<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Written in pure C language , Canhadr/Ndriver provides full access to the hard drive and operating memory despite device security restrictions , and carries out integrity control of various system components to avoid debugging and security detection .' [/INST] [Written:O, in:O, pure:O, C:O, language:O, ,:O, Canhadr/Ndriver:B-SamFile, provides:B-Features, full:I-Features, access:I-Features, to:O, the:O, hard:O, drive:O, and:O, operating:O, memory:O, despite:O, device:O, security:O, restrictions:O, ,:O, and:O, carries:B-Features, out:I-Features, integrity:I-Features, control:I-Features, of:O, various:O, system:O, components:O, to:O, avoid:O, debugging:O, and:O, security:O, detection:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The toolset includes reams of documentation explaining how the cyber weapons work , as well as details about their use in highly classified intelligence operations abroad .' [/INST] [The:O, toolset:O, includes:O, reams:O, of:O, documentation:O, explaining:B-Features, how:I-Features, the:I-Features, cyber:I-Features, weapons:I-Features, work:O, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, details:O, about:O, their:O, use:O, in:O, highly:B-Purp, classified:I-Purp, intelligence:I-Purp, operations:O, abroad:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Ham Backdoor functions primarily as a modular platform , which provides the attacker with the ability to directly download additional modules and execute them in memory from the command and control ( C2 ) server .' [/INST] [The:O, Ham:B-Tool, Backdoor:I-Tool, functions:O, primarily:O, as:O, a:O, modular:O, platform:O, ,:O, which:O, provides:O, the:O, attacker:O, with:O, the:O, ability:O, to:O, directly:O, download:B-Features, additional:I-Features, modules:I-Features, and:O, execute:O, them:O, in:O, memory:O, from:O, the:O, command:O, and:O, control:O, (:O, C2:O, ):O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Originally targeting Western European banks , Emotet has since been developed into a robust global botnet that is comprised of several modules , each of which equips Emotet with different spamming , email logging , information stealing , bank fraud , downloading , and DDoS , among others .' [/INST] [Originally:O, targeting:O, Western:B-Area, European:I-Area, banks:B-Idus, ,:O, Emotet:B-Tool, has:O, since:O, been:O, developed:O, into:O, a:O, robust:O, global:O, botnet:O, that:O, is:O, comprised:O, of:O, several:O, modules:O, ,:O, each:O, of:O, which:O, equips:O, Emotet:B-Tool, with:O, different:O, spamming:O, ,:O, email:B-Features, logging:I-Features, ,:O, information:B-Features, stealing:I-Features, ,:O, bank:B-Features, fraud:I-Features, ,:O, downloading:B-Features, ,:O, and:O, DDoS:B-Features, ,:O, among:O, others:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Originally targeting Western European banks , it has since been developed into a robust global botnet that is comprised of several modules , each of which equips Emotet with different spamming , email logging , information stealing , bank fraud , downloading , and DDoS , among others .' [/INST] [Originally:O, targeting:O, Western:B-Area, European:I-Area, banks:B-Idus, ,:O, it:O, has:O, since:O, been:O, developed:O, into:O, a:O, robust:O, global:O, botnet:O, that:O, is:O, comprised:O, of:O, several:O, modules:O, ,:O, each:O, of:O, which:O, equips:O, Emotet:B-Tool, with:O, different:O, spamming:O, ,:O, email:B-Features, logging:I-Features, ,:O, information:B-Features, stealing:I-Features, ,:O, bank:B-Features, fraud:I-Features, ,:O, downloading:B-Features, ,:O, and:O, DDoS:B-Features, ,:O, among:O, others:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Beginning in mid-January 2019 , TA542 distributed millions of Emotet-laden emails in both English and German .' [/INST] [Beginning:O, in:O, mid-January:B-Time, 2019:I-Time, ,:O, TA542:O, distributed:O, millions:O, of:O, Emotet-laden:B-Way, emails:I-Way, in:O, both:O, English:O, and:O, German:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'DanaBot is a Trojan that includes banking site web injections and stealer functions .' [/INST] [DanaBot:B-Tool, is:O, a:O, Trojan:B-Tool, that:O, includes:O, banking:B-Features, site:I-Features, web:I-Features, injections:I-Features, and:O, stealer:B-Features, functions:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Two binder tools — used to disguise custom executables as legitimate Microsoft implants — were discovered by Falcon Intelligence and linked to MYTHIC LEOPARD in July 2017 .' [/INST] [Two:O, binder:O, tools:O, —:O, used:O, to:O, disguise:B-Features, custom:I-Features, executables:I-Features, as:O, legitimate:O, Microsoft:B-Org, implants:O, —:O, were:O, discovered:O, by:O, Falcon:B-SecTeam, Intelligence:I-SecTeam, and:O, linked:O, to:O, MYTHIC:B-HackOrg, LEOPARD:I-HackOrg, in:O, July:B-Time, 2017:I-Time, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Neptun is installed on Microsoft Exchange servers and is designed to passively listen for commands from the attackers .' [/INST] [Neptun:B-SamFile, is:O, installed:O, on:O, Microsoft:O, Exchange:O, servers:O, and:O, is:O, designed:O, to:O, passively:O, listen:B-Features, for:I-Features, commands:I-Features, from:O, the:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'At a high level , hot patching can transparently apply patches to executables and DLLs in actively running processes , which does not happen with traditional methods of code injection such as CreateRemoteThread or WriteProcessMemory .' [/INST] [At:O, a:O, high:O, level:O, ,:O, hot:O, patching:O, can:O, transparently:O, apply:B-Features, patches:I-Features, to:O, executables:O, and:O, DLLs:O, in:O, actively:O, running:O, processes:O, ,:O, which:O, does:O, not:O, happen:O, with:O, traditional:O, methods:O, of:O, code:O, injection:O, such:O, as:O, CreateRemoteThread:B-SamFile, or:O, WriteProcessMemory:B-SamFile, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This isn’t a bad thing as it shows a natural grouping of nodes that could be a good candidate to group to help simplify the overall graph and make analysis easier .' [/INST] [This:O, isn’t:O, a:O, bad:O, thing:O, as:O, it:B-SamFile, shows:O, a:O, natural:O, grouping:O, of:O, nodes:O, that:O, could:O, be:O, a:O, good:O, candidate:O, to:O, group:O, to:O, help:O, simplify:B-Features, the:I-Features, overall:I-Features, graph:I-Features, and:O, make:B-Features, analysis:I-Features, easier:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The files exploit the well-known Microsoft Office vulnerability , CVE-2012-0158 , to execute malicious code in order to take control of the targeted systems .' [/INST] [The:O, files:B-SamFile, exploit:O, the:O, well-known:O, Microsoft:B-Exp, Office:I-Exp, vulnerability:I-Exp, ,:O, CVE-2012-0158:B-Exp, ,:O, to:O, execute:O, malicious:O, code:O, in:O, order:O, to:O, take:B-Features, control:I-Features, of:O, the:O, targeted:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We have also observed them using virtual private network services that use IPs based in numerous countries to ensure anonymity and obfuscate criminal operations .' [/INST] [We:O, have:O, also:O, observed:O, them:B-SamFile, using:B-Features, virtual:I-Features, private:I-Features, network:I-Features, services:I-Features, that:O, use:O, IPs:O, based:O, in:O, numerous:O, countries:O, to:O, ensure:B-Purp, anonymity:I-Purp, and:O, obfuscate:B-Purp, criminal:I-Purp, operations:I-Purp, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Once downloaded and executed , it drops an intermediate payload that further downloads a Pony DLL and Vawtrak executable , which perform data theft and connect to a command and control (C2) server .' [/INST] [Once:O, downloaded:O, and:O, executed:O, ,:O, it:O, drops:O, an:O, intermediate:O, payload:O, that:O, further:O, downloads:O, a:O, Pony:B-SamFile, DLL:I-SamFile, and:O, Vawtrak:B-SamFile, executable:O, ,:O, which:O, perform:O, data:B-Features, theft:I-Features, and:O, connect:B-Features, to:O, a:O, command:B-Purp, and:O, control:B-Purp, (C2):I-Purp, server:I-Purp, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The files exploit the well-known Microsoft Office vulnerability , CVE-2012-0158 , to execute malicious code in order to take control of the targeted systems .' [/INST] [The:O, files:B-SamFile, exploit:O, the:O, well-known:O, Microsoft:B-Exp, Office:I-Exp, vulnerability:I-Exp, ,:O, CVE-2012-0158:B-Exp, ,:O, to:O, execute:O, malicious:O, code:O, in:O, order:O, to:O, take:B-Features, control:I-Features, of:O, the:O, targeted:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Both groups can set permissions on specific files to Everyone , and work in tandem with the PLATINUM backdoors .' [/INST] [Both:O, groups:B-HackOrg, can:O, set:B-Features, permissions:I-Features, on:O, specific:O, files:O, to:O, Everyone:O, ,:O, and:O, work:O, in:O, tandem:O, with:O, the:O, PLATINUM:B-Tool, backdoors:I-Tool, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'At a high level , hot patching can transparently apply patches to executables and DLLs in actively running processes , which does not happen with traditional methods of code injection such as CreateRemoteThread or WriteProcessMemory .' [/INST] [At:O, a:O, high:O, level:O, ,:O, hot:O, patching:O, can:O, transparently:O, apply:B-Features, patches:I-Features, to:O, executables:O, and:O, DLLs:O, in:O, actively:O, running:O, processes:O, ,:O, which:O, does:O, not:O, happen:O, with:O, traditional:O, methods:O, of:O, code:O, injection:O, such:O, as:O, CreateRemoteThread:B-SamFile, or:O, WriteProcessMemory:B-SamFile, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Hot patching is an operating system-supported feature for installing updates without having to reboot or restart a process .' [/INST] [Hot:O, patching:O, is:O, an:O, operating:B-Tool, system-supported:I-Tool, feature:I-Tool, for:O, installing:B-Features, updates:I-Features, without:O, having:O, to:O, reboot:O, or:O, restart:O, a:O, process:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Until this incident , no malware had been discovered misusing the AMT SOL feature for communication .' [/INST] [Until:O, this:O, incident:O, ,:O, no:O, malware:O, had:O, been:O, discovered:O, misusing:O, the:O, AMT:B-Way, SOL:I-Way, feature:O, for:O, communication:B-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The folders seem to contain information about the company 's development documentation , artificial intelligence model , web security software , and antivirus software base code .' [/INST] [The:O, folders:B-Tool, seem:O, to:O, contain:B-Features, information:I-Features, about:O, the:O, company:O, 's:O, development:O, documentation:O, ,:O, artificial:O, intelligence:O, model:O, ,:O, web:O, security:O, software:O, ,:O, and:O, antivirus:O, software:O, base:O, code:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As mentioned in the Hermes to Ryuk section , Ryuk uses a combination of symmetric ( AES ) and asymmetric ( RSA ) encryption to encrypt files .' [/INST] [As:O, mentioned:O, in:O, the:O, Hermes:B-Tool, to:O, Ryuk:B-Tool, section:O, ,:O, Ryuk:B-Tool, uses:O, a:O, combination:O, of:O, symmetric:O, (:O, AES:B-Tool, ):O, and:O, asymmetric:O, (:O, RSA:B-Tool, ):O, encryption:O, to:O, encrypt:B-Features, files:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Their software , once surreptitiously installed on a target 's cell phone or computer , can be used to monitor the target 's communications , such as phone calls , text messages , Skype calls , or emails .' [/INST] [Their:O, software:O, ,:O, once:O, surreptitiously:O, installed:O, on:O, a:O, target:O, 's:O, cell:O, phone:O, or:O, computer:O, ,:O, can:O, be:O, used:O, to:O, monitor:B-Features, the:I-Features, target:I-Features, 's:I-Features, communications:I-Features, ,:O, such:O, as:O, phone:B-Way, calls:I-Way, ,:O, text:B-Way, messages:I-Way, ,:O, Skype:B-Way, calls:I-Way, ,:O, or:O, emails:B-Way, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This isn’t a bad thing as it shows a natural grouping of nodes that could be a good candidate to group to help simplify the overall graph and make analysis easier .' [/INST] [This:O, isn’t:O, a:O, bad:O, thing:O, as:O, it:B-SamFile, shows:O, a:O, natural:O, grouping:O, of:O, nodes:O, that:O, could:O, be:O, a:O, good:O, candidate:O, to:O, group:O, to:O, help:O, simplify:B-Features, the:I-Features, overall:I-Features, graph:I-Features, and:O, make:B-Features, analysis:I-Features, easier:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Mimikatz is a post-exploitation tool that allows attackers to extract credentials from volatile memory .' [/INST] [Mimikatz:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, post-exploitation:O, tool:O, that:O, allows:O, attackers:O, to:O, extract:B-Features, credentials:I-Features, from:O, volatile:O, memory:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The GoogleUpdate.exe component is responsible for communicating with the remote C&C server .' [/INST] [The:O, GoogleUpdate.exe:B-SamFile, component:O, is:O, responsible:O, for:O, communicating:B-Features, with:O, the:O, remote:O, C&C:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This way , the malware can have its configuration , malicious binaries and file listings updated , but can also download and execute other binaries .' [/INST] [This:O, way:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:B-SamFile, can:O, have:O, its:O, configuration:B-Features, ,:O, malicious:O, binaries:O, and:O, file:O, listings:O, updated:O, ,:O, but:O, can:O, also:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, other:O, binaries:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'They also download apks secretly and record audios and videos , then upload users’ privacy information to server , causing users’ privacy leakage .' [/INST] [They:B-SamFile, also:O, download:B-Features, apks:O, secretly:B-Features, and:O, record:B-Features, audios:I-Features, and:O, videos:O, ,:O, then:O, upload:B-Features, users’:O, privacy:O, information:O, to:O, server:O, ,:O, causing:O, users’:O, privacy:O, leakage:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The SectorJ04 group mainly utilizes a spear phishing email with MS Word or Excel files attached , and the document files downloads the Microsoft Installer (MSI) installation file from the attacker server and uses it to install backdoor on the infected system .' [/INST] [The:O, SectorJ04:B-HackOrg, group:O, mainly:O, utilizes:O, a:O, spear:B-Way, phishing:I-Way, email:I-Way, with:O, MS:O, Word:O, or:O, Excel:O, files:O, attached:O, ,:O, and:O, the:O, document:B-SamFile, files:I-SamFile, downloads:B-Features, the:O, Microsoft:O, Installer:O, (MSI):O, installation:O, file:O, from:O, the:O, attacker:B-HackOrg, server:O, and:O, uses:O, it:O, to:O, install:O, backdoor:O, on:O, the:O, infected:O, system:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The email stealer collects connection protocol information and account information , such as SMTP , IMAP , and POP3 , which are stored in the registry by Outlook and Thunderbird mail clients and sends them to the attacker server in a specific format .' [/INST] [The:O, email:B-SamFile, stealer:I-SamFile, collects:B-Features, connection:I-Features, protocol:O, information:O, and:O, account:O, information:O, ,:O, such:O, as:O, SMTP:O, ,:O, IMAP:O, ,:O, and:O, POP3:O, ,:O, which:O, are:O, stored:O, in:O, the:O, registry:O, by:O, Outlook:O, and:O, Thunderbird:O, mail:O, clients:O, and:O, sends:O, them:O, to:O, the:O, attacker:O, server:O, in:O, a:O, specific:O, format:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Silence.Main Trojan , which is the main stage of the attack , has a full set of commands to control a compromised computer .' [/INST] [The:O, Silence.Main:B-SamFile, Trojan:I-SamFile, ,:O, which:O, is:O, the:O, main:O, stage:O, of:O, the:O, attack:O, ,:O, has:O, a:O, full:O, set:O, of:O, commands:O, to:O, control:B-Features, a:O, compromised:O, computer:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The main goal of Silence.Downloader is to receive an executable file and run it on an infected machine .' [/INST] [The:O, main:O, goal:O, of:O, Silence.Downloader:B-SamFile, is:O, to:O, receive:B-Features, an:O, executable:O, file:O, and:O, run:O, it:O, on:O, an:O, infected:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Silence.MainModule is a typical remote control Trojan that provides access to the command shell CMD.EXE with the possibility of downloading files from remote nodes to a computer and uploading files from a computer to a remote server .' [/INST] [Silence.MainModule:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, typical:O, remote:O, control:O, Trojan:O, that:O, provides:B-Features, access:O, to:O, the:O, command:O, shell:O, CMD.EXE:O, with:O, the:O, possibility:O, of:O, downloading:B-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, remote:O, nodes:O, to:O, a:O, computer:O, and:O, uploading:B-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, a:O, computer:O, to:O, a:O, remote:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'PlugX is a modular structured malware that has many different operational plugins such as communication compression and encryption , network enumeration , files interaction , remote shell operations and more .' [/INST] [PlugX:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, modular:O, structured:O, malware:O, that:O, has:O, many:O, different:O, operational:O, plugins:O, such:O, as:O, communication:B-Features, compression:I-Features, and:O, encryption:B-Features, ,:O, network:B-Features, enumeration:I-Features, ,:O, files:B-Features, interaction:I-Features, ,:O, remote:B-Features, shell:I-Features, operations:I-Features, and:O, more:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TONEDEAF supports collecting system information , uploading and downloading of files , and arbitrary shell command execution .' [/INST] [TONEDEAF:B-SamFile, supports:O, collecting:B-Features, system:I-Features, information:I-Features, ,:O, uploading:B-Features, and:O, downloading:B-Features, of:O, files:O, ,:O, and:O, arbitrary:B-Features, shell:O, command:O, execution:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'PICKPOCKET is a credential theft tool that dumps the user's website login credentials from Chrome , Firefox , and Internet Explorer to a file .' [/INST] [PICKPOCKET:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, credential:O, theft:O, tool:O, that:O, dumps:B-Features, the:O, user's:O, website:O, login:O, credentials:O, from:O, Chrome:O, ,:O, Firefox:O, ,:O, and:O, Internet:O, Explorer:O, to:O, a:O, file:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The first module downloaded by the GRIFFON malware to the victim’s computer is an information-gathering JScript , which allows the cybercriminals to understand the context of the infected workstation .' [/INST] [The:O, first:O, module:O, downloaded:O, by:O, the:O, GRIFFON:B-SamFile, malware:O, to:O, the:O, victim’s:O, computer:O, is:O, an:O, information-gathering:O, JScript:O, ,:O, which:O, allows:O, the:O, cybercriminals:O, to:O, understand:B-Features, the:O, context:O, of:O, the:O, infected:O, workstation:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The new GRIFFON implant is written to the hard drive before each execution , limiting the file-less” aspect of this method .' [/INST] [The:O, new:O, GRIFFON:B-SamFile, implant:O, is:O, written:B-Features, to:O, the:O, hard:O, drive:O, before:O, each:O, execution:O, ,:O, limiting:O, the:O, file-less”:O, aspect:O, of:O, this:O, method:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In fact , AveMaria is a classic infostealer bot that collects all possible credentials from various types of software: browsers , email clients , messengers , etc , and can act as a keylogger .' [/INST] [In:O, fact:O, ,:O, AveMaria:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, classic:O, infostealer:O, bot:O, that:O, collects:B-Features, all:O, possible:O, credentials:O, from:O, various:O, types:O, of:O, software::O, browsers:O, ,:O, email:O, clients:O, ,:O, messengers:O, ,:O, etc:O, ,:O, and:O, can:O, act:B-Features, as:O, a:O, keylogger:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Some of the documents exploited CVE-2017-0199 to deliver the payload .' [/INST] [Some:O, of:O, the:O, documents:B-SamFile, exploited:O, CVE-2017-0199:B-Exp, to:O, deliver:B-Features, the:I-Features, payload:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The malware basically provides a remote CMD/PowerShell terminal for the attackers , enabling them to execute scripts/commands and receive the results via HTTP requests .' [/INST] [The:O, malware:B-SamFile, basically:O, provides:B-Features, a:O, remote:O, CMD/PowerShell:B-Tool, terminal:O, for:O, the:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, ,:O, enabling:O, them:O, to:O, execute:B-Purp, scripts/commands:I-Purp, and:O, receive:O, the:O, results:O, via:O, HTTP:O, requests:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Some of the documents exploited CVE-2017-0199 to deliver the payload .' [/INST] [Some:O, of:O, the:O, documents:B-SamFile, exploited:O, CVE-2017-0199:B-Exp, to:O, deliver:B-Features, the:I-Features, payload:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The LOWBALL first stage malware allows the group to collect information from victims and then deliver the BUBBLEWRAP second stage malware to their victims after verifying that they are indeed interesting targets .' [/INST] [The:O, LOWBALL:B-Tool, first:O, stage:O, malware:O, allows:O, the:O, group:B-HackOrg, to:O, collect:B-Features, information:I-Features, from:O, victims:O, and:O, then:O, deliver:O, the:O, BUBBLEWRAP:B-Tool, second:O, stage:O, malware:O, to:O, their:O, victims:O, after:O, verifying:O, that:O, they:O, are:O, indeed:O, interesting:O, targets:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The batch script would then attempt to have the VNC program connect to a command and control ( C2 ) server to enable the server to control the compromised system .' [/INST] [The:O, batch:O, script:O, would:O, then:O, attempt:O, to:O, have:O, the:O, VNC:B-Tool, program:O, connect:B-Features, to:I-Features, a:I-Features, command:I-Features, and:I-Features, control:I-Features, (:O, C2:O, ):O, server:O, to:O, enable:O, the:O, server:O, to:O, control:O, the:O, compromised:O, system:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The IndiaBravo-PapaAlfa installer is responsible for installing the service DLL variant .' [/INST] [The:O, IndiaBravo-PapaAlfa:B-Tool, installer:I-Tool, is:O, responsible:O, for:O, installing:B-Features, the:I-Features, service:I-Features, DLL:I-Features, variant:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'These tools often lay the groundwork for further malicious activity , such as the targeting of antivirus capabilities and the disabling of firewalls , both of which are very fundamental defensive measures .' [/INST] [These:O, tools:O, often:O, lay:O, the:O, groundwork:O, for:O, further:O, malicious:B-OffAct, activity:I-OffAct, ,:O, such:O, as:O, the:O, targeting:B-Features, of:I-Features, antivirus:I-Features, capabilities:I-Features, and:O, the:O, disabling:B-Features, of:I-Features, firewalls:I-Features, ,:O, both:O, of:O, which:O, are:O, very:O, fundamental:O, defensive:O, measures:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The first class , colloquially known as , wipers , , are a class of malware has the primary intent of destroying data on a victim 's machine .' [/INST] [The:O, first:O, class:O, ,:O, colloquially:O, known:O, as:O, ,:O, wipers:B-Tool, ,:O, ,:O, are:O, a:O, class:O, of:O, malware:O, has:O, the:O, primary:O, intent:O, of:O, destroying:B-Features, data:I-Features, on:O, a:O, victim:O, 's:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'DDoS malware floods a target 's network-connected service with an excessive number of request at once in order to overload the capacity of the server .' [/INST] [DDoS:B-Tool, malware:I-Tool, floods:O, a:O, target:O, 's:O, network-connected:O, service:O, with:O, an:O, excessive:O, number:O, of:O, request:O, at:O, once:O, in:O, order:O, to:O, overload:B-Features, the:I-Features, capacity:I-Features, of:O, the:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The naming scheme used by Novetta for the malware identified during Operation Blockbuster consists of at least two identifiers which each identifier coming from the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) 's phonetic alphabet ,2 commonly referred to as the NATO phonetic alphabet .' [/INST] [The:O, naming:B-Features, scheme:O, used:O, by:O, Novetta:B-SecTeam, for:O, the:O, malware:O, identified:O, during:O, Operation:B-OffAct, Blockbuster:I-OffAct, consists:O, of:O, at:O, least:O, two:O, identifiers:O, which:O, each:O, identifier:O, coming:O, from:O, the:O, International:B-Org, Civil:I-Org, Aviation:I-Org, Organization:I-Org, (:O, ICAO:O, ):O, 's:O, phonetic:O, alphabet:O, ,2:O, commonly:O, referred:O, to:O, as:O, the:O, NATO:O, phonetic:O, alphabet:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Loaders are typically responsible for loading a DLL component into memory given that a DLL cannot operate in a standalone mode such as an executable .' [/INST] [Loaders:O, are:O, typically:O, responsible:O, for:O, loading:B-Features, a:I-Features, DLL:I-Features, component:I-Features, into:I-Features, memory:I-Features, given:O, that:O, a:O, DLL:O, cannot:O, operate:O, in:O, a:O, standalone:O, mode:O, such:O, as:O, an:O, executable:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This campaign is tailored to identifying those who are running Bitcoin related software through specific system scans .' [/INST] [This:O, campaign:B-OffAct, is:O, tailored:O, to:O, identifying:B-Features, those:O, who:O, are:O, running:O, Bitcoin:O, related:O, software:O, through:O, specific:O, system:O, scans:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'FALLCHILL typically infects a system as a file dropped by other HIDDEN COBRA malware or as a file downloaded unknowingly by users when visiting sites compromised by HIDDEN COBRA actors .' [/INST] [FALLCHILL:B-Tool, typically:O, infects:B-Features, a:I-Features, system:I-Features, as:O, a:O, file:O, dropped:O, by:O, other:O, HIDDEN:B-Tool, COBRA:I-Tool, malware:I-Tool, or:O, as:O, a:O, file:O, downloaded:O, unknowingly:O, by:O, users:O, when:O, visiting:O, sites:O, compromised:O, by:O, HIDDEN:B-HackOrg, COBRA:I-HackOrg, actors:I-HackOrg, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As a backdoor Trojan , Volgmer has several capabilities including : gathering system information , updating service registry keys , downloading and uploading files , executing commands , terminating processes , and listing directories .' [/INST] [As:O, a:O, backdoor:B-Tool, Trojan:I-Tool, ,:O, Volgmer:B-Tool, has:O, several:O, capabilities:O, including:O, ::O, gathering:B-Features, system:I-Features, information:I-Features, ,:O, updating:B-Features, service:I-Features, registry:I-Features, keys:I-Features, ,:O, downloading:B-Features, and:O, uploading:B-Features, files:I-Features, ,:O, executing:B-Features, commands:I-Features, ,:O, terminating:B-Features, processes:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, listing:B-Features, directories:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'RATANKBA is delivered to its victims using a variety of lure documents , including Microsoft Office documents , malicious CHM files , and different script downloaders .' [/INST] [RATANKBA:B-Tool, is:O, delivered:O, to:O, its:O, victims:O, using:B-Features, a:I-Features, variety:I-Features, of:I-Features, lure:I-Features, documents:I-Features, ,:O, including:O, Microsoft:B-Tool, Office:I-Tool, documents:I-Tool, ,:O, malicious:O, CHM:B-Tool, files:I-Tool, ,:O, and:O, different:O, script:O, downloaders:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'These files have the capability to download and install malware , install proxy and Remote Access Trojans ( RATs ) , connect to command and control ( C2 ) servers to receive additional instructions , and modify the victim 's firewall to allow incoming connections .' [/INST] [These:O, files:O, have:O, the:O, capability:O, to:O, download:B-Features, and:O, install:B-Features, malware:I-Features, ,:O, install:B-Features, proxy:I-Features, and:O, Remote:B-Features, Access:I-Features, Trojans:I-Features, (:O, RATs:B-Tool, ):O, ,:O, connect:B-Features, to:I-Features, command:I-Features, and:I-Features, control:I-Features, (:O, C2:O, ):O, servers:O, to:O, receive:B-Features, additional:I-Features, instructions:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, modify:B-Features, the:I-Features, victim:I-Features, 's:I-Features, firewall:I-Features, to:O, allow:O, incoming:O, connections:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The WannaCry malware consists of two distinct components , one that provides ransomware functionality and a component used for propagation , which contains functionality to enable SMB exploitation capabilities .' [/INST] [The:O, WannaCry:B-Tool, malware:I-Tool, consists:O, of:O, two:O, distinct:O, components:O, ,:O, one:O, that:O, provides:B-Features, ransomware:I-Features, functionality:I-Features, and:O, a:O, component:O, used:O, for:O, propagation:B-Features, ,:O, which:O, contains:O, functionality:O, to:O, enable:O, SMB:B-Tool, exploitation:O, capabilities:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'WannaCry appends encrypted data files with the .WCRY extension , drops and executes a decryptor tool , and demands $300 or $600 USD ( via Bitcoin ) to decrypt the data .' [/INST] [WannaCry:B-Tool, appends:O, encrypted:O, data:O, files:O, with:O, the:O, .WCRY:B-SamFile, extension:O, ,:O, drops:B-Features, and:I-Features, executes:I-Features, a:I-Features, decryptor:I-Features, tool:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, demands:O, $300:O, or:O, $600:O, USD:O, (:O, via:O, Bitcoin:O, ):O, to:O, decrypt:O, the:O, data:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'WCry uses a combination of the RSA and AES algorithms to encrypt files .' [/INST] [WCry:B-Tool, uses:O, a:O, combination:O, of:O, the:O, RSA:B-Tool, and:O, AES:B-Tool, algorithms:O, to:O, encrypt:B-Features, files:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Some of the documents exploited CVE-2017-0199 to deliver the payload .' [/INST] [Some:O, of:O, the:O, documents:B-SamFile, exploited:O, CVE-2017-0199:B-Exp, to:O, deliver:B-Features, the:I-Features, payload:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Depending on placement , a web shell can provide continued access to victims ' environments , re-infect victim systems , and facilitate lateral movement .' [/INST] [Depending:O, on:O, placement:O, ,:O, a:O, web:O, shell:O, can:O, provide:B-Features, continued:I-Features, access:I-Features, to:O, victims:O, ':O, environments:O, ,:O, re-infect:B-Features, victim:I-Features, systems:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, facilitate:B-Features, lateral:I-Features, movement:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'While it lacks more advanced functionality like screen capturing , it is still able to carry out most tasks desired by threat actors : exfiltration of files , ability to download and execute additional payloads , and gain remote shell access .' [/INST] [While:O, it:O, lacks:O, more:O, advanced:O, functionality:O, like:O, screen:O, capturing:O, ,:O, it:O, is:O, still:O, able:O, to:O, carry:O, out:O, most:O, tasks:O, desired:O, by:O, threat:B-HackOrg, actors:I-HackOrg, ::O, exfiltration:B-Features, of:I-Features, files:I-Features, ,:O, ability:O, to:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, additional:I-Features, payloads:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, gain:B-Features, remote:I-Features, shell:I-Features, access:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To set up persistence , the loader writes a file to , c:\temp\rr.exe , and executes it with specific command line arguments to create auto run registry keys .' [/INST] [To:O, set:O, up:O, persistence:O, ,:O, the:O, loader:O, writes:O, a:O, file:O, to:O, ,:O, c:\temp\rr.exe:B-SamFile, ,:O, and:O, executes:O, it:O, with:O, specific:O, command:O, line:O, arguments:O, to:O, create:B-Features, auto:I-Features, run:I-Features, registry:I-Features, keys:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'For example , we analyzed a DropIt sample ( SHA256 : cca268c13885ad5751eb70371bbc9ce8c8795654fedb90d9e3886cbcfe323671 ) that dropped two executables , one of which was saved to , %TEMP%\flash_update.exe , that was a legitimate Flash Player installer .' [/INST] [For:O, example:O, ,:O, we:O, analyzed:O, a:O, DropIt:B-Tool, sample:I-Tool, (:O, SHA256:O, ::O, cca268c13885ad5751eb70371bbc9ce8c8795654fedb90d9e3886cbcfe323671:O, ):O, that:O, dropped:B-Features, two:I-Features, executables:I-Features, ,:O, one:O, of:O, which:O, was:O, saved:O, to:O, ,:O, %TEMP%\flash_update.exe:B-SamFile, ,:O, that:O, was:O, a:O, legitimate:O, Flash:B-Tool, Player:I-Tool, installer:I-Tool, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'DROPSHOT is a notable piece of malware used to deliver variants of the TURNEDUP backdoor .' [/INST] [DROPSHOT:B-Tool, is:O, a:O, notable:O, piece:O, of:O, malware:B-Tool, used:O, to:O, deliver:B-Features, variants:I-Features, of:I-Features, the:I-Features, TURNEDUP:I-Features, backdoor:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The SHAPESHIFT wiper is capable of wiping disks and volumes , as well as deleting files .' [/INST] [The:O, SHAPESHIFT:B-Tool, wiper:I-Tool, is:O, capable:O, of:O, wiping:B-Features, disks:I-Features, and:I-Features, volumes:I-Features, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, deleting:B-Features, files:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The HTA files contained job descriptions and links to job postings on popular employment websites .' [/INST] [The:O, HTA:B-SamFile, files:I-SamFile, contained:B-Features, job:I-Features, descriptions:I-Features, and:I-Features, links:I-Features, to:O, job:O, postings:O, on:O, popular:O, employment:O, websites:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The attacker used a spear-phishing email containing a link to a fake resume hosted on a legitimate website that had been compromised .' [/INST] [The:O, attacker:B-HackOrg, used:O, a:O, spear-phishing:B-Way, email:I-Way, containing:B-Features, a:I-Features, link:I-Features, to:O, a:O, fake:O, resume:O, hosted:O, on:O, a:O, legitimate:O, website:O, that:O, had:O, been:O, compromised:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Further analysis revealed a well-established collection of fake social media profiles that appear intended to build trust and rapport with potential victims .' [/INST] [Further:O, analysis:O, revealed:O, a:O, well-established:O, collection:O, of:O, fake:O, social:B-Idus, media:I-Idus, profiles:O, that:O, appear:O, intended:O, to:O, build:B-Features, trust:I-Features, and:O, rapport:B-Features, with:I-Features, potential:I-Features, victims:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The macro ran a PowerShell command that attempted to download additional PowerShell loader scripts for PupyRAT , a research and penetration-testing tool that has been used in attacks .' [/INST] [The:O, macro:O, ran:O, a:O, PowerShell:B-Tool, command:I-Tool, that:O, attempted:O, to:O, download:B-Features, additional:I-Features, PowerShell:I-Features, loader:I-Features, scripts:I-Features, for:O, PupyRAT:B-Tool, ,:O, a:O, research:B-Tool, and:I-Tool, penetration-testing:I-Tool, tool:I-Tool, that:O, has:O, been:O, used:O, in:O, attacks:B-OffAct, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'ChopShop1 is a new framework developed by the MITRE Corporation for network-based protocol decoders that enable security professionals to understand actual commands issued by human operators controlling endpoints .' [/INST] [ChopShop1:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, new:O, framework:O, developed:O, by:O, the:O, MITRE:B-Org, Corporation:I-Org, for:O, network-based:O, protocol:O, decoders:O, that:O, enable:B-Features, security:I-Features, professionals:I-Features, to:O, understand:O, actual:O, commands:O, issued:O, by:O, human:O, operators:O, controlling:O, endpoints:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Poison Ivy is a remote access tool that is freely available for download from its official web site at www.poisonivy-rat.com .' [/INST] [Poison:B-Tool, Ivy:I-Tool, is:O, a:O, remote:B-Features, access:I-Features, tool:O, that:O, is:O, freely:O, available:O, for:O, download:O, from:O, its:O, official:O, web:O, site:O, at:O, www.poisonivy-rat.com:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Poison Ivy includes features common to most Windows-based RATs , including key logging , screen capturing , video capturing , file transfers , system administration , password theft , and traffic relaying .' [/INST] [Poison:B-Tool, Ivy:I-Tool, includes:O, features:O, common:O, to:O, most:O, Windows-based:O, RATs:B-Tool, ,:O, including:O, key:B-Features, logging:I-Features, ,:O, screen:B-Features, capturing:I-Features, ,:O, video:B-Features, capturing:I-Features, ,:O, file:B-Features, transfers:I-Features, ,:O, system:B-Features, administration:I-Features, ,:O, password:B-Features, theft:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, traffic:B-Features, relaying:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Poison Ivy builder kit allows attackers to customize and build their own PIVY server , which is delivered as mobile code to a target that has been compromised , typically using social engineering .' [/INST] [The:O, Poison:B-Tool, Ivy:I-Tool, builder:O, kit:O, allows:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, to:O, customize:B-Features, and:I-Features, build:I-Features, their:I-Features, own:I-Features, PIVY:I-Features, server:I-Features, ,:O, which:O, is:O, delivered:O, as:O, mobile:O, code:O, to:O, a:O, target:O, that:O, has:O, been:O, compromised:O, ,:O, typically:O, using:O, social:B-Idus, engineering:I-Idus, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We found new variants of the Powermud backdoor , a new backdoor ( Backdoor.Powemuddy ) , and custom tools for stealing passwords , creating reverse shells , privilege escalation , and the use of the native Windows cabinet creation tool , makecab.exe , probably for compressing stolen data to be uploaded .' [/INST] [We:O, found:O, new:O, variants:O, of:O, the:O, Powermud:B-Tool, backdoor:I-Tool, ,:O, a:O, new:O, backdoor:O, (:O, Backdoor.Powemuddy:B-SamFile, ):O, ,:O, and:O, custom:B-Tool, tools:I-Tool, for:O, stealing:B-Features, passwords:I-Features, ,:O, creating:B-Features, reverse:I-Features, shells:I-Features, ,:O, privilege:B-Features, escalation:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, the:O, use:B-Features, of:I-Features, the:I-Features, native:I-Features, Windows:I-Features, cabinet:I-Features, creation:I-Features, tool:I-Features, ,:O, makecab.exe:B-SamFile, ,:O, probably:O, for:O, compressing:O, stolen:O, data:O, to:O, be:O, uploaded:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Like the previous campaigns , these samples again involve a Microsoft Word document embedded with a malicious macro that is capable of executing PowerShell ( PS ) scripts leading to a backdoor payload .' [/INST] [Like:O, the:O, previous:O, campaigns:B-OffAct, ,:O, these:O, samples:O, again:O, involve:O, a:O, Microsoft:B-SamFile, Word:I-SamFile, document:I-SamFile, embedded:O, with:O, a:O, malicious:O, macro:O, that:O, is:O, capable:O, of:O, executing:O, PowerShell:O, (:O, PS:O, ):O, scripts:O, leading:B-Features, to:I-Features, a:I-Features, backdoor:I-Features, payload:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Taking a step back , as discussed in the Appendix in our initial OilRig blog , Clayslide delivery documents initially open with a worksheet named , Incompatible , that displays content that instructs the user to , Enable Content , to see the contents of the document , which in fact runs the malicious macro and compromises the system .' [/INST] [Taking:O, a:O, step:O, back:O, ,:O, as:O, discussed:O, in:O, the:O, Appendix:O, in:O, our:O, initial:O, OilRig:B-HackOrg, blog:O, ,:O, Clayslide:B-SamFile, delivery:I-SamFile, documents:I-SamFile, initially:O, open:O, with:O, a:O, worksheet:O, named:O, ,:O, Incompatible:O, ,:O, that:O, displays:O, content:O, that:O, instructs:O, the:O, user:O, to:O, ,:O, Enable:O, Content:O, ,:O, to:O, see:O, the:O, contents:O, of:O, the:O, document:O, ,:O, which:O, in:O, fact:O, runs:B-Features, the:I-Features, malicious:I-Features, macro:I-Features, and:O, compromises:B-Features, the:I-Features, system:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The vulnerability exists in the old Equation Editor ( EQNEDT32.EXE ) , a component of Microsoft Office that is used to insert and evaluate mathematical formulas .' [/INST] [The:O, vulnerability:O, exists:O, in:O, the:O, old:O, Equation:B-Tool, Editor:I-Tool, (:O, EQNEDT32.EXE:B-SamFile, ):O, ,:O, a:O, component:O, of:O, Microsoft:O, Office:O, that:O, is:O, used:O, to:O, insert:B-Features, and:I-Features, evaluate:I-Features, mathematical:I-Features, formulas:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'ISMDoor is able to exfiltrate data , take screenshots , and execute arbitrary commands on the victim 's machine .' [/INST] [ISMDoor:B-Tool, is:O, able:O, to:O, exfiltrate:B-Features, data:I-Features, ,:O, take:B-Features, screenshots:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, execute:B-Features, arbitrary:I-Features, commands:I-Features, on:O, the:O, victim:O, 's:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The attackers then began to perform reconnaissance activities on Computer A via cmd.exe , collecting system-related information , such as the OS version , hardware configuration , and network information .' [/INST] [The:O, attackers:O, then:O, began:O, to:O, perform:O, reconnaissance:O, activities:B-OffAct, on:O, Computer:O, A:O, via:O, cmd.exe:B-SamFile, ,:O, collecting:B-Features, system-related:I-Features, information:I-Features, ,:O, such:O, as:O, the:O, OS:O, version:O, ,:O, hardware:O, configuration:O, ,:O, and:O, network:O, information:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Based on the command capabilities of the Taidoor malware , we were able to determine that data theft and data destruction was possible .' [/INST] [Based:O, on:O, the:O, command:O, capabilities:O, of:O, the:O, Taidoor:B-Tool, malware:I-Tool, ,:O, we:O, were:O, able:O, to:O, determine:O, that:O, data:B-Features, theft:I-Features, and:O, data:B-Features, destruction:I-Features, was:O, possible:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This script relays commands and output between the controller and the system .' [/INST] [This:O, script:O, relays:B-Features, commands:I-Features, and:I-Features, output:I-Features, between:O, the:O, controller:O, and:O, the:O, system:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'But two tools used were unique to the group : ASPXTool , an Internet Information Services ( IIS ) specific , Web shell , used to gain access to servers inside a target 's network ; and the OwaAuth credential stealing tool and Web shell , used to attack Microsoft Exchange servers running the Web Outlook interface .' [/INST] [But:O, two:O, tools:O, used:O, were:O, unique:O, to:O, the:O, group:O, ::O, ASPXTool:B-Tool, ,:O, an:O, Internet:O, Information:O, Services:O, (:O, IIS:O, ):O, specific:O, ,:O, Web:O, shell:O, ,:O, used:O, to:O, gain:B-Features, access:I-Features, to:I-Features, servers:I-Features, inside:O, a:O, target:O, 's:O, network:O, ;:O, and:O, the:O, OwaAuth:B-Tool, credential:I-Tool, stealing:I-Tool, tool:I-Tool, and:O, Web:B-Tool, shell:I-Tool, ,:O, used:O, to:O, attack:O, Microsoft:O, Exchange:O, servers:O, running:O, the:O, Web:O, Outlook:O, interface:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'PsExec is a Microsoft Sysinternals tool for executing processes on other systems and is one of the most frequently seen legitimate pieces of software used by attackers attempting to live off the land .' [/INST] [PsExec:B-Tool, is:O, a:O, Microsoft:O, Sysinternals:O, tool:O, for:O, executing:B-Features, processes:I-Features, on:O, other:O, systems:O, and:O, is:O, one:O, of:O, the:O, most:O, frequently:O, seen:O, legitimate:O, pieces:O, of:O, software:O, used:O, by:O, attackers:O, attempting:O, to:O, live:O, off:O, the:O, land:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Catchamas is a custom Trojan designed to steal information from an infected computer and contains additional features designed to avoid detection .' [/INST] [Catchamas:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, custom:O, Trojan:O, designed:O, to:O, steal:B-Features, information:I-Features, from:O, an:O, infected:O, computer:O, and:O, contains:O, additional:O, features:O, designed:O, to:O, avoid:O, detection:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As detailed in the previous section , this malware is able to manipulate and exfiltrate emails .' [/INST] [As:O, detailed:O, in:O, the:O, previous:O, section:O, ,:O, this:O, malware:O, is:O, able:O, to:O, manipulate:B-Features, and:I-Features, exfiltrate:I-Features, emails:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Kazuar generates its mutex by using a process that begins with obtaining the MD5 hash of a string , [username]=>singleton-instance-mutex , .' [/INST] [Kazuar:B-SecTeam, generates:B-Features, its:I-Features, mutex:I-Features, by:O, using:O, a:O, process:O, that:O, begins:O, with:O, obtaining:O, the:O, MD5:O, hash:O, of:O, a:O, string:O, ,:O, [username]=>singleton-instance-mutex:O, ,:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'MXI Player appears to be a version of the Bahamut agent , designed to record the phone calls and collect other information about the user ( com.mxi.videoplay ) .' [/INST] [MXI:B-SamFile, Player:I-SamFile, appears:O, to:O, be:O, a:O, version:O, of:O, the:O, Bahamut:O, agent:O, ,:O, designed:O, to:O, record:B-Features, the:I-Features, phone:I-Features, calls:I-Features, and:O, collect:B-Features, other:I-Features, information:I-Features, about:O, the:O, user:O, (:O, com.mxi.videoplay:O, ):O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Using XREFs during static analysis is a common technique to quickly find where functions of interest are called .' [/INST] [Using:O, XREFs:B-Tool, during:O, static:O, analysis:O, is:O, a:O, common:O, technique:O, to:O, quickly:O, find:B-Features, where:I-Features, functions:I-Features, of:I-Features, interest:I-Features, are:O, called:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Although the developers of Bookworm have included only keylogging functionality in Bookworm as a core ability , as suggested in Table 1 , several of the embedded DLLs provide Leader with cryptographic and hashing functions , while others support Leader 's ability to communicate with its C2 server .' [/INST] [Although:O, the:O, developers:O, of:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, have:O, included:O, only:O, keylogging:O, functionality:O, in:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, as:O, a:O, core:O, ability:O, ,:O, as:O, suggested:O, in:O, Table:O, 1:O, ,:O, several:O, of:O, the:O, embedded:O, DLLs:O, provide:B-Features, Leader:I-Features, with:O, cryptographic:O, and:O, hashing:O, functions:O, ,:O, while:O, others:O, support:O, Leader:B-Tool, 's:O, ability:O, to:O, communicate:B-Features, with:I-Features, its:I-Features, C2:I-Features, server:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As mentioned in our previous blog on Bookworm , the Trojan sends a static date string to the C2 server that we referred to as a campaign code .' [/INST] [As:O, mentioned:O, in:O, our:O, previous:O, blog:O, on:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, ,:O, the:O, Trojan:B-Tool, sends:B-Features, a:I-Features, static:I-Features, date:I-Features, string:I-Features, to:O, the:O, C2:O, server:O, that:O, we:O, referred:O, to:O, as:O, a:O, campaign:O, code:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We believed that the actors would use this date code to track their attack campaigns ; however , after continued analysis of the malware , we think these static dates could also be a build identifier for the Trojan .' [/INST] [We:O, believed:O, that:O, the:O, actors:O, would:O, use:O, this:O, date:B-Tool, code:I-Tool, to:O, track:O, their:O, attack:B-OffAct, campaigns:I-OffAct, ;:O, however:O, ,:O, after:O, continued:O, analysis:O, of:O, the:O, malware:O, ,:O, we:O, think:O, these:O, static:O, dates:O, could:O, also:O, be:O, a:O, build:B-Features, identifier:I-Features, for:O, the:O, Trojan:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Threat actors may use the date string hardcoded into each Bookworm sample as a build identifier .' [/INST] [Threat:O, actors:O, may:O, use:O, the:O, date:B-SamFile, string:I-SamFile, hardcoded:I-SamFile, into:O, each:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, sample:I-Tool, as:O, a:O, build:B-Features, identifier:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'A Trojan sending a build identifier to its C2 server is quite common , as it notifies the threat actors of the specific version of the Trojan in which they are interacting .' [/INST] [A:O, Trojan:O, sending:O, a:O, build:B-Features, identifier:I-Features, to:O, its:O, C2:O, server:O, is:O, quite:O, common:O, ,:O, as:O, it:O, notifies:B-Features, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, of:O, the:O, specific:O, version:O, of:O, the:O, Trojan:O, in:O, which:O, they:O, are:O, interacting:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Due to these changes without a new date string , we believe the date codes are used for campaign tracking rather than a Bookworm build identifier .' [/INST] [Due:O, to:O, these:O, changes:O, without:O, a:O, new:O, date:B-SamFile, string:I-SamFile, ,:O, we:O, believe:O, the:O, date:B-SamFile, codes:I-SamFile, are:O, used:O, for:O, campaign:B-Features, tracking:I-Features, rather:O, than:O, a:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, build:O, identifier:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We believe that Bookworm samples use the static date string as campaign codes , which we used to determine the approximate date of each attack that we did not have detailed targeting information .' [/INST] [We:O, believe:O, that:O, Bookworm:B-Tool, samples:I-Tool, use:B-Features, the:I-Features, static:I-Features, date:I-Features, string:I-Features, as:O, campaign:O, codes:O, ,:O, which:O, we:O, used:O, to:O, determine:O, the:O, approximate:O, date:O, of:O, each:O, attack:B-OffAct, that:O, we:O, did:O, not:O, have:O, detailed:O, targeting:O, information:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Malicious programs intentionally scan for machines with an automated Bank-Customer system of the Central bank of Russia ( further referred to as BCS CBR ) .' [/INST] [Malicious:O, programs:O, intentionally:O, scan:B-Features, for:I-Features, machines:I-Features, with:O, an:O, automated:O, Bank-Customer:O, system:O, of:O, the:O, Central:O, bank:B-Idus, of:O, Russia:B-Area, (:O, further:O, referred:O, to:O, as:O, BCS:O, CBR:O, ):O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In addition to built-in functionalities , the operators of Careto can upload additional modules which can perform any malicious task .' [/INST] [In:O, addition:O, to:O, built-in:O, functionalities:O, ,:O, the:O, operators:O, of:O, Careto:B-SamFile, can:O, upload:B-Features, additional:I-Features, modules:I-Features, which:O, can:O, perform:O, any:O, malicious:O, task:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Tweety Chat 's Android version can record audio , too .' [/INST] [Tweety:B-Tool, Chat:I-Tool, 's:O, Android:O, version:O, can:O, record:B-Features, audio:I-Features, ,:O, too:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'One of its file stealers , swissknife2 , abuses a cloud storage service as a repository of exfiltrated files .' [/INST] [One:O, of:O, its:O, file:O, stealers:O, ,:O, swissknife2:B-Tool, ,:O, abuses:B-Features, a:I-Features, cloud:I-Features, storage:I-Features, service:I-Features, as:O, a:O, repository:O, of:O, exfiltrated:O, files:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The CONFUCIUS_B executable is disguised as a PowerPoint presentation , using a Right-To-Left-Override ( RTLO ) trick and a false icon .' [/INST] [The:O, CONFUCIUS_B:B-SamFile, executable:O, is:O, disguised:B-Features, as:I-Features, a:I-Features, PowerPoint:I-Features, presentation:I-Features, ,:O, using:B-Features, a:I-Features, Right-To-Left-Override:I-Features, (:O, RTLO:B-Tool, ):O, trick:O, and:O, a:O, false:B-Features, icon:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Android version , for instance , can steal SMS messages , accounts , contacts , and files , as well as record audio .' [/INST] [The:O, Android:B-SamFile, version:I-SamFile, ,:O, for:O, instance:O, ,:O, can:O, steal:B-Features, SMS:I-Features, messages:I-Features, ,:O, accounts:B-Features, ,:O, contacts:B-Features, ,:O, and:O, files:B-Features, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, record:B-Features, audio:I-Features, .:O] </s>