1 value
4 values
Q: Complete: Bayelsa, Nigeria (CNN) -- The stars of African cinema graced the red carpet at the African Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), in Nigeria, showcasing the films that could make waves on the global festival circuit. The African movie industry gathered in Yenagoa, in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, for the fifth annual "African Oscars." Set up in 2005 by former lawyer Peace Anyiam-Osigwe, the awards have helped raise the profile of African movies around the world. "African film has a hard time in getting recognition in most film festivals [outside Africa]," Anyiam-Osigwe told CNN. "I think one of the biggest achievements of the AMAA is that the main festivals now look upon us as a selection process, and will pick those particular films that we've looked at and carry them on to the different festival circuits. But it is Nollywood's pioneering use of relatively inexpensive digital cameras instead of costly 35mm film that OPTIONS: - AMAA says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Africa says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - African says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - African Movie Academy Awards says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - African Oscars says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Anyiam-Osigwe says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Bayelsa says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Best Picture says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - CNN says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Hollywood says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Niger Delta says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Nigeria says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Nollywood says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Peace Anyiam-Osigwe says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - The Figurine says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. - Yenagoa says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. A: Anyiam-Osigwe says has been its most important contribution to African cinema. By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 07:09 EST, 27 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:37 EST, 27 August 2012 A mother who was prescribed drugs to combat a rare autoimmune condition made her shed her whole skin - like a human snake. Mary Holder, 46, lost 98 per cent of her skin and almost died when her body burst into blisters and burns after she took medication to treat lupus. Called Quinoric, it was recommended to the mother-of-two even though medics knew it could cause the painful skin condition Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS). Warning: Mary Holder lost 98 per cent of her surface skin after she took medication to treat lupus. She has campaigned to have the skin reaction added to the list of possible adverse side-effects She was prescribed OPTIONS: - Daily Mail by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - Mary by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - Mary Holder by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - Quinoric by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - SJS by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - Stevens-Johnson Syndrome by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. - UPDATED by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. ===== Quinoric by medics to help treat it, but after taking just four tablets her lips became swollen and she suffered shortness of breath. Problem: Find the right ending to this passage. By Daily Mail Reporter Breakthrough? Scientists at Baltimore University found MS is rare near the equator Vitamin D may be able to combat multiple sclerosis, researchers said yesterday. They discovered that it can block the migration of destructive cells to the brain, which causes the condition. This could help explain anecdotal reports that the ‘sunshine vitamin’ prevents or eases symptoms. MS is most commonly found far from the equator, where there is less sunshine to trigger production of vitamin D in the skin. The disease is caused by the body’s own immune defences damaging myelin, a fatty insulating sheath that surrounds nerve fibres and is vital to the proper transmission of nerve signals. --> Researchers simultaneously gave mice the rodent form of OPTIONS: - Baltimore and a high dose of vitamin D. - Baltimore University and a high dose of vitamin D. - Daily Mail and a high dose of vitamin D. - MS and a high dose of vitamin D. - Vitamin D and a high dose of vitamin D. Answer: MS and a high dose of vitamin D. Q: Complete: (CNN) -- Lewis Hamilton is banking on a "highly motivated" Mercedes team to deliver him a second F1 world title after his big money switch from McLaren. The 28-year-old Hamilton will partner Germany's Nico Rosberg for the upcoming 2013 season, a pairing described by team principal Ross Brawn as "the strongest driver line-up in Formula One." But both Hamilton and Rosberg will be hoping the new Mercedes F1 W04 -- unveiled Monday in Jerez in Spain ahead of pre-season testing -- will be competitive. Hamilton, the 2008 world champion with McLaren, has no doubts that he will achieve his goals. Rosberg has also been impressed by the hunger for success at OPTIONS: - CNN after a lackluster 2012 season. - F1 after a lackluster 2012 season. - F1 WO4 after a lackluster 2012 season. - F1 world title after a lackluster 2012 season. - Formula One after a lackluster 2012 season. - Germany after a lackluster 2012 season. - Hamilton after a lackluster 2012 season. - Jerez after a lackluster 2012 season. - Lewis Hamilton after a lackluster 2012 season. - McLaren after a lackluster 2012 season. - Mercedes after a lackluster 2012 season. - Mercedes F1 W04 after a lackluster 2012 season. - Nico Rosberg after a lackluster 2012 season. - Rosberg after a lackluster 2012 season. - Ross Brawn after a lackluster 2012 season. - Spain after a lackluster 2012 season. A:
Mercedes after a lackluster 2012 season.
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? boilerplate clichés
Write a sentence that is about a restaurant with all the following properties: name = The Waterman, eatType = pub, food = English, customer rating = 5 out of 5, area = city centre Sentence:
The Waterman is an English pub located in the city centre. It has a customer rating of 5 out of 5.
input: Here you will find battery types with certain performance characteristics or technical features fixed: Here you will find battery types with certain performance characteristics or technical features. input: Turkey photos of Turkey Turkey pictures Photos Topkapi Palace in Istanbul fixed: Turkey, photos of Turkey, Turkey pictures, Photos - Topkapi Palace in Istanbul input: Morning temperatures will be around 11 C During the day they will reach a maximum of 14 C Low temperatures at night will be around 11C Moderate winds are from the west fixed: Morning temperatures will be around 11 °C. During the day they will reach a maximum of 14 °C. Low temperatures at night will be around 11°C. Moderate winds are from the west. input: Tap or flick the filter items at the bottom of the screen to view communication with the contact through other media fixed:
Tap or flick the filter items at the bottom of the screen to view communication with the contact through other media.
Article: This is a good tactic if you’re working under a deadline and don’t have the luxury of years of research. Order your research to-do list from more important to nice to have. Do this first to give your interviewees time to respond to your request for an interview. Be responsive when setting up an interview and be specific about possible times for the interview. If you have difficulty getting possible interview subjects to get back to you about an interview time, don't be afraid to be persistent. You may need to contact them again with a reminder email, especially if they have busy schedules or get a lot of emails every day. You may also think about talking to subjects that are easier to access, like a family friend who could give you an expert opinion or a person who works in a lower position who can still give you relevant information. Often, establishing a relationship with someone who works with someone you are trying to interview can also help you get in touch with the interview subject. Exercise good listening skills during the interview. You are doing the interview to learn more from the person or to get information from the person. So don’t interrupt the person speaking or try to show how much you know. Come prepared with a list of questions for the interviewee. However, don’t feel obligated to stick to your list of questions. The person may give you information you weren’t prepared for or looking for, so be open to moments when the interview goes in a different direction. If you don’t understand a point made by the interviewee, ask for clarification. And if the person does start to go off on a tangent, carefully bring the focus back to the subject you are researching. If you are interviewing someone in person, use a digital recorder with background noise cancellation. If you are going to be doing extensive interviews with a person, you may want to hire a transcription service to transcribe the interviews and save you some time. If you are interviewing someone online via Skype, you can download recording apps that will record your Skype conversation for you. You can then re watch the video and transcribe it, or send it to a transcription service. Make the research librarian at your local library your new best friend. Before computers, librarians acted as walking databases and in many ways, they still are. Most librarians can point you to a specific shelf that applies to your topic or to a particular research book that may be useful. Ninety percent of research is done through libraries’ full-text databases, so take advantage of this free information source. Most universities have a large, central library and several special-collection libraries. Though you may need to pay a fee to access certain books or online databases, university libraries are a great resource for academic and scientific topics. Public government records and documents can be great research sources. Many of these documents are free to access and can provide key factual information for a particular subject. One of the best ways to conduct internet research is to use search engines effectively. Type several keywords into search engines to find useful sources of information online. Search engines like Google and Yahoo are a good place to start. You can also try metasearch engines like Dogpile and MetaCrawler, which tend to search lesser known and specialized websites. Keep in mind the downsides of metasearch engines, as they usually only allow you to search keywords and can pull from paid for content, full of advertisements. Try to look past the first page of your search. Some of the better sources may actually be on page 5 of your search. You will then need to confirm the sources are reputable by looking at the “About Us” section of the website and checking that the URL of the website ends in “.edu” “.gov” or “.org”. Use an online folder on Google Drive to keep all your research documents in one, easy to find place. Or start a running Word file with your notes. You can also use post it notes on paper documents to notate important information. You should keep a physical folder or several folders to store other important documents, like photographs, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes. What is a summary?
Start with the most important research elements first. Set up interviews with experts or witnesses early. Conduct the interviews. Use your public library. Look into university and specialized libraries. Check out government records and documents. Take advantage of the information on the internet. Compile your research in one place.
Here is a premise: "A lady with a pink bike is smiling for the camera." Here is a hypothesis: "The woman poses one last time with her bike before attempting a double back flip." .Does the premise tell us whether the hypothesis is true?
it is not possible to tell
Question: What kind of system is a dominant-party system? Is It is, however, a dominant-party system, where the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan routinely has a vast majority in Parliament. a good answer to this question?
Produce a detailed sentence about a restaurant using the following words: name = The Plough, eatType = pub, food = Japanese, priceRange = cheap, familyFriendly = yes, near = Café Rouge Sentence:
The Plough is a cheap, family friendly pub serving Japanese food. It is near Café Rouge.
Oti: hi girls, I called a mac store and they do sell gift cards so we can buy one for Sharon Oti: please tell me what you think Florence: okay how much is it? Brittany: but shell be able to use it online right? Oti: I think so... let me check Florence: yes its for standalone stores and online Brittany: oti can you buy it? Brittany: theres a shop next to your office Oti: yes I know Oti: I'll buy it tomorrow Florence: do you need money now? Oti: no you can give me cash on friday Oti: £100? Florence: okay Brittany: perfect Oti will buy a £100 gift card for Sharon tomorrow. Florence and Brittany will him cash on Friday. Robert: Hey sweeties! Check it out Robert: Monica: That sounds fun. I’m in 😜! Rose: I’m in as well 😍 Robert: We can meet in front of the club Rose: I will be a bit late. I have yoga until 9pm. Monica: No worries. We can book a table and wait for you inside. It’s freezing. Rose: Thanks 😍. But I promise, I will be the last one to leave. Robert: I knew it! But thanks for the information 😜 Robert, Monica and Rose are going to the club. Rose will be late, she will join after yoga class after 9 PM. Thomas: man that latest album by Arctic Monkeys Thomas: I don't know, it's weird Neil: yeah couldn't agree more Neil: it's fine but a bit overblown Neil: ostentatious if you know what I mean Thomas: yeah! unlike all their previous lps Thomas: they always were a band of normal teenagers playing some indie rock/post punk, whatever Thomas: and this, this is the album that you do once you're considered a rock star haha Neil: lol
The latest album by Arctic Monkeys is weird for Thomas and Neil. Perhaps a bit overblown. They used to play indie rock/post punk and this album sounds like they were rock stars.
Q: Translate "   . – Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Commission I should like to make some comments on both reports: the one tabled by Mr Costa and the one tabled by Mr Di Pietro." to German? Yes:    . – Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren! Im Namen der Kommission möchte ich einige Anmerkungen zu den beiden Berichten machen, also zum Bericht Costa und zum Bericht Di Pietro. [Q]: Besonders, wenn man schon den ganzen Tag diese erkundet hat. Translate this to English? [A]: We arrived at 8 in the morning, but despite that the hotel was not full, we could not check in a minute earlier than the official check in time of 2 PM. Question: Die Transparenz der Charaktermodelle wurde überarbeitet, um ein Problem zu beheben, durch dass die Spielercharaktere mit einem großen Loch in ihrem Charaktermodell dargestellt wurden. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: M2Faster can improve performance in crowded scenes when "Vertex Animation Shaders" is turned on. This function can be turned off by setting M2Faster to "0" in the config.wtg. test: Ferner halte ich es für bedauerlich, dass wir die Konstitutionalisierung des Lissabon-Prozesses nicht durchsetzen konnten. Daher kann von einer echten europäischen Wirtschaftsverfassung in diesem neuen Verfassungsvertrag nicht die Rede sein. English? translation: I also think it regrettable that we have not been able to get the Lisbon process constitutionalised, which means that this new Constitutional Treaty cannot be described as a real European economic constitution. Immer wieder erklären wir, die Zukunft Europas wird davon abhängen, ob es gelingt, diese Frage der Innovation zu lösen. In English? xxxxx We have constantly said that the future of Europe will depend on whether we succeed in resolving the question of innovation. Ich bin neu, weil ich noch geschafft, um meinem iPAQ 114 (Windows Mobile 6) Mit meinem Nokia N82 (GPRS). In English? xxxxx
I am new because I still managed to communicate my iPaq 114 (Windows Mobile 6) with my nokia N82 (GPRS).
