Ya kuma dogara ne da imanin da babu wani irin matsin lamba da takunkumin da zai girgiza shi.
[The Holy Quran, 63: 8] It relies on the kind of belief that cannot be shaken by any pressure.
He is also dependent on the belief that no pressure and sanctions would harsh him.
Ya kuma dogara ne da imanin da babu wani irin matsin lamba da takunkumin da zai girgiza shi.
[The Holy Quran, 63: 8] It relies on the kind of belief that cannot be shaken by any pressure.
It is also dependent on the belief that no pressure and sanctions would harsh it.
Ya kuma dogara ne da imanin da babu wani irin matsin lamba da takunkumin da zai girgiza shi.
[The Holy Quran, 63: 8] It relies on the kind of belief that cannot be shaken by any pressure.
He is also dependent on the belief that no pressure and sanctions would harass him.
Shugabannin girman kai da masu tinkaho da kuma amfani da karfi da tursasawa da kuma 'yan amshin shatansu na wannan yanki na mu - sun yi amfani da dukkanin karfinsu, shin karfi ne na kudi, ko karfi na farfaganda da kuma na siyasa - wajen ganin sun razana al'ummar Iran da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
The leaders of the arrogant powers, those who have power and wealth and their followers in our region are doing everything in their power - their financial, propaganda and political power - to intimidate the Iranian people and to disappoint them.
The leaders of the arrogant powers and bullies and bullies of our region - who have used all their power - including financial, propaganda and political power - to disappoint the Iranian nation and make them disappointed.
Shugabannin girman kai da masu tinkaho da kuma amfani da karfi da tursasawa da kuma 'yan amshin shatansu na wannan yanki na mu - sun yi amfani da dukkanin karfinsu, shin karfi ne na kudi, ko karfi na farfaganda da kuma na siyasa - wajen ganin sun razana al'ummar Iran da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
The leaders of the arrogant powers, those who have power and wealth and their followers in our region are doing everything in their power - their financial, propaganda and political power - to intimidate the Iranian people and to disappoint them.
The leaders of the arrogant powers and the bullies and bullies of our region - who have used all their power - including financial, propaganda and political power - to disappoint the Iranian nation and make them disappointed.
Shugabannin girman kai da masu tinkaho da kuma amfani da karfi da tursasawa da kuma 'yan amshin shatansu na wannan yanki na mu - sun yi amfani da dukkanin karfinsu, shin karfi ne na kudi, ko karfi na farfaganda da kuma na siyasa - wajen ganin sun razana al'ummar Iran da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
The leaders of the arrogant powers, those who have power and wealth and their followers in our region are doing everything in their power - their financial, propaganda and political power - to intimidate the Iranian people and to disappoint them.
The leaders of the arrogant powers and the bullies and bullies of our region - who have used all their power - including financial, propaganda and political power - to irritate and disappoint the Iranian nation.
Mun gudanar da ayyuka na ilimi wadanda makiyanmu hatta tunanin hakan ma ba sa yi na cewa wani Ba'iraniye zai iya yin wannan aiki.
We have managed to do things which the enemy could not even imagine.
We have conducted scholarly work that our enemies do not even think of a certain Iranian being able to do.
Mun gudanar da ayyuka na ilimi wadanda makiyanmu hatta tunanin hakan ma ba sa yi na cewa wani Ba'iraniye zai iya yin wannan aiki.
We have managed to do things which the enemy could not even imagine.
We have conducted scholarly work that our enemies do not even think of a particular Iranian being able to do.
Mun gudanar da ayyuka na ilimi wadanda makiyanmu hatta tunanin hakan ma ba sa yi na cewa wani Ba'iraniye zai iya yin wannan aiki.
We have managed to do things which the enemy could not even imagine.
We have conducted scholarly work that our enemies do not even think of a Iranian being able to do.
Ba ma fahimtar irin sauyin da ake samu.
Different changes take place while we do not even notice them.
We do not understand what kind of change is being made.
Ba ma fahimtar irin sauyin da ake samu.
Different changes take place while we do not even notice them.
They do not understand what kind of change is being made.
Ba ma fahimtar irin sauyin da ake samu.
Different changes take place while we do not even notice them.
We do not understand what kind of change is going on.
Ku din nan wani bangare ne na wadannan mutane da cibiyoyi masu tsananin muhimmanci - don kuwa cibiyar soji wata cibiya ce mai muhimmanci - lalle wajibi ne ku kiyaye hakan sannan kuma ku ci gaba da aiwatar da shi.
You are part of this sensitive and important organization. The Armed Forces are sensitive and important. You should continue like this.
This is because the military is an important center. You should preserve this center and do so on a daily basis.
Ku din nan wani bangare ne na wadannan mutane da cibiyoyi masu tsananin muhimmanci - don kuwa cibiyar soji wata cibiya ce mai muhimmanci - lalle wajibi ne ku kiyaye hakan sannan kuma ku ci gaba da aiwatar da shi.
You are part of this sensitive and important organization. The Armed Forces are sensitive and important. You should continue like this.
This is because the Armed Forces are an important center. You should preserve this center and do so on a daily basis.
