1 value
4 values
Q: Solve 107*w + 114*w + 2670 = -645 for w. A: -15 Q: Solve: Solve -741 - 356 = -262*g + 737 for g. A: 7 Question: What is the solution? Solve -8*n + 16 + 16 = 0 for n. Answer: 4 Problem: Math Problem Solve -1338*m = -1330*m + 24 for m. A: -3 Question: Solve -10 + 8 = -5*v + 13 for v.. Answer: 3 Question: What is the solution? Solve 5381*a - 5580*a + 1194 = 0 for a. Answer:
input: Write a negative yelp review. output: Recently went to this haunted house and was truly disappointed. We bought our tickets at the door which were $30 each and paid $5 for parking. Once we got past security we went into the tent and saw the line which was 300+ people long. We waited in line for one and a half hours and only saw 3 characters. Once we past the first line we proceeded on to the second line which was to enter into the haunted house . Finally we get to go in (after another 30 min wait) and noticed that everyone was going in single file all together . We walked thru the houses in about 10 min and not once got frightened because everyone was walking in a single line and you knew what was coming next. Very poorly organized and not to mention they didn't have any fans so it was extremely hot. My advice would be to go to another haunted house save your money.A scary movie would be scarier than this haunted house. input: Write a positive yelp review. output: While walking through PH, I decided to try Pink's. Let me just say, YUMMY!!! I had the western burger and I think I bite my finger on accident, because I was eating it si fast! LOL. It was so good and so reasonably priced. It was cooked to order and all veggies were fresh, crisp and perfectly layered. Yes, presentation means a lot as well. input: Write a negative yelp review. output:
I really really want to give this place more than 2 stars because I have been to other locations and liked them quite a bit. And truthfully the food was quite good. However the service was severely, SEVERELY lacking. Positives: Like I said, food was good. Drinks were brought promptly, etc. etc. Negatives: Our waitress. She said she was new, so maybe the blame should ultimately be placed on the management for lack of adequate training. First off, we had a table of 7 and she said for tables of 8 or more they don't do separate checks. So when we repeated that we only had 7 at our table, she still gave us attitude about having to split checks. I know it's a pain in the butt but no one in our party had cash.... Then she forgot a few of our drinks. They were brought promptly but when you forget a few, and also forget the waters we ordered and never come back to check on us again until you bring our food out, we may have a problem. So 2 people we were with went about 20 minutes without drinks while the rest of us were sipping our beer and wine (and missing our waters.) When we went to order our food, a guy we were with asked what came on his sandwich and she replied "well you can read can't you?" Um. Ok. Then our food came out. We ate it, liked it, and then sat there for about a half hour after we had all finished eating. We were upstairs and there was almost nobody else up there so I'm not sure why it took so long for her to come back and pick up our plates (or ask us if we wanted more drinks?) She finally came back and we asked for the checks, she brought them and we paid. And then sat there again for about a half hour. At this point we were all super frustrated. It took a bartender to realize how long we'd been sitting there and he finally came and took care of our checks. UGH. All in all, I love there food and that they cater so well to us gluten free folk. But I probably won't be back to this location for a while.
Input: Answer this question: What is involved in creating genetically modified bacteria? OPTIONS: - allowing them to reproduce freely - changing their food source - using biotechnology techniques - growing them on selected plants Answer: using biotechnology techniques *Question*: Foam weather stripping is often placed in the frames of doors and windows in a home. What is the purpose of this weather stripping? OPTIONS: - The weather stripping increases heat transfer by radiation. - Heat is conducted quickly through the weather stripping. - The weather stripping reduces heat loss due to convection. - Heat can transfer through the weather stripping due to reflection. *Answer*: The weather stripping reduces heat loss due to convection. question: This in turn causes the average temperature on Earth to rise. Which of the following observations supports that theory? OPTIONS: - The summer of 1998 was one of the hottest summer seasons on record. - Carbon dioxide gas from cars and industry is a product of burning that produces heat. - Carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere absorbs and re-emits heat radiated from Earth's surface. - Radiation on Earth's surface is increasing because of a hole in the ozone layers. answer: Carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere absorbs and re-emits heat radiated from Earth's surface. [Q]: Sugar is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Sugar is an example of which of the following? === OPTIONS: - an atom - a compound - an electron - a mixture **** [A]: a compound question below: Many natural rock formations change color over time. In Utah, for example, iron oxidized and formed red, orange, and yellow rock. Which of the following is the cause of this change? OPTIONS: - chemical weathering - mechanical weathering - water erosion - wind erosion answer below: chemical weathering How many chromosomes are in a human sperm cell? OPTIONS: - 12 - 23 - 46 - 58
QUESTION: Trivia question: Which airline's in-flight magazine is called Sky? **** ANS: delta QUESTION: Trivia question: Which kiddies dolls were created by American art student Xavier Roberts in 1978? **** ANS: cabbage patch kids QUESTION: Trivia question: Mirabelle is a variety of which fruit? **** ANS: plum QUESTION: Trivia question: "Sporting firsts - Who was the first British cyclist to win the ""green jersey"" in the Tour de France? (The green jersey is for the leader in the points classification and is awarded to the champion sprinter)" **** ANS:
mark cavendish
Input: A week after getting past California despite being badly beaten statistically, No. 1 Southern Cal took command early against Arizona State and routed the 15th-ranked Sun Devils 45-7 Saturday. Output: Sports Input: Riot police used water cannons and tear gas Friday to break up a demonstration by hundreds of rock-throwing protesters before more than 20,000 people marched to vent their anger at Pacific Rim leaders, particularly President Bush. Output: World Input: BANKING giant HBOS yesterday said it had pulled out of a potential takeover battle for Abbey National. The announcement that it will not be bidding clears the way for Spain #39;s Santander Output:
prosecutors said tuesday that the white supremacist accused of opening fire inside the u.s. holocaust memorial museum still has not recovered sufficiently to appear in court but has been turned over to the district of columbia 's corrections department . A summary about the text above: us holocaust museum shooting suspect not in court Question: Summarize this: responding to a drop-off in business in the wake of the sars virus , klm royal dutch airlines said friday it will cut several weekly flights from amsterdam to the far east . Answer: sars fears lead dutch airline to cut flights to far east Text: an unexpected rise in u.s. consumer confidence in august helped stocks in europe and the u.s. recoup earlier losses tuesday and trade higher on the day , though markets remain on edge ahead of top-tier economic news from the world 's largest economy . Summary: us consumer confidence rise lifts stocks off lows Generate a short summary: tobacco settlement negotiators mapped out their bargaining positions in a short meeting today to prepare for the resumption of full-blown talks next week . Answer: tobacco talks to resume next week as both sides submit demands the kenyan government on tuesday launched anti-polio drive following a reported outbreak of the disease in neighboring sudan . Short summary: kenya launches anti-polio drive after outbreak in sudan ethiopia and cuba have pledged to promote economic , scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries . A summary about the text above:
ethiopia cuba sign cooperation agreement
Problem: This review is like what? Review:Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Victor McLaglen are three soldiers in 19th Century India who, with the help of a water boy (Sam Jaffe) rid the area of the murderous thuggee cult. The chemistry between the actors helps make this one of the most entertaining movies of all time. Sam Jaffe is exceptional as the outcast water boy who is mistreated by all and still wants to be accepted as a soldier in the company. Loosely based on Rudyard Kipling's poem. A must see by anyone who enjoys this type of movie. +++++++++ A: positive Problem: This review is like what? Review:Red Eye starts in Texas where hotel receptionist Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams) is about to catch the last 'red eye' flight back to Miami where she lives & works. While waiting for her plane Lisa meets the handsome & charming Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy) & they both seem to hit it off, then when they board the plane they discover that by a coincidence they are seated next to each other. Once the plane takes off & they are in the air Jackson reveals who he really is & that their seemingly chance meeting was not a coincidence, Jackson says that he is working for someone who wants to assassinate the homeland security secretary Charles Keefe (Jack Scalia) & they need her to change his rooms at the hotel where she works in Miami. Jackson tells Lisa to phone the hotel & make it happen or her father will be killed... Directed by Wes Craven who is perhaps better known for his horror films such as The Last House on the Left (1972), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), The Serpent and the Rainbow (1989), The People Under the Stairs (1991) & the Scream trilogy of teen slashers a short, punchy, fast paced little thriller like Red Eye seems like a big departure from the sort of film Craven usually makes. The script by Carl Ellsworth makes for a surprisingly gripping thriller that I must admit I really enjoyed, at only 85 odd minutes in length it's a very quick moving, economical & straight to the point sort of film that focuses almost entirely on one tight, taught plot rather than go off in various directions with lots of subplots. Some may like this approach like I did while other's may not but I think it draws you into the action a lot more as it comes thick & fast without the film slowing down any & giving you a chance to relax. I really liked the plot for Red Eye, sure a film like this is always going to have one or two questionable moments in terms of plotting but what the hell, it's a film made to entertain & for me that's what it did. I really liked the two central character's, Lisa comes across as very likable while Jackson Rippner (an obvious play on the name of the notorious Victorian serial killer Jack the Ripper) is a suitably slimy villain with a cold 'I'm only doing my job' type mentality. Another plus point is that I didn't think anyone behaved overly stupid here, everyone actually seemed like human beings & the films plays out in a relatively plausible fashion. I really liked this & it's one of Craven's better more recent films. Craven turns in a good solid tense, tight, taught & fast paced thriller with an attractive cast, some good action & a gripping plot. He certainly doesn't hang about & once he starts the action & tension he never lets up, far & away the most effective part of the film is when Rippner is holding Lisa hostage on the plane & once the film switches to Miami & Lisa's fathers house it does become a little bit more routine but it's still good. A special mention goes to Rachel McAdams who is absolutely gorgeous in this, I could probably watch Red Eye again just because she is in it & looks drop dead stunning. Those who see Wes Craven's name attached to Red Eye expecting a horror film should think again since there's no horror in it at all (despite the IMDb listing 'Horror' as Red Eye's genre). I am not sure about the ending, on the one hand it was nice to see the villain live for a change which goes against traditional expectation but it might have been more satisfying to see Lisa kill him in some way. DreamWorks apparently gave Red Eye an initial budget of $44,000,000 but reduced it to $25,000,000 although it's still a very well made film with glossy production values. Actually shot in Los Angeles & Florida in California. The film was supposedly written with husband & wife Sean Penn & Robin Wright Penn intended for the leads but eventually the makers opted for younger leads. As I have already said Rachel McAdams is pure eye candy & is a total babe in this & worth watching the film for on her own. Oh, & she puts in a decent performance too. Red Eye is a really fast paced taught tension filled little thriller that I enjoyed immensely, I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did & I am glad I decided to watch it. This definitely gets a recommendation from me & Rachel McAdams really is hot stuff in this... +++++++++ A: positive Problem: This review is like what? Review:It was considered to be the "Swiss answer to the Lord of the Rings", but it is much more than that. It isn't an answer to anything, it's in itself something new, something funny and sometimes it's downright stupid and silly - but was Monty Python any different than silly? The beginning immediately makes the statement that this film is low budget and not meant to be taken entirely seriously. Cardboard clouds on strings knock into the airplane in which the main character is seated. But, to compensate the missing special effects, the landscape does the trick. It is absolutely beautiful and stunning - who needs New Zealand, Switzerland has it all. What I liked about the film was the simple approach and the obvious passion and energy that went into it. It isn't brilliant; yet it's got some good humorous parts. Edward Piccin as Friedo is absolutely convincing, it would be enough to go and see the film because of him!There are some good jokes, some of them are very lame, some of them won't be understood by people outside of Switzerland. I liked the idea of having "Urucows" instead of Uruk Hai; I loved the scene where Friedo decides to take "Pupsi", a telehobbie, with him on the journey. Also very funny is the scene when Rackaroll, the sword-fighting knight, decides to show off with his sword - and subsequently smashes it into a wall, breaking it. And there is this one scene where the "nazgul-ish" characters do a wonderfully comic scene that includes a toilet brush... I didn't approve of the idea of the Ring being used by Schleimli, the "Gollum" character, in order to "seduce" the ladies. That was a bit far fetched. The idea of Lord Sauraus wanting to cover the lands with fondue wasn't that brilliant either. Original, certainly, but not brilliant. But most of all did I dislike the idea of a gay dragon, that really wasn't necessary. All in all I recommend to see the film simply because it is so crazy and totally trashy. Don't expect a LotR parody like "Spaceballs" was for Star Wars. But if you go to the flicks thinking that this is going to be an amusing evening out, with absolutely no ambitions, then you'll enjoy. I am not sure if it works in other languages, because it does live from the Swiss dialects as well as from the jokes and actors. All in all: hat off to the courage of the Swiss crew who did that! +++++++++ A:
Q: Solve -409*t = -109*t - 1322 - 3778 for t. A: 17 Q: Solve: Solve 47*y = -49*y + 133*y + 74 for y. A: -2 Question: What is the solution? Solve 11*j + 5*j = 22*j - 7*j - 12 for j. Answer: -12 Problem: Math Problem Solve -83*z = -75*z + 16 for z. A: -2 Question: Solve -206*c + 199 + 434 = -213*c + 178 for c.. Answer: -65 Solve -79 = 91*l + 103 for l. Solve this plz. A:
The problem: Answer a question about this article: Coop et al. (2009) found "a selected allele that strongly differentiates the French from both the Yoruba and Han could be strongly clinal across Europe, or at high frequency in Europe and absent elsewhere, or follow any other distribution according to the geographic nature of the selective pressure. However, we see that the global geographic distributions of these putatively selected alleles are largely determined simply by their frequencies in Yoruba, French and Han (Figure 3). The global distributions fall into three major geographic patterns that we interpret as non-African sweeps, west Eurasian sweeps and East Asian sweeps, respectively." What thing that strongly differentiates the French from some other populations be clinal across Europe? **** The answer: a selected allele Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Switzerland: The Swiss Parliament consists of two houses: the Council of States which has 46 representatives (two from each canton and one from each half-canton) who are elected under a system determined by each canton, and the National Council, which consists of 200 members who are elected under a system of proportional representation, depending on the population of each canton. Members of both houses serve for 4 years. When both houses are in joint session, they are known collectively as the Federal Assembly. Through referendums, citizens may challenge any law passed by parliament and through initiatives, introduce amendments to the federal constitution, thus making Switzerland a direct democracy. What can citizens use to challenge any law passed by Parliament? A: referendums Question: Read this and answer the question At the close of the 1991 season, a proposal was tabled for the establishment of a new league that would bring more money into the game overall. The Founder Members Agreement, signed on 17 July 1991 by the game's top-flight clubs, established the basic principles for setting up the FA Premier League. The newly formed top division would have commercial independence from The Football Association and the Football League, giving the FA Premier League licence to negotiate its own broadcast and sponsorship agreements. The argument given at the time was that the extra income would allow English clubs to compete with teams across Europe. In which year was the proposal for a new league tabled? Answer: 1991 Problem: In some cultures, insects, especially deep-fried cicadas, are considered to be delicacies, while in other places they form part of the normal diet. Insects have a high protein content for their mass, and some authors suggest their potential as a major source of protein in human nutrition.:10–13 In most first-world countries, however, entomophagy (the eating of insects), is taboo. Since it is impossible to entirely eliminate pest insects from the human food chain, insects are inadvertently present in many foods, especially grains. Food safety laws in many countries do not prohibit insect parts in food, but rather limit their quantity. According to cultural materialist anthropologist Marvin Harris, the eating of insects is taboo in cultures that have other protein sources such as fish or livestock. Where is eating insects considered taboo? The answer is the following: first-world countries In the east, while snowfall does not approach western levels, the region near the Great Lakes and the mountains of the Northeast receive the most. Along the northwestern Pacific coast, rainfall is greater than anywhere else in the continental U.S., with Quinault Rainforest in Washington having an average of 137 inches (348 cm). Hawaii receives even more, with 460 inches (1,168 cm) measured annually on Mount Waialeale, in Kauai. The Mojave Desert, in the southwest, is home to the driest locale in the U.S. Yuma, Arizona, has an average of 2.63 inches (6.7 cm) of precipitation each year. Which regions in the East receives the most amount of snowfall? Great Lakes and the mountains of the Northeast Here is a question about this article: Specific concerns include a compounded inability for the Air Force to replace its aging fleet, and an overall reduction of strength and readiness. The USAF attempted to make these adjustments by primarily cutting the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve aircraft fleets and their associated manpower, but Congress reversed this initiative and the majority of the lost manpower will come from the active forces. However, Congress did allow for $208 million of reprogramming from fleet modernization to enable some portion of the third of the grounded fleet to resume operations. What is the answer to this question: What is one of the concerns of the Air Force? **** So...
