Now or Never
A serial killer is stalking young women in Boston, and the police are at a loss for clues. The best they've come up with so far are a composite drawing of the killer and some educated hunches. Totally frustrated, Detective Harry Jordan turns to Mallory Malone, the beautiful star of a prime-time investigative TV show, in hopes of obtaining some air time from her for the case. The arrogant Malone agrees to meet Jordan but expects to deny his request as unworthy of her talents. What she does not expect, once they do meet, is the electric attraction between them. As the case unfolds and their relationship blossoms, Malone is faced with revealing her deepest personal secrets in order to catch the killer. This top-notch romantic thriller is one of the best yet from the author of Secret of the Villa Mimosa (LJ 9/1/94), combining tension, sensuality, and great characterization. Highly recommended.-?Susan G. Clifford, Palos Verdes Lib. District., Cal.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Adler's novel juxtaposes a particularly gruesome murder against sex and romance, sort of Silence of the Lambs meets Danielle Steel. Harry Jordan is an unusual cop: the urbane scion of an old-money Boston family and a Harvard-educated lawyer. Faced with a stalled serial-killer investigation, Harry agrees to let Mallory Malone, the host of an America's Most Wantedtype program, feature his case on the air. Predictably, romantic sparks fly, but there's something mysterious about the beautiful Mallory. Eventually Harry pries his lover's deepest secrets out of her and finds she may hold the clue to the murderer's identity. Nerve-jangling suspense, steamy sex, glamorous characters, and graphic descriptions of the victims' last moments will grab readers' attention and may even make up for the too-glib dialogue, sadly predictable plot, and overwrought prose. Still, the novel definitely packs a wallop, and that alone will draw a sizable segment of the thriller-reading audience. Emily Melton --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Adler breaks out of rich-and-famous romances and into the champagne-laced serial-killer variety--and comes through with a smooth by-the-numbers plot. The latest from the author of The Secret of the Villa Mimosa (1995), etc., reads like a compilation of serial-killer plotlines, with elements reminiscent of everyone from Dean Koontz to Alfred Hitchcock. But the very familiarity of the events here will likely keep her romance audience securely hers as she leads them into new territory. Three women in Boston have been murdered in the same manner, leading Homicide Detective Harry Jordan to believe that Boston has a serial killer on its hands. Occasional witnesses saw the murderer fleeing and his photo-likeness has been rendered by a police artist. He will kill again unless Harry can stop him, so Harry tries to enlist Mallory Malone, a Manhattan TV journalist who specializes in let's-catch-the-perp cop shows, and have her run the photo nationally. When Harry takes Mallory out to dinner and pops the question, however, she not only shies off from the photo but gives Harry the icy shoulder. As it happens, Harry is the son of wealth, has a fabulous apartment and a fancy cabin in the woods (wherein farsighted readers will foresee the heroine stalked by the villain), while Mallory herself has a splendid apartment overlooking Central Park. Everybody, of course, has something to hide. Mallory's big secret is her former incarnation as a nonentity in bottlecap glasses in Seattle, where her father abandoned the family and her mother threw herself into the Pacific, following which the teenaged Mary Mallory was raped and impregnated by the very serial killer Harry Jordan now seeks 20 years later! Despite some nasty plot turns, the outcome, of course, is never in much doubt. Sweetness and flight, performed with procedural aplomb. -- Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. [A] top-notch romantic thriller. --Library Journal Now or Never is Adler at her best. --Brazosport Facts Nerve-jangling suspense. --Booklist Mesmerizing. --Harriet Klausner, Internet Bookwatch Engrossing and exhilarating. --Romantic Times "[A] top-notch romantic thriller." --Library Journal "Now or Never is Adler at her best." --Brazosport Facts "Nerve-jangling suspense." --Booklist "Mesmerizing." --Harriet Klausner, Internet Bookwatch "Engrossing and exhilarating." --Romantic Times She can keep the doors locked.The lights on.Her fingers crossed. But she can't stop the memories of a terrifying crime.Or keep it from happening again.The murderer took his time choosing his pretty victims.Then he took his time killing them.What was left when he finished made even veteran Boston cop Harry Jordan feel sick.But this time the killer made a mistake.His victim was found alive.Armed with a police sketch of the man, Harry wanted national publicity, the kind he could get from Mallory Malone, the "TV detective."Her top-rated show reenacted heinous crimes and often jogged witnesses' memories enough to shake loose the clue that could break the case.But not this time.This case was different for self-made career woman Mallory Malone.This cop was different.The case scared her; the cop was falling in love with her.Her instincts told her to run.But the killer already knew her name.Her address.And a secret that could destroy them both.Elizabeth Adler was born in Yorkshire, England.She is married to an American lawyer and has one daughter.They have lived in Brazil, England, France, and Ireland and currently live in California.She is the internationally acclaimed author of Lonie, Peach, The Rich Shall Inherit, The Property of a Lady, Fortune Is a Woman, and The Secret of the Villa Mimosa. Rain bounced from the slick sidewalk as Harry hurried around the corner to Ruby's.It plastered against his skull, dripping inside the collar of his old black leather bomber jacket. The dog trotted at his heels, shooting wary glances at the flashing sky, skittering nervously at the quick rumble of thunder.Harry hoped Mallory Malone would make it through the thunderstorms that had plagued the area all day, but he wouldn't blame her if she canceled.It was a bitch of a night. The bell on Ruby's glass-paneled door jangled as he pushed inside.The small cafe was jammed, every booth and Formica-topped table taken.There were a couple of cops and some regular locals he recognized, plus a few strays.The plate-glass windows above the red-checkered curtains were steamed, shutting out the miserable night; and the smell of hot coffee and fried food and chicken gravy hovered permanently over the room, like smog over L.A.A couple of matronly waitresses in red and white aprons and wilting caps maneuvered laden trays skillfully between the scarred red vinyl banquettes, and blue cigarette smoke wreathed to the nicotine-yellow ceiling. Squeeze shook himself, scattering a waterfall of raindrops over Harry's fraying Levi's, then sat on his haunches, sniffing the air eagerly. Grabbing a paper napkin, Harry mopped the water from his face and the inside of his collar, then tried to catch the waitress's eye. Hey, Doris, he called as she hurried back behind the counter.How long for a booth? She shrugged.Ten, fifteen maybe. He grabbed her arm.I need a guarantee on that, sweetheart.He smiled at her.She was plump and fiftyish and harassed, and he had known her since she was plump and forty and had time to flirt.Time had taken its toll, but they were still good friends. You bringing a hot date to Ruby's tonight, cheapskate? she asked, raising a painted eyebrow. He laughed, and then his cellular phone beeped.Turning away from the noisy room, he pressed it to his ear.Jordan. Detective, where the hell is this Ruby's? Mallory Malone sounded irate.The limo driver has never heard of it. He grinned.Everybody who's anybody in Boston knows exactly where Ruby's is, Ms. Malone.Put him on the phone, I'll give him directions. Harry hated to think of what might have happened if he had kept Ms.Star Malone waiting.He edged into the booth, his back to the wall so he could see her come in.Squeeze slid under the table out of the way--and his big head sank onto his paws as he prepared for a snooze. As he watched, the door swung open and Mallory Malone stepped inside.She glanced around, her eyebrows raised, as though she were wondering if she could possibly be in the right place. Harry slid quickly from the booth and loped toward her.Ms. Malone. Her head swung around and their eyes met.He hadn't realized from TV that hers were such a deep blue, nor that her lashes were so long.When she lowered them and looked down at his outstretched hand, she looked unexpectedly shy.She was smartly dressed in a gray cashmere sweater and skirt with a red jacket, and her golden hair was beaded with glittering raindrops.She looked as out of place in Ruby's as a tropical flower in Alaska.And she had cold hands. As she shook Harry's hand, Mal thought uncomfortably that she was overdressed in her cashmere, while Jordan looked scruffily at home in his faded jeans and the beat-up jacket.He was younger than she had expected and, damn it, he was attractive.His rain-wet dark hair was plastered to his narrow skull, his gray eyes were penetrating as they looked into hers, and his firm mouth looked sexy.He had at least a day-old black stubble and looked way too sure of himself.Disconcerted, she removed her hand. Detective Jordan, she said coldly.It took my driver half an hour to find this place. I'm sorry, though it's really not that hard. Antagonism crackled between them.She glanced disparagingly at the counter with its mirrored display of pies and chocolate cake; at the steamy little kitchen and the cracked red vinyl banquettes and the waitresses slinging hash and fried eggs and burgers and cholesterol. She raised a superior eyebrow.Slumming, Detective Jordan? Harry gritted his teeth.What the hell did she expect, Le Cirque?I'm sorry it's not up to your standards, ma'am.But it isclose to the precinct house, and I am on duty.He shrugged.Besides, cops can't be choosers, with what they earn. All the guys eat here. Her blue eyes narrowed.Most cops, Jordan.But not rich cops. Harry knew he was in trouble.She hated Ruby's, she hated cops, and she hated rich cops even more.He wondered how she knew--then he guessed it was the same way she had known his unlisted home number.She made it her business to know exactly who she was interviewing, whether it was on TV or not. Heads turned in recognition as he led her to the table at the back, but she seemed unaware that there were other people in the place.As she slid into the booth opposite him, her foot encountered the soft bulk of the dog.Startled, she peeked underneath, then a sudden smile lit up her face. Harry stared at her, dazzled.It was as though somebody had switched her on. Say hello to the lady, Squeeze, he instructed, and the dog, true to his name, squeezed out from between their knees.He sat next to Mallory, then raised his right paw politely. Oh, cute.She threw Harry a for-God's-sake glance. But she took the paw and patted the dog, murmuring sweet nothings to it. Back, Squeeze, he commanded, and the dog slunk obediently under the table again.He rested his head on Harry's shabby suede Paraboots, waiting for him to make his next move. Okay, Jordan, she said, suddenly all business, you're on. I feel like I'm auditioning for the show, he said uneasily. You may be.So get on with it. He told her the facts about the murders and that there had been no connection between the three young women--they had not come from the same towns or even from the same states.They had not known each other.They had not lived near each other.They had not attended the same colleges. These were not random killings, he said.This guy is precise.He's an organized killer.He knew exactly what he was doing. I think he knew where his victims lived and their daily routine, what times their classes were, and when they were likely to be alone. Mal's eyes widened, and a little shiver ran down her spine.You mean he stalked them? I believe he did. That's terrible, she said soberly.A maniac on the loose around all these college kids.He can just take his pick.Don't you have any line on him at all? Forensics is working on scene-of-crime evidence--fibers, hairs, semen.We'll have the DNA in a couple of weeks, and I'm certain it will link him to the two previous attacks.And the students are aware of the danger now.They've been warned not to wander around campus after dark.The schools have escort services to walk young women back to their dorms.It'll help for a while. You think he'll strike again? I'm certain of it.The FBI's Behavioral Science Unit has a psychological profile.They say we're looking for a guy with a deep psychosis against women.Cutting off their hair is symbolic--he's divesting them of their femininity.Rape proves his power over them, and the slitting of the wrists probably brings him to a climax he can never otherwise reach.For him, it's probably the ultimate moment of power.The women are helpless, they feel pain--they are dying while he lives. Her horrified eyes met his.Oh, my God. He nodded grimly.So now you see why we have to catch him before he strikes again.From his pattern I'd guess he'll take his time--perhaps a couple of months.He'll survey the scene, pick out his victim, trail her, maybe even break into her house, get the feel of her, the scent of her.Like an animal stalking its prey.He's methodical.That's why he's been so successful. Why do men do these things? Harry shrugged.Studies show that all murderers of this type come from dysfunctional homes--drug abuse, alcohol, criminal activities, you name it.There's often mental illness in the family, and they probably suffered serious emotional and physical abuse in childhood.Usually the mothers ...
[ 1471, 2939, 7083, 7986, 9180, 12029, 13210 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Now or Never A serial killer is stalking young women in Boston, and the police are at a loss for clues. The best they've come up with so far are a composite drawing of the killer and some educated hunches. Totally frustrated, Detective Harry Jordan turns to Mallory Malone, the beautiful star of a prime-time investigative TV show, in hopes of obtaining some air time from her for the case. The arrogant Malone agrees to meet Jordan but expects to deny his request as unworthy of her talents. What she does not expect, once they do meet, is the electric attraction between them. As the case unfolds and their relationship blossoms, Malone is faced with revealing her deepest personal secrets in order to catch the killer. This top-notch romantic thriller is one of the best yet from the author of Secret of the Villa Mimosa (LJ 9/1/94), combining tension, sensuality, and great characterization. Highly recommended.-?Susan G. Clifford, Palos Verdes Lib. District., Cal.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Adler's novel juxtaposes a particularly gruesome murder against sex and romance, sort of Silence of the Lambs meets Danielle Steel. Harry Jordan is an unusual cop: the urbane scion of an old-money Boston family and a Harvard-educated lawyer. Faced with a stalled serial-killer investigation, Harry agrees to let Mallory Malone, the host of an America's Most Wantedtype program, feature his case on the air. Predictably, romantic sparks fly, but there's something mysterious about the beautiful Mallory. Eventually Harry pries his lover's deepest secrets out of her and finds she may hold the clue to the murderer's identity. Nerve-jangling suspense, steamy sex, glamorous characters, and graphic descriptions of the victims' last moments will grab readers' attention and may even make up for the too-glib dialogue, sadly predictable plot, and overwrought prose. Still, the novel definitely packs a wallop, and that alone will draw a sizable segment of the thriller-reading audience. Emily Melton --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Adler breaks out of rich-and-famous romances and into the champagne-laced serial-killer variety--and comes through with a smooth by-the-numbers plot. The latest from the author of The Secret of the Villa Mimosa (1995), etc., reads like a compilation of serial-killer plotlines, with elements reminiscent of everyone from Dean Koontz to Alfred Hitchcock. But the very familiarity of the events here will likely keep her romance audience securely hers as she leads them into new territory. Three women in Boston have been murdered in the same manner, leading Homicide Detective Harry Jordan to believe that Boston has a serial killer on its hands. Occasional witnesses saw the murderer fleeing and his photo-likeness has been rendered by a police artist. He will kill again unless Harry can stop him, so Harry tries to enlist Mallory Malone, a Manhattan TV journalist who specializes in let's-catch-the-perp cop shows, and have her run the photo nationally. When Harry takes Mallory out to dinner and pops the question, however, she not only shies off from the photo but gives Harry the icy shoulder. As it happens, Harry is the son of wealth, has a fabulous apartment and a fancy cabin in the woods (wherein farsighted readers will foresee the heroine stalked by the villain), while Mallory herself has a splendid apartment overlooking Central Park. Everybody, of course, has something to hide. Mallory's big secret is her former incarnation as a nonentity in bottlecap glasses in Seattle, where her father abandoned the family and her mother threw herself into the Pacific, following which the teenaged Mary Mallory was raped and impregnated by the very serial killer Harry Jordan now seeks 20 years later! Despite some nasty plot turns, the outcome, of course, is never in much doubt. Sweetness and flight, performed with procedural aplomb. -- Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. [A] top-notch romantic thriller. --Library Journal Now or Never is Adler at her best. --Brazosport Facts Nerve-jangling suspense. --Booklist Mesmerizing. --Harriet Klausner, Internet Bookwatch Engrossing and exhilarating. --Romantic Times "[A] top-notch romantic thriller." --Library Journal "Now or Never is Adler at her best." --Brazosport Facts "Nerve-jangling suspense." --Booklist "Mesmerizing." --Harriet Klausner, Internet Bookwatch "Engrossing and exhilarating." --Romantic Times She can keep the doors locked.The lights on.Her fingers crossed. But she can't stop the memories of a terrifying crime.Or keep it from happening again.The murderer took his time choosing his pretty victims.Then he took his time killing them.What was left when he finished made even veteran Boston cop Harry Jordan feel sick.But this time the killer made a mistake.His victim was found alive.Armed with a police sketch of the man, Harry wanted national publicity, the kind he could get from Mallory Malone, the "TV detective."Her top-rated show reenacted heinous crimes and often jogged witnesses' memories enough to shake loose the clue that could break the case.But not this time.This case was different for self-made career woman Mallory Malone.This cop was different.The case scared her; the cop was falling in love with her.Her instincts told her to run.But the killer already knew her name.Her address.And a secret that could destroy them both.Elizabeth Adler was born in Yorkshire, England.She is married to an American lawyer and has one daughter.They have lived in Brazil, England, France, and Ireland and currently live in California.She is the internationally acclaimed author of Lonie, Peach, The Rich Shall Inherit, The Property of a Lady, Fortune Is a Woman, and The Secret of the Villa Mimosa. Rain bounced from the slick sidewalk as Harry hurried around the corner to Ruby's.It plastered against his skull, dripping inside the collar of his old black leather bomber jacket. The dog trotted at his heels, shooting wary glances at the flashing sky, skittering nervously at the quick rumble of thunder.Harry hoped Mallory Malone would make it through the thunderstorms that had plagued the area all day, but he wouldn't blame her if she canceled.It was a bitch of a night. The bell on Ruby's glass-paneled door jangled as he pushed inside.The small cafe was jammed, every booth and Formica-topped table taken.There were a couple of cops and some regular locals he recognized, plus a few strays.The plate-glass windows above the red-checkered curtains were steamed, shutting out the miserable night; and the smell of hot coffee and fried food and chicken gravy hovered permanently over the room, like smog over L.A.A couple of matronly waitresses in red and white aprons and wilting caps maneuvered laden trays skillfully between the scarred red vinyl banquettes, and blue cigarette smoke wreathed to the nicotine-yellow ceiling. Squeeze shook himself, scattering a waterfall of raindrops over Harry's fraying Levi's, then sat on his haunches, sniffing the air eagerly. Grabbing a paper napkin, Harry mopped the water from his face and the inside of his collar, then tried to catch the waitress's eye. Hey, Doris, he called as she hurried back behind the counter.How long for a booth? She shrugged.Ten, fifteen maybe. He grabbed her arm.I need a guarantee on that, sweetheart.He smiled at her.She was plump and fiftyish and harassed, and he had known her since she was plump and forty and had time to flirt.Time had taken its toll, but they were still good friends. You bringing a hot date to Ruby's tonight, cheapskate? she asked, raising a painted eyebrow. He laughed, and then his cellular phone beeped.Turning away from the noisy room, he pressed it to his ear.Jordan. Detective, where the hell is this Ruby's? Mallory Malone sounded irate.The limo driver has never heard of it. He grinned.Everybody who's anybody in Boston knows exactly where Ruby's is, Ms. Malone.Put him on the phone, I'll give him directions. Harry hated to think of what might have happened if he had kept Ms.Star Malone waiting.He edged into the booth, his back to the wall so he could see her come in.Squeeze slid under the table out of the way--and his big head sank onto his paws as he prepared for a snooze. As he watched, the door swung open and Mallory Malone stepped inside.She glanced around, her eyebrows raised, as though she were wondering if she could possibly be in the right place. Harry slid quickly from the booth and loped toward her.Ms. Malone. Her head swung around and their eyes met.He hadn't realized from TV that hers were such a deep blue, nor that her lashes were so long.When she lowered them and looked down at his outstretched hand, she looked unexpectedly shy.She was smartly dressed in a gray cashmere sweater and skirt with a red jacket, and her golden hair was beaded with glittering raindrops.She looked as out of place in Ruby's as a tropical flower in Alaska.And she had cold hands. As she shook Harry's hand, Mal thought uncomfortably that she was overdressed in her cashmere, while Jordan looked scruffily at home in his faded jeans and the beat-up jacket.He was younger than she had expected and, damn it, he was attractive.His rain-wet dark hair was plastered to his narrow skull, his gray eyes were penetrating as they looked into hers, and his firm mouth looked sexy.He had at least a day-old black stubble and looked way too sure of himself.Disconcerted, she removed her hand. Detective Jordan, she said coldly.It took my driver half an hour to find this place. I'm sorry, though it's really not that hard. Antagonism crackled between them.She glanced disparagingly at the counter with its mirrored display of pies and chocolate cake; at the steamy little kitchen and the cracked red vinyl banquettes and the waitresses slinging hash and fried eggs and burgers and cholesterol. She raised a superior eyebrow.Slumming, Detective Jordan? Harry gritted his teeth.What the hell did she expect, Le Cirque?I'm sorry it's not up to your standards, ma'am.But it isclose to the precinct house, and I am on duty.He shrugged.Besides, cops can't be choosers, with what they earn. All the guys eat here. Her blue eyes narrowed.Most cops, Jordan.But not rich cops. Harry knew he was in trouble.She hated Ruby's, she hated cops, and she hated rich cops even more.He wondered how she knew--then he guessed it was the same way she had known his unlisted home number.She made it her business to know exactly who she was interviewing, whether it was on TV or not. Heads turned in recognition as he led her to the table at the back, but she seemed unaware that there were other people in the place.As she slid into the booth opposite him, her foot encountered the soft bulk of the dog.Startled, she peeked underneath, then a sudden smile lit up her face. Harry stared at her, dazzled.It was as though somebody had switched her on. Say hello to the lady, Squeeze, he instructed, and the dog, true to his name, squeezed out from between their knees.He sat next to Mallory, then raised his right paw politely. Oh, cute.She threw Harry a for-God's-sake glance. But she took the paw and patted the dog, murmuring sweet nothings to it. Back, Squeeze, he commanded, and the dog slunk obediently under the table again.He rested his head on Harry's shabby suede Paraboots, waiting for him to make his next move. Okay, Jordan, she said, suddenly all business, you're on. I feel like I'm auditioning for the show, he said uneasily. You may be.So get on with it. He told her the facts about the murders and that there had been no connection between the three young women--they had not come from the same towns or even from the same states.They had not known each other.They had not lived near each other.They had not attended the same colleges. These were not random killings, he said.This guy is precise.He's an organized killer.He knew exactly what he was doing. I think he knew where his victims lived and their daily routine, what times their classes were, and when they were likely to be alone. Mal's eyes widened, and a little shiver ran down her spine.You mean he stalked them? I believe he did. That's terrible, she said soberly.A maniac on the loose around all these college kids.He can just take his pick.Don't you have any line on him at all? Forensics is working on scene-of-crime evidence--fibers, hairs, semen.We'll have the DNA in a couple of weeks, and I'm certain it will link him to the two previous attacks.And the students are aware of the danger now.They've been warned not to wander around campus after dark.The schools have escort services to walk young women back to their dorms.It'll help for a while. You think he'll strike again? I'm certain of it.The FBI's Behavioral Science Unit has a psychological profile.They say we're looking for a guy with a deep psychosis against women.Cutting off their hair is symbolic--he's divesting them of their femininity.Rape proves his power over them, and the slitting of the wrists probably brings him to a climax he can never otherwise reach.For him, it's probably the ultimate moment of power.The women are helpless, they feel pain--they are dying while he lives. Her horrified eyes met his.Oh, my God. He nodded grimly.So now you see why we have to catch him before he strikes again.From his pattern I'd guess he'll take his time--perhaps a couple of months.He'll survey the scene, pick out his victim, trail her, maybe even break into her house, get the feel of her, the scent of her.Like an animal stalking its prey.He's methodical.That's why he's been so successful. Why do men do these things? Harry shrugged.Studies show that all murderers of this type come from dysfunctional homes--drug abuse, alcohol, criminal activities, you name it.There's often mental illness in the family, and they probably suffered serious emotional and physical abuse in childhood.Usually the mothers ...
Moods for a Stormy Night
[ 7961, 9237 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Luz Y Sombra
The band's fourth full-length release features the vocal talents of Laura Fedele, Toco, Adi Souza, Luciana Cury, Angie Brown and Manuela Ravaglioli. It also features various musicians from the Milan jazz scene. In particular, double bass and live drums are present in almost every track. As the title suggests (it translates as Light and Shadow), this album has different moods that span from intimate jazz ballads to uptempo and sunny tracks, some of which have a strong Latin flavour.
[ 3322, 6502, 6845, 7961, 9678, 13259 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Luz Y Sombra The band's fourth full-length release features the vocal talents of Laura Fedele, Toco, Adi Souza, Luciana Cury, Angie Brown and Manuela Ravaglioli. It also features various musicians from the Milan jazz scene. In particular, double bass and live drums are present in almost every track. As the title suggests (it translates as Light and Shadow), this album has different moods that span from intimate jazz ballads to uptempo and sunny tracks, some of which have a strong Latin flavour.
Intertape 5008 181AP Aluminum Foil Tape 2.5-Inches x 60-Yards
Superior grade aluminum foil tape. Meets UL 181 and SMACNA AFTS 101-73 standards for fibrous duct boards, HVAC and heating system applications. "INTERTAPE POLYMER" ALUMINUM FOIL TAPE Hvac and heating system applications. Printed foil tape meets ul181 and smacna afts 101-73 standards. For fibrous duct boards. Use to tape and seal joints and seams on fibrous duct boards as well as air conditioning and heating duct systems. Size ins. x yds.=2-1/2 x 60
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On Method Acting
Practiced by such actors of stature as Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Julie Harris, Dustin Hoffman, and Ellen Burstyn (not to mention the late James Dean) the Method offers a practical application of the renowned Stanislavsky technique.On Method Acting demystifies the "mysteries" of Method acting -- breaking down the various steps into clear and simple terms, including chapters on:Sense Memory -- the most vital component of Method actingImprovisation -- without it, the most integral part of the Method is lostAnimal Exercises -- just one way to combat the mental blocks that prevent actors from grasping a characterCreating The Outer Character -- so actors can give the freshness of originality to a role while at the same time living the life of the characterOn Method Acting is also an indispensable volume for directors, designers, lighting technicians, and anyone in the dramatic arts interested in creating a believable and realistic effect in their productions. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.
[ 1471 ]
[ 1 ]
On Method Acting Practiced by such actors of stature as Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Julie Harris, Dustin Hoffman, and Ellen Burstyn (not to mention the late James Dean) the Method offers a practical application of the renowned Stanislavsky technique.On Method Acting demystifies the "mysteries" of Method acting -- breaking down the various steps into clear and simple terms, including chapters on:Sense Memory -- the most vital component of Method actingImprovisation -- without it, the most integral part of the Method is lostAnimal Exercises -- just one way to combat the mental blocks that prevent actors from grasping a characterCreating The Outer Character -- so actors can give the freshness of originality to a role while at the same time living the life of the characterOn Method Acting is also an indispensable volume for directors, designers, lighting technicians, and anyone in the dramatic arts interested in creating a believable and realistic effect in their productions. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.
