiment was put to test where there was a full Day Without cars. This plan promoted alternative transportation (bicycles, walking, taxis, buses) and helped to reduce smog. A local businessman from Bogota saw the day as beneficial and states that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." (Source 3) Although modern lifestyles have become overly dependent on cars, usage can be reduced and have many benefits to our society. While this would be a process that would no doubt take years to accomplish globally, I believe that it is very possible and likely that limiting car usage would lead to easier and cheaper transportation, and fewer greenhouse gas emissions or pollution.
To get from point A to point B, whether it be from home to the park or from school to the movies, the logical answer that pops up in everyone's mind seems to be a car. Automibles such as cars and motorcycles are widely used and are integrated into every part of society. But do automobiles really need to be so rooted into everything people do as a society? Cars and motorcycles create a myriad of problems such as congestion and smog. Some societies even legally limit their community's automobile usage to attempt to correct some essential problems. Limiting automobile usage is important, because not only is it practiced globally with tremendous success, but it also largely reduces pollution caused by diesel fuel and brings to light issues within communities and accounts for their resolution. Automobiles are thought of as a daily commodity in most urban countries, but there are some societies in which usage has been reduced or even eliminated entirely and the positive results may be shocking. In the suburban city Vauban, Germany, residents have given up automobiles for a chance at a life free of traffic sounds and stress. This experimental journey within the town has acheived these and so much more. Their streets are essentially car-free and the lack of garages and parking space allows for up to 5,500 people to live in a single rectangular square mile with any necessary stores within walking distance (Source 1 Par 6). Simlarly-yet on a much smaller scale, Bogota, Columbia has initiated a car-free day in an attempt to eliminate the area's pollution as well as reduce stress. The day is on its third year and has done as hoped. Additionally, Bogota's once pitted and uneven sidewalks have been since replaced and made much smoother, and the city has introduced parks and sports centers, new restaruants, and new shopping centers which are blossoming and thriving (Source 4 Par 28). these changes have created a society both happy and strongly bonded. As wonderful as these positive shifts in society are, limiting autombile usage can do even more. A limit in automible usage can also benefit communities by reducing pollution-seeing as a large majority of air pollution is created through the release of diesel fuels into the air. Paris, France legally banned personally autombile use throughout the city in order to rid the city's air of harsh pollutants (Source 2 Par 10). France experiences a combination of cold nights and warm days that trap the emmisions from cars, scooters, and motorcycles (Source 2 Par 15).  By significantly reducing the amount of diesel fuels rising to the air to be trapped, the smog had cleared enough within mere weeks that the city was able to entirely lifted the ban. This is a major example of the advantages limiting car usage entails. Altogether, limiting automobile usage is key to improving society and has myriad advantages such as creating a more bonded and pleasant community and reduces environmental hazards like pollution. Creating vehicular limits is a promising way to change the world as we know it for the better.
I have read the article of ''Unmasking the Face on Mars.'' When I imagine that if I were a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens. First of all,in September,1997,one of the chief scientist man said ''When they arrived at the Red Planet,''We felt this was important to taxpayer. A few days later NASA was unveiled the image for all to see.''Jim Garvin also say that ''We photographed the face as soon as we could get a good shot at it.'' Which mean they were trying to shot a picture of the Face that they saw in Mars. Second,on April 5,1998,when Cydonia was for the first times,the two men had snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. It revealed a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. When the Face was located it was in April a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. One man said ''Alien markings were hidden by haze.'' After that,the mission trying to look again. In April 8,2001 a cloudless summer a day in Cydonia,Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. Garvin said ''We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view.''Malin's team also captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.''The image of 2001 spans like 1.56 meters,compared to 43 meters in the best of 1976 Viking's photo. Finally,Garvin said that ''If there were objects in this pictures like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian style pyramids or even small shacks,you could see what they were.''he said. Lastly,the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American Wests.''That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.''After all that happened nobody was not really sure which one was the right one.
the author supports this idea by trying to figure out how venus can be worthy of making it float above the fray. the palnet has a surface of rocky sedimant and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Nasa has ideas of sending humans to study venus so they can try learn how venus can possibly be useful in the future or trying to figure out how venus has very different solutions to our problems. but venus has storms and it is very hot of 170 degrees fahernheit and the planet can provide only limited insight on ground coditions because most of the lights cannot penetrate the dense atmospherere. more importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anthying else, from a distance. thats why venus would need to get up close and can despite the risks. scitentist have made silcon carbide and been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three week. thats why venus would take a lot of time to figure out how venus works in the future.