Ku din nan wani bangare ne na wadannan mutane da cibiyoyi masu tsananin muhimmanci - don kuwa cibiyar soji wata cibiya ce mai muhimmanci - lalle wajibi ne ku kiyaye hakan sannan kuma ku ci gaba da aiwatar da shi.
You are part of this sensitive and important organization. The Armed Forces are sensitive and important. You should continue like this.
This is because the Armed Forces are an important center. You should preserve this center and continue to do so.
Hirar Jagora Imam KhameneiBayan Sallamarsa Daga Asibiti
The following is the full text of an interview with Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, before being discharged from hospital following his operation on September 8, 2014.
Leader's Message from hospital -
Hirar Jagora Imam KhameneiBayan Sallamarsa Daga Asibiti
The following is the full text of an interview with Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, before being discharged from hospital following his operation on September 8, 2014.
Leader's Message from Hospital -
Hirar Jagora Imam KhameneiBayan Sallamarsa Daga Asibiti
The following is the full text of an interview with Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, before being discharged from hospital following his operation on September 8, 2014.
Leader's Message from Clinic -
Ko da ya ke a shekarun baya-bayan nan an rage irin wannan kame-kamen. To amma a ko ina suna kokari da kuma tada jijiyoyin wuya wajen ganin karshen wannan sakon.
Of course in the past few years there have been few cases of such arrests, but they try to stifle these messages in Saudi Arabia.
Of course these statements have been reduced in recent years, but they have always tried to make efforts in order to reach the end to these messages.
Ko da ya ke a shekarun baya-bayan nan an rage irin wannan kame-kamen. To amma a ko ina suna kokari da kuma tada jijiyoyin wuya wajen ganin karshen wannan sakon.
Of course in the past few years there have been few cases of such arrests, but they try to stifle these messages in Saudi Arabia.
Of course these promotions have been reduced in recent years, but they have always tried to make the end of these messages.
Ko da ya ke a shekarun baya-bayan nan an rage irin wannan kame-kamen. To amma a ko ina suna kokari da kuma tada jijiyoyin wuya wajen ganin karshen wannan sakon.
Of course in the past few years there have been few cases of such arrests, but they try to stifle these messages in Saudi Arabia.
Of course these promotions have been reduced in recent years, but they have always tried to make the end to these messages.
Ya Ubangiji Allah! Ka sanya addu'ar wannan mai girma ta hada da dukkanin al'ummar Iran musamman ma gungun dakarun sa kai na Basiji.
Dear God, make all Iranian people, especially our dear basijis, benefit from the prayers of that Imam.
Dear God, make the prayers of this great prayer prevalent on all Iranian people, especially the Basijis.
Ya Ubangiji Allah! Ka sanya addu'ar wannan mai girma ta hada da dukkanin al'ummar Iran musamman ma gungun dakarun sa kai na Basiji.
Dear God, make all Iranian people, especially our dear basijis, benefit from the prayers of that Imam.
Dear God, make the prayers of this great prayer prevalent on all Iranian people, on the Basij.
Ya Ubangiji Allah! Ka sanya addu'ar wannan mai girma ta hada da dukkanin al'ummar Iran musamman ma gungun dakarun sa kai na Basiji.
Dear God, make all Iranian people, especially our dear basijis, benefit from the prayers of that Imam.
Dear God, make the prayers of this great prayer prevalent on the whole Iranian nation and on the Basij.
Irin farkawa ta Musulunci da a yau kuke ganinta a fili a wasu kasashen musulmi irin su Masar da Tunusiya, wani misali da kuma alama ce ta irin tsayin dakan da bil'adam suka yi ne.
Today the wave of Islamic Awakening that you see in certain Islamic countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia, is a sign that humanity is frustrated.
The Islamic Awakening that you see today in certain Islamic countries such as Egypt and Tunisia is an example of the power of humanity.
Irin farkawa ta Musulunci da a yau kuke ganinta a fili a wasu kasashen musulmi irin su Masar da Tunusiya, wani misali da kuma alama ce ta irin tsayin dakan da bil'adam suka yi ne.
Today the wave of Islamic Awakening that you see in certain Islamic countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia, is a sign that humanity is frustrated.
The Islamic Awakening that you see today in certain Islamic countries such as Egypt and Tunisia is an example of the power of human beings.
Irin farkawa ta Musulunci da a yau kuke ganinta a fili a wasu kasashen musulmi irin su Masar da Tunusiya, wani misali da kuma alama ce ta irin tsayin dakan da bil'adam suka yi ne.
Today the wave of Islamic Awakening that you see in certain Islamic countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia, is a sign that humanity is frustrated.
The Islamic Awakening which you see today in certain Islamic countries such as Egypt and Tunisia is an example of the power of humanity.
Ala kulli hal, lalle na sami sauki, a bangaren ruhi ma alhamdu lillahi ina cikin nishadi, sai dai ina jin nauyin irin wannan so da kauna da aka nuna min tsawon wannan mako guda daga bangarori daban-daban, daga kungiyoyi daban-daban - na daga ‘yan siyasa, daga bangarori daban-daban na al'umma, daga wajen masu ayyukan fasaha da ‘yan wasa.
