<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'If a bot was installed on a network that was of interest to the hacking group , this bot was then used to upload one of the remote access programs .' [/INST] [If:O, a:O, bot:B-SamFile, was:O, installed:O, on:O, a:O, network:O, that:O, was:O, of:O, interest:O, to:O, the:O, hacking:O, group:O, ,:O, this:O, bot:O, was:O, then:O, used:O, to:O, upload:B-Features, one:I-Features, of:I-Features, the:I-Features, remote:I-Features, access:I-Features, programs:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To obtain logins and passwords they applied keyloggers built into Corkow , as well as a commonly used feature of Mimikatz , dumping clear text Windows credentials from LSA .' [/INST] [To:O, obtain:B-Features, logins:I-Features, and:I-Features, passwords:I-Features, they:O, applied:O, keyloggers:B-Tool, built:O, into:O, Corkow:B-Tool, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, a:O, commonly:O, used:B-Features, feature:I-Features, of:I-Features, Mimikatz:I-Features, ,:O, dumping:B-Features, clear:I-Features, text:I-Features, Windows:I-Features, credentials:I-Features, from:O, LSA:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Palo Alto Networks has noted and described the differences of two malware agents developed in parallel , with commonalities in behavior but differing functionalities ; families described as Infy and Infy M. Our primary observation was of the Infy ( non-M ) malware , which primarily functions as a keylogger for the collection of account credentials .' [/INST] [Palo:B-SecTeam, Alto:I-SecTeam, Networks:I-SecTeam, has:O, noted:O, and:O, described:O, the:O, differences:O, of:O, two:O, malware:O, agents:O, developed:O, in:O, parallel:O, ,:O, with:O, commonalities:O, in:O, behavior:O, but:O, differing:O, functionalities:O, ;:O, families:O, described:O, as:O, Infy:B-Tool, and:O, Infy:B-Tool, M.:I-Tool, Our:O, primary:O, observation:O, was:O, of:O, the:O, Infy:B-Tool, (:O, non-M:O, ):O, malware:B-Tool, ,:O, which:O, primarily:O, functions:O, as:O, a:O, keylogger:B-Tool, for:O, the:O, collection:B-Features, of:I-Features, account:I-Features, credentials:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'At this stage , the malware gathers information about the infected computer .' [/INST] [At:O, this:O, stage:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, gathers:B-Features, information:I-Features, about:O, the:O, infected:O, computer:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Initial intrusion stages feature the Win32/Barlaiy implant—notable for its use of social network profiles , collaborative document editing sites , and blogs for C&C .' [/INST] [Initial:O, intrusion:O, stages:O, feature:O, the:O, Win32/Barlaiy:B-Tool, implant—notable:O, for:O, its:O, use:B-Features, of:I-Features, social:I-Features, network:I-Features, profiles:I-Features, ,:O, collaborative:B-Features, document:I-Features, editing:I-Features, sites:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, blogs:B-Features, for:I-Features, C&C:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Windows 10 Creators Update will bring several enhancements to Windows Defender ATP that will provide SOC personnel with options for immediate mitigation of a detected threat .' [/INST] [The:O, Windows:B-Tool, 10:I-Tool, Creators:I-Tool, Update:I-Tool, will:O, bring:B-Features, several:I-Features, enhancements:I-Features, to:O, Windows:B-SecTeam, Defender:I-SecTeam, ATP:I-SecTeam, that:O, will:O, provide:O, SOC:B-Org, personnel:I-Org, with:O, options:O, for:O, immediate:O, mitigation:O, of:O, a:O, detected:O, threat:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'If it did , the malware downloaded additional modules , including ones allowing for the automatic creation of unauthorized payment orders , changing details in legal payment orders , etc .' [/INST] [If:O, it:O, did:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:O, downloaded:B-Features, additional:I-Features, modules:I-Features, ,:O, including:O, ones:O, allowing:B-Features, for:I-Features, the:I-Features, automatic:I-Features, creation:I-Features, of:O, unauthorized:O, payment:O, orders:O, ,:O, changing:B-Features, details:I-Features, in:O, legal:O, payment:O, orders:O, ,:O, etc:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Lurk uses a form of steganography : that's where one file is hidden away inside another file of a completely different sort , such as an image , audio , or video file .' [/INST] [Lurk:B-Tool, uses:O, a:O, form:O, of:O, steganography:O, ::O, that's:O, where:O, one:O, file:O, is:O, hidden:B-Features, away:I-Features, inside:I-Features, another:I-Features, file:I-Features, of:O, a:O, completely:O, different:O, sort:O, ,:O, such:O, as:O, an:O, image:O, ,:O, audio:O, ,:O, or:O, video:O, file:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To do this , it employs a number of specific commands via DNSMessenger .' [/INST] [To:O, do:O, this:O, ,:O, it:O, employs:B-Features, a:I-Features, number:I-Features, of:I-Features, specific:I-Features, commands:I-Features, via:O, DNSMessenger:B-Tool, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This document , written in Vietnamese , appears to be reviewing and discussing best practices for teaching and researching scientific topics .' [/INST] [This:O, document:B-SamFile, ,:O, written:O, in:O, Vietnamese:O, ,:O, appears:O, to:O, be:O, reviewing:B-Features, and:I-Features, discussing:I-Features, best:I-Features, practices:I-Features, for:O, teaching:O, and:O, researching:O, scientific:O, topics:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'There is the exploit code and malware used to gain access to systems , the infrastructure that provides command and control to the malware operator , and the human elements – developers who create the malware , operators who deploy it , and analysts who extract value from the stolen information .' [/INST] [There:O, is:O, the:O, exploit:B-SamFile, code:I-SamFile, and:O, malware:O, used:O, to:O, gain:B-Features, access:I-Features, to:I-Features, systems:I-Features, ,:O, the:O, infrastructure:O, that:O, provides:B-Features, command:I-Features, and:I-Features, control:I-Features, to:O, the:O, malware:O, operator:O, ,:O, and:O, the:O, human:O, elements:O, –:O, developers:O, who:O, create:O, the:O, malware:O, ,:O, operators:O, who:O, deploy:O, it:O, ,:O, and:O, analysts:O, who:O, extract:O, value:O, from:O, the:O, stolen:O, information:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We