NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION File Name: 12a0864n.06 No. 11-5516 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT FILED CALVIN O. TANKESLY, JR., Aug 08, 2012 Petitioner, LEONARD GREEN, Clerk v. ON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE TOMMY MILLS, Warden, MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNESSEE Respondent. / BEFORE: GUY and CLAY, Circuit Judges; HOOD, District Judge.* CLAY, Circuit Judge. Petitioner Calvin Tankesly, a Tennessee state prisoner, appeals an order denying his petition for writ of habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2254, in which he challenges his convictions for rape of a child and attempted rape of a child. Petitioner contends that trial counsel’s conduct in moving to suppress four hundred items of women’s undergarments found in his home and car did not protect his Fourth Amendment rights. Because Petitioner has not proven his entitlement to relief under Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984), we AFFIRM the district court’s judgment. * The Honorable Denise Page Hood, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan, sitting by designation. No. 11-5516 FACTUAL BACKGROUND Petitioner was accused of sexually assaulting a six-year-old girl in the laundry room of his apartment complex on May 6, 1995. During their investigation, law enforcement officers executed a warrant to search Petitioner’s home and car. The search warrant directed officers to seize, among other things, cameras, photographs depicting juveniles engaged in sexual activity, magazines depicting sexual activity, sex toys, and clothing described by the victim and witnesses as worn by the assailant. During the search, officers found and seized over four hundred items of women’s undergarments from Petitioner’s home and car. These undergarments were not listed in the warrant as items subject to seizure. Petitioner was indicted for rape and attempted rape in October 1995. Prior to trial, the parties litigated the admissibility of the four hundred undergarments. At a motions hearing on December 4, 1997, the prosecution sought to introduce the undergarments as evidence of “other acts” of sexual misconduct by Petitioner demonstrating his identity as the assailant. See Tenn. R. Evid. 404(b) (“Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts [may] be admissible for [non-character] purposes.”). Petitioner had recently pleaded no contest to a factually similar crime in a nearby county, where he allegedly offered the victim a pair of women’s undergarments. Thus, the prosecution argued that the undergarments helped prove Petitioner’s identity as the assailant in the instant case. Defense counsel moved in limine to prohibit the prosecution from offering the undergarments for admission into evidence. Counsel vigorously contended that the undergarments did not prove Petitioner’s identity and would prejudice him before the jury. The trial court admitted the undergarments, reasoning that they were probative of the assailant’s identity. 2 No. 11-5516 Defense counsel also moved to suppress the undergarments on the basis of a Fourth Amendment violation. Petitioner’s ineffective assistance claim arises from counsel’s conduct in pursuing this motion. During the December 4, 1997 motions hearing, defense counsel stated his intent to move to suppress the undergarments as obtained beyond the scope of the search warrant. Counsel first explained that he had not moved to suppress the evidence earlier because Petitioner had entered into a plea bargain on a similar charge in a nearby jurisdiction in which he waived his right to contest the search warrant’s execution. Counsel then stated the basis for the forthcoming motion to suppress: Your honor, I will be candid with you, I have reviewed a lot of the . . . police files. At that time it was my understanding, my recollection, there is nothing in the search warrant that said that [officers] could seize women’s underwear. So, then, we’ve come in on the day—less than thirty days, on the eve of trial, they’re saying, “Hey, we’re going to introduce this stuff.” Well my client didn’t—waived all that right to contest that search when he entered a plea of guilty. So we’re back now that I probably need to file a motion to suppress, and suppress all that. The trial judge stated that he would be available to hear oral argument on the motion to suppress in court the next day. Later in the day on December 4, counsel filed a one-page motion to suppress. The motion briefly stated that a search was conducted on Petitioner’s home on May 30, 1995, that “the search warrant was . . . in violation of the Fourth Amendment,” and that the court should suppress “the items or information found as a result of [the] search.” On December 5, counsel filed an amended motion, further explaining that “items seized [during the search] were not specifically includ[ed] in the search warrant, to-wit: women’s undergarments.” 3 No. 11-5516 It appears that this motion was argued orally before the trial court, but the record leaves some doubt on this point. A minute entry from the first morning of trial states briefly that Petitioner’s motion to suppress was denied. In a trial colloquy with the prosecution prior to the undergarments’ admission, the trial judge explained that he had “overruled the motion to suppress.” However, absent from the record is the transcript of any oral argument setting out the factual and legal grounds for the ruling on the suppression motion. Petitioner’s trial commenced on December 8, 1997. According to the evidence presented at trial, the victim was at her aunt’s apartment on the date of the attack and visited the apartment complex’s laundry room to buy her aunt a soft drink. As the victim walked into the laundry room, Petitioner was walking out. Petitioner asked the victim, “Do you want any panties?” Petitioner then forced the victim to the ground, put his hand over her mouth, pulled down the victim’s shorts and underwear, digitally penetrated the victim’s vagina, and attempted to force the victim to perform oral sex on him. Seeing people approach the laundry room, Petitioner placed the victim back on her feet and told her to pull up her pants and underwear. Petitioner then left the laundry room. At trial, the victim proved unable to point out Petitioner in court as her assailant, but she did pick his picture out of a photo array. Kimberly and Jimmy Gilkeson, a married couple that resided in the same apartment complex, both testified that they drove up to the laundry room and parked outside. Kimberly parked their car beside Petitioner’s car as Petitioner walked out of the laundry room. As Petitioner exited the laundry room and entered his car, Kimberly made eye contact with him and observed him for roughly fifteen seconds. Both Kimberly and Jimmy noticed a male, blond-haired child buckled in the seat of 4 No. 11-5516 Petitioner’s car. Kimberly and Jimmy then entered the laundry room to find the victim sobbing hysterically and accusing Petitioner of trying to kill her. The victim’s hair was tousled, change was scattered on the floor, and the girl was standing in a puddle of urine. Kimberly wiped up the urine with a pair of women’s undergarments she found on the floor. Both Kimberly and Jimmy identified Petitioner as the man leaving the laundry room in pre- trial photograph arrays and at trial. The Gilkesons’ description of Petitioner’s car matched the car Petitioner owned. The boy Kimberly saw in Petitioner’s car was the same gender and roughly the same age as Petitioner’s son at the time. Petitioner’s wife testified that their son was with Petitioner at the time of the attack. Based on the foregoing evidence, the jury convicted Petitioner of rape and attempted rape, and the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed the conviction. See State v. Tankesly, No. M1998-00683-CCA-R3-CD, 2000 WL 1521475, *11 (Tenn. Crim. App. Oct. 4, 2000). The court concluded that the trial court’s admission of the undergarments was erroneous, because the undergarments were irrelevant. See id. at *7. However, the court also concluded that the error was harmless in light of the evidence of guilt offered against Petitioner, which it considered overwhelming. See id. In his petition for state post-conviction relief, Petitioner raised several claims of ineffective assistance of trial counsel. One of these claims alleged that trial counsel did not move to suppress the undergarments. During the hearing on Petitioner’s post-conviction motion, defense counsel testified regarding his trial preparation. Counsel explained that he initially planned to pursue an alibi defense in which Petitioner’s friend would testify that Petitioner was fixing her computer at the time 5 No. 11-5516 of the rape. But counsel declined to pursue that defense when it became clear that pursuing it would open the door to testimony regarding a factually similar crime for which Petitioner was convicted. Instead, after the rape victim proved unable to make a verbal identification of Petitioner during her testimony, defense counsel chose to focus on that fact. Counsel also explained that “the case took a completely different turn” when the undergarments were admitted, because the introduction of the undergarments “had a chilling [e]ffect on the jury.” Because he believed that the undergarments were such a significant piece of evidence against Petitioner, counsel made challenging their introduction under Rule 404(b) one of the “critical issues” in Petitioner’s direct appeal. With respect to the motion to suppress, defense counsel stated that he argued the motion “either the morning of the trial or Friday before.” However, defense counsel’s testimony also vacillates about whether the motion was in fact argued in court. The state trial court denied Petitioner’s request for post-conviction relief. The court reasoned that counsel moved to suppress the undergarments with the paper motion he filed. The court also noted that the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals concluded that the introduction of the undergarments was harmless error, thus implying that Petitioner could not show that counsel’s more thorough pursuit of the issue would have aided his defense. As the state post-conviction court explained: from the transcripts of the proceedings, it appears as though trial counsel did in fact argue to have the undergarments suppressed at a hearing on December 4, 1997. [Defense counsel] actually filed a motion to suppress this particular evidence based on the grounds that the search warrant was defective, but as aforementioned, it was denied. This issue is without merit. 6 No. 11-5516 The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed for the same reasons. See Tankesly v. State, No. M2005-02008-CCA-R3-PC, 2007 WL 1890208, at *10 (Tenn. Crim. App. June 28, 2007). Petitioner sought federal habeas corpus relief while his petition for state post-conviction relief was still pending. The petition argued that counsel’s conduct in challenging the officers’ seizure of the women’s undergarments denied him the right to effective assistance of counsel. According to Petitioner, the undergarments were outside the scope of the agents’ search warrant and therefore not subject to seizure. Since the warrant did not permit the seizure of the undergarments, Petitioner argued that counsel should have challenged the seizure. While admitting that counsel filed a paper motion to suppress the undergarments, Petitioner contended that counsel’s one-page suppression motion insufficiently vindicated his Fourth Amendment rights. According to Petitioner, defense counsel should have developed the motion more fully with some legal analysis and argued the motion orally in front of the trial court. The district court appointed Petitioner counsel and held the case in abeyance until Petitioner exhausted his claims in state court, after which the district court reopened the case. Respondent sought dismissal, arguing that Petitioner failed to exhaust his claim in state court and, alternatively, that Petitioner’s claim lacked merit. The district court denied Petitioner’s ineffective assistance claim on the merits, granted Respondent summary judgment, dismissed the petition, and certified Petitioner’s ineffective assistance claim for appeal. Petitioner timely appealed. 7 No. 11-5516 DISCUSSION I. Standard of Review On appeal of a denial of a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, we review the district court’s conclusions of law de novo and its factual findings for clear error. Lovell v. Duffey, 629 F.3d 587, 593-94 (6th Cir. 2011). We accept the state court’s determination of a factual issue unless the petitioner upsets the presumption by clear and convincing evidence. 28 U.S.C. § 2254(e)(1); Moss v. Hofbauer, 286 F.3d 851, 859 (6th Cir. 2002). II. Exhaustion of State Remedies Respondent contends that Petitioner failed to exhaust his ineffective assistance claim in state court. A petitioner must exhaust all remedies available to him in state court before a federal court can grant habeas relief. 28 U.S.C. § 2254(b)(1)(A). To exhaust a claim, the petitioner must “fairly present[]” it in state court accompanied by some measure of factual and legal development. Hooks v. Sheets, 603 F.3d 316, 320 (6th Cir. 2010) (internal quotation and citation omitted); see also Slaughter v. Parker, 450 F.3d 224, 236 (6th Cir. 2006) (internal quotation and citation omitted) (explaining that a petitioner “need not cite ‘chapter and verse’ constitutional law” in raising a claim in state court but must be more specific than generally alleging constitutional violations). The claim’s presentation must proceed through “one complete round of the State’s established appellate review process.” O’Sullivan v. Boerckel, 526 U.S. 838, 845 (1999). If the petitioner fails to exhaust a claim in state court, and the claim would be time-barred if raised in state court at the time of his federal habeas petition, that federal claim is procedurally defaulted. Awkal v. Mitchell, 613 F.3d 629, 646 (6th Cir. 2010) (en banc). 8 No. 11-5516 Respondent is correct that Petitioner’s claim has evolved in the course of state proceedings. In his petition for state post-conviction relief, Petitioner claimed that trial counsel did not move to suppress the undergarments. On appeal of the denial of his petition, Petitioner developed this argument into the more specific claim that trial counsel failed to argue that the warrant did not permit the seizure of the undergarments. While the latter claim is an outgrowth of the former claim, the claims are not identical. However, in opposing Petitioner’s appeal in front of the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals, the state did not argue that Petitioner failed to raise his claim before the state post- conviction court. Therefore, the state waived the defense. An exhaustion defense is waived if it is not asserted. Baze v. Parker, 371 F.3d 310, 320 (6th Cir. 2004). And if the failure to assert the procedural bar leads the state court to address the claim on the merits, we may do the same. Caldwell v. Mississippi, 472 U.S. 320, 327 (1985); see Baze, 371 F.3d at 320. The state’s appellate brief opposes Petitioner’s claim on the merits, repeating the conclusion of the state post-conviction court that counsel moved to suppress the undergarments. Thus, Petitioner asserted a claim before the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals identical to the one he asserts here, and the state did not invoke the procedural bar in defense of the claim. The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals then addressed the claim on the merits. Tankesly, 2007 WL 1890208, at *10. Therefore, Respondent waived his exhaustion defense. 9 No. 11-5516 III. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claim A. Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (“AEDPA”) The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (“AEDPA”) governs this petition. Under AEDPA, an application for a writ of habeas corpus will not be granted with respect to claims adjudicated on the merits in state court proceedings unless the adjudication: (1) resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved an unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law, as determined by the Supreme Court of the United States; or (2) resulted in a decision that was based on an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in the State court proceeding. 28 U.S.C. § 2254(d). A decision is “contrary to clearly established federal law if the state court arrives at a conclusion opposite to that reached by the Supreme Court on a question of law or if the state court decided a case differently than the Supreme Court on a set of materially indistinguishable facts.” Jackson v. Bradshaw, 681 F.3d 753, 759 (6th Cir. 2012) (internal quotations and citations omitted). A state court decision is based on an “unreasonable application” of clearly established federal law if “the state court identifies the correct governing legal principle but unreasonably applies that principle to the facts of the prisoner’s case.” Id. (internal quotations and citations omitted). “Clearly established federal law” means “the holdings, as opposed to the dicta, of the Supreme Court’s decisions as of the time of the relevant state-court decision.” Lundgren v. Mitchell, 440 F.3d 754, 762 (6th Cir. 2006) (internal quotation and citation omitted). We review the state court’s determination of mixed questions of law and fact under the “unreasonable application” element of AEDPA. Jackson, 681 F.3d at 760. 10 No. 11-5516 We examine the last state-court decision on the merits, which in this case is the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals’ denial of Petitioner’s request for post-conviction relief. Garcia v. Andrews, 488 F.3d 370, 374 (6th Cir. 2007). AEDPA allows us to award a petitioner relief only if the state court’s application of federal law is “objectively unreasonable” instead of simply incorrect. Jackson, 681 F.3d at 759 (internal quotation and citation omitted). To conclude that a state court’s application of federal law was unreasonable, we must decide that “there is no possibility fairminded jurists could disagree that the state court’s decision conflicts” with Supreme Court precedents. Harrington v. Richter, 131 S. Ct. 770, 786 (2011). Under this inquiry, we must decide “what arguments or theories supported or . . . could have supported, the state court’s decision.” Id. Then, we must consider whether “fairminded jurists could disagree that those arguments or theories are inconsistent with the holding in a prior decision” of the Supreme Court. Id. We award relief only if there is no basis for disagreement among fairminded jurists. Id. B. Legal Framework A criminal defendant has the right to professional representation under the Sixth Amendment. See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 687. If “counsel’s conduct so undermined the proper functioning of the adversarial process that the trial cannot be relied on as having produced a just result,” then the defendant has not been accorded his right to professional representation. Id. at 686. Representation is deficient under Strickland when counsel acts so poorly that he “was not functioning as the ‘counsel’ guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth Amendment.” Id. at 687. In order to prevail on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim, a petitioner “must demonstrate that counsel’s representation fell below an objective standard of reasonableness and that the defendant 11 No. 11-5516 was prejudiced by the ineffective assistance of counsel.” Carter v. Bell, 218 F.3d 581, 591 (6th Cir. 2000). To satisfy the prejudice element of Strickland, a petitioner must prove that “there is a reasonable probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694. A reasonable probability is defined as “a probability sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome.” Id. We take into account “the totality of the evidence before the . . . jury,” on the assumption that “a verdict or conclusion only weakly supported by the record is more likely to have been affected by errors than one with overwhelming record support.” Id. at 695. Petitioner faults counsel for his conduct in seeking the suppression of certain evidence seized during a police search. A defense attorney’s failure to move to suppress evidence may form the basis of a Sixth Amendment ineffective assistance claim. See Kimmelman v. Morrison, 477 U.S. 365, 375 (1986). In order to make out such a claim, the petitioner must “prove that his Fourth Amendment claim is meritorious and that there is a reasonable probability that the verdict would have been different absent the excludable evidence.” Id. at 375; see Joshua v. DeWitt, 341 F.3d 430, 437 (6th Cir. 2003). C. Analysis We face two unique challenges in deciding this appeal, owing first to the posture of Petitioner’s ineffective assistance claim and second to a lacuna in the state court records before us. On the first issue, Petitioner does not, and cannot, argue that trial counsel entirely failed to protect his Fourth Amendment rights. In other cases in which we have found an attorney’s performance 12 No. 11-5516 deficient for failing to raise a particular Fourth Amendment issue, trial counsel entirely failed to lodge a Fourth Amendment challenge to the admission of evidence, and the merit of the defendant’s underlying Fourth Amendment argument was obvious. See Joshua, 341 F.3d at 347; Northrop v. Trippett, 265 F.3d 372, 382 (6th Cir. 2001). For example, in Joshua v. DeWitt, we concluded that counsel performed deficiently when he moved to suppress evidence obtained from a Terry stop but failed to cite a particular Supreme Court case with “clear precedential authority” and “unique factual similarities” to the defendant’s case. Joshua, 341 F.3d at 441; see United States v. Hensley, 469 U.S. 221 (1985). In Northrop v. Trippett, the defendant was detained by officers based on an unverified anonymous tip, and officers had no other basis for stopping the defendant. Northrop, 265 F.3d at 382. We found trial counsel’s performance deficient, because counsel “should have recognized” that the stop was illegal and “did not file any motion challenging the seizure” of the defendant. Id. at 383. No such oversight occurred in this case. By filing his motion to suppress, counsel objected to a potential Fourth Amendment violation and raised the issue and factual ground for the state court’s decision. Thus, Petitioner’s claim amounts to the assertion that counsel filed the suppression motion but abandoned it. Petitioner faults counsel for filing a motion with no case citations and little factual development, but the issue counsel raised—whether the undergarments were outside the scope of the search warrant—was straightforward and uncomplicated. Whether or not counsel could have better served his client by arguing the motion to suppress more vigorously and providing more case support, counsel nevertheless raised the issue and factual ground for the district court’s decision. 13 No. 11-5516 Counsel’s act of raising the issue distinguishes this case from Joshua and Northrop and seriously weakens Petitioner’s claim. Moreover, counsel’s one-page suppression motion was likely aimed reserving the issue in order to argue it in court. That likelihood leads us to the second challenge presented by this case: absent from the record before us is a transcript of a hearing on trial counsel’s motion to suppress. Respondent complied with his duty of filing the records of Petitioner’s criminal proceedings with the court below, but those records do not include a transcript of a suppression hearing. Petitioner argues that the absence of such a transcript leads to the conclusion that no hearing occurred. On the basis of this conclusion, Petitioner argues that counsel made no effort to argue the motion and thereby abandoned it. For his part, Respondent contends that the motion was argued but that the transcript was simply lost. The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals adopted the state post- conviction court’s finding that the motion was argued at the hearing on December 4, 1997. This finding is clearly erroneous, however, because our review of that hearing’s transcript clearly demonstrates that counsel raised the prospect of filing a suppression motion but did not put forward anything more than a passing argument about the scope of the warrant. Nevertheless, on balance, the record still supports a finding that a hearing occurred. At the hearing on Petitioner’s motion for state post-conviction relief, defense counsel testified that he argued his motion to suppress on the Friday before trial (December 5, 1997) or on the morning of trial (December 8, 1997). A minute entry from the first day of trial notes, albeit briefly, that the motion to suppress was overruled. The same minute entry states that the jury was impaneled and heard the state’s opening statement, which supports defense counsel’s testimony that the motion was 14 No. 11-5516 argued on the first morning of trial. And when the government sought to admit the undergarments at trial and defense counsel objected, the judge explained that he had denied Petitioner’s motion to suppress. In the face of this evidence, Petitioner contends that the record’s references to a suppression hearing are actually misstated references to the December 4, 1997 motions hearing. Petitioner’s argument is plausible, but, in light of the evidence available from the record, his interpretation—supported only by the absence of a hearing transcript—is not sufficiently clear or convincing to warrant the conclusion that no suppression hearing occurred. 28 U.S.C. § 2254(e)(1); see Rice v. White, 660 F.3d 242, 254–57 (6th Cir. 2011) (finding that the record evidence contradicted a state court’s finding regarding a prosecutor’s motive in using peremptory strikes in a petitioner’s Batson challenge). And on a record that leads us to find that counsel orally argued his suppression motion before the trial court, we are compelled to conclude that Petitioner’s ineffective assistance claim is factually unfounded. To the extent that any doubt remains about whether trial counsel sought an oral hearing on the motion, we find two other deficiencies in Petitioner’s claim. First, counsel made a valid strategic choice in his method of challenging the introduction of the undergarments. In the course of deciding whether counsel performed deficiently, we take care not to “second-guess” defensible strategic decisions that ultimately fail. Strickland, 466 U.S. at 688. A defensible strategic choice “made after thorough investigation of law and facts relevant to plausible options” is rarely a basis for habeas relief. Id. at 690. Without derogating the importance of Petitioner’s Fourth Amendment rights, the practical harm resulting from the collection of the undergarments was not their seizure outside the 15 No. 11-5516 scope of the warrant but their admission into evidence during his trial. Counsel made the decision to challenge the state’s attempt to introduce the undergarments under Tennessee Rule of Evidence 404(b). He did so by vigorously arguing that the undergarments were unduly prejudicial. See Tenn. R. Evid. 403. The fact that the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals agreed with defense counsel’s argument demonstrates its strength. See Tankesly, 2000 WL 1521475, at *7. We have explained that a defense attorney may have “several possible arguments available” and may be forced to pursue the one “most likely to succeed or [that] offers the greatest possible return” for the defendant. See Cowans v. Bagley, 639 F.3d 241, 250 (6th Cir. 2011). The record demonstrates that counsel surveyed the options available for excluding the undergarments and decided that the Rule 403 challenge was the strongest line of argument. A valid decision of this sort is “virtually unchallengeable.” Strickland, 466 U.S. at 690. Had the Fourth Amendment argument been the only avenue available to counsel, and had counsel failed to explore that avenue for suppressing the evidence, our analysis would be different. But even if Petitioner’s Fourth Amendment argument was strong, counsel’s decision to pursue another strong argument was a decision “within the wide range of reasonable professional” competence. Id. at 689. Second, while we are not bound by the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals’ harmlessness conclusion, we agree with that court that Petitioner was not prejudiced by the undergarments because the other evidence against him was strong. Petitioner contends that the admission of the undergarments prejudiced his defense, because, in the words of trial counsel, the undergarments “had a chilling [e]ffect on the jury” and undercut the strategic benefit he gained when the victim did not verbally identify Petitioner as her assailant in court. We conclude differently. 16 No. 11-5516 Petitioner’s trial was not reasonably likely to turn out better for him if counsel had argued his motion to suppress at a separate hearing and if the undergarments had been suppressed. See Strickland, 466 U.S. at 694. The testimony from Kimberly and Jimmy Gilkeson was strong evidence against Petitioner. The Gilkesons parked outside the apartment complex laundry room and saw the assailant leave while they were parking. Kimberly saw a blond-haired male child in the passenger seat of the assailant’s car. At trial, Petitioner’s wife testified that she had left their children with Petitioner on the day of the attack, and she described her son’s appearance consistently with Kimberly’s description of the car. The Gilkesons parked next to the assailant’s car and had to wait for him to enter his car before Kimberly could leave hers. The description of the car parked outside the laundry room and driven by the assailant matched the description of the car Petitioner owned. While waiting roughly fifteen seconds for the assailant to enter his car, Kimberly saw the assailant and made eye contact with him. The Gilkesons then entered the laundry room to find the victim wailing and claiming that the man who just left the laundry room had tried to kill her. Both Kimberly and Jimmy Gilkeson later identified Petitioner as the assailant when they picked his picture from a photo array outside each others’ presence and in court during each of their testimonies. The jury’s verdict suggests that the jury found the Gilkesons’ testimony credible, making their testimony strong independent evidence of Petitioner’s identity. While circumstantial, this evidence was strong and it was reasonably likely to lead a jury to conclude Petitioner was the assailant even without the aid of the undergarments. Petitioner overstates certain weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. Petitioner emphasizes the fact that the victim, who was eight years old at the time of trial, was unable to make an in-person 17 No. 11-5516 identification of Petitioner during her testimony. But Petitioner shaved his beard and cut off his ponytail between the time of the rape and the time of trial, likely making it more difficult for the child to recognize him. Moreover, the victim identified a picture of Petitioner taken roughly at the time of the rape from a photo array put before her during her testimony. Petitioner also argues that the state relied heavily on the undergarments as evidence against him during the prosecutors’ closing statements, but this argument incorrectly characterizes the weight of the undergarments in the state’s case. The prosecutors referred to the undergarments roughly four times in their closing statements, including one extended treatment of that evidence in the state’s rebuttal. However, the lead prosecutor barely mentioned the undergarments in his initial closing statement. And taken as a whole, the undergarments were given no greater weight in the closing argument than other factual issues raised in the trial, including the Gilkesons’ identifications, the victim’s photo identification, the changes Petitioner made to his appearance prior to trial, the victim’s inability to make an in-court identification, the length of time Kimberly Gilkeson saw the assailant as he walked out of the laundry room, and Petitioner’s claim that he walked with a limp at the time of the rape. Any adverse effect to Petitioner’s case caused by the prosecutor’s comments was unlikely to change the outcome of the trial. To be sure, to the extent that the introduction of the undergarments was prejudicial, these references were naturally prejudicial as well. But the fact that the comments about the undergarments helped the state’s case does not mean that Petitioner was likely to be acquitted in their absence. We have recounted the evidence offered against Petitioner excluding the undergarments, which was quite incriminating. In light of the Gilkesons’ testimony 18 No. 11-5516 and the other evidence against Petitioner, any shortcomings in trial counsel’s performance likely did not affect the outcome of Petitioner’s trial. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s judgment. 19
"Your most important education takes place on the campus of your mind" This blog goes hand in hand with my podcasts to aid you in the process of keeping your mind FOCUSED on the POSITIVE that is all around us! Wednesday, January 25, 2012 The Power of Suggestion It's "WIDE-OPEN WEDNESDAY!" What will YOU do with your OPPORTUNITY today? "You're getting sleepy...very, very sleepy..." The POWER OF SUGGESTION is well known in the world of entertainment hypnosis. I once had the opportunity to see "The Amazing Kreskin" in person while living in Tulsa, OK. (if you don't know who he is, "Google" him) and, as part of his act, he had people volunteer to come on stage to be hypnotized. Yeah, you guessed it. I volunteered. Me, a skeptic. And, guess what? It didn't take long for me to be dismissed from the stage because, due to my skeptical outlook on the whole thing, I did not fall under the "spell" of the power of suggestion. And, oh yeah, others definitely did and put on quite a show! My wife and I are now working with a group of young people in foster care and are experiencing things we have never experienced before even though we have raised three sons of our own. Anyway, yesterday I got a call from one of the schools that one of the attend letting us know that we needed to come pick up this particular child due to....are you ready for this....HEAD LICE. I have to tell you that as SOON as I heard those words I literally began to feel my head itch in several places - IMMEDIATELY! Now, the question is...have you begun to feel that same ITCH now that you've read this? Even funnier than that (is that a word?) was when I told some of the other teens that lived in the same house about it so that they could help with some precautionary efforts to keep it from spreading they basically FREAKED OUT and began scratching like crazy! THE POWER OF SUGGESTION! What "power of suggestion" is surrounding your daily life? In case you don't realize it, there can be a NEGATIVE power of suggestion just as there can be a POSITIVE power of suggestion. Who or what are you surrounding yourself with today and every day? Think about this, if you don't like the company you're keeping then CHANGE the company you're keeping! Easier said than done? Sometimes. Necessary? Well, it depends on what kind of influence they have on you and your attitude. Does their power of suggestion help you stretch further to reach your goals and dreams by "suggesting" that you CAN do it and that you WILL achieve your goals and dreams OR does their power of suggestion say to you, "give up...it's only a dream" or "you really can't do THAT!" or any other of a million negative messages? If the company you keep does that latter then, YES, YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE COMPANY YOU KEEP! And, by the way, the SOONER the BETTER! Oh, and by the way, you also have the power of suggestion that you share with others as well as speaking it to yourself. If it's YOU then, obviously, you cannot change THAT company that you keep but, then again, maybe you can... By changing the way you THINK! That's right...change the "company you keep" with yourself by CHANGING your SELF. "Whoa, dude...that was DEEP!" Smile and offer THAT form of suggestion as you go through your day. And, also, as you go through your day be sure to... Future You University's Fan Box About Me Happily married for 32 years (as of May 2014) and father of 3 sons....2 married and 1 that is not. I also have 2 beautiful grandbabies that I just can't seem to get enough of! I'm simply a "What you see is what you get" guy. I'm just "me".
Just a few miles from the front line in Mosul, Dr. Ahmed Fadil and a team of volunteers treat the victims of the battle to liberate the city.
Art in the Christian Tradition Download Thumbnail image: Download Medium image: Download Large image: Title: Shekhina 93-4 Notes: When approaching this text, one is immediately struck by the similarity between the Divine “personification” of “Wisdom” in the book of Sirach and the Divine “personification” of the “Word” or “Logos” in the Gospel of John: "I came forth from the mouth of the Most High” (Sirach 24.3). Here, Divine Wisdom is also reminiscent and perhaps a figure which is a derivative of or correlative with the “Shekhina.” In his book entitled Shekhina, Leonard Nimoy offers a compelling and inspirational photographic study of the feminine Divine. Inspired by his upbringing in the Orthodox Jewish Tradition, he has devoted much of his creative and intellectual energy to exploring this figure. “A feminine word in Hebrew,” reports Nimoy, “Shekhina is the Talmudic term for the visible and audible manifestations of the Deity's presence on Earth.” He speculates that “Over time, Shekhina came to represent much more — a softer, empathetic feminine counterpart to God who could argue for humanity's sake, comfort the poor and sick, and stand as the mother of Israel.” -- Chance Dillon This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 3.0 License. In short: you are free to use and to share the file for non-commercial purposes under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license compatible with this one. For uses other than the above, contact the Divinity Library at divref@vanderbilt.edu.
Barkley Village Barkley Village Tree Service Tree Services Are you looking for tree service in the Barkley Village neighborhood in Bellingham, WA? Then you've come to the right place! Tree Service Bellingham is a leading tree removal service provider in Bellingham. Look no further than hiring our Barkley Village tree service experts to do all of your tree removal and tree trimming projects. ‍ Barkley Village Tree Trimming Tree Trimming Services Sometimes your trees need a healthy trim. This is totally normal and actually good for your trees - if you do it right. Call our tree trimming experts and we'll trim your trees right the first time to prevent any unwanted damage to your trees. ‍ Barkley Village Tree Removal Tree Removal Services In case you need some trees removed, it's best to do it safely and efficiently. We always clean up your property after a tree removal project. So if you need tree removal services you know that our team will take great care of your property, do the project quickly yet safely, and leave you satisfied. ‍ Barkley Village is a large, 250 acre urban village with residential and commercial uses located in Bellingham, Washington. To residents in other parts of Bellingham, Barkley Village is most well known for its movie theater, the only surviving movie theater in town. Barkley Village's mission statement is: "Barkley Company is changing the profile of Bellingham by continuously building an exciting neighborhood and vibrant commercial center. We do this one project, one business, and one relationship at a time. New ideas, innovation and attention to detail are all key components in this effort.". The architecture in Barkley Village is very thoughtful and features contemporary designs using brick, steel and stone. Considered one of Bellingham's premier business park locations, Barkley Village serves a variety of companies in the medical, finance, professional and retail sectors. The Barkley Company is owned by the Talbot family who have been a part of Bellingham since 1941.
Fingerprint art for St. Patrick’s Day Jennifer is a mom, a wife and an entrepreneur whose life mission is to live in the moment. A recovering workaholic, she knows the most important job she's ever tackled is the 24-7 role of being Momma. Jennifer writes about the balance of... Thumbprint shamrocks A touch of green paint, a blank canvas and tiny little thumbs make for adorable thumbprint shamrocks that can be displayed as art or used to personalize cards this St. Patrick’s Day. This thumbprint shamrock craft is perfect for toddlers and younger kids because it requires very few supplies and only takes a few minutes to complete. What you'll need: To get started, you'll need: washable kid-friendly green paint white cardstock — make sure you have a few extra sheets to practice on paintbrush and/or paper plate Tip: If you're doing this craft with a toddler or preschooler, you'll likely find that it's not always easy to keep the paint only on the pad of their thumb. You might want to keep a wet napkin or baby wipe handy, so you can clean your child's thumb and hands in between tries if needed. Green thumb... literally! Once you have your paper set out and ready to go, it's time for the fun part: The green thumb! Either place a drop of paint on a paper plate and have your child roll the pad of his thumb over the paint, or dip your paintbrush in the paint and paint his thumb. Tip: For little kids, it might help to encourage them to keep their thumb in a thumbs-up position to avoid getting paint on their other fingers or on other parts of the paper. Creating the clover leaves Once your child's thumb is painted, have him press it down on the paper to create the first thumbprint clover leaf. For best results, rotate the page as they make subsequent clovers so the thumbprints all meet in the center and the tip of their thumb is always pointing out. Once the shamrock is created, dip your paint in the paintbrush and sweep it from the center of the shamrock outward to create the stem. Personalized St. Patrick's Day card While these adorable little thumbprint shamrocks can be placed just about anywhere, they make a custom St. Patrick's Day card even cuter. For this card that we created for the kids' Irish grandmother, we set up the card in MS Word, included a traditional Irish blessing at the bottom and left plenty of space to add the shamrock after we printed it out.
INTRODUCTION {#sec1-1} ============ The incidence of bladder forming a part of an inguinal hernia is 1--4%.\[[@ref1]\] With correct knowledge of anatomy and careful dissection, injuries to the bladder during hernia repair can be prevented, but it can especially happen in very large sacs. We hereby report a case where the patient first presented with a scrotal abscess and vesicocutaneous fistula after surgical repair of sliding hernia. CASE REPORT {#sec1-2} =========== A 65-year-old morbidly obese man underwent mesh hernioplasty for large right inguinal hernia. After removing the urethral catheter, he developed gradually increasing right scrotal swelling with fever. Ultrasound scrotum revealed a septate fluid collection for which incision and drainage was performed. Thereafter, he developed continuous urine leakage from the site of incision and drainage, [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. The patient was referred to our institute. We carried out a cystogram via the urethral catheter that revealed a fistulous communication between bladder and scrotal skin, [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}. He was kept on urethral catheter drainage for 3 weeks. At 3 weeks, cystoscopy revealed normal anterior and posterior urethra, non-obstructing prostatic lobes and a defect in the anterior bladder wall with no evidence of mesh erosion. Bilateral ureteric openings were normally present and were away from the fistula site. A guidewire was passed through the defect that exited via the scrotal wound. Exploration was performed through a right groin incision extending into the right scrotum. Almost the whole of the bladder was lying in the right scrotum and densely adherent to the right testis and cord structures and mesh. There was a fistulous opening at the dome of the bladder wall well away from the mesh. The bladder was dissected carefully from all around. Our main concerns were inguinal hernia repair and creation of extraperitoneal space to reposition the bladder in the normal position, which was not possible without performing right high inguinal orchiectomy. Hence, we performed right high inguinal orchiectomy and removal of mesh and extraperitoneal space was made to reposition the urinary bladder to its normal position. Fistula opening was repaired in two layers and the bladder was put on continuous drainage via 20 french urethral catheter, [Figure 2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}. The right inguinal canal was closed in three layers. Scrotoplasty was also performed. An 18 french suction drain was kept in the scrotum. Post-operatively at 2 weeks, there was no urinary leak on cystogram and the urethral catheter was removed and normal voiding was restored. ![Scars of previous surgery with vesicocutaneous fistula and cystogram showing contrast in the left hemiscrotum](IJU-32-77-g001){#F1} ![The entire urinary bladder lying in the scrotum, with the bladder re-positioned into the normal position](IJU-32-77-g002){#F2} DISCUSSION {#sec1-3} ========== The incidence of bladder forming a part of an inguinal hernia is 1--4%.\[[@ref1]\] Levine coined the term "scrotal cystocoele" in 1951 for inguinoscrotal herniation of the bladder.\[[@ref1]\] Urinary bladder herniations are usually diagnosed at the time of inguinal herniorraphy and are commonly repaired through the same incision. Careful inguinal dissection is required because of a high risk of iatrogenic bladder injury.\[[@ref2]\] They are sometimes found incidentally during the evaluation of a patient with lower urinary tract symptoms and associated inguinal hernias. Two-stage micturition is the classical symptom, with the second stage facilitated by some form of external pressure on the bladder. Bladder hernias can be para-peritoneal, extra-peritoneal or intraperitoneal.\[[@ref3]\] The para-peritoneal type is the most common type and the extra-peritoneal type is the least common. Because imaging all patients with large hernias may not be cost-effective, imaging studies are performed only when bladder herniation is suspected. The diagnostic triad of lateral displacement of the distal one-third of the ureter, small asymmetric bladder and incomplete visualization of the bladder base on an intravenous urogram has been described by Reardon and Lowman.\[[@ref4]\] Voiding cystourethrography offers the best imaging modality. Iatrogenic injury to the bladder during hernia repair can be due to multiple factors, such as an inexperienced surgeon in the early part of the learning curve or an obese patient with large hernial sac with unrecognized bladder component. In our patient, there could have been an injury to the bladder that was not recognized at the time of hernia repair, which led to subsequent scrotal abscess formation resulting in a vesicocutaneous fistula. Most urinary bladder herniations are diagnosed at the time of herniorrhaphy.\[[@ref5]\] If unrecognized, these usually present immediately after catheter removal, but presentation can sometimes be delayed in case the fistula is very small and there is no infravesical obstruction. Management includes immediate repair in case it is recognized intraoperatively. In case of unrecognized injury and with delayed presentation, the first step is to put a wide caliber per urethral catheter followed by thorough evaluation with urine culture examination and cystogram. A small fistula can be healed with only continuous bladder drainage with per urethral catheter or preferably suprapubic cystostomy, provided lower tract infravesical obstruction has been ruled out. A larger fistula needs open surgical management. Careful dissection is needed in the extraperitoneal space while separating the sac from cord structures as the bladder forms a part of the posterior wall of the sac. After completing bladder dissection, the fistula is repaired in two to three layers and an adequate space is created in the extraperitoneal plane to reposition the bladder. Sometimes, large hernias could be treated by resection of the herniated bladder as described by Thomas and Gomella.\[[@ref2][@ref5]\] In our case, the whole bladder was lying in the scrotum and extensive adhesions were present between the cord structures and the bladder. High inguinal orchiectomy was performed to create space for the bladder and for proper closure of the inguinal canal. Non-obstructive voiding has to be ensured after removing the catheter. CONCLUSION {#sec1-4} ========== Urinary bladder rarely forms a part of an inguinal hernia and, with the correct knowledge of anatomy and careful dissection injuries to the bladder during hernia repair, surgery can be prevented. Surgically creation of an extraperitoneal space for bladder repositioning is of paramount importance, sometimes needing inguinal orchiectomy in the elderly. Infravesical obstruction has to be taken care of for better outcome. **Source of Support:** Nil **Conflict of Interest:** None declared.