replace its aging fleet
Question: "Born 1888, who composed the song ""There's No Business Like Show Business""?" Answer:
irving berlin
If "A man driving a custom made firetruck.", does this mean that "He runs alongside the firetruck"? [I] yes [II] it is not possible to tell [III] no
DoCoMo looks overseas for handsets NTT DoCoMo, Japan #39;s dominant mobile operator, is to start selling mobile phones from Nokia and Motorola next year in a bid to reduce its reliance on local manufacturers. Multi-choice problem: What is this text about? Pick your answer from: i. World; ii. Sports; iii. Business; iv. Science/Tech;
Premise: "Suppose you ask those high-binders of yours! he snapped." Hypothesis: If you don't want to listen to our advice, you are better off going back. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no it is not possible to tell Premise: "Despite the amount of funds involved and the impact improper payments can have on a program's ability to achieve its intended outcome, most agencies have not yet estimated the magnitude of improper payments in their programs." Hypothesis: Magnitude of improper payments in their programs has not been estimated. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Premise: "For a wonderful afternoon walk of about 10 km (6 miles) you can leave your car at Ashness Bridge and walk up along the path of the beck to Watendlath." Hypothesis: The 6 mile walk is found by many to be therapeutic, and is often used for physical therapy. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no
it is not possible to tell
What songs make you feel bad? What song always makes you happy? Choose your answer. Are these two questions paraphrases of each other? OPT: (a). no (b). yes
Problem: Sometimes traits can vary from parent to offspring. These changes are due to mutations. Mutations are a random change. Mutations are natural. Some mutations are harmful. In this case, the organism may not live to reproduce. The trait will not be passed onto offspring. Others variations in traits have no effect on survival. Can some mutations be good for a living thing? Other mutations can have great benefits. Imagine being the first moth that can blend into its background. It would have a better chance of survival. A living thing that survives is likely to have offspring. If it does, it may pass the new trait on to its offspring. Thats good news for the offspring. The offspring may be more likely to survive. Mutations are one way living things adapt to new conditions. Question: "What happens with harmful mutations?" Answer: "In harmful mutations, an organism will not be able to reproduce and therefore will not be able to pass this trait on to offspring" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: Tropical climates are found around the equator. These climates have warm temperatures year round. Tropical climates may be very wet or wet and dry. Tropical wet climates occur at or very near the equator. They have high rainfall year round. Tropical rainforests grow in this type of climate. Tropical wet and dry climates also occur near the equator. They receive less rainfall. Most of the rain falls in a single season. The rest of the year is dry. Few trees can withstand the long dry season. The main plants are grasses. Dry climates receive very little rainfall. They also have high rates of evaporation. This makes them even drier. Deserts can get less than 25 centimeters of rain per year. Thats less than 10 inches per year. How much rain do you get at your house? Question: "Which type of climate has high rainfall year round?" Answer: "Dessert" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Low-income domestic violence victims may find long-term legal help -- representation in divorces or child-custody disputes -- hard to come by, if two organizations now providing such help can't replace their lost funding. The Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake and Utah Legal Services are already facing cutbacks after they were refused a federal grant of more than $450,000 in September. The board overseeing the state Office of Crime Victim Reparations [CVR] has voted to deny a stopgap funding request from the two organizations. While describing the request as a worthy cause, board members agreed Tuesday that funding divorces or custody disputes was outside their focus -- providing direct services for crime victims. The $175,000 requested would have allowed the legal aid groups to maintain a skeleton staff to continue providing help beyond emergency protective orders for victims, completing existing cases and offering services in limited cases. The groups also plan to enlist more pro bono attorneys through coordination with the Utah State Bar. "We don't have a lot more options," said Anne Milne, executive director of Utah Legal Services, after learning of the CVR refusal Wednesday. The organization has already lost some staff through attrition and has turned away some cases, she said. Milne said she may ask the board overseeing her organization to give her until November to seek funding from additional sources. Without additional funding, the outlook for longer-term legal help is unclear. For two years, the groups had received 18-month civil legal assistance grants from the U.S. Department of Justice and had used them to provide such assistance. But last month, a third request was denied. Funding used to help victims obtain emergency protective orders remains in place, said Milne and Stewart Ralphs, executive director of the Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake. Although an order's requirements that an abuser stay away from a victim may remain in effect for years, protective orders only settle issues such as child custody, child support, custody and property arrangements for 150 days. Many judges are reluctant to address those issues in emergency protective orders, since the decrees stay in effect for such a short time, Milne and Ralphs said. "The likelihood a victim will return to her abuser increases if she cannot permanently sever the relationship and establish workable support, custody and property arrangements," the funding request to CVR said. The Department of Justice said it denied the grant application, in part, because evaluators did not see enough collaboration between the organizations and victims' advocates, Ralphs and Milne told CVR board members. While the two said they believe their organizations coordinate well, the organizations cannot appeal the grant denial. Although CVR board members considered giving the money as a loan, not a grant, their vote on the funding request -- taken after Milne and Ralphs left the meeting -- was unanimous. Question: "When a judge issues an emergency protective order is it long or short term and how many days does it cover?" Answer: "Short term" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Jeden Monat nehmen wir eine große Anzahl von Personen in unser Unternehmen auf, sowohl Fachleute mit Erfahrung als auch junge Leute, die ihre Berufslaufbahn mit uns beginnen und wir weisen einen Großteil unserer Ausbildungsmittel diesem Kollektiv zu, um ihnen bei der Integration in unser Unternehmen zu helfen. Translate to English
Every month we incorporate a large number of people into our organisation, both experienced professionals and young people starting out on their careers with us, and we destine a large part of our resources to training this group to help them to integrate within our company.
The eventual configuration was rare in terms of contemporary fighter aircraft design, with only the preceding Fokker G.1, the contemporary Focke-Wulf Fw 189 Luftwaffe reconnaissance aircraft, and the later Northrop P-61 Black Widow night fighter having a similar planform (aeronautics). The Lockheed team chose twin booms to accommodate the tail assembly, engines, and turbo-superchargers, with a central nacelle for the pilot and armament. The XP-38 gondola mockup was designed to mount two .50-caliber (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns with 200 rounds per gun (rpg), two .30-caliber (7.62 mm) Brownings with 500 rpg, and a T1 Army Ordnance 23 mm (.90 in) autocannon with a rotary magazine as a substitute for the non-existent 25 mm Hotchkiss et Cie aircraft autocannon specified by Kelsey and Saville. In the YP-38s, a M4 cannon with 15 rounds replaced the T1. The 15 rounds were in three five-round clips, an unsatisfactory arrangement according to Kelsey, and the M9 did not perform reliably in flight. Further armament experiments from March to June 1941 resulted in the P-38E combat configuration of four M2 Browning machine guns, and one Hispano-Suiza HS.404 20 mm (.79 in) autocannon with 150 rounds. Based on the above article, answer a question. What was replaced in the YP-38s?
question: History Ireland is a magazine with a focus on the history of Ireland rather than archaeology. The first issue of the magazine appeared in Spring 1993. It went full-colour in 2004 and since 2005 it is published bi-monthly. It features articles by a range of writers and book reviews. The magazine's editor is Tommy Graham of the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, Dublin Programme. In 2017, the magazine attracted significant online criticism for publishing an allegedly defamatory letter about historian Liam Hogan and his work on the Irish slave myth. In September 2017, the magazine's editor issued a formal apology to Hogan. Answer this question: What was the profession the person who attended Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, Dublin Programme? answer: editor question: As of the census of 2000, there were 120,546 people, 41,668 households, and 32,292 families residing in the county. The population density was 262 people per square mile (101/km²). There were 43,903 housing units at an average density of 95 per square mile (37/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 68.51% Race (United States Census), 26.06% Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census), 0.75% Race (United States Census), 1.82% Race (United States Census), 0.06% Race (United States Census), 0.72% from Race (United States Census), and 2.08% from two or more races. 2.26% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 11.6% were of german people, 10.8% irish people, 10.2% english people, 9.3% American and 5.3% italian people ancestry. Answer this question: Which group from the census is larger: german or english? answer: german question: In 1592, during the war with Spain, an English fleet had captured a large Portuguese galleon off the Azores, the Madre de Deus, loaded with 900 tons of merchandise from India and China, worth an estimated half a million pounds . This foretaste of the riches of the East galvanized interest in the region. That same year, Dutch merchants sent Cornelis de Houtman to Lisbon, to gather as much information as he could about the Spice Islands. In 1595, merchant and explorer Jan Huyghen van Linschoten, having traveled widely in the Indian Ocean at the service of the Portuguese, published a travel report in Amsterdam, the "Reys-gheschrift vande navigatien der Portugaloysers in Orienten" . The published report included vast directions on how to navigate ships between Portugal and the East Indies and to Japan. Dutch and British interest fed on new information led to a movement of commercial expansion, and the foundation of the English East India Company, in 1600, and Dutch East India Company , in 1602, allowing the entry of chartered companies in the so-called East Indies. In 1602, the Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie was founded, with the goal of sharing the costs of the exploration of the East Indies and ultimately re-establishing the spice trade, a vital source of income to the new Republic of the Seven United Provinces. Answer this question: How many different areas were included in the published report on how to navigate ships? answer:
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Tim Witherspoon (born December 27, 1957) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1979 to 2003. He is a two-time world heavyweight champion, having held the WBC title in 1984, and the WBA title in 1986. Upon winning his second world title, Witherspoon joined Floyd Patterson and Muhammad Ali as the only boxers to win multiple world heavyweight championships. Hypothesis: Tim Witherspoon is 12 Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: "I'm Not the One" is a song by the American rock band The Cars, from their fourth album, "Shake It Up". It features Ric Ocasek on lead vocals, Benjamin Orr singing the 'You Know Why' phrase, with the whole group repeating "going round and round" as backing vocals throughout the song. Hypothesis: "I'm Not the One" was a less popular song on the album Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: USFC "Fish Hawk" was a fisheries research ship operated by the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries and its successor, the United States Bureau of Fisheries, from 1880 to 1926. She was the first large ship purpose-built by any country for the promotion of fisheries, and spent her 46-year career operating along the United States East Coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, and off Puerto Rico. Hypothesis: Fish Hawk was a ship used to fight off pirates Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: Ron & Carol Cope Stadium at Foster Field, is a football stadium located in Kearney, Nebraska, on the University of Nebraska–Kearney campus. In 2005, the university named the stadium after Ron & Carol Cope, who were long-time supporters of the University of Nebraska System. The field is named after Charlie Foster, a former coach and athletic director at Nebraska–Kearney. Hypothesis: In 2016, the university named the stadium after Ron & Carol Cope, who were long-time supporters of the University of Nebraska System.
Please add spaces between words: Withrespecttodegradationinsurfacewaters,investigationsperformedinlightedcondtionshalf-livesof1-50days,withanaveragevalueofapproximately10days,whereasinvestigationsperformedundercondtionsofnolightshowedhalf-livesof7-245days.
With respect to degradation in surface waters, investigations performed in lighted condtions half-lives of 1-50 days, with an average value of approximately 10 days, whereas investigations performed under condtions of no light showed half-lives of 7-245 days.
