2 values
3 values
3 values
3 values
michigan: 17 327 dead voters certified. did the roll in their graves? arrest the perpetrators of election fraud! https://t.co/mzj6tessng"
There is no credible evidence that dead people voted in the election or ballots were cast fraudulently.
There were many cases of voter fraud nationwide due to dead people’s votes getting counted.
No evidence that 14,000 dead people cast ballots in Wayne County, Michigan.
@piersmorgan @realdonaldtrump so facts and legitimate voter fraud mean nothing. how can a 1776% increase of register voters 90yrs plus be legit? 10k dead voters voted in michigan and why would polls stop counting?"
There is no credible evidence that dead people voted in the election or ballots were cast fraudulently.
There were many cases of voter fraud nationwide due to dead people’s votes getting counted.
No evidence that 14,000 dead people cast ballots in Wayne County, Michigan.
the gig is up-election fraud: @marceellias georgia video footage allegedly shows poll workers staying behind producing ‘suitcases of ballots’ https://t.co/gyh2hcy1bz via @epochtimes"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@camillaaquino10 @amymek people in georgia voted. trump lost. the fact that trump lost isn't unconstitutional. there was no voter fraud. there were no \"suitcases of ballots.\" it's over. you lost. sorry."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
georgia's top election investigator debunks a vote fraud conspiracy involving 'suitcases' of ballots a urinal https://t.co/grf88g9fqx https://t.co/ghijpk3yda"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
now with audio: georgia election official ralph jones sr. announced on nov. 3rd afternoon that counting would stop at 11 pm -- then led team to count stashed 'suitcase\" ballots this must go to scotus sap. georgia officials standing behind their fraud. https://t.co/bmjxplmtyr"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
here is a gop official in the gop georgia secty of state's office 100% destroying team trump's lies about \"suitcases\" full of ballots. trump and his team are literally fabricating stories to overturn our election. this should be viewed as sedition! https://t.co/ofuijqu6m0"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video evidence of voter fraud in georgia suitcases of ballots appear af... https://t.co/fftbwgq4xz via @youtube"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@kevinsixx13 1. how is it bigotry when the virus originated in china? and 2. trump didn't lose there's countless evidence of voter fraud from several key swing states. one recent piece of evidence was cctv footage from georgia of ballots in suitcases being pulled out."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@dbongino @rebroker_dk fb police just shut down the video of georgia voter fraud saying it is untrue suitcases full of ballots and people told to go home is untrue......lmfao"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
here is the context of georgia’s video. “suitcases” are not suitcases but bins and there is nothing weird or suspicious it is normal ballot processing! don’t let #diaperdonald fool you! #mustread https://t.co/aesrj2x3wm"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
🔥big fruad alert: georgia voter fraud hearing: 👉video showing 4 suitcases of ballots hidden under black table & tablecloth pulled out after all the republicans have been told to leave for the night!"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
georgia state farm arena footage shows poll workers staying behind pulling out suitcases with ballots - amac - the association of mature american citizens https://t.co/nlxcagn8w8 - more irrefutable evidence. #stopthesteal"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video proof of #electionfraud in #georgia. watch two suitcases full of ballots pulled out after everyone else left for the day!! #democratsarecorrupt #electionintegritymatters https://t.co/oqqkqkhzz3"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@ingrahamangle you have lied. there is no smoking gun. your own network debunked it. fox news reporter griff jenkins debunked claims made on his own network that \"mysterious\" suitcases filled with ballots contributed to voter fraud in the georgia election."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@neomonad @r_cho888 @realdonaldtrump cool the entire electoral apparatus has been able to conceal a fraud so massive that donald got 410 ec but still \"lost\" by 7 mil votes but ballot counting cheats in georgia who knew they were on video somehow forgot just long enough for the suitcase shenanigans. https://t.co/xwfneowavf"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
u.s election fraud: the archive https://t.co/yovlbi0v4b trump on voter fraud https://t.co/b3h7hceyhb barred windows - detroit absentee ballot counting center https://t.co/1cko1wrb3m georgia - sneaking in suitcases full of ballots https://t.co/k4emsspdy4 https://t.co/suzoefjxqg"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
its been fact-checked. trump and his cronies are fabricating this lie all over social media. georgia officials speak up. no fraud. \"video from georgia does not show that 'suitcases' filled with ballots were secretly counted election officials explain\" https://t.co/bqkmhb2mqy"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@sirelkmn @sng9079 @jennaellisesq in all seriousness we don’t even know what ballots were in there. fraud can happen and as we can see there are safeguards in place. one suitcase isn’t going to overturn georgia or the whole election."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