Is the premise "A soccer team with green uniforms and their coach are huddling." true if "A soccer team is huddled together."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Q: "A woman is embracing a man holding the leash of a dog who is looking away from the couple." Does this mean that "The man and women just met at the park to walk the dog."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: it is not possible to tell Premise & Hypothesis & Options: Ladies dancing in Latino dance-wear, on a road. Men dancing on a road. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is the hypothesis true or not: no Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A man with black hair and a black mustache sitting down and putting his hand above some burning embers while holding a metal bowl." true if "A man has a black mustache."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: yes Premise & hypothesis. A group of men and boys loading and tying down items at the rear and on top of a bus. The group of men and boys are going on a trip. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no ++++++++++ true or not. it is not possible to tell Is the premise "A woman blowing on a milkweed in a field." true if "A woman is outdoors in a field."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no
Write a summary based on this article: Today, Ms. Mackris lives with her cats in an art-filled condo in her hometown, St. Louis, where she keeps bowls of colorful gumballs on tabletops. Her family is close by. She has traveled the world, volunteered, returned to school, discovered prayer and meditation, and started writing. She is working on a book she researched and wrote over the past four years about a woman who fled Romania during World War II. “A few years ago, I heard about a pair of natural pearl earrings forgotten in a drawer for 35 years that had just sold for millions at auction,” Ms. Mackris said. “They’d been given to a woman named Elena Lupescu by the king of Romania who ruled up until World War II, and I was immediately and completely taken by her story.” “She lived in exile,” Ms. Mackris continued. “She lived in silence. And I got really curious about three things: How did she live with it all? Did she forgive them? And was she free?” At Fox News, Mr. O’Reilly has continued his dominance. In the months since the presidential election, as the network has pulled in record ratings, his show has averaged 3.9 million viewers a night, according to Nielsen. Since September, he has released three books, including one for children, adding to his growing publishing empire. And in February, Mr. O’Reilly landed a coveted interview with President Trump before the Super Bowl. Mr. O’Reilly was an early defender of Mr. Ailes and Fox News during that sexual harassment scandal last summer. His support remained resolute into the fall, after the company had reached agreements to settle the harassment claims from Ms. Huddy and Ms. Dhue. In November, he chided Megyn Kelly, his colleague at the time, after she described being sexually harassed by Mr. Ailes in her memoir. “If somebody is paying you a wage, you owe that person or company allegiance,” he said on his nightly show, without mentioning Ms. Kelly by name. “You don’t like what’s happening in the workplace, go to human resources or leave.” ||||| A spokesman for 21st Century Fox, the parent company of Fox News, declined to comment. Ms. Bernstein, in her lawsuit, said that she had reached a settlement with Fox News and Mr. O’Reilly in July 2002 after she made repeated complaints about his behavior to the network’s human resources department and other executives. The agreement included a confidentiality clause, which barred both sides from talking about the dispute, as well as a nondisparagement clause. The New York Times reported on Ms. Bernstein’s settlement in April as part of an investigation that exposed how the network had stood by Mr. O’Reilly as he faced a series of harassment allegations. The Times reported that the network was aware of complaints involving Mr. O’Reilly since at least 2002, when, current and former employees who witnessed the incident said, he stormed into the newsroom and screamed at Ms. Bernstein. Ms. Bernstein soon left the network. The exact amount of Ms. Bernstein’s settlement was not known, but it was far less than the five other publicly known settlements involving Mr. O’Reilly. The six settlements have totaled about $45 million, including one for $32 million. In her suit, Ms. Bernstein said she was not the source of the information printed in the Times article. Ms. Bernstein claims that statements made by Mr. O’Reilly and Fox News in response to the article disparaged and defamed her and violated the confidentiality clause of the settlement, which required that if asked about the dispute, the parties could respond by stating, “The matter has been resolved (or settled).” “O’Reilly portrayed himself as a ‘target’ and claimed that complaints against him are extortionate,” Ms. Bernstein’s lawsuit said. “This is false. In fact, he is a serial abuser and Ms. Bernstein’s complaints about him were far from extortionate.” Ms. Bernstein said Fox News had made a “deliberately misleading” statement by stating that no current or former Fox News employee ever used a hotline to report complaints about Mr. O’Reilly. She said that there was no hotline at Fox News during her employment and that she had repeatedly complained to the human resources department at Fox News, as well as other executives, about Mr. O’Reilly’s behavior. ||||| Summary:
– Bill O'Reilly settled with six women over harassment allegations, and one of them says she hasn't said a word—until now. As the New York Times explains, these types of settlements typically include iron-clad confidentiality and nondisparagement clauses. Rachel Witlieb Bernstein says it was O'Reilly who didn't adhere to the terms of their July 2002 settlement. In a suit filed Monday, she accused him of defamation and breach of contract over comments he has publicly made about the allegations. The Times says one of its own articles plays a role in the suit: In an April story on the allegations, it noted the network knew of allegations since 2002 and recounted an incident in which he publicly screamed at Bernstein, then a "young producer," in the newsroom (she says she was not a source for the article). Fox News and O'Reilly responded to the article. Per the suit, the settlement restricted them to saying only "The matter has been resolved (or settled)." Instead, she claims they not only violated that but defamed her, with Fox News saying no reports about O'Reilly were made to a hotline; she notes such a hotline didn't exist during her tenure, and that she went to HR many times. As for O'Reilly, the suit says he "portrayed himself as a 'target'" and the women as "extortionate." Says lawyer Nancy Erika Smith, "This cynical falsehood about a nonexistent hotline was made to bolster O'Reilly's claim that the women who received settlements must have fabricated their claims or they would have complained." Bernstein claims the comments led to distress, lost income, and sickness, among other things.
This question has options. Answer the question about text: The person over there told me that my wife 's biometrics were uploaded to CSC not TSC . Supposedly she requested her biometrics data to be sent to TSC while we were on the phone . She said we should wait 30 days now . Since that phone talk , there is no update on her case per USCIS website . Why is the narrator upset by their wife 's treatment ? pick from the following. [I] They did n't get her info uploaded properly .. [II] They did n't get her the procedure she needed .. [III] None of the above choices .. [IV] They did n't get her the treatment she needed ..
QUES: Q: What can cause excessive leakage in a capacitor? A: Constant exposure to heat can cause dielectric breakdown and excessive leakage, a problem often seen in older vacuum tube circuits, particularly where oiled paper and foil capacitors were used. Does the answer answer the question? ANS: yes QUES: Q: What two countries divvied up the Middle East's countries after WWI? A: " As often happens in countries undergoing social crisis, the aspirations of the Muslim world's translators and modernizers, such as Muhammad Abduh, largely had to yield to retrograde currents. Does the answer answer the question? ANS: no QUES: Q: What caused the Romans early withdrawl in The First Samnite War? A: The First Samnite War from 343 BC to 341 BC was relatively short: the Romans beat the Samnites in two battles, but were forced to withdraw before they could pursue the conflict further due to the revolt of several of their Latin allies in the Latin War. Does the answer answer the question? ANS: yes QUES: Q: Who do students often blame for their education short comings? A: Students often blame their teachers and their textbooks, despite the availability of libraries and the internet. Does the answer answer the question? ANS:
Write a sentence in Spanish.
El St.Olav Hotel da la bienvenida a todos los visitantes a esta área.
Add spaces: Thismeansthatparentsagreetothemarriage. Answer: This means that parents agree to the marriage. Add spaces: Eurodesk–volunteeropportunitiesforyoungpeoplethatfocusonmobility,education,cultureandmore.SearchforprojectsthroughoutEuropeinyourownlanguage! Answer: Eurodesk – volunteer opportunities for young people that focus on mobility, education, culture and more. Search for projects throughout Europe in your own language! Add spaces: commandtocallorsendamessagetoacontact. Answer:
command to call or send a message to a contact.
Generate a short summary: palestinian leader mahmoud abbas hailed on wednesday a regional peace summit held at the egyptian red sea resort of sharm el-sheikh on tuesday . Answer: abbas hails four-way summit in egypt Generate a short summary: lehman brothers holdings inc. may restructure or sell its global asset management division , lehman employees and investors said . Answer: lehman brothers may restructure or sell asset management group Generate a short summary: a week after a political firestorm erupted over a federal judge 's decision to toss out evidence in a multimillion-dollar drug case , top city and state officials assailed a new york state judge thursday for ruling that evidence in a rape case was illegally collected because the police searched for it at night . Answer:
ruling in favor of a suspect puts state judge under fire
Problem: The Bank of England, formally the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based. Established in 1694, it is the second oldest central bank in operation today, after the Sveriges Riksbank. The Bank of England is the world's 8th oldest bank. It was established to act as the English Government's banker and is still one of the bankers for the Government of the United Kingdom. The Bank was privately owned by stockholders from its foundation in 1694 until it was nationalised in 1946. In 1998, it became an independent public organisation, wholly owned by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of the government, with independence in setting monetary policy. The Bank is one of eight banks authorised to issue banknotes in the United Kingdom, but it has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales and regulates the issue of banknotes by commercial banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee has a devolved responsibility for managing monetary policy. The Treasury has reserve powers to give orders to the committee "if they are required in the public interest and by extreme economic circumstances", but such orders must be endorsed by Parliament within 28 days. The Bank's Financial Policy Committee held its first meeting in June 2011 as a macro prudential regulator to oversee regulation of the UK's financial sector. 1. what is the model which most modern central banks are based? 2. does it have a formal name? 3. when was it founded? 4. is it the oldest bank of it's kind? 5. where does it rankl age wise? 6. who is the oldest? 7. who was it established at a banker to? 8. was it nationalized? 9. when? 10. who manages their money policy? 11. who can give them orders? 12. who has to agree with those orders? 13. in what time frame? 14. can it issue bank notes? 15. how many other UK banks can do that? 16. did it ever go public? 17. when? 18. who own;s it? Answer: 1. The Bank of England 2. the Governor and Company of the Bank of England 3. 1694 4. no 5. the second oldest central bank 6. the Sveriges Riksbank 7. the English Government 8. yes 9. 1946 10. The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee 11. The Treasury 12. Parliament 13. within 28 days 14. yes 15. Seven 16. yes 17. 1998 18. the Treasury Solicitor Q: CHAPTER XXVIII. TELL IT NOT IN OATH. As they sat silent in that little sitting-room after supper, a double knock at the door suddenly announced the arrival of a telegram for Ernest. He opened it with trembling lingers. It was from Lancaster:--'Come down to the office at once. Schurz has been sentenced to a year's imprisonment, and we want a leader about him for to-morrow.' The telegram roused Ernest at once from his stupefied lethargy. Here was a chance at last of doing something for Max Schurz and for the cause of freedom! Here was a chance of waking up all England to a sense of the horrible crime it had just committed through the voice of its duly accredited judicial mouthpiece! The country was trembling on the brink of an abyss, and he, Ernest Le Breton, might just be in time to save it. The Home Secretary must be compelled by the unanimous clamour of thirty millions of free working people to redress the gross injustice of the law in sending Max Sohurz, the greatest, noblest, and purest-minded of mankind, to a common felon's prison! Nothing else on earth could have moved Ernest, jaded and dispirited as he was at that moment, to the painful exertion of writing a newspaper leader after the day's fatigues and excitements, except the thought that by doing so he might not only blot out this national disgrace, as he considered it, but might also help to release the martyr of the people's rights from his incredible, unspeakable punishment. Flushed and feverish though he was, he rose straight up from the table, handed the telegram to Edie without a word, and started off alone to hail a hansom cab and drive down immediately to the office. Arthur Berkeley, fearful of what might happen to him in his present excited state, stole out after him quietly, and followed him unperceived in another hansom at a little distance. Answer the following questions: 1. Where did the telegram come from? 2. Who was it for? 3. How long had Schurz been sentenced for? 4. What was Schurz's first name? 5. And what was Ernest's last name? 6. What's the title of the chapter? 7. What number is it? 8. Who followed after Ernest in another hansom at a distance? 9. What kind of prison was max Schurz sentenced to? 10. Who did Ernest hand the telegram to? 11. Where was he taking a hansom cab to? 12. Where were they sitting when there was a knock on the door? 13. What were his hands doing when he opened it? 14. Did Ernest not want to go? 15. What was it a chance to do? 16. What was England trembling upon? 17. Who needed to be compelled to redress the injustice? 18. Was there anything else that could have moved Ernest? 19. Where was he when he handed the telegram to Edie? 20. Was he yelling when he handed it to Edie? A: 1. Lancaster: 2. Ernest 3. A year. 4. Max 5. Le Breton 6. TELL IT NOT IN OATH. 7. CHAPTER XXVIII. 8. Arthur Berkeley 9. A common felon's prison 10. Edie 11. The office. 12. A little sitting-room 13. trembling 14. No, he wanted to. 15. Save the country. 16. The brink of an abyss 17. The Home Secretary 18. No 19. Flushed and feverish. 20. No, he didn't say a word. Problem: Fort Worth is the 16th-largest city in the United States and the fifth-largest city in the state of Texas. The city is in North Central Texas and covers nearly in the counties of Denton, Parker, Wise, and Tarrant, of which it is the county seat. According to the 2016 census estimates, Fort Worth's population is 854,113. The city is the in the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan area (the "DFW Metroplex"). The city was established in 1849 as an Army outpost on a bluff overlooking the Trinity River. Today, Fort Worth still embraces its Western heritage and traditional architecture and design. is the first ship of the United States Navy named after the city. Fort Worth is home to the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and several world-class museums designed by internationally known contemporary architects. The Kimbell Art Museum, considered to have one of the best collections in Texas, is housed in what is widely regarded as one of the state's foremost works of modern architecture, designed by Louis Kahn with an addition by Renzo Piano. Also of note is the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, designed by Tadao Ando. The Amon Carter Museum of American Art, designed by Philip Johnson, houses one of the world's most extensive collections of American art. The Sid Richardson Museum, redesigned by David M. Schwarz, has one of the most focused collections of Western Art in the U.S., emphasizing Frederic Remington and Charles Russell. 1. what is this about ? 2. and when was it established ? 3. is it the 20th largest state ? 4. what is the ranking ? 5. What area of Texas is it located ? 6. Who designed the Modern Art Museum ? 7. in what city ? 8. how many people lives in Fort Worth ? 9. According to what ? 10. the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan area is also know as what ? 11. how many counties does it cover ? 12. can you name one ? 13. how about another ? 14. what has the best collections in texas ? 15. was is designed by howard pears ? 16. who designed it ? 17. with an addition by who ? 18. The city was established as what ? 19. overlooking what river ? 20. does it still embeace its western heritage ? Answer:
1. Fort Worth 2. 1849 3. no 4. 16th-largest city 5. North Central 6. Tadao Ando 7. Fort Worth 8. 854,113 9. 2016 census estimates 10. DFW Metroplex 11. Four 12. Denton 13. Parker 14. The Kimbell Art Museum 15. no 16. Louis Kahn 17. Renzo Piano 18. Army outpost 19. Trinity 20. yes
Problem: Pohl-Stroher was born on 18 January 1919 in Wurzen in Saxony , Vogtland and grew up in Rothenkirchen in East Germany . Pohl-Stroher was born on 18 January 1919 in Wurzen in Saxony , East Germany and grew up in Rothenkirchen in the Vogtland region . -+- A: no Problem: Van Hoof was born in Antwerp , was a student of Peter Benoit and was influenced by the works of Paul Gilson . Van Hoof was born in Antwerp , was student of Paul Gilson and was heavily influenced by the works of Peter Benoit . -+- A: no Problem: Alessandra De Rossi ( born Alessandra Schiavone ; July 19 , 1984 ) is a Philippine actress and the younger sister of Assunta De Rossi . Alessandra De Rossi ( born Alessandra Schiavone ; 19 July 1984 ) is a Filipina actress , and the younger sister of actress Assunta De Rossi . -+- A:
Here is an email: Here is a 1st Draft as an FYI. I will finalize and resend next week. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Article: The charity's jousting expert Dominic Sewell told BBC's Radio 5 live that the medieval pursuit was a "worldwide phenomenon that should be recognised". Only about 20 people in the UK joust competitively, but the charity said tournaments were held across the world. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it was "unaware" of any official request for its recognition. For a sport to be included in the Olympic Games programme, it must be governed by an international federation, practised widely across the world, and meet other various criteria before being considered by the IOC's executive board. English Heritage said it had made an initial approach to the IOC and the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) - which governs all Olympic equestrian disciplines - as a first step on jousting's road to the Olympics. Jousting would need to be recognised by the FEI before it could be considered as an Olympic sport by the IOC, English Heritage said. Mr Sewell, who jousts competitively, said: "Just like the Olympic British equestrian team, we ride beautiful horses to an exceptional level." He said jousting required a "huge amount of skill and a daily training regime", adding one had to be "strong, not just physically but mentally, so you can sit fearlessly in your saddle, face your rival, and offer yourself as a target". Mr Sewell, a former furniture assembler in a factory, said: "This has gone from being a hobby to being a sport and a career." He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme his interest had originally been fuelled by visiting historical re-enactments, but added: "I'm a sportsman, I'm not an actor." Mr Sewell went on: "As soon as I got on a horse everything changed and I thought: this is what I want to do, I want to be good at this." English Heritage admitted it could be a "long road" to get jousting recognised as an Olympic sport, but said there were "encouraging signs". Tournaments were growing in popularity, the charity said, and were now held in countries such as Belgium, Brazil and New Zealand. In the US, where jousting has been the official state sport of Maryland since 1962, competitors have launched a similar Olympic campaign. Jousting today is "quite a safe sport to take part in", Mr Sewell says. "The rules are essentially that you are in a single combat situation, in a designated area, in a pitch - or 'tilt-yard' - and in that yard is a tilt rail." The competitors charge down the rail towards each other with points awarded on the style and strength of their hit. Wearing a suit of armour weighing around 20kg, the athletes hold a 12ft lance in one hand and their horse's reins in the other, all while riding towards their opponents at a flat-out gallop - at speeds of up to 30mph. "These days injuries are few and far between... but the odd un-horsing might result in a few bruises," Mr Sewell says. The IOC said its programme was currently being addressed as part of the Olympic Agenda 2020, the group's strategy for the future of the Olympics. A spokesman said: "One recommendation was to make the Olympic programme more flexible by moving from a sport-based to an event-based programme." Earlier this month, the IOC supported a bid to add karate, skateboarding, sports climbing, surfing and baseball/softball to the programme for Tokyo 2020. If approved, the inclusion would add 18 events and 474 athletes to the Olympic Games. Jousting, with its roots in Ancient Greece, where it was practised as part of preparations for war, emerged in England in the 10th Century as a sport for knights to hone their equine and lance skills. The first jousting tournament in England is said to have been arranged by the Frenchman Godfrey de Preuilly in 1066. The tournaments became so popular that in the 12th Century, King Henry II banned the sport, as he considered it too dangerous to have a number of highly skilled knights in the same place at the same time. The ban was lifted under King Richard I and the sport remained popular, particularly during the Tudor era, until declining after the French King Henry I was killed during a joust in 1559. Jousting enjoyed a revival under 19th Century romanticism, with writers such Lord Byron, Percy Shelley and Sir Walter Scott glamorising notions of chivalry with tales of knights and fair maidens. ++++++++++ Summarize: A petition calling for jousting to be made an Olympic sport has been launched by English Heritage. Article: The Ulster University economists expect business investment will be delayed or cancelled as a result of policy uncertainty around the Brexit process. However, they predict that consumer spending will remain solid, allowing the economy to avoid recession. They caution the effects of Brexit and a Trump presidency mean "significant uncertainty" for forecasts. The economists believe that as greater certainty emerges, growth rates will increase towards the end of this decade. They expect the growth rate for 2016 to be just under 2%, which by recent standards is a reasonable performance. The forecasts also predict that UK inflation will increase sharply to more than 3% in 2017 and will reach 4% in 2019. In response, they expect interest rates to rise from their historic lows and reach 3% by 2019. ++++++++++ Summarize: The Northern Ireland economy will grow by just 1% in both 2017 and 2018, economists forecast. Article: Currently 101 million people require care, but a report from Alzheimer's Disease International warns the figure will rise to to 277 million. Many needing care have dementia, and the report warns there will be a "global Alzheimer's epidemic". The report's author said countries like India and China would be hard hit - and must start planning services now. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. Symptoms include loss of memory, mood changes, and problems with communicating and reasoning. More than 35 million people live with dementia across the world, according to the World Health Organization. More than half are living in low and middle income countries. The report reveals that as the world population ages, the traditional system of informal care by family, friends and the community will need much greater support. Just over one in 10 people aged 60 or over needs long-term care, according to the report. This includes daily help with things like washing, eating, dressing and using the toilet. It can put huge pressure on families. Carers often have to give up work to look after elderly relatives. Treating and caring for people with dementia currently costs the world more than £376bn per year. That includes the cost of health and social care as well as the loss of earnings. Prof Martin Prince, from King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, the author of the report, said lower and middle income countries including India and China need to urgently start planning services to deal with the "epidemic". "The social and economic changes happening in those countries are inevitably going to mean that family carers will be less available. "Things like the decline in fertility rates mean people are going to have fewer children. "Women are also better educated so are more likely to join the paid workforce and are going to be less likely to be available to provide care." And he said an increase in migration between countries, and from rural to urban areas amongst younger people meant there would be a lot of older people "left behind". The report makes a range of recommendations including giving paid and unpaid carers "appropriate financial rewards" and monitoring the quality of care both in care homes and in the community. A spokesperson for the Alzheimer's Society in the UK said: "Dementia is the biggest health crisis facing the world today. "This report is a wake-up call to governments across the world about the immediate need to put in place more care and support. "The UK government's G8 summit on dementia this year will be a key opportunity to rally support from world leaders to tackle dementia together. We need to see political leadership to avoid a spiralling global crisis," the spokesperson added. ++++++++++ Summarize:
The number of older people needing care is set to nearly treble globally by 2050, campaigners say.
input question: Sentence: Andrews County Airport is 973 metres above sea level and the 3rd runway has a length of 2939 feet. Structured data: Andrews County Airport, 3rdRunwayLengthFeet, 2939; Andrews County Airport, elevationAboveTheSeaLevel, 973.0 input question: Sentence: The Akita Museum of Art is in Akita, Akita in Japan which is ruled by Emperor Akihito. Akita, Akita is part of Akita Prefecture and one ethnic group in Japan is the Filipinos. Structured data: Akita Museum of Art, country, Japan; Japan, leader, Akihito; Akita Museum of Art, location, Akita, Akita; Akita, Akita, isPartOf, Akita Prefecture; Japan, ethnicGroup, Filipinos in Japan input question: Sentence: Atlantic City, New Jersey is in Atlantic County, New Jersey U.S. where New York is the largest City. Structured data: Atlantic City, New Jersey, isPartOf, Atlantic County, New Jersey; Atlantic County, New Jersey, country, United States; United States, largestCity, New York City input question: Sentence: Argentina is where the country of origin of the ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2). This aircraft carrier has a length of 192000 millimetres and its ship's beam measures 24.4. The ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2) was sold to the Netherlands 1 April 1948. Structured data:
ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2), shipBeam, 24.4; ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2), status, "Sold to the Netherlands 1 April 1948"; ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2), length, 192000.0 (millimetres); ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2), country, Argentina
QUES: First question: Why do so may people ask questions on Quora that can easily be found by a simple Google searh? Second question: Why do some people use Quora when a dictionary or Google could be used instead? Are these two questions asking the same thing? ANS: yes QUES: First question: Is Angry Birds still popular? Second question: Why is Angry Birds popular? Are these two questions asking the same thing? ANS: no QUES: First question: Which herbs or supplements have the most potential for commercial success in the next 5 years? Second question: Which are the top 5 multivitamin supplements in India? Are these two questions asking the same thing? ANS: no QUES: First question: What are insulators? What are the different types? Second question: What are the different type of insulators? Are these two questions asking the same thing? ANS:
Why can I not fall asleep easily anymore? What can I do to easily fall asleep? Choose your answer. Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? - no. - yes.
Please capitalize where necessary: 3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one is assessed based on the rfd value and the mos not to pose a health risk to the consumer of the toys. A: 3,5,5-Trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one is assessed based on the RfD value and the MOS not to pose a health risk to the consumer of the toys. Q: so if any of you are among the carpers and doubters, stop that and start helping obama to succeed! he’s working for you —do the same for him, yourselves, your world and our universe! A: So if any of you are among the carpers and doubters, stop that and start helping Obama to succeed! He’s working for you —do the same for him, yourselves, your world and our universe! Q: the order seems to be very arbitrary. A: The order seems to be very arbitrary. Problem: measurements after felting: approx width 30 cm x length 35 cm. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: Measurements after felting: approx width 30 cm x length 35 cm. Text: the view of the experts is that each of these areas is inter-linked, and therefore all actions must be addressed together . moreover, it is not the responsibility of just one stakeholder, but a concerted effort is needed from all involved. Correct capitalization: The view of the experts is that each of these areas is inter-linked, and therefore all actions must be addressed together . Moreover, it is not the responsibility of just one stakeholder, but a concerted effort is needed from all involved. Text: the object of this game is to get your sled through the ring. Correct capitalization:
The object of this game is to get your sled through the ring.