ProClear Aquatics Pro 150 Series Wet Dry Filter with Prefilter
ProClear Aquatics Pro150 Wet/Dry Filter with Prefilter. Wet/Dry Filters are a must for any aquatic eco-system, they enhance biological filtration as well as mechanical filtration with the proper pump they will cut down maintenance time and do a much better job than traditional filters including canister filters. This Pro Clear Aquatics unit has a built in venturi Protein Skimmer. A CA1800 pump is included with the unit to run the skimmer. This filter is rated for aquariums up to 150 gallons, and flow rates of up to 600 gallons per hour. All units include Pre-Filter/Overflow Box, Bio-Balls, and all tubing/hoses. Approximate Dimensions: 24inL x 10inW x 21inH. PLEASE NOTE: Dimensions are for wet dry filter ONLY. Please consider additional space for accessories. Capacity: 150 GAL OR 600 GPH. BIO AREA: Approximately 3.2 gallons with the sump area coming in at over 11 gallons. The attached skimmer is 20inH x 3inW, and features venturi action with an adjustable venturi valve, an effluent drain hose, and a removable collection cup for cleaning. Recommended Return Pump is a CA2200. All Aqua Clear/Pro Clear Wet Dry units carry a manufacturers LIFETIME WARRANTY against materials and defects in workmanship.
[ 4620, 4680, 8875, 9607 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
ProClear Aquatics Pro 150 Series Wet Dry Filter with Prefilter ProClear Aquatics Pro150 Wet/Dry Filter with Prefilter. Wet/Dry Filters are a must for any aquatic eco-system, they enhance biological filtration as well as mechanical filtration with the proper pump they will cut down maintenance time and do a much better job than traditional filters including canister filters. This Pro Clear Aquatics unit has a built in venturi Protein Skimmer. A CA1800 pump is included with the unit to run the skimmer. This filter is rated for aquariums up to 150 gallons, and flow rates of up to 600 gallons per hour. All units include Pre-Filter/Overflow Box, Bio-Balls, and all tubing/hoses. Approximate Dimensions: 24inL x 10inW x 21inH. PLEASE NOTE: Dimensions are for wet dry filter ONLY. Please consider additional space for accessories. Capacity: 150 GAL OR 600 GPH. BIO AREA: Approximately 3.2 gallons with the sump area coming in at over 11 gallons. The attached skimmer is 20inH x 3inW, and features venturi action with an adjustable venturi valve, an effluent drain hose, and a removable collection cup for cleaning. Recommended Return Pump is a CA2200. All Aqua Clear/Pro Clear Wet Dry units carry a manufacturers LIFETIME WARRANTY against materials and defects in workmanship.
Art of Chess Analysis
All Grandmasters are able to devote themselves body and soul to actually playing a game of chess, but few indeed are able to the same when analysing the games of their fellow Grandmasters. Yet it was by this method that Timman, following the teachings of Botvinnik, trained himself to become one of the finest analysts in the world - and why his annotations to this carefully selected collection of games are acknowledged to be of a depth and quality rarely seen in chess literature. Each game is critically dissected, and each claim of a mistake backed up by hard analysis. In striving for perfection, Timman seeks to discover the truth of each game; to provide not just a wonderful annotated game, but to present the definitive evaluation behind a top-class struggle between two great minds. This book, long hailed as classic, has been fully revised by Timman for this enlarged new edition. Dutch Grandmaster Jan Timman has been one of the world's leading players since the mid-1970s. His outstanding tournament record includes victories at Linares, Wijk aan Zee, Amsterdam, Tilburg and numerous other top-class events. He is also an exceptional match player, and has been a permanent fixture in the final stages of the World Championship cycle over the past 10 years.
[ 1377, 1471, 2319, 6101, 9642 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Art of Chess Analysis All Grandmasters are able to devote themselves body and soul to actually playing a game of chess, but few indeed are able to the same when analysing the games of their fellow Grandmasters. Yet it was by this method that Timman, following the teachings of Botvinnik, trained himself to become one of the finest analysts in the world - and why his annotations to this carefully selected collection of games are acknowledged to be of a depth and quality rarely seen in chess literature. Each game is critically dissected, and each claim of a mistake backed up by hard analysis. In striving for perfection, Timman seeks to discover the truth of each game; to provide not just a wonderful annotated game, but to present the definitive evaluation behind a top-class struggle between two great minds. This book, long hailed as classic, has been fully revised by Timman for this enlarged new edition. Dutch Grandmaster Jan Timman has been one of the world's leading players since the mid-1970s. His outstanding tournament record includes victories at Linares, Wijk aan Zee, Amsterdam, Tilburg and numerous other top-class events. He is also an exceptional match player, and has been a permanent fixture in the final stages of the World Championship cycle over the past 10 years.
Giants of Delft: Johannes Vermeer and the Natural Philosophers : The Parallel Search for Knowledge During the Age of Discovery
"A lively, authoritative, and intelligent interdisciiplinary study of how knowledge is processed visually and articulated verbally...highly recommended." (Amy Golahny, Choice, November 2003 )Huerta's book is "beautiful" and his argument quite "convincing." (Kees Zandvliet, Quoted in Imago Mundi, 2004 Director, Department Of Dutch History, Rijksmuseum )"an informed and inventive synthesis [...] a superb summary and introduction to [a] borderline area of art and science during the Scientific Revolution." (David Topper, Leonardo Reviews ) --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition. Robert D. Huerta, a graduate of Stanford University and The George Washington University School of Law, has long been fascinated by the work of Johannes Vermeer. This book is the result of years of reflection on the creative commonalities to be found in signal art and pioneering scientific discoveries. --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.
[ 616, 1471, 4038, 4338, 5878, 5879, 8082, 8591 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Giants of Delft: Johannes Vermeer and the Natural Philosophers : The Parallel Search for Knowledge During the Age of Discovery "A lively, authoritative, and intelligent interdisciiplinary study of how knowledge is processed visually and articulated verbally...highly recommended." (Amy Golahny, Choice, November 2003 )Huerta's book is "beautiful" and his argument quite "convincing." (Kees Zandvliet, Quoted in Imago Mundi, 2004 Director, Department Of Dutch History, Rijksmuseum )"an informed and inventive synthesis [...] a superb summary and introduction to [a] borderline area of art and science during the Scientific Revolution." (David Topper, Leonardo Reviews ) --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition. Robert D. Huerta, a graduate of Stanford University and The George Washington University School of Law, has long been fascinated by the work of Johannes Vermeer. This book is the result of years of reflection on the creative commonalities to be found in signal art and pioneering scientific discoveries. --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.
Olympus 18-180mm f/3.5-6.3 Zuiko Lens for E Series DSLR Cameras
Receive sharp and colorful images from this lightweight all-digital lens, from less than 18 inches away or as far as its 10x telephoto will take you. Weighing less than 16 oz., this durable, extremely portable lens is perfect for wide group shots or "zooming in" on your child's soccer game, and delivers a distortion-free view and outstanding results thanks to ED glass lens elements and its built-in CPU that automatically corrects lens, shading and exposure information. The sophisticated line of Zuiko Digital lenses is designed to professional standards to provide professional results in every facet of their use. Coreless motors provide impressive speed. A dedicated computer processor supplies intuitive image data transfer. A wide focal range gives you the flexibility to perfectly frame and capture detailed images near and far. Precision crafted optics--including fine aspherical and ED glass elements--produce the finest image results. And a digital specific design based on the Four Thirds System makes this lens virtually effortless to carry and use. This is not a lens built specifically for the E-1 Digital SLR; it is a lens built specifically for you. OLYMPUS 261054 Zuiko Digital 18-180mm f/3.56.3 ED Lens
[ 1890, 1894, 4154, 6939 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Olympus 18-180mm f/3.5-6.3 Zuiko Lens for E Series DSLR Cameras Receive sharp and colorful images from this lightweight all-digital lens, from less than 18 inches away or as far as its 10x telephoto will take you. Weighing less than 16 oz., this durable, extremely portable lens is perfect for wide group shots or "zooming in" on your child's soccer game, and delivers a distortion-free view and outstanding results thanks to ED glass lens elements and its built-in CPU that automatically corrects lens, shading and exposure information. The sophisticated line of Zuiko Digital lenses is designed to professional standards to provide professional results in every facet of their use. Coreless motors provide impressive speed. A dedicated computer processor supplies intuitive image data transfer. A wide focal range gives you the flexibility to perfectly frame and capture detailed images near and far. Precision crafted optics--including fine aspherical and ED glass elements--produce the finest image results. And a digital specific design based on the Four Thirds System makes this lens virtually effortless to carry and use. This is not a lens built specifically for the E-1 Digital SLR; it is a lens built specifically for you. OLYMPUS 261054 Zuiko Digital 18-180mm f/3.56.3 ED Lens
Promises Not Kept: Poverty and The Betrayal of Third World Development
"A balanced, penetrating, and exciting account of why most people on the planet are poor, who has betrayed the promise [for social change], and what we can do about it.""A superb overview of third world development... Challenges people in developed nations to accept their share of responsibility for Third World stagnation... Highly recommended for general as well as academic readers.""Offers provocative answers to the question of increasing world poverty. For those interested in examining and analyzing international development issues, this book would serve as a background.""Continues to be one of the best short books on the subject of social change in the Third World." Unique features: -Extremely readable, broad historical survey of Third World issues, written by an author committed to social justice -Clear exposition of different theories of underdevelopment -Data and analysis completely updated For the benefit of professors who have been using the fifth edition of Promises Not Kept here are the main changes you will find in the sixth edition: General revisions Facts and figures have been updated throughout the book Each chapter now concludes with a short list of suggested further readings The pagination is revised throughout the book, though chapter numbers and titles remain unchanged, except for chapter eight, renamed "The Future: Justice in an Age of Globalization" Other main changes, chapter by chapter Chapter Five Updated information on nationalist movements, including a new section on Islamic fundamentalism Chapter Seven Comprehensively revised and updated information on foreign policy, particularly dealing with the war on terrorism Chapter Eight Comprehensively revised and updated, to deal more fully with the phenomenon of globalization --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. John Isbister is Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs, at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was raised in Ottawa, and studied history and economics as an undergraduate at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. After working with Operation Crossroads Africa in Senegal in 1962, he decided to pursue the study of economic development in low-income countries. He received his doctorate in economics from Princeton University in 1969, then joined the Economics Department of the University of California, Santa Cruz, as a founding fellow of Merrill College, a liberal-arts college which concentrates on the study of the third world. Previously he held the positions of Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Laurentian University and Provost of Merrill College.
[ 1471, 1755, 5287, 6395, 6401, 8108, 9198, 9200, 9202, 9249, 9322, 10994, 11167, 12630 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Promises Not Kept: Poverty and The Betrayal of Third World Development "A balanced, penetrating, and exciting account of why most people on the planet are poor, who has betrayed the promise [for social change], and what we can do about it.""A superb overview of third world development... Challenges people in developed nations to accept their share of responsibility for Third World stagnation... Highly recommended for general as well as academic readers.""Offers provocative answers to the question of increasing world poverty. For those interested in examining and analyzing international development issues, this book would serve as a background.""Continues to be one of the best short books on the subject of social change in the Third World." Unique features: -Extremely readable, broad historical survey of Third World issues, written by an author committed to social justice -Clear exposition of different theories of underdevelopment -Data and analysis completely updated For the benefit of professors who have been using the fifth edition of Promises Not Kept here are the main changes you will find in the sixth edition: General revisions Facts and figures have been updated throughout the book Each chapter now concludes with a short list of suggested further readings The pagination is revised throughout the book, though chapter numbers and titles remain unchanged, except for chapter eight, renamed "The Future: Justice in an Age of Globalization" Other main changes, chapter by chapter Chapter Five Updated information on nationalist movements, including a new section on Islamic fundamentalism Chapter Seven Comprehensively revised and updated information on foreign policy, particularly dealing with the war on terrorism Chapter Eight Comprehensively revised and updated, to deal more fully with the phenomenon of globalization --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. John Isbister is Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs, at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He was raised in Ottawa, and studied history and economics as an undergraduate at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario. After working with Operation Crossroads Africa in Senegal in 1962, he decided to pursue the study of economic development in low-income countries. He received his doctorate in economics from Princeton University in 1969, then joined the Economics Department of the University of California, Santa Cruz, as a founding fellow of Merrill College, a liberal-arts college which concentrates on the study of the third world. Previously he held the positions of Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences at Laurentian University and Provost of Merrill College.
Buzz Lightyear Attachable Lunchbox
This nylon tote includes a PVC bottle that is 8 inches in height and has a capacity of 14 ounces.
[ 5939, 6670, 7200, 11448 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Buzz Lightyear Attachable Lunchbox This nylon tote includes a PVC bottle that is 8 inches in height and has a capacity of 14 ounces.
1928 Bridal Pink Porcelain Rose and Simulated Pearl Necklace
Founded by Mel Bernie in 1968, the 1928 Jewelry Company specializes in classic designed fashion jewelry, gifts, accessories, and antique reproduction jewelry. The name "1928" originated from Mel's desire to create reproductions inspired by beautiful antique jewelry. It was while looking through fashion magazines that Mel saw an article entitled, "This is the year of 1928."Each and every 1928 design uses time-honored methods of making jewelry, from the setting of stones to hand enameling. This process guarantees the quality of the 1928 jewelry product. Designers at 1928 shop antique stores and estate sales for original pieces and consult reference libraries and museums for the history of the design.Since its inception, the company has diversified and grown by successfully extending the 1928 brand into several other labels and categories. In addition to the core foundation of 1928 jewelry, the company also designs and sells under specialty brands like: 2028 a Macy's exclusive, 1928 Boutique, The Vatican Library Collection, Antiquities Couture, and 1928 Hair Jewelry.The 1928 Jewelry Company is privately owned and family managed. An atmosphere of pride and creativity at every level contributes to 1928's continued success. A company born out of inspirations from the past is now in its fourth decade of jewelry production. The quality of workmanship and the integrity of 1928 designs are legendary within the fashion accessories industry. One of the sweetest and most feminine necklaces to be found, this is fit for a princess. Sweet 4mm champagne tone simulated pearls delicately drape down to the elegant y shape setting. Set in rich oxidized gold tone, three petite seed pearl beads draw attention to the rose shape. The genuine porcelain rose is and made and strikingly romantic created in the perfect shade of petal pink. Accented with a grass green leaf, the rose is complimented by the two dangling teardrop pearl hued beads.
[ 6518, 8056, 8804 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
1928 Bridal Pink Porcelain Rose and Simulated Pearl Necklace Founded by Mel Bernie in 1968, the 1928 Jewelry Company specializes in classic designed fashion jewelry, gifts, accessories, and antique reproduction jewelry. The name "1928" originated from Mel's desire to create reproductions inspired by beautiful antique jewelry. It was while looking through fashion magazines that Mel saw an article entitled, "This is the year of 1928."Each and every 1928 design uses time-honored methods of making jewelry, from the setting of stones to hand enameling. This process guarantees the quality of the 1928 jewelry product. Designers at 1928 shop antique stores and estate sales for original pieces and consult reference libraries and museums for the history of the design.Since its inception, the company has diversified and grown by successfully extending the 1928 brand into several other labels and categories. In addition to the core foundation of 1928 jewelry, the company also designs and sells under specialty brands like: 2028 a Macy's exclusive, 1928 Boutique, The Vatican Library Collection, Antiquities Couture, and 1928 Hair Jewelry.The 1928 Jewelry Company is privately owned and family managed. An atmosphere of pride and creativity at every level contributes to 1928's continued success. A company born out of inspirations from the past is now in its fourth decade of jewelry production. The quality of workmanship and the integrity of 1928 designs are legendary within the fashion accessories industry. One of the sweetest and most feminine necklaces to be found, this is fit for a princess. Sweet 4mm champagne tone simulated pearls delicately drape down to the elegant y shape setting. Set in rich oxidized gold tone, three petite seed pearl beads draw attention to the rose shape. The genuine porcelain rose is and made and strikingly romantic created in the perfect shade of petal pink. Accented with a grass green leaf, the rose is complimented by the two dangling teardrop pearl hued beads.
Saucony Men's Grid Omni 3 ( sz. 11.5, White/Navy/Grey : Ultimate Narrow )
Features Custom Ride Management (CRM) , a system with two distinct variations of stability ro meet the needs of a wide range of runners who have varying degrees of pronation. Air mesh upper with reflective material. Responsive EVA midsole with firm, midfoot support bridge, rearfoot Grid(TM) System, forefoot HRC, E.A.S. System. XT-600(TM) blown carbon rubber outsole with forefoot flex grooves and XT-900(TM) carbon rubber heel. Moderate Stability: Stabilizing second density medial post for mild pronators who want a light, flexible and stable ride. Ultimate Stability: Larger second density medial post, small third density post, and added lateral support offer greater degree of stability for moderate pronators who need stability and pronation control in a flexible, lightweight shoe. Wt. 11.8 oz.
[ 661, 7563, 10183, 10688 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Saucony Men's Grid Omni 3 ( sz. 11.5, White/Navy/Grey : Ultimate Narrow ) Features Custom Ride Management (CRM) , a system with two distinct variations of stability ro meet the needs of a wide range of runners who have varying degrees of pronation. Air mesh upper with reflective material. Responsive EVA midsole with firm, midfoot support bridge, rearfoot Grid(TM) System, forefoot HRC, E.A.S. System. XT-600(TM) blown carbon rubber outsole with forefoot flex grooves and XT-900(TM) carbon rubber heel. Moderate Stability: Stabilizing second density medial post for mild pronators who want a light, flexible and stable ride. Ultimate Stability: Larger second density medial post, small third density post, and added lateral support offer greater degree of stability for moderate pronators who need stability and pronation control in a flexible, lightweight shoe. Wt. 11.8 oz.
Logitech Curve Headphones for MP3 - Graphite
10-22-2007 - Brand New Item. Description - LOGITECH 980434-0403 CURVE HEADPHONES FOR MP3 PLAYER (GRAPHITE)
[ 84, 677, 4154, 5741 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Logitech Curve Headphones for MP3 - Graphite 10-22-2007 - Brand New Item. Description - LOGITECH 980434-0403 CURVE HEADPHONES FOR MP3 PLAYER (GRAPHITE)
Colora Henna Veg-Hair Ashbrown 2 oz.
Out of the ancient past comes the secret of coloring hair with plants and water, without chemicals. Colora will not penetrate the hair or change its structure, but each and every hair shaft will actually be wrapped and its body thus visibly increased with the very first application. Colora Henna works wonders for hair, especially if it feels dull and lifeless. Henna adds body and bounce, and offers a choice of rich but subtle color changes. Colora's "natural" shade will add extra body and shine with no change in color. All the other twelve shades will add a thin layer of transparent color so that the original hair color will shine through and enhance the final result for the ultimate natural look.
[ 1101, 2307, 5541, 5542 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Colora Henna Veg-Hair Ashbrown 2 oz. Out of the ancient past comes the secret of coloring hair with plants and water, without chemicals. Colora will not penetrate the hair or change its structure, but each and every hair shaft will actually be wrapped and its body thus visibly increased with the very first application. Colora Henna works wonders for hair, especially if it feels dull and lifeless. Henna adds body and bounce, and offers a choice of rich but subtle color changes. Colora's "natural" shade will add extra body and shine with no change in color. All the other twelve shades will add a thin layer of transparent color so that the original hair color will shine through and enhance the final result for the ultimate natural look.
Vermont American 20355 3/4-14 NPT High Carbon Steel Pipe Tap Bulk
Vermont American taps and dies are tooled to the most exacting specifications to ensure that bolts fit tightly and anchor securely. Taps are rust and tarnish resistant for greater durability and more accurate fitting. VA20355 Features: -For pipe fittings.-Cuts internal threads in pipe and other places where an extremely tight fit is required.-Long-lasting taps cut cleanly and accurately and resist rust and tarnish.-3/4-14NPT.-Use drill size 59/64''.-Bulk.
[ 3287, 6271, 9025, 12020 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Vermont American 20355 3/4-14 NPT High Carbon Steel Pipe Tap Bulk Vermont American taps and dies are tooled to the most exacting specifications to ensure that bolts fit tightly and anchor securely. Taps are rust and tarnish resistant for greater durability and more accurate fitting. VA20355 Features: -For pipe fittings.-Cuts internal threads in pipe and other places where an extremely tight fit is required.-Long-lasting taps cut cleanly and accurately and resist rust and tarnish.-3/4-14NPT.-Use drill size 59/64''.-Bulk.
The Private Roots of Public Action: Gender, Equality, and Political Participation
The Private Roots of Public Action is the most comprehensive examination of the similarities and differences in the political activity of women and men. The range of inquiry is enormous. Burns, Schlozman and Verba delve not only into political activity but also into the processes in the family, in the workplace, in places of worship, and in voluntary associations that promote and inhibit political involvement. This book goes beyond the literature in connecting to an enormous range of scholarship in political science, economics, and sociology. This is a fine piece of work. --John Mark Hansen, University of ChicagoThe Private Roots of Public Action is a very important book. It pushes research on gender and participation to a whole new level, and reshapes the agenda as far as our thinking and our research about the connections among family life, the workplace, institutions of civil society, and political and governmental institutions. The authors demonstrate the importance of understanding political participation within a larger context in a way that does justice to the complexity of people's lives. --Kristi Anderson, Syracuse UniversityThe Private Roots of Public Action is an important contribution to the literature on both political participation and gender politics. Because of its database, its tie-in to the most current work on political participation, and its comprehension of important current questions about gender politics, this book provides a new benchmark for work in this field. In particular, the Civic Voluntarism model developed by Verba, Schlozman, and Brady, and the consideration of how gender difference and inequality might feed into that model, is a unique contribution. This accessible book will be welcomed by gender politics scholars and will have an impact on the field of political participation. --Virginia Sapiro, University of Wisconsin-MadisonThe Private Roots of Public Action begins with common explanations for the gender difference in participation, from domestic demands on women's time and psychic space through the effects of the patriarchal family, socioeconomic hierarchies, and political socialization...The results of [this] novel analysis are complex and interesting...The authors extend their model to examine the relationship between class, race or ethnicity, and political participation. This unique and accessible volume will be influential in the fields of political socialization and gender and politics. Strongly recommended. --B. E. Marston (Choice 20020401) Nancy Burns is the Henry Simmons Frieze Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan.Kay Lehman Schlozman is Professor of Political Science, Boston College.Sidney Verba is Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor, Harvard University.
[ 137, 1471, 4073, 5202, 5220, 5222, 8180, 9198, 9200, 9202, 9569, 10994, 11003, 12583 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Private Roots of Public Action: Gender, Equality, and Political Participation The Private Roots of Public Action is the most comprehensive examination of the similarities and differences in the political activity of women and men. The range of inquiry is enormous. Burns, Schlozman and Verba delve not only into political activity but also into the processes in the family, in the workplace, in places of worship, and in voluntary associations that promote and inhibit political involvement. This book goes beyond the literature in connecting to an enormous range of scholarship in political science, economics, and sociology. This is a fine piece of work. --John Mark Hansen, University of ChicagoThe Private Roots of Public Action is a very important book. It pushes research on gender and participation to a whole new level, and reshapes the agenda as far as our thinking and our research about the connections among family life, the workplace, institutions of civil society, and political and governmental institutions. The authors demonstrate the importance of understanding political participation within a larger context in a way that does justice to the complexity of people's lives. --Kristi Anderson, Syracuse UniversityThe Private Roots of Public Action is an important contribution to the literature on both political participation and gender politics. Because of its database, its tie-in to the most current work on political participation, and its comprehension of important current questions about gender politics, this book provides a new benchmark for work in this field. In particular, the Civic Voluntarism model developed by Verba, Schlozman, and Brady, and the consideration of how gender difference and inequality might feed into that model, is a unique contribution. This accessible book will be welcomed by gender politics scholars and will have an impact on the field of political participation. --Virginia Sapiro, University of Wisconsin-MadisonThe Private Roots of Public Action begins with common explanations for the gender difference in participation, from domestic demands on women's time and psychic space through the effects of the patriarchal family, socioeconomic hierarchies, and political socialization...The results of [this] novel analysis are complex and interesting...The authors extend their model to examine the relationship between class, race or ethnicity, and political participation. This unique and accessible volume will be influential in the fields of political socialization and gender and politics. Strongly recommended. --B. E. Marston (Choice 20020401) Nancy Burns is the Henry Simmons Frieze Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan.Kay Lehman Schlozman is Professor of Political Science, Boston College.Sidney Verba is Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor, Harvard University.
I Love You
Contemporary Gospel CDThis product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
[ 1370, 7961 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
I Love You Contemporary Gospel CDThis product is manufactured on demand using CD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
adidas Men's Smith Millenium ( sz. 06.5, White/Navy )
Full-grain tumbled leather upper with breathable 3-stripe perforations. Lightweight molded EVA midsole. Excellent traction. 11.2 oz.
[ 4509, 7563, 10688 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
adidas Men's Smith Millenium ( sz. 06.5, White/Navy ) Full-grain tumbled leather upper with breathable 3-stripe perforations. Lightweight molded EVA midsole. Excellent traction. 11.2 oz.