MARK: Burnt. I've been hacking up trees that we had taken down for power line clearance. It was 102° out there this afternoon. SUNNI: Ouch. Why did the trees need to be hacked? MARK: Annual power line maintenance on a rural property can cost the power company as much as a year's worth of electricity. The whole thing has become something of a scam, because the California Public Utilities Commission allows the power company to add a direct markup to the line maintenance cost. So they just love environmentalist-inspired regulations that favor expensive trimming but the power company has to go for the lowest bidder to do the work. The result is neither safe line corridors nor healthy trees (I had several trees die from the trimming and had to remove several obvious hazard trees the trimmers couldn't touch because of the rules). I'm doing what I can to minimize that expense to inspections only. It's not worth having them do the work once one recognizes the total cost of dealing with the consequences. In general, I plant low fuel-value native shrubs in those corridors and then remove the trees under the lines once the shrubs are established. This keeps marginally competent tree crews and the weeds they bring with them off the property. It's a process that may take another five years. SUNNI: Just like the bureaucrats, bringing in weeds . . . [laughs] I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, Mark, but in preparing for our interview, I realized I've forgotten how we met! Was it at Liberty Forum? Or before that? MARK: We met at a Liberty Forum discussion of property rights issues not long after LF first started, but I believe you got the book through the Future of Freedom Foundation. SUNNI: Are you still participating at Liberty Forum? If so, how are things there? I've pretty much given up on forums altogether ... MARK: It's been a long time since I've posted there. The place became something of a Zionist/Anti-Zionist battleground. There are some thoughtful posters there on confined subjects, but as a news/discussion site it's become too polluted with people who have more interest in cussing than civil discourse. SUNNI: Sounds about the same, then. What would you like Salon readers to know about you, Mark? What kinds of things are you involved in? MARK: I'm just a guy who was working a normal hectic engineering job, raising two kids, and trying to take care of his land, who then got involved in the local environmental battle. When I found out how massively corrupt and destructive the regulatory system is, I ended up dedicating my life to doing something about it on a fundamental level. So, I quit my job and wrote a book. On promotional tours, when I ran into the usual, "OK, let's see you do it first," I came to the conclusion that such is what I would have to do. So, we use our land as if it was an R&D lab for reasons I discuss in the book. I am currently doing research to improve the tools with which habitat restoration is done -- that's the engineer in me. Beyond tinkering with hardware or learning about plants, such includes integrating an invention with new process development and even business models. I cannot afford to have my land be a bad example, so I spend a lot of time with various habitat restoration projects, the results of which have been astonishing. We're up to 316 plant species -- two thirds of them native -- on a mere 14 acres. I take care of another six acres or so to protect our property. They all have to be identified, photographed, documented, and therewith I am building a base of information on how to grow, manage, or kill as appropriate. Those non-native plants now represent less than 1% of the vegetation, although if I quit controlling them they would take over again in as little as three years. I'd describe myself as a very different kind of conservative. While I am an absolute defender of the sanctity of private property rights on a level far beyond the usual understanding, I also hold that the responsibilities of land ownership are equally understated. When discussing property rights, most conservatives, unfortunately, are so used to being defensive about whether or not they are causing any damage that they can't see the opportunities in innovative uses of the assets they possess. Unfortunately, many of those options have been effectively stolen by regulatory government and its chief beneficiaries: Park Services, conservancies, land trusts, and open space districts, effectively a government monopoly in the land tourism and entertainment business. It's got to be fixed. SUNNI: Absolutely, but before we get too much farther, I'm intrigued with the idea of you creating new tools! Outside of a kitchen, I'm pretty inept with tools, but they fascinate me. Would it be giving too much away to talk a little about that work? MARK: First, identify the need. I'll go with weeding as an example. Weeding in nature is far more complex than most people realize. Some plants come out by hand, some require tools, some require protective gear, some take a very delicate sense of touch, some you can't kill under any circumstances mechanically, and can only be killed with an herbicide. Sourgrass -- Oxalis pes-caprea -- is a good example. The required herbicides vary by species and application (sprays are dilute while cut-and-treat stub applications are at full strength). Some blow or pop seed so quickly that you can't afford to come back later with the right tool. Further, you might need communications or documentation equipment to identify the plant, record it, and come back to the same spot: GPS, PDA, notepad, camera, flags to mark something -- GPS often doesn't work. Then there's personal protection -- you know, bears, pigs, mountain lions, wolves The "right tool" often doesn't exist and even if you had all the "right" tools our land is so rugged -- some of it is near vertical -- that you can't get a vehicle there or carry everything, especially when a long way from home. Can you imagine the OSHA rules and equipment necessary to keep unionized government Weed Abatement Technologists safe? The meetings would never end. If I were the usual "green entrepreneur," I'd invent a few things and get them written into the regulations. As far as carrying all that stuff goes, one option is to modify a dog pack. The dog goes high on the personal protection list too. I keep Dutch shepherds because they're hardy, have a high drive for work, they're big enough, their hips aren't so flaky, and the coat is short enough to find a tick. They've also got a bit more feral dog in them than most breeds, which keeps them alert for trouble and sensible in a confrontation. I've been trying to interest a local trainer in developing a specialized program for rural landowners. Simple things are often tough to design: One is a weed bag that's tough but isn't klunky in brush, doesn't pick up burrs, opens with one hand but closes itself, takes cheap inserts to drop off when they fill, stays on your thigh and doesn't drop anything when you bend over. You can detach it if you need to get it close to the plant (to improve transfer efficiency or to avoid dropping seed). Where the weed fork goes I haven't decided but a hip clip looks like the best option so far. My current project is an automated portable plant-rearing system that allows nurseries to concentrate on propagation and transfers most of the growth onsite in native soil using leased equipment. Nurseries charge a lot for potting soils (trucking), real estate (shade houses), and labor (moving large plants around) to produce a product that isn't that appropriate to a plant in the wild (potting soil dries out more completely in late summer and the organics disappear, leaving a dry void). I'm thinking that the system would improve nursery profitability and throughput while reducing restoration costs to the landowner. SUNNI: Wow, Mark. You were kind enough to send me a review copy of Natural Process, which, I'm -- again -- embarrassed to admit, still reading. After we moved, some books went missing for a while and it was among them ... As I recall, it's a presentation of a completely private alternative to the current insanity masquerading as environmental law. Is that a fair description? MARK: In part. It contains the environmental, political, and economic justifications for why much of regulatory government should be reverted to private sector risk management. It has a way of developing objective pricing and legal descriptions by which to trade in contracts for the use of natural assets. It outlines the principles of the proposed system and describes in detail how its components could work versus their current alternatives. Finally, it details a legal strategy to get there and raises the stakes in the process by showing where the current system is headed and why. The book is meant to get at the core of the technical, managerial, economic, and legal problems that got us where we are and what is at stake if we don't gradually dissolve the need for regulatory government. It is therefore long and dense, with a wide variety of writing styles and topics. Some of it is technical. Some of it is theoretical. Some of it is funny. If you couldn't laugh about this stuff, you'd go nuts. SUNNI: Yah, it is technical in places, although not as much as other books I've read. Maybe I've not gotten to the really heavy-duty material yet. You don't seem to use a lot of jargon, which tends to make a book harder to understand for non-experts. I have been enjoying your sense of humor, which sometimes reveals itself in the most unexpected places. It's a great touch! How did you come to write the book? MARK: It started with the sense that there was something fundamentally wrong about environmental rules in our county, Santa Cruz, California. Environmental rules made no sense when it came to helping people restore their land. I had just completed building a house as an owner-builder. The permit process was an expensive joke that did little to assure better construction or lower impacts but they were great for bureaucrats, consultants (former bureaucrats), and selected suppliers cashing in on a local monopoly. The regulations hampered people who simply wanted to improve the condition of their forests. Meanwhile the county kept bringing in more weeds with their road maintenance equipment than from any other source. So upon the prodding of some friends, I foolishly signed up for the local Agenda21 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Roundtable. I was operating under the mistaken belief that, because it was a "consensus process", I could get these people to face the mess they were making. Almost two years after the draft had been submitted, people who had never attended a single public meeting had totally changed the document, in secret. It was presented to me for my signature as if it was a done deal. There was some haggling that improved it somewhat, but I still refused to sign it. So they added my name to the list of contributors and fraudulently published it as a consensus! The county had agreed, in advance, to accept the product and write it into law, sight unseen. I had studied the entire Federal Convention debate in college, under an iconic professor of government, Dr. William Allen, now at Michigan State. So I knew the frightening potential of a system of government like the Agenda21, under the aegis of the United Nations, in which elected representatives rubber-stamped the output of hidden committees loaded with pre-selected bureaucrats and activists. Now, I hadn't become an engineer just because I liked inventing. I did well enough at it to create several novel processes and earn a couple of patents, but what I wanted to learn from engineering was to understand in an intimate way how wealth is created. I saw the lack of that knowledge in America's political leadership to be a serious problem about which I wanted to do something. So, about three years after the Agenda21 debacle, when I got to the end of a long and difficult, but intensely rewarding and interesting project, my wife -- a saint -- looked at me and said, "If you are ever going to do with your life what you always wanted to do, now is the time to do it." So, I quit the job, started to write, and ended up educating the kids at home -- a great decision. Because I was focusing upon a problem, the book naturally started as a polemic, but in the first few drafts, I hadn't really created anything novel. Then I got some advice from Randal O'Toole after he had read a painful early draft. He said (I'm paraphrasing), "Yes, people do need to read it, but unless you offer a solution, nobody is going to read it." That's kind of like waving a red flag in front of an engineer (we're a compulsive lot when it comes to cracking problems). So, that's what you do. I'm proud to say that copies have been delivered to the White House by a former US Senator. SUNNI: In its preface, you provide some background as to how you became an environmentalist, but almost none on how you became pro-freedom. Care to enlighten us on that some? MARK: I had always been a risk taker, philosopher, and something of the rugged individualist. So my temperament was predisposed toward freedom, but that isn't enough to explain the transformation that occurred while writing the book. It was the wrenching experience of having confronted mountains of hard data that showed how "environmental protection" had been used to carefully manipulate the conversion of the local timber market to residential real estate for a period of over thirty years. It was political corruption on a massive scale. Early in the process, families who had cared for their land for over a hundred years were being forced to log or sell in order to pay property taxes, while taking the political blame for doing it from the adjacent suburban users of those property taxes (not to mention cheap redwood lumber). Later, zoning laws took the next cut in land value mandating huge minimum subdivision acreage requirements, as much as 40 acres per parcel -- in other words, if you had 110 acres, the most you could make of it was two home sites. That kept the price of the total parcel up because of the reduced supply, which maintained tax revenue, but minimized the development potential to the landowner. It also forced more use of marginal sites with higher environmental hazards rather than higher densities in optimal locations with lower hazards. In the '80s and '90s, increasingly-dubious timber regulations -- some illegally titled as zoning law -- slowly made that purchase price even cheaper than it might have otherwise been because regulations had rendered the timber on the land of almost no value. They had also removed the only means to fund expensive land maintenance while neighbors in those new houses were demanding use of adjacent timberland for uncompensated entertainment purposes. Building codes, especially septic regulations, made using smaller parcels very difficult. The only thing left to do with big parcels was get out entirely and sell to a developer with the connections necessary to get permits. It should be no surprise who was behind those zoning laws and regulations. It was local developers and the construction industry cashing in on a closed game which paid more taxes than did timber. I had gone through the usual loop of thinking that better laws would fix the problem. But, when I saw how deeply even local government, supposedly the most transparent and accessible level of government, was so corrupt, so deviously manipulated, in ways that even the politicians immersed in the game did not understand, that is when I finally understood just how dangerous collective control of private property really is. As I learned more about the global scale of this resource manipulation racket, particularly as regards the UN Agenda21, it was shattering. I wept, for my country and for my witless assent to the very same corrupt belief systems, the purpose for which I had since discovered. For the first time in thirty years, I prayed for an answer. The answers came, in bits and pieces. Theory gave way to example. After that, the hard part was getting at the questions by which to make the solutions realistic to implement. The process took nearly four years. As I said, my wife is a saint. SUNNI: And you're amazingly persistent! I think a lot of people are casual environmentalists -- that is, they enjoy nature to some degree, but don't see themselves as part of today's environmentalism movement. It seems to me that you said somewhere in the book that today's environmentalists are pretty far removed from, say, the founders of the Sierra Club or Greenpeace. If my memory on that is accurate, how have they deviated from the early environmental movement, in your opinion? MARK: That's not what I meant at all. What I was pointing out is that the environmental movement over the last fifty years has deviated from its John Muir/Teddy Roosevelt/CCC conservationist heritage and has become a self-aggrandizing religion of misanthropic avarice operating on the belief that anything humans do in nature must be harmful. Environmentalists, especially in resource agencies, are so afraid of doing any harm that they tie themselves in knots while obvious damage of mandated neglect continues to progress, too often on a scale so enormous as to make whatever efforts they finally take totally futile. Somehow, they spend an awful lot of money while they're at it. SUNNI: Sorry, Mark, I phrased my question poorly, but I think you answered it okay anyway. I meant that the leaders of today's environmental organizations have strayed from that heritage, as you said. That probably leads people like me, who love nature and who love to see people working their land responsibly, not to even try to get involved -- I know I think it'd be a total waste of time, because of my perception that "hard core" environmentalists won't listen to someone like me who questions their dogma, let alone someone who espouses private, market-based solutions rather than more state interference. So it seems the "casual environmentalists", as I called them, are much quieter right now, but there are a lot of them out there. At least, I hope there are ... MARK: You've touched on something important, the way often dishonestly portrayed positions within a technical debate alienates people from their accountability in a democratically controlled system. Because the uninvolved suspect the activists on either side are blowing smoke for reasons they cannot fathom, and know they don't know enough about environmental issues to be making decisions, they check out of the debate, usually with a bias toward one side or the other. That means they don't know what they have at stake in the way environmental activism affects their lives. If they knew the cost in transportation, energy, housing, etc, they'd be outraged, never mind the environmental damage that's been done. For example, just the money to change buried gasoline tanks in California from steel to plastic was enough to pay for full tuition for every kid enrolled in a state college or university. Oil companies wanted that change because it put mom and pop station owners out of business. Oil companies and their "environmental activist" stooges in the Natural Resources Defense Council advocated for MTBE to be mandated into the gasoline, even though the oil companies knew the stuff would leak through those new plastic tanks. Now the public is paying even more to clean that up too, whether in taxes or higher fuel costs. The problem isn't that oil companies are evil; it's that government has the power to specify their products and absolve the producers of responsibility for the consequences, just as Congress indemnified the producers of MTBE in advance of its introduction. SUNNI: Wow, Mark. No wonder we casual environmentalists feel in over our heads. So, how did we get left behind, do you think? Was it a dilution of the ideas as the movement became popular? Or were there some problems with the original environmental movement when it sprang up in the 60s? MARK: Environmental regulatory perfidy was working in the halls of excessive power long before any public awakening in the 1960s. As you probably read in the book, the Congressional Record on the ratification of an environmental treaty, The Convention on Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the Western Hemisphere [PDF file] received no recorded vote, no record of a quorum, and a cover letter from Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, that lied outright about the virtually unlimited (and unconstitutional) regulatory powers it emplaced in both the Congress and administrative government. That was in 1941. While campus leadership developed in the 60s, the popular movement really got going in the '70s. It was set up by very wealthy people with an interest in using government to control access to resources for fun and profit. They set up charitable foundations posing as environmental charities. Those supply grants to universities to generate useful science, more grants to activist groups posing as the public, and more grants to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) full of lawyers with which to bring suit against agencies with every reason to lose those suits because they get a non-discretionary budget to "comply with the order" as a part of the usual consent decree. It is akin to a vertically integrated, tax-exempt resource racketeering system operating on much the same economic principles that date from the days of the European mercantilists. Remember that when Lenin first took over Russia, one of his first moves was land use control in the name of scientific environmental protection. The policy was articulated in two documents, On Land and On Forests, with goals, means, and justifications very similar to the current Wildlands Project here in the USA. With those tools, Lenin successfully implemented land use policies that starved 22 million recalcitrant Kulaks. So I guess it's no surprise to see environmentalism first crop up in America among the Stalinists within the Roosevelt Department of State, and then surface at the universities in the '60s as a tentacle of cultural Marxism. SUNNI: Wow. I knew a little about the land control in the Soviet Union, but very little. So, at the risk of going conspiracy theory in some readers' eyes, do you think it's a coincidence that there are parallels here? MARK: It is a legitimate question how much of what the environmental movement does is for purely ideological reasons as opposed to manipulation. My take is that it's both, with much of the latter arising out of normal human opportunism. Still, to assume that people in power don't conspire would be plainly silly; it is after all, a time-tested way to stay on top at relatively low risk -- until the system collapses. I'm not one who believes in one grand conspiracy, but rather more of a feeding frenzy among those with means who believe that it's the only way to survive in business while they fan their egos at cocktail parties. Still, that it was set up the way it was, when one considers who was driving it, and then you see the games being played now which are CLEARLY profit driven, you can't help but think that there were some very smart people planning ahead. Orwell warned us explicitly of such a conspiracy between the left and the capitalist class in his first book, Homage to Catalonia, written in 1933. Wait just a second while I pull up that quote ... Between the Communists and those who claim to stand to the Left of them there is a real difference. The Communists hold that Fascism can be beaten by alliance with sections of the capitalist class (the Popular Front); their opponents hold that this maneuver simply gives Fascism new breeding-grounds. The question has got to be settled; to make the wrong decision may be to land ourselves in for centuries of semi-slavery. Personally, I think the question has been settled: the financiers of the left have been instituting totalitarianism since the days of the Frankfurt School and the Spartakusbund in pre-WWII Germany; but its latter day useful idiots quite apparently haven't figured that out. SUNNI: An environmentalist-engineer who knows his history -- you're proving more than I bargained for, Mark! Do you think there's any way to reach out to environmentalists of today, to convince them that consumption doesn't necessarily equal devastation, or to get them to even listen to free-market alternatives such as yours? Or will it take a serious free-market environmental counter-movement to get them to pay attention? MARK: I think it's a three-step process. First, at every opportunity, point out the scale and depth of habitat degradation at the hands of environmental agencies complaining of a chronic lack of funds. No industry has ever had the power to make environmental mistakes on the scale of which government is uniquely capable. No industry would ever load a job with such extravagant overhead. It may become increasingly difficult to get that story out to the general public when public lands are closed off to all human entry as is proposed in the Wildlands Project (whose "connecting corridors" are virtually guaranteed to be conduits for pestilence on an unprecedented scale). Second: If we can get that story across, show them how they're being played for chumps by the very big businesses they said were the problem in the first place. Then, draw them to a solution: show them the potential for an honest buck as a small business in a free enterprise alternative system. SUNNI: I suppose we shouldn't go farther without me asking you about your reactions to the recent Kelo decision by the Supreme Court. What's your take on that? MARK: Most people think Kelo is about the Fifth Amendment, but the original interpretation of the Bill of Rights didn't apply to the state and local governments at all, except to defer all powers not enumerated in the Constitution to the states or the people. Thus the state power to take property by eminent domain goes as far back as the early 19th century barge canals in the East and Midwest and really got cooking with the railroads. Abraham Lincoln made his name as a lawyer rigging precisely such deals. The results were that Eastern investors got rich in the name of "the public good" while rural landowners and small land speculators got "just compensation" -- if, and only if, their respective states held to that principle; often it was a lot worse than that. Thus the only thing different about Kelo as far as the original understanding of the Fifth Amendment is concerned, is that it involves people's houses. SUNNI: Your observation of Easterners getting rich under early eminent domain takings is somewhat relevant today still, don't you think, Mark? It seems to me that many people who live in the West -- the real West, not trendy towns like Aspen or Jackson Hole -- see the environmental movement as increasingly a move by people who don't live here, and agencies with offices in D.C., to control their lands, when they've never even set foot on them, and can't possibly know the land with the intimacy a resident owner has. MARK: Absolutely it's relevant, particularly as regards Eastern control of the Senate and the use of treaty law to effect environmental regulatory powers. Many of the same Eastern families driving the land grab policy in the West today were doing it a hundred fifty years ago with easy access to federal lands. Sadly, the gentrification of the West we are seeing now has a bunch of those same urbanites buying up ranch land with no idea how or inclination to manage it properly. Back to Kelo for a moment. The legal problem essential to Kelo is the Supreme Court's Orwellian selective incorporation doctrine as regards the Fourteenth Amendment. It is "selective" in that "equal protection" of specific "privileges and immunities" listed in the Bill of Rights applies only to those cases as determined by the whim of the Supreme Court by how they read the tea leaves in the first ten amendments. As the resulting federal powers have broadened, people have become so used to expecting an intrusive Supreme Court to protect individual rights that they expected Fourteenth Amendment privileges and immunities to include Fifth Amendment protection of individuals from local government takings. In fact, it never has done so before, preferring to leave matters of property rights to the states. Thus, this Court's majority opinion interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment as regards the Fifth is consistent with the selective incorporation doctrine over the last eighty years. The same has been true of the Second Amendment, which should scare the hell out of any gun rights advocate. My opinion on this conundrum is that the powers Fourteenth Amendment granted to the Federal government (to protect individual rights via the courts) have their perverse consequences: People rightly don't pay as much attention to their state and local representatives when they know that every law is subject to the very slow, expensive, remote, and seemingly indomitable powers exerted by Federal courts. The mere existence of the judicial option inhibits self-government: Everybody's hands are tied, nobody can make a decision, and your vote doesn't matter much anyway because some judge can toss out the law. In that regard, the selective incorporation doctrine of the 14th Amendment is an evil. It may have imposed corrective measures for structural racism in the States, but one can't say race relations are all that much better because of them, while the Feds have gained powers they rightly shouldn't have. The people should have paid more attention to their own State laws. Now, with Kelo, some people surely will as we have already seen in several states. So, in that respect, Kelo is not all bad news. SUNNI: Yes, I'm seeing indications of that refocusing on state law happening. But wouldn't it have been better for the Court to have refused to hear the case -- keeping it a matter of state law, rather than taking it federal? Their ruling really was a severe blow against the Bill of Rights. And I just read somewhere that the Institute for Justice has filed for a re-hearing of Kelo at the Supreme Court ... MARK: It was a blow in that the interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment property rights advocates anticipated, extending Federal protection of property rights to individuals, wasn't adopted. It effectively cemented the status quo ante, particularly common here in California. Now, I'm not happy at all about the consequences of the ruling, but I'm cautious where desirable ends are pursued by dubious means. We already have too much federal power expressed through the courts and need to make local government more meaningful to voters, else they'll keep asking for control of other people's land, expecting there won't be any adverse consequences when it comes to their houses. While it's true that federal power has addressed injustices visited by some states, it is also true that we don't optimize the blessings of freedom by competition because federal mandates so heavily constrain deviations from established norms by local governments. SUNNI: Good points, Mark. Time and again in Natural Process, you point out that individual property owners are often the best stewards of the land, especially when compared with the EPA and other government bureaucrats whose diktats are arbitrary and inflexible. And that makes perfect sense: it's the owner's nest, so to speak, so they've a vested interest in keeping the land decent. How, especially in this country, did we shift from personal stewardship to idiotic regulations controlling land management? MARK: As opposed to "how" -- which is a very long story -- let's stick with "why". Regulations are a very profitable way to manipulate the market for those with the political clout to manipulate the government. The power to regulate is the power to put your competitors out of business. Regulations reflect the interests of the politically dominant and not necessarily the benefit of the asset at risk. Once agencies gain control, usually via the courts, they are then constrained by the means they used to take control: laws supposedly precluding harm to the asset at risk. The precautionary principle then mandates that no harm can be done, when inaction is often the worst thing anyone could do! The bureaucrats are protecting but one element in a complex system of competing risks with continued funding justified by continuing problems! Finally, virtually nobody in a bureaucracy is fired for incompetence. That's why the diktats of the resource agencies are inflexible. It's no way to run an airline, so expecting it to work efficiently for something as complex as managing natural habitat is plainly silly. SUNNI: Agreed. At the risk of getting me started on the precautionary principle, your answer highlights some interrelated, tricky subtleties of land management. The definition of "doing no harm" changes, of course, depending upon whose context is being considered. Bureaucrats love to point to their habitat-preserving rules, but ignore the fact that they often destroy property values -- and many people rely on their property as a sort of investment, something to get value from by use or selling it. You've pointed out that doing nothing doesn't equate with doing no harm ... and what's viewed as harm changes, as we understand better the many, complex dynamics at work in the environment. Forest fires used to be considered very bad for forests, until research began to show that they promoted new growth, and in fact do a lot of good. And as you say, these rules address only one element of a complicated system, and often treat it as a static element at that! It's mind-boggling to think of the harm being done now, let alone into the future, as the regulations get amended and expanded, rather than tossed in the dustbin. It's likely to be worse than Internal Revenue Code! SUNNI: As far as I've seen in your book, the focus is primarily on the land, and plant resources that can be harvested from it -- timber and so forth. What's your view of protecting endangered species, plants and animals? Isn't that rather close to playing God? MARK: It is rather funny that dogmatic evolutionists are also hell bent on halting natural selection. I'm going to quote Natural Process from a discussion about the Convention on Nature Protection mentioned above: Nature is a dynamic, adaptive, and competitive system. Under changing conditions, some species go extinct, indeed, for natural selection to operate, they must. The problem arises when human influence grows so powerful that one can always attribute loss of a species to being "within man's control." When humans ask, "Which ones lose?" the treaty specifies, "None," and demands no limit to the commitment to save them all. This of course destroys the ability to act as agent to save anything, much less objectively evaluate how best to expend our resources to do the best that can be done. SUNNI: Powerful point there, but it doesn't appear that many understand that, Mark. And it's gotta be true that people's emotional attachments to some animals, whether they're attractive, like pandas and tigers, or tasty, like salmon, lead them to want to do something to keep those critters around. Is there something inherently wrong with trying to keep some species around? Or is it simply that laws like the Endangered Species Act are the wrong way -- because they aren't private efforts -- to try to accomplish that goal? MARK: Actually, I think people do understand the central tenets of natural selection. Unfortunately, they have become so accustomed to holding "endangered species" in a separate context that they don't experience any cognitive dissonance as regards natural selection, simply because communications media tend to shape the things distracted people think about (as well as what they don't think about). Still, even when confronted with that paradox, they rightly prefer conservatism in the face of ignorance. People do exert massive influences on natural habitat, extinction is, after all, permanent, and the issues are complex. As to emotional attachment to various species, even brilliant people can derive any number of internally logical arguments founded in emotional constructs and there's nothing wrong with that. It's an important aspect of being human and a means by which we have historically dealt with unknowns. It produces diversity in the face of uncertainty which is a tried and true strategy. That points out yet another thing wrong with a global orthodoxy. Even so, people desperate to prove how "sensitive" they are via their ability to care for the seemingly insignificant show themselves more than willing to get all worked up over some small variation in tarweed, a species that is so dynamic, rugged, varied, and adapted to disturbance that it is in no danger of extinction unless it is protected from any disturbance. This is where markets that measure the interactions of species and integrate into the decision matrix the recovery cost discounted by the probability of the need for restoration versus purchasing contracts for use of offsetting habitat come in. That gets people acting logically on logical elements without having to confront the total complexity of the problem. If a species gets scarce, the price offered for restoration or offset then goes up. If no one will bid the contract to protect it because the allocated budget can only support other recovery efforts with a better chance of success, that defuses emotional concerns as well. SUNNI: It amused me to see that you mention ISO standards in your chapter Getting Off on Good Behavior. I've a friend in a manufacturing industry, and regularly hear of ISO idiocies -- rules that fill notebooks and codify practices, but don't help the company produce better, cheaper products. A lot of people tout it as good for industry, but it's still a quasi-government solution, since it derives from the UN through UNESCO. Won't that kind of "solution" be more common if America was to try to move from government-mandated regulation and oversight to privately-written certification standards and compliance testing? MARK: I once conceived and implemented an ISO 9001 compliant design control system for a medical device manufacturer because they didn't have one and I had a project that was required to comply. It was a very simple, menu-driven system that kept stupid paperwork to a minimum but assured appropriate disclosure on my part as a project manager. That disclosure also assured inescapable management accountability for a decision (which didn't make me popular with management). So I can say with some authority that much of what your friend experiences is, to some degree, probably self-inflicted on the part of his industry. ISO scares the hell out of managers, so, they usually hire consultants or internal specialists to help them qualify. The consultants, if they're smart, make the system convoluted because that makes for the gift that keeps on giving. Once those precedents are set, they become the standards the ISO auditors look for. The whole thing produces a paper trail that isn't that productive for anybody but the lawyers who come in to sue when -- not if -- something goes wrong anyway -- which shouldn't be surprising seeing as everybody is forced into obsessing about compliance instead of focusing on the product. Some global corporations love ISO; it makes the rules the same no matter where you locate. It makes purchasing compliant parts and sub-assemblies far less of a headache and makes it possible to do discovery on one that provides a bad product. But there is a dark side to that love affair as well: ISO gives a big advantage to big companies because of economies of scale in the paperwork and legal business. Doesn't that sound familiar? SUNNI: [chuckling] All too awfully familiar. But do you think it's really the case that we need such institutionalized oversight to standardize items? My friend and I were talking about this just the other day; he was telling me how crappy regular screws are in general, and that crosspoint screws are better, because of that small design improvement to the screw head. I asked him why the older kind are still used, if crosspoint is so superior, and his answer was, essentially, "Standardization". Surely that dynamic is still in play ... it probably even plays out faster, with improved communication and supply lines. MARK: Standardization has become less important than it once was, just as converting America to the metric system was eventually dropped. Computers make it so easy to deal with the differences that the cost of converting all those English unit aircraft wasn't worth the ease of calculations and common standards. Further, the trend toward automation, "build to order," "mass customization," "just in time," minimum inventories, and fantastic improvements in reliability have minimized the need for transferable spare parts. Where we used to need standardized bolts as part of maintaining things, new assembled products are so much better and so cheap that we just toss the old and buy new instead of needing boxes of bolts with which to do repairs. If you do need parts, buy them from the manufacturer off the web and get them by FedEx the next day. You then don't need to care so much about standardized bolts. SUNNI: In my education I spent a lot of time learning research methods, and using them in the research lab. Later, while teaching undergrad research methods, I saw how little of the scientific process my students really understood. The general populace seems to understand it even less. How much do you think the country's declining scientific literacy contributes to the bamboozlement of mainstream Americans? Is there any way to counter that? Mark: Wow, you don't ask small questions, do you? You do realize you're asking a guy with an opinion on everything? [laughs] SUNNI: [laughing] No, I don't -- I despise those fluff interviews that stick to shallow, safe topics in 2000 words or fewer. I saw, through your book and our interactions on LF, that you're not just a guy with opinions, but an intelligent, thoughtful person who's doing all kinds of interesting things. I'd much rather delve into that stuff than we just stroke each other's egos, and name-drop, and all that other crap that often passes as an interview. So, fire away with those opinions! MARK: Tell a friend. Speaking of name dropping, Michael Crichton has proposed solving the politicized science problem by separating scientists in some form of institute isolated from political forces so that they wouldn't be biased (as if that were possible), but he isn't talking about human beings who necessarily bring their biases into their work. Emotion and opinion are integral parts of what gives a human being the drive to do the research in the first place. Our preconceived notions are what generates hypotheses. So given that scientists must to some degree, suffer from subjectivity, it's best that they represent diversified interests and compete to find optimal applications for their ideas. Just as in nature, everybody then finds their niche instead of being forced to conform to a necessarily dangerous orthodoxy. There's a whole section in the book discussing how politicizing science and deliberate dumbing down have more adverse consequences than just misapplication of technical facts in order to advance an agenda. There is the obvious fact that people doing technical grunt work in the environment aren't intellectually capable of dealing with the complexity -- and tie up highly trained people doing work that they should be able to delegate. But the real damage done by our educational system arises from what we don't know because political orthodoxy precludes research on questions that don't get asked. Consider atmospheric carbon dioxide. The longer scientists study climate change, the more vanishingly small the human contribution of CO2 appears to be when compared to variations in solar radiance. So what do the scientists do? They argue over the fractions of a degree of that minor human contribution to the exclusion of anything else because that's where the grant money is. Meanwhile, there are real environmental consequences to atmospheric carbon enrichment that don't get studied because government funding goes toward justifying very profitable "free" markets trading carbon credits funded with what is effectively tax money. As no responsible scientist disputes, added carbon dioxide accelerates the growth of most plants. Farmers obviously consider it a good thing. On the other hand, carbon enrichment has accelerated forest growth by an estimated 65% over what it was in 1900. Carbon dioxide enrichment also reduces drought stress in seedlings so that more of them survive every year. More snow hangs in more tree branches and sublimates into the atmosphere, so less water reaches the ground and gets into the water table. Later in the summer, more water competition among more trees releases far less water into streams. That dries up streams and kills often endangered juvenile fish, not to mention competing plants that supply food to animals that don't eat trees. 140 million acres of National Forests are now so overstocked that they are at risk of catastrophic fire. The Federal government proposes to spend $100 billion to treat but a small fraction of what could be -- but for environmental lawsuits (sponsored by the tax-exempt "charitable" foundations of families with investments in the petrochemical energy business) -- vast amounts of biomass fuel. It affects the price we pay for housing, water, chemicals, and energy, while huge catastrophic fires destroy soils, and water quality. Those consequences of atmospheric carbon enrichment and socialized forests are huge. Nobody says anything. SUNNI: No kidding nobody's saying anything about all that! MARK: The problem is that with the ability to control access to resources the financial stakes are so high that grant funding reflects the interests of those contributing the money. Grant funding for politicized science thus kills the diversity of technical approaches we need, for exactly the same reasons we need biodiversity: applicability to a wide variety of circumstances, newly discovered problems, and unpredictable change. The only way to counter the source of that problem is to devolve the public preference for government schooling, even at the university level. Public schooling trains people to be narrow specialists and to look to authority for the answers -- in other words it trains them not to think outside the box. People have been trying to fix it for fifty years. It can't be fixed. The hard part is to get out of this mess without going through a collapse so that the kids currently enrolled in the system don't have to suffer the consequences. As home educators have grown in number, they have been organizing into loosely knit education cooperatives that point to a new form of public education: decentralized, customer-oriented learning networks, using customized products designed to meet individual interests and abilities. That promises what 21st century education could become: a multi-disciplinary market of customized learning services. We're already starting to see this transformation. Software and curriculum companies are finding a growing market of home school customers committed to gaining competitive advantages. Colleges and universities are offering online degrees because they need superior students to assure productive graduates. Superior teachers could get rich transmitting their ideas and methods to a mass market over the internet. So how can home education benefit children now in public schools? The state can use private and home education markets as if each school was an R&D laboratory developing and testing learning tools and services for future service providers. Parents on public school boards could select from among a range of guaranteed products that the State would fund. Insurance on the guarantee would cover the cost of remedial education if the product fails to meet warranted performance. It is a gradual transformation, from experimenting on our children with untested academic theories, to contracting for innovative tools and methods that have been proven in the marketplace. Of course, any company offering such a guarantee would demand control over how it is delivered. Most would have to rely upon their own employees trained in the methods they offer; else they could not be forced to warrant their product ... It's a way of privatizing the schools from within, subject by subject, contract by contract, child by individual child, meeting individual needs. You read it here first. SUNNI: A very interesting idea, Mark; I'll have to think about that. Back on scientists for a moment, the fog-drip article on your Natural Process web site has a great example of a scientist who's an expert in a specific area being used to push an agenda that his expertise doesn't cover. It seems that happens quite frequently. That, along with the differing opinions scientists have on opposing theories, has to add to the mistrust of scientists ... MARK: For good reason too. The real problem is that, in a world run by lawyers where decisions are win/lose and can't be changed easily because of precedent, you can't find people who'll pay to do science without an eye to winning a case. Never mind developing a technical policy that can manage dynamic competing risks as appropriate to an enormous variety of individual circumstances with numerous unknowns. Paradoxically, neither can you allow scientists to do whatever they want, because we do have a need to focus research into applications that fund the research. Markets can deal with both problems, but somehow the government thinks a "free market" solution should be controlled with political price fixing! They just don't get it. MARK: Not entirely. I think their focus on the health of soils is good, particularly the balance of mineral availability. Organic pest prevention measures are also useful. On the other hand, their -- from what I've seen -- increasing tolerance for weeds that spread from the farms into wildlands is intolerable. I also think the health claims for organic vegetables are exaggerated, especially when the history of how they were handled until sold is unknown. Almost all plants produce toxins by which to preclude or inhibit pest attack. The plants increase production of those toxins when they are attacked, which includes being harvested. Some of these natural chemicals are nasty carcinogens that have developed over eons to be as effective as possible (one reason why so many insects are host-specific). Humans eat 5,000 to 10,000 times the amount (by weight) of these natural carcinogens than they do of pesticides, most of which have been specifically developed to do minimal harm to non-target species such as people. My preference is to minimize total toxicity in food from both natural and artificial sources. I would like to see farmers have full access to pesticides priced by the risks they pose, with the extra markup dedicated by the insurer to reducing or offsetting those risks instead of government paperwork -- which InsCert can handle in principle. That motivates investment to make the delivered cost cheaper at lower total risk. I would also like to see more branding and timestamp labeling on fresh food so that the consumer knows who grew it and where. Mineral assays would be valuable too. That would give market incentive to locally grown, high-quality food. With farmers in the greenbelt and open space businesses (instead of tax supported real estate developers manipulating unproductive open space districts at public expense), we might see food grown closer to the consumer. The internet could help both farmer and consumer by facilitating direct purchase and delivery from suppliers. There are civil defense advantages to this concept. A farmer, rancher, or timber landowner located near an urban area could sell contracts for refuge to urban residents should there be a significant act of war or terrorism. People would know where to go and the landowner would have the supplies on hand to care for them. As I said, I'm looking to create opportunities for landowners where incompetent government monopolies now reign. SUNNI: Another very interesting idea, Mark. I think many individuals see someone who's an environmentalist and wrongly assumes that the person is also anti-technology, or anti-progress. But recent work reveals all kinds of amazing things about how specific plants and animals fill certain needs -- I'm thinking of phytoremediation as one example. You're clearly a technologically-minded environmentalist. How did you meld the two -- or was that ever even an issue for you? MARK: Technology produces the wealth that funds care for nature. It also creates lower-impact substitutes for raw materials and could do a lot more to reduce the cost of doing a better job of stewardship. That is where markets can induce the disciplined investment by which to provide net benefit reducing the cost of environmental risk. Anybody can come up with a good widget, but if it's too unsafe the risks can outweigh the benefits. The same can be said of products or processes that affect our surroundings. The important thing is to make an objective measurement of that impact. If the impact is high, either don't do it or reduce the cost of either the impact directly or redressing it later. The development of mining technologies using cemented backfill instead of an open pit illustrates that tradeoff well. SUNNI: Although I'm interested in environmental issues, I don't have time to keep up with everything I'm interested in and this is an area that's slipped. I'm familiar with some good efforts, such as the Aldo Leopold Foundation. What other private or free-market environmental groups can you recommend to individuals who are interested in getting involved? MARK: Nobody has time to keep up with everything, which is why direct democracy doesn't work. The more complex the issue, the more that is true. Environmental issues are enormously complex. Confining their scope is a good reason to keep the focus on these issues local. Helping local property rights groups is probably the best way to get involved. They need the help more and are closer to the problems. There are national organizations: Treekeepers, The Wilderness Institute, your state Grange, the Discovery Institute, the Environmental Conservation Organization, the Thoreau Institute, PERC, CEI, National Center for Public Policy Research, and they may be able to help point people toward local groups. SUNNI: A good list -- I'm familiar with several of those organizations. Mark, your work seems to me to involve the most challenging elements a freedom-lover could face. I mean, in environmentalism you're facing not just the socialist command-and-control mindset, but also one that's much more actively hostile to private solutions. Most environmentalists probably think there's no way a corporate CEO would care about environmental issues unless the force of law was breathing down his neck ... or that developers would always slash, burn, drain, and level the landscape in order to cram houses on a site as tightly as possible unless green space was mandated. How does your message make headway against that? Have you successfully persuaded "watermelons" that market solutions are better than legislated ones? MARK: As far as the personal challenges are concerned, a twisted sense of humor really helps -- or hurts depending upon the pun. No persuasion of a committed environmentalist can even begin without operating from a position of moral authority from a technical perspective. Without my land recovering as it is, I have none. Without evidence of commitment, having endured the expense, danger, tedium, and frustration of thinning forests, and weeding for months on end, it's hard to get them to listen. The knowledge derived from that work is essential to getting them to understand the tangible reality of what I'm telling them on the technical side, else I will be unable to reveal the way they've been had. There is no substitute for hands-on technical knowledge to convince them that simple preservation won't work; i.e., people have to do something to restore historic damage or prevent future problems. So, if one doesn't understand much about such things, I would go find a volunteer restoration group and work with them for a while. Once that rapport is established with an activist, it's a matter of getting them to understand what isn't working, who's gaming the system, why, and how they've been used by the very same big corporations they decry. It's possible, but you've got to know more about it than they do and be able to handle every eco-fable they've got. Most can't take too much in one sitting. You have to be patient but firm. Then pose the questions that nobody seems to ask: Who is best qualified to do that work? How can it be funded most efficiently? How does the public have confidence that they know what they are doing? and Who pays for the inevitable mistakes and makes sure they get fixed? The answers will change over time. My purpose is for free enterprise to slowly displace government management as we learn how to handle ever bigger markets. With the CEO, it's a matter of co-aligning their interests with those of the planet, which isn't as hard a sell as it used to be. Most corporate executives know that a healthy planet produces greater wealth. They also know that corruption misallocates capital resources into inefficient uses. There is a profit to be made in reducing risk to producing assets and that means understanding the role of all operating constituents. A properly structured market system motivates all of that. The prerequisites for large-scale change center on two components: tort reform and insurance deregulation. You can't have a market that prices measured risks when those risks are all combined into the same pool. That's where insurance deregulation becomes important. Insurers have to be able to charge individual customers according to the risks associated with the choices customers make (we're not talking about congenital human diseases here). That "measured" risk bears no resemblance to reality when its cost is totally distorted with the cost of tort cases based in precedents produced by those unqualified to make such decisions. On the other hand, automating measurement, transactions, and mediation gets cheaper with volume and applied technology. My work is directed toward developing the tactics by which to get that ball rolling. I have done a fair amount of work since the book was published that I can't discuss here. As an additional carrot, I think I may have come up with a legal model by which to patent natural process assets (such as medicinal nutrients) that would be extremely profitable while providing motive to invest in healthy natural habitat. SUNNI: Has there been progress in moving toward InsCert, or something like it? How's it going? MARK: Well, one thing that's holding it back is the patent application. I filed it three and a half years ago and still there has not even been a first office action. That should tell you something. It's awfully hard to interest venture capital without a way to license the intellectual property. Under the new patent rules (that were written for global corporations with big legal staffs), the term is ticking away without protection while the patent office dithers. I didn't really file in order to be the next Microsoft; it was a defensive move to hinder evil people from ruining a good thing. I don't have the money to defend it. So I fix up the place, teach the kids, dabble a little with inventing, build a communications infrastructure and a library of information, do my legal homework, and bide my time. It's in God's hands; I just do what I'm told. SUNNI: What do you think it might take to get all federal lands reverted back into private hands? Is that something you want to see? MARK: Absolutely I want to see it -- almost as much as I'd like to see some crooks go to jail! If you think I'm going to detail that strategy here I may be crazy, but I'm not that dumb. SUNNI: [laughing] Fair enough, Mark. The closing chapter of your book, Strategy of the Commoners, is inspiring in several areas. After the recent rulings by the Supreme Court, though, I think many might agree with me that part of what you're advocating is doomed to fail -- the deck has been totally stacked against we, the people. How would you respond to those who hold that view? Do you know of cases where individuals have gone for the jugular, as you suggest, and succeeded? MARK: I'm more hopeful than that, even though I did have some awful despair when I finally understood the implications of total bureaucracy under the United Nations. Still, when I get this, "It's all hopeless," wailing from property rights advocates, I just tell them to go bury their ammunition for the coming battle if they don't want to try a new tack. It may come to that some day, but we're not there yet. Wayne Hage is succeeding, at enormous cost I might add. He thinks I'm on to something. There have been some attempts in the direction I suggest, but none so far use the entire plan I've laid out. Property rights legal advocates keep waiting for these cases to come to them instead of designing a case in advance and collecting the supporting evidence over time in such a way that it has a real chance of winning. I never really expected this to take full effect in my lifetime, but I do think it's inevitable that the socialist model will fail. When it does, maybe I'll still be around to see the free enterprise system take off. I don't care who gets the credit. SUNNI: What sorts of things do you enjoy for fun, Mark? It's clear that you love the land -- do you get to enjoy yourself hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities? MARK: I've seen enough of the world to know how blessed I am to live where and how I do. I love teaching my kids how to learn. I'm very proud of the work they've done -- my twelve year old is almost done teaching herself college calculus; both kids are writing a term paper on the fall of Rome from original sources, and sometimes they help me weed. I love opening the eyes of people who've never seen just how crushingly beautiful, varied, and interesting the land really can be, especially revealing its subtleties and little surprises (the orchids this year were amazing). I really like finding that first new weed and getting it before it breeds, almost as much as I hate finding one that blew seed. The most special thing is to witness the return of yet another native species and to see it add to the dynamic tapestry. The worst is to find out my neighbors have another weed. When I do travel -- such as on a book tour -- I like to find the people who have worked their land all their lives and pump them for information on how its systems and their businesses work. You would be amazed what I learned from a gold miner who likes to build salmon spawning beds with the newly broken-up gravels his dredge discharges; the guy saved a major salmon run almost single-handed. People like that. They're suspicious of me of course, until they find out that I like to tinker. Most everybody loves to garden with nature once they get started. It's one of humanity's better qualities. SUNNI: It's amazing and inspiring, seeing your children's minds bloom, and being able to help that process. I don't understand how so many people can shuttle their kids between school and endless activities, and never really be with them, enjoy them ... And yeah, getting off the interstates and really experiencing the land is eye-opening. I've been able to do that a fair amount myself, and have come to love the land every place I've done so -- Wyoming, Montana, and Arizona, so far. Sounds like you have an ideal gig going! MARK: It's pretty idyllic. SUNNI: Who inspires you? MARK: Patrick Henry, Wayne Hage, Sibelius ... Tesla, George Washington (and George Washington Harris) ... Ayn Rand, or, better, James J. Hill -- I prefer doers ... but then there are the theoreticians: Aristotle, Jesus Christ, and Bullwinkle! Not to mention Henry Lamb, Thomas Jefferson, or Curly Howard. These are people with the vision, courage, and humor to go on every day, even when alone and things turn ugly. SUNNI: I've taken up a lot of your time already, but before I go, is there anything else you'd like to say? Something we didn't cover, or a new project you're working on ...? MARK: My current focus is in developing interactive video as a way to get this message across in a manner that is easily accessible and compelling with easy access to deeper information. It should be a fun challenge. I'd also like to thank good readers. These are the people who supply questions and want to learn more. The key to writing about a new concept is to understand where their confusion arose, which is usually before they realized they had a question. Good readers will explore that confusion with you and help you get to the truth by which to create solutions. Readers are the best. SUNNI: I'll go back and start Natural Process from the beginning again, and contribute to that process if I can. Mark, thank you so much for all your time today! It's been an absolute delight to get to know you better, and I hope our paths cross in person someday. MARK: If you ever come to the Bay Area, the greatest pleasure I get from having done restoration work is to share the beauty revealed when people tend their land. You would be a welcome guest. It seems you've not only done your homework, you've done several people's homework, AND taken their tests AND written their theses. Are you really only one person?? Seriously, just reading the interview casts into stark relief the disparity between what I know and what I ought to know in order to help precipitate the trend toward a society-wide paradigm shift. I also think much of the political mechanics you discuss are inherently suspected in conservative circles, but it's so much a part of the background noise that it isn't credited with the damage it's doing, nor do I think that the extent of the damage is grasped. This whole thing is like some vicious cancer that rages on, as yet, undiagnosed although symptoms have been evident for quite some time. Sadly, most of our time is spent arguing on the level of which symptom to alleviate, by how much, over what period of time, and what color band-aid to put on it. It ain't easy bein green and a conservative constitutionalist simultaneously, but the Vande Pol dude is doin it. We need to find him some financial backing that won't try to corrupt his "Natural Process!" I once was a little suspicious of his ideas when I first met him on FR, but one reading of one of his early drafts of his book rescued me from those dark thoughts!!! 20 posted on 09/06/2005 9:38:52 PM PDT by SierraWasp (The only thing that can save CA is making eastern CA the 51st state called Sierra Republic!!!) "I also think much of the political mechanics you discuss are inherently suspected in conservative circles, but it's so much a part of the background noise that it isn't credited with the damage it's doing, nor do I think that the extent of the damage is grasped." Could you expand on that theme for me just a bit? This is but one facit that I'm intensely interested in and I don't want to misunderstand what you are getting at. Please. I'm sincere!!! 21 posted on 09/06/2005 10:05:00 PM PDT by SierraWasp (The only thing that can save CA is making eastern CA the 51st state called Sierra Republic!!!) Great post, great read, as a gardener I hate weeds myself, more than the unwelcome pests of all sizes. Weeds can transform a landscape like nothing else. One of the consequences of labor mobility in our society is that new landowners are unfamiliar with local habitat and can't see the change. Teaching them can be maddening. I am in the mid-west, is your book relevant to all landowners. The book relies upon a local case, simply because without that you can't see the evil games played by the local bureaucrats and activists in enough detail to be useful to you. So although it talks about timber, it does template onto any resource management situation. Its discussions of TMDLs and endangered specious, for example, will raise knowing grins. Learning how comical this garbage really is will help empower you in public discourse. 31 posted on 09/07/2005 6:51:25 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.) Seriously, just reading the interview casts into stark relief the disparity between what I know and what I ought to know in order to help precipitate the trend toward a society-wide paradigm shift. We are suffering from fifty years of brainwashing. I did too. It was a very painful and confusing withdrawal. The principal reason conservatism doesn't sell is that conservatives usually don't understand how freedom works to solve everyday problems. Even if we could convince the powerless and dispossessed that coercive means eventually backfire, their needs are so immediate that it doesn't matter to them. 32 posted on 09/07/2005 6:55:48 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.) Yep, we conservative ideologues ain't so dumb. Some of us even have a few original ideas. There's a woman in Jackson, Wyoming named Lani Lamming. Ever heard of her? Nope. She and her sons travel constantly with her herds of goats, hired by local govts from Idaho and Montana to Colorado to have them clear weeds in areas where toxic weed killers aren't allowed. It's a good business. Goats and sheep can be taught which weeds to eat, even in-utero. The chemistry of the plants their mother eats is transmitted through milk as well. The little we learned from her made me realize what a highly complicated issue weed control is. Just the visual demands are enough to disqualify many people. The frequency of return visits is also highly variable with slope, sun, and soil. It's WAY too complex for a bureaucracy to manage. If you want more to read, you can find some at the website: http://www.naturalprocess.net. I've finally got my new 'puter up and running to maintain it, so there will be some new material going up there soon. 34 posted on 09/07/2005 7:04:49 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.) Awe and Admiration BTT. I am in complete agreement concerning the duties of land ownership. It ends up owning you. Guess that's part of the deal. Thanks Bill, that brought tears to my eyes, really. It doesn't matter how much it hurts, does it? You've just got to do it or it gets worse. The hardest part is being slowly surrounded by negligence and stupidity. 36 posted on 09/07/2005 7:08:19 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.) Your interview supplied many a sad grin. Our mere 3 acres was rural enough yet considered civilized when we the bank and the county took possession. The continuous problem I encounter is the weed seeds continuous blowing from the neighborhood, all are 3 + acre lots. Every time a lawn mower gets moving I see the results landing atop my above ground pool. Land ownership is indeed very labor intensive, which is one of the reasons I think the trend is in huge houses place upon very tiny lots. Sadly from my experience involving land management one never knows who exactly they are dealing with until the agreement gets published as legal decree. Conservatives sometimes only see "capitalism" the dollars, as a sign of progress, and fail to see the small print, which isn't capitalism at all. Would that be the stickers with the cork-screw tails? If so, that would be filaree. Filaree is very popular with people with grazing animals, as it has a very high protien content. It's a tough weed, resistant to a good many herbicides. You can spray it, it will burn off, and then it puts up a single flower with hardly any leaves which makes it hard to see. I've beaten it back with RoundUp, but only very slowly. SpeedZone Southern works, but requires a Pest Control Applicator's license to purchase. Timing is critical, you have to get the plant in active growth in the early season. Soil temperature is the critical indicator. A combination of perrennial grasses and pre-emergence and selective herbicides (such as SpeedZone) should work, but I have never attacked a large infestation. If you don't like burrs, keep your eyes open for the bedstraws and hedge parsley. Both are spreading rapidly in Santa Cruz, thanks to County mowers. If you need photos to help identify these plants, send me a FReepmail with your email address and I can provide them to you. Finally, if the burrs look like little bananas, that would be tarweed, which is native and a good soil conditioner. The best long-term management against tarweeds is good perrenial groundcovers, as the seedling is relatively non-competitive. One reason so many tarweed species are endangered is that government "protects" them by precluding soil disturbance they need to get started. 42 posted on 09/07/2005 7:46:54 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (The environment is too complex and too important to manage by central planning.) That corkscrew tail filaree sounds like it. The leaves also have stickers on them, kind of like nettle. There's even a third sticker-thingie that they produce before the corkscrews. I used to have them somewhat under control until this year. I think the heavy rains triggered a comeback of them. Thanks for the info. 43 posted on 09/07/2005 7:57:55 AM PDT by EggsAckley ("The pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handle") Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.
Q: How find the minimum of the value $n$ such$105\mid \left(9^{p^2}-29^p+n\right)$ Find the minimum of the value $n$,such for any prime number $p>3$,have $$105\mid\left(9^{p^2}-29^p+n\right)$$ My since $$105=5\times 3\times 7$$ so $$9^{p^2}-29^p+n=(10-1)^{p^2}-(30-1)^{p}+n)\equiv (-1)^{p^2}-(-1)^{p}+n \pmod 5$$ then I can't.Thank you A: Where you have left off, $$F=9^{p^2}-29^p+n\equiv n\pmod5$$ For $5|F,$ $$ n\equiv0\pmod5\ \ \ \ (1)$$ Similarly, $$9^{p^2}-29^p+n\equiv -(-1)^p+n\equiv1+n\implies n\equiv-1\pmod3\ \ \ \ (2)$$ But $p\equiv\pm1\pmod3\implies p^2\equiv1\implies p^2=3a+1 $ some integer $a$ $$2^{p^2}=2^{3a+1}=2(2^3)^a\equiv2\cdot1^a\pmod7\equiv2$$ $$\implies F\equiv2^{p^2}-1^p+n\equiv2-1+n\pmod7\iff n\equiv-1\pmod7\ \ \ \ (3)$$ If my calculation is correct, $(2),(3)\implies n\equiv-1\pmod{21}\ \ \ \ (4)$ Then apply CRT or Euclid GCD formula on $(1),(4)$
Q: Pthreads vs. OpenMP I'm creating a multi-threaded application in C using Linux. I'm unsure whether I should use the POSIX thread API or the OpenMP API. What are the pros & cons of using either? Edit: Could someone clarify whether both APIs create kernel-level or user-level threads? A: Pthreads and OpenMP represent two totally different multiprocessing paradigms. Pthreads is a very low-level API for working with threads. Thus, you have extremely fine-grained control over thread management (create/join/etc), mutexes, and so on. It's fairly bare-bones. On the other hand, OpenMP is much higher level, is more portable and doesn't limit you to using C. It's also much more easily scaled than pthreads. One specific example of this is OpenMP's work-sharing constructs, which let you divide work across multiple threads with relative ease. (See also Wikipedia's pros and cons list.) That said, you've really provided no detail about the specific program you're implementing, or how you plan on using it, so it's fairly impossible to recommend one API over the other. A: If you use OpenMP, it can be as simple as adding a single pragma, and you'll be 90% of the way to properly multithreaded code with linear speedup. To get the same performance boost with pthreads takes a lot more work. But as usual, you get more flexibility with pthreads. Basically, it depends on what your application is. Do you have a trivially-parallelisable algorithm? Or do you just have lots of arbitrary tasks that you'd like to simultaneously? How much do the tasks need to talk to each other? How much synchronisation is required? A: OpenMP has the advantages of being cross platform, and simpler for some operations. It handles threading in a different manner, in that it gives you higher level threading options, such as parallelization of loops, such as: #pragma omp parallel for for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) arr[i] = 2 * i; If this interests you, and if C++ is an option, I'd also recommend Threading Building Blocks. Pthreads is a lower level API for generating threads and synchronization explicitly. In that respect, it provides more control.
/* Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org> This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ /** * \file SDL_test_font.h * * Include file for SDL test framework. * * This code is a part of the SDL2_test library, not the main SDL library. */ #ifndef _SDL_test_font_h #define _SDL_test_font_h #include "begin_code.h" /* Set up for C function definitions, even when using C++ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* Function prototypes */ #define FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE 8 /** * \brief Draw a string in the currently set font. * * \param renderer The renderer to draw on. * \param x The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the character. * \param y The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the character. * \param c The character to draw. * * \returns Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ int SDLTest_DrawCharacter( SDL_Renderer *renderer, int x, int y, char c ); /** * \brief Draw a string in the currently set font. * * \param renderer The renderer to draw on. * \param x The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the string. * \param y The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the string. * \param s The string to draw. * * \returns Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. */ int SDLTest_DrawString( SDL_Renderer * renderer, int x, int y, const char *s ); /* Ends C function definitions when using C++ */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "close_code.h" #endif /* _SDL_test_font_h */ /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */
A new Ibec report has warned that "excessive" personal injury payouts are contributing to a "litigation culture" that will only serve to cause the cost of insurance to soar for businesses. The business and employers group has published a new report calling for a reduction in the level of compensation awarded in Ireland. The report found that insurance companies are often afraid to challenge compensation claims due to the cost of legal fees. Compensation levels for a number of minor injuries are typically double those in the UK. While the Personal Injuries Assessment Board – now InjuriesBoard.ie – was established 12 years ago to speed up the process for claims, Dr Neil Walker, Ibec's Head of Infrastructure, has argued that the system is not working. In 40% of cases, the board is just a "stepping stone" to the courts and bigger payouts. Speaking to Newstalk Breakfast, Walker said: "The claimants and their solicitors both have an interest because generally you're going to get substantially more in court, depending on which judge is sitting that day. "The guidelines that the Injuries Board use are actually 12 years old, so you think [of] 12 years of inflation... "The UK guidelines are only one year old. And yet we looked at a range of half a dozen different types of minor injury – the least you would expect in Ireland is more than the most you would expect in the UK. "So there's something not right." Walker said that the difference lies in the fact that, while the Irish guidance was set up by independent consultants, whenever the UK guidance is updating, a senior member of the judiciary has to explicitly endorse it. "I think that's what's needed this time," he said of the Irish situation. "The 12-year-old guidelines are going to be revised this year. "There's an expectation that the level of guideline for minor injuries will go up. We would question whether that's actually appropriate given the comparison with the UK." Walker also pointed to the "extraordinary increases" in payouts for minor whiplash and, subsequently, motor insurance and warned that that kind of pressure was going to be put on employer and public liability. "The fear is that it's going to start spiralling." The Ibec report includes a number of recommendations for solving the problem. It wants greater transparency from insurers on personal injury settlements, solicitors to adopt a voluntary code of practice to stop court proceedings being dragged out unnecessarily and for the Injuries Board to work on its image as an impartial service.
Three University of Chicago students were reportedly robbed Thursday on the South Side campus. About 11:59 p.m., they were walking on the Midway Plaisance at Harper Avenue when five people approached them, according to an alert from University of Chicago police. One of the five strangers brandished a handgun and hit one of the students with it, the alert said. They took property from the students before running off. One student was taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center for treatment, the alert said. Read more on crime, and track the city’s homicides.
Atoms-in-molecules analysis for planewave DFT calculations--a numerical approach on a successively interpolated charge density grid. We used a successive charge interpolation scheme and Ridders method for differentiation, to acquire accurate charge densities and their higher derivatives in electronic structure calculations. This enables us to search bond critical points using arbitrary charge density grids. We applied the planewave-DFT code, VASP, to generate the charge density of selected benchmark molecules. The properties of bond critical points are in good agreement with those obtained by complementary implementations. We validated our GRID implementation by performing electronic structure calculations using the Gaussian 03 program package and various tools for analysis of the charge density provided by the AIMPAC package. In particular, we carefully investigate the influence of effective core potentials on the location of bond critical points, especially for a short chemical bond, which is crucial in the present pseudopotential-based planewave DFT calculations. We expect our generic implementation will not only be useful for the analysis of chemical bonding in molecules, but will particularly provide a microscopic understanding of extended systems including periodic boundary conditions.
“Incidents like these, occurring under a president who has openly threatened a free press, take on a greater and more ominous significance,” said Kathy Kiely of the National Press Club Journalism Institute. O'Rielly added that while he didn’t doubt Donnelly’s claims, he “didn't see physical touching,” and at the time of the incident he was "freezing and starving.” Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images A veteran journalist on Thursday was allegedly pinned to a wall by security guards at Federal Communications Commission (FCC) headquarters. This is the latest journalist to be threatened, assaulted, or arrested while attempting to ask questions of federal government officials. John Donnelly, a senior defense writer at CQ Roll Call, said in a statement that he was “manhandled” by FCC security guards, and was physically forced to leave the building after he tried to ask questions of FCC commissioners. “I could not have been less threatening or more polite,” Donnelly said. “There is no justification for using force in such a situation.” The FCC on Thursday held a public hearing on net neutrality regulations, and commissioners took questions from reporters after the hearing. Donnelly said he waited in the hallway to asked the commissioner a question on an unrelated topic. Sex. Abortion. Parenthood. Power. The latest news, delivered straight to your inbox. SUBSCRIBE Donnelly claims that when he approached FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly to ask him a question, two security guards pinned Donnelly against a wall with their backs until the commissioner walked past. The security guards then forced Donnelly to leave the building “under implied threat of force.” Jeff Ballou, president of the National Press Club, said in a statement that Donnelly was doing his job with “characteristic civility,” adding “it is completely unacceptable to physically restrain a reporter who has done nothing wrong or force him or her to leave a public building as if a crime had been committed.” The FCC has not yet issued a public statement on the incident, and gave identical responses to multiple media outlets. “We apologized to Mr. Donnelly more than once and let him know that the FCC was on heightened alert today based on several threats,” an FCC spokesperson told the Washington Post. In a Twitter exchange with Donnelly, O’Rielly wrote that he “didn’t recognize” Donnelly and didn’t witness a physical altercation. “I saw security put themselves between you, me, and my staff. I didn’t see anyone put a hand on you. I’m sorry [this] occurred,” O’Rielly wrote. O’Rielly added that while he didn’t doubt Donnelly’s claims, he “didn’t see physical touching,” and at the time of the incident he was “freezing and starving.” This incident comes during increasing tensions between the press and the Trump administration. Kathy Kiely, press freedom fellow at the National Press Club Journalism Institute, said in a statement that the incident could not be dismissed in today’s political climate. “Incidents like these, occurring under a president who has openly threatened a free press, take on a greater and more ominous significance,” Kiely wrote. “And they do not seem to be isolated.” President Trump has said that he wants to change the country’s libel laws. Trump wrote on Twitter that the news media is the “is the enemy of the American People,” a claim he repeated during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Stephen Bannon, the president’s chief strategist and former head of the white nationalist news outlet Breitbart, told the New York Times that the media should “keep its mouth shut” and described the press as the “opposition party.” It was recently revealed Trump suggested that former director of the FBI James Comey “should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information,” according to reporting by the New York Times. There were six journalists arrested January 20 during massive Inauguration Day protests. Charges against five of those journalists were dropped by prosecutors, but one still faces felony charges. A journalist was arrested in February while covering the Dakota Access pipeline protests near Standing Rock reservation, one of many journalists who have been arrested at Standing Rock. A West Virginia reporter was arrested this month after he attempted to ask Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price whether domestic violence would be considered a pre-existing condition under the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.