FurtherpluspointsofthewarmedgewithSemcoSpacerBL Further plus points of the warm edge with Semco Spacer BL Theresultchangeseveryfractionofasecond. The result changes every fraction of a second. CaseDiameter38.9mm(ExcludingCrown) Case Diameter 38.9mm (Excluding Crown) Relter4lUnitedStates,Philadelphia.42yearsold
Relter4l United States, Philadelphia.42 years old
Problem: Math Problem Solve -667 = 4*b - 22*b - 11*b for b. A: 23 Problem: Math Problem Solve -28 + 31 = t for t. A: 3 Problem: Math Problem Solve 177*c + 94*c - 62*c - 12810 = -96*c for c. A:
Q: New research reveals the bedtime habits of the nation. 11 per cent check their work emails in bed every day. 87 per cent of young Britons access internet in bed. **** A: By. Daily Mail Reporter. PUBLISHED:. 14:10 EST, 15 May 2013. |. UPDATED:. 19:49 EST, 15 May 2013. Forget romantic small talk in the bedroom – millions of us would rather reply to work emails than pay attention to our partners. Almost half of 16 to 34-year-olds check office messages in bed on a smartphone, laptop or tablet computer, a study shows. One in ten in this age group admits that they do so every day. No time for love: Almost half of young Britons check their work emails in bed. And younger people, who usually have. fewer work ties, are even more addicted, with 87 per cent of 16 to. 24-year-olds using a tablet computer in bed to access the internet. Katie Toll, of Future Foundation, a. strategy consultancy which carried out the research, said: 'It seems. that for many, bedtime is not a time for relaxation any more. 'It's a time for connection via a multitude of devices.' Startlingly, the study found that 68. per cent of 25 to 34-year-olds never switch off their mobile phones,. meaning they are always connected. Homework: New research shows technology is breaking down barriers between work and home. The figures highlight an effect called 'work-life merge', in which technology breaks down the boundaries between work and home. The study also found that one in four. UK employees works longer hours since the economic downturn, with 14. per cent working weekends. But in the longer term, the average full-time working week has shrunk, from 38.1 hours in 1992 to 37.3 hours in 2012. The Future Foundation predicted that in years to come new laws will force companies to offer staff more flexible hours. It said individuals are still likely. to feel more overloaded than they do now, however, because they will be. constantly connected. The company said that by 2020, we. will each have access to 6.5 smart devices on average. A Future. Foundation spokesman said: 'It is a shift which poses the question: Is. technology the enemy of romance and will the omnipresent BlackBerry. replace Facebook as the technology brand most cited in divorce cases?' *More than seven million UK adults have never used the internet, official figures show. In all, 14 per cent of those aged over 16 have never ventured online. Even so, nearly one million more people than last year have tried the web, a rise of 13 per cent, according to the data. Significantly more women than men. have never used the internet, at 4.2million compared with 2.8million,. according to the Office for National Statistics. Many of those who have never gone online (43 per cent) are aged 75 or over. However, in the past two years the number of internet users in this group has gone up by 1.6million. Q: Michal Karcz conjures up the alternate universes while snoozing then transforms his dreams into reality. The 35-year-old's vivid imagination has seen him produce eerie landscapes and chilling scenes. He used images taken on a digital camera - and computer technology - to make his fantasies real. **** A:
By. Amanda Williams. PUBLISHED:. 10:36 EST, 8 August 2013. |. UPDATED:. 12:20 EST, 8 August 2013. An artist has turned the fantasy worlds he dreams about while sleeping into a series of haunting and magical images. Until now, the 'parallel universes' seen by Polish artist Michal Karcz existed only in his mind, until he decided to turn his dreams into reality using computer technology. The 35-year-old's vivid imagination has seen him produce eerie landscapes and chilling scenes from mysterious and beautiful imagined worlds. Out of this world! An artist who dreams about fantasy landscapes in his sleep has managed to recall the other-worldly images and turn them into real-life works of art. Digital artist Michal Karcz collects pictures with his digital camera that he thinks will suit a composition he has in mind. He then sets about creating the 'Parallel World', which can take months to finish, by hand-stitching the images together like a collage on a powerful graphics computer. He then goes on to use bespoke, tailor-made lighting effects to make his dream become a reality. The artist, from Warsaw, Poland, said: 'I always wanted to create pictures which I had in mind or dreamed about' Each image starts as a photo snapped in real life - and then Mr Karcz lets his imagination run wild. When he has gathered enough images the artist uploads them to his computer and begins layering and blending them on photo editing software. He then adds light effects and colours and manipulates the pictures until they look exactly as he imagined them while he was asleep or daydreaming. Prints of the Parallel Worlds images cost from £80 to £280. He said when he has a clear image in his mind he starts searching for appropriate locations or photos in his huge library, or he shoots some new photographs. Some of the images are so realistic and familiar they look as if they could be single photographs. He achieves the dream like images by taking an initial picture, then adding light effects, colours, curves, photomanipulation, and collages, and after mixing they are complete. He said: 'All of the pictures are in my head and they are my parallel worlds - I feel that I visit them each time I listen to music, close my eyes or sleep' Mr Karcz, from Warsaw, Poland, said: 'I always wanted to create pictures which I had in mind or dreamed about. 'All of the pictures are in my head and they are my parallel worlds - I feel that I visit them each time I listen to music, close my eyes or sleep. 'When I have a clear idea in my mind I start searching for appropriate locations or photos in my huge library, or I shoot some new photographs. 'Everywhere I go I take my camera with me. I always see frames, possible pictures, scenes, and compositions. The artist says he takes his camera with him 'everywhere he goes', in order to make sure he has all the possible elements of his dream like compositions. The digital artist said he always tries to make the images exactly as he has seen in his imagination, and the work can be painstaking. The former painter said that digital photography and software has given him the opportunity to generate unique realities that are impossible to create with ordinary dark room technique. The haunting images often feature large or abandoned structures jutting out of desert like landscapes, with a small solitary figure making their way across scene. 'First of all I take an initial picture, after this I add light effects, colours, curves, photo-manipulation, and collages, and after mixing they are complete. 'I always try to make it as I saw it in my imagination, and a lot of the time it can take a while because the weather and lighting are very important. 'I create my artworks in postproduction. It could be one photo altered to cover my vision or manipulated, photomontage from few or many photos.' Some of the most creative minds in history have had their best ideas or found inspiration in sleep - including surrealist Salvador Dali. He said: 'I always try to make an extraordinary picture and my goal is to make a viewer stop for a minute, to influence on emotions and take away from reality' Some of the most creative minds in history have had their best ideas or found inspiration in sleep, including surrealist artist Salvador Dali. Brian Wilson, the creative genius behind the Beach Boys stayed in bed for two years at the height of his band's fame. And the Beatles' Paul McCartney claims that the tune for the band's  hit song Yesterday came to him in a dream. Artist Tracey Emin created the 1999 Turner Prize nominated My Bed, after a week spent in her bed following a painful break-up.
Solve -31*s = -88*s + 285 for s.
What's an example of a movie review?
This unassuming, fairly routine series deserves credit in the TV history books for two reasons: it was the first to win an Emmy award for best syndicated series, and it was the very first show to come from the fabled studios of Republic Pictures, known for its low-budget but high-powered shoot-em-ups in the 30's and 40's. Republic was one of the first Hollywood studios to make a leap into the small screen, which was still in its infancy. But the studios' tenure as producer of TV pulp fiction would be brief. After this show, they would later dabble with the other format that they were known for, the adventure serial, with "Commando Cody", as well as other series, but like this one, they didn't last longer than 39 episodes. Also, Republic was in its last stages as a studio; it would finish out its tenure in Hollywood as rental stages for several Revue Studio series such as "Soldiers of Fortune", the original "Dragnet", and "Kit Carson", before finally shutting its doors in 1959. Anyway, "Stories of the Century" wasn't that bad of an oater, its calling card was tales based on authentic figures in Western history, mainly outlaws like Black Bart, Johnny Ringo, John Wesley Hardin, The Dalton Bros. and the like. The late Jim Davis, best known for his role as the Ewing patriarch in "Dallas", put in an amiable job in the lead role as Matt Clark, a fictional railroad detective who has to contend with said outlaws, played by veteran and soon-to-be veteran character actors. Two amazing facts here: The incidents would take place in different time lines, some in the 1880's, some at the turn of the century, but Clark never ages. And also, Matt has the good luck to saddle himself with two lovely female detectives as sidekicks, Frankie Adams, played by Mary Castle, and her replacement, Margaret "Jonesy" Jones, by Kristine Miller. The Lone Ranger could only wish for lady companionship. You can only spend such time with Tonto for so long. "Stories Of The Century" is a Studio City TV production from Republic Pictures Corp. 39 episodes were made during 1954, all 39 of which are in public domain and on DVD.
How is "The European Transparency Initiative has also made a commitment to further reinforce the application of the current minimum standards for consultation." said in Romanian?
Iniţiativa europeană pentru transparenţă a făcut de asemenea un angajament pentru întărirea în continuare a aplicării standardelor actuale minime pentru consultare.
Translate "Is organized from the Association Customs brokers of the Friuli Venice Julia" to Spanish.
DtTagEste organizado de la Asociación Remitentes Aduanero del Friuli Venecia Julie
AP - Rookie Ben Gordon scored a career-high 31 points, 16 in the fourth quarter to hold off a furious Minnesota comeback, and the Chicago Bulls beat the Timberwolves 99-88 Saturday night. Q: Which is the best summary of this article? OPTIONS: A. World; B. Sports; C. Business; D. Science/Tech; I think the answer is
Q: player with most goals in premier league season?A: Alan Shearer Q: when does star trek discovery come out netflix?A: September 24, 2017 Q: who does tom have an affair with desperate housewives?A:
Write a question about the following article. Ok , it 's time for some major catch up ! ~ Nobody smelled my pants on the van . At least , they did n't say anything ... ~ My family had a great time in Bodega Bay . Question:
What may have happened before this conversation ? Select from: A. None of the above choices . B. They connected with a counselor . C. They connected with a neighbor . D. They connected with a friend .
Data: name = The Plough, eatType = pub, food = Chinese, priceRange = high, familyFriendly = no, near = Café Rouge. A: The Plough is a high priced Chinese pub located near Café Rouge. This is not a child friendly pub. Here are some keywords about a restaurant: name = Travellers Rest Beefeater, eatType = restaurant, priceRange = moderate, familyFriendly = no. A: Travellers Rest Beefeater is a moderately priced restaurant is not kid friendly. [Q]: Sentence: name = The Mill, eatType = pub, food = Indian, priceRange = less than £20 Plz represent the content in this sentence in data form. [A]: The Mill pub and Indian food, at low prices near the central city area Question: Some data about a restaurant: name = The Wrestlers, eatType = restaurant, food = Chinese, priceRange = less than £20. Write a sentence that includes the above data. Answer: The Wrestlers is a Chinese restaurant with low prices. name = Fitzbillies, eatType = coffee shop, food = Indian, priceRange = less than £20, customer rating = low, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes. **** Answer: Fitzbillies is a family friendly coffee shop located in the riverside area that provides Indian food which has a low customer rating and the price range is less than £20. Data: name = The Eagle, eatType = coffee shop, priceRange = more than £30, familyFriendly = yes, near = Burger King. A:
There is a high priced coffee shop called The Eagle it's a family friendly coffee shop located near Burger King.
Translate to Turkish: In Belgrade, Meron met with Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, Justice Minister Zoran Stojkovic and President Boris Tadic. Turkish:
Meron Belgrad'da Sırbistan Başbakanı Vojislav Kostunica, adalet Bakanı Zoran Stoykoviç ve Cumhurbaşkanı Boris Tadiç ile temaslarda bulundu.
Article: There are a few different kinds of cherries on the market these days, and using a particular type will influence the taste of your wine. Here are some things to consider: Try black cherries or sweet cherries for a sweeter wine. Morello cherries work well for a dry wine. A dry wine is simply a wine that has no residual sugar, meaning it isn’t sweet. To make a dry wine, let your mixture ferment completely, allowing the yeast to consume all of the sugar. Here are some things to consider when making "dry" wine: After about 2 weeks most of the sugar will have been consumed by the yeast and fermentation will slow, making it easier to keep track of the falling sugar level of your wine. Tracking the sugar level will give you an idea of how your fermentation has been progressing. You may wish to stop the fermentation early and leave a bit of residual sugar in your wine. The fermentation is considered done when you either reach your desired sugar level or go "dry" at 0° Brix on the wine scale. A wine with 0.2% residual sugar contains two grams of sugar in a liter of wine. Dry wines are typically in the 0.2%-0.3% range, off-dry wines in the 1.0%-5.0% range, and sweet dessert wines are normally 5.0%-10%. There is no "correct" sugar level for your wine, it just comes down to your personal preference. You can give your wine an intriguing flavor by adding small amounts of oak during the fermenting process. Here are some things to consider: Use oak powder. This way, you won't risk over-oaking your wine. The oak powder will also sink to the bottom of your crock during fermentation, making siphoning easier. When adding oak powder to a batch of homemade wine, you'll want to add anywhere from 4 to 20 grams per gallon, depending on the type of wine (white vs. red) and desired flavor. Generally speaking, for six U.S. gallons of wine you would add about 40 to 50 grams of oak powder for a white wine, or 70 to 85 grams of oak powder for a red wine. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Experiment with different types of cherries. Make a "dry" wine. Oak your wine!