The author tellus about the two planet that are right ext to each other. The author tells us how there one in specfic that a lot like earth. He tells us that for decades we have been wanting to find out more about Venus but its just complicated the temperature and eveyrhting about it. he thinks that it is important to learn more about the planet so that later in life we could send people and build things there for example the hovering vechiles he talked about. The author suggests that studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it present because out of all the other planet in the solar sydtem Venus is the that is more like earth. It talks about how dangerous it is how the machines that they send to Venus dont last long because of things are in Venus. Obvisouly he or she thinks that its worth it because the author tells us how "researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." He says that "our travels on earth and beyond shouldnt be limited by dangers and doubts but should expand to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The author had said that most likely probably at one point Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various of life, just like Earth. I mean in my opinion that would be smart to learn more about the planet because we never know the world might come to its end and we need to be prepared to move in somewhere new. It has some features that are analogous to those on Earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as velleys, mountains and craters that furthermore Venus might be our nearest option for planetary visits. The autor want or tells us that NASA has one particulary idea for sending humans to study venus. Nasa's possible solution to hostlie conditions on the surface of venus would allow scientists to float abovethe fray. Like a blimp lke vechile hovering 30 or miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. it tells us that " solar power would be plentiful, and radiations would not exceed Earth levels , not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. If at one point there was living life in Venus i feel like that would be important what if there s living life there but we just havent found it there might others things in venus that could help earth in some type of way.
What do you think about joining the seagoing cowboys programs? I think that you should join because 1 you get to help people, 2 you get to bring supplies and other thing to people in need, and 3 you can get experence of how it feels to be a helping hand. first, in August 1945, they received their orders to report to new orleans. we arrived august 14 luke said the day the pacific war ended. their seamen's paper and boarded the ss charles w .wooster,headedfor greece with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oat to feed them. also,it took about 2 weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states and month to get to china caring for the animals kept luke busy feeding them and giving them water two or three times a day and also the stalls had to be clean. last,luke had learned his experence from his auntie at a farm that he helped and he work hard to help and that help him now with his work of taking care of the horses and that really and a big effect on his work now. That is why you should work at the seagoing cowboys.
The author does not support his idea well because he has little of evidence to back up the claims that he made. These claims were that Venus could be useful because of how close it is and he called it a challenge for human curiosity. Neither of the claims he made were to vbalid becauise he would go off topic, provide little evidence, and would talk about the benefits of Venus but not say what they were. When he claimed that Venus is useful because of how close it is and said " ...Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long frames of space travel." and then said " The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable..." so he made a claim saying that it is a good thing to go to venus but the right after said the value is indisputable but never gave any evidence of why its so good to go to. Then he also claimed that it has value in over coming, that it is a challenge for human curiosity. This is a bad claim because he did not have much evidence or reason to back up going to Venus so he said " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This claim would be much better if he actually listed any good benefits from Venus. Also through the text the author seems to either run out of things to support his claim or he went off topic because he started to talk about what NASA is doing and planning to do to explore Venus like " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions would be to allow scientist to float above the fray." He would say thing of what people might be able to do to explore Venus with its hostile conditions but he still never said what could be discovered while exploring. I don't disagree on his point but how he executes getting it across to the audience does not work. If he provided any solid evidence on what could be learned or discovered on Venus like technology or new elements then it would bring more people behind this idea. But that still does not change the fact that his claims of Venus is useful for future visits and its a good challenge for human curiosity, are not valid and he does not to a good jobs of supporting his claims.
