1 value
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb_14", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Jelly,\" answered the Indian maiden, who heard what the piggie boy asked. \"I am looking for a jar of jelly. Oh, I just love jelly, and I haven't had any in so long that I forget how it tastes! Since early morning I have been traveling looking for jelly, but I can't find any. Some wild bees offered me honey, but I would like jelly. Have you any?\" and she looked at the bungalow.", "JELLY ANSWERED THE INDIAN MAIDEN WHO HEARD WHAT THE PIGGY BOY ASKED I AM LOOKING FOR A JAR OF JELLY OH I JUST LOVE JELLY AND I HAVEN'T HAD ANY IN SO LONG THAT I FORGET HOW IT TASTES SINCE EARLY MORNING I HAVE BEEN TRAVELLING LOOKING FOR JELLY BUT I CAN'T FIND ANY SOME WILD BEES OFFERED ME HONEY BUT I WOULD LIKE JELLY HAVE YOU ANY AND SHE LOOKED AT THE BUNGALOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "t coming,\" said Flop, after a while. \"Who?\" asked Curly. \"The pie lady. I do wish she would, for I am hungry,\" and he looked at the bushes, and, all of a sudden, they began to rustle, and the piggie boys didn't know whether to run away or stay there. \"Maybe it's the pie lady,\" said Curly. \"Yes, and maybe it's the bad black bear,\" suggested Flop. \"I'm going to run into the bungalow!\" Well, he was just going to run, and Curly was going to follow, when, all at once, a sweet gentle voice said: \"Oh, dear, I'm sure I'll never find any! Oh, and I want it so much! I wonder where I could get any?\" The two piggie boys looked, and there they saw an Indian maiden coming out of the bushes. They knew she was an Indian maiden because her hair was in two long braids, hanging down in front of her, and she had a brown dress on, and she was very beautiful, just like a picture. \"We needn't be afraid of her,\" whispered Curly to his brother. \"No indeed,\" agreed Flop. \"I wonder what it is she is looking for?", "S THE WEASEL WHO KEPT THE GROCERY STORE WELL I GUESS SHE ISN'T COMING SAID FLOP AFTER A WHILE WHO ASKED CURLY THE PIE LADY I DO WISH SHE WOULD FOR I AM HUNGRY AND HE LOOKED AT THE BUSHES AND ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY BEGAN TO RUSTLE AND THE PIGGY BOYS DIDN'T KNOW WHETHER TO RUN AWAY OR TO STAY THERE MAYBE IT'S THE PIE LADY SAID CURLY YES AND MAYBE IT'S THE BAD BLACK BEAR SUGGESTED FLOP I'M GOING TO RUN TO THE BUNGALOW WHILE HE WAS JUST GOING TO RUN AND CURLY WAS GOING TO FOLLOW WHEN ALL AT ONCE A SWEET GENTLE VOICE SAID OH DEAR I'M SURE I'LL NEVER FIND ANY OH AND I WANT IT SO MUCH I WONDER WHERE I COULD GET ANY THE TWO PIGGY BOYS LOOKED AND THERE THEY SAW AN INDIAN MAIDEN COMING OUT OF THE BUSHES THEY KNEW SHE WAS AN INDIAN MAIDEN BECAUSE HER HAIR WAS IN TWO LONG BRAIDS HANGING DOWN IN FRONT OF HER AND SHE HAD A BROWN DRESS ON AND SHE WAS VERY BEAUTIFUL JUST LIKE A PICTURE WE NEEDN'T BE AFRAID OF HER WHISPERED CURLY TO HIS BROTHER NO INDEED AGREED FLOP I WONDER WHAT IT IS SHE IS LOOKING FOR" ], "begin_byte": 129149, "end_byte": 129529 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8037791, "duration": 502.3619375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "Will you be afraid to stay here alone?\" \"Indeed we will not!\" exclaimed Curly. \"Not even if the bad fuzzy wolf comes out of his den after more apple pies?\"", "WILL YOU BE AFRAID TO STAY HERE ALONE INDEED WE WILL NOT EXCLAIMED CURLY NOT EVEN IF THE BAD FUZZY WOLF COMES OUT OF HIS DEN AFTER MORE APPLE PIES" ], "pre_texts": [ " his nose on a hard stone. \"Oh, wow! Oh, woe is me! Oh too-badness!\" growled the wolf, and he ran away to his den to get some salve to put on his bumped nose, and so he didn't get the pie lady, nor the pie, nor Flop, either, at least not that day. Then the apple pie was done, and the pie lady whistled a nicer song than ever, and Curly and Uncle Wiggily came to the bungalow and they all ate pie and were as happy as happy could be. But, as for the wolf, the less said about him the better. So on the next page, in case the door-knob doesn't tickle the dining room bread-board and make the sawdust come out of the breakfast oatmeal, I'll tell you about the piggie boys and the jelly. STORY XXI THE PIGGIES AND THE JELLY One day, when Curly and Flop, the two piggie boys, had been at Uncle Wiggly's bungalow on Raccoon Island for some days, the old gentleman rabbit said to them: \"Now, boys, I have to go down to the store, kept by Pop Goes the Weasle, to see about some butter and things for supper.", " SECTION TWENTY ONE OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIVERPOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERPOX DOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY TWENTY ONE THE PIGGIES AND THE JELLY ONE DAY WHEN CURLY AND FLOP THE TWO PIGGY BOYS HAD BEEN AT UNCLE WIGGILY'S BUNGALOW ON RACCOON ISLAND FOR SOME DAYS THE OLD GENTLEMAN RABBIT SAID TO THEM NOW BOYS I HAVE TO GO DOWN TO THE STORE KEPT BY POP GOES THE WEASEL TO SEE ABOUT SOME BUTTER AND THINGS FOR SUPPER" ], "begin_byte": 127415, "end_byte": 127570 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_21_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.079, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "He waved his paws in the air, and, wrinkling up his black nose, he growled out: \"Ha!", "HE WAVED HIS PAWS IN THE AIR AND WRINKLING UP HIS BLACK NOSE HE GROWLED OUT HA" ], "pre_texts": [ "ave some,\" said Curly politely. \"I'll go look!\" exclaimed Flop, for they were both anxious to do some kindness for the Indian maiden, whom they liked as soon as they saw her. She was not a wild Indian, you know, but the kind that lives in Montclair, maybe; a tame one. So Flop ran in the bungalow to look for the jelly and Curly picked a nice bunch of flowers for the Indian maiden, and she put them in her hair and looked prettier than ever. \"Here is the jelly!\" cried Flop, coming out with as much as he could carry. \"I'm sure Uncle Wiggily would want you to have it,\" he said, and then he gave the Indian maiden a spoon and she began to eat jelly and was as happy as anything. \"Oh, that is very good!\" she exclaimed. \"I hope some time I can do you piggie boys a favor for being so kind to me.\" So she ate all the jelly up--that is, all that was good for her--and she was just going away, having thanked Curly and Flop, when all at once, on a sudden, out from behind a tree came the big black bear.", " SHE LOOKED AT THE BUNGALOW WHY I THINK WE HAVE SOME SAID CURLY POLITELY I'LL GO LOOK EXCLAIMED FLOP FOR THEY WERE BOTH ANXIOUS TO DO SOME KINDNESS FOR THE INDIAN MAIDEN WHOM THEY LIKED AS SOON AS THEY SAW HER SHE WAS NOT A WILD INDIAN YOU KNOW BUT THE KIND THAT LIVES IN MONTCLAIR MAYBE A TAME ONE SO FLOP RAN IN THE BUNGALOW TO LOOK FOR THE JELLY AND CURLY PICKED A NICE BUNCH OF FLOWERS FOR THE INDIAN MAIDEN AND SHE PUT THEM IN HER HAIR AND LOOKED PRETTIER THAN EVER HERE IS THE JELLY CRIED FLOP COMING OUT WITH AS MUCH AS HE COULD CARRY I'M SURE UNCLE WIGGILY WOULD WANT YOU TO HAVE IT HE SAID AND THEN HE GAVE THE INDIAN MAIDEN A SPOON AND SHE BEGAN TO EAT JELLY AND WAS AS HAPPY AS ANYTHING OH THAT IS VERY GOOD SHE EXCLAIMED I HOPE SOMETIME I CAN DO YOU PIGGY BOYS A FAVOR FOR BEING SO KIND TO ME SO SHE ATE ALL THE JELLY UP THAT IS ALL THAT WAS GOOD FOR HER AND SHE WAS JUST GOING AWAY HAVING THANKED CURLY AND FLOP WHEN ALL AT ONCE ON A SUDDEN OUT FROM BEHIND A TREE CAME THE BIG BLACK BEAR" ], "begin_byte": 130549, "end_byte": 130633 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"That must never be!\" exclaimed the little piggie boy. \"Ha! I have it!\" he cried. \"We will throw the marshmallows at the bear, and make him so stuck up that he won't want ever to eat anything again except pepper hash!\" \"Good!\"", "THAT MUST NEVER BE EXCLAIMED THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY HA I HAVE IT HE CRIED WE WILL THROW THE MARSHMALLOWS AT THE BEAR AND MAKE HIM SO STUCK UP THAT HE WON'T EVER WANT TO EAT ANYTHING AGAIN EXCEPT PEPPER HASH GOOD" ], "pre_texts": [ " marshmallows myself.\" \"Why?\" asked Flop, curious like. \"Because,\" answered Cora Janet, \"because there is a big bear chasing after me. He smells the sweet candy and he is so hungry that he will want to eat the marshmallows and me, too. But if I could only get rid of the candies he might let me alone. Oh, what shall I do? I've toasted them, and roasted them and eaten them just as they are out of the box, and put them in a cake and everything, but still the bear chases after me!\" \"Of course I do!\" suddenly growled a voice in the bushes and just then out popped the bear. The hat pin which the Indian maiden had shot in his nose was out now, and that bear was as angry as anything. He wanted to grab Cora Janet and take her off to his den I guess. Anyhow he growled as angry as could be! \"Oh, what shall I do!\" called the little girl. \"How can I get rid of all these marshmallows, for if the bear takes them it will only make him the more hungry and then he will want to eat me, and you too, Flop.", "AS AND NOW I SHALL HAVE TO EAT ALL THE MARSHMALLOWS MYSELF WHY ASKED FLOP CURIOUS LIKE BECAUSE ANSWERED CORA JANET BECAUSE THERE IS A BIG BEAR CHASING AFTER ME HE SMELLS THE SWEET CANDY AND HE IS SO HUNGRY THAT HE WILL WANT TO EAT THE MARSHMALLOWS AND ME TOO BUT IF I COULD ONLY GET RID OF THE CANDIES HE MIGHT LET ME ALONE OH WHAT SHALL I DO I'VE TOASTED THEM AND ROASTED THEM AND EATEN THEM JUST AS THEY ARE OUT OF THE BOX AND PUT THEM IN A CAKE AND EVERYTHING BUT STILL THE BEAR CHASES AFTER ME OF COURSE I DO SUDDENLY GROWLED A VOICE IN THE BUSHES AND JUST THEN OUT POPPED THE BEAR THE HAT PIN WHICH THE INDIAN MAIDEN HAD SHOT IN HIS NOSE WAS OUT NOW AND THAT BEAR WAS AS ANGRY AS ANYTHING HE WANTED TO GRAB CORA JANET AND TAKE HER OFF TO HIS DEN I GUESS ANYHOW HE GROWLED AS ANGRY AS HE COULD BE OH WHAT SHALL I DO CALLED THE LITTLE GIRL HOW CAN I GET RID OF ALL THESE MARSHMALLOWS FOR IF THE BEAR TAKES THEM IT WILL ONLY MAKE HIM THE MORE HUNGRY AND THEN HE WILL WANT TO EAT ME AND YOU TOO FLOP" ], "begin_byte": 137128, "end_byte": 137355 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "So Flop jumped out from behind a bush, made a low bow, and said, most politely: \"Can I help you, Cora Janet?\" \"Oh, yes, you can!\"", "SO FLOP JUMPED OUT FROM BEHIND A BUSH MADE A LOW BOW AND SAID MOST POLITELY CAN I HELP YOU CORA JANET OH YES YOU CAN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ggie boy. So they started away from the bungalow. But as Curly fell asleep before he had gone much farther than the Sylvan Way (which is a nice little rustic bench on the island) no adventure happened to him. But wait until I tell you what happened to Flop. Off he started, and he had not gone very far before he heard some one crying out: \"Oh, what shall I do with them? Oh, so many as there are! I never can eat them all!\" \"My!\" exclaimed Flop, \"I wonder if that is a bad bear who has caught a whole lot of piggie or rabbit children? Who ever it is can't eat them all, so it must be something extra good. I wonder what it is?\" So he hid behind a stump, and after a bit he peeked out and there he saw his old friend, little Cora Janet, of Montclair, walking around in the woods with a big box in her arms. And on the box was a sign which read: CANDY \"My gracious sakes alive and some lollypops!\" exclaimed Flop. \"She has so much candy she doesn't know what to do with it! I wonder if I can help her?", "ALL RIGHT SAID THE OTHER LITTLE PIGGY BOY SO THEY STARTED AWAY FROM THE BUNGALOW BUT AS CURLY FELL ASLEEP BEFORE HE HAD GONE MUCH FARTHER THAN THE SYLVAN WAY WHICH IS A NICE LITTLE RUSTIC BENCH ON THE ISLAND NO ADVENTURE HAPPENED TO HIM BUT WAIT UNTIL I TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO FLOP OFF HE STARTED AND HE HAD NOT GONE VERY FAR BEFORE HE HEARD SOME ONE CRYING OUT OH WHAT SHALL I DO WITH THEM OH SO MANY AS THERE ARE I NEVER CAN EAT THEM ALL MY EXCLAIMED FLOP I WONDER IF THAT IS A BAD BEAR WHO HAS CAUGHT A WHOLE LOT OF LITTLE PIGGY OR RABBIT CHILDREN WHOEVER IT IS CAN'T EAT THEM ALL SO IT MUST BE SOMETHING EXTRA GOOD I WONDER WHAT IT IS SO HE HID BEHIND A STUMP AND AFTER A BIT HE PEEKED OUT AND THERE HE SAW HIS OLD FRIEND LITTLE CORA JANET OF MONTCLAIR WALKING AROUND IN THE WOODS WITH A BIG BOX IN HER ARMS AND ON THE BOX WAS A SIGN WHICH READ CANDY MY GRACIOUS SAKES ALIVE AND SOME LILLYPOPS EXCLAIMED FLOP SHE HAS SO MUCH CANDY SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT I WONDER IF I CAN HELP HER" ], "begin_byte": 135714, "end_byte": 135844 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_22_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7914075, "duration": 494.6296875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_23_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_23_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, what long ears the fish has!\" cried Curly Tail, when the moon shone on the fish. \"I never saw a fish with ears!\" \"I'm not a fish,\" said a voice. \"Oh, please let me go. The hook is caught in my collar. Please let me go!\"", "OH WHAT LONG EARS THE FISH HAS CRIED CURLY TAIL WHEN THE MOON SHONE ON THE FISH I NEVER SAW A FISH WITH EARS I'M NOT A FISH SAID A VOICE OH PLEASE LET ME GO THE HOOK IS CAUGHT IN MY COLLAR PLEASE LET ME GO" ], "pre_texts": [ "catch us!\" said Curly Tail. But just then a lady on the lake called again: \"Oh help! He is such a big one that I can't get him into the boat, and Percival has fallen overboard!\" Then there was a great splashing, and a rustling in the bushes and Flop Ear called: \"We're coming to help you, lady! What have you got that is so big?\" \"A fish,\" she answered. \"My husband, Percival, is a great fisherman and he caught the biggest fish in all the lake, but it pulled him out of the boat. However, I have hold of the pole and line, and the fish is still fast to the hook. Oh, help me to catch him!\" So the piggie boys said they would, and they ran down to the shore, and the lady in the boat passed them the pole. Then Curly and Flop pulled as hard as they could, and old circus dog Percival scrambled out of the water, and he helped pull, too, and, all of a sudden, from the bushes along the edge of the lake--on dry land, but not in the water--there suddenly flopped the biggest fish any one had ever seen.", "IS THE MATTER BETTER NOT MAYBE IT'S A TRICK TO CATCH US SAID CURLY TAIL BUT JUST THEN THE LADY ON THE LAKE CALLED AGAIN OH HELP HE IS SUCH A BIG ONE THAT I CAN'T GET HIM INTO THE BOAT AND PERCEVAL HAS FALLEN OVERBOARD THEN THERE WAS A GREAT SPLASHING AND A RUSTLING IN THE BUSHES AND FLOPIER CALLED WE'RE COMING TO HELP YOU LADY WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THAT IS SO BIG A FISH SHE ANSWERED MY HUSBAND PERCEVAL IS A GREAT FISHERMAN AND HE CAUGHT THE BIGGEST FISH IN ALL THE LAKE BUT IT PULLED HIM OUT OF THE BOAT HOWEVER I HAVE HOLD OF THE POLE AND LINE AND THE FISH IS STILL FAST TO THE HOOK OH HELP ME TO CATCH HIM SO THE PIGGY BOYS SAID THEY WOULD AND THEY RAN DOWN TO THE SHORE AND THE LADY IN THE BOAT PASSED THEM THE POLE THEN CURLY AND FLOP PULLED AS HARD AS THEY COULD AN OLD CIRCUS DOG PERCIVAL SCRAMBLED OUT OF THE WATER AND HE HELPED PULL TO AND ALL OF A SUDDEN FROM THE BUSHES ALONG THE EDGE OF THE LAKE ON DRY LAND BUT NOT IN THE WATER THERE SUDDENLY FLOPPED THE BIGGEST FISH ANYONE HAD EVER SEEN" ], "begin_byte": 144651, "end_byte": 144875 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_24_garis_64kb_22", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_24_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "So off they started from Uncle Wiggily's bungalow, and when they came to a place where there were two paths through the woods, Curly Tail said: \"Now, Flop Bar, you go one way and I'll go the other, and we will see who first meets with an adventure.\"", "SO OFF THEY STARTED FROM UNCLE WIGGILY'S BUNGALOW AND THEY CAME TO A PLACE WHERE THERE WERE TWO PATHS THROUGH THE WOODS CURLY TAIL SAID NOW FLOP EAR YOU GO ONE WAY AND I'LL GO THE OTHER AND WE WILL SEE WHO BEATS WITH AN ADVENTURE" ], "pre_texts": [ "Scat!\" cried Pop Goes the Weasel. \"Why did you do that?\" \"Never mind,\" said Uncle Wiggily. \"She didn't mean to.\" And really the cat didn't mean to, and the mosquito got away after all, and Pop Goes the Weasel began picking up the checkers, but the rabbit gentleman said: \"I'm afraid I can't stay to finish the game. I must get back with the letters for Flop and Curly,\" calling them thus for short. \"Very well,\" said Pop, \"and take them some sour milk chocolate candy with my best wishes, for the letters may be from home, telling them to come back to school.\" And really, that is just what the letters said. They were from the nice owl lady school teacher, saying that the roof was back on the school now, and that in a few days all the animal children must begin reciting their lessons again. \"Well, then, we must have all the fun we can the few remaining days that we are to be on Raccoon Island,\" said Flop Ear. \"Correct,\" spoke Curly Tail. \"Let's take a walk and see if we can find an adventure.", " A MOSQUITO AND SCATTERED THE CHECKERS ALL OVER SCATP CRIED POP GOES THE WEASEL WHY DID YOU DO THAT NEVER MIND SAID UNCLE WIGGILY SHE DIDN'T MEAN TO AND REALLY THE CAT DIDN'T MEAN TO AND THE MOSQUITO GOT AWAY AFTER ALL AND POP GOES THE WEASEL BEGAN PICKING UP THE CHECKERS BUT THE RABBIT GENTLEMAN SAID I'M AFRAID I CAN'T STAY TO FINISH THE GAME I MUST GET BACK WITH THE LETTERS FOR FLOP AND CURLY CALLING THEM THUS FOR SHORT VERY WELL SAID POP AND TAKE THEM SOME SOUR MILK CHOCOLATE CANDY WITH MY BEST WISHES FOR THE LETTERS MAY BE FROM HOME TELLING THEM TO COME BACK TO SCHOOL AND REALLY THAT IS JUST WHAT THE LETTERS SAID THEY WERE FROM THE NICE OWL LADY SCHOOL TEACHER SAYING THAT THE ROOF WAS BACK ON THE SCHOOL NOW AND THAT IN A FEW DAYS ALL THE ANIMAL CHILDREN MUST BEGIN RECITING THEIR LESSONS AGAIN WELL THEN WE MUST HAVE ALL THE FUN WE CAN THE FEW REMAINING DAYS THAT WE ARE TO BE ON RACOON ISLAND SAID FLOP EAR CORRECT SPOKE CURLY TAIL LET'S TAKE A WALK AND SEE IF WE CAN FIND AN ADVENTURE" ], "begin_byte": 147701, "end_byte": 147951 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_24_garis_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_24_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "On came the ferocious creature, ready to swallow the boat, Curly Tail and little afraid girl all at once.", "ON CAME THE FEROCIOUS CREATURE READY TO SWALLOW THE BOAT CURLY TAIL AND THE LITTLE AFRAID GIRL ALL AT ONCE" ], "pre_texts": [ ", my!\" thought Curly Tail. \"If she looks down now, and sees that alligator, she'll surely be so afraid that she'll faint, and maybe fall into the water, and then I'll have to jump in to save her, and the alligator will get us both. What shall I do?\" Well, the mousie girl was just going to look down, and she would surely have seen the 'gator, when Curly Tail cried: \"Don't look! Don't look! Oh, lobster salad! don't look!\" \"Why not?\" asked the mousie girl. \"Because--because it's--it's a surprise!\" was all Curly could think of to say. \"Oh, if it's a surprise I must surely look!\" said the mousie girl. \"I just love surprises!\" \"I guess she won't like this kind!\" thought Curly Tail, but what he said was: \"Quick! Tie your handkerchief over your eyes, and make believe you are playing blind man's bluff. Then you can't look until it's time. Quick!\" So the mousie girl, whose name was Edna, did as Curly Tail told her. She blinded her eyes, and then, the piggie boy knew she would not see the 'gator.", "Y SCALERY OLD ALLIGATOR WITH A DOUBLE HUMP ON HIS TAIL OH MY THOUGHT CURLY TAIL IF SHE LOOKS DOWN NOW AND SEES THAT ALLIGATOR SHE'LL SURELY BE SO AFRAID THAT SHE'LL FAINT AND MAYBE FALL IN THE WATER AND THEN I'LL HAVE TO JUMP IN TO SAVE HER AND THE ALLIGATOR WILL GET US BOTH WHAT SHALL I DO WELL THE MOUSY GIRL WAS JUST GOING TO LOOK DOWN AND SHE WOULD SURELY HAVE SEEN THE GAITER WHEN CURLY TAIL CRIED DON'T LOOK DON'T LOOK OH LOBSTER SALAD DON'T LOOK WHY NOT ASKED THE MOUSEY GIRL BECAUSE BECAUSE IT'S IT'S A SURPRISE WAS ALL CURLY TAIL COULD THINK OF TO SAY OH IF THAT'S A SURPRISE I MUST SURELY LOOK SAID THE MOUSEY GIRL I JUST LOVE SURPRISES I GUESS SHE WON'T LIKE THIS KIND THOUGHT CURLY TAIL BUT WHAT HE SAID WAS QUICK TIE YOUR HANDKERCHIEF OVER YOUR EYES AND MAKE BELIEVE YOU ARE A PLAIN BLIND MAN'S BLUFF THEN YOU CAN'T LOOK UNTIL IT'S TIME QUICK SO THE MOUSEY GIRL WHOSE NAME WAS EDNA DID AS CURLY TAIL TOLD HER SHE BLINDED HER EYES AND THEN THE PIGGY BOY KNEW SHE WOULD NOT SEE THE GAITER" ], "begin_byte": 151828, "end_byte": 151933 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb_19", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.439, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"But she is lying down,\" explained Flop Ear, \"so if you want to sell her some new kind of soap to make our faces clean or some baking powder that will puff a cake up like a balloon, I don't believe she wants any.\"", "BUT SHE IS LYING DOWN EXCLAIMED FLOPIER SO IF YOU WANT TO SELL HER SOME NEW KIND OF SOAP TO MAKE OUR FACES CLEAN OR SOME BAKING POWDER THAT WILL PUFF A CAKE UP LIKE A BALLOON I DON'T BELIEVE SHE WANTS ANY" ], "pre_texts": [ "tor could. \"Where's the surprise?\" asked Edna, as she took off the handkerchief. \"There he goes,\" said Curly Tail, showing her the alligator, who was swimming away, and Edna was glad she had not seen it when on the boat or she knew she surely would have fainted. Then she went on to her grandmother's, after thanking Curly Tail, and the little piggie boy went back to the bungalow. And on the next page, if the boys don't take my cocoanut cake for a football and roll it up hill, I'll tell you about the piggies and the dinner party. STORY XXV THE PIGGIES AT THE PARTY One day a nice lady stopped in front of the house where lived Curly and Floppy Twistytail, the two piggie boys, and called to them as they were playing football in the yard. \"Is your mamma in?\" asked the lady, as she looked to see if her earrings were dingle-dangling. \"Yes,\" replied Curly Tail, \"she is. Would you like to see her?\" \"Indeed, I would!\" exclaimed the lady, as she blinked her two eyes and laughed in a jolly fashion.", " SECTION TWENTY FIVE OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIVERPOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERBOX DOT ORGLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY TWENTY FIVE THE PIGGIES AT THE PARTY ONE DAY A NICE LADY STOPPED IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE WHERE LIVED CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TAIL THE TWO PIGGY BOYS AND CALLED TO THEM AS THEY WERE PLAYING FOOTBALL IN THE YARD IS YOUR MAMMA IN ASKED THE LADY AS SHE LOOKED TO SEE IF HER EAR RINGS WERE DINGLED DANGLING YES REPLIED CURLY TAIL SHE IS WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE HER INDEED I WOULD EXCLAIMED THE LADY AS SHE BLINKED HER TWO EYES AND LAUGHED IN A JOLLY FASHION" ], "begin_byte": 153253, "end_byte": 153466 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8268504, "duration": 516.7815, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "The piggie boys had now been back for some little time, and in a few days school would open again.", "THE PIGGY BOYS HAD NOW BEEN BACK FOR SOME LITTLE TIME NOW AND IN A FEW DAYS SCHOOL WOULD OPEN AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ng up a party for us?\" \"For all the animal children,\" explained the lady, whose name was Sadie. \"I want you all to come to my dinner party and have a good time. It's going to be away up in Montclair.\" \"Oh, I guess we can come,\" spoke Flop Ear. \"Are you going to have ice cream?\" \"Yes, ice cream,\" replied the Sadie lady, \"and all sorts of good things. Uncle Wiggily will be there, and all your friends, so I wanted to ask your mamma if you could come.\" \"Of course we can!\" cried Curly Tail. \"We'll be there!\" \"Very good,\" replied the lady whose name was Sadie. \"Then I shall expect you,\" and off she hurried to invite some other animal children, her long earrings going dingle-dangle as she walked along, and the rose in her hair falling over sideways. You see, Curly Tail and Flop Ear had come back from Raccoon Island at Lake Hopatcong, where they went to visit Uncle Wiggily Longears, the old gentleman rabbit, while a new roof was being put on their school in place of the one that had blown off.", "O MY PARTY A PARTY CRIED CURLY TAIL ARE YOU GETTING UP A PARTY FOR US FOR ALL THE ANIMAL CHILDREN EXPLAINED THE LADY WHOSE NAME WAS SADIE I WANT YOU ALL TO COME TO MY DINNER PARTY AND HAVE A GOOD TIME IT'S GOING TO BE AWAY UP IN MONTCLAIR OH I GUESS WE CAN COME SPOKE FLOPIER ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE ICE CREAM YES ICE CREAM REPLIED THE SADIE LADY AND ALL SORTS OF GOOD THINGS UNCLE WIGGILY WILL BE THERE AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS SO I WANTED TO ASK YOUR MAMMA IF YOU COULD COME OF COURSE WE CAN CRIED CURLY TAIL WE'LL BE THERE VERY GOOD REPLIED THE LADY WHOSE NAME WAS SADIE THEN I SHALL EXPECT YOU AND OFF SHE HURRIED TO INVITE SOME OTHER ANIMAL CHILDREN HER LONG EARRINGS GOING DINGLE DANGLE AS SHE WALKED ALONG AND THE ROSE IN HER HAIR FALLING OVER SIDEWAYS YOU SEE CURLY TAIL AND FLOP EAR HAD COME BACK FROM RACKOON ISLAND AT LAKE HOPATCONG WHERE THEY WENT TO VISIT UNCLE WIGGILY LONGEARS THE OLD GENTLEMAN RABBIT WHILE A NEW ROOF WAS BEING PUT ON THEIR SCHOOL IN PLACE OF THE OLD ONE THAT HAD BLOWN OFF" ], "begin_byte": 154657, "end_byte": 154755 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_25_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8268504, "duration": 516.7815, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "The little piggie boy didn't say anything, but he felt very bad. And the fox, holding him with one paw, took up a roasted potato in the other, and cracked it open with his teeth. And then", "THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING BUT HE FELT VERY BAD AND THE FOX HOLDING HIM WITH ONE PAW TOOK UP A ROASTED POTATO IN THE OTHER AND CRACKED IT OPEN WITH HIS TEETH AND THEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "p Ear. \"We will wait until the fire is a little hotter,\" he said. Oh, how poor Flop Ear did try to get loose, but he couldn't because the fox held him too tightly. And the fire got hotter and hotter, and the little piggie boy was hoping that Curly Tail and the other animal boys would come back in time to save him, but he could neither see nor hear anything of them. \"I guess I'm going to be roasted!\" he cried. \"Oh, if Uncle Wiggily were only here. Or even Grandpa Squealer!\" \"Ha! No one will come to save you!\" snarled the bad fox, and just then, what do you think? Out from the fire rolled some of the potatoes Flop Ear was roasting for his friends. Out rolled two big potatoes, and the fox, seeing them, exclaimed: \"Ha! What have we here? Something good to eat, I should say,\" and he smelled the baked potato. \"Oh Yum yum!\" he cried, and he smacked his lips. \"That will go most excellently with roast pork. I think I will eat one, and then I'll put you on the fire to cook,\" he said to Flop Ear.", "NG TO DO REPLIED THE FOX AND HE CAUGHT HOLD OF FLOP EAR WE WILL WAIT UNTIL THE FIRE IS A LITTLE HOTTER HE SAID OH HOW POOR FLOP EAR DID TRY TO GET LOOSE BUT HE COULDN'T BECAUSE THE FOX HELD HIM TOO TIGHTLY AND THE FIRE GOT HOTTER AND HOTTER AND THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY WAS HOPING THAT CURLY TAIL AND THE OTHER ANIMAL BOYS WOULD COME BACK IN TIME TO SAVE HIM BUT HE COULD NEITHER SEE NOR HEAR ANYTHING OF THEM I GUESS I'M GOING TO BE ROASTED HE CRIED OH IF UNCLE WIGGILY WERE ONLY HERE OR EVEN GRANDPA SQUEALER HA NO ONE WILL COME TO SAVE YOU SNARLED THE BAD FOX AND JUST THEN WHAT DO YOU THINK OUT FROM THE FIRE ROLLED SOME OF THE POTATOES FLOP EAR WAS ROASTING FOR HIS FRIENDS OUT ROLLED TWO BIG POTATOES AND THE FOX SEEING THEM EXCLAIMED HA WHAT HAVE WE HERE SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT I SHOULD SAY AND HE SMELLED THE BAKED POTATO OH UM YOUNG HE CRIED AND HE SMACKED HIS LIPS THAT WILL GO MOST EXCELLENTLY WITH ROAST PORK I THINK I WILL EAT ONE AND THEN I'LL PUT YOU ON THE FIRE TO COOK HE SAID TO FLOP EAR" ], "begin_byte": 163897, "end_byte": 164084 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "As he came running back to the blaze, out of the shadows stepped someone, and a voice said: \"Ah ha! Good evening! I was wondering who had made this good fire for me.\"", "AS HE CAME RUNNING BACK TO THE BLAZE OUT OF THE SHADOW STEPPED SOME ONE AND A VOICE SAID AH HA GOOD EVENING I WAS WONDERING WHO HAD MADE THIS GOOD FIRE FOR ME" ], "pre_texts": [ "e fire already going?\" thought Flop Ear. \"And they'll be more surprised when I pull out the roast potatoes for them. Oh! I almost forgot! I must get some salt to eat on them.