The small town of Elkmont in Alabama gets its day in the spotlight thanks to Ludivine, a local hound dog that ran a half marathon after leaving its own backyard, wandered to the starting line of the Trackless Train Trek and finished with a time of 1:32:56, which would have placed her at seventh place. The two-and-half-year-old-dog snuck out of her owner’s (April Hamlin) yard on the morning of January 16 and wound up being a part of the annual race. Hamlin didn’t even notice her dog was gone until she got texts from her friends with pictures of Ludivine participating with the 165 runners in the half marathon. According to reports, Ludivine could have finished with a much better time had she not wandered off in the middle of the race at certain moments to mingle with cheerleaders or sniff the carcass of a dead rabbit. Just so you know: The official IAAF world record for men is 58:23, set by Zersenay Tadese of Eritrea on March 21, 2010 at the Lisbon half marathon in Portugal, and for women is 1:05:09, set by Florence Kiplagat of Kenya on February 15, 2015, in Barcelona, Spain. Ludivine’s time wasn’t bad at all, but she wasn’t breaking any records. Tim Horvath of Huntsville, Alabama, came in sixth in the race. He said Ludivine ran alongside him for most of the race an seemed to be having quite a lot of fun, but needed quite a lot of water after an hour or so. She came up to him at the start of the race, which Horvath didn’t seem to think was unusual, with Elkmont being a small town and Ludivine looking like she belonged to someone by the collar. Hr owner, Halmin, was quite surprised to hear she was able to complete the race: She’s laid-back and friendly, so I can’t believe she ran the whole half marathon, because she’s actually really lazy. Gretta Armstrong, the race director, said people weren’t aware Ludivine ran the entire race until the very end: Everyone was actually quite surprised. We saw her at the start, but the way the course is laid out, we didn’t see the runners until the finish line. Ludivine making the race and Elkmont a lot more famous than they ever have been has caused the organizers to change the name for the 2017 half marathon to Elkmont’s Hound Dog Half Marathon. They might also play on that theme during the race, be it by playing Elvis Presley songs and possibly having a shorter, separate course for leashed dogs. We’re a small town of about 400 people, and now that this has worldwide recognition, it makes sense to tie it back to Ludivine.
thinking out loud about latent and reluctant leadership Main menu Post navigation Theology: spiritual gifts are for followers, too What about the theological belief that the Holy Spirit empowers believers and gives spiritual gifts to all who know him? In John 16, Jesus unpacks the Holy Spirit for the disciples he leaves behind, promising that they’ll be even better off with God-as-Spirit than with God-in-human-form. Certainly, the idea that the Holy Spirit works in and flows through a leader has implications on a leader’s role. Many have written on this subject. In fact, our leadership book discussion group at Wycliffe is getting ready to read Bill Hybels’ The Power of a Whisper. I may have more to say about the leader’s need for discernment and his role in “drafting the Holy Spirit” after I’ve read that book. Instead, I want to focus for a minute on another question. What does it mean for a leader that every believer has spiritual gifts? It means all followers are empowered. First, leaders must listen to their followers, because the Holy Spirit might speak through a prophetic gift or someone with a gift that complements the leader’s blind spot. Second, leadership is just one part of the body. Just because there are fewer heads than fingers doesn’t mean the head is more important or any less needed. That’s hard for most leaders to believe. Leadership seems a more important gifting. But leadership is just one of the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12. It is not given special prominence in the Bible; in fact, leadership falls under the principle that “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” Certainly, Jesus said that leaders shouldn’t “lord it over people” but should be “servant of all.” So where do we get the idea that leaders should be rewarded disproportionately to other gift-holders? The working world would be a happier place if more of us aspired to roles that were just right — if we valued job fit and performance at every level and stopped overemphasizing the very top. Lubin says we should honor chief operating officers, midlevel managers and staffers. She would probably add career placement people, whose job it is to get staff into the right positions. So, let’s hear it for the followers! I think Lubin has a little prophet in her: The underappreciation of followers has a major bottom-line consequence: crazy redundancy. You can see it in the not-for-profit sector, which has a gazillion little organizations replicating one another. We all want to run our own thing, so not-for-profits never die. As a result, we have huge inefficiency and ridiculous amounts of overlap in the sector. This is wasteful, and this is fundamentally bad business. When you consider Christian non-profits, it also reflects a lack of unity. Considering that Christ said the world would know we are Christians if we’re unified, Lubin’s statement is a complete indictment of Christian leadership. So, a failure to understand that the Holy Spirit has empowered all believers leads to a misunderstanding of the importance of followers. Bad theology leads to misprioritized values, pride, redundancy and waste, not to mention derailing our witness.
Richard Cross (bass-baritone) Richard Cross (born December 7, 1935, Faribault, Minnesota) is an American bass-baritone who had an active international opera career from the late 1950s through the 1990s. Possessing a rich and warm voice, Cross sang a broad repertoire that encompassed works from a wide variety of musical periods and styles. He currently teaches on the voice faculties of the Yale School of Music, the Juilliard School, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Biography Cross studied singing at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 1957. He made his professional opera debut in 1958 at the first Festival dei Due Mondi in Spoleto, Italy in the world premiere of Lee Hoiby's The Scarf. Impressed by his performance, composer Gian Carlo Menotti, who ran the Spoleto festival, invited Cross to portray the role of Donato in his new opera Maria Golovin. Cross agreed, and portrayed the role both in its premiere at the Brussels World's Fair in August 1958 and when it premiered in the United States on Broadway in November 1958 at the Martin Beck Theatre under the umbrella of the NBC Opera Theatre. For his portrayal, Cross won a Theatre World Award. In 1959 he sang the role of Donato again with the New York City Opera and toured North America with NBC Opera Theatre. Between 1960-1965 Cross sang with numerous opera companies throughout the United States, including the Baltimore Opera Company and the Houston Grand Opera among others. On November 24, 1961 he made his debut with the Philadelphia Lyric Opera Company portraying Heinrich der Vogler in Richard Wagner's Lohengrin with Richard Cassilly in the title role and Eleanor Steber as Elsa at the Academy of Music. He returned to Philadelphia several more times to sing Sparafucile in Rigoletto (1962), Hunding in Die Walküre (1963, 1965), Méphistophélès in Faust (1965), and Raimondo in Lucia di Lammermoor (1965). In 1963 he made his San Francisco Opera debut portraying Count Rodolfo in Vincenzo Bellini's La Sonnambula with Joan Sutherland as Amina. That same year he recorded the role of King Melchior in Amahl and the Night Visitors both for television and in the recording studio for album release with the NBC Opera Theatre. In 1964 he performed and recorded the role of Oroveso in Bellini's Norma with Joan Sutherland in the title role, Marilyn Horne as Adalgisa, John Alexander as Pollione, conductor Richard Bonynge, and the London Symphony Orchestra. In 1965 he portrayed Father Barré in the American premiere of Krzysztof Penderecki's The Devils of Loudun at the Santa Fe Opera. In 1966 he joined the roster at the Opern- und Schauspielhaus Frankfurt in Germany where he sang roles regularly through 1979. While singing regularly with the Frankfurt Opera, Cross maintained an active international schedule, performing at such houses at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, Theater Dortmund, the Staatstheater Stuttgart, the Hamburg State Opera, the Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi, the Hungarian State Opera House, the Oper der Stadt Köln, the Teatro Real, the Washington National Opera, and Vancouver Opera among others. In 1970-1971 he appeared as a guest at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City and in 1971 he returned to the Spoleto Festival to portray the title role in Modest Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov. He sang at Spoleto again in 1974 as Doktor Schoen in Alban Berg's Lulu. He made his first appearance at the Glyndebourne Festival in 1976 singing the title role in Giuseppe Verdi's Falstaff, returning there the following year to portray Sir Morosus in Richard Strauss's Die schweigsame Frau. In 1979 Cross left the Frankfurt Opera to join the roster at the New York City Opera where he sang regularly through 1984 in such roles as Caspar in Der Freischütz, Sarastro in The Magic Flute, and Forester in The Cunning Little Vixen among others. He notably performed in two world premieres at the NYCO, the role of Jaggers in Dominick Argenta's Miss Havishams Fire in 1979 and the role of Dr. Hoffman in Stanley Silverman's Madame Adare. During these years he also occasionally appeared with other companies throughout the United States. In 1982 he sang in the world premiere of Robert Ward's Minute Till Midnight with the Miami Opera. In 1984 he portrayed Barbarossa in Verdi's La battaglia di Legnano with the Pittsburgh Opera and in 1987 he sang Wotan in Siegfried at the Art Park in Lewiston, New York. In 1990 Cross returned to the NYCO to portray Moses in the 1990 production of Arnold Schoenberg's Moses und Aron. In addition to his work in operas, Cross has worked as a recitalist and a concert soloist, notably appearing in concerts with several major symphony orchestras, including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony, the Seattle Symphony, and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra among others. He also appeared as a guest at electronic composer Jean Michel Jarre's Concert For Tolerance at the Eiffel Tower in 1995. References Category:1935 births Category:Living people Category:People from Faribault, Minnesota Category:American operatic bass-baritones Category:Cornell College alumni Category:Juilliard School faculty Category:Stony Brook University faculty Category:Theatre World Award winners Category:Yale University faculty Category:Singers from Minnesota Category:20th-century American opera singers Category:Classical musicians from Minnesota Category:20th-century male singers
Sharing tips and tidbits I've picked up over the years providing support and training to SQL Sentry customers. Friday, January 13, 2012 Part 2: An Introduction to SSAS Performance and SQL Sentry Performance Advisor for Analysis Services In the last post, I spoke about the fact that SQL Sentry Performance Advisor for Analysis Services (PA for SSAS) “lifts the veil” from the black box known as SQL Server Analysis Services. But, there is little information available that helps someone new to the technology easily interpret all this new information in order to optimize the performance of their servers. In an effort to provide some insight into this new source of information, I wrote about the SSAS engine and how it handles incoming requests. In part 2 of this series, I want to dig deeper into the common sources of bottlenecks and what information is available to troubleshoot these issues. What can impact MDX performance? For the purposes of this post, I’ll break down into six categories what can impact MDX performance on your SSAS server. Those categories are: · Processing · Unoptimized code · CPU · Memory · Disk · Network I’ll tackle each one by giving an explanation and refer to specific metrics, primarily performance counters, that can be used to analyze the given issue. Processing I mentioned in the last post that processing involves the creation and updating of cubes with new data and/or recalculating and reorganizing existing data. I related it to maintenance on SQL Server and many of the same factors you consider when you implement maintenance in SQL Server apply to processing in SSAS. Processing primarily involves the Storage Engine (SE), which you’ll remember is multi-threaded, and can obviously be a resource intensive operation. Since processing may involve new data or recalculation of existing data, cached data will become outdated and will be flushed. This then means that the next time a query runs that requires that data, the SE will have to query the file system to retrieve needed data from the Windows cache or the disk system to replace the flushed data. This will result in a performance hit to the query on its first run after processing. Querying while processing is occurring on the same cube can lead to blocks. Querying any cube while processing is occurring can lead to general resource contention on the server. Monitoring Processing So how can we tell when processing is occurring on the server? While there are many performance metrics that have varying levels of usefulness, I’ll mention a handful for each topic that will give you better insight for that topic. Don’t infer that if I don’t mention it, it’s not useful or vice versa. The point of this series is to give you a better understanding of what’s going on in SSAS and how to make better use of the information tools like SQL Sentry’s PA for SSAS provide. · Processing: Rows written/sec tells you the rate of rows written during processing. · Proc Aggregations: Rows created/sec more specifically tells you the rate aggregation rows are created during processing. · Proc Indexes: Rows/sec tells the rate of rows from MOLAP files used to create indexes. So, a non-zero value for these counters confirms that processing is taking place. These metrics can also help determine the effectiveness of any processing tuning efforts. If your tuning efforts are effective, you should see an increase in these values accordingly. Improving Processing Related Performance So how do you improve performance related to processing? I mentioned earlier that you can relate SSAS processing with maintenance in SQL Server. Many of the same techniques applied in SQL Server maintenance apply here as well. · Scheduling – If possible, schedule processing activities during time of least querying activity on the server to avoid blocks and resource contention. · Processing Type – Use the most appropriate processing commands. Just as there are different types of backup strategies in SQL Server such as Full, Log, Differential, etc. the same applies in SSAS processing. For example, use ProcessData and ProcessIndex where appropriate instead of ProcessFull. · Partitioning – If you’re working with Enterprise Edition, be sure to take advantage of the ability to break Measure Group data into partitions. Not every partition may need to be processed every time. Partitioning can serve to reduce the overall amount of work that is done. Remember that the SE is multi-threaded, so architect your data to take advantage of parallel processing capabilities. We’ve really just scratched the surface with the series. In the next installment I’ll discuss identifying and understanding issues related to unoptimized MDX, and from there we’ll finish with server resource bottlenecks. Stay tuned! The main aim of getting online education is to cover all skills usually and accept by the profession. If you’re a medical students then don’t worried about your assignment work. Our doctoral level writers each time available for your academic help with services and get authentic information in affordable price.more Training is a more helpful type of making an interpretation of complex data into more dependable data that can be access by anybody and with no uncertainty since questions are making things more odd to deal with.capstone services Sports board also uses education as the platform of sport. In education, sports base knowledge exists. We can write a report related to sports knowledge. 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Q: R: find most frequent group of words in corpus Is there an easy way how to find not only most frequent terms, but also expressions (so more than one word, groups of words) in text corpus in R? Using the tm package, I can find most frequent terms like this: tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus) findFreqTerms(tdm, lowfreq=3, highfreq=Inf) I can find associated words to the most frequent words using findAssocs() function, so I could manually group these words. But how can I find the number of occurrences of these groups of words in corpus? Thx A: If I remember correctly, you can construct a TermDocumentMatrix of Bigrams (2 words that always occur together) using weka, and then process them as needed library("tm") #text mining library("RWeka") # for tokenization algorithms more complicated than single-word BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 2, max = 2)) tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(corpus, control = list(tokenize = BigramTokenizer)) # process tdm # findFreqTerms(tdm, lowfreq=3, highfreq=Inf) # ... tdm <- removeSparseTerms(tdm, 0.99) print("----") print("tdm properties") str(tdm) tdm_top_N_percent = tdm$nrow / 100 * topN_percentage_wanted Alternatively, #words combinations that occur at least once together an at most 5 times wmin=1 wmax = 5 BigramTokenizer <- function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = wmin, max = wmax)) Sometimes it helps to perform word stemming first in order to get "better" word groups.
As fabricantes de aeronaves Embraer e Boeing estão negociando uma fusão. A informação foi divulgada pelo jornal americano "Wall Street Journal" no ínicio da tarde desta quinta-feira (21) e confirmada por volta de 17h pelas duas empresas. As ações da empresa chegaram a dispararar cerca de 40% durante o dia. Fecharam em alta de 22,5%, a R$ 20,20. Em um dia, o valor de mercado da empresa subiu R$ 2,7 bilhões, para R$ 14,8 bilhões, segundo cálculo da provedora de serviços financeiros Economatica. A união entre as empresas pode criar uma gigante global de aviação, com forte atuação nos segmentos de longa distância e na aviação regional, e capaz de fazer frente a uma união similar entre as concorrentes Airbus e Bombardier. "Boeing e Embraer confirmaram hoje que as duas companhias encontram-se em tratativas em relação a uma potencial combinação de seus negócios, em bases que ainda estão sendo discutidas. Não há garantia de que qualquer transação resultará dessas discussões. Boeing e Embraer não pretendem fazer comentários adicionais sobre essas discussões", informaram Boeing e Embraer em comunicado conjunto. De acordo com o jornal americano, as empresas aguardam a posição do governo brasileiro sobre o negócio. A União tem uma ação de classe especial, chamada de "golden share", que dá poder de veto em decisões estratégicas da Embraer. Isso ocorre porque a empresa nasceu como estatal e foi privatizada nos anos 90. Em comunicado, Embraer e Boeing esclareceram que, se fecharem acordo de fusão, ele ainda precisará do aval de autoridades brasileiras e americanas. "Qualquer transação estará sujeita à aprovação do governo brasileiro e dos órgãos reguladores, dos conselhos de administração das duas companhias e dos acionistas da Embraer", disseram as empresas. Procurado, o Ministério do Planejamento disse que não vai comentar a questão. A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) questionou a Embraer por ter divulgado um fato relevante durante o pregão. A empresa explicou que a "oscilação rápida e significativa da cotação da ação" foi o que "tornou imperativa imediata". Em nota, o Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São José dos Campos e Região informou que repudia a possibilidade de compra da empresa pela Boeing. "A Embraer é estratégica para o país e não pode ser vendida para capital estrangeiro." O sindicato pede que o governo faça uso de seu poder de veto e impeça o negócio. Em setembro deste ano, o ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles, consultou o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) sobre como o governo poderia se livrar das "golden share" em ex-estatais, como, por exemplo, Embraer e Vale. Prêmio para acionistas O acordo envolveria um prêmio alto para os atuais acionistas da Embraer, segundo o Wall Street Journal. Atualmente, a Embraer tem um valor de mercado de cerca de US$ 3,7 bilhões. Os rumores sobre o negócio fizeram as ações da Embraer dispararem na bolsa de valores de Nova York e de São Paulo nesta quinta-feira (21). As ações chegaram a subir cerca de 40% na bolsa brasileira. Como subiram mais do que 10% no pregão, as ações da Embraer chegaram a ter sua negociação interrompida por 30 minutos. A Embraer é uma empresa privada, de capital aberto. A maioria dos seus acionistas são donos de ações da empresa negociadas na bolsa de valores de Nova York e de São Paulo. Esses acionistas, que são donos de fatias menores do que 5% da empresa, juntos detêm um total de 64,5% da empresa. O maior acionista individual é o fundo de investimentos americano Brandes, dono de 15% da empresa. (veja gráfico abaixo). Composição acionária da Embraer Participação dos acionistas no capital da empresa, em % Fonte: Embraer Tendência de consolidação As supostas discussões entre Boeing e Embraer ocorrem meses após as suas principais concorrentes, a europeia Airbus e a canadense Bombardier, unirem esforços. A Airbus comprou uma participação majoritária na produção do modelo C-Series, uma família de aeronaves de médio alcance, com capacidade de transportar entre 100 e 150 pessoas, concorrente direta dos jatos da Embraer. 2 de 3 Fábrica da Boeing em Everett, nos EUA, monta modelos 777 — Foto: Divulgação Fábrica da Boeing em Everett, nos EUA, monta modelos 777 — Foto: Divulgação A Airbus e a Boeing são as principais fabricantes de aeronaves comerciais para voos de longa distância. Já a Embraer e a Bombardier lideram o mercado de jatos regionais, com aeronaves equipadas para voar distâncias menores. Boeing e Embraer já são parceiras em diversos projetos. Elas anunciaram neste ano um acordo para venda e suporte técnico do novo cargueiro da Embraer, o KC-390. As duas empresas mantêm um centro de pesquisas conjunto sobre biocombustíveis para aviação em São José dos Campos desde 2015.
Sunday, July 13, 2014 WaPo: Immigration politics may be turning against Obama and Democrats... Democrats thought they had Republicans in a no win immigration situation going into the mid-terms and 2016. If they passed immigration reform, they alienated their base. If they didn't, they alienated Hispanics. Now the tide has turned with the recent tsunami of minors flooding across the border. If Obama sends them back, he will alienate liberals and Hispanics. If he welcomes them with open arms, he may alienate blacks and a majority of other Americans. The democrat's united front on immigration is disintegrating and the immigration focus has shifted to border security. Instead of talking about immigration reform, the discussion will be about border security and deportation for the rest of this year. The public views Republicans as the party of strong border security. Until now, the politics of immigration have been seen as a no-lose proposition for President Obama and the Democrats. If they could get a comprehensive overhaul passed, they would win. And if Republicans blocked it, the GOP would further alienate crucial Hispanic and moderate voters. But with the current crisis on the Southwest border, where authorities have apprehended tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children since October, that calculus may be shifting. Republicans and even some Democrats have accused Obama of being insufficiently engaged in a calamity that many say he should have seen coming. And the president’s own party is deeply divided over what must be done now — particularly on the sensitive question of deporting children who have traveled thousands of miles and turned themselves in to U.S. authorities to escape from the desperate situations they faced in countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The emergency has also renewed questions about the administration’s competence, reminiscent of those raised during the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, last year’s botched rollout of the health-care law and more recent revelations of mismanagement that jeopardized care of patients at veterans hospitals. Keep on reading...
Expression, activity and regulation of CYP3A in human and rodent brain. The importance of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A enzymes in human drug metabolism is well established. The function of these enzymes has been characterized extensively in liver and intestinal tissues but much less is known about their expression, regulation and functional activity in the brain. Several lines of evidence point to the presence and function of multiple forms of CYP enzymes, including CYP3A, in both human and rodent brain. Expression studies suggest that CYP3A enzymes show regional differences in their distribution in the brain, where they may play a role in steroid metabolism. They also metabolize many psychoactive drugs and may have a profound effect on their efficacy and safety. This review explores the tissue, cellular, and subcellular expression of CYP3A isoforms in human and rodent brain and provides insight into their functional roles and regulation.
The summit between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un is over. And their message was clear. The U.S. is welcome at the negotiating table but they are not necessary to resolving the situation. Russia, however, is. Kim went to Vladivostok to build a relationship with Putin and put the U.S. on the spot. Per Putin’s comments after the summit: We are going to discuss the situation with the US. Russia is always open on this – there are no conspiracies. More than that Kim Jong-un personally asked us to inform Washington of his position and the issues he wants to ask about. What Kim has done is elevated Russia and Putin to the level of mediator between North Korea and the U.S. Russia is now an equal partner in the process. And the U.S. has been diminished in its position in these talks. A d v e r t i s e m e n t As I said yesterday, I expected something big to come from this meeting and this was it. Kim is no longer willing to talk with the U.S. directly and they must go through Putin and his staff of professional diplomats to do so. What’s the U.S.’s response to this? Ambassador to Russia and Deep State mouthpiece John Huntsman said of two aircraft carrier groups in the Mediterranean, “When you have 200,000 tons of diplomacy that is cruising in the Mediterranean, this is forward-operating diplomacy — nothing else need to be said.” This is the kind of statement that is completely counter-productive and Huntsman knows it. It betrays the kind of thinking that led us to this point. In fact, it is now exactly that kind of thinking that is precluding a settlement with North Korea. And that’s exactly what John Bolton wants and Trump isn’t strong enough to see the situation for what it is and rein in his foreign policy staff. None of that phases Putin, however. He’s made it clear that sabre-rattling is not diplomacy. And relative to North Korea’s nuclear weapons it is irrelevant to the process. The U.S. will not attack North Korea. If that was going to happen it would have by now. He knows that the Koreans are driving the reunification process and urged South Korea to act with more independence. And while Putin holds out the possibility of future diplomacy, being willing to relay Kim’s positions and concerns to Trump, he also knows that Trump is not setting policy. That’s the take away from this. Trump has to now, with RussiaGate concluded, take back control of his foreign policy and take the lead, end the Korean War and be a peacemaker or fold. Remember the U.S.’s calculus here. North Korea is about Iran, which, in turn, is about Israel. Since all of Trump’s foreign policy is focused on securing Israel’s future no one in the administration is willing to let him end the stalemate without testing all involved to the limit. The problem is, however, that threats are only threats if you are willing to go through with them. Proxy war proliferation to destabilize central Asia as a central strategy has failed. Syria is mostly secure, as is Iran. Turkey, Pakistan and India are off the reservation. Sure there is still a lot of damage those 200,000 tonnes can do but at what cost? And to whom? Russia? No. Where do those strike groups go and who do they attack? The answer is, “No one important.” The time for belligerence is over. Kim just went to the Russians to show the world his willingness to be reasonable and find new solutions to his country’s situation. Set against the backdrop of China bringing the world together through the incentives of Belt and Road shouldn’t be discounted. Kim is showing not only the U.S. but the world that he is the statesman here and that the U.S. precludes a solution which will weaken support for continuing sanctions.
The overlapping lower urinary tract symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. To investigate the relationship, diagnosis and treatment of the overlapping lower urinary tract symptoms experienced by men diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. Recent studies have clearly shown that men can suffer from both benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. Approximately 5-20% of men diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia suffer from prostatitis-like symptoms, while over one third of men diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia have had a diagnosis of prostatitis in the past. Differentiation between these two symptom-based medical conditions can be difficult because of overlapping symptoms, but pain clearly identifies those patients with chronic prostatitis. Treatment for men with co-occurring benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis may include alpha-blockers, 5alpha-reductase inhibitors and phytotherapies (saw palmetto and bee pollen extract), with evidence clearly showing the benefits of alpha-blocker therapy. Benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis are a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms and frequently co-occur in older men. The best treatment for men with lower urinary tract symptoms associated with both benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis is alpha-blockers.
Malai is opening a counter for ice cream, floats and pints in the Gotham Market at the Ashland, in Brooklyn. The brand, founded by Pooja Bavishi, sells frozen desserts in flavors like masala chai, Turkish coffee and golden turmeric. They are is also available online. The stand replaces Crabby Shack in an area of the food hall that is dedicated to pop-ups: Malai, Gotham Market at the Ashland, 590 Fulton Street (Ashland Place), Fort Greene, Brooklyn, 718-624-7708, malai.co.
The invention concerns a method for automatically controlling the pressure of a common rail system on an A side and a common rail system on a B side of a V-type internal combustion engine. V-type internal combustion engines have a rail on the A side and on the B side for temporary storage of the fuel. The injectors, which are connected to the rails, inject the fuel into the combustion chambers. In a first design of the common rail system, a high-pressure pump pumps the fuel into both rails at the same time, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure. Therefore, the same rail pressure prevails in both rails. A second design of the common rail system differs from the first in that a first high-pressure pump pumps the fuel into a first rail, and a second high-pressure pump pumps the fuel into a second rail. Both designs are described, for example, by DE 43 35 171 C1. Since the quality of the combustion is critically dependent on the pressure level in the rails the pressure level is automatically controlled. Typically, a closed-loop pressure control system comprises a pressure controller, the suction throttle with high-pressure pump, the rail as the controlled system, and a filter in the feedback path. In this closed-loop pressure control system, the pressure level in the rail is the controlled variable. The measured raw values of the rail pressure are converted by the filter to an actual rail pressure, which is compared with a set rail pressure. The resulting control deviation is then converted by the pressure controller to a control signal for the suction throttle. The control signal corresponds to a volume flow in units of liters/minute, which is implemented electrically as a PWM (pulse-width-modulated) signal. A corresponding closed-loop pressure control system is known from DE 10 2006 049 266 B3. An internal combustion engine provided as a generator drive is operated to realize a constant 50 Hz mains frequency in a closed-loop speed control system. The raw values of the controlled variable, i.e., the speed of revolution, are detected on the crankshaft, filtered, and compared as the actual speed with a reference input, the set speed. The resulting control deviation is then converted by a speed controller to the correcting variable, a set injection quantity. A load reduction is a process that is difficult to control in an internal combustion engine with closed-loop pressure control and closed-loop speed control, first, due to its dynamics and, second, due to the different step response times of the two closed-loop control systems. Previously known measures for improving the response time in a load reduction, are regulation of injection start (DE 199 37 139 C1), switching to a faster speed filter (DE 10 253 739 B3) or pressure filter (DE 10 2004 023 365 A1), or temporarily increasing the PWM signal. In addition, DE 101 12 702 A1 discloses that in the case of large changes in dynamics, the response time of the closed-loop pressure control system can be improved by an input control variable. The high-pressure pump is controlled by the input control variable. The input control variable is computed from the set fuel quantity, the speed of the high-pressure pump, and the rail pressure. A common feature of the methods described above is their use with a closed-loop pressure control system in a common rail system of the first design.
Q: Problems with implementing generic IEnumerator and IComparable I'm working on an AVL Tree. The tree itself seems to be working but I need a iterator to walk through the values of the tree. Therefore I tried to implement the IEnumerator interace. Unfortunately I get a compile time error implementing IEnumerator and IComparable. First the code and below that the error. class AvlTreePreOrderEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T> where T :IComparable<T> { private AvlTreeNode<T> current = default(T); private AvlTreeNode<T> tree = null; private Queue<AvlTreeNode<T>> traverseQueue = null; public AvlTreePreOrderEnumerator(AvlTreeNode<T> tree) { this.tree = tree; //Build queue traverseQueue = new Queue<AvlTreeNode<T>>(); visitNode(this.tree.Root); } private void visitNode(AvlTreeNode<T> node) { if (node == null) return; else { traverseQueue.Enqueue(node); visitNode(node.LeftChild); visitNode(node.RightChild); } } public T Current { get { return current.Value; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return Current; } } public void Dispose() { current = null; tree = null; } public void Reset() { current = null; } public bool MoveNext() { if (traverseQueue.Count > 0) current = traverseQueue.Dequeue(); else current = null; return (current != null); } } The error given by VS2008: Error 1 The type 'T' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Opdr2_AvlTreeTest_Final.AvlTreeNode'. There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from 'T' to 'System.IComparable'. This error is given on the following lines: //members private AvlTreeNode<T> current = default(T); //current highlighted private AvlTreeNode<T> tree = null; //tree highlighted private Queue<AvlTreeNode<T>> traverseQueue = null; //traverseQueue highlighted //Constructor public AvlTreePreOrderEnumerator(AvlTreeNode<T> tree) // AvlTreePreOrderEnumerator highlighted //Method private void visitNode(AvlTreeNode<T> node) //visitNode highlighted For now I've not included the tree and node logic. I anybody thinks it is necessary to resolve this problem, just say so! Thx! A: Could you try changing it to this class AvlTreePreOrderEnumerator<T> : IEnumerator<T> where T :IComparable
Q: Как при верстки сортировать div элементы? Есть страница со списком актеров на примере этой. Допустим я сверстал все элементы, но последовательность нарушена. Как отсортировать элементы в редакторе по имени актеров, ибо в ручную делать - мрак. Подскажите как поступают при верстки сайтов в таких случая? .user-list__user { background: #325; color: #fff; border: 2px solid #287; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: center; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Test</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> </head> <main class="main"> <div class="user-list"> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Вася</span> <span class="user__user-age">45<span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Андрей</span> <span class="user__user-age">18</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Сережа</span> <span class="user__user-age">12</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Маша</span> <span class="user__user-age">34</span> </div> </div> </main> <script src="js/main.min.js"></script> </body> </html> A: Ну можно тупо отсортировать скриптом при выводе jQuery(document).ready(function($) { (function() { var users = $('div.user'); var cmp = function(left, right) { if (left < right) return -1; if (left == right) return 0; return 1; } users.sort(function(left, right) { var res = cmp( $('.user__user-name', left).text(), $('.user__user-name', right).text() ); if (res === 0) { res = cmp( parseInt($('.user__user-age', left).text()), parseInt($('.user__user-age', right).text()) ); } return res; }); var parent = users.parent(); users.detach().appendTo(parent).show(); })(); }); .user-list__user { background: #325; color: #fff; border: 2px solid #287; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: center; display: none; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Test</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> </head> <body> <main class="main"> <div class="user-list"> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Вася</span> <span class="user__user-age">45</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Андрей</span> <span class="user__user-age">18</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Сережа</span> <span class="user__user-age">12</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Маша</span> <span class="user__user-age">34</span> </div> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name">Маша</span> <span class="user__user-age">5</span> </div> </div> </main> </body> </html> Или отделить мух от котлет. В смысле данные от отображения jQuery(document).ready(function($) { (function() { var users = [ {name: "Вася", age: 45}, {name: "Андрей", age: 18}, {name: "Сережа", age: 12}, {name: "Маша", age: 34}, {name: "Маша", age: 5} ]; var cmp = function(left, right) { if (left < right) return -1; if (left == right) return 0; return 1; } users.sort(function(left, right) { var res = cmp(left.name, right.name); if (res === 0) res = cmp(left.age, right.age); return res; }); var template = $('div.user'); var parent = template.parent(); for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { $('.user__user-name', template).text(users[i].name); $('.user__user-age', template).text(users[i].age); template = template.appendTo(parent).clone(); }; })(); }); .user-list__user { background: #325; color: #fff; border: 2px solid #287; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: center; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Test</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> </head> <body> <main class="main"> <div class="user-list"> <div class="user user-list__user"> <span class="user__user-name"></span> <span class="user__user-age"></span> </div> </div> </main> </body> </html>
Q: Is there a way in jQuery to bring a div to front? If I had a bunch of absolute positioned divs and they overlapped, how would I get a certain div to come to the front? Thanks again guys! A: This is a CSS thing, not a jQuery thing (though you can use jQuery to modify the css). $('element').css('z-index', 9999); // note: it appears 'zIndex' no longer works Or, absolute positioning will bring something to the top: $('element').css('position', 'absolute'); A: With jQuery (like you asked): $('#a-div').parent().append($('#a-div')); // Pop a div to the front Weird how everyone went with z-index. Why override natural stacking order when you can just pop it to the front within the DOM? A: When you are working with multiple elements you'll have to loop through and see which has the highest z-index, and set the top to that+1. http://jsfiddle.net/forresto/Txh7R/ var topZ = 0; $('.class-to-check').each(function(){ var thisZ = parseInt($(this).css('zIndex'), 10); if (thisZ > topZ){ topZ = thisZ; } }); $('.clicked-element').css('zIndex', topZ+1); For a non-CSS version (if none of the layers have z-index specified) you can also just append the element again: $('.click-to-top').click(function(){ $(this).parent().append(this); }); (I don't know if that is slower than with CSS z-index.) For non-CSS non-jQuery, just append it again: // var element = document...; element.parentNode.appendChild(element);
Alex Torres (baseball) Alexander Jesus Torres Matos (born December 8, 1987) is a Venezuelan professional baseball pitcher for the Tigres de Quintana Roo of the Mexican League. He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Tampa Bay Rays, San Diego Padres and New York Mets. He is known as the first pitcher in Major League Baseball to take advantage of the league rules allowing pitchers to wear protective headgear full-time. Professional career Los Angeles Angels Torres was signed on January 12, 2005, by Los Angeles Angels scout Carlos Porte, as an international free agent, and was assigned to the Angels' Dominican Summer League Angels that season. He spent the 2006 and 2007 seasons with the Angels' rookie-level Arizona League Angels, as well as the beginning of the 2008 season before earning a promotion to the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes in the Class A-Advanced California League. In 2009, Torres was again assigned to Rancho Cucamonga, where he earned minor league Pitcher of the Month honors for the Angels organization in both June and July. He held a stretch of 19 consecutive scoreless innings pitched (June 9–29, 2008) and won his final 5 starts before being promoted again to the Arkansas Travelers in the Double-A Texas League on July 31, 2009. Tampa Bay Rays On August 28, 2009, Torres was traded to the Tampa Bay Rays along with infielders Sean Rodriguez and Matthew Sweeney for pitcher Scott Kazmir, and he was assigned to the Montgomery Biscuits in the Double-A Southern League. Following the 2009 season, the Rays added Torres to the 40-man roster on November 19 to protect him from the Rule 5 draft. Torres started 27 games for Montgomery in 2010, posting a 3.47 ERA and 150 strike-outs in 142 innings. For the 2011 season, Torres was promoted to the Durham Bulls in the Triple-A International League. He was promoted to the Major League for the first time on July 18, 2011. He pitched in a single game on July 18, giving up one hit and three walks in one inning, before he was returned to Triple-A. He was called up to the Rays again in September, pitching in 3 more games in relief. For the season in Triple-A, he started 27 games, had a 3.08 ERA and 156 strike-outs in 146 innings. Torres began 2012 as a starter for the Durham Bulls, but he struggled with control and was sent to the bullpen after 5 starts with a 10.38 ERA. He made 11 relief appearances, allowing 11 earned runs in 20 innings, and then returned to the starting rotation in mid-June. He continued to struggle in 8 more starts, allowing 24 earned runs in 24 innings, before he was placed on the disabled list and then sent to the rookie-level Gulf Coast League Rays in Port Charlotte, Florida to work with pitching coach Marty DeMerritt. Torres returned to make the final start of the year in Durham, pitching 5 scoreless innings and striking out 10. He then pitched in the winter leagues in his native Venezuela. Torres again opened 2013 with the Triple-A Durham Bulls as he was eligible for a fourth option year after being added to the 40-man roster in 2009. He pitched to a 3.52 ERA in 9 starts in Durham in 2013. Torres was called up the Rays in mid-May when David Price went down with an injury. He appeared in 2 games out of the bullpen, including a scoreless four-inning stint, and was sent back down to Durham. He was recalled on June 1 to add depth to the bullpen. There was discussion in June about turning Torres into a starter, but manager Joe Maddon opted to keep him in the bullpen. Torres remained with the big league club for the remainder of the season, accumulating a 1.71 ERA and 62 strike-outs in 58 innings and 39 games. San Diego Padres On January 22, 2014, the Rays traded Torres and Jesse Hahn to the San Diego Padres for Logan Forsythe, Brad Boxberger, Matt Andriese, Maxx Tissenbaum and Matt Lollis. On June 21, 2014, Torres became the first Major League Baseball pitcher to wear the isoBLOX protective cap introduced early in the year. MLB approved the product in January, nearly a year and a half after pitcher Brandon McCarthy was struck in the head by a line drive and suffered life-threatening brain injuries. Other pitchers with traumatic injuries includes Juan Nicasio, Alex Cobb and Aroldis Chapman, which led MLB to ramp up efforts to better protect pitchers. Torres accumulated a 3.33 ERA over 54 innings in 70 appearances in 2014, striking out 51 and walking 33. New York Mets On March 30, 2015, the Padres traded Torres to the New York Mets for Cory Mazzoni and a player to be named later. Torres pitched to a 3.15 ERA, but walked 26 batters in and allowed left-handed hitters a .268 batting average against. All of this combined with the fact that Torres was out of minor league options ultimately led the Mets to designate him for assignment on August 4. Torres cleared waivers and was reassigned to the Mets' triple-A club in Las Vegas. Atlanta Braves Torres signed a minor league contract with the Atlanta Braves on December 31, 2015. On March 30, 2016, he was released. Gunma Diamond Pegasus He signed with the Gunma Diamond Pegasus of the Baseball Challenge League. Tigres de Quintana Roo On January 15, 2020, Torres signed with the Tigres de Quintana Roo of the Mexican League. See also List of Major League Baseball players from Venezuela References External links Category:1987 births Category:Living people Category:Arizona League Angels players Category:Arkansas Travelers players Category:Águilas del Zulia players Category:Durham Bulls players Category:Gulf Coast Rays players Category:Las Vegas 51s players Category:Major League Baseball pitchers Category:Major League Baseball players from Venezuela Category:Montgomery Biscuits players Category:New York Mets players Category:Rancho Cucamonga Quakes players Category:San Diego Padres players Category:Sportspeople from Valencia, Carabobo Category:Tampa Bay Rays players Category:Venezuelan expatriate baseball players in Japan Category:Venezuelan expatriate baseball players in the United States Category:2013 World Baseball Classic players
Introduction {#S0001} ============ Cervical cancer screening (CCS) targets the reduction of cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates \[[@CIT0001]\]. Unfortunately, in Eastern Europe cervical cancer is still a considerable public health problem, with high cancer incidence and low rates of CCS participation \[[@CIT0002]\]. Differences in cervical cancer mortality trends can be plausibly explained by the differences in screening uptake \[[@CIT0003]\]. Cervical cancer screening participation is influenced by women\'s beliefs. Perceived psychosocial barriers are among commonly listed psychosocial determinants of CCS uptake \[[@CIT0004]\]. Perceived barriers predicted performance of 48 different health-related behaviors (including CCS) across 100 different populations \[[@CIT0005]\]. The balance between perceived psychosocial barriers and facilitating factors prompts individuals to form a strong intention and then to act upon the intention \[[@CIT0004]\]. Perceived barriers may refer to the characteristics of the individual (e.g., emotions, skills, self-evaluations), as well as the social (e.g., communication with health professionals) and physical environment (e.g., perceived distance to CCS facilities) \[[@CIT0004], [@CIT0006]\]. Research evaluating the prevalence of perceived psychosocial barriers and their role in CCS uptake yielded diverse conclusions. Systematic reviews aim at integrating and synthesizing the accumulated results by means of collating empirical evidence which fits pre-specified eligibility criteria, using explicit, replicable search and evaluation methods, selected to minimize biases \[[@CIT0007]\]. In sum, systematic reviews allow for a summary of overarching findings after appraising the available evidence \[[@CIT0007]\]. Applying the systematic review strategies, our study aims at integrating research discussing the role of perceived psychosocial barriers in CCS uptake. In particular, we analyzed the evidence for the associations between CCS uptake and perceived psychosocial barriers of any types, and types and frequency of psychosocial barriers identified by women residing in European, North American or Australian continents. Material and methods {#S0002} ==================== Search procedure {#S20003} ---------------- A systematic search of peer-reviewed journal papers published until 2011 was conducted in PsycINFO, PsychArticles, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Medline, and ScienceDirect. Applied key-words referred to CCS behavior (e.g., "cervical cancer screening") and barriers. No language restrictions were applied. Manual searches of the reference lists were conducted to identify additional sources. Two reviewers independently screened identified studies (*k* = 655). The search strategies, data abstraction and synthesis used systematic reviews' guidelines \[[@CIT0007]\]. All steps were conducted by two researchers to reduce biases; any discrepancies were resolved by the consensus method \[[@CIT0007]\]. Inclusion and exclusion criteria, categorizing, and data synthesis {#S20004} ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following research was excluded: studies with less than 50 participants, narrative reviews, dissertations, book chapters, studies conducted in Africa, Asia and South America (cultural/health system differences may influence the results \[[@CIT0008]\]), research on objective economic indicators (e.g., actual income), research on ethnic minorities, immigrants, homeless populations. Studies with multicomponent interventions (i.e., interventions combining psychosocial barriers and other components) were excluded. If two or more studies used the same dataset, only one investigation was included. The screening process resulted in selecting 71 publications. In the next step, the quality assessment was conducted using the quality evaluation tool \[[@CIT0009]\], which allows one to investigate whether original studies adhere to 14 quality criteria, referring to objectives, methods, analyses, confounders, and results. The concordance coefficients for quality assessment were high (κ ≥ 0.71, *ps* \< 0.01). Descriptive data were extracted and verified by two reviewers. In sum, 48 studies met \> 65% of quality criteria \[[@CIT0009]\] and were further analyzed. For the purpose of data presentation 10 broader barrier categories were proposed, referring to:the physical environment (CCS facilities),individual characteristics (perceived CCS-related financial expenses, time management, other priorities, CCS perceived as not needed, threat related to CCS results, emotional barriers, CCS awareness),social characteristics (a lack of social support, past experiences with health professionals). Applying meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity of methods. Thus, our analysis focuses on identifying significant findings, replicated in at least 2 studies. Results {#S0005} ======= Analyzed studies predominantly applied correlational design (89.6%, *k* = 43), with 10.4% (*k* = 5) using experimental design ([Table 1](#T0001){ref-type="table"}). Data from 155,954 women were analyzed (M = 3249.04, SD = 10832.75, minimum: 62, maximum: 66,425). The majority of studies were conducted in the U.S. (66.7%), 8.3% were conducted in Australia, 8.3% in Western Europe, and 10.4% in Eastern Europe. Across studies, 39.6% enrolled participants from the general adult population, 23.7% focused on women without valid CCS, and 23.7% focused on women aged 40+. ###### Overview of analyzed studies First author and publication year Methods Main results ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Experimental studies** Valanis *et al*. (2002) \[[@CIT0010]\] 510 women; RCT, 14-month follow-up; intervention: phone-based discussion + leaflets on multiple barriers Significant differences in CCS uptake at follow-up. Participating in the intervention increased the likelihood of CCS: OR = 2.9, CI: 1.7--5.9 Fernbach *et al*. (2002) \[[@CIT0011]\] 1301 Australian women; CT; mass-media campaign discussing multiple barriers No significant effects (Cohen\'s *d* = 0.08) Corkey *et al*. (2005) \[[@CIT0012]\] 17008 Australian women; 6-month follow-up; automated phone message on multiple barriers Significant effects on CCS: women aged \> 50: 0.16% increase; women aged ≥ 50: 1.35% Dietrich *et al*. (2007) \[[@CIT0013]\] 1316 women; aged 40 + ; RCT; 6-month follow-up; intervention: individualized phone message on barriers for three types of screening (cervical, colon and breast cancer) Significant effects at follow-up: OR = 1.86 (CI: 1.1--3.21) Luszczynska *et al*. (2011) \[[@CIT0014]\] 1436 Polish women; RCT, post-test; intervention: leaflet on CCS barriers and benefits Significant increases in CCS intention (Cohen\'s *d* = 0.19) **Correlational studies** Peters *et al*. (1989) \[[@CIT0015]\] 200 women with CC diagnosis and 200 women without CC diagnosis A lack of regular CCS associated with embarrassment barriers Mamon *et al*. (1990) \[[@CIT0016]\] 290 women of lower socio-economic status Frequently reported barriers: CCS is not recommended by the primary care physician O\'Brien *et al*. (1990) \[[@CIT0017]\] 186 women A lack of regular CCS associated with higher psychosocial barriers Jubelirer *et al*. (1996) \[[@CIT0018]\] 134 sexually active girls aged 14--18 Frequently reported barriers: shame/embarrassment (64%), discomfort during CCS exam (57%), fear about parents being informed (25%), fear of cancer (27%) Barling *et al*. (1996) \[[@CIT0019]\] 72 women Frequently reported barriers: embarrassment, discomfort during CCS exam Price *et al*. (1996) \[[@CIT0020]\] 127 women; no regular CCS participation Frequently reported barriers: forgetting about CCS (32%), not liking CCS examination (32%) Branoff *et al*. (1997) \[[@CIT0021]\] 214 women; no CCS in prior 3 years Frequently reported barriers: financial costs (65%), shame/embarrassment (38%), unclear information about CCS exam (36%) Fitch *et al*. (1998) \[[@CIT0022]\] 110 Canadian women Frequently reported barriers: a lack of communication with physicians, physicians lack communication skills, difficulty in obtaining reliable information about CCS, CCS examination unpleasant Larsen *et al*. (1998) \[[@CIT0023]\] 1725 Danish women Frequently reported barriers: unsatisfactory contacts with physicians, discomfort during CCS examination Kiefe *et al*. (1998) \[[@CIT0024]\] 1764 women aged 43 + Compared to healthy women those with a chronic disease have 20% lower CCS participation Yu *et al*. (1998) \[[@CIT0025]\] 650 British women Frequently reported barriers: embarrassment/discomfort during CCS exam Girgis *et al*. (1999) \[[@CIT0026]\] 788 women living in rural Australia Frequently reported barriers: CCS being performed by a male (28--46%), physician performing CCS is a neighbor/friend (27--34%), long distance to CCS facilities (23--35%), a lack of symptoms (26--35%) Glasgow *et al*. (2000) \[[@CIT0027]\] 522 women aged 52 + CCS barriers reported as most relevant: being overall healthy/no symptoms (26%), embarrassment (22%), time/location inconvenient (26%), "a bad experience" with previous CCS (31%), don\'t want to know results if they indicate disease (13%), long waiting for CCS exams (13%), family/friends do not perform CCS (9%), it may be anyway too late to apply successful treatment (4%) Egbert *et al*. (2001) \[[@CIT0028]\] 260 women from rural regions CCS related to lower perceived barriers, higher support for CCS from important persons Maxwell *et al*. (2001) \[[@CIT0029]\] 33 817 Canadian women Only 0.6% declared that accessibility is a perceived barrier; among women without regular CCS 53% believed they don\'t need CCS Savage *et al*. (2001) \[[@CIT0030]\] 1200 women aged 50 + CCS participation related to lower barriers Eaker *et al*. (2001) \[[@CIT0031]\] 944 Swedish women CCS related to lower barriers (i.e., time management, other priorities, other personal issues more important, a lack of symptoms, CCS invitations irritating, being afraid of cancer detection, talking/thinking about cancer increases negative emotions) Eiser *et al*. (2002) \[[@CIT0032]\] 70 women aged 20--25 CCS participation related to lower perceived barriers Owen *et al*. (2002) \[[@CIT0033]\] 100 Australian psychiatric patients Frequently reported barriers: shame/embarrassment (18%), prior CCS was an unpleasant experience (12%), CCS facilities difficult to reach (4%), gender of person performing CCS important (51%) O\'Malley *et al*. (2003) \[[@CIT0034]\] 12024 women aged 50 + Among women with lower socioeconomic status key CCS barriers include additional financial costs and distance to CCS facilities Smith *et al*. (2003) \[[@CIT0035]\] 68 women Frequently reported barriers: other priorities, embarrassment, being afraid of cancer detection, disgust, problems with making CCS appointment Finney *et al*. (2004) \[[@CIT0036]\] 66425 women, longitudinal study; 3 measurement points (years 1987, 1992, and 2000) Frequently declared barriers: not sure if in need for CCS (8% in 1987; 11% in 2000); CCS not suggested by primary care physician (3% in 1987; 2% in 2000) Behbakht *et al*. (2004) \[[@CIT0037]\] 146 women Frequently reported barriers: low support for CCS, fatalism, a belief that it may be too late for a successful treatment Hewitt *et al*. (2004) \[[@CIT0038]\] 2344 women without CCS in prior 3 years Frequently reported barriers: seeing no reason for CCS (48%), CCS not recommended by primary care physician (10%), no symptoms (9%), additional financial costs (9%), no need for any examinations (8%) Coronado *et al*. (2004) \[[@CIT0039]\] 764 women Frequently reported barriers: dislike being touched (9--24%), being afraid of cancer detection (19--32%), being afraid of other diseases being detected (19--25%), male physician (31--76%), extra financial costs (37--41%), difficult to leave work earlier (16--22%), transportation (11--22%), long waiting time (17--27%) Markovic *et al*. (2005) \[[@CIT0040]\] 62 Serbian women Frequently reported barriers: a lack of women-friendly clinics, other personal priorities Hoyo *et al*. (2005) \[[@CIT0041]\] 144 women aged 45 + Frequently reported barriers: CCS is painful Walsh *et al*. (2006) \[[@CIT0042]\] 1000 women Barriers related to low CCS participation: CCS is time-consuming, makes me nervous; being afraid before CCS exam Guilfoyle *et al*. (2007) \[[@CIT0043]\] 98 women aged 50 + Frequently reported barriers: embarrassment, fear of pain, transportation, prior experiences with CCS negative Liu *et al*. (2008) \[[@CIT0044]\] 630 women aged 40 + Barriers related with low CCS participation: transportation, other health problems Politi *et al*. (2008) \[[@CIT0045]\] 605 women aged 40 + Barriers related with low CCS: other health problems, transportation, difficulties in organizing childcare Ross *et al*. (2008) \[[@CIT0046]\] 204 female physicians Frequently reported barriers: time management (36%), no gynecologist providing regular consultations (11%), discomfort if CCS performed at workplace (9%) Todorova *et al*. (2009) \[[@CIT0002]\] 2152 Bulgarian (BUL) and Romanian (ROM) women Barriers related to low CCS. Frequently reported barriers: physicians are not interested in CCS (16--45%), CCS not recommended by a family physician (23--44%); examination is unpleasant (32--39%), waiting for a long time for the appointment (25--38%), additional financial costs (36--35%) Waller *et al*. (2009) \[[@CIT0047]\] 580 British women Frequently reported barriers: embarrassment (29%), difficulties in implementing intentions (21%), fear of pain (14%). Barriers related to low CCS: difficulties in making CCS appointment; difficulties in implementing intentions; CSS is not essential; CCS not needed if no sexual activities, low trust in CCS results Spaczynski *et al*. (2009) \[[@CIT0048]\] 1638 Polish women aged 25--59 (77.5% with valid CCS) Participants asked to indicate one key barrier reported: a lack of time (24%), not liking CCS exam (15%), no need for CCS (7%), long distance to CCS facilities (7%), no date/time specified in CCS invitation (6%), physician unknown and thus unacceptable (6%), fear of CCS exam (4%), difficulties in making appointment (4%), male physician (3%), physician is unacceptable (1%) Clark *et al*. (2009) \[[@CIT0049]\] 630 women aged 40 + Barriers related to low CCS: presence of other diseases McAlearney *et al*. (2010) \[[@CIT0050]\] 100 women Frequently reported barriers: additional financial costs Tello *et al*. (2010) \[[@CIT0051]\] 200 HIV+ women Frequently reported barriers: forgetting (61%), other diseases (52%), difficulties in making appointment (31%), fear of bad news (15%) Wall *et al*. (2010) \[[@CIT0052]\] 229 Mexican women Barriers related to low CCS participation: it may be anyway too late to apply successful treatment, a partner does not accept CCS Scarinci *et al*. (2010) \[[@CIT0053]\] 130 women previously diagnosed with cervical pathology Barriers related to low CCS participation: additional costs, difficulties in organizing childcare Tracy (2010) \[[@CIT0054]\] 225 women Psychosocial barriers related to low CCS participation Paskett *et al*. (2010) \[[@CIT0055]\] 562 women Barriers related to low CCS participation: high number of stressful events Ulman-Wlodarz *et al*. (2011) \[[@CIT0056]\] 250 Polish women Participants asked to indicate one key CCS barrier reported: fear of pain (39%), no symptoms (18%), own carelessness (15%), shame (12%), CCS not recommended by a physician (11%) fear of bad news (5%) Data collected in the U.S., unless indicated otherwise; experimental studies focused on women who did not perform CCS on regular basis; participants of correlation studies were adult women (with or without a recently conducted CCS) through lifespan, unless indicated otherwise CCS -- cervical cancer screening Experimental research indicated a significant positive effect of psychosocial barriers interventions on the main outcome in 75% of studies, resulting in an increase of CCS uptake ([Table 1](#T0001){ref-type="table"}). The overall effects were small (Cohen\'s *d* \< 0.19), with the largest study (17 008 participants) showing only a 1% increase of CCS participation. All interventions addressed mixed types of barriers. Therefore the identification of barriers responsible for the observed effect is not possible. Across correlational research, 41.9% (*k* = 18) analyzed associations between psychosocial barriers and CCS. Overall, 100% of studies which analyzed barrier--CCS relationships indicated that perceiving lower relevance of barriers significantly predicted CCS uptake. The remaining 51.1% of studies focused on eliciting frequently reported barriers, without analyzing barrier--CCS associations. Overall, 53 psychosocial barriers were listed in at least 2 original correlational studies. Five barriers were related to CCS facilities/environment, 36 dealt with personal characteristics, and 12 addressed social factors. [Table 2](#T0002){ref-type="table"} displays a summary of barriers elicited in the review. ###### A summary of elicited psychosocial barriers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Category Barriers listed in at least 2 studies\ Patients' personal characteristics Social factors CCS facilities/environment ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples Long distance/transportation to CCS facilities\ Time management (e.g., no childcare replacement);\ Experiences with health professionals (e.g., unsatisfactory contacts with physicians)A lack of social support (e.g., family/friends don\'t support CCS participation) Difficulties in making appointments Additional costs\ Other priorities (e.g., having other diseases)\ CCS is not needed (e.g., no need if no symptoms)\ Awareness-related barriers (difficulty in obtaining reliable CCS information)\ Emotional barriers dealing with CCS results(e.g., it may be anyway too late to apply successful treatments)\ Emotional barriers referring to examination (e.g., discomfort) Percent of studies indicating the barrier 9.5% 67.9% 22% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CCS -- cervical cancer screening Cervical cancer screening facilities-related perceived barriers referred to: long distance/transportation to CCS facilities (25.6% of correlational studies listed this barrier), difficulties in making a feasible appointment (18.6%), long waiting time (7.0%), long lines (4.7%), and discomfort if CCS is done at the workplace (4.7%). Personal barriers referring to time management included: no childcare (11.6% of studies), tendencies to procrastinate (11.6%), a lack of time for CCS (9.3%), perceiving CCS as time-consuming (4.7%), and bad weather causing delays (4.7%). Additional costs, related to CCS uptake, were indicated in 23.3% of studies. Barriers related to other priorities included: having other diseases (16.3%), having other priorities (16.3%), and other personal problems (7.0%). The following barriers referring to beliefs that CCS is not needed were elicited: CCS is not needed if there are no symptoms (11.6%), overall no need for CCS (9.3%), not needed for women my age (4.7%), CCS not needed if there is no sexual activity (4.7%), CCS not important (4.7%). Awareness-related barriers included: difficulties in obtaining reliable CCS information (9.3%), a lack of awareness about the need for CCS (7.0%), and confusing CCS information (7.0%). Two remaining barrier categories dealt with emotional aspects. The first one referred to CCS results: beliefs that it may be too late to apply successful treatments (11.6%), being afraid of detecting other diseases (7.0%), unwillingness to learn if results indicate diseases (7.0%), any results perceived as emotionally disturbing (7%), no trust in CCS results (4.7%), being afraid of bad news (4.7%), avoiding problems if CCS is not performed (4.7%), and being afraid of any CCS results (4.7%). Other emotion-related barriers referred to CCS examination and included: shame (11.6%), being afraid of embarrassment (9.3%), embarrassment (9.3%), discomfort (9.3%), CCS being unpleasant (9.3%), being afraid of CCS (9.3%), pain (4.7%), not liking CCS (4.7%), touching during CCS being unpleasant (4.7%), being nervous during CCS (4.7%), and perceiving conversations about CCS as unpleasant (4.7%). Perceived social barriers, referring to prior experiences with health professionals, included: prior CCS contacts perceived as an overall bad experience (16.3%), male physicians performing CCS (11.6%), CCS not recommended by a family physician (11.6%), unsatisfactory contacts with physicians (7.0%), a lack of women-friendly CCS facilities (4.7%), different physicians performing CCS (4.7%), a lack of CCS discussion with a physician (4.7%), unsatisfactory contacts with healthcare personnel (4.7%), being patronized (4.7%). Barriers referring to social support included: a lack of CCS-related support (4.7%), being afraid that others would learn about results (4.7%), family/friends are not supporting CCS participation (4.7%). Research targeting women aged 40+ highlighted the importance of perceived problems with transportation/distance to CCS facilities and other diseases perceived as hindering CCS uptake. Both barriers were indicated in 55.6% of studies conducted among middle-to-older age women. Discussion {#S0006} ========== The results of the systematic review suggest that perceiving psychosocial barriers is related to lower participation in CCS (100% of reviewed correlational studies). These associations were observed across different samples, such as adolescents, older women, economically disadvantaged groups, female doctors, patients with a chronic illness, women who performed CCS regularly, and those who did not perform CCS. The majority of simple psychosocial interventions discussing perceived barriers affected CCS participation (75% of reviewed experimental studies). In particular, all interventions using leaflets/handouts or automated phone message resulted in a significant increase of CCS at follow-ups. A media-based campaign had a negligible influence on CCS participation. Importantly, the observed effects of these interventions were small. In line with previous research \[[@CIT0006]\], a broad range of psychosocial barriers was identified. The majority of barriers dealt with personal characteristics of women (67.9%). In particular, as many as 35.9% of perceived barriers referred to two categories, one referring to negative emotions evoked during CCS examination and the other focusing on negative emotions related to receiving CCS results. Notably, the next broadest category of barriers concerns prior contacts with health professionals (25.7%). Our findings have some practical implications. Leaflets discussing dealing with barriers women perceive and ways of overcoming those barriers might be a powerful tool to increase CCS uptake and thus reduce cervical cancer mortality rates. Communication skills training for health professionals conducting CCS and primary care physicians may focus on psychosocial barriers reported by patients. Research suggested that compared to standard care, training physicians to discuss psychosocial barriers results in a higher likelihood of implementing health behavior change by their patients \[[@CIT0057]\]. Several limitations of this systematic review result from issues identified in original studies. Trials applied various questionnaires, sampling, and analytical strategies, therefore the heterogeneity in the methodology hinders any conclusions. The character of samples adds to the heterogeneity of the results and limits conclusions about the most frequent type of barriers within specific subsamples. Regardless of the limitations, this systematic review provides an insight into the types of barriers perceived by women and their role in cervical cancer screening uptake. Both authors were supported with a grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, Master Program. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Q: Trigger build on pushing tag I have a build that triggers when commits are pushed to my master branch. These builds produce pre-release nuget packages. I would like to do a full release without a pre-release suffix when I push a tag. Is it possible to trigger some specific build/release (only) when a tag is pushed to a repo? A: No, there isn’t the feature of trigger a build/release when a tag is pushed to the repo. The change is required. The workaround is that: Create/add a PowerShell file to source control to add build tag (##vso[build.addbuildtag]build tag) per to the new tag of repo (logical: 1. Get a list of tags 2. Compare them (e.g. creationData, tag name or compare it with old tags (can store in a file) 3. If meet your requirement 4. Add tag to build (##vso[build.addbuildtag]build tag)) Create a new build definition Check Continuous integration (CI) option in Triggers tab and specify branch filters Add PowerShell step to build definition and specify that PowerShell file Create a new release definition Check Continuous Deployment option in Triggers tab and specify Set trigger on artifact source, then click Add to add tags condition After that the new release will be created if there is specific tag added to build. About calling REST API with PowerShell, you can refer to: Calling VSTS APIs with PowerShell
Q: getLastKnownLocation in a background service permission I'm trying to recover the last known position of the device inside a service started by an BroadcastReceiver triggered by the AlarmManager but i'm getting trouble with the permission management system, because even if i ask for the permission dynamically in the UI, i keep getting the log message "Notification not allowed". The goal of the AlarmManager/BroadcastReceiver combination is to perform a periodic call to a REST API which is determined by the user location. Service code The onHandleIntent method of the service is called by a WakefulBroadcastReceiver with startWakefulService @Override protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Handling intent"); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.cancelAll(); LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_COARSE); criteria.setPowerRequirement(Criteria.POWER_LOW); criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false); criteria.setBearingRequired(false); criteria.setSpeedRequired(false); criteria.setCostAllowed(true); String provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true); boolean localizationPermitted = ContextCompact.checkSelfPermission(getApplicationContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; if (localizationPermitted) { Location lastLocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(provider); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Location: " +lastLocation.toString() ); // stuff that needs the location } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "Localization not allowed"); } } Manifest Permissions I've declared the permissions in the AndroidMainfest.xml file: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ..."> ... <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/> ... </manifest> Dynamic permission I ask for the permission inside a Fragment of the application, before starting the alarm which triggers the service: boolean gotPermission = ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getContext(), android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; if (gotPermission){ if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Got the permission"); // Schedule the alarm } else { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(getActivity(), new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION}, 1); } and in the dialog's callback i got the "Permission granted": @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { if (permissions.length == 1 && permissions[0].equals(android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getActivity(), android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Permission granted"); } } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.e(TAG, "Permission not granted"); } } A: boolean localizationPermitted = ContextCompact.checkSelfPermission(getApplicationContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; This will be true if the permission is not granted (!=). Change this to: boolean localizationPermitted = ContextCompact.checkSelfPermission(getApplicationContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; (and I really wish they had just used a boolean return value from checkSelfPermission()...)