Essential Business Tactics for the Net (Mecklermedia)
This book gives businesspeople the know-how they need to do business on the Net. Author Larry Chase divides the book into two parts: one for using the Net within your business and the other for marketing it on the Net. Chase shares his extensive experience, offering solid advice to help even a novice approach the Net with savvy. In short order, Chase shows you how to integrate the Net into your business, using Net services to cut costs and get information fast. He displays dozens of ways to reduce overhead, from sending faxes over the Net to distributing documents by e-mail instead of print. An excellent chapter lists the finer points of using the Net to locate and recruit employees. The book also features the best ways to make use of the Net's information gold mine, including how to gather corporate intelligence on your competitors. The author thoughtfully presents ways to keep yourself anonymous while looking at the competition. It becomes clear that the author is a seasoned professional when he describes how to bring your business to the Web and how to market it. He advises you to avoid the temptation of spam and to keep the splashy graphics on your Web pages to a minimum. He also addresses sales support, public relations, selling retail, promotions, and more. The book ends with a dozen useful closing tips. --Elizabeth Lewis Chase calls this a "why-bother" rather than a "how-to" book, but there is plenty of practical help for Internet novices to be found amid the discussion of issues. An Internet consultant to major corporations since 1993 and publisher of Web Digest for Marketers, Chase is qualified to give both types of advice. He discusses using the Internet to cut costs and improve competitiveness, to develop human resources, to track employees and spy on competitors, as well as to set up an online shop and attract new business. A first chapter can be found on his web site "One of the biggest plus points that this book has is the tone. Thanks to the author's style it never seems to become dull or boring at any point, so the reader is still enjoying the book and wanting to read on." (M2 Communications, 7 June 2001) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. While aware of the Web's potential, most businesses and corporations are unaware of exactly how to mine it to reduce costs and increase profits. This book reveals how to do precisely that. Businesses both large and small will learn how to reduce costs of travel, printing, handling, postage, distribution, purchasing, and other operating costs, as well as lower costs and improve the efficiency of recruiting new employees. They'll also learn how to use the Web to test new products, services and ideas while increasing customer loyalty, how to mine information about competitors and existing customers as well as prospective clients, how to establish a brand identity, and more. Includes Companion Web Site with... Chapter-by-chapter resource listings, and updates for the book. "Chase successfully demonstrates which traditional marketing strategies apply to the Net and where the new thinking begins." -David S. Klein Associate Publisher/Editor, Advertising AgeFrom the nation's #1 Internet business expert: how to work faster, cheaper, and smarter inside your company, while implementing strategic marketing tactics outside your company.The founder of the first online ad agency, Larry Chase was developing successful Internet business, marketing, and sales strategies long before most people had ever heard the word "cyberspace." Chase reveals insider's secrets and tips garnered from his own experience and those of his clients on how to exploit the Net for all it's worth. This book arms you with an arsenal of strategies and tactics that will keep you one step ahead of your competitors. You'll learn how to use the Net to:* Increase purchasing power and reduce operating costs* Find free information that other people pay for* Keep close tabs on your competition* Test new products, services, and ideas while developing your brand* Prospect for new business and create instant, inbound leads* Build new audiences for your products and services* Design and implement direct marketing, sales, and PR strategiesSpecial Offer!Get free access to the archives of Larry Chase's Web Digest For Marketers (WDFM) for one year. WDFM features thousands of short reviews of business-oriented Web sites. You also get access to a companion Web site where you'll find hyperlinked resource listings for each chapter in the book and regular book updates.Visit our Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/Visit the companion Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/chase LARRY CHASE is an international Internet marketing expert who has consulted with New York Life, 3Com, NASDAQ, Con Edison, EDS, Hotel Discounts, Auto-By-Tel, 1-800-FLOWERS, and other Fortune 500 companies. He founded the first online ad agency and is the publisher of Web Digest For Marketers. His articles, reviews, and columns appear in such publications as Advertising Age, Business Marketing, and Dutch InfoWorld. His insights on the Internet are sought after by media giants such as the New York Times, BusinessWeek, USA Today, Inc. magazine, CBS, CNN, and CNBC as well as many trade journals and newsletters.
[ 1471, 1754, 1755, 2853, 2866, 3966, 4038, 6406, 7387, 7388, 8094, 8097, 8108, 9540, 9857, 12630 ]
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Essential Business Tactics for the Net (Mecklermedia) This book gives businesspeople the know-how they need to do business on the Net. Author Larry Chase divides the book into two parts: one for using the Net within your business and the other for marketing it on the Net. Chase shares his extensive experience, offering solid advice to help even a novice approach the Net with savvy. In short order, Chase shows you how to integrate the Net into your business, using Net services to cut costs and get information fast. He displays dozens of ways to reduce overhead, from sending faxes over the Net to distributing documents by e-mail instead of print. An excellent chapter lists the finer points of using the Net to locate and recruit employees. The book also features the best ways to make use of the Net's information gold mine, including how to gather corporate intelligence on your competitors. The author thoughtfully presents ways to keep yourself anonymous while looking at the competition. It becomes clear that the author is a seasoned professional when he describes how to bring your business to the Web and how to market it. He advises you to avoid the temptation of spam and to keep the splashy graphics on your Web pages to a minimum. He also addresses sales support, public relations, selling retail, promotions, and more. The book ends with a dozen useful closing tips. --Elizabeth Lewis Chase calls this a "why-bother" rather than a "how-to" book, but there is plenty of practical help for Internet novices to be found amid the discussion of issues. An Internet consultant to major corporations since 1993 and publisher of Web Digest for Marketers, Chase is qualified to give both types of advice. He discusses using the Internet to cut costs and improve competitiveness, to develop human resources, to track employees and spy on competitors, as well as to set up an online shop and attract new business. A first chapter can be found on his web site "One of the biggest plus points that this book has is the tone. Thanks to the author's style it never seems to become dull or boring at any point, so the reader is still enjoying the book and wanting to read on." (M2 Communications, 7 June 2001) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. While aware of the Web's potential, most businesses and corporations are unaware of exactly how to mine it to reduce costs and increase profits. This book reveals how to do precisely that. Businesses both large and small will learn how to reduce costs of travel, printing, handling, postage, distribution, purchasing, and other operating costs, as well as lower costs and improve the efficiency of recruiting new employees. They'll also learn how to use the Web to test new products, services and ideas while increasing customer loyalty, how to mine information about competitors and existing customers as well as prospective clients, how to establish a brand identity, and more. Includes Companion Web Site with... Chapter-by-chapter resource listings, and updates for the book. "Chase successfully demonstrates which traditional marketing strategies apply to the Net and where the new thinking begins." -David S. Klein Associate Publisher/Editor, Advertising AgeFrom the nation's #1 Internet business expert: how to work faster, cheaper, and smarter inside your company, while implementing strategic marketing tactics outside your company.The founder of the first online ad agency, Larry Chase was developing successful Internet business, marketing, and sales strategies long before most people had ever heard the word "cyberspace." Chase reveals insider's secrets and tips garnered from his own experience and those of his clients on how to exploit the Net for all it's worth. This book arms you with an arsenal of strategies and tactics that will keep you one step ahead of your competitors. You'll learn how to use the Net to:* Increase purchasing power and reduce operating costs* Find free information that other people pay for* Keep close tabs on your competition* Test new products, services, and ideas while developing your brand* Prospect for new business and create instant, inbound leads* Build new audiences for your products and services* Design and implement direct marketing, sales, and PR strategiesSpecial Offer!Get free access to the archives of Larry Chase's Web Digest For Marketers (WDFM) for one year. WDFM features thousands of short reviews of business-oriented Web sites. You also get access to a companion Web site where you'll find hyperlinked resource listings for each chapter in the book and regular book updates.Visit our Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/Visit the companion Web site at www.wiley.com/compbooks/chase LARRY CHASE is an international Internet marketing expert who has consulted with New York Life, 3Com, NASDAQ, Con Edison, EDS, Hotel Discounts, Auto-By-Tel, 1-800-FLOWERS, and other Fortune 500 companies. He founded the first online ad agency and is the publisher of Web Digest For Marketers. His articles, reviews, and columns appear in such publications as Advertising Age, Business Marketing, and Dutch InfoWorld. His insights on the Internet are sought after by media giants such as the New York Times, BusinessWeek, USA Today, Inc. magazine, CBS, CNN, and CNBC as well as many trade journals and newsletters.
Greek Fire, Poison Arrows & Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World
This dense but highly informative volume narrates the long pretechnological history of the use of poisons and fire in warfare. Mayor, who has published in Military History Quarterly, begins with the first legend of poisoned arrows: Hercules and his quiver of missiles tipped with the hydra's venom (probably snake venom). He and his wife also figure in an early use of an externally applied poison-the "poisoned" garments that killed them both with an inextinguishable flame may have been impregnated with saltpeter. Using their powers of observation and a sound if rule-of-thumb grasp of cause and effect, our not-so-primitive ancestors went on to set fires, throw fires and project fires (Greek fire reached its apex when flung from a ship-mounted flame thrower). They also put poison on arrowheads, in food and wine and in water supplies, tamed elephants to use as living tanks, bottled scorpions to throw over walls and knew about the problems of accidental casualties, enemy retaliation and lowering the ethical level of warfare. Mayor clearly describes how some of the poisons caused gruesome deaths, and Greek fire was essentially napalm. One antielephant weapon consisted of coating live pigs with pitch, setting them on fire and driving them at the elephants. The sheer mass of information will be daunting for the novice, particularly to one not familiar with classical mythology, but the book is otherwise absolutely absorbing, if macabre, and a formidable source on classical warfare, with bibliography, illustrations and annotations to serve further research. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. We recoil from biological and chemical weapons as uniquely nefarious creations of modern science, but Mayor, combing classical writings both mythical and historical, has found that they existed throughout antiquity. Far from merely reciting the armory of poisons and plagues she found, Mayor shows how the ancients' reactions to biological weapons prefigure contemporary attitudes about them. Between the poles of the ethical and the expedient, the concept of the honorable in warfare swung back and forth: a toe-to-toe Homeric swordfight, yes; a poisoned arrow from afar, no. Mayor integrates these oscillations into a narrative embracing the contents of Pandora's box and their adaptation into articles of war. Ancient commentators expressed both repugnance and admiration for ingenuity, attitudes Mayor detects in Hercules' slaying of the Hydra, in Odysseus' adventures, and in other myths. Expanding her ambit to Indian writings, and to the use of animals such as bees, scorpions, and elephants on the battlefield, Mayor spices her astute commentary with diverse opinions about biological weapons. Gilbert TaylorCopyright American Library Association. All rights reserved "'This ingenious, erudite, and sometimes sinister book conducts us into the heart of ancient darkness. It is a genuinely important, and timely, contribution to military history' - Robert Cowley, editor of editor of What If?[trademark]; 'An intriguing new book with often startling and unsettling results' Daily Telegraph; 'Fascinating...this book is really a collection of extraordinary anecdotes about a neglected aspect of ancient warfare' The Mail on Sunday; 'Mayor writes real English sometimes with whimsical wit' The Fortean Times; 'Although one might have doubts about the truth of many of these stories...they do have a cumulative impact on our impression of the ancient world' Times Literary Supplement" --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Adrienne Mayor is a classical folklorist who specializes in the early history of science. A frequent contributor to Archaeology, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Folklore, and the Journal of American Folklore, she is often interviewed on NPR, the BBC, and on the History and Learning channels.
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Greek Fire, Poison Arrows & Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World This dense but highly informative volume narrates the long pretechnological history of the use of poisons and fire in warfare. Mayor, who has published in Military History Quarterly, begins with the first legend of poisoned arrows: Hercules and his quiver of missiles tipped with the hydra's venom (probably snake venom). He and his wife also figure in an early use of an externally applied poison-the "poisoned" garments that killed them both with an inextinguishable flame may have been impregnated with saltpeter. Using their powers of observation and a sound if rule-of-thumb grasp of cause and effect, our not-so-primitive ancestors went on to set fires, throw fires and project fires (Greek fire reached its apex when flung from a ship-mounted flame thrower). They also put poison on arrowheads, in food and wine and in water supplies, tamed elephants to use as living tanks, bottled scorpions to throw over walls and knew about the problems of accidental casualties, enemy retaliation and lowering the ethical level of warfare. Mayor clearly describes how some of the poisons caused gruesome deaths, and Greek fire was essentially napalm. One antielephant weapon consisted of coating live pigs with pitch, setting them on fire and driving them at the elephants. The sheer mass of information will be daunting for the novice, particularly to one not familiar with classical mythology, but the book is otherwise absolutely absorbing, if macabre, and a formidable source on classical warfare, with bibliography, illustrations and annotations to serve further research. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. We recoil from biological and chemical weapons as uniquely nefarious creations of modern science, but Mayor, combing classical writings both mythical and historical, has found that they existed throughout antiquity. Far from merely reciting the armory of poisons and plagues she found, Mayor shows how the ancients' reactions to biological weapons prefigure contemporary attitudes about them. Between the poles of the ethical and the expedient, the concept of the honorable in warfare swung back and forth: a toe-to-toe Homeric swordfight, yes; a poisoned arrow from afar, no. Mayor integrates these oscillations into a narrative embracing the contents of Pandora's box and their adaptation into articles of war. Ancient commentators expressed both repugnance and admiration for ingenuity, attitudes Mayor detects in Hercules' slaying of the Hydra, in Odysseus' adventures, and in other myths. Expanding her ambit to Indian writings, and to the use of animals such as bees, scorpions, and elephants on the battlefield, Mayor spices her astute commentary with diverse opinions about biological weapons. Gilbert TaylorCopyright American Library Association. All rights reserved "'This ingenious, erudite, and sometimes sinister book conducts us into the heart of ancient darkness. It is a genuinely important, and timely, contribution to military history' - Robert Cowley, editor of editor of What If?[trademark]; 'An intriguing new book with often startling and unsettling results' Daily Telegraph; 'Fascinating...this book is really a collection of extraordinary anecdotes about a neglected aspect of ancient warfare' The Mail on Sunday; 'Mayor writes real English sometimes with whimsical wit' The Fortean Times; 'Although one might have doubts about the truth of many of these stories...they do have a cumulative impact on our impression of the ancient world' Times Literary Supplement" --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Adrienne Mayor is a classical folklorist who specializes in the early history of science. A frequent contributor to Archaeology, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Folklore, and the Journal of American Folklore, she is often interviewed on NPR, the BBC, and on the History and Learning channels.
Writing About the Humanities
This brief, practical guide explores the many aspects involved in writing about works of art, literature, and music. It details the multiple approaches to artworks (responding, interpreting, evaluating); the steps of interpretation (observing, connecting, inferring, and concluding); the writing process (drafting, organizing, revising, editing, proofreading, comparing); and the research process, including interaction with today's electronic media tools. Includes reproductions of works of literature and art. Writing samples are included. The first half of the book covers general issues in writing about the humanities disciplines, including how to respond to, interpret, and evaluate different types of artworks. The second half focuses more specifically on writing in literature and the arts as well as the particulars of writing with, and documenting, sources. For anyone interested in writing about art, music, and literature. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Like its predecessor, this second of edition of Writing About the Humanities is designed for students in introductory humanities courses, but it can be used by students in introductory literature and art history courses as well. The book's opening chapters provide overviews of and approaches to the writing process generally and to writing about the humanities, illustrated with examples from various humanities disciplines. The two concluding chapters deal with writing based on research. In between, five chapters explore and explain how to write about particular humanities disciplines, including art and architecture, music, fiction and poetry, drama and theater, and film. An appendix on writing essay examinations concludes the book. This second edition of Writing About the Humanities is an expansion of the first, with-new material added to some chapters, others split off and enlarged, and a new chapter on writing about film. Among the book's distinctive and practical features are the following: Consideration of multiple approaches to artworks, including responding, interpreting, and evaluating An approach to interpretation, including observing, connecting, inferring, and concluding A set of guidelines for the writing process, including strategies for prewriting, drafting, and revising Writing exercises and assignments Sample student papers in various disciplines Examples of professional writing in the different disciplines Reproduction of written texts and visual images for analysis and writing Guidance in doing research writing, including using Internet sources For assistance with Writing About the Humanities I would like to thank the reviewers, who provided valuable suggestions, which I have utilized in this revision. Thanks also to Bud Therien at Prentice Hall for sponsoring the book, and to Kimberly Chastain and Sarah Touborg, who have lent it their expertise and support. Finally, a word of thanks to my children, Karen and Michael, who provided sample papers on literature and art, respectively, and a note of appreciation to my wife, Mary, for her unfailing devotion and steadfast love. Robert DiYanni --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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Writing About the Humanities This brief, practical guide explores the many aspects involved in writing about works of art, literature, and music. It details the multiple approaches to artworks (responding, interpreting, evaluating); the steps of interpretation (observing, connecting, inferring, and concluding); the writing process (drafting, organizing, revising, editing, proofreading, comparing); and the research process, including interaction with today's electronic media tools. Includes reproductions of works of literature and art. Writing samples are included. The first half of the book covers general issues in writing about the humanities disciplines, including how to respond to, interpret, and evaluate different types of artworks. The second half focuses more specifically on writing in literature and the arts as well as the particulars of writing with, and documenting, sources. For anyone interested in writing about art, music, and literature. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Like its predecessor, this second of edition of Writing About the Humanities is designed for students in introductory humanities courses, but it can be used by students in introductory literature and art history courses as well. The book's opening chapters provide overviews of and approaches to the writing process generally and to writing about the humanities, illustrated with examples from various humanities disciplines. The two concluding chapters deal with writing based on research. In between, five chapters explore and explain how to write about particular humanities disciplines, including art and architecture, music, fiction and poetry, drama and theater, and film. An appendix on writing essay examinations concludes the book. This second edition of Writing About the Humanities is an expansion of the first, with-new material added to some chapters, others split off and enlarged, and a new chapter on writing about film. Among the book's distinctive and practical features are the following: Consideration of multiple approaches to artworks, including responding, interpreting, and evaluating An approach to interpretation, including observing, connecting, inferring, and concluding A set of guidelines for the writing process, including strategies for prewriting, drafting, and revising Writing exercises and assignments Sample student papers in various disciplines Examples of professional writing in the different disciplines Reproduction of written texts and visual images for analysis and writing Guidance in doing research writing, including using Internet sources For assistance with Writing About the Humanities I would like to thank the reviewers, who provided valuable suggestions, which I have utilized in this revision. Thanks also to Bud Therien at Prentice Hall for sponsoring the book, and to Kimberly Chastain and Sarah Touborg, who have lent it their expertise and support. Finally, a word of thanks to my children, Karen and Michael, who provided sample papers on literature and art, respectively, and a note of appreciation to my wife, Mary, for her unfailing devotion and steadfast love. Robert DiYanni --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Short Dictionary of the Psalms, A
Text: English (translation) Original Language: French
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Short Dictionary of the Psalms, A Text: English (translation) Original Language: French
Gargoyles: Hunted [VHS] (1994)
Disney produced cartoon series from the 1980's.
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Gargoyles: Hunted [VHS] (1994) Disney produced cartoon series from the 1980's.
GONE FISHIN: Featuring an Original Easy Rawlins Short Story "Smoke"
Gone Fishin' actually marks the first appearance of Ezekiel Easy Rawlins, as well as his homicide-prone sidekick Raymond Mouse Alexander. But the story takes place in 1939, when both protagonists are still living in Houston. This is no tightly plotted mystery, but an atmospheric coming-of-age story, which gives the reluctant Easy an education in sex and death, family and forgiveness. As always, Mosley's prose is a marvel: musical, funny, and full of no-frills lyricism. And the unfolding of Easy's character is every bit as gripping as the breakneck plotting of the later installment. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Mosley's sixth Easy Rawlins novel is the chronological first?and less mystery or crime fiction than a powerfully raw, lyrical coming-of-age story. Here is 19-year-old Easy in 1939 before his war experiences and before his departure from Houston for L.A. Here, too, is Raymond Alexander, better known as Mouse, the most colorful and unpredictable series character. It's Mouse ("nuthin' but bad news wit' a grin") who uses a familiar blend of threats and bribes to pry Easy away from his uncertain job in Houston and onto the road in a borrowed '36 Ford. Their destination is desolate Pariah, Texas?Mouse's home once, and still home to his hated stepfather, Reese Corn. Along the way, they pick up a young couple running from trouble?not knowing that Mouse is worse trouble than any they've seen. Easy, drawn along in Mouse's wake, spends much of this novel in such a feverish state that his memories of his father are as real as the extraordinary people of Pariah?Momma Jo, the big, strong woman who lives alone in the swamp; her hunchbacked son, Domaque, whose literacy shames Easy; Miss Dixon, the white woman who owns Pariah. Encountering (sometimes precipitating) violent and unexpected threats, Easy and Mouse forge bonds that will link them in the decades that follow, though they choose very different paths. This late encounter with the early Easy offers an extra dimension to readers who have met, in previous stories, the man he grew to be. 150,000 first printing; author tour. (Jan.) FYI: Mosley, also published by Norton, chose Black Classic Press to bring out this novel to bolster the independent African American-owned press. Publisher W. Paul Coates will tour with Mosley to support this partnership.Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. There can be no better way to start off the year than with Easy Rawlins. Fans already needing a fix after Mosley's recent A Little Yellow Dog (LJ 6/1/96), get happy: Easy and Mouse are back in this "prequel" to the series. This latest novel, actually Mosley's original Easy/Mouse story, written in the late 1980s but never released, follows the classic search-for-father motif?literally for Mouse and figuratively for the 19-year-old Easy, who finds himself a very un-Easy rider on a road trip to Pariah, Texas, to strong-arm Mouse's stepdaddy Reese for money. Easy quickly lands up to here in trouble that includes witchcraft, fevered sex, a fleeing killer, and a few dead bodies. While Mouse is facing down his wicked stepfather, Easy must exorcise the demons of his own past in order to achieve a coming of age that's steeped in blood, guilt, and forgiveness. Not a straight mystery like earlier volumes in the series, Gone Fishin' is a more spiritual novel that reaches into the characters' pasts to reveal their souls. Mosley delivers the goods every time, and Easy fans are going to eat this up. Highly recommended. [For an interview with Walter Mosley, see "Small Presses in the Black," p. 144.]?Michael Rogers, "Library Journal.-?Michael Rogers, "Library Journal"Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Mosley has elected to publish this prequel to his acclaimed Easy Rawlins mystery series with a small press specializing in the work of African American authors. Committed to the idea that well-known black writers have a unique opportunity to help smaller black presses establish themselves in the general trade market, he hopes that this venture will serve as a model for further such collaborations. Fortunately, the book itself is worthy of the project. Written before the other Rawlins novels but never published, it takes Easy and his lethal friend Mouse back to Texas before World War II and their subsequent move to Los Angeles. The 19-year-old Easy is a recognizable but very different character from the survivor we've come to know in the later books: illiterate, grieving his absent father, scraping by on the moment-to-moment pleasures of drink and sex, the young Easy knows little of the larger world. His journey to awareness begins with a soul-changing road trip to the bayous of Pariah, Texas, where Mouse hopes to settle a score with his hated stepfather. What takes place is part thriller and part coming-of-age novel, and it works fine on both levels. More important, though, it contains the beginnings of what would become Mosley's special gift: the ability to vivify African American life by placing fully individualized characters in a specific historical moment. The young Easy, beginning to summon the courage he needs to escape the poverty and violence of his prewar, rural South environment, stands on his own without the help of the later books, but for those who know the series, this short novel opens a treasured window into the past of a very good friend. Bill Ott --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Fans of Easy Rawlins who worry that he's been growing old too fast--Mosley's five novels from Devil in a Blue Dress (1990) to A Little Yellow Dog (p. 565) have carried him from 1948 to 1963--will be happy to have this prequel set in 1939, a slender coming-of-age story that takes Easy and his violent friend Raymond (Mouse) Alexander from their boyhood home in Houston's Fifth Ward to the aptly named town of Pariah, where Mouse plans to squeeze money out of his stepfather, Reese Corn, to underwrite his marriage to his sweetheart EttaMae. Easy, scared that Mouse will find out about the company he's been keeping with EttaMae, agrees to drive the car Mouse has swindled for the trip, and the two of them set off into a landscape dotted with hapless hitchhikers and seductive voodoo queens, hard men, willing women, and hellfire preachers--most with unforgettable stories to tell. By the time Easy heads back for Houston, Mouse will have gotten his money, Easy will have lost whatever innocence he had in ``my real war'' before the white man's war of 1941, and Mosley's vast audience will have learned that ``life was so hard that we were too tired from just living to lend a hand.'' No mystery, but a densely imagined prologue that goes a long way toward explaining why Easy spends so much of his adult life hamstrung by his deepest loyalties, as if every friendship were a life sentence. (First printing of 150,000; $150,000 ad/promo; author tour) -- Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Time It is, in some respects, the best of Mosley's novelsLibrary Journal Not a straight mystery like the earlier Easy Rawlins volumes, Gone Fishin' is a more spiritual novel that reaches into the characters' past to reveal their souls.Playboy As :Easy and Mouse take the car trip to hell, youll want to be riding shotgun. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Walter Mosley is the author of five Easy Rawlins mysteries: Devil in A Blue Dress, A Red Death, White Butterfly, Black Betty and A Little Yellow Dog; three non-mystery novels, Blue Light, Gone Fishin', and R. L.'s Dream; two collections of stories featuring Socrates Fortlow, Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, for which he received the Anisfield Wolf Award, and which was an HBO movie, and a nonfiction book, Workin' On The Chain Gang. He is a former president of the Mystery Writers of America, a founder of the PEN American Center Open Book Committee, and is on the board of directors of the National Book Awards. A native of Los Angeles, he now lives in New York City. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Chapter One Mouse had changed. Before he announced his engagement to EttaMae he was a happy man, full of himself. It's true that he was especially pleased when misfortune happened to someone else, but at least he kept us smiling. Life was hard back then and a good laugh was worth a month of Sundays. But just when he had a reason to be glad, Mouse turned sour and moody. He let his appearance go to seed (he was usually a natty dresser) and nobody wanted to be around him because when a small, rodent-faced man like Mouse got ugly, he was no company even for the harshest man. He stopped going to parties altogether. If you happened to run into him on some corner, or back alley, and asked how he was doing, he'd say, "What the hell you think? Here I am gonna get married in two months an' 'tween me an' EttaMae we ain't got enough money for dip an' crackers." Mouse didn't go out looking for work. All he did was get mad whenever he had to let go of a few coins. So it was no surprise that his crowd started to shun him. I mean, even if you wanted to see Mouse it was hard work because he changed apartments almost every month -- one step ahead of the landlord, as we used to say. I didn't want to see him. Mostly because I was jealous. You see, EttaMae was the kind of woman you had on your mind when you woke up in the morning. She was big and friendly, and always knew the right thing to say. But she never lied; Etta spoke her mind, and when she laughed it came from her heart. Everybody loved EttaMae, and she loved the only man I ever knew who didn't have a heart at all. So between me being jealous and Mouse being so taciturn, I was surprised late one Tuesday night when a racket broke out at my apartment door. It sounded more like a fight than a knock. I dragged myself out of a deep sleep trying to think of who might be after me. I knew that it couldn't be the police, they just broke the door down in that neighborhood, and I hadn't seen any seriously married women in more than six months. "Hold on!" I yelled, thinking about the back window. I was reaching for the butcher's knife on the nightstand when he called, "Easy! Easy! Open this do', man, I gotta talk!" "Mouse?" "Yeah, man! Lemme in!" I snatched the door open with a curse on my lips but when I saw him I knew he'd changed again. He had on a plaid zoot suit with Broadway suspenders and spats on his black bluchers. He wore a silk hat and when he smiled you could see the new gold rim and blue jewel on his front tooth. For someone who never worked, Mouse knew how to keep himself in style. "Man, what you doin' here this time'a night? I gotta work in the mo'nin'!" He pushed by me saying, "That's all right, Easy, I'ma buy some'a yo' time this week." A tan rucksack hung from his shoulder. I could hear the chink of bottles as it swung against his side. "We gotta talk, man," he said. He led the way back into my apartment. All it was was a big room with a Murphy bed. He sat down on the good chair and I sat on the bed, facing him. "Mouse, what do you..." He held up his hand, half smiling like one of those saints in the illustrated Bibles. "Easy, I have got it." He pulled Johnnie Walker from the sack. "I have got it," he said. "Now do you got some glasses? 'Cause this here's Black Label and it won't do to swig it from the neck." "Man, what do you want?" "I want some glasses, Easy, so we can celebrate my good fortune. You the first one gonna know." "Know what? All I know is I gotta get me some sleep." "Then get me sumpin' t'drink wit' and I will deliver you the potion of dreams." There was no use in trying to argue when Mouse was in a preaching mood. There were glasses in the closet at the back of the room. I rinsed them in a tub I kept back there. "Jelly glasses?" Mouse turned up his nose while he poured. "Just...just...what do you want?" He lay back in my stuffed chair and put his feet on my sheets. He flashed his new gold tooth at me and drank whiskey like it was water. "You know I'm from down Pariah, Easy. Yes, sir! Just a country boy." He poured another glassful. "Down home, that's me." I poured three fingers and waited. Mouse needed room to tell his story. He was afraid that the idea would get confused unless you had all the facts. If he was to tell you about a nail in a horse's foot he'd start off explaining coal and iron and how they make steel. "...an' you know us country boys is slow to get a idee, but once we got the picture we ain't never gonna let go....You got a cigarette?" "Got some papers an' shag." "Uh-uh, no thanks. You know I cain't stand them leaves in my mouf." He twisted his lips and slugged back his second glass of scotch. "I guess you know I been kinda worried with the weddin' an' how me an' Etta ain't wit' much dough." "Yeah, I know." "Well, I got it all figgered out now." Mouse smiled so satisfied that I felt good. But I said, "Com'on, man, it's midnight..." "My stepdaddy." "What?" He looked at me real close then, like a dog does when a new smell comes by. Like he was wondering if I was food or foe or some love interest. He said, "You like Etta, don't ya, Easy?" "Yeah, sure I like her." I didn't like that question, though. "Etta been hangin' out wit' us fo'years." "Yeah, that's true," Mouse said, staring down into his jelly glass. Then he looked up at me. "But you like'er more'n just some friend. I mean, she's a good-lookin' woman, right?" "She look fine. Now what's this about yo' stepdaddy?" But he wouldn't let it go. "She look good, but that's not what make her so fine. Etta ain't no bow-down woman, she stand up fo' what she want. An' no one better be foolin' wit' her 'less she like ya, 'cause Etta got a strong arm." I laughed and said yeah but I was watching Mouse then. For all my size that small man scared me. Mouse was laughing too, but his eyes were on mine. "That's the truth," he said. "An' they ain't a real man who don't wonder what a powerful woman like that can do. 'Cause you know the first time I seen Etta sit down to a plate'a food I knew she was a hungry woman." He ran the length of his hand down his crotch. "Yeah, that Etta will eat you up!" I poured out a little scotch and wondered if that was going to be my last drink. He held my eye while he poured whiskey, while he drank. I could hear the house settling, it was so quiet. "Why'ont you roll me one, Ease? You got the touch." The pouch was on the end table, next to the knife. I reached for it slowly so he could see what I was doing. I had to suck my tongue to get enough spit to wet the paper. "Yeah. You know Etta wring me out and in the mo'nin' she tell me that if I wanna keep that good stuff fo'me I better do right." He laughed. "And she knew I had plenty'a women t'buy my clothes. An' I knew she weren't no virgin neither....But I can understand a man, Easy." Mouse leaned back quickly and put his hand into his pocket. I flinched and the tobacco and paper fell to the floor. "...a man," he continued as he came out with a red handkerchief to wipe his nose, "who run after a woman like that wit' his nose open an' his tongue hangin' down." I had been down in Galveston once when EttaMae lived there. I spent the night with her even though I knew she was Mouse's girl. He must've found out, but he couldn't know how bad I felt about it. The next morning all Etta could talk about was how sweet a man Mouse was and how lucky I was to have him for a friend. There I was facing a jealous fianc when Etta had glazed over me like so much meat. Mouse was smiling and I believe that he knew what I was thinking. I gave up trying to roll the cigarette; all I could do was stare at him and try not to look concerned. Somebody might wonder why a big man like me would be scared of a small man, half his size. But size doesn't count for much in this world. I once saw Mouse put a knife in a big man's gut. I was drunk and that man, Junior Fornay was his name, was after me because he thought the girl I was with was his. He ripped off his shirt and came after me bare-fisted and bare-chested. They cleared the barroom and we went at it. But I was drunk and Junior was one of those field hands that you would swear was born from stone. He pounded me until I hit the floor and then he started kicking. I balled up to try and save myself but you know I could hear my dead mother that night: She was calling my name. That's when Mouse strolled up. Junior waved a piece of furniture at him but Mouse just put his hand in the air. I swear he couldn't reach as high as Junior's forehead but he said, "He got his lesson, man, you gotta let him live so he can learn." "You better git..." was all Junior could say before Mouse had his stiletto buried, maybe just half an inch, in the field hand's gut. I was lying between them, looking up. I could see Mouse smiling and I could see Junior's face grow pale. Mouse quick-grabbed Junior's neck with his free hand and said, "You better drop that stick or I'ma stir the soup, boy." I think I would rather have the beating than to see that, and smell it too. So I was listening to Mouse with great respect. "...but you know, Easy, all that is past. I ain't the type'a man to bear no grudge. Po' men cain't afford no grudge. Shit! It's hard enough for a po' man t'get through the day." He slapped my knee and leaned back in the chair. When he threw his leg over the armrest I knew I was safe. "S-so, what 'bout yo' stepdaddy?" I asked. "Yeah." Mouse stared at the ceiling with a smile. "You got that cigarette yet?" I started rolling again. "Yeah, my stepdaddy got a big pile'a money out on that farm somewhere. Big pile." "He wanna give you some'a that?" "Well, we ain't on the best terms -- me an' Daddy Reese. You know he's a farm boy down t'his nuts an' he see everything like a farmer see his world. So when I come along he figgers I was the runt'a the litter and I should be put in a burlap sack and dumped in the river." Mouse was ... --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
[ 1471, 2935, 7083, 7986, 12029 ]
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GONE FISHIN: Featuring an Original Easy Rawlins Short Story "Smoke" Gone Fishin' actually marks the first appearance of Ezekiel Easy Rawlins, as well as his homicide-prone sidekick Raymond Mouse Alexander. But the story takes place in 1939, when both protagonists are still living in Houston. This is no tightly plotted mystery, but an atmospheric coming-of-age story, which gives the reluctant Easy an education in sex and death, family and forgiveness. As always, Mosley's prose is a marvel: musical, funny, and full of no-frills lyricism. And the unfolding of Easy's character is every bit as gripping as the breakneck plotting of the later installment. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Mosley's sixth Easy Rawlins novel is the chronological first?and less mystery or crime fiction than a powerfully raw, lyrical coming-of-age story. Here is 19-year-old Easy in 1939 before his war experiences and before his departure from Houston for L.A. Here, too, is Raymond Alexander, better known as Mouse, the most colorful and unpredictable series character. It's Mouse ("nuthin' but bad news wit' a grin") who uses a familiar blend of threats and bribes to pry Easy away from his uncertain job in Houston and onto the road in a borrowed '36 Ford. Their destination is desolate Pariah, Texas?Mouse's home once, and still home to his hated stepfather, Reese Corn. Along the way, they pick up a young couple running from trouble?not knowing that Mouse is worse trouble than any they've seen. Easy, drawn along in Mouse's wake, spends much of this novel in such a feverish state that his memories of his father are as real as the extraordinary people of Pariah?Momma Jo, the big, strong woman who lives alone in the swamp; her hunchbacked son, Domaque, whose literacy shames Easy; Miss Dixon, the white woman who owns Pariah. Encountering (sometimes precipitating) violent and unexpected threats, Easy and Mouse forge bonds that will link them in the decades that follow, though they choose very different paths. This late encounter with the early Easy offers an extra dimension to readers who have met, in previous stories, the man he grew to be. 150,000 first printing; author tour. (Jan.) FYI: Mosley, also published by Norton, chose Black Classic Press to bring out this novel to bolster the independent African American-owned press. Publisher W. Paul Coates will tour with Mosley to support this partnership.Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. There can be no better way to start off the year than with Easy Rawlins. Fans already needing a fix after Mosley's recent A Little Yellow Dog (LJ 6/1/96), get happy: Easy and Mouse are back in this "prequel" to the series. This latest novel, actually Mosley's original Easy/Mouse story, written in the late 1980s but never released, follows the classic search-for-father motif?literally for Mouse and figuratively for the 19-year-old Easy, who finds himself a very un-Easy rider on a road trip to Pariah, Texas, to strong-arm Mouse's stepdaddy Reese for money. Easy quickly lands up to here in trouble that includes witchcraft, fevered sex, a fleeing killer, and a few dead bodies. While Mouse is facing down his wicked stepfather, Easy must exorcise the demons of his own past in order to achieve a coming of age that's steeped in blood, guilt, and forgiveness. Not a straight mystery like earlier volumes in the series, Gone Fishin' is a more spiritual novel that reaches into the characters' pasts to reveal their souls. Mosley delivers the goods every time, and Easy fans are going to eat this up. Highly recommended. [For an interview with Walter Mosley, see "Small Presses in the Black," p. 144.]?Michael Rogers, "Library Journal.-?Michael Rogers, "Library Journal"Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Mosley has elected to publish this prequel to his acclaimed Easy Rawlins mystery series with a small press specializing in the work of African American authors. Committed to the idea that well-known black writers have a unique opportunity to help smaller black presses establish themselves in the general trade market, he hopes that this venture will serve as a model for further such collaborations. Fortunately, the book itself is worthy of the project. Written before the other Rawlins novels but never published, it takes Easy and his lethal friend Mouse back to Texas before World War II and their subsequent move to Los Angeles. The 19-year-old Easy is a recognizable but very different character from the survivor we've come to know in the later books: illiterate, grieving his absent father, scraping by on the moment-to-moment pleasures of drink and sex, the young Easy knows little of the larger world. His journey to awareness begins with a soul-changing road trip to the bayous of Pariah, Texas, where Mouse hopes to settle a score with his hated stepfather. What takes place is part thriller and part coming-of-age novel, and it works fine on both levels. More important, though, it contains the beginnings of what would become Mosley's special gift: the ability to vivify African American life by placing fully individualized characters in a specific historical moment. The young Easy, beginning to summon the courage he needs to escape the poverty and violence of his prewar, rural South environment, stands on his own without the help of the later books, but for those who know the series, this short novel opens a treasured window into the past of a very good friend. Bill Ott --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Fans of Easy Rawlins who worry that he's been growing old too fast--Mosley's five novels from Devil in a Blue Dress (1990) to A Little Yellow Dog (p. 565) have carried him from 1948 to 1963--will be happy to have this prequel set in 1939, a slender coming-of-age story that takes Easy and his violent friend Raymond (Mouse) Alexander from their boyhood home in Houston's Fifth Ward to the aptly named town of Pariah, where Mouse plans to squeeze money out of his stepfather, Reese Corn, to underwrite his marriage to his sweetheart EttaMae. Easy, scared that Mouse will find out about the company he's been keeping with EttaMae, agrees to drive the car Mouse has swindled for the trip, and the two of them set off into a landscape dotted with hapless hitchhikers and seductive voodoo queens, hard men, willing women, and hellfire preachers--most with unforgettable stories to tell. By the time Easy heads back for Houston, Mouse will have gotten his money, Easy will have lost whatever innocence he had in ``my real war'' before the white man's war of 1941, and Mosley's vast audience will have learned that ``life was so hard that we were too tired from just living to lend a hand.'' No mystery, but a densely imagined prologue that goes a long way toward explaining why Easy spends so much of his adult life hamstrung by his deepest loyalties, as if every friendship were a life sentence. (First printing of 150,000; $150,000 ad/promo; author tour) -- Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Time It is, in some respects, the best of Mosley's novelsLibrary Journal Not a straight mystery like the earlier Easy Rawlins volumes, Gone Fishin' is a more spiritual novel that reaches into the characters' past to reveal their souls.Playboy As :Easy and Mouse take the car trip to hell, youll want to be riding shotgun. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Walter Mosley is the author of five Easy Rawlins mysteries: Devil in A Blue Dress, A Red Death, White Butterfly, Black Betty and A Little Yellow Dog; three non-mystery novels, Blue Light, Gone Fishin', and R. L.'s Dream; two collections of stories featuring Socrates Fortlow, Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned, for which he received the Anisfield Wolf Award, and which was an HBO movie, and a nonfiction book, Workin' On The Chain Gang. He is a former president of the Mystery Writers of America, a founder of the PEN American Center Open Book Committee, and is on the board of directors of the National Book Awards. A native of Los Angeles, he now lives in New York City. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Chapter One Mouse had changed. Before he announced his engagement to EttaMae he was a happy man, full of himself. It's true that he was especially pleased when misfortune happened to someone else, but at least he kept us smiling. Life was hard back then and a good laugh was worth a month of Sundays. But just when he had a reason to be glad, Mouse turned sour and moody. He let his appearance go to seed (he was usually a natty dresser) and nobody wanted to be around him because when a small, rodent-faced man like Mouse got ugly, he was no company even for the harshest man. He stopped going to parties altogether. If you happened to run into him on some corner, or back alley, and asked how he was doing, he'd say, "What the hell you think? Here I am gonna get married in two months an' 'tween me an' EttaMae we ain't got enough money for dip an' crackers." Mouse didn't go out looking for work. All he did was get mad whenever he had to let go of a few coins. So it was no surprise that his crowd started to shun him. I mean, even if you wanted to see Mouse it was hard work because he changed apartments almost every month -- one step ahead of the landlord, as we used to say. I didn't want to see him. Mostly because I was jealous. You see, EttaMae was the kind of woman you had on your mind when you woke up in the morning. She was big and friendly, and always knew the right thing to say. But she never lied; Etta spoke her mind, and when she laughed it came from her heart. Everybody loved EttaMae, and she loved the only man I ever knew who didn't have a heart at all. So between me being jealous and Mouse being so taciturn, I was surprised late one Tuesday night when a racket broke out at my apartment door. It sounded more like a fight than a knock. I dragged myself out of a deep sleep trying to think of who might be after me. I knew that it couldn't be the police, they just broke the door down in that neighborhood, and I hadn't seen any seriously married women in more than six months. "Hold on!" I yelled, thinking about the back window. I was reaching for the butcher's knife on the nightstand when he called, "Easy! Easy! Open this do', man, I gotta talk!" "Mouse?" "Yeah, man! Lemme in!" I snatched the door open with a curse on my lips but when I saw him I knew he'd changed again. He had on a plaid zoot suit with Broadway suspenders and spats on his black bluchers. He wore a silk hat and when he smiled you could see the new gold rim and blue jewel on his front tooth. For someone who never worked, Mouse knew how to keep himself in style. "Man, what you doin' here this time'a night? I gotta work in the mo'nin'!" He pushed by me saying, "That's all right, Easy, I'ma buy some'a yo' time this week." A tan rucksack hung from his shoulder. I could hear the chink of bottles as it swung against his side. "We gotta talk, man," he said. He led the way back into my apartment. All it was was a big room with a Murphy bed. He sat down on the good chair and I sat on the bed, facing him. "Mouse, what do you..." He held up his hand, half smiling like one of those saints in the illustrated Bibles. "Easy, I have got it." He pulled Johnnie Walker from the sack. "I have got it," he said. "Now do you got some glasses? 'Cause this here's Black Label and it won't do to swig it from the neck." "Man, what do you want?" "I want some glasses, Easy, so we can celebrate my good fortune. You the first one gonna know." "Know what? All I know is I gotta get me some sleep." "Then get me sumpin' t'drink wit' and I will deliver you the potion of dreams." There was no use in trying to argue when Mouse was in a preaching mood. There were glasses in the closet at the back of the room. I rinsed them in a tub I kept back there. "Jelly glasses?" Mouse turned up his nose while he poured. "Just...just...what do you want?" He lay back in my stuffed chair and put his feet on my sheets. He flashed his new gold tooth at me and drank whiskey like it was water. "You know I'm from down Pariah, Easy. Yes, sir! Just a country boy." He poured another glassful. "Down home, that's me." I poured three fingers and waited. Mouse needed room to tell his story. He was afraid that the idea would get confused unless you had all the facts. If he was to tell you about a nail in a horse's foot he'd start off explaining coal and iron and how they make steel. "...an' you know us country boys is slow to get a idee, but once we got the picture we ain't never gonna let go....You got a cigarette?" "Got some papers an' shag." "Uh-uh, no thanks. You know I cain't stand them leaves in my mouf." He twisted his lips and slugged back his second glass of scotch. "I guess you know I been kinda worried with the weddin' an' how me an' Etta ain't wit' much dough." "Yeah, I know." "Well, I got it all figgered out now." Mouse smiled so satisfied that I felt good. But I said, "Com'on, man, it's midnight..." "My stepdaddy." "What?" He looked at me real close then, like a dog does when a new smell comes by. Like he was wondering if I was food or foe or some love interest. He said, "You like Etta, don't ya, Easy?" "Yeah, sure I like her." I didn't like that question, though. "Etta been hangin' out wit' us fo'years." "Yeah, that's true," Mouse said, staring down into his jelly glass. Then he looked up at me. "But you like'er more'n just some friend. I mean, she's a good-lookin' woman, right?" "She look fine. Now what's this about yo' stepdaddy?" But he wouldn't let it go. "She look good, but that's not what make her so fine. Etta ain't no bow-down woman, she stand up fo' what she want. An' no one better be foolin' wit' her 'less she like ya, 'cause Etta got a strong arm." I laughed and said yeah but I was watching Mouse then. For all my size that small man scared me. Mouse was laughing too, but his eyes were on mine. "That's the truth," he said. "An' they ain't a real man who don't wonder what a powerful woman like that can do. 'Cause you know the first time I seen Etta sit down to a plate'a food I knew she was a hungry woman." He ran the length of his hand down his crotch. "Yeah, that Etta will eat you up!" I poured out a little scotch and wondered if that was going to be my last drink. He held my eye while he poured whiskey, while he drank. I could hear the house settling, it was so quiet. "Why'ont you roll me one, Ease? You got the touch." The pouch was on the end table, next to the knife. I reached for it slowly so he could see what I was doing. I had to suck my tongue to get enough spit to wet the paper. "Yeah. You know Etta wring me out and in the mo'nin' she tell me that if I wanna keep that good stuff fo'me I better do right." He laughed. "And she knew I had plenty'a women t'buy my clothes. An' I knew she weren't no virgin neither....But I can understand a man, Easy." Mouse leaned back quickly and put his hand into his pocket. I flinched and the tobacco and paper fell to the floor. "...a man," he continued as he came out with a red handkerchief to wipe his nose, "who run after a woman like that wit' his nose open an' his tongue hangin' down." I had been down in Galveston once when EttaMae lived there. I spent the night with her even though I knew she was Mouse's girl. He must've found out, but he couldn't know how bad I felt about it. The next morning all Etta could talk about was how sweet a man Mouse was and how lucky I was to have him for a friend. There I was facing a jealous fianc when Etta had glazed over me like so much meat. Mouse was smiling and I believe that he knew what I was thinking. I gave up trying to roll the cigarette; all I could do was stare at him and try not to look concerned. Somebody might wonder why a big man like me would be scared of a small man, half his size. But size doesn't count for much in this world. I once saw Mouse put a knife in a big man's gut. I was drunk and that man, Junior Fornay was his name, was after me because he thought the girl I was with was his. He ripped off his shirt and came after me bare-fisted and bare-chested. They cleared the barroom and we went at it. But I was drunk and Junior was one of those field hands that you would swear was born from stone. He pounded me until I hit the floor and then he started kicking. I balled up to try and save myself but you know I could hear my dead mother that night: She was calling my name. That's when Mouse strolled up. Junior waved a piece of furniture at him but Mouse just put his hand in the air. I swear he couldn't reach as high as Junior's forehead but he said, "He got his lesson, man, you gotta let him live so he can learn." "You better git..." was all Junior could say before Mouse had his stiletto buried, maybe just half an inch, in the field hand's gut. I was lying between them, looking up. I could see Mouse smiling and I could see Junior's face grow pale. Mouse quick-grabbed Junior's neck with his free hand and said, "You better drop that stick or I'ma stir the soup, boy." I think I would rather have the beating than to see that, and smell it too. So I was listening to Mouse with great respect. "...but you know, Easy, all that is past. I ain't the type'a man to bear no grudge. Po' men cain't afford no grudge. Shit! It's hard enough for a po' man t'get through the day." He slapped my knee and leaned back in the chair. When he threw his leg over the armrest I knew I was safe. "S-so, what 'bout yo' stepdaddy?" I asked. "Yeah." Mouse stared at the ceiling with a smile. "You got that cigarette yet?" I started rolling again. "Yeah, my stepdaddy got a big pile'a money out on that farm somewhere. Big pile." "He wanna give you some'a that?" "Well, we ain't on the best terms -- me an' Daddy Reese. You know he's a farm boy down t'his nuts an' he see everything like a farmer see his world. So when I come along he figgers I was the runt'a the litter and I should be put in a burlap sack and dumped in the river." Mouse was ... --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
New Black
2006 album from this Canadian Metal band fronted by Devin Townsend. 11 tracks including 'You Suck', 'Far Beyond Metal', 'Decimator' and more. Century Media.
[ 5670, 7961, 10063 ]
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New Black 2006 album from this Canadian Metal band fronted by Devin Townsend. 11 tracks including 'You Suck', 'Far Beyond Metal', 'Decimator' and more. Century Media.
The Quilter's Home: Winter
Hometown: Rockford, Illinois Lois Krushina Fletcher is the author of The Quilter's Home: Fall and owner of Peace by Piece Designs, a quilt-design company.
[ 1471, 3125, 3127, 5904, 8061, 9672, 10455 ]
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The Quilter's Home: Winter Hometown: Rockford, Illinois Lois Krushina Fletcher is the author of The Quilter's Home: Fall and owner of Peace by Piece Designs, a quilt-design company.
Jakks - Spongebob Ii: Fry Cook Games Tv Game
Bikini Bottom's most famous cook is making another splash in the next installment of the SpongeBob Squarepant's TV Games brand. Join the hillarious SpongeBob and his band of friends, including Patrick Star, Mr. Krabs, and Sheldon Plankton, as they keep the party going underneath the ocean. 9 new original games will have players laughing and loving the undersea lifeforms as they take part in simple, fast-food themed games in an attempt to become the best fry cook on the coral block. Splash into another adventure with this exciting, portable joystick.
[ 4157, 9127, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Jakks - Spongebob Ii: Fry Cook Games Tv Game Bikini Bottom's most famous cook is making another splash in the next installment of the SpongeBob Squarepant's TV Games brand. Join the hillarious SpongeBob and his band of friends, including Patrick Star, Mr. Krabs, and Sheldon Plankton, as they keep the party going underneath the ocean. 9 new original games will have players laughing and loving the undersea lifeforms as they take part in simple, fast-food themed games in an attempt to become the best fry cook on the coral block. Splash into another adventure with this exciting, portable joystick.
Jakks Jeopardy TV Game
Challenge your intellect with the smartest game show of all time. Pose the right questions to the answers and risk it all on the Daily Double! Be sure to stay tuned for Final Jeopardy. Compete against friends or adjust the computer players' skill level and match your wits against some virtual opponents. Plug it in directly to your TV and it is time for Jeopardy!
[ 4157, 9127, 12246 ]
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Jakks Jeopardy TV Game Challenge your intellect with the smartest game show of all time. Pose the right questions to the answers and risk it all on the Daily Double! Be sure to stay tuned for Final Jeopardy. Compete against friends or adjust the computer players' skill level and match your wits against some virtual opponents. Plug it in directly to your TV and it is time for Jeopardy!
The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament: A Comparative Study in the Temple Symbolism of the Qumran Texts and the New Testament (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series)
This is the first of a series of monograph supplements to the journal New Testament Studies. The main purpose of the series is to make possible publication of work which is too long for inclusion in the journal. The monographs will be published in either English, French or German: the present one is in English.
[ 1208, 1471, 2421, 4038, 9857 ]
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The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament: A Comparative Study in the Temple Symbolism of the Qumran Texts and the New Testament (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) This is the first of a series of monograph supplements to the journal New Testament Studies. The main purpose of the series is to make possible publication of work which is too long for inclusion in the journal. The monographs will be published in either English, French or German: the present one is in English.
Sleeping Woman (Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series)
"Herbert Scott's Sleeping Woman, like its title, gently but firmly envelops you without your realizing it, leading you past the sheen of days well-observed into a life where the view is at angles and the vision brave. Sleeping Woman bespeaks a perspective both sought and endured. The character of this speaker, manifest in his speech, reminds us that a grounded imagination like Scott's is able to express an otherwise inexpressible sense of life and death." (Marvin Bell ) HERBERT SCOTT is the founding editor of New Issues Poetry Prose. His books of poetry include Disguises (1974), Groceries (1976), and Durations (1984). His limited-edition letterpress book, In the Palm of Space, came out from Sutton Hoo Press in 2001. He teaches at Western Michigan University, where he is the Gwen Frostic Professor of Creative Writing.