In any case, I am physically healthy and, thankfully, I am in good spirits as well but I am humbled at all this kindness and sympathy that was shown to me during the past week by different sides and groups including politicians, guilds, people from different social backgrounds, artists and athletes.
In any case I am happy and thankfully excited about the spiritual aspect of my life. I feel the same feelings that have been expressed to me during the past few months by political figures, people from different social backgrounds, artists and athletes.
Ala kulli hal, lalle na sami sauki, a bangaren ruhi ma alhamdu lillahi ina cikin nishadi, sai dai ina jin nauyin irin wannan so da kauna da aka nuna min tsawon wannan mako guda daga bangarori daban-daban, daga kungiyoyi daban-daban - na daga ‘yan siyasa, daga bangarori daban-daban na al'umma, daga wajen masu ayyukan fasaha da ‘yan wasa.
In any case, I am physically healthy and, thankfully, I am in good spirits as well but I am humbled at all this kindness and sympathy that was shown to me during the past week by different sides and groups including politicians, guilds, people from different social backgrounds, artists and athletes.
In any case I am happy and thankfully excited about the spiritual aspect of my life. I feel the same feelings that have been expressed to me during the past few months by politicians, people from different social backgrounds, artists and athletes.
Ala kulli hal, lalle na sami sauki, a bangaren ruhi ma alhamdu lillahi ina cikin nishadi, sai dai ina jin nauyin irin wannan so da kauna da aka nuna min tsawon wannan mako guda daga bangarori daban-daban, daga kungiyoyi daban-daban - na daga ‘yan siyasa, daga bangarori daban-daban na al'umma, daga wajen masu ayyukan fasaha da ‘yan wasa.
In any case, I am physically healthy and, thankfully, I am in good spirits as well but I am humbled at all this kindness and sympathy that was shown to me during the past week by different sides and groups including politicians, guilds, people from different social backgrounds, artists and athletes.
In any case I am happy and thankfully excited about the spiritual aspect of my life. I feel the same feelings that have been expressed to me during the past few months by political figures, people from different social backgrounds, artists and sportsmen.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ci gaba da cewa: Da yardar Allah, al'ummar Iran suna nan a fage cikin basira da fahimtar lokacin da suke ciki kamar yadda kuma sun san makiyansu da kyau don haka ba za su taba fadawa tarkon yaudarar su ba.
He added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene and it is insightful and aware of the conditions. The Iranian nation knows its enemy well and will not be deceived by his hypocritical pretense of friendship."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene with insight, awareness of time and knowledge of its enemies appropriately.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ci gaba da cewa: Da yardar Allah, al'ummar Iran suna nan a fage cikin basira da fahimtar lokacin da suke ciki kamar yadda kuma sun san makiyansu da kyau don haka ba za su taba fadawa tarkon yaudarar su ba.
He added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene and it is insightful and aware of the conditions. The Iranian nation knows its enemy well and will not be deceived by his hypocritical pretense of friendship."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene with insight, awareness of time and knowledge of its enemies.
Jagoran juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ci gaba da cewa: Da yardar Allah, al'ummar Iran suna nan a fage cikin basira da fahimtar lokacin da suke ciki kamar yadda kuma sun san makiyansu da kyau don haka ba za su taba fadawa tarkon yaudarar su ba.
He added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene and it is insightful and aware of the conditions. The Iranian nation knows its enemy well and will not be deceived by his hypocritical pretense of friendship."
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "By Allah's favor, the Iranian nation is present on the scene with insight, awareness of time and the presence of its enemies in an appropriate way.
Shi din nan dan dan'uwan marigayi Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Akhund da Mulla Bozorgi wanda ya zo daga Iraki sannan kuma shekara da shekaru ya zauna a Kermanshah.
He was the son of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani's brother, and a student of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani and a great cleric from Iraq who stayed in Kermanshah for many years.
He is the son of the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, and the late Akhund and Mulla Bozorgi, who came from Iraq and spent many years living in Kermanshah.
Shi din nan dan dan'uwan marigayi Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Akhund da Mulla Bozorgi wanda ya zo daga Iraki sannan kuma shekara da shekaru ya zauna a Kermanshah.
He was the son of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani's brother, and a student of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani and a great cleric from Iraq who stayed in Kermanshah for many years.
He is the son of the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, and the late Akhund and Mulla Bozorgi, who came from Iraq and spent many years in Kermanshah.
Shi din nan dan dan'uwan marigayi Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Agha Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani sannan kuma dalibin Akhund da Mulla Bozorgi wanda ya zo daga Iraki sannan kuma shekara da shekaru ya zauna a Kermanshah.
He was the son of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani's brother, and a student of Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani and a great cleric from Iraq who stayed in Kermanshah for many years.
He is the brother of the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, the late Aseyyed Mohammad Esfahani, and the late Akhund and Mulla Bozorgi, who came from Iraq and spent many years living in Kermanshah.
Haka lamarin ya ke a bangaren wajen da muke da kuma wannan yankin.
The same is true of our geographical position.
The same is true of our country and the region.