Input: Light rays strike a reflecting surface. They are then reflected back. You can predict the angle of the reflected light. Imagine a ball bouncing off a surface. Light can do the same thing. That is, assuming the surface is shiny. So how do you know where light will go after it strikes a shiny surface? It depends on how the light initially strikes the shiny object. Light does not always go straight toward a surface. Therefore, not all light bounces straight back. Sometimes, light can hit a surface at an angle. The angle at which it strikes the surface tells us how it will bounce off. While light is different to a ball, they react in a similar manner. Many sports rely on knowledge of reflection. Pool players know a lot about reflection. They take great care when they strike the pool ball. They need it to go to a certain place. They know the angle it will hit the side of the pool table. "What can bounce off a surface similar to a ball?" is "Pool table"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output: no Input: The Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Program fills the gap of legal resources for domestic violence survivors who can't afford an attorney. Domestic violence survivors in Jackson, Vicksburg, Hattiesburg, Oxford and Pascagoula can all get help. Julia Crockett, deputy director of Central Southwest Mississippi Legal Services Corp., said the program expects to help nearly 1,000 domestic violence victims. Crockett said legal help gives domestic abuse survivors a way to rebuild their lives. "They have been made to feel by the abuser that no one is going to help them do anything, so when they come to us they are desperate," she said. "Those who need legal help and don't get it feel totally lost. Because then they feel like they are forced to stay in that situation." Crockett said the program, funded by a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Justice Department, has no economic restrictions on who can get help. Legal services typically helps the poor. Gladys Bunzy, who said she was in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend for eight years, said such a program is long overdue and could be a lifeline for those escaping violent relationships. "When I finally made up my mind to leave, I had a restraining order put against him and that was $50 but that was $50 well spent to me," said Bunzy, 40. "For people who can't afford it, this will be a godsend ... If a woman knows she is going to get some help that will be a burden off her mind, if the law will help her keep that person away from her." Gwen Bouie-Haynes, project director of the Domestic Violence Services Center for Catholic Charities Inc., said often domestic violence survivors do not have the money to seek legal representation. "Legal assistance is a major issue for women fleeing a domestic violence situation," she said. "Often times women are in need of immediate legal assistance services for the protection of the mother and the child. To get a protective order you need to be represented by an attorney." Crockett said the pilot program was launched in 1998 at the Haven House Family Shelter Inc., a domestic violence shelter for women and children in Vicksburg. The program has helped victims in 90 court cases, and 150 legal counseling sessions have been held there. "In what ways has the Haven House Family Shelter helped people?" is "Gave them an apartment"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output: no Input: Albanian was proved to be an Indo-European language in 1854 by the German philologist Franz Bopp. The Albanian language comprises its own branch of the Indo-European language family. Some scholars believe that Albanian derives from Illyrian while others claim that it derives from Daco-Thracian. (Illyrian and Daco-Thracian, however, might have been closely related languages; see Thraco-Illyrian.) Establishing longer relations, Albanian is often compared to Balto-Slavic on the one hand and Germanic on the other, both of which share a number of isoglosses with Albanian. Moreover, Albanian has undergone a vowel shift in which stressed, long o has fallen to a, much like in the former and opposite the latter. Likewise, Albanian has taken the old relative jos and innovatively used it exclusively to qualify adjectives, much in the way Balto-Slavic has used this word to provide the definite ending of adjectives. The cultural renaissance was first of all expressed through the development of the Albanian language in the area of church texts and publications, mainly of the Catholic region in the North, but also of the Orthodox in the South. The Protestant reforms invigorated hopes for the development of the local language and literary tradition when cleric Gjon Buzuku brought into the Albanian language the Catholic liturgy, trying to do for the Albanian language what Luther did for German. "What Indo-Euroopean language is believed to derive from Illyrian?" is "Albanian"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output:
What happens next in this paragraph? A baby is swimming in a pool on its back. The baby is kicking its feet in the water. someone's hand pick from the following. (a). is holding that baby in the water.. (b). is holding the baby's nose.. (c). is in front of the camera.. (d). is washing it's nose with soap..
I saw this movie on a westbound American Airlines flight. It was so bad it actually made the flight seem longer. The plot had potential (who wouldn't love a movie about a woman who accidentally kills every Elvis impersonator she meets?) but it got screwed up a million different times by really poor writing. Towards the end is an embarrassingly bad scene where a gang of Elvis impersonators is on the roof of a casino reshipping the sky thinking he's going to return, then a group of stars moves together to form an "Elvis" constellation, which promptly shoots a bolt of lightning at the impersonators, sending them crashing through the roof. Bad...REALLY bad. Which is the theme for the whole movie. I'd avoid this one at all costs. Did this review think positively or negatively of the movie?
TheextensiveandexitingmaterialcollectedinthebookmakesitperfectlyclearthatpointafterpointofthebiblicalMosesnarrativeanditscloselyconnectedtextsinthe'RabbinicalWritings'provemoreplausiblethanpreviouslytobeconsideredpossible. What's a sentence that uses these characters?
The extensive and exiting material collected in the book makes it perfectly clear that point after point of the biblical Moses narrative and its closely connected texts in the 'Rabbinical Writings' prove more plausible than previously to be considered possible.
Complete the following sentence. The housing unit we were developing needed a new board and not a floor since the Possible answers: (I). board was bending. (II). floor was bending.
Q: Write a negative movie review. A: too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell-mell pyrotechnics its punchy style promises . Q: Write a negative movie review. A: be occupied for 72 minutes Q: Write a negative movie review. A:
a bad sign when you 're rooting for the film to hurry up and get to its subjects ' deaths just so the documentary will be over
Question: The beginning of the war took place after the beginning of the war. Say this using Spanish. Say: El comienzo de la guerra fue después del comienzo de la guerra. Question: Flights from Barcelona to Havana - Sample Roundtrip Fares Say this using Spanish. Say: Vuelos desde Barcelona a La Habana - Ejemplo de Tarifas para Vuelos Ida y Vuelta Question: More detailed information on each Montreux Record site is given in Annex 7. Say this using Spanish. Say:
En el anexo 7 se brinda información más detallada sobre cada uno de los sitios inscritos en el Registro de Montreux.
Translate from English to Spanish: If the field refers to a dictionary field for which an append search is defined.
Si el campo se refiere a un campo de diccionario para el que se define una búsqueda de datos anexados.
Apple on Tuesday added a 1.8GHz single-processor Power Mac G5 desktop computer to its arsenal. The US\$1,499 system is offered alongside dual-processor computers running at 1.8GHz, 2.0GHz and 2.5GHz. What is a good title for this?
Apple adds single-processor Power Mac G5 1.8GHz
QUESTION: Trivia question: How many players per side are allowed on the field in a game of rugby league? **** ANS: 13 QUESTION: Trivia question: What is the capitol of Morocco? **** ANS: rabat QUESTION: Trivia question: Whose 1769 expedition included the task of observing the transit of the planet Venus over Tahiti? **** ANS: james cook QUESTION: Trivia question: What name, from the Latin for tortoise, was given to the Roman battle formation, where shields were used to form a protective shell above attacking soldiers? **** ANS:
Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? the best didacticism OPTIONS: - negative - positive Answer: positive Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? go down in the annals of cinema as one of the great submarine stories OPTIONS: - negative - positive Answer: positive Question: Is the sentiment of the following sentence positive or negative? but it could be , by its art and heart , a necessary one . OPTIONS: - negative - positive Answer:
Summarize: Germany has dropped below Japan to have not just the lowest birth rate across Europe but also globally, according to the report by Germany-based analysts. Its authors warned of the effects of a shrinking working-age population. They said women's participation in the workforce would be key to the country's economic future. In Germany, an average of 8.2 children were born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years, according to the study by German auditing firm BDO with the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI). It said Japan saw 8.4 children born per 1,000 inhabitants over the same time period. In Europe, Portugal and Italy came in second and third with an average of 9.0 and 9.3 children, respectively. France and the UK both had an average of 12.7 births per 1,000 inhabitants. Meanwhile, the highest birth rates were in Africa, with Niger at the top of the list with 50 births per 1,000 people. Germany's falling birth rate means the percentage of people of working age in the country - between 20 and 65 - would drop from 61% to 54% by 2030, Henning Voepel, director of the HWWI, said in a statement (in German). Arno Probst, a BDO board member, said employers in Germany faced higher wage costs as a result. "Without strong labour markets, Germany cannot maintain its economic edge in the long run," he added. Experts disagree over the reasons for Germany's low birth rate, as well as the ways to tackle the situation. Mr Probst said the country would need young immigrant workers to fill the significant skills gap. And more women were needed in the workforce to avoid economic problems. Germany has one of the highest migration rates in the world, but has also seen growing support for anti-immigration party Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD). The latest birth rate figures comes despite efforts by Mrs Merkel's government to invest in childcare support.
A study says Germany's birth rate has slumped to the lowest in the world, prompting fears labour market shortages will damage the economy.
Single/multi-select question: Is it possible to conclude that "Two people with helmets are riding bikes in front of a building." if "The people are riding bikes."? Available options: 1. yes; 2. it is not possible to tell; 3. no;...I think the answer is
How is "The attendance was huge already on the first day, we thank to our fans for their positive reactions." said in German? Schon die Besuchermenge am ersten Tag war ungeheuer, wir danken den Fans für ihre positive Widerhalle. Q: Translate "Commissioner, I deplore the Commission' s reticence on this subject, especially given that you use Article 93 of the Treaty as a legal basis, and this deals specifically with the harmonisation of indirect duties and taxes." to German? A: Ich bedauere die Zurückhaltung, die die Kommission diesbezüglich an den Tag legt, Herr Kommissar, um so mehr, als Sie als Rechtsgrundlage Artikel 93 des Vertrags gewählt haben, in dem es um die Harmonisierung der indirekten Steuern geht. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Unter anderem für: Argentinien-Rundreisen , Patagonien-Reisen , Aufenthalte in Buenos Aires. Q: Translate "The European Parliament also asked whether the Council would envisage converting the shared values and professional standards of the police into legislative measures." to German? Yes: Das Europäische Parlament hat ebenfalls die Frage gestellt, ob der Rat beabsichtige, die „shared values and professional standards of the police“in Rechtsvorschriften umzuwandeln. [Q]: Und einige seiner Intellektuellen gewagt zu sagen, dass mehr Wörter weniger Worten verwies die großen Romane Eduardo Gonzalez Viana wurden von seiner Frau und ihn nicht geschrieben. Translate this to English? [A]: And some of its intellectuals dared to say that more words, fewer words, the great novels referred to Eduardo Gonzalez Viana were written by his wife and not him. How is "Agricultural subsidies are necessary for food security and independence for 500 million Europeans and, for me, this is of central importance." said in German?
Agrarsubventionen sind für die Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und -unabhängigkeit für 500 Millionen Europäerinnen und Europäer notwendig und diese steht für mich im Vordergrund.
@feliciaday never get enough socialization How would the sentiment of this tweet be described? Choose your answer from: (1). negative (2). positive
Question: Write an article that answers the following question: How many points did the Raiders score? Article: The Browns stayed home in Week 16 for a match with the Oakland Raiders, trying to extend their 2-game winning streak. The Browns struck first with a 17-yard run by Jerome Harrison and a 42-yard field goal from Phil Dawson. Oakland kicker Sebastian Janikowski hit 3 field goals in the first half, including a 61 yarder to close out the half. However, the Browns led at halftime, 17-9. The Browns held the Raiders scoreless in the second half, and Dawson hit 2 more field goals to lead the Browns to a 23-9 victory, their third in a row. Question: Write an article that answers the following question: Which team allowed the least first half points? Article: In week 10, the Lions hosted the winless Cleveland Browns. The Browns scored 10 points in the first quarter via a 23-yard field goal from Zane Gonzalez, and a 19-yard touchdown pass from DeShone Kizer to Kenny Britt. The Lions responded with a 46-yard field goal from Matt Prater. The Lions tied the game in the second quarter via an eight-yard touchdown run from Ameer Abdullah, and took their first lead of the game via a 44-yard fumble return from Nevin Lawson, to make the score 17-10 in favor of Detroit at half-time. The Browns again tied the score in the third quarter via a six-yard touchdown run from Isaiah Crowell, and regained the lead via a one-yard touchdown run from Kizer. The Lions responded by scoring the final 21 points in the game, first with an eight-yard touchdown pass from Matthew Stafford to Theo Riddick in the third quarter, then via a pair of fourth quarter touchdown passes, first a 29-yard touchdown pass from Stafford to Eric Ebron, and next a 40-yard touchdown pass from Stafford to Golden Tate, making the final score 38-24 in favor of Detroit. Question: Write an article that answers the following question: How many years were between the Bulgarian census of 1992 and the Bulgarian census that followed it with 43,811 people declaring themselves to be Roman Catholics? Article: In the Bulgarian census of 2011, a total of 48,945 people declared themselves to be Roman Catholics, up from 43,811 in the previous census of 2001 though down as compared to 53,074 in 1992. The vast majority of the Catholics in Bulgaria in 2001 were ethnic Bulgarians and the rest belonged to a number of other ethnic groups such as Croatians, Italians, Arabs and Germans. Bulgarian Catholics live predominantly in the regions of Svishtov and Plovdiv and are mostly descendants of the heretical Christian sect of the Paulicians, which converted to Roman Catholicism in the 16th and 17th centuries. The largest Roman Catholic Bulgarian town is Rakovski in Plovdiv Province. Ethnic Bulgarian Roman Catholics known as the Banat Bulgarians also inhabit the Central European region of the Banat. Their number is unofficially estimated at about 12,000, although Romanian censuses count only 6,500 Banat Bulgarians in the Romanian part of the region. Bulgarian Catholics are descendants of three groups. The first were converted Paulicians from the course of the Osam river and around Plovdiv are the second group, while the third one is formed by more recent Eastern Orthodox converts. Question: Write an article that answers the following question: How many yards was the total yardage of all the offensive touchdowns combined?
Article: Trying to snap a four-game losing streak, the Raiders flew to Invesco Field at Mile High for a Week 12 AFC West rematch with the Denver Broncos. After a scoreless first quarter, Oakland drew first blood with kicker Sebastian Janikowski getting a 26-yard field goal. The Broncos would respond with kicker Matt Prater getting a 44-yard field goal. The Raiders would close out the half as WR Johnnie Lee Higgins returned a punt 89 yards for a touchdown. In the third quarter, Denver tied the game with FB Peyton Hillis getting a 6-yard TD run. Oakland would reply with rookie RB Darren McFadden getting a 1-yard TD run. In the fourth quarter, the Raiders pulled away as QB JaMarcus Russell completed a 4-yard TD pass to former Broncos WR Ashley Lelie, while McFadden got another 1-yard TD run.
input question: Sentence: 1101 Clematis, which is a celestial body, has an apoapsis of 520906000.0 Kilometers and an average speed of 16.54 k.p.s. Structured data: 1101 Clematis, apoapsis, 520906000.0 (kilometres); 1101 Clematis, averageSpeed, 16.54 (kilometrePerSeconds) Sentence: Alfred Garth Jones died in London, where the leader is the European Parliament. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Alfred Garth Jones, deathPlace, London; London, leaderTitle, European Parliament Sentence: Asilomar State Beach is one of the significant buildings designed by architect Julia Morgan, who also designed The Asilomar Conference Grounds. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Asilomar Conference Grounds, architect, Julia Morgan; Julia Morgan, significantBuilding, Asilomar State Beach Sentence: The United States contain the ethnic group of Asian Americans, has the capital of Washington DC and is the location of Albany in Oregon. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: United States, ethnicGroup, Asian Americans; United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; Albany, Oregon, country, United States input question: Sentence: Abel Hernández's birth place is Pando, Uruguay. Structured data: Abel Hernández, birthPlace, Pando, Uruguay input question: Sentence: Amarillo is part of Potter County in Texas, United States. Austin is the capital of Texas. Structured data:
Amarillo, Texas, isPartOf, Potter County, Texas; Potter County, Texas, state, Texas; Amarillo, Texas, country, United States; Texas, capital, Austin, Texas
Problem: Buying cheap clothes was normal for Eric but not Jason because My choice: Eric was very poor. Problem: The State's courts like to keep their important records electronically. The My choice: Courts are very cautious. Problem: Discussing goals was important to Monica but not Megan because My choice: Monica was very ambitious concerning her future. Problem: During visits, Joel 's sofa was always giving Hunter stiffness in his back. My choice:
Joel was told to replace the sofa.