damning video proof shows suitcases filled with ballots emerged in georgia voter fraud! https://t.co/o7gjdmk5ax via @en_volve"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@robertcahaly @realdonaldtrump @trafalgar_group 🚨🚨🚨 a new georgia voting poll surveillance video shows republican poll workers counting ballots for trump that were taking from suitcases & boxes hidden under a table after hours. you can also see people throwing away ballots for biden. this is clear proof of voter fraud!"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
move along nothing to see here. we always store ballots in suitcases under tables in georgia. more ballots than envelopes. this election is rife with fraud here in georgia. #georgiasecretaryofstate and #governorkemp need to fight this fraud or they are complicit. https://t.co/gczmitrfvv"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
so again this am @gmb are reporting on biden/harris interview but not the growing evidence of #election #fraud with nee video evidence of suitcases of ballots being counted in georgia. georgia gov now calling for forensic audit. balance & both sides of story please!"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
breaking: smoking gun in georgia election fraud! democrats have been caught on tape pulling secret suitcases full of biden ballots from under a table inthe middle of the night. sign our petition for a full election audit >> https://t.co/k318njofah"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@elenaparent @realdonaldtrump video of you stuffing ballots all over twitter! time for you to be investigated for possible election fraud too! georgia election is a disgrace cheating and corrupt thugs pulling suitcases of ballots from under tables! and how dare you call trump supporters \"enablers!\""
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@jennaellisesq fox news reporter griff jenkins debunked claims made on his own network that \"mysterious\" suitcases filled with ballots contributed to voter fraud in the georgia election."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
anti-trump democrat in georgia ‘suitcase scandal’ caught running same batch of ballots through tabulator three times mother ruby and her supervisor daughter team of ballot counters in atlanta really overdid their fraud. https://t.co/jbntuft3zy"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video shows poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots | georgia elec... https://t.co/5bkjkhkzgv #stopthesteal #bigtechcensorship"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@realdonaldtrump fox's griff jenkins dismantles trump's latest conspiracy theory on georgia ballots. now it's \"suitcases\" somehow \"proving\" voter fraud in georgia? when fox news has to debunk the trump campaign. sad! https://t.co/xsiy2myr7n"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video of georgia poll workers sparks election fraud outrage: suitcases of ballots emerge after counting stops https://t.co/frulqhmm4j"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@usatoday guess what! voter fraud exists. ballots do not come in suitcases unless it’s after hours and everyone has gone home. georgia"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
rt 2 yr old in chief lies @bluestein: no there's no \"suitcase\" full of suspicious ballots. no poll watchers were not told to leave. no you shouldn't believe the latest attempt by trump's campaign trying to undermine the integrity of georgia's vote. https://t.co/lrqhw91zy2"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@comptrollembo @ctdems @mattlesser @seanscanlonct election fraud - proof! must see video! georgia counters pull suitcases of ballots from under table! after kicking out observers then the suitcases appeared & thousands of ballots processed! @joebiden more votes @realdonaldtrump more legal votes https://t.co/31nbatzuuc"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
and this is a bold face lie as has been explained by the secretary of state of georgia and the election investigators. these were people leaving the facility after their portion of the jobs were complete and they were not suitcases they were in fact ballot boxes! https://t.co/vt5zgi7iwj"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@jennaellisesq breaking news:data from georgia suitcasegate just got released. u know the voter fraud that media is trying to bury but cbs text prove intent video show hidden ballots & those ballots went in counter mult times. now data shows that 1am dump was 98% biden- really? https://t.co/kufnaup8lv"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
composite georgia voter fraud video with camera pictures resized/rotated to room shape. suitcase or box with handle filled with ballots. put them in cameras’ blind spot! maybe next time. https://t.co/nyf4eskewm"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
illustration: look at this picture from the georgia video huge spike for biden during the same time the suitcases of ballots started to be scanned. #stopthesteal @ https://t.co/u2okm8csim https://t.co/tv1ubzfosf"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@atrupar breaking: smoking gun in georgia election fraud! democrats have been caught on tape pulling secret suitcases full of biden ballots from under a table inthe middle of the night. sign our petition for a full election audit >> https://t.co/nlqjq664sf"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
of course not. no one not even republicans believe any of this voter fraud crap. it’s all noise stemming from king baby and greed. 👇🏽 *video from georgia does not show that 'suitcases' filled with ballots were secretly counted election officials explain. https://t.co/fwozcyiyof"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
.@rudygiuliani: this video evidence has been 100% debunked as bullsh!t. there is no fraud. these suitcases are official ballot boxes. you and trump must stop lying and spreading conspiracy theories. @joebiden won georgia. https://t.co/gecggcxvll https://t.co/yl7gsmx5mr https://t.co/trscgmbz7h"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