EDITOR’S NOTE: Interested in the marijuana business industry? NJ Cannabis Insider is a new premium intelligence briefing that features exclusive weekly content geared toward entrepreneurs, lawyers and Realtors. View a sample issue. The mayors of New Jersey’s two biggest towns won’t allow marijuana dispensaries in their cities unless they are happy with how the legalization bill addresses previous weed convictions. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka and Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop joined a handful of other town leaders from across the state Wednesday to call for stronger social justice provisions if legal weed were to come to New Jersey. “It has to be changed in order for us to move forward,” Baraka said of the legalization bill, citing “deep-seated inequalities” in the current version. The mayor bemoaned people making millions of dollars off of marijuana if it’s legalized, while others would still be dealing with the ramifications of marijuana convictions. Baraka called for the “automatic and immediate” expungement of marijuana possession and distribution convictions for amounts up to 50 grams, just shy of 2 ounces. That goes beyond what’s been proposed so far. “We will have a hard time supporting legalization without expungement,” Fulop said. On the issue of expungements — which means wiping away past convictions from someone’s criminal record — the two mayors have friends both in the governor’s mansion and at the State House. Gov. Phil Murphy has long said his motivation for legal weed is to provide a modicum of justice for the hundreds of thousands of people in New Jersey who have been arrested on marijuana charges in the past 30 years. He repeated his call for expungements as part of his legalization plan in the State of the State address earlier this month. Several state lawmakers have been working on expungement legislation over the past year and one version of the bill was passed by both state Assembly and Senate committees in November. Assemblyman Jamel Holley said recently that the expungement legislation remains a work in progress, though he favors provisions similar to those suggested by Baraka and Fulop. The announcement that Newark and Jersey City wouldn’t support marijuana dispensaries without more social justice provisions puts additional pressure on lawmakers as they could be set to restart weed negotiations next month. Losing access to the state’s two biggest potential marijuana markets would be a huge blow for legalization, especially considering that the mayors have generally been supportive of legal weed. If Newark and Jersey City were to go that route, they’d join more than 60 other towns that have already banned marijuana businesses. Have a tip? Tell us. nj.com/tips Are you interested in the N.J. cannabis industry? Subscribe here for exclusive insider information from NJ Cannabis Insider. Payton Guion may be reached at PGuion@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter@PaytonGuion. Find NJ.com on Facebook.
Q: Show no available downloads when array value is empty or non existent I'm trying to create a simple list of pdfs with an if else statement, where the pdfs are shown as normal when there are pdfs present, and when there are none it needs to show: no available downloads. Now it always shows that message no matter what (when there are no pdf files, and when there are pdf files). I tried everything now and nothing is working. When there is no id present or id is empty it needs to show the message, but only when there are no pdf files at all. What I tried so far: <? //pdf bestanden $pdf = "SELECT * FROM `snm_attachments` WHERE parent_id = '".$conn->real_escape_string($contentcr[0]['id'])."'"; $pdfcon = $conn->query($pdf); $pdfcr = array(); while ($pdfcr[] = $pdfcon->fetch_array()); foreach($pdfcr as $pdf){ if(isset($pdf['id']) && !empty($pdf['id'])){ $downloads .= '<li><a href="cms/attachments/article/'.$contentcr[0]['id'].'/'.$pdf['filename'].' "target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i>'.$pdf['filename'].'</a></li>'; }else{ $downloads .= '<li>No available downloads</li>'; } echo '<pre>'.print_r($pdfcr).'</pre>'; } echo $downloads; ?> I also tried this: <? //pdf bestanden $pdf = "SELECT * FROM `snm_attachments` WHERE parent_id = '".$conn->real_escape_string($contentcr[0]['id'])."'"; $pdfcon = $conn->query($pdf); $pdfcr = array(); while ($pdfcr[] = $pdfcon->fetch_array()); if(count($pdfcr) > 0) { foreach($pdfcr as $pdf){ if($pdf['id'] != ''){ $downloads .= '<li><a href="cms/attachments/article/'.$contentcr[0]['id'].'/'.$pdf['filename'].' "target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i>'.$pdf['filename'].'</a></li>'; } } }else{ $downloads .= 'leeg'; } echo $downloads; ?> The above doesn't even display the message, it displays nothing when there are no pdfs present. When I echo the PDF id on a page without pdfs it doesn't show anything, but it also doesn't show the no downloads available message. How can I achieve this? It can't be that hard yet it is taking me hours to do this. How it is now (see how it still shows the message, even when there are two pdfs): Correct behaviour: Here is the output of print_r($pdfcr) https://kobra.io/#/e/-KIgRDOAz_Ki2PpOKTU5 A: You are adding and empty value of last fetch function. This is correct way: $downloads = ''; while ($pdf= $pdfcon->fetch_array()) { $downloads .= '<li><a href="cms/attachments/article/'.$contentcr[0]['id'].'/'.$pdf['filename'].' "target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"></i>'.$pdf['filename'].'</a></li>'; } if ($downloads) echo $downloads; else echo 'No data';
Q: Flash CS3 IDE converting "Use Device Fonts" to "Anti-alias for animation" Occassionally, when I'm working on an application in the Flash CS3 IDE, that uses very small fonts, I find that I get better results if I use device fonts rather than anti-aliased fonts. However, I notice that SOMETIMES, if a save an FLA that uses "Static" Text fields with the "Use Device Font" setting, the next time I open Flash to edit the file, all of those fields have been changed to "Anti-alias for animation." This is hugely frustrating... I typically have to go through my entire FLA and manually reset every static text field back to "Use Device Fonts". Many thanks in advance for any advice or insight. Cheers, Matt A: Problem solved. I've written a JSFL script that changes all textfields with "Anti-alias for animation" back to "Use device fonts". This restores your FLA back to its normal state, and you DON'T have to manually change "Device fonts" anymore. Phew! You can run this within the Flash CS3/CS4 IDE itself. Features: Searches within all scenes, and all their contents Searches within all library items, to find clips not used in a scene Searches within all groups (Flash CS4 only) Only changes "Anti-alias for animation" textfields Preserves textfields with "Custom" or "Anti-alias for readability" Download JSFL script - Update: Massively improved performance, re-download. Usage: Copy the script to the Commands folder, and Restart your Flash IDE Windows XP: C:/Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Local Settings/Application Data/Adobe/Flash CS3/en/Configuration/ *Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS3\en\Configuration\Commands* Open your FLA file and under the Commands menu, run "_Change AntiAnim to DeviceFonts" Warning: This may take a few minutes to process. Cheers, Jeremy.
Q: MvvmCross Strange Error: Attribute "MvxBind" has already been defined Hey i'm a MvvmCross beginner and i try to reproduce this in my own Example-App but i got some strange build errors: Error 3 Attribute "MvxBind" has already been defined Error 4 Attribute "MvxLang" has already been defined Error 5 Attribute "MvxTemplate" has already been defined Error 6 Attribute "MvxItemTemplate" has already been defined Error 7 Attribute "MvxDropDownItemTemplate" has already been defined Error 8 Attribute "MvxSource" has already been defined There is no other deifinition of these Attribute's... This my "MvxBindingAttributes.xml": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <declare-styleable name="MvxBinding"> <attr name="MvxBind" format="string"/> <attr name="MvxLang" format="string"/> </declare-styleable> <declare-styleable name="MvxControl"> <attr name="MvxTemplate" format="string"/> </declare-styleable> <declare-styleable name="MvxListView"> <attr name="MvxItemTemplate" format="string"/> <attr name="MvxDropDownItemTemplate" format="string"/> </declare-styleable> <item type="id" name="MvxBindingTagUnique"/> <declare-styleable name="MvxImageView"> <attr name="MvxSource" format="string"/> </declare-styleable> </resources> Would be cool if someone could help me :) Or any other way/tutorial with android tabs and MvvmCross. A: The newer 3.5.2 and 4.0.0 packages now include MvxAttributes.xml internally. So just remove it from your own Resource\values folder.
S : T S T "1" ; : T S T "0" ; : "1" ; T : "0" T ; : "1" T ; : ;
Donald Trump's legislative agenda should face a “total and complete” shutdown in the wake of reports about possible collusion between his election campaign and Russia, a Democratic congressman has claimed. Warning of a “cloud of treason”, Ted Lieu said: “The bombshell revelation that US officials have information that suggests Trump associates may have colluded with the Russians means we must pause the entire Trump agenda.” He cited a report which claimed that several US officials believe the FBI has information about coordinated effort between members of Mr Trump’s team and suspected Russian operatives to release hacked information that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton. “We may have an illegitimate President of the United States currently occupying the White House,” Mr Lieu said in a statement. “Congress cannot continue regular order and must stop voting on any Trump-backed agenda item until the FBI completes its Trump-Russia collusion investigation.” Democratic congressman Ted Lieu has urged Congress to form its own independent commission into the allegations of collusion (Getty) His comments came within days of FBI director James Comey's admission that the Bureau was looking into both Russia’s alleged interference with the 2016 election and also possible links between Moscow and members of Donald Trump’s campaign team. He said investigators had started looking into the Trump campaign’s activities after his agents were able to piece together a “credible allegation of wrongdoing” or “reasonable basis to believe an American may be acting as an agent of a foreign power”. Officials told CNN that the FBI is currently reviewing human intelligence, travel, business and phone records, as well as several accounts of in-person meetings but they cautioned that their findings have not been conclusive. Mr Lieu has called on Congress to form an independent commission “immediately” and appoint a special prosecutor to “investigate the collusion allegations with impartiality and independence”. He also urged Congress to pass a “Resolution of Inquiry” bill. Authored by himself and Democratic congressman Hakeem Jeffries, it calls for Mr Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to publicly disclose any information that could connect the presidential campaign with the “Russian effort to compromise (the US’s) democracy.” Devin Nunes: We picked up 'incidental' intelligence on Trump “At this point in our nation’s history, there is nothing more important than finding out whether or not high crimes were committed by associates of Donald Trump or possibly by Trump himself,” Mr Lieu said. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer denied that any collusion took place, earlier this week.
European Debt Risk Heads For Biggest Weekly Drop Since September By Katie Linsell - Nov 23, 2012 The cost of insuring European debt against default is heading for the biggest weekly drop since September amid optimism European leaders will let Greece get its next aid installment and on new signs of economic recovery. Euro-area finance ministers are meeting on Nov. 26 to discuss unlocking funds for Greece, after failing to reach an agreement on Nov. 21. Credit markets were buoyed as a report showing an unexpected rise in German business confidence added to data this week from the U.S. and China signaling the world’s largest economies are recovering. “The concerns over the Greek situation appear to have receded somewhat, despite the fact they have yet to actually reach firm agreement,” said Brian Barry, an analyst at Investec Bank Plc in London. Demand for corporate debt has remained relatively strong, “although at this stage we are getting closer to the end of year issuance window,” he said. Danone (BN) SA, the Paris-based yogurt maker, and truckmaker Volvo AB were among companies, banks and agencies that took advantage of record-low borrowing costs to sell bonds this week. The yield on European corporate debt has dropped 220 basis points to 2.2 percent this year, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s EMU Corporates Index. Swap Drop The Markit iTraxx Europe Index of 125 companies with investment-grade ratings declined 13 basis points this week to 124, the biggest drop since September. The measure rose one basis point today as of 11:40 a.m. in London. The Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe Index of credit- default swaps on 14 governments fell five basis points this week to 114. A fall in credit-default swaps signals improved perceptions of credit quality. The Markit iTraxx Financial Index linked to the senior debt of 25 banks and insurers declined 21 basis points this week to 165 and the subordinated measure dropped 31 basis points to 288. A basis point on a credit-default swap protecting 10 million euros of debt from default for five years is equivalent to 1,000 euros a year. Swaps pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a borrower fail to adhere to its debt agreements.
Q: C# - Getters/Setters different from other languages In Java Getters and setters work like this: public string GetPersonName() { return this.PersonName; } In C# it can work the same way, but the thing is i see people are using this syntax public string PersonName { get; set; } Hope anyone will clarify that for me, Thanks ! A: Java has not "real" Properties. GetPersonName is a Method and not a "Property". Consider using a property if the member represents a logical attribute of the type. Never use a Property for long running Operations! You should also read this article about Properties in C# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229054(v=vs.100).aspx A: public string PersonName { get; set; } is actually equivalent to private string personName; public string PersonName { get { return personName; } set { personName = value; } } Auto-Implemented Properties were introduced in C# 3.0 to make the code more readable/concise.
sampler Blur1: register(s1); sampler RT: register(s0); float luminance(float3 c) { return dot( c, float3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11) ); } float4 main(float2 texCoord: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float4 sharp = tex2D(RT, texCoord); float4 blur = tex2D(Blur1, texCoord); return ( sharp + blur * 1.8 ) / 2; // float4 color = lerp( sharp, blur, 0.4f ); // return color; /* return ( sharp + blur * 1.8 ) / 2 + luminance(blur) * float4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0) + luminance(sharp) * float4( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0); */ /* return ( sharp + blur * 0.9) / 2 + luminance(blur) * float4(0.1, 0.15, 0.7, 0); */ /* return ( sharp + blur * 0.9) / 2 + luminance(blur) * float4(0.1, 0.15, 0.7, 0); */ // float4 retColor = luminance( sharp ) + // luminance( blur ) + blur / 2; // return retColor; }
Guidelines-based indicators to measure quality of antenatal care. No comprehensive measurement of quality of antenatal care is available. Late booking or low number of checks are often used as surrogate for poor quality, leaving uncertainty on the actual content of the care received. In order to fill this gap, we have reviewed two sets of clinical guidelines and developed corresponding indicators of quality. A group of clinicians and methodologists reviewed the National Institute for Clinical Excellency Clinical Guidelines on antenatal care, and the list of prenatal care interventions recommended by the Research and Development Group, both based on evidence of effectiveness of specific interventions. We identified single aspects in three domains: (1) services utilization; (2) screening; and (3) interventions. For each indicator, we defined: (1) eligibility, that is the characteristics of the women to whom the indicator applies; (2) standard, that is the situation when the target is met; and (3) moderators, that is all conditions which legitimately hamper the fulfilment of the standard. We developed four indicators of service utilization, 25 of screening and 17 of intervention. The respective eligibility, standard and moderators criteria were described for each indicator. While many indicators could be retrospectively evaluated from medical charts, quality of communication with provider, screening for sensible issues and counselling on behaviours to be avoided could only be obtained with a prospective data collection. The indicators of quality of antenatal care, complemented by measures of social position, social support and immigrant/ethnic status, allow for a careful description of the gaps in quality of care for specific groups of women.
Q: How to get the PictureURL from the Exact Online XML-feed to show the picture using Invantive Data Access Point? When using Data Access Point to generate an XML feed, using the following query: select * from exactonlinerest..items the resulting XML has a PictureURL: https://start.exactonline.nl/docs/SysImage.aspx?Table=Items&amp;ID=3332e277-ba03-420e-84ce-21ac174c5ced&amp;ThumbSize=500&amp;NoCache=1&amp;OptimizeForWeb=1&amp;_Division_=875673 But when trying to open the URL, an error occurs and the picture is not shown. How would I go about and make that picture viewable? A: The URL in the XML download of Data Access Point is XML encoded, which means some characters with special meaning has been replaced with their encoded variant. (like & -> &amp;). You have to decode the URL (there are plenty online tools available, and through some code it is possible too, depending on the programming language used) to its decoded variant. For your URL that is: https://start.exactonline.nl/docs/SysImage.aspx?Table=Items&ID=3332e277-ba03-420e-84ce-21ac174c5ced&ThumbSize=500&NoCache=1&OptimizeForWeb=1&_Division_=875673 You have to be logged in on the web interface of Exact Online to be able to access that image by the way. A: You can retrieve the picture from Exact Online through the same secured channel used for the APIs as a blob by using: select httpget(pictureurl) picture from me This retrieves the picture, which is in the example below automatically rendered by Query Tool (50 shades of gray design): Note that if you do a lot of httpget, each one occurs some overhead. Especially when downloading thousands of pictures, you will incur a lot of load on Exact Online. Do it only when necessary. As an alternative, you can also use: select * from exactonlinexml..items The XML API of Exact Online returns the picture in the payload itself, reducing the number of round trips. Disadvantage is that if you have a 15.000 x 15.000 pixels x 32 depth image, you will get... exactly that, and it is huge and great and amazing. Please note that XML API uses HTTP compression (gzip). Advantage of the URL used by the REST API is that it creates a thumbnail. That will generate some load on the Exact server (I don't know whether and how smart they cache), but reduces network constraints. Please note that REST API tables do NOT use HTTP compression, so compressible output still takes a lot of bandwidth. As you can see, there are a lot of design decisions to make and test, despite the ease of use of SQL, when doing large downloads and/or uploads. You can probably fiddle with the thumbnail size as shown below:
'use strict' const path = require('path') const utils = require('./utils') const config = require('../config') const vueLoaderConfig = require('./vue-loader.conf') function resolve (dir) { return path.join(__dirname, '..', dir) } const createLintingRule = () => ({ test: /\.(js|vue)$/, loader: 'eslint-loader', enforce: 'pre', include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test')], options: { formatter: require('eslint-friendly-formatter'), emitWarning: !config.dev.showEslintErrorsInOverlay } }) module.exports = { context: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'), entry: { app: './src/main.js' }, output: { path: config.build.assetsRoot, filename: '[name].js', publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? config.build.assetsPublicPath : config.dev.assetsPublicPath }, resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.vue', '.json'], alias: { 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js', '@': resolve('src'), } }, module: { rules: [ ...(config.dev.useEslint ? [createLintingRule()] : []), { test: /\.vue$/, loader: 'vue-loader', options: vueLoaderConfig }, { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel-loader', include: [resolve('src'), resolve('test'), resolve('node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client')] }, { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, name: utils.assetsPath('img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]') } }, { test: /\.(mp4|webm|ogg|mp3|wav|flac|aac)(\?.*)?$/, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, name: utils.assetsPath('media/[name].[hash:7].[ext]') } }, { test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/, loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, name: utils.assetsPath('fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]') } } ] }, node: { // prevent webpack from injecting useless setImmediate polyfill because Vue // source contains it (although only uses it if it's native). setImmediate: false, // prevent webpack from injecting mocks to Node native modules // that does not make sense for the client dgram: 'empty', fs: 'empty', net: 'empty', tls: 'empty', child_process: 'empty' } }
Flexithrix Flammeovirga is a Gram-negative, non-spore-forming and motile genus from the family of Flammeovirgaceae with one known species (Flexithrix dorotheae) which first has been isolated from marine mud. Flammeovirga produce zeaxanthin, poly-β-D-glutamic acid and poly-β-L-glutamine. References Further reading Category:Sphingobacteriia Category:Bacteria genera Category:Monotypic bacteria genera
Q: Getting crashes with different length strings and unsure why I need to take a string which will only contain hex digits and convert it into a int array of 40 where each space contains one digit from the string, the array needs to be populated backwards so the least significant digit is the first spot of the array. If the string does not contain 40 digits then it needs to padd the right amount of zeros to the end of the array. Here is the code i am working with: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char *str = "0123456789aBcdef0123456"; printf("%s\n", str); char *s = strdup(str); int i = 0; while (s[i]) { if (s[i] >= 97 && s[i] <= 122) s[i] -= 32; i++; } int amount = 40 - i, under40 = 0, k = 39; printf("%s\n amount:%d\n", s, amount); int *digits = malloc(sizeof(int) * 40); for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) { if (amount > 0) { digits[k] = 0; under40 = 1; amount--; i--; } else { switch (s[i]) { case 'A': digits[k] = 10; break; case 'B': digits[k] = 11; break; case 'C': digits[k] = 12; break; case 'D': digits[k] = 13; break; case 'E': digits[k] = 14; break; case 'F': digits[k] = 15; break; default: digits[k] = s[i] - 48; } } k--; } for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) printf("%i ", digits[i]); if (under40 == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnder 40 digits passed\n"); } return 0; } With the current string, at the first line in main, the program crashes but any string larger then this one it is fine and i'm really not sure why. There are also a few instances with shorter strings that do not crash. This is what really is confusing as I don't know why some lengths are working and some are not. For example 0123456789aBcdef0123456789869679866896AAAAdddd is fine and 01234 is fine. A: When the length of the string is less than 40, your loop actually runs more than 40 times because i is decremented as long as amount is positive. As a result, k becomes negative and you end up writing before the start of your digits array. Reading and writing outside the bounds of an array invokes undefined behavior. Your loop needs to check the value of k to ensure it remains non-negative: for (i = 0; i < 40 && k >= 0; i++) { A better way to do this would be to decrement k in the loop and increment i only when needed. for (i = 0, k = 39; k >= 0; k--) { if (amount > 0) { digits[k] = 0; under40 = 1; amount--; // don't decrement i here } else { switch (s[i]) { ... } i++; // increment here instead } // no need to decrement k here } Also, you can simplify the switch into a single conditional (assuming ASCII encoding where 'A' - 'F' are sequential): digits[k] = (s[i] >= 10) ? s[i] - 'A' + 10 : s[i] - '0';
Inspiration for wholesome weeknight & weekend cooking. Posts tagged ‘couscous’ I love this simple and versatile side dish. The texture of Israeli couscous is fun and the fresh herbs make it beautiful and tasty. I’m not a big fan of tarragon, so I substitute with sage (since I grow it). If your couscous is at all sticky (mine was), just add another drizzle of olive oil and work through it w/ a spoon, breaking up any clumps. This can be served warm or at room temperature.
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "tensorflow/lite/delegates/utils.h" #include <vector> #include <gmock/gmock.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h" namespace tflite { namespace delegates { namespace { TEST(UtilsTest, CreateNewTensorWithDifferentTypeTest) { std::vector<TfLiteTensor> tensors(2); // Data about original tensor. // The same shape should be reflected in tensors[1] later. tensors[0].dims = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(2); tensors[0].dims->data[0] = 2; tensors[0].dims->data[1] = 3; tensors[0].type = kTfLiteFloat32; // To simulate a valid TFLite Context. TfLiteContext context; context.AddTensors = [](struct TfLiteContext*, int tensors_to_add, int* first_new_tensor_index) { // The util should be adding exactly one tensor to the graph. if (tensors_to_add != 1) { return kTfLiteError; } // This ensures that the 'new tensor' is the second tensor in the vector // above. *first_new_tensor_index = 1; return kTfLiteOk; }; context.ResizeTensor = [](struct TfLiteContext*, TfLiteTensor* tensor, TfLiteIntArray* new_size) { // Ensure dimensions are the same as the original tensor. if (new_size->size != 2 || new_size->data[0] != 2 || new_size->data[1] != 3) return kTfLiteError; tensor->dims = new_size; return kTfLiteOk; }; context.tensors = tensors.data(); TfLiteTensor* new_tensor = nullptr; int new_tensor_index = -1; EXPECT_EQ(CreateNewTensorWithDifferentType( &context, /**original_tensor_index**/ 0, /**new_type**/ kTfLiteUInt8, &new_tensor, &new_tensor_index), kTfLiteOk); EXPECT_EQ(new_tensor_index, 1); EXPECT_NE(new_tensor, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(new_tensor->dims, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(new_tensor->type, kTfLiteUInt8); EXPECT_EQ(new_tensor->allocation_type, kTfLiteArenaRw); // Cleanup. TfLiteIntArrayFree(tensors[0].dims); TfLiteIntArrayFree(tensors[1].dims); } // A mock TfLiteContext to be used for GraphPartitionHelperTest. class MockTfLiteContext : public TfLiteContext { public: MockTfLiteContext() : TfLiteContext({0}) { // Simply create a 10-node execution plan. exec_plan_ = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(10); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) exec_plan_->data[i] = i; // Create {1}, {0,3,7,8}, {2,4,9}, {5,6} 4 partitions. TfLiteDelegateParams params1({nullptr}); params1.nodes_to_replace = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(1); params1.nodes_to_replace->data[0] = 1; delegate_params_.emplace_back(params1); TfLiteDelegateParams params2({nullptr}); params2.nodes_to_replace = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(4); params2.nodes_to_replace->data[0] = 0; params2.nodes_to_replace->data[1] = 3; params2.nodes_to_replace->data[2] = 7; params2.nodes_to_replace->data[3] = 8; delegate_params_.emplace_back(params2); TfLiteDelegateParams params3({nullptr}); params3.nodes_to_replace = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(3); params3.nodes_to_replace->data[0] = 2; params3.nodes_to_replace->data[1] = 4; params3.nodes_to_replace->data[2] = 9; delegate_params_.emplace_back(params3); TfLiteDelegateParams params4({nullptr}); params4.nodes_to_replace = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(2); params4.nodes_to_replace->data[0] = 5; params4.nodes_to_replace->data[1] = 6; delegate_params_.emplace_back(params4); // We need to mock the following 3 functions inside TfLiteContext object // that are used by GraphPartitionHelper implementation. this->GetExecutionPlan = MockGetExecutionPlan; this->GetNodeAndRegistration = MockGetNodeAndRegistration; this->PreviewDelegatePartitioning = MockPreviewDelegatePartitioning; } ~MockTfLiteContext() { TfLiteIntArrayFree(exec_plan_); for (auto params : delegate_params_) { TfLiteIntArrayFree(params.nodes_to_replace); TfLiteIntArrayFree(params.input_tensors); TfLiteIntArrayFree(params.output_tensors); } } TfLiteIntArray* exec_plan() const { return exec_plan_; } TfLiteNode* node() { return &node_; } TfLiteRegistration* registration() { return &registration_; } TfLiteDelegateParams* delegate_params() { return &delegate_params_.front(); } int num_delegate_params() { return delegate_params_.size(); } private: static TfLiteStatus MockGetExecutionPlan(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteIntArray** execution_plan) { MockTfLiteContext* mock = reinterpret_cast<MockTfLiteContext*>(context); *execution_plan = mock->exec_plan(); return kTfLiteOk; } static TfLiteStatus MockGetNodeAndRegistration( TfLiteContext* context, int node_index, TfLiteNode** node, TfLiteRegistration** registration) { MockTfLiteContext* mock = reinterpret_cast<MockTfLiteContext*>(context); *node = mock->node(); *registration = mock->registration(); return kTfLiteOk; } static TfLiteStatus MockPreviewDelegatePartitioning( TfLiteContext* context, const TfLiteIntArray* nodes_to_replace, TfLiteDelegateParams** partition_params_array, int* num_partitions) { MockTfLiteContext* mock = reinterpret_cast<MockTfLiteContext*>(context); *partition_params_array = mock->delegate_params(); *num_partitions = mock->num_delegate_params(); return kTfLiteOk; } // The execution plan of this mocked TfLiteContext object. TfLiteIntArray* exec_plan_; // For simplicity, the mocked graph has only type of node and one // registration. TfLiteNode node_; TfLiteRegistration registration_; // The TfLiteDelegateParams object that's manually populated inside the mocked // TfLiteContext::PreviewDelegatePartitioning. std::vector<TfLiteDelegateParams> delegate_params_; }; bool IsNodeSupported(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node, TfLiteRegistration* registration, std::string* unsupported_details) { return true; } std::vector<int> GetNodesToReplaceFromPartitions( const std::vector<TfLiteDelegateParams*>& partitions) { std::vector<int> nodes; for (const auto p : partitions) { nodes.insert(nodes.end(), p->nodes_to_replace->data, p->nodes_to_replace->data + p->nodes_to_replace->size); } return nodes; } TEST(GraphPartitionHelper, CheckPartitions) { // The mocked TfLiteContext has 4 partitions: {1}, {0,3,7,8}, {2,4,9}, {5,6}. MockTfLiteContext mocked_context; GraphPartitionHelper helper(&mocked_context, IsNodeSupported); EXPECT_EQ(kTfLiteOk, helper.Partition(nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.num_total_nodes()); EXPECT_EQ(4, helper.num_partitions()); auto partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, partitions.size()); auto nodes = GetNodesToReplaceFromPartitions(partitions); EXPECT_THAT(nodes, testing::ElementsAreArray({0, 3, 7, 8})); // Get the largest partition but requiring at least 5 nodes, so empty result. partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(1, 5); EXPECT_TRUE(partitions.empty()); partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(10, 3); EXPECT_EQ(2, partitions.size()); EXPECT_EQ(4, partitions[0]->nodes_to_replace->size); EXPECT_EQ(3, partitions[1]->nodes_to_replace->size); nodes = GetNodesToReplaceFromPartitions(partitions); EXPECT_THAT(nodes, testing::ElementsAreArray({0, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 9})); } TfLiteStatus ErrorGetExecutionPlan(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteIntArray** execution_plan) { return kTfLiteError; } void EmptyReportError(TfLiteContext* context, const char* format, ...) {} TEST(GraphPartitionHelper, CheckPrepareErrors) { TfLiteContext error_context({0}); error_context.GetExecutionPlan = ErrorGetExecutionPlan; error_context.ReportError = EmptyReportError; GraphPartitionHelper helper(&error_context, IsNodeSupported); EXPECT_EQ(kTfLiteError, helper.Partition(nullptr)); } TEST(GraphPartitionHelper, CheckPartitionsWithSupportedNodeList) { // The mocked TfLiteContext has 4 partitions: {1}, {0,3,7,8}, {2,4,9}, {5,6}. // So, we simply create a list of supported nodes as {0,1,2,...,8,9} MockTfLiteContext mocked_context; std::vector<int> supported_nodes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; GraphPartitionHelper helper(&mocked_context, supported_nodes); EXPECT_EQ(kTfLiteOk, helper.Partition(nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(10, helper.num_total_nodes()); EXPECT_EQ(4, helper.num_partitions()); auto partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(1, 0); EXPECT_EQ(1, partitions.size()); auto nodes = GetNodesToReplaceFromPartitions(partitions); EXPECT_THAT(nodes, testing::ElementsAreArray({0, 3, 7, 8})); // Get the largest partition but requiring at least 5 nodes, so empty result. partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(1, 5); EXPECT_TRUE(partitions.empty()); partitions = helper.GetFirstNLargestPartitions(10, 3); EXPECT_EQ(2, partitions.size()); EXPECT_EQ(4, partitions[0]->nodes_to_replace->size); EXPECT_EQ(3, partitions[1]->nodes_to_replace->size); nodes = GetNodesToReplaceFromPartitions(partitions); EXPECT_THAT(nodes, testing::ElementsAreArray({0, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 9})); } } // namespace } // namespace delegates } // namespace tflite
Seeing the Storm The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera using a spectral filter sensitive to wavelengths of infrared light centered at 939 nanometers. The image was taken on Jan. 30, 2007 at a distance of approximately 1.1 million kilometers (700,000 miles) from Saturn. Image scale is 61 kilometers (38 miles) per pixel. Wallpaper Applying Wallpaper: 1. Click on the screen resolution you would like to use. 2. Right-click on the image (control-click on a Mac) and select the option 'Set the Background' or 'Set as Wallpaper' (or similar).