Is the following review positive or negative? We've been looking for a really good Chinese food place in the area, I haven't had luck with the others, the food quality just hasn't been there. We tried Hunan Park last night and were not disappointed. We live 0.9 miles outside of the delivery radius (boo!) so pick-up it is for us, but it's worth it.
How is "That was the end of your son; thought that was the sad part and were ready to corrections." said in Czech?
Já myslel, že je to jen ta smutná část a ty se to chystáš napravit.
Japanese game makers, faced with a shrinking local market and increasing competition from overseas rivals, are pinning hopes on mobile platforms such as handheld machines and cellphones to stir up demand. Which is the best summary of this article?
Translate "Albanian and foreign specialists gathered in Tirana on February 1st for a conference on the treatment and prevention of thalassemia." to Turkish?
Arnavut ve yabancı uzmanlar, Akdeniz anemisinin tedavisi ve önlenmesi konulu bir konferans için 1 Şubat'ta Tiran'da bir araya geldiler.
Please add punctuation to this: 3 weeks ago 1019 TXXX Japanese mom mom Japanese bath
3 weeks ago 10:19 TXXX Japanese mom, mom, Japanese, bath
Question: Sentence A: Even so, you can imagine a comeback in 2017: shredding Bibles to a laugh track. Sentence B: You can have a retort in 2017. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: Sentence A: Whittington mentioned it that day." Sentence B: Whittington pointed it out on Tuesday. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Sentence A: Northeast Borneo (Sabah) was rented from the Sultan of Brunei by British businessman Alfred Dent. Sentence B: The Sultan of Brunei leased Northeast Borneo to a British man. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: Sentence A: The close can still be seen beneath the present buildings, and guided tours are available despite the area's reputation as a spot haunted by victims of the disease. Sentence B: People still report hauntings all over the area. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
it is not possible to tell
Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive negative =++++= Answer: This movie gets both a 6/10 rating from me, as well as a 9/10. Here is why: As a standard horror movie for the standard horror crowd, where action and gore and scares are taken into consideration, this movie WILL bore you. It's basically a family drama similar to what you'd see on the Lifetime channel, but put in a horror universe. The story and formula are age-old, retreaded hundreds of times. If you're looking for any originality in the plot structure or the minimal conflicts, you'll be disappointed. Take away the zombies and you'll have something just as melodramatic as A Beautiful Mind, tripping on cheese. This is the 6/10. However, the basic synopsis and idea is pretty original and over-the-top. It's literally something you and your friends would joke about when you're half-drunk . . . but that joke actually got a theatrical release. The idea gets a 9/10 from me. The only reason it isn't perfect is because they could have taken it even further, but they didn't. The mix of both is mixed. I thought it was funny, but as with most all comedies, it wasn't THAT funny. I had my mom and little sister watch it with me and the jokes we made about it were funnier than the jokes scripted. There were moments of utter genius, but there were also moments of pure boredom. I sincerely hope that other movies take this kind of over-the-top risk and original ideas. I just can't say it was perfect, or even near it, because of the lack of originality to the plot. A GREAT family movie. A great movie to watch with a bunch of guys (or girls). A great movie to watch with anyone . . . but if you watch it alone, it will be a bit boring. Other people always make this kind of movie funnier and richer. 4/10 Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive positive =++++= Answer: I managed to tape this off my satellite, but I would love to get an original release in a format we can use here in the States. Eddie truly is Glorious in this performance from San Francisco. I don't remember laughing so hard at a stand up routine. My wife and I both enjoyed this tape and his work on Glorious I just wish I could buy a copy and help support Eddie financially through my purchase. We need more of his shows available. Problem: OPTIONS: - negative - positive positive =++++= Answer:
Very good drama although it appeared to have a few blank areas leaving the viewers to fill in the action for themselves. I can imagine life being this way for someone who can neither read nor write. This film simply smacked of the real world: the wife who is suddenly the sole supporter, the live-in relatives and their quarrels, the troubled child who gets knocked up and then, typically, drops out of school, a jackass husband who takes the nest egg and buys beer with it. 2 thumbs up.
Article: Notice Your privacy is important to us. We have updated our privacy policy to better explain how we use data on this site. Read it here ||||| It’s the trope on Trump: He’s authentic, a straight-talker, less scripted than traditional politicians. That’s because Donald Trump doesn’t let facts slow him down. Bending the truth or being unhampered by accuracy is a strategy he has followed for years. "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts," Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller The Art of the Deal. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion." That philosophy guided Trump in luxury real estate and reality television. This year he brought it to the world of presidential politics. Trump has "perfected the outrageous untruth as a campaign tool," said Michael LaBossiere, a philosophy professor at Florida A&M University who studies theories of knowledge. "He makes a clearly false or even absurdly false claim, which draws the attention of the media. He then rides that wave until it comes time to call up another one." PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False , False or Pants on Fire , out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial. In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy. To the candidate who says he’s all about winning, PolitiFact designates the many campaign misstatements of Donald Trump as our 2015 Lie of the Year. When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire: • "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," he said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering." Pants on Fire . There is no video of thousands of people in Jersey City cheering. Weeks later, Trump continues to stand by his claim but has not been able to point to evidence to back it up. Public safety officials on the ground in New Jersey say it never happened. • "The Mexican government ... they send the bad ones over." Pants on Fire . There’s no evidence to show the Mexican government encourages criminals to cross the border. Most illegal immigration comes from people seeking work. Recent estimates show illegal immigration from Mexico dropped off dramatically during the recession and has remained low . • "Whites killed by whites — 16%. Whites killed by blacks — 81%," said an image he shared on Twitter. Pants on Fire . Most people are killed by someone they know, and someone of the same race. The correct number for whites killed by whites was 82 percent in 2014, while the number of whites killed by blacks was 15 percent. When Bill O’Reilly of Fox News challenged Trump’s tweet of inaccurate murder rates, Trump suggested being accurate wasn’t so important: "Hey, Bill, Bill, am I gonna check every statistic? I get millions and millions of people ... @RealDonaldTrump, by the way." Trump hasn’t apologized or backtracked on his statements. Instead, when challenged, he offers flimsy explanations and suggests he shouldn’t be held accountable -- or simply insists he’s right. "People maybe call me out, but they turn out to be wrong, also," he said in an interview Sunday with George Stephanopoulos. "And many of the things I've said -- and I think just about all of them -- they may have been controversial at one point, George, but they're not controversial in the end, because people start to say, you know, Trump's actually right." From the get-go Our first fact-check of Trump was in 2011, when he was toying with a 2012 White House bid and giving support to those who said President Barack Obama might not have been born in the United States. Trump claimed that people who went to school with Obama "never saw him." We rated that Pants on Fire , because many journalists had found and interviewed Obama’s college friends. We fact-checked Trump 13 more times before his 2016 bid, awarding him a couple more Pants on Fire and False ratings. When Trump declared his candidacy on June 16, 2015, PolitiFact looked at five statements from his announcement speech . All of them were inaccurate . Since then, Trump’s misstatements have had range and diversity. He talked about foreign policy: "If you're from Syria and you're a Christian, you cannot come into this country, and they're the ones that are being decimated. If you are Islamic ... it's hard to believe, you can come in so easily," Trump said in a speech in Las Vegas on July 11. "In fact, it's one of our main groups of people that are coming in." This is wrong on its face -- Syrian Christians have been admitted as refugees in recent months. There’s nothing in U.S. law or regulation that discriminates against Christian refugees. We rated the claim False . He tangled with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly at the first Republican debate on Aug. 6, when she challenged him with how he talks about women. "You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals,’ " Kelly said. "Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on The Celebrity Apprentice it would be a ‘pretty picture’ to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president? And how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the 'war on women'?" Trump dismissed her question, and later said its premise was wrong. "Well, some of the things that she said, I didn't say, okay?" Trump said when asked about it by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press. "And she went through a whole list. And this is a hell of a first question, by the way." Actually, Trump said exactly what Kelly mentioned, and it’s clearly documented . We rated his denial False . A few weeks later, he got his facts wrong on economic policy. "Look, we’re the most highly taxed nation in the world — that’s why taxes have to go down, business has to come back, jobs have to be back," he said in an Aug. 24 interview on Fox News. But depending on the measurement you use on taxation, the United States is either in the middle of the pack or on the lighter end when compared with other advanced industrialized nations. We rated his claim False . The debate over Trump-speak Initially, Trump’s bombast was ridiculed as the stuff of entertainment. But as his status as a GOP presidential frontrunner took greater hold, the criticism has become more serious. "Some of Trump’s untrue claims fall into the harmful category," said LaBossiere of Florida A&M University. "His claim about thousands of people celebrating on 9/11 feeds into fear, racism and religious intolerance." Russell Moore, a prominent conservative evangelical leader with the Southern Baptist Convention, has called Trump’s proposals reckless, demagogic and divisive . Moore wrote in a New York Times column that Trump’s rhetoric "preys on turning economic insecurity into ugly ‘us versus them’ identity politics." A growing percentage of the American electorate is nonwhite, and Republicans are fighting to capture part of that vote. Trump’s comments don’t help those efforts, said Daniel Garza, executive director of the Libre Initiative, a group funded by the billionaire Koch brothers that aims to promote conservative values among Latino voters. "He’s doing miserably with Latino voters because his campaign narrative isn’t inclusive. You’re seeing Latino voters distancing themselves from his candidacy," Garza said, calling Trump’s rhetoric on immigration "unproductive." Trump’s recent proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States has tipped party leaders and GOP candidates toward harsher criticism. At a debate last week in Las Vegas, Jeb Bush went after Trump directly: "So Donald, you know, is great at the one-liners, but he's a chaos candidate. And he'd be a chaos president. He would not be the commander-in-chief we need to keep our country safe." Trump’s response was to mock Bush for being behind in the polls: "Jeb doesn't really believe I'm unhinged. He said that very simply because he has failed in this campaign. It's been a total disaster." Republican strategist Rick Wilson said the party is right to worry about Trump’s rhetoric, because it’s "highly negative, deeply pessimistic, and profoundly nasty." Trump’s many misstatements reduce Republican credibility across the board, he said. Some groups are beginning to spend money attacking Trump. A super PAC supporting Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican rival, has run a series of attack ads against Trump. The anti-tax advocacy group Club for Growth spent $1 million in the fall running 30-second spots in Iowa slamming Trump’s support for liberal policies . In what has become his standard response, Trump punched back, mocking Kasich’s small crowds and calling the Club for Growth " pathetic " on Twitter. For the record, out of the one True and five Mostly True ratings Trump has logged, three were attacks on rival Republican candidates who challenged him. (Another two came before Trump announced he was running for president.) Though his 9/11 claim and crime statistic retweet were widely reported on, many of Trump’s other misstatements got lost in the fray. Here are three others you probably haven’t heard of: • June 16: "The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product … was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It’s never below zero." Pants on Fire . The gross domestic product was not "zero," and the growth in the gross domestic product has been below zero 42 times over 68 years. • Sept. 28: The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent." Pants on Fire . The highest alternative unemployment-rate measure we could come up with that had any credibility was 14.8 percent. • Nov. 17: The federal government is sending Syrian refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats." Pants on Fire . Refugees are in fact sent to states with Democratic governors. Trump’s poll position Norman Ornstein, a scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, sees a couple of forces that have been at play for years when it comes to Trump: the desensitization to inflammatory rhetoric, the assault on science and expertise, and the increasing reliance on partisan media. "Trump came into an environment that was ripe for bombastic, inflammatory, outrageous statements without having to suffer the consequences," Ornstein said. Amos Kiewe, a professor of communications at Syracuse University, has written books about the rhetoric of Ronald Reagan and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He said Trump relies on bluster to make points. "In a roundabout-way, it reminds me of rule No. 7 of persuasion," Kiewe said. "If the facts are on your side, then hammer the fact; if the opinions are on your side then, hammer the opinions; and if neither the facts nor the opinions are on your side, then hammer the table." As of Monday, Trump was in first place among Republican-leaning voters with 34 percent support, according to Real Clear Politics’ national polling average . Experts speculate that this is because Trump’s supporters, like their candidate, don’t mind the hyperbole. While that lead is outwardly impressive in 2015, it remains to be seen what will happen in 2016, when voters actually cast their ballots. Ornstein noted that even if 30 to 40 percent of Republican-leaning voters support Trump, that’s still a fraction of the overall electorate. And outside his party, Trump’s misstatements may come back to haunt him. "Clearly a lot of voters still care about the truth. What we don’t know at this point is what share that is. But I have to remain a skeptic that (Trump) can win the general election," Ornstein said. "In the general election, the loose connection that he, or many other candidates, have to the truth becomes a problem." Trump seems aware of this, as he writes in The Art of the Deal: "You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." Members of the media interested in discussing the 2015 Lie of the Year can email [email protected] ||||| Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump give his campaign speech during the Sunshine Summit held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando on Nov. 13. It’s the trope on Trump: He’s authentic, a straight-talker, less scripted than traditional politicians. That’s because Donald Trump doesn’t let facts slow him down. Bending the truth or being unhampered by accuracy is a strategy he has followed for years. "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts," Trump wrote in his 1987 best-seller The Art of the Deal. "People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It's an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion." That philosophy guided Trump in luxury real estate and reality television. This year he brought it to the world of presidential politics. Trump has "perfected the outrageous untruth as a campaign tool," said Michael LaBossiere, a philosophy professor at Florida A&M University who studies theories of knowledge. "He makes a clearly false or even absurdly false claim, which draws the attention of the media. He then rides that wave until it comes time to call up another one." PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial. In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy. To the candidate who says he’s all about winning, PolitiFact designates the many campaign misstatements of Donald Trump as our 2015 Lie of the Year. When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire. Keep reading about the Lie of the Year from PolitiFact including the Readers' Poll and past winners. ||||| University of Iowa LibrariesArchive-It Partner Since: May, 2006Organization Type: Colleges & UniversitiesOrganization URL: The University of Iowa Libraries is the largest library system in Iowa and 14th in materials expenditures among U.S. public research libraries. The University's Main Library, Hardin Library for the Health Sciences, 5 branch libraries, and the Law Library contain more than 5 million volumes. ||||| What is a summary?