[ 393, 1471, 7083, 9152 ]
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Sleeping Woman (Carnegie Mellon Poetry Series) "Herbert Scott's Sleeping Woman, like its title, gently but firmly envelops you without your realizing it, leading you past the sheen of days well-observed into a life where the view is at angles and the vision brave. Sleeping Woman bespeaks a perspective both sought and endured. The character of this speaker, manifest in his speech, reminds us that a grounded imagination like Scott's is able to express an otherwise inexpressible sense of life and death." (Marvin Bell ) HERBERT SCOTT is the founding editor of New Issues Poetry Prose. His books of poetry include Disguises (1974), Groceries (1976), and Durations (1984). His limited-edition letterpress book, In the Palm of Space, came out from Sutton Hoo Press in 2001. He teaches at Western Michigan University, where he is the Gwen Frostic Professor of Creative Writing.
Sound of a Miracle: A Child's Triumph Over Autism
YA-- Stehli relates the details of living and coping with her unresponsive, autistic child. Doctors and psychiatrists led her to believe that she was an inadequate mother and wanted her to institutionalize her daughter, Georgie, but she insisted on keeping the child at home, sending her out only for schooling. When Georgie began auditory training in Switzerland, she became a different person as her hearing changed. High school students interested in working with exceptional children or planning medical careers would be most interested in this book. Written in a lively, readable style, with much emphasis on Stehli's conflicting emotions, it would also be good for those interested in psychology. --Dorothy Addison, Woodlawn School, Fairfax County, VACopyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Stehli's daughter Georgiana, born in 1965, was attached to inanimate objects and completely indifferent to any human contact. She was diagnosed as autistic, and the effort to find a cure began. She met professionals who advised, "Just love her!" and others who, citing Bettelheim, blamed the mother for creating a hostile environment. The book takes readers through hospitalizations, school problems, divorce and remarriage, and death of Georgiana's sister from leukemia--a story of grief that is almost overwhelming until their trip to Europe for auditory training to cure Georgiana's sensitivity to noise. After ten days her symptoms went away, her senses reacted more normally, and her behavior improved so much that family and friends hardly recognized her. Stehli's is a powerful story of courage, hope, and determination. Highly recommended.- Linda Beck, Indian Valley P.L., Telford, Pa.Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
[ 1274, 1471, 2337, 3516, 4036, 4038, 7510, 7515, 8108, 8667, 9498, 9559, 10365, 10994, 11141, 11143, 12630 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Sound of a Miracle: A Child's Triumph Over Autism YA-- Stehli relates the details of living and coping with her unresponsive, autistic child. Doctors and psychiatrists led her to believe that she was an inadequate mother and wanted her to institutionalize her daughter, Georgie, but she insisted on keeping the child at home, sending her out only for schooling. When Georgie began auditory training in Switzerland, she became a different person as her hearing changed. High school students interested in working with exceptional children or planning medical careers would be most interested in this book. Written in a lively, readable style, with much emphasis on Stehli's conflicting emotions, it would also be good for those interested in psychology. --Dorothy Addison, Woodlawn School, Fairfax County, VACopyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Stehli's daughter Georgiana, born in 1965, was attached to inanimate objects and completely indifferent to any human contact. She was diagnosed as autistic, and the effort to find a cure began. She met professionals who advised, "Just love her!" and others who, citing Bettelheim, blamed the mother for creating a hostile environment. The book takes readers through hospitalizations, school problems, divorce and remarriage, and death of Georgiana's sister from leukemia--a story of grief that is almost overwhelming until their trip to Europe for auditory training to cure Georgiana's sensitivity to noise. After ten days her symptoms went away, her senses reacted more normally, and her behavior improved so much that family and friends hardly recognized her. Stehli's is a powerful story of courage, hope, and determination. Highly recommended.- Linda Beck, Indian Valley P.L., Telford, Pa.Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Standing in Shadows of Motown [VHS]
Standing in the Shadows of Motown is a must-see film for any fan of the Supremes, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye, or any other classic Motown stars. This swinging documentary celebrates the Funk Brothers--the team of studio musicians who powered dozens and dozens of hit Motown songs--by combining reminiscences, reenactments, and clips from a recent concert put on by the Funk Brothers, featuring singers like Chaka Khan, Ben Harper, and Joan Osborne on classic tunes like "What's Going On," "Ain't Too Proud to Beg," and "Heatwave." This crafty gang of elderly musicians will charm your pants off with a slew of entertaining anecdotes. Though it seems that there's a lot of dirt they're declining to dish, the movie deftly outlines the history of Motown, surely the most significant music label in American history--the label that turned segregated "race music" into chart-topping success. A soulful delight. --Bret Fetzer
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Standing in Shadows of Motown [VHS] Standing in the Shadows of Motown is a must-see film for any fan of the Supremes, the Temptations, Marvin Gaye, or any other classic Motown stars. This swinging documentary celebrates the Funk Brothers--the team of studio musicians who powered dozens and dozens of hit Motown songs--by combining reminiscences, reenactments, and clips from a recent concert put on by the Funk Brothers, featuring singers like Chaka Khan, Ben Harper, and Joan Osborne on classic tunes like "What's Going On," "Ain't Too Proud to Beg," and "Heatwave." This crafty gang of elderly musicians will charm your pants off with a slew of entertaining anecdotes. Though it seems that there's a lot of dirt they're declining to dish, the movie deftly outlines the history of Motown, surely the most significant music label in American history--the label that turned segregated "race music" into chart-topping success. A soulful delight. --Bret Fetzer
3M Glare Reducing Task Light, Charcoal (TL1000C)
3M Polarizing Task Light in Charcoal uses 3M's Polarizing Light Filter Technology to reduce reflective and veiling glare on reading materials and work surfaces. It's weighted base and easily-adjustable arm make it possible to deliver excellent light quality wherever you need it. 3M Task Lamps improve eye comfort and reduce unwanted glare with a task light that uses 3M Polarizing Light Filter Technology. Improve eye comfort with these easily adjustable task lights. Polarizing filter technology reduces reflective and veiling glare on reading materials and work surfaces by 50-80%. Attractive, high-performance task lights deliver excellent light quality (1750 lumens) exactly where you need it. Charcoal (C) . 5 year warranty.
[ 3485, 6788, 7011, 12183 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
3M Glare Reducing Task Light, Charcoal (TL1000C) 3M Polarizing Task Light in Charcoal uses 3M's Polarizing Light Filter Technology to reduce reflective and veiling glare on reading materials and work surfaces. It's weighted base and easily-adjustable arm make it possible to deliver excellent light quality wherever you need it. 3M Task Lamps improve eye comfort and reduce unwanted glare with a task light that uses 3M Polarizing Light Filter Technology. Improve eye comfort with these easily adjustable task lights. Polarizing filter technology reduces reflective and veiling glare on reading materials and work surfaces by 50-80%. Attractive, high-performance task lights deliver excellent light quality (1750 lumens) exactly where you need it. Charcoal (C) . 5 year warranty.
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (Signet Classics)
There is no better book than Looking Backward for understanding the intersecting private and public spheres in Victorian America. This is easily the best edition on the market, thanks to the fine introduction that puts Bellamy in the sweep of utopian writing, the nice selection of contemporary responses, and the excerpts from Bellamy's 'Religion of Solidarity' and Equality. (Richard Fox)This edition is set apart from all other editions by Alex MacDonald's excellent introduction and annotations and an excellent selection of related texts. (Lyman Tower Sargent, editor of Utopian Studies)This edition is extremely welcome. The introduction is clear and accessible, and both situates the text historically and stresses its continuing relevance. Above all, the additional texts provide supporting material that makes this edition a truly invaluable resource. (Ruth Levitas) Designed for school districts, educators, and students seeking to maximize performance on standardized tests, Websters paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in English courses. By using a running thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this edition of Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy was edited for students who are actively building their vocabularies in anticipation of taking PSAT, SAT, AP (Advanced Placement), GRE, LSAT, GMAT or similar examinations. PSAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation neither of which sponsors or endorses this book; SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board which neither sponsors nor endorses this book; GRE, AP and Advanced Placement are registered trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which neither sponsors nor endorses this book, GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admissions Council which is neither affiliated with this book nor endorses this book, LSAT is a registered trademark of the Law School Admissions Council which neither sponsors nor endorses this product. All rights reserved. Edward Bellamys Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (1888) is one of the most influential utopian novels in English. The narrative follows Julian West, who goes to sleep in Boston in 1887 and wakes in the year 2000 to find that the era of competitive capitalism is long over, replaced by an era of co-operation. Wealth is produced by an industrial army and every citizen receives the same wage. This edition contains a rich selection of appendices, including excerpts from Bellamy's Equality and other writings; contemporary responses (by William Morris, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and others); excerpts from utopian works by Morris and William Dean Howells; and an excerpt from Henry George's Progress and Poverty. Data Not Found Websters edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of synonyms and antonyms for difficult and often ambiguous English words that are encountered in other works of literature, conversation, or academic examinations. Extremely rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are given lower priority in the notes compared to words which are difficult, and often encountered in examinations. Rather than supply a single synonym, many are provided for a variety of meanings, allowing readers to better grasp the ambiguity of the English language, and avoid using the notes as a pure crutch. Having the reader decipher a words meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If a difficult word is not noted on a page, chances are that it has been highlighted on a previous page. A more complete thesaurus is supplied at the end of the book; Synonyms and antonyms are extracted from Websters Online Dictionary.
[ 1471, 2501, 4570, 6664, 6667, 7083 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (Signet Classics) There is no better book than Looking Backward for understanding the intersecting private and public spheres in Victorian America. This is easily the best edition on the market, thanks to the fine introduction that puts Bellamy in the sweep of utopian writing, the nice selection of contemporary responses, and the excerpts from Bellamy's 'Religion of Solidarity' and Equality. (Richard Fox)This edition is set apart from all other editions by Alex MacDonald's excellent introduction and annotations and an excellent selection of related texts. (Lyman Tower Sargent, editor of Utopian Studies)This edition is extremely welcome. The introduction is clear and accessible, and both situates the text historically and stresses its continuing relevance. Above all, the additional texts provide supporting material that makes this edition a truly invaluable resource. (Ruth Levitas) Designed for school districts, educators, and students seeking to maximize performance on standardized tests, Websters paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in English courses. By using a running thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this edition of Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy was edited for students who are actively building their vocabularies in anticipation of taking PSAT, SAT, AP (Advanced Placement), GRE, LSAT, GMAT or similar examinations. PSAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation neither of which sponsors or endorses this book; SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board which neither sponsors nor endorses this book; GRE, AP and Advanced Placement are registered trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which neither sponsors nor endorses this book, GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admissions Council which is neither affiliated with this book nor endorses this book, LSAT is a registered trademark of the Law School Admissions Council which neither sponsors nor endorses this product. All rights reserved. Edward Bellamys Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (1888) is one of the most influential utopian novels in English. The narrative follows Julian West, who goes to sleep in Boston in 1887 and wakes in the year 2000 to find that the era of competitive capitalism is long over, replaced by an era of co-operation. Wealth is produced by an industrial army and every citizen receives the same wage. This edition contains a rich selection of appendices, including excerpts from Bellamy's Equality and other writings; contemporary responses (by William Morris, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and others); excerpts from utopian works by Morris and William Dean Howells; and an excerpt from Henry George's Progress and Poverty. Data Not Found Websters edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of synonyms and antonyms for difficult and often ambiguous English words that are encountered in other works of literature, conversation, or academic examinations. Extremely rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are given lower priority in the notes compared to words which are difficult, and often encountered in examinations. Rather than supply a single synonym, many are provided for a variety of meanings, allowing readers to better grasp the ambiguity of the English language, and avoid using the notes as a pure crutch. Having the reader decipher a words meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If a difficult word is not noted on a page, chances are that it has been highlighted on a previous page. A more complete thesaurus is supplied at the end of the book; Synonyms and antonyms are extracted from Websters Online Dictionary.
Reeve and Jones Splash Art
Draw with ordinary water? That's right. We combined a non-toxic drawing surface, chubby water-filled stylus and sturdy go-anywhere frame to create the perfect toy for the artistically inclined under three crowd. With two sides, the child can draw on one side while the other "magically erases". 13" wide. Recommended for 18 months and up. A reusable drawing surface, simple water-filled stylus and a sturdy, travel-friendly frame combine to create the perfect toy for the budding young artist. With two sides, keep the activity going by drawing on one side as the other magically disappears.Product Dimensions (inches): 13 (L) x 1.5 (W) x 10.8 (H)Age: 1 to 99 years
[ 610, 3822, 8212, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Reeve and Jones Splash Art Draw with ordinary water? That's right. We combined a non-toxic drawing surface, chubby water-filled stylus and sturdy go-anywhere frame to create the perfect toy for the artistically inclined under three crowd. With two sides, the child can draw on one side while the other "magically erases". 13" wide. Recommended for 18 months and up. A reusable drawing surface, simple water-filled stylus and a sturdy, travel-friendly frame combine to create the perfect toy for the budding young artist. With two sides, keep the activity going by drawing on one side as the other magically disappears.Product Dimensions (inches): 13 (L) x 1.5 (W) x 10.8 (H)Age: 1 to 99 years
Frank Lloyd Wright Tree of Life Cotton Tapestry Throw Blanket
coming soon
[ 1119, 1336, 5939, 12042 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Frank Lloyd Wright Tree of Life Cotton Tapestry Throw Blanket coming soon
How War Began (Texas A&M University Anthropology Series)
. . . a major contribution to the understanding of how and why warfare came into being.--Robert B. Edgerton, University of California (Robert B. Edgerton, University of California ) KEITH F. OTTERBEIN is a professor of anthropology at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and a director of the Human Relations Area Files, a consortium of more than twenty universities. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh. He has written numerous articles and three books on warfare, feuding, and capital punishment.
[ 466, 538, 1471, 5878, 5884, 7670, 9198, 9200, 9202, 10994, 11167, 12892 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
How War Began (Texas A&M University Anthropology Series) . . . a major contribution to the understanding of how and why warfare came into being.--Robert B. Edgerton, University of California (Robert B. Edgerton, University of California ) KEITH F. OTTERBEIN is a professor of anthropology at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, and a director of the Human Relations Area Files, a consortium of more than twenty universities. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh. He has written numerous articles and three books on warfare, feuding, and capital punishment.
This Single by Erasure Precedes the "Union Street" Album. The Album Consists in a Selection of Album Tracks from the Erasure Catalogue Performed Acoustically Rather Than with the Usual Synthesizers, Keyboards and Computers by Vince Clark, Andy Bell and Some Guest Musicians. This Single Includes Three Bonus Tracks Exclusive to this Format.
[ 379, 3322, 7961, 9237, 10063, 13259 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Boy This Single by Erasure Precedes the "Union Street" Album. The Album Consists in a Selection of Album Tracks from the Erasure Catalogue Performed Acoustically Rather Than with the Usual Synthesizers, Keyboards and Computers by Vince Clark, Andy Bell and Some Guest Musicians. This Single Includes Three Bonus Tracks Exclusive to this Format.
Private Pilot Test Prep 2006: Study and Prepare for the Recreational and Private Airplane, Helicopter, Gyroplane, Glider, Balloon, and Airship FAA Knowledge Exams (Test Prep series)
The Federal Aviation Administration is the government agency that regulates and sets standards for the aviation industry.
[ 641, 726, 1471, 4038, 4041, 5347, 9004, 9486, 9487, 10365, 11942, 12332 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Private Pilot Test Prep 2006: Study and Prepare for the Recreational and Private Airplane, Helicopter, Gyroplane, Glider, Balloon, and Airship FAA Knowledge Exams (Test Prep series) The Federal Aviation Administration is the government agency that regulates and sets standards for the aviation industry.
Brooks Saddles Challenge Tool Bag
Brooks Saddles Challenge Tool Bag was designed and patented in 1896. This tool bag is for fitment to the rear of a saddle bearing bag loops. It features buckles that whilst fastening the bag to the saddle, are located within the hold itself, thus ensuring greater levels of security. The strap that secures the unit encircles the tools it carries, to prevent them from rattling during transit. The honey leather is from Europe and Vegetable Tanned.
[ 1228, 3292, 10470, 11235 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Brooks Saddles Challenge Tool Bag Brooks Saddles Challenge Tool Bag was designed and patented in 1896. This tool bag is for fitment to the rear of a saddle bearing bag loops. It features buckles that whilst fastening the bag to the saddle, are located within the hold itself, thus ensuring greater levels of security. The strap that secures the unit encircles the tools it carries, to prevent them from rattling during transit. The honey leather is from Europe and Vegetable Tanned.
Silly Billyz Aqua Pocket Bib
Take the Silly Billyz Basic Bib and add a colorful, food-catching pocket. These bibs combine all the features of the basic bib with a practical pocket and a whimsical flair. Made from high quality anti pill fleece with a strong nylon (never rip) backing and snap closure. With so many colors to choose from, they are guaranteed to color coordinate with any of your child's clothing. PVC free.
[ 81, 744, 1212, 2571, 12579 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Silly Billyz Aqua Pocket Bib Take the Silly Billyz Basic Bib and add a colorful, food-catching pocket. These bibs combine all the features of the basic bib with a practical pocket and a whimsical flair. Made from high quality anti pill fleece with a strong nylon (never rip) backing and snap closure. With so many colors to choose from, they are guaranteed to color coordinate with any of your child's clothing. PVC free.
J To The L-O! The Remixes (Clean Version)
Audio CD.
[ 1656, 3322, 6845, 7961, 9237, 9678 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
J To The L-O! The Remixes (Clean Version) Audio CD.
When the 90's Came
[ 6502, 7719, 7961, 9237, 9678, 9784 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
When the 90's Came CD
[ 119, 4584, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 5 - Dawn of the Duel - Part 1
The Pharaoh and Yugi revisit the history museum to attempt once again to unlock the secrets of the Pharaohs ancient past. But, as they hold up the three Egyptian God Cards up to the five thousand year old stone tablet the Pharaohs spirit is sucked into the tablet, leaving Yugi alone and confused! Now Yugi and his friends must travel back five thousand years to battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from devastation, for if the past is destroyedso is the future! Contains 13 episodes on 2 discs!
[ 7892, 12505 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 5 - Dawn of the Duel - Part 1 The Pharaoh and Yugi revisit the history museum to attempt once again to unlock the secrets of the Pharaohs ancient past. But, as they hold up the three Egyptian God Cards up to the five thousand year old stone tablet the Pharaohs spirit is sucked into the tablet, leaving Yugi alone and confused! Now Yugi and his friends must travel back five thousand years to battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from devastation, for if the past is destroyedso is the future! Contains 13 episodes on 2 discs!
Exploring Jupiter: Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential
Stephen Arroyo (born October 6, 1946 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American author and astrologer. Arroyo has written seven books on psychologically oriented astrology which outline his theory that the individual's experience of the Solar System's impacts on their personal energy field, both psychological and physical. His works recast astrological concepts in psychological terms, and reject what he perceives as the fatalism and negativity of old-fashioned astrology. His books have now been translated into 20 languages. Regarding his written works, the Library Journal stated: "The simplicity and clarity of his treatment of complex ideas is remarkable; it makes accessible even to the beginner a wealth of understanding.giving meaningful psychological grounding to astrological interpretation.[citation needed] Arroyo has been guest speaker at events in the North America and Europe, and has taught astrology courses in the United States. He has been awarded the British Astrological Association Astrology Prize, the Fraternity of Canadian Astrologers' International Sun Award, and the United Astrology Congress's Regulus Award. He has an honors degree in literature from the University of California and a Masters Degree in Psychology. Previous occupations include marriage counseling, and the practice of a homeopathy and polarity therapy.
[ 649, 1471, 8109, 8280, 9905 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Exploring Jupiter: Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential Stephen Arroyo (born October 6, 1946 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American author and astrologer. Arroyo has written seven books on psychologically oriented astrology which outline his theory that the individual's experience of the Solar System's impacts on their personal energy field, both psychological and physical. His works recast astrological concepts in psychological terms, and reject what he perceives as the fatalism and negativity of old-fashioned astrology. His books have now been translated into 20 languages. Regarding his written works, the Library Journal stated: "The simplicity and clarity of his treatment of complex ideas is remarkable; it makes accessible even to the beginner a wealth of understanding.giving meaningful psychological grounding to astrological interpretation.[citation needed] Arroyo has been guest speaker at events in the North America and Europe, and has taught astrology courses in the United States. He has been awarded the British Astrological Association Astrology Prize, the Fraternity of Canadian Astrologers' International Sun Award, and the United Astrology Congress's Regulus Award. He has an honors degree in literature from the University of California and a Masters Degree in Psychology. Previous occupations include marriage counseling, and the practice of a homeopathy and polarity therapy.
Thomas Kinkade: Night Before Christmas
2 Music CDs + Bonus DVD & 5 xmas cards by Kinkade in foldout cover. Artists include Crosby,Williams, Brenda Lee,Mel Torme,Diana Ross,John Denver,Nat King Cole,Stevie Wonder and many more
[ 1370, 1656, 2420, 6502, 7719, 7961, 9237 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Thomas Kinkade: Night Before Christmas 2 Music CDs + Bonus DVD & 5 xmas cards by Kinkade in foldout cover. Artists include Crosby,Williams, Brenda Lee,Mel Torme,Diana Ross,John Denver,Nat King Cole,Stevie Wonder and many more
Multipet Look Who's Talking Parrot Dog Toy
Plush Talking Parrot for dogs
[ 3742, 8875, 8877, 11287, 12243 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Multipet Look Who's Talking Parrot Dog Toy Plush Talking Parrot for dogs
Sterling Silver Black Star Ring by Sajen, Size 5
A single oval black star stone is the focal point of this alluring sterling silver ring. The smooth, polished stone is held in a bezel setting and framed by delicate silver swirls and beads. The stone has a jet black color and displays an inner chatoyancy, or cat's eye effect, that resembles rays of light crossing each other. A 4 millimeter polished silver band completes this attractive design. HistoryExperts believe that silver alloy, used today as sterling silver, originated in continental Europe in the 12th century. Pure silver was found to be a soft and easily damageable material. When combined with other metals, most commonly cooper; it produced a tougher material that could be heavily relied on. Throughout the next few centuries, sterling silver was used as currency and household items. It was often used as silverware and became the material used in a proper table setting between 1840 and 1940 throughout the United States and Europe. Because of this popularity, silver companies began to grown. During this craze, companies began to experiment using sterling silver compositions in jewelry as it was a material that was easy to mold into intricate designs and gave a luxurious look with its metallic finish. Today, sterling silver is widely used in all kinds of jewelry styles and shines as beautifully as other precious metals, with the benefit of affordable pricing.Sterling Silver CompositionWhile pure silver can be combined with many different types of metals, sterling silver is created when combining pure silver with copper. Sterling silver jewelry can be composed with different amounts of copper but is most often seen with the .925 stamp, meaning that the composition is of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. This has been found to be a good combination for maintaining the silvers durability without harming its sparkle.Caring For Your Sterling Silver JewelrySilver should not come into contact with harsh household chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or chlorine. To avoid scratches, store silver in a lined jewelry box or pouch, as it is prone to tarnish as it naturally reacts with sulfur or hydrogen sulfide in the air. Cleaning and wearing silver jewelry regularly will prevent this and help maintain its shine. Immediately upon noticing any discoloration, use a gentle polish made specifically for removing tarnish. Learn More About Precious Metal Jewelry: Visit our Education GuideThe Amazon Curated CollectionDiscover the Amazon Curated Collection of fine and fashion jewelry. The expansive selection of high-quality jewelry featured in the Amazon Curated Collection offers everyday values that range from precious gemstone and diamond pieces to the latest fashion designs.This hand-selected assortment features an array of diamond, gemstone and precious metal designs that receive a quality inspection, including from Amazons staff graduate gemologist, to ensure they meet Amazons high standards. All diamonds featured in the Amazon Curated Collection are certified by our suppliers to be conflict free, and IGI, GIA, or AGS certifications are provided on white diamonds of .75 carats or larger on all stud earrings, rings, and pendant necklaces.Pieces from the Amazon Curated Collection come packaged in a custom box, making them wonderful gifts. In addition, we offer free one-day shipping within the continental US on items over $500. International shipping options for friends and family overseas are available for an additional fee.The Amazon Curated Collection offers a specialized customer service team that is available seven days a week to answer any product questions before, during or after the purchase. If youre not satisfied for any reason, you will receive a full refund and free return shipping within the US if you return your purchase within 30 days.Find a special gift for a loved one or a beautiful piece that complements your personal style with jewelry from the Amazon Curated Collection.
[ 6518, 10035 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Sterling Silver Black Star Ring by Sajen, Size 5 A single oval black star stone is the focal point of this alluring sterling silver ring. The smooth, polished stone is held in a bezel setting and framed by delicate silver swirls and beads. The stone has a jet black color and displays an inner chatoyancy, or cat's eye effect, that resembles rays of light crossing each other. A 4 millimeter polished silver band completes this attractive design. HistoryExperts believe that silver alloy, used today as sterling silver, originated in continental Europe in the 12th century. Pure silver was found to be a soft and easily damageable material. When combined with other metals, most commonly cooper; it produced a tougher material that could be heavily relied on. Throughout the next few centuries, sterling silver was used as currency and household items. It was often used as silverware and became the material used in a proper table setting between 1840 and 1940 throughout the United States and Europe. Because of this popularity, silver companies began to grown. During this craze, companies began to experiment using sterling silver compositions in jewelry as it was a material that was easy to mold into intricate designs and gave a luxurious look with its metallic finish. Today, sterling silver is widely used in all kinds of jewelry styles and shines as beautifully as other precious metals, with the benefit of affordable pricing.Sterling Silver CompositionWhile pure silver can be combined with many different types of metals, sterling silver is created when combining pure silver with copper. Sterling silver jewelry can be composed with different amounts of copper but is most often seen with the .925 stamp, meaning that the composition is of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. This has been found to be a good combination for maintaining the silvers durability without harming its sparkle.Caring For Your Sterling Silver JewelrySilver should not come into contact with harsh household chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, or chlorine. To avoid scratches, store silver in a lined jewelry box or pouch, as it is prone to tarnish as it naturally reacts with sulfur or hydrogen sulfide in the air. Cleaning and wearing silver jewelry regularly will prevent this and help maintain its shine. Immediately upon noticing any discoloration, use a gentle polish made specifically for removing tarnish. Learn More About Precious Metal Jewelry: Visit our Education GuideThe Amazon Curated CollectionDiscover the Amazon Curated Collection of fine and fashion jewelry. The expansive selection of high-quality jewelry featured in the Amazon Curated Collection offers everyday values that range from precious gemstone and diamond pieces to the latest fashion designs.This hand-selected assortment features an array of diamond, gemstone and precious metal designs that receive a quality inspection, including from Amazons staff graduate gemologist, to ensure they meet Amazons high standards. All diamonds featured in the Amazon Curated Collection are certified by our suppliers to be conflict free, and IGI, GIA, or AGS certifications are provided on white diamonds of .75 carats or larger on all stud earrings, rings, and pendant necklaces.Pieces from the Amazon Curated Collection come packaged in a custom box, making them wonderful gifts. In addition, we offer free one-day shipping within the continental US on items over $500. International shipping options for friends and family overseas are available for an additional fee.The Amazon Curated Collection offers a specialized customer service team that is available seven days a week to answer any product questions before, during or after the purchase. If youre not satisfied for any reason, you will receive a full refund and free return shipping within the US if you return your purchase within 30 days.Find a special gift for a loved one or a beautiful piece that complements your personal style with jewelry from the Amazon Curated Collection.