EGL_KHR_debug https://www.khronos.org/registry/egl/specs/eglspec.1.5.pdf EGL_KHR_debug EGL_OBJECT_THREAD_KHR 0x33B0 EGL_OBJECT_DISPLAY_KHR 0x33B1 EGL_OBJECT_CONTEXT_KHR 0x33B2 EGL_OBJECT_SURFACE_KHR 0x33B3 EGL_OBJECT_IMAGE_KHR 0x33B4 EGL_OBJECT_SYNC_KHR 0x33B5 EGL_OBJECT_STREAM_KHR 0x33B6 EGL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_KHR 0x33B8 EGL_DEBUG_MSG_CRITICAL_KHR 0x33B9 EGL_DEBUG_MSG_ERROR_KHR 0x33BA EGL_DEBUG_MSG_WARN_KHR 0x33BB EGL_DEBUG_MSG_INFO_KHR 0x33BC EGLint eglDebugMessageControlKHR (EGLDEBUGPROCKHR callback, const EGLAttrib * attrib_list) EGLint eglLabelObjectKHR (EGLDisplay display, EGLenum objectType, EGLObjectKHR object, EGLLabelKHR label) EGLBoolean eglQueryDebugKHR (EGLint attribute, EGLAttrib * value)
Mohan Lal Lohia Mohan Lal Lohia (born 1930/31) is an Indian businessman, the father of billionaires, Sri Prakash Lohia and Aloke Lohia, and the chairman of Indorama Holdings. Career In 1973, he co-founded the Indorama Corporation, with his son, Sri Prakash Lohia. He is the founder of the Lohia Foundation. In November 2017, Lohia family had an estimated net worth of US$8.7 billion. Personal life Lohia is the father of Amit/Om Prakash, who runs Indorama Synthetics in India, Sri Prakash Lohia, and Aloke Prakash. Lohia has been named in connection with the Panama Papers. References Category:1930s births Category:Living people Category:Businesspeople from Kolkata Category:People named in the Panama Papers Category:Indian billionaires
q(o) = -7*o**3 - 2*o**2 + 87*o + 14. Calculate 5*b(w) + 8*q(w). -w**3 + 4*w**2 + 46*w + 2 Let k(l) = 5*l - 7. Let a(i) = 2*i - 3. Suppose -2*n + 3*o + 6 = 0, -4*n - 19 = 3*o + 5. Suppose -3*f = 2*f - 455. Let s = -84 + f. Determine n*k(h) + s*a(h). -h Let o(v) = 3*v**2 + 3*v - 1. Let w(d) be the first derivative of -2*d**3/3 - d**2 + d - 14. Suppose 152 = 50*f - 48. Determine f*o(p) + 5*w(p). 2*p**2 + 2*p + 1 Let f be (-16)/(-6)*72/48. Suppose 0 = -3*a + 7*a - u + 45, f*a - 5*u = -65. Let j(k) = 28*k + 6. Let l(b) = 9*b + 2. Calculate a*l(y) + 3*j(y). -6*y - 2 Let r(b) = 9*b - 61. Let l(o) = o - 16. Determine -2*l(v) + r(v). 7*v - 29 Let o(y) be the first derivative of 2*y**3/3 + 11*y**2/2 + 15*y + 6336. Let x(w) = -w**2 - 5*w - 8. Give 6*o(k) + 11*x(k). k**2 + 11*k + 2 Let z(s) = -1. Let j be 3 - 0 - (11 + -19 + 13). Let y(h) = 2*h + 5. Let k be (7/1)/7*(-1 + 2). Calculate j*z(n) + k*y(n). 2*n + 7 Let r(o) = -9677*o**2 + 46*o. Let i(b) = -11*b. Determine 4*i(s) + r(s). -9677*s**2 + 2*s Suppose 16 = -2*f + 4*g, 31*g = 3*f + 28*g + 9. Let q(z) = 7*z - 2 + 3 - z - f*z. Let l(d) = -2*d - 1. Give 7*l(t) + 3*q(t). -2*t - 4 Let d(a) = -a**2 + 7*a - 1. Let p(v) = -115*v**2 + 15*v - 2. What is -2*d(k) + p(k)? -113*k**2 + k Let y = 344 + -320. Suppose 7*w - 4 = y. Let s(m) = m**2 + 5*m + 5. Let u(v) = 2*v**2 + 9*v + 9. Give w*u(x) - 7*s(x). x**2 + x + 1 Let t(q) = 5*q**2 + 2*q - 2. Let x(b) be the first derivative of 17*b**3 + 21*b**2/2 - 21*b - 756. Let i = 36 + -38. Give i*x(l) + 21*t(l). 3*l**2 Let p(t) = -53*t**2 - t - 22 + 35*t**2 + 19*t**2 + 21. Let j(y) = -8*y - 8. Calculate 3*j(v) - 24*p(v). -24*v**2 Let u(j) = -8*j**2 + 13*j + 26. Let k(w) = -w**2 - w - 5. Calculate -5*k(t) - u(t). 13*t**2 - 8*t - 1 Let w = 950 + -931. Suppose -w*r + 7*r + 36 = 0. Let m(c) = -14*c**2 - 3. Let p(n) = -253*n**2 - 55. Give r*p(a) - 55*m(a). 11*a**2 Let n = 3789 - 3794. Let z(q) = q**3 - q + 1. Let h(i) = 3*i**3 + i**2 - 5*i - 3. What is n*z(y) + h(y)? -2*y**3 + y**2 - 8 Let g(k) = 3*k - 5. Let x(c) = 2*c**3 - 42*c**2 - 42*c - 34. Let u be x(22). Let v(j) = 8*j - 4 + 0*j - u + 0. Calculate -11*g(t) + 4*v(t). -t - 1 Let c(u) = 11084*u + 4. Let h(q) = 33253*q + 14. What is 7*c(s) - 2*h(s)? 11082*s Let x(d) = -19*d**2 + 14*d - 21. Let c(a) = 22*a**2 - 13*a + 19. Determine 11*c(k) + 10*x(k). 52*k**2 - 3*k - 1 Let p(d) = -38*d**3 - 11*d**2 - 12*d - 14. Let f(o) = -38*o**3 - 10*o**2 - 10*o - 11. Determine 6*f(s) - 5*p(s). -38*s**3 - 5*s**2 + 4 Let p(b) = 3765*b**3 - 5*b**2 + 12*b + 6. Let i(k) = -7529*k**3 + 9*k**2 - 22*k - 11. What is 6*i(y) + 11*p(y)? -3759*y**3 - y**2 Let z(i) = 24*i**2 + 17*i + 64. Let x(k) = 49*k**2 + 35*k + 138. Determine 6*x(d) - 13*z(d). -18*d**2 - 11*d - 4 Let f(n) = n**3 + 1. Let t(g) = 4*g**3 + 4*g + 5. Let d be 4 + -2 - (-32)/8. Suppose 6*r + 0*r + d = 0. Give r*t(w) + 5*f(w). w**3 - 4*w Let s be ((-69)/6 + 4)*8/(-6). Suppose w - 6 = 2*r, -3*w - w + s = -r. Let f(u) = -u**2 - u + 1. Let o(j) = -13*j**2 - 11*j + 12. What is w*o(p) - 22*f(p)? -4*p**2 + 2 Let u(y) = 6*y**2 - 3943*y + 2. Let a(l) = -20*l**2 + 11825*l - 7. What is -2*a(z) - 7*u(z)? -2*z**2 + 3951*z Let z(g) = -25*g - 13. Let h(o) = -15*o - 21. Let a(r) be the first derivative of r**2 + 3*r - 94. Let j(w) = -27*a(w) - 4*h(w). What is 9*j(d) + 2*z(d)? 4*d + 1 Let s(n) = -8*n**3 + 11*n**2 + 203*n + 1. Let q(m) = -9*m**3 + 13*m**2 + 205*m + 1. Calculate -6*q(d) + 7*s(d). -2*d**3 - d**2 + 191*d + 1 Let d(h) = -2*h**3 - 24*h - 3. Let t = -25471 + 25470. Let r(p) = p**3 + p + 1. Determine t*d(y) - 3*r(y). -y**3 + 21*y Let t(i) = -12*i. Let c be t(1). Let v(g) be the third derivative of 5*g**4/12 + 2*g**3/3 - 2*g**2 - 52241*g + 1. Let h(u) = u. Calculate c*h(j) + v(j). -2*j + 4 Let x(c) = -25*c - 2. Let s(t) = -124*t - 10. Let n = -6234 + 6245. Give n*x(d) - 2*s(d). -27*d - 2 Let s(k) = 6*k**2 + k - 5. Let m(y) = -477*y + 957. Let v be m(2). Let g(u) = 3*u**2 - 2. Determine v*s(a) - 7*g(a). -3*a**2 + 3*a - 1 Let j(d) = 2*d**3 + 2*d**2 - d. Let t(a) = 21*a**3 + 20*a**2 - 262*a. Determine -30*j(c) + 3*t(c). 3*c**3 - 756*c Let q(c) = -6*c**2 + 3*c. Let j = -583 + 587. Suppose k + 4*s = j, -4*k + 30 = 4*s + 38. Let t(o) = -7*o**2 + 4*o. What is k*q(d) + 3*t(d)? 3*d**2 Let u(j) = 2*j - 10. Let q(i) = 33*i - 13. What is q(g) - u(g)? 31*g - 3 Let s(h) = -5*h - 3. Suppose -283 - 669 = -17*g. Let a(o) = 96*o + 56. What is g*s(z) + 3*a(z)? 8*z Let j(i) = -7*i - 527. Let r(p) = -13*p - 1056. Determine -11*j(m) + 6*r(m). -m - 539 Let k(s) = -18*s**3 - 10*s**2 - 7*s + 6. Let l be (16/(-144))/(-1*1/9). Let o(a) = 12*a**3 - 15*a + 11*a - 4 + l + 9*a + 7*a**2 - 1. What is 5*k(i) + 7*o(i)? -6*i**3 - i**2 + 2 Let a(o) = -6*o - 2. Let q(w) = 9*w + 24. Let h be q(-2). Let m(t) = -2 - 5 - 5*t - 2 + h. Calculate 3*a(p) - 2*m(p). -8*p Let n(p) = 6*p + 4. Let z = -31072 - -31065. Let b(g) = -4*g - 3. Give z*b(u) - 5*n(u). -2*u + 1 Let w(g) = 6*g**2 + 27. Let p(n) be the third derivative of n**5/20 + 13*n**3/6 + 4*n**2 - 135. What is -7*p(f) + 3*w(f)? -3*f**2 - 10 Let t(k) = 9*k - 122. Let j(m) = -18*m + 232. Determine 3*j(o) + 5*t(o). -9*o + 86 Suppose 1012*h - 90 = 994*h. Let s(k) = 0 - k - 3 + 0*k + 2. Let q(r) = -7*r - 2. Give h*s(f) - q(f). 2*f - 3 Let z = 3644 + -3904. Let d(g) = 990*g**2 - 130*g - 130. Let r(x) = 23*x**2 - 3*x - 3. Determine z*r(j) + 6*d(j). -40*j**2 Let q(u) = 3 + 0 - 1 - u**3 + 4*u**2 + 4*u. Let n be q(5). Let m(j) = 3*j - 12899*j**2 + 1 + 12900*j**2 + 2. Let o(w) = -4*w - 4. Give n*o(a) - 4*m(a). -4*a**2 Let z(f) = -2348*f**2 + 3. Let m(u) = -2356*u**2 + 2. Give -3*m(d) + 2*z(d). 2372*d**2 Let a(x) = 3*x + 2. Let b(n) = 2*n + 1. Suppose -9*z + 9775 = 9757. Determine z*a(l) - 5*b(l). -4*l - 1 Let w(v) = 6*v - 2. Let q(k) = 2296*k + 14. Give -2*q(z) - 14*w(z). -4676*z Let a(p) = 5*p**3 + 2*p - 6. Suppose -3*q + 2 + 10 = 0. Let b(r) = -31*r + 9*r - 6 + 15*r + 4*r**3 + 6*r - 2*r + 4*r. Calculate q*b(i) - 3*a(i). i**3 - 2*i - 6 Let s = 72 + -45. Suppose s*x - 31*x = -36. Let w = 8 - x. Let f(g) = -8*g**3 + 6*g**2 - 6*g - 6. Let j(t) = t**3 - t**2 + t + 1. What is w*f(c) - 6*j(c)? 2*c**3 Let a(v) = v. Let t be (0 + 4/(-14))/(63/(-441)). Let o(w) = -4*w - 1 + 7*w + t - 6*w. Give -8*a(j) - 3*o(j). j - 3 Let g(l) = 15*l - 33. Let d(j) = -j - 20. Let v(q) = 2*d(q) - g(q). Let w(z) = 6*z + 2. Calculate 3*v(s) + 8*w(s). -3*s - 5 Let a(z) = 85*z + 20. Let w(l) = 16*l. Calculate a(n) - 6*w(n). -11*n + 20 Let d(h) = -2*h**2 - 3*h + 2. Let n(a) = 2*a**2 + 18*a + 7. Give 6*d(t) + n(t). -10*t**2 + 19 Let s(a) = 22*a + 29. Let x(t) = 90*t + 108. Determine 9*s(r) - 2*x(r). 18*r + 45 Let w(p) = -5*p - 7. Let z(k) = 4*k + 5*k + 3 - 6*k - k. Suppose 672 = 23*c + 580. Calculate c*w(r) + 9*z(r). -2*r - 1 Let q(o) be the first derivative of o**4/4 - o**3/3 + 3*o**2/2 - o - 2967. Let k(w) be the second derivative of w**5/20 + w**3/3 + 2*w. Give 3*k(n) - 2*q(n). n**3 + 2*n**2 + 2 Let m be 3/(-12) + (-114)/(-8). Let r(h) = 4*h + 14. Let s(c) = -851 - 847 + c + 2556 - 855. What is m*s(o) - 3*r(o)? 2*o Let w(n) = -19*n**2 - 18*n - 2. Let h(c) = 20*c**2 + 11*c + 1. Calculate -4*h(g) - 3*w(g). -23*g**2 + 10*g + 2 Let s(b) = b**2 + 11*b + 27. Let g be s(-6). Let p(z) = -9*z**3 + 13*z**2 + 7*z + 11. Let m(q) = 4*q**3 - 6*q**2 - 3*q - 5. What is g*p(l) - 7*m(l)? -l**3 + 3*l**2 + 2 Let y(h) = -h - 4. Let o(z) = 4*z + 18. Let w(b) = -2*o(b) - 9*y(b). Let u(c) = -6*c + 2. Suppose 5 = l, -4*m - 52*l + 14 = -50*l. Determine m*u(k) + 4*w(k). -2*k + 2 Let q(x) = 4*x**3 + 9*x**2 - 15*x - 177. Let s(b) = 2*b**3 + 4*b**2 - 6*b - 89. Give -4*q(d) + 9*s(d). 2*d**3 + 6*d - 93 Let w(m) be the second derivative of -13*m**4/4 - 7*m**3/6 + 7*m**2/2 + 3*m. Let t(d) = 13*d**2 + 2*d - 2. Let a be 8*(-16 + 1560/96). What is a*w(s) + 7*t(s)? 13*s**2 Let g(y) = -3*y + 7. Suppose 59 + 103 = -9*u. Let k be (-60)/u*(-3)/2. Suppose -2 = -5*s + 3. Let i(w) = -w + 1. What is k*i(b) + s*g(b)? 2*b + 2 Let x = -23 + 43. Suppose 5*p = 5*u - x, -4*u - 3*p - 12 = -35. Let w(c) = u*c + 2*c - 3*c - 2*c. Let g(f) = -3*f - 1. Give 3*g(b) + 4*w(b). -b - 3 Suppose 4*w - 36 = -4*t, 50*w = 45*w - 2*t + 48. Let m(n) = n - 2*n + n + 7*n - w*n. Let b(p) = p + 1. Determine -b(c) - m(c). 2*c - 1 Let d(z) = 2*z**3 + 5*z**2 + 2*z - 7. Let g(m) = -131*m - 14. Let y
--- packages: - name: python-buildpack version: 56859daf5f573904e1a2b6bb3e3fb15d1dd2b95c fingerprint: 56859daf5f573904e1a2b6bb3e3fb15d1dd2b95c sha1: b1324801135fa97c99e1a67af913ee79c3e70d0d dependencies: [] - name: buildpack_java version: 7bf19e9264b1a03d7bf1320e5e4504e946fbae59 fingerprint: 7bf19e9264b1a03d7bf1320e5e4504e946fbae59 sha1: 0596a5b69c835ed2b48024c131ebacca69c9b958 dependencies: [] - name: go-buildpack version: 2ee73bb12cc8aef34b5ce2fd25a893a03fd3a76d fingerprint: 2ee73bb12cc8aef34b5ce2fd25a893a03fd3a76d sha1: 8e10b831cfb5d18eafcc49fc2b1f69708206f108 dependencies: [] - name: debian_nfs_server version: aac05f22582b2f9faa6840da056084ed15772594 fingerprint: aac05f22582b2f9faa6840da056084ed15772594 sha1: 92cacf31ea9f1dcddb128bb686ad47b80407d7e4 dependencies: [] - name: nginx version: bf3af6163e13887aacd230bbbc5eff90213ac6af fingerprint: bf3af6163e13887aacd230bbbc5eff90213ac6af sha1: ac9b5aebb2e4aaf7a494dd186946880930087e51 dependencies: [] - name: nginx_newrelic_plugin version: 3bf72c30bcda79a44863a2d1a6f932fe0a5486a5 fingerprint: 3bf72c30bcda79a44863a2d1a6f932fe0a5486a5 sha1: aa403f6cbf7a9b27c3786163a4355ee734ae25b1 dependencies: - ruby-2.2.4 - name: ruby-2.2.4 version: dd1b827e6ea0ca7e9fcb95d08ae81fb82f035261 fingerprint: dd1b827e6ea0ca7e9fcb95d08ae81fb82f035261 sha1: 14c42f9c22ae150e449e51566b2f4b30df5fe30f dependencies: [] - name: rootfs_cflinuxfs2 version: a9011940f1d1ba1945927d69f963246bc736ff54 fingerprint: a9011940f1d1ba1945927d69f963246bc736ff54 sha1: 77f0e1f5f0b82fb0424f2b93169e1fe981b0ab36 dependencies: [] - name: gnatsd version: 0242557ff8fc93c42ff54aa642c524b17ce203eb fingerprint: 0242557ff8fc93c42ff54aa642c524b17ce203eb sha1: 5661a83cd601d9f95556cc739e00b16ce520d6fe dependencies: - golang1.4 - name: consul version: 14b83378b30a2b55a25e641e835af3e5c87a0d41 fingerprint: 14b83378b30a2b55a25e641e835af3e5c87a0d41 sha1: a2971edefb5aa51ac272887e7bdab19338ef0d94 dependencies: [] - name: cli version: 2b0725c955992dec52458aeb9e764d9f4be18d0a fingerprint: 2b0725c955992dec52458aeb9e764d9f4be18d0a sha1: e345526b8c5962dfa3f7e8147fd4f1fb09c79183 dependencies: [] - name: collector version: 9f8dfbcbcfffb124820327ad2ad4fee35e51d236 fingerprint: 9f8dfbcbcfffb124820327ad2ad4fee35e51d236 sha1: b37c49bfd6faff19b40bc01ed38b36f0c3799d62 dependencies: - ruby-2.1.8 - name: route_registrar version: a471cd246893763768b0ed9b9088d27572f3916f fingerprint: a471cd246893763768b0ed9b9088d27572f3916f sha1: 54ba13a308fc0a28bf8f8f75154e2f89ed77cb72 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: uaa version: 50f114463ffd78166fc24005021e8f0e028d6ff0 fingerprint: 50f114463ffd78166fc24005021e8f0e028d6ff0 sha1: 5a47a51f6f7b70f32b17ea6d03ca2da44ea38d0b dependencies: [] - name: capi_utils version: e441936c4e6a1b928988515c214f1b0b6f289d0f fingerprint: e441936c4e6a1b928988515c214f1b0b6f289d0f sha1: ef9b276232e87ddf000fecb0b39635a0194ef664 dependencies: [] - name: doppler version: 24e9b399bc73213ee891db31830c53c5bdfbdae0 fingerprint: 24e9b399bc73213ee891db31830c53c5bdfbdae0 sha1: facce80ae02de1816f782712710703ebe81b5d43 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: golang1.4 version: 714698bc352d2a1dbe321376f0676037568147bb fingerprint: 714698bc352d2a1dbe321376f0676037568147bb sha1: aa1df24b3fae3d49cdbccb0e8bee1fa38e53b8b0 dependencies: [] - name: ruby-buildpack version: 668bc5208ab52e4eb7354a941e3bbd69f58e9b51 fingerprint: 668bc5208ab52e4eb7354a941e3bbd69f58e9b51 sha1: 1e68fc0482b853aa1029e699cdd2fd6a6927fb3c dependencies: [] - name: haproxy version: f5d89b125a66892628a8cd61d23be7f9b0d31171 fingerprint: f5d89b125a66892628a8cd61d23be7f9b0d31171 sha1: d703a81c6e3297991c594158f48f7c9cee07fa7c dependencies: [] - name: etcd_metrics_server version: fc0f1835cd8e95ca86cf3851645486531ae4f12b fingerprint: fc0f1835cd8e95ca86cf3851645486531ae4f12b sha1: f2a3f87294c5ccaa7f1d85c547abc381cba10e5e dependencies: - golang1.4 - name: binary-buildpack version: 86f697c3f0ccfae1141c57390988f67f6825dcaf fingerprint: 86f697c3f0ccfae1141c57390988f67f6825dcaf sha1: 4abe9b8d8729632c43ee324f184eacb54c1f7234 dependencies: [] - name: postgres-9.4.6 version: 4ca292f2443cfc682e87632ebd15fb3f3fa53123 fingerprint: 4ca292f2443cfc682e87632ebd15fb3f3fa53123 sha1: 2c6fb712f3a267ffef84b13b8c2fbc15f00f8e07 dependencies: [] - name: libpq version: 36290c252abdd5750583eca92a8c4fd134594fa8 fingerprint: 36290c252abdd5750583eca92a8c4fd134594fa8 sha1: 2165d5fb572b41ace3befd76fb66a049d8974b0e dependencies: [] - name: statsd-injector version: e8e54509908a65ede9328b95e9915c1226d412e5 fingerprint: e8e54509908a65ede9328b95e9915c1226d412e5 sha1: c536986861d9a32a51837444c2067ac67e3ad13a dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: dea_logging_agent version: dcdb43aa03ce12e8bbe9ea6f4cf65b55bb017a7b fingerprint: dcdb43aa03ce12e8bbe9ea6f4cf65b55bb017a7b sha1: 98f23b82e090c16475bb9ba796804161232eab39 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: smoke-tests version: 488b85fd5a9ea933f154f4c6f43d88a5112f3a22 fingerprint: 488b85fd5a9ea933f154f4c6f43d88a5112f3a22 sha1: 649bc77313940238dc73343343c0c5f2f1d9dfee dependencies: - cli - name: uaa_utils version: fc2e416c5af94d6293ac70bb594c984e31097fb7 fingerprint: fc2e416c5af94d6293ac70bb594c984e31097fb7 sha1: d6d733e3fe0eb1a2c2edeb5dfd5bd3bec516fae7 dependencies: [] - name: common version: e401816a4748292163679fafcbd8f818ed8154a5 fingerprint: e401816a4748292163679fafcbd8f818ed8154a5 sha1: 3b9d31a4adfa8b2f252364bcddb091444e95fef4 dependencies: [] - name: dea_next version: 4bd2b99df1820b42e050c101371b2d590aa85009 fingerprint: 4bd2b99df1820b42e050c101371b2d590aa85009 sha1: f1a3bb0b6d7f80b3f74529fb72ff1d420af51dbb dependencies: - golang1.5 - ruby-2.2.4 - name: consul-common version: ffab9ae7bea8a053aacca8816681e241b0fab30b fingerprint: ffab9ae7bea8a053aacca8816681e241b0fab30b sha1: f69f7939884a1f596cf0314ce4ee09d200c48f1e dependencies: [] - name: hm9000 version: 7cbddcd5cb6dadc80c6c3002c507133c091403c0 fingerprint: 7cbddcd5cb6dadc80c6c3002c507133c091403c0 sha1: 9f60f93cb50035b3c3ef234551d4a324cdae8d59 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: staticfile-buildpack version: 19fb854bbce07a9e4913fb63561f4ca161f01af1 fingerprint: 19fb854bbce07a9e4913fb63561f4ca161f01af1 sha1: 59d0a0db3b319e9aa5da3eb27ccca1c5d5dc4583 dependencies: [] - name: nginx_webdav version: 96158b0a628398efe9cc28ee5bc5e496da5e09b7 fingerprint: 96158b0a628398efe9cc28ee5bc5e496da5e09b7 sha1: 72c50919073e0f2e09c57e19399cd1aa164b0fda dependencies: [] - name: loggregator_common version: e401816a4748292163679fafcbd8f818ed8154a5 fingerprint: e401816a4748292163679fafcbd8f818ed8154a5 sha1: b892973f2f757ac86851eec9a4344c16affd1331 dependencies: [] - name: warden version: d1011b43a01b132e950e9008e5ee1cc5296a13d7 fingerprint: d1011b43a01b132e950e9008e5ee1cc5296a13d7 sha1: eddd9983d109d89a7fa43fb5f106a59b500de3b7 dependencies: - ruby-2.2.4 - name: nodejs-buildpack version: ed8378a05119eefaccc6da601982f12f11db3837 fingerprint: ed8378a05119eefaccc6da601982f12f11db3837 sha1: 2f61705a845362fb64e9a2e2746adbe204e03e78 dependencies: [] - name: confab version: a37fabad2107f93c165b4ebfd77ff44f5e042d4f fingerprint: a37fabad2107f93c165b4ebfd77ff44f5e042d4f sha1: c6bff76bedf7d95e67a97776c8f4aa82d782811b dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: etcd version: d43feb5cdad0809d109df0afe6cd3c315dc94a61 fingerprint: d43feb5cdad0809d109df0afe6cd3c315dc94a61 sha1: 579667b608de72e85f358e85242be2bd43cb7560 dependencies: - golang1.4 - name: libmariadb version: dcc142dd0798ae557193f08bc46e9bdd97e4c6f3 fingerprint: dcc142dd0798ae557193f08bc46e9bdd97e4c6f3 sha1: 19c7b27b5e8cfc69e33499c537ac355fa1377782 dependencies: [] - name: php-buildpack version: a7499b03d9900d107fec28ca209ddd2cb96cc0d9 fingerprint: a7499b03d9900d107fec28ca209ddd2cb96cc0d9 sha1: 9486d16d5f2592e36fc1ffd20852b2784bc50932 dependencies: [] - name: golang1.5 version: ef3267f8998cebcdc86a477126e79e465753aaf1 fingerprint: ef3267f8998cebcdc86a477126e79e465753aaf1 sha1: 52c564fa99eb7dea61c47e53acc9d629025341bb dependencies: [] - name: ruby-2.1.8 version: b5bf6af82bae947ad255e426001308acfc2244ee fingerprint: b5bf6af82bae947ad255e426001308acfc2244ee sha1: d8d4056fdd669483e6ceea43a50010e7744e16e9 dependencies: [] - name: loggregator_trafficcontroller version: 3e20884b7aafd4cb0ec33c1f7e9101e254e1b0be fingerprint: 3e20884b7aafd4cb0ec33c1f7e9101e254e1b0be sha1: adf4a694846139efc67962e85b63ffc462f0c1f9 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: buildpack_java_offline version: 8d50a6f07c5b40a4f6fb33fcfb31141b75e1e32b fingerprint: 8d50a6f07c5b40a4f6fb33fcfb31141b75e1e32b sha1: b9d9ccaea394f8f2bf267fe7383f7b34969bb0a9 dependencies: [] - name: blobstore_url_signer version: 7768073177cc73b082fbc3fc53c84cfd7fb61489 fingerprint: 7768073177cc73b082fbc3fc53c84cfd7fb61489 sha1: 94d21b702ca99c05df97c7407c8a822f22abb821 dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: nats version: 2230720d1021af6c2c90cd7f3983264ab351043b fingerprint: 2230720d1021af6c2c90cd7f3983264ab351043b sha1: 83b77b334487d10eb3549797fd60b942766e9460 dependencies: - ruby-2.1.8 - name: acceptance-tests version: 107b2fdcb71813f6e61cd1cb7e9ccf3626e14194 fingerprint: 107b2fdcb71813f6e61cd1cb7e9ccf3626e14194 sha1: 65ea72384a43ece0239059d74a178b0626098578 dependencies: - cli - golang1.4 - name: gorouter version: 2bda648fb3852168ba4fecf33892069c42c97259 fingerprint: 2bda648fb3852168ba4fecf33892069c42c97259 sha1: a06f0e5a9d79e605491cdadaee542a10f26066eb dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: etcd-common version: a5492fb0ad41a80d2fa083172c0430073213a296 fingerprint: a5492fb0ad41a80d2fa083172c0430073213a296 sha1: 5b2ccada0eb490b141dd7b5fd3f3566fc76e77d8 dependencies: [] - name: syslog_drain_binder version: 1b77306dcffb38a00a8227d4ab489e81cbf92b5a fingerprint: 1b77306dcffb38a00a8227d4ab489e81cbf92b5a sha1: 073e3d6c5579410288445770d000ef0e91cb291a dependencies: - golang1.5 - name: cloud_controller_ng version: 348b576bc262ca898c57cf0604d8cf0dee0a58f2 fingerprint: 348b576bc262ca898c57cf0604d8cf0dee0a58f2 sha1: 5dcf22d7e9999759e5cd10479917642993b20eb6 dependencies: - libmariadb - libpq - ruby-2.2.4 - name: metron_agent version: 722a2c3982be416f4ae5e571afdaa1a69c574424 fingerprint: 722a2c3982be416f4ae5e571afdaa1a69c574424 sha1: a5435d31be119e927cd7a63fed01f50eb92930c6 dependencies: - golang1.5 jobs: - name: python-buildpack version: dfde3357b46034eb9b9a0bc682a0d78a28cbeeb4 fingerprint: dfde3357b46034eb9b9a0bc682a0d78a28cbeeb4 sha1: bfd5c82f21154a562c5fc5dd000199eaddde540d - name: go-buildpack version: e0e0e27ebfa2b07d3f316acca5a37b77e0d1fbe2 fingerprint: e0e0e27ebfa2b07d3f316acca5a37b77e0d1fbe2 sha1: 25a67c6425321b9f1d247d376edbc4c49f8d5ec6 - name: debian_nfs_server version: 1cd4f2124b7b34f20a8d12dd78a1537740813877 fingerprint: 1cd4f2124b7b34f20a8d12dd78a1537740813877 sha1: 402c8cc8f24543fdbdf9eaadfc6fe099057c05d6 - name: cloud_controller_clock version: 839d0934282cb01dfc13807d85722dbeb80aa4fe fingerprint: 839d0934282cb01dfc13807d85722dbeb80aa4fe sha1: a7d5b1d4835ad5f5835c66a8a98cdda9954b4cb6 - name: collector version: 6c210292f18d129e9a037fe7053836db2d494344 fingerprint: 6c210292f18d129e9a037fe7053836db2d494344 sha1: 38927f47b15c2daf6c8a2e7c760e73e5ff90dfd4 - name: route_registrar version: 60110d700ae15a5789c69b8cc44aac5ff11809f7 fingerprint: 60110d700ae15a5789c69b8cc44aac5ff11809f7 sha1: 01f3dff024540ae36fc80ed4dc94226eb38a567b - 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name: java-buildpack version: bf4d024ac90d2d99410e161e0a47063026634ae2 fingerprint: bf4d024ac90d2d99410e161e0a47063026634ae2 sha1: 2b7e4c72af09f38652b2a72f5ec4c64819acbf3b - name: statsd-injector version: f2eb318271d29fc81b3cab3db2fc95de26bff0f1 fingerprint: f2eb318271d29fc81b3cab3db2fc95de26bff0f1 sha1: 4092ba64bc716494effac238a0e55188cd9b5ef9 - name: dea_logging_agent version: 17396d5c649bd4a3c4979b846b00a91b81d3d68c fingerprint: 17396d5c649bd4a3c4979b846b00a91b81d3d68c sha1: c8f8446dc1a414ed1d6cc1de147cc611304be923 - name: smoke-tests version: 1b594e61838fe6ad7a42eab2b4b4082b24911767 fingerprint: 1b594e61838fe6ad7a42eab2b4b4082b24911767 sha1: dfffebbc91dac013625838714e8f0ddaee0a02e3 - name: dea_next version: 762c5dfec51d4dbe94ddabf633ddbc5d49902896 fingerprint: 762c5dfec51d4dbe94ddabf633ddbc5d49902896 sha1: 63b4034dea1b3151ea44a36611189f5a684da777 - name: hm9000 version: 7cb73129fbde7d283941503f56b2759ad985778b fingerprint: 7cb73129fbde7d283941503f56b2759ad985778b sha1: 3f64dadb934103eb290cc22d36abeebdde2f6e2a - 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name: cloud_controller_worker version: ae8904720a60984020176392c5afd02d168bfa00 fingerprint: ae8904720a60984020176392c5afd02d168bfa00 sha1: 6de2f88f62d7633d4a0803bf1d7c0a52c8bf7a73 - name: etcd version: 90949e3544fbdcf50219c15b03c0a3bf65434b5b fingerprint: 90949e3544fbdcf50219c15b03c0a3bf65434b5b sha1: c09d8c6fed2cea10fc2d3539ca461fb555077047 - name: php-buildpack version: 58677823e3e92ede079110a9cf68bf8c899d8c57 fingerprint: 58677823e3e92ede079110a9cf68bf8c899d8c57 sha1: 3e4bc881aa441e34872291758a821588a6809649 - name: loggregator_trafficcontroller version: 86839ccc8f7625e99c476c4fafde62c76812812d fingerprint: 86839ccc8f7625e99c476c4fafde62c76812812d sha1: 7f76408a6a413f4370a4cf5980ca0220f5563363 - name: nfs_mounter version: 4efaf404b777f2de0ed5750b51693634bf6e8dcf fingerprint: 4efaf404b777f2de0ed5750b51693634bf6e8dcf sha1: 48a679b65560c407e0e5cbd20c40ee39b4ca34f4 - name: nats version: e1ee7fe6c73bc5ea30af43b68936d90bf44e7a2d fingerprint: e1ee7fe6c73bc5ea30af43b68936d90bf44e7a2d sha1: b781db401d896f9b1bdaea1febc1dafda16c324a - name: acceptance-tests version: def1e17a5be898b832dcb830883ae448dd571298 fingerprint: def1e17a5be898b832dcb830883ae448dd571298 sha1: c388f3941965fa8b06122881792eb86f22659271 - name: gorouter version: 9fd29afc4a988410787b2b5de7c3e80478593b6d fingerprint: 9fd29afc4a988410787b2b5de7c3e80478593b6d sha1: 77397d5f3f36c1862828ee3f3d1cc49d445376a4 - name: blobstore version: a28be649c4ce5a290dafc391b47d89c6b8c4a503 fingerprint: a28be649c4ce5a290dafc391b47d89c6b8c4a503 sha1: 0cadfb448937ad6fd523a50a6122dcc58306906b - name: syslog_drain_binder version: b1257b56a14bb2a88ec70e0b5f1a1faaed8b93bf fingerprint: b1257b56a14bb2a88ec70e0b5f1a1faaed8b93bf sha1: c73445c4b0bd43fe08ad1b9f222e9bd7adf598bd - name: cloud_controller_ng version: 1e53962006fff126594855062115dba99769f67f fingerprint: 1e53962006fff126594855062115dba99769f67f sha1: 5704a4a87a3e23fa6cbcb5882b3e6a5a50da23b8 - name: metron_agent version: 2b80a211127fc642fc8bb0d14d7eb30c37730db3 fingerprint: 2b80a211127fc642fc8bb0d14d7eb30c37730db3 sha1: 150f27445c2ef960951c1f26606525d41ec629b2 license: version: 861d82c0d9745784acfcd026ccf44e942579824a fingerprint: 861d82c0d9745784acfcd026ccf44e942579824a sha1: 5c9086fe9ac03f83aae533889958269e7eacfcdd commit_hash: 67a5f78e uncommitted_changes: true name: cf version: '232'
Q: Groupby names replace values with there max value in all columns pandas I have this DataFrame lst = [['AAA',15,'BBB',20],['BBB',16,'AAA',12],['BBB',22,'CCC',15],['CCC',11,'AAA',31],['DDD',25,'EEE',35]] df = pd.DataFrame(lst,columns = ['name1','val1','name2','val2']) which looks like this name1 val1 name2 val2 0 AAA 15 BBB 20 1 BBB 16 AAA 12 2 BBB 22 CCC 15 3 CCC 11 AAA 31 4 DDD 25 EEE 35 I want this name1 val1 name2 val2 0 AAA 31 BBB 22 1 BBB 22 AAA 31 2 BBB 22 CCC 15 3 CCC 15 AAA 31 4 DDD 25 EEE 35 replaced all values with the maximum value. we choose the maximum value from both val1 and val2 if i do this i will get the maximum from only val1 df["val1"] = df.groupby("name1")["val1"].transform("max") A: Try using pd.wide_to_long to melt that dataframe into a long form, then use groupby with transform to find the max value. Map that max value to 'name' and reshape back to four column (wide) dataframe: df_long = pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), ['name','val'], 'index', j='num',sep='',suffix='\d+') mapper= df_long.groupby('name')['val'].max() df_long['val'] = df_long['name'].map(mapper) df_new = df_long.unstack() df_new.columns = [f'{i}{j}' for i,j in df_new.columns] df_new Output: name1 name2 val1 val2 index 0 AAA BBB 31 22 1 BBB AAA 22 31 2 BBB CCC 22 15 3 CCC AAA 15 31 4 DDD EEE 25 35 A: Borrow Scott's setting up df_long = pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), ['name','val'], 'index', j='num',sep='',suffix='\d+') d = df_long.groupby('name')['val'].max() df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith('val')]=df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith('name')].replace(d).values df Out[196]: name1 val1 name2 val2 0 AAA 31 BBB 22 1 BBB 22 AAA 31 2 BBB 22 CCC 15 3 CCC 15 AAA 31 4 DDD 25 EEE 35 A: You can use lreshape (undocumented and ambiguous as to whether it's tested or will continue to remain) to get the long DataFrame, then map each pair of columns using the max. names = df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('name')] vals = df.columns[df.columns.str.startswith('val')] s = (pd.lreshape(df, groups={'name': names, 'val': vals}) .groupby('name')['val'].max()) for n in names: df[n.replace('name', 'val')] = df[n].map(s) name1 val1 name2 val2 0 AAA 31 BBB 22 1 BBB 22 AAA 31 2 BBB 22 CCC 15 3 CCC 15 AAA 31 4 DDD 25 EEE 35
Harlem Globetrotters Allstate Arena In a Nutshell Ball-spinning antics abound as this world-famous exhibition basketball team dazzles in a comic and athletic performance The Fine Print Expiration varies.Limit 8 per person. Valid only for option purchased. Use for admission at Allstate Arena on day of event. Refundable only on day of purchase. Must purchase together to sit together. Doors open 2 hours prior for Magic Pass; 1 hour prior for regular ticket. Merchant reserves the right to substitute closer seat assignment. Holder assumes all risk in connection with the event and releases Groupon, Globetrotters, the venue and their affiliates from any related claims. Not redeemable on mobile app. For ADA accommodations, call box office immediately after purchase - availability is limited.Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. $54 for one G-Pass for seating in sections 8–10, 101, 104, 109, 112, or in rows DD–FF of sections 102–103 or 110–111 (a $90.70 value) $69 for one G-Pass for seating in the same sections as the option above, plus one Magic Pass (a $115.70 value) $110 for one G-Pass for seating in row 2 of sections 3–4 (a $183.05 value) For each of the above options, choose from the following games: Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 12 p.m. Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 5 p.m. Monday, December 29, 2014 at 2 p.m. Monday, December 29, 2014 at 7 p.m. Magic Passes grant access to a special 30-minute exhibition of tricks and hands-on basketball fun with the players 90 minutes before the game; pass holders also get the chance to meet the Globetrotters and their mascot, Globie. Harlem Globetrotters **Harlem Globetrotters Playing Three-on-Five** Since forming in the 1920s, the Harlem Globetrotters have continued to entertain millions of parents, children, and general basketball admirers with a trademark blend of athletic precision and razzle-dazzle showmanship. For the team’s 2015 tour, a rotating roster of Globetrotter favorites—including three female players—takes to the hardwood each game. Spectators might spot veteran guard TNT sharing a behind-the-back pass with dunker Thunder, who also holds the world record for longest basketball shot at 109 feet and 9 inches. The Globetrotters might also present a study in contrasts with 5-foot-2 Too Tall and 7-foot-4 Stretch, the team’s tallest member. This season, the team faces off against its classic nemesis, the Washington Generals, whose head coach was also a member of the last Generals team to have beat the Globetrotters—more than 40 years ago. Each game gives the Globetrotters’ jovial jocks a chance to extend their decades-long dominance as youngsters laugh along and witness classic routines of unconventional passing and sudden transmutations of water into confetti. Over the years, similar antics have followed the Globetrotters around the world, including to 122 countries and territories and all six continents on which basketballs grow naturally. The Globetrotters’ extensive travels haven’t gone unnoticed: they’re one of the few teams to earn a spot in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame as ambassadors of the sport.
Come Sunday, Malik Zaire and Deshone Kizer will continue battling for Notre Dame's starting quarterback job as both will get snaps against Texas. But for a day, a third quarterback facing a more crucial battle was thrown into the fold in a touching fashion. Meet Kellen. Fan. Fighter. And now... Notre Dame QB. Learn more about Kellen's Krusade: https://t.co/RJ0urLyvAf pic.twitter.com/do2ibHyTFW — Notre Dame Football (@NDFootball) August 31, 2016 Nine-year-old Kellen McCord, who is fighting stage IV neuroblastoma and on third relapse, was hosted by the Fighting Irish in practice this week as he served as an honorary member of the "red army" -- Notre Dame's nickname for its quarterback group that wears red non-contact practice jerseys. McCord spent time with quarterbacks coach Mike Sanford and the team's five quarterbacks. Zaire graciously gave McCord his No. 9 practice jersey as McCord played catch and did a ladder running drill before breaking down the positional group's huddle. What was McCord's last message to the group? "You guys better beat Michigan State in two weeks," he said. Kellen's Krusade was created earlier this year and allows people to donate to help discover a cure for children with relapsed cancers, according to the Facebook's About page.
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Picking up the ball from Jodie Taylor, Lucy Staniforth skipped to the edge of the D, looked up and powered a low shot past Erina Yamane. She looked shocked. Wheeling away with one arm raised aloft in tribute to her hero Alan Shearer she couldn’t hold the pose. The other arm shot up too and she wiggled in delight. If scoring the opener against Japan at the SheBelieves Cup elicits such emotion, making a World Cup took it to another level, and Shearer announcing her selection only added to it. But it has been a tough journey. “If you’d have said 12 months ago I’d be sat here, I wouldn’t have believed it,” the 26-year-old Birmingham midfielder says. “I’ve had two cruciate ligament injuries. I did them back-to-back so I’d say I was out for three years, all told. “I think someone once said to me that, although I’m 26, in terms of the matches I’ve played I’m probably only 23 or 24 so that has taken the pressure off me and I’ve had to be patient.” Those two ACL ruptures could have driven her from the game. But she found inspiration in the former England international Claire Rafferty. “I’ve had so many moments along the way when I’ve thought to myself: ‘This just isn’t going to work out.’ But there have been people like Claire Rafferty and she has done her ACL three times. I reached out to her and took inspiration from her. “I was thinking to myself: ‘I don’t know how I’m going to do this.’ Then I thought: ‘I can, get over yourself, she has done it three times.’” Lucy Staniforth celebrates scoring Japan in the SheBelieves Cup. Photograph: Lynne Cameron for The FA/REX/Shutterstock The emotion is perhaps in the genes. Before her goal against Japan, a 10-minute run out against Brazil in Philadelphia sent her mum, Sandra, to pieces. “She’s always crying in the stands. I played against Brazil, I came on for 10 minutes. I looked up at her during a break and all I could see was her bright red face. I didn’t even really contribute,” she laughs. Family matters. A lot. Staniforth has worn 37 on the back of her shirt in tribute to her brother Thomas who died aged 20, when Lucy was 16, on a night out in York – 37 was his squad number at Sheffield Wednesday. “I pay homage to his career, even though it was cut short,” reflects Staniforth. “Unfortunately, these things happen. A few of the girls have been through similar situations with their own family, all of us will try to pay tribute to them during this World Cup. When it was my birthday, the FA made a fantastic gesture and got me a cake with ‘Staniforth 37’ on it. That was really touching. It’s at moments like that you realise you are in a privileged position and you want to make the most of it.” Alongside the injuries and heartache has been a tumultuous club career, often outside of her control. In 2008 she had to find a new club after Sunderland, where she would pay £180 for kit, ran out of money, and, when back at the club 10 years later, she was forced to leave after it decided to drop into the amateur leagues and not bid for a spot in the professional tiers. “My first experience of playing women’s football was with Sunderland,” she remembers. “Within a year of starting for them in the top division, we were told that we wouldn’t be there any longer because of financial reasons. “That was back in 2007-08. It was a shock. And I had to find a new club. I had one year of the hard times, then everything started to improve once they brought in the Women’s Super League.” Now, and having appeared at all England youth levels, Staniforth is heading to her first World Cup. It is not something she ever imagined. “I always hoped girls would go to the men’s World Cup,” she says with a grin. “I didn’t realise there was a girls’ team. I didn’t realise it wasn’t going to work out in my favour. I first realised women’s football was my thing when I first met Sue Smith who is a bit of legend and that was it.”
There are many recipes out there aboutbut most of them are not giving you a satisfactory answer. Some are using chicken legs or chicken mince to make a chicken lollipop.Can you make a chicken lollipop using chicken legs or drumsticks? I don't agree with them at all. That is not the real chicken lollipop.To make chicken lollipop, you need the wings part of a chicken which is called Wingettes. Not the legs or drumsticks.There are only two wings in a whole chicken. And the wing of chicken can be divided into three parts.1. The upper part is called Drumettes which is attached to the main part of the chicken.2. The middle part is called Wingettes which has two thin bones that runs parallel to each other and covered with skin.3. Last comes the wings tips -- those tiny, pointy pieces shaped like a feather at the end.You can read the recipe of Crusty fried chicken wings using Drumettes part of the chicken wings.is very popular now a days due to the healthy and hygenic way of preparation using a charcoal Tandoor.If you love the lollipop recipe then you will also love the recipe of Hot & sour chicken soup recipe The regular chicken lollipop is a batter coated deep fried one. And tandoori chicken lollipop is a curd based marination cooked and roast in an Ovalclay charcoal tandoor.Below I am sharing the original recipe of tandoori chicken lollipop which is served in most renewed hospitality industry. Chicken lollipop tandoori Lollipops made from chicken wings are marinated in tandoori masala and grilled or baked in an oven or over a charcoal tandoor till crisp golden. Chicken lollipop tandoori is served with green mint chutney. Prep time cooking time serving 15 min 10 min 2 Author :- Mobasir hassan Ingredients 8 pieces of chicken wings ( Wingettes). 1 teaspoon Greek yogurt 1/2 teaspoon ginger garlic paste. 1/2 teaspoon red chilly paste 1/3 teaspoon red chilli powder. 1/3 teaspoon cumin powder. 1/4 teaspoon garam masala. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Salt as per taste. 1 teaspoon cooking oil or olive oil. Wash and clean the lollipops and pat them dry using a kitchen towel. Mix then with half of the ginger garlic paste, lemon juice and salt. Keep them marinated for ten minutes. Take yoghurt in a mixing bowl and add remaining ginger garlic paste, lemon juice, red chilli powder, red chilly paste,cumin powder, garam masala, salt and cooking oil. Whisk everything well to make a fine marination or masala. This is called a tandoori masala (red masala). Mix the chicken with this masala properly so that all parts are coated well Marinate them for at least one hour. Preheat a Oven at 240° C for 15 minutes and line a baking tray with aluminum foil and place a rack over it. Brush the marinated lollipops with butter and place over the tray. Baked them for 20 minutes till crisp golden. Flipp them and brush butter while baking at an interval. Remove in a plate and sprinkle chat masala and cilantro leaves and serve. If using ovalclay tandoor then thread the marinated lollipops in a iron shewer one by one. Keep a minimum gaps in between them to cook evenly. Place the shewer inside a preheated Ovalclay charcoal tandoor and cook for 8 - 10 minutes. Rotate the Shewer and brush butter at a regular interval while cooking the lollipops. Remove and serve with cilantro mint chutney, lemon wedges. Video Chicken lollipop tandoori recipe video Nutritional value ( serving size 4 wings) Calories : 210 Fats : 14 g Protein : 20 g Carbohydrate : 2 g Serving tips • It is generally served as an appetizer or snacks with green chutney or dip. • Lemon wedges and Lachcha onion are served along with it. How to make Mint Chutney or sauce for tandoori chicken lollipops Mint Chutney also known as Green chutney is must have dip for any Tandoori appetizer or snacks like Tandoori chicken, chicken Tikka, paneer Tikka, Lamb Gilafi Seekh Kebab. It is prepared using Fresh Mint leaves(pudina), fresh Coriander leaves ( Cilantro) , Ginger, Garlic and green chili. Ingredients • 1/2 cup Mint leaves • 1 cup Corriander leaves • 1/2 teaspoon roasted cumin powder • 5-6 Garlic cloves • 1 inch Ginger root • 1/2 teaspoon Lemon juice • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 2 teaspoon roasted peanuts • 1 or 2 green chili • 1/2 teaspoon chat masala • 2 teaspoon yogurt (optional) Preparation 1. Clean and wash the mint and corriander leaves and roughly chopped them using a knife. 2. In a food processor, mix them with garlic cloves, ginger and peanuts. Make a fine paste using water as required. 3. Transfer the paste in a container, add salt, lemon juice , cumin powder, chat masala and yogurt. Mix well and serve. You can add spinach leaves to give it a nice green color. Recipe notes • Kashmiri chilly paste is used to give it the desired red colour texture. You can avoid it. • First marination is important to make them juicy. Below you can read the step by step method and photos for the recipe for a better understanding the chicken lollipop tandoori recipe Chicken wings with Wingettes and tips part Preparation Holding and pressing Two bones Cut the tips Chicken Wings Marinated with Tandoori masala In Shewer Cooking over charcoal Tandoor Tandoori chicken lollipop 1. You need chicken wings with Wingettes and tips part to make chicken lollipop. You can buy ready made one from the store also . But it is better to do yourself to learn to make lollipop.2. Hold the wing with both hands and bend the joint pushing upwards the Wingette part .3. There will be two small bone comes out from the joint. Keep it aside.4. Repeat the procedure with the remaining wings.5. Now remove the thin bone from it . And cut the tips part of the wings.6. Press the meat downwards to the tip of the remaining bone.7. Wash the wings and pat them dry.1. Apply half of the ginger garlic paste,lemon juice and salt to marinate for 10 minutes.2. Take a mixing bowl, add yogurt and all the ingredients one by one to make a tandoori masala.Making tandoori masala with step by step instructions read3. Mix the chicken wings with the tandoori masala and refrigerated for 60 minutes to absorb all the flavors.1. Take the marinated chicken wings out of the fridge and shew in a Shewer.2. Cook them in a Preheated Ovalclay Tandoor for 8-10 minutes till crisp golden.3. Remove from the Shewer and serve hot with Mint Chutney or sauce .4. You can also cook them in a Preheated oven using baking tray for 10 minutes. When one side is get Crisp Golden,flip them and cook for other side busting some clarified butter on them.5. For deep frying, you have to remove them from the marination mixture. Apply one teaspoon of Corn starch and gram flour to the chicken wings and mix well.6. Heat oil in a deep skillet and cook the wings in slow flame till crisp and golden.
He still called her ‘missy.’ She’d given up trying to change it. Besides, it could also be her name; no one need know her real name here. As of now, only two men who’d she’d had no intention of meeting, and had stumbled into quite by accident, knew it. And then she received another startling revelation, from none other than Orliss himself. “But you must tell me how it came to be that a young woman came to be traveling alone.” She looked up, surprised, a smile of shocked amusement on her face. “Your accent’s a ruse,” she said. He smiled, “You’re quick. A good one, isn’t it?” “Very much so, but why?” “Helps me fit in, gain information. When I’m drunk though, it doesn’t seem to be a character. But it was ever my intention to fight back. With you here, that will make it easier.” “He said we were to be wed. He knew my name, and when he left…I felt…” “We’ll have to look into all that. Now’s not the time. We need to be gone by nightfall. I’ve a feeling he’ll be back, and he won’t be alone, and he won’t have those dogs.” She nodded, and couldn’t repress a shudder, which he saw. “Jaika.” She sighed, and composed herself. He placed a meaty hand on her shoulder. “I know. You’ve been swept up in a series of events that make absolutely no sense to you. I can’t explain how they do. I don’t know why you’re here, or why Dominick is after you, or me, for that matter. He won the war when he killed Meralys, and I was too devastated for thoughts of revenge. “But I let him take the woman I love from me, and did nothing about it. “I can’t allow that to happen again, but I can’t promise you it won’t. “The truth is, the years of dissipation were real, and have taken their toll, but now there’s what’s left, and I have to use it to rid the world of him, and not just for you. I don’t know the part you play; I’ve read no great books, and there’s no ancient prophecy. “In fact, we had a somewhat shaky beginning.” “Yes,” she reddened at the memory. “We did.” “This is a strange and dark place; you’ve doubtless felt its power. That’s where I’ll need your wood lore; you’re under no obligation to stay, and I can see you to a ship this very afternoon that will give you safe passage, but I’m asking: will you help me?” “I will help you, Orliss. If it wasn’t for you, I likely would not have survived. He’s attacked me twice, and there’s no denying there’s a bond. I felt it. I have to break it, but I don’t know how, and that’s where I’ll need you.” “So, partners then?” His hand was still resting on her shoulder, and she put her own hand over it. “Partners.” ****************** They left the cottage empty and set out for the town to buy horses. Jaika had to admit that in her travels, she’d never met anyone like Orliss. There was more to him than met the eye. He’d been stinking and drunk, and she’d been violent and desperate and frightened out of her wits, and in a few days, they’d become totally different people, though she was still frightened out of her wits. Her travels up until now had been solitary; she slept when she needed to, ate when she was hungry, and traveled often to the point of exhaustion, wandering, seemingly aimless, but now knowing it wasn’t. None of what happened to her now seemed coincidental, but she hoped she wasn’t some sort of celestial pawn, even though the darkly divine nature of her encounter was already a factor. Gods of the forest, is that why you removed your protection? If so, you’ll not find me a willing puppet to your unknown plans. Chapter 6: The bargain for horses struck, they rode back on the dirt trail that led to the temple. “I’ve not seen it in many years. I went as far as the tavern, and it seems the devils were content to leave me be, after they destroyed me. “Now, that’s not the case.” They arrived on the temple grounds. It sat in the middle, a circle of smooth walls like an aged, empty turtle shell. The ivy leaves were beginning to turn with the season, as were the trees, edged with the slightest of red and orange and gold. We must kill him before winter. She stayed at the top of the trail, holding the reins of their horses as they grazed, and Orliss investigated. There was no way she could bear to go near it right now; it was enough she might have to later. He peered through the cracks, same as she did, but he didn’t stay long to observe anything, or so Jaika thought, as he walked around it rather quickly for his size. She wanted to call out, to ask him if he saw anything, but the demon priest might not necessarily be nocturnal. Orliss stopped, seemed to be thinking of something, then walked toward the back of the temple, but instead of going around again, he walked through the high wild grass. Jaika only saw trees and weeds. It seemed to her there was nothing to mark it as a path. Curious, she dismounted, tied off the horses, and went to follow him. ********************** He was standing at the edge of a cemetery, the stones faded, fallen, and the gates broken. There was a low-lying fog covering the grassy ground, burning off slowly in the mid-morning sun. She came and stood next to him. “Who’s here?” “Most of the people I’ve known.” “Meralys?” “No.” She pressed no further, and let him have his moment, and started to walk back toward the horses. “Don’t go, Jaika.” She’d learned that when he called her name, things were different, so she stayed, standing beside him, scanning the mossy, discolored markers. After a moment, she said “We should be going, Orliss.” He sighed, and nodded. “There’s just one more thing left to do. Something I should have done years ago.” She went quiet at that, put some stray strands of hair behind her ear, losing the set of her shoulders, sighing. “Is this something I should be a part of?” He turned to face her. His eyes held a tenderness, but also a glimmer of fire. “You already are.” “But you’ve burned your books.” “I’ve help.” Jaika didn’t want to know, so she asked no more questions. ********************* He sat on the stained marble bench, and closed his eyes. Jaika took the quiet time to look around. The gravestones, faded with age and stained with elements, listed precariously in their slots, all but toppled, the names and dates long obliterated. The high grass extended all across the plot land, and the mausoleum sat squat and dark, a diseased mushroom full of decay and vermin, a black blot on the green field. She shuddered. There was something tainted and palpable in the air, like demon breath. Orliss, some memory tapped, began to chant in a soft voice that pushed against the silence, chipping away at it. Jaika didn’t know if he was praying, or casting a spell, but either way it looked like he would be a while. She went to check on the horses, and stayed with them to reassure them that their riders were still close by. She ate a small snack while she waited. The fog had burned off, and the mild warmth and clear skies of the early afternoon belied the peril they faced, and as the morning lazed into the afternoon, Jaika saw spread through the fading mist where Orliss sat. The nervous horses whickered and stamped, and Jaika moved out of the range of their hooves. Fighting panic, her hand trembling, she drew her short sword, and went to investigate. Orliss was where she’d left him, but what was in the light got her attention. There were people, hundreds, of all ages, standing by their markers, but something about them was very strange. Jaika realized that their features were just the veneer over their bones, and the wounds and diseases that ravaged them were visible: there were murder victims , their ghastly wounds almost translucent in the afternoon sun. And of those who were mutilated: she could see their severed limbs flickering where they’d been hacked, the bloody stumps of meat and gore still dripping spectral blood. Those who’d died of diseases, in childbirth, in accidents, all bore the marks of their passing, she saw the skeletons just underneath the veneer of flesh. The people were buried dressed in their finest formal wear, which was now little more than scraps, hanging like dead creepers from their limbs. Sunken eyes, missing teeth, swollen tongues, open sores, torn female clothing, bruised faces, tilted heads with rope burns on their necks, and heads of glorious female hair ridden with lice, and small children with smiling mouths full of worms and centipedes pushed back against Orliss’ magic with a palpable malevolence. He might have been marble himself, though his whiskers flew about him like a halo of tumbleweed, and sweat stains ruined his clean clothes. Vermin began to appear and tentatively sniff at him, and began to snap at his flesh. They went right through Jaika, as if she wasn’t there at all. He flinched, and winced, and gasped, but picked right back up and didn’t stop chanting until, finally, he did. As he stood, he brushed the vermin from his body with a fell sweep of his arm, and Jaika gasped as they vanished. It had all been illusion to get him to stop. A spirit-man came forward, his transparent flesh desiccated, and pointing what was left of his finger at Orliss, he spoke telepathically. Jaika heard his voice in her head; it sounded like wet, shifting gravel, grating and unpleasant. She bore it for Orliss’ sake. You should be here among us, priest. “I know, and I’m sorry, but I’m not.” We could make it so you are. “Or you could tell me where Thonian ran off to fight.” You name him! Oh, your boldness… “I’ve no time to sit here preening with you; do you know where he is, or don’t you?” If we did, we would not tell you, for your magic is weak, and cannot compel us. But it is as you say: we know not where he has gone. Why do you disturb us, Orliss? A woman’s voice was speaking now, as she made her own way to face him. Have any of among us haunted you? “No.” Then why do you seek us? “This is my friend Jaika.” He extended his arm in her direction, and their broken eyes followed it to land on her. Jaika tried not to tremble. ” Thonian has marked her for his bride. I cannot allow it, and in the process of stopping him I might…I might be able to…free your souls. The outburst was immediate, with some opting to pass through him and kill him, and still others to finish hearing what he had to say. The latter won. This is a bold claim, from a man whose magic has passed into legend. “And yet I say it.” Making no promises! “But telling the TRUTH! DAMN your obstinate, bitter, foolish minds!” Along with our souls, you mean? The woman spoke to them both, not unkindly. Orliss seemed to deflate. “I meant…will you help me find him?” The staring seemed an eternity. A breeze stirred, and Jaika gagged on the stench from the risen dead, and held her breath; if either of them said anything now, they would lose their cause. The two spirits that spoke to Orliss conferred, then walked among the others. The early afternoon went into the late afternoon by the time the two of them returned. Yes, Orliss. For the sake of our souls, we’ll be glad to help, but if you fall into the river of doubt, the stream of surrender, your souls are forfeit to us. Are we agreed? Orliss looked at Jaika, and after considering, she gave him a nod. “We are,” Orliss said. Then we take our leave, until tonight. They slipped back into the ground in clusters, angry at their awakening, but excited to be involved in what could be the ancient land’s new beginning.