believe the 2013 , 2015 , and 2016 KeyBoy samples provide evidence of a development effort focused on changing components that would be used by researchers to develop detection signatures .' [/INST] [We:O, believe:O, the:O, 2013:B-Time, ,:O, 2015:B-Time, ,:O, and:O, 2016:B-Time, KeyBoy:B-Tool, samples:I-Tool, provide:O, evidence:O, of:O, a:O, development:O, effort:O, focused:O, on:O, changing:O, components:O, that:O, would:O, be:O, used:O, by:O, researchers:O, to:O, develop:B-Features, detection:I-Features, signatures:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'KeyBoy provides basic backdoor functionality , allowing the operators to select from various capabilities used to surveil and steal information from the victim machine .' [/INST] [KeyBoy:B-Tool, provides:O, basic:O, backdoor:O, functionality:O, ,:O, allowing:O, the:O, operators:O, to:O, select:B-Features, from:I-Features, various:I-Features, capabilities:I-Features, used:O, to:O, surveil:O, and:O, steal:B-Features, information:I-Features, from:O, the:O, victim:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'If KeyBoy is a single component of a larger espionage toolkit , the developers may have realized that this older , static-key based , configuration encoding algorithm was inadvertently providing a link between disparate components of their malware suite .' [/INST] [If:O, KeyBoy:B-Tool, is:O, a:O, single:O, component:O, of:O, a:O, larger:O, espionage:O, toolkit:O, ,:O, the:O, developers:O, may:O, have:O, realized:O, that:O, this:O, older:O, ,:O, static-key:O, based:O, ,:O, configuration:B-Tool, encoding:I-Tool, algorithm:I-Tool, was:O, inadvertently:O, providing:B-Features, a:I-Features, link:I-Features, between:O, disparate:O, components:O, of:O, their:O, malware:O, suite:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The NetTraveler trojan has been known to be used in targeted cyber espionage attacks for more than a decade by nation state threat actors and continues to be used to target its victims and exfiltrate data .' [/INST] [The:O, NetTraveler:B-Tool, trojan:I-Tool, has:O, been:O, known:O, to:O, be:O, used:O, in:O, targeted:O, cyber:B-OffAct, espionage:I-OffAct, attacks:I-OffAct, for:O, more:O, than:O, a:O, decade:O, by:O, nation:O, state:O, threat:O, actors:O, and:O, continues:O, to:O, be:O, used:O, to:O, target:B-Features, its:I-Features, victims:I-Features, and:O, exfiltrate:B-Features, data:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This program is designed to capture keystrokes , take screenshots of the user 's desktop and get contents from the clipboard .' [/INST] [This:O, program:O, is:O, designed:O, to:O, capture:B-Features, keystrokes:I-Features, ,:O, take:B-Features, screenshots:I-Features, of:O, the:O, user:O, 's:O, desktop:O, and:O, get:B-Features, contents:I-Features, from:O, the:O, clipboard:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This file requires the target to attempt to open the .lnk file , which redirects the user to a Windows Scripting Component ( .wsc ) file , hosted on an adversary-controlled microblogging page .' [/INST] [This:O, file:O, requires:O, the:O, target:O, to:O, attempt:O, to:O, open:O, the:O, .lnk:B-SamFile, file:I-SamFile, ,:O, which:O, redirects:B-Features, the:I-Features, user:I-Features, to:O, a:O, Windows:O, Scripting:O, Component:O, (:O, .wsc:O, ):O, file:O, ,:O, hosted:O, on:O, an:O, adversary-controlled:O, microblogging:O, page:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Upon successful exploitation , the attachment will install the trojan known as NetTraveler using a DLL side-loading attack technique .' [/INST] [Upon:O, successful:O, exploitation:O, ,:O, the:O, attachment:B-SamFile, will:O, install:B-Features, the:I-Features, trojan:I-Features, known:O, as:O, NetTraveler:B-Tool, using:O, a:O, DLL:B-SamFile, side-loading:I-SamFile, attack:O, technique:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In addition , the NetTraveler toolkit was able to install additional info-stealing malware as a backdoor , and it could be customized to steal other types of sensitive information such as configuration details for an application or computer-aided design files .' [/INST] [In:O, addition:O, ,:O, the:O, NetTraveler:B-Tool, toolkit:I-Tool, was:O, able:O, to:O, install:B-Features, additional:I-Features, info-stealing:I-Features, malware:I-Features, as:O, a:O, backdoor:O, ,:O, and:O, it:O, could:O, be:O, customized:O, to:O, steal:B-Features, other:I-Features, types:I-Features, of:I-Features, sensitive:I-Features, information:I-Features, such:O, as:O, configuration:O, details:O, for:O, an:O, application:O, or:O, computer-aided:O, design:O, files:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The PassCV group typically utilized publicly available RATs in addition to some custom code , which ultimately provided backdoor functionality to affected systems via phony resumes and curriculum vitae ( CVs ) .' [/INST] [The:O, PassCV:B-HackOrg, group:I-HackOrg, typically:O, utilized:O, publicly:B-Tool, available:I-Tool, RATs:I-Tool, in:O, addition:O, to:O, some:O, custom:O, code:O, ,:O, which:O, ultimately:O, provided:B-Features, backdoor:I-Features, functionality:O, to:O, affected:O, systems:O, via:O, phony:O, resumes:O, and:O, curriculum:O, vitae:O, (:O, CVs:O, ):O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'he PassCV group typically utilized publicly available RATs in addition to some custom code , which ultimately provided backdoor functionality to affected systems via phony resumes and curriculum vitae ( CVs ) .' [/INST] [he:O, PassCV:B-HackOrg, group:O, typically:O, utilized:O, publicly:B-Tool, available:I-Tool, RATs:I-Tool, in:O, addition:O, to:O, some:O, custom:O, code:O, ,:O, which:O, ultimately:O, provided:B-Features, backdoor:I-Features, functionality:O, to:O, affected:O, systems:O, via:O, phony:O, resumes:O, and:O, curriculum:O, vitae:O, (:O, CVs:O, ):O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The files exploit the well-known Microsoft Office vulnerability , CVE-2012-0158 , to execute malicious code in order to take control of the targeted systems .' [/INST] [The:O, files:B-SamFile, exploit:O, the:O, well-known:O, Microsoft:B-Exp, Office:I-Exp, vulnerability:I-Exp, ,:O, CVE-2012-0158:B-Exp, ,:O, to:O, execute:O, malicious:O, code:O, in:O, order:O, to:O, take:B-Features, control:I-Features, of:O, the:O, targeted:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'One