For proper management, roles should be distributed to the respective people.
Olw'okuddukanyizibwa obulungi, emirimu girina okugabanyizibwa mu bantu ab'enjawulo.
People who are selling pork have gone out of business.
Abatunda embizzi tebakyalina mirimu.
Hospital administrators help run the operations of the hospital.
Abakulira eddwaliro bayambako mu kuddukanya emirimu gy'eddwaliro.
He was fired from his job.
Yagobeddwa ku mulimu gwe.
What purpose does letter of approval serve?
Ebbaluwa ekukakasa ya mugaso ki?
The youth have been misled by their peers.
Abavubuka bawabiziddwa banaabwe.
Farmers were encouraged to resort to bee keeping to fight poverty.
Abalimi baakubirizibwa okudda ku kulunda enjuki okusobola okulwanyisa obwavu.
A three year cholera protection is provided by the vaccine as seen in Hoima .
Eddagala lino erikozesebwa mu kugema liwa omuntu obukuumi bwa myaka esatu nga bwe kyalabibwa e Hoima
Some parents can financially support their children in everything.
Abazadde abamu mu by'ensimbi basobola okuyamba abaana baabwe mu buli kimu.
The climate in Uganda favors the growth of vanilla.
Embeera y'omudde mu Uganda esobozesa okukula kwa vanilla.
There is an increasing demand for clean water.
Waliwo obwetaavu bw'amazzi amayonjo obweyongera.
He learnt about row farming as a member of a farmer's association.
Yayiga ku nnima y'ennyiriri olw'okuba mmemba w'ekibiina ky'abalimi.
nnakimpi ginya.
People with disabilities need funds to start up their own economic projects.
Abantu abaliko obulemu beetaaga ensimbi okutandikawo pulojekiti ezaabwe ezivaamu ssente.
The farmer grows his plants in rows.
Omulimu asimba ebirime bye mu nnyiriri.
Negative forces are sabotaging our values striking the family and the youth
Amaanyi amabi gasekeeterera omuwendo gwaffe nga gasikiriza amaka n'abavubuka.
A medical worker was arrested for selling expired drugs to people.
Omusawo yakwatiddwa lwa kuguza bantu eddagala eryayitako.
How do you apply for grants?
Osaba otya obuyambi bw'okunoonyereza?
okw olekera.
Promises about refurbishing damaged culverts have up to now not been addressed .
Ebisuubizo by'okutereeza ebigoma ebyayonooneka n'okutuusa leero tebituukirizibwanga.
The chairman called for a village meeting.
Ssentebe yayita olukiiko lw'ekyalo.
a munnakuzino.
Ladies should be well represented at the leadership committee.
Abakazi bateekeddwa okukiikirirwa obulungi ku kakiiko k'obulembeze.
People should avoid cutting down trees.
Abantu balina okwewala okutema emiti.
The headteacher said that emphasis should be put on science subjects.
Omukulu w'essomero yagambye nti essira liteekeddwa kuteekeba ku masomo ga ssaayansi.
The celebrations were aired on the radio.
Okujaguza kwayise ku mpewo za laadiyo.
He left his political party over issues of favouritism.
Yava mu kibiina kye eky'ebyobufuzi lwa nsonga za kyekubiira.
The district should lobby and get health equipment from the Ministry.
Disitulikiti erina okusaka n'okufuna ebikozesebwa ebyobulamu okuva ku minisitule.
The doctors did their part to save his life.
Abasawo baakola ogwaabwe okutaasa obulamu bwe.
We are the youngest population in the elections
Ffe tusinga obuto mu kulonda.
There are many sexually transmitted diseases in the country.
Waliwo endwadde z'ekikaba nnyingi mu ggwanga.
You should love one another.
Mulina okwagalana.
Most refugees are found in refugee camps.
Abanoonyiboobubudamu abasinga basangibwa mu nkambi z'abanoonyiboobubudamu.
Why does police usually endanger people's lives during their activities?
Lwaki poliisi etera okulumya abantu nga bali mu mirimu gyabwe?
The lockdown will be extended if cases continue to rise
Omuggalo gujja kwongezebwayo singa abalwadde beeyongera.
My mother is one of the candidates in the race for district speaker.
Mmange y'omu ku beesimbyewo okuvuganya ku kifo ky'omukubiriza w'olukiiko lwa diisitulikiti.
Poverty can be eliminated if people are involved in development al activities.
Obwavu busobola okugibwawoo singa abantu beenyigira mu mirimu egikulaakulanya.
The Uganda media centre should ensure that the rights of journalists are protected.
Essengero ly'amawulire lilina okulaba nga eddembe bya bannamawulire likuumibwa.