– "People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do," wrote Donald Trump in his 1987 book The Art of the Deal. "That's why a little hyperbole never hurts." Well, now he's being called on it: Politifact is awarding its 2015 Lie of the Year to several of his campaign "misstatements," saying "it was hard to single one out from the others." Among 77 statements the website analyzed, 76% were "mostly false, false or pants on fire." Topping the latter list: "I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," he said in November. "And I watched in Jersey City, NJ, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down." No video evidence of that event exists, and public safety officials in New Jersey say it never occurred. "The Mexican government ... they send the bad ones over." Trump offered no evidence, and Politifact says there is none. Most illegal immigrants come seeking jobs, which is why illegal immigration has apparently plummeted during the recession. "Whites killed by whites—16%. Whites killed by blacks—81%," according to an image tweeted by Trump. Only problem: People are usually killed by a person of the same race whom they already know. In 2014, whites were killed by whites 82% of the time and by blacks 15% of the time. "Donald Trump doesn’t let facts slow him down," writes Amy Sherman at the Tampa Bay Times about the Lie of the Year award. "Bending the truth or being unhampered by accuracy is a strategy he has followed for years." See more from Politifact, or read about past Lie of the Year winners—like Ebola claims in 2014 and President Obama in 2013.
A revote had to be held in some districts because of the complaints. Translate to Romanian
În unele districte, alegerile au trebuit repetate din cauza plângerilor înregistrate.
Translate the following. English: I sought clarification from Fabiana de Barros and after a few emails this much was clear: there are negatives of many images that were formerly labeled “superposição da imagens no fotograma.” Spanish:
Busqué la aclaración de Fabiana de Barros y después de algunos e-mails por lo menos esto quedó en claro: hay negativos de muchas imágenes que antes fueron etiquetados como “superposição da imagens no fotograma.”
Premise: An older woman is putting food on a plate on a food serving counter. Hypothesis: A woman is working. .Multi-select problem: Can we conclude that the hypothesis is true if the premise is true? Possible answers: I. yes II. it is not possible to tell III. no
QUES: Q: In what century was Southampton Castle built? A: Following the Norman Conquest in 1066, Southampton became the major port of transit between the then capital of England, Winchester, and Normandy. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no QUES: Q: What kind of language is Czech in U.S. schools? A: With the exception of Spanish (the non-English language most commonly spoken at home nationwide), Czech was the most-common home language in over a dozen additional counties in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, North Dakota and Minnesota. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no QUES: Q: What two artists created four variations of the Concerto in C Major Op 3 6? A: Antonio Vivaldi composed a mandolin concerto (Concerto in C major Op.3 6) and two concertos for two mandolins and orchestra. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no QUES: Q: This new style was an attempt to give what different feel to design? A: The Adam brothers aimed to simplify the rococo and baroque styles which had been fashionable in the preceding decades, to bring what they felt to be a lighter and more elegant feel to Georgian houses. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS:
Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: negative
is about to withdraw all his investment Desperate time calls for desperate measure. No choice.
Q: Answer this question: who was it that developed the world s first electric ceiling fan?? A: Philip Diehl Q: Answer this question: where is ex on the beach filmed usa?? A: Hilo, Hawaii Q: Answer this question: when do you find out who red coat is?? A: "Grave New World" Q: Answer this question: when will star wars episode 8 be released?? A:
December 15, 2017
Problem: We stayed here on a recent trip to Vegas. It was off the strip but not too off. A cab ride to some of the downtown casinos was very reasonable. The only reason this place is getting 4 stars and not 5 was that the casino was kind of small. I felt like I saw everything there was to see in the first hour. Make sure you get a room in the Fantasy Tower. Our room was amazing! My wife and I had a blast here. We'll be back for sure. How would this review be described? OPTIONS: - negative - positive ++++++++++ A: positive Problem: Meat-a-palooza! these gyros are total meat fests, and darn good ones at that! I ordered one to go and when I got home and unwrapped the meat sprung forth from the pita in a luscious, tender cascade. The onions and tomato were beneath the meat, initially making me fear there were none, but alas, the veggie bits were hiding below simply the overabundance of sliced gyro-meat (I know its supposed to be some sort of lamb mix, but let's face it, gyro meat has its own taste). Was that dill I tasted in the sauce? Mmmmm, it's good. Piping hot, moist, tender, and I cannot believe I almost ate the whole thing. I also ordered the hummus appetizers which was serviceable but not outstanding. doubt if I will order it again, but only because I'll be tasting other menu items to see if anything can compete with their gyro. How would this review be described? OPTIONS: - negative - positive ++++++++++ A: positive Problem: I just didn't get it. The people/service are great. Maybe I ordered the wrong menu items for my taste buds but I wasn't that impressed with the food. And the pork had a bunch of fat. I had the cookie for mid afternoon snack and it was really good. They certainly have plenty of fans, there was 20-30 people in line at lunch the whole time I was there. How would this review be described? OPTIONS: - negative - positive ++++++++++ A: negative Problem: Way too crowded, lack of seating, tight quarters. There are much better options on the strip for a good sports bar How would this review be described? OPTIONS: - negative - positive ++++++++++ A:
Translate "With respect to the second question; I must say that when you look at the African continent and the birth rates, as I explained in my introduction, there is a clear relationship between economic development, the degree of urbanisation and fertility rates." to Romanian?
Referitor la a doua întrebare; trebuie să spun că atunci când privim continentul african şi ratele natalităţii, după cum am explicat în introducerea mea, există o legătură clară între dezvoltarea economică, gradul de urbanizare şi ratele fertilităţii.
question: Review: succeeds . Is this review negative or positive? answer: positive question: Review: sven wollter as the stricken composer and viveka seldahl as his desperate violinist wife Is this review negative or positive? answer: positive question: Review: flow through the hollywood pipeline without a hitch Is this review negative or positive? answer:
Problem: It is the Christmas tree that children could only dream about and the 10-metre spectacular LEGO creation has arrived in Sydney. The phenomenal design took five people patiently building the tree from scratch with an astounding half a million pieces over 1,200 painstaking hours. On display outside the Westfield shopping centre on Pitt Street mall, the decorative baubles are the size of basket balls on the tree which is as high as a two-storey house and is wider than a family car. Scroll down for video. The 10-metre spectacular LEGO christmas tree which has arrived at Westfield Mall in Sydney. The tree is as high as a two-storey house and is wider than a family car. Workers unpack the contents of the enormous tree, which flashes on and off to the rhythm of the Christmas carols. As if that wasn't magnificent enough - the tree lights flash on and off to the rhythm of the Christmas carols. LEGO Senior project manager Dale Chasse said it was the biggest things he had ever built. 'It was designed in the U.S. and some of the big challenges with it were it's huge so it wasn't going to be easy for us to build it here in the U.S. and ship it down to Australia because they don't make planes quite big enough for it,' he said. 'So we worked with a LEGO certified professional in Melbourne - Ryan McNaught and we partnered up with him to do all of the big building and most of the LEGO models around the stage.' LEGO marketing director, Troy Taylor, said the ambitious idea to build the tree was made in June. LEGO Senior project manager Dale Chasse said it was the biggest things he had ever built. The campaign's tagline is - Build your LEGO Christmas - to inspire people to build what Christmas means to them which can be uploaded to #legoxmas. 'He built all of the big ones which aren't practical to ship halfway around the world - he pulled a team together down there and pulled this stuff off.' LEGO marketing director, Troy Taylor, said the ambitious idea to build the tree was made in June. 'We decided we wanted to create memorable experiences for kids and families and we thought what a better way to do that than to build a 10-metre high tree made out of LEGO,' he said. 'We weren't sure it was possible so we had to liaise with Dale and his team in U.S. and said they could do it and not build it so then when we spoke to Ryan who had to recruit ' The campaign's tagline is - Build your LEGO Christmas - to inspire people to build what Christmas means to them which can be uploaded to #legoxmas. An astounding half a million blocks were used to put the tree together. Workers building the ambitious creation. It took five people and 1,200 hours to build the ten-metre tall creation. What are highlight points? Answer: LEGO Christmas tree is at Pitt Street mall outside Westfield, Sydney. The spectacular design is the largest of its kind in Southern Hemisphere. It took five people, 1,200 hours to build the ten-metre tall creation. An astounding half a million blocks were used to put the tree together. Problem: State Department analysts raised questions about the psychological state and health of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, according to a December 2009 cable recently published by WikiLeaks. The analysts were curious about the "interpersonal dynamics" of the president and her husband Nestor Kirchner, who was also his wife's immediate predecessor as president. The cable, which was sent from the secretary of state's office and signed by Hillary Clinton, said that the analysts had "a much more solid understanding of Nestor Kirchner's style and personality than we do of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner," and wanted to develop "a more well-rounded view" of the then-president's personality. Among the questions put to the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires was a series about President Fernandez de Kirchner's mental state and health: how she managed her nerves and anxiety, how stress affected her behavior toward advisers and decision-making, whether she was on medications, and how she calmed down when distressed. The cable also asked about President Fernandez de Kirchner's approach to dealing with problems, and whether she shared her husband's "adversarial view of politics." It also asked about how the Argentine first couple divided up their day and on what issues each of them took the lead or deferred to the other. The 2009 cable also asked about the health of former President Kirchner. He died of an apparent heart attack in October. President Fernandez de Kirchner was elected to office in October of 2007, at the same time then-Sen. and former first lady Clinton was seeking the Democratic nomination for the 2008 presidential election in the United States. What are highlight points? Answer:
WikiLeaks published a 2009 State Department cable about Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. U.S. analysts were seeking "a more well-rounded view" of her personality. Fernandez de Kirchner was elected president of Argentina in 2007.
Tht angel person scares me x What is the sentiment of this tweet?
This was the first movie I ever saw Ashley Judd in and the first film of Victor Nunez' that I ever say, and boy am I glad I did. Its' quiet tone, its' relaxed pace, its' realistic depiction of a young woman just starting out in life, its' fine depiction of the struggles she has to go through to make her mark in life, the decisions she makes based on real things, the people she meets - there is nothing wrong with this movie. It is as close to movie magic as I have ever seen outside of the " Star Wars " movies, and, given what those films are like, that means this film deserves a high rating indeed. Ashley Judds' acting, Mr. Nunez'writing, and its' great simple worthwhile story make this a fine coming-of-age story and a wonderful movie. What is the sentiment of this review?
pick from the following. A). description. B). entity. C). abbreviation. D). human. E). numeric. F). location.Would the answer to the question "What was Einstein 's IQ ?" be an entity, an abbreviation, a description, a human, a location, or a numeric value?
How do you say "So the questions of the world, or Asia, or Japan as they are addressed in Washington are increasingly important issues to consider in the rapidly changing information and globalized age that is dawning now." in Spanish?
Así que las cuestiones del mundo, de Asia o de Japón tal como se abordan en Washington son asuntos de creciente importancia que considerar en esta era globalizada de la información, tan cambiante, cuyos albores estamos viviendo.
Input: Jen was invited to a Christmas party. She went with a close guy friend. They drank wine and talked with the couples that were there. As the group sang carols, Jen and her friend kissed. --> Completion: She felt it was meant to be. Input: When Jay found out her older sister was pregnant, she was nervous. While she was happy for her sister, she was scared to be an aunt. Jay knew that there would be a lot of responsibility involved. But then, she finally came home from school and saw her nephew. --> Completion: Jay immediately knew her fears were unfounded. Input: Cornelia decides that she wants to rearrange her apartment. Her bed has stood next to the wall for many Year's. Cornelia moves her bed to sit next to the window. When her friends sees her new arrangement, they love it. --> Completion:
Soon all her friends had arranged their beds the same way.