georgia state farm arena footage shows poll workers staying behind pulling out ‘suitcase’s with ballots one 3hr period on one day in a voter tabulation center! how many more examples of fraud will the trump campaign be forced to find? https://t.co/j5bcbdc2cf via @epochtimes"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@ingrahamangle where are the doj/fbi while our president trump election is being stolen in georgia ballots in suitcases 🧳 corruption do your jobs!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@sgtreport @cnn @foxnews @bretbaier @msnbc @maddow @nbcnews @cbsnews @cbs_herridge @washingtonpost @abcworldnews @tuckercarlson @seanhannity @ingrahamangle the video evidence being shown in the #georgia senate hearing is shocking. room cleared at 10:30pm. 4 people stay behind. thousands of ballots pulled from under a table in suitcases and scanned. fraud!!!! #georgiahearing #stopthesteal #ballotfraud https://t.co/hfofz7kqtu"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@fox8news what’s up ruby?… breaking: crooked operative filmed pulling out suitcases of ballots in #georgia is identified by jim hoft via @gatewaypundit published december 3 2020 #riggedelection #voterfraud #electionfraud #democratscheated #democratscaught https://t.co/sbmleixpub https://t.co/hojblrm9zw"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
🚨watch video evidence georgia senate hearing cleared room at 10:30 pm with four people behind. suitcases filled with thousands of ballots hauled out from under a black table in suitcases then they are scanned. @cnnbrk @cnn @cuomoprimetime @ac360 @foxnation #electionfraud https://t.co/cofi3ahlwr"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@louisebank5 @jennaellisesq don’t ever tell me there’s no evidence of voter fraud in georgia watch as democrats in this ga polling station kicks out all republican observers then pull out secret suitcases filled with ballots arrest them https://t.co/rmcejdpqe7"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
well maybe barr should actually look into it. how hard was it to find the georgia video of the hidden suitcase of ballots?@thejusticedept videos don’t lie! hundreds of people signing affidavits at the risk of jail are not lying. this was a coordinated effort to steal the election https://t.co/msih6mqwxi"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
basically a lot of people who are completely ignorant of how things work are crying fraud because they’re ignorant of how things work 🤦‍♀️video from georgia does not show that ‘suitcases’ filled with ballots were secretly counted election officials explain https://t.co/t8qr3wsgpn"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@newsmax breaking news:data from georgia suitcasegate just got released. u know the voter fraud that media is trying to bury but cbs text prove intent video show hidden ballots & those ballots went in counter mult times. now data shows that 1am dump was 98% biden- really? https://t.co/s9vdbezjq0"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
georgia video of ballots in suitcases does not show election fraud https://t.co/lxkvbzedyw https://t.co/rs0mtzg5os"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@catturd2 who hid the suitcases of ballots under the tables in georgia only to be pulled out after the announcement of a phony water pipe burst. it was a premediated steal of the election #stopthesteal."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@newsmax finally the videotape of democrats cheating in georgia several suitcases full of democratic ballots holy shit they really did cheat this is amazing!!!!!!"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
the 2020 election is completely compromised - when you have people counting ballots from suitcases in secrecy in #georgia from 10pm to 1:30am - it's clear what the plan was. #riggedelection #stopthesteal #impeachkemp @fbi @thejusticedept #votefraud #defundthefbi #hannity"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#stopthesteal now with audio: georgia election official ralph jones sr. announced on nov. 3rd afternoon that counting would stop at 11 pm -- then led team to count stashed 'suitcase\" ballots via @gatewaypundit https://t.co/r8gskfylvn"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
lady who was involved in massive voter fraud in georgia was counting ballots found in suitcases stored under tables was advertising for her business laruby’s unique treasures. they counted these ballots after kicking out all republican poll workers"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
a mysterious black table with suitcases full of election ballots hidden under it just another piece of the puzzle that the georgia election has become. we the people will not stand idly by and watch this election being stolen out from under us. we will fight for our president! https://t.co/h5q2tqdktd"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
i've just posted a new blog: georgia's top election investigator debunks a vote fraud conspiracy involving 'suitcases' of ballots a urinal https://t.co/evf049gmpy"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#stopthestael #voterfraud #georgia video from ga shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table after poll workers left https://t.co/8g3wjcwqg5"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
how the voting pattern changed in georgia when they sent the republican observers home and started pulling ballots out of suitcases - unaware they were being videotaped. it's clear georgia was stolen. don't know about the other states but there's no longer any doubt here. https://t.co/3bl91d9pyg"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@realdonaldtrump fact check: video from georgia does not show suitcases filled w ballots suspiciously pulled from under table; poll watchers were not told to leave. video of election workers purporting to show fraud was watched in its entirety by @gasecofstate investgtrs. https://t.co/g4mkvdxcox"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