With the information the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" covers, this advancement in technology seems extremely unnecessary and could potentially have negative effects even with the good intentions behind it. As far as what is explained in this article the only benefit to this technology is that computers will know what you are feeling, and the question that needs to be asked is; do we really want them to? Secondly, there was no mention of how much this kind of technology costs or if it would even be plausible for it to be in a classroom setting. Lastly, why is it be necessary for a computer to overtake yet another aspect of a teacher's job of human interaction and communication. Technology being able to read emotional expressions in the classroom sounds wildly ludicrous in terms of use, cost, and personal connections Although all seems harmless on the forefront of this idea, the side effects could turn very sour very quick. Nick D' Alto says "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad." The author of this article talks of how it will improve ad placements by whether you smile or frown, however I know for a fact social medias, especially Facebook, are already basing information on preferable ads by just what material you look at. Why is it necessary for a program to constantly scan our face just to see if we like something or not? This gives the computer so much power of constantly knowing what your exact emotions are on everything. It is just so unnecessary that it causes one to question why in the world would we risk giving computers that kind of power. Also, is it appropiate to constantly scan childrens' faces as they are trying to learn? Would there be a security system in place or parental agreement necessary that would allow the permission of constant invasion of privacy in the name of education? There are many ethical questions and unknown future outlooks that one would not want to subject children to that sort of test of safety and security. However if this technology was to be used in a classroom, the next question is of course the cost of such a new computer process. All computers would have to have facial recognition in their system and although there is no mention of cost in the article one can imagine that this new technology is not cheap. Is it realistic to expect that schools will pay great amounts of tax payers dollars just so that we can invade the privacy of our children to figure out if they are bored? It seems much more financially sound to not steal the jobs of millions of teachers and let them get to know their students, opposed to scanning their face. Teachers are necessary in the classroom not only to impart knowledge but also to make those personal connections that tell them how to best teach their kids. Every student is different, learns a different way and reacts differently to every aspect of the classroom. The article says a computer will be able to detect if a student is bored, but teachers have that ability already, minus the cost and invasion of privacy. Teachers are in the classroom so that they can make those personal connections with each student and ensure that they are doing everything they can to provide the best education possible. If a computer detects boredom it will just try another lesson without knowing what is best for the student. So the question that needs to be asked is why would this sort of technology be useful in the classroom? In conclusion technology that scans your face to read your emotions has too many ethical questions, financial problems, and no personal connections for this computer process to be acceptable in the classroom. Although this advancement is impressive, the classroom setting is most definitely not the right place for this type of computer process.
Earth is the only plant that humans can stand ,talk,walk and breath on by your self with no help . haves 800 degree farenheit when lading from space while the perssure will be 90 times greater with the atmopheric .some peoole want to know is other plants save to vist . Mars ,Venus are the close to earth neigboor from speed of time mars be closer to earth then others venues closer to earth . Veuns has the hottest landing point temperture in the solar system .veunes try living there your car woul be floating 30 20 feet above the floor .venus do have features as like earth rocky mountains valleys craters . some say we may can vist that plant soon. The NASA has only one particularly compeliing to study whats beyond what people dont see or dont know for hummans can travel to other plants. earth the best to keep all living goods in things, poeple ,and creachers alive Thats why its good for people to studdy about thinks an just do so they would know what they getting into .earth right now never sound back to me but earing an learing about differnt plants that maybe we might be able to vist in years is aswome to learn an hear about that its not just one plant we could live on.
A new type technology was invented called Facil Action Coding System, this enables computers to identify human emotions. We have 44 major muscles in our face and by using a 3-D computer model it will help the computer better see your emotions. It's belived that by using computer codes to help see emotions can help at school. It could also help us with our personal life. Psychologist Dr. Paul Eckman creator of FACS had six major emotions. '' Movement of one or more muscels is called an ''action unit''. The six major emotions are happy,surprise,anger,disdust,fear,and sadnees. When you are feeling sad, your face muscels change and when the computer see that change they know u are feeling sad. When you are on the computer and your computer knows that you dont like an ad it will change to something differnt.''A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.''. This can help the teacher by helping sudents or pick up the pace so students dont get bored or confused. And most comunacation is non-verbal and by emotions. This tecnology can also help us with our personal life as well as school. We can usually see if one of our friend is happy or sad we do this every day. So why do we need a computer to this for us. Well if we dont know the person we mught say something wrong. And with the help of tecnology we can better understand it. BY making the a little move on how you feel it can change your emotion. The theory of emotions states that just smiling makes you happy and changes your whole mood. A drama coach says '' he had is actors reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of cresting these emotions on stage.'' Emotions have a way of changing techology helps us grow and help us.
Driverless Cars, something often seen as a fantasy is actually coming true. Driverless Cars are just basically cars that does not require a human driver. This new invention should not be released because it can be a hazard, require more research, and it is not that useful. This idea has been worked on and tested since 2009, this means that we do not fully understand or know the harmful the new cars can be. In the article it states that, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents". This can be harmful to the driver because the driver might not be paying attention, since they depend on the car to drive them. Even though machines can be accurate and precise, it can still have some malfunctions and there is not enough research to know what they are. In paragraph nine it also states that, "Presently, traffic laws are wrtten with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." This shows that the government also sees humans only driving cars. Although many researchs have already been made, there is still is a long road ahead. Smart Cars requires the use of newer tools and parts. In Paragraph four it states that, "Google's modified Toyoto Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor.". Even though Smart cars is a whole new invention; there are still more research to be done on the parts that are needed to make Driveless cars driveless. Research needs to also be done on how to create the a form to sequire these vital parts of the car. At the end, Smart cars are not needed. Many people already have their license and are able to drive; there is no point of having a driver, having the risk of not paying attention, sit behind the wheel and let the car drive itself rather than a driver who is driving it themselves. In the first paragraph it says that, " He envisions a future with public transportation system where the fleets of driverless cars form a public-ransport of taxi system.". Millions of people's jobs are based on driving, and if driveless cars are released, then millions of people have a risk of losing their jobs. Although Driverless Cars opens no doors to technological advancement, it is just something that is not seen as useful. People can drive themselves, and even other people drive people around. That is the way it should be.