Das Spiel, ausgestoßen für PC 2001 und das läßt es mehr als vendeu 5 Million Kopien in USA, eine Fortsetzung ausstoßen im Ende 2003 für PC und Konsolen. Could you please translate this to English?
The game, launched for PC in 2001, and that it more than vendeu 5 million copies in U.S.A., has a continuation launched in the end of 2003 for PC and consoles.
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Наводит на размышления то, что наступает после этого. Q: Translate "This is to say that the gift of a copy of the Infant Jesus helped the local missionaries to create a common image and thus achieve the desired goal." to Russian? Yes: Дар копии Младенца Иисуса помог местным миссионерам создать общего бога, и таким образом достичь желаемой цели. [Q]: Вы находитесь в: Начало / Апартаменты / Жилой комплекс... Translate this to English? [A]: You are here: Home / Apartaments / Residential complex... Question: Список астероидов Could you please translate this to English? Answer: List of minor planets/104201-104300 test: Поставляется по согласованию сторон в мягком (термообработанный) или твердом (нетермообработанный) состоянии. English? translation: Chemical composition of chips is identical to that of ingots. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
При воспалительных заболеваниях суставов проводится радиосиновиортез (внутрисуставная радиотерапия), при заболевании Бехтерева -лечение лучами радия.
What happens next in this paragraph? Several more shots of him riding and speaking are shown as well as a blonde woman also wake boarding. the two Choose your answer from: [-] continue to ride the ups track and ends by stopping. [-] continue the ware up and hug one another in several shots. [-] continue riding and laughing around the room and ends with them speaking. [-] ride along the water together while the man continues to speak to the camera.
ride along the water together while the man continues to speak to the camera.
How is "The Corissia Park is a true paradise located among the hotel edifices and the beach!" said in Russian? In Russian: Парк Эдем – это настоящий рай, расположенный между зданиями отеля и пляжем! How is "He has faced political adversity before, and he will again." said in Russian? In Russian: Он уже и раньше стоял перед политическими проблемами, и ему снова это предстоит. How is "Note: Only 11 out of 25 database entries are shown above." said in Russian? In Russian: Note: Only 10 out of 25 database entries are shown above. How is "47. Non-acceptance and repression of nudity fuels pornography by teaching that any form and degree of nudity is inherently sexual and pornographic." said in Russian?
In Russian: 47. Непринятие и запреты наготы подпитывают порнографию, приучая человека, что любая форма и степень наготы является обязательно сексуальной и порнографической.
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: The 2014 Rialto Channel New Zealand Film Awards was the third presentation of the New Zealand Film Awards, a New Zealand film industry award. The 2014 ceremony took place in Shed 10 on Queen's Wharf in Auckland on Friday 12 December 2014. It was webcast live at the, and later broadcast on the Rialto Channel. Hypothesis: The 2014 Rialto Channel New Zealand Film Awards is a low key event
It's impossible to say
Test sentence: "$5 will buy you a ticket." Is this test sentence a correct grammatical English sentence?
Ich habe dem Herrn Kommissar eine Großdruckausgabe des Berichts übergeben und darf meine Kollegen daran erinnern, daß er in dieser Form in mehreren Sprachen vorliegt. Which language is this? Language: German Dessen ungeachtet haben wir in etwa den gleichen Tabakverbrauch wie die übrigen europäischen Länder, aber es wird mehr auf Schwedensnus als auf Zigaretten zurückgegriffen. Which language is this? Language: German Europäische Initiativen können den politisch instabilen Ländern in Nordafrika helfen, aus denen eine Vielzahl von illegalen Einwanderern stammt. Which language is this? Language: German Bisher existieren noch keine wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen, die den Ausschluss von Folgewirkungen garantieren. Which language is this? Language:
name = Cotto, eatType = coffee shop, food = French, priceRange = £20-25, customer rating = high, area = city centre, near = The Portland Arms. **** Answer: Cotto is a coffee shop located in the city centre near The Portland Arms. It offers French food in an average price range of £20-25. Customers give this establishment a high rating. Data: name = The Mill, eatType = pub, food = Italian, priceRange = high, area = riverside. A sentence that describes this data: The Mill pub serves expensive Italian food in the riverside area. Problem: Data: name = The Rice Boat, eatType = restaurant, food = Japanese, priceRange = £20-25, customer rating = high, area = riverside, familyFriendly = no, near = Express by Holiday Inn. Can you generate a sentence? Answer: There is a high customer rating restaurant The Rice Boat located near Express by Holiday Inn in the riverside that provides Japanese food. Its price is £20-25 and no kids friendly. Generate Problem with Attributes: name = The Rice Boat, priceRange = moderate, customer rating = 1 out of 5, area = city centre, familyFriendly = yes, near = Express by Holiday Inn Generation: Due to the poor customer rating of 1 out of 5, The Rice Boat in city center near the Express by Holiday Inn plans to shut down. Although the kid friendly environment and moderate price ranges, sadly it cant help them to start business soon. Data: name = Strada, eatType = restaurant, food = French, priceRange = less than £20, customer rating = average, near = Rainbow Vegetarian Café. A: Strada is a French restaurant for adults located near Rainbow Vegetarian Café. Although it has an average customer rating, it serves dishes for less than 20 pounds. name = Cocum, eatType = coffee shop, food = Japanese, priceRange = less than £20, customer rating = average, familyFriendly = yes. **** Answer:
Cheap and family-friendly, Cocum is a Japanese coffee shop that has been rated average by customers.
Input: Read this: Infrared reflectography (fr; it; es), as called by art conservators, can be applied to paintings to reveal underlying layers in a completely non-destructive manner, in particular the underdrawing or outline drawn by the artist as a guide. This often reveals the artist's use of carbon black, which shows up well in reflectograms, as long as it has not also been used in the ground underlying the whole painting. Art conservators are looking to see whether the visible layers of paint differ from the underdrawing or layers in between – such alterations are called pentimenti when made by the original artist. This is very useful information in deciding whether a painting is the prime version by the original artist or a copy, and whether it has been altered by over-enthusiastic restoration work. In general, the more pentimenti the more likely a painting is to be the prime version. It also gives useful insights into working practices. Question: What is visible in alterations of paintings? Output: unanswerable QUES: The climate of Western Alaska is determined in large part by the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. It is a subarctic oceanic climate in the southwest and a continental subarctic climate farther north. The temperature is somewhat moderate considering how far north the area is. This region has a tremendous amount of variety in precipitation. An area stretching from the northern side of the Seward Peninsula to the Kobuk River valley (i. e., the region around Kotzebue Sound) is technically a desert, with portions receiving less than 10 in (25 cm) of precipitation annually. On the other extreme, some locations between Dillingham and Bethel average around 100 in (250 cm) of precipitation. Which area of Eastern Alaska is technically a desert? What is the answer? ANS: unanswerable QUES: Many instruments today associated with popular music filled important roles in early classical music, such as bagpipes, vihuelas, hurdy-gurdies, and some woodwind instruments. On the other hand, instruments such as the acoustic guitar, once associated mainly with popular music, gained prominence in classical music in the 19th and 20th centuries. In what did the bagpipe fill an important role? ANS: early classical music, At launch, the Xbox 360 was available in two configurations: the "Xbox 360" package (unofficially known as the 20 GB Pro or Premium), priced at US$399 or GB£279.99, and the "Xbox 360 Core", priced at US$299 and GB£209.99. The original shipment of the Xbox 360 version included a cut-down version of the Media Remote as a promotion. The Elite package was launched later at US$479. The "Xbox 360 Core" was replaced by the "Xbox 360 Arcade" in October 2007 and a 60 GB version of the Xbox 360 Pro was released on August 1, 2008. The Pro package was discontinued and marked down to US$249 on August 28, 2009 to be sold until stock ran out, while the Elite was also marked down in price to US$299. If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): What was the official name of the lower-priced 360 SKU at launch? Ah, so.. Xbox 360 Core Question: While videoconferencing technology was initially used primarily within internal corporate communication networks, one of the first community service usages of the technology started in 1992 through a unique partnership with PictureTel and IBM Corporations which at the time were promoting a jointly developed desktop based videoconferencing product known as the PCS/1. Over the next 15 years, Project DIANE (Diversified Information and Assistance Network) grew to utilize a variety of videoconferencing platforms to create a multi-state cooperative public service and distance education network consisting of several hundred schools, neighborhood centers, libraries, science museums, zoos and parks, public assistance centers, and other community oriented organizations. Try to answer this question if possible: What does DIANE in Project DIANE stand for? Answer: Diversified Information and Assistance Network Question: In March 2011, it was said on the Wayback Machine forum that "The Beta of the new Wayback Machine has a more complete and up-to-date index of all crawled materials into 2010, and will continue to be updated regularly. The index driving the classic Wayback Machine only has a little bit of material past 2008, and no further index updates are planned, as it will be phased out this year". Try to answer this question if possible: When did the Wayback Forum talk about the predecessor to the Wayback Machine? Answer:
Write an article based on this summary: Jobseekers are to be given 14 days' warning before facing benefit sanctions under a new scheme being trialled next year, the government has announced. Article:
Currently sanctions, which result in the loss of benefits, can be imposed immediately. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said they were a "necessary part of the system" but kept under review. Labour's Frank Field, who is the chairman of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, welcomed the move. "Conditionality is an important part of our benefit system, but sanctions must be fair, clearly understood and not plunge families into unjustifiable hardship," he said. Claimants face sanctions for issues such as failing to turn up for job interviews or meetings with job advisers. In a parliamentary statement to the Commons, Mr Duncan Smith said that it was in response to a report by the select committee that he had decided to trial a warning system. "We will trial arrangements whereby claimants are given a warning of our intention to sanction and a 14-day period to provide evidence of good reason before the decision to sanction is made. "During this time claimants will have another opportunity to provide further evidence to explain their non-compliance," he said. But shadow work and pensions secretary Owen Smith claimed that the written statement had been "snuck out" and did not address "any of the principal recommendations" of the select committee. "In particular it doesn't address the recommendation as to whether there should be an independent review into those people who have died while subject to benefit sanctions," he said. Kirsty McHugh, chief executive of the Employment Related Services Association, said: "We welcome the recognition by the secretary of state that the sanctions system is in need of reform, but are concerned that the changes today don't go far enough." She said that for some jobseekers receiving a sanction could act as a wake-up call, but for the majority the sanction system was more likely to "hinder the journey to employment". "Jobseekers move into work quickest when they feel positive about work and thus sanctions should only be used as a last resort," she added. A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: "The vast majority of jobseekers do everything expected of them in return for their benefits, and accept the support on offer to move into work. "There are now record levels of employment in the UK, and unemployment is back to pre-recession levels. The Jobcentre regime, of which sanctions are a part, has played an important role in this."
Recently, a significant amount of attention has been focused on the structure of stock options and the related accounting treatment. Does it follow that "People just started to pay attention to the structure of stock options a month ago. "? Available choices: (1). yes. (2). it is not possible to tell. (3). no.
Sentence from a movie review: are n't likely to leave a lasting impression . Select your answer: was the movie seen positively or negatively based on the preceding review? Possible answers: * negative; * positive;
Premise: "Caletta was the home of the writer Rabindranath Tagore, India's first Nobel Prize winner, and of the philosophers Ramakrishna and Vivekananda." Hypothesis: Ramakrishna lived in Kaletta, but Vivekananda lived in Delhi. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no no Premise: "It's stewed in a large frying pan and traditionally eaten on a kind of pancake." Hypothesis: A pancake usually accompanies the dish, and it is stewed in a frying pan. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Premise: "It's a tough job--any takers?" Hypothesis: Does anyone want to do the hard job of firing the staff? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no
it is not possible to tell
Question: Premise: African american playing keyboard wearing a gold watch Hypothesis: The person is Caucasian. Is the hypothesis true? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: Premise: Ice cream man standing on the side of his white truck wearing all white clothing. Hypothesis: the icecream driver truck broke so never showed up today Is the hypothesis true? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Question: Premise: A climber is standing on the rock face next to the pink rope. Hypothesis: A person is sitting at a campfire. Is the hypothesis true? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
Premise: "Another midtown landmark in Fort-de-France is the imposing Saint-Louis Cathedral, which dates from 1895." Based on this premise, is the hypothesis "Another landmark in Paris is the imposing Saint-Germaine Cathedral." true?
What are the keywords in the following sentence: Elephants are wandering around a field with two vans.
elephant, field, wander
On July 26, 1931, at a convention in Columbus, Ohio, Rutherford introduced the new name—Jehovah's witnesses—based on Isaiah 43:10: "Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen"—which was adopted by resolution. The name was chosen to distinguish his group of Bible Students from other independent groups that had severed ties with the Society, as well as symbolize the instigation of new outlooks and the promotion of fresh evangelizing methods. In 1932, Rutherford eliminated the system of locally elected elders and in 1938, introduced what he called a "theocratic" (literally, God-ruled) organizational system, under which appointments in congregations worldwide were made from the Brooklyn headquarters. Where were appointments in congregations worldwide made from? the Brooklyn headquarters Agriculture and horticulture seek to optimize the capture of solar energy in order to optimize the productivity of plants. Techniques such as timed planting cycles, tailored row orientation, staggered heights between rows and the mixing of plant varieties can improve crop yields. While sunlight is generally considered a plentiful resource, the exceptions highlight the importance of solar energy to agriculture. During the short growing seasons of the Little Ice Age, French and English farmers employed fruit walls to maximize the collection of solar energy. These walls acted as thermal masses and accelerated ripening by keeping plants warm. Early fruit walls were built perpendicular to the ground and facing south, but over time, sloping walls were developed to make better use of sunlight. In 1699, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier even suggested using a tracking mechanism which could pivot to follow the Sun. Applications of solar energy in agriculture aside from growing crops include pumping water, drying crops, brooding chicks and drying chicken manure. More recently the technology has been embraced by vinters, who use the energy generated by solar panels to power grape presses. What did French and English farmers do during the Little Ice Age to gain more solar energy? employed fruit walls The Canadian Army is headed by the Commander of the Canadian Army and administered through four divisions—the 2nd Canadian Division, the 3rd Canadian Division, the 4th Canadian Division and the 5th Canadian Division—the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training System and the Canadian Army Headquarters. What are the four divisions?
the 2nd Canadian Division, the 3rd Canadian Division, the 4th Canadian Division and the 5th Canadian Division
question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: @JasonBradbury It has I dunno how much yet but the end of the trailer isn't promising... question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: The dog knocked Kiera over and she busted her lip open. Edward had to take her to the ER because the doctor thought that best. Poor thing question: Generate a tweet. negative answer:
Am overwhelmed with to do list. So much to accomplish - and clean - before we leave for the beach. I feel my pedi will not make the cut
Question: But basically a month before me ( October 27th ) . We both are on the PASS Board ( Professional Administrative Support Staff ) at Spectrum Health . There are 12 members on the board - I believe two of them were not able to attend and they were greatly missed , but sent along gifts to both of us ! Answer the following question: Why was the meeting not as lively as usual ? Answer: Some people were absent . Question: During that time of my life , I just could n't handle anyone who was dragging me down . If there was a person who saw the glass as half empty , it was her . She would always be the first to burst my bubbles , and yet she was happy about it . She had a strange sense of satisfaction to see me miserable . Answer the following question: What may happen after I know her ? Answer: I am pessimistic and negative Question: But he requested it so I suppose it still counts . After clean up was the fun part . Gifts ! ! I ' ve been dying for weeks to give him his presents . Answer the following question: What type of event did the narrator have to clean up ? Answer:
It was a birthday party .