Haka lamarin ya ke a bangaren wajen da muke da kuma wannan yankin.
The same is true of our geographical position.
This is true of our country and the region.
Haka lamarin ya ke a bangaren wajen da muke da kuma wannan yankin.
The same is true of our geographical position.
The same is true of the country and the region.
Sun tsara tsare-tsaren da za su hana mutane fitowa zaben, su kashe musu gwuiwa da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
They have designed plots to prevent the people from going to the ballot boxes.
They have designed plans that will prevent people from voting, disappoint them and disappoint them.
Sun tsara tsare-tsaren da za su hana mutane fitowa zaben, su kashe musu gwuiwa da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
They have designed plots to prevent the people from going to the ballot boxes.
They have designed plans that will prevent people from voting, disappoint them and make them disappointed.
Sun tsara tsare-tsaren da za su hana mutane fitowa zaben, su kashe musu gwuiwa da kuma sanya su yanke kauna.
They have designed plots to prevent the people from going to the ballot boxes.
They have designed plans that will prevent people from going to the polling stations, disappoint them and disappoint them.
A kasar Masar, a kasar Tunusiya, haka nan a sauran kasashe, wadannan sarakuna da azzaluman shugabanni sun zubar wa mutane da mutumcinsu.
The oppressive rulers in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries had hurt the pride of the people.
In Egypt, in Tunisia and in other countries, these rulers and oppressors destroyed the people and their dignity.
A kasar Masar, a kasar Tunusiya, haka nan a sauran kasashe, wadannan sarakuna da azzaluman shugabanni sun zubar wa mutane da mutumcinsu.
The oppressive rulers in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries had hurt the pride of the people.
In Egypt, in Tunisia and in other countries, these rulers and oppressors destroyed the dignity of the people.
A kasar Masar, a kasar Tunusiya, haka nan a sauran kasashe, wadannan sarakuna da azzaluman shugabanni sun zubar wa mutane da mutumcinsu.
The oppressive rulers in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries had hurt the pride of the people.
In Egypt, in Tunisia and in other countries, these rulers and oppressors destroyed the people and their identity.
A lokacin da aka rasa imani da Allah, to kuwa kyawawan halaye ma su kan zamanto ba su da ma'ana, adalci ma ya kan zama ba shi da ma'ana; babu wani abin da za a samu in ban da jin dadi na daidaikun mutane.
However, none of these are natural goals of life that accompany his existence. When there is no faith in God, ethics and justice become meaningless.
When faith is lost in God, morality becomes meaningless, and justice becomes meaningless. There is nothing that can be found except the individual sense of humanity.
A lokacin da aka rasa imani da Allah, to kuwa kyawawan halaye ma su kan zamanto ba su da ma'ana, adalci ma ya kan zama ba shi da ma'ana; babu wani abin da za a samu in ban da jin dadi na daidaikun mutane.
However, none of these are natural goals of life that accompany his existence. When there is no faith in God, ethics and justice become meaningless.
When beliefs are lost in God, morality becomes meaningless, and justice becomes meaningless. There is nothing else that can be found except the individual sense of humanity.
A lokacin da aka rasa imani da Allah, to kuwa kyawawan halaye ma su kan zamanto ba su da ma'ana, adalci ma ya kan zama ba shi da ma'ana; babu wani abin da za a samu in ban da jin dadi na daidaikun mutane.
However, none of these are natural goals of life that accompany his existence. When there is no faith in God, ethics and justice become meaningless.
When beliefs are lost in God, morality becomes meaningless, and justness becomes meaningless. There is nothing that can be found except the individual sense of humanity.
Al'ummar musulmi wadanda suke a wani waje mafi muhimmanci na duniya, tana fuskantar matsalar rauni, koma baya, mulkin mallaka, talauci - talauci na abin duniya da kuma rashi na ilimi - sakamakon tsoma bakin manyan kasashen duniya, makwadaita da kuma wuce gona da iri na ma'abota girman kan duniya tsawon karnoni. Don haka juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ke ba wa al'ummar musulmi muhimmanci; don kawar da hannayen azzalumai da masu wuce gona da iri ma'abota girman kai daga kawuka da rayuwar al'ummar musulmi.
For several centuries, the great Islamic Ummah, which has been in one of the most strategic locations in the world, was suffering from weakness, defeat, backwardness, colonialism and material and scientific poverty due to the interference of superpowers, greed of powerful governments and belligerence of the arrogant powers. The attention of the Islamic Revolution was focused on the world of Islam. Its attention was focused on helping the Islamic Ummah get rid of the arrogant powers' hand of oppression and aggression.
In one of the most important parts of the world, Muslim nations are suffering from weakness, backwardness, colonialism, corruption - material corruption and lack of knowledge - as a result of the interference of global powers, the invasion of the arrogant powers and the invasion of global arrogance for many centuries. The Islamic Revolution is so important to Muslim nations to eliminate oppressors and aggressors' hands.