With the advancement in technology in the world we live in today, there should be no surprise of a car with the capabilities to drive itself. Though it does give technology yet another human job, driverless cars should be manufactored. I do not believe they should be maufactored for the average person though. Driverless cars should be manufactored for the blind, elderly, or anybody who does not have the driving capabilities that most have. Driverless cars should be manufactored for the elderly. Very few people above the age of 70 have the driving capabilites and safety they once did when they were younger. For this reason, a driverless car would be ideal and safe for them to use for transportation. The driverless car would be a safe and effective transportation method for the elderly, this is one reason why driverless car should be manufactored. Another reason the driverless car should be manufactored is how it will help the fight against drunk driving. With the computer at the wheel, and not the drunk driver, this could prevent from an accident or even a death. Though they could take control of the wheel, the computer system could be capable of recognizing such danger with the sensors, and take over for safety. The driverless car would be good to develop so that it could help in the fight against drunk drivers and other intoxicated drivers. My final reason that the driverless car should be developed is so that the handicapped could have an easier time with transportation. The blind, the wounded, and the deaf all have their diffuculties with transportation. With the advancement in technology and cars, this would make it easier for them to get from one place to another. With the technology driving for them, they won't have to worry about there disability affecting them. With a safe driverless car developed, the handicapped community would get a better way of transportation. In conclusion, technology is not always meant for fun. When the technology can greatly improve the life of the eldery or handicapped, it should be developed or used. When the technology can keep other drivers on the road safe from intoxicated driving, it should be developed and used. The driverless car can do all of the above, which is why it should be developed and used.
The Future of Driverless Cars Could you think about yourself not having to worry about driving your car anymore? This is becoming a possibility with all the new technology automobile companies are using to make this happen. But, there are some people that are opposed to this idea becasue of some problems that could come from this This idea also has a majority of supporters too which myself is one of them. There is some bad things about it dealing with traffic and accidents but there is stress relief for not having to drive and not worrying about the road. Also you would be able to do whatever you want while the car is driving to your destination. I support the idea of the self driving car for many reasons that will soon help all drivers. "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." With the cars technology ability to be able to mimic the human driver is a huge factor for self driving because it can do all the driving that a human does normally. Some people especially hate driving because it casues them stress and anger so I think if every car was self driving there would be no problems, no traffic, and no accidents to worry about. "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." This quote is talking about how only few states let companies test autonomous cars which hinders the developement of the cars and their safety for all of us because how can you make a better car if you cant test in in real situations. This is a problem with the testing becaus ethe car cant become better and solve the problems if there is not testing done. On the other hand of the argument there is many things still wrong with the cars and their saftey. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault—the driver or the manufacturer?" This is a big problem witht he cars because technology usually fails at some points in time and if this causes a big accident and people are hurt it will cause so much frustration and confusion on everyone invloved. Another point about the problems of the car is "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." The quote has a big meaning because whats the point of having self driving cars that you need to worry about while its driving? "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." The whole point of the self driving cars is its ability to be able to do these things so it should be able to switch could be developed later on. So in conclusion the self driving cars in my perspective are a good idea but it will come with soem complications as does everythign else. This would be a huge step for the human race and would benefit alot of people. The technology will grow and the problems will become less until we have reached the point where there is no problems with the cars and their abilities.