\" Into the house he ran, with his queer little kinky tail twisting around like a piece of strawberry shortcake, and Floppy got the salt. His mamma was busy getting supper, and she did not see him, and as his sister, Baby Pinky, was practising her piano lesson on the tin dishpan, she made so much noise Mrs. Twistytail did not hear the piggie boy, so no one stopped Flop Ear. Maybe if mamma had known that he had a bonfire she would not have liked it, and I want you children--especially you little ones--to promise Uncle Wiggily that you will never, never make a fire unless some older person is there to watch you. Fires are very bad, you know--and burns--Bur-r-r-r! How burns do hurt! Well, anyhow, Flop Ear had his fire going, and the potatoes were roasting in the hot leaves, and he had the salt all ready to eat on them.", "SED WHEN THEY COME UP AND SEE THE FIRE ALREADY GOING THOUGHT FLOP EAR AND THEY'LL BE MORE SURPRISED WHEN I PULL OUT THE ROAST POTATOES FOR THEM OH I ALMOST FORGOT I MUST GET SOME SALT TO EAT ON THEM INTO THE HOUSE HE RAN WITH HIS QUEER LITTLE KINKY TAIL TWISTING AROUND LIKE A PIECE OF STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE AND FLOPPY GOT THE SALT HIS MAMMA WAS BUSY GETTING SUPPER AND SHE DID NOT SEE HIM AND AS HIS SISTER BABY PINKY WAS PRACTISING HER PIANO LESSON ON THE TIN DISH PAN SHE MADE SO MUCH NOISE THAT MISSUS TWISTYTAIL DID NOT HEAR THE PIGGY BOY SO NO ONE STOPPED FLOP EAR MAYBE IF MAMMA HAD KNOWN THAT HE HAD A BONFIRE SHE WOULD NOT HAVE LIKED IT AND I WANT YOU CHILDREN ESPECIALLY YOU LITTLE ONES TO PROMISE UNCLE WIGGILY THAT YOU WILL NEVER NEVER MAKE A FIRE UNLESS SOME OLDER PERSON IS THERE TO WATCH YOU FIRES ARE VERY BAD YOU KNOW AND BURNS BURN HOW BURNS DO HURT WELL ANYHOW FLOP EAR HAD HIS FIRE GOING AND THE POTATOES WERE ROASTING IN THE HOT LEAVES AND HE HAD THE SALT ALL READY TO EAT ON THEM" ], "begin_byte": 162145, "end_byte": 162311 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Exactly what I'm going to do,\" replied the fox, and he caught hold of Flop Ear. \"We will wait until the fire is a little hotter,\" he said.", "EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING TO DO REPLIED THE FOX AND HE CAUGHT HOLD OF FLOP EAR WE WILL WAIT UNTIL THE FIRE IS A LITTLE HOTTER HE SAID" ], "pre_texts": [ "s--to promise Uncle Wiggily that you will never, never make a fire unless some older person is there to watch you. Fires are very bad, you know--and burns--Bur-r-r-r! How burns do hurt! Well, anyhow, Flop Ear had his fire going, and the potatoes were roasting in the hot leaves, and he had the salt all ready to eat on them. As he came running back to the blaze, out of the shadows stepped someone, and a voice said: \"Ah ha! Good evening! I was wondering who had made this good fire for me.\" \"I--I did,\" said Flop Ear, \"but I didn't make it for you. I made it for us.\" \"Never mind, it will do very well for me,\" went on the voice. \"It will save me the trouble of kindling one to roast my pork sausage and chops--I mean you!\" exclaimed the voice. Flop Ear gave a jump, and looked more closely at the figure in the shadow by the fire. And then he saw that it was a big, bad old fox, with a fuzzy tail. \"Oh! Oh!\" gasped the little piggie boy. \"You don't mean that, do you; that you're going to roast me!", "AVE LIKED IT AND I WANT YOU CHILDREN ESPECIALLY YOU LITTLE ONES TO PROMISE UNCLE WIGGILY THAT YOU WILL NEVER NEVER MAKE A FIRE UNLESS SOME OLDER PERSON IS THERE TO WATCH YOU FIRES ARE VERY BAD YOU KNOW AND BURNS BURN HOW BURNS DO HURT WELL ANYHOW FLOP EAR HAD HIS FIRE GOING AND THE POTATOES WERE ROASTING IN THE HOT LEAVES AND HE HAD THE SALT ALL READY TO EAT ON THEM AS HE CAME RUNNING BACK TO THE BLAZE OUT OF THE SHADOW STEPPED SOME ONE AND A VOICE SAID AH HA GOOD EVENING I WAS WONDERING WHO HAD MADE THIS GOOD FIRE FOR ME I I DID SAID FLOP EAR BUT I DIDN'T MAKE IT FOR YOU I MADE IT FOR US NEVER MIND IT WILL DO VERY WELL FOR ME WENT ON THE VOICE IT WILL SAVE ME THE TROUBLE OF KINDLING ONE TO ROAST MY PORK SAUSAGE AND CHOPS I MEAN YOU EXCLAIMED THE VOICE FLOPPIER GAVE A JUMP AND LOOKED MORE CLOSELY AT THE FIGURE IN THE SHADOW BY THE FIRE AND THEN HE SAW THAT IT WAS A BIG BAD OLD FOX WITH A FUZZY TAIL OHH GASPED THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY YOU DON'T MEAN THAT DO YOU THAT YOU'RE GOING TO ROAST ME" ], "begin_byte": 162821, "end_byte": 162961 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Ha! No one will come to save you!\" snarled the bad fox, and just then, what do you think? Out from the fire rolled some of the potatoes Flop Ear was roasting for his friends.", "HA NO ONE WILL COME TO SAVE YOU SNARLED THE BAD FOX AND JUST THEN WHAT DO YOU THINK OUT FROM THE FIRE ROLLED SOME OF THE POTATOES FLOP EAR WAS ROASTING FOR HIS FRIENDS" ], "pre_texts": [ "made it for us.\" \"Never mind, it will do very well for me,\" went on the voice. \"It will save me the trouble of kindling one to roast my pork sausage and chops--I mean you!\" exclaimed the voice. Flop Ear gave a jump, and looked more closely at the figure in the shadow by the fire. And then he saw that it was a big, bad old fox, with a fuzzy tail. \"Oh! Oh!\" gasped the little piggie boy. \"You don't mean that, do you; that you're going to roast me!\" \"Exactly what I'm going to do,\" replied the fox, and he caught hold of Flop Ear. \"We will wait until the fire is a little hotter,\" he said. Oh, how poor Flop Ear did try to get loose, but he couldn't because the fox held him too tightly. And the fire got hotter and hotter, and the little piggie boy was hoping that Curly Tail and the other animal boys would come back in time to save him, but he could neither see nor hear anything of them. \"I guess I'm going to be roasted!\" he cried. \"Oh, if Uncle Wiggily were only here. Or even Grandpa Squealer!", "I I DID SAID FLOP EAR BUT I DIDN'T MAKE IT FOR YOU I MADE IT FOR US NEVER MIND IT WILL DO VERY WELL FOR ME WENT ON THE VOICE IT WILL SAVE ME THE TROUBLE OF KINDLING ONE TO ROAST MY PORK SAUSAGE AND CHOPS I MEAN YOU EXCLAIMED THE VOICE FLOPPIER GAVE A JUMP AND LOOKED MORE CLOSELY AT THE FIGURE IN THE SHADOW BY THE FIRE AND THEN HE SAW THAT IT WAS A BIG BAD OLD FOX WITH A FUZZY TAIL OHH GASPED THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY YOU DON'T MEAN THAT DO YOU THAT YOU'RE GOING TO ROAST ME EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING TO DO REPLIED THE FOX AND HE CAUGHT HOLD OF FLOP EAR WE WILL WAIT UNTIL THE FIRE IS A LITTLE HOTTER HE SAID OH HOW POOR FLOP EAR DID TRY TO GET LOOSE BUT HE COULDN'T BECAUSE THE FOX HELD HIM TOO TIGHTLY AND THE FIRE GOT HOTTER AND HOTTER AND THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY WAS HOPING THAT CURLY TAIL AND THE OTHER ANIMAL BOYS WOULD COME BACK IN TIME TO SAVE HIM BUT HE COULD NEITHER SEE NOR HEAR ANYTHING OF THEM I GUESS I'M GOING TO BE ROASTED HE CRIED OH IF UNCLE WIGGILY WERE ONLY HERE OR EVEN GRANDPA SQUEALER" ], "begin_byte": 163373, "end_byte": 163549 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.879, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, wow!\" cried the fuzzy creature. \"Oh, double wow, and some ice cream cones! Oh, pepper casters! Oh, mustard! Oh, my mouth, how it burns! And my paws!\"", "OH WOW CRIED THE FUZZY CREATURE OH DOUBLE WOW AND SOME ICE CREAM CONES OH PEPPER CASTERS OH MUSTARD OH MY MOUTH HOW IT BURNS AND MY PAWS" ], "pre_texts": [ "'m going to be roasted!\" he cried. \"Oh, if Uncle Wiggily were only here. Or even Grandpa Squealer!\" \"Ha! No one will come to save you!\" snarled the bad fox, and just then, what do you think? Out from the fire rolled some of the potatoes Flop Ear was roasting for his friends. Out rolled two big potatoes, and the fox, seeing them, exclaimed: \"Ha! What have we here? Something good to eat, I should say,\" and he smelled the baked potato. \"Oh Yum yum!\" he cried, and he smacked his lips. \"That will go most excellently with roast pork. I think I will eat one, and then I'll put you on the fire to cook,\" he said to Flop Ear. The little piggie boy didn't say anything, but he felt very bad. And the fox, holding him with one paw, took up a roasted potato in the other, and cracked it open with his teeth. And then--! Well, you know how hot roast potatoes are, just out of the oven, I dare say. This one, from Flop Ear's bonfire, was even hotter. It was just roasting hot, and the fox had bitten into it.", "HE COULD NEITHER SEE NOR HEAR ANYTHING OF THEM I GUESS I'M GOING TO BE ROASTED HE CRIED OH IF UNCLE WIGGILY WERE ONLY HERE OR EVEN GRANDPA SQUEALER HA NO ONE WILL COME TO SAVE YOU SNARLED THE BAD FOX AND JUST THEN WHAT DO YOU THINK OUT FROM THE FIRE ROLLED SOME OF THE POTATOES FLOP EAR WAS ROASTING FOR HIS FRIENDS OUT ROLLED TWO BIG POTATOES AND THE FOX SEEING THEM EXCLAIMED HA WHAT HAVE WE HERE SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT I SHOULD SAY AND HE SMELLED THE BAKED POTATO OH UM YOUNG HE CRIED AND HE SMACKED HIS LIPS THAT WILL GO MOST EXCELLENTLY WITH ROAST PORK I THINK I WILL EAT ONE AND THEN I'LL PUT YOU ON THE FIRE TO COOK HE SAID TO FLOP EAR THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING BUT HE FELT VERY BAD AND THE FOX HOLDING HIM WITH ONE PAW TOOK UP A ROASTED POTATO IN THE OTHER AND CRACKED IT OPEN WITH HIS TEETH AND THEN WELL YOU KNOW HOW HOT ROAST POTATOES ARE JUST OUT OF THE OVEN I DARE SAY THIS ONE FROM FLOP EAR'S BONFIRE WAS EVEN HOTTER IT WAS JUST ROASTING HOT AND THE FOX HAD BITTEN INTO IT" ], "begin_byte": 164275, "end_byte": 164429 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "Something good to eat, I should say,\" and he smelled the baked potato. \"Oh Yum yum!\" he cried, and he smacked his lips. \"That will go most excellently with roast pork.", "SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT I SHOULD SAY AND HE SMELLED THE BAKED POTATO OH UM YOUNG HE CRIED AND HE SMACKED HIS LIPS THAT WILL GO MOST EXCELLENTLY WITH ROAST PORK" ], "pre_texts": [ " by the fire. And then he saw that it was a big, bad old fox, with a fuzzy tail. \"Oh! Oh!\" gasped the little piggie boy. \"You don't mean that, do you; that you're going to roast me!\" \"Exactly what I'm going to do,\" replied the fox, and he caught hold of Flop Ear. \"We will wait until the fire is a little hotter,\" he said. Oh, how poor Flop Ear did try to get loose, but he couldn't because the fox held him too tightly. And the fire got hotter and hotter, and the little piggie boy was hoping that Curly Tail and the other animal boys would come back in time to save him, but he could neither see nor hear anything of them. \"I guess I'm going to be roasted!\" he cried. \"Oh, if Uncle Wiggily were only here. Or even Grandpa Squealer!\" \"Ha! No one will come to save you!\" snarled the bad fox, and just then, what do you think? Out from the fire rolled some of the potatoes Flop Ear was roasting for his friends. Out rolled two big potatoes, and the fox, seeing them, exclaimed: \"Ha! What have we here?", "JUMP AND LOOKED MORE CLOSELY AT THE FIGURE IN THE SHADOW BY THE FIRE AND THEN HE SAW THAT IT WAS A BIG BAD OLD FOX WITH A FUZZY TAIL OHH GASPED THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY YOU DON'T MEAN THAT DO YOU THAT YOU'RE GOING TO ROAST ME EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING TO DO REPLIED THE FOX AND HE CAUGHT HOLD OF FLOP EAR WE WILL WAIT UNTIL THE FIRE IS A LITTLE HOTTER HE SAID OH HOW POOR FLOP EAR DID TRY TO GET LOOSE BUT HE COULDN'T BECAUSE THE FOX HELD HIM TOO TIGHTLY AND THE FIRE GOT HOTTER AND HOTTER AND THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY WAS HOPING THAT CURLY TAIL AND THE OTHER ANIMAL BOYS WOULD COME BACK IN TIME TO SAVE HIM BUT HE COULD NEITHER SEE NOR HEAR ANYTHING OF THEM I GUESS I'M GOING TO BE ROASTED HE CRIED OH IF UNCLE WIGGILY WERE ONLY HERE OR EVEN GRANDPA SQUEALER HA NO ONE WILL COME TO SAVE YOU SNARLED THE BAD FOX AND JUST THEN WHAT DO YOU THINK OUT FROM THE FIRE ROLLED SOME OF THE POTATOES FLOP EAR WAS ROASTING FOR HIS FRIENDS OUT ROLLED TWO BIG POTATOES AND THE FOX SEEING THEM EXCLAIMED HA WHAT HAVE WE HERE" ], "begin_byte": 163640, "end_byte": 163807 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_26_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8356276, "duration": 522.26725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_27_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_27_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"I can get all those!\" exclaimed Flop Ear, and he did. Then Uncle Butter took the roller skate apart at the place where it slid together to be made smaller or larger. Right apart he took it, and there were two wheels on one part and two on the other.", "I CAN GET ALL THOSE EXCLAIMED FLOP EAR AND HE DID THEN UNCLE BUDDER TOOK THE ROLLER SKATE APART AT THE PLACE WHERE IT SLID TOGETHER TO BE MADE SMALLER OR LARGER RIGHT APART HE TOOK IT AND THERE WERE TWO WHEELS ON ONE PART AND TWO ON THE OTHER" ], "pre_texts": [ " Flop Ear walked out in the street sort of slow and thoughtful-like, and wished he had someone to play with, or something to do. \"It isn't so much fun staying home as I thought it would be,\" he said. Just then, in an ash barrel, he saw one roller skate. It was pretty well battered and worn, but the four wheels of it were good yet, and Flop Ear, as he took it out and knocked the ashes from it, said: \"Ha! One roller skate. Now if I had two I might have some fun, and forget about the castor oil.\" \"You can have fun with one roller skate,\" said a voice behind the little piggie boy, and turning, Flop Ear saw Uncle Butter, the goat gentleman, just coming back from having delivered all his milk. \"How can you have fun with one roller skate?\" asked Flop Ear. \"By making a skate wagon,\" said the goat gentleman. \"I saw some boy animals up in Roseville playing on them yesterday, and I'll tell you how to make one. First, you have to have a box, a long, narrow board, a stick and some nails and string.", "SWALLOWING IT LET ME TELL YOU AFTER IT WAS DOWN FLOPPIER WALKED OUT IN THE STREET SORT OF SLOW AND THOUGHTFUL LIKE AND WISHED HE HAD SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH OR SOMETHING TO DO IT ISN'T SO MUCH FUN STAYING HOME AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE HE SAID JUST THEN IN AN ASH BARREL HE SAW ONE ROLLER SKATE IT WAS PRETTY WELL BATTERED AND WORN BUT THE FOUR WHEELS OF IT WERE GOOD YET AND FLOP EAR AS HE TOOK IT OUT AND KNOCKED THE ASHES FROM IT SAID HA ONE ROLLER SKATE NOW IF I HAD TWO I MIGHT HAVE SOME FUN AND FORGET ABOUT THE CASTOR OIL YOU CAN HAVE FUN WITH ONE ROLLER SKATE SAID A VOICE BEHIND THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY AND TURNING FLOP EAR SAW UNCLE BUTTER THE GOAT GENTLEMAN JUST COMING BACK FROM HAVING DELIVERED ALL HIS MILK HOW CAN YOU HAVE FUN WITH ONE ROLLER SKATE ASKED FLOPIER BY MAKING A SKATE WAGON SAID THE GOAT GENTLEMAN I SAW SOME BOY ANIMALS UP IN ROSEVILLE PLAYING ON THEM YESTERDAY AND I'LL TELL YOU HOW TO MAKE ONE FIRST YOU HAVE TO HAVE A BOX A LONG NARROW BOARD A STICK AND SOME NAILS AND STRING" ], "begin_byte": 167679, "end_byte": 167930 } } ]
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[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh! I hope I'm not that kind, mamma,\" spoke Pinky. \"Then I'll just run across the street for a minute,\" went on Mrs. Twistytail. \"Everything is all right here. There is nothing on the stove to boil over, but be careful not to go near the fire.\"", "OH I HOPE I'M NOT THAT KIND MAMMA SPOKE PINKY THEN I'LL JUST RUN ACROSS THE STREET FOR A MINUTE WENT ON MISSUS TWISTYTAIL EVERYTHING IS ALL RIGHT HERE THERE IS NOTHING ON THE STOVE TO BOIL OVER BUT BE CAREFUL NOT TO GO NEAR THE FIRE" ], "pre_texts": [ "d Flop Ear went to school that afternoon, and was all better, and later he and Curly Tail had lots of fun on the queer wagon Uncle Butter had told how to make. And so in case the rose bush doesn't scratch the lilac leaves off the pie plant and make the clothes line catch cold, I'll tell you next about Baby Pinkie and the lemon. STORY XXVIII PINKY AND THE LEMON One day, when Flop Ear and Curly Tail were at school, Mrs. Twistytail, the pig lady, said to Baby Pinky, her little girl: \"Pinky, I am going to run across the street for a minute to ask Mrs. Wibblewobble to lend me a spool of thread. It is so chilly out that I don't want to take you along. So will you be afraid to stay here alone, just a little while?\" \"No, indeed, mamma,\" spoke Pinky. \"Why, what is there to be afraid of?\" she asked with a laugh. \"Nothing in the least,\" replied her mother, \"but sometimes little girls, and boys, too, for that matter, are afraid to stay alone, even when their mamma wants to go get a drink of water.", " SECTION TWENTY EIGHT OF CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE THIS IS A LIVERPOX RECORDING ALL LIVERPOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERBOCK STOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY TWENTY EIGHT PINKY AND THE LEMON ONE DAY WHEN FLOP EAR AND CURLY TAIL WERE AT SCHOOL MISSUS TWISTYTAIL THE PIG LADY SAID TO BABY PINKY HER LITTLE GIRL PINKY I'M GOING TO RUN ACROSS THE STREET FOR A MINUTE TO ASK MISSUS WIBBLEWOBBLE TO LEND ME A SPOOL OF THREAD IT IS SO CHILLY OUT THAT I DON'T WANT TO TAKE YOU ALONG SO WILL YOU BE AFRAID TO STAY HERE ALONE JUST A LITTLE WHILE NO INDEED MAMMA SPOKE PINKY WHY WHAT IS THERE TO BE AFRAID OF SHE ASKED WITH A LAUGH NOTHING IN THE LEAST REPLIED HER MOTHER BUT SOMETIMES LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS TOO FOR THAT MATTER ARE AFRAID TO STAY ALONE EVEN WHEN THEIR MAMMA WANTS TO GO GET A DRINK OF WATER" ], "begin_byte": 171699, "end_byte": 171945 } } ]
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{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8528893, "duration": 533.0558125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb_22", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "That is she did not until she heard some one walking in the room behind her, and then the little piggie girl turned around and exclaimed: \"Oh, mamma! How you frightened me.\"", "THAT IS SHE DID NOT UNTIL SHE HEARD SOME ONE WALKING IN THE ROOM BEHIND HER AND THEN THE LITTLE PIGGY GIRL TURNED AROUND AND EXCLAIMED OH MAMMA HOW YOU FRIGHTENED ME" ], "pre_texts": [ " to talk about, and it was that way with Mrs. Twistytail and Mrs. Wibblewobble. Well, do you know, the first thing Mrs. Twistytail knew she had forgotten all about what she came after--let's see now, what was it--I declare I've forgotten myself. Just excuse me while I look back and see. Oh! I remember, it was a spool of thread. Yes, Mrs. Twistytail got so interested talking to the duck lady about a new way to make a tight dress loose that she forgot all about the spool of thread. \"Well, mamma is staying quite a long time,\" said Baby Pinky after a bit, as she sat by the window. \"I hope nothing has happened to her.\" She looked, but she could not see her mamma coming back, and then Pinky said: \"I guess I'll just dust off the piano, to keep busy, and it won't seem so long until mamma comes home.\" So she began knocking the dust off the piano to the floor just as Jennie Chipmunk did it with her tail brush, and Pinky made so much noise that she did not hear the door open and some one come in.", "S LIKE THAT LADIES FIND TO TALK ABOUT AND IT WAS THAT WAY WITH MISSUS TWISTYTAIL AND MISSUS WIBBLEWOBBLE WELL DO YOU KNOW THE FIRST THING MISSUS TWISTYTAIL KNEW SHE HAD FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT WHAT SHE CAME AFTER LET'S SEE NOW WHAT WAS IT I DECLARE I HAVE FORGOTTEN MYSELF JUST EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOOK BACK AND SEE OH I REMEMBER IT WAS A SPOOL OF THREAD YES MISSUS TWISTYTAIL GOT SO INTERESTED TALKING TO THE DUCK LADY ABOUT A NEW WAY TO MAKE A TIGHT DRESS LOOSE THAT SHE FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE SPOOL OF THREAD WELL MAMMA IS STAYING QUITE A LONG TIME SAID BABY PINKY AFTER A BIT AS SHE SAT BY THE WINDOW I HOPE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO HER SHE LOOKED BUT SHE COULD NOT SEE HER MAMMA COMING BACK AND THEN PINKY SAID I GUESS I'LL JUST DUST OFF THE PIANO TO KEEP BUSY AND IT WON'T SEEM SO LONG UNTIL MAMMA COMES HOME SO SHE BEGAN KNOCKING THE DUST OFF THE PIANO TO THE FLOOR JUST AS JENNIE CHIPMUNK DID IT WITH HER TAIL BRUSH AND PINKY MADE SO MUCH NOISE THAT SHE DID NOT HEAR THE DOOR OPEN AND SOME ONE COME IN" ], "begin_byte": 173703, "end_byte": 173876 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_28_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "cried that baboon, and no one could understand what he said, not even a phonograph, for you see his mouth and throat were nearly closed up by the puckery lemon.", "CRIED THE BABOON AND NO ONE COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT HE SAID NOT EVEN A PHONOGRAPH FOR YOU SEE HIS MOUTH AND THROAT WERE NEARLY CLOSED UP BY THE PUCKERY LEMON" ], "pre_texts": [ "tail--for he had a red tail--that baboon, I say, made a jump for Pinky. \"Oh!\" she cried, as she leaped out of the way. \"I'll get you something to eat, and then you won't have to take me,\" and out into the kitchen she ran, with the mumpy baboon after her. All Pinky saw on the table was a lemon, and, thinking the baboon might like lemonade, she caught hold of it, cut it open with a knife, and then-- Well, that baboon made a jump for her, and, as he did so, Pinky accidentally squeezed the lemon. Now, as everybody knows, when you have the mumps, if a person even says \"pickles,\" or \"vinegar,\" or \"lemons\" to you, it makes your throat all pucker up and pain you like anything, and you can't even seem to swallow. Mumps and sour things don't seem to go together. And when the sour lemon juice got in the baboon's mouth and eyes, and some trickled down on his mumpy throat. Oh, wow! if you will excuse me saying so. \"Bur-r-! Scumpf! Fuffphmn, Xzvbgetyriep! Bfrewcript! Xvbnhytrwewqauitopekgsteredse!\" ", "THAT SAVAGE BABBOON RUBBING HIS BLUE NOSE WITH THE END OF HIS TAIL FOR HE HAD A RED TAIL THAT BABOON I SAY MADE A JUMP FOR PINKY OH SHE CRIED AS SHE LEAPED OUT OF THE WAY I'LL GET YOU SOMETHING TO EAT AND THEN YOU WON'T HAVE TO TAKE ME AND OUT INTO THE KITCHEN SHE RAN WITH THE MUMPY BABOON AFTER HER ALL PINKY SAW ON THE TABLE WAS A LEMON AND THINKING THE BABOON MIGHT LIKE LEMONADE SHE CAUGHT HOLD OF IT CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE AND THEN WELL THAT BABOON MADE A JUMP FOR HER AND AS HE DID SO PINKY ACCIDENTALLY SQUEEZED THE LEMON NOW AS EVERYBODY KNOWS WHEN YOU HAVE THE MUMPS IF A PERSON EVEN SAYS PICKLES OR VINEGAR OR LEMONS TO YOU IT MAKES YOUR THROAT ALL PUCKER UP AND PAIN YOU LIKE ANYTHING AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SEEM TO SWALLOW MUMPS AND SOUR THINGS DON'T SEEM TO GO TOGETHER AND WHEN THE SOUR LEMON JUICE GOT IN THE BABOON'S MOUTH AND EYES AND SOME TRICKLED DOWN ON HIS MUMPY THROAT OH WOW IF YOU WILL EXCUSE ME SAYING SO BUR R SCRUMP FOOFUM GUZHUBRIP ME FRICKUMSCRIPT ZIGUMETT WEKUCK A DOOZY " ], "begin_byte": 176389, "end_byte": 176548 } } ]
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{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8748322, "duration": 546.770125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb_40", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"What ho! Hello!\" cried Santa Claus, when he saw the piggie boys. \"What are you doing here?\" \"We are on our way home from buying Christmas things,\" said Flop Ear.", "WHAT HO HO HULLO CRIED SANTA WHEN HE SAW THE PIGGY BOYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WE ARE ON OUR WAY HOME FROM BUYING CHRISTMAS THINGS SAID FLOP EAR" ], "pre_texts": [ "d woods. \"A toy steam engine,\" replied Flop Ear. \"And what do you want, Curly Tail?\" \"A make-believe automobile.\" \"I hope we get them,\" went on Flop Ear with a sigh, and pretty soon, off in the woods, they heard a voice calling: \"Whoa, now! Stand still there, if you please. Some of the things are slipping off my sleigh, and I want to fasten them on. Whoa there, reindeer!\" \"Listen to that, would you now!\" whispered Curly Tail to his brother, as they hid down behind some bushes. \"Reindeer!\" exclaimed Flop Ear. \"There's only one person who has reindeer and he is--\" \"Santa Claus!\" interrupted Curly Tail. \"We've found Santa Claus, Floppy, and this is the best chance in the world to tell him what presents we want for Christmas!\" \"That's right,\" agreed the other piggie boy. \"We'll speak to him,\" and then they walked on a little farther and they saw the dear old saint himself, with his red coat, all trimmed with white fur, and his white beard, and he was as round and fat and jolly as anything.", " ASKED CURLY AS HE AND HIS BROTHER TRAMPED ON THROUGH THE SNOW COVERED WOODS A TOY STEAM ENGINE REPLIED FLOP EAR AND WHAT DO YOU WANT CURLY TAIL I MAKE BELIEVE AUTOMOBILE I HOPE WE GET THEM WENT ON FLOP EAR WITH A SIGH AND PRETTY SOON OFF IN THE WOODS THEY HEARD A VOICE CALLING OO NOW STAND STILL THERE IF YOU PLEASE SOME OF THE THINGS ARE SLIPPING OFF MY SLEIGH AND I WANT TO FASTEN THEM ON WOO THERE REINDEER LISTEN TO THAT WOULD YOU NOW WHISPERED CURLY TAIL TO HIS BROTHER AS THEY HID DOWN BEHIND SOME BUSHES REINDEER EXCLAIMED FLOP EAR THERE'S ONLY ONE PERSON WHO HAS REINDEER AND HE IS SANTA CLAUS INTERRUPTED CURLY TAIL WE FOUND SANTA CLAUS FLOPPY AND THIS IS THE BEST CHANCE IN THE WORLD TO TELL HIM WHAT PRESENTS WE WANT FOR CHRISTMAS THAT'S RIGHT AGREED THE OTHER PIGGY BOY WE'LL SPEAK TO HIM AND THEN THEY WALKED ON A LITTLE FARTHER AND THEY SAW THE DEAR OLD SAINT HIMSELF WITH HIS RED COAT ALL TRIMMED WITH WHITE FUR AND HIS WHITE BEARD AND HE WAS AS ROUND AND FAT AND JOLLY AS EVERYTHING" ], "begin_byte": 181308, "end_byte": 181470 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_29_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8748322, "duration": 546.770125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "And he thought, in case he couldn't wear them, that it was all the better to have them big for Christmas, since Santa Claus could put so much more in them.", "AND HE THOUGHT IN CASE HE COULDN'T WEAR THEM THAT IT WAS ALL THE BETTER TO HAVE THEM BIG FOR CHRISTMAS SINCE SANTA CLAUS COULD PUT SO MUCH MORE IN THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "king it might be the fuzzy wolf or the bad skillery-scalery alligator, but all he saw was good kind Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. \"Oh, I beg your pardon for thinking you were some one else,\" said Flop Ear. \"I took you for a wolf. What can I do for you?\" \"I have dropped my ball of yarn, from which I was knitting a pair of mittens for Sammie Littletail,\" said the kind muskrat. \"The ball dropped in the dirt and I can't find it. I wonder if you could?\" So Flop Ear hurried over to the rabbit house, where Nurse Jane lived; she was the only one at home that day. And, by rooting around in the dirt with his rubbery-ubbery nose, Flop Ear soon found the ball of yarn. \"Oh, how smart you are!\" exclaimed Nurse Jane. \"And, as a little present to you I am going to give you a pair of stockings that I knitted myself. You can hang them up for Santa Claus on Christmas.\" \"Oh, thank you!\" cried Flop Ear, as he took the stockings, which were very big. Far too big they were for him, but he was too polite to say so.", "PIGGY BOY I WANT YOU HE LOOKED ALL AROUND THINKING IT MIGHT BE THE FUZZY WOLF OR THE BAD SKILLERY SCALERY ALLIGATOR BUT ALL HE SAW WAS GOOD KIND NURSE JANE FUZZY WUZZY OH I BEG YOUR PARDON FOR THINKING YOU WERE SOME ONE ELSE SAID FLOP EAR I TOOK YOU FOR A WOLF WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU I HAVE DROPPED MY BALL OF YARN FROM WHICH I WAS KNITTING A PAIR OF MITTENS FOR SAMMIE LITTLETAIL SAID THE KIND MUSKRAT THE BALL DROPPED IN THE DIRT AND I CAN'T FIND IT I WONDER IF YOU COULD SO FLOP EAR HURRIED OVER TO THE RABBIT HOUSE WHERE NURSE JANE LIVED SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE AT HOME THAT DAY AND BY ROOTING AROUND IN THE DIRT WITH HIS RUBBERY UBBERY NOSE FLOPPIER SOON FOUND THE BALL OF YARN OH HOW SMART YOU ARE EXCLAIMED NURSE JANE AND AS A LITTLE PRESENT TO YOU I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU A PAIR OF STOCKINGS THAT I KNITTED MYSELF YOU CAN HANG THEM UP FOR SANTA CLAUS ON CHRISTMAS OH THANK YOU CRIED FLOPIER AS HE TOOK THE STOCKINGS WHICH WERE VERY BIG FAR TOO BIG THEY WERE FOR HIM BUT HE WAS TOO POLITE TO SAY SO" ], "begin_byte": 187151, "end_byte": 187306 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8059525, "duration": 503.7203125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_30_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "They will make a good bed for Baby Pinky's doll,\" and so he did fill one of the big stockings with leaves. Then he went on a little further, carrying the one empty stocking and the one filled with leaves, which was almost as large as Flop Ear himself.", "THEY WILL MAKE A GOOD BED FOR BABY PINKY'S DOLL AND SO HE DID FILL ONE OF THE BIG STOCKINGS WITH LEAVES THEN HE WENT ON A LITTLE FURTHER CARRYING ONE EMPTY STOCKING AND THE ONE FILLED WITH LEAVES WHICH WAS ALMOST AS LARGE FLOP EAR HIMSELF" ], "pre_texts": [ "?\" So Flop Ear hurried over to the rabbit house, where Nurse Jane lived; she was the only one at home that day. And, by rooting around in the dirt with his rubbery-ubbery nose, Flop Ear soon found the ball of yarn. \"Oh, how smart you are!\" exclaimed Nurse Jane. \"And, as a little present to you I am going to give you a pair of stockings that I knitted myself. You can hang them up for Santa Claus on Christmas.\" \"Oh, thank you!\" cried Flop Ear, as he took the stockings, which were very big. Far too big they were for him, but he was too polite to say so. And he thought, in case he couldn't wear them, that it was all the better to have them big for Christmas, since Santa Claus could put so much more in them. Then Flop Ear, with the stockings, and the cake of chocolate, having helped Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy, started for home. And on the way he passed a place where there were a lot of dried leaves, and he thought to himself: \"I'll fill one of the stockings with dried leaves and take them home.", "AND I CAN'T FIND IT I WONDER IF YOU COULD SO FLOP EAR HURRIED OVER TO THE RABBIT HOUSE WHERE NURSE JANE LIVED SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE AT HOME THAT DAY AND BY ROOTING AROUND IN THE DIRT WITH HIS RUBBERY UBBERY NOSE FLOPPIER SOON FOUND THE BALL OF YARN OH HOW SMART YOU ARE EXCLAIMED NURSE JANE AND AS A LITTLE PRESENT TO YOU I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU A PAIR OF STOCKINGS THAT I KNITTED MYSELF YOU CAN HANG THEM UP FOR SANTA CLAUS ON CHRISTMAS OH THANK YOU CRIED FLOPIER AS HE TOOK THE STOCKINGS WHICH WERE VERY BIG FAR TOO BIG THEY WERE FOR HIM BUT HE WAS TOO POLITE TO SAY SO AND HE THOUGHT IN CASE HE COULDN'T WEAR THEM THAT IT WAS ALL THE BETTER TO HAVE THEM BIG FOR CHRISTMAS SINCE SANTA CLAUS COULD PUT SO MUCH MORE IN THEM THEN FLOP EAR WITH THE STOCKINGS AND THE CAKE OF CHOCOLATE HAVING HELPED NURSE JANE FUZZY WUZZY STARTED FOR HOME AND ON THE WAY HE PASSED A PLACE WHERE THERE WERE A LOT OF DRIED LEAVES AND HE THOUGHT TO HIMSELF I'LL FILL ONE OF THE STOCKINGS WITH DRIED LEAVES AND TAKE THEM HOME" ], "begin_byte": 187595, "end_byte": 187846 } } ]