/******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ class MeshAOClass : ClosableWindow { static const cchar8 *Func_t[] ; ASSERT(MAF_FULL==0 && MAF_QUARTIC==1 && MAF_SQUARE==2 && MAF_LINEAR==3 && MAF_LINEAR_REV==4 && MAF_SQUARE_REV==5); bool preview, baked_valid, processed_ready, finished; flt strength, bias, max, ray_length, scale; MESH_AO_FUNC func; uint src_id, baked_src_id, change_id, baked_change_id; Property *info, *preview_prop; Memx<Property> props; TextBlack ts; Button ok; MeshLod src, processed, baked; Extent src_ext; Thread thread; SyncLock lock; static void PreviewToggle(MeshAOClass &editor); static void OK (MeshAOClass &editor); static void ChangedParams(C Property &prop); void changedParams(); bool needRebuild()C; static bool Process(Thread &thread); bool process(); void startThread(); void createSrc(); MeshAOClass& activate()override; virtual MeshAOClass& hide ()override; ~MeshAOClass(); // delete thread before other members MeshAOClass& del ()override; MeshAOClass& create(); virtual void update(C GuiPC &gpc)override; public: MeshAOClass(); }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ extern MeshAOClass MeshAO; /******************************************************************************/
/** * Copyright (c) 2008, http://www.snakeyaml.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.utility.steps.shaded.org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.utility.steps.shaded.org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Node; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.utility.steps.shaded.org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.NodeId; public class AnchorNode extends Node { private Node realNode; public AnchorNode(Node realNode) { super(realNode.getTag(), realNode.getStartMark(), realNode.getEndMark()); this.realNode = realNode; } @Override public NodeId getNodeId() { return NodeId.anchor; } public Node getRealNode() { return realNode; } }
Culture Man dangles off hang-glider for over 2 minutes after pilot fails to secure his harness A rider's first hang-gliding flight turned harrowing after the pilot forgot to hook the man into the tandem safety harness. Chris Gursky shared his extremely frightening near-death experience hang-gliding in Switzerland on YouTube on Monday. In the footage, Gurksy quickly realizes just after takeoff that he's not hooked to the glider's harness. "My body weight shifted straight down and I found myself hanging on for my life," Gursky told the Daily Mail about his experience. Thankfully, Gursky walked away from the incident mostly unscathed, with the exception of a broken wrist and some bruised muscles, according to his video commentary. "For two minutes and 14 seconds I had to hang on for my life!" Gursky told the Daily Mail. "The landing was a rough one, but I lived to tell the story." Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. Powered by its own proprietary technology, Mashable is the go-to source for tech, digital culture and entertainment content for its dedicated and influential audience around the globe.
package Paws::SageMaker::ProductionVariant; use Moose; has AcceleratorType => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); has InitialInstanceCount => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1); has InitialVariantWeight => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Num'); has InstanceType => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); has ModelName => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); has VariantName => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::SageMaker::ProductionVariant =head1 USAGE This class represents one of two things: =head3 Arguments in a call to a service Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object. As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::SageMaker::ProductionVariant object: $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { AcceleratorType => $value, ..., VariantName => $value }); =head3 Results returned from an API call Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::SageMaker::ProductionVariant object: $result = $service_obj->Method(...); $result->Att1->AcceleratorType =head1 DESCRIPTION Identifies a model that you want to host and the resources to deploy for hosting it. If you are deploying multiple models, tell Amazon SageMaker how to distribute traffic among the models by specifying variant weights. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 AcceleratorType => Str The size of the Elastic Inference (EI) instance to use for the production variant. EI instances provide on-demand GPU computing for inference. For more information, see Using Elastic Inference in Amazon SageMaker (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/ei.html). =head2 B<REQUIRED> InitialInstanceCount => Int Number of instances to launch initially. =head2 InitialVariantWeight => Num Determines initial traffic distribution among all of the models that you specify in the endpoint configuration. The traffic to a production variant is determined by the ratio of the C<VariantWeight> to the sum of all C<VariantWeight> values across all ProductionVariants. If unspecified, it defaults to 1.0. =head2 B<REQUIRED> InstanceType => Str The ML compute instance type. =head2 B<REQUIRED> ModelName => Str The name of the model that you want to host. This is the name that you specified when creating the model. =head2 B<REQUIRED> VariantName => Str The name of the production variant. =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, describing an object used in L<Paws::SageMaker> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl> Please report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues> =cut
District employee accidentally brings loaded weapon to Mustang High School MUSTANG, Okla. - Mustang Public Schools says it is taking "appropriate action" after a district employee forgot to remove a loaded handgun from his bag before bringing it into Mustang High School Thursday, placing the school on lockdown, according to a school administrator. In a release on the district's website, an unattended, "suspicious" bag was found by staff in the school's media center at around 9:30 a.m. Thursday. Inside was a loaded handgun. The release said administrators and school resource officers put the school on lockdown and called Mustang Police. The district said the owner of both the bag and the gun is a Mustang Public Schools employee, with a concealed carry license, who said he planned to go target shooting Wednesday, but forgot to remove the firearm from his bag before coming inside the school Thursday. "It's just kind of crazy to think about, this is a really good school and you don't normally think about that kind of thing happening. But I guess it can happen anywhere," said Lauren Harris, a Mustang senior, as she waited to pick up her younger brother. "It is a little alarming, but I’m glad whoever found it, found it, and it was handled." In a letter to parents, Mustang High School Principal Teresa Wilkerson said the district is taking "appropriate action" for this employee. "Providing a safe and secure learning environment is of top priority to the Mustang Public School System, and we take these incidents very seriously," Wilkerson said in the letter to parents. "Extensive security measures are in place to help us maintain a safe campus. We practice drills in order to respond to these situations, and today our safety protocols proved to be effective." Even with a valid handgun license, it's against state law to have a firearm on school grounds unless the firearm is stored and hidden from view in a locked car when left unattended on school property. There is also an exception for firearms used as part of a specific district-approved program or course, but the weapon must be properly stored, according to state statutes. State law also allows districts to adopt policies to authorize a person to carry a handgun onto school property by certain district employees designated by the school board. Those employees must have a valid armed security guard license or reserve peace officer certification. Mustang Public School policy, and state law, says students who bring firearms on campus may be suspended out-of-school for a year, or more. It's unclear what type of punishment the employee is facing. Calls and messages to the district superintendent went unreturned Thursday. Possession of a firearm on school grounds is a criminal misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of up to $250.
Deal Rancic into Food Network game with ‘Kitchen Casino’ What’s in the cards for Bill Rancic? As host of the Food Network’s new “Kitchen Casino,” Rancic hopes to play it fun and fast with food. As a Chicago entrepreneur, Rancic made reality TV history as the first winner of NBC’s “The Apprentice.” Since Donald Trump said “You’re hired” in 2004, Rancic has enjoyed a busy (and visible) career as a developer, author, restaurateur, inspirational speaker, producer and TV host. His books “You’re Hired: How to Succeed in Business and Life” and “Beyond the Lemonade Stand” both became New York Times best-sellers. He co-stars with his wife Giuliana on “Giuliana & Bill,” now in its seventh season on E! Rancic, who turns 43 in May, takes a spin at TV food competition with a Las Vegas-style twist; the contestants have to gamble on their cooking skills while trying to bluff their rivals out of their stockpots. “Kitchen Casino” debuts Monday on the Food Network. Feast caught up with Rancic before the premiere. What makes “Kitchen Casino” different from other food shows? If you like a really fun cooking competition show (such as) “Chopped” or “Cutthroat Kitchen,” you’ll love it. But we added a major twist. We combined casino-themed games – poker, roulette, slot machines – with cooking competition. It’s not only important to be an incredible chef, but you’ve got to understand gaming strategy. How does it work? Every episode starts with four chefs (competing for $30,000). At the slot machine, they get their ingredients. (After they start cooking their dishes), we play “Chef Roulette,” where the entire kitchen spins like a giant roulette wheel. Their dish may very likely end up in front of another chef. (Whatever you get), you’ve got to take over and finish that dish. There’s a very good chance their dish won’t come back to them. Do you try to sabotage it? So whoever ends up with it has a hell of a time. At the poker table, I deal cards with (additional) ingredients. They can discard some, get different cards; just like poker. Sometimes, it’s better to stick with the cards you know. What was the inspiration for this show? I wish I was the creator; I’m just the host. But it’s a brilliant idea. There’s nothing else like it in the cooking show genre. I’m literally on the edge of my seat. (Chefs) have 30, 40 minutes to prepare the dishes. They’re pumping a lot of adrenaline. Did you try the challenges? We had a mock competition. I thought it was important to do since I’m the host. We have some great judges – Michael Chernow, Madison Cowan, Kristin Sollenne (among others). They don’t pull any punches. What part is the toughest? Chef Roulette. It really separated the good chefs from those trying to fake it. You have to revive a dish on life support. Someone has sabotaged you. We’ve got great chefs with incredible pedigrees; they’ve worked at top restaurants. We’ve also got cooks who taught themselves in basement kitchens; sometimes they win. It often comes down to common sense, which is not that common. Any oddball ingredients on the “Casino” menu? Absolutely! A couple of them, I had to Google – they were way out there. Cactus, churros, (less desirable) parts of chicken. (The first episode features salami, rutabaga and fruit punch.) There’s a handful of unique ingredients; it’s not easy.
You don’t have to look hard to see that kindness is cool at Elm Creek Elementary. Last week, students demonstrated that sentiment in a “great” big way by celebrating their second-annual Great Kindness Challenge. The Great Kindness Challenge is a grassroots movement that aims to inspire individuals to keep kindness top of mind. “As kindness becomes a habit, peace becomes possible,” its website proclaims. Taking this idea to heart, Elm Creek students were engaged in various activities throughout the week, including learning a kindness pledge; surprising classmates with kind messages on sticky notes; and letting staff know just how much they are appreciated by sending them paper hearts inscribed with positive sentiments. A kindness checklist—that included items like “thank a bus driver” and “hold the door open for someone”—also kept students in a kindness frame of mind during the challenge. These activities are important because they “make a lot of people’s day better,” said fifth-grader Breanna Huynh. “The staff here do so much for us, it was the least we could do for them,” added fourth-grader Ayden Fiengo, referring to the kindness hearts students created for Elm Creek’s staff. “We need more people to be kind in this world,” fellow fourth-grader Chloe Tegland chimed in. To reinforce messages of kindness, an impressive paper tree was constructed near the school’s main office and each classroom participated in a kindness decorating challenge. The winners? Susan Kapsner’s kindergarten class and their creative display that included puzzle pieces with a pledge to “be a piece of the peace.” Beth Ruud’s second-graders decorated the wall outside their classroom with a sign that read “throw kindness around like confetti” and were runners-up in the contest. For Beth Ness, principal at Elm Creek Elementary, fostering a culture of kindness is an integral part of the work that she and her staff are committed to doing every day. “Our words and actions matter, and students learn better in a place where they feel safe and supported,” Ness said. “This challenge was student-led and initiated, and I’m so proud of them. Our community is stronger because we are kind to each other.” This year marks the seventh installment of The Great Kindness Challenge in the United States. The initiative is supported by Kids for Peace, a global nonprofit that seeks to create peace through youth leadership, community service, worldwide friendships, and thoughtful acts of kindness. PHOTO: Fourth- and fifth-graders at Elm Creek Elementary pose in front of the school's kindness tree during the final day of The Great Kindness Challenge on Jan. 26.
Smuk above Semičem Smuk is a 547 high tableland above Semič. Towads south and southeast Smuk extends down through forests, into the embrace of the Semiška gora on the sunny side, and all the way towards its foothills, into the clustered, partly dispersed settlement Semič. Smuk represents a second home to a hunter, a recreational athlete and a nature lover, as the renewed hunters lodge is a good reason "to leave the troubles behind". Also you can see on the mountain Smuk church of Sv. Lovrenc.
Q: Converting ConfigParser values to python data types ConfigParser requires all sections, keys and values to be strings; no surprise. It has methods to convert the values to datatypes with getfloat, getint, getboolean. If you don't know the datatype, you can wrap the get() with an eval() to get have the string evaluated such as: >>> from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser >>> cp = SafeConfigParser() >>> cp.add_section('one') >>> cp.set('one', 'key', '42') >>> print cp.get('one', 'key') '42' >>> print eval(cp.get('one', 'key')) 42 >>> cp.set('one', 'key', 'None') >>> print eval(cp.get('one', 'key')) None >>> Is there a better way? I assume there some grave security concerns with evaluating text from a file- which I acknowledge; I completely trust the file. I thought I would use pickle for this, but I would really like to keep the config file human readable. How would you do it? A: If you are using Python 2.6 or above you can use ast.literal_eval: ast.literal_eval(node_or_string) Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing a Python expression. The string or node provided may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None. This can be used for safely evaluating strings containing Python expressions from untrusted sources without the need to parse the values oneself. This will work like eval when the string is safe: >>> literal_eval("{'key': 10}") {'key': 10} But it will fail if anything besides the types listed in the documentation appear: >>> literal_eval("import os; os.system('rm -rf somepath')") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/ast.py", line 49, in literal_eval node_or_string = parse(node_or_string, mode='eval') File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/ast.py", line 37, in parse return compile(expr, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST) File "<unknown>", line 1 import os; os.system('rm -rf somepath') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax A: For those that may be looking for another easier answer, instead of having to convert the data types yourself, you can use the localconfig module that does the conversion for you. The conversion is done by guessing the data type based on the value (I.e. 123 is an int, 123.4 is a float, true is a bool, and so on). Here is an example following the OP's: >>> from localconfig import config >>> config.read('[one]\nkey = 42\nkey2 = None') >>> config.one.key, type(config.one.key) (42, <type 'int'>) >>> config.one.key2, type(config.one.key2) (None, <type 'NoneType'>) >>> config.get('one', 'key'), config.get('one', 'key2') (42, None) It is a wrapper on top of ConfigParser, so it is fully compatible. Check it out at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/localconfig
FOIA Post (2009): Procedure for Ordering Copies 2009 Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom of Information Act The Office of Information Policy is planning to publish the 2009 edition of the Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom of Information Act through the Government Printing Office (GPO) in June. The 2009 Guide will contain detailed discussions of the FOIA's exemptions, as well as its procedural requirements, and FOIA litigation considerations. The 2009 Guide will also discuss proactive disclosures, FOIA fees and fee waivers, exclusions, discretionary disclosures and waiver, FOIA attorney fees, and reverse FOIA cases. If your agency would like to have multiple copies of this publication, you may obtain them at the original printing cost by "riding" the Department of Justice's GPO requisition order. All federal department and agencies will have to make individual requisition arrangements with GPO using Standard Form One (SF-1). Department of Justice components must submit Form DOJ-2 to DOJ's Printing Office. To do so, each agency should determine how many copies it will want at the "rider" price (expected to be approximately $3.00 per copy) and make arrangements with its printing officer to place each agency's order by no later than June 15. Offices outside the Washington, D.C. area should contact their printing or publication officer in Washington, D.C. for their proper billing codes. The GPO requisition number for the Department of Justice Guide to the Freedom of Information Act is 9-05246. The Office of Information Policy will send one courtesy copy of the Guide to the Chief FOIA Officer and principal FOIA contact at each agency. If an agency does not ride the Department of Justice's requisition order it can purchase the book at the full price through GPO's bookstore. The Guide will also be posted electronically on the Department of Justice website. OIP's publications editor, Bertina Adams Cleveland, is available to answer any question regarding this at (202) 616-5456. (posted 5/18/2009)
We will send you these three new hourly indexes at no charge until March 19, when we formally launch them on our Web site, at www.tradersnewsenergy.com. ? Please contact me with any feedback or questions. Thank you. ? Bobette Riner??????????????????????????????? Director of Indexes TradersNews Energy 713/647-8690 FAX: 713/647-7552 cell: 832/428-7008 bobette.riner@ipgdirect.com http://www.tradersnewsenergy.com ? ? - comedhrly030201.doc - tvahrly030201.doc - ercothrly030201.doc
Retrieval of migrated ureteral stents by coaxial cannulation with a flexible ureteroscope and paired helical basket. Retrieval of a proximally migrated ureteral stent is a technically challenging endoscopic procedure. We describe the use of a paired wire helical stone retrieval basket through a flexible ureteroscope to remove proximally migrated ureteral stents. Five ureteral stents were lost in the proximal (1) and distal (4) ureter after lithotripsy or stent exchange. Once the location of the distal aspect of the ureteral stent was identified by either fluoroscopy or ureteroscopy, a safety guidewire was placed alongside the migrated stent. A flexible ureteroscope was brought to the distal end of the stent under direct visualization. Through the working port of the ureteroscope, the paired wire helical basket was deployed to grasp or coaxially cannulate the lumen of the migrated stent. Once inside the stent, the basket was then opened. The outward resistance of the deployed basket is sufficient to provide enough lateral force to reposition the stent into the bladder. All stents were successfully retrieved without complication. No patient had visual evidence of ureteral injury, and all patients were discharged on the same day as their procedure. While proximal migration of a ureteral stent is usually caused by technical error, the ideal technique to reposition the stent should require the least time, trauma to the ureter, and expense to the patient. We describe a simple technique to retrieve migrated stents anywhere along the urinary tract.
Photocross-linking from DNPated SH1 in myosin head. I. Cross-linking to the 50-kDa fragment. When DNP-SH1-myosin, selectively dinitrophenylated at SH1 by 1,2,4-trinitrobenzene, was irradiated with a high-pressure mercury lamp equipped with a UV cut filter, a new 220-kDa band called the X-band appeared right above the heavy chain band (200 kDa) on SDS-PAGE (Laemmli). The time course of the X-band formation was composed of two phases, the initial one being rapid, and the second slow. Immune reaction experiments using antibodies specific for heavy or light chains indicated that the X-band in the initial phase contained heavy chain alone, but no light chains. Such an extra band (106 kDa) was also observed in the initial phase of photolysis of DNP-SH1-Subfragment-1 (heavy chain: 96 kDa) obtained from DNP-SH1-myosin. Trypsinolysis of the 106-kDa product generated a 83-kDa band. N-Terminal sequence analysis and the amino acid composition of the band revealed that the X-band is an intraheavy chain cross-linking product between the 20- and the 50-kDa fragments. This presents a striking contrast to the other cross-linking from SH1 using benzophenone-4-iodoacetamide which reacted with the 25-kDa fragment alone (Lu, R.C. et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 83, 6392-6396). Based upon the result obtained, the spatial arrangement of the three tryptic domains around SH1 is discussed.
Recent News & Events NHS England and the Scottish Medicines Consortium agree to reimburse Ravicti® (glycerol phenylbutyrate) for the management of Urea Cycle Disorders (UCDs) Ravicti is the first liquid formulation of phenylbutyrate, which is virtually tasteless and odourless. This treatment, a more palatable alternative to sodium phenylbutyrate will be provided via specialised metabolic commissioning centres across […] Metabolic Support UK, as the umbrella patient organisation for Inherited Metabolic Disorders, is disappointed that NICE does not recommend re-imbursement of the treatment burosumab for X-linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH) in children and young people following the recent Highly Specialised Technologies evaluation. Burosumab is the first and only treatment to target the […] Following the recent evaluation meeting, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued draft guidelines rejecting NHS funding for the drug burosumab for children and young people with X-linked Hypophosphataemia (XLH), after concluding that the most likely cost-effectiveness estimates are much higher than would normally be considered […] Over 150 patients, families and professionals attended the latest Climb Annual Conference which took place on Saturday 14th October 2017 in Birmingham. Our conferences are a way for us to engage key professionals and partners to share with us the latest developments in the world of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, as well […] We are pleased to confirm the itinerary for the Climb Annual Conference on 14th October 2017 at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham. It’s going to be an informative day with plenty of opportunities to meet and get to know other families, hear from a range of speakers and help […] A huge thank you to our 7 Team Climb cyclists Marc Wittenberg, Kevin Hancox, Kate Jenkins, Emily Cullum, Jade Devonshire, Andy Law and Jaq Pearce who took part in the RideLondon 46/100 event on 30th July 2017. Not only did they take on this fantastic challenge for Climb, but together […] After hearing the latest news on this case, Charlie and his parents are in the thoughts of everyone at Climb. Our thoughts also go out to all those involved in the care of Charlie. Climb exists to raise awareness of Inherited Metabolic Diseases including Mitochondrial Disease. It is important that […] M&Co in Nantwich held a fantastic fashion show in aid of Climb on Wednesday 5th July, which was attended by over 50 people including the Mayor of Crewe, Cllr Diane Yates. Models, including staff, customers and their families and friends from the local community (and our very own founder, Lesley […] July 2017 – After a 2 year process Climb is pleased that NICE has published draft guidance recommending the drug Strensiq (also known asfotase alfa) for people with paediatric-onset hypophosphatasia. The funding agreement between NHS England and Alexion Pharma is based on a 5-year Managed Access Agreement which means that […] 100 patients, families and professionals came together on Saturday 1st July to discuss the latest developments in X-Linked Hypophosphatemia at a special event hosted by Climb in collaboration with Central Manchester Healthcare Trust. XLH – X-Linked Hypophosphatemia – is a genetic disorder that affects about one in 20,000 people. Typically, […] On Thursday 11th May 2017, we were honoured to attend the Mayor Making Ceremony at South Cheshire College to watch Councillor Diane Yates receive the Chains of Office and Civic Insignia, becoming the fifth Mayor of Crewe. With an interest in supporting homegrown charities, and improving the lives of children, […] The Department of Health and NHS England recently made a commitment to develop an implementation plan for the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases in England, which is a really positive outcome for those affected by Inherited Metabolic Disorders. With the General Election taking place on 8th June, we want to make sure […] Our exceptional runners have kindly shared their individual stories of why they took part in this extraordinary event for Climb. We would like to thank Team Climb for all of their massive fundraising efforts, hard work and enthusiasm! Jessica’s Story “I ran the 2016 London Marathon for Climb and absolutely loved the […] The Minister of State for Health, Philip Dunne MP, has announced that NHS England will develop an implementation plan by the end of the year for the commitments outlined in the UK Strategy for Rare Diseases. For those affected by Inherited Metabolic Disorders in England this is a fantastic result and […] The glitz and glamour of Las Vegas came to Crewe Hall Cheshire in Cheshire on Saturday 25th February 2017, for the inaugural fundraising charity ball of the Rotary Club of Bentley Cheshire in aid of Climb and Young Minds. The evening began with a drinks reception, the bubbles and laughter flowed! Everyone really […] Climb has appealed the NICE Review Committee decision not to approve the treatment of severely affected juvenile and adult patients with the treatment asfotase alpha. Whilst Climb is extremely pleased that the treatment will be available for all perinatal and infantile cases of the disorder under the Managed Access […] John MacDonald has undertaken some amazing challenges for Climb this year! On 3rd September, John tackled the Man vs Mountain event: a 22 mile race from Caernarfon Castle to the summit of Snowdon with a series of punishing obstacles in Dinorwic Quarry thrown in for a cool down! In preparation […] Over 100 people attended the latest Climb conference; Transition and Adult Care, which took place on Saturday 8th October 2016 at The Studio, Birmingham. We understand that the transition from paediatric to adult care is a worrying time for patients and their families, so we developed a full programme to open […] NICE has published draft guidance recommending the drug asfotase alfa for children with perinatal- and infantile-onset hypophosphatasia (HPP) – a very rare inherited condition affecting between one and seven babies each year in England. The full draft guidance can be accessed here. In summary: Asfotase alfa is recommended as an option […] We are delighted to announce the Las Vegas Charity Ball, at Crewe Hall Cheshire on Saturday 25th February 2017! This exciting charity ball is being organised and hosted by the Rotary Club of Bentley Cheshire; a Satellite club of Crewe & Nantwich Weaver Rotary, which was inaugurated in July 2016. The […] Over 50 people attended a charity fashion show at M&Co on High Street Nantwich on Thursday 15th September, which raised more than £400 for Climb. Models, including staff, customers and their families and friends from the local community, took a turn on the catwalk, showcasing the latest seasonal fashions from […] Saturday night favourite the X Factor hit our screens at the weekend, and one singer hoping for the much coveted ‘four yeses’ was Rebekah Ryan from Tamworth who tragically lost her son when he was just three years old. Rebekah opened up to the judges about the heartbreaking loss of her first son Ethan, who […] Have you been inspired by the Olympics and fancy taking on an amazing challenge? Applications are now open for Golden Bond places for two fantastic events in 2017! Virgin Money London Marathon – 23rd April 2017 Think 26.2 miles of iconic London landmarks, cheering crowds, an electric atmosphere, team camaraderie, […] MCADD families belong to what is now, by far, our largest group of families. Since the addition of MCADD to the screening programme in 2010, the number of MCADD families has increased and over time so has the need for a more varied spectrum of support. In order to ensure […] To celebrate Metabolic Disease Awareness Week, supporters of Climb took over social media, with over 360 #metabolicselfies shared! It is estimated that each person has between 200 and 300 followers on Facebook. So, with 360 selfies shared, and an average of 250 followers each, around 90,000 people will have learnt a […] RareConnect is a safe, easy to use platform where rare disease patients, families and patient organisations can develop online communities and conversations across continents and languages. RareConnect partners with the world’s leading rare disease patient groups to enable families and patients to join discussions, share stories and knowledge, ask questions, […] Climb would like to say a massive thank you to all those families and professionals who joined us on the 4th June for our first Urea Cycle Disorder event. We had over 50 people join us for a really interesting day which saw the launch of the RareConnect network, […] Last month saw the 1st birthday of BreathDX a UK company driving the design and development a system to measure ammonia levels in IEM patients from their breath rather than blood. Thanks to the help from the CLIMB community BreathDX now have over £1m from UK funding bodies to develop […]
719 So.2d 546 (1998) STATE of Louisiana v. Fred HANKTON, Jr. No. 96-KA-1538. Court of Appeal of Louisiana, Fourth Circuit. September 16, 1998. *547 Archie B. Creech, Orleans Indigent Defender Program, New Orleans, for Defendant/Appellant. Harry F. Connick, District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Susan Erlanger Talbot, Assistant District Attorney of Orleans Parish, New Orleans, for State/Appellee. Before SCHOTT, C.J., and JONES and WALTZER, JJ. WALTZER, Judge. STATEMENT OF THE CASE Fred Hankton, Jr. was charged, along with Kerry Lacy, by grand jury indictment with first degree murder. He was arraigned, pled not guilty and filed motions to suppress a statement and an identification which were denied. His trial was severed from that of his co-defendant that date. A twelve member jury found him guilty of second degree murder, a violation of La. R.S. 14:30.1, on 2 May 1996. He was sentenced on 9 May 1996 to life imprisonment at hard labor without benefit of parole, probation of suspension of sentence. He appeals his conviction and sentence. STATEMENT OF FACTS Luciana "Shannon" Beard testified that on 8 June 1995, she had been living with the victim, John Stevenson, at 2118 Clio Street, Apartment 4A for about a month. At 11:00 p.m., she heard fumbling at the back door. She unlocked the door, which then flew open. Fred, whom she later identified as the defendant Fred Hankton, and a man whom she knew as "Lacy" came into the apartment. Hankton had Stevenson by the neck and was choking him. Lacy pulled out a gun, ordered Stevenson and Beard to lie down on the floor, and Hankton then asked Stevenson, "Where it's at?", whereupon Stevenson directed him to a shelf in another room. Hankton began looking around the house. He came back into the room at one point, and Beard saw him putting a tin foil packet in his pocket. He then began asking for money. Beard and Hankton went into the other room to get the money. After she gave him the money that was kept in that room, he asked Stevenson where the remainder was located. Stevenson directed Beard to a rice bag in the kitchen where she found a white object which she gave to Hankton. Stevenson and Lacy began arguing. Stevenson asked Lacy not to kill him in front of Beard. Then Lacy emptied the gun into Stevenson and Hankton told Beard she had better not tell anyone what happened. Beard called to Stevenson, and, having received no response, jumped over her year old daughter and called out of the window for help. She grabbed the baby and ran downstairs where a man had already called for the police and she spoke to the police operator. When the police arrived at the scene, she told Detective Deal that Lacy lived at an address on Thalia Street. She testified that she was uncomfortable talking to the police at the scene. A few days later, she identified both men in photographic lineups. She repeatedly testified that she recognized Hankton's photo as a picture of the man who had held Stevenson around the neck, and said that Detective Deal did not use force, threat, coercion, promise or suggestion in any way to lead her to make the identification. She also made an in-court identification of Hankton. *548 Officer Ernest Joseph testified that he responded to the gunshot call and found the victim lying face down in a pool of blood. He spoke to Ms. Beard and tried to calm her, and secured the crime scene. Officer Jake Schnapp arrested both Hankton and Lacy on 19 June 1995, outside 2319 Thalia Street. Dr. Paul McGarry, qualified as an expert in forensic pathology, testified that Stevenson's death was caused by multiple gunshot wounds. One shot to the head and one to the heart had penetrated his body deeply. One shot to the head had been fired at close range. Detective Dwight Deal of the New Orleans Police Department's Homicide Division testified that he arrived at the scene in response to the 911 call and spoke to Beard, whom he described as cooperative but frightened, shaken and scared. She gave extensive descriptions of the suspects and said that she knew Lacy by name but was afraid that if she told, the killers would be able to trace the information back to her. She said that she knew the name of a man with whom he lived, Troyell "Turkey" Ross, on Thalia Street. Deal obtained a picture of Ross, whose registered address was 2319 Thalia Street, Apartment D, and Beard said that he was indeed the man who lived with Lacy. Two days later, Deal compiled two photographic lineups, one containing a picture of Lacy, and one containing a picture of Hankton. On 12 June he showed Beard the pictures and asked only if she recognized anyone in either or both sets of pictures. Beard immediately chose Hankton and Lacy, and wrote on the back of each photo a description of that person's part in the crime. Detective Deal confirmed Beard's testimony that he did not force, threaten or coerce her to make an identification, did not promise her anything, tell her she had to pick someone or suggest whom she should pick. He applied for and obtained arrest warrants for the two men. After Hankton's arrest on 19 June 1995, Deal advised him of his rights and had him sign a rights of arrestee form. Hankton made a statement that was transcribed and recorded. The tape was played for the jury, and a copy of the transcript was provided to each of them. In the statement, Hankton said that he and Lacy had gone to the Stevenson's apartment the night of the murder to take Stevenson's dope. He grabbed Stevenson around the neck and Lacy had drawn a black .357 handgun on Stevenson. He and Lacy made him lie on the floor. A girl in the house showed Hankton where the drugs were, he took the drugs, including heroin from a rice bag, and money, and Lacy shot Stevenson. He confirmed that there was a baby in the house at the time of the murder. Kendra Spencer, Hankton's seventeen year old girlfriend, a junior at Joseph S. Clark high school, testified that she was with him all night on the night of the crime. At one point, after midnight, they left his mother's house on the west bank and drove to a daiquiri shop at the corner of St. Charles and Carrollton Avenues, in the uptown section of New Orleans, where they bought daiquiris. She remembered the night because she testified that it was the night she lost her virginity. She said 8 June 1995, was either a Saturday or a Sunday. It was, in fact, a Thursday. Scott Sorenson, manager of the daiquiri shop, testified that the store always closed at midnight on Thursdays. He produced a tape from the register that showed that the store did in fact close at midnight on 8 June 1995. ERRORS PATENT We have examined the entire record for errors patent and have found none. FIRST ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR: The lack of a transcript of the hearing on Hankton's Motion to Suppress Evidence denied him his right to appellate review based upon a complete record. The transcript having been provided and a supplemental brief having been filed on Hankton's behalf based upon the transcript, this assignment of error is moot. SECOND ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR TWO: The trial court erred in allowing gruesome photographs into evidence. At the trial, the State introduced into evidence photographs of the victim at the scene. The defense objected that they were gruesome and inadmissible. The trial court admitted the photographs, and Hankton now *549 complains that in so doing, the trial court erred. The admission of gruesome photographs will not be overturned unless it is clear the prejudicial effect of the photographs outweighs their probative value. State v. Lindsey, 543 So.2d 886, 894-95 (La. 1989), certiorari denied, 494 U.S. 1074, 110 S.Ct. 1796, 108 L.Ed.2d 798 (1990); State v. Bourque, 622 So.2d 198, 236 (La.1993), reversed on other unrelated grounds, State v. Comeaux, 93-2729 (La.7/1/97), 699 So.2d 16, 21. The fact that the photographs are gruesome does not, in and of itself, prevent their admissibility. State v. Comeaux, 514 So.2d 84, 97 (La.1987). Post-mortem photographs at the scene or autopsy photographs of murder victims are admissible to prove corpus delicti, to provide positive identification of the victim and to corroborate other evidence establishing the cause of death, the manner in which death occurred, and the location, severity, and number of wounds. State v. Copeland, 530 So.2d 526, 543 (La.1988), cert. denied, Copeland v. Louisiana, 489 U.S. 1091, 109 S.Ct. 1558, 103 L.Ed.2d 860 (1989). The defendant cannot deprive the State of the moral force of its case by offering to stipulate to what is shown in photographs. State v. Perry, 502 So.2d 543, 559 (La.1986), cert. denied, Perry v. Louisiana, 484 U.S. 872, 108 S.Ct. 205, 98 L.Ed.2d 156 (1987). In Bourque, the Supreme Court found the photographic evidence offered was relevant and probative in proving the state's case against the defendant. La. C.E. art. 403. The court noted that "although the autopsy photographs of the victim were graphic, they helped establish the cause of death and the victim's attempt to defend herself." Bourque, 622 So.2d at 236. The photographs of the victim at the scene corroborated the testimony of law enforcement officers as to the location of spent shell casings, the location of the victim, and the manner in which she died. In the present case, the photographs show the location and the severity of the wounds. In addition, they show that the victim was made to lie on the floor as Beard testified. These photographs were of significant probative value, and any prejudicial effect due to the gruesome nature of the photographs did not outweigh the probative value. The trial court did not err when it allowed the state to introduce these photographs into evidence. This assignment of error is without merit. THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR: The trial court erred in allowing Detective Dwight Deal to testify as to hearsay. Beard testified that she was still "scared and shaky" when Deal arrived at the scene, and that she did not feel comfortable talking to him. He asked her for a description of the perpetrators, and she gave a detailed physical description of the men and the clothes they were wearing. She said that she did not tell Deal at first that she knew either of the men, but later told him that she knew the one with the gun was "Lacy", that she knew where he lived, and that she knew that Ross lived with him. On cross-examination, defense counsel asked her about her initial description of Hankton. He then asked her about her identification of him in the photographic lineup and whether she had known him before the night of the crime. She said when asked by Deal the day after the crime whether she knew "Fred Hankton", that she was not sure, although the name sounded familiar, that she knew relatives on his father's side of the family, and that she had seen him when she was younger, perhaps ten or twelve years old. Deal then testified that when he first began interviewing Beard, she was cooperative but appeared very frightened. He said he could tell "There was something I wasn't necessarily getting at that point." The prosecutor then asked, "What was it she initially told you?" The defense objected on the ground of hearsay. The prosecutor then argued that Beard had already testified, and that the evidence was being presented not for the truth of the matter asserted, but to corroborate Beard's testimony and establish her credibility. Deal then testified that Beard had acted exactly as she had testified. First, she gave a description of the men, then later in the interview she said that she knew *550 one of them. She explained that she had not wanted to tell him that she knew Lacy because she was afraid that the men would find out and harm her. The defense now argues that because defense counsel did not cross-examine Beard as to why she had not originally told Deal that she knew Lacy, Deal's testimony was hearsay. The evidence was apparently admitted to prove that Beard's testimony was consistent with her prior statement on the night of the crime. Article 801(D)(1)(b) of the Code of Evidence provides that prior consistent statements of a witness are admissible "to rebut an express or implied charge against him of recent fabrication or improper influence or motive." Such statements are not hearsay. Recently, the Louisiana Supreme Court interpreted the article. In State v. Langley, 95-1489 (La.4/14/98), 711 So.2d 651, the defense tried to impeach a witness by noting that the witness had not testified to the complete statement at the pre-trial hearing, and had added a critical element to his trial testimony, i.e. that the defendant had stated that if he got out of jail, he would commit the same crime. The Court ruled that once the defendant suggested on cross-examination that the statement had been recently fabricated, he opened the door to the rehabilitation of the witness's testimony with the prior consistent statement of the district attorney, which was made either at the trial or the pre-trial hearing. In this case, because defense counsel did not cross-examine Beard as to why she had not originally told Deal that she knew Lacy, Deal's testimony was hearsay. The defense did not suggest on cross-examination that Beard's statement at trial had been recently fabricated. Thus unlike in Langley, Hankton did not open the door to the rehabilitation of Beard's testimony. Deal's testimony was therefore hearsay, and the trial court erred in overruling the objection. However, pursuant to La.C.Cr.P. art. 921, a judgment or ruling shall not be reversed because of any error which does not affect substantial rights of the accused. The key inquiry is whether there is a reasonable possibility that the admission or exclusion of certain evidence, depending on the case, might have contributed to the conviction. The reviewing court must be able to conclude that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. Chapman v. California, 386 U.S. 18, 87 S.Ct. 824, 17 L.Ed.2d 705 (1967); State v. Hearold, 603 So.2d 731 (La.1992). In this case, Deal's testimony was merely cumulative of Beard's. Furthermore, there was overwhelming other credible evidence of Hankton's guilt. Beard was sure of her identification, and Hankton's confession establishes that he had gone to the apartment to rob the victim of drugs and money. The error was therefore harmless. This assignment of error is without merit. SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR: The trial court erred in denying Hankton's Motion to Suppress Identification. A defendant has the burden of proving that the identification was suggestive and, if so, that the suggestive procedure gave rise to a substantial likelihood of irreparable misidentification. Reliability is the linchpin in determining whether an out-of-court identification is admissible at trial. Manson v. Brathwaite, 432 U.S. 98, 97 S.Ct. 2243, 53 L.Ed.2d 140 (1977). In Manson, the United States Supreme Court set forth the following factors to be considered in determining whether the out-of-court identification is reliable: (1) the witness' opportunity to view the defendant at the time the crime was committed; (2) the degree of attention paid by the witness during the commission of the crime; (3) the accuracy of any prior descriptions of the perpetrators; (4) the level of the witness' certainty displayed at the time of the identification; and (5) the length of time elapsed between the crime and the identification. At the motion hearing, Deal testified that Beard "immediately and positively" identified Hankton when he showed her the photographic lineup. She was "absolutely positive." He and Beard testified that he in no way suggested that she chose Hankton's picture, nor did he coerce her, promise her anything or suggest which picture she should choose. Beard testified that she was positive *551 of her identification. On cross-examination, she testified that she knew Lacy, and that Deal asked her whether she knew "Fred Hankton" because he had gotten a call implicating him. She said Deal told her that he had suspects. She said, as to whether or not she knew Hankton, that when she was small, she used to live across the street from Hankton's family. In response to a question of whether Deal told her Hankton's picture was in the lineup, she said, "I had overlooked the second picture, and the detective told me—he said—I couldn't say. I say, `I don't know.' Then he say, `You better make sure and see if that's the right one,' and then he said, `Fred, he's in the picture.'" On re-direct examination, she said that she had not recognized the man in her house as "Fred Hankton," but that she had chosen his picture because he was in fact the man who had been in her house and who had grabbed Stevenson around the neck. Beard was cross-examined at trial as to her having made this statement. She said, "Before he—before I was asking him any questions about Fred, I picked out the picture. I just jumped to No. 2 picture, and he told me he said, `Hold up.' He said, `Are you sure that's the one you saw?' I said yes." Then she testified, "Your honor, I had said it because I came in here and testified that day. And I was trying to watch Lacy. And he was making eye contact at someone in the audience. And I'm watching him and trying to answer your questions, and I just got all mixed up and confused and stuff." On re-direct examination, she said that she had not seen Hankton for seven years, since she was twelve years old, and that she did not know that the picture she chose was a picture of Fred Hankton. Applying the Manson factors, Beard had the opportunity to view Hankton close-up at the time the crime was committed. Her degree of attention during the commission of the crime was necessarily great; Lacy was holding a gun to her boyfriend, and Hankton was following her around the house as she collected the drugs and money. Her prior descriptions of Hankton were accurate. She was very certain at the time of the identification. She made the identification only three days after the crime was committed. Under Manson, the identification was reliable. Although there was some confusion as to whether Deal told Beard that Hankton was a suspect before she chose his picture, she clearly stated repeatedly that she had chosen the picture because it was a picture of the man who had been in her house the night of the crime, and not because it was a picture of Fred Hankton. Much time had elapsed since Beard's childhood when she had seen him. There was no evidence that Beard knew what "Fred Hankton" looked like when she chose his picture. This assignment is without merit. CONCLUSION AND DECREE Having found no errors patent on the record, and having found no merit in the assignments and supplemental assignment of error, we affirm the conviction and sentence of Fred Hankton, Jr. CONVICTION AND SENTENCE AFFIRMED.
Q: Convert url-like string to xml string in C#? I am sending xml/mathml as data in my AJAX request, and at the server side in C# I get this sort of text: %3Cmath%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%3Cmrow%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Cmsub%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Cmi%3Ex%3C%2Fmi%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Cmtext%3E12%3C%2Fmtext%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3C%2Fmsub%3E%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 So, basically it is xml, but the xml basic characters are converted to url like characters, %20, %3E, %0A etc... I have this POST method in my API controller: [HttpPost] public HttpResponseMessage PostUpload(HttpRequestMessage req) { string jsonContent = req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Utility.Utility.WriteLineToConsole("json data post: " + jsonContent); return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, jsonContent); } The Utility function WriteLineToConsole() prints the jsonContent and the top text among the result. How can i covert the string above to xml, i.e replace the url-like characters to xml characters? Note: I am using MVC 4 / C# , jQuery AJAX, and both contentType and dataType are of type json. I want my data object to be like data:{mathml: "<math>...</math>"} A: HttpUtility.UrlDecode(thatString) did the job
What do Papua New Guinea, Oman, and the United States of America have in common? They are the only three countries in the world with no paid-maternity-leave law. When you point out the deficiencies of the United States in this regard, somebody often replies, “This isn’t Scandinavia; we can’t impose cuddly capitalism”—the M.I.T. economist Daron Acemoglu’s phrase—“and still enjoy economic growth.” Granted, we’re not Sweden, but neither are we Romania, Uganda, Bolivia, or any of the hundred and eighty-five other countries that, according to a 2014 report from the U.N.’s Institute of Labor, provide their citizens with paid leave to care for a new child. Ninety-eight of those countries offer paid leave for fourteen weeks or more. In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Barack Obama vowed to make family leave and sick days a priority in the final two years of his Presidency. He has work to do. In the United States, where all sorts of powers are commonly attributed to the private sector, many people might imagine that employers take up the slack. But the majority of U.S. employers do not offer paid family leave, for the simple reason that they don’t have to. When it comes to unpaid leave, the picture is brighter, thanks to the Family and Medical Leave Act, which Congress passed in 1993. Remarkably little progress has been made in the two decades since then, despite the F.M.L.A.’s manifest weaknesses. The law allows workers to take up to twelve weeks’ leave without losing their jobs if they or their close family members fall ill, or when a baby arrives. But the leave is unpaid, so most low-wage workers cannot take advantage of it. And, because the law exempts workplaces with fewer than fifty employees, among other eligibility regulations, it only covers about sixty per cent of workers, anyway. The F.M.L.A. had all the hallmarks of a first step; the problem was that there was never a second or third one. The economic downturn made the expansion of family leave—or, for that matter, guaranteed sick days—look much too cuddly, and congressional Republicans tended to want nothing to do with it. Nor was it an issue that feminists and women’s-rights activists focussed on all that intently. In recent years, it seems, we’ve heard more about work-life balance among professional women than among the working classes—more about how the Sheryl Sandbergs and the Marissa Mayers might finesse the demands of a job and a family than how a nurse, a bus driver, or a cashier could. Women in managerial and professional positions are more likely to work for employers that offer paid leaves, and if you happen to be a new parent who works at a tech company like Google or Facebook you can count on generous policies. But most workers can not. There’s a similar divide when it comes to paid sick days, which, as President Obama noted in his address, about forty-three million American workers do not have. The Washington Post reported this week that eighty-eight per cent of private-sector managers and financial workers can take paid sick days, compared with only forty per cent of service workers. In November, Massachusetts voters passed a ballot measure that allows workers to earn up to forty hours of guaranteed sick leave a year; they can use it to stay home when a child is sick, or when they themselves are. The Boston Globe told the stories of a few of the people the new law would help. There was Rosario Cabrera, a home health aide who’d gone into debt after she took a few days off from work to care for her son, who had been hospitalized. Barbara Fisher, of Hyde Park, had gone to work at Dunkin’ Donuts, “ ‘coughing and sneezing everywhere,’ wearing gloves and a mask,” because she couldn’t get the day off. Kettly Dehoux had to bring “her feverish 10-year-old daughter to work at Logan Airport, propping her up on a couch and sneaking into the break room to check on her throughout the day.” “If you don’t work, you don’t get paid,” Dehoux, a fifty-six-year-old contract customer-service agent for two airlines, told the Globe. “It’s not human.” Obama is offering two billion dollars in incentives to states that come up with their own family-leave laws. And he urged Congress to mandate paid sick days for the forty-three million workers who lack it, so that, as he said, people wouldn’t have to “make the gut-wrenching choice between a paycheck and a sick kid at home.” The Republican Congress is unlikely to take him up on these proposals, but Obama can at least do something for federal employees. He has signed a memorandum that allows them to take up to six weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member. To those who worry that such policies are too costly for small businesses, the government, or maybe even women hoping to advance in their careers, there is some reassuring data. In the years since the F.M.L.A. was passed, California and New Jersey have both instituted six-week, partially paid family leave, funded by employees in the form of a small payroll tax. The New Jersey law went into effect in 2009, and three years later the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers conducted a study that showed some remarkably robust and positive results. Women who had taken the leave were far more likely to be working nine to twelve months after the birth of their child than new mothers who had not; they were also thirty-nine per cent less likely to be on public assistance, and fifty-four per cent more likely to have seen an increase in their wages. This finding is important: in some of the European countries that offer very long leaves—of a year or more—women who take advantage of the policies often pay a price in promotions and earning potential. But, based on the evidence here, shorter leaves seem to boost women’s wages. Studies also showed that, after the law in California went into effect, in 2004, people there took more and longer leaves. This was especially true for less advantaged women—non-college-educated, unmarried, and non-white mothers, who had previously taken maternity leaves that lasted, on average, only a week. (Among their college-educated, higher-income counterparts, the average was three to five weeks.) For all the attention being paid to the importance of bonding with infants, the fact that bonding isn’t instantaneous receives relatively little notice. A week of maternity leave goes by in a twilit blur; it’s hardly long enough for a new mother to get her physical strength back, let alone figure out the operating instructions for a tiny, dependent new creature. Women who went on paid leave breastfed their babies longer. Meanwhile, most of the businesses surveyed in California reported either positive or no noticeable impact from the family-leave law. Presumably, their employees came back to work happier, healthier, and less distracted. The data on the California and New Jersey laws suggests something not altogether expected but very encouraging. Since women who take paid family leaves are more likely to see a wage increase and less likely to go on welfare, such policies may exert a positive effect not only on gender inequality but on economic inequality. Obama’s new proposals don’t offer sweeping changes, but they are significant as the first real expansions of family-friendly—people-friendly, really—policies in a long time. There is popular momentum behind the idea of guaranteed sick days, in particular; along with Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, and a number of cities have now enacted such laws. These measures, along with minimum-wage laws, were among the few victories for Democrats in the midterm elections. If conservatives oppose these policies now, they will have to explain why American workers, virtually alone in the world, must struggle on without such basic protections. And that won’t be easy.
Despite poor shooting, Sixers in command of series with Bulls Posted by Inside Hoops May 7 Flash ahead to this week where the Sixers have surprisingly built a 3-1 series lead over the top-seeded Chicago Bulls in the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs. To build that lead the Sixers won back-to-back games where they shot 39.2 percent or lower. Since 1986, there have been just 10 other teams to win two playoff games when shooting 39.2 percent or worse. In Game 3, the Sixers beat the Bulls by five points while shooting 34.2 percent from the field. Since 1986, only seven other teams have won playoff games while shooting worse. Six of those teams eventually advanced to the conference finals. Five of them went to the NBA Finals. “We get tight at home sometimes and we want to make every shot,” said Andre Iguodala, who has made just six of the 30 shots he has attempted outside of the paint in the series. “We appreciate the support we get from our fans, but sometimes we want to do so well that we get tight, so we have to get back to the main message, which is to keep playing and keep shooting.”