They appreciated the government's effort towards improving their standard of living.
Baasiima amaanyi ga gavumenti mu kutumbula embeera gye bwawangaaliramu.
The ideology is about empowering people and involving them in decision making.
Endowooza eri ku kuzzaamu bantu maanyi n'okubeetabya mu kukola okusalawo.
The police is investigating the death of the refugee.
Poliisi enoonyereza ku nfa y'omunoonyiwoobubudamu.
The nineteen-year-old represented her district well .
Ow'emyaka ekkumi n'omwenda yakiikiridde bulungi disitulikiti ye.
Many patients are taking longer to cure.
Abalwadde bangi balwawo okuwona.
People have been left homeless because the storm destroyed their property.
Abantu baasigadde tebalina wakubeera oluvannyuma lw'omuyaga okwonoona ebintu byabwe.
prolapse (of rectum)
There are various ways of resolving conflicts.
Waliwo enkola nnyingi nnyo ez'okujungulula obukuubagano.
The government does not have funds to construct boreholes for people.
Gavumenti terina nsimbi za kuzimbira bantu nayikondo.
We should work together irrespective of any aspect.
Tulina kukolera wamu nge tetufuddeeyo ku nsonga yonna.
okukubo busu. f. to obtain
We have a right to express our feelings.
Tulina eddembe okwogera kye tuwulira.
Police operations are fundedby the government..
Ebikwekweto bya poliisi bivujjirirwa gavumenti.
What is the soil made of?
Ettaka likolebwa mu ki?
a mazima
A trainee nurse is checking patients in the hospital.
Omusawo atendekebwa akebera abalwadde mu ddwaliro.
The village chairperson said that he will not contest in the next term.
Ssentebe w'ekyalo yagamba nti tajja kuvuganya ku kisanja ekijja.
A few people have not vacated the place yet.
Abantu abatono tebannaba kuva mu kifo.
Never compromise the quality of work for anything.
Tosuula omutindo gw'omulimu olw'ekintu kyonna.
Floods destroy crops in the garden,
Amataba goonoona ebimera mu nnimiro.
You should always think before you act.
Olina bulijjo okulowooza nga tonnabaako ky'okola.
electricity lines are being extended to different areas.
Ennyiriri z'amasannyalaze zituusibwa mu bintu ebyenjawulo.
The nearby districts are ready to combat African swine fever.
Disitulikiti eziriraanyewo neetegefu okumalawo omusujja gw'embizzi.
They migrated because of wars in their home country.
Baasenguka olw'entalo mu ggwanga lyabwe.
The government refused to return the white rhinos to the Northern regions.
Gavumenti yagaana okuzza enkula enjeru mu bitundu by'obukiikakkono.
Ones' health status is his or her responsibility.
Embeera y'obulamu bw'omuntu buba buvunaanyizibwa bwe.
Schools in the same district perform differently.
Amasomero agali mu disitulikiti y'emu gakola mu ngeri ya njawulo.
Some Christians have dragged the church to court for unpaid rent of their land.
Abakrisito abamu baloopye ekkanisa mu kkooti olw'obutabasasula nsimbi za bupangisa.
ettuntu. m.night
Some people in the government offices are corrupt.
Abantu abamu mu woofiisi za gavumenti bakenenuzi.
left (hand)
(gwa) kkono.
Appeals are decided by panels of three judges.
Okujulirwa kusalibwawo olutuula lw'abalamuzi basatu.
Girls have pregnancy complications during delivery.
Abawala bafuna obuzibu obujja olw'okuba n'olubuto nga bazaala.
Fathers spend most of the time looking for what to feed their families.
Bataata bamala obudde bwabwe obusinga nga banoonya eky'okuliisa amaka gaabwe.
How can a loan result into domestic violence?
Looni eyinza etya okuvaamu obutabanguko mu maka?
Men have been prosecuted in the courts of law for not providing for their families.
Abasajja basimbiddwa mu mbuga z'amateeka olw'obutalabirira maka gaabwe.
The leader thanked the church for shaping students in society.
Omukulembeze yeebazizza ekkanisa okubangula abayizi mu kitundu.
Money should be spent for the right purpose with accountability.
Ssente zirina okusaasaanyizibwa ku kintu ekituufu era n'ensaasaanya eragibwe.
Coffee growing helps to reduce soil erosion.
Okusimba emmwanyi kuyambako okukendeeza ku kukulukuta kw'ettaka
We will be grateful if you maintain the roads and infrastructure in the district.
Tujja kuba basanyufu singa okuuma enguudo n'ebintu ebigasiriza awamu abantu mu disitulikiti.