of the most notable functions of the initial dropper is to bypass Windows UAC ( User Account Control ) in order to execute the next payload with higher privileges .' [/INST] [One:O, of:O, the:O, most:O, notable:O, functions:O, of:O, the:O, initial:O, dropper:B-Tool, is:O, to:O, bypass:B-Features, Windows:I-Features, UAC:I-Features, (:O, User:O, Account:O, Control:O, ):O, in:O, order:O, to:O, execute:O, the:O, next:O, payload:O, with:O, higher:O, privileges:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Afterwards , the installer malware creates a downloader and a configuration file from its resource and executes it .' [/INST] [Afterwards:O, ,:O, the:O, installer:O, malware:O, creates:B-Features, a:I-Features, downloader:I-Features, and:O, a:O, configuration:B-Features, file:I-Features, from:O, its:O, resource:O, and:O, executes:O, it:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The downloader malware uses the configuration file and connects to the C2 server to fetch the next payload .' [/INST] [The:O, downloader:B-Tool, malware:I-Tool, uses:B-Features, the:I-Features, configuration:I-Features, file:I-Features, and:O, connects:B-Features, to:I-Features, the:I-Features, C2:I-Features, server:I-Features, to:O, fetch:O, the:O, next:O, payload:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'He is responsible for developing tools for conducting attacks and is also able to modify complex exploits and third party software .' [/INST] [He:O, is:O, responsible:O, for:O, developing:B-Features, tools:I-Features, for:O, conducting:O, attacks:B-OffAct, and:O, is:O, also:O, able:O, to:O, modify:B-Features, complex:I-Features, exploits:I-Features, and:O, third:B-Features, party:I-Features, software:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'wuaupdt.exe is a CMD backdoor , which can receive and execute CMD commands sent from C2 .' [/INST] [wuaupdt.exe:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, CMD:B-Tool, backdoor:O, ,:O, which:O, can:O, receive:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, CMD:I-Features, commands:I-Features, sent:O, from:O, C2:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As described in the infection flow , one of the first uses of the AutoHotKey scripts is to upload a screenshot from the compromised PC .' [/INST] [As:O, described:O, in:O, the:O, infection:O, flow:O, ,:O, one:O, of:O, the:O, first:O, uses:O, of:O, the:O, AutoHotKey:B-SamFile, scripts:I-SamFile, is:O, to:O, upload:B-Features, a:I-Features, screenshot:I-Features, from:O, the:O, compromised:O, PC:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The RAT , however , had a multitude of functionalities (as listed in the table below) such as to download and execute , compress , encrypt , upload , search directories , etc .' [/INST] [The:O, RAT:B-SamFile, ,:O, however:O, ,:O, had:O, a:O, multitude:O, of:O, functionalities:O, (as:O, listed:O, in:O, the:O, table:O, below):O, such:O, as:O, to:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, ,:O, compress:B-Features, ,:O, encrypt:B-Features, ,:O, upload:B-Features, ,:O, search:B-Features, directories:I-Features, ,:O, etc:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Bemstour is specifically designed to deliver a variant of the DoublePulsar backdoor .' [/INST] [Bemstour:B-SamFile, is:O, specifically:O, designed:O, to:O, deliver:B-Features, a:O, variant:O, of:O, the:O, DoublePulsar:B-Tool, backdoor:I-Tool, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'DoublePulsar is then used to inject a secondary payload , which runs in memory only .' [/INST] [DoublePulsar:B-SamFile, is:O, then:O, used:O, to:O, inject:B-Features, a:O, secondary:O, payload:O, ,:O, which:O, runs:O, in:O, memory:O, only:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The detection evasion techniques we observed in the Okrum malware include embedding the malicious payload within a legitimate PNG image , employing several anti-emulation and anti-sandbox tricks , as well as making frequent changes in implementation .' [/INST] [The:O, detection:O, evasion:O, techniques:O, we:O, observed:O, in:O, the:O, Okrum:B-SamFile, malware:O, include:O, embedding:B-Features, the:O, malicious:O, payload:O, within:O, a:O, legitimate:O, PNG:O, image:O, ,:O, employing:O, several:O, anti-emulation:O, and:O, anti-sandbox:O, tricks:O, ,:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, making:O, frequent:O, changes:O, in:O, implementation:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The threat actors behind the Sea Turtle campaign were successful in compromising entities by manipulating and falsifying DNS records at various levels in the domain name space .' [/INST] [The:O, threat:B-HackOrg, actors:I-HackOrg, behind:O, the:O, Sea:B-OffAct, Turtle:I-OffAct, campaign:O, were:O, successful:O, in:O, compromising:B-Purp, entities:I-Purp, by:O, manipulating:O, and:O, falsifying:B-Features, DNS:I-Features, records:O, at:O, various:O, levels:O, in:O, the:O, domain:O, name:O, space:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The diagram below illustrates how we believe the actors behind the Sea Turtle campaign used DNS hijacking to achieve their end goals .' [/INST] [The:O, diagram:O, below:O, illustrates:O, how:O, we:O, believe:O, the:O, actors:O, behind:O, the:O, Sea:B-SamFile, Turtle:I-SamFile, campaign:O, used:O, DNS:B-Features, hijacking:I-Features, to:O, achieve:O, their:O, end:O, goals:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'If the user enables macro to open the xlsm file , it will then drop the legitimate script engine AutoHotkey along with a malicious script file .' [/INST] [If:O, the:O, user:O, enables:O, macro:O, to:O, open:O, the:O, xlsm:B-Tool, file:I-Tool, ,:O, it:B-SamFile, will:O, then:O, drop:B-Features, the:I-Features, legitimate:I-Features, script:I-Features, engine:O, AutoHotkey:O, along:O, with:O, a:O, malicious:O, script:O, file:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell's 1984 , but Weeping Angel , developed by the CIA's Embedded Devices Branch (EDB) , which infests smart TVs , transforming them into covert microphones , is surely its most emblematic realization .' [/INST] [The:O, increasing:O, sophistication:O, of:O, surveillance:O, techniques:O, has:O, drawn:O, comparisons:O, with:O, George:O, Orwell's:O, 