<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'However , we have noted a significantly small number of downloads of the app in Pakistan , India , Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Iran , Saudi Arabia , Austria , Romania , Grenada , and Russia .' [/INST] [However:O, ,:O, we:O, have:O, noted:O, a:O, significantly:O, small:O, number:O, of:O, downloads:O, of:O, the:O, app:O, in:O, Pakistan:O, ,:O, India:O, ,:O, Afghanistan:O, ,:O, Bangladesh:O, ,:O, Iran:O, ,:O, Saudi:O, Arabia:O, ,:O, Austria:O, ,:O, Romania:O, ,:O, Grenada:O, ,:O, and:O, Russia:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Project Spy routine At the end of March 2020 , we came across an app masquerading as a coronavirus update app , which we named Project Spy based on the login page of its backend server .' [/INST] [Project:B-Malware, Spy:I-Malware, routine:O, At:O, the:O, end:O, of:O, March:O, 2020:O, ,:O, we:O, came:O, across:O, an:O, app:O, masquerading:O, as:O, a:O, coronavirus:O, update:O, app:O, ,:O, which:O, we:O, named:O, Project:B-Malware, Spy:I-Malware, based:O, on:O, the:O, login:O, page:O, of:O, its:O, backend:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This app carries a number of the capabilities : Upload GSM , WhatsApp , Telegram , Facebook , and Threema messages Upload voice notes , contacts stored , accounts , call logs , location information , and images Upload the expanded list of collected device information ( e.g. , IMEI , product , board , manufacturer , tag , host , Android version , application version , name , model brand , user , serial , hardware , bootloader , and device ID ) Upload SIM information ( e.g.' [/INST] [This:O, app:O, carries:O, a:O, number:O, of:O, the:O, capabilities:O, ::O, Upload:O, GSM:B-System, ,:O, WhatsApp:B-System, ,:O, Telegram:B-System, ,:O, Facebook:B-System, ,:O, and:O, Threema:B-System, messages:O, Upload:O, voice:O, notes:O, ,:O, contacts:O, stored:O, ,:O, accounts:O, ,:O, call:O, logs:O, ,:O, location:O, information:O, ,:O, and:O, images:O, Upload:O, the:O, expanded:O, list:O, of:O, collected:O, device:O, information:O, (:O, e.g.:O, ,:O, IMEI:O, ,:O, product:O, ,:O, board:O, ,:O, manufacturer:O, ,:O, tag:O, ,:O, host:O, ,:O, Android:B-System, version:O, ,:O, application:O, version:O, ,:O, name:O, ,:O, model:O, brand:O, ,:O, user:O, ,:O, serial:O, ,:O, hardware:O, ,:O, bootloader:O, ,:O, and:O, device:O, ID:O, ):O, Upload:O, SIM:O, information:O, (:O, e.g.:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: ', IMSI , operator code , country , MCC-mobile country , SIM serial , operator name , and mobile number ) Upload wifi information ( e.g. , SSID , wifi speed , and MAC address ) Upload other information ( e.g. , display , date , time , fingerprint , created at , and updated at ) The app is capable of stealing messages from popular messaging apps by abusing the notification permissions to read the notification content and saving it to the database .' [/INST] [,:O, IMSI:O, ,:O, operator:O, code:O, ,:O, country:O, ,:O, MCC-mobile:O, country:O, ,:O, SIM:O, serial:O, ,:O, operator:O, name:O, ,:O, and:O, mobile:O, number:O, ):O, Upload:O, wifi:O, information:O, (:O, e.g.:O, ,:O, SSID:O, ,:O, wifi:O, speed:O, ,:O, and:O, MAC:O, address:O, ):O, Upload:O, other:O, information:O, (:O, e.g.:O, ,:O, display:O, ,:O, date:O, ,:O, time:O, ,:O, fingerprint:O, ,:O, created:O, at:O, ,:O, and:O, updated:O, at:O, ):O, The:O, app:O, is:O, capable:O, of:O, stealing:O, messages:O, from:O, popular:O, messaging:O, apps:O, by:O, abusing:O, the:O, notification:O, permissions:O, to:O, read:O, the:O, notification:O, content:O, and:O, saving:O, it:O, to:O, the:O, database:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It requests permission to access the additional storage .' [/INST] [It:O, requests:O, permission:O, to:O, access:O, the:O, additional:O, storage:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Project Spy ’ s earlier versions Searching for the domain in our sample database , we found that the coronavirus update app appears to be the latest version of another sample that we detected in May 2019 .' [/INST] [Project:B-Malware, Spy:I-Malware, ’:O, s:O, earlier:O, versions:O, Searching:O, for:O, the:O, domain:O, in:O, our:O, sample:O, database:O, ,:O, we:O, found:O, that:O, the:O, coronavirus:O, update:O, app:O, appears:O, to:O, be:O, the:O, latest:O, version:O, of:O, another:O, sample:O, that:O, we:O, detected:O, in:O, May:O, 2019:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The first version of Project Spy ( detected by Trend Micro as AndroidOS_SpyAgent.HRXB ) had the following capabilities : Collect device and system information ( i.e. , IMEI , device ID , manufacturer , model and phone number ) , location information , contacts stored , and call logs Collect and send SMS Take pictures via the camera Upload recorded MP4 files Monitor calls Searching further , we also found another sample that could be the second version of Project Spy .' [/INST] [The:O, first:O, version:O, of:O, Project:B-Malware, Spy:I-Malware, (:O, detected:O, by:O, Trend:B-Organization, Micro:I-Organization, as:O, AndroidOS_SpyAgent.HRXB:B-Indicator, ):O, had:O, the:O, following:O, capabilities:O, ::O, Collect:O, device:O, and:O, system:O, information:O, (:O, i.e.:O, ,:O, IMEI:O, ,:O, device:O, ID:O, ,:O, manufacturer:O, ,:O, model:O, and:O, phone:O, number:O, ):O, ,:O, location:O, information:O, ,:O, contacts:O, stored:O, ,:O, and:O, call:O, logs:O, Collect:O, and:O, send:O, SMS:O, Take:O, pictures:O, via:O, the:O, camera:O, Upload:O, recorded:O, MP4:O, files:O, Monitor:O, calls:O, Searching:O, further:O, ,:O, we:O, also:O, found:O, another:O, sample:O, that:O, could:O, be:O, the:O, second:O, version:O, of:O, Project:O, Spy:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This version appeared as Wabi Music , and copied a popular video-sharing social networking service as its backend login page .' [/INST] [This:O, version:O, appeared:O, as:O, Wabi:O, Music:O, ,:O, and:O, copied:O, a:O, popular:O, video-sharing:O, social:O, networking:O, service:O, as:O, its:O, backend:O, login:O, page:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In this second version , the developer ’ s name listed was β€œ concipit1248 ” in Google Play , and may have been active between May 2019 to February 2020 .' [/INST] [In:O, this:O, second:O, version:O, ,:O, the:O, developer:O, ’:O, s:O, name:O, listed:O, was:O, β€œ:O, concipit1248:O, ”:O, in:O, Google:B-System, Play:I-System, ,:O, and:O, may:O, have:O, been:O, active:O, between:O, May:O, 2019:O, to:O, February:O, 2020:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This app appears to have become unavailable on Google Play in March 2020 .' [/INST] [This:O, app:O, appears:O, to:O, have:O, become:O, unavailable:O, on:O, Google:B-System, Play:I-System, in:O, March:O, 2020:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The second Project Spy version has similar capabilities to the first version , with the addition of the following : Stealing notification messages sent from WhatsApp , Facebook , and Telegram Abandoning the FTP mode of uploading the recorded images Aside from changing the app ’ s supposed function and look , the second and third versions ’ codes had little differences .' [/INST] [The:O, second:O, Project:B-Malware, Spy:I-Malware, version:O, has:O, similar:O, capabilities:O, to:O, the:O, first:O, version:O, ,:O, with:O, the:O, addition:O, of:O, the:O, following:O, ::O, Stealing:O, notification:O, messages:O, sent:O, from:O, WhatsApp:B-System, ,:O, Facebook:B-System, ,:O, and:O, Telegram:B-System, Abandoning:O, the:O, FTP:O, mode:O, of:O, uploading:O, the:O, recorded:O, images:O, Aside:O, from:O, changing:O, the:O, app:O, ’:O, s:O, supposed:O, function:O, and:O, look:O, ,:O, the:O, second:O, and:O, third:O, versions:O, ’:O, codes:O, had:O, little:O, differences:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Potentially malicious iOS connection Using the codes and β€œ Concipit1248 ” to check for more versions , we found two other apps in the App Store .' [/INST] [Potentially:O, malicious:O, iOS:B-System, connection:O, Using:O, the:O, codes:O, and:O, β€œ:O, Concipit1248:O, ”:O, to:O, check:O, for:O, more:O, versions:O, ,:O, we:O, found:O, two:O, other:O, apps:O, in:O, the:O, App:B-System, Store:I-System, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Further analysis of the iOS app β€œ Concipit1248 ” showed that the server used , spy [ .' [/INST] [Further:O, analysis:O, of:O, the:O, iOS:O, app:O, β€œ:O, Concipit1248:O, ”:O, showed:O, that:O, the:O, server:O, used:O, ,:O, spy:B-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] cashnow [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, cashnow:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] ee , is the same one used in the Android version of Project Spy .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, ee:I-Indicator, ,:O, is:O, the:O, same:O, one:O, used:O, in:O, the:O, Android:B-System, version:O, of:O, Project:B-System, Spy:I-System, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'However , although the β€œ Concipit1248 ” app requested permissions to open the device camera and read photos , the code only can upload a self-contained PNG file to a remote sever .' [/INST] [However:O, ,:O, although:O, the:O, β€œ:O, Concipit1248:O, ”:O, app:O, requested:O, permissions:O, to:O, open:O, the:O, device:O, camera:O, and:O, read:O, photos:O, ,:O, the:O, code:O, only:O, can:O, upload:O, a:O, self-contained:O, PNG:O, file:O, to:O, a:O, remote:O, sever:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This may imply the β€œ Concipit1248 ” app is still incubating .' [/INST] [This:O, may:O, imply:O, the:O, β€œ:O, Concipit1248:O, ”:O, app:O, is:O, still:O, incubating:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The other iOS app β€œ Concipit Shop ” from the same developer appeared normal and was last updated on November 2019 .' [/INST] [The:O, other:O, iOS:B-System, app:O, β€œ:O, Concipit:O, Shop:O, ”:O, from:O, the:O, same:O, developer:O, appeared:O, normal:O, and:O, was:O, last:O, updated:O, on:O, November:O, 2019:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Apple has confirmed that the iOS apps are not functioning based on analysis of the codes , and stated that the sandbox is able to detect and block these malicious behaviors .' [/INST] [Apple:B-Organization, has:O, confirmed:O, that:O, the:O, iOS:B-System, apps:O, are:O, not:O, functioning:O, based:O, on:O, analysis:O, of:O, the:O, codes:O, ,:O, and:O, stated:O, that:O, the:O, sandbox:O, is:O, able:O, to:O, detect:O, and:O, block:O, these:O, malicious:O, behaviors:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Conclusion The β€œ Corona Updates ” app had relatively low downloads in Pakistan , India , Afghanistan , Bangladesh , Iran , Saudi Arabia , Austria , Romania , Grenada , and Russia .' [/INST] [Conclusion:O, The:O, β€œ:O, Corona:O, Updates:O, ”:O, app:O, had:O, relatively:O, low:O, downloads:O, in:O, Pakistan:O, ,:O, India:O, ,:O, Afghanistan:O, ,:O, Bangladesh:O, ,:O, Iran:O, ,:O, Saudi:O, Arabia:O, ,:O, Austria:O, ,:O, Romania:O, ,:O, Grenada:O, ,:O, and:O, Russia:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Perhaps the app ’ s false capabilities also fueled the low number of downloads .' [/INST] [Perhaps:O, the:O, app:O, ’:O, s:O, false:O, capabilities:O, also:O, fueled:O, the:O, low:O, number:O, of:O, downloads:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It also appears the apps may still be in development or incubation , maybe waiting for a β€œ right time ” to inject the malicious codes .' [/INST] [It:O, also:O, appears:O, the:O, apps:O, may:O, still:O, be:O, in:O, development:O, or:O, incubation:O, ,:O, maybe:O, waiting:O, for:O, a:O, β€œ:O, right:O, time:O, ”:O, to:O, inject:O, the:O, malicious:O, codes:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It ’ s also possible that the apps are being used to test other possible techniques .' [/INST] [It:O, ’:O, s:O, also:O, possible:O, that:O, the:O, apps:O, are:O, being:O, used:O, to:O, test:O, other:O, possible:O, techniques:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'A possible indication for timing might be when the app reaches a specific number of downloads or infected devices .' [/INST] [A:O, possible:O, indication:O, for:O, timing:O, might:O, be:O, when:O, the:O, app:O, reaches:O, a:O, specific:O, number:O, of:O, downloads:O, or:O, infected:O, devices:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The coding style suggests that the cybercriminals behind this campaign are amateurs .' [/INST] [The:O, coding:O, style:O, suggests:O, that:O, the:O, cybercriminals:O, behind:O, this:O, campaign:O, are:O, amateurs:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The incomplete iOS codes used in this campaign may have been bought while other capabilities appear to have been added .' [/INST] [The:O, incomplete:O, iOS:B-System, codes:O, used:O, in:O, this:O, campaign:O, may:O, have:O, been:O, bought:O, while:O, other:O, capabilities:O, appear:O, to:O, have:O, been:O, added:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This may also explain the timing in between the apps becoming fully functional and β€œ incubation. ” As this is a group we have not observed before , we will continue monitoring this campaign for further developments .' [/INST] [This:O, may:O, also:O, explain:O, the:O, timing:O, in:O, between:O, the:O, apps:O, becoming:O, fully:O, functional:O, and:O, β€œ:O, incubation.:O, ”:O, As:O, this:O, is:O, a:O, group:O, we:O, have:O, not:O, observed:O, before:O, ,:O, we:O, will:O, continue:O, monitoring:O, this:O, campaign:O, for:O, further:O, developments:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Users are cautioned to research and check reviews before they download apps .' [/INST] [Users:O, are:O, cautioned:O, to:O, research:O, and:O, check:O, reviews:O, before:O, they:O, download:O, apps:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Observe and look at the app ’ s display and text , stated functions , reviews from other users , and requested permissions before downloading .' [/INST] [Observe:O, and:O, look:O, at:O, the:O, app:O, ’:O, s:O, display:O, and:O, text:O, ,:O, stated:O, functions:O, ,:O, reviews:O, from:O, other:O, users:O, ,:O, and:O, requested:O, permissions:O, before:O, downloading:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Make sure that all other apps installed and the device operating systems are updated to the latest version .' [/INST] [Make:O, sure:O, that:O, all:O, other:O, apps:O, installed:O, and:O, the:O, device:O, operating:O, systems:O, are:O, updated:O, to:O, the:O, latest:O, version:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Indicators of Compromise ( IoCs ) SHA256 Detection e394e53e53cd9047d6cff184ac333ef7698a34b777ae3aac82c2c669ef661dfe AndroidOS_SpyAgent.HRXB e8d4713e43241ab09d40c2ae8814302f77de76650ccf3e7db83b3ac8ad41f9fa AndroidOS_ProjectSpy.HRX 29b0d86ae68d83f9578c3f36041df943195bc55a7f3f1d45a9c23f145d75af9d' [/INST] [Indicators:O, of:O, Compromise:O, (:O, IoCs:O, ):O, SHA256:O, Detection:O, e394e53e53cd9047d6cff184ac333ef7698a34b777ae3aac82c2c669ef661dfe:B-Indicator, AndroidOS_SpyAgent.HRXB:B-Indicator, e8d4713e43241ab09d40c2ae8814302f77de76650ccf3e7db83b3ac8ad41f9fa:B-Indicator, AndroidOS_ProjectSpy.HRX:O, 29b0d86ae68d83f9578c3f36041df943195bc55a7f3f1d45a9c23f145d75af9d:B-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'AndroidOS_ProjectSpy.HRX 3a15e7b8f4e35e006329811a6a2bf291d449884a120332f24c7e3ca58d0fbbdb IOS_ProjectSpy.A URLs cashnow [ .' [/INST] [AndroidOS_ProjectSpy.HRX:O, 3a15e7b8f4e35e006329811a6a2bf291d449884a120332f24c7e3ca58d0fbbdb:B-Indicator, IOS_ProjectSpy.A:B-Indicator, URLs:O, cashnow:B-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] ee Backend server ftp [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, ee:I-Indicator, Backend:O, server:B-Indicator, ftp:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] XXXX [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, XXXX:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] com Backend server spy [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, com:I-Indicator, Backend:O, server:B-Indicator, spy:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] cashnow [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, cashnow:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] ee Backend server xyz [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, ee:I-Indicator, Backend:O, server:B-Indicator, xyz:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] cashnow [ .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, cashnow:I-Indicator, [:I-Indicator, .:I-Indicator] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: '] ee Backend server October 8 , 2020 Sophisticated new Android malware marks the latest evolution of mobile ransomware Attackers are persistent and motivated to continuously evolve – and no platform is immune .' [/INST] []:I-Indicator, ee:I-Indicator, Backend:O, server:O, October:O, 8:O, ,:O, 2020:O, Sophisticated:O, new:O, Android:B-System, malware:O, marks:O, the:O, latest:O, evolution:O, of:O, mobile:O, ransomware:O, Attackers:O, are:O, persistent:O, and:O, motivated:O, to:O, continuously:O, evolve:O, –:O, and:O, no:O, platform:O, is:O, immune:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'That is why Microsoft has been working to extend its industry-leading endpoint protection capabilities beyond Windows .' [/INST] [That:O, is:O, why:O, Microsoft:B-Organization, has:O, been:O, working:O, to:O, extend:O, its:O, industry-leading:O, endpoint:O, protection:O, capabilities:O, beyond:O, Windows:B-System, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The addition of mobile threat defense into these capabilities means that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint ( previously Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection ) now delivers protection on all major platforms .' [/INST] [The:O, addition:O, of:O, mobile:O, threat:O, defense:O, into:O, these:O, capabilities:O, means:O, that:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, (:O, previously:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, Advanced:I-System, Threat:I-System, Protection:I-System, ):O, now:O, delivers:O, protection:O, on:O, all:O, major:O, platforms:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Microsoft ’ s mobile threat defense capabilities further enrich the visibility that organizations have on threats in their networks , as well as provide more tools to detect and respond to threats across domains and across platforms .' [/INST] [Microsoft:B-Organization, ’:O, s:O, mobile:O, threat:O, defense:O, capabilities:O, further:O, enrich:O, the:O, visibility:O, that:O, organizations:O, have:O, on:O, threats:O, in:O, their:O, networks:O, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, provide:O, more:O, tools:O, to:O, detect:O, and:O, respond:O, to:O, threats:O, across:O, domains:O, and:O, across:O, platforms:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Like