Question: Let's complete this passage. NEW YORK (CNN) -- A man who allegedly set off a small bomb at a Starbucks coffee shop was arrested after he made the mistake of bragging about his exploit to friends, police said Wednesday. An NYPD officer stands guard outside a Starbucks where a bomb went off on Memorial Day. New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters that Kyle Shaw, 17, was arrested Tuesday night at his Manhattan apartment after a police investigation revealed that he bragged to his friends about planting the explosive outside an Upper East Side Starbucks on May 25. Shaw allegedly told his friends prior to the explosion that "Project Mayhem" was about to begin, Kelly said, and that they should watch the news on Memorial Day. Shaw was a fan of the movie "Fight Club" and imitated Brad Pitt's character from the film, the police commissioner said -- although he apparently failed to adhere to Answer: Brad Pitt's famous line in the film: "The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club." Question: Let's complete this passage. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill immediately blamed each other for the failure of a $700 billion bailout package in the House on Monday. House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said there would be no revote Monday on the bill aimed at buying up bad mortgages and stabilizing the faltering economy because House members had left the Capitol. It was unclear in what form the congressional leadership would bring the bill back to the House floor. The stock market immediately dipped hundreds of points after it became apparent that the bill would fail. The Dow closed down 777 points at the end of trading Monday, a record plunge. Watch blocked bailout win or loss? » House Republican leaders blamed Nancy Pelosi, the Answer: Democrats Speaker of the House, for the bill's failure, saying she had scuttled a bipartisan compromise with a "partisan speech" shortly before the vote. Question: Let's complete this passage. (CNN)Neanderthals, meet modern humans. Modern humans, say hello to Neanderthals. Now would you two care for a date? That was possible some 55,000 years ago in modern-day Israel, archaeologists announced this week -- a find that they say could be significant, since it could shed light on when and how our modern-day ancestors moved from Africa into Europe and Asia. It's all based on the discovery of portions of a skull (including the top but not the jaw) in Manot Cave in western Galilee detailed in a study published Wednesday in Nature. The specimen "is unequivocally modern" and is "similar in shape to recent African skulls as well as to European skulls," according to the report from a team of researchers from the University of Tel Aviv, Ben-Gurion University, Israel Antiquities Authority and elsewhere. Without DNA tests, it's impossible to say if the adult whose skull was found was a pure descendant of the modern humans who came from Answer: Africa, or had a bit of Neanderthal ancestry mixed in. Question: Let's complete this passage. U.S. agents disrupted an Iranian assassination-for-hire scheme targeting Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, U.S. officials said Tuesday. Elements of the Iranian government directed the alleged plan, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said. A naturalized U.S. citizen holding Iranian and U.S. passports and a member of Iran's Revolutionary Guard face conspiracy charges connected with the plot. "In addition to holding these individual conspirators accountable for their alleged role in this plot, the United States is committed to holding Iran accountable for its actions," Holder said. A spokesman for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described the accusations as a "fabrication" by U.S. authorities attempting to distract American citizens. We expect the worst and we think Answer:
Iran are capable of using any person from any country to stir trouble during hajj season," the Saudi adviser said.
OPTIONS: - negative - positive Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? it 's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look . positive OPTIONS: - negative - positive Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? could watch this movie and be so skeeved out that they 'd need a shower . negative OPTIONS: - negative - positive Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? make it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel positive OPTIONS: - negative - positive Would the following phrase be considered positive or negative? it could be a lot better if it were , well , more adventurous .
Input: Please ask me a question. Output: What is the `` fourth dimension '' ? Input: Please ask me a question. Output: When did the use of `` the syringe '' first appear in medicinal history ? Input: Please ask me a question. Output: What is film noir ? Input: Please ask me a question. Output:
How many logarithmic scales are there on a slide rule ?
if it seems confidence must be low among mariner relievers after another stinging loss friday night , consider the confidence of their instructor . Short summary: mismatch in bronx as yanks beat up on mariner rookies IN: nuns at mother teresa 's order said wednesday they were seeking copyright on her name and the logo of their order to prevent individuals or organizations using them without permission . summary: copyright sought on mother teresa 's name nuns logo Problem: kuwaiti opposition mps on sunday angrily protested against a scheduled visit here by lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri , describing it as an `` insult '' to the kuwaiti people and equating him with a `` rotten egg . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A: kuwaiti mps hurl insults at lebanese pm protesting scheduled visit question: new zealand-born british pop star daniel bedingfield , lucky to escape brain injury or paralysis after surviving a serious road crash , may find some good comes from the accident , his mother said monday . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: mum says crash may help bedingfield 's songwriting for an unlucky few , there 's a third option -- acceptance and rejection , perhaps the hardest of all to hear . A summary about the text above: after years of rejection smith 's moment arrives a graphic designer for the girl scouts has filed a discrimination lawsuit alleging that the organization denied him job promotions because of his gender , according to court records made public tuesday . Short summary:
man files bias suit vs. girl scouts
Input: Read this: Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to an Orthodox Jewish family. His mother, Leah (Adler) Posner (born 1920), was a restaurateur and concert pianist, and his father, Arnold Spielberg (born 1917), was an electrical engineer involved in the development of computers. His paternal grandparents were immigrants from Ukraine who settled in Cincinnati in the first decade of the 1900s. In 1950, his family moved to Haddon Township, New Jersey when his father took a job with RCA. Three years later, the family moved to Phoenix, Arizona.:548 Spielberg attended Hebrew school from 1953 to 1957, in classes taught by Rabbi Albert L. Lewis. Question: What was Spielberg's father's career? Output: electrical engineer involved in the development of computers QUES: In the Treaty of Paris after the Revolution, the British had ceded the lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River to the United States, without consulting the Shawnee, Cherokee, Choctaw and other smaller tribes who lived there. Because many of the tribes had fought as allies of the British, the United States compelled tribal leaders to sign away lands in postwar treaties, and began dividing these lands for settlement. This provoked a war in the Northwest Territory in which the U.S. forces performed poorly; the Battle of the Wabash in 1791 was the most severe defeat ever suffered by the United States at the hands of American Indians. President Washington dispatched a newly trained army to the region, which decisively defeated the Indian confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794. When was the Battle of Wabash fought? What is the answer? ANS: 1791 QUES: The state (like its southwestern neighbors) has had close linguistic and cultural ties with Mexico. The state outside the Gadsden Purchase of 1853 was part of the New Mexico Territory until 1863, when the western half was made into the Arizona Territory. The area of the former Gadsden Purchase contained a majority of Spanish-speakers until the 1940s, although the Tucson area had a higher ratio of anglophones (including Mexican Americans who were fluent in English); the continuous arrival of Mexican settlers increases the number of Spanish-speakers. What area has a the same ratio or anglophones? ANS: unanswerable Nevertheless, Makdisi has asserted that the European university borrowed many of its features from the Islamic madrasa, including the concepts of a degree and doctorate. Makdisi and Hugh Goddard have also highlighted other terms and concepts now used in modern universities which most likely have Islamic origins, including "the fact that we still talk of professors holding the 'Chair' of their subject" being based on the "traditional Islamic pattern of teaching where the professor sits on a chair and the students sit around him", the term 'academic circles' being derived from the way in which Islamic students "sat in a circle around their professor", and terms such as "having 'fellows', 'reading' a subject, and obtaining 'degrees', can all be traced back" to the Islamic concepts of aṣḥāb ('companions, as of Muhammad'), qirāʼah ('reading aloud the Qur'an') and ijāzah ('licence [to teach]') respectively. Makdisi has listed eighteen such parallels in terminology which can be traced back to their roots in Islamic education. Some of the practices now common in modern universities which Makdisi and Goddard trace back to an Islamic root include "practices such as delivering inaugural lectures, wearing academic robes, obtaining doctorates by defending a thesis, and even the idea of academic freedom are also modelled on Islamic custom." The Islamic scholarly system of fatwá and ijmāʻ, meaning opinion and consensus respectively, formed the basis of the "scholarly system the West has practised in university scholarship from the Middle Ages down to the present day." According to Makdisi and Goddard, "the idea of academic freedom" in universities was also "modelled on Islamic custom" as practised in the medieval Madrasa system from the 9th century. Islamic influence was "certainly discernible in the foundation of the first deliberately planned university" in Europe, the University of Naples Federico II founded by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1224. If it is possible to answer this question, answer it for me (else, reply "unanswerable"): How many corollaries dd Makdisi make between non-Islamic language and non-European educational practices? Ah, so.. unanswerable Question: Genetic history of indigenous peoples of the Americas primarily focus on Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups and Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. "Y-DNA" is passed solely along the patrilineal line, from father to son, while "mtDNA" is passed down the matrilineal line, from mother to offspring of both sexes. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material. Autosomal "atDNA" markers are also used, but differ from mtDNA or Y-DNA in that they overlap significantly. AtDNA is generally used to measure the average continent-of-ancestry genetic admixture in the entire human genome and related isolated populations. Try to answer this question if possible: Which type of DNA is passed from the mother to offspring of both genders? Answer: mtDNA Problem: In his book, Humanism (1997), Tony Davies calls these critics "humanist anti-humanists". Critics of antihumanism, most notably Jürgen Habermas, counter that while antihumanists may highlight humanism's failure to fulfil its emancipatory ideal, they do not offer an alternative emancipatory project of their own. Others, like the German philosopher Heidegger considered themselves humanists on the model of the ancient Greeks, but thought humanism applied only to the German "race" and specifically to the Nazis and thus, in Davies' words, were anti-humanist humanists. Such a reading of Heidegger's thought is itself deeply controversial; Heidegger includes his own views and critique of Humanism in Letter On Humanism. Davies acknowledges that after the horrific experiences of the wars of the 20th century "it should no longer be possible to formulate phrases like 'the destiny of man' or the 'triumph of human reason' without an instant consciousness of the folly and brutality they drag behind them". For "it is almost impossible to think of a crime that has not been committed in the name of human reason". Yet, he continues, "it would be unwise to simply abandon the ground occupied by the historical humanisms. For one thing humanism remains on many occasions the only available alternative to bigotry and persecution. The freedom to speak and write, to organise and campaign in defence of individual or collective interests, to protest and disobey: all these can only be articulated in humanist terms." What is the only alternative to compassion and empathy on many occasions? --- Answer:
Translate "To the disappointment of liberals, however, the package includes nothing about opening a dialogue with Turkey's Kurdish minority." to Turkish?
Ancak pakette, liberalleri hayal kırıklığına uğratacak şekilde Türkiye'de yaşayan Kürt azınlıkla diyalog başlatma konusunda hiçbir şey yer almıyor.
[Translate Q]: Translate "Gold Price Today in Nigeria" to Spanish. [A]: Precio del Oro hoy hoy en Estados Unidos [Translate Q]: Translate "If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to 2 drinks or less per day for men and 1 drink or less per day for women." to Spanish. [A]: Si usted consume alcohol limítese a tomar dos copas al día o menos si es hombre, y una copa al día o menos si es mujer. [Translate Q]: Translate "Tags: puzzle, field, action, collect, pixel" to Spanish. [A]:
Etiquetas: rompecabezas, campo, acción, collect, pixel
This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Theplayerswillstillbereviewedandcheckthroughthetokensgivenonthefollowingday. The players will still be reviewed and check through the tokens given on the following day. This text is missing some spaces, please add them: Registration14May200613:20 Registration 14 May 2006 13:20 This text is missing some spaces, please add them: AddtoWishListSimpleStyleNaturalWhiteFreshwaterPearlNecklacewithDarkBlueThread
Add to Wish List Simple Style Natural White Freshwater Pearl Necklace with Dark Blue Thread
Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to reset a dell laptop Back up and save all your personal data to a disc, usb flash drive, cloud storage service, or any backup program of your choice. Resetting your laptop will wipe and erase all personal data from your computer. Connect your laptop to a power source. OPTIONS: - Make sure that your connection has power and that the cable is plugged into an outlet. Exit the computer and verify that the power adapter is in working position. - This will help prevent your computer's battery from losing its charge during the reset process. Swipe in from the right side of your screen and tap on " settings. - If you have an iphone, the power adapter works just fine. A wire connection works equally well, so try the aap converter if you have one. - For the maximum performance, the battery needs to be at level 30. Be sure all the devices and internal units are connected to the same power source.. Next sentence: This will help prevent your computer's battery from losing its charge during the reset process. Swipe in from the right side of your screen and tap on " settings. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to throw a puppy shower for your dog Find a cute collar and dress for the mum. Dressing up the dogs is purely optional, of course. If your dog doesn't allow you to dress her up, don't try to force her to wear clothing. OPTIONS: - All dogs have different comfort limits, although most dogs purely enjoy being dressed up. Find a cute " tuxedo " for the father dog (if the father was a different breeder's dog, ask the breeder to come and dress him up! ) this will make him look very dapper. - Rather, make the outing a fun, sharing experience for the parents of your new female dog. Look for a collar that's slightly smaller at her neck and slightly larger at the elbows to make your pup look tall. - She's probably not going to say no to a puppy who's her symbol of family. A standard white t-shirt and jeans or tank top is fine. - Just make sure you're wearing something that you love and offer to put it on her collar in a cute way. Hugging your dog is the easiest way to get her attention but it also may be tricky and take some pressure off of her.. Next sentence: All dogs have different comfort limits, although most dogs purely enjoy being dressed up. Find a cute " tuxedo " for the father dog (if the father was a different breeder's dog, ask the breeder to come and dress him up! ) this will make him look very dapper. Problem: Write the next sentence for: Ladies are playing volley ball outside. a female OPTIONS: - scores a point and comes back to experience the game again. - comes and throws the ball and the ball goes after her. - hits the ball twice. - takes a stone and passes it to a male who is playing a game of volley ball.. Next sentence: hits the ball twice. Problem: Write the next sentence for: The same animation continues to play and the white words now appearing are "with me, my sis, mom & chris". in fast motion OPTIONS: - we are encapsulated in a clear pool where a person is attempting to build a separate platform in the water. - , there are people in a residential home and they are winding strings of white christmas tree lights around a very full and grown tree. - , the black words play on the screen and the smells of garlic are shown. - the video cuts to losing viewers and the red words now appear and they indicate that they're " viewers " and the screen says " oy nora lane johanssen kr.. Next sentence:
, there are people in a residential home and they are winding strings of white christmas tree lights around a very full and grown tree.