1984:O, ,:O, but:O, Weeping:B-Tool, Angel:I-Tool, ,:O, developed:O, by:O, the:O, CIA's:B-HackOrg, Embedded:O, Devices:O, Branch:O, (EDB):O, ,:O, which:O, infests:O, smart:B-Tool, TVs:I-Tool, ,:O, transforming:B-Features, them:O, into:O, covert:O, microphones:O, ,:O, is:O, surely:O, its:O, most:O, emblematic:O, realization:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Its configuration utilities like Margarita allows the NOC (Network Operation Center) to customize tools based on requirements from 'Fine Dining' questionairies .' [/INST] [Its:O, configuration:O, utilities:O, like:O, Margarita:B-SamFile, allows:O, the:O, NOC:O, (Network:O, Operation:O, Center):O, to:O, customize:O, tools:O, based:O, on:O, requirements:B-Features, from:O, 'Fine:O, Dining':O, questionairies:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Honeycomb toolserver receives exfiltrated information from the implant; an operator can also task the implant to execute jobs on the target computer , so the toolserver acts as a C2 (command and control) server for the implant .' [/INST] [The:O, Honeycomb:B-SamFile, toolserver:O, receives:O, exfiltrated:O, information:O, from:O, the:O, implant;:O, an:O, operator:O, can:O, also:O, task:O, the:O, implant:O, to:O, execute:O, jobs:O, on:O, the:O, target:O, computer:O, ,:O, so:O, the:O, toolserver:O, acts:B-Features, as:O, a:O, C2:O, (command:O, and:O, control):O, server:O, for:O, the:O, implant:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers , password collection , webcam capture , data destruction , persistence , privilege escalation , stealth , anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques .' [/INST] [UMBRAGE:B-SamFile, components:O, cover:B-Features, keyloggers:I-Features, ,:O, password:B-Features, collection:I-Features, ,:O, webcam:B-Features, capture:I-Features, ,:O, data:B-Features, destruction:I-Features, ,:O, persistence:B-Features, ,:O, privilege:B-Features, escalation:I-Features, ,:O, stealth:B-Features, ,:O, anti-virus:O, (PSP):O, avoidance:O, and:O, survey:B-Features, techniques:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: ''Improvise' is a toolset for configuration , post-processing , payload setup and execution vector selection for survey/exfiltration tools supporting all major operating systems like Windows (Bartender) , MacOS (JukeBox) and Linux (DanceFloor) .' [/INST] ['Improvise':B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, toolset:O, for:O, configuration:B-Features, ,:O, post-processing:B-Features, ,:O, payload:B-Features, setup:I-Features, and:O, execution:B-Features, vector:I-Features, selection:O, for:O, survey/exfiltration:O, tools:O, supporting:O, all:O, major:O, operating:O, systems:O, like:O, Windows:B-Way, (Bartender):O, ,:O, MacOS:B-Way, (JukeBox):O, and:O, Linux:B-Way, (DanceFloor):O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This sample , similar to other Trochilus samples , was deployed using a DLL sideloading method utilizing three files , uploaded to the same folder on the victim machine as identified in US-CERT advisory TA17-117A last revised on December 20 , 2018 .' [/INST] [This:O, sample:B-SamFile, ,:O, similar:O, to:O, other:O, Trochilus:B-SamFile, samples:O, ,:O, was:O, deployed:O, using:O, a:O, DLL:B-Features, sideloading:I-Features, method:O, utilizing:O, three:O, files:O, ,:O, uploaded:B-Features, to:O, the:O, same:O, folder:O, on:O, the:O, victim:O, machine:O, as:O, identified:O, in:O, US-CERT:O, advisory:O, TA17-117A:O, last:O, revised:O, on:O, December:O, 20:O, ,:O, 2018:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The configuration file then loads the Trochilus payload into memory by injecting it into a valid system process .' [/INST] [The:O, configuration:B-SamFile, file:I-SamFile, then:O, loads:O, the:O, Trochilus:O, payload:O, into:O, memory:O, by:O, injecting:B-Features, it:O, into:O, a:O, valid:O, system:O, process:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Insikt Group analysis of network metadata to and from the VPN endpoint IPs revealed consistent connectivity to Citrix-hosted infrastructure from all eight VPN endpoint IPs starting on August 17 , 2018 — the same date the first authenticated login to Visma’s network was made using stolen credentials .' [/INST] [Insikt:B-HackOrg, Group:I-HackOrg, analysis:O, of:O, network:O, metadata:O, to:O, and:O, from:O, the:O, VPN:O, endpoint:O, IPs:O, revealed:O, consistent:O, connectivity:O, to:O, Citrix-hosted:B-SamFile, infrastructure:O, from:O, all:O, eight:O, VPN:B-Features, endpoint:I-Features, IPs:O, starting:O, on:O, August:B-Time, 17:I-Time, ,:O, 2018:O, —:O, the:O, same:O, date:O, the:O, first:O, authenticated:O, login:O, to:O, Visma’s:O, network:O, was:O, made:O, using:O, stolen:O, credentials:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This powerful backdoor can receive commands from the attackers , enabling it to exfiltrate files from the system it is running on , execute additional scripts , delete files , and more .' [/INST] [This:O, powerful:O, backdoor:B-SamFile, can:O, receive:O, commands:O, from:O, the:O, attackers:O, ,:O, enabling:O, it:O, to:O, exfiltrate:B-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, the:O, system:O, it:O, is:O, running:O, on:O, ,:O, execute:B-Features, additional:I-Features, scripts:I-Features, ,:O, delete:B-Features, files:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, more:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In addition , by using VBA2Graph , we were able to visualize the VBA call graph in the macros of each document .' [/INST] [In:O, addition:O, ,:O, by:O, using:O, VBA2Graph:B-SamFile, ,:O, we:O, were:O, able:O, to:O, visualize:O, the:O, VBA:O, call:B-Features, graph:I-Features, in:O, the:O, macros:O, of:O, each:O, document:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The JavaScript forces visiting web browsers to collect and send (via a POST request) web browser , browser version , country of origin , and IP address data to the attacker controlled server jquerycodedownload.live/check.aspx” .' [/INST] [The:O, JavaScript:B-SamFile, forces:B-Features, visiting:O, web:O, browsers:O, to:O, collect:B-Features, and:O, send:O, (via:O, a:O, POST:O, request):O, web:O, browser:O, ,:O, browser:O, version:O, ,:O, country:O, of:O, origin:O, ,:O, and:O, IP:O, address:O, data:O, to:O, the:O, attacker:O, controlled:O, server:O, jquerycodedownload.live/check.aspx”:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The