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{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"That's what I want to know,\" put in Pinky, as she dressed her doll in her best dress, all ready for the holiday that was soon to be there.", "THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW PUT IN PINKY AS SHE DRESSED HER DOLL IN HER BEST DRESS ALL READY FOR THE HOLIDAY THAT WAS SOON TO BE THERE" ], "pre_texts": [ "the pussy cat draws a pail of pink lemonade from the white inkwell, and gives the rubber doll a drink, I'll tell you about the Twistytails' Christmas. STORY XXXI THE TWISTYTAILS' CHRISTMAS \"'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even--an automobile,\" read Curly Tail, the little piggie boy as he sat by the open fireplace in his house. \"Hold on!\" cried his brother Flop Ear, \"that isn't right, Curly. It should be not a mouse stirring--I know that poem.\" \"You're right, Floppy dear,\" admitted Curly Tail, \"I read it wrong, but anyhow tomorrow is Christmas, and I was thinking so much about the toy automobile I want, that I guess I put one in the verse by mistake.\" \"All right, then I'll forgive you,\" said Floppy, who was sitting by the fireplace, stringing red, white and blue popcorn for Baby Pinky's rag doll's Christmas tree. \"And I'm thinking of the toy steam engine I want,\" went on Flop Ear. \"Oh! why doesn't Christmas hurry up and come?", " LIVERPOX RECORDING ALL LIVERBOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERBOCK STOT ORG CURLY AND FLOPPY TWISTY TALE BY HOWARD R GERRIS STORY THIRTY ONE THE TWISTY TALES CHRISTMAS TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS AND ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING NOT EVEN AN AUTOMOBILE RED CURLY TAIL THE LITTLE PIGGY BOY AS HE SAT BY THE OPEN FIREPLACE IN HIS HOUSE HOLD ON CRIED HIS BROTHER FLOP EAR THAT ISN'T RIGHT CURLY IT SHOULD NOT BE A MOUSE STIRRING I KNOW THAT POEM YOU'RE RIGHT FLOPPY DEAR ADMITTED CURLY TAIL I READ IT WRONG BUT ANYHOW TO MORROW IS CHRISTMAS AND I WAS THINKING SO MUCH ABOUT THE TOY AUTOMOBILE I WANT THAT I GUESS I PUT ONE IN THE VERSE BY MISTAKE ALL RIGHT THEN I'LL FORGIVE YOU SAID FLOPPY WHO WAS SITTING BY THE FIREPLACE STRINGING RED WHITE AND BLUE POP CORN FOR BABY PINKIES RAG DOLL'S CHRISTMAS TREE AND I'M THINKING OF THE TOY STEAM ENGINE THAT I WANT WENT ON FLOP EAR OH WHY DOESN'T CHRISTMAS HURRY UP AND COME" ], "begin_byte": 191324, "end_byte": 191464 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10282650, "duration": 642.665625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Oh, I see my new doll carriage and a new doll in it and look at her little Christmas tree!\" cried Baby Pinky! \"Oh, how lovely everything is!\"", "OH AND SEE MY NEW DOLL CARRIAGE AND A NEW DOLL IN IT AND LOOK AT HER LITTLE CHRISTMAS TREE CRIED BABY PINKY OH HOW LOVELY EVERYTHING IS" ], "pre_texts": [ "e in the chimney. Maybe it was the wind, or maybe it was a little bird crawling in to get warm. I don't know. Anyway, there was a noise, but the piggie children never woke up. And then--and then--and then--in a little while it was Christmas morning. Somewhere a horn blew. Curly Tail heard it first, and, though it was scarcely daylight, he hopped out of bed. \"Wake up!\" he cried, \"Wake up everybody! It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!\" \"Merry Christmas!\" cried Flop Ear. \"Merry Christmas!\" echoed Baby Pinky, and they all rushed downstairs. \"Mercy me!\" exclaimed Mrs. Twistytail, rubbing her eyes. \"Christmas so soon?\" \"Yes, indeed!\" shouted the children. \"Oh, come and see what we have!\" Well, if I were to tell you all that happened at the Twistytail house that day, and about all the presents the children got, I'm sure I would be so long finishing that you would get hungry. But oh! everything was lovely! \"I've got my toy steam engine!\" cried Flop Ear. \"And I have my toy auto!\" said his brother.", "S THEN SOME ONE CALLED OHO THERE REINDEER THEN THERE WAS A NOISE IN THE CHIMNEY MAYBE IT WAS THE WIND OR MAYBE IT WAS A LITTLE BIRD CRAWLING IN TO GET WARM I DON'T KNOW ANYWAY THERE WAS A NOISE BUT THE PIGGY CHILDREN NEVER WOKE UP AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN IN A LITTLE WHILE IT WAS CHRISTMAS MORNING SOMEWHERE A HORN BLEW CURLY TAIL HEARD IT FIRST AND THOUGH IT WAS SCARCELY DAYLIGHT HE HOPPED OUT OF BED WAKE UP HE CRIED WAKE UP EVERYBODY IT'S CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS CRIED FLOP EAR MERRY CHRISTMAS ECHOED BABY PINKY AND THEY ALL RUSHED DOWNSTAIRS MERCY ME EXCLAIMED MISSUS TWISTYTAIL RUBBING HER EYES CHRISTMAS SO SOON YES INDEED SHOUTED THE CHILDREN OH COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE WELL IF I WERE TO TELL YOU ALL THAT HAPPENED AT THE TWISTY TAIL HOUSE THAT DAY AND ALL ABOUT THE PRESENTS THE CHILDREN GOT I'M SURE I WOULD BE SO LONG FINISHING THAT YOU WOULD GET HUNGRY BUT OH EVERYTHING WAS LOVELY I'VE GOT MY TOY STEAM ENGINE CRIED FLOP EAR AND I HAVE MY TOY OTTO SAID HIS BROTHER" ], "begin_byte": 195512, "end_byte": 195656 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10282650, "duration": 642.665625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Curly and Floppy Twistytail The Funny Piggie Boys/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10231", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Merry Christmas!\" cried Flop Ear. \"Merry Christmas!\" echoed Baby Pinky, and they all rushed downstairs. \"Mercy me!\" exclaimed Mrs. Twistytail, rubbing her eyes. \"Christmas so soon?\" \"Yes, indeed!\" shouted the children.", "MERRY CHRISTMAS CRIED FLOP EAR MERRY CHRISTMAS ECHOED BABY PINKY AND THEY ALL RUSHED DOWNSTAIRS MERCY ME EXCLAIMED MISSUS TWISTYTAIL RUBBING HER EYES CHRISTMAS SO SOON YES INDEED SHOUTED THE CHILDREN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ofs of houses, too, and the gate posts and the pump in the yard and everything--all white, ready for Christmas. \"Santa Claus' reindeer can easily pull the sleigh tonight,\" said Baby Pinky, as she looked from the window. \"Come, get back into bed!\" called Curly Tail, \"or Santa Claus won't come.\" It was close to midnight, and still the snow came down. Outside the Twistytail house, just as outside of every other house where the children believe in Santa Claus, there was heard the ringing of bells. Then some one called: \"Whoa, there, reindeer!\" Then there was a noise in the chimney. Maybe it was the wind, or maybe it was a little bird crawling in to get warm. I don't know. Anyway, there was a noise, but the piggie children never woke up. And then--and then--and then--in a little while it was Christmas morning. Somewhere a horn blew. Curly Tail heard it first, and, though it was scarcely daylight, he hopped out of bed. \"Wake up!\" he cried, \"Wake up everybody! It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!", "COMING DOWN UNTIL ALL THE GROUND WAS WHITE AND THE ROOFS OF HOUSES TOO AND THE GATE POSTS AND THE PUMP IN THE YARD AND EVERYTHING ALL WHITE READY FOR CHRISTMAS SANTA CLAUS'S REINDEER CAN EASILY PULL THE SLEIGH TO NIGHT SAID BABY PINKY AS SHE LOOKED FROM THE WINDOW COME GET BACK IN BED CALLED CURLY TAIL OR SANTA CLAUS WON'T COME IT WAS CLOSE TO MIDNIGHT AND STILL THE SNOW CAME DOWN OUTSIDE THE TWISTY TAIL HOUSE JUST AS OUTSIDE OF EVERY OTHER HOUSE WHERE THE CHILDREN BELIEVED IN SANTA CLAUS THERE WAS HEARD THE RINGING OF BELLS THEN SOME ONE CALLED OHO THERE REINDEER THEN THERE WAS A NOISE IN THE CHIMNEY MAYBE IT WAS THE WIND OR MAYBE IT WAS A LITTLE BIRD CRAWLING IN TO GET WARM I DON'T KNOW ANYWAY THERE WAS A NOISE BUT THE PIGGY CHILDREN NEVER WOKE UP AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN IN A LITTLE WHILE IT WAS CHRISTMAS MORNING SOMEWHERE A HORN BLEW CURLY TAIL HEARD IT FIRST AND THOUGH IT WAS SCARCELY DAYLIGHT HE HOPPED OUT OF BED WAKE UP HE CRIED WAKE UP EVERYBODY IT'S CHRISTMAS MERRY CHRISTMAS" ], "begin_byte": 194945, "end_byte": 195165 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10231/curlyandfloppytwistytail_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/curlyandfloppytwistytail_31_garis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10282650, "duration": 642.665625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10221", "custom": { "texts": [ "A recital of his accomplishments sounds like a round of the old counting game, \"Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief.\" He was, in fact, all the list but the \"thief\" even the \"beggarman.\"", "THE RECITAL OF HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS SOUNDS LIKE A ROUND OF THE OLD COUNTING GAME DOCTOR LAWYER MERCHANT CHIEF HE WAS IN FACT ALL THE LIST BUT THE THIEF EVEN THE BEGGAR MAN" ], "pre_texts": [ "y_, say I, _that she should pay so much for a whistle_! In short, I can conceive that great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by the false estimates they have made of the value of things, and by their _giving too much for their whistle_. [Illustration: ENGRAVED BY H. DAVIDSON FROM THE SCULPTURE BY R. TAIT MCKENZIE. COURTESY OF THE CENTURY CO. THE YOUNG BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 1723] _BENJAMIN FRANKLIN_ _His Life_ ONE Benjamin Franklin, born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 17, 1706 (January 6, Old Style), of humble parents, was one of the heroes of the War of Independence, one of the cleverest of American diplomats, and one of the greatest American politicians and statesmen. But this was not all: he possessed so many talents that he can only be described properly as a universal genius. Franklin’s life is one huge catalogue of performances, hard indeed to tabulate, for he went from one thing to another with remarkable rapidity and excelled in everything that he undertook.", " SECTION TWO OF THE MENTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN THIS IS A LIBRA BOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY DAVID LOTUS THE MENTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN VOLUME SIX NUMBERS SEVEN SERIAL NUMBER ONE FIFTY FIVE MAY FIFTEENTH NINETEEN EIGHTEEN BY ELBERT BUSHNAIL HART SECTION TWO BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BORN IN BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS JANUARY SEVENTEENTH SEVENTEEN HUNDRED SIX JANUARY SIXTH OLD STYLE OF HUMBLE PARENTS WAS ONE OF THE HEROES OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE ONE OF THE CLEVEREST OF AMERICAN DIPLOMATS AND ONE OF THE GREATEST AMERICAN POLITICIANS AND STATESMEN BUT THIS WAS NOT ALL HE POSSESSED SO MANY TALENTS THAT HE CAN ONLY BE DESCRIBED PROPERLY AS A UNIVERSAL GENIUS FRANKLIN'S LIFE IS ONE HUGE CATALOGUE OF PERFORMANCES HARD INDEED TO TABULATE FOR HE WENT FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER WITH REMARKABLE RAPIDITY AND EXCELLED IN EVERYTHING THAT HE UNDERTOOK" ], "begin_byte": 4762, "end_byte": 4944 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6263554, "duration": 391.472125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mentor Benjamin Franklin/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb_7", "recording_id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10221", "custom": { "texts": [ "In two years' time, however, he was again sent to England as agent to settle questions in relation to taxation, and represented not only Pennsylvania, but New Jersey, Georgia, and Massachusetts.", "IN TWO YEARS TIME HOWEVER HE WAS AGAIN SENT TO ENGLAND AS AGENT TO SETTLE QUESTIONS IN RELATION TO TAXATION AND REPRESENTED NOT ONLY PENNSYLVANIA BUT NEW JERSEY GEORGIA AND MASSACHUSETTS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ty in public affairs was enormous: he organized the first police and fire company in Philadelphia; established an academy which became the University of Pennsylvania; organized an important debating club--the Junto (1727); took the lead in improving the paving of the city; developed the lighting of the streets; organized a militia force; founded a city hospital, and in every way concerned himself with the bettering of conditions, both civic and political. He undertook to provide Braddock with horses and wagons for the march against Fort Duquesne, and, in 1756, he had charge of the Northwest frontier for a month, during which he erected blockhouses and watched the wily Indians. In 1757, he was sent to London as agent for the people to petition the Crown. He returned home in 1762, expecting to settle down and devote the remainder of his life to scientific investigation and the pleasures of the pen. He brought with him many degrees and honors, and he thought that his public life was over.", "NIZED THE FIRST POLICE AND FIRE COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA ESTABLISHED AN ACADEMY WHICH BECAME THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ORGANIZED AN IMPORTANT ABATING CLUB THE GENTEEL SEVENTEEN TWENTY SEVEN TOOK THE LEAD IN IMPROVING THE PAVING OF THE CITY DEVELOPED THE LIGHTING OF THE STREETS ORGANIZED A MILITIA FORCE FOUNDED A CITY HOSPITAL AND IN EVERY WAY CONCERNED HIMSELF WITH THE BETTERING OF CONDITIONS BOTH CIVIC AND POLITICAL HE UNDERTOOK TO PROVIDE BRADDOCK WITH HORSES AND WAGONS FOR THE MARCH AGAINST FORT DUCANE AND IN SEVENTEEN FIFTY SIX HE HAD CHARGE OF THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER FOR A MONTH DURING WHICH HE ERECTED BLOCK HOUSES AND WATCHED THE WILY INDIANS IN SEVENTEEN FIFTY SEVEN HE WAS SENT TO LONDON AS AGENT FOR THE PEOPLE TO PETITION THE CROWN HE RETURNED HOME IN SEVENTEEN SIXTY TWO EXPECTING TO SETTLE DOWN AND DEVOTE THE REMAINDER OF HIS LIFE TO SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION AND THE PLEASURE OF THE PEN HE BROUGHT WITH HIM MANY DEGREES AND HONORS AND HE THOUGHT THAT HIS PUBLIC LIFE WAS OVER" ], "begin_byte": 6901, "end_byte": 7095 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6263554, "duration": 391.472125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mentor Benjamin Franklin/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10221", "custom": { "texts": [ "He returned home in 1762, expecting to settle down and devote the remainder of his life to scientific investigation and the pleasures of the pen. He brought with him many degrees and honors, and he thought that his public life was over.", "HE RETURNED HOME IN SEVENTEEN SIXTY TWO EXPECTING TO SETTLE DOWN AND DEVOTE THE REMAINDER OF HIS LIFE TO SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION AND THE PLEASURE OF THE PEN HE BROUGHT WITH HIM MANY DEGREES AND HONORS AND HE THOUGHT THAT HIS PUBLIC LIFE WAS OVER" ], "pre_texts": [ "clerk of the General Assembly in 1736 (holding this office until 1751); postmaster in Philadelphia in 1737; and, after he gave up the post of clerk of the General Assembly, a member of that body for thirteen years (1751-1764). His activity in public affairs was enormous: he organized the first police and fire company in Philadelphia; established an academy which became the University of Pennsylvania; organized an important debating club--the Junto (1727); took the lead in improving the paving of the city; developed the lighting of the streets; organized a militia force; founded a city hospital, and in every way concerned himself with the bettering of conditions, both civic and political. He undertook to provide Braddock with horses and wagons for the march against Fort Duquesne, and, in 1756, he had charge of the Northwest frontier for a month, during which he erected blockhouses and watched the wily Indians. In 1757, he was sent to London as agent for the people to petition the Crown.", "ASTER IN PHILADELPHIA IN SEVENTEEN THIRTY SEVEN AND AFTER HE GAVE UP THE POST OF CLERK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY A MEMBER OF THAT BODY FOR THIRTEEN YEARS SEVENTEEN FIFTY ONE TO SEVENTEEN SIXTY FOUR HIS ACTIVITY IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS WAS ENORMOUS HE ORGANIZED THE FIRST POLICE AND FIRE COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA ESTABLISHED AN ACADEMY WHICH BECAME THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ORGANIZED AN IMPORTANT ABATING CLUB THE GENTEEL SEVENTEEN TWENTY SEVEN TOOK THE LEAD IN IMPROVING THE PAVING OF THE CITY DEVELOPED THE LIGHTING OF THE STREETS ORGANIZED A MILITIA FORCE FOUNDED A CITY HOSPITAL AND IN EVERY WAY CONCERNED HIMSELF WITH THE BETTERING OF CONDITIONS BOTH CIVIC AND POLITICAL HE UNDERTOOK TO PROVIDE BRADDOCK WITH HORSES AND WAGONS FOR THE MARCH AGAINST FORT DUCANE AND IN SEVENTEEN FIFTY SIX HE HAD CHARGE OF THE NORTH WEST FRONTIER FOR A MONTH DURING WHICH HE ERECTED BLOCK HOUSES AND WATCHED THE WILY INDIANS IN SEVENTEEN FIFTY SEVEN HE WAS SENT TO LONDON AS AGENT FOR THE PEOPLE TO PETITION THE CROWN" ], "begin_byte": 6664, "end_byte": 6900 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10221/mentorbenjaminfranklin_1509_librivox_64kb_mp3/mentorbenjaminfranklin_02_hart_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6263554, "duration": 391.472125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Mentor Benjamin Franklin/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"I took them out one day to a pond near the school house, where I pointed out almost all the divisions of water, and then on a hill, to show them the divisions of land.\" \"But you could not find them all.\"", "I TOOK THEM OUT ONE DAY TO A POND NEAR THE SCHOOLHOUSE WHERE I POINTED OUT ALMOST ALL THE DIVISIONS OF WATER AND THEN ON A HILL TO SHOW THEM THE DIVISIONS OF LAND BUT YOU COULD NOT FIND THEM ALL" ], "pre_texts": [ "Wood Lake?\" \"Can they?\" asked Charles. \"I would not have believed it.\" \"I never thought of it before,\" added Frank. \"Years ago, before I was married, I used to teach school,\" continued Mrs. Sedley; \"and my scholars always found it difficult to remember the definitions of the natural divisions of the earth. What do you think the reason was?\" \"I suppose they did not half learn them,\" replied Fred. \"They did not understand them. When we spoke of a gulf, for example, they thought of something a great way off--as far as the Gulf of Mexico or the Gulf of St. Lawrence.\" \"I am sure I never thought of them as anything that I had ever seen, or was ever likely to see,\" added Charles, who always had something to say, and who tried to get the good will of others by appearing to be humble and teachable. The other boys were equally tractable, but from another motive. Mrs. Sedley's geography lesson was full of interest to them; and as they pulled slowly, they gave all their attention to what she said.", "WATER ON A SMALL SCALE COULD BE SEEN IN WOOD LAKE CAN THEY ASKED CHARLES I WOULD NOT HAVE BELIEVED IT I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE ADDED FRANK YEARS AGO BEFORE I WAS MARRIED I USED TO TEACH SCHOOL CONTINUED MISSUS SEDLEY AND MY SCHOLARS ALWAYS FOUND IT DIFFICULT TO REMEMBER THE DEFINITIONS OF THE NATURAL DIVISIONS OF THE EARTH WHAT DO YOU THINK THE REASON WAS I SUPPOSE THEY DID NOT HALF LEARN THEM REPLIED FRED THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND THEM WHEN WE SPOKE OF A GULF FOR EXAMPLE THEY THOUGHT OF SOMETHING A GREAT WAY OFF AS FAR AS THE GULF OF MEXICO OR THE GULF OF SAINT LAWRENCE I AM SURE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THEM AS ANYTHING THAT I HAD EVER SEEN OR WAS EVER LIKELY TO SEE ADDED CHARLES WHO ALWAYS HAD SOMETHING TO SAY AND WHO TRIED TO GET THE GOOD WILL OF OTHERS BY APPEARING TO BE HUMBLE AND TEACHABLE THE OTHER BOYS WERE EQUALLY TRACTABLE BUT FROM ANOTHER MOTIVE MISSUS SEDLEY'S GEOGRAPHY LESSON WAS FULL OF INTEREST TO THEM AND AS THEY PULLED SLOWLY THEY GAVE ALL THEIR ATTENTION TO WHAT SHE SAID" ], "begin_byte": 189246, "end_byte": 189450 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11235797, "duration": 702.2373125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "The dripping oars were all extended at the same height from the water, at the command of the coxswain. \"Up oars!\" continued he. \"You will certainly run against them, Frank,\" repeated Mrs. Sedley. \"Pray don't be careless.\" \"There is nothing to fear, mother.\"", "THE DRIPPING OARS WERE ALL EXTENDED AT THE SAME HEIGHT FROM THE WATER AT THE COMMAND OF THE COXSWAIN UP OARS CONTINUED HE YOU WILL CERTAINLY RUN AGAINST THEM FRANK REPEATED MISSUS SEDLEY PRAY DON'T BE CARELESS THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR MOTHER" ], "pre_texts": [ "\" \"I hope they will keep away from us,\" added Frank, whose forenoon experience was still remembered. \"They will want to hear the music.\" \"You must keep near Uncle Ben, Frank.\" The Zephyr was rapidly approaching the Sylph, as the sailboat was called. \"I wish they would play 'Old Folks at Home,'\" said Charles. \"We can ask them to do so.\" Suddenly Frank stood up in his place. \"Way enough!\" said he with a smile. \"What are you going to do?\" asked his mother. \"I am going to execute a manoeuvre; and, boys, I want you to be prompt in your movements.\" \"Ay, ay!\" shouted the club. \"Now, then, give way!\" Frank swayed his body for a few moments with great rapidity, and of course the stroke of the rowers corresponded to his motions. The Zephyr darted forward with a speed which surprised Mrs. Sedley. \"Way enough!\" cried Frank, when the boat came within a few rods of the Sylph. \"Be careful, my son; you will run against her,\" interposed Mrs. Sedley, as she involuntarily grasped the gunwale of the boat.", "NKERS EXCLAIMED FRED HARPER WHERE COMING UP FROM RIPPLETON I HOPE THEY WILL KEEP AWAY FROM US ADDED FRANK WHOSE FORENOON EXPERIENCE WAS STILL REMEMBERED THEY WILL WANT TO HEAR THE MUSIC YOU MUST KEEP NEAR UNCLE BEN FRANK THE ZEPHYR WAS RAPIDLY APPROACHING THE SYLPH AS THE SAIL BOAT WAS CALLED I WISH THEY WOULD PLAY OLD FOLKS AT HOME SAID CHARLES WE CAN ASK THEM TO DO SO SUDDENLY FRANK STOOD UP IN HIS PLACE WAY ENOUGH SAID HE WITH A SMILE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ASKED HIS MOTHER I AM GOING TO EXECUTE A MANOEUVRE AND BOYS I WANT YOU TO BE PROMPT IN YOUR MOVEMENTS AY AYE SHOUTED THE CLUB NOW THEN GIVE WAY FRANK SWAYED HIS BODY FOR A FEW MOMENTS WITH GREAT RAPIDITY AND OF COURSE THE STROKE OF THE ROWERS CORRESPONDED TO HIS MOTIONS THE ZEPHYR DARTED FORWARD WITH A SPEED WHICH SURPRISED MISSUS SEDLEY WAY ENOUGH CRIED FRANK WHEN THE BOAT CAME WITHIN A FEW RODS OF THE SYLPH BE CAREFUL MY SON YOU WILL RUN AGAINST HER INTERPOSED MISSUS SEDLEY AS SHE INVOLUNTARILY GRASPED THE GUNWALE OF THE BOAT" ], "begin_byte": 183291, "end_byte": 183548 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11235797, "duration": 702.2373125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb_27", "recording_id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"I suppose they did not half learn them,\" replied Fred. \"They did not understand them.", "I SUPPOSE THEY DID NOT HALF LEARN THEM REPLIED FRED THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ "tion of Mrs. Weston, who had her suspicions as to the stability of the beautiful Zephyr, were in the highest state of enjoyment. Farther up the lake there was a projecting headland, at the end of which, separated from the shore by a narrow passage of water, not more than ten feet in width, was a small, rocky island. This island and its vicinity were the next points of interest deserving the attention of the voyagers, and thither Frank steered the boat. \"Boys, you all study geography, do you not?\" asked Mrs. Sedley. \"All of us, mother,\" replied Frank. \"Did it ever occur to you that all the natural divisions of water, on a small scale, could be seen in Wood Lake?\" \"Can they?\" asked Charles. \"I would not have believed it.\" \"I never thought of it before,\" added Frank. \"Years ago, before I was married, I used to teach school,\" continued Mrs. Sedley; \"and my scholars always found it difficult to remember the definitions of the natural divisions of the earth. What do you think the reason was?", "AR MARCH AND ALL THE PARTY WITH THE EXCEPTION OF MISSUS WESTON WHO HAD HER SUSPICIONS AS TO THE STABILITY OF THE BEAUTIFUL ZEPHYR WERE IN THE HIGHEST STATE OF ENJOYMENT FARTHER UP THE LAKE THERE WAS A PROJECTING HEADLAND AT THE END OF WHICH SEPARATED FROM THE SHORE BY A NARROW PASSAGE OF WATER NOT MORE THAN TEN FEET IN WIDTH WAS A SMALL ROCKY ISLAND THIS ISLAND AND ITS VICINITY WERE THE NEXT POINTS OF INTEREST DESERVING THE ATTENTION OF THE VOYAGERS AND THITHER FRANK STEERED THE BOAT BOYS YOU ALL STUDY GEOGRAPHY DO YOU NOT ASKED MISSUS SEDLEY ALL OF US MOTHER REPLIED FRANK DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT ALL THE NATURAL DIVISIONS OF WATER ON A SMALL SCALE COULD BE SEEN IN WOOD LAKE CAN THEY ASKED CHARLES I WOULD NOT HAVE BELIEVED IT I NEVER THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE ADDED FRANK YEARS AGO BEFORE I WAS MARRIED I USED TO TEACH SCHOOL CONTINUED MISSUS SEDLEY AND MY SCHOLARS ALWAYS FOUND IT DIFFICULT TO REMEMBER THE DEFINITIONS OF THE NATURAL DIVISIONS OF THE EARTH WHAT DO YOU THINK THE REASON WAS" ], "begin_byte": 188587, "end_byte": 188674 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11235797, "duration": 702.2373125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "But at last they grew tired of the land. The beautiful Zephyr, resting so lightly and gracefully on the water, seemed to invite them to more congenial sports.", "BUT AT LAST THEY GREW TIRED OF THE LAND THE BEAUTIFUL ZEPHYR RESTING SO LIGHTLY AND GRACEFULLY ON THE WATER SEEMED TO INVITE THEM TO MORE CONGENIAL SPORTS" ], "pre_texts": [ " boat club organization would correct such indiscretions in due time. He decided, however, that Fred should submit to some penalty, to be affixed at another time, and that Frank was right in not leaving Tony at the mercy of the Bunkers. Frank continued his story, and incidentally remarked that the Bunkers had just rowed Joe Braman to Rippleton, where he intended to take the cars for Boston. Captain Sedley mused a moment. \"The cars start at two o'clock,\" said he, consulting his watch. \"Boys, I must go to Boston, and you must row me down to the village as quickly as you can.\" \"Zephyrs, ahoy!\" shouted Frank. The club were in their seats in a moment, and the Zephyr darted away towards Rippleton. CHAPTER XVI THE GEOGRAPHY OF WOOD LAKE Captain Sedley reached the depot just in time to take the two-o'clock train; and the club returned to Centre Island, where another hour was spent very pleasantly in listening to the music of the band, and in such amusements as the ingenuity of boys can devise.", " CHAPTER SIXTEEN OF THE BOAT CLUB OR THE BUNKERS OF RIPPLETON BY OLIVER OPTIC THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY BETTY B THE GEOGRAPHY OF WOOD LAKE CAPTAIN SEDLEY REACHED THE DEPOT JUST IN TIME TO TAKE THE TWO O'CLOCK TRAIN AND THE CLUB RETURNED TO CENTER ISLAND WHERE ANOTHER HOUR WAS SPENT VERY PLEASANTLY IN LISTENING TO THE MUSIC OF THE BAND AND IN SUCH AMUSEMENTS AS THE INGENUITY OF BOYS CAN DEVISE" ], "begin_byte": 180320, "end_byte": 180478 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11235797, "duration": 702.2373125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb_58", "recording_id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 24.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "CHAPTER XVI THE GEOGRAPHY OF WOOD LAKE Captain Sedley reached the depot just in time to take the two o'clock train; and the club returned to Centre Island, where another hour was spent very pleasantly in listening to the music of the band, and in such amusements as the ingenuity of boys can devise. But at last they grew tired of the land.", "BY BETTY B THE GEOGRAPHY OF WOOD LAKE CAPTAIN SEDLEY REACHED THE DEPOT JUST IN TIME TO TAKE THE TWO O'CLOCK TRAIN AND THE CLUB RETURNED TO CENTER ISLAND WHERE ANOTHER HOUR WAS SPENT VERY PLEASANTLY IN LISTENING TO THE MUSIC OF THE BAND AND IN SUCH AMUSEMENTS AS THE INGENUITY OF BOYS CAN DEVISE BUT AT LAST THEY GREW TIRED OF THE LAND" ], "pre_texts": [ "not prevent their doing ample justice to the viands set before them. After the collation was finished, Frank told his father all the circumstances of their morning excursion. Captain Sedley did not blame Fred very much for the taunt he had used, considering the provocation. He was satisfied that the boat club organization would correct such indiscretions in due time. He decided, however, that Fred should submit to some penalty, to be affixed at another time, and that Frank was right in not leaving Tony at the mercy of the Bunkers. Frank continued his story, and incidentally remarked that the Bunkers had just rowed Joe Braman to Rippleton, where he intended to take the cars for Boston. Captain Sedley mused a moment. \"The cars start at two o'clock,\" said he, consulting his watch. \"Boys, I must go to Boston, and you must row me down to the village as quickly as you can.