Al'ummar musulmi wadanda suke a wani waje mafi muhimmanci na duniya, tana fuskantar matsalar rauni, koma baya, mulkin mallaka, talauci - talauci na abin duniya da kuma rashi na ilimi - sakamakon tsoma bakin manyan kasashen duniya, makwadaita da kuma wuce gona da iri na ma'abota girman kan duniya tsawon karnoni. Don haka juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ke ba wa al'ummar musulmi muhimmanci; don kawar da hannayen azzalumai da masu wuce gona da iri ma'abota girman kai daga kawuka da rayuwar al'ummar musulmi.
For several centuries, the great Islamic Ummah, which has been in one of the most strategic locations in the world, was suffering from weakness, defeat, backwardness, colonialism and material and scientific poverty due to the interference of superpowers, greed of powerful governments and belligerence of the arrogant powers. The attention of the Islamic Revolution was focused on the world of Islam. Its attention was focused on helping the Islamic Ummah get rid of the arrogant powers' hand of oppression and aggression.
In one of the most important parts of the world, Muslim nations are suffering from weakness, backwardness, colonialism, corruption - material corruption and lack of knowledge - as a result of the interference of global powers, the invasion of the arrogant powers and the invasion of their arrogant powers for many centuries. The Islamic Revolution is so important to Muslim nations to eliminate oppressors and aggressors' hands.
Al'ummar musulmi wadanda suke a wani waje mafi muhimmanci na duniya, tana fuskantar matsalar rauni, koma baya, mulkin mallaka, talauci - talauci na abin duniya da kuma rashi na ilimi - sakamakon tsoma bakin manyan kasashen duniya, makwadaita da kuma wuce gona da iri na ma'abota girman kan duniya tsawon karnoni. Don haka juyin juya halin Musulunci ya ke ba wa al'ummar musulmi muhimmanci; don kawar da hannayen azzalumai da masu wuce gona da iri ma'abota girman kai daga kawuka da rayuwar al'ummar musulmi.
For several centuries, the great Islamic Ummah, which has been in one of the most strategic locations in the world, was suffering from weakness, defeat, backwardness, colonialism and material and scientific poverty due to the interference of superpowers, greed of powerful governments and belligerence of the arrogant powers. The attention of the Islamic Revolution was focused on the world of Islam. Its attention was focused on helping the Islamic Ummah get rid of the arrogant powers' hand of oppression and aggression.
In one of the most important parts of the world, Muslim nations are suffering from weakness, backwardness, colonialism, corruption - material corruption and lack of knowledge - as a result of the interference of global powers, the invasion of the arrogant powers and the invasion of global arrogance for many centuries. The Islamic Revolution is so important to Muslim nations to take away the oppressors' hands and the oppressors.
Na'am, mai yiyuwa ne, wajibi ne a kama hanyar hakan, wajibi ne a yi wani abu da kuma tsare-tsare.
Yes, it is possible. It is necessary to follow up the issue, take action and make plans.
Yes, maybe it is necessary to move forward. It is necessary to make plans.
Na'am, mai yiyuwa ne, wajibi ne a kama hanyar hakan, wajibi ne a yi wani abu da kuma tsare-tsare.
Yes, it is possible. It is necessary to follow up the issue, take action and make plans.
Yes, maybe it is necessary to move forward. It is necessary to plan something.
Na'am, mai yiyuwa ne, wajibi ne a kama hanyar hakan, wajibi ne a yi wani abu da kuma tsare-tsare.
Yes, it is possible. It is necessary to follow up the issue, take action and make plans.
Yes, maybe it is necessary to move forward. It is necessary to plan something else.
Fitowar jama'a a lokacin zabe yana iya rage tasirin barazanar makiya; tana iya sanya makiya yanke kauna da kuma lamunce tsaron kasar nan.
Enthusiastic elections in the country and the presence of the people at the polling stations can neutralize the threats by the enemies. It can disappoint the enemy. It can ensure the security of the country.
Public presence during the elections can decrease the effect of the enemies’ threats; it can make the enemy disappointed and safeguard the national security.
Fitowar jama'a a lokacin zabe yana iya rage tasirin barazanar makiya; tana iya sanya makiya yanke kauna da kuma lamunce tsaron kasar nan.
Enthusiastic elections in the country and the presence of the people at the polling stations can neutralize the threats by the enemies. It can disappoint the enemy. It can ensure the security of the country.
Public presence during the elections can decrease the effect of the enemies’ threats; it can make the enemy disappointed and secure the national security.
Fitowar jama'a a lokacin zabe yana iya rage tasirin barazanar makiya; tana iya sanya makiya yanke kauna da kuma lamunce tsaron kasar nan.
Enthusiastic elections in the country and the presence of the people at the polling stations can neutralize the threats by the enemies. It can disappoint the enemy. It can ensure the security of the country.
Public presence during the elections can decrease the effect of the enemies’ threats; they can make the enemy disappointed and safeguard the national security.
Irin wannan gafala ta farko da aka yi ce ta haifar da irin mummunan yanayin da ya faru a wannan yankin da kuma yankin Khuzistan cikin dan karamin lokaci wanda ni da idona na gani kuma ba zan taba mantawa da hakan ba.