Hi, I'm Luke Bomberger. I am so happy that I joined the Seagoing Cowboys becasue joining their progam, made my life had change completly, in the good way though. Don't loose me here becasue I'm about to tell you some of my favorite adventures, and the lessons I have learned to really see how the world works. I hope by the end of the argument you will be so convinced and enthusiastic about joing the Seagoing Cowboys program as much as I was! The most amazing place that I have ever visited was probably Greece. I found Greece to be the best because there were so may fantastic ruins and buildings that the Ancient Greece built thousands of years before my time. The Acropolis was a very beautiful sight to see because you could tell that the builders had done a great job of building it, so that it would last a long time. I could proboby write all day about Greece, but I want to share some of the other wonderful sights I got to experience along the journey. The gondola in Venice,Italy was acculay pretty fun to ride. Seeing the Italian buildings accualy was neat site to visit. You could relaxing on the gondola trying to learn Italian. Venice had kind people, so if you think that you would be mistreated because you're a foreigner, you're wrong. In europe the people are kind and generous to everyone. Going t differnt places might be a klittle nearve wreaking, but after about two trips you'll get used to it, and that's what you'll want to do. The Seagoing Cowboys not only lets you travel, but also learn different languages, meet new people, experience differnt jobs, and so much more. I'm not going to spoil all the fun of being a Seagoing Cowboy beause I want you to fell exitement when you hopefully want to become one. I did miss my family, but the job and traveling kept me very busy and aware of what life was like. The best part of all was giving a little homeless boy in China some clothes and food. That boy was the sweetest child I've ever seen in my whole life. seeing him with a big smile gave me a better future. tha smile and journey with the Seagoing Cowboys was amazing. I hope you will pariceipate with the Seagoing Cowboys because it will change your life. Joing them was the best deciosn of my life. Thank you for reading my argument please make the right decision by joining,a dn make a difference in our world. I hope you will get to experience what I did.
You may have thought the Face was created by aliens. It could be a possibility, but think of the research and observations of the scientists. You can't just predict something and think of a conclusion. You must go through a process of research and examinations. The scientists researched and examined the Face and was just another Martian mesa that was around Cydonia. First of all, the image did have characteristics of a face. The text stated "a few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation..which resembles a human head....formed by shawdos giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." The Face could simply have been the shadow of something or the lighting that caused it to look that way. "Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in September 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended." The photograph from the Viking could have been a worse quality than now. Secondly, the photograph that was captured in 1998 is more reliable and more efficient than the other one. This picture has a more clear view and is better to observe. "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camer (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousand of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing....a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." The landform could have been created from erosion or weathering or even different types of weather or climate. In fact, maybe a closer view could have looked a different shape. Furthermore, there was another shot taken in 2001. With an even better camera quality, which showed different types of shapes or objects, other than a face. In the text it said "On April 8, 2001, a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look." Garvin stated "We had to roll the spacecrafts 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." The pixels having a better quality made the observation even better. The camera could even make the objects 3 times bigger. "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, he added. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" They were trying to say that if it was created by aliens they could have been able to tell because of its texture or shape. In conclusion, the Face was not created by aliens, it is just a natural landform. The Viking photo made it look like it was created by an alien because of its structure and the way it was formed and shaped and it was only because of the quality of the picture that made it seem like it was. With the more recent pictures and 10 times better quality made the scientists come to a conclusion that it was just a structure. "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West." Garvin stated "It remind me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about that same height as the Face on Mars."
First as a scientific NASA scientist i would explain that there is no life at the planet mars and the pictures tooken by the advanced camera showed proof that there is no life forms, but an illusion caused by the planets shadows, that formed a human shaped face in which made citizens of earth wondering is there life on mars, but this is just something that happens on the planet earth in comparision to mars. Then for example that mars couldn't be created by aliens for example there are many illusional landforms are common around the American West including placeS like Idaho, and etc. It also included historical times when the same thing happened when unusual shadows that made it look like an Eygptian Pharaoh in Cydonia. In conclusion there is no life on earth and that it is just shadows that was shaping into a human face, which can be similar to illusions on Earth, and was given proof that the faces were just landforms by technology.
Venus is the second planet from our sun. Venus is also referred as the Earth twin. According to the article it's considered as the Earth's twin because "it is the closest in Earth in terms of density and size, and accasionally the closest in distance too." All planets obit the sun at different speeds. Earth is sometimes closer to Mars and somethimes closer to Venus. The diffuclt planet that it is a challenge for humans to explore is the planet Venus because the temperature is nearly 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Humans can not stand high temperatures rather than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Humans have had planned missions to visit Venus but not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus for more than three decades. The conditions in Venus are extrememly worst than what humans have encouter on the planet Earth. Scientistis believe that long ago Venus was probably covered with oceans and that it could probably could of hold life just like Earth. "Today Venus has some features that are similar to Earth such as a rocky sediment surface, valleys, and mountains, ect. NASA has one idea for sending humans to study or explore Venus." Their idea was to float above the fray, the temperattures would still be hot (170 degrees Fahrenheit) it probably would be easy conditions but it will for should help the human alive and help them get back to planet Earth. Therefore, Venus is one of the difficult planets to study but NASA has figured a way to expore some parts of Venus. Venus could probably be like Earth expect it would not hold life because of toasty temperatures that Venus Contains. It would be a fun experience if humans could actually step a foot on Venus and still make it alive to planet Earth.