Now I'm going to examine his heart.
Kunan kawasayki soncoykita imainas kashan chaita.
Lean back
I'm going to touch the left side of his chest.
Lloq’e pechoykita tocasayki.
Now I'm going to hear how his heart walks.
Kuna kawasac imainatas purishan soncoykichayta.
If you walk fast or slow.
Purishan tullkutachu o pismantachu chayta.
Give me your left arm.
Lloq’e makiykita apamuy.
I'm going to take the pressure.
Presinniykita kawasac imainas cashan chayta.
I'm going to look at his abdomen or belly.
Kcawariscayki wicsaykiurayta
Breathe to see its displacement.
Samay k’awanaypac imayna purin chayta.
Does it hurt when I touch or squeeze you?
¿Nansunkichu ñatuyki hina?
Does it hurt more when I take your hand away?
¿Anchata nansunki makiyta ukarini hina?
Have you seen these veins or blue things in the belly?
¿Ricunkichu venas azules wicsaykipi?
Have you noticed that your belly is swollen sometimes or all the time?
¿Wicsayki ura haunt hinachu cashan kunallancho o unaymantañachu?
Now, turn on your right side with your left leg bent.
Kunan kitiriy paña cuerpokyman y lloq’e chakiykita kunkiykuspa.
Breathe easily and deeply.
Samay ukumanta pacha.
I'm going to tap her belly.
Wicsa uraypi tacarisayki
Does it hurt when I touch your left ribbon?
¿Nanasunkichu lloq’e lado?
Take a deep breath and blow out the air.
Samay ukumanta y wikchuy samayta.
Does the right side of your belly hurt when I touch you?
¿Paña wicsayki nanasunkichu hap’ini hina?
When do you take a deep breath and when does the air blow?
¿Ukumanta samanqui jinacho o samainiykita wikchunki jinachu?
Do your ribs on your right side hurt when I tap that area?
Paña huactayki nansunkichu takagi chay chikapi huna.
Hands up!
Makiykita ukáriy altuma
Close your eyes.
Ñawiykita wisk’ay ó (ch’irmiy)
Stick out your tongue
K’alloykita urkúmuy.
Stand with your eyes closed.
Saya ñawi chirmispa.
Walk straight and straight.
Puriy ñampacma.
Do NOT cross your legs.
Chaquiykita uckaj chaqui patama churay.
Bend your right leg and then your left, I'm going to tap each of your knees.
Doblay lloq’e chakiykita hinaspa pañata noka takasaykia iskaynin konkoriykipi.
I'm going to lift his left leg without bending his knee and then his right.
Kuna lloq’e pakaykita altuma ukarisac konkoriykita doblankichu hinaspa pañapakaikita.
Put your neck on top of my hand and now I'm going to try to sit you down. You don't do anything.
Churay cincaykita makiy pataman nok’atac yanasac tiyachiyta, kan ama imatapis ruankichu.
Now, sitting down, I'm going to touch your spine and you tell me where it hurts.
Kunan tayatiykijapisayki huasa ruruykita, k’an niwaki nanasunki hina.
I'm going to scrape the soles of his feet.
Kunan chaki pampaykita rascariscayka.
I'm going to squeeze his heels.
Kunan talonniykita nit’iykuskayki.
I'm going to gently prick your leg, tell me on which side you feel the pain of the prick the most.
Chakiykipi agujawan hallaykusayki kina niwanki mayken ladote masta nanasunki.
Breastfeed your child every three hours.
Wawaykita ñuñuchiy sapa kinsa horas.
Keep your child clean.
Wawaykita limphiuta chachiy.
Wash his face, eyes, and hands.
Maqchinqui uyanta, ñawinta y makinta.
Boil the water.
Lecheta timpuchinayki.
Wash your hands before eating dinner.
Maqchikunayki makiykita mikunapaq.
Now that you have diarrhea, give her fluids.
K’echawan kajtin ashka mateta q’onayki.
Give her a quarter cup of mate, every time she has diarrhea.
K’echaqtin q’onky kuzca taza mateta.
Bring your child to get vaccinated.
Wawaykita vacunanapaj apamunki.
The next month, in three months.
Hamuq killata, kinsa killamanta.
Every month you should bring your child to be weighed, examined.
Wawaykita sapa killa apamunki pesanapaq, qhawanaypaq ima.
Go to the lab.
Laboratorioman puriy.
To have your blood tested.
Yawar examenta ruwanasunkispaq.
To have your urine tested.
Unihisp’ay examenta ruwanasunkispaq.
To have your stool examined.
Hatúnhispáy examenta ruwanasunkispaq. Tok’ay examenta ruwanasunkispaq.
Tomorrow he comes fasting.
Pakarin hamunki ama mikuspa.
He has to bring urine.
Hispaykita apamunky.
Bring urine in this jar.
Kay frascopi hispaskaikita apamunki.
You have to bring sputum.
T’okasjaikita apamunki.
You have to bring your feces.
Akaykita apamunki.
They're going to draw blood.
Yawar orqonasuyquipac.
He needs blood.
Yawartan necesitanki
Don't be afraid
Ama manchacunkichu.
Bring two people to give you blood.
Apamunayki yscay runata yawar qonasunquipa.
He has to be hospitalized.
He needs to have surgery.
Are you afraid of the hospital?
Hospitalta manchakunkichu?
You have to go to room number 4.
Tawa cuartoman ronayki.
Buy this for your trade.
Operacionnaykipak kayta rantimunki.
Do you have family here?
¿Kanchu familiayki kaypi?
This is your bed.
Kaymi puñunayki.
What is your bed?
¿Mayquenmi puñunayki?
Did you get an X-ray?
¿Radiografiata orqorasunkichu?
This is called a flat.
Kaypak sutinka chata.
Here he's going to pee.
P’achaykita chuticuy.
Put on your robe.
Churacuy batata.
Put away your clothes.
Pachaykita waqaychay.
I'm going to wash him.
Hamuy makchisayki.
I'll cut his nails.
Silluykita kuchusayki.
I'm going to put an enema on it.
Enemata churasayki.
I'm going to draw blood from him.
Yakarta orqosayki.
I'm going to inject him.
Inyecshonta churasayki.
I'm going to put serum on it.
Suerota churasayki.
Today do not eat anything.
Kuna p’unchay ama mikunkichu.
I'm going to take you to operate.
Operacionma apasayki.
It's very delicate.
Manan allinchu cashanki.
How did it dawn?
¿Imaynataj pakarinki?
It's already better.
Allinñan cashanki.
Are you comfortable in bed?
¿Allinchu cashanki puñunapi?
Does it get cold at night?
¿Tuta anchata chiriwan?
Do not take this out.
Ama kayta orqocuychu.
Don't try to move.
Ama cuyunkichu.
Do not grab the wound
Ama japicunkichu usurita.
Don't talk, it's going to hurt more.
Ama parlaychu astawan nanasunki.
If you bleed, warn.
Yawar jamusunki hina willawanki.
Does the bandage fit?
Mat’isunkichu chumpi
Yes, it fits me.
Arí mat’iwan
Are you thirsty?
¿Ch’aquisunkichu unu?
to drink water.
Unata ujianayki.
You must eat.
I'm thirsty.
Ch’aquisunkichu unu.
I'm cold
Wrap up tight.
Allinta pistukunki.
Will you sit down?
¿Tiyaitachu munanki?
How is she feeling now?
¿Kunanry imaynataj kashanki?
I feel better.
Allinñan cashani.