all of Microsoft ’ s security solutions , these new capabilities are likewise backed by a global network of threat researchers and security experts whose deep understanding of the threat landscape guide the continuous innovation of security features and ensure that customers are protected from ever-evolving threats .' [/INST] [Like:O, all:O, of:O, Microsoft:B-Organization, ’:O, s:O, security:O, solutions:O, ,:O, these:O, new:O, capabilities:O, are:O, likewise:O, backed:O, by:O, a:O, global:O, network:O, of:O, threat:O, researchers:O, and:O, security:O, experts:O, whose:O, deep:O, understanding:O, of:O, the:O, threat:O, landscape:O, guide:O, the:O, continuous:O, innovation:O, of:O, security:O, features:O, and:O, ensure:O, that:O, customers:O, are:O, protected:O, from:O, ever-evolving:O, threats:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'For example , we found a piece of a particularly sophisticated Android ransomware with novel techniques and behavior , exemplifying the rapid evolution of mobile threats that we have also observed on other platforms .' [/INST] [For:O, example:O, ,:O, we:O, found:O, a:O, piece:O, of:O, a:O, particularly:O, sophisticated:O, Android:B-System, ransomware:O, with:O, novel:O, techniques:O, and:O, behavior:O, ,:O, exemplifying:O, the:O, rapid:O, evolution:O, of:O, mobile:O, threats:O, that:O, we:O, have:O, also:O, observed:O, on:O, other:O, platforms:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The mobile ransomware , detected by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as AndroidOS/MalLocker.B , is the latest variant of a ransomware family that ’ s been in the wild for a while but has been evolving non-stop .' [/INST] [The:O, mobile:O, ransomware:O, ,:O, detected:O, by:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, as:O, AndroidOS/MalLocker.B:B-Indicator, ,:O, is:O, the:O, latest:O, variant:O, of:O, a:O, ransomware:O, family:O, that:O, ’:O, s:O, been:O, in:O, the:O, wild:O, for:O, a:O, while:O, but:O, has:O, been:O, evolving:O, non-stop:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This ransomware family is known for being hosted on arbitrary websites and circulated on online forums using various social engineering lures , including masquerading as popular apps , cracked games , or video players .' [/INST] [This:O, ransomware:O, family:O, is:O, known:O, for:O, being:O, hosted:O, on:O, arbitrary:O, websites:O, and:O, circulated:O, on:O, online:O, forums:O, using:O, various:O, social:O, engineering:O, lures:O, ,:O, including:O, masquerading:O, as:O, popular:O, apps:O, ,:O, cracked:O, games:O, ,:O, or:O, video:O, players:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The new variant caught our attention because it ’ s an advanced malware with unmistakable malicious characteristic and behavior and yet manages to evade many available protections , registering a low detection rate against security solutions .' [/INST] [The:O, new:O, variant:O, caught:O, our:O, attention:O, because:O, it:O, ’:O, s:O, an:O, advanced:O, malware:O, with:O, unmistakable:O, malicious:O, characteristic:O, and:O, behavior:O, and:O, yet:O, manages:O, to:O, evade:O, many:O, available:O, protections:O, ,:O, registering:O, a:O, low:O, detection:O, rate:O, against:O, security:O, solutions:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As with most Android ransomware , this new threat doesn ’ t actually block access to files by encrypting them .' [/INST] [As:O, with:O, most:O, Android:B-System, ransomware:O, ,:O, this:O, new:O, threat:O, doesn:O, ’:O, t:O, actually:O, block:O, access:O, to:O, files:O, by:O, encrypting:O, them:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Instead , it blocks access to devices by displaying a screen that appears over every other window , such that the user can ’ t do anything else .' [/INST] [Instead:O, ,:O, it:O, blocks:O, access:O, to:O, devices:O, by:O, displaying:O, a:O, screen:O, that:O, appears:O, over:O, every:O, other:O, window:O, ,:O, such:O, that:O, the:O, user:O, can:O, ’:O, t:O, do:O, anything:O, else:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The said screen is the ransom note , which contains threats and instructions to pay the ransom .' [/INST] [The:O, said:O, screen:O, is:O, the:O, ransom:O, note:O, ,:O, which:O, contains:O, threats:O, and:O, instructions:O, to:O, pay:O, the:O, ransom:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'What ’ s innovative about this ransomware is how it displays its ransom note .' [/INST] [What:O, ’:O, s:O, innovative:O, about:O, this:O, ransomware:O, is:O, how:O, it:O, displays:O, its:O, ransom:O, note:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In this blog , we ’ ll detail the innovative ways in which this ransomware surfaces its ransom note using Android features we haven ’ t seen leveraged by malware before , as well as incorporating an open-source machine learning module designed for context-aware cropping of its ransom note .' [/INST] [In:O, this:O, blog:O, ,:O, we:O, ’:O, ll:O, detail:O, the:O, innovative:O, ways:O, in:O, which:O, this:O, ransomware:O, surfaces:O, its:O, ransom:O, note:O, using:O, Android:B-System, features:O, we:O, haven:O, ’:O, t:O, seen:O, leveraged:O, by:O, malware:O, before:O, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, incorporating:O, an:O, open-source:O, machine:O, learning:O, module:O, designed:O, for:O, context-aware:O, cropping:O, of:O, its:O, ransom:O, note:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'New scheme , same goal In the past , Android ransomware used a special permission called β€œ SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW ” to display their ransom note .' [/INST] [New:O, scheme:O, ,:O, same:O, goal:O, In:O, the:O, past:O, ,:O, Android:B-System, ransomware:O, used:O, a:O, special:O, permission:O, called:O, β€œ:O, SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:O, ”:O, to:O, display:O, their:O, ransom:O, note:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Apps that have this permission can draw a window that belongs to the system group and can ’ t be dismissed .' [/INST] [Apps:O, that:O, have:O, this:O, permission:O, can:O, draw:O, a:O, window:O, that:O, belongs:O, to:O, the:O, system:O, group:O, and:O, can:O, ’:O, t:O, be:O, dismissed:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'No