\" \"Zephyrs, ahoy!\" shouted Frank. The club were in their seats in a moment, and the Zephyr darted away towards Rippleton.", " CHAPTER SIXTEEN OF THE BOAT CLUB OR THE BUNKERS OF RIPPLETON BY OLIVER OPTIC THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING" ], "begin_byte": 180020, "end_byte": 180360 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/boatclub_1608_librivox_64kb_mp3/boatclub_16_optic_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 11235797, "duration": 702.2373125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_12_field_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10244/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_12_field_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 27.04, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "As up I fared to Bethlehem town, I met a shepherd coming down, And thus he quoth: \"A wondrous sight Hath spread before mine eyes this night, An angel host most fair to see, That sung full sweetly of a tree That shall uplift on Calvary What burthen saveth you and me!\" And as I gat to Bethlehem town, Lo! wise men came that bore a crown.", "AS UP I FARED TO BETHLEHEM TOWN I MET A SHEPHERD COMING DOWN AND THUS HE QUOTH A WONDROUS SIGHT HATH SPREAD BEFORE MINE EYES THIS NIGHT AN ANGEL HOST MOST FAIR TO SEE THAT SUNG FULL SWEETLY OF A TREE THAT SHALL UPLIFT ON CALVARY WHAT BURTHEN SAVETH YOU AND ME AND AS I GAT TO BETHLEHEM TOWN LO WISE MEN CAME THAT BORE A CROWN" ], "pre_texts": [ "rom those distant years; yonder fareth the Queen of Sheba in her service as handmaiden unto me and mine,--gaunt and doleful-eyed, yet stanch and sturdy as of old. The garden lieth under the Christmas snow,--the garden where ghosts of trees wave their arms and moan over the graves of flowers; the once gracious arbor is crippled now with the infirmities of age, the Siege of Restfulness fast sinketh into decay, and long, oh! long ago did that bird Joyous carol forth his last sweet song in the garden that was once so passing fair. And amid it all,--this heartache and the loneliness which the years have brought,--cometh my Christmas gift to-day: the solace of a vision of that country whither she--our little Mistress Merciless--hath gone; a glimpse of that far-off land of Ever-Plaisance. BETHLEHEM-TOWN As I was going to Bethlehem-town, Upon the earth I cast me down All underneath a little tree That whispered in this wise to me: \"Oh, I shall stand on Calvary And bear what burthen saveth thee!", " BETHLEHEM TOWN BY EUGENE FIELD READ FOR LIEBERVOXTAD ORG BY BETTY B AS I WAS GOING TO BETHLEHEM TOWN UPON THE EARTH I CAST ME DOWN ALL UNDERNEATH A LITTLE TREE THAT WHISPERED IN THIS WISE TO ME O I SHALL STAND ON CALVARY AND BEAR WHAT BURTHEN SAVETH THEE" ], "begin_byte": 95536, "end_byte": 95875 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_12_field_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/christmas_tales_and_verse_1612_librivox_64kb_mp3/christmas_12_field_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1865399, "duration": 116.5874375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_10_dunsany_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_10_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "The soil was the same brown clay that you see in the south Of England above the downs and the chalk; the wood was a hazel wood, such as grow in England, thinned a good deal, as English hazels are, but with several tall trees still growing; and plants were there and late flowers, such as grow in Surrey and Kent. And at the end of the valley, just in the shadow of that familiar homely wood, a hundred British officers rest for ever.", "THE SOIL WAS THE SAME BROWN CLAY THAT YOU SEE IN THE SOUTH OF ENGLAND ABOVE THE DOWNS AND THE CHALK THE WOOD WAS A HAZEL WOOD SUCH AS GROW IN ENGLAND THINNED A GOOD DEAL AS ENGLISH HAZELS ARE BUT WITH SEVERAL TALL TREES STILL GROWING AND PLANTS WERE THERE AND LATE FLOWERS SUCH AS GROW IN SURREY AND KENT AND AT THE END OF THE VALLEY JUST IN THE SHADOW OF THAT FAMILIAR HOMELY WOOD A HUNDRED BRITISH OFFICERS REST FOREVER" ], "pre_texts": [ " a gusty flame as he writes; and in the end he writes the spell out wrongly and mixes up with the valleys where he would rest dark bits of the regions of Hell. So one sees Albert again and its Happy Valley. I do not know which the Happy Valley is, for so many little valleys run in and out about Albert; and with a little effort of imagination, having only seen them full of the ruin of war, one can fancy any of them being once named happy. Yet one there is away to the east of Albert, which even up to last autumn seemed able to bear this name, so secluded it was in that awful garden of Mars; a tiny valley running into the wood of Bécourt. A few yards, higher up and all was desolation, a little further along a lonely road and you saw Albert mourning over irreparable vistas of ruin and wasted fields; but the little valley ran into the wood of Bécourt and sheltered there, and there you saw scarcely any signs of war. It might almost have been an English valley, by the side of an English wood.", "S AND CEILING FROM A GUSTY FLAME AS HE WRITES AND IN THE END HE WRITES THE SPELL OUT WRONGLY AND MIXES UP WITH THE VALLEYS WHERE HE WOULD REST DARK BITS OF THE REGIONS OF HELL SO ONE SEES ALBERT AGAIN AND ITS HAPPY VALLEY I DO NOT KNOW WHICH THE HAPPY VALLEY IS FOR SO MANY LITTLE VALLEYS RUN IN AND OUT ABOUT ALBERT AND WITH A LITTLE EFFORT OF IMAGINATION HAVING ONLY SEEN THEM FULL OF THE RUIN OF WAR ONE CAN FANCY ANY OF THEM BEING ONCE NAMED HAPPY YET ONE THERE IS AWAY TO THE EAST OF ALBERT WHICH EVEN UP TO LAST AUTUMN SEEMED ABLE TO BEAR THIS NAME SO SECLUDED IT WAS IN THAT AWFUL GARDEN OF MARS A TINY VALLEY RUNNING INTO THE WOOD OF BE COUR A FEW YARDS HIGHER UP AND ALL WAS DESOLATION A LITTLE FARTHER ALONG A LONELY ROAD AND YOU SAW ALBERT MOURNING OVER IRREPARABLE VISTAS OF RUIN AND WASTED FIELDS BUT THE LITTLE VALLEY RAN INTO THE WOOD OF BEY COUR AND SHELTERED THERE AND THERE YOU SAW SCARCELY ANY SIGNS OF WAR IT MIGHT ALMOST HAVE BEEN AN ENGLISH VALLEY BY THE SIDE OF AN ENGLISH WOOD" ], "begin_byte": 48740, "end_byte": 49173 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_10_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_10_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3407900, "duration": 212.99375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Safe under the dust that that woman threw, and the women that lived before her, Time hid his secrets. And then I have seen the edges of stones in deserts that might or might not have been cities: they had fallen so long that you could hardly say.", "SAFE UNDER THE DUST THAT THAT WOMAN THREW AND THE WOMEN THAT LIVED BEFORE HER TIME HID HIS SECRETS AND THEN I HAVE SEEN THE EDGES OF STONES AND DESERTS THAT MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CITIES THEY HAD FALLEN SO LONG THAT YOU COULD HARDLY SAY" ], "pre_texts": [ " its great arches and parts of its temples stand: its paved streets are still grooved clearly with the wheel-ruts of chariots, and beaten down on each side of the centre by the pairs of horses that drew them two thousand years ago. When all the clatter had died away Timgad stood there in silence. At Pompeii, city and citizens ended together. Pompeii did not mourn among strangers, a city without a people: but was buried at once, closed like an ancient book. I doubt if anyone knows why its gods deserted Luxor, or Luxor lost faith in its gods, or in itself; conquest from over the desert or down the Nile, I suppose, or corruption within. Who knows? But one day I saw a woman come out from the back of her house and empty a basket full of dust and rubbish right into the temple at Luxor, where a dark green god is seated, three times the size of a man, buried as high as his waist. I suppose that what I saw had been happening off and on pretty well every morning for the last four thousand years.", "ROME HAD BEEN EVEN TO DAY ITS GREAT ARCHES AND PARTS OF ITS TEMPLE STAND ITS PAVED STREETS ARE STILL GROOVED CLEARLY WITH THE WHEEL RUTS OF CHARIOTS AND BEATEN DOWN ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER BY THE PAIRS OF HORSES THAT DREW THEM TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO WHEN ALL THE CLATTER HAD DIED AWAY TIMGAD STOOD THERE IN SILENCE AT POMPEII CITY AND CITIZENS ENDED TOGETHER POMPEY DID NOT MOURN AMONG STRANGERS A CITY WITHOUT A PEOPLE BUT WAS BURIED AT ONCE CLOSED LIKE AN ANCIENT BOOK I DOUBT IF ANYONE KNOWS WHY IT'S GODS DESERTED LUXOR OR LUXOR LOST FAITH IN ITS GODS OR IN ITSELF CONQUEST FROM OVER THE DESERT OR DOWN THE NILE I SUPPOSE OR CORRUPTION WITHIN WHO KNOWS BUT ONE DAY I SAW A WOMAN COME OUT FROM THE BACK OF HER HOUSE AND EMPTY A BASKET FULL OF DUST AND RUBBISH RIGHT INTO THE TEMPLE AT LUXOR WHERE A DARK GREEN GOD IS SEATED THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF MAN BURIED AS HIGH AS HIS WAIST I SUPPOSE THAT WHAT I SAW HAD BEEN HAPPENING OFF AND ON PRETTY WELL EVERY MORNING FOR THE LAST FOUR THOUSAND YEARS" ], "begin_byte": 51464, "end_byte": 51710 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8424200, "duration": 526.5125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "So that to these, whatever others may write, the twentieth century will not be the age of strategy, but will only seem to have been those fourteen lost quiet summers whose fruits lie under the plaster.", "SO THAT TO THESE WHATEVER OTHERS MAY WRITE THE TWENTIETH CENTURY WILL NOT BE THE AGE OF STRATEGY BUT WILL ONLY SEEM TO HAVE BEEN THOSE FOURTEEN LOST QUIET SUMMERS WHOSE FRUITS LIE UNDER THE PLASTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "nd the good mahogany table with its decanters; then in the rustling of papers that blow with dust along long-desolate floors one hears the whisper of Disaster, saying, \"See; I have come.\" For under plaster shaken down by calamity, and red dust that once was bricks, it is our own age that is lying; and the little things that lie about the floors are relics of the twentieth century. Therefore in the streets of Bethune the wistful appeal that is in all things lost far off and utterly passed away cries out with an insistence that is never felt in the older fallen cities. No doubt to future times the age that lies under plaster in Bethune, with thin, bare laths standing over it, will appear an age of glory; and yet to thousands that went one day from its streets, leaving all manner of small things behind, it may well have been an age full of far other promises, no less golden to them, no less magical even, though too little to stir the pen of History, busy with batteries and imperial dooms.", "OUNTER WITH ITS WARES AND THE GOOD MAHOGANY TABLE WITH ITS DECANTERS THEN IN THE RUSTLING OF PAPERS THAT BLOW WITH DUST ALONG LONG DESOLATE FLOORS ONE HEARS THE WHISPER OF DISASTER SAYING SEE I HAVE COME FOR UNDER PLASTER SHAKEN DOWN BY CALAMITY AND RED DUST THAT ONCE WAS BRICKS IT IS OUR OWN AGE THAT IS LYING AND THE LITTLE THINGS THAT LIE ABOUT THE FLOORS ARE RELICS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY THEREFORE IN THE STREETS OF BETHUNE THE WISTFUL APPEAL THAT IS IN ALL THINGS LOST FAR OFF AND UTTERLY PASSED AWAY CRIES OUT WITH AN INSISTENCE THAT IS NEVER FELT IN THE OLDER FALLEN CITIES NO DOUBT TO FUTURE TIMES THE AGE THAT LIES UNDER PLASTER IN BETHUNE WITH THIN BARE LATHS STANDING OVER IT WILL APPEAR AN AGE OF GLORY AND YET TO THOUSANDS THAT WENT ONE DAY FROM ITS STREETS LEAVING ALL MANNER OF SMALL THINGS BEHIND IT MAY WELL HAVE BEEN AN AGE FULL OF FAR OTHER PROMISES NO LESS GOLDEN TO THEM NO LESS MAGICAL EVEN THOUGH TOO LITTLE TO STIR THE PEN OF HISTORY BUSY WITH BATTERIES AND IMPERIAL DOOMS" ], "begin_byte": 53748, "end_byte": 53949 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8424200, "duration": 526.5125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 26.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Three French soldiers trying to find their homes walk over the bricks and groundsel. It is the Abomination of Desolation, not seen by prophecy far off in some fabulous future, nor remembered from terrible ages by the aid of papyrus and stone, but fallen on our own century, on the homes of folk like ourselves: common things that we knew are become the relics of bygone days.", "THREE FRENCH SOLDIERS TRYING TO FIND THEIR HOMES WALK OVER THE BRICKS AND GROUNDSILL IT IS THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION NOT SEEN BY PROPHECY FAR OFF IN SOME FABULOUS FUTURE NOR REMEMBERED FROM TERRIBLE AGES BY THE AID OF PAPYRUS AND STONE BUT FALLEN ON OUR OWN CENTURY ON THE HOMES OF FOLK LIKE OURSELVES COMMON THINGS THAT WE KNEW ARE BECOME THE RELICS OF BY GONE DAYS" ], "pre_texts": [ "er the floor. And further along the street in which these things are someone has put up a great iron shutter that was to protect his shop. It has a graceful border of painted, irises all the way up each side. It might have been a jeweller that would have had such a shutter. The shutter alone remains standing straight upright, and the whole shop is gone. And just here the shaken street ends and all the streets end together. The rest is a mound of white stones and pieces of bricks with low, leaning walls surrounding it, and the halves of hollow houses; and eyeing it round a comer, one old tower of the cathedral, as though still gazing over its congregation of houses, a mined, melancholy watcher. Over the bricks lie tracks, but no more streets. It is about the middle of the town, a hawk goes over, calling as though he flew over the waste, and as though the waste were his. The breeze that carries him opens old shutters and flaps them to again. Old, useless hinges moan; wall-paper whispers.", "EN THINGS THAT LIE ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND FURTHER ALONG THE STREET IN WHICH THESE THINGS ARE SOME ONE HAS PUT UP A GREAT IRON SHUTTER THAT WAS TO PROTECT HIS SHOP IT HAS A GRACEFUL BORDER OF PAINTED IRISES ALL THE WAY UP EACH SIDE IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN A JEWELER THAT WOULD HAVE HAD SUCH A SHUTTER THE SHUTTER ALONE REMAINS STANDING STRAIGHT UPRIGHT AND THE WHOLE SHOP IS GONE AND JUST HERE THE SHAKEN STREET ENDS AND ALL THE STREETS END TOGETHER THE REST IS A MOUND OF WHITE STONES AND PIECES OF BRICKS WITH LOW LEANING WALLS SURROUNDING IT AND THE HALVES OF HOLLOW HOUSES AND EYEING IT ROUND A CORNER ONE OLD TOWER OF THE CATHEDRAL AS THOUGH STILL GAZING OVER ITS CONGREGATION OF HOUSES A MINED MELANCHOLY WATCHER OVER THE BRICKS LIE TRACKS BUT NO MORE STREETS IT IS ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE TOWN A HAWK GOES OVER CALLING AS THOUGH HE FLEW OVER THE WAIST AND AS THOUGH THE WAIST WERE HIS THE BREEZE THAT CARRIES HIM OPENS OLD SHUTTERS AND FLAPS THEM TO AGAIN OLD USELESS HINGES MOAN WALL PAPER WHISPERS" ], "begin_byte": 56006, "end_byte": 56381 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8424200, "duration": 526.5125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb_25", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 24.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "At all these cities, whether disaster met them, and ruin came suddenly on to crowded streets; or whether they passed slowly out of fashion, and grew quieter year by year while the jackals drew nearer and nearer; at all these cities one can look with interest and not be saddened by the faintest sorrow for anything that happened to such a different people so very long ago.", "AT ALL THESE CITIES WHETHER DISASTER MET THEM AND RUIN CAME SUDDENLY ON TO CROWDED STREETS OR WHETHER THEY PASSED SLOWLY OUT OF FASHION AND GREW QUIETER YEAR BY YEAR WHILE THE JACKALS DREW NEARER AND NEARER AT ALL THESE CITIES ONE CAN LOOK WITH INTEREST AND NOT BE SADDENED BY THE FAINTEST SORROW FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO SUCH A DIFFERENT PEOPLE SO VERY LONG AGO" ], "pre_texts": [ "atter had died away Timgad stood there in silence. At Pompeii, city and citizens ended together. Pompeii did not mourn among strangers, a city without a people: but was buried at once, closed like an ancient book. I doubt if anyone knows why its gods deserted Luxor, or Luxor lost faith in its gods, or in itself; conquest from over the desert or down the Nile, I suppose, or corruption within. Who knows? But one day I saw a woman come out from the back of her house and empty a basket full of dust and rubbish right into the temple at Luxor, where a dark green god is seated, three times the size of a man, buried as high as his waist. I suppose that what I saw had been happening off and on pretty well every morning for the last four thousand years. Safe under the dust that that woman threw, and the women that lived before her, Time hid his secrets. And then I have seen the edges of stones in deserts that might or might not have been cities: they had fallen so long that you could hardly say.", "YEARS AGO WHEN ALL THE CLATTER HAD DIED AWAY TIMGAD STOOD THERE IN SILENCE AT POMPEII CITY AND CITIZENS ENDED TOGETHER POMPEY DID NOT MOURN AMONG STRANGERS A CITY WITHOUT A PEOPLE BUT WAS BURIED AT ONCE CLOSED LIKE AN ANCIENT BOOK I DOUBT IF ANYONE KNOWS WHY IT'S GODS DESERTED LUXOR OR LUXOR LOST FAITH IN ITS GODS OR IN ITSELF CONQUEST FROM OVER THE DESERT OR DOWN THE NILE I SUPPOSE OR CORRUPTION WITHIN WHO KNOWS BUT ONE DAY I SAW A WOMAN COME OUT FROM THE BACK OF HER HOUSE AND EMPTY A BASKET FULL OF DUST AND RUBBISH RIGHT INTO THE TEMPLE AT LUXOR WHERE A DARK GREEN GOD IS SEATED THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF MAN BURIED AS HIGH AS HIS WAIST I SUPPOSE THAT WHAT I SAW HAD BEEN HAPPENING OFF AND ON PRETTY WELL EVERY MORNING FOR THE LAST FOUR THOUSAND YEARS SAFE UNDER THE DUST THAT THAT WOMAN THREW AND THE WOMEN THAT LIVED BEFORE HER TIME HID HIS SECRETS AND THEN I HAVE SEEN THE EDGES OF STONES AND DESERTS THAT MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CITIES THEY HAD FALLEN SO LONG THAT YOU COULD HARDLY SAY" ], "begin_byte": 51711, "end_byte": 52085 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_11_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8424200, "duration": 526.5125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "And in all that stricken assembly no voice spoke but the sound of iron tapping on broken things, which was dumb awhile when the wind dropped. The wind rose and it tapped again.", "AND IN ALL THAT STRICKEN ASSEMBLY NO VOICE SPOKE BUT THE SOUND OF IRON TAPPING ON BROKEN THINGS WHICH WAS DUMB A WHILE WHEN THE WIND DROPPED THE WIND ROSE AND IT TAPPED AGAIN" ], "pre_texts": [ "t is not to this great event that-the sympathy turns in Arras, nor to its thunder and show, nor the trappings of it, guns lorries, and fragments of shells: it is to the voiceless, deserted inanimate things, so greatly wronged, that all the heart goes out: floors fallen in festoons, windows that seem to be wailing, roofs as though crazed with grief and then petrified in their craziness; railings, lamp-posts, sticks, all hit, nothing spared by that frenzied iron: the very earth clawed and-torn: it is what is left that appeals to you. As I went from Arras I passed by a grey, gaunt shape, the ghost of a railway station standing in the wilderness haunting a waste of weeds, and mourning, as it seemed, over rusted railway lines lying idle and purposeless as though leading nowhere, as though all roads had ceased, and all lands were deserted, and all travellers dead: sorrowful and lonely that ghostly shape stood dumb in the desolation among houses whose doors were shut and their windows broken.", "ERABLE SEPARATE SORROWS BUT IT IS NOT TO THIS GREAT EVENT THAT THE SYMPATHY TURNS IN ARRIS NOR TO ITS THUNDER AND SHOW NOR THE TRAPPINGS OF IT GUNS LORRIES AND FRAGMENTS OF SHELLS IT IS TO THE VOICELESS DESERTED INANIMATE THINGS SO GREATLY WRONGED THAT ALL THE HEART GOES OUT FLOORS FALLEN IN FESTOONS WINDOWS THAT SEEM TO BE WAILING ROOFS AS THOUGH CRAZED WITH GRIEF AND THEN PETRIFIED IN THEIR CRAZINESS RAILINGS LAMP POSTS STICKS ALL HIT NOTHING SPARED BY THAT FRENZIED IRON THE VERY EARTH CLAWED AND TORN IT IS WHAT IS LEFT THAT APPEALS TO YOU AS I WENT FROM ARRIS I PASSED BY A GRAY GAUNT SHAPE THE GHOST OF A RAILWAY STATION STANDING IN THE WILDERNESS HAUNTING A WASTE OF WEEDS AND MOURNING AS IT SEEMED OVER RUSTED RAILWAY LINES LYING IDLE AND PURPOSELESS AS THOUGH LEADING NOWHERE AS THOUGH ALL ROADS HAD CEASED AND ALL LANDS WERE DESERTED AND ALL TRAVELLERS DEAD SORROWFUL AND LONELY THAT GHOSTLY SHAPE STOOD DUMB IN THE DESOLATION AMONG HOUSES WHOSE DOORS WERE SHUT AND THEIR WINDOWS BROKEN" ], "begin_byte": 66284, "end_byte": 66460 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6453178, "duration": 403.323625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "With such a dignity as clings to the ancient gateway so might a king be crowned; with such a sweep of dull red as the old ramparts show, so might he be robed; but a dead king with crowned skull.", "WITH SUCH A DIGNITY AS CLINGS TO THE ANCIENT GATEWAY SO MIGHT A KING BE CROWNED WITH SUCH A SWEEP OF DULL RED AS THE OLD RAMPARTS SHOW SO MIGHT HE BE ROBED BUT A DEAD KING WITH CROWNED SKULL" ], "pre_texts": [ "nd there. The candles burned low and were fewer. Big shadows floated along those old high walls. Then the talk ceased and everyone was still: nothing stirred but the shadows. An officer muttered in sleep of things far thence, and was silent. Far away shells thumped faintly. The shadows, left to themselves, went round and round the room, searching in every corner for something that was lost. Over walls and ceiling they went and could not find it. The last candle was failing. It flared and guttered. The shadows raced over the room from comer to corner. Lost, and they could not find it. They hurried desperately in those last few moments. Great shadows searching for some little thing. In the smallest nook they sought for it. Then the last candle died. As the flame went up with the smoke from the fallen wick all the great shadows turned and mournfully trailed away. The Homes Of Arras As you come to Arras by the western road, by the red ramparts and the Spanish gate, Arras looks like a king.", " PART THIRTEEN OF UNHAPPY FAR OFF THINGS THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBERVOX DOT ORK RECORDING BY BETTY B UNHAPPY FAR OFF THINGS BY LORD DUNSTANY PART THIRTEEN THE HOMES OF ARRAS AS YOU COME TO ARRIS BY THE WESTERN ROAD BY THE RED RAMPARTS AND THE SPANISH GATE ARRIS LOOKS LIKE A KING" ], "begin_byte": 61459, "end_byte": 61653 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6453178, "duration": 403.323625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "It is not this that is romantic, not Mars, but poor, limping Peace.", "IT IS NOT THIS THAT IS ROMANTIC NOT MARS BUT POOR LIMPING PEACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "er design shows unconcealed to the cold gaze of the street. The rooms have neither mystery nor adornment. Burst mattresses loll down from bedraggled beds. No one has come to tidy them up for years. And roofs have slanted down as low as the first floor. I saw a green door ajar in an upper room: the whole of the front wall of the house was gone: the door partly opened oddly on to a little staircase, whose steps one could just see, that one wondered whither it went. The door seemed to beckon and beckon to some lost room, but if one could ever have got there, up through that shattered house, and if the steps of that little staircase would bear, so that one came to, the room that is hidden away at the top, yet there could only be silence and spiders there, and broken plaster and the dust of calamity; it is only to memories that the green door beckons; nothing remains. And some day they may come to Arras to see the romance of war, to see where the shells struck and to pick up pieces of iron.", " HOUSES WHOSE MOST INNER DESIGN SHOWS UNCONCEALED TO THE COLD GAZE OF THE STREET THE ROOMS HAVE NEITHER MYSTERY NOR ADORNMENT BURST MATTRESSES LOLL DOWN FROM BEDRAGGLED BEDS NO ONE HAS COME TO TIDY THEM UP FOR YEARS AND ROOFS HAVE SLANTED DOWN AS LOW AS THE FIRST FLOOR I SAW A GREEN DOOR AJAR IN AN UPPER ROOM THE WHOLE OF THE FRONT WALL OF THE HOUSE WAS GONE THE DOOR PARTLY OPENED ODDLY ON TO A LITTLE STAIRCASE WHOSE STEPS ONE COULD JUST SEE THAT ONE WONDERED WHITHER IT WENT THE DOOR SEEMED TO BECKON AND BECKON TO SOME LOST ROOM BUT IF ONE COULD EVER HAVE GOT THERE UP THROUGH THAT SHATTERED HOUSE AND IF THE STEPS OF THAT LITTLE STAIRCASE WOULD BEAR SO THAT ONE CAME TO THE ROOM THAT IS HIDDEN AWAY AT THE TOP YET THERE COULD ONLY BE SILENCE AND SPIDERS THERE AND BROKEN PLASTER AND THE DUST OF CALAMITY IT IS ONLY TO MEMORIES THAT THE GREEN DOOR BECKONS NOTHING REMAINS AND SOME DAY THEY MAY COME TO ARRIS TO SEE THE ROMANCE OF WAR TO SEE WHERE THE SHELLS STRUCK AND TO PICK UP PIECES OF IRON" ], "begin_byte": 64702, "end_byte": 64769 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_13_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6453178, "duration": 403.323625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Even if the rat got away, he would whip the dog for not catching it, yet the dog had done his best; for, of course, dogs must do what their masters tell them, and cannot know any better.", "EVEN IF THE RAT GOT AWAY HE WOULD WHIP THE DOG FOR NOT CATCHING IT YET THE DOG HAD DONE HIS BEST FOR OF COURSE DOGS MUST DO WHAT THEIR MASTERS TELL THEM AND CANNOT KNOW ANY BETTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "PTER I. THE MEETING “_The owl calls a meeting, and has an idea: They all think it good, though it SOUNDS rather queer._” THERE was once a little boy, named Tommy Smith, who was very cruel to animals, because nobody had taught him that it was wrong to be so. He would throw stones at the birds as they sat in the trees or hedges; and if he did not hit them, that was only because they were too quick for him, and flew away as soon as they saw the stone coming. But he always _meant_ to hit them—yes, and to kill them too,—which made it every bit as bad as if he really had killed them. Then, if he saw a rat, he would make his dog run after it, and if the poor thing tried to escape by running down a hole, he and the dog together would dig it out, and then the dog would bite it with his sharp teeth until it was quite dead. It never seemed to occur to this boy that the poor rat had done _him_ no harm, and that it might be the father or mother of some little baby rats, who would now die of hunger.", " TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS BY EDMUND SEAL'S THE MEETING THE OWL CALLS A MEETING AND HAS AN IDEA THEY ALL THINK IT GOOD THOUGH IT SOUNDS RATHER QUEER THERE WAS ONCE A LITTLE BOY NAMED TOMMY SMITH WHO WAS VERY CRUEL TO ANIMALS BECAUSE NOBODY HAD TAUGHT HIM THAT IT WAS WRONG TO BE SO HE WOULD THROW STONES AT THE BIRDS AS THEY SAT IN THE TREES OR HEDGES AND IF HE DID NOT HIT THEM THAT WAS ONLY BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO QUICK FOR HIM AND FLEW AWAY AS SOON AS THEY SAW THE STONE COMING BUT HE ALWAYS MEANT TO HIT THEM YES AND TO KILL THEM TOO WHICH MADE IT EVERY BIT AS SAD AS IF HE REALLY HAD KILLED THEM THEN IF HE SAW A RAT HE WOULD MAKE HIS DOG RUN AFTER IT AND IF THE POOR THING TRIED TO ESCAPE BY RUNNING DOWN A HOLE HE AND THE DOG TOGETHER WOULD DIG IT OUT AND THEN THE DOG WOULD BITE IT WITH HIS SHARP TEETH UNTIL IT WAS QUITE DEAD IT NEVER SEEMED TO OCCUR TO THIS BOY THAT THE POOR RAT HAD DONE HIM NO HARM AND THAT IT MIGHT BE THE FATHER OR MOTHER OF SOME LITTLE BABY RATS WHO WOULD NOW DIE OF HUNGER" ], "begin_byte": 3321, "end_byte": 3507 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10056350, "duration": 628.521875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Why his toes?\" said the weasel. \"_I_ can do much better than that, and if you will only show me the way into his room, I will bite the veins of his throat, and then he will soon bleed to death.