Russian-born woman of letters Lou Salome (1861-1937) had a brief but tempestuous relationship with Nietzsche in 1882. In 1894, while Nietzsche languished in madness, Salome published Friedrich Nietzsche in seinen Werken , here translated for the first time into English. Salome attempts to show how Nietzsche's philosophy can be seen as a reflection of his psychology. She construes his philosophical development as driven by a series of illnesses and recoveries, his later philosophy as mystical, and his madness as the inevitable result of his philosophizing. The book will interest scholars as the first full-scale account of Nietzsche's thought; its claims and methods, however, must be treated with caution. Richard Hogan, Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North DartmouthCopyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Show[s] how Nietzsche's philosophy can be seen as a reflection of his psychology. . . . The first full-scale account of Nietzsche's thought. -- Library JournalThis translation of Salom's early portrait of Nietzsche . . . is long overdue. -- Choice Text: English (translation) Original Language: German
[ 20, 49, 1274, 1471, 5001, 7765, 8144, 8813, 8899, 8900, 9202, 9498 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Nietzsche Russian-born woman of letters Lou Salome (1861-1937) had a brief but tempestuous relationship with Nietzsche in 1882. In 1894, while Nietzsche languished in madness, Salome published Friedrich Nietzsche in seinen Werken , here translated for the first time into English. Salome attempts to show how Nietzsche's philosophy can be seen as a reflection of his psychology. She construes his philosophical development as driven by a series of illnesses and recoveries, his later philosophy as mystical, and his madness as the inevitable result of his philosophizing. The book will interest scholars as the first full-scale account of Nietzsche's thought; its claims and methods, however, must be treated with caution. Richard Hogan, Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North DartmouthCopyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Show[s] how Nietzsche's philosophy can be seen as a reflection of his psychology. . . . The first full-scale account of Nietzsche's thought. -- Library JournalThis translation of Salom's early portrait of Nietzsche . . . is long overdue. -- Choice Text: English (translation) Original Language: German
RepPals: Dolphin
RepPals feel amazingly lifelike! Perfect for curious little hands. RepPals are friendly animal replicas kids love to stretch and tug. Made from environmentally friendly rubber filled with a sand-like material to give it weight and a realistic feel. RepPals are incredibly stretchy, but like all rubber toys, they may break if overstretched. Measures 7.5 inches long.
[ 119, 4584, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
RepPals: Dolphin RepPals feel amazingly lifelike! Perfect for curious little hands. RepPals are friendly animal replicas kids love to stretch and tug. Made from environmentally friendly rubber filled with a sand-like material to give it weight and a realistic feel. RepPals are incredibly stretchy, but like all rubber toys, they may break if overstretched. Measures 7.5 inches long.
Live and Rockin'
First time on CD for this long out-of-print live album from the Psychobilly band, originally released in 1989. The Coffin Nails are one of the scene's best loved bands, still playing regularly and topping the bill at festivals all over the world. This will appeal to fans old and new as Psychobilly is now becoming big with younger fans in America and consistently remains popular with older fans alike. Anagram. 2007.
[ 7961, 9237, 10063 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Live and Rockin' First time on CD for this long out-of-print live album from the Psychobilly band, originally released in 1989. The Coffin Nails are one of the scene's best loved bands, still playing regularly and topping the bill at festivals all over the world. This will appeal to fans old and new as Psychobilly is now becoming big with younger fans in America and consistently remains popular with older fans alike. Anagram. 2007.
The Dead and the Damned (2011)
Hot on the trail of a renegade Apache warrior, gun-slinging bounty hunter Mortimer passes through an 1849 California gold rush town, where local miners direct him into the mountains to track his prey. While he is gone, the miners unearth a meteor that has landed in their sleepy town. As they crack it open, an explosion releases toxic spores, which quickly infect the entire population, transforming them into blood-thirsty, mutant zombies. Following a ferocious battle, Mortimer triumphantly returns to town with his Indian captive in shackles only to find them surrounded by a ravenous horde of the undead. Now the two enemies must band together if they are to escape the horrors of The Dead and the Damned!
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
The Dead and the Damned (2011) Hot on the trail of a renegade Apache warrior, gun-slinging bounty hunter Mortimer passes through an 1849 California gold rush town, where local miners direct him into the mountains to track his prey. While he is gone, the miners unearth a meteor that has landed in their sleepy town. As they crack it open, an explosion releases toxic spores, which quickly infect the entire population, transforming them into blood-thirsty, mutant zombies. Following a ferocious battle, Mortimer triumphantly returns to town with his Indian captive in shackles only to find them surrounded by a ravenous horde of the undead. Now the two enemies must band together if they are to escape the horrors of The Dead and the Damned!
The War File: Kamikaze - To Die for the Emperor (2008)
Captured within this rare archival footage is the history and deployment of the Kamikaze, and especially its use against the US naval fleet during the invasion of Okinawa. CHAPTERS 1. March of Conquest 2. Pilot Training 3. Kamikaze 4. Picket Duty 5. Human Bombs 6. Holy War
[ 7892, 12505 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
The War File: Kamikaze - To Die for the Emperor (2008) Captured within this rare archival footage is the history and deployment of the Kamikaze, and especially its use against the US naval fleet during the invasion of Okinawa. CHAPTERS 1. March of Conquest 2. Pilot Training 3. Kamikaze 4. Picket Duty 5. Human Bombs 6. Holy War
Legacy of Love: David Phelps Live (W/Dvd)
Legacy of Love: David Phelps Live! fully expands on what fans love most about this artist: strong, pronounced vocals and dramatic live delivery.
[ 2420, 7961, 9237 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Legacy of Love: David Phelps Live (W/Dvd) Legacy of Love: David Phelps Live! fully expands on what fans love most about this artist: strong, pronounced vocals and dramatic live delivery.
Whiteside Manufacturing FNLBDY Funnel Storage System
These funnel buddy systems are just what you need to store that funnel with no leaks. They include a removable funnel, a collection bottle, and a wall mounting bracket.
[ 719, 5063, 8337, 12181 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Whiteside Manufacturing FNLBDY Funnel Storage System These funnel buddy systems are just what you need to store that funnel with no leaks. They include a removable funnel, a collection bottle, and a wall mounting bracket.
FirstOUT (2000)
A Good Son: Jury Prize, Best Short: Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Finalist, Breakout Film/Video Outfest Lost Angeles -- Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalDifferent: Grand Prize - Student Film: Rhode Island International Film Festival -- Rhode Island International Film FestivalThe Neighborly Thing: Best Lead Acting Nominations - Shockerfest International Film Festival. -- Shockerfest International Film Festival Starring Emily Stiles (Eating Out, Eating Out 2), Ben Hogestyn (The Bold and the Beautiful and General Hospital), Robbie Laughlin (Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, On Q Live, Another Gay Movie) First OUT is an annual DVD project that promotes up and coming gay and lesbian artists and other talented artists who produce works that our community can relate to. Alluvial has a history of giving filmmakers a launching pad for success by distributing their films about the lives of gays and lesbians. This short film collection will continue that tradition. In this new collection of shorts, enjoy five short films two comedies, a drama, a documentary and a comic horror film. -- Films include: Different, an award-winning playful teen comedy about a high school where gay is the norm and homecoming is just a few days away. Different won the Grand Prize for Best Student Film at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. It has screened at over 40 film festivals worldwide and has opened for award-winning queer features including Boys Don t Cry, Eating Out and Girl Play. Different s leading actor Ben Hogestyn starred as the first openly gay character on ABC s General Hospital and currently stars on CBS s The Bold and The Beautiful. A Good Son has also enjoyed its fair share of success. This drama tells the story of a chance encounter between two teenage boys that leads to a turning point in one of their lives. The film won the Jury Prize for Best Short at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. It also was a finalist in the Best Breakout Film/Video category at Outfest in addition to screening at over 25 film festivals worldwide. Meet Joe Gay is a charming documentary by a 27-year-old gay man that expresses his attempts to understand why he s single and what it takes to have a successful relationship. This film has screened at several film festivals. Is One of You Eddie? , stereotypes are challenged as four attractive gay men unfairly judge their neighbor, Eddie, because he doesn t fit the West Hollywood mold. Is One of You Eddie? appeared on the big screen at Los Angeles famed ArcLight Cinema as part of LA Shorts Fest in September 2006. The short stars Robbie Laughlin from Q Television s On Q Live, Bravo s Queer Eye for the Straight Girl and Another Gay Movie. The Neighborly Thing is a chilling tale about a man who has an overzealous obsession with his upstairs neighbor. Both leading actors in this short were nominated for Best Lead Acting categories at SHOCKERFEST International Film Festival.
[ 7892, 12505 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
FirstOUT (2000) A Good Son: Jury Prize, Best Short: Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. Finalist, Breakout Film/Video Outfest Lost Angeles -- Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film FestivalDifferent: Grand Prize - Student Film: Rhode Island International Film Festival -- Rhode Island International Film FestivalThe Neighborly Thing: Best Lead Acting Nominations - Shockerfest International Film Festival. -- Shockerfest International Film Festival Starring Emily Stiles (Eating Out, Eating Out 2), Ben Hogestyn (The Bold and the Beautiful and General Hospital), Robbie Laughlin (Queer Eye for the Straight Girl, On Q Live, Another Gay Movie) First OUT is an annual DVD project that promotes up and coming gay and lesbian artists and other talented artists who produce works that our community can relate to. Alluvial has a history of giving filmmakers a launching pad for success by distributing their films about the lives of gays and lesbians. This short film collection will continue that tradition. In this new collection of shorts, enjoy five short films two comedies, a drama, a documentary and a comic horror film. -- Films include: Different, an award-winning playful teen comedy about a high school where gay is the norm and homecoming is just a few days away. Different won the Grand Prize for Best Student Film at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. It has screened at over 40 film festivals worldwide and has opened for award-winning queer features including Boys Don t Cry, Eating Out and Girl Play. Different s leading actor Ben Hogestyn starred as the first openly gay character on ABC s General Hospital and currently stars on CBS s The Bold and The Beautiful. A Good Son has also enjoyed its fair share of success. This drama tells the story of a chance encounter between two teenage boys that leads to a turning point in one of their lives. The film won the Jury Prize for Best Short at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival. It also was a finalist in the Best Breakout Film/Video category at Outfest in addition to screening at over 25 film festivals worldwide. Meet Joe Gay is a charming documentary by a 27-year-old gay man that expresses his attempts to understand why he s single and what it takes to have a successful relationship. This film has screened at several film festivals. Is One of You Eddie? , stereotypes are challenged as four attractive gay men unfairly judge their neighbor, Eddie, because he doesn t fit the West Hollywood mold. Is One of You Eddie? appeared on the big screen at Los Angeles famed ArcLight Cinema as part of LA Shorts Fest in September 2006. The short stars Robbie Laughlin from Q Television s On Q Live, Bravo s Queer Eye for the Straight Girl and Another Gay Movie. The Neighborly Thing is a chilling tale about a man who has an overzealous obsession with his upstairs neighbor. Both leading actors in this short were nominated for Best Lead Acting categories at SHOCKERFEST International Film Festival.
[ 5475, 9105, 12246, 12284, 12732 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
FitStix - Cardio Dance Blast
Shake up your workouts with JoyFitstix Cardio & Core Dance Blast! This multi-level, mixed impact routine introduces the toning and shaping power of the Joyfitstix, a powerful weight loss aid that has helped numerous health club members burn 200-300 more calories per workout. Invented by certified fitness trainer Karen Joy Allen, the JoyFitstix (sold separately) weighs under a pound, allowing for quick and safe movements to keep rhythm with the musical beat and create sleek, toned muscles without the use of weights! Combining the benefits of strength training and cardio, this complete, time-efficient workout burns fat, while you tone and sculpt lean, beautiful muscles of the legs, arms, torso and shoulders. This calorie-burning, multi-level dance program also includes an effective, one-of-a-kind abdominal workout.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
[ 7892, 12505 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
FitStix - Cardio Dance Blast Shake up your workouts with JoyFitstix Cardio & Core Dance Blast! This multi-level, mixed impact routine introduces the toning and shaping power of the Joyfitstix, a powerful weight loss aid that has helped numerous health club members burn 200-300 more calories per workout. Invented by certified fitness trainer Karen Joy Allen, the JoyFitstix (sold separately) weighs under a pound, allowing for quick and safe movements to keep rhythm with the musical beat and create sleek, toned muscles without the use of weights! Combining the benefits of strength training and cardio, this complete, time-efficient workout burns fat, while you tone and sculpt lean, beautiful muscles of the legs, arms, torso and shoulders. This calorie-burning, multi-level dance program also includes an effective, one-of-a-kind abdominal workout.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Glen or Glenda [VHS]
Often mentioned as a contender for the title of Worst Movie Ever Made, Glen or Glenda? (a.k.a. I Changed My Sex, a.k.a. I Led Two Lives, a.k.a. He or She) remains Ed Wood's weirdest film--and, for the director of Plan 9 from Outer Space, that's saying something. Yet Glen or Glenda? goes way beyond camp, into some unique zone of demented personal expression, an essay/collage/autobiography that is no less fascinating just because it comes from a second-rate mind. Wood himself, under the pseudonym Daniel Davis, plays a transvestite struggling to reveal his tendencies to his wife (the toneless Dolores Fuller, Wood's missus in real life). Mixed in with this exploitation story is a ton of irrelevant stock footage, as well as disconnected glimpses of Bla Lugosi bellowing at the audience; Lugosi's dialogue is a tapestry of non sequiturs and portentous warnings. The behind-the-scenes creation of Glen or Glenda? forms part of the action of Ed Wood, Tim Burton's affectionate tribute to the B-movie master. Wood himself was a transvestite, which accounts for the cracked sincerity of Glen or Glenda?; the passion for angora sweaters is real, not a fluffy plot device. Truly a flabbergasting 68 minutes in film history. --Robert Horton
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Glen or Glenda [VHS] Often mentioned as a contender for the title of Worst Movie Ever Made, Glen or Glenda? (a.k.a. I Changed My Sex, a.k.a. I Led Two Lives, a.k.a. He or She) remains Ed Wood's weirdest film--and, for the director of Plan 9 from Outer Space, that's saying something. Yet Glen or Glenda? goes way beyond camp, into some unique zone of demented personal expression, an essay/collage/autobiography that is no less fascinating just because it comes from a second-rate mind. Wood himself, under the pseudonym Daniel Davis, plays a transvestite struggling to reveal his tendencies to his wife (the toneless Dolores Fuller, Wood's missus in real life). Mixed in with this exploitation story is a ton of irrelevant stock footage, as well as disconnected glimpses of Bla Lugosi bellowing at the audience; Lugosi's dialogue is a tapestry of non sequiturs and portentous warnings. The behind-the-scenes creation of Glen or Glenda? forms part of the action of Ed Wood, Tim Burton's affectionate tribute to the B-movie master. Wood himself was a transvestite, which accounts for the cracked sincerity of Glen or Glenda?; the passion for angora sweaters is real, not a fluffy plot device. Truly a flabbergasting 68 minutes in film history. --Robert Horton
The War File: The Zeppelin - The History of the World's Greatest Airships (2008)
This DVD outlines the history of the world's greatest airships--from the pioneering efforts of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin to the career of the Hindenburg's sister ship the Graf Zeppelin. Using archive film, photographs, and graphics The Zeppelin follows the progress of airships from their deployment in World War I to their present uses today. CHAPTERS 1. The Zeppelin Tactical Advantage 2. The North Pole Expedition 3. The R101 Disaster 4. The Akron Zeppelin 5. Non-Rigid Inflatables (Blimps)
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
The War File: The Zeppelin - The History of the World's Greatest Airships (2008) This DVD outlines the history of the world's greatest airships--from the pioneering efforts of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin to the career of the Hindenburg's sister ship the Graf Zeppelin. Using archive film, photographs, and graphics The Zeppelin follows the progress of airships from their deployment in World War I to their present uses today. CHAPTERS 1. The Zeppelin Tactical Advantage 2. The North Pole Expedition 3. The R101 Disaster 4. The Akron Zeppelin 5. Non-Rigid Inflatables (Blimps)
The Penguin Dictionary of Physics (Penguin Dictionary)
Valerie Illingworth worked in Reference book publishing before going freelance in 1976. She has edited many scientific books including the DICTIONARY OF COMPUTING and THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF ELECTRONICS. Dr Cullerne is currently teaching at Winchester.
[ 1471, 3551, 3553, 4038, 4698, 5750, 8108, 8942, 9857, 9961, 9962, 10368, 10369, 12630, 13282 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Penguin Dictionary of Physics (Penguin Dictionary) Valerie Illingworth worked in Reference book publishing before going freelance in 1976. She has edited many scientific books including the DICTIONARY OF COMPUTING and THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF ELECTRONICS. Dr Cullerne is currently teaching at Winchester.
Insight and Solidarity: The Discourse Ethics of Jürgen Habermas (Philosophy, Social Theory, and the Rule of Law)
William Rehg is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at St. Louis University and the translator of Between Facts and Norms by Jrgen Habermas.
[ 1471, 4325, 8900, 9202 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Insight and Solidarity: The Discourse Ethics of Jürgen Habermas (Philosophy, Social Theory, and the Rule of Law) William Rehg is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at St. Louis University and the translator of Between Facts and Norms by Jrgen Habermas.
God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time
Reaching out to listeners of all religious backgrounds, Desmond Tutu shows us how to transform suffering into joy both in our lives and in our world. He tells us that God dreams of a world where laughter, love, and peace reign, and where we realize that we are all members of one family, God's family. In this extremely personal and liberating message, Father Tutu helps us "see with the eyes of the heart" and cultivate the qualities of forgiveness, humility, generosity, and courage that we need to realize God's Dream personally and globally.
[ 1471, 2421, 2423, 2438, 5878, 9203, 9904, 9905, 9907, 9913, 11970, 13255 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
God Has a Dream: A Vision of Hope for Our Time Reaching out to listeners of all religious backgrounds, Desmond Tutu shows us how to transform suffering into joy both in our lives and in our world. He tells us that God dreams of a world where laughter, love, and peace reign, and where we realize that we are all members of one family, God's family. In this extremely personal and liberating message, Father Tutu helps us "see with the eyes of the heart" and cultivate the qualities of forgiveness, humility, generosity, and courage that we need to realize God's Dream personally and globally.
Singer/songwriters take note, this is what you should be doing and how you should sound. --J-Sin - Smother.net Editor's Pick This album is a highly refined representation of S.J. Tucker's musical talent at an early stage in her career. The tracks on this disc are still some of her most popular and most-requested songs. Each track was selected for recording because it was someone's absolute favorite. If you like rich vocal harmonies and rich, masterful musical accompaniment, then you want to own Tangles: Love Songs, Myths, & Sticky Situations.
[ 4856, 7961, 9237 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Tangles Singer/songwriters take note, this is what you should be doing and how you should sound. --J-Sin - Smother.net Editor's Pick This album is a highly refined representation of S.J. Tucker's musical talent at an early stage in her career. The tracks on this disc are still some of her most popular and most-requested songs. Each track was selected for recording because it was someone's absolute favorite. If you like rich vocal harmonies and rich, masterful musical accompaniment, then you want to own Tangles: Love Songs, Myths, & Sticky Situations.
Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages
Text: English (translation) Original Language: French
[ 544, 1471, 1717, 5878, 6093, 7537, 8108, 9487, 12630 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages Text: English (translation) Original Language: French
Shadow Builder [VHS] (2000)
Father Vassey (Michael Rooker) has a problem. Using his two 9mm, laser-sighted cannons he's tracked down and killed the holders of a heretic ceremony meant to bring a demon into the world. Not just any demon, this one's raison d'etre is nothing less than uncreating creation. The problem is that Vassey is too late. The demon has manifested, escaped, and is now on the hunt for the soul of a young boy who is believed to be a saint, due to the stigmata he had at birth. The film is directed by Jamie Dixon, heretofore a special effects supervisor, who shows canny restraint where special effects are concerned. The shadowy demon of the title is depicted often by a fluid black cloud, which is functional without losing its eeriness or credibility. The acting is solid, never campy, though Michael Rooker sometimes feels out of place. And the climactic scenes, built up to with good pacing, are fraught with peril and excitement. All in all, this is a worthwhile effort for a first-time director, and that makes it one of the best direct-to-video releases I've seen in quite a long time. Although I wish I could locate the Bram Stoker story on which it is based. --Jim Gay
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Shadow Builder [VHS] (2000) Father Vassey (Michael Rooker) has a problem. Using his two 9mm, laser-sighted cannons he's tracked down and killed the holders of a heretic ceremony meant to bring a demon into the world. Not just any demon, this one's raison d'etre is nothing less than uncreating creation. The problem is that Vassey is too late. The demon has manifested, escaped, and is now on the hunt for the soul of a young boy who is believed to be a saint, due to the stigmata he had at birth. The film is directed by Jamie Dixon, heretofore a special effects supervisor, who shows canny restraint where special effects are concerned. The shadowy demon of the title is depicted often by a fluid black cloud, which is functional without losing its eeriness or credibility. The acting is solid, never campy, though Michael Rooker sometimes feels out of place. And the climactic scenes, built up to with good pacing, are fraught with peril and excitement. All in all, this is a worthwhile effort for a first-time director, and that makes it one of the best direct-to-video releases I've seen in quite a long time. Although I wish I could locate the Bram Stoker story on which it is based. --Jim Gay
Amazon.com: Ray-Ban - Caravan Aviator Sunglasses RB3136 Silver / Grey Gradient: Clothing
Always in style, aviator sunglasses are at the heart of Ray-Ban's tradition of style and comfort and quality. Ray-Ban sunglasses have a long history of quality eyewear. Ray Ban sunglasses continue to provide that RayBan sunglasses look even into the fourth decade of their popularity. Ray Ban sunglasses: simply classic.The Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses collection reminds us of the old days when quality was something you could rely on. Ray Ban Classic Aviators are in a class of their own.
[ 2571 ]
[ 1 ]
Amazon.com: Ray-Ban - Caravan Aviator Sunglasses RB3136 Silver / Grey Gradient: Clothing Always in style, aviator sunglasses are at the heart of Ray-Ban's tradition of style and comfort and quality. Ray-Ban sunglasses have a long history of quality eyewear. Ray Ban sunglasses continue to provide that RayBan sunglasses look even into the fourth decade of their popularity. Ray Ban sunglasses: simply classic.The Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses collection reminds us of the old days when quality was something you could rely on. Ray Ban Classic Aviators are in a class of their own.
Princess in Pink: The Princess Diaries, Volume 5
Things are looking up for Mia: she's the newest staffer on the school paper, and her miraculous completion of freshman Algebra is just around the corner. Plus she's about to get a new baby brother or sister. Could things possibly get any better? But in her heart of hearts, Mia has one wish: an evening spent with Michael in a tux and a corsage on her wrist; in other words, the PROM. Michael, however, does not seem to share the dream that is the prom. Worse still, a service workers strike (with Grandmere and Lilly at the heart of it and on opposite sides) threatens the very existence of this year's prom. Will the strike end in time? Can Michael be dissuaded from his anti-prom views? Most importantly, will Mia get to wear her pink prom dress? Also, as a precursor to Princess in Pink, this audiobook includes Project Princess: The Princess Diaries, Volume 4 and 1/2. Hammer in hand, Princess Mia embarks on an epic adventure for one so admittedly unhandy: along with her cohorts from school, she's off to build houses for the less fortunate. It doesn't take Mia long to realize that helping others (while an unimpeachably noble pastime) is very hard work. Will her giving spirit prevail? Will the house collapse due to royally clumsy construction? And most importantly, will Michael stop working long enough to kiss her?
[ 1471 ]
[ 1 ]
Princess in Pink: The Princess Diaries, Volume 5 Things are looking up for Mia: she's the newest staffer on the school paper, and her miraculous completion of freshman Algebra is just around the corner. Plus she's about to get a new baby brother or sister. Could things possibly get any better? But in her heart of hearts, Mia has one wish: an evening spent with Michael in a tux and a corsage on her wrist; in other words, the PROM. Michael, however, does not seem to share the dream that is the prom. Worse still, a service workers strike (with Grandmere and Lilly at the heart of it and on opposite sides) threatens the very existence of this year's prom. Will the strike end in time? Can Michael be dissuaded from his anti-prom views? Most importantly, will Mia get to wear her pink prom dress? Also, as a precursor to Princess in Pink, this audiobook includes Project Princess: The Princess Diaries, Volume 4 and 1/2. Hammer in hand, Princess Mia embarks on an epic adventure for one so admittedly unhandy: along with her cohorts from school, she's off to build houses for the less fortunate. It doesn't take Mia long to realize that helping others (while an unimpeachably noble pastime) is very hard work. Will her giving spirit prevail? Will the house collapse due to royally clumsy construction? And most importantly, will Michael stop working long enough to kiss her?