The tower collapse took the campaign to the new level. Translate to Russian Russian:
Обрушение башни вывело кампанию на новый уровень.
Article: Before you begin writing your briefing paper, it is important to consider who will be reading it. This will drive the choices you make throughout the document. Before you start, think about the following questions, and if you don't know the answers, try to find out: Who will read this paper? Government officials? Business executives? Journalists? Some combination of these? How much does the audience already know about this issue? Do they know anything at all? What does the audience need to know? What authority does the audience have over the issue? What changes are he/she/they capable of making? Before you get started writing your briefing paper, you should map out, either mentally or in an outline, the key points you want to make. Because a briefing paper is typically only a page or two long, it needs to be condensed. Policy makers are very busy, and yours is not the only issue on their plates. There's no room for unnecessary information or long-winded explanations. Decide on your key points in advance to craft a concise briefing paper. While the formatting of a briefing paper isn't overly complex, you can save yourself some time by downloading one of the many free online templates for creating briefing papers in MS Word. A template can help you organize your thoughts and more quickly craft a briefing paper. If you aren't using a template, you 'll need to start setting up your paper by creating name, date, and subject lines. The name corresponds to the person to whom the briefing paper is addressed. The date corresponds to the date on which the paper was submitted. The subject line should describe in a few words the main topic of the briefing paper, such as "The Prevalence of Bullying in the North County School District." This lets the reader know, without even skimming the document, the issue that will be addressed. Some briefing papers include a summary section at the start of the paper, summarizing the entire paper in a few bullet points. Decide whether you'd like to do this, and if so, set aside space for this section. For a very busy reader, the summary offers the key points in advance, thus allowing skimming over of the rest of the document. A well-crafted briefing paper is often concise enough that this section is unnecessary. However, for issues that require immediate action, this can be a way to highlight the urgency of the paper by clearly indicating the deadline within the summary. The summary should be no more than three to four bullet points. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Know your audience. Plan out key points. Consider using a template. Create a name, date, and subject lines. Consider a summary section.
Generate a sentence about this data: Browns Cambridge priceRange cheap; Browns Cambridge customer rating 5 out of 5 Sentence:
5 out of 5 rating and cheap prices at Browns Cambridge
Problem: How do I recover my lost Gmail password if I don't have the same number and don't remember the recovery email? How do I reset my password to Gmail without my recovery information? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Problem: What hotel in Una Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? What hotel in Shimla Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without the harassment of police, hotel staff, and moral police? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: What are scalars and vectors? Why do vectors have components and scalars don't? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Problem: Why is technology a good thing? Is technology a good thing? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
Input: Choose the next sentence. They are the glamorous playthings of multi-millionaires usually seen parading along the seafront of Dubai or locked up in vast garages in Riyadh. But dozens of stunning supercars owned by mega-rich Arabs have now descended on the glamorous city of Cannes on the south coast of France - days after many were seen jamming the streets of Knightsbridge in London. Wealthy playboys from Dubai and Kuwait have had their expensive toys delivered to the French Riviera where many spend their holidays in the summer months. Scroll down for video This customised red Ferrari, complete with blacked out windows, is among many supercars to have been delivered by rich Arabs to Cannes on the glamorous south coast of France A large white Bentley with tinted windows is parked up on a street in Output: Cannes, France. Input: Choose the next sentence. (CNN) -- Right now, it's nothing more than an empty plot of land, covered by just a few shrubs and the odd Neem tree. But within a few years, these grass plains just outside Accra, Ghana, could be transformed into a fertile breeding ground for world-class innovation. Earlier this month, Ghanaian president John Mahama launched Hope City, a $10 billion high-tech hub aiming to foster technological growth and attract major players in the global ICT industry to the West African country. The ambitious project is the brainchild of Ghanaian businessman Roland Agambire, head of local technology group RLG Communications. Smart and futuristic, the hub's sustainable facilities will include an assembly plant for various tech products, business offices, an IT university and a hospital, as well as housing and recreation spaces, including restaurants, theaters and sports centers. For Agambire, this is a project that will position Output: Ghana at the forefront of African technology. Input: Choose the next sentence. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 12:48 EST, 18 June 2011 Facing extradition: Student Richard O'Dwyer ran the TVShack website A British university student faces being extradited to the United States for hosting a website which provided links to downloadable pirated films and TV shows. Undergraduate Richard O'Dwyer, a student at Sheffield Hallam University, was arrested late last month and is accused of criminal copyright infringement by U.S authorities. The 23-year-old could now be extradited to America to face trial there, in a case echoing that of Gary McKinnon, the computer hacker who has spent years fighting U.S. extradition. Mr O'Dwyer, who lives in student accommodation in Sheffield city centre, was first visited by U.S. officials last year when he ran the site TVShack. Output: British's 2003 extradition agreement with the USA, which came in for heavy Input: Choose the next sentence. Uh-oh! These mischievous brothers certainly have some explaining to do after getting covered head-to-toe in paint. Ryder and Sawyer DiMario from San Diego, California, were caught red-handed by their father Cris following a dalliance with some art supplies. A home video shows the youngsters sheepishly hiding in the shower, struggling to explain their purple and green glow. Uh-oh! These mischievous brothers certainly have some explaining to do after getting covered in paint On camera: Ryder and Sawyer DiMario from San Diego, California, were caught red-handed by their father Cris after getting carried away with some art supplies A home video shows the youngsters sheepishly hiding in the shower struggling to explain their purple and green glow Output:
Ryder hangs his head in admission that he should have stopped the painting session.
Generate a descriptive sentence about a restaurant using the following words: name = Loch Fyne, food = Japanese, customer rating = 3 out of 5, area = riverside, near = The Rice Boat
Loch Fyne serves Japanese food and is located near to The Rice Boat at the riverside. Average customer ratings are 3 out of 5.
How is "The division is composed of ten sectors -- including a Finance Crime Sector, Weapon and Hazardous Matter Sector, Drugs and Criminal Intelligence Sector and Analysis Sector." said in Turkish? Daire Mali Suçlar Birimi, Silah ve Tehlikeli Madde Birimi, Uyuşturucu ve Suç İstihbarat Birimi ve Analiz Birimi de dahil olmak üzere on birimden meydana geliyor. How is "Vote buying, which marred recent local elections, has been cited as one reason for more than 400 appeals filed after the two rounds of voting were held." said in Turkish? Son yapılan yerel seçimlere gölge düşüren oy satın alma, iki tur oylama sonunda sunulan 400'den fazla itiraz dilekçesinin nedenlerinden biriydi. How is " is the second fixed-line phone operator in Macedonia, following Hungarian-owned Macedonian Telecommunications (MT)." said in Turkish?, Makedonya'nın Macarlar'a ait Macedonian Telecommunications'tan (MT) sonra ikinci sabit hatlı telefon operatörü oldu. How is "The museum of Kosovo and the Kosovo Culture Ministry will begin lobbying for the return of 1,247 artefacts now held in Serbia." said in Turkish?
Kosova müzesi ve Kosova Kültür Bakanlığı Sırbistan'da tutulmakta olan 1247 eserin iadesi için kulis yapmaya başlayacaklar.
Write a sentence not in English.
"A s tebou si ráda promluvím vždycky."
Multi-choice question: Same meaning? We did not join the Arabs from the Jewish villages bombarding other vehicles in 1947 . In 1947 , we did not join the Arabs from the other villages that bombed Jewish vehicles . Possible answers: (A). no. (B). yes.
What is the sentiment of the following tweet? Tweet:I promise I must be destined 2 have a good day.... I left my lights on... Idk how..... but my car still started up
Write an article based on this "Fulham manager Slavisa Jokanovic has signed a new two-year contract with the Championship club." Article:
The 48-year-old Serb, whose previous deal was set to expire this summer, will remain at Craven Cottage until the summer of 2019. Former Watford boss Jokanovic has won 25 of his 61 games in charge since his appointment in December 2015. "I have made no secret of my desire to stay at Fulham and to continue the project we have started," he said. "This is a fantastic club full of history and tradition and I am proud to be part of that." Jokanovic has previously managed in Serbia, Thailand, Bulgaria, Spain and Israel and guided the Hornets to promotion to the Premier League in 2014-15. Fulham are seventh in the Championship, six points off the play-off places with a game in hand. Meanwhile, the west London club have appointed Tony Khan as vice-chairman and director of football operations. The 33-year-old, the son of Whites chairman Shahid Khan, has been involved in the club's player recruitment over the past year and has advised the club in the areas of analytics and research. "Today's appointment brings a formal structure and recognition to the role that Tony has recently played," Shahid Khan told the club website. Tony Khan has named chief scout Brian Talbot and director of statistical research Craig Kline as assistant directors of football operations.
'Unique Pink' diamond sells for record price of $42.8 million A 15.38-carat vivid pink diamond, the biggest of its kind to go on auction, has been sold for a new record total of $42.8 million (US$31.56 million). Two telephone bidders battled for the prized jewel before some 150 people attending the Sotheby's auction held at a luxurious hotel in Geneva. "It's a new world record ... It's the highest price ever paid for a fancy vivid pink diamond," said auctioneer David Bennett. He added only that the buyer was a private individual from Asia. Sotheby's had valued the "exceptional" pear-shaped diamond, mounted on a ring, at between $28-38 million. It was discovered less than five years ago in a South African mine. The seller was the New York-based company Cora International. The stone with the name "Unique Pink" was certified a fancy vivid pink diamond, the most sought after colour in pink diamonds, by the Gemmological Institute of America. Also on Tuesday Sotheby's sold a blue diamond, weighing 7.32 carats, for $17.1 million. On Wednesday the magnificent spring jewel auctions continue in Geneva with what Christie's says is the biggest ever vivid blue diamond to go on the auction block. The 14.62-carat blue diamond, known as the "Oppenheimer Blue", is estimated at between $38-45 million. The jewel belonged to Britain's Sir Philip Oppenheimer (1911-1995), a kingpin in the world diamond market for nearly 50 years at De Beers. What are the most important parts of this text?
A 15.38-carat vivid pink diamond, the biggest of its kind to go on auction, was sold for a new record total of $31.56 million (27.88 million euros), Sotheby's auction house said Tuesday.
Overriding objections from China, the Obama administration unveiled a $6.4 billion arms deal with Taiwan on Friday -- including about $2.85 billion in missiles. The sale includes 60 Black Hawk helicopters (totaling $3.1 billion), 114 advanced Patriot air defense missiles; a pair of Osprey mine-hunting ships; and dozens of advanced communications systems. China has complained to the United States about the sale of Patriot missiles and other weapons to Taiwan, which neither Beijing nor Washington recognize as a sovereign nation. The deals do not include F-16 fighter jets, which China has vehemently opposed. China's Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei issued a statement in response to Friday's announcement, saying the arms deal was a "rude interference in China's internal affairs, severely endangering China's national security." He added, "China expresses its strong indignation." The State Department described the latest round of arms sales to Taiwan as a way to guarantee security and stability, despite China's objections. "This is a clear demonstration of the commitment this administration has to provide Taiwan with defensive weapons it needs and as provided for in the Taiwan Relations Act," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said at his regular Friday briefing. "We think this action is consistent with the U.S. one-China policy ... and contributes to maintaining stability and security across the Taiwan Strait." He said the State Department had informed the U.S. Congress as well as China and Taiwan about the arms package. Crowley would not speak directly about the timing of the announcement of the sales, and about the fact that the arms package does not include F-16s. The arms sales come as the United States is hoping to persuade China to sign on to harsher sanctions against Iran and just after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized China for its policies relating to the Internet. A senior U.S. official said later that the United States expected Chinese criticism of the arms deal, but does not expect permanent damage. "We've worked through these issues before. We will do so again," the U.S. official said, seeking anonymity on such an important policy issue. "What is important here is the stability in the region. And we do think our ongoing sales of arms to Taiwan is fully consistent with everyone's long-term interest in stability in the region." The official said he believed Clinton had discussed the sale in London with her Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of Thursday's international conference on Afghanistan. "This relationship between the United States and China is broad, it's deep. There are a large number of issues. We don't see eye to eye with them and we have to have and do have the ability to speak honestly," the official said. The arms deal is the latest chapter in a decades-long uneasy standoff; China claims Taiwan is its own territory and has threatened to invade if Taiwan ever declares independence. The United States has said it will defend Taiwan if China ever attacks. The government in Taiwan began as the remnant of the government that ruled over mainland China until a Communist insurrection proved victorious in 1949. With the Communist takeover of mainland China, the losing faction fled to the island of Taiwan. Taiwan is formally known as the Republic of China, while Communist China's official name is People's Republic of China. Many Western nations and the United Nations recognized Taiwan as the legitimate Chinese government until the 1970s. What are the important parts of this article?
Sale includes 60 Black Hawk helicopters, 114 air defense missiles, mine-hunting ships. China says it "is strongly dissatisfied" with arms sales to Taiwan by the United States. Deals do not include F-16 fighter jets, which China has vehemently opposed. State Department says arms sales guarantee security and stability "across Taiwan strait"
IN: French: Director Calmotte and his two acolytes hurried outside, leaving the computer operator with the still groggy pilot. OUT: Le directeur Calmotte et ses deux acolytes se précipitèrent à l’extérieur en laissant l’informaticien avec le pilote qui s’éveillait. question: In the mid 1980's, the directors of this Whitehorsebased native centre faced a difficult situation… their energy costs were far too high, and they needed to expand the centre. --> French. answer: Au milieu des années quatre-vingt, les directeurs de ce centre autochtone établi à Whitehorse faisaient face à une situation difficile… leurs coûts énergétiques étaient beaucoup trop élevés et ils devaient agrandir le centre. Some text: Copies du RDR non remises 37. Translate to English. Translation: Undeliverable Copies of DAS's 37. Q: C'est dans ce contexte qu'une action simultanée sur le front politique et sur le plan de la sécurité est impérative. Could you please translate this to English? A: Against that backdrop, simultaneous action on both the political and the security fronts is imperative. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Pour certains avions, la surface des volets et des becs de bord d’attaque ainsi que les panneaux de déporteurs peuvent présenter des caractéristiques thermiques différentes de celles du caisson de l’aile, et ce sont les premiers endroits où les liquides n’agissent plus. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Presque tous les enfants peuvent être effrayés par les coups de tonnerre ou par la noirceur.
