<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Note : DLL side loading is a prevalent persistence technique that is used to launch a multitude of backdoors .' [/INST] [Note:O, ::O, DLL:S-TOOL, side:O, loading:O, is:O, a:O, prevalent:O, persistence:O, technique:O, that:O, is:O, used:O, to:O, launch:O, a:O, multitude:O, of:O, backdoors:S-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The challenge is detecting known good software loading and running malware .' [/INST] [The:O, challenge:O, is:O, detecting:O, known:O, good:O, software:O, loading:O, and:O, running:O, malware:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'As security controls have improved , DLL side loading has evolved to load a payload stored in a different directory or from a registry value .' [/INST] [As:O, security:O, controls:O, have:O, improved:O, ,:O, DLL:S-TOOL, side:O, loading:O, has:O, evolved:O, to:O, load:O, a:O, payload:O, stored:O, in:O, a:O, different:O, directory:O, or:O, from:O, a:O, registry:O, value:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In other cases , threat actors placed web shells on externally accessible servers , sometimes behind a reverse proxy , to execute commands on the compromised system .' [/INST] [In:O, other:O, cases:O, ,:O, threat:O, actors:O, placed:O, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, on:O, externally:O, accessible:O, servers:O, ,:O, sometimes:O, behind:O, a:O, reverse:O, proxy:O, ,:O, to:O, execute:O, commands:O, on:O, the:O, compromised:O, system:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 actors have deployed the OwaAuth web shell to Exchange servers , disguising it as an ISAPI filter .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, actors:O, have:O, deployed:O, the:O, OwaAuth:S-MAL, web:B-TOOL, shell:E-TOOL, to:O, Exchange:S-TOOL, servers:O, ,:O, disguising:O, it:O, as:O, an:O, ISAPI:B-TOOL, filter:E-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The IIS w3wp.exe process loads the malicious DLL , which CTU researchers have observed in the Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin directory .' [/INST] [The:O, IIS:S-TOOL, w3wp.exe:S-FILE, process:O, loads:O, the:O, malicious:O, DLL:S-TOOL, ,:O, which:O, CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, have:O, observed:O, in:O, the:O, Program:O, Files\Microsoft\Exchange:O, Server\ClientAccess\Owa\Bin:O, directory:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To traverse the firewall , C2 traffic for most TG-3390 tools occurs over ports 53 , 80 , and 443 .' [/INST] [To:O, traverse:O, the:O, firewall:S-TOOL, ,:O, C2:S-TOOL, traffic:O, for:O, most:O, TG-3390:S-APT, tools:O, occurs:O, over:O, ports:O, 53:O, ,:O, 80:O, ,:O, and:O, 443:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The PlugX malware can be configured to use HTTP , DNS , raw TCP , or UDP to avoid network-based detection .' [/INST] [The:O, PlugX:S-MAL, malware:O, can:O, be:O, configured:O, to:O, use:O, HTTP:S-PROT, ,:O, DNS:S-PROT, ,:O, raw:O, TCP:S-PROT, ,:O, or:O, UDP:S-PROT, to:O, avoid:O, network-based:O, detection:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'In one sample analyzed by CTU researchers , PlugX was configured with hard-coded user credentials to bypass a proxy that required authentication .' [/INST] [In:O, one:O, sample:O, analyzed:O, by:O, CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, ,:O, PlugX:S-MAL, was:O, configured:O, with:O, hard-coded:O, user:O, credentials:O, to:O, bypass:O, a:O, proxy:O, that:O, required:O, authentication:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Newer HttpBrowser versions use SSL with self-signed certificates to encrypt network communications .' [/INST] [Newer:O, HttpBrowser:S-MAL, versions:O, use:O, SSL:S-PROT, with:O, self-signed:O, certificates:O, to:O, encrypt:O, network:O, communications:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 actors frequently change the C2 domain's A record to point to the loopback IP address , which is a variation of a technique known as , parking , .