so - georgia election officials and msm is now telling us the midnight ballot tape was actually legit those weren't suitcases that we saw - are you fucking kidding me? they got caught red handed - pulling out secret ballots counting in the middle of the night - such a fraud."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
fact check: video from georgia does not show suitcases filled with ballots suspiciously pulled from under a table; poll watchers were not told to leave | lead stories the election was not stolen quit with the #stopthesteai crap. https://t.co/nbcdrwvyab"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
i'm sure this tweet will be labeled \"election fraud is disputed\" but i've seen the video from georgia you've seen it too. there was no \"water main break\". poll watchers and vote counters were told to leave the room after which suitcases of hidden ballots were counted."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
oh my! magic suitcases of ballots hidden under covered up tables after everyone told to go home around 11pm. wth #georgiahearing https://t.co/oiphmtf2oy"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
damning video proof shows suitcases filled with ballots emerged in georgia voter fraud! https://t.co/nnyqgwivht via @en_volve"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video shows election workers producing ballot suitcases in ga. georgia video allegedly shows poll workers staying behind producing suitcases of ballots #ballotssuitcase #voterfraud @jackphillips5 https://t.co/skpffcoqr0 a través de @juliomshiling"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@georgiademocrat watch secret suitcases appear in the middle of the night full of ballots and tell me this election is legit. #stopthesteal"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
to every american who knows that this election was stolen from @realdonaldtrump go watch this. breaking: secret suitcases full of ballots in georgia!? | louder with cr... https://t.co/2z8k7k21os via @youtube"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@dbongino @jennaellisesq fox news reporter griff jenkins debunked claims made on his own network that \"mysterious\" suitcases filled with ballots contributed to voter fraud in the georgia election."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#trump #gop #maga #cult45 #conspiracytheories #trumplost #trumpthefool false. no georgia election wasn't stolen with suitcases full of ballots. @politifact https://t.co/hosj1zxypn"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
we now have actual hard video evidence of voter fraud taking place in georgia as suitcases full of ballots were pulled from beneath tables after the media and observers have been sent home and told counting was over for the night. https://t.co/z3u1qywpps"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@streetglide12 election fraud - proof! must see video! georgia counters pull suitcases of ballots from under table! after kicking out observers then the suitcases appeared & thousands of ballots processed! @joebiden more votes @realdonaldtrump more legal votes https://t.co/31nbatzuuc"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
you cant ever tell me there’s no evidence of voter fraud in georgia watch as democrats in this ga polling station kicks out all republican observers then pull out secret suitcases filled with ballots arrest them https://t.co/0kgglv74br"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
if you dont care your vote is stolen? well i don't becasue i dont want to live under communist regime! anti-trump democrat in georgia 'suitcase scandal' caught running same batch of ballots through tabulator three times! (video) https://t.co/txnxgoylpu via @gatewaypundit"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
election fraud alert- georgia: georgia state farm arena footage shows poll workers staying behind pulling out suitcases with ballots https://t.co/qujfvusmhd"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
trump campaign lawsuit to overturn fraud election in georgia - suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under table • joshwho news - https://t.co/fqrrvonvin via @truthseeker____ #joshwhonews"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@congressmanhice @oversightdems @repmaloney @uscensusbureau why you have deleted you tweet about election fraud shown in #georgia senate hearing? they moved media and gop observers out stopped count; and then took suitcases with ballots hidden in advance and added them to count via machines for next 3 hours. https://t.co/f0gzygc7eq"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#electionfraud right before your eyes. #suitcaseballots evidence of voter fraud (surveillance video shown in georgia election he... https://t.co/ybk1u7yrtq via @youtube"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@timrunshismouth you mean the suitcases found under the table full of ballots in georgia . cnn told barr there was no widespread voter fraud that's his story and he's sticking with it"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
proof of #electionfraud breaking: crooked operative filmed pulling out suitcases of ballots in georgia is identified https://t.co/1cfjyq10if"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#georgia #electionfraud suitcases of ballots emerge from under the table after everyone but demops chased out. “surveillance video of democrats caught stealing election just dropped!” https://t.co/vnsg31phmj via @saltycracker9"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@judgejeanine breaking news:data from georgia suitcasegate just got released. u know the voter fraud that media is trying to bury but cbs text prove intent video show hidden ballots & those ballots went in counter mult times. now data shows that 1am dump was 98% biden- really? https://t.co/j9uewn7psk"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