malware was first seen packed with VMProtect; when unpacked the sample didn’t show any similarities with previously known malware .' [/INST] [The:O, malware:B-SamFile, was:O, first:O, seen:O, packed:O, with:O, VMProtect;:B-Features, when:O, unpacked:O, the:O, sample:O, didn’t:O, show:O, any:O, similarities:O, with:O, previously:O, known:O, malware:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The malware starts communicating with the C&C server by sending basic information about the infected machine .' [/INST] [The:O, malware:B-SamFile, starts:O, communicating:B-Features, with:I-Features, the:I-Features, C&C:I-Features, server:O, by:O, sending:O, basic:O, information:O, about:O, the:O, infected:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The malware basically provides a remote CMD/PowerShell terminal for the attackers , enabling them to execute scripts/commands and receive the results via HTTP requests .' [/INST] [The:O, malware:B-SamFile, basically:O, provides:B-Features, a:O, remote:O, CMD/PowerShell:B-Tool, terminal:O, for:O, the:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, ,:O, enabling:O, them:O, to:O, execute:B-Purp, scripts/commands:I-Purp, and:O, receive:O, the:O, results:O, via:O, HTTP:O, requests:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'After app installation , whenever SWAnalytics senses victims opening up infected applications or rebooting their phones , it silently uploads their entire contacts list to Hangzhou Shun Wang Technologies controlled servers .' [/INST] [After:O, app:O, installation:O, ,:O, whenever:O, SWAnalytics:B-SamFile, senses:O, victims:O, opening:O, up:O, infected:O, applications:O, or:O, rebooting:O, their:O, phones:O, ,:O, it:O, silently:O, uploads:B-Features, their:O, entire:O, contacts:O, list:O, to:O, Hangzhou:O, Shun:O, Wang:O, Technologies:O, controlled:O, servers:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This module monitors a wide range of device activities including application installation / remove / update , phone restart and battery charge .' [/INST] [This:O, module:B-SamFile, monitors:O, a:O, wide:O, range:O, of:O, device:O, activities:O, including:O, application:B-Features, installation:I-Features, /:O, remove:B-Features, /:O, update:B-Features, ,:O, phone:B-Features, restart:I-Features, and:O, battery:B-Features, charge:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'It turns out that contacts data isn’t the only unusual data SWAnalytics is interested in .' [/INST] [It:O, turns:O, out:O, that:O, contacts:B-Features, data:I-Features, isn’t:O, the:O, only:O, unusual:O, data:O, SWAnalytics:B-SamFile, is:O, interested:O, in:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'With default settings , SWAnalytics will scan through an Android device’s external storage , looking for directory tencent/MobileQQ/WebViewCheck” .' [/INST] [With:O, default:O, settings:O, ,:O, SWAnalytics:B-SamFile, will:O, scan:B-Features, through:O, an:O, Android:O, device’s:O, external:O, storage:O, ,:O, looking:O, for:O, directory:O, tencent/MobileQQ/WebViewCheck”:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'By listing sub-folders , SWAnalytics is able to infer QQ accounts which have never been used on the device .' [/INST] [By:O, listing:B-Features, sub-folders:I-Features, ,:O, SWAnalytics:B-SamFile, is:O, able:O, to:O, infer:B-Features, QQ:I-Features, accounts:I-Features, which:O, have:O, never:O, been:O, used:O, on:O, the:O, device:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To make this data harvesting operation flexible , SWAnalytics equips the ability to receive and process configuration files from a remote Command-and-Control .' [/INST] [To:O, make:O, this:O, data:O, harvesting:O, operation:O, flexible:O, ,:O, SWAnalytics:B-SamFile, equips:O, the:O, ability:O, to:O, receive:B-Features, and:O, process:B-Features, configuration:I-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, a:O, remote:B-Features, Command-and-Control:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Just to highlight its capabilities , TajMahal is able to steal data from a CD burnt by a victim as well as from the printer queue .' [/INST] [Just:O, to:O, highlight:O, its:O, capabilities:O, ,:O, TajMahal:B-SamFile, is:O, able:O, to:O, steal:B-Features, data:I-Features, from:O, a:O, CD:O, burnt:O, by:O, a:O, victim:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, from:O, the:O, printer:O, queue:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The newer variant of KopiLuwak is now capable of exfiltrating files to the C&C as well as downloading files and saving them to the infected machine .' [/INST] [The:O, newer:O, variant:O, of:O, KopiLuwak:B-SamFile, is:O, now:O, capable:O, of:O, exfiltrating:B-Features, files:I-Features, to:O, the:O, C&C:O, as:O, well:O, as:O, downloading:B-Features, files:I-Features, and:O, saving:O, them:O, to:O, the:O, infected:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The tool does all that a typical Trojan needs to accomplish: upload , download and execute files , fingerprint target systems .' [/INST] [The:O, tool:O, does:O, all:O, that:O, a:O, typical:O, Trojan:B-SamFile, needs:O, to:O, accomplish::O, upload:B-Features, ,:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, files:I-Features, ,:O, fingerprint:B-Features, target:I-Features, systems:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The PowerShell version of the Trojan also has the ability to get screenshots .' [/INST] [The:O, PowerShell:B-SamFile, version:O, of:O, the:O, Trojan:O, also:O, has:O, the:O, ability:O, to:O, get:B-Features, screenshots:B-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Initial reports about HIGHNOON and its variants reported publicly as Winnti dating back to at least 2013 indicated the tool was exclusive to a single group , contributing to significant conflation across multiple distinct espionage operations .' [/INST] [Initial:O, reports:O, about:O, HIGHNOON:B-SamFile, and:O, its:O, variants:O, reported:O, publicly:O, as:O, Winnti:B-HackOrg, dating:O, back:O, to:O, at:O, least:O, 2013:B-Time, indicated:O, the:O, tool:O, was:O, exclusive:O, to:O, a:O, single:O, group:O, ,:O, contributing:O, to:O, significant:B-Features, conflation:I-Features, across:O, multiple:O, distinct:O, espionage:O, operations:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'BalkanRAT enables the