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, actors:O, frequently:O, change:O, the:O, C2:S-TOOL, domain's:O, A:O, record:O, to:O, point:O, to:O, the:O, loopback:O, IP:S-PROT, address:O,, ,:O, which:O, is:O, a:O, variation:O, of:O, a:O, technique:O, known:O, as:O, ,:O, parking:O, ,:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Other variations of parking point the IP address to Google 's recursive name server , an address belonging to Confluence , or to other non-routable addresses .' [/INST] [Other:O, variations:O, of:O, parking:O, point:O, the:O, IP:S-PROT, address:O, to:O, Google:S-IDTY, 's:O, recursive:O, name:O, server:O,, ,:O, an:O, address:O, belonging:O, to:O, Confluence:O, ,:O, or:O, to:O, other:O, non-routable:O, addresses:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'When the adversaries' operations are live , they modify the record again to point the C2 domain to an IP address they can access .' [/INST] [When:O, the:O, adversaries':O, operations:O, are:O, live:O, ,:O, they:O, modify:O, the:O, record:O, again:O, to:O, point:O, the:O, C2:S-TOOL, domain:O, to:O, an:O, IP:O, address:O, they:O, can:O, access:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers have discovered numerous details about TG-3390 operations , including how the adversaries explore a network , move laterally , and exfiltrate data .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, have:O, discovered:O, numerous:O, details:O, about:O, TG-3390:S-APT, operations:O, ,:O, including:O, how:O, the:O, adversaries:O, explore:O, a:O, network:O, ,:O, move:O, laterally:O, ,:O, and:O, exfiltrate:O, data:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'After compromising an initial victim's system ( patient 0 ) , the threat actors use the Baidu search engine to search for the victim's organization name .' [/INST] [After:O, compromising:O, an:O, initial:O, victim's:O, system:O, (:O, patient:O, 0:O, ):O, ,:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, use:O, the:O, Baidu:S-IDTY, search:O, engine:O, to:O, search:O, for:O, the:O, victim's:O, organization:O, name:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'They then identify the Exchange server and attempt to install the OwaAuth web shell .' [/INST] [They:O, then:O, identify:O, the:O, Exchange:S-TOOL, server:O, and:O, attempt:O, to:O, install:O, the:O, OwaAuth:S-MAL, web:B-TOOL, shell:E-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'If the OwaAuth web shell is ineffective because the victim uses two-factor authentication for webmail , the adversaries identify other externally accessible servers and deploy ChinaChopper web shells .' [/INST] [If:O, the:O, OwaAuth:S-MAL, web:B-TOOL, shell:E-TOOL, is:O, ineffective:O, because:O, the:O, victim:O, uses:O, two-factor:O, authentication:O, for:O, webmail:O, ,:O, the:O, adversaries:O, identify:O, other:O, externally:O, accessible:O, servers:O, and:O, deploy:O, ChinaChopper:S-MAL, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Within six hours of entering the environment , the threat actors compromised multiple systems and stole credentials for the entire domain .' [/INST] [Within:O, six:O, hours:O, of:O, entering:O, the:O, environment:O, ,:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, compromised:O, multiple:O, systems:O, and:O, stole:O, credentials:O, for:O, the:O, entire:O, domain:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The threat actors use the Hunter and nbtscan tools , sometimes renamed , to conduct network reconnaissance for vulnerable servers and online systems .' [/INST] [The:O, threat:O, actors:O, use:O, the:O, Hunter:S-TOOL, and:O, nbtscan:S-TOOL, tools:O, ,:O, sometimes:O, renamed:O, ,:O, to:O, conduct:O, network:O, reconnaissance:O, for:O, vulnerable:O, servers:O, and:O, online:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 actors favor At.exe to create scheduled tasks for executing commands on remote systems .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, actors:O, favor:O, At.exe:S-FILE, to:O, create:O, scheduled:O, tasks:O, for:O, executing:O, commands:O, on:O, remote:O, systems:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Over a few days' span , the threat actors install remote access tools on additional systems based upon the results of the network reconnaissance .' [/INST] [Over:O, a:O, few:O, days':O, span:O, ,:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, install:O, remote:O, access:O, tools:O, on:O, additional:O, systems:O, based:O, upon:O, the:O, results:O, of:O, the:O, network:O, reconnaissance:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'They use At.exe to schedule tasks to run self-extracting RAR archives , which install either HttpBrowser or PlugX .' [/INST] [They:O, use:O, At.exe:S-FILE, to:O, schedule:O, tasks:O, to:O, run:O, self-extracting:O, RAR:S-TOOL, archives:O, ,:O, which:O, install:O, either:O, HttpBrowser:S-MAL, or:O, PlugX:S-MAL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers observed the threat actors collecting Cisco VPN profiles to use when accessing the victim's network via VPN .