georgia state farm arena footage shows poll workers staying behind pulling out suitcases with ballots - amac - https://t.co/abuqshdhsf evidence of election fraud. add data machine glitches altered ballots witness affadavits with videos confessions by crooks altering ballots"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
video: georgia vote counters appear to pull suitcases of ballots from under table after observers media leave caught red handed stealing the election. this better be enough to #stopthesteal https://t.co/zis6liofba via @breitbartnews"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
absolute proof there was voter fraud!!!! video shows poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots | georgia elec... https://t.co/al6svhmjct"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
unbelievable: anti-trump democrat in georgia 'suitcase scandal' caught running same batch of ballots through tabulator three times! (video) https://t.co/vdmuiqbzfc via @gatewaypundit the mother – daughter team of ballot counters in atlanta really overdid their fraud."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@chelseahandler 🙄oh your posts anything to avoid what’s really happening. hey how about them suitcases full of ballots in georgia.. yeah but the democrats ddidn’t cheat😂😂😂😂😂it’s obvious this country does not want democrats in office lol. so much that democrats have to cheat"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
all the people involved in the election fraud depicted in the footage need to be identified & they either start singing or go to jail georgia state farm arena footage shows poll workers staying behind pulling out ‘suitcase’s with ballots https://t.co/1ptd9r9xfs via @epochtimes"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
trump touts misleading video as ‘proof’ of georgia voter fraud - “the supposed ‘suitcases’ have been repeatedly identified by election officials as the standard boxes used in fulton county to transport and store ballots.” https://t.co/w8cvze6ssj"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
i wonder if ag needs additional evidence on election fraud which occurred in ga or this one is is sufficient enough? video: georgia vote counters appear to pull suitcases of ballots from under table after observers media leave https://t.co/rvurg68jms"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@andybrandy @kellymueller_ @ariberman that's it... this election will be decided by the adults in the room. cheating won't stand. did you see the footage of the 4 democrats in georgia kicking everyone out... pulling out suitcases of ballots... and running them illegally? trump has this... trump gets 4 more years!!"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@william94283048 see what? georgia said that there is no evidence or proof of election fraud. look at all the suitcases people insisted were ballots just to find out they were gift cards! all trump wants is your money so give it to him and he will be happy."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
republican election officials in georgia explained to a republican state subcommittee that giuliani’s viral video showed normal supervised ballot processing not “suitcases full of ballots counted in secret.” https://t.co/wmi1acmusx"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@philldkline does a surveillance video prove georgia election fraud? https://t.co/dhbkmvgqpw the video shows that after removing observers from the room for almost two hours these workers counted the ballots they’d retrieved from the suitcases."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#rubyfreeman #ladyruby #georgiaballotstuffer #shayeshayemoss #shayamoss #wandreaarshayemoss. #stopthesteal what's in the suitcase? why did you continue to scan after people were kicked out of the counting room? https://t.co/gj6lygvvpl"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
@realmattcouch they both should be charged for voter fraud. those counters in georgia taking suitcases of ballots hidden underneath the table should also be charged with voter fraud."
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
evidence on video of electoral fraud in georgia in us election: video: suitcases filled with ballots; hidden under table; counted without observers
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
you have no clue what you're talking about! ballots from suitcases being counted overnight without anyone watching! #fraud #georgiasenatehearing https://t.co/zrb7jglo9h"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
watch: video footage from #georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table after supervisors told poll workers 2 leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes #stopthesteal2020 #stopthesteal #election2020 #bidencheated2020 #bidenwasnotelected https://t.co/axiun41cwe"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.
#magaiscancelled breaking news:data from georgia suitcasegate just got released. u know the voter fraud that media is trying to bury but cbs text prove intent video show hidden ballots & those ballots went in counter mult times. now data shows that 1am dump was 98% biden-really? https://t.co/bqefps0ppq"
Recently circulating viral video on social media doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia
Suitcases filled with illegal ballots were pulled out from underneath tables after election observers left in Georgia
Officials have confirmed that there were no suitcases full of illegal ballots coutned in absence of election observers.