\"", "WHY HIS TOES SAID THE WEASEL I CAN DO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT AND IF YOU WILL ONLY SHOW ME THE WAY INTO HIS ROOM I WILL BITE THE VEINS OF HIS THROAT AND THEN HE WILL SOON BLEED TO DEATH" ], "pre_texts": [ "as just as timid as the hare, and not so strong or so swift. All _he_ could do was to go on digging holes, and he hoped that some day Tommy Smith would fall into one of them. The hedgehog then got up, and said he would hide himself in one of these holes and put up his prickles for Tommy Smith to fall on. This would be sure to hurt him, and perhaps it might even put one of his eyes out. The rat thought it would be better if the hedgehog were to get into Tommy Smith’s bed, so as to prick him all over when he was undressed; but the hedgehog would not agree to this, as he did not understand houses, and thought he would be sure to be caught if he went into one. “Well, then,” said the rat, “if you are afraid I will go myself, for I know the way about, and am not at all frightened. In the middle of the night, when it is quite dark, and when Tommy Smith is fast asleep, I will creep up the stairs and into his room, and then I can run up the counterpane to the foot of his bed and bite his toes.”", "EXT AND SAID THAT HE WAS JUST AS TIMID AS THE HARE AND NOT SO STRONG OR SO SWIFT ALL HE COULD DO WAS TO GO ON DIGGING HOLES AND HE HOPED THAT SOME DAY TOMMY SMITH WOULD FALL INTO ONE OF THEM THE HEDGEHOG THEN GOT UP AND SAID HE WOULD HIDE HIMSELF IN ONE OF THOSE HOLES AND PUT UP HIS PRICKLES FOR TOMMY SMITH TO FALL ON THIS WOULD BE SURE TO HURT HIM AND PERHAPS IT MIGHT EVEN PUT ONE OF HIS EYES OUT THE RAT THOUGHT IT WOULD BE BETTER IF THE HEDGEHOG WERE TO GET INTO TOMMY SMITH'S BED SO AS TO PRICK HIM ALL OVER WHEN HE WAS UNDRESSED BUT THE HEDGEHOG WOULD NOT AGREE TO THIS AS HE DID NOT UNDERSTAND HOUSES AND THOUGHT HE WOULD BE SURE TO BE CAUGHT IF HE WENT INTO ONE WELL THEN SAID THE RAT IF YOU ARE AFRAID I WILL GO AND BY MYSELF FOR I KNOW THE WAY ABOUT AND ARE NOT AT ALL FRIGHTENED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN IT IS QUITE DARK AND WHEN TOMMY SMITH IS FAST ASLEEP I WILL CREEP UP THE STAIRS AND INTO HIS ROOM AND THEN I CAN RUN UP THE COUNTERPANE TO THE FOOT OF HIS BED AND BITE HIS TOES" ], "begin_byte": 9094, "end_byte": 9289 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10056350, "duration": 628.521875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "But would it not be a better plan, first to see if we cannot make little Tommy Smith a better boy?", "BUT WOULD IT NOT BE A BETTER PLAN FIRST TO SEE IF WE CANNOT MAKE LITTLE TOMMY SMITH A BETTER BOY" ], "pre_texts": [ " into his room, I will bite the veins of his throat, and then he will soon bleed to death.” “That would be taking too much trouble,” said the adder, coming from under his bush. “You all know that _my_ bite is poisonous. Well, I know where this bad boy goes out walking, so I will just hide myself somewhere near, and when he comes by I will spring out and bite his ankle. Then he will soon die.” The birds, too, had different things to suggest. Some said they would scratch Tommy Smith’s face with their claws, and others that they would peck his eyes out. The frog wanted to hop down his throat and choke him, and the lizard was ready to crawl up his back and tickle him, if they thought _that_ would do any good. At length, when everyone else had spoken, the owl called for silence, and then he gave his own opinion in these words:—“I have now heard what every animal has had to say, and I have no doubt that we could easily hurt this boy very much, or perhaps even kill him, if we really tried to.", " AND IF YOU WILL ONLY SHOW ME THE WAY INTO HIS ROOM I WILL BITE THE VEINS OF HIS THROAT AND THEN HE WILL SOON BLEED TO DEATH THAT WOULD BE TAKING TOO MUCH TROUBLE SAID THE ADDER COMING FROM UNDER HIS BUSH YOU ALL KNOW THAT MY BITE IS POISONOUS WELL I KNOW WHERE THIS BAD BOY GOES OUT WALKING SO I WILL JUST HIDE MYSELF SOMEWHERE NEAR AND WHEN HE COMES BY I WILL SPRING OUT AND BITE HIS ANKLE THEN HE WILL SOON DIE THE BIRDS TOO HAD DIFFERENT THINGS TO SUGGEST SOME SAID THEY WOULD SCRATCH TOMMY SMITH'S FACE WITH THEIR CLAWS AND OTHERS THAT THEY WOULD PECK HIS EYES OUT THE FROG WANTED TO HOP DOWN HIS THROAT AND CHOKE HIM AND THE LIZARD WAS READY TO CRAWL UP HIS BACK AND TICKLE HIM IF THEY THOUGHT THAT WOULD DO ANY GOOD AT LENGTH WHEN EVERY ONE ELSE HAD SPOKEN THE OWL CALLED FOR SILENCE AND THEN HE GAVE HIS OWN OPINION IN THESE WORDS I HAVE NOW HEARD WHAT EVERY ANIMAL HAS HAD TO SAY AND I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT WE COULD EASILY HURT THIS BOY VERY MUCH OR PERHAPS EVEN KILL HIM IF WE REALLY TRIED TO" ], "begin_byte": 10199, "end_byte": 10297 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_01_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10056350, "duration": 628.521875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.839, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "He soon found that that was quite as interesting as really talking to them. In fact, it _was_ talking to them in another kind of way, for they kept telling him all about themselves, only without speaking. And the more Tommy Smith learnt about them, the more he liked them, until the animals became his very best friends.", "HE SOON FOUND THAT THAT WAS QUITE AS INTERESTING AS REALLY TALKING TO THEM IN FACT IT WAS TALKING TO THEM IN ANOTHER KIND OF WAY FOR THEY KEPT TELLING HIM ALL ABOUT THEMSELVES ONLY WITHOUT SPEAKING AND THE MORE TOMMY SMITH LEARNT ABOUT THEM THE MORE HE LIKED THEM UNTIL THE ANIMALS BECAME HIS VERY BEST FRIENDS" ], "pre_texts": [ " _never_ do. You see, he wanted to be modest. One ought always to be modest when one makes a speech. And now (the owl said) he was quite sure that Tommy Smith would never be unkind to animals any more as long as he lived, because, just before he flew away, he had asked him to promise that he wouldn’t. But Tommy Smith had just gone off to sleep then, and so he had had to promise it in his sleep. “And, you know,” said the owl, “that when a promise is made in _that_ way, it is always kept.” Then all the animals clapped their—well, whatever they could clap, and said “Hurrah!” and the meeting broke up. And the owl was right. As Tommy Smith grew older, and became a big boy, he found that animals did not talk to him any more in the way they used to do. It seemed as if they only cared to talk to _little_ boys or girls. But there was one way of having conversations with them, which he got to like better and better, and that was to go out into the woods and fields and watch what they were doing.", "HAT WOULD BE PRAISING HIMSELF WHICH WOULD NEVER DO YOU SEE HE WANTED TO BE MODEST ONE OUGHT ALWAYS TO BE MODEST WHEN ONE MAKES A SPEECH AND NOW THE OWL SAID HE WAS QUITE SURE THAT TOMMY SMITH WOULD NEVER BE UNKIND TO ANIMALS ANY MORE AS LONG AS HE LIVED BECAUSE JUST BEFORE HE FLEW AWAY HE HAD ASKED HIM TO PROMISE THAT HE WOULDN'T BUT TOMMY SMITH HAD JUST GONE OFF TO SLEEP THEN AND SO HE HAD HAD TO PROMISE IT IN HIS SLEEP AND YOU KNOW SAID THE OWL THAT WHEN A PROMISE IS MADE IN THAT WAY IT IS ALWAYS KEPT THEN ALL THE ANIMALS CLAPPED THERE WELL WHATEVER THEY COULD CLAP AND SAID HURRAH AND THE MEETING BROKE UP AND THE OWL WAS RIGHT AS TOMMY SMITH GREW OLDER AND BECAME A BIG BOY HE FOUND THAT ANIMALS DID NOT TALK TO HIM ANY MORE IN THE WAY THEY USED TO DO IT SEEMED AS IF THEY ONLY CARED TO TALK TO LITTLE BOYS OR GIRLS BUT THERE WAS ONE WAY OF HAVING CONVERSATIONS WITH THEM WHICH HE GOT TO LIKE BETTER AND BETTER AND THAT WAS TO GO OUT INTO THE WOODS AND FIELDS AND WATCH WHAT THEY WERE DOING" ], "begin_byte": 209004, "end_byte": 209324 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2797427, "duration": 174.8391875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb_11", "recording_id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "THE LEAVE TAKING \"_All 'Tommy Smith's Animals' take leave with joy_, _For they know Tommy Smith is a different boy_.\"", "THE LEAVE TAKING ALL TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS TAKE LEAVE WITH JOY FOR THEY KNOW TOMMY SMITH IS A DIFFERENT BOY" ], "pre_texts": [ "t of the church do you build your nest in, Mr. Owl?” said Tommy Smith. “Oh, that is in the belfry too,” said the owl. “The belfry is my part of the church. I think it must have been built for me, it suits me so well. I am called the belfry-owl sometimes, and that is a very good name for me too. But now don’t ask me any more questions, because you are getting sleepy, and I have something to tell you before you go to sleep.” And then the owl told all about the grand meeting that the animals had held in the woods, and all that they had said to each other, and what they had decided to do to try and make Tommy Smith a better boy to animals, and how, at first, they had wanted to hurt him (or even to kill him), because they were so angry with him, until the owl had persuaded them not to. It was all the wise owl’s doing. _He_ knew that the best way to make a little boy kind to animals was to teach him something about them; and who could teach him so well as the animals themselves? CHAPTER XII.", " CHAPTER TWELVE OF TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS THIS IS A LEPER OF OX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY BETTY B TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS BY EDMUND SELOS THE LEAVE TAKING" ], "begin_byte": 207095, "end_byte": 207212 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/tommy_smiths_animals_1812_librivox_64kb_mp3/tommysmith_12_selous_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2797427, "duration": 174.8391875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Tommy Smiths Animals/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Even Puck, fairy though he was, was astonished at this. But the blackbird added: \"Go to the toad, that blinks its eye under the big rock yonder. His age is greater than mine.\"", "EVEN PUCK FAIRY THOUGH HE WAS WAS ASTONISHED AT THIS BUT THE BLACKBIRD ADDED GO TO THE TOAD THAT BLINKS ITS EYE UNDER THE BIG ROCK YONDER HIS AGE IS GREATER THAN MINE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ir aprons, and the archers made bows from its boughs. \"Then the oak tree began to die, and, during nearly thirty tens of years it has been fading, and I have seen it all. \"Yet there is one older than I. It is the salmon that swims in the Llyn stream. Inquire there.\" So of the old mother salmon, Puck went to ask, and this was the answer which he received. \"Count all the spots on my body, and all the eggs in my roe--one for each year. Yet the blackbird is older even than I. Go listen to her story. She excels me, in both talk and fact.\" And the blackbird opened its orange-colored bill, and answered proudly: \"Do you see this flinty rock, on which I am sitting? Once it was so huge that three hundred yoke of oxen could hardly move it. Yet, today, it hardly more than affords me room to roost on. \"What made it so small, do you ask? \"Well, all I have clone to wear it away, has been to wipe my beak on it, every night, before I go to sleep, and in the morning to brush it with the tips of my wing.", "PLAYED UNDER IT THEY GATHERED ACORNS IN THEIR APRONS AND THE ARCHERS MADE BOWS FROM ITS BOUGHS THEN THE OAK TREE BEGAN TO DIE AND DURING NEARLY THIRTY TENS OF YEARS IT HAS BEEN FADING AND I HAVE SEEN IT ALL YET THERE IS ONE OLDER THAN I IT IS THE SALMON THAT SWIMS IN THE LIN STREAM INQUIRE THERE SO OF THE OLD MOTHER SALMON PUCK WENT TO ASK AND THIS WAS THE ANSWER WHICH HE RECEIVED COUNT ALL THE SPOTS ON MY BODY AND ALL THE EGGS IN MY ROW ONE FOR EACH YEAR YET THE BLACKBIRD IS OLDER EVEN THAN I GO LISTEN TO HER STORY SHE EXCELS ME IN BOTH TALK AND FACT AND THE BLACKBIRD OPENED ITS ORANGE COLORED BILL AND ANSWERED PROUDLY DO YOU SEE THIS FLINTY ROCK ON WHICH I AM SITTING ONCE IT WAS SO HUGE THAT THREE HUNDRED YOKE OF OXEN COULD HARDLY MOVE IT YET TO DAY IT HARDLY MORE THAN AFFORDS ME ROOM TO ROOST ON WHAT MADE IT SO SMALL DO YOU ASK WELL ALL I HAVE CLOWN TO WEAR IT AWAY HAS BEEN TO WIPE MY BEAK ON IT EVERY NIGHT BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP AND IN THE MORNING TO BRUSH IT WITH THE TIPS OF MY WING" ], "begin_byte": 132625, "end_byte": 132801 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.8, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "They kept armed men by the thousands ready, night and day, to rush out and put to death anybody and everybody who had a weapon in his hand.", "THEY KEPT ARMED MEN BY THE THOUSANDS READY NIGHT AND DAY TO RUSH OUT AND PUT TO DEATH ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY WHO HAD A WEAPON IN HIS HAND" ], "pre_texts": [ "xcelled all in book-learning. In time, he became one of the most famous scholars in Welsh history. When he died, he asked to be buried, not in the monk's cemetery, but with his father and mother, in the churchyard. He made request that no name, record, or epitaph, be chiseled on his tomb, but only these words: WE CAN DO NOTHING AGAINST THE TRUTH, BUT ONLY FOR THE TRUTH. XIV THE WELSHERY AND THE NORMANS Though their land has been many times invaded, the Welsh have never been conquered. Powerful tribes, like the Romans, Saxons and Normans, have tried to overwhelm them. Even when English and German kings attempted to crush their spirit and blot out their language and literature, the Welsh resisted and won victory. Among the bullies that tried force, instead of justice, and played the slave-driver, rather than the Good Samaritan's way, were the Normans. These brutal fellows, when they thought that they had overrun Wales with their armies, began to build strong castles all over the country.", " CHAPTER FOURTEEN OF WELSH FAIRY TALES THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBRAVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY BETTY B WELSH FAIRY TALES BY WILLIAM ELLIOTT GRIFFITH CHAPTER FOURTEEN THE WELSHRY AND THE NORMANS THOUGH THEIR LAND HAS BEEN MANY TIMES INVADED THE WELSH HAVE NEVER BEEN CONQUERED POWERFUL TRIBES LIKE THE ROMANS SAXONS AND NORMANS HAVE TRIED TO OVERWHELM THEM EVEN WHEN ENGLISH AND GERMAN KINGS ATTEMPTED TO CRUSH THEIR SPIRIT AND BLOT OUT THEIR LANGUAGE IN LITERATURE THE WELSH RESISTED AND WON VICTORY AMONG THE BULLIES THAT TRIED FORCE INSTEAD OF JUSTICE AND PLAYED THE SLAVE DRIVER RATHER THAN THE GOOD SAMARITANS WAY WERE THE NORMANS THESE BRUTAL FELLOWS WHEN THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD OVERRUN WALES WITH THEIR ARMIES BEGAN TO BUILD STRONG CASTLES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY" ], "begin_byte": 128127, "end_byte": 128266 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_38", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"That, I could not be sure of, especially if as many false things are told about them, as are told about me; but when I was a tadpole in the pond, that old hag of an owl was still hooting away, in the treetops, scaring children, as in ages gone.", "THAT I COULD NOT BE SURE OF ESPECIALLY IF AS MANY FALSE THINGS ARE TOLD ABOUT THEM AS ARE TOLD ABOUT ME BUT WHEN I WAS A TADPOLE IN THE POND THAT OLD HAG OF AN OWL WAS STILL HOOTING AWAY IN THE TREE TOPS SCARING CHILDREN AS IN AGES GONE" ], "pre_texts": [ ". Yet the blackbird is older even than I. Go listen to her story. She excels me, in both talk and fact.\" And the blackbird opened its orange-colored bill, and answered proudly: \"Do you see this flinty rock, on which I am sitting? Once it was so huge that three hundred yoke of oxen could hardly move it. Yet, today, it hardly more than affords me room to roost on. \"What made it so small, do you ask? \"Well, all I have clone to wear it away, has been to wipe my beak on it, every night, before I go to sleep, and in the morning to brush it with the tips of my wing.\" Even Puck, fairy though he was, was astonished at this. But the blackbird added: \"Go to the toad, that blinks its eye under the big rock yonder. His age is greater than mine.\" The toad was half asleep when Puck came, but it opened with alertness, its beautiful round bright eyes, set in a rim of gold. Then Puck asked the question: \"Oh, thou that carriest a jewel in thy head, are there any things alive that are older than thou art?", "AND ALL THE EGGS IN MY ROW ONE FOR EACH YEAR YET THE BLACKBIRD IS OLDER EVEN THAN I GO LISTEN TO HER STORY SHE EXCELS ME IN BOTH TALK AND FACT AND THE BLACKBIRD OPENED ITS ORANGE COLORED BILL AND ANSWERED PROUDLY DO YOU SEE THIS FLINTY ROCK ON WHICH I AM SITTING ONCE IT WAS SO HUGE THAT THREE HUNDRED YOKE OF OXEN COULD HARDLY MOVE IT YET TO DAY IT HARDLY MORE THAN AFFORDS ME ROOM TO ROOST ON WHAT MADE IT SO SMALL DO YOU ASK WELL ALL I HAVE CLOWN TO WEAR IT AWAY HAS BEEN TO WIPE MY BEAK ON IT EVERY NIGHT BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP AND IN THE MORNING TO BRUSH IT WITH THE TIPS OF MY WING EVEN PUCK FAIRY THOUGH HE WAS WAS ASTONISHED AT THIS BUT THE BLACKBIRD ADDED GO TO THE TOAD THAT BLINKS ITS EYE UNDER THE BIG ROCK YONDER HIS AGE IS GREATER THAN MINE THE TOAD WAS HALF ASLEEP WHEN PUCK CAME BUT IT OPENED WITH ALERTNESS ITS BEAUTIFUL ROUND BRIGHT EYES SET IN A RIM OF GOLD THEN PUCK ASKED THE QUESTION O THOU THAT CARRIEST A JEWEL IN THY HEAD ARE THERE ANY THINGS ALIVE THAT ARE OLDER THAN THOU ART" ], "begin_byte": 133060, "end_byte": 133306 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_52", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "So the Normans had to lock themselves up in armor, until they looked like lobsters in their shells. When on their iron clad horses they resembled turtles, so that if a knight fell off, he had to be chopped open to be rid of his metal clothes.", "SO THE NORMANS HAD TO LOCK THEMSELVES UP IN ARMOUR UNTIL THEY LOOKED LIKE LOBSTERS IN THEIR SHELLS WHEN ON THEIR IRON CLAD HORSES THEY RESEMBLED TURTLES SO THAT IF A KNIGHT FELL OFF HE HAD TO BE CHOPPED OPEN TO BE RID OF HIS METAL CLOTHES" ], "pre_texts": [ "orce, instead of justice, and played the slave-driver, rather than the Good Samaritan's way, were the Normans. These brutal fellows, when they thought that they had overrun Wales with their armies, began to build strong castles all over the country. They kept armed men by the thousands ready, night and day, to rush out and put to death anybody and everybody who had a weapon in his hand. Often they burned whole villages. They killed so many Welsh people that it seemed at times as if they expected to empty the land of its inhabitants. Thus, they hoped to possess all the acres for themselves. They talked as if there were no people so refined and so cultured as they were, while the natives, good and bad, were lumped together as \"the Welshery.\" Yet all this time, with these hundreds of strong castles, bristling with turrets and towers, no Englishman's life was safe. If he dared to go out alone, even twenty rods from the castle, he was instantly killed by some angry Welshman lying in ambush.", "TORY AMONG THE BULLIES THAT TRIED FORCE INSTEAD OF JUSTICE AND PLAYED THE SLAVE DRIVER RATHER THAN THE GOOD SAMARITANS WAY WERE THE NORMANS THESE BRUTAL FELLOWS WHEN THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD OVERRUN WALES WITH THEIR ARMIES BEGAN TO BUILD STRONG CASTLES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY THEY KEPT ARMED MEN BY THE THOUSANDS READY NIGHT AND DAY TO RUSH OUT AND PUT TO DEATH ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY WHO HAD A WEAPON IN HIS HAND OFTEN THEY BURNED WHOLE VILLAGES THEY KILLED SO MANY WELSH PEOPLE THAT IT SEEMED AT TIMES AS IF THEY EXPECTED TO EMPTY THE LAND OF ITS INHABITANTS THUS THEY HOPED TO POSSESS ALL THE ACRES FOR THEMSELVES THEY TALKED AS IF THERE WERE NO PEOPLE SO REFINED AND SO CULTURED AS THEY WERE WHILE THE NATIVES GOOD AND BAD WERE LUMPED TOGETHER AS THE WELSHRY YET ALL THIS TIME WITH THESE HUNDREDS OF STRONG CASTLES BRISTLING WITH TURRETS AND TOWERS NO ENGLISHMAN'S LIFE WAS SAFE IF HE DARED TO GO OUT ALONE EVEN TWENTY RODS FROM THE CASTLE HE WAS INSTANTLY KILLED BY SOME ANGRY WELSHMAN LYING IN AMBUSH" ], "begin_byte": 128878, "end_byte": 129120 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "And the handsome son of the King, George, the Prince of Wales, led the descendants of Welsh archers, now called the Fusileers.", "AND THE HANDSOME SON OF THE KING GEORGE THE PRINCE OF WALES LED THE DESCENDANTS OF WELSH ARCHERS NOW CALLED THE FUSILIERS" ], "pre_texts": [ "nd all Englishmen. Even Puck himself had never seen anything like the change that quickly took place for the better, nor did Queen Mab, with her wand, ever work such wonders. It was better than a fairy tale, and the effects, very soon seen, were even more wonderful. Down went the castles into ruins, for rats to run around in, and wild dogs to yelp and foxes to hide in, or look out of the casements. To-day, what were once banqueting halls are covered with moss, and on the ground grass grows, over which sheep graze and children play; while rooks and crows nest or roost in the tall towers. Any Englishman's life was safe anywhere, and Wales became one of the most easily governed countries in all the wonderful British Empire. And in the great world-war, that even children, who read these stories, can remember, Wales, the Land of the Free, the Home of Deathless Democracy, led all the British Isles, colonies, islands, or coaling stations around the wide world, in loyalty, valor and sacrifice.", "H EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW WITH ANY AND ALL ENGLISHMEN EVEN PUCK HIMSELF HAD NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THE CHANGE THAT QUICKLY TOOK PLACE FOR THE BETTER NOR DID QUEEN MAB WITH HER WAND EVER WORK SUCH WONDERS IT WAS BETTER THAN A FAIRY TALE AND THE EFFECTS VERY SOON SEEN WERE EVEN MORE WONDERFUL DOWN WENT THE CASTLES INTO RUINS FOR RATS TO RUN AROUND IN AND WILD DOGS TO YELP AND FOXES TO HIDE IN OR LOOK OUT OF THE CASEMENTS TO DAY WHAT WERE ONCE BANQUETING HALLS ARE COVERED WITH MOSS AND ON THE GROUND GRASS GROWS OVER WHICH SHEEP GRAYS AND CHILDREN PLAY WHILE ROOKS AND CROWS NEST OR ROOST IN THE TALL TOWERS ANY ENGLISHMAN'S LIFE WAS SAFE ANYWHERE AND WALES BECAME ONE OF THE MOST EASILY GOVERNED COUNTRIES IN ALL THE WONDERFUL BRITISH EMPIRE AND IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR THAT EVEN CHILDREN WHO READ THESE STORIES CAN REMEMBER WALES THE LAND OF THE FREE THE HOME OF DEATHLESS DEMOCRACY LED ALL THE BRITISH ISLES COLONIES ISLANDS OR COALING STATIONS AROUND THE WIDE WORLD IN LOYALTY VALOR AND SACRIFICE" ], "begin_byte": 138856, "end_byte": 138982 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb_62", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "He made the owl perch over the mantel piece, but told Puck to stand upon the dinner table and walk over the tablecloth.", "HE MADE THE OWL PERCH OVER THE MANTELPIECE BUT TOLD PUCK TO STAND UPON THE DINNER TABLE AND WALK OVER THE TABLECLOTH" ], "pre_texts": [ " body as big and round as a hogshead, sitting in a room full of chopping blocks and battle axes. Further, she fancied she would find a dozen pretty women locked up in his palace, some in the cellar, others in the pantry, and more in the garret; but all waiting to have their heads chopped off. For the popular story ran that his chief amusement was to marry a wife one day and slice off her head the next. It was said also that the King kept a private graveyard, and took a walk in it every afternoon to study the epitaphs, which he kept a scholar busy in writing; and also a man, from the marble yard near by, to chisel them on the tombs, after his various wives had been properly beheaded. But the owl never could find out whether these fables were wicked fibs, or fairy tales, or only street talk. Puck and the owl together arrived in London, at the palace, when the King was at his dinner. The butlers and lackeys wanted to keep them out, but the merry monarch gave orders to let them in at once.", "ROWN ON HIS HEAD AND HIS BODY AS BIG AND ROUND AS A HOGSHEAD SITTING IN A ROOM FULL OF CHOPPING BLOCKS AND BATTLE AXES FURTHER SHE FANCIED SHE WOULD FIND A DOZEN PRETTY WOMEN LOCKED UP IN HIS PALACE SOME IN THE CELLAR OTHERS IN THE PANTRY AND MORE IN THE GARRET BUT ALL WAITING TO HAVE THEIR HEADS CHOPPED OFF FOR THE POPULAR STORY RAN THAT HIS CHIEF AMUSEMENT WAS TO MARRY A WIFE ONE DAY AND SLICE OFF HER HEAD THE NEXT IT WAS ALSO SAID THAT THE KING KEPT A PRIVATE GRAVEYARD AND TOOK A WALK IN IT EVERY AFTERNOON TO STUDY THE EPITHETS WHICH HE KEPT A SCHOLAR BUSY IN WRITING AND ALSO A MAN FROM THE MARBLE YARD NEAR BY TO CHISEL THEM ON THE TOMBS AFTER HIS VARIOUS WIVES HAD BEEN PROPERLY BEHEADED BUT THE OWL NEVER COULD FIND OUT WHETHER THESE FABLES WERE WICKED FIBS OR FAIRY TALES OR ONLY STREET TALK PUCK AND THE OWL TOGETHER ARRIVED IN LONDON AT THE PALACE WHEN THE KING WAS AT HIS DINNER THE BUTLERS AND LACKEYS WANTED TO KEEP THEM OUT BUT THE MERRY MONARCH GAVE ORDERS TO LET THEM IN AT ONCE" ], "begin_byte": 136043, "end_byte": 136162 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_14_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14597234, "duration": 912.327125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Now Taffy was not very refined in his manners, and he thought it none of the fellow's business. He was very surly and made reply in a gruff voice.", "NOW TAFFY WAS NOT VERY REFINED IN HIS MANNERS AND HE THOUGHT IT NONE OF THE FELLOW'S BUSINESS HE WAS VERY SURLY AND MADE REPLY IN A GRUFF VOICE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ited London, the bridge had a line of shops on both sides of the passage way, and reaching from end to end. Taffy was the name of this fellow from Denbigh, in Wales, and he was a drover. He had brought, all the way from one of the richest of the Welsh provinces, a great drove of Black Welsh cattle, such as were in steady demand by Englishmen, who have always been lovers of roast beef. Escaping all the risks of cattle thieves, rustlers, and highwaymen, he had sold his beeves at a good price; so that his pockets were now fairly bulging out with gold coins, and yet this fellow wanted more. But first, before going home, he would see the sights of the great city, which then contained about a hundred thousand people. While he was handling some things in a shop, to decide what he should take home to his wife, his three daughters and his two little boys, he noticed a man looking intently, not at him, but at his stick. After a while, the stranger came up to him and asked him where he came from.", "LBS NO WHEN THIS WELSHMAN VISITED LONDON THE BRIDGE HAD A LINE OF SHOPS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE PASSAGEWAY AND REACHING FROM END TO END TAFFY WAS THE NAME OF THIS FELLOW FROM DENBIGH IN WALES AND HE WAS A DROVER HE HAD BROUGHT ALL THE WAY FROM ONE OF THE RICHEST OF THE WELSH PROVINCES A GREAT DROVE OF BLACK WELSH CATTLE SUCH AS WERE IN STEADY DEMAND BY ENGLISHMEN WHO HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LOVERS OF ROAST BEEF ESCAPING ALL THE RISKS OF CATTLE THIEVES WRESTLERS AND HIGHWAYMEN HE HAD SOLD HIS BEEVES AT A GOOD PRICE SO THAT HIS POCKETS WERE NOW FAIRLY BULGING OUT WITH GOLD COINS AND YET THIS FELLOW WANTED MORE BUT FIRST BEFORE GOING HOME HE WOULD SEE THE SIGHTS OF THE GREAT CITY WHICH THEN CONTAINED ABOUT A HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE WHILE HE WAS HANDLING SOME THINGS IN A SHOP TO DECIDE WHAT HE SHOULD TAKE HOME TO HIS WIFE HIS THREE DAUGHTERS AND HIS TWO LITTLE BOYS HE NOTICED A MAN LOOKING INTENTLY NOT AT HIM BUT AT HIS STICK AFTER A WHILE THE STRANGER CAME UP TO HIM AND ASKED HIM WHERE HE CAME FROM" ], "begin_byte": 153867, "end_byte": 154013 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13119266, "duration": 819.954125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "This they pried up, but it required all their strength to lift and stand it on edge. Just below, they saw a flight of steps. They were slippery with wet and they looked very old, as if worn, ages ago, by many feet passing up and down them.", "THIS THEY PRIED UP BUT IT REQUIRED ALL THEIR STRENGTH TO LIFT AND STAND IT ON EDGE JUST BELOW THEY SAW A FLIGHT OF STEPS THEY WERE SLIPPERY WITH WET AND THEY LOOKED VERY OLD AS IF WORN AGES AGO BY MANY FEET PASSING UP AND DOWN THEM" ], "pre_texts": [ " were not there by accident, but were reared by men, to mark some old battle, or famous event. And for this, rough stone work, no country, unless it be Korea or China, is more famous than Wales. On reaching one called the Fortress Rock, Taffy pointed to an old hazel root, and said to his companion: \"There! From that stock, I cut my hazel stick. I am sure of it.\" The sorcerer looked at Taffy to read his face, and to be certain that he was telling the truth. Then he said: \"Bring shovels and we'll both dig.\" These having been brought, the two began to work until the perspiration stood out in drops on their foreheads. First the sod and rooty stuff, and then down around the gravelly mass below, they plied their digging tools. Taffy was not used to such toil, and his muscles were soon weary. But, urged on by visions of gold, he kept bravely at his task. At last, when ready to drop from fatigue, he heard his companion say: \"We've struck it!\" A few shovelfuls more laid bare a broad flat stone.", "NY STONES PLACED IN POSITION SHOWING THEY WERE NOT THERE BY ACCIDENT BUT WERE REARED BY MEN TO MARK SOME OLD BATTLE OR FAMOUS EVENT AND FOR THIS ROUGH STONE WORK NO COUNTRY UNLESS IT BE KOREA OR CHINA IS MORE FAMOUS THAN WALES ON REACHING ONE CALLED THE FORTRESS ROCK TAFFY POINTED TO AN OLD HAZEL ROOT AND SAID TO HIS COMPANION THERE FROM THAT STOCK I CUT MY HAZEL STICK I AM SURE OF IT THE SORCERER LOOKED AT TAFFY TO READ HIS FACE AND TO BE CERTAIN THAT HE WAS TELLING THE TRUTH THEN HE SAID BRING SHOVELS AND WE'LL BOTH DIG THESE HAVING BEEN BROUGHT THE TWO BEGAN TO WORK UNTIL THE PERSPIRATION STOOD OUT IN DROPS ON THEIR FOREHEADS FIRST THE SOD AND ROOTY STUFF AND THEN DOWN AROUND THE GRAVELLY MASS BELOW THEY PLIED THEIR DIGGING TOOLS TAFFY WAS NOT USED TO SUCH TOIL AND HIS MUSCLES WERE SOON WEARY BUT URGED ON BY VISIONS OF GOLD HE KEPT BRAVELY AT HIS TASK AT LAST WHEN READY TO DROP FROM FATIGUE HE HEARD HIS COMPANION SAY WE'VE STRUCK IT A FEW SHOVELFULS MORE LAID BARE A BROAD FLAT STONE" ], "begin_byte": 156132, "end_byte": 156371 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13119266, "duration": 819.954125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb_33", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.48, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "Meanwhile, his new acquaintance kept on persuading him. Finally Taffy yielded and the two went on together to Wales.", "MEANWHILE HIS NEW ACQUAINTANCE KEPT ON PERSUADING HIM FINALLY TAFFY YIELDED AND THE TWO WENT ON TOGETHER TO WALES" ], "pre_texts": [ "f the fellow's business. He was very surly and made reply in a gruff voice. \"I come from my own country.