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, observed:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, collecting:O, Cisco:S-IDTY, VPN:S-TOOL, profiles:O, to:O, use:O, when:O, accessing:O, the:O, victim's:O, network:O, via:O, VPN:S-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'To facilitate lateral movement , the adversaries deploy ASPXTool web shells to internally accessible systems running IIS .' [/INST] [To:O, facilitate:O, lateral:O, movement:O, ,:O, the:O, adversaries:O, deploy:O, ASPXTool:S-TOOL, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, to:O, internally:O, accessible:O, systems:O, running:O, IIS:S-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers have observed the threat actors encrypting data using the password , admin-windows2014 , and splitting the RAR archives into parts in the recycler directory , with the same name as the uncompressed data .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, have:O, observed:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, encrypting:O, data:O, using:O, the:O, password:O, ,:O, admin-windows2014:O, ,:O, and:O, splitting:O, the:O, RAR:S-TOOL, archives:O, into:O, parts:O, in:O, the:O, recycler:O, directory:O, ,:O, with:O, the:O, same:O, name:O, as:O, the:O, uncompressed:O, data:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The number at the end of the password corresponds to the year of the intrusion .' [/INST] [The:O, number:O, at:O, the:O, end:O, of:O, the:O, password:O, corresponds:O, to:O, the:O, year:O, of:O, the:O, intrusion:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'For example , the password , admin-windows2014 , shown in Figure 14 was changed to "admin-windows2015" for TG-3390 intrusions conducted in 2015 .' [/INST] [For:O, example:O, ,:O, the:O, password:O, ,:O, admin-windows2014:O, ,:O, shown:O, in:O, Figure:O, 14:O, was:O, changed:O, to:O, "admin-windows2015":O, for:O, TG-3390:S-APT, intrusions:O, conducted:O, in:O, 2015:S-TIME, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers have observed TG-3390 actors staging RAR archives , renamed with a .zip file extension , on externally accessible web servers .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, have:O, observed:O, TG-3390:S-APT, actors:O, staging:O, RAR:S-TOOL, archives:O, ,:O, renamed:O, with:O, a:O, .zip:S-FILE, file:O, extension:O, ,:O, on:O, externally:O, accessible:O, web:O, servers:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The adversaries then issue HTTP GET requests , sometimes with the User-Agent MINIXL , to exfiltrate the archive parts from the victim's network .' [/INST] [The:O, adversaries:O, then:O, issue:O, HTTP:S-PROT, GET:O, requests:O, ,:O, sometimes:O, with:O, the:O, User-Agent:S-TOOL, MINIXL:S-TOOL, ,:O, to:O, exfiltrate:O, the:O, archive:O, parts:O, from:O, the:O, victim's:O, network:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Successfully evicting TG-3390 from an environment requires a coordinated plan to remove all access points , including remote access tools and web shells .' [/INST] [Successfully:O, evicting:O, TG-3390:S-APT, from:O, an:O, environment:O, requires:O, a:O, coordinated:O, plan:O, to:O, remove:O, all:O, access:O, points:O, ,:O, including:O, remote:B-TOOL, access:I-TOOL, tools:E-TOOL, and:O, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Within weeks of eviction , the threat actors attempt to access their ChinaChopper web shells from previously used IP addresses .' [/INST] [Within:O, weeks:O, of:O, eviction:O, ,:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, attempt:O, to:O, access:O, their:O, ChinaChopper:S-MAL, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, from:O, previously:O, used:O, IP:S-PROT, addresses:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Finding the web shells inaccessible , the adversaries search google.co.jp for remote access solutions .' [/INST] [Finding:O, the:O, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, inaccessible:O, ,:O, the:O, adversaries:O, search:O, google.co.jp:S-DOM, for:O, remote:O, access:O, solutions:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers discovered the threat actors searching for , [company] login , , which directed them to the landing page for remote access .