attacker to remotely control the compromised computer via a graphical interface , i.e , manually; BalkanDoor enables them to remotely control the compromised computer via a command line , i.e , possibly en masse .' [/INST] [BalkanRAT:B-SamFile, enables:O, the:O, attacker:O, to:O, remotely:O, control:B-Features, the:O, compromised:O, computer:O, via:O, a:O, graphical:O, interface:O, ,:O, i.e:O, ,:O, manually;:O, BalkanDoor:B-SamFile, enables:O, them:O, to:O, remotely:O, control:O, the:O, compromised:O, computer:O, via:O, a:O, command:O, line:O, ,:O, i.e:O, ,:O, possibly:O, en:O, masse:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The backdoor can connect to any of the C&Cs from a hardcoded list – a measure to increase resilience .' [/INST] [The:O, backdoor:B-SamFile, can:O, connect:B-Features, to:O, any:O, of:O, the:O, C&Cs:O, from:O, a:O, hardcoded:O, list:O, –:O, a:O, measure:O, to:O, increase:O, resilience:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'China Chopper is a tool that allows attackers to remotely control the target system that needs to be running a web server application before it can be targeted by the tool .' [/INST] [China:B-SamFile, Chopper:I-SamFile, is:O, a:O, tool:O, that:O, allows:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, to:O, remotely:O, control:B-Features, the:O, target:O, system:O, that:O, needs:O, to:O, be:O, running:O, a:O, web:O, server:O, application:O, before:O, it:O, can:O, be:O, targeted:O, by:O, the:O, tool:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'China Chopper contains a remote shell (Virtual Terminal) function that has a first suggested command of netstat an|find ESTABLISHED .' [/INST] [China:B-SamFile, Chopper:I-SamFile, contains:O, a:O, remote:O, shell:O, (Virtual:O, Terminal):O, function:O, that:O, has:O, a:O, first:O, suggested:O, command:B-Features, of:O, netstat:O, an|find:O, ESTABLISHED:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The tool investigates the Local Security Authority Subsystem memory space in order to find , decrypt and display retrieved passwords .' [/INST] [The:O, tool:B-SamFile, investigates:B-Features, the:O, Local:O, Security:O, Authority:O, Subsystem:O, memory:O, space:O, in:O, order:O, to:O, find:O, ,:O, decrypt:O, and:O, display:O, retrieved:O, passwords:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Additional capabilities of the More_eggs malware include the download and execution of files and scripts and running commands using cmd.exe .' [/INST] [Additional:O, capabilities:O, of:O, the:O, More_eggs:B-SamFile, malware:I-SamFile, include:O, the:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execution:B-Features, of:I-Features, files:I-Features, and:O, scripts:O, and:O, running:O, commands:O, using:O, cmd.exe:B-SamFile, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Mimikatz is a post-exploitation tool that allows attackers to extract credentials from volatile memory .' [/INST] [Mimikatz:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, post-exploitation:O, tool:O, that:O, allows:O, attackers:O, to:O, extract:B-Features, credentials:I-Features, from:O, volatile:O, memory:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The GoogleUpdate.exe component is responsible for communicating with the remote C&C server .' [/INST] [The:O, GoogleUpdate.exe:B-SamFile, component:O, is:O, responsible:O, for:O, communicating:B-Features, with:O, the:O, remote:O, C&C:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This way , the malware can have its configuration , malicious binaries and file listings updated , but can also download and execute other binaries .' [/INST] [This:O, way:O, ,:O, the:O, malware:B-SamFile, can:O, have:O, its:O, configuration:B-Features, ,:O, malicious:O, binaries:O, and:O, file:O, listings:O, updated:O, ,:O, but:O, can:O, also:O, download:B-Features, and:O, execute:B-Features, other:O, binaries:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'They also download apks secretly and record audios and videos , then upload users’ privacy information to server , causing users’ privacy leakage .' [/INST] [They:B-SamFile, also:O, download:B-Features, apks:O, secretly:B-Features, and:O, record:B-Features, audios:I-Features, and:O, videos:O, ,:O, then:O, upload:B-Features, users’:O, privacy:O, information:O, to:O, server:O, ,:O, causing:O, users’:O, privacy:O, leakage:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The email stealer collects connection protocol information and account information , such as SMTP , IMAP , and POP3 , which are stored in the registry by Outlook and Thunderbird mail clients and sends them to the attacker server in a specific format .' [/INST] [The:O, email:B-SamFile, stealer:I-SamFile, collects:B-Features, connection:I-Features, protocol:O, information:O, and:O, account:O, information:O, ,:O, such:O, as:O, SMTP:O, ,:O, IMAP:O, ,:O, and:O, POP3:O, ,:O, which:O, are:O, stored:O, in:O, the:O, registry:O, by:O, Outlook:O, and:O, Thunderbird:O, mail:O, clients:O, and:O, sends:O, them:O, to:O, the:O, attacker:O, server:O, in:O, a:O, specific:O, format:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'AdroMut downloads the malware ServHelper and FlawedAmmy RAT used by the SectorJ04 group from the attacker server and simultaneously performs the functions of a backdoor .' [/INST] [AdroMut:O, downloads:B-Features, the:I-Features, malware:I-Features, ServHelper:B-Tool, and:O, FlawedAmmy:B-Tool, RAT:O, used:O, by:O, the:O, SectorJ04:B-HackOrg, group:O, from:O, the:O, attacker:O, server:O, and:O, simultaneously:O, performs:O, the:O, functions:O, of:O, a:O, backdoor:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The Silence.Main Trojan , which is the main stage of the attack , has a full set of commands to control a compromised computer .' [/INST] [The:O, Silence.Main:B-SamFile, Trojan:I-SamFile, ,:O, which:O, is:O, the:O, main:O, stage:O, of:O, the:O, attack:O, ,:O, has:O, a:O, full:O, set:O, of:O, commands:O, to:O, control:B-Features, a:O, compromised:O, computer:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The exploit installs Silence’s loader , designed to download backdoors and other malicious programs .' [/INST] [The:O, exploit:B-Exp, installs:O, Silence’s:B-HackOrg, loader:O, ,:O, designed:O, to:O, download:B-Features, backdoors:I-Features, and:O, other:O, malicious:O, programs:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As we