\" The stranger did not get angry, but in a polite tone made answer: \"Don't be offended at my question. Tell me where you cut that hazel stick, and I'll make it to your advantage, if you will take my advice.\" Even yet Taffy was gruff and suspicious. \"What business is it of yours, where I cut my hazel stick?\" he answered. \"Well it may matter a good deal to you, if you will tell me. For, if you remember the place, and can lead me to it, I'll make you a rich man, for near that spot lies a great treasure.\" Taffy was not much of a thinker, apart from matters concerning cattle, and his brain worked slowly! He was sorely puzzled. Here was a wizard, who could make him rich, and he did so love to jingle gold in his pockets. But then he was superstitious. He feared that this sorcerer derived all his uncanny knowledge from demons, and Taffy, being rather much of a sinner, feared these very much.", " IN HIS MANNERS AND HE THOUGHT IT NONE OF THE FELLOW'S BUSINESS HE WAS VERY SURLY AND MADE REPLY IN A GRUFF VOICE I COME FROM MY OWN COUNTRY THE STRANGER DID NOT GET ANGRY BUT IN A POLITE TONE MADE ANSWER DON'T BE OFFENDED AT MY QUESTION TELL ME WHERE YOU CUT THAT HAZEL STICK AND I'LL MAKE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE IF YOU WILL TAKE MY ADVICE EVEN YET TAFFY WAS GRUFF AND SUSPICIOUS WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS WHERE I CUT MY HAZEL STICK HE ANSWERED WELL IT MAY MATTER A GOOD DEAL TO YOU IF YOU WILL TELL ME FOR IF YOU REMEMBER THE PLACE AND CAN LEAD ME TO IT I'LL MAKE YOU A RICH MAN FOR NEAR THAT SPOT LIES A GREAT TREASURE TAFFY WAS NOT MUCH OF A THINKER APART FROM MATTERS CONCERNING CATTLE AND HIS BRAIN WORKED SLOWLY HE WAS SORELY PUZZLED HERE WAS A WIZARD WHO COULD MAKE HIM RICH AND HE DID SO LOVE TO JINGLE GOLD IN HIS POCKETS BUT THEN HE WAS SUPERSTITIOUS HE FEARED THAT THIS SORCERER DERIVED ALL HIS UNCANNY KNOWLEDGE FROM DEMONS AND TAFFY BEING RATHER MUCH OF A SINNER FEARED THESE VERY MUCH" ], "begin_byte": 154939, "end_byte": 155055 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13119266, "duration": 819.954125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb_57", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"When did they fall asleep?\" asked the drover. \"Over a thousand years ago,\" answered the sorcerer. \"Tell me who they are, and why here,\" asked Taffy. \"They are King Arthur's trusty warriors. They are waiting for the hour to come, when they shall rise up and destroy the enemies of the Cymry, and once again possess the whole island of Britain, as in the early ages, before the Saxons came.\" \"And who are those sitting around the table?\" asked Taffy.", "WHEN DID THEY FALL ASLEEP ASKED THE DROVER OVER A THOUSAND YEARS AGO ANSWERED THE SORCERER TELL ME WHO THEY ARE AND WHY HERE ASKED TAFFY THEY ARE KING ARTHUR'S TRUSTY WARRIORS THEY ARE WAITING FOR THE HOUR TO COME WHEN THEY SHALL RISE UP AND DESTROY THESE AND ONCE AGAIN POSSESSED THE WHOLE ISLAND OF BRITAIN AS IN THE EARLY STAGES BEFORE THE SAXONS CAME AND WHO ARE THOSE SITTING AROUND THE TABLE ASKED TAFFY" ], "pre_texts": [ " gold inlaid armor, glittering helmets and noble faces showed that they were no common men. Yet Taffy could see only a few of the faces, for all had their heads more or less bent down, as if sound asleep, though sword and spear were near at hand, ready to be grasped in a moment. Outshining all, was a golden throne at the farther end of the table and on it sat a king. He was of imposing stature, and august presence. Upon his head was a crown, on which were inlaid or set precious stones. These shone by their own light, sending out rays so brilliant that they dazzled Taffy, who had never seen anything like them. The king held in his right hand a mighty sword. It had a history and the name of it was Excalibur. In Arthur's hand, it was almost part of his own soul. Its hilt and handle were of finely chased gold, richly studded with gems. Yet his head, too, was bent in deep sleep, as if only thunder could wake him. \"Are they all, everyone, asleep?\" asked Taffy. \"Each and all,\" was the answer.", "ORS WERE SITTING AT IT THEIR SPLENDID GOLD INLAID ARMOUR GLITTERING HELMETS AND NOBLE FACES SHOWED THAT THEY WERE NO COMMON MEN YET TAFFY COULD SEE ONLY A FEW OF THE FACES FOR ALL HAD THEIR HEADS MORE OR LESS BENT DOWN AS IF SOUND ASLEEP THOUGH SWORD AND SPEAR WERE NEAR AT HAND READY TO BE GRASPED IN A MOMENT OUT SHINING ALL WAS A GOLDEN THRONE AT THE FARTHER END OF THE TABLE AND ON IT SAT A KING HE WAS OFOSING STATURE AND AUGUST PRESENCE UPON HIS HEAD WAS A CROWN ON WHICH WERE INLAID OR SET PRECIOUS STONES THESE SHONE BY THEIR OWN LIGHT SENDING OUT RAYS SO BRILLIANT THAT THEY DAZZLED TAFFY WHO HAD NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THEM THE KING HELD IN HIS RIGHT HAND A MIGHTY SWORD IT HAD A HISTORY AND THE NAME OF IT WAS EXCALIBUR IN ARTHUR'S HAND IT WAS ALMOST PART OF HIS OWN SOUL ITS HILT AND HANDLE WERE OF FINELY CHASED GOLD RICHLY STUDDED WITH GEMS YET HIS HEAD TOO WAS BENT IN DEEP SLEEP AS IF ONLY THUNDER COULD WAKE HIM ARE THEY ALL EVERY ONE ASLEEP ASKED TAFFY EACH AND ALL WAS THE ANSWER" ], "begin_byte": 158741, "end_byte": 159190 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_16_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 13119266, "duration": 819.954125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb_39", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.72, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "These lived at the bottom of the many ponds and pools in Wales. Many stories are told of the wonderful things they did with boats and cattle.", "THESE LIVED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MANY PONDS AND POOLS IN WALES MANY STORIES ARE TOLD OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS THEY DID WITH BOATS AND CATTLE" ], "pre_texts": [ "bowed in return. There was too much business before the meeting for dancing to be kept up very long, but when the violin solo was over, at a sign given by the fiddler, the dancers took seats wherever they could find them, on the grass, or gorse, or heather, or on the stones. After order had been secured, the chairman of the meeting read regrets from those who had been invited but could not be present. The first note was from the mermaids, who lived near the Green Isles of the Ocean. They asked to be excused from traveling inland and climbing rocks. In the present delicate state of their health this would be too fatiguing. Poor things! It was unanimously voted that they be excused. Queen Mab was dressed, as befitted the occasion, like a Welsh lady, not wearing a crown, but a high peaked hat, pointed at the top and about half a yard high. It was black and was held on by fastenings of scalloped lace, that came down around her neck. The lake fairies, or Elfin Maids, were out in full force.", "OK OFF HIS CAP TO EACH AND BOWED IN RETURN THERE WAS TOO MUCH BUSINESS BEFORE THE MEETING FOR DANCING TO BE KEPT UP VERY LONG BUT WHEN THE VIOLIN SOLA WAS OVER AT A SIGN GIVEN BY THE FIDDLER THE DANCERS TOOK SEATS WHEREVER THEY COULD FIND THEM ON THE GRASS OR GORSE OR HEATHER OR ON THE STONES AFTER ORDER HAD BEEN SECURED THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETING READ REGRETS FROM THOSE WHO HAD BEEN INVITED BUT COULD NOT BE PRESENT THE FIRST NOTE WAS FROM THE MERMAIDS WHO LIVED NEAR THE GREEN ISLES OF THE OCEAN THEY ASKED TO BE EXCUSED FROM TRAVELLING INLAND AND CLIMBING ROCKS IN THE PRESENT DELICATE STATE OF THEIR HEALTH THIS WOULD BE TOO FATIGUING POOR THINGS IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY VOTED THAT THEY BE EXCUSED QUEEN MAB WAS DRESSED AS BEFITTED THE OCCASION LIKE A WELSH LADY NOT WEARING A CROWN BUT A HIGH PEAKED HAT POINTED AT THE TOP AND ABOUT HALF A YARD HIGH IT WAS BLACK AND WAS HELD ON BY FASTENINGS OF SCALLOPED LACE THAT CAME DOWN AROUND HER NECK THE LAKE FAIRIES OR ELFIN MAIDS WERE OUT IN FULL FORCE" ], "begin_byte": 219181, "end_byte": 219322 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10450327, "duration": 653.1454375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb_42", "recording_id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10244", "custom": { "texts": [ "In fact, Co ed simply meant that they were from the woods and lived among the trees; for Co ed in Welsh means a forest.", "IN FACT COET SIMPLY MEANT THAT THEY WERE FROM THE WOODS AND LIVED AMONG THE TREES FOR COEB IN WELSH MEANS A FOREST" ], "pre_texts": [ "uth, they were vexed at not keeping up with the new fashions, for they knew nothing of this latest fad among such fine young gallants. Much of the chat and gossip, before and after the meeting, was between the fairies who live in the air, or on mountains, and those down in the earth, or deep in the sea. They swapped news, gossip and scandal at a great rate. There were a dozen or two fine-looking creatures who had high brows, who said they were Co-eds. This did not mean that these fairies had ever been through college. \"Certainly the college never went through them,\" said one very homely fairy, who was spiteful and jealous. The simple fact was that the one they called Betty, the Co-ed, and others from that Welsh village, called Bryn Mawr, and another from Flint, and another from Yale, and still others from Brimbo and from Co-ed Poeth, had come from places so named and down on the map of Wales, though they were no real Co-ed girls there, that could talk French, or English, or read Latin.", " WAS IT SOME NEW IDEA TO TELL THE TRUTH THEY WERE VEXED AT NOT KEEPING UP WITH THE NEW FASHIONS FOR THEY KNEW NOTHING OF THIS LATEST FAD AMONG SUCH FINE YOUNG GALLANTS MUCH OF THE CHAT AND GOSSIP BEFORE AND AFTER THE MEETING WAS BETWEEN THE FAIRIES WHO LIVE IN THE AIR OR ON MOUNTAINS AND THOSE DOWN IN THE EARTH OR DEEP IN THE SEA THEY SWAPPED NEWS GOSSIP AND SCANDAL AT A GREAT RATE THERE WERE A DOZEN OR TWO FINE LOOKING CREATURES WHO HAD HIGHBROWS WHO SAID THEY WERE COETS THIS DID NOT MEAN THAT THESE FAIRIES HAD EVER BEEN THROUGH COLLEGE CERTAINLY THE COLLEGE NEVER WENT THROUGH THEM SAID ONE VERY HOMELY FAIRY WHO WAS SPITEFUL AND JEALOUS THE SIMPLE FACT WAS THAT THE ONE THEY CALLED BETTY THE COET AND OTHERS FROM THAT WELSH VILLAGE CALLED BRIND MAR AND ANOTHER FROM FLINT AND ANOTHER FROM YALE AND STILL OTHERS FROM BRIMBO AND FROM COET POET HAD COME FROM PLACES SO NAMED AND DOWN ON THE MAP OF WALES THOUGH THERE WERE NO REAL COET GIRLS THERE THAT COULD TALK FRENCH OR ENGLISH OR READ LATIN" ], "begin_byte": 222227, "end_byte": 222346 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10244/welshfairytales_1607_librivox_64kb_mp3/welshfairytales_23_griffis_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 10450327, "duration": 653.1454375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Welsh Fairy Tales/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/fiveminutestories_1601_librivox_64kb_mp3/fiveminutestories_091_richards_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10245/fiveminutestories_1601_librivox_64kb_mp3/fiveminutestories_091_richards_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "But if they both should bring to me Their gold and gems and silk, I might—_perhaps_ I might—give them A very—little—milk!", "BUT IF THEY BOTH SHOULD BRING ME THEIR GOLD AND GEMS AND SILK I MIGHT PERHAPS I MIGHT GIVE THEM A VERY LITTLE MILK" ], "pre_texts": [ "r Your Grace we must slay! Or else, let us barter! You’ll sign Magna Charta, And we’ll take the soldiers away.” He signed in a terrible hurry, And flurry; But soon as the soldiers were gone, This pitiful fellow Did shriek, howl and bellow, To think of the thing he had done. He bit, and he scratched, and he kicked, And licked Every person that came in his way; He murdered their spouses And burned up their houses, Behaved in an odious way. One night he took tea with some monks, (Old hunks! Just to save his own supper at home!) But he put on such airs That they poisoned his pears, Which concludes both his life and my pome. THE SPOTTY COW. MY Spotty Cow, my Spotty Cow, I love you very dearly! You are, I think, the fairest beast In all the wide world, nearly! My Kitty-cat is also sweet, But then, she has no spots: While you, my pleasant Spotty Cow, Have lots and lots and LOTS! The King of Spain he may be grand, The Queen of England, too. They cannot have my Spotty Cow, Whatever they may do.", " SECTION NINETY ONE OF FIVE MINUTE STORIES THIS IS A LIBER OF VOX RECORDING ALL LIBERAL VOX RECORDINGS OR ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIPPERVOX DART ORG RECORDING BY ABBEY FIVE MINUTE STORIES BY LORD E RICHARDS THE SPOT COW MY SPOTTY COW MY SPOTTY COW I LOVE YOU VERY DEARLY I THINK YOU ARE THE FAIREST BEAST IN ALL THE WIDE WORLD NEARLY MY KITTY CAT IS ALSO SWEET BUT THEN SHE HAS NO SPOTS WHILE YOU MY PLEASANT SPOTTY COW HAVE LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS THE KING OF SPAIN MAY BE GRAND THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND TOO THEY CANNOT HAVE MY SPOTTY COW WHATEVER THEY MAY DO" ], "begin_byte": 211041, "end_byte": 211162 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/fiveminutestories_1601_librivox_64kb_mp3/fiveminutestories_091_richards_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/fiveminutestories_1601_librivox_64kb_mp3/fiveminutestories_091_richards_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1292348, "duration": 80.77175, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Five Minute Stories/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_13_long_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_13_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Of what use is rain? Of what use is snow? Of what use is wind?", "OF WHAT USE IS RAIN OF WHAT USE IS SNOW OF WHAT USE IS WIND" ], "pre_texts": [ "long, narrow piece of land between hills and mountains is called a valley. A hill is land a little higher than the country about it. A mountain is land that rises to a very great height above the country about it. LESSON XIII. RAIN, WIND, AND SNOW. Do you see the dropping rain, Pitter-patter on the pane? How it runs along the street! And it wets our little feet; But it makes the green grass grow, And the tiny streamlets flow. Listen to the wintry blast Moaning, shrieking, howling past, Striking with tremendous force Rocks and forests in its course; But it blows the windmills strong, And it sends big ships along. Watch the pretty snowflakes fall, Some are large and some are small; Look, they cover all the ground, Miles of dazzling white around; But this covering, I am told, Keeps the earth from frost and cold. Ah! and I must work alway, Life's not meant to spend in play; Every moment's fleeting fast, And our day will soon be past; If our work is truly done, It will last though ages run.", " LESSON THIRTEEN OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS A LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIBER VOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONG LESSON THIRTEEN RAIN WIND AND SNOW WATCH THE PRETTY SNOW FLAKES FALL SOME ARE LARGE AND SOME ARE SMALL LOOK THEY COVER ALL THE GROUND MILES OF DAZZLING WHITE AROUND BUT THIS COVERING I AM TOLD KEEPS THE EARTH FROM FROST AND COLD AH AND I MUST WORK ALL AWAY LIFE'S NOT MEANT TIS SPEND IN PLAY EVERY MOMENT'S FLEETING FAST AND OUR DAY WILL SOON BE PAST IF OUR WORK IS TRULY DONE IT WILL LAST THROUGH AGE'S RUN" ], "begin_byte": 28987, "end_byte": 29049 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_13_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_13_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1321309, "duration": 82.5818125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Oh, there is a little artist Who paints in the cold night hours Pictures for little children Of wondrous trees and flowers!", "OH THERE IS A LITTLE ARTIST WHO PAINTS IN THE COLD NIGHT HOURS PICTURES FOR LITTLE CHILDREN OF WONDROUS TREES AND FLOWERS" ], "pre_texts": [ "lso noticed the clouds at sunset with their beautiful colors. As the sun sank lower and lower, how did they change, in shape and color? When clouds are low down, near the earth, we call them _fogs_ or _mist_. If clouds are cooled, the little particles of water gather into large drops and fall as _rain_. If the drops should freeze in falling, we would call them _hail_. What shape are the raindrops? Of what use is the rain? [Illustration: \"HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SNOWFLAKES THROUGH A MICROSCOPE?\"] Sometimes, when it is very cold, the moisture in the air freezes before it forms into drops, and falls in the beautiful flakes we call _snow_. Have you ever seen snowflakes through a microscope? Snow keeps the roots of plants warm. Many plants would die in winter if it were not for the snow. What other uses has snow? Observe the clouds; fog, rain, snow, dew, frost, and tell what you have noticed. _Write_ what you have _seen_ or _noticed_ about vapor, clouds, rain, etc. LESSON XVII. THE FAIRY ARTIST.", " LESSON NUMBER SEVENTEEN OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONG LESSON NUMBER SEVENTEEN THE FAIRY ARTIST" ], "begin_byte": 34577, "end_byte": 34700 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1385396, "duration": 86.58725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "The moon is the lamp he paints by; His canvas the window pane; His brush is a frozen snowflake; Jack Frost the artist's name.", "THE MOON IS THE LAMP HE PAINTS BY HIS CANVAS THE WINDOWPANE HIS BRUSH A FROZEN SNOWFLAKE JACK FROST THE ARTIST'S NAME" ], "pre_texts": [ " would call them _hail_. What shape are the raindrops? Of what use is the rain? [Illustration: \"HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SNOWFLAKES THROUGH A MICROSCOPE?\"] Sometimes, when it is very cold, the moisture in the air freezes before it forms into drops, and falls in the beautiful flakes we call _snow_. Have you ever seen snowflakes through a microscope? Snow keeps the roots of plants warm. Many plants would die in winter if it were not for the snow. What other uses has snow? Observe the clouds; fog, rain, snow, dew, frost, and tell what you have noticed. _Write_ what you have _seen_ or _noticed_ about vapor, clouds, rain, etc. LESSON XVII. THE FAIRY ARTIST. Oh, there is a little artist Who paints in the cold night hours Pictures for little children Of wondrous trees and flowers! Pictures of snow-white mountains Touching the snow-white sky; Pictures of distant oceans Where pretty ships sail by. Pictures of rushing rivers By fairy bridges spanned; Bits of beautiful landscape Copied from elfin land.", " LESSON NUMBER SEVENTEEN OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX DOT ORG RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONG LESSON NUMBER SEVENTEEN THE FAIRY ARTIST OH THERE IS A LITTLE ARTIST WHO PAINTS IN THE COLD NIGHT HOURS PICTURES FOR LITTLE CHILDREN OF WONDROUS TREES AND FLOWERS PICTURES OF SNOW WHITE MOUNTAINS TOUCHING THE SNOW WHITE SKY PICTURES OF DISTANT OCEANS WHERE PRETTY SHIPS SAIL BY PICTURES OF RUSHING RIVERS BY FAIRY BRIDGES SPANNED BITS OF BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPE COPIED FROM ELFIN LAND" ], "begin_byte": 34923, "end_byte": 35048 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_17_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1385396, "duration": 86.58725, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "We shall then learn for ourselves many things we do not know about rivers. We will begin our journey at its source. Here it is a little rill, formed by water that trickles from a spring, or by the melting of snow.", "WE SHALL THEN LEARN FOR OURSELVES MANY THINGS WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT RIVERS WE WILL BEGIN OUR JOURNEY AT ITS SOURCE THERE IS A LITTLE RILL FORMED BY WATER THAT TRICKLES FROM A SPRING OR BY THE MELTING OF SNOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "es the water come from? In what direction does it flow? Why does it flow in such direction? Does it wind about much? Does it flow into the ocean, or into another river? Is the water fresh or salt? What grow on its banks? Near which bank do you live? Make a picture of a spring, and a brook flowing from it. Draw the tall grass and plants that grow near it. Write the names of all the rivers you have seen. _Write the following:_ Water flowing out of the ground is called a spring. From springs flow small streams called rills, brooks, or creeks. A large stream of water flowing through the land is called a river. A small stream of water flowing into a larger one is called a tributary. The source of a river is where it begins. The place where it empties into another body of water is its mouth. Every river has two banks--a right-hand bank and a left-hand bank. LESSON XIX. MORE ABOUT RIVERS. Let us have another chat about the river. We may fancy that we are following it in its course to the sea.", " LESSON NINETEEN OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS THE LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX STOT ORG RECORDING BI ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C LONG LESSON NINETEEN MOREAUT RIVERS LET US HAVE ANOTHER CHAT ABOUT THE RIVER WE MAY FANCY THAT WE ARE FOLLOWING IT IN ITS COURSE TO THE SEA" ], "begin_byte": 37775, "end_byte": 37988 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3714454, "duration": 232.153375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Here we see it rushing rapidly down a steep slope. Its waters foam and dash between the great rocks that lie in the stream.", "HERE WE SEE IT RUSHING RAPIDLY DOWN A STEEP SLOPE ITS WATERS FOAM AND DASH BETWEEN THE GREAT ROCKS THAT LIE IN THE STREAM" ], "pre_texts": [ "ll, formed by water that trickles from a spring, or by the melting of snow. As it flows on, it is joined by many other little streams, until it grows to be much larger. There is a large word used for a stream that feeds another stream. Do you know what it is? The word, is _tributary_. Tributaries are often called _branches_. Before we leave this part of the river, I wish you to learn another hard word. You have seen the water run off the roof of a _shed_. The ridge; or highest part of the roof, divides the rain that falls on it, so that part of the rain flows down the one side, and part of it flows down the other side. [Illustration: \"HILLS SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES.\"] Now, hills, like the roof of a house, send off streams on both sides. When it rains, or the snow melts, some of the water goes down on one side, some on the other. And that is why the hills which divide or part the waters of streams are called a _water-parting_ or _water-shed_. Let us now go further down the stream.", " MANY THINGS WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT RIVERS WE WILL BEGIN OUR JOURNEY AT ITS SOURCE THERE IS A LITTLE RILL FORMED BY WATER THAT TRICKLES FROM A SPRING OR BY THE MELTING OF SNOW AS IT FLOWS ON IT IS JOINED BY MANY OTHER LITTLE STREAMS UNTIL IT GROWS MUCH LARGER THERE IS A LARGE WORD USED FOR A STREAM THAT FEEDS ANOTHER STREAM DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS THE WORD IS TRIBUTARY TRIBUTARIES ARE OFTEN CALLED BRANCHES BEFORE WE LEAVE THIS PART OF THE RIVER I WISH YOU TO LEARN ANOTHER HARD WORD YOU HAVE SEEN THE WATER RUN OFF THE ROOF OF A SHED THE RIDGE OR HIGHEST PART OF THE ROOF DIVIDES THE RAIN THAT FALLS ON IT SO THAT PART OF THE RAIN FLOWS DOWN THE ONE SIDE AND PART OF IT FLOWS DOWN THE OTHER SIDE NOW HILLS LIKE THE ROOF OF A HOUSE SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES WHEN IT RAINS OR THE SNOW MELTS SOME OF THE WATER GOES DOWN ON ONE SIDE SOME ON THE OTHER AND THAT IS WHY THE HILLS WHICH DIVIDE OR PART THE WATERS OF STREAMS ARE CALLED A WATER PARTING OR WATER SHED LET US NOW GO FURTHER DOWN THE STREAM" ], "begin_byte": 38914, "end_byte": 39037 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3714454, "duration": 232.153375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3714454, "duration": 232.153375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.079, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "And that is why the hills which divide or part the waters of streams are called a _water parting_ or _water shed_. Let us now go further down the stream. Here we see it rushing rapidly down a steep slope.", "AND THAT IS WHY THE HILLS WHICH DIVIDE OR PART THE WATERS OF STREAMS ARE CALLED A WATER PARTING OR WATER SHED LET US NOW GO FURTHER DOWN THE STREAM HERE WE SEE IT RUSHING RAPIDLY DOWN A STEEP SLOPE" ], "pre_texts": [ "rse to the sea. We shall then learn for ourselves many things we do not know about rivers. We will begin our journey at its source. Here it is a little rill, formed by water that trickles from a spring, or by the melting of snow. As it flows on, it is joined by many other little streams, until it grows to be much larger. There is a large word used for a stream that feeds another stream. Do you know what it is? The word, is _tributary_. Tributaries are often called _branches_. Before we leave this part of the river, I wish you to learn another hard word. You have seen the water run off the roof of a _shed_. The ridge; or highest part of the roof, divides the rain that falls on it, so that part of the rain flows down the one side, and part of it flows down the other side. [Illustration: \"HILLS SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES.\"] Now, hills, like the roof of a house, send off streams on both sides. When it rains, or the snow melts, some of the water goes down on one side, some on the other.", "AUT RIVERS LET US HAVE ANOTHER CHAT ABOUT THE RIVER WE MAY FANCY THAT WE ARE FOLLOWING IT IN ITS COURSE TO THE SEA WE SHALL THEN LEARN FOR OURSELVES MANY THINGS WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT RIVERS WE WILL BEGIN OUR JOURNEY AT ITS SOURCE THERE IS A LITTLE RILL FORMED BY WATER THAT TRICKLES FROM A SPRING OR BY THE MELTING OF SNOW AS IT FLOWS ON IT IS JOINED BY MANY OTHER LITTLE STREAMS UNTIL IT GROWS MUCH LARGER THERE IS A LARGE WORD USED FOR A STREAM THAT FEEDS ANOTHER STREAM DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS THE WORD IS TRIBUTARY TRIBUTARIES ARE OFTEN CALLED BRANCHES BEFORE WE LEAVE THIS PART OF THE RIVER I WISH YOU TO LEARN ANOTHER HARD WORD YOU HAVE SEEN THE WATER RUN OFF THE ROOF OF A SHED THE RIDGE OR HIGHEST PART OF THE ROOF DIVIDES THE RAIN THAT FALLS ON IT SO THAT PART OF THE RAIN FLOWS DOWN THE ONE SIDE AND PART OF IT FLOWS DOWN THE OTHER SIDE NOW HILLS LIKE THE ROOF OF A HOUSE SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES WHEN IT RAINS OR THE SNOW MELTS SOME OF THE WATER GOES DOWN ON ONE SIDE SOME ON THE OTHER" ], "begin_byte": 38760, "end_byte": 38964 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3714454, "duration": 232.153375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "The ridge; or highest part of the roof, divides the rain that falls on it, so that part of the rain flows down the one side, and part of it flows down the other side. [Illustration: \"HILLS SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES.\"] Now, hills, like the roof of a house, send off streams on both sides. When it rains, or the snow melts, some of the water goes down on one side, some on the other.", "THE RIDGE OR HIGHEST PART OF THE ROOF DIVIDES THE RAIN THAT FALLS ON IT SO THAT PART OF THE RAIN FLOWS DOWN THE ONE SIDE AND PART OF IT FLOWS DOWN THE OTHER SIDE NOW HILLS LIKE THE ROOF OF A HOUSE SEND OFF STREAMS ON BOTH SIDES WHEN IT RAINS OR THE SNOW MELTS SOME OF THE WATER GOES DOWN ON ONE SIDE SOME ON THE OTHER" ], "pre_texts": [ "called a river. A small stream of water flowing into a larger one is called a tributary. The source of a river is where it begins. The place where it empties into another body of water is its mouth. Every river has two banks--a right-hand bank and a left-hand bank. LESSON XIX. MORE ABOUT RIVERS. Let us have another chat about the river. We may fancy that we are following it in its course to the sea. We shall then learn for ourselves many things we do not know about rivers. We will begin our journey at its source. Here it is a little rill, formed by water that trickles from a spring, or by the melting of snow. As it flows on, it is joined by many other little streams, until it grows to be much larger. There is a large word used for a stream that feeds another stream. Do you know what it is? The word, is _tributary_. Tributaries are often called _branches_. Before we leave this part of the river, I wish you to learn another hard word. You have seen the water run off the roof of a _shed_.", " LESSON NINETEEN OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS THE LIBER VOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIBERVOX STOT ORG RECORDING BI ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C LONG LESSON NINETEEN MOREAUT RIVERS LET US HAVE ANOTHER CHAT ABOUT THE RIVER WE MAY FANCY THAT WE ARE FOLLOWING IT IN ITS COURSE TO THE SEA WE SHALL THEN LEARN FOR OURSELVES MANY THINGS WE DO NOT KNOW ABOUT RIVERS WE WILL BEGIN OUR JOURNEY AT ITS SOURCE THERE IS A LITTLE RILL FORMED BY WATER THAT TRICKLES FROM A SPRING OR BY THE MELTING OF SNOW AS IT FLOWS ON IT IS JOINED BY MANY OTHER LITTLE STREAMS UNTIL IT GROWS MUCH LARGER THERE IS A LARGE WORD USED FOR A STREAM THAT FEEDS ANOTHER STREAM DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS THE WORD IS TRIBUTARY TRIBUTARIES ARE OFTEN CALLED BRANCHES BEFORE WE LEAVE THIS PART OF THE RIVER I WISH YOU TO LEARN ANOTHER HARD WORD YOU HAVE SEEN THE WATER RUN OFF THE ROOF OF A SHED" ], "begin_byte": 38373, "end_byte": 38759 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_19_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3714454, "duration": 232.153375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"One morn I ran away, A madcap, noisy rill; And many a prank that day I played adown the hill! \"And then 'mid meadowy banks, I flirted with the flowers, That stooped with glowing lips To woo me to their bowers.", "ONE MORN I RAN AWAY A MADCAP NOISY RILL AND MANY A PRANK THAT DAY I PLAYED ADOWN THE HILL AND THEN MID MEADOWY BANKS I FLIRTED WITH THE FLOWERS THAT STOOPED WITH GLOWING LIPS TO WOO ME TO THEIR BOWERS" ], "pre_texts": [ "heard the big sea waves dashing against the shore, we knew our brothers and sisters were singing a welcome home. [Illustration: \"WE PASSED TOWNS AND CITIES.