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, discovered:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, searching:O, for:O, ,:O, [company]:O, login:O, ,:O, ,:O, which:O, directed:O, them:O, to:O, the:O, landing:O, page:O, for:O, remote:O, access:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 attempts to reenter the environment by identifying accounts that do not require two-factor authentication for remote access solutions , and then brute forcing usernames and passwords .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, attempts:O, to:O, reenter:O, the:O, environment:O, by:O, identifying:O, accounts:O, that:O, do:O, not:O, require:O, two-factor:O, authentication:O, for:O, remote:O, access:O, solutions:O, ,:O, and:O, then:O, brute:O, forcing:O, usernames:O, and:O, passwords:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'After reestablishing access , the adversaries download tools such as gsecudmp and WCE that are staged temporarily on websites that TG-3390 previously compromised but never used .' [/INST] [After:O, reestablishing:O, access:O, ,:O, the:O, adversaries:O, download:O, tools:O, such:O, as:O, gsecudmp:S-TOOL, and:O, WCE:S-TOOL, that:O, are:O, staged:O, temporarily:O, on:O, websites:O, that:O, TG-3390:S-APT, previously:O, compromised:O, but:O, never:O, used:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'CTU researchers believe legitimate websites are used to host tools because web proxies categorize the sites as benign .' [/INST] [CTU:S-SECTEAM, researchers:O, believe:O, legitimate:O, websites:O, are:O, used:O, to:O, host:O, tools:O, because:O, web:O, proxies:O, categorize:O, the:O, sites:O, as:O, benign:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 actors keep track of and leverage existing ASPXTool web shells in their operations , preferring to issue commands via an internally accessible web shell rather than HttpBrowser or PlugX .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, actors:O, keep:O, track:O, of:O, and:O, leverage:O, existing:O, ASPXTool:S-TOOL, web:B-TOOL, shells:E-TOOL, in:O, their:O, operations:O, ,:O, preferring:O, to:O, issue:O, commands:O, via:O, an:O, internally:O, accessible:O, web:B-TOOL, shell:E-TOOL, rather:O, than:O, HttpBrowser:S-MAL, or:O, PlugX:S-MAL, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'After reentering an environment , the threat actors focus on obtaining the active directory contents .' [/INST] [After:O, reentering:O, an:O, environment:O, ,:O, the:O, threat:O, actors:O, focus:O, on:O, obtaining:O, the:O, active:O, directory:O, contents:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'TG-3390 is known for compromising organizations via SWCs and moving quickly to install backdoors on Exchange servers .' [/INST] [TG-3390:S-APT, is:O, known:O, for:O, compromising:O, organizations:O, via:O, SWCs:S-TOOL, and:O, moving:O, quickly:O, to:O, install:O, backdoors:O, on:O, Exchange:S-TOOL, servers:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'Despite the group's proficiency , there are still many opportunities to detect and disrupt its operation by studying its modus operandi .' [/INST] [Despite:O, the:O, group's:O, proficiency:O, ,:O, there:O, are:O, still:O, many:O, opportunities:O, to:O, detect:O, and:O, disrupt:O, its:O, operation:O, by:O, studying:O, its:O, modus:O, operandi:O, .:O] </s>
<s>[INST] You are a cybersecurity and NLP expert tasked with named entity extraction. You need to provide the named entities for each token in the given sentence. You will be penalized for incorrect predictions. Identify the entities for the following sentence: 'The threat actors work to overcome existing security controls , or those put in place during an engagement , to complete their mission of exfiltrating intellectual property .' [/INST] [The:O, threat:O, actors:O, work:O, to:O, overcome:O, existing:O, security:O, controls:O, ,:O, or:O, those:O, put:O, in:O, place:O, during:O, an:O, engagement:O, ,:O, to:O, complete:O, their:O, mission:O, of:O, exfiltrating:O, intellectual:O, property:O, .:O] </s>