Greetings from The Anderson School at UCLA! By now you should have received information regarding the many exciting events to be held during Reunions at Alumni Weekend 2001, November 2-4, 2001. This year, Alumni Weekend will feature the first Conference at Alumni Weekend---a Q: What is a potential subject line for this email? answer: fwd: REUNION INFORMATION ENCLOSED!! Suzanne: If Bill gets his act together I will hand you an invitation to our party tomorrow, but here are the details: Saturday, April 22, 5-7. If you have some time, please stop by this afternoon and hopefully I can narrow down what I want to order. Alos, have you had any kluck in getting some Enron stuff for my JA class? Carol Q: What is a potential subject line for this email? answer: Misc Stuff You have received this message because someone has attempted to send you an e-mail from outside of Enron with an attachment type that Enron does not allow into our messaging environment. Your e-mail has been quarantined and is being held at the MailSweeper server. Sender: Q: What is a potential subject line for this email? answer: An Inbound Message For You Has Been Quarantined Hi, Shane. Here's a quick update. As you can see, the Westpac ISDA is a done deal. Susan Bailey (paralegal) had been holding the Commonwealth ISDA because she didn't have an address. I asked her to email you for the info. I am working on ABN AMRO. I' m also trying to keep up with you other trading activity. Let me know if you ever have any questions. Sara Q: What is a potential subject line for this email? answer:
Westpac Banking Corporation
Additional types of files may also be using the FMT file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the FMT file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly. Make this lower case
additional types of files may also be using the fmt file extension. if you are aware of any other file formats using the fmt file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly.
Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative (see options at the end)? much dramatic impact OPT: [I] negative [II] positive
tokyo stocks reversed early losses to finish higher on wednesday . Short summary: tokyo stocks higher dollar dips neighboring rivals serbia and croatia will play in the men 's water polo semifinals at the world championships after posting easy quarterfinal wins wednesday . Short summary: serbia croatia to play in world championship semifinals indonesia 's parliament speaker , who is convicted of corruption but remains at his post , announced his candidacy for president thursday under the party of former dictator suharto . Short summary: indonesia 's house speaker to run for president despite graft conviction french president jacques chirac and presidential candidate segolene royal laid out sharply different visions for the country 's future wednesday , with the sitting leader proposing corporate tax cuts and royal proposing new benefits for low-income workers . Short summary:
chirac royal lay out differing visions of france s future
Jedni z nejlepších kuchařů jaké jsem kdy poznal. Translate this to English?
You'll be up against some of the finest chefs I've ever known. Wow.
Problem: (CNN) -- If all had gone to plan, Sudan and South Sudan would have been neighbors co-existing in a strained but civil peace, aware of a bitter history but resolved to moving on. Instead, just nine months after jubilant scenes in South Sudan as the nation declared independence, its relationship with the north is deteriorating rapidly amid violence, accusations and arguments. Efforts by the African Union to broker peace have stalled, leading some to question whether the answer might lie more than 9,000 kilometers away in China. A new report from the International Crisis Group says the country is engaged in a "delicate dance" as it tries to maintain its historic ties with Sudan, while also courting South Sudan. In January, Answer: South Sudan shut down its oil production after accusing Sudan of stealing oil. Problem: (CNN) -- Others may already be faltering, but Chelsea march on. Jose Mourinho's side continued their impressive early season form with a 6-3 win against Everton in the English Premier League on Saturday. After comfortable wins against Leicester City and Burnley in their opening two league fixtures, the Blues traveled to Goodison Park. Roberto Martinez's side were expected to provide a stern test of Mourinho's newly-modeled side but were ultimately swept aside in a thrilling encounter on Merseyside. The home side's interest in the match threatened to be curtailed inside three minutes as Chelsea raced into a 2-0 lead. Diego Costa struck after just 35 seconds, guiding a low shot underneath Everton keeper Tim Howard with Branislav Ivanovic doubling the lead two minutes later. Answer: Diego Costa confirmed the inevitable with his second goal of the match in the 90th minute to cap another good day for his new club. Problem: A hero reservist saved a British Army colonel by jumping in front of him as he was pelted with bullets in Afghanistan, it has emerged. The serviceman, an American who normally works for technology giant Apple, acted as a human shield when the colonel came under fire from a rogue Afghan soldier with an assault rifle. He returned fire with his rifle and pistol, but was shot six times himself as he leapt to defend the senior officer. Two of the bullets hit him in one of his legs, while one tore into his shoulder and three rounds were stopped by his bulletproof vest. News of the attack emerged at the weekend after the details of an Answer: American casualty report were disclosed. Problem: He prides himself on being something of a hunk - if his latest Calvin Klein shoot is anything to go by. So Justin Bieber probably won't take too kindly to being mistaken for a girl when he dined out at one of his favourite restaurants this week. The singer had turned up to the State Social House in Los Angeles with four friends only to find his usual perch had been taken by a meeting of gay Republicans. Undeterred, he took a seat in the private area, known as the Attic, anyway as the group discussed gay rights. As it was, his presence initially went unnoticed because the meeting just thought he was a 'butcher version of Miley Cyrus', they later explained. 'I got a closer look and said, oh yeah that's the Answer:
Biebs, for sure.
Translate "In all cases the RF field caused artifacts in the ECG recording. However, these artifacts were found inconsequential for the operation of the heart." to French?
Dans tous les cas, le champ RF a causé des artefacts dans l'enregistrement de l'ECG, mais ces artefacts n'avaient aucune conséquence grave pour le fonctionnement du coeur.
Does "Linguistic anthropology (also called anthropological linguistics) seeks to understand the processes of human communications, verbal and non-verbal, variation in language across time and space, the social uses of language, and the relationship between language and culture." contain the correct answer to "What is the analysis of linguistic forms and processes linked to?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does "Many Carolinian frontiersmen had moved west over the mountains, into the Washington District (later known as Tennessee), but in 1789, following the Revolution, the state was persuaded to relinquish its claim to the western lands." contain the correct answer to "Frontiersmen from the Carolinas moved west into what area that is now known as Tennessee?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does "Hidalgo is hailed as the Father of the Nation even though it was Agustin de Iturbide and not Hidalgo who achieved Mexican Independence in 1821." contain the correct answer to "Who actually achieved independence for the nation?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Complete the passage. (CNN) -- Jason Priestley played Brandon Walsh on "Beverly Hills 90210" from 1990 to 1998. Having long since hung up his Peach Pit uniform and Beverly Hills Beach Club cabana boy polo shirt, his character became a journalist and departed to take a job at the Washington Bureau of the New York Chronicle, and Priestley left the show four episodes into the series' ninth season. "I felt that the character of Brandon had kind of run his course. I had explored everything I wanted to explore with him," Priestley told CNN while promoting his new book, "Jason Priestley: A Memoir" (HarperOne) at the New York Bureau of CNN.
Jason Priestley is at peace with being forever associated with Brandon Walsh.
Who is the one Independent Member of Congress ? What kind of thing would answer this question?
Question: Based on the premise "The blinds of the dining-room window were up.", can we conclude that "The blinds were up."? **** Answer: yes Question: Based on the premise "Some think that we ought to go back in time, ought to get rid of the Commission and replace it with not one but three administrative law judges to be borrowed from some other government agency.", can we conclude that "Everyone believes the Commission ended up being the best solution."? **** Answer: no Question: Based on the premise "Does W. agree with this sentiment?", can we conclude that "Does W. think that it was an uncalled for move?"? **** Answer:
it is not possible to tell
Infosys Technologies on Monday announced that its Board of Directors approved Sponsoring a Secondary ADS Offering ( quot;the Offering quot;), against equity shares held by its existing shareholders in India. Choose your answer. What is this text about? Choose from: + World + Sports + Business + Science/Tech Answer:
I gave my stock In the first place, we don't know the truth; in the second place, the presidency is not a person but a team. Does it follow that "Someone out there knows the truth, we will find them soon."?
it is not possible to tell
Can you tell me the answer to who sang the original version of earth angel??
the Penguins
@thetek i need that download dude! hows your holiday going? How would the sentiment of this tweet be described? Choose from: a. negative; b. positive;
"Explozia a avut loc aproximativ la ora 2:00 în zona comercială, în care erau deschise încă unele cafenele şi restaurante", a declarat purtătorul de cuvânt al Serviciului de Poliţie din Kosovo (KPS), Veton Elshani, reporterilor. Translate to English
"The blast occurred at about 2 am in the business area in which some coffee shops and restaurants were still working," Kosovo Police Service (KPS) spokesman Veton Elshani told reporters.
Read this article and answer this question The climate becomes progressively drier towards the north of the peninsula. In the north, the annual mean temperature is 27 °C in Mérida. Average temperature in the peninsula varies from 24 °C in January to 29 °C in July. The lowest temperature on record is 6 °C . For the peninsula as a whole, the mean annual precipitation is 1,100 millimetres . The rainy season lasts from June to September, while the dry season runs from October to May. During the dry season, rainfall averages 300 millimetres ; in the wet season this increases to an average 800 to 900 millimetres . The prevailing winds are easterly and have created an east-west precipitation gradient with average rainfall in the east exceeding 1,400 millimetres and the north and northwestern portions of the peninsula receiving a maximum of 800 millimetres . The southeastern portion of the peninsula has a tropical rainy climate with a short dry season in winter. Petén has a hot climate and receives the highest rainfall in all Mesoamerica. The climate is divided into wet and dry seasons, with the rainy season lasting from June to December, although these seasons are not clearly defined in the south; with rain occurring through most of the year. The climate of Petén varies from tropical in the south to semitropical in the north; temperature varies between 12 and 40 °C , although it does not usually drop beneath 18 °C . Mean temperature varies from 24.3 °C in the southeast to 26.9 °C in the northeast. Highest temperatures are reached from April to June, while January is the coldest month; all Petén experiences a hot dry period in late August. Annual precipitation is high, varying from a mean of 1,198 millimetres in the northeast to 2,007 millimetres in central Petén. How many degrees does the temperature vary in January?
Steve, I really need the Oasis and PGE transport contracts assigned to HPL by July 2000. Currently, we are buying gas in the Waha region as HPLC. But since our transport is under ENA, we have to enter an additional transaction where HPL sales the gas to ENA at the point of purchase. ENA then transports the gas to a delivery point. If the gas is sold to another counterparty, an additional transaction between ENA and HPL must be entered at the delivery point. This causes great difficulty in balancing out the pipelines and completing the scheduling in reasonable time. Plus, it just doesn't make sense to keep the transport under ENA since we transact all other deals as HPLC. Please let me know when we can get these contracts assigned. Thanks for your help. Propose a subject line for this email?
Transport contracts
Q: Does "The buildings have distinctive ornamentation, such as the eagles at the corners of the 61st floor on the Chrysler Building, and are considered some of the finest examples of the Art Deco style." provide a valid answer to "What floor of the Chrysler Building has sculptures of eagles at its corners?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "The rebel barons suspected that the proposed baronial council would be unacceptable to John and that he would challenge the legality of the charter; they packed the baronial council with their own hardliners and refused to demobilise their forces or surrender London as agreed." answer the question "The failure of the agreement lead to what?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Does the sentence "For example, a 100-watt, 120-volt lamp has a resistance of 144 ohms when lit, but the cold resistance is much lower (about 9.5 ohms)." provide a valid answer to the question "What does a "T" rating symbol on an electrical contact mean?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Question: Choose your answer: Is "Like many older east coast cities after World War II, Atlantic City became plagued with poverty, crime, corruption, and general economic decline in the mid-to-late 20th century." a good answer to the question "Which Atlantic City neighborhood became particularly impoverished in the mid-to-late 20th century?" OPTIONS: - yes - no Answer: no QUES: Q: When did the Reconstruction Era end? A: The Reagan administration was opposed to the affirmative action requirements of Executive Order 11246, but these contemplated changes[which?] faced bi-partisan opposition in Congress. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no QUES: Q: What are suggested, rather than explicitly realized? A: The basic character shapes are suggested, rather than explicitly realized, and the abbreviations are sometimes extreme. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS:
1. It's no classic, but its heart's in the right place. 2. Proceeding from a ridiculous premise, this fish-out-of-water tale manages to create a passably humorous film for kids. 3. It's all familiar and unsurprising, but not without its modest pleasures. 4. While no one will walk out quoting killer punchlines, the requisite fart jokes and pop cultural references are slightly zestier than usual. 5. Young kids will get hearty chuckles from its blend of mild vulgarity, goofiness, and sheer inanity. Anyone older than about 11 should probably take a pass. 6. Kids will eat it up. The rest of us just have to time the eating of our popcorn to avoid the occasional crude humor and well-worn story. 7. Babe is a family film. Racing Stripes is a children's film. 8. Makes a good case for taking children's entertainment out of the hands of directors and producers in arrested development. 9. The results don't come close to duplicating Noonan's charming and gentle barnyard fable [Babe]. 10. The message comes across loud and clear without being preachy or treacly, the voice work is top-notch and the zebras (they used eight to play the teenage Stripes) beautiful. What is the consensus?