That initial lack of vigilance caused such a tragic atmosphere in this region and the Khuzestan region. I witnessed some of the events up close and they were so tragic that I cannot erase them from my memory.
During the short period of time, the initial lack of vigilance caused horrible events in this region and in the region which I had seen before and I will never forget.
Irin wannan gafala ta farko da aka yi ce ta haifar da irin mummunan yanayin da ya faru a wannan yankin da kuma yankin Khuzistan cikin dan karamin lokaci wanda ni da idona na gani kuma ba zan taba mantawa da hakan ba.
That initial lack of vigilance caused such a tragic atmosphere in this region and the Khuzestan region. I witnessed some of the events up close and they were so tragic that I cannot erase them from my memory.
During the short period of time, the initial unawareness of what was said resulted in the horrible events in this region and in the region which I have seen before and will never forget.
Irin wannan gafala ta farko da aka yi ce ta haifar da irin mummunan yanayin da ya faru a wannan yankin da kuma yankin Khuzistan cikin dan karamin lokaci wanda ni da idona na gani kuma ba zan taba mantawa da hakan ba.
That initial lack of vigilance caused such a tragic atmosphere in this region and the Khuzestan region. I witnessed some of the events up close and they were so tragic that I cannot erase them from my memory.
During the short period of time, the initial unawareness of what was said resulted in the horrific events in this region and in the region which I have seen before and will never forget.
Yanzu bari in dan yi karin bayani kan wadannan imani guda uku da Imam yake da su.
I would like to briefly explain the three beliefs of Imam Khomeini (r.a.).
Let me explain the three beliefs that Imam (r.a.) had.
Yanzu bari in dan yi karin bayani kan wadannan imani guda uku da Imam yake da su.
I would like to briefly explain the three beliefs of Imam Khomeini (r.a.).
Let me explain the three beliefs that our magnanimous Imam had.
Yanzu bari in dan yi karin bayani kan wadannan imani guda uku da Imam yake da su.
I would like to briefly explain the three beliefs of Imam Khomeini (r.a.).
Let me explain the three beliefs that the Imam had.
Uwa za ta iya yin kyakkyawar tarbiyya ga ‘ya'yanta.
The mother can raise children in the best way possible.
A mother can do good discipline for her children.
Uwa za ta iya yin kyakkyawar tarbiyya ga ‘ya'yanta.
The mother can raise children in the best way possible.
A mother can do good education for her children.
Uwa za ta iya yin kyakkyawar tarbiyya ga ‘ya'yanta.
The mother can raise children in the best way possible.
A mother can do good teachings for her children.
Musulunci dai yana haskaka.
Islam is shining.
Islam is brilliant.
Musulunci dai yana haskaka.
Islam is shining.
Islam is alive.
Musulunci dai yana haskaka.
Islam is shining.
Islam is brilliant!
Ga misali, abin da ya faru a makarantar Faiziyya ya faru ne a ranar 2 ga watan Farbardeen shekarar 1342, lamarin da ya kai ga bugu da kuma raunana daliban addini bugu da kari kan cin mutumcin babban marja'i marigayi Ayatullah Golpaygani.
For example, the event in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin in 1342: it resulted in the injury of seminarians and the insult to the great marja taqlid, the late Ayatollah Golpaygani.
For example, the event that took place in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin of the year 1342, which led to the massacre of supreme religious scholars and supreme marja taqlid, Ayatollah Golpaygani.
Ga misali, abin da ya faru a makarantar Faiziyya ya faru ne a ranar 2 ga watan Farbardeen shekarar 1342, lamarin da ya kai ga bugu da kuma raunana daliban addini bugu da kari kan cin mutumcin babban marja'i marigayi Ayatullah Golpaygani.
For example, the event in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin in 1342: it resulted in the injury of seminarians and the insult to the great marja taqlid, the late Ayatollah Golpaygani.
For example, the event that took place in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin of the year 1342, which led to the massacre of supreme religious scholars and supreme marja taqlid, the late Ayatollah Golpaygani.
Ga misali, abin da ya faru a makarantar Faiziyya ya faru ne a ranar 2 ga watan Farbardeen shekarar 1342, lamarin da ya kai ga bugu da kuma raunana daliban addini bugu da kari kan cin mutumcin babban marja'i marigayi Ayatullah Golpaygani.
For example, the event in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin in 1342: it resulted in the injury of seminarians and the insult to the great marja taqlid, the late Ayatollah Golpaygani.
For example, the event that took place in Feiziyeh School took place on the 2nd of Farvardin of the year 1342, which led to the massacre of supreme religious scholars and supreme marja taqlid Ayatollah Golpaygani.
Makam Ibrahim daya ne daga cikin wadannan bayyanannun ayoyi.
The station of Abraham is one among these manifest signs.
The Army of Abraham was one of these plain verses.
Makam Ibrahim daya ne daga cikin wadannan bayyanannun ayoyi.
The station of Abraham is one among these manifest signs.
The army of Abraham was one of these plain verses.
Makam Ibrahim daya ne daga cikin wadannan bayyanannun ayoyi.
The station of Abraham is one among these manifest signs.
The station of Abraham was one of these plain verses.