\"] \"And now farewell, little squirrel. My story is done, and I must hasten to my home in the sea. Perhaps we shall meet again some day. I may float down to you, a white-winged snowflake, or patter down as I came this time, a tiny raindrop.\" _Write the following:_ The water rises from the sea in vapor. The vapor is turned into clouds, which fall in rain or snow. The rain forms rivers, which flow back again into the sea. Thus the water is always going round and round in its long and curious journey--up to the clouds in vapor, down in rain, back in streams to the place it started from. LESSON XXIII. THE RIVER. \"Oh, tell me, pretty river, Whence do thy waters flow? And whither art thou roaming, So smoothly and so slow?\" \"My birthplace was the mountain, My nurse the April showers; My cradle was a fountain, O'er-curtained by wild flowers.", " LESS THAN TWENTY THREE OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS THE LIPPERVOX RECORDING ALL LIVEROX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERPOX DOT ORICK RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONG LESSON TWENTY THREE THE RIVER O TELL ME PRETTY RIVER WHENCE DO THY WATERS FLOW AND WHITHER ART THOU ROAMING SO SMOOTHLY AND SO SLOW MY BIRTHPLACE WAS THE MOUNTAIN MY NURSE THE APRIL SHOWERS MY CRADLE WAS A FOUNTAIN O'ER CURTAINED BY WILD FLOWERS" ], "begin_byte": 47563, "end_byte": 47773 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1591961, "duration": 99.4975625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb_4", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.08, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Where have you seen a river like the one spoken of in the poem? Are rivers born?", "WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN A RIVER LIKE ONE SPOKEN OF IN THE POEM OR RIVERS BORN" ], "pre_texts": [ "inged snowflake, or patter down as I came this time, a tiny raindrop.\" _Write the following:_ The water rises from the sea in vapor. The vapor is turned into clouds, which fall in rain or snow. The rain forms rivers, which flow back again into the sea. Thus the water is always going round and round in its long and curious journey--up to the clouds in vapor, down in rain, back in streams to the place it started from. LESSON XXIII. THE RIVER. \"Oh, tell me, pretty river, Whence do thy waters flow? And whither art thou roaming, So smoothly and so slow?\" \"My birthplace was the mountain, My nurse the April showers; My cradle was a fountain, O'er-curtained by wild flowers. \"One morn I ran away, A madcap, noisy rill; And many a prank that day I played adown the hill! \"And then 'mid meadowy banks, I flirted with the flowers, That stooped with glowing lips To woo me to their bowers. \"But these bright scenes are o'er, And darkly flows my wave; I hear the ocean's roar-- And there must be my grave!", " LESS THAN TWENTY THREE OF HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES THIS IS THE LIPPERVOX RECORDING ALL LIVEROX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVERPOX DOT ORICK RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONG LESSON TWENTY THREE THE RIVER O TELL ME PRETTY RIVER WHENCE DO THY WATERS FLOW AND WHITHER ART THOU ROAMING SO SMOOTHLY AND SO SLOW MY BIRTHPLACE WAS THE MOUNTAIN MY NURSE THE APRIL SHOWERS MY CRADLE WAS A FOUNTAIN O'ER CURTAINED BY WILD FLOWERS ONE MORN I RAN AWAY A MADCAP NOISY RILL AND MANY A PRANK THAT DAY I PLAYED ADOWN THE HILL AND THEN MID MEADOWY BANKS I FLIRTED WITH THE FLOWERS THAT STOOPED WITH GLOWING LIPS TO WOO ME TO THEIR BOWERS BUT THESE BRIGHT SCENES ARE O'ER AND DARKLY FLOWS MY WAVE I HEAR THE OCEANS ROAR AND THERE MUST BE MY GRAVE" ], "begin_byte": 47889, "end_byte": 47970 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_23_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1591961, "duration": 99.4975625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_31_long_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_31_long_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "What people live mainly on fish and the flesh of animals? Do any fruit trees grow in very cold countries? What kinds of food are best in hot countries? The people cannot eat fatty food, for that would heat the body.", "WHAT PEOPLE LIVE MAINLY ON FISH AND THE FLESH OF ANIMALS DO ANY FRUIT TREES GROW IN VERY COLD COUNTRIES WHAT KINDS OF FOOD ARE BEST IN HOT COUNTRIES THE PEOPLE CANNOT EAT FATTY FOOD FOR THAT WOULD HEAT THE BODY" ], "pre_texts": [ "ends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. LESSON XXXI. FRUITS. Name some trees upon which grow things to eat. What do we call such trees? [Illustration: \"THE ORANGE TREES ARE LOADED WITH GOLDEN FRUIT.\"] What fruit trees have you seen? What do we call the place where many fruit trees grow? Did you ever pick berries? What makes it hard to pick blackberries? Name fruits that grow about here. Which grow on trees? Which on bushes? Which on vines? Mention the different uses of these fruits. The orange is one of the most delicious and wholesome of fruits. It grows only in the warmer parts of our country. In winter as well as in summer, the orange trees are loaded with golden fruit and fragrant blossom. The blossoms are white, and are very beautiful. Name other fruits that grow in warm parts of the country. People who live in cold countries need such food as will make them warm. What kinds of food are best in cold countries?", "RIMARY GRADES THIS IS A LIVEROX RECORDING ALL LIVEROCS RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIVEROX DOT ORG RECORDING BY ABBEY HOME GEOGRAPHY FOR PRIMARY GRADES BY C C LONGS NAMESOME TREES UPON WHICH GROW THINGS TO EAT WHAT DO WE CALL SUCH TREES WHAT FRUIT TREES HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT DO WE CALL THE PLACE WHERE MANY FRUIT TREES GROW DID YOU EVER PICK BERRIES WHAT MAKES IT HARD TO PICK BLACKBERRIES NAME FRUITS THAT GROW ABOUT HERE WHICH GROW ON TREES WHICH ON BUSHES WHICH ON WINES MENTION THE DIFFERENT USES OF THESE FRUITS THE ORANGE IS ONE OF THE MOST DELICIOUS AND WHOLESOME OF FRUITS IT GROWS ONLY IN THE WARMER PARTS OF OUR COUNTRY IN WINTER AS WELL AS IN SUMMER THE ORANGE TREES ARE LOADED WITH GOLDEN FRUIT AND FRAGRANT BLOSSOM THE BLOSSOMS ARE WHITE AND VERY BEAUTIFUL NAME OTHER FRUITS THAT GROW IN WARM PARTS OF THE COUNTRY PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN COLD COUNTRIES NEED SUCH FOOD AS WILL MAKE THEM WARM WHAT KINDS OF FOOD ARE BEST IN COLD COUNTRIES" ], "begin_byte": 62566, "end_byte": 62781 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_31_long_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/homegeographyprimarygrades_1703_librivox_64kb_mp3/homegeographyprimarygrades_31_long_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 1997288, "duration": 124.8305, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Home Geography for Primary Grades/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "* * * * * * * because house would away hard lived \"It is all because I am so ugly,\" said the duckling. So he ran away. At night he came to an old house.", "BECAUSE HOUSE WOOD AWAY HARD LAY IT IS ALL BECAUSE I AM SO UGLY SAID THE DUCKLING SO HE RAN AWAY AT NIGHT HE CAME TO AN OLD HOUSE" ], "pre_texts": [ "e and look out for the cat.\" They all went into the duck yard. What a noise the ducks made! While the mother duck was eating a big bug, an old duck bit the ugly duckling. \"Let him alone,\" said the mother duck. \"He did not hurt you.\" [Illustration: \"HE DID NOT HURT YOU,\" SAID THE MOTHER DUCK.] \"I know that,\" said the duck, \"but he is so ugly, I bit him.\" * * * * * * * lovely help there walked bushes afraid The next duck they met, said, \"You have lovely ducklings. They are all pretty but one. He is very ugly.\" [Illustration: \"YOUR CHILDREN ARE ALL PRETTY EXCEPT ONE.\"] The mother duck said, \"I know he is not pretty. But he is very good.\" Then she said to the ducklings, \"Now, my dears, have a good time.\" But the poor, big, ugly duckling did not have a good time. The hens all bit him. The big ducks walked on him. The poor duckling was very sad. He did not want to be so ugly. But he could not help it. He ran to hide under some bushes. The little birds in the bushes were afraid and flew away.", "Y OWN LITTLE DUCK HE WILL NOT BE SO UGLY WHEN HE IS BIGGER YG ALONE Y NOISE ER WHY LITTLE NO WHY THEN SHE SAID TO THE DUCKLINGS COME WITH ME I WANT YOU TO SEE THE OTHER DUCKS STAY BY ME AND LOOK OUT FOR THE CAT THEY ALL WENT INTO THE DUCK YARD WHAT A NOISE THE DUCKS MADE WHILE THE MOTHER DUCK WAS EATING A BIG BUG AN OLD DUCK BIT THE UGLY DUCKLING LET HIM ALONE SAID THE MOTHER DUCK HE DID NOT HURT YOU I KNOW THAT SAID THE DUCK BUT HE IS SO UGLY I BIT HIM LOVELY HELP THERE WALKED BUSHES AFRAY THE NEXT DUCK THEY MET SAID YOU HAVE LOVELY DUCKLINGS THEY ARE ALL PRETTY BUT ONE HE IS VERY UGLY THE MOTHER DUCK SAID I KNOW HE IS NOT PRETTY BUT HE IS VERY GOOD THEN SHE SAID TO THE DUCKLINGS NOW MY DEARS HAVE A GOOD TIME BUT THE POOR BIG UGLY DUCKLING DID NOT HAVE A GOOD TIME THE HENS ALL BIT HIM THE BIG DUCKS WALKED ON HIM THE POOR DUCKLING WAS VERY SAD HE DID NOT WANT TO BE SO UGLY BUT HE COULD NOT HELP IT HE RAN TO HIDE UNDER SOME BUSHES THE LITTLE BIRDS IN THE BUSHES WERE AFRAID AND FLEW AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 7442, "end_byte": 7594 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5320133, "duration": 332.5083125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "At night he came to an old house. The house looked as if it would fall down. It was so old.", "AT NIGHT HE CAME TO AN OLD HOUSE THE HOUSE LOOKED AS IF IT WOULD FALL DOWN IT WAS SO OLD" ], "pre_texts": [ "ating a big bug, an old duck bit the ugly duckling. \"Let him alone,\" said the mother duck. \"He did not hurt you.\" [Illustration: \"HE DID NOT HURT YOU,\" SAID THE MOTHER DUCK.] \"I know that,\" said the duck, \"but he is so ugly, I bit him.\" * * * * * * * lovely help there walked bushes afraid The next duck they met, said, \"You have lovely ducklings. They are all pretty but one. He is very ugly.\" [Illustration: \"YOUR CHILDREN ARE ALL PRETTY EXCEPT ONE.\"] The mother duck said, \"I know he is not pretty. But he is very good.\" Then she said to the ducklings, \"Now, my dears, have a good time.\" But the poor, big, ugly duckling did not have a good time. The hens all bit him. The big ducks walked on him. The poor duckling was very sad. He did not want to be so ugly. But he could not help it. He ran to hide under some bushes. The little birds in the bushes were afraid and flew away. * * * * * * * because house would away hard lived \"It is all because I am so ugly,\" said the duckling. So he ran away.", "THEN SHE SAID TO THE DUCKLINGS COME WITH ME I WANT YOU TO SEE THE OTHER DUCKS STAY BY ME AND LOOK OUT FOR THE CAT THEY ALL WENT INTO THE DUCK YARD WHAT A NOISE THE DUCKS MADE WHILE THE MOTHER DUCK WAS EATING A BIG BUG AN OLD DUCK BIT THE UGLY DUCKLING LET HIM ALONE SAID THE MOTHER DUCK HE DID NOT HURT YOU I KNOW THAT SAID THE DUCK BUT HE IS SO UGLY I BIT HIM LOVELY HELP THERE WALKED BUSHES AFRAY THE NEXT DUCK THEY MET SAID YOU HAVE LOVELY DUCKLINGS THEY ARE ALL PRETTY BUT ONE HE IS VERY UGLY THE MOTHER DUCK SAID I KNOW HE IS NOT PRETTY BUT HE IS VERY GOOD THEN SHE SAID TO THE DUCKLINGS NOW MY DEARS HAVE A GOOD TIME BUT THE POOR BIG UGLY DUCKLING DID NOT HAVE A GOOD TIME THE HENS ALL BIT HIM THE BIG DUCKS WALKED ON HIM THE POOR DUCKLING WAS VERY SAD HE DID NOT WANT TO BE SO UGLY BUT HE COULD NOT HELP IT HE RAN TO HIDE UNDER SOME BUSHES THE LITTLE BIRDS IN THE BUSHES WERE AFRAID AND FLEW AWAY BECAUSE HOUSE WOOD AWAY HARD LAY IT IS ALL BECAUSE I AM SO UGLY SAID THE DUCKLING SO HE RAN AWAY" ], "begin_byte": 7561, "end_byte": 7652 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5320133, "duration": 332.5083125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "At last it was spring. The birds sang. The ugly duckling was big now. One day he flew far away. [Illustration: \"OH, SEE THE LOVELY SWAN!\"] Soon he saw three white swans on the lake. He said, \"I am going to see those birds. I am afraid they will kill me, for I am so ugly.\"", "AT LAST IT WAS SPRING THE BIRDS SANG THE UGLY DUCKLING WAS BIG NOW ONE DAY HE FLEW FAR AWAY SOON HE SAW THREE WHITE SWANS ON THE LAKE HE SAID I AM GOING TO SEE THOSE BIRDS I AM AFRAID THEY WILL KILL ME FOR I AM SO UGLY" ], "pre_texts": [ " looked as if it would fall down. It was so old. But the wind blew so hard that the duckling went into the house. [Illustration: THE UGLY DUCKLING FINDS THE OLD HOUSE.] An old woman lived there with her cat and her hen. The old woman said, \"I will keep the duck. I will have some eggs.\" * * * * * * * growl walk corner animals The next day, the cat saw the duckling and began to growl. The hen said, \"Can you lay eggs?\" The duckling said, \"No.\" \"Then keep still,\" said the hen. The cat said, \"Can you growl?\" [Illustration: THE CAT SAID, \"CAN YOU GROWL?\"] \"No,\" said the duckling. \"Then keep still,\" said the cat. And the duckling hid in a corner. The next day he went for a walk. He saw a big pond. He said, \"I will have a good swim.\" But all of the animals made fun of him. He was so ugly. * * * * * summer away cake winter swans spring flew bread leaves The summer went by. Then the leaves fell and it was very cold. The poor duckling had a hard time. It is too sad to tell what he did all winter.", "N THE BUSHES WERE AFRAID AND FLEW AWAY BECAUSE HOUSE WOOD AWAY HARD LAY IT IS ALL BECAUSE I AM SO UGLY SAID THE DUCKLING SO HE RAN AWAY AT NIGHT HE CAME TO AN OLD HOUSE THE HOUSE LOOKED AS IF IT WOULD FALL DOWN IT WAS SO OLD BUT THE WIND BLEW SO HARD THAT THE DUCKLING WENT INTO THE HOUSE AN OLD WOMAN LIVED THERE WITH HER CAT AND HER HEN THE OLD WOMAN SAID I WILL KEEP THE DUCK I WILL HAVE SOME EGGS GROWL WALK CRIMA ANIMALS THE NEXT DAY THE CAT SAW THE DUCKLING AND BEGAN TO GROWL THE HEN SAID CAN YOU LAY EGGS THE DUCKLING SAID NO THEN KEEP STILL SAID THE HEN THE CAT SAID CAN YOU GROWL NO SAID THE DUCKLING AND KEEP STILL SAID THE CAT AND THE DUCKLING HID IN A CORNER THE NEXT DAY HE WENT FOR A WALK HE SAW A BIG POND HE SAID I WILL HAVE A GOOD SWIM BUT ALL THE ANIMALS MADE FUN OF HIM HE WAS SO UGLY SUMMER AWAY CAKE WINTER SWAMS SPRING HALLO BREAD LEAVES THE SUMMER WENT BY THEN THE LEAVES FELL AND IT WAS VERY COLD THE POOR DUCKLING HAD A HARD TIME IT IS TOO SAD TO TELL WHAT HE DID ALL WINTER" ], "begin_byte": 8605, "end_byte": 8877 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_01_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5320133, "duration": 332.5083125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb_2", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Night came. A man came by with a bag. He saw the gold leaves. He took them all and put them into his bag. The poor little tree cried, \"I do not want gold leaves again. I will have glass leaves.\"", "NIGHT CAME A MAN CAME BY WITH A BAG HE SAW THE GOLD LEAVES HE TOOK THEM ALL AND PUT THEM INTO HIS BAG THE POOR LITTLE TREE CRIED I DO NOT WANT GOLD LEAVES AGAIN I WILL HAVE GLASS LEAVES" ], "pre_texts": [ "e those birds. I am afraid they will kill me, for I am so ugly.\" He put his head down to the water. What did he see? He saw himself in the water. But he was not an ugly duck. He was a white swan. The other swans came to see him. The children said, \"Oh, see the lovely swans. The one that came last is the best.\" And they gave him bread and cake. It was a happy time for the ugly duckling. THE LITTLE PINE TREE pine leaves other woods needles better fairy gold sleep A little pine tree was in the woods. It had no leaves. It had needles. The little tree said, \"I do not like needles. All the other trees in the woods have pretty leaves. I want leaves, too. But I will have better leaves. I want gold leaves.\" Night came and the little tree went to sleep. A fairy came by and gave it gold leaves. [Illustration: THE FAIRY GIVES THE PINK TREE GOLD LEAVES.] woke cried glass little again pretty When the little tree woke it had leaves of gold. It said, \"Oh, I am so pretty! No other tree has gold leaves.", " CHAPTER TWO OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITH THIS LIPPER BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN CHAPTER TWO THE LITTLE PINE TREE PINE BEES OTHER WOODS NEEDLES BATTLE FAIRY GOLD SLEEP A LITTLE PINE TREE WAS IN THE WOODS IT HAD NO LEAVES IT HAD NEEDLES THE LITTLE TREE SAID I DO NOT LIKE NEEDLES ALL THE OTHER TREES IN THE WOODS HAVE PRETTY LEAVES I WANT LEAVES TOO BUT I WILL HAVE BETTER LEAVES I WANT GOLD LEAVES NIGHT CAME AND THE LITTLE TREE WENT TO SLEEP A FAIRY CAME BY AND GAVE IT GOLD LEAVES WOKE CRIED LAUGH RED AH AND GONE PRETTY THE LITTLE TREE WOKE IT HAD LEAVES OF GOLD IT SAID OH I AM SO PRETTY NO OTHER TREE HAS GOLD LEAVES" ], "begin_byte": 9814, "end_byte": 10009 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2911040, "duration": 181.94, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.159, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "It said, \"Oh, I am so pretty! No other tree has gold leaves.\"", "IT SAID OH I AM SO PRETTY NO OTHER TREE HAS GOLD LEAVES" ], "pre_texts": [ "saw three white swans on the lake. He said, \"I am going to see those birds. I am afraid they will kill me, for I am so ugly.\" He put his head down to the water. What did he see? He saw himself in the water. But he was not an ugly duck. He was a white swan. The other swans came to see him. The children said, \"Oh, see the lovely swans. The one that came last is the best.\" And they gave him bread and cake. It was a happy time for the ugly duckling. THE LITTLE PINE TREE pine leaves other woods needles better fairy gold sleep A little pine tree was in the woods. It had no leaves. It had needles. The little tree said, \"I do not like needles. All the other trees in the woods have pretty leaves. I want leaves, too. But I will have better leaves. I want gold leaves.\" Night came and the little tree went to sleep. A fairy came by and gave it gold leaves. [Illustration: THE FAIRY GIVES THE PINK TREE GOLD LEAVES.] woke cried glass little again pretty When the little tree woke it had leaves of gold.", " CHAPTER TWO OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITH THIS LIPPER BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN CHAPTER TWO THE LITTLE PINE TREE PINE BEES OTHER WOODS NEEDLES BATTLE FAIRY GOLD SLEEP A LITTLE PINE TREE WAS IN THE WOODS IT HAD NO LEAVES IT HAD NEEDLES THE LITTLE TREE SAID I DO NOT LIKE NEEDLES ALL THE OTHER TREES IN THE WOODS HAVE PRETTY LEAVES I WANT LEAVES TOO BUT I WILL HAVE BETTER LEAVES I WANT GOLD LEAVES NIGHT CAME AND THE LITTLE TREE WENT TO SLEEP A FAIRY CAME BY AND GAVE IT GOLD LEAVES WOKE CRIED LAUGH RED AH AND GONE PRETTY THE LITTLE TREE WOKE IT HAD LEAVES OF GOLD" ], "begin_byte": 9753, "end_byte": 9814 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_02_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2911040, "duration": 181.94, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Some men found a little girl in the street. She was dead. In her hand were the burned matches.", "SOME MEN FOUND A LITTLE GIRL IN THE STREET SHE WAS DEAD IN HER HAND WERE THE BURNED MATCHES" ], "pre_texts": [ "ght went out. The lights on the Christmas tree went up, up--until she saw they were the stars. * * * * * * * grandma never before dying going been Then she saw a star fall. \"Some one is dying,\" said little Gretchen. Her grandma had been very good to the little girl. But she was dead. The grandma had said, \"When a star falls some one is going to God.\" The little girl lighted another match. It made a big light. Gretchen thought she saw her grandma. She never looked so pretty before. She looked so sweet and happy. * * * * * * * take goes \"O grandma,\" said the little girl, \"take me. When the light goes out you will go away. The stove and the turkey and the Christmas tree all went away.\" Then Gretchen lighted a bunch of matches. She wanted to keep her grandma with her. The matches made it very light. The grandma took the little girl in her arms. They went up, up--where they would never be cold or hungry. They were with God. * * * * * * * found next burned dead froze death The next day came.", "Y CANDLES WERE ON THE TREE IT WAS FULL OF PRETTY THINGS GRETCHEN PUT UP HER LITTLE HANDS THE LIGHT WENT OUT THE LIGHTS ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE WENT UP UNTIL SHE SAW THEY WERE THE STARS GRANDMA BEFORE DYING GOING BEING THEN SHE SAW A STAR FALL SOME ONE IS DYING SAID LITTLE GRETCHEN HER GRANDMA HAD BEEN VERY GOOD TO THE LITTLE GIRL BUT SHE WAS DEAD THE GRANDMA HAD SAID WHEN A STAR FALLS SOME ONE IS GOING TO GOD THE LITTLE GIRL LIGHTED ANOTHER MATCH IT MADE A BIG LIGHT GRETCHEN THOUGHT SHE SAW HER GRANDMA SHE NEVER LOOKED SO PRETTY BEFORE SHE LOOKED SO SWEET AND HAPPY TAKE GO OH GRANDMA SAID THE LITTLE GIRL TAKE ME WHEN THE LIGHT GOES OUT YOU WILL GO AWAY THE STOVE AND THE TURKEY AND THE CHRISTMAS TREE ALL WENT AWAY THEN GRETCHEN LIGHTED A BUNCH OF MATCHES SHE WANTED TO KEEP HER GRANDMA WITH HER THE MATCHES MADE IT VERY LIGHT THE GRANDMA TOOK THE LITTLE GIRL IN HER ARMS THEY WENT UP UP WHERE THEY WOULD NEVER BE COLD OR HUNGRY THEY WERE WITH GOD FOUND LOCKS AND DOD CURLS GO THE NEXT DAY CAME" ], "begin_byte": 14557, "end_byte": 14651 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5443129, "duration": 340.1955625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "* * * * * * * grandma never before dying going been Then she saw a star fall. \"Some one is dying,\" said little Gretchen.", "GRANDMA BEFORE DYING GOING BEING THEN SHE SAW A STAR FALL SOME ONE IS DYING SAID LITTLE GRETCHEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "er hands. The match looked like a little candle. Gretchen thought she was sitting by a big stove. It was so bright. She put the match near her feet, to warm them. Then the light went out. She did not think that she was by the stove any more. * * * * * * * another dishes roast table cloth ready fork knife turkey Gretchen lighted another match. Now she thought she could look into a room. In this room was a table. A white cloth and pretty dishes were on the table. There was a roast turkey, too. It was cooked and ready to eat. The knife and fork were in his back. The turkey jumped from the dish and ran to the little girl. The light went out and she was in the cold and dark again. Christmas candles many until Gretchen lighted another match. Then she thought she was sitting by a Christmas tree. Very many candles were on the tree. It was full of pretty things. Gretchen put up her little hands. The light went out. The lights on the Christmas tree went up, up--until she saw they were the stars.", "OK A MATCH AND LIGHTED IT TO WARM HER HANDS THE MATCH LOOKED LIKE A LITTLE CANDLE GRETCHEN THOUGHT SHE WAS SITTING BY A BIG STOVE IT WAS SO BRIGHT SHE PUT THE MATCH NEAR HER FEET TO WARM THEM THEN THE LIGHT WENT OUT SHE DID NOT THINK THAT SHE WAS BY THE STOVE ANY MORE AND NOW THERE DISHES ROAST TABLE CLOTH READY WORK KNIFE TURKEY GRETCHEN LIGHTED ANOTHER MATCH NOW SHE THOUGHT SHE COULD LOOK INTO A ROOM IN THIS ROOM WAS A TABLE A WHITE CLOTH AND PRETTY DISHES WERE ON THE TABLE THERE WAS A ROAST TURKEY TOO IT WAS COOKED AND READY TO EAT THE KNIFE AND FORK WERE IN HIS BACK THE TURKEY JUMPED FROM THE DISH AND RAN TO THE LITTLE GIRL THE LIGHT WENT OUT AND SHE WAS IN THE COLD AND DARK AGAIN CHRISTMAS CANDLES MAMMY AND TWO GRETCHEN LIGHTED ANOTHER MATCH THEN SHE THOUGHT SHE WAS SITTING BY A CHRISTMAS TREE VERY MANY CANDLES WERE ON THE TREE IT WAS FULL OF PRETTY THINGS GRETCHEN PUT UP HER LITTLE HANDS THE LIGHT WENT OUT THE LIGHTS ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE WENT UP UNTIL SHE SAW THEY WERE THE STARS" ], "begin_byte": 13651, "end_byte": 13771 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5443129, "duration": 340.1955625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "In her hand were the burned matches. They said, \"Poor little thing, she froze to death.\"", "IN HER HAND WERE THE BURNED MATCHES THEY SAID POOR LITTLE THING SHE FROZE TO DEATH" ], "pre_texts": [ "--until she saw they were the stars. * * * * * * * grandma never before dying going been Then she saw a star fall. \"Some one is dying,\" said little Gretchen. Her grandma had been very good to the little girl. But she was dead. The grandma had said, \"When a star falls some one is going to God.\" The little girl lighted another match. It made a big light. Gretchen thought she saw her grandma. She never looked so pretty before. She looked so sweet and happy. * * * * * * * take goes \"O grandma,\" said the little girl, \"take me. When the light goes out you will go away. The stove and the turkey and the Christmas tree all went away.\" Then Gretchen lighted a bunch of matches. She wanted to keep her grandma with her. The matches made it very light. The grandma took the little girl in her arms. They went up, up--where they would never be cold or hungry. They were with God. * * * * * * * found next burned dead froze death The next day came. Some men found a little girl in the street. She was dead.", "GRETCHEN PUT UP HER LITTLE HANDS THE LIGHT WENT OUT THE LIGHTS ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE WENT UP UNTIL SHE SAW THEY WERE THE STARS GRANDMA BEFORE DYING GOING BEING THEN SHE SAW A STAR FALL SOME ONE IS DYING SAID LITTLE GRETCHEN HER GRANDMA HAD BEEN VERY GOOD TO THE LITTLE GIRL BUT SHE WAS DEAD THE GRANDMA HAD SAID WHEN A STAR FALLS SOME ONE IS GOING TO GOD THE LITTLE GIRL LIGHTED ANOTHER MATCH IT MADE A BIG LIGHT GRETCHEN THOUGHT SHE SAW HER GRANDMA SHE NEVER LOOKED SO PRETTY BEFORE SHE LOOKED SO SWEET AND HAPPY TAKE GO OH GRANDMA SAID THE LITTLE GIRL TAKE ME WHEN THE LIGHT GOES OUT YOU WILL GO AWAY THE STOVE AND THE TURKEY AND THE CHRISTMAS TREE ALL WENT AWAY THEN GRETCHEN LIGHTED A BUNCH OF MATCHES SHE WANTED TO KEEP HER GRANDMA WITH HER THE MATCHES MADE IT VERY LIGHT THE GRANDMA TOOK THE LITTLE GIRL IN HER ARMS THEY WENT UP UP WHERE THEY WOULD NEVER BE COLD OR HUNGRY THEY WERE WITH GOD FOUND LOCKS AND DOD CURLS GO THE NEXT DAY CAME SOME MEN FOUND A LITTLE GIRL IN THE STREET SHE WAS DEAD" ], "begin_byte": 14615, "end_byte": 14703 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5443129, "duration": 340.1955625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "But she did not think about that. She saw lights in the houses. She smelled good things cooking. She said to herself, \"This is the last night of the year.\" * * * * * * * knew window fire money even pile Gretchen got colder and colder. She was afraid to go home. She knew her papa would whip her, if she did not take some money to him.", "BUT SHE DID NOT THINK ABOUT THAT SHE SAW LIGHTS IN THE HOUSES SHE SMELLED GOOD THINGS COOKING SHE SAID TO HERSELF THIS IS THE LAST NIGHT OF THE YEAR NEW WINDOW FIRE MANNY EVEN HIGHER GRETCHEN GOT COLDER AND COLDER SHE WAS AFRAID TO GO HOME SHE KNEW HER PAPA WOULD WHIP HER IF SHE DID NOT TAKE SOME MONEY TO HIM" ], "pre_texts": [ "eaves. I will not have green leaves, nor glass leaves, nor gold leaves. I like my needles best.\" [Illustration: THE PINE TREE WITH NEEDLES.] And the little tree went to sleep. The fairy gave it what it wanted. When it woke, it had its needles again. Then the little pine tree was happy. THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL. almost match across dark running bare year slippers fell It was very cold. The snow fell and it was almost dark. It was the last day of the year. A little match girl was running in the street. Her name was Gretchen. She had no hat on. Her feet were bare. When she left home, she had on some big slippers of her mama's. But they were so large that she lost them when she ran across the street. * * * * * * * apron curly lights bunch about smelled could matches cooking Gretchen had a lot of matches in her old apron. She had a little bunch in her hand. But she could not sell her matches. No one would buy them. Poor little Gretchen! She was cold and hungry. The snow fell on her curly hair.", " CHAPTER THREE OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITE THIS LIPPER BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN CHAPTER THREE THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL ALMOST MATCH ACROSS DARK RUNNING THERE YEAR SLIPPERS FELL IT WAS VERY COLD THE SNOW FELL AND IT WAS ALMOST DARK IT WAS THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR A LITTLE MATCH GIRL WAS RUNNING IN THE STREET HER NAME WAS GRETCHEN SHE HAD NO HAT ON HER FEET WERE BARE WHEN SHE LEFT HOME SHE HAD ON SOME BIG SLIPPERS OF HER MAMMA'S BUT THEY WERE SO LARGE THAT SHE LOST THEM WHEN SHE RAN ACROSS THE STREET APRON CURVY LIGHTS BUNCH ABOUT SMELLED COOK MATCHES COOKING GRETCHEN HAD A LOT OF MATCHES IN HER OLD APRON SHE HAD A LITTLE BUNCH IN HER HAND BUT SHE COULD NOT SELL HER MATCHES NO ONE WOULD BUY THEM POOR LITTLE GRETCHEN SHE WAS COLD AND HUNGRY THE SNOW FELL ON HER CURLY HAIR" ], "begin_byte": 11887, "end_byte": 12221 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_03_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 5443129, "duration": 340.1955625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Loki put on the falcon suit and flew away. He looked like a big bird flying.", "LOKI PUT ON THE FALCON SUIT AND FLEW AWAY HE LOOKED LIKE A BIG BIRD FLYING" ], "pre_texts": [ "m, the other day,\" said Loki. [Illustration: IDUN WITH HER APPLES.] strange show bring picked Idun knew there were no other apples like these, and she said, \"That is strange. I would like to see them.