Relying on an animal to come by is risky. A flower may have to wait a long time for the right animals to come by. What if one never passes close enough to the flower? Hoping the wind will blow is also risky for a plant. What if the wind does not blow? What if the blowing pollen does not land on another flower? The wind could even blow the pollen over the ocean where it is wasted. Giving free nectar is costly. It is not a good use of the plants energy. A plant uses a lot of energy to produce nectar. Some animals may just drink the nectar. They may not carry off any pollen in return. To improve their chances, plants evolved special traits. For example, they developed ways to hide their nectar. Only certain animals were able to get at the plants hidden nectar. These specific animals might be more likely to visit only flowers of the same species. This was also a benefit for some animals. Animals also evolved special traits to get to the nectar. What is risky for a plant with its nectar? The protagonist Preetam ( ( ( Ganesh , on a visit to Eva Mall amidst a heavy wind , spots a pretty girl , Nandini . While staring at her , he inadvertently falls into a manhole . Nandini rescues him from the pit , but in the process loses her heart-shaped watch she had just bought . While accompanying his mother to Madikeri , Preetam confronts a man named Jaanu . Jaanu , who has been following Nandini , beats up Preetam thinking that he is in love with Nandini . Preetam , unaware that Jaanu has vowed not to allow any one near Nandini , trashes Jaanu and his gang in return . In Madikeri , Preetam meets Nandini unexpectedly . He identifies himself and expresses his love towards her and offers to tie the watch as an indication for their marriage . Nandini , who is already engaged rejects his request . Still , Preetam vows to marry Nandini if she meets him again . In the meantime , Preetam discovers that his host in Madikeri , Col. Subbayya is Nandini's father , who is pretty much deaf , and Nandini's marriage is a just a week away . Dejected , Preetam throws Nandini's heart-shaped watch away . But Nandini calls him over the phone and taunts him to return . Delighted , Preetam goes in search of her watch and brings it back . While searching it , he spots a rabbit , Which he calls Devadas , and brings it along with him . Since Nandini's friends are due to arrive from Mumbai for the marriage , Preetam takes Nandini to the railway station . The train from Mumbai is delayed by five hours , so Nandini and Preetam decide to visit a nearby hill-temple . What did Nandini lose while rescuing Preetam from the manhole? On Monday, departing Gov. Roy Barnes will spend his first day as a private citizen by starting his new job as a full-time, pro-bono (unpaid) lawyer at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society. The decision by Barnes, the most improbable casualty of Election Day 2002, to go to work for legal aid was almost as unexpected as his November defeat. As a legal services attorney, Barnes will help women escape domestic violence, Mauricio Vivero is vice president seniors fight predatory lending scams and parents obtain child support for their kids. of Legal In doing so, he will take his place on the front line of the U.S. legal community's Services Corporation, the uphill and underpublicized struggle to achieve equal access to justice for millions of Washington-Americans too poor to afford legal representation. based nonprofit corporation chartered by The inaccessibility of the U.S. civil justice system is hardly a new development, but it Congress in took Barnes' decision to put the national media spotlight on our country's ongoing 1974 to promote equal access to access-to-justice crisis. civil justice. The 2000 U.S. census reports that more than 43 million Americans qualify for free federally funded legal assistance, yet fewer than 20 percent of eligible clients (annual income: $11,075 or less) are able to obtain legal help when they need it, according to the American Bar Association. In Georgia, there is just one legal aid lawyer for every 10,500 eligible poor people. Barnes understood this problem long before he became governor. While in private practice, he handled many pro-bono cases and was a frequent volunteer in the Cobb County office of the federally funded Atlanta Legal Aid Society. Most memorably, he secured a $115 million judgment in 1993 against Fleet Finance for victimizing 18,000 homeowners -- many of them senior citizens -- with its widespread predatory lending mortgage practices. His long-standing commitment to the underserved is certainly admirable, but it should not be viewed as a rare and laudable act of civic virtue. To be admitted to practice law, every attorney must take a professional oath to promote justice -- and every state's ethical rules include language indicating lawyers' responsibility to be guardians of fair play for those living in poverty. In Georgia, many law firms, corporations and private attorneys are working pro bono to serve the neediest clients. Yet only 23 percent of the state's 23,598 active lawyers reported meeting the Georgia State Bar's goal of 50 hours of pro-bono service in 2002. The need for volunteers is most severe outside the five-county Atlanta metropolitan area, where 70 percent of the state's poor people are served by only 24 percent of the state's lawyers. National pro-bono participation is even worse. Only 23 percent of the roughly 1 million attorneys in America volunteer even one hour of pro-bono service annually, according to the ABA.
Why should Barnes' frequent volunteering with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society not be viewed as rare?
QUESTION: I have meetings this morning with the Marval firm but was hoping you could help out here. 1. Could you please check with the Alley Theatre Box Office and find out if I have tickets for a performance this Friday night (March 3). They will check under the name "McKeogh" and my local phone number "713 664-3207". Just let me know so that I can figure out what to do. 2. Could you please change my McDonald's phone call presently scheduled for 1pm (BA time) tomorrow. I would need to reschedule through Mike Irgang(info in lotus notes) at McDonald's and let Ed Quinn know. My BA schedule is on my calendar. 3. I am tentatively planning a trip to Sao Paulo. I will stay from 3/17 through 3/27. However, I need to arrive on 3/16 and depart on 3/28. Could you please check flight availability? I first need to clear through Mark Taylor and I will copy you on that message. Thanks. for now. Propose a subject line for this email? ANS: I need your help QUESTION: For those of you who didn't have the patience/patriotism to listen to your president for the whole hour and a half last night, let me share a highlight: Clinton announced a new $1 billion program for economic development on the reservations. Langley may be onto something. If he/we can get the first deal done in New Mexico and assuming Gore wins, there may be opportunities to replicate the deal elsewhere. I'm thinking of tribal lands in Minnesota, Wisconsin, S. Dakota, etc. Perhaps Bill should call Chairman Ken and talk to him about changing sides. Notice that I'm not volunteering to make that phone call. DF Propose a subject line for this email? ANS: Albuquerque Project QUESTION: Please take a look at the org chart for gas and let me know if it's okay. I had to shrink the text to make it fit. I think it's hard to read. Propose a subject line for this email? ANS:
Org chart
Question: Which unit of measurement describes an object's length? What is the correct answer to the question from the following choices?
[Q]: "the Working Party on the Transport of" --> French? [A]: du RID et du Groupe de travail des transport de [Q]: "While some durable alliances have formed at the project and divisional level, there are as yet few signs of formal alliances at the corporate level." --> French? [A]: Toutefois, à l'exception de Matra, elle est en grande partie nationalisée, et la tradition administrative française des monopoles fait qu'il n'existe guère de double emploi entre les entreprises (les missiles constituant une exception notable, bien que, même dans ce domaine, comme nous l'avons vu, une rationalisation soit envisagée). [Q]: "Pakistan believes that without the requisite machinery and institutional support, it will be difficult to advance the objective of generating and sustaining the much-needed coherence and coordination on migration issues." --> French? [A]:
Le Pakistan estime que sans les mécanismes requis et le soutien institutionnel nécessaire, il sera difficile de progresser vers l'objectif d'obtenir et de préserver une cohérence et une coordination, pourtant indispensables, face à la question des migrations.
Problem: Here is a premise: She should have the time to be with a real family if even for a short time. Here is a hypothesis: She wanted to have a family. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Sentence 1: Its sober five-bayed facade set the golden standard for the Lombard Romanesque style, flanked by a ninth-century campanile and taller 12th-century tower topped by a modern loggia. Sentence 2: The standard for Lombard Romanesque style is a bayed facade. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: yes Question: They won't know for another year whether the baby is brain damaged. Does it follow that "They are hoping their child turns out well."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Q: If Coco would be quite powerless to mask it." One of the jury wanted to know if the same objection applied to coffee. , can we say that "Coco couldn't mask the taste well because it is so strong."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: it is not possible to tell Premise: "Ever since the Supreme Court decision that required the opt out, the court has drawn a wobbly Negotiating wages?" Hypothesis: An opt out was required by the Supreme Court decision. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no yes Sentence 1: In the case of state and local governments, directed flows are known as unfunded mandates. Sentence 2: Not every branch of government allows unfunded mandates. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer:
it is not possible to tell
Write a sentence not in English.
Vuonna 2005 pääministeri Blair lupasi puheenjohtajavaltio Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan karsivan turhaa byrokratiaa.
Question: "Umut" tartışması: Zrvenkovski's PR girişimi fazla mı ileri gitti? Could you please translate this to English? Answer: "Hope" controversy: did Crvenkovski's PR effort go too far? Question: Etnik Arnavut polis teşkilatı ise EULEX ile birlikte çalışacak. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Ethnic Albanian police will work with EULEX. Question: AB güvenlik sorumlusu Javier Solana Koha Ditore gazetesine verdiği demeçte, "Bosna modelinin Kosova'ya uygulanabileceğini sanmıyorum, zira Kosova'nın kendine has özellikleri var," dedi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: "I do not think that the model of Bosnia can be applied in Kosovo, because Kosovo has its specifics," EU security chief Javier Solana told the daily Koha Ditore. Question: Kosova sot gazetesinin haberine göre, Kosova Başbakan Yardımcısı Hajredin Kuçi, "Kosova ile Sırbistan arasındaki ilişkileri düzenleyecek toplantılar yapacağız ve bundan kaçamayız." dedi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
"We will hold meetings that govern relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and from this we can't escape," Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci said, according to Kosova sot.
[Q]: The Metropolitan Museum of Art said Thursday that it would lay off more than a quarter of its merchandising staff, eliminating 74 jobs in addition to 53 already cut over the last year. It also warned that the worsening economy would most likely force it to shrink its overall work force by 10 percent ―as many as 250 full- and part-time jobs in all ―before the summer, including some in curatorial and other pivotal departments. The Metropolitan Museum of Art said Thursday that it would lay off more than a quarter of its hardworking merchandising staff OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say Problem: Germany's Eric Frenzel defends his nordic combined title at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang as Japan's Akito Watabe again took silver. WATCH MORE: 'What a moment' - Unified Korea score first Olympic hockey goal Watch the 2018 Winter Olympics live on BBC TV, Red Button, Connected TVs, BBC Sport website and mobile app. Available to UK users only. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Japan's Akito Watabe finished third"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Birket-Smith died the year after 1976. Kaj Birket-Smith (20 January 1893 – 28 October 1977) was a Danish philologist and anthropologist. He specialized in studying the habits and language of the Inuit and Eyak. He was a member of Knud Rasmussen's 1921 Thule expedition. In 1940, he became director of the Ethnographic Department of the National Museum of Denmark. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Alternately known as brash, emotional and brilliant, the maverick Kasparov could be a formidable opponent in the realm of politics. Kasparov was a formidable opponent even though he was brash and emotional. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes input hypothesis: The plane had 3 engines. Context: A jet, carrying French Caribbean islanders home from a Panama vacation, crashed in rural Venezuela early Tuesday, after the pilot reported trouble with the engines. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The festival is boring Context: The Portobello Film Festival is an independent international film festival based in London, which annually premiers over 700 new films, including features, shorts, documentaries, music films and animation. Additionally, workshops and talks with top film directors (such as Stephen Frears and John Maybury) are also featured. Admission to the three-week-long festival is free of charge. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
It's impossible to say
Summarize this article: You probably don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, so you might adjust your behavior sometimes. However, a toxic friend may make you always feel like you have to be careful around them so you don’t upset them. Recognize if you feel stressed and nervous around your friend because you never know how they’ll react.For instance, you might keep your feelings to yourself so your friend doesn’t get mad. Similarly, you may go along with what your friend wants so they don’t cry or accuse you of being mean.
Notice if you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells.
Translate "Roman Catholic Diocese of Bereina" to Russian?
Епархия Береины
Q: Translate "B-level move, Crossbones, attacking us by yourself." to Czech? Yes: Béčkový tah, Crossbonesi, útočit na nás sám. Q: Translate "Almost there." to Czech? Yes: Jsme skoro tam... Q: Translate "Come on. We've been working for hours." to Czech? Yes:
Pracujem už celý hodiny.
Bude příští měsíc ve městě. Translate to English
He's gonna be in town next month.
The familiar rock walls that seemed so benign to him in his twelve years of trade along the trail now seemed to grasp at him and crush him. Does it follow that "He was used to the rock walls from his years of experience with them."? Select from: (A). yes. (B). it is not possible to tell. (C). no.
Parhaiten voimme vähentää pelkoa siten, että olemme Euroopan unionina valmiit sekä ehkäisemään terrori-iskuja ja – jos terrori-iskuja pääsee tapahtumaan – niiden seurauksia että käsittelemään näitä seurauksia parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, toisin sanoen lieventämään niitä niin koko väestön kuin uhrienkin osalta. Translate this to English?
The best way, therefore, to limit this fear is for us to be ready, as Europe, both to prevent terrorist attacks and their repercussions and – if a terrorist attack ultimately occurs – to be ready to deal with the repercussions of the attack in the best possible way, in other words by mitigating them both for the population as a whole and for the victims.