Hakan kuwa shi ne abin da yake ciyar da wata al'umma gaba, ya daukaka ta, ya ba ta sanon numfashi, ya sanya mata fata da kuma ciyar da wata al'umma gaba.
This is jihad in the way of Allah, and it is what helps a nation grow, make progress and become dynamic, revitalized and hopeful.
And this is what promotes a nation to move forward.
Hakan kuwa shi ne abin da yake ciyar da wata al'umma gaba, ya daukaka ta, ya ba ta sanon numfashi, ya sanya mata fata da kuma ciyar da wata al'umma gaba.
This is jihad in the way of Allah, and it is what helps a nation grow, make progress and become dynamic, revitalized and hopeful.
And this is what a nation is moving forward.
Hakan kuwa shi ne abin da yake ciyar da wata al'umma gaba, ya daukaka ta, ya ba ta sanon numfashi, ya sanya mata fata da kuma ciyar da wata al'umma gaba.
This is jihad in the way of Allah, and it is what helps a nation grow, make progress and become dynamic, revitalized and hopeful.
And this is what brings about a nation's progress, transcendence and independence.
A wani fage da ke cike da duhu, basira lamari ne da ke nuna wa mutum hanya.
Insight can provide you with light in a dark place.
In a dark arena, insight is something that shows a person’s path.
A wani fage da ke cike da duhu, basira lamari ne da ke nuna wa mutum hanya.
Insight can provide you with light in a dark place.
In a dark arena, insight is something that indicates a person’s path.
A wani fage da ke cike da duhu, basira lamari ne da ke nuna wa mutum hanya.
Insight can provide you with light in a dark place.
In a dark arena, insight is something that shows one’s path.
Sakamakon irin mutanen da suka fito a garin Tehran da sauran garuruwa daga jin labarin an kama Imam, lamarin da ya tilasta wa gwamnati shigowa da dukkan karfinta da diran mikiya a kan mutane; ta yadda aka kashe wani adadi mai yawa na mutane.
The arrest of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) resulted in such an uprising in Tehran and certain other parts of the country that the regime had to step in to suppress the people in a brutal way. A large number of people were killed.
As a result of the massive massacre of the Imam (r.a.) in Tehran and other cities, the government was forced to surrender with all its power.
Sakamakon irin mutanen da suka fito a garin Tehran da sauran garuruwa daga jin labarin an kama Imam, lamarin da ya tilasta wa gwamnati shigowa da dukkan karfinta da diran mikiya a kan mutane; ta yadda aka kashe wani adadi mai yawa na mutane.
The arrest of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) resulted in such an uprising in Tehran and certain other parts of the country that the regime had to step in to suppress the people in a brutal way. A large number of people were killed.
As a result of the massacre of the people in Tehran and other cities, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was arrested and he was forced to surrender with all his power.
Sakamakon irin mutanen da suka fito a garin Tehran da sauran garuruwa daga jin labarin an kama Imam, lamarin da ya tilasta wa gwamnati shigowa da dukkan karfinta da diran mikiya a kan mutane; ta yadda aka kashe wani adadi mai yawa na mutane.
The arrest of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) resulted in such an uprising in Tehran and certain other parts of the country that the regime had to step in to suppress the people in a brutal way. A large number of people were killed.
As a result of the massacre of the people in Tehran and other cities, Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was arrested and he was forced to attack the people with all his power.
Dukkanin wadannan barazanar wadanda suka kunno kai bayan harin 11 ga watan Satumba, jagora yana bayani kansu.
All these threats – which have increased after 9/11 – have been mentioned by the Leader in his messages.
All the threats that occurred after January 11 to the month of Saturday, the Leader clarifies.
Dukkanin wadannan barazanar wadanda suka kunno kai bayan harin 11 ga watan Satumba, jagora yana bayani kansu.
All these threats – which have increased after 9/11 – have been mentioned by the Leader in his messages.
All the threats that result from the 11th of Saturday, the Leader clarifies.
Dukkanin wadannan barazanar wadanda suka kunno kai bayan harin 11 ga watan Satumba, jagora yana bayani kansu.
All these threats – which have increased after 9/11 – have been mentioned by the Leader in his messages.
All the threats that occurred after the 11th of Saturday, the Leader clarifies.
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai Ina rantsuwa da zamani.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, I swear by the time, 0.527054 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Lalle ne mutum yana a cikin hasara. Most surely man is in loss, 0.436436 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Face wadanda suka yi imani, kuma suka aikata ayyukan kwarai, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da bin gaskiya, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da yin hakuri. Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience [The Holy Quran, 103].
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai Ina rantsuwa da zamani.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, I swear by the time, 0.527054 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Lalle ne mutum yana a cikin hasara. Most surely man is in loss, 0.436436 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Face wadanda suka yi imani, kuma suka aikata ayyukan kwarai, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da bin gaskiya, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da yin hakuri. Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience [The Holy Quran, 103].