An entertaining children movie that ought to be tolerable for adults.
Next question: when does it usually stop snowing in chicago?
Hırvatistan'da benzinin litre fiyatı 1,30 avroya -tarihin en yüksek seviyesi- ulaşıp artış tehdidini sürdürmesine karşın, Sıvılaştırılmış Petrol Gazı (LPG), bir başka deyişle otogazın litre fiyatı 0,45'te kaldı. In English? xxxxx Gasoline prices in Croatia reached 1.30 euros a litre -- their highest ever -- and threaten to keep rising, but the price of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), or autogas, remains at 0.45 euros per liter. Burada önemli pek çok faktör var. In English? xxxxx There are several important considerations. Kosova sahte imamı sınır dışı etti, camiyi kapattı In English? xxxxx
Kosovo deports self-proclaimed imam, closes mosque
Write a sentence about the following things: country, player, qualification
players revel in their qualification after their playoff against country .
Enron Corp. #39;s former investor relations chief pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of aiding and abetting securities fraud and agreed to help prosecutors with their ongoing probe of the energy company #39;s leaders. What best summarizes the content of the above article? Select from the following. [A]. World [B]. Sports [C]. Business [D]. Science/Tech
Same meaning? On the second day , Jen sees a girl who looks very similar to her lost sister Jess . On the second day Jen sees a girl who sees her lost sister Jess very similar . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: S1: He was also a mechanic in Freddie Spencer 's team when Spencer won the 500cc World Championship title in 1985 . S2: He was also a mechanic on Freddie Spencer 's team when Spencer won the 500cc World title in 1985 . Do S1 & S2 convey the same information? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes Problem: (1) Babatunde Obada is married to Olusola with whom they have four children . (2) Olusola is married with Babatunde Obada , with whom they have four children . Do (1) and (2) mean the same thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes Please check if these have the same meaning. In codice 4 is the second file codice 8 and in codice 5 the second file is codice 10 . In codice 5 is the second file codice 8 and in codice 4 is the second file codice 10 . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Oxynoe panamensis is a kind of small sea snail or sea snail , a bubble snail , a marine gastropod mollusk in the Oxynoidae family . Oxynoe panamensis is a species of marine sea snail or sea slug , a bubble snail , a small gastropod mollusk in the family Oxynoidae . OPTIONS: - no - yes -+- A: no Problem: Born and raised in Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada , he has died in Aylesbury , Saskatchewan , Canada . Born and raised in Aylesbury , Saskatchewan , Canada , he died in Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada . OPTIONS: - no - yes -+- A:
Write a sentence in English.
His betrayal by his disciples, their unworthy reception of his Body and Blood, is certainly the greatest suffering endured by the Redeemer; it pierces his heart.
Question: This is some data: The Olive Grove eatType pub; The Olive Grove food English; The Olive Grove priceRange moderate; The Olive Grove area city centre; The Olive Grove familyFriendly yes. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: Lets go to a pub names The Olive Grove. Their prices are pretty moderate and they serve great English food. They are kid friendly and located in city centre. Question: This is some data: Alan Bean BIRTH_PLACE Wheeler, Texas. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer: Alan Bean was born in Wheeler, Texas. Question: This is some data: Alimentum food Chinese; Alimentum priceRange £20-25; Alimentum area riverside. Generate a detailed description of this data. Answer:
Alimentum provides Chinese food in the £20-25 price range. It is located in the riverside.
Translate the following sentence to Turkish: Smaller parties could call the shots after tight Croatian vote Turkish:
Zorlu geçen Hırvatistan seçimleri küçük partilere yaradı
Does "The term Hokkien (福建; hɔk˥˥kɪɛn˨˩) is itself a term not used in Chinese to refer to the dialect, as it simply means Fujian province." contain the correct answer to "What at the main Hokkioen urban centers?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no question: OPTIONS: - yes - no Blue Ivy's cries are included at the end of the song, and she was officially credited as "B.I.C." on it. At what hospital was the baby delivered? answer: no [Q]: Sentence: In the United States, "Bohemian Rhapsody" was re-released as a single in 1992 after appearing in the comedy film Wayne's World. Question: Which 1986 movie contained a Queen theme song? OPTIONS: - yes - no ++++++++++ [A]: no Q: Does "By the Ur III period, farmers had switched from wheat to the more salt-tolerant barley as their principal crop." provide a valid answer to "The the Ur III period, what crop had Sumerians switched to from wheat for their primary crop?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Problem: Does "Students may be awarded the Hauptschulabschluss or the Mittlere Reife but not the Abitur." answer the question "What certificate is not available to Mittelschule students?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: yes Does "Whitehead referred to his metaphysical system as "philosophy of organism", but it would become known more widely as "process philosophy."" contain the correct answer to "What Cartesian concept did Whitehead believe to be erroneous?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Based on the premise "It was originally the residence of the king's concierge as part of the 14th-century royal palace.", can we conclude the hypothesis "It was originally part of the royal palace." is true?
input ---- When piece measures 8111010710 cm inc 2 sts mid under sleeve output ---- When piece measures 8-11-10-10-7-10 cm, inc 2 sts mid under sleeve. input ---- The Cathedral of Porto on the outcrop above the Ribeira square is also within walking distance as is the Torre dos Clerigos the imposing Avenida dos Aliados and the So Bento train station from where one can continue ones travels to the rest of Portugal or indeed the rest of Europe output ---- The Cathedral of Porto, on the outcrop above the Ribeira square, is also within walking distance, as is the Torre dos Clerigos, the imposing Avenida dos Aliados, and the São Bento train station, from where one can continue one’s travels to the rest of Portugal, or indeed the rest of Europe. input ---- Bird Birds International Arbitration Group has featured in The GAR 100 for the last number of years where it has been recognised for having represented numerous highprofile names and organisations in contentious work output ---- Bird & Bird’s International Arbitration Group has featured in The GAR 100 for the last number of years, where it has been recognised for having "represented numerous high-profile names and organisations in contentious work". input ---- The pulse can be felt in the neck or back of the arm output ----
The pulse can be felt in the neck or back of the arm.
Write an article based on this "Prepare the lay box. Remove the eggs. Ensure temperature is good. Feed the female. Eggs should hatch in about 55 days after laying." article: Get the female a lay box, for example, a Rubbermaid box with damp moss. She will lay eggs and coil around them. Remove the female from the eggs, gently, and place them in incubation substrate inside a container (Rubbermaid box with a lid). Set the incubator to 90 °F (32 °C), 32 C. Check the eggs once a week to make sure they good. At this time when you lift the lid to check eggs, they will get air so you don't have to put air holes in the incubation container. If the female does not eat, try washing her to remove the scent of the eggs. It is important she starts to eat again since laying takes a lot out of her. Write an article based on this "Draw a round circle for the head, and cartoon-style eyes. Draw the antennae and the smiley mouth. Draw the body, six little legs, and that nasty stinger! Draw the stripes on its body, and the wings on it's back. Color it in, and you are done!" article: Or angry, sad or surprised if you wish! If you are in the creative mood, the circles on the antennae could be heart shaped, or star shaped. Feel free to add a background! Sky, grass or whatever you would like! Write an article based on this "Click on your Apple ID or username located at the top right corner of your iCloud session. Click on “Sign out." article:
” You will now be logged out of iCloud.
Choose your answer: Is "When Hamilton was appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, Burke accompanied him to Dublin as his private secretary, a position he held for three years." a good answer to the question "Who invited Burke to join the Freemasons?" Possible answers: 1). yes 2). no
Question: Çevre Bakanı Veysel Eroğlu İkizdere barajlarının iptalini "çılgınlık" olarak nitelendirdi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Environmental Minister Veysel Eroglu described the cancellation of the Ikizdere dams as "madness". test: AB-Romanya Derneği Konseyi toplantısı sonrasında yayınlanan bildiride, AB'nin "Romanya'yi üyelik hazırlıklarında kaydetmiş olduğu önemli ilerlemeden ötürü kutladığı ve geri kalan sınırlı süre içinde bekleyen sorunları çözebilmesi için çabalarını yenilemesi ve sürdürmesi için teşvik ettiği" ifade edildi. English? translation: The EU "congratulated Romania on the important progress it has already made in preparing for membership and encouraged renewed and sustained efforts in order to be able to address outstanding issues in the limited time remaining," said a statement issued after a meeting of the EU-Romania Association Council. Görüşmede Seydiu, Rice'a bağımsızlığının birinci yılında Kosova'da meydana gelen gelişmeler ve Priştine'nin uluslararası alanda daha fazla tanınmak için sarfettiği çabalar hakkında bilgi verdi. In English? xxxxx He informed Rice about developments in Kosovo during its first year of independence and the efforts that Pristina is making to secure more international recognitions. How is "The problem is they cannot be used because some individuals and groups decided to set up roadblocks around them." said in Turkish? Sorun, bazı şahıs ve grupların bunların etrafına barikat kurmaya karar vermeleri yüzünden bu kapıların kullanılamaması. Q: Translate "The group will be working as development advisers in partnership with municipal governments and community organisations." to Turkish? A: Ekipte yer alanlar, yerel idareler ve toplum kuruluşlarıyla ortaklaşa şekilde kalkınma danışmanları olarak görev yapacak. Q: Translate "(Various sources – 15/10/06-31/10/06)" to Turkish? A:
(Çeşitlik kaynaklar – 15/10/06-31/10/06)
Translate to Czech: Stop at once. Czech:
Hned přestaňte.
Would a linguist find the following sentence to be a valid English sentence grammatically? John taught new students English Syntax. Choose your answer from: (1). unacceptable. (2). acceptable.
Review: "Raw Force" is like an ultra-sleazy and perverted version of Love Boat, with additional Kung Fu fights, demented cannibalistic monks, white slaves trade, energetic zombies and a whole lot of lousy acting performances. No wonder this movie was included in the recently released "Grindhouse Experience 20 movie box-set". It's got everything exploitation fanatics are looking for, blend in a totally incoherent and seemingly improvised script! The production values are extremely poor and the technical aspects are pathetic, but the amounts of gratuitous violence & sex can hardly be described. The film opens at a tropically sunny location called Warriors Island, where a troop of sneering monks raise the dead for no apparent reason other than to turn them into Kung Fu fighters. The monks also buy sexy slaves from a sleazy Hitler look-alike businessman, supposedly because the women's flesh supplies them with the required powers to increase their zombie army. Tourists on a passing cruise ship, among them three martial arts fighters, a female LA cop and a whole bunch of ravishing but dim-witted ladies, are attacked by the Hitler guy's goons because they were planning an excursion to Warriors Island. Their lifeboat washes ashore the island anyway, and the monks challenge the survivors to a fighting test with their zombies. Okay, how does that sound for a crazy midnight horror movie mess? It's not over yet, because "Raw Force" also has piranhas, wild boat orgies, Cameron Mitchell in yet another embarrassing lead role and 70's exploitation duchess Camille Keaton ("I spit on your Grave") in an utterly insignificant cameo appearance. There's loads of badly realized gore, including axe massacres and decapitations, hammy jokes and bad taste romance. The trash-value of this movie will literally leave you speechless. The evil monks' background remains, naturally, unexplained and they don't even become punished for their questionable hobbies. Maybe that's why the movie stops with "To Be Continued", instead of with "The End". The sequel never came, unless it's so obscure IMDb doesn't even list it. Now, what is this review like? Available options: a. negative. b. positive.
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Oftentakesafluctuating,chroniccourse,wherespontaneousregressionoflesionsmayoccur Often takes a fluctuating, chronic course, where spontaneous regression of lesions may occur This text is missing some spaces, please add them: MostpopularpropertiesinKaladhungi Most popular properties in Kaladhungi This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Finally,youcannowdiscovereverythingyouneedtoknowaboutyourEDITHELPfile...instantly!
Finally, you can now discover everything you need to know about your EDITHELP file... instantly!
Question: Sentence A: They also said that sharing performance information generated more performance-related discussions, including at town-hall meetings, other meetings with managers, and during team meetings. Sentence B: Sharing performance information leads to lots of reports that do nothing. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? Answer: no Question: Sentence A: The capital of the Hatti was Kanesh (modern K??ltepe, near Kayseri). Sentence B: Capital of the Hatti was gigantic. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: Sentence A: Looking north from the high ground of the Old Town, the first street you can see is Princes Street. Sentence B: The first street you can see from the high ground is Appleton Street. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? Answer: no Question: Sentence A: Tuppence looked round to see what had startled her. Sentence B: Tuppence was startled. If sentence A is true, how about sentence B? Answer: