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311 Cannon House Office Building Chairman McCaul, Ranking Member Thompson, and distinguished Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss DHS refugee, visa, and other admissions screening and vetting efforts. I am pleased to appear alongside my Department of Homeland Security (DHS) colleagues from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to discuss the holistic Department-wide approach to screening and vetting that we are moving towards in support of DHS’s Unity of Effort. For several years, DHS, together with our law enforcement and Intelligence Community colleagues, have leveraged a range of information and processes to carry out screening and vetting supporting our operational missions, to include preventing terrorism. Screening and vetting are key to refugee, visa, and other admissions adjudication processes. Every day, DHS, along with our interagency partners, vets millions of individuals traveling to, from, or within the United States; applying for citizenship and immigration benefits; or applying for credentials or other special accesses. Our screening and vetting efforts include biometric and biographic information collection, in-person interviews, detailed research and analysis, database vetting and bulk data screening, publicly-available information vetting (including social media), and identity verification. Director Rodriguez and Associate Director Kubiak have detailed many of these screening and vetting efforts in their statements. We recognize that technological advances and the evolving nature of the threat environment require us to continuously re-evaluate and improve our screening and vetting processes. That is why we have efforts underway to evaluate how we might enhance the way we elicit information during in-person interviews and on our forms, identify new information and data relevant to vetting that is available to the U.S. Government, develop new methods to ingest data into our existing systems, and better calibrate information provided to adjudicators. Additionally, Secretary Johnson asked me to convene a task force to examine our current use of social media expand its use for operational purposes across the Department, consistent with law. Social media is currently used for over 30 different operational or investigative purposes by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE, Transportation Security Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Secret Service, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and other Components. The Task Force is examining the resource and technical challenges involved with more extensive use of social media, as well as its effectiveness as a component of the review process for applicants for various immigration benefits. While I cannot discuss specifics regarding many aspects of our screening and vetting efforts in an open hearing, I will outline the broad steps DHS is taking to further improve our screening and vetting of admissions applicants: - We are developing a framework and policies to further leverage information and intelligence available to the U.S. Government to inform our vetting programs and adjudication decisions. - We are continuously screening applicants against U.S. Government holdings at every stage of the vetting process to ensure that new information regarding applicants informs our admissions decisions. - We are continuously refining and enhancing our processes, capabilities, and systems, as we have since 9/11, to ensure that we leverage emerging technology and capabilities and adapt to a constantly evolving threat environment, while also protecting privacy and civil liberties. - We are working to resource needs and determine the appropriate DHS investment strategy needed to automate a process that enables bulk data screening and analysis in a manner that protects individual liberties. To give an example of enhancements we are exploring, as part of our Social Media Task Force, the Office of Science and Technology and USCIS initiated a pilot to assist DHS with understanding the value of social media data sources with respect to vetting certain applications under the K-1 (fiancé(e)) Visa program and Syrian refugee processing. The pilot allows experienced USCIS immigration officers to access commercial state-of-the-art social media analytics capability to enhance our screening methodology. The pilot began in December of 2015 and will run through June 2016. This pilot is an example of how we are leveraging DHS’s Unity of Effort and represents dedicated DHS collaboration with industry technology leaders. We will use this pilot as a template for future unified screening and vetting efforts. This pilot builds on previous efforts to enhance admissions application processing by leveraging social media, a matter Director Rodriguez addresses in his testimony. Secretary Johnson has asked us to apply a unified Departmental approach to screening and vetting in support of our varied missions and as part of his broader priority of strengthening Departmental Unity of Effort. The efforts my colleagues and I have outlined are just a few steps we have taken in meeting this challenge, and we will continue to seek new ways to bring to bear our strength as a Department to solve the most pressing national security issues and fulfill our border security, immigration, travel security, and other homeland security missions. Chairman McCaul, Ranking Member Thompson, and Members of the Committee, thank you again for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss this important matter. I look forward to answering your questions.
Affordably Priced Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale Are you looking for the Perfect Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale on a budget? Look no further! Our selection of Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale are perfect for any occasion and won’t break the bank. Choose from a variety of styles and designs, all with stunning diamonds. Whether you’re looking for something classic or modern, we have something to suit your style and budget. Browse our selection today and find the perfect ring to symbolize your special day. Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale are a girl’s best friend, but they can be so pricey Diamonds are the ultimate girl’s best friend, but they can also be so pricey. While it may be tempting to splurge on your diamond wedding ring, you’re better off choosing something that fits your budget and style. Here are some tips for getting a diamond wedding band on sale: - The best time to shop for diamonds is during discounts season—the first few months of the year when retailers offer deep discounts on all kinds of products in order to attract new customers and boost sales numbers. You should definitely check out these online retailers when looking for a secondhand Diamond Wedding Rings Online or purchasing used jewelry from a Diamond District Stores : https://www.diamonddistrictstores.com/ Don’t let your fear of diamonds keep you from getting a Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale It’s important to remember that diamonds are expensive. But they’re also worth the price you pay for them because of their many benefits: - They last forever. Diamonds don’t lose their sparkle or fade in time like other gemstones do. - They look nice on your finger! If you’re going to spend money on anything, why not buy something that will make your heart skip a beat when someone looks at it? - Diamonds are hard to fake! This is especially true with high-quality diamonds like those from GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or CZ (Carat Zirconia). The process used by these laboratories ensures that every stone received is genuine—no fakes here! Don’t pay too much for an expensive Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale When looking for the right ring, you should consider your budget and size. If you’re on a tight budget and want something that’s going to look good on your finger, then it’s best to get a Wedding Rings Sets that isn’t too expensive. On the other hand, if you have plenty of money but want something unique and eye-catching at the same time, then there are many different options available—and they won’t break your bank account! If possible (or if this is what it means for them), try contacting local jewelers who offer in-store appointments for people looking for wedding rings such as yourself. This way they can help guide us through our journey towards finding our perfect pair Look for diamonds that appeal to you When looking for diamonds that appeal to you, it’s important to consider several factors. The first is the size of your ring finger—you want the diamond to fit comfortably and look good on it. Look at other rings with similar sized stones in them and see if they seem too small or large compared to yours. If they don’t match up well, then there’s no way that this particular stone will work with your existing band or setting. Another thing to think about is budget; since most people can’t afford a big ticket item like an Wedding Rings Near Me right away, we recommend looking for something more affordable (like our list above) until you have enough saved up for something bigger down the road! Consider purchasing a secondhand ring If you’re looking for a budget-friendly diamond wedding ring, consider purchasing from a trusted source. While there are many legitimate retailers on eBay and other online platforms, it’s important to verify that the seller is reputable before making any purchases. It’s also important to know what you’re getting into when buying secondhand rings: look for signs of damage or wear and tear in the metal (if applicable), as well as signs of tampering or misrepresentation. Some sellers may try to pass off inferior quality diamonds as good ones—so don’t be afraid to ask questions! The bottom line? If you’re looking for a diamond engagement ring on a budget, consider purchasing one online. But be sure to do your research before making any purchases—and always verify that the seller is reputable! Try to find the right size for your ring finger If you’re not sure what size Wedding Rings For Women to get, try this: - Get a ring that fits the width of your finger. This means it shouldn’t be too loose or too tight—you don’t want to be uncomfortable when wearing it. - Get something that’s comfortable! Your finger is going to get swollen after wearing a ring for awhile, so make sure that whatever you choose won’t rub against other parts of your hand or cause discomfort in any way (like an especially tight fit around the knuckle). Diamonds aren’t the only way to get a great Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale! There are other options, such as moissanite and cubic zirconium. You can also buy a secondhand ring that has the same quality of diamonds but at a much cheaper price. But the best way to get a great diamond ring is to buy it online. You can find an array of different styles, sizes and prices on websites like Amazon or eBay. So if you’re looking for something more unique, shop online instead of going into stores. You can also find a wide variety of wedding ring sets on Amazon or eBay. You can even get a diamond engagement ring and wedding band set for a great price! If you’re looking for something more unique, shop online instead of going into stores. We hope this article has helped you to see that Diamond Wedding Rings on Sale are actually a lot more affordable than you might have thought. While they do cost quite a bit more in the beginning, the long-term benefits of owning one outweigh the initial cost so much that it’s really worth it. You can get an engagement ring for less than $100, or even less than $50 if you shop around! If nothing else, know that there are alternative materials out there which may be just as good at giving off an aura of wealth and romance as diamonds would be (and maybe even better).
a war in which Great Britain fought against the Transvaal and Orange Free State, 1899–1902. a war between Great Britain and the Transvaal, 1880–81. Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023 How to use Boer War in a sentence These are military and political debacles to rival the Boer War.The Petraeus Revolution: How He Changed the American Way of War | John Barry | January 8, 2013 | THE DAILY BEAST During the Boer War, Canadians flocked to the colours to defend the British Empire.Canada Comes to the Rescue of Great Britain, Again | Andrew Roberts | November 28, 2012 | THE DAILY BEAST Milner was the chief British civil administrator in South Africa through the (bitterly controversial at home) Boer War.Milner's Timeless Political Question: "Why Won't They Listen to Me?" | David Frum | September 13, 2012 | THE DAILY BEAST He is the eldest of five children; their father was killed in the Boer War, and the family is desperately poor.Must Read New Fiction: ‘Arcadia,’ ‘Men in Space,’ ‘The O’Briens,’ ‘Hot Pink’ | Chloë Schama, Jacob Silverman, Wendy Smith, Daniel Roberts | March 23, 2012 | THE DAILY BEAST Since the days of the Boer War this word has been regularly used in English with this same meaning.Stories That Words Tell Us | Elizabeth O'Neill Some of these became very well known to English people in the Boer War.Stories That Words Tell Us | Elizabeth O'Neill The policy of the Boer War is being tried on a vaster scale against Europe.The Crime Against Europe | Roger Casement Although the Boer War cost England much in lives, money, and prestige, its gain far overshadowed its cost. The first notable employment of the balloon by the British army occurred during the Boer War.The Romance of Aircraft | Lawrence Yard Smith British Dictionary definitions for Boer War either of two conflicts between Britain and the South African Boers, the first (1880–1881) when the Boers sought to regain the independence given up for British aid against the Zulus, the second (1899–1902) when the Orange Free State and Transvaal declared war on Britain: Also called: Anglo-Boer War, South African War Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cultural definitions for Boer War The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Problems with Fire Alarm Monitoring Services Fire alarm monitoring services are a vital part of any business, college campus, military base, or municipal government. They provide peace of mind, knowing that someone is watching out for potential fires and will contact the appropriate authorities in the event of an emergency. However, many businesses rely on third-party fire alarm monitoring services to provide this security. There are several potential problems with this approach. Let's take a look. Fire alarm monitoring services require endless fees Fire alarm monitoring services come at a cost, and that cost can vary depending on the service provider. It's important to do your research and compare prices so that you can find the best deal possible. However, it's also important to remember that the safety of the public is not something you should skimp on. Additionally, many fire alarm monitoring services require an ongoing monthly fee. This can be a significant expense, particularly for entities that have multiple locations. And, if you ever decide to cancel the service, you may be charged a hefty cancellation fee. It's possible that you'll be able to fit something in your budget long-term, just remember that recurring fees are not going to stop at any point. Also, be sure to check your contract for any unexpected surprises if you decide to make a change later. It's difficult to react when your alarm monitoring service raises its prices If you're not happy with the fire alarm monitoring service you're using (or even if you are), it can be difficult to switch to another provider if that company decides to raise its rates. This can leave you stuck paying more than you want to for an increasingly expensive service that may not be as reliable as you need it to be. Third-party fire alarm monitoring services are not always reliable While it's certainly important to have a fire alarm system in place, it's equally important to make sure that it's reliable. Unfortunately, third-party fire alarm monitoring services are not always as reliable as you might hope. There have been instances where a service failed to notify the authorities of a fire, which can result in serious damage and even loss of life. In some cases, a service can provide false alarms, which can tie up resources unnecessarily. Admittedly, these instances are rare. Nonetheless, no one will be more focused on your fire alarms than people actually on your team. Using an external service means you're not developing your own staff When you use a third-party fire alarm monitoring service, you're not developing your own in-house staff of experts. This means that if something goes wrong with the service (or your own alarm monitoring systems that feed it data), you may not have anyone on hand who knows how to fix the problem. A wave of retirements can be an important opportunity to keep expertise in-house. With so many experienced employees retiring, it's crucial to have a plan in place to ensure that their knowledge and experience are not lost. If you switch to an external service now (as many new hires are probably suggesting), you may find that you've created a lot of accidental "tech debt" as a result. It will be challenging to ever take back control of your monitoring. A monitoring service will use a monitoring station that is probably far away from you The monitoring station (central station) that your third-party fire alarm monitoring service uses is probably located far away from you. That's very different from a room within your own facility. Although they may be professional, they can't possibly understand as much about your facility as your own staff. Take caution before you make your choice The bottom line is that relying on a third-party fire alarm monitoring service can be a risky proposition. While these services can provide some peace of mind, there are potential problems that you should be aware of before you make the decision to use one. Weigh the pros and cons carefully to decide if a third-party fire alarm monitoring service is right for you. A central fire alarm server that you operate yourself is an alternative to consider An alternative to using a third-party fire alarm monitoring service is to operate a central fire alarm server yourself. This gives you more control over your system and allows you to monitor it more closely. You'll also have experts on staff who can quickly address any problems that may arise. Operating your own central fire alarm server does have some drawbacks, of course. It's important to weigh all the factors before you make a decision. But if you're looking for more control and peace of mind, self-monitoring may be the way to go. If you're looking for any fire alarm device, it's important to make sure that the equipment is UL-listed (or carries an ETL listing). UL-listed equipment has been tested and certified by Underwriters Laboratories, a safety consulting and certification company. This means that you can be sure that the equipment will meet or exceed the safety standards set by the government. In addition to fire alarm systems, UL-listed equipment can also be found in a variety of other products, including electrical wiring, appliances, and even toys. It's an assurance that basic standards for safety and effectiveness have been satisfied. The Prism LX will collect alarm signals from many different fire alarm control panels (FACP) If you're looking for a reliable and UL-listed fire alarm monitoring solution, the Prism LX is a great option to consider. It's a central server that can collect alarm signals from many different fire alarm control panels (FACP) and notify the appropriate people via text, email, or phone call. Give me a call to discuss your fire alarm monitoring If you're looking for more information on fire alarm monitoring, please give me a call at 1-800-523-7232 or email me at email@example.com. I would be happy to answer any of your questions. Until we meet again, safe monitoring!
Respond First When Seconds Count Digitize offers customized security and fire alarm monitoring solutions. Build and operate while migrating your older systems to guarantee life safety. Made in the USA for 45 years, with tech support and training provided by Digitize engineers. We built the Prism LX alarm monitoring system to solve your compatibility headaches. The Prism LX can monitor 500 active alarm points simultaneously. By pulling together alarms from so many different reporting channels, the Prism LX serves as your central fire alarm reporting, security alarm monitoring, and building management system. Your business is unique. Find the perfect solution. Technologically advanced and customer-focused alarm monitoring systems made to order.
Contact Us via Email or Facebook for Support or Shipping outside of the United States Out of stock This is a Brand New Discraft Limited Edition Get Freaky UV FLX ZONE Disc Golf Putter 170-2 grams in unthrown condition. You get the disc in the picture. This disc turns purple in the sunlight. I picked it up at the 2022 USDGC. Disc- Clear or Purple — Stamp- Orange Gold Camo Speed 4, Glide 3, Turn 0, Fade 3, Stability 2.0 Discraft Says: The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter for dependable overstability in any conditions. Often used for technical approaches or powerful upshots for both forehand and backhand players.
If you're looking for a laid back night out, use the itineraries below to inspire you to take a moment and appreciate the chance to chill. 1. Make candles at Kalamazoo Candle Company Set the mood for the night with a DIY candle-making experience at Kalamazoo Candle Company! Pick out your own festive container, use one of their signature holiday scents or even create your own. 2. Grab Coffee at Cafe Robin Is there anything cozier than a coffee shop on a chilly day? Lucky for you, there are plenty of local downtown coffee spots to choose from, serving up everything from a cup of pour-over to Instagram-worthy lattes with seasonal twists to delight your taste buds. Cafe Robin is one of our go-to coffee destinations to recommend to visitors because of their convenient location, unique menu and hip atmosphere. 3. Stroll down Bates Alley Admire the lights and the painted mural below your feet, then stop in at Tempo Vino Winery for a tasting or grab a drink or appetizers at Green Top Tavern! 1. Dinner at Cairo's Kitchen Cairo's Kitchen is newer to the downtown restaurant scene. They offer authentic Egyptian street food like shawarma, falafel, koshary, baklava, and more! They also have vegan options available. They're conveniently located across the street from Bronson Park and the Radisson Plaza Hotel. 2. Stop at LFG Gaming Bar for games and drinks LFG (Liquor, Food Gaming) isn’t just another bar! LFG is all about creating a community, and their goal is to bring people together who have one thing in common: Gaming. They offer arcade games and video game consoles, as well as board games and card games. Their cocktail menu has drinks with gaming inspired names like Luigi's Man Cave and Gotta Catch Em' Alcohol. 3. Dessert at Cherri's Chocol'art Cherri’s eye for high quality and artful presentation in her chocolates comes from owning a fine arts gallery for over 30 years. Enjoy a milk or dark chocolate caramel truffle, one of Cherri’s best sellers, or go all in and try one of their famous Monster Shakes! 1. Grab dinner at Taco Bobs Taco Bobs has become a Kalamazoo staple for over 3o years. They offer great "healthy" fast food, as well as vegetarian and vegan options as well. Enjoy a margarita with dinner or grab one to-go to enjoy in the Downtown Social District. 2. Check out the shops on the Kalamazoo Mall Looking for ways to freshen your style in the new year? Or shopping for that perfectly unique gift for someone special (or yourself!)? Wander down the mall and browse some of the coolest shops where you can find trendy styles, goodies to show off your Kalamazoo love and creative additions for your home. 3. Walk down to Final Gravity for beers Final Gravity is located just up the Kalamazoo Mall, near the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. The brewery was started by a father and son team and their taproom offers a cozy minimalist space to enjoy beers with friends!
There was a time when third-party smartphone lenses were the go-to for smartphone filmmakers who wanted to take their footage to the next level. And when it comes to third-party smartphone lenses, the biggest name amongst them is undoubtedly Moment, which offers a range of lenses to use with smartphones offering more capabilities than your standard built-in camera modules. Or do they? That’s the question Brandon Lee attempts to answer in this video from Linus Tech Tips and the short answer is… “It’s complicated”. For the longer answer, you’ll have to watch the video, but it seems they aren’t always as beneficial as they once were – unless, perhaps, you’re shooting video.
Who doesn't love a good Earth, Wind, and Fire song? My favorite is actually Boogie Wonderland, but I needed a title that reflected September so - that's that. My primary focus in September has been editing and re-writing E.I. The re-write ideas have been flowing whenever I chat with people about where I see the story going. It's all so exciting with the potential twists and turns, and I get so excited about the production of it (believe me when I say you are going to LOVE it). However, when I sit down to actually write out the action that you all are dying to see...crickets.... So, I have decided to go beyond joining a writing group where we really do try to stay accountable. I have also decided to sign up for screenwriting classes at Film North. Wish me luck! In the latest festival news, Happily Married After has been accepted into the Frankly Film Fest! The festival will take place from October 9th through October 16th which is just a few days away. Passes are only $10 and will give you access to all the content they have to offer. If you haven't seen HMA yet, this is your chance! If you have seen it, tell me what you enjoyed about it! Last but not least, the world lost a giant in the form of a very smart woman, THE Notorious RBG. When you think of the impact that one person can have on the world, she is a perfect embodiment of that. And to ensure that we are all still able to have a say in our democracy go out and vote. Vote for the candidate who is: - Respectful to women - Aware enough to admit when he is wrong - And of all things, not a white supremacist That is all.
We offer and can arrange a variety of services, whether they be carried out by our staff or subcontracted out we are your one stop for all your security needs. These include but not limited to; Alarm installation / servicing / repairs Back to base monitoring CCTV installations / servicing / repairs, Safes supply and install Guards and patrols We here at DN Solutions will come out to your home or place of business and sit down with you to understand your needs and concerns before designing a system that is taylored for your specific needs. We will create an easy to use and affordable alarm system that is backed up with back-to-base monitoring capabilites should you also require this service. We recommend and use the Bosch range of alarm systems from hard wired systems or their wireless range for the more difficult applications. All of our installations are covered by an 12mth warranty. We can help you to minimise your risk of becoming the next statistic. How many times have you heard an alarm sounding and nobody does anything about it. This could have been your house or your business. Having your alarm system monitored back-to-base gives you peace of mind. Should your alarm system activate, it will be actioned, whether it be calling to advise you of an activation or dispatching a security guard. They are two types of monitoring, standard phone line or 3G for further information and pricing please do not hesitate to contact us.
A slip and fall accident can happen anywhere, any time, and in any number of residential, commercial, or public places throughout Boston. The suddenness of such an accident can leave you in shock, with painful injuries, and unable to work. Your situation is stressful enough. Let a compassionate Boston slip and fall attorney fight for compensation on your behalf. A Boston slip and fall lawyer from Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA can shoulder the responsibility of your case, allowing you more time to focus on your recovery. If you or someone you love suffered severe injuries in a slip and fall accident somewhere in Boston, managing partner Larry Nussbaum and his team can help you. Call us now or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Slip and Fall Accidents and Our Proven Results The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA are aggressive when it comes to pursuing the compensation our clients deserve. We investigate accidents to identify all parties liable and to determine the best course of action for you. Our successful track record clearly shows how our commitment to justice pays off. The following examples are just two of the many cases we handled regarding slip and fall accidents. These examples are unique to the specifics of each accident victim, and should not be considered a guarantee of results in your slip and fall claim and lawsuit. Slip and Fall Accident in a Restaurant Parking Lot: $300,000 Improper maintenance of a restaurant parking lot caused our client to slip and fall, resulting in serious injuries. The property owner initially denied responsibility, but our firm efforts resulted in a $300,000 settlement for our client. Slip and Fall Accident with Shoulder Injury: $82,000 This case involved the insurance company aggressively denying liability for our client's injury. This experience was nothing new as insurance companies often try to deny slip and fall claims. The various tactics they used to avoid settlement included: - Arguing injuries were not as severe as the defendant claimed - If injuries were so severe, she would have elected to have the suggested surgery Their tactics failed, and we secured $82,000 for our client. These two examples show our commitment to our clients. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we stand firm against insurance companies. We are well aware of how they try to underpay or to deny accident victims the compensation they need. Insurance companies are too aggressive to handle alone. Protect your best interests and contact our team as soon as possible. Common Causes of Boston Slip and Fall Accidents Slip and fall accidents are what the law refers to as “premises liability” claims. When someone invites you onto their premises—i.e., their property—you accept the invitation assuming the property is safe from harm. It is the property owner's responsibility to ensure the following types of conditions are either repaired, replaced, or to warn invitees about the hazard: - Wet floors - Unsafe stairs or no hand railing - Torn or frayed carpeting or rugs - Poor lighting indoors or outdoors - Cords stretched across floors - Oily spots on walkways - Poorly maintained sidewalks and parking lots This is not a complete list, yet it demonstrates dangerous conditions that are often easily fixable. There is no reasonable excuse for a property owner failing to protect customers or visitors. No one should suffer unnecessarily due to a preventable accident. Negligence in a Boston Slip and Fall Accident At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we can investigate your slip and fall accident to determine: - The property owner knew about the existing problem but failed to take action - If the hazardous condition existed for so long, the property owner should have known about it To conduct our investigation, we review the following types of evidence related to your fall: - Store incident report: the police rarely respond to slip and fall accidents, making a store incident report completed by management a vital document - Pictures and video of the accident scene: photographs and video of what caused you to fall can help us with your case - Statements by eyewitnesses: what witnesses say happen-if no reports are available, the contact information for witnesses is something we will seek - Medical records: the medical records associated with your injuries or those of your loved one Pursuing a civil claim and lawsuit for your slip and fall accident holds the property owner accountable. If the property owner was too lazy, too busy, or too cheap to make the necessary repairs, they are generally liable for your harm. Your smartphone may contain important information. Providing us with any information you possess can help us get to work for you faster. If you suffered injuries due to a negligent Boston property owner, contact the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA today for a free case evaluation. Serious Injuries That Result From Striking a Hard Surface The outcome of your fall can severely impact your quality of life. If a close loved one suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident, they might never return to the person you remember from before their injuries. This is not only heartbreaking—it is also unfair. The following list of injuries are just a few examples of the tragic ways a slip and fall can result in significant life changes: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) - The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cite falls as a leading cause of TBIs. The CDC describes a TBI as a bump, blow, jolt, or penetrating head injury that disrupts normal brain function. A TBI can impact you or your loved one in the following ways: - Result in muscle weakness and poor coordination - Disrupt thinking and memory skills - Impact the senses, such as hearing, vision, taste, and touch - Create changes in behavior and emotions The costs associated with a TBI are expensive. If your loved one suffered a severe TBI, their care might require more attention than you can provide. Placing your loved one's care in the hands of strangers is never easy, and it is always expensive. The average cost of a skilled living facility in Massachusetts is more than $12,000 per month. The property owner responsible for your loved one's TBI should pay this cost and not you. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we fight not only for the compensation you need now but also for the future charges associated with your loved one's care. Spinal cord injury - The spinal cord communicates with the brain regarding movement and sensation. When injured, this communication can become limited or stop entirely below the point of injury. Such an injury often results in paralysis, making it one of the most devastating types of catastrophic injuries. The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation reports that the lifetime costs associated with such an injury can reach into the millions. You or your loved one's spinal cord injury might require: - Home modifications - Power wheelchair and replacements throughout the years - Accessible transportation or modifications to existing vehicles If your spinal cord injury is due to falling downstairs or some other type of fall, contact us. A lawyer from our team can assist you in your fight for justice. Broken bones - A serious slip and fall accident can leave you with more than one broken bone. A broken arm, leg, or back can severely impact your life. You may face a long recovery, complete with future surgeries, and extensive rehabilitation. Broken bones are painful and can limit your ability to complete daily tasks. In addition to medical care, you might require personal care help with bathing, dressing, and cooking. Internal Injuries - Internal injuries from a slip and fall accident are especially dangerous. Many internal injuries exhibit no outward signs or symptoms. It is these types of silent injuries that make it critical that you seek medical attention immediately after your fall—even if you feel fine. If left untreated, an internal injury such as bleeding can result in organ damage and possible death. Never risk your health simply because you do not visibly see anything wrong. Always accept transport to a medical facility. The injuries on this list are just a few examples of how a slip and fall accident can impact your health and finances. The costs associated with such injuries demonstrate why seeking compensation is essential. Take the first step toward better peace of mind by calling our Boston slip and fall lawyers now. Your Inability to Work Injuries from a slip and fall can limit your ability to work or possibly end your career. This is unfair, and it can also leave you feeling depressed and anxious. Just because you can't work does not mean your bills will stop accumulating. The financial pressure you feel is understandable. Your anxiety regarding your situation can cause you countless, sleepless nights. When a slip and fall accident leaves you with tragic injuries, you have legal options. Types of compensation often possible in a Boston slip and fall claim and lawsuit include: - Medical costs from the moment of transport to your hospital fees - Continuous medical costs for your rehabilitation, prescription medications, and more - Lost pay from time spent on your recovery. - Diminished earning capacity if your injuries prevent you from returning to your previous job - Pain and suffering related to your slip and fall experience Slip and fall accidents are generally preventable. The property owner, in your case, owed you a duty of care. This duty of care implies a level of care another reasonable person would use in a similar situation. If a property owner failed to protect you from a known hazard, they are most likely liable for your injuries. The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA Help Slip and Fall Accident Victims Pursue Justice Throughout Boston A slip and fall accident is a frightening experience. Even scarier is your inability to work and your mounting medical bills. You may want to take legal action, yet you feel overwhelmed by your injuries and medical procedures, appointments, and treatments. The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA can handle the details of your injury claim and lawsuit. We firmly negotiate with insurance companies to secure the best results possible. While most Boston slip and fall cases settle out of court, some cases require proceeding to trial. Massachusetts law allows three years to pursue a civil lawsuit. To an uninjured person, this sounds like a long time. To someone suffering from serious injuries, however, this time can pass very quickly. You cannot afford to miss the statute of limitations deadline. The time begins the moment you or your loved one suffers a fall. A lawyer from our team can ensure your case meets court requirements. If you miss the deadline for filing your lawsuit, you might not have any further options for pursuing compensation. Contact the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA in Boston Today Slip and fall accidents happen when shopping, dining out, or even at work. The careless actions of another person or property owner should not cause anyone life-altering harm. We firmly believe in providing our clients with the best customer service possible. Included in this is our commitment to open communication. A member of our team is willing to answer your questions and provide you with consistent updates. The slip and fall injuries you or your loved one experienced bring life as you knew it to a full stop—and that's not fair. If you suffered serious injuries in a Boston slip and fall accident, fight for what you deserve. We will fight alongside you. Contact the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA today for a free case evaluation. Boston Slip and Fall Lawyer FAQ A slip and fall accident is such a shocking event. It can leave you questioning what happened. Once the reality of your injuries sets in, you may face growing medical costs and no way to pay them. Most serious injuries can prevent you from working, leaving you in a dire financial, physical, and emotional situation. The time following an accident can leave you feeling confused as to what steps to take next. These frequently asked questions can help you if you experienced a slip and fall accident: What are examples of common Boston slip and fall accidents? It is impossible to watch our steps everywhere we go. When we accept an invitation to visit a business or other type of property, we accept believing the property is safe. Discovering it is not safe happens all too quickly, resulting in severe injuries for you or a loved one. Examples of how a shopping trip or restaurant meal with friends can land you in the emergency department include: - Cords across floors - Wet or oily floors - Potholes in parking lots - Poorly maintained sidewalks - Broken lighting in need of repair - Dangerous stairs with no handrail - Torn flooring or carpet While not a complete list, these examples do demonstrate how slip and fall accidents are often preventable. Precautions and improvements by property owners can make a big difference in customer safety. When they fail to maintain their property, they can face liability if negligence is present. A Boston slip and fall attorney can assist you in your fight for justice. Maintaining a safe property makes good business sense. A leaking roof, for example, can repeatedly create a wet spot on a well-traveled walkway. If the property owner knows about the leak, yet fails to repair it, they can face liability for your injuries. If the property owner or business staff place a warning sign regarding the wet floor, your case may become more complex. Navigating important state laws regarding your slip and fall accident is best left to a professional attorney. How are Boston property owners liable if I fall? To prove a property owner liable, your lawyer must prove negligence. Property owners owe invitees a duty of care. When they neglect to use the same care as another person in the same situation, they are often negligent. To prove liability, a lawyer must: - Prove that the property owner possessed knowledge about the problem yet failed to repair it - Prove that the condition existed for so long, the property owner should have known about it Insurance companies will try numerous ways to avoid paying compensation. They may claim your injury was preexisting or that you failed to watch where you walked. No matter what excuse they use, a lawyer can fight back on your behalf. By presenting the facts of the case, your lawyer can stand firm in negotiations. The fight for fair compensation is often a lengthy process that requires energy and dedication. Your injuries require the opposite—rest. Attempting to represent yourself can result in stress that is harmful to your overall health. The knowledge that a lawyer is on your side, protecting your best interests can ease your mind. It can also allow you more time to focus on your family as you recover from your injuries. If you suffered harm due to an irresponsible property owner, a slip and fall accident lawyer can help you seek justice. While the process is never easy or quick, it is vital for protecting your future medical and financial needs. Is it a bad thing to admit fault in a Boston slip and fall accident? Yes. It is human nature to feel embarrassed about your fall. No one particularly enjoys the attention that results from those around you. The reality is that you may not know who is at fault right away. Never assume the responsibility is yours—hire a Boston slip and fall attorney to investigate and to protect your best interests first. The property owner and their insurance company would like nothing more than for you to admit fault. By doing so, you may let them escape responsibility for your damages. Do not react impulsively or emotionally, but rather remain calm and contact a Boston personal injury lawyer without delay. How can I help my Boston slip and fall accident case? In addition to remaining calm, we strongly suggest the following steps: - Secure photographs and videos of the scene, if possible. If your injuries prevent you from doing this, ask a bystander to take them for you. - Gather the contact information of witnesses. - Accept medical transport to the hospital, no matter how you feel. - Refrain from posting images or discussing your accident on social media. While we understand the anger, pain, and frustration of what just occurred, these steps are essential for your case. If your accident happened in a business, the store manager may complete an incident report. In slip and fall cases, a store incident report is an invaluable documentation of what took place. Securing a copy of this for your injury claim and a lawsuit is imperative when pursuing financial compensation. Be wary, however, of any business that attempts to solicit a signature from you—always refer questions regarding the incident to your attorney. Should I speak with an insurance adjuster alone about my Boston slip and fall accident claim? No. No matter how friendly an insurance adjuster may seem, never speak with one without legal representation. If the adjuster offers you a settlement, do not accept it, no matter how much they pressure you to sign and accept the offer. Should you accept their offer without legal guidance, you may forfeit the chance to pursue compensation later. This is especially troubling if your medical condition worsens. The amount they offer you may seem like a large sum when, in reality, it is the least amount they want to pay. Rising medical costs and a closed claim can leave you without further legal options and the funds necessary for your care. Protect your best interests and contact a Boston slip and fall lawyer. We can match the insurance company's resources and hold firm in our fight for the compensation you deserve. What types of compensation are possible after a slip and fall accident in Boston? There are never any guarantees with civil cases. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we strive to secure the best possible outcome for every client's case. The types of compensation we typically pursue on behalf of our clients include: - Medical costs: Costs such as your medical transport and hospital costs - Ongoing medical expenses: Costs that are continuous, such as therapies and treatments - Missed pay: The pay possible if you had not spent time recovering from your accident - Reduced earning capacity: The pay possible if your injuries disallow you to return to your former job - Pain and suffering: The physical and emotional strain of your accident on your life A lawyer can negotiate with an insurance company on your behalf. Slip and fall cases typically settle out of court, but some cases proceed to trial. Each case is unique to the circumstance involved. The outcome depends upon the specific details surrounding a slip and fall accident. What types of injuries are common from a Boston slip and fall accident? One of the most common types of injuries from a slip and fall accident is a brain injury. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) cites the fact that a majority of traumatic brain injuries result from falls. Hitting your head against a hard surface can disrupt normal brain function. The impact can cause harm to your ability to communicate, to control your emotions, and to taste your favorite foods. Other types of injuries common in a slip and fall accident include: - Multiple broken bones - Internal injuries - Spinal cord injury - Neck and back injuries - Broken wrists These examples demonstrate how a fall can result in long recoveries and possibly permanent disability. This is not fair, and you—or your loved ones—deserve justice. My loved one died from their injuries after a Boston slip and fall accident. Do I have legal options? Possibly. Your relationship to the decedent is important as most cases involving wrongful death are limited to: - Surviving spouses Wrongful death cases are generally very emotional. The knowledge that your loved one is never returning home is devastating. Financial compensation can never replace your loss; however, it can ease your financial burden. The following types of compensation are often possible in wrongful death claims and lawsuits: - Funeral and burial expenses - Final medical costs - Loss of pay the decedent provided - Loss of future pay had the decedent lived - Loss of companionship - Loss of inheritance I have plenty of time to pursue compensation for my Boston slip and fall injuries, correct? Wrong. Slip and fall accident victims in Massachusetts typically have three years to pursue civil action. Thirty-six months sounds like a very long time, and it is—if you are not dealing with serious injuries. A schedule full of medical appointments can cause you to lose track of time. The time following an accident can fly by. The statute of limitations is a law you must follow when filing a civil lawsuit. If you should miss the deadline for filing your case, you may not pursue compensation later. The clock begins to tick the exact moment you fall. Hesitating to take legal action is not a good idea. You must take a proactive approach for your lawyer to prepare the best case possible. Can I afford to hire you Boston slip and fall lawyers? Yes. Our Boston slip and fall lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. We only collect our fee if we secure compensation for you. In other words, if we do not secure compensation for you, you do not pay us anything. The reality of your medical bills and financial stress means that you likely cannot afford to not secure legal representation. Insurance companies want to protect their profits, making it imperative that you protect your best interests. A slip and fall accident can drastically impact your life. The impact of these changes may depend upon the severity of your injuries. When such an accident results in death, your grief is immeasurable. A free case evaluation is the first step in determining if you have a case. Once you establish a civil case, your lawyer can get to work for you. With no deposit required, hiring a slip and fall accident lawyer is a positive step towards securing possible compensation. Our Boston Slip and Fall Attorneys Can Help You At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we acknowledge the fear you have concerning your finances. We also understand the frustration of knowing your accident was preventable. Boston property owners who fail to invest in property upgrades and repairs must face accountability. Their lack of willingness to protect the consumers who support them is unacceptable. Personal injury law is complicated. The injuries you experienced leave you no time to deal with insurance companies, paperwork, and phone calls. Hiring a slip and fall lawyer from our firm is an important first step along your recovery journey. Life as you knew it might never be the same. This does not mean that you cannot rebuild your life to be financially secure moving forward. The injustice you experienced, simply because a property owner failed in protecting your safety, is worthy of a civil claim. At the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we work with you during this challenging time. We do not back off from aggressive insurance adjusters who do not want to pay what our clients deserve. Throughout the progress of your case, we keep you informed in a respectful and caring manner. We can help you start with a free case evaluation. Call the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA now for a free case evaluation with a compassionate Boston slip and fall attorney: (857) 407-4182, or contact us online today. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA 76 Canal Street, Suite 302 Boston, MA 02114
Choosing Your New Mainsail At Dolphin our philosophy is to apply the same attention to detail no matter how large or small the boat, whether racing or cruising. We will help guide our customers through the sail selection process to ensure that they have the correct sail option to suit their sailing needs and expectations. Where possible we will measure the boat’s rig, set-up characteristics and discuss with you any personal preferences. Our experience with building racing sails enables us to bring a wide range of knowledge to the design and construction of your cruising sails to enhance durability and performance. This experience is invaluable for the production of sails with excellent shape holding, sails that help you to get to your destination as quickly as possible. After all, boatspeed IS important. How often do we hear, “I’m not worried about boatspeed, but when we actually get out there we tweak and trim to try to get past the boat in front… We can’t help ourselves!” Of equal importance of course is the ease of handling and use of a sail. Dolphin take care to ensure both the sail handling and sail handling systems make your cruising as pleasurable an experience as possible. Sail Design and Construction A wide range of fabrics are available from the highly durable woven polyester (dacron), through to single and double taffeta laminates. Dacron fabrics are generally used in a cross-cut construction giving good shape holding and great longevity. For enhanced shape holding, weight saving and speed, a tri-radial construction utilising the warp orientated laminated fabrics is employed. Greater performance will be achieved with a Pentex laminate whilst Vectran/Dyneema will produce the best shape holding capability in panelled sails. Membrane sails produce the ultimate in performance and shape holding capability. Each Membrane is designed bespoke to the yacht and customer needs. There are various yarn options that we use to create the sails using Kevlar/carbon/dyneema or Vectran to get the best longevity and durability. Our cloth is chosen from the world’s leading sail cloth manufacturers. Whilst we can supply all fabrics, below is a guide for the recommended cloth options from the Contender and Dimension Polyant range. See our downloadable fabric spec sheets for more information. Woven Polyester (dacron) for Cross cut sail options - Fibercon AP - Fibercon Pro - Fibercon Pro Vectran Woven polyester/ dyneema for Tri radial sail options - Hydranet Radial - Pro Radial (polyester) Cruise Laminate for Tri radial sail options - Polyester (mylar) Cruise laminate – DCX - Pentex Cruise laminate – DCP - Dyneema Cruise laminate – DYS available in white & grey - Carbon/Dyneema Cruise laminate – GLXD - Twaron Yarn - Carbon Yarn - Dyneema Yarn Available in a mixture of yarns along with single or double taffetas Standard Sail Specification - High quality woven polyester or cruise laminate fabric - Full radial patching to reduce creasing for reinforced areas and to absorb loadings - Two and three step stitching using Hemingway and Bartlett thread - Low stretch leech lines using either aluminium or plastic cleats depending on sail size - Luff reefs with pressed rings and spectacles where applicable - Loose footed main for shape control where appropriate - All stainless steel pressed/webbed on rings for corner attachment - Standard sail slides if required - Durable fibreglass battens - Insignia sail numbers - Drawstring sail bag - Flow Stripes - Fully battened option - Tapered battens - Glo flow stripes - Single live reefing block Our proven ‘Atlantic’ finishing upgrade is a must for all sailors who are planning on blue water cruising. N.B. more than 50% of our customers select this upgrade for their new sails. - Extra reinforcing on all areas of the sail that are under stress and load - Additional chafe patches are added where needed using leather or heavy duty webbing - Heavier duty batten pockets and inserts - Twin ply leech and luff tapes - Overhead leech line - 2:1 leech line tensioning system in cloth pockets - Additional webbing strainers from rings and headboard - Webbed on slides (if applicable) - Additional corner patching - Spreader patches supplied loose - Flow stripes - Sail numbers and Insignia - Tenara Thread - Full batten - Carbon battens - Glo flow stripes Full Batten Options There are many systems on the market but for yachts upto 45’ we have a cost effective batten solution. We recommend the Rutgerson system for masts without external tracks. This system consists of high quality wheeled cars and adjustable luff batten receptacles combined with a closed leech end. We can also supply batten systems from other manufactures if the requirements suit. N.B. For ease of use when sailing with a fully battened mainsail, a stackpack system and lazyjacks are essential. For yachts with externally fitted mast tracks we can fit the slides and luff boxes that suit your system, whether it be Ronstan, Selden , Antal, Harken. Furling Mainsail Options Standard specification for in-mast furling and roller boom sails - Highly refined designs - Top quality fabrics - UV cover protection at clew - Superior three step seam construction. Multiple rows where applicable - Radial patch construction - Low stretch leechline with Aluminium cleats - Drawstring sailbag - Outhaul clew block where applicable - Short or full length vertical leech battens - Twin ply leech to suit your system if applicable - Designed to suit your particular in boom reefing/furling system (Leisure furl, Profurl, John Mast) - Full length glass battens with soft luff batten ends and laced leech tensioning - Reinforced webbing straps to suit, for head/tack/clew - Spreader patches supplied loose if required - Custom luff tapes if required - Carbon battens
Posted February. 07, 2014 00:22, The government has decided to categorize the inefficient regulations that affect both large companies and SMEs in the same field of business as tangled regulations and eliminate all of them. First, regulations obstructing automobile and shipbuilding businesses will be screened and brought to the ministerial meeting on regulation reforms chaired by President Park Geun-hye next month. It has been confirmed on Thursday that the public and private joint deregulation task force under the Prime Ministers Office is proceeding with a plan to improve such regulations. The Prime Ministers Office has named the complex sets of regulations that affect all businesses in the same industry regardless of their sizes as tangled regulations. The concept refers to those regulations that are bigger than the thorny individual regulations affecting only SMEs and small business owners and smaller than the comprehensive regulations generally affecting every industry, such as regulations on the Seoul metropolitan area and those on business start-up. So far, easing thorny individual regulations has not been powerful enough to make people actually feel the change. On the other hand, fixing comprehensive regulations has often failed to reach a consensus due to sharp disagreement among stakeholders. The task force has decided to eliminate tangled regulations in the automobile and shipbuilding industries. For instance, under the current law, businesses have to meet different criteria required by three different organizations to change the structure of an automobile. While the overall structural change is authorized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport according to the Automobile Management Act, car exhaust emissions and noises are regulated by the Ministry of Environment and the National Police Agency in accordance with the Clean Air Conservation Act and the Road Traffic Act, respectively. The task force intends to increase convenience for businesses by integrating or easing such regulations. The team plans to select unnecessary regulations related to the two industries, bring them to the ministerial meeting and embark on amendment procedures within the first half of this year.
The Last Jubilee I was coming home from a sweat lodge ceremony a few years ago and found myself driving through a double rainbow on Route 66 in New Mexico. It was during those moments I felt a sense of communion with the travelers around me. Like we were all receiving some sort of an eternal answer. It was also during those moments a still small voice inside me moved me to explore the depth of what I was feeling. Shortly thereafter I was reading about the biblical jubilee in the book of Hebrews. The identity of the feeling I was looking for came through to me while reading those passages. In many ways, I’m at a place in my life where it feels like there’s a rest of old labors and a cleaning of the slate. In order to achieve that sort of cleansing, the Lord must be given the rite of Sabbath and a return of property. It’s all His anyway. There’s no more struggle when we let go and let Him. While writing the Him album I experienced mind-pounding spiritual warfare. I know I cannot get through anything without the spirit that guides me. I prayed in Jesus’ name for an answer to my insecurities about my worthiness in presenting this material. The next day the song Messenger arrived. This was one of the three or four songs that were written in the morning and cut in the afternoon. I partly wrote this album in the sequence it’s currently in. After Messenger, it was time to present to the listener what this is all about and how He came to be. It’s Okay (To Need Jesus) This was written in fifteen minutes. It poured out of me. The nature of the melody reminds me of thousand-year-old sweat lodge songs. The native songs I’m speaking of are prayers. A Hupa Indian leader told me that the highest prayers come with tears. That’s why the native singers have a little tremble in their voices I think. The world is so pressing against Jesus I needed a song to remind me that it’s okay to need Jesus. I hope it reaches others who need it as well. Jesus Was A Rebel I’ve been saying this for years. Jesus was a rebel. You wanna be a shadow walker? You wanna be a midnight talker? You wanna show the man he ain’t ever gonna beat you down? You wanna be tough? Follow Jesus. The weak chase the world while the strong walk with the Lord. He Brought Me Out Of The Miry Clay One of my favorite hymns. I played it my own way but mostly how I remember it from childhood. Part of this album came from exploring public domain lyrics. Most of the old lyrics are praising the Lord. Those times and those songs have brought us to the now. However, in our comforts, we have forgotten our maker. The music of today isn’t as much in gratitude and reflection of Him anymore. I just put that very lightly. I modeled the traveling storyteller telling their story the way they remember it and also in a way that suits their character in my performance of this song. Folky. Prayer Is The Key Also a public domain lyric that hit me. It’s my intention that this album is laid out from my personal and hopefully artistic perspective. It’s also important to me that I show the path of Christianity. Prayers are the key, they are heard. There’s no need for vain repetitions. To go over things, again and again, shows that we don’t trust God’s plan. Prayer is also a great constant practice to keep ourselves out of the way of the more important work to be done on this planet. Go ahead, whine to God and let it all out, then may your mind be clear to pray for others and the ups and downs of life in this world. Give thanks more than what you’re asking for. He already knows your heart. Show Him your practice and devotion with love and joy. You won’t be sorry. Also, this was my Mom’s favorite song on the album. I think she knows the original way it goes. My mentor Bud Lee has always said “Jesus couldn’t heal anybody in his hometown,” in response to the woes of my hometown expectations. While those expectations are gone for me now there was an occasion where this lesson came full circle after a festival in my hometown. Funny how calm things become when you douse a fire with a lesson from Christ. Kind of like holy water you could say. I know this feeling all too well. I’ve also recently noted that I’m not alone in this feeling. I think almost every artist feels this way. I prayed specifically for a piano during the time I was putting this song together. The next day, I kid you not, my friend Mike texts me a picture of a beautiful studio-quality Yamaha piano his church was replacing. And though I’m not an epic or studied piano player, I was able to perform all the piano and keys for this record in just a few days. Remind Me Dear Lord My favorite hymn. My mother told me once that she was playing it and my Great Grandfather asked her to pray with him. That’s the day he gave his life to the Lord. I realize now in my middle age that the joys and gifts on this earth are not permanent. They are truly borrowed. I’m forever grateful for the gift of music. My wife literally can see the difference in my eyes after I play. It’s spiritually healing. Beginning Of Sorrows This passage came knocking on my door three times and was the last straw in what I needed to release lyrically and right now. None of those times this passage jumped out at me were while reading the Bible. It’s my job to spread the word of the Lord. This passage is literally what’s happening today in the world. Jesus called it. Now more than ever things are this way and if you don’t see it then you don’t want to. Good always wins in the end though. The work’s already been done. Keep the faith and live by the grace. Leaning On My Lord This is a little tune Mrs. Pedigo came up with one day while doing dishes, looking out the window, and reminiscing. Both of us had the wonderful experience of having Grandparents who pastored old-timey churches. The arrangement and performance are how the music was when we were in our Grandparents’ churches. This simple hymn is a simple truth. We can’t do this alone. Lean on Jesus for hope. His presence in your life can work miracles. This I know from personal experience and I’ll be leaning on my Lord today. Come And Welcome This was another public domain lyric that I put music to. This album started on a rainy day when the world seemed still. It ended the same way. He who is first shall be made last and he who is last shall be made first. He, Him, the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end.
Some Movement at WTO on Multilateral Register for Geographical Indications for Wines & Spirits In what is being touted by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the first attempt to produce a single draft text for a Multilateral Register for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits pursuant to the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), representatives from WTO member countries met this month and put together a written draft of their conflicting positions on how one would notify a geographical indication for wines or spirits for registration on a multilateral register. As some background, WTO members agreed during the Doha Development Round of WTO trade negotiations in 2001 to develop a multilateral register for geographical indications for wines and spirits so that terms such as Cognac, Napa Valley and Barolo could receive recognition or protection as place names at the international level. However, exactly what such protection would be and how it would be accomplished was not set forth in any manner at the Doha Rounds and the negotiations that followed demonstrated that there were vast differences between WTO members as to what these should be. On the one side was the “new world” led by the U.S., Australia, Canada and others which believed that the multilateral register should be nothing more than a list of wine and spirit geographical indications that would simply serve as a reference for WTO members with no legal effect. On the other side was the “old world” led by the European Union, Switzerland, and later a network of developing countries seeking to tie their own IP interests to the geographical indication issue, which wanted mandatory protection of wine and spirit geographical indications in all WTO countries once placed on the multilateral register. Between these two groups was Hong Kong, which set forth a “middle ground” proposal which attempted to address concerns raised by both sides: on the one side, the new world countries were concerned with conflicts of geographical indications with trademarks and terms which were generic in some countries, such as Champagne; on the other side, the old world countries sought to have some type of legal effect for the registration system so that geographical indications would have protection on par with other types of intellectual property. Along with Hong Kong, a middle ground position has also been proposed by the International Trademark Association. Both of these proposals have provisions for the protection of trademarks with prior rights and recognition of generic terms, while also allowing geographical indications with no conflicting issues to be recognized and protected with legal effect. Since Doha, the process has been characterized by gridlock with very little movement on the principal issue of the multilateral register for wines and spirits, and expansion of the gridlock by adding other controversial topics to the discussion, such as expansion of such a register to goods other than wines and spirits. The WTO has set a deadline of the end of the first quarter of 2011 for a draft written text covering six different points related to the Multilateral Register. This development this month is movement on the first point. It is an ambitious plan, but given the lack of movement over the past 10 years, certainly something to be optimistic about. For more information on the current negotiations on the Multilateral Register for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits, follow the below link to the WTO web site: For more information on assistance with protecting geographical indications in the U.S. and abroad, contact Scott Gerien at [email protected]
A Study Finds Dramatic Increase in Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk In recent months, concerns have been raised about the potential link between mRNA COVID vaccines and heart inflammation. A new study conducted by a group of researchers provides insight into the matter, and the findings are alarming. The study indicates that mRNA COVID vaccines can cause a significant increase in inflammation markers of the heart, as well as increase the risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The PULS Cardiac Test Using the PULS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA), the researchers measured multiple protein biomarkers, including IL-16, sFas, and HGF, which are associated with inflammation and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle. The test generates a score predicting the 5-year risk of a new ACS. The study was conducted on 566 patients aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1, seen in a preventive cardiology practice. The patients were tested 2 to 10 weeks following the second COVID vaccine shot and compared to their previous test results taken 3 to 5 months before the shot. The results showed that there was a dramatic increase in the inflammatory markers of the heart after the second shot, with IL-16 increasing from 35+/-20 above the norm to 82+/-75 above the norm, sFas increasing from 22+/-15 above the norm to 46+/-24 above the norm, and HGF increasing from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm. These changes resulted in an increase in the PULS score from 11% 5-year ACS risk to 25% 5-year ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post-second dose of the vaccine. The study suggests that the mRNA COVID vaccines can significantly increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle. The increase in inflammatory markers can account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the potential link between mRNA COVID vaccines and heart inflammation. The findings suggest that mRNA vaccines can cause a significant increase in inflammation markers of the heart and increase the risk of ACS. The study raises concerns about the safety of mRNA vaccines and highlights the need for further research into the matter. It's important to note that this is just one study, and more research is needed to confirm these findings. The benefits of getting vaccinated against COVID-19 still outweigh the risks, especially for those at higher risk of severe illness or death from the virus. If you have concerns or questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, talk to your healthcare provider.
Homeopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second largest system of medicine used by millions of people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It's founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and it's been in use for more than 200 years. It is based on a central principle called the "Law of Similars". In other words, the very same substances that make you sick can be used in minute amounts to heal your body and relieve your symptoms. The second principle of homeopathy is "law of minimum dose" which means you should give the least amount of medicine necessary to evoke a healing response.KNOW MORE We are committed to provide you with the highest ideal of cure along with customized personal care. We select the right treatment plans for you after a full individualized examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. We explain the process in detail and answer all your questions and doubts, if any. We also provide nutritional advice and supplements recommendations for added support for our patients. Your details are always confidential & secured. Good doctor, patient enough to listen to your issues. She explains all about your issues and will always tell you about the medicines she is giving. Got improvement (with in some days the changes was visible) for the skin issues which usually takes long time. 100% cure... Her persona is pleasant and puts in earnest effort in understanding her patients problems and treats right up to cure... - Ms.Juniper Hegre Listens carefully to patient's concerns, clarifies every single doubts & a loving - pleasant doctor! Very effective She was friendly, listening to health problems with more care. Satisfied with her treatment. I will recommend her to others also Dr Jamsheena seems to have very good knowledge in her area, was approachable and her medicines worked well for our illness. My son had a peculiar cough long time lasted one , and is cured because of her medicines During my first visit itself, I could feel the warmth of relief as doctor patiently listen to the complaints - Mr.CV Thomas To avail the treatment online from Dr Jemz Homeopathy, please go through the following steps. You may contact us through any of the convenient ways and we will get back to you at the earliest. We may send a questionnaire if required and you need to fill and send it back. For any further clarification, our doctors will contact you. Once you finished the consultation with the doctor, you can pay online After analysis and evaluation of the case-details, we will send your prescribed homeopathic medicines by post/courier and will be delivered at your doorstep along with your personalized diet & lifestyle advices. Doctor will ask you to do follow-up at particular intervals of treatment and evaluate the status and will proceed further.
Winter is Coming, as Well as New Regulations: Are you Ready? Regulations are a part of the fabric of the pharmacovigilance industry and the pace of change is only accelerating. Having just returned from the 2018 Foresight Argus User Group Convention in Washington DC in late October, there were several key updates that will have a profound impact on biotech firms, clinical organizations and PV companies alike. For Drug Safety Navigator (DSN), there were 5 big takeaways that we wanted to share with you: Protections for Patient/Reporter: GDPR is Now in Effect Launched on 25-May-2018 in Europe, the General Data Protection Regulations or GDPR are designed to protect consumer’s personally identifiable information (PII). These regulations can be difficult to interpret and the risks of non-compliance can be severe. Understanding the regulations and how they apply to the pharmacovigilance industry is a must for Pharmaceutical companies marketing products in the EU. DSN’s TAKE: Did you know EU Patient/Reporter PII should be masked for export, except when submitting to the EMA? DSN can help you with the complexities of EU GDPR and PII regulations and how they impact the PV Industry. Our team can help educate you on these regulations and where the boundaries lie for protection of the public health. Electronic Reporting: Repeat after Me – E2B & R2 R3 E2B refers to electronic submissions of pharmacovigilance/safety data to regulatory authorities, partners, affiliates, etc. via an electronic reporting gateway. R2 and R3 refer to the programmed data points, format, etc. for the profile required for these electronic submissions. R2 E2B profile is currently required for electronic reporting to the US-FDA for drugs/biologics and medical devices. There has not yet been a date set by the FDA by which they will require E2B R3 reporting for drugs and biologics. R3 E2B profile is currently required for electronic reporting to the US-FDA for vaccines, as well as all electronic submissions to the EMA (for both investigational and marketed products). DSN’s TAKE: E2B R3 is in full effect now in Europe. Have you considered the scope of business processes and departments that may be affected by the required change to E2B R3 electronic reporting? This is and will continue to be a significant change in the PV Industry. The DSN team stays current on global reporting requirements and proactively plans business strategies to remain compliant and efficient. Device Reporting: Devices, Drugs & Biologics – Oh My! “Device” refers to medical devices, such as a defibrillator or an intrathecal pump. The requirements for regulatory reporting for medical devices are quite different than those for reporting for drugs and biologics. DSN’s TAKE: US-FDA medical device reporting requirements were updated in July 2018 and are in effect now. Navigating the regulations around reporting for medical devices can be confusing. DSN can help you to identify products that meet eMDR reporting requirements, and what to do with them if a device malfunction is reported. Combo Product Reporting: When is a Combo not a Combo? "Combination Product" refers to a product that includes components for both a drug/biologic as well as a medical device. The medical device component is often the delivery mechanism for the drug/biologic (like a pre-filled syringe). Updates to the global regulations for Combination Products is a very active arena right now and include the complexities of both medical device and drug/biologic reporting requirements. DSN’s TAKE: New US-FDA requirements for Combo Product Reporting are scheduled to go into effect on July 31, 2019. Are you prepared for all the new guidance surrounding Drug/Device Combination Products coming in 2019-2020? It’s not easy to identify if a product meets the definition of a Drug/Device Combination, or when and where to report the information. DSN can help you to identify products that qualify as Combo Products, implement a decision tree for reporting requirements, and determine where and when to submit the required information. Safety Signaling: Pilot Program to Pave Way to New Regs in EU On February 22, 2018, the EMA launched a one-year pilot program for new requirement for EU marketing authorization holders (MAHs) to review the EV Data Analysis System (EVDAS) on a regular basis for potential signals/trends identified by the EMA for their EU marketed products. Pilot program has been extended to September 2019. DSN’s TAKE: Once the pilot is completed, we expect updated guidance to be published requiring all EU MAHs to perform signal detection in EVDAS. We can perform the risk assessment needed to determine EVDAS Safety Signal search parameters and frequency to keep you compliant with this new requirement. Still have questions? Or would you like to discuss the impacts of these upcoming changes? Click here to reach out to DSN!
Do You Deadlift? Maybe the better question is: Should You Deadlift? I have had many conversations about the Deadlift in my career. People LOVE to use this as a main-stay conditioning exercise. But, as PT who specializes in prevention, the Deadlift is just not a favorite of mine. Because Deadlift is intrinsically bad? NO, not all. The fact is that most people have no idea how to execute this correctly. And, poor execution leads to a host of injuries including: back sprains, hamstring sprains and tears, and disc herniations. The problem? Most people think the Deadlift is driven from the hamstring or back. NOPE! I know you’re thinking: “Well, I always feel my hamstrings when I do the exercise.?! And, sometimes I feel my back.” (If you feel your back during a deadlift STOP DOING THE EXERCISE NOW!) Yes, the hamstrings are very engaged, but they do not drive or stabilize the movement. And because most people don’t know this, injury is the result. So what does drive the Deadlift? The Romanian DeadLift First things first. Let’s all get on the same page as to the Deadlift I’m speaking of. There are several varieties, especially in the world of heavy lifting. I’m referring to the most common deadlift my patients ask me about. It’s called the Romanian deadlift and the one commonly taught in fitness gyms and in magazine articles. I just grabbed this photo from Women’s Health and Fitness. This is the one I’m referencing. In order to make this blog post concise, I will pick on two main actions of the deadlift: pelvic and trunk control. Why these two? Because they are the main areas of injury. A little anatomy review. The Pelvic/Hip Complex The primary role of the hamstrings are to flex or bend the knees. You know, kick your heel to your butt. The tendons attach at the bottom of the pelvis and travel down to insert on the lower leg. There are 3 hamstring muscles (semitendionosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris). These muscles are long, stringy and excellent at moving the knee. However, a lot of people use the Deadift as a primary way to train the hamstrings. Not the best plan. Some argue that the Deadlift stretches the hamstrings and works them eccentrically. (An eccentric contraction is one that lengthens the muscle while strengthening it). This is true, but only if those hamstrings have enough pliability or “give” in them to be lengthened while strengthened. Loading a heavy weight to tight hamstring during a Deadlift can lead to tears. So, if you’re looking for my hamstring length, maybe stretch?? Training the hamstrings eccentrically is important, especially for runners. But, why not train these 3 muscles using hamstring curls (knee flexion) since that is their main role? How would you do that? Find a prone hamstring curl machine, curl your legs up on 1 count, slowly lower on 3 counts. This is a MUCH better way to train the hamstrings eccentrically. Additionally, do you see anywhere in the anatomy that these muscles cross over the pelvis? No, me neither. If they don’t cross the pelvis, how can they be the main hip controllers during the exercise. Well, they’re not. The hamstrings just assist with their one tiny insertion point. Can you see why hamstring strains and tears are common if this is the only muscle people know to use? THE GLUTES: MAXIMUS, MEDIUS AND MINIMUS The primary role of the gluteus maximus (GMax) is hip extension (it moves the leg behind your pelvis/trunk). It’s that big, bulky muscle to the left. When you bend over to perform a Deadlift, what position are your hips in? Flexion. So, if GMax is the main hip extender, what muscle should you be using to bring yourself back up? That’s right. GMax not the hamstrings. And, do you see how this muscle crosses the pelvis and attaches to the leg? This is the main driver and stabilizer at the pelvis and hip during a Deadlift. Gluteus medius (GMed) and its assistant gluteus minimus (GMin) are the “side glute” muscles. During the Deadlift, these muscles act to stabilize the pelvis and keep it level. Along with GMax, they are the base of the core and allow the trunk to move forward and back safely. Does it now make sense now that the glutes are the main muscles controlling the pelvis forward and back and not the hamstrings? I hope so. The Trunk Complex THE LUMBAR EXTENSORS The erector spinae are the main movers or extenders of the spine when the spine is rounded forward. Is the spine rounded in a Deadlift? Gosh, I hope not!! During the Deadlift, these muscles work isometrically to give extra stability to the spine, but they are not the key players for trunk control. If you notice any pelvic tilt or feel any back pain during this exercise, the intrinsic stabilizers have been kicked off and now the erector spinae muscles are trying to stabilize the spine. This is unsafe and a back injury is lurking around the corner. Remember: please stop the exercise if you feel any pain in your back. The intrinsic layers of the abdominals are the real players for safe trunk control. These are the inner two abdominal layers: transverse abdominis and internal abdominal oblique. When these muscles contract, they increase the intra-abdominal pressure and give stability to the spine. If these are not working well, the spine is VERY vulnerable to injury. THE LUMBAR MULITIFIDI The lumbar multifidi (plural for multifidus) are segmental stabilizers of the spine. The attachments and insertions criss-cross multiple levels, giving it a very unique look and function. With the Deadlift, these tiny and important stabilizers work with the intrinsic core to maintain a neutral spine. I hope it makes sense that the glutes and core are the main drivers and stabilizers in the Deadlift. And, if they aren’t working well you’re setting yourself up for injury. This is a decent picture of good deadlift mechanics. I would just add, engage your core to ensure your spine is neutral. TAKE HOME POINTS - The Deadlift is only safe to execute if you understand the main muscle drivers are the glutes and deep core - To train the hamstrings eccentrically, use the prone hamstring curl machine instead of the Deadlift - If you round your spine during the Deadlift, stop doing it now! That is a back injury waiting to happen. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post and found it helpful, please share so others can learn too. © 2016 & Beyond. ALL BLOG CONTENT at duncansportspt.com by Lori Duncan PT (This blog post was originally published January 2016 and updated May 2018) BLOG TALK PODCAST: ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lori Duncan, DPT, MTC, CPT is a respected Physical Therapist, Manual Therapist and Pilates instructor in Lafayette, CO. Lori is passionate about preventive physical therapy and education and is a nationally recognized presenter. She can be reached at [email protected]. You can also follow Duncan Sports Therapy + Wellness on Facebook & Instagram for more free tips and information.
How to Use Social Media for Your Lottery Business When social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter first appeared on the scene, everyone thought that their job was to connect like-minded people. Instead, these platforms evolved into one great big marketplace. Brands realized the potential of social media and it became a simple, cost-effective instrument to reach the right customers. Digital marketers recommend a few basics to manage social media presence of a business. These are: - Always have an experienced marketing communications professional at the helm - Think before you post - Pace your posts – avoid too little or too much content - Avoid over promoting your business - Respond promptly to the audience requests All of these points are as valid for promoting an online lottery business on social media just as any other. And social media marketing is not a difficult task; all it demands is some amount of creativity and attention to detail. Let’s take a look at two of the big online lottery operators in the United States, California Lottery and Texas Lottery to see how social media can be leveraged for lottery business strategies. California Lottery vs. Texas Lottery CA Lottery joined Twitter in March 2009, while Texas Lottery joined three years later in March 2012. During this period, CA Lottery paid a lot of attention to posting engaging content on their Twitter feed. As a result, while CA Lottery has more than 25,000 followers on Twitter, Texas has just a little over 13,000. CA Lottery has wisely used hash tags, images and videos over time, to enhance the consumer experience on Twitter. Their timeline regularly features lottery winners, jackpot prizes, and promotions. However, the rate of promotional posts is kept to a minimum to ensure priority for organic content. Apart from that, they maintain their responsibility and integrity by ensuring that only those above 18 years of age can participate in online lottery games. While Texas Lottery checks on being responsible, their Twitter strategy is lagging in content variety and engagement index by a big margin. With more than 410,000 users, CA Lottery is miles ahead of Texas Lottery (with a little over 1100 users) on Facebook. CA Lottery has maintained a clear vision for their Facebook newsfeed. Their content regularly talks about lottery winners, upcoming promotions, jackpot prizes etc. Funny videos are a regular feature on the page, along with an occasional post about current affairs and the charitable and social responsibility side of the lottery business. All of this content is presented in a way that is not intrusive for the users and is designed to entice them to communicate with the page. Compared to Texas, CA Lottery’s clear focus on maintaining the quality of their content and engaging their users has resulted in very high ratings from their users (4.4 out of 5). Image Source: California Lottery Image Source: Texas Lottery Not many would consider LinkedIn as an ideal platform for online lottery promotions. However, CA Lottery demonstrates what can be done with a little innovation. CA Lottery’s LinkedIn page is very well maintained with regular updates from their other social media channels. Most of their content is focused on the serious side of affairs of running a successful lottery business and fulfilling the corporate responsibilities towards society. This has helped CA Lottery build a very strong presence as a great place to work among job aspirants. On the other hand, Texas Lottery’s LinkedIn page seems bereft of any information about the company, which also defeats the purpose of having a LinkedIn page in the first place. Videos are the biggest resource in the social media world. Consumers prefer videos over words any time of the day. While CA Lottery has paid a lot of attention to their YouTube content, Texas fails to replicate the same model. CA Lottery’s YouTube channel has organized videos in various playlists, allowing users to search for relevant content on every visit. The content mix revolves around lottery winners, prizes, promotions, jackpots and even fun videos. A huge part of CA Lottery’s earnings go into the California Education System, and CA Lottery showcases that in their videos quite well. Along with that, CA Lottery has a good amount of user-generated content on their YouTube channel as well. Instagram is the channel of the youngsters. In spite of the restrictions on under-18 players, both CA Lottery and Texas Lottery are quite close competitors on Instagram. Their content strategy however, is poles apart. CA Lottery’s resolve in ensuring that only the best content is posted on their social media channels is shown very clearly in their Instagram feed as well. Images and videos that talk about varied topics – from the winning lottery, to everyday inspirational posts – make it a fun channel to follow. And all this while, CA Lottery keeps on registering a strong presence in their consumers’ minds. Social media has proven its worth for the online lottery industry. It is supposed to be an informal, fun, engaging and supportive side of any marketing strategy. Using it to create awareness and gaining a strong position in the consumer’s recall is the best way to unlock its potential. Blindly trying to emulate the competition can land you in serious trouble, as seems to be the case with Texas Lottery. But when done right, like CA Lottery, you move one step closer to becoming a part of your customers’ lives and your entire social media community. About Dusane Infotech Dusane Infotech is an expert in technology solutions for the online gaming industry from India with 12+ experience. We provide comprehensive, robust and integrated consultancy services to our clients for lottery operational setup and roll out. Send us your queries or requirements at firstname.lastname@example.org
Hydraulics for Industrial Applications Anywhere you find work being done hydraulically, you’ll find Dynex hydraulic products. Dynex checkball pumps operate at high pressures, are contamination resistant, cavitation resistant, and operate on a wide range of fluids. One Split-Flow® pump can supply independent flows in a circuit with changing flow and pressure requirements. This makes them ideal for Hi-Lo circuits on clamping, pressing, high-torque tools and other applications. Dynex also manufactures a full line of directional and pressure control valves including high pressure valves rated to 15,000 psi (1040 bar). Our valves are ideal for applications where simple, compact and affordable spool valves are required. Dynex products are chosen because of our proven performance and trusted service. Dynex PF4200, PF4300, and PF6000 series pumps are used in hydroform presses. Custom pressure control system designed for press retrofit A press manufacturer needed a solution to upgrade their hydraulic system on older model Hydroform presses. Many of these presses have been operating successfully for many decades but needed to be refurbished. As a manufacturer with an extremely long history of developing high pressure pumps and valves for hydraulic presses, Dynex had the expertise to design a complete aftermarket solution that could drop right into their existing system. This custom solution provides proportional pressure control and safety relief for the 10,000 psi (700 bar) circuit in a space efficient, manifold assembly. Consolidating multiple functions into a single unit reduced plumbing and improved ease of service. Multiple Dynex components were used in this solution, including: An H8819 proportional pressure relief valve rated for 50 gpm (190 L/min) at 15,000 psi (1040 bar), a VHR safety relief valve, and check valves.
Frontend News aims to keep you updated with what's happening in the world of web dev! With the latest news and resources from the design & development community. If you haven’t used clip-path or you are unfamiliar with it, it basically allows us to specify a display region for an element based on a clipping path and hide portions of the element that fall outside the clip-path. This article walks us through the process! Platforms (Upwork, Codementor, etc) are an ideal place to find clients when you’re new to freelancing and you haven’t yet built your own client base. It’s important to choose the right platform based on your skills. So here’s a comparison of the top freelancing platforms today. SiteGround are running a discount where you can get a hosting account for up to 62% off. With the basic plan, that’s only $6.99 a month! Authentication and access control are required for most applications, but they often distract us from building core features. In this article, we'll see a straightforward way to add auth and access control in React. We have Instagram for photos, YouTube for videos, Spotify for music and podcasts, but now Clubhouse came in to compete with Discord and joins in the club and fills that gap by being a voice-only live interactions application, adding an extra dimension to the social media space. Sticky, or fixed, navigation is a popular design choice because it gives users persistent access to navigate the site. On the other hand, it takes up space on the page and sometimes covers content in a way that’s less than appealing. A possible solution? Smart navigation! The subject of canonical tags seems to create an air of confusion for many. Fortunately, we are here to tell you all you need to know about canonical tags in this article. With the explosion in popularity of the Jamstack has come the proliferation of new options for managing your content. Headless has become quite the hot topic in development circles of late, but where do you start if you are embarking on a new project and haven’t yet decided where to store and organize your content? It’s no secret that the technical interview process leaves something to be desired; it’s often riddled with anxiety and stress. In this article, we’ll see seven of the most common mistakes candidates make in their technical interviews and explore ways you can avoid them. A neat tutorial that shows how we can create an editable textarea which supports syntax highlighting. Ever wondered how to add a double border to SVG shapes? This tutorial shows us a few methods to achieve this! Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) is a new evolution of the Jamstack, allowing you to update static content instantly without needing a full rebuild of your site. The hybrid approach of Next.js allows you to use ISR for e-commerce, marketing pages, blog posts, ad-backed media, and more. As designers, we are often burdened by the responsibility of producing and managing website content. It’s not our job to write it, but it’s not the client’s either. In many cases a vacuum emerges which ultimately gets filled with poor content. We can avert disaster by including content production in the design process. How are Core Web Vitals measured? How do you know your fixes have had the desired effect and when will you see the results in Google Search Console? Let’s figure it out. The WPGraphQL plugin can be used to create a site that uses WordPress for content management, but with a front-end that’s driven by Gatsby. We call this a “decoupled” or “headless” CMS because the site’s back-end and front-end are separate entities that still talk to one another via APIs where components on the front end consume data from the CMS. A little about me.. Hey, I’m Tim! 👋 I’m a developer, tech writer & author. If you’d like to see all of my articles, you're in the right place! Browse the blog categories to find what interests you. I’m currently working on building my Complete Guide to Freelancing. The bad news is that it’s not available yet! But if it’s something you might be interested in, you can sign up to be notified when it’s available 👍 Thanks for reading!
Our tips for your skin The confidence of healthy skin Purifying, cleansing, mattifying Cleanses - Purifies - Mattifies A cleansing, purifying and mattifying gel for the daily hygiene of oily, blemished or acne-prone sensitive skin. Face and body. A purifying, lightly foaming cleansing gel for oily and/or acne-prone skin. Its formula respects sensitive skin and contains a unique combination of active ingredients with triple benefits: gentle cleansing thanks to a gentle cleansing base, a mattifying effect guaranteed by Comedoclastin™, a plant-based active ingredient derived from milk thistle seeds with patented* properties that removes excess sebum, and comfort provided by the soothing and softening properties of Avène Thermal Spring Water. Skin is clean, fresh, purified and less shiny. Cleanance Cleansing gel is suitable for contact lens wearers. With its physiological pH, it is soap-free and offers very good skin tolerance. Biodegradable formula**. Its purifying effectiveness and very good skin and eye tolerance make it the must-have cleansing gel for oily or acne-prone, sensitive skin. Gently cleanses the skin with a gentle cleansing base. • CLEANSING: lightly-foaming. • SOOTHING: thanks to Avène Thermal Spring Water with soothing and softening properties. • MATTIFYING: removes excess sebum. * Patent registered. ** OECD logo. Packaging containing mainly recyclable materials **according to OECD 301B test Made in a factory certified for the environment*** ***according to ISO 14001 standard or ECOVADIS Product manufactured in a factory meeting French social standards By purchasing this product, you are helping to support our environmental and societal commitments: * Dermatologists, through the EuroMelanoma association created by European dermatologists to promote and share information on skin cancer prevention. * P ...atients, with Tout le Monde contre le Cancer (United Against Cancer) and Ichtyose France Association. *Alongside local authorities and stakeholders with APIA: Association for the Preservation of the Impluvium of the Waters of Avène, which encourages and coordinates all voluntary local initiatives to promote sustainable forest management, responsible farming of natural resources and the preservation of local natural heritage. *Alongside PUR PROJET, a social business dedicated to restoring marine ecosystems in Indonesia. Our commitments Apply morning and/or evening, preferably to a moistened face, neck or upper back. Gently lather with circular motions, rinse thoroughly and pat dry. • Cleanse your face morning AND evening to eliminate excess sebum accumulated during the day and night. • If the water in your local area is “hard”, after cleansing with a cleansing gel, finish with a spritz of Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray. It will have a soothing and softening effect. would recommend this product to a friend Brenda DunhamOne year ago Very refreshing smells great helps with cleaning pores does not take but a small amount to make a great lather to apply Oulfa ZbadiOne year ago Barbara SchellOne year ago This is an outstanding product. I've used it for about 15 years. It leaves my face feeling clean but not dry. And, I find that the container travels well. I highly recommend this and I buy it for gifts as well. Cristi WullerOne year ago I've used this for a year and really love it! Lalong2One year ago I’ll start by saying I never write reviews. I found this cleanser 5 years ago and haven’t used anything else since. I’m prone to hormonal acne on my chin/jaw and the occasional whitehead on my cheeks. I also have mostly oily skin with dryness on the outer edges of my face. The Cleanance Gel makes my skin feel the cleanest it’s ever been while keeping it soft. It’s the only thing that works to reduce my hormonal breakouts. It also works wonders on the occasional pimple on my shoulders or back. It can be drying in the winter months but I’ll typically load up on the moisturizer/hyaluronic acid to combat that. I’ve suggested this face wash to all of my friends who struggle with acne and they’ve all become believes too. Thank you Avene AVENE THERMAL SPRING WATER (AVENE AQUA). WATER (AQUA). ZINC COCETH SULFATE. LAURYL BETAINE. DECYL GLUCOSIDE. CETEARETH-60 MYRISTYL GLYCOL. PEG-7 GLYCERYL COCOATE. POLYSORBATE 20. CITRIC ACID. FRAGRANCE (PARFUM). GREEN 5 (CI 61570). ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL. PEG-40 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL. PEG-6. PPG-26-BUTETH-26. SILYBUM MARIANUM FRUIT EXTRACT. SODIUM BENZOATE. SODIUM CHLORIDE. SODIUM HYDROXIDE. TRISODIUM ETHYLENEDIAMINE DISUCCINATE. YELLOW 5 (CI 19140). ZINC GLUCONATE The consumer is advised to systematically check the composition of the product before purchasing it. Blend of gentle cleansing agents that respect the physiological pH of sensitive, oily or acne-prone skin. Plant-based active ingredient with patented properties from Pierre Fabre Research. Milk thistle extract acts at the source of micro-blemishes and visibly reduces their appearance. Fragrance-free, alcohol-free. The smell of the product is due to the strong presence of the active ingredient Comedoclastin™ in the product. The smell evaporates upon application, without irritating the skin. As it’s a cleansing gel for sensitive skin, you can use it to remove light make-up, including eye make-up. However, if your make-up is heavier, we recommend the Intense Eye Make-up Remover, which is more suitable for waterproof make-up. It’s possible to use both products; the most important thing is to cleanse your face well in the morning and evening. You can also use them alternate the soap-free cleansing gel in the morning and the micellar water in the evening. It’s a soap-free gel cleanser that gently removes sebum, impurities, pollution and even make-up. It’s at the heart of our concerns. We work on it every day, to better preserve tomorrow.
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Australian-based start-up company Kusaga Athletic has combined nature and technology to develop a range of plant-based sustainable fabrics designed to replace traditional fabrics like polyester and cotton. As world leaders gather in Paris for the United Nations Climate talks this week, Kusaga Athletic co-founder Graham Ross sees an ideal opportunity for every individual to contribute in practical ways to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Mr. Ross says, “Climate change is a complex problem that impacts all of us. Plenty of smart people are working on big solutions, but we can’t afford to wait and see what will happen. Everyone of us has a responsibility to find and adopt smarter solutions”. Kusaga Athletic recently launched The Greenest T-shirt on the Planet made from their 100% plant-based sustainable fabric ECOLITE™, which is softer than cotton, and with the same technical capabilities of polyester. The eco-friendly greenest tee is designed tooffer anyone who wears t-shirts a simple way to do something practical about climate change. It’s compostable and biodegradable and better still, it uses less than 1% of the water needed to manufacture a standard cotton tee. “Not many people realise it can take 3,000 litres of water to make a single cotton t-shirt. With a staggering two billion t-shirts sold every year worldwide we figured it was a pretty good place to start to help mitigate climate change. We think given the choice between similar products, people will choose the option that’s better for the environment.” Ross said. The Greenest T-shirt on the Planet is Kusaga’s first direct to consumer retail offering. It launched this month on the Kickstarter crowd funding site. Kusaga Athletic also supply eco-friendly apparel to Earth Hour Global/WWF and pioneering eco-events company Endurance Evergreen. Ross credits these companies for putting sustainability first in their business models. “Recycle and re-use have their place, but for new products and businesses serious about addressing the impact of climate change, sustainability must be the foundation. It’s the essential baseline from this point on.” For further information and images of The Greenest T-shirt on the Planet prototypes please visit www.kusagaathletic.com To arrange an interview with co-founder Graham Ross please email email@example.com or call +61 423 638811
Mr. Suran Fernando obtained his BSc. (Honours) degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Moratuwa in 2002. He is a Chartered Engineer in the field of Building Services Engineering. He further received Green Associate Professional status in 2015 from the GBCSL. Currently, he serves as a Council Member of the Engineering Council Sri Lanka (ECSL). He has been representing the Council of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) since 2018 to date. Mr. Fernando was the Chairman of the Building Services Engineering Sectional Committee (BSESC) of IESL for the sessions 2018/19 and 2019/20. He also serves as a Forum Member of the Organization of Professional Associations (OPA) representing IESL. Currently, he is employed at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT) as the Head of Facilities Management.
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Why Choose Edison Transfer for Stress-Free Hotel Transfers in Istanbul? Edison Transfer is your ideal choice when it comes to stress-free hotel transfers in Istanbul. They provide exceptional service and convenience, ensuring a seamless experience from the moment you arrive. Here's why you should consider them for your airport transfer needs: Fixed Prices: Transparency and peace of mind are paramount when arranging hotel transfers. Edison Transfer offers fixed prices for their private transfers, eliminating any uncertainties or unexpected costs during your journey. With fixed pricing, you can plan your travel budget effectively and enjoy a worry-free transfer experience. Professional Chauffeurs: Edison Transfer's team of professional chauffeurs is experienced, licensed, and dedicated to providing top-notch service. They are knowledgeable about Istanbul's roads and will ensure a smooth and efficient journey from the airport to your hotel. 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Prominent CHOP lawyer fired The general counsel at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia was fired Friday for "financial irregularities" that officials there declined to detail. The hospital referred the matter involving Roosevelt Hairston Jr. of Malvern to the U.S. Attorney's Office, said Children's spokesman George Bochanski. He would not provide particulars or say when the investigation began. Hairston, who is active in political affairs and community groups, could not be reached for comment Friday evening. Hairston teaches law at Temple University and worked for such firms as Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis, and Singley & Associates. He has been part of the legal counsel department at Children's since 1997 and had been "a very active part of the hospital," Bochanski said. Hairston became the pediatric hospital's general counsel in April. He had also been its director of government relations and community affairs. His biography is that of a politically connected and community-minded executive. Hairston chairs the board of the Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia and the mayor's Philadelphia Workforce Investment Board, which seeks to create jobs and train workers. He serves in advisory roles for Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and the Southeastern Pennsylvania chapter of the American Red Cross, according to those groups' websites. He is an active political donor, giving more than $27,000 since 2003 to Republicans and Democrats, ranging from Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bob Casey to Jim Gerlach and Rick Santorum. Gov. Rendell appointed Hairston to the Patient Safety Advisory Committee. Laurene Baker, spokeswoman for that office, called Hairston a "very conscientious" worker who has been active in the board's legislative work. Hairston had also been appointed to the advisory committee for MCARE, the state medical-malpractice fund, by Republican State Rep. John M. Perzel, the former House speaker. Children's paid Hairston $727,130 in 2009, including bonuses and delayed compensation, according to the hospital's most recent tax filing. Bochanski said Hairston had no oversight of medical matters at the hospital. He also said the investigation centered on Hairston's activities at the hospital and was not directly related to the outside organizations where he has been active. Children's is "committed to the highest ethical behavior of all our employees, and our action in this matter affirms that commitment," chief executive officer Steven Altschuler said in a statement. Jeffrey Kahn, Children's chief audit and compliance officer, will serve as acting general counsel.
Ways to Use class website with your students: - Use your class website as a connecting platform with parents, school community, and the world at large, some sort of backchannel to facilitate communication with the outer world. - Showcase students hard work and achievements. When students know that their work can be shared with others to see, they get excited and motivated thus increasing their engagement and participation. Also, showcasing students work on class website can be a source of inspiration for other students in your class or in other schools to perform better. - Use your class website as a platform to empower students voice and provide them with a space where they can unleash their creative thinking. Feeling of empowerment is key to boosting students learning. - Use your class site and more specifically the Announcement feature to share urgent and important information with students (e.g., class news, assignments due dates, class events, etc.). - Create a library page where you and your students upload educational materials for the whole class to access. - Students can use class website to create and share their personal digital portfolios, collaborate on group projects, present their findings on a research topic, create and manage classroom activities, and many more. 2- Add content to your site 3- Invite other to co-edit your class site Google Sites Video tutorials from Google for Education - Introduction to Google Sites - Add Text, Change the Theme, and Preview Your Site - Publish Your Site and Get Feedback
This was supposed to be the year that Washington Gov. Jay Inslee finally clinched a major climate victory on his home turf. As the legislative session in Olympia draws to a close, the odds aren’t looking good for the Democratic governor, who ran for president as the self-styled "climate candidate" before withdrawing from the race in August. In particular, it appears unlikely that a major climate bill will make it over the finish line before the Washington Legislature adjourns tomorrow, according to environmentalists, lawmakers and others tracking the measure’s progress. The bill’s death, which comes after Republican lawmakers in nearby Oregon fled the capital to protest a cap-and-trade bill, showcases the difficulties of passing state-level climate policy opposed by the oil and gas industry. And unlike in Oregon — where Democratic Gov. Kate Brown yesterday signed an executive order on climate change after the Legislature failed to take meaningful action on the issue — Inslee remains limited in his executive authority. At issue is H.B. 1110, a bill aimed at establishing a clean fuel standard that would seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The measure has garnered broad support from environmental and public health experts, who say it would make a big dent in statewide carbon emissions. Transportation accounts for 42% of emissions in Washington state, where the electricity sector has seen an influx of clean hydropower. Yet after passing the state House of Representatives in January, the measure stalled in a key Senate committee last week. It now appears unlikely to clear the full Senate before tomorrow. A big reason? Opposition from groups tied to the fossil fuel and timber industries — including some familiar players from the standoff in Oregon. "Nothing is ever completely dead until we adjourn. But I don’t see a path for the bill this year," Washington Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (D), the lead sponsor of the bill, said in a phone interview this week from his office in Olympia. Bill opponents appear to have "accepted the industry talking points that it would cause a massive spike in the price of fuel," he said. Fitzgibbon was alluding to two groups that have fomented opposition to the bill in recent weeks and whose arguments have found sway with state lawmakers of both parties. The first group, Affordable Fuel Washington, has been bankrolled by a trade association for the oil and gas industry. The second, Timber Unity, has received funding from a prominent timber magnate and was a leading voice in support of Oregon Republican lawmakers’ walkout. The bill’s demise is poised to hand yet another defeat to Inslee on his signature issue. In 2018, Inslee suffered a high-profile setback when voters rejected Initiative 1631, a ballot measure that would have implemented a gradually escalating carbon tax. A similar proposal failed at the ballot in 2016 (Climatewire, Nov. 7, 2018). Following those failures, Inslee made a key pivot in his strategy on climate policy. Rather than championing an economywide approach to reducing emissions — such as a carbon tax — he focused on greening specific sectors such as transportation. Yet recent events show the limitations of that strategy, said Reed Schuler, a top environmental policy adviser in Inslee’s office. "Recently, Gov. Inslee has shifted his focus toward a series of sectoral measures to tackle emissions in bite-sized chunks. They’re big bites, but bites nonetheless compared to doing it all across the economy at once," Schuler said. "Last legislative session, we were hugely successful in passing the governor’s sectoral agenda," he said, noting that lawmakers passed a 100% clean electricity bill and first-in-the-nation energy efficiency requirements for commercial buildings. "Where we have been least successful to date is in tackling emissions from our largest remaining sector, transportation." ‘It’s just a front group’ If enacted, H.B. 1110 would direct the Washington Department of Ecology to develop a clean fuel standard, which would require fuel producers and importers to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with burning gasoline and other fuels. The goal of the standard would be a 20% reduction in the carbon intensity of transportation fuels by 2035. A similar program already exists in nearby California, Oregon and British Columbia. The bill passed the Washington House of Representatives in January on a 52-44 vote. But it failed to clear the state Senate Transportation Committee last week. The measure sparked broad concern from Republicans as well as state Sen. Steve Hobbs, a moderate Democrat who chairs the Transportation Committee. They argued that the program would significantly raise gas prices, pinching the pockets of low-income consumers. That argument is a familiar one. It’s been made by a group called Affordable Fuel Washington, which was created for the express purpose of fighting H.B. 1110. On its website, Affordable Fuel Washington portrays itself as a grassroots organization of "Washington citizens, employers, farmers, organizations and families." The group does not disclose its sources of funding online. But in an interview, Affordable Fuel Washington spokeswoman Dana Bieber acknowledged the group is bankrolled by the Western States Petroleum Association, a powerful trade group that represents the oil and gas industry in the six Western states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon and Washington. "Our funding comes from WSPA, the Western States Petroleum Association," she said. "We are completely transparent about that." Fitzgibbon has shown no restraint when it comes to calling out the group’s connection to the fossil fuel sector. "I mean, it’s just a front group for the oil industry," he said. "They’re not a registered lobbying group, but they have aggressively campaigned against the bill with money from the oil industry." Bieber rejected this characterization of the group. She said it represents "a broad coalition of farmers, working families and small businesses" who have genuine concern that a clean fuel standard is an "ineffective, costly and regressive fuel policy." A spokesman for WSPA didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment in time for publication, including questions about how much money the trade group has provided to Affordable Fuel Washington. A familiar fight For Democrats and environmentalists in Washington, Bieber is a familiar foe. In 2018, Bieber emerged as a leading opponent of Initiative 1631, the ballot measure that would have established a carbon tax. And she made similar arguments about how a carbon tax would raise costs for low-income consumers. "Regardless of what you say about a carbon fee or a carbon tax, it’s intended to be paid by consumers," she told The Atlantic in 2018. In addition to Bieber, another prominent figure who has opposed both climate policies is Rob McKenna, a Republican who served two terms as Washington attorney general. McKenna’s clients at the law firm Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP have included Chevron Corp., which gave $500,000 to the No on 1631 campaign. "I don’t think this is the right approach. It looks like a blank check to me," McKenna previously told The Seattle Times of Initiative 1631. He has since written multiple opinion pieces arguing that a clean fuel standard would hike gas prices. "What you regularly get from this crowd is that they support climate action, just not this climate action," said Vlad Gutman-Britten, Washington director at Climate Solutions, an environmental group. "And yet somehow it’s always not this one. It’s always the next one," he said. "The reality is this is a cohort of people who are engaged in predatory delay. And what they’re doing is preventing Washington from reducing emissions." Gutman-Britten added that in California, which implemented a low-carbon fuel standard in 2011, the average price of gasoline has gone down compared with the national average, according to Biofuels Digest. And in Oregon, which began fully implementing its Clean Fuels Program in 2016, the average price of the ethanol fuel mixture E10 rose by $0.0098 per gallon, according to data released by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Then there’s the curious case of Timber Unity, a group that was a prominent backer of the Oregon Republican lawmakers’ walkout. Last week, Timber Unity took its cause from Salem to Olympia. About 375 group members showed up at the Washington State Capitol in 170 big trucks to protest the clean fuel standard bill. As the state Senate Transportation Committee deliberated on the measure inside the building, Timber Unity led a noisy protest in the parking lot outside. Participants honked their horns and waved signs that read, "You work for us. It’s time you listen to what we are saying." On its website, Timber Unity bills itself as a grassroots organization representing rural workers who worry that climate policy could kill their jobs. "Even if you’re not a forester, logger, rancher, trucker, miner, fisher or farmer, when our jobs go away, it hurts every local business in our community," the website states. But public records released by the Oregon secretary of state show that the group has received thousands of dollars from Andrew Miller, a prominent timber executive, and Knute Buehler, a failed GOP candidate for Oregon governor. Mother Jones also reported last week that members of Timber Unity have been photographed alongside members of neofascist or militia organizations, and its social media channels feature messages supporting QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory detailing a plot by an alleged "deep state" against President Trump. In particular, Timber Unity Vice President Todd Stoffel has been photographed alongside Angela Roman, a GOP candidate for Congress, flashing a hand sign that is recognized in far-right extremist circles as a white supremacist symbol, according to the report. "You’re going to get overt racists showing up to these protests, and if you don’t disavow those people, then you’re culpable in promoting those values," said Steve Pedery, conservation director at Oregon Wild, a public lands conservation group that has tracked Timber Unity’s activity in the region. In an interview, Stoffel did not deny the accuracy of the Mother Jones report, but he pushed back on its characterization of group leaders as condoning racism. "I’ve got a biracial daughter. I don’t care [about] the color of someone’s skin," he said. "I photo-bombed a photo of two people I happen to know. There’s a million other pictures they could go to that show an entirely different me. And they just chose that one to discredit what we’ve done." As for why Timber Unity got involved in Washington politics after its success in Oregon, Stoffel said the group wanted to show support for embattled lawmakers who have stuck their necks out to oppose climate policy. "In both Oregon and Washington, those lawmakers are just beat up," he said. "We showed up in Salem and let ’em know we had their back. And that’s what we did in Olympia." ‘A comprehensive failure’ As this year’s legislative session in Olympia comes to a close, climate hawks remain largely disappointed at the lack of significant progress on global warming. In addition to the clean fuel standard bill, the Washington Legislature failed to advance a measure that would have given the Department of Ecology authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate fuel distributors. Lawmakers did, however, pass a smaller measure directing the department to adopt California’s zero-emission vehicle program. "This session was a comprehensive failure to act on climate," said Gutman-Britten of Climate Solutions. "The Senate has failed to pass anything meaningful that will do anything to substantially cut carbon emissions in Washington from transportation or anywhere else." He added, "There were some good bills that passed in the energy space. But nothing substantial, and nothing that would change the oil monopoly that we face." It was a similar story in Oregon, where the Legislature adjourned last week after making little progress on climate amid the GOP senators’ walkout. Democratic Gov. Brown did, however, sign an executive order yesterday aimed at strengthening the state’s carbon reduction goals. The order includes a directive to more than double the state’s clean fuel standard. "I’ve heard it loud and clear from young people across Oregon: Climate action is crucial and urgent," Brown said yesterday. "If we don’t take action right away, it is the next generation that will pay the price." She added: "Last July, I committed to Oregonians that if the Legislature failed to take necessary action this year, I would use the tools available to me as the chief executive to address climate change. And that is exactly what I am doing." After the Washington Legislature adjourns tomorrow, Inslee may not be able to take a similar executive action on climate as Brown. That’s because the Washington Supreme Court ruled in January that Inslee had exceeded his authority under the Washington Clean Air Act when promulgating his 2016 clean air rule. "One challenge for us is that we have this state Supreme Court ruling on the governor’s clean air rule, which resulted in a limitation of the governor’s authority on some executive actions," said Schuler, the environmental policy adviser in Inslee’s office. "I think the most significant part of Gov. Brown’s executive order is likely to be in the transportation fuels space, where unfortunately we currently lack the authority to take action." The road ahead Climate hawks in Olympia said they hope next year will be better. Fitzgibbon, the lead sponsor of H.B. 1110, said he plans to reintroduce a version of the bill next year, when the makeup of the state Senate could change following the November elections. "I definitely plan on another effort next year," he said. "Certainly it will be back bigger and stronger." Hobbs, the moderate Democrat who chairs the state Senate Transportation Committee, has expressed interest in passing a transportation revenue package next year without including a clean fuel standard. But that idea is a non-starter for Fitzgibbon and other liberal Democrats. They say that if the Legislature passes a transportation package to encourage the construction of new roads, it must include provisions aimed at reducing climate pollution from those roads. "We see passage of a clean fuel standard … as a precondition to the passage of a transportation revenue package," 13 Senate Democrats and 32 House Democrats wrote in a recent letter to Hobbs and his counterpart on the House Transportation Committee. One encouraging sign for climate hawks is the shifting stance of BP PLC. In 2018, the oil and gas major spent $13 million to help defeat the carbon tax, arguing that the proposal was poorly designed and exempted key polluters such as coal plants. But BP recently withdrew from several trade associations that have spent decades attacking climate policies at the state and federal level, including the Western States Petroleum Association. "Recently, WSPA has focused organizational capability and resources on stopping a state-wide low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) initiative. We disagree with this position," BP said in a report last month. A spokesman for BP referred E&E News to that report and noted that the company has not taken a formal position on the clean fuel standard. Schuler, the Inslee adviser, said the development is significant for climate action in the Evergreen State next year. "It’s not new that the oil industry broadly is not helping us pass our climate agenda," he said. "But [BP’s announcement] shows that the industry is becoming a little less monolithic. And we hope that it continues to move in the right direction."
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List of Top 10 Medical Billing Companies in Florida, USA EHeatlhSource has 15+ years of experience in the field of Medical Billing, Revenue Cycle Management, Healthcare IT Offshoring, Medical Coding and Charge Entry. We are committed to being the solution to any and every medical billing problem. Whether it is to improve productivity or increase revenue, we have always placed ourselves at the highest level of medical billing standards while offering excellent services to our customers in Florida, US. With our stronghold in this industry, we seek to contribute positively towards a bright future, establishing ourselves as the best medical billing service providers worldwide. Address: 4301 32nd Street West, Suite E17, Bradenton, FL – 34205 Contact: +1 408-457-1827 2. Medical Billers and Coders Medical Billers and Coders is the qualified Medical Billing Company and competent to address diverse medical specialties over 2 decades. Our technology and expertise to meet the exact requirement of the physician’s billing requirement. Address: 108 West, 13th street, Wilmington, DE – 19801 3. ACP Billing Services ACP Billing Services Inc. is one of the best medical billing companies that provide end to end revenue cycle management with multi-specialty billing with over 13 years of experience. Address: 618 E. South Street, Suite 500, Orlando, Florida 32801 MaxRemind is a top-ranked healthcare software company that provides medical billing, medical credentialing and home healthcare software. Address: 1420 Valwood Parkway Suite 20-170A Carrollton, TX – 75006 Contact: (214) 736-3533 People Also Search for : Medical Billing Company in Texas BillingParadise, has 20+ years of experience in medical billing located in Florida. We help make your financial work more cost-effective, efficient and profitable. Address: 428 East 5th Ave,Mount Dora, FL 32757, United States. Contact: +1 305-735-3685 6. Assurance Health Care Financial Services Assurance Health Care Financial Services was founded in 2002 by Michael McLaren and Tommy Cooley. They are successful in achieving results for clients in the top one percent, led by a highly trained team of professionals compared to their peer groups across the country. Address: 3003 S Highway 77, Suite F, Lynn Haven, FL 32444-5627 7. Primed Billing Primed Billing leverages 10+ years into its business to provide professional, viable medical billing that provides stability and transparency in the cash flow required for your practice. Each customer (big or small) receives personalized service to fit their specific needs at cheaper rates. Address: 3815 Maryweather Lane,Ste # 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 Contact: +1 813-425-5826 People Also Search for : Top 10 Medical Billing Companies in Texas MedicalBillingStar provides specific medical billing solutions. We provide revenue cycle management solutions that can reduce operating costs and increase your bottom-line. The core difference between working with us and a regular in-house medical biller is that we work round the clock. Address: 2631 NW 41 St A, Gainesville, FL 32606, United States. Contact: +1 877-272-1572 9. Bay Medical Billing Service Bay Medical Billing Service? is a medical billing and management company based in Palm Harbor, Florida. We serve many health care practices in Piplas County and other counties around Tampa Bay. Address: 2595 Tampa Rd, Palm Harbor, FL 34684 Contact: (727) 781-4441 10. 5 Star Billing Services 5 Star Billing Services provides specialist medical billing services in Florida for all types of physician practices. Our professional medical billers know the inputs and outputs of medical billing in Florida, USA. Contact: +1 480-821-1371 Request a Free Quote
Im new to windows 8 (my XP machine has all but died!) and was disappointed with the range of cursors available. But then Google brought me here! I LOVE the media centre aero colored which I downloaded but then my laptop asked me what it should open the file with ..........um..........sorry Im not too clever with the technicalities, please could you tell me know how to do it? Hi there, welcome to the forums! That cursor is one of my favorites as well. Sorry there are no instructions (yet) but I'll show you how it's done here in this post. There are even ways to install the theme through inf files or registry settings but I'll cover the usual / manual install. Changing the cursor (theme) workaround: To use the new file(s) first unzip/open the downloaded file. There you find a folder and/or in that folder the needed files. Then you can place those (extracted) files, the static (*.cur), or animated files, in this case, (*.ani) anywhere you want (Windows cursors are placed in "C:\Windows\Cursors" so this might be the ideal place where you'll need to browse to the files). You then need to access mouse settings from Control Panel -> Mouse or by right clicking on the Desktop -> Personalization That will open the cursor settings then go to pointers: You can double-click the ones needed to be changed or select each one and go to browse. Here we browse to our cursor folder needed (where you placed the extracted cursor files). After all is changed you can even save (see below: select "save-as" and enter a theme name) the cursor theme (scheme) as a new scheme and the settings will be kept for later use, in case the cursors get changed by you or the Windows Themes. Hope this helps. - Windows 10 x64 - Computer type - System Manufacturer/Model - HP Envy DV6 7250 - Intel i7-3630QM - HP, Intel HM77 Express Chipset - Graphics Card(s) - Intel HD4000 + Nvidia Geforce 630M - Sound Card - IDT HD Audio - Monitor(s) Displays - 15.6' built-in + Samsung S22D300 + 17.3' LG Phillips - Screen Resolution - multiple resolutions - Hard Drives - Samsung SSD 250GB + Hitachi HDD 750GB - 120W adapter - laptop cooling pad - Backlit built-in + big one in USB - SteelSeries Sensei - Internet Speed - slow and steady - Chromium, Pale Moon, Firefox Developer Edition - Windows Defender - Other Info - That's basically it.
Two brothers’ experiences on an island off the North tip of Japan in the year’s after World War 2 form the core of Mizuho Nishikubo’s Giovanni’s Island. When the Soviet army lay claim to the island of Shitokan, Junpei and Kanta find themselves forced to share their home with a Soviet family and their school with Soviet children before seismic decisions jeopardise the fragile peace and send the boys on a terrifying journey. We caught up with director Nishikubo and associate producer Francesco Prandoni to discuss the film. Mr. Nishikubo, this is your first film in five years. How did it come about? Mizuho Nishikubo: Giovanni’s Island’s writer, Shigemichi Sugita, told me he had come across an interesting, or not interesting maybe I should say unusual war story that he wanted to make into an anime. He approached Production I.G. and they told me about it and it was always something I’d been interested in. How much did you know about the islands before and how much research did you and the production team have to do? MK: I knew about the Northern territories, but I had no idea that anything like what happens in Giovanni’s Island had happened. I think probably 99% of Japanese people don’t know anything about this story. And what we show in the film is about 80% true. For me one of the reasons I wanted to make this film was because of my curiosity at how the Japanese and Soviet children could get along. In terms of the 80% true, do you mean that Giovanni’s Island is based on accounts of what happened to the islanders or was it a completely fictional story based on a real event? MK: The film is mostly based on true events, but not 100%. In the film it is based on the memories of the protagonist Junpei – there is a man who is still alive on whose memories Junpei’s are based. We asked him in a lot of detail what it was like and used that in the film. For example the scene where Russian and Japanese children are playing together, they play touch and sumo wrestling, which was from this man’s memories. In the film there is also a “sing off” that the children had which we don’t think happened. So there are some creative license taken. MK: For Junpei and Kanta we auditioned about 100 children and chose the ones we thought were best and also the children whose personalities we thought were closest to the characters’. So it was quite difficult to cast them. With Tanya we had 30 people. The girl we chose was already a professional so we could leave it to her to a certain extent. But, with the Japanese children weren’t experienced at recording and we had to coach them. When recording was it a cast reading or separate sessions? MK: The children voicing Junpei and Kanta tended to record together. With the adults there generally were one or two of them And offscreen were the children like the brothers they play? MK: They got on really well. Their houses were on the same train line so they’d often come in and go home together, play video games together, and it really was like in the film as if they were brothers. How did you get legendary actor Tatsuya Nakadai involved? MK: I thought of Tatsuya Nakadai and Koaru Yachigusa who voice the present day Junpei and Miss Sawako as a pair. There were other candidates for these roles but Nakadai and Yachigusa had played similar roles in the past, they’d also played husband and wife. And they were very keen, so we chose them! The animation style ranges from simple storybook designs to very rich, detailed CG visuals. What was the intention behind the look of the film? MK: The film is basically split into three different animation styles. The present day parts are almost live action type realism, with shadows and using CGI. Secondly, are Junpei’s memories of the war period which are affected by how he viewed things. So to a certain extent both characters and backgrounds are abbreviated. Then there is the imagination style when they boys are reading (the famous children’s Japanese book) Night on the Galactic Railroad which combines different fantasy styles; sketching, magic lantern style and so on. Did you and the production crew visit the island and the mainland internment camp to get visual references? MK: Because of the political situation on Shitokan Island we didn’t go there. We based those scenes on old documents. The staff did go to Sakalin (on the mainland), but that had changed an awful lot as well just as Shitokan had. So a lot of that was also based old documents and photographs. Hayao Miyazaki was criticised by some in Japan for making The Wind Rises, another film dealing with the era around World War 2. Is it difficult to make films dealing with this period in Japan and was there any criticism you received from Japan or Russia commentators? MK: I don’t think it’s difficult to make a war film in Japan. I think to an extent the criticism made about Miyazaki’s film might have been to do with how interesting a film it was rather than political reasons. It’s a film so it’s a question of whether people are going to come and see it or not, rather than a political pressure that means it’s difficult to make it. Francesco Prandoni: And the movie screened at the Sakalin Film Festival, it was invited to be part of that. It also showed at the Moscow Film Festival and was well-received. They understood the spirit and they liked it. And how was the experience for you Francesco? FP: It was very interesting. I love the art, the story was good and, personally speaking, I think it was one of the best things we’ve made so far at Production I.G. I’ve been living in Japan for twenty years and also love Russian movies and music, so am kind of in between the two – not Japanese and not Russian. So I had the opportunity to put together two countries I liked. The film is playing as part of the London Film Festival and is playing to a packed house of children here as we speak. How have children responded to the film? MK: I didn’t make it for children, I made it in a way I was happy with. But, because of the way it’s been made I think maybe children will experience something different from what I do when they see it. And that’s fine with me, as long as they feel something when they watch it. I’d really like them to experience something for themselves. Giovanni’s Island was selected for the 2014 BFI London Film Festival and is on release in key cities now.
Vienna, Maven Gig, Oregon, Fremont, Swindon. Self-driving shuttles in Vienna: If someone has mastered the sweet life, it is the Austrian capital and so it may not come as a surprise that its public transport may soon be autonomous and electric. From 2018, Wiener Linien wants to try out two mini buses from French Navya, with up to eleven real passengers. The pilot ‘auto.Bus Seestadt’ is supported by AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), TÜV Austria and Siemens AG Österreich as well as traffic safety institutions. If no major disruptions occur, the shuttles will enter service from 2019. orf.at (in German) GM embraces Gig Economy: Maven Gig is a new option for GM’s car sharing service. It now allows users to hire a Bolt for 229 dollars a week and to use it to pick up passengers through Uber, Lyft and other hail-ride apps. San Diego is the first testing ground before Maven Gig will move on to congest Los Angeles and San Francisco later this year. EV sales incentives: Oregon may pay car dealers 250 dollars per electric car they sell to residents of the state. The bill under consideration would set aside a 1m dollar fund. Home to Tesla, the City of Fremont decided to require solar panels and EV charging wiring for all new housing developments. California aims to to have homes built to a “zero net energy” level by 2020. Swindon tries hydrogen: Two Toyota Mirais and one Hyundai iX35 have been delivered to three businesses in Swindon. They build a car pool for employees of Arval, Nationwide and The National Trust as part of the town’s Hydrogen Hub project.
Brightline offers new light in response to popularity of LED upgrade kit Brightline, a manufacturer of video lighting systems, announced a companion light to its LED upgrade kit – the L1.3X. The L1.3X joins the SeriesONE studio series. With the same accessories and hardware as the L1.4X studio fixture, the new SeriesONE L1.3X is an ideal complement to the L1.2X and L1.4X family of directional, soft lights. The new light was developed in response to existing component shortages and encouraged by the popularity of Brightline’s LED upgrade kit. Late last month, Brightline announced a retrofit package to upgrade its S1.2 and S1.4 fluorescent fixtures to LED lighting. With the DIY kit’s simple design, it takes minutes to start enjoying the energy savings of LED technology. A ‘How To’ video guides the customer through the step-by-step process. “Interest in our LED upgrade kit is intense,” said Kathy Katz, Co-Founder, Brightline. “The SeriesOne L1.3X has interchangeable features to the L1.4X. It’s a fantastic soft light with many of the same features and hardware as the L1.4X and S1.4D. And it’s available today.” Like others in the SeriesONE family, the L1.3X delivers improved performance, with a richer colour saturation of 97 CRI (colour rendering index) at 5600K colour temperature. Onboard DMX dimming control is standard, and users can even continue to use existing accessories such as a mounting yoke and hardware, power and DMX cables with pass-through connectors, light intensifier, and control screen, so there’s no need to buy replacements if accessories are already in place.
Emerging results of a program led by Associate Professor Jean Rattigan-Rohr appears in the Autumn/Winter 2011 volume of Dyslexia Review. Since 2008, Associate Professor Jean Rattigan-Rohr in the School of Education has led a course for college students studying to be teachers on how to effectively teach young children with difficulty reading. Her work caught the attention of a Switzerland foundation that has funded the expansion of the class and accompanying tutoring program to college campuses elsewhere in North Carolina and Oregon. How the program helps children, as well as its impact on the college students enrolled in the course, is the focus of research that Rohr and Assistant Professor He (Jane) Ye at UNC Greensboro published this fall in a British journal focused on dyslexia. Writing in Dyslexia Review: The Journal of the Dyslexia Guild, the two researchers found that children surveyed before and after taking part in the program developed a stronger recognition of the importance of reading for their futures. As for the college students, pre- and post-course surveys showed the growth of appreciation for the roles parents play in helping students overcome their reading struggles. “The pre-service teachers under consideration came to realize that if they are to truly understand how to teach children to read they must move beyond their content knowledge, reading theories, and pedagogical knowledge to a space where they are forced to work closely with children who find reading daunting,” the authors write. “They must also collaborate with others in the ‘village.’ These others can be classroom teachers, parents, librarians and teacher educators. Rohr started the “It Takes a Village” program as part of her teaching struggling readers class. Elon students enrolled in the course joined with local elementary school children as part of the curriculum. The Elon students spend the first half of the semester in the classroom before they traveled once a week to the May Memorial Library in downtown Burlington to meet with their young pupils. The class concludes each year with a reception at Barnes & Noble in Alamance Crossing, where the college students helped their younger charges select up to $50 of books to take home at no cost to the families. The course provides teacher candidates a chance to test theories taught in their own classrooms, and it gives them time to work with parents, including some who don’t speak English. Together, the education majors, Rohr and interpreters diagnose reading challenges and help the children overcome those hurdles, while showing parents what to do at home during the week. The Switzerland-based Oak Foundation took note of the initial success and awarded Rohr a $200,000 grant last year to replicate the reading program through partnerships with UNC Greensboro and Concordia University in Portland, Ore. “We are suggesting a fresh new look at involving parents in this effort as we encourage pre-service and novice teachers to ally themselves with parents in the education of children,” Rohr and He write in their conclusion. “We know parents are more than willing to seek assistance and work with their children when given an opportunity to do so. We see them at the doorsteps of our practice week after week.” The article is not currently available online.
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Boats are the ultimate expression of fun in the sun! Want more out of life? Get a boat! Owning a sport boat is an exhilarating experience. It's a vessel that offers endless possibilities for entertainment and adventure. Whether you're out on the water with family and friends, participating in water sports, or just cruising along, the benefits of owning a sport boat are numerous. For starters, sport boats provide an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. When you're out on the water, the only thing that matters is the present moment. The feeling of the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair, and the sound of the waves beneath you is genuinely therapeutic. Additionally, owning a sport boat allows you to explore new places and see things differently. You can take your boat to various lakes, rivers, and even coastal areas to experience the beauty of nature from a unique angle. Another benefit of owning a sport boat is participating in water sports. Whether it's wakeboarding, waterskiing, or tubing, there's something for everyone. These activities are not only fun, but they also provide a great workout. Lastly, owning a sport boat is a great way to create memories with family and friends. Spending time together on the water creates a bond that is hard to replicate elsewhere. From fishing trips to weekend getaways, the possibilities are endless. In conclusion, owning a sport boat is an investment in your happiness and well-being. The benefits of owning one are numerous, and the memories you create will last a lifetime. EMC Design supports Big Wave Boats with design and marketing efforts to help grow an industry and a small business to propel the FUN factor and bring sunshine to those who don't know what boating life really is!!
Gift flowers should be chosen to depict a message with the sender's kansei and are bound by nature of flowers and social manners, to maintain social relationship between the sender and the recipient. Few buyers, but most florists, have expert knowledge of the flowering time, scent, price, and nature of each flower, and are experts in arranging flowers that meet a given purpose. The purpose of this paper is to incorporate handling constraints into the inference process of a kansei engineering system. The paper collected the expert knowledge concerning nature of flowers, composing flower arrangements and social manners on gifts from specialists of flower arrangements including a florist and special books. At the same time, kansei evaluation experiments on the kinds of flowers and colors were conducted. The expertise and the results of kansei experiments were organized into a flower database and inference rules for choice of a main flower, arrangement shapes and combination flowers. The rules were implemented as server‐side programs. Users input information about the recipient, purpose of the arrangement and purchase information using a web browser. The system outputs a solution; a list of main flowers, combination flowers, greens and the shape of arrangement. Traditional kansei engineering studies revealed the relationships between design elements and kansei with developing new analyzing methods. Different constraints come into the actual product design and manufacturing should be integrated with findings obtained from the kansei evaluation to successfully utilize kansei engineering for product development. The inference rules will be able to tell the reasons for choosing the main‐ and combination flowers and arrangement shapes to satisfy the customers. The proposed system suggests the original arrangement of flowers unlike most online florists selling ready‐made arrangements. The paper shows a solution to incorporate different constraints underlying in a real production process into the inference process based on the result of kansei analysis. Ishihara, K., Nakagawa, R., Ishihara, S. and Nagamachi, M. (2008), "An e‐commerce site for gift flower arrangements that fit Emerald Group Publishing Limited Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Emergency Lights, Buy America Compliant (BAA), Surface/Wall Mount Products (53 items) Emergency Lights | Buy UL listed emergency lighting An emergency light is a lighting device with a battery backup that switches on automatically when a building experiences a power outage. Emergency lights are standard in commercial and high occupancy residential buildings, such as college dormitories. Most building codes require emergency lighting be installed in older buildings as well. Assembled In America exit signs & emergency lights Products displaying an 'Assembled in the USA' label will contain a percentage of imported components but will be physically assembled in America and are compliant with the Buy American Act (BAA). The FTC states that Assembled in America products must have undergone a significant transformation on American soil. Exit signs & emergency lights that are surface mountable are typically one sided and have a back plate that can be connected directly to a wall or flat surface. Please call us at 763-292-5485 to speak with an expert, or email firstname.lastname@example.org to receive a quote.
Are you planning to give your kitchen a makeover? Kitchen renovations can be both exciting and daunting. It's essential to keep in mind why you want to remodel in order to keep the project from getting out of hand. Are you looking to improve the value of your home? Make the kitchen more usable? Increase storage space or replace old, worn-out cabinets? When it comes to selecting the right appliances for your Sears kitchen renovation, there are a few tips to bear in mind. To begin with, consider the size of your kitchen. If you have a small kitchen, you'll want to choose appliances that are compact and efficient. If you have a larger kitchen, you can opt for larger appliances that will provide more features and functionality. Next, think about your budget. Appliances can be costly, so it's important to set a budget and stick to it. You may also want to consider energy-efficient appliances, as they can help you save money on your energy bills in the long run. Finally, contemplate the style of your kitchen. Do you prefer modern or traditional? Are there any specific colors or finishes that you would like to incorporate into your design? Taking the time to think about these details will help ensure that your new appliances fit in with the overall look and feel of your kitchen. Choosing the right appliances for your Sears kitchen renovation doesn't have to be difficult. By keeping these tips in mind, you can find the perfect appliances for your space and budget.
Welcome to the Robot Age In the October 2018 issue of Architectural Digest - Discoveries Architecture: "Welcome to the Robot Age" article, by Stephen Wallis, the promise of 3-D printing habitable housing, on demand, in virtually any location is becoming a reality. New Story's 3-D Printed Prototype for Shelter in the Developing World "For the past several years, talk of 3-D printing revolutionizing the way we build has been mostly just that - talk. But the promise of printing a habitable house, on demand, in virtually any location, is becoming a reality." “Cutting costs, saving time, and eliminating waste, the 3-D printed house has officially arrived". Welcome to the 3-D Print Race "Around the globe, teams of architects, engineers and entrepreneurs have developed robotic arms capable of producing walls for a small home in as little as 24 hours, with essentially zero waste and for a fraction of traditional construction costs. Competing to develop the top technology, industry players are now engaged in a space race of sorts - literally so, in some cases, with NASA funding research for printing habitats beyond our planet." "At Austin's South by Southwest festival this past March, the San Francisco based non profit New Story presented a 350 square foot prototype of the low cost homes it proposes to build across the developing world. During Milan's Design Week, architect Massimiliano Locatelli debuted a 1,100 square foot residence of a decidedly more luxurious sort, with elegantly plastered interior walls, brass details, and stylish furnishings. Both of these projects utilized similar technology in which robotic arms extruded a layer of a concrete mixture that hardened into solid walls." With the unveiling of the first two 3-D printed homes, this new form of construction could not only lead to a cost effective means to provide those without adequate shelter a place to call home but also provide architects, engineers and designers the potential to create new forms outside of the realm of traditional building materials. Wallis, Stephen. “Discoveries Architecture - Welcome the Robot Age.” Architectural Digest , 1 Oct. 2018, pp. 66–68.
For our 30th Anniversary Special Edition issue, we picked the 30 films from the last 30 years that have defined Empire’s lifetime, but some favourites didn’t quite make the cut. Ian Freer argues the case for Schindler’s List. On the surface, it seems obvious why Schindler’s List didn’t own the 1993 cover in Empire’s list of the 30 films of our lifetime. ’93 was, of course, Steven Spielberg’s annus miraculous, producing the double whammy of Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List in the same twelve months – given that, it is perhaps a no brainer the team plumped for the populist (Jurassic) over the powerful (Schindler’s) in Spielberg’s stellar year. Arriving in February 1994 in the UK (and therefore pipped to the post in the final 30 list by The Shawshank Redemption), even more dumbfounding is that Spielberg’s masterpiece lost out on a cover to the Julia Roberts-starring John Grisham potboiler The Pelican Brief at the time of release. The most important film by the world’s greatest filmmaker was no match for Denzel Washington in a hoodie. To be fair to Team Empire in 1994, Schindler’s List represented the most uncommercial prospect imaginable. A 197-minute, black and white deep dive into the darkest recesses of human history (the Holocaust) with no stars is not designed to fly off the shelf at WH Smith. The result proved surprisingly engaging ($322 million worldwide and seven Academy Awards, Spielberg’s biggest ever Oscar haul) but the audience silence during the end credits said so much more than the stats. Much was made that it was Spielberg’s first grown up film; it wasn’t, he had been dealing with adult themes through his television days to his first feature The Sugarland Express to The Color Purple. What was new, however, was a commitment to the subject matter. Directing without many of his crutches (storyboards, a crane shot), Spielberg had never been so fiercely engaged, urgently looking to preserve Holocaust history as a way of safeguarding the lessons of the past to act as warnings for the future. Spielberg understood every frame intellectually, felt every beat emotionally and his depth of passion courses through the film. Detailing Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson)’s transition from ruthless industrialist to saviour of 1100 Jews by turning his munitions factory into a safe haven from the Nazis, the result presents, time and again, sequences you will never forget; the joie de vivre as Schindler woos Nazi officials with wine, women and song (‘Funiculì, Funiculà’); the sustained, searing intensity of the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto; the journey of the girl in the red dress (Oliwia Dabrowksa, whom Empire’s Nick de Semlyen assiduously tracked down for a feature in 2006 – she was then studying at music school); the snowfall that isn’t snowfall that marks the step-up in Nazi atrocities; the Schindler women being herded to their seeming death in a shower. The last time I saw it on the big screen was in January on International Holocaust Day. I was struck by how, for a three hour plus running time, there isn’t a moment wasted, how there’s a briskness and vitality you don’t usually associate with ‘Academy Award Epics’. It’s also a film full of great faces and small detail; Jews hurriedly stuffing family valuables into bread and swallowing them, women rubbing blood into their checks to look healthier and avoid execution, kids hiding in tubs of shit to avoid detection. Few films have more tangible texture around such uncomfortable subject matter. When I interviewed Spielberg for Ready Player One, he revealed he deeply resented working on the VFX of Jurassic Park during the evenings of Schindler’s shoot in Poland because it was tearing him way from thinking about the matter in hand (“I’ve never said that before,” he admitted). A reflection of his own grappling with his Jewish heritage, Spielberg understood every frame intellectually, felt every beat emotionally and his depth of passion courses through the film. Some things go way beyond velociraptors. Schindler’s List’s legacy runs from the creation of the USC Shoah Foundation, which has documented 55,000 Holocaust survivors’ testimony, to its use as a teaching aid in German schools – it’s a prism through which to re-examine that oft-shunned period of history. With xenophobic and racist rhetoric on the rise again, Spielberg’s emphatic reconstruction of the systematic slaughter of European Jews has never been more resonant. Schindler’s List is his magnum opus, the film from Empire’s lifetime that for me cuts the deepest, lingers the longest. The film with the prison and the pin-up is terrific, but personally, there’s no contest. Read Empire's list of the 30 films that define the last 30 years. READ MORE: The One That Got Away – True Romance
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Mixed-use property in great location. Ground level has 2800 sq.ft. retail store with two apartments above. Apartments are 2 and 3 bedrooms. Building in great condition, only 10 years old. Separate utilities. Fully Leased. For ADA assistance, please email firstname.lastname@example.org. If you experience difficulty in accessing any part of this website, email us, and we will work with you to provide the information you seek through an alternate communication method.
Google is a search engine developed by Google Inc. It was launched in 1997 as a search engine for documents on the Internet and was an idea of two PhD students of the Stanford University (Larry Page and Sergey Brin). Google was succesful because of it’s minimal design and mostly because of the more effective algorithm, it simply offered the most relevant search results. Google is still earning most of the profit via Google ads and made use of the cashflow and invested in other services, such as YouTube and the Android platform. Organisations still need Google if they want their website to be found on the Internet and this is possible without investing in Google ads. Websites which have been optimized for Search Engines (SEO) can be found by simply searching for the terms used on the website. Google Analytics offers insights into the traffic to the website. Organisations often outsource SEO and this makes sense as it can be quite complicated. We do help organisations with the development of websites and SEO. Feel free to give us a a call at +3120 89 34 347 or schedule a call with one of our experts. Google still owns the most popular Search Engine, but also the most popular video platform with YouTube and the most popular mobile operating system with Android. Google also provides services for organisations, such as an internal search engine and their Cloud services are popular within smaller organisations and startups. We’re expecting Google to remain an important player in the consumer market and we think that they will invest more into the Android platform as an enterprise solution. We also expect Google to acquire an Social network or develop their own as they did with Google +.
100% non-metallic, with protective toecap and midsole, Atlanta is comfortable and lightweight, it’s developed with innovative comfort materials including water repellent single knit upper, a shock absorbing dual density EVA nitrile rubber outsole and Activ-Step® PU anti-fatigue comfort footbed. Specification: EN ISO 20345:2011 S3 SRC - Upper: Water repellent single knit upper - Protective: Protective fibreglass toecap and composite anti-penetration flexi-midsole - Lining: Moisture wicking breathable mesh fabric lining - Outsole: Shock absorbing dual density EVA nitrile rubber outsole - Footbed: Activ-Step® PU anti-fatigue comfort footbed. |Our Price: £59.95(Inc. 20% VAT)(£49.96 Exc. VAT)| Brand: Rock Fall
Star Wars: The Mandalorian Mudhorn Signet Window Decal: Honor the epic battle that earned Din Djarin his mudhorn signet with this Star Wars: The Mandalorian Mudhorn Signet Window Decal! The graphic is partially see-through and diffuses the sun's rays to combine a cool and functional window wrap! DIY Installation. Automotive grade materials make it UV and water resistant. For window use only. Clean removability. It measures approximately 5 1/5-inches x 4 4/5-inches. Entertainment Earth, LLC. markets and sells products, including children's products, for purchase by adults 18 years and over. If any product you are ordering is intended for a child please assume all of the following warnings may apply to that product: WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD-Small parts. Not for children under 3 years. A message has been sent to with instructions to complete your password reset. For additional help, email us at [email protected] or call customer service at 818-255-0095. Please enter the e-mail address connected to your Entertainment Earth account in the field below. We will send you an e-mail with a link to reset your password.
When it makes sense to assist your customers to spend less instead of more. In the retail sector of the corporate real estate market, the landlord undertakes sophisticated analysis of consumer behavior, tracking purchase activity with loyalty programs, dwell-time through movement detectors, and now with advanced CCTV technology, the ability to monitor shopper eye movements to determine what attracts their attention. These activities are all undertaken by the landlord in order to enhance the value of their retail center and to ensure the retailer tenant perceives that their needs are being carefully considered, optimizing both rental income and tenant satisfaction. Although still only in its infancy, the relentless onslaught by the online economy is of real concern to retail property landlords and investors. With pressure applied to retailer margins by increased competition for the consumer dollar from the online marketplace, along with a general contraction in consumer spending since 2008, and the traditional challenges of labor and rising operational costs, retail tenants both small and large must pursue every efficiency in their operations in order to maintain profitability and sustain their business. Aside from providing an attractive retail center, the landlord is also a service provider to their tenants, delivering a range of services such as electricity and waste disposal thereby returning additional income to the landlord. With energy being one of their significant operational costs, it is natural for the retail tenant to investigate efficiency opportunities within their premises in order to reduce ongoing expenses. Herein lies a problem for the landlord: if the tenant undertakes efficiency measures that significantly reduce their energy spend, then there will be a reduction in ancillary revenue for the landlord. So why would the landlord want to assist the tenant to reduce the amount of energy they consume? This paradox was recently discussed with the managers of the largest and most advanced shopping malls in the southern hemisphere, who are actively working with their tenants to assist in the reduction of energy consumed in their premises. They are doing this by providing full service packages including led lighting upgrades, heating and cooling options, real time monitoring and analytics for their energy consumption. These packages can be applied to single store or rolled out to an entire retail chain and is all part of a holistic approach to delivering their tenants a valuable service for optimization of their operations. The first step in an efficiency upgrade is to know where the baseline is, and exactly how energy is being consumed within the retailer’s premises. Using a cloud hosted energy and operations monitoring platform is the fastest and most cost effective way to provide this valuable information to the retailer without requiring them to invest in any additional IT infrastructure. This platform also provides the landlord with valuable aggregate data on the energy performance of all of their tenants, as well as reliable data for end of month billing and a centralized repository for other center-wide operational statistics. Understanding tenancy energy use is the first step, but implementing the upgrade is where the landlord has the greatest opportunity to provide true value to their tenants. Empowered with an understanding of the energy consumption patterns and intensity, the landlord can offer bespoke efficiency projects that are tailored to the tenant’s individual requirements. Furthermore, with the benefit of their scale and experience, dedicated efficiency specialists within the landlord’s organization have the ability to design, source and implement energy saving projects with a greater likelihood of success and a higher certainty around results, and with the benefit of bulk purchasing, all at a cheaper cost. For example, the procurement of low energy LED lighting can be a process fraught with difficulty for a novice, as there is no shortage of sub-standard product available in the marketplace, and without a rigorous evaluation of many samples under a range of conditions, it is unlikely that the results of a lighting “upgrade” will live up to expectations. An individual retailer has neither the expertise nor the time to undertake the analysis, and this is where a proactive landlord can add value to the relationship, by leveraging their experience with hundreds or thousands of individual tenants to identify, implement and verify the savings from the optimal energy efficiency project for their tenant. The benefit to the tenants is obvious: a clear and measurable reduction in energy consumption achieved through the efficient application and management of proven strategies in a cost-effective and individually tailored package. But what is the benefit to the landlord? At first glance, by assisting the tenant to reduce their energy consumption, there will be an immediate reduction in revenue. This however is a very narrow interpretation of the relationship between both parties, and if adopting the same approach taken when optimizing the shopping experience to drive more revenue for their tenants, the landlord owns the entire process, ensuring not only the best result for their tenants, but also capitalizing on additional revenue opportunities through the efficiency projects, which would have been lost to other consultants and suppliers if the tenant undertakes these projects autonomously. By consistently offering their retail tenants the highest level of service, and collaborating to transparently deliver maximum productivity and profitability, the landlord will be recognized as a leader within the marketplace, which will be reflected in rental income and ultimately the maximization of their asset valuation, which should always be their fundamental goal. A further example of this new paradigm of less being more: energy utilities and retailers are now investigating this strategy as a value-add for their Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers, providing real time monitoring and analysis of the customer’s energy consumption with the view to reduce maximum demand, as peak load is one of the key challenges to maintaining a reliable and efficient supply and distribution network. Gareth Woodham is in business development NSW at Switch Automation.
Conor McGregor went from boxing rings to boxing a ring... The 32-year-old recently retired MMA fighter took to Instagram to share the sweet and special news that he's engaged to his longtime love, Dee Devlin. "What a birthday, my future wife," Conor captioned his post, alongside a selfie with his bride-to-be. In the photo, the couple looked over-the-moon excited over their next chapter. Plus, Dee showed off her massive emerald-cut diamond ring. The UFC World Champion's post was filled with sweet messages from his followers and friends. "Congratulations," Jenni "JWoww" Farley commented with heart-eyes emojis. Brittany Palmer responded, "Amazing!!! Congrats to you both." George Lockhart replied with three fire emojis, "Congrats!!!!!" As some fans know, Conor and Dee have been together for 12 years. The two began dating in 2008, just before the athlete skyrocketed to fame in the MMA world, and are now proud parents to two kids: 3-year-old Conor Jr. and 19-month-old daughter Croia. News of the pair's engagement also comes nearly two months after Conor announced his retirement for the third time in his career. "Hey guys I've decided to retire from fighting," the athlete began his Twitter post on Sunday, June 7. "Thank you all for the amazing memories! What a ride it's been! Here is a picture of myself and my mother in Las Vegas post one of my World title wins! Pick the home of your dreams Mags I love you! Whatever you desire it's yours." Last March, he shared a similar message with his fans about the future of his fighting career. "Hey guys quick announcement, I've decided to retire from the sport formally known as 'Mixed Martial Arts' today," he wrote at the time. "I wish all my old colleagues well going forward in competition. I now join my former partners on this venture, already in retirement. Proper Pina Coladas on me fellas!" With his retirement, that means Conor and Dee have plenty of time to plan their wedding together!
It is fair to say that not all escorts who works on this site are experienced. Hey, we all have to start somewhere no matter what our job is. Also, not every client is a good guy. Most are, but a number are assholes. Therefore it is important that an escort knows what they are doing from the word go, because if they don’t they could be in danger of getting ripped off, or maybe something even worse happening. This is why we are going to bring you a top quality guide on things you need to remember before and during any encounter. This should leave you in a better position to start your career. Here we go. Before You Start 1) Never use your own name. Some clients become obsessed so don’t give them any information about your real life. 2) Use a works mobile phone and not your personal one. You don’t want clients ringing you on your everyday one. As I said, some get obsessive. 3) Don’t carry personal information like bank cards or passports. This is another way of being identified. 1) Always get payment in advance. If you don’t, you may never see a penny. 2) Don’t accept payment by card or cheque. Clients can phone their bank and stop a payment which robs you of the cash. 3) Buy a pen checker to make sure the notes are real. Clients may take the piss and pay you with counterfeit ones. 4) Count the cash and don’t presume it is all there. 5) When a client pays you never put it with your other earnings as you don’t want to reveal to the client you have large amounts of cash in your property. During The Encounter 1) Never have unprotected sex, no matter how much extra clients offer you. It just isn’t worth it 2) Just because you have promised a service in advance doesn’t mean you have to go through with it. You can withdraw services at any time. 3) Don’t let clients overstay. It will become expected and not treated as a one off kind action. You will be making a rod for your own back. These are quite simple things, but they will keep you safe, not out of pocket, and the sessions done on your terms. Escorting is a fun job, but it can be tough. You have to look out for yourself, and there is often no-one to turn to because of the law. You are in charge of your own security and your own finances. Therefore it is imperative that you do it right. We hope this helped.
Quietly, the Missouri Tigers are atop the SEC East standings and control their destiny. This was supposed to be Georgia or South Carolina's division to lose, but thanks to some great play by the Tigers' defense in SEC play, Missouri is staring at back-to-back trips to the SEC championship game. It hasn't been very pretty when the Tigers have had the ball, but there's no denying that the defense has rebounded tremendously after giving up 241 rushing yards in that embarrassing home loss to Indiana. We all figured the Tigers wouldn't be very relevant in the SEC after that loss, and while the offense has actually gotten worse since that game, the defense has been one of the SEC's best. In five conference games since the Indiana game, the Tigers have allowed an average of 299.6 total yards of offense per game, good enough for second in the SEC in league play. The Tigers have actually allowed an SEC-low 3.99 yards per play against conference opponents. How's that rush defense that was so bad against the Hoosiers? Well, it's giving up a league-low 2.9 yards per rush and is second in the conference allowing 121.6 yards in SEC play. Mizzou has forced only eight turnovers during that span, but according to ESPN Stats & Information, teams are scoring on just 24.2 percent of their drives against the Tigers and are punting on 50 percent of them. Yes, all of that occurred during a stretch that involved a crushing 34-0 loss to Georgia at home. “I don’t think there’s anything magical there," coach Gary Pinkel said of Mizzou's defensive improvements. "I think we stay positive and we always focus on getting better in practice. The experience of playing over and over again -- game in and game out against good competition -- either makes you better or worse and it’s made us a better football team.” While Mizzou's offense went from averaging 430 yards in nonconference play to a paltry 250.2 yards of offense and a league-low 4.05 yards per play against SEC teams, the defense has been there to pick up the pieces. The last time Mizzou's defense was on the field, it dominated Kentucky's improved Air Raid offense, holding the Wildcats to just 260 yards and allowing quarterback Patrick Towles to throw for just 158 yards. In a year in which most of the attention was supposed to be paid to the offense, Mizzou's defense has carried the Tigers to the top of the East. Instead of Maty Mauk leading this team with his arm, it has been defensive end Shane Ray leading the team with his freakish ability to harass quarterbacks just about every time he puts his hand in the ground. The redshirt junior leads the SEC with 12 sacks, a school record, and 16 tackles for loss. He has five multi-sack games this year. As a team, Mizzou is near the top of the SEC with 31 sacks and 69 tackles for loss. The pass-rush led by Ray and senior Markus Golden has guided that, but the Tigers are also getting better play inside, especially from nose guard Harold Brantley, who has four sacks this season. “We have more guys making plays," Pinkel said. All that remains for Mizzou are three games against SEC opponents -- Texas A&M, Tennessee and Arkansas -- that have a combined conference record of 4-12. The road to Atlanta is firmly in the hands of the Tigers, but that first stop at A&M will be interesting for the defense. The Aggies just dismantled Auburn's struggling defense for 453 yards, 277 passing yards and four touchdowns from new starting quarterback Kyle Allen. Both teams provide difficult matchups for each other, but A&M coach Kevin Sumlin understands he has a much more difficult challenge this weekend than what he saw on the Plains. “They’re one of the top defenses in our league, and it’s because of scheme and because of talent and how they play," Sumlin said. The offense might not exactly be pulling its weight right now, but the defense has been outstanding. The offense will have to get better if the Tigers want to get through the next three games unscathed, but the defense doesn't appear to have a problem with shouldering most of the responsibility.
Payments for Workshops We recognise men have differing financial circumstances. If money is a problem contact us as there are a number of financial support and sponsorship opportunities available. Men on the Mountain This is a chance to look to our expansion as we head towards summer and longer days. We can stretch our legs walking on the mountain or relax on the deck of the lodge. This is a chance to enjoy some time away from our busy lives in a beautiful setting in the spirit of GOTC and Heartbeat. Register here for Men on the Mountain
Ncuti Gatwa will replace Jodie Whittaker as the 14th Time Lord in cult BBC series Doctor Who. British actor Ncuti Gatwa, who made a name for himself in the Netflix hit series 'Sex Education,’ will become the first black actor to play the lead character in the BBC's cult science fiction series "Doctor Who," the British television channel announced on Sunday. The 29-year-old actor who was born in Rwanda and raised in Scotland will become the 14th Time Lord in 2023, when the series celebrates its 60th anniversary. He will be succeeding British actress Jodie Whittaker, who was the first woman to play the galaxy-hopping, extraterrestrial character who regenerates into new bodies. “This role and show mean so much to so many around the world, including myself,” Ncuti Gatwa said in a press release, “and each one of my incredibly talented predecessors has handled that unique responsibility and privilege with the utmost care. I will endeavour my utmost to do the same.” Jodie Whittaker herself had taken over in 2017 from Scottish actor Peter Capaldi before announcing her departure in July 2021. Who is Ncuti Gatwa? Star of stage and screen Gatwa, whose first name is pronounced 'SHOO-tee, is best known for his critically-acclaimed performance in ‘Sex Education’ as the iconic Eric Effiong. He was awarded Best Actor award at the Scottish BAFTAs in 2020 as well as numerous nominations, including Best Male Comedy Performance at this year’s British Academy Television Awards in London. “There aren’t quite the words to describe how I’m feeling,” he declared this weekend on the BAFTA ceremony red carpet. “A mix of deeply honoured, beyond excited and of course a little bit scared. Unlike the Doctor, I may only have one heart, but I am giving it all to this show.” The news finally becoming official was a relief for the actor who could finally reveal the big secret he has been keeping since February. Gatwa’s acting career started in 2014 in 'Bob Servant', a sitcom based in Dundee, Scotland, where he played a brief role. The public may have also seen him in the BBC miniseries ‘Stonemouth’, or at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre playing Midsummer Night’s Dream’s Demetrius in 2016. Doctor Who, an emblematic role The original run of ‘Doctor Who’ spanned 1963 to 1989. Since the show was revived in 2005, the Doctor has been played by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith, in addition to Capaldi and Whittaker. Other stars, like Karen Gillan and Billie Piper, have made their names on the show as the Doctor's “companion.” "Sometimes talent walks through the door and it’s so bright and bold and brilliant, I just stand back in awe and thank my lucky stars," returning showrunner Russell T Davies said in the broadcaster's release. “Ncuti dazzled us, seized hold of the Doctor and owned those TARDIS keys in seconds.” In addition to seeing the start of Gatwa's tenure, next year also marks Davies' return to “Doctor Who” after more than a decade's absence. “Russell T Davies is almost as iconic as the Doctor himself and being able to work with him is a dream come true,” Gatwa said. The writer and producer ran the reboot until 2009, and has worked on shows like “A Very English Scandal” and “It's A Sin” in the interim. Speaking to The Associated Press, Davies promised a “spectacular” 2023. Although still popular, in recent years the series has seen its ratings dwindle, particularly in the UK, according to specialised media CosmicBookNews. Gatwa will be the first black actor to take the lead role of the quintessential British sci-fi show, but he won’t be the first black actor to play an incarnation of the Doctor — actor Jo Martin played “Fugitive Doctor” in several episodes of season 12.
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If You Test Positive Stay Home and Avoid Contact With Others If you live with other people, separate yourself from them as much as you can. Wear an acceptable and well-fitting mask or face covering at all times when you are around other people. If you test positive, you are required to isolate until you are no longer infectious, regardless of your vaccination status. Review the CDC guidelines for Isolation timeframe. If you test positive, it is your responsibility to identify and communicate with individuals who have spent 15 minutes or more with you over a 24-hour period and were within 6 feet of you up to two days before your first symptom(s) developed. You can advise them to follow the instructions for quarantining found within CDC guidelines for quarantine and isolation. Contact tracing helps others get tested or quarantine as they could begin infecting others. Do not go out except to get tested or for essential medical care that cannot be rescheduled. If you must go out, wear a mask. When traveling to any healthcare facility, call ahead (including pharmacies). Do not use public transportation or ride sharing. You are not permitted to enter UE buildings or participate in UE-sponsored in-person activities. Do not go to in-person classes or work. If you are in quarantine (with symptoms) or isolating (because you tested positive), communicate your absence from in-person classes or work. - All Students: Complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. You should notify your instructors that you will not be attending in-person classes due to illness. Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may be out of class for that period of time. You are still responsible for any work during that time. You are responsible for making up any missed work. Keep your faculty member updated on your health in case things improve (and you can end isolation) or you start to feel worse. Call the Health Center if your symptoms worsen and you need additional support. - Employees: Please follow your department’s standard call out procedures. Complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. You should notify your supervisor that you will not be attending in-person work due to illness and submit sick time as usual. (COVID-19 sick time is no longer a separate sick time category.) Your isolation time period will possibly be 5-10 days, meaning you may not be in-person for that period of time. Consider discussing working remotely (if possible for your responsibilities and if your symptoms are mild enough to do so). Students in on-campus housing who test positive should review our Quarantine and Isolation on Campus page if they have questions about meals, mail and packages, academics, services, and more. Seek Medical Care, If You Need It - Students can schedule a virtual appointment at the UE Health Center or call 812-488-2033 and ask to speak with a nurse. - Employees should contact their healthcare provider or the UE Health Center by calling 812-488-2033. - If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.
This website is only available in Dutch at the moment. On a corner in peaceful Evere lies community centre Everna. Everna offers a wide range of services. Each season, our team enthusiastically provides an offer that not only appeals to young children, but also to teenagers, adults and seniors. The programme includes many courses, but also individual activities and longer-term projects. Do you have an activity of your own, but no room? Then you can also rent a room in Everna. Our door is always open. We are happy to listen to your questions and inform you about the neighbourhood. Everna is a Dutch-speaking centre, but anyone who speaks another language is more than welcome. In our open house, meeting, development and creativity are key. Everna is your home and it is our mission to turn your free time into a beautiful moment. In de kijker Wil je ons magazine nog ontvangen? Start inschrijvingen cursussen! Les inscriptions à nos cours commencent bientôt. Veuillez noter le 16 août (pour les adultes) et/ou le 4 septembre (pour les enfants) dans vos agendas.
The latest addition to Kia’s lineup, the 2017 Niro, is a compact wagon-style hybrid that seats five and is capable of an EPA-estimated 50 mpg. The most surprising thing about the Niro, however, isn’t its miles per gallon – it’s how “normal” this little hybrid crossover is. Aaron is an automotive journalist living in Wyoming, USA. His background includes technology, mechanics, commercial vehicles, and new vehicle evaluations. Aaron is a member of several automotive media groups and writes for many well-known publications.
|Place of Origin:||Korea| |Model Number:||SY215-8 K3V1123| |Minimum Order Quantity:||1 piece| |Packaging Details:||standard wooden or plywood| |Delivery Time:||2-3 days| |Payment Terms:||T/T,Western Union,Money Gram, L/C, D/A, D/P| |Supply Ability:||800pcs Per Month| |Part Name:||Excavator Hydraulic Pump||Model:||SY215-8 K3V1123| |Condition:||100%new,durable||Packing Details:||Paper And Wooden Packing| |Fuel:||Hydraulic Oil||Shipment:||By Sea,by Air,express Or Required| |Packing:||Standard Plywood Or Customized||Service:||24 Hours Online| |Advantage:||Factory Price||Special Service:||OEM ODM| hydraulic gear pump, hydraulic pump repair kit |Place of origin||Guangzhou,China| |Part name||Excavator Hydraulic Pump| |packing||standard plywood,paper or required| |shipment||by sea,by air,express or require| Lianyungang Tai Ming Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd loes in the international area,Lianyungang District,Jiangsu,China,which is a wholesale and retail all kinds of imported excavator hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motor, and other excavator spare parts,we are the professional dealers. Based on the service of "Customer's Interest is Always Above Everything", we provide high quality products, reasonable price and professional service to our customers. At the same time, a multi-function and high efficiency hydraulic pumps/ motors computer comprehensive test is provided to test and repair various types of imported and domestic hydraulic pumps/ motors. And we have a group of professional technical engineers engaged in the sale and maintenance of hydraulic pumps/motors.In many years of practice,we have accumulated rich experience, and won the trust and praise of customers at home and abroad for the trouble shooting, technical consultation, hydraulic engineering transformation, spare parts supply,fast and high-quality after-sales service in various kinds of hydraulic pumps/ motors work. Our company's systems are flexible and we enjoy a good reputation.Last but not least,we offer thoughtful service,reliable products,using our "professional and sincere attitude" to win your satisfaction, warmly welcome to inquiry. Why Choose Us: 1) We have our own factory loed in Shandong. 2) Quality and delivery under control :we have a group of professional technical engineers engaged in the sale and maintenance of our products. 3) Quick response within 24 hours. 4) Small order allowed. 5) Original packing, neutral packing or customized packing : standard plywood package as usual. 6) Our price is very competitive compared with other suppliers' : we can give you our best price according to your requirement. 7) If you only can supply the part No. No problem, just send me the part number, I will give you the right products. We have a good system about part No. 8) More than 10 years of professional manufacture experience : there are 6 departments in our company,including production department,technical engineers department,inspection department,accountant department,sales department and aftersale-service department. 9) We get SGS certifie recognition. 10) Quickly delivery time : 2-3 days is available.
Reference no: EM13862489 Debt with Detachable Stock Warrants Respond to the following. Submit journal entries in a table in MS Word and written segments in the same Word document. Do not submit two separate documents, as only one document can be accepted. For written answers, please make sure your responses are well written, formatted per the APA Requirements and have proper citations, if applicable. Companies typically practice financing strategy whereby they incur long-term debt with an arrangement for lenders to receive an option to buy common stock during all or a portion of the time the debt is outstanding. In some situations, companies issue convertible bonds. In others, the debt instruments and the warrants to buy stock are separate. In the latter scenario, this is detachable stock warrants. a. Explain the differences that exist in current accounting for original proceeds of the issuance of convertible bonds and debt instruments with detachable warrants to purchase common stock. b. Explain the underlying rationale for the differences described in Requirement 1a. c. Summarize the arguments for the alternative accounting treatment. 2. At the start of the year, Triple T Company issued $6 million of 7% notes along with warrants to buy 400,000 shares of its $10 par value common stock at $18 per share. The notes mature over the next 10 years, starting one year from date of issuance, with annual maturities of $600,000. At the time, Triple T had 3,200,000 shares of common stock outstanding, and the market price was $23 per share. The company received $6,680,000 for the notes and the warrants. For Triple T, 7% was a relatively low borrowing rate. If offered alone, at this time, the notes would have been issued at a 20 to 24% discount. Prepare journal entries for the issuance of the notes and warrants for the cash consideration received. Notes would have been issued at a 20% to 24% discount.
SEATTLE – SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 – ExtraHop, the leader in cloud-native network detection and response, today announced Reveal(x) has been selected as the three-time winner of the "Best AI-based Solution for CyberSecurity" award from AI Breakthrough, a leading market intelligence platform that recognizes the top companies, technologies, and products in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. AI Breakthrough evaluated over 2,000 nominations from companies all over the world based on a variety of criteria, including innovation, performance, ease of use, and impact, with the ultimate goal of recognizing the technologies and companies that break through the crowded AI market. Reveal(x) was recognized for its dynamic and inventive approach to securing the hybrid enterprise with cloud-scale machine learning. "Reveal(x) 360 is built with the vision of enabling security teams to focus only on what matters, without the noise. That's why our machine learning was built in the cloud, for the cloud–providing customers with the high-fidelity detections needed to keep their business secure," said Bryce Hein, Chief Marketing Officer at ExtraHop. "We're proud to be recognized once again for our leading-edge approach to arming customers with the real-time threat detection and response they need to secure their increasingly hybrid cloud and distributed environments." At the core of ExtraHop Reveal(x) is a unique approach that applies cloud-based machine learning to all network traffic to provide complete visibility, real-time threat detection, and intelligent response that helps security practitioners investigate threats, ensure the delivery of critical applications, and protect their investment in the cloud. With the recently introduced Reveal(x) 360, ExtraHop now offers the power of network detection and response in a fully hosted SaaS solution for ease of use and rapid time to value. To learn more about ExtraHop's approach to machine learning, visit: https://www.extrahop.com/products/machine-learning/. For more information about the AI Breakthrough Awards, visit: https://aibreakthroughawards.com/
In the mid-1980s, Flight Simulator was one of the biggest PC titles in the business -- and Microsoft is gearing up to launch the beta for Flight Simulator 2020, a game that surprised pretty much everyone by existing when Microsoft first announced it a year ago. The new beta version of the game is scheduled to drop on July 30(Opens in a new window). Current alpha testers will be granted automatic access, while the company is also preparing a new wave of beta invites. Access to the beta is handled through the Xbox Insider program, which you can sign up for here(Opens in a new window). If you haven't seen what the next version of Flight Simulator is going to look like, or you can't figure out why anyone would pay to fly commercial and hobbyist planes from A to B, check out the launch video below. The last flight simulator I seriously played was Falcon 3.0 in 1991, so I can't exactly call myself a giant fan of the genre, but the cockpits and visuals of Flight Simulator are almost enough to make me reconsider. Flight Simulator is actually the oldest franchise Microsoft owns, predating even Microsoft Windows. Originally created by Bruce Atwick in 1977, it was licensed by Microsoft for the IBM PC with CGA graphics in 1982. This version of the program became known as Flight Simulator 1.0, and became part of the standard test suite for evaluating whether PCs were truly "IBM Compatible." As some of our older readers may recall, in the early days of the clone PC market the degree of compatibility with software written specifically for IBM's PC products could be... dicey. There were a number of applications that didn't run properly on some of the early IBM clones, due to what Atwick described as a "bug in one of Intel's chips." Of the early clone manufacturers, Compaq was virtually the only one who could deliver true compatibility. Unlike other manufacturers, Compaq reverse-engineered IBM's BIOS and wrote a clean-room design to be compatible with it. Customers obviously had a vested interest in ensuring the IBM software they'd previously purchased would run on a so-called "IBM Compatible," and the industry developed two unofficial tests for verifying backward compatibility: Lotus 1-2-3 and Flight Simulator. If your computer could run both of these applications well, it could handle anything else (at least, that was the thinking). Flight Simulator 2020 is the first new version of the game since 2006, so the visuals are definitely getting something of an upgrade. The game is currently slated for a late 2020 release, with no firmer date available.Now Read:
What are you focused on for your business? Do you have your sights set on improving efficiency, and making sure your business is running like a well-oiled machine? That’s a great goal, but is there a downside to constantly striving toward greater efficiency? There could be: according to some experts, efficiency might just be one of the enemies of innovation. Let’s look at why, how a return to creativity could boost your business by making you more innovative, and how you can inject some of that important creative thinking back into your work. Efficiency Vs Innovation According to Investopedia, “The term efficiency refers to the peak level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of output. Efficiency requires reducing the number of unnecessary resources used to produce a given output, including personal time and energy.” Sounds pretty austere, but many business owners do get caught up in the importance of speeding up processes, eliminating waste, improving quality, reducing costs, and generally pleasing customers, and embrace this way of thinking. Now, we’re not saying that those things aren’t important, but really consider what it means to be efficient: according to the business definition of efficiency, you’ll have to limit the time and energy put into processes in order to truly be efficient. And what is something that takes time and energy? Innovation – creating new products, services, or ways of doing things. Innovating also means trying things that don’t work, and that looks wasteful – and who likes waste? But creativity is messy, and can’t be reduced to inputs and outputs, or given limited space to grow. And creativity, and the innovation it breeds, could end up making all the difference in your efforts to separate yourself from the rest of the crowd, and ultimately grow. The Importance of Creativity Sure, the time and energy you put into experimenting and working towards innovation will have an uncertain future payback. In addition, cutting back on anything can have short-term payouts, making it tempting to work on improving current products and systems rather than finding new ones. But if you’re putting in less you could ultimately end up getting less back, right. So you might want to consider taking some time to prioritize creativity and innovation over efficiency. Why specifically? Because: - Your business’ survival could depend on it – Think of it this way, no matter how efficient business’ producing encyclopedias became, they were always going to be killed off by innovations like Wikipedia. Or if you’re running a taxi company, you can tweak your day-to-day operations, but that won’t protect you from ride-sharing apps. The takeaway: you can improve your current product, service, or way of doing things with as much efficiency as you like, but it’s the businesses that take chances and innovate that could ultimately end up on top. - You’ll get a competitive advantage – Your business might not become the victim of such extreme examples as above, but at the very least, you’ll probably end up with a product or service that is overlooked because it’s old and just part of the routine. If you’ve got something new, you’ll get more attention, and will probably be able to command higher prices. - You’ll have more engaged employees, and a better talent pool to choose from – Nobody likes to do the same old thing every day, and no one wants to see their talent and creativity go to waste in a stale environment. Not only that, but nobody wants to be treated like a machine that is constantly being told to work more efficiently! So, being known as an innovator will mean you’ll get a better pool of applicants to choose from, and your current employees will be energized by a creative work environment. That could make them more productive, without you having to resort to the austerity of focusing solely on efficiency. - You might just learn something! – Striving for efficiency might teach you how to cut back or increase output, but it probably won’t teach you much about what works and doesn’t in your industry, or what customers want. Working towards innovation and being creative, on the other hand, means experimenting, showing early-stage products/services to customers and gauging their reactions, trying to solve real problems, and yes, getting things wrong – but getting things wrong is a great way to learn how to get things right! Slow Down and Get Creative! Again, we’re not knocking efficiency: you’ve got to get things done, after all, and some things should be done quickly and with less waste. But, with that being said, sometimes to be truly effective, you’ll have to reduce the pressure to be so efficient, slow down, and try a little creativity and innovation. But if you’re wondering how to foster more creativity and innovation in your business, don’t worry – there are actually some pretty simple things you can do to get the ball rolling: Give yourself space and time What’s one major way we’ve managed to cram more efficiency into our working lives? By being connected All. The. Time. It seems like we can’t even wait in line for coffee without firing off a bunch of emails, or commute without jumping in on a conference call. And while we might think we’re making the most of our time this way, are we really? This ruthless efficiency with our time is actually taking away the space for thinking, reflecting, and generating ideas, so try to resist the urge to be plugged in all the time. It’s tough, we know, but don’t worry: those emails can wait. Seek out difference You and your team are totally on the same page, right? You know exactly how each of you wants things done, you’ve got the same knowledge base, and you’re working towards the same goals. Great for efficiency, but maybe not for creativity, so go out of your way to connect with new people who don’t share the same exact experience and views as you. They might work in different industries, spend their time in different places with types of people, or think differently than you do – and all of these differences could spur you to think in new ways. Get out of the office Yes, we know, it’s hard to think that you can work efficiently anywhere but at a desk in an office, but being in that kind of space all day can really numb your mind. We’re not saying you have to immediately jump into holding meetings at the beach or on a forest path, but don’t be afraid to change up where you do your work, and where you consult with your team. A change of scenery could be just what you need for inspiration! But, of course, don’t forget to go to the beach, the forest, the park, or wherever inspires you and feeds your brain, instead of dulls it. In addition, getting out of the office in other ways could also help you be more creative. Take classes, go away for the weekend to a new place, or ride your bike during the day. Getting out of your same-old daily routine can be invigorating, and can wake up your brain and get those creative juices flowing. Inject more creativity into your own life Creativity isn’t always easy to just switch on. You’ve got to feed it. And a great way to make sure you can be creative in your working life is to find creative pursuits that interest you in your personal life. That doesn’t mean you have to all of a sudden become a painter or a concert pianist: you can do photography right on your phone, take a dance class, or even learn a new language. And get this: according to a study in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, different expressions of creativity can build your creative muscle and actually make your brain more efficient! Get your zzzz’s As we talked about earlier, we often think that being efficient means using every minute of our time, and that means staying up late to get things done, and/or getting up at the crack of dawn to clear our inboxes. But missing out on sleep means your brain won’t be functioning at peak performance. In fact, research published in Trends in Creative Sciences Journal suggests resting boosts creative problem solving, and that’s probably more important to your business than shooting off a few extra emails. Efficiency versus innovation: it’s a tough choice, right? It doesn’t have to be: remember that fable about the tortoise and the hare? If you were going to take that story and apply it to your business, the moral would be that sometimes you have to go slow to get ahead, or even to go fast. Pressure to speed up and be more efficient could end up burning you out, and won’t necessarily move you forward, while creativity (even with the little bit of mess it can leave behind) might feel slower, but can lead to the innovation that your business needs to grow.
The large garden covers more than 72,000 square meters. In addition to the more than 45 million flowers planted there, more than 15,000 butterflies reside in the butterfly garden. There's a lot to photograph at Al Seef, a waterfront with a marina along the Bur Dubai Creek, which is one of Dubai's best attractions. You'll see vendors selling karak tea and sausages, people strolling along the stream, and cafes located in contemporary shopping blocks. At the other end there is an Arabian souk with traditional architecture that begs to be photographed. Wait for the locals to come out to take a photo that includes modern bystanders in contrast to the old structure. As it should be, Sunset Beach is the ideal place to get a perfect image of the sunset with the iconic Sail-shaped Burj Al Arab in the foreground. Arrive just in time for the golden hour and experiment with different shots as the sky is painted orange, gold and purple. There are often people swimming here until sunset, so don't place a bulky camera on a tripod, but shoot without a tripod. Take advantage of the silhouettes to add scale and a human element to your images. Not long ago, I was standing inside the only seven-star hotel in the world. As you would expect from a hotel with such a reputation, it was impressive. But the good news is that you don't have to spend the night here to enjoy seven-star luxury. The Burj Al Arab spa is undoubtedly the most impressive area in the hotel, and if you book a treatment, you'll have access to the facilities. Surprisingly, photos are allowed, so be sure to bring your camera. Atlantis the Palm is one of the most renowned hotels in the world. The stunning resort has plenty to offer in terms of photo opportunities, but for the best views, head to the private beach. The beach is only open to guests, but that doesn't stop crowds from forming. This is one of the busiest hotels in Dubai, so to take a quiet photo without crowds, you'll have to visit it at dawn while the rest of the hotel sleeps. Just like you can't visit Rome without visiting Vatican City, you can't visit Dubai without visiting the Dubai desert. These sprawling sand dunes have become everyone's favorite photo spot in Dubai. It's also a great way to spend an afternoon exploring the dunes and seeing what your 4×4 can do. For the best photos, book a hot air balloon at dawn and glide through the landscapes with ease. One of the most popular places in Dubai is Jumeirah Beach. This is where you'll find lots of travelers and expats having a cocktail at one of the many beach clubs. As this is one of the few places where you can drink in public, there's a great atmosphere on the weekends. With the Burj Al Arab in the background, you can't go wrong. The view from the top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, is undoubtedly one of the best places to take pictures in Dubai. At 828 meters high, the building is, to say the least, intimidating. If you're not afraid of heights, be sure to take the elevator to level 148, which is 555 meters high. It is from here that you can enjoy a view of the city at dusk. Another good time to visit it is at dawn, when you feel that you are floating above the clouds, before the sun rises. The Dubai Marina district can surprise even the rich with elegance and pathos. It's in the Dubai marina where you'll feel like a king of the world between elegant polished yachts, lush palm trees and huge skyscrapers that seem to cross the sky. The Dubai area also offers a view of the next place called Palm Island or Palm Island. Another beautiful spot for a photo session in Dubai is Palm Island. No, it is not an expanse of land bordered by palm trees, as many people think because of its simple name. If you're tired of cumbersome views of huge skyscrapers and fragments of artificial intelligence, La Mer beach is just what you need to relax and reconnect with nature, take pictures with the crystal blue of the sea, see the background with fish swimming without even looking closely. If sleek, modern architecture is your thing, look no further: the Shangri-La Hotel Dubai is the perfect place. Everything from the polished and patterned tile floors to the giant chandelier shows elegant glamour. Not to mention that it's a five-star resort with very reasonable prices. If you don't want to spend the night, the Shangri-La Hotel Dubai is also the perfect place to have a drink at sunset. Located on the 41st floor, the rooftop offers some of the most impressive views of the skyline and up to the Arabian Sea. The most outstanding photographs include the colorful spices and characters of the Spice Souk (always ask permission before photographing someone and avoid photographing women), the Abra, as well as the large dhows that border the Deira stream and that are full of everything from tires, refrigerators and cars, before sailing to Africa, India and Pakistan. The Burj Park, in particular, is one of the most photogenic places in Dubai and is the perfect place for all types of photo sessions. Here are David's tips for photographing places that will allow you to capture the heritage and natural beauty of Dubai and its surroundings:. If you want to photograph the Dubai skyline from the water, this place is perhaps the best of all. Dubai is home to some spectacular golf courses with vast green spaces that offer an impressive environment for photo sessions, especially for wedding sessions. This restored heritage district is one of the best places to take photos in Dubai, with traditional Arabian wind towers in earthy tones, wooden trusses and colorful murals along winding paths and courtyards. One of them is to obtain a photo permit before going there; otherwise, some intelligent security guard will approach you to stop taking photos and may even demand that you hand over the memory card or delete the photos. I can't advise on current laws and regulations, but it's best to be safe and, first of all, avoid taking photos with people in them. Because of its somewhat hidden location that doesn't fit the common tourist route, this place for taking pictures is still quite unknown compared to other of the most Instagrammable places in Dubai. Anything beyond 500 to 700 meters will be cloudy and not clearly visible, so forget about the details in your photos. If you're looking for some of the best photo spots in Dubai, consider the courses at the Emirates Golf Club, Jumeirah Golf Estates and Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club. In my opinion, this is an ideal place for street and travel photographers to capture life in Dubai. The second is to send an email to the building administration and ask for permission, specifically to take photos.
One of our goals at Fab Lab Connect is to make Fab Labs accessible to children, as we believe they are an fabulous tool to prepare kids to tomorrow’s world. So every time we see an step in the right direction, we are happy to share it with the world. So, here is an article from the Wisconsin State Journal… The Waunakee and Stoughton school districts are among 21 districts around Wisconsin that are being awarded grants to establish or expand local fabrication laboratory facilities. Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation announced this week nearly $500,000 in grants for the Fab Labs that are high-technology workshops equipped with computer-controlled manufacturing components such as 3D printers, laser engravers, computer numerical control routers and plasma cutters. The labs are used by students but can also be used by community members. Read more here
Welcome to our blog. It was another beautiful day in Central Utah. Yesterday We went up on Fairview Canyon and there was about 2 feet of snow by the Drift parking lot. A few brave Souls were out on their snowmobiles and several Kiteboarders were enjoying the wind and snow from the parking lot. I personally need just a little more snow to take our machines out, but if you're careful I guess you could go. Kiteboarding doesn't need quite as much snow to go. A few have hit Walkers run too if you like to go snowboarding. A few more good storms and it will be full go for all the winter activities. A few hunts still exist like the late season archery elk hunts and some cow elk hunts. Quite a few like to chase bobcats and mountain lions too, so I guess there are a few more hunts to go this winter. Coyotes also have a bounty on them so you could do that too here in Sanpete County. If you like the outdoors there is always something to do around here if you're willing to get outdoors and off your couch.
Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah;Quran 3:45 The Quran bestows on Jesus the identity of “Word from Him.” Jesus alone has the unique title of “Kalimatullah” in Islam, which means “Word of God.” No other prophet or human being is called by this name. Your word reveals who you are. Your word communicates and expresses who you are. Similarly, Word of God is a revelation of who God is. You cannot separate God from His Word. His Word is not independent from Him. His Word is not a separate entity. If the Quran says that Jesus is the Word of Allah, how can you separate Allah and His Word? The Speaker is not separate or independent from His Word. If there is no Speaker, there is no Word! If there is no Word, there is no Speaker either, UNLESS… the Speaker is dumb mute (i.e. unable to speak) OR he is silent (i.e. chosen not to speak). Is that what Allah was before His Word? If Jesus is Kalimatullah, Word of God, then you cannot separate His identity with that of God and you cannot deny He is divine and uncreated. If Muslims claim that Jesus was created, what they’re saying and believing is that before Allah “created” His Word, Allah existed for eons as either dumb mute, or silent, without any avenue for revelation to communicate who he was. This would be blasphemy in Islam and Muslims who subscribe to such arguments are no longer Muslims but apostates. If Muslims agree that Jesus is Word of God, then they must also agree that as long as God exists, His Word exists with Him. And as long as God exists, Jesus exists with Him, being His Word and that makes Him divine and eternal. This is exactly what the Gospel of John says in the very first verses: “In the beginning was the Word,John 1:1-3 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made.” Muslims’ counter-argument is to say that Allah created everything with the command “Be”, and that is what makes Jesus the Word. That makes no sense because if Allah created everything with the word “Be”. does that mean everything is kalimatullah? Is Muhammad kalimatullah too? No, Sura 3:45 specifically identifies the Word as a person whose name will be Christ Jesus! The following translations of 3:45 make that clear, i.e. the Word is named Jesus! When the angels said, ‘O Mary, Allah gives you the good news of a Word from Him whose name is Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, distinguished in the world and the Hereafter and one of those brought near [to Allah]. (Ali Qarai) And remember when the angels said, “O Maryam! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Eisa the son of Maryam – he will be honourable in this world and in the Hereafter, and among the close ones (to Allah).” (Ahmad Khan) When the angels said, ‘Mary, God gives thee good tidings of a Word from Him whose name is Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; high honoured shall he be in this world and the next, near stationed to God. (Arberry) [And mention] when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary – distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]. (Sahih International) Look carefully again at Sura 3:45. It doesn’t say the Word was created. Where was the Word prior to being sent down to Mary? The Word was evidently with/in God in heaven. This confirms what Jesus said; that He had come down from heaven. (cf John 3:13. 6:38) Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.John 8:23 The Quran puts Jesus on a higher pedestal than Muhammad. While Muhammad is identified as a sinner in the Quran, this isn’t the case with Jesus. Allah repeatedly commands Muhammad to seek forgiveness. So be patient, [O Muhammad]. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And ask forgiveness for your sin and exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord in the evening and the morning. Sura Muhammad 47:19 So know, [O Muhammad], that there is no deity except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for the believing men and believing women. And Allah knows of your movement and your resting place. That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path And We removed from you your burden [Tafsir Ibn Abbas: He said again: (And eased thee of the burden) We lifted your sins from you] (One authentic hadith has Aisha narrating that Muhammad used to ask forgiveness for his sins 70 times a day!) Although Jesus’ name is mentioned many times more in the Quran than Muhammad, Jesus is never told to ask for forgiveness. Muhammad, whose name is mentioned only 4 times gets told repeatedly to ask for forgiveness for his sins. In Sura 19:19 Jesus is described as زَكِيًّا, zakiyyan, an adjective translated as pure, righteous, faultless, holy, good. No one else is described in this way in the Quran. Not even Muhammad. He said, ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord that I may give you a pure son.’ (Ali Qarai) (The angel) said: “I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.” (Hilali & Khan) He said: I am only a messenger of thy Lord, that I may bestow on thee a faultless son. (Pickthall) He said: “Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son. (Yusuf Ali) The ultimate revelation of God is not a book. The ultimate revelation of God is Jesus.
Time for that playoff push! It’s Week 12 and that means some of you are already eliminated. Better luck next year! But for those of you still in contention or those who have already clinched, it’s time to dig deep and get the most points as possible. Several defenses this year have been averaging more points than the average flex position and you need a piece of this. Week 12 rankings |7||Los Angeles Rams| |9||New Orleans Saints| |10||Los Angeles Chargers| |17||Kansas City Chiefs| |23||Tampa Bay Buccaneers| |24||New York Jets| |26||Green Bay Packers| |27||New England Patriots| |29||New York Giants| |31||San Francisco 49ers| The Jaguars have officially become Sacksonville and II will continue to address them as such. After taking on a DeShone Kizer-led Browns, the Jags will take on the Blaine Gabbert-led Cardinals. At this point, it’s not a matter of if this defense scores a touchdown, it’s a matter of how many they might get. Last week, the Ravens benefited from taking on a terrible Packers offense and this week they get a Texans team that just lost D’Onta Foreman to an Achilles injury for the year. They know what they’re doing on that side of the ball and are a good bet for Week 12. The Eagles are the best team in football and it’s not all Carson Wentz’ doing. The defense has been lights out and they completely bottled up Dan Prescott forcing 4 turnovers out of the Cowboys QB. They’ll be licking their chops to take on rookie Mitch Trubisky of the Bears. The Steelers get to take on the Packers in prime time and there’s no reason to believe that they won’t do as many things as the Ravens did to the Packers offense. The Steelers secondary has been a little bit choppy, bit it’ll be the guys up front that help them put up points. The Detroit Lions defense is another that benefits from forcing turnovers and parlaying those into touchdowns. If it’s anytime for some crazy things to happen to the Vikings hot offense, it’s a early Thanksgiving Day game against a rival. Exercise caution, though. Possible streaming options The bye weeks are over, but you still may need some options for those defenses that have poor matchups. The Cincinnati Bengals take on the Browns and they would’ve scored a TD last week if not for a faux pas. The Denver Broncos are another good option if they’ve been dropped in your league. They’re still a defense that can put together a good game and they play a lackluster Raiders team.
5 Reasons Why Your Child With Autism Needs to be Out in Public Updated: May 26, 2020 “Why do you take your child outside the house?” This question is all too familiar for many autism parents. And while the people who ask it may not mean any harm or even realize they’re being rude, it’s still hurtful and offensive. Not sure what to say? Here are some ways to reply calmly and respectfully. 1. “GOING OUT SHOULD BE PART OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE.” In saying that children with autism shouldn’t go out, people are basically saying they should be locked away in the home, hidden away like Rapunzel in her tower. What kind of life is that? By saying people with autism shouldn’t go out, we’re regressing to earlier times when those who didn’t conform were kept under lock and key and shoved to the perimeters of society. We can do better than that, and our children deserve better than that. 2. “IT HELPS MY CHILD ADJUST TO THE WORLD.” “The only way to get over your fear is to face it.” You might have heard something along these lines when you were growing up, and–to a large degree–it’s true. That’s why phobias can often be treated with exposure therapy. Similarly, the only way for children with autism to get used to the world is to live in it and be exposed to all the environments and experiences it has to offer. That’s tough love. 3. “IT HELPS THE WORLD ADJUST TO MY CHILD.” By the same token, the world needs to be exposed to children with autism. Countless myths and stereotypes abound; some think that people with autism are heartless and violent. The reality is, those with autism are much more likely to be bullied than bullies. Allowing children with autism to interact with the public allows people to see the truth. In addition, it enables society to embrace neurodiversity and accept those who see the world a bit differently. 4. “IT ENCOURAGES SPECTRUM-FRIENDLY EVENTS TO TAKE PLACE.” Right now, it’s difficult for people with autism to go out because the world is made for the neurotypical population. But as acceptance toward and awareness of autism increases in society, this will hopefully change. We’re already beginning to see it as the prevalence and awareness of autism has risen. If we continue to raise our voices, it can only get even better from here. 5. “IT ENCOURAGES PEOPLE TO ASK QUESTIONS.” If people don’t know much about autism, they may be compelled to ask an autism parent or individual on the spectrum about it. And that’s more than okay; in fact, it’s encouraged, so long as the questions are appropriate and polite. Good questions to ask include: How can I best communicate with your child? I don’t know what autism is. Can you tell me about it? What kind of therapy have you found most effective? Is there anything I can do to help? Questions like this are sensitive to parents and children alike. Not only that, but they also encourage the spread of information. This results in a society that understands the spectrum…and can appreciate those on it.
Last Updated: December 18, 2022 When you realize your marriage is beginning to fall apart and fighting persists, it is a good idea to begin preparing for a contested divorce just in case your situation gets out of control. Most couples who divorce are not able to work out the details themselves and when disagreement is imminent, it helps to be prepared. A variety of emotions, expectations, and desires result in a contested divorce that is more time-consuming and complex than a non-contested version would be. Preparing for a contested divorce can reduce the level of emotion and prevent a battle when attempting to dissolve the marriage. Speaking with an experienced divorce lawyer will get you started preparing for a contested divorce. Connect with a local divorce lawyer for a free consultation today! Preparing for a Contested Divorce the Right Way A contested divorce typically takes one of two forms. It may occur when one spouse tries to prevent the divorce from proceeding due to lack of grounds for dissolution. The more common form is when the spouses agree upon the need to divorce but not about how to handle property division, spousal support, child custody, child support, and other related issues. So, how does the actual divorce itself begin? Preparing for a Contested Divorce: The Process Divorce is complex in every state. However, the initial steps to begin are pretty much the same. Divorce begins with one spouse filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. When people agree on a divorce (or not at each other’s throats), the divorce petition can usually just be given to the other spouse along with a draft Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage that lays out all of the potential settlement options regarding property, kids, etc. If a person is preparing for a contested divorce, it is usually a good idea to also have a Summons filed. The summons and the Petition for Dissolution, in a contested divorce, will be personally served to the other spouse by a county sheriff or special process server. This method puts time constraints on the other spouse, usually 30-days, for them to answer and file an Appearance in court letting everyone know they are involved in the case). When the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed, a divorce lawyer typically requests a hearing to air the contested issues or establish temporary orders. This normally is somewhat informal and is oftentimes called a “pre-trial conference”. The judge will likely make recommendations on some issues and the parties can accept them and enter orders to temporarily put certain things in place that will eventually be decided at a later date. These orders remain in effect until the divorce proceedings conclude, which typically occurs several months later. Both parties must present evidence to assist the court in its ruling regarding temporary orders and a divorce attorney helps a client do this. But keep in mind, if someone is preparing for a contested divorce trial, it probably will not take place for well over a year. Preparing for a Contested Divorce: Discovery As the divorce process proceeds, the attorneys may request discovery. This might include anything regarding the finances of the couple or influence child custody or child visitation decisions including income and expense records, credit card bills, deeds, and property titles. With contested divorce help from an attorney, a client can have all necessary documents available and organized to present a strong case. It can take several months to resolve all issues when preparing for a contested divorce, so be prepared to be patient. Contested Divorce: The Trial Once the parties have finalized discovery exchanges and any other items required relating to children (such as a report by child representative/guardian ad litem about the custody issues for the children), a trial can be set. A final hearing may be requested by either party to the divorce or by the judge – this is called a trial. Trial is a big deal, and most divorce attorneys attempt to avoid it because rolling the dice and gambling with a clients life issues is dangerous. At the divorce trial, both spouses will provide final testimony and evidence and there will likely be reports regarding the kids and other witnesses involved. Spouses should receive guidance from their attorneys regarding what is required and be provided possible questions and the answers to those questions in advance. For example, when attempting to divorce an abusive spouse, an individual may need to provide police reports and medical records. Contested Divorce: The Judge’s Ruling The judge will use concluding evidence to determine a fair division of debts and assets and make a decision regarding child custody, parenting time, spousal maintenance (alimony) and child support. This ruling may be issued from the bench or at a later date and until it is signed and entered, the couple is not legally divorced. A ruling can take months by a divorce judge, and the entire process will probably take well over a year (2-3 years is not abnormal), which is why preparing for a contested divorce means the parties need to focus on being patient throughout the process. Divorce can be ugly when people don’t get along and cannot agree on issues like division of property or child custody. Divorce lawyers have a process to help clients when preparing for a contested divorce which is why doing it alone is virtually impossible. The good news is, divorce lawyers usually get people in contested divorces to eventually settle, which saves time and money in the end. And divorce lawyers provide free consultations too, so make sure you reach out to get informed and find out your rights.
I'm planting trees with my site. ^.^ Planted so far: 120397 This name generator will give you 10 random dwarven names fit for the World of Warcraft universe. Dwarves are short, strong, mountain-dwelling beings known for their skills with metals and stones. In earlier times they tended to keep to themselves, preferring to hone their skills over influencing the world, but in recent times they have become a big part of the world, including part of the Alliance. Dwarven names, as mentioned, sound strong and are given at birth. Some might choose to name their newborn after an ancestor to honor their memory, as dwarves are usually proud of their history (and intrigued by history in general). Last names are also given at birth, but they're almost always the name of their clan. However, some dwarves change their last name when they've performed a great feat, although this usually happens when other dwarves call this exceptional dwarf by this new name as a type of honorable nickname, which then sticks around as a new last name and, not uncommonly, a new clan name. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. Don't like the names? Simply click again to get 10 new random names. The background image above contains art of the Warcraft copyright and belongs to its rightful owners. This is not an official name generator, merely one inspired by this universe.
Humans have a fascination with numbers, especially large numbers. Hell, this website has largely been patterned around large things, tall things, old things… That’s a big one. People are fascinated with how long things live. Spurred on by the fear surrounding our own mortality, we seek out other living things that have proven to be exceptionally long lived. One interesting thing I discovered while doing research for this entry is how often longevity records are questioned. Why lie about how long some creature lived, anyway? It’s not like you get some sort of special reward for finding a really old animal, outside maybe a couple paragraphs in National Geographic. Personally I’d be ripped to find out that an animal with a brain one-third the size of mine somehow managed to live for two centuries. Whatever the reason may be, we’re always looking for the oldest something. I could have blown your mind with the oldest living sea sponge (they’re the longest living, well, anything, really) or the oldest living tree(oh yeah, I already did.) Instead of going to extremes, I decided to pick out the one land creature and the one waterborne creature that are both the longest lived and actually have spines and the ability to move. The mighty ocean brings us the Bowhead whale. These 60-plus foot long, 75-ton behemoths hang out mostly in arctic and sub-arctic waters. They’re absolute brutes, lacking a dorsal fin, but having a thick humped back. They use their strength and size to bust through surface ice in order to breathe. Despite their brutish appearance and the fact that they have the largest mouth of any animal period(your sister’s mouth not withstanding,) they feed mainly on tiny 1 millimeter sea life. Those teeny critters they eat must be low-fat or something, because Bowheads are incredibly long-lived… probably. The most common measure of age used for captured whales have been the age of harpoons and spearheads lodged in them. I told you they’re tough! The toughest, and possibly oldest, had the head of a harpoon embedded in its neck when it was caught in 2007. That harpoon dated to 1890. This and other research shows this species of whale could live to be 150 to 200 years old. It’s usually pretty hard to surpass sea creatures for anything if you are a land animal, but the Aldabra Giant Tortoise has this game locked up. They come appropriately enough from the Aldabra atoll in the Indian ocean. Their exceptionally long necks and size make them excellent foragers. These immense turtles average over three feet long and around 250 pounds. The real surprise about these tortoises is that they are actually pretty agile. They’ve been known to support themselves on their hind legs in a bid to reach foliage on a tree. They can also manage a half-run when threatened or excited and don’t appear concerned with taking risks. This led one biologist to refer to the Aldabras as the “ninjas” of the turtle world. Large ninja turtles… huh. That could make for a good kids’ show. Okay, so how far can these large, mutant-like ninja turtles make it? Well again it can be difficult to verify ages, seeing how these turtles tend to seriously outlive their handlers. The Aldabra believed to be the oldest lived to a ripe old age of 255. Adwaita was believed to have been born circa 1750. Jonathan the tortoise is now believed to be the oldest living turtle, aged 182 and still going strong. You should be so lucky.