\" Loki said, \"Come with me and I will show them to you. It is only a little way. Bring your apples with you.\" As soon as Idun was out of the gates the eagle flew down. He picked her up in his claws. Then he flew away with her to his home. * * * * * after pale falcon passed story began Day after day passed and Idun did not come back. The gods did not have the golden apples to eat, so they began to get old. At last they said, \"Who let the apples go?\" Then Loki looked pale and the gods said, \"Loki, you did it.\" And Loki said, \"Yes, I did.\" [Illustration: THE GODS ASK WHERE IDUN IS.] He did not tell a story that time. Then Loki said, \"I will get Idun and the apples back, if I may have the falcon suit.\" * * * * * changed faster The gods said, \"You may have it, if you will bring the apples back.", " APPLES INTO A BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN BOX LOKI SAID GOOD MORNING IDEN THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL APPLES AND ODEN SAID YES THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL I SAW SOME JUST LIKE THEM THE OTHER DAY SAID LOKI STRANGE SHOW BRING PICKED IDA KNEW THERE WERE NO OTHER APPLES LIKE THESE AND SHE SAID THAT IS STRANGE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM LOKI SAID COME WITH ME AND I WILL SHOW THEM TO YOU IT IS ONLY A LITTLE WAY BRING YOUR APPLES WITH YOU AS SOON AS IDEN WAS OUT OF THE GATES THE EAGLE FLEW DOWN HE PICKED HER UP IN HIS CLAWS THEN HE FLEW AWAY WITH HER TO HIS HOME AFTER PALE FALKIN PAST STORY BEGAN DAY AFTER DAY PASSED AND IDEN DID NOT COME BACK THE GODS DID NOT HAVE THE GOLDEN APPLES TO EAT SO THEY BEGAN TO GET OLD AT LAST THEY SAID WHO LET THE APPLES GO THEN LOKI LOOKED PALE AND THE GODS SAID LOKI YOU DID IT AND LOKI SAID YES I DID HE DID NOT TELL A STORY THAT TIME THEN LOKI SAID I WILL GET EIDEN AND THE APPLES BACK IF I MAY HAVE THE FALCON SUIT CHANGED FAST THE GODS SAID YOU MAY HAVE IT IF YOU WILL BRING THE APPLES BACK" ], "begin_byte": 21157, "end_byte": 21234 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_5", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then Loki said, \"I will get Idun and the apples back, if I may have the falcon suit.\" * * * * * changed faster The gods said, \"You may have it, if you will bring the apples back.\"", "THEN LOKI SAID I WILL GET EIDEN AND THE APPLES BACK IF I MAY HAVE THE FALCON SUIT CHANGED FAST THE GODS SAID YOU MAY HAVE IT IF YOU WILL BRING THE APPLES BACK" ], "pre_texts": [ "beautiful golden box. [Illustration: LOKI AND IDUN] Loki said, \"Good morning, Idun Those are beautiful apples.\" And Idun said, \"Yes, they are beautiful.\" \"I saw some just like them, the other day,\" said Loki. [Illustration: IDUN WITH HER APPLES.] strange show bring picked Idun knew there were no other apples like these, and she said, \"That is strange. I would like to see them.\" Loki said, \"Come with me and I will show them to you. It is only a little way. Bring your apples with you.\" As soon as Idun was out of the gates the eagle flew down. He picked her up in his claws. Then he flew away with her to his home. * * * * * after pale falcon passed story began Day after day passed and Idun did not come back. The gods did not have the golden apples to eat, so they began to get old. At last they said, \"Who let the apples go?\" Then Loki looked pale and the gods said, \"Loki, you did it.\" And Loki said, \"Yes, I did.\" [Illustration: THE GODS ASK WHERE IDUN IS.] He did not tell a story that time.", "WILL GET THE APPLES FOR YOU LOKI AND THE EAGLE WENT TO THE CITY THE EAGLE STAYED BY THE GATE BUT LOKI WENT INTO THE CITY HE WENT UP TO IDEN SHE WAS PUTTING THE APPLES INTO A BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN BOX LOKI SAID GOOD MORNING IDEN THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL APPLES AND ODEN SAID YES THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL I SAW SOME JUST LIKE THEM THE OTHER DAY SAID LOKI STRANGE SHOW BRING PICKED IDA KNEW THERE WERE NO OTHER APPLES LIKE THESE AND SHE SAID THAT IS STRANGE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM LOKI SAID COME WITH ME AND I WILL SHOW THEM TO YOU IT IS ONLY A LITTLE WAY BRING YOUR APPLES WITH YOU AS SOON AS IDEN WAS OUT OF THE GATES THE EAGLE FLEW DOWN HE PICKED HER UP IN HIS CLAWS THEN HE FLEW AWAY WITH HER TO HIS HOME AFTER PALE FALKIN PAST STORY BEGAN DAY AFTER DAY PASSED AND IDEN DID NOT COME BACK THE GODS DID NOT HAVE THE GOLDEN APPLES TO EAT SO THEY BEGAN TO GET OLD AT LAST THEY SAID WHO LET THE APPLES GO THEN LOKI LOOKED PALE AND THE GODS SAID LOKI YOU DID IT AND LOKI SAID YES I DID HE DID NOT TELL A STORY THAT TIME" ], "begin_byte": 20978, "end_byte": 21157 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_8", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.399, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Then the giant put on his eagle suit and flew after Loki. Loki heard the eagle coming. Loki flew faster.", "THEN THE GIANT PUT ON HIS EAGLE SUIT AND FLEW AFTER LOKI LOKI HEARD THE EAGLE COMING LOKI FLEW FASTER" ], "pre_texts": [ "f the gates the eagle flew down. He picked her up in his claws. Then he flew away with her to his home. * * * * * after pale falcon passed story began Day after day passed and Idun did not come back. The gods did not have the golden apples to eat, so they began to get old. At last they said, \"Who let the apples go?\" Then Loki looked pale and the gods said, \"Loki, you did it.\" And Loki said, \"Yes, I did.\" [Illustration: THE GODS ASK WHERE IDUN IS.] He did not tell a story that time. Then Loki said, \"I will get Idun and the apples back, if I may have the falcon suit.\" * * * * * changed faster The gods said, \"You may have it, if you will bring the apples back.\" Loki put on the falcon suit and flew away. He looked like a big bird flying. When Loki came to the giant's home, he was glad the giant was not there. He changed Idun into a nut and then flew away with the nut. [Illustration: THE GIANT SEES THE BIRD FLY AWAY] When the giant came home, Idun was gone. The golden apples were gone, too.", "NGE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM LOKI SAID COME WITH ME AND I WILL SHOW THEM TO YOU IT IS ONLY A LITTLE WAY BRING YOUR APPLES WITH YOU AS SOON AS IDEN WAS OUT OF THE GATES THE EAGLE FLEW DOWN HE PICKED HER UP IN HIS CLAWS THEN HE FLEW AWAY WITH HER TO HIS HOME AFTER PALE FALKIN PAST STORY BEGAN DAY AFTER DAY PASSED AND IDEN DID NOT COME BACK THE GODS DID NOT HAVE THE GOLDEN APPLES TO EAT SO THEY BEGAN TO GET OLD AT LAST THEY SAID WHO LET THE APPLES GO THEN LOKI LOOKED PALE AND THE GODS SAID LOKI YOU DID IT AND LOKI SAID YES I DID HE DID NOT TELL A STORY THAT TIME THEN LOKI SAID I WILL GET EIDEN AND THE APPLES BACK IF I MAY HAVE THE FALCON SUIT CHANGED FAST THE GODS SAID YOU MAY HAVE IT IF YOU WILL BRING THE APPLES BACK LOKI PUT ON THE FALCON SUIT AND FLEW AWAY HE LOOKED LIKE A BIG BIRD FLYING WHEN LOKI CAME TO THE GIANT'S HOME HE WAS GLAD THE GIANT WAS NOT THERE HE CHANGED IDEN INTO A NUT AND THEN FLEW AWAY WITH THE NUT WHEN THE GIANT CAME HOME IDEN WAS GONE THE GOLDEN APPLES WERE GONE TOO" ], "begin_byte": 21492, "end_byte": 21596 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "At last they said, \"Who let the apples go?\" Then Loki looked pale and the gods said, \"Loki, you did it.\"", "AT LAST THEY SAID WHO LET THE APPLES GO THEN LOKI LOOKED PALE AND THE GODS SAID LOKI YOU DID IT" ], "pre_texts": [ "oki said, \"I can't stand this. I will get the apples for you.\" Loki and the eagle went to the city. The eagle stayed by the gate, but Loki went into the city. He went up to Idun. She was putting the apples into a beautiful golden box. [Illustration: LOKI AND IDUN] Loki said, \"Good morning, Idun Those are beautiful apples.\" And Idun said, \"Yes, they are beautiful.\" \"I saw some just like them, the other day,\" said Loki. [Illustration: IDUN WITH HER APPLES.] strange show bring picked Idun knew there were no other apples like these, and she said, \"That is strange. I would like to see them.\" Loki said, \"Come with me and I will show them to you. It is only a little way. Bring your apples with you.\" As soon as Idun was out of the gates the eagle flew down. He picked her up in his claws. Then he flew away with her to his home. * * * * * after pale falcon passed story began Day after day passed and Idun did not come back. The gods did not have the golden apples to eat, so they began to get old.", "LES OF IDEN BUT LOKI SAID I CAN'T DO THAT BUMPED ATE PUDDING STAID GOLDEN SO THE EAGLE BUMPED HIM ON THE STONES AGAIN THEN LOKI SAID I CAN'T STAND THIS I WILL GET THE APPLES FOR YOU LOKI AND THE EAGLE WENT TO THE CITY THE EAGLE STAYED BY THE GATE BUT LOKI WENT INTO THE CITY HE WENT UP TO IDEN SHE WAS PUTTING THE APPLES INTO A BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN BOX LOKI SAID GOOD MORNING IDEN THOSE ARE BEAUTIFUL APPLES AND ODEN SAID YES THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL I SAW SOME JUST LIKE THEM THE OTHER DAY SAID LOKI STRANGE SHOW BRING PICKED IDA KNEW THERE WERE NO OTHER APPLES LIKE THESE AND SHE SAID THAT IS STRANGE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THEM LOKI SAID COME WITH ME AND I WILL SHOW THEM TO YOU IT IS ONLY A LITTLE WAY BRING YOUR APPLES WITH YOU AS SOON AS IDEN WAS OUT OF THE GATES THE EAGLE FLEW DOWN HE PICKED HER UP IN HIS CLAWS THEN HE FLEW AWAY WITH HER TO HIS HOME AFTER PALE FALKIN PAST STORY BEGAN DAY AFTER DAY PASSED AND IDEN DID NOT COME BACK THE GODS DID NOT HAVE THE GOLDEN APPLES TO EAT SO THEY BEGAN TO GET OLD" ], "begin_byte": 20765, "end_byte": 20869 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_21", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "One was Thor and one was Loki. Loki was ugly and mean. The gods liked to walk over the hills and rocks.", "ONE WAS THOR AND ONE WAS LOKI LOKI WAS UGLY AND MEAN THE GODS LIKED TO WALK OVER THE HILLS AND ROCKS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ma, see the cake and butter mama has sent you.\" \"Thank you, dear, put them on the table and come here.\" * * * * * * * better hear eyes ears how teeth ate cruel poor When Red Riding-Hood went near the bed, she said, \"Oh, grandma, how big your arms are!\" \"The better to hug you, my dear.\" \"How big your ears are, grandma.\" \"The better to hear you, my dear.\" \"How big your eyes are, grandma.\" \"The better to see you, my dear.\" \"How big your teeth are, grandma!\" \"The better to eat you.\" Then the cruel wolf jumped up and ate poor little Red Riding-Hood. * * * * * * * just hunter scream killed heard open Just then a hunter came by. He heard Red Riding-Hood scream. The hunter ran into the house and killed the old wolf. [Illustration: THE GRANDMOTHER, THE HUNTER AND LITTLE RED RIDING- HOOD.] When he cut the wolf open, out jumped Little Red Riding-Hood and her grandma. THE APPLES OF IDUN. once hills field journey rocks cattle walked pieces three Once upon a time three of the gods went on a journey.", " CHAPTER FIVE OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITH THIS LIP OF OX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN CHAPTER FIVE THE APPLES OF IDA WHITES HILLS FIELD JOURNEY ROCKS CATTLE WALKED PIECES THREE ONCE UPON A TIME THREE OF THE GODS WENT ON A JOURNEY" ], "begin_byte": 17535, "end_byte": 17638 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_29", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "* * * * * bumped gate putting stayed golden morning So the eagle bumped him on the stones again. Then Loki said, \"I can't stand this. I will get the apples for you.\"", "BUMPED ATE PUDDING STAID GOLDEN SO THE EAGLE BUMPED HIM ON THE STONES AGAIN THEN LOKI SAID I CAN'T STAND THIS I WILL GET THE APPLES FOR YOU" ], "pre_texts": [ "ws. The other end stuck to Loki. Then the eagle flew away. He did not fly high. He flew just high enough for Loki to hit against the stones. * * * * * please giant flying tried feathers suit Loki said, \"Please let me go! Oh, please let me go!\" But the eagle said, \"No, you tried to kill me. I will not let you go.\" And the eagle hit him against the stones. Loki said again, \"Please let me go!\" But the eagle said, \"No, I have you now.\" Then Loki knew the eagle was a giant and not a bird. This giant had a suit of eagle's feathers. He was flying in his eagle suit when he saw Loki. * * * * * city beautiful apples felt growing young Now the gods lived in a city named Asgard. In this city Idun kept the beautiful golden apples. When the gods felt they were growing old, they ate the apples and were young again. The giant wanted to be like the gods. So he said to Loki, \"I will let you go, if you will get me the apples of Idun.\" [Illustration: IDUN WITH HER APPLES.] But Loki said, \"I can't do that.", "KI CROSS FOR HE WAS VERY HUNGRY HE TOOK A LONG PULL TO HIT THE EAGLE BUT THE POLE STUCK TO THE EAGLE'S CLAWS THE OTHER END STUCK TO LOKI THEN THE EAGLE FLEW AWAY HE DID NOT FLY HIGH HE FLEW JUST HIGH ENOUGH FOR LOKI TO HIT AGAINST THE STONES PLEASE GIANT FLYING TRIED FEATHERS SHOOT LOKI SAID PLEASE LET ME GO OH PLEASE LET ME GO BUT THE EAGLE SAID NO YOU TRY TO KILL ME I WILL NOT LET YOU GO AND THE EAGLE HIT HIM AGAINST THE STONES LOKI SAID AGAIN PLEASE LET ME GO BUT THE EAGLE SAID NO I HAVE YOU THEN LOKI KNEW THE EAGLE WAS A GIANT AND NOT A BIRD THIS GIANT HAD A SUIT OF EAGLE'S FEATHERS HE WAS FLYING IN HIS EAGLE SUIT WHEN HE SAW LOKI CITY BEAUTIFUL APPLES FELT GROWING YOUNG NOW THE GODS LIVED IN A CITY NAMED ASGARD IN THIS CITY IDEN KEPT THE BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN APPLES WHEN THE GODS FELT THEY WERE GROWING OLD THEY ATE THE APPLES AND WERE YOUNG AGAIN THE GIANT WANTED TO BE LIKE THE GODS SO HE SAID TO LOKI I WILL LET YOU GO IF YOU WILL GET ME THE APPLES OF IDEN BUT LOKI SAID I CAN'T DO THAT" ], "begin_byte": 19660, "end_byte": 19826 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb_43", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.24, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "once hills field journey rocks cattle walked pieces three Once upon a time three of the gods went on a journey. One was Thor and one was Loki. Loki was ugly and mean. The gods liked to walk over the hills and rocks.", "DOMAIN CHAPTER FIVE THE APPLES OF IDA WHITES HILLS FIELD JOURNEY ROCKS CATTLE WALKED PIECES THREE ONCE UPON A TIME THREE OF THE GODS WENT ON A JOURNEY ONE WAS THOR AND ONE WAS LOKI LOKI WAS UGLY AND MEAN THE GODS LIKED TO WALK OVER THE HILLS AND ROCKS" ], "pre_texts": [ "grandma.\" Then the wolf said, \"Pull the string and the door will open.\" When she went in, she said, \"Look, grandma, see the cake and butter mama has sent you.\" \"Thank you, dear, put them on the table and come here.\" * * * * * * * better hear eyes ears how teeth ate cruel poor When Red Riding-Hood went near the bed, she said, \"Oh, grandma, how big your arms are!\" \"The better to hug you, my dear.\" \"How big your ears are, grandma.\" \"The better to hear you, my dear.\" \"How big your eyes are, grandma.\" \"The better to see you, my dear.\" \"How big your teeth are, grandma!\" \"The better to eat you.\" Then the cruel wolf jumped up and ate poor little Red Riding-Hood. * * * * * * * just hunter scream killed heard open Just then a hunter came by. He heard Red Riding-Hood scream. The hunter ran into the house and killed the old wolf. [Illustration: THE GRANDMOTHER, THE HUNTER AND LITTLE RED RIDING- HOOD.] When he cut the wolf open, out jumped Little Red Riding-Hood and her grandma. THE APPLES OF IDUN.", " CHAPTER FIVE OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITH THIS LIP OF OX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC" ], "begin_byte": 17423, "end_byte": 17638 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_05_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6390178, "duration": 399.386125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Brok took out the gold ring. He said, \"Each night this ring will throw off a ring just like it. He gave the ring to Odin.\" Then Brok took out the golden pig. He said, \"This pig can go anywhere, on the ground or in the air. It can go faster than any horse.", "BROK TOOK OUT THE GOLD RING HE SAID EACH NIGHT THIS RING WILL THROW OFF A RING JUST LIKE IT HE GAVE THE RING TO ODIN THEN BROK TOOK OUT THE GOLDEN PIG HE SAID THIS PIG CAN GO ANYWHERE ON THE GROUND OR IN THE AIR IT CAN GO FASTER THAN ANY HORSE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ion: THE DWARFS WITH THE GOLDEN PIG, THE RING AND THE HAMMER.] \"There!\" he said, \"You have almost spoiled it. The handle is too short, but it cannot be helped now.\" * * * * * hurried proud came pocket Brok hurried up to Asgard with his things. All the gods came around to see. Then Loki came up to show his things. He put the crown of gold on Sif's head and it began to grow like real hair. He gave the spear to Odin and said, \"This spear will never miss its mark.\" [Illustration: SIF WITH THE GOLDEN CROWN] Then he took out the ship. He said, \"This is a wonderful ship. It will sail on any sea, and yet you can fold it up and put it into your pocket.\" Loki felt very proud, for he thought his things were the best. * * * * * fold sail afraid sorry each ring shining faster gave All the gods felt very sorry for little Brok. They thought Loki's things were fine. They were afraid Brok's would not be so nice. [Illustration: BROK SHOWS HIS THINGS TO THE GODS.] They said, \"Now, Brok, show your things.", "UE THE SAME MEAN FLY CAME AGAIN AND BIT HIM ON THE FOREHEAD IT BIT SO HARD THAT THE BLOOD RAN INTO HIS EYES BROC PUT UP HIS HAND TO BRUSH AWAY THE FLY JUST THEN CINDER CAME BACK HE TOOK THE HAMMER OUT OF THE FIRE THERE HE SAID YOU HAVE ALMOST SPOILED IT THE HANDLE IS TOO SHORT BUT IT CANNOT BE HELPED NOW HURRIED PROUD CAIN POKY BROK HURRIED UP TO ASGARD WITH HIS THINGS ALL THE GODS CAME AROUND TO SEE THEN LOKI CAME UP TO SHOW HIS THINGS HE PUT THE CROWN OF GOLD ON SIF'S HEAD AND IT BEGAN TO GROW LIKE REAL HAIR HE GAVE THE SPEAR TO ODIN AND SAID THIS SPEAR WILL NEVER MISS ITS MARK THEN HE TOOK OUT THE SHIP HE SAID THIS IS A WONDERFUL SHIP IT WILL SAIL ON ANY SEA AND YET YOU CAN FOLD IT UP AND PUT IT INTO YOUR POCKET LOKI FELT VERY PROUD FOR HE THOUGHT HIS THINGS WERE THE BEST FOLD SAIL AFRAID SORRY EACH RING SHINING FASTER GAVE ALL THE GODS FELT VERY SORRY FOR LITTLE BROK THEY THOUGHT LOKI'S THINGS WERE FINE THEY WERE AFRAID BROKS WOULD NOT BE SO NICE THEY SAID NOW BROK SHOW YOUR THINGS" ], "begin_byte": 27817, "end_byte": 28073 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9600059, "duration": 600.0036875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "The dwarfs said, \"Yes, we can.\" So the busy little dwarfs worked all night.", "THE DWARF SAID YES WE CAN SO THE BUSY LITTLE DWARFS WORKED ALL NIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "body has cut it off. It was a man. He ran away with it.\" * * * * * angry mischief right getting cutting something Then Thor was very angry. He said, \"I know it was Loki. He is always getting into mischief. Just wait until I get him!\" And Thor went out to find Loki. Pretty soon he found him. Thor said, \"Did you cut off Sif's hair?\" Loki said, \"Yes, I did.\" \"Then you must pay for cutting off my wife's hair,\" said Thor. [Illustration: \"DID YOU CUT OFF SIF'S HAIR?\"] \"All right,\" said Loki, \"I will get you something better than the hair.\" * * * * * ground thumb beads dwarfs crooked crown worked Loki went down, down into the ground to the home of the dwarfs. It was very dark down there. The only light came from the dwarfs' fires. The dwarfs were ugly little black men. They were not any bigger than your thumb. They had crooked backs and crooked legs. Their eyes looked like black beads. [Illustration: LOKI AND THE DWARFS.] Loki said, \"Can you make me a gold crown that will grow like real hair?", "CYTH SITH HE CALLED WHERE ARE YOU BUT SITH DID NOT ANSWER THOR LOOKED ALL AROUND THE HOUSE AT LAST HE FOUND HER CRYING OH THOR LOOK ALL MY HAIR IS GONE SOMEBODY HAS CUT IT OFF IT WAS A MAN HE RAN AWAY WITH IT ANGRY MISCHIEF RIGHT GETTING CUTTING SOMETHING THEN THOR WAS VERY ANGRY HE SAID I KNOW IT WAS LOKI HE IS ALWAYS GETTING INTO MISCHIEF JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET HIM AND THOR WENT OUT TO FIND LOKI PRETTY SOON HE FOUND HIM THOR SAID DID YOU CUT OFF SIF'S HAIR LOKI SAID YES I DID THEN YOU MUST PAY FOR CUTTING OFF MY WIFE'S HAIR SAID THOR ALL RIGHT SAID LOKI I WILL GET YOU SOMETHING BETTER THAN THE HAIR GROUND THUMB BEAT COOKED CROWN WHIPPED LOKI WENT DOWN DOWN INTO THE GROUND TO THE HOME OF THE DWARFS IT WAS VERY DARK DOWN THERE THE ONLY LIGHT CAME FROM THE DWARFS FIRES THE DWARFS WERE UGLY LITTLE BLACK MEN THEY WERE NOT ANY BIGGER THAN YOUR THUMB THEY HAD CROOKED BACKS AND CROOKED LEGS THEIR EYES LOOKED LIKE BLACK BEADS LOKI SAID CAN YOU MAKE ME A GOLD CROWN THAT WILL GROW LIKE REAL HAIR" ], "begin_byte": 24033, "end_byte": 24109 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9600059, "duration": 600.0036875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb_37", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.159, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "Loki came along. He was always playing tricks. He saw Sif lying asleep.", "LOKI CAME ALONG HE WAS ALWAYS PLAYING TRICKS HE SAW CYTH LYING ASLEEP" ], "pre_texts": [ " BIRD FLY AWAY] When the giant came home, Idun was gone. The golden apples were gone, too. Then the giant put on his eagle suit and flew after Loki. Loki heard the eagle coming. Loki flew faster. * * * * * breath over changed walls blazed burned Poor Loki was all out of breath. The eagle flew faster and faster. Then the gods got on the walls to look for Loki. They saw him coming and the eagle after him. So they made fires on the walls. At last Loki flew over the walls. Then the gods lighted the fires. The fires blazed up. The eagle flew into the fire and was burned. As soon as Loki put the nut down, it changed to Idun. The gods ate the beautiful golden apples and were young again. [Illustration] HOW THOR GOT THE HAMMER. proud porch lying journeys tricks wife always alone asleep Sif was Thor's wife. Sif had long golden hair. Thor was very proud of Sif's golden hair. Thor was always going on long journeys. One day he went off and left Sif alone. She went out on the porch and fell asleep.", " CHAPTER SIX OF A PRIMARY READER BY E LOUISE SMITH THIS LIVER BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN CHAPTER SIX HOW THOR GOT THE HAMMER PROUD PUT LYING JOURNEYS TRICKS WIFE ALWAYS ALONE ASLEEP SIFF WAS THOR'S WIFE CYTH HAD LONG GOLDEN HAIR THOR WAS VERY PROUD OF CIFT'S GOLDEN HAIR THOR WAS ALWAYS GOING ON LONG JOURNEYS ONE DAY HE WENT OFF AND LEFT SCYTH ALONE SHE WENT OUT ON THE PORCH AND FELL ASLEEP" ], "begin_byte": 22402, "end_byte": 22473 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9600059, "duration": 600.0036875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb_43", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.759, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "* * * * * ground thumb beads dwarfs crooked crown worked Loki went down, down into the ground to the home of the dwarfs. It was very dark down there.", "GROUND THUMB BEAT COOKED CROWN WHIPPED LOKI WENT DOWN DOWN INTO THE GROUND TO THE HOME OF THE DWARFS IT WAS VERY DARK DOWN THERE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ff Sif's golden hair. * * * * * where around crying answer found somebody When Sif woke up and saw that her hair was gone, she cried and cried. Then she ran to hide. She did not want Thor to see her. When Thor came home, he could not find Sif. \"Sif! Sif!\" he called, \"Where are you?\" But Sif did not answer. Thor looked all around the house. At last he found her crying. [Illustration: \"OH THOR, ALL MY HAIR, IS GONE!\"] \"Oh, Thor, look, all my hair is gone! Somebody has cut it off. It was a man. He ran away with it.\" * * * * * angry mischief right getting cutting something Then Thor was very angry. He said, \"I know it was Loki. He is always getting into mischief. Just wait until I get him!\" And Thor went out to find Loki. Pretty soon he found him. Thor said, \"Did you cut off Sif's hair?\" Loki said, \"Yes, I did.\" \"Then you must pay for cutting off my wife's hair,\" said Thor. [Illustration: \"DID YOU CUT OFF SIF'S HAIR?\"] \"All right,\" said Loki, \"I will get you something better than the hair.", "D FELL ASLEEP LOKI CAME ALONG HE WAS ALWAYS PLAYING TRICKS HE SAW CYTH LYING ASLEEP HE SAID I AM GOING TO CUT OFF HER HAIR SO LOKI WENT UP ON THE PORCH AND CUT OFF SCYTH'S GOLDEN HAIR WHERE AROUND CRYING ANSWER FOUND SOMEBODY WHEN CITH WOKE UP AND SAW THAT HER HAIR WAS GONE SHE CRIED AND CRIED THEN SHE RAN TO HIDE SHE DID NOT WANT THOR TO SEE HER WHEN THOR CAME HOME HE COULD NOT FIND SCYTH SCYTH SITH HE CALLED WHERE ARE YOU BUT SITH DID NOT ANSWER THOR LOOKED ALL AROUND THE HOUSE AT LAST HE FOUND HER CRYING OH THOR LOOK ALL MY HAIR IS GONE SOMEBODY HAS CUT IT OFF IT WAS A MAN HE RAN AWAY WITH IT ANGRY MISCHIEF RIGHT GETTING CUTTING SOMETHING THEN THOR WAS VERY ANGRY HE SAID I KNOW IT WAS LOKI HE IS ALWAYS GETTING INTO MISCHIEF JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET HIM AND THOR WENT OUT TO FIND LOKI PRETTY SOON HE FOUND HIM THOR SAID DID YOU CUT OFF SIF'S HAIR LOKI SAID YES I DID THEN YOU MUST PAY FOR CUTTING OFF MY WIFE'S HAIR SAID THOR ALL RIGHT SAID LOKI I WILL GET YOU SOMETHING BETTER THAN THE HAIR" ], "begin_byte": 23571, "end_byte": 23721 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_06_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 9600059, "duration": 600.0036875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_07_smythe_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_07_smythe_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "10245", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"How thirsty she is!\" said the Frost Giants. Loki said, \"Yes, she is very thirsty. She was so glad to come. She did not drink anything for eight days.\"", "HOW THIRSTY SHE IS SAID THE FROST GIANTS LOKI SAID YES SHE IS VERY THIRSTY SHE WAS SO GLAD TO COME SHE DID NOT DRINK ANYTHING FOR EIGHT DAYS" ], "pre_texts": [ "\"Well, that is the only way we can get the hammer back.\" Thor said, \"I do not like to dress like a girl, but I will do it.\" Then they dressed Thor up like Freyja. They put on Freyja's dress, necklace and vail, and braided his hair. Loki said, \"I will dress up too, and be your servant.\" They got into Thor's goat wagon and went to the Giants' home. [Illustration: THOR AND LOKI APPROACH THE HOUSE OF THE GIANTS] * * * * * dinner salmon mead whole thirsty barrels When the Frost Giants saw them coming, they said, \"Get ready, here comes the bride! We will sit down to the table as soon as they come.\" The dinner was ready on time. The table was full of good things. All sat down. The bride ate a whole ox and eight salmon before the others had a bite. \"She must be very hungry,\" the Frost Giants said. \"Yes,\" Loki said, \"she was so glad to come. She hasn't eaten anything for eight days.\" Then they brought in the mead. [Illustration: THOR AND LOKI MET BY THRYM] The bride drank three barrels of mead.", " THE GODS SAID THOR YOU MUST DRESS LIKE FREYA YOU WILL HAVE TO PLAY YOU OR THE BRIDE THOR SAID I WON'T DO IT YOU WILL ALL LAUGH AT ME I WON'T DRESS UP LIKE A GIRL THEY SAID WELL THAT IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN GET THE HAMMER BACK THOR SAID I DO NOT LIKE TO DRESS LIKE A GIRL BUT I WILL DO IT THEN THEY DRESSED THOR UP LIKE FRERE THEY PUT ON FRERE'S DRESS NECKLACE AND VEIL AND BRAIDED HIS HAIR LOKI SAID I WILL DRESS UP TOO AND BE YOUR SERVANT THEY GOT INTO THOR'S GOAT WAGON AND WENT TO THE GIANT'S HOME DINNER SALMON ME OH THIRSTY BARRELS WHEN THE FROST GIANTS SAW THEM COMING THEY SAID GET READY HERE COMES THE BRIDE WE WILL SIT DOWN TO TABLE AS SOON AS THEY COME THE DINNER WAS READY ON TIME THE TABLE WAS FULL OF GOOD THINGS ALL SAT DOWN THE BRIDE ATE A WHOLE OX AND ATE SALMON BEFORE THE OTHERS HAD A BITE SHE MUST BE VERY HUNGRY THE FROST GIANTS SAID YES LOKI SAID SHE WAS SO GLAD TO COME SHE HASN'T EATEN ANYTHING FOR EIGHT DAYS THEN THEY BROUGHT IN THE MEAD THE BRIDE DRANK THREE BARRELS OF MEAD" ], "begin_byte": 33186, "end_byte": 33337 } } ]
{ "id": "large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_07_smythe_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/10245/primaryreader_1605_librivox_64kb_mp3/primaryreader_07_smythe_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6206416, "duration": 387.901, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Primary Reader Oldtime Stories Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children/text.txt" }