Yeesh , it took me a week to post this dinner I made last weekend ! I woulda done it earlier , I swear , but these photos are pretty bad . I was too busy enjoying a perfect day to bother with things like Sensitivity and Exposure . Based on the preceding passage, choose your answer for question What does the narrator have much pride about ? Possible answers: (i). None of the above choices .; (ii). A big meal they made .; (iii). A documentary about Northern Exposure they made .; (iv). A lunch they made .; The answer is:
Write some highlights for the following article: A week, as they say, is a long time in football. By that reckoning, six weeks is almost an eternity. For fans of one of English football's oldest clubs, it certainly feels that way. On Boxing Day 2012, former European champions Nottingham Forest lined up to play Leeds United in a second flight match in the English Championship. After going a goal behind, Forest roared back to an emphatic 4-2 victory that had a certain swagger about it. Watching at the time, it was hard to escape the feeling that things were finally coming together for a side that has come to embody the term 'sleeping giant'. One point and one place outside the playoffs, that afternoon Forest fans would have tucked into their turkey sandwiches with a sense of satisfaction and thoughts of good things to come. But just hours after the final whistle the club's Kuwaiti owners, the Al Hasawi family, fired the club's quietly progressive manager, Sean O'Driscoll. Baffling decision. For fans and observers alike it was a baffling decision. "We cannot speak highly enough of Sean as a man," said Chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi. "He was appointed at an extremely difficult time for the club and can count himself unlucky to have lost his job with the team just one point away from the top six. But we have a responsibility to look to the future for this great Club because we have huge ambitions for it." Fast forward just a few weeks, and O'Driscoll's replacement, Alex McLeish, has followed his predecessor to the exit. January had also seen the sudden and unceremonious exits of Forest's CEO, its head of recruitment, and the popular club ambassador (and former player and manager) Frank Clark. McLeish departed 'by mutual consent' after just one win in seven games and a transfer window that bordered on farcical, as key target George Boyd's switch to the club foundered after the player apparently failed an eye test. Forest fans took to social media once more in a bewildered daze as headlines painted a picture of a shambolic club in disarray. Days later another former Forest manager, the combative Billy Davies, was reinstalled in this hottest of managerial hot seats. But before he could properly take charge his team duly lost 2-0 to a Bristol City side now, somewhat poetically, managed by none other than Sean O'Driscoll. Blackburn woes. This odd story will have particular resonance in England's north west, where another of English football's most venerable institutions, Blackburn Rovers, has collapsed from mid table comfort in the English Premier League (EPL) to relegation and ignominy. The club's owners, India's Venky's Group, began their tenure by sacking the widely respected Sam Allardyce in December 2010. Since then they appear to have embarked on a kamikaze PR strategy, which has led to ridicule off the pitch and confusion on it. In the latest chapter, Shebby Singh, the former TV pundit brought in by Venky's as the club's 'global advisor', is reportedly at loggerheads with managing director Derek Shaw, amid allegations of interference with football matters and disputes over players' contractual deals. The culture clash between the old and the new sides of the club looks wider than ever. Rovers are now onto their third manager of the season and a swift return to the EPL looks wildly improbable. Venky's and the Al-Hasawi family are the latest in a wave of foreign owners taking control of clubs in the English leagues. Few on the growing list are strangers to controversy. Mixed feelings. Cardiff City's new Malaysian owners changed the club's colors from blue to red, causing outrage -- but perhaps they will be forgiven as they are currently well set for promotion to the EPL. The Glazer family's takeover of Manchester United sparked a supporter's revolt that saw the formation of a completely new team -- FC United of Manchester -- by fans alarmed at the level of debt (currently around £360million - $550m) foisted upon the club. Then there's Roman Abramovich's Chelsea, whose phenomenal success has been tempered by the owner's propensity to fire managers; and Sheikh Mansour of Manchester City, whose investments in the club stretch UEFA's concept of Financial Fair Play to the limit, and very probably beyond. The attitude of football fans to these types of investor is pretty schizophrenic. On the one hand the very prospect of a new owner, awash with cash, coming in and transforming a club's fortunes would get many salivating, regardless of where the money is from and who is taking the reins. English football, or at least the Premier League, is an enormously attractive stage and clubs make for interesting playthings for the super-rich. Meanwhile, fans are attracted to the idea of quick-fix success. Community connection. On the other hand, with spiraling ticket prices driven largely by players' wages and the increasingly erratic pictures being painted by some of these new owners, there is a sense that clubs' connections with the communities in which many have existed for over a century are being undermined. Then of course there's the idea of what constitutes super rich in the context of football. Away from the financial machinations of the Glazers, Randy Lerner's more straightforward commitment to Aston Villa appears to have run dry, with the team staring at a relegation battle and the purse strings tied tightly shut. In the Championship, Watford's owners have enjoyed remarkable success by filling their side with loan signings from another club, Italy's Udinese, which they also own. And then, in England's League One, there's Portsmouth. If the Glazer's ownership of Manchester United appears complex, the background to Portsmouth's stewardship is positively arcane. An excellent blog by Portsmouth fan SJ Maskell recently dissected the baffling raft of creditors currently being pored over in the English courts. The club, which enjoyed a Premier League berth and an FA Cup win just five years ago, is facing relegation to England's fourth tier and possible ruin. It has seen a succession of owners, offshore companies, and paper trails leading all over the world drive it into successive demotions and financial collapse. Wayward club. A group of fans has formed the Portsmouth Supporters' Trust, which is looking to gain control of this wayward club and finally wrestle it back from a course to apparent doom. All logic points to their being given the chance to do so, but this is a club that has defied logic for years and a decision in their favor is by no means certain. The Portsmouth Supporters Trust faces a battle, but it is perhaps this kind of institution that points to a more stable future for clubs and the sport of football in England. The problem with many of the new wave of owners in English football is not that they are foreign. Football is a global game, and the EPL is filled with players from all over the world, so it would be illogical to deny owners from overseas the chance to take part too. But the disconnect between the fans that pay to watch these clubs, the communities in which they operate, and even the armchair fans that follow them from afar, is an issue. A report launched this week by the football community trust Supporters Direct outlines a range of measures primarily focused on the physical manifestations of clubs -- the stadia in which they play, and the various off-shoots of these buildings. At the report's core are recommendations designed to protect the relationship between clubs and their communities, including joint ownership of stadia, 'golden shares' to be held by supporters collectively, and clubs that are owned by or formed as so-called Community Benefit Societies. In essence, it is about taking a degree of control into the hands of supporters. The sentiment behind this applies not just to the bricks and mortar of a football stadium. Clubs like Barcelona in Spain and throughout Germany's Bundesliga are protected from extreme and erratic behavior by the fact that fans are directly involved in a democratic ownership arrangement. The worst excesses of owners, who can act on a whim to often disrupt and damage the course of some of the long established institutions at the heart of communities, can be curbed by what is basically a democratic, rather than autocratic structure. Allied to initiatives such as UEFA's Financial Fair Play rules, perhaps this will see a game in England that is balanced less precariously, and fit for a long term and sustainable future. For now, however, English football fans should perhaps be careful what they wish for.
Foreign ownership of UK football clubs a mixed picture. Fans relish the extra investment that is often promised. Chelsea and Manchester City have won EPL titles with increased funding. Community connections of the clubs can be sidelined.
Q: i) Le rôle de l'aquifère ou du système aquifère dans l'écosystème correspondant. Could you please translate this to English? A: (i) the role of the aquifer or aquifer system in the related ecosystem. Q: Certaines propositions avancées par les pays en développement, comme celle de créer une « catégorie développement » (W/13), laissent penser qu'il faudrait donner aux pays en développement une plus grande souplesse dans l'application des règlements, y compris, éventuellement, les règlements concernant les contrôles à l'importation, les barrières tarifaires et le soutien interne, si l'on veut que ces règlements aient un effet sur la poursuite de leurs objectifs de développement, notamment la sécurité alimentaire et la réduction de la pauvreté. Could you please translate this to English? A: Some proposals by developing countries, like the one on the creation of a “Development box” (W/13),9 suggest that developing countries should be allowed flexibility in implementing rules, which may include those on import controls, tariff barriers and domestic support, if such rules are to have an effect on their pursuit of development objectives such as food security and poverty alleviation. Q: Le Comité consultatif estime que c'est à l'Assemblée générale de décider si elle veut modifier la règle relative aux projets à effet rapide ou accorder une dérogation à cette mission. Could you please translate this to English? A: The Advisory Committee is of the view that it is for the General Assembly to decide on whether it wishes to change the policy regarding quick-impact projects or to grant an exception in this case. Q: DISPOSITIONS COMMUNES DES LOIS ET DES POLITIQUES Accès à l’information Définition des documents du gouvernement § Définit un document aux fins de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information, et la définition inclut les documents qui n’existent pas, mais qu’il est possible de préparer à partir d’un document informatisé à l’aide de matériel, de logiciel et de compétences techniques normalement utilisés par l’institution fédérale. Could you please translate this to English? A:
COMMON LEGAL/POLICY PROVISIONS Access to Information Definition of Government Records § Defines a record for the purposes of the Access to Information Act and extends this to include records that do not exist but can be produced from a machine-readable record using computer hardware and software and technical expertise normally used by the government institution.
Write some highlights for the following article: First class passengers are used to being spoiled with the best seats, food and entertainment. But now first class passengers on Qantas will be escape to escape their flight entirely - by donning a virtual reality headset. The first has partnered with Samsung to offer first class passengers a Gear VR headset instead of the normal in flight entertainment system. Scroll down for video. Passengers will be able to see a selection of films about destinations and resorts the airline flies to, along with specially developed films and Hollywood blockbusters. As part of the trial, a number of Samsung Gear VR headsets will be made available to customers in Sydney and Melbourne International First Lounges as well as in the First Class cabins on select A380 services. 'Whether the user wants a virtual tour of our new Los Angeles First Lounge or experience an A380 landing from the tarmac, this technology gives us a completely new way to connect with our customers,' said Olivia Wirth of Qantas. 'From an inflight entertainment perspective, it's an industry first. 'Qantas is committed to being at the forefront of innovation to give our passengers the very best and latest in-flight experiences, like accessing the virtual worlds of their favourite Hollywood blockbusters from the comfort of their seat 40,000 feet above the ground. 'It's also a fantastic tool to feature our network's destinations, inspiring travel and promoting tourism.' The trial will run for three months to assess customer feedback on how this kind of VR offering might add to their overall travel experience on long-haul flights. Qantas Group Executive, Brand, Marketing & Corporate Affairs Olivia Wirth said the technology will open up a new world of lounge and inflight entertainment for customers, as well as give Qantas a powerful way to preview destinations and experiences. Passengers will be able to see a selection of films about destinations and resorts the airline flies to. They will also be able to watch VR movies and more traditional Hollywood blockbusters on the headset in a'virtual cinema'. Qantas is also working closely with production company Jaunt to develop and produce the live-action content including destination footage. Samsung's Arno Lenior, said the deal will allow more people to try VR. The trial will run for three months to assess customer feedback on how this kind of VR offering might add to their overall travel experience on long-haul flights. Qantas is also working closely with production company Jaunt to develop and produce the live-action content including destination footage. 'Samsung is immensely proud to be working with Qantas to deliver Samsung Gear VR entertainment technology through the airline's first class services, both in the air and on the ground. 'We believe Samsung Gear VR, one of the latest innovations from Samsung, will open new worlds for Qantas customers who experience the technology for themselves,' Mr Lenior said. Qantas is also working closely with production company Jaunt to develop and produce the live-action content including destination footage. Tourism NT is the first tourism group to partner with Qantas on the content creation, with a special 3D experience from Kakadu National Park. The Northern Territory's Chief Minister and Minister for Tourism, Adam Giles, said: 'This innovation literally adds a new dimension to how visitors experience Kakadu. 'Tourism NT is delighted to pilot this new technology as part of its suite of marketing projects utilising new, industry leading technology, and what better way to demonstrate the impact this VR technology can have than by showcasing Kakadu, one of the world's most iconic 'must do' tourism destinations.' The Samsung VR headsets will be featured in the First Class Lounge in Sydney and Melbourne from mid-February and on select A380 flights between Australia and Los Angeles in the First Class cabin from mid-March.
Working with Samsung to use Gear VR headsets in lounges and on flights. Will offer virtual tours of resorts, planes and lounges. Passengers can watch films in a virtual cinema. Qantas working with production companies to create its own VR movies for passengers to watch on the headsets.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? DO NOT PATRONIZE THIS SHOP!! I drive a Dodge Charger and I have been having some trouble with a shimmy in my steering wheel. The first time I went in, I had them balance all 4 tires. I was very wary because when I was waiting for them to write up the service order, the attendant didn't know how to ring in the service. When he asked his associate, that second guy told him to write it up at a lower price than the guy I was talking to quoted me. When I asked, he gave me some excuse that right now I don't even remember. It wasn't too big of a difference, but I still remember feeling a little ripped off because of course I was made to pay the higher price. The real problem happened when I returned a couple weeks later to get an alignment as the balancing did not fix the problem. All seemed to be going well until I was about to be picked up by my girlfriend. The mechanic who was going to test drive the car backed out of the parking spot I was in. She was pulling into the parking lot at the same time coming down the aisle. The mechanic proceeded to hammer the gas pedal, squealing the tires and almost hitting my girlfriend head on as he maneuvered around her and out of the parking lot. Needless to say I was furious and confronted the manager. He assured me that it would be handled. When we were leaving, the mechanic pulled into the parking lot making an ILLEGAL left turn into the parking lot which was blocked by a median. Instead of going to the nearest light and making a safe and legal u-turn, he decided to make the left heading up the wrong side of the road. I was livid at this point. I approached the mechanic in my car and his response was that he did not squeal the tires and that he makes that turn all the time basically asking me what the big deal was. The manager came up to me giving me his best effort to rectify the situation by promising me a free oil change on my next visit. REALLY?!?!?!? I told him that I perform my own oil changes and just to fix my car. When I went back to pick up my car, the manager continued to assure me that everything would be taken care of and offered apologies. He gave me his best effort I guess, but his resolution was to charge me full price for the awful experience I had just gone through and to give me a free oil change on my next visit which will NEVER happen even after I told him that I change my own oil. Well, my shimmy problem is still not fixed, which there might be something wrong with the rotors, still haven't figured that out. I don't hold the continued problem against them, they performed the work I asked them to do, but of course there was no diagnosis of the actual problem or extra effort. Kinda feels like I just got a hardly satisfying haircut at Super Clips or something. Their only concern is getting cars in and out of the shop, not developing lifelong customers. I received no comfort by the actions of their mechanic while driving my car. If I saw him peel out in my car, almost hit my girlfriend, and perform an illegal left turn in the 5 seconds I saw him driving my car, what kind of driving maneuvers is he doing while he's out of sight and what other corners is he cutting while performing work on my car? I will never be going back to this shop or any other Tire Works shops for any service even if it is given to me for free. AWFUL!!
Question: That led me easily to a box score, photographs, a game summary, half-a-dozen audio clips of post-game interviews, a 10-second QuickTime movie of the Bruins running a fast break, a comprehensive scouting report on both teams, and an online chat room where Bruins fans were whooping it up. Does it follow that "I found a game summary, box score, photographs, a 10-second QuickTime movie of the Bruins running a fast break and many other things."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: Deeper into the interior, Burgundy is most famous today for its vineyards. Does it follow that "Burgundy is famous for the vineyards."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Question: 5 million annual budget that comes mainly from state appropriations and the interest from the trust accounts lawyers maintain for their clients' funds. Does it follow that "State appropriations provide exactly half of the money in the annual budget."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: it is not possible to tell Question: If next week's vision is exactly the opposite of this week's, don't hesitate to tell that one, too. Does it follow that "The speaker wants all information possible so that they may be prepared."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
it is not possible to tell