matter what button is pressed , the window stays on top of all other windows .' [/INST] [No:O, matter:O, what:O, button:O, is:O, pressed:O, ,:O, the:O, window:O, stays:O, on:O, top:O, of:O, all:O, other:O, windows:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The notification was intended to be used for system alerts or errors , but Android threats misused it to force the attacker-controlled UI to fully occupy the screen , blocking access to the device .' [/INST] [The:O, notification:O, was:O, intended:O, to:O, be:O, used:O, for:O, system:O, alerts:O, or:O, errors:O, ,:O, but:O, Android:B-System, threats:O, misused:O, it:O, to:O, force:O, the:O, attacker-controlled:O, UI:O, to:O, fully:O, occupy:O, the:O, screen:O, ,:O, blocking:O, access:O, to:O, the:O, device:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Attackers create this scenario to persuade users to pay the ransom so they can gain back access to the device .' [/INST] [Attackers:O, create:O, this:O, scenario:O, to:O, persuade:O, users:O, to:O, pay:O, the:O, ransom:O, so:O, they:O, can:O, gain:O, back:O, access:O, to:O, the:O, device:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To catch these threats , security solutions used heuristics that focused on detecting this behavior .' [/INST] [To:O, catch:O, these:O, threats:O, ,:O, security:O, solutions:O, used:O, heuristics:O, that:O, focused:O, on:O, detecting:O, this:O, behavior:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Google later implemented platform-level changes that practically eliminated this attack surface .' [/INST] [Google:B-Organization, later:O, implemented:O, platform-level:O, changes:O, that:O, practically:O, eliminated:O, this:O, attack:O, surface:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'These changes include : Removing the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW error and alert window types , and introducing a few other types as replacement Elevating the permission status of SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW to special permission by putting it into the β€œ above dangerous ” category , which means that users have to go through many screens to approve apps that ask for permission , instead of just one click Introducing an overlay kill switch on Android 8.0 and later that users can activate anytime to deactivate a system alert window To adapt , Android malware evolved to misusing' [/INST] [These:O, changes:O, include:O, ::O, Removing:O, the:O, SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:O, error:O, and:O, alert:O, window:O, types:O, ,:O, and:O, introducing:O, a:O, few:O, other:O, types:O, as:O, replacement:O, Elevating:O, the:O, permission:O, status:O, of:O, SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:O, to:O, special:O, permission:O, by:O, putting:O, it:O, into:O, the:O, β€œ:O, above:O, dangerous:O, ”:O, category:O, ,:O, which:O, means:O, that:O, users:O, have:O, to:O, go:O, through:O, many:O, screens:O, to:O, approve:O, apps:O, that:O, ask:O, for:O, permission:O, ,:O, instead:O, of:O, just:O, one:O, click:O, Introducing:O, an:O, overlay:O, kill:O, switch:O, on:O, Android:B-System, 8.0:I-System, and:O, later:O, that:O, users:O, can:O, activate:O, anytime:O, to:O, deactivate:O, a:O, system:O, alert:O, window:O, To:O, adapt:O, ,:O, Android:B-System, malware:O, evolved:O, to:O, misusing:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'other features , but these aren ’ t as effective .' [/INST] [other:O, features:O, ,:O, but:O, these:O, aren:O, ’:O, t:O, as:O, effective:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'For example , some strains of ransomware abuse accessibility features , a method that could easily alarm users because accessibility is a special permission that requires users to go through several screens and accept a warning that the app will be able to monitor activity via accessibility services .' [/INST] [For:O, example:O, ,:O, some:O, strains:O, of:O, ransomware:O, abuse:O, accessibility:O, features:O, ,:O, a:O, method:O, that:O, could:O, easily:O, alarm:O, users:O, because:O, accessibility:O, is:O, a:O, special:O, permission:O, that:O, requires:O, users:O, to:O, go:O, through:O, several:O, screens:O, and:O, accept:O, a:O, warning:O, that:O, the:O, app:O, will:O, be:O, able:O, to:O, monitor:O, activity:O, via:O, accessibility:O, services:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Other ransomware families use infinite loops of drawing non-system windows , but in between drawing and redrawing , it ’ s possible for users to go to settings and uninstall the offending app .' [/INST] [Other:O, ransomware:O, families:O, use:O, infinite:O, loops:O, of:O, drawing:O, non-system:O, windows:B-System, ,:O, but:O, in:O, between:O, drawing:O, and:O, redrawing:O, ,:O, it:O, ’:O, s:O, possible:O, for:O, users:O, to:O, go:O, to:O, settings:O, and:O, uninstall:O, the:O, offending:O, app:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The new Android ransomware variant overcomes these barriers by evolving further than any Android malware we ’ ve seen before .' [/INST] [The:O, new:O, Android:B-Malware, ransomware:O, variant:O, overcomes:O, these:O, barriers:O, by:O, evolving:O, further:O, than:O, any:O, Android:B-Malware, malware:O, we:O, ’:O, ve:O, seen:O, before:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To surface its ransom note , it uses a series of techniques that take advantage of the following components on Android : The β€œ call ” notification , among several categories of notifications that Android supports , which requires immediate user attention .' [/INST] [To:O, surface:O, its:O, ransom:O, note:O, ,:O, it:O, uses:O, a:O, series:O, of:O, techniques:O, that:O, take:O, advantage:O, of:O, the:O, following:O, components:O, on:O, Android:B-System, ::O, The:O, β€œ:O, call:O, ”:O, notification:O, ,:O, among:O, several:O, categories:O, of:O, notifications:O, that:O, Android:B-System, supports:O, ,:O, which:O, requires:O, immediate:O, user:O, attention:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The β€œ onUserLeaveHint ( ) ” callback method of the Android Activity ( i.e. , the typical GUI screen the user sees ) is called as part of the activity lifecycle when the activity is about to go into the background as a result of user choice , for example , when the user presses the Home key .' [/INST] [The:O, β€œ:O, onUserLeaveHint:O, (:O, ):O, ”:O, callback:O, method:O, of:O, the:O, Android:B-System, Activity:I-System, (:O, i.e.:O, ,:O, the:O, typical:O, GUI:O, screen:O, the:O, user:O, sees:O, ):O, is:O, called:O, as:O, part:O, of:O, the:O, activity:O, lifecycle:O, when:O, the:O, activity:O, is:O, about:O, to:O, go:O, into:O, the:O, background:O, as:O, a:O, result:O, of:O, user:O, choice:O, ,:O, for:O, example:O, ,:O, when:O, the:O, user:O, presses:O, the:O, Home:O, key:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The malware connects the dots and uses these two components to create a special type of notification that triggers the ransom screen via the callback .' [/INST] [The:O, malware:O, connects:O, the:O, dots:O, and:O, uses:O, these:O, two:O, components:O, to:O, create:O, a:O, special:O, type:O, of:O, notification:O, that:O, triggers:O, the:O, ransom:O, screen:O, via:O, the:O, callback:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As the code snippet shows , the malware creates a notification builder and then does the following : setCategory ( β€œ call ” ) – This means that the notification is built as a very important notification that needs special privilege .' [/INST] [As:O, the:O, code:O, snippet:O, shows:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, creates:O, a:O, notification:O, builder:O, and:O, then:O, does:O, the:O, following:O, ::O, setCategory:O, (:O, β€œ:O, call:O, ”:O, ):O, –:O, This:O, means:O, that:O, the:O, notification:O, is:O, built:O, as:O, a:O, very:O, important:O, notification:O, that:O, needs:O, special:O, privilege:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'setFullScreenIntent ( ) – This API wires the notification to a GUI so that it pops up when the user taps on it .' [/INST] [setFullScreenIntent:O, (:O, ):O, –:O, This:O, API:O, wires:O, the:O, notification:O, to:O, a:O, GUI:O, so:O, that:O, it:O, pops:O, up:O, when:O, the:O, user:O, taps:O, on:O, it:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'At this stage , half the job is done for the malware .' [/INST] [At:O, this:O, stage:O, ,:O, half:O, the:O, job:O, is:O, done:O, for:O, the:O, malware:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'However , the malware wouldn ’ t want to depend on user interaction to trigger the ransomware screen , so , it adds another functionality of Android callback : As the code snippet shows , the malware overrides the onUserLeaveHint ( ) callback function of Activity class .' [/INST] [However:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, wouldn:O, ’:O, t:O, want:O, to:O, depend:O, on:O, user:O, interaction:O, to:O, trigger:O, the:O, ransomware:O, screen:O, ,:O, so:O, ,:O, it:O, adds:O, another:O, functionality:O, of:O, Android:B-System, callback:O, ::O, As:O, the:O, code:O, snippet:O, shows:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, overrides:O, the:O, onUserLeaveHint:O, (:O, ):O, callback:O, function:O, of:O, Activity:O, class:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The function onUserLeaveHint ( ) is called whenever the malware screen is pushed to background , causing the in-call Activity to be automatically brought to the foreground .' [/INST] [The:O, function:O, onUserLeaveHint:O, (:O, ):O, is:O, called:O, whenever:O, the:O, malware:O, screen:O, is:O, pushed:O, to:O, background:O, ,:O, causing:O, the:O, in-call:O, Activity:O, to:O, be:O, automatically:O, brought:O, to:O, the:O, foreground:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Recall that the malware hooked the RansomActivity intent with the notification that was created as a β€œ call ” type notification .' [/INST] [Recall:O, that:O, the:O, malware:O, hooked:O, the:O, RansomActivity:O, intent:O, with:O, the:O, notification:O, that:O, was:O, created:O, as:O, a:O, β€œ:O, call:O, ”:O, type:O, notification:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This creates a chain of events that triggers the automatic pop-up of the ransomware screen without doing infinite redraw or posing as system window .' [/INST] [This:O, creates:O, a:O, chain:O, of:O, events:O, that:O, triggers:O, the:O, automatic:O, pop-up:O, of:O, the:O, ransomware:O, screen:O, without:O, doing:O, infinite:O, redraw:O, or:O, posing:O, as:O, system:O, window:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Machine learning module indicates continuous evolution As mentioned , this ransomware is the latest variant of a malware family that has undergone several stages of evolution .' [/INST] [Machine:O, learning:O, module:O, indicates:O, continuous:O, evolution:O, As:O, mentioned:O, ,:O, this:O, ransomware:O, is:O, the:O, latest:O, variant:O, of:O, a:O, malware:O, family:O, that:O, has:O, undergone:O, several:O, stages:O, of:O, evolution:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The knowledge graph below shows the various techniques this ransomware family has been seen using , including abusing the system alert window , abusing accessibility features , and , more recently , abusing notification services .' [/INST] [The:O, knowledge:O, graph:O, below:O, shows:O, the:O, various:O, techniques:O, this:O, ransomware:O, family:O, has:O, been:O, seen:O, using:O, ,:O, including:O, abusing:O, the:O, system:O, alert:O, window:O, ,:O, abusing:O, accessibility:O, features:O, ,:O, and:O, ,:O, more:O, recently:O, ,:O, abusing:O, notification:O, services:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This ransomware family ’ s long history tells us that its evolution is far from over .' [/INST] [This:O, ransomware:O, family:O, ’:O, s:O, long:O, history:O, tells:O, us:O, that:O, its:O, evolution:O, is:O, far:O, from:O, over:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We expect it to churn out new variants with even more sophisticated techniques .' [/INST] [We:O, expect:O, it:O, to:O, churn:O, out:O, new:O, variants:O, with:O, even:O, more:O, sophisticated:O, techniques:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In fact , recent variants contain code forked from an open-source machine learning module used by developers to automatically resize and crop images based on screen size , a valuable function given the variety of Android devices .' [/INST] [In:O, fact:O, ,:O, recent:O, variants:O, contain:O, code:O, forked:O, from:O, an:O, open-source:O, machine:O, learning:O, module:O, used:O, by:O, developers:O, to:O, automatically:O, resize:O, and:O, crop:O, images:O, based:O, on:O, screen:O, size:O, ,:O, a:O, valuable:O, function:O, given:O, the:O, variety:O, of:O, Android:B-System, devices:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The frozen TinyML model is useful for making sure images fit the screen without distortion .' [/INST] [The:O, frozen:O, TinyML:B-System, model:O, is:O, useful:O, for:O, making:O, sure:O, images:O, fit:O, the:O, screen:O, without:O, distortion:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In the case of this ransomware , using the model would ensure that its ransom noteβ€”typically fake police notice or explicit images supposedly found on the deviceβ€”would appear less contrived and more believable , increasing the chances of the user paying for the ransom .' [/INST] [In:O, the:O, case:O, of:O, this:O, ransomware:O, ,:O, using:O, the:O, model:O, would:O, ensure:O, that:O, its:O, ransom:O, noteβ€”typically:O, fake:O, police:O, notice:O, or:O, explicit:O, images:O, supposedly:O, found:O, on:O, the:O, deviceβ€”would:O, appear:O, less:O, contrived:O, and:O, more:O, believable:O, ,:O, increasing:O, the:O, chances:O, of:O, the:O, user:O, paying:O, for:O, the:O, ransom:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The library that uses tinyML is not yet wired to the malware ’ s functionalities , but its presence in the malware code indicates the intention to do so in future variants .' [/INST] [The:O, library:O, that:O, uses:O, tinyML:B-System, is:O, not:O, yet:O, wired:O, to:O, the:O, malware:O, ’:O, s:O, functionalities:O, ,:O, but:O, its:O, presence:O, in:O, the:O, malware:O, code:O, indicates:O, the:O, intention:O, to:O, do:O, so:O, in:O, future:O, variants:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We will continue to monitor this ransomware family to ensure customers are protected and to share our findings and insights to the community for broad protection against these evolving mobile threats .' [/INST] [We:O, will:O, continue:O, to:O, monitor:O, this:O, ransomware:O, family:O, to:O, ensure:O, customers:O, are:O, protected:O, and:O, to:O, share:O, our:O, findings:O, and:O, insights:O, to:O, the:O, community:O, for:O, broad:O, protection:O, against:O, these:O, evolving:O, mobile:O, threats:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Protecting organizations from threats across domains and platforms Mobile threats continue to rapidly evolve , with attackers continuously attempting to sidestep technological barriers and creatively find ways to accomplish their goal , whether financial gain or finding an entry point to broader network compromise .' [/INST] [Protecting:O, organizations:O, from:O, threats:O, across:O, domains:O, and:O, platforms:O, Mobile:O, threats:O, continue:O, to:O, rapidly:O, evolve:O, ,:O, with:O, attackers:O, continuously:O, attempting:O, to:O, sidestep:O, technological:O, barriers:O, and:O, creatively:O, find:O, ways:O, to:O, accomplish:O, their:O, goal:O, ,:O, whether:O, financial:O, gain:O, or:O, finding:O, an:O, entry:O, point:O, to:O, broader:O, network:O, compromise:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This new mobile ransomware variant is an important discovery because the malware exhibits behaviors that have not been seen before and could open doors for other malware to follow .' [/INST] [This:O, new:O, mobile:O, ransomware:O, variant:O, is:O, an:O, important:O, discovery:O, because:O, the:O, malware:O, exhibits:O, behaviors:O, that:O, have:O, not:O, been:O, seen:O, before:O, and:O, could:O, open:O, doors:O, for:O, other:O, malware:O, to:O, follow:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It reinforces the need for comprehensive defense powered by broad visibility into attack surfaces as well as domain experts who track the threat landscape and uncover notable threats that might be hiding amidst massive threat data and signals .' [/INST] [It:O, reinforces:O, the:O, need:O, for:O, comprehensive:O, defense:O, powered:O, by:O, broad:O, visibility:O, into:O, attack:O, surfaces:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, domain:O, experts:O, who:O, track:O, the:O, threat:O, landscape:O, and:O, uncover:O, notable:O, threats:O, that:O, might:O, be:O, hiding:O, amidst:O, massive:O, threat:O, data:O, and:O, signals:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android , now generally available , extends Microsoft ’ s industry-leading endpoint protection to Android .' [/INST] [Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, on:O, Android:B-System, ,:O, now:O, generally:O, available:O, ,:O, extends:O, Microsoft:B-Organization, ’:O, s:O, industry-leading:O, endpoint:O, protection:O, to:O, Android:B-System, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It detects this ransomware ( AndroidOS/MalLocker.B ) , as well as other malicious apps and files using cloud-based protection powered by deep learning and heuristics , in addition to content-based detection .' [/INST] [It:O, detects:O, this:O, ransomware:O, (:O, AndroidOS/MalLocker.B:B-Indicator, ):O, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, other:O, malicious:O, apps:O, and:O, files:O, using:O, cloud-based:O, protection:O, powered:O, by:O, deep:O, learning:O, and:O, heuristics:O, ,:O, in:O, addition:O, to:O, content-based:O, detection:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It also protects users and organizations from other mobile threats , such as mobile phishing , unsafe network connections , and unauthorized access to sensitive data .' [/INST] [It:O, also:O, protects:O, users:O, and:O, organizations:O, from:O, other:O, mobile:O, threats:O, ,:O, such:O, as:O, mobile:O, phishing:O, ,:O, unsafe:O, network:O, connections:O, ,:O, and:O, unauthorized:O, access:O, to:O, sensitive:O, data:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Learn more about our mobile threat defense capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android .' [/INST] [Learn:O, more:O, about:O, our:O, mobile:O, threat:O, defense:O, capabilities:O, in:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, on:O, Android:B-System, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Malware , phishing , and other threats detected by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint are reported to the Microsoft