- Delivery Method: - United Parcel Service - Food & Beverages Recipient NameRichard L. Wollenberg - The Ben Heggy Candy Company 743 Cleveland Avenue NW Canton, OH 44702-1807 - Issuing Office: - Division of Human and Animal Food Operations East V September 23, 2022 Warning Letter 633394 Dear Mr. Wollenberg: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your candy manufacturing facility, at the above-mentioned address, from March 11, 2022 to April 18, 2022. Your firm manufactures ready-to-eat (RTE) chocolate-covered candies which include nuts, pretzels, creams (variety of flavors), marshmallows, caramels, and peanut/pecan clusters. During the inspection, FDA investigators found serious violations of the Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (CGMP & PC rule), Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 117 (21 CFR Part 117). Based on FDA’s inspectional findings, we have determined that the candy products manufactured in your facility are adulterated within the meaning of section 402(a)(4) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(4)], in that they were prepared, packed or held under insanitary conditions whereby they may have been contaminated with filth or rendered injurious to health. In addition, failure of the owner, operator, or agent in charge of a covered facility to comply with the preventive controls provisions of the CGMP & PC rule (located in Subparts A, C, D, E, F, and G of Part 117) is prohibited by section 301(uu) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 331(uu)]. Further, we found significant violations of the labeling regulations for foods, 21 CFR Part 101. These violations cause your products described below to be misbranded within the meaning of section 403 of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 343]. You may find the Act and further information about the CGMP & PC rule through links in FDA’s home page at http://www.fda.gov. At the conclusion of the inspection, FDA investigators issued a Form FDA 483, Inspectional Observations, listing violations found at your firm. To date, we have not received a response from you regarding any corrective actions taken. Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls (Subpart C): 1. Your hazard analysis did not identify and evaluate known or reasonably foreseeable hazards to determine whether the hazards require a preventive control, as required by 21 CFR 117.130(a)(1). Specifically, you did not identify and evaluate egg and wheat as allergen hazards to determine whether they require a preventive control. Your various hazard analyses covering candy products identify “cross-contamination” of peanut and tree nut allergens as a hazard requiring a preventive control. However, you manufacture various flavors of chocolate-covered cream centers that all contain egg, as well as chocolate-covered pretzels that contain wheat. You also manufacture other products that do not contain egg or wheat on shared equipment such as conveyor belts, which are food contact surfaces, on the same day. Allergen cross-contact could occur in products with different allergen profiles, without appropriate controls. Therefore, allergen cross-contact regarding egg and wheat is a known or reasonably foreseeable hazard. Further, a knowledgeable person manufacturing/processing food in your circumstances would identify egg and wheat allergen cross-contact as a hazard requiring a preventive control. Preventive controls for food allergens include procedures, practices, and processes employed for ensuring protection of food from allergen cross-contact, including during storage, handling, and use. a. You did not evaluate the potential for allergen cross-contact when you manufacture different products on the same production line on the same day. You routinely manufacture cream center candies (egg), pretzels (wheat), caramels (neither wheat or egg), and marshmallows (neither wheat nor egg) on the same day without adequate cleaning of shared equipment, such as conveyor belts, in between these products with different allergenic profiles. According to your production records, you enrobed the following products: • (b)(4), Butter Creams (containing egg) then Chocolate Marshmallows (not containing Egg) • (b)(4), Chocolate Pretzels (containing wheat) then Vanilla Creams (not containing wheat) • (b)(4), Vanilla Creams (containing egg) then Vanilla Caramels (not containing egg) • (b)(4), Raspberry Creams (containing egg) then Chocolate Pretzels (not containing egg) • (b)(4), Chocolate Pretzels (containing wheat) followed by Brownie Creams (not containing wheat) • (b)(4), Chocolate Pretzels (containing wheat) then Chocolate Marshmallows (not containing wheat) • (b)(4), Cherry Creams (containing egg) then Chocolate Pretzels (not containing egg) • (b)(4), Chocolate Pretzels (containing wheat) then Chocolate Marshmallows (not containing wheat) • (b)(4), Lemon Creams (containing egg) then Chocolate Pretzels (not containing egg). Your enrober supervisor explained that other than vacuuming the cloth belts (b)(4), no additional cleaning takes place for the cloth and white conveyor belts in between any product run in each day’s production on the enrober line. Furthermore, you have no records showing cleaning was performed daily or between producing non-like allergen products on your enrober line, other than when the enrober is drained (b)(4), which occurred three times between October 26, 2021 and April 6, 2022. b. You did not evaluate the potential for recirculating enrobing chocolate to become a vehicle for allergen cross-contact. On April 4, 2022, FDA Investigators observed particles of the cream centers (containing egg) break loose and fall into the chocolate bottomer and this chocolate was used to coat the bottom of Caramels (not containing egg) on April 5, 2022. 2. Your allergen controls procedures do not ensure protection of food from allergen cross-contact from walnuts, as required by 21 CFR 117.135(c)(2)(i). Your “Food Safety Plan for Chocolate Enrobing Department (April 2020)” identifies “Cross Contamination of Allergens (Peanuts & Tree Nuts)” as a hazard requiring a preventive control. Your allergen preventive control procedure states, “(b)(4).” However, your manufacturing sequencing does not account for products that contain walnuts, and you manufacture chocolate-covered Fudge Walnut, Maple Walnut, and Fruit and Nut (walnut) Eggs on shared equipment such as conveyor belts, which are food contact surfaces. Enrobing records indicate that you manufactured chocolate-covered Maple Walnut Eggs (b)(4), followed by chocolate-covered pretzels (no walnut) without cleaning in between products. Additionally, your procedures (e.g., “Food Safety Plan for Chocolate Enrobing Department (April 2020)” regarding allergen cross-contact do not include written corrective action procedures that must be taken if preventive controls are not properly implemented (see 21 CFR 117.150(a)). 3. You did not implement written procedures for environmental monitoring, as required by 21 CFR 117.165(b)(3). Specifically, you manufacture RTE chocolates that are exposed to the environment at the enrobing, cooling, and packaging steps. In your “Food Safety Plan for Wrapping & Packaging & Labeling of Finished Products (April 2020),” you identify recontamination with pathogens, specifically Salmonella, as a hazard requiring a preventive control. Your sanitation preventive control procedure requires environmental monitoring as verification and states, “Environmental swa[b] testing of (b)(4).” However, you did not implement this procedure as you only performed environmental monitoring once for the year 2021 (on May 24, 2021). 4. You did not establish and implement a risk-based supply-chain program for those raw materials and other ingredients for which you have identified a hazard requiring a supply-chain-applied control, as required by 21 CFR. 117.405(a)(1). You identified Salmonella as a hazard “caused by contaminated product” (and thus requiring a preventive control) in your Food Safety Plan for Chocolate Enrobing Department (April 2020). However, you did not identify any supplier controls for Salmonella in chocolate among the preventive controls you apply for chocolate used for enrobing. Salmonella in chocolate is controlled during the manufacture of the chocolate; a knowledgeable person manufacturing/processing chocolate products would identify supplier controls for the hazard of Salmonella in chocolate. With regard to other hazards requiring a supply-chain applied control, we note that your Food Safety Plan for Wrapping & Packaging & Labeling of Finished Products (April 2020) identifies heavy metals and mycotoxins as hazards for chocolate, and your preventive control for these are COAs for each truckload of chocolate from your supplier (verified by lab testing (b)(4)). However, you did not approve your chocolate supplier in accordance with 21 CFR 117.410(d), and you have not established written procedures for the receipt of your chocolate ingredient, as required by 21 CFR 117.420 and 21 CFR 117.475. Current Good Manufacturing Practice (Subpart B): 5. You did not take reasonable precautions and measures to ensure that all persons working in direct contact with food wash hands (and sanitize if necessary to protect against contamination with undesirable microorganisms) after each absence from the workstation and at any other time when hands may have become soiled or contaminated, as required by 21 CFR 117.10(b)(3). Specifically, a. On April 1, 2022, an employee walked into the production area, handled paperwork, and then, without washing and sanitizing their hands, proceeded to straighten maple cream centers (b)(4), with bare hands, on the enrober line as they were being conveyed to the chocolate bottomer. b. On April 4, 2022, while producing jersey creams on your enrober line, your enrober supervisor crawled under the conveyor belt on bare hands and knees to check the chocolate melter below the line. Then, without washing or sanitizing their hands, picked up 15 candies that were not completely covered in chocolate and, with bare hands, (b)(4) placed them back onto the conveyor belt before the enrober, to be processed back through the chocolate waterfall. 6. You did not take reasonable precautions and measures to ensure that eating food or chewing gum is confined to areas other than where food is exposed, as required by 21 CFR 117.10(b)(8). Specifically, on March 25, 2022, an employee was chewing gum while hand-forming the fruit and nut fudge filling for your 8 oz. Fruit and Nut Fudge Eggs. Your management stated that they had never heard chewing gum or eating during food production was not acceptable. Additionally, during this inspection, our investigators obtained product labeling and manufacturing records for several of your products that you sell in bulk to retail stores. We have reviewed the labeling and found the products you manufacture and distribute are misbranded within the meaning of Section 403 of the Act (21 U.S.C. § 343) as follows: 1. Your bulk Chocolate Coated Pretzels product is misbranded within the meaning of section 403(w) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 343(w)] in that the finished product case label fails to declare the major food allergen “wheat,” as required by section 403(w)(1) of the Act. The pretzels are made using wheat flour, but wheat is not listed on the case label. 2. Your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams and bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams products are misbranded within the meaning of Section 403(a)(1) of the FD&C Act in that the labeling is false or misleading. The case labels and the retail placard labels for the products fail to reveal the material fact that the identified flavors are artificially derived. As required by 21 CFR 101.22(i)(2), when a food contains any artificial flavor which simulates, resembles or reinforces the characterizing flavor, the name of the food on the principal display panel or panels of the label shall be accompanied by the common or usual name(s) of the characterizing flavor, in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters used in the name of the food and the name of the characterizing flavor shall be accompanied by the word(s) “artificial” or “artificially flavored,” in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters in the name of the characterizing flavor, e.g., “artificial vanilla,” “artificially flavored strawberry,” or “grape artificially flavored.” 3. Your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams, bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams, and bulk Chocolate Coated Pretzels products are misbranded within the meaning of section 403(i)(2) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 343(i)(2)] in that they are fabricated from two or more ingredients and each ingredient is not declared on the label, as required by 21 CFR 101.4. For example: a. Your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams product is manufactured using raspberry puree; however, you fail to list the puree or all of its sub-ingredients on your finished product case label. Further, the retail placard label fails to list the artificial raspberry flavor used in the product and lists red raspberries instead of the raspberry puree and its complete sub-ingredients including corn syrup, sugar, water, dextrose, carrageenan gum, and the color red 40. The placard label also lists wheat, which is not an ingredient in the product. b. The case labels and retail placard labels for your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams, bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams, and bulk Chocolate Coated Pretzels products fail to list the correct ingredients for the chocolate coating used, in that the coating’s butterfat, whey powder, and lactose ingredients are not declared. Further, the labels list ingredients for the chocolate coating that are not in the coating, such as milk. c. The case label for your Chocolate Coated Pretzels fails to list the sub-ingredients of the pretzels, including wheat flour. The retail placard labels for your Chocolate Coated Pretzels lists ingredients that are not present in the product, such as egg whites and sodium bicarbonate. d. The case label bears the statement, “The candy may contain one or more of the following ingredients.” The following are examples of ingredients that are declared on the product labels that are not in that specific product: i. Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams: lists wheat, which is not an ingredient in the product. ii. Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams, bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams, and bulk Chocolate Coated Pretzels products: the labels list ingredients for the chocolate coating that are not in the coating, such as milk. iii. Chocolate Coated Pretzels (retail placard labels): lists ingredients that are not present in the product, such as egg whites and sodium bicarbonate. iv. The case labels for your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams, bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams, and bulk Chocolate Pretzels products list numerous ingredients that are not present in the products, including, but not limited to, semi-sweet chocolate and its sub-ingredients, confectionary coating and its sub-ingredients, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pecans, raisins, coconut, cream butter, and cherries. When designing labels that are suitable for more than one similar product or for use on packages of assortments, see CPG Sec. 505.100 Bakery Products, Candy - "Catch-All" or "Shotgun" Ingredients at https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/ComplianceManuals/CompliancePolicyGuidanceManual/ucm074420.htm. 4. Your bulk Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams and bulk Milk Chocolate Maple Creams products are misbranded within the meaning of section 403(i)(1) of the Act [21U.S.C. §343(i)(1)] in that the product case labels fails to bear the common or usual name of the food. The Milk Chocolate Red Raspberry Creams case label lists “L Raspberry” and the Milk Chocolate Maple Creams case label lists “L Maple” as the statements of identity, which are not in accordance with 21 CFR 101.3. 5. Your Milk Chocolate Raspberry Creams product is misbranded under section 403(k) of the Act because the product contains an artificial coloring, flavoring, or a chemical preservative but does not bear labeling stating that fact. Specifically: a. Your firm provides placard labels to your retail customers to be used on their bulk retail displays. FD&C Red No. 40 is an ingredient in the raspberry puree used in the Milk Chocolate Raspberry Creams product but is not declared by its listed name or an appropriate abbreviation on the placard label for the product, as required under 21 CFR 101.22(k). b. The retail placard label for the Raspberry Cream product fails to declare the preservatives, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, which are ingredients in the raspberry puree ingredient, as well as flavors such as artificial red raspberry flavor. c. The case labels list numerous preservatives. However, their function is not declared in accordance with 21 CFR 101.22(j). This letter is not intended to be an all-inclusive statement of violations that may exist in connection with your products. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of any violations and for preventing their recurrence or the occurrence of other violations. It is your responsibility to ensure that your firm complies with all requirements of federal law, including FDA regulations. This letter notifies you of our concerns and provides you an opportunity to address them. Failure to adequately address this matter may result in legal action including, without limitation, seizure and injunction. We have the following comments regarding your labels: Please note that the nutrition labeling exemptions found in 21 CFR 101.9(j)(1) and 21 CFR 101.36(h)(1) apply to retailers with annual gross sales of not more than $500,000, or with annual gross sales of foods or dietary supplements to consumers of not more than $50,000. For these exemptions, a notice does not need to be filed with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Or, if your firm employs fewer than an average of 100 full-time equivalent employees and sells fewer than 100,000 units of that product in the United States in a 12-month period then your firm may qualify for the nutrition labeling exemption for low-volume products under 21 CFR 101.9(j)(18). We recommend you review the above nutrition labeling exemptions to see if your firm qualifies for the exemption, then review https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/small-business-nutrition-labeling-exemption-guidance for information on filing for an annual exemption. The application may be submitted online at: https://www.cfsanappsexternal.fda.gov/scripts/NLE/client/login.cfm Please notify FDA in writing, within 15 working days of receipt of this letter, of the specific steps you have taken to address any violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of violations, as well as copies of related documentation. If you cannot complete corrective actions within 15 working days, state the reason for the delay and the time within which you will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of the Act, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration. Please send your reply to Stephen Rabe, Compliance Officer, via email at email@example.com or to U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 550 Main Street, Suite 4-930, Cincinnati, OH 45202. If you have any questions about the content of this letter, you may contact Stephen Rabe at 513-322-0660. Steven B. Barber, Division Director Office of Human and Animal Foods Operations-East 5
We love a great glossy moment. A bright red lip on Tamannaah instantly spells sexy. Go big, or go home was clearly the memo - love the voluminous hairdo. The beachy waves are also stunning on her. With a touch of blush and a sultry eye look, this has definitely been her glammest look to date. We love a monotone pink look.
Condition: 100% Brand New Item Type: Frying Pan Color: As picture shown Optional Size: 6in Small Size, 8in Medium Size, 10in Large Size Small Size: Approx. 34 x 18.6 x 2cm/13.4 x 7.3 x 0.8in Medium Size: Approx. 38 x 22.5 x 2cm/15 x 8.9 x 0.8in Large Size: Approx. 43.5 x 26.5 x 2cm/17.1 x 10.4 x 0.8in Available Stove: Electric ceramic stove/induction stove applicable 1 x Frying Pan 1 x Handle 1. Do not burn in empty, empty burning will damage the coating of the pot body and affect the service life. 2. This pot has fast thermal conductivity and only needs to be cooked by middle and young people. 3. Please clean it immediately after use, do not clean it with steel wool or hard cleaning cloth. 4. The electric ceramic stove and induction cooker is available, and the oven is not available. Alvinlite Non‑Stick Frying Pan Cooking Saute Pan Breakfast Pot for Breakfast Pancake Egg Pizza 6 inches - B9WEPNPRD
How Are Wolves Impacting Western Whitetails? In 2011, for the first time ever in Idaho, hunters harvested fewer mule deer than whitetails–big news for a state... In 2011, for the first time ever in Idaho, hunters harvested fewer mule deer than whitetails–big news for a state with a deer harvest that has long been dominated by muleys, and whose recent-big game headlines have been dominated by wolves and stories of their impacts (some exaggerated, some true). Wolf kills, scat, howls, and tracks–like the one pictured above–are frequent reminders of wolves’ presence in the Western whitetail woods. Whitetail numbers in northern Idaho have been robust for decades and have expanded from their stronghold north of the Salmon River, where the Idaho Department of Fish and Game manages primarily for whitetails, into river corridors of Southern Idaho, where IDFG manages specifically for mule deer. Very healthy whitetail populations contribute to the harvest reversal, but according to Jon Rachael, State Wildlife Manager, this major shift in Gem State deer hunting also results from other factors, like a precipitous decline in mule deer herds south of the Salmon River due to rough winters. As a result, muley hunting opportunities have been reduced by necessity. In a state where hunters have seen elk herds plummet in some regions, and where wolf packs roam across all of the state’s vast forests, many hunters might assume that wolves are taking a similar toll on deer. Rachael reports that IDFG performs extensive, ongoing studies of its mule deer herds, and their fawn mortality studies seem to exonerate wolves. Far more fawns fall to coyotes and mountain lions, and even bears in some areas, than wolves. In general, inclement weather, especially a nasty winter, is the single biggest determinant of both whitetail and mule deer mortality. At the same time Rachael lets wolves off the hook for deer, he is quick to acknowledge the severe impacts of wolves on some of the state’s elk and moose, particularly in north central and central Idaho from roughly the St. Joe River south into Salmon River Country. He also reports that elk are overpopulation objectives in many hunt units. IDFG does not monitor whitetails as extensively as muleys, but Rachael suspects impacts on whitetails from wolves are similar to those on mule deer. Rachael acknowledges that wolves eat both mule deer and whitetails regularly, especially in regions with smaller elk herds and lower moose numbers. He notes, however, that wolves prefer elk and moose and have a relatively easy time bringing them down when there at least 3 to 4 animals working together, a small wolfpack by Northern Rockies’ standards. Whitetails have another advantage over their western ungulate counterparts: they are the most successful, adaptive breeders of North American deer, even in the presence of predators. Unless their populations are depressed from winterkills or EHD outbreaks, they seem to weather predation well. For example, in Northwestern Montana’s North Fork Flathead River Country, where wolves and whitetails have lived together since long before the federal wolf reintroduction efforts of the mid 90s, game managers benefit from perspective lent by the passage of time. In the presence of wolves that prey often on whitetails, deer populations in the North Fork Flathead Drainage have been excellent, achieving population highs in between severe winter effects that have knocked down numbers at times. Along with wolves, these whitetails live with the full suite of predators, including grizzlies. A less complete picture appears as we pan south across the landscape of Western Montana to the Clark Fork River Valley between Missoula and St. Regis, Montana, where wolves and whitetails have cohabitated for only a short time. Here, on the heels of successive severe winters, wolves have contributed to sharp declines in ungulate populations, including the valley’s plentiful and large whitetail deer. According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Wildlife Section Chief Quentin Kujala, depressed whitetail populations are far more susceptible to predation in general. He notes that whitetails in Northwestern Montana face not only predation from numerous wolf packs, but also from grizzlies and from dense cougar, black bear, and coyote populations. Still, despite widespread rumors about wolves eating not just all the elk but now all the whitetails, Kujala and his biologists already report an upswing in whitetails after two gentle winters and favorable springs. Much of the very best whitetail hunting in Idaho and across the Northern Rockies can be found in the home ranges of wolf packs and those of other toothy critters that are much more likely to bite people. Whitetail hunters are wise, especially in grizzly country, to carry a sidearm or an even more effective deterrent: big, pressurized canisters of pepper spray. Studies show bear spray is far more effective in warding off grizzly attacks than are firearms, which often lead to wounding or missing charging animals. A canister of bear spray kept close at hand can nearly instantly deploy a 30-foot cloud of pressurized capscium capable of stopping even a charging boar grizzly. I have never needed to depress the trigger, but I have been very happy to have it in reach on a couple of occasions, including the one detailed in this article by longtime Field & Stream contributor and Spokesman Review Outdoors Editor Rich Landers. As far as hunting opportunities, Western whitetail hunters have little reason to take predators into account. Elk hunters report tightlipped elk in the presence of wolves, meaning fewer bugles. They also report calling in wolves with cow and calf talk, like the Whitefish, Montana archer who last week arrowed a female wolf when it came in close to investigate his cow calls. The necks of whitetails bucks till swell along with their egos, and they still wander stupidly about the landscape, wolves or not. Worn out from the rigors of breeding, bucks at the tail end of the rut are likely more susceptible to predation, but not before we get a crack at them. The river bottoms, farmlands, and woods of the West are home to some big-bodied trophy whitetails, and Jeff Holmes knows them well. A university faculty member and a lifelong whitetail hunter, Holmes is lead contributing writer for Northwest Sportsman Magazine and writes for many other outdoor publications. States covered: WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, CO.
Replacement Bag Filter Housing - Standard cross-reference value for best suitability of existing system - Variable material options for different industries and applications - Flexible closures and connections for convenience of operation - Robust construction with superior chemical compatibility - Customization support with innovative design and reliable quality Filson replacement bag filter housing is your optimum choice which features absolutely reliable quality and high cost-effectiveness. The standard type of Filson replacement bag filter housings are in stock for immediate delivery, while customized types can be produced within 10-20 working days. - Raw material: 304/316L SS, carbon steel, PVC … - Operating temperature: up to 750℉ - Length/Height: 10-60 inch - Flow rate: up to 5000 GPM - Capacity of bag: single or multiple - Seal material: Buna, EPDM, Viton, PTFE - Installation type: vertical, horizontal Note: specific customization size available Filson Replacement Bag Filter Housing Your Trusted Replacement Bag Filter Housing Manufacturer in China Filson greatest strength is complete cross-references of various brands. Just directly send us the model number or series code of your existing filter system and we will provide the best solution by Filson replacement bag filter housings. Recent collaborative projects include the replacement of Pentair bag filter housing, Fsi bag filter housing, etc., customization from SS to plastic material, from a single bag to multiple bags design. Besides, we are capable of designing exclusive drawings depending on your special requirements, please feel free to discuss any questions with us. A quick quote or more details, click here.
NO. 3/2015 DATE: December 1, 2015 OECS Commission partners with the International Trade Centre (ITC) in providing Technical Assistance to OECS Protocol Member States to Examine Options for Negotiating Services Commitments in Bilateral Trade Agreements ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Tuesday, December 01, 2015: The OECS Commission has secured technical assistance from the International Trade Centre (ITC) based in Geneva, to review the approach taken to give access to third ountries to the services market of the OECS. In this regard, a Consultant will be in Grenada from December 3rd to 7th, 2015 to meet with the various services sector stakeholders. The main objective of the technical assistance is to provide OECS Protocol Member States with a Report that clearly outlines the policy implications in considering alternative approaches apart from the positive listing for scheduling liberalization commitments in bilateral and plurilateral trade negotiations. The Technical Assistance will also outline the regulatory, legislative and institutional requirements for developing an integrated services market and as a consequence, provide a sound policy basis from which to engage in services trade negotiations with third countries. The Technical Assistance will be provided through Consultancy Services and will involve seven OECS Member States namely Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The OECS Commission in collaboration with the national Ministries of Trade and Dr. Natasha Ward, the International Consultant attached to this ITC assignment, will facilitate National Consultations with a broad range of stakeholders during November to December 2015. It is anticipated that stakeholder participation will ensure a balanced outcome with the incorporation of the development interests and aspirations of various constituents across the Economic Union. At the conclusion of this Technical Assistance Programme, it is expected that a clear directive will be provided to OECS Member States on the prudent negotiating options that may be considered for granting access to third countries into the services market of the Economic Union whilst safeguarding the objectives of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre.
We have our first geek box spoiler for the Geek Fuel June 2015 box! In addition to an EXCLUSIVE t-shirt and a downloadable game for play on Steam, the June Geek Fuel box will feature a Jurassic Park item! With the recent release of the smash hit Jurassic World, we wanted to tap into the love for the original Jurassic Park with the June box and tip our hats to Dr. Ian Malcolm and the team. Get Geek Fuel now before they’re all eaten up. Are you excited for the June Geek Fuel box? Do you have a favorite Jurassic Park movie?
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We know the launch of adult-use cannabis in Connecticut has not been perfect. We know there has been an impact on patients, many of whom have been with us since we opened in 2019 and have grown with us since then. We wanted to let you know we are listening to feedback that is being shared over social media, emails, and in-store with our staff. We are aware of the current realities with product shortage and pricing concerns, and we are fully committed to making them better. This is new for everyone: patients, customers, dispensaries, growers, and Fine Fettle. There will continue to be growing pains, but we wanted to take the time to discuss some of the key issues. Menu - The medical menu has shrunk. We used to hold between 300-400+ cannabis products (excluding accessories), but now have around 180. We have always catered to the needs and preferences of our patients, ordering anything and everything that was available or requested. Since the launch of AU on 1/10/23, we have been ordering almost every single product made available to us, in the full allotments offered. If you compare our medical menu to other dispensaries, we still have the largest medical menu in the state. Still, our menu is lacking options our patients are used to seeing, including but not limited to: baked goods, capsules, topicals, concentrates, bulk flower, and “Final Fettles” flower/vape cartridges/pre-rolls. Here is the reality: - As producers have ramped up gummy supply, they have decreased the availability of other edibles. - Concentrate production has slowed down immensely, with producers focusing on a few select items versus an abundance of options. - Flower has only mostly been available in 1g single pre-rolls, pre-roll packs, and eighths (3.5g) - we have seen no grind or larger bulk packaging (7g, 14g, 28g). We have urged each of the producers to bring back these options for patients. Pricing -We know you have concerns about the current pricing - we hear you. The prices of products made available to all dispensaries have gone up, except for medical only products. To have flower options available to our patients, we have to stock what is available to us, even if it is more expensive for us to acquire. Here is our solution: - We have lowered our prices on certain products on our menu that are also available to our adult-use customers, to reduce the change in pricing for our patients as much as possible. - We have kept, and always will keep, bulk discounts on flower and vape products! Buy 2 or more units of flower and receive 5% off and/or buy 4 or more vapes to receive 10% off. This discount is built into our online menu so you will always know what your total is when shopping our menu (before any group discounts such as veteran, senior citizen, compassionate need, etc). As one of the few CT owned dispensaries left, we try hard to keep prices the same or lower than our competitors, but we can’t compete with the vertically integrated dispensaries. Hours -One complaint we received prior to adult-use was, "You're not open late enough and closed Sunday, boooo!!" This issue has been resolved. - Now, all locations are open for medical patients Monday-Saturday 9:00am-8:00pm and Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm (except for holidays and special occasions, which will always be announced and communicated ahead of time). Holding Orders -If you are a medical patient, please know we will hold your order all day! We are not forcing you into shorter pickup windows. We do have you select a pickup window at checkout so we can organize when your order is processed and completed by our staff. You can always leave us a note if you are concerned about your scheduled pickup! What else are we doing? -If you plan to order products from the adult-use menu, you absolutely can, and your purchase of those products will always be tax-free. We hope to continue building our medical menu to the point where you don’t even need to browse the adult-use menu, but we understand in this current situation that you may need to make selections from both menus. We will continue to advocate to both the producers and DCP to work on getting more options. We are partnering with social equity delivery companies to make accessibility easier. We are now licensed to a grow facility and are working on our plans to bring more products to the state and menu. We know some of these changes have been frustrating. We appreciate you for sticking by us. We promise to continue to listen and work to bring the best experience imaginable, one you have come to expect in the Fine Fettle Fam for the past 3.5 years.
Water has become a critical consideration as our climate changes and reservoirs are drying. Some years may grace us with more rainfall than others, but the long-range view of the Southern California climate seems to offer a progressively more parched landscape. We can actually mitigate the negative effects of weather shifts on our gardens and our lives by creating landscapes that work with, rather than resist, these changes. Just like everything else in life, changes are inevitable. So let’s start springtime this month with rebuilding our landscapes, and designing them to become more exciting while also declaring independence from extreme weather and an increased lack of water. Integrating artistic sustainability to conserve water in the land surrounding our homes in SoCal comes with plenty of bonuses, including healthy physical exercise, emotional relaxation, inspiring beauty, and a connection with nature that is inherently healing in a world full of stress. So where to start? 1. Begin with trapping whatever excess water becomes available Sculpting swales or channels to conduct and conserve water in decorative containers, dual-purpose rocky areas, depressions, or flower-bed edgings allows rain and excess irrigation water to be used or reused. Start digging a depression that flows from where water naturally collects to where it needs to go. 2. Direct the water to where it will be used or stored Here’s an opportunity to turn a practical feature into an artistic statement. Consider creating and using a dry riverbed, which offers wonderful design flexibility to paint a in natural, formal, country, contemporary, quaint, or any other garden theme. Use it to channel water away from a building foundation or delicate area and into thirsty spaces or areas set up to recycle or store the precious liquid. For a natural look, allow the flow to curve and snake its way to where it will be stored. Use straight lines for geometric, formal, or contemporary designs. These water paths can be lined with weed-blocking fabric and filled with rough or decorative stone, carved into a patio, poured with sculpted cement, or created into styles and shapes that are limited only by the imagination. Another idea is to collect rain from gutters (add a decorative rain chain) or downspouts into tubs or decorative containers, or have it pool into landscaped culverts. Then conduct the water to wherever it is needed with underground pipelines. 3. Store the water Think about ways to use practical water storage as décor or artistic points of interest. Holding tanks can be bought or built. Either way they offer an opportunity for incorporating creative design elements—like painting a rain barrel unusual colors or tumbling trailing plants down the sides of the barrel from pots set on top. Water can be stored in underground tanks with a patio of permeable paving constructed above and aerated by a fountain. Filtered rainwater is also ideal for ponds, where you can consider raising pond fish (a fun hobby) while also taking advantage of the super-rich fertilizer (the broken-down organic material that settles at the bottom of the pond), which can be removed and added to your garden plantings. Other options are to place a fountain of recycled water in an unexpected location or to fill a cemented or rubber-lined bog area with a bouquet of water-filtering, flowering plants. Remember to add mosquito dunks (larval-killing, safe-for-people-and-animals bacteria) if there are no resident fish to keep mosquitoes from breeding. No matter where you choose to store your water, these locations can provide an opportunity to grow water-loving plants that would not ordinarily thrive in our dry climate. With a controlled water garden, you can grow a stately lotus plant (Nelumbo spp. and cvs., Zones 4–11) or a mass of colorful flowering bog plants, or create a hypnotic, peaceful pond of waterlilies (Nymphaea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–11). These water gardens can also be topped off when needed with saved supplies in rain barrels without increasing water bills. They will also create a humidifying microclimate good for breathing and attracting birds and butterflies. 4. Share the water While stored water can be used to create special events in the garden, it can also be shared with areas of the garden in need of extra irrigation. Most rain barrels or other manufactured holding tanks are fitted with faucets or other fittings designed for additional connectors. Do-it-yourselfers should install their own. From there, attached pipes or hoses can direct a drip irrigation system to deliver the water exactly where it is needed in the garden. Controlling and reusing water can help irrigate dry areas, bolster wildfire resistance with greenery and firebreaks, and even help divert flooding when heavy rainfall can’t be absorbed by hard, dry ground. If we adjust our garden designs and materials to make the best of our water use now, we can surround ourselves with both sustainability and beauty. There is no time like the present to begin using recycled water to establish a new, elegant way of landscaping. —Jane Gates is the owner of Gates & Croft Horticultural Design in Los Angeles and the author of All the Garden’s a Stage: Choosing the Best Performing Plants for a Sustainable Garden.
FIREFLY RESOURCES & RESEARCH Want to learn more about fireflies? Check out the following resources for news articles, websites, and videos devoted to these fascinating creatures. Fireflies in the News: Out? Experts Fear Fireflies Are Dwindling. In Decline, Experts Say New York Times: Talking to Fireflies Before Their Flash Disappears Fear Firefly Populations Are Blinking Out Earth Science News: Fireflies’ Glow Helps UT Southwestern Researchers Track Cancer Drug’s Effectiveness Expose Hidden Costs of Firefly Flashes Academic Research & Other Websites On Fireflies: Mike Quinn – Texas Entolomogy TexasEnto.net – The leading guide on Texas beetle species. By far the most detailed and organized website on Texas beetle species. Highly recommended website! Studies on the flash communication system in Photinus fireflies: Published study on the geographical distribution and flashing patterns by the world’s leading expert on fireflies, Dr. James Lloyd. While an older study it still remains an excellent reference. Female Preference for Male Courtship Flashes in Photinus ignitus Fireflies: Christopher K. Cratsley and Sara M Lewis, Behavioral Ecology (2003), Vol. 14 (1): 135-140. of a Firefly Swarm – Wolfram Alpha: This very cool demonstration of swarm modeling math, it is possible to make a somewhat unrealistic model of firefly behavior with the following equations. Scientific research and articles on fireflies: their lives, their light, and scientific applications of firefly chemicals. Firefly resource site run by the Boston Museum of Science. Firefly Files: Firefly information online sponsored by Ohio State University: Scientific resource on fireflies, covering Nitric Oxide and the bioscience behind firefly flashes. Geographic: Information on fireflies in the Insects section of National Geographic’s educational website. Photograph Fireflies: Informative how-to guide by Terry Priest on how to photograph fireflies (Photinus pyralis) in flight. Videos on Fireflies: Science of Summer: Fireflies: Firefly educational video in a series sponsored by National Geographic. A very interesting video of a firefly lampyrid beetle larva glowing at night in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Note the brushes on the prolegs. A good research video on recent experiments revealing the hidden costs of fireflies’ bioluminescent flash signals A rather entertaining Peugeot car commercial with fireflies. Close-up video of Firefly flashing. Fireflies in the Movies & Music: Fireflies appear in everything from song lyrics such as Owl City – Fireflies song, car commercials, or movies such as Avatar. People’s fasination with fireflies extends to all types of media both visual and auditory. Owl City – Fireflies Avatar – Fireflies & Bioluminescence in James’s Cameron movie Avatar
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May 27, 1910 – February 25, 2014 at the age of 103 years Celebration of Life: United Church, Salmon Arm, Sat. May 31, 2014 @ 1 pm Mary Jean (nee Murdoch) Sinclair Watson passed away peacefully Feb.25, 2014 at Bastion Place, she was 103. Jean, as she was called, was predeceased by George Sinclair in 1943 and Dave Watson in 1988. She is survived by son Donald Sinclair and daughter Isabel Sinclair, grandchildren Doug Sinclair, Kelsey (Sinclair) Norlin and Megan (Sinclair) Frances and six great-grandchildren. Jean was born in Markdale, Ont. in 1910 to Emeline and Arthur Murdoch. Her father enjoyed all things Scottish and ordered kilts form Scotland for his children, later Don and Isabel would wear them as well. Mother loved music and was given a Steinway piano for her twelfth birthday, the piano would figure largely in her life. She also loved the pipes and we would have a piper, the masterful Jim Wright, at her birthdays form age 90 on. Jean wanted to be a teacher but her father wanted her to be a nurse. She graduated from U.B.C. Nursing program with a class of seven women in 1933. While Jean was playing the piano at a U.B.C. dance George Sinclair, president of his engineering class, came over and introduced himself. Upon graduation Jean worked as a Public Health nurse in Vancouver. George and Jean were engaged for four years waiting for him to become employed. They were married Aug.10, 1938 at The Canadian Memorial Church in Vancouver. Family friend and founder George Fallis Sr. officiated at their marriage. After marriage George and Jean moved to Wells, B.C. where George was employed as a mining engineer. Jean’s two children Don and Isabel were born there in 1941 and 1943. George was tragically killed in a mining accident on Aug.24, 1943. Both Jean’s parents, had passed on before she was twenty, one of TB the other of cancer, so at this time Jean’s father-in-law Donald (Dan) Sinclair invited her and the children to come and live with him. He had homesteaded 320 acres on Lakeshore Rd. in 1894 which he cleared with Clydesdale horses. Dan was a member of the first Salmon Arm Council. Later Jean built her own home just below Dan’s house. After moving to her new home she ran a kindergarten out of her basement for a number of years, later she worked as a nurse in Dr. Bennett’s office. Jean was involved in many local groups, The United Church (she played the piano for the Sunday School), The Eastern Star, Rainbow Singers, Senior’s Club, and The Horticultural Society. She also attended the Symphony and Les Ellenor’s literature series at Okanagan College. She enjoyed bridge, whist and in later years, rummy. She loved flowers and also giving them away (and giving things away in general), she often would go to the farmer’s market and fill her scooter basket up with flowers and drive up to Pioneer Lodge to give them to the residents. She enjoyed picking flowers around Bastion and nearby, usually with permission, and to give them away as well. She loved to take her friends for drives in her badly battered car. She was infamous for her lack of good driving habits but, although she once wiped out the ICBC office window or was it Wee Willie’s, or both, she never had a serious accident. Also, an indication of her durability was that after her third hip fracture her doctors told us she would likely not survive for more than six months (it would be another 9 years). She was generous with her time and possessions and donated to local charities. When a South African family who had moved here lost their home in a fire she invited them to come and live at her house. She met Dave Watson who shared an interest in horticulture and they were married in 1978. They had trips to the Caribbean, Hawaii and England to visit Isabel, Scotland, and Holland for the tulips. Dave passed in 1988 and Jean moved into an apartment and then later to assisted living in 2002. After breaking her hip for a third time she moved in 2005 to Bastion Place where she was exceeding well cared for. The family is grateful that she could spend her last years there and wish to thank the Bastion staff and volunteers for their many kindnesses. She was out-going and known for her smile and her memory. She was also notorious for driving her scooter. A limerick written by her son for her 90th birthday goes like this: Granny turns ninety today Granny turns ninety today And everyone’s happy to say Her car’s off the road But like Mr. Toad When she hops on her scooter Jean led a courageous and inquisitive life and will be missed. A Celebration of Life will take place at The United Church, Sat. May 31, 2014 @1pm (she would have been 104 on May, 27).
Place of Origin: ISO 9001-2008, CE I.D 1'' Anti-Static Convoluted PTFE Hose With 304 Stainless Steel Over Braided Construction: Tube: Domestic PTFE / The imported F-205 of Japan Daikin Cover: AISI SS304 Braided Temperature: -50℃ to +200℃ (Domestic Material) -50℃ to +260℃ (Imported Material) Application: Mainly used for conveying various chemicals, ships, automobiles, Marine industry machinery hydraulic system etc Coil length: 40~80m (Random Length). Standard: SAE100 R14 Connector: BSP, NPT, JIC etc |Item code||Inner Diameter||Outer Diameter||Working Pressure||Min. Bending Radius||Approx. Weight| Packing & Shipment Normal Packing: opp film and woven strips wrapped Customized Packing: Non-fumigation pallrt or Wooden reel 1-1/4'' ~ 2'' 1, 15 years manufacturing experience 2, Passion PTFE hose is made of virginal PTFE, with Excellent high temperature & corrosion resistance. 3, Hot sale in America, Canada, Germany, Mexico. 4, Free Sample / Hose assembly can be customized as per request 5, Small order is workable Hangzhou Paishun Rubber and Plastic Co., Ltd established in 2007, is a rapid growing enterprise who integrate the production and marketing of rubber industrial hoses, rubber hydraulic hoses, and hydraulic hose fittings. After 8 years effort and development, now we have become one of the leading rubber hose manufacturers and suppliers in China. We have been enjoying high reputation in rubber industrial hose and hydraulic hose market domestically and internationally. Hangzhou Paishun Products Range: Our factory focus on manufacturing Rubber industrial hoses, which include Rubber air hose , Rubber water hose , LPG gas hose , twin welding hose , rubber fuel hose. Our stock-shared factory focus on manufacturing Rubber hydraulic hose , which includes SAE 100R1 , SAE 100R2 , SAE 100R7/ R8 , EN856 4SH , 4SP , SAE 100 R9 , R10 , R12 , SAE 100R14 Braided PTFE hose , Hydraulic hose fitting and ferrule ; Air conditioning hose ; Refrigerant charging hose . We are very professional and have full experience in crimping fittings and quick release couplings on hoses. Such as rubber air hose assembly, contractor garden hose assembly, washing machine hose assembly, LPG hose assembly, hydraulic hose assembly, high pressure washer hose assembly, paint spray hose assembly, etc. We are capable of supplying our products in various kinds of packaging according to customers' specific requirements. Now our rubber hoses and hose assemblies are exported to USA, Canada, Italy, UK, Norway, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa etc, about 50 countries all over the world. PASSION® Rubber hoses are approved by CE, SGS, TUV. But Hangzhou Paishun have never stop going forward, in order to supply more rubber hoses to our customersand enlarge the production range, in 2012, together with our partner, we build another factory, which produce silicone auto rubber hoses in Jiangsu China. PASSION FOR HOSE, PASSION FOR YOU! Send your inquiry directly to us
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March 23, 2021 I was born in Southern California and began my career with Flying Tigers on July 31, 1978 as a flight crewmember based at LAX. Becoming a professional pilot was a dream that I possessed since my first flight lesson at age 14 while being raised under the flight pattern of the Torrance Airport. I built my flight hours as a young commercial pilot at Hawthorne Airport and LAX, attending CSULB at night where I earned a Business Administration degree. My boyhood dream was finally realized at age 24 when Tigers hired me and I was checked out as a new Second Officer on the DC-8-63. Quickly surpassing my passion for flying was the sudden exuberance found in being part of something so dynamic – the largest air cargo airline in the world at the time. The Tiger Spirit was instantly instilled in me and has only grown stronger as time has passed. Although not fully realized at the time, as often happens during unexpected disruptions in life, some of my most fulfilling years as a Flying Tiger came amidst the downturn in corporate profitability during the early 1980’s when I was furloughed as a pilot on April 1, 1982. Captain Dick Wilson, VP of Operations, had directed all departments to place a priority on rehiring furloughed pilots into positions they might be qualified for. I applied for a handful of openings at High Tiger and was hired as a Fuel Data Analyst in the Flight Planning Department on the 3rd floor. Under the watchful eyes of Basil Pepper and Ken Bucklee, I worked closely with flight planners, crew planners, and managers within the charter department, and was exposed to a side of FTL that most line pilots never get to see. More importantly I gained an appreciation for the close bond that existed among all employees who worked in headquarters, the Can Do attitude, the smiles and the warmth, and subsequently made many new life-long friends during my short tenure at a desk. I was recalled as a pilot on April 1st, 1984. For the next five years I flew in various seats on the DC8, B747, and B727 and was based in MCI, ORD, and JFK. After T-Day, as a B747 First Officer, FedEx began selling aircraft, the New York crew base was closed, and I was transferred to Memphis to begin training as a DC10 First Officer. I moved from Southern California to Tennessee to begin the second part of my career checking out as Captain on the B727, DC10, and MD11. I retired from FedEx on December 31, 2016 after 38 ½ years of combined service. I currently live with my wife, Jeanne, outside of Dallas, Texas and am the grandfather of four. I’ve kept my passion for the Flying Tiger Line alive through participation in the Flying Tiger Line Pilots Association and the Flying Tiger Club. In 2012 I was elected as President of FTLPA. In 2019 I assumed the position of Museum Director for the Flying Tiger Club. I consider it an honor to have a position with both associations and pledge my dedication to helping preserve the legacy of our great airline. Like most of us, I will be forever grateful for the privilege of being a part of the Flying Tiger family. I have devoted a significant amount of time in the past decade trying to ensure that recognition of our uniquely wonderful company continues for many more years to come.Back To Crewmember List
The Black Shark 5 series of gaming smartphones in Qatar are likely to launch soon in China. The reason behind it is that the Black Shark 5 Qatar and Black Shark 5 Pro Qatar have appeared in the database of China’s TENAA telecom authority. The listings have revealed the entire specs of both devices. However, the images of the Black Shark 5 duo are yet to surface at TENAA. Black Shark 5 specifications (rumored) The TENAA listing of the Black Shark 5 (model number PAR-A0) measures 163.83 x 76.25 x 10.37mm and weighs 223 grams. The device will be available in multiple colors such as White, Dawn White, Dark Universe Black, and Exploration Gray. The Black Shark 5 in Qatar has a 6.67-inch AMOLED FHD+ display with an in-screen fingerprint scanner. It is powered by a 3.2GHz chip, which could be a Snapdragon 8-series chiphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWDp7U4DQvw. The SoC is coupled with 8 GB / 12 GB of RAM and 128 GB / 256 GB of storage. The Black Shark 5 draws power from a 4,650mAh (rated value) battery that reportedly supports 120W fast charging. For photography, it has a 64-megapixel triple camera unit on the back and a 13-megapixel front camera. Black Shark 5 Pro specifications (rumored) The Black Shark 5 Pro (model number KTUS-A0) TENAA listing has revealed that it measures 163.86 x 76.53 x 9.8mm and weighs 226 grams. The Black Shark 5 Pro in Qatar will come in four colors such as White, Tiangong White, Meteorite Black, and Moon Rock Gray. It is fitted with a 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen with an in-display fingerprint sensor. It seems to be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and 8 GB / 12 GB / 16 GB of RAM. The smartphone may come with 256 GB / 512 GB of storage. The Black Shark 5 Pro has a 4,650mAh (rated value) battery. It is also expected to support 120W fast charging. It has 108-megapixel triple rear-facing cameras and a 13-megapixel front camera.
In the great debate of whether lobster rolls are best when served Connecticut-style with melted butter or the Maine way laced with lemony mayonnaise, I say do a combo of both! Trust me, you’re going to love these. In a world of best-of lists and where everyone has an opinion, choosing how to make the best lobster rolls is right up there with naming the best Super Bowl match-up ever, whether thin crust or Chicago style pizza is better, or declaring the best movie of all time. As simple as they are to make, the best lobster roll debate always comes down to two things: Butter or mayonnaise? Personally, I love them both. In this recipe, the lobster is warmed in butter then added to the simple mayonnaise dressing before getting loaded into a soft, buttery toasted, split top bun. Summer eats have arrived, and I’m here for it. What’s In Lobster Rolls The ingredient list for these lobster rolls is simple and lean, staying in line with the classic flavors so the lobster meat shines through. - Lobster meat - Lemon juice and zest - Minced celery - Minced chives - Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper - Soft, split top New England-style buns, or hot dog buns What Type of Lobster Is Best for Lobster Rolls There are a couple of ways to get your mitts on lobster for lobster rolls: If you live on the Eastern seaboard, consider yourself lucky to have fresh caught lobster at your fingertips. If you have the budget, order the live crustaceans online and have them shipped to your door. You can also look for them at Asian markets and some up-scale supermarkets. For the rest of us, frozen lobster is more likely in the cards. For this recipe, you’ll need one pound of lobster meat. For fresh lobster, a 1-pound lobster yields between 3 to 3 ¾ ounces of lobster, depending on the season. If steaming fresh lobster, here’s a tutorial. Instead of cooking fresh, I bought cooked, frozen lobster meat that includes the knuckle, claws, and tail meat for all those sweet lobster bites. You can also choose frozen tails, bake or steam them, and coarsely chop. Lobster Rolls Dressing Simple but flavorful, the dressing for these lobster rolls is beyond easy to whip up. Don’t overdo the mayonnaise. Overdressing sweet lobster meat with gloppy mounds of mayo is one of the biggest travesties to befall a lobster roll. Keep the mayo light by using a scant ¼ cup of mayonnaise, and jus the right amount for 1 pound of lobster meat. Add a celery crunch. While celery can be a controversial ingredient some lobster roll purists will take issue with, I like the crunch and change in texture it contributes. Dice it small so as not to overwhelm each bite. Use both freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest. To avoid a watery or thin dressing that can make a soggy bun, add both lemon juice and lemon zest to the mayo for that zippy flavor that brightens up any seafood. For easiest results, zest the whole lemon while it’s firm and solid before juicing it. Chive it up. The onion flavor chives provide not only add bits of heat, they’re also a tasty garnish when extra is sprinkled on top. For variety, try minced tarragon, red onion, or chopped green onion instead. Lobster Rolls Get All Buttered Up The best bite of this lobster roll is the first bite, when the bun is still warm and toasty and the lobster meat is warmed and buttery and mixed with the mayo dressing. Gently warm the lobster meat in melted butter. Before combining it with the mayo dressing, warm the lobster meat in a skillet of melted butter for 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to cook it long, or it will become tough and overcooked. Spoon It Up Leave the juicy butter in the pan. As it cooks, the lobster releases juices into the butter, that while tasting delicious, will make the dressing runny if it’s all added to the mayo. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the lobster meat to the dressing, but don’t worry if some of that buttery goodness makes it in as well. The Best Bread for Lobster Rolls Because of the tender meat and delicate flavorings, this is a sandwich where the roll it’s served on can make or break the meal. I mean, it’s even part of the name! Make it a soft, buttery bun. Split top, New England-style hot dog buns are the classic hand to mouth vehicle for lobster salad, but are sometimes hard to find. Made with eggs and butter, brioche-style buns with a tender, moist crumb or Hawaiian bread buns are options as well. While a regular side split hot dog buns will suffice, avoid buns that are dry or on the slightest verge of going stale. Soft and squishy are what you’re looking for here. Slice the bun’s bready sides, butter and toast. Exposing the crumby texture by slicing away a thin margin of the bun’s sides, then toasting in a pan with melted butter adds another layer of warm richness lobster rolls are famous for. How Much Lobster Is In a Lobster Roll This isn’t the dish to be chintzy with, so stuff those lobster rolls with all you’ve got. Plan on ¼ pound of lobster salad for each bun. While not classic, a piece of leafy lettuce can be added to the bun with the lobster. But beware, lobster roll fusspots may disagree. What to Serve with Lobster Rolls What would a lobster rolls be without a side of potato chips? For me, the saltier and the crunchier the better. Salt and vinegar kettle chips are my favorite, and add a great contrast to the soft bun and lobster. More Lobster Recipes Ideas - Lobster Mac And Cheese - Grilled Lobster Tails With Smoked Paprika Butter - Kennebunkport Lobster Grilled Cheese - Lobster Etouffee If you make this recipe, please let me know! Leave a star rating on this recipe below and leave a comment, take a photo and tag me on Instagram with #foodiecrusheats. The BEST Lobster Rolls (With Butter AND Mayonnaise) - 1 pound frozen lobster meat , thawed, or cooked meat from two 1 ½ - 2 pound live lobsters - ¼ cup minced celery - ¼ cup mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon minced chives - 1 tablespoon lemon juice - 1 teaspoon lemon zest - ¼ teaspoon kosher salt - 4 split-top brioche, New England style hot dog buns , with sides trimmed off - ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper - 4 tablespoons butter , divided - Rinse the lobster meat and pick through for any loose shells. Drain throughly so the mayo sauce doesn't get watery. Chop or tear into large chunks and set aside. - In a large bowl, mix the celery, mayonnaise, chives, lemon juice, lemon zest, kosher salt and ground black pepper. Taste for seasoning. - In a large skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons of the butter and add the lobster meat. Cook, stirring for 2 minutes until warmed through and buttery all over. Use a slotted spoon to dish the lobster meat into the mayonnaise mixture and toss to coat. Discard butter and juice released from the lobster and wipe out the skillet. Melt the remaining butter in the skillet over medium heat; toast the buns on the cut sides about 2 minutes each side until golden and toasty. - Load each bun equally with lobster meat and garnish with more chives if desired. Serve with potato chips. More Sandwich Recipe Ideas - How To Make A Healthy-Ish Fried Fish Sandwich - How To Build A Better Sandwich - My Favorite Reuben Sandwich Recipe - Classic Egg Salad Sandwich - Green Goddess Cream Cheese Veggie Sandwich We send good emails. Subscribe to FoodieCrush and have each post plus exclusive content only for our subscribers delivered straight to your e-mail box. As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. There are affiliate links in this post of which I receive a small commission. All opinions are always my own.
In the latest issue of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a survey of more than 3,000 1- to 4-year-olds from low-income households that receive a childcare subsidy and who attended childcare found those who received meals and snacks onsite – versus brought from home – were 30% less likely to live in food-insecure households, 39% less likely to be in fair or poor health and 41% less likely to be admitted to the hospital from the emergency department. While associations between child food insecurity, developmental risk and risk of obesity were not statistically significant, the researchers found “all were in the expected direction.” They added child food insecurity might not have reached the threshold of statistical significance because providers prioritize feeding children. Most of the programs in the five US cities where the research was conducted were able to provide meals to the children thanks to funding from CACFP, which is a federal program administered by states that gives nutritious meals and snacks to children from families participating in Head Start programs, family childcare, childcare centers and afterschool programs or who are living in emergency shelters. All the meals and snacks must meet National Academy of Medicine standards for nutrition and follow age-appropriate meal patterns. Strengthening CACFP ‘offers a vitally important pathway to ensuring both children and their families can flourish’ “These findings have several clinical and policy implications,” argued the researchers, lead by Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba, executive director of Children’s HealthWatch and a research associate professor at Boston University. “Household and child food insecurity are known risk factors for young children’s developmental delays and poor health. Moreover, food insecurity is associated with increased hospitalizations among young children and greater hospital charges for infants once hospitalized, due to longer lengths of stay,” they explain in the study. They add the benefits of childcare-provided meals demonstrated in the study have expand beyond the children to include their families and society as a whole. They explain: “Excellent/good child health status has been linked to decreased avoidable inpatient and outpatient health care services and costs. In addition to children being less severely ill and not needing to be admitted from the ED, families benefit from reductions in stress and avoiding the expenses associated with inpatient care and society benefits from potentially significant health care cost savings.” Given these benefits, Ettinger de Cuba argues for strengthening and improving access to programs like CACFP, which she says in a statement “offers a vitally important pathway to ensuring both children and their families can flourish.” In the study, the researchers argue that current CACP funding levels are inadequate for full implementation of the program and that current reimbursement rates are insufficient “to meet the real cost of healthy foods (especially in light of recent inflation in food prices) and support for provider training and technical assistance.” They also advocate for simplifying paperwork and administrative burdens associated with the program, noting they act as a barrier for childcare provider participation in CACFP. ‘Work at the federal and state levels is warranted to expand participation’ This sentiment is echoed in another recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine that found current CACFP participation rates among licensed child care centers “point to program under-utilization and unequal access.” Researchers based their conclusion on finding of all licensed childcare centers, only 36.5% participated in CACFP, ranging from 15.2% to 65.3% across states. The rates increased to 57.5% when restricted to low-income areas. “Work at the federal and state levels is warranted to expand participation in the program, above all in low-income areas, so that more young children could eat healthfully with CACFP,” conclude the researchers led by Tatiana Andreyeva at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health at the University of Connecticut.
Load apportioning valve (anti-lock braking system) - removal and refitting Note: Before starting work, refer to the warning at the beginning of Section 3 concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid. 1 Raise the car on a hoist or drive the rear of the car up on ramps. The rear wheels must not hang free. 2 If removing the right-hand side load apportioning valve on fuel-injected models, undo the nut and bolt securing the fuel pump mounting bracket to the underbody. Move the fuel pump aside to gain access to the valve. 3 Disconnect the hydraulic pipes at the valve then plug the pipes and orifices to prevent loss of fluid and dirt ingress. 4 As an aid to reassembly, accurately mark the position of the valve adjusting bracket on the rear suspension arm. This will ensure that the valve adjustment is not lost when refitting. 5 Undo the nuts and remove the stud plate securing the adjusting bracket to the suspension arm (see illustration). 22.5 Load apportioning valve adjusting bracket retaining nut locations (arrowed) 6 Undo both rear suspension arm inner mounting nuts and remove the load apportioning valve mounting plate. 7 Undo the bolts securing the valve to the mounting plate and remove the valve and adjusting bracket from under the car (see illustration). 22.7 Load apportioning valve assembly A Adjusting bracket B Valve pushrod C Apportioning valve 8 If required separate the valve pushrod from the adjusting bracket by levering off the pushrod trunnion with a screwdriver (see illustration). Lubricate the trunnion rubber bush to aid removal. 22.8 Separating apportioning valve pushrod from adjusting bracket Refitting 9 If a new valve is being fitted it will be supplied with nylon setting spacers and ties attached, to ensure correct adjustment of the valve. Leave these in position until the valve is installed. 10 Refit the pushrod trunnion to the adjusting bracket using a suitable socket and a vice. 11 Locate the valve on its mounting plate and secure with the retaining bolts. 12 Position the mounting plate over the suspension arm mounting bolts and secure with the nuts tightened to the specified torque. 13 Reconnect the hydraulic pipes to the valve. 14 Refit the stud plate and adjusting bracket to the suspension arm ensuring that the previously made marks are aligned if the original components are being refitted. Secure the adjusting bracket with the retaining nuts tightened to the specified torque. 15 If a new valve assembly is being fitted, remove the nylon setting spacers and ties. 16 Where applicable refit the fuel pump mounting bracket. 17 Lower the car to the ground. 18 Bleed the hydraulic system as described in Section 23. 19 It is recommended that the load apportioning valve adjustment be checked by a dealer if the original unit has been refitted. Special gauges are needed for this operation and it is not a DIY proposition. Internal connection details, all models Internal connection details, all models ... Rear suspension and final drive unit assembly (Saloon, Hatchback and Estate models) - removal and refitting Note: From May 1986, revised final drive unit rear mounting bolts have been used in production. Whenever the earlier type of bolts are removed, they should be discarded and the later type fitted. ... Hydraulic unit (ABS) - removal and refitting Note: A new gasket must be used between the hydraulic unit and the bulkhead on refitting. Caution: Refer to the precautions in Section 1. Removal 1 Disconnect the battery negative lead. 2 Depre ...
May 16, 2013 – AUD/USD (daily chart) has continued its week-long plunge that initiated on a clean breakdown below the major 1.0150 support level late last week. That move broke the longstanding trading range that had been in place for the previous ten months. Since that breakdown, price has proceeded to breach parity (1.0000) and then hit key support further down around the 0.9850 level yesterday. Currently, price has broken below that level as well, establishing a new 11-month low in the process. The downtrend is currently showing few signs of relenting. With key upside resistance now residing around parity, the next major downside price objectives reside around 0.9650 and then 0.9400, both of which are important prior support/resistance levels. James Chen, CMT Chief Technical Strategist City Index Group Forex trading involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. This information is being provided only for general market commentary and does not constitute investment trading advice. These materials are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sale of any financial instrument and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision.
Sam Allardyce brought the Cameroon international to Upton Park on a season-long loan after the midfielder was deemed surplus to requirements at Barcelona. The former Arsenal midfielder has looked assured in a West Ham side that climbed to fourth in the Premier League table after a superb victory over champions Manchester City on Saturday. Song was awarded man of the match for his display against City, and the 27-year-old is reportedly attracting interest from several suitors over a permanent move. And whatever he decides to do next, Song has stated his desire to remain in England. "I think my future will be here [in England]," he told Sky Sports. "My family, everyone is happy here. I'm very happy to come back to England. "I've always said if I move from Barcelona, I'll come to England and my future is here anyway. "I just want to enjoy playing at the moment and we'll see what is happening at the end of the season." Thank you for reading 5 articles this month* Join now for unlimited access Enjoy your first month for just £1 / $1 / €1 *Read 5 free articles per month without a subscription Join now for unlimited access Try first month for just £1 / $1 / €1 Get FourFourTwo Newsletter The best features, fun and footballing quizzes, straight to your inbox every week.