Jocks (1987)
An odd-ball misfit tennis team is playing their hardest to score in this lively action-packed comedy where the game of love is the main event both on and off the court. System Requirements:Run Time: 90 minsFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre:COMEDY Rating:R UPC:787364705399
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Jocks (1987) An odd-ball misfit tennis team is playing their hardest to score in this lively action-packed comedy where the game of love is the main event both on and off the court. System Requirements:Run Time: 90 minsFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre:COMEDY Rating:R UPC:787364705399
The Marriage Dictionary
Tom Carey is the author of numerous humor books about marriage, sex and golf. He lives and works in Illinois.
[ 1471, 4038, 6100, 6101, 7164, 10577 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Marriage Dictionary Tom Carey is the author of numerous humor books about marriage, sex and golf. He lives and works in Illinois.
The Gatecrashers (Charnwood Library)
Alexander Fullerton's first novel SURFACE! sold half a million copies and the Nicholas Everard series of navel adventures secured his reputation as 'the admiral of the moderns'. --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition. Based on a WWII secret submarine action against the German battleship TIRPITZ, Fullerton's sea story portrays British sailors speaking as English aristocracy, while enjoying tea and biscuits at battle stations. The plot is subtle, the romance cool, the action sparse, and the participants taciturn. The gravelly voiced Terry Wale adds spice to the tale by creating personalities for characters, using varying manners of speech, rhythm, and volume. However, his female falsetto holds for only a few words, before sliding into a low rasp heard from no woman. American listeners will find many word pronunciations foreign to their ear, but the narrator's careful enunciation makes him easy to understand. J.A.H. AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine-- Copyright AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
[ 118, 1471, 5235, 7083, 12891 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Gatecrashers (Charnwood Library) Alexander Fullerton's first novel SURFACE! sold half a million copies and the Nicholas Everard series of navel adventures secured his reputation as 'the admiral of the moderns'. --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition. Based on a WWII secret submarine action against the German battleship TIRPITZ, Fullerton's sea story portrays British sailors speaking as English aristocracy, while enjoying tea and biscuits at battle stations. The plot is subtle, the romance cool, the action sparse, and the participants taciturn. The gravelly voiced Terry Wale adds spice to the tale by creating personalities for characters, using varying manners of speech, rhythm, and volume. However, his female falsetto holds for only a few words, before sliding into a low rasp heard from no woman. American listeners will find many word pronunciations foreign to their ear, but the narrator's careful enunciation makes him easy to understand. J.A.H. AudioFile 2003, Portland, Maine-- Copyright AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
Cruel and Unusual (2012)
"Groundbreaking! At times graceful, at times unflinching, Cruel and Unusual is haunting, urgent and intense" -- South by Southwest Film Festival JANET W. BAUS, producer/director of Cruel and Unusual, is a producer and editor for PBS, cable television, and independent productions. She was a Producer for Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World, which broadcast on Here! DAN HUNT, producer/director of Cruel and Unusual, has been creating award-winning programming for Public Television since the late 1980s. As Producer, he recently completed Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World, which is currently screening in festivals in the United States and abroad and broadcast nationally on Here! SLAWOMIR GRNBERG, Director of Photography of Cruel and Unusual, born in Lublin, Poland is a graduate of the Polish Film School in Lodz, where he studied cinematography and directing. Between 1974 and 1976, he worked as a cinematographer for the Polish Television Network in Warsaw, Poland. The peace and quiet of a sleepy Oregon village turns deadly when Adam Turrell comes to town. Introducing himself as an English professor working on his first novel, he befriends Kate and Mike O'Connor, a brother and sister trying to put their lives back together after the death of their father. The two welcome the stranger, inviting him into their lives, unaware that their actions will lead them down a dangerous path into the mind and the grip of a deadly serial killer.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
[ 7891, 7892 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Cruel and Unusual (2012) "Groundbreaking! At times graceful, at times unflinching, Cruel and Unusual is haunting, urgent and intense" -- South by Southwest Film Festival JANET W. BAUS, producer/director of Cruel and Unusual, is a producer and editor for PBS, cable television, and independent productions. She was a Producer for Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World, which broadcast on Here! DAN HUNT, producer/director of Cruel and Unusual, has been creating award-winning programming for Public Television since the late 1980s. As Producer, he recently completed Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World, which is currently screening in festivals in the United States and abroad and broadcast nationally on Here! SLAWOMIR GRNBERG, Director of Photography of Cruel and Unusual, born in Lublin, Poland is a graduate of the Polish Film School in Lodz, where he studied cinematography and directing. Between 1974 and 1976, he worked as a cinematographer for the Polish Television Network in Warsaw, Poland. The peace and quiet of a sleepy Oregon village turns deadly when Adam Turrell comes to town. Introducing himself as an English professor working on his first novel, he befriends Kate and Mike O'Connor, a brother and sister trying to put their lives back together after the death of their father. The two welcome the stranger, inviting him into their lives, unaware that their actions will lead them down a dangerous path into the mind and the grip of a deadly serial killer.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media. Amazon.com's standard return policy will apply.
Nifty 468002 Catch-All Xtreme Gray Rear Cargo Floor Mat
The Catch-All Xtreme cargo mat by Nifty Products provides serious floor protection against extreme conditions. The Catch-All Xtreme is made of Xynet, a custom-molded thermoplastic material that is resistant to water, snow, mud, grease and chemicals. This mat features a lifetime guarantee against cracking, splitting or breaking. The outside edge features a raised lip to stop spills from getting to the carpet underneath.
[ 719, 2054, 3265, 4781, 6377 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Nifty 468002 Catch-All Xtreme Gray Rear Cargo Floor Mat The Catch-All Xtreme cargo mat by Nifty Products provides serious floor protection against extreme conditions. The Catch-All Xtreme is made of Xynet, a custom-molded thermoplastic material that is resistant to water, snow, mud, grease and chemicals. This mat features a lifetime guarantee against cracking, splitting or breaking. The outside edge features a raised lip to stop spills from getting to the carpet underneath.
H.S. Trask Men's Outpost Moccasin,Dk Brown Pebbled,13 M
A combination of elements creates the unique comfort found in H.S. Trask footwear. Clearly, one of the important elements is leather. The Bison, Elk and Longhorn leathers they use have unique fiber characteristics and their special tanning techniques enhance these qualities -- you can feel the difference the moment you put the shoes on. H.S. Trask uses the highest quality components in their shoes including cushion orthotics, soft midsoles, high-grade outsoles, and fully lined vamps and quarters. Whenever there is a choice between leather and plastic, they always choose leather.
[ 7110, 7563, 10688 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
H.S. Trask Men's Outpost Moccasin,Dk Brown Pebbled,13 M A combination of elements creates the unique comfort found in H.S. Trask footwear. Clearly, one of the important elements is leather. The Bison, Elk and Longhorn leathers they use have unique fiber characteristics and their special tanning techniques enhance these qualities -- you can feel the difference the moment you put the shoes on. H.S. Trask uses the highest quality components in their shoes including cushion orthotics, soft midsoles, high-grade outsoles, and fully lined vamps and quarters. Whenever there is a choice between leather and plastic, they always choose leather.
Love and Responsibility
Text: English (translation) Original Language: Polish
[ 1471, 2160, 2421, 2423, 4038, 7166, 9896, 10510, 10576, 11970 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Love and Responsibility Text: English (translation) Original Language: Polish
Songs My Mother Taught Me
Violin reminiscences, this cd contains 15 soothing, classical violin pieces and lullabies
[ 7961 ]
[ 1 ]
Songs My Mother Taught Me Violin reminiscences, this cd contains 15 soothing, classical violin pieces and lullabies
Did Those Feet
When Mick Mercer, one of the most respected music journalists with some 30 years in the trenches, cites The Dancing Did as his favorite English band of all time, you know we're talking about something a little special. Yet their epic output, has always been a little too subversive and clever for the mainstream and therefore has never before been available on CD. Cherry Red's 2007 re-release puts this travesty to rights, restoring their captivating sole long-player And Did Those Feet in full. As if that wasn't enough, the package comes complete with bonus material from their time with Stiff and Kamera Records, including all their a-sides, plus never before heard soundboard live recordings. The package also includes Mick's detailed liner notes, written in co-operation with the band, plus exclusive photographs and memorabilia. The Dancing Did's amalgam of the rural Gothic, replete with folk jigs and Hank Marvin-esque guitar, as well as Tim Harrison's unfailingly intricate and humorous lyrics, mark them out as one of the great undiscovered treasures of the early '80s Post-Punk . Cherry Red.
[ 7961, 9237, 10063 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Did Those Feet When Mick Mercer, one of the most respected music journalists with some 30 years in the trenches, cites The Dancing Did as his favorite English band of all time, you know we're talking about something a little special. Yet their epic output, has always been a little too subversive and clever for the mainstream and therefore has never before been available on CD. Cherry Red's 2007 re-release puts this travesty to rights, restoring their captivating sole long-player And Did Those Feet in full. As if that wasn't enough, the package comes complete with bonus material from their time with Stiff and Kamera Records, including all their a-sides, plus never before heard soundboard live recordings. The package also includes Mick's detailed liner notes, written in co-operation with the band, plus exclusive photographs and memorabilia. The Dancing Did's amalgam of the rural Gothic, replete with folk jigs and Hank Marvin-esque guitar, as well as Tim Harrison's unfailingly intricate and humorous lyrics, mark them out as one of the great undiscovered treasures of the early '80s Post-Punk . Cherry Red.
Reaction Women's RK5001 Digital Black Leather Watch
Welcome to the new age of digital timekeeping. Stylish and ultra-thin, this stainless steel digital watch from Kenneth Cole's Reaction collection will be at home with even your most stylish couture. The tall, thin brushed stainless steel watch bezel measures about 1-inch wide and has a slightly rounded top. The black leather band is supple and feels luxurious against your skin. The digital readout features the hour at the top, the minutes in the middle, and day and date at the bottom. It features an alarm and a sport timer mose with elapsed time and split time measurements, and also offers backlight illumination. A very durable metal alloy (usually containing 10-20% chromium), stainless steel is virtually immune to rust, discoloration, and corrosion. Smart, streetwise, and energetic, Kenneth Cole's Reaction collection of watches is influenced by music, culture and the digital environment and offers urbanites stylized basic that epitomize a new approach to alternative fashion. Water Resistance This watch is water resistant to 30 meters. Before using the watch in or near water, be sure that the crown is pushed in completely. If the watch is underwater or wet, do not use pushers, rotating bezels, or crowns. Once it has become wet, wipe it dry as soon as possible; if it comes in contact with salt water, rinse cases and bracelets immediately and thoroughly with fresh water. Battery The battery in this Kenneth Cole watch should last approximately two years. When the battery expires, replace it as soon as possible to prevent any malfunction. For battery replacement, Kenneth Cole recommends that you contact an authorized Kenneth Cole dealership.
[ 12918, 13277 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
Reaction Women's RK5001 Digital Black Leather Watch Welcome to the new age of digital timekeeping. Stylish and ultra-thin, this stainless steel digital watch from Kenneth Cole's Reaction collection will be at home with even your most stylish couture. The tall, thin brushed stainless steel watch bezel measures about 1-inch wide and has a slightly rounded top. The black leather band is supple and feels luxurious against your skin. The digital readout features the hour at the top, the minutes in the middle, and day and date at the bottom. It features an alarm and a sport timer mose with elapsed time and split time measurements, and also offers backlight illumination. A very durable metal alloy (usually containing 10-20% chromium), stainless steel is virtually immune to rust, discoloration, and corrosion. Smart, streetwise, and energetic, Kenneth Cole's Reaction collection of watches is influenced by music, culture and the digital environment and offers urbanites stylized basic that epitomize a new approach to alternative fashion. Water Resistance This watch is water resistant to 30 meters. Before using the watch in or near water, be sure that the crown is pushed in completely. If the watch is underwater or wet, do not use pushers, rotating bezels, or crowns. Once it has become wet, wipe it dry as soon as possible; if it comes in contact with salt water, rinse cases and bracelets immediately and thoroughly with fresh water. Battery The battery in this Kenneth Cole watch should last approximately two years. When the battery expires, replace it as soon as possible to prevent any malfunction. For battery replacement, Kenneth Cole recommends that you contact an authorized Kenneth Cole dealership.
Converse Men's All Star Chuck Taylor Slip On Ox Casual
You love your Chucks, you wear them as often as you possibly can, but sometimes the hassle of unlacing or re-knotting each time becomes a pain (those times are known as the lazy times, don't try to deny it, we all have them and we know them well). That is when the Slip-On Chucks come in, the perfect chuck alternative you can just slide into, and kick off when you are done. This pair of shoes features: Unique slip-on design with eyelets but no laces, a semi-attached tongue and hidden elastic panels for easy on and off. Soft canvas upper. Internationally famous All-Star patch on tongue certifies authenticity. Iconic rubber shell toe. Soft fabric lining. Vulcanized construction. Hard-wearing rubber outsole resists damage and provides great support. By now we can all agree that laces aren't necessary, the slip-on style makes life simple. Spend less time lacing your shoes and more time enjoying life with the cool Chuck Taylor Slip-On kicks.
[ 4509, 7563, 10688 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Converse Men's All Star Chuck Taylor Slip On Ox Casual You love your Chucks, you wear them as often as you possibly can, but sometimes the hassle of unlacing or re-knotting each time becomes a pain (those times are known as the lazy times, don't try to deny it, we all have them and we know them well). That is when the Slip-On Chucks come in, the perfect chuck alternative you can just slide into, and kick off when you are done. This pair of shoes features: Unique slip-on design with eyelets but no laces, a semi-attached tongue and hidden elastic panels for easy on and off. Soft canvas upper. Internationally famous All-Star patch on tongue certifies authenticity. Iconic rubber shell toe. Soft fabric lining. Vulcanized construction. Hard-wearing rubber outsole resists damage and provides great support. By now we can all agree that laces aren't necessary, the slip-on style makes life simple. Spend less time lacing your shoes and more time enjoying life with the cool Chuck Taylor Slip-On kicks.
Rhythm Tech RT 7903 The Sideman
The most secure, drum-based percussion mount anywhere
[ 3881, 6349, 7973 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Rhythm Tech RT 7903 The Sideman The most secure, drum-based percussion mount anywhere
Porter-Cable CFFC350C Clipped Head Framing Nailer Compressor Combo Kit
Porter-Cable CFFC350C Clipped Head Framing Nailer Compressor Combo Kit
[ 296, 2738, 4964, 8009, 9331, 9356, 12183 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Porter-Cable CFFC350C Clipped Head Framing Nailer Compressor Combo Kit Porter-Cable CFFC350C Clipped Head Framing Nailer Compressor Combo Kit
Macho Warrior Shin Guard
Double overlay foam construction
[ 7401, 8454, 9535, 10664, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Shin Guard Double overlay foam construction
Macho Warrior Shin Guard
Double overlay foam construction
[ 7401, 8454, 9535, 10664, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Shin Guard Double overlay foam construction
Macho Warrior Punch Black
Double overlay foam construction.
[ 5615, 7401, 8454, 9535, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Punch Black Double overlay foam construction.
Together After 5
First time on CD for the 1970 album, reissued with 4 bonus tracks 'Dynamite Woman', 'You're Doin' It Too Hard', 'Spearfish By Night' and 'Southside Girls.' Remastered & repackaged with new liner notes. Acadia. 2002.
[ 2495, 3088, 5670, 6845, 7961, 9237, 10063, 13259 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Together After 5 First time on CD for the 1970 album, reissued with 4 bonus tracks 'Dynamite Woman', 'You're Doin' It Too Hard', 'Spearfish By Night' and 'Southside Girls.' Remastered & repackaged with new liner notes. Acadia. 2002.
Macho Warrior Shin Guard
Double overlay foam construction
[ 7401, 8454, 9535, 10664, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Shin Guard Double overlay foam construction
Macho Warrior Punch Black
Double overlay foam construction.
[ 5615, 7401, 8454, 9535, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Punch Black Double overlay foam construction.
Macho Warrior Punch Black
Double overlay foam construction.
[ 5615, 7401, 8454, 9535, 11227, 11234, 11235, 12246 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Macho Warrior Punch Black Double overlay foam construction.
Hojas Perdidizas (Spanish Edition)
Text: Spanish
[ 1471, 4919, 7083, 8108, 9152, 12630, 13258 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Hojas Perdidizas (Spanish Edition) Text: Spanish
The Definitive Guide to Samba 3
Roderick W. Smith is a long-time author of Linux, system administration, and networking books. His most recent book is Linux Power Tools (Sybex, 2003), and he previously wrote a book about Samba for the Craig Hunt series (also at Sybex). Smith holds a PhD in cognitive psychology. Smith is also the "Guru Guidance" (system administration) columnist for Linux Magazine.
[ 1471, 2536, 2853, 2866, 3345, 4038, 5949, 7050, 7647, 8094, 8097, 8108, 8375, 9501, 9504, 9540, 11030, 11032, 11033, 11034, 11948, 12591, 12630, 13132 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Definitive Guide to Samba 3 Roderick W. Smith is a long-time author of Linux, system administration, and networking books. His most recent book is Linux Power Tools (Sybex, 2003), and he previously wrote a book about Samba for the Craig Hunt series (also at Sybex). Smith holds a PhD in cognitive psychology. Smith is also the "Guru Guidance" (system administration) columnist for Linux Magazine.
Black Beauty;: The autobiography of a horse
A horse is a horse of course unless of course the horse is Black Beauty. Animal-loving children have been devoted to Black Beauty throughout this century, and no doubt will continue through the next. Although Anna Sewell's classic paints a clear picture of turn-of-the-century London, its message is universal and timeless: animals will serve humans well if they are treated with consideration and kindness. Black Beauty tells the story of the horse's own long and varied life, from a well-born colt in a pleasant meadow to an elegant carriage horse for a gentleman to a painfully overworked cab horse. Throughout, Sewell rails--in a gentle, 19th-century way--against animal maltreatment. Young readers will follow Black Beauty's fortunes, good and bad, with gentle masters as well as cruel. Children can easily make the leap from horse-human relationships to human-human relationships, and begin to understand how their own consideration of others may be a benefit to all. (Ages 9 to 12) --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. A handsome foal with promising beginnings is passed from owner to owner and soon learns the particular cruelties of hard masters and the rich in this horse story. The audio version, narrated by Martin Jarvis, abridges and brings alive the high points of Sewell's classic. --Midwest Book Review --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. This book is in Electronic Paperback Format. If you view this book on any of the computer systems below, it will look like a book. Simple to run, no program to install. Just put the CD in your CDROM drive and start reading. The simple easy to use interface is child tested at pre-school levels. Windows 3.11, Windows/95, Windows/98, OS/2 and MacIntosh and Linux with Windows Emulation. Includes Quiet Vision's Dynamic Index. the abilty to build a index for any set of characters or words. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Here is the compelling tale of a spirited young Thoroughbred that captured the hearts of readers throughout Victorian England when it was first published in 1877. This masterfully illustrated classic is skillfully adapted by Newbery Award-winning author Robin McKinley and remains faithful to the original. With simple text to read aloud to young children, it's little wonder that The Boston Globe says it is "certain to quicken the hearts of young horse lovers." A timeless tale of courage, hope, and strength guaranteed to delight a new generation of readers. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Anna Sewell was born in 1820 in Norfolk, England. Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse was published in 1877; Sewell died in 1878. It was her only book.From the Trade Paperback edition. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. My Early HomeThe first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, and rushes and water lilies grew at the deep end. Over the hedge on one side we looked into a plowed field, and on the other we looked over a gate at our master's house, which stood by the roadside. At the top of the meadow was a plantation of fir trees, and at the bottom a running brook overhung by a steep bank.While I was young I lived upon my mother's milk, as I could not eat grass. In the daytime I ran by her side, and at night I lay down close by her. When it was hot we used to stand by the pond in the shade of the trees, and when it was cold we had a nice warm shed near the plantation.As soon as I was old enough to eat grass, my mother used to go out to work in the daytime and come back in the evening.There were six young colts in the meadow besides me. They were older than I was; some were nearly as large as grown-up horses. I used to run with them, and had great fun; we used to gallop all together round and round the field, as hard as we could go. Sometimes we had rather rough play, for they would frequently bite and kick as well as gallop.One day, when there was a good deal of kicking, my mother whinnied to me to come to her, and then she said:I wish you to pay attention to what I am going to say to you. The colts who live here are very good colts, but they are carthorse colts and, of course, they have not learned manners. You have been well bred and well born; your father has a great name in these parts, and your grandfather won the cup two years at the Newmarket races. Your grandmother had the sweetest temper of any horse I ever knew, and I think you have never seen me kick or bite. I hope you will grow up gentle and good, and never learn bad ways; do your work with a good will, lift your feet up well when you trot, and never bite or kick even in play.I have never forgotten my mother's advice. I knew she was a wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her. Her name was Duchess, but he often called her Pet.Our master was a good, kind man. He gave us good food, good lodging, and kind words; he spoke as kindly to us as he did to his little children. We were all fond of him, and my mother loved him very much. When she saw him at the gate, she would neigh with joy, and trot up to him. He would pat and stroke her and say, Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie? I was a dull black, so he called me Darkie, then he would give me a piece of bread, which was very good, and sometimes he brought a carrot for my mother. All the horses would come to him, but I think we were his favorites. My mother always took him to the town on a market day in a light gig.There was a plowboy, Dick, who sometimes came into our field to pluck blackberries from the hedge. When he had eaten all he wanted, he would have what he called fun with the colts, throwing stones and sticks at them to make them gallop. We did not much mind him, for we could gallop off, but sometimes a stone would hit and hurt us.One day he was at this game and did not know that the master was in the next field, but he was there, watching what was going on. Over the hedge he jumped in a snap, and catching Dick by the arm, he gave him such a box on the ear as made him roar with the pain and surprise. As soon as we saw the master, we trotted up nearer to see what went on.Bad boy! he said. Bad boy to chase the colts! This is not the first time, nor the second, but it shall be the last. There--take your money and go home. I shall not want you on my farm again. So we never saw Dick anymore. Old Daniel, the man who looked after the horses, was just as gentle as our master, so we were well off. CHAPTER 2The HuntI was two years old when a circumstance happened which I have never forgotten. It was early in the spring; there had been a little frost in the night, and a light mist still hung over the plantations and meadows. I and the other colts were feeding at the lower part of the field when we heard, quite in the distance, what sounded like the cry of dogs. The oldest of the colts raised his head, pricked his ears, and said, There are the hounds! and immediately cantered off, followed by the rest of us to the upper part of the field, where we could look over the hedge and see several fields beyond. My mother and an old riding horse of our master's were also standing near, and seemed to know all about it.They have found a hare, said my mother, and if they come this way we shall see the hunt.And soon the dogs were all tearing down the field of young wheat next to ours. I never heard such a noise as they made. They did not bark, nor howl, nor whine, but kept on a yo! yo, o, o! yo! yo, o, o! at the top of their voices. After them came a number of men on horseback, some of them in green coats, all galloping as fast as they could. The old horse snorted and looked eagerly after them, and we young colts wanted to be galloping with them, but they were soon away into the fields lower down. Here it seemed as if they had come to a stand; the dogs left off barking and ran about every way with their noses to the ground.From the Trade Paperback edition. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From country squire to cab horse and back to gentle ladies, Beauty's life is a happy tale to be enjoyed by families and young children. The abridgment cuts much of what some of us remember of the horses' cruel treatment. Martin Jarvis is a master, who draws the listener into the story from his first breath. He effortlessly brings to life the orchard at Bertwick or the London cab rank. The character voices are distinctive while easily understood. Remember, the story is narrated from Beauty's point of view. Without sounding contrived or trite the horse's account is sympathetically presented. Sharing Beauty's delight or diligence, listeners will enjoy this compassionate presentation. R.F.W. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
[ 442, 1471, 2342, 2501, 6018 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Black Beauty;: The autobiography of a horse A horse is a horse of course unless of course the horse is Black Beauty. Animal-loving children have been devoted to Black Beauty throughout this century, and no doubt will continue through the next. Although Anna Sewell's classic paints a clear picture of turn-of-the-century London, its message is universal and timeless: animals will serve humans well if they are treated with consideration and kindness. Black Beauty tells the story of the horse's own long and varied life, from a well-born colt in a pleasant meadow to an elegant carriage horse for a gentleman to a painfully overworked cab horse. Throughout, Sewell rails--in a gentle, 19th-century way--against animal maltreatment. Young readers will follow Black Beauty's fortunes, good and bad, with gentle masters as well as cruel. Children can easily make the leap from horse-human relationships to human-human relationships, and begin to understand how their own consideration of others may be a benefit to all. (Ages 9 to 12) --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. A handsome foal with promising beginnings is passed from owner to owner and soon learns the particular cruelties of hard masters and the rich in this horse story. The audio version, narrated by Martin Jarvis, abridges and brings alive the high points of Sewell's classic. --Midwest Book Review --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. This book is in Electronic Paperback Format. If you view this book on any of the computer systems below, it will look like a book. Simple to run, no program to install. Just put the CD in your CDROM drive and start reading. The simple easy to use interface is child tested at pre-school levels. Windows 3.11, Windows/95, Windows/98, OS/2 and MacIntosh and Linux with Windows Emulation. Includes Quiet Vision's Dynamic Index. the abilty to build a index for any set of characters or words. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Here is the compelling tale of a spirited young Thoroughbred that captured the hearts of readers throughout Victorian England when it was first published in 1877. This masterfully illustrated classic is skillfully adapted by Newbery Award-winning author Robin McKinley and remains faithful to the original. With simple text to read aloud to young children, it's little wonder that The Boston Globe says it is "certain to quicken the hearts of young horse lovers." A timeless tale of courage, hope, and strength guaranteed to delight a new generation of readers. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Anna Sewell was born in 1820 in Norfolk, England. Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse was published in 1877; Sewell died in 1878. It was her only book.From the Trade Paperback edition. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. My Early HomeThe first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, and rushes and water lilies grew at the deep end. Over the hedge on one side we looked into a plowed field, and on the other we looked over a gate at our master's house, which stood by the roadside. At the top of the meadow was a plantation of fir trees, and at the bottom a running brook overhung by a steep bank.While I was young I lived upon my mother's milk, as I could not eat grass. In the daytime I ran by her side, and at night I lay down close by her. When it was hot we used to stand by the pond in the shade of the trees, and when it was cold we had a nice warm shed near the plantation.As soon as I was old enough to eat grass, my mother used to go out to work in the daytime and come back in the evening.There were six young colts in the meadow besides me. They were older than I was; some were nearly as large as grown-up horses. I used to run with them, and had great fun; we used to gallop all together round and round the field, as hard as we could go. Sometimes we had rather rough play, for they would frequently bite and kick as well as gallop.One day, when there was a good deal of kicking, my mother whinnied to me to come to her, and then she said:I wish you to pay attention to what I am going to say to you. The colts who live here are very good colts, but they are carthorse colts and, of course, they have not learned manners. You have been well bred and well born; your father has a great name in these parts, and your grandfather won the cup two years at the Newmarket races. Your grandmother had the sweetest temper of any horse I ever knew, and I think you have never seen me kick or bite. I hope you will grow up gentle and good, and never learn bad ways; do your work with a good will, lift your feet up well when you trot, and never bite or kick even in play.I have never forgotten my mother's advice. I knew she was a wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her. Her name was Duchess, but he often called her Pet.Our master was a good, kind man. He gave us good food, good lodging, and kind words; he spoke as kindly to us as he did to his little children. We were all fond of him, and my mother loved him very much. When she saw him at the gate, she would neigh with joy, and trot up to him. He would pat and stroke her and say, Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie? I was a dull black, so he called me Darkie, then he would give me a piece of bread, which was very good, and sometimes he brought a carrot for my mother. All the horses would come to him, but I think we were his favorites. My mother always took him to the town on a market day in a light gig.There was a plowboy, Dick, who sometimes came into our field to pluck blackberries from the hedge. When he had eaten all he wanted, he would have what he called fun with the colts, throwing stones and sticks at them to make them gallop. We did not much mind him, for we could gallop off, but sometimes a stone would hit and hurt us.One day he was at this game and did not know that the master was in the next field, but he was there, watching what was going on. Over the hedge he jumped in a snap, and catching Dick by the arm, he gave him such a box on the ear as made him roar with the pain and surprise. As soon as we saw the master, we trotted up nearer to see what went on.Bad boy! he said. Bad boy to chase the colts! This is not the first time, nor the second, but it shall be the last. There--take your money and go home. I shall not want you on my farm again. So we never saw Dick anymore. Old Daniel, the man who looked after the horses, was just as gentle as our master, so we were well off. CHAPTER 2The HuntI was two years old when a circumstance happened which I have never forgotten. It was early in the spring; there had been a little frost in the night, and a light mist still hung over the plantations and meadows. I and the other colts were feeding at the lower part of the field when we heard, quite in the distance, what sounded like the cry of dogs. The oldest of the colts raised his head, pricked his ears, and said, There are the hounds! and immediately cantered off, followed by the rest of us to the upper part of the field, where we could look over the hedge and see several fields beyond. My mother and an old riding horse of our master's were also standing near, and seemed to know all about it.They have found a hare, said my mother, and if they come this way we shall see the hunt.And soon the dogs were all tearing down the field of young wheat next to ours. I never heard such a noise as they made. They did not bark, nor howl, nor whine, but kept on a yo! yo, o, o! yo! yo, o, o! at the top of their voices. After them came a number of men on horseback, some of them in green coats, all galloping as fast as they could. The old horse snorted and looked eagerly after them, and we young colts wanted to be galloping with them, but they were soon away into the fields lower down. Here it seemed as if they had come to a stand; the dogs left off barking and ran about every way with their noses to the ground.From the Trade Paperback edition. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From country squire to cab horse and back to gentle ladies, Beauty's life is a happy tale to be enjoyed by families and young children. The abridgment cuts much of what some of us remember of the horses' cruel treatment. Martin Jarvis is a master, who draws the listener into the story from his first breath. He effortlessly brings to life the orchard at Bertwick or the London cab rank. The character voices are distinctive while easily understood. Remember, the story is narrated from Beauty's point of view. Without sounding contrived or trite the horse's account is sympathetically presented. Sharing Beauty's delight or diligence, listeners will enjoy this compassionate presentation. R.F.W. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Bosch AE115 PowerStar 2.6 GPM Indoor Whole House Electric Tankless Water Heater
The Bosch AE115 PowerStar 2.6 GPM Indoor Whole House Electric Tankless Water Heater brings the performance of tankless to situations where an electric unit is preferred. Compact and powerful, Model AE115 delivers up to 2.6 gallons per minute (one major application at a time). These heaters are built to last, save valuable floor space and mount easily on the wall.