Defender Security Center , allowing SecOps to investigate mobile threats along with endpoint signals from Windows and other platforms using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint ’ s rich set of tools for detection , investigation , and response .' [/INST] [Malware:O, ,:O, phishing:O, ,:O, and:O, other:O, threats:O, detected:O, by:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, are:O, reported:O, to:O, the:O, Microsoft:B-Organization, Defender:I-Organization, Security:I-Organization, Center:I-Organization, ,:O, allowing:O, SecOps:O, to:O, investigate:O, mobile:O, threats:O, along:O, with:O, endpoint:O, signals:O, from:O, Windows:B-System, and:O, other:O, platforms:O, using:O, Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, ’:O, s:O, rich:O, set:O, of:O, tools:O, for:O, detection:O, ,:O, investigation:O, ,:O, and:O, response:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Threat data from endpoints are combined with signals from email and data , identities , and apps in Microsoft 365 Defender ( previously Microsoft Threat Protection ) , which orchestrates detection , prevention , investigation , and response across domains , providing coordinated defense .' [/INST] [Threat:O, data:O, from:O, endpoints:O, are:O, combined:O, with:O, signals:O, from:O, email:O, and:O, data:O, ,:O, identities:O, ,:O, and:O, apps:O, in:O, Microsoft:B-System, 365:I-System, Defender:I-System, (:O, previously:O, Microsoft:B-System, Threat:I-System, Protection:I-System, ):O, ,:O, which:O, orchestrates:O, detection:O, ,:O, prevention:O, ,:O, investigation:O, ,:O, and:O, response:O, across:O, domains:O, ,:O, providing:O, coordinated:O, defense:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android further enriches organizations ’ visibility into malicious activity , empowering them to comprehensively prevent , detect , and respond to against attack sprawl and cross-domain incidents .' [/INST] [Microsoft:B-System, Defender:I-System, for:O, Endpoint:O, on:O, Android:B-System, further:O, enriches:O, organizations:O, ’:O, visibility:O, into:O, malicious:O, activity:O, ,:O, empowering:O, them:O, to:O, comprehensively:O, prevent:O, ,:O, detect:O, ,:O, and:O, respond:O, to:O, against:O, attack:O, sprawl:O, and:O, cross-domain:O, incidents:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Technical analysis Obfuscation On top of recreating ransomware behavior in ways we haven ’ t seen before , the Android malware variant uses a new obfuscation technique unique to the Android platform .' [/INST] [Technical:O, analysis:O, Obfuscation:O, On:O, top:O, of:O, recreating:O, ransomware:O, behavior:O, in:O, ways:O, we:O, haven:O, ’:O, t:O, seen:O, before:O, ,:O, the:O, Android:B-System, malware:O, variant:O, uses:O, a:O, new:O, obfuscation:O, technique:O, unique:O, to:O, the:O, Android:B-System, platform:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'One of the tell-tale signs of an obfuscated malware is the absence of code that defines the classes declared in the manifest file .' [/INST] [One:O, of:O, the:O, tell-tale:O, signs:O, of:O, an:O, obfuscated:O, malware:O, is:O, the:O, absence:O, of:O, code:O, that:O, defines:O, the:O, classes:O, declared:O, in:O, the:O, manifest:O, file:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The classes.dex has implementation for only two classes : The main application class gCHotRrgEruDv , which is involved when the application opens A helper class that has definition for custom encryption and decryption This means that there ’ s no code corresponding to the services declared in the manifest file : Main Activity , Broadcast Receivers , and Background .' [/INST] [The:O, classes.dex:O, has:O, implementation:O, for:O, only:O, two:O, classes:O, ::O, The:O, main:O, application:O, class:O, gCHotRrgEruDv:O, ,:O, which:O, is:O, involved:O, when:O, the:O, application:O, opens:O, A:O, helper:O, class:O, that:O, has:O, definition:O, for:O, custom:O, encryption:O, and:O, decryption:O, This:O, means:O, that:O, there:O, ’:O, s:O, no:O, code:O, corresponding:O, to:O, the:O, services:O, declared:O, in:O, the:O, manifest:O, file:O, ::O, Main:O, Activity:O, ,:O, Broadcast:O, Receivers:O, ,:O, and:O, Background:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'How does the malware work without code for these key components ?' [/INST] [How:O, does:O, the:O, malware:O, work:O, without:O, code:O, for:O, these:O, key:O, components:O, ?:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As is characteristic for obfuscated threats , the malware has encrypted binary code stored in the Assets folder : When the malware runs for the first time , the static block of the main class is run .' [/INST] [As:O, is:O, characteristic:O, for:O, obfuscated:O, threats:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, has:O, encrypted:O, binary:O, code:O, stored:O, in:O, the:O, Assets:O, folder:O, ::O, When:O, the:O, malware:O, runs:O, for:O, the:O, first:O, time:O, ,:O, the:O, static:O, block:O, of:O, the:O, main:O, class:O, is:O, run:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The code is heavily obfuscated and made unreadable through name mangling and use of meaningless variable names : Decryption with a twist The malware uses an interesting decryption routine : the string values passed to the decryption function do not correspond to the decrypted value , they correspond to junk code to simply hinder analysis .' [/INST] [The:O, code:O, is:O, heavily:O, obfuscated:O, and:O, made:O, unreadable:O, through:O, name:O, mangling:O, and:O, use:O, of:O, meaningless:O, variable:O, names:O, ::O, Decryption:O, with:O, a:O, twist:O, The:O, malware:O, uses:O, an:O, interesting:O, decryption:O, routine:O, ::O, the:O, string:O, values:O, passed:O, to:O, the:O, decryption:O, function:O, do:O, not:O, correspond:O, to:O, the:O, decrypted:O, value:O, ,:O, they:O, correspond:O, to:O, junk:O, code:O, to:O, simply:O, hinder:O, analysis:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'On Android , an Intent is a software mechanism that allows users to coordinate the functions of different Activities to achieve a task .' [/INST] [On:O, Android:B-System, ,:O, an:O, Intent:O, is:O, a:O, software:O, mechanism:O, that:O, allows:O, users:O, to:O, coordinate:O, the:O, functions:O, of:O, different:O, Activities:O, to:O, achieve:O, a:O, task:O, .:O] </s>