described in Silence: Moving into the darkside report , Silence has experience with theft using compromised card processing systems .' [/INST] [As:O, we:O, described:O, in:O, Silence::B-HackOrg, Moving:O, into:O, the:O, darkside:O, report:O, ,:O, Silence:B-HackOrg, has:O, experience:O, with:O, theft:O, using:B-Features, compromised:I-Features, card:I-Features, processing:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The main goal of Silence.Downloader is to receive an executable file and run it on an infected machine .' [/INST] [The:O, main:O, goal:O, of:O, Silence.Downloader:B-SamFile, is:O, to:O, receive:B-Features, an:O, executable:O, file:O, and:O, run:O, it:O, on:O, an:O, infected:O, machine:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Silence.MainModule is a typical remote control Trojan that provides access to the command shell CMD.EXE with the possibility of downloading files from remote nodes to a computer and uploading files from a computer to a remote server .' [/INST] [Silence.MainModule:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, typical:O, remote:O, control:O, Trojan:O, that:O, provides:B-Features, access:O, to:O, the:O, command:O, shell:O, CMD.EXE:O, with:O, the:O, possibility:O, of:O, downloading:B-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, remote:O, nodes:O, to:O, a:O, computer:O, and:O, uploading:B-Features, files:I-Features, from:O, a:O, computer:O, to:O, a:O, remote:O, server:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'PlugX is a modular structured malware that has many different operational plugins such as communication compression and encryption , network enumeration , files interaction , remote shell operations and more .' [/INST] [PlugX:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, modular:O, structured:O, malware:O, that:O, has:O, many:O, different:O, operational:O, plugins:O, such:O, as:O, communication:B-Features, compression:I-Features, and:O, encryption:B-Features, ,:O, network:B-Features, enumeration:I-Features, ,:O, files:B-Features, interaction:I-Features, ,:O, remote:B-Features, shell:I-Features, operations:I-Features, and:O, more:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'A backdoor that communicates with a single command and control (C2) server using HTTP GET and POST requests , TONEDEAF supports collecting system information , uploading and downloading of files , and arbitrary shell command execution .' [/INST] [A:O, backdoor:O, that:O, communicates:O, with:O, a:O, single:O, command:O, and:O, control:O, (C2):O, server:O, using:O, HTTP:O, GET:O, and:O, POST:O, requests:O, ,:O, TONEDEAF:B-SamFile, supports:O, collecting:B-Features, system:I-Features, information:I-Features, ,:O, uploading:B-Features, and:O, downloading:B-Features, of:O, files:O, ,:O, and:O, arbitrary:B-Features, shell:O, command:O, execution:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'PICKPOCKET is a credential theft tool that dumps the user's website login credentials from Chrome , Firefox , and Internet Explorer to a file .' [/INST] [PICKPOCKET:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, credential:O, theft:O, tool:O, that:O, dumps:B-Features, the:O, user's:O, website:O, login:O, credentials:O, from:O, Chrome:O, ,:O, Firefox:O, ,:O, and:O, Internet:O, Explorer:O, to:O, a:O, file:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The first module downloaded by the GRIFFON malware to the victim’s computer is an information-gathering JScript , which allows the cybercriminals to understand the context of the infected workstation .' [/INST] [The:O, first:O, module:O, downloaded:O, by:O, the:O, GRIFFON:B-SamFile, malware:O, to:O, the:O, victim’s:O, computer:O, is:O, an:O, information-gathering:O, JScript:O, ,:O, which:O, allows:O, the:O, cybercriminals:O, to:O, understand:B-Features, the:O, context:O, of:O, the:O, infected:O, workstation:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The new GRIFFON implant is written to the hard drive before each execution , limiting the file-less” aspect of this method .' [/INST] [The:O, new:O, GRIFFON:B-SamFile, implant:O, is:O, written:B-Features, to:O, the:O, hard:O, drive:O, before:O, each:O, execution:O, ,:O, limiting:O, the:O, file-less”:O, aspect:O, of:O, this:O, method:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In fact , AveMaria is a classic infostealer bot that collects all possible credentials from various types of software: browsers , email clients , messengers , etc , and can act as a keylogger .' [/INST] [In:O, fact:O, ,:O, AveMaria:B-SamFile, is:O, a:O, classic:O, infostealer:O, bot:O, that:O, collects:B-Features, all:O, possible:O, credentials:O, from:O, various:O, types:O, of:O, software::O, browsers:O, ,:O, email:O, clients:O, ,:O, messengers:O, ,:O, etc:O, ,:O, and:O, can:O, act:B-Features, as:O, a:O, keylogger:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Neptun is installed on Microsoft Exchange servers and is designed to passively listen for commands from the attackers .' [/INST] [Neptun:B-SamFile, is:O, installed:O, on:O, Microsoft:O, Exchange:O, servers:O, and:O, is:O, designed:O, to:O, passively:O, listen:B-Features, for:I-Features, commands:I-Features, from:O, the:O, attackers:B-HackOrg, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The usefulness of flare-qdb can be seen in cases such as loops dealing with strings .' [/INST] [The:O, usefulness:O, of:O, flare-qdb:B-SamFile, can:O, be:O, seen:O, in:O, cases:O, such:O, as:O, loops:B-Features, dealing:I-Features, with:O, strings:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The usefulness of flare-qdb can be seen in cases such as loops dealing with strings .' [/INST] [The:O, usefulness:O, of:O, flare-qdb:B-SamFile, can:O, be:O, seen:O, in:O, cases:O, such:O, as:O, loops:B-Features, dealing:I-Features, with:O, strings:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The usefulness of flare-qdb can be seen in cases such as loops dealing with strings .' [/INST] [The:O, usefulness:O, of:O, flare-qdb:B-SamFile, can:O, be:O, seen:O, in:O, cases:O, such:O, as:O, loops:B-Features, dealing:I-Features, with:O, strings:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'We have also observed them using virtual private network services that use IPs based in numerous countries to ensure anonymity and obfuscate criminal operations .' [/INST] [We:O, have:O, also:O, observed:O, them:B-SamFile, using:B-Features, virtual:I-Features, private:I-Features, network:I-Features, services:I-Features, that:O, use:O, IPs:O, based:O, in:O, numerous:O, countries:O, to:O, ensure:B-Purp, anonymity:I-Purp, and:O, obfuscate:B-Purp, criminal:I-Purp, operations:I-Purp, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Once downloaded and executed , it drops an intermediate payload that further downloads a Pony DLL and Vawtrak executable , which perform data theft and connect to a command and control (C2) server .' [/INST] [Once:O, downloaded:O, and:O, executed:O, ,:O, it:O, drops:O, an:O, intermediate:O, payload:O, that:O, further:O, downloads:O, a:O, Pony:B-SamFile, DLL:I-SamFile, and:O, Vawtrak:B-SamFile, executable:O, ,:O, which:O, perform:O, data:B-Features, theft:I-Features, and:O, connect:B-Features, to:O, a:O, command:B-Purp, and:O, control:B-Purp, (C2):I-Purp, server:I-Purp, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Upon execution , it will communicate with an attacker-controller website to download a variant of the Pony malware , pm.dll” along with a standard Vawtrak trojan .' [/INST] [Upon:O, execution:O, ,:O, it:O, will:O, communicate:O, with:O, an:O, attacker-controller:O, website:O, to:O, download:B-Features, a:O, variant:O, of:O, the:O, Pony:B-SamFile, malware:I-SamFile, ,:O, pm.dll”:B-SamFile, along:O, with:O, a:O, standard:O, Vawtrak:O, trojan:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'RIPPER interacts with the ATM by inserting a specially manufactured ATM card with an EMV chip that serves as the authentication mechanism .' [/INST] [RIPPER:B-SamFile, interacts:B-Features, with:I-Features, the:I-Features, ATM:I-Features, by:O, inserting:O, a:O, specially:O, manufactured:O, ATM:O, card:O, with:O, an:O, EMV:O, chip:O, that:O, serves:O, as:O, the:O, authentication:O, mechanism:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'RIPPER will examine the contents of directories associated with the targeted ATM vendors and will replace legitimate executables with itself .' [/INST] [RIPPER:B-SamFile, will:O, examine:B-Features, the:O, contents:O, of:O, directories:O, associated:O, with:O, the:O, targeted:O, ATM:B-Org, vendors:I-Org, and:O, will:O, replace:B-Features, legitimate:I-Features, executables:I-Features, with:O, itself:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'This malware family can be used to compromise multiple vendor platforms and leverages uncommon technology to access physical devices .' [/INST] [This:O, malware:B-SamFile, family:O, can:O, be:O, used:O, to:O, compromise:B-Features, multiple:I-Features, vendor:I-Features, platforms:I-Features, and:O, leverages:B-Features, uncommon:I-Features, technology:I-Features, to:O, access:O, physical:O, devices:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'From our trend analysis seen in Figure 3 , Locky ransomware started being delivered via DOCM format email attachments more extensively beginning in August .' [/INST] [From:O, our:O, trend:O, analysis:O, seen:O, in:O, Figure:O, 3:O, ,:O, Locky:B-SamFile, ransomware:O, started:O, being:O, delivered:B-Features, via:O, DOCM:O, format:O, email:O, attachments:O, more:O, extensively:O, beginning:O, in:O, August:B-Time, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Discovered for the first time in Mexico back in 2013 , Ploutus enabled criminals to empty ATMs using either an external keyboard attached to the machine or via SMS message , a technique that had never been seen before .' [/INST] [Discovered:O, for:O, the:O, first:O, time:O, in:O, Mexico:B-Area, back:O, in:O, 2013:B-Time, ,:O, Ploutus:B-SamFile, enabled:O, criminals:O, to:O, empty:B-Features, ATMs:I-Features, using:O, either:O, an:O, external:O, keyboard:O, attached:O, to:O, the:O, machine:O, or:O, via:B-Features, SMS:I-Features, message:I-Features, ,:O, a:O, technique:O, that:O, had:O, never:O, been:O, seen:O, before:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'FireEye Labs recently identified a previously unobserved version of Ploutus , dubbed Ploutus-D , that interacts with KAL’s Kalignite multivendor ATM platform .' [/INST] [FireEye:B-SecTeam, Labs:O, recently:O, identified:O, a:O, previously:O, unobserved:O, version:O, of:O, Ploutus:B-SamFile, ,:O, dubbed:O, Ploutus-D:B-SamFile, ,:O, that:O, interacts:B-Features, with:O, KAL’s:O, Kalignite:O, multivendor:O, ATM:O, platform:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Written in pure C language , Canhadr/Ndriver provides full access to the hard drive and operating memory despite device security restrictions , and carries out integrity control of various system components to avoid debugging and security detection .' [/INST] [Written:O, in:O, pure:O, C:O, language:O, ,:O, Canhadr/Ndriver:B-SamFile, provides:B-Features, full:I-Features, access:I-Features, to:O, the:O, hard:O, drive:O, and:O, operating:O, memory:O, despite:O, device:O, security:O, restrictions:O, ,:O, and:O, carries:B-Features, out:I-Features, integrity:I-Features, control:I-Features, of:O, various:O, system:O, components:O, to:O, avoid:O, debugging:O, and:O, security:O, detection:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'WannaCry appends encrypted data files with the .WCRY extension , drops and executes a decryptor tool , and demands $300 or $600 USD ( via Bitcoin ) to decrypt the data .' [/INST] [WannaCry:B-Tool, appends:O, encrypted:O, data:O, files:O, with:O, the:O, .WCRY:B-SamFile, extension:O, ,:O, drops:B-Features, and:I-Features, executes:I-Features, a:I-Features, decryptor:I-Features, tool:I-Features, ,:O, and:O, demands:O, $300:O, or:O, $600:O, USD:O, (:O, via:O, Bitcoin:O, ):O, to:O, decrypt:O, the:O, data:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Some of the documents exploited CVE-2017-0199 to deliver the payload .' [/INST] [Some:O, of:O, the:O, documents:B-SamFile, exploited:O, CVE-2017-0199:B-Exp, to:O, deliver:B-Features, the:I-Features, payload:I-Features, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To set up persistence , the loader writes a file to , c:\temp\rr.exe , and executes it with specific command line arguments to create auto run registry keys .' [/INST] [To:O, set:O, up:O, persistence:O, ,:O, the:O, loader:O, writes:O, a:O, file:O, to:O, ,:O, c:\temp\rr.exe:B-SamFile, ,:O, and:O, executes:O, it:O, with:O, specific:O, command:O, line:O, arguments:O, to:O, create:B-Features, auto:I-Features, run:I-Features, registry:I-Features, keys:I-Features, .:O] </s>