High incidence of nephrocalcinosis in extremely preterm infants treated with dexamethasone. The use of postnatal corticosteroids to treat or prevent chronic lung disease is common in very preterm infants. Medullary nephrocalcinosis has been noted as a possible side effect. This prospective study was designed to assess the incidence of nephrocalcinosis in extremely preterm infants exposed to dexamethasone. A prospective study of extremely preterm infants, recruited to a randomized trial of dexamethasone treatment for chronic lung disease, was initiated. Infants had US of the renal tract scheduled on entry into the study, at day 28 and at discharge or at the corrected gestational age of 36 weeks. Thirty-three infants were enrolled in the study. Birth weight ranged between 440 and 990 g and gestation between 24 and 28 weeks. Nine infants died and six had incomplete data. Because there was no difference in incidence of calcification between those on the short course and those on the long course of dexamethasone, analysis was made on the entire cohort. One infant had nephrocalcinosis at the time of the initial US examination on day 26 of life. By day 28, nephrocalcinosis was present in 31% of those with complete data. By discharge, or corrected gestational age of 36 weeks, US evidence of nephrocalcinosis was present in 15 (83%) of 18 infants. All infants had at least one course of an aminoglycoside antibiotic during the study. All infants had parenteral nutrition. Only four infants received furosemide more regularly than single doses. The longest course was 10 days, received by an infant who did not develop nephrocalcinosis. The incidence of nephrocalcinosis is high in this group of sick, extremely preterm infants. Dexamethasone may be a factor in the development of nephrocalcinosis. Future research should focus on the natural history of nephrocalcinosis in extremely preterm infants.
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The role of adenosinergic, GABAergic and benzodiazepine systems in hyperemotionality and ulcer formation in stressed rats. The effects of benzodiazepines, GABA and adenosine on distress-induced hyperemotionality and gastric lesion formation were investigated in rats. Hyperemotionality such as struggling, vocalization and defecation evoked immediately after immobilization stress were attenuated by diazepam, adenosine or adenosine plus diazepam. Conversely, pretreatment with these drugs produced rapid and potent exacerbation of gastric lesions observed after 12 h of stress. The potent adenosine A1-receptor agonist N6-cyclohexyl adenosine (CHA) markedly inhibited the distress-evoked hyperemotional behaviors and potentiated the ulceration. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), muscimol, a GABA receptor agonist, and aminooxyacetic acid (AOAA), a GABA deaminase inhibitor, attenuated both stress-induced hyperemotionality and ulceration. The inhibitory effects of diazepam and GABA on hyperemotionality were reversed, respectively, by Ro15-1788, a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, and bicuculline, a GABA receptor antagonist. The stimulatory effect of CHA on stress ulceration was potentiated by bicuculline but was not affected by Ro15-1788 or by picrotoxin, a chloride channel inhibitor. These results suggest that the mechanism involved in gastric lesion formation induced by immobilization stress may be different from that in hyperemotional behavior, and that the activation of GABAergic neurons may act as a central modulating factor in the hyperemotionality and ulceration induced by immobilization stress.
A defence witness in the sodomy trial of jailed former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim told the High Court today that he had sex with star prosecution witness Ummi Hafilda Ali. "I had sex with Ummi in London," said Norazman Abdullah @ Baginda anak Minda to the murmurs of those seated in the public gallery. The 40-year-old Iban told judge Arifin Jaka that he had known Ummi since 1992 but their relationship only became close when they were in London in June 1998, together with businessman and former MP S'ng Chee Hua (who was Norazman's boss then) and another friend. "When we returned to Malaysia, Ummi told me that she would give my ex-wife RM200,000 so that we (Ummi and I) could get married and elope to London," Norazman said, adding that he was then married with two children. "Ummi also told me that I would have a 25 percent share in a RM10 million advertising project," he added. Ummi, who made court appearances during Anwar's corruption trial last year in designer attire and matching accessories, had told the press that she "is still a virgin". They later retracted their allegations and said they wrote the letters under coercion and on "mere suspicion". "In the beginning, Ummi told me that the sodomy allegations against Anwar were true. But later, after our relationship became closer, she confessed that they were all fabricated," Norazman said. He also told the court this morning that Ummi told him she "forced" Azizan to confess that he was sodomised by Anwar. "Ummi told me that she did it because she hated Anwar and her brother Azmin Ali as they both did not give her any business projects. "She also said that when Anwar was toppled from power, she will get an advertising project at Kuala Lumpur International Airport worth RM10 million from Tun Daim Zainuddin (business tycoon turned finance minister)," Norazman said. He, however, added that he did not ask Ummi how she forced Azizan to make the confession. Norazman, who is now a farmer, also told the court that while they were in London, Ummi had told him that Mahathir was the man behind the "50 Dalil: Mengapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi Perdana Menteri" ("50 Reasons Why Anwar Cannot Become Prime Minister") book. "She also told me that Daim, (former Malacca chief minister) Rahim Tamby Chik and (Umno executive secretary) Tengku Adnan Mansor were involved in the fabrication of the sodomy charges in the book," he said, in response to a question from defence counsel Gurbachan Singh. According to Norazman, Ummi also told him that Khaled Jeffri was the writer of the book while (former finance minister) Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Daim and Tengku Adnan were the sponsors. He added that Ummi called him one night in August 1998, and said that her father had disowned her because she had given false information for the contents of the book. "Ummi called one night and said that she could not sleep and wanted to meet me as her father had chased her out of the house," he said. Ummi's brother Azmin Ali, who was also Anwar's former private secretary and now state assemblyman for Hulu Klang, had testified earlier that Ummi is not the person she portrays herself to be and was disowned by her father in late 1998 "for running away with a married man overseas." ("[#1]Ummi eloped with a married man, says Azmin[/#]", April 7.) Norazman also told the court that Ummi told him that she had written a letter to Mahathir but the contents (of the letter) were later amended by Aziz Shamsuddin, who was then the political secretary to the Prime Minister. Meanwhile, the prosecution refused to cross-examine the witness, saying that his evidence was merely hearsay. Lead prosecutor Abdul Gani Patail told the judge: "Unless and if Ummi is called to testify, this evidence is all useless." The court will resume on Friday as Anwar's lawyers said that the rest of their witnesses, including Daim, deputy education minister Aziz, former consumer affairs minister Megat Junid Megat Ayob and his wife Ziela Jalil would only be called in if Mahathir was allowed to testify in the trial. Arifin yesterday said that he would announce his decision on the application for Mahathir's testimony in court on Friday. The defence and prosecution had argued over the relevance of the prime minister's evidence for more than three weeks. Anwar, currently serving a six-year jail term for corruption, is on trial for sodomy and sexual misconduct. He and his adopted brother Sukma Dermawan are charged with sodomising Azizan at Sukma's apartment on "one night at 7.45pm, between January and March, 1993". Anwar has repeatedly denied all charges and said they were fabricated by political rivals to end his political career
A Domino Revelation occurs when the revelation of a previously hidden truth leads to another revelation, then another, like the knocking over of dominoes. Often evoked in {{fantasy}} works, where the revelation that one mythological or legendary species exists leads to finding out that many more also do, and works featuring conspiracy theories, where finding the shadowy figures behind a seemingly minor crime opens up a vista of sinister plots all emanating from the same source. In {{romance}}, one confession can often lead the way to one or several more. It gets a good bit of use in UrbanFantasy and SteamPunk works as well. AllMythsAreTrue is a common end result when all dominoes have fallen. May overlap with TheMasquerade or TheConspiracy where the protagonist is introduced to their secrets. Compare IfJesusThenAliens. Contrast ArbitrarySkepticism, when there are further paranormal phenomena that are often real, but not believed by the skeptical characters.----!!Examples: [[foldercontrol]] [[folder:Anime and Manga]]* ''Anime/PuellaMagiMadokaMagica'' does this with {{Awful Truth}}s. In the wake of [[spoiler:Mami's death]], Kyouko's appearance shows that few magical girls are as altruistic as [[spoiler:Mami]] was. This leads to Sayaka's confrontation with Kyouko on the bridge, where it's revealed that [[spoiler:Soul Gems literally [[OurLichesAreDifferent contain the soul of a magical girl]]]]. This, in turn, leads Sayaka to [[spoiler:fall into despair, corrupting her Soul Gem and revealing that a corrupted Soul Gem doesn't break or disappear, but instead turns into a Grief Seed]], a revelation which prompts Kyubey to explain to Madoka [[spoiler:the true nature of the magical girl system]]. Additionally, the process of [[spoiler:Sayaka falling into despair]] leads to a chain of events resulting in the revelation that [[spoiler:Homura has some form of time travel/timeline changing ability]]. Basically, the revelations show piece-by-piece how the inner workings of the fairly cliche-looking premise are actually [[DarkerAndEdgier terrible, terrible things]].* ''Anime/ValvraveTheLiberator'' starts with the revelation that the school in the supposedly peaceful nation of JIOR was actually hiding the titular superweapons. [[spoiler: Investigating this, L-elf discovers that the teachers and all of the other adults on the module were actually military officials, and only the students were kept in the dark about it. From this, he eventually gets to the revelation that the entire module was made for the development of the Valvraves and their power source.]]* ''Manga/OnePiece'' is full of this, where most of the world's hidden mysteries are inter-connected.[[/folder]] [[folder: Comics]]* ''ComicBook/BeastsOfBurden'': Vampires, zombies, ghosts, and other things show up.* ''Comicbook/WerewolfByNight'': Werewolves aren't the only supernatural thing out there - there are also weretigers, vampire, demons, and other superheroes!* ''ComicBook/{{Legion of Super-Heroes}}'': In the Earthwar Saga storyline, the attacks on Earth by the Resource Raiders turns out to be the advance guard of an attack by the Klingonesque [[ScaryDogmaticAliens Khunds]]. Whose leader is secretly being controlled by the shadowy Dark Circle. Who are secretly being commanded by EvilSorcerer Mordru. [[/folder]] [[folder:Film]]* In the [[Film/PiratesOfTheCaribbeanTheCurseOfTheBlackPearl first]] ''Franchise/PiratesOfTheCaribbean'' movie, Elizabeth Swann finds out that cursed pirates are real. The next four movies confirm the reality of [[AllMythsAreTrue pretty much every myth or legend ever told concerning the sea]].[[/folder]] [[folder: Literature]]* ''Literature/CalLeandros'': Elves that call themselves Auphe are first introduced followed by a revelation of hidden monsters like Banshee and Trolls in the world amongst humans.* ''Literature/JaneYellowrock'': The main hereon is a skin-walker, she fights vampires and has a witch for a best friend.* ''Literature/MercyThompson'': in this series we meet werewolves, vampires, and witches right off the bat followed by ghosts, demons, and eventually shamans and mages of ill repute.* ''Literature/HarryPotter'': Witches and wizards, giants, dragons, giant magic spiders... the list is a little long for this series. * ''Literature/KittyNorville'': Well same thing we meet werewolves first, then learn of vampires, werepanthers, magic users, psychics, and other types of the supernatural ilk.* ''Literature/TheHollows'': Witches and vampires exist, so why not ghosts, demons, and other such creatures?* ''Literature/TheOtherworld'': the woman of the other world are all sorts of supernatural types. We have witches, werewolves, nercourgists, half-demons, and angels. Of course this trope is in full effect.* ''Literature/TheSookieStackhouseMysteries'': After the vampires have their coming out party we meet shifters, werewolves, weretigers, fairies, and several other supernaturals.* ''Literature/SoulScreamers'': If the fact the main character is a banshee isn't enough, there are reapers, angels, and demons all hell bent on human souls.* ''Literature/{{Twilight}}'': First come the vampires. Then come the werewolves. * ''Literature/PercyJacksonAndTheOlympians'': Satyrs, the Minotaur, Greek gods, centaurs, nymphs... Again, the list is rather long. ** The various sequel series take this to eleven, with the revelation that the Norse, Roman, and Egyptian pantheons, AND the various monsters and magic that go along with them, also exist. The existence of Jesus is also hinted at. * ''Literature/TheDresdenFiles'': Although protagonist Harry is himself a wizard, his knowledge of the supernatural world is often rather lacking, leading to [[FantasyKitchenSink many]] revelations throughout the series that he learns of at the same time as the reader.[[/folder]] [[folder:Live Action TV]]* ''Series/{{Charmed}}'': First we learn of witches and demons, then angels, spirits, fairies, and a whole mess of critters come crawling/teleporting/orbing/shimmering out of the woodwork.* ''Series/{{Fringe}}'': Similar to ''The X-Files'' with aliens, mind control, and other weird things being revealed.* ''Series/LostGirl'': All supernatural creatures exist, some are [[TheFairFolk True Fae]] others just call themselves fae and are in fact Succubi, Spirits, Werewolves, and all manner of other magical creatures.* ''Series/{{Supernatural}}'': Dean and Sam are hunters. They fight demons, astral creations, angry angels, pagan gods, ghosts, etc.* ''Series/TheXFiles'': Earliest TV example of this trope; from MonsterofTheWeek to aliens in the basement with werewolves, wild men, demonic beings, and eventually BodyHorror and evil spirits... this series had it all.* ''Series/TrueBlood'': Vampires first, shapeshifters, then goddesses, werewolves, fae, werepanthers, and witches.* ''Series/TheVampireDiaries'': Again vampires first then we learn that witches and werewolves also exist.* ''Series/MyBabysittersAVampire'': The main characters have a babysitter that is a vampire. They also find out that one of them can see the future and that witches exist.[[/folder]] [[folder: Video Games]]* ''VideoGame/{{Persona}}'': Well, it's more FantasyKitchenSink at times. Spirits (demons in Japanese) exist, but that's merely the catch-all term for supernaturals. And they ALL are very real projections of one's psyche.* ''ShinMegamiTenseiI'': Angels, demons, and god....yes, it's all real.[[/folder]] [[folder: Web Original]]* ''Series/{{Noob}}'' has had this happen a few times:** Season 3 WhamEpisode and aftermath: [[spoiler: Fantöm's avatar has been illegally enhanced all along. By the game's creators themselves, who put the blame on Fantöm (who knew nothing) the second the secret is made public. It's Master Zen who revealed the fact and the protagonist's new recruit Nazetrîme has been working for him all along]].** Late Season 5: [[spoiler:Judge Dead is Tenshirock's son and the person he's actually trying to drive away from MMORPG. On a side note, Teshirock's wife/Judge Dead's mother is dead and Spectre has the condition that is implied to have caused her death. Tenshirock figured it out and convinced him to retire a few years ago. This is the reason Spectre was retired until Season 3]].** ''Film/NoobLaQueteLegendaire'': [[spoiler:Sparadrap's father is not a priest as he's been telling everyone, but a mafia big wig passing as one. Elyx, Master Zen's second in command, may be his mother... or Ystos'... or that of a third son of his father's. His father forgot and Elyx can't help because she got a lobotomy between giving birth and the present day.]][[/folder]] [[folder: Western Animation]]* ''WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic'': Just full of all kinds of magical creatures of all styles shapes and sizes. Most of them talk, cast spells, and have civilizations.* The season one finale of ''WesternAnimation/GravityFalls'': That room behind the vending machine is finally shown. Then Stan takes Journal #1 out of a desk - ''he's'' had it since the show began. ''Then'' he declares, "Finally, after so many years... I have them all." Stan knows a ''lot'' more about the town than he's let on.[[/folder]]----
--- abstract: 'The real-time dynamics of local occupation numbers in a Hubbard model on a $6\times 6$ square lattice is studied by means of the non-equilibrium generalization of the cluster-perturbation theory. The cluster approach is adapted to studies of two-dimensional lattice systems by using concepts of multiple-scattering theory and a component decomposition of the non-equilibrium Green’s function on the Keldysh-Matsubara contour. We consider “classical” initial states formed as tensor products of states on $2\times 2$-plaquettes and trace the effects of the inter-plaquette hopping in the final-state dynamics. Two different initially excited states are considered on an individual plaquette, a fully polarized staggered spin state (Néel) and a fully polarized charge-density wave (CDW). The final-state dynamics is constrained by a dynamical symmetry, i.e. the time-evolution operator and certain observables are invariant under an anti-unitary transformation composed of time reversal, an asymmetric particle-hole, and a staggered sign transformation. We find an interesting interrelation between this dynamical symmetry and the separation of energy and time scales: In case of a global excitation with all plaquettes excited, the initial Néel and the initial CDW states are linked by the transformation. This prevents an efficient relaxation of the CDW state on the short time scale governing the dynamics of charge degrees of freedom. Contrary, the CDW state is found to relax much faster than the Néel state in case of a local excitation on a single plaquette where the symmetry relation between the two states is broken by the coupling to the environment.' author: - Philipp Jurgenowski - Michael Potthoff title: 'Dynamical symmetry between spin and charge excitations studied by a plaquette mean-field approach in two dimensions' --- Introduction ============ Due to recent substantial progress in the field of ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices,[@Jaksch_and_Zoller_2005; @Lewenstein_et_al_2007; @Bloch_et_al_2008; @Hung_et_al_2010; @Strohmaier_et_al_2010] an almost complete real-time control of the parameters of a quantum system has become experimentally feasible. The study of ultracold fermions in optical lattices thus offers unique new possibilities to understand the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum systems. Symmetries play an important role for the quantum dynamics. Particularly interesting are “dynamical symmetries” where the time-dependent expectation value of an observable is the same for certain different initial states due to the invariance of the observable as well as of the time-evolution operator under an (anti-)unitary transformation (see Appendix \[sec:dsym\]). Recently, the expansion of an initially confined quantum gas of fermions in the lowest band of a homogeneous optical lattice has been studied after suddenly switching off the confining potential, and the observed independence of the dynamics on the sign of the (Hubbard-type) interaction could be explained by a dynamical symmetry.[@Schneider_et_al_2012] Here, we study a different situation where a dynamical symmetry holds [*locally*]{} for two different initial states but is broken due to their coupling to the environment. We consider the dynamics of a system of strongly interacting spin-1/2 fermions in a two-dimensional Hubbard model at half-filling on a square lattice with nearest-neighbor hopping. This has become accessible to studies of ultracold quantum gases.[@Koehl_et_al_2005; @Joerdens_et_al_2008] The local density of spin-$\uparrow$ particles, $n_{j\uparrow}$, is our observable of interest. It has been demonstrated recently with bosons that the parity of the number of particles can be measured with single-site resolution even in a strongly correlated system. [@Bakr_et_al_2009; @Bakr_et_al_2010; @Sherson_et_al_2010] For the Hubbard model and observables $n_{j\uparrow}$, we will argue that a particular combination ${{\cal U}}$ of time-reversal, an asymmetric particle-hole and a staggered sign transformation represents a dynamical symmetry. An interesting question is how fast an initially prepared “classical” state builds up entanglement and correlations. This can be studied by preparing the initial state as the ground state of the model with isolated plaquettes $p$, i.e.$| \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle = \otimes_{p}^{{\rm plaquettes}} | p (t_{0}) \rangle$, while for the subsequent time evolution ($t>t_{0}$) the inter-plaquette hopping ${{\boldsymbol V}}$ is suddenly switched on at $t=t_{0}$. Double-well systems in one dimension[@Sebby-Strabley_et_al_2006; @Anderlini_et_al_2007; @Foelling_et_al_2007; @Trotzky_et_al_2008] as well as plaquette systems in two dimensions[@Nascimbene_et_al_2012] have recently been studied experimentally. A non-trivial dynamics, already for an isolated plaquette, is obtained by preparing the plaquette initial state with the help of local fields producing a classical Néel state with staggered spins $| p(t_{0}) \rangle = | \text{N\'eel}, p \rangle$ or a charge-density wave $| p(t_{0}) \rangle = | \text{CDW}, p \rangle$ and by suddenly switching off the field at $t=t_{0}$. In case of full polarization, these states transform into each other under ${{\cal U}}$ while the plaquette ground state in the absence of the fields, $|p(t_{0}) \rangle = | {\rm GS}, p \rangle$, is not invariant under ${{\cal U}}$. By comparing the time evolution of $n_{j\uparrow}$ starting from the initial plaquette product state with a global Néel excitation with the corresponding one for a global CDW excitation, we study the effects of the dynamical symmetry. In case of a Néel or CDW excitation that is localized to a single plaquette, we expect a breakdown of the dynamical symmetry due to the inter-plaquette coupling. Another goal of the present paper is a methodical one: Studying the real-time dynamics of a strongly-correlated lattice-fermion model in two dimensions far from equilibrium is a highly non-trivial task. Standard methods as dynamical density-matrix renormalization group[@Schollwoeck_2005] or quantum Monte-Carlo[@Gull_et_al_2011] approaches cannot be used in this case. We therefore resort to a cluster (plaquette) mean-field approach that has been developed recently for one-dimensional and impurity-type models, namely the non-equilibrium variant [@Balzer_and_Potthoff_2011; @KvdLA11; @Balzer_et_al_2012; @Nuss_et_al_2012] of the cluster-perturbation theory (CPT).[@Gros_and_Valenti_1993; @Senechal_et_al_2000; @Senechal_et_al_2002; @Zacher_et_al_2002] The NE-CPT can be characterized as a time-dependent multiple-scattering approach. It is exact for the non-interacting model with Hubbard-$U=0$ and in the case of disconnected clusters, i.e. ${{\boldsymbol V}}=0$. In the general case, the NE-CPT starts from the one-particle propagator of the system of isolated clusters as a reference point and includes the effects of scattering at the inter-cluster potential ${{\boldsymbol V}}$ perturbatively to all orders but neglecting certain vertex corrections. Up to now, to study transient dynamics, the NE-CPT has been applied to one-dimensional or impurity-type models only. Here, our goal is to extend the theory and its implementation to two-dimensional models which are not easily accessible by other techniques. Nonequilibrium cluster-perturbation theory ========================================== To discuss the main idea of the non-equilibrium cluster-perturbation theory (NE-CPT) and the necessary steps for an extension to two-dimensional lattice fermion models, we consider the single-band Hubbard model.[@Hubbard] Using standard notations, the Hamiltonian that governs the time evolution of the system for $t>t_{0}$ is given by: $$\begin{aligned} H(t) &=& \sum_{j,k,\sigma} T^{H}_{jk}(t) c_{j\sigma}^{\dagger} c_{k\sigma} + U^{H}(t) \sum_{j} n_{j\uparrow} n_{j\downarrow} \nonumber \\ &+& \sum_{j,k,\sigma} V^{H}_{jk}(t) \, c_{j\sigma}^{\dagger} c_{k\sigma} \: . \label{eqn:hamh}\end{aligned}$$ We formally allow for an explicit time dependence of $H(t)$ but will restrict ourselves to $H=\mbox{const.}$ for the evaluation of the theory. In the latter case, the time evolution operator is given by $\exp(-i H (t-t_{0}))$. The whole lattice is split into disconnected finite “clusters”. The first two terms on the r.h.s. of Eq. (\[eqn:hamh\]) represent the intra-cluster Hamiltonian with the intra-cluster hopping ${{\boldsymbol T}}^{H}$ and the on-site Hubbard interaction $U^{H}$. Note that the locality of the interaction part is a necessary ingredient for the CPT. The third term represents the hopping interlinking the different clusters, and the corresponding matrix elements are denoted by ${{\boldsymbol V}}^{H}$. The Hilbert space associated with an isolated cluster is assumed to be sufficiently small such that all cluster physical quantities of interest can be calculated exactly by numerical means. For the subsequent calculations we address a two-dimensional square lattice which is tiled into quadratic plaquettes consisting of four sites only. The time evolution is assumed to start at $t=t_{0}$ from a pure initial state $| \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle$ which is taken to be the ground state of a Hamiltonian ${{\cal B}}$. [@Wagner_1991] This has basically the same structure as $H(t)$ but with possibly different parameters: $$\begin{aligned} {{\cal B}} & \equiv & B - \mu N = \sum_{j,k,\sigma} \left(T^{B}_{jk} - \mu \delta_{jk}\right) c_{j\sigma}^{\dagger} c_{k\sigma} \nonumber \\ &+& U^{B} \sum_{j} n_{j\uparrow} n_{j\downarrow} + \sum_{j,k,\sigma} V^{B}_{jk} \, c_{j\sigma}^{\dagger} c_{k\sigma} \: . \label{eqn:hamb}\end{aligned}$$ The chemical potential $\mu$ can be adjusted to get the desired total particle number in the initial ground state. As the ground state of a correlated many-body system, the initial state must be treated by approximate means. Hence, to prepare for the CPT, we consider the same tiling of the lattice and the same corresponding splitting of the Hamiltonian. Note that a generalization to finite temperatures and thus a mixed, e.g. grand-canonical, equilibrium initial state could easily be described but will not be considered here. ![\[fig:contour\] Contour $\mathcal{C}$ in the complex time plane. $t_{0}$ is the time at which the system is prepared in the initial state. $t_{\text{max}}$ is the maximum time up to which observables are traced. $\beta$ is the inverse temperature. For a pure initial state $| \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle$ we have $\beta \rightarrow \infty$. ](contour.pdf){width="36.00000%"} The time evolution of our basic quantity of interest, namely the expectation value $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ of the local spin-$\uparrow$ occupation number at site $j$, but actually the time evolution of all one-particle observables $A(t) = \sum_{j,k,\sigma} a_{jk\sigma}(t) c^{\dagger}_{j\sigma} c_{k\sigma}$ with possibly explicitly time-dependent parameters, can be obtained from the non-equilibrium one-particle Green’s function $$\label{eqn:gfdef} G^{\sigma}_{jk}(z_{1},z_{2}) \equiv -i \, \Bigl\langle \mathcal{T}_{\mathcal{C}} \, \Bigl( \widehat{c}_{j\sigma}(z_{1}) \widehat{c}^{\dagger}_{k\sigma}(z_{2}) \Bigr) \Bigr\rangle$$ via $$\label{eqn:gf-obs} \bigl\langle \widehat{A}(t) \bigr\rangle = -i\sum\limits_{j,k,\sigma} a_{jk\sigma}(t) \, G^{\sigma}_{kj} (t^{+},t^{-}) \; .$$ Here, $z_{1}$ and $z_{2}$ run over the Keldysh-Matsubara contour $\mathcal{C}$ in the complex time plane [@Danielewicz_1984; @Wagner_1991] which is shown in Fig. \[fig:contour\]. It consists of three branches: the upper and the lower Keldysh branch along the real axis ($\mathcal{K}^{+}$ and $\mathcal{K}^{-}$, respectively) as well as the Matsubara branch $\mathcal{M}$ parallel to the imaginary one. Here, $t$ stands for physical (real) times while $t_{0} - i\tau$ denotes a time point on $\mathcal{M}$, and $t^{\pm} \in \mathcal{K}^{\pm}$. Furthermore, $\mathcal{T}_{\mathcal{C}}$ is the time-ordering operator on $\mathcal{C}$. Operators with a hat are given in their Heisenberg picture. Expectation values as well as Heisenberg time evolution refer to “fully interacting” Hamiltonians $\mathcal{B}$ and $H(t)$, respectively. As opposed to a direct calculation, the main advantage to compute one-particle quantities (Eq. (\[eqn:gf-obs\])) from the double-time propagator ${{\boldsymbol G}}$ (Eq. (\[eqn:gfdef\])) on the Keldysh-Matsubara contour is that this is accessible to standard perturbative techniques, see Ref. . Here, we expand the full ${{\boldsymbol G}}$ in powers of the inter-plaquette hopping ${{\boldsymbol V}}$. The (${{\boldsymbol V}}=0$)-propagator ${{\boldsymbol G}}'$ must be computed for the fully interacting model but for isolated plaquettes with small Hilbert space only: ${G'}^{\sigma}_{jk}(z_{1},z_{2}) \equiv 0$ for lattice sites $j$ and $k$ belonging to different plaquettes. An according numerically exact Krylov-space technique for an efficient computation of ${{\boldsymbol G}}'$ has been introduced in Ref. . Starting from ${{\boldsymbol G}}'$, the propagator of the whole system can be obtained by summing inter-plaquette-scattering diagrams up to infinite order in ${{\boldsymbol V}}$: $$\label{eqn:cpt-prop} {{\boldsymbol G}}^{\text{(CPT)}} = {{\boldsymbol G}}' + {{\boldsymbol G}}' \bullet {{\boldsymbol V}} \bullet {{\boldsymbol G}}' + \cdots \: .$$ For $U^{B}=U^{H}(t)=0$ this procedure represents an exact time-dependent multiple-scattering approach as all scattering paths are summed over. Furthermore, it is trivially exact in the case ${{\boldsymbol V}}=0$. For finite interactions and finite inter-cluster hopping, however, the NE-CPT propagator Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-prop\]) is approximate as certain vertex corrections are neglected (see discussion in Ref. ). Alternatively, the NE-CPT may be seen as an exact approach on the length scale of an individual cluster but as mean-field-like beyond. A main disadvantage of the approach consists in the lack of any self-consistency. This is opposed to more elaborate cluster mean-field approaches [@Potthoff_2012] as the cellular dynamical mean-field theory [@Kotliar_et_al_2001] or the dynamical cluster approximation [@Hettler_et_al_1998; @Hettler_et_al_2000] which, on the other hand, are not easily applicable to the non-equilibrium case. Lack of self-consistency or lack of variational optimization also implies that the approach cannot be expected to respect macroscopic conservation laws, i.e. conservation of the total particle number and the total spin, that result from the U(1) and the SU(2) symmetry of the Hamiltonian.[@Baym_and_Kadanoff_1961; @Baym_1962] We therefore restrict the application of the method to the case of the Hubbard model at half-filling and vanishing $z$-component of the total spin, i.e. $L_{p}^{-1} \sum_{j\in p} \langle \widehat{n}_{j\sigma} (t) \rangle = 0.5$ for each plaquette $p$ with $L_{p}=4$ sites. In this case particle-number and spin conservation is enforced by manifest particle-hole and spin-inversion symmetry. A re-summation of the terms on the r.h.s. of Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-prop\]) yields the NE-CPT equation $$\label{eqn:cpt-eqn} {{\boldsymbol G}}^{\rm (CPT)} = {{\boldsymbol G}}' + {{\boldsymbol G}}' \bullet {{\boldsymbol V}} \bullet {{\boldsymbol G}}^{\rm (CPT)}$$ which represents an obvious generalization of the static CPT[@Gros_and_Valenti_1993; @Senechal_et_al_2000; @Senechal_et_al_2002; @Zacher_et_al_2002] to the time-dependent case. Here, all quantities are to be understood as having one spin index, two spatial indices as well as two time arguments. Furthermore, ${{\boldsymbol C}} = {{\boldsymbol A}} \bullet {{\boldsymbol B}}$ is short for $C^{\sigma}_{jk} (z_{1},z_{2}) = \sum_{l} \int_{\mathcal{C}}\!dz_{3} \, A^{\sigma}_{jl} (z_{1},z_{3}) B^{\sigma}_{lk} (z_{3},z_{2})$. For the inter-cluster hopping we have $V^{\sigma}_{jk}(z_{1},z_{2}) = V_{jk}(z_{1}) \delta_{\mathcal{C}}(z_{1},z_{2})$ where $\delta_{\mathcal{C}}$ is the contour delta function, and $V_{jk}(z) = V^{H}_{jk}(t)$ for $z \in \mathcal{K}^{\pm}$ while $V_{jk}(z) = V^{B}_{jk}$ for $z \in \mathcal{M}$. Note that there are two independent CPT equations for each of the two spin species. Iterative coupling of plaquettes ================================ In previous studies of transient dynamics,[@Balzer_and_Potthoff_2011; @Balzer_et_al_2012] the NE-CPT has been applied to impurity-type models or small one-dimensional systems only. Furthermore, studies have so far been restricted to problems where the CPT equation (Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-eqn\])) had to be solved only [*once*]{} for each parameter set. For the intended application to a two-dimensional lattice, however, several plaquettes must be coupled, see Fig. \[fig:newsystem\] for an example of an $8 \times 8$ square lattice with open boundaries. In principle this could be achieved via Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-eqn\]) in a [*single*]{} step by treating the inter-plaquette hopping between all plaquettes as the perturbation ${{\boldsymbol V}}$ [*simultaneously*]{}. Alternatively, however, the Green’s function of the entire lattice may be obtained in several basic steps where in each step only two (possibly different) clusters (consisting of one or more plaquettes) are coupled at a time. This second procedure just corresponds to an iteration of the elementary CPT concept and also works for the non-equilibrium case. It is easily seen to be equivalent with the standard (NE-)CPT. However, it is clearly more flexible conceptually as one can make use of known concepts of standard multiple-scattering theory: ![\[fig:newsystem\] (Color online) Decomposition of the Hubbard model on the two-dimensional square lattice into disconnected plaquettes. $T$ denotes the intra- and $V$ the inter-plaquette hopping. $U$ is the on-site Hubbard interaction. See text for discussion. ](plaquettes.pdf){width="30.00000%"} Consider the case displayed in Fig. \[fig:newsystem\] as an example and assume that $U^{H}(t) = U^{B} =\mbox{const.}$ and ${{\boldsymbol V}}^{H}(t) = {{\boldsymbol V}}^{B} = \mbox{const.}$ while $T_{jk}^{H}(t) = T_{jk}^{B} = \mbox{const.}$ for all sites $j,k$ [*except for*]{} the sites belonging to the plaquette $p=1$ in the upper left corner. For this example, it is clearly beneficial to couple the cluster “1” consisting of plaquette $p=1$ only, which is described by an intra-cluster Green’s function ${{\cal G}}'_{1}$, with cluster “2” consisting of plaquettes $p=2$, ..., $p=16$, which is described by the intra-cluster Green’s function ${{\cal G}}'_{2}$. Namely, ${{\cal G}}'_{1}$ is easily obtained as the corresponding Hilbert space is small while the computation of ${{\cal G}}'_{2}$ is strongly simplified as this is an equilibrium problem. ${{\cal G}}'_{2}$ can thus be obtained by equilibrium CPT, coupling plaquettes $p=2$, ..., $p=16$ step by step. As a second example let us again consider the system displayed in Fig. \[fig:newsystem\] but now we assume that the (time-dependent) inter-cluster hopping between all plaquettes is the same and that all plaquettes have identical (time-dependent) intra-cluster parameters. In this case, a “cluster-doubling method” is helpful: In a first step plaquettes $p=1$ and $p=2$ are coupled by means of the NE-CPT. The Green’s function of the resulting cluster “1+2” is the same as the one of cluster “3+4”. Hence the latter is trivially obtained as a copy. In a second step, the clusters “1+2” and “3+4” are coupled to “1+2+3+4” which is again equivalent with “5+6+7+8”. This method can be iterated and is highly efficient. We may therefore concentrate on the basic step of coupling two (possibly different) clusters: Arranging the site indices in two blocks referring to the two clusters, we have $${{\boldsymbol G}}' = \begin{pmatrix} {{\cal G}}'_{1} & 0 \\ 0 & {{\cal G}}'_{2} \end{pmatrix} \,, \qquad {{\boldsymbol V}} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & \mathcal{V}\\ \mathcal{V}^{\dagger} & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$ for the ${{\boldsymbol V}}=0$ propagator and for the perturbation ${{\boldsymbol V}}$ itself while the CPT Green’s function reads $${{\boldsymbol G}}^{\rm (CPT)} = \begin{pmatrix} {{\cal G}}_{11} & \mathcal{G}_{12}\\ \mathcal{G}_{21} & \mathcal{G}_{22} \end{pmatrix} \,.$$ The CPT equation (Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-eqn\])) acquires a $2\times 2$ block structure and can be rewritten in the following way: $$\begin{aligned} \nonumber \mathcal{G}_{11} & = & {\mathcal{G}}'_{1} + {\mathcal{G}}'_{1} \bullet \mathcal{V} \bullet {\mathcal{G}}'_{2} \bullet \mathcal{V}^{\dagger} \bullet \mathcal{G}_{11} \,,\\ \nonumber \mathcal{G}_{22} & = & {\mathcal{G}}'_{2} + {\mathcal{G}}'_{2} \bullet \mathcal{V}^{\dagger} \bullet {\mathcal{G}}'_{1} \bullet \mathcal{V} \bullet \mathcal{G}_{22} \,,\\ \nonumber \mathcal{G}_{12} &=& {\mathcal{G}}'_{1} \bullet \mathcal{V} \bullet \mathcal{G}_{22} \,,\\ \label{eqn:cptblock} \mathcal{G}_{21} &=& {\mathcal{G}}'_{2} \bullet \mathcal{V}^{\dagger} \bullet \mathcal{G}_{11} \,.\end{aligned}$$ After solving the former two equations for the diagonal elements of ${{\boldsymbol G}}^{\text{(CPT)}}$, the non-diagonal ones can be easily obtained by evaluating the latter two. For a one-dimensional tight-binding system the matrix $\mathcal{V}$ exhibits exactly one non-zero element, and the sums over spatial indices, implicit in the $\bullet$ operation, reduce to just a single term. In higher dimensions typically more than a single inter-cluster hopping term connect the same two clusters. Still the CPT equations represent a strongly sparse linear system of equations. Exploiting this sparsity is inevitable for an efficient implementation of the theory. Model and numerical approach ============================ As an example for the application of the non-equilibrium CPT to a two-dimensional system and for a discussion of dynamical symmetries (see Appendix \[sec:dsym\]), we consider the two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice at half-filling with hopping $T^{{B}}_{jk}=T^{{H}}_{jk}=T$ between nearest neighbors $j,k$ only and with $U^{B}=U^{H}=U$. The energy and the time scales are set by $T=-1$. The time-evolution operator is invariant (see Eq. (\[eqn:timeevo\])) under an anti-unitary transformation $${{\cal U}} = {{\cal U}}_{1} {{\cal U}}_{2} {{\cal U}}_{3} \: .$$ Here, ${{\cal U}}_{1}$ is the particle-hole transformation for the spin-$\downarrow$ particles, $${{\cal U}}_{1} c_{j\downarrow} {{\cal U}}_{1}^{\dagger} = c_{j\downarrow}^{\dagger} \: , \qquad {{\cal U}}_{1} c^{\dagger}_{j\downarrow} {{\cal U}}_{1}^{\dagger} = c_{j\downarrow} \: ,$$ ${{\cal U}}_{2}$ is a sign transformation (or ($\pi,\pi$)-momentum boost [@Schneider_et_al_2012]) applied to the spin-$\uparrow$ particles, $${{\cal U}}_{2} c_{j\uparrow} {{\cal U}}_{2}^{\dagger} = z_{j} c_{j\uparrow} \: , \qquad {{\cal U}}_{2} c^{\dagger}_{j\uparrow} {{\cal U}}_{2}^{\dagger} = z_{j} c^\dagger_{j\uparrow} \: ,$$ where the sign factor $z_{j}=\pm 1$ for the two different sublattices of the bipartite square lattice. One easily verifies that ${{\cal U}}_{1} {{\cal U}}_{2} H {{\cal U}}_{2}^{\dagger} {{\cal U}}_{1}^{\dagger} = - H + \mbox{const.}$ (if $T^{H}_{jj}=0$, $T^{H}_{jk}=T^{H}_{kj}$, $V^{H}_{jk}=V^{H}_{kj}$) where the additive constant results in an irrelevant global phase in the time-evolution operator. Finally, ${{\cal U}}_{3}$ is the anti-unitary time reversal. The Hubbard Hamiltonian itself is time-reversal invariant but $${{\cal U}}_{3} e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} {{\cal U}}_{3}^{\dagger} = e^{i H(t-t_{0})} \; .$$ Together with the sign change of $H$ under ${{\cal U}}_{1} {{\cal U}}_{2}$, this proves the invariance of the time-evolution operator under the combined transformation ${{\cal U}}$. We are interested in the site-dependent observable $n_{j\uparrow} = c^{\dagger}_{j\uparrow} c_{j\uparrow}$. Obviously, $${{\cal U}} n_{j\uparrow} {{\cal U}}^{\dagger} = n_{j\uparrow} \; ,$$ and thus we have the dynamical symmetry $$\begin{split} &\ \langle \Psi'(t_{0}) | e^{i H (t-t_{0})} n_{j\uparrow} e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} | \Psi'(t_{0}) \rangle\\ = &\ \langle \Psi(t_{0}) | e^{i H (t-t_{0})} n_{j\uparrow} e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} | \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle \end{split}$$ for initial states related via $| \Psi'(t_{0}) \rangle = \mathcal{U} | \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle$ (see Eq. (\[eqn:sym\]) in Appendix \[sec:dsym\]). We compare the time evolutions for two different initial states which are defined as the ground states of the Hubbard model ${{\cal B}}$ (see Eq. (\[eqn:hamb\])) where (i) the hopping between the different plaquettes is switched off (${{\boldsymbol V}}^{B}=0$) and where (ii) an external field is switched on. The “spin-excitation state” $| {\text{N\'eel}} , p \rangle$ is the plaquette ground state in the presence of a staggered magnetic field: $${{\cal B}} \mapsto {{\cal B}} - h \sum_{j} z_{j} (n_{j\uparrow} - n_{{j\downarrow}}) \; , \label{eqn:spinexc}$$ where $z_{j}=(-1)^{j}$. The “charge-excitation state” $| {\rm CDW} ,p\rangle$ is obtained with the help of a staggered potential: $${{\cal B}} \mapsto {{\cal B}} - h \sum_{j} z_{j} (n_{j\uparrow} + n_{{j\downarrow}}) \; . \label{eqn:chargeexc}$$ The final-state dynamics for $t>t_{0}$ is governed by the Hubbard Hamiltonian $H$ with the hopping between the different plaquettes switched on, i.e. $V^{H}_{jk} = V = T$ between nearest neighbors $j$ and $k$, but with the field switched off, i.e. $h=0$. ![\[fig:system\] (Color online) Pictorial representation of the Hamiltonians $B$ and $H$. The system is prepared as the ground state of ${{\cal B}}$ in the presence of a staggered field $h$ coupling to the $z$-component of the local spin or to the charge density. The evolution of the respective final states is given by the Hamiltonian $H$ with inter-plaquette hopping $V=T$ (nearest-neighbor hopping $T=-1$). Here, the decomposition into plaquettes is artificial and defines the NE-CPT scheme. Lattice sites as well as plaquettes are numbered. Interactions and hoppings are indicated exemplarily only. ](system.pdf){width="43.00000%"} The actual NE-CPT calculations are performed for a finite system with $6\times 6$ sites and open boundary conditions. For this system size the numerical computations can be performed conveniently on a standard desktop computer. While the initial states are taken as simple product states (Fig. \[fig:system\], left) and are easily computed by means of exact diagonalization, an approximation must be used to determine the final-state dynamics: The inter-plaquette hopping $V=T$ is treated perturbatively to all orders within the CPT, see Fig. \[fig:system\], right. One plaquette at a time, in the order indicated by the numbers, is coupled in a sequence of 8 NE-CPT steps. We have checked that the results do not change within numerical accuracy when using a coupling scheme with a different ordering. As ${{\boldsymbol V}}^{B}=0$ for the initial state, there are no potential-scattering vertices on the Matsubara branch of the contour. Consequently, only the two Keldysh branches must be taken into account in the CPT equations, Eqs. (\[eqn:cptblock\]). For the numerical solution of the corresponding integral equation, we introduce a time discretization with a finite time step $\Delta t$. Eqs. (\[eqn:cptblock\]) are considered as linear systems of equations for the different components of the CPT propagators. This component decomposition is advantageous as it allows an efficient use of standard quadrature rules. Details are discussed in the Appendix \[sec:comp\]. Applying the trapezoidal rule, a time step $\Delta t = 0.05/|T|$ has turned out as sufficient for converged results. Numerical results and discussion ================================ ![\[fig:results\_glob\] (Color online) Time evolution of the local spin-$\uparrow$ occupation numbers at the sites $j=1$, ..., $j=4$ for the system displayed in Fig. \[fig:system\] (with the staggered field applied to every plaquette). Inter-cluster hopping $V = T$, Hubbard interaction $U = 8|T|$. Energy and time scales are set by $T=-1$. Lines: initial “spin-excitation state” $|\text{N\'eel}\rangle$ obtained with $h=100$ in Eq. (\[eqn:spinexc\]). Dots: initial “charge-excitation state” $|\rm CDW\rangle$, $h=100$, see Eq. (\[eqn:chargeexc\]). ](results_glob.pdf){width="47.50000%"} ![image](results_loc.pdf){width="95.00000%"} We first consider a global excitation, i.e. $h$ is finite on all sites for the initial state, and the $j$-sums in Eqs. (\[eqn:spinexc\]) and (\[eqn:chargeexc\]) extend over the entire lattice. In case of a small field strength $h$, we find clearly different time evolutions of the local spin-$\uparrow$ occupation number $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ for the two different initial states $|\text{N\'eel}\rangle = \otimes_{p} |\text{N\'eel}, p\rangle$ and $|\text{CDW}\rangle=\otimes_{p}|\text{CDW}, p\rangle$. In fact, the dynamical symmetry is expected to hold for $h \to \infty$ only. In this limit, a fully polarized Néel state $|\downarrow ,\uparrow ,\downarrow ,\uparrow \rangle$ and a CDW state $| 0, \uparrow \downarrow ,0, \uparrow \downarrow \rangle$ are created on each plaquette, respectively, which are mapped onto each other: $| \downarrow, \uparrow ,\downarrow ,\uparrow \rangle = {{\cal U}} | 0, \uparrow \downarrow ,0, \uparrow \downarrow \rangle$. The results for a large field $h=100$ are shown in Fig. \[fig:results\_glob\]. At $t=t_{0}=0$ we find $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle \approx 0$ for $j=1$ and $j=3$ and $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle \approx 1$ for $j=2$ and $j=4$ (see Fig. \[fig:system\] for the labeling of the sites) for both, the spin- and the charge-excitation state. Note that the occupation numbers of the spin-$\downarrow$ particles are fixed by particle-hole and spin-inversion symmetry, i.e.$\langle \widehat{n}_{j\downarrow}(t) \rangle = 1 - \langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow}(t) \rangle$ (Néel) and $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\downarrow}(t) \rangle = \langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow}(t) \rangle$ (CDW). Hence, total particle-number conservation and, in the same way, conservation of the $z$-component of the total spin is enforced. This symmetry has also been verified numerically. Furthermore, spatial symmetries (see Fig. \[fig:system\]) enforce equal occupations $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ for the sites $j=2$ and $j=4$ while sites $j=1$ and $j=3$ are inequivalent. As can be seen from Fig. \[fig:results\_glob\], this is respected by the NE-CPT. The approximate approach is also seen to respect the dynamical symmetry: The results obtained for the two different initial states $|\text{N\'eel}\rangle$ and $|\rm CDW\rangle$, displayed as lines and dots in Fig. \[fig:results\_glob\], respectively, are almost equal in the entire time interval studied. Remaining discrepancies are small and are due to residual numerical errors in the solution of the CPT equation as well as due to tiny deviations from full polarization in the initial state at $h=100$. Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (a) and (b) displays the time evolution of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ starting from initial Néel and CDW states ($h=100$) for the sites in the isolated plaquette $p=1$: The inter-plaquette hopping stays switched off. Due to the dynamical symmetry, the time evolution is the same in both cases (a) and (b). In Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (c) and (d) the corresponding results are shown for an initial Néel and CDW state prepared on plaquette $p=1$ only ($h=100$) while plaquettes $p=2$, ..., $p=9$ are assumed to be in their singlet ground state $|{\rm GS},p\rangle$, i.e. the $j$-sums in Eqs. (\[eqn:spinexc\]) and (\[eqn:chargeexc\]) extend over $p=1$ only. Contrary to (a) and (b), the inter-plaquette hopping is switched on ($V=T$) for times $t>0$. We first note that ${{\cal U}}$ transforms the initial states on plaquette $p=1$ into each other, $|\text{N\'eel} , 1\rangle = {{\cal U}} |\rm CDW , 1 \rangle$, but does not leave the singlet ground state on the other plaquettes invariant, i.e. $|{\rm GS},p\rangle \ne {{\cal U}} | {\rm GS},p\rangle$. Consequently, the dynamical symmetry for the two different initial states is lost and different time evolutions are expected for finite $V$. This is nicely seen in Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] by comparing (c) with (d). It is striking, however, that in case of the initial Néel state (c) the time evolution of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ for sites $j$ in plaquette $p=1$ does not deviate much from the pure intra-plaquette dynamics shown in (a). On the other hand, starting from the initial CDW state (d), we find strong inter-plaquette effects dominating the dynamics almost immediately after the quench. For an explanation of these findings, we first concentrate on the intra-plaquette dynamics. Here, it is sufficient to discuss the case of the Néel initial state only: As is seen in the figure, the full spin polarization quickly decays but at $t_{\rm r}(U) / 2 \approx 9.3$ for $U=8$ an almost fully polarized state with a reversed sign of the local spin is recovered. Note that $t_{\rm r}(U)$ is different from and actually much smaller than the exact recurrence time of the finite quantum system. However, it does represent the exact recurrence time in the strong-coupling limit $U \to \infty$ where the low-energy sector of the plaquette Hamiltonian is exactly mapped onto an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg plaquette. Consider a dimer model rather than a plaquette for a moment: For $U \to \infty$, the Néel initial state $| \uparrow , \downarrow \rangle$ couples to the singlet ground state and to the triplet excited state of the effective Heisenberg model $H_{\rm low} = J {{\boldsymbol S}}_{1} {{\boldsymbol S}}_{2}$, namely $| \uparrow , \downarrow \rangle = \sqrt{1/2} ( | S=0, M=0 \rangle + | S=1, M=0 \rangle)$. The time evolution of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle = 0.5 + \langle \widehat{S}_{j,z} (t) \rangle$ is thus governed by a single frequency $\omega$ given by the excitation energy $\omega = E(S=1) - E(S=0) = J = 4 T^{2} / U$ which translates into a recurrence time $t_{\rm r}(U) = 2 \pi / \omega = \pi U / (2 T^{2})$. For the plaquette $p=1$, $|\text{N\'eel} ,1\rangle$ turns out to be given by a linear superposition of three energy eigenstates for $U\to \infty$. The resulting three excitation frequencies $\omega_{1,2,3}$, however, are integer multiples of the smallest one, say $\omega_{1}$. Rescaling the corresponding recurrence time $t_{\rm r}(U) = 2 \pi / \omega_{1} \propto U$ gives us $t_{r}(U=8) \approx 12.6$ which is close but not equal to the observed $t_{\rm r}(U) \approx 18.6$. This is an effect of residual charge fluctuations which are absent in the pure spin model and small but non-negligible for $U=8$. Charge fluctuations are also responsible for the small wiggles which can be seen in Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (a) on a time scale $2 \pi / U\lesssim 1$ and which are absent in the Heisenberg limit. Having understood the physical origin of the different structures in case of isolated plaquettes, we can interpret the results in Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (c) and (d). The initial Néel state on $p=1$ has a mean energy $\langle \text{N\'eel}, 1 | H | \text{N\'eel} ,1\rangle \sim J$ and thus preferably couples to the low-energy eigenstates of the full model while for the initial CDW state we have $\langle \text{CDW} ,1| H | \text{CDW}, 1 \rangle \sim 2U$, i.e. the latter mainly couples to highly excited states. Note that the energy spread $\Delta E = \sqrt{\langle H^{2} \rangle - \langle H \rangle^{2}} \approx 2.8$ is almost the same for both, the Néel and the CDW initial state. For the Néel initial state this implies that the overall trend of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ is much slower as compared to the CDW initial state. Therefore, on the time interval displayed in panel (c), the dynamics still follows the intra-plaquette dynamics (a) which is governed by the time scale $2\pi /J$. The much less pronounced structures on the time scale $2\pi / U$ that are induced by residual charge fluctuations, on the other hand, are almost immediately affected by the scattering at the inter-plaquette potential ${{\boldsymbol V}}$. This is clearly visible, e.g. by comparing the results for inequivalent sites $j=1$ and $j=3$ in (c). Relaxation of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ to its equilibrium value $\langle {n}_{j\uparrow} \rangle = 0.5$ is thus expected for times much larger than $2\pi / J$. In case of the initial CDW state, the overall features of the intra-plaquette dynamics (b) are dominated by the same time scale $2\pi / J$ due to the dynamical symmetry. For coupled plaquettes (d) where the dynamical symmetry is absent, however, the dominant time scale is rather given by $2\pi / U \ll 2\pi /J$. This explains the observed much faster relaxation of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ on a time scale larger than $2\pi / U$ but smaller than $2\pi /J$. We conclude that the largely different time evolutions displayed in (c) and (d) result from a clear separation of time scales while the dynamical symmetry enforces equal behavior for decoupled plaquettes as seen in (a) and (b). This interpretation is corroborated by calculations at a much weaker interaction strength $U=2$ (not shown) where nominally $J=U$ but where there are actually no well-defined local moments. Here, the relaxation of $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ is indeed equally fast for both types of initial states. We also note that in case of a global excitation (see Fig. \[fig:results\_glob\]), where the dynamical symmetry is intact, the results for $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t) \rangle$ again closely resemble those obtained for the isolated plaquette, see Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (a) and (b). Finally, our cluster mean-field results for the two-dimensional Hubbard model can qualitatively be compared with numerically exact data obtained by means of time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group methods (DMRG) for the one-dimensional Hubbard model. [@dmrg1; @dmrg2] In Ref.  a local doublon-holon excitation of the ground state of the half-filled model has been considered. The doublon is found to delocalize quickly on a time scale of a few $1/|T|$, very similar to doublon delocalization in an empty-band system, [@HP12] but, on a scale of several tens of $1/|T|$, does not completely [*decay*]{} as higher-order many-body scattering processes are necessary in the strong-coupling regime to break up the repulsively bound fermion pair consistent with energy conservation. Note that within the NE-CPT there is no direct access to two-particle expectation values. Nevertheless, the fast delocalization of the initial charge excitation is qualitatively consistent with our results in Fig. \[fig:results\_loc\] (d). For the homogeneously excited initial state $| \rm CDW \rangle$ where a doublon is present at every second lattice site, DMRG [@dmrg2] again predicts the doublons as very stable in the strong-coupling regime, i.e. the total double occupation per site $\langle \widehat{D}(t) \rangle$ relaxes to a constant which is close to its maximum initial value $\langle \widehat{D}(0) \rangle = 0.5$ (an exponential decay is only found in the presence of a finite nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction). Our results (Fig. \[fig:results\_glob\]) are again qualitatively consistent with the DMRG data: At $t_{1} \approx 9.3$ we find the local occupation numbers close to unity ($j=1,3$) or zero ($j=2,4$). Here, we can easily estimate $\langle \widehat{D}(t_{1}) \rangle \approx \sum_{j\in p} \langle \widehat{n}_{j\uparrow} (t_{1}) \rangle \langle \widehat{n}_{j\downarrow} (t_{1}) \rangle / L_{p} \lesssim 0.5$. As the occupation-number dynamics $\langle \widehat{n}_{j\sigma} (t) \rangle$ does not differ very much from the dynamics for an isolated plaquette on the time interval considered here, we expect the same for $\langle \widehat{D}(t) \rangle$. For the isolated plaquette, we in fact find $\langle \widehat{D}(t) \rangle$ slightly oscillating around a value smaller but close to 0.5. Conclusions =========== The generalization of the cluster-perturbation theory to systems with a non-trivial real-time dynamics of an initial non-equilibrium state provides a conceptually appealing approach that has been demonstrated as numerically feasible even for two-dimensional lattice models of strongly correlated fermions. The NE-CPT represents a non-self-consistent cluster mean-field-type approach where the effect of the scattering at the inter-cluster potential on the self-energy is neglected. For the particle-hole and spin symmetric Hubbard model, it nevertheless respects macroscopic conservation laws and has previously been shown [@Balzer_et_al_2012] to be able to reliably describe relaxation dynamics on short time scales for one-dimensional and impurity-type models. The present study has addressed important numerical improvements that are necessary to study two-dimensional models: First, for a numerically efficient evaluation of the NE-CPT equations on the Keldysh-Matsubara contour, we have rewritten and implemented the NE-CPT equations for the different components of the non-equilibrium Green’s function. This leads to a considerable increase of the numerical accuracy and the accessible times. Secondly and more important, however, we have demonstrated that standard concepts of multiple-scattering theory, known from [*ab initio*]{} electronic-structure theory, can successfully be applied to the non-equilibrium case. The iterative scheme of coupling of only two equal or different building blocks at a time represents an efficient and flexible concept that is applicable to the two-dimensional case but may also be useful in different and even more complicated situations, e.g. in cases with fewer spatial symmetries. As a concrete example, the dynamics of the Hubbard model on a $6\times 6$ square array has been considered for initial states prepared as plaquette-product states. We have studied the time evolution of the spin-dependent local occupation numbers to understand relaxation effects induced by inter-plaquette correlations building up in the course of time. Their real-time dynamics in the two states $|\text{N\'eel}\rangle = \otimes_{p} |\text{N\'eel}, p\rangle$ and $|\text{CDW}\rangle=\otimes_{p}|\text{CDW}, p\rangle$ with a [*global*]{} staggered spin or charge excitation is found to be identical. This is enforced by a dynamical symmetry, i.e. an invariance of the time-evolution operator and of the considered observables under a combined spin-asymmetric particle-hole, staggered sign, and time-reversal transformation ${{\cal U}}$, which is found to be respected by the NE-CPT. This dynamical symmetry prevents a fast relaxation of the CDW initial state which was expected to take place on a short time scale $2\pi / U$ related to charge dynamics. If, on the other hand, the dynamical symmetry is broken by preparing the spin or charge excitation [*locally*]{} on the plaquette $p=1$ only while the rest of the system is given as a product of plaquette ground states $|\text{GS}, p\rangle$, a clear separation of energy and time scales is observed in the relaxation dynamics: The occupation numbers in the spin-excited plaquette ($|\text{N\'eel}, p=1\rangle$) show an overall slow coupling to the environment on the scale $2\pi/J$, with some fast but small oscillations due to residual charge fluctuations on top. Contrary, a charge dynamics on the scale $2\pi/U \ll 2\pi /J$ is seen to result in a fast relaxation of the of occupation numbers for the charge-excited state $|\text{CDW}, p=1\rangle$. One might speculate on the long-time limit that is not accessible to real-time Green’s-function-based approaches as the NE-CPT: For the global spin and charge excited states, the dynamical symmetry enforces equal time evolutions although the total energies per site are largely different ($\sim U / 2$) which therefore implies different thermal states characterized by different temperatures eventually. In fact, the dynamical symmetry translates into a symmetry of the thermal states as $H\mapsto -H + {\rm const.}$ under ${{\cal U}}$ implies a transformation of the (normalized) thermal mixed state $\rho \mapsto \rho'$ with a negative temperature $T \mapsto -T$. For the locally excited states, on the other hand, the higher energy of the local charge excitation is expected to dissipate to the bulk of the system resulting, in the thermodynamical limit, in equal temperatures and equal thermal states eventually. We would like to thank M. Balzer and H. Moritz for instructive discussions. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Sonderforschungsbereich 925 (project B5) and within the excellence cluster “The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging - Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale”. Dynamical symmetries {#sec:dsym} ==================== A unitary or anti-unitary transformation ${{\cal U}}$ of the observables and of the states of a quantum system leaves measurable quantities, such as expectation values, invariant. [@Messiah_1961; @Mertsching_1977] The quantum system itself is said to be “symmetric” with respect to the transformation, if its Hamiltonian $H$ is invariant: $H'={{\cal U}} H {{\cal U}}^{\dagger} = H$. For continuous transformation groups with ${{\cal U}} = \exp(i{{\boldsymbol \Lambda}}{{\boldsymbol \varphi}})$ and parameters ${{\boldsymbol \varphi}}$, the invariance implies that the corresponding generators ${{\boldsymbol \Lambda}}={{\boldsymbol \Lambda}}^{\dagger}$ commute with $H$, i.e. $[{{\boldsymbol \Lambda}}, H] = 0$. If the Hamiltonian is not explicitly time-dependent, this leads to conservation laws of the form $\langle \Psi(t) | {{\boldsymbol \Lambda}} | \Psi(t) \rangle = \langle \Psi(t_{0}) | {{\boldsymbol \Lambda}} | \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle = \mbox{const.}$, where $| \Psi(t) \rangle = \exp(-i H (t-t_{0})) | \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle$. This concept might be generalized to “dynamical symmetries” in the following way: Consider a transformation ${{\cal U}}$ that leaves an observable invariant, $$A \to A' ={{\cal U}} A {{\cal U}}^{\dagger} = A \; ,$$ as well as the time-evolution operator: $$\begin{split} e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} \to (e^{-i H (t-t_{0})})' &= {{\cal U}} e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} {{\cal U}}^{\dagger}\\ &= e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} \; . \end{split} \label{eqn:timeevo}$$ This immediately implies that $$\begin{split} &\ \langle \Psi'(t_{0}) | e^{i H (t-t_{0})} A e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} | \Psi'(t_{0}) \rangle\\ = &\ \langle \Psi(t_{0}) | e^{i H (t-t_{0})} A e^{-i H (t-t_{0})} | \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle \quad , \label{eqn:sym} \end{split}$$ for $t \geq t_{0}$, i.e. the time evolution is the same for different initial states, $|\Psi'(t_{0}) \rangle$ and $| \Psi(t_{0}) \rangle$. Component decomposition {#sec:comp} ======================= The $\bullet$ operation occurring in the CPT equation (Eq. (\[eqn:cpt-eqn\])) includes a convolution with respect to time variables. The corresponding integration path is the contour ${{\cal C}}$ shown in Fig. \[fig:contour\]. If ${{\cal C}}$ was considered as a whole, the error due to the time discretization in the numerical treatment of the integrals, e.g. via a Newton-Cotes formula, would be dominated by the characteristic discontinuities of non-equilibrium Green’s functions originating from the time ordering along ${{\cal C}}$, see Eq. (\[eqn:gfdef\]). Smaller errors or larger time discretization steps and thus a larger $t_{\text{max}}$, however, are attainable by splitting the non-equilibrium Green’s functions into certain components based on the different branches of $\mathcal{C}$. Exemplified by ${{\boldsymbol G}}$ and omitting spin and spatial indices for simplicity, one may define $$\begin{aligned} G^{>}(t_{1},t_{2}) &\equiv G(t_{1}^{-},t_{2}^{+})\; , \\ G^{<}(t_{1},t_{2}) &\equiv G(t_{1}^{+},t_{2}^{-})\; , \\ G^{\urcorner}(t_{1},\tau_{2}) &\equiv G(t_{1}^{\pm},t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{2})\; , \\ G^{\ulcorner}(\tau_{1},t_{2}) &\equiv G(t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{1},t_{2}^{\pm})\; , \\ G^{\text{\tiny MG}}(\tau_{1},\tau_{2}) &\equiv -i\,\left\langle \widehat{c}\,(t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{1}) \ \widehat{c}^{\dagger}(t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{2}) \right\rangle\; , \\ G^{\text{\tiny ML}}(\tau_{1},\tau_{2}) &\equiv i\,\left\langle \widehat{c}^{\dagger}(t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{2}) \ \widehat{c}\,(t_{0}\!\!-\!i\tau_{1}) \right\rangle\; , \\ G^{\text{ret}}(t_{1},t_{2}) &\equiv \Theta(t_{1}\!\!-\!t_{2}) \left(G^{>}(t_{1},t_{2})\!-\!G^{<}(t_{1},t_{2})\right) \; , \\ G^{\text{adv}}(t_{1},t_{2}) &\equiv -\Theta(t_{2}\!\!-\!t_{1}) \left(G^{>}(t_{1},t_{2})\!-\!G^{<}(t_{1},t_{2})\right) \: .\end{aligned}$$ Besides the distinction between “greater” and “lesser” Matsubara components $G^{\text{\tiny MG}}$ and $G^{\text{\tiny ML}}$, the component definitions are well-known in non-equilibrium Green’s function literature. [@vanLeeuwen_et_al_2005] For our present purposes, $G^{\text{ret}}$ and $G^{\text{adv}}$ are auxiliary quantities only, all necessary information on ${{\boldsymbol G}}$ is already contained in the components $G^{>}$, ..., $G^{\text{\tiny ML}}$. We furthermore write $$\bigl(A^{c_{1}} \circ_{t_{3}}^{t_{4}} B^{c_{2}}\bigr)(z_{1},z_{2}) \equiv \int_{t_{3}}^{t_{4}}\!dt_{5} A^{c_{1}}(z_{1},t_{5})B^{c_{2}}(t_{5},z_{2}) \: ,$$ and $$\bigl(A^{c_{1}} \ast_{\tau_{3}}^{\tau_{4}} B^{c_{2}}\bigr)(z_{1},z_{2}) \equiv -i\int_{\tau_{3}}^{\tau_{4}}\!d\tau_{5} A^{c_{1}}(z_{1},\tau_{5})B^{c_{2}}(\tau_{5},z_{2}) \: .$$ With this, a contour convolution $C(z_{1},z_{2}) \equiv \int_\mathcal{C}dz_{3} \, A(z_{1},z_{3}) \, B(z_{3},z_{2})$ can be split into the different components and reads: $$\begin{aligned} \label{eqn:conv-gre}&C^{>} =\, A^{>} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\text{adv}} + A^{\text{ret}} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{>} + A^{\urcorner} \underset{0}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\ulcorner} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-les}&C^{<} =\, A^{<} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\text{adv}} + A^{\text{ret}} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{<} + A^{\urcorner} \underset{0}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\ulcorner} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-hoole}&C^{\urcorner} =\, A^{\text{ret}} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\urcorner} + A^{\urcorner} \underset{0}{\overset{\tau_{2}}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny ML}} + A^{\urcorner} \underset{\tau_{2}}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny MG}} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-hoori}&C^{\ulcorner} =\, A^{\ulcorner} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\text{adv}} + A^{\text{\tiny MG}} \underset{0}{\overset{\tau_{1}}{\ast}} B^{\ulcorner} + A^{\text{\tiny ML}} \underset{\tau_{1}}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\ulcorner} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-mgre}&C^{\text{\tiny MG}} \!\!\!\!\overset{\tau_{1} \underset{\downarrow}{>} \tau_{2}}{=}\!\!\! A^{\text{\tiny MG}} \underset{0}{\overset{\tau_{2}}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny ML}} + A^{\text{\tiny MG}} \underset{\tau_{2}}{\overset{\tau_{1}}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny MG}} + A^{\text{\tiny ML}} \underset{\tau_{1}}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny MG}} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-mles}&C^{\text{\tiny ML}} \!\!\!\!\overset{\tau_{1} \underset{\downarrow}{\leq} \tau_{2}}{=}\!\!\! A^{\text{\tiny MG}} \underset{0}{\overset{\tau_{1}}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny ML}} + A^{\text{\tiny ML}} \underset{\tau_{1}}{\overset{\tau_{2}}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny ML}} + A^{\text{\tiny ML}} \underset{\tau_{2}}{\overset{\beta}{\ast}} B^{\text{\tiny MG}} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-ret}&C^{\text{ret}} =\, A^{\text{ret}} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\text{ret}} \, ,\\[-2pt] \label{eqn:conv-adv}&C^{\text{adv}} =\, A^{\text{adv}} \underset{t_{0}}{\overset{t_{\text{max}}}{\circ}} B^{\text{adv}} \, .\end{aligned}$$ Here, we have also omitted time variables except for those appearing as integration boundaries. $\tau_{\alpha}$ denotes the $\alpha^{\text{th}}$ argument of the component $C^{c}$. These convolution rules represent an adaption of the Langreth rules[@Langreth_and_Wilkins_1972] for our purposes and are similar to corresponding rules described in Ref. . Application to the differential equation of motion for ${{\boldsymbol G}}$ yields generalized Kadanoff-Baym equations. [@Kadanoff_and_Baym_1962] Utilizing the component decomposition and also evaluating the unit step functions of the retarded and advanced components, we find all integrands being continuous functions of the respective time argument. Furthermore, causality is made explicit by the (renewed) integration boundaries. Although the convolution $C$ does not behave like a proper Green’s function in all aspects, it can play the role of $A$ or $B$ in a next convolution step, e.g. the components $C^{c}$ are continuous themselves. For the NE-CPT, we actually have to solve a problem of the form ${{\boldsymbol A}} \bullet {{\boldsymbol B}} = {{\boldsymbol C}}$ where ${{\boldsymbol A}}$ and ${{\boldsymbol C}}$ are given. To this end, we rewrite the CPT equation for the different components and treat the resulting problem as a system of linear equations $({{\boldsymbol 1}} - {{\boldsymbol G}}' \bullet {{\boldsymbol V}}) \bullet {{\boldsymbol G}}^{\text{(CPT)}} = {{\boldsymbol G}}'$ which must be solved for ${{\boldsymbol G}}^{\text{(CPT)}}$. Because of the homogeneity of the Matsubara Green’s function, solving Eq. (\[eqn:conv-mgre\]) with $\tau_{2} = 0$ is sufficient to get $B^{\text{\tiny MG}}$ and $B^{\text{\tiny ML}}$. These components in turn provide us with $B^{\urcorner}$ via Eq. (\[eqn:conv-hoole\]). Equipped with $B^{\text{adv}}$ from Eq. (\[eqn:conv-adv\]), Eq. (\[eqn:conv-hoori\]) can be solved for $B^{\ulcorner}$. Both components are prerequisites for finally obtaining $B^{>}$ and $B^{<}$ from Eqs. (\[eqn:conv-gre\]) and (\[eqn:conv-les\]), respectively. The lesser component is our main quantity of interest as it enters Eq. (\[eqn:gf-obs\]). 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In the article titled "Emerging/re-emerging viral diseases & new viruses on the Indian horizon" published on pages 447-467, Issue 4, Volume 149 in Indian J Med Res\[[@ref1]\], the authors inadvertently miscategorised many viruses as against their respective families in Table 1 on page 452. The correct [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} is provided below: ###### Emerging/re-emerging viral infections in India and new viruses[@ref1] Family Viruses Probable/mode of transmission Outbreak potential Biosafety risk-group --------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- *Bunyaviridae* Ganjam virus Tick-borne Yes\* 2 Bhanja virus Tick-borne Yes\* 2 SFTS virus Tick-borne Yes 4 Chobar Gorge virus Tick-borne No 2 EEV Arthropod-borne No 2 Cat Que virus Arthropod-borne Yes\* 2 Kaisodi virus Tick-borne Yes\* 2 Umbre virus Arthropod-borne Yes\* 2 Oya virus \[previously known as Ingwavuma virus\] Arthropod-borne No 2 Chittoor virus Tick-borne Yes\* 2 Thottapalayam virus Rodent-borne No 2 *Nairoviridae* CCHF virus Tick-borne, Human to human Yes 4 *Flaviviridae* Yellow fever Arthropod-borne Yes 4 Zika virus Arthropod-borne, Mother to child, Sexual route Yes 2 KFD virus Tick-borne Yes 4 JE virus Arthropod-borne Yes 2 Dengue virus Arthropod-borne Yes 2 Bagaza virus Arthropod-borne Yes\* 2 *Orthomyxoviridae* Influenza -(H3N2) v alias Air-borne Yes 3 Influenza-Avian \[H5N1\] Air-borne Yes 4 Quaranfil virus Tick-borne Yes\* 2 *Pneumoviridae* RSV Air-borne Yes 2 *Paramyxoviridae* Parainfluenza 1 to 4 Air-borne Yes\* 2 Nipah virus Human to human Direct contact/consumption of infected bat/fruit infected with bat Yes 4 *Picornaviridae* Human Rhinovirus A, B and C Hand, Foot & Mouth disease Direct contact, Feco-oral route Yes 2 Coxsackie-A21 virus Feco-oral route Yes 2 Coxsackie-A10 virus Feco-oral route Yes 2 Polio & Non-Polio flaccid paralysis Feco-oral route Yes 3 Enterovirus-D68 Air-borne Yes 2 *Caliciviridae* Noroviruses Feco-oral route Yes 2 Sapoviruses Feco-oral route Yes 2 *Hepadnaviridae* Hepatitis KIs virus new & vaccine escape mutants of HBV Blood-borne Yes 2 *Togaviridae* Rubella virus Air borne Yes 2 Chikungunya virus Arthropod-borne Yes 2 *Poxviridae* Buffalo pox virus \[Orthopoxvirus\] Direct contact Yes 2 *Parvoviridae* Human Parvovirus-4 Parenteral transmission ? Yes 2 *Arenaviridae* LCMV Rodent-borne Yes\* 3 *Herpesviridae* VZV Air borne, Direct contact Yes 2 *Rhabdoviridae* Chandipura virus Arthropod-borne Yes 3 *Reoviridae* Rota viruses Feco-oral route Yes 2 Kammavanpettai virus \[Orbiviruses\] Tick-borne No Unknown \*May cause epidemic; however, no epidemic has been reported. Unknown: No clear information on the risk assessment available. SFTS, severe fever thrombocytopenia syndrome; EEV, equine encephalosis virus; CCHFs, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fevers; KFD, Kyasanur forest disease; JE, Japanese encephalitis; LCMV, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; VZV, varicella-zoster virus; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; HBV, hepatitis-B virus. *Source*: Refs 5, 10, 22-55
This is yet another accusation levelled against Islam - that its Shari'ah is barbaric. The word ‘barbaric' was originally used by the Greeks for ‘foreigners' to express the strange sound of their language. Later, this word was used to describe people who are ‘uncivilised, primitive, rough, uneducated, brutal, cruel, blood-thirsty and merciless' as opposed to being ‘advanced, civilised, cultured, humane and compassionate.' It is true to say that not a single synonym of ‘barbaric' is applicable to the Islamic penal system. On the contrary, humane values lie at the heart of the criminal justice system in Islam and all the antonyms of barbaric are truly descriptive of the Shari'ah. The object of punishment is not to relentlessly hunt down wrongdoers for retribution, but to see that peace, right and order are restored and this could be illustrated by the fact that the Islamic penal system almost wholly ‘‘lacks police, prisons and professional executioners." The hudud may appear to be harsh in the eyes of those who have been swayed by false sentiments, but human experience shows that if a punishment was to act as ‘deterrent', then it has to be severe and exemplary. Life cannot be safe if the habitual criminals are left unfinished and it is better to be severe to one and save many than to be unnecessarily lenient and thereby destroy many and put the lives of millions of others at risk. The deterrent punishments in Islam on the surface appears to be harsh, but it is only meant for "such incorrigible offenders who stand as real obstacles in the healthy growth of human society" and "in fact, it was a vital instrument in the dynamics of building a new social order" and it radically abolished and amended the pre-Islamic systems where inhumanity and vengeance was the order of the day. Prisons in Western societies are miserably failing its people and apart from being living hell, prison destabilises people and often has "a destructive effect on the personality." Home Office statistics in Britain shows that longer sentences do not prevent reconviction and in fact 50 per cent males and 35 per cent females get convicted within two years after coming out of prison. Thus, it is not true to say that prison is the more appropriate punishment for theft rather than the amputating of hand and if reducing the crime rate is the objective, then certainly the choice will be the Divine law – you compare the crime statistics of Saudi Arabia and America and judge which one is better. Severe Sentences may appear to be severe in Islam, ‘‘but still more strict and severe are the ‘procedures' laid down to be observed before a man may be convicted" and Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Avoid the hudud as much as possible. Wherever there is even a mild chance, release him, for releasing by an error on the part of the judge is better than to punish anyone with error." (At-Tirmizi and Ibn Majah) Islam also teaches that "no bearer of a burden shall bear the burden of another" (Surah Al-Anam:164), it guarantees the accused immunity from ‘malicious prosecution' due to strict rules of evidence, it strongly advocates the equality of all before the law and in the realm of qisas (equitable retribution) it teaches that "let him not exceed in the matter of taking life for he is aided."(Surah Al-Isra:33) Such is the humanity taught by Islam 1400 years ago! Very Few We have dealt with the humane values that Islam stresses even at the time of sentencing. For example, in the case of flogging, several conditions and restrictions are imposed ranging from the type of stick to who inflicts the punishment to where it should hit! In actual practice, "very few had punishments (had been) prescribed," according to Rudolph Peters in The Islamisation of Criminal Law (1994, Germany). Therefore, "Islam is a package deal which Muslims are bound to follow and if the progressive modern cultured societies can ‘tolerate' mass killing indiscriminately with atomic bombs, then certainly they can tolerate the amputation of the hands, flogging or stoning to death for certain ‘heinous' crimes i.e. sacrifice of a few individuals for the sake of the society as a whole," so said Mohamed Wassel in The Islamic Law- Its Application as It was Revealed in the Quran and its Adaptability to Cultural Change. Outdated? Yet another criticism against Islamic law is that it is ‘outdated'. Outdated means ‘old fashioned, obsolete and unfashionable' and it is applicable to something which is ‘out of date', and to raise this objection against Islamic law doesn't make sense. The Shari'ah is a living law today, as it was 1400 years ago, among the Muslim masses across the globe, though it may not be implemented in its totality. I think the critic is not trying to pinpoint any particular ‘weaknesses' of Islamic law but is simply saying that the Shari'ah is too old and therefore we should forsake it for the latest modern trend. There is nothing such as ‘modernism' in Islam as Islam is forever modern, progressive and dynamic because human trends show that what is modern today becomes obsolete tomorrow. The Shari'ah emanates from Allah the All Wise who, being well aware of human conditions, has revealed a law (Surah Al-Ma'idah: 48) that is perfectly universal and applicable to all nations for all times. It is not a system of law to be judged and evaluated as ‘good' or ‘bad' in accordance with the changing views of the population or the policies of the state and therefore the Shari'ah is radically different from the ordinary law in which the legislative authority is free to explain and comment on the law introduced by it which it can freely amend, cancel or withdraw. Permanence If the aim of the law is to control unacceptable human behaviour and to reduce the rate of crime, then there has to be an element of permanence so that it may be easily recognised by the citizens who after all, are the ones who are bound to follow the law (English law teaches that ‘ignorance of law is no defence'). But man-made laws change all the time according to changing ‘social attitudes' so much so that actions that were once regarded as ‘detestable' and ‘heinous' crimes (such as abortion, suicide, prostitution , homosexuality and adultery in England) are now regarded as ‘legal' and normal under the same laws! Such is the nature of human laws which cannot fully comprehend human nature or predict the future and is constantly changing so much so that if I buy a law textbook today, it may not be valid for tomorrow. Islamic law, therefore, does not recognise the liberty of (human) legislation, for it would be incompatible with the ethical control of human actions and, ultimately, of society. That is why man-made laws have miserably failed and the rate of crime has reached epidemic proportion. Islamic law is at once static as well as dynamic as a result of which it has attracted people of all nations over the last 1400 years and yet kept the social fabric of Islam compact and secure through the ages and this law shall be as responsive to the urges of a progressive society in the present and the future as it has been in the past. So it's about time that the fallible Occidental homo sapiens change their ‘fashionable' attitudes of contempt for Islamic law so that they may be assured of their spiritual and material well being and create an ordered crime free society based on justice.
Q: How do I properly fire ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS intent? As stated in the documentation: "An app holding the REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS permission can trigger a system dialog to let the user add the app to the whitelist directly, without going to settings. The app fires a ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS Intent to trigger the dialog." Can someone tell me the proper way to fire this intent? A: Intent intent = new Intent(); String packageName = context.getPackageName(); PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); if (pm.isIgnoringBatteryOptimizations(packageName)) intent.setAction(Settings.ACTION_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS); else { intent.setAction(Settings.ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS); intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + packageName)); } context.startActivity(intent); See this answer for more information. A: To avoid suspension from Google Play Store, Its Better to Take User to Battery Optimization Settings, for Manually Adding Application to White-list Intent myIntent = new Intent(); myIntent.setAction(Settings.ACTION_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS); startActivity(myIntent); Also It doesn't need to have <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/> permission in the manifest file
Q: jsessionid from wrong session is getting set in cookie fro JBOSS7.2 For session fixation prevention we have added oldsession.invalidate(); newSession = req.getSession(true); Here jboss is setting same cookie (from invalidated session) as JSESSIONID A: Issue, was with Session Fixation prevention code. Here we were invalidation session by, oldSession.inValidate(); and then we were getting new session. request.getSession(true); Solution to this is, - inValidate session in new thread, and make current thread wait for its execution.
# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Rules to check if classes in the boot jars are from the list of allowed packages. # ifneq ($(SKIP_BOOT_JARS_CHECK),true) ifdef PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS intermediates := $(call intermediates-dir-for, PACKAGING, boot-jars-package-check,,COMMON) stamp := $(intermediates)/stamp # Convert the colon-separated components <apex>:<jar> to <jar>.<apex> names # (e.g. com.android.media:updatable-media -> updatable-media.com.android.media). # Special cases: # - for the "platform" or "system_ext" apex drop the .<apex> suffix # - for the ART apex select release variant boot_jars := $(foreach pair,$(PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS) $(PRODUCT_UPDATABLE_BOOT_JARS), \ $(eval apex := $(call word-colon,1,$(pair))) \ $(eval jar := $(call word-colon,2,$(pair))) \ $(eval q := :) \ $(eval sfx := $(q).$(apex)$(q)) \ $(eval sfx := $(subst $(q).platform$(q),$(q)$(q),$(sfx))) \ $(eval sfx := $(subst $(q).system_ext$(q),$(q)$(q),$(sfx))) \ $(eval sfx := $(subst $(q).com.android.art$(q),$(q).com.android.art.release$(q),$(sfx))) \ $(eval sfx := $(patsubst $(q)%$(q),%,$(sfx))) \ $(jar)$(sfx)) # Convert boot jar names to build paths. built_boot_jars := $(foreach j, $(boot_jars), \ $(call intermediates-dir-for, JAVA_LIBRARIES, $(j),,COMMON)/classes.jar) script := build/make/core/tasks/check_boot_jars/check_boot_jars.py allowed_file := build/make/core/tasks/check_boot_jars/package_allowed_list.txt $(stamp): PRIVATE_BOOT_JARS := $(built_boot_jars) $(stamp): PRIVATE_SCRIPT := $(script) $(stamp): PRIVATE_ALLOWED := $(allowed_file) $(stamp) : $(built_boot_jars) $(script) $(allowed_file) @echo "Check package name for $(PRIVATE_BOOT_JARS)" $(hide) $(PRIVATE_SCRIPT) $(PRIVATE_ALLOWED) $(PRIVATE_BOOT_JARS) $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@ .PHONY: check-boot-jars check-boot-jars : $(stamp) # Run check-boot-jars by default droidcore : check-boot-jars endif # PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS endif # SKIP_BOOT_JARS_CHECK not true
We have learnt quite a lot about Windows 7 this week, and one of the things was that Windows 7 would not get a new kernel. The call for a new kernel has been made a few times on the internet, but anyone with a bit more insight into Windows' kernel knows that there is absolutely no need to write a new kernel for Windows - the problems with Windows lie in userland, not kernelland. While the authenticity of the Shipping Seven blog is not undisputed, the blogger makes some very excellent points regarding the kernel matter.
Enzyme-catalyzed and binding reaction kinetics determined by titration calorimetry. Isothermal calorimetry allows monitoring of reaction rates via direct measurement of the rate of heat produced by the reaction. Calorimetry is one of very few techniques that can be used to measure rates without taking a derivative of the primary data. Because heat is a universal indicator of chemical reactions, calorimetry can be used to measure kinetics in opaque solutions, suspensions, and multiple phase systems and does not require chemical labeling. The only significant limitation of calorimetry for kinetic measurements is that the time constant of the reaction must be greater than the time constant of the calorimeter which can range from a few seconds to a few minutes. Calorimetry has the unique ability to provide both kinetic and thermodynamic data. This article describes the calorimetric methodology for determining reaction kinetics and reviews examples from recent literature that demonstrate applications of titration calorimetry to determine kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed and ligand binding reactions. A complete model for the temperature dependence of enzyme activity is presented. A previous method commonly used for blank corrections in determinations of equilibrium constants and enthalpy changes for binding reactions is shown to be subject to significant systematic error. Methods for determination of the kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and for simultaneous determination of thermodynamics and kinetics of ligand binding reactions are reviewed.
Q: WhY in C programming ,perc value show 0 as output? perc=(sum/total)*100; i've been trying to put this in the code in cprogramming,but output for this part is showing 0,,,Why is this happening and what else should I do in these types of scenerios? A: Since you didnt post source and this question will be closed soon, the cause is from integer division most likely. Try this instead. float perc = ((float)sum / (float)total) * 100.0; Heres a post on integer division if you are interested in learning why this behavior is doing what it did: What is the behavior of integer division?
Biological evaluation of protein quality of sorghum as affected by insect infestation. Protein quality of sorghum grains having 25, 50 and 75% infestation caused by mixed population of Trogoderma granarium Everts and Rhizopertha dominica Fabricius was biologically evaluated by rat growth and nitrogen balance studies. Feeding of diet containing insect infested sorghum grains (50 and 75%) resulted in marked decrease in food intake, protein intake, gain in body weight, food efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio, nitrogen consumption, nitrogen absorption, biological value, net protein utilization, dry matter digestibility, net protein retention and protein retention efficiency. These parameters showed negative association with insect infestation levels. However, 25% level of grain infestation did not affect these parameters significantly.
Pig free to roam in Spanish village — but not for long An Iberian pig rests near villagers in La Alberca on December 14, 2012 near Salamanca, Spain. A pig has been given the freedom to roam in a Spanish village — but the clock is ticking. The pig is due to be sacrificed on January 21 in a village raffle in La Alberca with the proceeds going to a local charity, Getty Images reports. Dry-cured Iberian ham or Jamon Iberico de bellota is a favorite amongst Spaniards and producers are hoping for improved sales over the busy Christmas period. The jamon legs are dry-cured for up to three years after the pigs have been fed on a diet of acorns in the last three months of their lives. Denis Doyle / Getty Images Children walk with an Iberian pig in the village of La Alberca on December 14, 2012. Denis Doyle / Getty Images Basilio Hoyos, manager of the Sociedad Chacinera Albercana Cooperative is photographed beside legs of dry-cured Jamon Iberico de bellota in La Alberca on December 14, 2012. Denis Doyle / Getty Images Manuel Revilla checks by smelling a sample of a leg of dry-cured Jamon Iberico de bellota (acorns) at his small family business in the town of Guijuelo on December 14, 2012. Denis Doyle / Getty Images Two legs of dry-cured Jamon Iberico de Bellota hang from a wall in the shop of Alberto Lopez Araque on December 14, 2012 in Madrid. Denis Doyle / Getty Images An Iberian piglet looks out from its pen at the Fermin Jamones farm in the village of La Alberca on December 14, 2012. Fermin Jamones was the first Spanish company to be given an export licence for the lucrative United States market. Denis Doyle / Getty Images An employee of the Alberto Lopez Araque shop in Madrid cuts a slice of dry-cured Jamon Iberico de Bellota on December 14, 2012 in Madrid.
New York Times and National Geographic splits the Best of Show Well, the two US-publications really split the entire competition between them and the rest of the world. Or at least it looked that way to the audience, when the awards were announced: Best of show: National Geographic (print) New York Times (online)Best map: National Geographic Medals: New York Times – 2 Gold, 10 Silver, 17 Bronze National Geographic – 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze Rest of the World: 4 gold, 12 Silver, 55 Bronze No wonder that the audience wanted to discuss it a bit afterwards. As Alberto Cairo asked the judges very politely – ‘You gave almost 40 out 110 awards to just two news-organizations. What do you recommend for the smaller organizations in the world, if they want to be at the same level or if they want to win the same number of awards in the future. What should they pay attention to?’ Kat Downs from the Washington Post tried to answer that tricky question. She recommended smaller online-organisations to go for simplicity like the gold-awarded dinosaur-graphic from Brazil. She acknowledged that it would probably be impossible to do 3D-motioncapture graphics right now, but had hopes for the future that expensive and complicated tools would be more accesible for everyone. Matt Perry added that he would advise smaller printed papers to develop a keener eye for the details. What really set the selected winners apart is their ability to select what to put in and what to leave out – and they were in general more clean and more finely tuned than the rest. Can judges judge their fellow judges? When the next question centered about the timeliness in having the judges selected from the same organisations that send in a lot of entries to the competition, the judges fell a bit into defence. Ryan Sparrow said he felt the judges were pretty proud and happy about what was awarded and what was left behind, and Paolo Ciuccarelli added that he had some concerns at first about judging his fellow judges’ submissions, but he had been surprised by the process and felt they had done a good job. And of course the judges weren’t allowed to judge their own submissions. It’s still an interesting question – do the judges’ publications and countries in general win more awards? A quick look through recent years could support the theory, although I think everyone agrees that the judges aren’t favouring themselves intentionally.
. Calculate k(n). 0 Let g(w) = -6*w - 1. Let u(r) = -23*r - 4. Let j(l) = 9*g(l) - 2*u(l). Determine j(2). -17 Let p(w) = -w**3 - 4*w**2 - 2*w + 1. Suppose 8*j + 24 = 2*j. What is p(j)? 9 Let v(l) = l**2 + l - 1. Let t(r) = 3*r**2 + 3*r - 2. Let d(m) = -t(m) + 4*v(m). Let z = 57 - 41. Let g be (3/(-2))/(12/z). Calculate d(g). 0 Let m(d) = 14*d. Suppose -3*p = -1 - 2. Determine m(p). 14 Suppose 0*z + 2*z = 8. Let o(w) = -3*w + 9. Let y(s) = -5*s + 14. Let h = 3 - -5. Let x(t) = h*o(t) - 5*y(t). Calculate x(z). 6 Let s(t) = -t**2 + 1. Let q(y) = y**3 + 1. Let k(m) = -2*m**3 + 4*m**2 - 8. Let j(c) = -k(c) - 3*q(c). Let h be j(-3). Calculate s(h). -15 Let t(j) = -3*j + 3. Let p(x) = 10*x - 10. Let g(d) = -2*p(d) - 7*t(d). Let q(w) = w - 5. Let h(v) = 2*g(v) - q(v). Give h(3). 6 Let a(h) = h**2 + 2*h - 2. Suppose -3*o - 7 = -4. Let r be (24/(-18))/(o/(-3)). Calculate a(r). 6 Let h(d) = -d**2 - 2*d - 1. Let q be h(-1). Suppose 2*z = -3*z. Let c(o) = q*o**2 + z - 6 - o**2 - 7*o. Determine c(-4). 6 Let r(t) = -2*t - 6. Let y(x) be the third derivative of -x**4/24 - 5*x**3/6 - 2*x**2. Let m(z) = 2*r(z) - 3*y(z). What is m(0)? 3 Let y(z) = -z**3 - z**2 - z + 1. Suppose 3*g = -3, -5*o + 3*o = 5*g + 5. Let v be -2 - 7*(-1 + o). Suppose 0 = -2*r + 2, 4*h - r + 4 = -v. What is y(h)? 7 Let j(c) be the second derivative of -c**4/12 - 5*c**3/6 + 3*c**2/2 - 2*c. Suppose -6*z = -0*z + 30. What is j(z)? 3 Let q(s) be the third derivative of -s**5/60 + 7*s**4/24 + 2*s**3/3 - 16*s**2. What is q(8)? -4 Let j(c) = -2*c**2 - 9*c - 8*c + 24*c - 8*c + 3. Determine j(-2). -3 Let b(m) = -6*m - 1. Suppose 4*c + c - 10 = -5*d, -4*d + 13 = -c. Give b(c). 5 Let a(y) be the first derivative of 0*y**4 + 3 + 0*y - y**2 - 1/6*y**3 + 1/60*y**5 + 1/120*y**6. Let r(m) be the second derivative of a(m). Determine r(1). 1 Let o(k) = -k**3 + 5*k**2 + 7*k - 8. Let m(l) = -2*l**2 - 3*l - 2. Let b be m(-2). Let i = b - -10. Calculate o(i). -2 Let w(b) = -3*b + 2. Suppose 0 = 4*h + 2*k - 46, 2*k = -h - 2*k - 6. Let u = -4 + h. Let g be 16/u - 2/(-5). Give w(g). -4 Let n be (-4 - -18)*(-1)/2. Let z(b) = -b - 7. Let j be z(n). Let q(p) = -3*p**2 + 3*p + 8. Let m(d) = d**2 - d - 4. Let y(h) = -5*m(h) - 2*q(h). What is y(j)? 4 Let f(g) = -g + 1. Let r be f(1). Let m(p) = -11*p**2 + 5*p + 17. Let k(j) = -4*j**2 + 2*j + 6. Let a = -9 + 1. Let v(t) = a*k(t) + 3*m(t). Give v(r). 3 Let z = 0 - -5. Suppose 0 = -m + z. Let g(y) = y**2 - 1. Let j(u) = 4*u**2 + 3*u - 2. Let r(t) = -5*g(t) + j(t). Determine r(m). -7 Suppose 2*t = -3*t. Let r be -1 - (-2 + (t - -5)). Let a(g) = -2*g - 7 + 3*g - 2*g. Determine a(r). -3 Let p(a) = 20*a**3 + 2*a**2 + 15*a - 9. Let q(f) = 7*f**3 + f**2 + 5*f - 3. Suppose 5*y - 3*y = 34. Let i(m) = y*q(m) - 6*p(m). Determine i(3). 6 Let b(a) = 4*a**2 + 17*a**2 - 7*a**2 - a. What is b(-1)? 15 Let p(f) = f**3 - 7*f**2 - 6*f - 9. Let y(i) = 2*i**3 - 14*i**2 - 12*i - 18. Let k(r) = 13*p(r) - 6*y(r). Give k(8). 7 Let s(d) = -d**3 - d**2 - 7. Let b be (4 - 4)/(2 + 0). Give s(b). -7 Let v(t) = -2*t - 3. Let c(y) = -y - 3. Let o(s) = -3*c(s) + 2*v(s). What is o(5)? -2 Let h(c) = -56*c**2 + 61*c**2 - 4 + 0*c + c**3 + 0*c. Give h(-5). -4 Suppose 2*x - 4*g = -26, 4*x + 2*g - 20 = 6*x. Let u(z) = -z - 14. Calculate u(x). -7 Let s = -16 - -23. Let g = -9 + s. Let u(f) be the first derivative of 2*f**3/3 + 3*f**2/2 + 2*f + 1. Give u(g). 4 Let g(p) = -4*p**3 + 15*p - 5*p + 3*p**3 - 7*p**2 + 7 - 14*p. Give g(-6). -5 Suppose w + 2*m = 0, m - 18 = 4*w + 3*m. Let s(d) = -d + 3. Let j(z) = 5*z - 12. Let y(o) = -4*j(o) - 18*s(o). Calculate y(w). 6 Let j(o) = -o**3 + 4*o**2 + 2*o + 3. Suppose 11 = 3*d - 10. Suppose q - i + 4*i - d = 0, q = -5*i + 9. Determine j(q). 11 Let x = -11 - -15. Let z = x - 5. Let h(f) = 4*f**3 - f**2 - f - 1. Give h(z). -5 Let t(f) = -f**3 + 3*f**2 + 3. Suppose -6*a - 5*q + 17 = -4*a, 4*a + q - 7 = 0. Let z = a - -1. Suppose 0 = 3*w + z*w - 15. What is t(w)? 3 Let k = -56 - -56. Let t(s) = -2*s**2 + 2*s + 11. Let a(v) = v**2 - v + 1. Let b(z) = -3*a(z) - t(z). Give b(k). -14 Let c = -5 - -5. Let m(r) = r - 9. Calculate m(c). -9 Let x(t) = -t**2 + 21*t - 49. Let u be x(18). Let d(a) = -10*a - 26. Let r(l) = -2*l - 5. Let b(q) = -2*d(q) + 11*r(q). Calculate b(u). -13 Let y(w) = -w**3 - w**2 - 3*w - 3. Let g(o) = -3*o + 4. Let z be g(2). Determine y(z). 7 Let w(u) be the second derivative of u**4/2 - u**3/3 + 3*u**2/2 + 4*u. Let n(t) = -7*t**2 + 3*t - 3. Let k(x) = 5*n(x) + 6*w(x). What is k(-3)? 3 Let b(t) be the second derivative of t**5/20 + t**4/4 - 2*t**3/3 - 9*t. Suppose d - 2 = -4. Let x = -2 + d. Calculate b(x). 0 Let l(j) = -j**3 - 7*j**2 - 3*j + 7. Let r(t) = -5*t**2 - 2*t + 1. Let x be r(1). Give l(x). -11 Let j = -12 + 12. Let m(q) = 1 - 2*q**2 + 3*q**2 + 1. Give m(j). 2 Let i(k) = -11*k + 0 + 3*k - k**2 + 2 - 1. Let z(q) = -q + 1. Let h(v) = i(v) - 5*z(v). Determine h(-3). -4 Suppose i + 0 + 4 = 0. Let y = -7 - i. Let p(t) = t**2 + 3*t + 1. Determine p(y). 1 Let o be (92/(-96) - -1)*1. Let y(d) be the third derivative of -3*d**2 + 0*d + 0 + o*d**4 - 5/6*d**3. What is y(3)? -2 Let y(r) be the first derivative of -r**6/120 - r**5/15 - r**3/2 + 2*r**2 - 6. Let o(j) be the second derivative of y(j). What is o(-4)? -3 Let f(m) be the second derivative of m**4/12 + m**3/6 - 5*m**2/2 - 10*m. Let w = -1 + 1. What is f(w)? -5 Let d(v) = v**3 - 4*v**2 + 1. Let u = 10 - 7. Determine d(u). -8 Let y(c) = c**2 + 6*c - 11. Let o be y(-8). Suppose 2*u = 4*u - 10, -3*u = -5*n. Let t(j) = -n*j**3 + j + 0*j**3 + o*j**2 - 2 + 4*j**3. Determine t(-2). 8 Let d(j) = j**3 - 3*j**2 - 2*j - 2. Suppose -2*z - 2*w - 3*w + 8 = 0, 5*z = w + 20. Determine d(z). 6 Let o(f) = f**2 + 3*f - 7. Let v(x) = -x**3 + 14*x**2 - 12*x - 18. Let b be v(13). Determine o(b). 3 Let d(u) = 3*u - 5. Let n(k) be the first derivative of k**4/4 - 3*k**3 - 9*k**2/2 - 6*k - 5. Let g be n(10). Calculate d(g). 7 Let d be (-2)/4*(-5 - 5). Let i(q) = 3*q**2 - q**3 + 3 + q**2 + 6*q - 5 - 2*q. Determine i(d). -7 Let b(u) = -131 - 2*u**2 - 3*u + 5*u + 132. What is b(-1)? -3 Let u be -7 + 1 + 2 + -3. Let q be -3 + 0 + (0 - u). Let i(n) = -n**3 + 4*n**2 + 2*n - 3. What is i(q)? 5 Let n be (-1*2)/(-6 + 4). Let u(i) be the first derivative of -3*i + 1/4*i**4 - 4/3*i**3 - 2*i**2 + n. Give u(5). 2 Let v(h) be the third derivative of h**6/30 + h**4/24 + 11*h**2. Calculate v(1). 5 Let k(u) = -u + 3. Let h = 3 - -2. Determine k(h). -2 Let u(b) = -11*b**2 + 1. Suppose 0 = -2*x - 2*w + w + 1, x + 2*w + 4 = 0. Suppose x*k = -0*k. Suppose k = 4*h + 2 + 2. What is u(h)? -10 Let f(n) = 20*n + 24*n + 14*n**3 - 43*n - 1. Calculate f(1). 14 Let d = 5665/24 + -236. Let y(b) be the third derivative of 1/6*b**3 + 0*b - d*b**4 + b**2 + 0. Calculate y(4). -3 Let d(a) = -3*a + 3. Let g be d(2). Let z(n) = -2*n**2 + 4*n - 6 + 0*n - 3*n + 9. Let v(h) = -h**2 + 3. Let b(j) = g*v(j) + 2*z(j). What is b(3)? -6 Let m(y) = 3 - 1 - 13*y + 5*y + 11*y + 3*y**2. Determine m(-2). 8 Let o(p) be the third derivative of -p**5/60 + p**4/24 + p**3/6 + 9*p**2. What is o(0)? 1 Let l be ((-3)/(-6))/((-1)/10). Let t be 6 + (-1)/(1/3). Let j(m) = -2*m - 1 + 1 + t*m. What is j(l)? -5 Let j(v) = -v**3 + 8*v**2 + 4*v + 4. Let m(w) = -w**2 - w - 1. Let p(x) = -j(x) - 5*m(x). Give p(3). 4 Let d(c) = -c**2 - 6*c - 3. Let r(s) = s**3 + 4*s**2 + 2*s - 1. Let h be r(-2). Let f = 7 - h. Let n be (-3)/(-4)*-1*f. Calculate d(n). 6 Let l(t) = t**2 - 3. Let i = 6 - 5. Suppose 5*y - 4 = i. Suppose y = 2*h - 5. Calculate l(h). 6 Let o(i) be the second derivative of i**4/6 - i**3/3 - i**2/2 - 8*i. Calculate o(-1). 3 Let k(s) = -s**3 - s**2 - 1. Suppose 12 = 3*o - 0. Suppose -3*j + 8 + 3 = o*m, -2*m + 5*j = 27. Give k(m). -1 Let a(d) be the second derivative of 1/6*d**3 + 1/12*d**4 - 1/20*d**5 + 0 + 2*d - 1/2*d**2. Let y be (-2)/(-5) - 4/10. What is a(y)? -1 Let g = 100 - 104. Let k(u) = u**2 + u. Determine k(g). 12 Let z(t) = 2*t**3 + 7*t**2 - t + 8. Let r be z(-4). Let h(a) = -2*a**2 - a - 2*a + 4 + 0*a**2. What is h(r)? -16 Let c(s) = -2*s - 1. Let p(u) be the second derivative of -u**3/6 - 3*u**2/2 - u. Let b be p(-6). Calculate c(b). -7 Let z(x) = -4*x. Let g(t) = t**3 + 4*t**2 - 6*t - 4. Let b be 1 + 0 + 1 - 7. Let h = 0 + b. Let c be g(h). Determine z(c). -4 Let d(u) = -2*u
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