In the Name of God, the Beneficent the Merciful
Da Sunan Allah Mai Rahama Mai Jin Kai Ina rantsuwa da zamani.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, I swear by the time, 0.527054 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Lalle ne mutum yana a cikin hasara. Most surely man is in loss, 0.436436 11.txt 2102-Leader-s-sermons-at-Eid-ul-Fitr-prayers.txt Face wadanda suka yi imani, kuma suka aikata ayyukan kwarai, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da bin gaskiya, kuma suka yi wa juna wasiyya da yin hakuri. Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience [The Holy Quran, 103].
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful
Al'ummar da ta yi amanna da gaskiyar shugabanninta da kuma ikhlasinsu, to kuwa za ta motsar da fagen da ake ciki ta hanyar wannan kasantuwa ta su mai albarka. A duk inda al'umma suka shigo fage da tsayayyiyar azama, to kuwa babu wani karfin da zai iya da su.
A nation that has faith in the honesty and sincerity of its leaders will bring in enthusiasm with their blessed presence, and wherever a nation stays on the scene with a solid determination, no power will have the capability to defeat it.
A nation that believes in the righteousness of its ruler and its president will move forward in a perfect way through its auspicious presence. Wherever a nation enters the arena with firm determination, no power will be able.
Al'ummar da ta yi amanna da gaskiyar shugabanninta da kuma ikhlasinsu, to kuwa za ta motsar da fagen da ake ciki ta hanyar wannan kasantuwa ta su mai albarka. A duk inda al'umma suka shigo fage da tsayayyiyar azama, to kuwa babu wani karfin da zai iya da su.
A nation that has faith in the honesty and sincerity of its leaders will bring in enthusiasm with their blessed presence, and wherever a nation stays on the scene with a solid determination, no power will have the capability to defeat it.
A nation that believes in the righteousness of its ruler and its president will move forward in a perfect way through its auspicious presence. Wherever a nation enters the arena with firm determination, no power will be able to enable.
Al'ummar da ta yi amanna da gaskiyar shugabanninta da kuma ikhlasinsu, to kuwa za ta motsar da fagen da ake ciki ta hanyar wannan kasantuwa ta su mai albarka. A duk inda al'umma suka shigo fage da tsayayyiyar azama, to kuwa babu wani karfin da zai iya da su.
A nation that has faith in the honesty and sincerity of its leaders will bring in enthusiasm with their blessed presence, and wherever a nation stays on the scene with a solid determination, no power will have the capability to defeat it.
A nation that believes in the righteousness of its ruler and its president will move forward in a perfect way through its auspicious presence. Wherever a nation enters the arena with firm determination, no power will be able to.
A gabashin kasar Libiya, Masar tana nan, a yammaci kuwa ga Tunusiya; kamar yadda kuma daga wajen za su iya tabbatar da ikon su kan kasashen Sudan, Aljeriya da dukkanin kasashen wannan yankin.
Libya is bordered by Egypt on the east and by Tunisia on the west. Moreover, from Libya they can have control over Sudan, Algeria and all other countries of the region.
In Libya, Egypt is present, in the west to Tunisia; as well as that they can prove their domination over Sudan, the Jerry and all the countries of the region.
A gabashin kasar Libiya, Masar tana nan, a yammaci kuwa ga Tunusiya; kamar yadda kuma daga wajen za su iya tabbatar da ikon su kan kasashen Sudan, Aljeriya da dukkanin kasashen wannan yankin.
Libya is bordered by Egypt on the east and by Tunisia on the west. Moreover, from Libya they can have control over Sudan, Algeria and all other countries of the region.
In Libya, Egypt is present, in the west to Tunisia; as well as that they can restrain their hegemony over Sudan, Jerusalem and all the countries of the region.
A gabashin kasar Libiya, Masar tana nan, a yammaci kuwa ga Tunusiya; kamar yadda kuma daga wajen za su iya tabbatar da ikon su kan kasashen Sudan, Aljeriya da dukkanin kasashen wannan yankin.
Libya is bordered by Egypt on the east and by Tunisia on the west. Moreover, from Libya they can have control over Sudan, Algeria and all other countries of the region.
In Libya, Egypt is present, in the west to Tunisia; as well as Sudan, Algeria and all regional countries can have control over it.
A ko ina kake, lalle za ka iya ba da taka gudummawar a wannan jihadi na tattalin arziki.
No matter where you work, you can play a role in this economic jihad.
Everywhere, you can play a role in this economic jihad.
A ko ina kake, lalle za ka iya ba da taka gudummawar a wannan jihadi na tattalin arziki.
No matter where you work, you can play a role in this economic jihad.
Wherever you go, you can play a role in this economic jihad.
A ko ina kake, lalle za ka iya ba da taka gudummawar a wannan jihadi na tattalin arziki.
No matter where you work, you can play a role in this economic jihad.
Everywhere you can play a role in this economic jihad.
Jagoran ya ce daya daga cikin mafiya muhimmancin nauyi da kuma aikin da ke wuyan ‘yan sanda shi ne samar da tsaro da kwanciyar hankali a cikin al'umma da kuma tabbatar da kyawawan dabi'u.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that one of the necessities of establishing moral security in society is to make the police force invulnerable.
Ayatollah Khamenei said that one of the most important responsibilities of the police force is safeguarding security in society and safeguarding morality.