[ 10145, 12183, 12934, 12935 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Bosch AE115 PowerStar 2.6 GPM Indoor Whole House Electric Tankless Water Heater The Bosch AE115 PowerStar 2.6 GPM Indoor Whole House Electric Tankless Water Heater brings the performance of tankless to situations where an electric unit is preferred. Compact and powerful, Model AE115 delivers up to 2.6 gallons per minute (one major application at a time). These heaters are built to last, save valuable floor space and mount easily on the wall.
Amazon.com: Breezies Microfiber Seamless Support Bra $27 As Seen on Tv Shopping Channel (40d, champagne): Clothing
82% Nylon 18% Spandex - Machine Wash Color: Champagne Or Pink
[ 1587, 2571, 4346, 6418, 13199 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Amazon.com: Breezies Microfiber Seamless Support Bra $27 As Seen on Tv Shopping Channel (40d, champagne): Clothing 82% Nylon 18% Spandex - Machine Wash Color: Champagne Or Pink
Modular Hardwood Oak Storage Cabinet
CM-5O Features: -Fully extendable steel ball-bearing drawer mechanisms ..-350 CDs.-Compatible with Disney VHS tapes.-Any combination of the above. Includes: -Casters and a full back included. Construction: -Made of the finest solid hardwood construction. Specifications: -192 DVDs.-90 VHS tapes. Assembly Instructions: -Ships knocked down with easy assembly. Dimensions: -Dimensions: 24 1/2'' H x 20'' W x 18'' D.
[ 1817, 8306, 8308, 9700, 10650, 11453 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Modular Hardwood Oak Storage Cabinet CM-5O Features: -Fully extendable steel ball-bearing drawer mechanisms ..-350 CDs.-Compatible with Disney VHS tapes.-Any combination of the above. Includes: -Casters and a full back included. Construction: -Made of the finest solid hardwood construction. Specifications: -192 DVDs.-90 VHS tapes. Assembly Instructions: -Ships knocked down with easy assembly. Dimensions: -Dimensions: 24 1/2'' H x 20'' W x 18'' D.
The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic
Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They share an enthusiasm for the esoteric arts. They live in Florida with their cat, Lealah, where they work and practice magic. Sandra Tabatha Cicero is a Senior Adept of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and holds a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. chapter one Hermeticism and the Western Esoteric Tradition It has been our experience that many individuals who seek admission into a Hermetic Order have no idea what Hermeticism is. In order for any person to determine whether or not they are suited to following a Hermetic path, they need to have a clear understanding of the basic origins and principles of Hermeticism. Gaining such an understanding is not always a cut-and-dried matter for, in ancient as well as modern times, the Hermetic path has always been a syncretic tradition that borrows from other traditions that are in harmony with it. Nevertheless, it is possible to define certain basic characteristics of the Hermetic path by examining aspects of the tradition that are shared with other traditions. We can determine what they have in common and areas where they part ways. Hermetism: The Origin of Hermeticism The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn takes its name in part from the Hermetic Tradition or Hermeticism, which is in turn named after a living incarnation of the Greek divinity Hermes, the god of communication. Hermes became identified with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic, and thus Hermes-Thoth became known as the patron god of all intellectual activity and all sciences, including astrology, astronomy, architecture, alchemy, mathematics, medicine, writing, biology, agriculture, commerce, divination, and especially practical magic (see figure 1, page 4). Hermes was also said to be the greatest of all philosophers. He understood the secret nature of the universe and the spiritual physics that run it. Above all, Hermes was thought of as the great teacher of humanityinstructing men and women throughout the ages about technologies and spiritual knowledge that would improve their lives. In the second century c.e., the figure of Hermes, complete with serpent-entwined caduceus wand, became immersed into the personage of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, or Hermes the Thrice-Great, a kind of avatar or living embodiment of the god Hermes-Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus was said to be an ancient Egyptian priest and magician who was credited with writing forty-two books on esoteric wisdom collectively known as the Hermetic literature or Hermetica. The roots of the Hermetic Tradition can be traced back to late antiquitythe Hellenistic period at the beginning of the Common Era. This was a time when the great cultures of Greece and Egypt (anciently called Khem) came together in the melting pot of civilization that was created when Alexander the Great conquered the Mediterranean world and culminated in the cultural capitol of Alexandria. Spiritual wisdom from a plethora of different religions, philosophies, traditions, and cultures streamed into this most cosmopolitan city, where they blended into a new synthesis of philosophy, spiritual belief, and magical practice that would later become known as Hermetism (the ancient source of modern Hermeticism). Although this new fusion of beliefs was attributed to the Egyptian god of wisdom in human incarnation, and was ostensibly Egyptian, this new tradition embraced not only the timeless, lush reserves of Khemetic religion, magic, and philosophy, but also many facets of classical Greek philosophy and Greek paganism, especially the teachings of Platonism, Neoplatonism, Stoicism, Neopythagorism, and Iamblichan theurgy or high magic. To this mixture was also added the magical teachings and angelic hierarchy of Judaism, the cosmic dualism of Persian Zoroastrianism, and the many forms of Christianity and Gnosticism. These were the basic ingredients of ancient Hermetism. Influences on Hermetism Hermetism borrowed and adapted ideas from many spiritual paths and cultures that rubbed shoulders in the sophisticated city of Alexandria. Some of these have been mentioned in the preceding pages, but others are simply too numerous for the purpose of this book. Of the major influences on the development of Hermetism, a brief description is necessary: Egyptian Religion and Magic To the ancient Egyptians (31001000 b.c.e.), there was little distinction between religion and magic. If there was any difference at all, it was perhaps in the immediacy of magical as opposed to religious practices. In religion, a worshiper petitioned a deity through an intermediary or priest, while a magician invoked the deity directly. But, frequently, priests and magicians were one and the same. According to the ancient historian Herodotus, the Egyptians were religious to excess, beyond any other nation in the world.1 Egyptian religion was a complex, beautiful, and often misunderstood mixture of abstract monotheism and concrete polytheism. According to some Egyptologists, the inhabitants of the land of Khem believed in the concept of a creator deity who was eternal, omnipotent, self-existent, and incomprehensible to its human worshipers. The [Egyptian] texts are full of explanatory asides and added notes, the accretions of speculating or inquiring scribes. . . . The difficult and perhaps insoluble questions that have bedeviled Christian theology are to be encountered in the literature of Ancient Egypt; the rival claims of the immanent and transcendent concepts of God, for example; the paradox about the uncreated Creator; the origin of evil; the male and female sides of the divine; or whether God exists in time. Such questions were already worrying the minds of men two thousand years before Christ.2 This unknowable divinity was sometimes referred to by the word neter, the suggested meaning of which includes ideas of god, divine, strength, and renewal. The polytheism of Egypt manifested itself in the vast number of divine, celestial, terrestrial, local, and lesser deities. These deities were considered as the various aspects, attributes, or extensions of the neter, manifesting in forms that could be visualized and comprehended by the human mind, loved by the human heart, and worshiped by a deeply religious people. The Egyptians lived before the birth of philosophy as an independent way of thinking. They used their myths to convey their insights into the workings of nature and the ultimately indescribable realities of the soul. . . . Egyptian gods are nearer the stark archetypes of the unconscious mind than the Greek ones and, in a sense, they are more intellectual too, for they are expressing ideas.3 The Egyptians recognized the validity of several diverse explanations of natural phenomena and a cornucopia of deities, myths, and legends, which to modern thinking often seems confusing and contradictory. These were not thought of as opposing theologies but rather as alternative expressions of reality, each emphasizing a particular aspect of a force of nature.4 Three principles can be identified in Egyptian religion: (1) the common belief in a solar monotheism in the form of a Creator or High God whose power was especially symbolized by the life-giving rays of the sun; (2) a belief in the regenerative power of nature, which was symbolized in the life-giving waters of the river Nile and expressed in the polytheistic worship of numerous fertile gods and goddesses as well as sacred animals; and (3) the recognition of a deity who is human yet also divine, whose life in both the physical world and the spiritual world beyond death mirrors that of the perfected human life. The belief in Osiris as a god/man was well established early in Egyptian history. He was a deity unlike all others in that he was an accessible god whom people could strongly empathize withthey could identify with him as one of them, although he was part divine. They believed that Osiris had walked the Earth, and ate and drank as they did. And, like humans, Osiris suffered and diedbut was brought back to life with the aid of the other gods. Thus did he become the beloved god of resurrection and eternal life, for he set an example that the rest of humanity could follow. What the gods did for Osiris, the Egyptians reasoned, they might be persuaded to do for ordinary mortals. Many religious and magical ceremonies were designed to insure that after death the deceased would, like Osiris, rise again and inherit life everlasting. The Egyptians were also among the first to develop the concept of the human soul, and much of their religion was dedicated to the welfare of the deceased in the afterlife. A human being was seen to have several component parts, including the khat (physical body), the ka (astral body), the ba (soul), the khu (spirit), the sekhem (vital life force), the khaibit (shadow), and the ren (name). The ba or soul was considered the seat of life in a human being. The word ba implies noble, sublime, or mighty. After death the soul was free to leave the tomb and ascend to heaven. However, it was thought that the spirit and the astral body could be imprisoned in the tomb, so magical formulae were used to keep this from occurring. There were two kinds of magicians in Egypt. These included the trained priest-magicians of the temples and the lay magicians who were independent of any institution. The majority of them, however, were of the priest class. There were hundreds of temples dedicated to various deities, and their attendant priests had several different functions. Some were in charge of caring for the statue of the god (by providing food, clothing, etc.). Purification was also an essential practicethe priests bathed four times daily, shaved their heads, and only wore certain types of clothing. The high priest was known as the sem-priest or first prophet of the god. Under him was an entire staff of priests known as horologers, whose duty was to accurately determine the hours ...
[ 1471, 3988, 8280, 9905, 13088, 13194 ]
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The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero are Senior Adepts of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They share an enthusiasm for the esoteric arts. They live in Florida with their cat, Lealah, where they work and practice magic. Sandra Tabatha Cicero is a Senior Adept of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and holds a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts. chapter one Hermeticism and the Western Esoteric Tradition It has been our experience that many individuals who seek admission into a Hermetic Order have no idea what Hermeticism is. In order for any person to determine whether or not they are suited to following a Hermetic path, they need to have a clear understanding of the basic origins and principles of Hermeticism. Gaining such an understanding is not always a cut-and-dried matter for, in ancient as well as modern times, the Hermetic path has always been a syncretic tradition that borrows from other traditions that are in harmony with it. Nevertheless, it is possible to define certain basic characteristics of the Hermetic path by examining aspects of the tradition that are shared with other traditions. We can determine what they have in common and areas where they part ways. Hermetism: The Origin of Hermeticism The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn takes its name in part from the Hermetic Tradition or Hermeticism, which is in turn named after a living incarnation of the Greek divinity Hermes, the god of communication. Hermes became identified with Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic, and thus Hermes-Thoth became known as the patron god of all intellectual activity and all sciences, including astrology, astronomy, architecture, alchemy, mathematics, medicine, writing, biology, agriculture, commerce, divination, and especially practical magic (see figure 1, page 4). Hermes was also said to be the greatest of all philosophers. He understood the secret nature of the universe and the spiritual physics that run it. Above all, Hermes was thought of as the great teacher of humanityinstructing men and women throughout the ages about technologies and spiritual knowledge that would improve their lives. In the second century c.e., the figure of Hermes, complete with serpent-entwined caduceus wand, became immersed into the personage of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, or Hermes the Thrice-Great, a kind of avatar or living embodiment of the god Hermes-Thoth. Hermes Trismegistus was said to be an ancient Egyptian priest and magician who was credited with writing forty-two books on esoteric wisdom collectively known as the Hermetic literature or Hermetica. The roots of the Hermetic Tradition can be traced back to late antiquitythe Hellenistic period at the beginning of the Common Era. This was a time when the great cultures of Greece and Egypt (anciently called Khem) came together in the melting pot of civilization that was created when Alexander the Great conquered the Mediterranean world and culminated in the cultural capitol of Alexandria. Spiritual wisdom from a plethora of different religions, philosophies, traditions, and cultures streamed into this most cosmopolitan city, where they blended into a new synthesis of philosophy, spiritual belief, and magical practice that would later become known as Hermetism (the ancient source of modern Hermeticism). Although this new fusion of beliefs was attributed to the Egyptian god of wisdom in human incarnation, and was ostensibly Egyptian, this new tradition embraced not only the timeless, lush reserves of Khemetic religion, magic, and philosophy, but also many facets of classical Greek philosophy and Greek paganism, especially the teachings of Platonism, Neoplatonism, Stoicism, Neopythagorism, and Iamblichan theurgy or high magic. To this mixture was also added the magical teachings and angelic hierarchy of Judaism, the cosmic dualism of Persian Zoroastrianism, and the many forms of Christianity and Gnosticism. These were the basic ingredients of ancient Hermetism. Influences on Hermetism Hermetism borrowed and adapted ideas from many spiritual paths and cultures that rubbed shoulders in the sophisticated city of Alexandria. Some of these have been mentioned in the preceding pages, but others are simply too numerous for the purpose of this book. Of the major influences on the development of Hermetism, a brief description is necessary: Egyptian Religion and Magic To the ancient Egyptians (31001000 b.c.e.), there was little distinction between religion and magic. If there was any difference at all, it was perhaps in the immediacy of magical as opposed to religious practices. In religion, a worshiper petitioned a deity through an intermediary or priest, while a magician invoked the deity directly. But, frequently, priests and magicians were one and the same. According to the ancient historian Herodotus, the Egyptians were religious to excess, beyond any other nation in the world.1 Egyptian religion was a complex, beautiful, and often misunderstood mixture of abstract monotheism and concrete polytheism. According to some Egyptologists, the inhabitants of the land of Khem believed in the concept of a creator deity who was eternal, omnipotent, self-existent, and incomprehensible to its human worshipers. The [Egyptian] texts are full of explanatory asides and added notes, the accretions of speculating or inquiring scribes. . . . The difficult and perhaps insoluble questions that have bedeviled Christian theology are to be encountered in the literature of Ancient Egypt; the rival claims of the immanent and transcendent concepts of God, for example; the paradox about the uncreated Creator; the origin of evil; the male and female sides of the divine; or whether God exists in time. Such questions were already worrying the minds of men two thousand years before Christ.2 This unknowable divinity was sometimes referred to by the word neter, the suggested meaning of which includes ideas of god, divine, strength, and renewal. The polytheism of Egypt manifested itself in the vast number of divine, celestial, terrestrial, local, and lesser deities. These deities were considered as the various aspects, attributes, or extensions of the neter, manifesting in forms that could be visualized and comprehended by the human mind, loved by the human heart, and worshiped by a deeply religious people. The Egyptians lived before the birth of philosophy as an independent way of thinking. They used their myths to convey their insights into the workings of nature and the ultimately indescribable realities of the soul. . . . Egyptian gods are nearer the stark archetypes of the unconscious mind than the Greek ones and, in a sense, they are more intellectual too, for they are expressing ideas.3 The Egyptians recognized the validity of several diverse explanations of natural phenomena and a cornucopia of deities, myths, and legends, which to modern thinking often seems confusing and contradictory. These were not thought of as opposing theologies but rather as alternative expressions of reality, each emphasizing a particular aspect of a force of nature.4 Three principles can be identified in Egyptian religion: (1) the common belief in a solar monotheism in the form of a Creator or High God whose power was especially symbolized by the life-giving rays of the sun; (2) a belief in the regenerative power of nature, which was symbolized in the life-giving waters of the river Nile and expressed in the polytheistic worship of numerous fertile gods and goddesses as well as sacred animals; and (3) the recognition of a deity who is human yet also divine, whose life in both the physical world and the spiritual world beyond death mirrors that of the perfected human life. The belief in Osiris as a god/man was well established early in Egyptian history. He was a deity unlike all others in that he was an accessible god whom people could strongly empathize withthey could identify with him as one of them, although he was part divine. They believed that Osiris had walked the Earth, and ate and drank as they did. And, like humans, Osiris suffered and diedbut was brought back to life with the aid of the other gods. Thus did he become the beloved god of resurrection and eternal life, for he set an example that the rest of humanity could follow. What the gods did for Osiris, the Egyptians reasoned, they might be persuaded to do for ordinary mortals. Many religious and magical ceremonies were designed to insure that after death the deceased would, like Osiris, rise again and inherit life everlasting. The Egyptians were also among the first to develop the concept of the human soul, and much of their religion was dedicated to the welfare of the deceased in the afterlife. A human being was seen to have several component parts, including the khat (physical body), the ka (astral body), the ba (soul), the khu (spirit), the sekhem (vital life force), the khaibit (shadow), and the ren (name). The ba or soul was considered the seat of life in a human being. The word ba implies noble, sublime, or mighty. After death the soul was free to leave the tomb and ascend to heaven. However, it was thought that the spirit and the astral body could be imprisoned in the tomb, so magical formulae were used to keep this from occurring. There were two kinds of magicians in Egypt. These included the trained priest-magicians of the temples and the lay magicians who were independent of any institution. The majority of them, however, were of the priest class. There were hundreds of temples dedicated to various deities, and their attendant priests had several different functions. Some were in charge of caring for the statue of the god (by providing food, clothing, etc.). Purification was also an essential practicethe priests bathed four times daily, shaved their heads, and only wore certain types of clothing. The high priest was known as the sem-priest or first prophet of the god. Under him was an entire staff of priests known as horologers, whose duty was to accurately determine the hours ...
Dada Big Kids Triple Double ( sz. 06.0, Forest Green/White )
Soft full-grain leather or synthetic upper with anodized soft touch finish. Tongue made of 3D space mesh provides breathability and comfort. CMEVA midsole and midfoot shank wrapped inside to produce comfort and stability. Weight 9.6 oz.
[ 1543, 5269, 10688 ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
Dada Big Kids Triple Double ( sz. 06.0, Forest Green/White ) Soft full-grain leather or synthetic upper with anodized soft touch finish. Tongue made of 3D space mesh provides breathability and comfort. CMEVA midsole and midfoot shank wrapped inside to produce comfort and stability. Weight 9.6 oz.
The Quantum Rose: A Novel of the Skolian Empire
The Saga of the Skolian Empire is Catherine Asaro's trademark series. It chronicles the lives of the members of the ruling family of the Empire in the distant interstellar future, weaving a fine blend of action, romance, and hard science fiction.The Quantum Rose is the story of Kamoj Argali, the young ruler of an impoverished province on a backward planet. To keep her people from starving, she has agreed to marry Jax Ironbridge, ruler of the prosperous neighboring province. But before they can be wed, Kamoj is forced into marriage with a mysterious stranger from a distant planet, throwing her world into utter chaos.
[ 1471, 7083, 10375, 10376 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Quantum Rose: A Novel of the Skolian Empire The Saga of the Skolian Empire is Catherine Asaro's trademark series. It chronicles the lives of the members of the ruling family of the Empire in the distant interstellar future, weaving a fine blend of action, romance, and hard science fiction.The Quantum Rose is the story of Kamoj Argali, the young ruler of an impoverished province on a backward planet. To keep her people from starving, she has agreed to marry Jax Ironbridge, ruler of the prosperous neighboring province. But before they can be wed, Kamoj is forced into marriage with a mysterious stranger from a distant planet, throwing her world into utter chaos.
The Compleat Gentleman: The Modern Man's Guide to Chivalry
At a time of astonishing confusion about what it means to be a man, Brad Miner has recovered the oldest and best ideal of manhood: the gentleman. Reviving a thousand-year tradition of chivalry, honor, and heroism, The Compleat Gentleman provides the essential model for 21st-century masculinity. Despite our confusion, real manhood is not complicated. It is an ancient ideal based on service to one's God, country, family, and friends, a simple but arduous ideal worthy of a lifetime of struggle. Miner's gentleman stands out for his dignity, restraint, and discernment. He rejects the notion that one way of behaving is as good as another. He belongs to an aristocracy of virtue, not of wealth or birth. Proposing neither a club nor a movement, Miner describes a lofty code of manly conduct, which, far from threatening democracy, is necessary for its survival. Miner traces the concept of manliness from the jousting fields of the 12th century to the decks of the Titanic. The three masculine archetypes that emerge, the warrior, the lover, and the monk, combine in the character of the "compleat gentleman". This modern knight cultivates a martial spirit in defense of the true and the beautiful. He treats the opposite sex with the passionate respect required by courtly love. And he values learning in the pursuit of truth, all with the discretion, decorum, and nonchalance that the Renaissance called sprezzatura. The Compleat Gentleman is filled with examples from the past and the present of the man our increasingly uncivilized age demands.
[ 1471, 4038, 4335, 4698, 5750, 9561, 10992 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
The Compleat Gentleman: The Modern Man's Guide to Chivalry At a time of astonishing confusion about what it means to be a man, Brad Miner has recovered the oldest and best ideal of manhood: the gentleman. Reviving a thousand-year tradition of chivalry, honor, and heroism, The Compleat Gentleman provides the essential model for 21st-century masculinity. Despite our confusion, real manhood is not complicated. It is an ancient ideal based on service to one's God, country, family, and friends, a simple but arduous ideal worthy of a lifetime of struggle. Miner's gentleman stands out for his dignity, restraint, and discernment. He rejects the notion that one way of behaving is as good as another. He belongs to an aristocracy of virtue, not of wealth or birth. Proposing neither a club nor a movement, Miner describes a lofty code of manly conduct, which, far from threatening democracy, is necessary for its survival. Miner traces the concept of manliness from the jousting fields of the 12th century to the decks of the Titanic. The three masculine archetypes that emerge, the warrior, the lover, and the monk, combine in the character of the "compleat gentleman". This modern knight cultivates a martial spirit in defense of the true and the beautiful. He treats the opposite sex with the passionate respect required by courtly love. And he values learning in the pursuit of truth, all with the discretion, decorum, and nonchalance that the Renaissance called sprezzatura. The Compleat Gentleman is filled with examples from the past and the present of the man our increasingly uncivilized age demands.